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published: 30 March 2021

doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.663586

Repurposing Ivermectin for

COVID-19: Molecular Aspects and
Therapeutic Possibilities
Zena Wehbe 1†, Maya Wehbe 2†, Rabah Iratni 3, Gianfranco Pintus 4,5, Hassan Zaraket 6,7,
Hadi M. Yassine 8* and Ali H. Eid 9,10*
1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 2 Department of

Internal Medicine, Basingstoke & North Hampshire Hospital, Basingstoke, United Kingdom, 3 Department of Biology, College
of Science, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, 4 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences,
College of Health Sciences, and Sharjah Institute for Medical Research, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates,
5 Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy, 6 Department of Experimental Pathology,

Immunology and Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 7 Center for Infectious
Disease Research (CIDR), Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 8 Biomedical Research Center,
Q.U. Health, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, 9 Department of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Q.U. Health, Qatar
Edited by: University, Doha, Qatar, 10 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Unit, Q.U. Health, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Shuofeng Yuan,
The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong As of January 2021, SARS-CoV-2 has killed over 2 million individuals across the world. As
Reviewed by: such, there is an urgent need for vaccines and therapeutics to reduce the burden of
Jun Wang,
COVID-19. Several vaccines, including mRNA, vector-based vaccines, and inactivated
University of Arizona, United States
Shailesh Kumar Patel, vaccines, have been approved for emergency use in various countries. However, the slow
Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu roll-out of vaccines and insufficient global supply remains a challenge to turn the tide of the
Vishwavidyalaya, India
pandemic. Moreover, vaccines are important tools for preventing the disease but
Hadi M. Yassine
therapeutic tools to treat patients are also needed. As such, since the beginning of the
[email protected] pandemic, repurposed FDA-approved drugs have been sought as potential therapeutic
Ali H. Eid
options for COVID-19 due to their known safety profiles and potential anti-viral effects.
[email protected]

One of these drugs is ivermectin (IVM), an antiparasitic drug created in the 1970s. IVM later
These authors have contributed
equally to this work exerted antiviral activity against various viruses including SARS-CoV-2. In this review, we
delineate the story of how this antiparasitic drug was eventually identified as a potential
Specialty section: treatment option for COVID-19. We review SARS-CoV-2 lifecycle, the role of the
This article was submitted to
Viral Immunology,
nucleocapsid protein, the turning points in past research that provided initial ‘hints’ for
a section of the journal IVM’s antiviral activity and its molecular mechanism of action- and finally, we culminate
Frontiers in Immunology
with the current clinical findings.
Received: 03 February 2021
Accepted: 15 March 2021 Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, ivermectin, coronavirus, mechanism of action
Published: 30 March 2021

Wehbe Z, Wehbe M, Iratni R, Pintus G,
Zaraket H, Yassine HM and Eid AH
(2021) Repurposing Ivermectin for
COVID-19: Molecular Aspects and
SARS-CoV-2 is a positive-sense RNA b-coronavirus, enclosing a capped polyadenylated 30 kb
Therapeutic Possibilities. genome, which is the largest among RNA viruses (1). SARS-CoV-2 binds to the ACE2 enzyme on
Front. Immunol. 12:663586. the surface of the target host cell by way of its outer spike protein (S) (2). The receptor-binding
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.663586 domain (RBD) on the S1 subunit interacts with the peptidase domain of ACE2. After partitioning

Frontiers in Immunology | 1 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

