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Plans Materials Equipment Basic Scantlings Transverse and Longitudinal Strength

Estimating Costs Lofting and Template Making Keels, Frames, and Tanks Makmg
the Parts The Building Ways and Basic Setup Framing Up Plating Cabin Trunks.
“^Railcap, and Welding Hatchways, Watertight Doors. Collision Bulkheads, and Other
Details Interior Welding and Priming

From plans to bare hull

This two- volume work offers the insights, ex-

perience, and mature thinking of a man who
has been, in his long career, a merchant
seaman, naval architect, yacht and shipbuilder,
sailmaker, and consultant to shipbuilders and
governments on matters of vessel design and
construction. There is, quite simply, no one
more qualified than Tom Colvin %o have writ-
ten this book.
Steel Boatbuilding gives you an overall view
of the subject from the raw materials to the
finished vessel. The wealth of detail pertinent
to every step in the building, fitting out, and
launching of a 25- to 79-foot yacht or commer-
cial vessel will ease the first-time builder or the
professional problems that might
otherwise have seemed insurmountable.
Volume 1 covers the building of the hull and
decks, while Volume 2 takes you through the
remainder of the process, including joinery,
machinery installation, rigging, and launching.
The several chapters of Volume 1 discuss
steel boatbuilding in general terms. What do
you look for in the plans package for a steel
vessel? What do you need to know to com-
municate effectively with materials suppliers?
What tools will you need? (Chapter 3, which
groups tools by stages of construction and by
importance —
that is, “needed,” “useful,” and
“ultimate” —
is of tremendous value.) How do

you assure proper strength in the vessel? How

can you estimate in advance how much your
vessel will cost in terms of materials and time?
Beginning in Chapter 9, the author guides you
through the building of one of his designs, a
50-foot pinky schooner intended as a yacht or a
cargo carrier. The information can be applied
to any steel boat, but the reference to a par-
ticular vessel provides a context for the discus-
sion, making it easy to follow. The building
procedures described assume that you will be
working unassisted on a rented or backyard
Volume 2 completes the building, fitting out,
and launching of the pinky, with in-depth
discussions of plumbing, refrigeration, heating,
and other systems of steel craft in general. Also
covered are spars and rigging, joinerwork, deck
hardware, ballast, and finishing. Together, the
two volumes of Steel Boatbuilding represent
by far the most complete reference available on
the building of small steel vessels. If you are or
would like to be a builder of steel craft, this is
your book.


From plans to bare hull
Volume I

Thomas E. Colvin

Camden. Maine
®1985 by International Marine Publishing Company

Typeset by The Key Word, Inc., Belchertown, Massachusetts

Printed and bound by Fairfield, Graphics, Falrfield,APennsylvania

All rights reserved. Except for use a review, no part of this book may be

reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without written permission from the publisher.

Published by International Marine Publishing Company

21 Elm Street, Camden, Maine 04843
(207) 236-4342

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Colvin, Thomas E.

Steel boatbuilding.

Includes index.
1. Steel boats. 2. Boatbuilding I. Title.
VM321.C68 1985 623.8’207 84-48520
ISBN 0-87742-189-7 (v. 1)
ISBN 0-87742-203-6 (v. 2)


How to Use This Book







8 AND 124

9 THE 139

10 AND 157

11 UP 170

12 PLATING 190

13 AND 214

14 AND 225

AND 238





I have prepared work with the hope that it will become a useful reference for
those designing, building, repairing, and mciintaining steel vessels, whether they be
used for yachting or commercial purposes. The scope of the book has been limited
Although it is indeed possible to construct in steel
to vessels of 25 to 79 feet in length.
a vessel smaller than 25 feet, rather specific hull forms and techniques cire involved.

For vessels longer them 79 feet, various agencies the American Bureau of Shipping,
Lloyd’s, Bureau Veritas, and others —
promulgate rules amd regulations that are
normally followed, amd techniques of construction more akin to shipbuilding are
used, for which there are many standard texts.
The chapters are arranged in a logical sequence from plamning to completion,
having due regard to differences in hull shape and displacement. The distinct
differences as well as the similarities aimong flat-bottom, V-bottom, multi-chine, amd
round- bottom constructions are covered, and the effect of size upon each is
discussed. Skills necessairy for construction in steel and the ways to acquire these
skills are discussed in a positive way, to encourage those involved in building steel
vessels to depend on their own abilities.

With the increasing popularity of steel construction, builders and owners must
realize that a steel vessel hais a long life and low maintenance if it is properly thought
out and built Steel must be understood from its making to its end use. If these
caveats are ignored, then nothing but monstrosities will result. A properly designed
cmd built metal structure is functional, light, and strong. If it encompasses cdl of
these, it will also be beautiful. This is not to imply that styling cannot also be added,
but in many cases this will be gilding the lily.
This book does not replace Boatbuilding With Steel by Gilbert C. Klingel
(International Marine Publishing Co., 1973), a book to which contributed a chapter

on building with ciluminum. It does, however, go into greater detciil for the builder and
owner. The professional and cimateur alike will, hope, find their needs well




«. » .V


How to Use This Book

In ship and boat building there are numerous exceptions to any presumed logic;
therefore, the reading of Steel Boatbuilding may commence wherever the reader’s
interest lies, cilways bearing in mind that each chapter, while it stcinds alone, is
always related to the whole. would suggest that the first- time builder of a steel

vessel make a general perusal of the entire text in the order it was written, and then
follow with a thorough study of individual chapters as the need to know becomes
imperative. To clutter one’s mind with too mciny facts at one time is often
discouraging, unless those facts can be related to a specific application.
If you are anxious to stcirt with the actual sequence of construction, then would I

suggest that the best place to begin is Chapter 9, where commence the

construction of a pinky schooner. Chapter 15 completes the steelwork on the Pinky,

and Volume 2 gives the additional information including launching procedures
needed to make the vessel ready for sea. Chapters 1 through 8 of Volume 1 are
general chapters that a builder will need to read eventually in order to understand
the “what” and the “why” of what follows.
Volume 2 is also a reference for those who are already sailing steel vessels, or are
contemplating alterations to a steel vessel, or plan to purchase a hull and do the
remainder of the work themselves. One might suppose that such people have no
need to know what is in Volume 1 but that is not so; lofting and template making as

described in Chapter 7 of this volume will be needed for much of the joinerwork,
sparmaking, and rigging, and the information given in Chapter 2 about materials will
aid in selecting the correct alloys for a particular application. The list of suppliers in
Chapter 3 may save hours of time that might otherwise be spent in finishing the
vessel. Major alterations to a hull can be as extensive as building an entire

The decision to expand the scope of Steel Boatbuilding into two volumes was
based on my desire, as well as that of my editor and publisher, to offer a work that is
as complete and specific as possible and will not leave the builder/ owner dangling in
avoid of omission. As an inveterate reader of labels, have the need to know specifics

as well as generalities, and so should you. It has never been my intention, however, to
write a “how- to- do- it” type of book, so elemental and detcdled that the builder’s
every motion is described. My intention is and hcis been to guide an individual
through the construction of a steel vessel, and to explain, within reason, the whys
cind wherefores, always leaving him the option of doing it his own way. You and 1

realize that there are only three ways of doing anything —

the right way, the wrong
way, and my way!
The Pinky whose construction begins in Chapter 9 is a working vessel that was
designed for a specific purpose; it is not a yacht, but it could be one. The complete
plans are included in the text as illustrations. If one wishes to build this vessel and is
content to work from the small-scale plans that appear in the book, there is no
reason not to do so, since my office plans to a larger scale are exactly the same. 1

personally think that working with small- scade drawings to avoid paying the royalty
to a designer is foolish, because the builder then forfeits the right to free consultation
by mail, as will any subsequent owner of the vessel. 1will not entertain ainy
correspondence concerning the Pinky or any other design if that correspondence is
not part of my normal office interaction with clients. Since live aboard my vessel amd

am more often than not outside United States waters, a large volume of
correspondence would be too time-consuming for me, and the postage would be
costly. The usual procedure in writing books on boatbuilding and designing is to
fragment the material so that no single design is set forth in its entirety. have found

that such texts are often difficult not only for the layman but also for the
professional, because there is no way to relate the information within a specific
context, but only in generalities.
What it all boils down to is this: If yon plan to go to sea in a vessel you build or have
built, you need to know as much as possible about her construction, her limitations if

any, cind how to care for her properly; otherwise, needless anxiety and expense can

Thomas E. Colvin
aboard the junk K'ung Fu- Tse
May 1985



The history of boatbuilding cind designing is a fascinating subject as well as a useful

one, since vessel designs and construction techniques today benefit from what was
learned by trial and error yesterday. To say that progress has always been made
would be erroneous, however, for it seems that each generation discards mciny
lessons as having been handed down from rather ignorant forefathers who “did not
have the advantages of our modern technology,” amd we spend much of our lives
reinventing what those before us knew and practiced instinctively. It seems
appropriate, then, to begin this book with a backwaird glance at the skills amd
methods of our predecessors.
The ancient and perhaps primitive builder was adso the designer in that the
eventual shape of the hull evolved directly from his mental picture of what was
necessary to meet specific requirements. We cannot say for sure that he did not
construct a model, but we do know that the use of models as decorative objects
certaunly preceded their use as an aid to design. More recently, from the need to
delineate the shape of the model, drafting methods were devised, and these permit
present-day designers to dispense with models altogether when defining the shape
of the hull. Designing solely by models, however, cannot be discarded as decadent or
obsolete. In my own lifetime, have known builders who could neither read nor write,

yet could carve a model of a proposed vessel and then, without benefit of refined
offsets, build it full size, preserving its form and proportions. Others had mastered
one of several techniques for taking off the half-breadths from a model, enabling
them to prepare a table of offsets to be used for the construction of the vessel. What
these men lacked in drafting skills was compensated by an acute visual sense of
proportion cind form.
Modeling by a skilled crciftsman is a very accurate method of designing the hull of a


vessel, and has the advantage of producing a three-dimensional form that can be

judged from an infinite number of angles. Results of modifications are instantly

visible. In the not- too- distant past there were many designers who worked this way,
and many of their vessels became famous. The models most commonly used for this
purpose were known as half- models. They were made up from a number of planks of
wood, known as “lifts,” which were pegged together prior to carving. Frame or mold
lines were marked on the back of the model, and when the model was completed, the
pegs were removed and the fr2mie lines were traced across the top face of each lift
and measured. This produced the^ half- breadth for that horizontal plane; once
corrected for scale, these half-breadtKs could be used to loft the sections full size. A
lines drawing could also result by laying down each lift on paper and scribing its
outline, giving the plan view of the lift or level line. The whole model pegged back
ogether gave the profile and the ticking- off of the lift spacing. The body plan was
drawn from the half-breadths. Most of the better builders developed lines drawings,
for this permitted calculations for displacement and other hydrostatic data. (It
should be noted that the lifts seldom represented actual waterlines; they were
merely lines pcirallel to the keel or rabbet.)
While an accurate half- model represented a number of hours of labor that might
otherwise have been spent in actual construction, cilmost without exception this
time was more than compensated during the actucil construction and ordering of
material. When additional offsets were needed for buttocks and diagonals to further
define a frcmne shape on the mold loft floor, they were mecisured directly from the
body plan after this was drawn, projected, and faired longitudinally on the floor. The
buttocks and diagonals were not always transferred back to the original lines

drawing, however hence the frequent discrepancy between “as drawn” and “as

Another use of the half- model involved cutting it across at the various sections,
then me2isuring these sections at the lifts to obtain the required offsets for each
station. When traced, these produced a body plain at the same scaile as the model. No
profile or plan view drawings were produced, but the body plan permitted the
designer at least to establish cairgo hold and between-decks arraingements, taking
much of the “by guess amd by golly” out of building. With this method, too, customs
house tonnage could be manipulated to the advantage of the owner. Once the model
had been treated in this way, though, about all it was good for was the firebox, since
the storage of the numerous pieces was troublesome.
A third method was to take the sections off the model could be
directly. This
accomplished in several ways, the most popular being lead strips molded to contour
or a vertically sited paintograph. The latter method would permit the sectional!
outline to be reproduced directly on paper or another medium.
A half-model usually represented the inside of the planking, which varied in thick-
ness from the garboards to the sheer straike, especially in the larger vessels. The
modeler wais often also the builder, and working directly with the frames'aind not the
skin saved time and labor when lofting.
Today, the preparation of a vessel’s lines is done by direct drafting, which is fast
and accurate for most hull forms. The half-model is still used, however, to lay out
plating for metal vessels and pl2mking for wooden vessels, since there is no easy
Plans for Steel Vessels 3

method of expanding the entire shell of a vessel with drafting methods. These
models cire glued together rather than pegged Models are also frequently used for
precise material take-off when the vessel is to be built in a remote area where freight
costs and delivery of materials have a greater impact on completion than they would
in industrial centers. A builder often requires a working model in order to plan hawse

pipes, anchor pockets, davits, and catheads, and also certain complex C20'go-
handling arrangements such as rsmips, heavy (jumbo) lift booms, new net handling
gear, and other details. This is less expensive than a full-size mockup or a “by guess
and by golly” attack of the actual item. A first- time builder will find it advantageous to
construct a frame- and- plate model using a modelmaker’s balsa sheets for the plates,
or urethane fo2im cut to the shape of each transverse section and glued together and
faired longitudinally. The length of each section equals a frcime space (see Figure 1).
This gives a three-dimensional form in small sccile that duplicates the full-size

Figure 1. A model made from urethane foam cut to the section shapes.


The plans constructed in metal cire always drawn to the inside of all shell
for vessels
plating, the underside of all decks, and the underside of the keel —
in other words,

they are drawn to the molded lines of the vessel. The dimensions given in the table of
offsets are therefore true dimensions, cind there is no allowance for the shell

and eighths of an inch (F-I-E) and, if they are

Offsets are given in feet, inches,
“returned” (that is, corrected after fairing on the mold loft), a “-I-” is sometimes
added to indicate that the loftsman should add */i6 inch to the offset indicated (F-1-
E+). Except in rare instances, other measurements are given in inches and fractions
of cin inch when less than 24 inches, and in feet, inches, and fractions of an inch
thereafter. The zero is always included when the measurement is a foot plus a
fraction of an inch, such as 6'-0V4\
The metric system is by far the easiest, fastest, and most accurate method of
dimensioning, and is used in most boatbuilding countries. Some plans contain both
systems. However, We in the United States, suppose, will continue with the old 1

system until absolutely forced to change.

The designer has an obligation to furnish enough detailed drawings so that the
builder can properly construct the vessel full size. The number of drawings
necessary will vairy according to the complexity of the vessel’s structure, rig,

machinery, and The scale to which the plans are drawn will also have a direct

bearing on the total number of drawings required, as will the vessel’s intended use
that is, yacht, cargo, fishing, passenger, sail, motor, or a combination of several of the
above. It is not the designer’s duty to draw every nut and bolt, nor to endlessly detaiil

a structure. He must depend on “ordinary practice” cind the common

sense of the
builder. On the other hand, this does not license him just to draw up a few sketches
and meaningless lines and hope that the builder will do everything correctly.
There is little if any difference in detail between plans drawn for the genercil

professional and the amateur either of whom may be using the designer’s plans for

the first time since the facilities of the backyard builder, though limited, may be
equal to or better than those of some one-man-shop professionals. Plans are not
meant to teach boatbuilding but to tell the builder how a particular vessel should be
constructed. For this reason, have incorporated in this book mciny details not

customarily shown on stock plans. Just the same, a designer selling plans to
backyard builders should consider the limited equipment available to them, cind not
offer designs that require an investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars for
bending and roll-forming machines, machine shops, and foundries to build one
vessel. (This is not an idle statement, since such plans do exist and are offered to the
cimateur builder. If have done my work well, this book will enable you to recognize

such plans when you see them.)

Plains furnished by the designer are drawn to various scales to fit his office’s
standard sheets, if a standard size has been established. The common scales are 1
inch, % inch, V2 inch, % inch and V4 inch equalling one foot. Down to a scale of % inch
equals I foot (Yu of the full-size vessel), it is possible to read the scale to the nearest
Vs inch in the full-size vessel. To save wear on the eyes, however, most designers
prefer to prepare their lines and working drawings to a scale of V2 inch equals one
foot or larger. My own practice in small craft design is to keep the drawings within a
40- inch length; thus, 1 will use % inch equals I foot for vessels 53 feet or less, aind V2
inch equals I foot for larger vessels up to 80 feet. As a builder 1 prefer the %-inch
drawings, since Y\b inch will equal I inch full size, affording a quick scale by which to
check a dimension in the yard. Sail plans and outboard profiles are normailly drawn
to half the size of the lines plan. Details may be drawn at any scale, but usually double
Plans for Steel Vessels 5

that of the drawing. For mciximum clarity, it is often necessary to draw a detail at half
or full size.

When the drawings are prepared to a sc^de of % inch or Icirger, most of the details
will appear with sufficient clarity on any section to that scale, and extra detailing will
be minimal. enlarged details of a particular item are needed, there is usually space

to show it either on that drawing, or referenced to 2mother drawing where space is

available. When drawn need to include more detciil
to a smaller scale, plans will
drawings to amplify the standard set. Some designers have one or more standard
sheets that take care of most of the details they normally use. In any case, the
thoughtful designer will avoid cluttering up a sheet with so much detail or writing
that the b 2isic drawing becomes obscured.
To construct a metal yacht you would need the following plans:

1) Sailand Spars (Outboard Profile)

2) Lines and Offsets

3) Construction Plain
4) Construction Sections
5) Interior Arrangement

Piping, wiring, and machinery drawings are not customary in yacht

designs, especially stock plans, because any change in type and number of fixtures
would require a modification of the drawing, as would a different engine or any
change in interior arrangement. Arrangement plans are really only intended to offer
guidance, and you will rarely see identical interiors in custom and semicustom sister
ships. In custom design work these plans may be furnished. As a builder, however, 1

think they are a wciste of time, because you have to get down inside the actual hull
before you can determine the best method of running wiring, piping, and other
systems properly.
Commercial vessels subject to a classification society such as the U.S. Coast
Gucird, the Board of Trade (Great Britain), or one of the numerous other bodies
2u-ound the world having similar functions, or carrying not more than 150
passengers, will need the following plans in addition to those required for

6) Midship Sccintling Section

7) Arrangement of Decks
8) Machinery Installation
9) Electrical Installation
10) Fuel Tanks
11) Piping System
12) Hull Penetrations cind Shell Connections

Vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or over 100 gross tons will also

Curves of Form (Hydrostatic Curves)

A - -

Sail makers kjote.s:

1. SAILS To Bt TR\ttG: STiTCVitO 13*5 VUATE:Jf 0 «L 7.7i"^^.
2 SAILS To have \HAM0 SE'^^Er'-; Bolt f^PES ALL ARouk'D \^;ii_l
Wave a eoPE Luff.
5i r)i>A P'*o TOPAij Full/ stke-tc^^Eo -^.JU flST Hoors a^c
H” D/A IF USED Ofi. L_ACl *o<; AS S Hfiu.' K» OUJMC-E-C ©PT/e-V* -
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"Topsails to be 5^ Pacc-ck/
7 So. Sail. To Be. Pacboei
f^trs ARE To v*o 3A*iOS 4 KjtTTV-^ r>TTED
? (fe-OMN\6.T5 AT. EACr« ^ EAM O M FwT < HEAD.


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orz^Al-U. A*-AA>/.
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A- /CaikJ Boom -XaVt* LcA Tit - DEX>UCV PieK. clAPf>m.R_-~Ooo< F/ie.

5 *AAlNi<^4FF- L-Cla to N\A3T-C>tx>o:r polS-CLAPPEt -Ooc/^j F/E.

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4. SHeouos Aee <=Ab5ED RAtiLS I


are mp. ei«.i5js wjitw A Rtco PRes.^ fcCtAye

57 DEADtvers FROM A E>A<-4>HIL'GL 2^ To/jy - L U >o E »-i Cc .
Kk V
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S. LA 2_y JACKS AeE CjlLS7>4a*jd x>Acie«o. 4 *AAy Be Set or Both r/S_.

9 TorPiuC Lifts aEE Sy^-CSJfrr^Kip DAcISoas.

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Plan of



Pinky, Sail

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Figure needed
Plans for Steel Vessels 9

Ifthe drawings are to a large enough scale, then plains 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12 may suffice
without the extra drawings. Plans 9 and 11 aire often furnished by the builder
according to his own standards, or he will have subcontractors, in which case they
will provide the required drawings.
Yachts do not have to be built to the approval of any particular body, but it is not
uncommon to have themunder the inspection and approval of Lloyds, the
Americam Bureau of Shipping, or the U.S. Coast Guau'd. This practice adds an expense
that most owners avoid without any detriment to their craft, since a good builder
usuailly equals or exceeds the requirements of the classification societies in regard to
workmanship, quality of material, and strength of structure. It would be foolish for
any builder to ignore entirely the research from which the rules were promulgated,
but to follow them blindly would be more foolish still. Blind adherence prevents new
development and may cause a builder to include features that are not only
impractical or virtually impossible, but also against all common sense and
seamanlike intuition.
None of the various regulatory bodies designs or takes responsibility for the
performance of vessels built to its rules or under its These groups
formulate rules, guides, standards, and other criteria for the design and construction
of vessels, which, if followed, will (for certciin types of vessels) assure the designer,
builder, and owner adequate strength and quality of materials. These
of obtaining
rules do not substitute for the independent judgment of the designer or builder. I

mention this because many owners suffer from the delusion that certification
obtains perfection in all things (cind for this reason, vessels built to classification
society rules may bring a higher resale value in Europe). Much of what is considered
proper (modern, scientific, or state-of-the-art) in hull form is the result of tonnage
laws, tax laws, cind racing rules, none
which necessarily improve either
hydrostatic performance or structural symmetry. On the contrary, rules often
encourage grotesque hull forms and revolting structures. The scantlings required by
the regulatory bodies are often needlessly heavy, and totally impossible for a vessel
that differs markedly from the model on which the rules were formulated for —
example, with respect to length, breadth, cind depth. When the intended vessel
differsfrom the model, it will be classified as an “unusual model” or one of “novel
construction,” which simply mecins that if it has been used before, and if it was
successful, and if it works in this particular instance, the regulating body will give
provisional approval. It is well always to remember that a builder may build 100
vessels 2md still be referred to as a builder, but if he builds one bad vessel, he will be
referred to as a lousy builder. His reputation, more than a set of certification rules,
will guarantee quality.

Depending on the vessel, several other plans may be required, such as a Spar Plan
for hollow wooden spars; Rig Detciils for cargo booms, outriggers, davits, equipment
masts, and the like; and the Expanded Shell Plating Plain (for round-bottom designs),
which is made from direct measurements taken off a plating half- model. The main
purpose of this drawing is to indicate the maximum width of plates that can be used
without deformations. The expense of making the model and drawing prompts many
designers to pass the task on to the builder. For single and multi-chine vessels an
Expanded Shell Plating Plan is unnecessary, but many builders will draw one for their

own use if it is not furnished by the designer, since it does not require a half- model.
You should not automatically reject any design that excludes this drawing; a
designer’s wcirehouse book may indicate plate sizes not available to the builder, and
an Expanded Shell Plating Plan based on these sizes would be of little use. This
drawing has the advantage of making certain that plate edges are well clear of frames
and bulkheads, that seams are eliminated inside tcinks that cannot readily be welded,
that valves and through hulls are clecir of structures, and that other miscellcineous
complications are avoided (see Chapter 12).

Written Specifications

Written specifications essence provide a wordy description of all items shown on

the plans, as well as those not shown. Some people set great store by them. Having
written hundreds of pages of specifications, have come to feel that the plans should

show enough detail to make them unnecessary. This is especially true in regard to
stock plans and the backyard builder. The specifications for a stock design may have
been written 10 or 20 years ago, so that the items specified either no longer exist,
come in a different size, or 20*0 now mcinufactured by another company. Then, too,
the backycird builder may not have access to the companies that manufacture a
specific item. We till know about the government’s specifications for an Allen wrench
that cost $900 as per specifications but might have cost only nine cents at the local
hcirdwcire store. Local junkyards and hardware stores 2U'e often the best sources of
fittings, and you can actually see, touch, and even partially assemble what you need,

rather than search through catalogs. Written specifications can effectively tie the
builder’s hands when he could do a better job a little differently cind for less
Important items should be specified in the construction contract, but the simpler
this document is, the better. If an owner cannot trust the builder, or dislikes him, he
had better findanother builder. (Naturally, the home builder will not have this
problem.) I have yet to see any contract or specifications that would make a good
builder out of a bad one or
honest one out of a crook. Occasionally, a resident

inspector represents the owner, or the owner or circhitect furnishes the basic
materials and most of the equipment and hardware. In such cases the builder in
essence furnishes only his yard and labor force, becoming little more than a laborer.
He must then require very detailed written specifications so that he Ccin coordinate
delivery of material as needed to maintain uninterrupted construction progress. He
has no control over the progress of construction when he is at the mercy of the
suppliers, owner, and circhitect.

Other Considerations

Hydrostatic curves of form are not supplied for yachts, for which only one waterline
is usually calculated. The yacht designer may do some rather extensive calculations

for his own no need for a builder or owner to have access to

reference, but there is

any information of this type other than what the designer supplies in the title block of
the drawing. For cargo and certain other types of commercial vessels, the designer

Plans for Steel Vessels 1

furnishes a booklet or drawing showing the hull characteristics at various drafts, and
cross curves of stability for various angles of heel and loading.
The proper design approach for any vessel should reflect the construction
material and its method of fabrication, always account the tools available
tciking into
cind the physical limitations imposed when a human body must fit into an area and
perform the necessary work. The designer’s ability to conceive a hull that will
function properly or even superbly is not in question from a builder’s point of view;
rather, the builder cares about his ability to think in the material in which the vessel is
constructed. Lacking this ability, he can design a structure that is not only costly but
almost impossible to build. Each material is its own testing ground; what is
acceptable in wood is not in steel, nor should steel building practices necessarily be
copied in aluminum. In selecting plans from which to build, one should hold suspect
those that clciim the vessel can be built in any material. A vessel intended to be built
in steel may also be built in aluminum alloy; however, a vessel designed for aluminum

construction can rcirely be built in steel. Figure 4 gives an example of the transition
from wood to iron to steel construction in the stem of a vessel. It is not uncommon to
see this transition carried to the absurd by designers using, say, a 12-inch stem bar

Figure 4. The transition from wood to iron to steel in the stem of a vessel. The sketches are not
to scale.

with the shell plating landing 3 inches aft of the face. In wood, plenty of material was
needed to cover the hood ends of the planking amd to provide anchorage
for the plank fastenings. In riveted construction, the shell plates were knuckled and
the plates riveted through the stem. In welding, there is no need for any more
exterior face than the minimum required for proper welding. Similarly, the depth of
the stem should not be greater than absolutely necessary, for a normal humcin must
be able to position himself not only to see but also to work (weld) the inner joint. The
generally accepted minimum space required for welding is 18 inches in a 60- degree
arc of the area to be welded. This cJlows for the electrode plus the hand holding it;
extra space is needed for the welder’s head, which is protected by a shield.

Stock pl 2ins are available from the designer’s office and, in some instances,
through his agents. There is no standard cost for plans, nor
is there a standard

number of drawings furnished. You will often find five or six well- detailed drawings
more complete than 20 miscellaneous drawings that require hours of interpretation
cind juggling to use; thus, you should never purchase plains based on their numbers
cilone. Occasionailly, a designer includes miscellaneous drawings with the basic

plans, such as one for the dinghy to be used on a particular design, alternate sail
plans, alternate interior arrangement plans, or a reference list of manufacturers of
major equipment items. The designer should furnish two sets of plans for the

vessel one to use during construction, and one for the owner’s files. Many
designers, without further charge, also include consultation by mail or telephone
during construction, and furnish small sketches to clcirify an item if necessary.
Sketches do not extend to complete new drawings, such as a new interior
cirrangement, or major cilterations to cin existing one.
Complete plans for a working pinky schooner are used to illustrate this volume.
Besides offering an example of typical plans, they should be referred to as necessary
to clarify and amplify the text.



The use of iron in ship construction began in Engl 2ind in the latter part of the 18th
century; however, the major use was not until 1818, when the river barge Vulcan

was built. Although not totally constructed of iron, she represented the first real
attempt to make extensive use of the material. It may seem strange now, but at the
time, people resisted using iron because it would not float; it stood to reason that a
vessel built of iron would not be buoyant. Nevertheless, by 1831 there were iron
shipbuilders on the Thames, Mersey, and Clyde rivers, and along the east coast of
Scotl 2uid. By 1860, the English had developed composite construction using iron
frames, beams, knees, and keelsons with wood planking and copper- sheathed
bottoms. These vessels were less expensive to build and operate than all- iron
vessels, especially if they were to be used primarily in the tropics.
The use of iron in the United States was limited at the time to riverboats propelled
by steam. Americans had a virtually unlimited supply of wood suitable for
shipbuilding, and the success of American wooden clippers cmd packets further
strengthened the reluctance to change. Under these circumstances, iron’s
advantages went unheeded: industry in general, and shipbuilding in particular, make
changes only when forced to for economic reasons, and never to make a better
product. The large sbc- masted schooner Edward B. Winslow, of 3,424 gross tons,
launched in 1908 from the Percy & Small yard in Bath, Maine, is an example of the
size wooden vessels attained. Even as late as World War extensive construction of

Icirge wooden steam and sailing ships continued under the sponsorship of the War

Shipping Board. At 3,500 tons dead weight (for the steamships), these wooden
vessels were floating lumberyards. The bilge ceiling was often 12 inches thick, while


the hold ceiling was 8 inches and that along the sides of the vessel as much as 1
inches; the planking was rather light, at about 5 inches. By this time, England, Europe,
cind the Scaindinavian countrieshad long since recognized the superiority of metal
construction and the serious limitations of wood, particulcirly in trying to splice end
connections of timbers and strength members, as well as in the cargo-reducing bulk
of heavy timbers necessary to achieve adequate strength. Lower insurance rates
offered to owners of iron and steel vessels gave them an even greater competitive
advcintage over the Americcin wooden hulls.
First used (puddled or cast) wcis at first inferior to
for shipbuilding in 1859, steel
iron in all respects hxcept strength; it was hard and brittle, and the manufacturing
process was unreliable. The Bessemer process, introduced in 1863, was costly at
first, and what it yielded was not much better than the then-available puddled steel.

By 1873, however, both the Bessemer and the Siemens processes were employed,
cind reliable, good-quality steel became available. The processes were then much
the same, but by 1875 the Siemens process had undergone vast improvements, to
such cin extent that little further improvement took place up to World War 1.

Steel replaced iron not so that vessels could be built stronger, but rather because
the strength and better mechanical properties of steel permitted smailler and lighter
scantlings, which, in turn, reduced the structural weight cind increased the volume,
thereby increasing the earning capacity of the vessels. The strength and stiffness of
steel cind iron structures were about the same in the eairly years, while a 20-percent
saving in weight favored steel only slightly. Today, with the extensive alloying of steel
cind with all-welded structures, a saving of about 50 percent over iron can be


You don’t need to become a metallurgist in order to build in steel and iron, any more
than you need to be a timber farmer and lumberjack in order to build in wood. The
more familiar you are with the subject, however, the eaisier it is to understand the
limitations of the matericils. To start, it is enough to establish a common vocabul 2uy
so that you can communicate coherently with mcinufacturers. Here, then, is the
fundamentcil terminology of iron and steel:

Pig Iron is produced from iron ores by heating with a flux in a blast furnace, and is
then graded by appearance. The darkest is grey iron No. 1 and the lighter irons cire

Nos. 2, 3, 4 (foundry), 4 (forge), mottled, and white. The mottled and No. 4 (forge) are
used in the manufacture of wrought iron, and the remaining numbers are used for
cast iron.
Cast Iron is produced by melting down and purifying pig iron. While having a
compressive strength of about 80,000 pounds per square inch, it is weak in both
tension and shear, and its ductility is poor; however, these properties are influenced
by the amount of silicon, phosphorus and mcinganese present. Grey cast iron is used
in small castings requiring not much strength but good appearance. White and light
grey cast iron are used for the larger castings.
Materials 15

Malleable Cast Iron is much less brittle and is made of ordinary iron casting
heated in contact with iron oxide. A special process allows a further refinement to
permit its use in castings that require moderate tensile strength (cleats), pressure
tests (valves), or both.
Wrought Iron almost pure iron in which the carbon has been removed by

heating the cast iron to white with a basic slag, which both oxidizes and removes the
major impurities. This is called “puddling.” The puddled iron is then hammered and
rolled, after which it is cut up, piled, reheated, 2uid rolled again. This process is again
repeated for the best quality. The amount of work iron receives during the
hammering and rolling has a greater influence on the mech£mical qualities of the iron
than does the presence of impurities; impurities are, for the most part, merely
entcingled in the iron mass, not alloyed with it, so variations amount have
in their
little on iron’s behavior under stress. Impurities
effect are not removed by the
hammering and rolling.
Wrought iron is extremely ductile, mcdleable, and readily weldable; however, it

cannot be more than superficially hardened by quenching, cind its tensile strength is

less thcin steel’s. Its strength is greatest in the direction of rolling, and the more it is

rolled, the greater its longitudinal strength. A fine, close-grained, uniform, fibrous
structure without any appearance of crystallization, blue-grey in color, indicates
toughness. First-class wrought iron has a tensile strength of about 40,000 psi with the
grain and 36,000 psi across the grain. For the highest quality, 44,000 psi with the grain
is possible. Pure Swedish soft iron is considered the best. Iron in shipbuilding posed a

problem, since bends of more than 90 degrees could not be made across the gr 2un;
however, slow rate of corrosion has given many iron vessels a useful life of well

over 100 years. Today, wrought iron plates are virtually impossible to obtain.
Steel, in the manufacturing process, is a liquid mass of variable composition.
When its composition is correct, it is poured into a mold to form the ingots from
which plates and bars will later be rolled. The foreign elements in steel differ from the
impurities found in iron in that they are well defined in quantity and so thoroughly
mixed that they form a dense, homogenous alloy; the slag and light impurities found
in iron are absent because they float on the top of the molten metal. In contrast to

iron, the mech^mical treatment (rolling and hammering) of steel has little effect on
its mechciniccil properties in spite of changing its molecular arrangement. Iron has a

fiber that hsmnmering and rolling improve, but steel lacks a definite fiber, so the
physical qualities are practically constcint regardless of the direction in which stress
is applied.

There are two distinct processes for producing mild steel: the open hearth, or
Siemens- Martin, and the Bessemer. Making steel by the open-hearth process confers
the advantage of absolute control over the important foreign elements; this not only
assures a uniform composition, but also allows variation of elements to obtain
different mechanical qu 2ilities in the finished steel.
The steelmaking process, regardless of method, is further subdivided into the
making of acid steel and basic steel. Acid steel is made from hematite pig iron, which
has about 3.3 percent carbon, 2.0 percent silicon, 1.0 percent manganese, a trace of
copper, and very small amounts of sulfur and phosphorus. Mild steel consists of

pure iron with about 0.20 percent carbon and 0.50 percent m£uiganese. Thus, to
convert the hematite pig iron into steel, you need only deprive it of most of its
carbon, about half of its mcingainese, and all of the other impurities. This is done by
melting the hematite pig iron together with some scrap steel, cind then adding some
hematite iron ore (pure oxide of iron), which supplies oxygen and causes an increase
in temperature as it combines with the manganese, silicon, and Ccirbon of the pig.

When oxygen and carbon combine, they form a gas; silicon and manganese combine
to form a slag. This slag absorbs a quantity of iron and floats to the surface, where it
protects the steel from the oxidizing and cooling effects of air. The oxygen released
from the hematite ore does not combine with the cau-bon of the pig until it has carried
away all the manganese and silicon. A further supply of ore is added at that time, to
adjust the remaining Ccirbon to the exact amount desired. All the carbon cannot be
burned out, however, or you would then have oxide of iron (burned iron), and the
resulting steel would be crumbly if worked at high heat.
Phosphorus and sulfur are unwanted impurities, since the former causes
brittleness when cold, and the latter, brittleness at red heat. The acid process does
not eliminate them. If they occur in the original raw material, they will also be present
in the finished product, which is the reason for using hematite pig iron, as it is almost
free of these two elements.
Although the acid process Ccinnot eliminate phosphorus, the basic process Ccin. In
principle, you simply introduce into the blast furnace an alkali, such as lime, which
has a strong affinity for phosphorus; the cdkali removes the phosphorus.
Unfortunately, the acid process furnace lining is composed mostly of acid silicate,
and when lime attacks this, the lining will soon disappeair. Therefore, when the pig
contains a lot of phosphorus, an alkaline rather thcui'acid lining is used in the furnace
to permit the addition of lime. Basic steel results.
The Bessemer process differs from the open-hearth acid-steel process in the
method of purifying the molten pig. First, the molten pig iron is poured into the
converter, a large globular vessel lined with fire brick. Oxygen is then introduced
through the bottom of the converter to burn off the Ccirbon, manganese, and silicon,
forming air in the process. As the air rises through the molten pig, it decomposes cind
forms the gases nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen decomposes the manganese, silicon,
and carbon, raising the temperature of the cooler pig. Since oxygen burns out these
elements, ferrom2mg2inese is added next, as it contains both Ccirbon and manganese.
The steel is then poured off from the converter. The whole process takes less than
one-qu6U'ter of an hour.
The Bessemer process makes it determine when all the carbon is
difficult to

burned off a major disadvantage. Since the converter is closed, you can tell when
the carbon is gone only by the color of the flame coming from the neck of the
converter. If you carry decarbonization too far, the resulting steel will be burned, cind
if you don’t carry it far enough, there will be an excess of carbon. In this process, the

pour must be made as soon as the air is shut off, as the steel would otherwise cool
too much to pour into the ingot molds.
Carbon transforms pure iron into steel, and the higher the carbon content, the
harder and stronger the steel. The softest steel is chemically almost the same as
pure iron, having less than 0.10 percent carbon and a tensile strength of about 40,000
Materials 17

psi, and stretching (elongating) more than 30 percent of its length before breaking. It
is therefore considered very ductile. Razor steel, by contrast, has a carbon content

of 1.40 percent, is very brittle, and is neither weldable nor ductile, although it has a
tensile strength of 200,000 psi. This comparison points to an implicit trade-off. You
might at first think that steel’s percentage of elongation (ductility) should matter less
than its tensile strength. True, steel that yields easily will sacrifice some strength. On
the other hand, without the ability to elongate, could not withstand the abuse of

handling while forming or, for that matter, the shocks imparted in the stranding of a
You might compare soft steel to tciffy: like taffy, it has a slight elongation when
lightly pulled in one direction, but when the strain is released it returns to its original
shape. The elasticity is perfect because the amount of stretch is within the elastic
limit. If you pulled the steel again with sufficient force to visibly chcinge its shape, you

would reach the steel’s yield point, beyond which it might continue changing shape
even without the application of additional force, but would certainly not recover its
origin 2d shape. With the addition of still more pressure, the material would finally
part into two pieces, the measure of force required being termed the ultimate
strength of the material.
Contrary to what you might intuitively suppose, then, it is more important to know
the elastic limit than the ultimate strength of your material. When you substitute
peanut brittle for taffy, you have a material that is initially very strong but not ductile,
and which, when stretched, will not recover but will instead break immediately. For
all practiced purposes, the yield point and the ultimate strength of peanut brittle

coincide. The scime goes for a high-tensile, low-ductility steel.

Steel, or any other material, can be repeatedly strained below its elastic limit
without permcinent damage, but when the stresses approach the elastic limit and are
repeated with enough frequency, the material and fail. How many times
will fatigue

will it take —
10 times, 1,000 times, or 10,000,000 times? The closer the stress comes
to the elastic limit, the fewer the repetitions needed to cause failure. It could be once
a second for 10 seconds or once a year for 10 years, but rest assured that, when a
material is stressed repeatedly, failure due to fatigue will eventucdly occur. Chapter 5
will briefly cover longitudincd and transverse strength considerations.


The idead steel structure for any vessel is strong, light, easy to erect, easy to maintain,
and economical. Sadly, some builders ignore long-term maintenance by not taking
care to eliminate pockets that will not drain, by not chipping or grinding rough edges
from flame cutting, and by leaving sharp edges that will not hold paint. Furthermore,
builders often do an inadequate cleaning job prior to painting, and apply too little
paint. This causes headaches for the owner, who should be able to expect years of
troublefree use of a vessel as fcir as interior maintenance of the hull is concerned. 1

aim not just talking about the contract builder here. The
always distinct builder is

from the owner, even though he may be both by turns, for he cannot be both at one

and the scime time. “1 am building a vessel for my own use” these are the words of a

builder. Later thesame person may say, “I built this vessel for my own use” but —
these are the words of an owner. We cannot assume that because the present owner
was once the builder, he will necesscirily feel completely satisfied with his vessel.
Boatbuilding involves much tedious labor, and when you are bored, you tend to give
the work at hand “a lick and a promise” and go on to the more interesting jobs only —
to rue that decision years later after having to spend tenfold hours to rectify what
should have been done properly in the first place.
Such “shortcuts” result, in part at least, because the builder has to manufacture
special shapes for frcimes, beams^ railcaps, cind other parts, which are not
manufactured by tlfe mills but are needed in the vessel. To get the shapes he needs,
he may weld up several standaird shapes, in the process leaving numerous crevices,
inclusions, and other irregularities, and opening the door to rust and premature
fciilure. Alternatively, he may flange plates in order to avoid such irregularities. When

available as part of the yard equipment, flanging offers the most versatile way of
fabricating exactly what you need; however, if flcinge work must be sent to a job shop,
the added costs outweigh the advcintages of being able to develop the infinite variety
of sections that you may wish to use. Flanged plates are a bit easier to paiint than
welded shapes, and welding up the required shapes is also a time-consuming cind
often costly task. You can often minimize it, however, by splitting standard I-beams
cind channels. The savings in welding labor and weight of structure you Ccin gain this
way will more thain offset cutting costs if the strength of the resulting shape equals or
exceeds that of a welded piece and if the weight is about the same. An advantage of
splitting I-beams and channels thoughtfully is that you can have exactly what you
need for several items from one piece of steeLthe floors Ccin use the full depth of the
beam or channel; framnes may use one- half the depth; brackets, knees, or ciny other
item that may be required can be cut from the Scime or ainother piece; and all will

have the same flange width.

Structural requirements for marine members are unique in that the depth of the
sections is the most important dimension for strength. The thickness of the webs find
the width of their flanges, while less importcint, also definitely contribute to making
the vessel a series of girders, as does the plating, which becomes an integral part of
the whole when it is welded to the shell, deck, or bulkheads to give it the necessary
stiffness. Knowing the relative importance of each part makes a difference. At cill
times the weight of a vessel’s structure must be kept to a minimum, while the
strength must be kept at the maximum, since each extra pound or ton of weight
reduces the cargo capacity of that vessel, not to mention possibly rciising its center
of gravity and doing many other irritating things.
Table 1 indicates the common sizes of I-becims and channels that may be split to
form T s and L’s. These same sections, of course, can be cut in an infinite number of
ways to yield other combinations of sections.
Figure 5 shows the most common alternatives for sections. The full-depth
sections are used for web frames, girders, stringers, and keelsons. In general,
transverse frames are made from L’s or flat bars (FB), while web frames and girders
6ire made from T s. Hull longitudinals and stringers may be T’s, L’s, or flat bars (in my

order of preference). The local steel supplier normally stocks or has access to a
large variety of standard shapes that are not listed in the table. Suffice it to say that
the stock list varies considerably throughout the United States.
Materials 19

TABLE 1. Common Sizes of I-Beams and Channels, with the Sizes of the Ts and L’s
They May Be Split to Form

Shape Thickness
in inches

I-Beam Corresponding T Flange Web

(inches x inches x lbs/ft) (inches x inches x lbs/ft)

6”xl%”x4.4 3”x l%”x2.2 .171 .114

7” X 21/8” X 5.5 31/2 ” X 2/8” X 2.75 .180 .126
8” X 21/4 ” X 6.5 4” X 2 /4 ” X 3.25 .189 .135
10” X 23/4 ” X 9.0 5” X 23/4 ” X 4.5 .206 .155
12” X 3” X 11.8 6” X 3” X 5.9 .225 .175
6” X 4” X 8.5 3” X 4” X 4.25 .194 .170
8” X 4” X 10.0 4” X 4” X 5.0 .204 .180
10” X 4” X 11.5 5” X 4” X 5.75 .204 .180
12” X 4” X 14.0 6” X 4” X 7.0 .224 .200

Channel Corresponding L Flange Web

10”x 1V8 ”x6.5 5” X 1/8” X 3.25 .406 .150

10” X 11/2 ” X 8.4 5” X 1 /2 ” X 4.2 .250 .170
12” X 11/2 ” X 10.6 6” X 1 /2 ” X 5.3 .313 .190
5”x F/8 ”x9.0 2/2”x1%”x4.5 .320 .325
6”xl%”x8.2 3”xl%”x4.2 .343 .200
7” X 21/4 ” X 12.25 3 /2 ” X 2 /4 ” X 6.13 .366 .314
8” X 21/4 ” X 11.5 4” X 2 /4 ” X 5.75 .390 .220


Figure 5. The most common approaches to cutting I-beams and channels to make other


Table 2 indicates’ sheet and plate thicknesses and weights per square foot used in
vessels up to 80 feet long. The generally accepted minimum sheet thickness that you
will find practical touse in the construction of a vessel’s hull is 1 gauge when
corrosion, warpage, and welding production are prime considerations. Ten gauge is
even easier cind faster to work with than 1 gauge; thus, a majority of builders
consider this the most desirable minimum. You can construct small steel hulls with
16- gauge material, using the Manual Metal Arc welding process; however, the
welding goes very slowly, as the maximum electrode size is ^32 inch for welding the
heavier framing members to the shell, and Vie inch for the butt welds in the shell itself.

The extensive frciming needed when using lighter than -gauge sheet will more than
1 1

offset the saving in shell weight; therefore, it will usually be better to use heavier
plates and less framing.

TABLE 2. Sheet and Plate Thicknesses and Weights

Sheets* Plates

gauge thickness weight thickness weight

(inches) (Ibs/ft^) (inches) (Ibs/ft^)

16 .0598 2.50 .

y.6 7.65
14 .0747 3.125 ‘/4 10.20
12 .1046 4.375 yi6 12.75
11 .1196 5.00 % 15.30
»/8” .1250 5.10 Vl6 17.85
10 .1345 5.625 V2 20.40
8 .1644 6.875 %6 22.95
7 .1875 7.50 % 25.50
‘Ki6 28.05
3/4 30.60
% 35.70
1 40.80

*Note: sheets are usually referred to by gauge number, and plates are designated by weight

Much of the steel presently available to the builder imported and comes is
dimensioned in the metric system. Table 3 lists metric conversions that approximate
the standard sheets and plates available in the United States, cind also tabulates the
nearest millimeter to any given fraction. Metric sheets and plates will seldom have a
direct U.S. equivalent; the builder should therefore substitute the nearest equivalent,
whether slightly higher or lower them the one specified in the design, with due regcird
for the advantage of increasing or decreasing the structural weight cmd for the effect
Materials 21

a dimensional change will have on the strength of the vessel. For example, 6.0-
millimeter plate is about Ysa inch (.64 pound per square foot) thinner and 6.5-
millimeter plate is about Vns inch (.32 pound per square foot) thicker than !4-inch
plate. The conversion factor is millimeters X .0937 = decimal inches; 1 millimeter =
1.61 pounds of steel per sqcire foot.

TABLE 3. Approximate Metric Equivalents for Standard U.S. Sheet and Plate Sizes

Metric Thickness U.S. Equivalent Thickness Metric Equivalent

(mm) (inches) (mm)
1.50 16 gauge Vf,A .40
1.90 14 gauge Vyi .80
2.70 12 gauge /16 1.60
3.00 11 gauge 3/32 2.40
3.20 Vs” 3/32 3.95
3.40 10 gauge /32 5.55
4.20 8 gauge %2 7.20
4.75 7 gauge ‘/32 8.75
plate *3/32 10.25

4.75 yi 6

3/32 11.75
6.40 '732 13.50

7.90 yi 6 •r32 15.00
9.50 3/32 16.75

11.25 yi 6 33/32 18.25
13.00 V2” 33/32 19.75
14.25 ’/l6” 3’/32 21.50
16.00 3%2 23.00
17.50 •^16” 3/32 24.50
19.00 3 ”
20.50 ‘3/16”

22.25 %”
25.40 1.0”

For welding purposes, the American Welding Society classifies steel into six
groups, four of which are commonly used in boatbuilding: carbon steels, high-
strength low-cdloy steels, chromium- molybdenum steels. and precoated steels.
Also, the carbon content of the various steels within each overall group determines
specific subgroups into which they are further classified, as follows:

Low-carbon steel: having a maximum of 0.15 percent carbon; avcdlable in plates,

shapes, sheets, cind strips; excellent weldability.

Mild steel: having a Ccirbon content of 0.15 to 0.30 percent; available in plates,

shapes, sheets, 2md bars; good weldability.


Medium- carbon steel: having a carbon content of 0.30 to 0.50 percent; used in

machine tools and parts; only fair weldability; usually requires pre- and post-heat
treatment cind the use of low-hydrogen welding methods.

High-carbon steel: having a carbon content of 0.50 to 1.00 percent; used for
springs, dies, and railroad rails; weldability is poor. Low-hydrogen welding, pre- and
post-heat treatment are required.

Strength is added to steels by additional alloying, and some alloys adso increase
resistance to corrosion, suitability for high and low temperature applications, and
other special properties. Steels of 0.28 percent carbon are available, and still qualify
as mild steel; however, for shell plating it is best to demand, and be assured, that the
steelused is below 0.23 percent, which is the highest carbon content allowed by the
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) for plates under V2 inch. Table 4 lists the steels
customarily used in boatbuilding, along with their chemical and mechaniccil

TABLE 4A. Chemical Compositions of Common Shipbuilding Steels (as percentages)

A242' AJ73 A36 ABS/A ABS/B A44V A44r and Merchants

Carbon .09 .28 .28 .23* .21** .28** .21 .15**

Mcinganese .38 .5-.9 .6- .9 .25 X Carbon .8-1.1 1.1 (1.6 for plate .85 ( 1 .25 for plate .25-.4
thicker than 'A") thicker than

Phosphorus .09 .04

Sulfur .033 .05

Silicon .48 .35 .30 .30

Copper .41 .20*“ .20*“ .20 .20

Chromium .84

Nickel .28

TABLE 4B. Mechanical Properties of Common Shipbuilding Steels

A242 A373 A36 ABS/A ABS/B A44U A44I and Merchants

yield point 50 32 36 34 34 50 50 32
(thousands of psi)

tensile strength 70 58-75 60-80 58-71 58-71 75 70 50-60

(thousands of psi)

elasticity 22 21 20
(as a percentage,
related to a 2-inch

eltisticity 19 24 23 21 21 18 18 21
(as a percentage,
related to an 8- inch
cold bend It '/it '/it It It flat
(as diameter of mandrel (le the re<juired
. (Le.. one-haJI
diameter equals the thickness
arouiid which a 180-degree the thickness ol the pNece)
bend can be accomplished) ol the piece)

corrosion rate 4-6 1-2*** 1-2*** 1 1 2 2

(relative to that (ie.. A242 o^rrtides
at W to tlie
of mild steel) rate ol mild steel)

endurance limit 35 28 28 39 42
(thousands of psi)

A2-1 2. A4‘iO. A1-1I are proprielury steels with chemical variations The popular trade name for A242 is Curten, made by the United States
Steel ( orporatioii
* *
Max imum fyenmtted
* * *
May be specified, and will affect the corrosion resistance.
Materials 23

Each grade of steel can be welded with one or more processes, and each process
may utilize one or more suitable electrodes, shielded either with a flux coating or an
inert gas. Selection of the electrode depends on the welding process used, the
similarities in chemical composition of the metals being joined, and the conditions
under which the welding is to be done. The different types of welding machines will
be covered in Chapter 3.
Figure 6 is a series of drawings showing the various types of joints used in ship-
cind boatbuilding, and their efficiencies. These reflect the standards used by the
Colvin Manufacturing Corporation and the Colvin Shipbuilding Company. They do
not conform in all instcinces to the American Welding Society standards, except in
symbols, nor do they conform to the American Bureau of Shipping or other
regulatory bodies in their limitations. The stated efficiencies are based on tests
conducted by my yard to determine suitable safety factors for seagoing vessels.
These types of welds are used in marine construction regardless of whether the
vessel is produced by a one-time backyard builder or a full-time building yard. Many

other welds are possible in each category C, T, B, lap, plug, etc. However, they are
used only in very special cases, at which time they are detailed or a special note is
offered on the drawing, describing the type of weld to be made. Heavy weldments
must be detailed, and designers usually incorporate these on their drawings, since
there are quite definite procedures to follow when welding thicker than 1-inch plate
(40.8 pounds per square foot) to minimize stress and at the same time obtain
maximum strength.

mild e cortTEN steels oHi.y



R£Fe:RH.K\C E.

Figure 6.The various types of joints used in the building of steel vessels are shown on the
following pages. The efficiencies of the joints, as determined in tests conducted by the author's
shipyard, are also indicated. The sketch above is a key to the drawings.



EILLET Size to be iNCRE^SED 0/ ;?AP MM L 1^ l‘'N\IN^D »S \'t' I^AAA

MAT IS |)'2.' M\|si D IS Id”
/4” MM L 15 E" Mik', D iS W \AKk


_ /

pDrZl: I
/ L
Ka" D eao/\LS a-T.^/E.'' WHEWJ T Less imam
IS V2-“T+45ety
USED otN ooue>LER- ‘ifeATes ^ sleeves WHEKJ T /2 W- 2.T-^
IS.* ^ 45 "BEV 1




R-n SD
Materials 25


7=^^SlTlON. T-MAA of W- C-M L/SED QNlf FOSlT^O^C T l5 always ^eEATElR. THAN

WrtEN SIDE NOT ACC t-SS IBUE ,OTt chip out Root to souk^-d me.tau
Subject to bend/n^, rA.TiG,uE op- impact. PR.\0R. to WELDIMC^ OPP. S U7E.


Jolwr - WELDED OK,= SEE (C-ll) reinforced

8£7o EFF f iOOToCFF. C-1W2 \007o EFF C '

1 6


(YAivj USE .S FOR- small TAN^ TTOPS.


fillet weld DOUBLE F LLE~V1 weld

85 % EFF. C ' 0 ICO 7o EFF. C-lO



OveR. AS

k^otex). is

f f/i 15


SIDES A^E- Accessible. 05 E^"dia

ioo 7<3 err BB ~32 }OC% ELF. B-48

metal prior to WELDIU(^ OPP s\d^ METAL PR_\OP. TO WEuDlUOi Off flDE.,
Oo\MT Suitable, forauv PDs\T(oto JOINT S UITAB.LE POP AMY POSIT lOM.
ROOT Joint \s used only ou TtTq ^ may
G;rcuud pdush

S^NG,Lt V groove buttjoimt SQUAR.E (GROOVE BUTTJOIMT


lDO% EFF B-10 100% BFF B-3

Materials 27



Vb" rod - PRE -HeM TO »Oo“ F.


100% EFF 100%! EFF. P-10





1007a EFF P-4 100% EFF P-2


Materials 29

-<c-. -<c-3

/ 3^

^T(h,h> 1. /WSA

AKiy fositioM OFP SIDE



8S% EFP C- \ 0 O 7c EVE C-3

tT>- -^•12

\ F
FA / k

!4"»aik] or/b t m ak

• •





ICO 7» EFF BB-6 ;0C7c LFF. BB -12



A - 1(i
rx •
g' I

ye " max

FOR Awv rosit\om.~ for shell STRUCTURE, SUBJECT TO BLMDIMG,



)0O% EFF. B-2 65 ^ EFF. B-1

Other Materials Used in Steel Ship and Boatbuilding

Table 5 lists the brasses and bronzes often used in the construction of vessels. The
weldability of these metcils ranges from excellent to poor. These met 2ils cire not to be
used where the temperature exceeds 500 degrees Fcihrenheit.
Table 6 lists the common aluminum alloys that are used in marine construction. It
is possible to weld aduminum to steel only by the use of a transition bar. Bars are

readily available from the various aluminum companies and offer the best solution to
the joint between the steel hull and the aluminum deckhouse. When only a limited
amount of aduminum is to be welded, then the Shielded Metal Arc process is quite
adequate and requires a DC power source. For small parts, Gas Tungsten Arc is
better and certainly cleaner. For heavier weldments and where a frequent need to
weld aluminum exists, the Gas Metal Arc method is the best.
Stainless steel is frequently used for fittings and hairdware fabricated by the
builder. Such items include stanchions, railings, bitts, chocks, tangs, chainplates,
pintles, cleats, cavels, davits, etc. Some of the alloys used are readily welded to low-
carbon steel, mild steel, and most of the high-strength, low-alloy steels. In order to
eliminate brittleness and cracking of welds, welding should be done with specicil
stainless steel rods, not the steel rods used for welding the mild steel hull. The
welding can be done with the Shielded Metail Arc process if a DC source is available.
Materials 31

TABLE 5. Brasses and Bronzes Used in Shipbuilding

Symbol Common Name Common Use

A Admiralty Metal Tubes for feedwater heaters, condensers, evapo-

rators, etc.
B-c Commercial Brass Name plates, trim, handrail fittings, etc., when cor-
rosion resistance and strength are not important.
B-r Commercial Brass Shims, liners, label plates, trim, etc., when corro-
sion resist 2ince £uid strength aire not important.
BE Ornamental Bronze Electrical fixtures, instruments and other cast-
G Gun Metal (c) Valves and pipe fittings of 100 lbs. pressure 2ind
over, gears, and other castings, when strength and
resistance to corrosion cire required.
H Journal Bronze (c) Slippers, bushings, and other bearing surfaces.
M Valve Bronze (c) Valves, pipe fittings, hose couplings, and fittings of
less than 100 lbs. pressure; also, flanges for copper
pipe and other brazed fittings.
Mn-c Manganese Bronze Propeller hubs and blades, worm gears, wheels,
and other parts that require great strength and
resistance to corrosion.
Mn-r Manganese Bronze Bolts, studs, valve stems, and other parts that re-
quire great strength and resistance to corrosion.
CN-c Monel Metal (c) Valves and other fittings used at high temperatures
that require strength and resistance to corrosion.
CN-r Monel Metal (r) Bolts, pump rods, valve stems, etc., used at high
temperatures, that require strength and resistance
to corrosion.
N-c Naval Brass (c) or Handwheels and other misc. parts with a quality
Tobin Bronze between B-c and G.
N-r Naval Brass (r) •
Nuts, bolts, screws, forgings, valve stems, and
other parts that require strength and resistance to
P-c Phosphor-bronze (c) Parts requiring medium strength, when exposed to
salt water.

P-r Phosphor-bronze (r) Valve stems, pump rods, springs, and other parts
exposed to salt water.
S-c Screwed Brass (c) Screwed pipe fittings.
S Scrap Brass Misc. castings

Cast=c; rolled=r. The chemical composition of these brasses and bronzes includes copper, zinc, tin,
lead, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and nickel in varying amounts, according to type. Those that are
cast have tensile strengths of about 22,000 psi for journal bronze to 65,000 psi for manganese bronze
and monel metal. The rolled bronzes have strengths of 50,000 psi to 90,000 psi.

TABLE 6. Aluminum Alloys Used in Shipbuilding


Alloy Temper Available Use

5052 HI 12, H32 sheet, plate, tube, shapes, rod, tanks, fan blades, ladders, and hulls
bar of small craft
5083 H116, Hill sheet, plate, tube, shapes, rod, high-strength welded structure below
bar 150 °F
5086 HI 16, Hill ^
sheet, plate, tubfe, shapes, rod, best for hull plating
5454 H112, Hill sheet, plate, rod, shapes, bar for welded structures up to 400 °F:

stacks, vents, etc.

5456 HI 16, Hill sheet, plate, rod, shapes, bar hull plating, framing, etc.
6061 T6 sheet, plate, tube, tread plate, framing, masts, booms, davits, bitts,
pipe, rod, bar, forging stock, chocks, bolts, nuts, bus bars, rivets
6063 T6 tubes, shapes, rod, bar, pipe masts, booms, low strength

Note on pipe: a manufacturer’s inventory list refers to schedule numbers, and this replaces
“Sch. ” in
the old method of rating by standard (sch.40), extra strong (sch.80), double extra strong (sch. 120), and
triple extra strong (sch. 1 60). Alloy 6061 pipe ofsch. 40 and sch. 80, and alloy 6063 pipe of sch. 5, 1 0, 40,
and 80 are readily available as stock items. Alloy 6061 is considerably stronger than 6063. Non-
standard sch. 120 and 160 are standard in some diameters but not usually stocked by a warehouse. In
the aluminum alloys a builder may have any desired shape extruded for the cost of the die, which is
generally quite reasonable; to this cost he must add a minimum poundage and a setup charge. At times
these charges can be offset by a labor saving.

