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Indoor Volleyball Guidelines

for Canadian Referees


Authorized by the Volleyball Canada Referee Committee


Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................ii
Application, Function, Influential Factors, and Fundamental Principles of the Rules .............................. iii
What’s New in 2017-2018?
Volleyball Canada Referee Committees ................................................................................................. vii

SECTION I – The Game

Rule 1 Playing Area ....................................................................................................................... 2
Rule 2 Net and Posts ..................................................................................................................... 2
Rule 3 Ball ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Rule 4 Teams ................................................................................................................................ 4
Rule 5 Team Leader ...................................................................................................................... 5
Rule 6 Scoring System .................................................................................................................. 6
Rule 7 Structure of Play ................................................................................................................. 7
Rule 8 States of Play ..................................................................................................................... 7
Rule 9 Playing the Ball .................................................................................................................. 7
Rule 10 Ball at the Net ..................................................................................................................... 9
Rule 11 Player at the Net ................................................................................................................ 9
Rule 12 Service ............................................................................................................................. 10
Rule 13 Attack Hits ........................................................................................................................ 10
Rule 14 Block ................................................................................................................................ 11
Rule 15 Regular Game Interruptions ............................................................................................. 11
Rule 16 Game Delays ................................................................................................................... 13
Rule 17 Exceptional Game Interruptions ....................................................................................... 14
Rule 18 Intervals and Change of Courts ....................................................................................... 14
Rule 19 The Libero Player ............................................................................................................. 14
Rule 20 Requirements of Conduct ................................................................................................ 16
Rule 21 Misconduct and its Sanctions .......................................................................................... 16
Rule 29 Volleyball Canada Blood Policy for Competition ............................................................. 18
Communication Devices Policy ........................................................................................ 19
Concussion Policy and Protocol ....................................................................................... 20

SECTION II – The Referees, their Responsibilities and Official Signals

Rule 22 Refereeing corps and procedures .................................................................................... 23
Rule 23 First Referee ..................................................................................................................... 23
Rule 24 Second Referee ................................................................................................................ 24
Rule 25 Scorer ............................................................................................................................... 25
Rule 26 Assistant Scorer ................................................................................................................ 26
Rule 27 Line Judges ....................................................................................................................... 27
Rule 28 Official Hand Signals ......................................................................................................... 27
Game Management ......................................................................................................... 30

SECTION III – The Procedures

Match Protocol ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Floor Mopping ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Protest Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 40
Judges’ Conference ............................................................................................................................... 41

Guidelines for Canadian Referees

 Adapted from the FIVB Refereeing Guidelines and Instructions 2017

 Approved by the Volleyball Canada Referees Committee 2017-2018 Guidelines for Canadian
Referees is based on the Volleyball Canada Rule Book 2017-2018 and the latest editions of the
FIVB Official Volleyball Rules / FIVB Refereeing Guidelines and Instructions / FIVB Case Book.

 There are changes in this year’s Volleyball Canada Rulebook:

 Height of the Net (Rule 2.1.1):
o U16 Girls – 2.24m
 Ball Pressure (Rule 3.1): For Volleyball Canada, 0.330 - .0360 kg/cm2 (323-353 mbar or
 Characteristics of the Hit (Rule 9.2):
o Volleyball Canada, 15U and younger competitions, receiving serve with an
overhand motion using the fingers (volleying/setting the serve) is not
permitted, regardless of the quality of the contact.
 Number of game interruptions (Rule 15.1):
o For Volleyball Canada 14U and younger competitions “Fair Play” rules apply,
which are as follows: Substitutions are not permitted in the first or second
set. In the case of injury, an Exceptional Substitution may be made. The
injured/ill player may not return to the same set, but may return to play in
subsequent sets. If a player is expelled or disqualified, there must a legal
substitution allowed for the set to continue. If a player is expelled in the first
set, the expelled player may not start the second set but would be allowed
to start the third set. Any line up can be used at the start of the third set. In
the third set 12 ‘limited’ substitutions are permitted.
 Sanction Scale – Disqualification (Rule
o A team member who is sanctioned by disqualification must be substituted
legally and immediately if on court and must leave the Competition-Control
Area for the rest of the match with no other consequences. Leaving the
Competition-Control Area includes any viewing spaces (spectator seating,
viewing boxes, or any area overseeing the playing area). The disqualified
participant is not allowed to return to the Competition Area following the
conclusion of the match.

A major goal of the Volleyball Canada Referees Committee is to standardize the interpretation of the rules,
the mechanics of the referees and the game procedures used in matches throughout Canada. To help
achieve this goal, the Guidelines for Canadian Referees is updated every year using the FIVB guidelines
as a model. These Canadian guidelines are valid for all VC sanctioned competitions.

Because of the importance of Volleyball Canada championship events, all Canadian referees must be
prepared to fulfil their duties in the best physical and psychological condition. This includes studying
thoroughly and regularly up-to-date editions of the Volleyball Canada Rulebook, the Referee Guidelines
and other documents posted on the Volleyball Canada web site, such as the Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ), the Line Judge and Scorekeeping presentations. The FIVB web site also has a page that contains
instructional videos for referees ( -


Google Chrome recommended). As a result, this will make our game livelier and avoid unnecessary
interruptions. This will also unify as much as possible the criteria of good refereeing.

It is untrue that refereeing consists only of conducting a volleyball match using the rules of the game as
the basis for all decisions – refereeing cannot simply be the mechanical or automatic application of the
rules. Great competence is required; such competence is acquired through personal experience by
participation in volleyball events over a number of years with the referee realizing that he/she is not an
outsider but an integral part of the game. Therefore, the referee cannot just watch for faults in teams’ and
players' techniques and behaviour and apply the corresponding sanction. On the contrary, he/she must be
an expert and a friend, working for the game and with the players. Only if it is absolutely necessary, will
he/she make a negative decision.

The referee should never put himself/herself forward in the match but must remain in the background of
the match, intervening only when necessary. Such behaviour is particularly necessary in today’s
volleyball. Modern volleyball and the goals of the FIVB require spectacular volleyball, producing an
excellent show for the spectators. Modern volleyball is a fast and exciting non-contact sport, demanding
high levels of physical fitness, coordination and, especially, teamwork. Today’s high level volleyball is not
played just for the satisfaction of players in a small hall, with no spectators, but transmitted all over the
world. The spectators will not hear the referee’s whistle each time it is blown but they will see an excellent
athletic show with individual and team contests in each rally for the victory.

The bad referee hampers this show by wanting to play a leading role in the match and this is against FIVB
requirements. He/she must reward the players and teams for spectacular and exciting actions in the spirit
of the rules. Moreover, it is essential that referees maintain an excellent relationship with the players,
coaches, etc. and that his/her behaviour, both on and off the court, be exemplary.

During the match, he/she must be able to distinguish between normal human expressions of feelings
made under the stress of the match and real conscious unsportsmanlike behaviour. He/she should never
punish such spontaneous expressions of feelings so that the matches are played in a good atmosphere;
the teams’ reasonable and proper expressions of emotion should be allowed, such as standing to cheer
for excellent play actions or for encouragement, etc. However, conscious negative expressions or incorrect
gestures to the opponent or protest against the referees’ decision are strictly forbidden and will be

Volleyball Canada will follow the rest of the world in adopting the rules of the game as proposed by the
FIVB. This overall policy will dictate how the game will be played in Canada.

Application, Function, Influential Factors, and Fundamental Principles of

the Rules.
Application of the Rules

The referee is the one who puts the rules into practice. For the correct application of the rules, the
referees have to know the rules faultlessly and apply them decisively and correctly within the context
of the game. But the important thing is that they should acquire the basic principles of rule formulation;
if not, they can never have a correct and comprehensive understanding of the rules that would
naturally lead to great difficulty in properly applying the rules. Especially when a situation occurs
which has not been clearly stated in the rules, the referees must make good decisions with authority.
Rule 23.2.3 states "The first referee has the power to decide any matter involving the game including
those not provided for in the Rules." Only on the basis of full acquisition of the fundamental principles
of formulation and application of the rules can this be achieved.

For the purpose of correct application of the rules, the referees should have complete knowledge of
the following principle functions and theoretical principles of formulation and application of rules.


The Function of the Rules

Naturally, if you want to apply the rules correctly you must know what the functions of the rules are.
Generally speaking, the rules as a whole have the following functions:

Characterization of the Game

The rules give the characteristics of the game and differentiate volleyball from other sports.
• The rules stipulate the conditions, facilities and equipment of the game, the court
surface and measurements, the regulations of the net and balls, etc.
• The rules regulate the number of participants, the number of players in play and their
positions, rotational order, etc.
• The rules set up the methods of play, how to keep the ball in play, the crossing space,
and how to win a point, a set, and a match.

Legalization of Techniques

Many of the rules give the clear definition and distinct differentiation of the proper
techniques from improper and illegal techniques. These rules, under the category of
techniques, are the rules which need to be studied and clarified very definitely by the
referee for their correct application.

Play Under Fair Conditions

All the rules concerning court, facilities and equipment, techniques or even conduct are equal
for all the players of bot h teams. That is FAIRNESS, a very critical point in refereeing. If the
application of the rules is different for the teams that are playing, even if it is not intentionally
applied by the referee, it will be unfair. Accuracy in the understanding and application of rules
is the basic element of fairness and justice.

Educational Function

To have conduct that is fair, respectful of one's opponent and gracious regardless of
winning or losing is a basic behavioral objective for athletes in all sports. All referees must
emphasize this function as it is the aim of the sport to not only compete, but also to create
an atmosphere of fairness and to develop understanding and universal friendship.

Influential Factors in the Formulation of the Rules

The rules must be in accordance with the demands of the development of sport. In formulation and
modification of the rules, the following factors should naturally be taken into consideration:

Technical and Tactical Development

The rules should not only fit the demands of technical and tactical development, but also take
the initiative in leading the development of the sport as well.

Entertainment Requirements

The promotion of any sport event, to a considerable extent, depends on its attractiveness.
The attractiveness is shown by the level of emotional motivation of the crowds.

The Social Publicizing Requirements

The development of modem sport depends greatly on the social element, the society.

Publicity is the most important and effective way to build the interest and acceptance of the
public to the sport. This is one of the core factors to be considered.

The Economical Requirements

Naturally, in promoting any kind of sport it is necessary to have financial support. Certain
concessions should be made for this.

Fundamental Principles of the Application of the Rules

The fundamental principles of the application of the rules are naturally based on the above two phases:
the function of the rules and influential factors. On the basis of the requirements of the above two
phases, the following points may be recognized as the prominent principles for the application of the

Good and Fair Conditions of Play

The very basic principle is to give all the possible conditions and chances to allow the
players to play at their highest level of performance. Athletes have been trained for years
in order to participate in the competition; therefore, competition is an important circumstance
for athletes to show and to evaluate their training effect and their real playing level. The fair
evaluation of the level of athletes, or the real result of a match or competition, comes only
from full performance of the players. For a referee, it is necessary to be conscious of the
fact that every single technical judgment will have an obvious psychological influence on
the players, and any psychological influence will cause a positive or negative effect.
Therefore, one of the fundamental requirements for referees is to promote the highest level
of performance for the players. From this point of view, the very critical point regarding the
judgment of the referee is its evenness and stability. The physical basis of evenness and
stability of judgment is accuracy, and the mental basis is fairness. For referees to facilitate
a high level of performance, they must also properly control the tempo of play, it should
neither be too fast or too slow.

Encourage Spectacularity

Spectacularity is a core element in the promotion of the sport. To arouse the enthusiasm of
the spectators is also a factor which should be fully considered by the referee. For
e xample, the referee should consider how to reduce and shorten the interruptions, and how
to develop more highlights during the play. The referee may not take the initiative to
motivate the spectators, but at least the referee must neither discourage the crowds nor
dampen their enthusiasm. The referee also has a responsibility to promote the sport.

The Collaboration of the Officials

The administrative basis for the bets refereeing work, the proper match direction, is the
collaboration within the refereeing corps. Each member of the referee corps has particular
authorities and responsibilities as stipulated in the rules. Each member of the refereeing
corps has a special position on the court optimally designated to carry out the duty assigned.
Although this position may cause a limitation to the overall vision of the game by that
person, it is designated so that the refereeing team may have a better view of the total
game. Thus, full collaboration between officials is the only way to insure correct judgment
and to carry out exactly the duties and responsibilities assigned.

