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Effective January 1, 2014

Revised November 2013
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... 2
COMPLIANCE TO THE RULES .................................................................................................................. 3
DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 3
RULE 1. MEMBERSHIP ...................................................................................................................... 5
RULE 2. MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING ........................................................................................... 5
RULE 3. INSURANCE COVERAGE .................................................................................................... 5
RULE 4. SANCTION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 6
RULE 5. BOXER’S QUALIFICATION: MEDICAL ASPECTS .............................................................. 8
RULE 6. SCORING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 11
RULE 7. DECISIONS ......................................................................................................................... 13
RULE 8. FOULS ................................................................................................................................ 15
RULE 9. LOW BLOW ........................................................................................................................ 16
RULE 10. CAUTION, WARNING, DISQUALIFICATION...................................................................... 16
RULE 11. KNOCKDOWN .................................................................................................................... 17
RULE 12. REFEREES ......................................................................................................................... 18
RULE 13. JUDGES .............................................................................................................................. 20
RULE 14. AIBA/USA BOXING REFEREE & JUDGE MANAGEMENT ............................................... 20
RULE 15. RINGSIDE DOCTORS......................................................................................................... 21
RULE 16. TIMEKEEPER ..................................................................................................................... 21
RULE 17. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCER .................................................................................................... 21
RULE 18. COACHES / SECONDS ...................................................................................................... 22
RULE 19. RING ................................................................................................................................... 23
RULE 20. RING ACCESSORIES ......................................................................................................... 23
RULE 21. GUMSHIELD (MOUTH PIECE) ........................................................................................... 24
RULE 22. CUP PROTECTOR .............................................................................................................. 24
APPENDIX A – ANNUAL MEDICAL CERTIFICATE & BRACES RELEASE FORM ................................... 25
APPENDIX B – USA BOXING R&J MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................................................. 29


These USA Boxing Technical Rules, as adopted from the AIBA Technical Rules, applying to AOB are the only
Technical Rules, boxing members, clubs and boxing family must follow and respect in all of their competitions
sanctioned by USA Boxing. No Local Boxing Committee or Affiliated Organizations may develop its own Technical
Rules that are contradictory to the USA Boxing Technical Rules.

“Advancing Competition” means a competition where winners advance to another level, i.e. state, regional and
national tournaments.

“AIBA” means the International Boxing Association;

“Affiliated Organizations” shall be those not-for-profit sports organizations which meet the requirements of
applicable federal law, that register as affiliated organizations and that conduct, on a level of proficiency appropriate
for the selection of athletes to represent the United States in international athletic competition in the sport of AOB, a
national program or regular national athletic competition in the sport of AOB.

“AIBA Competitions” means all competitions of AOB, APB and WSB;

“AOB” means AIBA Open Boxing;

“APB” means the professional boxing competition named AIBA Pro Boxing;

“Bout” means a boxing contest between two Boxers taking place as part of a competition;

“Boxer” means any Boxer who participates in a competition and who is registered by USA Boxing; the term Boxer
refers to Boxers of both genders;

“Coach Certification” means the permission to act as a Coach in USA Boxing Competitions, after the person passes
examinations and obtains a certificate granted by USA Boxing;

“Confederation” means a group of National Federations, recognized by AIBA and belonging to the same continent;

“Disciplinary and Complaint Rules” means the rules published by USA Boxing in relation to the general standards
of conduct required of a Boxer and/or of any person involved in a USA Boxing Competition, and the sanctions which
may be imposed in relation to any breach of such standards of conduct;

“Field of Play (FOP)” means the competition area which extends for approximately 20 feet outside the platform of the
ring for AOB;

“Gloves” means equipment that is worn on the hands in order to protect them during the competition;

“Individual Physical Contact Sport” means any of the following sports in any of their forms: Aikido, Boxing (except
AOB, APB and WSB), Cage Fighting, Judo, Ju-jitsu, Karate, Kendo, Kickboxing, K-1, Muaythai, MMA, Sambo,
Savate, Sumo, Taekwondo, Wrestling, Wushu and such other sports as may be deemed by AIBA to be an individual
physical contact sport;

“Judge” means the person who allocates points during a Bout based on each Boxer’s performance in the ring in
respect of the USA Boxing Technical Rules and of the AOB/USA Boxing Competitions Rules;

“Local Boxing Committee (LBC)” means member organizations of USA Boxing that promote and administer AOB
and Olympic-style boxing at the local level under the jurisdiction of USA Boxing;

“Medical Rules” means the rules published by USA Boxing in relation to the medical standards required to be
observed by all registered members of USA Boxing prior to, during and after any competition, as stated in the USA
Boxing Medical Handbook;


“National Federation/USA Boxing” means a Federation that is admitted into membership of AIBA by the Congress,
hence becoming a member of AIBA;

“National Governing Body (NGB)” means the national governing body designated as such by the U.S. Olympic

“National Level Competitions” means boxing competitions organized and/or sanctioned by a particular National
Federation and to which only Boxers that are citizens from that National Federation participate;

“Non-advancing competitions” means any competition where the winners do not advance to another competition,
tournament or international competition;

“Protests” means a challenge of the referee;

“Referee” means the person who ensures that the USA Boxing Technical Rules and the AOB/USA Boxing
Competitions Rules are followed by the Boxers during their Bouts in the ring;

“Rules” means the Anti-Corruption Rules, Anti-Doping Rules, Disciplinary Rules, Competition Rules, Medical Rules
Procedural Rules and Technical Rules;

“Sanction” means a certificate of approval issued by USA Boxing for all competitions;

“Seconds” means Coaches or Trainers who are certified by AOB/USA Boxing and who are allowed to act in the
corner of the ring;

“Supervisor” means the person who is approved by USA Boxing to be responsible for all technical related issues in
any sanctioned USA Boxing Competition.

“Team Officials” means the Team Managers, Coaches and Doctors of a team entered by USA Boxing in any
competition but does not include the Boxers;

“USA Boxing” means the organization recognized as the National Governing Body of the USOC and National
Federation of AIBA which governs all Olympic boxing in the United States of America;

“USA Boxing Competitions” means competitions sanctioned by USA Boxing to include club, LBC, state, regional,
national and international events occurring in the United States of America;

“USOC” means the United States Olympic Committee;

“World Series of Boxing (WSB)” means the international boxing league competition known as the World Series of
Boxing (or such other name as may replace said name from time to time) comprising multiple Franchisees and taking
place once during each competition year.


1.1. All participating members; Boxers, Coaches, Officials, Physicians, must be members of USA Boxing, to
participate in USA Boxing activities, which is not limited to club workouts, sparring sessions, and
1.2. Any member of USA Boxing shall be permanently disqualified from USA Boxing if they are:
1.2.1. Convicted of a felony involving a rape or a sex crime against any person; or
1.2.2. Is required under applicable state or federal law to be a registered sex offender or the equivalent
1.2.3. Any fellonious or lesser crime deemed egregious by the ethics comittee
1.2.4. All non-athletes are required to successfully pass a background screening every two years.
1.2.5. All members must provide both a physical and mailing address upon registration.
1. 3. Boxers must be registered with the LBC in which they reside and have been passed as physically sound
by the attending examining physician immediately before and after the contest.
1. 4. A boxer may not represent a club or an organization that is not a member of an LBC or USA Boxing. Any
boxer who boxes for a club or organization, which is not a registered member of the LBC, must enter
the contest as “unattached”.
1. 5. For safety purposes, any boxer who participates in an unsanctioned or non-amateur (i) boxing contest or
tournament or (ii) in a tough man, wild man, barroom brawl or any similar competition that is never
sanctioned by USA Boxing is ineligible to compete as an athlete member of USA Boxing. Such boxer
may make an appeal for eligibility through USA Boxing’s grievance and complaint process.
1. 6. In order to be eligible to compete in an AIBA Competition, at any level, a Boxer who has competed at an
amateur level in any Individual Physical Combat Sport must submit an application to the USA Boxing
national office, who in turn will submit the request to the AIBA Eligibility Committee. The AIBA Eligibility
Committee will review each application based on the information submitted and the guidelines and
criteria developed by the Committee. The applying Boxer will only be eligible to compete in an AIBA
Competition where the AIBA Eligibility Committee has deemed that Boxer to be eligible. The decision of
the AIBA Eligibility Committee will be final and not subject to appeal or challenge (either by the Boxer or
third parties).


