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Practical Research 1
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Teacher’s Guide
First Edition 2016

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor M. Briones, PhD
Undersecretary: Dina S. Ocampo, PhD

Development Team of the Teacher’s Guide for Practical Research 1

Dondon B. Buensuceso Dary E. Dacanay Glicerio A. Manalo

Nicanor M. San Gabriel

Cover Art Illustrator: JM Quincy D. Gonzales

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It is our desire that this teacher‘s guide (TG) on Practical Research 1:

Qualitative Research will provide you with a general understanding of how to conduct
practical qualitative research and possibly even encourage you to undertake a study
that you may have been thinking about doing.

Research is a delightful way to discover valuable learnings and skills. Through

this subject, you help develop your students‘ abilities in establishing connections,
listening, and observing, which are the primary elements needed in the qualitative
research process. Your students will find out how to conduct practical researches that
they can apply in their specific track. Often, when students find out that they are going
to engage in ―research,‖ you can immediately see the worry and skepticism
sketched in their faces. Your goal as a teacher is to replace that worry with
excitement, that skepticism with confidence. Your students will discover how much
fun it is to do research as they eagerly learn new things and develop a new and better
perspective about research. You, as a teacher of Practical Research 1, are in the
best position to guide your students in conducting their qualitative research.

Twenty-first century learning is about the opportunities that you can provide
your students in solving problems through their collaboration with their peers and
surroundings. It is about learning how to discover, to improvise, and to interact, using
research as a tool to expand their knowledge and skills. With this guide on Practical
Research 1, we hope that you will able to nurture your students to be active, creative,
and collaborative researchers.


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Practical Research 1 Curriculum Guide vii

Module 1: Nature of Inquiry and Research 1

1: The Importance of Research in Daily Life 6
2: The Characteristics, Processes, and Ethics of Research 10
3: Quantitative and Qualitative Research 16
4: The Kinds of Research Across Fields 23

Module 2 & 3: Qualitative Research and Its Importance in

Daily Life 27 Identifying and Stating the Problem
1, 2, 3, & 4: The Value of Qualitative Research— 33
Its Kinds, Characteristics, Uses, Strengths, and Weaknesses and the
Importance of Qualitative Research Across Fields of Inquiry

Module 4: Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature 41

1: What is a Literature Review and Why Do I Need Such? 47
2: Criteria in Selecting, Citing, and Synthesizing the Related 52
3: Ethical Standards in Writing 68

Module 5: Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect 74


1: Qualitative Research Designs 79

2: Description of Sampling and Data Collection 90
3: Analysis of Procedures such as Survey, Interview, and 97
4: Application of Creative Design Principles for Execution 111

Module 6: Finding Answers through Data Collection 113

1: The Observation Method 118
2: The Interview Method 122

Module 7: Analyzing the Meaning of Data and Drawing Conclusion 130

1: Patterns and Themes from Data 134

Module 8: Reporting and Sharing of Findings 147

1: Guidelines in Making Conclusions and Recommendations 151
2: Techniques in Listing References 156
3: The Process of Writing Report 166

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
CH 1
lum Guide 1

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c h) Central Office. l or
Learning Area and Strand/
Subject or Specialization Applied Track Subject_Research
First Entry CS_RS11
Grade Level Grade 11

Roman Numeral
Quarter Third Quarter III
*Zero if no specific quarter
Lowercase Letter/s
*Put a hyphen (-) in between letters to Week Week one a
indicate more than a specific week

shares research experiences and

Arabic Number Competency 1


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Le gend
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Module 1

A. Learning Outcomes
Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of research in
daily life, the characteristics, processes and the ethics of research, the
difference between quantitative and qualitative research and the kinds of
research across fields.

Performance Standard
Use appropriate kinds of research in decision-making

Unpacking the Standards for Understanding

1. Importance of research in daily life
2. Characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
3. Quantitative and qualitative research
4. Kinds of research across fields

Learning Competencies
The learner…
1. Shares research experiences and knowledge
2. Explains the importance of research in daily life
3. Describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
4. Differentiates quantitative from qualitative research
5. Provides examples of research in areas of interest (arts, humanities,
sports, science, business, agriculture and fisheries, information and
communication technology, and social inquiry)

Essential Understanding
Essential Question
Learners will understand that the
How does nature of inquiry and
concepts of inquiry and research have
research facilitate in finding
wide applications in real life and are
solutions to real-life problems and
useful tools to develop critical thinking
develop critical thinking skills?
and problem solving skills.
Transfer Goal
Learners will be able to provide examples of research in different areas of
interest (arts, humanities, sports, science, information and communication
technology and social inquiry).

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
B. Planning for Assessment

The following are products and performances that learners are expected to
come up within this module.

1. Share experiences and knowledge on research

2. Share importance of research in daily life
3. Differentiate the kinds of research
4. Discuss the importance of research in decision making
5. Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research
6. Identify examples of quantitative and qualitative research
7. Discuss the major characteristics of qualitative research
8. Explain the general characteristics of qualitative research
9. Explain the processes of conducting research
10. Discuss the ethics in conducting research
11. Explain the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research on a continuum
in the process of research
12. Explain the kinds of research across fields
13. Create a graphic organizer of the difference between qualitative and quantitative
14. Create an integrative paper on the importance of research in daily life

Assessment Map
Processes The Pre-Assessment

Part 1
1. Identify the importance of research in our daily life
2. Determine the importance of research to other fields
Part 2
1. Enumerate the major characteristics of research
2. Enumerate the general characteristics of research Part
1. Define qualitative and quantitative research
Part 4
1. Identify the kinds of research across fields
Processes The Pre-Assessment

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Part 1
Understan 1. Determine the importance of research in decision making
ding Part 2
1. Determine the processes in conducting research

Applying Part 2
1. Discuss the characteristics, processes, and ethics of
Part 3
1. Explain the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative
research on a continuum in the process of research


Part 2
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

1. E
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Creating Part 1
1. Create an integrative paper on the importance of research in
daily life
Part 2
1. Make a problem statement

Processes Formative Assessment

Rememberi Lesson 1
ng 1. Identify the importance of research in our daily life
2. Determine the importance of research to other fields
Lesson 2
1. Enumerate the major characteristics of research
2. Enumerate the general characteristics of research
Lesson 3
1. Define qualitative and quantitative research
Lesson 4
1. Identify the kinds or research across fields

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Understand Less
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1. D
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Less e of
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2. D cisio
eterm n
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Applying Lesson 2
1. Discuss the characteristics, processes, and ethics of
Lesson 3
1. Explain the characteristics of quantitative and
qualitative research on a continuum in the process
of research

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

1. Diff
cond ethic
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2. Dis g rese d un
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Evaluating Lesson 2
1. Explain the processes of conducting research
2. Discuss how to select a problem
Lesson 3
1. Explain the difference betweenqualitative and
quantitative research
2. Distinguish a qualitative research from a quantitative

Cognitive Summa
Processes tive
Remember 1. Determine the
ing 2. importance of
3. research to other
4. fields
5. Enumerate the

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
characteristics of
Enumerate the
characteristics of
Define qualitative
and quantitative
Identify the kinds or
research across
Understan 1. Determine the
ding importance of
2. research in
decision making
Determine the
processes in
Applying 1. Discuss the
2. processes, and
ethics of research
Explain the
characteristics of
quantitative and
qualitative research
on a continuum in
the process of

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Processes Formative Assessment

Creating Lesson 1
Analyzing Differentiate ethical
1. Create an integrative paper on the importance of
and unethical
research in daily life practices in
Lesson 2 conducting
1. Create a problem statement research
Discuss the ethical
Lesson 4 considerations in
1. Give examples of researches across fields
Differentiate the
1. kinds of research
across fields


Evaluating 1. 2. 3. Explain the

processes of
research Explain
the difference
between qualitative
and quantitative
Distinguish a
qualitative research
from a quantitative
Creating Create an
integrative paper on
the importance of
1. research in daily life
Create a problem
2. statement
3. Give examples of
researches across

C. Lesson Proper

LESSON 1: The Importance of Research in Daily Life


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I. What to Know
Research is significant in our everyday activities. It is the result of a
thinking process that involves students in questioning techniques or
models. In order for students to have a grasp of the techniques/models
of inquiry, you have to discuss with them the processes involved in
inquiry and research. Discuss the concepts in the box regarding inquiry-
based learning.

According to Drayton & Falk (2001), the following are the characteristics
of classrooms where teachers emphasized inquirybased learning:

• Inquiry is in the form of authentic (real-life) problems within the context of

the curriculum and/or community.
• The inquiry capitalizes on student curiosity.
• Data and information are actively used, interpreted, refined, digested and
• Teachers, students and teacher-librarian collaborate.
• Community and society are connected with the inquiry.
• The teacher models the behaviors of inquirer.
• The teacher uses the language of inquiry on an ongoing basis.
• Students take ownership of their learning.
• The teacher facilitates the process of gathering and presenting information.
• The teacher and students use technology to advance inquiry.
• The teacher embraces inquiry as both content and pedagogy.
• The teacher and students interact more frequently and more actively than
during traditional teaching.
• There is an identifiable time for inquiry-based learning.

Source: Focus on Inquiry: A Teacher’s Guide to Implementing Inquiry-based Learning.

In addition, discuss to the students the inquiry model in the following page.

Inquiry Model

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SourceF: o
cu s on Inqu
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
the importance of research. Tell them to relate their experiences and
decision making to the results of published researches and for the
effect of such researches to the decisions they do every day.

II. What to Process

In this section, help the students appreciate the importance of research
in daily life. Tell them to compose an essay regarding the use of
research in their daily life as a student. This is an important skill that
should be developed in every student. This is necessary in order for
them to realize the value of research.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Administer a formative test to determine the mastery of the students in this
lesson (see Assessment Map). Tell them to identify situations in daily life that
research is of great importance. Let them explain how to use results of
researches in good decision-making.

Formative Assessment 1.1

Examining research studies

Ask the students to read sample research then ask them to write
a reflection paper about the importance of research in our daily
life. Provide the students the following guide questions in writing
their reflection.

What appears to be the main objective of the research?

Does the research have conclusion and recommendation?
Why is the research conducted?
How does the research study help you in your daily life?

IV. What to Transfer

Give the students opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of
the importance of research in daily life by conducting a survey/interview
of 20 students asking them the importance of research in their daily life.
This can be done through a collaborative work. In addition, ask them to
look for examples of research in different areas of interest (arts,
humanities, sports, science, information and communication technology
and social inquiry) then ask them to present the importance of the
research they have found in their daily activities.
V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
The lesson underscores the importance of research in daily life. The
values of appreciation and camaraderie are developed among the
students through collaborative work. Students are able to share their
ideas and listen to the ideas of others. Also, the lesson provided
students with opportunities to determine the importance of research in
their daily life. It also strengthened their decision-making using the
results of researches. Moreover, this lesson developed the analytical
and critical thinking skills of the students and encouraged them to
discuss importance of research in their daily life as students.


Focus on Research: A Guide to Developing Students’ Research Skills. Edmonton, Alberta:

Alberta Education, 1990.

Donham, Jean, Kay Bishop, Carol Collier Kuhlthau, and Dianne Oberg. Inquiry-
based Learning: Lessons from Library Power. Worthington, OH:
Linworth, 2001.

Focus on Inquiry: A Teacher’s Guide to Implementing Inquiry-based Learning.

Ebook. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Alberta Learning, Learning and Teaching
Resources Branch, 2004.

Jonassen, David H. Computers as Mind tools for Schools: Engaging Critical

Thinking. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.

LESSON 2: The Characteristics, Processes, and Ethics of Research

I. What to Know Check the student‘s prior knowledge on the meaning of

research, characteristics, processes and ethics involved in conducting
research. Assessing these will facilitate teaching and students‘
understanding of what research really is. Explain to students that as
they go through this lesson, they have to think of these essential
questions for understanding of the concepts: What are the
characteristics of research? What are the qualities of a good
researcher? What are the components of the research process? How
do you differentiate the types of variables? What are the classifications
of research? What are the processes involved in conducting research?
What are the obligations of researchers in order to adhere to
professional standards? What factors should be considered in selecting


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
a research problem? Why do we need ethics in research? What are the
unethical practices in conducting research?

To strengthen students‘ knowledge of the different concepts that involve

research, ask them to create a reflection paper of the ethical and
unethical practices in conducting research. Let the students cite
examples of researches that have ethical implications. Tell them to
relate their experiences and decision-making when conducting their
research and the effect of researches to the readers if it is not done

Characteristics of Research
1. Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation
by the researcher.
2. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
Research 3. is defined as Research
Cyclical. the scientific
is a investigation of phenomena
cyclical process because it which
starts with a
includes collection, presentation, analysis
problem and ends with a problem. and interpretation of facts that
lines an individual‘s speculation
4. Analytical. with reality.
Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in
gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, and experimental
and case study.
5. Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6. Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner
without bias using systematic method and procedures.
7. Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated
or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and
conclusive results.

Source: Calmorin and Calmorin, Research Methods and Thesis Writing.

To make students realize the nature of research, you may present the
research process diagram that includes the following research

1. Select a general problem.

2. Review the literature of the problem.
3. Select a specific research problem, question, or hypothesis.
4. Collect data.
5. Analyze and present or display data.


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6. Interpret the findings and state conclusions or generalizations regarding
the problem.

Factors to Consider in Selecting a Research Problem

1. Researcher‘s area of interest
2. Availability of funds
3. Investigator‘s ability and training

(There are examples in this book and please consider the sites provided.)

1. An example of grounded theory

‘Negotiating commitment and involvement in the nurse–patient
relationship’ by Janice Morse (1992b). (2016, September 1)
Retrieved from

2. An example of case study research Ulric Neisser’s (1981) analysis of

John Dean’s testimony (2016, September 1). Retrieved from classes/110/Neisser.pdf.

Formative Assessment 1.2

Finding and analyzing an existing research study

Ask the students to select one (1) published research aligned to

their specialization. Ask them to analyze the research by
answering the following questions:

What is the research all about?

What are the processes used in the research study?
Did the researcher consider the ethics in conducting research?
Why did you say so?
II. What to Process
In this section, ask the students to have a discourse with regards to the
processes and characteristics of research. Tell them to research about
the processes and characteristics of research then share it with their
classmates through a collaborative work. Make sure that each student
brings with them their research. This is necessary in order for them to


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understand deeply the processes involved in conducting research and
its characteristics.

Guide Questions for group discussion:

• What are the characteristics of research?
• What is cyclical research?
• How do you differentiate empirical from logical research?
• What are the processes involved in conducting research?

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Administer a formative test about the processes involved in conducting
research, characteristics of research and ethical considerations in
conducting research to determine the mastery of the students on the
lesson (see Assessment Map).

Formative Assessment 1.3

True or False and Essay Writing

• Conduct a true or false item test about the characteristics of
research and the ethical considerations in conducting

• Ask the students to write an essay about the ethical

considerations in conducting research.

Ethics in Research

Ethics generally is considered to deal with beliefs about what is right or

wrong, proper or improper, good or bad. According to a dictionary
definition (Webster‘s 1968), to be ethical is to conform to accepted
professional practice.

Ethical considerations in conducting research

1. Objectivity and integrity

2. Respect of the research subjects‘ right to privacy and dignity and
protection of subjects from personal harm
3. Presentation of research findings
4. Misuse of research role
5. Acknowledgement of research collaboration and assistance

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
6. Distortions of findings by sponsor

Unethical practices in conducting research

1. Deceiving a respondent about the true purpose of a study

2. Asking a respondent questions that cause him or her extreme
embarrassment; guilt emotional turmoil by remaining him or her of an
unpleasant experience
3. Invading the privacy of a respondent
4. Studying the respondents or research subjects without their knowledge
5. When analyzing the data—revealing only part of the facts, presenting
facts out of context, falsifying findings or offering
misleading presentation such as lying with statistics

Source: Biglete, ―Ethical Considerations in Conducting Research‖.

Going Further!

Please visit the sites below for further discussion of ethical and unethical practices in
conducting research.

Retrieved February 19, 2016.


IV. What to Transfer

Tell the students to look for a sample of local and international research
in their own field of specialization (library or research in the internet).
Ask them to evaluate the research if it follows the considerations for
ethical practices in conducting research. Show examples of research
that considered ethical practices and ask them to compare. This can be
done through an individual or a collaborative work.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
In addition, ask the students to give examples of researches conducted
for each type of research (Basic Research, Applied Research and
Developmental Research). Tell them to share their examples with their
classmates through a group discussion.

Going Further!

Please visit the sites provided for sample researches across fields:

1. Understanding the value of qualitative research in nursing. Retrieved last

February 19, 2016. “NT 20 February 2007 Vol 103 No 8”
2. for
Engineering).Retrieved last February 19, 2016
3. for Psychology) Retrieved last February
19, 2016
4. for Psychology)
Retrieved last February 19, 2016
5. (Researches for
business and accounting) Retrieved last February 19, 2016
(Researches for business and accounting). Retrieved last February 19,

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
This lesson is about the Characteristics, Processes, and Ethics of
Research. The lesson discussed the different characteristics,
processes and ethics of research. Also, it encouraged the teachers to
explain the unethical practices of a researcher. Moreover, it provided
the students opportunities to identify examples of research for each
type of research discussed (Basic Research, Applied Research and
Developmental Research). It also strengthened the ideas and skills of
students in differentiating the ethical and unethical practices of a
research. Moreover, this lesson explained the processes involved in
conducting qualitative research.


Biglete, Amelia. ―Ethical Considerations in Conducting Research.‖ Lecture, May 2014.


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Calmorin, Laurentina P., and Melchor A. Calmorin. Research Methods and Thesis
Writing. 2nd edition. Manila: Rex Bookstore, 2007.

Paton, Michael. Quantitative Evaluation and Research Methods. 2nd ed. Newburry
Park, CA: Sage, 1990.

Willig, Carla. Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology: Adventures in

Theory and Method. Ebook. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education,

LESSON 3: Quantitative and Qualitative Research

I. What to Know
Ask the students to differentiate quantitative from qualitative research.
This is done to determine the understanding of students about
quantitative and qualitative research. Doing this activity will help
students in discussing the difference between qualitative and
quantitative research. Tell the students that as they go through this
lesson, they have to think of these essential questions for
understanding of the concepts: What is qualitative research? What is
the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
To strengthen student‘s knowledge of the different concepts on qualitative and
quantitative research, discuss the definitions of qualitative and quantitative
research and the difference between them in terms of objectives, data
analysis and outcomes. Finally, discuss the philosophical assumptions of
quantitative and qualitative researchers

Definition of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative research is a type of educational research in which the
researcher decides what to study; asks specific, narrow questions; collects
quantifiable data from participants; analyzes these numbers using
statistics; and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner.

Qualitative research is a type of educational research in which the

researcher relies on the views of participants; asks broad, general
questions; collects data consisting largely words (text) from participants;
describes and analyzes these words for themes; and conducts the inquiry
in a subjective, biased manner.
Qualitative Quantitative

 In-depth understanding of • Quantification of data

Objectives underlying reasons and • Measurement of
motivations incidence, etc.

• Non-statistical
Data • Contextual  Statistical
• Thematic

• Broad based insights

 Not conclusive nor
Outcomes • Population based


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Differences between Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative Methodologies Qualitative Methodologies

Preference for precise hypothesis Preference for hypotheses that
stated at the outset emerge as the study develops
Preference for precise
Assumptions definitions
of Quantitative Preference for definitions
Assumptions in context
of Qualitative
stated at theResearchers
outset or as study progresses
Data reduced to numerical scores Preference for narrative description
There exists a reality ―out there,‖
Much attention
independent of to
waiting toand
be The individuals involved in the
known. The reliability of scoresis to
task of science Preference
research situations
for assuming
that reality;
obtained the
discover fromnature
of reality and how thus, realities
reliability exist in the
of inferences form of
is adequate
it works. multiple mental constructions.
Assessment of validity through a Assessment of validity through
variety of procedures
Research investigationswithcan
reliance on crosschecking sources of information
statistical indices
potentially result in accurate Research investigations produce
statements about the way the world alternative visions of what the world is
really is. like.

It is possible for the researcher to

remove him- or herself—to stand It is impossible for the researcher to
apart—from that which is being stand apart from the individuals he or
researched. she is studying.
Differing Philosophical Assumptions of Quantitative and Qualitative

Source: Fraenkel and Wallen, How To Design And Evaluate Research In Education.

II. What to Process

Ask the students to have a collaborative work. Tell them to discuss the
difference between qualitative and quantitative research as explained in the
previous discussion. Give each group a sample qualitative and quantitative
research. Tell them to distinguish the two researches. Ask the students to
present their output to the class. Finally, ask the students to have the
Formative Assessment 1.4.

Formative Assessment 1.4

20 Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Ask the studentsAll rights to find No

reserved. qualitative and may
part of this material quantitative
be reproduced researches,
or transmitted in any form or by any means -
list the title of the researches and identify whether
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – the research
without written is the DepEd Central Office.
permission from
qualitative or quantitative.
III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand
Administer a formative test on qualitative and quantitative research. Ask
the students to determine which is quantitative from qualitative
methodologies. Let them further differentiate quantitative and qualitative
researches based on its philosophical assumptions.

Example: Tell whether the given statement is a Quantitative

Methodology or Qualitative Methodology. Explain your answer for each
1. Preference for specific design control for procedural bias.
2. Primary reliance on researcher to deal with procedural bias.
3. Preference for statistical summary of results.
4. Preference for narrative summary of results.
5. Willingness to manipulate aspects, situations, or conditions in studying
complex phenomena.

Note: The table on the next page serves as a reference of the teachers in
answering the questions above.

Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research

Quantitative Methodologies Quantitative Methodologies

Preference for precise hypothesis stated Preference for hypotheses that

at the outset. emerge as study develops.

Preference for precise definitions stated Preference for definitions in

at the outset. context or as study progresses.

Preference for narrative

Data reduced to numerical scores.


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
relia ce f
or a
bility ssum
of in ing
fere that
s is
Much attention to assessing and
improving reliability of scores obtained
from instruments.

Assessment of validity through a variety Assessment of validity through

of procedures with reliance on statistical crosschecking sources of
indices. information (triangulation).

Preference for random techniques for Preference for expert information

obtaining meaningful samples. (purposive) samples.

Preference for precisely describing Preference for narrative/literary

procedures. descriptions of procedures.


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
con ce f
trol or d
of e esig
xtra n or
neo stat
us v istic
aria al
Preference for logical analysis in
controlling or accounting for
extraneous variables.

Preference for specific design control for Primary reliance on researcher to

procedural bias. deal with procedural bias.
Preference for statistical summary of Preference for narrative summary
results. of results.

Preference for breaking down

Preference for holistic description
complex phenomena into specific
of complex phenomena.
parts for analysis.

