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Systems Analysis and Design


Systems Analysis and Design

The Irwin Series in Information and Decision Sciences
Consulting Editors: Robert B. Fetter Claude McMillan
Yale University University of Colorado
Systems Analysis and Design

2]los M. Awad
Mclntire School of Commerce
University of Virginia

1985 Second Edition

RICHARD D. IRWIN, INC. Homewood, Illinois 60430

© RICRARD D IRWIN, INC., 1979, 1985

resened. \o part of this publication ma\' be

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in any form or by an\' means, electronic, mechanical,
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written permission of the publisher.

ISBN 0-256-02824-9

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-82025

Printed in the United States of America


A major contribution of the first edition was to conceptualize and define the
scope and domain of systems analysis and design. The text was well
received by the information systems academic community. Today's fast-
paced technology, however, makes it difficult for most publications to stay
up-to-date. This edition is virtually a new book. It is a major update of the
first edition of Systems Analysis and Design, which focuses on the system

development life cycle using conventional and structured tools. The mate-
rial goes beyond the classroom theory and concepts. It is practice oriented

with examples and applications that demonstrate systems analysis and

design. The coverage meets the curriculum recommendations for the sys-
tems ancilysis course for the Data Prxjcessing Management Association
(CIS-4) and the Association for Computing Machinery.
The text goes beyond the mechanics of systems development. It ad-
dresses the broader information systems environment of the 1980s, such as
the use of data bases for the microcomputer, quality assurance, systems
auditability, prototyping, disaster recovery planning, and ethics in systems
development. These are important issues requiring special treatment. The
coverage trains persons in the what, why, and how of systems analysis and
design. The tools and techniques are current, and the illustrations and
cases ending each chapter are based on real installations. A safe deposit
tracking system installed for a commercial bank is presented in modules in
the life-cycle chapters, 4-12.
Important features of the text are:


1. Eleven chapters dealing with topics such as the role of the analyst, the
tools of stnjctured analysis and design, data base design, and hard-
ware/software selection improve the student's understanding of the
systems development life cycle and provide a comprehensive fiame-
work for systems development.
2. "At a Glance" provides a brief preview of the material covered in each

3. A summary of the main points, key words, and review questions follow
each chapter.
4. Case studies at the end of each chapter are business situations which
the author has been involved in as a consultant or analyst. Working
through the cases will help you acquii^e the principles and gain experi-
ence in making decisions that can be useful in similar situations in the

The new chaptere cover the following:

1. Chapter 2 reviews the systems development life cycle.

2. Chapter 3 elaborates on the multifaceted role of the systems analyst

and the requirements for success in the field.
3. Chapter 4 discusses the importance of planning and the major steps in
launching an initial investigation.
4. Chapter 6 describes the tools of structured analysis. They are the data
flow diagram, data dictionaiy, decision tree, and structured English.

5. Chapter 7 explains the steps in feasibility analysis and the feasibility


6. Chapter 8 is a completely revised section on cost/benefit analysis

focusing on the procedures for cost/benefit determination and alter-
native evaluation methods such as net present value, payback analysis,
and cash flow analysis.

7. Chapter 9 focuses on design methodologies structured design and—

the structure chart, IPO charts and structured walkthrough. Audit trail
and documentation control are also discussed.
C^hapter 11 is a review of file organization methods and data base
organization. A data base software [package for the microcomputei- is

available to support the chapter.

9. Chapter 14 deals with the procedure foi- hardware/software selection,

financial considerations in selection, and how to negotiate a computer
10. Chapter 15 about project management and the use of planning tools

and project management software for system installations.

11. Chapter 16 caps the systems development life cycle by discussing the
various threats to system security, how to do risk analysis, the impor-


tance of disaster reco\er\' planning, and the role of ethics in system


The text is designed to be used in a semester or a quarter course in

systems analxsis and design. .AJthough no specific backgixaimd is i-eqnii-ed,
a student should have had a course in Introduction to Computers and a
general understanding of business organizations. The text is uiitten in a
manner that is logical to the student. The early chapters focus on user need
determination and feasibilitx' studies, and the latter chapters discuss sys-
tems design specifications, file organization, and sxstem implementation.
.As part of the rexision, a bimonthly new sletter containing new articles,

case situations, and news I'elated to the system de\elopment ai^a is

planned. These should be used to supplement the material in the text or
the lectui'es, whei-e appix^priate. The newsletter will be a\ ailable to instruc-
tors by writing me dii-ectl\' at the Mclntii'e School of Commerce, Uni\'ei'sit\'
of \'ii^inia, Charlottesxille, \'A 22903.

Manx- individuals ha\ e contributed to the preparation of this text. For their
inxakiable comments and suggestions. I wish to thank my reviewers. Rod
i\eal, Univereitv' of Arkansas; Thomas H. Weaver, Jr., Puixlue Universitv —
Calumet; and Kenneth W. \ eatch, San .Antonio College, and my consulting
editors, Robet B. Fetter, Vale Unixersitv; and Claude McMillan, l'ni\ei^ir\' of
Special thanks to V\ illiam G. Shenkir, Dean, Mclntire School of Commerce,
for providing micixjcomputer support and for his encouragement. I also
recognize the consti-uctive feedback that the MIS students at the Mclntire
School have gi\ en in testing \ arious portions of the manuscript.

Elias M. Awad

Part One

1. Systems Concepts and the Information Systems Environment 4

Introduction. The Systems Concept: Definition. Characteristics of a
System: Organization. Interaction. Interdependence. Integration. Cen-
Elements of a System: Outputs and Inputs. Processor(s).
tral Objective.
Control. Feedback. Environment. Boundaries and Interface. Types of
Systems: Physical or Abstract Systems. Open or Closed Systems. Man-

Made Information Systems. Illustration A Dynamic Personnel Infor-
mation System Model.

2. The System Development Life Cycle 38

Introduction. The System Development Recognition of Need
Life Cycle:
— What Is the Problem? Feasibility Study. Analysis. Design. Imple-
mentation. Post- Implementation and Maintenance. Considerations for
Candidate Systems: Political Considerations. Planning and Control for
System Success. Prototyping.

3. The Role of the Systems Analyst 60

Introduction. Definition. Historical Perspective: The Early Years. The
War Effort. What Does ItTake to Do Systems Analysis? Academic and
Personal Qjualifications. The Multifaceted Role of the Analyst: Change

Agent. Investigator and Monitor. Architect. Psychologist. Salesperson.

Motivator. Politician. The Analyst /User Interface: Behavioral Issues.
Conflict Resolution. The Place of the Analyst in the MIS Organization:
The MIS Organization. Rising Positions in System Development: The
Paraprofessional. The Technical Writer. Conclusions.

Part Two
Systems Analysis 90

4. Systems Planning and the Initial Investigation 92

Introduction. Bases for Planning in Systems Analysis: Dimensions of
Planning. Initial Investigation: Needs Identification. Determining the
User's Information Requirements. Case Scenario. Problem Definition
and Project Initiation. Background Analysis. Fact-finding. Fact Analysis.
Determination of Feasibility.

5. Information Gathering 126

Introduction. What Kinds of Information Do We Need? Information
about the Firm. Information about User Staff. Information about Work
Flow. Where Does Information Originate? Information-Gathering
Tools: Review of Literature, Procedures, and Forms. On-Site Obsen'a-
tion. Interviews and Qjuestionnaires. Types of Interviews and Qfjestion-

6. The Tools of Structured Analysis 164

Introduction. What Is Stiiictured Analysis? The Tools of Structured
Analysis:The Data Flow Diagram (DFDI. Data Dictionarv. Decision Tree
and Structured English. Decision Tables. Pros and Cons of Each Tool.

7. Feasibility Study 196

Introduction. System Performance Definition: Statement of Con-
straints. Identification of Specific System Objectives. Description of
Outputs. Feasibility Study: Feasibility Considerations. Steps in Feasi-
bility Analysis. Feasibility Report. Oral Presentation.

8. Cost/Benefit Analysis 232

Introduction. Data Analysis. Cost/Benefit Analysis: Cost and Benefit
Categories. Procedure for Cost/Benefit Determination. The System

Part Three
Systems Design 258

9. The Process and Stages of Systems Design 260

Introduction. The Process of Design: Logical and Physical Design. De-

sign Methodologies: Structured Design. Form- Driven Methodology' —

The IPO Charts. Structured Walkthrough. Major Dexelopment Activi-
Personnel Allocation. Audit Considerations: Processing Controls

and Data Validation. Audit Trail and Documentation Control.

10. InputOutput and Forms Design 284

Introduction. Input Design: Input Data. Input Media and Devices. Out-
put Design. Forms Design: What Is a Form? Classification of Forms.
Requirements of Forms Design. Carbon Paper as a Form Copier. Types
of Forms. Layout Considerations. Forms Control.

11. File Organization and Data Base Design 320

Introduction. File Structure. File Organization: Sequential Organiza-
tion. Inde\ed-Sequential Organization. Inverted List Organization. Di-
rect-Access Organization. Data Base Design: Objectives of Data Base.
Key Terms. Logical and Physical Views of Data. Data Structure. Nor-
malization. The Role of the Data Base Administrator.

Part Four
System Implementation 356

12. System Testing and Quality Assurance 358

Introduction. V\'hv Sx'stem Testing? What Do We Test for? The Nature
of Test Data. The Test Plan: Activity Network for System Testing. Svs-
tem Testing. Qualit\' Assurance: Quality Assurance Goals in the Svstenis
of Quality Assurance. Trends in Testing. Role of the
Life Cycle. Levels
Data Processing Auditor: The Audit Trail.

13. Implementation and Softivare Maintenance 386

Introduction. Conversion: Activitv Network for Conversion. Comhating
Resistance to Change. Post-Implementation Re\ie\v: Request for Re-
view. A Review Plan. Software Maintenance: Maintenance or Enhance-
ment? Primary Activities of a Maintenance Procedure. Reducing Main-
tenance Costs.

14. Hardware/Software Selection and the Computer Contract 414

Introduction. The Computer Industiy: Hardware Suppliers. Software
Suppliers. Ser\ice Suppliers. The Software Industiy: Tyjjes of Software.
A Procedure for Hardware/Software Selection: Major Phases in Selec-
tion. Software Selection. The Evaluation Process. Financial Considera-
tions in Selection: The Rental Option. The Lease Option. The Purchase
Option. The Used Computer. The Computer Contract: The Art of
Negotiation. Contract Checklist.

15. Project Scheduling and Software 444

Introduction. Why Do Systems Fail? What Is Project Management? A

16. Security, Disaster/Recovery, and Ethics

in System Development 473
Introduction. System Securitv': Definitions. Threats to System Security.
Control Measures. Disaster/ Recoverv Planning: The Plan. Ethics in
System Dexelopment: Ethics Codes and Standards of Beha\ior.

Glossary of Terms 502

Index 516
Systems Analysis and Design
Part One


^r: •
Chapter 1

Systems Concepts
and the Information


The Systems Concept


Characteristics of a System


Elements of a System


At a Glance

Systems analysis is the application of the systems approach to problem solving

using computers. The ingredients are systems elements, processes, and tech-
nology. This means that to do systems work, one needs to understand the
systems concept and how organizations operate as a system, and then design
appropriate computer-based systems that will meet an organization's require-
ments. It is actually a customized approach to the use of the computer for
problem solving.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1. The primary characteristics of a system and the importance of the

systems concept for developing information systems.

2. How the various elements of a system work together to intertace with the

end user.
3. How physical systems differ from abstract systems.
4. The unique features of formal and informal information systems.
5. The makeup of management information systems.
6. How decision support systems help in decision making.


Types of Systems
Systems Models
Schematic Models
Flow System Models
Static System Models
Dynamic System Models
Formal Information Systems
Categories of Information
Intormal Information Systems
Computer-Based Intormation Systems
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Decision Support Systems (DSS)

Illustration— A Dynamic Personnel Information System Model


It s a Upical da\ . The car starts OK, but you think with a flash of irritation
that it reall\' shouldn't take that long to get the air conditioner going. Onl\'
an hour to catch the plane, and cars are piled up on the express\va\' as far
as the e\e can see. Vou begin to wonder if there isn't a way to allow airport
traffic to mo\ 8 faster. Vou get to the parking lot and have to walk half a mile

to the plane. Where is the shuttle? \\'h\' so long a wait? \\h\ so mam
obstacles? — the ticket counter, the X-ray machine, the gate attendant, etc.
Each one is a system in itself, \'et they are all part of the transportation
This book about sxstems anaksis and how it relates to shaping

organizations, impro\1ng performance, and achie\ing objectives for prof-

itabilir\ and growth. As our scenario suggests, the emphasis is on systems in

action, the relationships among subsystems, and their contribution to

meeting a common goal in this case, fixing passengers to destinations on
time. Looking at a s\stem and determining how adequateh- it fimctions, the
changes to be made, and the cjualitx of the output are parts of s\'stems
Systems analysis as used in this text is the application of the systems
approach to the stud\' and solution of problems using computer-based
systems. Sx'stems thinking is integral to systems work. Organizations ai^
complex systems that consist of interrelated and interlocking subsystems.
Changes in one part of the s\stem ha\e both anticipated and unanticipated
consequences in other parts of the s\'stem. The s\'stems approach is a wa\-
of thinking about the anal\sis and design of computer-based applications. It
pro\ides a frameworic for \isualLzing the organizational and en\ironmental
factors that operate on a system. When a computer is introduced into an
organization, xarious functions and dysfunctions operate on the user as
well as the organization. Among the positixe consequences are improxed
performance and a feeling of achiexement with qualitx infomiation. .Among
the unanticipated consequences might be (1 a possible threat to employees 1

that their xvork no longer "measures up, I2i decreased morale of personnel

who were not consulted about the installation, and I3i feeling of intimida-
tion by users xvho haxe limited training in the nexv computer. In assessing
these consequences, the analyst's role of allexiating fears and remoxing
barriers for the user is extremelx' crucial for the sxstem's success.
Systems analx'sis and design focus on sxstems, processes, and tech-
nologx'. Haxing a firm grasp of the makeup of the system in question is a
prei'equisite for selecting the procedure or intixjducing the computer for
implementation. In our airport scenario, knoxxledge of the traffic fiow, the
strategic location of the airport, and hox\' a gixen change will speed up
airport traffic is important in deciding on improxements such as special
shuttles, helicopter senice. or more aiq^ort limousines to solxe the prob-
lem. Thus, a background in sxste?his concepts and a familiarity xxith the
ways organizations function are helpful. This chapter discusses the systems

-i--, » .

concept, elaborates on the types of systems that are relevant to systems

analysis, and illustrates the relationship between the knowledge of systems
concepts and systems antdysis.


