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1. How many types of BI users are there?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
View Answer
Ans : C

Explanation: Four types of BI users : The Professional Data Analyst, The IT users, The
head of the company, The Business Users.

2. Which of the following statement is true about Business Intelligence?

A. BI convert raw data into meaningful information

B. BI has a direct impact on organization's strategic, tactical and operational business
C. BI tools perform data analysis and create reports, summaries, dashboards, maps,
graphs, and charts
D. All of the above
View Answer
Ans : D

Explanation: All of the above statement are true.

3. KPI stands for?

A. Key Performance Indicators

B. Key Performance Identifer
C. Key Processes Identifer
D. Key Processes Indicators
View Answer
Ans : A

Explanation: BI : creating KPI (Key Performance Indicators) based on historic data

4. Which of the following does not form part of BI Stack in SQL Server?

View Answer
Ans : D

Explanation: Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus, also termed OBI EE
Plus, is Oracle Corporation’s set of business intelligence tools.
5. _________ is a category of applications and technologies for presenting and analyzing
corporate and external data.

View Answer
Ans : C

Explanation: EIS stands for Enterprise Information System.

6. Which of the following areas are affected by BI?

A. Revenue
C. Sales
View Answer
Ans : B

Explanation: Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a

company’s interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using
technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service,
and technical support.

7. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes


A. Decision support
B. Data Mining
D. All of the above
View Answer
Ans : D

Explanation: Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs and

technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data from various
data sources.

8. __________ is a system where operations like data extraction, transformation and loading
operations are executed.

A. Data staging
B. Data integration
D. None of the above
View Answer
Ans : A

Explanation: In computing, Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) refers to a process in

database usage and especially in data warehousing.

9. Business intelligence equips enterprises to gain business advantage from data

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say
View Answer
Ans : A

Explanation: Once an organization is powered with BI it can anticipate enhanced

turnaround time on data collection, come up with fresh ideas for novel business

10. BI is a category of database software that provides an interface to help users quickly
and interactively scrutinize the results in a variety of dimensions of the data

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say
View Answer
Ans : B

Explanation: Online Analytical Processing is a category of database software that

provides an interface to help users quickly and interactively scrutinize the results in a
variety of dimensions of the data.

This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in
advance to receive marketing information.

A. customer managed relationship

B. data mining

C. permission marketing

D. one-to-one marketing

E. batch processing

Answer C
In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual users’
characteristics or preferences.

a. Web services

b. customer-facing

c. client/server

d. customer valuation

e. personalization

Answer E

This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the enterprise in
order to improve the enterprise’s future sales and service and lower cost.

a. clickstream analysis

b. database marketing

c. customer relationship management

d. CRM analytics

e. B2C

Answer D

This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and
providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.

a. best practice

b. data mart

c. business information warehouse

d. business intelligence

e. business warehouse

Answer D
This is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of consumer data
(both for customers and potential customers) that is maintained in a company’s databases.

a. database marketing

b. marketing encyclopedia

c. application integration

d. service oriented integration

e. business technology management

Answer A

This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its customer relationship
management functions to an application service provider (ASP).

a. spend management

b. supplier relationship management

c. hosted CRM

d. Customer Information Control System

e. online transaction processing

Answer C

This is an XML-based metalanguage developed by the Business Process Management Initiative

(BPMI) as a means of modeling business processes, much as XML is, itself, a metalanguage with
the ability to model enterprise data.

a. BizTalk


c. e-biz

d. ebXML

e. ECB

Answer B
This is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are managed.

a. contact center

b. help system

c. multichannel marketing

d. call center

e. help desk

Answer A

This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in
specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests, spending habits, and so on.

a. customer service chat

b. customer managed relationship

c. customer life cycle

d. customer segmentation

e. change management

Answer D

In data mining, this is a technique used to predict future behavior and anticipate the
consequences of change.

a. predictive technology

b. disaster recovery

c. phase change

d. Digital Silhouettes

e. predictive modeling

Answer E
1. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes

a) Decision support

b) Data mining


d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs and

technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data from various data

2. Point out the correct statement.

a) OLAP is an umbrella term that refers to an assortment of software applications for analyzing
an organization’s raw data for intelligent decision making

b) Business intelligence equips enterprises to gain business advantage from data

c) BI makes an organization agile thereby giving it a lower edge in today’s evolving market

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Once an organization is powered with BI it can anticipate enhanced turnaround

time on data collection, come up with fresh ideas for novel business initiatives.

3. BI can catalyze a business’s success in terms of _____________

a) Distinguish the products and services that drive revenues

b) Rank customers and locations based on profitability

c) Ranks customers and locations based on probability

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: SQL Server Business Intelligence delivers a comprehensive platform empowering

organizations to build and deploy secure, scalable and manageable BI apps.
4. Which of the following areas are affected by BI?

a) Revenue

b) CRM

c) Sales

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a company’s

interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize,
automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

5. Point out the wrong statement.

a) Data is factual information for analysis

b) BI is a category of database software that provides an interface to help users quickly and
interactively scrutinize the results in a variety of dimensions of the data

c) Customer relationship management (CRM) entails all aspects of interaction that a company
has with its customer

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Online Analytical Processing is a category of database software that provides an

interface to help users quickly and interactively scrutinize the results in a variety of dimensions
of the data.

6. ________ is a performance management tool that recapitulates an organization’s

performance from several standpoints on a single page.

a) Balanced Scorecard

b) Data Cube

c) Dashboard

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategy performance management tool – a
semi-standard structured report, supported by design methods and automation.

7. __________ is a system where operations like data extraction, transformation and loading
operations are executed.

a) Data staging

b) Data integration

c) ETL

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: In computing, Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) refers to a process in database
usage and especially in data warehousing

8. _________ is a category of applications and technologies for presenting and analyzing

corporate and external data.

a) Data warehouse

b) MIS

c) EIS

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: EIS stands for Enterprise Information System.

9. Which of the following is the process of basing an organization’s actions and decisions on
actual measured results of performance?

a) Institutional performance management

b) Gap analysis

c) Slice and Dice

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: incorporates performance measures, benchmarks, and goals to attain the best

10. Which of the following does not form part of BI Stack in SQL Server?





Answer: d

Explanation: Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus, also termed OBI EE Plus, is
Oracle Corporation’s set of business intelligence tools.

1. one of the following is the Business intelligence broad category of application programs?


B. Data mining

C. Decision support

D. Both A and B

E. All of these

Answer C

2. which of the following is a central point from which all customer contacts are managed?

A. call center

B. help system

C. multichannel marketing

D. contact center

E. None of these

Answer D
3. one of the following is not part of Lewin’s three step approach to change?

A. Freezing

B. Unfreezing

C. Changing behavior

D. Initiating change

E. All of these

answer D

4. Buisness intelligence affected by______areas.

A. Sales


C. Revenue

D. Both A and B

E. None of these

Answer B

5. _____technique used to predict future behavior and anticipate the consequences of change.

A. predictive modeling

B. disaster recovery

C. predictive technology

D. Digital Silhouettes

E. Both A and B

Answer A

6. One of the following term for a radical rethinking of the nature of the business?

A. Paradigm shift

B. Revolutionary change
C. Both A and B

D. Transformational change

E. All of these

answer A

7. _____is not a part of BI Stack in SQL Server.





E. None of these

Answer B

8. The first step in a Stage-gate process is____.

A. Generate ideas and concepts

B. Demonstrate a plan

C. Initiate learning

D. Develop a product

E. All of these

answer A

9. IS stands for_____.

A. Internal services

B. Information systems

C. International sales

D. Intelligent strategy

E. None of these

answer B
10. ______is not a aggregate function.

A. With

B. Sum

C. Avg

D. Min

E. None of these

Answer A

11. one of the following is not an implementation activity for an information system?

A. User training and development

B. System documentation

C. Software development

D. a marketing plan

E. All of these

answer D

12. ______ database provides creation logins on the destination server

A. Detach

B. Move

C. Copy

D. Attach

E. None of these

Answer C
1. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes __
1. Decision support
2. Data mining
4. All of the mentioned
All of the mentioned

2. BI can catalyze a business’s success in terms of _

1. Distinguish the products and services that drive revenues
2. Rank customers and locations based on profitability
3. Ranks customers and locations based on probability
4. All of the mentioned
All of the mentioned

3. Which of the following areas are affected by BI?

1. Revenue
2. CRM
3. Sales
4. All of the mentioned
CRM(Customer relationship management)

4. ___ is a performance management tool that recapitulates an organization’s performance from several standpoints on a
single page
1. Balanced Scorecard
2. Data Cube
3. Dashboard
4. All of the mentioned
Balanced Scorecard

5. __ is a system where operations like data extraction, transformation and oading operations are executed.
1. Data staging
2. Data integration
3. ETL
4. None of the mentioned
Data staging

6. ______ is a category of applications and technologies for presenting and analyzing corporate and external data.
1. Data warehouse
2. MIS
3. EIS
4. All of the mentioned
EIS(Enterprise Information System)

7. Which of the following is the process of basing an organization’s actions and decisions on actual measured results of
1. Institutional performance management
2. Gap analysis
3. Slice and Dice
4. None of the mentioned
Institutional performance management

8. Which of the following does not form part of BI Stack in SQL Server?

9. BI can catalyze a business’s success in terms of ____

1. Distinguish the products and services that drive revenues
2. Rank customers and locations based on profitability
3. Ranks customers and locations based on probability
4. All of the mentioned
All of the mentioned

10. This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in advance to receive marketing
1. customer managed relationship
2. data mining
3. permission marketing
4. one-to-one marketing
permission marketing

11. In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual users’ characteristics or preferences.
1. Web services
2. customer-facing
3. client/server
4. personalization

12. This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the enterprise in order to improve the
enterprise’s future sales and service and lower cost.
1. clickstream analysis
2. database marketing
3. customer relationship management
4. CRM analytics
CRM analytics

13. This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data
to help enterprise users make better business decisions.
1. best practice
2. data mart
3. business information warehouse
4. business intelligence
business intelligence

14. This is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of consumer data (both for customers and
potential customers) that is maintained in a company’s databases
1. database marketing
2. marketing encyclopedia
3. application integration
4. service oriented integration
database marketing

15. This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its customer relationship management functions to
an application service provider (ASP).
1. spend management
2. supplier relationship management
3. hosted CRM
4. Customer Information Control System
hosted CRM

21. All of the following accurately describe Hadoop, EXCEPT:

1. Open source
2. Real-time
3. Java-based
4. Distributed computing approach

22. ____has the world’s largest Hadoop cluster

1. Apple
2. Datamatics
3. Facebook
4. None of the mentioned
23. What are the five V’s of Big Data?
1. Volume
2. velocity
3. Variety
4. All of the above
All of the above

24. ____ hides the limitations of Java behind a powerful and concise Clojure API for Cascading.”
1. Scalding
2. Cascalog
3. Hcatalog
4. Hcalding
Show Answer

25. What are the main components of Big Data?

1. MapReduce
4. All of these
All of these

26. What are the different features of Big Data Analytics?

1. Open-Source
2. Scalability
3. Data Recovery
4. All the above
All the above

27. Define the Port Numbers for NameNode, Task Tracker and Job Tracker
1. NameNode
2. Task Tracker
3. Job Tracker
4. All of the above
All of the above

28. Facebook Tackles Big Data With ____ based on Hadoop

1. Project Prism
2. Prism
3. ProjectData
4. ProjectBid
Project Prism

29. What is a unit of data that flows through a Flume agent?

1. Record
2. Event
3. Row
4. Log

30. A feature F1 can take certain value: A, B, C, D, E, & F and represents grade of students from a college. Which of the following
statement is true in the following case
1. Feature F1 is an example of nominal variable
2. Feature F1 is an example of ordinal variable
3. It doesn’t belong to any of the above category
4. Both of these
Feature F1 is an example of ordinal variable

31. Which of the following is an example of a deterministic algorithm?

1. PCA
2. K-Means
3. None of the above
4. all of the above
32. What is the entropy of the target variable?
1. -(5/8 log(5/8) + 3/8 log(3/8))
2. 5/8 log(5/8) + 3/8 log(3/8)
3. 5/8 log(5 8) + 3/8 log(3/8)
4. 5/8 log(3/8) – 3/8 log(5/8)
-(5/8 log(5/8) + 3/8 log(3/8))

33. Point out the correct statement.

1. OLAP is an umbrella term that refers to an assortment of software applications for analyzing an organization’s raw data for
intelligent decision making
2. Business intelligence equips enterprises to gain business advantage from data
3. BI makes an organization agile thereby giving it a lower edge in today’s evolving market condition
4. None of the mentioned
Business intelligence equips enterprises to gain business advantage from data

34. BI can catalyze a business’s success in terms of ____

1. Distinguish the products and services that drive revenues
2. Rank customers and locations based on profitability
3. Ranks customers and locations based on probability
4. All of the mentioned
All of the mentioned

data analytics multiple choice questions

35. Heuristic is
1. A set of databases from different vendors, possibly using different database paradigms
2. An approach to a problem that is not guaranteed to work but performs well in most cases
3. Information that is hidden in a database and that cannot be recovered by a simple SQL query.
4. None of these
An approach to a problem that is not guaranteed to work but performs well in most cases

36. Heterogeneous databases referred to

1. A set of databases from different b vendors, possibly using different database paradigms
2. An approach to a problem that is not guaranteed to work but performs well in most cases.
3. Information that is hidden in a database and that cannot be recovered by a simple SQL query.
4. None of these
A set of databases from different b vendors, possibly using different database paradigms

1. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes _____________
a) Decision support
b) Data mining
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Clarification: Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs and technologies for gathering, storing,
analyzing, and providing access to data from various data sources.

2. Point out the correct statement.

a) OLAP is an umbrella term that refers to an assortment of software applications for analyzing an organization’s raw data
for intelligent decision making
b) Business intelligence equips enterprises to gain business advantage from data
c) BI makes an organization agile thereby giving it a lower edge in today’s evolving market condition
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Once an organization is powered with BI it can anticipate enhanced turnaround time on data collection, come
up with fresh ideas for novel business initiatives.

3. BI can catalyze a business’s success in terms of _____________

a) Distinguish the products and services that drive revenues
b) Rank customers and locations based on profitability
c) Ranks customers and locations based on probability
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Clarification: SQL Server Business Intelligence delivers a comprehensive platform empowering organizations to build and
deploy secure, scalable and manageable BI apps.

4. Which of the following areas are affected by BI?

a) Revenue
b) CRM
c) Sales
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a company’s interactions with current
and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer
service, and technical support.

5. Point out the wrong statement.

a) Data is factual information for analysis
b) BI is a category of database software that provides an interface to help users quickly and interactively scrutinize the results
in a variety of dimensions of the data
c) Customer relationship management (CRM) entails all aspects of interaction that a company has with its customer
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Online Analytical Processing is a category of database software that provides an interface to help users quickly
and interactively scrutinize the results in a variety of dimensions of the data.

6. ________ is a performance management tool that recapitulates an organization’s performance from several standpoints
on a single page.
a) Balanced Scorecard
b) Data Cube
c) Dashboard
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategy performance management tool – a semi-standard structured report,
supported by design methods and automation.

7. __________ is a system where operations like data extraction, transformation and loading operations are executed.
a) Data staging
b) Data integration
c) ETL
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: In computing, Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) refers to a process in database usage and especially in data

8. _________ is a category of applications and technologies for presenting and analyzing corporate and external data.
a) Data warehouse
b) MIS
c) EIS
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c
Clarification: EIS stands for Enterprise Information System.

9. Which of the following is the process of basing an organization’s actions and decisions on actual measured results of
a) Institutional performance management
b) Gap analysis
c) Slice and Dice
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Clarification: incorporates performance measures, benchmarks, and goals to attain the best results.

10. Which of the following does not form part of BI Stack in SQL Server?

Answer: d
Clarification: Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus, also termed OBI EE Plus, is Oracle Corporation’s set of
business intelligence tools.

