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ARGE Guideline - Part 2

“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Functional assessment for the efficiency of fire suppression
and extinguishing systems in passenger and staff areas,
electric cabinets and in areas with combustion engines
Guideline/Testing instructions

Rev. No. Date Responsible Comment

1.0 12-02-2008 ARGE Adoption
2.0 11-19-2009 ARGE 1st Update
3.0 09-17-2012 ARGE 2nd Update
4.0 09-10-2018 ARGE 3rd Update
4.1 15.11.2018 ARGE Update

This Guideline is the result of a cooperation of the Detection Technology Consortium


Title: ARGE Guideline – Part 2

Revision: 4.1
Valid from: 11-2018 Creator: ARGE
Page 1 of 37 Creation date: 15-11-2018
ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

List of Contents
1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. PREFACE ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. ACCEPTANCE ................................................................................................................. 4
1.4. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.5. VALIDITY ........................................................................................................................ 6
2. SYSTEM SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN ............................................................................. 7
3. ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 8
3.1. INDEPENDENT EVALUATION ............................................................................................. 9
3.2. FIRE SUPPRESSION IN PASSENGER AND STAFF AREAS ...................................................... 9
3.2.1. Principle .............................................................................................................. 9
3.2.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................... 9
3.2.3. Basic test conditions ........................................................................................... 9
3.2.4. Fire location ...................................................................................................... 13
3.2.5. Test criteria ....................................................................................................... 13
3.3. FIRE EXTINGUISHING IN AREAS WITH TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ........................................... 14
3.3.1. Principle ............................................................................................................ 14
3.3.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................. 14
3.3.3. Basic test conditions ......................................................................................... 15
3.3.4. Test criteria ....................................................................................................... 16
4. REVISIONS OF THE GUIDELINE........................................................................................ 18
ABBREVIATIONS, DEFINTIONS AND TERMS........................................................ 20
INFORMATION ON REFERENCE FIRE LOAD “LUGGAGE“ ................................. 23
ROOM CONDITIONS TO BE ENSURED .................................................................. 27
TECHNOLOGY”......................................................................................................... 28
TEMPLATE F-2.1 “TEST DOCUMENTATION – COMMON AREA” ........................ 29
TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT” ....................................................................................... 32
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASSESSMENT ............................................................ 35
INSTALLATION/TECHNICAL CABINETS ................................................................ 36
MEMBERS (ARGE) .................................................................................................... 37

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

1. General
The purpose of the Guideline is the specification of a fire suppression or fire extinguishing
system with regard to the different vehicle types or places of installation. In addition, it
specifies the functional assessment of fire suppression systems in passenger areas and
fire extinguishing systems in electrical cabinets regarding possible fire incidents in
railway vehicles.
The assessment focuses on the efficiency of fire suppression and fire extinguishing
systems and the selection of the fire extinguishing medium.
This Guideline represents minimum requirements for fire suppression and fire
extinguishing systems. The vehicle manufacturer can define advanced protective aims
based on requirements of the vehicle operator.
The rules and standards in the present document are valid in their latest version.
1.1. Preface
The Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI), the current state of the art and the
European Standard EN 45545-6 include requirements for the installation of fire
suppression and fire extinguishing systems. Few requirements for the assessment
procedure are included in Standard EN 50553. The purpose of Standard EN 50553 is to
define requirements for railway vehicles in terms of running capability in case of fire,
whereas the ARGE Guideline focuses on the aim “to protect passengers and staff“. Thus,
the assessment procedures are more conservative than the requirements in Standard
EN 50553.
To guarantee the design and the assessment for the installation of fire suppression and
fire extinguishing systems in railway vehicles, system specific requirements for design,
construction and type tests are needed.
This Guideline identifies the required criteria for the practical assessment.
1.2. Objectives
With respect to the protective aims defined in laws, regulations and state of the art a fire
incident must be detected already during the formation phase (e. g. smoldering fire) or
after the inflammation (e. g. liquid fire in a technical cabinet).
The requirement is to protect passengers and staff in railway vehicles. The objective is
to ensure health conditions acceptable for a safe evacuation, which is also intended by
TSI and the Standards EN 45545.
To provide a place of relative safety – stay in a passenger area during a defined time
with no danger for health, the following values shown in the table below must be fulfilled:

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Table 1: Evaluation data and reference values for quantitative protective aims

Exposure time Exposure time

Flue gas parameters Critical value approx. 15 min approx. 5 min incl.
incl. coefficient of coefficient of safety
Carbon monoxid < 1,400 ppm 200 ppm 500 ppm
Carbon dioxid < 6.0 Vol.-% 2.0 Vol.-% 3.0 Vol.-%
Oxygen > 12.0 Vol.% 14.0 Vol.% 12.0 Vol. %
Temperature of smoke < 65 °C 50 °C 50 °C

The values consider the information from the engineering guide for fire prevention
methods review 4 of vfdb (11-2013) and the guideline “Design fire” VdS 2827 (05-2000),
VdS Schadenverhütung, Cologne.
Measurements were performed in areas affected by fire in a height of approx. 1.6 m and
approx. 2.0 m away from the ignition source.
The objective is a general and acceptable definition of repeatable assessment
processes, which are already taken into account for the system design.
The processes defined in the Guideline shall already be applied on prototype tests,
existing vehicles or 1:1 models based on design definition. These tests are the basis for
final type tests or the acceptance of the fire suppression and fire extinguishing systems.
The assessment of fire suppression and extinguishing systems focuses on the ignition
scenarios/ignition models according to EN 45545-1, Appendix A. It doesn’t focus on other
models e. g. based on natural influences or terrorism.

