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Edexcel Physics IGCSE

Topic 8: Astrophysics
Summary Notes
(Content in ​bold​ is for physics only)

This work by PMT Education is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Motion in the universe
● The ​universe​ is a large collection of billions of galaxies.
● A ​galaxy ​is a large collection of billions of stars.
● A ​solar system​ is a collection of planets orbiting a common star. Our ​solar system ​is in
the ​Milky Way ​galaxy.

The ​gravitational field strength ​is the force per unit mass on a body in a gravitational field and is
measured in ​Newtons per kilogram (N/kg). ​It varies with the ​mass​ and ​size​ of the body and is
therefore different on other planets and the moon compared to the Earth.
● weight = mass×gravitational f ield strength W = mg

Gravitational force enables the various bodies to ​orbit

around others. For example:
● Moons orbit planets
o The orbits are ​slightly elliptical ​with ​near
constant orbital speed
● Planets and comets orbit the Sun
o The orbits of planets are ​slightly elliptical
with ​near constant orbital speed. ​The orbits
of comets are ​highly elliptical.
● Artificial satellites orbit the Earth
The greater the orbital radius or the smaller the time period,
the greater the orbital speed:

● orbital speed = 2×π×orbital radius

time period v = 2πr
Comets have a ​greater ​speed nearer to the star (when r is smaller) because the ice inside them
melts as they get closer (& warmer) - causing their mass to decrease.

Stellar evolution
● A star begins as a cloud of dust & gas called a
nebula.​ The particles experience a weak
attraction towards each other due to gravity and
begin to ​clump​ together.
● They continue to clump together until the
pressure​ and ​temperature​ is great enough for
nuclear fusion ​to occur.
o Hydrogen​ nuclei fuse together to form
helium nuclei which releases a large
amount of energy and causes a great
outwards pressure.
o This outwards pressure ​balances​ with the
inwards pressure ​due to gravity and the
star is now stable and called a ​main
sequence star.
● Eventually the hydrogen in the star is used up.
There is no longer enough outward pressure from
nuclear fusion and it ​collapses​ under its own
gravitational attraction, becoming ​unstable.
o If the star has a similar mass to the Sun, it expands massively and becomes a ​red
giant.​ It then becomes a ​white dwarf ​(and finally cools into a black dwarf).
o If the star has a mass larger than the Sun, it expands and becomes a ​red super
giant, ​before exploding in a ​supernova. ​What remains is either a ​neutron star, ​or if
it was exceptionally massive, a​ black hole.
Stars can be ​classified ​according to their ​colour.​ The colour of a star is related to its ​surface
temperature,​ with ​hotter​ stars being ​bluer​ and ​cooler ​stars being ​redder.

The ​brightness ​of a star depends upon where it is measured

- at a standard distance it can be represented using ​absolute
or ​apparent magnitude.
- A star’s ​absolute magnitude​ is defined to be ​equal​ to
the ​apparent magnitude​ that the star would have if it
were viewed from exactly 10 parsecs (32.6
light-years) away.
- The ​apparent magnitude​ is how bright it appears at a
particular point in space.

A ​Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HR diagram) ​shows the

relationship between a star’s ​surface temperature ​and
brightness.​ The main components are shown in the diagram on the right.
- Supergiants (top right)
- Red giants (below supergiants)
- The Main Sequence (a diagonal strip from top left to bottom right)
- White dwarfs (bottom left)
Other stages don’t show on the HR diagram because a star is only in them for a very short
period of time.


The ​Big Bang ​theory states that the universe expanded outwards from a single point.
Evidence for this theory includes:
● Red shift
o The ​red shift ​of light from galaxies shows that they are all ​moving away ​from
us and that those which are ​furthest away ​are moving the ​fastest,​ suggesting
that the universe was formed from an explosion at a single point, evidence for
the Big Bang. This is the principle of the Doppler effect.
● Cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)
o Just after the Big Bang, lots of ​short wavelength radiation ​should have been
released. This radiation, as the universe expanded over time, would have been
stretched to become ​microwaves.
o The fact that there is ​cosmic microwave background radiation ​present
wherever you point a telescope in the sky provides evidence for the Big Bang.
As the Big Bang theory is currently the only theory which accounts for all the experimental
evidence, it is the most accepted model.

If a wave source is ​moving relative ​to an observer, there will be a ​change​ in the ​observed
frequency and wavelength ​due to the ​Doppler effect. ​An example of this is when the siren of
an ambulance is high-pitched as it approaches you, and low-pitched as it goes away.
change in wavelength velocity of a galaxy λ−λ0 Δλ v
● ref erence wavelength = speed of light λ = λ = c
0 0

Doppler shift is responsible for the ​red-shift ​of light from galaxies which are ​moving away
from Earth, which is when the ​wavelength​ of the light coming from them ​increases.​ The
faster​ it is ​moving,​ the ​more ​its light is ​red-shifted.

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