1. This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in advance to
receive marketing information.

a. customer managed relationship

b. data mining

c. permission marketing

d. one-to-one marketing

e. batch processing

2. In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual users' characteristics or

a. Web services

b. customer-facing

c. client/server

d. customer valuation

e. personalization

3. This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the enterprise in order to
improve the enterprise's future sales and service and lower cost.

a. clickstream analysis

b. database marketing

c. customer relationship management

d. CRM analytics

e. B2C

4. This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and
providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.

a. best practice

b. data mart

c. business information warehouse

d. business intelligence

e. business warehouse

5. This is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of consumer data (both
for customers and potential customers) that is maintained in a company's databases.

a. database marketing

b. marketing encyclopedia

c. application integration

d. service oriented integration

e. business technology management

6. This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its customer relationship
management functions to an application service provider (ASP).

a. spend management

b. supplier relationship management

c. hosted CRM

d. Customer Information Control System

e. online transaction processing

7. This is an XML-based metalanguage developed by the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI)
as a means of modeling business processes, much as XML is, itself, a metalanguage with the ability to
model enterprise data.

a. BizTalk

c. e-biz

d. ebXML

e. ECB

8. This is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are managed.

a. contact center

b. help system

c. multichannel marketing

d. call center

e. help desk

9. This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in specific
ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests, spending habits, and so on.

a. customer service chat

b. customer managed relationship

c. customer life cycle

d. customer segmentation

e. change management

10. In data mining, this is a technique used to predict future behavior and anticipate the consequences
of change.

a. predictive technology

b. disaster recovery

c. phase change

d. Digital Silhouettes

e. predictive modeling

Answer Key:

1.) c. permission marketing

Jon Panker's article looks at how the "'Do not call' list changes game for marketers."

2.) e. personalization

SearchCRM offers a selection of Best Web Links for Personalization.

3.) d. CRM analytics has more information in their Featured Topic, Crash Course: Analytics.

4.) d. business intelligence

Jacqueline Sweeney-Coolidge's article explains "Data warehousing and business intelligence" in greater

5.) a. database marketing

According to Michael Lowenstein's article, "It's really (almost) all about the data: Optimizing loyalty

6.) c. hosted CRM

Jen Hubley's article explores the question about "CRM: Should you implement or be hosted?"

7.) b. BPML

There's more information on the BPMI Web site.

8.) a. contact center

For more information, see's "Special report: Contact center strategies."

9.) d. customer segmentation

This article explains how "Customer segmentation contributes to the bottom line."

10.) e. predictive modeling

Michael Lowenstein's article describes "Modeling modelers in predictive churn."

1) What does BI acronym stand for?

A. Broadcast Information

B. Business Integration

C. Business Intelligence

D. Business Information

E. Business Interaction

Business intelligence is the use of an organization's disparate data to provide meaningful information
and analysis to employees, customers, suppliers, and partners for more effective decision

2) The ______ is an interface between database and end-users interested in retrieving data from
this database.

Possible correct answers:

semantic layer

3) What does ETL acronym stand for?

Possible correct answers:

Extract Transform Load

4) A ______ is a central database in which data are stored and can be restructured to answer
Business needs.

Possible correct answers:


5) A ______ is a subset of a data warehouse.

Possible correct answers:


6) What does OLAP acronym stand for?

A. Online Level Active Provider

B. Online Analytical Processing

C. Onsite Activity Processing

D. Onstage Analytical Processing

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) allows multidimensional analysis. Data are modeled in cubes whose
axis is the axis of analysis, e.g. Geography, time period, vendor...*##**##*

7) ______ reporting, also called self service reporting, allows users building their own queries,
make their own reports.

Possible correct answers:


8) ______ reporting, also called enterprise reporting, allows accessing generic, standard reports
built to reach the largest majority of the employees in the company.

Possible correct answers:


Q1) Which measure will help in implementing detailed reports for remote users but needed occasionally

1. Provide summarized reports downloaded using FTP

2. Create summarized and detailed templates distributed via e-mail

3. Invite collaborative input of remote users

4. Implement a web-based reporting tool with drill down capabilities

Q2) What data store would best support ad-hoc queries about of quarterly trends

5. Data Mart

6. Metadata

7. Transactional systems

8. Operational Data Store

Q3) Which measure in retail will help address theft and damage problem

9. Allow more frequent stock turns

10. Track current inventory, product sales and inventory received

11. Perform more frequent inventory checks

12. Monitor overall revenue associated with theft and damage

Q4) Which OLAP feature can breakdown the sales by city

13. Drill down

14. Roll up

15. Pivot
16. Dynamic calculation

Q5) Which factor affects performance during definition phase of an OLAP cube

17. Number of measures

18. Number of source data transactions

19. Number of dimensions

20. Number of referential integrity constraints

Q6) Which term describes the expansion of an analytical report to show detail along one dimension

21. Pivot

22. Roll up

23. Compression

24. Drill down

Q1) What does business process mapping for ERP module design, achieve

25. Regulatory compliance

26. Activity analysis

27. SLA

28. All of the above

Q2) What does business intelligence helps knowledge workers understand

29. Capabilities of the firm

30. State of the art, trends, and future directions in the markets

31. Applicable technological, demographic, economic, political, social, and regulatory environments

32. All of the above

Q3) What is the main benefit of using DSS

33. Promotes learning or training

34. Express problem solving

35. Increases organizational control

36. All of the above

Q4) What type of management information system is intended to facilitate and support the information and decision-making needs
of senior executives by providing easy access to both internal and external information relevant to meeting the strategic goals of
the organization

37. MIS

38. MRP

39. EIS

40. DSS

Q5) When business intelligence is focused on external competition then, it is

41. External business intelligence

42. Smart

43. Illegal

44. Competitive intelligence

Q6) What is called for all of the steps required for a business process put together

45. Business process

46. Workflow

47. Steps

48. Document management system

Q7) What is the name of SaaS offering by SAP

49. Business ByDesign

50. GRC

51. Duet

52. PLM

Q8) Which of the following is a data cleansing process

53. Extracting only valid data

54. Checking referential integrity

55. Building dimensions

56. Summarizing data

Q9) What is the critical benefit of using ERP

57. Help reduce operating costs

58. Facilitate Day-to-Day Management

59. Support Strategic Planning

60. All of the above

Q10) Which measure will help in satisfying the changing analysis requirements of end-user's reports

61. By redesigning the report template for each end user

62. By allowing end users the flexibility to create their own reports

63. By providing the current reports in softcopy format

64. By allowing end users to define their own metadata

Q1) What refers to a tool used to provide summarized and consolidate reports about ongoing transactions within the organization,
in graphical interface

65. EIS

66. DSS

67. Depends upon the data

68. Dependant on input predictor

Q2) What is the important characteristic of good KPI

69. Actionable

70. Align with business goal effectively.

71. Improvement of one measurement of the organization doesn’t hamper the other measurements

72. All of the above

Q3) Which type of dashboard, is used to measure the individual user growth within an organization

73. operational

74. technical

75. strategic

76. None of the above

Q4) Which type of dashboard provides information about failed ETL

77. operational

78. technical

79. strategic

80. None of the above

Q5) Which type of dashboard measures the team goal, mission of the organization and how well it is achieved

81. operational

82. technical
83. strategic

84. None of the above

Q1) Which method is usually used to minimize the effect of on-line disk failure in large data warehouse

85. Striping

86. Blocking

87. Mirroring

88. Double buffering

Q2) Which type of data sets, does k-means partitioning is suitable for

89. Small data sets

90. Separated clusters

91. Spatial data sets

92. Large data sets

Q3) Which clustering technique models individual text items as vector space points for text mining

93. Non-Hierarchical Divisive

94. Non-Hierarchical Agglomerative

95. Hierarchical Divisive

96. Hierarchical Agglomerative

Q4) When should data sources be identified in the data warehouse implementation process

97. After user needs are defined

98. After schema design

99. After data cleansing

100. After selection of an extraction tool

Q5) Which of the following technique is usually driven by past experiences

101. Nearest Neighbour

102. Clustering

103. Linear regression

104. Non-linear regression

Q1) What is the advantage of ERP systems

105. totally integrated

106. centric database or data warehouse

107. works on functional modules thus they have high efficiency and productivity

108. All of the above

Q2) What does business intelligence gain knowledge about

109. Customers

110. Competitors

111. Partners

112. All of the above

Q3) What does an application service provider do

113. Provides software over the intranet

114. Provides hardware over the internet

115. Provides computer equipment

116. None of the above

Q4) What is called for all of the steps required for a business process put together
117. Business process

118. Workflow

119. Steps

120. Document management system

Q5) Which phase of BI life cycle, has the experts finalize the integration step of the Business Intelligence solution and configure it
so that it can replace the existing system or run in parallel with the existing system

121. Roll-out

122. Designing

123. Planning

124. Realization

Q1) Point out the correct statement :

125. The use of the word “cloud” makes reference to the two essential concepts

126. Cloud computing abstracts systems by pooling and sharing resources

127. cloud computing is nothing more than the Internet

128. All of the mentioned

Q2) Which of the measure is not needed for an impact on business

129. Focus on using information to deal with an important issue

130. Provide excellent data

131. Build discipline and precision into the decision-making process

132. Provide the ability to customize BI information for each knowledge worker

Q3) Updates to the ______ attribute in a parent-child hierarchy must not include updates to any other properties or attributes.

133. child

134. parent

135. both child and parent

136. None of the mentioned

Q4) If functions in one assembly call functions in a separate assembly, you must register both assemblies in :

137. client

138. server

139. table

140. none of the mentioned

Q5) What is a subset of a data warehouse

141. Database

142. Data mart

143. Data set

144. Data storeroom

Q6) Which of the following is a logical collection of data gathered from many databases and used to create business intelligence

145. Data warehouse

146. External intelligence gathering 'bots

147. Artificial intelligence

148. Competitive intelligence system

Q7) Which method would be used to move data to the warehouse on an hourly basis which has two million transactions per day

149. Perform full data refresh

150. Append the summary data to the target

151. Create a mirror image of the operational tables on another system

152. Apply the net changes in the data

Q8) Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes :

153. Decision support

154. Data mining

155. OLAP

156. All of the mentioned

Q9) _________ let you create external, user-defined functions using any common language runtime (CLR) language

157. Aggregate

158. Assemblies

159. Synonym

160. All of the mentioned

Q10) Which tool is used for querying data warehouse

161. Database management systems

162. Picks and shovels

163. Data-mining tools

164. Data marts

Q1) Which term refers to combining all the information into a single user understandable form like sets, list or graphs so that in a
predefine pattern

165. Aggregation

166. Adhoc Query

167. Atomic Data

168. Cube

Q2) What is the main benefit of business intelligence

169. Applicable for every part of Organization

170. Quick answer to problem

171. Find cause of Problem

172. All of the above

Q3) What is the objective of a business intelligence system

173. Gathering confidential information from competitors

174. Improving the timeliness and quality of decisions

175. Improving the timeliness and quality of input for decision making

176. All of the above

Q4) Who first used the term Business Intelligence in an article

177. Juran

178. Hans Peter Luhn

179. Cosby

180. John Wiley

Q5) What does business intelligence helps knowledge workers understand

181. Capabilities of the firm

182. State of the art, trends, and future directions in the markets

183. Applicable technological, demographic, economic, political, social, and regulatory environments

184. All of the above

Q1) We have done an RFM analysis on our customer datMary Jones has a score of "1 1 5". This series means that Mary ________ .

185. Has ordered recently, orders frequently, and places a large order when she orders.

186. Hasn't ordered recently, orders infrequently, but places a large order when she orders.

187. Has ordered recently, orders frequently, but doesn't place a large order when she orders

188. Hasn't ordered recently, orders infrequently, and doesn't place a large order when she orders.

Q2) This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in advance to receive marketing

189. customer managed relationship

190. data mining

191. permission marketing

192. one-to-one marketing

Q3) __________ is a system where operations like data extraction, transformation and loading operations are execute

193. Data staging

194. Data integration

195. ETL

196. None of the mentioned

Q4) Which of the following property enables Analysis Services to use a faster algorithm for string hashing and comparison ?

197. EnableFast1033Local

198. EnableFast1036Locale

199. EnableFast1033Locale

200. EnableQuick1033Locale

Q5) We have Market Basket data for 1,000 rental transactions at a Video Store. There are four videos for rent -- Video A, Video B,
Video C and Video The probability that Video D will be rented given that Video C has been rented is known as ________ .

201. the basic probability

202. support

203. lift

204. confidence

Q6) What type of model is used for text retrieval

205. Nearest Neighbour

206. Linear regression

207. Non-linear regression

208. Clustering

Q7) In Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS), a _________ is a language-specific representation of the name of a

209. Translation

210. Dimension translation

211. Dim translation

212. None of the mentioned

Q8) The "F" in RFM analysis stands for ________ .

213. frequently

214. freshness

215. fast food

216. fantasy

Q9) In OLAP, we are interested in ________ .

217. levels only

218. dimensions only

219. measures only

220. measures and dimensions

Q10) Data mining applications are used accomplish which of the following tasks?

221. Process transactions only

222. Do RFM analysis only

223. Do what-if analysis only

224. Do both RFM and what-if analysis

Q1) What does M in MDM refers to

225. Main

226. Master

227. Maintain

228. None of the above

Q2) The _______ attribute is the attribute in a dimension that identifies the columns in the dimension main table that are used in
foreign key relationships to the fact table.

229. Dim

230. KEY

231. PK

232. None of the mentioned

Q3) When business intelligence is focused on external competition then, it is

233. External business intelligence

234. Smart

235. Illegal

236. Competitive intelligence

Q4) How MDM can be implemented as

237. a process

238. an infrastructure,

239. a tool

240. All of the above

Q5) The reports generated by a reporting system are usually not delivered in which of the following media?

241. Web portal

242. Commercial courier service

243. Digital dashboard

244. E-Mail

Q6) This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in specific ways relevant to
marketing, such as age, gender, interests, spending habits, and so on.

245. customer service chat

246. customer managed relationship

247. customer life cycle

248. customer segmentation

Q7) Which of the following is not supported by linked dimensions ?

249. readback

250. writeback
251. readwrite

252. All of the mentioned

Q8) This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to
help enterprise users make better business decisions.

253. best practice data mart

254. business information warehouse

255. business intelligence

256. business warehouse

Q9) What activity be considered while selecting a data management system

257. handle the complete data of organization

258. boost up the organization performance.

259. assure the privacy of the organization

260. All of the above

Q10) Business Intelligence (BI) systems do not obtain their data by which of the following means?