Scholars in various disciplines who are concerned about the tendency
toward the fragmentation of knowledge and the increasing complexity of
phenomena have sought a unifying approach to knowledge. Ludwig von
Bertalanffy, a biologist, developed a general systems theoiy that applies to
any arrangement of elements such as cells, people, societies, or even plan-
Norbert Wiener, a mathematician, obseived that information and com-

munications provide connecting links for unifying fragments or elements.^

which shows the parallel be-
His systems concept of information theory,
tween the functioning of human beings and electronic systems, laid the
foundation for today's computer systems. Herbert A. Simon, a political
scientist, related the systems concept to the study of organizations by
viewdng an ongoing system as a processor of information for making deci-
Systems analysis and design for information systems were founded in
general systems theory, which emphasizes a close look at all parts of a
system. Too often analysts focus on only one component and overlook
other equally important components. General systems theory is concerned
with 'developing a systematic, theoretical framework upon which to make
decisions. "^ It discourages thinking in a vacuum and encourages considera-
tion of all and its extei-nal environment.''
the activities of the organization
Pioneering work in general systems theoiy emphasized that organizations
be viewed as total systems. The idea of systems has become most practical
and necessary in conceptualizing the interrelationships and integration of
operations, especially when using computers. Thus, a system is a way of
thinking about organizations and their problems. It also involves a set of
techniques that helps in solving problems.

The term system is derived from the Greek word systema, which means an
organized I'elationship among functioning units or components. A system

Ludwig Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory (New York; George Braziller, 1968).
- Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics (New York: John Wiley <& Sons, 19481.
Herbert A. Simon, The Shape ofAutomat ion for Men and Management (New York: Harper &.
Row, 19651.

Richard A. Johnson; Fremont E. Kast; and James

* E. Rozensweig, The Theory and Manage-
ment of Systems (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973), p. 6.
See Vincent P. Luchsinger, and Thomas V. Dock, The Systems Approach: An Introduction,
2d ed. (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1982), p. 12.

exists because it is designed to achieve one or more objectives. We come

into daUy contact with the transportation system, the telephone system, the
accounting system, the production system, and, for over two decades, the
computer system. Similarly, we talk of the business system and of the
organization as a system consisting of interrelated departments (subsys-
tems) such as production, sales, personnel, and an information system.
None of these subsystems is of much use as a single, independent unit.
When they are properly coordinated, however, the firm can function effec-
tively and profitably.
There are more than a hundred definitions of the word system, but
most seem to have a common thread that suggests that a system is an
orderly grouping of interdependent components linked together according
to a plan to achieve a specific objective. The word component may refer to
physical parts (engines, wings of aircraft, wheels of a car), managerial steps
(planning, organizing, directing,and controlling), or a subsystem in a multi-
level structure. The components may be simple or complex, basic or ad-
Vcinced. They may be a single computer with a keyboard, memory, and
printer or a series of intelligent terminals linked to a mainframe. In either
case,each component is part of the total system and has to do its share of
work for the system to achieve the intended goal. This orientation requires
an orderly grouping of the components for the design of a successful
The study of systems concepts, then, has thr^e basic implications:

1. A system must be designed to achieve a predetermined objective.

2. Interrelationships and interdependence must exist among the com-
3. The objectives of the organization as a whole have a higher priority than
the objectives of its subsystems. For example, computerizing personnel
applications must conform to the organization's policy on privacy,
confidentiality, and security, as well as making selected data (e.g., pay-
roll) available to the accounting division on request.

Our definition of a system suggests some characteristics that are present in
all systems: organization (order), interaction, interdependence, integration,
and a central objective.

Organization implies structure and or^der. It is the airangement of compo-
nents that helps to achieve objectives. In the design of a business system, for
example, the hierarchical relationsrfiips starting with the president on top
and leading downward to the blue-collar workers represents the organiza-
tion structur-e. Such an arrangement portrays a system-subsystem rela-

tionship, defines the authority structure, specifies the formal flow of com-
munication, and formalizes the chain of command (see Figure 1-1). Like-
wise, a computer system is designed around an input device, a central
processing unit, an output device, and one or more storage units. When
linked together they work as a whole system for producing information.

Interaction refers to the manner in which each component functions with
other components of the system. In an organization, for example, purchas-
ing must interact with production, advertising with sales, and payroll with
personnel. In a computer system, the central processing unit must interact
with the input device to solve a problem. In turn, the main memory holds
programs and data that the arithmetic unit uses for computation. The
interrelationship between these components enables the computer to per-

Interdependence means that parts of the organization or computer system
depend on one another. They are coordinated and linked together accord-
ing to a plan. One subsystem depends on the input of another subsystem
for proper functioning; that is, the output of one subsystem is the required

FIGURE 1-1 Organizcrtion Structure — An Example


f 1
Vice President Vice President Vice President
Sales Production Accounting

Department Head Department Head
Assembly Painting

Workers Workers

input for another subsystem. This interdependence is crucial in systems

To illustrate these system characteristics, Figure 1-2 shows three levels
of subsystems. Each of the top inner circles represents a major subsystem of
a production firm. The personnel subsystem, in turn, may be viewed as a
system that consists of subsystems such as benefits, health and safety, and

FIGURE 1-2 Major Subsystems of a Production Firm



FIGURE 1-3 A Human Resources Information System


and control

I Operation I—
Skills inventory.
Job positions.
for data
and retrieval

Personnel budget
Employment record

and control



employment. Health and safety as a key personnel

subsystem consists of
lower-le\'el elements that are considered vital in pereonnel operation. Each
element may be represented by a computer-based package or is part of a
human I'esource data base that provides information on unemplovTiient,
insurance benefits, and the like.

Figure 1-3an integrated information system designed to serve the


needs of authorized users (department heads, managers, etc.) for quick

access and retrieval via remote terminals. The interdependence between
the personnel subsystem and the organization's users is obvious.
In summary, no subsystem can function in isolation because it is
dependent on the data (inputs) it receives frxjm other subsystems to per-
form its required tasks. Interdependence is further illustrated by the ac-
tivities and support of systems analysts, pr ogrammers, and the operations

staff in a computer center. A decision to computerize an application is

initiated by the user, analyzed and designed by the analyst, prxjgrammed
and tested by the programmer, and rtrn by the computer operator. As

FIGURE 1-4 Task Interdependence in a Computer-Based Subsystem

shown in Figure 1-4, none of these persons can perform properly without
the required input from others in the computer center subsystem.

Integration refers to the holism of systems. Synthesis follows analysis to
achieve the central objecti\'e of the organization. Integration is concerned
with how a system is tied together. It is moi^ than sharing a physical part or
location. It means that parts of the system work together within the system
even though each part performs a unique function. Successful integration
and greater total impact than if
will tvpically pixjduce a svTiergistic effect
each component works separately.

Central Objective
The last characteristic of a system is its central objective. Objectives may be
real or stated. .Although a stated objecti\'e may be the real objective, it is not
uncommon for an organization to one objectixe and operate to achieve
another. The important point is that users must know the central objective
of a computer application eariy in the analysis for a successful design and
conversion. Later in the book, we will show that political as well as organiza-
tional considerations often cloud the real objective. This means that the
must work around such obstacles
analyst to identify the real objective of the
proposed change.

In most cases, systems analysts operate in a dxmamic en\ironment where
change is a way of life. The environment may be a business firm, a business
application, or a computer system. To reconstruct a system, the following
key elements must be considered:

1. Outputs and inputs.

2. Processors). *
3. Control.
4. Feedback.

5. Environment.
6. Boundaries and interface.

Outputs and Inputs

A major objective of a system is to produce an output that has value to its
user. Whatever the nature of the output (goods, services, or information), it
must be in line with the expectations of the intended user. Inputs are the
elements (material, human resources, information) that enter the system for
processing. Output is the outcome of processing. A system feeds on input to
produce output in much the same way that a business brings in human,
financial, and material resources to produce goods and services. It is impor-
tant to point out here that determining the output is a first step in specify-
ing the nature, amount, and regularity of the input needed to operate a
system. For example, in systems analysis, the first concern is to determine
the user's requirements of a proposed computer system that is, specifica- —
tion of the output that the computer is expected to provide for meeting user
requirements. Input and processing design follow (see Figure 1-5).

FIGURE 1-5 Inputs and Outputs in a Business Opercrtion


Compare output
against performance

Action Management

Human resources
material, en- Transformation
ergy, information

Standard of

Input Processing Output


The processor is the element of a system that involves the actual transfor-
mation of input into output. It is the operational component of a system.
Processors may modify the input totally or partially, depending on the
specifications of the output. This means that as the output specifications
change, so does the processing. In some cases, input is also modified to
enable the processor to handle the transfoiTnation.

The control element guides the system. It is the decision-making subsystem
that controls the pattern of acti\ities governing input, processing, and
output. In an organizational context, management as a decision-making
body controls the inflow, handling, and outflow of activities that affect the
welfare of the business. In a computer system, the operating system and
accompanying software influence the behavior of the system. Output speci-
fications determine what and how much input is needed to keep the
system balance (see Figure 1-5).
In systems analysis, knowing the attitudes of the individual who con-
trols the area for which a computer is being considered can make a dif-
ference between the success and failure of the installation. Management
support is required for securing control and supporting the objective of the
proposed change.

Control in a dynamic system is achieved by feedback. Feedback measures
output against a standard in some form of cybernetic procedure that
includes communication and control. In Figure 1-5, output information is
fed back to the input and/or to management (controller) for deliberation.
After the output is compared against performance standards, changes can
result in the input or processing and, consequently, the output.
Feedback may be positive or negative, routine or informational. Positive
feedback reinforces the performance of the system. It is routine in nature.
Negative feedback generally provides the controller with infoimation foi-
action. In systems analysis, feedback is important in different ways. During
may be told that the problems in a given application verify
analysis, the user
his/her concerns and justify the need for change. Another foiTn of

feedback comes after the system is implemented. The user informs the
analyst about the performance of the new installation. This feedback often
results in enhancements to meet the user's r-equir^ments.

Environment M
The envirxjnment is the "supr^asystem "
within which an organization oper-
ates. It is the sour'ce of exter-nal elements that impinge on the system. In

fact, it often determines how a system must function. As shouTi in Figure

1-5, the organization's environment, consisting of vendors, competitors,
and others, may proxide constraints and, consequently, influence the actual
perfoiTnance of the business.

Boundaries and Interface

A system should be defined by its boundaries —
the limits that identify its
components, processes, and interrelationships when it interfaces with an-
other system. For example, a teller system in a commercial bank is re-
stricted to the deposits, v\ithdrawals, and related activities of customers'
checking and savings accounts. It may exclude mortgage foreclosui"es, trust
activities,and the like.
Each system has boundaries that detemiine its sphere of influence and
control, although in an integrated banking-wide computer system design, a
customer who has a mortgage and a checking account with the same bank
may v\Tite a check through the "teller system" to pay the premium that is
later processed by the "mortgage loan system." Recently, system design has
been successful in allowing the automatic transfer of funds from a bank
account to pay bills and other obligations to creditors, regardless of dis-
tance or location. This means that in systems analysis, knowledge of the
boundaries of a given system is crucial in determining the nature of its

interface with other systems for successful design.

The frame of reference within which one views a system is related to the use
of the systems approach for analysis. Systems have been classified in differ-
ent ways. Common classifications are: iH physical or abstract, 121 open or
closed, and (3) "man-made" information systems.

Physical or Abstract Systems

Physical systems are tangible entities that may be static or dynamic in
operation. For example, the physical parts of the computer center are the
and chairs that facilitate operation of the computer. They can
offices, desks,
be seen and counted; they are static. In contrast, a programmed computer
is a dynamic system. Data, programs, output, and applications change as

the user's demands

or the priority of the information requested changes.
Abstract systems are conceptual or nonphysical entities. They may be
as straightforward as formulas of relationships among sets of variables or
models — the abstract conceptualization of physical situations. A model is a
representation of a real or a planned system. The use
models makes it
easier for the analyst to visualize relationships in the system under study.
The objective is to point out the significant elements and the key interre-
lationships of a complex system.

Systems Models
In no field are models used more widely and with greater variet\" than in
systems anal\sis. The analyst begins b\ creating a model of the realitv facts
relationships, procedures, etcj with which the s\'stem is concerned. E\er\"
computer system deals with the real world, a problem area, or a realit\
outside itself. For example, a telephone switching system is made up of
subscribers, telephone handsets, dialing, conference calls, and the like. The
anal\st begins b\- modeling this realitv' before considering the functions that
the s\stem is to perf^orm.
Various business s\"stem models are used to show the benefits of ab-
stracting complex s\'stems to model form. The major models discussed
here are schematic, flow, static, and d\Tiamic system models.

Schemcrtic Models. .A schematic model

two-dimensional chart is a
• , \ . .
depicting system elements and their linkages. Figure 1-6 shows the major
elements of a personnel information s\'stem together with material and
information flow.

Flow System Models. A flow system model shows the flow of the
V material, energ\', and information that hold the system together. There is an
orderly flow of logic in such models. A wideK" known example is PERT
•Program Evaluation and Re\iew Techniques It is used to abstract a real-
world s\stem in model form, manipulate specific \alues to determine the
critical path, interpret the relationships, and rela\' them back as a control.
The probabilit\- of completion within a time period is considered in connec-
tion with time, resources, and performance specifications isee Figure 1-7).
PERT is discussed in detail in Chapter 15.

Stortic System Models. This t\pe of model exhibits one pair of rela-
tionships such as acti\it\ -time or cost-quantit\ . The Gantt chart for exam-
ple. gi\es a static picture of an acti\it\'-time relationship. In Figure 1-8,
planned acti\ities istamping, sanding, etc.i are plotted in relation to time.
The date column has light lines that indicate the amount of time it takes to
complete a gi\en actr\it\'. The hea\y line represents the cumulati\e time
schedule for each acti\it\'. The stamping department for example is sched-
uled to start working on order number 25 Wednesday* morning and com-
plete the job by the same evening. One day is also scheduled for order
number 28, two days for order number 22, and two da\"s Mas 10-11' for
order number 29. The total of six days is represented b\ the hea\y line
opposite the stamping department. The broken line indicates that the
department is two da\s behind schedule. The arrowhead indicates the date
when the chart is to be in eff"ect. The Gantt chart is discussed in more detail
in Chapter 15.

Dynamic System Models. Business organizations are d\Tiamic sys-

tems. A d\Tiamic model approximates the type of organization or applica-

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FIGURE 1-7 PERT— An Example

tions that analysts deal with. It depicts an ongoing, constantly changing

system. As mentioned earlier, it consists of (1) inputs that enter the system,
(2)the processor through which transformation takes place, (3) the pro-
gram(s) required for processing, and (4) the outputlsl that result from
processing (see Figure 1-5).