2.1. All participants, not limited to athletes, officials, referees, judges, physicians, coaches, team officials, must
be currently registered and properly certified and not under any suspension from AIBA and/or USA Boxing
to work or compete at any and all competitions.


3.1. Accident insurance. Any boxer entering any sanctioned boxing competition must carry a twenty-five
thousand dollar ($25,000) accident insurance policy. USA Boxing provides this insurance coverage as a
condition for participation and is automatically provided for upon registration. The insurance premium is
included as part of the USA Boxing registration fee.
3.2. For sanctioned events and supervised practices for local, club, LBC, regional, national and international
boxing competitions, insurance coverage for medical, surgical, hospital, and dental care up to a total of
twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), with a $1,000 deductible with primary coverage, $2,500 without, is
provided by USA Boxing. Claims will be paid to the proper institutions only after all other insurance
programs have been exhausted. In the event of accidental death, ten thousand dollars ($10,000) will be
paid to the estate of said deceased.
3.2.1. All medical, surgical, hospital, and dental claims for injuries occurring during LBC, regional, national or
international competitions shall be submitted directly to the USA Boxing National Office.
3. Organized Group Travel policy. USA Boxing provides insurance coverage for accidental death/injury up to
a limit of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per person for all travel to and from all USA Boxing-sanctioned

4.1 Local Boxing Committees (LBCs) approve sanctions for all local, state/LBC and regional events
within their geographic boundaries. USA Boxing will approve sanctions for all National, International
and Affiliate Member events. Local Boxing Committees will be notified of these sanctioned events
to foster cooperation and volunteer participation.

4.2 Requirements
4.2.1 Sanctions may be issued to Clubs and Organizations that are current members of USA
4.2.2 Submission of a sanction application form and payment (online or through the LBC)
4.2.3 Approval of sanction application by LBC Sanctions may not be transferred to any other entity
4.2.4 Use of the word “Olympic” or any derivative, prohibited in name of event, marketing and
promotion of the sanctioned event
4.2.5 Sanctions and payment must be received by the National Office at least ten (10) days before
the start date of the event
4.2.6 Written notification of cancelled event must be received within more than seven (7) days of
the original sanction date to receive an 80% refund of the sanction fee. If notification of
cancelled sanction is received after the seven (7) day notice period the sanction fee will be
retained by USA Boxing
4.2.7 One Certificate of Liability request per sanction may be requested in writing at least seven
(7) days prior to event start date, additional certificate requests will incur a $10 administrative
charge by USA Boxing. Certificate of Liability requests with less than seven (7) days to the
competition, the sanction holder will be charged a $50 administrative fee.

4.3 Conditions
4.3.1 The club is currently registered with USA Boxing
4.3.2 All associated announcements, advertising and entry forms must state that no entries will be
accepted unless boxer is registered with USA Boxing
4.3.3 All associated announcements, advertising and entry forms must bear the statement, “Held
under the sanction of USA Boxing, Inc.” and include the address of the Local Boxing
4.3.4 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Alcoholic beverages may be served or sold at USA Boxing
sanctioned events ONLY IF provided by a licensed vendor or caterer. NO GLASS
containers shall be allowed at USA Boxing sanctioned events.

4.4 Withdrawal of Sanction

4.4.1 In the case of non-compliance with Requirements and Conditions, the LBC or National Office
may withdraw the sanction following these steps: Provide written notification outlining the problem(s) of non-compliance The communication will list the necessary corrective measures to become compliant Refer to Judicial Committee if a hearing is requested
4.4.2 Reporting Requirements Each sanction holder shall provide a “report of sanctioned event” to the issuing LBC
within 14 days after the last day of the event (USA Boxing Bylaws 15.3[C]) Provide a written narrative and a variety of action photographs of the activities conducted
during the event so the information may be shared via USA Boxing’s website (USA
Boxing Bylaws 15.4[E]) Failure to provide sanctioned event report, narrative and photos will result in
withholding future sanctions

4.5 PRO-AM Boxing Sanction

4.5.1 All currently registered USA Boxing, Inc. member athletes are eligible to compete in a USA
Boxing sanctioned Pro-Am competition


4.5.2 Pro-Am Sanctions may only be granted to current member USA Boxing Clubs that have been
registered for at least one year or may be granted through the LBC
4.5.3 Completed USA Boxing, Inc. sanction application form and Pro-Am Sanction Information
Form shall be submitted to the LBC President or designee at least 30 days prior to the Pro-
Am event. Application packet will include: Certificate of 3rd party liability insurance for the pro portion of the event Proof of accident insurance for pro boxers Pro-Am Sanction fee: Regular sanction fee plus designated fee for each USA Boxing
athlete bout on the card
4.5.4 LBC President or designee shall review all documents before forwarding to USA Boxing, Inc.
The paperwork shall be received by the National Office no less than ten (10) days prior to the
event, documents received later than the minimum requirement may not be approved.
4.5.5 The LBC and USA Boxing, Inc. shall be responsible for only the USA Boxing athlete portion of
the event.
4.5.6 All Pro-Am events shall be conducted by current USA Boxing, Inc. rules, policies and
4.5.7 The LBC President or designee shall complete and send a Report of Pro-Am Event to the
National Office within 30 days following the event
4.5.8 Documents Pro-Am Checklist Pro-Am Sanction Information Form Report of Pro-Am Event

4.6 International Club Exchanges

4.6.1 Procedures for club exchange with countries outside of the United States – ALL participants
of club exchanges must be registered and in good standing with their respective National
Federation and must adhere to the rules of USA Boxing, Inc. Border Club Exchanges with Canada and Mexico (inside or outside the U.S.) Inside U.S. - Host club shall apply for sanction through the LBC and indicate the
event is an International Club Exchange, including a list of country(s) participating Complete the International Club Exchange form to accompany sanction
application Within ten (10) days of event, complete the Results of International Club
Exchange form and send to the USA Boxing national office Outside U.S. USA Boxing, Inc. Club shall fill out the International Club Exchange form and
send to the LBC at least 14 days prior to departure Within ten (10) days of close of the event, complete the Results of International
Club Exchange form and send to USA Boxing national office Club Exchanges with any other country (inside or outside the U.S., including U.S.
Territories) Inside U.S. – Host club shall apply for sanction through the LBC and indicate the
event is an International Club Exchange, including list of country(s) participating
(must be received in the USA Boxing national office at least 14 days prior to foreign
team arrival) Complete the International Club Exchange form to accompany sanction
application Include invitation letter sent to visiting club/association Include letter of response from International NGB/Federation giving permission
for the exchange to take place Insurance Coverage for foreign delegation Include a certificate of insurance from the International NGB/Federation verifying
coverage for the team travelling to the U.S. OR if insurance certificate NOT provided Include a check made payable to USA Boxing, Inc. for TravMed Insurance which
covers all participants for a fee of $5.00 per person per day. Travel dates are to
be added to the total number of days team will be in the United States.