1.3. Acceptance
Since its release the ARGE Guideline is accepted as state of the art regarding to
accreditation of railway vehicles.

1.4. Scope
The purpose of the Guideline is to design and assess the efficiency and practical use of
fire suppression and fire extinguishing systems in railway vehicles and track guided

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Figure 1: General fire development (fire incident without and with fire suppression /extinguishing)

The results of the assessment must ensure:

• at least a fire suppression system in “places of relative safety” for persons in
passenger areas when the train keeps moving or
• a fire extinguishing system for “places of ultimate safety” in technical cabinets.
A fire risk analysis has to be the basis for the design of a fire suppression or fire
extinguishing system related to the potential fire locations or fire areas.
The design fires defined in this Guideline are the basis for the assessment (for the
passenger compartment see Appendix 2 and for the electrical equipment see paragraph
3.2). Note the possible fire effects, other fire effluents (e. g. smoke release) and the base
conditions of operation (e. g. ventilation conditions).
The fire risk analysis is the basis for the system design and should be provided by the
vehicle manufacturer. As well, the fire risk can be determined by the system manufacturer
who has to take into account information of the vehicle manufacturer.

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

For assessing the efficiency of the system technology, this guideline has to be applied
as follows:
• for gas extinguishing systems on the first production vehicle and
• for other fire extinguishing systems by using a 1:1 model, with the possibility of
simplifications in case of similar location or equipment conditions via evaluation of
The assessment of efficiency and/or the evaluation of conformity must be acknowledged
by officially recognized railway assessors/experts in collaboration with the manufacturer
and supplier, so that an assessment is available for the approval of vehicle operation and
for other certification processes (e. g. within the scope of the Technical Specifications of
Interoperability – TSI).

1.5. Validity
This Guideline applies to the use in railway vehicles and other track guided systems
equipped with fire suppression and fire extinguishing systems.
As necessary the Guideline can be applied to comparable technical systems (e. g.
The assessment processes must be applied on the evaluation in terms of fire protection
of passenger, staff and technical areas.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

2. System specification and design

The system design or implementation must meet the state of the art, for example for:
• the design and installation of system equipment (according to EN 15004-1, focused
on vehicles)
• the components used in the system (according to Standards EN°12094)
• the assessment of railway standards (according to EN 50155).
In case of deviations from the mentioned standards an assessment of “equal safety” is
necessary, requiring the acceptance of the assessment body.
For the basic requirements of the system technology see Appendix 7. Here, the focus is
on the assessment of the railway standard.
The documentation of fulfilled requirements must be comprehensively provided before
the type test and for the approval of the system technology.
In addition, the maintainability and the accessibility for maintenance or visual inspections
must be taken into account for the system realization.
The duration of fire suppression has to ensure acceptable stay conditions in passenger
compartments with “relative safety”. For reference see TSI SRT.
The duration of fire extinguishing in technical cabinets takes into account a verifiably
extinguished fire. Before, the affected technical equipment has to be switched off.
Otherwise, there will be the risk that the stored volume of fire extinguishing medium is
exhausted before completely extinguishing the fire, which could end in other hazards.
The extinguishing process is automatically activated by fire detection and should not be
interrupted or delayed. An additional manual activation is possible without any side
effects on the system.
The functional requirements for the fire detection and fire suppression and extinguishing
system resulting from
• fire detection system
(reference to ARGE Guideline – Part 1) and
• system control to the point of monitoring of the required ”safe” or at least of the
“reliable“ system functionality
(reference to ARGE Guideline – Part 3)

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

3. Assessment specifications
The specifications exclusively focus on the assessment of fire suppression and fire
extinguishing effects regarding the basic conditions in potential fire areas.
The areas which have to be protected are classified as:

• Passenger and staff areas

The objective is to ensure a place of “relative safety”, in which a person can stay
without any danger, e. g. with a period of time of 4 to 15 minutes.
The duration of fire suppression is determined according to the operational vehicle
concept, essentially based on the vehicle running time (reference to standards
EN 45545). After finishing fire suppression, the fire must not be increased (see
Appendix 4).

• Areas with technical equipment

The objective is to ensure the necessary functions for continuing vehicle operation
and to limit and exclude fire effects on surrounding areas by fire extinguishing.
The duration of the fire extinguishing is determined by the effect of the fire
extinguishing medium related to the fire incident. It should be noted that both, liquid
fires of Class B according to EN 2 and solid fires of Class A according to EN 2 have
to be extinguished. In addition, leakages of the fire area must be considered with
respect to the efficiency of fire extinguishing.
In any case, before extinguishing the fire the technical equipment must be shutdown
and technical equipment which causes fire must be prevented to restart.
In case of continuing vehicle operation consider that the release of fire load (e. g.
diesel fuel) or permanent energy input (e. g. electrical ignition power) result in more
critical fire effects. The fire extinguishing system shall be capable to control and
extinguish the fire, so that there is no risk of endangering passenger and staff.
In general, the focus is on the protection of passengers and staff regarding the
assessment of the capability of fire suppression and fire extinguishing. This concerns the
prevention of a direct danger during stay inside and outside the vehicle as well as during
self-rescue from the vehicle. The object safety is also taken into account, at least as far
as this is related to personal safety.
This Guideline does not focus on further requirements for object safety.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

3.1. Independent evaluation

The evaluation complies with the appropriate approval process of the railway vehicle, for
• inspection body ISO/IEC 17020 Type A, accredited as specialist for fire safety in
railway vehicles, with European evaluations of conformity according to the Technical
Specifications for Interoperability (TSI),
• expert which is acknowledged by the appropriate body in the national approval
process or
• other national acknowledged bodies.
This also applies to deviations from evaluation criteria mentioned in this Guideline.
Note: The test should be performed by a test center which is acknowledged according to ISO/IEC 17025,
accredited according to this Guideline.

