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About this Assessment Manual

This Assessment Manual provides you with assessment information and the
assessment tasks you will be required to complete for this unit.

Why are assessment tasks important?

The assessment tasks are an important part of your course as they provide: an
opportunity for you to apply what you have learned; and feedback on your progress.

How will you be assessed?

You are required to complete all of the below assessment tasks satisfactorily to
demonstrate competency in this unit. Your trainer and assessor will provide you with a
due date for each assessment task during the first class of the unit. Write the due dates
down in the space provided. You will also find information on due dates once you login
to the e-learning platform.

Assessment Plan

Assessment Number Method of Assessment Due Date

Assessment Task 1 Short answer questions

Assessment Task 2 Portfolio & Roleplay

What is required for successful completion?

To be assessed as ‘Competent’ for this unit, you must complete all of the
above assessment tasks satisfactorily.

Assessment Tasks

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The information provided under each assessment task gives the assessor and the

• Instructions to outline the purpose of the assessment task and conditions to

consider when conducting the task (e.g. resources, place, submission
requirements and timeframes).
• Assessment context/scenario information.

• Activities/questions to be completed by the student.

• An outline of the evidence to be submitted by the student - Evidence
Submission Checklist.

How to submit assessments

You must type your responses using MS Office Suite programs (or similar). Your trainer
and assessor will also accept handwritten responses if they are legible. In some cases,
an assessment task will require you to complete a template or a form and these can
also be completed by hand.

Please note that some assessment tasks require you to submit completed forms
and/or templates. You will find these forms and templates in a sperate document
named ‘Appendices and templates’.

In some role-play scenarios, you may be required to work in a small group. If this is
the case, you will still be required to submit your assessment evidence individually,
and your performance will still be assessed on an individual basis.

You must submit your assessment work via e-learning platform by the due date.

Assessment Submission Declaration

Before submitting your assessment work to your trainer and assessor for marking,
you must accept the following assessment submission declaration.

I declare that the evidence provided for this task is my own work; none of this
work has been completed by other person; I have not cheated or plagiarised the
work or colluded with any other student(s); I have corrected by referenced all

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resources and reference texts where applicable; I understand that if I am found
in breach of the Academic Misconduct Policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me; and I understand my assessment appeal rights.

The above declaration is an agreement from you declaring that all the evidence you
are submitting is your own work.

If you submit your work electronically using VIA’s e-Learning platform, then accept
the assessment submission declaration for each task before finalising the

If you submit paper copies of your work, then complete the Assessment Cover Sheet
for each assessment task before handing in the completed work to your trainer and

Please keep the ‘Assessment Submission Receipt’ section with you as a proof
of submission.

Assessment Task and Unit Outcomes

Once your work is marked, you will receive either ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Not Satisfactory’
result for each assessment task.

If you receive ‘Satisfactory’ result for all assessment tasks, then you will
receive ‘Competent’ result for this unit.

If you receive a ‘Not Satisfactory’ result for any of the tasks or missed any of the tasks,
then you will receive a ‘Not Competent’ result for this unit.

Plagiarism and Referencing

You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner Guide
or other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly
from these sources. If your responses are found to have been copied directly from the
learner guide or other sources, your result will be ‘Not Satisfactory’.

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You will still need to provide references of sources you relied upon to prepare your
assessment work. Please refer to the Student Handbook (available on the VIA

You must also ensure that your assessment work must be current and relevant to the
given task and case study scenario.

Students who are found to be engaged in academic misconduct involving plagiarism,

cheating, and/or collusion will be dealt as per the VIA Education’s Academic
Misconduct Policy. More details on this policy can be found in the Student Handbook
available on the VIA website.


If you receive ‘Not Competent’ (NC) result for this unit, you will be given reattempt
opportunity. You will have two reattempt opportunities of any assessment task during
the duration of your course. Please note that each reattempt will be subject to a re-
assessment fee. Please refer to the Student Handbook (available on the VIA website) to
know more about the reassessment process.

What can you do if you do not agree with the assessment

outcomes (results)?

If you disagree with the assessment outcome or if you believe that you have been
treated unfairly, you can appeal the decision using VIA Education’s Complaints and
Appeals policy (refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy in the Student Handbook
available on the VIA website).

The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer and assessor. If you are still
not happy with the outcome, you can request for a review of your assessment by
lodging a formal appeal.