Willingness to manipulate aspects,

Unwillingness to tamper with
situations, or conditions in studying
naturally occurring phenomena.
complex phenomena.
Source: Fraenkel and Wallen, How To Design And Evaluate Research In Education

IV. What to Transfer

Ask the students to produce a reflection paper of the things they
learned about the differences between qualitative and quantitative
research and the differing philosophical assumptions of quantitative and
qualitative researchers.

In addition, ask the students to look for examples of qualitative and

quantitative researches. Tell them to share their examples with their


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
classmates and let them explain the reasons why the research is
considered qualitative or quantitative.

Reflection Evaluation Criteria (the rubric)

Sufficie Unacce
Criteri nt (48– Minimal (1–47 ptable
Superior (54–60 points)
a 53 points) (0
points) points)
Depth Res
Respon Response Respon
of se sdemonstrates
e a se
Reflect demons ons minimal demons
t te
ion an i a rareflection
trates s on, trates a
general th and personalization of lack of
(25% ction the theories,
reflectio reflectio
of TTL andn on, on,concepts, and/or n on, or
Points) persand strategies presented persona
ona lization
personalizat in the course
o th lization ion materials to date. of the
___/15 e th
f e o theories
con of theries, Viewpoints and
ceptheories interpretations are ,
and unsupported or concept
/or ,
stra concept supported with flawed s,
tegi s, arguments. Examples, and/or
pres and/or when strategi
the nd strategi
i applicable, are not es
cou provided or are present
rse es
mat present irrelevant to the ed in
ls to assignment. the
date ed in
. the course
View material
poin course
inte ts a material s to
rpre nd
tatio s to date.
are ns Viewpoi
insig date.
and htfu Viewpoi nts and
well interpret
nts and
port interpret ations
Clea ations are
r, de missing,
exa t ailed are
mpl support inappro
es a
prov re ed. priate,
app , a s Appropr and/or
licab iate unsupp
exampl orted.
es are Exampl
provide es,
d, as when
applicab applicab
le. le, are


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Superior Sufficie Unacce
Criteri (54–60 points) nt (48– ptable
a 53 (0
points) points)
includes all
Requir Respon Respon
components and meets or
ed exceeds all requirements se se
Comp indicated in the instructions. includes exclude
onents Each question or part of all s
the assignment is compon essentia
(25% addressed thoroughly. All ents l
of TTL attachments and/or and compon
Points) additional documents are meets ents
included, as required. all and/or
require (1–47 points)
___/15 does
ments Response is missing not
indicate some components address
d in the and/or does not fully the
instructi meet the require
ons. ments
Each indicate
questio d in the
n or part instructi
of the requirement
assignm sindicated in
the n Many
ent is Som
s. parts of
address questions
or of the
ed. All assignme
the assignm
attachm are
not d ent are
ents Som
.attachment address
and/or e ed
addition documen ts, minimall
additiona l
al ifrequired,
missing y,
docume are
unsuitabl e
or inadequ
nts are the purpose ately,
included the
of and/or
, as not at
required assignment. all.


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Struct Writing Writing is unclear Writing
ure is and/or disorganized. is
mostly Thoughts are not unclear
(25% clear, expressed in a logical and
of TTL concise, manner. There disorga
Points) and well are more than nized.
organiz five spelling, Thought
___/15 ed with grammar, or syntax s
Writin errors per page of ramble
g is good
clear, writing. and
concis sentenc
and w e, e/para make
ell little
organ graph
ized w sense.
excell ith constru
ent There
sente ction.
nce/p are
graph ara Thought numero
s are us
ructio express spelling,
Thoug n .
hts a r ed in a gramma
expre e coheren
ssed r, or
coher in a t and
ent an syntax
logica d logical errors
l man manner.
There n e r . through
are no There out the
than are no respons
three more
spellin e.
gramm g, than
ar, or
synta five
x erro
per pa r s spelling,
ge of
writing gramma
. r, or
page of
Superior Sufficient Minimal Unacceptable
(54–60 points) (48–53 points) (1–47 points) (0 points)
Evidence Response Response Response Response and Practice shows strong
shows shows little shows no
evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
(25% of TTL synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of
Points) ideas ideas ideas ideas
presented and presented and presented and presented and
___/15 insights gained insights gained insights gained insights gained
throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
entire course. entire course. entire course. entire course.
The The Few No implications
implications of implications of implications of for the
these insights these insights these insights respondent's

All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
for the for the for the overall
respondent's respondent's respondent's teaching
overall overall overall practice are teaching teaching teaching
presented, as practice are practice are practice are applicable.
thoroughly presented, as presented, as detailed, as applicable.
applicable. applicable.

Please see rubric from the website below:

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
This lesson was about the difference between quantitative and qualitative
research. The lesson discussion started with the definition of
qualitative and quantitative research followed by the discussion on the
differences between qualitative and quantitative research
methodologies. Also, it clarified the differing philosophical assumptions
of quantitative and qualitative researchers. It also strengthened the
ideas and skills of students in determining if a research is qualitative or
quantitative. Finally, it allowed students to reflect and share their ideas
about the differences between qualitative and quantitative research.

Fraenkel, Jack R., and Norman E. Wallen. How To Design And Evaluate Research In
Education. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Education, 2003. ―Reflection Evaluation
Criteria‖. Accessed June 2016.

LESSON 4: The Kinds of Research Across Fields

I. What to Know
Determine if the students are familiar with different researches in
various areas of interest (arts, humanities, sports, science, business,
agriculture and fisheries, information and communication technology,
and social inquiry). This is done to facilitate the teaching and learning
process. In doing this activity, the students will be exposed to different
researches across fields. Tell the students that as they go through this
lesson, they have to think of the following essential questions for
understanding the different examples of researches: What are the
different researches that you have read? Why do we need to determine
the different research areas?


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
To strengthen student‘s knowledge of the kinds of researches across
fields, discuss and show examples of researches conducted across
fields. Finally, tell the students to look for published or unpublished
researches in different areas of interest: arts, humanities, sports,
science, business, agriculture and fisheries, information and
communication technology, and social inquiry.

Note: Please visit the sites below if researches in arts, humanities, sports, science,
business, agriculture and fisheries, information and communication
technology, and social inquiry are not available in the library.

urnalText=&AllField=qualitative+research+in+arts&publication=433 68657
esearch+in+business (Business)
esearch+in+agricultural+and+fisheries (agriculture and fisheries)
esearch+in+information+and+communication+technology (ICT)
esearch+in+social+inquiry+ (Social Inquiry)
II. What to Process
Collaborative work: Ask the students to differentiate researches
conducted across fields. Tell them to identify similarities and differences
in the processes used in conducting the research. Show two examples
of research in different field and determine their similarities and

Ask the students to consider the following when doing the collaborative work.
1. Identify two researchers in an area of interest (arts, humanities, sports,
science, business, agriculture and fisheries, information and communication
technology, and social inquiry).
2. Differentiate the researches by identifying their similarities and differences.
3. Present your output using PowerPoint presentation. Ask someone in your
group to present your output.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Show an example of research and ask the students to determine the
important concepts and processes that they would get in the research.
Tell them to discuss among themselves the things they learned in
reading the research. This activity can be done collaboratively.


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
During the collaborative activity, students should consider the guide questions
1. What method is used in the research?
2. What are the questions asked?
3. Were the questions answered by the results and discussion?
4. What conclusion can you get from the results of the research?
5. What are the recommendations of the researchers?

IV. What to Transfer

Ask the students to produce a journal of the things they learned from
the different examples of researches across fields. Tell them to do
collaborative work then share and discuss their journals among

Finally, ask the students to choose a representative to share the

summary of their discussions. Make sure to let them emphasize on the
researches related to their specializations.

Summative Test

Nature of Inquiry and Research

Ask the students to take a summative test that includes the


1. Enumerate the major characteristics of research

2. Enumerate the general characteristics of research
3. Identify the kinds or research across fields
4. Determine the importance of research in decision making and
the processes in conducting research
5. Discuss the characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
6. Differentiate ethical and unethical practices in conducting
7. Discuss the ethical considerations in conducting research
8. Differentiate the kinds of research across fields
9. Explain the processes of conducting research
10. Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative

Reflection Journal Rubric


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Criteria 5 3 1 0
All or almost
all of the Most entries Few entries None of the
Structure entries have have a have a entries have
Ideas (x2) a connection connection to connection to a connection
to structure. structure. structure. to structure.

Feelings and None of your

thoughts are Feelings and feelings and
Feelings Feelings and
thoughts are
and revealed in thoughts are thoughts are
all or almost revealed in revealed in
Thoughts revealed in
few of the
(x2) of the most entries. any of the
entries. entries. entries.
The proper The proper The proper The proper
format has format has format has format has
been been been not been
Format followed for followed for followed for followed for
all of the most of the few of the any of the
entries. entries. entries. entries.
Criteria 5 3 1 0
All or almost
Most of my Few of my None of my
all of my
entries use entries use entries use
entries use
Mechanics correct correct correct
spelling and spelling and spelling and
spelling and
grammar. grammar. grammar.
All entries All entries
All entries
All entries are not are not
are present,
are present, present, but present, nor
Completion but are either
in order, and they are are they
not together
together. together or in together or in
or in order.
order. order.
Almost all- 90%
Most- 75% or more TOTAL ________/35


Additional Rubric: Please visit the site below.

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
This lesson is about the kinds of researches across fields. The value
developed among students was diligence. They were asked to retrieve
sample researches across fields of inquiry. Moreover, it talked about
the research conducted across fields followed by the discussion on the
process considered by the researchers in their research paper. Finally,
it gave examples of researches in their field of specialization and
strengthened the knowledge and skills of students in differentiating
researches across fields.


―Reflection Journal Rubric‖. Accessed 19 February 2016.

Module 2 and 3


A. Learning Outcomes
Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the value of qualitative
research; its kinds, characteristics, uses, strengths, and weaknesses; the
importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry; the range of
research topics in the area of interest and the specificity and feasibility of
the problem posed

Performance Standard
Decide on a suitable qualitative research in different areas of interest.

Unpacking the Standards for Understanding

1. The value of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, uses,
strengths, and weaknesses
2. The importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry
3. The range of research topics in the area of interest
4. The specificity and feasibility of the problem posed


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Learning Competencies
The learner…
1. Designs a research project related to daily life
2. Writes a research title
3. Describes the justifications/reasons for conducting the research
4. States research questions
5. Indicates scope and delimitation of research
6. Cites benefits and beneficiaries of research
7. Presents written statement of the problem
Essential Understanding Essential Question
Learners will understand that qualitative How does qualitative research
research has importance in real life and facilitate finding solutions to
is a useful tool to develop critical reallife problem, develop critical
thinking, problem solving skills and thinking and good decision
good decision-making skills. making skills?
Transfer Goal
Learners will be able to:
Write a research title, state a qualitative research questions, indicate scope
and delimitation of a qualitative research, cite benefits and beneficiaries of
research, and present written statement of the problem.

B. Planning for Assessment

The following are products and performances that learners are expected to
come up with in this module.
1. Create a reflection paper on the value of qualitative research in real life
2. Demonstrate skill in differentiating the kinds, characteristics and uses of
qualitative research
3. Come up with a synthesis of the strengths, and weaknesses of qualitative
4. Design a research project related to daily life
5. Write a research title
6. Describe the justifications/reasons for conducting the research
7. State research questions designed for a qualitative research
8. Indicate scope and delimitation of research
9. Cite benefits and beneficiaries of research
10. Present written statement of the problem

Assessment Map


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Processes The Pre-Assessment

Part 1
Remember 1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
ing 2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative
3. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life situations
Part 2
1. Explain the importance of qualitative research across fields
2. Identify the importance of qualitative research in the field of

Processes The Pre-Assessment

Understan Part 1
ding 1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
2. Explain each characteristic of qualitative research
3. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life

Part 2
1. Explain the importance of qualitative research across
2. Identify the importance of qualitative research in the field
of specialization


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
1. D
2. E te th
xpla e kin
3. E i n
e a ch c ds o
xpla h a f qu
in th r acte alita
e r is t tive
situa u se o ic of q rese
tions f qu ualit arch
alita ative
Part tive rese
2 rese arch
1. E i n re
xpla al lif
in th e
field e im
s port
2. In ance
dica of q
te sc ualit
3. C o ative
ite b p e an rese
e n e d d arch
4. P fits a elim acro
rese nd b i ta tion ss
nt w enefic o f res
ritte iaerisee earc
n sta saorcf h
tem hr
of th
e pr


1. D
2. E ntiat
xpla e the
ineac kind
3. E hcha s of
xpla racte qual
in th r itativ
e is tic e res
situa u se o o f qua earc
tions f qua litati h
litati ve re
Part v e res sear
2 earc ch
h in
1. Exp life
the i
field mp o
s rtanc
2. Des e of
cribe itativ
the j e res
rese u st i earc
arch ficat h ac
ions ross
f or c


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Evaluating Part 1
1. Determine the value of research to other fields
Processe The Pre-Assessment
s 2. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
Cognitive 3. Explain each characteristic of qualitative research
Creating Formative Assessment
Part 1 the strengths
Processes 4. Identify and weaknesses of qualitative
1. Create a reflection paper on the
5. Explain of qualitative
the use research
of qualitative researchin in
ng Part 1 situations
Part 2 Part 2
1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
1. Create
1. Explain a reflection
the importance paper on the
of qualitative research across fields
2. Identify the strengthsofand
importance weaknesses
qualitative of qualitative
research in
researchdecision making
3. Explain
2. the use of qualitative research in real life situations
State research questions
Part 2
1. Explain the importance of qualitative research across fields
2. Identify the importance of qualitative research in the field of


1. D
2. E ntiat
xpla e the
in ea kind
3. E ch c s of
xpla hara qual
in th c itativ
e te r i s e res
situa u se o ti c of earc
tions f qual q ualit h
itativ ative
Part e res rese
2 earc arch
h in
1. E real
xpla life
in th
field e imr
s ptaonc
e of
2. Id qual
entif itativ
y the e res
field impo earc
o f sp r tanc h ac
e ci a e of ross
lizat qual
i on itativ
e res
h in


Part 1
1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
2. Explain each characteristic of qualitative research
35 3. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life
All rights reserved. No part Partmay
of this material 2 be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
1. Explain the importance
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without writtenof qualitative
permission research
from the across
DepEd Central fields
2. Indicate scope and delimitation of research
Cognitive Processes
Formative Assessment

3. Cite benefits and beneficiaries of research

4. Present written statement of the problem

Part 1
1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
2. Explain the each characteristic of qualitative research
3. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life situations
Part 2
1. Explain the importance of qualitative research across fields
2. Describe the justifications/reasons for conducting the research


Part 1
1. De
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Part 1
1. Create a reflection paper on the importance of qualitative research in daily life
Part 2
1. Create a reflection paper on the importance of qualitative research in decision making


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Cognitive Processes
Summative Assessment

1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research
3. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life situations
4. Explain the importance of qualitative research across fields
5. Identify the importance of qualitative research in their field of specialization
Cognitive Processes
Summative Assessment

1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
2. Explain each characteristic of qualitative research
3. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life situations
4. Explain the importance of qualitative research across fields
5. Identify the importance of qualitative research in their field of specialization



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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
1. D
2. E te th
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1. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
2. Explain the each characteristic of qualitative research
3. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life situations
4. Explain the importance of qualitative research across fields

1. Determine the value of research to other fields
2. Differentiate the kinds of qualitative research
3. Explain each characteristic of qualitative research
4. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research
5. Explain the use of qualitative research in real life situations
6. Explain the importance of qualitative research across fields

1. Create a reflection paper on the importance of qualitative research in daily life
2. Create a reflection paper on the importance of qualitative research in decision making
3. Design a research project related to daily life
4. Write a research title
5. State research questions

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
C. Lesson Proper LESSON 1, 2, 3, & 4: The Value of Qualitative Research—
Its Kinds, Characteristics, Uses, Strengths, and
Weaknesses and the Importance of Qualitative
Research Across Fields of Inquiry

I. What to Know
In this lesson, the students are expected to demonstrate understanding
of the value of qualitative research, its kinds, characteristics, uses,
strengths, and weaknesses. Start the activity by providing a
preassessment of their ideas on the value of qualitative research.
Discuss to students that one of the importance of qualitative research is
to provide context and meaning. Assessing the ideas and knowledge of
the students will facilitate the teaching learning process. Assessing
these will facilitate teaching and students‘ understanding of the
importance of research in daily life.

Tell the students that as they go through this lesson, they have to think
of these important questions: What is the importance of qualitative
research across fields of inquiry in our daily life? What are the kinds
and characteristics of qualitative research? What are the uses of this
research in our own field of specialization? What are the strengths and
weaknesses of qualitative research? What is the effect of qualitative
research in our decision-making?

Activity 2.1 1

To strengthen learner‘s knowledge of the importance of qualitative research in across fields

of inquiry, ask them to produce a reflection paper on the use of qualitative research in their
own field of specialization. Moreover, you can also ask the students to write a research title
and state their research questions.

Major Characteristics of Qualitative Research

Naturalistic inquiry
Studying real-world situations as they unfold naturally; non-manipulative,
unobtrusive, and non-controlling; openness to whatever emerges—lack of
predetermined constraints on outcomes.


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Inductive analysis
Immersion in the details and specifics of the data to discover important categories,
dimensions, and interrelationships; begin by exploring genuinely open questions
rather than testing theoretically derived (deductive) hypotheses.

Holistic perspective
The whole phenomenon under study is understood as a complex system that is
more than the sum of its parts; focus is on complex interdependencies not
meaningfully reduced to a few discrete variables and linear, cause-effect

Qualitative data
Detailed, thick description; inquiry in depth; direct quotations capturing people‘s
personal perspectives and experiences.

Personal contact and insight

The researcher has direct contact with and gets close to the people, situation, and
phenomenon under study; researcher‘s personal experiences and insights are
important part of the inquiry and critical to understanding the phenomenon.

Dynamic systems
Attention to process; assumes change is constant and ongoing whether the focus is
on an individual or an entire culture.

Unique case orientation

Assumes each case is special and unique; the first level of inquiry is being true to,
respecting, and capturing the details of the individual cases being studied;
crosscase analysis follows from and depends on the quality of individual case

Context sensitivity
Places findings in a social, historical, and temporal context; dubious of the
possibility or meaningfulness of generalization across time and space.

Emphatic neutrality
Complete objectivity is impossible; pure subjectivity undermines credibility; the
researcher‘s passion is understanding the world in all its complexity – not proving
something, not advocating, not advancing personal agenda, but understanding; the
researcher includes personal experience and empathic insight as part of the
relevant data, while taking a neutral nonjudgmental stance toward whatever content
may emerge.

Design flexibility
Open to adapting inquiry as understanding deepens and/or situations change;


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avoids getting locked into rigid designs that eliminate responsiveness; pursues new
paths of discovery as they emerge.
Types of Qualitative Research

It is an approach to philosophy and not specifically a method of inquiry; this
has often been misunderstood. It is first and foremost philosophy, the
approach employed to pursue a particular study should emerge from the
philosophical implications inherent in the question.

It is the direct description of a group, culture or community. Nevertheless,
the meaning of the word ethnography can be ambiguous; it is an overall
term for a number of approaches. Sometimes researchers use it as
synonymous with qualitative research in general, while at other times it‘s
meaning is more specific.

Grounded theory
It is a development of theory directly based and grounded in the data
collected by the researcher. It is a research methodology for discovering
theory in a substantive area.

Case study
It is used for a research approach with specific boundaries and can be both
qualitative and quantitative. In addition, it is an entity studied as a single
unit, and it has clear confines and a specific focus and is bound to context.
Source: Fraenkel and Wallen, How To Design And Evaluate Research In Education.

Going Further!

Please visit the sites provided for sample researches across field
1. Understanding the value of qualitative research in nursing. Retrieved
February 19, 2016. “NT 20 February 2007 Vol 103 No 8”
2. Retrieved: February 19,
3. 19, 2016
4. Retrieved: February
19, 2016

Source: Paton, Quantitative Evaluation And Research Methods.

Note: The discussion and definition of the types of qualitative research


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will be done in module 5

Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

In this lesson the students are expected to demonstrate understanding
of the range of research topics in the area of inquiry, the value of
research in the area of interest and the specificity and feasibility of the
problem posed. Specifically, the students should be able to design a
research project related to daily life, write a research title, describe the
justifications/reasons for conducting the research, state research
questions, indicate scope and delimitation of research, cite benefits and
beneficiaries of research and present written statement of the problem.

Start the activity by providing pre-assessment of their ideas on what

research they would like to conduct related to their own field. Discuss
the importance of decision making in order for them to start their
research. Explain to them that decision-making is all about deciding
what topic, problem, questions are, who will benefit and how to go
about the research.

Tell the students that as they go through this lesson, they have to
reflect on these important questions: What topic should I consider in
doing my research? What are my research questions? What problem
would my research solve? Who will benefit from my research? Why do I
need to conduct this research?

Activity 2.1.2

Collaborative Work (Collegial brainstorming)

Before asking the students to write their research title, ask them to
brainstorm on the issues that surround their field of specialization. The
objective of the brainstorming is to make students aware of the issues
and topics that are researchable in their own field. This will also help
them in choosing a topic.

The output of this activity should be presented using PowerPoint presentation or any
visual material for critiquing of the teacher.
The output should include:

1. Research Title
2. Reasons for Conducting the Research
3. Research Questions

II. What to Process


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
In this section, discussions on the value of qualitative research; its
kinds, characteristics, uses, strengths and weaknesses, and the
importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry should be
done. After the discussions, ask the students to present their research
title and questions using PowerPoint presentation. This is an important
skill that should be developed in every student in order for them to
understand how to formulate research questions and titles. In this
activity, make sure that each student will be given time to share their
titles and research questions. Teachers should give comments and
suggestions based on the titles and research questions of the students.
Discuss how to write titles and research questions.

In addition, discuss to students the strengths and weaknesses of

qualitative research. Below are sample strengths and weakness of
qualitative research.


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Strengths of Qualitative Research
1. Issues can be examined in detail and in depth.
2. Interviews are not restricted to specific questions and can be
guided/redirected by the researcher in real time.
3. The research framework and direction can be quickly revised as new
information emerges. Source:
4. The obtained data based on human experience is powerful and Claire,
sometimes more compelling than quantitative data.
5. Subtleties and complexities about the research subjects and/or topic are
discovered that are often missed by more positivistic inquiries.
6. Data usually are collected from a few cases or individuals so findings
cannot be generalized to a larger population. Findings can however be
transferable to another setting.

Limitations of Qualitative Research

Research quality
Formative1.Assessment 2.1 is heavily dependent on the individual skills of the
researcher and more easily influenced by the researcher's personal
biases and idiosyncrasies.
Creating 2.
qualitative research
Rigor is more difficult questions
to maintain, assess, and demonstrate.
3. The volume of data makes analysis and interpretation time consuming.
1. Ask students to formulate
4. It is sometimes not as a well―how‖
understoodor and
―why‖ question
accepted that
as quantitative
would be research within for
the rationale the ascientific community
qualitative research that they want to
5. The
conduct. Then researcher's presence during
think of possible ways data gathering,the
to answer which is often
unavoidable in qualitative research, can affect
they formulated like conducting a survey questionnaire, interview the subjects' responses.
6. Issues of anonymity and confidentiality can bring/result to problems
or experiment.
when presenting findings
7. Findings to
2. Ask the students cantake
be more difficult
a short quizand time consuming
(Identification, to characterize
True or False in a
visual way.
item test) about qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics,
uses, strengths, and weaknesses. "Presenting And
Qualitative Research".

