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Emergence of SARS-Cov-2 B.1.

617 variants in India: Study by ECDC

SARS Cov-2 lineages B.1.617.1, B.1.617.2, and B.1.617.3 were first found in India in December 2020.
India has seen a sharp increase in the number of SARS-Cov-2 cases and deaths in the past few weeks
mostly associated with B.1.617.1 & B.1.617.2. Just like Israel, there’s a crucial need for Covid-19
vaccination rollout to reduce the fatality rate in the shortest time possible.
The evolution of a new Covid-19 variant is an anticipated incident as viruses change continually
through mutation. Few mutations may increase transmissibility through a surge in receptor binding
or deceiving the immune system by modifying surface structure acknowledged by antibodies.

Variants: Presently, there are four variants of concerns (VOCs) around the world (namely; B.1.1.7,
B.1.1.7+E48K, B.1.351 and P.1). Another nine SARS-Cov-2 variants are variants of interest (VOI) and
being monitored by research authorities. Arrangements measurements and native observations
differ in countries, so a direct comparison between countries is challenging. These factors are
essential to inspect while observing circulation of different variants.

Covid-19 cases of B.1.617.1 variant were prevalent in India till late March, 2020 but started to
decline in April 2020. B.1.617.2 variant became dominant in mid-April, 2021; it’s more dangerous
and increases risk of death. B.1.617.2 is a rare lineage and maintained a low level since the

Vaccine Rollout & Types of Vaccines: As of now, the vaccination range is about 10% of the entire
population of India for the first dose and about 3% with whole vaccination reporting. All of the
neighboring countries of India have much lower vaccination coverage except Bhutan with > 60%
vaccination of first dose. There are four types of Covid-19 vaccines under-development. Inactivated
or weakened virus vaccines, protein based vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and RNA and DNA
vaccines. Kindly check the status of vaccines within WHO evaluation process by clicking this link.

All the three lineages of B.1.617 hold mutations L452R and D614G spike protein changes associated
with rise in transmissibility. The rise of deaths in India could be a function of rise in transmission
along with inadequate health care facilities to satisfy the intense need for care. At present, there are
100 vaccines in clinical development phase and 184 vaccines in pre-clinical development phase
within WHO evaluation. Details are given below.
Platform   Candidate vaccines (no. and %)
PS Protein subunit 31 31%
VVnr Viral Vector (non-replicating) 14 14%
DNA DNA 10 10%
IV Inactivated Virus 16 16%
RNA RNA 16 16%
VVr Viral Vector (replicating) 3 3%
VLP Virus Like Particle 5 5%
VVr + APC VVr + Antigen Presenting Cell 2 2%
LAV Live Attenuated Virus 2 2%
VVnr + APC VVnr + Antigen Presenting Cell 1 1%

Studies suggest that plasma from previously Covid-19 infected individuals with B.1.617.1
can neutralize B.1.617.1 variant patients. No evaluation studies are available for B.1.617.2
variant as of now. The dramatic rise of Covid-19 cases in the last few weeks in India is a
result of large gatherings, low vaccine coverage, and relaxation in natural procedures.
Extensive levels of RTPCR-testing and vaccination are prime requirements at present in

Continuous monitoring of the tests as a measure to detect new variants should also be a
priority at this alarming time. However, there’s no information from WHO that how long the
immunity from different vaccines will last. Thus, it’s necessary to maintain physical distance,
wear masks and hand wash regularly. Still, vaccines offer some protection from new variants
and helpful in obstructing serious illness and fatality rate. A broad immune response is
possible with vaccines which can counter the threat of variants. It’s still a matter of
investigation whether a different vaccine can be taken as a second dose than the first one. 

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