3.2. Fire suppression in passenger and staff areas

3.2.1. Principle
The used fire extinguishing medium should not include, release or develop substances
during fire suppression which cause a danger to health. Fire effects must be minimized
as far as possible (see Appendix 3).
EN 50553 mentions fire suppression systems in passenger and staff areas only in the
informative Appendix C. EN 50553 refers to the assessment, like for electrical equipment
and combustion engines in paragraph EN 50553 does not describe special test
scenarios for passenger areas.
3.2.2. Recommendation
For fire suppression in passenger and staff areas water-based fire extinguishing media
are suitable. Here, irritating ingredients should not be used, as far as possible.
3.2.3. Basic test conditions
For the assessment of efficiency, related on the fire extinguishing medium water mist, a
real test fire must be simulated in a 1:1 vehicle model.
In this 1:1 vehicle model, also the original materials installed in the vehicle can be used
(e.g. original seats and side panels). However, it is not allowed to use other fire loads or
other ignition sources, which are not described in this document.
Existent test results from projects with similar geometry and layout can be used based
on an evaluation of conformity. This acknowledgement of the results (“Cross
Acceptance”) must be verified by an assessor/specialist for railway vehicles. An
evaluation of conformity is only possible when the fire test has been performed with
vehicle-neutral conservative materials (see description below). If a fire test was
performed with only the original vehicle materials, the fire test is only valid for this vehicle.

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

The assessment of the efficiency has to be realized according to the following

• As referenced fire load, two foam cushions on top of each other are used as fire
object. The result is a flat burn-off of the foam cushions. Its energy release is to be
assessed as conservative compared to the design fire “luggage” (see Appendix 2).
The application of foam cushions is recommended particularly for setting or
optimizing the system technology due to comparable test results.

Specification foam cushion:

Polyurethane foam - dimensions 0.4 m x 0.4 m x 0.1 m, density 25 kg/m³ to 35 kg/m³.
• If a verified test is required, the referenced fire load must be “luggage”. Here, the
requirements for characteristics of the luggage material and for the ingredients must
be fulfilled according to Appendix 2.
• The fire incident must be performed in an area which is the farthest away as well
as very close to the outlet nozzles.
The simulated fire incident starts by igniting a UIC paper cushion (UIC 564-2). The fire
starts by igniting the four edges of the UIC paper cushion placed on the fire object.
• paper with area-related mass of approx. 50 g/m²
• mass in total 100 g (+/- 10 %)
• approx. 6-7 paper wads in the same line, in tacked sheet of paper

Figure 2: Example UIC paper cushion

From a conservative point of view, the fire model must be equipped with non-fire-resistant
materials. The sidewall must be simulated with plywood and the seat cushions (seat and
back) with cushion foam.
For simulating the interior wall, the following conservative material is recommended:

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Plywood (commercially available):

• bonding resistant in areas with generally a low air humidity (e. g. IF20)
• thickness of 3 to 5mm and three-ply at maximum
• material density approx. 400 to 700 kg/m3
• without wood preservative or flame retardant
• material humidity < 20 %
The arrangement of fire loads have to be tested according to Figure 3. The focus must
be on the actual dimensions of the passenger area including seat arrangement. The
position of the ignition source must be chosen according to paragraph 3.1.4 (shown as
example in Figure 3).
The intended tests including test preparation and selection of the fire model should be
presented to an assessor before the test starts.

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Figure 3: Example for the interior area with the position of the fire objects (approximate values)
Determining the pre-burn time (after ignition of the paper cushion until start of the fire
suppression system):
By means of the pre-burn time the possible fire development until the fire detection is
simulated by the fire detection system (reference to ARGE Guideline - Part 1). During
this time, the construction materials in direct surrounding area of the fire object are
thermally affected by the fire.
Regarding the definition of the factor of safety, the area conditions (ventilation specific
for vehicles and technical cabinets), the development of fire ignited by easily inflammable
materials and the technical response time of the fire detection system are taken into
account. This is a common process for fire protection technology.
The pre-burn time is defined for the following basic conditions:
Due to the characteristics of the fire development, the use of the fire object paper cushion
results in a higher energy release compared to the design fire “luggage”.

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

• Considerating the maximum response time of the smoke detection system in the
affected area the pre-burn time is at least 75 seconds by using a paper cushion
(60 seconds, plus system response time e. g. 15 seconds).
• The pre-burn time is at least 135 seconds by using luggage [see Appendix 2] (120
seconds, plus system response time e. g. 15 seconds).
For the tests a verified system reliability and system safety is presumed, assessed by
the recognized tools of RAMS-considerations (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability,
Safety), (see also ARGE Guideline - Part 3).

3.2.4. Fire location

The fire load has to be positioned at a place which can be assessed as conservative
regarding the outlet nozzles of the fire extinguishing media. Possible obstructions or
deflection surfaces related to the discharge of the fire extinguishing medium have to be
This is for example between two seats, at the side wall on the floor or on the seat or
between the seat backs on the floor at a farthest point from the outlet nozzle.

