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Dragon deities

Bahamut and Tiamat are described in the primary materials for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd and 3.5th
editions, but these draconic deities are described in some of the other materials.

 Aasterinian, demigoddess of play, invention and pleasure. Messenger of Io

 Astilabor, lesser goddess of acquisitiveness, status and wealth
 Chronepsis, lesser god of fate, death and judgement
 Faluzure, lesser god of energy draining, undeath, decay and exhaustion
 Garyx, lesser god of fire, destruction and renewal
 Hlal, lesser god of humor, storytelling and inspiration
 Io, greater god of dragonkind, balance and peace
 Lendys, lesser god of balance and justice
 Sardior, lesser dragon god of psionics, secrets, and the night.
 Tamara, lesser goddess of life, light and mercy

Drow deities

The deities of the Drow, an evil, underground-dwelling subrace of true Elves, are arranged in a
corrupted version of the Elven pantheon called the Dark Seldarine.

 Eilistraee, lesser goddess of good (renegade) drow

 Kiaransalee, demigoddess of undead and vengeance
 Lolth, greater goddess of all drow, spiders, evil, darkness, chaos and assassins (also a core
power and a nondeity power)
 Vhaeraun, lesser god of male drow, thievery and evil activity on the surface
 Zinzerena, demigoddess of chaos and assassins

Fey deities

The deities of fey and other mystical, nature-loving creatures are arranged in a pantheon called the
Seelie Court.

 Caoimhin, demigod of killmoulis, food, shyness and friendship

 Damh, lesser god of korreds, satyrs, atomies, dance, song, and celebrations
 Eachthighern, lesser god of unicorns, pegasi, healing, loyalty and protection
 Emmantiensien, lesser god of treants, trees, and deep and hidden magic
 Fionnghuala, demigoddess of swanmays, communications and sorority
 Nathair Sgiathach, intermediate god of pseudodragons, faerie dragons, sprites, pixies, grigs,
mischief and pranks
 Oberon, lesser god of nature, wild places and animals. Titania's consort
 Skerrit, lesser god of centaurs, community and natural balances
 Squelaiche, demigod of leprechauns, trickery and illusions
 Titania, greater goddess of all Fey, their realms, friendship and magic. Leader of the Seelie
Court and consort to Oberon
 Verenestra, lesser goddess of dryads, nymphs, sylphs, female fey, charm and beauty

Giant deities

 Annam, greater god of all giants, magic, knowledge, fertility and Philosophy
 Grolantor, intermediate god of hill giants, ettins, hunting and combat
 Hiatea, greater goddess of female giants, nature, agriculture, hunting and children
 Iallanis, lesser goddess of good giants, love, mercy and beauty
 Karontor, lesser god of fomorians, deformity, hatred and beasts
 Memnor, intermediate god of pride, mental prowess and control
 Skoraeus Stonebones, intermediate god of stone giants
 Stronmaus, greater god of cloud giants, storm giants, sun, sky, weather and joy
 Surtr, intermediate god of fire giants
 Thrym, intermediate god of good frost giants, cold, ice and magic

Lycanthrope deities

 Balador, lesser god of werebears, protection and fraternity

 Daragor, lesser god of werewolves, marauding beasts, bloodlust and pain
 Eshebala, lesser goddess of foxwomen (Werefoxes), vanity, charm, greed and cunning
 Ferrix, lesser god of weretigers, play, curiosity and hunting
 Squerrik, lesser god of wererats, thievery, disguise and concealment

Other deities

 Baphomet, god of minotaurs (also a nondeity power)