The Referee is not only the person who carries out the duty of directing the match and
correctly applying the rules, but also the person who should consider the influences of the
psychological, social and technical factors of the game. The referee is not only an
organizer, a referee, but also an educator and a promoter.

What’s new in 2017-2018?

Significant changes to the 2017-2018 Referee Guidelines are underlined in this document.

The following are changes to the Rules in the Volleyball Canada Rulebook:

2.1 Height of the Net

2.1.1 Volleyball Canada Youth Competition - 15/16 & under men - 2.35m, 15 & under women - 2.20m,
16 & under women – 2.24m, 14 & under men - 2.20m, 14 & under women - 2.15m.

3.1 Standards
For Volleyball Canada competitions, the inside pressure of the ball shall be 0.33 - .036kg/cm2 (323-353
mbar or hPa).

9.2 Characteristics of the Hit

Volleyball Canada, 15U and younger competitions, receiving serve with an overhand motion using
the fingers (volleying/setting the serve) is not permitted, regardless of the quality of the contact.

15.1 Number of Regular Game Interruptions

For Volleyball Canada 14U and younger competitions “Fair Play” rules apply, which are as follows:
Substitutions are not permitted in the first or second set. In the case of injury, an Exceptional
Substitution may be made. The injured/ill player may not return to the same set, but may return to
play in subsequent sets. If a player is expelled or disqualified, there must a legal substitution allowed
for the set to continue. If a player is expelled in the first set, the expelled player may not start the
second set but would be allowed to start the third set. Any line up can be used at the start of the third
set. In the third set 12 ‘limited’ substitutions are permitted. Disqualification
A team member who is sanctioned by disqualification must be substituted legally and immediately if on
court and must leave the Competition-Control Area for the rest of the match with no other
consequences. Leaving the Competition-Control Area includes any viewing spaces (spectator seating,
viewing boxes, or any area overseeing the playing area). The disqualified participant is not allowed to
return to the Competition Area following the conclusion of the match.


4.5.1 Forbidden Objects

Regarding rule 4.5.1 "Jewelry must be removed or taped": In the event that there is a request to
wear jewelry because of a protected ground as described in applicable human rights legislation
(for example, disability, religion, etc.), a reasonable accommodation should be implemented to
the point of undue hardship or reasonable justification. For example, Referees can require jewelry
be taped to the chest, or a compression top to be worn under the uniform to prevent the necklace
from becoming a safety issue.


2017-2018 National Referee Committees

306-569-4071 – work [email protected]
CHAIR Scott Borys
306-539-4984 – cell [email protected]

VC Staff Andrea Bailie 613-748-5681 ext 234 [email protected]

National Referee’s Executive Committee

All Disciplines
780-916-6411 – cell
Officiating for Women Debbie Jackson [email protected]
780-954-2355 – home
Communications Pat Thorne See Below [email protected]
Finance Scott Borys See Above See Above
Beach Volleyball
647-287-7714 – cell
Domestic Development – Beach Omid Mojtahedi [email protected]
905-471-6280 – home
International / High Performance [email protected]
André Trottier 819-693-1921
Development - Beach
Indoor Volleyball
Domestic Development – Indoor Bohdan Ilkiw 204-250-7583 – cell [email protected]
International / High Performance
Guy Bradbury 647-444-7397 – cell [email protected]
Development - Indoor
780-907-5833 – cell
Operations – Indoor Jasen Boyko [email protected]
780-474-0733 – home
Sitting Volleyball
International / High Performance
Development - Sitting
Regional Referees Chairpersons
Newfoundland & Labrador Cindy Collins 709-689-8854 – cell [email protected]
902-538-8914 – home
Nova Scotia David Fairfax 902-309-0084 – work [email protected]
902-679-9950 – cell
Prince Edward Island Joe Ryan 902-894-3633 – home [email protected]
506-325-4700 – work
New Brunswick Pat Thorne [email protected]
506-575-4348 – cell
Quebec Marc Trudel 514-795-1717 – home [email protected]
613-721-4505 – home
613-296-7227 – cell
Ontario Andrew Cameron [email protected]
613-798-2034 ext 2013 –
204-255-5215 – home
Manitoba Azad Hosein [email protected]
204-782-8110 – cell
Saskatchewan Lori Banga 306-745-7811 - cell [email protected]
Jim Merrick 403-993-9678 – cell
Alberta [email protected]
403-695-4342 – home
British Columbia Jannik Eikenaar 250-317-7071 – cell [email protected]
Yukon TBD
867-920-2712 – home
Northwest Territories Terrel Hobbs [email protected]
867-445-1915 – cell
Nunavut TBD


4-782-8110 – cell




1. The referee must check the dimensions and boundary lines prior to the start of a match. The first
referee must check the dimensions of the court. Should an irregularity be noticed, the referee must
immediately point it out and ensure that it is corrected. The first referee must check:

1.1. Whether the lines are 5 cm wide, (no more and no less);

1.2. The length of the lines and diagonals (12.73 m each on both courts);

1.3. That the colour of the lines is distinct from the colours of the court and the free zone;

1.4. In the case of competition other than World, FIVB or Official one, if there are lines of other courts
on the playing area, the boundary lines of the actual playing court must be of a different colour
from all others;

1.5. Official warm-up areas are to be designated before the match begins. Warm-up areas are to be
3m x 3m and are to be located in the bench side corners of the playing area, outside the free
zone (Diagram 1a in the VC Rulebook).

2. The centre line counts for both sides of the court (Rule 1.3.3).

3. The players have the right to play the ball beyond their free zone (except the service). Therefore, a
ball may be recovered from any point outside their free zone. The situation and the rule are different
in the opponent's free zone (Rule 10.1.2).

4. For a jump service, the server may start from outside the service zone, but the take-off must be in the
service zone.

5. When the server comes to the left side of the service zone to serve, especially for jump service, the
line judge there (no. 1 or no. 3) must step back.


1. Due to the elasticity of the net, the first referee should check whether it is correctly tightened. By
throwing a ball into the net, he/she can see whether it rebounds correctly. The ball must bounce off
the correctly taut net. The material of the net must not be too elastic (e.g. rubber). If the net bulges, it
cannot be used. The vertical plane of the net must be perpendicular to the playing surface and along
the axis of the centre line. The antennae must be placed on the opposite sides of the net on the
position 4 of each side, above the outer edge of the side lines according to Diagram 3 in the VC
Rulebook to make each court as identical as possible.

2. A match shall not be played if the mesh of the net is torn. (See also Rule 10.3.2)

3. The second referee must measure the height of the net before the “toss” by means of a measuring
rod (if possible metallic) designed for this purpose and belonging to the required auxiliary equipment
of the court. On the rod should be the marked heights of 243/245 cm and 224/226 cm for men and
women, respectively. The first referee remains near the second referee during this verification to
supervise the measurement. Net heights for Volleyball Canada Youth competitions should also be
marked. (See Rule 2.1.1 for net heights)

4. During the match (and especially at the beginning of each set), the corresponding line judges must
check whether the side bands are exactly perpendicular to the playing surface and over the sidelines
and whether the antennae are just at the outer edge of each side band. If this is not the case, they
should be readjusted immediately.

5. Before the match (before the official warm-up) and during the game, the referees must check that the
posts and the referee’s stand present no danger to the players (e.g., protruding parts of the posts
around the winches, cables fixing the posts, etc.).

6. Additional Equipment:

Benches for the teams Spare Net Rod to measure the net
Ball pressure gauge Ball Pump Stand for 5 match balls
Scoreboard (at scorer’s table) Electronic buzzer (at scorer’s 2 reserve antennae

In case of FIVB competition:

Numbered paddles (no. 1-20) 6 mops 8 towels (40x40cm or 40x80cm)

2 penalty chairs in each area A libero bib/jacket Stand for 5 match balls
A buzzer with light for each area A thermometer A hydrometer
Electronic & manual scoreboard

The electric buzzers with red/yellow lamps are used to signal requests for regular game interruptions
(timeouts and exceptional substitutions or a substitution caused by discrepancy between the line-up
sheet and the line up on the court). The scorer’s table buzzer is used to signal rotation faults, Libero
faults, substitutions and technical time outs. The organizer must also provide two reserve antennae
and a net under the scorer's table.

1. A metallic ball stand is needed for storing the five match balls near the scorer's table (three balls in
play and two reserve balls).

2. The second referee takes possession of the five match balls before the match and checks each of
them for identical characteristics (colour, circumference, weight, and pressure). Together with the
first referee, they select the three match and the two reserve balls. The second referee is then
responsible for them throughout the match and will assist in returning balls to the court manager at
conclusion of the match.

3. For Volleyball Canada Championships, the second referee will ensure that the ball used is the one
specified in the VC Rulebook. For FIVB competition: only FIVB homologated balls may be used; the
referee must check this, and if the FIVB stamp is not printed on the balls, he/she may not start the

4. Three-Ball System - during the match (FIVB uses the 5-ball system) :

Six ball retrievers will be used and placed in the free zone as per Diagram 10 in the VC Rulebook.

Before the start of the match, the ball retrievers on positions 2 and 5 will each receive a ball from the
second referee. The second referee will give the third ball to the server for the first and the deciding
set. (For FIVB play: ball retrievers in positions 1, 2, 4 and 5 will each receive a ball from the second

During the match, when the ball is out of play:

4.1 If the ball is outside the court, it will be recovered by the closest retriever and immediately rolled
to the retriever who has just passed his/her ball to the player who was to serve.

4.2 The ball is transferred between the ball retrievers by being rolled on the ground (not thrown),
while the ball is out of play, preferably not on the side where the scorers’ table is situated.

4.3 If the ball is on the court, the player closest to the ball must immediately roll it out of the court,
over the nearest boundary line.

4.4 At the moment the ball is out of play, the ball retriever number 2 or 5 must give the ball to the
server as soon as possible so that the service can take place without any delay. (For FIVB play:
ball retrievers 1 or 2, or 4 or 5 must give the ball to the server as soon as possible.)

The three-ball system is recommended in order to speed up the game; however, it is not compulsory.

If the three-ball system is not used, then the second referee handles the ball at set intervals,
time-outs and delays.

1. The referees must check before the match (during the official protocol) the number of persons
authorized to sit on the bench or to stay in each warm-up area.

For Volleyball Canada: a team consists of a maximum of 15 players. All 15 players may be in
uniform, they may participate in the warm-up, and they may sit on the bench. Only 12 players will
be registered on the score sheet and only these 12 players may participate in the match. The 12
players registered on the score sheet may vary from match to match as long as no more than 12 take
part in any given match. During the pre-game warm-up, the first and second referee should verify
collaboratively the player numbers (if the players are warming up with their game jerseys) and the
team staff on the bench against those written on the score sheet. They should also verify the player
uniforms at this time.

For FIVB, World and Official competitions (unless specified by the specific Competition Regulations):
team composition may consist of 17 persons comprising of 12 regular players, among them up to two
Libero players and five officials. The five officials are: the coach, a maximum of two assistant
coaches, one medical doctor and one team therapist (both doctor and therapist must be FIVB

For FIVB: Because only team members are permitted to sit on the bench during the warm-up and to
participate in the warm-up session (exception – Team Therapist, if not on the bench, may assist on
the court until the start of the officials net warm up session), no other person(s) can participate in the
official warm-up session (Rule 4.2.2).

2. For FIVB, World and Official competition: Specific Competition Regulations will determine how the
twelve players allowed per team must be determined for each match. Players must wear the same
number on their jersey in each match. Note: For special FIVB events, it is possible that 14 players
may be permitted to play in the match. In this case TWO Liberos are mandatory in the team list of the
score sheet. See Specific Handbook for each event to determine which system will operate.