3.2.5. Test criteria

The requirements which are necessary for staying in the train area must be assessed. A
stay without any risk and danger must be possible outside an area of at most 2 meters
around the fire location in passenger areas. The target values should not be
exceeded, limit values must not be exceeded. Air temperature, oxygen concentration,
carbon monoxide concentration and carbon dioxide concentration [see Appendix 3] must
be determined during the entire test or the required period of time.
• Due to the potential quantity optimization of the fire extinguishing medium in the
fire location, fire suppression areas has to overlap in case of a functional location
• In the fire location, a constant distribution of fire extinguishing medium or fog
concentration has to be assessed or visually inspected.
• The values shown in table 1 “Evaluation data and reference values for quantitative
protective aims“ must be met for at least 15 minutes after beginning fire
• After finishing spraying, flames may not increase again.

A duration of fire suppression of at least 10 minutes is recommended.

To fulfil the protective aims an extension of period will be required, if it is necessary due
to risk analysis.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

3.3. Fire extinguishing in areas with technical equipment

3.3.1. Principle
A fire in areas with technical equipment must be completely extinguished, if the vehicle
cannot reach a completely safe area for the self-rescue of passengers. After fire
extinguishing, a state equivalent to a technical failure without further fire impact must be
reached. This has to be ensured when running through “long tunnels” in single traction
or with only one drive system.
Before activating the fire extinguishing system the relevant technical equipment and
engines must be shut down. Areas with technical equipment must be completely
electrically shut down. In areas with combustion engines fuel supply should be cut off.
Without these measures, depending on the type of fire extinguishing media, there will be
the risk of further system failures. Examples for risks from the fire extinguishing medium
are flash-overs caused by humidity, freezing or massive fire effects due to an increased
pool fire.
For the assessment of the basic conditions the influences from the operational
environment e. g. airstream transfer or effects from necessary technical equipment until
vehicle stop must be taken into account.
In EN 50553 no basic conditions are defined, reference is made to EN 3-7 class B fires.
There a no differences mentioned regarding the used fire extinguishing medium or the
fire load in connection with the fire location.
For the assessment of the efficiency of fire extinguishing systems in areas with technical
equipment (high voltage and combustion engines) a fire incident shall be simulated with
12 liters of liquid (comprising 4 litres of water on which is floated 8 litres of n-heptane).
The tray should be circular with a surface area of 0.2 m² and a depth of 150 mm. It shall
be made from steel of 2 mm thickness.
An assessment by CFD modelling is not accepted.

3.3.2. Recommendation
For fire extinguishing in areas with technical equipment, water-based extinguishing
media (with or without additives which improve extinguishing parameters), extinguishing
gases and fine grained powder or aerosols are recommended according to the present
fire loads (liquids and solids).
The selection of the fire extinguishing medium requires aspects of object safety. In case
of fire release, the impacts from the extinguishing medium must be limited, so that
corrective maintenance can be performed with reasonable effort or that technical failures
are minimized.
The protection against freezing must be taken into account to guarantee full availability.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

3.3.3. Basic test conditions

Only those gas extinguishing systems are allowed which are defined in EN 15004 or
which are especially authorized for application.
For gas extinguishing systems test flooding must verify, that the defined
extinguishing concentration- and minimum design concentration related to the
necessary vehicle stop in the complete fire risk area will be met. Regarding equipment
boxes and electrical containers with automatic release by the parameter temperature an
increased area temperature of at most 60°C is acceptable during test flooding.
According to table 3 of EN 15004-2:2008 the determined concentrations of the measured
temperature may be converted in a temperature which is at least 20°C lower than the
release temperature.
Due to a normative compliance by assessment for the used extinguishing medium –
mentioned in data sheets and system specific hydraulic calculations – generally no
further fire tests are required.
For water mist extinguishing systems and systems with other extinguishing media
a 1:1 assessment has to be performed regarding the following conditions:

For applications with combustion engines:

1. Simulating a spray fire by rupture of an injection line with a heat release, which
corresponds to a leaking amount of fuel of an appropriate engine pipe. Here, at
least a leakage of 0.0033 l/s at an injection line must be simulated.
A time of 15 seconds is specified as pre-burn time, to heat the area affected by
spray fire. An additional direct pre-heating with manual burning will be necessary,
if liquid fire loads can accumulate (e. g. depressions in pool fire). It must be
assessed that, after extinguishing, a reignition by the leaking flammable fuel at
overheated areas is prevented.
If the engine has equipment to prevent leakages on injection lines (e. g. double-
walled injection lines), the test will not be required.
2. Simulating a pool fire with a surface area of 1/3 of the fire pan, but at least 1 m²
located below and centrally to the engine (Note: the heat release rate of a pool fire
by diesel fuel is 1,800 kW corresponding to a surface area of 1 m²). To achieve a
solid thermal lift, the fire area and the surfaces must be heated by a pre-burn time
of at least 60 seconds.
3. Simulating a pool fire with a long surface area of at least 0.25 m² located above
the engine and centrally located between the nozzles (Note: the heat release rate
of a pool fire by diesel fuel is 347 kW corresponding to a surface area of 0.25 m²,
example for a surface area of 0.9 m x 0.3 m (0.27 m²) the heat release rate is
approx. 380 kW). To achieve a solid thermal lift, the fire area and the surfaces must
be heated during a pre-burn time of 30 seconds when the distance of coverage is
up to 500 mm and during a period of at least 60 seconds when the distance is

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If there are re-ignition hazards at operationally heated surfaces, they have to be

The situation should be presented to an assessor before starting the tests.

Simulating a fire in an electrical container/electrical cabinet, based on a fire pan with

a surface area of 15 cm x 15 cm filled with 18 ml heptane and 2 ml toluol (with reference
to standards EN54).
If possible, this test has to be performed in the considered electrical container and
cabinet. The test will be not required, if the area has an IP standard or the construction
has only small leakages.