For extensive welding of stainless steel, especially when the finished welds must
have a visual neatness without grinding, the Gas Tungsten Arc method is best. Of the
numerous grades available, the chromium nickel (austenitic) type 304 has low
carbon content, provides good corrosion resistance after welding, cind is available in
sheet, plate, round bar, half ovals, bars, angles, and pipe. This type is used where
subsequent heat treatment is impossible. Type 31 6L has better corrosion resistance
than type 304 and should be used for low-magnetic purposes. The ELC (extra-low
carbon) grade of type 31 6L offers high resistance to inner granulcir corrosion caused
by carbide precipitation in the weld zone.
Lead is extensively used for shielding, sound barriers, battery box liners, and
ballast, and must be insulated from the steel. This can be done in numerous ways,
mciny dictated by the end use of the lead. In the case of ballast areas, the steel should
be coated with a wash consisting of pure Portland cement prior to laying the bricks
or ingots of lead. These should be laid in a grout of four parts clean sand to one part
cement, and capped with a mixture of three parts sand to one part cement and, when
cured, painted with a waterproofing paint. The alternate method is to cap the cement
with a steel plate, but one should do this only when the ballast is to be absolutely
Wood bearing directly against metal should not be exposed to the weather, as it
will create a never-ending poultice corrosion problem in spite of the sealcints used to
Materials 33

protect the steel and the bedding compounds used for the wood. In places aboard
the vessel where wood should be pretreated, it is best to treat it with nonmetallic
compounds only, to eliminate any leaching and resultcint metallic corrosion. On the
interior of the hull where ceilings allow adequate air circulation, cargo battens or
open grates can usually be attached or otherwise fitted directly to the steel, provided
it has been well painted. When a solid liner, cargo hold decking, joiner
watertight bulkheads, cuid paneling are not only must the steel be well p 2unted,
but the wood/ steel faying surface must also be bedded with a suitable compound
such as asphalt, silicon rubber, polysulphide, or some other inert compound that will
effectively reject moisture. The raw ends of the wood, especially plywood, should be
painted thoroughly, and direct butting of the wood against the shell should be
avoided whenever possible.
Asphalt and other bituminous compounds are very effective for protecting steel,
especially in wet or damp areas, such as the bilge. They should never be used in the
engine room or any other location where oil is present, since they are oil soluble. On
sailing vessels the ballast may be bedded in asphalt materials, and in most vessels
the cargo hold and bilges outside the engine areas are also suitable for this type of
coating. Note, however, that the odor connected with asphalt and bituminous
compounds may possibly taint some dry cargoes.

Whenever dissimilar metads come in contact in a marine environment, electrolysis

will occur, with potentially disastrous consequences. Table 7 lists the various metals
in order of their electrical (galvanic) potential. The greater the difference between
values, the stronger the galvcinic interaction between two metcds not isolated from
each other.
Even before its keel has been laid, a steel vessel may already suffer from a
corrosion problem, if the materials have been improperly handled and allowed to
weather badly. Whenever possible, materials should be stored under cover, dry and
well aired. Steel, if stored outside, should be reused off the ground on sleepers to
minimize corrosion, since wet ground accelerates rusting. The better the storage,
the less work required prior to use.
All materials used in the construction of a vessel have a bearing on each other, not
only terms of direct costs, but also in terms of the additional cost of isolating them

from each other. The transition labor involved in the actual attachment of the
various matericils varies considerably and is hard to estimate. Once the isolation is
accomplished, then you can continue working the secondary material without
regcU'd to the primary material as long as the isolation is not breached. For instance,
once a wooden nailer or sleeper has been bolted to a steel frame, then a wooden
bulkhead, joiner bulkhead, cabin sole, ceiling, or any other wooden item can be
attached directly to the nailer or sleeper without further concern about the

The last word on any subject

never spoken, but on the theory that the attempt

can be useful. I’ll try anyway. With reg 2U'd to materials, unless you as the builder have
an unlimited budget and are unconcerned about the ultimate cost, it is definitely in
your best interest to try to understand all of the materials entering into the

TABLE 7. Electrical or Galvanic Potential of Metals, Assuming Vessel Speed

of 4V^ to IVz Knots

Name Approximate Potential


Graphite +0.3 to +0.2 Most noble (cathodic)

Ni-Cr-Mo +0.08 to -0.03
Titauiium +0.0^ to -0.05
Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu-Si +0.05 to +0.02
Ni-Fe-Cr +0.04 to -0.02
Stainless 316 0.00 to -0.10
Stainless 304 —0.05 to —0.10
Ni-Al-Bronze -0.15 to -0.22
70-30 copper nickel -0.17 to -0.23
Lead -0.19 to -0.24
80-20 copper nickel -0.21 to -0.27
90-10 copper nickel —0.22 to —0.28
Tin- bronze -0.24 to -0.32
Silicon- bronze —0.26 to —0.29
Manganese- bronze -0.27 to -0.33
Admiralty Metal -0.27 to -0.35
Copper -0.30 to -0.37
Tin -0.31 to -0.34
Brass -0.30 to -0.40
Al-Bronze -0.31 to -0.42
Low-alloy steel -0.57 to -0.63
Mild steel -0.60 to -0.72
Cadmium -0.70 to -0.74
Aluminum Alloys -0.76 to -1.00
Zinc -0.96 to -1.30
Magnesium -1.60 to -1.63 Least noble (anodic)

The difference between a base metal and a nobler metal may be more, but is usually less,
in potential
than the tabular difference shown in the table, and is further affected by temperature and velocity For
example, stainless steels will generally increase in negative (less noble) potential by about 0.30 volts
at very low velocities, bringing them closer to, say, mild steel The speeds chosen are representative of
sailing vessels.

construction of your vessel. In doing so, the estimating of costs and the purchcising
of materials become second nature, and you develop the ability to evaluate new
products as they come on the mcurket. I’m not suggesting that anyone needs to stau’t
with a backyard blast furnace; however, knowing your medium is fundamentcil.
Diligent study is always worth the effort in the long run.


Tool catcilogs are every builder’s “wish book.” No matter how well-equipped the
builder, there is always some tool that he would like to own, even if it is not on the
“must have” alone the “could use” list. Most of us have trouble admitting we
list, let

could really do without that certain new tool that it is more of a new toy them a
necessity. Without you can become “tool poor.” When this happens
much effort
productivity decreases rather them increeises, as you spend too much time setting up
emd using specialty tools to do what you could have done equally well with genereil
purpose tools a fraction of the time. On the other hand, the opposite extreme is

equally bad, for when you must convert your sparse assortment of tools every time
you attempt a different job, you not only lose time, you also discover that tools are
seldom good at a job for which they were not designed, even though they can be
adapted to that purpose.
There is much truth in the adage that “tools do not a craftsman make.” Visit cmy
y2u^d and you can prove it just by observing a journeyman at his trade. Note the fluid
motion, the minimum effort, and the pace he maintains. In my yard, owners of a
vessel under construction often W2mted to “work with us and sort of pick up the
trade.” Usually they stairted with a burst of activity during the first hour, encouraging
the rest of us to work a little such cheerful jibes as “No wonder boats cost
faster with
so much ... can do it faster
1 This is fun,” and so on. About two hours later they
. . .

were asking, “When do you guys take a break?” Two more hours after taking a —
brecik while the rest of us kept working —
and they would be asking, “When do you
break for lunch?” When informed that there was still another hour to go, they usually
hung au-ound a few minutes, then discovered they had to go to town but would be
back for the afternoon. The hardier ones got back by 3:00 PM and tried to do
something that required neither lifting nor moving until quitting time at 5:30 PM, at


which time they never failed to observe that we had worked for 10 hours at about the
same pace. As efficient at quitting time as when we started in the morning, we had
accomplished a great dead, and tomorrow we were probably going to do the same,
while the owner would need a day of rest. In my yard we worked 10-hour days, with
no breaks except one-half hour for lunch. There were no windows in the shop, no
music from radios, and no other distractions; to my ears the hum of welding
machines and the sounds of hcimmers and grinders were music. paid well and had

good men and good equipment. am not a saint, but in the ship and boatbuilding

profession there is a fine line between profit and loss that one must never lose sight
of if he expects to remain in business.
concede that some builders are cimateur only in the sense that they 2u-e not

professionally employed in the boat cind shipbuilding trade. Plenty of people with
varying degrees of skill will build or cire presently building small vessels for
themselves; they may have to spend more time thinking out how to adapt their
knowledge to boatbuilding than will those employed full time in the industry, but in
my eyes they cire still “builders,” not “amateurs.” Some, of course, must acquire one
or more completely new skills in order to stcirt a building project. remember

teaching a young lady the fundamentcils of welding in about 30 minutes, with a

couple of hours sp>ent explaining lofting, cutting, and other miscellaneous odds cind
ends of boatbuilding. Within three years she launched a fine 48- foot steel schooner.
Thus, in my mind, the lack of boatbuilding experience does not imply an inability to
acquire the skills needed to competently complete the task of building a boat.
This consideration has a direct beciring on tools. In the case of a one-time project,
the vessel inherits the tools that the builder already has in his workshop plus some
others purchased as needed. They may not always be the “ideal” tools for the job,
but are simply tools that will suffice. In most instances they will include an
assortment of hand, portable electric, and bench-mounted tools. When faced with
the purchase of a new tool, you must consider its future use after the vessel is built.
One of the advantages of metal boatbuilding is that, for the most part, the tools used
in a home woodworking shop will also be needed for the interior as well as some of
the deck structure. If you have some woodworking tools edready, you may only need
to add a few heavy-duty, industrial- grade tools for working the steel, and these will
enhance the home workshop after the vessel is built. Fortunately for the builder of
steel vessels, a basic set of heavy-duty tools will work correctly regardless of the size
of vessel built cind will not outlast their usefulness, unlike traditional wooden
shipbuilding tools, whichwere proportioned to the size of the vessel being built, so
that the tools needed for a Icirger vessel would be grossly out of place in a home
When you should certainly consider whether it will be used only
selecting a tool,
during construction, or whether it will be included in the inventory of the vessel.
When a vessel is extensively cruised, a good selection of tools will be needed for
maintenance, alterations, cind repairs. The tools available in many foreign cind
domestic yards leave a lot to be desired, and often one remembers with a sigh a tool
discarded or left behind that would now work better than the best available.
In order to carry enough tools aboard to be reasonably prepared for norm£il
maintenance, you must decide whether to depend on shore power only or to include
Steel Boatbuilding Equipment 37

an independent power source as part of the vessel’s equipment. If you choose

independence, you will have to select tools cautiously, making sure the amperage
requirements of a particular tool do not exceed the continuous rated output of the
source. Smaller sailing and motor vessels most often carry electric hand tools
powered by portable gasoline generators of 500 to 1500 watts. These inexpensive
units are small and light enough to be dinghied ashore for use in repairing spars,
sails, dinghy, or whatnot. On larger vessels that have an auxiliary diesel generator
permanently installed, you may have to remain afloat if the generator is water-
cooled; if it is you will be able to work while hauled out, but still won’t be
able to move the unit. The capacity of the larger generators rainges from 3 kilowatts
(3000 watts) on up, IV2 kilowatts being more than enough for most welding machines
and for air compressors if air-powered tools are used. Many countries use 50- rather
than 60-cycle current, and some (but not all) tools will operate on either 50 or 60
cycles. In some areas, only 220-volt current is available, and this must be split to
obtain 110 volts.
The prime disadvantage of working with electrical tools is the necessity of being in
a dry area, cis well cis avoiding any other risk of grounding yourself and getting
electrocuted. A ground fault device in the power line will eliminate this risk and is a
must in any boatbuilding project. Other disadvantages include the cost of the tools
themselves, their weight, and their maintenance. The wide variety of smadl,
inexpensive electric tools makes them an attractive buy, but repairs often exceed the
cost of a tool; this puts them in the category of expendable items. In many instances,
however, the idea of a throwaway tool is in itself not only appealing but justified.
If, in the beginning, you can select the best and safest without regard for cost, then

you should choose ciir-driven tools; however, one is seldom in this position. Despite
the lower cost, light weight, and minimal maintenance costs of the air tools
themselves, the initial cost of a compressor of adequate size is a major factor,
especially when exceeds the total cost of going all-electric. This is the basic reason

that most small yards and shops of amateur builders are not so-equipped. But the
case is not as simple as it seems. For example, a 7-inch heavy-duty air grinder
demanding 1 1 cubic feet of 2ur per minute (cfm), weighing 6V2 pounds, and reaching
4500 rpm, lists for $190; the Scime quality in electric at 15 cimps, 18 pounds, and 8000
rpm lists for $450. In other tools the price differential is not as great, but air tools
normally run one- half to three-quarters the price of electric tools of the Scime quality
and capacity. An air compressor with a 3-horsepower motor, delivering 22 cfm plus
13 cfm free air at 125 psi, costs $775. Thus, the difference in cost between a %-
horsepower compressor used for paint spraying, at $450, and a 3-horsepower
compressor that could power many air tools cind a small sandblaster, at $775,
suggests that you should seriously consider having all air-powered tools right from
the beginning. The increased utility may offset the extra price, and in larger vessels a
compressor can later be incorporated into the on-bocird equipment.
A great many small, table-type bandsaws, circular saws, jointers, routers, and
other shop tools will suffice for a one-time project cind still prove an asset in the
home workshop after the vessel is complete; alternatively, you might sell them to
someone else who is building a vessel. These tools cire convenient in that they are
light and easily portable; however, you should not expect production work from

them, since there is no substitute for the stcindard, commercial machinery normally
used within the industry.
The tools necessary to build a steel vessel can best be itemized by job and relative
importance. This will allow you to see where a particulcir tool is used for more than
one purpose and to decide what you absolutely must have, what would help to speed
up the task at hand, cind what should be considered one of those ultimate additions
you could make. Be£U’ in mind that quite often a home workshop will already possess
some of these items, since they are useful for other purposes besides boat-

• Lofting and pattemmaking. Needed: pencils; erasers; compass; straightedges

(wood, 8 and 12 feet long); steel tape 50 to 100 feet long; steel tape (pocket) 6 to 12
feet long; 10- point hand saw; hand rip saw; block plane; smoothing plane; jointer
plane; 24- inch framing square; 8- inch carpenter’s squcire; bevel square; 3-pound
machinist’s hammer; claw hammer; wire-cutting nippers; small metal vise or
woodworker’s vise; compass saw; coping saw; chalkline; hand drill; tin snips. Useful:
sabersaw; portable circulcir saw; disc sander; orbited Scinder; power stapler; %-inch
electric drill. Ultimate: 12-inch bandsaw; 8-inch table saw; 6-inch jointer; drill


• Working steel. Needed: oxygen- acetylene burning outfit with gauges; 50 feet
(minimum) of dual hose; striker; goggles; welding machine with 50 feet (minimum) of
cable to rod holder; welding helmet; welding gloves; chipping hammer.

• Frame making. Needed: portable grinder; -smcdlpecking bar; Vise- Grips; anvil
(3-inch thick steel plate, 12 by 24 inches, or 150-pound- minimum horn type); 8-
pound sledge hammer; temporciry platen (can be made by using the hull’s shell
plating). Useful: permanent steel platen for assembly; tilting-frame metal-cutting
cutoff bandsaw; table- mounted drill press. Ultimate: bending platen with hold-down
dogs, bending posts, and other accessories; needle scalers.

• Keel assembly. Needed: six 12-inch C-clamps; two pipe clamps with various
lengths of pipe threaded on one end. Useful: quick-acting clamps rather than C-

• Frame erection. Needed: twelve 8-inch C-clamps; 24-inch level; line level; piano
wire; two small turnbuckles; block and tackle (handy-billy rigged). Useful: quick-
acting clcimps rather than C-clamps.

• Longitudinals, chines, sheer pipe. Needed: two 10- inch adjustable wrenches;
%-inch chain in various lengths (2, 4, 6, and 8 feet, etc.) plus several shackles to fit the
chain. Useful: two V2 -ton come-alongs; a 24-inch to 36-inch pipe wrench; C-clamps as

• Plating. Needed: heavy-duty 7-inch portable grinder, or heavy-duty 7-inch disc

grinder-sander; 2-pound ball peen hammer. Useful: needle scaler; Dynafile (from
Steel Boatbuilding Equipment 39

Dynabrade, Inc.); 4-inch heavy-duty grinder; soft-pack siow-speed disc sander; 7-

inch heavy-duty sander; tool cind die grinder.

• Machinery installation. Needed: pipe threading dies at least capable of chasing

damaged threads; pipe vise; small hand-held tube bender; V2 -inch portable drill; die
set; feeler gauges; hand pump to test tanks; air pressure gauges; socket wrenches;
torque wrench; miscellaneous mechanic’s hand tools. Useful: small air compressor.
Ultimate: large ciir compressor.

• Sandblasting. Needed: compressor delivering 125 pounds of pressure at 125

cubic feet per minute. This can be rented on a per diem basis, as may a sandblcisting
machine (many individucds cind ycirds own their own). You will also need a place to
store the sand, which normcdly comes in 100-pound bags and must be kept dry. In
many sections of the country, there are companies that will scindblast to white metcil
and prime paint for less than it costs to rent the equipment, let alone own it. In this
case, it makes sense to consider owning a much sm^dler compressor, say a 3-
horsepower, that will do spot blasting and other smedl blasting jobs as well as run a
paint sprayer and air tools.

• Interior and exterior joinerwork. Needed: wood chisels; wooden mallet;

rubber mallet; claw hammer; hand saws (8-, 10-, and 12-point); rip saw; whetstones;
augers; bits; drill; squcires of various sizes; screwdrivers; nail sets; awls; scribes;
compass; smoothing, jointer, jack, and block planes; 2-foot cabinetmaker’s rule;
pencils; knife; spokeshave; drawknife; hatchet; several sizes of cold chisels; severed
sizes of adjustable wrenches; workbench; bench vise; dogs. Useful: electric drill;
electric router; sabersaw; bandsaw; table saw. Ultimate: 6-inch jointer; molder-
planer; 12-inch (minimum) thickness planer; drill press; wet and dry vacuum
cleaner; 8-inch worm-drive Skilsaw; belt sander; orbital sander; hand-held

• Sparmaking. Same as joinerwork. If homemade clamps cire used for a one-time

effort, you would not need to purchase more clamps; however, for a 50- foot hollow

wooden spar, 100 quick-acting steel bar clamps would not be too mciny. For a solid
spar, using only hand tools, a broadax and an adze would save time; however, a
worm-drive Skilsaw plus a hand-held, motor-driven planer would accomplish the
work even faster.

• Rigging. Needed: marlinspikes; fids; wire splicing vise; hammers; pliers; Vise-
Grips; serving mallet; knife. Useful: hydraulic Nicopress crimper with the required die

• Fittings. Metal fittings and hardware require the same tool assortment as those
used to build the vessel.

• Painting and varnishing. Needed: brushes; rollers; sponges. Useful: airless

paint sprayer. add this reluctantly, as much time and money can be wasted by

trying to spray finish a vessel, except for the interior of the bare steel hull and the
exterior priming and barrier coats. The finish color coats require masking off. While a
paint sprayer is required with many of the urethane finishes that are popular these
days, other paints, including high gloss alkyds, varnish, and others, can be applied
with a brush by a good painter. Except for a high-grade yacht finish, a roller coat that
is brushed simultaneously is excellent, and a straight roller coat is quite acceptable

on commercial vessels and most distance- cruising vessels.

If you are considering you should not let the seemingly

building a metal boat,
endless list of required tools discourage you. If most of the work can be done with
power tools, then many of the hand tools need not be purchased for example,—
planes (you readly would require only a block plane). The same holds true for saws. A
good 12-point saw is all you need; however, realize that some people prefer to do

everything by hand that can possibly be done hence the list.

Building Site

The selection of a building site takes priority over the purchase of any equipment.
You must determine the limits of available electrical capacity; in many cireas there is
a limit to what power compcmy electric lines will csu-ry without either increasing the
transformer size, running in a special line, or both, al\ of which is costly. Should you
have access to three- phsise power, thismight also influence the purchase of any new
equipment. If power is not available at all, you will have to generate your own.
It is always easier to build a vessel under cover, or at least pcirtial cover, because of

the unpredictability of the weather. The cover need only be temporary, and indeed,
in mciny municipalities this is the maximum you can attempt without building

permits. A building, shed, or barn is, of course, ideal. In any case, becir in mind the
following safety precautions: you should never build on a wood floor; the cirea
around the vessel should be cleaned of any debris; and any holes should be filled,
loose rocks and stumps cle 2u-ed away, and weeds and grass mowed down. Sparks,
slag, and pieces of molten metal always present a fire hazcird, and the presence of
ciny oils an explosive hazcird; wood and other absorbent combustibles thus create a
serious danger underfoot. It is desirable to have a work area measuring at least 10
feet more all around than the length cind breadth of the vessel, and at least 5 feet
higher than the total depth from the bottom of the keel to the highest point of the
cabin. Where an existing shed or building lacks only height, it is often possible to dig a
trench about 6 feet wide to accommodate the keel. If the vessel must be built in the
open, it helps to trench around the immediate area to assure drainage of rainwater.
Overhead power lines within 30 feet in any direction of the vessel should be
considered lethal unless fully isolated by a bcirrier from the building site. If you plan
to build more than one vessel, then it would be best to bury the electric cables at
least 3 feet underground. Then no one —
including incoming trucks, cranes, and

heavy equipment will have to worry about electrocution.
Steel Boatbuilding Equipment 41

Welding Equipment

The welding power source may now be selected, and this choice should be

carefully thought out prior to purchase. Small shipyards use two basic methods of
welding. The most popular, which is also the least expensive to purchase, is the
Shielded Metal Arc method (which uses stick electrodes covered with a flux
coating). Shielded Metal Arc is manual: the maintenance of the arc, feed of the
tot 2illy
filler metal, joint travel, and guidance of the electrode are all manually regulated,
making this the most versatile of all welding methods. By contrast, the Gas Metal Arc
method (also called Metal Inert Gas or MIG) is a semiautomatic process in which the
machine maintciins the arc and the feed of the filler metal, and the individual only
provides the joint travel and the guidance. This method requires a shielding gas in
order to accomplish the weld and is faster than Shielded Meted Arc as well as cleaner,
since no chipping is required after the weld is completed. Because of the gas
envelope around the electrode, it is difficult to use outdoors if there is a breeze
blowing; tem|X)rciry windbreaks are often needed, as they also are inside shops with
ventilation blowers. The first cost of Gas Metal Arc welding machines runs severail
times that of the Shielded Metal Arc machines. For a one-time building project.
Shielded Metal Arc is the best way to go. Even in small contract yards with only two
or three people welding, it is difficult to justify going to Metal Inert Gas welding unless
one person can work exclusively on welding production. Gilbert Klingel ran a one-
m 20i yard with minimal equipment, yet turned out vessels up to 77 feet in length
using only the Shielded Metcil Arc method. In my own yard, with a bit more but still
very unsophisticated equipment, was able to build as many as six vessels at one

time, and could build vessels up to 80 feet long. 2ilways used the Shielded Metal Arc
I 1

method on my steel hulls. Only when started building in aluminum did purchase
1 I

Metal Inert Gas welding equipment, and never used it for anything but aluminum.
Therefore, unless otherwise stated, wherever talk about welding am referring to

the Shielded Metal Arc welding process because it is versatile, simple, inexpensive,
and does not require ideal conditions to work.
In the United States, the purchase of a welding machine that will operate on single
phase 220- volt 60- cycle current will allow you to weld sinywhere electricity is
available. If you buy one of the smaller units, you can plug it into any circuit able to
accommodate a stsmdard household clothes dryer. This means that the current
avciilable for welding will be limited to about 200 to 250 amps, but this is more than
enough for welding steel vessels up to 100 feet. Indeed, the only limitations imposed
by these smaller power sources are on the size of the welding electrode you can use
and on the duty cycle of the machine. Electrodes of y32-inch diameter will be about
the maximum you can use; using this diameter, you will have a 20- to 30-percent duty
cycle at the maximum
output of the machine. Since duty cycle translates into the
percentage of time during a 10- minute period that the machine can be used, you will
be able to weld for two to three minutes out of every 10 at mciximum output. At first
you might think this sounds like a severe limitation, and that you should seek a 100-
percent duty cycle; not so. In small steel shipbuilding, one seldom consumes half an
electrode at a time without having to move a few feet before using up the remaining
portion (except on very heavy shell plating). Moreover, the 2U'ea just welded must be

chipped clean of weld flux and the new area wire-brushed in the way of the next
segment to be welded. The most diligent welder will find it difficult to maintain five
minutes of welding out of every 10 for a whole working day, but even if he could, this
would not justify purchasing a larger machine, since reducing to the next lower
diameter of rod will normally yield a 50- to 60-percent duty cycle, and a further
reduction of one diameter often results in a 100- percent duty cycle. Ship and
boatbuilding demand very few heavy weldments, and these are always welded with
multiple passes. Shell plating is always welded inside and out. Thus, small-diameter
rods are preferred, and in fact, manyj^ards limit the rod diameter to a maximum of
one-half the thickness of the shell plating, the minimum being ^32-inch diameter rods,
the smallest that are generally available for mild steel.
Once you have chosen a basic method, you must next decide whether to purchase
a machine capable only of AC welding, or one with AC/DC capability. The former
machines are the least expensive cind Ccin be used for the construction of the entire
vessel. Arc blow is seldom a problem with AC equipment, cilthough the disposition
rate and penetration are not as versatile as with DC welding. Selection of the proper
electrodes easily overcomes any disadvantage of AC welding in these respects,
however. The dual machines capable of both AC and DC do have several advantages
cind are, of course, more expensive. The DC feature allows you to change the
direction of current flow: straight polarity (electrode negative) is used for shallower
penetration and higher disposition rates, such as on thin metal; reverse polarity
(electrode positive) is used where deep penetration is required. Hard-surfacing
electrodes, mciny of the electrodes used to weld cast iron, and those used to weld
ciluminum alloys cill require DC voltage. If very .much pipe has to be welded, then DC
is a better choice than AC.
Several of the small welding machines can accommodate carbon arc equipment,
which is used for welding aluminum and copper cdloys, heating, bending,
strcdghtening, and soldering. Some also cdlow Gas Tungsten Arc welding (TIG) if they
have a high frequency mode built in or can drive a separate machine having a high
frequency arc starter. Fortunately, most welding supply houses are staffed with
knowledgeable people rather than order- takers, who will be able to advise you on
choosing equipment with these capabilities. When it is economically possible, you
should choose equipment that will permit expansion or upgrading at a later date, to
avoid its becoming redundant or obsolete.
Once the capacity of the power source has been determined, you may select the
size of the electrode cable. Determine the length by adding together the total length
of the electrode and the work (ground) cable. Rather than having two cables to trip
over, builders customarily instcdl a permcinent ground cable that can be buried, or
use an insulated ground bar connected to the welding machine by a short length of
cable. In this case, a 50- foot length of welding cable would be cut into a 48- foot length
for the electrode and a 2-foot length to the ground bar, and if the ground bar were 10
feet long, we would then ccilculate the size of wire for a 60-foot length. If the
maximum current were 150 amps, size No. 2 would be correct, as it would be up to a
total cable length of 150 feet. A machine capable of 250 amps could use size No. 2 but
would be limited to a total run of 100 feet, and if 150 feet were required, then 1/0 wire
would have to be used. After studying your building site, the approximate position of
Steel Boatbuilding Equipment 43

the vessel, cind the size of the vessel itself, you can make a final determination of
cable size and length. As a rule of thumb, the length of the vessel plus 40 feet gives the
cable length to order for the electrode holder. On larger vessels you can reduce the
cable length somewhat by siting the welding machine near the center of the vessel.
The difference in effort of dragging No. 2 versus 1/0 cable each day will be enough to
make you cautious about the setup.
The welding machine, and indeed, all machinery, must be protected from the
elements when you are building out in the open. You should plan on a small shed for
this purpose, or wheels will have to be used on all heavy equipment to permit easy
moving after each day’s use.
Metal cutting in small steel boat and shipbuilding is generally done by oxygen-
acetylene torch, since the equipment is fairly inexpensive. If money were of no
concern you might consider adding plasma arc cutting capability, since it would
cillow you to cut all the metcils used in the construction of the vessel with the least
distortion. Oxygen and acetylene bottles cire supplied by local plants that specialize
in this service. In some localities you can own the bottles, but in other places

ownership is prohibited by law, cind you must rent the bottles from the company,
usu 2dly with so many days allowed for consumption before a d 2iily demurrage
commences. Paying demurrage can become expensive over the construction time of
the vessel, so you will do well to shop around even to a more distcint city to obtain the
most favorable rental. In general, two large bottles of oxygen are consumed per Icirge
bottle of acetylene. Some builders prefer using short hoses (50 feet) and thus must
have a cart to move the bottles to the position neairest where they are to be used. 1

prefer not to move the bottles, keeping them lashed to a building or a post away from
the vessel and using longer runs of hose. Never lay the full bottles on their sides, as
this can damage the regulators. stress again that the area in which the bottles are

used and stored must be kept clean, well aired, and free of any oil, as oxygen under
pressure coming in contact with oil will cause a fire 2uid quite probably an explosion
if it feeds back to the bottle. Always replace the caps on empty bottles, and never

accept a bottle from a supplier unless it has a cap. You can purchase the regulators,
hose, torch, tips, and striker from the local gas supplier or from a welding supply
Welding rods are supplied in water- resistcint cardboard boxes and, in some
instances, watertight tins. Once you open a box or tin, it is imperative to keep the
rods dry and as moisture- free as possible. Most welders just stick a handful of rods in
their back pockets or carry them in a small leather bag fastened around the waist;
usually an hour’s worth is about the maximum that need be exposed at ciny given
time. Low- hydrogen rods must be kept and used in a heated condition. For common
rods, you can convert a small refrigerator to an oven by installing a 100- to 150- watt
light bulb and cutting a small vent hole to eliminate the moisture. Some people use
ovens fitted with light bulbs or else small heating elements. Several manufacturers
produce ovens specicdly designed for heating rods. The smellier, portable sizes will
hold 50 to 70 pounds of rod and have the advantage that you can site them close to
where you are working, thus not having to overload your hip pocket.
When more than one vessel is under construction at the same time, it is often
possible to automate some of the work, especially in making long cuts, cutting holes.

cind doing much of the welding. The rule of thumb (it sometimes seems that all boat
2ind shipbuilding is thumbs) is that, counting setup time, if the job can be done faster
and better automatically than a skilled man could do it, then automate. In my yard,
employing fewer than 12 people, limited automation increased production enough
to avoid hiring four extra workers. Quite obviously, in a one-mcin shop there will be a
limit to any automation. The Weld Tooling Corporation m£inufactures the BUG-0
systems used in many yairds for specialized automation.
Brushes are used by the dozen, especially wire brushes. For years, have I

purchased these items from two companies, Torrington Brush Works and Advance
Brushes, Inc.
Items for general shop outfitting and material handling are usually purchased
locally; much can be found in surplus stores and junk yards. These items include
bins, lockers, and sinks; unloading equipment such as skids, ramps, and rollers;
ladders; plate lifting clamps; chain hoists; cind hand winches. your time is

important, you can get all of these things from a supply house such as SHD in Boston
that specializes in this equipment. SHD also Ccirries in stock the V- groove drop-
forged casters with a capacity of 6,000 to 8,350 pounds per wheel in 6-, 8-, and 10-
inch diameters. These wheels cire excellent for moving cuid launching cradles. The
groove fits inverted cingle iron, Iciid down free or on ties as a redl. On concrete, the flat
portion of the wheel may be used without the angle. The casters are also available
with swivel bases should you need to move cradles in any direction other than ahead
or astern. Some of the companies that manufacture these wheels cire listed
Individual builders, as well as small shipycirds, normally deal exclusively with local
welding supply houses rather than directly with the^ factory'. By purchasing name
brand equipment, you will insure that the wcirranties are valid and any application
problems can be referred back to experts. Thus, would strongly advise against

buying off- brands, house brands, and b 2u-gain- basement brcinds. Another factor you
should keep in mind is the repair of tools. Eventually, every tool needs repair or
service, and it is much better when this can be done locally.
The list that follows indicates firms that have done business with in the past, or

whose equipment have used to my complete satisfaction. It is not all-inclusive;


however, should you see these names in your welding supply company, you C2in rest
assured they stand for good and reputable companies.

Arc welding power sources:

Airco Welding Products, 575 Mountain Ave., Murray NJ 07947 Hill,

ESAB Welding Products Division, P.O. Box 7949, The Woodlands, TX 77380
Hobart Brothers Company, P.O. Box EW-452, Troy, OH 45373
Lincoln Electric Company, 22801 St. Clciir Ave., Cleveland, OH 44117-1199
Miller Electric Mfg. Co., 718 South Bounds St., Appleton, WI 54911
Union Carbide Corporation, Linde Division, P.O. Box F-600, Florence, SC 29501
Steel Boatbuilding Equipment 45

Cutting equipment:

Airco Welding Products, 575 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07947

Arcair Company, Rt. 33 N, Box 406, Lancaster, OH 43130
ESAB Welding Products Division, P.O. Box 7949, The Woodlands, TX 77380
Smith Equipment Div., Tescom Corporation, 2600 Niagara Lane North, Minneapolis,
MN 55441
Union Carbide Corporation, Linde Division, P.O. Box F-600, Florence, SC 29501
Uniweld Products, Inc., 2850 Ravenswood Rd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Electrode holders, clamps, lugs, connectors:

Airco Welding Products, 575 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07947

Bernard Division, Box 667, Beecher, IL 60401
Jackson Products, 5801 Safety Dr. N.E., Belmont, Ml 49306
Tweco Products, Inc., P.O. Box 12250, Wichita, KS 67277


Henkel, Inc.,Box 1322, Hammond, LA 70401

Phoenix Products Company, Inc., 4715 N. 27th St., Milwaukee, W1 53209


Torrington Brush Works, Inc., Torrington, CT 06790

Advance Brushes, Inc., 12501 Elmwood Ave., Cleveland, OH 44111

Safety and health equipment, welding helmets, gloves, protective clothing:

Glove Co., P.O. Box 5525, Compton, CA 90224


Jackson Products, 5801 Safety Dr. N.E., Belmont, Ml 49306

Lincoln Electric Company, 22801 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44117-1199
Morse Safety Products Company, 18103 Roseland Ave., Cleveland, OH 44112
Wolverine Glove Co., P.O. Box 8735, Grand Rapids, Ml 49508

Portable electric tools:

AEG Power Tool Winnenden Rd., Norwich, CT 06360

Co., 1

Black euid Decker, U.S., Inc., 626 Hanover Pike, Hampstead, MD 21047
Robert Bosch Power Tool Corp., 3701 Neuse Blvd., New Bern, NC 28560
Dayton Electric Mfg. Co., 5959 W. Howard St., Chicago, IL 60648
W.W. Grainger, Inc., 5959 W. Howard St., Chicago, IL 60648
Hitachi Power Tools USA, Ltd., 4487-F P£u-k Drive, Norcross, GA 30093
Alondra Blvd., Cerritos, CA 90701
Maikita USA, Inc., 12950 E.
Milwaukee Tool Corp., 13135 W. Lisbon Rd., Brookfield, W1 53005

Rockwell International Corp., Power Tool Div., 401 N. Lexington Ave., Pittsburgh, PA
Skil Corporation, 4801 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

Portable air-powered tools:

ARO Corporation, The One Aro Center, Bryan, OH 43506

Ajax Tool Works, Inc., 10801 Franklin Ave., Franklin Pcirk, IL 60131
Black and Decker, 626 Haujover Pike, Hampstead, MD 21047
U.S., Inc.,

Chicago Pneumatic^ool Div., 2200 Bleecker St, Utica, NY 13501

Cob Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 870, Larchmont, NY 10538
Dotco, Inc., Rte. 18 East, Hicksville, OH 43526
Dynabrade, Inc., 72 E. Niagara St, Tonawanda, NY 14150
Florida Pneumatic Mfg. Corp., 2900 High Ridge Rd., Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Ingersoll-Rand Power Tool Div., 28 Kennedy Blvd., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
National-Detroit Inc., 1590 Northrock Court, Rockford, IL 61131
Rockwell Internationad Corporation, Power Tool Div., 401 N. Lexington Ave.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Thor Power Tool Co., Stewairt-Warner Corp., Rte. 9, Roweland Dr., Johnson City, TN
Universal Mfg. Co., Inc., 1168T Grove St, Irvington, NJ 07111
U.S. Industrial Tool aind Supply Co., 13545 Auburn, Detroit, MI 48223

Air compressors:

Curtis-Toledo, Inc., 1905 Kienlen Ave., St. 63133

Louis, MO
Dayton Electric Mfg. Co., 5959 W. Howaird St., Chicago, IL 60648
Emglo Products Corp., Johnstown Industrial Park, Johnstown, PA 15904
Gcirdner- Denver Compressors, 1800 Gardner Expy., Quincy, IL 62301
Ingersoll-Rand Power Tool Division, 28 Kennedy Blvd., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Kellogg- American, Inc., Box 159, Rte. 125, N. Kingston, NH 03848
LeRoi Division, Dresser Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 90, Sidney, OH 45365
Worthington Div. Compressors, McGraw- Edison Co., 270 Sheffield St., Mountcdnside,
NJ 07092

Heavy ironworking equipment:

E.G. Heller’s Son, Inc., Box 416, Tcirzana, CA 91356

Hill Acme Co., 1201 W. 65th St, Cleveland, OH 44102
Metal Muncher, Div. of Center Engineering Co., Inc., P.O. Box 192, Rte. 3, Clay Center,
KS 67432

Building platens:

The Acorn Iron & Supply Co., Delaware Ave. & Poplar St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
Weldsale Company, 2151 Dreer St, Philadelphia, PA 19125
Steel Boatbuilding Equipment 47


Adjustable Clamp Co., 414 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60622

James Morton, P.O. Box 3991, Batavia, NY 14020
Wetzler Clamp Co., Inc., 11th St. & 43rd Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101

Miscellaneous — Wheels:
Albion Industries, 800 Cl 2u^k Rd., Albion, Ml 49224
Bishop-Wisec 2UA^er Corp., 2104 Martin Way, Pittsburg, CA 94565
Casters & Wheels for Industry, Inc., 1339-T Sun Ave., Elmont, NY 11003
Hamilton Caster & Mfg. Co., 1637-97 Dixie Hwy., Hamilton, OH 45011
Ohio Brass Co., 380 N. Mciin St., Mansfield, OH 44902
Wellington Machine Co., 133 Dewolfe St., Wellington, OH 44090
Xtec, Inc., TSP Wheels, 21 IT Township Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45216

Automated Systems:

The Weld Tooling Corporation, 3001 W. C 2U'son St., Pittsburgh, PA 15204

General Outfitting:

SHD, P.O. Box 13T, Sycamore Ave., Medford, MA 02155




The theme song of a construction plan is the scantling plan, often referred to as the
midship scantling section. This plan is the designer’s way of saying to the builder,
“This is the way this vessel will be constructed; these are the sizes of materials that
will be used; and when there are exceptions to this plan, they will be shown on the

construction plan and construction sections plan, or in special details.’’ When

constructing a steel vessel, the builder should strive to maintain a standard that will

not only produce a strong, fair, cind economical hull, but will utilize the material to its

fullest potential without excess weight.


Scantlings generally derive from the stemdards devised by regulatory bodies or else
from the designer’s own rules, evolved from successful vessels of a particul8u- type.
Some designers use length as the sole criterion for developing sccintling sections;
others consider length, depth, and breadth, but treat the hull 2is if it were a simple
box. Both of these methods disregard displacement and C€ui result in structures that
are either too heavy (overbuilt) or too light (underbuilt). prefer to analyze the hull

shape, the intended speed (if designing a power vessel, especially one with a planing
hull), the waters in which the vessel will operate, and the displacement; from these 1

arrive at a basic scantling scheme that accentuates the virtues of steel. For me,
displacement and length are the primfuy considerations, while depth and beam are
second 2uy.
Distortion will result when the sccintlings cire ill-conceived. For example, light
plating over heavy framing results in a stairved- horse appearance, while the use of

Basic Scantlings 49

light framingconjunction with heavy plating will cause the hull to shrink on its
frame and buckle it. In the best construction, the framing and plating have the same
thickness, so that the throats of the welds connecting the framne to the plate can

form true 45-degree angles. Except in vessels of more than 30,000 pounds
displacement, however, this is seldom possible, since the framing would be so thin
that it would buckle under its own weight while being set up, and little or no margin
would exist for long-term corrosion. When absolutely necessauy, framing up to two
times the shell thickness can be used. Any more than this will produce “quench
effect’’ problems in making fillet welds and ciny continuous welds, such as those in

way of the fuel and water tcinks. Exceptions to this rule would be the bearding welds
along box keels, bar keels, the stem, the horn frame, and to heavy-walled pipe.
As for the shell plating itself, with the exception of box sections and barges, the
upper limit for cold-forming plating is % inch ( 1 5.3 pounds per square foot), but since
such plates are seldom used on vessels under 100 feet of deck length, this imposes
no practical limit on the smcill-scale builder.


The best and really the only way to learn good construction practice outside a
working yard that builds a variety of craft is to study as many plans as possible. To
this end, have organized this chapter around a series of representative illustrations,

and much of what follows will simply comment on the scantling sections themselves.
By spending some time studying these sections, both the seasoned and first- time
builder may, hope, learn something about the relationship between hull form 2uid

scantlings. Special attention should be paid to distinctive construction details of

different sizes and types of hulls (flat- bottom, V- bottom, multi- chine, and round-
bottom), alternative ways of constructing sound sections for each type, and the
various relationships between plate thickness and framing on different hulls.
Flat- bottom hulls are seen in the sharpie, garvey, dory, and scow hull forms in the

United States, and in other generic types, such as the Dutch grundels and botters,
the Thames sailing bcirges, and many of the Chinese junks.
Figure 7 shows a 36- foot ketch- rigged sharpie yacht framed both trainsversely and
longitudinally. Her centerboard is, almost by necessity, sited well off the centerline in
order to achieve reasonable accommodations.
Figure 8 shows the section of a 78-foot three-masted sharpie cargo schooner, one
of the largest of her type ever built Because of her extreme length-depth ratio, she
has been strengthened by a longitudinal bulkhead that divides the cargo hold 5
inches off the centerline. This bulkhead 2dso forms one side of the centerboard trunk.
The trunk protrudes above the main deck in order to hold a centerboard large
enough to cissure proper sailing ability, and to reduce the scantlings of the deck
beams as well as the thickness of the deck plating. The centerboard trunk is located
off-center to lessen the distance that the mainmast must be offset on the opposite
side, and also to allow for a smaller width of keel. This vessel has no engine; for long-
term maintenance reasons, none of her water tanks are integral with the hull.
Figure 9 shows a 33-foot 6-inch motor dory of the St. Pierre type well detailed and

Figure 7. Scantling section of a 36- foot ketch- rigged sharpie yacht


Figure 8. Scantling section of a 78-foot three-masted sharpie cargo schooner.

Basic Scantlings 51

Figure 9. Section of a 33-foot 6-inch St Pierre-type motor dory.

described by John Gardner in National Fisherman magazine and in his Dory Book
(International M U’ine
2 Publishing Company, 1978). This particulcir example is

designed for Caribbean cruising with a range of 1,000 nautical miles, eliminating the
need to refuel in many of the islands where fuel costs twice what it does in the U.S. It
represents one of those rare instances where extra-thick bottom plating is more an
asset than a detriment. Here, thicker bottom plating is used to offset the weight of
superstructure and to lower the vertical center of gravity. Such a vessel will

accommodate two persons in reasonable comfort and, with very low horsepower,
achieve a cruising speed of 6.0 knots and amaximum speed of 7.0 knots.
There has been a growing tendency for owner- builders and some designers to use
extra- heavybottom plating in an attempt to reduce the amount of ballast needed to
bring a vessel down to her lines. Some also do so for the added strength this is
supposed to give; however, most do it solely for economic reasons. On a few double-
ended hull forms and dories, thicker plating will not cause harm in the static
condition, but in almost all counter or transom hull forms it will cause the
longitudinal center of gravity to move aft. Typically, the girth at a point 10 percent aft
of the forward end of the waterline (from bearding deck) about equals the
line to

girth at 10 percent forwsu'd of the after end of the waterline, but in many hull forms
the girth of the extreme forward bottom section is less than half that of the after
bottom section. This means that a change in plate thickness will affect the ends
unequcdly. Such a ch^mge in weight distribution will always affect the dynamic
responses of a vessel, and she will be slow to rise in a head or following sea. Such
vessels cire known as plungers, divers, or submarines. The opposite is equally as bad:
with weights concentrated amidships, any vessel (other than many of the canoe-
bodied lOR boats) will hobbyhorse and will not drive in a seaway, spending its time
pitching and looking at the moon.

V-Bottom Hulls

V-bottom construction (often referred to as ^ngle-chine, which is incorrect because

a flat-bottom boat also has but one chine per side) i^used throughout the world, not
only in metal but 2dso in wood and fiberglass construction. It has the advantage, for
the most part, of using stredght sections in the framing, and has enjoyed the
reputation of simplicity both in design and construction. This reputation is not
entirely deserved, because the actucd simplicity of any given design always depends
on too mciny “ifs.” If straight sections are used throughout, the forward bottom
sections will have a fore-and-aft twist, necessitating the use of ncirrow plates for the
forward 10 to 15 percent of the bottom length. If the frames are curved to conform to
a cylindrical or conical section (developable surface), then the labor is increased in
framing, although in some hull forms, such as planing power vessels, the use of
developable forebodies can increase the strength of the plating, allow lighter plating,
and confer other benefits. For sliming into a sea, such vessels need a chine
forwcird,designed to function as a spray rail. A developable forebody with convex
sections is seldom dry, and is normally avoided in Scdling vessels for this reason. 1

have always found it better to design the best forebody for seakeeping ability
regardless of some increase in labor cost.
In spite of the popular notion that designing V-bottom and flat-bottom hulls is
simple, they cire just as difficult to design as any round- bottom hull, because so few
controlling lines generate the design that an error in judgment means a poor design
with no way to prove out the errors. In my opinion, this explains why people heaped
scorn on these vessels in the past. In fact, there were some sterling examples, in
many instances superior to their round-bottom counterparts. In metal construction

Basic Scantlings 53

one seldom encounters the horrendous problems forming a V- bottom hull that were
so common in the past with some of the V-bottom wooden hulls. My own experience
has been that in wood a round hull is always the easiest to construct, while in metal a
round hull is the most difficult.
Figure 10 shows a 42- foot schooner; over 300 vessels have been built to this
design, and it exemplifies the light construction possible in a steel oce 2m- cruising


FRAMES - FBars CABtVsT TRUKSk-- to A CoR-V^t^

OECt BEAMS ^*'2.'’ * y-'*' I* B O u D P-V BAR - >/8 ' A F. BA K

Hvjll LosjaR xvVx Vl SH6v*>w Srervs BAR- -^e'xAV'L'’ Fp. as

OCCK r - I 2.'' CTit^ PLOOR5- VaVT" or
CHVM«£ - so»~tD FOR-fe Foot * A P.g
<5uMvjAee. — scM 40 TRA»s)3<iK\ - 10 <^A
- 7
isioes ,* 5"'or- 102.'*
A.T’ pLa-t «ar
- VA”
S\D£ ^T«| -\0,<^A*^ hoRKi Pie.c<i - 3 'x/-^*fb
~ 10 Ft" IPs MIDDLC KA'C
Bov-\war,k5 - ..
Tc>C R.^\L(^CiVk^ y4"ME"F.B.

Figure 10. v4 42- foot schooner yacht

E><<; 3^ H.R HuNoaSTEO CYV.
^Osi- 4 <vu DauTi Av«. coouep

Figure 11. yi 45- foot troller.

Figure shows a 45- foot troller. This one had a cruiser stern, cind curved topside
1 1

sections were used in order to fciir in the ends. She was, for all practical purposes,
round- bottom in the forward 25 percent of her hull, and much more expensive to
build than the later types that used the wide seine or square stern.
Figure 12 shows a 66- foot three-masted fishing schooner. She was fitted with long-
range fuel tanks of 3,700 gallons throughout the fish hold, in the form of saddle tanks,
with an additional 500-gcdlon tank in the engine room. The hold tanks are never
empty, because salt water replaces the fuel oil drawn off to replenish the main
working tanks, so the vessel retains the same stability and trim regardless of the
amount of fuel consumed. Auxiliary fishing vessels use machinery to maiintain hold
Figure 12 . A 66- foot three-masted auxiliary fishing and cargo schooner.

temperatures, so they require a large fuel capacity to get their cargoes to port in
prime condition. This same vessel, built as an auxiliary cargo carrier, had a total fuel
capacity of just 500 gallons. Note that the lower portion of the keel is an l-be 2mi that
adso meets the cooling requirements for the engine by functioning as a heat

Multi-Chine Hulls

Multiple chines are used most often when a vessel’s displacement becomes so great

in proportion to its length, be 2un, depth that a V bottom would become boxy.
This refinement applies more to sailing vessels than to power vessels, as an increase
in be 2mri of the latter is often beneficial for both powering and stability, whereas in sail

Eui increase in beam often adversely affects sailing ability and ease of handling and

could 2ilso require a larger sail plan, and thus a larger crew.
Figure 13 shows the section for a 38- foot schooner- rigged cargo yacht of the
coaster model. A fine C 2u*rier, she is often built for commercial purposes without an
engine, to gain the maximum cargo space.

Figure 13. A 38- foot schooner- rigged cargo yacht

Figure 14 shows the section for a 54- foot three-masted pinky fishing and cargo
schooner of the clipper type. Two of these vessels cire presently employed in the
Pacific fisheries, cind have auxiliary engines. As cargo vessels, some are fitted with an
auxiliary; however, most remain pure sailers.
Figure 15 represents two auxiliary brigs designed for the cargo and passenger
trade. An extra chine was necessary in this case to lower the engines and obtain the
proper shaft angle without having to increase the depth of hull.


FR SPI^CCO a-3* CT/e*

- S> Can tukjg,s • T,A»JH. TtfPS. 7.40-* (tr

KC£L. lZ“x»" U itT

T AAiV«_ BMOS 7 4 JT'
. tr
iS.i* itT
hatch Coakmu<^( 7 . 4 *'« («Lr
7 4 ^* ft-r
fi-ooes C<Aeivj5> a*A 2 •
sioti 7./f « FfcT PUooR-s (cAZC.0 Halo) i2 "aI^* U t
SuLvo AfZjO 1 6 S’*
Cot rieoHA c*
^.D*cRr (^-<s-'w« 6E) 10 2 * (t-T Masts 8'*xio<a TL«ts

ReriA. Dfc 7.45* it? BOOMS ^^AFPS 3 st»€l Tue<s

CAflliu SiOCV 7 45* Bovw Spirit •O'* ioCa stzslTubC
CAC«Ai Tors 1C <i A rtf 57EM
V 4 "»V P®
HOL«. Lom^*-* 4^/< '•* (A.* f* 'A T- TiAPBKi n> X'tAt
CK. V.oioCj'^ >h-aiA' re -i 2 *cr«s. STt«»J Post 2* 50L.tP Rduuo
BhOS 7,45'* t? ^OPOCP. SCH eo
B«p 5T(FFS L« Raaoe«- Chalcow) to.<%A. itrs
FI?S 3 “, I" A y4.' U ffV*. 86 Dt J"XV* L*
DK BtAM} 3 "a 2 ' A f^'4* 1/ VHtV-V. Dk. <iRO«.ia.

Above: Figure 14. A 54-foot three-masted pinky fishing and cargo schooner. Below: Figure
15. An auxiliary brig for the cargo and passenger trade.

Round- Bottom Hulls

Round-bottom hull forms are the most difficult to build because they have virtually
no straight sections. All frames must be bent, and all the plating is curved in at least
two directions. A builder contemplating this form of construction needs more
equipment than is necessciry for other hull forms. Most of the framing can be worked
cold if you have a building platen with the appropriate fixtures. By proper spacing of
the bending post find dogs, the fr^mne material can be worked around with a tool
called a “squeezer.” When angle are used, the post will need resetting for the
port and stsu'bocird halves, but if flat bar frames cire used, one setting is sufficient.
Some ycirds have furnaces to heat the material white hot for bending (or to any
lesser color). This is much faster than cold bending. Another alternative method
involves building a hydraulic bending machine, which again allows the builder to
work the metal cold. However, this method is slower than cold working on a bending
platen, as you must cirrive at the correct aimount of bend by hit and miss at least on —
the ones have used. There is still another alternative: using a power hammer

(preferably) or hand hcimmer to elongate one edge of the material, thus causing a
curve. Three- to four-inch wide material can be done in this m 2mner if your cirms hold
A plating model is a must for round-bottom construction; attempting hit-cind-miss
layup of plating is just asking for a lumpy hull. Due to the numerous extra welds
required, it is desirable to work with at least 7.65-pound plate (Vie-inch) to lessen the
spaced and transverse fraiming spaced
distortion, using longitudinals rather closely
at two to three times the distance that would be used with transverse framing
Figure 16 shows a 79- foot round- bottom fishing and cargo schooner of a
burdensome model, which proved to have too lairge a capacity for fishing and not
enough for carrying cargo. Heavily canvased, she required a large crew. In her later
life she beccime a full- powered vessel.

Figure 17 shows a 53- foot trawler. Her displacement of 51 tons (1 14,240 pounds)
requires a substantial amount of steel in her structure.
Figure 18 shows a 45- foot ketch- rigged yacht. Her 3- inch thick keel was used to
reduce her ballast-displacement ratio under the old CCA (Cruising Club of America)


The thickness of shell plating used on the different types of hulls varies so much as to
make generalizations impossible. The type of vessel, her intended cirea of operation,
and her displacement cire of equal importance in determining the thickness. For
example, a yacht S 2dls at a constant displacement, and so can use lighter plating
than, say, a similar hull form intended to carry cargo. The cargo vessel may easily
double her displacement from the in- ballast condition to the fully laden condition.
Vessels that work in ice, such as the fish tugs of the Great Lakes and many ocean
trawlers, require heavier plating, especially in the bow. Suffice it to say that the
Above: Figure 16. A 79- foot round-bottom fishing and cargo schooner. Below: Figure 17. A
53- foot trawler.

Kexi- t'V4*'T:fc FtuDOK.^ ^t) ZO-V* 1^7

STENS FR^^ACi 3"xi-x>'+’’U
STtRM FI*. 25.S* rii f RAUE5 6* K 3*x J, 1 •!»
feHO n-ts" ib-T Cot f ii'‘T 5"x

e>Mp sTiFr 6ufJ\oALt 3*Sch S IPS

S^tLL lO.i* ifer HOUSE. SIDES l.tS* I^T
cuarAtvj itr 10. te.T
. I « -6* HATCH COAMilof l6.2*'|tT
Fik-eT TOP )<?.(;* ftr 3’'*2''l"L Cut from
Ltti iPi"t I3.A^C
T>*JK STiTF SoLt BGAMS *y< li
Pl^T CA<biK> Ib^AHlS 2.’'x2 X VV 1.

PV-OORS I 4 “x 2 '<VU (RoWtB) BOLimARK. 1.US-- A.7

£N<^.^TRiKl£,CJt5 I o,x* i4.r Sulwark. pits lo.z * rttT
V4V3" RAit. CAP V’Fe.
DoubUBRS ^0.^• 1^7
^ ICC.EV.Soxj 10.1* tr

rps »c"ovj cTRs

>Hes FR RK Sft? FR.
CARii^ Tops s.^ftr CABIN) B£AMf L*
CAIttK^ 7xSf li-T Bmp SHfr tV»l* *^t"U
COCK.P\T 7.<.s^(tr BoLwakk »
BHDS 7.<5* ft-7 Rail Cap t"«v PO
FLpo B-*> \o.Z* itr <aOn>>nIA\.C. r-i" s«M So IPS
CoCXpiT tDC|£ Va" Spi Ip l^ou^^p
FRfWACS >4"»iVV FB,' Bulwark Pits 10. z* ptr
DCCk BtAMj V*i> Sr« NN 3/4"A 3" PO
ShORT BfcAVAi cuTr«to»A io'mV F0«11 Foot 3o.4* it-T
5T4R.N) Fir. V4-N V FN<;. BfARttRS
Vc4*« 5" r«
lO.-Z* ft"P
Rijooett S6l«o Rpun)P EH<S|
ruodBir 10 ^A, itr
MAST 4-O 0* Rr
Ru P D t ft R.T 5CH »20 »P4. DOuBUCRS 10. e' i^r

Figure 18. 45- foot ketch-rigged yacht

minimum plating you can use is ys-inch for small vessels (about 30 feet), while the
heaviest plates would not exceed yi6-inch at 79 feet. The displacement of a vessel is
judged by the nondimensional displacement- length ratio, defined as displacement in
tons divided by (.01 x DWL)^ The sm 2dler this number, the lighter the plating can be,
within reason. If plating weight is reduced too much, however, so much framing will
have to be added to recover transverse and longitudinal strength that the advantage
will be lost. Thus, a 79-foot vessel with a displacement-length ratio of 200 should be

able to use light plating, but yi6-inch may be too light, requiring too much additioncil


Chines take a wide variety of forms, and the choice of the best one for a vessel
Above: Figure 19. The most
common methods of building
chines. Left to right: with a round
bar; using a split pipe; using a
Tee; substituting a flat bar for
the round bar; and dispensing
with the chine bar altogether.

Figure 20. A closer look at the

splittingof a large- diameter pipe
for a chine. Note that the chord
of the working arc increases as
one moves aft from the forward

depends on the hull shape. Figure 19 shows the most common methods of building
chines. The most universal is the round bar type, which bends readily and is normed
to 2 11 plaines. Sometimes builders will use smcdl dicimeter pipe in lieu of solid rounds;

however, the probability of internal corrosion makes pipe chines a poor choice.
Probably the worst feature of the rounds is that the minimum feasible size is %-inch
diameter, and most builders prefer %-inch diameter unless the frames are closely
spaced. These dimensions present a problem on the internal welds, for unless the
plating is quite thick, a trough is formed between the plating and the round.
Moreover, good weld penetration requires greater heat (amperage) than would
otherwise be needed. This means you must be very careful cifter welding to fill any
remaining space between the round cind the plating with cement or some other
compound to assure drcdnage. The welding must be done in very short increments,
with long skips between increments, or the chine will probably deform.
To overcome the appearsmce of a sharp corner at the chine, some builders will

splita large pipe into lengthwise segments, using a constant radius to bridge the
included angle. In the forw 2U'd sections, where the chine angle is obtuse, this means
that the chord of the segment is only V2 inch, whereas amidships it might have to be 4
inches or more more acute chine angle. Radiusing the chines will
to bridge the
reduce the displacement a bit compared to leaving them hard, but unless the radius
is large, the difference will be small. This type of chine is better than the round bar if

the vessel will be hauled with lifting straps, and it cdso eliminates the weld problems
associated with the round bar.
The T-bcir chineanother style used to alleviate the ills of round bars. In some

hulls it enhances the appearance, while in others it gives the illusion of poorly fitted
plates that have been bridged with a piece of flat b 2ir. It is much easier to use than the
split pipe, and the stem of the Tee always bisects the chine angle.

On certciin hulls, substituting a flat b 2U‘ for the round bcir mcikes for a clean weld
inside and out; however, you still face a drainage problem. In each frame bay you will
have to drill or cut at least one limber; otherwise, it will mean resorting to cement,
which in this instance will be more objectionable them in the case of round bar.
Some builders dispense with chine bars altogether when using heavier plating,
which is best for welding, without a doubt. On the other hand, great care must be
tadeen when fitting the plates, lest you end up with a wavy chine line. think that, in 1

spite of its virtues from the builder’s point of view, doing away with chine bars is not
structurally as sound as using a backing bcir of some sort. The chines are the most
vulnerable portion of the hull, subject to damage when the vessel is grounded out or
bumps submerged ledges, rocks, and other obstructions. 1 don’t mean to say that a
round-bottom hull would escape damage altogether, but a chine is at the extreme
fiber of the hull section cmd lacks cm easy tramsition^so it should enjoy a little extra in
the way of strength.


The deck edge, gunwale, or sheer (whichever the designer wishes to call it) is
normally the widest portion of the frame, aimidship at least, amd forms the junction of
the side and deck plating. have shown a number of ways of treating this detail in

Figure 21 When the pipe is 3 inches or less, it is customary to include the whole pipe

in the structure even if it is Schedule 80 (heavy wall thickness). There aire two ways of

using welding the deck plating flush with the top of the pipe, or raising the pipe so

that the deck plates, if extended, would intersect its center. Most fishermen prefer
the former construction, which makes decks easy to clean amd allows them to dradn
completely. has the same advantages on commercial vessels that cairry animals

amd autos on deck. However, the inside weld is poor at best and requires extra caire
while welding, lest you miss some slagand have some inclusions and voids in the
welds. Builders prefer the intersecting method because it maikes for easier welding;
the time saved in welding more than offsets the extra labor in notching out for the
bulwairk stanchions. With this type of deck detail, the builder must insert one or more
pipes at the low point of the deck to drain off those couple of gallons that will not
drain over the sheer pipe. These drain pipes amgle outboard and should be of
Basic Scantlings 63

Figure 21. Several ways of treating the junction of side and deck plating. On the left, top to
bottom: incorporating a whole pipe, the deck plating being flush with the top of the pipe; deck
plating (if extended) intersecting the center of the pipe; deck butting to side plating, with sides
continuing upward to form bulwarks. On the right: deck plating continuing outward past the
sides to meet a round bar and closer plate; a split-pipe gunwale; a heavy rubber

stainless steel, and the outside should protrude about Vs inch or so to prevent

streaks on the topsides. In tugs cind many other types of working craift that must lay
cilongside Icirger vessels, wharves, drill rigs, and other structures, very heavy sheer
pipes are required, normcdly split in half and welded to the shell of the vessel.
Because of the diameter and wall thickness, they must, for the most pcirt, be worked
in place by heating.
Heavy rubber gunwcdes provide the best cushion and eliminate Ccirrying tires over
the side as fenders. No one has ever devised anything so nice for slamming up
against pilings all night. Not that the rubber is al\ that absorbent, mind you, but at
least in the morning you don’t feel as if you spent the night in a cement mixer. To
mount a rubber gunwale, bolts should be welded to the hull at the intervals required
by the manufacturer. On some hulls with strongly flaring topsides it is desirable to
knuckle the plate in way of the fender. Another gunwale- fender cirrangement
sometimes used calls for letting the deck plating continue out over the side plating.
Brackets are then welded at each frame to both the side and deck, with a round bar of
1 inch or so fitted to the end of the bracket. The deck is then welded to the top and a

closer plate is welded to the bottom of the round bar cind to the shell. This type of
fender takes a good deal of extra welding and fitting, cind any pinholes in the weld will

Figure 22. A knuckle in the side plate in way of

a rubber gunwale.

lead to a corrosion problem difficult to cure. Banging into pilings can dent this steel
fender £ind can also rupture the welds, causing leaks. Finally, if the vessel is slab-
sided or has tumblehome, then the shell and deck may join without a protective pipe
or fender, or, if there are bulwarks, the side plating may continue up, in which case
the deck merely butts to this plate. In larger vessels this is a critical cirea, and no
plate, opening, or anything, should terminate without a generous radius.


