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18.456 : 2000 ( Reatfirmed 2005 ) RAR aT SARI vd wafer sate — fe Uke (ther gear ) Indian Standard PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE — CODE OF PRACTICE ( Fourth Revision ) ‘Tenth Reprint APRIL 2007 Alacudng Amendments No | and 2) Ics 91.100:30 © BIS 2000 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG. NEW. DELI 110002 July 2000 Price Rs, 830.00 + Rs, 120.00 2 10 2 B CONTENTS SECTION 1 GENERAL Score erences ‘Termanovooy Sreous ‘SECTION 2 MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, INSPECTION AND TESTING Marenuais 5.1 Cement 52. Mineral Admixtures 53° Aggregates 54 Water $5 Admixtures 5.6 Reinforcement 5.7 Storage of Materials Concrere 6.1 Grades 6.2 Properties of Concrete ‘Workasitsry oF Concneré Dunapuury oF Concnere 8.1 General 82. Requirements for Durability CConcnee Mix PRoroxTioNING 9.1 Mix Proportion 92 Design Mix Concrete 93. Nominal Mix Concrete ProvveTion oF Concent 10.1 Quality Assurance Measures 102 Batching 103 Mixing Formwork, HLL General 11.2 Cleaning and Treatment of Formwork 11.3. Stripping Time Assesnty oF ENFORCEMENT "Trawsronrinc, PLACING, COMPACTION AND CURING 13.1 Transporting and Handling 132 Placing 133 Compaction Pace un u n uw 15 456 : 2000 Pace 134 Construction Joints and Cold Joints a 135° Curing a 13.6. Supervision 2 14 Concrsrinc Uxoer Sreciat, Conomons 2 14.1 Work in Extreme Weather Conditions 2” 142 Under-Water Concreting. 2 15. SaMpunc ano StaENGTH oF Desicnen Concrers Mix 2» 15.1 General » 152 Frequency of Sampling 29 15.3 Test Specimen 2» 154 Test Results of Sample 2» 16 Accerrance CarreRia 29 17 Ixsrecrion ano TestasG oF StRUCTURE 20 SECTION 3 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION 18 Bases ror Desion 32 18.1 Aim of Design 32 182 Methods of Design 32 18.3 Durability, Workmanship and Materials 32 184 Design Process 2 19 Loaps aNo Forces 32 19.1 General 32 19.2 Dead Loads 2 19.3 Imposed Loads, Wind Loads and Snow Loads 2 19.4 Banhquake Forces 32 19.5 Shrinkage, Creep and Temperature Effects 2 19.6 Other Forces and Effects 3 19.7. Combination of Loads 33 19.8 Dead Load Counteracting Other Loads and Forces 33 19.9 Design Load 3 20 StaBiury oF THe STRUCTURE 3 20.1 Overturning 20.2. Sliding 20.3 Probable Variation in Dead Load 20.4 Moment Connection 20.5 Lateral Sway 21, Fine Resistance 22 ANaLvsis 4 22.1 General 4 22.2. Effective Span a 22.3. Stiffness 3s 4 2s %6 2 28 29 22.4 Structural Frames 225 Moment and Shear Coefficients for Continuous Beams 22.6 Critical Sections for Moment and Shear 22:7 Redistribution of Moments Beams 23.0 Effective Depth 23.1 TeBeams and L-Beams 232 Control of Deft 233 Slenderness Limits for Beams to Ensure Lateral Stability ‘Sou Staws 24.1 General 242. Slabs Continuous Over Supports 243. Slabs Monolithic with Supports 244 Slabs Spanning in Two Directions at Right Angles 245 Loads on Supporting Beams ‘Compression Mesmnes 25.1. Definitions 25.2 _Bffective Length of Compression