In an area with electrical equipment (in general electrical containers and electrical
cabinets), a determination of the simulating fire area is not relevant. The complete filling
of the area with the extinguishing medium is determined over a defined period of release.
For example the thermal lift in the affected area results in “suction” of water mist by the
fire. There must not be separations between the potential fire location and the nozzle
installation, as shown in the fire risk analysis.
In an area with combustion engines, the potential development of accumulations (e. g.
fuel, oil) or the leakage of coolant, considerating the possible evaporation on hot
surfaces, has to be taken into account for the design and installation of extinguishing
The assessment for fire performance or the required application time with extinguishing
media bases generally on 1:1 fire tests. Here, the real fire situation can be simulated
in a fire model with corresponding equipment (obstructions).
Test results from projects with similar geometrical and design conditions can be used
based on an evaluation of conformity. This agreement on results (“Cross Acceptance”)
must be verified by officially recognized railway assessors/experts. This concerns e. g.
diesel engines at locomotives from one product family as well, which have amongst
others only different lengths but similar obstructions.

3.3.4. Test criteria Gas extinguishing systems

Deviating from or in addition to the generally applicable standards for gas extinguishing
systems, its application in railway vehicles und track-guided vehicles is defined as
follows: Dynamic tests will be required, if airstream influences the air flow in the fire
extinguishing area. At the activation time of the fire extinguishing system the dynamic
ventilation is switched off in the fire area.
• Time until the fire extinguishing medium extinguish:
A period of 10 seconds from activation until the outlet of the extinguishing medium
from the nozzles must not be exceeded by gas extinguishing systems.

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• Minimum design concentration:

The minimum design concentration results from the extinguishing gas
concentration plus a coefficient of safety, and is determined by the approval of the
gas extinguishing system.
This concentration must be achieved for
− Non-inert gases within 20 seconds
− Inert gases within 120 seconds
after system activation.
Since the concentration of the extinguishing medium will not be homogeneous at
the beginning of extinguishing, the minimum design concentration has to be
measured where the fire risk analysis has identified a potential fire starting point
(i. e. a component of high fire risk).
• Retention time:
− The retention time starts when achieving the minimum design concentration.
The retention time for liquefied extinguishing gases is at least 30 seconds.
− For non-liquefied extinguishing gases at least 180 seconds
The minimum design concentration should fall short within the retention time. Systems with non-gaseous extinguishing media

It must be verified that after finishing extinguishing not further burning takes place a
delayed reignition is not possible.
The result must be a uniform distribution of fire extinguishing media in the whole fire area
or in the area which is potentially affected by the fire.
• Time until the outlet of fire extinguishing medium:
The period of 10 seconds must not be exceeded from the activation until the outlet
of the fire extinguishing medium from the nozzles.
• Application time:
Due to the different characteristics and effects of the agent, the effective
concentration of the fire extinguishing medium in the fire risk areas cannot be
determined by measurement. For this reason:
− for water-based media, the outlet duration of the extinguishing media is at
least 120 seconds according to the extinguishing time plus 50 % resulting of
the fire test or
− for solid fire extinguishing media, the amount of fire extinguishing medium
must be plus 25 % to extinguish a fire in a defined area.
The simulated fire incident must be extinguished before the release of fire extinguishing
media ends.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

4. Revisions of the Guideline

ARGE is exclusively responsible for changes and updates of the Guideline as a result of
technical discussions and exchange of experiences. Current findings in connection with
the application of the Guideline are taken into account.
The leading editorial work is supervised by TÜV SÜD.
TÜV NORD ensures the 4-eyes principle.

Editorial TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co.KG
Work: Schützenstraße 15-17 Große Bahnstraße 31
10117 Berlin 22525 Hamburg
Germany Germany

TÜV Rheinland AG
Am Grauen Stein
51105 Cologne

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

List of appendixes
Abbreviations, defintions and terms 20
Information on reference fire load “luggage“ 23
Room conditions to be ensured 27
Template F-1 “Test documentation – extinguishing technology” 28
Template F-2.1 “Test documentation – common area” 29
Template F-2.2 “Test documentation – areas with technical
equipment” 32
Requirements for the assessment 35
Specification for positioning fire fighting equipment in enclosed
places of installation/technical cabinets 36
Members (ARGE) 37

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Abbreviations, defintions and terms

A) Abkürzungen
ARGE Arbeitsgemeinschaft‐Brandbekämpfungstechnik – Consortium –
Fire detection technology
BBA Brandbekämpfungsanlage – Fire suppression system
BLA Brandlöschanlage – Fire extinguishing system
BMA Brandmeldeanlage – Fire detection system
BMZ Brandmeldezentrale – Fire alarm receiving station
RILI Richtlinie - Guideline
TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability
Union of Railways

B) Definitions and terms

Refer to EN ISO 13943 Fire safety – Vocabulary.
Areas with technical Places of installation separated from passenger and staff areas
equipment for electrical installations or machinery, which are not intended to
be accessible to passengers. These areas or containers housing
electrical or electronic components or equipment requiring
monitoring such as batteries, fire load carrying systems or
Concentration of the Actual necessary concentration of an extinguishing medium in the
extinguishing medium atmosphere of a fire area to ensure a successful extinguishing
(see standards EN 15004).
Cross Acceptance Mutual agreement of assessments or certificates with the same
Fire extinguishing Fire protection system for areas with technical equipment,
combustion engines. The fire must be completely extinguished to
reduce the necessary emergency scenarios to technical failures
e. g. in underground transportation systems.
Fire suppression Fire protection system for passenger and staff areas, toilets or
driver cabinets. Fire incidents are reduced to their ignition source,
the environmental temperature conditions are kept at an
acceptable level for survival and the toxic gas concentration is
minimized. The fire suppression system must ensure that
passenger and staff can stay in the vehicle until a place of relative
safety is reached and an evacuation is possible.