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Conduct a formative test (see formative assessment) to determine the mastery of the
students in this lesson.

Moreover, tell them to indicate scope and delimitation of qualitative research,

cite benefits and beneficiaries of qualitative research and present written
statement of the problem.

Formative Assessment 2.2

Defining different types of qualitative research used across


Define the kinds of qualitative research used across fields, identify

the strengths and weaknesses of each qualitative research and
explain the use of qualitative research in real life situations. Cite
situations in which these kinds of qualitative research would be
most applicable. Then, write a research title and research questions
44 a study that you would like to conduct. Identify the kind of
qualitative research that you would like to conduct.
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
IV. What to Transfer
Ask the students to demonstrate their understanding by discussing their
research title, describing their justifications/reasons for conducting the
research, stating their research questions, indicating scope and delimitation
of research, and citing the benefits and beneficiaries of their research. This
activity is collaborative in nature. After doing the collaborative work, ask the
student to do Formative Assessment 2.3 and if the students were able to
master the competencies needed, conduct the summative test.

Formative Assessment 2.3

Identifying the research questions used across fields

Have a copy of a qualitative research conducted using survey

questionnaires and/or in depth interviews. Take note of the
research title and research questions used in the research. Were
the questions in the research answered? How do the research
questions differ in the questions you prepared?

Going Further!

Please visit the site provided for sample researches

1. Understanding the value of qualitative research in nursing. Retrieved:
February 19, 2016. “NT 20 February 2007 Vol 103 No 8”
2. Retrieved: February 19,
3. Retrieved: February 19, 2016 4. Retrieved: February
19, 2016

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
This lesson is about the value of qualitative research, its kinds,
characteristics, uses, strengths, and weaknesses. The lesson provided
the students with opportunities to formulate their own research title and
questions, statement of the problem and scope and limitations of their
research. It enhanced collaboration among the students and in so
doing, the students were able to develop the values of camaraderie and
selflessness. Finally, it ended by asking the students to demonstrate


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their understanding of the concepts by sharing their output to their
group mates.

Module 4
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Performance Standarde, 2003. ch M 2nedtheod
Select, cite and synthesize properly related literature as well as use
sources according to ethical standards and presenting written review of
related literature

Unpacking the Standards for Understanding

1. The review of related literature and its purpose and needs
2. Criteria in selecting, citing, and synthesizing related literature
3. Ethical standards in writing related literature

Learning Competencies
The learner…
1. Selects relevant literature
2. Cites related literature using standard styles (APA, MLA or Chicago
Manual of Style)
3. Synthesizes information from relevant literature
4. Presents written review of literature
5. Follows ethical standards in writing related literature


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Essential Understanding
Essential Question
Learners will understand that reviewing
the related literature involves the How does your review of
systematic identification, location, and related literature describe the
analysis of documents containing written component of your
information related to the research research plan that discusses
problem. the reviewed documents?
Transfer Goal
Learners will be able to describe the written component of a research plan
that discusses the reviewed documents. These documents can include
articles, abstracts, reviews, monographs, research reports, and electronic

B. Planning for Assessment

The following are products and performances that learners are expected to
come up with in this module.

1. Select relevant literature

2. Cite related literature using standard styles (APA, MLA or Chicago Manual of
3. Follow ethical standards in writing related literature
4. Present written review of literature
5. Synthesize information from relevant literature

Assessment Map

Processes The Pre-Assessment


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Rememberin Part 1
g 1. Describe the process of reviewing the literature
2. Define the purpose and scope of reviewing the
3. Enumerate the steps in starting the review of the
4. Identify the ways of finding relevant materials
5. Tabulate how the review of literature is selected amongst
different materials
6. List the different citing styles in reviewing the literature
Part 2
1. Review the collected review of related literature Part 3
1. Identify the different sources of literature according to
ethical standards

Processes The Pre-Assessment

ng Part 1
1. Describe what a review of related literature is and
its use
2. Discover the importance of good literature Part 2
1. Describe the chosen topic/s of interest
2. Examine feedback about their chosen topic/s of interest
as to how it fits in with other related studies Part 3
1. Describe the difference between a researcher and
2. Examine ethical guidelines set in doing a research


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

1. A
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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Cognitive ain t
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Processes The Pre-Assessment
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Part S ch u e lite
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1. A y
1. Evaluate some problems that ze cstudents foresee in
draft riticis
conducting their research s ma ms r
de ecei
Creating ve d
Part 1 Part freomlitetrha
3 ture
1. Write an ideal guideline for reviewing literature revie
1. C w
Part 2 o m pare
1. Write research questions (that uhave
lties been identified)
2. Compile the type/s of literature necessary solfor
research. ns in
3. Identify the specific related literature examples that cang a rese
be included in the study.
4. Create own inclusion and exclusion criteria based on
the given research question,
Evaluating Part
5. 1 Develop a story with the data at hand to explain how
the literature
1. Summarize thethat has been
process identifiedrelated
of reviewing addresses and and
sheds light on the research questions
its need and purpose using trident words Part 2 formulated
Part 3
1. Compare the different elements of the research literature
Create strategies
2.1. Summarize a list ofthat will prevent
journals that they or know
of thatproblems
in conducting a research
likely to contain articles relevant to their research
2. including an interview of at
reports, least two
theses, people who have
conducted research
proceedings and books
3. Formulate a list of inquiries on data gathering and how
research problems are solved
Processes Formative Assessment

Remembering Lesson 1
1. Describe the processFormative
of reviewing the literature
2. Define the purpose and scope of reviewing the
Lesson 3
3. Enumerate
1. Identifythe
thesteps in starting
different sourcesthe review oftothe
according ethical standards
4. Identify the ways of finding relevant materials.
5. Tabulate how the review of literature is selected
amongst different materials
50 6. List the different citing styles in reviewing the literature
Lesson 2
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
1. Recallor mechanical including
the actual photocopying
written review–of without written
related permissionto
literature from
bethe DepEd Central Office.
Understand Less
1. D
2. D ibe w
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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Applying Less
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Lesson 1
1. Explain the five purposes of the literature review by
McMillan and Schumacher (1984)
Lesson 2
1. Analyze criticisms received from the literature review
drafts made. Lesson 3
1. Compare difficulties and solutions in doing a research

Lesson 1
1. Summarize the process of reviewing related literature and
its need and purpose using trident words.
Lesson 2
1. Compare the different elements of the research literature
Formative Assessment


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
2. Summarize a list of journals that they know of that are likely
to contain articles relevant to their research including
relevant reports, theses, conference
proceedings and books

Lesson 3
1. List down common issues and problems encountered while
conducting a research.

Creating Lesson 1
3. Write an ideal guideline for reviewing a literature Lesson 2
1. Write research questions that have been identified
2. Compile the type/s of literature they need in their research.
3. Formulate the specific related literature examples that can
be included in their study.
4. Create their own inclusion and exclusion criteria based on
their given research question,
5. Develop a story with their data at hand to explain how the
literature they have identified addresses and sheds light on
the research questions they have formulated Lesson 3
1. Formulate strategies that aims to prevent/minimize
anticipated issues and problems that will occur while
conducting a research.
2. Organize an interview of at least two people who have
conducted research.
3. Formulate a list of inquiries on data gathering and how
research problems are solved.

C. Lesson Proper LESSON 1: What is a literature review and why do I need such?

I. What to Know
Check learner‘s prior knowledge of how they are able to gather
information or data on a research topic or an interesting recipe, movie,
sports, hobbies and others. Students will be able to share insights on
how they do it. Such information will be the baseline in explaining what
a literature review is all about as well as the reasons why it is needed in


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources
relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing,
provides a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in
relation to the research problem being investigated. Literature reviews are
designed to provide an overview of sources you have explored while
researching a particular topic and to demonstrate to your readers how your
research fits within a larger field of study.
Fink, Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From The Internet To Paper.

A literature review may consist simply of a summary of key

sources. It usually has an organizational pattern and
combines both summary and synthesis, often within
conceptual categories.

The teacher can outline the following features of good

literature review:

- Gives a new interpretation of old material or combine

new with old interpretations,
- Traces the intellectual progression of the study,
- Depending on the situation, evaluate the sources and
advise the reader of the research on the most pertinent
or relevant research, or
- Usually in the conclusion of a literature review, identifies
where gaps exist in how a problem has been researched
to date.

Activity 4.1.1

To strengthen learner‘s knowledge of what literature review is and its

need, ask them to write on a piece of paper an interesting topic they would
like to explore. Tell the students to enumerate at least three ways on how
they will look for the information and data needed about their chosen topic
of interest. Ask them to share important information they would like to look
for in their chosen interest (for example, the student might choose the
topic basketball—Ask the student what about it interests them? Is it in the
players? Is it the game itself?) This activity will be the take off point in the
discussion of the lesson.

II. What to Process:

Using the baseline information, discuss the process of a literature

review and its need and purpose. The teacher can now further explain
to class the importance of a good literature review.

Source:"Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: 5. The Literature Review".


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
The teacher can quote McMillan and Schumacher (1984) who identified five
purposes of the literature review. A literature review allows you to:

1. Define and limit a problem

If your literature review is part of a larger research
project, the literature review helps to identify the
parameters of a study. Most research areas are broad: a
literature review allows identification of key issues within
a broad research area so that a definition of an area of
interest can be pursued.

2. Place your study in perspective

The purpose of academic research is to push out and
add to the current body of knowledge within a particular
field. Unless you are aware of the work of others, you
cannot build upon an established foundation. A literature
review allows the researcher to say:

“The work of A, B, and C have discovered this much

about my question; the investigations of D have added
this much to our knowledge. I propose to go beyond D's
work in the following manner.‖

3. Avoid unintentional replication of previous studies

Sometimes it is appropriate to replicate a previous study, but
this should be done intentionally and for a particular purpose. A
literature review helps you to make informed choices about a
research topic within a scholarly context.

4. Select methods and measures

The success or failure of previous investigations can
provide useful material for you when you are designing
your own research methodology. You can assess what
has worked before (or not worked) in previous contexts
and why. You may be alerted to new methodologies and
procedures and different types of tests, technologies
and measures.

5. Relate findings to previous knowledge and suggest areas

for further research
The findings on ones own research need to be related
back to earlier studies. This ―places‖ ones work and

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can point to areas that need further investigation. The
research is much more a coherent whole if your
discussion section draws on and contrasts with the
literature review.

Source: Mc Millan and Schumacher, Research In Education: A Conceptual Introduction.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Administer a formative test to determine students‘ mastery of this
lesson (see Assessment Map). To effectively reinforce new learning,
learners should be asked to analyze and critique the outline of a good
literature review as well as the summary of its purpose. Remind them of
the essential question that has been posted earlier. This will guide them
in understanding the lesson.

Formative Assessment 4.1

What is review of related literature? Why is it needed? What are

the purposes for conducting related literature?

1. Group the students in class and ask them to think about three
words that best describe the topic. With their three words,
asked them to combine the words to come up with a trident
word (it is combining the three words to come up with a new
word, example: strategy, focus, and skills—trident word is
Strafoills (strategy-focus-skills) from of the lesson discussed.

2. Ask the students to take a short quiz (essay) on the importance

and value of doing a review of related literature.

IV. What to Transfer


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Ask the students to demonstrate their understanding by discussing their own
interpretation of the importance, purpose and need of doing a review of
related literature. This is an individual activity. Ask the student to do the
formative assessment 3 and if the students were able to master the
competencies needed, conduct summative test.

Formative Assessment 4.2

Ask the students to comment on the following guidelines in

reviewing a literature.

1. Avoid the temptation to include everything you find in your

literature review.
2. When investigating a researched area, review only those
works that are directly related to your specific problem.
3. When investigating a new or little-researched problem area,
review any study related in some meaningful way to your

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
A Review of the Related Literature provides a concise summary of
information and data findings that describe current knowledge and
facts. It offers a rationale for conducting future researches. An
important area of a literature review is an understanding of a gap. It is
an important research question relevant to a given domain that has not

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been answered adequately or at all in existing peer-reviewed
scholarship. A gap will hopefully ensure that the research will likely
have valuable practical and/or theoretical implications. Synthesis and
generalization as the last important area of literature lead to the
identification and purpose of the proposed study. In all reviews, some
recommendations or implications for practice, education and research
should be included.


Ary, Donald, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Asghar Razavieh. Introduction To Research In
Education. 1st ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979.

Fink, Arlene. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From The Internet To

Paper. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2014.

Mc Millan, James H., and Sally Schumacher. Research In Education: A

Conceptual Introduction. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1984.

"Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: 5. The Literature Review".

USC Libraries: Research Guides, 2017.

LESSON 2: Criteria in Selecting, Citing, and Synthesizing

the Related Literature

I. What to Know


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There are varied ways to introduce the ins and outs of literature review.
All of which contains stimulating information to help students develop
their research. Frequently asked questions by the students will range
from where to start, how to select a subject, and how many articles to
include, to what is involved in a review of the literature. The aim of this
lesson is to present a step-by-step approach to undertaking a review of
the literature to facilitate student understanding.

The teacher will ask the following questions to head start the
discussion of the lesson:
- What do you know already about your chosen topic?
- What do you have to say critically about what is already known of your
- Has anyone else done anything similar or related to what you
- How does your research fit in with what has been done before?
- Why is your research worth doing, in the light of what has already been

Activity 4.2.1

To equip students with the necessary background on the lesson this

activity is entitled: What can go wrong in literature review? Ask the
students to reflect on these questions:

Did you ever receive criticisms like those of the literature review
drafts you wrote during your first time to do research?
Or criticisms you have received from posting on your Facebook page or
Twitter account?

1. ―Your draft is basically a little more than a list of previous

research papers. While it is clearly well researched, it does
not give me a sense of what has been more significant and
less significant. It is hard to understand.‖
2. ―You seem to have just copied your message from
someone else. You do not have originality.‖

II. What to Process

This section takes the learner through the notion of selecting, citing and
synthesizing the related literature in further detail; it describes how
research is published and how it is made accessible to researchers.

The teacher explains in class that the different professional and

academic disciplines have different terms used in relation to its


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literature. This is used to describe all published works on a particular
subject. The main body of the literature lies within academic and
professional journals. It has been estimated that over thousands of
journals published each year carry articles that are relevant to the
disciplines of a certain track. In addition to journal articles, research is
also published in books, reports, conference proceedings, theses and

The teacher presents the different elements of a typical research literature which will
include the following:

1. Journals are published in issues at regular intervals

usually weekly, monthly or quarterly. Because of the
regularity of publication they are also known as
periodicals or serials. This regularity means that each
new issue contains articles that describe the latest
research findings; this is a distinct advantage over other
publication media such as books that take longer to
produce and update. There are basically two main types
of journal: 1) Research journals are published
peerreviewed articles; 2) Professional journals are
published articles on professional issues, service
developments, the use of research findings in practice
and some short research articles.

2. Theses and dissertations are very detailed and

comprehensive accounts of research work. They are
usually submitted for a higher degree at a university.
Like reports their publicity and distribution may be very


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3. Conference proceedings comprise brief summaries of
research work presented at conferences. A more
detailed and complete account of the work may appear
at a later date in a journal article, report or thesis.
Researchers often use conferences to present
preliminary findings of their work.

4. Books and textbooks generally provide comprehensive

overviews of a particular subject. In doing so they may
refer to, sometimes extensively, the research literature
found in journal articles, reports, conference proceedings
or theses. They are not usually used to present new
research findings. There are, however, a few exceptions
to this and some very important and influential research
findings have been published in book format.
Source: Hewitt, How To Source: Hewitt, Michael. How to Search And Critically Evaluate
Research Literature. (2009)

Carrying out students search strategy

Share to students the relevance of data sources. Data may be obtained
from published and unpublished works available in libraries, offices and
online related websites. One may refer to indexes or catalogues done
manually or online use of a computer system that compile lists of
journals, periodicals, books, articles, magazines, newspapers, and
monographs. Catalogues or indexes of unpublished materials,
particularly masters‘ theses and doctoral dissertations, should also be
consulted. With the advancements in technology, it is now possible to
locate sources of information through computer on-line systems using
the internet, CD-ROM, On-line Public Access Catalogues (OPACs),
Computerized Documentation ServiceIntegrated Sets of Information
(CD-ISIS) and other programs to download bibliographies, abstracts, or
full texts of materials. Students as researchers should be able to access
libraries in websites for collections that are relevant to the topic under
review. Websites/internet address and CD-ROM titles may also be used
further in the review of related literature.


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Formative Assessment 4.3

Ask the students to go to the library or go online to search for at

least two of each related literature presented in class (the student
must look for references related to his/her topic): 1) journals; 2)
articles; 3) books, 3) magazines; 4) thesis or conference

Group the students together and ask them to discuss with their
group the following questions:

1. What kind of literature references were they able to collect?

2. Do you think the literature references gathered are relevant to
his/her chosen research topic?
3. What do you think is the relevance of the different literature
references in doing a research?

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Once the teacher has established the research questions that can be
answered from the literature, and has identified the types of literature
that will be most useful to the students in addressing the research
question, the students need to develop a systematic search strategy
that will enable them to identify and locate the widest range of
published material in order to answer their research questions in the
most comprehensive way. This is essential to ensure that they identify
as much of the literature that is relevant to their review as possible,
within the time and financial restrictions of their review. Once they have
identified their search strategy, they need to carry out their search in
logical and systematic approach to ensure that they will find all relevant

Students in this stage recognize the different types of literature when

they come across it so that they can identify what they need for their
review and hence what they are looking for. Therefore, it is important
that they can make sense of all the different types of literature that they
will encounter for the purposes of their review.

Wallace and Wray (2006, p.92) have provided a simple

categorization system to help students identify the literature they
have. They describe how the literature students encounter tends
to fall into one of five categories: 1) Theoretical; 2) Research; 3)
Empirical; 4) Practice; and 5) Policy.


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1) Theoretical literature describes expected or anticipated
relationships about the way things happen. For example,
there was a time when there was a theory that the world
was flat. Then, with increased knowledge, scientists were
able to work out that this was not the case and the theory
was disproven. In health and social care, theories are
often generated in response to evidence that has been
gathered and interpreted. A theory is developed that is
then refined or refuted when further evidence is obtained.

2) Research literature generally refers to a report of a

systematic investigation that has been undertaken in
response to the need to answer a specific question, for
example: ―How long do people tend to remain in a
precontemplative stage when anticipating behavior
change or, indeed, is there any evidence that everyone
goes through a pre-contemplative stage when anticipating
behavior change?‖ These questions can only be
answered by observing what happens in the real world,
rather than in a theory. Research studies are generally
undertaken according to an accepted scientific method,
which involves defining a research question, identifying a
method to carry out the study, followed by the
presentation of results, and finally a discussion of the

3) Empirical research is a research that is undertaken

through the observation and measurement of the world
around us. It studies the use of observation, experience or
experimentation to collect new data. Data can be
collected in a variety of ways; for example by
questionnaire, interview, direct management, and
observations. Such papers tend to be organized into
sections, beginning with a research question, followed by
the results and finally a discussion and conclusion.


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4) Practice literature is written by practitioners about their
field of expertise. This can come in many different forms—
expert opinion, discussion papers, debate, information from
websites, patient information leaflets, and reports of good
Source: practice. Students might find some overlap between
Helen. research and practice literature; that is, a lot of health and
Doing A social care research is undertaken in the practice setting.
The way to distinguish between research and practice
literature is to look for evidence of an explicit and
Formative research4.4
Assessment study that has a well described method
by which the investigation or study has been carried out. If
Askno thesuch method
students exits,onthen
to write theirliterature
notebookis or
on atopiece
be practice
of paper
the research questions that they have identified. From their given
5) Policy literature tells practitioners how to act in a set of
research questions, ask them to identify the type/s of literature
circumstances. Policies and guidelines can be written from
theya need
circumstances. Policies and guidelines can
be written from a local or national perspective, or in some
After identifying the type/s of literature in their research questions
cases international. In an ideal context, policy is based on
allow students to think about specific related literature examples
the results or research evidence. The research on a
that can be included in their study.
particular topic is reviewed and policy and guidelines are
written that are based on these findings. Therefore when
students review a policy, it is useful to explore the basis on
which it is written in order to find out the extent to which the
policy is based on current research findings.
Literature Review In Health And Social Care: A Practical Guide.

IV. What to Transfer

Introduce to students a process for conducting and writing an effective
literature review. Students will struggle with the development of an
effective literature-based foundation for a proposed research. The
proposed processes follow a systematic data processing approach
comprised of three major stages: 1) inputs (literature gathering and
screening), 2) processing (following Bloom‘s Taxonomy), and 3) outputs
(writing the literature review). This part of the lesson provides the


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rationale for developing a literature review including instructions on how
to conduct each stage of the process proposed.

Aveyard, H. (2014) presented a list of steps to help students with their Literature

1. Developing a systematic approach to searching for

This is vital for students undergoing literature review. It
should be done in a systematic way ensuring that they
search for relevant texts on their topic.

A systematic searching strategy contains the following: 1)

Look for the type of literature that will address the review
question; 2) Create search terms that are valid and important
to the search; 3) Using inclusion and exclusion criteria,
search for literature using the search terms through all
relevant databases; 4) Fill in the electronic search by looking
for the frequently cited journals as well as the reference list of
the journal articles. This approach renders a chance of
looking for the maximum amount of literature. This will avoid
‗cherry-picking‘ the literature and entering the first
appropriate literature that comes across.

2. Identify the literature that will address students review


Initially students must develop a strategy to articulate the

focus of literature that will seek to answer their questions.

For example, if they are looking to find out whether the newly
invented kind of gasoline is efficient or not in lowering fuel
costs of people using cars, then finding out about car users
experiences of the new gasoline will not help students
answer their questions, although it will be useful data.


