Rotary Newsletter Mar 22 2011

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Campbell Rotary
An Occasional Newsletter March 22, 2011

Coming Events President Ravi Chari and Steve Salmon carry the
banner during the ”End Polio Now” March on
Monday, March 28 Wednesday, March 30
Sunday, March 20. Next Week’s Speaker
-- Friday, April 1
CORRECTION! Tuesday, March 29:
Board of Directors’
ELC II @ Asilomar You won’t want to miss next
Meeting week’s speakers. We’ll be
Conference Center,
This month’s Board of hearing from our own members
Pacific Grove. as a part of a series of “Getting
Directors’ meeting will
be held next Monday, to Know Fellow Members.”
Mentors Bill
rather than the 21st. All
Highley and Bill
members, especially
Red Badge members are Ellington will work Bring a Friend!
invited to attend. We with local high
will convene at the La schoolers at this
Rinconada Hills Club once-in-a-lifetime See more photos on page 2.
House at 6:30 PM. experience. Go

earlier statement did not pass the

Campbell Chamber District 5170 Walks to 4-Way Test, but that the
dedication and commitment of
Honors Rotarian of the End Polio Now Rotarians around the world and
here in Santa Clara County could
Year not be dampened.
A hundred intrepid souls

Janine Payton was honored on braved the chilling cold and near Campbell Rotary was represented
Saturday night, March 19, at the constant rain to “walk a mile” for by veteran walkers President
Campbell Chamber of Commerce’s the end of polio. Part of Rotary Ravi Chari and Debbie Davis,
“Celebrate Campbell 2011” dinner at International’s “End Polio Now” and two newcomers to the End
Villa Ragusa. The Chamber annually campaign, this march was Polio Walks, Steve Salmon and
honors a Citizen and Business of the organized by District 5170 John Shannon.
Year for Campbell and also honors Governor Roger Hassler.
Rotarians from throughout the
outstanding members of area Service
District met at HP Pavilion at
9:00 in the morning on Sunday,

Janine was joined at the event March 20 to register for the $25
by fellow Rotarians and former walk. Each registrant received a
honorees Jim Morelan, Bill Highley, commemorative T-Shirt, pin and
and Phil Nielsen, as well as bracelet. Just before beginning
President Ravi Chari, President- the mile + walk to San Jose’s City
elect Dr. Susan Klear, members Bill Hall, Governor Hassler greeted
Ellington, Ann Height, James the crowd by telling them that “it
Everts and Mayor Jason Baker. will not rain on us today.....but it
might snow!” At the end of the
march he admitted that his 1
Look Who’s Coming to Lunch!!!

3/29/11 Member Talks, “Getting to know You.” Sue Klear

4/5/11 Neil Collins, Campbell Chamber of Commerce Ann Height
4/12/11 Mont & Marci Dauer, Home Schooling Fred Meyer
4/19/11 ELCII Presentation by one of the winning teams Bill Highley
4/26/11 Lori Gaskin, President, West Valley College John Shannon
5/10/11 Bob Harper, Campbell Adult & Community Education Dr. Sue Klear
5/17/11 Eric Andrew, Superintendent of Campbell Union School District Janine Payton
5/24/11 Larry Reed, Sierra Club Phil Nielsen
5/31/11 Harry Mavrogenes, Exec. Director, San Jose Redevelopment Agency Bill Highley
6/7/11 Marilyn Priel, Producer/Director/Host, Weekly Cable TV, “The Better Part” Bill Highley
6/14/11 TBD, National Hispanic University
6/21/11 Amy Sigbia, Graduate of SCU New Entrepreneurial Program Jerry Cummings
6/28/11 Ted Ko, Renewable Energy & Economics Stimulus Act Neil Reid
Club Roster