into the host membrane, sequential enzymatic cleavages they cooperatively form the replicase-transcriptase complexes
ultimately lead to the release of the viral genome into the cell (3). (RTCs), which are required for the production of new virions
The development of successful vaccines has been a priority in (12). Some nsps (3,4 and 6) induce the development of double
the pharmaceutical and scientific community (4). However, the membranes from the endoplasmic reticulum (E.R.), Golgi
time between the initial SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in December apparatus (G.A.) or the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment
2019 until the pharmaceutical companies began vaccine (ERGIC), which serve as foci for viral genesis (12). Collectively,
distribution spanned over a year (5). During this period, two the rest of the nsps in the RTC include RNA polymerase,
million people have died worldwide, according to the World helicase, exoribonuclease, and methyltransferase, among many
Health Organization (WHO). Moreover, the increasing others. The exact mechanism of replicating its own genome is
mutations detected in the S protein have raised concerns that still under investigation. However, it is understood that negative-
virus evolution might outpace vaccine rollout and the time sense intermediates are initially formed and then serve as
needed to reach herd immunity (6, 7). Additionally, while templates for reproducing both genomic and sub-genomic
vaccines are the main stay for halting the pandemic, it remains positive-sense RNAs (13). A potential model for the RNA
critical to develop therapeutics to treat patients and reduce the replication in SARS-CoV-2 has been postulated and it is based
disease burden. on homologous proteins in SARS-CoV-1 (10).
The drug ivermectin (IVM) has recently been shown to
inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures (8). IVM is a The Importance of the Nucleocapsid
widely used drug, known best for its antiparasitic properties in Protein
both veterinary and human medicine. It was first discovered in Structural proteins are highly conserved among the various
the 1970s by microbiologist Satoshi Omura and parasitologist genera of coronaviruses. They include the spike protein (S), the
William Campbell (9). Fifty years later, this same drug is envelope protein (E), the nucleocapsid protein (N) and the
suddenly at the forefront of the race against the current membrane protein (M). Once the structural proteins are
pandemic, namely via its unintentional inhibition of nuclear synthesized, and the viral RNA is reproduced, the S, M and E
transport. It is important to understand and elucidate the become embedded within the previously formed double
‘journey’ of how IVM emerged as a therapeutic agent against membranes from the host E.R. and eventually reach ERGIC.
SARS-CoV-2, to follow this precedent and encourage Meanwhile, the N protein which is tethered to the newly formed
repurposing available drugs for an increasing number of genome ‘delivers’ this RNA into S-M-E-embedded ERGIC
diseases. As such, we aim to highlight essential steps and membrane, leading to the formation of ‘pockets’ which
components in the SARS-CoV-2 lifecycle, the significance of eventually seal off into new virions (1). The interaction of N
the nucleocapsid protein, the anecdotal evidence that hinted its with the 3’-end of the viral genome is mediated via nsp3 (14), the
potential as an anti-viral drug and its molecular mechanism of largest subunit of the RTC. The nsp3 acidic ubiquitin-like N
action. Finally, we summarize real-time results of current terminal domain (UbI1) binds to a serine- and arginine-rich
clinical trials. domain in the N protein, thereby anchoring the viral genome to
the RTC in order to facilitate RNA replication and, importantly,
to eventually ensure the localization of the newly synthesized
genome within the viral envelope (Hurst, Koetzner, & Masters,
2013). Ultimately, the N protein is incorporated in the RNA
SARS-COV-2 LIFECYCLE helical structure, which underlies the envelope (15). Overall, the
Initial Formation of the Replicase- N protein enhances coronavirus transcription, interacts with the
viral genome and with M in the viral envelope. Notably,
Transcriptase Complexes
inhibition of N was shown to greatly suppress viral replication,
The basis of the seemingly successful repurposing of IVM is
suggesting it is an essential factor in efficient virion production
rooted in the identification of important components encoded by
(14, 15). Interestingly, N is the highest expressed protein in
the viral genome. The SARS-CoV-2 viral genome encodes non-
infected cells, further corroborating its importance in the viral
structural, structural, and accessory proteins. Its positive mRNA
life cycle (15).
strand is translated within the host cell in order to, first, produce
its own replication machinery, and second, to produce the
structural components required to house viral progeny (10).
Two-thirds of the genome code for two large polyproteins, pp1a
and pp1ab. Once formed, the polyproteins are subsequently THE SARS-COV-2 NUCLEOCAPSID
cleaved into 16 individual non-structural proteins (nsps), PROTEIN ENTERS THE NUCLEUS
which primarily provide enzymatic activity (11). Three nsps
(1–3) are cleaved by papain-like proteases (PLpro), which itself The Role of Importins
is localized within nsp3, and the rest are cleaved by the main Although RNA replication and translation occur in the cytosol,
protease (3C-like protease, 3CLpro) on nsp5 (1). As such, nuclear access is a key event in the infectious cycle of several
translation of the viral PLpro and 3CLpro are essential for viruses, including coronaviruses (1, 8). However, the entry of
efficient reproduction of the virus. Once the nsps are available, proteins into the nucleus is a tightly regulated process. To evade

Frontiers in Immunology | 2 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