In all vessels that need them, centerboard trunks cire a structural asset when
properly built, but potentially a structural weakness when poorly built. Figure 23
indicates the most common methods of incorporating them. The usucil method is
through the keel itself, with the centerline of the slot and that of the vessel coinciding.
In this instance enough room must exist cilong the outboard side of the trunk and the
side of the keel to assure a proper weld, not only for the trunk itself but for the
bottom and sides of the keel joint In shoal- draft shallow hulls, this can be done by
forming the keel from a chcinnel having sufficient flange depth to form the becirding
line joint also. The gross width of the trunk plus 8 inches is about the minimum keel
breadth for this construction, as Figure 23 indicates in the case of a 58- foot schooner
hull. The keel itself is beveled on the outside of the slot to give the required joint

design, and the whole then has 100-percent joint efficiency.

Sometimes you may find it easier to offset the trunk by the half-width of the keel,
with the centerline of the mast offset a half-width of the keel to the opposite side
perhaps to avoid having the mast straddle a trunk, which of course would be
possible, but expensive. The diameter of the maist dictates the minimum width of the
keel in this instance, and thus determines the scantlings. If the width of the keel is less
than the mast diameter, there will be insufficient room for the mast step cind the
collcir (ring) in which to step the heel of the mast. Customarily, the trunk side in such

cases serves as a leg of the step reinforcing, with the centerline bracket directly over

Basic Scantlings 65

Figure 23. Common methods of incorporating a centerboard trunk Clockwise from top left:
through the keel (in this case, on a 58- foot shoal-draft schooner hull); beside the keel; as a
bilge board normal to the shell plating; and well offset from the centerline in a flat- bottom

(and often incorporated as an extension of) the keel sides, and the outboard leg of
the step welded to the shell plating.
Some vessels use bilge bocirds, which are customarily set normal to the shell
that is, at right angles — even though this may occur at the turn of the bilge. As
mentioned in reg2U'd to flat- bottom shcirpies, it may prove necessary to move a trunk
several feet off the centerline to permit some sort of an accommodation plan. have 1

not done this with anything other than sh2U‘pies, but to cdlay any fears that this harms
the sailing qualities, let me say that it seems to make little difference just as long as
the slot remains parallel to the fore-and-aft centerline of the vessel.
The head ledges of all centerboard trunks need to be at least double the thickness
of the trunk sides, since for the most part they can only be partially welded on their
insides, and it seems rather pointless to weld continuously on one of the inside edges
and omit the other.
A word here about centerboards might be helpful. They like being made of wood,
and a steel trunk likes for them to be made of wood. In a shoal-draft vessel having a
centerboard that is long relative to the length of the hull, the bo£u-d in the down

position, if it is made of metal, will certainly lower the hull’s center of gravity and
increase stability. In order to have sufficient strength, however, this meted
centerboard will have to weigh at least four times as much as a compcirable wooden
bocird. Now the engineering problems of raising and lowering a metal centerboard
cire not difficult, but the solution is expensive, especially in the larger sizes. Worse, in

a seaway, when lying ahull or running off, the board is entirely or almost entirely
raised. If the board is met 2d, the center of gravity will also be raised, and a prudent
seaman has enough to contend with in a gale without having to concern himself with
stability. A simple block and tackle ^vill suffice to hoist a wooden board, which can

£dso be dropped from the trunk for painting while the vessel remains afloat. Wooden
centerboards are not light. In the 78-foot sharpie, the centerboard is 23 feet long, 6
feet 9 inches wide, 3 inches thick, and weighs one ton. The trunk width is 3 V2 inches
net opening. In some yachts with insufficient draft for windward performance but too
much to qualify them as true shoal-draft designs, the centerbocird trunk will be built
entirely within the keel, or else will protrude slightly above the keel but not into the
cabins. The centerboard in such yachts is frequently of meted construction cind is

sometimes foil-shaped. If the latter, the trunk will necessarily be quite wide, and this
will permit complete welding of the inside. Such an eu*rangement usually requires
verticed guide bars within the trunk itself, however, and the long-term maintenance is
a nightmare. Dropping the board to paint both it cind the trunk requires a Travelift for
the smaller vessels, and a pit for the Icirger vessels.


Metal hulls make engine beds a delight to construct, unless the designer tries to
squeeze them into the minimum space. The frame spacing is normadly halved in the
way of the engine, or extra-deep floors are added. The stringers (engine bed) should
run either from bulkhead to bulkhead or to extra-deep floors. The intermediate
frames aind floors should be deepened and their tops leveled off fore 2md aft to
provide wedking room. The top flange of the bed can consist of a heavy flat bar, but
the webs need not have great thickness; if they do, the welding to the shell plating will
crack sooner or later, and possibly split the plating due to the normal vibrations of
the engine and the torque it imparts. Whenever possible, lightening holes should be
provided in the webs, not only to reduce vibration but also to assist access to the
bilges and engine for cleaning.
In vessels with box keels, the area directly below the engine can often serve as the
working fuel tank, kept full by gravity feed from one of the main tanks. Due to free
surface effects, no more than one tank should ever be used at the same time. Figure
24 shows some of the details of an engine bed and the keel tank. Fuel fills should go to
within 2 inches of the bottom of the tank, as this eliminates froth when filling the tank.
The return fuel lines should also go to the bottom of the tank in order to reduce the
chances of trapping air in the fuel system. If any tank is to be sounded manually, a
striker plate should be welded to the shell in way of the sounding tube. Vents to all
tanks must open well above the fill pipe. If fitted with whistles, they will warn you
when the tank is about to overflow.
Basic Scantlings 67

Figure 24. Some details of an engine bed and keel fuel tank

One rarely finds detailed drawings of the complete engine room because it is a
complex arrangement to draw, but designers usually indicate on the scantling
section any auxiliary generators, compressor foundations, and other machinery
fixtures. Thus you may begin to form cin idea of how best to run the piping and wiring;
however, a final determination cannot be made until you can physically get into the
It is, incumbent on the builder to follow the scantling and construction
of course,
plan furnished by the designer. Although the availability or scarcity of certain stock
steel sections may occasionadly dictate scantling modifications, unless the builder
has enough experience in the construction of a particular type of vessel, he must
more or less accept the drawings as prepared. Never try to outguess the


Shell plating is member of a steel hull. Indeed, in very small

the principal strength
vessels, transverse and longitudined framing may be dispensed with altogether, since
the shell has rigidity by itself. Using a continuous stem, keel, and stern bar as a means
of attaching the two sides provides an additional m2u^gin of strength and will prevent
the vessel from buckling if suspended from the ends only. The addition of gunwale
b2U‘s in the form, say, of an angle, will prevent the hull from collapsing if pressure
should be applied athwartships or if the vessel should be heavily laden. Mciny
vessels, such as lifeboats, have been built in just this manner. Larger vessels, too,
could be built in simil£ir fashion, but the structure would of necessity become
inordinately heavy, until ultimately, a vessel of normal hull form would weigh so
much that it would sink immediately when launched.
There are basically two categories of forces to contend with, those affecting the
longitudin2il and the transverse strength of the hull, although in certain types of
shallow hulls and in large, open vessels, one must also take account of a third factor,
the torsional (or twisting) force. Designers and builders use certain terms to
describe the way a vessel distorts in response to various stresses. If the vessel were
suspended from her ends aind the center of her hull deflected downward, the
resultcint ch2mge in shape would be called “sagging”; if she were supported only in
the middle, and the ends then drooped, this would be called “hogging.” If she were
not rigidly supported athwartships, her sides would flex, a process known as
“panting.” When a vessel’s bow is, say, forced to starboard while at the same instant
her stern is forced to port, she is subject to “racking” (at sea) or “twisting” (ashore).
These conditions have manifold causes: overloading, rough seas, pitching, rolling,
stranding, and inadequate or weak structures, 2unong others. It is, of course,
imperative that a vessel’s hull not only be watertight and that all exposed enclosures
Transverse and Longitudinal Strength 69

Figure25. Lifeboat construction, showing the one-piece stem, keel, and stern bar, with further
stiffening provided by gunwale bars.


Figure 26. Sagging versus hogging

be weathertight, but that she not change shape under normally imposed stresses.
Rigidity is best accomplished by the use of internal framing, both transverse and
longitudin2d, to support the plating, and by deck beams to keep the sides separated
at a fixed distance.
For boatbuilding purposes, two common words have speci2d meanings. To strain
means to cause a change of form or size by the application of an external force or
forces. Strain differs from stress, which describes, in alternate contexts, either a force
acting upon and tending to deform a body, or a body’s internal resistance to
deformation. The intensity of the applied or resisting force is expressed in pounds
per squcire inch. Equating a vessel’s hull to a box beam or girder is a simple way for a
designer to conceive and calculate what is in fact a rather complex problem. For his
p2u-t, the builder, owner, or master should be aware of how stress and strain affect a

vessel during launching, 2ifter taking on cargo, in a seaway, and under other

The designer will do everything necessary to assure structural integrity, but it is in

the builder’s hands to prevent faulty workmanship that would cause the vessel to
break up under normcd use, and to see that none of her structure fails. The general
notion that material contributes most to the quality of a vessel is not quite true
workmanship also has a great influence on the quadity of hull produced.
It isalways a mist 2dce, for example, to underestimate the need for strong welds and
cimple stiffening members in a vessel’s deck. To visualize why this is so, imagine a
horizont 2d, thwartships line drawn through a vessel’s midsection so as to pass
through the vertical center of gravity, which lies on the vessel’s centerline. The
intersection of this line with the centerline (seen as a verticcil line in the sectioned
view) is called the neutral axis. If the vessel is a bcirge with its deck and bottom of like
construction amd weight, the neutral axis will lie exactly at the mid-depth of the hull,
cind the forces of stress and strsdn acting on the vessel will be evenly distributed over
deck and bottom. In most craft, however, decks cire not continuous, due to
hatchways and cabin trunks, and they may be of lighter plating them the bottom. The
neutral axis of the material mass will therefore lie closer to the bottom of the hull
than the top, and stresses will be compau-atively greater in the deck region because
they 6u*e acting on a longer moment or lever cirm. A structural analysis would show
that the upper edge of the sheer straike, for example, being farther offset from the
neutral axis, experiences more stress than the bottom of the keel. If the keel were
three feet from the neutral axis and the deck six feet, the stress at the deck would be
twice that of the keel. By applying such casual approximations, you can visualize in a
simplified form the strength calculations done by the designer. The greater the
distance from the neutral axis, the more careful the builder must be with welds,
notches in the structure, and workmanship.
The practice of welding only one side of the deck plating and the joint between
deck plating and the sheer plate or pipe is to be deplored. The resulting weld can
never exceed 85-percent efficiency, and this at a point of maximum stress! Cuts or
openings located at the extreme fiber of the hull, such as scuppers and boarding
doors, can also detract from strength in this critical cirea. Their corners should be
rounded cmd their cuts ground smooth. Joints of plating should never be lined up
with hatches and trunks, and seams of plating should be kept clecir of all longitudinal
and transverse framing. Failure in sharp corners, or “notch effect,’’ occurs when the
stress becomes so great in a concentrated area that the involved plate or member
tears. have seen cracks in 1-inch plate run across a deck from a hatch corner to the

riveted waterway plate. All corners must be rounded.

Flat- bottom vessels over 50 feet with little depth of hull are subject to numerous
stresses normally associated only with laurge shipbuilding, as are some riverboats,
scows, and barges. Designers of such vessels cire always awcire of these stresses.
Sailing vessels are always subject to racking strains, especially in a seaway; thus, they
require doublers, thicker plates, or both in their deck structure in way of the masts.
Since many of the smaller ones lack bulkheads, the beams should be well- kneed to
the frcimes, and sometimes web frames may be incorporated. In lengths below 80
feeton deck, sailing vessels with full keels have few worries longitudinally. A vessel
with an extreme cutaway forefoot and a long counter stern can be strengthened
enough along the centerline to eliminate the need for excessive shoring when
Transverse and Longitudinal Strength 71

Figure 27. Sketch of a bow framing configuration Numbered parts are as follows: (1) spurling
pipes; (2) centerline chain locker bulkhead; (3) web frames; (4) chines; (5) longitudinals; (6)
deep floors; (7) regular frames; (8) shell plating.

drydocked. Unlike their wooden counterparts, steel boats of this type display little
tendency for their ends to droop and cause hogging. One need not worry much
about strength in Scdling yachts, as their shap>e assures adequate depth of hull; their
keel structure, being rather massive in proportion to the rem 2dnder of the structure,
can be considered ballast. These yachts, of course, do not have to support any heavy
loads other than their own structural weight.
Trawlers, trollers, shrimpers, smd other fishing vessels of similcir hull form cire akin
to full- keel and have few longitudinal or transverse strength
sauling vessels,
problems. When breaking ice, the Great Lakes fish tugs often have almost 50 percent
of their length out of the water as they ride up on the ice to crush it. These vessels do
need their whole forebody bottom reinforced longitudinally, find must have deep
floors. The fishing vessels that can run into problems are the ones with exposed
struts supporting the propeller, free-hung rudders, and the ability to plane.
Motor yachts achieve most of their depth of hull with freeboard. Structured
weights above the waterline must therefore be controlled carefully, lest the verticed
center of gravity rise so far that it impedrs the stability of the vessel. In the United
States, at motor yachts are more often than not overpowered and
overequipped. This, with the normal load of fuel necessary to get them from one
marina to another, plus their tremendous water capacity for their size, poses some
problems in regard to longitudinal strength. These problems Ccin usually be solved
by incorporating several full or partial metal transverse bulkheads, plus longitudincd
connecting bulkheads for the fuel and water tanks. The engine beds, when run
Figure 28. Sketch of a round-bottom fishing schooner that was built using only transverse
framing The floors are wood, which simplifies the installation of the hold ceiling and her rock
ballast can be well-stanchioned down

between and connected to transverse bulkheads, form excellent fore-and-aft

girders. One should not use wood decks 2md deckhouses to give strength, but rather,
should depend on the steel structure entirely.
Table 8 gives a partial list of weldments used in construction. It can serve as a
guide. have generally based these weldments on the American Bureau of Shipping

rules. Sizes are correct for the thinner member being welded. The spacings in some
instances deviate from ABS standards; they derive from the standard construction of
vessels built by The Colvin Manufacturing Corporation and the Colvin Shipbuilding
Table 9 is a partial list of weldments developed in my yard for use when the basic
design of the vessel incorporated transverse web frames and closely spaced
Transverse and Longitudinal Strength 73

longitudinals. Experience showed amount of welding required by Table 8

that the
would cause a great deal of needless distortion on certain hull forms, so in this
method of construction the amount of unsupported plate determines the spacing of
longitudin2ds. The calculation for unsupported area is based on T-bar longitudinals,
assuming a stem of at least the same thickness as the shell plating. Therefore, with
Vs-inch plating and 3-foot 3-inch frame spacing, the maximum longitudinal spacing
could be 19 inches on the bottom cind deck, whereas the topsides could have 21 -inch
spacing if the longitudinals were psu'allel to the sheer, but only 17-inch spacing if
parallel to the waterline. Using the maximum spacings results in a hull structure
suitable for light-displacement sailing normal construction, the
vessels. In
transverse frames could be uniformly spaced 38 or 39 inches and taken as a modular
reference length for working out accommodations: one frame space for a water
closet, two frame spaces for a berth, and so forth. Half- frames are introduced in the
way of the engine rooms, forward of the collision bulkhead, and aft in the way of the
rudderpost and stern tube. Longitudinals are then spaced as follows:

*/8” (5.0 lb.) plate 12” centers

Yi 6” (7.65 lb.) plate 15” centers
Y4” (10.2 lb.) plate 18” centers
Yi 6” (12.75 lb.) plate 21” centers
%” (15.3 lb.) plate 24” centers

In my yard we made frequent exceptions to the rule, depending on the hull shape.
Too much welding adds nothing weakens the structure.
to strength and, in fact,
Table 10 indicates the welding rods most commonly used in steel boatbuilding,
cdong with the minimum and maximum amperages that would be required. Other
rods are used occasionally, but the ones listed are the most general. Electrodes of
smaller and larger diameters are available, but ^32 inch. Vs inch, ^32 inch, and Vie inch
are the most common sizes, and all a builder needs.

Sharp corners and edges must be avoided at all times. You must always grind them
to a radius —
the size matters little in most instances. Sharp corners will not hold
paint, 2U’e apt to chafe lines if on deck, and above all, can cut or injure the crew.
Torches leave a ragged cut, which, if in a stress location, will be apt to tear. Grind
them. “Beautifying” your work takes just a few minutes and will pay for itself by
easing maintenaince.
The builder cam and usually does make many of the items used in rigging a vessel.
Little can be done about their location, but by eliminating unnecessary reinforce-

ments, one can do a lot to prevent them from fouling or from causing stress.
Using ASTM A-242 plating (sold under the trade name Corten) will increase the
provided the thickness of the plating has not been
longitudinail strength of the vessel,
reduced to save weight. Reducing weights to the extreme minimum used to be quite
a fad, but increased labor costs and the small margin left for corrosion and strength
negate the assumed benefits of weight reduction sifter a point. It is always desirable
to reduce structural weight, of course, especially if in doing so one silso increases
structural strength and cuts down on labor.
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Transverse and Longitudinal Strength 77


AWS E-6010: a DCEP (direct current, electrode positive) rod. Can be used in any
position smd for all welding of mild steel. Has a sodium-cellulose base coating.
Resultant weld has deep penetration. Available in four sizes. The ^ - inch rod 3

requires from 40 to 80 amps; the yi6-inch requires from 140 to 250 amps. A ‘dirty’ rod
that produces a lot of weld splatter. Of limited use in light plating, where there is no
need for penetration since both sides 2U'e welded. A good choice for heavier framing.
The grandfather rod of shipbuilding.

AWS E-6010 IP: Also available from some companies. Iron powder additive gives a
smoother arc and less splatter than the sodium-cellulosecoated rods, yet retains all
other chau^acteristics of the E-6010. Available in three sizes. The Vs-inch requires 70 to
130 amps; M 6- inch requires 140 to 225 amps.

AWS E-6011: An AC all-position rod with cellulose base. All the features of the E-
6010, including deep penetration, with little splatter. Available in four sizes. The ^32 -
inch requires 50 to 70 2unps; the ^16 -inch requires 160 to 190 amps.

AWS E-6012: A DCEN (DC, electrode negative) or AC all-position rod with moderate
penetration. Available in four sizes. The y32-inch requires 35 to 85 cimps; the yi6-inch
requires 140 to 240 amps. Used in small-craft construction, but should be avoided in
plating over Vie inch. Really limited to single- pass fillet applications.

AWS E-6013: An AC/DC (either rod with mild penetration.

polsu'ity) all-position
Available in four sizes. The y32-inch requires 45 to 90 amps; the yi6-inch requires 150
to 230 amps.

AWS E-7014: An AC/ DCEN all-position rod with iron powder coating and mild
penetration. Four sizes avcdlable. The y32-inch requires 80 to 125 amps; the yi6-inch
requires 200 to 275 amps. Because its chemiccd composition closely matches that of
Corten steel, it was used in my yard for welding mild steel to Corten or for Corten
seams, with the understanding that a single pass would be used on all seams, cind
that prior to any external welds, seams would be ground back to sound meted. Use of
this rod is limited to yi6-inch plating or less. In high-stress areas, E-7018 is used.

AWS E-7016: An AC/DCEN rod. Not generally used on vertical down welds. Four
The y32-inch requires 65 to 1 10 cimps; the y 6-inch
sizes available. requires 180 to 255
amps. A low-hydrogen rod; must be kept heated prior to use.

AWS E-7018: An AC/DCEP all-position rod. Four sizes available. The y32-inch
requires 65 to 1 10 amps; the yi6-inch requires 180 to 255 amps. Also a low-hydrogen
rod; must be kept heated prior to use.

Where it is appropriate to save weight, the designer will call for lightening holes in a
vessel’s reinforcing members. The centers of such holes must be no farther from the
supported plating than a distance equal to one- third the depth of the beam; the total
cross-sectional area of the holes as viewed end-on in a cross-section of the member
must not exceed 15 percent of the cross-sectional area of the member itself
(including the flange, if there is one); and the depth of the holes may not exceed 40
percent of the depth of the member. If you follow these rules, the structure will be
lighter but no weaker. Larger holes can be made but require reinforcement, which is
expensive and adds weight. Never use holes to lighten the flanges. Web frames, deep
floors, and longitudinal stringers are the normal cireas in which holes are cut. A
design asking the builder to drill out all floors, frames, and longitudinals is likely a
poor design, an exception being when holes are necessary to reduce the registered
tonnage of a vessel otherwise too great to enter a given trade.
All holes made for lightening purposes must be freed of any roughness or sharp
edges by careful grinding or filing. When drilling holes for galvanized bolts, allow ^64
inch more than the bolt diameter for up to %-inch diameter bolts, and Yu inch more
for bolts over %-inch diameter. Where piping runs through a deck or bulkhead and
must be welded, it is necessary to have a clearance of 4 inches on pipes 3 inches or
less in diameter, and up to 6 inches on 8-inch pipe, in order to assure sufficient space
for the welder to work.
When curtain plates are attached to the deck edge as a continuation of the side
plating, or if they are attached to the railcap of the bulwarks, the joints must be given
a generous transition radius. Figure 29 shows a typical curtain plate. Such large holes
require reinforcement. ^

Figure 29. A curtain plate on a 58-foot trawler.

Transverse and Longitudinal Strength 79

In wooden imposed during launching, drydocking, land

vessels, the stresses
storage, stranding, overloading, and sailing in heavy weather were often severe
enough to cause permanent deformation, as structures slipped from their original
locations. always made me sad to see some of the larger wooden sailing vessels

that had lost their sheer after a few years of service. Hogging and racking led to the
need for increased rigging tension, which in turn exerted even more pressure on the
already strained making it slightly deeper as the mast bore down on the keel. In

a seaway these boats began to spew their caulking, causing them to leak even more
than usual, which was certainly wearisome for their crews as they pumped to keep
afloat and to reduce cargo damage. A good friend often told me that he went to sleep
each night with a prayer that he would never again have to sail in a wooden vessel.
Metal vessels can, of course, suffer all the ills common to wooden vessels; however,
vessels less than 1 00 feet in length and of normcd scantlings are usually so strong
that thisa rare occurrence. If the designer has done his job, and the builder his, the

owner or operator will never have to lose sleep worrying about an unsound


To estimate the approximate cost of a sailing vessel, you need only the s^dl and spar
plan, provided the plan also contains the sparmaker’s notes, sailmciker’s notes,
equipment notes, and rigger’s notes. For a power vessel you need only the outbo2u*d
profile with specifications for engine, fuel capacity, auxilicuy engines, and equipment
notes. With the addition of the interior cirrangement plan and one frame section, plus
the scantlings of the vessel, which may be on a typewritten sheet, you should be able
to come close to figuring the actual cost with just a few hours’ work. If you cire a
professional builder, you may then quote an initial estimate to a prospective client; if
you are an amateur builder, this exercise will give you an idea of the magnitude of the
project ahead.
If you should be awcirded the contract or decide your own
to build the vessel for
account, the final estimate will be subject to receipt of the complete plans and
specifications (if any). Unless the designer or owner m2dces substantial changes to
the initial sail and spar (outboard profile) and interior arrangement plans, your first
estimate will in all probability come within a percent or two of your actual costs, cind
your profit margin should be sufficient to absorb any slight difference without
forcing a change in bid. Occasionally, builders bid high initially and, upon reviewing
the plans, find they c£m lower the cost, but this happens rairely. On the other hand, a
builder who comes in way over his estimate when he finalizes a bid may find some
doubt cast on his ability. Labor and time prohibit a minutely detailed cost analysis,
which is certciinly not normally justified until after the vessel’s completion, when it
may be used for future reference. Therefore, accurate estimation is as necessary a
building skill as accurate lofting or fitting.

The builder must use a quick but reasonably accurate method for estimating the
weight of steel the vessel will need, and the amount to be ordered. The one have 1

Estimating Costs 81

used for many ye 2u*s is to multiply the length on deck times the molded beam, times
three, times a factor that ranges from 0.65 to 0.85, depending on the fullness of the
vessel’s ends. The product is the shell areai in square feet. Knowing the plating weight
per square foot, multiply the weight by the areai by 1.6 to 1.7 to obtain the hull

weight. Hull weight multiplied by 0.60 gives shell weight, and multiplied by 0.40 gives
structural weight of fr 2mnes, longitudinals, keel, floors, and other members. Steel
bulkheads treat as rectangles, multiplying the beam on deck times the depth of hull

(deck edge to bearding) times the plate weight, with no allowance for shape, and
figuring the drops (waste pieces) as being equal to the weight of the stiffeners. This
approach to estimating weight of bulkheads is faulty for a barge-like hull form but
quite reasonable for many other forms. The cabin trunks 1 ignore if the cabintops are
ofwood, on the assumption that the weight of the displaced deck and its framing
equals or exceeds the weight of the trunk sides and ends; that is, calculate the 1

weight of the deck plating as if it were uninterrupted by cabin trunks. If the cabintops
are of steel, again treat the deck area as an uninterrupted surface, but in this

instance add the total area of cabintops to the uninterrupted deck area for weight

calculations, in effect counting the plan 2U'ea of the cabin structures twice. This is for
sailing vessels. For motor vessels the deckhouses, being large, are estimated as
separate units 2uid added to the hull weight. never m24ce €my deductions when using

this formula.
If the scantlings are available, a more accurate method is to calculate the weight of
a one- foot- wide section that girths the vessel amidships, divide that weight by the
girth of the midship section to get the vessel’s average weight per square foot, and
then multiply that figure by the approximate square footage of hull and deck
surfaces. Table 1 1 gives the numbers to employ with this method for the 42- foot 7-
inch pinky schooner that illustrates this book. The total girth weight of 335.5 pounds
is divided by 36, which is the girth in feet calculated from the 12- foot breadth of deck,
20.7 feet of shell girth, 1 one foot of keel girth, the diameter of the
.64 feet of keel sides,
sheer pipe, and the width of the radlcap. The result is 9.32 pounds per squ 2U'e foot.
Multiplying the breadth of the deck amidships by 3 would give the same result in this
instance, and for most vessels this rough-and-ready method gives a good
approximation. Now, 42.7 feet (the length on deck) times 12.0 feet (the molded
beam) times 3 times 0.75 gives 1,152.9 (or 1,153 square feet) for the shell area, and
1,153 multiplied by 9.32 gives 10,746 pounds of steel by the long method. The short
method yields 1,153 times 1.65 times 5.65, or 10,479 pounds of steel, so the
agreement is good. The bulkheads 3, 5, 8, and 12, according to calculations, need an
additional 1,195 pounds of steel. Thus we may summarize:

Shell plating = 10,479 X .60 6,287 @ $.38 = 2,389.12

Bulkhead plating = 1,195 @ $.38 = 454.10
Structure = 10,479 X .40 4,192 @ $.20 = 838.40
TOTAL $3,681.62

Item Area or length Unit weight Frame Total weight

in midship (pounds spacing (pounds)
section (feet per foot or (feet)
or squcire feet) per square

Shell plating 20.70 5.65 117

Frame 19.20 3.72 3.25 22*
Deck beam 12.00 3.07 3.25 11.3
Floor 9.75 3.25 3
Deep floor 1.00 6.80 3.25 2.1

Keel sides 1.64 7.65 12.5

Hull longitudinals 12.00** 1.80 21.6
Keel 1.00 33.10 33.1
Chines 4.00 1.91 7.6
Sheer pipe 2.00 5.02 10.0
Railcap 2.00 3.83 7.7
Deck longitudinals 11.00 1.80 19.8
Deck plating 12.00 5.65 67.8
Total 335.5

*Thisnumber is arrived at by multiplying the length of the frame in the midship section by the unit
weight of the stock, and dividing by the frame spacing.
There are 12 longitudinals, each having a 1-foot length through the representative section.

If mild steel is used in lieu of Corten, then the plating cost comes to $1,346.76 less
than the above figure in prices quoted as of late 1983. The actucd cost of steel Vciries
according to tonnage purchased. Companies usually quote prices based on 10 short
tons of ordered steel, and the price per pound increases progressively for every 100
pounds below this base in the amount ordered. At times you will do better to
overorder, to gain the lower price per pound. Quantity extras can double or triple the
per-pound cost when underordering, especially if the company adds a delivery
charge; therefore, overordering makes much more sense.
In the above excimple the actual shell area by direct calculations was 1 ,143 square
feet, meaning that the estimate was close. From other data in the table and the

scantlings section, you could also calculate the weight of the deck and bulwarks; for
this design it would come to 3,880 pounds, or 33 percent of the total weight. mention I

this because some owners and builders try to outguess a designer and add more
freeboard to a design. This cilways results in a disaster, and the same holds true for
cin increase in plate thickness. In this excimple, an increase 7.65-pound plate
to, say,
would entail a 35-p>ercent increase in shell weight, or 2,643 pounds.
For some unfathomable reason, certain people set great store by a bill of
materials. By and large it can tell you only what at one time was available to a
particular builder, and it does not follow that the same sizes will now be avciilable. It
is always best to work from the stock list of your supplier’s wcirehouse. A case in
Estimating Costs 83

point: at one time had a good buy on my supplier’s remaining stock of 1-inch by 7-

inch flat bars, enough for about 20 vessels, and so my then-new designs utilized this
size whenever possible. Many other builders have since built from these same
designs, several of which provide a bill of materials. The letters come in: “1 can’t get 7-
inch bars; is it okay to use 8-inch?” or “Those Tees are not available; what about
angles instead?” had the Scime experience when building in wood. When my yard

had its own saw and planing mill, our stamdard planking length was 40 feet, with
widths in odd numbers and thicknesses in the rough that would dress to even
quarters (^4, Va, %, etc.), none of which is standard today. You just can’t expect stock
designs drawn five to 30 or more years ago to reflect industry’s latest attempts to
eliminate the once-standard sections (now known as “specialty items”) in favor of
the present stock sizes — really poor substitutes for what was once common. If
requested to, the designer will usually supply with the study plans an alternate and
up-to-date modification of the scantlings, based on what he knows to be available.
Just the same, material “tcike off’ requires but a few hours of “by guess and by golly”
estimating, during which time the builder becomes familiar with the design, the
structure, and the designer’s method of depicting the vessel. This familiarity will pay
off handsomely during the course of construction.
Displacement generailly offers a poor method of costing a vessel, since it reflects
ballast, fuel, engine, joinerwork, cind outfitting weights, all of which vciry considerably
from vessel to vessel or design to design. Similcirly, gross tonnage (a measurement
ton of volume) can be manipulated depending on the owner’s requirements. You can
measure a vessel one way to yield 100 gross tons, then turn ciround and structurally
redesign the Scime vessel to yield only 10 gross tons. Any rule of thumb based on
volume or weight alone has the same inherent limitations. Even the weight of raw
steel going into the vessel can mislead you, because a given mass of steel can be
assembled in numerous ways. The scantlings and the shape of the hull determine the
hull cost of the vessel, and all other items must be figured separately as independent
Knowing the quantity of material in a vessel, you must still reckon with welding
and fitting costs to arrive at an accurate cost estimate. Using the Pinky as an
example, there are 20 double- fillet welds per side: railcap (2), bulwark to

deck (2), deck to gunwale pipe (2), side to gunwale pipe (2), upper chine (4), lower
chine (4), bearding (2), and keel side to bottom (2). Using a 50-foot average for each,
that gives 1000 feet of welding per side. If and 7 feet of finished
Ys-inch electrodes
weld per hour ^u'e assumed, then it follows that 143 hours will be required to weld up
each side and, with perfect fitting up, you will consume about 300 pounds of welding
rod. Next, let’s imagine a design with only a single chine and the same plate weight.
This will eliminate 200 feet of welding, 29 hours of labor, and 60 pounds of welding
rod per side. Also, it will lead to savings in plate fitting, framing of the plate, and
cutting between the two chines. Finally, let’s say we are building a sharpie, which is a
flat- bottom vessel: we can drop the keel and bearding welds, saving another 100 feet

of welding, 14 hours of labor, and 30 pounds of rod per side, without counting the
savings of not having to fit a plate to the beairding, keel sides, and keel.
Possibly, though not probably, each of these vessels could have the same
displacement and thus about the same amount of hull material. Now the weight of

hull matericil remains fairly constant for any given displacement, although length,
breadth, and depth may vary, with a corresponding effect on gross tonnage (in
vessels of the same general structure). The displacement-length ratio, which can be
written as D/(L/100)^ changes with length when displacement remains constant.
Thus, one vessel may be 20 percent longer than another for the same displacement,
and have a displacement- length ratio of 225, compared to the shorter vessel’s 425. In
practical terms, this means the longer vessel will be lighter (for its length) than the
shorter, but it will cost more to build. The cost of the steel laid down in the yard, then,
has little value as an index of total cost; however, what is done with that steel has a
great deal to do with cost. In the above excimples, using the sharpie as a basis for
compcirison, the single-chine V- bottom hull will require 14 percent more hours and
welding rod per side, while the multi-chine hull will require 43 percent more labor
and welding rod per side. If the vessel were round-bottom, this would add still more
to welding and fitting costs. Yet all three boats have the Scime displacement!
Perhaps the best way to determine the cost of a vessel is to make rough estimates
for each pcirticular segment. For the Pinky, costs would break down about as

lofting and templates 100 hours

10 frames @ 5 hours each 50

keel and deadwood 60

longitudinals 30

layout of plates 100

billet, trailboards 20

bitts, chocks, etc. 30

grinding external welds 50

stern overhang 6

welding 536

4 bulkheads @10 hours each 40

setup 15

plating 100

trunks 30

rudder 10

tanks 10

sole beams 10

grates 4

added margin of 10 percent 120

TOTAL 1,321 hours

Totaling, we arrive at 1,321 hours construction time, to the cost of which we must
add: 1,000 pounds’ welding rod, one bottle (large) acetylene, two bottles (Icirge)
oxygen, six grinding wheels, 20 grinding disks, two chipping hammers, four wire
brushes, three cup brushes for power, and wood building blocks and shoring. (1 have
based these estimates on a similar vessel built several years ago.) The professioncil

builder multiplies the labor by the rate of pay, and adds this to the cost of the steel
Estimating Costs 85

and other materials, neglecting overhead and burden; that, roughly, will equal the
cost to construct the hull. The cost of electricity and taxes applies to all builders. The
professional will also have billing, accounting, secretarial, and other miscellaneous
costs to defray. All of these expenses should be worked out in relation to a month of
160 hours. Theoretically, the Pinky’s hull would take 8.25 months for one man
working full-time to complete, and 1.65 months in a five- man shop. The cost of doing
business for this period is the burden, and is added separately to derive the total cost
of construction.
One of the backyard builder’s rhost common errors is to underestimate not only
the cost of construction and material, but the time involved to construct the hull and
finish the vessel. A project often becomes a matter of years —
not months and when —
this happens it may suffer the ill effects of inflation, health, flagging desire, and the
distinct possibility that the vessel’s
intended use will change before it gets launched.
If anything, people tend to choose designs either too large, too complex, or both to

be feasible; they rsu-ely choose too small a vessel.

The rest of this chapter, while pertaining primarily to the contract builder, applies
equally to the home builder. Fineness of finish, installation of electronics,
refrigeration, and so forth, are common concerns. A word of philosophy for the
home builder: few people look back without saying, “I probably could have bought a
boat for the same price or less and had the use of it for all those years have spent 1

building this one”; then they add, “but it is better than could have bought, know
1 1

what’s in it, and 1 did it all myself.”

A one-man shop or backyard builder will require about 40 percent more time to
build a vessel than a two-man team, due to lost motion in such things as fitting plates,
heavy lifting, and the necessity of resorting to building jigs and fixtures to do what
two people could do in minutes without jigs. A man and wife team, if they allocate the
work correctly, can accomplish as much as two men. A profession 2d one-man shop
has the advantage of lower overhead, since there is no helper to pay and no fringe
benefits or insurance to cover. If an ideal number to operate a yard, it has
there is

never come to my attention. Assuming the workers are all skilled, five seems to be
about the maximum for most yards, cind then units after that in pairs. In a nonunion
or co-op yard, it is possible to employ workers skilled in several areas. Thus, a welder
may also be a machinist and do machinery installation; cinother welder may be a
woodworker and painter; the template maiker may double as the burner who cuts
out the plates, besides being the head joiner man. The more diversified the gang, the
higher the production. With a less skilled work force, partial and sometimes almost
total supervision is required; in this case, eight to a gang is about the most one
person can handle. A supervisor produces very little, directly; however, if he can
prevent costly mistcikes, then he has earned his salary.
Many steel builders prefer to do only the metalwork, sandblasting, priming, cind
maybe engine installation before delivering the vessel to another yard or the owner
for completion. This reduces the size of the work force and the amount of equipment
necessary for finishing out. Moreover, the risk is much smaller and the headaches
If, however, you contract to deliver a finished boat, you have to estimate the

cost of the interior, the rigging, and the outfitting. From the sail plan you can obtain

thenumber of blocks, feet of standing and running rigging, turnbuckles or deadeyes,

number of splices needed, size and length of cmchors, anchor chains, anchor rodes,
mooring lines, size and lengths of all spars, cind the number and area of all sails.
Assorted pieces of gear such as dinghy, bilge pumps, and life jackets will also be
listed. All of these items are easily priced. For a motor vessel, the pertinent
information, similar to that shown on the sail plan for a sailing vessel, often appecirs
on the outbo2u-d profile or on a separate sheet listing all the major equipment,
including the size of all engines, generators, thrusters, winches, boats, and
The interior arrangement plan(s) give the rest of the information necessary to
work up the bid or estimate. Again, you need to make a rough material list and figure
the labor for each item. A simple breakdown would include lumber, trim, and small
hcu^dwcire such as hinges, hasps, doorknobs, latches, and lift rings, followed by major
hcirdware such as toilets, sinks, portlights, hatches, skylights, and prisms. Also
included would be all the berths, mattresses, settees, cushions, table, galley stove,
heaters and their fuel systems, and then the engine along with its controls, battery
(or batteries), exhaust system, anchor winch, deck winches, and other mechcmical
devices. Motor vessels usually have dual controls, while auxiliary smling vessels
have only a single control. Finally, an estimate would be made for the piping and
electrical systems. You won’t go far wrong in your estimate if you forget the discount
price of each hcirdware item cind figure that the labor for installation approximately
equals the discount. This will also cover miscellaneous nuts, bolts, and screws. It

takes just as long to being a door and fit the h£u-dwcire as it does to make it, unless it is
a very complicated door with raised panels^and inlays.
— —
Weather temperature and humidity, to be specific makes it difficult to estimate
the time needed to sandblast the exterior of the hull and obtain the desired finish.
The complexity of the structure, the paint system used, and the method of
application also affect this variable. The interior of the hull in smaller vessels is
usucilly not sandblasted, but wire-brushed, thoroughly cleaned and degreased,
primed, and painted with anywhere from three to five coats, including the primer.
Lcirger vessels are usually sandblasted inside. The interior will normally be insulated,
ceiled, or both, and, while the steel surface does not require the high degree of finish
that the exterior requires, it must receive excellent coverage cind be well done in all
other respects, since it is seldom seen again. Agcun, when estimating you should use
the retail price, not the discount price, and let that cover the cost of cleanup,
sandpaper, and paint buckets.
You will have an even more difficult time estimating the cost of the interior cabin
finish, since only one small area at a time can be done. You would probably do best to

triple the man-hours that the same surface cirea of exterior deck work would take,
including trim.
A knowledgeable builder realizes the limitations of his yard and knows that, while
he as an individucil may be capable of superb craftsmanship, it does not follow that all
his employees have the same skill. He will be content knowing that the vessels he
builds are constructed to the best of the y2U’d’s ability. He will cilso understcind that
there a certain fineness of finish he can achieve economically, and that trying to

exceed that degree leads surely to bankruptcy; therefore, he will shy away from a
Estimating Costs 87

design that requires more than his customary quality of work. Yards that specialize
in high-quality “yacht” work cannot afford to lower their standards either, so there is

room for all. Similarly, vessels being constructed by home builders may become
mired in an eternal state of incompletion if the builder is unable to make realistic
choices for joinery amd other finish work.
When the architect or owner furnishes much of the basic materials, hardware,
engine, rigging, and other equipment, the builder must depend on specifica-

tions from the various vendors, such as those furnished by the engine manufacturer,
so that the foundations can be built to fit. The building contract should include a
clause that exempts the builder from the contract price should a vendor modify
either the shape or design of a component after the order for it has been signed. This
happened to me once, when an engine did not match the manufacturer’s
specifications for length, height, depth, width, and location of hold-down bolts; had 1

to remove the engine beds, relocate a bulkhead, and raise part of a deck to
accommodate the changes. In another instance, face locks (to be screwed to the
outside of doors and panels) were specified from a catalog furnished by the owner.
The manufacturer discontinued the item, and mortise locks were substituted;
however, it took 18 months to receive them. Needless to say, there was also a
significant increase in labor cost, since these had to be mortised into the woodwork.
The difference in installation time was W
2 hours apiece, and there were 200 of

The builder should cdso add another clause for his own protection when other
pcirties than himself purchase amd furnish materials cind equipment. The clause
should specify that delivery of these itents to his yard must occur on or before a
specified date, with stiff penalties for non-delivery, as he must either work ciround
the missing parts or, in extreme cases, even stop all work and wait. Either way, this
creates an added expense.
The majority of sailing and many motor vessels require perm 2ment ballast. In the
former, lead is the best material. If it is sited in a box keel, there are numerous
adv 2mtages to using lead bricks instead of casting the ballast in place; bricks may be
insulated from the steel and will have a stowage factor within a few percent of cast
ballast. Where plenty of room exists, ingots may suffice; however, the bulk of ingots
sacrifices space and overall density, which results in a higher center of gravity.
Concrete, boiler punchings, miscellaneous scrap steel, and railroad irons have the
least density of all ballast materials, and when installed properly also prove labor-
intensive. If steel ballast is used, it should be in flat plates, Ccirefully cut, deemed, cmd
fitted to the keel cavity, then capped over with a welded steel plate. Experience
indicates that lead is by far the least expensive ballast to install in spite of its higher
first cost. In any case, if practicable, only enough ballast for stability in launching

should be built in, and the remainder added after launching and fitting out. This
permits reasonable alterations in equipment, interior arrangement, and fuel and
water capacity without extensive calculations by the designer or builder.
Either the builder or vendor may supply or install electronics for communication,
navigation, and other purposes. The cost for this equipment and installation should
not figure in the hull contract unless it is always part of the vessels normally
constructed in the builder’s ycird. There are so many unforeseeable and laborious

fitting details associated with this equipment that a separate contract should be
made for the electronics.
The builder is not in cin enviable position, for he has the Icirgest investment in and —

the most to lose on any one of the hundreds of items he must build or install in the
completed vessel. He not only has to contend with the airchitect and the owner, but
with everything else that creeps, crawls, or flies, all apparently trying to prevent his
completing the vessel. Indeed, has there ever been a builder who, after yecirs of
frustration, has not viewed his yard and said to himself, “Even at 5 percent interest
on my investment, 1 would make more than 1 do now and have fewer headaches!’’
only to find himself, five minutes later, thinking about another vessel he wishes to


The purpose of the Lines Plan and Offsets (see Figure 30) is to define the shape of the
vessel in such a manner that a builder may transform this small- sccde drawing into a
full-size vessel. To do this, he must redraw the plan full size and, in the process, fair

out any humps and hollows in the individual lines, simultaneously making sure that
they agree with other faired lines. This process is known as lofting. Most first- time
builders dread lofting because they see no progress toward a completed vessel find
fear having to do so much complex drawing when they are unsure of what they cire
doing. If you look at lofting step by step rather than as a whole, however, you can see
an orderly progression from the very simple grid to the completed lines Iciid down. As
with everything else in the building of a vessel, you must think only of the immediate
problem and not worry about those that may show up later because, in reality, if you
are accurate and thoroughly check the work you have already done, problems
usually resolve themselves or present easy solutions.
Some professionals fall into rather slipshod lofting practices under the assump-
tion that they will save money by just skimming through, fixing what has to be fixed
later, if ever. Careful or not, all loftsmen dislike having to loft a poorly drawn vessel
with bad offsets, cind they judge a designer by the accuracy of his lines and offsets. A
good can take a poor set of offsets and lay down a fair hull, but
loftsmcin in reality he,

rather than the chap who sold the set of plans, is designing the hull.
In traditional wooden vessels, many builders lofted in profile only the stem and
forefoot and the sternpost to the transom. Then they lofted the molds, and that was
it. On the shipway, the molds were erected and ribbands sprung around them, after

which the molds were padded or shaved to suit the eye of the builder, in order that
templates could be lifted for all intermediate frames. Even today, some builders use
only one or two molds 2md the transom as the basis for constructing their vessels.


From long experience, they do produce fair hulls, some of them fine sailers; however,
they Ccin never exactly duplicate their work.
In steel construction, building by “rack of eye” is out of place and economically
foolish. A few builders do it anyway, but to perpetuate such imprecise practices in a
time when tool and equipment manufacturers are providing the builder with the
means of ever-greater precision seems self-defeating.
Lofting known in the trade as “laying down” the lines, and the making of

templates from the mold loft floor is known as “taking off.” The necessity of lofting is
invariably questioned by amateurs and some builders with very limited facilities. For
some reason the notion exists that, if the vessel has been built previously, the offsets
cire true 2ind therefore only the sections need be lofted. Time will be saved, it is

reasoned, and time is money. In the end, however, this is false economy. Regardless
of the number of times a vessel has been lofted, and even if the offsets are offered as
“returned” and “corrected,” a competent builder will still lay down the lines full size.
Why? It is the duty of the builder to reproduce with reasonable accuracy the vessel
as designed, aind not just an approximation. By relofting,he assures himself that the
offsets cire indeed true, that there are no errors in the figures, and that he himself has
not made an error.
Returned offsets are corrected to the nearest Vs inch and sometimes to the necirest
+ */i6 inch, in which case, for example, an offset might appear as 10-8-6+ and be read
by the loftsman as 10 feet 8% inches +Fi6 inch; this is as close as his rule or tape
reads. Only inexperienced draftsmen or designers would give cin offset in sixteenths,
or worse yet, in thirty- seconds or sixty-fourths of an inch, yet in fairing the lines the
true dimensions lifted from the loft floor wiH have this much accuracy.
Unlike the builder in wood, who could pad or shave the molds to produce a fair
hull, the steel builder has no option other than to be correct from the beginning. An

error of -VVs inch in one frame and -Vs inch in the next creates a V4-inch gap. While
this might seem insignificant in, say, a 70- foot vessel with a beam of 20 feet, this error
might well equal or exceed the plate thickness. Accuracy on the mold loft floor will
not only improve the potential for a fair hull, but will save many hours of labor during
erection. It should eliminate the misfortune of having to remove an offending frame,
cut it apart to salvage as much as possible, remake it, and finally reinsert it, plumb it,
cind squcire it to the other frames. Proper lofting can cdso save many hours of labor in
the later stages of construction. Indeed, in many ycirds the work done on the mold
loft floor includes making the patterns for cabin trunks, hatches, mast steps, cind
many other items that can be constructed as subassemblies for later, sequenticil
installation. In a properly lofted vessel, one may even go on to joiner bulkheads,
shelving, cabinets, and other pieces that must conform to the vessel’s hull.


The tools required for lofting are quite simple. You need only several wooden
battens of different dimensions, a straightedge, several marking sticks, chalkline,
hammer, framing square, small square, bevel squcire, and a template of
pencils, nails,
the deck camber. The battens are used for laying down long curved lines, and you
will need several sizes to suit the various curves to be drawn. The deck edge of the

which Lines

of waterline. The









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• •
feet Plan
LI is

Pinky illustrated throughout this book, for example, would require a wide, stiff
batten, say IV2 inches wide and about V2 inch thick. Its bearding line and the ghost
centerline would require two different sizes, pronounced curvature
one for the
between frame 10 cind the after perpendicular (AP) and between frame 4 and the
designed waterline (DWL), and one for the more gently curved segments between
these. A batten of V2 inch by % inch would be about right in the former case, while a
batten similar to the deck-edge batten would serve in the latter. To lay down the plan
view of the Pinky, you would probably use a batten V2 inch by 1 inch. A builder must
exercise judgment in selecting the size of the battens to be used for any given line.
There is no ironclad rule that could dr should be followed other th 2m this: always use
the stiffest batten that can be readily bent to a fair curve. Should the batten be too
limber, it will lie happily at each offset to be faired but will not actually fair the line;

however, should the batten be too stjff, the line will develop flats or even false
The length of the battens is also important, and you should ideally splice up
several pieces to obtain a batten that will do a complete line all at once. This is
seldom done on a one-time basis, so several battens are often “leap-frogged,” that is,
shifted along the line in overlapping lengths until the whole line has been faired.
When doing this, you must not scribe the end still to be continued, as this end will not
be fair. Rather, when you move the batten to continue the line, permit it to overlap
the previously faired line by at least one frame space on the easy curves and two or
more on the hard curves. In general, a batten one-half the length of the line to be
faired will need to be moved three times.
To lay the batten, place a nail, usuadly a twopenny or threepenny, on either side of
it necir each frcime or station line. Once the batten is down, check the line by bending

over and sighting the batten through your legs. This removes the visual distortion
caused by sighting right side up. Any irregularities will be readily apparent. If you see
none, this still does not mean that the line is perfectly fair, so it must be “proven” by
carefully removing the nails at each station or frame that Wcis used to lay down the
line. If the batten does not move, the ncdls at one station cire reset and the nails at the

next one removed. Should the batten move in or out to become fciir, then the nciils
are set to hold the new curve. When every station or frame in the design is used for
lofting, it is customary to pull several nails at once to test the batten. When the batten
moves cind a new position is fixed, you absolutely must recheck by removing the
nails from the frcimes or stations next forward and aft, to assure that the lay of the
batten is indeed true. This explains why the loftsman requires good offsets from the
designer. With poor offsets, where few, if any, are correct as given, lofting becomes a
nightmare, and in extreme cases the loftsman is forced to do the actual designing on
the mold loft floor. In this case, he tries to maintain the profile as close to the
designer’s drawing as possible cind then fair in a hull that looks similcir to what the
designer furnished.
An experienced loftsman would have a multi-chine vessel such as the Pinky
completely laid down, ready to make patterns, in two working days. With a helper, he
could do it in one day. The first-time builder would probably require five days, mostly
because he is not used to the squatting, stooping, and bending that lofting
The straightedges are best made of plywood, with a minimum length equal to the
Lofting and Template Making 95

maximum half-beam of the vesselyou are only making one. To make only one

straightedge is poor economy, however. Several sizes are handy for example, 8 —
feet, 10 feet, and 12 feet —
and you will use them constantly throughout the
construction of the vessel. The width must be at least 1 inch per foot of length, and I

have found a %-inch thickness handy.

Marking sticks are also best made out of plywood, and they, too, should be
straight. Two or three are with their lengths similar to the straightedges,
but they need not be more than 2 inches in width. To avoid confusion, some loftsmen
use one edge for, say, the deck edge half- breadths, and another edge for the rail half-
breadths. Turning the stick over, they then mark the half- breadths on one edge for
the upper chine and on the other for the lower chine. When they have no further use
for those marks, they erase them or sand them then reuse the stick for the next

set of marks that need to be transferred. The marking sticks are used to pick up the
faired dimensions exactly, since to use a tape or rule at this moment would yield
inaccurate mecisurements.
The chalkline used to strike long lines, or any line for that matter, should be as thin
as possible. Most builders will usually substitute a smaller diameter line for the one
furnished with the case when purchased. A 30- pound fish line (stranded type) lays
down a very fine line when snapped. The common type used in house construction
lays down a coarse line of Vs inch or more, which in boat and shipbuilding is
considered not much better thain one put down with a mop.
Some prefer the carpenter’s type, which has
Pencils are used for marking the lines.
a flat, rectangular lead. prefer the common office type with about number 2 lead,

sharpened with a standard office pencil sharpener. You should scribe the finest line
you can see. Several pencils are needed to scribe, say, a 50- foot line. Dull pencils, dull
soapstones, and dull tools have no place in a shipyard.


A mold loft in its finest sense is over one of the shops, or a

a separate building, a loft

gallery permanently set aside just for lofting and patternmaking. Such lofts have their

own power tools bandsaws, table saws, planers, and jointers in addition to the —
usual workbenches and hand tools. Extensive facilities usually imply a large work
force, and generally, the larger this is, the more extensive are the lofts.

Inmany small yards a temporary loft is set up, and dismantled after the lines have
been laid down and faired. The templating is limited to that required for the stem,
keel, deadwood, horn, and transom. If the hull is round- bottom the individual frames
will also be taken off, but in single- and multi-chine construction, as long as the frame

sections are described by straight lines, frame templates are not usually made.
Rather, the dimensions of each frame are tr^lnsferred directly to the framing platen
with a marking stick and laid down as full frames. Once the frames have been made
and checked, the loft can be taken up, but a wise professional builder will utilize the
loft for much more than the minimum. He will store the lofting work, especially if it is

on plywood, until it is either needed again or is, finally, of no further use to him.
Although they lure with the prospect of compactness and convenience, paper

loftingand paper patterns are really worthless because they are subject to too many
distortions. Increasingly, loftsmen do draw on dimensionally stable Mylar, often with
the aid of a computer. Mylar is used in computer lofting of body plans, cind
sometimes for complete lofting of small craft. For large vessels, however, the Mylar
must be secured to a floor and the final patterns lifted just as if the loftsman had laid
them down directly on the wood. Then, too, even well-made wooden templates need
careful handling, but you must handle Mylar with even greater care.
The primary advcintage of computer lofting is that it produces a correct and fciired
body plan, thus guaranteeing the fairness of any longitudinal section; this does away
with lofting waterBnes, diagonals, and buttocks unless the need arises for a
particular line. However, if you use a computer, the stem, stern, keel, and deadwood
should still be laid down manually, full size, so you can easily lift and check the
templates. Computer lofting is especially useful for round- bottom designs, but take
warning: at least some methods of computer fairing generate lines that may differ
slightly from those indicated by the designer, and a vessel laid down by the
conventional method could come much closer to the actual design.
In my yard, due to space limitations, we used temporary lofting areas such as the
sail loft or spar shop. If these were in use, then the area set aside for the actual
construction of the vessel was used. We always made the loft floor of the best
marine- grade plywood available, painted flat white, and of the same thickness as
berth bottoms, shelving, smd laminates used in cabintops. That way, each vessel
eventually consumed her loft floor and saved me the taxes on a permanent loft and
materials. The owner benefited from my lower overhead and the labor saving of
using the coat of flat paint as a primer.
You can determine from the lines plan of the PinkJ^ (Figure 30) that an area of 13
feet 6 inches by 54 feet 7V2 inches is the minimum required to lay down the lines full
size, providing the necessary depth and length. Using standard sheets of plywood,
the economical dimensions become 16 feet by 56 feet, or 28 sheets. The plywood
must be laid down on a flat each corner
surface, fastened to the adjoining sheets at
with a sheet- metal tab, and the whole given a coat of sealer followed by two coats of
flat white, well thinned. There is always a temptation to use a roller to speed up the

application of the sealers and paint, but the resulting surface is not smooth and will
make the lines a bit jiggly. Also, it will wear down pencils faster than a smooth
surface. A small, ciirless sprayer works fast and with excellent results. While slower, a
paint brush will yield the best surface of all. If a perfectly flat surface is not available,
then it will be necessary to construct a subframe that will give the desired level plane
on which to lay the plywood. This must, of course, be strong enough to support the
loftsman while he is working, without deforming.


There are several methods of each of which has advcintages as well as

disadvantages. will illustrate the three most populcir methods, using for my example

the pinky hull form because it has all the features to be met with in most designs, and
also some rarer features such as a floating fo’c’s’le deck, overhanging false stern, and
Lofting and Template Making 97

billet (a Ccirry*over from wooden vessels, where it was a functional structure). As a

multi-chine design, it is a bit more complex than the single-chine, flat, and V-bottom

hull forms, although it is not as complex as a round-bottom hull.

The easiest method of lofting to describe and grasp is done full-size on a grid at
least as long and deep as the vessel itself. When space considerations make this
impossible, the lines may be laid down in fore-and-aft halves superimposed, or else
on a scale foreshortened for length. The latter two methods become quite
straightforward with practice, but for the moment, let’s concentrate on lofting full-
size, assuming that enough space exists to make it feasible.

The Grid

First you will need to establish a working grid on the loft floor, proportioned to the
lines of the vessel. Start with the baseline, a lengthwise line running from end to end
of the floor, or at least a couple of feet beyond the ends of the hull. Depending on the
designer’s scheme for referencing heights on the hull profile, this line may
correspond to the DWL or some other line parallel to it (perhaps a line touching the
deepest point of the keel, so that all heights can be expressed as a plus measurement
above the baseline). In any case, you must locate it on the floor, leaving enough
room above to draw that portion of the profile situated above the designer’s
baseline, plus a bit more for projecting the expanded transom and any elevated
structures, such as cabin trunks, that will be lofted for the purpose of making
Next, you need to establish a centerline for the half-breadths (or plcin view),
parallel to the baseline cind offset from it far enough to allow lofting the half-breadths
without interfering too much with the lower portion of the profile.
Finally, you must erect perpendiculars to the baseline and centerline, these
perpendiculars to represent frame stations. These extend the full width of the
floor, since, when lofting begins in earnest, the same lines must represent the same
frame stations on both the profile and half- breadths.
A chalkline may be used to snap the base and center lines, provided it is quite fine
cind the end points of the second line to be drawn have been offset from the ends of
the first accurately enough to ensure true parallels. When they have been laid down
to your satisfaction, scribe them in with a sharp pencil.
Figure 31 shows the loft floor with the grid marked and identified. After
establishing this grid, you are ready to start laying down the lines. The plans for the
Pinky indicate offsets for heights + (above) and - (below) the DWL, following my
standard practice. The DWL, then, becomes the baseline for the profile. Under no
circumstance should a joint formed by several sheets of plywood be used for any line
in lieu of a struck line that is straight and true. The centerline of the plan view is not

given as a dimensioned line on the plans, and thus may be located to suit the
loftsman. For the sake of clarity, it is desirable to site this line so that the half-
breadths do not cross the DWL when the latter is also used as the profile base. Some
loftsmen do prefer to use the DWL as the baseline for the half- breadths, but this
leads to numerous lines crossing areas where several templates will or may be

0 )

0 :S)

<3 3
T3 C)
C 2=
Cifi O
O) -c:

53 Of)
53 -S
-2 ^
o 2
s t:
Qj O
^ 3.
M 2

5 )

® ^
< 2
Lofting and Template Making 99

lifted — for example, the keel and the cabin trunks. In Figure 33 the centerline has
been below the profile and at a distance below the DWL that prevents the half-
breadths from crossing the DWL. The vertical lines in the drawing are the frame lines,
spaced according to the Lines Plan. All lines are labeled at each end, or at top and
bottom. During lofting, you will find on numerous occasions that adding further
identification avoids confusion.

Laying Down the Profile

Figure 32 shows the down, and represents the most that

profile of the vessel as laid
may be laid down at this time from the offsets given plus other dimensions indicated.
Further development of the profile must wait until the half-breadths have been laid
down. The small circles superimposed on some lines indicate the use of extended
lines and additional dimensions not given in the table of offsets but shown on the
Lines Plan. What this drawing shows applies only to flat- bottom, single- chine, and
multi-chine vessels. In round-bottom hull forms, the upper and lower chines do not
exist and will not appear. The ghost centerline, sometimes also called the fairbody
line, should always be drawn in for all hull forms; however, if it is not shown by the

designer, then to obtain this line you must wait until the frame or mold sections are
drawn before you can find it. This line, if viewed from above, is a str 2iight line; viewed
in profile on the loft floor (or the designer’s profile drawing), it describes a curve

connecting the points where frcimes, if extended to the centerline, would intersect.
Nonexistent in the finished hull (and hence a “ghost”), this line nevertheless has an
important use in lofting, namely to ensure that the frame ends lie fair at the
centerline, without any humps and hollows when viewed in profile. If the ghost
centerline produces an unfciir curve when the batten is sprung around the points
that define it, then it should be faired and the frames adtered to suit, except in the
case of certain unusual hull forms having a designed-in knuckle.

