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Tarot - playing card - Britannica

Answering Yes No Questions Using Tarot -

Tarot Elements Can Be Fun For Anyone

e. Marseilles) tarot deck. His knowledge was formalized with the publication of the book
Maniere de se rcrer avec le jeu de cartes nommes tarots and the creation of a society for
tarot cartomancy, the Socit littraire des associs libres des interprtes du liver de Thot. The
society subsequently went on to release Dictionnaire synonimique du Livere de Thot, a book
that "systematically tabulated all the possible significances which each card could bear, when
upright and reversed." Following Ettielle, tarot cartomancy was moved on by Marie-Anne
Adelaid Lenormand (1768-1830) and others.
The Hit List - So much tarot - The Tarot Lady

She was so popular, and cartomancy with tarot ended up being so well established in France
following her work, that a special deck entitled the Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand was
released in her name 2 years after her death. This was followed by many other specifically
created cartomantic tarot decks, mainly based on Ettielle's Egyptian meaning, but some
offering other (for instance biblical or middle ages) flavors too.

Mysticism [modify] By the early 18th century Masonic writers and Protestant clerics had
actually established the tarot exceeds as reliable sources of ancient hermetic knowledge and
Christian gnosis, and as revelatory tools of divine cartomantic motivation, but they did not
stop there. In -Baptiste Pitois (much better called Paul Christian) wrote a book
entitled Historie de la magie, du monde surnaturel et de la fatalit travers les temps et le

The Ultimate Guide To Major Arcana -

Christian supplies an extended analysis of ancient Egyptian initiation rites that involves
Pyramids, 78 actions, and the initiatory revelation of tricks. Decker, Depaulis, and Dummett
write: At one phase in the initiation treatment, Christian tells postulant climbs down an iron
ladder, with seventy-eight rungs, and gets in a hall on either side of which are twelve statues,
and, in between each pair of statues, a painting.

The Chariot (Tarot

card) - Wikipedia

Each corresponds to a "letter of the sacred language" and to a number, and each reveals a
truth of the divine world, a truth of the intellectual world and a truth of the physical world. The
secret meanings of these twenty-two Arcana are then expounded to him. Christian's attempts
to provide authority to his analysis by incorrectly associating an account of ancient Egyptian
initiation rites to Iamblichus, however it is clear that if there is any initiatory relevance to the
tarot exceeds it is Christian who is the source of that information.

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