this limiting barrier, some viral proteins exploit the importin nucleus has not been fully characterized, previous examination of
(IMP) superfamily of nuclear transporters to gain nuclear access several coronavirus Ns can offer insight (24).
(16). Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is mediated via The N of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV)
transmembrane nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in the nucleus, was detected not only in the cytoplasm but also within the
composed of nucleoporin (NPR) subunits. A major class of NPRs nucleolus. Nucleolus targeting was also shown with the SARS-
known as FG-NPRs are distributed throughout the NPCs and CoV-1 N (27). It is important to note that the presence of N in
enable nucleocytoplasmic transport due to their interaction with the nucleus was indispensable for the replication of IBV,
IMP transporters (17). The major IMP classes include IMPa and highlighting that cytosolic activity was not sufficient. In
IMPb. Nuclear import is mainly mediated either by IMPbs or by another related coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV),
heterodimers of IMPa/IMPb1 (17–19). For cytosolic protein nuclear proteins were also implicated in its replication. MHV
cargo destined for nuclear import, IMPs, particularly IMPa N was specifically detected in the nucleolus, which itself is
proteins, recognize nuclear localization signals (NLS) on target formed during interphase of the cell cycle and allows
cargo proteins, whereas IMPb facilitates the actual transport via formation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and ribosomal subunits.
the NPCs (18). Efficient target binding to the IMPs/EXPs is The reason for N targeting of the nucleolus is not entirely
further supported by Ran, the small monomeric GTPase (20). understood. However, it is possible that N associates with
Active Ran causes dissociation of IMPb from the importin/NLS- rRNAs, in order to ‘reserve’ their use for translation of sub-
protein complex, releasing its tethered cargo into the nucleus genomic RNA. It was also shown in vitro that N transfection into
(21). Thus, for a potential SARS-CoV-2 protein to reach the cells resulted in multi-nucleate cells, indicating the delay of
nucleus, it must contain an NLS, properly interact with IMP cytokinesis (24). This would provide favorable and prolonged
proteins and Ran must be activated. conditions for the virus intracellularly to continue to synthesize
its genome and sub-genome, translate its proteins and enable
sufficient virion packaging. Moreover, N is proposed to dampen
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein the host cell’s antiviral transcriptional response within the
Contains an Enhanced Nuclear nucleus (8). Nevertheless, confirming the presence SARS-CoV-
Localization Signal 2 N in the nucleolus and understanding its role would elucidate
As it happens, the SARS-CoV-2 N contains NLS motifs. Of great the pathogenicity of this virus.
significance is the finding that NLS regions in the N gene of N is an essential component of newly formed virions as it
SARS-CoV viruses are highly variable compared to the NLS of ensures a proper ‘delivery’ of the replicated viral RNA genome
other coronavirus clades (22). Importantly, these changes within the developing envelope (28, 29). Moreover, it is essential
occurred during the recent evolution of the highly pathogenic for proper viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase activity, as
coronavirus clades- including SARS-CoV-2 (22). Incidentally, demonstrated in Influenza A (29). As such, targeting the activity
the numerous nucleotide insertions and deletions within the NLS of N would offer a potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.
are associated with enhanced nuclear translocation. Three NLS In fact, N was shown to be an effective anti-viral target against
motifs have been detected on the N of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, Influenza A. One of the useful properties of N is its numerous
MERS-CoV and seasonal coronaviruses. Uniquely, as a result of binding sites, which have been shown to accommodate various
the nucleotide variations found in SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV- drugs (29, 30). For example, compounds which can target the
1, all three NLS motifs contain a distinctly higher overall positive tail-loop binding pocket abrogate N oligomerization, while the
charge among the peptides compared to the less virulent compound F66 binds to the RNA-binding groove of the protein
coronaviruses. The higher positive charge of NLS renders the and is associated with improved survival in animal models
entire N protein also more positively charged and subsequently infected with Influenza A (29). Figure 1 illustrates how the N
enhances its efficacy (23). It has been previously corroborated in of SARS-CoV-2 facilitates virus replication and mitigates the
animal studies that the enhanced translocation of viral Ns to the host cell response, thus further strengthening its position as a
nucleus results in more severe pathogenicity (24). Therefore, it is promising target of anti-viral drugs.
possible that these more positively charged Ns, which are
characteristic of SARS-CoV-2, may be partially responsible for
the associated detrimental effects.
The Putative Role of the Nucleocapsid The Discovery of Ivermectin
Protein Within the Nucleus IVM was originally discovered from organisms that were isolated
It was previously shown that viral proteins that enter the nucleus from soil samples collected from the woods nearby to Kitasato
might suppress host genes related to the anti-viral response, Institute in Kawana, Japan. Fermentation products released by a
leading ultimately to increased pathogenicity (25). This may also bacterium from the soil, which was later classified as
be the case with SARS-CoV-2, as in vitro studies indicated that Streptomyces acermitilis, appeared to exhibit antiparasitic
the SARS-CoV-2 NP could interact with dsDNA, possibly due to activity (specifically against Nematospiroides dubius).
its high positive charge and the negative charge of DNA (26). Purification and isolation of the bioactive compounds showed
Although the exact activity of the SARS-CoV-2 N within the naturally occurring macrocyclic lactones, and these were

Frontiers in Immunology | 3 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

FIGURE 1 | The importance of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (N). The N exerts numerous functions that facilitate viral replication while mitigating the host
cell response. Owing to its NLS motifs, the protein retains a relatively high positive charge, compared to the N of other coronavirus clades. This enhances its
transport into the nucleus where it may silence host anti-viral genes while sequestering ribosomal subunits, possibly for viral mRNA translation, as demonstrated with
the N of other related viruses. Moreover, the N is important for stabilizing the interaction between the viral mRNA and nsp3 protein, which facilitates genome
replication. In addition, it tethers the newly emerged viral RNA to the viral envelope, ultimately allowing for its encapsulation and formation of new viral progeny. Given
these features and its abundance in the infected cell, it would be a promising drug target against SARS-CoV-2.

subsequently named avermectins. Avermectins are made up of double bond between C22 and C23. On the other hand, number
four compounds, which exist as two variants: A1, A2, B1, and B2. ‘2’ indicates the presence of hydrogen at C22 and a hydroxyl
Variants ‘A’ and ‘B’ indicate the presence of methoxy or hydroxyl group at C23. B1 avermectins were proven to be most active on
groups, respectively, at the C5 position. Number ‘1’ describes the oral administration, and on this basis, IVM was chemically

