Grade 1 Factual Science Test Friday, April 30, 2021

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Final-term Assessment 2020-2021

Grade I

Subject: Factual Sciences Paper (I) Marks : 20

Name: Date:
Note: Only write down the correct answers on your sheets.

Q1. Fill in the blanks (10 marks)

1. ________________ gases make the Sun very hot.

2. All living things need to remove ______________ from their bodies.

3. Our Solar system is approximately _______________________ years old.

4. Animals inhale __________________ and exhale carbon dioxide.

5. Earth is the only planet in the Solar system where _______________ exists.

6. Sun brings light and _______________ to the Earth.

7. Living things react to the ________________ around them.

8. All the planets are going round in the Solar system in the _________________ direction.

9. All living things need to have food to gain ________________ and to grow and stay healthy.

10. Earth is the _______________ planet from the Sun.

Q2. List the living and non-living things from the following. (2.5 marks)

Human beings, chair, table, plants, books, animals, bed, bag, trees, flower

Q3. Write down the names of the planets in order. (2.5 marks)

Q2. Why is the Earth known as the 'Goldilocks Planet'? (2 marks)


Q3. What happens when something goes close to the Sun? (1 mark)


Q4. What is a planet and what is its shape? (2 marks)


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