Open or Closed Systems

Another classification of systems is based on their degree of independence.
An open system has many interfaces with its environment. It permits inter-

FIGURE 1-8 Gantt Chart— An Example

Gantt Chart

Number of Capacity
workers per week , r May 5 6 12

25 28 22 29
Stamping 75 3,000

21 25
Sanding 10 400

19 20
Assembly 60 2,400 (

13 1 4
Painting 8 320 I


action across its boundaiy; it receixes inputs from and delivers outputs to
the outside. An information sxstem falls into this categorv', since it must
adapt to the changing demands of the user. In contrast, a closed s\'stem is
isolated from enxironmental influences. In realitv', a completely closed
system is rai^. In s\stems analxsis, organizations, applications, and com-
puters ai-e inxariably open, dxTiamic SNStems influenced b\ theii- enxiron-
A focus on the characteristics of an open system is pai'ticulai'lv timeK' in
the light of present-day business concerns with computer fraud, invasion of
privacy, securitv' controls, and ethics in computing. Whereas the technical
aspects of sxstems anal\'sis deal with internal ixDutines within the user's
application ai^a, sxstems anahsis as an open s\stem tends to expand the
scope of analxsis to relationships between the user area and other users
and to enxironmental factors that must be considei^ed befoi'e a new system
is finalh' approved. Furthermore, being open to suggestions implies that the

analyst has to be flexible and the sxstem being designed has to be respon-
sixe to the changing needs of the user and the enxiixjnment.
Fix e important characteristics of open sxstems can be identified.

1. Input from outside. Open systems are self-adjusting and self- regulating.

When functioning properlx', an open system reaches a steady state or

equilibrium. In a retail fimi, for example, a steadx' state e.xists xxhen goods
are pui'chased and sold without being either out of stock or oxerstocked. .An
increase in the cost of goods forces a comparable increase in prices or
decrease in operating costs. This response gixes the firm its steady state.
2. Entropy. .All dxnamic sx'stems tend to run doxxn ox'er time, resulting in
entropx' or loss of energx'. Open sxstems resist entropx bx seeking nex\
inputs or modifsing the processes to return to a steadx state. In our
example, no i^eaction to increase in cost of merchandise makes the business
unprofitable xvhich could force it into insolx encx' — a state of disorganiza-

3. Process, output, and cycles. Open sxstems produce usefril output and
operate in cycles, folloxxing a continuous floxv path.

4. Differentiation. Open systems haxe a tendencx toxxard an increasing

specialization of functions and a greater diflerentiation of their compo-
nents. In business, the roles of people and machines tend toxvard greater
specialization and greater compel-
interaction. This characteristic ofi"ers a
ling reason for the increasing xalue of the concept of systems in the systems
analyst's thinking.

5. Equifinality. The term implies that goals are achiexed through diff'ering
courses of action and a x arietx' of paths. In most sxstems. there is more of a
consensus on goals than on paths to reach the goals.

Understanding sxstem chaiacteiistics helps analxsts to identify' thefr

role and relate their actixities to the attainment of the firm's objectixes as
they undertake a system project. .Analxsts ai^ themselx es part of the organi-
zation. They haxe opportunities to adapt the organization to changes

through computerized applications so that the system does not "run

down." A key to this process is information feedback from the prime user of
the new system as well as from top management. The design and mainte-
nance of management information systems will be discussed later in the
Table 1-1 summarizes the main elements and reinforces the theme that
the process of designing information systems borrows heavily from a gen-
eral knowledge of systems theory. The objective is to make a system more
efficient by modifying its goals or changing the outputs.

Man-Made Information Systems

Ideally, information reduces uncertainty about a state or event. For exam-
ple, information that the udnd is calm reduces the uncertainty that the boat
trip will be pleasant. An information system is the basis for interaction
between the user and the analyst. It provides instructions, commands, and
feedback. It determines the nature of the relationships among decision
makers. In fact, it may be viewed as a decision center for personnel at all
levels. From this basis, an information system may be defined as a set of
devices, procedures, and operating systems designed around user-based
criteria to produce information and communicate it to the user for plan-
ning, control, and performance. In systems analysis, it is important to keep
in mind that considering an alternative system means impr'oving one or
more of these criteria.

TABLE 1-1 Systems Theory and Information System Design

Primary System Element Relevance for Information System Design

1. A system is an entity Define system under study before evaluating

its subsystems

2. A system has components Determine the primary components of the

present system and how they relate to one
another before deciding on design changes

3. A system is goal oriented Specify the goal(s) of the information system

under study
4. A system comprises input/processing/output Specify the inputs, processing, and outputs of
the information system being analyzed

5. A system increases entropy Designing an information system is critical to

the oi^anization's performance and gixjwth

6. A system exhibits equifinality An infomiation system has many components

and thei-e are several ways of designing it to
achieve the same goal

7. A system maintains a steady state An information system should be designed to

stabilize and maintain the informational needs
of management to reduce uncertainty in
decision making

Many practitioners fail to recognize that a business has several informa-

tion systems; each designed for a purpose and works to accommodate

data flow, communications, decision making, control, and effectiveness.

The major information systems are formal, informal, and computer based.

Formal Information Systems

A formal information system is based on the organization represented
by the organization chart. The chart is a map of positions and their author-
ity relationships, indicated by boxes and connected by straight lines.'^ It is
concerned with the pattern of authority, communication, and work flow.
Information is formally disseminated in instructions, memos, or reports
from top management to the intended user in the organization. This struc-
ture also allows feedback up the chain of command for follow-up. In Figure
1-1 input ftx)m the en\ironment pro\ides impetus for policy decisions by
top management. Policies are generalizations that specify what an organiza-
tion ought to do. Policies are translated into directives, rules, and regula-
tions and transmitted to lower-level management for implementation. The
output represents employee performance.

Categories of Information. There are three categories of informa-

tion related to managerial levels and the decisions managers make. The first
lexel is strategic information, which relates to long-range planning policies
that are of direct interest to upper management. Information such as
population growlh, trends in financial invesetment, and human resources
changes would be of interest to top company officials who are responsible
for developing policies and determining long-range goals. This t\pe of
information is achie\'ed with the aid of decision support systems (DSS),
which will be explained later in the chapter.
The second \evel of information is managerial information. It is of direct
use to middle management and department heads for implementation and
control. Examples are sales analysis, cash flow projections, and annual
financial statements. This information is of use in short- and intermediate-

range planning that is, months rather than years. It is maintained with the
aid of management information systems (MIS), which also will be covered
later in the chapter.
The third information level is operational information, which is short-
term, daily information used to operate departments and enforce the day-
to-day rules and regulations of the business. Examples are daily emplovee
absence sheets, overdue purchase orders, and current stocks available for
sale. Operational information is established by data processing systems
(DPS) (see Figure l-9i.
The nature of the information and managerial lexels is also related to
the major types of decision making: structured and unstructured decision
making. An organizational process that is closed, stable, and mechanistic

6 J. L. Massie and John Douglas, Managing, 3d ed. lEnglewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall,
1982), p. 270.

FIGURE 1-9 Management and Iniormotion Levels in a Typical

Organiz alien

level Information level System support

Upper 'Strategic

Middle Management contro


* v Operational

tends to be more structured, computational, and relies on routine decision

making for planning and control. Such decision making is related to lower-
le\el management and is readiK' supported with computer systems. In
contrast open. adapti\e. dxnamic processes increase the uncertaintv asso-
ciated with decision making and are generall\" evidenced by a lack of
stiTjcture in the decision-making process. Lack of structure as well as
extraorganizational and incomplete information make it difficult to secure
computer support. Table 1-2 summaiizes the characteristics of decision
making and the information required at different managerial levels.
Therefore, in designing an infoimation s\stem the anahst needs to
determine the t\pe of information needed, the le\el of the information, how-
it is structured, and in what fonnat it is before deciding on the svstem

TABLE 1-2 Chaiacteristics of Decision Making and Iniormation

Required at Difierent Managerial Levels

Lower .Middle Top

.Management .Management .Management

Characteristics 'Structured Lnstructuredi

of decision Computational -^ Judgmental
making routine

Organizational Closed stable Open adaptix-e/

process mechanistic — -^ d\iiamic

Examples Production CapaciU New prxKluct

scheduling planning planning

Characteristics Oi~ganizational - -» En\Tronmenttil

of information

Examples Sales order Sales anal\-sis Industrv- forecasts


needed produce it. This is another

to i-eason foi" ha\ing a bac;kground in
systems theoiy and organizations.

Informal Information Systems

The formal information system is a power structure designed to achieve
company goals. /\n organization's emphasis on control to ensure peiform-
ance tends to restrict the communication flow among employees, however.
As a result, an informal information system develops. It is an employee-
based system designed to meet pei'sonnel and vocational needs and to help
solve work-related problems. It also funnels information upward through
indirect channels. In this respect, it is a useful system because it works
within the fi'amework of the business and its stated policies.
In doing a systems study, the analyst should have a knowledge of the
chain of command, the power-authoFity-intluence network, and how deci-
sions are made to get a feel for how much
support can be expected for a
prospective installation. Furthermore, knowledge about the inner workings
of the employee-based system is useful during the exploratoiy phase of
analysis. Employee cooperation and participation are crucial in preventing
sabotage and training usei^. Since computei-s cannot provide reliable infor-
mation without user staff support, a proper interface with the informal
communication channels could mean the difference between the success
and failure of new systems.

Computer-Based Information Systems

A third class of infomiation system relies on the computer for handling
business applications. The computer is now a requii-ed source of informa-
tion. Systems analysis relies heavily on computers for problem solving. This
suggests that the analyst must be familiar with computer technology and
have experience in handling people in an organizational context. The role of
the analyst is discussed further in Chapter 3.

Management Information Systems The computer has had

a significant impact on the techniques used by management to operate a
business. The level of the manager in the organization is also a factor in
determining the kind of information needed to solve a problerii (see Figure
1-10). Lower- /eve/ management needs detailed internal information to make
day-to-day, relatively structured control decisions. Higher-level manage-
ment, for whom
long-range objectives are the primaiy concerns, requires
summarized information ftom a variety of sources to attain goals. In either
case, management action is based on infomiation that is accurate, relevant,
complete, concise, and timely. MIS has been successful in meeting these
information criteria quickly and responsively.
MIS is a person-machine system and a highly integrated grouping of
information-processing functions designed to provide management with a
comprehensive picture of specific operations. It is actually a combination of
information systems. To do the job, it should operate in real time, handling

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inquiries as quickly as they are received. Management information must

also be available eariy enough to affect a decision. Operationally, MIS should
provide for file definition, file maintenance and updating, transaction and
inquiry processing, and one or more data bases linked to an orgcinizational
data base. Within an MIS, a single transaction can simultaneously update all
related data files in the system. In so doing, data redundancy (duplication)
and the time it takes to duplicate data are kept to a minimum, thus insuring
that data are kept current at all times (see Figure 1-11).
A —
key element of MIS is the data base a nonredundant collection of
interrelated data items that can be processed through application programs
and available to many users. All records must be related in some way.
Sharing common data means that many programs can use the same files or
records. Information is accessed through a data base management system

HGURE 1-11



(DBMS I. It is a part of the software that handles \irtuall\' every activity

invoking the physical data base.
There are several advantages to a data base system:
1. Processing time and the number of piT)grams written are substantially
2. All applications share centralized files.

3. Storage space duplication is eliminated.

4. Data are stored once in the data base and are easily accessible when
The two primarv' drawbacks of a data base are the cost of specialized
personnel and the need to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
Thei^ is more on data bases in Chapter 12.
The primar\' usere of MIS are middle and top management, operational
managers, and support staff. Middle and top management use MIS for
preparing forecasts, special requests for analvsis, long-range plans, and
periodic reports. Operational managers use MIS primarily for short-range
planning and periodic and exception reports. The support staff finds MIS
usefiil for the special anahsis of information and imports to help manage-
ment in planning and control. Proxiding data for use in MIS is the function
of most levels of personnel in the organization. Once entered into the
system, the information is no longer owned by the initiating user but
becomes available to all authorized users.
Today's typical MIS poses several problems. Most MIS reports are his-
torical and tend to be dated. Another problem is that many installations
ha\'e data bases that ai'e not in line with user requirements. This means that
many AIIS environments have not been congruent with the real world of the
user. Finally, an inadequate or incomplete update of the data base jeopar-
dizes the reliability for all users.
A major problem encountered in MIS design is obtaining the accep-
tance and support of those who will interface with the system. Personnel
who perceive that their jobs are threatened may resist the implementation
of MIS. In under-standing both technologv' and human behavior, the analyst
faces the challenge of selling change to the right people for a successful

Decision Support Systems (DSS). One reason cited in the literature

for management's frustration with MIS is the limited support it provides top
management for decision making. DSS advances the capabilities of MIS. It
assists management in making decisions. It is actually a continually evolv-
ing model that relies heavily on operations research.
Since Gorrv' and Morton coined the term decision support system (DDS)
in their seminal article," the literature has been bursting with controversy.
The origin of the term is simple:*

G. A. Gom and M. S. Scott .Morton. A Frameuoi-k for MIS, ' Sloan Management Review 13
(Fall 19711, pp. ^-70.

•'' Decision — emphasizes decision making in pi-oblem situations, not in-

formation piT)cessing, retrie\'al, or importing.
• Support — requires computer-aided decision situations with enough
"stiTJCtui-e" to pemiit computei- support.

• System — accentuates the integrated natui^ of pixiblem solving, suggest-

ing a combined "man," machine, and decision en\iix)nment.

Beginning with management decision systems in the early 1970s, the

concept of interactive computer-based systems supporting unstructured
decision making has been expanded to include eveiything but transaction
processing systems. A typical early definiiion required an interacti\'e com-
puter-based system to help usei's use data and models to solve unstruc-
tured pix)blems. Thei^ ai'e authore today who \iew DSS as an extension of
MIS, DSS as independent of MIS, or MIS as a subset of DSS. The commonly
accepted view in the literature views DSS as a second-generation MIS. MIS is
generated when we add pi'edefined managerial reports that ai^e spun out of
the transaction pixjcessing, I'epoi-t generation, and online inquiiy ca-
pabilities — all integrated with a given functional ai'ea such as pixjduction
MIS or personnel MIS. DSS results from adding external data souix;es,
accounting and statistical models, and interactive querv' capabilities. The
outcome is a system designed to serve all levels of management, and top
management in particular, in dealing with "what if" unstructured problem
situations. It is a system with the intrinsic capability to support ad hoc data
analysis as well as decision-modeling activities.**

The DSS is young and evolving. The analyst's present role is to

field of
look at existing DSS packages, their attributes, capabilities, and design
considerations, consider how they differ fi'om MIS design, and learn more
about the methodologv' needed to provide a proper fit between DSS as a
futui-e-oriented system and management requii^ements for various levels of
decision making. Since DSS appears to be the wave of the future (evidenced
by the surge of DSS software packages and the technologv that supports
them), systems analysts will need to upgrade their knowledge to meet the
changing demands of users and organizations alike.
Herbert Simon described decision making as a three-phase continuous
process model beginning with intelligence and moving toward design and
choice (see Figure 1-121. The pixicess is invoked by the i^cognition of a
problem. The resulting decision is then directed at solving the problem.
The intelligence phase of decision making involves the aw^areness of a
problem at a svmptomatic level; it requires a closer look at the problem and
a thorough evaluation of the variables and their relationships. For example,
the symptom of a problem is a large number of auto accidents, but the
actual cause of the problem turns out to be that the state discontinued auto
inspections, lowered the minimum drinking age, has an inadequate police
force, or a combination of all these factors. The more intelligence manage-

* See Peter Keen, and M. S. Scott Morton, Decision Support Systems: An Organizational
Perspective (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978).