Business #
Home/cell #
Judy Armstrong (Doug)! Delgadillo & Assoc.! 408-829-6028! ! [email protected]
Paul Bacosa (Mary Lou)! Bacosa Photography! 408-441-7111! 408-823-0530! [email protected]
Jason Baker (Mairead)! Audet & Partners, LLP! 415-568-2555! 408-839-6669! [email protected]
Marv Bamburg (Bonnie)! MBA Architects! 408-297-0288 ! 408-375-8103! [email protected]
Adam Beck! Beckʼs Shoes! 408-559-1601! 408-464-0286! [email protected]
Marj Bonsall (Gary)! Foot Solutions! 408-376-0495! 408-218-5210! [email protected]
James Burgard (Helen)! Environetics! 408-727-4274! 408-313-9696! [email protected]
Ravi Chari (Meera)! Oracle! 408-341-6618! 408-375-4293! [email protected]
Frank Cliff! ! 415-494-2826
Dave Crowley (Carolyn)! Pacific News Bureau! 408-997-0819! ! [email protected]
Jerry Cummings (Patty)! Robinson Oil Corp.! 408-517-4333! 408-639-3172! [email protected]
Debbie Davis! Property Management! ! 408-691-6903! [email protected]
Rick Davis (Doris)! ! 408-209-4091! ! [email protected]
Bill Ellington (Pat)! Devco Inc.! 408-288-6928! 408-629-6794! [email protected]
James Evertts! Trust Admin Atty.! 408-292-1692! 408-578-2576! [email protected]
Derek Fujikawa (Mari)! CPA! 408-260-7977! 408-832-4519! [email protected]
Dick Garland (Pat)! Casualty Insurance! 408-268-7874! 408-307-2762! [email protected]!
Warren Gilbert (Terttu)! Architecture! 831-722-6770! 831-722-2668! [email protected]
Ann Height! Banking! 408-248-8824! 408-345-1553! [email protected]
Bill Highley (Emilie)! ! 408-892-0205! 408-892-0205! [email protected]
David Keller (Karen)! ! 408-373-7702! ! [email protected]
Sue Klear (Robert)! Klear Your Mind! 408-249-3270! 408-307-9033 ! [email protected]
Ruth Kohan! SJ Public Library! 408-996-1536! 408-768-4226! [email protected]
Bettina Kohlbrenner (Carmelo)EMQFamiliesFirst! 408-364-4051! 408-623-4886! [email protected]
William Mahan (Sherri)! Attorney! 408-371-4211! ! [email protected]
Fred Meyer (Alice)! ! 408-268-4712! ! [email protected]
Carl Middione (Helen)! The Property Network! 408-374-9500! 408-377-1040! [email protected]
Jim Morelan (Milly)! Architect! 408-247-3322! 408-464-4436! [email protected]
Phil Nielsen (Linda)! Attorney! 408-294-9700! 408-252-8284! [email protected]
Rex Osborn (Gerri)! ! 408-268-2246! ! [email protected]
Janine Payton (Don)! Moreland Ed. Found.! 408-378-3493! ! [email protected]
Neil Reid! Wells Fargo Mort.! 408-335-2533! 408-391-6244! [email protected]
Steve Salmon! Real Estate Investor! 415-601-0797! ! [email protected]
Jerry Scott (Jo-Ann)! Probate Referee! 408-295-5468! 408-266-7909!
Mary Beth Seratt! Business Consultant! ! 408-368-1938!
John Shannon (Pamela)! ! 408-204-2604! 408-294-8050! [email protected]
Alan Tanenbaum (Georgette)! 408-358-3160! ! [email protected]
David Tripp ! Jeweler! 408-296-0808! 408-655-4350! [email protected]!
Marc Wagner (Cindy)! CPA! 408-283-9631! 408-666-1719! [email protected]
Kit Whitney (Robb)! ! 408-515-3441! ! [email protected]
Kathy Williamson! C.L. Lott & Assoc.! 408-264-5680! 408-832-3307! [email protected]
Bob Yager (Marion)! Financial Advisor! 408-978-2214! 408-867-9747! [email protected]

Club Board Members 2010-2011

President: Ravi Chari Secretary: Steve Salmon Treasurer: Marc Wagner
President-elect: Susan Klear Membership: Carl Middione TRF: Bill Highley
Club Service: Kit Whitney International Service:Bill Mahan Community Service: John Shannon
Fundraising: Bill Ellington New Generations: Janine Payton Past President: Rick Davis
Vocational Service: Sue Klear Programs: Jerry Cummings Socials: Marj Bonsall
Public Relations: Dave Crowley Future Vision: Bill Mahan

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