Retaining copies of the submitted assessments

Please make sure you keep a copy of all work submitted.

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Portfolio and Roleplay


• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess your knowledge and skills
relating using critical thinking for complex problem solving.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this
task: o WORLDUCATION College Case Study Scenario
o Appendices and templates provided by your assessor
o Business technology and office equipment including computer with MS
Office Suite (or similar) and internet access
o Space/technology to conduct meetings/presentations
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the
Learner Guide, case study scenario or other sources when preparing evidence,
but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly from
these sources. If your responses are found to have been copied directly from
learner guide, case study scenario or other sources, your result for this task will
be Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete the research and documentation type of activities at home in
your own time and the practical type (role-plays and presentations) activities in
simulated assessment environment under the assessor’s supervision.
• After completing the activities, you must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence
Submission Checklist’ by the due date. For observation type activities, your
assessor records your performance using a checklist, so you do not need to
submit anything unless the activity asks you specifically.


You are working as the Senior Financial Analyst at WORLDUCATION. Your

responsibilities include:
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• managing cash flow
• preparing a budget
• liaising with the sales team to understand the sales pipeline and potential
• liaising with the operations and manufacturing teams to understand capacity
and supply chain constraints

WORLDUCATION has a complex supply chain that begins when a sale is made
usually via a sales representative or through and online enquiry that is handled by the
sales team. Sales are recorded in an internal Enterprise Resource Planning System
(ERP System) which notifies the operations team that an order needs to be delivered.
The operations team verify the sales order and authorise the delivery of a
manufacturing request to the factory in Hong Kong. Manufacturing team in Hong Kong
notes the order specifications and delivery details and incorporates this within its
production schedule. The order is manufactured, and the operations team arrange
freight and shipping directly to the customer.

Since COVID-19 and the closure of the factory due to government restrictions, of the
2000 tablets due to be shipped by April, only 500 were completed on schedule.
Furthermore, the rising tension between mainland China and Hong Kong has added to
the uncertainty.

In 2019, WORLDUCATION generated a revenue of $35 million, a net profit of $7 million

and net cashflow of $4 million. They budgeted revenue of $45 million for 2020, net profit
of $9 million and net cashflow of $5 million. However, following the unprecedented
growth in demand and disruptions to the supply chain, management now projects 2020
revenue will amount to $55 million, net profit of $5 million and net cashflow of negative
$3 million. The decrease in profit was a result of the disruption to the manufacturing
process and the associated solutions implemented by Management.

The projected growth in revenue is expected to require a significant investment in

working capital (both inventory and debtors) and this combined with an expected
decline in profit margin is projected to result in significant cash flow pressure in the
latter half of 2020. Management is considering its options to fund this investment.
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In the past, senior executives met to brainstorm and provide cost estimates for future
business models. Options included establishing a second manufacturing facility
(estimated cost $5 million), outsourcing manufacturing to a third party (lost margin of
$200 per unit sold or $2 million per year assuming 10 000 units are sold), developing a
cloud based solution where customers can access the software remotely on their own
devices (estimated cost of $2 million), purchasing off the shelf tablets (lost margin of
$300 per unit sold or $3 million per year) or repurposing used tablets ($100 per unit sold
or $1 million).

This project requires you to apply a systematic decision-making approach to

address a complex workplace issue.
You must review the following documentation as part of the preparation process

• WORLDUCATION Case Study Information (Appendix 1)

• Strategic Plan 2020 – 2022 (Appendix 2)
• Finance Authorisation Policy and Procedure (Appendix 3)
• New Supplier Policy (Appendix 4)
• Privacy Policy and Procedures (Appendix 5)
• Performance Management Policy and Procedure (Appendix 6)
• Documentation Policy and Procedure (Appendix 7)

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1. Meet with the stakeholder

Arrange a meeting with at least one stakeholder (your assessor) who may assist
you to identify a complex issue at the workplace. Prepare to use the financial and
numeric information at the meeting.


Your assessor will prepare the environment for the meeting.

Your assessor will play the role the stakeholder.

During the meeting:

• Use the numeric/financial information to discuss issues that fall within the
scope of your job role.
• Identify the complex issue to address.
• Identify and articulate ideas clearly and persuasively
• Participate in a verbal exchange of ideas
• Elicit the views and opinions of others by listening and questioning

This meeting should take no more than 10 minutes.