261. Read and process data from an operational database

262. Process transactions

263. Process extracts from operational databases

264. Process data purchased from data vendors

Q1) Which of the following is a data cleansing process

265. Extracting only valid data

266. Checking referential integrity

267. Building dimensions

268. Summarizing data

Q2) What dimensions should be viewed by an executive viewing monthly sales by region, to understand which stores have
increased total sales over last month

269. Region and sales

270. Stores and region

271. Stores and time

272. Stores, sales and product

Q3) Which method will decompose a free form product code having size and color information

273. Mapping

274. Parsing

275. Using foreign keys

276. Defining an intelligent primary key

Q4) Which of the metadata approach helps in integration with multi-vendor tools along with flexibility

277. Centralized API approach

278. Decentralized API approach

279. Decentralized or interchange approach

280. Centralized or repository approach

Q5) What is the benefit of storing attribute definitions as metadata

281. Allows for bi-directional update of operational data

282. Significantly enhances load time performance

283. Reduces overall storage requirements

284. Allows data load rules to be shared across multiple tools


1. Which of the following features usually applies to data in a data warehouse?

A.Data are often deleted
B.Most applications consist of transactions
C.Data are rarely deleted
D.Relatively few records are processed by applications
Ans: c
2. Which of the following statement is true?
A.The data warehouse consists of data marts and operational data
B.The data warehouse is used as a source for the operational data
C.The operational data are used as a source for the data warehouse
D.All of the above
Ans: c
3. The following is true of three-tier data warehouses:
A.Once created, the data marts will keep on being updated from the data warehouse at periodic times
B.Once created, the data marts will directly receive their new data from the operational databases
C.The data marts are different groups of tables in the data warehouse
D.A data mart becomes a data warehouse when it reaches a critical size
Ans: a
4. What is true of the multidimensional model?
A.It typically requires less disk storage
B.It typically requires more disk storage
C.Typical business queries requiring aggregate functions take more time
D.Increasing the size of a dimension is difficult
Ans: b
5. The most common source of change data in refreshing a data warehouse is:
A.Queryable change data
B.Cooperative change data
C.Logged change data
D.Snapshot change data
Ans: d
6. Which of the following statements is not true about refreshing a data warehouse:
A.It is a process of managing timing differences between the updating of data sources and the related data
warehouse objects
B.Updates to dimension tables may occur at different times than the fact table
C.The data warehouse administrator has more control over the load time lag than the valid time lag
D.None of the above
Ans: d
7. A data warehouse is which of the following?
A. Can be updated by end users.
B. Contains numerous naming conventions and formats.
C. Organized around important subject areas.
D. Contains only current data.
Ans: C
8. An operational system is which of the following?
A. A system that is used to run the business in real time and is based on historical data.
B. A system that is used to run the business in real time and is based on current data.
C. A system that is used to support decision making and is based on current data.
D. A system that is used to support decision making and is based on historical data.
Ans: B
9. Data transformation includes which of the following?
A. A process to change data from a detailed level to a summary level
B. A process to change data from a summary level to a detailed level
C. Joining data from one source into various sources of data
D. Separating data from one source into various sources of data
Ans: A
10. A snowflake schema is which of the following types of tables?
A. Fact
B. Dimension
C. Helper
D. All of the above
11. Fact tables are which of the following?
A. Completely denoralized
B. Partially denoralized
C. Completely normalized
D. Partially normalized
12. To represent any n–Dimension data we need a series of _______ Dimension cubes.
13. Data about data is called _____________.
A Table
B Database
C Metadata
D Integration
14. Which of the following is the most important when deciding on the data structure of a data
(a) XML data exchange standards
(b) Data access tools to be used
(c) Metadata naming conventions
(d) Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tool to be used
(e) All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.
Ans: B Data access tools to be used when deciding on the data structure of a data mart
15. The process of removing the deficiencies and loopholes in the data is called as
(a) Aggregation of data
(b) Extracting of data
(c) Cleaning up of data.
(d) Loading of data
(e) Compression of data.
Ans: C The process of removing the deficiencies and loopholes in the data is called as
cleaning up of data.
16. At which level we can create dimensional models?
(a) Business requirements level
(b) Architecture models level
(c) Detailed models level
(d) Implementation level
(e) Testing level.
Ans: B Dimensional models can be created at Architecture models level
17. Which of the following is not related to dimension table attributes?
(a) Verbose
(b) Descriptive
(c) Equally unavailable
(d) Complete
(e) Indexed.
Ans: C Equally unavailable is not related to dimension table attributes
18. Data warehouse bus matrix is a combination of
(a) Dimensions and data marts
(b) Dimensions and facts
(c) Facts and data marts
(d) Dimensions and detailed facts
(e) All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.
Ans: A Data warehouse bus matrix is a combination of Dimensions and data marts
19. Data modeling technique used for data marts is
(a) Dimensional modeling
(b) ER – model
(c) Extended ER – model
(d) Physical model
(e) Logical model
Ans: A Data modeling technique used for data marts is Dimensional modeling.
20. A warehouse architect is trying to determine what data must be included in the warehouse. A
meeting has been arranged with a business analyst to understand the data requirements, which of
the following should be included in the agenda?
(a) Number of users
(b) Corporate objectives
(c) Database design
(d) Routine reporting
(e) Budget.
Ans: D Routine reporting should be included in the agenda.
21. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) A fact table describes the transactions stored in a DWH
(b) A fact table describes the granularity of data held in a DWH
(c) The fact table of a data warehouse is the main store of descriptions of the transactions stored
in a DWH
(d) The fact table of a data warehouse is the main store of all of the recorded transactions over
(e) A fact table maintains the old records of the database.
Ans: D The fact table of a data warehouse is the main store of all of the recorded transactions
over time is the correct statement.
22. Most common kind of queries in a data warehouse
(a) Inside-out queries
(b) Outside-in queries
(c) Browse queries
(d) Range queries
(e) All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.
Ans: A The Most common kind of queries in a data warehouse is Inside-out queries.
23. Which of following form the set of data created to support a specific short lived business
(a) Personal data marts
(b) Application models
(c) Downstream systems
(d) Disposable data marts
(e) Data mining models.
Ans: D Disposable Data Marts is the form the set of data created to support a specific short lived
business situation.
24. What is/are the different types of Meta data?
I. Administrative.
II. Business.
III. Operational.
(a) Only (I) above
(b) Both (II) and (III) above
(c) Both (I) and (II) above
(d) Both (I) and (III) above
(e) All (I), (II) and (III) above.
Ans: E The different types of Meta data are Administrative, Business and Operational
25. Which of the following should not be considered for each dimension attribute?
(a) Attribute name
(b) Rapid changing dimension policy
(c) Attribute definition
(d) Sample data
(e) Cardinality.
Ans: B Rapid changing dimension policy should not be considered for each dimension
26. A Business Intelligence system requires data from:
(a) Data warehouse
(b) Operational systems
(c) All possible sources within the organization and possibly from external sources
(d) Web servers
(e) Database servers
Ans: A A business Intelligence system requires data from Data warehouse
27. In a data warehouse, if D1 and D2 are two conformed dimensions, then
(a) D1 may be an exact replica of D2
(b) D1 may be at a rolled up level of granularity compared to D2
(c) Columns of D1 may be a subset of D2 and vice versa
(d) Rows of D1 may be a subset of D2 and vice versa
(e) All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.
Ans: . A In a data warehouse, if D1 and D2 are two conformed dimensions, then D1 may be an
exact replica of D2.
28. Which of the following schema contains multiple fact tables?
A.Star schema
B.Snowflake schema
C.Fact constellation
D.None of the above
29. ____________ is used to refer to systems and technologies that provide the business with the
means for decision makers to extract personalized meaningful information about their business
and industry.
A.Business intelligence
B.Data warehouse
C.Data base
D.All the above
30. ________ can be used to help avoid errors in schema integration.
A User data
B System administrator
C Metadata
D All the above
6/12/2021 Business Analytics Module 1 | Print - Quizizz


Business Analytics Module 1
53 Questions

1. It is an encompassing and multidimensional field that uses mathematics,

statistics, predictive modeling and machine learning techniques to find

meaningful patterns and knowledge in recorded data.

a) Big Data b) Analytics

c) Normal Data d) Analytics Process

2. Areas of Analytics

a) Visualization b) Test Analytics

c) Forecasting d) Volume

3. Ares of Analytics

a) Data Mining b) Big Data

c) Statistics d) Optimization

4. By _____, there will be around 40 trillion gigabytes of data (40 zettabytes).

a) 2000 b) 2020

c) 2012 d) 2018

5. In 2012, only _____ of all data was analyzed.

a) 2.5 b) 10.5

c) 0.5 d) 8.3 1/12
6/12/2021 Business Analytics Module 1 | Print - Quizizz

6. _____ bytes data are generated each day by internet users.

a) 3.5 quadrillion b) 2.5 quintillion

c) 1.5 million

7. In 2019, there are _______ active Facebook users, and they generate a lot of


a) 2.5 gigabytes b) 2.0 trillion

c) 2.3 billion d) 1 million

8. It is a term applied to a dataset that exceeds the processing capacity of

conventional database systems, or it doesn’t fit the structural requirements of

traditional database architecture.

a) Big Data b) Business Analytics

c) Analytics d) Normal Data

9. It comes from your traditional relational database system

a) Big data b) Normal data

c) Analytics

10. Comes from different data sources. Data are usually in petabytes, or terabytes

a) Normal Data b) Analytics

c) Big Data

11. Characteristics of Big Data

a) Volume b) Velocity

c) Variance d) Variety 2/12
6/12/2021 Business Analytics Module 1 | Print - Quizizz

12. Big data starts as low as 1 terabyte and it has no upper limit

a) Variety b) Volume

c) Velocity

13. Big data enters an average system at velocity ranging between 30 Kilobytes (KB)

p/sec to as much as 30 gigabytes (GB) per sec

a) Velocity b) Variety

c) Volume

14. Big data is composed of unstructured, semi structured, structured dataset

a) Variety b) Volume

c) Velocity

15. Approximately _____ of organizations are investing in big data and AI.

a) 97.2% b) 100%

c) 89% d) 99.9%

16. By utilizing big data, Netflix managed to save _____ per year on customer

retention. Source: Inside Big Data

a) $1 million b) $4 billion

c) $10 billion d) $1 billion

17. Big Data in Real Life

a) Uber’s data-driven rating system b) Netflix

c) Facebook Face Recognition 3/12
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The first step in the process is _____________. Data relevant to the applicant is

18. collected. The quality, quantity, validity, and nature of data directly impact the
analytical outcome. A thorough understanding of the data on hand is extremely


a) Results b) Put Into Use

c) Data Collection d) Model Building

19. Usually raw data is not in a format that can be directly used to perform data

analysis. In very simple terms, most platforms require data to be in a matrix

form with the variables being in different columns and rows representing

various observations. Data may be available in structured, semi-structured, and

unstructured form.

a) Data Collection b) Data Preparation

c) Data Analysis d) Model Building

20. Once data is converted into a structured format, the next stage is to perform

___________. At this stage underlying trends in the data are identified. This step

can include fitting a linear or nonlinear regression model, performing principal

component analysis or cluster analysis, identifying if data is normally

distributed or not.

a) Data Collection b) Data Preparation

c) Data Analysis d) Model Building

21. Once the trends in data are identified, the next step is to put the data to work

and build a model that will help with the given application or help solve a

business problem. A vast number of statistical models are available that can be

used, and new models are being developed every day.

a) Model Building b) Results

c) Put Into Use d) Data Preparation 4/12
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22. Are obtained from the models are validated to ensure accuracy and model

robustness. This can be done two ways.

a) Results b) Model Building

c) Data Collection d) Data Analysis

23. Once the model is developed it is deployed in a real-time setting for a given


a) Data Analysis b) Model Building

c) Results d) Put Into Use

24. Analytic Process

a) Data b) Analyze

c) Generate Reports d) Smarter Decisions

e) Big Data

25. We need data to be collected, data repository is needed to access for essential


a) Data b) Analyze

c) Generate Reports d) Smarter Decision

26. We need to decide the ways on how we analyzed the data. Analytics can allow

Managers to create a better and smarter decisions.

a) Data b) Analyze

c) Generate Reports d) Smarter Decisions

27. Business Users can choose the required reports. (Sales, Financial, Distributions,

Inventory, etc.).

a) Data b) Analyze

c) Generate Reports d) Smarter Decisions 5/12
6/12/2021 Business Analytics Module 1 | Print - Quizizz

28. We need to analyzed the data we collected, Analyze Data Model to assess and

query the data collected in the process.

a) Data b) Analyze

c) Generate Reports d) Smarter Decisions

29. Consists of acquiring the data, implementing advanced data processes,

distributing the data effectively and managing oversight data.

a) Artificial Intelligence b) Growing Importance of The CDO &


c) Data Discovery d) Data Quality Management (DQM)

30. __________ is the science aiming to make machines execute what is usually done

by complex human intelligence.

a) Data Discovery b) Artificial Intelligence

c) Collaborative Business Intelligence d) Consumer Experience

31. An essential element to consider is that ____________ tools depend upon a

process, and then, the generated findings will bring business value. It requires

understanding the relationship between data in the form of data preparation,

visual analysis and guided advanced analytics.

a) Data Discovery b) Connected Clouds

c) Data Quality Management (DQM) d) Collaborative Business Intelligence

32. It is the control over any data entry that has to be made accordingly to

particular standards.

a) Connected Clouds b) Data Governance and Trust

c) Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics d) Data Discovery

Tools 6/12
6/12/2021 Business Analytics Module 1 | Print - Quizizz

33. A usually hot debate is the decision between on-premises or cloud BI Tools:

whether the software is installed locally in the company’s own servers, or if the

solution is hosted in the cloud.

a) Security – Digital Ethics and Privacy b) Data Governance and Trust

c) Artificial Intelligence d) Growing Importance of The CDO &


34. Business will need to assess their needs and capacities of implementation, to

evaluate whether it would be beneficial and profitable to go for a multi-cloud


a) Artificial Intelligence b) Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics


c) Connected Clouds d) Data Governance and Trust

35. The role of a CDO is essential for the good management of the information

assets a company has, as well as to improve efficiency in the data analyses to

get a competitive advantage in their BI strategy.

a) Data Discovery b) Collaborative Business Intelligence

c) Growing Importance of The CDO & d) Data Quality Management (DQM)


36. Collaborative information, information enhancement, and collaborative

decision-making are the key focus of new BI tools.

a) Collaborative Business Intelligence b) Connected Clouds

c) Data Discovery d) Growing Importance of The CDO &


37. “By 2021, 15% of all customer service interactions will be completely handled by

AI, an increase of 400% from 2017.” – Gartner

a) Data Discovery b) Consumer Experience

c) Data Quality Management (DQM) d) Artificial Intelligence 7/12
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38. When is Analytics not practical?

a) When There’s No Data b) When There’s No Precedent

c) When There's Big Data d) When the Decision Maker Has

Considerable Experience

e) When the Variables Can’t Be Measured

39. Some decisions are difficult to make analytically because the key variables in

the analysis are hard to measure with rigor.

a) When There’s No Data b) When There’s No Precedent

c) When the Decision Maker Has d) When the Variables Can’t Be Measured
Considerable Experience

40. If something has never been done before, it’s hard to get data about it. The

obvious analytical response in such a situation is to perform a small-scale

randomized test on the idea and see if it works.

a) When There’s No Data b) When There’s No Precedent

c) When the Decision Maker Has d) When the Variables Can’t Be Measured
Considerable Experience

41. Some decisions must be made before data can be gathered systematically.

a) When There’s No Data b) When There’s No Precedent

c) When the Decision Maker Has d) When the Variables Can’t Be Measured
Considerable Experience

42. Challenges of Business Analytics

a) Analytical Process b) Environment

c) Competition d) Customers 8/12
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43. The ________ has always relied on statistic to determine the insurance rates.

Risk-based models form the basis for calculators that are used to calculate

insurance premiums.

a) Insurance Industry b) Travel and Tourism Industry

c) Agriculture Industry d) Health Industry

44. Success in the __________ is all about having the right information at the right

time. By using big data and predictive analytics, algorithms help the industry in

collecting the data from a variety of data sources and support from trading

decisions to predicting default rates and risk management.

a) Insurance Industry b) Telecom Industry

c) Travel and Tourism Industry d) Finance Industry

45. Data analytics in health care can be used for all kinds of applications; these can

include prognosis and diagnosis of an ailment, identifying the risk of

propagation of a pandemic, identifying the effectiveness of a new therapy,

systemic health trends in a given population, and many more.

a) Health Industry b) Travel and Tourism Industry

c) Telecom Industry d) Retail Industry

46. Predictive analytics is widely used by both conventional retail stores as well as

e-commerce firms for analyzing their historical data and building models for

customer engagement, supply chain optimization, price optimization, and space

optimization and assortment planning.

a) Retail Industry b) Telecom Industry

c) Health Industry d) Finance Industry

47. By applying data analytics, it has become easier for telecom companies to

understand their customer needs and behaviors in better ways and to

customize the offers and services accordingly. By proving customized or

personalized offers, there is a higher probability of the conversion.

a) Finance Industry b) Health Industry

c) Telecom Industry d) Agriculture Industry 9/12
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48. The _______________ is also using big data analytics for enhancing customer

experiences and offer customized recommendations. These firms use

demographic statistics, average time spent by users on certain travel-related

web pages, personal historic travel preferences, etc.

a) Travel and Tourism Industry b) Health Industry

c) Insurance Industry d) Telecom Industry

49. It helps the ________________ from predicting pesticides quantities to predicting

crop prices, weather conditions, soil, air quality, crop yield, and reducing waste;

and the livestock health can improve the profitability for the farmers.

a) Finance Industry b) Agriculture Industry

c) Health Industry d) Insurance Industry

50. Another business challenge that's leading to an increase in companies relying

on business analytics to drive their strategy is that customers are becoming

more fickle, and loyalty to products and services is rarer than ever before

a) Environment b) Competition

c) Customers

51. We all know that the economic environment has been more intense and

challenging than ever before.

a) Environment b) Competition

c) Customers

52. Part of addressing competitive threats is to monitor and stay one step ahead of

your competition—tracking, analyzing, and integrating everything you know

about your competitors into the analytics of your own company.

a) Environment b) Competition

c) Customers 10/12
6/12/2021 Business Analytics Module 1 | Print - Quizizz

53. Sometimes a decision maker has made a particular decision often enough to

have internalized the process of gathering and analyzing data.

a) When There’s No Data b) When There’s No Precedent

c) When the Decision Maker Has d) When the Variables Can’t Be Measured
Considerable Experience 11/12
6/12/2021 Business Analytics Module 1 | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. b 15. a 29. d 43. a
2. a,b,c 16. d 30. b 44. d
3. a,c,d 17. a,c 31. a 45. a
4. b 18. c 32. b 46. a
5. c 19. b 33. a 47. c
6. b 20. c 34. c 48. a
7. c 21. a 35. c 49. b
8. a 22. a 36. a 50. c
9. b 23. d 37. b 51. a
10. c 24. a,b,c,d 38. a,b,d,e 52. b
11. a,b,d 25. a 39. d 53. c
12. b 26. d 40. b
13. a 27. c 41. a
14. a 28. b 42. b,c,d 12/12
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz


30 Questions

1. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which

includes :

a) Decision support b) Data mining

c) OLAP d) All of the mentioned

2. Point out the correct statement :

a) OLAP is an umbrella term that refers b) Business intelligence equips

to an assortment of software enterprises to gain business advantage
applications for analyzing an from data
organization’s raw data for intelligent
decision making

c) BI makes an organization agile thereby d) None of the mentioned 

giving it a lower edge in today’s
evolving market condition.