3. Normally, at official international matches or tournaments, the first referee need not ask for
documents to identify the players named on the score sheet (the identity of the players will have been
checked previously by the Control Committee of the match or tournament). If, however, there is a
special regulation restricting participation and there is no Control Committee, the first referee, in
accordance with this special regulation, must check the identity of the players. Players excluded by
the special regulation may not play. Should there be any difference of opinion, the first referee should

write his/her decision on the score sheet or in the accompanying written report. (During official
international matches, he/she may ask for the opinion or decision of the Appeal Sub-committee).

4. The coach and the team captain (who each check and sign the team list on the score sheet or team
list for the electronic score sheet) are responsible for the identity of the players listed on the score

5. The first referee must check the uniforms. If they are not in accordance with rule 4.3, they must be
changed. The uniforms must also look the same.

For Volleyball Canada competitions: the referee is to record all uniform infractions on the score
sheet and also inform the jury. The jury is responsible for enforcing the uniform rule.

For FIVB: Where possible, the shirts must be inside the shorts and if they aren't, it is necessary, at an
appropriate moment, to ask the players in a polite way, to put them inside - especially at the
beginning of the match and each set. Form-fitting shirts which cannot fit inside the shorts, as worn by
the women’s teams, are always acceptable.

The team captain's stripe (8 x 2 cm) shall be fixed under the number on his/her chest in a way
allowing it to be clearly seen during the whole game. The referees shall check it before the start of
the game.

6. One of the players, other than the Libero player, is the team captain, who is to be indicated on the
score sheet (circle number on score sheet), (Rule 4.1.2).

7. If the two teams appear with uniforms of the same colour, the team listed first on the official programs
(following the Berger table) and so listed on the score sheet (before the toss), shall change the

8. Volleyball Canada: it is forbidden to wear objects that may cause injury or give an artificial
advantage to the player. Regarding rule 4.5.1 "Jewelry must be removed or taped": In the event that
there is a request to wear jewelry because of a protected ground as described in applicable human
rights legislation (for example, disability, religion, etc.), a reasonable accommodation should be
implemented to the point of undue hardship or reasonable justification. For example, Referees can
require jewelry be taped to the chest, or a compression top to be worn under the uniform to prevent
the necklace from becoming a safety issue.

9. For FIVB: Team Official Equipment includes training suit and polo shirt or dress jacket, collared dress
shirt, tie and formal slacks. The team members (as approved in the Preliminary Inquiry) must conform
to one of the following dress code options: 1. All to wear the team training suit and polo shirt of the
same colour and style or, 2. All to wear dress jacket, collared dress shirt, tie (for men) and formal
slacks of the same colour and style except the team therapist who may wear the team training suit
and polo shirt. This means that if the coach takes off his/her jacket or training suit jacket, all the other
officials must take off their dress jackets or training suit jackets at the same time in order to be
consistently dressed.

10. Before the match in due time, the referees must apply a careful cross-checking in order to control if
the actual players’ numbers are according to the team roster recorded in the score sheet. In this
way, any discrepancies may be discovered that may disturb later the normal flow of the game.


1. The first referee must identify the game captain and coach and only they will be allowed to intervene
during the game. The referees must know throughout the game who the game captains are. The
number of the team captain is to be circled on the score sheet.

2. During the match, the second referee must check that the reserve players are seated on the bench or
are in the warm-up area. Players in the warm-up area during sets cannot use balls. The team
members, either sitting on the bench or staying in the warm-up area, have no right to protest or
contest the referees’ decisions. Such behaviour must be sanctioned by the first referee.
3. Should the game captain ask for an explanation of the referee's application of the rules, the first
referee must give it, if necessary not only with repetition of his/her hand signals, but speaking briefly,
using official terminology of the Rulebook. The game captain has the right only to ask for an
explanation on the application or interpretation of the rules made by the referees in the name of
his/her team-mates (therefore, the substituted team captain sitting on the bench, or staying in the
warming-up area, does not have this right).

4. The coach does not have the right to request anything from the members of the refereeing corps,
except the regular game interruptions (time-outs and substitutions). But, if on the scoreboard, the
number of used regular game interruptions and/or the score are not indicated or are not correct,
he/she may inquire with the scorer, when the ball is out of play.

5. The second referee must check that during the match, the coach is sitting on the bench nearest to the
scorer’s table, or standing or walking within the free zone in front of his/her team’s bench from the
attack line to the warm-up area, without disturbing or delaying the match (Rule and Rule

5.1. The coach’s movement rule applies to the Head Coach only; it does not apply to assistant
coaches, managers/trainers, or medical doctors. They are to sit on the bench.

5.2. All time-outs and substitutions are to be requested by the Coach from the end of the bench
closest to the scorer when he/she is sitting or from the extension of the attack line in the free
zone when he/she is standing or walking.


1. If a team is declared in default or incomplete, the score should complete the score sheet as stated in
the rules (6.4).

2. Learning to use the official score sheet:

2.1. A slide show, located on the Volleyball Canada website, gives clear instructions on

2.2. In the Results box, the scorer will leave no blank boxes. If the set was lost, then the scorer will
write “0”. If a set was won, then the scorer will write “1” in that box.

2.3. The first improper request for a game interruption made by each team is identified by the second
referee and he/she will instruct the scorer to record the improper request in the improper request
box on the score sheet. If the score sheet does not have the improper request box, then the
scorer should write “Improper request, Team (A or B)” in the Remarks section of the score sheet.

2.4. Volleyball Canada: At the end of the match, the R1 will initial the Remarks section if information
has been recorded in this section. R1’s initials are not required in the Sanctions section; it is
recommended, however, that if an R1 expels or disqualifies a player or a coach, that he/she
submit a separate report to his/her ROC regarding this expulsion/disqualification.


1. Volleyball Canada: During the toss, the first referee should ask the captains if they are the
Libero players for the first set. If one answers “yes”, then the team captain must be replaced
before the toss and the re-designated captain will sign the score sheet.

2. The line-up sheet must be checked by the second referee and scorer before the scorer writes the
line-up data on the score sheet. He/she must check if the players’ numbers listed on the line-up sheet
correspond to the players’ numbers listed on the score sheet. If not, the line-up sheet must be
corrected and another one requested by the second referee. The line-up sheet must be kept at the
second referee in his/her pocket in order to be able to verify the actual line-up of teams if it is
necessary or required, unless the e-score sheet and second referee pole tablet is in use.

3. At the end of each set, the second referee immediately asks the coaches for the line-up sheet for the
next set, to avoid prolonging the three-minute interval between sets.

If a coach systematically delays the resumption of the game by not providing the line-up sheet on
time, the first referee must give this team a delay sanction.

4. If a positional fault is committed, after the hand signal for the positional fault, the referee must indicate
the two players. If the game captain requests more information on the fault, the second referee
should take out from his/her pocket the line-up sheet and show the game captain the players who
committed the positional fault.

5. If the service was not executed by the player according to the team’s line-up, i.e. rotational fault
occurred and it was discovered only after the end of the rally started with rotational fault, only a
single point should be awarded to the receiving team. (Rule


1. It is essential to realize the importance of the word "completely" in the sentence: “...the part of the ball
which makes contact with the floor is completely outside the boundary lines”; taken in conjunction with
the Rule – “ The ball is "in" if at any moment of its contact with the floor, some part of the ball
touches the court, including the boundary lines” – it means that any compression which allows
the ball to make contact with the line AT ANY TIME during the process of contacting the floor makes
the ball “IN”, but if the ball does not at any time contact the line, it is “OUT”.

2. The cables binding the net beyond the 9.50/10.0 m in length do not belong to the net. This also
applies to the posts and the cables. Thus, if a ball touches an external part of the net, beyond its side
bands (9m), it has touched a ”foreign object” and should be whistled and signaled by both referees
as “ball out”.


1. Interference with the play of the ball by the line judge, second referee or coach in the free zone:

1.1. if the ball strikes the official or coach, it is “ball out” (Rule 8.4.2)

1.2. if the player takes assistance from the official or coach for the contact, it is the fault of the player
(assisted hit, Rule 9.1.3) and will not result in a “replay”.

2. It is emphasized that only the faults that are seen are to be called. The first referee must only look at
the part of the body that makes contact with the ball. In his/her judgment he/she should neither be
influenced by the position of the player's body before and/or after playing the ball nor by the noise of
the contact. Referees should permit overhand finger contact or any other contact that is legal,

according to the rules.

3. To better understand the text of rule 9.2.2 (The ball must not caught or thrown. It can rebound in any
direction): A thrown ball involves two playing actions, first catching and then throwing the ball, while
playing the ball means that the ball rebounds from the contact point.

4. The referee must pay attention to the steadiness of the touch, particularly when a feint attack (“tip”) is
used, changing the direction in the placing of the ball. Attention must be paid to the fact that during
an attack hit, ”tipping” is permitted if the ball is not caught or thrown. “Tipping” means attack of the ball
(completely over the net) executed, gently, with one hand/fingers.

The first referee must watch closely the “tips”. If the ball after this tip does not instantly rebound, but is
accompanied by the hand/is thrown, it is a fault, and must be penalized.

5. Attention should be drawn to the fact that a player’s blocking action will not be legal if he/she does not
simply intercept the ball coming from the opponent, but holds it (or lifts, pushes, carries, throws,
accompanies it). In such cases the referee must punish this block as “catch” (this should not be

6. Unfortunately, many referees do not understand and therefore do not put into practice correctly Rule They do not understand in which specific cases we can speak of “at the first hit of a team”. In
four different cases, the team has a first hit (which counts as the first of the three touches of a team):

6.1 Service reception hit

6.2 Attack reception hit; not only spike but also all attacks (Rule 13.1.1).

6.3 The hit of the ball coming from opponent's block.

6.4 The hit of the ball coming from the team's own block.

7. To encourage longer rallies and spectacular actions, only the obvious violations are to be whistled.
Therefore, when a player is not in a very good position to play the ball, the first referee will be less
severe in his/her judgment of ball handling faults. For example:

7.1. The setter running to play the ball or forced to make a very quick action to reach the ball in order
to set.

7.2. The players are forced to run or make very quick actions to play a ball after it has rebounded
from the block or from another player.

7.3. The first team contact may be freely made except if the player catches or throws the ball.

8. Rules for the 14U/15U/16U Volleyball Canada National Championships

8.1. SERVE RECEIVE RULE: for Volleyball Canada 15U and younger competitions, receiving serve
with an overhand motion using the fingers (volleying/setting the serve) is not permitted,
regardless of the quality of the contact. The first referee will use the “double contact” signal to
indicate this infraction.

8.2. The regulation net height for the following Canadian championships will be:
The net height for U14 competitions will be 2.15 m (girls) and 2.20 m (boys)
The net height for U15 competitions for girls will be 2.20m
The net height for U16 competitions for girls will be 2.24m
The net height for U15/U16 competitions will be 2.35 m (boys)
The net height for U18 competitions will be 2.24 m (girls) and 2.43 m (boys)


1. This rule (10.1.2) gives the right to replay the ball from the opponent team’s free zone. The second
referee and the line judges must understand to this rule well! During the match, they must
recognize practically and make the appropriate movement to give space to the player who will replay
the ball to his/her court. Often, the second referee will achieve this by stepping forward and “hiding”
behind the post as the player runs towards the opponent’s free space to retrieve the ball.

If the ball crosses the vertical plane of the net, within the crossing space, to the opponent’s free zone
and is touched by the player attempting to return this ball back, the referees must whistle the fault at
the moment of the contact and show “out”.

The line judges do not signal that the ball was outside the antenna until the ball is judged to be out of
play, according to this rule.

2. We draw attention to the modified rule when does the action of playing the ball finis h: The
action of playing the ball finishes when the player, after a secure landing, is ready to make
another action.

The action of playing the ball is any action of players who are close to the ball and are trying to play it,
even if no contact is made with the ball. Attention should be paid to the following situation:

If a player is in his/her playing position on his/her court and the ball is driven from the opposing side
into the net and causes the net to touch the player (rule 11.3.3) no fault is committed by the latter.
The player may apply a movement defending his/her body, but has no right to do an active action
towards the ball in order to change deliberately the path of the rebounding ball. The latter situation
should be considered as a faulty net touch.

Contact with the net by a player’s hair: This must only be considered a fault if it is clear that it affected
the opponent’s ability to play the ball or interrupted the rally (e.g. a pony-tail gets tangled in the net).