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2. Define complex issue

Based on the information from appendices and the discussions you had with
the stakeholder, describe the complex issue associated with the

Use the Complex Issue Brief (Appendix 8) to guide your work.

Appendix 8 – Complex Issue Brief

Provide business overview

Name of business: WORLDUCATION

Description of what the business does:

Worlducation is a social start-up that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students.
This start-up has the goal to promote the change in the way that children learn at school by
implementing artificial intelligence technology that can constantly monitor and evaluate the progress
and achievements of each child in order to adjust their needs as they learn, which created the
optimal route learning experience.
Nowadays, the company is trying to expand their market of tablet computers to companies as they
have realised that in order to have a more effective content and hardware it has to be used by the
whole classroom.

Your job role within the business:

My job rule within Worlducation is the Senior Financial and the responsibilities that comes with this
position include:
- The management of cash flow
- The preparation and planning of the budget
- The collaboration with the sales and operations department to have clear understanding of
the sales pipeline and the capacity and supply chain restrictions.

Outline complex issue

A brief outline of the issue:
Worlducation, as many other start-up companies, has been facing a set of problems from different
aspects, from one side its production model and also the contingent context or situation in which it

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Due to COVID 19 we are facing a global pandemic that has had a strong impact and effect on
several companies including Worlducation. The company has been forced to close down its
factories, which has been causing a decrease of its production from an average of 2000 tablets to
On the other hand, the company’s supply chain is extremely complex, with many characters
participating in the process, which results in the difficulty of both the production and the marketing
of the product.
There is also an involvement of political issues, and one example of this can be the conflict
between China and Hong Kong, which makes the production and marketing of the product difficult
due to the restrictions imposed on the country and the high amount and degree of uncertainty that
this tension generates in the environment.
In result, the actual context and situation of the pandemic in which company its operating has
resulted in the decrease of the cash flow forecast and also the company’s net profit to reach
negative figures, which represent a strong threat to the company’s profitability and also to have a
uncertain prospection.

Who the stakeholders are and how they are associated with the issue:
The stakeholders of the company are:
- Management (managers of every department)
- Employees
- Senior executives and government
- Distributors
- Supplier
- Vendors
- Customers

Analysis and presentation of numeric and financial data illustrating the complex issue:
For the year 2019 there were:
- Revenues of $35 million
- Net profit of $7 million
- Net cash flow of $4 million
For the year 2020 they have a projected budget of:
- Revenues of $45 million
- Net profit of $9 million

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- Net cash flow of $5 million
Against the current backdrop the projections for 2020 tend to be:
- Revenues of $55 million
- Net profit of $5 million
- Net cash flow of $-3 million

Two objectives when pursuing solutions:

The objectives are:
- Complying with the budget requirement: Its crucial to meet with the budget requirement
because this ensures that the company avoids incurring into unnecessary costs, which is a
really safe way to have a responsible financial management. The team also aims to adopt
this measures in their objectives
- Maintaining financial viability: For every company this objective is crucial because they
require that the profit generation and profitability of its activities to be maintain in the
market. In order to ensure this, inside the work team have mentioned measures like
production services or the inclusion of mobile devices in order to facilitate the use of the
tool itself. Every measure seeks to reduce the costs of production and marketing and in
result It makes the product more profitable and successful.

Three advantages of solving the issue.

1. Maintaining relationships with suppliers: This has to be done while also respecting the
budget if it’s possible in order to maintain a constant cash flow and a convenient profit. This
strategy generates confidence in the suppliers and in result allows the payment or liability
with them to be beneficial for both parties.
2. Improve customer relations: This has to be done while ensuring that the supply chain is
efficient because this ensures that the products are high quality and also competitively
priced to finally arrive in the hands of the customer when ordered.
3. Future growth: This can be done by maintaining and keeping a clear budget and also
making sure that the production process is cost-effective, you are guaranteeing that the
company maintains profitability currently and prospectively.

Three risks involved in pursuing solutions.

1. Employee dissatisfaction: Due to the aspiration and ambition to have an increment of
efficiency, this can result to the necessity of more effort and work from the staff, as well as
similar events coming from the outsourcing of production services, such as a reduction in
the employees.

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2. Loss of customers: The adaptation on the structure of the supply chain can bring several
effects like delays, product failures or supplier defaults. This risk can have an effect also in
the trust and the confidence that the customers have in the company.
3. Reputational damage: This risk is a consequence from the ones mentioned before and
also in the failure to deliver for customers and the company being seen as unprofessional
or untrustworthy.