FIGURE 1-12 Simon's Decision-Making Process

/^Problem recognitionA
/ gathering information \
/ Develop and \ (Actual selection
I evaluate alternative of a solution
I about a problem, ) j

V calling for a decision / y solutions

j for implementation


I i
Source; Herbert A. Simon, The New Science cf Management Decisions (Englewood Cli&, N.J.: Prentice- Hall,
1960), pp. 54-5.

ment has about the cause of a problem, the better is the likelihood of
designing a good decision. A DSS can provide intelligence through informa-
tion retrieval and statistical packages.
The design phase of decision making focuses on the evaluation of
decision alternatives. During this phase, computer-based deterministic or
stochcistic models may be used for decision design. DSS plays a major role
in decision design under uncertainty. The output of the model(s) is the
basis for the choice phase of decision making.


Understanding the systems concept and the role of the computer in gener-
ating information for decision making is a prerequisite for designing com-
puter-based systems to serve the needs of business users. To illustrate the
multifaceted nature of systems thinking, the master model in Figure 1-13
shows a human resource information system (HRIS) that operates within
cind is influenced by en\'ironmental and organizational factors. The environ-
mental factors are the actions of competitors; geographic, sociocultural,
political, and economic factors; and government regulations. The organiza-
tional factors include company goals; the existing structure, tools, and
technology; company policies; and physical and financial resources.
Once these determine
factors are defined, the next step for analysis is to
the outputs, inputs, processes, and feedback mechanisms. The output
should measure employee performance and how well performance meets
prescribed standards. Input is defined in terms of the type and caliber of
employees to be hired. This invoJves job analysis, human resources plan-
ning, recruitment, and selection. Each input becomes a part of a human
resource management data base that is accessible for future reference.

FIGURE 1-13. Personnel Inlormotion Systems Model

Legal/Environmental factors in personnel decisions

Economic factors Governmental regulations

Political (actors ^ ~"^^^^ Civil rights laws

y/^ Organizational (actors in personnel decisions \^

Socio-cultural factors Labor lavifs

Geographical (actors /
Physical and financial
\ \ Judicial interpretations
Tools and technology Labor-management relations
Value systems o( managers
and workers
Company policies and traditions
Actions o( competitors / Work groups and the mtormal
organization Differences in jobs and people

Productivity inducing
The Personnel
System Career path planning
Employee motivation
Skill training
Pay and benefits
Incentive programs Need fulfillment
Performance appraisal
Personal growth
Job analysis and evaluation and development
Human resources planning
Recruitment and selection
Job data
Compensation data
Manpower forecasts
Productivity Maintaining
Recruitment data
Biographical data
Testing data Management development
Performance data Organization development
Health and safety Productivity
Labor relations maintenance
Communications, counseling.
and discipline
Personnel research

Inputs Processes Outputs

Personnel audit

Personnel policy
Personnel research

Source: W. Cascio, and E. M. Awad, Human Resources Management: An Information Systems Approach. (Reston, Va.:
Reston Publishing, 1981), p. 63.

As processes, the model first specifies productivity-inducing processes,

which include career path plcinning, employee motivation programs, skill
training, pay and benefits, incentive programs, and performance appraisal.
The second process is called a productivity-maintaining process, which is
designed to examine organizational tasks and establish job requirements to

channel emloxee talent toward goal attainment. This is done through man-
agement development, health and safet\' regulations, labor relations, com-
munications, counseling, and discipline. Taken as a group, the two
pixDcesses respond to, sustain, and upgrade the performance of the busi-
ness and the indi\iduals within it.
In designing a computer-based personnel system for a firm, the anal\'st
ma\' use the model to give a global picture of the role of personnel in the
organization, the laws and other external ien\ironmentali factors that per-
sonnel faces in making decisions, the tvpes and numbers of acti\ities or
applications that are candidates for computerization, and the prioritv of
each application for design and implementation. B\ following such a pix)-
cedure and knowing how pei^onnel "hangs together' within the framework
of the organization, the analyst can more easil\' plan for change, sell change
to the users, and pro\ide a good fit for the new personnel system in the
organization. This is whatand design are about: awareness, under-
standing, observation, assessment, justification, design, testing, and imple-

1. A systeman orderly grouping of interdependent components linked

together according to a plan to achie\e a specific objecti\e. Its main

characteristics are organization, interaction, inteixlependence, integra-
tion, and a central objective.

2. Systems analysis and design are the application of the systems ap-
proach to pix)blem sohing, generally using computers. To reconstruct a
system, the analyst must consider its elements outputs and inputs, —
processors, control, feedback, and en\ironment.
3. Systems fall into three classifications:
a. models or formulas.
Physical (tangible entities) or abstract, such as
b. Open allowing inputs and pro\iding outputs or closed, which
I i

isolateshxtm the en\ironment.


c. Man-made such as infomiation systems.

4. .A system may be a schematic ( two-dimensional i, a flow sxstem to
abstract the real world le.g., PERT one
charti, a static lexhibiting rela-
tionship such as a Gantt chcirti, or a d\Tiamic system model that
appro.ximates the business organization.
5. An information system is an open system that allows inputs and facili-
tates interaction with the user. The main characteristics of an open
sx'stem are input from outside, processing, output, opierating in cycles
through feedback, differentiation, and equifinalit\\

6. There are three lexels of infomiation in organizations that require a

special t\pe of infomiation svBteni:
a. Strategic information relates to long-i-ange planning policies and

upper management. It is achieved with the aid of decision support

b. Managerial infonnation helps middle management and department
heads in policy implementation and control. It is maintained with
the aid of management infoimation systems.
c. Operational information is daily information needed to operate the
business. It is established by data processing systems.
7. The nature of information and managerial levels is i-elated to whether
decision making is stnjctui-ed or unstructui"ed. A relatively closed,
stable, and mechanistic business tends to develop a more structured
information pixjcess for planning and contix)!. Open, dynamic organiza-
tions are associated with uncertain environments where more unstruc-
tured rather than structured decisions are made to cope with
8. The informal communications netw^ork employees in the organiza-
tion is a useful source for examining systems, since computers cannot
provide all the information. User staff support is important.
9. Managerial levels determine the kind of information needed to solve a
problem. Lower-level management needs detailed information to make
day-to-day structured decisions. Higher-level management requires
summarized information to attain goals. MIS is a combination of infor-
mation for various managerial levels.
10. The key element of MIS is the data base — ideally, a nonredundant
collection of interrelated data items that are processed through applica-
tion programs. The data base offers several advantages to end usere and
is the wave of the future.
11. The historical nature of MIS reports and the needwith unstruc-
to deal
tured problem situations piximpted the inti-oduction of DSS. The con-
cept is future oriented, emphasizing decision making in problem

situations, not information processing; it requires a computer-aided

environment and accentuates a combined "man," machine, and deci-
sion environment.

Key Words
Abstract System Entropy
Closed System Equifinality
Control Equilibrium
Data Base Feedback
Data Base Management System Flow System Model
(DBMS) Gantt Chart
Decision Support System (DSS) General Systems Theory
Differentiation Information
Dynamic System Model Information System

Input PERT
Integration Physical System
Interdependence Policy
Management Information System Processing
(MIS) Schematic Model
Model Static System Model
Open System Steady State
Orgcinization System
Organization Chart Systems Analysis

Review Questions
1. You have heard people discuss systems. What is a system? What is

systems analysis?
2. From your understanding of this chapter, do you need a computer to
do systems analysis? Discuss.

3. Take an organization with which you are familiar and examine the
a. Primary subsystems.
b. Characteristics.
c. Elements.
d. Purpose.
4. List the parts and functions of the foUovvdng systems:
a. Microcomputer.
b. Stapler.
c. Your business school or department.
5. Consider an automobile and a hospital as two systems. Identify the
following as an input and/or output for each system:
a. Batteries.
b. Cured patients.
c. Doctors.
d. Driver's performance.
e. Drugs.
/ Gasoline.
g. Information.
h. Motion.
A patient who died.
j. Tires.
k. X-ray machine.
6. What are the elements of a system? Cim you have a viable system with-
out feedback? Explain.
7. Distinguish between:
a. Interaction and interdependence.


b. Physical and abstract systems.

c. Open and closed systems.
d. Schematic and static systems models.
8. Discuss the primary characteristics of open systems. In what way is a
system entropic?
9. How important is the informal information system in systems analysis?

10. What categories of information are relevant to decision making in busi-

ness? Relate each category to the managerial level and an information
11. Discuss the concepts of MIS and DSS. How are they related? How do
they differ?
12. Why is a data base important in MIS? Explain.
13. Write a short essay on the concept and uses of DSS. Include a brief
discussion on the relationship between DSS iind decision making.

Application Problems

Touhy Lumber wholesale and retail distributor of building

is a Icirge

supplies. It purchases products in truckloads and sells them to builders

and homeowners in smaller orders, depending on the item. The firm is
very successful. It has two other stores —
all located in a large mid-

western city with a population of 6 million.

The organization structure of the firm is as follows:

President and Owner.

General Manager.
Three supervisors in charge of contractor, lumber, and hardware
departments, respectively.
Three employees in the contractor's depeirtment, 14 in the lumber
area, and 9 in hardware.

The president's main concern is to control the huge inventory and

many supplies that arrive by truck and train three times a week. The
firm has no prior computer experience. No expansion of business
planned, although the firm advertises heavily in the local
activities is
newspapers and on radio to maintain a high sales volume. Products
such as roofing material, lumber, bathroom fixtures, and paint continue
to be the main lines of the firm.



You have been asked by the firm's president to examine the firm's
stiTicture, market share, and oxerall peifomiance as a basis for discuss-
ing a possible computer system for in\entor\- control. .Vll \ou know
about the company is what is described here. You are to prepare for the
first meeting with the president.

a. What questions will \ on ask to do the following?
i. De\elop an organization chart,
ii. Understand the organization structure and the t\pe of system the firm

iii. Learn about the current inventory system,

iv. Assess the relationship between the organization and the community',

W Remember
customer's, \endors,
that \oui-
and others.
purpose is to find out whether there is a need for a
system stud\' to install computer-based in\entor^ contixjl.

b. Using the case situation of Touhy Lumber, how important are the following
systems concepts for systems analysis? Explain.
i. Data base,
ii. Feedback,
iii. Interdependence.
i\ Open and closed systems.
V. Organization chart,
vi. Svstem-subsvstem interface.

You are in a coffee shop across the street fixim school ha\ing lunch. A
customer walks up to the counter-. You ohsene the following:

Customer: Hi Jtine, I'd like a burger to go. Everything but onions.

Jane (waitress): An\ihing else?

Customer: Yes, a small order of fiies and a root beer.

Jane: That 11 be $2.35.

She collects the cash and places the an electiunic cash

orxler thixjugh
i-egister that automaticalK' displass the orxler on a TV screen in the back
rxiom where orders are pr-epar-ed. \\ hen the order is ready, Jane puts it
in a bag and hands it to the customer.

a. Kxplain the pattern of this system in action. Specifically discuss the follow-
i. The organization systen^ characteristics,
ii. the subsystems, infoniialion flow, and interfaces.

iii. The types of inteixiependence in the organization stnjcture and the

nature of feedback,
iv. Inputs and outputs and enviixjnment.
V. Formal and informal infomiation systems.
Ifyou were to improve the performance of this establishment, what would
you do? How? Explain.

You are waiting in line to register for this semester's courees. A student
ahead of you is talking to a registration counselor. You overhear the
following conversation.

Student: Good morning, (He hands the counselor an

I'd like to register.

IBM card listing the courses he wants to take for the semester.]

Counselor: [She looks over the class enrollment sheets and finds EDP
320 (systems analysis) closed.] I'm sorry, but the systems class is
closed. I can't add you on. You'll have to take it next term. Check
with your adxdsor for another couree. Management 415 is also
closed. If you have to take it, you need peimission ft'om the instruc-
tor. Accounting 410 is OK, but your ad\isor did not initial it on the

card. The other three coui'ses are OK. I'll put your name down.

Student: You've got to be joking. This is my last semester. I have to take

the systems couree or I won't be able to graduate.
Counselor: Sorry, there is little I can do. Why don't you see your advisor
about that?
Student: I saw her yesterday. She said she was going to be out of town
till school starts next Wednesday.
Counselor: Then see the department chaiiTnan. If I were you, I'd go
right away, because the classes are filling fast.
Student: [looking frustrated] I'll see. [He dashes out the door.]

a. What type of system is it (open versus closed)? Why? Specify the system-
subsystem linkages, interfaces, and interdependence.
fa. In what way is the registration pix)cess a subsystem? Explain.

Selected References
Bertalanffy, Ludwig. General Systems Theory. New York: George Braziller, 1968.
Garry, G. A., and M. S. Scott Morton. "A Framework for MIS." Sloan Management
Review 13 (Fall 1971), pp. 55-70.

Johnson, Richard A.; Fremont E. Kast; and James E. Rozensvveig. The Theory and
Management of Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973.
Keen, Peter, and M. S. Scott Morton. Decision Support Systems: An Organizational
Perspective. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978.
Kerola, P., and A. Jarvinen. "The FSC-Systemeering Model and Its Influence on the
Basic Concept Structure of Data Svstem Development." In Tempere Report
119781: Summan,- Report of the Svstemeering Research Seminar of Tampere 21,
ed. P. Kerola: M. Klemola: H. Kamarainen; and L. L\Atineh. Universit\ of Oulu,
Institute of Data Processing, Tampere, Finland 31.12.1978 (1978).
Luchsinger, \'incent P., and Thomas \'. Dock. The Systenjs .Approach: An Introduc-
tion. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendal Hunt Publishing, 1982.
Massie, J. L., and John Douglas. Managing 3d ed. Englewood ClifiEs, .\.J.: Prentice-
Hall, 1982, p. 270.
Simon, Herbert A. The Shape of Automation for Men and Management. New^ York:
Harper & Row, 1965.
VVelke, R. J., and B. P. Kons\Tiski. Technology, Methodolog\' & Information Sys-
tems: A Tripartite \'iew. Dafa Base, Fall 1982. pp. 41-57.
W'etherbe, James Systems Analysis and Design: Traditional, Structured, and Ad-
vanced Concepts and Techniques. 2d ed. Minneapolis, Minn.: West Publishing,
1984, pp. 21-38.
Wiener, Norbert. Cvbemetics. New York: John WOex' & Sons, 1948.
/• ,
Chapter 2

The System
Life Cycle
^ "
v' .