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Alternatively, if students are interested in exploring peoples‘
experience of not using this kind of gasoline, students need to
have an approach for detecting this particular literature rather
than examining into related but more general literature that
does not address students research question.
Source: Aveyard,
Helen. Doing A Literature
Students need to develop a strategy for managing the Review In Health
And literature so that they can identify quickly literature that is Social Care: A
directly related to their research question. Clear and Practical Guide.
welldefined inclusion and exclusion criteria will ensure that
The do not and
inclusion get sidetracked with datawill
exclusion criteria thatbe
not strictly
relevant toindividual
students‘ their review. Setting review
literature appropriate
but criteria
students in keeping
appropriate criteria their
assiststudy focused.
students in keeping their study
focused. The inclusion and exclusion criteria will be specific to
their individual literature review but examples of appropriate
inclusion and exclusion criteria might be as follows:

o Example of inclusion criteria:

 Primary research relating to
energy consumption and those who use
renewable energy sources
 Filipino language only
 Published literature
 2006 onwards

o Example of exclusion criteria

 Primary research relating to those who use solar
panels other than traditional sources from an
electric company
 None Filipino language
 Unpublished research
 Pre-2006


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Explain to students that the main rationale for settling their
inclusion and exclusion criteria is: 1) to give clear information
about their submitted review; 2) to focus on their literature

Students should be reminded that when thinking about

inclusion and exclusion criteria, think about the dates that are
relevant for their review. The discussion on how inclusion and
exclusion criteria add structure and focus to students‘ review
and enable them to set clear boundaries as to what is included
and excluded from their review.

Formative Assessment 4.5

Ask students to make their own inclusion and exclusion criteria

based on their given research questions.

Source: Cronin, Coughlan and Ryan, "Undertaking A Literature Review: A Step-By-Step Approach".

How to write a concise review of related literature

Doing the review of related literature is not the usual

enumeration of references. Presentation of the data gathered
should be by topic based on the given objectives of the
research. The literature should not be too detailed or brief. Text
should be based on the current edition of the American
Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language
Association of America (MLA) or the Chicago Manual of Style
and other standards relevant to one‘s discipline.

The type of reference style will depend on the research studies of

the student namely: 1) APA: Psychology, Education and other

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Social Sciences; 2) MLA: Arts and Humanities; 3) Chicago:
History and many other subjects in scholarly and non-scholarly
work 4) Turbian: an adoption of the Chicago Style; 5) AMA:
Medicine, health, and Biological courses.

The references for each of the following styles may be seen and
searched on the following websites for references:
1) APA:
_guide_6th_ed_oc t09.pdf 2) MLA:
• pdf

3) Chicago:

4) Turabian/Chicago:

5) AMA:

Providing a summary of research information

When presenting to the students a summarized content of all the
possible journals, articles, thesis and other relevant literature
gathered, students need to become familiar with all the information
they have gathered and be able to provide a description of all the
studies and other information they have identified in chronological
order, noting the strengths and limitations of each. They will then be

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able to give an overall summary of the information they have found.
They might find that one paper stands out to them as particularly
useful, either due to the detail that it gives, the strength of the critical
appraisal or the method by which it was undertaken. Students might
refer to this in an index paper and you can use this as a useful
reference compiled in a table to assist students as they go through
the process of reviewing each paper they use.

Source: Anderson, "Presenting And Evaluating Qualitative Research".

Summarizing a Research information in a table

Fill the Main Kind of
Providing the Strength
Date/ Purpose of study/
Conclusion/s and
Author the paper information
Morse To explore Questionnaire All of the general Purposive
(2016) the study education Sampling of
Outcomes preferred students
Based campus-based
Education schools
views of
Dioquino To express Expert School-based Anecdotal
(2016) opinion on Opinion system opinion only
student life integration into
the community

Activity 4.2.2

Ask students to prepare a table of descriptions, similar to the table in the

previous page based on the literature they have collected for their

Using concept mapping in creating a literature review

Students can make use of concept maps for analyzing and
describing the literature review process. Concept maps can be used
in three inter-related ways namely, to extract and summarize the
important points, to synthesize and organize information obtained
from multiple sources.


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Concept mappings have been suggested as one of the
tools that can help in making sense of information while
conducting a literature review (Carnot 2006; Rowley and
Slack, 2004). Rowley and Slack (2004), propose that
concept mapping can be a useful way of identifying key
concepts in a collection of documents or a research area‖

They suggest that concept maps can be used as a tool to ―…

identify additional search terms during the literature search,
clarify thinking about the structure of the literature review in
preparation for writing the review and understand theory,
concepts and the relationships between them‖ (Rowley and
Slack 2004).

What is more important, representing information in

concept maps will provide a tool for potentially seeing the
interconnections between areas that were not previously
apparent (Novak 1984). Thus, this way, concept maps
can be useful in creating coherence to the actual writing
of the literature review.
Source: Maizam, Alias & Zurinah Suradi. Concept Mapping: ―A Tool For Creating
Literature Review".

The objectives of the lesson are:

1. to recognize the key tasks challenged by students in creating a
literature review;
2. to determine what concept maps are being used in the process
3. to define their observations of the worth of concept mappings in
the formation of a literature review.

How to use a concept map to extract and summarize important ideas in


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an article

An examp
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u of conceptma ents may have diffic
the ideas sual reaction in do psit will be ulty
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Buy Dry Go
flour, salt,


Source: w
-d evelop-act
-p lanning

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From their chosen article, ask students to read and remember
important points (main themes and subthemes) and concepts found.
In a piece of paper, ask them the important points contained in the
articles (Themes—what are they?), next is to ask them to be
specific on those important points (which are?) and lastly ask them
to describe the subthemes.

Writing up the results

It is important to present students‘ findings of their literature review
as just that – their findings. They should make this clear when they
write up their review. They should be written up clearly in a section
entitled ―results/findings‖, just as they would find the results
section in a piece of primary research.

The results of the students‘ literature review are the final themes
that they develop from the mapping they have undertaken. Once
they have coded all results, and have developed their themes, they
will be able to explore the content of their themes in greater detail.
Students then need to consider how these themes address their
research questions. They should have been considering this point
throughout the entire research process and may even have
amended their research question if it seemed likely that most of
their literature was leading towards one particular area, and away
from their initial research question.

Formative Summit

Ask students to identify their topic and write it in the middle of a

blank sheet of paper. This must be kept simple and broad
enough to allow for a more detailed exploration.
Next is to ask them to write down all the important words and
phrases that come to mind in relation to their topic. These are
likely to be useful search terms when researching for their
relevant literature.
Ask students later after being given enough time to find and
read their related literature. Students will then summarize their
key findings from journal articles, books and others using a
mind map. You can ask students to each produce a mind map
of each of the review items they have produced.

From the mind maps produced, ask students to tell a story with

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their data at hand. Once they have established their main
themes, they need to present these in the most appropriate way
to address their research questions. Think of this process as
comparable to telling a story—students explain how the
literature they have identified addresses and sheds light on the
research questions they have formulated.

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
Literature review is a systematic method for identifying, evaluating and
interpreting the work of researchers, scholars and practitioners in a
chosen field. It is an important part of a research as it allows the
researcher to identify: 1) what has already been written about in the
field and 2) what the emerging issues are.

The researcher can identify gaps in the knowledge that require further
investigation, and/or situate a new piece of work in relation to existing
literature. Beginning researchers like our students, can be
overwhelmed by the amount of data they have to work with during this
process, and mapping can help them to synthesize key findings and
represent the complexity of the research topic in a more manageable

Mapping techniques are useful at the very beginning of the literature review as
a brainstorming and scoping tool. They come into their own again at the end
when it comes to planning the write-up. Concept- mapping can also be useful
throughout the review process to clarify key arguments in the literature.


Alias, Maizam, and Zurinah Suradi. "Concept Mapping: A Tool For Creating Literature
Review". In Third Int. Conference On Concept Mapping. Malaysia, 2008.

Aveyard, Helen. Doing A Literature Review In Health And Social Care: A

Practical Guide. 3rd ed. Berkshire, England: Mc Graw Hill Education Open
University Press, 2014.

Cronin, Patricia, Michael Coughlan, and Frances Ryan. "Undertaking A Literature

Review: A Step-By-Step Approach". Lecture, Ireland, Dublin, 2008.

Hewitt, Michael. How To Search And Critically Evaluate Research Literature. Ebook.
Nottingham: NIHR RDS for the East Midlands / The NIHR RDS for Yorkshire


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
and the Humber, 2017.

Noblit, George W., and R. Dwight Hare. "Meta-Ethnography, Synthesizing

Qualitative Studies". Qualitative Research Methods, Volume 11. London: SAGE
Publications, 1998.

Paterson, Barbara L., Sally E. Thorne, Connie Canam, and Carol Jillings. MetaStudy
Of Qualitative Health Research. Thousands Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2001.

Thorne, Sally, Louise Jensen, Margaret H. Kearney, George Noblit, and Margarette
Sandelowski. "Qualitative Meta-Synthesis: Reflections On Methodological
Orientation And Ideological Agenda". Qualitative Health Research 14, no. 10
(2004): 1342-1365.

Wallace, Milie, and Alison Wray. Critical Reading And Writing For Postgraduates.
1st ed. London: Sage Study Skills, 2006.

LESSON 3: Ethical Standards in Writing

I. What to Know
In all research situations, there are always at least two parties involved
—the researcher and the respondent. Since research is also a social
process, wherein the researcher and the respondent share information,
it is imperative that both are clear on their accountabilities.

The respondent, once he/she has consented to participate in the study, is

obliged to give full cooperation by providing truthful data.

The researcher, on the other hand, has a number of responsibilities to

fulfill in relation to the respondent. Present the following to the students:

o Explain fully the purpose of the study;

o Disclose the sponsoring organization of the research; o
Discuss the specific duties and data expected from the

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o Introduce oneself properly by showing credentials; o
Respect the right to privacy of the individual; o Ensure data
o Avoid bribing or threatening the respondent in exchange for
o Respect the opinion of the respondent and never argue
with the respondent on answers to questions posed;
o Record objectively and accurately the responses given
(avoid misinterpretation by checking with respondent the
information that needs clarification);
o Acknowledge all data sources in the final report;
o Provide the respondent a copy of the report if this was a
commitment at the start of the project; and
o Properly disseminate information on the results of the
study. It will help if validation meetings with the
respondents are held before the report is finalized.

Activity 4.3.1

Ask students to give examples of the obligation of the respondent in

research data gathering as well as discuss their responsibilities as
researchers to the respondent in conducting their research.

II. What to Process

Common Difficulties in the Conduct of Research

First time researchers may be overwhelmed by the enormous work to

be done. However, with patience and perseverance the workload will be
much easier. Being proactive in anticipating problems and making the
necessary adjustments will eliminate the effect of constrains on study

A summary of difficulties and some possible solutions that can be adopted

will be shown to the students.

Challenges Solutions


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1. Respondent is not available - Reschedule to another
during the data gathering (due appointment
to sickness, being out of the - Look for a possible
country) replacement immediately

2. Non-cooperation of the - Be charismatic in asking the

respondent (refusal to answer respondent to cooperate
questions or give secondary - Look for a possible
data) replacement immediately
3. Failure of the respondents to - Make sure to always follow up
remember data the question or mention
situations for respondents to
- Ask respondents to see the
documents for easy recall
Challenges Solutions
4. Share a story to the respondent - Put emphasis on the main point
to elicit an answer of the story and repeat this to
the respondent to check if this
is the answer to the question
5. The common answers shared by - Always try a call back
the respondent are ―Don‘t - Verify if selected respondent is
know‖, ―Not applicable‖, and representative of the people or
―No answer‖ if somebody else answered for
6. Respondent is delayed in - Continue to follow up and
returning the form/answering convince the respondent to
the question/s by phone/email reply at a given time


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
7. Respondent fails to return the

- Loo
k foa
r ne
time w te
ens am
u re but
retu t ha this
rned t for
- If th m s ar
e fo e
rm i
aga s no
in, r t gbiva
epla ecnk
pos ce or
sible ensdpe
nt if

8. Unavailability of the respondent - Respondent has to be replaced

due to distance of residence or immediately
- Respondent has to be replaced

9 R
e sp
. ond
wor ent
k; th has
eom resi
tran c pa gne
sfer niys cl d f ro
o os m
thus f re s e; d
can iden
nobe ce/o
t ffice
loca and


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
10. Documents and records are not - Ask and look for the
complete organization/people who can
provide the data
- Respondent has to be
replaced immediately

11. Misunderstandings that lead to - Start conducting data

internal conflicts in the collection outside of the
organization of the respondent organization
- Respondent has to be
replaced immediately

Challenges Solutions
12. Conflict or unscientific data - Look for the most participative
and knowledgeable
- Credible organizations matters
in validating the data
- Decision on which set of data
will be used must be done
13. Be careful in asking personal - Alw
questions to the respondent feeclo
chee nfide
rfu. l nt an
- Cha d
- If s t gath
ill no ering
t con meth
resp vinc o
onde ed, r
nt if epla
poss ce


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
14. Communication problems did - Give another
not reach the target respondent communication/form and follow
up by phone/email or in person

15. Creation of a Respondent - Always check where

availability list/ sampling frame respondent transferred
cannot be located - Replace respondent if possible

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

In addition to the ongoing difficulties, which usually occur in primary
data collection, there are also difficulties encountered in collection of
secondary data.

o Data available are not updated and sometime outdated o

Data are kept in the archives thus difficult to find and
locate o No local data are available
o Access to library system is difficult because of
computerization issues
o Relevant data does not have a good filing system o
Availability of data is in conflict with the other sources IV.
What to Transfer
In general, actual data collection problems may be minimized if the researcher will
do the following:

o Make sure that there are available and sufficient funds to

do a research;
o Have a clear written contact between the sponsoring
agency and the research team;
o Hire competent and committed research staff; o Training of
research staff on the particular tasks will be very helpful;
o Update and verify the list of respondents before actual data
o It is important to send letters of introduction/ request/
appointment to respondents ahead of time;
o Always follow up respondents by phone, email or in person;
o Be mindful of soliciting permit before conducting the
study; o A clear and realistic schedule will be helpful; o
Duplicate copies of important documents are necessary; o
Do an ocular inspection of the research site before the
actual data collection for familiarization;


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o It is always best to establish good rapport with the
individuals/organizations that will provide assistance;
o Make sure that real respondents of the study are included; o Be familiar with
the objectives of the study and make adjustments in the process if

Formative Assessment 4.6

Ask the student to interview at least two people who have

conducted research. Inquire from them on what problems were
encountered in the data-gathering stage, and how these problems
were solved. Let them share their findings with their seatmate (Pair
and share).

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
Ethical issues, conflicting values, and ambiguity in decision-making, are
recurrently emerging from literature review on research. Because of
lack of clarity in ethical standards, students must develop an awareness
of these issues and an effective framework to deal with problems
involving human rights. This is necessary in order to come into terms
with the issue of the researcher's values relative to the


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Module 5

A. Learning Outcomes
Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of what qualitative research
design is all about which includes description of sample, data collection,
analysis, procedures in data collection such as survey, interview and
observation. The application of creative design principles for execution in
an actual research will be undertaken.

Performance Standard
Describe qualitative research designs, sample, data collection, analysis
and procedures. Apply imaginative research related art/design principles to
create an artwork.

Unpacking the Standards for Understanding

1. Qualitative research designs
2. Description of sample and data collection, analysis of procedures such as
survey, interview, and observation
3. Application of creative design principles for execution
Learning Competencies
The learner…
1. Chooses appropriate qualitative research design
2. Describes sampling procedure and sample
3. Plans data collection and analysis procedures
4. Presents written research methodology
5. Utilizes materials and techniques to produce creative work
Essential Understanding
Essential Question
Learners will understand the different
How does research design,
qualitative research designs, description
data collection, sampling,
of sampling, data collection and analysis
procedures, methodologies and
procedures such as survey, interview,
analysis affect the over-all
observation and the application of
research output of a proposed
creative design principles for executing
research related endeavors.


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Transfer Goal
Learners will be able to choose appropriate qualitative research design,
describe sampling procedures, plan data collection/analysis procedures,
present written research methodology as well as utilize materials and
techniques to produce creative work.

B. Planning for Assessment

The following are products and performances that learners are expected to
come up with in this module.

1. Choose appropriate qualitative research design

2. Describe sampling procedure and sample
3. Plan data collection and analysis procedures
4. Present written research methodology
5. Utilize materials and techniques to produce creative work

Assessment Map

Processes The Pre-Assessment


Part 1
1. Enumerate the different kinds of qualitative research Part 2
1. Recall the group of people (study population) you are
interested in from which you want to draw a sample Part 3
1. Describe how students will collect their data from the
procedures discussed Part 4
1. Describe the painting of Mona Lisa
Understandi Part 1
ng 1. Compare the different kinds of qualitative research Part 2
1. Distinguish how to select the people needed for your study
Part 3
1. Summarize the different methods of collecting data Part 4
1. Explain why the process of critiquing is vital in art


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Processes The Pre-Assessment


Part 1
1. Illustrate the most interesting and creative research design one
can think of Part 2
1. Demonstrate using a mind map a summary of key ideas and
concepts learned from the lesson Part 3
1. Summarize the different methods of collecting qualitative
data Part 4
1. Explain why the process of critiquing is vital in art interpretation


Part 1
1. Co
Part 2 eand c
the fiv
1. Cl e qua
assify litativ
the k e des
study ind o igns
f sam
Part 3 pling
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1. Co the g
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collec ecific
ting a exam
Part 4 qualit ple fo
ative r eac
data h of t
1. Re he minetho
late t d
h e tw
profic o pai
iency nting
and c s pre
onten sente
t/form d as
t o it s


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1. D
ques t he k
toi ns i nd o
Part f res
2 earc
tstei d
1. C Lesso to th
Cognitive l assify n 1: e giv
the k Assessment en
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Processes y f sa m
Part Les gpm
Remembering 3 son od in
2: t he g
Lesson 1 1. Reco iven
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1. Enumerate the L different
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p o ss of qualitative research Lesson
studesson ible
2: ent‘s 3: data
Part r e se colle
1. Recall the 4 group of people arch (study population) ction you are
interested1. in meLesson
thod 3:
Les which you want to draw a sample
tiqusi on s
1. Describe hownstudents g o4f: will collect their data from the aptoplicab
the c le
procedures discussed Lesson rea4:ted w
1. Describe the intepainting of Mona Lisa ork o
rpre f art
tatio amo
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Processes The Pre-Assessment
Creating Part 1
1. 3
Create a topic of interest in two minutes or less to a 10-year old
1. Formulate
child. Part 2 the possible codes and themes that can be
1.1.Recommendin the
Compare thean given research
appropriate problem
kindssampling Part
of qualitative 4research
technique to be used in
1. the
Create any work
students‘ research of art pattern after a famous artist using
1. Distinguish how to select the people needed for your study

1. Summarize the different methods of collecting data

1. Explain why the process of critiquing is vital in art


Lesson 1:
1. Illustrate the most interesting and creative research design
one can think of Lesson 2:
1. Demonstrate using a mind map a summary of key ideas
and concepts learned from the lesson Lesson 3:
85 1. Summarize the different methods of collecting qualitative data
Lesson 4:
1. may
All rights reserved. No part of this material Explain why the
be reproduced process inofany
or transmitted critiquing
form or by is
meansin- art
electronic or mechanical including photocopyinginterpretation
– without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Formative A
Lesson 1:
1. Compare
and consttrathe
Lesson 2: five qualitativ
e designs
1. Classify th
e kind of sam
study pling method
in the given
Lesson 3: case
1. Construc
t a specific e
collectng xample for e
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Lesson 4: da ta inethod
1. Relate th
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proficiency a gs presente
nd content/fo d as to its te
rm chnical
Lesson 1:
1. Discrimin
ate the kind
questions of research
design fitted
Lesson 2: to the given
1. Classify th
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study pling md einthth
o e given ca
Lesson 3: se
1. Recomm
end possible
to student‘s data collectio
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Lesson 4: a rc h pplicable
1. Critiquing
of the create
Creating d work of art
Lesson 1: amongst the
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1. Formulate
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Lesson 4: n research p themes that can be
1. Create an
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clay prn
afeter a famo
us artist usin

C. Lesson P


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LESSON 1: Qualitative Research Designs

I. What to Know
A challenge to students who are new to qualitative research is trying to
figure out what ―kind‖ of qualitative research study they will be doing.
There are many different types of qualitative research, such as
ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, case study, narrative,
and historical. As in any type of research, it is important for the student
to select the qualitative research approach that would best answer the
research question. The goals and methods associated with each
approach will be described briefly in this section.

Activity 5.1.1

Ask the student the topic of interest he/she has in mind (let them
imagine a painting/portrait as a product of their interest). In a few
minutes, allow the students to begin thinking by asking the next
question, ―What objectives are they seeking with their study?‖
Wolcott suggests that students must learn to ―think backward,‖ to
mentally move into a future state, gaining a sense of what intention
they hold for their finished painting of interest.

Then from the perspective of that future position, ask students to

view their imagined finished painting to ―think about the data they
will need and how they will want to use it‖ (Wolcott, 1994, p. 387).
Gaining that futuristic view develops depth of focus on the topic.

II. What to Process

The questions designed to frame a study will be presented. The
questions are essential to designing a solid frame from which to paint a
coherent picture. Other students report similar experiences.

Activity 5.1.2


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Continuing the inquiry on the different research designs, the next step
will be the key to identifying a particular research design. The
students will answer the following questions:

1. If I could discover the reason behind a school‘s experience with

organizational development, I would ask_______. (Case Study)
2. If I could discover the shared lived experiences of one quality or
phenomenon in others, I would want to know about ________.
3. If I could experience a different culture by living/ observing it, I
would choose to experience ______. (Ethnography)
4. If I could discover what actually occurred and was experienced in a
single lived event, that event would be _______. (Case Study)
5. If I could discover a theory for a single phenomenon of living as
shared by others, I would choose to discover the theory of______.
(Grounded Theory)

Source: Creswell, John & Clark, Vicki. Principles of Qualitative Research: Designing a Qualitative Study.

Qualitative research design is an umbrella term for a various range of

approaches and methods, which vary considerably in terms of focus,
assumptions about the nature of knowledge and the role of the

Qualitative research designs are good at answering ‗How?‘ and

‗What?‘ questions (in contrast to the ‗Whether‘ or ‗If‘ queries
commonly addressed by quantitative research).

The concept of ‗research design‘ within qualitative research is more

problematic than within quantitative research, with alternative terms
including ‗research methodology‘, ‗research approach‘ and
‗research type‘. Reflecting on qualitative research initially describes
‗research design‘ as ‗the way in which a research, idea is
transformed into a research project or plan that can then be carried
out in practice by a research or research team‘.

In this section, examples of different ‗qualitative research designs‘

are presented and discussed in the form of methodologies or


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III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand


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Ethnography is the direct description of a group, culture or community. The
meaning of the word ethnography can be ambiguous; it is an overall term for a
number of approaches. Sometimes researchers use it as synonymous with
qualitative research in general, while at other times it‘s meaning is more
specific. In this chapter, we adopt the original meaning of the term, as a
Source: method within the social anthropological tradition. The research methods are Holloway
and as follows: Wheeler,
in • Immerse themselves in the culture or subculture they study and try to Nursing
and see the world from a cultural member‘s point of view. Data are collected Healthcare.
during fieldwork through participant observation and interviews with the
key informants as well as through documents. Researchers observe
the rules and rituals in the culture and try to understand the meaning
and interpretation that informants give them.
• They compare these with their own ethnic view and explore the
differences between the two.

