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FBQ1: _____defines open and distance learning as a system of teaching and learning

characterized by separation of teacher and learner in time and / or space

Answer: Commonwealth of Learning

FBQ2: The officially recognized attempt at distance education was propounded by

Answer: Sir Isaac Pitman

FBQ3: The current trend in open universities is the movement towards ______
Answer: Internationalisation

FBQ4: What Directorate was established in the National Open University of Nigeria
to identify and meet the needs of open and distance learning capacity building in
the West African sub region?______

FBQ5: ______ refers to educational content that can be reused, remixed and
redistribute without copyright law
Answer: Open content

FBQ6: Electronic learning is in what generation of distance education?______

Answer: Fourth

FBQ7: The interaction that occurs among learners in a web-based instruction is

Answer: Learner-to-learner

FBQ8: Dr. Opateye operates ______ which contains learning resources and technology,
means of teaching modes of teaching and connection to global context
Answer: Learning environment

FBQ9: Content must relate to the key concepts and provoke peers to think more
insightfully on the concepts. True or False? ______
Answer: False

FBQ10: E-learners must be responsible for reading, analyzing their assignments and
asking questions when they arise. True or False? _____
Answer: True

FBQ11: The act of putting down important points by Chinwe while listening to enable
her remember and clarify doubts is _______
Answer: Note taking

FBQ12: Hauwa always provide emotional support to her speaker. Which type of
listening is this? ______
Answer: Emphatic

FBQ13: When listening, ______ consists of judging or deciding the value of the
information received.
Answer: Evaluating

FBQ14:  What method would Prof. Stone use to give graphic representation of the
ideas and concepts when delivering his lecture? _______
Answer: Mapping

FBQ15: What kind of speaking will the NOUN FM radio display in order to give a
lecture in physics? _______ 
Answer: Informative
FBQ16: ______ is a system of printing in which the letters of the alphabets and
numbers are printed with fingers by the people who are blind.
Answer: Braille

FBQ17: Fluency comes with the development of phonemic awareness, phonic skills and
Answer: Vocabulary

FBQ18: Vocalisation depicts pronouncing a word ahead of it is being read. True or

False? _______
Answer: False

FBQ19: Ebong writes to discover new experience, revising or updating an old piece
of writing to add new or expunge irrelevant materials. This kind of writing is
referred to as ______
Answer: Creative

FBQ20: Effective communication through writing should be based on ability to

present thoughts, ideas and experience coherently. True or False? ______
Answer: True

FBQ21: Learning by deducing involves scientific experiment or perform a piece of

music. True or False? ______
Answer: False

FBQ22: A learner that studies and remembers better with pictures, graphics and
diagrams is a _______ learner
Answer: Visual

FBQ23: Paragraphs are expected to be characterized by unity, incoherence and must

be developed to give desired information. True or False? ______
Answer: False

FBQ24: An appropriate way for Murtala to recall what had been read is for him to
tell someone or divulge what had been read from life experiences. True or False?
Answer: False

FBQ25: ______ skill is the ability to apply frequent and substantial consideration
and assessment of one’s learning process and products
Answer: Reflective

FBQ26: Assessment of ______ must be planned and implemented as an integral part of

the curriculum and programme instruction.
Answer: Achievement

FBQ27: A naturalistic approach of collecting data is accomplished through the use

of aptitude test. True or False? _______
Answer: False

FBQ28: Formative assessment leads to judgement of student’s achievement while

learning is going on. True or False? ______
Answer: True

FBQ29: Self-assessment becomes most effective when students have full knowledge of
the learning goals. True or False? ______
Answer: True

FBQ30: The aspect of research report that deals with design, population and
instrumentation is collectively called ______
Answer: Methodology

FBQ31: _____ is supervised on-site work experiences that allows students to

practice and demonstrate their developed skills and competencies in their
chosen career.
Answer: Practicum

FBQ32: In ITF, employers control and discipline students like permanent staff.
True of False? ______ 
Answer: True

FBQ33: How many times should a teaching practice supervisor visit schools in order
to assess a particular student?
Answer: Two

FBQ34: When Kolawole is carrying out a science practical, the conclusion he draws
after the experiment is often referred to as _______
Answer: Inference

FBQ35: The purpose of ______ is to measure the extent of achievement of learners in

terms of educational objectives.
Answer: Examination

MCQ1: The period when students are made to have some face-to-face interactions
with instructors in open and distance learning is called
Answer: Facilitation

MCQ2: Activities of teaching and learning services consist of the following EXCEPT
Answer: Voluntary residential school

MCQ3: Functions of learners support could be categorised to the following EXCEPT

Answer: Systematic and skilful

MCQ4: All activities an instructor carry out in order to obtain the level of
achievement and ability of learners is referred to as
Answer: Assessment