Members 25.3. Slenderness Limits for Columns 254 Minimum Eccentricity -RrouiREMesTs GovERNING REINFORCEMENT AND DETAILING 26.1 General 262 Development of Stress in Reinforcement 26.3 Spacing of Reinforcement 264 Nominal Cover to Reinforcement 265 Requirements of Reinforcement for Structural Members ExPaNsion Jones SECTION 4 SPECIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR ‘STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AND SYSTEMS: Concrere Connets 28.1 General 28.2 Design Deer Beams 29.1 General 29.2 Lever Arm 29.3 Reinforcement Runap, Houiow Buock os Votoe SLAB 30.1 General 30.2 Analysis of Structure 303 Shear 30.4 Deflection 1S 456 : 2000 Pack 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 9 39 39 39 39 4 41 41 a a a 2 a 2 2 4s 46 46 50 sl sl st st 31 st 31 2 2 2 2 2 1S 456 : 2000 30.5 _ Size and Position of Ribs 306 Hollow Blocks and Formers 30.7 Arrangement of Reinforcement 308 Precast Joists and Hollow Filler Blocks 31 Fear Stans 311 General 31.2 Proportioning 31.3. Determination of Bending Moment 314 Direet Design Method 315. Equivalent Frame Method 316 Shear in Fat Slab 31.7 Slab Reinforcement 31.8 Openings in Fat Slabs 32 Waus 32.1 General 322 Empirical Design Method for Walls Subjected to lnplane Vertical Loads 32.3. Walls Subjected to Combined Horizontal and Verical Forces 32.4 Design for Horizontal Shear 32.5 Minimum Requirements for Reinforcement in Walls 33. Stans 33.1 Effective Span of Stairs 33.2 Distribution of Loading on Stirs 33.3. Depthof Section 34 Formos 34.1 General 342 Moments and Forces 343 Tensile Reinforcement 344 Transfer of Load at the Base of Column 345 Nominal Reinforcement SECTIONS STRUCTURAL DESIGN (LIMIT STATE METHOD) 35 SaPEry ano SenviceannsTy REQUREMENTS 35.1 General 35.2 Limit State of Collapse 35.3 Limit States of Serviceability 35.4 Other Limit States 36 Casacrusnc ano Denon VaLues ano PARTIAL SAFETY FACTORS 36.1 Characteristic Swength of Materials. 36.2 Characteristic Loads 36.3 Design Values 364 Partial Safety Factors 37 ANaweass 37.1 Analysis of Structure SBSseesegae 1S 456: 2000 Pace o 6 7” 70 in 39.3 Short Axially Loaded Members in Compression n 39.4 Compression Members with Helical Reinforcement 1 39.5 Members Subjected to Combined Axial Load and Uniaxial Bending n 39.6 Members Subjected to Combined Axial Load and Biaxial Bending n 39:7 Slender Compression Members n 40. Licrr Stare oF Course : SHEAR n 40.1 Nominal Shear Stress n 40.2 Design Shear Strength of Concrete n 40.3 Minimum Shear Reinforcement n 40.4 Design of Shear Reinforcement n 40.5 Enhanced Shear Strength of Sections Close to Supports " 41 Los Start oF Couarse : Torsion " 41.1 General " 41.2 Critical Section 75 41.3 Shear and Torsion 15 41.4 Reinforcement in Members Subjected to Torsion 5 42. Loar Stare oF Seviceasnury: Den.scTion 5 42.1. Flexural Members 5 43. Loar Stare oF Sewviceasmsry: Cnacxavo 6 43.1 Flexural Members 6 43.2 Compression Members 16 ANNEX A LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS