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Problem 2 -

The Student News Service at Clear Mountain State University (CMSU) has decided to gather data about the
undergraduate students that attend CMSU. CMSU creates and distributes a survey of 14 questions and
receives responses from 62 undergraduates

2.1. For this data, construct the following contingency tables (Keep Gender as row variable)

2.1.1. Gender and Major

Solutions as follows by use of crosstab functions:

2.1.2. Gender and Grad Intention

Solutions as follows by use of crosstab functions:

2.1.3. Gender and Employment

Solutions as follows by use of crosstab functions:

2.1.4. Gender and Computer

Solutions as follows by use of crosstab functions:

2.2. Assume that the sample is representative of the population of CMSU. Based on the data, answer the
following question:

2.2.1. What is the probability that a randomly selected CMSU student will be male?
By using the crosstab function for students by gender and major we got the total male students out of
the whole student from the given data

Prob_Male= (Total_Male/Total_Student)


The probability that a randomly selected CMSU student will be male. is 46.8%

2.2.2. What is the probability that a randomly selected CMSU student will be female?

By using the crosstab function for students by gender and major we got the total female students out
of the whole student from the given data

Prob_Female= (Total_Female/Total_Student)


The probability that a randomly selected CMSU student will be female. is 53.2%

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