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Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Reliance Fresh: A Case Analysis on

Green Vegetables and Fruits

1. Company Overview
Reliance Fresh started the retail journey in November 2006 with the first Reliance
Fresh store. Today they operate over 93 cities across India with 700+ stores with a
family of over 13 million happy customers. They are not only the largest grocery
retailer in the country but also the only retailer who has successfully fulfilled the
entire spectrum of Indian consumer's needs as they provide good quality Fresh
produce, Dairy and bakery products over and above the staples and FMCG products.
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is the biggest private company of India, a
conglomerate that has its business spread across retail, gas exploration and
Production, refining and marketing Petrochemicals and telecommunications. The
company seeks to capture the entire Indian market with the launch of its Jio
Infocomm 4G services and become the largest data service provider. The Brand
Trust Report 2013 also reports RIL as the 7th most trusted brand in India.

2. Business Practices of ‘Reliance Fresh’

Reliance Fresh is a supermarket chain which forms part of the retail business of
Reliance Industries of India which is headed by the corporate giant Mukesh
Ambani. With a vision to generate inclusive growth and prosperity for farmers,
vendor partners, small shopkeepers and consumers, Reliance Retail Limited (RRL), a
subsidiary of RIL, was set up to lead Reliance Group‟s foray into organized retail.
Since its inception in 2006, Reliance Retail Limited (RRL) has grown into an
organization that caters to millions of customers, thousands of farmers and vendors.
Based on its core growth strategy of backward integration, RRL has made rapid
progress towards building an entire value chain starting from the farmers to the end
consumers. Reliance plans to invest in excess of Rs 25000 crores in the next 4 years in
their retail division. The company already has in excess of 560 reliance fresh outlets across
the country. These stores sell fresh vegetables and fruits, staples, groceries, fresh
juice bars and dairy products. A typical Reliance Fresh store is approximately 3000-
4000 square feet and caters to a catchment area of 2-3 km. RRL now operates 22
different formats across India. 453 Reliance Fresh stores in over 45 towns and cities
are operational across India. Including the Reliance Fresh stores, the company now
operates over 900 retail stores across India.

3. Growth and Development of Organization

Post launch, in a dramatic shift in its positioning and mainly due to the
circumstances prevailing in UP, West Bengal and Odisha, it was mentioned that,
Reliance Retail is moving out of stocking vegetables and fruits. Reliance Retail has
decided to minimize its exposure in the fruit and vegetable business and position
Reliance Fresh as a pure play super market focusing on categories like food, FMCG,
home, consumer durables, IT and wellness, with food accounting for the bulk of the
business. RRL increased its footprint to more than 900 stores in 80 cities across 14
states in India. Reliance fresh has over 20 stores all over Pune. The company may not
stock fruit and vegetables in some states. Though Reliance Fresh is not exiting the fruit
and vegetable business altogether, it has decided not to compete with local vendors
partly due to political reasons, and partly due to its inability to create a robust supply
chain. This is quite different from what the firm had originally planned. When the first
Reliance Fresh store opened in Hyderabad, not only did the company said the store‟s
main focus would be fresh produce like vegetables and fruits at a much lower price,
but also spoke at length about its “farm-to-fork‟‟ theory. The idea the company spoke
about was to source from farmers and sell directly to the consumer removing
middlemen out of the way. Reliance Fresh, Reliance Mart, Reliance Digital, Reliance
Trendz, Reliance Footprint, Reliance Wellness, Reliance Jewels, Reliance Timeout and
Reliance Super are various formats that Reliance has rolled out. In addition, Reliance
Retail has entered into an alliance with Apple for setting up a chain of Apple Specialty
Stores branded as iStore. RRL has a direct engagement with over 5 million customers
following a loyalty programme 'Reliance One' which was offered from the first day of
its operation.

Reliance Fresh at a Glance

Reliance Fresh is the convenience store format which forms part of the retail business
of Reliance Industries of India. Taking another leap ahead, Reliance Fresh Direct
makes the grocery shopping even simpler by bringing it to customer‟s door step. A
comfortable shopping can be done from home; office or on the move and selection can
be made from a wide range of 6000+ products.
Reliance Fresh offers convenience of shopping for everything that the customer
needs for his/her home - be it Fresh Vegetables and fruits, rice, dals, oil, packaged
food, bakery and dairy item, frozen and pet food, household cleaning items,
specialized beauty and personal care products from a single virtual store. The
customer can get started by registering with Reliance Fresh, select the products
he/she needs, choose the delivery time convenient to him/her and pay the way
he/she wants to-through cash/credit card/net banking and food coupons. Reliance
Fresh will handpick the customer‟s order the way he/she would have done it
himself/herself and deliver it to his/her home just when he/she wants it.