Laying Down the Half- Breadths and Sections

Figure 33 shows the half- breadths laid down from offsets given. The half- breadth of

the bearding line is laid down last for reasons given later. Verticals will have to be
extended downward to intersect the centerline to produce the end points for the
sheer, main deck, upper chine, lower chine, and the bearding line where it intersects
the stem. In round-bottom hulls, only the hailf-breadth of the keel bottom and the
main deck line could be drawn at this time.
Next, depending on the design (that, is whether it is drawn to the actual frcimes or
to design or mold stations), the half-sections should be drawn as shown in Figure 34.
If numerous transverse fr 2mries cire used, one need not use all of them at this time,

since their final shape will depend on the fairing of the chines in flat, Vee, and multi-
chine hulls; waterlines and buttocks are needed and fciired only when concave or
convex sections are used in the ends of such vessels. In round-bottom hulls, there
being no chines, the fairing must depend entirely on waterlines, diagonals, and
buttocks to prove the lofted shape. When mold stations cire used, one normally lofts
cill of them. Designers who are or have been builders will normally design steel















Lofting and Template Making 101

vessels on the actual frcime stations required in the finished vessel, for this saves
time on the mold loft floor as well as in the prepciration of other plans. When designs
are prepared around design or mold stations, these must be faired before the actual
frames may be lifted from the loft and faired as a separate body plan.

Fairing the Lines

The remainder of the lofting may commence only after the profile of the hull, the half-
breadths for the keel, and the half- breadths for the deck are proven fair. Once these
lines have been proven for fairness, they must not for any reason or whim be altered
in order to fair in any of the other lines, or you will be inviting chaos. In round- bottom

hulls, the procedure is to next fair in the mold stations or selected transverse frames
directly from the offsets to form the body plan. Then, picking up the faired section
(body pl2in) offsets for half- breadths, these measurements cire transferred to the
plan view of the hull and faired longitudincdly. Buttocks are transferred from the
body plan as heights on the profile and faired longitudinally. Diagonals are laid down
in a separate area for clarity, as previously mentioned, and faired longitudinally.

Numerous errors may be discovered, since the body plan was faired from offsets
given. Then, by the longitudinal layout of these offsets, you must go back to the body
plan and mark in the offsets that were corrected longitudinally, fciiring as you go. You
may discover that the longitudinal offsets cannot produce a fciir body plan. Where
discrepancies occur, you will note them and transfer them back to where they
originated and again refair this line longitudinally until all lines are in agreement. In
doing this, the buttock lines are parallel to the centerline in plan view, and a buttock
line will cross a waterline (curved in plcin view) at a precise distance forward or aft of
a frame. This point of intersection must be identical where the waterlines
in profile,
are projected as strciight lines and the buttocks are curved. The diagonals are not
lofted in the profile portion of the hull nor on the plam view of the hull as each
diagonal is assumed to be normcd to its own plane.
In flat, Vee, and multi-chine hulls, the actual fraimes or molds (that is, the body
plan) 2ire not drawn until after the longitudinal fairing of the lines has been done,
since the individual segments of the frames in the body plan are straight between
points. The Pinky’s lines do not have buttocks, diagonals, or waterlines to be faired,
since the chines, when faired in profile cind plan view, are cdl that are needed to fill in
the actucd shape of any section between the faired-in half-breadth of the deck 2ind
the ghost centerline. The principle for lofting the chines is similar to that of the
waterlines cind buttocks. Fairing the half- breadths, body plan, and profile is a
progressive job, and you will shuttle back and forth some between the three sets of
lines before they all agree, but they will agree sooner or later. If in doubt as to the
fairness of waterlines or chines, you can always lay down more sections in the
doubtful area to more data points.

In round- bottom vessels the number of needed to lay down

frcime fairing stations
faired half- breadths, heights, and diagonals will vary according to the shape of the
vessel. To use every frame for fairing purposes when lofting a round-bottom hull
would result in too much drawing and redrawing of unproven lines. Generally, a
slender hull with fine ends needs the least number of frame stations for fairing, and

frames may be chosen to yield a spacing of one- fifth to one- eighth the length of the
hull on deck. On the other hand, a full-bowed vessel may need all frame stations for
fairing in the first quarter of her length and then a wider spacing, perhaps every third
or fourth frame, thereafter. Canoe sterns cind some of the character types with tucks
and galleries will need to use all the frame stations in frames
the stern. Of course, all

will be lofted eventually, after the fairing has been done. If, in fairing, the loftsman

finds his batten slack or a line doubtful, he will add an intermediate frame station to
prove the line before scribing it in. Generally, the designer will delineate the difficult
cirecis of the hull with more frames or stations, and the loftsmcin will instinctively

recognize these as areas that might pose some problems in fairing. If cant frames are
shown (additional frames, not squcire to the centerline, used in very full-ended
vessels), all of these must be lofted with the primary frcime stations.

Deck and Other Lines

Once the half- breadths have been Iciiddown and faired, you may add the centerline
of the deck to the profile drawing, since it may now be determined from the fciired
lines. It is curved in profile, since it follows the sheer, but its height above the sheer

diminishes toward the ends of the vessel, as the half- breadth of the sheerline
diminishes. The Lines Plan notes the camber of the deck as 1 inch per foot of hailf-
Lofting and Template Making 105

Figure 34. The completed lofting.

beam. Some loftsmen find it easier to use a full-size pattern of the deck camber to
determine the height at each frame or mold station; others do it mathematically.
They measure out from the centerline to determine the half- breadth of each frame,
cmd then, knowing that the rise of the deck is one inch per foot of half- beam, they
calculate the rise to the centerline. Thus, 3 feet 9 inches of half- beam will mean 3%
inches of rise. If a pattern of a deck beam is constructed, measurements can be found
from it directly.
In the Pinky design the fo’c’s’le deck at frame 5 is 6 V2 inches above the main deck
cmd intersects the forward perpendicular (FP) where the stem crosses. The location
of the fo’c’s’le deck edge is not yet known, but the centerline is a straight line, so this
may be scribed in. Once the frame sections have been laid down, the edge of the
fo’c’s’le deck is determined by measuring outward from the centerline. (This cannot

be done until the frame sections are laid down, since all frames in this area flare, and
the deck intersects somewhere between the “main deck extended and the
Note also that since the and the sternpost has a
lines are fciired to the centerline,
siding given, it is now possible to scribe in the bearding line. Measure outward from
the centerline in plan view one-half the siding of the sternpost, and scribe a parallel
line. Since the plating will be flush with the forward edge of the stem bar, which has a

half-side of Va inch, the bearding line practically coincides with the stem face from
just forwcird of station 2. The cabin trunks, cargo hatch, and the foredeck hatch

should also be scribed in at this time. Then the transom can be finalized and scribed,
following the directions given below.
Figure 34 shows the completed lofting. All of the half- frame sections have been
scribed in, and now the fo’c’s’le deck edge can be determined, after finding by tried
where it lands on each frame and then fairing it as a half- breadth in plan view and a
height in profile to assure a fair agreement with the determined points. The final
outlines of the frame stations are scribed, using the faired heights and hedf- breadths.
At this time the partial bulkhead at frame number SV2 can cdso be scribed, since a line
from the faired lower chine to the ghost line determines its exact shape. Once again,
you can see the imf)ortance of the ghost centerline (fairbody line).

The Bearding Line and Keel

After the frame sections have been fadred prudent to determine the rest of the
in, it is

beairding line, which is the intersection of the keel side with the bottom frames. There
cire severad reasons to maike this the last step whenever possible. To begin with, it will

now represent a true and fair line with respect not only to the stations but also to the
ghost line. Equally important, the actual keel material is decided upon at this time.
The Lines Plan and the scantlings call for, a 6-inch by 6- inch by 1-inch
angle oriented as a V. Now the builder may have this in stock, but it could also be
back-ordered and promised for yesterday, meaning it will not be available for six
months, if Maybe the necirest distributor hcis the section, but charges $400 for
delivery. So it goes. The owner wants less draft, changes the ballast from lead to iron,
adds tankage in the keel sections, ad infinitum. On the' economic side of it all, a 9- inch
by 1-inch universal mill plate (flat bcu-, FB) is available for one- tenth the cost of the
cingle and can be delivered now. don’t mean to suggest that this always happens or

that the builder is incompetent if he didn’t have the keel on hand long before signing
the contract or beginning the lofting. We all live or should live in a practical worlds
cind these days, stockpiling for years in the future is not practical. Builders must
depend on their suppliers, and they in turn on theirs, so minor changes must be
contemplated at times in order to progress with the work. Of course, it would be
intolerable for a builder to change all the sccintlings to suit his whim or his suppliers if
the materials called for were standard for the industry.
The keel is the most frequently changed portion of the hull structure below the
main deck; however, once finalized, it must always remain unchanged or none of the
floors will fit. The width of the keel should be the same as a standard mill plate (FB) or
shape if it is parallel-sided for at least 50 percent of its length; otherwise, the edges of
the keel will have to be flame cut cind ground after cutting to finish them. Moreover,
deep floors on parallel- sided keels can also be cut from standard FB if the keel
conforms to a standard width. Being rectcingular in section, they need only be cut for
length, and this saves labor in scribing, cutting, cind grinding the long sides, which
would be necessary if they were a nonstandard width.
If a change in keel width has been made, it is only necessary to change the hcilf-

breadth to find the new points of intersection for the becirding line on the body plan.
This, of course, should follow relofting the becirding line in the hcilf- breadth plan.
Lofting and Template Making 105

An increase or
using offsets that reflect the actual dimensions of the keel stock used.
decrease will ch 2uige the pcirallel portion of the keel bottom and some of the other
floor widths before aind after the parallel section. The bearding must eventually
diminish with a fair line to the originad endings determined by the stem and
Let us assume, however, that no change in keel width, and hence in half- breadth,
willbe made on the Pinky. We find that the floors, frame 4 to frame 10 inclusive, are
parallel-sided and will have a molded half-breadth of 4 inches. For each half of the
body plan (forward and after sections), we scribe a parallel line four inches off the
centerline; its intersection with frames 4 through 1 0 defines the bearding line for that
segment of the keel. Offsets for the remaining frame stations are transferred from the
half- breadths up to the frames to determine where they intersect. Once these points
are established, the heights will be transferred to the frcime station lines, and the
profile of the bearding line can be faired and scribed. We have now all but finished
lofting the Pinky.


Before proceeding, should emphasize that the lofting method cilready shown yields

the most usable information without additional relofting to obtain templates, cind is
superior to other methods for clcirity. Two others cire quite common, however, cind
used by experienced loftsmen.

Lofting by Halves

Figure 35 shows a method used when a larger vessel than the yard normally
constructs is be lofted, especially when building on such a sccile will not be
repeated. In this method, the vessel is lofted full size and true length, but in two
halves. The f 2dring of the forward half is stopped a bit more them one frcime aft of
amidships, that is, just aft of frame 8 in the Pinky example. Using a common frame, in
this case frame 2, and marking this also as No. 7, the loftsman now strikes in cill
frames aft of No. 7 to the stern and labels them with new numbers. Thus, frames 7
and 8 will appear twice in both profile and plcm, once in the forebody amd again in the
afterbody. Taking his offsets for frames 7 and 8 from the lofted forebody (not the
table of offsets), he then lofts the afterbody of the hull, starting at No. 7 this results in

an afterbody profile amd plan superimposed on the forebody. The loftsman assumes
that No. 7 was fair when he lofted the forebody, because he faired through No. 8;
however, to be sure, he will refair both hailves without making any changes to No. 7.
After faiiring the afterbody, he checks to see if No. 8 is also fair at adl points previously
found in laying down the forebody. If it is not, he must find the error and faiir agaiin,
this time assuming that frames 5, 6, 9, and 10 are established and fair in the correct
line for Nos. 7 and 8. Sooner or later, both halves will agree in all overlapping
Aside from the confused web of intersecting lines it creates, and the need to reloft





A dimension.


Figure true



























the overlapping portions, this is a good method and gives the true shape of the ends. I

have shown the afterbody as dotted lines for the sake of clarity; however, in actual
practice they would be drawn as solid lines, just like the forebody. On small drawings,
the lines appear quite crowded, but when you consider that the size of the loft
assumed in my example is 1 6 feet by 40 feet, you will realize that the actual, lofted
lines would appefir much less dense. The loftsmain can easily discern which line is
which by putting his head between his legs to sight it. The sections are normally
developed at the end stations, as shown, to keep the central section of the floor clear
for developing the templates. Some Ibftsmen use different colors for the two halves,
but find this more of a nuisance than a benefit, as the light in the lofting areas is not

always good, especially if one must depend on natural lighting.

Foreshortened Lofting

Figure 36 illustrates a method of foreshortened lofting used by many small

shipyards, especially those employing fewer than 10 persons. It is very accurate and
requires little space, for the lines are laid out one- half, and in rare instances as little
as one-quarter, the true length of the hull. For the Pinky, this reduces the loft floor to
16 feet by 28 feet (14 sheets of plywood) when lofting at one-half length. The heights
Lofting and Template Making 109

2Lnd measurements. The ends become very distorted;

half- breadths cire true, full-size

however, all measurements will remain correct and fair and will produce a fair line
again when the length is corrected. The body plan is drawn about the midship
section, as in ordinary full-scale lofting, but is not shown here for the sake of clarity.
After fairing by the foreshortened method, at least the bow and stern must be
relofted to their true size. With straight keels, especially those with parallel sides, the
rest of the backbone may be ignored; however, if the keel has pronounced curvature
or other irregularities, the whole profile including the keel should be lofted.


The moldloftsman has now done the bulk of his work and can commence maiking
templates, made of sheet metal, masonite, plywood, or normal plank wood. In my
own yard, we always used y4-inch marine plywood in preference to other materials,
since it was stable, and easily cut with a sabersaw or bandsaw. The sheets were

precut into 5- inch strips; the remaining thin strip was used as a marking stick. By
using marine plywood instead of a cheaper grade, we never had to worry about any
material in the yard being unsuitable for inclusion in the finished vessel, should the

Figure 37. Several of the templates for the Pinky (including the backbone template) that can
be lifted from the mold loft floor.

occasion arise. This also applied to staging, scaffolding, and the like: if it was there, it

was usable.
In making the templates, either twopenny gcilvanized common nauls, with the
protruding end nipped off, or air-driven staples can be used. The latter have the
advcintage that each staple equals two nails, is much faster to drive, and does not
require the nipping of its ends. The pieces of the template should be cut for exact fit,
and not used as spiling planks, as would be normal in wooden shipbuilding.
Exactness in metal construction c 2mnot be overly stressed. In my yard, once the
templates had been,used, they would^be pulled apart cind reused until there wcis no
wood left. In a 50- foot hull, four to five sheets of plywood were sufficient for all the
templating necessary to construct the vessel.
The first templates made will be those for the stem and forefoot. The billet shown
on the Pinky drawings would probably not be used on a commercial vessel because
of the cost, but usually would be included on a vessel finished as a yacht. In any case,
the template for it is made separately and fitted to the stem. The forefoot template
must be notched to fit the keel.
Next the loftsman will make the template for the keel sides (deadwood), and in
doing so will tcike account of the keel matericd actually available, since the template
joints must agree with joints practical to make in the steel stock used. In the forward
and after ends (forward of frame 4 and cift of frame 10) the keel tapers toward the
centerline, cind true girth lengths will be needed to assure the correct plate width
where this keel side plate lands on the frames. More vessels are fudged in these areas
than are done properly, so it is best to have a butt joint necir the ends of the keel. That
way, the templates can be checked against the hull, proper.
Figure 37 shows backbone templates and several others of the mciny that may be
lifted from the floor. Each is assigned a number, and, if more than one piece is to be

made from any template, the additional numbers will also be indicated. The
templates that can be lifted directly from the loft floor in the example shown are as

Name Piece Number Name Piece Number

keel 1 deadwood 2-5, 8-11

forefoot 6-7 transom 12
rudder 13-14 rudderpost 15
sternpost 16 bottom ofbulkhead 6 17
forward watertight bulkhead 18-19 top of bulkhead 6 20
bulkhead 8 21-22 bulkhead 12 23
top of bulkhead 3 24 stem 25
billet 26 deep floors 27-33
bciffles 34-35 bottom of bulkhead 3 36
great beam 37

Lofting and Template Making 1 1

Not shown or numbered but also picked up and templated will be:

bulwark frames 3, 6, 8,
floors 2, 3, 11-14 6 pieces 12, great beam 12 pieces
forward trunk sides 2 pcs. aft trunk sides 2 pcs.
aft trunk end 1 pc. cargo trunk sides 2 pcs.
cargo trunk end 1 pc. fender frames 28 pcs.
companion sides 4 pcs. forward hatch 4 pcs.
companion tops 2 pcs. trailboards 2 pcs.
mainmast step 1 pc. watertank bottom plate 1 pc.
watertank top 1 pc. watertank end pieces 2 pcs.
centerline bulkhead. centerline bulkhead.
rope locker 1 pc. chain locker 1 pc.
battery foundation 7 pcs. binnacle coaming 4 pcs.
bitt bracket 1 pc. after perpendicular and 4 pcs.
transom stanchions

This makes a total of 124 pieces, you consider that each piece made directly
and if

from the framing platen without templates can be checked on the mold loft, then the
total is 215 pieces directly verifiable. If the Pinky had auxili 2iry power, additional
templates might include fuel tanks (sides, ends, and tops), engine beds, stern tube,

and boss framing about 12 to 16 more templates.
In larger vessels the list of templates would expand to include each piece of
framing and, of course, more frames and probably several longitudinal bulkheads. In
a typical 80- foot three-masted schooner, for instance, the toted number of templates
lifted from the mold loft floor would come to 600 —
more if she had auxiliary

Figure 38. The template for the

deep floors of the Pinky.

The deep through 10) have a common width cind bottom and
floors (frames 4
differ only in length; thus, a common template for all need only be a bit longer than
the deepest floor, with the others marked for proper length (Figure 38). Templates
for all other floors cire made as individual pieces.
Although this step comes a bit later than templating, should
1 point out that when
the keel cingle ready to be scribed for cutting and grinding, all the frcime stations

will be center punched, scribed, and numbered on it. In metal vessels the frame is

always set on the side of the scribe mark toward the midship frame. This is the
opposite of woode^ construction, “where the frames are away from the midship
frame. Wood frames are beveled (dubbed) fair, whereas metal frames are not. The
frame line on any loft floor is good for only one edge of the frame.


1cannot stress the importance of the mold loft enough. You might ask: “What about
the one-man shop; what about the two- or three- man shop; is such extensive
template making really desirable for a small operation?” The answer is always an
unqualified yes. The between profit and loss is slender in all small
shipyards, but the few hours needed to properly loft and make templates will be
more than compensated when you cut the material. Figure 39 indicates how this is
done, assuming that you have two 60-inch by 240-inch, 7.65-pound plates. Each will

weigh 765 pounds and cost about $300 (in 1984) enough to make you think twice
about wasting ciny steel if you can help it. The Vcirious templates that require this
plate weight are juggled around the plates to minimize the waste. The whole process
takes one person about 30 minutes, and once you are satisfied, each template is
clamped or otherwise secured and the plate scribed for cutting. After removing the
template, you should identify the mairked piece with the same markings as the
template. The remaining unused portions of the plate will be used for doublers,
brackets, and keel supports during construction. Utilizing, say, 95 percent of the
plate area means that you will have 38 pounds of scrap left over, or $15 loss per plate,
plus one-half hour of layout time and eight hours for mciking the necessciry
templates. doubt that this many pieces could be cut from the same two plates by

trial 40 hours, with the same or less scrap.

cind error in
The competent loftsman will make sketches of his templates against the plates
cind matericil that are available in the yard or on order for the construction of the
vessel, referencing these sketches to a plate number. It is not uncommon in a well-
run yard using this system to find a plate or two cind some shapes left over, with little
scrap from the original order, which is better than wasting material and having a
large scrap pile. Regardless of the size of the vessel, a goodly amount of “paper doll”
sketching takes place throughout the course of construction, since a few minutes’
sketching often saves not only hours of time and material but costly mistakes.
Lofting and Template Making 113

tKTe u- a

Figure 39. The method of arranging templates for parts of the Pinky requiring 7.65-pound
plate, minimizing the scrap from two 60-inch by 240-inch plates.


Figure 40 shows a temporary framing platen made from three sheets of 60- inch by
192-inch, 10-gauge material. These sheets will later be used in the plating of the hull
(two on the bottom in the midship portion and one on the deck). At this time,
however, they will be laid out and tack welded together to form a platform 16 feet by
15 feet. The spacing of the tacks will depend in part on the floor or frame upon which
the plates 2u-e laid to form the temporary platen (this floor must be flat in cill
directions and if it is not, it will have to be leveled, as in the case of the loft floor). A
centerline is struck that will represent the centerline of the hull, and the DWL is next
struck at right 2uigles to the centerline. Note that neither of these lines will utilize a
natural seaim in the sheets. Note, too, that when the temporary platen is liftedand the
sheets or plates are ready to use in the construction of the vessel, the side used for
working the frames must always face the inside of the vessel.
Yards with more them one vessel under construction at the same time find a
permanent platen the best solution for laying down frames. If elevated to a
comfortable working height above the floor or ground, it also becomes a useful
working area for subassemblies. In this case, the platen usually has one or more
vises, anvils, and fixtures near one edge for bending deck beams, collars, 2md other
curved parts. The minimum plate thickness for such a platen is % inch (15.3 pounds);
however, the heavier the plate used, the less the distortion caused when working hot
pieces. Yards that habitually build round-bottom hulls work on very thick bending

Figure 40. A temporary framing platen

slabs or platens containing a series of square holes into which various tools can be

Since fraimes and 12 are steel bulkheads, they need not be laid down on the
3, 6, 8,

platen, but instead Ccin be laid down directly on the material from which they will be
cut. All other frames, however, are laid down on the platen with a marking stick, using
the offset dimensions obtained from the mold loft. All points needed to lay these
frames down are centerpunched into the platen and connected by lines drawn with a
sharp soapstone. Should a tack weld lie in the way of any frcime, it will be ground flush
at this time. A short tick mark is added in soapstone as each frame is drawn, to call
attention to the reference points that need to be marked and to indicate where the
various pieces will join: fo’c’s’le deck edge and main deck extended, on frames 1, 2,
cind 4; and on all frames, the sheer, the main deck edge, the upper chine, the lower
chine, and the bearding line intersections. The best practice when no templates are
made is to lay out both sides of the frame, mciking this an extra check for accuracy
before you finally commit yourself. Even though, in practice, the frame pieces will be

cut in pairs the first piece cut being used as a pattern for the second piece errors—
can always creep in.

In smaller vessels you should always check the pieces cut against the
corresponding sections as laid down on the loft, to satisfy yourself with the
Figure 41. The method of bisecting the angle of a
chine in order to calculate the miters for the frame pieces.

correctness of the platen layout. Some

loftsmen prefer to go directly to the framing
platen rather than scribe the frames on the wood floor, but in doing so lose a
valuable check in case they should err on the platen layout. Always maintaining a
degree of redundancy adds a safety factor that can save much time in the
construction of the frames and bulkheads. In small vessels the individual framing
pieces cire light and small enough to allow checking each against the lofted frame
stations prior to assembly. In larger vessels it is always best to make a template for
each piece of the framing.
On round-bottom hulls and large single- and multi-chine hulls that have a
template of each frame lifted from the mold loft, it will suffice to make duplicate
halves of the fraime, mark the DWL, and lay the fr 2mnes down, checking the sheer of
the undrawn halves for height and hcilf- breadth.
When laying out both sides of the frames as shown, the usual practice is to lay out
the forebody looking up and the afterbody looking down, with the centerline and
DWL common to both; this reduces the possibility of picking up the wrong frame.
The layout man would never see the complete platen as shown, unless he stood
about 80 feet above it, so actually these lines are not confusing.
Before they can be assembled and welded on the platen, the frame pieces are cut
to a miter at the chines. The platen provides an accurate place to lay out the miters
as well as the frames themselves. To figure the miter for each piece in a joint, you
simply bisect the angle of the joint. Figure 41 shows the method of bisecting any
cingle, in this case the chine. Working on the platen, it is best to use material the same

width as the frame material, also making the bisecting line longer than actually
needed to connect points, so that it can be easily picked up.
Figure 42 shows frame 5 laid out on the platen. The yi6-inch by 3V2-inch flat bar
(FB) used for the framing has been mitered at the chines; piece number 37 will have
been cut from a template made on the mold loft floor, and serves as the great becim
(GB) on this vessel. The scantling section (Figure 76) indicates a D/2 -inch by 10-inch
by 8.4-pound channel cut to 9 inches, the ends of which have been trimmed normal
to the frame; this piece and others like it span the bottom of frames 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, and
(this was done to reduce the gross tonnage of the vessel). The 1 V2 -inch by 2^2-

Figure 42. Frame 5 of the Pinky laid out on the platen.

inch sole beam is located 19 inches below the DWL, as per the Construction cind
Scantling plams (Figures 67 and 76). The bulwark stanchion templates are taken from
the mold loft, as is the deep floor, piece number 32. Having been cut, each piece is
now sited where it belongs and checked for proper fit Where joints occur, the pieces
are lifted and beveled for welding, then relaid and tacked in position on the platen.
(After cutting and grinding, the bulkheads, too, are laid —
not tacked on the platen —
to have their stiffeners added, as it is imperative that flatness of the surface be
retained.) When all are in place, the frame will once again be checked to make sure
that no “walking” of the pieces occurred as they were tacked down. Once checked,
all pieces will be welded together, forming a one-piece frame. As noted above, the

frame lies on the aft side of the station mark; thus, the differences in matericil
thickness of the several pieces will not affect the proper fit frame inside the
of the
hull, since the down side or station side of the frame is a continuous plane without
Lofting and Template Making 117

joggles, and the greater hull girth aft of the station line in the forebody or forward
of the station line in the afterbody will allow clearance for thicker pieces. Finally, the
welds in way of the chines must be ground smooth, so that they may be scribed for
the chine bar cutout.
The frame may now be scribed, with the centerline also punched in enough places
so that, should the scribe line later be obliterated, you can reestablish it; likewise, the
DWL is centerpunched across the frame bars. In this instance there is a deck-joining
piece. No. 37, the great beam, and on this the main deck line is also punched and
scribed. Before removing the frame, mark all cuts for longitudinals, and make a
punch mark where they will butt a fr6mie without continuing (main and fo’c’s’le
decks). Also scribe the chines for cutting. Once again, you would be wise to check
that all marks are in the frame, and the frame itself numbered and identified as to
which way it should face, after which the tacks Ccin be broken loose with a cold
At this time the be wecik, having been welded on one side only, so you
fr 2ime will

must turn it over very carefully, elevating it on short blocks where necessary to 2dlow
for the flcinge on the floor plate, which now faces downward. With the frame once
agaun on a flat plane, joints to be welded are back- chipped and otherwise prepared.
Once this side of the frame is welded, the centerline should be transferred from the
opposite side and scribed; however, the DWL need not be transferred. Welds on this
side of the frame are not ground. The frame may now be moved elsewhere. The
residual tits from the tack welds cire ground flush, and the frame turned over again
for the cutting of the longitudineils and the chines. Because of a tendency for warping
and buckling during welding, the companionway opening will not be cut until the
decks and trunk sides are in place.


If you are building a centerboard vessel, the centerboard trunk sides and head
ledges should be lofted in their proper places on the most instances the
loft floor. In

centerboard is sited on the centerline of the vessel, cind thus will pierce the keel. The
designer will usually give the net half-breadth of the slot. The loftsman will then have
to make allowcince for the thickness of the trunk sides, and when marking the
template for the keel will show the gross opening. Mciny of the larger sailing vessels
have the centerboard offset to one side of the keel proper so that it passes wholly or
partially through the gairboard plate.
Except in certain yachts, centerboards are normally made of wood, usually in
planks that are drift- and through- bolted together after shaping. It is customary to fit
a galvanized half- oval along the full length of the bottom edge of the centerboard cind
carry it up both ends for a foot or two to prevent its being ripped off in the event of
grounding. Boards so constructed have a slight tendency to sink; should they not, a
portion is cut out near the after, lower corner, and lead is cast in. Sometimes a
centerboard is made from three or more sheets of marine plywood, laminated
together with resorcinol or epoxy glue and covered with one or more layers of
fiberglass cloth using epoxy resins. Boards of this construction must have lead cast

in the lower forward portion as well as the lower after portion, to give negative
buoyancy. This is in addition to the half-oval grounding shoe, which should be
installed outside a\\ glass covering.
centerboards after launching the
In the Icirger vessels, the usual practice is to ship
vessel. With the vessel in deep water, the board is lowered into the water and guided
into the trunk using lanyards rove prior to launching. The board is then hoisted by its
own pendant aft and a temporary tackle hitched to the forward end, until it is in
position for the pivot pin cap to b^removed and the pin pushed home and recapped
before the vessel floods.
It is a good practice to make a template of the centerboard and lay it on the mold
checking that the pin lines up properly and that the board will pivot without
loft floor,

fouling the lofted lines of the trunk and slot. There is nothing more vexing them to find
out too late that the bocird either does not fit or will not pivot.


A cemoe stern needs the same type of template as the stem. In addition, the loftsman
must mcike due 2dlowance for the rudderport, cmd also provide sufficient mcirks both
for leveling the stern as a unit and for referencing to other level lines. Failure to do
this invites the possibility of the canoe stern’s being incorrectly sited on the
rudderport. Worse, even though the vertical end offset might be correct (the tip of
the stern set at the right height), the remainder of the plane could be off, causing a
sag or hog in the sheer that would completely spoiHhe lines. When you have to work
with a complex design, measure, m 2irk, compare, then do it agciin!

Cant Frames

— —
Cant frames frames not square to the centerline of the vessel are used in vessels
with very full or rounded ends, and cire sited to lie as close to normal with the shell
plating as possible. This permits the true shape of the vessel to be maintained while
at the same time giving the greatest support to the shell. It cdso eases the job of
welding or otherwise fastening the shell to the frames, a job that would be difficult or
in places even impossible if the frames were set square to the centerline and were

thus forced to meet the plating at acute angles.

Figure 43 shows two types of vessels thatcommonly use cant frames in the
stern — a three-masted schooner and a tug. Such sterns, commonly Ccdled fan tail
sterns, are designed for specific utilitarian purposes, by the way, rather them to suit
some momentary style or fad. In the schooner, such a stern would reduce the helm
when the vessel was loaded and heeled, easing the quarters without sacrificing deck
space or cargo capacity. In the tug it would prevent or at lecist reduce the possibility
of the towline fouling cmd capsizing the vessel.
Figure 44 shows one method of lofting a round stern and locating the cants, as well
as the expansion and cutting layout of the stern plate for a 68- foot schooner. The
stern is lofted in plan and profile, as with any other type of stern. The extent of offsets
Lofting and Template Making 119

Figure 43. Two uessels having cant frames in their sterns.

given will vary from one design office to another; some will furnish only offsets for
heights and half- breadths, while others will also furnish dimensions along each
buttock to define the plan view of the chine and main deck extended. Seldom will the
cants themselves be shown or the offsets given for them, the hope being that the
loftsman will do a good job of locating the cants and properly lofting the whole stern
as the designer imagined it.
Were cants not used in this vessel,frame 18 would be a h 2df-moon shape, with its
deepest point at the centerline. Internal welding of the chine would be impossible for
about 20 inches off centerline on either side, and would offer no support for the chine
and cdmost none for the deck edge. If frame 18 were eliminated and buttocks
(longitudinal frames) used in lieu of cant frames, selecting for example the
intersection of cants B and D at frame 1 7 as the site of buttocks, there would be fair
support for the chine but almost none for the deck. If a stiffener were inserted where
frame 1 7 joins the chine, it would land at such an acute angle that welding, aside from
going against good building practice, would cause distortion in the stern plate. Using
the cant frames A, B, C, and D solves these problems by subdividing the entire stern
into reasonable segments, providing the maximum support with the minimum

Figure 44. A method of lofting a round stern and locating the cants, and the
expansion and cutting layout of the stern plate for a 68- foot schooner.

framing and weight. A loftsman might find it expedient to lay down one or two extra
waterlines intersecting the stern to determine how much curve, if any, will be in the
cants as they rise from the chine to the deck line; in that event, the waterlines are laid
down and view for proof. Each cant is then projected as a diagoncd
faired in plan
would be, and templates cire made of each. If you build a round stern, you will
generally find that the designer provides enough detail on the plans to give you a
good start in the lofting. Ccint B illustrates the expansion to true dimensions.

Stem Plate Template for a Round Stem

Depending on “yard practice,” the final template for the stern plate will either be
lifted off the vessel directly, or the stern will be expanded on the floor of the loft cind

the template made there. The latter is the best method, especially for a complex
Lofting and Template Making 121

stern using c^lnt frames, for if any doubt exists about its correctness, the template
can easily be fitted to the vessel in a fraction of the time required to make the
template in place.
To loft this template it is necessary to erect two set lines perpendicular to the
centerline of the stern of the vessel, which will later be used to lay down the true girth
of those set lines. The centerline of the stern in profile must also be extended
downward, and the camts, where they intersect the chine aind the deck line, must be
projected back perpendicular to the centerline. It is now possible to construct the
set lines in plan. To do this, first erect a perpendicular on the half- breadth plan from
station AP (the after perpendicular) to the point where each of the cants intersects
the deck; do the same from frame 18 over to the point where each of the cants
intersects the chine. Having done this, measure the length of each line you projected,
from the profile centerline to where it intersects the deck line, and mairk these lines a,
b, c, d, e, cind Transferring these lengths to the half- breadth plan, lay them off

forward from the AP cdong the perpendiculars previously erected, and mark their
end points. A fair curve drawn through these points will give the plcin projection of
the upper set line. Now follow the same steps to project the lower set line, finding the
lengths of u, v, w, from the profile; lay these off along the perpendiculars in
x, y, cind z
the half- breadth plan from frame 18, marking the end points as before. A fair curve
drawn through these points represents the lower set line.
You may now establish the true girth of each set line by springing a batten around
it and then measuring the straightened Take a slender batten and bend it to
the curve of the set line, scribing it at the centerline and each cant frame, as well as at
frame 1 7 and the plate end. Strmghten it and lay it down on the profile set line; this
will allow you to transfer the true girth distance between each mark. Transfer the

girths for both set lines. At each mark you transfer, erect a perpendicular downward
from the set line. Next, extend a, b, c, d, e, and f on the profile until they intersect
these perpendiculars, line “a” intersecting the perpendicular from girth “a”, and so
forth; do the same for u, v, w, x, y, and z. Fair lines drawn through the two series of
intersections will describe the upper and lower edges of the expanded stern plate
from the centerline of the vessel. A straight line connecting the extreme end points
describes the seam (butt) of the plate. If everything looks like Figure 44 (with
cdlowance made you have successfully gotten
for differences in design, of course),
through a tricky bit of lofting and can proceed to make and mark the expanded stern
As with cdl needed to keep the stern template from
templates, diagonal bracing is

going out of true. After marking the lower set line on it, you are now ready to transfer
the template to the actual stern for cutting. Both are shown in Figure 44 as the
expanded stern plate layout. After you have scribed the correct shape, you must
scribe the locations of the cant frames and frame 17 on the plate. The set line, too,
must be transferred and permanently marked on the plate, for pulling must be done
cdong this line to wrap the plate around the hull.
It helps to know how order to gain a better
this stern plate is applied in
understanding of its lofting. Rather than having to cover this in another chapter, it
will suffice to say here that once the stern plate is cut, ground, and marked, it is lifted

into place and carefully positioned so that the centerline of the plate matches the

centerline of the vessel. Pad eyes — sometimes severad of them — are welded just
below the deck line, on the inside of the plate along the set line. With come-alongs
secured to opposing pad eyes and sometimes, in the initial stages, to the hull
structure itself, the plate is wrapped around, forming the stern of the hull.
It is tack welded as it comes to bear on the chine and deck pipe (if one exists), and to

each of the cant frames. Finally, when it has been brought cdl the way home, it is tack
welded to frame 17. Both sides au'e worked at the same time. Since considerable
pressure is exerted on this plate in the process of bending, it is desirable not to use
the hull itself for pigling, as it could be twisted out of alignment. This caution does not
preclude using numerous clamps to help the come-alongs.
Yards equipped with bending rolls Ccin preroll these plates to a partially correct
curvature. However, a round stern is usually neither cylindrical nor conical in shape,
but a combination of the two; a fairer stern is therefore achieved by not rolling.

Raking Transoms

Figure 45 shows an expanded transom. Its projection is covered in most standard

texts on lofting. It is important to remember that the radius is the line of expansion
2ind that the lines must be relofted perpendicular to this radius; otherwise, the stern

will be false. This type of stern is purely cylindrical. The expanded shape is normally

shown on the lines plan but must be proved on the mold loft floor.

Stems Without Lofting

Some builders omit fitting the stern until 2dl of the remainder of the plating is in place.
Whether it be flat or cylindrical, they slip the stern in cind scribe it to the existing
depend on lofting. This method can cind does work; however, by
plating rather than
knowing how to use (cind by using) the mold loft, you can save much time and labor.
Indeed, many designers provide full offsets for an expanded transom, which has
always been my practice.

Lofting at appears to be a mystery and, admittedly, it is difficult to describe in


simple terms every facet of the subject. Nor is there any reason to, since you, as an
individual builder, need not clutter your mind with obscurities you may never use
nor consider in your lifetime. Watching a builder loft a vessel would certainly clarify
some of the more intricate procedures described in this chapter. Alternatively, if an
exercise is needed, it would be possible to gather a few small wooden splines or
plastic drafting battens, some pins, a straightedge, and a sheet of soft pine or particle
board painted with flat white paint, and then lay down the lofting grid for your
proposed vessel to the same scale as the drawings or a bit larger. Using the
information given on the Lines and Offsets Plan, you can reproduce this drawing as it
would appear on the mold loft floor full size. You will discover that doing anything in
miniature is much more difficult than doing it full size. It must be remembered that
much of the drawing done by designers is with very specialized weights, splines, aind
Lofting and Template Making 123

Figure 45. An expanded transom.

curves, 2ind many of these curves 2U’e developed by the designer and are not
avciilable to anyone else: they are tools of his trade.
Lofting is but one of the many skills required of a boatbuilder, and for the first- time
builder it is beneficicd to acquire this skill. For some reason, most first- time builders
have a fear of lofting; however, as with everything else, understanding conquers fear
which then, in turn, leads to respect. Thus, understanding lofting makes it much
easier for the novice builder to begin to cut and assemble his yardful of plates, bars,
cind assorted other material into a completed vessel.

Ecirlier chapters have discussed in general and in the specifics most of the aspects of
constructing a steel hull, with the exceptions of keels, frames and frciming methods,
cind tanks in their numerous variations. This chapter will round out the
discussion. ^
The majority of vessels now building in steel are to stock plains, some of which may
have been drawn many years ago and in all probability for a specific region of the
world. The builder must, if at adl possible, construct the vessel as originally drawn,
unless there are compelling reaisons to adapt the vessel for his locality or perhaps for
anew function, such as conversion from a fishing vessel to a yacht or vice versa. In
some instances the designer may be avciilable for consultation and can offer some
suggestions or give his approval for any proposed changes. In others, the builder
must know enough to make sound modifications on his own.


The keel is the structural member most because of depth

often changed,
restrictions, availability of material, or other reasons. The change, when it must be
made, is made with extreme caution, since in some hulls the keel constitutes the only
major longitudinal strength member. This is especicilly true of sailing vessels, which
often lack bulkheads, and are subject to racking in a seaway under a press of Sciil. The
smaller vessels cilways need some external keel, centerboard, or combination of
both in order to gciin the lateral plane necessary to go to windward, cind this, in turn,
imparts much of the longitudinal strength necessary for the vessel to function at sea
Then proper frciming in small sailing vessels will take care of most if not all of the
racking strains.

Keels, Framing, and Tanks 125

Today few pure sailing vessels are built, as most incorporate auxiliary power.
These normally have bulkheads installed to separate the engine compartment from
the remainder of the vessel. Integral tanks also stiffen the structure. If an auxiliary is
added, it may be necess^lry to reinforce the keel structure in way of the spars, and
perhaps in the forward portion of the hull as well, in order to accept the thrust and
other loads imposed by the spars when the vessel powers into a head sea. Under this
condition, the compression load on the keel is about doubled, while the fore-and-aft
loads on the deck at the partners are nearly three times the normal ones
experienced by a pure sailing vessel. Thus the builder may also have to reinforce the
deck by increasing the becim size cind plating in way of the mast. If you plan to add
auxiliary power without the knowledge and consent of the designer, you must take
the increased loads into consideration and do the necessary reinforcing to the hull
structure and keel in order to accept these added loads. Such cilterations must be
lofted and thoroughly checked before you start construction.
Modifications cire also frequently made to power designs. In many instances, the
builder of a power vessel finds it possible to utilize certain keel configurations
formerly used only in sailing vessels. This is especially true with regard to keel
cooling arrangements.
Figure 46 shows several common types of keel construction, the simplest being
the bar keel, which has survived from the earliest days of metal construction. In early
construction formed a perfect connection between the two halves of a riveted

vessel, and builders still use it today in many of the welded power vessels. Note that
the welded style extends farther inside the hull than the riveted keel. When using the
bar keel, a builder must take care lest it begin to wander from a straight line during
framing; after the bottom plates are tacked in place, this danger no longer exists. The
welding of plating to the bar keel is complicated by quench effects; in cold weather
you should warm or heat the keel prior to we'ding and, if possible, for some hours
cifterwards, so as to normalize the metal (100 degrees Fahrenheit is plenty for this).
— —
The lower corners of bcir keels cind all keels should be slightly rounded in order
to hold paint. Some builders weld a round bar to the bottom of the bcir, but this is a
poor substitute for the bulb bar that is, or was, used in Europe. A variation of the bar
keel is the double bar keel, which divides near aimidships, one bar continuing aft to
the stern and the other running downward to form the skeg. A filler plate of lighter
metal is used between the two bars.
In some vessels that ground out frequently or need to maintain a minimum drcift,
the keel is often inverted and sited inside the hull. In riveted structures this is
accomplished with angles riveted in one direction to a spacer plate on top of a
horizont 2d keel plate, cind in the other to a vertical, center keel plate. The spacer is

usually the same thickness as the shell plating. A top plate is cilso riveted to the
center vertical keel via singles, in effect msiking the keel structure a built-up 1-besim.
The frames bottom keel plates. In welded
(floors) sire in turn riveted to the top sind
construction, you could duplicate the riveted structure by omitting the riveting
flcinges (angles) and welding a T-bar directly to the shell or keel plate. Contrast the
simple, clean structure that welding permits with the complexity of riveted
structures in these two keel sections.
A still better structure is made by using an I-beam to advantage, as shown, and this

Figure 46. Several common keel constructions.

Keels, Framing, and Tanks 127

is an excellent way to make a small flat keel, especially when there is deadrise in the
have box keels, and the two most common ways of
Sailing vessels usually
constructing these are shown. In the first instance, the keel sides lap the keel plate,
with the weld forming the bottom edges of the box. In the second instance, the side
plates of the keel butt on top of the keel plate, set in by just the depth necessary to
form the weld. The former is best when construction allows the keel bottom and side
plates to be laid down and welded up before framing commences. The weld can be
ground smooth and the whole edge rounded. This method also gives the greatest
internal room for ballast or tankage. In the latter construction, the keel is laid down
all once cind the welds are then made in the flat position, which is the quickest
method of constructing the keel because framing and plating work can go on at the
same time. It does not give as nice an edge on a Sculing keel, and there is an internal
loss in volume if the Scime keel plate width is used. In both types of construction the
inside edge will be welded continuously as far as is practicable.
drydocked, the bar keel has the advantage over the other types already
discussed, in that you need not move the keel blocks supporting the vessel in order
to paint the pcirt of the keeledge resting on the blocks, for it is usually an inch or less
in width. The total unpainted area comes to less than one- half square foot. Vessels

having box or plate keels would use the same three to five blocks that the bar keel
needs for support, each block about 1 2 inches wide. However, they would probably
have one square foot of unpaintable surface at each block, meanings to 5 square feet
of bottom all told to foul between drydockings. Pciinters customarily skip the area in
way of the blocks and hope on the next haulout to have different block locations. In
some waters this may not cause a problem, but in the tropics it should be avoided
due to the rapid fouling, which not only harms the Sciiling qualities but causes a loss
of speed and a greater fuel consumption.
Another way to eliminate the need of a double haulout to shift blocks or a double
lift in a traveling hoist would be to make the bottom of the keel out of a heavy angle.

This construction retains the box keel and allows side plates to be easily fitted atop
the keel when in the upright position, making for a better and easier weld than on the
normal box keel. When angle is used on an existing sailing vessel design in lieu of the
flat- bottom box keel, the upper edge of the angle is always sited at the bottom offset

of the original keel. In other words, the angle is added to the existing depth of keel,
replacing the original heavy flat bar bottom plate, with no other dimensional
changes. This modification adds little in the way of lateral resistance, but it lessens
the vessel’s total resistance to forward motion.


The automotive- type engines— the high-speed diesels— usually require freshwater
cooling. This is often efficiently accomplished with a heat exchanger that uses raw
seawater to cool the freshwater However, in many areas this plan can lead to

problems if there is a great deal of silt or sand in the water; sargasso weed, conch
grass, eel grass, and the like will also plug up the strainers and ruin the pump

impellers. This means some work better for

sort of closed system will probably —
example, am external heat exchanger consisting of several tubes suspended close to
the bottom of the* hull. Unfortunately, the latter system, too, causes a difficult
maiintenance problem in seawater, especially in the tropics, with their prolific marine
growth. Even though the tubes themselves will resist fouling, being made of
cupronickel, the shell plating under them will prove remarkably difficult to maintain.
The adternatives to tubes are half pipes welded to the outside of the bottom plating,
or chamnels used in lieu of the hadf pipes. Maintenance then becomes quite
straughtforward. This system works well on power vessels, where the pipes and
channels can more or less be aligned with the path of least resistance, but it is
unworkable on a sailing vessel, which will make a certaiin amount of leeway while
sailing. Since her leeway and her speed along the course steered both vary with

conditions, the angle of their resultant vector will also vary, and it is impossible to
adign the pipe amd channels in the path of least resistance.
In sadling vessels, a thin box welded to the inside of the bottom shell can meet the
cooling needs of small engines, but this method is very inefficient because it exposes
less cooling area than do external chamnels or split pipe. The more efficient method
is to use a wide-flamge I-beam for a combined keel bottom and keel cooler. Cool

water is drawn from one side of the web, sent through the engine amd the exhaust
water-cooled silencer, then returned to the opposite side of the web, where it stauts
its journey down that side of the web to a hole at the after or forward end and back up

the opposite side again to the engine. Keel-cooled engines use a dry exhaust
whenever possible. Unless this type of keel was part of the originad design, the builder
usuadly adds it below what would otherwise have been the keel bottom, so as not to
radse the center of gravity of the badlast; however, the weight of this keel plus all the
coolamt contributes by itself to badlaist, since there is no free surface in this closed-
loop type of cooler. The coolant, regardless of the waters in which the vessel will

operate, always consists pau'tially of amtifreeze, because of its rust- inhibiting

quadities. You can often use this same type of keel on a power vessel by shaping the
ends for minimum resistamce.
A variant of the I-beam keel cooler is the V keel or skeg formed by using a T-bar for
the keel amd closing in the sides to form water passages. This plan suits some power
vessels quite well if their engines aire not too large. Do not confuse this keel with the
one formed with a V, using a solid round bar at the bottom as in the construction of a
chine. The latter, so-called Vee Skeg construction is often employed to lower an
engine installation, and more or less resembles a pod added below, but integral with,
the hull proper.
Before deciding on a particulair keel or external cooling arrangement, always
consult the engine manufacturer to determine the cimount of cooling necessary. Be
sure, though, that the manufacturer doesn’t calculate cooling capacity based on the
speed of the vessel, as the capacity in that case will be too small when the vessel runs
aground (using full power attempting to get off) or when it is trawling or towing. It is
always better to have more cooling capacity than necessciry rather than too little. 1

prefer basing my cooling estimates on a seawater temperature of 80 degrees

Fahrenheit, about right for tropical lagoons. If an auxiliary generator will be installed
during construction or later, one should make due allowance for its cooling when
sizing the system.
Keels, Framing, and Tanks 129

Figure 47. Frames can be constructed of flat bar, angle bar, or Tees. Gussets at a chine or at
the deck can be attached to the frames or integral with them. The half-section of a round-
bottom vessel shows an intercostal wash plate, an intercostal margin plate, and a bulwark
stanchion construction that is useful when the bulwark height is 30 inches or more.


Frames take the form of flat bars, angles, or Tees. These are indicated on Figure 47.
Sometimes gussets will be used at the chine and deck; have shown these using

dashed They are usually of the same material as the frames. Also shown is a

better method of accomplishing the same task, one that involves a minimum amount
of welding 2ind mcuntenance. Here, the gussets become integral parts of the frame;
they can often be made out of whole channels if the frames were split chcinnels to
begin with.
It would be difficult to say anything definitive about which frame shapes are the
best and easiest to use; the pros and cons of any given style always depend on the
hull in question. In small sizes, weight and ease of maintenance sometimes require
the use of flat nothing more miserable than trying to p 2unt the inside of a
bar. Tl^ere is

small angle you can’t possibly see to inspect. On the other hand, the angle frame is
not only much stronger than the flat which reduces the
bar, but also quite rigid,
setup time in framing. The minimum dimension for angle frames is two and one-half
times the depth of the longitudinals they will be notched to accept, so there is
generally no difficulty in painting unless the flanges exceed one- third the depth of the
angle. T-bars 2ire seldom used for transverse framing except in the case of a deep
web frame, when they become more or less necessciry to ensure the stability of the
In some vessels the angle frames forming the topsides 2U'e split lengthwise near the
turn of the bilge to form a radius at this stress point. The inner portions of the split
frames continue over to form the tops of the floors; the remaining portions are then
Ccirried down the shell plating as flat bar freimes. The gaps between are filled in with
solid plate in way of any tanks, and with plate having lightening holes elsewhere. Any
longitudinal girders are usually intercostal (that is, inserted between frames without
notching) with this type of framing. In a S2uling vessel, with its deeper keel, these
frames normally stop at the tops of the deep floors. This same type of splitting can
2dso be done at the deck to form hanging knees. The splits must be made at the

neutral axis of the T-bar, close to the flcinge, or it will be difficult to bend. Note that an
intercostal wash plate, sometimes Ccdled a “swash plate,’’ is fitted tight to the hold
ceiling and up from the bottom a couple of inches or so. This keeps the bilge water
from sloshing around when the vessel rolls. The m 2U'gin plate is also intercostcil in
many hulls and normally fits tight to the shell, which then keeps the bilge water from
splashing over onto the cargo, incidentally, have taken the opportunity to show in

the drawing of this section a type of bulwark stanchion which can be used to
advantage when the bulwcirk height is 30 inches or greater.


Small steel vessels do not usually have double bottoms. With less thcin 4 feet of
height between the bottoms, such a vessel is difficult and even worse to
to construct
maintain unless numerous cover plates are used to permit access to fill areas. In any
vessel that uses a double bottom for fuel, smellier cover plates must also be fitted for
washing out and to permit pumping ciir in during any gas- freeing operation
necessitated by bottom damage.
Keels, Framing, and Tanks I3I


ANG,Ue s

^ VUt Lr>

^— f

Bho LiKie yy yy



Figure 48. Several configurations for steel bulkheads, viewed from above.


Figure 48 shows the various bulkhead constructions used on vessels large enough to
accommodate their weight. In msmy vessels it is better to use wooden bulkheads
attached to the steel framnes. Wooden bulkheads are easy to make watertight, and

can easily partition the separated compartments for example an engine room aind
an accommodation cabin on yachts, or the engine room and the fish hold on fishing
vessels — without additional framing. Some of the advantages of steel construction
are lost with wooden bulkheads, such as the effectiveness of the bulkhead as a fire

break, t 2ink ending, or contributor to structural rigidity.

Tees offer the strongest method of reinforcing bulkheads, and T-bar frames are
the easiest to paint. Tees are also very useful for joinery work, simplifying it
immensely. (This subject is explored in Volume 2 of Steel Boatbuilding.) Angles offer
the next strongest method of reinforcing, but the angles are very difficult to paint if

equal- legged. Flat bars are not very strong and require supporting chocks at more
frequent intervals than would either Tees or angles. When saving weight is essential.

the bulkhead can be Veed if a brake press is available. However, it would make

no sense to form such a bulkhead by continuously welding each Vee using angles
cind plate. When Veed in wide pcinels, a bulkhead forms an exceptionally rigid
structure while presenting few problems when you scribe it to receive the shell
plating. The deep U or hat-section and the dished bulkheads are seen mostly in bcirge
construction. Agaiin, this construction is very strong and light and, with the proper
forming equipment, also economic^ll. In vessels with rapidly changing shapes,
scribing to fit such bulkheads to the shell Ccin try one’s patience.


Pillars cire required in mciny vessels to support deck becims or girders, and in some,
such as fishing vessels, are not as objectionable as they would be in either a Ccirgo

' -


G L 'E-




>1 0


Figure 49. Six common pillar shapes.

Keels, Framing, and Tanks 133

vessel or a yacht. It is occasionally possible to omit them by fitting one or more

girders longitudinally. Pill 2irs are usually sited at every fifth frame in a transversely
framed vessel, preferably, though not always, on the centerline. Figure 49 indicates
several pillar shapes commonly used. The solid rounds are the heaviest and used to
be generally favored in riveted construction. Pipe is now accepted as better to use in
a hold, since it weighs less for the same compression load. The wide- flange I-beam
has advantages when the hold must be compartmented, as in fishing vessels and
some small bulk Ccirgo vessels. The box beam is fine for yachts. The pillar made up of
four channels is seldom used because of its weight, but does simplify installation of
pen boards. The four angles together make a strong pillar. This style was widely used
in riveted construction, but is not favored in welded construction. The success of

any standing pillar depends on fixing the ends with adequate bracketing. All pillars
require pads on the top and bottom.


Figure 50 shows some detciils of brackets and some rules proportioning them.
Brackets come in more styles than it makes any sense to discuss, but by studying the
bracketing of a longitudinal girder we can arrive at principles to cover most
instances. These longitudinal girders cire unusual features, being most frequently
used when pillars or columns would be objectionable in a hold. They are
discontinuous in the length of the vessel, occupying only the hold area and ending on
a bulkhead. In this situation, longitudinals must be continued forward and aft of the
hold girder; these must have a depth at least equalling that of the transverse web-
frame deck beam, and must be bracketed to the bulkhead as shown. All flanges must
have either chocks or anti- trip brackets (which prevent the flanges from twisting or
collapsing under pressure), and these are also shown. The column supporting the
girder and attaching to the bulkhead must also have at least the same depth as the
transverse web deck becim, even though the normal vertical stiffeners on the
bulkhead would be smaller.
Long columns, pillars, mooring bitts, towing bitts, and other load-bearing
members will either require bracketing to the deck or hold, or else to a girder or
beam. Where a bracket is required in the hold, or to the shell or a deck, a doubler
(pad or backing plate) will be used. The doubler should be 2 inches wider than the
flcinge width of the bracket and 1 inch longer than the bracket to the bulkhead.
Widely spaced deck beams, which essentially are part of the web frames and are
connected only by longitudinals, have a definite maximum spacing, beyond which
each longitudinal requires bracketing to a beam. Figure 50 shows the maximum
allowable unsupported length of deck longitudinals for seven normcd depths used in
vessels up to 80 feet in length. Vessels carrying csu'go on deck need beams spaced
closer together than vessels not Ccirrying deck cargo. In general interisland trade,
the unsupported length decreases for normal deck loads. Unusual deck loads, such
as engines and automobiles, require special reinforcing and closing of these beams,
but miscellaneous cargoes such as lumber and barrels of fuel do not concentrate
enough weight per square foot of deck area to require reinforcing.
Vi. C.F ^E.KrK
-I'2,-DOP S<=’

'f' ,1

Figure 50. Top: A longitudinal girder viewed in cross section, showing bracketing to a web-
frame deck beam. Chocks or anti-trip brackets on the flanges of the girder and deck beam are
also shown. Right: A longitudinal extending forward from the hold's forward bulkhead is
bracketed to the bulkhead. The column supporting the girder end attaches to the bulkhead
and is bracketed top and bottom. Left: A doubler plate is required when a mooring bitt is
bracketed to a deck or hold. Bottom left: Maximum spacing for deck beams of different depths.
If the maximum is exceeded, longitudinals must be bracketed to the deck beams as

Keels, Framing, and Tanks 135


Water and fuel tanks need to be carefully thought out, not only by the designer but
by the builder. It seems that most builders go ahead and increase the capacity
without consulting the designer, since the change only involves a bit more weight.
Remember, however, that along with all the other things on a boat that get tumbled
and tossed in every conceivable direction and probably simultaneously, one must
contend with the free surface effect of liquids stored in the tanks, and be sure to
consider howthey may affect the stability of the vessel.
When a tank is completely full there is no free surface effect, so the contents of the
tank then effectively become ballast. This is why keel coolers may help stability.
Regardless of the roll or pitch there is no shifting of weight. If the tank is slack,
however, the liquid has a surface that will be independent to that of the vessel,
remaining p 2u-allel to the external water surface and thus forming a wedge of fluid
from the high side to the low side of the vessel, the thrust of which is downward
through its center of gravity and not upward through its center of buoyancy. The
liquid causes a rise in the vessel’s virtual center of gravity equal to the moment of
inertia of the free surface multiplied by the weight of the liquid per cubic foot cind
divided by the weight of the vessel in pounds. The depth and volume of the tcink are
independent of the surface area: a parallel- sided tank has the same effect on
stability, whether it be one-quarter or three-quarters full, at least at normal angles of
inclination (heel). At large angles of inclination, the amount of fluid in the tank would
have a direct bearing on the amount of free surface, which could increase
dramatically. Boiled down to its practical implications, all this theory goes to show is
that in any vessel, tanks must be sized in proportion to the vessel’s displacement.
The surface area of the tank must be kept as small as possible, cind when cin increase
in volume is required, alterations must be reasoned out cind not done willy-nilly.
Figure 51 shows several types of tanks that are commonly used. The narrow
vertical tank is one of the most satisfactory, because large volume can be obtained
with the minimum of surface area. This type of tank is especially suited to fishing and
c 2U'go vessels, long-distance motor yachts, and auxiliary sailing vessels needing high
capacity in the minimum space. Indicated on the drawing is a transverse frame within
the narrow tank. Because of the need for gas- freeing the tank in the event that hull
damage makes work in it necessary, the frcime itself is mitered at the deck beam-side
frame joint. It is also cut out in way of the pipe at the deck edge and the round bar at
the chine. All Tees have exposed openings through the frame and must also have
numerous holes drilled into their stems adjacent to the plating to assure proper
drainage. There are generous snipes (cut-outs) in the frame at the bottom and top
edges of the fore-and-aft bulkhead. If the tank is deep enough and stiffeners are
required, they, too, should be sniped back, leaving large holes where they join the
bulkhead. In short, cill possible steps should be taken to eliminate places that could
entrap fuel, the vapors from which could be ignited, causing an explosion.
Yachts, be they sail or power, often need space above their tankage for
accommodations, and thus must use wide tanks with little depth. Such tanks must be
fitted with baffles that restrict the liquids to the minimum space and slow down their

movement when the vessel rolls. If just the corners of the baffles are sniped — the
upper corners to cdlow air to equalize along the top, and the bottom corners to
equalize the liquid — the motion of the liquid surface will be restrained. If there is a
frame in the tank, then the baffle is cut out in way frame as indicated
of the
Fitting baffles improves but does not cure the effects of free surface on wide tamks.
An arrangement permitting a vertical tank, square and of small dimensions, has
much to recommend it, especially if the tank is connected to and part of a bulkhead.
In some sailing vessels, it was once found advcintageous to use cylindrical tanks in
the verticcil position. These were located on the centerline, extended from the tops
of the floors to the deck, and were large enough for a man to enter for cleaning. Being
Keels, Framing, and Tanks 137

round, they required no framing, so they were easy to maintain, and there was a
minimum of interference with the cargo. A sounding pipe wcis deck and
set into the
tank, extending down to within an inch of the bottom, with a striker plate fitted below
the sounding pipe on the tank bottom.

Figure 52. Some single-engine propeller installations.



Most commercial vessels and auxiliary sailing vessels have but one engine, with its
shaft on the centerline and the propeller protected by the hull structure in an
aperture. Figure 52 shows several installations of this type. In sailing vessels, the
preferred method is to avoid cutting out any of the rudder and, if possible, to keep
the propeller behind the prick post, as this is better for steering under sciil. Many a
sailing vessel has been ruined by cutting out a large hole in the rudder to
accommodate the [propeller; when thjQ rudder is turned while under Sciil, water is
forced through the aperture rather than around the trailing edge. The ideal aperture
fairing resembles the section shown.
Twin screws are used mainly on motor yachts and some specialized commercial
vessels. In steel vessels, the builder is usually expected to fabricate the struts for the
propeller shaft from steel. Caire must be exercised in their proper alignment and
reinforcing, which cam be rather extensive. In all cases, a doubler is required in way of
the palms of the struts.
It use severed good tack welds to the shell doubler to keep the
will suffice at first to

proper spacing on the upper part of the strut legs. These welds should be on the
shaft (not shell) side so the lower ends of the struts can be pinched together if
necessary without breaking the tack welds, in order to make them accept the lower
portion of the strut. The lower part is normally a section of pipe that accepts the
bearing supporting the shaft. After welding is complete on the pipe, the upper tacks
can be chipped out, the strut then removed as a unit for machining, refitted and
aligned, and finally welded to the doubler plate. The beciring pipe should not be
bored to its final diameter until after fabrication.