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 7 Within ten (10) days of event, complete the Results of International Club
Exchange form and send to the USA Boxing national office Outside U.S. USA Boxing, Inc. Club shall fill out the International Club Exchange form and
send to the LBC at least 21 days prior to departure Include letter of invitation from National Federation Insurance Coverage for U.S. Club Team ALL U.S. Club teams MUST obtain TravMed insurance for all delegates
travelling abroad Include a check made payable to USA Boxing, Inc. for TravMed insurance which
covers all participants for a fee of $5.00 per person per day. Travel dates are to
be added to the total number of days team will be outside the United States. Within ten (10) days of return to the U.S., complete the Results of International
Club Exchange form and send to USA Boxing national office
4.6.2 Foriegn athletes competing in International Club Exchanges must be in good standing with
their National Boxing Federation.
4.6.3 Teams participating in international club competition must adhere to all USA Boxing rules of
4.6.4 International Club Exchange teams may not use USA on their competition suits or in
advertising the event
4.6.5 Teams, whether USA Boxing, Inc., club or foreign, must be designated as club teams and
may not be referred to as national teams
4.6.6 No international club competition date will be approved which conflicts with other USA
national or international competitions
4.6.7 Documents USA Boxing International Club Exchange Form USA Boxing Results of International Club Exchange Form

4.7 Feature Bout

4.7.1 Any sanctioned event may apply to hold one Feature Bout following these conditions: Youth and Elite Athletes only Well-matched experience and weight Males may box four (4) rounds of three (3) minutes in duration Females may box five (5) rounds of two (2) minutes in duration No substitutions
4.7.2 LBC will approve and forward Feature Bout Application to the USA Boxing national office
4.7.3 Document Feature Bout Application

Sanction Fees – National Level

LBC/Club Show $250
Int’l Club Exchange $250 TravMed Insurance when required - $5 per person per day
Pro-Am $250 Plus $100 per bout for each USA Boxing Athlete bout, to be retained
by the LBC
Feature Bout $250
Affiliate Member $250
LBCs may charge a higher sanction fee, however not triple the base cost. USA Boxing reserves the right to
change the sanction fee.


5.1. Medical Certification

5.1.1. As of January 1, 2014 all boxers registered in USA Boxing must have an initial medical
examination, to be repeated annually, and recorded in a valid up-to-date Boxer’s USA Boxing


approved Competition Record Book in which such Boxer must be certified as fit to box by a
qualified Medical Doctor. A qualified Medical Doctor is a licensed Medical Doctor (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathy
(D.O.). The valid up-to-date Boxer’s USA Boxing approved Competition Record Book must be
signed by the doctor performing the examination.

5.1.2. The Boxer must be considered as fit to compete upon examination by a Ringside Doctor before
being weighed-in. In order to ensure smooth running of the Weigh-In, the Supervisor may
decide to begin the Medical Examination earlier. The Supervisor will inform all Boxer’s
representatives of this change.

5.1.3. At the Medical Examination, the Boxer or representative must provide the Supervisor all
required documents in accordance with these rules. Boxers who wish to compete with braces are required to have attached to their passbooks a
completed Release To Compete With Braces form (Appendix A). This form requires the written
approval of their dentist, parents and/or guardian (if under 18 years of age) and a dentist-molded
mouthpiece. This includes upper and/or lower braces. Boxers competing with braces waive the
right to dental coverage under the USA Boxing insurance program.

5.1.4. The Annual Medical Certificate must be standardized as per Appendix A.

5.1.5. Boxers must respect a minimum rest period of: AOB – Once (1) per calendar day with a minimum of twelve (12) hours between two (2) Bouts;

5.2. Boxer with Allowed Handicap

5.2.1. Refer to current USA Boxing Medical Handbook for allowed handicaps.

5.3. Prohibited Conditions

Boxers with the following prohibited conditions will not be allowed to enter any USA Boxing

5.3.1. Wearing any dressing on abrasion, wound or cut other than a steri-strip. Soft wrap or braces on
lower extremities are allowed, but must not have any hard plastic or metal components. No soft
wraps, other than hand wraps, are allowed on the upper extremities. The decision will be made
by the Ringside Doctor examining the Boxer on the day the Boxer is competing.

5.3.2. Boxers must be clean-shaved before all Medical Examinations. Beards and moustaches will not
be allowed. No type of body piercing and no body accessories will be permitted to be worn
during a Bout.

5.3.3. Any implantable device which can alter a physiological process or enhance performance.

5.3.4. Refer to current USA Boxing Medical Handbook for other prohibited conditions.

5.3.5. Medical Certification following Probation Periods - Before resuming boxing after any period of
rest prescribed in Rule 5.5 below, a Boxer must be certified as fit to box by a Doctor to be able
to take part in competitive boxing.

5.3.6. Boxer is only allowed to wear soft contact lenses. All other contact lenses will be prohibited. If the concerned Boxer loses contact lenses:

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 9 The Boxer accepts to continue to box, the Bout will continue; The Boxer does not accept to continue to box without the contact lenses, the
Referee must terminate the Bout and the opponent will be declared the winner by

5.4. Knockout (KO) and Technical Knockout (TKO)

When the result of the Bout is Knockout or Technical Knockout, the Ringside Doctor must fill out and
sign a Restriction Affidavit which data will be updated in the USA Boxing Database and sent
automatically to the USA Boxing national office and Local Boxing Committee concerned. The
Restriction Affidavit must recommend how many rest days should be prescribed or the protective
restrictive measures and be delivered to the Supervisor by the Ringside Doctor.

5.5. Protective Restrictive Measures

5.5.1. One Knockout - A Boxer who has been knocked out as a result of head blows during a contest
or wherein the Referee has stopped the contest due to the Boxer having received hard blows to
the head, making this Boxer defenseless or incapable of continuing, will not be permitted to
take part in competitive boxing or sparring for a period of at least 30 days after the Boxer has
been knocked out.

5.5.2. Two Knockouts - A Boxer who has been knocked out as a result of head blows during a contest
or wherein the Referee has stopped the contest due to a Boxer having received hard blows to
the head, making this Boxer defenseless or incapable of continuing twice in a period of 90 days,
will not be permitted to take part in competitive boxing or sparring during a period of 90 days
from the second Knockout.

5.5.3. Three Knockouts - A Boxer who has been knocked out as a result of head blows during a
contest or wherein the Referee has stopped the contest due to the Boxer having received hard
blows to the head, making this Boxer defenseless or incapable of continuing three times in a
period of 12 months, will not be permitted to take part in competitive boxing or sparring for one
(1) year from the third Knockout.

5.5.4. If a Boxer has been knocked out or received a severe head blow which results in a Bout being
terminated, the Ringside Doctor will classify the seriousness of the concussion and prescribe
the medical restriction period as follows: In the event of no Loss of Consciousness (LOC), a minimum restriction of 30 days; In the event of LOC for less than one (1) minute, a minimum restriction of 90 days; In the event of LOC more than one (1) minute, a minimum restriction of 180 days; Any Boxer who suffers a second LOC within three (3) months of resuming boxing
after a first LOC will have the highest applicable medical restriction period doubled; Any Boxer who suffers three (3) LOCs within 12 months will be suspended for a
minimum of eighteen (18) months from the date of the third LOC; Any Boxer who has a medical restriction must not train or spar during the restricted

5.5.5. All protective measures must also apply if a Knockout and/or concussion occur during training
or anywhere else. The Coach will be responsible to report all incidents to USA Boxing.

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 10

5.5.6. If one Boxer is knocked out by a blow after “break” or “stop” and is counted “ten” (10), the win
by disqualification will not permit this Boxer to continue boxing in the competition.

5.5.7. Boxers returning from protective restrictive measures must receive written clearance from a
qualified Medical Doctor and inform their Local Boxing Committee before returning to box.

5.5.8. In case of body blows, the rest period or the protective restrictive measures will be at the
discretion of the Ringside Doctor, following the post Bout Medical Examination.


6.1. Electronic Scoring System

6.1.1. The Scoring System must be used in all Bouts. The Scoring System will be based on a “Ten Point

6.1.2. Following the selection of the 5 Judges, when they arrived in the FOP, the RJ Coordinator will
randomly select a position around the ring.

6.1.3. Just before starting each Bout, the Scoring System will randomly select three (3) Judges out of the five
(5) Judges, and only the scores of these three (3) Judges will be counted.