Reliance Fresh gives all that the customers want, wide range of brands and products
to choose from exclusive ranges like organic, regional delicacies and many more. It
offers on - time delivery at customers‟ convenience and dedicated workforce
network and infrastructure to ensure it. It provides convenient options of delivery
slots, customer friendly interface, user friendly and easy to navigate website,well-
trained customer service agents to assist customers during order booking and
enquiries. It also ensures fresh, hygiene and high quality products stored and
transported in high standards of hygiene and temperature control.

Supply Chain Management in Reliance Fresh

Reliance Fresh makes its purchase of green vegetables and fruits from the local
farmers but never from the mandis. They have established the rural business hubs in
many parts of the country. The objective of Reliance Fresh is to make the entire value
chain more effective, robust and responsive. By approaching farmers directly, it
thereby reduces the procurement wastage that further paves the way for better
returns to Indian farmers and wholesalers as well as it renders greater value for the
Indian consumers. In the first phase vegetables and fruits are procured from the
suppliers and wholesalers followed by processing, separating rotten ones and finally
packaging for sale. The objective of the Collection Centre is to buy fresh and good
quality of vegetables and fruits. The company can save the mandi charge through
these practices.

Reliance started its retail operations of Reliance Fresh store by following the supply
chain model comprising of procuring vegetables and fruits directly from the farmers
and operating with moderate margin. (Mass selling was the key to Reliance Fresh
operations for the first few months). Raw material is procured from farmers or
suppliers and the wholesalers, and the farmers and wholesalers use their own
logistics for assembling the same in the collection point. From the collection
point, Reliance Fresh uses its own logistics for transportation and processing in
collection point, then transported to processing point and ultimately to the
customers through the retail outlets. Realistic supply chains have multiple end
products with shared components, facilities and capacities. The flow of materials may
require various modes of transportation, and the bill of materials for the end
items may be both deep and large.

Reliance‟s food and grocery business was in the line of fire, because of the popular
perception of Reliance being the most „powerful‟ business conglomerate in the
country. This is evident from the fact that widespread political protests to corporate
participation in retail started only after Reliance announced its roll-out plans.
Companies like Kishore Biyani‟s Future group, Subhiksha and Udyan Fresh have had
operations in this format long before without encountering major problems.
Moreover, the positioning of the Reliance Fresh format (small convenience stores)
puts it in direct competition not only with neighbourhood kirana stores, but also with
small fruit and vegetable vendors. At this point of time future and ambitions of 25000
crore Reliance retail started falling under clouds.
Figure 1 The Farm-to-Fork Model of Reliance Fresh

Value Chain Analysis in Reliance Fresh

Value chain analysis consists of
Primary activities like inbound logistics, operations, marketing and sales,
services and
Secondary activities like infrastructure, procurement, technology development and
human resource development.

Supportive Activities in Value Chain Analysis of Reliance Fresh

Reliance Industries has invested nearly Rs. 3000 crore to expand the Reliance Fresh
stores. The stores work on The Ranger Format which means selling of fresh
vegetables to the road sellers. Reliance plans to invest in excess of Rs. 25000 crore in
the next 4 years in their retail division. The company already has in excess of 650
reliance fresh outlets across the country. A typical Reliance Fresh store is
approximately 3000-4000 square feet and caters to a catchment area of 2-3 km.

Procurement of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, bakery items directly from the
farmers and wholesalers based on the pre- negotiated contacts. By procuring
directly they weed out the middleman commissions, costs of loading and
unloading, transportation costs and wastage due to exchange of hands. Perishable
products are procured from nearby areas of distribution centers. Non-perishable
products such as FMCG products which have longer shelf life are procured
centrally by their merchandising department.
Procurement Policies and Procedure, Inventory Management
Procurement policies:
1. Centralize purchase through various distribution centre directly from
2. The category manager and the SCM manager plans the overall merchandise to be
offered at the store.
3. Orders are automatically generated by the SAP system when the level of the
merchandise reaches the reorder level.
4. The category manager can anytime check the inventory level.
5. The category manager receives the order automatically generated by the
system and then forwards it to the SCM manager.