3. BI can catalyze a business’s success in terms of :

a) Distinguish the products and services b) Rank customers and locations based
that drive revenues. on profitability.

c) Ranks customers and locations based d) All of the mentioned 

on probability.

4. Which of the following areas are affected by BI ?

a) Revenue b) CRM 

c)  Sales d) All of the mentioned 1/8
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz

5. Point out the wrong statement 

a) Data is factual information for analysis b) BI is a category of database software

that provides an interface to help
users quickly and interactively
scrutinize the results in a variety of
dimensions of the data 

c) Customer relationship management d)  None of the mentioned

(CRM) entails all aspects of interaction
that a company has with its customer

6. ________ is a performance management tool that recapitulates an organization’s

performance from several standpoints on a single page.

a) Balanced Scorecard b) Data Cube

c) Dashboard d) All of the mentioned

7. __________ is a system where operations like data extraction, transformation and

loading operations are executed.

a) Data staging  b) Data integration

c) ETL d) None of the mentioned

8. _________ is a category of applications and technologies for presenting and

analyzing corporate and external data

a) Data warehouse b) MIS

c) EIS d) All of the mentioned

9. Which of the following is process of basing an organization’s actions and

decisions on actual measured results of performance ?

a) Institutional performance b) Gap analysis


c) Slice and Dice d) None of the mentioned 2/8
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz

10. Which of the following does not form part of BI Stack in SQL Server ?



11. In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual

users’ characteristics or preferences.

a) Webservices b) customer-facing

c) client/server d)  personalization 

12. This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the

enterprise in order to improve the enterprise’s future sales and service and
lower cost.  

a) clickstream analysis b) database marketing

c) customer relationship management d) CRM analytics

13. This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing,

analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better

business decisions.




a) best practice b) data mart

c) business information warehouse d) business intelligence 3/8
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz

14. This is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of

consumer data (both for customers and potential customers) that is maintained
in a company’s databases.




a) database marketing b) marketing encyclopedia

c) application integration d) service oriented integration

15. Which of the following are not done by Business Intelligence (BI) systems? 

a) Analyze past and current activities b) Process and record transactions only

c) Both of the above are correct. d) Neither of the above is correct

16. We have Market Basket data for 1,000 rental transactions at a Video Store.

There are for videos for rent -- Video A, Video B, Video C and Video D. The

probability that both Video C and Video D are rented at the same time is known

as ________ .

a) the basic probability b) support

c) lift d) confidence

17. Business Intelligence (BI) reporting systems cannot do which of the following


a) Filter data b) Group data

c) Modify data d) Both filter and group data

18. Which of the following is not a component of a data warehouse?

a) Data extraction/cleaning/preparation b) Data warehouse data


c) Data metadata d) None of the above are data warehouse

components 4/8
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz

19. Business Intelligence (BI) reporting analyses can be performed using ________ .

a) standard SQL only b) extensions to SQL only

c) OLAP only d) both standard SQL and extensions to


20. We have been given access to the company's operational data, and have been

asked to produce a report. We discover that some of the data we need are in an

SQL server database while other needed data are in a separate Oracle

database. This is an example of ________

a) dirty data b) inconsistent data

c) non-integrated data d) a "wrong format" problem

21. The reports generated by a reporting system are usually not delivered in which

of the following media?

a) Web portal b) Commercial courier service

c) Digital dashboard d) E-Mail

22. Which of the following is an unsupervised data mining technique?

a) Cluster analysis only b) Regression Analysis only

c) RFM Analysis only d) Both Regression Analysis and RFM


23. In OLAP, we are interested in ________ .

a) levels only b) dimensions only

c) measures only d) measures and dimensions

24. Which of the following is not a reason that operational data are difficult to


a) Non-duplicated data b) Dirty data

c) Missing values d) Non-integrated data 5/8
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz

25. This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly

agrees  in advance to receive marketing information.

a) customer managed relationship b) data mining

c) . permission marketing
d) one-to-one marketing

26. In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual

users' characteristics or preferences.

a) Web services
b) customer-facing

c) client/server
d) personalization

27. This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the

enterprise in order to improve the enterprise's future sales and service and

lower cost.

a) clickstream analysis
b) CRM analytics

c) database marketing
d) customer relationship management

28. This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing,

analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better
business decisions.

a) best practice
b) data mart

c) business intelligence
d) business warehouse 6/8
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz

29. This is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are


a) contact center
b) help system

c) call center
d) help desk

30. This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that

are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests,

spending habits, and so on.

a) customer service chat

b) customer life cycle

c) customer segmentation
d) . change management 7/8
6/12/2021 BI - TEST | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 9. a 17. c 25. c
2. b 10. d 18. c 26. d
3. d 11. d 19. a 27. b
4. b 12. d 20. c 28. c
5. b 13. d 21. b 29. a
6. a 14. a 22. a 30. c
7. a 15. b 23. d
8. c 16. b 24. a 8/8
6/12/2021 BI QUIZ 3 | Print - Quizizz


10 Questions

1. 1.  A BI reporting system does not ________ .

a) A. create meaningful information b) B. deliver information to users on a

timely basis

c) use statistical procedures to predict d) use disparate data sources

future events

2. Which of the following are not done by Business Intelligence (BI) systems?

a) Analyze past and current activities only b) Process and record transactions only

c) Both of the above are correct.

3. Business Intelligence (BI) systems do not obtain their data by which of the

following means?

a) Read and process data from an b) Process transactions

operational database

c) Process extracts from operational


4. The "curse of dimensionality" relates to which problem of using operational

data for BI reporting?

a) Dirty data b) Inconsistent data

c) Too much data

5. A report generated by a reporting system is delivered to the appropriate users

via a user-accessed Web site. This system uses which of the following report


a) Push b) Pull

c) RFM 1/3
6/12/2021 BI QUIZ 3 | Print - Quizizz

6. Business Intelligence (BI) reporting systems cannot do which of the following


a) Filter data b) Group data

c) Modify data

7. Which of the following is not a component of a data warehouse?

a) Data extraction/cleaning/preparation b) Data warehouse data


c) Data metadata

8. Business Intelligence (BI) reporting analyses can be performed using ________ .

a) standard SQL only b) extensions to SQL only

c) OLAP only

9. The reports generated by a reporting system are usually not delivered in which

of the following media?

a) Web portal b) Commercial courier service

c) Digital dashboard

10. Data mining applications are used accomplish which of the following tasks?

a) Process transactions only b) Do RFM analysis only

c) Do what-if analysis only 2/3
6/12/2021 BI QUIZ 3 | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. c 4. c 7. c 10. c
2. b 5. b 8. a
3. b 6. c 9. b 3/3
6/12/2021 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE | Print - Quizizz


6 Questions

1. Aggregations are built from the _________________ by changing the granularity on

specific dimensions.

a) schema b) Fact table

c) Dimension table d) Resource

2. __________operation of OLAP provides alternate presentation of data by rotating


a) Slice b) Dice

c) Roll up d) Pivot

3. Type of relationship between a dimension and fact table in a star schema is :

a) Many-to-many b) One-to-one

c) One-to-many d) All of the above

4. what is the use of Data scrubbing?

a) reject data from the data warehouse b) load the data in the data warehouse
and to create the necessary indexes and to create the necessary indexes

c) upgrade the quality of data after it is d) upgrade the quality of data before it is
moved into a data warehouse moved into a data warehouse

5. Which of the following BI technique can predict value for a specific data item


a) Predictive modeling b) modeling

c) Predictive value d) Association 1/3
6/12/2021 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE | Print - Quizizz

6. What makes BI 2.0 different?

a) Dynamic querying of real-time b) Unstructured data is taken care of.

corporate data

c) Both a and b d) Semi structured data is taken care of. 2/3
6/12/2021 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. b 3. c 5. a
2. d 4. d 6. a 3/3
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing | Print - Quizizz


Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
5 Questions

1. Subject oriented databases for data warehousing are organized by detailed

subjects such as disk drives, computers, and networks.


2. Data warehouses are subsets of data marts.


3. Without middleware, different BI programs cannot easily connect to the data



4. Two-tier data warehouse/BI infrastructures offer organizations more flexibility

but cost more than three-tier ones.


5. Which kind of data warehouse is created separately from the enterprise data

warehouse by a department and not reliant on it for updates?

a) sectional data mart b) public data mart

c) independent data mart d) volatile data mart 1/2
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. b 3. a 5. c
2. b 4. b 2/2
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence- Component 1 | Print - Quizizz


Business Intelligence- Component 1
23 Questions

1. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes

a) a) Decision support b) b) Data mining

c) c) OLAP d) d) All of the mentioned

2. Which of the following areas are affected by BI ?

a) a) Revenue b) b) CRM

c) c) Sales d) d) All of the mentioned

3. This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in advance

to receive marketing information.

a) A. customer managed relationship b) B. data mining

c) C. permission marketing d) D. one-to-one marketing

e) E. batch processing

4. This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the enterprise in order

to improve the enterprise’s future sales and service and lower cost.

a) a. clickstream analysis b) b. database marketing

c) c. customer relationship management d) d. CRM analytics

e) e. B2C

5. This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and

providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.

a) data mart b) business information warehouse

c) business intelligence d) data mining 1/5
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence- Component 1 | Print - Quizizz

6. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes

a) Decision support b) Data mining

c) OLAP d) All of the mentioned

7. __________ is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support

ofmanagement decisions.

a) A. Data Mining. b) B. Data Warehousing.

c) C. Web Mining. d) D. Text Mining.

8. The data Warehouse is__________.

a) A. read only. b) B. write only.

c) C. read write only. d) D. none.

9. The important aspect of the data warehouse environment is that data found within the data


a) A. subject-oriented. b) B. time-variant.

c) C. integrated.

10. The data is stored, retrieved & updated in ____________.

a) A. OLAP. b) B. OLTP.

c) C. SMTP. d) D. FTP.

11. __________describes the data contained in the data warehouse.

a) A. Relational data. b) B. Operational data.

c) C. Metadata. d) D. Informational data. 2/5
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence- Component 1 | Print - Quizizz

12. __________ is the heart of the warehouse.

a) A. Data mining database servers. b) B. Data warehouse database servers.

c) C. Data mart database servers. d) D. Relational data base servers.

13. ________________defines the structure of the data held in operational databases and used by

operational applications.

a) A. User-level metadata. b) B. Data warehouse metadata.

c) C. Operational metadata. d) D. Data mining metadata.

14. _________maps the core warehouse metadata to business concepts, familiar and useful to end


a) A. Application level metadata. b) B. User level metadata.

c) C. Enduser level metadata. d) D. Core level metadata.

15. ______________databases are owned by particular departments or business groups.

a) A. Informational. b) B. Operational.

c) C. Both informational and operational. d) D. Flat.

16. Data can be updated in _____environment.

a) A. data warehouse. b) B. data mining.

c) C. operational. d) D. informational.

Record cannot be updated in _____________.

a) A. OLTP

b) B. files c) C. RDBMS

d) D. data warehouse 3/5
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence- Component 1 | Print - Quizizz

18. The source of all data warehouse data is the____________.

a) A. operational environment. b) B. informal environment.

c) C. formal environment. d) D. technology environment.

19. Data warehouse architecture is based on ______________.

a) A. DBMS. b) B. RDBMS.

c) C. Sybase. d) D. SQL Server.

20. Which of the following is not a data mining metric?

a) A. Space complexity. b) B. Time complexity.

c) C. ROI. d) D. All of the above.

21. Which level of database is viewed by user:

a) a. Internal level b) b. External Level

c) c. Conceptual Level d) d. All of these

22. ______is the structure of the database.

a) a. Table b) b. Relation

c) c. Schema d) d. None of these

23. An entity has a set of ___________ that describe it.

a) a. Attributes b) b. Entity

c) c. Tuples d) d. Relations 4/5
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence- Component 1 | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 7. b 13. c 19. b
2. b 8. a 14. a 20. d
3. d 9. a,b,c 15. b 21. b
4. d 10. b 16. c 22. c
5. c 11. c 17. d 23. a
6. d 12. b 18. a 5/5
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence Overview | Print - Quizizz


Business Intelligence Overview
5 Questions

1. Business Intelligence include

a) Data collection b) Data analysis

c) Data Reconciliation d) All of the above

2. Who create a BI solution

a) Data Engineer b) Data Analyst

c) Data Scientist d) All of the above

3. Which module of BI handles data integration

a) Data Modeling b) ETL

c) Data Gathering d) None of the above

4. Who works on a BI solution

a) Data Engineer b) Data Scientist

c) Data Analyst d) All of the above

5. BI enables fast access of data by

a) Providing data connectors b) Aggregating data

c) Using metadata d) All of the above 1/2
6/12/2021 Business Intelligence Overview | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 3. b 5. b
2. a 4. d 2/2
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz


Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB
69 Questions

1. Data Mining is the set of methodologies used in analyzing

data from various dimensions and perspectives, finding

previously unknown hidden patterns, classifying and
grouping the data and summarizing the identified

a) True b) False

2. What should be written in the blue box?

a) Transformed data b) Pattern/model

c) Preprocessed data d) Raw data

3. What should be written in the blue box?

a) Transformed Data b) Preprocessed Data

c) Pattern/model d) Raw data

4. Using features to predict unknown or future values of the

same or other feature is known as ___________ power of

data mining

a) Clustering b) Predictive
c) Associative d) Descriptive 1/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

5. "Use data mining to find interesting, human-interpretable

patterns that describe the data". What is the type of data

mining to achieve this objective?

a) Association b) Anomaly
c) Descriptive d) Categorisation

6. "Process of sifting through large data sets to identify and

describe patterns, discover and establish relationships

with an intent to predict future trends based on those
patterns and relationships". What does this statement
explain about?

a) Visualization b) Representation
c) Data mining d) Business intelligence

7. Fraud-detection models and risk mitigation models-these

are examples of data mining solution for which discipline?

a) Health b) Insurance
c) Banking d) Retail

8. Select the skills mainly required as a competent data


a) SQL b) R

c) Python d) Java

9. Select the tools that can be used for data mining

6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

10. Data mining process includes reporting and analysis

a) True b) False

11. Focus on the specific organisation data to detect patterns

a) True b) False

12. If during data mining, some data is incomplete, the team

should seeking out the incomplete data

a) True b) False

13. Techniques such as Self-Organizing-Maps (SOM’s), help to

map missing data based by visualizing the model of multi-

dimensional complex data.

a) True b) False

14. A scoreboard, on a manager or supervisor’s computer, fed

with real-time from data as it flows in and out of various

databases within the company’s environment. Choose
below which explains this best.

a) Data visualization b) Dashboard

c) Anomaly detection d) Data analysis

15. _______ is helpful to automatically find patterns within the

text embedded in hordes of text files, word-processed files,

PDFs, and presentation files.

a) SQL b) Text Analysis

c) Ctrl+F d) Visualization 3/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