3. Referees’ attention is drawn to the fact that the cables binding the net beyond the 9.50/10.0 m in
length do not belong to the net. This also applies to the posts, as well as the portion of the net that is
outside the antennas. Thus, if the player touches an external part of the net (top band outside the
antennas, cables, poles, etc.), this is can never be considered as a fault, unless it affects the
structural integrity of the net itself. Thus rule 11.2.3. was not changed and does not contradict the
main rule change quoted above.

4. When the penetration into the opponent court beyond the centre line is with the foot, i.e. the foot hits
the floor on the opponent’s court, to be legal a part of it should remain in contact with the center line
or above it.

5. On account of the top quality of the teams participating, the game near the net is of fundamental
importance and therefore, referees and line judges must be particularly attentive, especially in cases
where the ball rubs against the blockers’ hands and afterwards is sent outside the court.

Additionally the referees must be attentive to cases of interference. When the net between the
antennae is contacted by the player during the action of playing, attempting to play the ball, or
faking a play on the ball, then that is a NET FAULT. Where the natural rebound is affected by the
deliberate action of an opponent moving towards the net, or where the net is caught and the ball is
thrown out of the net (sling shot), then that is interference. A player preventing an opponent from
moving to reach the ball legitimately is also guilty of interference. Breaking the ropes through contact/
catching them is also interfering with play.

6. In order to facilitate the collaborative work of the two referees, the division of work shall be as follow:
the first referee will concentrate on looking at the entire length of the net (top white band to bottom
white band) primarily on the attackers' side of the net and the second referee will concentrate on
looking primarily at the entire length of the blockers’ side of the net. Nevertheless, it is not forbidden
for the second referee to call a net fault on the attacker’s side and vice versa.


1. In order to authorize the service, it is not necessary to check that the server is ready -- only that the
player to serve is in possession of the ball. The first referee must whistle immediately.

2. The first referee and the corresponding line judges must pay attention to the position of the server at
the moment of the service hit or take off for a jump service. The line judges must immediately signal
to the referee if a fault is committed and the first referee must whistle it. The server may start his/her
service motion outside the service zone but must be fully inside at the time of contact (or must be fully
inside the service zone at the moment of the take-off).

3. When the ball is being served, the first referee must watch the serving team, while the second referee
watches the receiving team.

4. If the server is not coming normally to the service zone or does not accept the ball from the ball
retriever, making intentional delay, the team can receive a delay sanction.

Remark: many referees and players misinterpret this text, thinking that eight seconds will be counted
only from the moment when the server tossed or released the ball to execute the service hit. This is
not the case. The rule text states clearly: “… after the first referee whistles for service”.

5. Hand signal number 19 is the proper signal to be used by the referees when a served ball touches
the net and does not stay in play. Hand signal number 15 (“OUT”) is the signal for served
ball passing outside the antenna.

6. The first referee should pay attention to screening during the execution of the service when a player
or group of players of the serving team, waving arms, jumping or moving sideways or by standing
grouped, prevent their opponent from seeing the server and flight path of the ball until the ball crosses
the vertical plane of the net (i.e., both criteria need to be satisfied for player actions/ positions to be
judged as a screen).

6.1. Tip: if you see the serving team player(s) attempt to prevent the receiving team player(s) from
seeing the server after they have adjusted their position to see the server more clearly, this
should heighten your awareness that a screen will be called if all of the screening conditions are

6.2. Tip: If the server jumps to serve the ball, then the receiving team can usually see the flight path
of the ball.

6.3. If the served ball can be seen throughout its path, until it crosses the net to the opponent, it
cannot be considered as a screen.


1. To better understand Rule 13.2.4 concerning the attack against the opponent’s service, attention
should be paid to the fact that in this case, only the position of the ball is to be checked, not that of
the players. It is only a fault if this attack is completed and then the first referee should whistle this


2. When controlling the back row player and the attack hit of the Libero, it is important to understand that
such a fault is committed only if the attack hit has been completed (either the ball completely crossed
the vertical plane of the net or was touched by one of the opponents). Both the first and second
referee may decide, whistle and signal this infraction.


1. The blocker has the right to block any ball within the opponent's space with his/her hands beyond the
net provided that:
 this ball, after the first or second contact by the opposing team, is directed towards the blocker’s
court and
 no player of the opposing team is close enough to the net in that part of the playing space to
continue his/her action.

However, if a player of the opposing team is near the ball and about to play it, the block touch beyond
the net is a fault if the blocker contacts the ball before or during the player's action, thus having
prevented the opponent’s action.

After the third touch by the opponent, each ball may be blocked within the opponent's space.

2. Sets and allowable passes (not attacks) which do not cross the net towards the opponent’s court may
not be blocked beyond the net except after the third contact.

3. If one of the blockers puts his/her hands over the net and hits the ball instead of making a blocking
action, it is a fault (the expression "beyond the net" means reaching the hands over the net into the
opponent's space).

4. In rule 14.6.3, "Blocking the opponent’s service” means that he/she completes a block on a service ball.

5. Since the ball may touch any part of the body, if during the block the ball touches the feet during the
same action it is not a fault and it is still a block!


1. TO & TTO

1.1. When the coach requests a Time - Out, he/she must use the official hand signal. If he/she only
stands up, asks orally or presses the buzzer, the referees may not authorize the request. If the
request of the Time-Out is rejected, the first referee should decide if this is an intention to delay
the game and sanction it according to the rules. During all time-outs, the players in play must go
to the free zone near their bench. The second referee must ask the players to move close to the
bench, if they are still on the court.

1.2. For matches that require technical time-outs (e.g., university and international matches): The
assistant scorer must press the buzzer to signal each Technical Time-Out (TTO) after the first
team reaches the 8th or 16th points in the set (this is not the responsibility of the second
referee). The same assistant scorer must indicate with the buzzer the end of the TTO. The
announcer must say for the first TTO of the set: “First technical time-out.” At the end he/she
must say, “End of the technical time-out.” A similar process will be applied for the second TTO.
The second referee must ensure that players do not go on the court before the assistant scorer’s
buzzer sounds indicating the end of the TTO. Naturally, if there is some problem with the
assistant scorer’s work, the second referee must check his/her work from this point of view too.


2. Substitution Procedure

2.1. The second referee will stand between the net post and the scorers' table and – unless the
substitution is shown by the scorer to be illegal – make a signal (crossing of the arms) for the
players, to exchange across the sideline. In the case of multiple substitutions, the second referee
will wait for the scorer’s two-hand signal that the previous substitution is registered and then
he/she will proceed with the subsequent substitution. The request for substitution is always the
moment of entry of the player(s) into the substitution zone.

2.2. Multiple substitutions may only be done in succession: first, one pair of players – one player
coming off the court and the substitute going in, then another, etc., in order to allow the scorer to
take due note and check them one by one. However, if at the moment of the request for multiple
substitutions, any of them is not close (within 1-2 meters) to the substitution zone ready to enter
the court, his/her substitution should be rejected without penalty. Therefore, players not involved
in any specific substitution must remain outside the substitution zone.

2.3. It is very important to ensure that the players move quickly and calmly. The new substitution
method is intended to maintain the flow of the match and to avoid delay during the process of
substitution. According to the new method, the case of delay sanctions when substitutes are not
ready to enter the match, should be minimized. It is the second referee's and the scorer's
responsibility, not to use the whistle or the buzzer if the substitute player is not ready as
requested (Rules 15.10.3a and 15.10.4). If no delay was caused, the request for substitution
should be rejected by the second referee without any sanction.

3. When a player is injured, the first referee should ask for a substitution to be made. In case of a
serious injury the referees should stop the game and allow the medical team staff to enter the court.
Exceptional substitution due to injury can be made, freely, by the team, leaving out of consideration
the "limitations of substitutions", by any player not on court at the moment of the injury (Rule 15.7).
Attention must be paid to the rule, which states that the injured player substituted by an exceptional
substitution is not allowed to re-enter the match. An exceptional substitution cannot be counted, in
any case, as a regular substitution.

The referees must distinguish clearly between illegal substitutions (when a team made an illegal
substitution, the play is resumed, and the scorer/second referee did not notice it, Rule 15.9), and a
request for an illegal substitution which, at the time of the request, the scorer or the second referee
realizes is illegal (Rule 16.1.3) and which is to be rejected and punished with a delay sanction.

4. A request for substitution before the start of a set is permitted and should be recorded as a regular
game interruption in that set. The coach should make the substitution request, in this case, with the
official hand signal.

5. The referees must study carefully and understand exactly the rule concerning "improper request"
(Rule 15.11):
• what "improper request" means
• what are the typical cases
• what is the procedure to be followed in such cases
• what must be done, if a team repeats this in the same match.

During the match the first referee must check if the second referee applies correctly the rule
concerning the "improper request". The second referee must ensure that any improper request is
recorded in the special section in the score sheet.

6. Distinction must be made between the "Libero replacement" (Rule 19.3.2) and the normal
substitution, which must be authorized by the second referee or the scorer and registered on the
score sheet (Rules 15.5 – 15.10). The assistant scorer registers the Libero replacements – and also
re-designation – on a separate sheet specially prepared for this purpose (R-6) so that the number of


the player replaced by the Libero, at any time, is known.

For FIVB: where the electronic score sheet is in use, the scorer and assistant scorer must cooperate
with the recognition and recording of the Libero replacements.


1. The referee must be perfectly familiar with the principles, types, and sanctions of delays; moreover,
he/she must know exactly the difference between an improper request and a delay. The referees
should prevent all unintentional or intentional delays by the teams. Main causes of delays:
substitutions, time-outs and water on the floor.

Most cases of “delay” for floor mopping requests are caused by lack of activity by the quick moppers.
Referees should therefore prepare the quick moppers well in advance of the match, so that if they
work quickly and enter the court at the end of every rally, there will be no need for players to request
mopping – and hence delay warnings and sanctions will be minimized. During the match, the First
Referee in particular must be pro-active to direct the work of the moppers, without accepting requests
from players. While it is acceptable for players to identify to the mopper on court exactly where there
is a wet patch, any request for mopping must be dealt with as an intention to delay the game, and so
liable to delay sanction. Subsequent requests for the floor mopping from the same team must be a
subject to a "delay penalty".

2. Sanctions for delays are against the team, not against the misconduct of a team member, even in the
case where only one team member has caused the delay.

3. “Delay warning” is indicated by a hand signal (number 25) with a yellow card. It must be recorded on
the score sheet in sanctions box under column W. The “delay penalty” is indicated with a red card
and also recorded on the score sheet in the sanctions box under column P with the team sign (A or
B), number of the set and score. The resulting point won by the opponent must be circled in the
running score column.

Note: given the discrepancy between the hand signal #25 illustrated in the Rulebook (card to the right
hand) and the hand signal #25 performed in the video found on the FIVB web site (card to the left
hand), please use either hand until further notice.

4. Example of improper request: A team’s coach asks for a time-out during a rally or at the moment of or
after the whistle to serve. If it does not affect or delay the game, it shall be simply rejected by the
referee (and this improper request shall be is recorded in the “improper request” box on the score
sheet or, on older versions of the score sheet, recorded in the Remarks section of the score sheet)
without any sanction (unless repeated in the same match). If, however, any improper request is
repeated in the same match, it is a “delay” of the game and must be sanctioned first a “delay

5. For Volleyball Canada competition, tying of shoelaces or a request to tie shoelaces is not to be
considered a delay of game; however, if the tying of shoelaces is used as a deliberate delaying tactic,
a delay of game sanction may be imposed.

6. The improper request of a team, which defers resumption of the game, is a delay and must be
sanctioned. The first delay by a team in a match is sanctioned with a “delay warning”. The second
and following delays of any type by the same team in the same match constitute a fault and are
sanctioned with a “delay penalty”.



1. If an injured player cannot be substituted legally, the coach has the right to request an exceptional
substitution with any player not on the court except the Libero or his replacement; in this case, the
injured player cannot play for the rest of the match.

2. If an injured player cannot be substituted legally or exceptionally the player is given a three-minute
recovery time, but only once for the same player in the match.