Legislative and organisational requirements

A summary of the relevant legislation:
The relevant legislations that the company may be regulated under are:

- Health and Safety Act

- Australian and Consumer Act

- Fair Work Act

- The Corporations Act

Also, it includes all the legislation designed by the Australian authority for the conduct and
behaviour of a company. It features:

- Compliance in the welfare, safety and health of employees

- Compliance with the duties and rights of all stakeholders and the cooperation or
participation of the company in the market and within the framework of honesty in

A summary of the associated organisational policies and procedures:

The associated organisational policies and procedures are:
- Take care of customer’s property

- Create a disciplinary action

- Prepare a disciplinary action

- Prepare a personnel policy

- Prioritise safety above all else

- Prioritise safety above everything else.

Calculate resources

- The project sales document or report

- The budget model or financial plan

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- The Zoom or Teams or Google Meets account

- The employee’s available time

3. Meet with the stakeholders to facilitate ideation session

Meet with the relevant stakeholders (your assessor). At this meeting, take on the
role of facilitator/leader to lead the solution development process.


Your assessor will prepare the environment for the meeting.

Your assessor will play the role the stakeholder.

During the meeting:

• Present the complex issue brief
• Use two critical thinking techniques (brainstorming and mind
mapping) to generate four to six solutions for your complex issue
• Identify and articulate ideas clearly and persuasively
• Participate in a verbal exchange of ideas
• Elicit the views and opinions of others by listening and questioning

This meeting should take no more than 20 minutes

4. Apply systematic decision-making process to select viable


Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with the stakeholder

Use the Decision-making Process Record (Appendix 9) to guide your work.

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Appendix 9 - Decision-making process record

Generate alternative solutions for your issue

An outline of two critical thinking techniques used to generate solution alternatives with
other stakeholders:
1. Investing in training: In order to develop critical thinking in their employees, companies
are investing in several courses and training sessions. A person with training can gain
knowledge and deep experience which is important in the decision –making process which
avoids false statement and promotes objectivity, and for this reason its important that a
company benefits from the investment in training.
2. Discussions: It can be done through several methods, such as debates because everyone
can argument their point of view and also carry out a dialectical process, in which a thesis
is established, the opposing party raises an antithesis to at the end reach a synthesis. If the
points of view are not communicated and presented properly, the critical thinking remains
static, because is doesn’t allow the evolution of all the existing ideas or opinions in each

List of four to six alternative solutions

1. Searching for investors: This research can be done through a potential partner in order to
not leave the company so much adrift, taking into consideration that a fraction of the shares
of the company must be given to the direct benefactor or investor.
2. Decrease in payment terms for customers: This alternative can be extremely effective
and helpful because it allows the company to avoid the handle of such risky debt figures
and maintain an optimal cash flow for a long period of time.
3. Increased cost of tablets: The cost of tablets can be increased in order to generate a
higher percentage of net profit; this requires a research and study in order to identify the
product that does not become uncompetitive and also to avoid the preference of the
customers to other products.
4. Offer discounts to increase sales: This alternative or idea requires a strong combined
strategy between the marketing and financial area, in which an agreement is reached on
what is the optimal offer in order to generate profit and avoid risky situations.
5. Increased cost of training material and applications: The company can increase the
cost of the application in a very small percentage expecting that in a higher quantity of
sales the cost will be justified.

Evaluate alternative solutions

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Y: Yes
N: No

Solutions Customer Shareholder Penalty free Meeting Continued

Satisfaction Satisfaction supplier Budget Liquidity

Decrease in Y Y N Y Y
terms of

Increased N Y N Y Y
cost of tablets

Increased N N N Y Y
cost of
materials and

Searching for Y Y Y Y Y

Offer Y N N Y N

There are two possible feasible options that can be compared and selected as the optimal in the
following section.