16. Associations/co-relations between product sales, &

prediction based on such association is called ____________

a) Customer profiling b) Target marketing

c) Customer requirement d) Cross-market analysis

17. Class label is unknown: Group data to form new classes,

e.g., cluster houses to find distribution patterns

a) Predictive Analysis b) Anomaly Detection

c) Association Mining d) Cluster analysis

18. A pattern is interesting if it is easily understood by humans,

valid on new or test data with some degree of certainty,

potentially useful, novel, or validates some hypothesis that
a user seeks to confirm

a) True b) False

19. Data mining is driven by the following:-Kinds of data to be

mined-Kinds of knowledge to be discovered-Kinds of

techniques utilized-Kinds of applications adapted-Kinds of
given mining duration-Kinds of mining period

a) True b) False

20. Data mining depends on-Kinds of data to be mined-Kinds of

knowledge to be discovered-Kinds of techniques utilized-

Kinds of applications adapted

a) True b) False 4/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

21. Choose which data mining task is suitable for the following

scenario: first buy digital camera, then buy large SD

memory cards

a) Classification b) Sequential pattern

c) Association rule d) Prediction

22. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: Identifying an unexpected/unusual

amount of spending

a) Prediction b) Sequential pattern

c) Association rules d) Anomaly detection

23. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: diagnosing the level of flood severity

a) Prediction b) Classification
c) Anomaly detection d) Association rules

24. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: detecting the dosage of medicine for a

certain treatment

a) Prediction b) Classification
c) Association rules d) Sequential pattern

25. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: grouping participants in a weight loss


a) Classification b) Clustering
c) Prediction d) Association rules 5/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

26. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: determining the stock value of a certain


a) Prediction b) Classification

c) Clustering d) Association rules

27. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: determining the best location to be

recommended to a tourist club members

a) Association rules b) Clustering

c) Classification d) Prediction

28. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: determining the rating when a location

is recommended to a tourist club member

a) Classification b) Prediction
c) Clustering d) Association rules

29. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: determining which tour group is

suitable to a new member based on her past location

a) Prediction b) Classification

c) Clustering d) Anomaly detection

30. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: determining the thumbs up/thumbs

down of a social media post

a) Prediction b) Association rules

c) Classification d) Clustering 6/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

31. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: To identify items that are bought

concomitantly by a reasonable fraction of customers so
that they can be shelved.

a) Classification b) Association rules

c) Clustering d) Prediction

32. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario:

To subdivide a market into distinct subset of customers

where each subset can be targeted with a distinct
marketing mix

a) Classification b) Prediction
c) Clustering d) Association rules

33. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: To find groups of documents that are

similar to each other based on important terms appearing
in them

a) Classification b) Clustering
c) Prediction d) Association rules

34. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: To reduce cost of mailing by targeting a

set of consumers likely to buy a new cell phone product

a) Classification b) Association rules

c) Clustering d) Prediction 7/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

35. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: Predict fraudulent cases in credit card


a) Classification b) Association rules

c) Anomaly detection d) Clustering

36. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: To guess wind velocities based on

temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc

a) Classification b) Association rules

c) Prediction d) Anomaly detection

37. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: Given a set of n points or objects, and k,

the expected number of outliers, find the top k objects that
considerably dissimilar, exceptional or inconsistent with the
remaining data

a) Classification b) Association rules

c) Clustering d) Anomaly detection

38. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: Based on past usage patterns, develop

model for authorized credit card transactions

a) Classification b) Association rules

c) Clustering d) Anomaly detection 8/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

39. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: Given is a set of objects, with each

object associated with its own time of events, find rules that
predict strong sequential dependencies among different

a) Classification b) Sequential pattern


c) Clustering d) Association rules

40. Choose which data mining task is the most suitable for the

following scenario: Given the records of books that a group

of people read, find relationship of the genre pattern

a) Classification b) Association rules

c) Clustering d) Prediction

KDD describes the _________.  

a) whole process of
extraction of
knowledge from data

b) Extraction of data  c) extraction of


42. The partition of overall data warehouse is _______. 

a) database b) data cube

c) data mart d) operational data.

43. Metadata describes __________. 

a) contents of database b) structure of contents of


c) structure of database. 9/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

44. OLAP stands for ________. 

a) Online Analytical b) Online Linear Analytical

Processing Processing

c) Online Analytical

45.  OLAP is used to explore the ___________ knowledge. 

a) shallow b) deep
c) multidimensional d)  hidden.

46. . ________ is the technique which is used for discovering

patterns in dataset at the beginning of data mining


a) Kohenon map b) Visualization


47. Why was data warehousing proposed?

a) To keep track of b) To keep summarized

transactional data historical information
c) To manage data from d) To produce
heterogeneous sources management reports

48. What is a data warehouse?

a) Is a relational database b) Is a non-relational

that is designed for database that is
query and analysis designed for query and
analysis 10/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

49. In data warehousing, what is time-variant data?

a) Data in the warehouse b) Data in the warehouse

is only accurate and is always accurate and
valid at some point in valid
time or over time
c) Data in the warehouse d) Data in the warehouse
is only accurate is not accurate

50. What is a Data Mart?

a) A data mart is a b) A data mart is another

subgroup of the data type of data warehouse

c) A data mart is not d) None of these

actually related to data

51. Metadata is data about data

a) True b) False

52. Is the data in a data warehouse generally updated in real-


a) Yes b) No 11/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

53. . An operational system is which of the following?

a) A system that is used to b) A system that is used to

run the business in real run the business in real
time and is based on time and is based on
historical data. current data.
c) A system that is used to d) A system that is used to
support decision support decision
making and is based on making and is based on
current data. historical data.

54. Which schema is best for data warehouse development?

a) b)


55. The data collected in data warehouse can be used for

analyzing purposes.

a) True b) False

56. Which of the following are the characteristics of a data


a) Subject-oriented. b) Integrated.
c) Non-volatile. d) All of the above. 12/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

57. A basic concept of data warehouse is which of the


a) Can be updated by end b) Contains numerous

users. naming conventions
and formats.

c) Store the data in d) Contains only current

formats suitable for data.
easy access for decision

58. What is a Star Schema?

a) A star schema consists b) A star schema is a type

of a fact table with a of database system
single table for each
c) A star schema is used d) None of these
when exporting data
from the database

59. What does OLTP stand for?

a) Online transaction b) Offline transaction

processing processing
c) Outline trajectory d) Online traffic
processing processing

60. A snowflake schema is a normalized star schema

a) TRUE b) FALSE 13/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

61. "A fact table is narrow, but deep" means

a) Number of columns is b) Number of columns is

high, number of rows is high, number of rows is
high low
c) Number of columns is d) Number of columns is
low, number of rows is low, number of rows is
high low

62. What is the mode?

a) # occurring the most b) the average

c) greatest - least d) the middle #

63. The scores awarded to 25 students for an assignment were

as follows:

4  7  5  9  8  6  7  7  8  5  6  9  8    5  8  7  4  7  3  6  8  9  7  6  9

What is  the mode?

a) 6 b) 7
c) 8 d) 9

64. Find the mean of these numbers:


a) 4.1 b) 6
c) 4.5 d) 4

65. Find the median of these numbers:

a) 2 b) 5

c) 7 d) 4 14/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

66. Find the median, mode and range: 

3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 8, 3
a) median:7  mode:3 b) median:6  mode:3
 range:7  range:7
c) median:7  mode:3

67. Find the mean of these numbers:

2, 57, 38, 42, 6

a) 29 b) 38
c) 50 d) 145

68. Find the median.

12, 5, 9, 18, 22, 25, 5

a) 9 b) 8
c) 12 d) 18

69. The number of miles that Kyle biked each week for a 7-

week period is shown: 36, 42, 28, 52, 48, 36, 31 What is the
median number of miles Kyle biked?

a) 24 b) 36
c) 39 d) 52 15/16
6/12/2021 Data Warehousing and Data Mining LAB | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. a 19. b 37. d 55. a
2. c 20. a 38. d 56. d
3. a 21. b 39. b 57. c
4. b 22. d 40. b 58. a
5. c 23. b 41. a 59. a
6. c 24. a 42. c 60. a
7. b,c 25. b 43. b 61. c
8. a,b,c 26. a 44. a 62. a
9. a,b,c,d 27. a,b,c 45. c 63. b
10. a 28. b 46. b 64. b
11. b 29. c 47. b 65. d
12. a,b 30. c 48. a 66. c
13. a 31. b 49. a 67. a
14. b 32. c 50. a 68. c
15. b 33. b 51. a 69. b
16. d 34. a 52. b
17. d 35. a,c 53. d
18. a 36. c 54. b 16/16
6/12/2021 Unit VI Business Intelligence | Print - Quizizz


Unit VI Business Intelligence
17 Questions

1. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which


a) Decision support b) Data mining

c) OLAP d) All of the mentioned

2. Point out the correct statement

a) OLAP is an umbrella term that refers b) Business intelligence equips

to an assortment of software enterprises to gain business advantage
applications for analyzing an from data
organization’s raw data for intelligent
decision making

c) BI makes an organization agile thereby d) None of the mentioned

giving it a lower edge in today’s
evolving market condition

3. I can catalyze a business’s success in terms of :

a) Distinguish the products and services b) Rank customers and locations based
that drive revenues on profitability

c) Ranks customers and locations based d) All of the mentioned

on probability

4. Which of the following areas are affected by BI ?

a) Revenue b) CRM

c) Sales d) All of the mentioned 1/5
6/12/2021 Unit VI Business Intelligence | Print - Quizizz

5. Point out the wrong statement :

a) Data is factual information for analysis b) BI is a category of database software

that provides an interface to help
users quickly and interactively
scrutinize the results in a variety of
dimensions of the data

c) Customer relationship management d) None of the mentioned

(CRM) entails all aspects of interaction
that a company has with its customer

6. ________ is a performance management tool that recapitulates an organization’s

performance from several standpoints on a single page.

a) Balanced Scorecard b) Data Cube

c) Dashboard d) All of the mentioned

7. __________ is a system where operations like data extraction, transformation and

loading operations are executed.

a) Data staging b) Data integration

c) ETL d) None of the mentioned

8. _________ is a category of applications and technologies for presenting and

analyzing corporate and external data

a) Data warehouse b) MIS

c) EIS d) All of the mentioned

9. Which of the following is process of basing an organization’s actions and

decisions on actual measured results of performance ?

a) Institutional performance b) Gap analysis


c) Slice and Dice d) None of the mentioned 2/5
6/12/2021 Unit VI Business Intelligence | Print - Quizizz

10. Which of the following does not form part of BI Stack in SQL Server ?



11. Oracle Corporation’s set of business intelligence tools.

a) customer managed relationship b) data mining

c) permission marketing d) batch processing

e) one-to-one marketing

12. In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual

users’ characteristics or preferences.

a) Web services b) customer-facing

c) client/server d) customer valuation

e) personalization

13. This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the

enterprise in order to improve the enterprise’s future sales and service and
lower cost.

a) clickstream analysis b) database marketing

c) customer relationship management d) CRM analytics

e) B2C

This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing,

analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better
business decisions.

a) best practice b) data mart

c) business information warehouse d) business intelligence

e) business warehouse 3/5
6/12/2021 Unit VI Business Intelligence | Print - Quizizz

15. This is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of

consumer data (both for customers and potential customers) that is maintained
in a company’s databases.

a) database marketing b) marketing encyclopedia

c) application integration d) service oriented integration

e) business technology management

16. This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its

customer relationship management functions to an application service provider


a) spend management b) supplier relationship management

c) hosted CRM d) Customer Information Control System

e) online transaction processing

17. This is an XML-based metalanguage developed by the Business Process

Management Initiative (BPMI) as a means of modeling business processes,

much as XML is, itself, a metalanguage with the ability to model enterprise data.

a) BizTalk b) BPML

c) e-biz d) ebXML

e) ECB 4/5
6/12/2021 Unit VI Business Intelligence | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 6. a 11. c 16. c
2. b 7. a 12. e 17. b
3. d 8. c 13. d
4. b 9. a 14. d
5. b 10. d 15. a 5/5
Integration Services of SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence components
extracts, transforms and loads.
- True
- False

Which of the following BI technique can predict value for a specific data
item attribute?
- Predictive modeling
- modeling
- Predictive value
- Association

CORRECT ANSWER : Predictive modeling

Which of the following are direct benefits of Business Intelligence?

- Decision making
- Delivers data mining functionality
- Artificial intelligence
- All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : Decision making

What is Data-Based Knowledge

- Knowledge derived from data through the use of Business Intelligence Tools and the process of Data
- Knowledge derived from data through the use of Business Intelligence Tools
- Knowledge derived from data only
- Both a and c

CORRECT ANSWER : Knowledge derived from data through the use of Business Intelligence Tools and
the process of Data Warehousing

What makes BI 2.0 different?

- Dynamic querying of real-time corporate data
- Unstructured data is taken care of.
- Both a and b
- Semi structured data is taken care of.

CORRECT ANSWER : Dynamic querying of real-time corporate data

All business intelligence applications require a data warehouse.

- True
- False


A spreadsheet is a three-dimensional analysis tool
- True
- False


What does a typical BI environment comprise of?

- Data warehouse
- Data mart
- All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : All of the above

What are the challenges to developing BI with semi-structured or

unstructured data?
- unstructured data is stored in a huge variety of formats
- there is a need to develop a standardized terminology
- Both a and b
- Problem of format and terminology is just with unstructured data and not semi structured data.

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and b

Which of the following are BI tools?

- Informatica
- Siebel
- Cognos
- All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : All of the above

Which of the following is/are correct types of data?

- Semi-structured
- unstructured data
- Both a and b
- Semi data

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and b

Which of the following are benefits or use of BI?
- With BI, firms can identify their most profitable customers
- Quickly detect warranty-reported problems to minimize the impact of
- Data mining
- Both a and b

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and b

Often, Where do the BI applications gather data from?

- Data warehouse
- Data mart
- Both a and b
- Database

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and b

in business intelligence allows huge data and reports

to be read in a single graphical interface
- Reports
- Dashboard
- Warehouse


What is the use of Temporal and sequential patterns analysis technique of

- Trend and deviation
- sequential patterns
- Identify relationships between attributes
- Both a and b

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and b

1. A BI reporting system does not .

A. create meaningful information

B. deliver information to users on a timely basis

C. use statistical procedures to predict future events

D. use disparate data sources

Answer: C

2. Which of the following are not done by Business Intelligence (BI) systems?

A. Analyze past and current activities only

B. Process and record transactions only

C. Both of the above are correct.

D. Neither of the above is correct.

Answer: B

3. Business Intelligence (BI) systems do not obtain their data by which of the following means?
A. Read and process data from an operational database

B. Process transactions

C. Process extracts from operational databases

D. Process data purchased from data vendors

Answer: B

4. The "curse of dimensionality" relates to which problem of using operational data for BI reporting?

A. Dirty data

B. Inconsistent data

C. Too much data

D. Non-integrated data

Answer: C

5. A report generated by a reporting system is delivered to the appropriate users via a user-accessed

Web site. This system uses which of the following report modes?

A. Push B. Pull

Answer: B

RFM analysis uses customers' purchasing patterns to .

A. record transactions

B. analyze and rank customers

C. predict future sales using regression techniques

D. perform OLAP

Answer: B

7. The "F" in RFM analysis stands for .

A. frequently

B. freshness

C. fast food

D. fantasy

Answer: A
8. We have Market Basket data for 1,000 rental transactions at a Video Store. There are for videos

for rent -- Video A, Video B, Video C and Video D. The probability that both Video C and Video D

are rented at the same time is known as .

A. the basic probability

B. support

C. lift

D. confidence

Answer: B

9. Business Intelligence (BI) reporting systems cannot do which of the following operations?

A. Filter data

B. Group data

C. Modify data

D. Both filter and group data

Answer: C

10. Which of the following is not a component of a data warehouse?

A. Data extraction/cleaning/preparation programs

B. Data warehouse data

C. Data metadata

D. None of the above are data warehouse components.

Answer: C

11. Business Intelligence (BI) reporting analyses can be performed using .

A. standard SQL only

B. extensions to SQL only

C. OLAP only

D. both standard SQL and extensions to SQL

Answer: A

12. We have been given access to the company's operational data, and have been asked to

produce a report. We discover that some of the data we need are in an SQL server database
while other needed data are in a separate Oracle database. This is an example of _ .

A. dirty data

B. inconsistent data

C. non-integrated data

D. a "wrong format" problem

Answer: C

13. The reports generated by a reporting system are usually not delivered in which of the

following media?

A. Web portal

B. Commercial courier service

C. Digital dashboard

D. E-Mail

Answer: B

14. Data mining applications are used accomplish which of the following tasks?

A. Process transactions only

B. Do RFM analysis only

C. Do what-if analysis only

D. Do both RFM and what-if analysis

Answer: C

15. Which of the following is an unsupervised data mining technique?

A. Cluster analysis only

B. Regression Analysis only

C. RFM Analysis only

D. Both Regression Analysis and RFM Analysis

Answer: A

16. In OLAP, we are interested in .

A. levels only

B. dimensions only

C. measures only

D. measures and dimensions

Answer: D

17. Which of the following is not a reason that operational data are difficult to read?

A. Non-duplicated data

B. Dirty data

C. Missing values

D. Non-integrated data

Answer: A

18. We have Market Basket data for 1,000 rental transactions at a Video Store. There are

four videos for rent -- Video A, Video B, Video C and Video D. The probability that Video D

will be rented given that Video C has been rented is known as .