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The System Development Life Cycle


Impetus lor System Change


Project Terminortion

Considerations for Candidate Systems



At a Glance

Systems analysts work with users to Identity goals and build systems to achieve
them. System development revolves around a life cycle that begins with the
recognition of user needs. Following a feasibility study, the key stages of the
cycle are evaluation of the present system, information gathering, cost/benefit
analysis, detailed design, and implementation of the candidate system. The
life cycle is not a procedure that deals with hardware and software. It is

building computer-based systems to help the user operate a business or make

decisions effectively and manage an enterprise successfully. This is the basis for
learning systems analysis. ^,

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1 The makeup of the system development life cycle.
2. What prompts users to request change.

3. The components of a feasibility study.

4. The factors to consider in a candidate system.

5. How to plan and control for system success.



In Chapter 1 wediscussed the importance of systems concepts for develop-
ing business information systems. Developing such systems expedites prob-
lem solving and improves the quality of decision making. This is where the
role of systems analysts becomes crucial. They are confronted with the
challenging task of creating new systems and planning major changes in
the organization. Like architects, they work with users to identifv the goal(s),
agree on a procedure and a timetable, and deliver a system that meets the
user's requirements. It is a job that requires much personal contact be-
tween the analyst and members of the organization.
This chapter focuses on the stages of the system development life cycle,
sometimes referred to as a system study. The systems analyst gives a system
development project meaning and direction. A candidate system is ap-
proached after the analyst has a thorough understanding of user needs and
problems, has developed a viable solution to these problems, and then
communicates the solutionis) through the installation of a candidate sys-
tem. Candidate systems often cut across the boundaries of users in the
organization. For example, a billing system may involve users in the sales
order department, the credit department, the warehouse, and the account-
ing department. To make sure that all users' needs are met, a project team
that represents each user works vvath the analyst to carrv' out a system
development project. In complex projects, representatives ftxim other user
areas influenced by the candidate system as well as information systems
specialists may also be included.


To understand system development, we need to recognize that a candidate
system has a life system or a new product. Systems
cycle, just like a living
analysis and design are keyed to the system life cycle. The stages are shown
in Figui'e 2-1. The analyst must progress from one stage to another method-
ically, answering key questions and achieving results in each stage.

A word of caution regarding life cycle activities: We isolate and se-

quence these activities for learning purposes, but in real life they overlap
and are highly interrelated. For example, when the analyst is evaluating an
existing operation, he/she is probably thinking about an alternative way that
would improve the system or wondering whether a given piece of hardware
would be a critical cost item to consider for a candidate system. Therefore,
there can easily be overlap during any phase of the cycle. In fact, it may act
as a basis for modifying earlier steps taken. We now describe each of these

Recognition of Need — What Is the Problem?
One must know what the pixiblem is can be solved. The basis for a
before it

candidate system is recognition of a need for improving an information


FIGURE 2-1 System Development Lite Cycle

stage Key Question Result

1. Recognition of need
Pi-eliminaiy survey/ What is the problem or Statement of scope and
initial investigation opportunity? objectives
Performance criteria

2. Feasibility study
Evaluation of existing What £ire the user's Technical/liehavioral
system and procedures demonstrable needs? feasibility
Analysis of alternative Is the problem worth CostA)enefit analysis
candidate systems solving? System scope and objectives
Cost estimates How can the problem be Statement ofnew scope and
redefined? objectives

3. Analysis
Detailed evaluation of What must be done to solve Logical model of system
present system the problem? e^., data dictionary, data
Data collection What are the facts? flow diagram
Pertinent data

4. Design
General design In general, how must the Design of alternative
specifications problem be solved? solutions
Detailed design Specifically, how must the Final cost/benefit analysis
specifications problem be solved? Htuxlwiire specifications
Output What is the system Cost estimates
Input (processing) flow? Implementation specifica-
Files tions
Procedures Does the user approve the Implementation schedule
system? Approved of systems by user
Program construction Programs
Testing Test plans
Unit testing How well do individual Security, audit, and operating
Combined module programs/modules test out? procedures
testing How ready are programs for Actual hardware use
User acceptance acceptance test? Formal system test

5. Implementation
User training What is the actual operation? Training program
File/system conversion Are user manuals ready? User-ftiendly documentation
Are there delays in loading

6. Post-implementation and
Evaluation Is the key system running? User requirements met
Maintenance Should the system be User standards met
Enhancements modified? Satisfied user

system or a procedure. For example, a supenisor may want to in\estigate

the system flow in purchasing, or a bank president has been getting com-
plaints about the long lines in the dri\'e-in. This need leads to a pi'eliminan'
sur\'ey or an initial investigation to determine whether an alternati\'e system
can sohe the pixjblem. It entails looking into the duplication of effort,
bottlenecks, inefficient existing procedures, or whether parts of the existing
system would be candidates for computerization.
If the problem is serious enough, management may want to ha\'e an

cinalyst look at it. Such an assignment implies a commitment, especialK* if

the analyst is hired fham the outside. In larger environments, where formal
procedures are the norm, the analyst's fii'st task is to pi^pai^ a statement
'r^ specihing the scope and objective of the problem. He she then reviews it
with the user for accuracy. At this stage, only a i-ough "ball park estimate of "

r.' i-*
the development cost of the project may be reached. However, an accurate
cost of the next phase —
the feasibilitv' studv —
can be produced.

Impetus for System Change ^ ^

-i . ..,
The idea for change originates in the environment or irom within the
firm (see Figure Z-zC'Environment-based ideas originate fixjm customers,
vendors, government sources, and the For example, new unemplov-

ment compensation regulations may make it necessarv to change the i-e-

porting proceduie, fomiat, and content of various reports, as well as file
stinjctures. Customer complaints about the deliverv' of orders mav prompt
an investigation of the delivery schedule, the experience of truck drivers, or
the volume of orders to be delivered. When investigated, each of these ideas
may lead to a problem definition as a first step in the system life cycle
^^ ;^
(j- Ideas for change mav also come from within the organization — fop
management,^he user, me aniilyst (see Figure 2-2). As an'^ organization
changes operations or faces advances in computer technologv', someone

within the organization may feel the need to update existing applications or
impix)ve procedures. Here are some examples:
• An organization acquires another organization.
• A local bank branches into the suburtjs.

• A department spends 80 percent of its budget in one month.

• Two departments ai-e doing essentially the same work, and each depart-
ment head insists the other department should be eliminated.
• A request for a new fomi discloses the use of bootleg (unauthorized)

Serious pix)blems in ojjorations, a high rate of labor turnover, labor-

intensive activities, and high rejfct rates of finished goods, also piximpt top
\\ management to initiate an investigation. Other examples are:

• A rc'port reaches a senior vice president and she suspects the figui-es.

FIGURE 2-2 Major Sources ot Change

Sources of -*
Organization-based Environment-based
system ideas

Organization rules and

-^1 for 1^4-


Systems analyst Recogni- Competition

tion of


Analysis O

Design Q.
Imple- w



• The company comptroller reads an IRS audit report and starts thinking.

• An executive read about decision support systems for sales forecasting

cind it gives him cin idea.

Many of these ideas lead to further studies by management request, often

funneled downward and carried out by lower management.
d) User-originated ideas also prompt initial investigations. For example, a
bcink's head teller has been noticing long customer lines in the lobby. She
wants to know w^hether they are due to the computer's slow response to
inquiries, the new tellers' limited training, or just a sudden increase in bank
business. To what extent and how quickly a user-originated idea is con-
verted to a feasibility study depend on several factors:

• The risks and potential returns.

• Management's bias tow^ard the user.

• Financial costs and the funds available for system work.

• Priorities of other projects in the firm.
• The persuasive ability of the user.

All these factors are crucial for a prompt response to a user request for
change. A ^systems analyst is in a unique position to detect and even
recommend change. Experience and previous involvement in the user's
area of operations make him/her a convenient resource for ideas. The role
and status of the analyst as a professional add credibility to the suggestions

FeasibUitY Study
Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded
to a more detailed feasibility study. As we shall leam in Chapter 7, a
feasibility study is a test of a system proposal according to its workability,
impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of
resources. It focuses on three major questions:

1. What are the user's demonstrable needs and how does a candidate
system meet them?
2. What resources cire available for given candidate systems? Is the prob-
lem worth solving?
3. What are the likely impact of the Ccmdidate system on the organization?
How well does it fit within the organization's master MIS plan?

Each of these questions must be answered carefully. They revolve

around investigation and evaluation of the problem, identification and
description of candidate systems, specification of performance and the cost
of each system, and final selection of the best system.
The objective of a feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to
acquire a s^nse of its scope. During the study, the problem definition is

crystallized and aspects problem to be included in the system are

of the
determined. Consequently, costs and benefits are estimated with greater
accuracy at this stage. Cost/benefit analysis is described in Chapter 8.
The result of the feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is simply a
report —a formal document detailing the nature and scope of the proposed
solution. The pixjposal summarizes what is known and what is going to be
done. It consists of the following:

1. Statement of the problem — a carefully worded statement of the prob-

lem that led to analysis.

2. Summary offindings and recommendations —a list of the major findings

and recommendations of the study. It is ideal for the user who requires
quick access to the results of the analysis of the system under study.
Conclusions are stated, followed by a list of the recommendations and a
justification for them.

3. Details offindings — an outline of the methods and procedures under-

taken by the existing system, followed by coverage of the objectives and
procedures of the candidate system. Included are also discussions of
output reports, file stnjctures, and costs and benefits of the candidate
4. Recommendations and conclusions — specific recommendations re-
garding the candidate system, including personnel assignments, costs,
project schedules, and target dates.

After the proposal reviewed by management, it becomes a formal


agreement that paves the way for actual design and implementation. This is
a crucial decision point in the life cycle. Many projects die here, whereas
the more promising ones continue through implementation. Changes in
the proposal are made in vvriting, depending on the complexity, size, and
cost of the project. It is simply common sense to verify changes before
committing the project to design.

Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system
and their relationships within and outside of the system. A key question is:

What must be done problem? One aspect of analysis is defining

to solve the
the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate
system should consider other related systems. During analysis, data are
collected on the available files, decision points, and transactions handled by
the present system. We shall learn in Chapters 6 and 8 about some logical
system models and tools that are used in analysis. Data flow diagrams,
interview's, on-site observations, and questionnaires
The in- are examples.
terview is a commonly used tool in analysis. and It requires special skills
sensitivity to the subjects being interviewed. Bias in data collection and
interpretation can be a problem. Training, experience, and common sense
are required for collection of the information needed to do the analysis.

Once analysis is completed, the analyst has a firm understanding of

what is to be done. The next step is to decide how the problem might be
solved. Thus, in systems design, we move fiDm the logical to the physical
aspects of the life cycle.

^. Design
The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is system
design. The term design describes a final system and the process by which it
is developed. It refers to the technical specifications (analogous to the
engineer's blueprints) that vvdll be applied in implementing the candidate
system. It also includes the construction of pixjgrams and program testing.
The key question here is: How should the problem be solved? The major
steps in design are shown in Figure 2-3.
The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in
what format. Samples of the output land input) are also presented. Second,
input data and master files (data base) have to be designed to meet the
requirements of the pixjposed output. The operational (processing) phases
are handled through pixjgram construction and testing, including a list of
the programs needed to meet the system's objectives and complete docu-
mentation. Finally, details related to justification of the system and an
estimate of the impact of the candidate system on the user and the organi-
zation are documented and evaluated by management as a step toward
The final report prior to the implementation phase includes procedural
flowcharts, record layouts, report layouts, and a workable plan for imple-
menting the candidate system. Information on pereonnel, money, hard-
ware, facilities, and their estimated cost must also be available. At this point,
projected costs must be close to actual costs of implementation.
In some groups of programmers do the programming,
firms, separate
whereas other firms employ analyst-programmers who do analysis and
design as well as code pix)grams. For this discussion, we assume that
analysis and pixjgramming are carried out by two separate persons. There
are certain fimctions, though, that the analyst must peiform while pro-
grams are being written. Operating procedures and documentation must be
completed. Security and auditing procedures must also be developed. A
detailed discussion of security and audit is presented in Chapter 16.

/• Implementation
The implementation phase is less creative than system design. It is pri-
marily concerned with user training, site pi-eparation, and file convei-sion.
When the candidate system is linked to terminals or i^mote sites, the
telecommunication network anc^ tests of the network along with the system
ai^e also included under implementation.

During the final testing, user acceptance is tested, followed by user


FIGURE 2-3 Steps in System Design



submitted to
management for

Go to implementation

training.Depending on the nature of the system, extensive user training

may be required. Conversion usually takes place at about the same time the
user being trained or later.

In the extreme, the progi'ammer is falsely \iewed as someone who

ought to be isolated ftxjm other aspects of svstem development. Program-
ming is itself design work, howe\'er. The initial parameters of the candidate
system should be modified as a result of programming efforts. Programming
provides a "reality test" for the assumptions made by the analyst. It is
therefore a mistake to exclude programmers from the initial system design.
System testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the system to

access, update, and retrieve data from new files. Once the programs become
available, test data are read into the computer and processed against the
file(s) provided for testing. If successful, the program(s) is then nan with

"live" data. Otherwise, a diagnostic procedure is used to locate and coirect

errors in the program. In most conversions, a parallel run is conducted
where the new system runs simultaneously with the "old" system. This
method, though costly, provides added assurance against errors in the
candidate system and also gives the user staff an opportunity to gain
experience through operation. In some cases, however, parallel processing
is not practical. For example, it is not plausible to nan parallel two online

point-of-sale (POS) systems for a retail chain. In any case, after the candidate
system proves itself, the old system is phased out.

U Post-Implementation and Maintenance

After the installation phasecompleted and the user staff is adjusted to the

changes created by the candidate system, evaluation and maintenance

begin. Like any system, there is an aging process that requires periodic
maintenance of hardware and software. If the new information is inconsis-
tent with the design specifications, then changes have to be made. Hard-
ware also requires periodic maintenance to keep in tune with design
specifications. The importance of maintenance is to continue to bring the
new system to standards.
User priorities, changes in organizational requirements, or environmen-
tal factors cilso call for system enhancements. To contrast maintenance wath

enhancement, if a bank decided to increase its service charges on checking

accounts ftxDm $3.00 to $4.50 for a minimum balance of $300, it is mainte-
nance. However, if the same bank decided to create a personal loan on
negative balances when customers overdraw their account, it is enhance-
ment. This change requires evaluation, program modifications, and further
testing. Software maintenance is covered in Chapter 14.

