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TOPIC Enforcement and Payment of Unpaid Subscriptions

Case Name Bonifacio Lumanlan v. Jacinto Cura

GR No. GR. No. L-39861
Facts The appellant is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Philippine Islands
with its central office in the City of Manila. Plaintiff Lumanlan subscribed for 300 shares
of stock of said corporation at a par value of P50 or a total of P15,000. Valenzuela,
Santos and Escoto, creditors of this corporation, filed suit against it praying that a
receiver be appointed, as it appeared that the corporation at that time had no assets
except credits against those who had subscribed for shares of stock.

As Lumanlan had only paid P1,500 of the P15,000, par value of the stock for which he
subscribed, the receiver filed a suit against him for the collection of P15,109, P13,500 of
which was the amount he owed for unpaid stock and P1,609 for loans and advances by
the corporation to Lumanlan. In that case, Lumanlan was sentenced to pay the
corporation the above-mentioned sum of P15,109.

Pending this appeal, the creditors, some of the directors and the majority of the
stockholders held several meetings in which it was agreed in substance that subscribers
for the capital stock who were in default should pay the creditors; Lumanlan was
designated to pay the debt of the corporation to Valenzuela.

Lumanlan agreed to assume this obligation and in turn the corporation agreed that if
Lumanlan would dismiss his appeal, the corporation would collect only 50 percent of
the amount subscribed by him for stock, provided that in case the 50 percent was
insufficient to pay Valenzuela he should pay an additional amount which should not
exceed the amount of the judgment against him in that case. Lumanlan withdrew his

Disregarding this agreement and notwithstanding the payment made by Lumanlan to

Valenzuela, the corporation asked for the execution of the sentence and by virtue of an
order of execution the provincial sheriff levied upon two parcels of land belonging to
Lumanlan. Lumanlan brought this case to collect from Dizon & Co., Inc., and to prevent
the sheriff from selling the two parcels of land. Pending the result of this case the
sheriff was enjoined from proceeding with the sale.
Issue Whether or not the corporation has a right to collect all unpaid stock subscriptions and
any other amounts which may be due it.
Ruling YES. It is established doctrine that subscriptions to the capital of a corporation
constitute a fund to which the creditors have a right to look for satisfaction of their
claims and that the assignee in insolvency can maintain an action upon any unpaid
stock subscription in order to realize assets for the payment of its debts.

Further, the Corporation Law clearly recognizes that a stock subscription is a subsisting
liability from the time the subscription is made, since it requires the subscriber to pay
interest quarterly from that date unless he is relieved from such liability by the by-laws
of the corporation. The subscriber is as much bound to pay the amount of the share
subscribed by him as he would be to pay any other debt, and the right of the company
to demand payment is no less incontestable.

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