6.1.4. At the end of each round, each Judge must determine the winning Boxer of that round by awarding a
score of ten (10) points and by awarding nine (9) or less points - down to 6 - to the losing Boxer,
depending on the judgment as to the degree to which the opponent lost the round. Every round must
have a declared winner.

6.1.5. The Judges will have to push the scoring pad within fifteen (15) seconds. These scores will be
transmitted directly to a computer system managed by the Supervisor, and no alterations or additions
will be made to these scores after the initial transmission. In the event of a Live TV Broadcast: The announcement of the scores on the live TV broadcast
will be made immediately prior to the start of the next round (excluding the announcement of the
scores awarded for the final round, in which case the Official Announcer’s rule will apply to the
display and announcement of the scores). This announcement must be approved by the
Supervisor who will then submit the scores to the broadcaster for transmission on the live TV
broadcast. At the end of the Bout, the precise scores awarded and the Judge who awarded each
score will be identified on a public display. This public display will also indicate the total score by
each selected Judge for each Boxer for the entire Bout (including any deduction due to warnings).

6.1.6. In the event the total scores awarded by each Judge, including any deduction, are equal at the end of
the Bout, Judges must record in the Scoring System who in their opinion is the winner of the Bout.
They will only be requested to do so if: One (1) of the 2 (two) other Judges also awarded equal scores The two (2) other Judges appointed different winners The two (2) other Judges awarded equal scores

6.1.7. The scores of the final round must not be disclosed or displayed until the winner of the Bout has been
announced. The Supervisor will then inform the Official Announcer of the official results.

6.1.8. All results recorded in the Scoring System must be printed at the conclusion of the Bout and must be
included in the official report forwarded to the USA Boxing Office by the Supervisor.

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 11

6.1.9. If the Scoring System becomes defective, the Referee will in that case collect all 5 Judges’ score cards
with the names of the Judges to give to the Supervisor. The Supervisor will randomly draw only three
(3) Judges out of five (5) Judges and keep the name of counted Judges. From the second round, the
Supervisor will count the scores from the same 3 Judges who were previously selected.

6.1.10. In case of unavailability of a Judge due to unexpected circumstances, the Scoring System will
randomly select a third Judge out of the two (2) Judges who have not been selected initially.

6.1.11. The concerned Judge will be asked to move position to the unavailable Judge’s position.

6.2. Manual Scoring System

6.2.1. For all AOB/USA Boxing competitions, it is acceptable to operate with a manual scoring system (score
cards) for all AOB/USA Boxing Competitions.
6.2.2. For all AOB/USA Boxing competitions, it is acceptable to operate the scoring system with three (3)
judges instead of five (5).
6.2.3. 1- Nomination of the Referee and Judges For each bout, the Draw Commission shall appoint one (1) Referee and three (3) Judges without
giving the position of the three (3) Judges.
6.2.4. 2- Position of the Judges The R&Js Coordinator shall coordinate the position of the three (3) judges on the Field of Play
(FOP) following the next steps: 1- When arriving on the FOP, the R&Js Coordinator will ask them to pick
up a ping pong ball to randomly select their positions around the ring. 2- The R&Js Coordinator shall write the position of each of them on the
draw commission sheet. 3- The R&Js will seat on the waiting seat of the selected position. 4- The R&Js Coordinator shall deliver the sheet to the Supervisor and / or
the Deputy Supervisor (and the announcer if applicable) 5- The Supervisor or the Deputy Supervisor shall then report the judges’
names on the Supervisor Score Card for the appropriate bout. 6- Before the start of the bout, the Judges shall sit at their selected
positions around the ring, as usual.
6.2.5. 3- Collection of the score round by round At the end of each round, the Referee shall collect the score card of the three (3) judges, and give
them to the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor. The Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor will report the score of each judge on the Supervisor Bout
Report. He/she shall also complete the date, competition and bout number on the judge score
card. All score card must be kept bout by bout alongside to the Supervisor Bout Report by the
6.3. 4- Decision
6.3.1. At the end of the last round, the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor must calculate final scores including
all judges’ scores, warnings, and declared winner (red or blue).
6.4. 5- Official Announcement
6.4.1. The Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor shall fill in the Official Bout Result for Announcer with the correct
decision and winner. He/she shall then give the form to the Official Announcer. The decision and the
winner shall then be announced by the Official Announcer.
6.5. This whole procedure shall apply for each bout and every step shall be carefully completed in this order.
6.6. The Scoring System will appoint the winner by an unanimous or split decision as follows:
6.6.1. Unanimous decision by points: the three (3) Judges appoint the same winner, or

6.6.2. Split decision by points: Two (2) Judges appoint one (1) Boxer as the winner and the other Judge appoint the other
Boxer as the winner;
USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 12 Two (2) Judges appoint one (1) Boxer as the winner and the result of the other Judge is a

6.7. Each Judge will independently judge the merits of the two (2) Boxers using the Scoring System based on
following criteria which are weighted equally:

6.7.1. Number of quality blows on target area

6.7.2. Domination of the Bout
6.7.3. Competitiveness
6.7.4. Technique and tactics superiority
6.7.5. Infringement of the rules.

6.8. The Judges must apply the following criteria to score round:

6.8.1. 10 vs. 9 – Close round

6.8.2. 10 vs. 8 – Clear winner
6.8.3. 10 vs. 7 – Total dominance
6.8.4. 10 vs. 6 – Overmatched.


7.1. Win on points – WP

7.1.1. At the end of a Bout, the winner will be determined on the basis of the total score of the Judges
and will be declared the winner of the Bout on points in accordance with the Scoring System by
either unanimous or split decision.

7.1.2. The Judges will score the round for each Boxer up to the time of the termination of the Bout and
the Boxer who is ahead on points will be declared the winner of the Bout on points in
accordance to the Scoring System. The round in which the Bout is stopped will be scored, even
if it is a partial round. Rule 5.1.2. applies if an injury caused by an unintentional foul occurs and as a result the contest
is stopped by the Referee;

7.1.3. The Judges will score the round for each Boxer up to the time of the termination of the Bout and
the Boxer who is ahead on points will be declared the winner of the Bout on points in
accordance with the Scoring System. The round in which the Bout is stopped will be scored,
even if it is a partial round. Rule 5.1.3. applies in the case both Boxers are injured at the same time and as a result the
contest is stopped by the Referee;

7.1.4. The Bout may be terminated by the Referee due to an event that is out of the Boxer’s or
Referee’s control, such as the destruction of the ring, failure of the lighting supply, forces of
nature and other similar unforeseen conditions. In such circumstances, the Judges will score
the round for each Boxer up to the time of the termination of the Bout and the Boxer who is
ahead on points will be declared the winner of the Bout on points in accordance to the Scoring
System. The round in which the Bout is stopped will be scored, even if it is a partial round.

7.1.5. AIDS Stoppage Rule: If both boxers are bleeding or where one boxer is bleeding and the
opponent has an open cut or abrasion, the referee may stop the bout and take the boxers to the
doctor to be examined. If the bout is stopped the decision will be determined by the score

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7.2. Win by Technical Knockout – TKO

7.2.1. If a Boxer retires voluntarily due to injury or if the Coach throws the towel into the ring or
appears on the apron, however not while the Referee is counting, the opponent will be declared
the winner of the Bout by TKO.

7.2.2. If a Boxer fails to resume boxing immediately after the rest period between rounds, the
opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by TKO.

7.2.3. If a Boxer, in the Referee’s opinion, is being outclassed or is receiving excessive punishment or
hard blows, the Bout will be stopped and the opponent declared the winner of the Bout by TKO.

7.2.4. If a Boxer is unfit to continue and fails to resume boxing after a Knockdown, the opponent will
be declared the winner of the Bout by TKO.

7.2.5. If a Boxer does not recover after ninety (90) seconds, in accordance with Rule 10 concerning
the low blow, the opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by TKO.