Frontiers in Immunology | 4 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

derived. IVM contains an 80:20 combination of 22,23-dihydro- years later, in 2020, demonstrated that IVM inhibits SARS-
acvermectin B 1a and 22,23-dihydro-avermectin B 1b. Its CoV-2 in vitro replication (8).
antiparasitic effects are primarily caused by high-affinity Given its efficacy in inhibiting nuclear import of other viral
irreversible binding to glutamate-gated chloride (Cl-) channels proteins, the anti-viral effect of IVM against SARS-CoV-2 was
located on nerve and muscle cells of nematode, which leads to evaluated shortly after the pandemic erupted (8). Specifically,
hyperpolarization (9, 31). Ultimately, the increased permeability Vero/hSLAM cells were inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 isolate for
to Cl- results in paralysis and death of the nematode (31). 2 hrs., followed up with supplementation of 5 mM of IVM.
As of yet, IVM has treated hundreds of millions of people Within 24 hrs. after treatment, there was a 93% reduction of viral
with onchocerciasis, most commonly given at 150-200 mg/kg of RNA in the supernatant and 99.8% reduction of cellular viral
body weight for one dose initially, and repeated at 6-12 monthly RNA, compared to controls. After 48 hrs., there was a further
intervals as appropriate (32). Its use extends to a broad spectrum 5000-fold reduction of viral RNA in the supernatant as well as
of parasitic nematodes on both oral and parenteral the cell pellets, indicating that cells were essentially ‘cleared’ of
administration, and is also effective against arthropods, SARS-CoV-2 (8). Although IVM possessed a potent antiviral
including lice (33). activity (IC50= ~2mM), no cytotoxicity was detected at any time
Importantly, IVM was approved by the FDA for human use points in this study (8).
in 1987 (34). Its low toxicity and safety are attributed to the fact
that its human target receptors are ‘secluded’ in the CNS, and IVM Specifically Interacts With IMPa
IVM has not been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier. In IVM was shown to specifically inhibit IMP a/b mediated nuclear
addition, IVM displays a 100-fold greater affinity for parasitic Cl- import required for replication of HIV-1 and Dengue virus, and
channels compared to the human homologs (35). Moreover, therefore it was proposed as the potential mechanism by which it
severe detrimental effects in humans were shown only in those inhibits SARS-CoV-2 (36). Indeed, this baton was passed on, and
who over-dosed using approximately 15.4 mg/kg body weight a subsequent study verified the IVM-IMPa interaction in host
IVM, which is 77 times above the prescribed dose. This cells (38). In fact, it was shown that IVM not only inhibits IMPa
corroborates the advantage of repurposing drugs, as these association with IMPb, but can even dissociate IMPa/b
medications have already been tested arduously and extensively heterodimers (38). The specific binding target of IVM was
to confirm their efficacy and safety, thereby decreasing the transit identified, using CD spectroscopy, to be the alpha-helical
time from shelf to intake. rich ‘armadillo’ (ARM) domain of IMPa. Moreover, as
concentrations of IVM increased, alpha helices in the ARM
Screening for Inhibitors of Nuclear Import domain became increasingly destabilized. No changes were
The potential of IVM as an inhibitor of nuclear transport of viral detected in the structure of IMPb. They further verified that
proteins was initially suggested in 2011. Initially, Wagstaff and this observed effect on IMPa impaired its binding to NLS-
colleagues screened for nuclear import inhibitors, which block containing nsp5 from Dengue Virus (38). As such, preventing
the interaction between IMPs and potential target cellular N interaction with IMPa, is a likely mechanism that contributes
proteins (21). They randomly selected 480 compounds from to IVM’s ability to hinder SARS-CoV-2 in vitro replication
LOPAC1280 (Library of Pharmacologically Active Compounds; (Figure 2).
Sigma, St. Louis, MO). IVM surfaced as a drug that generally
inhibits IMP activity (21). A year later, they confirmed that this The Implications of Disrupting IMPa Activity
apparent activity of IVM also inhibits nuclear transport of viral for the Host Cells
proteins HIV and Dengue virus in HeLa cells (36). Specifically, it Because IVM emerged as a general inhibitor of IMPa-dependent
was shown that GFP-tagged IMP was significantly reduced in the nuclear cargo, it is important to consider the implications this
nucleus of HeLa cells after 3 hrs. of co-incubation with IVM (36). may have on host cell proteins and functions. However, any
Moreover, the effect was unique to IMPa/b interactions and did effect would likely be non-detrimental given the safety record of
not affect proteins bound only to IMPb1. The importance of IVM over the past 50 years and its transient prescription for an
blocking the nuclear import of viral proteins emerged when it acute disease (31).
was later shown that IVM also prevented replication of HIV (36). Notably, expression levels of IMPa vary in a cell and
As such, it surfaced as a possible repurposed drug, capable of developmental specific manner, particularly during
preventing viral cargo from interacting with IMPa/b for nuclear differentiation processes (39). Animal knock-out studies for
import, with the potential to result in viral ‘death’ (21, 36). impa, highlighted its essential role in reproductive organ
Soon after, the effect of IVM against the nuclear import of development. Specifically, impa-/- mice developed lower
viral proteins was further validated. For example, IVM prevented reproductive organ function in females, including insufficient
nuclear translocation of nsp5 in Dengue virus, West Nile virus, follicles’ growth during the maturation stage in the ovaries,
and influenza and inhibited transport of large tumor antigen (T- incomplete uterus construction, and reduced serum
ag) in simian virus (25, 37, 38). The Wagstaff et al., 2011 and progesterone (40). Moreover, estrogen-responsive genes were
2012 studies were pivotal in providing much of the initial also not efficiently expressed, indicating IMPa may be involved
rationale for the recent consideration of IVM as a SARS-CoV- in hormonal regulation. Other cells like muscle stem cells
2 antiviral agent. In fact, it was the same researchers who nine underwent apoptosis and depletion (39).