Compare feasible solutions

Solutions Customer Shareholder Penalty free Meeting Continued Total

Satisfaction Satisfaction supplier Budget Liquidity

Decrease in Y Y N Y Y 4
terms of

Searching Y Y Y Y Y 5

This two alternatives obtained the highest scores and for this reason we compared them. It was
possible to identify that the solution of seeking for investor is the one with the highest score and for
instance the solution with the best and highest coverage or possible results of the problem and also
the one with the highest level of feasibility for the company in order to continue being profitable and

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Choose the best solution for your complex issue

Choose the best alternative and explain: Searching for Investors
Why did you choose it?
Searching for Investors was chosen as the best alternative because we were able to identify that it
was the one that gave the greatest coverage to the solution of the main problems. Also, because it
was the inly solution that didn’t involve possible risky situations such as an increase in prices that
could be a disruptive strategy for customers.
Getting an investor allows to generate an injection of capital to the company, and this allows the
company to not having to resort to debt and that there is cash flow in the moment.
In conclusion, even though this alternative may generate conflict for stakeholders, it is the one that
suits the best to the social, health and financial context through which the company is passing and
also functions.

How does it meet the legislation and organisational policy requirements?

The restriction and prevention of investors joining or participating in the company is not included in
any of the company’s current legislation or policies, however, the decision must be first approved by
the board of directors and must be carried out in accordance with the corporate act.

Are there any risks associated with your solution?

There are many risks associated with the solution. First, because the capital injection from the
investor will not be able to entirely cover the damages already caused by the current global
pandemic, which has generated higher costs, a decrease in production and also the current political
tension explained before.
Secondly, there is also the risk that the investor may want to take control of the situation in a way
totally contrary to what the current stakeholders want and also may want to take the decisions
without consulting the rest of the stakeholders, which can generate internal problems in the

What are the advantages of the chosen solution?

There are several advantages of the chosen solution, and they are:
1. Not having to adapt the changes in payment or product cost issues, which can carry a risk
in terms of the confidence of the consumed.
2. The preservation of the supply chain as it currently is, which allows to manage good
relationships with suppliers and giving a management that it is already accustomed.

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Resources required

- Plan and prepare the company’s income statement to know how it is valued and priced

- Perform a financial analysis to de able to identify the amount of money that is

necessary in order to diminish the damages that come with the current situation
- Research and select a number of investors who are willing to trust the company and
see profitability in it.

- Determine what portion of the company is willing to give up for the respective

5. Prepare a solution brief

Use the work done in activity 4 to prepare a brief to share your proposed
solution with key stakeholders.

Use Solution Brief template (Appendix 10) to guide your work.

Appendix 10 – Solution Brief Template

Author: Felipe Date: June 24, 2021 Department: Financial


Issue being addressed:

Worlducation is a social start-up that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students.
This start-up has the goal to promote the change in the way that children learn at school by
implementing artificial intelligence technology that can constantly monitor and evaluate the
progress and achievements of each child in order to adjust their needs as they learn, which created
the optimal route learning experience.
Nowadays, the company is trying to expand their market of tablet computers to companies as they
have realised that in order to have a more effective content and hardware it has to be used by the
whole classroom.
However, the company has not yet started selling the product to individual customers and plans to
do so in the future. The company seeks to generate positive profit margins from the marketing of its
products while at the same time making a social contribution, for this reason the company, for each
order fulfilled, supplies and instructs a school with low economic resources while seeking to reduce
BSBCRT611 Assessment Manual Version 1.0, April 2021 Page 2 of 15
illiteracy in the world.

Proposed solution:
Searching for investors: Searching for Investors was chosen as the best alternative because we
were able to identify that it was the one that gave the greatest coverage to the solution of the main
problems. Also, because it was the inly solution that didn’t involve possible risky situations such as
an increase in prices that could be a disruptive strategy for customers.
Getting an investor allows to generate an injection of capital to the company, and this allows the
company to not having to resort to debt and that there is cash flow in the moment.
In conclusion, even though this alternative may generate conflict for stakeholders, it is the one that
suits the best to the social, health and financial context through which the company is passing and
also functions.

Complying with the budget requirement: Its crucial to meet with the budget requirement because
this ensures that the company avoids incurring into unnecessary costs, which is a really safe way to
have a responsible financial management. The team also aims to adopt this measures in their

Maintaining financial viability: For every company this objective is crucial because they require
that the profit generation and profitability of its activities to be maintain in the market. In order to
ensure this, inside the work team have mentioned measures like production services or the
inclusion of mobile devices in order to facilitate the use of the tool itself. Every measure seeks to
reduce the costs of production and marketing and in result It makes the product more profitable and

Maintaining relationships with suppliers: This has to be done while also respecting the budget if
it’s possible in order to maintain a constant cash flow and a convenient profit. This strategy
generates confidence in the suppliers and in result allows the payment or liability with them to be
beneficial for both parties.