7.2.6. If a Boxer is knocked out of the ring and he is unable to return into the ring within thirty (30)
seconds without any help, the opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by TKO.

7.2.7. When the Bout is stopped by the Referee at the discretion of the Supervisor following the
advice of a Ringside Doctor, the opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by TKO.

7.3. Win by Technical Knockout Injury – TKO-I

7.3.1. If a Boxer, in the opinion of the Referee, is unfit to continue because of a sustained or increased
injury from correct punches, the Bout will be stopped and the opponent will be declared the
winner of the Bout by TKO-I.

7.3.2. If a Boxer, in the opinion of the Referee, becomes incapable of continuing to compete because
of an injury sustained not from punches, the Bout will be stopped and the opponent will be
declared the winner of the Bout by TKO-I.

7.4. Win by Disqualification – DQ

7.4.1. If a Boxer is disqualified for a foul or for any other reason, the opponent will be declared the
winner of the Bout by DQ.

7.4.2. If the Referee, at his/her discretion, determines that an intentional foul caused an injury to a
Boxer and that the fouled and injured Boxer cannot continue because of the injury sustained
from this intentional foul, the offending Boxer will be disqualified and the injured Boxer will be
declared the winner of the Bout by DQ.

7.4.3. The third warning in the whole Bout will automatically disqualify the Boxer and the opponent will
be declared the winner of the Bout by DQ.

7.4.4. If the Boxer has been disqualified due to blatant misconduct or unsportsmanlike behavior, it has
to be brought to the attention of the USA Boxing Judicial Committee by the Supervisor within
twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the respective Bout, a disqualified Boxer will not be entitled
or awarded points relating to the Bout. A disqualified Boxer by any other technical rule will
maintain his/her individual placement and/or team/ranking points earned.

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7.5. Win by Knockout – KO

7.5.1. If a Boxer is knocked down and fails to resume boxing before that Boxer is counted up to ten
(10), the opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by KO.

7.5.2. In the case of an emergency and the Referee summons the Ringside Doctor in the ring before
the Boxer is counted up to ten (10), the opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by KO.

7.5.3. In the event a Double KO occurs, both Boxers will lose the Bout by KO.

7.6. Win by Walkover – WO

7.6.1. If a Boxer is present in the ring fully attired and ready to box and the opposing Boxer fails to
appear in the ring after being announced and a maximum period of one minute has elapsed
after the bell has been sounded, the Referee will declare the present Boxer to be the winner by

7.6.2. In the case the Supervisor knows in advance that a Boxer will not be present, he must cancel
the procedure mentioned in Rule 5.6.1 and the result must be officially announced.

8.1. Types of Fouls

8.1.1. Hitting below the belt, holding, tripping, kicking, and butting with foot or knee;

8.1.2. Hits or blows with head, shoulder, forearm, elbow, throttling of the opponent, and pressing with
arm or elbow in opponent’s face, pressing the head of the opponent back over the ropes;

8.1.3. Hitting with open glove, the inside of the glove, wrist or side of the hand;

8.1.4. Hits landing on the back of the opponent, and especially any blow on the back of the neck or
head and kidney punch;

8.1.5. Pivot blows i.e. backhand;

8.1.6. Attack while holding the ropes or making any unfair use of the ropes;

8.1.7. Lying on, wrestling and throwing in the clinch;

8.1.8. An attack on an opponent who is down or who is in the act of rising;

8.1.9. Holding and hitting or pulling and hitting;

8.1.10. Holding or locking, on the opponent’s arm or head, or pushing an arm underneath the arm of
the opponent;

8.1.11. Ducking below the belt of the opponent;

8.1.12. Completely passive defense by means of double cover and intentionally falling, running, or
turning the back to avoid a blow;

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 15

8.1.13. Speaking;

8.1.14. Not stepping back when ordered to break;

8.1.15. Attempting to strike opponent immediately after the Referee has ordered “break” and before
taking a step back;

8.1.16. Assaulting or behaving in an aggressive manner towards a Referee at any time;

8.1.17. Spitting out the gumshield (mouth piece) intentionally without receiving a correct punch will
cause the Boxer to receive a mandatory warning;

8.1.18. If the gumshield (mouth piece) falls out after the Boxer has received a correct punch, and if this
happens for the third time, the Boxer will receive a mandatory warning;

8.1.19. Keeping the advanced hand straight in order to obstruct the opponent’s vision;

8.1.20. Biting an opponent;

8.1.21. Faking / simulating i.e. faking/simulating injury.


9.1. After a low blow, if the offended Boxer does not complain and the low blow was not hard and intentional,
the Referee must signal the foul without interrupting the Bout.

9.2. After a low blow, if the offended Boxer complains about the severity of the low blow, the Referee will have
two (2) options:

9.2.1. The offending Boxer will be immediately disqualified if it is an intentional and hard blow.

9.2.2. Start an eight (8) count.

9.3. After the eight (8) count, the Referee will have (2) options:

9.3.1. The Boxer is fit to continue: the Referee will give a warning to the offender and the Bout will

9.3.2. The Boxer is unfit to continue: the Referee will give a certain amount of time to the Boxer to try
to recover with a maximum of up to one (1) minute and a half.

9.4. After above mentioned timeframe, the Referee will have two (2) options:

9.4.1. The Boxer is fit to continue: the Referee will give a warning to the offender and the Bout will

9.4.2. The Boxer is unfit to continue: the opponent will be declared the winner of the Bout by TKO.


10.1. A Boxer who does not obey the instructions of the Referee, acts against the rules of boxing, boxes in any
unsportsmanlike manner, or commits fouls, will, at the discretion of the Referee, be cautioned, warned or

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 16

disqualified. If a Referee intends to warn a Boxer, the Referee must say “stop” and demonstrate the
infringement. The Referee must then point to the Boxer, to the Supervisor and to each of the Judges.

10.2. If a Boxer receives a Referee’s warning, the Supervisor will record the warning in the Scoring System and
each warning will reduce the total score of the offending Boxer by one (1) point. The third warning in a
Bout will automatically disqualify the Boxer.

10.3. If the Referee has any reason to believe that a foul has been committed which the Referee has not seen,
the Referee may consult the Judges.

10.4. In the event that any irregularity is found in the bandages after the Bout that in the Referee’s opinion gave
an advantage to the Boxer, this Boxer must be disqualified immediately.

10.5. The Supervisor, Referees’ Evaluator and Judges’ Evaluator have the right to caution, to remove and to
disqualify a Second who has infringed these rules.


11.1. A Boxer will be considered to be knocked down if:

11.1.1. The Boxer touches the floor with any part of the body other than the Boxer’s feet as the result of
a blow or series of blows.

11.1.2. The Boxer hangs helplessly on the ropes as the result of a blow or series of blows.

11.1.3. The Boxer is outside or partly outside the ropes as the result of a blow or series of blows.

11.1.4. Following a hard punch, the Boxer has not fallen and is not lying on the ropes, but is in a semi-
conscious state and cannot, in the opinion of the Referee, continue the Bout.

11.2. Counts following a Knockdown

In the case of a Knockdown, the Referee must say “stop” and then begin to count from one (1) to eight
(8) if the Boxer is fit to continue; and count from one (1) to ten (10) if the Boxer is unfit to continue.
The Referee will count with intervals of a second between the numbers, and will indicate each second
with the hand so that the Boxer who has been knocked down may be aware of the count. Before the
number “one” is counted, an interval of one second must have elapsed from the time when the Boxer
is knocked down, and the time of announcing “one”.

11.3. Responsibilities of the Opponent

If a Boxer is knocked down, the Boxer’s opponent must at once go to the neutral corner as designated
by the Referee and remain there until the Referee allows the Boxer to leave. If the opponent does not
respect this, the Referee must suspend the count until the opponent complies with the command.

11.4. Mandatory Eight Count

When a Boxer is knocked down as the result of a blow, the Bout must not continue until the Referee
has reached a mandatory count of eight (8), even if the Boxer is ready to continue before then or the
round has come to a close.

