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Introduction to

Occupational Safety and

Understand the occupational Safety
and Health

 Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a cross disciplinary area concerned with protecting
the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment
 The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy
work environment
Understand the occupational Safety
and Health

 OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers

and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment
Why Safety is so importance in the

Give me your opinion?

History of Safety revolution

How many rules, regulation in Cambodia you are aware of?

Share some example,

Some safety regulation in Cambodia

 Boiler safety – under Ministry of Handicraft

 Hearing conservation – Ministry of Labor
 Traffic law
History of Safety revolution other part
of the world

 ‘‘the poisonous and noxious vapors and fumes of metals.’’, 1437; Ulrich
 Identified form of Cancer caused by Chimney , 1775; Dr. Percival Pott
 1877, USA Industrial revolution, pass new law on machine guarding for
hazardous machineries
History of Safety revolution other part
of the world

 Until 1970, there were no national laws for safety and health hazards
 Several tragedies had occurred
 The 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire in New York City killed 146 of 500
 Production for World War I caused a crisis in workplace safety and health
 By the 1960’s, 14,000 workers died every year and more than 2.2 million workers
were not able to work from injuries and illnesses
Major Safety Terminologies

i. Safe
 The condition of being safe from undergoing and causing hurt, injury or
ii. Hazard
 A hazard introduces the potential for an unsafe condition, possibly leading
to an accident
Major Safety Terminologies

iii. Risk
 The probability or likelihood of hazard resulting in an accident

iv. Incident
 Undesired circumstance that produces the potential for an accident
Look at this pictures, and can explore,
what are risks, hazard,
Hazard vs Risk
Major Safety Terminologies

v. Accident
 An accident is unplanned event, which could result in to persons, or in
damage to plant and equipment or both.

vi. Accident cost

 Accident cost includes medical payment, compensation, overtime for
replacement workers, production delays, product or material damage,
training of replacements, accident investigation cost, building or complex
damages, equipment damages and business interruptions.
Major Safety Terminologies

 Code of Practice- A body of rules for Practical Guidance only and not
having the force of law although failure to comply may be used in
evidence in legal proceedings.
 Ergonomics- The study of relationship between workers and their
occupation, equipment and environment and particularly, the application
of anatomical, physiological and psychological knowledge to the
problems arising there from.
Major Safety Terminologies

 Fire Precautions- The measures taken and the fire protection features
provided in a building (e.g. design, systems, equipment and procedures)
to minimize the risk to the occupants from and outbreak of fire.
 Fire Prevention- The concept of preventing outbreaks of fire, of reducing
the risk of fire spreading and avoiding danger to persons and property
from fire.
 First Aid- The skilled application of accepted principles of treatment on the
occurrence of an accident or in the case of sudden illness, using facilities
or materials available at the time.
Major Safety Terminologies

 Manual Handling- Any means of transporting or supporting a load

manually. Lift, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving by hand
of bodily force.
 Means of Escape- Structural means whereby a safe route is provided for
persons to travel unaided from any point in a building to a place of safety
Major Safety Terminologies

 Near Miss- An incident, which does not show a visible result, but had the
potential to do so.
 Policy- A statement of corporate intent, which will be adopted and
pursued as advantageous or expedient.
 Qualified Worker- One who is accepted as having the necessary physical
attributes, who possesses the required intelligence, training and education,
and has acquired the necessary skill and knowledge to carry out the work
in hand to satisfactory standards of safety, quantity and quality.
Major Safety Terminologies

 Risk Assessment- A process where hazards are identified and risks

evaluated, with the objective of eliminating or reducing the risks as low as
reasonably practicable.
 Safety Audit- Monitoring of the implementation of a safety policy by
subjecting each area of an activity to a systematic critical examination
with the purpose of minimizing loss, and providing a quantified assessment
of performance
Major Safety Terminologies

 Safety Inspection- Systematic assessment of safety standards for plant,

place of work, working. Carried out by a manager and not a safety
 Safety Monitoring- Periodic checks on observance of corporate safety
standards and procedures.
 Workplace- The workplace may be described as any place where people
are at work
Term and Concepts in Safety

 CSP - Certified Safety Professional

 CIH - Certified Industrial Hygienist

Safety professionals attempt to achieve their loss prevention goals

through the systematic application of principles taken from a variety
of disciplines, including engineering, education, psychology, physiology,
industrial hygiene, health physics, and management.
Term and Concepts in Safety

 Loss prevention describes a program designed to identify and correct

potential accident problems before they result in financial loss or injury
 Loss control, on the other hand, is a program designed to minimize
incident-based financial losses

Loss prevention and loss control techniques are important to the safety
professional who attempts to recognize, evaluate, and control hazards in the
Types of accidents

The most frequent accidents in the workplace:

 Fall and crushing

 Manual handling
 Workplace traffic accidents
Types of Accidents

Accident happens mostly due by two major causes:

 Unsafe condition at the workplace
 Unsafe act done by a person or a group
Importance of the Safety in

 Employees can remain motivated if they feel safe and happy

 Formation and implementation of safety programs that are meant to
teach the employees to handle risks
 Control of Violence at workplace
Job Titles of OSH Personnel

 Occupational Safety and Health Specialist

 Safety Engineer.
 Safety Consultant.
 Coordinator of Loss Control.
 Safety Manager.
 Risk Manager
 Etc…
Individual Performing OSH activities

 Industrial Hygienist
 Risk Manager:
 Safety Professional
 Safety Engineer
 Safety Manager
Career Parts relating to OSH
Roles and Responsibilities of OSH

 Provide a workplace free from serious recognized hazards and comply with
standards, rules and regulations issued under the OSH Act.
 Examine workplace conditions to make sure they conform to applicable OSHA
 Make sure employees have and use safe tools and equipment and properly
maintain this equipment.
 Use color codes, posters, labels or signs to warn employees of potential
 Establish or update operating procedures and communicate them so that
employees follow safety and health requirements.
 Etc…

 Identify a Vacancy available in Cambodia market or else, and list down

the top Roles and Responsibilities.

Deadline: 25-Mar-2021
Pls send to Prachgnarith Khem; [email protected]

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