Procurement procedure: Three important persons are involved in this procedure.

1. Store manager
2. Category manager
3. Supply chain manager
Similar products falls into a category and similar categories are managed by a
category manager. Once the stock in the store falls below the reorder level the SAP
system automatically generates order for procurement of those goods. This order is
received by category manager who collects orders from different reliance fresh stores
in the city and then places an bigger order to the supply chain. The supply chain
procures goods from their respective sources through centralized purchasing or local
purchases. The goods are then send to the stores which ordered for it.

Sources of supply:
Vegetables: Local farmers and Wholesalers
Fruits: Wholesalers
Other FMCG products: Direct through company contracts or through the Carry and
Forward Agents (C & F Agents).

Technology Development
Reliance Fresh is fully customized and equipped with highly secured software.
The four major software used in Reliance Fresh are SAP, RETALIX, R CONNECT
PORTAL and EUROPLEX SECURITIES. On PM Modi‟s calls regarding Make in
India and Digital India, Chairman Mukesh Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Industries,
said these had energized India and its enterprises. He said, Reliance Industries
would invest Rs. 1 lakh-crore in the next 12-18 months in Gujrat alone, in
contributing to both initiatives for technology development.

Human Resource Development

Human resource management of Reliance Fresh is categorically divided into three: top
level management, under this strategy makers and cluster managers are included, mid
level management, under this area managers and store managers are included and
low level management, under this only assistant store manager is appointed. Different
factors are implemented in human resource management like strict appraisal policies,
less working hours as compared to its competitors, timely wages, timely notice prior
to termination and recruitment from friends and referrals.

Inbound Logistics
The inbound activity of Reliance Fresh primarily begins with the role of the
category heads belonging to the distribution centers (DCs) who are entrusted with
the task of choosing of different categories of vegetables and fruits. These people are
highly experts in selecting items that are meet the quality standards. After
procurement the next phase calls for the transportation of the merchandise from
the DCs to the Reliance Fresh Outlets by means of trucks and vans, hired on a
contractual basis. After reaching the outlet, the merchandise is assembled and space
allotment is done. vegetables and fruits are stored in open chillers with proper
temperature regulations. Sophisticated large-sized, specially designed and germ
resistant metallic crates are used for storing the vegetables and fruits. A weekly
inspection is done under the supervision of Hygiene Inspector. Special fly resistant
sprays and Pest Controlling substances are used to maintain health, hygiene and
freshness. A wide range of vegetables and fruits are available at a fair price. It can
further be witnessed that those vegetables and fruits which are seasonal in nature are
available with Reliance Fresh at any time unlike the local marketers and vendors.
Most importantly different types of uncommon fruits varieties such as seedless
grapes, varieties of apples and straw berries, oranges etc. and vegetables such as
baby corn, broccolli etc. are available with Reliance Fresh. As the pricing part is
concerned, the prices of onion and potato is minimum one rupee lesser than the
market price.

Store Operations
The merchandise is checked properly from time to time by the supervisor. The house
keeping people clean the outlet at least 7 times a day‟s span. Refrigeration and
temperature are checked regularly by the store manager. In the later half of the day,
indent of the next day merchandise is prepared by the store manager with the help of
the supervisor. At the end of the day the closing stock is checked and further details
of replenishment are forwarded to the head office by the supervisor. The cash
manager checks the balance and compares it with the sale. The store winds up for
customers around 10pm. The accounting procedures are completed and the operators
shut down the outlet at 11 pm. In Figure 6 the Reliance Fresh store layout and design
are depicted clearly.

Store Layout and Design

Store Layout: Grid Type Layout
Grid Type Layout: This type of layout is a retailer‟s primary choice when it comes to
Layout Planning or Designing. These layout makes you feel where and what are you
Ambience: Reliance fresh provides good ambience having proper lighting, ventilation
facilities. Also products are properly arranged according to category. Customers are
provided with trolleys and baskets to select products on their own. For this purpose
enough space is made available with the help of grid layout. Air conditions are also

Shelving Pattern: Use of Wall Racks, Corner Racks, Retail Gondolas, Fruits and
Vegetable Racks, Shopping Trolleys and Baskets, Wire Products, Check Out Counter,
Glass Shelves and Accessories, Gondola End Racks, Wall Unit Racks, Wire Baskets.