11.5. Both Boxers Knocked Down

If both Boxers are knocked down at the same time, the count will be continued as long as one of them
is still knocked down.

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11.6. Compulsory Count Limits

11.6.1. A maximum of three (3) eight counts will be given in one (1) round;

11.6.2. No limit of the amount of eight counts will apply in one Bout for Elite Men;

11.6.3. In USA Boxing Master’s, Women, Youth and Junior Competitions, a maximum of four (4) eight
counts will apply in one Bout. For Master’s Boxing over the age of 50 a maximum of two (2) eight counts per round and
three (3) eight counts per bout will be applied.

11.7. Boxer Knocked Out of the Ring

In the event of a Boxer being knocked out of the ring, the Boxer must be allowed thirty (30) seconds to
come back into the ring without the help of anyone. In the case he is not able to come back within the
above mentioned timeframe, such Boxer will be deemed to have lost the Bout by TKO.

11.8. Knockout

After the Referee has said “ten”, the Bout ends and must be decided as KO. The Referee may stop
the count if in his/her opinion the Boxer is in immediate need of medical attention.

11.9. Boxer Knocked Down at the End of a Round

In the event of a Boxer being knocked down at the end of any round, the Referee must continue to
count until the Boxer is no longer knocked down irrespective of the end of the round. Should the
Referee count up to ten (10), such Boxer will be deemed to have lost the Bout by KO. The gong/bell
will not save the Boxer.

11.10. Second Knockdown without a Further Punch

If a Boxer is knocked down as the result of a punch and the Bout is continued after the count of eight
(8) has been reached, but the Boxer falls again without having received a further punch, the Referee
must continue the count from the count of eight (8) up to the count of ten (10).


12.1. In all USA Boxing Competitions, each Bout must be controlled by a Referee, nominated by the Draw
Commission or Supervisor in AOB/USA Boxing Competitions, who will officiate in the ring and will not
score the Bout, except according to Rule 3 Scoring System – in case of unavailability of one of the

12.2. The Duties of the Referee are as follows:

12.2.1. To care for both Boxers and to make safety both Boxers a primary concern throughout the

12.2.2. To see that all rules and fair play are strictly observed.

12.2.3. To maintain control of the contest at all its stages.

12.2.4. To prevent a weak Boxer from receiving undue and unnecessary punishment.

12.2.5. To use four (4) words of command:

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 18 “Stop” when ordering the Boxers to stop boxing; “Box” when ordering the Boxers to continue boxing; “Break” when breaking a clinch; “Time” when ordering the Timekeeper to stop the time.

12.2.6. To indicate to a Boxer by suitable explanatory signs, verbal commands or gestures any
infringement of these rules.

12.2.7. The Referee may use a touch by hand to stop and to break the Bout, or to separate the Boxers.

12.2.8. The Referee must not indicate the winner by raising a Boxer’s hand or otherwise, until the
announcement has been made. When the winner of a Bout is announced, the Referee must be
positioned in the middle of the ring holding one hand of each Boxer and raise the hand of the
winning Boxer while facing the main TV camera.

12.2.9. When the Referee has disqualified a Boxer or stopped the Bout, the Referee must first inform
the Supervisor of which Boxer has been disqualified and/or the reason for which the Bout has
been stopped, to enable the Supervisor to put in the result in the system and the Official
Announcer to make the decision known to the public

12.2.10. The Referee may consult the Ringside Doctor in respect of any injury to a Boxer.

12.2.11. When the Referee calls the Ringside Doctor to the ring to examine a Boxer, only the Referee
and the Ringside Doctor must be present in the ring or on the apron; however, the Ringside
Doctor may request help.

12.2.12. If an injury occurs, and if the Referee does not clearly understand the cause of the injury, the
Referee must follow the steps set out below: Ask the non-injured Boxer to go to the neutral corner; Ask the Ringside Doctor if the injured Boxer is fit to continue. If the Ringside Doctor
informs the Referee that the Boxer is fit to continue, then the Referee may decide to
continue the Bout; If the Ringside Doctor informs the Referee that the Boxer is not fit to continue, then the
Referee will stop the Bout. In the event of a potential foul and if the Referee did not see the foul. The
Referee must request the opinion of each of the five (5) Judges to see
whether all or a majority have seen a foul or a correct blow and the
Referee will then make one of the following decisions: Where all or a majority of the Judges have seen a correct blow –
USA Boxing Technical Rule 5.4.1 applies; Where all or a majority of the Judges have seen an intentional foul
– USA Boxing Technical Rule 5.5.2 applies;

 Where all or a majority of the Judges have seen an unintentional foul – USA
Boxing Technical Rule applies;

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12.3. The Responsibilities of the Referee are as follows:

12.3.1. To terminate a contest at any stage if this Referee considers it to be one-sided.

12.3.2. To terminate a contest at any stage if one of the Boxers has received an injury on account of
which the Referee decides the Boxer should not continue.

12.3.3. To terminate a contest at any stage if this Referee considers the Boxers inactive and not
competitive. In such a case, the Referee may disqualify one or both Boxers.

12.3.4. To caution a Boxer or administer a warning to a Boxer against fouls or for any other reason in
the interest of fair play, or to ensure compliance with these rules.

12.3.5. To disqualify a Boxer who fails to comply immediately with the Referee’s command, or behaves
towards the Referee in an offensive or aggressive manner at any time

12.3.6. With or without previous warning, to disqualify a Boxer for committing a serious foul;

12.3.7. To interpret these rules insofar as they are applicable or relevant to the Bout or to decide and
take action on any circumstance of the Bout which is not covered by these rules.

12.4. Right to Check the Boxer

12.4.1. Once a Boxer has entered the ring, the Referee must ensure that the Boxer is wearing the
appropriate equipment according to and outlined in the USA Boxing Competitions Rules

12.4.2. The Boxer must be wearing no other objects except the boxing apparel specified in the USA
Boxing Competitions Rules.

12.4.3. In the event of a Boxer’s glove becoming undone during a Bout, the Referee must stop the Bout
to have the issue rectified.

12.4.4. At the end of the Bout, the Referee must check the bandages (hand wraps) of each Boxer.

12.5. The Referee must check the right positions of Judges and of the Ringside Doctors before the start of the

12.5.1. The Referee must start the Bout only after the authorization of the Supervisor.


13.1. Designation and Participation

13.1.1. In all USA Boxing competitions, each Bout will be judged by three (3) Judges out of five (5)

13.2. Each of the five (5) Judges will be seated on the three (3) sides of the ring, as shown in the USA Boxing
Competitions Rules. No Judge will speak or give any sign to a Boxer or to another Judge or to anyone
else during the Bout.

13.3. No Judge will leave his/her seat until the results have been announced to the public.


USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 20
14.1. The entire management system for AIBA/USA Boxing Referees & Judges is described in Appendix B.

14.2. All R&Js in all USA Boxing Competitions must sign the code of conduct attached in Competition Rules
Appendix B.


15.1. Ringside Doctors have the authority and responsibilities given to them in the USA Boxing Medical


16.1. The Duties of the Timekeeper and Gong/Bell Operator are as follows:

16.1.1. The main duty of the Timekeeper and Gong/Bell Operator is to regulate the number and
duration of the rounds and the intervals between rounds. The intervals between rounds must be
of one (1) minute.

16.1.2. The Timekeeper and Gong/Bell Operator must start and end each round by striking the

16.1.3. Ten (10) seconds before the end of each round, the Timekeeper and Gong/Bell Operator must
signal the approaching end of the round.

16.1.4. The Timekeeper and Gong/Bell Operator must regulate all periods of time and counts by a
watch or clock, but must only stop the clock when instructed by the Referee with the command
“time” resuming after the Referee gives the command “box”.

