Kvell Spoken English Level 9 Day 2

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Welcome to the….

Self Introduction
You may need to introduce yourself ….

In your English class.

at a job interview.
at a new job.
at a new job.
at a large event.
My name is …
My name’s …..

This is …..
Location :
I am from…. Kumbakonam
I am …. an Indian
I come from…
I was born and raised in trichy .
I was born in trichy but raised in Kumbakonam
I grew up in Chennai but now live in Trichy.
I am originally from Coimbatore but now based in Thanjavur.
I have been living in Kumbakonam for the past three years.
I have spent the past 9 years in Kumbakonam
Position and company
I work at “ company “ in the “ Department “
I work at/for Mahindra in the marketing department

I am “position” at “ company “
Ex: I am a manager at Nestle .
I work as a deputy manager.
I work as an Accountant.
I am about to graduate .
I am a subject Graduate.
I am a marketing graduate.
I have a bachelor of Arts degree in marketing
I am a biology postgrad .
I am currently taking a course in “ subject “
A course in “theoretical” subject.
A course on “practical” subject

A course in Maths.
A course on Jewelry making
I have completed a ‘ time “ course in/on ‘ subject’

I have ‘ number of years ‘of experience on the ‘ occupation ‘

I have 18 years of experience in the Training field .
I have a brother/sister.
We are five in our family.
I am from a family of four.
We are a family of four.
I am one of four siblings .
I am an only child

I really like running

I really enjoy tennis.
I am a big fan of cricket
I am a keen runner .
Age I am 40 years old

I am early /mid /late.

I am in mid twenties
She is in her early teens.
He’s in his late forties .
He is twenty something marketing graduate.
She is a thirty something Accountant.
Fun fact

An interesting fear
A weird like or dislike
Facts about your pet.
A strange achievement or extraordinary
Good morning everyone.
My name is Karthic
I am 40 years old.
I am from Kumbakonam.
I work as a Soft skill trainer.
I am a commerce graduate.
I am a big fan of music and training programs.
Good morning everyone . My name is karthic. I
am a 40 year old commerce graduate from

I now work as a Trainer and I am big fan of

music and training programs.
Smart and interesting responses to “How are you” ?

I am good …
Day 14
American intonation

Bob – is --- on --- the --- phone.

Do not speak word by word. (bi/zi/ness)
Ba --- bizan --- the --- foun
Connect words to form sound groups
Use staircase intonation.
ba faun
Use staircase intonation.
ba faun

Use staircase intonation.

Rubber band practice with nonsense syllables

duh duh duh la la la mee mee mee ho ho ho
duh duh duh la la la mee mee mee ho ho ho
duh duh duh la la la mee mee mee ho ho ho
duh duh duh la la la mee mee mee ho ho ho
duh duh duh Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh
ABC Imprecise Condition alphabet
123 A hot dog A hot dog Hot dog stand
Dog eats bones They eat bones They eat them Give me one
When you are making a statement for the first time, you have to stress the nouns.

Dogs eat bones

Mike likes bikes Jerry makes music.

Elsa wants a book Jean sells some apples.

Adam plays pool Carol paints the car.
Bobby needs some money
Bill and I fix the bikes
Susie combs her hair
Ann and Ed call the kids
John lives in France
The kids like the candy.
Nelly teaches French
The girls have a choice.
Ben writes articles
The boys need some help.
Keys open locks
Stress the nouns

Bob sees Betty

Betty knows Bob

Ann and Ed call the kids

Jan sells some apples

Jean sells cars

Bill and I fix the bikes

Carl hears Bob and me

Stress the nouns

Dogs eat bones

The girls have a choice

The kids like the candy

The boys need some help

Ellen should call her sister

The murderer killed the plumber

The tourists went shopping

Stress the verb

He sees her.

She knows him.

They call them.

She sells some

She sells them

We fix them

He hears us.
Stress the verb

They eat them

They have one.

They like it.

They need something.

She should call someone

He killed a man.

They bought stuff.

Use staircase intonation.
Here ca
is ar
Use staircase intonation.
where ca
Use staircase intonation.
where ca
11. He sees him.
12. Mary wants a car.
13. She likes it.
highlight the words that you
14. They eat some.
think should be stressed
15. Len and Joe eat some pizza.
16. We call you.
17. You read it.
18. The news tells a story.
19. Mark lived in France.
20. He lived there.
1.Sam sees Bill.
2. She wants one.
3. Betty likes English. highlight the words that you
4. They play with them. think should be stressed
5. Children play with toys.
6. Bob and I call you and Bill.
7. You and Bill read the news.
8. It tells one.
9. Bernard works in a restaurant.
10. He works in one.
Depending on the situation, a word may be stressed for any of the following
New Information Opinion Contrast "Can't"

1. It sounds like rain.

2. It sounds like rain.
3. He likes rain, but he hates snow.
4. It can't rain on my parade! He can't do it.
I didn't say he stole the money. Someone else said it.
2. I didn't say he stole the money. That's not true at all.
3. I didn't say he stole the money. I only suggested the possibility.
4. I didn't say he stole the money. I think someone else took it.
5. I didn't say he stole the money. Maybe he just borrowed it.
6. I didn't say he stole the money, but rather some other money.
At last the bus stopped
You Can take either road
Re/Member to mail the letter
I agree with your oPinion
My hobby is playing golf.
I have just arrived here.
Never was she so frightened.
He is about your age .
Helen, this is my cousin.
They are indifferent to politics.
I can hardly work now.
What does this word mean?
He didn’t answer my question.
We must allow his bravery.
Many hands make light work.
His work is in engineering.
It was just a joke.
This wasn’t cheap.was it?
Everybody washed in the kitchen.
I have some English books.
My hobby is collecting stamps.
His English is quite good.
I do not feel sad.
His voice carries very well.
Hello, my’ name is______________. I'm taking American Accent Training. There's a lot to
learn, but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible. I should pick up on the American
intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time. I
use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, intonation more than I used to. I've been paying
attention to intonation, too. It's like walking down a staircase. I've been talking to a lot of
Americans lately, and they tell me that I'm easier to understand. Anyway, I could go on and on,
but the important thing is to listen well and sound good. Well, what do you think? Do I?
Hello, my name is__________________. I'm taking American Accent Training. There'sa lot to
learn, but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible. I should pick up on the American
intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the
time. I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, intonation more than I used to. I've been
paying attention to intonation, too. It's like walking down a staircase. I've been talking to
a lot of Americans lately, and they tell me that I'm easier to understand. Anyway, I could go
on and on, but the important thing is to listen well and sound good. Well, what do you
think? Do I?

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