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Names of students Marvin T. Magbanua Section

Date 06/04/21


Scenario 1: The Restaurant

You are a manager of a restaurant. It was Saturday evening and the restaurant is full of customers. There
are even other customers who are waiting to get seated. One of your staff, Raphael, called your
attention that Bea (another staff) is taking too long talking to a customer every time she serves them.
Because of this, other employees take time to talk to their customers as well so they’ll serve less people.
This caused a delay in the service. When you are about to call the attention of Bea regarding the matter,
you’ve noticed that her customer is one of your VIP customers.

QUESTION 1: How will you manage the conflict in this situation?

Answer: I will call the attention of Bea and remind theme to minimize his time to took with one of our VIP
Customer because it can affect the delay of serving the food to other customer. And will consider to
understand that Bea is the one who entertain one of the VIP customers because it is important to
entertain the customer to giving value and build relation in order for us the customer always use us our
restaurant. If our VIP want to took Bea, it Consider it because we value our customer.

QUESTION 2: How will you build an effective team after this incident?

Answer: I will make it each our team member to motivated and dedicated through by giving theme a
special treatment after solving the conflict.

Rubric for grading:


Content Provided specific related answers with 8
related details
Grammar Used correct grammar, punctuation, 1
spelling, and capitalization
Organization Expressed the points in clear and 1
logical arrangement of ideas in the
of Ideas paragraph

07 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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