Frontiers in Immunology | 5 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

FIGURE 2 | Proposed mechanism of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2. IVM has previously been established as a nuclear import inhibitor by binding to and
antagonizing the ability of the importin (IMPa) to bind to its target cargo. Because the nucleocapsid (N) protein contains a nuclear localization signal, IVM is expected
to prevent the binding of IMPa to the N binding site. Consequently, N would not perform its nuclear activity which is thought to suppress the host immune response
and sequester ribosomal subunits, mechanisms which are thought to abrogate sufficient viral replication. In addition, the expression of two major cytokines, TNFa
and IL-6 which drive the detrimental cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients were also shown to be dampened in the presence of IVM. As of yet, these two major
mechanisms which involve viral replication and immune response suppression appear to characterize the main activities of IVM against SARS-CoV-2.

IVM was also shown to disrupt the oxygen regulatory dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) complexed with RNA
mechanisms (41). Hypoxia-induced transcription factors helicase compared to other 10 viral targets included in the
(HIFs) regulate cellular adaptation to decreased oxygenation analysis (43). However, it was later shown that IVM does not
within the cell. Hypoxia renders the HIF subunit, HIFa stable bind to viral RdRp in both Zika virus (Z.V.) and Dengue virus
and causes it to accumulate within the nucleus where it induces (38). It remains to be identified if IVM may bind to RdRp
transcription of genes that may readjust oxygen levels. HIFa in coronaviruses.
translocation into the nucleus requires nuclear import in an Other mechanisms of IVM action have also been identified
NLS-IMPa/b dependent manner. Indeed, it was shown that IVM (Figure 2). For example, it previously was shown to suppress the
results in decreased association between HIFa and IMPa, production of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Tumor Necrosis Factor
preventing its path into the nucleus. Subsequently, nuclear alpha (TNFa), two major components of the detrimental
HIFa and transcription of target oxygen-regulatory genes was cytokine storm induced by SARS-CoV-2 (44). Moreover, a
reduced (41). study in Syrian hamsters showed that IVM did not affect
Pharmacokinetic studies conducted by MERCK show that SARS-CoV-2 viral load but overall dramatically reduced IL-6/
IVM plasma concentrations peak after 4 hours, following 12 mg IL-10 ratio and modulated infection outcomes (45). Specifically,
doses in healthy human volunteers (42). Subsequently, it is hamsters that were inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 were
metabolized in the liver and its break down products are subcutaneously injected with IVM (0.4 mg/kg body weight).
mainly excreted in the feces over a period of 12 days. Its half- IVM reduced severity of clinical symptoms in males, but
life is around 18 hrs. Moreover, it was shown that it does not bind completely eliminated symptoms in females, which suggests a
permanently to its target proteins. gender-specific effect of this drug and a factor that should be
considered in clinical trials. The gender-specific modulation of
Other Possible Modes of Antiviral IVM on cytokines was also apparent. While females displayed
Activity by IVM lower levels of cytokines such as IL-6, INFg and TNFa, males on
A recent molecular docking study demonstrated that in addition the other hand developed an enhanced production of INFg.
to IMPa, IVM showed high binding affinity to the viral RNA- Notably, viral load in nasal and lung tissues, as well as viral

Frontiers in Immunology | 6 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