n ANNEX B STRUCTURAL DESIGN (WORKING STRESS METHOD) 80 Bel Genena 80 B-.1 General Design Requirements 80 B-1.2 _ Redistribution of Moments 80 B-1.3 Assumptions for Design of Members 80 B-2 Panuassmn.s Srasssus 80 B-2.1 Permissible Stresses in Concrete 80 B-22 Permissible Stresses in Steel Reinforcement 80 B-23 _ Increase in Permissible Stresses 80 B-3.Penuassin.z Loans 11 Comrnession Miners a1 B-3.1 Pedestals and Short Columns with Lateral Ties 81 B.3.2__ Short Columns with Helical Reinforcement . 31 B.33_Long Columns 81 B-3.4 Composite Columns 7 a1 2118 Biso7—3 15 456 : 2000 Be BS BS ANNEX C cr c2 c4 ANNEXD D2 ANNEXE ‘ANNEX F ANNEXG Gi a2 ANNEX H ‘Mans Suntscrap To Conner Axia Loa AND BINDING B-4.1. Design Based on Uncracked Section B42. Design Based on Cracked Section B-4.3 Members Subjected to Combined Direct Load and Flexure Shean B.S. Nominal Shear Stress B-5.2 Design Shear Strength of Concrete B-5.3 Minimum Shear Reinforcement B-5.4 Design of Shear Reinforcement B.5.5 Enhanced Shear Suength of Sections Close to Supports Torsion B-6.1 General B62 Critical Section B-6.3 Shear and Torsion B-6.4 Reinforcement in Members Subjected to Torsion ‘CALCULATION OF DEFLECTION Tora, Deacon Sworr-Tenat Daruscron Dartacrion Dus To Simpackot Dartecrion Dus 0 Cres SLABS SPANNING IN TWO DIRECTIONS Resrmanan Stas Smerey Sumoers Suis EFFECTIVE LENGTH OF COLUMNS CALCULATION OF CRACK WIDTH MOMENTS OF RESISTANCE FOR RECTANGULAR AND TSECTIONS Rectavautan SECTIONS G-1.1 Sections without Compression Reinforcement G-12 Sections with Compression Reinforcement Fiance Secon COMMITTEE COMPOSITION 10 Pao see 3 83 83 84 85 8s as 86 86 SRR 88 9 ss BESRZREES AMENDMENT NO, 1 JUNE 2001 18 486: 2000 PLAINAND REINFORCED CONCRETE — CODE OF PRACTICE (Fourth Reviden) (Page 2, Foreword, last but one line )— Substitute ‘ACI318 : 195" for ‘ACT 3191 1000", (Page 11, clause 4) — Delete the mater ‘Ly — Horizontal dstance between centres of lateral restrint’, (Page 15, clause $8, Tide )— Substitute ‘Cheenleal Admlxtures’ for ‘Adnalstures’, (Page 17, clause 7.) — Substiute th following forthe existing informal table: Placing Conditions pond, Sung oO ® ® Blinding concrete; Shallow sections; Very low See Pavements using pavers ‘Mass concrete; Lightly reinforced sections Inslabe, ‘beam, wall, columns; Low 25-15 Floor, Hand placed pavements; Canal ining; Strip footings Hewvily reinforced | Mesiom 0.100 ‘beams, walls, columns; Slipform work, ) Medium 175-100 Pumped concrete ‘Trench fill ] High 100-150 In-situ pling Tremie concrete Very high SeeT12 [NOTE — For meat of the pscing conditions, itera! vibirs (sede vibra) re axiable, The dasa of to sede sal be deieraiaed based onthe dani sd pacing of iforemest bart ad Bilao of wtons For ee concrete ae st quid to be ead (eceabo 133) (Page 19, Table 4, column 8, sub-heading ) — Substitute ‘Fe for ‘Fac! (Page 27, clause 1353) — Delete. (Page 2, clause 183): 4) Substirue “specimens for ‘samples’ in lines 2, 6 and 7. b)- Substitute IS 