16.1.5. Following a Knockdown, the Timekeeper and Gong/Bell Operator must give the sound signal to
the Referee indicating the elapsing seconds while the Referee is counting.

16.1.6. If, at the end of a round, a Boxer is knocked down and the Referee is in the course of counting,
the gong/bell indicating the end of the round must not be sounded. The gong/bell must be
sounded only when the Referee gives the command “box” indicating the continuation of the

16.1.7. The Timekeeper and Bell Operator must regulate the time when a Low Blow or LOC occurs and
if a Boxer falls out of the ring.

16.2. The Timekeeper will be seated directly at the side of the ring next to the Gong/Bell Operator.


17.1. The Duties of the Official Announcer are as follows:

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 21

17.1.1. Before the Bout, the Official Announcer may announce the kind of Bout, Weight Category,
duration of the Bout, names, city, state or region, of each Boxer, as well as names and city,
state or region of the Referee & of the Judges.

17.1.2. The Official Announcer may announce the number of each round right after the start of each

17.1.3. The Official Announcer must reveal the final results and the winner of the respective Bout in the
ring after having received the final results from the Supervisor.

17.1.4. Ten (10) seconds before the start of each round, the Official Announcer may clear the ring by
ordering “Seconds out”, except in the first round.


18.1. Eligibility

18.1.1. Only USA Boxing certified Coaches can work as Seconds in all USA Boxing Competitions. A
registered Boxer may serve as a second however in the presence of two certified coaches
he/she may not enter the ring or mount the ring apron. In the event that there is only one
certified coach in the corner, the Boxer may mount the ring apron.

18.1.2. The following rule is only mandated for international AIBA AOB competitions. Any Coach active
in professional boxing will not be allowed to be a Coach and/or Second in AIBA Competitions at
any level unless this Coach has resigned from any involvement in professional boxing for a
period of at least six (6) months and is certified by AIBA as a registered Coach.

18.1.3. Each Boxer will be entitled to be accompanied to the ring by up to three (3) Seconds.
However, only two (2) Seconds may mount the apron of the ring and only one (1) may enter the

18.2. The Duties of Seconds are as follows:

18.2.1. Seconds must leave the ring and the apron prior to the start of each round, and must remove
seats, towels, buckets, etc., from the platform of the ring.

18.2.2. Seconds must be in possession of a towel for the Boxer during the Bout. A Second may
indicate retirement of the Boxer by throwing the towel into the ring when this Boxer is
considered to be unfit or unable to continue boxing, except when the Referee is in the course of

18.2.3. Seconds can only use a transparent water bottle. In the case of a cut, the Seconds can use
Avetine, Vaseline, Collodion, Thrombin Solution, Micro Fibrilar Collagen, Gelfoam, Surgicel and
Adrenaline 1/1000. Ice bags, No-Swell and Swabs are permissible.

18.3. Prohibited Activities

18.3.1. Seconds will not be permitted to shout loud, to clap to the Boxer and/or the Referee, to
encourage or incite spectators by words or signs during the progress of a round. Seconds will
not be allowed to touch the ring during the Bout, yell, cause a scandal or disturb the

18.3.2. Seconds’ seating area must be 3 feet away from the ring corner within 6 feet squared. Seconds
will not be permitted to walk off Second’s designated area with disagreed actions against the

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 22

18.3.3. Seconds will not be permitted to throw any item into the ring to demonstrate a disagreement or
to kick any chair or water bottle or to take any other action that may be deemed as
unsportsmanlike behavior.

18.3.4. The use of any communication device will not be permitted in the FOP such as but not limited to
mobile telephones, walkie-talkies, smart phones, headsets, shortwave radios, etc.

18.3.5. Under no circumstance will Seconds be allowed to administrate supplemental oxygen to a

Boxer during a Bout.

18.4. Penalties of Prohibited Activities

18.4.1. For a 1st violation on any of above prohibited activities, Seconds will receive a caution.

18.4.2. For a 2nd violation on any of above prohibited activities, Seconds will receive a warning and be
placed just outside of the FOP area but be allowed to remain in the Competition Venue.

18.4.3. For a 3rd violation on any of the above prohibited activities, Seconds will be removed by the
Supervisor for the rest of the day.

18.4.4. If Seconds are removed for a second time, Seconds will be completely suspended from the

18.4.5. The Supervisor and R/J evaluators may remove a Second without prior warning due to the
nature of the offense during any stage of the bout.

18.5. The entire management system for AIBA/USA Boxing Coaches is described in Appendix C.


19.1. USA Boxing Competitions
19.1.1. The ring shall not be less than 16 nor more than 20 feet square within the ropes; the apron of the
ring floor shall extend beyond the ropes not less than two feet. The ring shall not be more than four
feet above the floor and shall be provided with three sets of suitable steps for the use of boxers,
coaches and officials, one in each boxer’s corner and one in a neutral corner for use by doctors and
referee. For international competition refer to the AIBA Technical Rules and AOB Competition Rules.

19.1.2. The ring shall be equipped with at least four ropes. All rings will have two spacer ties on each side
of the ring to secure the ropes. The rope shall not be less than one inch in diameter. Such ropes shall
be manila rope, synthetic, plastic rope or any similar material, and shall not be made of metal of any
type. All ropes shall be wrapped securely in soft material. Of the four ropes used, the lower rope shall
be 18 inches above the ring floor, the second rope 30 inches, the third rope 42 inches, and the fourth
rope 54 inches above the ring floor. The ring floor shall be padded with a one-inch layer of ensolite
AAC or AL closed cell foam rubber (or chemical equivalent). The padding shall be covered with
canvas, duck or similar material, tightly stretched and laced securely in place, preferable under the
19.1.3. Ring posts shall extend from the floor to the height of 58 inches above the ring floor. The ropes
shall be connected to posts. The turnbuckles must be covered with a protective padding.


The following ring accessories are required for all Bouts and must be provided by the organizers no later
than two (2) hours before the start time of the competition:
USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 23
20.1. Sounding device.

20.2. Two (2) plastic receptacles which can be used for spitting.

20.3. Chairs and tables for the Supervisor, Deputy Supervisors in AOB Competitions, Referees’ Evaluator,
Judges’ Evaluator, Ringside Doctors, Timekeeper, Gong Operator, Official Announcer and Judges.

20.4. Two (2) electronic stopwatches which complies with the requirements of the Scoring System and one (1)
manual stopwatch as a backup.

20.5. One (1) Scoring System.

20.6. One (1) microphone connected to the loudspeaker system.

20.7. First-aid supplies as required in accordance with the USA Boxing Medical Handbook.

20.8. A non-transparent small plastic bag must be placed in the two neutral corners outside of the ring.

20.9. Three (3) chairs for Seconds in each corner.

20.10. One (1) set of ping pong balls and one (1) ping pong ball transparent holder for the draw of R&J positions.


21.1. Gumshields (mouth piece) must be worn by Boxers during all Bouts.

21.2. No red or partially red colored gumshield (mouth pieces) may be worn.


22.1. For all Men’s competitions, a cup protector must be worn by the Boxers during all Bouts and a jock-strap
may additionally be worn. The cup protector must not cover any part of the target area.

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USA Boxing, Inc.


Release to Compete With Braces

USA Boxing Rule 102.6 (4) (g) Boxers who wish to compete with braces are required to have attached to
their passbooks a completed Release To Compete With Braces form. This form requires the written
approval of their dentist, parents and/or guardian (if under 18 years of age) and a dentist-molded
mouthpiece. This includes upper and/or lower braces. Boxers competing with braces waive the right to
dental coverage under the USA Boxing insurance program.