1. During set intervals, the players may warm-up with balls other than the game balls in the free zone.
After two minutes and thirty seconds, the second referee blows his/her whistle for the teams to return
to the court. At three minutes, the first referee authorizes the first serve of the set. The teams must
remain off the court for two minutes and thirty seconds.

2. In the deciding set, after the leading team scores its 8th point, the teams change courts (if the point
was made by the receiving team, this team must make a rotation after the change of court, before its
service -- this must be checked by the scorer and the referees).


3.1. During the intervals between the sets, a match ball must not be given to the second referee; all
three balls remain with ball retrievers number 2 and 5 (N.B. They do not have the right to give
them to the players for warming-up). During the time-outs, substitutions and during the change
of court in the deciding set at the 8th point, the second referee does not take the ball; it remains
with the ball retrievers. Note: For FIVB, the five-ball system is used. During the intervals all FIVE
balls remain with the ball retrievers numbers 1, 2 4,5 and 6.

3.2. During the interval between sets 4 and 5, a match ball is to be given to the second referee.
He/she will give it to the first server at the start of set 5.

4. At the end of each set, the teams should retreat to the end line before the first referee authorizes
them to change courts


Remark: It is not obligatory for the teams to have a Libero player.

For Volleyball Canada 16 and under boys, 15 and under boys and girls, and 14 and under boys and girls
competitions, there is no Libero player.

1. Volleyball Canada competitions: the lines for the Libero players on the score sheet are to remain
blank (therefore please disregard instruction B 1.12 on the back of the Volleyball Canada score
sheet). All twelve players are recorded under the roster of the team. The Volleyball Canada score
sheet has a section for each set (under the TO box) to indicate the Libero player number.

FIVB: The Libero players (Rule 4.1.2) must be recorded on the score sheet before the match in the
special lines reserved for it; the acting Libero player is recorded on the first of the two lines and the
reserve Libero player is recorded on the second line.


2. The Equipment (Rule 19.2): please note the wording of this rule: “The Libero player must wear a
uniform (or jacket/bib for the re-designated Libero) which has a different dominant colour from any
colour of the rest of the team. For Volleyball Canada competitions, the Libero must wear a uniform which
has a different dominant colour from any dominant colour of the team jersey. The uniform must clearly
contrast with the rest of the team. The Libero uniforms must be numbered like the rest of the team.”

3. Replacement of players

3.1. Late Libero replacement:

3.1.1 A replacement made after the whistle for service should not be rejected but must be the
object of a verbal warning. Subsequent late replacements must be subject to a delay

3.1.2. After the whistle, but before the service hit: The referee is to allow the rally to continue
uninterrupted. After the rally, the first referee should issue a verbal warning. Subsequent
late replacements should be sanctioned using the delay sanctions.

3.1.3. Replacement after the service hit: this constitutes an illegal Libero replacement. An illegal
Libero replacement should be considered in the same way as an illegal substitution.

4. Re-designation of a new Libero

In case of injury of the acting Libero (and with the previous approval of the first referee), the coach or
game captain (in the absence of the coach) can re-designate as new Libero one of the players not on
the court at the moment of the re-designation. The injured Libero may not re-enter to play for the
remainder of the match. The re-designation of the Libero may occur at the time of the injury and does
not require a rally to take place. The player thus re-designated as Libero must remain as a Libero for
the remainder of the match.

For Volleyball Canada competitions: the Libero may be re-designated after each set. The number
of the Libero must be on the line-up sheet for each set. If the coach decides to re-designate the
Libero between sets, the new Libero may be any player registered on the score sheet. Any re-
designated Libero must comply with the uniform rule. The number of the uniform for the re-
designated Libero must be the same as that player’s number recorded on the score sheet. The
replaced Libero can now act as a regular player, providing he/she has the correct uniform.

5. The Libero may not be team captain or game captain. For Volleyball Canada competitions the
Libero cannot be the team captain for the first set of the match.

5.1. If the Libero is re-designated after the first set or after subsequent sets, the re-designated Libero
may be the player who is listed on the score sheet as the team captain.

5.2. If the above re-designation occurs, the coach must appoint a new game captain for as long as
the original team captain is the Libero. This is to be recorded in the remarks section of the score

5.3. At the conclusion of the match, the original team captain is to sign the score sheet.

The FIVB Guidelines state:

1. In the case that a team has two Liberos, the acting Libero should be recorded in the first of the two
special lines reserved for Liberos, the latest before the coach signs the score sheet.

2. If the coach wants to replace the acting Libero with the reserve Libero, the procedure is like the
procedure of replacement.


An illegal Libero replacement should be considered in the same way as an illegal substitution.

3. In case of injury of the acting Libero, and if there is no 2nd Libero player on the team list or the 2nd
(now acting) Libero is injured, the coach can re-designate as new Libero, one of the players
(replacement player excepted) not on the court at the moment of the re-designation (rule 19.4.2).
The process will be similar to the process of replacement, if the re-designation is done immediately
after the injury, or similar to the procedure of substitution, if the re-designation is done later on. This
should be done with little formality as the coach/game captain is effectively confirming the decision
he/she made by communicating it to the refereeing corps.

4. Pay attention to the difference between the exceptional substitution of an injured player and the re-
designation of an injured Libero. When a regular player is injured, and there is no possibility of a legal
substitution, any player who is not on the court at the moment of the injury (except the Libero and
his/her replacement player) can substitute for the injured player.

Compare this treatment to the re-designation of a new Libero when any player who is not on the court
at the moment of the re-designation (except the acting Libero’s replacement player or an original
acting Libero who had earlier been declared unable to play) can become the new Libero! Be aware of
the fact, that the re-designation of a new Libero is an option, which the coach can use or not.

5. In order to understand properly the meaning of Rule 19.3.2., the referees have to pay attention to the
difference between the wording of Rule, which specifies that the scorer has to indicate any
error of serving order immediately after the service hit and Rule which says that the assistant
scorer has to notify the referees of any fault of the Libero replacement, without mentioning "after the
service hit". That means, that the assistant scorer should notify the referees about a faulty Libero
replacement immediately when that happens and Rule 7.7.2 should be implemented only in the case
that the Assistant Scorer has missed the notification and a rally (or more) was played.

6. For FIVB competitions, the permission for an injured Libero player to return to a subsequent match,
will be considered by the Control Committee of the specific championship.

7. The referees should be able to determine if a team has only one available Libero and he/she
becomes unable to play (injured, ill, expelled or disqualified) and if he/she is declared unable to play.
In the first case it is independent from the team, that the Libero cannot continue the game,
meanwhile in the second case this is the team’s (coach’s or in his absence the game captain’s)
decision that the Libero will not continue the game. If the Libero becomes unable to play and in the
game interruption a new Libero will be re-designated without any delay, he/she may replace the
original Libero immediately and directly on the court. However, if the Libero on court is declared
unable to play, first the player replaced by the Libero must re-enter the court, then after 1 completed
rally the new re-designated Libero has the right to replace any back row player.


It is necessary to study Rule 21 to understand which fair play requirements FIVB and Volleyball
Canada have set as targets for the teams.



1. It is absolutely necessary to seriously study the new modification of these Rules in order to
understand their spirit, the text, and the new scale of the misconduct sanctions.


2. It is important to remember, that according to rule 21.2.1, the behaviour of the participants should be
respectful and courteous, also toward the Control Committee members (organizers and jury
members), their team members and spectators. If the coach’s (or any other team official’s) attitude
exceeds the disciplinary limitations laid down in Rule 21, the first referee has to apply the appropriate
sanctions without any hesitation. A volleyball match is a sportive show of players, but not the team
officials. Referees should not ignore this distinction.

As a consequence of some recent examples, it is the very strong instruction from the FIVB
Refereeing Commission and Volleyball Canada National Referee Committee that where the
coach indulges in excessive play acting or demonstration, or where the coach (or any other
team member) addresses the Jury Table or other FIVB or Volleyball Canada official in any
appeal loudly or in an aggressive or derogatory manner, or insult (by doing so even just to
attract attention of the crowd), then the First Referee must make a strict application of the
sanctions scale. The show must be for the play on the court and not for peripheral issues
which detract from the main purpose of entertaining the crowd with spectacular play. The
coach is not the show!

3. Rule 21.1 deals with “minor misconducts” which are not subject to sanctions. It is the first referee’s duty to
prevent the teams from approaching the sanctioning level. It is crucial that the referees apply their
personality to keep under control the “minor misconducts” in order to avoid sanctions later in the game.
This can be done in two stages:

3.1. Stage 1: issuing a verbal warning through the game captain (no cards, no registration on the
score sheet).

3.2. Stage 2: issuing a yellow card to a team member. This warning is not a sanction but a symbol
that the team member (and by extension the team) has reached the sanctioning level for the
match. It has no immediate consequences (but is recorded on the score sheet). The first referee
has flexibility here.

Note: during this stage the first referee might take the opportunity to remind the captain that once the
yellow card is issued to one member of this team, then any further misconduct by any other team
member will be sanctioned with at least a red card.

4. Rule 21.2 deals with “misconduct leading to sanctions.” According to this rule, offensive or
aggressive behaviour is seriously sanctioned. They are recorded on the score sheet according to a
scale. The principle is that the repetition of such behaviour in the same match leads to a more severe
sanction for each successive offence.

Note: The first referee may issue a player a penalty for rude conduct without a previous warning (red
card shown). The first referee may issue a warning to other team members after the penalty – but
once the yellow card is shown, it may not be shown again to any member of the team.

5. Practical implementation on team members for misconduct leading to sanction, as decided by the
first referee:

5.1. If the misconduct is for a team member on the court:

The first referee must blow his/her whistle (usually when the ball is out of play, but as soon as
possible when misconduct is serious). He/she then instructs the sanctioned player to approach
the referee’s stand. When the player is close to the referee’s stand, the first referee shows the
appropriate card(s) saying: “I give you a penalty because…” or “I expel/disqualify you
because…”. The second referee acknowledges this action and immediately instructs the scorer
to record the appropriate sanction on the score sheet.


If the scorer, based on the information on the score sheet, states that the first referee’s decision
is not permitted by the Official Volleyball Rules, e.g., it is against the scale of sanctions, he/she
must immediately inform the second referee of this. The second referee, in turn, after first
verifying the scorer’s advice, informs the first referee of this. The first referee must then correct
his/her previous decision. If the first referee does not accept the scorer’s and second referee’s
remarks, the scorer must enter the first referee’s decision on the score sheet under the heading

5.2. If the misconduct is for a team member not on the court:

The first referee must blow his/her whistle, direct the game captain to his/her chair and say,
showing the appropriate card(s), “I give player number … (or the coach, etc.) a penalty (or “I
expel/disqualify player number…or the coach)”. The game captain must inform the concerned
team member, who must stand up and acknowledge the sanction by raising his/her hand.

While the team member’s hand is raised, the first referee clearly displays the card(s) so that the
sanction is understood by the teams, second referee, scorer and public.

5.3. Implementation of sanctions between sets:

In case of a penalty, the first referee should show the card (symbol red card) at the start of the
next set. If it happens during a TTO, the scoreboard operator will change the result after the end
of the TTO.
In case of an expulsion or disqualification, the first referee should call the game captain
immediately to inform the coach concerned about the type of sanction (to prevent double
penalization of the team) which should be followed formally by the cards (red and yellow cards
jointly for expulsion and separately for disqualification) at the beginning of the next set.

6. During the game, the referees must pay attention to the disciplinary aspect, acting with firmness
when applying the sanctions for misconduct of players or other team members. Referees should be
reminded that their function consists of evaluating playing actions, and not of chasing after small
individual faults.

It is necessary that referees, players and coaches study the difference between the misconduct and
the delay sanctions and their hand signals!

7. Volleyball Canada: it is recommended that if an R1 expels or disqualifies a player or a coach, that

he/she submit a separate report to his/her ROC (and to the tournament’s referee supervisor)
regarding this expulsion/disqualification.

8. A team member who is sanctioned by disqualification must be substituted legally and immediately if
on court and must leave the Competition-Control Area for the rest of the match with no other
consequences. Leaving the Competition-Control Area includes any viewing spaces (spectator
seating, viewing boxes, or any area overseeing the playing area). The disqualified participant is not
allowed to return to the Competition Area following the conclusion of the match.