9013" for Is 9103" ! (Page 29, clause 16.1 ) — Substitute ‘conditions’ for ‘condition’ inline 3 and the following matter for thy existing, “ maticr against "s)' ‘a) The mean strength determined from any group of four non-overlapping consecutive test results ampligg wi pe Appropriate limits in column 2 of Table 11.” (Page29, clause 163, para 2) — Substitute ‘cl 3" for ‘col’. (Page 29, clause 164, line 2) — Substitute ‘16.1 oF 16.228 the case may be! for ‘16.3, (Page 30, Table 11, column 3) — Substitute x f,, ~3° for''x f,**and “afi, 54° for Price Group 3 1 Amend No.1 1018. 456 : 2000 (Page 33, clause 213, line) 200s BAU tid’ f4P section’. [ Page 37, clause 23.1.2(c) } — Substitute ‘b," for *b, 4) for (pant coe aPC ARAN, 5 [ Page 49, clause 2653.2 () (2), las line] — Substitute “6 mm’ for 16 min. (Page 62, clause 32.25) — Substitute “H2* for ‘H,,? in the explaation of ¢, (Page 62, clause 32.34, line 4) — Substtue 324" for 323°, Page 62, clause 32.43 (0), line6 }— Insert ‘,," between the words “but and ‘ball. [Page 65, clause, last line ] — Insert the following ater the words ‘depth of footing”: “in case of footings on soils, and at distance equa to balf the effective depth of footing”. (Page 68, Table 18, col 4) — Substitute ~" for‘1.0"aguast the Load Combination DL + IL. (Page 72, clause 40.1 )— Substitute ‘ba? for‘,’ inthe formula. (Page 83, clause B-43, line 2) —Delete the word ‘and’ . (Page 85, clause B-5.5.1, para 2, line 6) — Substtuic ‘Table 24" for ‘Table 23'. (Page 85, clause B-S.5.2)— Substitute the following forthe existing formula: ‘Axo (52r, /a)/o,, 2 040,b/087/," (Page 90, clause D-1.1, line 1) — Substitute ‘Where’ for ‘Torsion’. (Page 93, Fig. 27) — Substtue Il” for ‘WL’. (Page 95,Annex Fy 8) The reference to Fig. 28 given in column 1 of the text slong wit the explanation ofthe symbols used in the Fig. 28 given thereafter may be red just before the formula given forthe rectangula tension zone, $b for ‘band ‘by’ for “bn the formulae, 1b) Substitute ‘compression’ for ‘campression inthe explanation of symbol (Pages 98 to 100, Annex H) — Substitute the following forthe e ANNEX HL (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION ‘Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2 Chairman Dai. Vevasvanava "Chanda 18 Cros 6364 Ean Pak Rod, ‘Matesoaram, Bangalore $6003, Meter Rewenning De8.c. aman (ct na, Now Do Sim, Bassman Dion Geel Sep fyi New Dei Sim PSone) SiG. 8 Best 1.6. Shite Comracon Teg La Pee SA K.Crsna adn Pei nie. Now Ded Sake tena) lartvcnem Den Cunt ie Weegee Nev De ‘ramen crm SAS Alena) mr rene Net Dan Sd Sw Nama Kip Ll, Gandhi ‘Surenmrenoine Enowveer (QCC) (Alternate) Curtecae fusencpanDneron raion Power euc i, Asa (ieee ree ca ia ‘ihense) 2 ((Conimuad on pass3) (Contined fom page2) Member Sia), P. Dasa ‘Su K.Jacera (Alternat) Dacron Jose Dacron (Alemate) ‘Dacron (CMDD) (NAW) ‘Dev Daactox (CMDD) (NWAS) (Alena) Suk Gusev ‘ios V- PATI (Alemat) Sen. K.Giomean ‘SimtS, Gomant SHUR. TAMMAKALAN (Alemate) Sims. K. Guna