Project Termination
A system project may be dropped at any time prior to implementation,
although it becomes more difficult (and costly) when it goes past the design
phase. Generally, projects are dropped if, after a review process, it is learned

• Changing objectives or requirements of the user cannot be met by the

existing design.

• Benefits realized ft om the candidate system do not justify commitment

to implementation.

• There issudden change in the user's budget or an increase

a in design
costs beyond the estimate made during the feasibility study.
• The pixjject greatly exceeds the time and cost schedule.

In each case, a system project may be terminated at the user's request.


In contrast to project termination is new system failure. There are many

reasons a new system does not meet user requirements:

• User requirements were not clearly defined or understood. Figure 2-4

illustrates this point.

• The user was not directly involved in the crucial phases of system
• The analyst, programmer, or both were inexperienced.
• The systems analyst (or the project team) had to do the woric under
stringent time constraints. Consequently, not enough thought went into
the feasibility study and system design.
• User training was poor.
• Existing hardware proved deficient to handle the new application.

• The new system left users in other departments out of touch with
information that the old system had provided.
• The new system was not user-fiiendly.

• Users chcmged their requirements.

• The user stafi^ was hostile.

The list can be expanded to include many more causes. The important
point is that although advances in computer systems and software make life
easier for the analyst, the success of a system project depends on the

FIGURE 2-4 The Systems Design Proceduie

As produced by the programmefs As installed at Vne user's site What the user wanted

Source: Adapted fiDm the Educational Exploration Center Newsletter, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

experience, creative ability, and knowledge of the analyst and the support

from the user This suggests that the analyst be skilled in the state of

the art (hardwai-e and software) as well as in dealing with people. The role of
the analyst is covered in Chapter 3.


In today's business, there ismore demand for computer sei'vices than there
are resources available to meet the demand. The demand is made up of the

1. Operations of existing systems.

2. Maintenance that focuses on "patching" programs — often representing
over 50 percent of maintenance.
3. Enhancements that involve major modifications in program stiiicture
or equipment.
4. Requests for candidate systems.

All these demands require resources — human, financial, and technological.

On the human side, the computer department has to provide the following:

Computer operators to run equipment.

Data entry personnel.
Systems analysts to define and design specifications.
Application programmers to convert system specifications to computer
Maintenance programmers to repair errors.

Supervisors, project leaders, and managers to coordinate the jobs with

the users.

Thus, the basic problem match the demands for services v^th the
is to
available resources. How much one project is favored over another depends
on technical, behavioral, and economic factors.
The technical factor involves the system department's ability to handle a
project. Much depends on the availability of qualified analysts, designers,
and software specialists to do the woik. This is especially true in designing
data bases and implementing complex systems for large concerns. The
alternative to abandoning a project because of limited talent on the inside is
ft'ee-lancing it to an outside consulting firm. The cost of developing the
project has to be weighed against the total benefits expected.
The behavioral factor involves (1) the user's past experience with an
existing system, (2) the success record of the analyst, and (3) the infiuence
the user can exert on upper management to finance a candidate system.
Political considerations that subjectively favor one project over another, the
status of the department, and its peifoimance record are additional factore
that bear on funding a candidate system.


Perhaps the most important criterion in selecting a project is the

economic factor. It focuses on the system's potential return on investment.
What considered an acceptable rate varies with different formulas, the

variables chosen, and the like. System consultants suggest an annual rate of
return of just over 20 percent.

Political Considerations

In conjunction with the preceding considerations is the political factor,

which is partly behavioral. Imagine this setting: production Managers in a
firm are considering two office automation proposals: proposal A a tele- —
conferencing system designed to reduce travel costs, and proposal B —
sales support system. Proposal A is justified by hard figures, but it was
turned dovvni. Instead, proposal B (poorly presented and justified) was
sponsored by an influential executive and had the support of the commit-
tee. It passed because the right people were convinced it should.
Politics is the art of using influence and building cocilitions when
routine procedures do not achieve the right results. When system projects
are developed, a collaborative relationship with the end user is helpful. A
user who participated in building a system rarely criticizes it. If such a
participative relationship comes too late, resistance can crop up and pol-
itics comes into play. The trick is to anticipate resistance early and turn it

into support.

Planning and Control for System Success

What can the analyst do to ensure the success of a system? First, a plan
must be devised, detailing the procedure, some methodology, activities,
resources, costs, and timetable for completing the system. Second, in larger
team must be formed of analysts, programmers, a system
projects, a project
consultant, and user representatives. Shared knowledge, interaction, and
the coordination realized through team effort can be extremely effiective in
contrast with indixddual analysts doing the same work. Finally, the project
should be divided into manageable modules to reflect the phases of system

development analysis, design, and implementation.
Most of this work falls under project management and control. The
main idea behind the system development life cycle is to formalize a means
of establishing control over a complex process. Work units have to be
structured at three major levels for effective control of the project (see
Figure 2-51. At the lowest level, work assignments are broken down into
small manageable tasks. A task is usually a well-defined, structured work
unit that can be carried out by one individual. The task can be easily
budgeted and scheduled and its quality measured. It can be easUy com-
pleted independent of other tasks and other project team members. If
rework is necessary, there is minimal loss or impact on other tasks, except
where time is critical.

FIGURE 2-5 Phases, Activities, and

Tasks of a System Project

I. D Problem definition
II. /I^ Feasibility study

VI. D Evaluation

/ /

A. n Economic feasibility

B. D Organizational feasibility

D./Ih'Application feasibility

Z •V
/ I
/ I
/ I \
/ / \ ^^

1. D Interview secretaries

2. D Summarize findings

3. D Prepare pie chart on

results of data collected

9. D Compare company's goals to

capabilities of candidate

The second which work units are structured involves activities

level at
that have a larger scope and are designed to produce substantial i-esults. An
activity is a group of logically related tasks that serve one phase of the
system development life cycle.
A phase, a third level of control, is a set of activities that bring the project
to a ciitical milestone. Milestones are steppingstones that make up the
entire piTjject. •
To illustrate these levels, Figure 2-6 shows six major phases of a system
master plan for a given client (user). Each phase (numbered by a roman

FIGURE 2-6 Major Phases of a System Master Plan— An Example

(client name)



A Definition of organizational
B Defi n ition of ndustry /environment

C Definition of current tMJ5ir>ess

D Definition of system goals

A Economic feasibility
6 Organizatior^l feasibility
C Alternative systems feasibility
D Application feasibility
A System Configuration audit
B Hardware audit
C Software audit
A Requests for Proposals
B Selection Cniena
C Evaluation of Vendors

A. Ptiysicai Site Preparation
B. Training Plan
C Installation of Hardware
D Installation of System Software
E- Custom PrograrrvTiing (optior^l)
F Installation of Application
G Hardware/Software Testing
(vendor data)
H Documentation Plan (optional)
I Systems Development
J. Parallel Testing (user data)
K Conversion Cutover
A Project Evaluation
B Internal Control Review
C. Documentation Review
D. Recommerxlations

numeral) has the must be carried out. The table includes

activities that
specifications regarding the ai'ea to which each acti\it\' should be dele-
gated, implementation dates, and a Gantt chart to show the range of
completion dates for each activitv'. Figure 2-7 expands on Phase 1 (definition
phase). Under each of the four activities (represented by A, B, C, and D) are
individual tasks that must be completed. Similar to the organization in
Figure 2-6, each task is delegated to an area or a team member and
implementation dates are defined. Note that each activity falls within a
specific phase of the system master plan. Phase boundaries do not overlap,
although activities ftDm different phases may be completed simultaneously.
In planning a project, the following steps should be taken:

1. Identify the activities in each phase and the tasks within each activity.

2. Calculate the budget for each phase and obtain agreement to proceed.
3. Review, record, and summarize progress on activities periodically.

4. Prepare a project progress report at the end of a reporting month.



FIGURE 2-7 Activities and Tasks of the Definition Phase

(client name)



Receive approval from upper management
to perform ttie systems study
Select a qualified person(s) to under-
take and supervise ttie systems study
Decide whettier to use consultants or
vendors in the systems study
Solicit recommendations and cooperation
from all departments
Delegate responsibility to appropriate
department personnel
Orient the staff as to the general
goals, purpose, techniques, and extent
of their involvement in the study
up a time schedule and work
program by phases to control the
completion of tasks

Document significant national and
local economic conditions
Document the effect of economic con-
ditions on client industryand business
Document the nature and competition of
the client's industry
Document system problems unique to the
client's industry

Prepare a description of the business
Prepare a description of major products
or services
Document the corporate structure
Prepare an organizational chart
Prepare a list of all current and
proposed employees and their functions
Review the most recent financial
statements and budgets
Review the long-term and short-term
financing and budgeting of the current
and proposed facilities
Document any significant or relevant
matters which affect systems planning

summaiy, system development should not be regarded merely as

some procedure that deals with hardware and software. The original as-
sumptions upon which system specifications were based should be tested
and reevaluated with the user in mind. Managing system projects includes
the important responsibility of seeing to it that all features of the candidate

system technological, logical, and behavioral — are considered before im-
plementation and maintenance.

As can be deduced from the discussion on system development, there are
two major problems with building information systems: (1) the system
development life cycle takes too long and (2) the light system is rarely
developed the first time. Lengthy development frustrates the user. Analysts
seem to get bogged down with tedious methodologies for developing sys-
tems. The reason they often come up with the wixing system is that they

FIGURE 2-7 (concluded)

(Client name)



• Document the general long-tefm and sNxt-
lemi txjsiness and systems obiectives
• Document areas to improve by department
and^or function
Document the proposed hardware
capabilities' obiectives
• Document the proposed system software
• Document the proposed data processing
applicatKxi capabilities objectives
• Document the proposed word processing
application capabilities/obiectives
• Document the proposed systems pei^onnel

expect users to define their information requirements. It usually turns out

that what users ask for is not what they want, and what they want is not
w^hat they need.^
An by analysis" is an advanced technique
alternati\e to this "paralxsis
called protot\j)ing. Prototvping recognizes problems of cognitive stAle and
uses advanced computer technology (see Figure 2-8). It advocates building
a simple system through trial and error and refining it through an iterati\'e
process. The most extensive research on prototsping has been conducted
by Naumann and Jenkins.- The basic steps are:

1. Identify' the users information and operating requirements.

' Jeimes C. Wetherbe. Advanced System Dexelopment Techniques A\oid ',Anal\'sis bv Paral-
ysis," Data Management, Februari- 1984, p. 49.
2 J. D. Naumann and M. A. Jenkins. ProtoKping: The New Paradigm for System De\'elop-
ment," MIS Quarterly. September 1982, pp. 15-21.

FIGURE 2-8 System Development Life Cycle with Prototyping

Analyze proto-
Identify user type Implement Final
requirements Input, processing, prototype conversion

Revise through
itprflfiup nrorp_<;<; *
"' '
' '

..... 1


Source: Adapted from J. C. Wetherbe. ".Ad\'anced System Dexielopment Techniques .Axnid 'Analysis by Paralysis."
Data Management, Febrviaiy 1984, p. 51.

2. De\elop a working prototvpe that focuses on only the most important

functions, using a basic data base.

3. Allow the user to use the prototvpe, discuss requested changes, and
implement the most important changes.
4 Repeat the next \ersion of the prototvpe with further changes incorpo-
rated untU the system fully meets user requirements.

Prototvping and adxanced system dexelopment techniques ha\'e been

successful in a wide \ ariet\' of applications. The benefits include shorter
development time, more accurate user requirements, and greater user
participation and support. Prototvping as a strateg\" for detennining user
requirements is discussed in Chapter 5.

1. Sx'stems anal\'sis and design ai^e kexed to the life cycle. The stages are:
a. Recognition of the need for change.
b. Feasibility study.
c. Analysis of the present system.
d. Design of a candidate system.
e. Testing and implementation of the system.
f. Post-implementation.
2. The idea for change originates in the en\ironment igovemment, con-
sumers, union, etc.i or from within the firm luser, anal\'st, etc.i. Once the
problem is \erified, an initial in\estigation is conducted detemiine
whether change is feasible. If the answer is yes, a feasibilitx' study is
3. Analysis is a detailed stud\' of the \'aiious operations performed bv a
system. This inxoKes gathering information and using structured tools
for ancilvsis.

System design refers to the technical specifications that will be applied

in implementing the candidate system. This involves inputoutput, file,
and pix)cessing design.

5. —
Implementation is concerned with detail the physical creation of the
candidate system. The key point is actual operation and user accept-
ance testing befoi'e the system is released to the user.
6. After implementation, maintenance begins. This includes enhance-
ments, modifications, or any change from the original specifications.
This phase terminates the system development life cycle.
7. In deciding on the project to design, a number of factors are consid-
ered: technical (availability of qualified specialists), operational (user's
experience with similar projects), and economic (cost effectiveness of
the proposed system). Political considerations also play a role in the
final selection.

8. To ensure the success of the system, careful and often extensive plan-
ning is required. This work falls under project management, where a
project is organized into work unit levels involving tasks (lowest level),
activities, phases, and milestones. The overall management process is
crucial to the successful completion of systems.

Key Words
Activity Milestone
Analysis Parallel Run
Candidate System Phase
Design Prototyping
Feasibility Study System Development
Implementation Task
Initial Investigation

Review Gtuestions
1. What is the system development life cycle? How does it relate to
systenns analysis?

2. How would an analysis determine the user's needs for a system? Ex-

3. Where do ideas for a proposed system originate? To what extent does

the analyst assist in this regard?
4. Distinguish between initial investigation and feasibility study. In what
way are they related?
5. Why is a system proposal so crucial for system design? Explain.

6. What is the difference between analysis and design? Can one begin to
design without analysis? Why?
7. What activities make up system design? How does system design sim-
plify implementation?
8. A number of activities are carried out under implementation. Elaborate.
9. When does an analyst terminate a project? How does it tie in with post-
implementation? Explain.

10. There are several considerations in deciding on a candidate system.

What are they? Why are they important? Be specific.

11. Explain briefly the levels of structuring work units in system develop-

Application Problems

1 Refer to Application Problem 3 in Chapter 1 and determine the steps

you would take to develop the registration cycle.

An analystwas asked by a bank president to look into installing online

terminals for all tellers. The bank has 15 tellers in the lobby and 9 tellers
in the drive-in. The teller department reports to operations. The bank is
organized with the following departments:

a. Operations department, which includes bookkeeping, tellers, check

processing, microfilm, customer service, and accounting. This de-
partment has 58 employees and 4 officers.
b. Commercial and installment loan department, which handles auto
loans, home improvement loans, secured loans, and commercial
loans for small businesses. The department has eight employees
and three officers.
c. Audit department, which verifies the entire bank's operations, au-
dits the books, and investigates cash shortages or overages.

d. Safe deposit department, which is in charge of 6,000 safe deposit

boxes housed in a vault off" the lobby. Three employees handle
customer service and billing.
e. Personnel department, which performs services such as health
insurance administration, reci-uitment, testing, training, and
human resources planning. The department is run by a director
and one assistant.