Figure 6 Reliance Fresh Layout Design

Marketing and Sales

Direct Marketing
Use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail or internet to communicate directly with or
solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects this platform is
used to inform the „reliance one‟ members (a loyalty programme) through e-mails,
telephones and SMS. Through this the information regarding the latest offers,
events are being communicated to the customers.

Push Strategy
Reliance fresh adopting push strategy like point of sale displays, special displays,
dealers premium, gifts, advertising materials, catalogs and brochure, events and
sampling for clearing their inventories in time.

Pull Strategy
Reliance fresh introducing pull strategy like coupons, samples, premium and gifts,
refunds/rebates and POP advertisement for
attracting the customers.

Advertising Strategy
The advertising part of reliance fresh is done with the help of: print and
broadcast adds, packaging outer, catalogue,
directories, billboards, symbols and logos, audio materials.

Sales Promotion
A variety of short term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or
service. The sales promotion at reliance fresh includes: premium and gifts, sampling,
rebates and offers like BOGO, BXGY etc.
Services and Support
The salesman are well trained in handling customers and well informed about the
available merchandise in context of pricing and offerings. They are experts in multi
tasking. They provide personalized service to customers and meet their queries. They
time to time operate as per the instructions of the top management. They have a close
monitoring on the available inventory and they furnish the information as regards of
procurement. In Box 1 SWOT Analysis of Reliance Fresh has been explained clearly
with some pros and cons. In Figure 8 the sustainable supply chain management
model has been framed out and described about the sustainability features of
Reliance Fresh.

SWOT Analysis in Reliance Fresh


• Strong financials of holding company and brand.

• Private label sale – Reliance select
• Contract farming
• Network – 1600 channels in villages
• Backward integration strategy
• Experienced management team
• Strong IT and back end operations
• Vertical integration
• Backward integration
• Good financial position
• Brand equity

• There is poor inventory control is not properly managed by the staff
• The staff needs to be more qualified and more aware about the products
available in the store
• Staff takes more time in billing
• Vegetables and fruits are not always fresh
• All types of vegetables and fruits are not available to meet customer demand
• Lack of strong supply chain like other big player
• Poor inventory control
• Less innovative promotional scheme
• Lack of use of advance of information technology
• Lack of facilities to customers like parking, compact layout etc.
• Losses due to joint ventures
• Absence at prime locations
• Limited multi-format presence

• Reliance wants to build a high-profitability business and food is perhaps, the
best venture to start. that is because the Indian supply chain comparatively
• There are several intermediaries, each of them adds his profit margin to the
cost. besides there is huge wastage in transit. this offers potential for savings
and profits.
• The supply chain already has been backed by few hundred farmers the number
is estimated to touch million in next five years. the main aim of the reliance is to
eliminate the intermediaries in the sector and reduce the cost.
• Increase in net margin.
• Untapped Rural Market Potential
• Sale of Reliance select products in Open Market
• Expansion in Metro and Tier cities
• Growing retail market
• Increasing buying power of Indian consumers
• Many untapped markets in India

• Domestic competitors like Big Bazaar
• Brand cautious customers
• Opposition from unorganized retailers
• Employee attrition rate
• Change In FDI norms in retail sectors
• Increase in the operating costs
• Low price competition
• Increasing competition

Reliance Fresh manages its value chain effectively. The vegetables and fruits are
delivered to the customers with proper emphasis on freshness and hygiene. The
distribution centers keep a track of the inventory requirements at the outlets and
carefully select the vegetables and fruits from the local farmers and wholesalers. The
retail stores well manage the vegetables and fruits under properly regulated
temperature and chilling conditions. Proper emphasis on pest controlling and
germ contamination are done looking at the shelf- life of the items. The staff are well
trained and well informed about the available categories of vegetables and fruits and
the technology been used in Reliance Fresh. Customers get attracted at the ambiance
as well as the abundance of vegetables and fruits in Reliance Fresh. Hygiene, quality,
safety and competitive price have always concerned Reliance Fresh supply chain
management; in recent years, social responsibility and the more holistic goal of
sustainability have also earned official recognition. Reliance Fresh has made rapid
progress towards building a value chain starting from farmers to the end customers
with ten core values like care, citizenship, fairness, honesty, purposeful, respect,
responsibility, safety and truth.

• Explain the Reliance Fresh – “Farm to Fork Model” in line with Supply
Chain Management
• What are the Primary Activities that added value to the Supply Chain
• What are the Secondary activities that added value to the supply chain
• Discuss the SWOT analysis

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