Research Methods

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Submitted by: Andaleeb Zahra

Submitted to: Dr Naushad Ghazanfar

Minhaj University Lahore

Discuss different types of Research, also explain Quantitative and Qualitative Research.


Research is a way of scientific thinking and a scrupulous examines your daily office work. Through

research we create new knowledge or the existing knowledge in a new way. Through research we

generate new concepts, methods and understanding. We find truth with the help of research through

study, experiments, comparison and observations.1

Different Types of Research

Different techniques and methods which we deploy to present the research is called research

methodology. Many different methods are used in research to describe the ideas. The selection of the

method depends on the researcher. Here we mention some paramount types of research.

Quantitative Research

The procedure of collecting and analyzing numerical data is called quantitative research. Quantitative

research used to perceive patterns and make predictions, to test cause and effect relationship. Quantitative

data answered these questions for instance “How many?”, “How often?”, “How much?”. For example,

“How much did that computer cost?” is a question related to quantitative research. 2

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is related to social science research .Qualitative research is an involvement that

emphasized on the way of people clarify, and make sense of their participation in to acknowledged the

social truth of independent .In qualitative research we seek knowledge with the help of interviews,

classroom ,diaries, observations, and journals.3

Descriptive Research

Priya Pedamkar, Types of Research Methods.
Pritha Bhandari, An Introduction to Quantitative Research. Scribbr, 2020.
Hossein Nassaji, Qualitative and Descriptive Research Vs Data Analysis. Language Teaching Research. Vol. 19.
2. (2015), 5-8.

The aim of descriptive research is to narrate a circumstance and its attributes. Descriptive research is

more related with what rather than how or why something has occurred. The descriptive investigation

method is done entirely based on naked truth or phenomena that are observed still used by its moderator. 4

The motive of this descriptive research is to consistently, truly, and correctly narrate, recognize the

connection between the phenomena investigated.

Analytical Research

The terminology of analytical in research was first deploy in 1942 while the Analytical studies became a

key element in Deming’s ‘system of profound knowledge’ that serves as the intellectual

foundation for improvement science.5 Analytical research uses the reality that have been established

before to formation the basis for the research and critical look at the data is carried out in this method.

Analytical research utilized quantitative method too.

Applied Research

Applied research is the basic or foundational research which aim to work on issue pertaining to human

nature and organizing as well.6 Additionally, a research that we can use in daily routine to resolve

particular problem of a person, institution, and industries is called “applied research”. Applied research do

not generally seek to solve unanswered questions about nature or world. 7 In fact, applied research give

answers to solve specific down- to- earth problems that someone is facing. People related to applied

research field are not always called researchers and often go under a wide range of job.

Fundamental Research

Fundamental research also called basic research or pure research. Fundamental research is

mainly discussed with the inventing an idea of a theory and development of scientific

Nassaji, Qualitative and Descriptive Research Vs Data Analysis, 2.
Lloyd P Provost, Analytical studies: a framework for quality improvement design and analysis. BMJ quality &
safety · (April 2011), 192-93.
Mahabat Baimyrzaeva, Beginners’ Guide for Applied Research Process: What Is It, and Why and How to Do It?
University of Central Asia, 2018, 6.
Dr. Tanu Dang, Types of Research.

knowledge. Fundamental research deals to find information that has complete sense of

application to pre-existing knowledge.8

Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is a research make inquiries about a problem which is not certainly defined.

It is managed to have a better understanding of the remained problem, but exploratory research

will not give indisputable results.9 For example, exploratory research is a podcast survey

template that can be used to collect feedback about the podcast consumption metrics both from

existing listeners that are currently not subscribed to this channel. This helps the author of the

podcast create curated content that will gain a larger audience.

Conclusive Research

Conclusive research design, as the name suggested, is identifying to bring about findings that are

reasonably useful in reaching to end or decision-making. In conclusive research goal and data

requirements demand to be clearly defined.10 Conclusive research normally required the

application of quantitative methods of data collection and data scanning.


In survey research, independent and dependent variables are used to define the opportunity of

study but cannot be explicitly controlled by the researcher. Before conducting the survey, the

researcher must establish a model that recognizes the supposed relationship among these

variables.11 The survey is then constructed to test this model against observations of the


Anubha Walia & Manpreet Randhawa, Fundamentals of Research. (Nation Press, 2020), 21.
John Dudovskiy, The Ultimate Guide to Writing Dissertation in Business Study. (Business Research Methodology,
2018), 77-86.
Ibid., 96-100.
Priscilla A. Glasow, Fundamentals of Survey Research Methodology, 1-11.

Case Study

Case study is a proposal that allow researchers to develop and present comprehensively view of a

specific situation, event, or entity.12 But establishing a rich case study, with the quality, detail and

reproval perception to make it valuable in its department, poses an important challenge. Your

guide to case study research helps both as a practical, bit by bit guide to organizing a case study

and a critical commitment with key research problems demanding case study.

Qualitative vs Quantitative

Here we discuss difference between qualitative and quantitative research methods. The

quantitative research methods play a significant role in the foundation of research, and that

qualitative research methods are awful for justification but are outstanding for discovery.

Although, earlier research has not contributed enough important differentiation of the two

different methods, basically in marketing context.

Fundamental research goals to extending knowledge by generating new theories and reshape

existing ones. While applied research method is concentrated on providing experimental

solutions to specific problems by analyzing empirical evidence.

Descriptive Research vs Analytical Research

Descriptive research is a look over and to seek the true analysis. Descriptive research aims to narrate the

characteristics of one person, situation or a group or the state of affairs as it exists at present. On the other

hand, analytical research concerns a critical estimation based on knowledge that is accessible and

primarily involved with testing hypothesis, designating and interpreting connection by analyze the facts

or existing information.

Peter Rule, Vaughn John, Your Guide to Case Study Research. (Van Schaik, 2011), 20-23.

Exploratory Research vs Conclusive Research

Exploratory research contemplate merely to explore the research questions and does not want to offer

final and unquestionable solutions to existing problem. Whereas, conclusive research identifies the final

instruction that is the only solution to an existing problem.


Researcher is key to make progress in any discipline. There are multi-types of research on the global all

have its indispensable benefits and offshoots. It can be inferred without any doubt that the above-

mentioned research methods are significantly played important role in human life and through research

we can solve any type of problems at the globe.

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