If an athlete is bleeding and other participants are at risk of exposure to his/her blood, the athlete's
participation in the match must be interrupted until the bleeding has stopped and the wound has
been cleaned with an antiseptic solution and securely covered.


A one-minute technical time-out would be applied by the referee in order to rectify the situation and
stop the bleeding before a legal substitution, exceptional substitution or injury time-out would
become necessary. The technical time-out is not charged to either team. The technical time-out may
occur only once for the same player in the match. Please record on the score sheet under “remarks.”

a) Legal Substitution

If possible, a legal substitution would be used. The bleeding player may return to the set once
the bleeding has stopped and the wound has been cleaned and covered, providing the return is
legal. (Rule 8.1)

b) Exceptional Substitution

If a legal substitution is not possible, then the referee would authorize an exceptional
substitution. The blood-injury player could not return for the remainder of that set. The blood-
injury player may play in a subsequent set providing the bleeding has stopped and that the
wound has been cleaned and covered (Rule 8.2).

c) Injury Time-Out

If a bleeding player cannot be substituted, legally or exceptionally, the player is given a three-
minute recovery time in order to stop the bleeding and to cover the affected area. This may
occur only once for the same player in the match. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, his/her
team is declared incomplete.


All team uniforms soiled with blood must be either replaced or cleaned prior to the athlete resuming
the competition. Uniforms are to be cleaned until the stain is completely removed.

Domestic Competition:

If a replacement uniform is not available, a player with a jersey soiled with blood would be allowed to
wear a different numbered jersey or to change jersey with a player on the bench. The referee would
change the number(s) of the player(s) involved on the score sheet. The procedure to be used would
be Rule 8.1, Rule 8.2, Rule 18.1 or a time-out.

 The one-minute technical time-out applies

 Record on the score sheet under “remarks.”

Note: The rule for team uniforms also applies to the Libero player if the team has an additional Libero
uniform that can be used.

The use of communication devices, including cell phones and tripods on the bench is not permitted at a
National Championships. If it is noticed that a team is using such communications devices, a reminder
should be given to the team that it is not permitted and a comment is to be written in the Remarks section
of the score sheet.


Volleyball Canada Concussion Policy and

National Championships Implementation






Signs Observed by Coaching Staff Symptoms Reported by Athlete

Appears dazed or stunned Headache

Is confused about assignment Nausea
Forgets plays Balance problems or dizziness
Is unsure of game, score, opponent Double or fuzzy vision
Moves clumsily Sensibility to light or noise
Answers questions slowly Feeling sluggish
Loses consciousness Felling foggy or groggy
Shows behaviour or personality changes Concentration or memory problems
Can’t recall events prior to hit Confusion
Can’t recall events after hit


National Championships Concussion Protocol

Suspicion of concussion

Remove the athlete from play

Athlete goes directly to Athletic Therapist and

must not be alone or be permitted to drive; youth
athletes should be accompanied by a

Athletic Therapist conducts a full assessment


Athlete may not return to play for

Athlete can continue playing
the remainder of the tournament

Note: A Medical Doctor should Note: Athletic Therapist

assess the athlete after the provides report to
event to determine if ‘late athlete/parent and informs the
appearing’ symptoms are Tournament Director of the
present. incident.



The Referees,
Their Responsibilities
and Official Signals



1. It is very important that the referees signal the end of a rally only if the following two conditions are

 That they are sure that a fault has been committed or there is an external interference
 That they have identified its nature.

2. To inform the teams exactly of the nature of the fault whistled by the referees (for the public, TV
viewers, etc.), the referees must use the official hand signals (see Rules 22.2 and 28.1). Only these
hand signals and no others (national or private hand signals or manner of execution) can be used!

3. Due to the speeding up of the game, problems may arise that create refereeing errors. To prevent
this, the refereeing corps must collaborate very closely; after each playing action, they should glance
at one another to confirm their decision.


1. The first referee must always cooperate with his/her fellow officials (second referee, scorer, lines
judges). He/she must let them work within their competence and their authority. He/she should
perform his/her duties while standing.

For example, after whistling for the end of a rally, he/she should immediately look at the other
officials (and only after this, give his/her final decision with the official hand signals):

 when deciding whether a ball was in or out, he/she should always look at the line judge in
charge of the line close to the place where the ball landed (although the first referee is not the
line judge, he/she has the right, if necessary, to supervise and even overrule his/her

 during the match, the first referee must often look at the second referee (if possible after each
rally and also before each whistle for service execution) who is facing him/her, to find out
whether he/she is signalling a fault or not (i.e., court contacts, double, etc.).

2. The question as to whether the ball "out" has been touched previously by the receiving team (i.e., by
the blocker of the receiving team, etc.), is checked by the first referee and line judges. It is, however,
the first referee who makes the final decision with his/her hand signal, after seeing the signals of the
other members of his/her refereeing corps (the referee should never ask the player whether the ball
has been touched or not).

3. He/she should always make sure that the second referee and the scorer have sufficient time to do
their administrative and registration work (e.g., if the scorer has had enough time to check the
legality of a request for substitution and its registration). If the first referee fails to give his/her fellow
officials sufficient time to do their work, the scorer and second referee will never be able to follow the
next phase of the match, resulting in many mistakes made by the members of the refereeing corps.
If the first referee fails to give the necessary time for the control and administration of the facts, the
second referee must stop the continuation of the match by whistling.

4. The first referee may change any decision of his/her fellow officials or of his/her own. If he/she has
made a decision (whistled) and then sees that the second referee, lines judge, or scorer have, for
instance, made a different decision:

 if he/she is sure that he/she is right, stick to his/her decision

 if he/she sees that he/she was wrong, change his/her decision,


 if he/she states that faults were committed simultaneously by both teams (players), he/she
should signal for the rally to be replayed,
 if he/she considers that the second referee's decision, for example, was wrong, he/she can
reverse it. For example, if the second referee has called a positional fault by the receiving team,
but the first referee immediately or after the protest of the game captain has stated the position
was correct, he/she should not accept the second referee's decision and can order the rally to
be replayed.

5. If the first referee finds that one of the other officials does not know his/her job or is not acting
objectively, he/she must have him/her substituted.

6. Only the first referee may apply misconduct and "delay" sanctions; the second referee, the scorer
and the lines judge do not have this right. If officials other than the first referee notice any
irregularity, they should signal and go to the first referee to inform him/her of the facts. It is the first
referee and only him/ her who applies sanctions.

7. The first referee must check and sign the score sheet at the end of the match


1. The second referee must be of the same competence as the first referee he/she will replace the first
referee in case of absence or in case that the first referee is unable to continue his/her task.

2. The second referee’s duties and rights are clearly stipulated in this Rule and he/she should study
well the "responsibilities" of the second referee, namely in which cases the second referee must
"decide, whistle and signal the faults" during the match (See Rule 24.3.2).

3. FIVB only: In the event that the decision is made by the first referee, it is no longer necessary for the
second referee to “follow” the signal of the first referee.

4. During the exchange of play near the net, the second referee must concentrate on controlling the
illegal touch of the whole net on the blockers side, on all illegal penetrations beyond the centre line
and on the illegal playing actions on the side of the block (receiving team).

5. The second referee must also carefully check, before and during the match, if the players are in
correct position, on the basis of the teams’ "line-up sheet". In this work, the second referee is
assisted by the scorer, who can tell him/her which player must be in position 1 (server). On the basis
of this information, by turning the line-up sheet clockwise in his/her hand, the second referee can
state exactly the regular rotation order (position) of each team. When verifying positions, he/she
should stand in position II on his left or IV on his right respectively, together with the player indicated
by the scorer, and facing the net he/she should locate the other players following the order indicated
in the line-up sheet, starting with the player in position I. He should not, orally or physically, direct
any of the players to their indicated position. If there is some discrepancy between the player’s
position and that indicated in the line-up sheet, the second Referee should call the game captain or
the coach in order to confirm the proper position of the players.

6. The second referee must pay attention to the fact, that the free zone must always be free from any
obstacle which can cause an injury to a team member (drinking bottles, first aid kit, substitution
paddles, etc.).


7. During TO and TTO, the second referee should not stay in a static position. The second referee can
adjust the movement pattern to turn:

• Toward the moppers (when applicable), to check their work and ensure they get to position on
time, as a group.
• To the teams, to make sure they move close to the benches.
• Toward the scorer, to control his/her work.
• To the assistant scorer (when applicable), to obtain information about the position of the
• Again to the moppers (when applicable), to check their work.
• To the first referee, to receive and/or to give information, if necessary.
• To the teams, to prevent any attempt to re-enter before the end of the time-out (wherever this
rule is applicable), and to determine if the Libero is about to attempt a “hidden replacement”

8. At the end of the match, the second referee must check and sign the score sheet.

The following activities are under the responsibility of the Reserve Referee:

1. To replace the second referee in case of absence or in case that he is unable to continue his work or
in case that the second referee became first referee.

2. To control the substitution paddles, before the match and between the sets.

3. To check the operation of the buzzers before and between the sets, if there is a problem.

4. To assist the second referee in keeping the free zone and the penalty area free.

5. To control the substitute players in the warm-up area and on the bench, and any team members sent
to the penalty area.

6. To bring to the second referee two match balls, immediately after the presentation of the starting

7. To give the second referee a match ball after he has finished checking the players’ starting position.

8. To assist the second referee with guiding the work of the moppers.

Rule 25: SCORER

The scorer:

1. Must check - after receiving the line-up sheets and before the start of each set that the numbers on
the line-up sheets can also be found on the score sheet team member list (if not, he/she must report
to the second referee).

2. Reports to the second referee the second time-out and the 5th (11th) and 6th (12th) substitutions of
each team (who reports, then, to the first referee and to the coach).

3. Must cooperate very attentively during the substitution process:

 The second referee, after acknowledging a substitution by seeing that the substitution is
acknowledged by the scorers' buzzer (or by whistling), goes to a position between the net post
and the scorers' table, where he/she can see the substitute players and the scorer.


 The substitute player entering the game goes to the sideline with the appropriate substitution
paddle (if paddles are available).

 Unless the scorer indicates the substitution is illegal, the second referee authorizes the
substitution of players with a crossing of the arms signal.

 After the second referee sees the scorer’s hand signal of "OK", he/she goes to his/her position
to begin the next rally and repeats this signal to the first referee who now has the right to whistle
for the next service. At this moment, when the second referee takes his/her position after
finishing the substitution, the scorer must concentrate to check if the player making the service
hit, follows the rotation order or not. If not, he/she must stop immediately the play by PRESSING
THE BUZZER or blowing the whistle, but not before the service hit is executed. The second
referee must go to the scorer’s table to check the scorer’s decision and inform the teams and
the first referee of the situation.

 The scorer has to look at the substitute player in the substitution zone and compare the number
on his/her jersey and the number of the paddle in his/her hand to that on the score sheet line of
"starting players" and "substitutes". If he/she discovers that the request is illegal, he/she
immediately pushes the buzzer and RAISES ONE HAND AND WAVING IT and says: "the
request of substitution is illegal". In this case, the second referee must immediately go to the
scorers’ table and check, on the basis of the score sheet data, the illegality of the request. If
confirmed, the request must be rejected by the second referee. The first referee must sanction
the team by whistling a "delay". The scorer must register on the score sheet, in the ‘sanctions’
section, the appropriate sanction. The second referee must check the scorer’s work following
the sanction.

 In the event that the team requests more than one substitution, the process of substitution must
be done one at a time, so that the scorer has time to register each substitution consecutively.
The scorer must use the same process for each substitution. The scorer looks at the paddle
number and the substitute player’s number on the jersey. If the substitution is legal, the scorer
proceeds to register the substitution on the score sheet and then shows the registration is
complete by raising both hands (Note: In the quick sub procedure the scorer no longer uses the
“raising one hand” signal). This procedure applies to all substitutions.

 The scorer should register sanctions on the score sheet only on the instruction of the Second
Referee or in case of protest indicated according to the rules, with the authorization of the first
referee, writes or permits the team captain to write the remark on the score sheet.