I understand the above rule and give my permission for ________________________________ to

compete in amateur boxing. (Boxer’s name)

Dentist Approval:

___________________________________ __________________________________
Print Name Signature

___________________________________ __________________________________
Date State License Number

Parent or Legal Guardian Approval (if boxer is a minor):

_____________________________ ____________________________ ____________

Print Name Signature Date


_____________________________ ____________________________ ____________

Print Name Signature Date

USAB TECHNICAL RULES 11/2013 Page | 28


(Include USA Boxing certification/testing program)


Education/Clinics & Testing

1. The administrative requirements that each Official should be concerned with are:
Registration, Certification, and Maintenance. Registration is required annually as of January
1st. Certification is achieved by attending an official’s certification clinic and is required every 24 months from the date
of the previous certification clinic. Maintenance testing is required every 24 months for Level 1, and every 48 months
for Level’s 2 & 3, from the date of the previous maintenance exam in order to maintain their particular level, i.e. 1, 2, 3.
2. All Officials must attend a standardized USA Boxing certification program (clinic) under the
direction/responsibility of the LBC Chief of Officials. (The LBC President must approve all clinics).
3. The standardized clinic material is on a PowerPoint presentation and available to Clinicians through the
National Chief of Officials.
4. Each LBC is REQUIRED to give at least 1 Officials Clinic per year. The LBC should offer as many Officials
Clinics as reasonably possible to keep their officials in compliance and informed.
5. The Certification period is good for 24 months. Officials must Re-Certify within that timeframe. All officials,
regardless of their level, must still take the Level 1 test every 24 months, clinicians are exempt. All Level 2’s and 3’s
must take the Level 2 or 3 test, respectively, every 48 months to maintain their level.
6. Officials Clinic Request Form As of August 2009 any LBC planning to conduct an Officials Clinic must
request an Officials Certification/Re-Certification Clinic Control Number (OCN) from USA Boxing, (Membership
Service), in order to conduct a valid Officials Clinic. The Clinic request form must be submitted two weeks or more in
advance. It must be signed by both the LBC President and the LBC Chief of Officials. Under no
circumstance shall, an OCN # be applied to more than one (1) certification clinic.
7. The Clinician must enter the OCN in;
a) The Officials Passbook, (record of clinics, seminars, and testing).
b) The Officials Certification/Maintenance/Elevation Form (available at
c) The Clinic Certification Transmittal Form must be sent to Membership Services, USA Boxing.
8. The LBC Chief of Officials and the LBC President shall have a list of Qualified Clinicians to conduct clinics in
the LBC. Qualified Clinicians would be an AIBA Partner or another qualified official agreed upon by the President and
9. The LBC COO should also participate in all Coaches Clinics in the LBC.
10. One clinician is necessary to administer a certification clinic, however, a maximum of three (3) clinicians
shall be granted credit for any individual certification clinic.
11. Certification clinics shall not be administered at regional or national tournaments.
12. The Level 1, 2, and 3 Tests, and Keys, are available through the National Chief of Officials. These will only
be given out to qualified clinicians for the level they are approved to give.
13. All Clinicians can give the Level 1 test which will be available at the LBC Clinics.
14. An AIBA Partner or a designee selected by the National COO shall give the Level 2 test (without a clinic).
The Level 2 test will be given at Regional Tournaments. Region Coordinators must make a request for Level 2 exams
within their jurisdiction to the National COO, who in turn, will assign an AIBA Partner or designee to administer the
Level 2 test. The Region shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the examiner for food, travel and lodging. Level
2 officials must pass a Level 2 test every 48 months in addition to attending a Certification Clinic/Level 1 exam every
24 months.
15. An AIBA Partner shall give the Level 3 test (without a clinic). The Level 3 test will be given at the USA
Boxing Men’s and Women’s National Championships, and USA Boxing National Junior Olympic Championships.
Affiliated Organizations who wish to have Level 3 testing at their national tournament must make a request to the
National COO, who in turn, will assign an AIBA Partner to administer the Level 3 test. The Group Member shall be
responsible for all costs incurred by the examiner for food, travel and lodging. Level 3 officials must pass a Level 3 test
every 48 months in addition to attending a certification Clinic/Level 1 exam every 24 months.
16. All levels of testing must be recorded in the Officials Passbook and signed by the clinician (record of clinics,
seminars, and testing).
17. At each Clinic and/or Testing event an Officials Sign –In Sheet should be used to document each individuals
information i. e., registration #, address, phone, etc. It may be helpful to also record e-mail addresses.

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18. Each Official attending a Certification Clinic or Test must bring with them the new 2012
Officials Certification/Maintenance/Elevation Form, with parts I and II completed. Each official, prior to the Clinic/Test,
must complete part I, and have their LBC COO and President complete part II in its entirety
or the official will not be allowed to participate in the Clinic/Exam. Part III will be completed
by the AIBA Partner or designee, who will forward it to Membership Services along with the
Transmittal for the Clinic/Test.
19. The AIBA Partner or designee will also send the Level 2 and 3 Transmittal, to the National
Officials Task Force (NOTF) member, Jeanne DePriest, 6894 Algonquin Dr, Loveland, CO
80537. E-mail [email protected]. She is responsible for maintaining the Level 2 and
3 database.
20. Upon completion of a clinic and/or testing the LBC COO must complete a Clinic
Certification Transmittal. There is a transmittal to record all Level 1’s and another
transmittal to record all Level 2 & 3’s. These transmittal forms must be kept in the LBC
COO’s records and a copy must go to USA Boxing (Membership Services).
21. Each LBC Chief of Officials should keep orderly records of the Officials in their LBC. You
will need to keep track of each official’s certification date, their level, what capacity they can
work, and if they are registered for the current year. Member Services will contact the LBC
President and COO with updates of Officials Clinic’s and Testing.

Officials Proficiency Levels

All requirements below must be met in each level prior to elevating to the next level (no exceptions).

1. Level 1 Requirements
a. Proof of Certification
b. Proficient Timekeeper
c. Passed Level 1 exam with 70% or better
d. Verified by Officials Passbook
e. Active at LBC Competitions (as defined and published by LBC) and had satisfactory performance

2. Level 1 Maintenance
a. Take Level 1 exam every 24 months
b. Registered member
c. Proof of Certification Clinic within last 24 months
d. Active at LBC Competitions (as defined and published by LBC) and had satisfactory performance

3. Level 2 requirements
a. Registered member for at least 24 months
b. Proof of Certification Clinic within the last 24 months
c. Officiated at an Association and Regional advancing tournament
d. Passed Level 2 exam with an 80% or better
e. Active at LBC Competitions (as defined and published by the LBC) and had satisfactory performance

4. Level 2 Maintenance
a. Take Level 2 exam every 48 months
b. Registered member
c. Proof of Certification Clinic within last 24 months
d. Worked at minimum a Regional advancing tournament within last 24 months
e. Active at LBC Competitions (as defined and published by the LBC) and had satisfactory performance

5. Level 3 Requirements
a. Registered member for at least 36 months
b. Proof of Certification Clinic within last 24 months
c. A Level 2 official for a minimum of 24 months
d. Officiated at Regional and/or National level for a minimum of 3 years
e. Passed Level 3 exam with a 90% or better
f. Active at LBC Competitions (as defined and published by the LBC) and had satisfactory performance

6. Level 3 Maintenance
a. Take Level 3 exam every 48 months
b. Registered member
c. Proof of Certification Clinic within last 24 months
d. Worked at minimum a National tournament within last 48 months
e. Active at LBC Competitions (as defined and published by the LBC) and had satisfactory performance

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Failure to meet maintenance requirements will drop an individual down one level until maintenance requirements are

USA Master Officials

1. The USA Master Officials program is for those officials that have served worldwide or on a national level
distinguished and honorable manner for a minimum of 10 years.
2. An Official must complete the Master Officials Application Form and the LBC COO must turn it in to the
Officials Task Force for acceptance. A Master patch will be given to these officials.
3. Master Official’s criteria: National level officials must have reached the age of 60 and met year’s time
4. Master AIBA Official: An AIBA Official who has been on the Bureau list for a minimum of 10 years, no age
5. Master Officials shall meet all requirements for testing, certification, and proficiency level as established by
USA Boxing Rules.

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