 Blibdoolpoolp, goddess of kuo-toa
 Diinkarazan, derro god of vengeance
 Diirinka, god of derro
 Doresain, demi-god of ghouls and necromancy (also a human power)
 Eadro, god of merfolk and locathah
 Gaknulak, kobold demigod of protection, stealth, trickery and traps
 Gorellik, god of gnolls, hunting, hyenas and hyaenodons. Has lost most of his power to
 Grankhul, bugbear god of hunting, senses, surprise and stealth
 Great Mother, goddess of beholders, magic, fertility and tyranny
 Gzemnid, beholder god of gases, fogs, obscurement and deception
 Hruggek, god of bugbears
 Ilsensine, god of illithids
 Jazirian, god of couatls, community, peace, learning and parenthood
 Koriel, god of ki-rin, learning, protection and vigilance against evil
 Kurtulmak, intermediate god of kobolds, trapmaking, mining and war (also an additional
core power)
 Laogzed, god of troglodytes
 Maanzecorian, illithid god of knowledge and philosophy
 Merrshaulk, god of yuan-ti
 Panzuriel, intermediate god of evil aquatic creatures, murder, confusion and subversion
 Parrafaire, naga god of guardianship
 Persana, god of tritons and architecture
 Psilofyr, god of myconids, community, healing and philosophy
 Quorlinn, god of kenku, trickery, disguise and thievery
 Ramenos, god of bullywugs, somnolence, intoxication and decay
 Ravanna, god of rakshasas
 Remnis, god of giant eagles, sky and service
 Sekolah, god of sahuagin
 Semuanya, god of lizardfolk
 Sess'Innek, god of dark nagas, lizard kings, civilization and dominion (also a nondeity
 Shekinester, goddess of naga
 Sixin, god of xill, war, intrigue and deception
 Surminare, god of selkies, beauty and peace
 Syranita, goddess of aarakocra, protection and watchfulness
 Vaprak, god of ogres, trolls, combat and greed (also a nondeity power)
 Wastri, god of amphibians, bigotry, and self-deception.
 Yeenoghu, god of gnolls (also a nondeity power)

Nondeity powers

Similar to monster powers, these are not true deities but very powerful extraplanar beings. These
however do not even profess to be gods (though many still have designs on godhood).

Demon lords of the Abyss

The single unifying feature of all demon lords (also called demon princes) is the control of one of
the infinite layers of The Abyss. Only the first 666 layers of The Abyss are generally known, and of
those only a small fraction of the princes of those layers are a part of the D&D cosmology.

 Baphomet, Prince of Beasts, demon prince of beasts and vengeance (also the monster power
of minotaurs)
 Dagon, demon prince and patron of the deep sea
 Demogorgon, self-proclaimed "Prince of Demons"
 Eltab, demon prince of hatred and retribution
 Fraz-Urb'luu, demon prince and patron of illusionists and tricksters
 Graz'zt, demon prince and patron of rulers by force
 Juiblex, demon prince and patron of oozes and slimes
 Kostchtchie, demon prince of the 23rd layer of The Abyss, the Ice Wastes; patron of evil
frost giants
 Lolth, demon princess of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos and assassins (also a core power and
the monster power of Drow)
 Malcanthet, demon queen of the succubi and patron of the hedonistic and lustful
 Obox-ob, demon prince and patron of vermin
 Orcus, demon prince of the 113th layer of The Abyss, Thanatos and patron of the undead
 Pale Night, demon princess and self-proclaimed mother of the demon lords
 Pazuzu, demon prince of the 503rd layer of the Abyss
 Sess'Innek, demon prince of civilization and dominion (also the monster power of dark
nagas and lizard kings)
 Vaprak, demon prince of combat and greed (also the monster power of ogres and trolls)
 Yeenoghu, demon prince and patron of gnolls
 Zuggtmoy, demon princess and "Lady of the Fungi"

Arch-devils of Baator

 Bel, an arch-devil, ruler of Avernus, the 1st layer of the Nine Hells
 Dispater, an arch-devil, ruler of Dis, the 2nd layer of the Nine Hells
 Mammon, an arch-devil, ruler of Minauros, the 3rd layer of the Nine Hells
 Belial, an arch-devil, and Fierna, his daughter, co-rulers of Phlegethos, the 4th layer of the
Nine Hells
 Levistus, an arch-devil, ruler of Stygia, the 5th layer of the Nine Hells
 Glasya, an arch-devil, ruler of Malboge, the 6th layer of the Nine Hells
 Baalzebul, an arch-devil, ruler of Maladomini, the 7th layer of the Nine Hells
 Mephistopheles, an arch-devil, ruler of Cania, the 8th layer of the Nine Hells
 Asmodeus, an arch-devil, ruler of Nessus, the 9th layer of the Nine Hells and overlord of all
the other Arch-devils

Celestial Paragons

The celestial paragons are powerful unique outsiders of the Upper Planes. They are to the celestials
as the archdevils are to the devils and the demon lords are to demons.