 The scorer must write a remark if a player is injured and removed from the match by regular or
exceptional substitution. The remark should indicate the number of the player injured, the set
during which the injury occurred and the score at the time of the injury.


1. The assistant scorer sits close to the scorer. In case that the scorer is unable to continue his/her task
he/she acts as the substitute for the scorer.

2. His/her responsibilities are:

2.1. To complete the Libero control sheet (R-6) and to check whether the Libero’s replacements
during the match are legal or not.

2.2. To direct and control the timing of TTO, to press the buzzer when it starts to measure its
duration and to signal its end, with the buzzer.


2.3. To handle the manual scoreboard on the scorers' table.

2.4. To check if the scoreboard shows the right results and if not, to correct it.

2.5. During TOs and TTOs, to inform the second referee about the position of the Liberos, by using
the hand signal of "in" and "out", but only with one hand for each team.

2.6. To forward to the Game Jury President, immediately after the end of each set, the information
about the duration of each set and the starting time and end time of the match, in written form.

2.7. Where necessary, to assist the scorer by pressing the buzzer to acknowledge and announce
substitution requests.

3. The assistant scorer’s name must be recorded on the score sheet; he/she must sign the score sheet
at the end of the match.


The line judges’ work is very important, especially during high level matches.

 The organisers must provide each line judge with uniform flags. The colour of the flags must be in
contrast with the colour of the flooring (the flags should be red or yellow).

 The line judges: must be present on the playing area, in uniform, 30 minutes before the match start
time (45 minutes for international matches).

 Must know their work well even if only two line judges are used (see diagram 10 in the Rulebook).

 Are required to signal every fault which occurs close to the line for which they are responsible, as
well as those occurring at the moment of the service hit.

 If the ball touches the antenna, crosses over it, or flies outside it, into the opponent's court, the line
judge facing to the direction of the ball, must signal the fault.

 Faults should be signalled clearly, to ensure beyond any doubt that the first referee sees them. For
examples of good line judge work, please view the refereeing instructional videos on the FIVB web

 The line judge should relax between rallies.

 The line judges should leave their position during TO and TTO and stay at the respective corners of
the playing area. If this is not possible during set intervals, they should stand two-by-two in front of
the penalty area.


1. The referees must use only the official hand signals. The use of any other signals should be avoided
and, in any case, used only when it is absolutely necessary to be understood by the team members.
For examples of good referee hand signals, please view the refereeing instructional videos on the
FIVB web site.

2. Decision by the First Referee: The first referee will signal the end of the rally (or fault) by the whistle,
indicate side to serve next, indicate the nature of the fault, then the player at fault (if necessary).


FIVB only: The Second Referee will not take part in any of this signalling, but will, however, simply
walk to the side of the team to receive next. Eye contact with the first referee will still be required.

Assistance during or at the end of the rally for “touches” or “four hits” is still expected. These actions
can be done before the Second Referee moves, so that the First Referee is in full possession of the

3. Decision by the Second Referee (e.g., net fault, illegal back line block, illegal back line hit, ball hitting
antenna or goes to opponent court through external space, etc.): the sequence by the second
referee is: whistle, indicate the nature of the fault, indicate (if necessary) the player at fault, pause,
then follow the First Referee’s signal for side to serve next.

When the Second Referee whistles for a fault (e.g. touch of the net by a player) he/she must be
careful to show the hand signal on the side where the fault was committed (Rule 28.1). For example:
if a player from the team that is on his/her right has touched the net, and he/she whistles this fault,
the hand signals should not be shown through the net from the other team’s side, but the referee
should move so, that the hand signal is indicated on the side of the fault.

4. Certainty in signalling faults (Rules 22.2, 23.3 and 24.3): Referees must whistle quickly, with
certainty in signalling faults and having taken into consideration the two following points:

4.1 The referee should not signal a fault, when urged to by the public or players, or

4.2 When fully aware of having made a misjudgement, the referee may or ought to rectify his/her
error (or that of other members of the refereeing corps), on condition that this is done

5. Time-Out Requests: this is normally done, by the Second Referee (but is still within the remit of the
First Referee if the Second Referee does not hear/see the request by the coach). This time, the
Second Referee will whistle, make the “T” shape and indicate the requesting team (two-action

6. Replayed rally/ double fault. While both Referees may whistle this incident and indicate by signal the
replay (e.g. ball rolling on to court, player injured during a rally, two opponents contact the top band
of the net at the same time), it normally remains the First Referee’s task to indicate the side to serve.
The Second Referee will only copy the First Referee’s signal for the team to serve next if he/ she
actually whistled the stoppage in play.

7. Both Referees whistle at the same moment to stop play but for different things. Here each referee
will indicate the nature of the fault – but this time because the First Referee must decide which
course of action to follow after this, ONLY THE FIRST REFEREE will indicate the “double fault”
signal and indicate team to serve next.

8. Player serves too early (before the whistle). This is entirely the job of the First Referee to indicate
replay and team to serve next.

9. End of set. This is done by the First Referee. The Second Referee may if the First Referee has not
noticed the score, politely remind the First Referee with this signal, but this should remain exclusively
the responsibility of the First Referee.

10. The referees and line judges should pay attention to the correct application and use of the ‘out’
hand/flag signal:

10.1 For all balls that land "directly out" after an attack or a block by the opposing team, the hand/flag
signal of "ball out" (number 15 and LJ 2) must be used.


10.2 If a ball from an attack hit crosses the net and touches the floor outside the playing court, but a
blocker or other player of the defending team touches it, the officials must show only the
hand/flag signal "ball touched" (number 24 and LJ 3).

10.3 If a ball, after a team has played it with the first, second or third hit, is out on its side, the hand
signal is "ball touched" (number 24 and LJ 3).

10.4 If after an attack hit the ball is smashed into the top of the net and after that it lands "out" on the
attacker’s side without touching the opponent’s block, the hand signal is "out" (number 15), but
immediately after it the attacking player must be indicated (so that everybody understands that
the ball was not touched by the blockers). If, in the same case, the ball touches the block and
afterwards flies out on the attacker’s side, the first referee must show the hand signal "ball out"
(number 15) and indicate the blocker(s).

11. Where an attack hit is completed from an overhead finger pass by the Libero in his/her front zone, the
referee must use the hand signal number 21 (attack hit fault) and point at the Libero.

12. The line judge’s flag signals are also very important from the point of view of the participants and
public. The first referee must check the line judge’s flag signals. If they are not properly done, he/she
may correct them.

13. During high level matches, where the speed of the attacks could be 100-120 km/hour, it is very
important that the line judges concentrate on the movement of the ball, especially attack balls touching
the block before going out.

14. If the ball doesn't pass the vertical plane of the net after the third hit of the team, then:

14.1 If the same player who plays the last ball touches the ball again, the hand signal is "double hit".

14.2 If another player touches the ball, the hand signal is "four hits".


a) BEFORE THE MATCH: the refereeing corps prepares the start of the match as stipulated in the
current Volleyball Canada protocol and warm-ups.

 The officials must be present in their referee uniform at least 45 minutes before the scheduled
starting time of each match.

 If the first referee has not arrived in due time, the second referee should begin the procedure of
the match.

 If the first referee fails to arrive or he/she is not able to conduct the match for any medical
reason, the second referee should conduct the match as first referee and the reserve referee (if
present) takes the place of the second referee. In the case that there is no reserve referee, the
organizer together with the acting first referee have to decide who is to act as second referee.

b) DURING THE MATCH (after the pre-match protocol):

 The first referee blows his/her whistle for the starting players to go directly onto the court; the
second referee checks (as well as the scorer) whether the players are in the correct position
(rotation order) according to the line-up sheet. After checking the positions of the teams, the
second referee gives the ball to the server. After this, the second referee checks with the scorer
to ensure they are ready, and then shows the first referee by raising his/her two hands that all is
in order, and the first referee whistles for the first service of the match.

 At the moment of the service hit, the first referee checks the position of the serving team, the
second referee that of the receiving team. At the service, the second referee must be on the
receiving team's side. After the service he/she can move along the side line from the center line,
maximum to the attack line. At the attack, his/her position should be on the side of the defending
– blocking team. So, during the match, he/she must continuously change position.

 The first referee keeps in sight the volley of the ball and its contact with player(s) or equipment
and objects. Consequently, he/she first checks the regularity of the ball touch. At the moment
of attack hit, he/she looks directly to the attacker and the ball and can just see out of the corner
of his/her eyes the probable direction of the ball. If the ball is hit at the net, he/she must look in
the direction of the vertical plane of the net.

 If the team members on the bench or in the warm-up area act against the rules, the second
referee, when the ball is out of play, must immediately inform the first referee. The first referee
is the one who applies sanctions.

 When the second referee calls (whistles) a positional fault on the receiving team, he/she must
indicate the positional fault with the official hand signal and point out exactly the player or
players at fault.

 According to the rules of the game, the first fault to occur must be penalized. The fact that the
first and the second referees have different areas of responsibility makes it very important that
each referee whistles the fault immediately. On the whistle of one of the referees, the rally ends
(Rule 8.2 – Ball out of play). After a whistle by the first referee, the second referee has no
further right to blow his/her whistle because the rally ends with the first whistle of the referees. If
the referees blow their whistles one after the other for different faults, they cause confusion for


the players, public, etc.

 It is usually the second referee (the rules say "the Referees") who authorizes the requested
game interruptions (time-out and substitutions), but only if the ball is "out of play." If the second
referee has not noticed the request for interruption of the game, the first referee can also
authorize it, helping the second referee.

 If during the match the second referee observes unsportsmanlike gestures or words between
the opponents, on the first occasion when the ball is out of play, he/she can order the players to
change his/her behavior asking them to calm down; if the situation remains the same, he/she
must inform the first referee, who must immediately warn or sanction the player(s), depending
on the gravity of the behavior.

 INTERVALS- For normal (3 minute) intervals between sets 1 to 4:

o TEAMS: At the end of each set, the six players of each team line up on the end line of their
respective courts. At the direction of the first referee the teams change courts; as the
players pass the net poles, they go directly to their team bench.

o SCORER: At the moment the referee blows the whistle ending the last rally of the set, the
scorer must start the timer for timing of the set interval.

o 2'30 – The second referee blows the whistle or the scorer sounds the buzzer.

o TEAMS: At the direction of the second referee, the six players registered on the line-up
sheet go directly onto the playing court.

o REFEREES: The second referee will check the players’ standing positions, comparing
them to those on their respective line-up sheet and then authorizes the acting Libero to
enter the court. The ball retriever will then give the ball to the server.

o 3'00 – The first referee whistles, authorising the service.


o TEAMS: At the end of the set before the deciding set, the six players of each team line-up
on the end line of their respective courts. At the direction of the first referee, the teams go
directly to their team bench.

o CAPTAINS: Report to the scorer’s table for the toss.

o REFEREES: Report to the scorer’s table to conduct the toss.

o 2'30 – The second referee blows the whistle or the scorer sounds the buzzer.

o TEAMS: At the direction of the second referee, the six players registered on the line-up
sheet, go directly into the playing court.

o REFEREES: The second referee will check the players’ standing positions, comparing
them to those on their respective line-up sheet. Then he/she authorizes the acting Libero to
enter the court and gives the ball to the server.

o 3'00 - The first referee whistles authorising the first service of the set.



o TEAMS: At the end of the rally, the six players of each team go to their respective end line.
At the first referee’s signal they change courts without delay, going straight to the playing

o REFEREES: The second referee checks that the teams are in their correct rotation order
(which player is in position I of each team) and that the scorer is ready for the second part
of the set and then signals to the first referee, that everything is ready for the continuation
of the game.

o During Time-Outs, Technical Time-Outs and intervals, the second referee calls the players
to move close to the bench and leave space for the floor to be mopped by the six moppers.

c) AFTER THE MATCH: The two referees stand in front of the referee's stand. The players of the two
teams stand on their own end line. The first referee blows his/her whistle, the two teams come along
the side lines to the referees, shake the hands of the referees, and walking along the net, shake
hands with the opponents and return to their benches. The first and second referees go along the
net to the scorer's table, check the score sheet, sign it, and thank the scorer and lines judges for their

With this fact, the referees’ work is not finished! They must check well the sportsmanlike behaviour of
the teams, even after they whistle the end of the match. As long as the teams stay in the control
area, all unsportsmanlike behaviour after the match must be checked and reported to the Game Jury
Member and written on the score sheet in the “Remarks” section or in a separate report.