MCQ5: Which of the following is NOT essential for ensuring effectiveness

assessment methods?
Answer: Discarding individual needs and differences

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 5: The fields experiences that allow a student to
observe and document how working professionals perform their duties is
Answer: Practicum

MCQ6: The fields experiences that allow a student to observe and document how
working professionals perform their duties is
Answer: Practicum

MCQ7: Acceptable evaluation leads to

Answer: Decision-making for planning

MCQ8: Which of the following is NOT a way to categorise the functions of

learners’ support?
Answer: Systematic and skilful

MCQ9: Academic counselling helps learners to understand all matters related to the
following EXCEPT
Answer: Finance

MCQ10: The teaching and learning services rendered by learner supporters is

Answer: Tutorial marking and feedback

MCQ11: Which of the following is NOT an information support service?

Answer: Multicultural educational coordination

MCQ12: The scope of evaluation involves the following EXCEPT

Answer: Focusing on instructional mismanagement

MCQ13: What is designed to familiarise the new students to the university and the
study centre operations?
Answer: Orientation

MCQ14: The major perennial issue that serves as mediation between the learners and
the institutions is
Answer: Feelings of isolation

MCQ15: All these learner support processes could reduce distant learners’ drop-out
Answer: Debasing students sense of confidence

MCQ16: The system that creates access to learning time and distance separate from
the source of information and the learners is
Answer: Distance education

MCQ17: The phenomenon that open and distance learning is flexible in payment plan
is referred to as
Answer: Affordability

MCQ18: Why is the open and distance learning mode different from traditional
education in line with teachers’ role?
Answer: Teacher assumes the role of a facilitator

MCQ19: Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective listening in an open

and distance learning?
Answer: Hearing or receiving

MCQ20: The type of speaking that makes listeners to relax and enjoy the event is
Answer: Entertainment

MCQ21: To be an effective speaker, you must do the following EXCEPT

Answer: make your speech more conversational and less easy

MCQ22: What method is Adamu engaging in when he specially takes note and draws up
two unequal columns?
Answer: Cornell

MCQ23: Which of the following methods would a distance learner utilise to actively
participate in learning?
Answer: Discussion and chat forums

MCQ24: You can describe fourth generation distance education as the following
Answer: a-learning

MCQ25: The acronym of the international organisation that anchors and support
distance education is
Answer: COL

MCQ26: The system that creates access to learning time and distance separate from
the source of information and the learners is
Answer: Distance education

MCQ27: The phenomenon that open and distance learning is close to prospective
learners is called ______
Answer: Accessibility

MCQ28: Why is the open and distance learning different from traditional education
in line with the teachers’ role? The teacher
Answer: assumes the role of a facilitator

MCQ29: Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective listening in an open

and distance learning?
Answer: Hearing or receiving

MCQ30: A kinaesthetic distance learner learns through

Answer: Carrying out physical activities

MCQ31: The ability to speak a language and maintaining reasonable speed and
accuracy is
Answer: Previewing and scanning

MCQ32: Practice of your speaking skill will I. improve your communication II.
enhance your confidence III. Increase your ability to understand other people.
Answer: I, II and III

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 33: Reading for information will aid Foluke to do
the following EXCEPT
Answer: Identifying and disorganize important points

MCQ33: Reading for information will aid Foluke to do the following EXCEPT
Answer: Identifying and disorganize important points

MCQ34: Which of the following behaviours should NOT be cultivated by distance

Answer: Self-interaction

MCQ35: When taking semester examination, Bamidele needs to refrain from the
following EXCEPT
Answer: Answering the questions

Open and distance learning is said to be flexible because?

Students can learn wherever they are at any point in time

The maiden educational programme on television produced by State University of Iowa

was between?
1932 and 1934

What was the result of the combination of philosophy of open learning and distance
Open and distance education

How many distance learners are represented in the diagram above?


What is the role of computer technology in effective sharing of information among

these learners?

Which of the following media is NOT computer-based interactive media?

Interactive radio

Which of the following media is NOT computer-based interactive media?

Interactive radio

An example of non-interactive video based media is

Television broadcast

The type of learning interactivity of distance education students shown on the

diagram is?

The openness in open and distance learning lies in the characteristics of?
People, place and pace

What gives the nature of population of learners in distance education institution?

Learners’ demography

Mr. Bako’s age range is between 41 and 50, what percentage of this age range
undergo distance education?

The percentage of open and distance learners’ employment status is 30. What is
employment status of Hajia Damboa if she belongs to this group?

Who jointly agreed that young adults from 16 to 31 form the majority of open and
distance learning institution?
Gao and Ademola

Which of the following does NOT involve dialogical ability?