• Field notes are written throughout the fieldwork about events

and behavior in the setting.
• Ethnographers describe, analyze and interpret the culture and the local,
ethnic perspective of its members while making their own ethnic

• The main evaluative criterion is the way in which the study presents the
culture as experienced by its members.

Turgo, Nelson. (2012) carried out an ethnographic study of a fishing
community in the Philippines in the context of a dwindling fisheries
resource and in relation to the community‘s contemporary social
and political structures, values and local issues.

It considers the everyday life of the fishing community; the realms of

power; gender and economic relations; and how these relations are
played out among and between fishers and their wives, fish
vendors, dealers and brokers as the community experiences
dramatic changes in the local economy.

While the study focuses on a very local orientation, it takes

cognizance of the community‘s enrollment in a bigger polity:
national and global economic and political spaces. Thus, the study
focuses upon what local life means and exemplifies in the epoch of
globalization and how local practices are instantiated amidst talk of
a fast globalizing world. It highlights the enduring importance of the
local linked in this case to the people in the fishing community‘s
relative immobility and marginal position in the sphere of the
Philippine economy in particular and the global economy in general.

Research titles
• A ‗Balikbayan‘ in the field: Scaling and (Re) producing insider‘s
identity in a Philippine fishing community.

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• The Kinship of Everyday Need: Relatedness and Survival in a
Philippine Fishing Community
• Bagong Silang Community: An Ethnographic Study of Strategies of
• A Story of High School Inclusion: An Ethnographic Case Study


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Grounded Theory (GT) is an approach that generates and
modifies a theory. This research design has become ‗a global
phenomenon‘. It is an approach to collecting and analyzing data.
The finished product is also called a GT—it is a development of
theory directly based and grounded in the data collected by the
researcher. From its very start, this approach has been modified,
not only by the main protagonists themselves but also by
researchers who adopted and adapted it during its application to
their own inquiry. In this chapter, we will describe the main
features of GT and trace development and changes over time.

Data usually are collected through non-standardized interviews

and participant observation but also by access to other data

Data collection and analysis interact. Researchers code and

categorize transcripts from interviews or field notes. The
researcher has a dialogue with the literature when discussing
categories. Throughout the analytic process, constant
comparison and theoretical sampling takes place. Memos—
theoretical notes—provide the researcher with developing
theoretical ideas. The theory that is generated has ‗exploratory
power‘ and is grounded in the data.

Source: Holloway and

Wheeler, Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare.

Ilagan, Perla R. (2011) acquired an in depth understanding of the
meaning of intimate partner violence from the perceptions of Filipino
men and women.

A sample consisted of 37 Filipino women and 2 Filipino men who

were recruited from a Barangay Center (Health Center) in Manila,
Philippines. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews.
The interviews were open-ended, in-depth, and audiotaped. The
description of the study participants was provided by the
quantitative-descriptive data. Constant comparison method was
used in categorizing the narrative data and in examining the data for
examples of similar cases and themes.

The narratives revealed a rich and contextualized overview that lay

a foundation for understanding the perceptions and experiences of
Filipino women and men living with intimate partner violence. The
data point to recurrent themes of poverty, gambling, alcohol and
drug use, poor communication skills, jealousy and philandering.
Violation of the dignity of a person that brought with it children as
victims was implicated in the cycle of violence.

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In addition, value formation was cited as an integral aspect of
rehabilitation programs. The qualitative data in this grounded theory
research illustrate the complexity of intimate partner violence in
Filipino homes. The need for education about spousal violence and
the presence of a support system for protection, counseling and
rehabilitation are prominent keys in reducing violence in Filipino

Research titles
• Perceptions of Filipino Women and Men on Intimate Partner
• Becoming Selfless: A Grounded Theory of Commitment to
• From person to father: A Grounded Theory of Male Gender
Identity Formation
• Investigating Food Development in an Area of the Philippines: An
Explorative Study Using a Grounded Theory Approach

Narrative Inquiry includes stories that reflect on people‘s

experience and the meaning that this experience has for them.
Narrative research is a useful way of gaining access to feelings,
thoughts and experience in order to analyze them. For many
decades, health research had focused on the decision-making
and thoughts of professionals and their measurement of the
treatment outcomes, while the feelings and ideas of the patient,
the ‗insider‘, tended to be neglected. The perspectives of
patients are uncovered through their stories.

Narratives are tales of experience or imagination and come

naturally to human beings. Narratives are rarely simple or linear,
and they often consist of many different stories rather than of a
clearly defined tale. Illness narratives are expressions of illness,
suffering and pain. Narratives are often tales of identity.

Health professionals gain knowledge of the illness experience

from their patients who assists in understanding the condition
and the person. There are a number of different ways of
analyzing narrative data, and all are legitimate.

In narrative inquiry the final story is constructed by participant,

researcher and reader. Illness and professional narratives are


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always located in the socio-cultural.

Source: Holloway and Wheeler, Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare.

Viernes, Sr. Ramona M. and De Guzman Allan B.(2005) explored a
narrative-biographical research of Teachers‘ Experiences of
Supportive Relationships with Colleagues. A total of fifty (50) public
and private elementary and secondary school teachers in the
central part of the Philippines were purposively selected as
respondents. The study yielded four significant themes that describe
how Filipino teachers as relational people experience and interpret
supportive relationships in the school setting. These include:
supportive relationships as (1) a life-giving force; (2) an extension of
one‘s family; (3) a reciprocal process; and (4) a work still in

Research titles
• Enhancing the transparency of Accounting Research: The Case
of Narrative Analysis
• The Narrative Research Trail: Values of Ambiguity and
• Narrative Inquiry: Approaches to Language and Literacy
• Through the Looking Glass Space to New Ways of Knowing: A
Personal Research Narrative


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Phenomenology is a 20th century school of philosophy rooted
in philosophy and psychology which focuses on the subjective
experience of the individual and seeks to understand the
essence or structure of a phenomenon from the perspective of
those who have experienced it.

Writers developed different conceptual formulations, (very

broadly) descriptive (Husserl), interpretive (Heidegger) and
ontological-existential (Sartre) which have been adapted as
methods of inquiry by researchers.

Researchers who use phenomenological methods have

formulated various methods of data analysis.

The approach should not be mechanical but insightful and

illuminate the phenomenon under study and capture its essence.

Source: Holloway and Wheeler, Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare.

Vapor, Victor Rey Cui (2009) explored a new Philippine
phenomenon that emerged involving Filipino physicians who went
back to school to take up nursing in the Philippines in order to
migrate to foreign countries to work as nurses. The purpose of his
study was to describe and to interpret the lived experiences of
Filipino physician-turned nurses in the United States.
Phenomenology was used as research design, with data obtained
from a purposive sample of eight (8) self-identified physician-turned
nurses in Las Vegas, Nevada. Participants were interviewed using a
single, open-ended central question. The audio taped responses
that described their lived experiences were eventually transcribed
verbatim. To interpret their experiences, clusters of themes were
then generated using the Colaizzi's (1978) method of
Phenomenological Inquiry. The results of the study revealed that the
experiences of Filipino physician-turned nurses involved
multidimensional issues, both in the contexts of emigration and a
professional shift from physician to nurse. Being the first of its kind,
this study will enlighten society of the lived experiences of Filipino
physicians who compromise professional integrity by working as
nurses just to emigrate to the United States. Furthermore, this
research study will contribute to the existing literature on
crosscultural adaptation, particularly involving role compromise in an
unfamiliar social and cultural context.

Source: Sanders, "Application Of Colaizzi‘S Method: Interpretation Of An Auditable Decision Trail

By A Novice Researcher".

Research titles


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Case Study is a bounded system, a single entity, a unit around
which there are boundaries. It has definite quality (time, space
and/or components comprising the case). It has ―no particular
method for data collection or data analysis.‖ A case study uses
an interpretative research. It is chosen precisely because
researchers are interested in insight, and discover rather than
the testing of a hypothesis.‖ Yin defines a case study as an
empirical enquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon
within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries
between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident.
• Social Futures of Global Climate Change: A Structural
• The Importance of Feeling Awkward: A Dialogical Narrative
Phenomenology of Socially Awkward Situations
• Social Responsibility: A Phenomenology of perceivedsuccessful
student leadership experience
• Emotions in the flesh: A Phenomenology of Emotions in the lived
Source: Dr. Biglete’s lecture on Models of Research at De La Salle University – Manila on March 2016

Protacio, Maria Selena and Sarroub, Loukia K. (2013) describe the
reading practices in a public and high-achieving 6th grade English
classroom in the Philippines. By utilizing a four resources model,
they discuss the different roles that students assume in this
classroom. Students in this class are mainly code breakers and text
users and have limited opportunities to assume the other two roles
of the four resources model. This case study provides a different
view of reading, specifically a view of a culture of reading where in
higher status is given to oral reading performance rather than
comprehension. We describe the way a high-achieving 6th grade
Philippine classroom perceives reading. Through this case study,
both authors would like to contribute to the research literature on
Philippine education and increase our knowledge of reading
practices as they are conceived and practiced in this particular

Research titles
• Internationalizing the Basic Education Curriculum: A Philippine
Case Study
• School Viability: A Case Study of Victoria Heights School in Manila
• Entrepreneurial University: A Case Study of De La Salle Araneta
University, Philippines


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• Team Effectiveness in an Academic School Organization: A
Multiple Case Study

Formative Assessment 5.1

Ask the students: What is the most interesting and most creative
research qualitative design they can think of? A quiz enumerating and
defining the different research designs discussed in class will be
appropriate in finding out what students have learned. Now, ask them
to select a research design for their research problem. Ask them why
they chose it and how it relates to their research purpose?

IV. What to Transfer

Students will identify which of the five major qualitative research designs
is appropriate to their chosen research topics. They will broadly compare
and contrast five qualitative research designs and the applications of
each. They will demonstrate application of one of the five qualitative
designs. Students identify a research topic appropriate for a qualitative
study. They will select a design well-suited to the topic chosen.


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Formative Assessment 5.2

Get students to be acquainted with the five qualitative designs:

Discussion: Compare & contrast the five qualitative designs as
V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
defined in the lecture. Group the class and allow them to think
about a topic in the five designs. Now, discuss what the topics
might be like if recast into another tradition.
Share: Students select research topics and discuss it with their
Group activity: Groups shall be given twenty minutes to work on
a single topic. The challenge for them is to describe their topic in
two minutes or less to a 10-year-old child?
Discussion: What did you learn from the exercise of selecting a
research topic?
Assignment: One page learning paper of the description of
student‘s selected topic as it relates to their interest. Think about
what qualitative design might be most appropriate for their
chosen topic and explain why.

Before beginning your qualitative research, you must provide thorough regard
to design, including how research strategies will be governed and how the
method you choose will answer your research question. Consider how you will
find participants and what scope for the project will be obtained with your
sample. Does your chosen research design account for the purpose of the
study? How will you locate your study methodologically? What data will you
gather and how will you handle these data? Finally, consider how you will use
your chosen research design for management and analysis of data gathered.
In this module, we have explained the need for careful design of a qualitative
research and the special requirements of qualitative research design.
Qualitative research usually involved ongoing processes of design as the
researcher designs and reviews the scope of the project and the nature of the
data required. The questions you should ask and the issues you should
consider as you prepare a design, as well as the ways in which you can revisit
and revise it as you commence your qualitative research are suggested. As
you plan, anticipate that your study will involve different stages, and allow time
for each— conceptualizing, entering the field, creating data system, final
analysis and others. Throughout this chapter, we have emphasized that you
need to see your research in terms of its overall design.


Protacio, Maria Selena and Sarroub, Loukia K., "A case study of reading instruction in a
Philippine classroom" (2013). Faculty Publications: Department of Teaching, Learning and
Teacher Education. Paper 132.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Sanders, Carolyn. "Application Of Colaizzi‘S Method: Interpretation Of An Auditable
Decision Trail By A Novice Researcher". Contemporary Nurse 14, no. 3 (2003): 292-
Strauss, A.L. (1987) Qualitative analysis for social scientists. New York, NY,
Cambridge University Press.
Strauss, A.L. & Corbin, J. (1990) Basics of qualitative research: Grounded
theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA, Sage.
Strauss, A.L. & Corbin, J. (eds). (1997) Grounded theory in practice. Thousand
Oaks, CA, Sage.
Strauss, A.L. & Corbin, J. (1998) Basics of qualitative research: Techniques
and procedures for developing grounded theory, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks,
CA, Sage.
Nursing Research, 45 (2), 122– 24. Website of Glaser‘s Grounded Theory Institute Further reading
Yin, Robert K. (2014). Case study research design and methods (5th ed.).

LESSON 2: Description of Sampling and Data Collection

I. What to Know
In doing qualitative research, only a sample of a population is selected
for any given study. The study‘s research objectives and the
characteristics of the study population (example is the size and
diversity) determine which and how many people to select. In this
lesson, students will briefly describe three of the most common
sampling methods used in qualitative research: purposive sampling,
quota sampling, and snowball sampling. As data collectors, students
will not be responsible for selecting the sampling method. The
explanations in this lesson are meant to help students understand the
reasons for using each method.

Activity 5.2.1


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Ask students to choose a good sample by taking the following questions in

• Which group of people (study population) areyou interested in?

From which you want to draw a sample?
• How many people do you need in your sample?
• How will you select these people?

II. What to Process

It is important to remind students to select their sample in a systematic
way so as to ensure that the community/users/external actors see it as
a credible and indicative sample. Qualitative researchers
characteristically create sampling choices that allow them to intensify
understanding of whatsoever phenomenon (Blackstone 2017). This
lesson will examine the strategies that qualitative researchers typically
employ when sampling as well as the various types of samples that
most likely will be used in their research.

Quantitative sampling is very important and relevant. For example, if

you are interested in Young Adult‘s experiences of Collecting Anime
action figures and you have access to 2,000 members of the Young
Anime Collectors Club of the Philippines, all of whom have experienced
collecting toys, you might choose to randomly sample 10 children from
the 2,000 for your qualitative study. There are difficulties when it comes
to qualitative research in general and that selecting a sampling strategy
and sample size for qualitative research is no difference. The enduring
understanding to be given emphasis is that the strategy you adopt will
be driven by the: 1) Research question(s)/purpose; 2) Time frame of
your study; 3) Resources available.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Show to students a list of common sampling strategies. As you discuss
these strategies, think of which would be most relevant for your
student‘s area of interest. In many cases, they will see ways to combine
the strategies to create an effective approach. The methods are not
mutually exclusive; a research design may adopt a range of strategies.

The three main types of data collected and analyzed in qualitative

research include in-depth interviews, direct observation, and written
documents. These are discussed in greater detail in the qualitative
lesson covering data types. In order to collect these types of data for a
study, a target population, community, or study area must be identified


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Quota Sampling is a sampling technique whereby participant quotas
are preset prior to sampling. Typically, the researcher is attempting to
gather data from a certain number of participants that meet certain
characteristics that may include things such as age, sex, class,
marital status, HIV status, etc.

Snowball Sampling is also known as chain referral sampling. In this

method, the participants refer the researcher to others who may be
able to potentially contribute or participate in the study. This method
often helps researchers find and recruit participants that may
otherwise be hard to reach.

A note on sample size: Once a sampling method has been

determined, the researcher must consider the sample size. In
qualitative studies, sampling typically continues until information
redundancy or saturation occurs.

This is the point at which no new information is emerging in the data.

Therefore, in qualitative studies it is critical that data collection and
analysis are occurring simultaneously so that the researcher will
know when the saturation point is reached.

It is important to understand that the saturation point may occur

prematurely if the researcher has a narrow sampling frame, a skewed
analysis of the data, or poor Sampling is the most
methodology. common
Because sampling
of this, the strategy.
researcher must carefully create the research question, select an based on
In this type of sampling, participants are selected or sought
appropriate criteria eliminate
target group, based on histhe research
or her question.
own biases For example, the
and analyze
study may be attempting to collect data from
data continuously and thoroughly throughout the process to bringlymphoma patients in a
particular city or county.
validity to the data collected. The sample size may be predetermined or based
on theoretical saturation, which is the point at which the newly collected
data no longer provides additional insights.
first. It is not possible for researchers to collect data from everyone in a
sample area or community.

Therefore, the researcher must gather data from a sample, or subset,

of the population in the study. In quantitative research, the goal would
be to conduct a random sampling that ensures the sample group would
be representative of the entire population, and therefore, the results
could be generalized to the entire population. On the other hand, the
goal of qualitative research is to provide in-depth understanding and
therefore, targets a specific group, type of individual, event or process.
To accomplish this goal, qualitative research focus will be on
criterionbased sampling techniques to reach their target group.

There are three main types of qualitative sampling: purposeful sampling, quota
sampling, and snowballing sampling. The following are the reasons for choosing a
particular method.

Source: Mack et al., Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide. and
Sampling Methods
Formative Assessment 5.3

A written quiz assesses the student‘s mastery of key ideas and

101 learned from the lesson.

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Formative Assessment 5.4

Ask students to answer this case study: Imagine that you have arrived
in Malate, Manila to conduct a case study on working street children. A
local social worker introduces you to two former street working
children and you learn that they still have lots of friends still working on
the street. As a way to identify participants for your study, you ask the
two former street working children if they can recommend and invite
some of their friends on the street to participate in the study. You also
ask them to spread word of the study in anticipation that their friends
will also help you to identify potential participants.

How would you classify this kind of sampling? 1. Quota sampling? 2.

Snowball sampling? 3. Random purposeful sampling? Explain your

The answer is: 2. Snowball sampling

IV. What to Transfer

Ask the students how large the sample size should be in a qualitative
study. How many focus group respondents, individual interviews, or
ethnographic observations are needed? The discussion will now
proceed to the importance of sample size in qualitative research and
the possible sample size of the students‘ actual research work.

We do have some informal rules of thumb. For example, Maria Krieger

(in her white paper, ―The Single Group Caveat,‖ Brain Tree Research
& Consulting, 1991) advises that separate focus groups are needed for
major segments such as men, women, and age groups, and that two or
more groups are needed per segment because any one group may be
idiosyncratic. Another guideline is to continue doing groups or individual
until we seem to have reached a saturation point and are no longer
hearing anything new.

When determining sample size for qualitative studies, it is important to

let students remember that there are no hard and fast rules. There are,
however, at least three considerations:

1. The saturation or redundancy of the sample size must be

considered. The size and pattern of the sample need to be


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considered. Some Interviews conducted might result to no
significant concepts.
Research Approach Rule of Thumb
Case Study Select one case or one person.

Assess 10 people. If you reach saturation prior to

assessing ten people you may use fewer.

Assess 20–30 people, which typically is enough
to reach saturation.
2. The size of a sample is important to determine the difference
within a target population. Having a large sample size might
assess the quantity of distinction that will eventually denote the
population of interest.

3. Approximation of a sample size grounded on the method of the

study may be used. In every category of a sample size there are
rules of thumb that are represented in the tables below.

Rules of Thumb Based on Approach

Source: Nastasi, ―Qualitative Research: Sampling & Sample Size Considerations‖.

Rules of Thumb Based on Data Collection Method

Data Collection Method Rule of Thumb

Interviewing key
Interview approximately five people.

In-depth interviews Interview approximately 30 people.

Create groups that average 5–10 people each.

In addition, consider the number of focus groups
you need based on ―groupings‖ represented in
Focus groups the research question. That is, when studying
males and females of three different age
groupings, plan for six focus groups, giving you
one for each gender and three age groups for
each gender.


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Data Collection Method Rule of Thumb

Select a large and representative sample

Ethnographic surveys
(purposeful or random based on purpose) with
numbers similar to those in a quantitative study.

Source: Nastasi, ―Qualitative Research: Sampling & Sample Size Considerations‖.

Number of Interviews Length of each interview

10 1 – 2 hours
20 30 minutes – 1 hour
30 20 – 40 minutes
There should also be consideration of the size of a good database: one
that will yield data that are of sufficient quality and quantity. While the
quality of the data is impacted by the quality of the interview procedure,
the quantity of data is also important.

Guidelines for Length of Interviews

Source: Nastasi, ―Qualitative Research: Sampling & Sample Size Considerations‖.

Adjustments can be made if there are other forms of qualitative data

collection involved. For example, if there is a 2-hour focus group and 10
interviews, the duration of the interviews may be shortened.

Formative Assessment 5.5

Ask the students to describe common types of qualitative

sampling methodology, to explain the methods typically used in
qualitative data collection and to describe how sample size is

Create a data-planning matrix for students to fill out answering the

following questions:
1. What do I need to know in my research?
2. Why do I need to know this?
3. What kind of data will answer my questions?
4. Where can I find the data?
5. Whom do I contact for access?


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6. Time lines for acquisition
V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
Still if it were probable, it is not compulsory to assemble data from
everyone in a group in order to obtain legitimate findings. In qualitative
research, merely a sample of a population is chosen for whichever
specified study.

The study‘s research objectives and the characteristics of the study

population (such as size and diversity) determine which and how many
people to select. In this lesson, we briefly describe three of the most
common sampling methods used in qualitative research: purposive
sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling.

As researchers, you will not be responsible for selecting the sampling

method. The explanations given are meant to help you understand the
reasons for using each method.

Purposive sampling, one of the most common sampling strategies,

groups participants according to preselected criteria relevant to a
particular research question.

In quota sampling, we decide while designing the study how many people with
which characteristics to include as participants.

In snowballing, participants or informants with whom contact has

already been made use their social networks to refer the researcher to

other people who could potentially participate in or contribute to the

Denzin NK, Lincoln YS (eds.). Handbook of qualitative research. London: Sage Publications,

Mack, Natasha, Cynthia Woodsong, Kathleen M. Mac Queen, Greg Guest, and
Emily Namey. Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide. 1st
ed. North Carolina: Family Health International, 2005.

Nastasi, Bonnie. ―Qualitative Research: Sampling & Sample Size Considerations‖.

Study Notes,

Yin, R. K. (1994). Case study research: Design and methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage

"Qualitative Sampling Methods". Center For Innovation In Research And Teaching, 2017.

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LESSON 3: Analysis of Procedures Such as Survey,
Interview, and Observation

I. What to Know
To use qualitative methods means that you will be generating data that
is primarily in the form of words, not numbers. Some of the most
common data collection methods are different types of individual
interviews (general or key informants) and group discussions. In this
section, we also discuss other types of data that might help you
understand the context.

Activity 5.3.1

Ask your students how they will collect their data for their research.
Give an example of choosing a breed of dog they like as their pet.
Ask them how they will be able to understand the breed of dog
they like (they can probably research using the internet, interview
persons with a particular breed of dog, survey dog breeders or
observe dog owners)?

II. What to Process

Discuss to students that having explored the nature and purpose of qualitative
research, they are now ready to explore methods of data collection. There are a
variety of methods of data collection in qualitative research, including observations,
textual or visual analysis, interviews (individual or group) and others. The most
common methods used, particularly in any qualitative research, are interviews and
focus groups. The purpose of this lesson is to explore methods of data collection in
more detail, in particular how they work in practice, the purpose of each, when their
use is appropriate and what they can offer in students‘ individual research.