Most of the structures find details mentioned in this chapter would not
immediately strike the untrciined eye if they could be seen at however, they make

a great deal of difference to the safety, integrity, and efficiency of a vessel. A good
builder will look for them in a design, and, if they are not already part of his normal
practice, may wish to make them so. An overheated engine when a vessel is strciining
to get off a bcir, a buckled deck from poor reinforcement, a capsize in heavy seas
from improper tankage, a catastrophic explosion from inability to gas- free a tank, or
simply an annoying helm from a poorly conceived propeller aperture: all of these
eventualities may be far from the mind of a first- time builder when he is anxious to
see a completed vessel, but with careful attention to detail and sound practice, all
can be circumvented, and a fine vessel produced.


In the previous chapters I have discussed steel boatbuilding in a general way, and
also cited many specific construction details relevant to the building of small steel
vessels. This sort of discussion could go on almost indefinitely, and to little purpose;
the time has now come and build a specific vessel. The
to put theory into practice
advantage is mine, in that can choose the one want to build; however, in each stage
1 1

of construction of this particular vessel, I shall digress when necessary to indicate

different methods or problems associated vsnth other types of vessels. Since the
lofting of the Pinky has been covered in Chapter 7, have chosen this design as the

vessel to build.
have owned several shipyards, and it would be much simpler for me to describe

construction from that point of view only. However, do not now own a shipyard and

there will be a time in the not- too- distant future when shall again build myself

cinother vessel. When do, will face the same problems any other home builder
1 1

faces. This is how plan to proceed. As outline the steps in this cind the following
1 1

chapters, you, the reader, are welcome to observe, but must ask you not to help me

unless specifically invite you to do so. In this book, it is necessary that build the
1 1

vessel myself, for to do otherwise would imply that it could not be done by an
individual. Also, in every yard have owned and most yards in which have worked,
1 1

no visitors have been allowed during working hours. If you will observe what cim 1

doing and listen well, you should have no problem in following my procedure for
building this vessel. It is well to remember that each vessel is an individual and must
be treated as such. Regardless of how many vessels you build, steel boatbuilding is a
learning process and not an assembly line.
First of all, a building site must be selected. Since now live in the tropics where the

palm trees grow, will build out of doors; to build indoors would add an additional


expense for just one vessel. would opt for a shed if one were available but, since one

probably won’t be, J will have to build in a field or lot with recisonable rental. The
building site must be oriented north-south or east- west, because orienting the axis of
the keel north-south makes compass correction easier. East-west would also be
acceptable, but if at cdl possible, we want to avoid the intercardinal points, because of
the difficulty of correcting a vessel’s permanent magnetism with quadrantal spheres
(often Ccilled “the Admiral’s balls’’) which are inferior to the more powerful fore-aind-
aft or athwcirtship magnets. It would be nice to have electric power available, but this

is not mandatory. If Some shade can b'etiad from a large oak tree, so much the better;

a few pines or palms would also do nicely. Lacking any of the above, will still need 1

some sort of shade from the sun, for which think I’ll choose the same screen cloth

the nurseries use. This will of course be a temporary shelter, and the covering will be
supported by pipe frames. C 2in probably get 2u^ound any local building restrictions,

since my shelter is a greenhouse of sorts, and am only “growing” a boat. Just to


avoid ciny problems, however, will also check with the neighbors to see if they have

ciny objections, explaining that plcin to keep reasonable hours and that, for the most

part, there will be no more noise than if were building a house.


Under this temporary shelter will lay down the mold loft over a framework built

about 8 inches off the ground, using well- driven stakes to support the loft
framework; could cdso use concrete blocks for support, with a bit of mortar to keep

the loft from capsizing. The frcimework to support the loft will be made of 2 x 4s and, if
needed, some 2 x 6s spaced about 16 inches apart. From the plcins, note that %- inch 1

plywood is required not only for laminating the cabintops, but also for the shelving
cind berth bottoms, so make the loft floor from the best grade of %-inch mcirine ply,

free of voids, knots, and rough laminates. The floor will ultimately be incorporated in
the vessel. Half lengths, full widths, and full heights will be lofted, as shown in Figure
36 (Chapter 7), using 16 feet by 28 feet for the loft, or 14 sheets of ply.
Next will need to obtain a shed (genercdly called “the shack”). could build one,
1 1

but think would rather buy one of the small prefabs and sell it when am through,
1 1 1

or, if some kindly person helps out here and there, maybe just give it away when 1

have no further use for it. This shack should be about 16 inches off the ground, with
two concrete blocks under each corner and one in the middle to keep the floor from
sagging. If the prefab comes without a floor, will lay the cheapest exterior grade of

plywood as the floor % inch thick will do. The shack need not measure more than
eight feet square.
1 already own some power tools, namely, two %-inch drills, a y2 -inch drill, a slow-
speed disk sander, a vibrator sander, a sabersaw, a portable router, and a smcdl, self-

contained airless sprayer, all electric. My present stock of hand woodworking tools
is already extensive, cind have plenty of the hammers and mauls used in steel

building. will have to buy an oxygen- acetylene cutting torch with three different tip

sizes plus a heat ring or tip, 100 feet of dual hose, regulators, striker, tip cleciners, and
goggles. (1 don’t recommend looking for a bargain here; the outfit will more than pay
its way.) A welding machine, of course, will also be necessary. If electric power is

available —
fine. If not, a gasoline-driven self-contained machine can be purchased.

An AC/ DC machine of about 200 amps looks about right, for according to the plans,
there will be some stainless steel and ciluminum to weld. The Pinky measures about

Making the Parts I4I

50 feet over the rails, so 100 feet of electrode cable should reach wherever it has to
go. To save money, 1 can make a ground from round bar inserted in garden hose for
Grinders be necessary; a medium-speed sander-grinder and a small 3 V2 -inch

grinder will prove more versatile than one heavy-duty grinder. will also need a vise, 1

cind it should be a good one, since it will be carried aboard the completed vessel. For
clamps would ideally choose the quick-acting, deep-throated bcir type. A dozen of

the 10-inch size would consider the minimum, plus three pipe clamps to fit %-inch

pipe, and a one-ton come-along or maybe two h 2df-ton come-alongs. would add to 1

these items a couple of wooden shell, 4-inch, double blocks with beckets roller —

bushed with hooks, and all ironwork galvanized plus 150 feet of V2 -inch Manila line
for the blocks and at least 200 feet more for guys, chokers, and the like. The blocks
will cdso go aboard the completed vessel. A couple of chipping hammers with

wooden handles and six stainless steel wire brushes should round out the list of
miscellaneous tool requirements.

So far, so good now to the scrap yard to find a piece of 3-inch- thick steel about 1
inches by 24 inches, one 20-foot section of 2V2-inch pipe, and some scrap angles (2
inch by 2 inch by V4 inch) to make a stand for the cinvil and any other stands and
fixtures that might be needed. might also try to find some scrap Vi6-inch galvanized

— —
chain 20 to 30 feet of it to avoid buying it at the hcirdwcire store, and will certainly 1

look around for future reference because a scrap yard is as close to heaven as a
boatbuilder can get on this earth.
Back at the site, everything that had to be ordered is coming (1 hope) as needed,
and not all at once. The screen roof has been set up, cind the cirea beneath it cleaned
up and reasonably leveled off. The roof should be at least 10 feet longer than the hull.
1 proceed to set up the mold loft and, at the same time, lay down some concrete
blocks for the platen. The platen will be 10 feet by 20 feet, or the size of the two 7.65-
pound keel side (deadwood) plates for the Pinky. Obviously, this thin material will
require more supports than the plywood, so I’ll make the frame level and about 8
inches (or one block) high, in spite of the convenience of greater height. After all. I’ll

only use it once.

By now the shack should have arrived. good site for it well clear of the
I’ll select a
hull — —
about twice the Pinky’s beam if there is enough land available. On the side of
the shack I’ll construct a hanger for the oxyacetylene hose (see Figure 53). As the
new tools arrive, they will go in the shed on shelves and in boxes and bins. A small
desk or workbench will be needed for the plains, catalogs, and other paperwork. Near
the shack I’ll dig a hole and set a stout fence pole in concrete, to hold up the oxygen
aind acetylene bottles.
The material for the hull should now be ordered, if it has not been ordered already.
The ideal delivery time is the day before it is needed. When the plywood arrives. I’ll
nail it to the mold loft frame using twopenny galvanized common nails (a couple of

pounds will be more tham enough for this and the patterns). will use as few nails as 1

possible, and since this wood is going to be reused, will avoid monkey faces. When 1

the plywood is secured, it receives two coats of flat white paint. Now is the time to
select the paint to be used as a final finish, ascertaining that it be compatible with

the flat paint undercoating. Since some of these sheets will have to be sanded to be








Making the Parts 143

reused as a glued Icuninate, the use of a sealer is not recommended in this case.
Figure 53 shows how the site is laid out. Note the ease of movement it allows, and
the convenience of the shack to both the loft and the platen. Also note the material
list of 2 and concrete blocks required to set things up. The extra blocks
X 4s, 2 X 6s,
are “just in case,” but will also prove handy to elevate the frame material when
cutting. Never cut over the loft or the platen.
It is time now to loft the vessel, as described in Chapter 7.

Once the lofting is completed, 1 can make the patterns and assemble the parts.
First, 1 will make and assemble all the frames. In Figure 76 (the Shell Expansion,
Scantlings, and Detciils Plcin), there are two options for the detail of the main deck
edge: 2- inch Schedule 80 pipe below the deck; or a fender rail. do not intend to fish 1

the vessel, so the clecir drainage ensured by the pipe joint is not important; on the
other hand, wouldn’t want to void the possibility of some day reselling the vessel as

a yacht, and the fender might detract from its yacht potenticil, since it would destroy
the fine finishon other yachts should they raft, which they are wont to do. Besides,
I’m Icizy and don’t wish to spend the time making this rail when could be doing 1

something else. Therefore, as a builder, will exercise my option and select a


bisected pipe joint. (All Chapter 4.)

three of these styles are illustrated in

The choice of one style or cmother of deck edge will determine whether and how
the frames must be notched out in the way of it, and making frames is what we are
now about to do. With a marking stick about 10 feet long and 2 inches wide, made
from V4-inch marine ply, transfer the measurements of each frcime from the mold loft
to the platen; lay out both halves (port and starboard) of the frame and, with a
sharpened soapstone, connect till the offsets in their proper sequence, to indicate
the outline of the frame. Now return to the mold loft and recheck each of the offsets.
If satisfied, return to the platen and repeat the procedure. If everything checks, then

cind only then, centerpunch each offset intersection into the platen, marking also the
height of the deck edge on the centerline.
The next step is to determine the height of the deck centerline at each framne. The
half-breadth of frame 7, the midship frame, is 6-0-0, aind Note 4 on the Lines Plan
(Figure 30) calls for 1 inch of height per foot of half- breadth as the camber of the
deck. To the deck-edge height previously mairked on the centerline at frame 7, add 6
inches and centerpunch it in. This procedure will be followed on every frcime and
every bulkhead, taking into account the differences of half- breadth.
Some make each frame as they lay it down. My own preference is to
prefer to
complete the layout and then make the frcimes, so now lay down frames 5, 4, 2, and1

1, double-check them, and punch them into the platen, then do the same for the

afterbody as shown in Figure 40, which finalizes frcimes 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, 14, the after
perpendicular (AP), and the transom (T). Note that have opted to change bulkhead 1

frame 12, specified on the plans, to just plain frame 12, in case decide to alter the 1

interior arrangement. The option on the plans is to use either frcime 12 or frame 13 as
a bulkhead. This will be impossible to do in steel; however, since there is no tankage
there and very little in the way of stress at these frames, a proper wooden bulkhead
could replace the steel one with almost the same strength, and would also be lighter.
Once again, have exercised a builder’s option, and since am also the designer of
1 1

this vessel, 1 have the designer’s approval.


Above: Figure 54. Frame 7 of the Pinky laid down on the platen. Below: Figure 55. Method
of deriving the deck camber for the great beam template.

Figure 54 shows frame 7 Iciid down on the platen. You can see that the change in
the deck edge has been made, and the bulwcirk stanchion modified to suit. A great
beam pattern can now be made, using station 7 as the great beam. This template will

be used for the other frames as well, thus assuring me of a uniform curvature to the
deck and the same camber on all frames. The curve is derived as shown in
Figure 55.
Making the Parts 145

From the construction sections, you will note that a cargo hatch ends on frame 7.
The pattern is on hand and, with the other parts of frame 7 in place, is now cut from
the appropriate plate, ground, and tacked in place.

Figure 56, the Construction Sections and Det 2iils Plan, shows every frame in the
hull, and will ciid in assembling the frames. You can see that in this design all frames

have a separate floor, rather than just carrying on down to the centerline, which
would be perfectly acceptable in yachts. Since this is a commercial vessel, her
tonnage will be measured to the top of a floor that must not only have a flange, but
cilso must be a distinct element of the frame, and must touch the shell. While adding

these floors will not make a great difference to the design, every little bit helps, for in
some countries the dues and harbor fees are based on gross tons.

By the way, some designers indicate only one or two frame sections, the idea being
that if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. If the designer does this, a builder
should then make a drawing of all frames, as some peculiar things can happen from
one to the other, and he has enough to think about without some costly

Making the Parts 147


BUKJK- FR.OKiT<i — Tii,
BUN'VC, BCTT - Ve* rty
CEfuwq aB. - piv*e
SALLBY CDUVJTER-' ^"KAtr. Tfes < COv&e.
CAB\»^ TRbKF Coto IKJSU.) yV Tf MMRx^
TRltA '5 M0\.X5\ViG> -V, NAAHOCi





Figure 57. Left: A jig for bending deck beams cold Right: A plywood template for marking the
sheer pipe, chine, and hull longitudinals.

Deck beams are bent cold using a jig, as shown in Figure 57. I will make all the
required beams at the same time. In spite of their not being required in a continuous
length in way of the cabin trunks, it is easier to make them this way because it later
provides a more rigid structure to bend the gunwale pipe against, and also for
squaring up the frames.
Finally, the deck beam is laid and tacked
can now weld the whole
into place. 1

frame together, except for that portion that forms the bulwark stanchion, which will 1

only tack in place, making sure to deduct an allowance for deck thickness from its
height. Next centerpunch the DWL and centerline, scribe in all of the notches to be

made in the frame for longitudinals, chines, and sheer pipe, chip off the tack welds,
and carefully turn the frame over. The frame material is Vi6-inch by 3!/2-inch flat bar
and will be welded both sides; therefore, with the small grinder, carefully groove out 1

each of the welds. Since the deck beam is an angle, will have to block up the frame

with short lengths of 2 x 4 scraps adjacent to each weld. Once the welding is
complete, add one short tack on the stanchions, turn the frame over again, and then

move the frame off the platen edge slightly in the way of each cut that must be made.
As each hole is cut, it is best to grind it right away to finish all work on the
1 repeat this same procedure for all frames and, as completed, stack them upright,
deck beam down. Frames 5 and 7 will go in a separate stack from the others. On some
of the forward and aft frames the location of the DWL will either not exist or will be
Making the Parts 153

too low to be of any use. On these frames, I boldly strike in a new one at some
distance above the DWL and mark it— for example, “the + 12-inch WL“ or “the +24-
inch WL“ — whatever it happens to be.
After the frames, the bulkheads are the next to be made. I will use the existing
patterns, modified for the change in gunwale, remembering not to make one for
frame 12. The welding of the bulkheads is done in the same manner as for the frames,
except that the plate(s) needed for each bulkhead will be laid on the platen after
cutting, with the centerline and DWL in proper alignment, and tacked down so that
the deep floor and bulwark stanchions can be added. make the first welds in the way

of stiffeners cmd grind them smooth, that is, flush with the plate. Then tack all 1

bulkhead stiffeners in place cind trim the ends as indicated. use a yi6-inch, D/2 -inch,

12-inch staggered spacing (yi6-inch fillet, lV2 -inch weld length, and 12 inches
between weld centers, with welds staggered on opposite sides), as indicated in Table
9 (Chapter 5). The next heavier listed plate from the table is used for welding, since
the bulkhead is both 10-gauge and 7.65-pound plate, and not ^8-inch or 11-gauge
plate. As the stiffeners are welded, they must remain square to the plate.
With the stiffeners attached, the notches are scribed on the bulkhead edges and
(assuming a bulkhead cut from two plates) an intermediate IV2 - or 2-inch weld is
made on the plate seam between each of the longitudinal bulkhead stiffeners. A small
plywood template can be worked up, similar to that shown in Figure 57 to speed up
the marking for the sheer pipe, chine, and hull longitudinals. The bulkhead is now
chipped loose and turned over, and severail short tack welds made, about 2 to 3
inches in length, skipping at least 2 feet between welds. When this is done, return to 1

the opposite edge and do it again, but this time midway between the previous welds,
and then return and do it yet again. It is now time to turn the bulkhead over and do
the sarnie on that side, but each time a weld on the opposite side is encountered, a
small cold chisel is used to make sure no flux or slag remains in the joint. Let me say
now, so won’t have to repeat it again, that always, prior to welding, the area to be

welded will be wire- brushed and the seam chipped out to sound metal. now I

complete all welding on this side, using the step- back procedure as shown in Figure
58, with the direction of weld deposit opposite to the direction of travel from weld to
weld. The notches may now be cut, prior to turning the bulkhead over to finish the
welds on the opposite side. At this time, transfer the centerline to this side at the top

and bottom, marking and centerpunching it. do the same for the waterline, for the

stiffening side of a bulkhead obscures all measurements.

- :^e.9^s\T r?\R.ECT\<^N
FiesT 5

Figure 58. A schematic drawing of the step-back welding sequence.


If the welding has been done properly cind in the right sequence, the bulkhead
should lie flat. If it amount of transverse wcirpage, can rectify this
exhibits a small 1

later, but it is always better to work more slowly and do it right and keep it flat. will

use a ^/32-inch, 7014 rod in the flat position, at about 110 amps AC. With all the
bulkheads made, bulkheads 6 and 8 are set aside with frames 5 and 7, and the
remainder are stacked with the other frames.
It remains for me to bend the stem. For the most part, the stem is straight, which

will make the jig for bending it a simple one. can make several cleats out of leftover

framing scraps, cutiand ground in the shape of a flattened L (Figure 59). The long legs
want to be 1 V2 inches in height as the stem bar must rest well above the platen to
minimize distortion in the platen due to excess heat. With these cleats welded to the
platen, the bar is welded to the vertical leg of the first L, at what would correspond to
frame 3. Now, with the two come-alongs attached at one end to the edge of the
platen, and at the other end to the stem bar, pressure is applied. Now apply some
heat to the stem’s lower edge, in order to stretch the edge a bit at a time. (Bending
cold is out of the question on this thin platen.) When the tension eases on the come-
cilongs, go over and give a bit more pull, and keep this up until the bar comes home

to all of the clips. Letting the bar cool, then ease off on the come-alongs. If there is

no change in shape, then all is well and the stem bar can be picked up. If there is a
lateral bow in the matericd, this will have to be hammered out on the anvil in order to
mcike the bar come straight.

Figure 59. Bending the stem on the platen.

Making the Parts 155

Bending done, the lower notch can be cut and the DWL marked, along with frames
2 and 1 the forwcurd perpendicular (FP), the chines, and any other marks on the stem

pattern. If the billet (clipper bow) is to be used (and using it will make the Pinky more
salable as a yacht at some future date), it will be welded on at this time, using a weld
similar to a B-48 type. With this completed, will next add the 1-inch solid round stem

facer bar. Since the stem is only V2 inch thick, it must be elevated V4 inch above the
platen so that the round will meet in the proper place. This round extends to cover
the lower edge of the billet, aind because the billet is thinner than the stem, it will have
to be shimmed even farther underneath to assure its proper height and alignment
with the bar. The stem facer bar should already have been bent sep 2irately to the
proper curves, perhaps not exactly, but very close, in order to minimize the clamping
pressure. The weld and stem preparation is detailed on Figure 76. The amount of
welding done at this time varies with the preference of individual builders. Since the
assembly is lying flat at the moment, it will be easier to complete now than after it has
been set up. Using an E-7018 rod of Vs inch diameter (DCEP), will skip weld using no

more than one- third of the electrode. Spacing these first welds about 1 5 inches apart,
1 then turn the stem assembly over, reinsert the spacing blocks, and repeat only —
this time it is permissible to go back to the opposite end and add some intermediate
welds before turning the stem over again. Keep turning it from side to side, and keep
the welds short and well spaced. If welding is done properly, the stem assembly
should not warp. Lay the pattern on it as a check and, if all is well, place the assembly
The platen can now be cleaned up, and all the pieces to be cut from it laid out,
scribed, and cut at this time, which eliminates the platen. Remove the concrete
blocks and clean up the area. Small pointed scraps of steel should be cut off or the
ends bent back on themselves; otherwise, sooner or later, someone will stab himself
and spill blood all over the place. By the way, it would be wise to get a tetanus shot
prior to working with steel. The shot hurts only for a day or so, and is a small price to
pay for peace of mind.
A few more things remain to be done before dismantling the mold loft, the first of
which is to lay down the true length of the keel angle, and its true slope (drag), since
the lofting was done Then will mark in each frame station along the
at hcdf- length. 1

lofting, and next lay up the angle itself on the loft, with one side flat and the other
elevated. At that point centerpunch the frame lines into the toes of the angle,
1 will

plus a three dot pattern (•: or :•) to indicate on which side the frame goes. I’ll also
scribe in on the elevated flange the taper that exists from frame 10 to the after end.
Now the keel can be removed, the taper marked on the opposite leg, and the whole
cut and ground. The cut is made squcire to the leg of the angle.
Now turned so that the actual bottom of the keel faces up, and its
the angle is

whole length is rounded slightly. 1 commence by grinding a flat edge, parallel with the
ground and Vs to Vie inch wide or whatever is scribed, doing this with the grinding
wheel kept at a very low angle so as not to gouge the keel. Next, with the sanding disk
and 80- grit paper, round off the ground edge. One must keep sighting what has

already been done, and try to retain the same radius throughout. Now a slower
speed flex- backed sander and 120- grit paper are used to polish the keel. This is not to
impress the fish but to provide a good paint edge.

The pieces already made and stacked all over the place should be checked once
more against the pa,tterns. The plans should be thoroughly checked to determine if
cinything else could be lifted from the mold loft floor, for now is the time to do it.
When satisfied of no further need, can tcike the loft up, selecting cin area near the

shack and laying down six concrete blocks to support the plywood well clear of the
ground. The blocks are laid in pairs, and a 2 x 4 is placed across the pairs so that there
will be support at each end in the center. As remove each sheet, ITl pull all the nails,

then stack the sheets with the paint side down on the first sheet and paint side up on
the second sheet, and so forth, so that paint faces paint throughout the stack. This, of
course, cissumes that the sheets were dry prior to stacking. If there is any doubt, I’ll
stack them with lattice strips between sheets to allow air to circulate. The top should
have 2 X 4s laid across it, and the whole should be covered with a tarp. The patterns
that have no further use should be taken apart, the nails removed, the pieces sorted
by size, and the collection stacked clear of the ground on a few concrete blocks on
the other side of the shack. All 2 x 4 material should be knocked apart, the nails
removed, and the wood stacked on the opposite side of the building area, again on
several concrete blocks.
Hopefully the rest of the steel has arrived and that kindly driver left behind some of
his skids and separator wood. Whatever is not being used at the moment should also
be stacked near the 2 x 4s on blocks, for this is a free treasure.
At this point, there is still not much to show work I’ve done. All those
for all the
parts, and it still doesn’t look like a boat —
in fact, it looks more like a nightmare of
funny upside-down shapes. But know that the progress I’ve made is very real, and

am satisfied. %

After each major stage in building, take time to clean and rake the area. This will
get rid of anything that might cause one to trip, stumble, or fall. Also, it usually yields
some lost tools. While cleanup may seem unimportant, there are builders who
do it daily. Steel boatbuilding is considered heavy industry, so when you are building
your own vessel, 1 hope you will remember this need for orderly cleanliness.

Now that the area is clean, it is time for me to set up the building ways. The first item
of business is to determine where the centerline of the vessel will be. With this
decided, a couple of 2 x 4s about 3 feet long should be sharpened up cind driven into
the ground— one at each extremity of the shelter (or 10 feet more than the overall
length of the vessel). The tops of the stcikes should stand about 18 inches above the
ground, and each should have an eightpenny nail driven into the top. A string is tied
off between the two stakes, with a line level fitted at the middle. Whichever end is

high, that stcike is driven down until the string is level.

Next must decide which frame will serve as the master. The designer used frame

7; however, a bulkhead would be preferable, so bulkhead frame 8 is selected instead.

Looking at the site and the location of the shack, try to visualize the vessel for the

convenience of moving around it, and having done so, drive a stake close to but not

touching the string. This will mark the approximate location of bulkhead frame 8. 1

must now establish a perpendicular to the centerline at this point, which 1

accomplish by first driving a small stake exactly 12 feet away from the first, toward
the bow and directlybelow the centerline of the string. A nciil is driven into its top,
right on the spot that reads 12 feet, and the end of a steel tape is hooked to the nail
cind walked back toward the stake at frcime 8, but about 9 feet out from the
centerline. After making a small clecir area on the ground, scribe a short circ with a

knife blade at the 15- foot mark on the measuring tape, repeating the process on the
other side. Then measure out exactly 9 feet either side of the centerline, and where

the tape intersects the 15-foot arc, again drive stakes, one on either side. A line

strung between these two stakes ensures that bulkhead frame 8 squares with the
At this time, 1 select a good, straight 2 x 4, at least 12 feet and preferably 14 feet


BR.KCE. \r


Figure 60. The construction of the two end ladders.



long. Also required will be five good stakes, a small shovel, and a maul. After nailing
the stakes to the 2x4 with their tops flush to one of its edges, 1 dig five holes to match
the stake locations. The holes should be deep and large enough to permit some
driving of each stake cind to allow lining up the clear ledge of the 2x4 parallel to the
cross- string. The height above the ground doesn’t matter, but 8 inches is a good
clearance. The centerline string need not coincide exactly with the middle of the
2x4, but the top of the 2x4 must be level. Once satisfied, cleain ciny loose dirt from

the holes and fill them with concrete. Once the concrete sets, my cross spall is
Ladders to go at either end of the vessel will be made from the pile of 2 x 4s that
remain from the mold loft. Four straight ones are needed, and 12 to 14 feet would be a
good length for the unburied part of the ladders; the portions to be buried can be
scabbed on if necessary. Figure 60 shows their construction. The rung spacing
makes little difference, but the rungs must be parallel to each other. As for strength,
the rungs will later support scaffolding, and should be built accordingly.
After making the ladders, construct a workbench about 8 feet long, using 2 x 6s

for the top. This 1 locate near the shack, with room all around to work. The legs
should be buried, and the top should be level in all directions. The vise should be
mounted at one corner, preferably on its own steel plate made from some 7.65-
pound scrap. The plate should be bolted to the table and a lug welded to it so that it
can be grounded when wish to weld on the table.

At the same time the ladder and bench are being made, it would be wise to make a
sheers (Figure 61), which will make many of the jobs easier. This should be made of
4x4 material, with legs at least 16 feet long and of as clear a stock as possible,
because the lifts required cire such that one would not wcint them to fciil.
Now back to the scrap yard to find some heavy channels ( 1 2-inch by 5-inch by 35-
pound) or I-beams (12-inch by 8-inch by 40-pound) to support the hull during
construction. Three pieces will be required, the longest about 5 feet and the shortest
about 3 feet, plus some scrap ys-inch plate or, better yet, say, %-inch by 8-inch flat

bar 4 feet will do. I’ll look around some more before leaving, as it helps to know
what the place has to offer should a need arise later.
The end ladders are set up next. The forward one should stand about 28 feet
forward of the cross spall, and the after one about 25 feet aft of the spcill. Holes for the
ladder legs are dug, so that when the ladder is set up, its centerline will be exactly
aligned with the keel centerline string. The bracing for the ladder had best face away
from the hull; two braces for each leg are put up, one near the top and one about
halfway up. These can be splayed a bit in order to improve their support. The ladder
must be plumb, and, as stressed before, the rungs must be level. Furthermore, I’ll
need to make sure the rungs of the aft ladder are at the same heights as the rungs of
the forward ladder. Once everything is checked and found satisfactory, cement is
poured in the holes for the ladder legs and the support bracing. can now release the

keel string from the stakes and trcinsfer it to one of the rungs, checking, of course,
that the line is level.

Before setting up the keel will have to set up the three support I-beams, first

making sure that the keel bottom, when laid, will rest high enough above the ground

to permit welding along the bearding line. When on a concrete

a builder is sitting

block, a total height from the ground to the bearding line of 4 feet will be about right
for comfort, considering the need for room to pull the welding shield up clear of
one’s eyes. This means that at bulkhead frcime 8 the bottom of the keel should rest
about 33 inches above the ground. Using the Lines Plan, mecisure down from the1

keel at bulkhead frame 8 the scale equivalent to 33 inches, and draw a line parallel to
the DWL from stations 3 to 1 1 There is no reason to locate the I-beams at any precise

place, but since they will support the^vessel until it is finished, it seems reasonable to
locate one aft, say 8^ feet from the spall, and another, say, 14 feet forward, with the
third one somewhere between. dig a hole for each of them; in most soils, a 2-foot

depth should be enough. If the soil is soft, a flat plate can be welded to the bottom of
each I-beam. Each I-beam is centered and plumbed, and its hole filled with
From the Lines Plan, note that the keel from frames 3 to 1 1 a distance of
is straight ,

26 feet, and that the drag is 22^2 inches, or about 19 inches in the 22- foot span.
Measuring from the centerline string, determine the drop in inches to a point 33

inches above the ground at the master station. To this drop, add 7 inches and mark 1

the aft 1-becim. The drop at the after I-beam, less 19 inches, is the drop from the string
at the forward I-beam, and another string connecting these extreme points
determines the correct height of the middle support. All the l-beaims are then
checked and trimmed to the proper height. Exactness here is desirable but not
critical. From the scrap %-inch material, cut three cleats that match the keel cingle

(see Figure 62), making them V-shaped to fit the bottom of the keel, and weld one to
the aftermost I-beam. x

Figure 62. A cleat notched to re-

ceive the Pinky’s keel. ^

Figure 63 shows the plan view of the building site up to this point, including the
steel storage rack and details of how other matericd should be stored. Figure 64
shows a profile of the same building site, looking at the ladders and the three I-beams
cut and ready for the keel.
Now the keel is moved approximately into position, so that spall 8 and the mark on
the keel at station 8 are close. The keel will have to be rolled into position, and then
elevated enough to clear the cross spcdl as it is brought alongside the three 1-becims.
The keel weighs about 900 pounds, find it is not fragile, so it is prized up until it is even
with the middle support 1-becim, that about three concrete blocks high. It is not

necessary to lift both ends at the same time. A small hydraulic jack would speed up





'1 site.







} site.








The Building Ways and Basic Setup 163

the work, but this is an even better time to utilize sheers. Lacking the sheers, the
method of raising the keel and getting it in place is as follows. Each time the keel rises
a bit on the jack, a block of wood is shoved under it, then it is jacked a bit more until
there is enough room for another block. One should always use a piece of wood atop
the jack, or it will slide on the steel keel. Once the keel is high enough, it must be
eased over by swinging the aft end sideways until the center of the keel lies above or
rests on the center I-beam. The forward end must be restrained from moving; a loop
of chain around the forward I-beam and the keel will suffice. When the keel is over
the center support, and the flanges of the I-beam are clear, two short 2 x 4s are
clamped onto the flanges so they extend upward about 8 inches. Now that the worst
is over, the blocks from the aft end of the keel are removed to the level of the top

chock welded to the I-beam. The keel is prized around until it touches the forward 1-
beam, then lifted and blocked until it is level with the top of the I-beam. If all has gone
well, a small gap will exist over the center I-beam, which should be padded to protect
the keel. The aft end is now prized over until the heel of the keel rests over the V-
chock and the rest of its length over the centers of the other I-beams. The keel is
levered upright using a 6-foot piece of 2 x 4 clcimped to its elevated face, until it can
be seated in the aft V- chock; at the same time, it should have come off the pad on the
middle I-beam. Now it is moved either forward or aft to align the bulkhead 8 marks on
the keel with the cross spall. One can do this with a come-along on the end of the
keel, pulling from the nearest I-beam.
The keel must be elevated to the proper slope. Starting at frame 11,1 measure the
depth from the level line to the throat (inside of the angle); then move forward. The

keel stops before frame 3, so make an extension by clamping a piece of leftover


framing material with one edge resting in the throat. This piece should be long
enough that at least 2 feet is housed in the keel, to ensure a straight extension. 1

clamp well, then measure out and find frame 3, remembering to use the slope of the
keel length and not the horizontal frame space. Now elevate this point until it is

exactly 22y2 inches higher than frame 11, place the V-chock on the forward I-beam,
snug to the keel, then clarnp it. remeasure the depth at frame 1 1 it is probably
1 ;

slightly different now, especially if the forward end had to go up very much. Talking
one-half the difference between the original and new measurements, lower the 1

forward end by that much. Then remeasure and readjust until the keel is correct,

weld the forward chock to the I-beam, and then clamp in the middle V-chock to its 1-
beam. In a keel this heavy, and positioned as it is, one should find neither hog nor sag
between the two supports, but it is best to check to make sure. At frame 7, the exact
center between frames 3 and 11, must determine whether the difference in

elevation compared to frame 1 1 exactly equals 1 1 Va inches (half the total keel drag of
22 V2 inches). If it does, then may weld the V-chock at the middle I-beam; however, if

it is more or less, the keel will have to be adjusted at the middle I-beam. When am 1

satisfied, weld the V-chock to the I-beam. A final check is now made to be sure that

the marks for bulkhead frame 8 align with the face of the cross spall; the keel is
adjusted forward or aft until the marks align. Then, and only then, weld the keel to 1

the V-chocks. Needless to say, at all times checks must be made to assure that the
centerline of the keel coincides with the centering level line, and no welding may be
done before it lines up.

This may seem

unnecessarily complicated, and it would be if had a nice level 1

concrete slab to work on, or planned to purchase a heavy, wide-flange base-beam

that could easily be leveled. But such a beam would represent a ton of steel to
purchased that would not end up in the actual vessel. When you elect to build on
open land, you must start by getting level and square with the world. Once you’ve
done this, everything else is easy. Most amateurs are prone to hurry up to this point,
but mistakes made now will require many extra hours to rectify later. A builder must
always firmly grasp three basic axioms: first, because something is possibly possible,
it does not follow thht it is necessarily necessary,
second, don 7 worry that the sun has
gone down— it
be back up tomorrow', third (although we have all been told,
“Don’t just stand there, do something”), stand there, don’t do just something.
Note that have so far made no reference to the designed waterline or DWL: this is

because there was no way of establishing it until now. The keel first had to be set and
locked into place, independent of everything except a level line and a cross spall
square to it. The DWL must now be established. Since we have a level line already in
position, this becomes a simple question of how far up or down the existing level
must go. The keel is now laid and cannot reach the bottom of it anymore. Even if

could, the keel bottom is no longer accurate since rounded it off, so must
use the
1 1

inside of the keel for measuring. The throat of the angle is rounded but has
no offset
yet. must, then, determine just how much of a deduction to make
from the original
bottom of the keel (used for offsets on the plans) to the inside throat of the angle.
The procedure is to measure a piece of leftover (unrounded) keel and deduct its
thickness at the throat from the lofted offset given to the bottom of the keel from
DWL at frame 11; this will give the true DWL offset From the keel throat. Instead of
adding a rung in the end ladders, it is best to mark the DWL on vertical sticks that
cover all the rungs. Just any old sticks will not do, as it will be necessary to use a DWL
string offset a bit to one side or the other to allow room for setting
up the stem and
the sternpost. The stem facer bar is 1 inch in diameter, and the sternpost is
a 2-inch
Schedule 80 pipe with an outside diameter of 2% inches, or a half-diameter of P/i6
inches, plus V,6 inch for the thickness of the keel side plating (deadwood);
this gives a
total of 1% inches that the centerline string will have to be offset
at the to avoid DWL
fouling it on actual pieces of the keel assembly. (The thought has
possibly occurred
to you that this will not work when the deadwood plating is in place,
but that is in the
future. Remember that the centerline bulkhead stiffeners also
require a %-inch offset
to clear their flanges from the centerline.) The sticks must
measure 1%
inches wide. They are nailed in place, and the DWL is marked across them. The
is stretched between uprights and checked for
level. The depth at frame 1 1 is also
checked— is it in agreement with the corrected offset?
One more offset is needed, from the DWL to the top of the cross spall. This is found
by standing a stick on end close to the keel and on top of the cross spall. A level
moved up the stick until it just touches the underside of the string; the stick is marked
and the measurement ascertained. write this measurement on the Lines Plan
on bulkhead frame 8. Before proceeding any further, with a marking pen,
write 1 a
large S on the right and a large P on the left after face of the forward ladder; now on
the stern ladder’s forward face, 1 mark a large P on my right and a large S on my left. 1

don t mean to make fun of anyone’s intelligence, but when building a vessel, one can
The Building Ways and Basic Setup 165

easilyconfuse port and stcirboard. It is not uncommon to take a measurement facing

aft on one side of a bulkhead, say to the right of the centerline, then go to the

opposite side of the bulkhead cind transfer that dimension to the right again, which of
course puts the measurement to the wrong side of the centerline.
With the keel set up, a first- time builder usually wants to see how the vessel is
going to look, so many go ahead and set up the stem 2md sternpost. On Figure 65,
these have been indicated as dashed lines. Person 2dly, consider it a useless exercise

at this time, a lot of extra work, and of no immediate use. Nevertheless, for those who
can’t wciit, here’s how to do it. You will need to erect the sheers before transferring
the DWL to the offset position, and if the sheers has not already been made, it must
be made now.
Gently lean the sheers against the after face of the forward ladder, legs spread.
Take a small length of chain, shackle the ends together after pcissing them through
the Vee formed at the top of the sheers, rig the twofold purchase, hook the block to
the chain, and mouse the hook. Bring the stem assembly alongside the keel in
approximately correct position, but slightly athwcirt the centerline, with the billet on
the opposite side of the centerline string from the base of the stem. Make an eye on
each end of two 30- foot lines and cast the eyes over the head of the sheers. Lead one
guy line forward and the other aft; the after line must lead to the same side as the
DWL string. Move the feet of the sheers about 5 feet aft of the forward ladder, and dig
a hole about 6 inches deep for each foot. Take the after guy and lead it in its proper
direction; about 6 feet off the centerline, and near the end of the guy’s scope, drive a
2x4 stake leaning at a slight angle away from the sheers. Now use the guy to pull the
sheers into a nearly upright position, and tie it off temporarily to the stake. The
forward guy wants to be set out about 6 feet to the opposite side of the centerline,
where another stake is driven in, also leaning away from the sheers. Secure the
forward guy with a bit of slack, as the head of the sheers should fall a bit aft, say about
a foot from the vertical. Now tighten up the after guy. At or near the forward
perpendicular (FP) mark on the stem, tcike a choker (a large loop of line, cable, or
chain), pass around the stem at this point, and hook it to the lower block; then hoist

away. As it goes up, guide the stem between the legs of the sheers and walk the lower
portion over to the keel on the ground, until the billet clears the forward ladder.
Now the stem must be brought up to where you can slide it in place, since it is
notched to fit over the keel, and the stem facer bar fits under the keel. Heave up or
ease off on the fall until the keel notch lines up. To send it home will require a come-
along; secure a clamp athwart the stem bar at the bottom, then hook the ratchet to
the clamp and the end hook to the forward I-beam, and take up the slack. Bring the
stem home by easing on the falls of the purchase as you tighten the come-along. If
there is too much pressure and the stem just will not slip in, the choker may have to
be repositioned. If the hook is large enough, this can often be accomplished by
passing another line through the lower block hook and around the stem, farther up.
If this does not work, clamp a 2 x 6 across the insides of the sheer legs and agciinst the

stem face, slacken the falls, and readjust the choker. {Never use steel clamped
against steel as a working support unless you want sliding or slipping.)
When you have the heel of the stem seated, check the DWL. It is extremely
doubtful that it will be found exactly right, since it strikes the stem about 6 feet away

from the connection just made. Take up or ease off on the fall until the DWL of the
stem bar matches that of the string. When it does, spike a 2 x 6 to the forward ladder,
after cutting a round notch about 1 inch deep for the stem bar, and rasp it to the
approximate slope of the stem. Before nailing, center the notch to match the
centerline of the hull. At the DWL we can make one further check. The stem is of V2-
inch by 3-inch bar, so its half-siding is Va inch; the centerline string has been offset 1%
inches. Thus the gap from the stem to the string must be \ Vs inches. If it is not, then
the lower portion of t^e stem must be>ulled one way or the other, and only a minute
amount will cause a large movement at the DWL. When all is correct, tack weld the
stem to the keel two places only. Leave the sheer legs where they are.

The sternpost is light enough to manhandle, so all you need is a 2 x 4 about 8 feet
long. In one end, cut a deep notch the same diameter as the sternpost; about 4 inches
forward of the frame 1 1 marks, clamp a short 2x4 athwart the keel. Now put the heel
of the sternpost into the keel, orienting its axis with that of the vessel, cind lift it up; at
the same prop the notched 2 x 4 at about shoulder height to support it. Nail a
couple of temporary braces to the 2 x 4 to keep it from falling sideways. Next, adjust
the bottom of the sternpost to its proper position in the fore-and-aft direction. By
direct measurement from the plans, it may be determined that the after side of the
post meets the DWL approximately 5 feet 6V2 inches aft of frame 1 1 Mark frame 1

on the centerline string using a small piece of electrician’s tape; then, at the 5- foot
6^2 -inch mark, place another small piece of tape. Elevate or lower the notched 2x4
until the edge of the tape and the DWL mark in the pipe align. The exact intersection
may be a bit forward or aft of the mark, as any dimensions measured from a print are
suspect. When they are in line, drive a stake against the bottom of the 2 x 4 to prevent
its kicking out. Find two more permanent braces, a couple of stakes, and a small
Move the sternpost athwartship until the piece of steel will just
piece of Li6-inch steel.
pass between the pipe and the string; secure the braces and stcike them down. Make
two tack welds at the heel of the sternpost and tack weld a small piece of steel above
the 2 X 4 brace to keep it from climbing. The final adjustment of the sternpost comes
much later. The DWL string may now be tciken down.
Move the sheer legs aft to just forward of the cross spall, gradually walking the legs
aft cind on the guys to prevent the sheers from falling. About 2
adjusting the tension
feet forward of the cross spalls, dig holes about I foot deep to match the feet of the
sheer legs, and move the legs into them. Tighten up the foot rope of the sheers to
keep the legs from spreading, and let the head of the sheers fall aft until the hook on
the about 3 inches forward of the cross spall. Now bring bulkhead 8 to the keel,
falls is

with the top edge facing forward. The Scantling Plan calls for bulkhead stiffeners to
face aft, except on fishing vessels, so they will be up. Rather than lift from the
centerline of the bulkhead, it would be better to bridle off and lift from the cabin
ports. Halving 8 feet or so of chain, about four links down fit a shackle with at least the
same diameter as the chain link. On the last link of each leg of the now-formed bridle,
shackle on a %-inch slip-eye hook. Hook the bight of bridle to the moving block of the
falls and mouse it. Pass the slip hooks under the bulkhead from forward, and hook

them and starboard ports, taking up the slack. Before starting the lift,
into the port
shackle another chain around the keel just forward of the center I-beam, hook a
come-along to it, ratchet end down, mouse its hook, and pay out about 6 feet of


chain. Then lead the after guy forward, and also make it fast around the keel forward
of theforward I-beam.
Now the lift can commence. It goes rather easy at first, but since the bulkhead
weighs close to 800 pounds, it gets tougher, and the four-to-one purchase makes the
final lift more them 200 pounds plus friction. When the going gets too tough, stop and
secure the fall — now it is time to use the come- along. With a short piece of line, stand
on the keel, cmd, at the top of your reach, tie a rolling hitch to the fall and secure the
free end of the come- along close up^then ratchet it up. Repeat as often as required,
tying off the fall, moving the hitch and come- along, and ratcheting away. The
bulkhead need not be lifted clear of the keel. It will suffice just to drag it along until
the bulkhead is almost upright, at which time you will clamp a short 2x4 across the
keel so the bottom of the bulkhead will not slide aft. Continue lifting the bulkhead;
when it is almost vertical, the fall will be doing all the work. Too much of a pull now
will send the sheer legs toppling forward, so it is time to take the cifter guy aft and

secure it under and around the keel, just cift of the last I-beam. The bulkhead is now
brought gently to the vertical, or at least to the point where its bottom lines up with
the punch marks on the keel. Since this is an after frame, the after face of the floor lies
against the mark. Move the previously clamped 2 x4 up to the bulkhead and reclamp
it securely to the keel; use another clamp to secure the bulkhead to the 2x4.

The cmgles purchased for the cabin beams have not been used yet, so two of them
may now be employed. Set one forward and one aft, resting their upper ends atop the
cabin plate on or near the centerline. The elevated leg of each angle faces the
centerline, with the opposite leg resting on the plate. Let the elevated ends extend
upward as much as needed to rest the lower ends in the keel, with sufficient room to
move a foot or so in either direction. Now clamp short 2 x 4s to the keel, just touching
each of the angles; pull the angle legs together, and weld the undersides of the angles
to the bulkhead with a good tack weld of about % inch. The angles will brace the
bulkhead in the fore-and-aft direction.
Figure 65 is a composite drawing indicating all that has happened up to this stage
of construction, including the method of rigging the sheer legs and the bracing of the
bulkhead. The sheer legs must always slope a bit toward the load being lifted. In
future illustrations will not draw the sheers in position, for it only confuses a small

The worst part of erecting the bulkhead is over. Now you just have to secure and
align it. Use two more 2 x 4s; clamp one vertically to the after face of each side of the
bulkhead, between the upper and lower chines. Note that the butts should rest on
the cross spall; if they will not, there is a twist in the bulkhead. If there is a twist, gently
pull the bulkhead around until both 2 x 4s rest on the cross spall. Again, a couple of
short 2 X 4s will be needed. Clamp one to the cross spall in the vertical position, then
clamp the bulkhead support to it, and repeat this on the opposite side. You need no
longer fear that the master frame is going any place. It is secure in all directions
except up.
It is time now to level, plumb, and square the bulkhead. First, a 12-foot (or longer)

2x4 (the best one available) will be needed. Clamp it across the forward face of the
bulkhead at the DWL, with the upper edge just touching the line. The 2x4 wants to be
centered. Drill three holes through the 2x4 and bulkhead (Vi-inch is all right, but Vi6-
inch is better), and Check to make sure that the holes
bolt the 2 x 4 to the bulkhead.
clear any stiffeners. The bulkhead may now be plumbed by moving the fore-and-aft
Figure 66. Bulkhead 8 of the Pinky in position.

2 mgle making sure to reclamp the blocks that cross the keel near their butts.

Leveling comes next, and is accomplished by adjusting the 2x4 supports. No

welding should be done at this time. Now check to see if the DWL is at the right
height. The offset to the cross spall was marked on the bulkhead earlier, but may
have been rubbed off; luckily, it was also marked on the Lines Drawing. There are
now three possibilities for the DWL offset:
too high, too low, or just right. The latter
possibility would be pure luck. Of the other possibilities, too low is the better, unless
the error is drastic; too high means that the bulkhead must be lifted and the surplus
metal ground off. Once the DWL has
been adjusted, the keel mairks are checked; if
these are correct, a final check should be made on the plumbness, which should now
be exact. If it is not, check not only that the DWL is level athwartships, but also that it
is still at the correct height. Finally, make a short tack weld between the throat of the

keel and the bulkhead.

The bulkhead is now level and plumb to the vessel, but not necesscirily square
throughout its width, as it may have a slight bow. You can correct this later; at this
time, the 2x4 uprights should be bolted to the bulkhead and the cross spall. The tops
of these 2 x 4s should terminate at least 4 inches below deck level. Where the
uprights meet the cross spall, drive in two stakes on the after side of the spall. These
stakes should also be bolted to the cross spall and the support legs. These supports
will be the last items removed when plating. The finished bulkhead, as erected, is

shown in Figure 66.

At this stage, you can consider the vessel set up and ready for framing. As
mentioned before, the inclusion of the stem or sternpost is really immaterial for quite
some time, and setting them up now creates a lot of unnecessary work, but you now
have some idea of how the vessel will look (in profile, at least).


I have described the building through Chapters 9 and 10 in the first

of the Pinky
person, for three mciin reasons. First, weint it to be understood that the vessel can be

built by a lone individual. Second, do no^wish to impose my methods and


procedures on every present and future builder who reads this book. Were to say, 1

“Now you should position this,” or “Next you will need to weld that,” the reader
might suppose that it can be done my way and my way alone. do not believe that.

While do know that the procedures Tm outlining in this and in the second volume of

Steel Boatbuilding will result, with care and some ability, in a fine vessel, 1 do not
know that am cilternative procedure, perhaps even one for which the tools or
materials do not yet exist, could not create a vessel just as fine or finer, and with less
work. Finally, the procedures I’m describing are tailored to the Pinky whose
construction is detailed here. For another vessel, one or more of the steps in the

building process, or the sequence in which they’re arranged, might well vary.
For these reasons, have given you, the reader, the role of observer, surveying the

building site from a good vantage point and watching what do with a critical eye.
1 1

want to continue that arrangement as push ahead in the building process, but the

use of the first person is often awkwcird and would soon grow tedious, and want to 1

avoid that. Please understand, therefore, when write “Grind off the weld” or “Weld

the after brace” (as do in the next paragraph), that it is myself am directing, and
1 1

not you.


The vessel may now be up by starting with the existing bulkhead frame 8 and
working forward. After checking once more that the bulkhead is indeed plumb, grind

Framing Up 171

off the weld on the forward brace at the cabintop and weld the after brace onto the
keel, then move the sheers forw 2U'd of bulkhead frame 6 and set up to lift that
bulkhead Bulkhead frame 6 will be longer from bottom to top than the space
between bulkhead frames 6 and 8, so the lift will have to be made somewhat across
the vessel.
There is no good place on the frame to hook into; therefore, a flat bar should be
welded about a foot below the deck level to the bulkhead stiffeners. This bar can be
of leftover framing stock, and must extend outwcird from the centerline stiffener to
the second stiffener, port and stairboard. The welds on the bottom of the flat bar
should be at least 1 inch long; for the weld to the top of the bar, only a good, sound
tack is needed. This bulkhead, according to Figure 76, will have the stiffeners on the
forward side, and since it is a forward frame, the forward face will lie against (and will
become) the frame line. Therefore, with the stiffeners facing down, place the slip
hooks 12 inches out from the centerline, hooks facing aft under the bottom of the flat
bar, and commence the lift.
When the bulkhead reaches the vertic 2d position, clamp a piece of 2 x 4 athwart the
keel on the after side of the bulkhead, and clamp the bulkhead to the 2x4. Take
cinother 12-foot piece of 2 x 4 and bolt it along the DWL of the bulkhead, just as on
bulkhead 8. Then level the bulkhead athwairtships and on the forward face clamp
vertical 2 x 4s, port and starboard, cilso as on bulkhead 8, but do not bolt them. If the
ground is soft, mount these legs on concrete blocks laid on their flat sides. Check the
bulkhead to make sure it is vertical (close will do). Cut a piece 6 feet 6 inches long
from one of the T-bcirs eventually intended for longitudinals in the deck, and lay it on
top of the hatch coaming that forms part of bulkhead 6, keeping one edge of the
flcinge on the centerline. The other end will be welded to bulkhead 8, with the same
edge on the centerline; however, the Tee must be leveled prior to welding on
bulkhead 8. For now, return to bulkhead 6, plumb the bulkhead, and tack the Tee to

Frcime 7 is now offered up. This being the midship frame, the builder could set it

correctly on either side of the freime mark. However, to prevent the deck beam cingle
from landing on the hatchway, frame 7 should have its forward face on the frame line.
The frame is not heavy, so it may be tilted against bulkhead 8 for the moment to keep
it from toppling over. Place the deep floor into the keel, and then secure a piece of

line to the Tee, just forward of where frame 7 will stand. Clcimp a block of 2 x 4 to the
keel at the frame mau'k, and push the frame upright. When the frame is approximately
in position, pass the tciil of the rope under the hatch plate and back over the frame,

2md secure it to hold the frame up. Bolt another 2x4 across the frame so that the

waterline marks are flush with the top of the 2x4. Level the waterline, fit short legs,
and clamp them to the 2x4; also clamp the keel portion of the frame in the correct
place, but do not weld.
Before frame 5 can be offered up, the sheers must be moved forwcird. It is not a
heavy frcime, but the use of the twofold purchase will be welcome. Like frame 7,
frame 5 will 2ilso have its forwcird face on the frame line, with a block clamped to the
keel and the frame clamped to the block. As with all the other frames and bulkheads,
a 2 X 4 will be bolted across the DWL on the face opposite the stiffeners. Vertic 2d
braces will extend to just below the deck level, outbocird of the lower chine.


Now it is time to string the DWL again (remember that was taken down temporairily

in Chapter each bulkhead, mark and drill a ^4-inch hole exactly 1% inches
10). First, in
off the centerline either to port or stcirboard —
whichever way the vertical sticks are
offset on the ladders —
and exactly Va inch above the DWL. Thread a piano wire
through the holes cind over the 2 x 4s that were used for marking the DWL at the
bulkheads and frames. At the end ladders, secure this wire exactly Vi inch above the
DWL mcirks on the offset side. At one o! the ladders, affix the end of the wire to a small
eye-amd-eye turnbuckle and tighten it. The idea is not to pull the ladders together,
but to minimize the sag in the wire. Before tightening, insert the line level just forwcird
of frame 7. If all is well, the wire will be level and will not touch either of the drilled
Frame 7 is now ready to plumb, using another 6- foot 6- inch length of T-bar. This
time let the Tee rest on bulkhead 6 as well as frame 7, and butt it against bulkhead 8.

Since the first Tee is already lined up to one side of the centerline, line the second up
on the opposite side of the centerline and tack weld it to bulkhead 8, frcime 7, cind
bulkhead 6, making certain that the DWL remains level. Then secure frame 5 to
bulkhead 6 with a short piece of T-bar from the centerline of the companion opening
sill to the forwcird face of the hatch coaming; this piece should be level prior to

tacking. Also check the DWL of frame 5 for level. When all frames are level and
plumb, try to slip a small piece of y4-inch plywood under the wire at each frame 2uid
bulkhead at the DWL 2x4. Should it refuse to fit, then that particulcir frcime or
bulkhead is too high, and if daylight can be seen, that pcirticular one is too low.
Bulkhead frame 8 is absolutely correct; therefore, adjust all others in relation to it.
Again, correctness is an ideal seldom obtciined by luck (and never absolutely
achieved). Lows can be shimmed, while highs must be cut. The amounts involved
usually come to mere fractions of an inch. One must be certain before shimming or
cutting that the keel m 2u-ks are checked first, since a fraction forw2U"d here will put
the frame high, and a fraction cift will put it low. The distance from the DWL wire to
the centerline of the frame must also be checked to verify that the frame or bulkhead
remains exactly centered on the vessel. In general, the four checks to each frcime or
bulkhead are square to the centerline, plumb with the world, level with the world,
and centered on the keel line. Once satisfied that each of them is level, plumb, and
centered, tack weld frame 5, bulkhead 6, and frame 7 to the throat of the keel.
With three checks done, there is still one to go: the frcimes to the centerline must
be squared, which is the same as making them p 2U"allel to bulkhead 8. Do this first at
the DWL. Rip a 2 x 4 at least 10 feet long into four equal thicknesses, IVz inches wide.
To both port and starboard, lay one strip lengthwise on top of the protruding
sections of the DWL 2 x 4s and nail it to the 2 x 4 on bulkhead 8. Note the keel marks:
from the after face of bulkhead 8 to the forward face of frame 7 is a frame space, that
is, 3 feet 3 inches. Meu"k this distance on each strip, then bring the forwcird face of

frame 7 to this mark on one side. Repeat for the opposite side, nciiling each side in
turn. The forward face of bulkhead 6 is also on the frame line, so it, too, will be exactly
3 feet 3 inches forw 2wd of frame 7. And again, the forwcird face of frame 5 is sdso on
the frcime line, and therefore exactly 3 feet 3 inches forward of bulkhead 6. When cill
Framing Up 173

have been nailed, the DWL at each station should prove square to the centerline of
the vessel, since all stations are now parcdlel to bulkhead frame 8, which is the master
station. Check once more for level and plumb on frame 7, bulkhead 6, and frame 5,
adjusting where necessary.
The correct distance between the forward face of bulkhead frame 8 and the after
face of frame 5 is exactly 9 feet 9 inches less the thicknesses of the bulkheads, which
in this instance are both 10-gauge. This gauge mecisures Vn inch, which, times two,

equals Vie inch; therefore, the true measurement between bulkheads is 9 feet 8‘Ki6
inches. Two 2 x 4s are cut to this length; at the same time, four 4-inch-long pieces of
bar scrap from the framing will be required to make some support clips. At 2 feet 10
inches off the centerline, port and starboard, tack two clips to bulkhead 8, with their
tops 3 feet 9 inches above the DWL, the clips lying horizontal and having the tacks on
their undersides. Do the same on frame 5. Now place one of the two 2 x 4s on each
pair of clips, fore and marking on each the correct distance of frame 7 and
aft, after
bulkhead 6 from bulkhead 8. Clamp the 2 x 4s in place, making sure that their
respective bulkheads fit snug against their ends. Bulkhead frame 8 must now be
checked to cissure that it is bowed neither forward nor aft. If it is, it will have to be
sprung in the opposite direction. When it is absolutely true, then frame 5 will also be
absolutely square with bulkhead 8, at 2 feet 10 inches off the centerline.


Using one of the remaining strips cut from the 2x4, cut it about 9 feet 8 inches long
cind lay it on the deck so that it parallels the longitudinal cutouts or marks at 3 feet 0
inches off the centerline. At frcime 7, clamp it into place; at bulkhead 8, it will need to
be elevated with the aid of a short pipe clamp; at frame 5, it will need to be depressed

a bit; it should rest without pressure on frame 6. Measure and meirk how much length
the strip lacks to reach frame 5; also mairk the bevel that the bottom of the strip
makes against the vertical portion of the frame. Do the same at bulkhead 8, and mark
the intersection at bulkhead 6. Using a length of T-bar ordered for the deck
longitudinals, cut two Tees to the length obtained on the measuring stick, and bevel
their ends. Figure 76 indicates the use of Detail 3- A at the ends and Detail 4- A at

bulkhead 6 these details are drawn on the same plan and the Tees must be —
prepared accordingly. When finished, fit them into place, and when assured of the
correct height, tack weld them to bulkhead 8, clamp them at frame 7, let them seat at
bulkhead 6, and weld them at frame 5. From each frame mark on the fore-and-aft
2 X 4s connecting bulkhead 8 and fraime 5, drop a plumb and adjust the frame forward
or aft as required, correcting any bow that may be present; then tack the
longitudinals in place. All frames should prove squ 2u-e at 3 feet off the centerline.
Now cut the five short longitudinals (on the centerline, and 1 2 and 24 inches off the
centerline, port and starboard) between frame 7 aj\d bulkhead 8. Both ends will be as
shown in Detail 3-A of Figure 76; the measurement and the bevels of all five will be
ascertained at the 3- foot longitudinal. When these are cut, instcill them by first

welding to bulkhead 8 cind then to frame 7. Similarly, cut the other five short
longitudinals (the centerline, and 12 and 24 inches off the centerline) between frame

5 and bulkhead 6, measuring again at the 3- foot longitudinal and providing Detail 3-
ends. Install them by first welding to bulkhead 6 and then to frame 5. The ten shorts
should not be cut at the same time, since the two sets have different lengths and
bevels. Finally, remove all temporary supports that were welded to the vessel above
deck level, except the 2 x 4s.