A. the basic probability

B. support

C. lift

D. confidence

Answer: D
19. One popular classification technique in Business Intelligence (BI) reporting is .

A. cluster analysis only

B. regression analysis only

C. RFM analysis only

D. both cluster analysis and regression analysis

Answer: C

20. We have done an RFM analysis on our customer data. Mary Jones has a score of "1 1 5".

This series means that Mary .

Has ordered recently, orders frequently, and places a large order when she

Hasn't ordered recently, orders infrequently, but places a large order when she

Has ordered recently, orders frequently, but doesn't place a large order when
she orders

Hasn't ordered recently, orders infrequently, and doesn't place a large order
when she orders.

Answer: C

21. This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees
in advance to receive marketing information.

A. customer managed relationship

B. data mining

C. permission marketing

D. one-to-one marketing

E. batch processing

Answer C

22. In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual users'

characteristics or preferences.

a. Web services

b. customer-facing

c. client/server

d. customer valuation

e. personalization

Answer E

23. This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the

enterprise in order to improve the enterprise's future sales and service and lower cost.

a. clickstream analysis

b. database marketing

c. customer relationship management

d. CRM analytics

e. B2C

Answer D

24. This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing,

analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business

a. best practice

b. data mart

c. business information warehouse

d. business intelligence

e. business warehouse

Answer D

25. This is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of

consumer data (both for customers and potential customers) that is maintained in a

company's databases.

a. database marketing

b. marketing encyclopedia

c. application integration

d. service oriented integration

e. business technology management

Answer A

26. This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its customer

relationship management functions to an application service provider (ASP).

a. spend management

b. supplier relationship management

c. hosted CRM

d. Customer Information Control System

e. online transaction processing

Answer C

27. This is an XML-based metalanguage developed by the Business Process Management

Initiative (BPMI) as a means of modeling business processes, much as XML is, itself, a

metalanguage with the ability to model enterprise data.

a. BizTalk


c. e-biz

d. ebXML

e. ECB

Answer B

28. This is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are managed.

a. contact center

b. help system

c. multichannel marketing

d. call center

e. help desk

Answer A

29. This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar

in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests, spending habits, and so


a. customer service chat

b. customer managed relationship

c. customer life cycle

d. customer segmentation

e. change management

Answer D
30. In data mining, this is a technique used to predict future behavior and anticipate the

consequences of change.

a. predictive technology

b. disaster recovery

c. phase change

d. Digital Silhouettes

e. predictive modeling

Answer E

This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect

explicitly agrees in advance to receive marketing information.

A. customer managed relationship

B. data mining
C. permission marketing
D. one-to-one marketing
E. batch processing

Answer C

In an Internet context, this is the practice of tailoring Web pages to individual

users’ characteristics or preferences.
a. Web services
b. customer-facing
c. client/server
d. customer valuation
e. personalization

Answer E
This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the
enterprise in order to improve the enterprise’s future sales and service and
lower cost.
a. clickstream analysis
b. database marketing
c. customer relationship management
d. CRM analytics
e. B2C

Answer D

This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering,

storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make
better business decisions.
a. best practice
b. data mart
c. business information warehouse
d. business intelligence
e. business warehouse

Answer D

This is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing

of consumer data (both for customers and potential customers) that is
maintained in a company’s databases.
a. database marketing
b. marketing encyclopedia
c. application integration
d. service oriented integration
e. business technology management

Answer A

This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its

customer relationship management functions to an application service
provider (ASP).
a. spend management
b. supplier relationship management
c. hosted CRM
d. Customer Information Control System
e. online transaction processing

Answer C
This is an XML-based metalanguage developed by the Business Process
Management Initiative (BPMI) as a means of modeling business processes,
much as XML is, itself, a metalanguage with the ability to model enterprise
a. BizTalk
c. e-biz
d. ebXML
e. ECB

Answer B

This is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are
a. contact center
b. help system
c. multichannel marketing
d. call center
e. help desk

Answer A

This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that
are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender,
interests, spending habits, and so on.
a. customer service chat
b. customer managed relationship
c. customer life cycle
d. customer segmentation
e. change management

Answer D

In data mining, this is a technique used to predict future behavior and

anticipate the consequences of change.
a. predictive technology
b. disaster recovery
c. phase change
d. Digital Silhouettes
e. predictive modelingAnswer E
1. one of the following is the Business intelligence broad category of application programs?
B. Data mining
C. Decision support
D. Both A and B
E. All of these
Answer C
2. which of the following is a central point from which all customer contacts are managed?
A. call center
B. help system
C. multichannel marketing
D. contact center
E. None of these
Answer D
3. one of the following is not part of Lewin’s three step approach to change?
A. Freezing
B. Unfreezing
C. Changing behavior
D. Initiating change
E. All of these
answer D
4. Buisness intelligence affected by areas.
A. Sales
C. Revenue
D. Both A and B
E. None of these
Answer B
5. technique used to predict future behavior and anticipate the consequences of change.
A. predictive modeling
B. disaster recovery
C. predictive technology
D. Digital Silhouettes
E. Both A and B
Answer A
6. One of the following term for a radical rethinking of the nature of the business?
A. Paradigm shift
B. Revolutionary change
C. Both A and B
D. Transformational change
E. All of these
answer A
7. is not a part of BI Stack in SQL Server.
E. None of these
Answer B
8. The first step in a Stage-gate process is .
A. Generate ideas and concepts
B. Demonstrate a plan
C. Initiate learning
D. Develop a product
E. All of these
answer A
9. IS stands for .
A. Internal services
B. Information systems
C. International sales
D. Intelligent strategy
E. None of these
answer B
10. is not a aggregate function.
A. With
B. Sum
C. Avg
D. Min
E. None of these
Answer A
11. one of the following is not an implementation activity for an information system?
A. User training and development
B. System documentation
C. Software development
D. a marketing plan
E. All of these
answer D
12. database provides creation logins on the destination server
A. Detach
B. Move
C. Copy
D. Attach
E. None of these
Answer C
 Q1) What is a subset of a data warehouse
1. Database

2. Data mart

3. Data set

4. Data storeroom

 Q2) Which of the following is an IT system that supports the capture, organization, and
dissemination of knowledge
1. Business process management system

2. Workflow system

3. Automatic workflow system

4. Knowledge management system

 Q3) This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar
in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests, spending habits, and so
1. customer service chat

2. customer managed relationship

3. customer life cycle

4. customer segmentation

 Q4) is a performance management tool that recapitulates an organization’s

performance from several standpoints on a single page.
1. Balanced Scorecard

2. Data Cube

3. Dashboard

4. All of the mentioned

 Q5) Which measure will help in implementing detailed reports for remote users but needed
1. Provide summarized reports downloaded using FTP

2. Create summarized and detailed templates distributed via e-mail

3. Invite collaborative input of remote users

4. Implement a web-based reporting tool with drill down capabilities

 Q6) What is the goal of a customer relationship management system

1. All of these

2. Improving business relationships with customers

3. driving sales growth

4. Assisting in customer retention

 Q7) Which of the following is an IT system that supports the capture, organization, and
dissemination of knowledge
1. Business process management system

2. Workflow system

3. Automatic workflow system

4. Knowledge management system

 Q8) What is the most appropriate element of business intelligence architecture to discuss with
end users
1. Metadata design

2. Visualization requirements

3. Data warehouse design

4. Data propagation methodology

 Q9) What is the critical benefit of using ERP

1. Help reduce operating costs

2. Facilitate Day-to-Day Management

3. Support Strategic Planning

4. All of the above

 Q10) Which tool is used for querying data warehouse

1. Database management systems

2. Picks and shovels

3. Data-mining tools

4. Data marts

 Q11) Which of the following is a logical collection of data gathered from many databases and
used to create business intelligence
1. Data warehouse

2. External intelligence gathering 'bots

3. Artificial intelligence

4. Competitive intelligence system

 Q12) What does business intelligence gain knowledge about

1. Customers

2. Competitors

3. Partners

4. All of the above

 Q13) This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing,
analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business
1. best practice data mart

2. business information warehouse

3. business intelligence

4. business warehouse

 Q14) What type of model is used for text retrieval

1. Nearest Neighbour

2. Linear regression

3. Non-linear regression

4. Clustering

 Q15) Which tool is used for querying data warehouse

1. Database management systems

2. Picks and shovels

3. Data-mining tools

4. Data marts

 Q16) How MDM can be implemented as

1. a process

2. an infrastructure,

3. a tool

4. All of the above

 Q17) Which term refers to combining all the information into a single user understandable form
like sets, list or graphs so that in a predefine pattern
1. Aggregation

2. Adhoc Query

3. Atomic Data

4. Cube

 Q18) Which type of dashboard provides information about failed ETL

1. operational

2. technical

3. strategic

4. None of the above

 Q19) Which factor usually determines when a data warehouse is scheduled for updation
1. Calendar events

2. System requirements

3. Business requirements

4. Volatility of operational data store

 Q20) What is the objective of a business intelligence system

1. Gathering confidential information from competitors

2. Improving the timeliness and quality of decisions

3. Improving the timeliness and quality of input for decision making

4. All of the above

 Q21) What is the important characteristic of good KPI

1. Actionable

2. Align with business goal effectively.

3. Improvement of one measurement of the organization doesn’t hamper the other


4. All of the above

 Q22) The "F" in RFM analysis stands for .

1. frequently

2. freshness

3. fast food

4. fantasy

 Q23) What does an application service provider do

1. Provides software over the intranet

2. Provides hardware over the internet

3. Provides computer equipment

4. None of the above

 Q24) Which clustering technique models individual text items as vector space points for text
1. Non-Hierarchical Divisive

2. Non-Hierarchical Agglomerative

3. Hierarchical Divisive

4. Hierarchical Agglomerative

 Q25) What is the prime characteristic of neural networks

1. Predictive capability
2. Procedural knowledge

3. Explicit programming

4. Network access

 Q26) What is the main benefit of business intelligence

1. Applicable for every part of Organization

2. Quick answer to problem

3. Find cause of Problem

4. All of the above

 Q27) What is the benefit of storing attribute definitions as metadata

1. Allows for bi-directional update of operational data

2. Significantly enhances load time performance

3. Reduces overall storage requirements

4. Allows data load rules to be shared across multiple tools

 Q28) What is the unit called, in which character text is parsed during term extraction
1. Word

2. Token

3. Element

4. Block

 Q29) Which measure will help in satisfying the changing analysis requirements of end-user's
1. By redesigning the report template for each end user

2. By allowing end users the flexibility to create their own reports

3. By providing the current reports in softcopy format

4. By allowing end users to define their own metadata

 Q30) Which of the following property is set to zero so that all levels are not created ?
1. Aggregatable

2. IsAggregatable

3. IsAggregate

4. All of the mentioned

 Q31) RFM analysis uses customers' purchasing patterns to .

1. record transactions

2. analyze and rank customers

3. predict future sales using regression techniques

4. perform OLAP

 Q32) Which of the following technique, is suitable for handling explicit knowledge

2. Nearest neighbour


4. Linear Regression

 Q33) Which of the following is not an deterrent to data quality

1. Plausibility of values

2. Devoid of delimiter in a flat file

3. Nullification of redundancies

4. Value deviations leading to noise

 Q34) We have Market Basket data for 1,000 rental transactions at a Video Store. There are for
videos for rent -- Video A, Video B, Video C and Video The probability that both Video C and
Video D are rented at the same time is known as .
1. the basic probability

2. support

3. lift

4. confidence

 Q35) What type of data is integrated by Integrated Information Management Systems

1. structured

2. semi-structured

3. unstructured

4. All of the above

 Q36) What activity be considered while selecting a data management system

1. handle the complete data of organization

2. boost up the organization performance.

3. assure the privacy of the organization

4. All of the above

 Q37) This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing,
analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business
1. best practice data mart

2. business information warehouse

3. business intelligence
4. business warehouse

 Q38) This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its customer
relationship management functions to an application service provider (ASP).
1. spend management

2. supplier relationship management

3. hosted CRM

4. Customer Information Control System

 Q39) Business Intelligence (BI) systems do not obtain their data by which of the following
1. Read and process data from an operational database

2. Process transactions

3. Process extracts from operational databases

4. Process data purchased from data vendors

 Q40) Which measure will help in satisfying the changing analysis requirements of end-user's
1. By redesigning the report template for each end user

2. By allowing end users the flexibility to create their own reports

3. By providing the current reports in softcopy format

4. By allowing end users to define their own metadata

 Q41) Which phase of BI life cycle, has the experts finalize the integration step of the Business
Intelligence solution and configure it so that it can replace the existing system or run in parallel
with the existing system
1. Roll-out

2. Designing

3. Planning

4. Realization

 Q42) This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the enterprise
in order to improve the enterprise’s future sales and service and lower cost.
1. clickstream analysis

2. database marketing

3. customer relationship management

4. CRM analytics

 Q43) In data mining, this is a technique used to predict future behavior and anticipate the
consequences of change.
1. predictive technology

2. disaster recovery
3. phase change

4. predictive modeling

 Q44) What is the benefit of storing attribute definitions as metadata

1. Allows for bi-directional update of operational data

2. Significantly enhances load time performance

3. Reduces overall storage requirements

4. Allows data load rules to be shared across multiple tools

 Q45) What functional areas are supported by an ERP

1. human resource management

2. accounting

3. manufacturing

4. All of the above

 Q46) Which of the following is process of basing an organization’s actions and decisions on
actual measured results of performance ?
1. Institutional performance management

2. Gap analysis

3. Slice and Dice

4. None of the mentioned

 Q47) Which type of dashboard measures the team goal, mission of the organization and how
well it is achieved
1. operational

2. technical

3. strategic

4. None of the above

 Q48) Point out the wrong statement :

1. The massive scale of cloud computing systems was enabled by the popularization of the

2. Soft computing represents a real paradigm shift in the way in which systems are deployed

3. Cloud computing makes the long-held dream of utility computing possible with a pay-as-you-
go, infinitely scalable, universally available system

4. All of the mentioned

 Q49) Which of the following is not supported by linked dimensions ?