replication rate were not altered in either gender after published data and ongoing clinical trials, which are
administration of IVM (45). This is in contrast to the finding summarized in Table 1, do not provide a clear and uniform
that IVM significantly blocks viral replication in vitro and it may understanding of the effect of IVM on COVID-19 patients. This
be attributed to the much higher dose of IVM that was used (8). is mainly due to small sample sizes (n=12-203) and the lack of
However, it is important to note that the dose of IVM that was information specifying when exactly IVM is administered after
used on the cells (5 mM) is approximately 50-fold higher than the testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 (46, 52–54). It is important to
normal Cmax associated with one dose of IVM (200 mg/kg) (46, highlight how soon after testing positive the patient receives
47). Therefore, it is important to establish a dose-dependent IVM, in addition to the degree of COVID-19 severity, in order to
effect of IVM on viral load and safety in human COVID-19 understand if the effect of the drug is dependent on time and
patients at various doses. symptom severity. Additionally, several studies are retrospective
Further, IVM was shown to induce an elevated level of IL-6 in which investigators examined past COVID-19 patients who
and TNFa in onchocerciasis patients, two days after a single dose were prescribed IVM, without proper placebo control groups
(150 mg/kg body weight) (48). However, this was attributed to the (46, 53). Moreover, most of the studies utilize the antiparasitic
destruction of the parasite microfilariae, which would usually not effective dose for IVM (0.2 mg/kg body weight), which is
be a factor in COVID-19 patients. substantially less than the equivalent in vitro dose of IVM used
Thus far, studies on IVM highlight that it remains important against SARS-CoV-2 (8, 53, 54). Nevertheless, the available data
to identify the specific dose of IVM that may reduce viral load, does indicate that IVM may, in fact, be effective against
without adverse effects, in humans and to understand if it will COVID-19.
differentially affect male and female COVID-19 patients. One of the first published studies involved a randomized,
controlled double-blind study on 72 hospitalized COVID-19
Adverse Effects Reported in Animals with mild symptoms (52). Patients that were admitted to the
and Humans in Previous Studies hospital within the last 7 days were either treated with IVM alone
Using Ivermectin (12 mg for 5 days), IVM and doxycycline (12 mg for 1 day, 200
The direct toxic effects of IVM were first identified in animal mg doxycycline on day 1 and 100 mg doxycycline every 12 hrs.
studies, mainly as an antiparasitic treatment. The vast amount of for days 2-6), or with placebo. The most significant effect of IVM
evidence around the use of IVM exists using dose regimens of was detected for the rate of viral clearance, measured by a
150-200 mg/kg of body weight. Hence, the risks and associated negative rRT-PCR on nasopharyngeal swab. Specifically, the 5-
side effects are mostly reported at these doses. Studies suggest the day IVM treatment group demonstrated the fastest rate of viral
common adverse effects are rash, headache, nausea and clearance (approximately 10 days; p<0.02), compared to placebo
dizziness, while transient tachycardia is rare and self-limiting (approximately 13 days). However, there was no significant
(49). Other effects include ataxia, sweating, tremors, and in some difference between the groups for symptoms like cough, sore
cases, coma and death (50). throat and fever and adverse drug effects (52). Limitations for
A retrospective study looking at residents of an extended care this study include the exclusion of patients with underlying
facility showed increased rates of death in patients treated with morbidities and lack of follow-up for mortality and ICU
IVM for resistant scabies. These study results were criticized due transfers after day 7.
to some significant limitations of the study, and therefore, the Another recently published clinical study in Florida involved
deaths of these residents could not be reliably attributed to the 280 hospital-admitted patients who developed COVID-19
IVM. For example, there was no control of the lasting previous during admission (53). However, it was based on a
drugs used to treat the scabies, some of which are known for their retrospective analysis of patients and therefore lacked adequate
toxic effects. Importantly, IVM’s toxic effects are short term and controls. Patients were grouped according to whether or not they
are usually resolved (51). received a single dose of IVM (200 mg/kg body weight) and
Studies exploring the adverse event profiles of patients on standard care (hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin,
high doses of IVM have also been conducted. Higher dose levels unspecified dose) or those who only received standard care. It
(300-1000 mg/kg) were administered to healthy individuals with was not stated, though, at which day post-PCR testing that
head lice, as part of a double-blind and randomized trial, with patients received the drug. The most prominent effect of IVM
adverse events reported as having no clinical or biochemical was the reduction in mortality in the treatment group (15%
significance (50). mortality, p= 0.03) compared to the control group (25%
mortality). Mortality was especially reduced in the severe
subgroup of patients receiving oxygen support (38.% mortality
in IVM group, compared to 80.7% mortality in non-IVM group;
CLINICAL TRIALS p = 0.001). In fact, hospital stay was similar in both groups, as
was the rate of viral clearance. However, data was lacking for
The Effect of Ivermectin on SARS-CoV-2 clinical symptoms as it was not a main outcome (53). In contrast
Patients to the previous study, this trial included patients with
Soon after IVM emerged as a potential therapeutic agent, clinical comorbidities and no adverse drug events were reported.
trials on COVID-19 patients ensued. However, the available Although this study is limited because it is retrospective, it

Frontiers in Immunology | 7 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

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Wehbe et al.
TABLE 1 | Outcomes in Current Clinical Trials at Ivermectin.

Type of study Treatment Groups Adverse Events due to Significant decrease Significant decrease in Significant decrease in Mortality
IVM inBlood Biomarkers or viral clearance or viral and/or ICU transfer
Clinical Symptoms load