Protocol for Volleyball Canada Sanctioned Events, when there are no team introductions (i.e. Round
Robin matches at National Championships).

NOTE: To satisfy local conditions, the National Indoor Championships (NIC) may approve variations to
the match protocol for National Championships.

a) 20 minutes before the start:

The referees check the height and tension of the net as well as the position of the antennae and
side markers.

b) 17 minutes before the start:

The referees will conduct the toss with the captains.

The teams will begin a five-minute common warm-up on the court (prior to the start of the
competition, this may be altered by the Tournament Organizer).

c) 12 minutes before the start:

The first referee blows his/her whistle to signal the start of the official warm-up (5 minutes for
each team or 10 minutes together).

Referees check the game balls and all other equipment necessary for the game. Referees give
necessary instructions to lines judge, ball retrievers, floor moppers, etc.

The second referee obtains the line-up cards from the coaches for the first set.

d) End of the warm-up:

The first referee blows his/her whistle to indicate the end of the team warm-up. Players must
stop warming up and return to their bench.

At the first referee's request, the 12 players from each team line up on their respective base

The referees line up on the side line corresponding to the referees stand and facing the score

The first referee blows his/her whistle twice: first, for the captains to greet each other at the net;
secondly, for the other team members. When they finish, they proceed to their bench and
prepare for the start of the match.

e) Start of the match:

The first referee blows his/her whistle and directs the six starting players to immediately enter
the court. The second referee checks the position of the starting players, gives the ball to the
server, checks to see that the scorer is ready and signals the first referee that everything is in

The first referee authorizes the first serve of the match.


Match Protocol for Volleyball Canada Gold Medal Matches (when the teams are introduced).

NOTE: This can also be used for international matches.

1. Before the Start of the Game

a) 20 minutes before the start:

The referees check the height and tension of the net as well as position of antennae and
side markings.

b) 16 minutes before the start: TOSS

The captains report to the scorer's table to sign the score sheet.

c) 15 minutes before the start: (PRESENTATION)

National Anthems: (International matches)

Referees: Both referees stand laterally in the middle of the court, perpendicular and close
to the net, facing main TV camera (Main stands).

Teams: At the referee's whistle, the 12 players of each team enter the court, lining-up
laterally in the middle court, facing the main TV camera (main stands).

Speakers: Introduces the teams and the referees.

For International matches, the teams can be introduced during the team warm-ups.

d) 13 minutes before the start:

First referee: Blows his/her whistle and gives permission for team members to greet each
other – first, both captains, and then the other members, starting with those nearest the
net. He/she then gives the signal for them to finish and proceed to their respective
benches where they prepare to start the official warm-up.

e) 12 minutes before the start: OFFICIAL WARM-UP BEGINS

Referees: The first referee blows his/her whistle to signal the start of the official warm-up
(5 minutes minimum for each team or ten minutes together). Referees check the game
balls, substitution cards (paddles) and all other equipment necessary for game (i.e., score
sheet, buzzer, uniforms, etc.). Referees give any necessary instructions to lines judge, ball
retrievers, floor moppers, etc. They must also inspect the reserve equipment.

f) 2 minutes before the start of the match: END OF WARM-UP

Referees: The first referee whistles, indicating the end of the warm-up of the teams.

Teams: Stop warming-up at the first referee's whistle and immediately return to their own
benches. All team members must be wearing their match uniform prepared for the

g) 1 minute 30 seconds before the start of the match: LINE-UP SHEETS


Referees: The second referee must ensure that the coach of each team submits the line-
up sheet of the first set to the scorer who then proceeds to record the numbers of the six
starting players of each team on the score sheet.

Teams: The coach of each team gives the line-up sheets for the first set to the second
referee. The number of the Libero players must be recorded on the line-up sheet.

h) 1 minute before the start:

Announcer: Presentation of Referees. Presentation of starting players, Libero, and Head


First referee: Blows his/her whistle and directs the team members to immediately enter the
court. The second referee gives two match balls to the ball retrievers, checks the position
of the starting players (i.e., if they are the same as those registered in the line-up sheet and
gives the third ball to the server). He/she checks if the scorer is also ready and signals to
the first referee that everything is in order.

Teams: The six starting players from each team enter the court.

At the start of the match:

First referee: Blows his/her whistle to authorize the first service of the match.


NOTE: All matches will begin according to the schedule published; however, if the preceding match
takes longer than scheduled, the official protocol (16 minutes) will begin only after the court has
been cleared and the administration of the previous match has been completed. The referees
will communicate this starting time to both team coaches.


The main purpose of the current guidelines is to secure the players’ safety, the normal flow of the game,
and to avoid that players have to wipe the floor themselves.


 4 moppers per court x 2 courts = 8 moppers in total
 Moppers must be experienced Volleyball players. They must be well trained for this task.

 6 pieces of one meter wide mop with stick
 3 pieces should be located near each respective warm-up area
 8 absorbent towels (minimum size 40 cm x 40 cm, maximum size 40 cm x 80 cm);
 4 (2-2) must be available and located near the scorer’s table, and 4 (2-2) by the moppers sitting
on small chairs


a) 1 quick mopper per playing court (2 in total) behind either the first or the second referee, sitting
on the heels (ready to run to the wet spot).

b) 3 moppers near each warm-up area (6 total) sitting on small chairs (1 quick mopper and 2
regular moppers).

c) Moppers must pay attention to the fact that they should not obstruct any advertising panel
surrounding the playing court regardless of their location, especially behind the first referee’s


To ensure the game continuity and stop delaying tactics, Volleyball Canada has made the following


a) 3 moppers wipe each playing court as one unit. The 3 moppers located near the warm-up
area must bring 3 mops with sticks to the sideline on the front zone and near the second

b) 3 moppers start to wipe the playing court in serpentine form as per the attached diagram

c) Any player who delays the game, under the pretext of drying the floor, is liable to a “delay
warning” extensible to the team. In the case of recurrence in the same match by any
member of the same team, he/she will be penalized by “delay penalty” as many times as
this occurs. The team is considered as being at fault; this is not a personal fault.

d) Should a team impede the resumption of the game following a time-out, under the pretext
of excessive wetness on the floor, it will be sanctioned by a “delay warning.”



a) Whenever a quick mopper perceives a wet spot on the court, he/she raises his/her hand,
signals the wet spot and waits for the end of the rally. Immediately after the referee blows
his/her whistle “ball out of play,” only the mopper(s) (up to 2 moppers per court) who raised
his/her/their hand (with two absorbent towels) must rush out to the wet spot. In each
playing court, the mopper sitting behind either of the first or second referee will take care of
the front zone of the court.

The two quick moppers sitting by the warm-up area will constantly observe their back court
in order to rush out to a wet spot as soon as the referee whistles “ball out of play.”

If there is more than one wet spot for a given mopper, the highest priority is wet spots
within the front zone. Wet spots in the back court or out of the court are second priority.

b) Immediately after the quick wiping, the mopper(s) must return to their respective position by
taking the shortest way to run off the playing court.

c) The amount of time for wiping a wet spot must be 6 to 8 seconds (i.e., between the rally
ends with the referee’s whistle and the first referee’s whistle for the next service). No delay
to the game must be caused by the moppers.

d) The referees are not involved in the mopper’s operations; however, the first referee has the
authority to regulate the moppers’ operation only in case the game is disturbed by the
mopper(s), or if they did not do their work properly.

e) The players and coaches have no right to request the moppers to wipe a wet spot or to
influence them when mopping.

Any player who delays the game, under the pretext of drying the floor, is liable to a "delay
warning" extensible to the team. In the case of recurrence in the same match, by any
member of the same team, he/she will be penalized by a "delay penalty" as many times as
this occurs. The team is considered as being at fault; this is not a personal fault. Should a
team impede the resumption of the game following a time-out under the pretext of
excessive wetness on the floor, it will be sanctioned by a "delay warning".

6. For FIVB and international matches, refer to the FIVB Referee Guidelines
( for mopping procedures
(Rule 16 – Point 3 – Floor Mopping)



Most tournaments are organized to allow the settling of a protest immediately, and the
procedure is usually outlined in the tournament rules.

If the protest occurs during league play, or any other time a protest committee is not on the site,
the referee must know how to handle the situation.



A captain may legally protest only AN ERROR IN APPLYING A RULE OR RULE

INTERPRETATION. The captain must lodge the protest immediately to the first referee who will
then indicate to the scorekeeper that a protest has been lodged. Once the match has ended, the
captain must describe the incident on the score sheet or on a paper to be attached to the score
sheet before he signs off the score sheet. This record includes game number, score, ball
possession and player position on floor at time of protested decision, and reason for protest.
The protest is then referred to the appropriate higher authority (i.e. league executive, jury) for
acceptance or refusal. Refusal means that the game or match result stands as played.
Acceptance involves replaying of the event in whole or in part depending on the judgment and in
the next available gym space as allocated by the DCC Jury member.

The following supports rules,, 23.2.4 and the “Protest Procedures” section in the
Volleyball Canada Rule Book. Acknowledgement: Some of the phrases used below were
borrowed from the document, FIVB Beach Volleyball Protest Protocol.

As a First Referee, please remember that:

 Being proactive is always good policy: the First Referee must ensure that all practicable
steps have been taken to ensure that the protest procedure is not enacted. This
1. Communicating clearly to players the nature of the fault / basis of decision
2. Repetition of hand signals where appropriate
3. Consultation with all relevant officials applicable to the application / interpretation of
the rule(s)
4. If appropriate, confirm the criteria for a valid protest
5. Confirm that, after all the above steps have been undertaken, that the team captain
wishes to formally protest.

 The criteria for acceptance of a legitimate protest shall involve any one or more of the
following circumstances:
1. The referee misinterprets a rule of the game
2. There is a scoring error (rotation or match score)
3. A technical aspect of the match conditions (temperature, light, etc)
4. The referee did not correctly apply the rules / regulations or did not assume the
correct consequences of his/ her decisions.

The First Referee must only consider these four criteria in evaluating whether to accept a
protest as being valid or not and therefore capable of potential consideration. It is
improper for the referee to accept a protest that involves playing actions or misconduct


unless there is a misinterpretation of the rules. The First Referee should clearly identify
on the score sheet which of the four criteria apply to the protest. It is possible that a
protest may satisfy more than 1 criterion.

 A protest procedure is commenced by a team captain formally indicating his / her wish to
protest following the explanation he / she has received on the application or
interpretation of the rules from the First Referee. Once a team captain has formally
protested, the First Referee should not:
1. Choose not to proceed with the protest procedure
2. State to the player the likely outcome of the protest
3. Comment on the validity or legitimacy of the team captain’s protest.

 At the moment of the protest, the Scorer, under the direction of the First Referee, should
record on the score sheet sufficient match details to be able to recommence the match
from this point.

 At the completion of the match, the First Referee should ensure that the Remarks
section of the score sheet has been completed with all the required information. The
protest written by the team captain (he may be assisted by a team official) may be
completed on the back of the score sheet or on a separate page, attached to the score
sheet. It must be signed by the relevant team’s captain. The match officials must not
prevent or dictate the content of the protest.

 If there is a jury or a protest committee assigned to the match, the match is interrupted
until the protest is resolved. Players will go to their benches while the jury deliberates.

At Canadian Championships, the procedure for a judges’ conference can be used to rule on

The judges’ conference holds official authority to solve problems occurring during the game in
order to correct an improper situation in accordance with Volleyball Canada rules and

Only the following circumstances are protestable:

a) an improper decision by the referee who did not apply the rules or regulations.
b) an improper decision of the scorer who made a mistake on the rotational order or on
the score.

A referee’s decision regarding a playing action (ie. ball handling or a misconduct) cannot be

The protest will be accepted or rejected prior to the resumption of play by the tournament jury.


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