1. readback

2. writeback
3. readwrite

4. All of the mentioned

 Q50) What is the most appropriate element of business intelligence architecture to discuss with
end users
1. Metadata design

2. Visualization requirements

3. Data warehouse design

4. Data propagation methodology

 Q1) What refers to a tool used to provide summarized and consolidate reports about ongoing
transactions within the organization, in graphical interface
1. EIS

2. DSS

3. Depends upon the data

4. Dependant on input predictor

 Q2) Which type of dashboard measures the team goal, mission of the organization and how
well it is achieved
1. operational

2. technical

3. strategic

4. None of the above

 Q3) Which type of dashboard, is used to measure the individual user growth within an
1. operational

2. technical

3. strategic

4. None of the above

 Q4) Which type of dashboard provides information about failed ETL

1. operational

2. technical

3. strategic

4. None of the above

 Q5) What is the important characteristic of good KPI

1. Actionable

2. Align with business goal effectively.

3. Improvement of one measurement of the organization doesn’t hamper the other


4. All of the above

 Q1) What is called for all of the steps required for a business process put together
1. Business process

2. Workflow

3. Steps

4. Document management system

 Q2) Which of the following is an IT system that supports the capture, organization, and
dissemination of knowledge
1. Business process management system

2. Workflow system

3. Automatic workflow system

4. Knowledge management system

 Q3) Which term refers to combining all the information into a single user understandable form
like sets, list or graphs so that in a predefine pattern
1. Aggregation

2. Adhoc Query

3. Atomic Data

4. Cube

 Q4) What type of management information system uses knowledge-based systems

1. MIS

2. MRP

3. EIS

4. DSS

 Q5) Which measure will help in satisfying the changing analysis requirements of end-user's
1. By redesigning the report template for each end user

2. By allowing end users the flexibility to create their own reports

3. By providing the current reports in softcopy format

4. By allowing end users to define their own metadata

 Q6) What is the benefit of storing attribute definitions as metadata
1. Allows for bi-directional update of operational data

2. Significantly enhances load time performance

3. Reduces overall storage requirements

4. Allows data load rules to be shared across multiple tools

 Q7) Which of the following is not an deterrent to data quality

1. Plausibility of values

2. Devoid of delimiter in a flat file

3. Nullification of redundancies

4. Value deviations leading to noise

 Q8) What functional areas are supported by an ERP

1. human resource management

2. accounting

3. manufacturing

4. All of the above

 Q9) What type of management information system is intended to facilitate and support the
information and decision-making needs of senior executives by providing easy access to both
internal and external information relevant to meeting the strategic goals of the organization
1. MIS

2. MRP

3. EIS

4. DSS

 Q10) What is a subset of a data warehouse

1. Database

2. Data mart

3. Data set

4. Data storeroom

 Q1) Which clustering technique models individual text items as vector space points for text
1. Non-Hierarchical Divisive

2. Non-Hierarchical Agglomerative

3. Hierarchical Divisive

4. Hierarchical Agglomerative
 Q2) When should data sources be identified in the data warehouse implementation process
1. After user needs are defined

2. After schema design

3. After data cleansing

4. After selection of an extraction tool

 Q3) Which method is usually used to minimize the effect of on-line disk failure in large data
1. Striping

2. Blocking

3. Mirroring

4. Double buffering

 Q4) Which type of data sets, does k-means partitioning is suitable for
1. Small data sets

2. Separated clusters

3. Spatial data sets

4. Large data sets

 Q5) Which of the following technique is usually driven by past experiences

1. Nearest Neighbour

2. Clustering

3. Linear regression

4. Non-linear regression

 Q1) What does business intelligence gain knowledge about

1. Customers

2. Competitors

3. Partners

4. All of the above

 Q2) What is the advantage of ERP systems

1. totally integrated

2. centric database or data warehouse

3. works on functional modules thus they have high efficiency and productivity

4. All of the above

 Q3) What is called for all of the steps required for a business process put together
1. Business process
2. Workflow

3. Steps

4. Document management system

 Q4) What does an application service provider do

1. Provides software over the intranet

2. Provides hardware over the internet

3. Provides computer equipment

4. None of the above

 Q5) Which phase of BI life cycle, has the experts finalize the integration step of the Business
Intelligence solution and configure it so that it can replace the existing system or run in parallel
with the existing system
1. Roll-out

2. Designing

3. Planning

4. Realization

 Q1) Updates to the attribute in a parent-child hierarchy must not include updates to any
other properties or attributes.
1. child

2. parent

3. both child and parent

4. None of the mentioned

 Q2) Which tool is used for querying data warehouse

1. Database management systems

2. Picks and shovels

3. Data-mining tools

4. Data marts

 Q3) This is an arrangement in which a company outsources some or all of its customer
relationship management functions to an application service provider (ASP).
1. spend management

2. supplier relationship management

3. hosted CRM

4. Customer Information Control System

 Q4) This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar
in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests, spending habits, and so
1. customer service chat

2. customer managed relationship

3. customer life cycle

4. customer segmentation

 Q5) Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes :
1. Decision support

2. Data mining


4. All of the mentioned

 Q6) is currency used to store transactions on which measures to be converted are

based in SSAS.
1. Local currency

2. Pivot currency

3. Global currency

4. None of the mentioned

 Q7) Point out the wrong statement :

1. The massive scale of cloud computing systems was enabled by the popularization of the

2. Soft computing represents a real paradigm shift in the way in which systems are deployed

3. Cloud computing makes the long-held dream of utility computing possible with a pay-as-you-
go, infinitely scalable, universally available system

4. All of the mentioned

 Q8) let you create external, user-defined functions using any common language
runtime (CLR) language
1. Aggregate

2. Assemblies

3. Synonym

4. All of the mentioned

 Q9) Which system manages a document through all stages of its life cycle
1. Business process management system

2. Workflow system

3. Document management system

4. Automatic workflow system

 Q10) Which of the following property is set to zero so that all levels are not created ?
1. Aggregatable

2. IsAggregatable

3. IsAggregate

4. All of the mentioned

 Q1) What is the benefit of storing attribute definitions as metadata

1. Allows for bi-directional update of operational data

2. Significantly enhances load time performance

3. Reduces overall storage requirements

4. Allows data load rules to be shared across multiple tools

 Q2) Which of the metadata approach helps in integration with multi-vendor tools along with
1. Centralized API approach

2. Decentralized API approach

3. Decentralized or interchange approach

4. Centralized or repository approach

 Q3) What dimensions should be viewed by an executive viewing monthly sales by region, to
understand which stores have increased total sales over last month
1. Region and sales

2. Stores and region

3. Stores and time

4. Stores, sales and product

 Q4) Which of the following is a data cleansing process

1. Extracting only valid data

2. Checking referential integrity

3. Building dimensions

4. Summarizing data

 Q5) Which method will decompose a free form product code having size and color information
1. Mapping

2. Parsing

3. Using foreign keys

4. Defining an intelligent primary key

Question 1
Q. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes
a) Decision support
b) Data mining
d) All of the mentioned

Question 2
Which of the following areas are affected by BI ?
a) Revenue
b) CRM
c) Sales
d) All of the mentioned

This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in advance to
receive marketing information.
A. customer managed relationship
B. data mining
C. permission marketing
D. one-to-one marketing
E. batch processing

This is the processing of data about customers and their relationship with the enterprise in order to
improve the enterprise’s future sales and service and lower cost.
a. clickstream analysis
b. database marketing
c. customer relationship management
d. CRM analytics
e. B2C

This is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing
access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.
data mart
business information warehouse
business intelligence

data mining
Q. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes
Decision support
Data mining
All of the mentioned

is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of
management decisions.
A. Data Mining.
B. Data Warehousing.
C. Web Mining.
D. Text Mining.

The data Warehouse is .
A. read only.

B. write only.
C. read write only.
D. none.

The important aspect of the data warehouse environment is that data found within the data warehouse
is .
A. subject-oriented.
B. time-variant.
C. integrated.

The data is stored, retrieved & updated in .

describes the data contained in the data warehouse.
A. Relational data.
B. Operational data.
C. Metadata.
D. Informational data.
is the heart of the warehouse.
A. Data mining database servers.
B. Data warehouse database servers.
C. Data mart database servers.
D. Relational data base servers.
Question 13
30 seconds
defines the structure of the data held in operational databases and used by
operational applications.
A. User-level metadata.
B. Data warehouse metadata.
C. Operational metadata.
D. Data mining metadata.

maps the core warehouse metadata to business concepts, familiar and useful to end users.
A. Application level metadata.
B. User level metadata.
C. Enduser level metadata.
D. Core level metadata.
Question 15
30 seconds
databases are owned by particular departments or business groups.
A. Informational.
B. Operational.

C. Both informational and operational.

D. Flat.

Data can be updated in environment.
A. data warehouse.
B. data mining.
C. operational.

D. informational.
Record cannot be updated in .
B. files
D. data warehouse

The source of all data warehouse data is the .
A. operational environment.

B. informal environment.
C. formal environment.
D. technology environment.

Data warehouse architecture is based on .
answer choices

C. Sybase.
D. SQL Server.

Which of the following is not a data mining metric?
A. Space complexity.
B. Time complexity.
D. All of the above.

Which level of database is viewed by user:
a. Internal level
b. External Level

c. Conceptual Level
d. All of these

is the structure of the database.
a. Table
b. Relation
c. Schema

d. None of these
An entity has a set of that describe it.
a. Attributes

b. Entity
c. Tuples
d. Relations
6/13/2021 Training Balance ScoreCard | Print - Quizizz


Training Balance ScoreCard
15 Questions

1. Balanced scorecard can act as a powerful

a) Development framework b) Operations framework

c) Service framework d) Organizing framework

2. Consensus gaining while strategy management in balanced scorecard is made

at stage of

a) Feedback and learning b) Translating the vision

c) Business planning d) Learning

3. When a company wants to align performance with their goals and objectives,

they often use what?

a) Strategic goal setting b) Balanced scorecard

c) Balanced marketing d) Objective scorecard

4. Which perspective focuses on training employees?

a) Learning and growth b) Business process

c) Customer d) Financial

5. Which perspective focuses on increase market share?

a) Financial b) Learning and growth

c) Business process d) Customer 1/4
6/13/2021 Training Balance ScoreCard | Print - Quizizz

6. Which perspective focuses on increase net profit?

a) Learning and growth b) Financial

c) Business process d) Customer

7. Which perspective focuses on standardize operational procedure?

a) Financial b) Learning and growth

c) Business process d) Customer

8. How many different perspectives are there with a balanced scorecard?

a) 4 b) 2

c) 3 d) 5

9. What is a Key Performance Indicator?

a) A way to assess employee behavior. b) A synopsis of a business' digital


c) A measurable value for tracking d) A look back at all the previous year's
business goals. objectives.

10. KPIs should follow the rules for SMART objectives. In SMART, what does the ''S''


a) Sanctioned b) Sales

c) Specific d) Stock

11. KPIs should follow the rules for SMART objectives. In SMART, what does the ''M''


a) Much b) Measurable

c) Meaningful d) Mind 2/4
6/13/2021 Training Balance ScoreCard | Print - Quizizz

12. Key Performance Indicators may vary based on all of the following EXCEPT


a) Type of industry b) Business goals

c) Unit d) Number of employees

13. Acronym of PDCA….

a) Plan, Do, Check, Action b) Produce, Direct, Check, Action

c) Propose, Do, Check, Action d) Propose, Do, Check, Activate

14. Below is KPI type, except….

a) Proxy b) Activity

c) Exact d) Identical

15. Below is cascading method of KPI, choose the correct answer please…

a) Shared b) Identical

c) Contribute d) All answer is correct 3/4
6/13/2021 Training Balance ScoreCard | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 5. d 9. c 13. a
2. b 6. b 10. c 14. d
3. b 7. c 11. b 15. d
4. a 8. a 12. d 4/4
MCQ Test 1 on Balanced Scorecard and Strategic
Profitability Analysis
MCQ In response to challenges arisen from competitors and new entrants, the strategies that
must be considered by the company includes

1. cost leadership
2. demand inelasticity
3. differentiated products
4. both a and c

MCQ Considering two fiscal years 2013 and 2014, the actual units sold in 2013 and 2014 are
11000 and 12500 units respectively and selling price in year 2013 is $50 then revenue effect of
growth is

1. $70,000
2. $75,000
3. $65,000
4. $73,000

MCQ The balanced scorecard perspective which measures company's success in targeted
segments of customers is classified as

1. internal business process perspective

2. customer perspective
3. learning perspective
4. financial perspective

MCQ The amount of capacity available other than capacity employed to meet the customer
demand is classified as

1. targeted capacity
2. budgeted capacity
3. recovery capacity
4. unused capacity

MCQ In operating income strategic analysis, the strategic component which measures change in
cost attributed to price of input in this year relative to price of input material in last year is
classified as

1. internal process component

2. growth component
3. price recovery component
4. productivity component

MCQ The ability of organization to offer market offerings at lower prices in comparison of its
competitors is classified as

1. inelastic demand
2. product differentiation
3. cost leadership
4. elastic demand

MCQ The balanced scorecard perspective which focuses on all the operations that leads to value
creation process for customers is classified as

1. learning perspective
2. financial perspective
3. internal business process perspective
4. customer perspective

MCQ The quantity of output produced is divided by cost of all inputs used to calculate

1. engineered productivity
2. targeted productivity
3. partial productivity
4. total factor productivity

MCQ In operating income strategic analysis, the component which measures the change in
operating income attributed to the change in output quantity is classified as

1. internal process component

2. growth component
3. price recovery component
4. productivity component

MCQ The example of financial perspective in balanced scorecard is

1. employee turnover rates

2. operating capabilities and number of patents
3. operating income and revenue growth
4. customer satisfaction and market share

MCQ The ability of organization to offer its services or products that must be perceived by
customers as unique and superior in comparison of its competitors is called

1. inelastic demand
2. product differentiation
3. cost leadership
4. elastic demand

MCQ If the quantity of jackets manufactured is 2250000 units and the leather used to produce
the output is 3500000 sq.m then direct materials partial productivity is

1. 0.642 unit of jacket per sq.m of leather

2. 0.342 unit of jacket per sq.m of leather
3. 0.442 unit of jacket per sq.m of leather
4. 0.542 unit of jacket per sq.m of leather

MCQ Consider two years 2013 and 2014, the quantity of output produced in 2014 is divided by
cost of input used in 2013 to produce output in 2014 to calculate

1. benchmark engineered productivity

2. benchmark total factor productivity
3. benchmark partial productivity
4. benchmark total productivity

MCQ The quantity of output produced is divided by quantity of used input to calculate

1. targeted productivity
2. total factor productivity
3. partial productivity
4. unused productivity

MCQ Considering the balanced scorecard, the perspective in which performance of organization

1. financial perspective
2. learning and growth perspective
3. customer perspective
4. all of above

MCQ In operating income strategic analysis, the strategic component which measures change in
operating income attributed to change in price of outputs and inputs is classified as

1. internal process component

2. growth component
3. price recovery component
4. productivity component

MCQ In strategy formulation, the forces that must be focused for industry analysis includes

1. potential entrants in market

2. customer's bargaining power
3. supplier's bargaining power
4. all of above

MCQ The example of customer perspective in balanced scorecard is

1. employee turnover rates

2. operating capabilities and number of patents
3. operating income and revenue growth
4. customer satisfaction and market share

MCQ Considering two fiscal years 2013 and 2014, the selling price in 2013 and 2014 is $55 and
$60 per unit respectively and actual units sold in 2013 are 25000 units then revenue effect of
price recovery is

1. $14,500
2. $135,000
3. $125,000
4. $12,500

MCQ The way an organization match its capabilities with available opportunities to accomplish
its goals is classified as

1. elasticity incurrence
2. off shoring
3. strategy
4. engineering

MCQ The example of internal business perspective in balanced scorecard is

1. employee turnover rates

2. operating capabilities and number of patents
3. operating income and revenue growth
4. customer satisfaction and market share

MCQ The balanced scorecard perspective which measures strategy profitability and amount of
operating income results from cost reduction is classified as

1. learning perspective
2. financial perspective
3. internal business process perspective
4. customer perspective

MCQ The approach used to manage unused capacity is

1. reengineering
2. downsizing
3. upgrading
4. None of above

MCQ The example of learning and growth perspective in balanced scorecard is

1. employee turnover rates

2. operating capabilities and number of patents
3. operating income and revenue growth
4. customer satisfaction and market share

MCQ The innovation process, operation process and post sales services are all sub processes of
perspective called

1. internal business process perspective

2. external business process perspective
3. leadership perspective
4. reengineering perspective

MCQ The fundamental redesigning and rethinking of business processes to improve critical
measures such as quality, speed, cost and customer satisfaction is classified as

1. reengineering
2. differentiation
3. bargaining
4. targeting

MCQ Considering two fiscal years 2013 and 2014, the input price in 2013 and 2014 are $9 and
$11 per unit respectively and input units required in 2013 to produce output in 2014 are 30000
units then cost effect of price recovery is

1. $60,000
2. $6,000
3. $65,000
4. $6,500

MCQ The translation of organization strategy and mission into performance measures to provide
framework for strategy implementation is classified as

1. differentiation scorecard
2. bargaining scorecard
3. leadership scorecard
4. balanced scorecard

MCQ The example of direct engineered cost is

1. indirect material cost

2. direct material cost
3. direct labor cost
4. indirect labor cost

1. According to Kaplan and Norton, what should be the main perspective of the
balanced scorecard?

a. Financial.
b. Customer.
c. Internal business process.
d. Learning and growth.
e. None of these.

Answer:- a. Financial

2. Kaplan and Norton define a company’s strategy as

a. defining the market and customers the company plans to serve.

b. defining the critical internal process needed to compete.
c. defining the individual and organizational capabilities needed to compete.
d. a. and b.
e. a., b. and c.

Answer:- e. a., b. and c.

3. Kaplan and Norton define the generic internal value chain as

a. production and distribution.

b. production, distribution and post sales service.
c. innovation and operations.
d. innovation, operations and post sales service.
e. a. and c.

Answer:- d. innovation, operations and post sales service.

4. The metaphor used for the balanced scorecard by Kaplan and Norton is

a. a set of airplane instrument dials.

b. a flight simulator.
c. a radar screen.
d. a flight path.
e. none of the above.

Answer:- b. a flight simulator.

5. As defined by Kaplan and Norton, leading indicators are always

a. financial.
b. non-financial.
c. drivers.
d. internal.
e. short term.