Discuss to students that data collection approaches for qualitative

research usually involves:
1. Direct interaction with individuals on a one to one basis

2. Direct interaction with individuals in a group setting


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Data Collection


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Qualitative research data collection methods are time consuming,
therefore data is usually collected from a smaller sample than would be
the case for quantitative approaches—therefore this makes qualitative
research more expensive. The benefits of the qualitative approach are
that the information is richer and has a deeper insight into the
phenomenon under study. Explain each
of the
1. Interviews
The main methods for collecting qualitative data are: methods to
Unstructured the students:
1. Individual interviews
2.- Focus
Can begroups
referred to as 'depth' or 'in depth' interviews
3.- Observations
They have very little structure at all
4.- Action
The interviewer
Researchmay just go with the aim of discussing a limited
number of topics, sometimes as few as just one or two
- The interviewer may frame the interview questions based on the
interviewee and his/her previous response
- This allows the discussion to cover areas in great detail
- They involve the researcher wanting to know or find out more
about a specific topic without there being a structure or a
preconceived plan or expectation as to how they will deal with the


- The interviewee will ask the respondent the same questions in the
same way. A tightly structured schedule is used
- The questions may be phrased in order that a limited range of
responses may be given - i.e. 'Do you rate our services as very
good, good or poor'. A researcher needs to consider whether a
questionnaire or structured interview is more appropriate
- If the interview schedule is too tightly structured this may not
enable the phenomena under investigation to be explored in terms
of either breadth or depth
- Qualitative interviews should be fairly informal and participants
feel they are taking part in a conversation or discussion rather
than in a formal question and answer situation


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- There is skill required and involved in successful qualitative
research approaches—which requires careful consideration and planning

Good qualitati ve research involves:

a. Thought
b.c. PreparationThe development of the interview schedule
d. Conducting and analyzing the interview data with care and
2. Observation

May take place in natural settings and involve the researcher taking
lengthy and descriptive notes of what is happening.

It is argued that there are limits to the situations that can be observed in
their 'natural' settings and that the presence of the research er may
lead to problems with validity.

Limitations with observation include:

Change in people's behavior when they know they are being
A 'snap shot' view of a whole situation
Think Big Brother...
The researcher may miss something while they are watching and
taking notes
The researcher may make judgments, make value statements
or misunderstand what has been observed

Strengths of observation
a.Can offer a flavor for what is happening
b. Can give an insight into the bigger picture
c. Can demonstrate sub-groups
d. Can be used to assist in the design of the rest of the
e. Sometimes, the researcher becomes or needs to become a
participant observer, where he/she is taking part in the situation in
order to be accepted and further understand the workings of
the social phenomenon

Observation can sometimes obtain more reliable information about certain things
—for example, how people actually behave. It can also serve as a technique for
verifying or nullifying information provided in face to face encounters. People or
environment can be observed. When environment is researched, it can provide


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valuable background information that may inform other aspects of the research.


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es for collec
ting data
Written d through o
escription bs: ervatio
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- The rese
archer m
or environ akes writt
ment en descri
- Limitatio ptions of
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o Research ons
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o The resea ation as th
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situation y b e focused
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o There is ro icular eve
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Video rec terpretati
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t is happe
- Allows th
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- Limitatio her to als
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o People ac c lude
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avoiding turallytow
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o The came ra amera or
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Photogra ee everyth
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- Useful w
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- Artifacts o ods, dres tion or
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Door enortsby
any means -
electronic cumechanical
mentatioincluding photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
nmay be u
sed to pro

Source:"Introduction To Research".

Activity 5.3.2


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In doing a survey, the researcher must understand the right mode of

inquiry for establishing an inference whether in a large group of people
or from a small number of people in a group. The very aim of
conducting a survey is to present and explain the actual experiences
of a certain population.

Conducting survey are done in three (3) steps: 1) by email; 2)

telephone; 3) personal interview. The method of data collection can be
from observation to content analysis and this can be used in the

The challenges and limitations of survey are seen according to the

following criteria: 1) appropriateness of the method; 2) accuracy of
what to observe; 3) generalizability of the findings; 4) administrative
constrains; 5) ethical and political difficulties

An example of a survey is the open-ended questions. This is placed in

a box form and will permit your respondents to provide a unique
answer. This kind of approach is able to provide the respondents the
freedom to say what they feel about a topic, which provides you with an
exploratory data that may unleash important issues, opportunities,
issues, or quotes.

Ask students to look for examples of methods of collecting data such as survey, interview and
observation for qualitative research.

Ask students to look at their research titles and reflect on the possible data
collection methods to be employed.

Data Analysis
According to Yin (1994:102) ―data analysis consists of examining,
categorizing, tabulating, or otherwise recombining the evidence to
address the initial prepositions of a study‖.

There are a variety of approaches to this process of analysis and interpretation.

Some of the most commonly used approaches include:

• Content Analysis - used to analyze and interpret verbal data, or

behavioral data. Content can be analyzed descriptively or

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• Narrative Analysis - used to analyze text that may come from
variety of sources including transcripts from interviews, diaries, field notes,
surveys and other written forms. Narrative analysis often involves
reformulating stories presented by people in different context and based on
their different experiences.

• Discourse Analysis - a method of analyzing naturally occurring

spoken interactions and written text and is concerned with the social
context in which the communication occurred. It focuses on how language
is used in everyday life and looks at how people express themselves.

• Grounded Theory - also called analytic induction. This is a method

that attempts to develop causal explanations of a phenomenon from one
or more cases being studied. Explanations are altered as additional cases
are studied until the researcher arrives at a statement that fits all cases.

• Conversation Analysis - examines the use of language by people

as a type of action or skilled accomplishment. A key concept in this
analysis is the principle of people taking turns in conversation. Meanings
are usually shaped in the context of the exchange itself.

Source: "Analyzing Qualitative Data".

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

As a researcher selects strategies of inquiry, it is important to realize
these will have a dramatic influence on procedures of analysis and
interpretation. Data collection in the field can take a long time; however,
the researcher can continually reflect, analyze and then adjust the
research during this time. Pieces of data ought to be carefully labeled
and organized in such a way that eases ongoing analysis. This process
of analysis involves making sense out of data recorded in text, image,
audio and/or video formats.

It may be helpful to think of the following steps (Creswell 2009):

1. Organize and prepare the data for analysis.
2. Read through all the data. Gain a general sense of the information and
reflect on the overall meaning.
3. Conduct analysis based on the specific theoretical approach and
method (examples: narrative, content, grounded theory, discourse,
conversational and others). This often involves coding or organizing
related segments of data into categories.
4. Generate a description of the setting or people and identify themes
from the coding. Search for theme connections.


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5. Represent the data within a research report.
6. Interpret the larger meaning of the data.

Coding and Categorizing

Understanding the definition of coding is essential in proceeding with its

processes. Coding can be defined as the actual process of making sure
data is organized into chunks or segments and later making meaning
out of it.

Creswell, J.W. (2009) also explains that coding and categorizing

involves taking text data or pictures gathered during data collection,
segmenting it into categories, and labeling those categories with a term,
often a term used by the actual participant.

Begin the coding process by first reviewing your learning outcomes as a

reminder of what you are assessing. Your coding scheme will be based
on your learning outcomes.

For example
Students who participate in the Multicultural Scholars Program will
be able to describe their talents, strengths and social group

Coding involves assigning a word, phrase, number or symbol to each coding


For example
Describe talents and strengths
Codes can be pre-set or emergent. You should have both.
Pre-set: A list of codes created in advance by the researcher based
on the research question, learning outcomes, or conceptual

Emergent: Ideas, concepts, actions and meanings that come up from

reading and analyzing the data that are not in the pre-set codes.

Creating Categories
Coding will serve as a system to help you to organize your data. Once
you have gone through all documents and coded them, they can now
be gathered into families of codes or categories. Materials are sorted
by these categories, identifying similar phrases, patterns and
relationships. As you code and categorize the data, look for the


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interrelationships among categories. Sorted materials are examined to
isolate meaningful patterns. Identified patterns are used to create

Source: Creswell, Qualitative, Quantitative, And Mixed Methods Approaches.

IV. What to Transfer

Start the class discussion by defining what data extraction is all about.
Data extraction is: 1) An attempt to reduce a complex, messy,
contextladen and quantification-resistant reality to a matrix of
categories and numbers; 2) Time consuming; 3) Often difficult.

Further discuss to students the purpose of data extraction in a

qualitative research which is to describe the study in general, to extract
the findings from each study in a consistent manner to enable later
synthesis, and to extract information to enable quality appraisal so that
the findings can be interpreted. The objectives for students in this part
of the lesson are: 1) to extract their data honestly and consistently as a
precursor to the interpretative phase; 2) not to prejudge the value or
meaning of data as it is extracted. Further explain to the students the
need to do data extraction: 1) Articles are in different formats and use
different styles of reporting; 2) Need to highlight main data elements of
interest; 3) Need to provide standardization; 3) Need to aid pattern
recognition and analysis.

The process of reducing your acquired data can be extracted in two possible
ways using an approach by analyzing qualitative data.

1) One approach is to examine your findings with a pre-defined

framework, which reflects your aims, objectives and interests. This
approach is relatively easy and is closely aligned in research which
has pre-determined interests. This approach allows you to focus on
particular answers and abandon the rest.

2) The second approach takes a more exploratory perspective,

encouraging you to consider and code all your data, allowing for
new impressions to shape your interpretation in different and
unexpected directions. We refer to this approach as thematic
network analysis.

More often than not, qualitative analysis draws on a mix of both

approaches. Whichever approach guides you, the first thing you need
to do is to familiarize yourself with your data. This involves reading and
re-reading your material (data) in its entirety. Make notes of thoughts
that spring to mind and write summaries of each transcript or piece of


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data that you will analyze. As your aim is to condense all of this
information to key themes and topics that can shed light on your
research question, you need to start coding the material.

A code is a word or a short phrase that descriptively captures the

essence of elements of your material (e.g. a quotation) and is the first
step in your data reduction and interpretation.

How would you code a qualitative data? Create an appropriate phrase

to descriptively summarize the text segment and the accompanying
photo (show a student a picture of a student in a rural area).

Source: Olson, Coughlan and Ryan, Handbook Of Qualitative Health Research For Evidence-Based Practice.

(Picture taken from

From the given picture above, ask the students how they would code
the (fictitious) qualitative data? One appropriate phrase to descriptively
summarize the text segment and accompanying photo could be
―Unique uniforms‖.

To help speed up students‘ coding, you can, after having read through
all their data, ask them to develop a coding framework, which consists
of a list of codes that you anticipate will be used to index and divide
their material into descriptive topics.

The following are approaches that will help students analyze their data:


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In an inductive approach, a researcher begins by collecting
data that is relevant to his or her topic of interest. Once a
substantial amount of data have been collected, the researcher
will then take a breather from data collection, stepping back to
get a bird‘s eye view of a data. At this stage, the researcher
looks for patterns in the data, working to develop a theory that On Models Of
could explain those patterns.

In a deductive approach it takes the steps described for

inductive research and reverse their order. They start with a
social theory that they find compelling and then test its
implications with data. That is, they move from a more general
level to a more specific one. This approach to research is the
one that people typically associate with scientific investigation.
The researcher studies what others have done, reads existing
theories of whatever phenomenon he or she is studying, and
then tests hypotheses that emerge from those theories.
In qualitative research there is no fixed rule on how many codes a
researcher should aim for, but if you have more than 100-120 codes, it
is recommended that you begin to merge some of the codes. All
materials must have been coded to start the abstraction of the themes
from the codes.

You may ask your students to look at their codes and start grouping
them together to see the common, important and relevant themes. A
very practical way of doing this is to write the code headings on pieces
of paper and place them on a table. The process will show them the
various codes. Ask the students to move around and start clustering
the data into themes. Let the students observe patterns and structures
which will include differences between the types of respondents if
analyzed together. They have to label the clusters of codes with an
interpretative and basic theme. In a new piece of paper ask them to
write the basic theme, label and place it next to their cluster of codes

For example the codes torn uniform and no school books are seen in
the interview transcripts with working street children. They can be
clustered together as ―The Working Street Children‘s Insufficiency of
School Materials‖.

Codes Basic Theme

Lack of Uniform

Children lack school


No School Textbooks


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Not all codes are of interest and relevance to the student‘s research
question. Tell the students that coding is not just about one‘s interest
and relevance to the research questions but on choosing to cluster
codes into basic themes that will enlighten them in finding meaning to
their questions.

Explain to students that everything is in a process. For example, they

can identify 20 basic themes. They have to repeat this process thinking
of the basic themes. Examination of these basic themes and clustering
all of them into hierarchical order and interpretative organizing themes.

Assuming this process limits the twenty (20) basic themes to only four
(4) organizing themes, two (2) will describe the struggles faced by
working street children and another two will detail their coping
strategies. The given figure below describes how students can show
the description codes to concentrating on a less distinct, interpretative
and networked themes that can be used to begin answering parts of the
research question.


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Codes B
as ic Theme
s Organizin
g Theme
Lack ofnuifo Global T
rm heme

Children la
ck school
No schooblo materials
Working st
Lack om
f oney children c
forschool afford to g
fees o to
Children u
nable to
School cha pay schoo
rges l fees

Worry Struggles
Street Chil
Children w dre n
Mind is orry
about the
elsewhere ir family

Working st
Tired in sc reet
hool children a
Children w
ho are
Headache exhausted

It is very
from cod t to unders
es will be tand that
an import de
The proc
ess of cu ant proce veloping organizin
tting out s g themes
e codes an s in analyzing a q
method‘. d moving ualitative
‗table them aro data.
und on is
e Assess
Show to
search in dents a picture of
the intern a kid doin
students et picture g manua
to make s of kids l labor (y
possible a ta ble d o ing m ou can
codes an that include a nual labo
d ethseth
mat can b s two co r) . Ask th
e extracte lumns containing e
d from th
e picture.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization

In doing a qualitative analysis, one should put emphasis on the

meaning of the data. Every data collected describes the evidence that
can provide a researcher answer to his/her questions. These questions
can come from so many sources such as surveys, interview,
focusgroup discussion and observation.

The lesson provided a clear discussion about the methods and

techniques in the actual collection of data in a qualitative research.
Such research involves different choices of techniques and will be
dependent on the actual needs of the researcher. As for student
researchers, they may adopt different research techniques. The
following are the different types of data analysis in qualitative research:

1) Observation – actual encounter with the respondent particular

activities of the day
2) Interviewing – it is trying to analyze what the respondent is thinking
3) Surveys - it can be open or close ended questions
4) Documentation - actual recording of informal feedback and reflections

A major part of qualitative research is to uncover and unveil the big

picture of a study. It is the use and interpretation of data to explain a
certain phenomenon. Data analysis will involve a process called
labelling and coding. The different types of data analysis are:
1) Content analysis;
2) Narrative analysis;
3) Discourse analysis;
4) Grounded theory;
5) Conversational analysis.

The process of coding and categorizing is an essential part after doing

an interview, observation, and others. Codes serve as a direction to
label, compile and organize a researcher‘s data. It can also allow a
researcher to summarize and synthesize what is happening in his/her

The term ―a priori codes‖ refers to a ―start list‖ of pre-set codes.

Jotting down notes of a researcher‘s reactions and ideas that emerge is
essential. Ideas are important to the analytic process.


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Biglete, A
University . "Lecture On Mode
Manila, 20 ls Of Rese
16. arch". Lec
ture, De L
CreswellJ,.W a Salle
.(2009Q ).u a
chapter 9 li ta
, qualitativ tive, quantitative, a
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res methods a
Olson, Ka pproach,
rin, Micha
Health Re el Coughla
search Fo n, and Fra
r Evid -Beansceed Pra nceH s aRnydabn
Wolcott, H cticNee.w Yo o, oekd.Of Qualitative
.F. (200W rk: Spring
1)riting up er, 2016.
"Introducti res, eNaercwhb
on To Re ury Park,
s e aUrcnhiv".ersity CA: Sage Of Su,rrey
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formation oduction%
%20Leice 2
ster/index 0to%20Research%
.htm. 20and


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LESSON 4: Application of Creative Design Principles for Execution

I. What to Know
Students will be able to understand the critical process of observing,
describing, analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating that leads to
informed judgments regarding the relative merits of artworks. This
lesson will lead to a better appreciation of the process of research
design, data collection and analysis of procedures.

II. What to Process

Students will be able to assess a work of art without critiquing the artist
which require objectivity and an understanding of the work‘s content
and form.
• Visual fluency is the ability to differentiate formal and informal
structures and objectively apply observable criteria to arts
assessments that exclude the artists.
• Universal principles of art and elements of design apply equally to
culturally specific artwork.

Activity 5.4.1

Show to the students the painting of the Creation by Michael

Angelo and the Blood Compact by Juan Luna. Ask them to
evaluate the effectiveness of their work of art by differentiating the
artists‘ technical proficiency and the works‘ content or form.
Students can differentiate among basic formal structures and the
technical proficiency of the artist within the artwork. Ask students
later to compare and contrast the different qualitative research
designs and data collection methods by writing an essay of their
experience in studying it.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Share to the students the idea that the ability to think critically is a key
skill for doing a successful research study. Explain to the students that
this means not taking what you hear or read at face value, but using
your critical faculties to weigh up the evidence, and considering the
implications and conclusions of what the writer or person is saying.

Ask students to imagine two situations. On the first, you are on a

country walk and you come across a sign that tells you not to attempt to

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climb a fence because of risk of electrocution. Would you pause to
consider before obeying this instruction? On the other hand, suppose
you were to receive a letter from a local farmer announcing that he
proposed to put up an electric fence to protect a certain field. In this
case, would you not be more likely to think about his reasons for doing
so and what the implications would be for you and your family? In the
first case, you are thinking reactively and in the second, you are
thinking critically.

IV. What to Transfer

Making qualitative research accessible is the goal of this lesson, and learning
about it involves new ways of thinking that involves imaginative art and design
principles to create artwork. Researchers improve the quality of research by
increasing their knowledge of art and creative science in the process of

Formative Assessment 5.6

Ask students to create any work of art patterned after a famous

artist using clay. Students will have to do a basic research of the
artist and his/her creation. A short description of their created
work will be made. The other members of the class will have to
prepare a small sheet of paper and render their comments about
the created work of art of their classmates. The presenter of the
work of art shall collate the feedback of their classmates and
place it on a sheet of paper. Based on the feedback, ask the
students to submit a short reflection paper on his/her experience
of the activity.


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V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
Critical thinking in qualitative research is a skill to be developed. A
thinking-skills approach views researchers as reflective practitioners
and critical thinkers. They understand why qualitative research design,
sampling and data analysis are sometimes inconsistent or opposing
research findings because of its methodology – how research is
designed and carried out.


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A. Learn
ing Outc

The learn
procedur emonstrateusnders
e skills. tandinogf in
d observa
ance Sta
The learn
er should
honesty. be able to
gather re
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with inte
Unpackin llectual
g the St
Lessons andards
for Unde
1. Observ g
2. Interv tion procedures a
iew proc nd skills
edures a
nd skills
The learn
1. Writes
2. Collec rmal letters.
ts data th
3. Trans rough ob
crib servad
4. Writes es interview ses an tioinnte
s rviews.
journal w sions.
hile cond
Essentia ucting ob
l Unders servation
tanding .
observati l understand tha Essentia
l Questi
on and in t on
properly terview, A s a resea
impleme when
effective nte rche
methods d, are very make the ob r, how can you
qualitativ of gatheri interview servation
d. ng methods and
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Goal ring quali ective
tative da
Learners ta?
will be ab
observati le to prov
on proto ide samp
trrvanscrip le interview guide
ts, and in
terview jo questions,

B. Planning for Assessment



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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
The following are products and performances that learners are expected to
come up with in this module.

1. Formal letters explaining the intention of conducting interview and/or

observation sessions
2. Interview protocols and guide questions
3. Observation protocols
4. Simulations: observation and interview
5. Actual interview sessions
6. Actual observation sessions
7. Journal recordings of observation details
8. Transcription of interview session

Assessment Map

Processes The Pre-Assessment

Part 1
1. Define observation method.
2. Define interview method.
Part 2
1. Identify the different types of observation method:
participant, non-participant, and systemic.
2. Identify the different types of interview method:
structured and unstructured. Part 3
1. Define participant observation, non-participant observation,
and systemic observation.
2. Define structured interview method and unstructured
interview method.
Part 4
1. List the dos and don‘ts in conducting observation method.
2. List the dos and don‘ts in conducting interview method.

Part 1
1. Differentiate participant, non-participant, and system
observation with one another.
2. Differentiate the types of interview methods with each other.


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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Formative Assessment

2. Ide
ntify t
he dif
and u ferent
nstruc types
tured. of inte
Lesso rview
n3 methuo
dd: struc
1. De t
f in e p
and s ant ob
ystem serva
2. De i c obs tio-np,an
fine s ervati rtoicnipa
tructu o n. nt obs
interv red in ervatio
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ethod metho
Lesso . d and u
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1. tured
meht od. the do
s and
2. don‘ts
Deter in con
mine ductin
metho the do g obs
d. s and d ervatio
on‘ts n
in con
g inte

Understandin Lesson 1
g 1. Differentiate participant, non-participant, and system
observation from one another. Lesson 2
1. Differentiate the types of interview methods.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Evalua ive As
ting sessm
Lesson en t
Applying 1
1. Ana
lyze sa
these p mple o
rocedu tion pr
Less r e s could b otocols
on 1 e furth and de
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Lesson proved e how
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12.. DCon . cols ba cond
iscuduct o s e d uc
3. Pro ss how bserva o n th e chosting
gath duce jou the on protoco ti en
e r rn a i n
l tervdi ls.
2. E researincgh tlo oocls base eown m theet ob
xpla a i
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Lesson in the l itativeipants d is uafsth
r tic ens ent
inter 2 prop . ed aid ifie
4. Coniews. e r and re s earc s da d
struct g e ffect h . ta
5. Con uide qu i ve w
duct in estions a
6. Tra terview to be u ys in co
nscribe w ith cho sed for ndu
audio o sen pa the incting
f interv rticipan terview
iew se t s . .
C: Les with th
s on P r e partic
Analyzing o ipants.
Lesson 1per
1. Analyze the characteristics of an effective and bias-free
observation protocol. Lesson 2
1. Analyze the characteristics of an effective and bias-free
interview protocol.


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II. What to Process
Using the baseline information gathered, focus on rectifying any
misconceptions regarding observation as a purposeful data-gathering
tool. One way to do this is to outline the characteristics and the steps of
an effective observation protocol through facilitated discussion.

Steps in the Process of Observing (Creswell, 2007)

1. Select the research site.
This refers to the site where you can best understand your
central phenomenon or topic being studied. Gaining access
through letter of consent is a prerequisite first step that a
researcher must do.