The present teller system has electronic terminals that use paper
tape to captur-e deposits, withdrawals, and other transactions. At the
end of the day, the tape goes to data pixjcessing, where the information
is entered on tape for Rngi pixjcessing. If a teller needs an account

balance, she dials bookkeeping, which looks up the balance in a com-

puter-generated rt^port. The teller then writes the balance on a slip and

hands it to the customer. An online teller terminal performs the same

function in a matter of seconds.

a. If you were the analyst, what detaUed plan would you lay out to represent
the system life cycle for a possible installation? Explain each step in detail.

b. In this particular case, where would you start the cycle? What step do you
consider most crucial? Explain.

The wants to modify is order entry

\ice president of a large retail store
system. He problem as follows: "1 need a report that gives me
states the
information on the aging of back orders."

a. What questions w^ould you ask?

b. Outline the procedure to follow.

Selected References
Brooks, Cyril; Phillip Grouse; D. Ross Jeffrey; and Michael Lawrence. Information
System Design. Englewood Cliifs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, 1982, pp. 86-105.
Naumann, J. D., and M. A. Jenkins. "Prototyping: The New Paradigm for System
Development." MIS Quarterly, September 1982, pp. 49-53.
Senn, James A. Analysis and Design of Information Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1984, pp. 17-23.
Wetherbe, James C. "Advanced System Development Techniques Avoid Analysis by
Paralysis.' " Data Management, Februaiy 1984, pp. 49-52.
Chapter 3

The Role of
the Systems Analyst




Historical Perspective



What Does It Take to Do Systems Analysis?


The Multifaceted Role of the Analyst



At a Glance

A feasibility study and the eventual design and implementation ol a computer

system are the functions of the systems analyst. The role requires a combination
of skills, experience, personality, and common sense. Many individuals in
business can benefit by learning the duties and responsibilities of the analyst.
Users, managers, and accountants must understand how the analyst relates to
them and how interface should be maintained.
Systems analysis has a history dating to the late 1890s. The role of the
analyst has been emerging with the changing technology. This means that
technical skills are required for systems work. The fact that a system is designed
for a specific user also means that the analyst must have interpersonal skills.
The multifaceted role of the analyst, then, warrants detailed discussion.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1 What takes to do systems analysis.

2. The academic and personal qualifications of systems analysts.

3. The multifaceted role of the analyst.
4. How to maintain proper interface with the user.
5. The behavioral issues that contribute to system success.
6. The place of the analyst in the MIS organization.

The Analyst/User Interface

User Motivation
Analyst/User Differences
The Political Factor


The Place of the Analyst in the MIS Organization

Primary Functions of an MIS Facility
Functions of Key System Personnel

Manager MIS Services

Manager Systems Department
The Systems Analyst

Rising Positions in System Development



Designing and implementing systems to suit organizational needs are the
functions of the systems analyst. He/she plays a major role in seeing busi-
ness beneiit from computer technology. The analyst is a person with unique
skills. The job is not confined to data processing as such, because it deals

hea\il\' with people, procedures, and technolog\'. Common sense, a struc-

tui-ed framew ork, and a disciplined approach to sohing pix)blems ai'e a part
of analysis. Many individuals in business can benefit by learning the func-
tions of and techniques used by the analyst. Users, managers, accountants,
and auditors must understand how the analyst relates to them. This chap-
ter, then, describes the role of the analyst in system development and the

interf^ace maintained between the anah'st and the user.

The has been emerging uith changing technology. The
role of the analyst
literature suggests several definitions of analyst, but there seems to be a
common thread. A repi^sentati\e definition is the Random House Diction-
ary: "a person who conducts a methodical study and evaluation of an
activity such as a business to identi^/ its desired objectives in order to
determine procedures by which these objectives can be gained."^ A similar
definition is offered by Nicholas: "The task of the systems analyst is to elicit
needs and resource constraints and to translate these into a viable opera-


The Early Years

Systems analysis dates back to the late 1890s to the principles of Frederick
Tavior. Taylor's approach focused on the eff"ective use of humans at work."^
The four key steps in scientific management are:
1. Develop an ideal method of doing a task and establish a standard for it.
In turn, the worker should be paid an incentive for exceeding the
2. Select the best person for the job and train him/her accordingly.
3. Incorporate the scientific method with well-trained people.

' Handom House Dictionary, 1979.

- John M. Nicholas, Transactional Analysis for Systems Professionals," Journal of System
Management, October 1978, p. 6. *
3 Henry C. Lucas, Jr., The Analysis, Design, and Implementation of Information Systems (New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1981). p. 14.

4. Establish cooperation between manager and worker based on the divi-

sion of labor.

Taylorism had problems, however. It was basically physiological in

emphasis and ignored behavior. It applied to lower-level, repetitive tasks
and said nothing about decision making in organizations. It assumed that
money is a primary motivator and that humans always act rationally. It also
suggested that people are lazy. They do not want to work, so close
supervision is required.
Later in the 1940s, Taylor's scientific approach was modified by theo-
ristssuch as Maslow,^ McGregor,^ Likert, and Schein. They focused on the
psychological needs of people at work. Maslow, for example, developed the
needs hierarchy as a way of understanding people in organizations. Accord-
ing to the hierarchy, a lower-level need (e.g., sur\aval) must be satisfied
before a person is interested in a higher-level need, such as independence
or self-actualization.
management helped analysts real-
This modified approach to scientific
ize thatpeople make the system, not just the hardware.^ Early analysts are
credited wdth working in factories, specializing in the improvement of work
methods, and setting time standards for production.

The War Effort

Prior to World War I, factories were labor-intensive, but the war brought
about automation because of labor shortages. Automation produced goods
faster, cheaper, and quicker than before. The creation of unions and higher
wages and production costs precipitated a demand for analysts to improve
working conditions and establish time standards and incentive wages."
With the large number of untrained workers, analysts also developed meth-
ods and programs for training and development.
The same picture continued throughout the 1950s, but the 1960s
marked the beginning of a new era in systems analysis and operations
research. The federal government was stockpiling weapons in huge quan-
tities. Analysts performed cost/benefit analyses of military weapon systems

and used inventory-contix)! techniques to determine where to store weap-

ons and in what quantities.
With the advent of the commercial computer, organizations began to
look for ways to approach problems that might be solved by the computer.
The demand for systems analysts took a new direction. The analyst began to
assume the role of a problem solver and a specialist in computer-based

E. Schein, Organizational Psychology, 2d ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Pi-entice-Hall, 1970).

3 D. McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise INew York: McGraw-Hill, 19601.

^ Stephen A. Dimino, "Return to Basics," Journal of Systems Management, December 1982,
p. 28.
" Alfred Hunt, The Management Consultant (New York: John Wiley &. Sons, 1977), pp. 13-14.


An analyst must possess various skills to effectively carry out the job.
Specifically, they may be divided into two categories: interpersonal and
technical skills. Both are required for system development. Interpersonal
skills deal with relationships and the interface of the analyst with people in
business. They and com-
are useful in establishing trust, resolving conflict,
municating infomiation." Technical skills, on the other hand, focus on
procedures and techniques for operations analysis, systems analysis, and
computer science.
The interpersonal skills relevant to systems work include the following:
1. —
Communication having the ability to articulate and speak the lan-
guage of the user, a "flare" for mediation, and a knack for working with
virtually all managerial levels in the organization. Commimication is not
just reports, telephone convei-sations, and interviews. It is people talk-
ing, listening, feeling, and reacting to one another, their experience and
i-eactions. Some indicators of a climate of closed communication are
defensive memos, excessive correspondence, and a failure to speak up
for fear of being identified. Therefore, opening communication chan-
nels ai^ a must for system development.

2. —
Understanding identifving problems and assessing their ramifications,
having a grasp of company goals and objectives, and showing sensitivity
to the impact of the system on people at work.

3. —
Teaching educating people in use of computer systems, selling the
system to the user, and giving support when needed.
4. Selling — selling ideas and promoting innovations in problem solving
using computers.

Technical skills include:

1. Creativity — hel|3ing user's model ideas into concrete plans and develop-
ing candidate systems to match user I'equirements.
2. Problem solving — reducing problems elemental levels for analy-
to their
sis, developing altcM-native solutions to a given problem, and delineating

the pros and cons of candidate systems.

3. Project manfigement — scheduling, performing vvt^ll under time con-
straints, coordinating team efforts, and managing costs arid expendi-

4. Dvnamic interface — blending technical and nontechnical considei'a-

tions in functional specifications and general design''

Nicholas, "Transactional Analysis, pp (i-11.

" Uiiira Schai-er, "Sysloms Analyst^Peiiomiance: Criteria and Pi-\or\ties," Journal ofSystems
Mana^emenl, Febiuary 1982, p|) 10-1.').

5. —
Questioning attitude and inquiring mind knowing the what, when,
why, where, who, and how a system works.
6. Knowledge of the basics of the computer and the business function.

S\'stems analysts i-equire interpersonal as well as technical skills, al-

though the necessity' for both skills depends on the stages of system de\'el-
opment. Figure 3-1 illustrates the skills expected across the phases of
system de\'elopment: analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance.
During analysis, there is greater need for inteipereonal skills working with —
the user to detemiine requirements and translate them into design criteria.
During design, the major thrust is to develop a detailed design of the

candidate system highly technical procedures and methodologies. E\en
then, there is some emphasis on the interpei'sonal factor the analyst user—
interface and user participation as a step toward training and implementa-
tion. During program construction, coding and testing ai'e carried out with
some user participation.
During sxstem implementation, technical and inteipersonal skills con-
\'erge. The on "pix)\ing" the software and preparing
technical aspects focus
for the fined conxei-sion of files and documentation. The interpersonal
aspects deal with user training and selling the user on the benefits and
potential of the candidate system. During the maintenance stage the role of
the analyst dix)ps off, except when unanticipated problems de\'elop.
CK'erall, it can be seen that a successful analyst blends the realities of

FIGURE 3-1 Interpersonal and Technical Skills Necessary in System


Level of



Analysis Design mplementation Maintenance


the human factor with the structured techniques and procedures that
pemiit problem solution through the computer. Both skills are required for
a lasting interface.

Academic and Personal Gtuallflcations

How does the analyst acquire these skills? The answer is in education,
experience, and personality. Most of today's analysts are college graduates
with majors in accounting, management, or information systems. The latter
major is becoming so popular that more and more universities have pro-
grams that include courses in systems analysis, project management, and
data base design. More than 30 universities offer doctorates in the field.
The background and experience of analysts include:

1. A background in systems theory and organization behavior.

2. Familiarity wath the makeup and inner workings of major application
areas such as financial accounting, personnel administration, market-
ing and sales, operations management, model building, and production

3. Competence in system tools and methodologies and a practical knowl-

edge of one or more programming and data base languages.
4. Experience in hardware and software specifications, which is important
for selection.

Awad conducted a study to determine the personal attributes of ana-

lysts and what attracts them to systems analysis."^ The attributes are:

1. Authority — the confidence to "tell" people what to do. Much of this

quality shows in project management and team work to meet dead-

2. Communication skills — ability to articulate and focus on a problem area

for logical solution.

3. Creativity — trying one's own ideas, developing candidate systems using

unique tools or methods.
4. Responsibility — making decisions on one's own and accepting the con-
sequences of these decisions.
5. Varied skills — doing diff^erent projects and handling change.

These academic and personal qualifications highlight the r-ole of the

analyst and distinguish between analysis and tr^aditional pr'ogiamming.

M. /\wad, "Vocational Needs, Reinforcers, and Job Satisfaction of Analysts and Pro-
'" E.

grammei-s in a Banking En\iix)nment, |p>m the 10th Australian Computer Conference, Mel-

bourne, Australia, September 1983.



Among the ix)les an analyst performs are change agent, monitor, architect,
psychologist, salesperson, moti\ator, and politician. Let's briefly describe
each role.

Change Agent
The analyst may be viewed as an agent of change. A candidate system is

designed to introduce change and reorientation in how the user organiza-

tion handles information or makes decisions. It is important, then, that
change be accepted by the user. The way to secure user acceptance is
through user participation during design and implementation.'^ The
knowledge that people inherently resist change and can become ineffective
because of excessive change should alert us to carefully plan, monitor, and
implement change into the user domain.
In the role of a change agent, the systems analyst may select various
styles to introduce change to the user organization. The styles range from
that of persuader ithe mildest form of intenentiom to imposer (the most
se\'ere intervention!. In between, there are the catalyst and the conironter
roles.'- When the user appeare to have a tolerance for change, the per-
suader or catalyst (helper) style is appi-opriate. On the other hand, when
drastic changes are required, it may be necessan' to adopt the confronter or
even the imposer stv'le. No matter what stv'le is used, however, the goal is
the same: to achieve acceptance of the candidate system with a minimum of

Investigator and Monitor

In defining a problem, the analyst pieces together the information gathered
to determine why the present system does not work well and what changes
will correct theproblem. In one respect, this work is similar to that of an
investigator— extracting the real problems fTXjm existing systems and creat-
ing information structures that uncover prexiously unknown trends that
may have a direct impact on the organization.'-^
Related to the role of in\'estigator is that of monitor. To undertake and
successfully complete a project, the analyst must monitor programs in
relation to time, cost, and quality. Of these resources, time is the most

" William Feeney and Frea Sladek, The System Analyst As a Change Agent," Datamation,
November 1977, p. 85.
'2 Ibid, p. 86
Robb Ware, "From Technician
13 to Problem-solver: Training the Systems Analyst," Data
Management, March 1983, p. 21.

important. If time "gets away," the project suffers ftx)m increased costs and
wasted human resoui'ces.'"* Implementation delays also mean the system
will not he ready on time, which tHistrates users and customer alike.

The architect's primary function as liaison between the client's abstract
design i-equii-ements and the contractor's detailed building plan may be
compared to the analyst's role as liaison between the user's logical design
requii^ments and the detailed physical system design. As architect, the
analyst also creates a detailed physical design of candidate systems. He/she
aids users in formalizing abstract ideas and provides details to build the

end pix)duct the candidate system. ^^

In systems development, systems are built around people. This is perhaps a
bit exaggerated, but the analyst plays the role of a psychologist in the way
he/she reaches people, interprets their thoughts, assesses their behavior,
and draws conclusions from these interactions. Undei-standing inteifunc-
tional i^lationships is important. Here is an Ulustration of the complexities
that may arise in such relationships:

Harry, the new analyst at had discovered an obvious flaw in

C. O. Ball Insurance,
the information flow. Bettv in premium accounting was pi-occssing premium
payments and then mailing the checks to Marie lor deposit. Maiie sat onlv 40
feet away, but the mail system in the company took two days. At their next
meeting, Harry suggested to Betty, "Why don't you carry the checks over to
Marie? She is only a few steps away. We can improve cash flow ti-emendously
in. . .
" He never got to finish. Betty had begun to sniffle. She jumped up and
ran into the ladies room. Hany pkmned to discuss the situation with his hoss
the next morning. When he returned to his office, however, he found a note to
see Mr. Carlisle, the general agent, immediately. Harry's fifth sense detected
trtjuble as he walked into Carlisle's office. Carlisle said, "HariA', whv lux" you
upsetting my sister-in-law with some nonsense about her husbands fii-st


As can be seen, it is important that the analyst be aware of people's

feelings and be pi-eparcd to get aix)und things in a graceful way. The art of
listening is important in evaluating I'esponses and feedback.