Archon Paragons

The celestial paragons of the archons are known collectively as the Celestial Hebdomad. They rule
the layers of the Plane of Mount Celestia.

 Barachiel, ruler of Lunia, the bottom layer of Celestia, also known as the Silver Heaven
 Domiel, ruler of the Golden Heaven of Mercuria, the second layer of Celestia
 Erathaol, ruler of Venya, the Pearly Heaven, the third layer of Celestia
 Pistis Sophia, ruler of Solania, the Crystal Heaven, the fourth layer of Celestia
 Raziel, ruler of Mertion, the Platinum Heaven, the fifth layer of Celestia
 Sealtiel, ruler of Jovar, the Glittering Heaven, the sixth layer of Celestia
 Zaphkiel, ruler of the Illuminated Heaven of Chronias, the seventh layer of Celestia

Eladrin Paragons

The celestial paragons of the eladrins are collectively known as The Court of Stars. They hail from
the Plane of Arborea.

 Faerinaal, oversees the defense of the Court of Stars and liberates eladrins captured by evil
 Gwynharwyf, Queen Morwel's loyal champion and a barbarian of unparalleled ferocity
 Morwel, the ruler of the eladrins and the Court of Stars

Guardinal Paragons

The celestial paragons of the guardinals are collectively known as Talisid and the Five
Companions. They hail from the plane of Elysium.

 Bharrai, the matriarch of the Ursinals, resides on Eronia, the second layer of Elysium
 Kharash, the paragon of Lupinals
 Manath, the duke of the Cervidals
 Sathia, the voice of the Avorals, and matron and muse for painters and sculptors
 Talisid, the most powerful of Leonals. Spends most of his time on Amoria, the topmost
layer of Elysium
 Vhara, the duchess of the Equinals, resides on Amoria

These entities are outside the boundary of life, death, and undeath. they are untouchable by even the
most powerful deities although the can be summoned and used by the weakest mortal, through pact
magic and binding. Binder are often feared and hunted down by "Witch Slayers." the list of vestiges
that can be bonded with include:

 Acererak: The Devourer

 Agares: Truth Betrayed
 Amon: The Void Before The Altar
 Andras: The Grey Knight
 Andomalius: The Repentant Rogue
 Aym: Queen Avarice
 Balam: The Bitter Angel
 Buer: Grandmother Huntress
 Chupoclops: Harbinger of Forever
 Dahlver-Nar: The Torchered One
 Dantalion: The Star Emperor
 Eligor: Dragon's Slayer
 Eurynome: Mother of the Material
 Focalor: Prince of Tears
 Geryon: The Deposed Lord
 Haggenti: Mother of Minotaurs
 Halphax: Angel in the Angle
 Haures: The Dreaming Duke
 Ipos: Prince of Fools
 Karsus: Hubris in the Blood
 Leraje: The Green Herald
 Malphas: The Turnfeather
 Marchosias: King of Killers
 Naberius: The Grinning Hound
 Orthos: Sovereign of the Howling Dark
 Otiax: The Key to the Gate
 Paimon: The Dancer
 Ronove: The Iron Maiden
 Savnok: The Instigator
 Shax: Sea Sister
 Tenebrous: The Shadow That Was
 Zagan: Duke of Disappointment

Find a deity
There are many ways of classifying deities, so you can view deities by different criteria such as
alignment, domain or power level.


Lawful good • Lawful neutral • Lawful evil • Neutral good • True neutral • Neutral evil • Chaotic
good • Chaotic neutral • Chaotic evil

Air • Animal • Chaos • Death • Destruction • Earth • Evil • Fire • Good • Healing • Knowledge •
Law • Luck • Magic • Plant • Protection • Strength • Sun • Time • Travel • Trickery • War • Water


Greater • Intermediate • Lesser • Demipower • Dead

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