Answer:- c. drivers.

6. According to Norton and Kaplan, the balanced scorecard should be used as

a. a control system.
b. a diagnostic system.
c. a strategic system.
d. a. and b.
e. b. and c.

Answer:- c. a strategic system.

7. The various stakeholders include vendors, employees, distributors, customers,

stockholders and society. According to Norton and Kaplan, which of these should be
represented on the balanced scorecard?

a. all stakeholders are important and should be included.

b. all except society which is too general to be included.
c. only employees, customers and stockholders.
d. only those that are vital for achieving the company’s strategy.
e. none of these.

Answer:- d. only those that are vital for achieving the company’s strategy.

8. Norton and Kaplan recommend that a separate balanced scorecard be developed for

a. each department within the company.

b. each product line within the company.
c. each division or business unit with the company.
d. the whole company.
e. none of these.
Answer:- c. each division or business unit with the company.

9. Norton and Kaplan argue that balanced scorecard measurements should

a. clearly indicate the person responsible.

b. be linked.
c. be reinforcing.
d. b. and c.
e. a., b. and c.

Answer:- d. b. and c.

10. Advocates of which of the following theories would be the most likely to criticize
the balanced scorecard concept?

a. Japanese management theory.

b. Deming’s theory of management.
c. JIT management theory.
d. Goldratt’s theory of constraints.
e. CAM-I’s management theory.

Answer:- d. Goldratt’s theory of constraints.

11. In the Balanced Scorecard, Kaplan and Norton describe four perspectives that
need to be balanced for companies to become and remain competitive. Which
perspective places more emphasis on investing in employees?

a. Financial.
b. Customer.
c. Internal business processes.
d. Learning & growth.

Answer:- d. Learning & growth.

12. According to Kaplan & Norton, which of the balanced scorecard perspectives is
first in the chain of cause and effect relationships?
a. Financial.
b. Customer.
c. Internal business processes.
d. Learning & growth.

Answer:- d. Learning & growth.

13. According to Kaplan & Norton, which of the balanced scorecard perspectives
serves as the focus of the other perspectives?

a. Financial.
b. Customer.
c. Internal business processes.
d. Learning & growth.

Answer:- a. Financial.

14. Which of the following is not one of the main parts of the Kaplan-Norton balanced
scorecard concept? Balancing:

a. financial and non financial measurements.

b. cash flows and non cash flows.
c. short term and long term measurements.
d. leading and lagging indicators.
e. internal and external measurements.

Answer:- b. cash flows and non cash flows.

15. Arrange the five measurements below in the order of cause and effect.

A. Improve customer loyalty.

B. Improve return on capital employed.
C. Improve repeat and expanded sales.
D. Improve cycle time.
E. Improve on time delivery to customer.
F. Improve employee skills.

a. B →C →A →E →D →F
b. F →E →D →C →A →B
c. F →D →E →A →C →B
d. A →D →F →E →B →C
e. C →A →E →B →D →F

Answer:- c. F →D →E →A →C →B

1. Which one of the following is not one of the Balanced Scorecard’s four generic perspectives?

Your Answer: marketing and advertising

2. Which one of the following is a ‘lag’ performance indicator?

Your Answer: return on capital employed

3. Which one of the following statements is true?

Your Answer: Balanced Scorecards can be used in Not-for-Profit organisations

4. Which of the following statements is false?

Balanced scorecards:

Your Answer: cannot be used in conjunction with budgetary control systems

5. Which of the following statements is correct?

Your Answer: Organisations sometimes use a ‘traffic-light’ system on their balanced scorecard to help
them prioritise their activities.

Q.) The example of financial perspective in balanced scorecard is

1) employee turnover rates

2) operating capabilities and number of patents

3) operating income and revenue growth

4) customer satisfaction and market share

 Q1) What is the main challenge that organizations have with balanced scorecard cascading
1. employees don’t understand enough about the process to be effective

2. disconnect between tiers due to delegation or other problems

3. organization level scorecard is misunderstood or hard to communicate

4. All of these

 Q2) Which balanced scorecard implementation model, involves small part of project being
implemented for testing purposes before the complete project rollout is done
1. Big Bang

2. Phased rollout

3. Parallel adoption

4. Pilot and rollout

 Q3) Which balanced scorecard implementation model, involves users learning the new system while
working on the old
1. Big Bang

2. Phased rollout

3. Parallel adoption

4. Pilot and rollout

 Q4) Which balanced scorecard implementation model, involves all users move to the new system on a
given date
1. Big Bang

2. Phased rollout

3. Parallel adoption

4. Pilot and rollout

 Q5) Which guideline should be followed for balanced scorecard cascading

1. Cascade objectives rather than measures

2. Cascade themes of the strategy map

3. Beware cascading measures especially where they are not consistent

4. All of these

 Q6) Which balanced scorecard implementation model, involves users moving onto new system in a
phased manner
1. Big Bang

2. Phased rollout

3. Parallel adoption

4. Pilot and rollout

 Q1) What is a disadvantage of balanced scorecard
1. It increases number of performance indicators which can be confusing for the employees

2. It is very difficult to manage all the four perspective and create a required balance

3. It has to be updated regularly to make it relevant to the given point of action

4. All of these

 Q2) What is not impacted by balanced scorecard

1. communicating strategy

2. planning and budgeting

3. strategy oriented specific initiatives

4. None of these

 Q3) Select the balanced scorecard’s perspective which aims for assessment of skills, talent and
1. Learning Perspective

2. Internal Perspective

3. Customer Perspective

4. Financial Perspective

 Q4) How many perspectives does balanced scorecard have

1. 2

2. 3

3. 4

4. 5

 Q5) Select the balanced scorecard’s perspective which aims for increase market share and hike in
brand awareness
1. Customer Perspective

2. Financial Perspective

3. Internal Perspective

4. Learning Perspective

 Q6) Leading indicators in context of balanced scorecard for an organization, will always be?
1. financial

2. non-financial

3. drivers

4. internal

 Q7) Balanced scorecard should be developed for?

1. each department within the company
2. each product line within the company

3. each division or business unit with the company

4. None of these

 Q8) Select the balanced scorecard’s perspective which aims to cost saving and improved work
1. Financial Perspective

2. Internal Perspective

3. Customer Perspective

4. Learning Perspective

 Q9) What characterizes generic internal value chain, in context of balanced scorecard for an
1. production and distribution

2. production, distribution and post sales service

3. innovation and operations

4. innovation, operations and post sales service

 Q10) What refers to vision barrier in successful implementation of balanced scorecard

1. workforce does not understands organisational vision and strategy

2. managers do not have incentives linked to strategy

3. organizations don’t link budgets to strategy

4. management teams spend less than one hour discussing strategy

 Q1) Which of the following, defines strategy

1. formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives

2. the determination of the basic long-term goals of an enterprise,

3. the art, science, and craft of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions

4. All of these

 Q1) Which of the following, defines a policy

1. the art of manner of governing a nation

2. general statements or understandings which guide or channel thinking in decision making

3. Policies define how the company will deal with stakeholders

4. All of these

 Q2) What characterizes environmental analysis

1. a holistic exercise in which total view of environment is taken

2. a heuristic or exploratory process

3. must be a continuous process

4. All of these

 Q3) What is not an feature of planning

1. it is a process

2. it is future oriented

3. it involves selection of suitable course of action

4. None of these

 Q4) What defines competitive supply chain strategy

1. customer preference for cost

2. customer preference for delivery time

3. customer preference for variety and quality

4. All of these

 Q5) What is a crucial feature of environmental analysis

1. it is a holistic exercise

2. it is a heuristic process

3. it is a exploratory process

4. All of these

 Q6) Which feature drives strategy execution

1. speed and ability

2. engagement and capability

3. execution-focused leadership

4. All of these

 Q7) Which of the following is regarded as primary activity under value chain analysis for an
1. Inbound Logistics

2. Operations

3. Outbound Logistics

4. All of these

 Q8) What is not included in the process of defining the strategy

1. clarify the company's mission, vision, and values

2. review the current situation with an emphasis on internal and external influences and the existing

3. create strategy direction statements

4. None of these

 Q9) Which of the following is not an opportunity for an organisation, as listed under SWOT
1. Strong economy

2. Emerging new technologies

3. Expansion of product line to meet broader range of customer needs

4. None of these

 Q10) What is the first step in the planning process

1. Establishing Objectives

2. Perception of opportunities

3. Identification of Alternatives

4. None of these

 Q1) Who gets involved first in strategic management process for an organization
1. The Strategic Planner

2. The Board of Directors

3. Managers

4. All of these

 Q2) Which of the following is a contingent decision type

1. These are already made decision based on certain conditions being met

2. This type of decision involve making a choice from two or more alternatives

3. This is a decision that involves a yes/no

4. None of these

 Q3) What does the domain of top management would include

1. Strategic Issues

2. Sharing of Concern

3. Sharing of resources

4. All of these

 Q4) What is the first phase in the strategic management

1. Evaluation of strategies

2. Formulation of strategies

3. Defining the vision

4. None of these

 Q5) What is the impact duration of strategic issues

1. Short-term

2. Long-term

3. Both short and long term

4. None of these

 Q6) What guides company's strategy formulation

1. strategic intent

2. strategic mission

3. Both strategic intent and strategic mission

4. None of these

 Q7) What are the benefits of strategic management

1. Clarity of strategic vision for the organization

2. Focus on what is strategically important to the organization

3. Better understanding of the rapidly changing business environment

4. All of these

 Q8) What is the basis of taking strategic decision making

1. forecasts

2. profits

3. revenue

4. None of these

 Q1) What are the feature of strategy

1. the systems approach

2. consider the internal factors

3. relative combination of actions

4. All of these

 Q2) Which of the following, defines a policy

1. the art of manner of governing a nation

2. general statements or understandings which guide or channel thinking in decision making

3. Policies define how the company will deal with stakeholders

4. All of these

 Q1) What does process map help you visually identify

1. chokepoints

2. high-risk activities

3. leverage points of greatest impact

4. All of these

 Q2) What is a weighting factor to prioritize initiatives under balanced scorecard

1. Strategic Value
2. Time Required for Implementation

3. Resources Required for Implementation

4. All of these

 Q3) Which of the following provides a high-level view of the process

1. VSM

2. Process flow chart


4. Affinity diagram

 Q4) What can cause unsuccessful implementation of strategy

1. unsatisfactory coupling of strategy and operational actions

2. insufficient attention to the negotiation of outcomes in decision situations

3. defective strategy

4. All of these

 Q5) Which of the following illustrates components of a business process?



3. Kaizen


 Q6) What does event in a CPM/PERT network, refers to ?

1. the occurrence of a delay in the project

2. an activity inserted into the network to show a precedence relationship with no passage of time

3. the beginning or completion of an activity or project

4. the earliest an activity can start

 Q7) What does institutionalization of strategy involves

1. communication of strategy to organizational members

2. getting acceptance of strategy by organizational members

3. Both communication of strategy and getting acceptance of strategy by organizational members

4. None of these

 Q8) How does process flow is indicated in a flow chart ?

1. Arrow

2. Square box

3. Circular box

4. Rectangular box
 Q9) What is also called as cause and effect diagram
1. tree diagram

2. root diagram

3. NGT

4. flowchart

 Q10) Which of the following is not used for process mapping

1. Flow chart

2. Written Procedures

3. Work Instructions

4. None of these

 Q1) Which technique is used to create a ranked list of ideas

1. Interviews

2. Brainstorming

3. Nominal Group Technique (NGT)

4. Multi-voting

 Q2) What does strategy does not provide guidance on

1. companywide organization structure

2. hiring

3. capabilities that must be developed

4. None of these

 Q3) The vision statement serves as the foundation for

1. corporate mission for achieving success.

2. tactics for achieving success.

3. strategies for achieving success.

4. All of these

 Q4) What should a vision statement tells us, about the organization
1. market

2. product

3. distinguisher

4. All of these

 Q5) Which technique is used by teams to choose the most significant or highest priority item from a
list with limited discussion and difficulty
1. Interviews
2. Brainstorming

3. Nominal Group Technique (NGT)

4. Multi-voting

 Q6) Which measure of financial strategy is used in development of strategy map under finance
1. revenue growth

2. productivity

3. revenue growth and productivity

4. None of these

 Q7) What does innovation and learning perspective is concerned with, in context of balanced
1. human capital

2. information capital

3. organization capital

4. All of these

 Q8) What is a cluster for internal process perspective, in context of balanced scorecard
1. operations management

2. customer management

3. regulatory & social management

4. All of these

 Q9) Which of the following, under financial perspective of balanced scorecard, is money generated or
spent through receiving/paying loans, issuing/repurchasing stock, and paying dividends
1. Operational cash flows

2. Investment cash flows

3. Financing cash flows

4. None of these

 Q10) Which of the following, under financial perspective of balanced scorecard, is money generated
or spent through capital expenditure, investments or acquisitions.
1. Operational cash flows

2. Investment cash flows

3. Financing cash flows

4. None of these
1) Information systems can facilitate supply chain management by
A. Tracking the status of orders
B. Rapidly communicating orders
C. Providing product specifications
D. Doing all of the above

2) What term refers to the structure, and substructures, of an organization’s information systems?
A. Subsystems
B. System formations
C. IT Configurations
D. Infrastructure

3) The criteria used to access how user and business needs are met in software.
A. Compatibility
B. Security
C. Scalability
D. Functionality

4) Which of the system uses Multidimensional data analysis?

D. All of the above

5) Which of the following can be used to determine the tangible value of information?
A. Profit-cost of gathering information
B. Labor costs-cost of gathering information
C. Quality of information-cost of gathering information
D. Value of information-cost of gathering information

6) A human order taker can be bypassed when using a(n) ……

A. Office automation system
B. Management Information System
C. Transaction Processing System
D. Decision Support System

7) Which of the following level of managers develop short and medium-range plans, schedules and
budgets and specify the policies, procedures and business objectives for their subunits of the company?
A. Strategic
B. Tactical
C. Operational
D. Front Line

8) Preparing short-term budgets is an example of a finance and accounting information system

operating at the
A. operational level
B. management level
C. knowledge level
D. strategic level

9) ……. is an overall performance summary to date and compared with the previous periods, budgets.
A. Sales recap
B. Sales data
C. Sales product
D. Sales objective

10) In which of the following types of analysis, the value of only one variable is changed repeatedly, and
the resulting changes on other variables are observed.
A. What-if analysis
B. Sensitivity analysis
C. Goal seeking analysis
D. None of the above

11) Which category of computer-based information systems are concerned with improving efficiency by
applying information technology to common administrative tasks, such as creating business documents?
A. Office automation systems
B. Strategic information systems
C. Expert systems
D. Business information systems

12) The final element of feedback is essential for system operation and for ……….
A. self-regulation
B. correct errors
C. testing
D. debugging

13) The expert system uses a(n) …….. to select the most appropriate response.
A. inference
B. decision support system
C. knowledge base
D. data source

14) The most advanced graphics software in any system used by management is normally found in…
C. intranets
D. enterprise systems

15) In MIS ……. plays economically sound and logically in the development process.
A. information
B. data
C. statements
D. data flow
16) A storage device that is connected directly to a network is an example of ……..
A. network-attached storage
B. storage area network
C. direct-attached storage

17) Supply chain decision support pertaining to specific products produced at specific plants in a specific
quantity falls under.
A. supply chain decision support at the strategic level
B. supply chain decision support at the operational level
C. supply chain decision support at the operational level
D. either at the strategic level or at the tactical level

18) In among the firm’s executives, managers, and supervisors are comes under the…… of workers.
A. knowledge
B. leader
C. informer
D. higher level

19) ……….. are knowledge-based system to which present rules are applied to solve a particular problem.
D. Base rule 0

20) To easily modify the existing system it is necessary to

A. use good software tools
B. use the best hardware available
C. design the system which can be changed at a low cost
D. keep the programming team happy


1) D. Doing all of the above

2) D. Infrastructure
3) D. Functionality
4) A. DSS
5) D. Value of information-cost of gathering information
6) C. Transaction Processing System
7) B. Tactical
8) B. management level
9) A. Sales recap
10) B. Sensitivity analysis
11) A. Office automation systems
12) A. self-regulation
13) A. inference
14) B. ESS
15) D. data flow
16) A. network-attached storage
17) B. supply chain decision support at the operational level
18) A. knowledge
19) A. ES
20) C. design the system which can be changed at a low cost

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