2. Develop observational protocol.

The observational protocol is a method used for recording
observation notes.

It includes both ―descriptive‖ or those about what happened and

―reflective‖ or learning based on what have been observed.

3. Focus the observation.

Before writing any notes, think of what catches your attention.
There will be a lot in the site, but focus your observation only on
what will help you understand your research question.

4. Determine your role.

What will you be as a researcher? Will you be a participant
observer or non-participant observer?

5. Record field notes.

Using the Observation Protocol, record what you observe using
your five senses. The observation should be arranged
chronologically or in order.

6. Slowly withdraw.
After observation, slowly withdraw by thanking the participants for
their time.
Source: Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design: Choosing Among Five

Sample Observation Protocol (Creswell, 2007)


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Duration of Activity: 60 minutes
Descriptive Notes Reflective Notes

General: What are the experiences of

Grade 11 students as they study
Source Basic Calculus? :

Start of observation: 7:00 AM

I wonder if these students always
The class started on time, but some come late?
students arrived late.
Can the teacher manage this big
There are more than 50 students in class?
the classroom.

Some students seated at the back I wonder if it‘s the class that makes
start to become sleepy. them sleepy or their activity at night?

Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Conduct a formative test to determine students‘ mastery of this lesson
(see Assessment Map). To effectively reinforce new learning, learners
should be asked to perform a simulation of a sample observation based
on a given topic by the teacher. Remind them of the essential question
that has been posted earlier. This will guide them in properly
conducting this method.

Activity 6.1.2
Observation Simulation
Using the observation protocol that the students made in Activity 6.1, ask
them to conduct an observation of a certain topic to be given by the
Duration of Activity: _______________
Descriptive Notes Reflective Notes
General: (Objective of your

Start of observation:

IV. What to Transfer


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
The b
imple st way to m
menta ea
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Cresw Refer
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Five A alitativ
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c.h2ensd i
ed. Th ry And Res
ousan earch
d O ak Desig
s, C A n: Ch
: Sag oosin
e Pub g Am
licatio ong
n s, 20


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LESSON 2: The Interview Method

I. What to Know
Checking prior knowledge about interview and how it is conducted is a
good springboard for this lesson. From here, focus on the
misconceptions and facts about interview as a tool. Tell the students
that this essential question will be their guide in going through with this
lesson: As a researcher, how can you make the interview method an
effective data-gathering tool for qualitative research?

To determine learners‘ understanding of the lesson, they will be asked to

construct interview guides regarding their chosen research topic.

II. What to Process

Using the baseline information gathered, focus on rectifying any
misconceptions regarding interview as a purposeful data gathering tool. One
way to do this is to outline the characteristics and the steps of an effective
interview protocol through facilitated discussion.

Steps in Conducting a Qualitative Interview (Creswell, 2007)

1. Decide whether interviews are appropriate.
To begin with, participants should agree to the interview method;
otherwise, this method is not necessary and will not yield any
relevant information. Assess if the information is sensitive and
observation will be enough to gather the needed information.

2. Choose the type of interview

Will you use structured or unstructured interview? What type will you
use on focus group discussion or one-on-one interview?

3. Invite Participants
A letter of permission should be sent to the participants and they
must reply indicating their consent before conducting the interview


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4. Dev
elop a
This is n Inte
a list o Protoc
asking f questi ol
to the ons or
resea intervi guide
rch qu eweeT s questio
estion .
h e questio ns wh
neede s and sh nasre ba ich yo
d to a ould b sedon u will
nswer e able your be
your r
esear to in
5. Arr ch que ucaetio
ange s t io n s n
the au .
Make dio eq
sure t uipme
your c o b e read nt.
ellpho y with
stated ne or your a
in you any ot udio e
r lette h er aud quipm
entirec r of pe io recod ent. Y
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6. Arr w howill e
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for a q
A com uiet se
fortab tting fo
prefer le
a nd qui r the in
able. e tplace terview
chose .
nby the
7. Con particip
duct th Protocol (Creswell, 2007) antis s
Parts of an Interview e inter
Check view.
1. Basic Information audioethe Interview.
yourseabout quipme
lfandth rethe in where the interview
It includes the intetime and e resof
date earchb interview,
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to the rticipa
2. Introduction. time m nt
8. Foll ention
ow -up aft ed in t
This providesThankinstructions er an to the interviewer which will serve
in ashe lette
th t e rv ie r
his/her guide in e inter
conducting the w.
session. It is a prerequisite that the
su h a v iewee
interviewercintroduce s copy himself/herself after stincluding the objectives of the
in o o f th e hioensaens
research. rderto abstra d hon
sessio c larifys ct. In c or the
n, the o mepo a s e s ir requ
in intsrais th-autpai ests
3. Opening Question. erview t edduri s fonlleoewd
ees m ngthe e d
u st b e interfeel v
Sourc is about getting to know participants n so
o t they
ified. will ie w at ease.
Questions wellQ,related
ualita to their work or activities are good opening
questions. Very tipersonal ve Inq
uiry A questions must be avoided.
nd Resea
rch De
sign: C
4. Content Questions. hoosin
g Amo
ng Fiv
. e Ap
These are sub-questions based on the central phenomenon pbeing

5. Closing Instructions.
Thank the interviewee for his/her time.

Source: Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches.


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Sample Interview Protocol

Background Information on Interviewee



Good morning, Mr. Juan De La Cruz. My name is Mr. Gregg Adiz

and I am presently conducting a research about Grade 11 students‘
experiences in their Basic Calculus Class. The objective of this study is
to gather empirical data and understand their experiences.


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Opening Q
Tell me som
ething abo
ut yourself,
M r. Juan De
- Provide sp La Cruz.
aces for tak
ing notes in
Howlong ha c ase audio w
v e you been ill h-ave pro
studying he blem
- Provide sp
aces for tak
in g notes in c
Content Q ase audio w
u estions ill ha-ve proble
Tell me abo
ut your Bas
ic Calculus
Why do yo
u say so? (F
ollpo) w
What do yo
u mean by
difficult? (p
robe question)
Can you pro
vide concre
te examples?
would like y very much(Acknowled
ou gth
e e classfor
this audio m to know that I am the their time).I
aterial and only one w
you wish to after the re ho will hav
ha sea e ac
willing to se ve a copy of theacatbosftr rch, the content will b cess to
nd you one th e
. Do you ha is research, I would b erased. If
ve any que e very

Interview P Activity 26.1

rotocol .
Ask the stu
dents to m
given as ex ake an inte
ample. The rvie
y will be us w protocol guide such
ing this pro as the one
neucxtt in

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Conduct a formative test to determine students‘ mastery of this lesson
(see Assessment Map). To effectively reinforce new learning, the
learners should be asked to perform a simulation of a sample interview
based on a given topic by the teacher. Remind them of the essential
question that has been posted earlier. This will guide them in properly
conducting this method.

Activity 6.2.2

Interview Simulation
Ask the students to simulate an interview based on the topic given in
Activity 6.2. Use the interview guide which was made in Activity 6.2

IV. What to Transfer

The best way to measure student‘s learning of this lesson is the actual
implementation of interview as a means of gathering qualitative data.
Based on their research topic and the skill the learners have learned
during the simulation stage, they are expected to apply these skills,
strategies, and concepts learned in an actual observation. This activity
is best done together with an actual interview session which will be
done in Lesson 2.

Activity 6.2.3

Data gathering through observation and Interview

When the students are ready to conduct observation and interview,
ask them to conduct these processes based on their chosen
research topic.

APPLICATION: Methodology


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In order for you to accomplish Chapter 3 or Methodology, you need to do the

1. Write a letter of consent. Use the sample format given below.


Name of Respondent
Name of Office

Dear _____________,

We are Grade 11 students of (Write your school name) who are currently doing a
research on (State your topic). The study is a major requirement for Practical Research
1 Course. In this regard, we would like to solicit your permission to interview you to
learn more about (Write the information that you seek from the participant).

If you choose to participate in this study, we will schedule a time to meet with you at
your most convenient time. During this time we would like to ask questions concerning
(Write the general objective of conducting the interview). This interview will take
approximately (Write the time duration). With your permission, we would like to
audiotape the interview in order to focus on the conversation. Only the group will have
access to the tape. The recordings will be transcribed and we will remove any identifiers
during the transcription. The tape will then be erased and your identity will be kept
confidential and will not be revealed in the final manuscript.

If you will do an observation, state that here.

We will contact you again (through your secretary if there’s any) in a few days to clarify
and answer any questions you may have about this project and possibly schedule an
interview and (observation time).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: (Your email)

We are thanking you in advance for you consideration to participate in this study.

Respectfully yours,
Your name/s

Noted by:

Your Teacher‘s Name

Practical Research I Teacher


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Closing Instructions

Thank you very much, (interviewee‘s name) for your time. I would
like you to know that I am the only one who will have access to this audio
material and after the research, the content will be erased. If you wish to
have a copy of the abstract of this research, I would be very willing to
send you one. Do you have any question?

Again thank you very much!

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
This lesson tackles the interview method as a data-gathering method in
qualitative research. The lesson provides learners background
knowledge about the interview method. As novice researchers, this
lesson equips them with the knowledge of strategies and skills in
implementing this method. Lastly, it requires learners to apply the
necessary concepts, strategies, and skills they have learned in an
actual interview procedure.


Crewell, John W. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, And Mixed Methods

Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003.

Crewell, John W. Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five
Approaches. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.

Turner, Daniel W., III. "Qualitative Interview Design: A Practical Guide For
Novice Investigators". The Qualitative Report 15, no. 3 (2010): 754-760.

von Diether, Barbara. Writing Chapter 3: The Methodology. Ebook. 2016.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

A. Learnin
g Outcom
The learn
themes fr emonstrateusndersta
om data. ndinogf dra
wingout pa
nce Stan
The learn
er should
with intell be able to
ectual ho analyze a
nesty. nd draw o
ut pattern
s and the
Unpackin mes
g the Sta
Lessons ndards fo
r Unders
1. Pattern
s and Themes fr
om Data
C ompeten
c ies
The learn
1. Infers
and expla
2. Relate ins theme
s patterns sa
with pertin nd patterns from d
ent literatu ata.
Essentia re.
l Unders
Learnerswill u
and them nderstand that pa
es from q tternEsssential Ques
meant to ualitative tion
describe data are W
applicable what is un h a t are the
are not ne nly to the participa
ique an eneratefrdo common themes
cessarily n m the obs
other gro applicable ts ajo ndurnals a
n d
transcripts tion
ups. or truinetetorv
iew? of
have gath l be able to write a
ered whic conclusio
findings w hw n
ith other p ill serve as discu based on the quali
ertliin s s ion points tati
t re. as they re ve data they
late these

B. Planning for Assessment



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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
The following are products and performances that learners are expected to
come up with in this module.

1. Analysis of observation journals

2. Tabular presentation of the Q and A during the interview sessions
3. Coded analysis of interview transcripts
4. Written output for the Research Paper: Presentation of Findings
5. Annotations of their readings of pertinent literature

Assessment Map

Processes The Pre-Assessment

Remembering Part 1
1. Define inference.
2. Identify pertinent literature to support or refute present
Understanding Part 1
1. Read literature that could support or contradict present
2. Highlight findings from other literature that support or
Cognitive contradict present findings.
Processes 3. ConnectThe ownPre-Assessment
findings with pertinent literature.
ApplyingPart 1 Part 1
Processes 1. Discuss1. Use Formative
the tables
common to manage Assessment
patterns and themes
qualitative identified
data during journal
analysesand of qualitative data.
interview transcripts).
Remembering Lesson 1 common patterns and themes to other pertinent
2. Relate
Analyzing1. DefinePartinference.
3. Identify
2. Refute pertinent
1. common literature
observation to support
and journalor
themes refute
based onpresent
determine patterns and
the findings
from other common themes.
pertinent literature.
2. Analyze interview transcripts line per line and determine
Creating Part 1 patterns and common themes.
Understanding Lesson 1
1. Suggest3. Use codes to tag
hypothesis/es basedandonclassify the meaning
the analysis of the being implied by
1. Read literature
qualitativethedata.that could
evidences support
from or contradict
observation present
and words/sentences from
2. Summarize interview transcripts.
the entire process of data analyses.
2. Highlight findings from other literature that support or
contradict present findings.
3. Connect own findings with pertinent literature.
Applying Lesson 1
1. Use tables to manage qualitative data (observation journal
and interview transcripts).
Analyzing Lesson 1
1. Analyze observation journal and determine patterns and
common themes.
2. Analyze interview transcripts line per line and determine
patterns and common themes.
3. Use codes to tag and classify the meaning being implied by
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
the evidences
electronic or mechanical including photocopying from
– without observation
written permission fromand words/sentences
the DepEd Central Office. from
interview transcripts.
Evalua tive As
LESSON 1 ting sessm
P:atterns a Lesson ent
nd Theme 1
s from D1a. ta
the com
analys mon p
I. What to e s of qu atterns
Know 2. Relate a litative d and th
commo ata. emes id
n pattse entified
Ask the stu literatu arn d the during
dentsabou re. mes to
something tthe last tim 3. Refu other p
they have e they dretewcomm ertinen
cameup wit read or se fr o c o nc onsio
lu p an t
hthat conc en. Askmthother froem
tt rn s and th
What caus lusion. Wath em to peertla
in beonra e m
ed the acc seirconclu t lite
terh es bas
uracy or in sion c o rr atouwre.they ed on
Cre ating accuracy o e cto r n ot? the find
Lesson f their conc
1 lu s io n?
Motivation 1. Sug
gest hy
q pothes
Ask the stu u alitativ is/es b
dents to de e d ata. ased o
2. Sum n the a
-up questio termine th m ar iz nalysis
ns: Why d e n e
ext figurehe entir
t of the
did you foll id yo u in th e e
s ep r
q o c
ow hine tseri come up w eo.faAdnsakly
es in orde ith that cho ses.
r to arr
ive at the la hat ice? W
Note: Lead st figure?
the studen
Relate this C: L ts
activiteysstoon so that the word patt
and theme thP
e rle
sseorn whic ern w
.s h is all abo ill come out.
ut finding p

Use the in
patternsan formation gathered
d th from
empirical d emesfromdata and dra the studepnotsn‘sre essto teach
ata. Tell th wingconclu
question:W em that th s ionbsasedon
hat are th is lesson is
observatio e common guided by
n journals th this essen
and transc emes generatedfrom tial
ripts of inte the


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Discussion Material
Patterns and Themes

Drawing conclusions from what we personally see or hear daily is

very similar to drawing conclusions from empirical patterns and
themes from qualitative data gathered through research methods
such as observation and interview.

However, there are distinct differences between conclusions that

we make everyday and the conclusions done in research because
conclusions done in research are based solely on empirical data.
These conclusions based on reasoning and factual evidence are
called inference.

Conclusions in qualitative research are based on patterns and

themes. Patterns and themes are words or phrases that collectively
describe the experience or thoughts of every participant. These
words and phrases become themes because they appear on
several occasions and are mentioned by many participants. They
represent broad categories of information. In order to identify
themes, qualitative researchers use codes. These codes are simply
labels that help qualitative researchers identify similar experiences
or thoughts. Codes tha are grouped together are themes. These
words or phrases that will manifest in the interview transcript and
researchers during analysis. Qualitative researchers should be able
to identify and locate them. Hence, these words or phrases that
describe participants‘ experiences and thoughts should be coded
accordingly for easy reference and classification when interpreting
the results.

To determine learners‘ understanding of the lesson, they will be asked

to summarize the entire process of data analysis and suggest a
hypothesis/es based on the analysis.

II. What to Process

Drawing conclusions from what we personally see or hear daily is very
similar to drawing conclusions from empirical patterns and themes from
qualitative data gathered through research methods such as
observation and interview.


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Tell the learners of the distinct differences between conclusions that we
make everyday and the conclusions done in research. Emphasize that
conclusions done in research are based solely on empirical data.

Conclusions in qualitative research are based on patterns and themes.

Tell the students that patterns and themes are words or phrases that
characterize the experience of the participants and these words and
phrases appear on several occasions and are mentioned by different
participants. These words or phrases will manifest in the interview
transcript and researchers, during analysis, should be able to identify
and locate them. Hence, these words or phrases that describe
participants‘ experiences should be coded accordingly for easy
reference and classification when interpreting the results.

Moreover, it is important to clarify to the learners that at this stage, being

novice researchers, they may employ simple coding.

Discussion Material:

Coding is the process of analyzing the data and searching for
essential information that answers the research questions. They are
considered essential if they occur of have been mentioned several
times by the informants. In other words, it is a process of filtering the
data (Farber 2006). These essential words are marked or labeled
(coded). Codes are words that represent themes or patterns. There
are two types of codes in qualitative research: emergent and preset
(Taylor-Powell and Renner 2003). Emergent codes are those that
show up during analysis while preset are codes that have been
identified prior to analysis. Qualitative researchers use codes to
easily identify meanings and group similar patterns or themes that
occur or transpire in the interview transcript of each participant. By
using codes, the researcher can easily make an inference.

How to Code
Coding is a laborious task; it entails deep and sharp understanding
of the transcript and the topic being studied. The coding that will be
presented in this module is a modification of the coding system
being followed by adept researchers.

Earlier, it has been mentioned that there are two types of codes:
preset and emergent.

Example of Preset Codes/Categories*


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Questions Responses to the question were
sorted into
Question 1. What makes a quality student activities program?
1. What makes a quality
student activities Facilitators (F), Relevance (R),
V Participant 1: Different activities.
Attendance (A), Variety (V)
* These are preset program?
because they have 2. What
R, Vare the benefits
Participant 2: More choices.
been identified prior of a student activities Students (S), Mentors (M), School (S)
to analysis.
F Participant 3: Better mentors.
3. How can we improve a
student Participant
activities 4: The Time
facilitators will assess(Re),
(T), Resources me and tell me if
program?I am improving or not.
(F), Mentors (M),

A Participant 5: More students attend and participate in

their chosen clubs.

from:Taylor-Powell and Renner, Analyzing Qualitative Data.

Example of Emergent Codes/Categories*

*These are emergent codes because they are being identified as the analysis or coding progresses.
Adapted from: Taylor-Powell and Renner, Analyzing Qualitative Data.

As can be seen from the example, all participants‘ responses per

question are transcribed and arranged accordingly. Written before
the responses are codes represented by letters (V, R, F, A). These
letters refer to Variety (V), Relevance (R), Facilitators (F), and
Attendance (A). As a researcher, it is your responsibility to generate
possible and relevant codes as dictated by the responses. ―Yes‖
or ―No‖ responses are not usable data in this case.
How to Analyze Data and Use Codes or Categories (Taylor-Powell and
Renner 2003)

1. Get to know your data.

Read your data very well and have a good grasp of the
meaning that each statement tries to convey. Open-coding, the
initial coding, is the process of examining data and finding
themes that are apparent (Strauss and Corbin 1990).

2. Focus the analysis.

Your participants might be giving pieces of information that are
not related or significant to your present study. Be sure to
identify and disregard them.

3. Review the purpose and go back to the research question.

Always go back to the purpose of your study and your research
questions. They will guide and help you identify what is
important and they are your main guide in analyzing your data.


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4. Identify themes or patterns.
Use codes or labels, such as the one in the example given,
during this process. Basically, we use labels or highlighter to
identify themes or patterns. Your thorough understanding of
your data will facilitate this process.

5. Ask teammates to analyze.

You can ask another person (your teammates) to reanalyze
the data to make sure nothing is missed during the

6. Organize themes into categories: preset or emergent.

Once codes have been identified, you can now organize them in
tabular form.

7. Identify patterns within and among categories.

This is when you categorize patterns and themes that you have
identified in your data. This is the final step. You can further
streamline your categories by looking at those that you think
could be combined to form just one category. Go back to your
research questions. Those themes and patterns that your have
identified are the answers to your research questions.

Note to the Teacher

You can use metaphor to make the students understand coding. You
can use organizing a library. If you have several reading materials:
different types of books, journal, newspaper, dictionary and other
reading materials that are mixed together, you will find ways to
organize them into groups. Perhaps you group books together and
classify them according to subjects? That is very similar to finding
patterns and themes and then organizing them into categories.

You are now ready to write the Presentation of Findings and

Discussion section of your paper.

Presentation of Findings and Discussion

This is the second to the last chapter of your research paper. This is
the section where you present the results you gathered through the
data gathering techniques (instruments) that you used. You present
the results and discuss them by:

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1. Commenting on the results obtained
2. Interpreting what the results mean and 3.
Explaining any results which are unexpected.

You present the findings from the interview and/or observation and
then compare them to other bodies of research. You do this by
analyzing your data which we have previously discussed.


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of Interview
t with Cod

Examples of Tabular Representation of Codes and Themes


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Here are
two exam
use as gu ple
ide in pre s (from a work of G
senting th rade 11 s
e themes
A. identified tudents) that stude
from their nts may

These are
the Sectio
in the
paper whe
themes are


Area of F
s Verbatim
1. What a Themes
re your
thoughts, T1: Okay
it can be . O f course I h
anything expectatio ave highe
from nins terms o r
impressio star, the c f teaching Capabilities
ns to rème clas thE
e xpectati
basically s. ons
to they have Why? Because
expectatio they have been there
ns, overcome an
when ass challenge alreamdaynsy d
igned to s , more dif o
teach crè since they ficult task
me have ove s . And
classes a a nd they h rc ome thos
nd av e things
regular cla believe na e more difficult les
sses? turally tha sons, I
the regula t are bette
rs r th
have thes ections. Now, sinc an
e abilities e they
capabilitie , talents,
s, an d
will maxim I giveemthactivities th
ize their p at


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Activity 7.1.2

Q1: What are the internationalization programs that your school


A: At the moment if we talk about a really comprehensive written

program, we still do not have one. But what we have really taken
to heart is that we feel that if we are to improve as a school, we


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have to go out there and see what is out there. Of course it is
important that you have a guide and a plan, but at the moment
we don‘t have any.

So what we‘ve really done is to expose our school to other

institutions by exposing ourselves to other institutions and
learning from the best practices from each school but not
directly transporting what they have done but looking at our own
experience and how we can tweak their practice and to having
our own best practice. So basically that‘s how at least I have
learned to handle the linkages and internationalization program
of the school.

IV. What to Transfer

The true test of the learners‘ learning of this lesson is the output
designed for this lesson. First, guide them on how tabulate the
transcript of the interview session. By tabulating the Q & A, line-by-line
analysis of the responses becomes a lot easier and the common
themes and patterns can be easily spotted. Guide them on how to use
codes to identify common themes or patterns. Codes are words that
encapsulate or summarize the meaning of a statement. These codes
will serve as their guides when classifying all the identified themes or
patterns. This is the analysis of the transcription and observation.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Next, guide
them on ho
from their in w to discus
terpretation s their findin
relate their of the data gs. Tell the
findings to gathered, it m that apart
or refute th other pertin is essential
eir own find en t pieces of that they
ings. literature w
hich suppo
Sample Dis rt
cussion of


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
This lesson guides the learners on how to analyze data through
patterns and themes that arise from qualitative data using observation
and interview methods. It highlights the significance of managing these
data in tabular form and using codes in order to tag common themes
and patterns. It also emphasizes the importance of relating present
findings with other pertinent literature in order to enrich the discussion
of the interpretation of the data gathered. Lastly, this lesson expects the
learners to write a summary of the findings based on the qualitative
data they have gathered.


