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Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education

Dressmaking 9

March 18, 2021

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to :
1. Define pajama trousers;
2. Analyze the steps in drafting the front pajama trouser;
3. Draft a pattern for front pajama trousers.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
“Drafting Pattern for Front Pajama Trouser”
B. References:
Technology and Livelihood Education Learners Module
Dressmaking pp. 103-106
C. Materials:
PowerPoint Presentation
Tools needed in drafting pattern

III. Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
1. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greeting the Class
3. Checking of Attendance

2. Review
Recall the previous lesson about taking the
Body measurements

What was our lesson yesterday? Taking body measurement

What is body measurement? Refers to measuring the actual person who will
wear a garment.

What are the different body measurements that we Waistline, hip circumference, crotch
have discussed yesterday?

Very good.

3. Motivation
Picture Analysis

What can you say about the first picture? The picture shows B1 and B2

What have you noticed with B1 & B2? They are wearing their pajamas

How about the second picture, what can you say

about it?
They are wearing loose pants

Very good.

What can you say about the third picture?

The man is wearing a perfectly fitted tuxedo

Very good observation.

Why is it that the suit that the man wears perfectly Because it was made according to his size
fitted him?
Because it was sewed according to his
Good answer. Some more answer? measurements

You are correct. And how do tailors or the They have to make a pattern.
dressmakers sewed the perfectly fitted dress or

Very good answer and that is our topic for today

Drafting a front pattern for pajama trouser. Yes maam.
So, are you ready?

B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Now class let’s have an activity. As you can see, I
have 3 envelopes. Inside it are the things that you
need to do.
I will divide you in three groups The students will start counting 1 to 3.
Ok, lets start counting from 1 to 3

Okay, all number 1 please stand up and familiarize

yourselves with your groupmates.

Same also with number 2 and number 3

Students will group themselves and choose a
You can go now to your groupmates and choose leader.
your leader.

I will give the envelope to the leader and the

materials needed. I will give you 15 mins to do your
work. After 15 mins you have to post your work on
the board. Yes maam.
Am I clear?
2. Analysis
What do you feel while doing the activity? Excited.
Were you able to follow all the steps? Yes ma’am.
From the steps given, what step that you find it Curving the crotch
difficult to follow?

Pajama trouser- is a kind of garment worn from
waist down to the desired length. It is separated by (Indicator 1)
two panels and can be gartered or with waist band.
Measurements needed:

Tools Needed:
Tape measure French Curve
L-square Pencil / marker

Procedures in Drafting Pattern for Front Pajama

3. Abstraction
Drafting pattern is one of the most important steps
in making dresses or trousers because customer ‘s
satisfaction depends on the pattern you make.

What is pajama trouser?

Pajama trouser- is a kind of garment worn
from waist down to the desired length. It is
separated by two panels and can be gartered
or with waist band
What are the steps in drafting the front pajama
trousers? Steps 1 to 16 will be given by the students
What is the importance of pattern making? It is our guide in cutting the fabric

4. Application:
How does drafting pattern will help you in making Drafting a pattern will be our guide in cutting
clothes or dresses? our fabric.

In a community, by learning this skill, what benefits It will give you job opportunity
it can give specially to those children who wasn’t
able to finish their schooling? It will give them income.

IV. Evaluation
Performance Test
Student’s performance will be graded on the
following rubrics

V. Agreement

“Drafting the back trousers”

1. What are the steps in drafting the back

Prepared by:


Pajama trouser- is a kind of garment worn from waist down to the desired length. It is separated by two
panels and can be gartered or with waist band.

Measurements needed:

Tools Needed:
Tape measure French Curve Pattern paper
L-square Pencil / marker

Procedures in Drafting Pattern for Front Pajama Pants

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