Debating and keeping ideas

The responsibility for locating, reading and understanding the expectations

involved rests on?

Hearing is said to be a physiological process, this means that it is?

Passive and physical

Which of the following is NOT a way by which a speaker communicates non-verbally?

Spoken cues

How would you make a speaker feel free to speak to you?

Empathize with the speaker

For which major purpose do students listen?

Critical listening involves?
Evaluating received messages

What type of listening is this ODL student displaying when receiving a message from
her facilitator on phone?

The method of note taking by which Yunusa writes every topic or new thought on
separate lines that are often numbered is called?

What type of speaking puts the onus on the speaker to influence the listener?

The aspect of speaking that deals with the phonological process is?

Reading for information will help you to do the following EXCEPT?

Identify and disorganise important points

Who asserted that learner support contributes to the reduction of drop-out rate
through students guidance and counseling, tutor support and affective information?

The major perennial issue in open and distance learning institution is the?
Feeling of isolation

Which of the following is NOT the support function of the library to ODL students?
Students becoming information illiterate

Which group of staff provides the e-examination supports to students in National

Open University of Nigeria?
Information Communication technology

Who is the head of a Study Centre in National Open University of Nigeria?


Teaching and learning activities contain the following EXCEPT?

Access to information technology

Component of teaching practice assessment indicator that deals with level of

attainment of lesson’s objectives is?

The report of SIWES undertaken by Joe must contain the following EXCEPT?
Specific works undone identified for necessitate going back

Mr Adeojo conducts tests, administers questionnaires and carries out interviews on

the students in a particular semester. These processes are collectively called?

Computer and information technology moves open and distance education into an
unenviable height. True or False? _______

A good listener clarifies issues before the speaker finishes talking. True or
False? ______
________ is the period when distance learners have face-to-face interaction with
university appointed

instructors to help in the process of content digestion


The minimum credit load a NON student can register for is 16. True or Falser?

A four-unit course is bid to be facilitated for 12 hours. True or False? _____


Teaching and learning services contain quick turnaround and tutorial marking. True
or False? _______

Record management and book services are information services that Crain an OFDL
student should automatically obtain. True or False? ________

Academic support consists of explaining the course and defining learning skills.
True or False?

Provision of an environment that support Dele, creates community and reduces self-
esteem. True or False? _______

Tait saw learners’’ support services as the resources that learners can access in
order to carry out learning process. True or False? _______

Physical science experimental report should contain at least 6 titles. True or

False? __________

Supervision and leadership role played in a project must be briefly reported. True
or False? _______

One of the responsibilities of the students undertaken SIWES is to arrange their

own accommodation during the period of the attachment. True or False? _______

Control and discipline of students undergoing SIWES is concerned with the

institution. True or False? _______

______ are field experiences that allow a student to observe how working
professionals perform their responsibilities.

In practicum, students are made to record data or assisting with tasks as directed
by on-site personnel. True or False? ______

The acceptable referencing style the NOUN students use to cite site materials for
their project work is _________
Population and sampling are parts of the introduction aspect of research project
report of NOUN students. True or False? __________

_________ courses are not assessed through regulated examination but on criteria
set on every aspect of students’ skill development.

Examiners are looking for how much you can memorize facts and to what extent you
can put down the ideas. True or False? ______

All postgraduate courses are examined only using Pen-on-paper. True or False?

The tutor-marked assignments of National Open University of Nigeria students are

mainly ________ based.

Examination in distance learning institutions is meant to serve the purposes of

certification, selection and accountability. True or False? ________

Activities of self-assessment enables learners to know his/her understanding of

what had been studied and have reflection on content covered. True or False? ______

The shift in which students know what the targets are and how he/she effectively
evaluate performance is called ______

The mode of assessments which are built into the instructional processes are

Assessment that is taking as a field of study and on which one can have in-depth
knowledge is _______
*Assessment as learning*

Assessment for learning is otherwise referred to as summative assessment. True or

False? _______

_______ is the confirmation of certain characteristics of an object, person, or


The role of assessment to make a decision that results in a learner being assigned
to one of several different but unordered categories, jobs or programme is ________

The body that responsible for rejection or selection of students for admission to
Nigerian universities is ________

Assessment in ODL is mainly meant for students to earn grade and helpful for
monitoring of the effectiveness of academic programmes. True or False? _____

Being sure that the assessment techniques you select match each learning objective
is a guiding principle for meaningful assessment. True or False? ________

The full meaning of AWOL military term is ______

*Absent without Leave*

What type of learning is Kudirat undergoing when she works through the problem by
herself to infer meaning to the concept being taught?

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