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Fire object A combustible fire load in immediate environment of an available

ignition (fire starter) which can be actively included into the fire
process by a temporary energy supply (highly flammable), or only
by means of a permanent energy supply (flame retardant).
Fire risk analysis By analyzing failure impacts (e. g. technical failures), the risk of a
fire development and the resulting fire impacts are estimated. The
evaluation is based on qualitative criteria.
Flow condition Operation-related air flow situation in a separated area (e. g. static
or dynamic ventilation), or an outside area.
Ignition load, fire load A fire load affected by an ignition source which is required and
arranged for further ignition of objects.
Ignition source Source of energy that initiates combustion and ignitable materials.
Luggage Fire load defined for the vehicle interior, which determines the
dimensioned fire for assessing the fire protection design.
Mechanical equipment Technical or drive system installed in, under or on railway
Minimum design Extinguishing concentration which ensures a successful
concentration extinguishing plus safety value.
Place of installation Room or enclosure to house technical equipment such as
technical cabinets, equipment containers, roof interior.
Places of relative safety Places, in which the residual health risk for persons is acceptable
and direct danger is excluded. This is usually achieved by a fire
suppression system. So, the fire incident will be suppressed and
impacts will be limited. Passenger and staff still can be in the
immediate environment of the area affected by the fire.
Places of ultimate safety Places, in which impacts of fire incidents do not endanger persons
Railway standards Verified characteristic of a technical system, which is applicable in
railway vehicles.
Railway vehicles These include all track-guided vehicles, such as railways,
tramways, cable railways, mine railways and magnetic levitation
Reference fire load An object fire load defined in its type, mass and dimensions (in
contrast to the usual, possibly variable fire loads) which allows for
uniform basic conditions for analyzing purposes.
Track guided vehicles These include railway vehicles, magnetic levitation vehicles, track
guided buses and passenger transport systems.

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

UIC paper cushion For railway technology, it is a common available ignition source
with a burning time between 2 and 3 minutes. The mass is 100 g
in the form of seven paper wads kept together by means of a
paper sheet are taken. The grammage is approximately 50 g/m².

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Information on reference fire load “luggage“

Design fire “luggage”.
Defined size of the travel bag (standard cloth bag medium size: 0.40 x 0.30 x 0.30 m³).

The travel bag has the following content:

Composition Mtravel bag [g]

travel bag 100 % nylon 600
sweater vest 100 % polyacrylate 300
2 sheets 100 % cotton 1,000<
toothbrush cup 100 % polyethylene 25
newspaper 100 % paper 200
rubber boot cotton, polyvinyl chloride 900
1 standard wood 300
total mass 3,400
*alignment with R-32

Example of a packed travel bag

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Reference fire load “foam cushion”:

• material polyurethane foam

• densitiy 25 to 35 kg/m³
• size 40 x 40 x 10 cm.
Basic information:
In 2003, in connection with the project “passenger area fire tests”, preliminary tests to
determine the reference fire load were performed in the SBI (Single Burning Item) room
of the fire testing institute - Material Research Centre Leipzig (MFPA). These tests were
accompanied by the experts Mrs. Helbig (Expert office Katrin Helbig), Dr.-Ing. Heyn (TÜV
SÜD Rail) and Mr. Wilk (Fire Protection Consult Leipzig) and documented in the “Report
on the fire tests of travel bags and equivalent model arrangements”, 11-24-2003.

For the fire object “luggage” the design fire is defined as follows, based on tests:
• continuously increasing heat release rate up to at least 120 kW after 5 min
• minimum fire load of the bag of 136 MJ with a calorific value of at least
21 MJ/kg
• ignition source is 100 g of newspaper (acc. to. UIC 564-2) placed on top of
the bag

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

travel bag foam blocks without cotton foam blocks with cotton
cover cover
Q(bag - V7)=23 MJ Q(cushion without CC - V16)= 20 – 26 Q(cushio with CC – V6)= 33 – 36 MJ

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

The design fire “luggage” is a realistic fire scenario in a passenger train and meets the
requirements in EN 45545-1, Appendix A “Ignition models”.

Typically assumed ignition models according to EN 45545-1:

Ignition model 1:
This represents a typical ignition source due to arson and vandalism, for example
newspaper or rubbish.
The ignition model is a flaming source of 3 min duration and average power output of
7 kW generating a flux of 25 kWm−2 to 30 kWm−2.

Ignition model 2:
This represents the effect of an early developing fire on surfaces near to the fire, for
example horizontal surfaces of seats and floors. The ignition model is a radiant flux
nominal value 25 kWm−2 applied to an area of 0.1 m2.

Ignition model 3:
This represents the effect of a more developed fire than ignition model 2 or the effect
of a developing fire on surfaces above or alongside the fire, for example wall and
ceiling surfaces. The ignition model is a radiant flux of nominal value 50 kWm−2 applied
to an area of 0.1 m2.

Ignition model 4:
This represents the effects of arcing, for example resulting from the normal operation
of high power electrical equipment (where Type A arc barriers would be required as
set out EN 45545-5) and low power electronic equipment faults. The ignition model is
a flaming source of power 1 kW and 30 s duration.