With these longitudinals in place, the deck plate cam be laid. From the plating

rack, select the 60-inch by 120-inch plate ordered for the deck, and lay it flat on
several concrete blocks. First, measure its true width aind chalk in a centerline; next,
determine if one end is square to the centerline. The tolerances of steel are such that
the length and width ordered are only nominal, as is the actual thickness. The
sheared ends aire adso not always square with the sides, and so must be checked
whenever squareness is vital, as it is in this instamce. If neither end of the plate
squcires with the centerline, then alter the centerline, making it square with one end.
The stick used for measuring the longitudinals should now be Iciid upside down
against the hatch coamings on bulkhead 6 and frame 7 in order to determine the
actual length between frcime 5 and bulkhead 8; at the same time, mark on it the aft
face of the coaming at frcime 7, the forward face of the coaming at bulkhead 6, cind the
distance from frame 7 to bulkhead 8. Measure off on the plate the true length, less Vs
inch for clecirance. Then lay the stick on the centerline of the plate. Deduct Fie inch
from the measurement between bulkhead 8 and frame 7 to cillow for the correct
seam gap, and mairk in the hatch coaming face on the plate; then add Vie inch at each
face away from the hatch, and mark these off as well. Back on the vessel, measure
athwartship over the crown of the deck to determine the girth between each side of
the coaming, and add Fi6 inch per side. Return this measurement to the plate. From
the marks representing the hatch coamings, erect perpendiculars to the centerline
of the plate, and lay off one- half the girth distance on either side.
Next, square the plate end that is to be cut, and drill a y4-inch hole at the centerline,
outside but adjacent to the cutting line; follow the same procedure at the hatch
opening, drilling two holes inside but adjacent to the centers of the forwcird and after
hatch lines. Cut the end off by starting at the middle and cutting about halfway to
each edge, then returning to the first side cut and cutting half of the remainder. Make
the last cut on each side from the edge of the plate toward the centerline. Chip off the
slag on the edge and grind smooth. Now cut the hatch openings. Starting, say, at the
cift end, cut from the centerline to the port corner, cind then from the centerline to

the starboard corner. Cut the forwcird end in the S 2mie manner. The sides eu'e cut
from the corners toward the middle, the cuts meeting h€ilfway. Tap the cut-out plate
loose if it hcis not fallen out, chip the hatch opening clean of slag, cind grind the edges
The hatch opening has wecikened the plate; therefore, in order to prevent its
buckling, clamp on a 2 x 4 along each edge and move the plate alongside the sheers,
ciligned fore-and- 2Jt. Hook the purchase to one corner of the hatchway and hoist
away, letting the plate slide up the leg of the sheers while guiding the other end of the
Framing Up 175

plate clear of the vessel. The plate weighs only about 200 pounds, so this will be
awkward but not strenuous work. Once the plate clears frame 5, work the aft end
over until it rests on one of the 2 x 4s clamped between frame 5 and bulkhead 8; then
lower away, pulling the plate aft at the same time. The purpose is to get the plate
canted across the deck so that it can be positioned. At this time, clamp an 8- foot
piece of 2 X 4 athwcirtships, just aft of frcime 7, to the underside of the longitudinal
2 X 4s. Jockey the plate aft and around until its forward end rests on the deck
longitudinals and its centerline matches that of frame 5. Clamp another short 2 x 4 to
the aft side of the hatch coaming near the centerline and just touching the
suspended plate; remove the athwartship 2x4 and release the clamp on the short
2x4 supporting the plate; then, while one hand supports the plate, pull the top of it
cift with the other hand until the plate rests on the longitudinals. If the plate rests on

the coaming, it will be necessary to elevate the forward end a bit until it drops into
Once the plate on deck, remove the clamped-on strengthening 2 x 4s from its

edges, and align the centerline of the plate and the vessel at bulkhead 8 and also at
frame 5. Return to bulkhead 8 and make sure there is a Ki6-inch gap. With the plate
resting firmly on the centerline longitudinal, tack the plate to the bulkhead. At the
forward faces of frames 7 and 5, clamp 2 x 4s in the vertical position on the centerline,
with their heels in the keel and also clamped to the floors.
The deck is now safe enough to walk on at bulkhead 8. Alternating port cind
starboard, check for the proper Ki6-inch gap at each longitudinal cind then tack weld.
Starting at the centerline, do the same in the way of the hatch coaming at fraime 7,
making sure that a Ki6-inch gap exists between the plate and the coaming; repeat this
for bulkhead 6 and frame 5. The longitudinals must be tacked to the underside of the
plate, and this should be done first at the centerline. To attempt to weld the plate
without clamping is however, a 5- foot- wide plate is difficult to
just asking for trouble;
clamp, so it will be necessary to use a rolling clamp, which is simply a straight piece of
deck beam angle laid athwao-t the plate midway in each frame bay. Hook a short pipe
clamp near each end of the angle bar cind also to the 3- feet off- centerline
longitudinals. As the clamp on one end of the bar is tightened and the other clamp
eased, the angle will roll toward the tightening side. When it bears on the longitudinal
to be welded, snug up the appropriate clcimp, then weld the longitudinal and the
plating with about a H/2 -inch segment. Repeat until all longitudinals cire welded.
There is no need to move from side to side while welding the underside of the plate to
the longitudinals; just complete one side and then the other. The plate should also be
welded about one inch in from its edge to each frame.
There remains one more task before moving on, namely, to make and install the
hatch side coamings. If a pattern was made during lofting, check it against the vessel
now; however, if no pattern exists, the coamings may be done by direct
measurement. The top 2md bottom of the side coamings are straight cind parallel,
and the ends will be raked to match the plumb end cocimings. These side pieces will
be Vs inch less in length than the actual length of the hatch, since they butt the end
coamings. Cut and fit them in place, maintaining the proper gaps. Put a good tack
weld on the top, middle, and bottom of each corner.
Now check that the deck plate alongside the side coamings is straight. It should be.

Framing Up 177

Figure 67. The Construction Plan of the Pinky, Colvin Design No. 169.

but if it is must be straightened now. Heat causes distortion, and heat will also
not, it

be necess^lry to straighten ainy distortion. If the plate bows in toward the centerline,
clamp the middle of the bow with a small pipe clamp bearing on the 3- foot
longitudincil, then heat the outbocird edge while applying some pressure. The heated
cirea should measure about 12 inches in length, depending upon the severity of the
bow. If the plate bows away from the centerline, it will have to be pushed towcird the
centerline, cind its inner edge heated very C2u'efully so as to avoid distortion to the
When no distortion, tcike the strip of wood that was used to mark the
there is

length of the plate, and lay it on the edge of the plate, clamping it in place. Between
bulkhead 6 aind frame 7, the deck plate must be welded to the side coamings at the
proper sheer curve of the deck. Tack first at the center and then m 2Jce a couple more
tacks toward each end of the coaming.


Had we not already erected the stem, the time to do so would be now, as the sheers
will have to be moved to lift bulkhead frame 3, and this will also put them in position

to lift the stem. Furthermore, bulkhead 3 cannot be instadled until the stem is in place.
With the stem erected, the centerline wire representing the DWL can be released, to
be repositioned after frame 2 is in place. Setting up the rest of the frames and
bulkheads (stcirting with bulkhead 3) simply-repeats the steps followed ecirlier.
From this time on, frame 5 will be used as the reference for straightening 2ind
squciring the forward frames. It is advantageous to erect all the remaining frames at
once, checking at first only to see that they are centered, level, cind plumb. Place a
2x4 lengthwise along either side of the forwcird cabin trunk, clamping it to each
frame. In the way of bulkhead 3, a nail forward and aft of the bulkhead plate will
suffice. Continue bolting 2 x 4s across each frame at the DWL mcirks; they need not
extend past the frames more than 24 inches on either side. Frame 2 will need not only
the DWL 2x4, but also another one at a height above it that matches the reference
waterline of frame 1. When all the forward frcimes are in place, drill the V4-inch hole
for the DWL centerline wire to pass through, as on the other bulkheads, and set it up
again. Check and adjust all frcimes for the correct height, and make certain they are
on the exact centerline of the vessel. Square the DWL 2 x 4s as before. The nailing
strip joining the DWL crosspieces may be Iciid at an angle to the frames, toeing in
toward the stem, but be sure to make the measurements themselves parallel to the
centerline, to preserve a true dimension. Square frcime 1 from frcime 2 at the higher
level, then check the stem again to see that it matches all the dimensions on the plan.

Fit several athwartship braces to prevent it from twisting when the hull longitudinals

and chines are added.

On the Construction Drawing, Figure 67, the deck longitudinals are shown with
different lengths and details, since some end on frames, some pierce bulkheads, and
so forth. Therefore, it is easier to fit all ofthem
clamp the
thcin to precut them. First,

straightest 2x4 available, on edge, aft of and

agciinst frame 5. Four clamps will be
required, one at each end and one at each side of the comp 2mionway. Make sure that
Framing Up 179

the forward face of each frame is exactly 3 feet 3 inches forward of the last, excepting,
of course, frame 1 (which is spaced at half this interval). The first longitudinal to fit is
the outboard short one. When the centerline longitudinsd is the only remciining one,
lay it in its proper position, but on top of the becims and butting against the cabin at
bulkhead 3; then obtain the bevel that will be required at the stem. Take a short piece
of the same material the longitudinal was cut from and, making sure square on
it is

the end, slide it along the underside of the longitudinal until it touches the stem; then
mark the longitudinal. The bevel will be applied from this point. With the bevel cut, fit
the longitudincil to its slots, cind weld it to the stem and all frames. Before proceeding
further, check all work done forward of frame 5; also check all DWL measurements
from bulkhead 8.
After the deck longitudinals are fitted, the upper chine can be fitted, starting at the
stem and continuing as far aft as one bar will go. The chine is detailed in Figure 76,
Detail 3-B, and more or less explains itself. The proper amount of welding is a tack
weld to hold the chine bar at each frcime. Bevel the bau- to fit the stem first, and then
tack it to the stem. Both sides will be brought home at the same time. The chine will
run past frame 7, and, since the DWL 2 x 4s block the chine, it will be necessary to cut
off enough of each of them to cle£u- the chine slot. Therefore, a new spacing strip
must be nailed to the DWL 2 x 4s inside the frames from bulkhead 6 to bulkhead 8 at
this time, so that the origincd strip can be removed. Before removing the origincil
strip, find a piece of scrap T-b 2u- to weld on the inside of frame 5, butting against

bulkhead 6; this bar will assure that the proper spacing is maintciined. The projecting
end of the DWL 2x4 need not be cut off on frame 5, since the chine will clear

When the upper chines have been tacked in, installation of the lower chines
follows. Both sides will be worked at the same time, as with the upper chine. Agadn,
check that the frames cire still properly spaced.
The topside longitudinal Tees go in next. There are two acceptable ways of
installing them. The more common way is to scribe the Tees to the correct bevel and
weld them to the stem. At best, this always t 2ikes time, since the slightest mistake in
the cut requires the end to be recut for a proper fit. The alternate method is to use a
small breasthook, which will lie in the Scime plane cis the stems of the Tees amd
extend aft far enough to allow the full depth of the Tees to be inset and welded
without ciny cutting. This is a blessing later on, when the shell plating must be welded
to the stem. Figure 68 shows a typical breasthook used for this type of construction.

Figure 68. Sketch of a small breast-

hook with the topside longitudinal
Tees let into it

Reviewing Figures 76, 67, and 56, note that no special cuts occur in the topside
longitudinals until bulkhead 6. This means the longitudinals will not have to be cut as
per Detail 4-A until that point, and so may simply be clamped in place and tack
welded to each frame and the breasthook, starting at the breasthook. When
bulkhead 6 is reached, cut the longitudinal as per Detail 4-A and slip the longitudinal
into its proper slot. When making such cuts in a longitudinal, always support the free
end or it will droop. Bulkheads 3 and 8 utilize similar details, as indicated on the
Expanded Shell Drawing.


The upper portion of the vessel is now locked in place, cind it is time to lock the
bottom by adding keel sides and more longitudinals. The keel sides £u-e now added,
starting with the forefoot pieces, which extend from the stem to about midway
between frame 5 and bulkhead 6. But before going further, check the floors to assure
their proper spacing from bulkhead 6, cind if the spacings are correct, weld the
bottoms of the frames on their forwcird and after sides to the keel angle and the stem.
Use a Vs-inch rod for this (preferably an E-6010 or an E-7018), and DC welding, as
deep penetration welds are now desired. Select one of the forefoot plates and set it in
its proper position; elevate it above the keel bar by the thickness of a deck plate,

clamp it to each frcime, cind then tack weld it to each frame, using only enough weld
metal to keep it from falling off. Do not tack it to the stem. Now set the opposite plate
in place, spaced above the keel by the same thickness as on the other side, and tack it

to each fr€ime. Cut a piece of 2 x 4 to a length exactly equal to the deep floor width at
frame 5; at the aft ends of the plates, rest this block atop the keel bar and cl 2mnp the
two plate ends together, squeezing them into exact cdignment against the block. The
outside edge of the keel must lie in the same pleine as the keel sides. In case of
misalignment, work a second clamp upward from the bottom of the keel using two
short blocks, which will pull the keel sides one way or the other as a unit. Figure 69
indicates the method of doing this. When the alignment is correct, tack weld each
side to the keel bar about 1 inch from the end, on the inside of the plate. Move the
inner block about 12 inches forwcird, repeat the alignment, cind tack. When a frame is
reached, use a larger weld, welding down the frcime and along the keel in a
continuous weld, each leg being about W2 inches in length. Continue this process

toward the bow, until the end of the keel bcir is reached. From this point forward, the
keel tapers and the block is no longer useful.
At bulkhead 3, clamp the keel side plates to the bulkhead, drawing them in at the
same time; use a clamp on the top and bottom of the plates, and, when tight, tack
weld each plate to bulkhead 3 on the after face only, about 1 inch from the top cind
bottom. A small plate must be added to the top end of each of the forefoot plates to
finish it off at the stem, and this should be done now. Using a V32-inch rod, weld the
plates with a B-3 weld (see Figure 6), but do not grind them on the outside at this
time. The plates may now be clamped to frame 2 and to the stem.
Clamping at the stem is vexing, because when the clamp is tightened, it will slip. In
order to prevent this, clips will have to be welded to the plates. A flat bar scrap is

Framing Up 181

Figure 69. Using a clamp and two

blocks to adjust the alignment of
the keel side plates over the keel

usually enough screw end of the clcimp, but a small scrap of tingle is required
for the
on the fixed end After the plates have been brought home on the stem, check before
welding that the stem has not been pulled out of alignment. If satisfied, tack weld the
plates to the stem, alternating sides, placing the tacks at intervails of 6 inches or
Two more small plates must be added (one on complete the keel-
either side) to
forefoot- stem connection. Add these now, first tacking them to the main keel bar,
cind then tacking them along the stem bar where they twist upward to the forefoot
plate. The forefoot plates will have to be moved in or out to make the joints at the
plate edges. To move the forefoot plate in requires clamping; moving it out can be
done with a block and a wedge on the inside of the keel.
The next pieces of plate extend the keel sides to just aft of frame 10, and they are
now added in the same manner as the forefoot plates, only at this time the welding
will stop at bulkhead 8. The butt joints where these plates meet the forefoot plates

should be tacked in several short tacks, on the inside only.


The sheers is now brought aft and set up to lift frames 9, 10, and 1 1 into place. At the
same time, remove the angle brace that was required before to keep bulkhead 8
plumb. This bulkhead cannot move anymore, since it has been tied via plating and
longitudinals directly to the stem. The after frames will be installed in the same way
as the forward frames, having 2 x 4s bolted across their DWL marks. Release the
centerline wire until these frames are in place, and then reset it, checking that the
DWL marks are at the correct height cind that the frames are centered. When
squciring the DWL of these frames to bulkhead 8, locate the nailing strip inside cdl the
frames, since the chines would otherwise interfere with it farther Use a piece of T-

bar to connect bulkhead 8 to frame 9. All other spacing strips may be of wood, in
lengths long enough to space each frame. When everything lines up, frames 9 cind 1

may be welded to the keel, and the keel sides secured to the frcimes as done

previously. Frame 1 1 may also be welded to the keel. The remainder deck of the

longitudin 2ds are ndw added, except the two that are 3 feet off the centerline port and
Had the sternpost not already been set up, now would be the time to do it. The
procedure would be as follows: Nail two straight 2 x 4s to the undersides of the DWL
2 X 4s on frames 10 and 11, extending aft about 7 feet, with their inboard edges
exactly VAs inches off the centerline of the vessel. Now bring the sternpost into the
slot formed by these 2 x 4s, orienting it so that its bottom, cut end rests on the keel
cind slips under frame 11. From the center of the top after edge, drop a plumb bob.
This is the after perpendicular (AP), and it can be determined from the Lines Plan
that this should fall exactly 8 feet 7 inches aft of frame 1 1 therefore, the end of the

sternpost must be adjusted up or down until this measurement is obtained. When it

is right, clamp the sternpost where it passes through the 2 x4s. Check that the post is

centered to the vessel by measuring to the centerline wire. When satisfied, add two
braces aft well staked into the ground, and then further brace these braces from side
to side, anchoring them agciin to more stakes, 2dso well driven into the ground. Weld
the heel of the sternpost to the keel and to frame 1 1
Since the sternpost has already been installed, it is only necessary to follow the
alignment procedure as just outlined. It may be necessary to cut loose those original
tacks securing the heel of the sternpost to the keel, since this is the first opportunity
to ciscertain the correctness both of the sternpost’ s slope and of its exact alignment
to the DWL and to the centerline.
The 2 X 4s can now be removed and the wire released, so that the last three frames
can be set in place. Move the sheers aft until it iS clecir of frame 14, and from it
suspend a 2 x 4 that also rests on the sill of the companionway at frame 11. Now set
into place frames 12, 13, and 14, bolting DWL 2 x 4s onto 12 and 13. Also on frame 13,
bolt on a higher waterline mcirker to match the one that will be used on frame 14.
These three frames attach to the sternpost, and their weight must therefore be
borne by the suspended 2 x 4. A short length of line passed over it at each frame will
do to support such a small amount of weight. Reset the centerline wire, then plumb,
level, and true up each frame as before. The first longitudinal to install is the

centerline, so it will now be beveled to fit the sternpost. Weld it first at frame 1 1, and
tack it to all other frames. Lastly, weld this longitudinal to the sternpost, making sure
that the post has not moved. Add the remaining longitudinals, working alternately
from side to side.
The the lower keel sides are added and tack welded to the sternpost when
last of
the afterbody has been framed up. With the main plates fitted, add the last portion of
the keel sides, which will end at the top of the sternpost. Weld to each frame as the
welding sequence demcinds.
The upper chines are now added, followed by the lower chines. Where these meet
the forward portions already in place, cut, bevel, and weld the pieces, being sure to
mciintain a fair curve in all directions. The topside longitudinals (one on either side)
can then be set in place, ending at frame 14. As these longitudinails pass through the
bulkhead at 8, it will be necessary to use Detail 4-A. When they meet the forward Tee,
cut and fit the ends together. Never make a joint on a frame. The longitudinals
between the upper cind lower chines will not be laid in place until all plating on the
Framing Up 183

bottom, sides, 2 md deck h£is been completed, since this opening provides air, light,

and access to the hull.

The bottom longitudinals can now be run in. Since the afterbody is the most
straightforward part and will, after completion, aid in fairing the forebody, start at
bulkhead 6, 3 feet 0 inches off the centerline. On the Shell Expansion, Figure 76, note
that all bottom longitudinals terminate here and are cut as per Detail 3-A. In a small
vessel like the Pinky, when the Ccirgo hold bulkhead adjoins a potable water tank, it is
best not to pierce the bulkhead at all, in order to avoid the chance of eventual
contamination from bilge water from the cargo hold seeping through a pinhole in the
weld joint that may have been bridged enough to withstand a pressure test during
construction. As with any tank that will always contain a liquid and cannot readily be
inspected or maintained, prudence dictates the elimination of ciny penetration
through bulkheads, except where absolutely unavoidable. Detciil 3-A prevents this
and permits a continuous weld between bulkhead cind shell on the cargo hold side.
The Detail 4-A cut, used elsewhere when a longitudinal passes through a bulkhead, is
otherwise a good, safe, watertight welding detail. The 3- fee t-0- inches longitudinal
terminates on frame 13, 5 inches below the lower chine. There is no need to stop
exactly on and a couple of inches more make the Tee easier to clamp. At
this frame,
this time only a good tack weld is needed at each frame.
Next, install the longitudinal at 2 feet 0 inches off the centerline. Again, look at the
Expanded Shell Drawing, Figure 76, and note thatframe 11 there is a fair
cift of
diminish in section, and that the 2- feet 0- inches longitudinal is abandoned. Like the
previous longitudincd, this one also terminates on a frame and may, for convenience
in clcimping, also pass through the frame an inch or so.

Before running in the lower longitudinal, weld the inside of the keel to the keel side
plates from the sternpost to frame 9, or even a bit forward. Also weld up the inside of
the plates, up to frame 13 on the sternpost, for one can stand alongside the keel in a
more comfortable position now than would be possible cifter the bottom plates cire
on. Elxercise caution while welding, lest the keel begin to wcirp due to excessive heat.
If the back-step method of welding is used, and the welds are spaced about 18 inches

apart, there is little likelihood of this happening. Both sides (port and starboau-d) of
the keel are welded in the same cirea at the same time. The keel, being vastly thicker
than the keel sides, will require that most of the weld be directed toward it. An E-
7018, Vs-inch rod would be a good one to use, on DC power. The butt joint in the keel
side plates between frames 10 and 11 should cilso be done now, but the electrode
diameter should be reduced to Vn inch. Use a downhand pass in short increments. A
couple of 2 X 4s clamped to the outside of the joint will help restrain it, should it wish
to walk away during welding. Once this welding is done, clean out the frame bays of
all slag and debris, as they are now more or less watertight. Now fit the lowermost

longitudincd to the vessel. Since it is more than 20 feet from bulkhead 6 to frame 14,
the Tee will have to be lengthened. This should be done at the aft end.
1 have assumed throughout that, prior to tacking in any longitudinal, a check was
made to assure that the frcime is straight and still parallel to bulkhead 8.
Nevertheless, should perhaps stress the importance of this again before more

longitudinals are added. The last longitudin 2d is the short one that extends from
bulkhead 6 to frame 9, and each end will be as per Detail 3-A.



Before the forward longitudinals can be fitted, it is necessary to install the water tank
cind its fore-and-aft divisions. This will require four nominal 1 x 6s (actually % inch by
5V2 inches), each at least 14 feet long. Rather than use just any old pieces of lumber,
use a grade and typ>e that can later be cut up and used for cleats and nailers for the
interior joinerwork. Clamp one 1 x 6 on either side, its center located 1 5 inches off the
centerline, starting just aft of bulkhead 8 and extending to just forward of frame 4.
Site the other two planks between the 2-foot and 3-foot longitudinals. Now fit the 15-
inches-off-centerline water tcink bulkheads in place, and if there are any
irregularities in their bottoms, scribe them to the 1 x 6s and grind off any surplus.
Tack weld the tank bulkheads to bulkhead 6.
The keel and keel side plates must now be welded on the inside from bulkhead 6
about 24 inches forward, and the bulkhead must be welded to the keel side plates.
This is necess 2uy because, according to the plans, a 7.65-pound 8-inch-wide plate
forms the tank bottom, so access to weld the bulkhead to the keel side would be
restricted later on, as would any other welding underneath this plate. Also at this
time, weld the butt joint between the forefoot plate and the after keel side plates, on
the inside only. Fit the 8- inch- wide plate to the keel after welding is completed, and
tack it in place so that its bottom lies just fractionally below the bearding line.
The forward tank bulkhead is now offered up, and will rest on the planks and
against the 15- inch bulkheads; it must be centered, and then its top may be leveled
Bring the 15-inch bulkheads square to bulkhead 6, and tack them to the forward tank
bulkhead. (Carpenters’ squares are useless in metal boat- and shipbuilding, unless
modified by cutting the outside corner; otherwise, the welds will always prevent

them from squaring two plates. Figure 70 shows this modification. Tack the forward
water tank bulkhead to the 8-inch bottom plate. At the end of the bulkhead, cut a
piece of scrap T-bar, long enough to span from its top edge to bulkhead 6, 2ind tack it
to both when the two are parallel. Do not remove the planks, but do clamp onto the
afterlower edge of the forward tank bulkhead a 2 x 4 on edge, from each 15- inch
bulkhead outboard to the end of the forward bulkhead to prevent it from being
pulled out of shape when fitting the longitudinals.
The longitudinals at 2 feet off the centerline will be the first forward bottom
longitudinals installed, end on frame 2. Starting at the forward water tank
and will

bulkhead, bend one in place, and by sighting along one of the planks, check that it has
a fair curve. If it does not, remove it and bend in whatever curve is needed; then tack
weld it to each frame. The opposite one is fitted the same way, then the 3- foot
longitudinals, amd lastly, the longitudinals at 1 foot. The planks around the tank may
now be removed and stored, and the area cleaned up.

Figure 70. Modification of a carpenter's square

enabling it to clear a weld when two plates are
squared. 1
Figure 71. An A-frame ladder to support scaf-
folding planks.


Because of all the longitudinals, the hull is now rigid and will resist the strains
imposed when the gunwale pipes cire bent on. For this job, scaffolding is required
Four metal A-frame ladders can be made using pipe, hinged at the top to fold and
having rungs on both sides, since this will permit the scciffolding planks to be slid
through either ladder for moving the other. The scaffolding planks must be of wood
at least 12 inches wide and 2 inches thick; in spite of the weight, oak is the best to use,
of clear stock and not less than 1 6 feet long. Rough stock, not milled, is best because
the rough surface gives better footing. In some localities these ladders can be rented,
as can the scaffolding. If they are available, a couple of extra pciirs would eliminate
having to move the scaffolding in most instances. Figure 71 indicates the
approximate size 2ind construction of these ladders.
The pipe for the deck edge comes in 21 -foot lengths, and since two lengths will not
quite gird each side, a third short piece will have to be added. The stem has less
curve necir the end than the bow, so the extra will be added there, making two joints
per side. The pipe is 2- inch Schedule 80 with an inside diameter almost the same as
the outside diameter of a U/2 -inch pipe, so a few feet of the U/2 -inch size will also be
At fr 2une 7,loop lengths of chain around the freime and over the longitudinals at 3
feet off center, port and starboard. The loops should be roughly 4 feet long, or long
enough to extend about 2 feet past the edge of the deck at frame 7. Then clamp a 16-
foot length of 2 X 4 across the vessel on this frame, about 12 inches below the deck
edge. At fraune 5 and again at bulkhead 3, also clamp on a 2 x 4 (these need not be as
long). Pass up a length of pipe, port and starboard, and slip it through the loops of
chain at frame 7. With the pipes more or less resting on the other 2 x 4s, push them
forward or aft so the forwau-d ends au'e approximately in line with the stem, lifting
each to rest in the notch cut for it at frame 1 A short length of line will be sufficient to

secure the pipes to the frame at this time. The after ends of the pipes must now be
raised or lowered until their forward ends, without using pressure, are in line with

their fined resting place one of the pipes about 12 inches

on the stem. Secure a line to
cift of the forward end, then loop it over the other pipe and return it twice. This

becomes part of a Spanish windlass to bring home and hold the pipes to the stem, but
first pull them as close together as possible by snugging up the loops of the line. Now

secure the tail of the line cind insert a piece of broomstick or a chipping hammer
handle. Wind the two pipes together until they rest on the stem, then scribe the pipes
and cut each of them so that the cusp of the resulting ellipse rests precisely on the
scribe mark on th^ stem. Clean ofHhe slag from the cuts and continue to wind in,
untilboth pipes touch the stem. It may be necessary to roll the pipes a bit to get the
tops and bottoms snug. After checking that the be€0'ding also meets the vertical
center of each pipe, make a substantial weld, top and bottom, securing each pipe to
the stem, and remove the Spanish windlass. About midway between frames 4 and 5,
hook a come-along to the two pipes, from side to side under the deck framing, and
tighten. The pipes must be pulled to the vessel wherever there is much curve never —
pull the vessel to the pipes.
As the pipes come together at frame 1, maike sure they rest in the slots, and
temporarily clamp them to the frame. If the pipes try to jump out and fall or rise,
clamp a short length of wood to the frame to prevent this. When the pipes arrive at
frame 2, repeat the procedure used at frcime I. Continue to pull the pipes together
until they are seated in their notches at bulkhead 3. Returning to frame I weld the ,

pipes to the frame on the after side only, and move the clamps to bulkhead 3. If two
come-cdongs are available, set up the second one just forward of bulkhead 6 and take
up a strain, doing the major pulling from ther^. When the pipes seat in frame 4, weld
frame 2. The pipes will now not only have to come toWcird the centerline, but will also
need to be lifted to enter the notches. This can be done by utilizing the outer m 2un
deck longitudinal. Now, with a 2 x 4, prize the pipes into position. The pipes cire
elevated at their after ends to at least deck level, and then snugged up. Since there
will be very little pressure on the pipes at this time, the vessel itself may be used to

assist in pulling the pipes into place. Short pipe clamps are best for clamping, since
their ends can be turned in whatever direction is desired. With one clamp to the
outermost deck longitudinal, necir the frame, bring the pipe into the notch, prizing
upward as necessary, cind when it is edmost home, use another clamp at the throat of
the deck beam and frame to seat it. Continue in this mcinner until all but one frame
has been fitted with this length of pipe, and then weld the pipes to each frame on the
after side only.
Cut two pieces of the U/2 -inch pipe, 8 inches long, insert their ends into the 2-inch
pipes about halfway, cind use one small tack on the tops to hold them in place.
Remove all the other crosspieces that held the pipes up forwcird, and clamp them in
adt. For the present, they must be located at heights that will permit a fair

continuation to the ends of the forward pipes. Lay up the next sections of pipe and
insert the stubs of the 1 !/2 -inch pipes into their forwaird ends, leaving a gap of at least
Vs inch between the after and forward pipes. Find a straight piece of deck beam angle,
about 3 feet long, and clamp it one of the joints just formed, with the Vee encasing
the Use four clcimps to
joint. hold it in position, and make a finished weld as fcir as
possible; do the same on the other pipe. When the first weld has cooled, reverse the
cingle and repeat for the rest of the joint. The pipes are now ready to be brought into


























Framing Up 189

place aft. The same procedure will be used as in the forebody, except that the pipes
aft ofbulkhead 8 will be continucdly rising. It will be advamtageous to raise them a bit
at a time, as needed, by inserting additional 2 x 4s atop the previous ones and
reclamping, that is, by leap-frogging. As the last frame comes home, it will be
necessary to add some more pipe to reach the stern. This is done in the same
mcinner as before. Finally, fit the Spainish windlass to the pipes, bring them to the
sternpost, cind scribe them. In this instance, however, the pipe stands one-half its

diameter above the top of the sternpost, since the deck edge detaiil was changed.
This will mean scribing the pipes to meet each other above, and the post below.
When this multiple cut is achieved, the pipe iswelded to the sternpost.
The framing is now finished and the vessel is ready to plate. As usual, the last order
of business is to clean up all around the vessel, and cdso to move the sheers out of the
way. Figure 72 shows from above what has been accomplished so fair; Figure 73
shows the samne stage of construction in side view.
You have borne with me in setting up the Pinky. In many designs for steel
construction, there are no steel bulkheads. The cabin trunks may land between
frames. Hatches (such as cargo hatches), skylights, and other deck structures also

land between framnes. There is no foredeck or quau'terdeck in other words, the maun
deck is continuous from bow to stern. For any design, it is mandatory to work from a
master station, as has been described. Once the master station is in position auid
secured, however, all the frames forward and all the frames aft may be propped up
on the keel in such a way that, once the centerline wire at the DWL has been
positioned, it need not be moved, and adl of the frames may be slipped into their
proper positions. The sequence remains the same in that a section near the master
station must have a deck plate to lock this portion of the hull into position.

In describing the setup of the Pinky, I have frequently referred to Figure 76,
containing the Shell Expansion Plan, the Midship Scantling Section, and Details and
Notes. mentioned in Chapter 1 that, in round- bottom construction, such a drawing

would be mandatory and that the information shown on it would be derived from a
half- model on which the various plates were laid off. When the information from a
plating model is transferred to a Shell Expansion Plan, the forward and after ends of
the plates are referenced to frames. The reason for this is that only the transverse
widths of the plates can be accurately measured directly off the drawing, fore-cind-
cift distances being distorted by the method of presentation. It is impossible to

project accurately on the drawing board the continuous changes in longitudinail

girth for the whole hull. Individual plates that are true in all dimensions can be
developed from the Lines Plan, and the loftsman will sometimes take the time to
develop them. However, it is faster and therefore less expensive to make a pattern
directly from the vessel itself as it is built, and one can then ignore the slight
discrepancies that creep in during construction. If there ever was a perfectly built
vessel, accurate to the merest fraction of a millimeter no matter where measured,
she was never launched. The Expanded Shell Plating Drawing is for guidance only. A
builder may be more or less assured that if the plates as laid out on the drawing have
been developed from a model, and if he follows the sight edges of the plating, there is
a good chance of the plates at least lying on the frames without his having to resort to
arbitrary slitting. In other words, there is less “by guess and by golly” when using a
model or a drawing based on a model.
Figure 74 shows the expanded shell plating of a 40- foot schooner with longitudinal
and transverse framing, as well as bow and stern views indicating how the plating
would look on the hull. Figure 75 shows the expanded shell plating of a 45- foot ketch.
- Plating 191

transversely framed and having a 122.4-pound keel plate, 3 inches thick. Weld details
cire shown, as is her tank 20'rangement. Both of these plans were developed from

plating models. By contrast, the expanded shell plating for the Pinky Schooner has
been developed directly from the Lines Plan without the use of a model, so that
except for the first plate applied, the fore-and-aft locations of the plates can only be
given as approximations. The object is to best utilize the available plate sizes, with
more attention paid to widths than lengths. This is the approach generally used on
flat-bottom, V-bottom, and multi-chine hulls.


In general, plating is added to the framed hull in a sequence that helps make the work
easier for the builder, plcinned especially with an eye to convenience of access 2ind
movement. The first plate to be affixed to the hull of the Pinky is the 60-inch by 192-
inch bottom plate that stcirts 3 inches aft of frame 4 and continues aft almost to frame
9. Always remember that a plate never butts on a frcime or a longitudinal.

The first task is to mcike an accurate pattern that will be used to cut the plate. On
this first plate, the object is to avoid cutting the ends of the plate, and to cut only the
edges, unless leaving a manufactured end (as the plate came from the mill) would
create a problem, such as making a butt cross a frame diagonally or land inside a
tank in cin unweldable position. Also, on the first plate, it is desirable to make the
pattern a few inches longer than the plate^ so as to be able to orient the pattern to the
best advcintage. Figure 77 shows how the finished pattern will look cind lie on the
plate. A note on the scribing of patterns: use a block of wood whenever possible to
mark the line along the keel, and not a pair of dividers or scribers. Once the pattern is
laid on the plate, any irregulcirities can be smoothed out with a long batten; however,
this does not relieve one of the duty to accurately transfer what is on the vessel to
the pattern.
must be worked over to the vessel. This is best
After cutting and grinding, the plate
done by laying a plank or two on the ground and placing a few pieces of pipe on them
so the plate will roll. It will help to use the three keel supports as anchors to pull from.
Once the plate is near the vessel, some thought must be given to how it will be lifted
in place and gotten under the vessel, since the legs supporting the frames are in the
way but must not be moved. The plate is not heavy, weighing less than 400 pounds,
but it is as limp as a wet noodle.
There are several ways to lift this plate. First, lifting pads can be welded to the
plate, and come-alongs attached to them and to a deck longitudinal. This method
has the following disadvantages: you must weld to the plate; more than one come-
along will be needed; severed extra lift pads will be required, aside from the original
ones; and finally, the pads will have to be burned off and the area around them
ground clean. Good practice on thin plates calls for using the minimum amount of
welding, as each weld causes a small expansion of the plate cind thus some
distortion. A second method is to cdfix clips to the keel side plates, either by clamping
or by welding them on, to which a timber C 2m be fastened to make a supporting ledge
about the same length as the plate; the plate edge is then elevated onto the ledge.
Noxe sug«-»^ 5(<ert*s r«o*^
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t. A*3C ro«t <^uiOAoC.c o^v.y.
® 1^T<; x3«-Vfei-Of*«.D Ftt.or^
O BciTTk tAAV B« Swirrmo to SoiT Buii.oaa-1 SToctc.
Plating 193

rr« —

<a: at
PUTT Jgin-r
t Thi%^w«TA%\.K fo« AMV P>e««r«*«k»
Z.Cm<poot r^t or to &0000 mCIau
& OoT SIOC- <oR.lQ *T 0 %m.
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SftCeA»0 T’Aftl To IW 0 PF04 ^T«. Die%£TiOu

FiOfcT Ra 5 »
^ lotWT too?# C.F^VC\m^”T

VolU S IE.

Figure 74. The Shell Expansion Plan of a 40- foot schooner.


Plating 195

Figure 75. The expanded shell plating of a 45- foot ketch.















Figure Colvin







pi u

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Figure 77. The first plate-cutting pattern for the Pinky lying on the plate.

Left: Figure 78. Two methods of building a support for the first plate when working it into
position. Right Figure 79. One of the clips tacked to the Pinky’s keel side plate to support the
inboard edge of the first plate when it is pulled into approximate position

cind the outbocird edge lifted using come-alongs. Next, the inbo 2U'd edge is prized up
until touches the frame, at which time a few tacks to the keel will prevent the plate

from dropping; finally, the outboard end can be lifted cind secured to the frame. This
method works best with heavier plating on vessels having very little fore-and-aft
curvature to the bottom. Using this method, one must often cut loose the tacks at the
keel after the finad lift, should the plate not be snug against the frame.
Probably the most satisfactory method, especiadly when one is working alone, is
either to build supporting fraimes approximately 3 inches below the bearding line in
the way of each frame, or else to use concrete blocks with a 2 x 4 across their tops to
come close to the height of the bearding in, say, three places. The supports, if used,
need not be as wide as the plate; 3 feet long would be fine for the Pinky. Supports,
having the advantage of light weight and easy portability, can be moved under the
plate and from side to side. Unfortunately, they will be needed only once, so the time
and material needed to build them must be considered. The concrete blocks already
on hand would therefore seem to offer a good substitute. Figure 78 shows both
Before bringing the plate under the hull and elevating it, weld a series of clips to the
keel sides directly below each frame and bulkhead, and also midway between
stations, setting them about 1 V2 inches below the becirding and pcirallel to it. Make
the clips from scrap pieces of deck beam angle, cut in about 3-inch lengths. When
welding to the keel sides, use a very short tack on each corner of the clip, on the top
edge only; the long leg of the clip should face down. Figure 79 shows these
Plating 201

With clips in place, work the plate under the hull to approximate position and

near, but not directly under, the keel. At either bulkhead 6 or frame 7, hook the come-
adong onto the hatch co£oning, about 12 inches off the centerline, and if a second
come-cilong is available, hook it to the longitudinal at 4 feet off the centerline. Lacking
the come-along, one can use the twofold purchcise instead. Hook the plate at both
edges and lift. It will be impractical to make the complete lift all at once, since the
bearding is about 4 feet above the ground, so lift the plate up about 2 feet, secure it,
cind clamp at the forwcird end of the plate near its center. Then, directly overhead, lay
a 2 X 4 athwau’t the deck longitudincds, pass a line over it, and make it fast to the
clamp. Lift and heave the plate end up until it is about level with the middle of the
plate, and do the same at the aft end. Now continue the lift with the come-cdongs, cind
when the plate nears the proper height, build up two columns of concrete block.
After making the final bit of lift, slip in one or more 2 x 4s over the blocks and ease off
until the plate rests on the 2 x 4s. Bring up the ends as before, but this time, about 2
feet in toward the centerline, build another pair of columns of concrete block, lay a
2x4 across,and rest the plate on it. Check that the columns are stable, and then
release the come-along that was hooked onto the hatch coaming.
The inboard edge of the plate must now be pulled in toward the keel, but not closer
than the edges of the clips, madcing sure the inbo£u-d edge is elevated so that it rests
above every clip. This is done by adding shims on each of the 2 x 4s on the columns. If
the plate h 2mgs below any intermediate clips, then a 2 x 4 can be clcimped to the keel
necir the clips in question, and the plate pushed upward (using the 2 x 4s) until it
clean's the clips. Using one or more pipe claimps sited neau' a frame and hooked to the
keel side plate, ease the bottom plate towaird the centerline until it touches the keel.
The forward edge of the plate is the controlling reference, and must line up 3 inches
from f ramie 4; move the plate forward or aift ais needed to achieve this
The outer (upper) edge of the plate must now be lifted up to meet the chine bar.
Move the clamps outboaird as fair as possible, but well cleair of the chine, and set
them up agadn. At the center of the outer edge of the plate, on the plate’s outer side,
clamp a short 2x4 lengthwise (one clamp), hook in either the come-adong or
purchase, and hoist the plate up as fau' as possible. Do the same at the ends. At this
time the plate will be close enough that C- clamps can be used to seat the plate along
its outboard edge. To provide a landing for the C-claimps, one must use short lengths

of 2 X 4 resting on the chine and on top of at least one longitudinal. Initially, the C-

FigureSO. Use of C- clamps and 2 x 4s

to bring the first plate’s outer edge to
the chine bar.

Figure 81. A^at hole in a longftifdinal in way of a butt joint in the plating.

clamps will only be used to take the weight of the plate, so that the outboard hook of
the purchase or come-cdong can be released.
At the forwcird edge of the plate on the 12-inches-off-centerline longitudin£d,
clamp the plate firmly to the longitudinsd, but not so firmly that the plate will be
unable to slide a bit. The forwcird edge must exactly meet the same mcirk from which
the pattern was stairted. Now drive a wooden wedge at each of the clips drive the —
ones at the frames hard, and follow up on the in-between clips until the plate is at the
becirding. Wedging must begin at the forward end of the plate, and the wedges are all
driven from the forward side of the clips so as to progressively smooth and lengthen
the plate agcdnst the hull. If there is a gap between the plate cind the beairding at the
frames, the plate must be pulled closer to the centerline before hardening up on the
wedges. When the plate comes home agcdnst the keel side plates, tighten the clamp
to the forw 2u-d inbocird longitudinal, and*.then add clamps to the remaining
longitudinals. Then, stcirting forward, bring the outer edge of the plate snug to the
chine bar. If the number of avcdlable clamps is limited, use one near each frame or
bulkhead until some of the others already in use become available. The aft end of the
plate need only be clamped to the middle longitudinal at this time.
Prior to any welding, mairk and cut in each longitudinal at the ends of the plate a V2 -
to inch- diameter half-hole (known as a “rat hole’’), in order that the butt weld may
be welded in its entirety. The plate should be dropped a bit so that it will not be
sccirred while the cuts 2U’e being made. This will be done at every butt joint in the
Tack welding of the plate to the hull may now commence, assuming that the plate
fits the hull. The first weld is to the bearding, about 1 inch cift of the forward edge. At

approximately 12- inch interv 2ds, tack the edge of the plate to the bearding, as far as
frame 5. The plate may not be found absolutely snug to all the longitudinals and to
frame 5, and in any case, no welding should be done on any plate not firmly
restrauned from movement. The method employed is to use several shores that
almost touch the plate, and to drive a wedge towcird the centerline of the vessel until
the plate bears firmly against cill framing. The object here is not to lift the vessel (it
can be done if you are Ccireless), but to remove any sag in the plating. Figure 81
indicates how this would look Only one frame bay is shored at a time. Should a gap
occur which, in the builder’s judgment, requires excessive wedging pressure to
close, the wedge should be moved a bit, to cinother location near the offending area,
and another attempt should be made to close it. If the gap still remains after severed
attempts, then it is best to ignore it for the present; that longitudinal will have to be
Plating 203

Figure 82. Using shores and wedges to anchor a

plate and remove any sag from it prior to

stretched later on. Agap on a frame or bulkhead cannot occur unless the
longitudin 2d is set too low, and this must be corrected before proceeding by chipping
away the tack weld and cutting the notch deeper.
When the longitudinal and transverse members of the bay fay against the plate,
m 2ike a last check of the chine bar to assure its correctness. Then, working from the
inboard edge of the plate outboard and from forward aft, tack weld the plate to cdl
longitudincds. These tacks need not exceed V2 inch, and their spacing is immateri 2d,
as they will be ignored when the final welding commences. When the chine is
reached, tack weld the plate to the chine bar on the outside of the hull at
approximately 6-inch intervals. Use this same sequence in each frame bay until the
cifter end of the plate is reached. The last tack should not be closer th 2m 1 inch to the

Now drive out thewedges between the clips and the plate. By hammering the
upper flanges of the clips upward, one can break them away from the hull. Grind off
the tack welds from both the hull and the clips, and set up the clips and blocks on the
opposite side of the hull. Installation of the corresponding plate on the opposite side
simply repeats the steps for the first plate. The pattern must be dismantled cind
refitted on the opposite side. Never assume that the two sides of a vessel are
identical, for they seldom are, and an approximate fit is not close enough. Always cdm
for exactness. In a wooden vessel, you could have gaps like a picket fence cind still
caulk them, but welding rod and caulking cotton are two different things. The second
plate will not be as easy as the first plate, because it is now necessary to climb in and
out of the vessel to make adjustments and inspections previously done from the
With the two plates in place, the forward and after bottom plates Ccin be

added. The aft plates (two to a side) cire the ecisiest to do, since the hull of a pinky
presents no particulau- problems in the afterbody. Make the pattern for the first plate
(which will be cut from a 60- inch by 96- inch plate). The butt joint must match the
cdready- installed plate, but with the usual K 6- inch gap between plates when the new
one is set in place. Neglect this gap for the moment, however. Weld in the clips on the
keel sides as was done previously for the other plates. Also cut several pieces of flat
bcir, 8 inches long. Align one of these with each longitudinal in the way of the joint

between plates, then tack weld cdl of them to the outside of the already- fitted plate,
projecting beyond its edge by about 3 inches so as to form clips to hold the new plate
in position against the framing.
When scribing the plate for cutting, if at all possible retain the manufactured edge

for the butt joint; cut and grind the other edges. Resetting the concrete blocks to
elevate the plate will not be necessary now, because the clips will take their place.
Lift the plate as before, but this time cdlow the forward end to droop a bit. The object

is to elevate the plate until it will slide into the slot made by the clip extension at each

longitudincd. Since the clips extend aft 3 inches, there will still be room for a C-clamp
at each longitudinal, ahead of the plate, to hold it flush with the longitudinals. For
clamping, one long 2x4 that spans all the longitudinals is easier to work with than
several short 2 x 4s^each spanning just a pair of longitudinals. Use a similar 2 x 4 to
clamp the after end of the plate.
At frame under the hull but nearer the chine them the bearding, use a shore of
the right length cmd wedge the plate snug against the frame. With a long pipe clamp,
hook the lowest longitudinal and the outboard (upper) edge of the plate, and slowly
ease the plate toward the centerline, making adjustments to the other clamps as
necessary. Just before the plate meets the clips on the deadwood, the inboard hook
must be released. This can be quite dangerous if the plate should slip; therefore, use
several more temporary shores long enough to support the plate clear of the clips,
then clamp the chine snugly and release the inboard lifting hook. Never get under a
loose plate. At the chine, take up some more on the pipe clamp. (Two clamps are
best, as the plate should go in evenly and not one end at a time.) Once the plate
touches the keel, there is little danger of its falling, so the forward clamps can be
released and the plate prized forward until it touches the forwcird plate. Drive the
wedge at frame 9 snug, then snug up all the other wedges in turn; finally, snug up the
clamps along the chine. The gap is now formed at the butt joint and all wedges are
driven home. When tack welding this plate, follow the same procedure as before. Do
not weld closer than 1 inch to the butt joint, and do not weld the butt joint itself. Make
the pattern for the opposite plate, fit the plate in place, and tack weld to the
One of the DWL 2 x 4s is in the way of further plating and can now be removed in its
entirety. Anytime a 2 x 4 interferes, remove it; if 2 x 4s are not in the way, let them
remain until they are. The bar clips are repositioned to the aft end of the last plate

fitted. Clips to the keel sides aire tacked in place, and the aftermost plate fitted to the
hull.Because of the curvature of the bearding, care must be exercised here, as an
error of any magnitude in this area becomes greatly exaggerated. The tack weld
spacing will be closed up to 4-inch intervals along the bearding. Note, though, that
any extensive welding before both sides are on and even will pull the sternpost out of
alignment. Prudence therefore dictates short weld increments at this stage.


The forward bottom plates cire an area of doubt in all strciight- framed vessels,
especially those with a deep forefoot. The fastest way to determine whether there
will be a problem is to offer up to the forefoot a solid sheet of V4-inch ply that will be

cut up for patterns. The question is: “Will it be necessciry to strip-plate this area, or
will one plate go on smooth?’’ Clamp the plywood sheet as close to the becU'ding as

possible and also to the stem b 2U'. The ply will naturally climb, but, unless the
Plating 205

tendency is need not be cut on this edge. At the frames and longitudinals,
drastic, it

drill several holes cind insert J-bolts or hanger bolts with the threaded ends outside

the hull. Use generous washers under the nuts, and begin to tighten the bolts. At the
are 2is where the ply will not snug, insert another bolt and tighten up. If the ply lies fair
without buckling, then the steel plate will lie fciir also. If there are buckles or the ply
will not come home, however, the forebody will have to be strip- plated. In that case,

it necessary to determine how wide a strip will lie fair at the bearding line and also

connect to the stem, as the worst twist will occur in this area. The first attempt for
this size vessel would be cin 1 8-inch strip. Cut it to fit the bearding, and then reduce its
width until it will lie fair on all frames. Record the final, usable width, since all other
strips used upward from this garboard plate will use the same dimension.
Assuming that strip-plating is required, make the pattern for the garboard and cut
it from a plate; always use a manufactured edge for its upper edge. With both

garboard plates in place and tacked, measure up cind find the length of the next plate,
taking into consideration that it will be longer than the garboard because of the stem.
A pattern is not required for this, since the plate is small and light and can easily be
clamped in place. The second plate will lap over the lower plate Va inch at both the
stem and the after end. Let the middle fall where it will, since this is the cimount of
compound curvature in the plate. Securely clamp it in place, and m 2U"k the stem and
stern cutoff lines. Also mark the first and last 8 inches of the lap on the inner face of
the plate if the plate is to remain lapped; otherwise, mark the whole overlap, using
the upper edge of the lower plate as the marking line.
There cire two ways of treating the strip- plating. One is to let the plates lap as in a
riveted structure, cutting only enough at each end to bring them flush with the aft
plate and the stem. The other is to cut the entire edge of the second plate to match
the first, so that the plating is With 7.65-pound plating or
flush with the lower plate.
lighter, the lapping method has many advantages. There will be less heat due to

— —
cutting therefore less distortion and the inside weld will be downhand at an
tingle, which is not only easy to see but makes for a perfect weld joint. Furthermore,

the weld need not be completed until the fincil weld sequence is started. On the other
hand, the outside weld will all be overhead and away from the centerline and
therefore, at times, will require an awkward position for welding. The flush method
involves a long cut on a narrow plate, and in spite of diligence, there will be a
tendency for the plate to edgeset. It is then necessary to correct this set before the
plate can be tacked to the vessel. Also, the seams will have to be continuously
welded to at least a few inches aft of frame 2 as they cire applied, since the cirea
forward of this will be virtually inaccessible for welding once all the plates cire on.
(Welding is difficult in the bows of all vessels.) The advantage of the flush method is
that it leaves the outside level, so the outside weld will be easier to make. At the
beginning, the lap plates are quicker to assemble and the fitting almost nil; at the end.

Figure 83. The cuts on the ends of a lap


the welding is difficult. Thus, in actual sister vessels of this pinky design built at the
same time, the difference in labor was nonexistent. The lap plating, however, has
more shows the cuts on the ends of a lap plate.
strength. Figure 83
Whichever method is used, continue plating upward to the chine, tack welding to
all the framing members. Transverse frames are welded on the aft side in the

forebody and the forward side in the afterbody.


Now that the bottom is on, the topsides be plated next, starting at the bow and
continuing without skipping any plates. To each frame or bulkhead in the way of any
plate to be offered up, clcimp a short 2x4 and cant the outboard end upwaird to
accept the lower edge of the plate. It helps to notch the 2 x 4 in way of the upper chine
bar to bring it flush with the upper edge of the bar, so the plate will automatically
assume the correct position to come home. The upper edge of the plate is gapped Vi6
inch from the sheer pipe, and all butts are also gapped Vie inch. The same type of butt
clips used on the bottom plates at each longitudinal are also used on the topsides. All
plates are worked from forward aft when tacking. One should make a template of
wood to determine correctly whether the side plating is at the proper position (in or
out) on the pipe. Side bracing to squeeze the plates tight to the framing is impractical;
a movable prize bar, with a fixed hook on the lower end to catch the inside of the
chine bar, will be easier and faster. Use a 2 x 4 on edge, about 4 feet long, as the prize,
and then use a short 2x4 that can be slipped up or down the plating for the wedge.
Pressure applied to the upper end of the prize is enough to hold the plate in place
while the tack is being made to a longitudinal. Plate edges can be clamped in the
normal manner. Figure 84 shows the prize as one would use it

Figure 84. A movable prize bar

with which to snug a topsides plate
to a longitudinal while a tack weld
is made.
Plating 207


The deck plating is next. The aft plating is laid first, starting with the centerline plate,
then adding other plates from the centerline plate outboard to the deck edge pipe.
Continue allowing a Ki6-inch gap (one-half the thickness of the plating) between
plates cinddong the pipe, which also forms a seam. The bulwark stanchions will have

to be removed to make the patterns and fit the plates (which explains why they were
only tacked in place on the deck beam when the frame was on the platen); however,
as soon as possible after fitting and tacking a plate, the stanchions should be
replaced, trued, 2uid welded.
Unlike the centerline plate, the outer plates cannot be worked with a rolling clamp.
A lone worker will find that a couple of lead pigs will hold an outer plate down to the
framing, provided they are set atop a scrap of wood that be 2irs on the longitudinal or
frame so as to concentrate their weight at that point; a helper standing on a block of
wood could do the same thing. If 100 pounds or so is insufficient to bring the plate to
bear, then the longitudinal has an unfciir bend, cind it is quite proper to shore this up a
bit and apply some heat to the flange of the Tee so that it moves up to meet the plate.
Before removing the shore, weld the Tee to the plating and let it cool. The cabin sides
are not added at this time. Since they au'e straight lines, one need only allow for the
thickness of their sides plus a gap.
The centerline plate on the foredeck is 7.65-pound plate, but not much thicker
than the 10-gauge used for the remcdnder of the foredeck. This heavier plating
eliminates the need for doublers in way of the bitts and windlass. The foredeck
plating does not land on the pipe but on the bulwark plating. The bulwarks need not
be in place, however, to lay the plates. After a\\ foredeck plating is laid, transfer the
frame marks to the upper side of the plate. Then with a long, square batten touching
each of the mairks, spring the batten into a fair curve. The deck edge is then scribed,
cut, and ground smooth while in place. This is another instcince where patterns need
not be made. Note that none of the plating of the foredeck can begin until the fo’c’s’le
hatch has been cut, since there is no longer any access to this £irea. The Construction
Drawing shows an oval hatch; however, the builder could elect to use some other


The bulwarks are plated next. Starting at the bow, work aft, paying attention to the
scupper cutouts and the freeing ports. The foredeck edge is a floating one and will
weld directly to the bulwark plates without a pipe, so the edge will need to be fgdred
into a smooth sheer, since the cutting will cause some humps and hollows. It will be
necessary to spring a batten around the deck, close to the bulwark, noting that all
frame landings are correct. The humps are forced downward by clamping vertical
stakes to the bulwark and driving them downward against the deck until the batten
lies fair, and tacking at those spots. Hollows are driven upward by blocking against

the topside longitudinal until the plate meets the batten. When the foredeck edge is
fair, tack it to the bulwark plates at not more than 6-inch intervals, with very small

_£I>- 5M>ET
VetT -ZXj. (b I ^ L T© TO STbO
^kiETC H

Figure 85. A method for setting up the transom on the Pinky.

The bulwau'ks present no pcirticular problem until just cift of frame 1 1 where the ,

bottom edge of the bulwark rolls outboard off the top of the pipe; up to that point its
bottom edge coincides with the center of the top of the pipe. In itself this is not a
difficult cut, but unfortunately, until now there has been nothing upon which to finish
framing the hull, since the hull proper ends at the after perpendicular (AP), and the
bulwarks overhang the base of the transom (T). Also, the transom still has to be

Plating 209

The transom is up now, as shown in Figure 85. (The numbers in parentheses in

the description that follows refer to numbers in the drawing.) The first step is to
center and plumb the partial frame on the AP ( 1 ). When this frame was lifted from the
platen, temporary bars were put in at the top ^lnd bottom to msdntain the correct
flare. The partial frame, AP, must be square to the only reference point above the

deck that is accurate, which is the end of the cabin trunk at frame 1 1 (shown). It is
tack welded to the top end of the sternpost, and since it is an after frame, its after
edge is flush with the sternpost. The deck edge pipe was altered in the lofting, so this
bottom piece will have to reflect that adteration where it will rest on the pipe. Tack
two pieces of angle or T-bcir (2) to the underside of the bottom of the tempor€iry
frame, one to port cind one to starboard, running them aft to the after ladder. The T-
bars or angles will be elevated on the ladder so that their top edges will provide a
base for frame T when that framne is set in place. From the Lines Plan, it is noted that
the offset height for the deck edge at the after end of the sternpost is exactly 3-0-
(indicated), and its height at frcime T is 3-2-5. Frame T (3) will be located 2 feet 1 inch
aft of AP; therefore, in 2 feet 1 inch the T-bar or angle must rise 2 V2 inches (indicated).

Again from the Lines Plam, it is determined that the end of the transom is 6 feet 6
inches aft of the AP (4). On the aft ladder, add a vertical 2 x 4 (5) on the flat with its
inner edge cleairing the centerline stick by the thickness of the leg of cin angle (Sketch
A) and having the prescribed distance from the sternpost at the deck. At a point 7
feet 8% inches up from the DWL mark (6) and 6 feet 6 inches aft of the AP, put the end
of a length of angle (7) (it will have to be over 20 feet in length) with one leg pointing
toward the aft ladder and the other leg pointing away from the centerline (Sketch A).
The outer face of the leg pointing tow 2U’d the aft ladder marks the true centerline of
the vessel. The angle will of course slope downw2U'd and forward. The lower end of
the angle should be pulled ciround and aligned with the centerline of the vessel,
which can be done by sight alignment with the keel (Sketch B). Then, with a string,
drop a plumb at several different heights along the angle, and carefully mark where it
touches the ground. These points will form a straight line, which would intersect and
coincide with the keel and the aft ladder’s centerline stick if both were projected to
the ground. If the lower end of the angle is incorrectly placed, a line drawn between
the points just dropped will miss the centerline stick of the cift ladder. Adjust until this
is correct and then secure firmly, after being assured that the upper flange of the

angle intersects T at the correct height as marked by the two angles or T-bars that
run back aft to the ladder (8).
Set the transom in place (9), the upper edge being exactly at the intersection of the
angle at the top, and clamp it to the angle. Temporsuy pieces of wood (10) will be
needed at the top about 6 to 8 inches off centerline to prevent the transom from
twisting. Now frame T can be put in place and temporarily tacked to the trcinsom.
The temporciry bottom and top b 2U's of fraune T will be cut away after the bulwcirks
are in place. In the meantime, T must be braced to the transom (11) and also to the
deck (12). AP must be braced to the deck (13), since there will be some pressure
exerted when the bulwau-k plate is pulled into place.
Now make a pattern that will extend the bulwarks from just aft of frame 13 all the
way to the transom in one piece. A flexible batten will be required at both top and
bottom after the pattern material is in place to get the correct curvature, for it will be

noted on the Lines Plain that there is a sweeping curve to the upper and lower edge of
the bulwcirks aft of frame 13. After the patterns are made for each side, they should
be checked, one against the other, and adjusted as necessary, because the upper
cind lower edges must correspond exactly as they pass beyond the hull. Bear in mind,
however, that from frame 13 forward there may be discrepancies in the hull from
side to side that must be accounted for in each pattern in order to assure a proper fit.
On either side, add on a clip of angle to the lower edge of frame 14, with one leg up,
running in line with^the bulwarks cind protruding outboard approximately 1 inch
more than the frames. Do the same at frames AP cind T. This will allow the last pieces
of bulwark plating to rest and be moved. Fit the plates in place, allowing the
necessary gaps at their butts to the forward plates. Since the forwcird edge of each of
these plates is clear of the hull, a cl 2imp between it and the last plate will hold the joint
well enough at the bottom for tack welding. Clamp the top in also and tack weld it.
There will be a slight bulge in the plate, and before tacking the rest of the joint, the
bulge should be removed by clamping a shim behind a 2 x 4 over the seam, bringing
the seam flush; then tack weld at about 4- inch intervcils. When the plates come aft to
the transom, clamp in the upper edges at frames 14, AP, and T. All of this should be
checked one more time to make sure that these aft frames are still on the centerline
of the hull. Now clamp and tack weld the transom to the bulwarks. Going forward, on
the forward side of frame 14 and the forward sides of frames AP and T, tack weld the
side frames to the bulwarks. All temporairy bracing can now be removed except that
which maintains the correct shape of frames AP and T.