(52) Group 1: IVM (12 mg for 5 days) None Reported ↓ CRP (P<0.02), day 9.7 days viral clearance N/A
• Randomized, Placebo-controlled trial n = 24 5. significantly reduced day
• Mild COVID-19 (fever, cough, or sore N.S* in clinical 7 & 14 compared to
throat) symptoms by day 7 placebo (p<0.03)
• No underlying comorbidities Group 2: IVM (12 mg once) None Reported N.S in clinical 11.5 days viral clearance N/A
+ doxycycline (200 mg on day 1, symptoms by day 7 (N.S with Group 3)
100 mg every 12 h for the next 4 days).
n = 24
Group 3: Placebo control group, n=24 None Reported No N.S in clinical 12.7 viral clearance (N.S with N/A
symptoms by day 7 Group 2)
(53) Group 1: IVM (200 mg/kg B.W and those None Reported N/A 7 days (N.S) viral clearance 15% of patients died (P=0.03)
• Retrospective study of who had received a 2nd dose at day 7) + For the subset of patients receiving
hospitalized patients with confirmed SARS- hydroxychloroquine and/or azithromycin. oxygen support 38.8% died
CoV-2 during their admission, who had n = 173 (p=0.001)
received IVM. Group 2: Only provided standard care. None Reported N/A 7 days (N.S) viral clearance 25.2% of patients died
• Included patients older than 18 and with n = 107 For the subset of patients receiving
underlying morbidities. oxygen support 80.7% died
(46) Group 1: IVM (200 mg/kg, single dose after None Reported N.S in either N/A N/A
• Retrospective study of 26 previously 12 days since onset of symptoms) +
hospitalized severe COVID-19 patients, who Immunosuppressant drugs (tocilizumab,
had received IVM. Patients were compared corticosteroids and/or anakinra), treated

to those who did not receive IVM treatment. with

n = 13
Group 2: Immunosuppressant drugs None Reported N.S in either N/A N/A
(tocilizumab, corticosteroids and/or
n = 13
(54) Group 1: IVM (400 mg/kg Body weight) None N.S in blood N.S N/A
• Randomized, double-blind, placebo- n = 12 biomarkers
controlled trial using recently diagnosed 50% reduced
patients with mild SARS-CoV-2 and 72 hrs. hyposmia/anosmia.
within onset of fever or cough (P<0.001)
• Excluded patients with risk factors for Group 2: placebo None N.S in either N.S N/A
complicated disease n = 12
March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Ongoing Clinical Trial # NCT04422561 Group 1: IVM (Ivermectin Tablets: 5% reported adverse N/A N/A 0% mortality
• Randomized, controlled trial for IVM as a 40-60 kg (15mg/day) 60-80kg (18mg/day) events (gastro-

Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

prophylactic treatment for asymptomatic >80kg (24mg/day), intestinal G.I fatigue,
family members of new COVID-19 patients. 2 doses 72 hours apart)) numbness) compared
n = 203 to 0% control
(statistical significance
has not been
Group 2: no IVM N/A N/A 0% mortality
n = 101
Ongoing Clinical Trial # NCT04343092 Group 1: Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg body 0% adverse events N/A N/A 0% mortality (statistical
• Interventional study, single group weight) + Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg at related significance not indicated)

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

Significant decrease in Mortality suggests that IVM may be beneficial in reducing mortality almost

(significance is not indicated)

(significance is not indicated)

and/or ICU transfer by one half, especially for patients receiving oxygen support.
Nevertheless, it remains ambiguous as to how soon after testing
positive for SARS-CoV-2, patients received IVM, which would
have been an important guideline. The results of the few addition

1.67% mortality
published IVM trials are summarized in Table 1.

0% mortality
There are currently around 50 clinical trials taking place
registered on, which study the effect of IVM as
a prophylactic or therapeutic drug (35). Five studies have

completed testing at Phase 1, 2 or 3 and three have posted

their real-time results, which are included in Table 1. One of the
Significant decrease in
viral clearance or viral

most promising outcomes include 0% mortality in COVID-19

patients who developed pneumonia (National Clinic Trial

Number NCT04343092), however there is no report of an

adequate control group and its corresponding rate of mortality.
Another ongoing trial (NCT04523831) on COVID-19
hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients also demonstrated
0% mortality, in the IVM group, compared to 1.67% mortality in
inBlood Biomarkers or
Significant decrease

Clinical Symptoms

the control group. Like published studies, ongoing clinical trials

also do not present thorough outcomes and the significance
statistics are still lacking. As such, more trials are needed which
include proper placebo control groups, testing of various doses
and records of numerous outcomes.
Adverse Events due to

1.09% serious adverse

(non-ulcer dyspepsia)

Ivermectin Compared to Other

3% Adverse Effect
to IVM (statistical
significance not

Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Drugs
effect (erosive


In addition to IVM, many clinical trials have been conducted to


test drugs for COVID-19, many of which have been concluded

(47). Most of these medications did not result in significantly
improved outcomes, however a few drugs were associated with
days + azithromycin 500mg at admission day
azithromycin 500mg at admission day then

did not receive IVM, only Hydroxychloroquine

slightly beneficial effects.

Group 1: Ivermectin 12 mg + Doxycycline
400mg at admission day then 200 mg for 5

indicated, Low molecular weight heparin,

admission day then 200 mg for 5 days +

Oxygen if indicated, Low molecular weight

Group 2: Historical group of patients who

Remdesivir (RMV) has previously been shown to target the

and Paracetamol, Vitamin D, Oxygen if

viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase in SARS-CoV-1 (55). In

heparin, dexamethasone if indicated
Group 2: Paracetamol, Vitamin D,
Treatment Groups

the context of SARS-CoV-2, RMV prescribed once daily for 10

100 mg twice daily for 5 days

dexamethasone if indicated

days (200 mg day 1, 100 mg days 9-10), showed a survival benefit

by days 15 and 28 in patients who did not require oxygen support
then 250 mg for 5 days

(56). On the other hand, a large global study by the WHO did not
250 mg for 5 days

find any clinical benefit for RMV (57). However, an in vitro study
suggests a possible synergistic effect of combined RMV and IVM.
Specifically, EC50 of approximately 2.3 mM IVM and 1.9 mM RMV
n = 183

n = 180
n = 16

were shown to disrupt viral cytopathic activity (58). Because RMV

is FDA-approved for the treatment of COVID-19, it is warranted
evaluate the effect of IVM in hospitalized and

to explore its effect in combination with IVM in clinical trials.

compared to historical control population.