Ignition model 5:
This represents fires which are more severe than ignition models 1 to 4, for example
luggage fires, and arson. For these fires the ignition model is a flaming source
generating a radiant flux of nominal value in the range of 20 kWm-2 to 25 kWm-2 applied
to an area of 0.7 m2 with an average power output of 75 kW for a period of 2 min
followed immediately by a flux of nominal value in the range 40 kWm-2 to 50 kWm-2
applied to the same 0.7 m2 area with an average power output of 150 kW for a period
of 8 min.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Room conditions to be ensured

To ensure a place of relative safety – common area for a defined period of time meeting
all requirements for health – the values shown in Table 1 “Evaluation data and reference
values for quantitative protective aims” must not be exceeded.

According the values shown in Table 1, the measuring points must have a horizontal
distance of 2 m to the ignition source and must be set in the middle of the escape in a
height of approx. 1.6 m (position of the respiratory system in dependence on DIN EN 547
regarding the situation of the European population).

Figure 4: Drawing – Measuring points for a fire test

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Template F-1 “Test documentation – extinguishing

Order No.: Document No.: Number of appendixes:
(depends on number of
performed tests)

Parameters Specifications
Vehicle type e. g. electric locomotive
Vehicle design type e. g. RE 484
Vehicle no.
Operation category, design category BSS X, category
Fire fighting system (type) gas extinguishing system
Fire extinguishing medium (type) type x
Manufacturer/type of system company x/type y
Objection direct safety of indirect safety of object safety
passengers and staff passengers and staff
  
Comments on the test, note, established deficits
“punctual fluid accumulation“
“system fault, cause is determined and corrected, include in maintenance manual”

yes in parts no
Requirement fulfilled   
Additional tests are required  

Tested: Responsibility: Name: Signature:

Location: expert for railway vehicle
x-x-x equipment:
Date: responsible system
xx.yy.zzzz engineer for fire detection
expert/assessor for fire
protection systems in
railway vehicles:

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Template F-2.1 “Test documentation – common area”

F-2.1 Documentation – passenger and staff areas
• The applied extinguishing medium may not develop, contain or release
substances which cause a danger to health during fire suppression.
• The fire impacts must be kept to an acceptable minimum.
Order No.: Document No.:
Test no. Xyz
Testing time xx:xx on yy.yy.yyyy
Test object passenger compartment
Basic test conditions model  vehicle/component 
Description of the test
System design description, functional flow diagram
Test area drawing with geometric information, vehicle layout,
3D-figure of converter
Position of the simulated ignition view of fire risk positions (possibly photos)
Arrangement of the measuring identification of the measuring points for gas
points sampling to assess compliance with protective aims
Duration of fire suppression XX min
• at least 10 min, in case of deviation an assessment
of compliance with protective aims is required

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

1. Basic test “2 foam cushions”,

Ignition with UIC paper cushion, pre-burn time: 60 s
Time of release of fire extinguishing xx seconds after system activation
Are the room conditions (Appendix 3) with
Yes  No 
a distance of 2 m not exceeded?
Is there an overlapping area of 2 m? Yes  No 
Uniform mist concentration or distribution
Yes  No 
of extinguishing media
2. Basic test “2 foam cushions”,
Ignition with UIC paper cushion, pre-burn time: 60 s
Time of release of fire extinguishing xx seconds after system activation
Are the room conditions (Appendix 3) with
Yes  No 
a distance of 2 m not exceeded?
Is there an overlapping area of 2 m? Yes  No 
Uniform mist concentration or distribution
Yes  No 
of extinguishing media
3. Confirmation test “luggage”,
Ignition with UIC paper cushion, pre-burn time: 120 s
Time of release of fire extinguishing xx seconds after system activation
Are the room conditions (Appendix 3) with
Yes  No 
a distance of 2 m not exceeded?
Is there an overlapping area of 2 m? Yes  No 
Uniform mist concentration or distribution
Yes  No 
of extinguishing media
4. Confirmation test “luggage”,
Ignition with UIC paper cushion, pre-burn time: 120 s
Time of release of fire extinguishing xx seconds after system activation
Are the room conditions (Appendix 3) with
Yes  No 
a distance of 2 m not exceeded?
Is there an overlapping area of 2 m? Yes  No 
Uniform mist concentration or distribution
Yes  No 
of extinguishing media

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“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Comments on the test, note, established deficits

for example “very good system solidity”

yes in parts no
Requirement fulfilled   
Additional tests are required  

Tested: Responsibility: Name: Signature:

Location: expert for railway vehicle
x-x-x equipment:
Date: responsible system
xx.yy.zzzz engineer for fire detection
expert/assessor for fire
protection systems in
railway vehicles:

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Template F-2.2 “Test documentation – areas with

technical equipment”
F-2.2 Documentation – areas with technical equipment
• A fire in areas with technical equipment must be completely extinguished, if the
vehicle cannot reach a completely safe area for the self-rescue of passengers.
• Before activating the fire extinguishing system the relevant technical equipment
must be shut down.
Order No.: Document No.:
Test no. Xyz
Testing time xx:xx on yy.yy.yyyy
Test object passenger compartment
Basic test conditions model  vehicle/componente 
Description of the test
System design description, functional flow diagram
Test area drawing with geometric information, vehicle layout,
3D-figure of converter
Position of the simulated ignition view of fire risk positions (possibly photos)
Arrangement of the measuring identification of the measuring points for gas
points sampling to assess compliance with protective aims

1. Gas extinguishing media

Time of release of fire extinguishing xx seconds after system activation
medium • at most 10 sec nach Aktivierung des Systems
Beginning minimum extinguishing after xx seconds
concentration • for liquefied, gaseous extinguishing media within 20
s after system activation
• for non-liquefied, gaseous extinguishing media
within 120 s after system activation
Is the minimum design concentration
Yes  No 
Beginning minimum extinguishing xx seconds after beginning minimum extinguishing
concentration concentration
• for liquefied, gaseous extinguishing media at least
30 s