Improve customer relations: This has to be done while ensuring that the supply chain is efficient
because this ensures that the products are high quality and also competitively priced to finally
arrive in the hands of the customer when ordered.

Future growth: This can be done by maintaining and keeping a clear budget and also making sure
that the production process is cost-effective, you are guaranteeing that the company maintains

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profitability currently and prospectively.

Employee dissatisfaction: Due to the aspiration and ambition to have an increment of efficiency,
this can result to the necessity of more effort and work from the staff, as well as similar events
coming from the outsourcing of production services, such as a reduction in the employees.

Loss of customers: The adaptation on the structure of the supply chain can bring several effects
like delays, product failures or supplier defaults. This risk can have an effect also in the trust and
the confidence that the customers have in the company.

Reputational damage: This risk is a consequence from the ones mentioned before and also in the
failure to deliver for customers and the company being seen as unprofessional or untrustworthy.

- Plan and prepare the company’s income statement to know how it is valued and
- Perform a financial analysis to de able to identify the amount of money that is
necessary in order to diminish the damages that come with the current situation

- Research and select a number of investors who are willing to trust the company and
see profitability in it.
- Determine what portion of the company is willing to give up for the respective

Information relied upon to prepare this brief:

- Strategic Plan 2020-2022.
- Performance Management Policy and Procedures
- Finance Authorisation Policy and Procedures
- Privacy Policy and Procedures
- New Supplier Policy
- Documentation Policy and Procedures

Australian Legislation:

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6. Develop a feedback register

Develop a feedback register to record feedback from stakeholders.

The feedback register should contain the date, project number, name of
reviewer, person receiving feedback, comments and action required as per the
Documentation Policy and Procedure (Appendix 7).

Feedback Register
Date Project No. Nome of the Person Comments Action
Reviewer Receiving Required
the Feedback
24/06/2021 243 CEO Senior Risk identified Modify and
Financial by CEO as Update the
Analyst the cash flow Solution Brief
is currently

7. Stakeholder meeting
Meet with the relevant key stakeholders (your assessor) to present your brief and the
gain feedback.


Your assessor will prepare the environment for the meeting.

Your assessor will play the role the stakeholder

During the meeting:

• Present your brief to key stakeholders
• Record feedback in the feedback register (developed prior to this meeting).
• During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication
skills including:
• Identify and articulate ideas clearly and persuasively

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• Participate in a verbal exchange of ideas
• Elicit the views and opinions of others by listening and questioning

This meeting should take no more than 20 minutes

8. Refine proposal

Use the feedback from your meeting with stakeholders to refine your project brief.

Appendix 10 – Solution Brief Template

Author: Felipe Date: June 24, 2021 Department: Financial


Issue being addressed:

Worlducation is a social start-up that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students.
This start-up has the goal to promote the change in the way that children learn at school by
implementing artificial intelligence technology that can constantly monitor and evaluate the
progress and achievements of each child in order to adjust their needs as they learn, which created
the optimal route learning experience.
Nowadays, the company is trying to expand their market of tablet computers to companies as they
have realised that in order to have a more effective content and hardware it has to be used by the
whole classroom.
However, the company has not yet started selling the product to individual customers but it their
goal in a long-term period. The company aims to generate positive profit margins from the
marketing of its products while at the same time making a social contribution,
for this reason the company, for each order fulfilled, supplies and instructs a school with low
economic resources while seeking to reduce illiteracy in the world.

Proposed solution:
Searching for investors: Searching for Investors was chosen as the best alternative because we
were able to identify that it was the one that gave the greatest coverage to the solution of the main
problems. Also, because it was the inly solution that didn’t involve possible risky situations such as
an increase in prices that could be a disruptive strategy for customers.
Getting an investor allows to generate an injection of capital to the company, and this allows the
company to not having to resort to debt and that there is cash flow in the moment.
In conclusion, even though this alternative may generate conflict for stakeholders, it is the one that
suits the best to the social, health and financial context through which the company is passing and

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also functions.

