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Question: Do you think war can be avoided between states?

If yes,

War is one of the most tragic, oldest, most prevalent and complex
phenomenons in our world today. It is even sadder that it usually comes
around once in our lifetime. In the 20th century already we had two
huge wars. They are called World War 1 and World War 2 simply
because they involved most of the big countries of the world. Not only
is there a huge loss of human lives, war has a very harsh impact on the
economies of the countries and also affects the relations between


War can be defined as an armed conflict between states because of

many potential reasons such as competition over territory and
resources, historical rivalries and grievances, and in self defense
against an aggressor or a perceived potential aggressor. War is the
enemy of all humanity and human civilization. Nothing good can be
achieved out of it. Hence, it can never be glorified in any form. It not
only hampers the development of the nation but also uproots social
cohesiveness. It slows down the pace of progress of mankind.

Before understanding how war can be avoided it is necessary to

understand why war should be avoided. War is an invasion of death on
the surface of the world and it leaves in its wake the victims, ruins,
devastation and wreckage of the societies and the nations who suffer
the ultimate price of this terror. Wars can neer end conflicts but they
only complicate it further. World War 1 and World War 2 wrecked so
much havoc that it is difficult to find their precedent since the
beginning of the time. Wars are tragic and horrific and mostly the
product of ignorance and rage of men. All of the wars in the past
showed humanity the horrific reasons for its futility. The Second
World War remains the most devastating and destructive war in human
history in its existence. In the pages of history, the dates of August 6,
1945, and August 9, 1945 are profoundly written with the blood of
thousands of people who perished painfully in the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki nuclear bomb attacks.In all types of war, the abstractions
and theories of IR scholars hardly capture the horrors experienced by
those on the scene, both soldiers and civilians. War suspends basic
norms of behavior and, especially over time, traumatizes participants
and bystanders. Soldiers see their best friends blown apart before
their eyes; they must kill and maim their fellow human beings; some
experience lifelong psychological traumatic stress as a result. Civilians
experience terror, violence. They lose loved ones and homes;
they too often live with trauma afterward. The violence of war does
not resemble war movies, but instead creates a nearly psychotic
experience of overwhelming confusion, noise, terror, and adrenaline.
Other than the loss of human lives, war also creates a very harsh
impact on the economies of the countries. Inflation in the prices is the
most common immediate effect of war. General public has been made
to suffer economically with increased prices, higher taxes and
consequent low quality of life. In extreme cases, the currencies lose
their worth and the country gets driven into the economic depression.
The country’s infrastructure gets involved in the management of war
related industries leading to low funding in their healthcare industry,
education, infrastructure development and also, basic necessities
8required by the people of the country. Also, during the course of war,
the country suffers destruction of infrastructure precipitating
further loss in its economy. The buildings destroyed lead to loss of
work or schooling; damage to the transportation services leads to
hassles in commuting and loss of work; attacks on civilians and soldiers
increases the pressure on healthcare services and government. All
these events extravagantly increase the burden on the economy of the
country. The residual effects of war are always hurt and demobilised
soldiers, reduced in number, poor employment prospects in the country
and also, national debt, which continues to increase post war as well.
There have been numerous examples where the country is seen to
suffer through health hazards, epidemics and needs a tough c contest
to battle the same.
Now that the disadvantages of war are clear it is important to know if
war can be avoided or not? War can be avoided between states if a
number of rules are followed by each nation. There are some means of
preventing war which have been tried in the past and have proved
insufficient for the prevention of war such as a promise not to go to
war,reduction of armaments, machinery for the peaceful settlement of
dispute between nations, economic penalties against aggressors. But
they all proved to be futile to prevent war. In my opinion, these are
some ways by which war can be avoided between states:
The only way to safeguard peace—in a community of nations as of
individuals—is to have a force, controlled by law and acting for the
whole community, strong enough to take care of any disturbers of the
peace. In the case of nations, it is said, no aggressions would be likely
to be tried at all, if the international peace force were known to be
strong enough to ensure the defeat of any aggressor. For no
government starts a war that it knows it is practically certain to lose.
If nations fear repercussions for their actions, they would avoid going
to war to pay for their foolishness. But such an international police
force would be effective for its purpose only if it were stronger than
the armed forces of any aggressor. We could also prevent war by
making this world a nuclear free zone. Due to some of the major
countries being nuclear power, the threat of them going to war is
always a big risk. A nuclear war in this age would prove to be more
devastating than in the past. A country possessing nuclear power is a
big threat. There should also be some very strong laws with great
penalties for such leaders who go to war just to stroke their ego.
Establishing a universally strong law could be one of the measures to
avoid war.
But the question still remains whether it is possible to make reasonably
sure that the forces available for use by the international organization
will be stronger than those of any aggressor, and so much stronger
that aggression will be too dangerous to be attempted, even by a great
power. One of the main causes of war also argues that it is in human
nature.Early psychologists like William James believed that all humans
and societies possess some deep rooted aggressive drive that combat
and war seemed to satisfy. This aggressive drive could not be
suppressed, but it might be redirected and diverted toward more
peaceful activities that involved similar challenges and exertions. Thus,
James suggested the need to create a “moral equivalent of war.”


Also, sometimes war can be avoided with ease such as peace

conferences and agreements and this in turn can save lives and money
too and hence war should always be avoided as it saves lives. In my
opinion I believe that war should be avoided but it is not always. It
should be avoided when the reason to fight for is not as good as for
land. Also war must be avoided if it does not follow the just war rules
set by religions. It can be waged to save lives and save countries from
dictators. It is always a last resort and can be helpful for freedom or

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