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

• for non-liquefied, gaseous extinguishing media at

least 180 s
Is the retention time kept? Yes  No 
Are further dynamic tests required? Yes  No 
Is a fire pan available? Yes  No 
2. 2. Water mist systems
systems using other extinguishing media which are not gaseous
Time of release of fire extinguishing xx seconds after system activation
medium • at most 10 s after system activation
Is the determined application time
Yes  No 
Is there a uniform distribution of
Yes  No 
extinguishing media?
Is extinguishing successful? Yes  No 
Applications with combustion engines
Spray fire (leakage 0.0033 l/s)
Yes  No 
Is simulation necessary?
Spray fire (leakage 0.0033 l/s)
Yes  No 
Is extinguishing successful?
Pool fire under the engine (surface at
least 1 m2, Yes  No 
is extinguishing successful?
Pool fire on the engine (surface at
least 0.25 m2, heat release 347 kW,
Yes  No 
pre-burn time 30 or 60 s)
is extinguishing successful?
Applications in areas with electric equipment “developing fire“
Developing fire
Yes  No 
Is extinguishing successful?
Applications in areas with electric equipment “container fire“
Container fire
Yes  No 
Is simulation necessary?
Container fire
Is extinguishing successful?
Yes  No 

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Comments on the test, note, established deficits

for example “very good system solidity”

yes in parts no
Requirement fulfilled   
Additional tests are required  

Tested: Responsibility: Name: Signature:

Location: expert for railway vehicle
x-x-x equipment:
Date: responsible system
xx.yy.zzzz engineer for fire detection
expert/assessor for fire
protection systems in
railway vehicles:

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Requirements for the assessment

1. Concept description regarding safety and functional requirements (control system
for fire fighting systems) which have to be fulfilled, based on purchase requisitions
(e. g. specification).
2. Description of hardware, circuit diagrams, system layout and information on the
used components and materials in terms of a project description.
3. Certificates by other accredited test centers and certification bodies (declaration of
conformity/certificate of conformity), while for all standards mentioned a document
or a statement based on test report must be available, for e. g.:
− EN 12094 (Fixed fire fighting systems – Components for gas extinguishing
− EN 15004 (Fixed firefighting systems – Gas extinguishing systems)
− ISO 16003, Components for fire-extinguishing systems using gas –
Requirements and test methods - Container valve assemblies and their
actuators; selector valves and their actuators; nozzles; flexible and rigid
connectors; and check valves and non-return valves, (September 2008)
− The stability of pressure purposes according to Directive 2010/35/EU,
2014/68/EU and Directive (EU) 2016-797.
4. Instruction manual which is relevant for safety.
5. Necessary documentation must be defined regarding
− requirements for the professional system installation
− instructions for approval and quality tests on production vehicle
− deviations to EN 12094 and EN 15004 for gas extinguishing systems.
Especially the following technical sub-systems are involved:
− The pipe network must be made of stainless steel, but the connecting hoses
(e. g. between vehicles) must meet the requirements given in EN 12094.
− The energy for electrical systems can be supplied by the vehicle electrical
system, but the electrical supply by the battery must ensure a redundancy.
− The pneumatic activation can be supplied by the pneumatic vehicle electrical
system, including a surge drum which ensures the function.
− If a mechanic and pneumatic activation system activates fire fighting with a
gas extinguishing system due to temperature influence, the activation system
can be a extinguishing pipe.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Specification for positioning fire extinguishing

equipment in enclosed places of installation/technical
For arranging outlets of extinguishing media for example nozzles and nozzle strips note
the following aspects, with regard to possible obstructions, spatial separations or
leakages in the area of fire:

• In the area affected by the fire, the discharge of extinguishing media should be
possible without any obstructions.
• The discharge of extinguishing media should be near the potential fire risk.
• The nozzles must be fixed in a sufficient distance to mounting
holes/bushings/position holes.
• The discharge of extinguishing media is pressurized and must not negatively
influence the area or its content.

Gas extinguishing systems

• Gas nozzles must be adjusted downwards above the extinguishing media because
the gas sinks in the fire area.
• For development or distribution of the gas, a sufficient distance of more than 15 cm
between discharging beam or discharging cone and any deflecting surface is

Water mist systems

• For the development of a uniform water mist, a distance of more than 30 cm to the
deflecting surfaces has to be provided.
• Water spray nozzles can be installed independently of direction, but a direct
injection into the potential fire area should be achieved.

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ARGE Guideline - Part 2
“Fire fighting in railway vehicles”

Members (ARGE)
AQUASYS Technik GmbH
Diehl Aviation Gilching GmbH
Fritz Rensmann GmbH & Co. KG
FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG
IME Elektrotechnik GmbH
KIDDE-DEUGRA Brandschutzsysteme GmbH
TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG
TÜV Rheinland AG
WAGNER Rail GmbH / Schweiz AG

Consortium meetings Date Location

Coordination – Kick Off (content) 06-2008 by phone
1st consulation – Technical dicussion in working 08-19-2008 Hamburg +
groups Munich
2nd consulation – Discussion of technical content 09-242008 Berlin
Coordination – Conference call 11-14-2008 by phone
Final information 12-01-2008 by E-Mail
3rd consulation – Update and revision 11-19-2009 Ahrensburg
4th consulation – Update and revision 06-19-2012 Berlin
5th consulation – Update and revision 2013 Cologne
6th consulation – Revision 2018 Munich-Haar
and Dortmund

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