Complying with the budget requirement: Its crucial to meet with the budget requirement because
this ensures that the company avoids incurring into unnecessary costs, which is a really safe way to
have a responsible financial management. The team also aims to adopt this measures in their

Maintaining financial viability: For every company this objective is crucial because they require
that the profit generation and profitability of its activities to be maintain in the market. In order to
ensure this, inside the work team have mentioned measures like production services or the
inclusion of mobile devices in order to facilitate the use of the tool itself. Every measure seeks to
reduce the costs of production and marketing and in result It makes the product more profitable and

Maintaining relationships with suppliers: This has to be done while also respecting the budget if
it’s possible in order to maintain a constant cash flow and a convenient profit. This strategy
generates confidence in the suppliers and in result allows the payment or liability with them to be
beneficial for both parties.

Improve customer relations: This has to be done while ensuring that the supply chain is efficient
because this ensures that the products are high quality and also competitively priced to finally
arrive in the hands of the customer when ordered.

Future growth: This can be done by maintaining and keeping a clear budget and also making sure
that the production process is cost-effective, you are guaranteeing that the company maintains
profitability currently and prospectively.

Employee dissatisfaction: Due to the aspiration and ambition to have an increment of efficiency,
this can result to the necessity of more effort and work from the staff, as well as similar events
coming from the outsourcing of production services, such as a reduction in the employees.

Investor’s Overpower: Because the capital injection from the investor will not be able to entirely
cover the damages already caused by the current global pandemic, which has generated higher
costs, a decrease in production and also the current political tension explained before. There is also

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the risk that the investor may want to take control of the situation in a way totally contrary to what
the current stakeholders want and also may want to take the decisions without consulting the rest
of the stakeholders, which can generate internal problems in the company.

Reputational damage: This risk is a consequence from the ones mentioned before and also in the
failure to deliver for customers and the company being seen as unprofessional or untrustworthy.

- Plan and prepare the company’s income statement to know how it is valued and

- Perform a financial analysis to de able to identify the amount of money that is

necessary in order to diminish the damages that come with the current situation
- Research and select a number of investors who are willing to trust the company and
see profitability in it.

- Determine what portion of the company is willing to give up for the respective

Information relied upon to prepare this brief:

- Strategic Plan 2020-2022.
- Performance Management Policy and Procedures
- Finance Authorisation Policy and Procedures
- Privacy Policy and Procedures
- New Supplier Policy
- Documentation Policy and Procedures

Australian Legislation:

9. Seek approval
Write an email to the CEO with the refined proposal as the attachment to
gain approval to implement the proposed solution.

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To: Worlducation CEO
From: Felipe- Senior Financial Analyst

Subject: Approval of the Proposed Solution Brief

Dear CEO.

The company is currently facing the most challenging and difficult time since its
foundation and for this reason, we the finance department have performed the work
of projecting the revenues and cash flow of the company and that is why we consider
that actions should be taken promptly in order to save the company.

In the process we have identified several viable alternatives and with the stakeholders
have come up with the most suitable and appropriate solution for the company and
we consider it to be an injection of capital from a possible investor.

I have developed a analysis in order to inform you about the amount of money
needed and also the percentage of the company suitable to give

As the CEO, we leave the decisions to your criteria and knowledge and also
considering your best expectations to the company.

I’m open to hear your opinions and answer any doubts regarding the information

My best regards

Senior Financial Analyst.

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10. Complete a self-evaluation form

Complete personal evaluation on the way you have completed the scoping of
problem solving process and leading the solution development process. List
your strengths and weaknesses and say what you plan to do to improve your

Use the Self-evaluation Form (Appendix 11) to guide your work.

Self-evaluation Form

How happy am I?

How did I do?

 Describe the complex issue associated with my ✓


 Generate alternative solutions with other ✓


 Evaluate and compare alternative solutions

 Decide on the best solution and justify my ✓


 Prepare and present a solution brief to ✓


 Seek necessary approvals

 Interact verbally with others

 Use numerical and financial data in my analysis

 Use appropriate digital tools and technologies


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(including strengths, weaknesses and areas needing improvement)
I believe that I have a proper knowledge about financial analysis, because I was able to describe
the complex issues associated to the company, generate alternative solutions with other
stakeholders, evaluate and compare alternative solutions, present and prepare a solution brief to
stakeholders and also use appropriate digital tools and technologies.

However, I must work on how to decide on the best solution and justify my choice, to seek
necessary approvals and also use numerical and financial data in my analysis.

Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Complex Issue Brief 

Decision-making Process Record 

Solution Brief 

Completed Feedback Register (with feedback received during

stakeholder meeting in activity 7)

Refined proposal 

Email to the CEO 

Self-evaluation form 

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