The last plates needed to complete the plating cire the chine plates, often referred to
as the “bilge plates.” In my yard, they were called the taint plates: “’tain’t topsides;
’tain’t bottom; and ’tain’t easy to clamp.” The question arises as to why these plates

were not installed immediately after the bottom plates, since they would then have
been easier to clamp in place. There cire a number of reasons for plating the chines
Icist. First, the supports holding the hull do not have to be disturbed; second, good

light and ventilation are provided in all compartments; third, the electrode wire need
only be led in from one side, and the same holds true for the cutting torch; fourth,
there easy access to the interior of the vessel without having always to enter

through a deck opening. A lone worker especially appreciates easy access, but even
with more people working, open chines afford excellent communication from the
inside to the outside of the vessel.
Before the hull can be closed up, the wooden legs that were shoring up the vessel
must be replaced with shores under the bottom plating only. As long as the vessel
remains exactly upright, there will be little pressure on these supports, as the three
vertical I-beams carry all the weight. Thus, three supports per side will be quite
enough, made from 2 x 4s and sited near frames 5, 7, and 9. Set them as far outboard
as possible, but landing on longitudinals. Also needed will be six pieces of deck becim
angle, about 6 inches long apiece. Tack weld them to the bottom, with the toe of the
long leg up and the flange down (not flat against the hull — see Figure 86). Using a
Plating 211

Left:Figure 86. One method of placing supports beneath the vessel’s bottom plating. Right:
Figure 87. A flat-bar clip welded to the lower chine to provide support for the chine

temporary shore, determine the most normal line for welding each clip. At frame 7,
the clips will be exactly squcire to the centerline, while at frame 5 the inboard edges
will toe aft, and at freime 9 the inbocird edges will toe a bit forward. When these have
been tacked onto the bottom plates, dig holes immediately below, and cut the 2 x 4s
to length, giving each one a top bevel matching the angle of the bottom. When each
support is plumb in cill directions, clamp it to the angle. When all six supports have
been cut and clamped in place, fill the holes with cement, keeping in mind that some
soils will require Icirger holes and sometimes cdso the addition of a bearer plate to
resist ainy downward loads. Trowel the cement smooth on top. After it has hardened,
cut six more 2 x 4s that will fit exactly between the concrete and the lower flanges of
the angles. Drill two holes in the long leg of each angle and bolt the long shore to it;
then spike the short shore to the long one as shown in Figure 86.
Remove all DWL 2 x 4s, all other shores, and all bracing; next, clear the interior of
everything that does not belong there. Set the chine longitudinal in place, making the
appropriate cut at each bulkhead, and tack weld it to each frcime and bulkhead.
Starting at the bow, make the pattern for the first plate and set it in place. At each
frame, weld a short piece of flat bar onto the lower chine, with its outer edge
protruding from the hull an inch or so, cind angled upward a bit in order to support
the plate in approximate position. At frame 1 cin additional piece of flat bar projecting

downward from the topside plate will be needed. Insert the plate at frcime 1 and prize
it forw 2U'd until it meets the bearding at the stem. Clamp the plate to the longitudincil

at its after end. Cut several clips, using scrap deck beam angle and cutting off the long
leg of each clip to make it measure VA inches deep (this gives a finished angle of PA
inches by VA inches). These clips will be used on the inside of the plate to snug it to
the longitudinal as well as to position it correctly between the chines. Inside the
vessel, weld the short leg of one clip to the plate at about the center of each frame
bay, with its axis fore-and-aft, close to but not touching the longitudinal. Select a
short length of 2 x4 that will rest on the chine and the longitudinal, and clamp it to the
elevated leg of the clip. A short piece of blocking may be needed at the chine to

Figure 88. Sketch of a hull ready to be moved out of the shop for sandblasting and priming. All
welds have been ground smooth. After blasting the hull will be a uniform grey color. Blasting
must be stopped at frequent intervals so that the surface may be primed before a rust bloom
forms. Note that the DWL is struck and this has been marked by centerpunching at frequent
intervals so that the line can be reestablished prior to the finished color and antifouling coats.
The narrow plates forming the forebody were required because of the hull's compound

elevate the 2x4 enough to clear the clip. Snug up the clamps and, by sighting along
the chines, try to get the plate positioned correctly. Once satisfied, snug up the
clamps a bit more, then go outside cind check to be sure that the plate is indeed
correct. Tack weld the plate to the stem and then, alternating between the chines,
tack the plate to the chines. Return inside and tack the plate to the longitudinads and
to the after side only of the frames. Do the same on the other side.
Repeat thisprocedure with the next pair of plates, which will close up the vessel to
just aft of frcime 9. Then skip a plate and install the aftermost paiir of plates, which will
close up the stern; these are short plates, the forweu-d edges of which cire slightly aft
Plating 213

of frame 12. This procedure is followed because the ends of the vessel are always the
most difficult areas to plate.Once these plates have been tack welded in place, the
last (closer) plates can be made and set in place. These are fitted between frames 9
and 12. This time, however, additional clips must be added at the longitudinal at each
end of the opening on the already- positioned plates, because the plates prevent any
clamping, and the closer plates will have to be dropped into place and held up by the
lower clips.
With these plates tacked in place, the vessel is completely plated. The methods I

have used in applying the plates to this hull would not necessarily be followed on a
hull of a different design. stress again that every hull is different
1 —
even sister

ships and what works on one does not always work on another. Nevertheless, what
I have outlined is the method of applying plating to one of the more difficult hull
forms. You will discover early on in the building of any vessel that when one thing
does not work, something else will. It may try your patience at times, but let me
assure you that there is always a solution.

The remciining primciry above- deck steelwork on the Pinky includes the cabin trunk
sides, the railcaps, the cabintop boundary bars, the foremast partner plate, and the
fo’c’s’le hatch trunk. Once these are on, the finished welding can commence. In smcdl

shipyards with several welders working on the same hull, much of the finished
welding would already have begun. Working alone, it is better to get everything out of
the way and then do the finished welding all at one time. That way, one can take
advantage of the weather, since a tempor 2uy tent or awning suspended above the
deck makes it possible always to keep working somewhere on the vessel.


The Scantling Plan shows that the railcap is a %-inch by 3- inch flat bar, the top of
which is parallel to the DWL, with its outboard edge welded to the bulwarks. This
particular hull is not bluff- bowed; therefore, with a little patience, the bar can be bent
directly on the hull. On fuller-bowed vessels, the first third of the hull would have to
be bent on the ground to the approximate athw 2u-tship curve, then further bent on
the vessel, taking into account the vessel’s sheer. In large vessels, however, the
railcap would have been another of the patterns picked up from the mold loft floor,
expanded in both directions (sheer and half- breadth). The railcap takes a miter at
the stem joint. To keep the bar elevated for this operation, clamp a 2 x 4 to the cabin
trunk, resting atop the bulwark plate and extending far enough outboard of the
bulwarks to hold the bar up; a second 2x4 clamps to frame 5 in like manner. The tack
welds to the bulwark plate go on at about 6-inch intervals, with the twofold purchase
hooked to the bar and to the hull well aft of the tack welder, to bring the bar gradually
in. The tacks can be about 1 inch in length, since they have a double purpose—

Cabin Trunks, Rail Cap, and Welding 215

namely, to attach the bar to the bulwarks, and to heat the edge so it will stretch. Keep
some tension on the purchase at all times, but not too much; overtightening will
capsize the bar, making it go edge-up or kink. If there is undue resistance in walking
the railcap around, some on the outboard
additional heat will have to be applied
edge, evenly over about a 12- inch length, and with the heat gradually built up toward
the inboard edge opposite where the next tack will be. A short pipe clamp hooked
under the deck-edge pipe and onto the railcap will pull the cap downward. At times,
the clamp will jump off, so a C-clamp is then used to hold the pipe clamp in place,
with the screw end of the C-clamp always inside the bulwarks.
As the 2x4 supports are neared, remove them so the bar will not be restrained
from resting on the bulwcirks. With the forwcird bar tacked in place, start again at the
stern, this time working forward. In the beginning, and until frame 1 1 is reached, the
pull is outboard, which means the inboard edge of the railcap must be heated, rather
than the outboard edge. Using a pipe clamp, pull the railcap downward from the
bottom of the bulwark as required. Again, the tack welds will be closely spaced, each
about an inch long. These welds constitute part of the finished welding, unlike the
ones used in shell plating (which are truly not much more than spot welds). When
this bar is in place, fit another
the required midsection piece to finish that side. This is

instance in the building of metal vessels where one may depart from the standard
practice of working both sides at once. Repeat the procedure on the opposite


The next focus of attention is the forepeak trunk. If built square or rectangular, it will

be constructed similarly to the cargo hatch. One may either build it on the
workbench and then set it in place as a finished subassembly (the easier method), or
construct it on the vessel. Either way, the top inside edges of the trunk will be
provided with an inwcird- facing lip to catch the flange of whatever type of hatch is
Next, the cabin trunks. Starting with the forward trunk, use patterns to make the
sides, and then install them. At frame 4, port and starboard, cut a notch in the deck
beam deep enough to allow the side plate to drop into position, for the plate’s lower
edge is 2 inches below the deck for its full length. When in place, tack weld the tops
and bottoms of the sides to the cabin ends, cind make several small tacks as required
to fix the end joints in the correct position. Lay a batten along the sides of the trunk
and check that the run of the deck in way of the trunk is a fair curve, elevating or
depressing any area that offends, then tack weld the deck to the cabin trunk sides. At
frame 4, add a diagonal brace on either side, from near the top of the trunk to the
deck, to assure that the correct tumblehome is maintadned.
The 19!/2- inch- wide foremast pcU'tner plate is added to the top by tacking the
centerline of the plate to the centerline of the forward end of the cabin, then working
the plate toward the edges of the trunk with closely spaced tacks. When close to the
sides, scribe, cut, and grind the ends of the partner plate for a snug fit, and tack weld
again at short intervals along the outboard edges of the plate.

The boundary bars au’e added next. Since the cabintop will be laminated marine
plywood (four layei^s of %-inch ply) bolted to the boundary bars, it will save time if,

after all the bars have been cut to length, the bolt holes for the cabintop are drilled
before tack welding the bars in place. The cabintop will be applied after sandblasting
and prime painting (see Chapter 15). A drill press offers the easiest and fastest
method of drilling the holes. In any case, do this job down on the bench to keep filings
from dropping into the hold or onto the deck. The bolts are spaced on 4- inch centers
at the hcilf- width of the bar. Choose a^bolt size (V4-inch or ^16 -inch), and drill the holes
slightly oversize so that neither the galvanizing on the bolt nor the paint in the holes
will be harmed. Weld the boundary bars on the top edges only at this time, using an

adjustable wrench cis a clamp-on lever to elevate or lower the inboard edges in the
way of the welds until they make the same angle with the sides of the cabin as they do
at the cabin ends. This mciintciins the correct crown. The aft boundciry bcir tcikes the
same slope as the fore-and- 2dt centerline of the cabin.
Following the same procedure described for the forwcird cabin, the aft cabin trunk
sides are now added, with a boundary bcir all ciround them. Diagoncil braces will be
required at frames 9 and 10 to maintain the correct tumblehome of the sides.
The IV4-inch by UA-inch by y4-inch angles around the top edge of the cargo hatch
will be the last primciry steel pieces to be measured and cut, but will not be fitted until

the cargo hatch itself has been completely welded, inside and out. Before proceeding
further, meike three access to the after cabin, cargo hold, cind
temporary ladders for
forwcird cabin. When needed, the forepeak ladder will be constructed of steel, £md
permanently installed at that time. Finally, cut the remaining ports in the cabin
trunks and grind the edges smooth.


The finished welding of the inside of the hull may now With the exception of
butt joints, no welding is done outside unless that entire area has already been
welded inside. Before doing ciny welding, take time out to review the types of weld
called for, along with any notes on the plans that might prove useful for future
Unless otherwise specified, tables 8 and 9 (Chapter 5) show the weld sizes and
spacings to use. The Pinky is built like a battleship, and her transverse and
longitudinal framing are such that in no area is there as much as 4 square feet of
unsupported shell plating. Thus, for longitudinals, the weld will be modified to a Vs-
inch fillet, I inch long, at 12-inch intervals staggered from one side of the Tee to the
other. Note that the 1-inch measurement mecins there is a full 1 inch of weld metal of
the correct fillet size, and does not take into account the starting and stopping of the
weld, which, if measured, would increase the length. In way of the floors, increase the
increment length to Vie inch by U/2 inch by 8 inches, staggered.

The never-ending difference of opinion as to which is better building right side

up or upside down can be more or less resolved in favor of the former, since there
is more welding on the inside tham there is on the outside of the vessel. Right-side-up

construction, needless to say, makes inside work ecisier and all inside welding of an
cirea must be finished before the opposing outside welds can be made.
Cabin Trunks, Rail Cap, and Welding 217

The welding of the keel to the keel side plates can commence at any convenient
place, the only stipulations being that no more than one- third of the length of a rod
(electrode) should be deposited at a time, no weld segments should be spaced
closer than a rod length apart, and both sides should be welded at the s^mle time.
Between bulkhead 3 and frame 4, the stem bar enters and rides on the main keel
section. On this joint it is customary to use one-half a rod length at a time, making
sure the opposite side is also welded in the same area to keep the stem bar from
warping. Also at this time, weld the deep floors to the keel sides on both sides of the
frames and bulkheads. A downhand pass is acceptable using Vs-inch-diameter rods;
however, if a vertical-up weld is used (which is preferable), switch to a ys 2 -inch-
diameter rod.
It customary to weld the longitudinals to the bottom plates first, port and

starboard, then the chine longitudinal, port and stcirboard, followed by the topside
longitudinal, port and starboard. The deck longitudinals are worked from the
centerline outboard, alternating from side to side if the cirea is completely decked, or
one side at a time elsewhere. Only one frame bay is worked at a time, always away
from the midship section towards the ends, and outboard away from the
After cill the longitudinals have been welded back through the hull.
in place, start
This time, make a finished weld on each frcime to each longitudinal, and at the same
time weld the frame to the shell. Weld on the aft side of the frame in the forebody, and
on the forward side of the frame in the afterbody. When a bulkhead is reached, a
series of short welds can be made, about 2 inches in length, on the midship side only.
Frame welds should be 1 inch long at each notch, that is, at each terminal point of the

Figure 89. Each longitudinal is welded to every frame it passes through, and at the same time
the frame is welded to the shell plating on either side of the notch cut for the longitudinal. When
this welding is completed, each frame segment between cuts will have two welds to the shell.
The welds are 1 inch long.

frame; thus, there will always be two welds for each segment of frcime that touches
the shell plating.
The continuous welds can now commence in the cargo hold Starting from frame
7,weld the bearding to the shell plate, using one- third of a rod, skipping the length of
a rod plus the weld increment, then laying down another one- third of a rod, and so
forth, until bulkhead 8 is reached. Return to frame 7 and repeat on the opposite side
of the vessel. Again return to frame 7 and do the scime, working towaird bulkhead 6.
Then go up to the Ipwer chine and repeat the sequence for the bottom plate only.
Weld the chine plate to the top of the lower chine and the bottom of the upper chine,
but stop one rod length from the butt weld 3 inches aft of bulkhead 6. Work
alternately from side to side of the vessel. The top of the upper chine and the deck-
edge pipe cire now welded to the topside plate, following the same procedure as
before, only this time stopping about one- half a rod length from the butt in the
topside plating. St 2U'ting at the beairding, repeat the whole process, continuing the
previous welds in that p 2U'ticulcir compcirtment, employing (as usucd) a back- step
After the third series of welds, the welding will be complete, except in the way of
the butt joints. Now weld the butt joints with a downhand pass, since the matericd is
thin and the rod is of medium penetration. Do not use more than one- third of a rod at
a time, making the same skips as in the unbutted seams, and skipping from one side
of the hull to the other after each segment is deposited, allowing the plates to cool
prior to additional welding. When each butt joint is completely finished aind cooled,
the same welds will be made on the outside. ^

The outside butt joints require cleaning-up in preparation for welding. Using the
edge of the grinder, open the seams a bit, until they look more like a U than a V. The
grooves should be deep enough to reach the roots of the inside welds and to
gucirantee sound metal throughout. Should slag, other inclusions, or a void be
encountered, chip out and repair. Always wire brush the whole seam prior to mciking
a weld. With such light plating, a downhand pass should cilways be used, in short
increments, skipping from one butt joint to the opposite one. Skipping from one side
of the hull to the other is laborious, but also essential.
The sequence of welding is import 2uit because of the potential for cracking in the
weld joint itself due to metal shrinkage. The length of the weld shrinks very little;
shrinkage occurs across the weld. Thus, if a butt joint meets a longitudin 2d seaim after
the longitudinal has been fully welded, the tendency will be to pull together the two
plates that are being welded, causing a crack to start in the longitudinal weld, which
in turn propagate up into the plate. The reason for using short increments is that

during welding, which is really a casting process, the molten metal causes the
adjacent plates to expand and then to shrink upon cooling. The plate as cut and the
plate as welded are always of two different dimensions. In other words, after an
entire edge has been heated, the plate will be just a little bit 2U'ger than it was before.

Keeping the heat-affected zone to a minimum lessens the swelling and shrinkage. As

a general rule and this applies to bulkheads and other members as well where a —
continuous longitudinal weld is to be made, then any trcinsverse welds intersecting
the chines, bearding line, and deck-edge pipe should be made first, which is why the
inside longitudinals were left unwelded in the way of the butt joints. These welds are
completed at this time.
Cabin Trunks, Rail Cap, and Welding 219


A builder usually refers to the underside of the deck as the “overhead” when he is

down inside the vessel. The overhead is welded on the centerline 20id
next. Start
work outbocird, welding the deck to the longitudinals, using the same sequence as on
the bottom. The longitudinal secim is welded next. This seam could be considered
partially restrained due to the proximity of the cargo hatch, but treat it as if it were
unrestrained, and likely to go somewhere when heated. When one is making
overhead welds, the weld position dictates that only one- fourth of a rod should be
burned at any one time, in order to reduce the heat-affected zone. A seam weld will
not cause as much distortion as a butt weld; however, all welding tends to shrink the
vessel in all directions. cannot stress enough the use of good judgment, as it is

cdways preferable to eliminate or minimize distortion rather tham have to correct it


With the completion of the longitudinal seam, the hatch ends and bulkheads may
be welded. The hatch ends will, of course, be completed sooner than the bulkheads,
so one can weld along the hatch sides at the same time he is completing the
bulkheads. On bulkheads 6 and 8, once the increments have reached the pipe, one
should weld the deck longitudinals between framie 5 and bulkhead 6, and bulkhead 8
and frame 9, to prevent any tendency for the plate to shrink on the bulkheads. Lastly,
weld the underside of the deck to the deck-edge pipes.
would advise welding the bearding line to completion before proceeding with the

remainder of the shell welds. Avoid, however, welding the bearding in way of the butt
joint just cift of frame 4, or, if working aft, the butt joints just forward of frames 9 and
12 .

The welding now shifts to the next compartment either forward or 2dt, which will

be completed in its entirety before the welder moves elsewhere. Remember that the
welding always proceeds away from the midship section and towcird the ends of the
vessel. Work the plating toward the butts, and, as before, weld the butt joints on both
sides prior to finishing the longitudinal welds that cross them. In large vessels that
have numerous seams and butts, standard welding sequences are followed. In smaill
vessels, however, builders normally use the largest plates available, since this
reduces the labor and cost of plating the vessel. Welding procedures must be
modified accordingly. By the time a builder is ready to weld up the shell, he has a feel
for that particulsu' vessel’s behavior and how things need to be done in order to live
with her. No two vessels cire exactly alike, even sister ships, as any sailor or ship
master will attest.
By this time the builder has crawled in and out of the forepeak enough to know the
most convenient way, and has, in all probability, taken into account which way the
hatch will open. Thus, he can now build the ladder. If the vessel will spend most of its
time in the tropics, where crews customarily go bcirefoot, the ladder should be made
of flat bar stock with either solid round bar rungs or, better yet, pipe rungs. In large
ships, square bar is used instead of round bar, often set with one corner up rather
than flat. In spite of the extra cost, consideration should be given to making the
ladder of stainless steel, since this will eliminate painting. When designing a vessel,
the designer suggests where the ladder might go and also what slope it might have,
but should the builder perceive that another arrangement would work better, he

should feel free to make that change. This might seem obvious, but some builders do
just blindly follow the plans, regardless of the fact that with a bit of imagination they
could modify the arrangement by a few inches here or there to make it more
convenient or useful.


The peripheries of ail and water tank bulkheads facing away from the
midship section now remcdn to be welded. These welds always cause some
distortion to the shell plating and show up on the outside as “hard” spots, which cire
not usuciily objectionable in the underwater portion of the hull, but are unsightly on
the topsides and deck. In a properly welded vessel, the distortion will be slight,
amounting to perhaps Kiooo inch, which can be smoothed out later by sanding;
however, sanding cannot cure gross distortion. This distortion occurs because the
plating shrinks toward the weld, and on the far side of a bulkhead there is nothing to
restrciin this movement, since the hull diminishes continuously toward the ends; at
the same time, on the midship side of the frame, the hull is increasing, and the plate
shrinks tighter ag2unst the frame or bulkhead. Use downhand passes where possible,
cind keep the legs of the welds as close to size as possible, remembering that there is
cdso a weld on the opposite side of the bulkhead. The water tank is the exception;
since its material is 7. 65- pound plate, the weld can have unequal legs, with the
smaller leg to the shell plating. The tank top is no^ put on at this time.
The insides of the cabin trunks may be welded now, after which the builder will be
welding only on the outside of the vessel. The boundciry bars take an ordinairy
continuous weld. The cabin corners, however, take a special weld: the legs of the
weld need to be about twice the thickness of the plate, because, after the outside
weld is made, the corners will be ground to a small radius. This broad weld can be
accomplished either downhand or vertical- up. In either case, when using E-7014
rods, one must make the weld in a single pass, using a weaving motion across the
corner from one side to the other, dwelling a bit in the corner on each zig or zag. It is
important to keep the weld zone fluid but not liquid. In the case of a downhcind weld,
the entire welding rod can be consumed at one time. A Icirger diameter rod Q/s inch)
could also be used.


The outside welding may stcirt either with the deck or the hull proper, since neither
way has any special advantage. When building outside during the rainy season,
finishing the decks first would make more sense because it would minimize
contamination of the seams from rainwater. Starting with the decks, then, first
complete cdl seams, working from side to side and forwcird and aft, doing a bit at a
time on all seams rather than concentrating on one seam. Next work the transverse
joints, and at frame 5, where the main deck joins the fo’c’s’le deck, go ahead and work
both at the same time. Upon reaching the bulwcirks, weld the frame to them. The final
Cabin Trunks, Rail Cap, and Welding 221

welds on the deck are the longitudinal welds alongside the cabin trunks, to the deck-
edge pipe on the main deck, and from the deck to the bulwarks on the foredeck. On
the foredeck, maike the weld segments at the same time to both the deck edges 2md
the cabin trunk, working from cift to the stem and cdternating from side to side.
Although there is less danger of the vessel being pulled out of shape now, it is still
good practice to keep going from side to side after completing each segment; in
doing so, start the segments on the boundary b2u^s.
On the mcdn deck, the deck-edge pipe is welded to the deck bulwarks at the same
time that the deck is welded to the pipe, but not in the same area. In way of the aft

cabin trunk, weld cdl three seams at the same time that is, the edge of the cabin, the
edge of the deck, and the edge of the bulwairk, and also the boundary bar as the
opportunity cirises. Before attending to the bulwcirks, stanchions, and raiilcap,
complete the outside cabin corner welds and grind them, first smooth and then with
a radius. Weld the cairgo hatch coaming corners inside and out, in the same manner
as the cabin trunks. Weld the boundary cingles continuously, top and bottom, to the
coaming, rounding the corners as shown on the Construction Plan, and then grind
them smooth. While the grinder is on deck, also grind smooth and slightly round the
boundciry b2U's on the cabin trunks, remove the support legs to the cabin sides, and
grind their tack welds smooth, both on the cabin sides and also on the deck.
Ignoring deck seams and butts, inspect all other pieces welded on, and all other
edges, rounding ciny edges that may have been missed. Sharp corners will not hold
paint, and they endanger everyone who comes in contact with them, especially the
crew with watersoaked skin.
Weld the underside of the railcap cind the bulwark stanchions in their entirety.
Cutouts in the stanchions (see Figure 76 ) relieve the builder from having to
continuously weld the entire length of the stcinchions on both sides, thus causing
distortion. On exposed weather surfaces, intermittent welding is unacceptable, as
any crevice will, in the long run, start to rust and to keep these areas free of dirt, salt
crystcds, and rust is a never-ending task. Some builders resort to a filling compound
of one sort or another, but this makes a poor substitute for proper welding, which
will last the life of the vessel. Therefore, weld cdl around those portions of the
stanchion that contact the deck, railcap, or bulwarks, including their sides and
Nearing the after perpendicul2U‘, once again check the overh2mging stern section
for alignment with the vessel. At this time it helps to tack weld a series of bars from
r2dl to rail any independent movement of the bulwcirks while welding. The
to restrain
transom takes the same type of weaving corner treatment as the cabin corners. The
cap that crosses the transom is best made from solid round, either % or 1 inch
diameter, since a flat b2u- in this area has a poor weld joint on the forward face, which
will always give trouble. The center of the transom has a notch to accept the boom

when the sail is lowered; thus, the transom also serves as the gallows frame. The cap
bcir will take a lot of bcinging amd scraping, which will cause the paint to chip;

therefore, it would be prudent to make this bar from stainless steel. Weld it in place,
letting it extend to the bulwark sides and welding the railcap to it rather them to the
transom. The outboard end wants to be well rounded. When the bulwarks cire
finished, all the outside welding to the hull can commence.

The best procedqre now is to work one a time, thereby eliminating the
level at
need for having to move the scaffolding out of the way cind reset it for the next
segment of welding. On the Pinky Schooner, high scaffolding will be needed for the
railcap and the upper side of the pipe, a lower level for the underside of the pipe cind
upper chine, and so on. The secret to good welds, aside from skill, is that the welder
should always be in a comfortable position so that minimum fatigue is incurred. The
arrangement of scaffolding necessary for working the steel into place seldom suits
finished welding, wljich requires prolonged periods in one position.
Since the scaffolding is already in place for fitting order to stcirt
the railcaps, it is in

high and weld the outside edges of the railcap, also welding the bulwarks to the deck-
edge pipe. Working from amidships toward each end, use one- half a rod at a time,
cind skip two lengths of a rod before making the next weld. At the scuppers, make
sure the outside weld wraps around the edges of the plate and connects to the inside
weld, eliminating the end crevice. Both sides of the vessel should be worked at the
same rate ofweld metal deposit. It is possible, of course, to climb over the deck and
pull the electrode cable from one side to the other, since the Pinky is a small vessel. A
better procedure, however, would be to pull the cable under the hull cind up the
other side, stopping on the way to make the finished outside welds of the bearding
and the keel to the keel side plates. Since the welding electrode for the keel is Vs inch
diameter and that for the becirding is V32 inch, rather than change the amperage on
the machine, finish the bearding weld first, then do the opposite side of the railcap
cind deck- edge pipe. On the way back, reset the cimperage cind do the keel, then reset
the amperage for the smaller electrode and reppat the process. In this way,
excessive heat to the keel side plates is avoided.
Using a welding rod for measurement of weld deposit and spacing rather than
measuring these in inches or feet has a decided advcintage, because it automatically
takes into account the condition of the joint. A poorly fitted joint will consume a given
length of rod in a very short space, and will limit the propagation of heat. A good fit,
on the other hand, will allow the same amount of rod segment to go farther, with the
same amount of heat input to the plate. A welding rod is the most convenient
measuring device a welder has. Never forget that a welder should have a shield cind
gloves and, in all probability, a leather jacket to deflect the sparks, cind also (when
working on scaffolding) a bag of extra electrodes and a chipping hammer. Draped
over his shoulder is the electrode cable with the electriccilly “hot” holder attached to
its end. Reaching for a measuring tape can be quite awkward under these

Numerous tack welds have been made on the outside of the vessel in the areas
that must now be welded. These should be ground flush with the plating cind then
grooved to accept a continuous weld. Indeed, a// joints must be opened by edge-
grinding to assure that the new welds will be made to sound metal cind not to slag
entrapments or voids. Before making any weld, wire brush each joint to guarantee its
cleanliness. If this is always done, it soon becomes second nature. Large ycirds
employ quality-control groups, inspectors, foremen, and welding leaders, all trying
to make sure that everything is done correctly. In the small ycird, quality like —

everything else is an individual effort, and neglect and carelessness cheat only that
Upon completion of the railcap welding, grind the whole joint smooth and round it
Cabin Trunks, Rail Cap, and Welding 223

over as required to finish it. Remove the temporary restraints welded aft of the after
perpendicular, and grind that area smooth as well.
When welding the upper or lower chines, make the upper and lower welds of each
at the same time, treating them as from top to
single joints. Skip in the welding
bottom on the bar, depositing about one- half rod per two rod lengths and always
employing the back-step method. After completing all welding, grind smooth the
exterior butt joints and the chines, rounding the latter slightly. For a yacht finish, it is
desirable to finish sand and polish these areas. On many commercial vessels, these
welds are neither ground nor sanded, since this beautifying means extra labor that
improves only the vessel’s appecirance (to some eyes), and not its usefulness.


The time has come to test the welds. The welding industry employs numerous

methods X-ray of all joints, penetrating dyes, and high-pressure water hoses,
eunong others. In my yard we most often used light. This method requires two people
cind a dark night: one person inside the vessel with a light, and the other on the
outside with a soapstone and a smsdl hcimmer. The inside person systematically
moves up and down each seam very slowly in an agreed-upon sequence; the person
outside, having adjusted his eyes to the darkness, follows the seam from the outside
looking for any pinholes of light. If one is found, a soapstone circle is drawn airound
the area where the light shows. The tapping of the hammer on the hull informs the
insideperson to move on. It takes several hours to check the hull completely. If there
are any light spots showing through, the next day they are chipped back to find the
cause. In most instances, it will be found that a weld was omitted or that two
segments did not meet, or rarely, that there was a void.
Before the builder can rest assured that the hull is completely welded, he must go
over each frame bay on the inside and inspect the welds to the frame and the plate,
chipping off any slag that was overlooked and correcting any omission or fault. This
process, once done, is repeated, as one looks for anything that might have been
overlooked during the first inspection. The same is done on deck, especicilly under
the railcap. Despite cdl care and diligence, it is always surprising how many small
things will be found that need just a bit more work. Better now than later, so try to
find them all.

The Pinky Schooner to this phase of her construction has encompassed, in one
form or another, almost every situation, usual or unusual, that a builder will meet in
the construction of a small steel vessel. The inward curving bulwarks and
overhanging stern, free of the hull, are mainly peculiar to her type, but cdso occur in
Chinese junks. The floating foredeck is sometimes used in trawlers and in larger
vessels not employing a deck-edge pipe or fender. From this point on, the finish and
construction of different vessels is all about the same but for detail and magnitude.
At this stage of construction, 95 percent of the ordered material has been assembled
and finished, but only 50 percent of the allotted time to work the metal has been

consumed The remainder of the time is spent making and installing the various parts
that constitute a finished vessel.
1 have presumed that the vessel is being built right side up. In adapting this chapter
for upside-down building, you would have to readjust the sequence of building to
suit. For example, all welding of the hull shell would have to be completed before it

were turned over, and while it is possible to add bulwarks, deck plating, and cabin
trunks before turning a hull right side up, to do so involves problems in fitting that
most builders cire reluctant to face.. Some, however, will put the deck on upside
down, even though^ it means the deck plating must be forced up to the beams.
After turning the vessel right side up, you would have to relevel it both fore and aft
cind athwartships, or failing that, you would have to resort to the use of a declivity
bo 2U'd (as described in Chapter 8 of Volume 2 of this book). The apparent initial
saving in labor when building upside down will be lost when the vessel is turned over
cind releveled for completion. dislike building upside down, with the exception of a

few hull types of very smadl size. A much greater number of things may be
accomplished simultaneously when a vessel is built right side up.
1 was once pairt of a crew that built a vessel in Mexico, upside down and with very
limited facilities. When the time came to turn the vessel over, we elevated one side
with the sheer legs until she bcilanced; then, with long poles, we propped up the
elevated side until the falls could be released. With a bit of encouragement, the
happy-go-lucky crew pushed until the vessel flopped over right side up! You may
shudder at this procedure, but a steel hull tumbled about in this manner is in no
danger of being deformed. do concede, however, that there was a tremendous

cimount of noise involved.


In thepreceding several chapters, have endeavored to describe the construction of


— —
a particular design the Pinky Schooner since it typifies most of the usual as well
as the unusual construction problems that a builder may encounter. I do not,
however, £issume that everyone would want to build a pinky schooner, and since the
miscellaneous fittings and other fabricated parts for each vessel differ in detail, there
is no reason to further limit myself to the building sequence of one particular design.

In this chapter, therefore, I will digress to incorporate other details that you, as a
builder, may need on other types of vessels. There is no proper order for completion
of these details, since they cire generally unrelated to each other and are more or less
added at the convenience of other work in progress. These items su-e located at or
above the deckline, and must be installed before sandblasting and priming.


The Pinky Schooner makes use of a simplified cabin trunk corner, as detailed in the
previous chapter. This style, with the square-cornered trunk inset into the deck
opening, suits the structural and cosmetic requirements of many vessels up to about
60 feet, providing that the athwartship opening is not very large or that the weight
(thickness) of the material is in proportion to the strength required. There comes a
however, when a square corner is no longer acceptable, not so much because

the corner itself would sacrifice strength, but because the surrounding matericil
would be wecikened by the notch effect that such a corner decrees. To eliminate the
notch effect of these corners, one must use a radius in the deck plate at the corners
and then weld the square- cornered trunk or hatch atop the deck, or better still.


employ a trunk with fully radiused corners. In larger vessels, a plate would be rolled
to the required radius; in smaller vessels, split pipe or tubing is the accepted
substitute. The hatches and trunks on vessels 80 feet are usually so small
less than
that having the deck edge exposed inside could cause cargo damage or injury to
crewmembers thrown against it in a seaway. In the cabins, however, such radii in
deck plating could be used to advantage as shelves, aind the square corner retained
on the trunk for ease of joinerwork.
While the rounde^ corners do solve some problems, and, on sailing vessels, form a
better edge should some of the running rigging become fouled and need to be
surged, their presence can complicate interior joinerwork. In any case, avoid the use
of constant radius corners. Instead the radii should vary with the trainsverse
dimension of the opening; however, all radii should have the same proportions, to
eliminate the visual grossness of one seeming too Icirge and another too small when
viewed at the same instant. Since there au-e two seams at each corner, these radiused
corners require four welds rather than the two welds of the square corner.


In the case of stock plans, where the vessel was designed for one purpose but may be
used for cinother, modifications to the origined deck structure must be made with
caution. For example, in the Pinky Schooner, the 3-foot 3-inch by 4-foot 6-inch hatch
is large enough to accept a standcird 3-foot by 4-foot pallet where shoreside facilities

are available for loading; however, small vessels such as this usually load case by
case or a bag at a time, using the fore gaff for the heavier lifts. For a fishing vessel, this
is also the minimum size, considering insulation requirements. If the vessel were to

be converted for yachting, the hatch could be modified to incorporate a truncated

skylight- type of top with its center section contadning a sliding companionway or
scuttle cind its wings fitted to open, providing light and ventilation in this
compairtment. In this case, the mast would prevent greater length, while an increase
in width would be redundant, since it would maike little difference in usable
headroom. Each hull has its own limitations. A yacht, on the other hand, when being
converted for commercial purposes, will eliminate a portion of the cabin trunk,
substituting a hatch in its place. The United States Coast Guard rules stipulate a 12-
inchminimum height above the deck for weather deck hatch cocimings. The best
minimum is either 12 inches or 2 inches higher than the bulwarks adjacent to the
hatch, whichever is greater. For sills, 9 inches above the deck in comp£inionways that
are 25 percent forward or aft of the lowest point of the sheer is the minimum;
otherwise, they should be at least the height of the bulwarks.


The designer may suggest the windlass type and size, but it is not unusual for the
builder or owner to substitute a different type or model than that indicated on the
plans. The builder must have the actual item on hand, or at least have drawings
Miscellaneous Steel Parts and Details 227

indicating the bolt holes for attachment and the width between wildcats and warping
heads, for these specifications determine where the spurling pip>es (ch 2un deck
pipes) will be sited. The center of the hawsepipe is also located from this drawing,
and the location, in turn, determines the final shape of the bolsters. A deciding factor
in the final location of any chocks that must fairlead to the warping heads is the

height of the warping heads, as well as their width from the centerline, for the line
must not chafe in the chocks, and the permissible fleet angle must cdlow lines to pass
through the proposed chock.
The windlass is mounted on its own foundation rather than just bolted to the deck.
Some manufacturers provide drawings for these foundations. If they do not, then it is
up to the builder to devise a foundation. The windlass experiences severe loads at
times, since it not only must lift the scope of chain and the anchor, but also must
simultaneously pull the vessel cihead. In any kind of a seaway, there will also be an
added surge as the vessel lifts and sheers her chain. At amchor, the load on the
foundation is a straight pull at an angle through the windlass axle that bisects the line
of pull and the drop of the chadn to the spurling pipe. The angles used to support the
windlass should face outboard for ease of painting and bolting. Many builders tend to
make these foundations, and indeed all foundations, not only too heavy but also too
weld- intensive. Generally, 1 inch per 10 feet of hull length is a minimum height above
deck for the foundation.


Hawsepipes, when used, must be built of heavier sections than would be needed
elsewhere in the vessel. Schedule 80 pipe is 2dways in order, cind on Icirger vessels.
Schedule 120 pipe would be minimum. Some designs call for pipes specially cast in
steel, thicker on the bottom th 2ui on the top of the pipe; the bolster would then form
part of the casting. The builder will have to send a pattern to the foundry, indicating
the correct bevel angles of the deck and the outside shell. The foundry will then
adjust the angle of the bolster and deck bevels to fit its stcindcird pipe pattern. In
smaller vessels, using stciinless steel pipe eliminates some of the maintencince. The
bolster takes all of the load of the anchor chain; therefore, the hull must be well
reinforced in this area.


Chocks should be of the closed type, because that way there is no limit to their use in
tidal areas, where the lead to a pier or wh 2u-f may be upward from the deck a good
part of the time. Chocks take a great deal of wear and teau- from mooring lines cind
anchor rodes riding on their surfaces; either stainless steel solid round or pipe is the
best solution for the long-term maintenance problems. The use of pipe returns (180-
degree) or 90-degree ells, plus a short length of pipe nipple, is then required. The
minimum height of a chock’s inside opening is four times the diameter of the line it is

to accommodate, and its length should be one and one-half times the height.

In addition to the normal chocks, it is desirable also to have a pair of oversized

chocks forwcird, one and one-half to two times as Icirge as the normal chocks, for use
in case of towing. If feasible, another oversized chock, or perhaps a pair of them, is

desirable aft, for pulling the vessel off sandbars and the like.
Prior to scribing and fitting in the bulwarks, one should, using a small line,
determine if the proposed opening for each chock not only leads fair to the bitts,
cleats, kevels, or warping heads, but will not allow lines to chafe on the stanchions or
other structures.


Bitts on the foredeck may have multiple functions, and are often incorporated into
the bowsprit heelpost or the pawl post on certain types of windlasses. They may be
either single or paired; either way, their crosspieces or pins always go athwartships.
For anchoring and mooring, a pair is preferable to a single bitt. Larger vessels
commonly have cin additional pair, port and starboard, with their crosspieces
parallel to the bulwarks. Aft on most sciiling vessels, a single bitt, known as a quarter
bitt, is placed port and starboard. The correct placement of quarter bitts is on a fair

extension of the after deckhouse or cabin; the pin or crosspiece is always aligned
with the trunk sides. Since these bitts are used for sheeting, they are located aft of the
steering wheel. The best material for cdl bitts is pipe. In sailing vessels, the preferred
installation is to run them through the deck and brace from below. A pawl post or
heel bitt also needs knees or braces above deck on the forward side, due to the
strains at anchor, so a doubler plate or heavier deck plating is needed here. The
quarter bitts need only be braced from below. The crosspieces or pins are also made
of pipe, and the ends plugged or capped. The minimum height above the deck to the
bottom of the crosspiece should be 7 inches, with the crosspiece protruding on
either side by the diameter of the post. If these conditions cannot be met, then a large
cleat or kevel should be used. On the larger sailing vessels, mast bitts and fife rails are
also fitted.


Bowsprits are used on many sailing vessels; the most common type is round and can
be made of pipe.On smaller vessels aluminum is preferable, since it usually weighs
less than steel; wood may be used to maintain some semblance of tradition. With
either aluminum or wood, the bulwarks forward must be pierced to receive a steel
collar through which the bowsprit will slide. This can, in most instances, be made of a
piece of pipe or tubing with an inside diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the
bowsprit; the inboard end is left square but the outer lip is either flush with the
bulwarks or protruding an inch. This sleeve replaces any gammoning that would be
required with other materials. If the vessel will stand the weight, it is better to use a
steel pipe or tube for the bowsprit, as it may then be welded directly to the outside of
Miscellaneous Steel Parts and Details 229

the bulwarks, leaving the foredeck clear. Some builders prefer to use square or
rectangular tubing especially if, in accordance with the present fad, a swordfish
plank, pulpit, and lifelines are fitted.
In any case, the bowsprit tapers toward its outboard end. Except for a few distinct
types, either the top or the bottom of the bowsprit is usually left as a straight edge. To
taper a plain pipe, cut out a segment in the form of a wedge, then squeeze the metal
together and weld it up; with square or rectangular tubing, both sides would be cut to
bring in the taper to the top, the bottom, or both. If there is to be a taper toward the
centerline, the top and bottom must also be cut. (Details of this procedure are given
in Volume 2, Chapters.) Ccire must be exercised on the athwartship taper to keep the

bends uniform, so that the weld remains on the centerline. Any deviation will show.
The round pipe bowsprit must be cut in a six- wedge configuration in order to achieve
a uniform taper; if all sides but one are to be tapered, then cut only five segments.
Drill a hole of at least Vs inch diameter at the apex of cill cuts after tacking the sprit

together, and terminate the welds in these holes to prevent cracking. Grind the welds
smooth and add the eyes for all rigging. The round bowsprit may also require scdl
stop cleats; these should also be welded on at this time. Finally, weld in an end cap
and grind it smooth.
Another bowsprit occasionally seen is triangular in section. Other than being
lighter, however, it has no advantage over the others described previously, and
requires three continuous welds for its entire length. The top is cdways the flat


Fashion these days favors bow rollers for anchoring,and keeping the anchors in
place over the bow at all times. both sailing
In and power vessels, these bow rollers
are fitted in a miniature bowsprit or plank extending just a couple of feet overboard,
and in many instcinces the bowsprit is also fitted with railings. These stubs
unquestionably require plenty of strength, but they do not need the heft of a regular
bowsprit. In a steel vessel they are best made of pipe or rectangular tubing in the
form of a U, fitted with a grating of expanded meted across the center. All-stainless
construction will reduce their maintenance.
Catheads are the sailor’s choice for anchoring because they keep the cinchor well
clear of the vessel’s sides cind allow easing out a generous amount of chain before
the anchor is let go, to assure a good start and keep the anchor clear of the vessel’s
bottom. The catheads should be squcire with the bulwarks, forward of the windlass.
They are best made of Schedule 80 pipe, welded to both the deck and the railcap. On
their outboard ends, a bracket to house a single sheave is added, so that the sheave
lines up with the cathead and the top of the sheave groove shows above the
Some vessels carry 2mchor davits; usually only one is made, then shifted from side
to side. The davit should have both fore-and-aft braces to prevent its turning when in



Chainplates can be made in many ways; however, on any metal vessel they should be
oriented in such a way that they line up correctly with the rigging turnbuckles, thus
eliminatingany need for toggles. This is done from the sail plan in sailing vessels, or
the outboard profile plan in power vessels, by dropping a line perpendicular to
DWL from the shroud attachment point, noting the point of intersection, and
referencing it to a deck structure. A-stnng drawn taut from that point to the location
of the chainplate eye is the correct lead. The most satisfactory chainplates
are drop-
forged welding pad eyes.
On most commercial and sailing vessels, additional pad eyes will be needed at
various locations to set up running rigging and to hook in snatch blocks to fairlead
lines to winches or belaying points. These are best made with
drop-forged welding
pad eyes or half-links of chain. The builder should locate these and weld them in
place, taking extra care to assure perfect welds.
Stainless steel pipe or rod will give the best service for horses and travelers
sailing vessels. In making the traveler, check that the eye for the
block shackle is
correctly oriented. Also give some thought to the height above deck, as it is better
elevate the horse than to resort to thump mats.


The tank fills and vents should be sited, and tacked only enough to hold them
in place until the tank tops are finished, with the exception
that if the tank will be
welded to the deck, the pipes may be welded in place right away. All fills should stand
above the deck and not flush, as they would otherwise be impossible to fill in all but
the fairest of weather without contaminating the tank. Fuel fill pipes
should reach
close to the bottoms of the tanks.


the wheel and steering gear are usually on deck, with the gear
In sailing vessels,
enclosed in a box. If constructed of steel, the box is welded to the
deck and
scuppered on the forward corners by sniping both the forward and side plates.
constructed of wood, it is the usual practice to weld either a continuous
flat bar
coaming to the deck, or else angles at each corner to bolt on the wooden box.
Generally the deck area within the box is watertight, and the rudderport is carried
above and welded to the deck.


Some power vessels have one or more masts used for cargo handling, general lifting,
or to support the booms used in handling their fishing gear. These
masts are seldom
Miscellaneous Steel Parts and Details 231

as long as those used in sailing vessels, although they may be as large or larger in
diameter. If being built near the water, the builder customarily installs
the vessel is

these during construction. The loads imposed on them can be calculated; therefore,
many designers and builders prefer to site them on a bulkhead, with a doubler plate
on deck, and then bracket the heel of the mast fore and aft as well as athw 2irtships. If,
cifter construction, the vessel must be moved to a launching site via truck, the mast

would not be instcdled, but a stump extending several feet above the deck might be
used to permit performing all necessary welding to the deck before sandblasting. In
this case, a sleeve should be added to the stump, having an outside dicimeter the
same as the inside diameter of the mast; the remainder of the mast can then be set in
place and bolted after launching. All drilling and tapping of the masts takes place
while the vessel is under construction, with the masts in place. They are then taken
apart for transport to avoid having to do any drilling after the vessel has been
sandblasted and paiinted, thus eliminating any metal chips and filings on deck.
Mast tabernacles cire common in Europe but seldom used in the United States
except in yachts. If C2illed for in the design, the tabernacles are made 2ind welded in
place at the same time as other deck fixtures. In multimcisted vessels, they are best
skewed to one side or the other so that both m 2ists can be lowered without having to
remove one of the masts from its tabernacle. On schooners and ketches, especially,
the after mast will hinge so that it drops forward, clear of the forward mast.
Commercial sailing vessels normally have their masts stepped on the keel, or at
least partway down a bulkhead, simulating a keel stepping. This requires penetration
of the deck or cabintop to permit the mast to step. It is the strongest way to step a
mast and cilso the least expensive, since, when wedged in place, the mast becomes a
fixed-end column. A collcir is made at the deck, its inside diameter at least 2 inches
more than that of the mast to permit proper wedging. The collar should have the
same rake as the mast, with its high point 3 inches above the deck and its low point at
least 2 inches beneath the deck or cabin beams. The ends cire left square.
The mast steps should be constructed as detailed on the plans. If the masts cire
metal, another collar 3 to 4 inches in height will be made to fit the inside diameter of
each mast, so it can either be pinned with one throughbolt or drilled and tapped to
accept sever 2d short bolts. Welding is done only on the inside of the coll 2u-, since an
outside weld would prevent the mast from seating. Mast step collcirs for wooden
spars are made to the outside of the spar, often square rather than round, to accept a
very large tenon. Just as with metal spars, the mast step collar will be drilled for
pinning with several lag bolts. Regardless of the material, several smadl holes should
be drilled in the step below the spars to prevent a moisture buildup. The mast steps
should always be square to the mast; otherwise, the bottom end of the mast will have
to be beveled.


Locate stanchions as indicated on the outboard profile or the sail plan. In


steel vessels, they can be welded directly to the deck and to the inboard edge of the
railcap if they are permanently mounted, or just to the railcap if they are short in

length and merely an extension of high bulwarks. If they are to

be portable, it is best
to mount them several inches above the deck, on a plate
welded to the bulwark and
through another plate welded to the railcap. The lower ends of pipe stanchions
fit over studs welded to the lower
plates, with a hole drilled in each stanchion for a
pin under the upper plate, to prevent the stanchion from
being pulled upward.
Ejccept for very small vessels, 27 to 30 inches is the shortest
recommended height for
stanchions, and nothing less than 1-inch Schedule 80 pipe should
be used. The mid-
wire may be threaded through a pacLeye welded on the side of the pipe, or a hole may
be through *the center of the pipe, then countersunk, and a copper tube
inserted and flared. The upper wire always passes through an
eye that seals off and
plugs the end of the stanchion. The pad eyes for the terminal
ends of the lifelines
should be welded to the railcap. Yachts usually use polished
stainless steel
stanchions available from marine suppliers. Commercial sailing
vessels seldom use
stanchions, since permanent ones interfere with handling cargo,
fishing, and getting
the boats on deck.
Railings are used on many vessels, and quite extensively on some. A quarter rail or
taffrail is fitted to many sailing vessels. The top
rail and stanchions should never be
less than UA-inch Schedule 80 pipe, not less than 27
inches in height from the deck,
even on the smallest vessels. If the railings are welded to the deck,
and the vessel
lacks bulwarks or has only a toerail, the span from the
deck to the top of the rail
should be subdivided into three equal spaces and a pipe run between
stanchions at
each level. These pipes may be 3/4-inch Schedule 40. Welding pipe
ends to pipe is
laborious at best, and in order to gain a better weld and
appearance, the ends can be
flattened to an oval by a bit of hammering. On moto^ vessels,
36-inch-high rails are
possible in most instances, and can be even higher on larger
vessels. These provide a
safe barrier, but if located on a deck devoid of bulwarks,
will need to be braced
toward the centerline with pipe brackets. The lower rail in this instance
should never
be more than 9 inches above the deck.
Grabrails on cabintops are used on many of the smaller vessels,
and may be of
pipe or wood. The most common fault with them is that they
have openings too small
to permit a decent fingerhold, let alone a handhold. The
opening must be 2^A inches
in the clear. There is no hard and fast rule for siting
them, but 9 inches in from the
edge of the cabin permits a good foothold when one must get up on
the cabin deck
without catching his toes.
Water catchment rails are used around the edges of the cabintops
on many
commercial schooners, especially those trading in dry areas where fresh
water is
exorbitantly expensive. During rain squalls, the vessel is able to
supplement its water
supply. The rain catchment is formed to eliminate the grabrails,
and may be directed
either via piping to the water tanks or to the low corners of
the cabintops, which are
scuppered to fit portable funnels, which in turn are attached to hoses
led to a deck
fill. The latter method is
preferable, since it is easier to keep the water clean. The
former method has a tendency to collect chips of paint and dirt, so
the pipes must be
well flushed before the rainwater will be usable.
Grabrails are fitted to deckhouses that are high enough to
put the rails within
reach of a person walking upright. They should not be made of less
than %-inch pipe,
and I -inch provides a more comfortable gripping surface. They
should stand off the
house sides about 3 inches.

Miscellaneous Steel Parts and Details 233


At least one manual bilge pump should be deck-mounted, with the suction pipes
arranged such a manner that the pump, with its suction fitted to a swiveling

gooseneck, can connect to any other suction pipe within its radius. The bilge suction
pipes may run through several comp2irtments in the bilge before rising on a
bulkhead and returning under the deck to the pump.


When the bulwarks are high enough to permit using belaying pins, the railcap will be
swelled out to accept them. Either a split pipe is welded to the underside of the
railcap with one edge flush to the inboard edge of the cap, or a full pipe may be
added, with its ends tapered and capped. The latter assembly is then welded directly
to the edge of the railcap, which gives the effect of swelling. Belaying pins are made of
solid round bcir or pipe, fitting through holes drilled into the larger pipe. These pins
must be proportioned to the size of line they will belay. After welding, everything is
carefully ground smooth and round, so as not to chafe the lines.
Boom crotches are fitted for all cargo booms, typically in the form of gallows aft or
forward of the hatch. Equally popular, however, is having the gallows on the fo’c’s’le
deck or house front. In smcdler vessels, the boom or booms are often sited high
enough on the mast that they do not interfere with visibility from the pilothouse, in
which case they may then be secured to the top of the house. This is doubly
advcintageous in the tropics, as an awning may be used over them to shade the deck.
Commercial vessels normally use portable scissors or crotches, whereas yachts
more often use a regular g2dlows frame, so that any boom in the way of the

helmsman can have three positions one on the centerline and one on either side
which allows room to stand at the helm.
Boats carried on deck or on cabintops rest in chocks of one sort or another. These
chocks are usually made of wood and then bolted to clips welded to the decks. The
clips should be predrilled for bolting. Also, either eyes or ring eyes should be
provided on deck for securing the gripes. Stern davits, if fitted, should be welded to
the vessel. A dinghy or boat carried in stern davits requires, in addition to the
sheaves for the falls, two ring eyes for the gripes and also for the trapping lines
(which are always crisscrossed), cind two fixed eyes near the boat’s gunwale on
which to affix cin anti- sway brace.


Ventilation is other compartments of

essential not only in living quarters, but in all

the vessel. Nevertheless, designers often leave it to the judgment of the builder or the
requirements of the owner. All too often it is either neglected or added as an
afterthought, haphazardly thrown together. The deterioration of the interior is

accelerated by stagnant moist and dirt.


One of the most difficult compartments to ventilate is the forepeak, since it usually

contains the chain and rope lockers. On smaller vessels it must

also serve as a
tx)sun s locker, spares locker, and paint locker, among
other things. In some
instances, what may be the forepeak would not necessarily
meet with the approval
of the regulatory bodies; however, the owners and
masters always have an acute
awareness that it is impossible to pour a quart into a pint, and thus, of
necessity, they
feel forced to adjust to their particular situation.
On small vessels, mushroom
ventilators mounted on the a partial solution to chain and rope locker
bitts offer
ventilation, provided the pipes measure 4 inches or larger.
Vents on quarter bitts are
seldom needed or used. The ventilation of the forepeak would
ideally be
accomplished with two vents— one for intake and one for exhaust—
with a pipe
extended all the way down into the bilge. This seldom proves satisfactory
in practice,
however, due to the small size of the pipes and the large amount
of space they
occupy. Mushroom vents are usually reserved for exhausting
air, but they are the
only type that can naturally fit on top of the bitts and
still remain reasonably
watertight in a seaway. A cowl vent fitted from the top of
the railcap forward to a
Dorade box would force enough air into the compartment, provided
the box was
sited well off the deck so as not to flood the vessel
should she put her bows
Masts make natural ventilators in that they function as chimneys.
The only
modifications necessary involve inserting a pipe in the step
and capping the top of
the mast as a vent. For example, in the Pinky Schooner, the
foremast serves as the
outlet vent not only for the forepeak, but also for the
forward cabin. The watertight
collision bulkhead must remain intact; therefore, the
piping will need to be welded to
this bulkhead with a valve to shut the compartment
off in the event of a collision.
Otherwise, the forepeak vent pipe would need to be independent
of the forward
cabin, and extend well above the foredeck level. The
mast ventilator Ccin be made
with 2-inch pipe by welding a 45-degree street ell to the
bulkhead, and threading a
close nipple to the ell and to a seacock. From there, one
would thread another close
nipple to a 3-inch Y and fit a reducer and a long nipple
that would reach to the
underside of the forward cabin sole. The seacock was selected
because it has a lever,
which is faster to shut than a screw stem valve; however, the seacock
must still be iri
an easily accessible location. The upper end of the Y has a
3-inch nipple, and its end is
inserted into the bottom of the step.
Cargo hold ventilation on small sailing vessels poses numerous
problems, since
there is seldom any place on deck to put the ventilators
out of the way or free of
potential fouling. The larger sailing vessels usually have one cowl ventilator at each
end of the hold, and maybe also one in the middle. If increased ventilation is
then weather the hatch covers are removed. Power vessels, on the
in fair
other hcmd,
can utilize cowl vents most efficiently; in some instances, the
same vent may be used
for both the intake and exhaust air by inserting
a small trunk inside a larger one. It is
rarely necessary to open the hatches while at sea,
for cowl vents also have the
advantage of being able to use forced draft.
On the Pinky Schooner, the ventilation of the cargo hold is done via the mainmast,
for the outlet, and via a pair of 2-inch gooseneck
vents incorporated as part of a fife
rail at the
mainmast, for the intakes. These vents have canvas sleeves to
block them
off in bad weather or when ventilation is not
desirable. Were this vessel intended for
fishing, hold ventilation would not be necessary.
Miscellaneous Steel Parts and Details 235

Small vessels usually operate in a making ventilation of little concern,

finite area,

so long as there is some. Occasionally, problems do 2U'ise, as when receiving cargo

from a cool warehouse and loading it into a warm hold. The ventilation then should
be blocked off until such time as the cargo has had a chance to normalize, or the
sweating of the hull and decks will cause damage. Also, even the small vessels that
usucdly ply the tropics will occasionally voyage into colder waters, in which case
their holds must be well ventilated or sweat will condense on the decks and beams of
the hold. Note too, that wherever air temperatures outside the hold drop below the
dew point, the hold will sweat inside as well. In general, if there is sweating in one
place, there will be sweating in another; therefore, if you notice sweating anywhere,
do something about it or the cargo could be ruined.
Engine rooms should rank among the best- ventilated areas, yet they seldom do.
Internal combustion engines consume large quantities of air. The use of several
ample- size cowl vents from the top of the cabin offers one solution; at least one of
these should lead to the bilge of the vessel. When the diameter of the vents is large
enough, a water shield with a drain should be added to deflect rain and spray. When
passing through living spaces, ventilators can be made rectangular in shape, even
though this reduces their efficiency. The exhaust vents can often be built into the
fidley, or a conveniently sited mast could be utilized for venting; otherwise, separate

exhaust ducts should be installed. If none of these options are open, then adjacent to
the exhaust line of the engine another line of at least the same diameter should be
run that will utilize a forced draft.


Binnacle boxes are most often deck-mounted on sailing vessels 2uid shelf-mounted
on power vessels. The should be mounted high enough for the helmsmain to
see easily, and sited so that bearings can be taken over the compass. Sailing yachts
commonly have their compasses mounted either on an aluminum pipe, with a
suitable base plate for attachment to the steel deck, or in a wooden box attached to
corner clips welded to the steel deck. In both cases, guards should be used to
prevent lines and crewmembers from fouling the compass. These guards must be
strong, as they are more often used for grabrails than is commonly supposed.
The Pinky Schooner uses a rectangular wooden box with a shelf upon which to
affix the compass. The portion above the shelf is removable in its entirety for

compass adjustment, but only the section over the compass is removable when
underway. Below the shelf and well off the deck, louvers aire fitted on the aft side to
form the exhaust ventilator for the after cabin and the Sciil locker. This arrangement
requires making a cutout in the deck, plus the installation of a 3 - inch coaming above
the deck and the same below, welded in place. The outside of the coaming has the
same dimensions as the inside of the wooden box.


Trailboards, normally associated with clipper bows, may be made either of steel or

TR ^ \U BoARP^ to.



rwD aft
top^bott. CLosEe^ wHipep Hr

Figure 90. A steel trailboard configuration, showing top and bottom closer plates.

wood. If of steel, they will

have the same shape and curve as if made of wood. Some
builders leave them open top and bottom just like the wooden boards,
but this is a
bad practice, since it makes for a flimsy appearance and invites corrosion
at the
welded attachment points to the hull and billet. The proper way is to fit top
bottom plates to the trailboards (see Figure 90), thus boxing in the whole
behind the boards and making it airtight. The scrollwork and other
needed to finish the boards can then be welded on, using a y32 -inch-diameter
with the lowest heat possible for welding; lay on a bead about
V% inch proud of the
surface. After sandblasting and painting the vessel, paint these
welds in a contrasting
color. Wooden trailboards should be fitted to the hull with
clips to accept bolts. The
ability to remove the wooden trailboards is essential to
proper maintenance of the
Miscellaneous Steel Parts and Details 237


The rudder is fabricated and installed according to the pl 2uis. Some designers and
builders feel that, once rudder need not be taken out, and they
installed, the
construct the heel bearing and rudder stock accordingly. Evidence from vessels 20
or more years old bears out this assumption, provided that the rudderport is always
pumped full of waterproof grease at the beginning of each voyage. The only way to
remove such rudders is to cut away the heel be^u"ing, rewelding or replacing it upon
reinstcillation of the rudder.
There cire two things to remember about rudders hung with gudgeons and pintles.
First, if the gudgeon is attached to the aft side of the sternpost, and the pintles to the

forward side of the rudderpost, a substamtial gap will exist. The rudderpost will not
have the same centerline as the pintles, and therefore, only a tiller will work. Second,
steering ge 2u-s require that the rudderpost and the pintles align with each other.. If
they do not align, the rudderpost must be bent forward near the top, to offset it
enough to maike its centerline coincide exactly with the centerline of the pintles. The
alternate and better method is to form pintles from the rudderpost itself, with pipe
gudgeons welded to the sternpost. While this method requires machining, it
minimizes the gap and thus is more effective for steering, especi2dly in S2uling vessels.
A block of hardwood can be driven below one of the pintles to prevent the rudder’s
coming unshipped. All rudders should have stops limiting their swing to not more
than 45 degrees port or starboard. The generally accepted limit is 42 degrees.

When all the fittings described in this chapter have been taken c 2U"e of, you, as the
builder, will have completed almost all the deck fittings, fittings in the bulwcirks, and
fittings on the be more fittings as the
railcap for the time being. Of course, there will
remainder of the steel parts are made and installed. Engines using a dry exhaust, cind
all adr-cooled auxiliary engines, not to mention the galley, water closets, and a host of

other £ireas, have ducts, pipes, vents, and other items penetrating either the main
deck or cabintops, which cannot be done until a good portion of the machinery
installation and interior work has been finadized. The vessel remciins a long way from
the finished painting and launching, but the vexing detciils are now behind the
builder. If the builder is constructing for a third party, the hull is now ready for


The importance of completing as much as possible of the

exterior welding on and
above the deck cannot be stressed enough. Once the builder
is satisfied that nothing
further in this area may be done pending completion bf other work, it is time to start
work on the inside metal details. Thereno easy, systematic procedure for interior
details that will allow
one at last to climb back out of the vessel and go on to other
tasks, never having to look behind. The countless
details that comprise the whole are
interdependent, and each must wait its turn. The
proper sequence involves
compartmentalization, which permits the finish work to
proceed rapidly in the less
complicated compartments, while the more complicated
areas can be worked at the
pace dictated by material flow from the various
vendors. The lone worker will
experience some satisfaction in this method. There
are times when finishing
something— anything— provides the encouragement needed to
press on.