Taxcinta SiS. Samcanarusnvanes Alemat) SUAS, BAL ‘DaissiAd Masoo0 (Alernie) ProrA Kao SIWN.C. Jane Joo Dascioa Stason (BBS) (CBN, Sooe Dawcrox Staraasos (BAS) (CB. (Alienate) SiwiN.G.Jos0 ‘SiouP.D.Keuxan (Akernte) ‘SiuD. K Kanan ‘iad. Meza (Alena) Sia. Kassowsurn ‘hat 8, CHOWDMURY (Aberae) DAA. G.ManuvARAo ‘Sian KC Mase (Arne) ‘Sm Sanur Sim. Suna SimuD.P_ Son Alena) SiouPrarta Kan Sia? NA (Aerate) Momexsscurany DDacrox(Cva)(Atermte) Siw. K Namuse DRA S.Goa (Anat) ‘Suu. 5. Sona ‘Sia Satasoun Kinan bernie) Suu. R Pas. SUA K Swansea (Aerate) aC. Ruma ‘De K. Monn (Alemat) ‘Sits. A Resor Ronserarve Stat S.Sanancemn ‘Sul N.ACABWAL (Abernate) Suraaeranns Excel scot (Desi Enanann (SMR Dron) (Aerte) SK K Taran. S101. K Jan (Alena) ‘Amend No.1 to 1S 456: 2000 Regrsing ‘Guna Ambuja Cements Li, Ahmedabad AP. agaeiogReech Laon yet Cent Wate Comino, New Deh Heed nde Li yet Sieur Enioesing aiearch Cente (CSIR), Ghviahad ‘Te lndin Cements Lid Chen (Ganson Dukeey ad orgy Lid, Mars Cent Bing Reva tone (CSIR), Roorkee sive Rone Reoice Cement Corpor dia Li, Now Deis Raa Desig & Sadands Oricon (Mir of Rye Lacknow ‘The ada Hame ip Company Li, Memb ina Tet Hoe, Colesn Lanes To La, Mamta Src Bxinesing Reach Cate (CSIR) Chen Hospi Services Constancy Corton (a) Lal, New Delhi ouiog and Uiba Development Coreraton Ld, New Deh Misia of Soe Transpo Deparment of Suace Tasso (Rau Wing) New Dl Cent oan of rigntion& Powe, New Det Engnerin Chet sane, Amy Headqunen, New Deh Cental Road Researches (CSIR) Now Deh Ind Roads Congr, Now eh Nios Council for Cement and Bung Msi, alse Gammon aia id, Mumba Baiéer's Asociion of nda, Mrs Geological Survey of nia, Caleta Pic Work Depanmeat Goverment of Tal Nadu, Cheenti Indian Rayon and Induce La, Pe ‘Te Asacinte Coment Companies Lid Mumba (Cont Sil and Mauri Research Son, New Delhi ( Contimid on pe 4) ‘Amend No.1 to 18. 486 12000 (Contd ra page 3) Montes DAHL. C. Vavarvsava ‘SarD.C Counavan (Abemnae) ‘SiVooo Kaan incor (CW Baga) ‘SiaM. Paso ‘DB. Kawa wana Rao (Alera) ‘Com Enonem Jone Socartary ‘Sureuerisooe Eacoean (Alera) hor 8, Kasia Mooxmey ‘Sia KK. NAYAX (Aerate) Das.c.Mam Mawome Duscros ‘ia M KivOU (Aerated) ‘SiS. K. Nama LrCou KS. CUARAK Altera) SiuB.V.B Pa ‘SiaiM.G. Daxovara (Alert) Sima. B. Puasa ‘SiguD, M. Savon (Alternate) Samy. R Paws, SiauS. 5. Sama Aertel) ‘Sig Satayban KUMAR Alero I) Reprendng ‘Ta Iatton of Bison (ld, Calusa Dirt Goer, BIS (Eneficle Member) Manteca Stat J. Pastaa Adon Ditr (Cv Baga) BOB Svea Parr Depa tr (Cv Engh id (Concrete $ubcommitee, CED 2:2 Rerweting onal Counal for Comeat an Bulldog Meal, Balabgar Shp Conan Ld Muabal oma! Raerch Foundation in ni, alata (Oujuat Amba Cements Lid, Ahmedabad (Cental Sol and Mtr Raa usin, Now eth ‘Cea! Wer Commins, New Del Research, Designs and Sundari Organization (Minatyof Railways), Lecinow ‘Cental Pblc Works Deparment New Delhi ‘Structural Engineering Research Cente (CSIR) Ghaziabad ‘Ganaou Dunksley and Co Ld, Mumbai ‘Associated Consuing Services, Mumbai In