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Lucy Kate Patagnan 10 Aristotle MAPEH (Week 6)

Arts (What I Have Learned)

1. Briefly explain the digital counterpart of print media now available to authors and
Any written or pictorial form of communication produced mechanically or
electronically using printing, photocopying, or digital methods from which multiple
copies can be made through automated processes.

2. Describe how this affects the publishing and print industry.

Print media is important as it creates credibility. Investing in printed material signals
to customers that you are serious about your business and that you offer a
worthwhile product or service. Printed materials can also create engagement
between the customer and the brand.
Lucy Kate Patagnan 10 Aristotle MAPEH (Week 6)

Health (Let Us Practice More)

The global health initiative I’d like to express my ideas and opinions to is the Global
Health Initiative for Mental Health. Mental health is a state of well-being in which an
individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life,
can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community
according to WHO. As we can see many people of today, especially teenagers, are
experiencing distress unto their mental health.

I have recognized the importance of building an evidence base to advance the field
of global mental health. The implementation is present and remains critical for
overcoming many global mental health challenges, especially in low-and middle-
income families. Research is needed to translate evidence into practice and policy, as
well as to develop models for scaling up evidence-based interventions to
communities and clinical setting and disseminating information to stakeholders, the
public, and policymakers. According to the Global Mental Health Dissemination &
Implementation Research Program, they support relevant research with the goal to
optimize implementation science within the field of mental health and population

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