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Electron Transport and

Oxidative Phosphorylation


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An Overview
► Electron Transport: Electrons carried by reduced
coenzymes are passed through a chain of
proteins and coenzymes to drive the generation
of a proton gradient across the inner
mitochondrial membrane

► Oxidative Phosphorylation: The proton gradient

runs downhill to drive the synthesis of ATP

► It all happens in or at the inner mitochondrial

21.2 Reduction Potentials
High positive Eo' indicates a strong affinity for electrons and a
hightendency to be reduced
► Crucial equation: ΔGo' = -nF ΔEo'

► ΔEo' = Eo'(acceptor) - Eo'(donor)

► Electrons are donated by the half reaction with the more

negative reduction potential and are accepted by the
reaction with the more positive reduction potential: ΔEo’
positive, ΔGo' negative

► If a given reaction is written so the reverse is true, then the

ΔEo' will be a negative number and ΔGo' will be positive
21.3 Electron Transport

► Four protein complexes in the inner

mitochondrial membrane

► A lipid soluble coenzyme (UQ, CoQ) and a water

soluble protein (cyt c) shuttle between protein

► Electrons generally fall in energy through the

chain - from complexes I and II to complex IV
ETC and the oxphos

H++ H+++
- C- Cyt
- C-
ee ee
e- Q e- e-

e- e- + +
H - O OHH++H
- ++
H+H+ O22
+`+` +


Peter S. Rabinwitch after Mandavilli et al, Mutation Research 509 (2002) 127–151
21.4 Complex I
NADH-CoQ Reductase
► Electron transfer from NADH to CoQ

► More than 30 protein subunits - mass of 850 kD

► Path:
► NADH → FMN → Fe-S → UQH2→ Fe-S → UQH2

► 4H+ transported out per 2e-

21.5 Complex II
Succinate-CoQ Reductase
► aka succinate dehydrogenase (from TCA cycle!)

► aka flavoprotein 2 (FP2) - FAD covalently bound

► four subunits, including 2 Fe-S proteins

► Path: succinate → FADH2 → 2Fe2+ → UQH2

► Net reaction:
► succinate + UQ → fumarate + UQH2
21.6 Complex III
CoQ-Cytochrome c Reductase

► CoQ passes electrons to cyt c (and pumps H+) in a

unique redox cycle known as the Q cycle

► Cytochromes, like Fe in Fe-S clusters, are one-

electron transfer agents

► UQH2 is a lipid-soluble electron carrier

► cyt c is a water-soluble electron carrier

21.7 Complex IV
Cytochrome c Oxidase

► Electrons from cyt c are used in a four-electron

reduction of O2 to produce 2H2O

► Oxygen is thus the terminal acceptor of

electrons in the ETC - the end!

► Complex IV also transports H+

Coupling e Transport and
Oxidative Phosphorylation
This coupling was a mystery for many years

► Many biochemists wasted careers searching for the

elusive "high energy intermediate"

► Peter Mitchell proposed a novel idea - a proton

gradient across the inner membrane could be used
to drive ATP synthesis

► Mitchell was ridiculed, but the chemiosmotic

hypothesis eventually won him a Nobel prize
21.9 ATP Synthase

Proton diffusion through the protein drives

ATP synthesis!

► Two parts: F1 and F0 (latter was originally "F-o" for

its inhibition by oligomycin)

► Racker & Stoeckenius confirmed Mitchell’s

hypothesis using vesicles containing the ATP
synthase and bacteriorhodopsin
21.10 Inhibitors of
Oxidative Phosphorylation
► Rotenone inhibits Complex I - and helps natives of
the Amazon rain forest catch fish!

► Cyanide, azide and CO inhibit Complex IV,

binding tightly to the ferric form (Fe3+)

► Oligomycin is an ATP synthase inhibitors

Antimycin A
Azide, CO Oligomycin
Rotenone H+

(or DNP)
21.11 Uncouplers
Uncoupling e- transport and oxidative

► Uncouplers disrupt the tight coupling between

electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation by
dissipating the proton gradient

► Uncouplers are hydrophobic molecules with a

dissociable proton

► They shuttle back and forth across the membrane,

carrying protons to dissipate the gradient
Antimycin A Azide Oligomycin
Rotenone H+

(or DNP)
21.12 ATP-ADP Translocase
ATP must be transported out of the mitochondria
► ATP out, ADP in - through a "translocase"

► ATP movement out is favored because the cytosol is "+" relative to

the "-" mitochondrial matrix

► But ATP out and ADP in is net movement of a negative charge out
- equivalent to a H+ going in

► So every ATP transported out costs one H+

► One ATP synthesis costs about 3 H+

► Thus, making and exporting 1 ATP = 4H+

21.13 What is the P/O Ratio??
i.e., How many ATP made per electron pair
through the chain?
► e- transport chain yields 10H+ pumped out per
electron pair from NADH to oxygen

► 4H+ flow back into matrix per ATP to cytosol

► 10/4 = 2.5 for electrons entering as NADH

► For electrons entering as succinate (FADH2), about 6

H+ pumped per electron pair to oxygen

► 6/4 = 1.5 for electrons entering as succinate

Net Yield of ATP from Glucose
It depends on which shuttle is used!
► 32 ATP per glucose if malate-asp
shuttle used

► In bacteria - no mitochondria - no
extra H+ used to export ATP to cytosol,
► 10/3 = ~3ATP/NADH

► 6/3 = ~ 2ATP/FADH2

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