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Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus
Brgy. Del Remedio, San Pablo City


Detailed Lesson Plan

Mathematics 6

Submitted by:
Alban, Armielou E.
Cortez, Bernadette C.
Deangkinay, Jasmine M.
Perez, Dawn Angelique H.


Submitted to:

Prof. Anna Liza Del Rosario

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. determine the area of a rectangle using the formula;

B. answer word-problems in finding the area of a rectangle; and
C. recognize the importance of working individually and with their peers
which will deepen their understanding of the area of rectangle.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Area of a Rectangle


Materials: Visual Aids, pictures, flashcards, bear, (Real objects), Power Point

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1.Daily Routine
Good morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!
Let us all please stand for our morning
prayer. You can sing along and dance with
the video.
Ok class, before you sit down; please pick up
the pieces of paper and trash.
You can now sit down.

Group 1 is there any absentee in your group? None Ma’am.

That’s great!

How about Group 2, is there absentee in your None Ma’am.


Very good! We have a complete attendance

for today.
Before we begin to our lesson, let us have a
recap on our past lesson. So who can still
recall our past lesson yesterday? We discussed about the definition of area and
the area of a square.

Very Good! So, what do you mean by area? Area is the number of square units that covers
the region/surface of a plane figure and is
measure in square units.

Great remembering! Can you give me the

formula to be used in finding the area of a
square? Area of square = side x side or the square of
its sides
That`s Great! Well, it really means that you
remembered a lot from our lesson yesterday.

Now, we will have a game. I will first divide

you into 3 groups. Choose a leader that will
be the representative of your group.

The game is called “Fix me, I’m broken”.

I will give you envelopes with puzzle pieces

that you have to arrange. But in order to
complete the puzzle you have to answer 3
problems about the area of a square. One
correct answer is equal to a puzzle piece. The
representative of your group should only be
the one to approach me and ask if your
answers are correct. Whoever finishes first
will win the game.

Is everything clear? Yes, ma’am!

3. Presentation
Good job everyone! Let’s all give ourselves

So from our activity, who could guess our

topic for today? Ma`am, I think our topic for today is about
the area of a rectangle.
Great thinking! That’s correct our topic for
today is about the area of a rectangle. I know
every one of you knows what a rectangle is.

(Can everybody please read?)
“A rectangle is a four-sided plane figure
which has two opposite sides that are parallel
and are of equal length.”

I have here a rectangle and small square cut-

outs. Who can fill the rectangle with the small

Now let us count how many squares fit inside

the rectangle.
(Let the students count.) Very good!

Counting the squares inside the rectangle will

make us spend much time to find the area of
the rectangle.
You know class there is a much simple way
to find its area, but first we have to identify
the two important parts of the rectangle that
will help us to find its area.

In a rectangle there are two opposite sides

that are parallel and have equal length. The
two side that are shorter is called the width of
the rectangle.

Can you show us where the width is? (The student will point the width.) Good job!

The other two sides which are longer that the

width is called the length of the rectangle?

Can you show us where the length is? (The student will point the length.) Great

In our figure how many units is the length? The length is 5 units ma’am.

Very good! What about the width, how many

units is it? The width is three units ma’am.

That’s great!

So now we will be able to find the area of the

rectangle by multiplying the length and the

The formula will be

Area of a Rectangle = Length x Width

If we will apply this formula to our figure,

Area of Rectangle = 5 x 3

What do you think is the area? Ma’am the area of the rectangle is 15 units.

That’s correct the area of the rectangle is 15


Now, let’s see if you can answer this


Irish is making a display board for the school

elections. The display board is a 9 ft by 6 ft
rectangle. She needs to cover the entire
display board with yellow cartolina. What is
the area of the display board that she needs to

For us to solve the problem we need to follow

some steps.

Read the problem correctly.

(Everybody please read problem)
Identify the important facts.
(Can you please identify what are given
information?) Yes ma’am. The important facts are 9 ft. and
6 ft.
Very Good!
(What is the statement that tells us what to
find?) Ma’am the statement which tells us what to
find is “what is the area of the display board
that Irish needs to cover?”
Great thinking!
Determine the operation
(What is the formula that we should use?) The formula that we should use is
Area of rectangle = L x W
Evaluate your solution and check. Ma’am Area of rectangle = 9 ft. x 6 ft.
(How do we solve the problem? Be sure to Area of rectangle = 54 ft.2
put the correct unit of measurement.)

Good job! The area of the display board that

Irish needs to cover is 54 ft.

Is everything clear to you about our lesson? Yes ma’am!

Again what do we need to know first in order

for us to find the area of the rectangle? First we have to find the width and length of
the rectangle.
Yes, Very Good!

What is the formula in finding the area of the

rectangle? Area of rectangle = L x W

Good Job!
It seems that you understand our lesson.

5. Application
Now Let’s have an activity. I’ll be
dividing again the class into three.

Before we start, what are the standards or

rules to follow in conducting a group
activity? -cooperate with our group mates.
-follow the steps in answering the problems
Very good! So, you should always follow -be responsible
those standards.

You can now begin with your group activity.

Group 1
Mary wants new carpeting for her dining
room. Her dining room is a 5 m. by 10 m.
rectangle. How much carpeting does she need
to buy to cover her entire dining room?
Group 2
A classroom has a length of 20 feet and a
width of 30 feet. The headmaster decided that
tiles will look good in that class. How big is
the area that needs to be covered with tiles?
Group 3
A small city park consists of a rectangular
lawn that is 12 meters long and 6 meters
wide. What is the area of the lawn?

Very good! You are all smart and active, give

yourselves Rain Clap.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Answer the following problems. Follow the steps in solving the problem.
Write your solutin on a ½ sheet of paper.

1. Andy brought a computer. The length of the computer is 32 inches and the width is
14 inches. Find the area of the computer.
2. Toby has a suitcase. The suitcase’s length is 22 inches and the width is 18 inches.
Find the area of a suit case.
3. Joel has baked rectangular cookies. The length of each cookie is 7 cm and the width
is 5 cm. Find the area of the cookies.
4. Bradley’s T.V. screen is 3 feet by 2 feet. He wants to put new cover on the T.V.
screen that costs 5 pesos per square foot. How much will it cost Bradley to cover
his T.V. screen?
5. If the height of a rectangle is 2.2 m and the base is 4.4 m, what is the area of the
V. Homework
On your math notebook answer the following problems and follow the steps in
finding the area of a rectangle.
1. A small square is located inside a bigger square. The length of one side of the
small square is 3 inches and the length of one side of the big square is 7
inches. What is the area of the region located outside the small square, but
inside the big square?

2. The label on a tin of paint states that it contains enough paint to cover 10m². I
need to paint a wall that measures 2 meters by 4½ meters. Will I have enough
paint? Why?

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