penal capecy (Centra Building Reach nate (CSIR), Rooke Public Works Departmen, Mumbai {nda lati of Technology, New Deli Naons! Counc for Comeat and Baling Maes, Balgarh Hindustan Prefab Limi, New Deh Engioorda-Chiat's Basch Army Headquaes, New Dali ‘The Asociaid Comest Companioe Lid, Mumbai ‘To Hindaan Comtructon Co Lid, Mumba (Cetra Roe Reseach Yt (CSIR) Now Dai 4 (Conan a pegs) ‘Amend No, 1 to 18 486 : 2000 (Coniefron pes) Mente Aereming SA § Paso ao Sta Egoing Rear oe (I Coal Sims Mam Anon) Siaik L Pune aon Baling Corin Contin al Now Ds ‘Sia OAbuM. (Ahora) _ | sa Dasa Naler Power Corpontin, Menbs Sst Pia (tem) ana Rao ‘A. ageing Rem Lato Hyniad Siro Rosson en) fi. Jan Camas aa La Mente BARC Raat) $ii8,c Sanam Ein ni aw Dei Sirk Macs Ahem) ror. S0er7 Ind Coa env, Chen Sau Kim Most Stason Rade Wa) New Dei Si. Tan Inpeonterciy Panel for Revision of IS 456, CED 2:27 Comanar Representing DAC. Ranan ‘Naonal Counc for Cement and Buldng Materia, Balbgarh Members DRAML KUMAR ‘Neon Cou! for Cement and Bulag Maer, Balbgart Sum. K. Grams ‘Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR), Ghasabad ProrA Kan User of Rooke, Rootes Siu K Jan Inperonal capac Siautour Kua (Cnt Pubic Works Departnent, Now Del DaS.c.Mam ‘Navona Cou for Cersent ond Bldg Mati, Bala DRA.K Mera (Cetra Pubic Works Department, New Del Sus. A. Reoot Gammon tis Li, Mamba DAV, Tumuvasooan ‘School of Pusiag and Arcecture, New Det Special Ad-Hoc Group for Revision of IS 456 Convener Dat Vevesvanaya "Chanda 1S* Crom, 63:64 Bast Pak Rend, ‘Maleswaran, Bangalore $0003, Members Representing DAC. Raman ‘Nationa Cone for Cemeat and Buldng Materials, Balhae Siau$. A Root (Gammon India Li, Mab (CeD2) AMENDMENT NO. 2 SEPTEXBER 2005 TO may IS 456: 2000 PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE — CODE OF PRACTICE (Fourth Revision) * ( Page 13, clause $21.1, line 1) — Substitute “IS 3812 (Part 1)° for “Grade 1 of 1S 3812", ( Page 13, clause $.2.1.2 and corresponding Note ) — Substitute the following forthe existing “Silica fume conforming to 1S 15388 may be used as part replacement of cement provided uniform blending with te cement is ensured [NOTE — Siien fume is ually wed in proportion of $1 10 percent of the cement content of «mi (Page 13, Note under clause 82.1.3, ine 5) — Substitute "be for ‘range Som being (Page 25, clause 10.3.3, line 4) — Delete the word ‘and’ (Page 68. clause line 1) — Suidstitue ‘on’ for ‘or’. {[ Page 65, clause 343,1(a), line 2 | — Delete the words ‘extending in cach direction (Page 66, clause 34.43, line 5) — Substitute ‘not’ for “20 (Page 78, Annex A) — Substitute the following forthe existing entries for 1S 3812: 1981 ISNo, Title 153812 (Par 1): 2003 Specification for pulverized fuel ash : Pant I For ‘usc as pozzolana in cement, cement mortar and concrete (second revision) (Page 79, Annex A )-— Add the following atthe end: ISNo, Title IS 15388 : 2003 Specification for silica fume" 2116 Biso7—

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