In the Pinky Schooner, for example, the forepeak is

dispatched first. Completing the
forepeak requires installation of the following: clips to
hold up the shelving for paint
and miscellaneous gear; hangers for the mooring lines
and warps; clips for bins* clips
for the ceiling; and supports for the walkway.
While installing these items, cut but do
not yet install the transverse partial bulkhead
on frame 2, which forms the ends of
the chain and rope lockers, and a longitudinal
bulkhead that further divides the chain
well as the rope lockers into port and starboard
for the deck rope pipes becomes obvious
compartments. The best location
at this time, since one should be able to
feed in the line without having to go below to
coil it. The spurling pipe location on the

Interior Welding Details and Priming 239

other hand, has already been dictated by the siting of the windlass. The bitter end of
the anchor chcdns will be attached to a half- link or pad eye welded to the deck near
the spurling pipe, in the event that the chain must be slipped. In large vessels, this
pad eye is designed to part under a predetermined load; in smaller vessels, the use of
a pelican hook allow the bitter end of the chain to be released, should it have to

be slipped. A bilge suction line must also be fitted; the best cirrangement uses a single
pipe to a sump that services both chadn lockers. Actually, very little water enters the
chain locker with the chain, and with proper ventilation this soon evaporates. The
backup bracing for the foremast step in the Pinky is welded in place. The hatch
leading to the forepeak should be temporarily and any holes needed to fasten
it in place are drilled at this time. Then the whole compartment should be cleaned
and vacuumed.


Moving aft to the forward cabin, start with the cabin sole beams. Weld them in place
if they are of steel; if they are of wood, cut them to size, drill bolt holes, and
temporarily pin them There are advantages to using a combination steel
in place.
cind wood sole beam, space permitting. This could be done in the Pinky, as is
discussed in detail in Volume 2. This cU'rangement would use a sleeper bolted to the
flange of the steel beam, of sufficient molding and siding to accept all cabin sole
fcistenings. This method eliminates having to drill and bolt to the steel each piece of
wood used in the sole, with all of the chips and potential for rust. If the cabin sole is
not excessively wide, and in the Pinky it is not, a2x4ora2x6 could be substituted
for the steel beam in its entirety, and this single piece would occupy about the same
space as the steel beam plus a sleeper. Given a 2U"ge span, however, using wood

alone will require welding one or more vertical supports per beam to the frames, so
as to prevent sag. Any joinerwork fastened to the cabin sole, such as bunk fronts,
settee fronts, lockers, amd the like, helps stiffen the cabin sole, but should not be
considered a solution to stiffening the beams.
Water tanks generally go below the sole, forming an integral pcirt of the hull. If they
are part of the framing, as they are on the Pinky, they will already have been fitted
and welded. If they are not, fit them now, but do not weld them in place until the cabin
sole beams 2u*e properly sited. The piping to all tanks includes a fill pipe, a draw-off
pipe, and a vent pipe. In fuel tanks a bleeder pipe needed. Using hose, PVC
is 2dso

pipe, or both for water tanks has its advantages: hose, because it is easy to run and
fair and PVC pipe, because it can be cut and glued with a minimum of
into the fittings;
effort. Metal fittings are, however, needed for welding at the deck and tank top.
Locating vent pipes is one of the most vexing problems a builder faces, since they
must occupy a nonvulnerable position, being quite small in comparison to
everything else on board. The vent pipe must always rise higher than the fill pipe.
Furthermore, the vent must rise directly from the tank to its outlet with no loops. In
some water tanks, however, it is possible to use one larger vent on deck, leading
underneath to a manifold that accepts the smaller vents from the individual water

It is desirable to have cleanout plates in all tanks; however, their location

and size
often makes this iitipractical, and too much emphasis has been placed
on this
feature. Suffice it to say that if it is feasible to install them, one should
do so; if not, rest
assured there are ways to cope with any contamination that might occur in the
The forward cabin of the Pinky is bounded by watertight bulkheads, and the bilge
suction will be fitted to its sump
forward of the water tanks in the keel. The
suction pipe leads under the water fc^nk, parallel to the forepeak suction
pipe, and
into the cargo hold, \hence up bulkhead 8 to the bilge pump. The
Pinky’s plans call
for permanent ballasting under the water tanks, with a closing
end plate.
In vessels with steel cabintops, the deck irons for any heaters,
stoves, and vents
that penetrate them should be welded in place. As always, the
siting depends on
deck structures. All ports in the steel trunks should be fitted and drilled, but
the ports themselves should be held in place by only two bolts at this time.
Finally the
whole compartment should be cleaned of debris and vacuumed, and the ballast
worked into place under the water tanks.


The work associated with cargo hold finishing consists mainly of installing clips for
the cargo battens, as well as the means of holding down the ceiling. The
cargo batten
clips can be made either of flat bars having a 90- degree twist
where they leave the
frames to which they are welded, or of solid round bcirs welded to the frames.
either case, their free ends are turned up to accept the cargo battens,
slipped in from
the top. The former style works better, since the flat bars do virtually
no damage to
any cargo with which they come in contact; the round bars require dunnaging
prevent cargo damage. Figure 91 shows these clips. Where necessary,
pad eyes
should also be installed. The bilge suction is then connected to the cargo hold
and its pipe run up bulkhead 8 (in the Pinky), or whatever location is suitable
another vessel. If hose or PVC pipe is used, it need not be run at this time;
only the
welded metal connections are necessary now. All sumps should have strainer
The mast step is finish welded, and a 4- inch nipple is fitted through the step as a vent.
A ladder is needed for access to the hold and may be welded to bulkhead 6 or sited a
couple of inches aft of frame 7, keeping the hatchway clecir of any
When the hold is finished, clean and vacuum.
The aft cabin can be fitted with either steel or wooden sole beams, like the
cabin. Construct a bilge suction sump, and pipe to the cargo hold. Fit
it and drill the
ports, then clean and vacuum.


There remains but one task to complete, in the Pinky Schooner at

least: installing
wireways for the electrics. But for the cargo hold and its watertight
bulkheads, this
could be postponed until a later date; however, nipples welded to
bulkheads 6 and 8
Figure 91. Alternative constructions
for cargo batten clips. The top style,
a flat bar twisted 90 degrees where
it clears the frame to which it is

welded, works better.


will welding at or near deck level. The final decision as to wiring

finish the
arrangement can wait, the only requirement being that the course of the wire
through the cargo causes the least possible interference and is least likely to sustain
damage from the cargo. The exposed to damage are on the port cind
€U"eas least
starboard sides, as close under the deck as possible 2md as far outbocird as
practicable. would anticipate that on a vessel like the Pinky, a single lV2 -inch pipe

would hold all the necessary wires. In case 110- volt AC should be required in the
future, it is nevertheless safer to install fittings both port and stcirboard (a total of
four nipples, then). For the Pinky, the piping will be PVC, this being a nonconducting,
noncorroding material.


One improve the life of a vessel by properly preparing the interior

Ccin substcintially
of the hull for finish coatings. It has been recognized for many years that a vessel is
more likely to deteriorate from the inside out than vice versa, as much of the interior
is unavailable for inspection after the vessel is constructed, due to insulation,

tankage, joinerwork and ceilings. A thorough inspection of a completed vessel would

necessitate some dismantling and subsequent reconstruction. Therefore, it rests
within the province of the builder and first owner to decide the useful life of the
vessel. In mcuiy ways this is unfortunate, for a 20-year life will
a vessel built for, say,

often continue in service long after that time, the owners always hoping to squeeze
another voyage or so out of her before she sinks. Doing a proper job costs only a
fraction of a percent more than doing a slipshod one, so cutting corners on the
interior prepciration is economy.
A vessel not built under cover will have large areas of rust, loose scale, and dirt on
her frames and plating. This, of course, could be cleaned by power wire-brushing
cind chipping; however, this is not only time-consuming, but is apt to cause further
cracking in the scale, which in turn will cause accelerated corrosion if penetrated by
water through the coatings. The scale on the plate when it arrives from the mill
makes excellent protection for the plate, as long as it is not breached — which does
occur, of course, welding and cutting operations. Once breached, corrosion seeps

back, destroying the coating and at the same time rusting the exposed steel.
Therefore, it is prudent to abrasive (sand) blast the interior and then coat the entire
surface with a primer that will not need overcoating for several weeks or months.

v\ith consideration for the fact that potable water and fuel tanks may
demand a
different cmd special primer.
Depending on the manufacturer of the primer, the following degrees of
preparation are required: brush blast (surface free of all loose scale,
paint, oils, and
dirt); near-white blast (surface free of all patches
of scale, but allowing for a mottled
appearance), and white- metal blast (free of all scale and other
foreign matter).
Manufacturers have developed coating systems that usually do not
require white-
metal blasting of interior surfaces, .^terior surfaces demand
blasting to white
condition on new construction.
Vessels built under cover, with their matericd more or less free
of rust, dirt and
loose scale, may
dispense entirely with blasting the interior of the hull. After
thorough cleaning and vacuuming, prime the interior with a
paint that does not
demand blashng. There is a difference in longevity favoring a blasted interior,
another consideration is the amount of exposure to the elements
that these surfaces
will undergo, as well as the subsequent number
of protective paint coats applied
over the primer on the unblasted surface.
Painting and paint systems are covered in detail in another chapter. The Pinky,
since it was not built under cover, will have the interior
of her hull blasted and
primed. Blasting the metal is not a fast process, and one never
enjoys doing the inside
of a vessel under the best of circumstances. The
only rules to follow are that the
person doing the blasting on the interior should not only
wear the standard
protective clothing and hood, but have a supply of fresh air
pumped to his face mask
(respirator) at all times, in order to prevent silicosis and other
respiratory problems.
Also, as much exhaust air as possible should be forced
out, to rid the compartment
of dust and thus improve visibility. Remember that,
in blasting, 125 cubic feet of air
per minute being forced into the compartment along with the sand.
Never blast
more cirea than can be primed the Scime day.
The overhead is always blasted first, thence working down the hull
toward the
keel. As the sand accumulates underfoot, one will
have to stop and shovel it out. The
sand is not reusable, so it can be just dumped over the side. Before
priming, the areas
to be painted are swept, dusted, and vacuumed as
required to provide a clean
surface. Under no circumstances should the metal be '
touched with bare skin, as the
normal body oils will contaminate the surface; many primers will not tolerate

With the interior blastedand primed, one may then blast to white metal the
exterior of the cabin sides, hatchways, decks, bulwarks,
and railcap, plus the outside
of the bulwarks. Additional through hulls will be welded
into the hull as the work
progresses, and the remainder of the hull should not be
sandblasted until after all
this work is done, at which time the supporting
clips to the hull and the keel supports
are removed so that this may be accomplished all at
one time.


The welding- in of the tank tops and the addition of the through hulls
on the inside will
not require further blasting; the areas affected can be
mechanically treated. In the
Interior Welding Details and Priming 243

Pinky Schooner, the tanks are too shallow to physically permit welding the interiors
of the tank tops, but withhandholes (access holes) cut 2uid fitted there is at least
sufficient room to clean up the interiors after completing the exterior welding, and
they should be cleaned carefully, since, in all probability, some of the primer will
have been burned away. Then touch up the primer, using a mirror to see that the
coating is without voids.


Vessels with engine rooms would, in addition to the above, require blasting of that
area after the installation of the engine beds and other machinery foundations. While
practice Vciries from builder to builder, unless the engine beds form an integral part
of the hull, their installation is usually deferred until cifter completion of all the hull
welding, as they are then much easier to align with the stern tube. This eliminates
much of the shimming often made necessary by welding- induced distortion.

Figure 92. A 68- horsepower automotive-

type engine mounted on parallel fore-
and-aft stringers.

ic-i* '

Sometimes, installation of the

completely assembled engine would be impractical
after the vessel reached the stage where the decks and
deckhouses were already
complete. In such cases, the engines are installed during the hull
framing stage on
preblasted, primed, and painted engine beds.
Engine beds take many forms and demand careful design and
construction. Most
small vessels use automotive- type engines— that is,
those developed for land
transportation or industrial applications but subsequently
modified for marine use.
These engines usually mount on beds having parallel stringers
that run at least the
length of the engine Voom, sometimes with bracketing
that extends into the next
compartments fore and aft. Their strength requirement is then a fore-and-aft
girder supported transversely. The engine mounts or
brackets attach to the sides of
the engine, extending outward the distance required
to clear its block and any
fixtures attached to the block in way of the beds. Figure 92 shows a 68-horsepower
engine of this type, as installed a 56- foot schooner, the engine weighing 1,056
pounds and turning 2,200 revolutions per minute (rpm).

Interior Welding Details and Priming 245

True marine engines have their base plates extended outward from and integral
with the block. The engine beds are short in the fore-and-aft direction, limited quite
often by the dicimeter of the engine’s flywheel. They depend, therefore, on the
transverse system of becirers to support them. Figure 93 shows an 80- horsepower,
single- cylinder semi-diesel, as installed on a 76-foot schooner. The engine weighs
8,500 pounds and turns 340 rpm.
All engines transmit vibrations to the hull, which are dampened in part by the
construction of their beds. One csmnot possibly eliminate every trace of vibration,
but he can minimize it, aiming especially to keep the node of vibration out of the
useful range of engine rpm as needed by the vessel. One often finds objectionable
vibrations after launching, and modifications cire frequently necessary after trial
runs. Engines in ocecin- voyaging vessels, especially auxiliary sailing vessels, must be
firmly and rigidly bolted to the engine beds. Some automotive types, due to their

higher rotating speeds, may benefit from vibration- absorbing essentially rigid
mounts. Perhaps in very small engines, the popular flexible mounts are permissible;
however, flexible mountings contradict not only logic but the physics of the ocean.
The object in marine propulsion is not to encourage independent movement of
several thousandths of an inch in a piece of machinery weighing several tons and
having a momentum separate from that of the vessel, but to integrate the engine as a
homogeneous part of the vessel and her propeller.


In all vessels, the idecd fuel t 2ink permits the builder physiccd access, not only for
proper welding but also for sandblasting. The common assumption that fuel oil
protects the steel is only correct up to a point, given fuel free of contaiminants.
Unfortunately, water is invariably present in the fuel tanks, due to condensation,
even with the best of fuels, cind tcinks assembled with dirty, rusty steel will probably
depend heavily on their filters to keep contaminants out of the engine. This begs the
question of why a tank should be dirty, when it could, if nothing else, have been
blasted prior to assembly, and its interior, if accessible, could cdso have been coated.
The minimum opening for tank access is 18 inches in diameter, and if room permits, a
15- by 24- inch opening is easier to get in and out of. Figure 94 shows a typical
manhole. The bolts are %-inch stainless steel, their heads welded to the inside of the

Figure 94. A typical manhole pro-

viding access to a fuel tank

tank. Alternatively, the bolts could

be stud- welded to the exterior of the tank. A
gasket of neoprene sheet material, approximately Vs inch
thick, is fitted over the
bolts and between the tank and the face plate.

In the engine room^ holes through ^e bottom shell of the hull are required for
seawater intakes for engine cooling, exhaust cooling, fire
pumps, and sometimes
sanitary systems. Many of these holes can be eliminated
by using single or dual
standpipes. The tops of these standpipes are brought above
the waterline and fitted
with watertight covers, sometimes with a viewing
glass. The hull in way of a
standpipe is drilled with about ^2 - inch- diameter holes to form
a coarse strainer. The
individual pipes are then tapped into and welded
to the standpipe, with their own
valves and secondary strainers to collect small trash.
The fewer through-hull
openings below the waterline, the better and safer the vessel
can be. The outlets on
all but yachts can be located at or
above the load waterline, which makes them
accessible in the event of a line’s bursting or becoming
clogged; furthermore, they
are not subject to ice damage. Waste pipes often exit
into a chute made of split pipe
welded to the side of the hull, which deflects the discharge
downward, but only
vessels with high freeboard need chutes under ordin
2uy circumstcinces.
On the Pinky Schooner, the only through-hull pipe below the load
supplies the water closet aft. Galley water is supplied via
a gravity saltwater tank on
deck. The water closet and the sinks all discharge
above the load waterline.
Tanks are tested by air pressure after completion, after
which the final piping
hookups can be made. The pressure required to test any tank
equals the head of
liquid formed by its fill or a 6- foot column,
whichever is greater.


Access from compartment to compartment is often done via

watertight doors The
minimum usable door size is about 54 by 22 inches. Engine rooms
should have doors
of the quick-acting type, capable of being
opened from either side. Piercing
bulkheads with doors robs each compartment of valuable
space, and in spite of the
convenience of doors through bulkheads, access from the
deck above through a
watertight hatch has much to recommend it. In the
event that the owner chooses
vertical access to the engine compartment, the
watertight hatches should be the
quick-release spring type, so there will be no danger
of entrapment below.


Vessels with high bulwarks need freeing ports to relieve

the decks of excess water as
fast as possible. The open-grill type is
the most common, but has the disadvantage
that it also allows water to pour through from
the sea as well as into it. Five distinct
Interior Welding Details and Priming 247

Figure 95. Five varieties of closed-door freeing ports.

types of the closed- door port variety eire used: the single plate hinged at the top and
unrestrained; the double- hinged double plate; the single plate dogged, with lifting

ring; the single plate, longitudinally hinged across the upper third, with locking dogs;
and the Freeman Marine type, hinged longitudinally in the upper quarter with an
integralindependent grate, which is avciilable in several sizes as an off-the-shelf item.
Figure 95 shows the first four of these types.
Scuppers should not be less than 2 by 4 inches (the ends describing complete

Figure 96. Top: A scupper that doubles as a foothole. Bottom: Scuppers for drainage only can
be elevated an inch or so above the deck, with those at the deck's low point being modified to
ensure complete drainage.

circles as per Figure 96) on vessels that have low enough freeboard to permit
bocirding from a dinghy or boat without resorting to a side ladder. This is the
minimum space that a foot will fitboots will be, worn, as in cold climates, the
into; if

openings need to be 2u-ger. Scuppers used only for draining the deck, and not as

footholes, can be elevated about 1 inch with the ultimate drainage of the deck
confined to two or three modified scuppers at the low point of the deckline. This
prevents the many streaks that often mar the appearance of vessels with numerous
scuppers allowing the water to dribble out over Icirge cireas.
After finishing with sandblasting and priming, it is possible to bed and bolt on all
portlights and hatches. If there are no 2U'ge items to be fitted belowdecks that cannot

pass through the hatches, the cabintops may be made cind bolted down to partially
weatherproof the interior and make it conducive to finish painting, insulating,
fabricating the joinerwork, and completing the machinery instcdlation.


There never a good place in which to interrupt a sequence of building. It would be


nice to be able to stop at a “halfway” mark and tell the builder that he may now take a
break. In the days of yore, when there were no engines, refrigerators, showers,
electrical items, and often nothing but a good bucket or “thunder mug” to take C2ire
of the sanitary needs of the ladies, completing the hull would have put the builder
one- third to one-h 2df the way through the construction of the entire vessel. Today,
with all the modern amenities, the vessel is but one-sixth or, at best, one- fifth
completed when her hull has been finished. A builder who is furnishing a bare hull to
the owner is finished with his contractual portion of the vessel when the steelwork is
done. Many builders prefer to stop at just that point, but have always derived

pleasure from finishing a vessel completely, including the making of the sails.
Speaking from the viewpoint of a professional builder, the best way to do this is with
an absentee owner, because experience and a great deal of thought without
continuous interruptions are necessary in order to produce a satisfactory if not
almost perfect finished vessel.
We have all been told that familiarity breeds contempt. beg to differ. It is my

feeling and my experience that familiarity breeds respect. Taking the time to
understemd the whys cind wherefores of the material with which you, as a builder, are
working is one of the most important things that you can do, because you, as an
individual, willthen have a total feeling for the subject. In constructing the vessel,
you will then foresee ciny shortcomings that might be incorporated in the structure,
cind may then enhance such a shortcoming to madce it an asset. Respect must be
given to any individual, regardless of his field of endeavor, when he produces to the
best of his As an individual, respect a competent fisherman, a competent
ability. 1

farmer, or anyone else who exhibits competency in his own field, and as a


boatbuilder, designer, and sailor, expect you, as an individual builder, to do the best

that you can possibly do, for want you to succeed. derive no pleasure whatsoever
1 1

from thinking, “Oh, well, what can you expect from amateurs?” honestly do not feel

that such individuals exist. Almost without exception, the several thousand vessels
built to my designs by “amateurs” have given me pride— pride not only in
people’s ability to learn the art of boatbuilding, but also pride in what they have done
to execute my designs.
It will be incumbent upon anyone^ having built his own vessel to the stage of
completion suggested volume, to continue on to Volume 2, which covers
in this
painting, launching, rigging, and other necessciry details and considerations.
can never be any interest in something partially completed; the world is filled with
incomplete articles that are foisted upon others as being complete. Therefore, urge I

the builder and the individual to be diligent and never neglect the minuscule,
because, at sea, the minuscule magnifies and predominates. Most disasters can be
attributed to the failure of humans to do as perfect a job as they are capable of doing,
and to their misjudgment of the situation as it then exists.
There is no feasible way in which a designer, builder, owner, or sailor may divorce
himself from the prudence that must be exercised from the conception of the design
to the actual Sciiling of the vessel on the high seas.

»> .


The following terms appear in the text of this volume or may appear on designers'

Access Hole. Any hole cut into a bulkhead, tank, or shell to permit through- passage
while the vessel is under construction.

Aft. Toward, at, or near the stern.

After. Nearer the stern.

Afterbody. That portion of the vessel that is cift of the maximum section.

After Peak. The space aft of the ciftermost transverse watertight bulkhead and the
stern frame. In many sailing vessels it consists of a deep floor that is watertight to the
top of the box keel or DWL. It is often a watertight void in the event of damage to the
stern frame. If carried several frame bays forward, it can form a useful water or fuel

After Perpendicular (AP). A line perpendicular to the bciseline, intersecting the

cifter edge of the sternpost at the designed waterline (DWL). In small vessels it may

be located at the intersection of the deck with the centerline of the transom to
facilitate measurement by regulatory agencies that use measured deck length as a
basis for their rules.

Amidships. In the vicinity of the middle portion of a vessel, as distinguished from

her ends. This term is used to convey a general locality and not a specific point.

Anchor Rode. The line or rope attached to the anchor in lieu of chciin.

Aperture. The area cut out of the keel or deadwood and rudder for the


Appendages, items such as shaft struts, bilge keels, rudders, bossings, skegs, and
fin keels. Used to denote fittings that are immersed.

Arc Blow. An occurrence associated with cellulose-coated electrodes, which

generate large volumes of gases consisting of hydrogen, steam, carbon dioxide, and
carbon monoxide. When the electrode circ becomes long (gap), a greater volume of
gases is entrapped inthe shielding envelope, thus generating greater heat which by
itself (or when the arc is corrected) causes the molten pool to become liquid and
blow through the base metal. ' -

Athwartships. In a transverse direction; from side to side at right angles to the

vessel’s fore-and-aft centerline.

Auxiliary Machinery. Any pumps, motors, winches, etc. used on a vessel, apart
from the propulsion machinery. In sailing vessels that have a propulsion engine, it is
normal to refer to it as “the auxiliary engine,’’ because it is assumed that the sails
provide the main propulsion.

Baffle(s). A plate in a tank used to deflect the surge of liquids.

Ballast Weight used to trim a vessel to a desired line of flotation, or to regulate


Baseline. A horizontal line through the lowest point of a vessel’s molded form. Some
designers use the DWL as a base for all measurements, with notations of “-f” for
above and for below, which results in smaller numbers in the measurements.
This line is easily established in the plated hull as a ready reference.
Batten. A thin strip of wood used in laying down the lines on the mold loft and for
drawing curved lines on the material. Also, planks of wood used in the cargo hold to
keep the cargo away from the frames and shell of the vessel.

Beam. A transverse horizontal member

supporting a deck or a flat. In a narrow
vessel of unusual depth, it may be necessary to install hold beams, which support
plating or decking, usually at every fifth frame. In most instances, the use of
deep web
frames is a better solution to the problem of stiffening the sides of the vessel.

Beam, Great See Great Beam.

Beam, Molded. The width over the widest portion of the hull, measured to the
outside of the frame(s) and to the inside of the plating.

Bearding Line. The line of intersection of the keel, stem, and sternpost and the
outer faces of the frames.

Bilge. That portion of the hull adjacent to the keel or keelson where bilge water
collect. It is the area below the floors, extending outward for the
length of the floors.
Any water due to leaks, condensation, cargo damage, etc., should drain to this

Bilge Keel. A metal plate fitted at the turn of the bilge to reduce the rolling of
a vessel
in a seaway. It is confined primarily to motor vessels.
Glossary 253

Billet A plate that extends outward from the face of the stem to form a clipper bow,
onto which the outer ends of the trailboards are attached.

Booby Hatch. An access hatch from the weather deck to the interior of the vessel,
protected by a hood in which a secondary companionway hatch may also be

Bracket A triangular plate or shape to connect two or more parts — a deck beam to
a frame, a pillar to a girder, etc.

Breasthook. A plate joining the port and starbocird stringers at the bow.

Bulwarks. That portion of the vessel’s hull that extends above the main deck.

Butt Any joint formed when two parts are placed edge to edge. In small steel vessels,
this normally refers to the end joints of any two plates; longitudinal joints between
plates are referred to as seams.

Buttock(s). The intersection with the hull (usually at the molded surface) of any
vertical plane pcirallel to but not on the fore-and-aft centerline.

Camber. The rise or “roundup” of a vessel’s deck beams, which traditionally form a
segment of a circle or a portion of a parabola. Nowadays, there are designers and
builders who utilize either a shallow aingle with its apex at the centerline, or a
truncated angle with a Icirge section of flat along the center portion of the deck. While
less expensive to construct, such decks need more camber to achieve the same
strength than a deck with circular camber. Ccimber is indicated as a fraction of the
vessel’s beam amidships or as a stated rise per foot of half-beam.

Cant Frame. A frame that is not squcire to the keel. Such frames are needed in

vessels with very bows or round, counter sterns. The object is to swing them in

such a manner as to have them lie normal (square) with the shell plating. The frames
cire always swung forwcird in the forebody and aft in the afterbody.

Cathead. An extension over the rail of the vessel on the foredeck, fitted with
block(s) or sheaves enabling the anchor to be hoisted to its end. In other words, a
fixed davit. The ring of the anchor is hoisted close up, after which the bill of the
anchor is brought over the rail and secured. The chain from the hawse is also
secured to the rail. On long ocean passages, the chain is detached and the whole
cinchor is swung abocird aind secured, leaving the cathead free. The cathead also can
serve as a sheet lead for squaresails.

Ceiling. The covering of an area with wood planking to isolate the interior of the
vessel from the steel structure.

Center of Gravity. A point at which the combined weight of any item or group of
items may be considered as concentrated. The Vertical Center of Gravity (VCG) and
the Longitudinal Center of Gravity (LCG) are the vertical and longitudinal centers,
respectively, of the combined weights of all materials in the vessel.

CFM. Cubic feet per minute, a measure of the velocity of air or liquids.

Chine. The intersection between the sides and the bottom of a hull, also
known as a
knuckle. A vessel may have one or more chines on either side of
the hull. A single
chine always denotes either a flat- bottom or V- bottom hull.

Chocks. Openings on or through the bulwarks through which a line, cable, or

passes, thus achieving a fair lead from bitts, cleats, windlasses, etc.
The chock is
usually reinforced and may be open (the line can be dropped
into the opening) or
closed (the line is fed through the opening).

Coamings. Vertical f)lates bounding tHe edges of hatch openings to reinforce them.
Coaming tops are fitted with angles, bars, etc., to retain the hatch covers.

Cofferdam. A
space between two bulkheads or partial bulkheads that separates
tanks of different liquids and is a safety measure in case one
of the bulkheads

Collision Bulkhead. The first watertight bulkhead the vessel

in aft of the stem. On
commercial vessels it must be not less than 5 percent nor more than 15 percent of
the load waterline length aft of the intersection of the stem and the LWL.

Curtain Plate. A vertical fore-and-aft plate connecting the outboard

ends of the
beams of a deck that is supported at the vessel’s sides by stanchions or an

Davit A simplified crane used to handle lifeboats, anchors, stores, etc., which is
usually made of pipe.

Deadrise. The athwartship rise of the bottom of the hull from the keel to the bilge,
measured at amidships.

Deadwood. The area between the keel, the sternpost, and the bearding line.

Deep Floors. Floors that are deeper than ordinary floors. Usually
located at every
third frame in transversely framed vessels, and often
used to reduce the gross
tonnage of a vessel. In sailing vessels, deep floors are a continuation of
regular floors
into the box keel.

Diagonals. Straight lines on the Lines Plan running downward from the
centerline at
an angle to the waterlines and the buttock lines, thus intersecting
the frames at an
angle. Diagonals are used for additional measurements in
laying down the body plan.
When projected either in half- breadths or vertically, they are curved lines.

Displacement The number of tons or pounds of water displaced by a vessel when

is afloat. It is expressed in long tons (2,240 pounds).

Double Bottom. A secondary, inner hull bottom that is water- or oiltight and is
separated from the outer bottom by deep floors, webs, and intercostal
stringers. It is
primarily used in motor vessels as ballast or fuel tanks. A
separation of at least 2 feet
6 inches is the absolute minimum, and 4 feet is normal.

Doubler. A plate fitted outside or inside, and faying against, another plate to give
added stiffness or strength.
Glossary 255

Drop Strake. A stradce that is terminated before it reaches the bow or stern. This
term is used in round-bottom construction only. Dropped strakes result from the
difference in girth between the midship section and the ends. (See also Expanded
Shell Drawing.)

Dunnage. Loose material placed under and around cargo to prevent any motion or
chafing while a vessel is on a passage.

Dutchman. A piece of steel or wood inserted into a plate or plank to rebuild and
replace a flaw in the material or to correct faulty workmanship.

DWL See Waterline, Datum.

Expanded Shell Drawing. A drawing showing the hull flattened laterally as though
compressed between two plates pushing from port and stcirboard. It will yield true
girth measurements but leaves the length unchanged, and is thus distorted. It
indicates the sight edges of plating in relation to frames cind to the girth of the hull. It

also shows through hulls, locations of appendages, and other details that may be
difficult to show on other plans.

Falls. The rope used in a block to make up a The end that is secured to the
block is called the standing end, and the opposite end is called the hauling end. At
sea, the hauling end as it leaves the last sheave is referred to as “the fall.”

Faying Surface. The surface between two adjoining pcirts.

Fidley. The casing from the engine room to the smokestack, and ciround the exhaust
pipe on dry exhausts.

Flange. The part of a plate or shape that is at right angles to the remaining

Floor. The lower portion of a transverse frame, extending outward from the
centerline to the bilge. In vessels with double bottoms, it is that portion of the frame
that separates the inner and outer bottoms.

Fo’c’s’le or Forecastle. A raised foredeck, or the living accommodations in the

forward end of the vessel.

Forebody. That portion of the vessel forward of the maximum section.

Forefoot That portion stem framing which connects the stem to the
of the keel. It

also denotes the forward, lower portion of the shell plating in that area

Forward Perpendicular (FP). A line perpendiculcir to the baseline and intersecting

the stem at the LWL. Some designers use the intersection of the stem at the deck for
this line, to simplify measurement for some regulatory bodies.

Frame. A transverse member that makes up the skeleton of the vessel. Frames are
stiffeners that hold the outside plating to a given shape and maintain the transverse
shape of the hull.

Freeing Port An opening in the bulwarks that allows the excess deck water to drain
overboard at a faster rate than could be accommodated by scuppers.

Girder. A continuous^ fore-and-aft structural member supporting the deck


Girth. The distance measured along ciny frame line from a given point of reference
ciround the body of the vessel to the corresponding point on the opposite side.

Graving Piece. A shallow wood insert that corrects for a sap streak or an unsound
knot in a plank.

Great Beam. A plate forming a rise in the deck from the main to the quarter deck,
near the midlength of the hull. In sailing vessels, it is from 6 to 14 inches in

Gunwale. The intersection of the main deck cind the shell plating.

Guy. A rope or cable used to steady an object in hoisting or lowering.

Gusset Plate. A triangular plate that connects members or braces.

Gypsy. A metal drum fitted outside the wildcats on a windlass or by itself, to exert a
pull on rope. It may be fitted with “whelps,” which are regularly spaced bands rising
slightly above the drum. The inboard end of a gypsy is always larger than the
outboard end, so that the rope cannot wind over itself at one end but is forced to
slide outboard and free. Two to three turns are normally used. In spite of proper
design, some surging is required.

Half- Breadths. The ordinates, perpendicular to both the vertical and longitudinal
centerlines of the vessel, that divide the vessel into two symmetrical halves in plan

Hatch Beam. A portable beam across a hatch to support hatch boards


Hawsepipes. Cylindrical or elliptical pipes near the bow of a vessel, through which
the anchor cable or chain runs. The lower edge is with a heavy reinforcement
called a “bolster.” The diameter is never less than 10 times the nomincil diameter of
the chain.

Head Ledge. The forward cind after thwcirtship plates that connect the side plates of
the centerboard trunk. This term used by older builders to denote the forward and

after ends of a hatch cociming, but these are referred to as “end coamings” or just
“coamings” by younger builders.

Heights. Ordinates that measure the outer form of a vessel vertically from a
horizontal plane intersecting the baseline. The baseline may be a line at or below the
lowest point of the hull, or it may be the DWL, in which case the heights are above or
below that plane.

Hold Beams. Beams in the hold that have no plating or planking on them and are
without camber. When present they cire usually located at each fifth frame.
Glossary 257

Inboard. As a direction, toward the centerline. As a location, within the vessel’s shell
cind below the weather deck.

Intercostal. The opposite of continuous; usually refers to framing members in

sepcirate pcirts that fit between frames, beams, etc.

Intermediate Frames. Frames that are between regular frames and are not fitted
with floor plates. Also, frames that are added between regular frames in a sailing
vessel when she is given an engine.

Joggle To offset a plate or shape to avoid the use of backing strips or liners.

Keel. The principal fore-and-aft member of the vessel’s frame. A bar keel is a vertical
bar that also protrudes through the bottom. A box keel is an external keel, used
mostly on sailing vessels, that is constructed with deep floors attached to a heavy
bottom plate, the sides being plated with lighter material and the whole forming a
watertight appendage to the hull. A flat keel is a plate or plates laid fore and aft along
the centerline of the bottom, running from stem to stern and being reinforced on the
inboard side by a vertical plate.

Keelson. A fore-and-aft member placed on either side of the centerline vertical keel
plate, which it resembles.

Keel Blocks. Heavy blocks on which the keel rests during construction.

Knee. A plate that connects structural members; may be either horizontal (lodging),
vertical (hanging), or diagonal (bracket). Knees are sometimes called gussets.

Knuckle. A sharp bend in a plate or shape.

Knuckled Plate. A plate bent to form a knuckle.

Lapped Plating. A plating joint wherein one part overlaps the other.

Laying Off. The development of the vessel’s lines on the mold loft floor and the
making of the templates therefrom. The marking of plates, shapes, and other parts
for cutting, shearing, drilling, etc. Also known as “laying down.”

Lightening Holes. Holes cut in floors, frcimes, web frames, longitudinals, etc. to
reduce weight.

Limber Hole. A hole cut in a frcime for the purpose of preventing water or oil from
collecting, usually draining it to a central location known as a “sump.”

Lines (Corrected). The Lines Plan of the vessel furnished by the designer, showing
the lines as faired full-size on the mold loft floor using frame stations rather than
mold stations; includes the corrected Table of Offsets. Designers who are also
builders and loftsmen will usually design directly to frame stations to save time in
lofting, 2md calculate the curves of form from a special office drawing. Unless a Lines

Plan stipulates that the offsets have been corrected, it is assumed that each builder
will lay them down on his loft floor.

Longitudinal. A continuous structural member running fore and more or less

parallel to the centerline of the vessel or to the sheer or baseline (when the
longitudinal is located in the topside structure).

Margin Plate. The longitudinal bounds a double bottom at the turn of the
plate that
bilge. Its lower edge is always normal to the shell plating and its top edge is flanged to

connect either to the hold ceiling or the double bottom plate.

Midship Section (Scantling Section). A drawing that indicates the general sizes
and types of material used in the construction of the vessel.

Mold Loft. A floor used for laying down the full-sized lines of a vessel and for mciking
the necessary templates for the vessel’s structure.

Molds. Patterns made of thin bocirds that conform exactly to the shape of frames or
other parts of the vessel, by the aid of which these structural items may be bent, cut,
or fashioned to the required form.

Normal. Any perpendicular. Specifically, a

perpendicular to the
line line (or plane)
that is tangent to a curve (or surface) at a given point.

Notch Effect A phenomenon caused by squcire corners in a cut in any portion of a

plate. If stressed enough, the plate This
not usually serious on vessels
will tear. is

under 65 feet except in structures (such as foundations) subject to shock loading,

and in engine beds, which are subject to torsion as well as vibration.

Offsets. The measurements used to determine accurately the molded form of the
vessel. They are given in three tables: heights, which cire referenced to a horizontal
plane parallel to the DWL; half- breadths, which are parallel to the DWL; and
diagonals, which are lines that intersect both the heights and half-breadths at an

Oxter Plate. A bent shell plate that fits ciround the upper part of the sternpost; also
called the tuck plate.

Panting. The flexing in and out of the shell plating as a vessel alternately rises and
plunges into a sea

Pinky. A New
England type of fishing schooner that developed around 1800. it is a
double-ended hull form with bulwarks extending aft into what is called a “pinked”
stern. The actual transom is shaped much like that of a dory and is used as a crotch
for the main boom. Within the pinked stern was usually fitted a “seat of ease.” The
lengths of the hulls ranged from about 30 to 60 feet, the more popular size being 40 to
50 feet. The common had three sails: jib, fore, and main. In the latter years of its
development, a main gaff topsail and a fisherman staysail were sometimes used.
Pinkies enjoyed an excellent reputation for seaworthiness and weatherliness. Some
of the early vessels were still used commercially well into the beginning of the 20th
century. The pinky has never ceased to be built for commercial use. In recent years it
has also been built for yachting purposes.

Platen. A thick metal plate on which' frames and metal parts are formed. The
Glossary 259

commercial type has round or square holes into which various fixtures such as
clamps, dogs, billets, and squeezers are inserted to assist in the bending or holding
down of metal pcirts. In small steel boatbuilding yards that are not engaged in the
construction of round- bottom hulls, the platen may be temporcirily made of several
thicker plates that will later be used in the hull.

PSI.Pounds per square inch. This term is used when measuring pressure that may
be exerted on a pipe or a structural member. It is also used in the calculation of
strengths of materials.

Rabbet The intersection of the outside of the planking and the side of the keel at the
stem and sternpost. Its primairy importance is in wooden shipbuilding.

Racking. Stretching or strciining by force.

Rail (Railcap). The upper edge of the bulwarks.

Rat Hole. A half circle cut in a stiffener, beam, or fraime in way of a seam or butt in
plates to permit a continuous weld, drainage, or both.

Ribbands. Lengths of small timber (slats, battens) that are temporarily clamped to
the frames to assist in alignment until a stringer, longitudinal, or other structural
member of metal can be fitted.

Rider Plate. A flat horizontal plate attached to the centerline vertical keel.

RPM. Revolutions per minute.

Rudderpost (Rudder Stock). The vertical shaft or post through which the turning
force of the steering gear is applied

Scantlings. The dimensions of the various shapes, plates, girders, and other
materials used in the construction of the vessel’s structure.

Scantling Section. See Midship Section.

Scuppers. Small openings in the bulwarks at the deck edge or gunwale that Ccirry off
rainwater and small seas that may board.

Seam. A fore-and-aft joint in the shell plating.

Sheer. The longitudinal upward curvature of the deck, gunwale, and lines of a vessel
when viewed from the side.

Shell Expansion Drawing. See Expanded Shell Drawing.

Snipe. A sh2irp bevel cut on the end of a stiffener or beam to provide the proper
continuity of strength in the structure or to permit a continuous corner weld.

Soapstone. Steatite, a soft stone with a soapy feel. It is avaiilable in many sizes and
shapes. Sticks of Vs inch by V2 inch by 6 inches are typical, and are used for marking
steel. The marks are seen through protective goggles when cutting steel and
can usually be seen through all but the darkest shades in welding helmets.

Sole. The bottom or lower surface accommodations, as in the cabin sole,

of the
which is in reality a partial deck. This term is used to avoid confusion with the word

Sole Beam. A beam that supports a cabin sole. May be of wood or metal.

Spanish Windlass. A simple device consisting of a loop of line into which is inserted
a bar. When this bar is turned, it twists the slack out of the loop, thus constricting or
squeezing whatever is placed within the loop.

Spurling Pipe. The pipe leading to the chain locker from the deck on which the
anchor windlass is located. In small vessels, it leads from the main deck or,
sometimes, from the fo’c’s’le deck if one is fitted. The pipe is covered with a spur/mg
plate, which is slotted to fit the chain link and prevents water from entering. Also
known as the chain pipe and cap plate.
Stealer. A plate near the stem or stern that accepts the butts of a through and drop
strake and continues these two on as one strake. Normally found only on round-
bottom designs.

Stempost (Stem Frame). The after end of the vessel’s structure, supporting the
rudder. The shell plating or deadwood ends here.

Stringer Plate. The p!ate(s) at the outboard edge of the deck, connected to the
shell of the hull. It is used in small vessels when wooden decks are to be used, aind is
cdso known as the waterway plate.

Templates. Full-size wooden patterns that depict the shape of a plate, bulkhead,
etc. and are used to lay out that shape on the metal prior to cutting.

Tons. A short ton is 2,000 pounds. A long ton is 2,240 pounds. A metric ton is 2,204.62
pounds. A gross ton is 100 cubic feet. Ane^ ton is 100 cubic feet. A British shipping ton
is 42 cubic feet. A U.S. shipping ton is 40 cubic feet. A small vessels shipping ton is 50

cubic feet. A metric shipping ton is cubic meter, or 35.3145 cubic feet.

Tons, Deadweight The total weight carried to the load waterline, over and above
normal stores, crew weight, drinking water, permanent ballast, etc. It is not the
difference between the light waterline and the load waterline, as temporary ballast is
normally required to move a vessel in the light condition.

Trailboards. Ornamental boards on either side of the billet and extending aft to the
bulwarks, sides of the vessel, or hawsepipes. When constructed of steel, they are an
economical method of reinforcing the billet.

Transverse. At right angles to the fore-and-aft centerline.

Tuck Plate. See Oxter Plate.

Tumblehome. An upward, inboard slope of any structure, including the sides of the
hull. Expressed as fractions of an inch per foot of height.

Warping Head. See Gypsy.

Glossary 261

Wash Plate. A vertical fore-and-aft plate fitted in deep tanks, peaks, and bilges for
lessening the movements of loose water in these compartments, which in turn
decreases the free surface effect.

Waterline, Datum (DWL). That waterline from which a designer works for
optimum performance of the vessel. In large vessels, it is customary to use the load
waterline for the datum waterline.

Waterline, Light Displacement in long tons of the vessel, complete with all
equipment, outfit, and machinery aboard but excluding all Ccirgo, fuel, water, stores,
passengers, dunnage, and crew.

Waterline, Load (LWL). The displacement of a vessel loaded to her greatest

allowable draft In large vessels, this is determined by a regulatory body, which
assigns a load line certificate. In small vessels, it is usually the maximum draft with
which a master thinks he can make a safe passage.

Waterway. A gutter along the edge of the deck, used for drainage. This term is

associated with vessels that have wooden decks.

Web Frame. A built-up frame that provides extra strength. Ithas an edge that is
flanged or stiffened in another manner, and it is used in lieu of every third or fifth
ordinary transverse frame.

Wildcat A drum on the windlass, formed to fit the anchor chain.


ABS. See American Bureau of Shipping Binnacle's, 235

AP. See After perpendicular Bins, 228; mast, 228; quarter, 228, 234
ASTM A-242 plating, 73, 82 Bituminous compounds, 33
Advance Brushes, Inc., 44 Body plan, 2, 96, 101, 104, 105
After perpendicular, 94, 121, 143, 182, 208, 209, Bolsters, 227
210. 221, 223 Bolt holes, 78, 216
Alloying, 22 Boom crotches, 233
Aluminum 228
alloys, 30, 32, Bottom longitudinals, 183, 184
American Bureau of Shipping, 9, 22, 23, 72 Bottom plating, 51-52, 130, 191-204, 217, 218
American Welding Society, 21, 23 Boundary bars, 216, 220, 221
Amperage requirements, 73, 77 Bow rollers, 229
Antifreeze additive, 128 Bowsprit, 228-229
Apertures, 138 Brackets, 133
Asphalt, 33 Brake press, 132
Automation, 43-44 Brasses, 30, 31
Auxiliary power, 125 Breasthook, 179, 180
Axioms, 164 Bronzes, 30, 31
Building right side up, 216
BUG-0 systems, 44 Building site, 40, 139-140, 141, 143, 160
Baffles, 135-136 Building upside down, 216, 224
Ballast, 87, 128, 240 Building ways, 157-158
Ballast-displacement ratio, 58 Bulkheads, 124-125, 131-132, 143, 153-154,
Battens, 90-94 166-169, 170-171, 172, 183, 184, 217, 219,
Bearding line, 49, 64, 99, 103, 104-105, 160, 184, 220; collision, 234
204, 218, 219, 222 Bulwark plates, 207-210
Belaying pins, 233 Bulwarks, 130, 144, 152, 207, 221, 222
Bending methods, 58 Butt joints, 181, 218, 219
Bending rolls, 122 Buttock lines, 101
Bilge boards, 65 Buttocks, 119, 130, 133
Bilge plates. See Chine plates
Bilge pump, 233 CCA See Cruising Club of America rules
Bilge suction tine, 239, 240 Cabin compartment, 239-240
Billet, 155, 165 Cabin corners, 220, 221, 225-226


Index 263

Cabin sides, 207 Delivery date, 87, 141

Cabin trunk, 215, 216, 221, 225-226 Designed waterline, 94, 97-99, 113, 116, 117,
Camber, Deck, 103, 144 152-153, 155, 164, 165-166, 169, 171, 172,
Cargo hold, 240 178, 181, 182, 189
Cargo masts, 230-231 Designers, 1-2, 4, 5, 9, 10-11, 12
Carpenters’ squares, 184 Details plan, 145
Casters, V-grooved drop-forged, 44 Diagonals, 101
Catheads, 229 Dimensions, 3-4. See also Measurements
Centerboard trunk, 64-66 Displacement, 48, 55-56, 58-60, 83, 84, 135
Centerboards, 65-66, 117-118, 124 Displacement-length ratio, 60, 84
Centerline, 102, 103, 104, 113, 117, 118, 152, 153, Distortion, 68-69, 73, 79, 220. See also Shrinkage
157, 163, 172, 173, 174, 175, 182, 189; ghost, Doors, Watertight, 246
94, 99, 101, 104 Dorade box, 234
Chainplates, 230 Dory Book (Gardner), 51
Chalkline, 95 Double bottoms, 130
Channels, 19
18, Doublers, 133, 138
Chine 210-213, 217, 218
plates, Drafting, 2-3
Chines, 60-62, 101, 119, 178-180, 181-183, 223; Drainage, 61, 62-63, 135, 248
flat bar, 62; pipe, 61-62; round bar, 61, 62; Ductility. See Elongation
T-bar, 62 Duty cycle, 41-42
Chocks, 227-228; dinghy, 233; K-, 163 Dynamic responses, 52
Choker, 165
Clamp, Rolling, 175 Edgeset, 205
Cleanout plates, 240 Edward B.Winslow (schooner), 13
Clipper bow. See Billet Elastic limit, 17
Clips, Support, 173, 191-201, 203-204, 206, 210, Electrical installation plan, 5, 67
211-213, 233, 240, 242 Electrodes, 42-43, 73, 141, 222
Closer plate, 213 Electrolysis, 33
Cold-forming plating, 49 Electronic equipment, 87-88
Colvin Manufacturing Corporation, 23, 72 Elongation, Percentage of, 1

Colvin Shipbuilding Company, 23, 72 Engine beds, 66-67, 71-72, 243-245

Commercial vessel plans, 5, 10-11 Engine rooms, 235, 243, 246
Compartmentalization, 238 Engines: automotive-type, 244; marine, 245
Composite construction, 13 Expanded shell plating plan, 9-10, 180, 183,
Compression load, 125 190-191
Construction plan, 5, 48, 67, 116, 178, 207, 221 Expanded stern plan, 121, 122
Construction progress, 10
Construction sections plan, 5, 145 FP. See Forward perpendicular
Construction variations, 124-238 ^ Fairbody line. See Centerline, ghost
Coolers, 127-128, 135 Fairing the lines, 101-102
Cooling arrangements, 124-128 Fatigue, Metal, 17
Corners, 70, 73, 125, 221, 225-226 Fife rail, 228, 234
Corten. See ASTM A-242 plating Finished welding, 214-224
Cost estimates, 80-88 Fittings, 225-237
Cover 130
plate, Flanges, 18, 78, 133, 145
Cross spall, 157-158 Fo’c’s’le hatch trunk, 216
Cruising Club of America rules, 58 Forefoot plate, 180-181, 184, 204-206
Curtain plates, 78 Foremast partner plate, 215
Custom designs, 5, 17-19 ;

_ Forepeak compartment, 233-234, 238-239
Forepeak trunk, 215
DWL. See Designed waterline' '
Forward perpendicular, 103, 155, 165
Davits: anchor, 229; stern, 233 - > Frame checks, 1 72
Deck arrangement plan, 5 Frame line, 171, 172
Deck edges, 62-64, 70, 103, 104, 143, 144, 185, Frame space, 172-173, 179
189, 207, 218, 221, 222 Frame 99-102, 104, 112, 114-115
stations, 97,
Deck lines, 102-104 Frames, 20, 48-49, 58, 60, 66, 129-130, 143-145,
Deck longitudinals, 173-174, 175, 178-180, 181- 152-155, 170-189; angle, 130, 131; cant, 102,
183, 186, 207, 217 118-120, 121-122; flat bar, 130, 131; master,
Deck plate, 174-178, 189, 207 157, 168, 171, 173, 189; split, 130; T-bar, 130,
Deck structure modifications, 226 131; web, 70, 72, 73, 130, 133
Declivity board, 224 Framing platen, 95, 111, 113-117, 141, 143, 154, 155

Frapping lines, 233 Labor estimates, 83-85

Free surface effect, 135, 136 Ladders, 158, 159, 164, 172, 185, 216, 248
Freeboard, 71, 82 Laying down. See Lofting
Freeman Marine ports, 247 Lead, 32
Fuel tanks plan, 5 \ Leap-frogging, 189
Leveling the site, 163-164
GB. See Great beam Lifting the keel, 191-201
Gallows frame, 221, 233 Lifts, 2
Galvanic potential, 33, 34 Lightening holes, 66, 78
Gardner, John, 51 Limbers, 62
Generators, 37; auxiliary, 128 Lines plan, 4-9, 89, 99, 102-103, 104, 122, 143,
Ghost centerline. See unfier Centerline 160, 164, 169, 182, 190, 191, 209, 210
Grabrails, 231-232, 235 Lloyd's, 9
Great beam, 115, 117, 144 Lofting, 2, 89-123, 143; computer, 96; fore-
Grinding, 222-223 shortened, 108-109
Gripes, 233 Lofting by halves, 105-108, 155
Gross tonnage, 83, 84, 145 Lofting full-size, 96-105
Ground cables, 42-43, 141 Lofting grid, 97-99, 122
Gudgeons, 237 Longitudinal strength, 68-69, 70-71, 72-73, 124
Gunwale pipes, 185-189 Longitudinals. See Bottom longitudinals; Deck
Gunwale-fender arrangements, 63-64 longitudinals
Gussets, 129-130
Machinery installation plan, 5
Half-breadths, 97, 99-101, 119 Magnetism, 140
Half-frames, 73 Manufacturers’ specifications, 87, 128
Half-models, 2-3, 190
9, Margin plate, 130
Half-sections, 99-101, 103 Marine plywood, 109-110
Hard spots, 220 Marking sticks, 95, 109, 143
Hatch corners, 225-226 Mast steps, 64-65, 230-231, 240
Hatchways, 174, 175-178, 219, 221, 226 Material considerations, 11-12, 14-34, 70
Hawsepipes, 227 Material estimates, 81-84, 86-88
Heat exchangers, 55, 127 Measurements, 3-4, 90
Historical development, 13-34 Metric system, 4, 20-21
Hogging, 68, 71, 79, 118, 163 Midship scantling section plan, 5, 48, 81, 82.
Horses, 230 See also Scantling plan
Hull exterior, 220-223 Mill plates, 104
Hull forms, 48, 49-58, 83, 84, 97, 99, 101-102, Mitering, 115
191; flat-bottom, 49-52, 70; multi-chine, 55-56; Models, 1-3; expanded shell plating, 2-3; frame-
round-bottom, 52-53, 54, 58, 113-114. 115; and-plate, 3; plating, 2-3, 58, 190-191
V-bottom, 52-55, 56, 71 Mold loft, 90, 95-96, 99-101, 112, 140, 141-143,
Hull interior, 216-218 155, 156, 158
Hull penetrations plan, 5 Mylar patterns, 96
Hull profile, 97-99, 101, 102
Hull supports, 159-160 National Fisherman, 51
Hydrostatic curves plan, 5, 10 Neutral axis, 70
Notch effect, 70, 225
I-beams, 18, 19, 55, 125-127, 128, 159-160
Intercostal wash plate, 130 Offsets, 3-4, 5, 89-90, 94, 99, 105, 118-119, 122,
Interior arrangement plan, 5, 86, 143 143, 164; returned, 4, 90
Interior details, 238-248 Ornamentation, 236
Iron, 14-15; cast, 14; malleable cast, 15; pig, 14; Outboard profile. See Sail plan; Spar plan
wrought, 15 Overhead cost estimates, 85
Iron shipbuilding, 13, 14 Overhead welding, 219-220

Joint types, 23, 64 PVC pipe, 239, 240, 241

Pad eyes, 122, 230, 232, 239
Keel 180-181, 182, 183, 184
sides, Panting, 68
Keels, 64, 104-105, 109, 124-128, 155, 159-163, Passenger vessel plans, 5
183, 184, 217, 222; angled-bottom box, 127; Patternmaking, 95-96, 191, 203, 204-205, 209-
bar, 125, 127; box, 127; bulb bar, 125; inverted, 210
125; plate, 125, 127 Pelican hook, 239
Klingel, Gilbert, 41 Percy & Small yard, 13
Index 265

Pillars, 132-133 Siting the plate, 201-202

Pin rails, 233 Sketches, 12, 112
Pinky Schooner, 83-246 passim Sniping, 135-136
Pintles, 237 Sole beams, 115-116, 2.39, 240
Pipe clearance, 78 Sounding pipe, 137
Piping system plan, 5, 67 Spacer plate, 125
Plan view. See Half-breadths Spacing strip, 179, 181
Plans, 1-12 Spar plan, 5, 9
Plans package, 3-12 Spars, Wooden, 231
Plate weight, 20, 21, 81 Spur ling pipes, 227, 238-239
Plating. See Bottom plating; Chine plates; Closer Squaring the frames, 172-173
plate; Plate weight; Shell plating; Siting the Squeezer, 58
plate; Strip plating; Topsides plates; Transom Stability, 66, 71, 135
plate Stanchions, 231-232
Ports, 246-248; freeing, 207 Standpipes, 246
Power sources, 36-37, 40, 41, 140-141, 180, 183; Steel, 15-17; acid, 15-16; basic, 15, 16; cast, 14;
arc welding, 41, 42-43, 44 high-carbon, 22; low-carbon, 21; medium-
Primer paint, 241-242, 243 carbon, 22; mild, 15-16, 21, 82; puddled, 14,
Prizing, 206 15; stainless, 30-32, 219, 227, 229, 230
Propellers, 138 Steel grades, 21-23
Proving fair, 94, 101 Steel-making processes: Bessemer, 14, 15, 16;
open-hearth, 15-16; Siemens-Martin, 14, 15
Quench effect, 49, 125 Steering gear, 230, 237
Stem, 154-155, 165-166, 169, 178, 180-181
Racking, 68, 70, 79, 124 Sternpost, 165, 166, 169, 182, 189, 204, 237
Railcap, 214-215, 221, 222 Sterns, 118-122, 143; fantail, 48
Railings, 231-232; quarter, 232 Stock plans, 4, 5, 10, 12, 124, 226
Rig details, 9 Storage of materials, 33, 160
Rudderport, 118 Straightedges, 94-95
Rudderpost, 237 Strain, 69, 70, 79
Rudders, 138, 237 Strainer plates, 240-246
Strength, Structural, 68-79
SHD company, 44 Stress, 69, 70, 79
Safety precautions, 40, 43, 135, 155, 156, 183, Strip-plating, 205-206
222, 242 Struts, 138
Sagging, 68, 118, 163 Suppliers, 44-47
Sail plan, 4, 5, 231 Surface preparation, 241-242
Sailing area, 48, 58, 124 Swash plate. See Intercostal wash plate
Sandblasting, 241-242, 243, 245 Sweating, 235
Scaffolding, 185, 222 Swordfish plank, 229
Scale, 4-9
Scantling plan, 48, 115, 116, 166, 214 Taffrail, 232
Scantlings, 48-67, 80, 81, 83 Taking off, 90. See also Template making
Scissors, Portable, 233 Tanks, 135-137, 230, 242-243; fuel, 66, 135, 245-
Scrap metal, 141, 158-159 246; water, 135, 183, 184, 220, 239
Scribing, 112, 117, 152, 191, 203-204 Template making, 90, 95, 109-112
Scuppers, 207, 222, 246-248 Terminology, 14-17
Seam gap, 1 75 Three-phase power, 40
Sections, Stock steel, 18, 67 Through hulls, 242, 246
Set lines, 121 Thump mats, 230
Setup, 157-169 Tillers, 237
Shack. See Shed Title block, 10
Shapes, Manufacturers’ standard, 17-19, 130 Tools, 35-47, 140-141; air-driven, 37; electrical,
Shed, 140, 141, 143 37; fitting, 39; framing, 38; joinerwork, 39; keel-
Sheer legs, 158, 163, 165, 166, 168 assembly, 38; lofting, 38, 90-95; lost, 156;
Sheer pipes, 62-63 machinery-installation, 39; painting, 39-40;
Sheet thickness, 20, 21, 74-76, 82, 173 patternmaking, 38; plating, 38-39; rigging, 39;
Shell connections plan, 5 sandblasting, 39; sparmaking, 39; steelwork-
Shell plating, 22, 42, 48-49, 58-60, 118, 190-213 ing, 38; throwaway, 37; varnishing, 39-40
Shoring, 210-211 Topsides plates, 206, 217, 218
Shrinkage, Metal, 218, 219 Torrington Brush Works, 44

Torsional force, 68, 205

Trailboards, 235-236 »
Transition bar, 30
Transom plate, 120-122, 207-210
Transoms, 221; raking, 122
Transverse strength, 68-69, 71-72
Travelers, 230
True girth, 121
Trunks, 215-216
Tumblehome, 215
Twist. See Torsional fc^ce »

Twisting, 68

Ultimate strength, 1
United States Coast Guard, 9, 226
Unsupported areas of plate, 73, 78, 133, 216
Useful life, 241

Vee Skeg construction, 128

Vent pipes, 239
Ventilators, 230,233-235; cargo hold, 234; cowl,
234, 235; gooseneck, 234; mast, 234, 235;
mushroom, 234
Vibrations, 66, 245
Vulcan (river barge), 13

War Shipping Board, 13

Warping heads, 227
Water catchment rails, 232
Waterlines, 101, 120, 153. See also Designed
Weather considerations, 86
Wedging, 202, 204
Weight considerations, 73, 78, 81, 82, 83, 131-132
Weld testing, 223
Weld Tooling Corporation, 44
Welding equipment, 41-44
Welding preparation, 153
Welding processes, 23, 30-32; carbon arc, 42; gas
Metal Arc, 30, 41; Gas Tungsten Arc, 30, 32, 42;
MIG. See Gas Metal Arc welding processes;
Manual Metal Arc, 20; Metal Inert Gas. See Gas
Metal Arc welding processes; oxygen-acetylene
torch, 43; plasma arc cutting, 43; Shielded
Metal Arc, 30, 41; TIG. See Gas Tungsten Arc
welding processes
Welding rods, 42, 43, 73, 77, 217, 222
Welding sequence, 218, 219, 222
Welding space. Minimal, 12, 78
Weldments, 72-76, 153, 216, 217, 218
Windlasses, 226-227; Spanish, 186, 189
Wire-brushing, 241
Wire ways, 240-241
Wood, 32-33, 228
Wooden shipbuilding, 13-14, 79, 89-90, 110, 112,
Work force, 85
Workbench, 158
Workmanship, 70, 86-87, 222, 223, 241
Written specifications, 10

Yield point, 1
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sea with him, continuing his studies in

vessel design and construction. He

made Murmansk run twice in
World War Two and saw most of the
ships around him go down. As
proprietor of Colvin Yacht Builders of
Orange, Florida, he was a builder in
wood and steel. He has been senior
designer in the Hjjll Technical
Department Newport News
Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company;
president of Colvin Yacht Builders of
Hampton, Virginia: consulting naval
architect fof Kaiser Aluminum
^Company, Chicago; presicleniSf
Colvin Manufacturing Corporation
Colvin Shipbuilding Company)
and Colvin Sailmakers of Miles
and president of Sidereal
Offshore Logistics and Analytic
Thomas Colvin was born^^n 1925 in Research, Ltd. Throughout this time
Chicago and received hisvearly _ he has maintained his own design i —•I
education inTexas. At the posts office, specializing in sailing vessels,
secondary level he studied mechani- and lately, in commercial sail. Since S:
cal drawing and engineerip^^ihe 1973 he has lived and worked
apprenticed in shipbuilding jin lome aboard a steel vessel of his own
of the leading European yards. Colvin design and construction, the junk-
joined the merchant marine- at a rigged K’ung Fu-Tse, with his wife,
young age. becoming a Master in Sail Jean. In addition to his present i

(any ocean, any tonnage) by age 20 design work, he provides, consulting J:

and a Master in Steam (unlimited) at services for various shipbuilders and
23. h^^m^adra^^ to governments. ,

linternational Marin?^
ISBN Q-fi774B-ia^-7
SamdenjKiiA 04843
-m 'll.

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