Crewell, John W. Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five
Approaches. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.

Farber, Nancy K. "Conducting Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide For School

Counselor". ASCA 9, no. 5 (2006): 367-375.

Strauss, Anselm, and Juliet Corbin. Basics Of Qualitative Research: Grounded

Theory Procedures And Techniques. 1st ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990.

Taylor-Powell, Ellen, and Marcus Renner. Analyzing Qualitative Data. Madison,

Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Extension: Program Development and
Evaluation, 2003.

Module 8

A. Learning Outcomes
Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines in making
conclusions and recommendations, techniques in listing references, the
process of report writing, and selection criteria and process of best design

Performance Standard


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
The learner is able to form logical conclusions, make recommendations based
on conclusions, and write and present a clear report.

Unpacking the Standards for Understanding

1. Guidelines in Making Conclusions and Recommendations
2. Techniques in Listing References
3. The Process of Writing Report
4. Selection Criteria and Process of Best Design(Arts and Design Track)
Learning Competencies
The learner…
1. Draws conclusions from patterns and themes.
2. Formulates recommendations based on conclusions.
3. Lists references.
4. Presents a written research report.
5. Finalizes and presents best design.
6. Writes short description and presents best design.
Essential Understanding
Essential Question
Learners will understand that research findings
are generated based on generally accepted What conclusion and
guidelines and format and are reported and recommendation can
shared in order to satisfy one research function you draw from your
which is the creation of new knowledge. research study?

Transfer Goal
Learners will be able to write conclusion and recommendation based on the
qualitative data they have gathered and present the results of their study.
B. Planning for Assessment

The following are products and
performances that learners are expected to
come up with in this module.

1. Written conclusion and

2. Reference section of their research.
3. Written report of their research work.

Assessment Map


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Processes The Pre-Assessment


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Rememberin Part 1
g 1. Define inference.
2. Identify pertinent literature to support or refute present
Rememberin Part
1. D
2. O the f
utlin ollow
e gu ing t
ideli erms
reco nes : con
mme in d clus
ndat rawi ion,
Part ions ng c reco
2 . oncl mme
usio ndat
n an ion
1. D d ma
efine king
2. E refer
num ence
erat s.
e the
Part tech
3 niqu
es in
1. D listin
efine g re
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ng Part 1
1. Deduce the characteristics of an inclusive conclusion and
Part 2
1. Distinguish APA from MLA referencing. Part 3
1. Discuss the characteristics of a comprehensive report.

Applying Part 1
1. Draw conclusion and make recommendations based on the
analysis of qualitative data gathered from observation and


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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Formative Assessment
Lesson 3
1. Define a research report.
2. Outline the steps in presenting report.
Lesson 1
1. Deduce the characteristics of an inclusive conclusion and
recommendations. Lesson 2
1. Distinguish APA from MLA referencing. Lesson 3
1. Discuss the characteristics of a comprehensive report.
Applying Less
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Analyzing Less
on 1
1. A
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Evaluating Lesson 1
1. Discuss the conclusion and recommendations. Lesson 2
1. Assess the accuracy of the entries in the reference section.
Lesson 3
1. Explain the results of the study in preparation for the written

Creating Lesson 1
1. Write the last chapter of the research work which includes
summary, conclusion, and recommendation.

C. Lesson Proper LESSON 1: Guidelines in Making Conclusions and


I. What to Know
This lesson could be started by presenting situations, video clips, or
pictures to the learners from which they will be asked to make a


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conclusion. This could take the form of a group activity and each group
presents the conclusion to the class after the designated time. The
teacher accepts all forms of conclusion without judgment.

Based on the different conclusions given by the groups of students,

introduce the topic on using guidelines in making conclusions and
recommendations. Tell them that this lesson is guided by this essential
question: What conclusions and recommendations could you give using
the data at hand?

II. What to Process

Recall that drawing conclusions from what we personally see or hear
daily is very similar to drawing conclusions from empirical patterns and
themes from qualitative data gathered through research methods such
as observation and interview.

Tell the learners of the distinct differences between conclusions that we

make everyday and the conclusions done in research. Emphasize that
conclusions done in research are based on generally accepted
guidelines. Moreover, it is also necessary to point out that after drawing
conclusions, the next stage is to formulate recommendations. Tell them
that the best and easiest way to do this is to isolate each of the
conclusions made and formulate a recommendation for each. This way,
alignment between findings and recommendations can be easily

Parts of the Last Chapter of Your Study: What to Write

A. Purpose of the Chapter

You may use this example to indicate the purpose of your study:

The purpose of this chapter is to present the conclusions,

summary, and recommendations of this study.
B. Introduction to the Chapter


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F. Research Question/s Addressed


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H. Summary
Here‘s a sample and a guide in writing your summary:

The study identified the presence of two dominant contrasting

views regarding quality school.

• Identify those.
• Why are they important?


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The recommendations identity possible courses of action to bring
clarity and closer agreement to perceptions of quality school.

I. Recommendation
When writing the recommendations, it is better to have an
introductory paragraph which recalls the conclusions of the study.
The number of recommendations and the number of conclusions
are usually aligned. Hence, this section may be written like this:

The conclusions of the research identify a number of issues

emanating from diversity of perceptions regarding quality school. The
recommendations are the outcomes of extensive interaction with
participants and reflections of the researcher.

The recommendation is:

 That the administration should strengthen the information drive about

quality school.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Conduct a formative test to determine students‘ mastery of this lesson
(see Assessment Map). At this point, it is essential to prepare the
learners for the task ahead; hence, providing sample exercises on
drawing conclusions from qualitative (NOT quantitative) data would
facilitate in achieving the goal of this lesson. After which, ask the
students to formulate recommendations based on the conclusions that
they have made. The last activity should be making a resource page.

Activity 8.1.1

Practice Writing Conclusion and Recommendations

Provide copies of a sample research paper to the students. Select one
which is short, easy to understand, and suitable to the proficiency level of
students that you have. Omit the conclusion and recommendation
parts.The students‘ task is to provide the conclusion and recommendation
of the said research work.


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IV. What to Transfer
The true test of the learners‘ learning of this lesson is the output
designed for this lesson. First, ask them to look at their written output in
Module 7 – analysis of the transcript. From the themes and patterns
that they have identified, ask them to draw a conclusion. Then, to show
alignment between findings and recommendations, formulate a
recommendation for each conclusion. Teacher scaffolding is very
essential at this stage.

Activity 8.1.2

Structuring Conclusion and Recommendations

Upon completion of Activity 8.1, the teacher may determine the readiness
of the students in writing the conclusion of and recommendations for their
own research work. Guide the students in doing this task.

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
This lesson guides the learners on how to draw conclusions and
formulate recommendations using the established and generally
accepted guidelines. It also emphasizes the significance of the
alignment between findings and recommendations.

LESSON 2: Techniques in Listing References

I. What to Know
Ask the students what they see at the last section of books or journals.
These are reference lists or bibliography which should appear at the
end of the paper or books. This list provides the essential information
for a reader to locate any source cited in the research work. Present
two samples of reference lists: APA and MLA styles. Ask the students
to differentiate one from the other. Tell the students that APA and MLA
are two very common format in listing references.

II. What to Process


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Part of the responsibilities of a good researcher is to recognize or cite
all the resources print or non-print at the resource page. American
Psychological Association (APA) and Modern Language Association
(MLA) are just two of the well-known methods of citation.

The way the references section in a research work is written is very

similar to that of a bibliography. Every credible body of research work
must have one. Emphasize to the learners that each source cited in the
paper must appear in the Reference List or in the Works Cited;
likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text.

Tell the learners of the distinct differences between APA and MLA
styles. There are guidelines which learners need to know and be
familiar with in order to make sure that their resource page is correct.

Emphasize that the main differences between APA and MLA styles fall
in these entries: date, author‘s name, capitalization, and source page
(references and works cited, respectively). Some authors also include
indentions, pages, publishers, and publications as key differences
between these two styles.

Resource Page: APA and MLA Styles

A resource page (references or works cited) is something similar to
a bibliography although there are some differences between the
two. A bibliography is often used in books and refers to all sources
used whether referenced or not in the process of writing the work.
On the one hand, a references or works cited is where researchers
acknowledge other researchers and bodies of literature that are
actually cited and helped them write their research paper.

References and Works Cited are used differently depending on the

style used. References is used in APA Style while Works Cited is
used in MLA Style.

APA and MLA Styles Compared and Contrasted

(California State University– Chico)

As you can recall, APA stands for American Psychological Society

and MLA stands for Modern Language Association. These two
methods of citation are the ones more frequently used by
educational institutions in the country. Below is a table showing the
similarities and differences in formatting the APA reference list and
MLA works cited.



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Basic rules Basic rules

1. Reference list starts on a 1. Works cited list starts on a

new page. Type the word new page. Type the words
―References‖ centered at ―Works Cited‖ centered at
the top of the page. the top of the page.
2. Double-space all reference 2. Double space within and
list entries. between entries.
3. Use hanging indent form. 3. Use hanging indent form.
The first line of each The first line of each citation
reference is set flush left is set flush left and
and subsequent lines are
subsequent lines are indented one-half inch.
indented 1/2 inch. 4. Arrange alphabetically, not
4. Arrange alphabetically, not by format of publication:
by format of publication: book, journal, etc.
book, journal, etc. 5. The author should be the
5. The author should be the first element of a citation,
first element, even for web even for web pages. If no
pages. If no author is author is present, use the
present, use the editor‘s editor‘s name. If no editor is
name. If no editor is present, start with the book
present, start with the book title or article title.
title or article title. 6. List author‘s last name,
6. List author‘s last name, followed by a comma then
followed by a comma then
initials for first and middle the author‘s first and/or
name. Do not spell out middle name. Spell out
author‘s first or middle author‘s name. Do not use
name. initials.
7. Use "&" instead of "and" 7. If a work has more than one
when listing multiple authors author, only invert the first
of a single work. author‘s name.
8. For a journal article with 8. Underline or italicize titles of
more than seven authors, books, journals, magazines,
list the first seven authors newspapers and films.
and three periods, and then 9. Article titles are placed
list the last author. within quotation marks.
9. The date is always the 10. Also use quotation marks for
second element and is the titles of short stories,
contained in parentheses. book chapters, poems and
10. Book and periodical titles songs.
should be in italics. Volume 11. Capitalize each word in the
numbers of periodicals titles of articles, books, etc.

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should be in italics. This rule does not apply to
11. If a journal has both a indefinite or definite articles
volume and an issue (a, an, the), short
number, write the volume prepositions, or conjunctions
number followed by the unless one is the first word
issue number in parenthesis. of the title or subtitle.
There is no space between 12. Elements of a citation are
the volume number and the separated by a period and
open parenthesis. one space.
12. Article titles are plain text.
No quotes or italics.
13. Capitalize only the first word
of the title and the subtitle
for books, book chapters,
and article titles.
14. Capitalize the first letter of
each word in a periodical
title except articles (a, an,
15. Each element (author, date,
title, etc.) of a citation is
separated by a period and
one space.

Basic Format: Jou rnal Article (Online)


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Without DOI * Author and/or editor
names (if available)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. * Article name in quotation
(Date of publication). Title of marks
article. Title of Online Periodical, (if applicable)
volume number(issue number if * Title of the Website,
available), pages if available. project, or book in italics.
Retrieved from * Version numbers available, including revisions,
posting dates, volumes, or issue
Example: numbers.
* Publisher
Longaretti, L., & Wilson, J. * Publishing date.
(2006). The impact of * Page numbers (if
perceptions on conflict available). * Medium of
management. Educational publication. * Date you accessed
Research Quarterly, 29(4), 3– the material.
15. Retrieved from Academic * URL (if required, or for
Search Premier database. your own personal reference;
MLA does not require a URL).
With DOI
Author's last name, first name (if
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & available). "Title of work within a
Author, C. C. (Year). Title of project or database." Title of
article. Title of Periodical, site, project, or database. Editor
volume number(issue number), (if available).
pages. Electronic publication
information (Date of publication
Example: or of the latest update, and
name of any sponsoring
Gaudio, J. L., & Snowdon, C. T. institution or organization). Date
(2008). Spatial cues more salient of access and <full URL>.
than color cues in cotton-top
tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) Scholarly Journal
reversal learning. Journal of
Comparative Psychology, 122, Dolby, Nadine. ―Research in
441–444. doi: 10.1037/0735- Youth Culture and Policy:
7036.122.4.441 Current Conditions and Future
Directions.‖ Social Work and
Society: The International
Online-Only Journal 6.2 (2008):


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n. pag. Web. 20 May 2009.

From an Online Database

Junge, Wolfgang, and Nathan

Nelson. ―Nature's Rotary
Electromotors.‖ Science 29 Apr.
2005:642–44. Science Online.
Web. 5 Mar. 2009.

Sources: and accessed on 03 June 2016)

Example of a Resource Page: APA STYLE

Anderson, J. (2003, October) Superego. Journal of Psychology, 41.
Retrieved November 10, 2003, from EBS cohost.
Binns, T. B. (2001). The bald eagle. Chicago, Il: Rourke Publishers.
Donaldson, S. (1995). Protecting the troops from hemingway: an episode
in censorship. The Hemingway Review, 15, 87– 93.
Gibaldi, J. (2003) MLA handbook for writers of research papers. 6th ed.
New York: MLA.
Gordin, M. D. (2012). The pseudoscience wars: Immanuel Velikovsky
and the birth of the modern fringe. Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Press.
Green, J. (2007, September). The Rove presidency. The
Klaphake, E. (1999). My life as an English professor. Bellevue, Nebraska:
Bellevue University Press.
Marcuse, S. (1975). A survey of musical instruments. New York:
Harper and Row.
Shafron, G. R., & Karno, M. P. (2013). Heavy metal music and emotional
dysphoria among listeners. Psychology of Popular Media Culture,
2, 74–85. doi:10.1037/a0031722

Example of a Resource Page: MLA STYLE

Works Cited

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Anderson, John. "Superego." Journal of Psychology October 2003: 41. Academic
Search Elite.EBSCO host. MSB Brooklyn Center
Campus Library, Brooklyn Center, MN. 10 November 2003.
Binns, Tristan Boyer. The Bald Eagle. Chicago: Rourke, 2001. Print.
Donaldson, Scott. "Protecting the Troops from Hemingway: An
Episode in Censorship." The Hemingway Review 15 (1995): 87–
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed.
New York: MLA, 2003.
Gordin, Michael D. The Pseudoscience Wars: Immanuel Velikovsky
and the Birth of the Modern Fringe. Chicago: U Chicago P,
2012. Print. Green, Joshua. ―The Rove Presidency.‖ The Atlantic Monthly Group, Sept. 2007.Web.15 May
Klaphake, Elizabeth. My Life as an English Professor. Bellevue, Nebraska:
Bellevue University Press. 1999.
Marcuse, Sibyl.A Survey of Musical Instruments. New York: Harper, 1975.
Shafron, Gavin Ryan, and Mitchell P. Karno. ―Heavy Metal Music and
Emotional Dysphoria Among Listeners.‖ Psychology of Popular
Media Culture 2.2 (2013): 74–85. PsycNET. Web. 11 Feb. 2014.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand

Conduct a formative test to determine students‘ mastery of this lesson
(see Assessment Map). To strengthen learners‘ understanding about
APA and MLA entries, provide sample exercises where learners will
make two reference sections, APA and MLA, using the provided
information from a book, journal, newspaper, and other sources.

Activity 8.2.1

APA and MLA Resource Page

Ask the students to write a Reference List and a Works Cited for the
following entries:

Title of Book: Vanishing Wildlife of North America

Activity 8.2.1
Author/s: Thomas B. Allen Copyright:


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Publisher: National Geographic Society Place
of Publication: Washington, D.C.

Title of Book: The Creators: A History of the Heroes of the Imagination.

Author/s: Daniel J. Boorstin
Copyright: 1992
Publisher: Random
Place of Publication: New York, New York

Title of Article: Cultivating Positive Emotions to Optimize Heath and

Name of Journal: Prevention and Treatment 3
Author/s: Barbara L. Frederick
Date Published: March 7, 2000
Date accessed: April 4, 2004 URL:

Title of Article: Judging Who Should Live: Schneiderman and Jecker on the
Duty Not to Treat
Name of Journal: Journal of Medicine & Philosophy 23.5
Author/s: Lawrence Schneiderman and Nancy Jecker
Date Published: 1998
Pages: 500–515
Database: Academic Research Premier
Date accessed: March 20, 2005

Title of Article: Playing with Technology: Mother– Toddler Interaction

Sores Lower During Play With Electronic Toys
Name of Journal: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Author/s: Michaela B. Wooldridge and Jennnifer Shapka
Date Published: 2012
Pages: 211–218
Volume: 33
Number: 5
Date accessed: May 4, 2016

IV. What to Transfer

When the learners are ready, they can start writing the reference
section of their research work with all the sources— books, journal,
newspapers, online sources, and other source—that have been used.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
APA and M Activity 8.2
LA Resou .2
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
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LESSON 3: The Process of Writing Report

I. What to Know
Ask the students if they had done any investigatory projects in the past
or had read any research work such as thesis. Can they recall the
parts? How were they written? What was the style?

Tell the learners that a research report is an example of an

informational text. This type of text is written in a specific format
designed to be direct to the point.

II. What to Process:

Emphasize to the learners that research work is written in a very technical or
formal way. It is not creative, but rather, direct to the point.

There are specific writing conventions that should be followed when

writing this type of text. Discuss these conventions and provide sample
exercises for the students to perform. It is also important to discuss
choice of words in writing a report.

Writing the Research Report

Another task that you as a researcher will perform is presenting your
research to the community. To recall, one main goal of a research
work is to create new knowledge and to share this knowledge to the
community. Hence, a research report is an essential product after
conducting research. As a researcher yourself, you ought to follow
this unending cycle of producing and sharing knowledge.

Characteristics of a Research Report

1. Use of easy-to-understand words

Not everyone who will be reading your work is a scientist or
has the same technical background as you have. To make
more people easily know and comprehend the ideas you want
to present, use simple and easy-to-understand words. Your
research work is not a place to show off your extensive
vocabulary. The use of highly technical words (unless
necessary) and unfamiliar words must be avoided. Technical

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words, if used, should be defined operationally in the Definition
of Terms section.

2. Good organization
To show good organization, your paper must be consistent and
cohesive. In order to show consistency, your discussions
should focus solely on your research topic, never deviating
from it. Each discussion should lead to the outcome or results
of your study in order to show cohesion.

3. Comprehensive
One characteristic of a well-written research work is being
comprehensive. It means discussing every angle or
perspective, supported by valid data, leaving no areas
unclarified. You must not let any stone go unturned.

4. Direct to the point

This is not a venue to showcase your creative writing prowess.
The use of figures of speech and other expressions must be
avoided as they could lead to misinterpretations. Hence, your
research report must be direct to the point, not beating around
the bush.

5. The paper is thoroughly proofread.

Misspellings, grammatical errors, and other errors related to
writing conventions can tarnish the quality of your paper and
undermine the effort you put in writing your paper. To avoid
this, have someone thoroughly proofread your paper.

Presentation of Research Output

It is customary for researchers, novice and seasoned, to present
their papers in local research colloquiums or abroad. In your case,
you will be presenting your work to a panel of judges who are
experts in the field. They will scrutinize your paper and help you
improve your work through their comments and suggestions.

The following are to be expected when conducting your research presentation:


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1. Own your research paper. You must know the entirety of your
paper starting from the background all the way up to the results
and references. Study it very well. If you‘re working in groups,
make sure that everyone knows the paper. Remember that you
will be graded not only based on the paper itself, but more
importantly on your knowledge of the research process. Your
knowledge of your research paper will not only become evident
during the presentation, but more so in answering the
questions after the presentation. Pause and think thoroughly
before answering the questions. If there are suggestions or
recommendations, humbly accept them. The judges are there
to help you improve your paper and not to antagonize you.
Take note of their comments and suggestions.

2. Be on time and look presentable. Observe proper dress code.

3. Use aids. This can be in the form of the usual cartolina or

Manila paper, a slide presentation, or any other computeraided
program available. Do not just place everything or merely
―copy and paste‖ the entire paper to your presentation. Select
only important items or words which will serve as your
discussion guide. Present the key points in an outline so you
would easily know what comes next. Present the following
chapters: background of the study, methodology, results and
discussion, and summary, conclusion, and recommendations.

4. Reflect all comments and suggestions of the panel of judges

when you revise your paper.

III. What to Reflect on and Further Understand:

Conduct a formative test to determine students‘ mastery of this lesson
(see Assessment Map). Ask the learners to read a sample research
work, identify its parts, and analyze how it is written. The learners may
work as team or in groups in doing this activity. This sample research
work will serve as their model for the next activity.

Activity 8.3.1

Reading and Analyzing Qualitative Research


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Individually or as a group, the students will be given a sample qualitative
research (a sample thesis would be best or a printed version of study
from an online source). They will read and analyze the research work
paying special attention to how its parts are written. They will use the
model research work as a guide in writing a report.

IV. What to Transfer

Having done all the necessary exercises designed to equip the
learners‘ competency in writing a research report, they are now ready
to write one using their own data. Their final tasks are to finish writing
the report of their research work and the visual aid for their
presentation. They may do this as a group in order to practice
collaboration. This technique will also strengthen learning from each
other. At this stage, the learners need to be guided taking into
consideration the styling, words used, and content.

Activity 8.3.2

Completing the Write-up of the Research Paper

Guide the students in writing the last chapter of their research work. Use the
template provided in Discussion Material as guide.

Activity 8.3.3

Presentation of Research Work

Prior to the individual or group presentation, the teacher may assign as

homework the visual aid that the students will be using for this activity. Prior
to presentation, make sure that each presentation is well critiqued.

V. Summary/Synthesis/Generalization
This lesson teaches the learners about the last stage in writing the
research paper: reporting and sharing of findings. This last stage
includes writing conclusion and recommendation, listing of references,


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
and writing research report. The expected output that learners must
produce is the report of their research.

Jacobs, Lynn F., and Jeremy S. Hyman. 2010. "15 Strategies For Giving Oral Presentations".
U.S. News & World Report.

Paiz, Joshua M. et al. "General Format". Purdue Online Writing Lab, 2016.

Citing sources – APA. (2015). Retrieved from


Citing sources – MLA (2015). Retrieved from


"Main Qualities Of A Good Academic Research". 2017. CCC Symposium

Professional Term Paper Writing Tips.

Plagiarism.Org, 2014.


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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

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