Dexamethasone (6 mg for 10 days) decreased mortality only in

• Interventional randomized placebo-

non-hospitalized patients with mild to

severe cases requiring oxygen and mechanical ventilation but was

pneumonia. Experimental group was
hospitalized COVID-19 patients with
assignment to test effect of IVM on

ineffective for mild cases and did not result in any adverse effects
(59). Interestingly, a clinical trial (NCT04425863) involving a
moderate COVID-19 infection

combined therapy of IVM (0.6 mg/mL solution), dexamethasone

(4 mg injection), aspirin (250 mg tablets) and enoxaparin
n, number of subjects.
TABLE 1 | Continued

(injection) did indicate a favorable outcome. All patients with

controlled study to

mild COVID-19 symptoms (n=135) fully recovered and their

Type of study

symptoms did not worsen. Of those who entered the study

displaying severe symptoms (n= 31), one patient perished.
The use of convalescent plasma is also not entirely promising
as preliminary analysis based on 1873 reported deaths among

Frontiers in Immunology | 9 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

Wehbe et al. Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19

10,406 randomized patients, shows no significant difference in COVID-19 patients and nor should it be particularly
the primary endpoint of 28-day mortality (18% convalescent encouraged (54). In fact, cross-resistance to other medications
plasma vs. 18% usual care alone, p=0.34). Although some early may be induced as a result of selective pressure resulting from a
studies showed some clinical benefits for convalescent plasma in single medication (64). This may be a likely event as RNA viruses
COVID-19 patients (47), a recent press release from the largest are well noted for their pronounced capacity for mutations, a
randomized clinical trial, known as the ‘RECOVERY Trial’, finding which has already been established also for SARS-CoV-2
revealed otherwise (60). The investigators concluded no (65). Therefore, although IVM may contribute to the
evidence of benefit for convalescent plasma in treatment of suppression of SARS-CoV-2 replication, it is important not to
COVID-19, whereby the 28-day mortality did not differ dismiss the risk of selecting for highly pathological and resistant
significantly between the treatment and the control groups. viral strains when using a sole medication. That said, in a recent
Recently two clinical trials showed that monoclonal antibodies clinical trial that we have just concluded and is under review, we
against the spike protein can disrupt progression of early show that a single dose of IVM can significantly reduce the viral
COVID-19 infection (61, 62). However, this type of load in asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 positive subjects. However,
therapeutic remains very expensive and largely unavailable. in these subjects, zinc and vitamin C were concomitantly used.
Finally, a recent study, still awaiting peer-review, demonstrated The available data thus far suggests a favorable outcome when
that treatment with the IL-6 receptor antagonists, tocilizumab and using IVM in specific doses and in particular drug combinations.
sarilumab, improved the clinical outcome including survival in It remains imperative to establish the most effective doses,
critically ill COVID-19 patients (63). However, these drugs combination, and timing of drug administration as it may
remain expensive and not widely available especially in poor and largely determine the therapeutic outcome. Although vaccines
developing countries. are currently being distributed, they do not guarantee complete
protection against SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, it is important to
establish therapeutic alternatives in the event that viral re-
infection occurs. Given the promising emerging clinical data
CONCLUDING REMARKS AND from IVM studies and the unprecedented public health threat
PERSPECTIVES that the pandemic poses, it is critical that further specific and
well-designed studies are carried out to validate the therapeutic
The available data from IVM clinical trials lack uniformity and have
potential of IVM.
not established the optimal anti-viral dose. However, the evidence
does support its safety and efficacy in improving survival rates,
especially compared to the other aforementioned drugs. It is
important to note that past research has demonstrated the
importance of combined, rather than anti-viral monotherapy.
Indeed, the use of a single drug does not efficiently suppress long- AE generated the concept. ZW and MW wrote the first draft. All
term replication of the virus (64). As evident by the ongoing clinical authors revised the manuscript and approved it before
trials for the treatment of COVID-19, the most efficient decrease in submission. HY generated funding.
mortality (0%) was largely a result of multiple prescribed drugs
including IVM, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin or IVM and
doxycyline Table 1. Given the wide use of numerous drugs to treat
COVID-19 patients, it remains imperative to explore the optimal FUNDING
combination of various therapies.
Notably, the clinical outcomes upon prescribing IVM on its This study was supported by Qatar University Grants # QUCG-
own did not result in significantly improved outcomes for BRC-20_21 and QUHI-BRC-20/21-1.

5. Chen N, Zhou M, Dong X, Qu J, Gong F, Han Y, et al. Epidemiological and

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Frontiers in Immunology | 12 March 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 663586

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