Matthies, "rime: The Analyst's Basic tiesource, Systems Management,

'^ L^eslie ' November
73, pp. 18-19.
' '• Eciwanl M . Canavan, "The Mysterious Systems Analyst," Journal ofSystems Management,
May 1980, p. 34.
"' Wm.
Ramsgaixt, "The Systems Analyst
c:. — Doctor of Business, ' Journal of Systems
Management, July 1974, p. 10.


Selling change can be as crucial as initiating change. As we shall learn in
Chapter 7, the oral pr^esentation of the system proposal has one objecti\e
selling the user on the system. Selling the system actually takes place at
each step in the system life cycle, however. Sciles skills and pereuasixeness,
then, are cnjcial to the success of the system.

A candidate system must be well designed and acceptable to the user.
System acceptance is achie\'ed through user participation in its de\'elop-
ment, effective user training, and proper moti\'ation to use the system. The
ancdyst's role as a motixator becomes obxious during the first few weeks
after implementation and during times when turnover results in new peo-
ple being trained to work with the candidate system. The amoimt of dedica-
tion it takes to motivate users often taxes the analyst's abilities to maintain
the pace. What was once \dewed as a challenge can easily become a
frustration if the user's staff continues to resist the system.


Related to the role of motivator is that of politician. In implementing a

candidate system, the analyst tries to appease all parties inxolved. Diplo-
macy and finesse in dealing with people can impro\'e acceptance of the
system. Inasmuch as a politician must ha\'e the support of his/her constitu-
ency, so is the analyst's goal to have the support of the users' staff. He/she
represents their thinking and tries to achieve their goals thixjugh comput-
In summar\', these multiple roles require analysts to be orderly, ap-
proach a problem methodical way, and pay attention to details.
in a logical,
They are usually factual and "down to earth and see the world as logical, "

orderly, and predictable. They prefer to concentrate on objective data, seek

the best method, and be highly prescriptive. They appear to be cool and
studious. During casual conversation, the analyst might preface remarks
with "It stands to reason ," 'If you look at it logically
. . .
," or 'If we . . .

just go about it methodiccdly. These characteristics point out the
. . .

strengths of analysts: They focus on method and plan, point out details, are * If

good at model building, perform best in structured situations, and seek

stabilits' and order. Their primarx^ liabilities are having a tendency toward

"tunnel vision," being overly inflexible and cautious, and overplanning.

'" Robert M. Bramson and Allen F. Harrison, "The Orderly Ways of Analysts," Computer
Decisions, November 1983. p. 112.


An important aspect of system development is a viable interface between
the analyst and the user. Analysts must devote as much skill and effort to
achieve a productive relationship with the user as they devote to the
technical requirements of the system. Most research indicates that as the
number of users increases, the probability of system failui'e increases with-
out close analyst/user interface.
The problem emerged in the 1960s when there was an adver-
sary relationship between the analyst and the user.^** The analyst repre-
sented management and essentially imposed change on the user. Analysis
was a defensive business with the overriding concern to avoid failure rather
than achieve success. User involvement was limited. The analyst was "king-
pin." Later, growth in user-friendly technology, improved knowledge of the
user in infoimation systems, and maturity of the analyst paved the way for
greater user participation in system development. It also narrowed the
cultural gap between the user and the analyst.

Behavioral Issues
Much research has been done to study users and their relationships with
systems analysts. Increasing reports of system failures that were not caused
by technical problems made necessary to seek a better understanding of

the analyst/user interface. Let's examine user motivation, analyst/user differ-

ences, and the political factor.

User Motivatior\
The motivational approach system development states that the can-
didate system should satisfy the usei-s' needs if they are going to use it.
Several models of user behavior attempted to look at the motivation behind
system acceptance. For example, Lucas's descriptive model of user beha\aor
identifies attitudinal, personal, and situational factors that affect system
use. Use depends on both positive attitudes toward the systems's features
and the decision-making style of the user.^-'
The expectancy theory of user motivation stresses two important rela-
tionships that have a bearing on user acceptance. The first relationship is
between effort and performance. The user determines the probability that a
certain level of motivation or effort vvdll improve job perfomiance. So, a user
who perceives a system to be of low qualit\' will put forth limited effoi't to
use it. According to Zmud, the perceived link between effort and perform-
ance is formulated before the system design is completed.^" The second

'* Martin Lasdin, "Games Played Between Users and Providers," Computer Decisions,
tober 1980, pp. 72-73.
'' Heniy C Lucas, The Analysis, Desig/H and huplemenlation, op. cil, pp. 35-38.
2" Robert W. Zmud, "The Role of Individual UifYerences in MIS Development, unpublished
paper, Georgia State University, 1980.

important relationship is between performance and rewards. To the extent

that rewards (intrinsic and extrinsic) are contingent upon performance,
motivation may be enhanced. Also, the vjilue that the user places on the
perceived rewards from a candidate system determine the motivation to
use the system.
One conclusion from the motivational perspective is that the impact of
the computer on the user's daUy work is important. Systems design is
essentially task design. A candidate system must be tailored to the user's
tasks to be accepted.^^

AnalystAJser Differences
On the surface, difterences in education, experience, and language are
quite ob\aous. The analyst's impatience with the user's ignorance about
terminology like chip and CRT and the user's impatience with the analyst's
limited understanding of the business, however, often lead to conflict dur-
ing system development. The user also tends to take for granted the ana-
lyst'sknowledge and expects the computer to solve virtually all problems.
These unrealistic expectations are barriei^ to the interface.-- Much of it is
defensive behavior: The user does not want to seem dumb about the
On the other hand, most systems analysts feel limited i-esponsibility for
the effects of new systems they implement. A study by Bostrom and Heiner
showed that analysts are preoccupied with low costs and technical sophis-
tication. They tend to ignore the trade-offs that are essential to a design that
makes the user comfortable. They also seem to view themselves as creators
rather than participants in the development pix)cess. The result is ignoring
user suggestions and producing analyst-oriented rather than user-oriented
Beneath the surface lies the fundamental difference in the way analvsts
and users process information. Cognitive styles, for example, produce inter-
esting insights into the pixjblem of designing computer systems. If the
dominant style of the analyst is analytical and that of the user is heuristic,
then the prospect of designing a system that meets the user's expectations
is remote. If the analysis (and therefore the system! is presented in a fomiat

that fits the cognitive style of the user, however, then the candidate system
is expected to be successful.^^

Daniel Robey, "Perspectives of the User Interface," in Proceedings of the 17th Annual
Conference of the SIGCPR, 1980, p. 23.
22 Larry G. Faerber
and Richard L. Ratcliff, "People Problems Behind MIS Failures," Financial
Executive, April 1980, pp. 18-24.
23 Pamela McGhee, "What Do Users Want?" Computenvorld, March 23, 1981, p. 84.
2^ R. P. Bostrom and J. S. Heiner, "MIS Problems and Failures," MIS Quarterlv, December
1977, pp. 48-50.
25 I. Benbasat and R. N. Taylor, "The Impact of Cognitive Styles on Information System
Design," MIS Quarterly, June 1978, pp. 143-48.

Tvvo implications may be drawn for system design. First, there is a need
for mutual undei'standing between the analyst and the user. Second, once
diiferences are understood and accepted, alleviating them may be possible
through a deeper involvement of the user and support of the analyst.

The Political Factor

Since infomiation is a source of organizational power, the process of
system development may be viewed as a contest for power where analysts
have the initial advantage. System development is often viewed as a bargain-
ing process, where analysts and users attempt to enhance their power
positions and self-interests. To achieve political rationality, the analyst
should not brag about the technical aspects of the candidate system. A
system that is simple to explain and easy to understand is more readily
accepted than a technical presentation; it also makes the user feel less
vulnerable. In essence, the political factor prompts the analyst to honestly
assess the motives of all parties involved and attempt to remove barriers
that lead to system failure.

Conflict Resolution

The role of the analyst requires coordinating a vast network of people's

ideas and integrating them into a "systemeering" process design. Taggart
suggests that the concerns of the user be integrated into the system life

cycle and i^commends svstemeering — a term used

Nordic countries to
describe a comprehensive set of activities associated with system develop-
ment.-'' Analysts are expected to adapt their own personal style to user
personality factors to impixive communication and promote system suc-
Related to the success of the system is the extent to which a commit-
ment can be made to avoid future conflict. The complexity of technical and
behavioral factors in system development has caused several large firms to
develop approaches to secure system success. For example, Boeing Aircraft
Corporation developed a Detailed Definition of Requirements (DDRI, which
is a binding agi^ement between analysts and users. The analyst agi-ees to

design a system to meet the user's requiiements, and the user, in turn,
agrees to accept the system based on what has been specified.^" In effect,
DDR forces communication between the analyst and the user and bridges
the knowledge gap by requiring all parties to be explicit.

VVm. Taggart, "Human Infoimation Processing Styles and the Infomiation System Archi-

tect in the PSC Systemeeiing Model," in Proceeding's of the 17th Annual Conference of the
Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research, 1980, pp. 62-76.
2" Hillard McLamore, "How to AvoiAHassles and Headat;hes When Systems People and
Users Meet," SAM Advanced Management Journal, Summer 1978, pp. 5-12.



The MIS Organization

The organizing function is the task of grouping and assigning work ele-
ments to appropriate areas. An MIS manager organizes by assigning tasks,
dixiding work into specific jobs, and defining the relationship among them.
The MIS organization structure encompasses supenisoiy levels, authority
relationships, and the general pattern of activities carried out by employees
at each level. Figure 3-2 shows a general oi'ganization stnacture of an MIS
facility. The chain of command extends ft-om manager to subordinate.

There is a direct line of authority' fix)m the director of MIS services to each of
the supervisoi-s in charge of analysis and design, programming, and opera-

FIGURE 3-2 General Organization Chart of an MIS Division

Director Staff

Administration Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

and Planning SystemsAnalysis Programming Operations
and Design

User Forms Design

Applications Data
Liaison Programming Preparation

Budget Develop Maintenance Computer

Planning and Standards Programming Operations

Project Work Software Input

Planning Simplification Programming Scheduling

Long-Range Systems Documentation Input/Output

Planning Design Library Update Control

Methods and
and Testing

tions. This line of authority permits a supervisor to exercise direct com-

mand over subordinates to carry out their tasks.

Primary Functloris of an MIS Facility

The structure of an MIS facility is organized aixjund the primary func-
tions to be performed. The functional requirements of an MIS facility center
around the following areas: administration, systems analysis and design,
programming, and operations.

1. Administration is represented by four acti\dties:

a. User liaison which handles the changing needs of the user and
user-systems relationships.
b. Long-range planning, which includes personnel selection, recinjit-
ment, application development, and planning for anticipated
changes in hardware and software.
c. Budget planning and control of the entire MIS division.
d. Personnel administration and training for upgrading employee

2. Systems analysis and design may be organized as project-oriented, pool-

oriented, or functional. In a prq/ecf-oneA7 fed arrangement a team of analysts
is formed to work on one project. As shown in Figure 3-3, each team has a

project leader who i-eports dii^ctly to the systems manager. This arrange-
ment is typical of smaller installations that handle limited projects.
In a pool-oriented arrangement, analysts work on any system assign-
ment within the fimi. Once the job is completed, they return to the pool for
another assignment. In Figure 3-4, a system team is on loan to report

FIGURE 3-3 A Project-Oriented Structure

ol Systems Analysis

and Design

Project Leader Project Leader Project Leader

Production Personnel Payroll System
Control Information
System System

Systems Analysts Systems Analysts Systems Analysts


Figure 3-4 A Pool-Oriented Structure ol

Systems Analysis

Manager Managaer Managaer

Systems Personnel Payroll
Analysis and Department Department
Desigr 1

Poo of Syst ems Syst ems

Analysts Design Design
Team Team

1 1
1 4 Analysts j 1 Senior Analyst i

(on loan) 3 Analysts I
! ! (on loan) '

1 J- J - 1

directly to the manager of the operating department where the application

design is requested. This arrangement gives the department some conti-ol
over its own application. The outcome is greater user participation and
support in system development.
The junctional structure of analysis assigns a group of analysts to serve
a specific system. For example, there may be a personnel systems team, a
production systems team, and a mariceting systems team. Each team has a
manager who reports directly to the director of system development (see
Figure 3-5). This arrangement is suitable for a large computer facility.

FIGTOE 3-5 A Functional Structure of Systems Analysis


Manager Manager Manager

Production Personnel Marketing
Systems Systems Systems


Project Project Project Project Project Project


Systems Analysts Systems Analysts


3. Proganiming is stnictiii-ed aixamd three areas: applications, software,

and maintenance. In many applications, pixjgrammers are placed on the
same project team with analysts. Software pi-ogrammers are responsible for
modihang compilers and softwai-e packiiges used by existing applications.
Maintenance pi-ogrammers handle cdl changes required to keep a system
Programming organized on a pool or team basis. The pool approach

clusters pix)grammei-s into a pool that reports to a super\1sor. Each pi'o-

grammer is assigned a pixjgram to prepare through all stages. In the team
approach, each pix)grammer is assigned to a team that has responsibility for
a specific project. As shoun in Figure 3-6, programmei's report to a lead
programmei-s (team leader), who reports to the project leader. The project
leader is usually a section head who superxises a number of teams in the
section and reports to the manager of the programming area.

4. Operations handles job scheduling and supportive services such as

supplies inventoiy, programming, and data libraiy. These functions are
coordinated with systems design and programming under a master plan
(see Figure 3-7).

FIGURE 3-6 A Team-Oriented Structure of



Manager Manager Manager

Software Applications Maintenance
Programming Programming Programming

Project Leader Project Leader Project Leader

Section A Section B Section C

Lead Lead Lead Lead

Programmer Programmer Programmer Programmer
Team A Team B Team C Team D


FIGURE 3-7 General Structure of Computer Operations


Data Support Job Scheduling Computer

Preparation Services and Control Operations
and Verification

Supplies Tape/Disk Decollating Program Messenger

Inventory Library and Bursting Storage Service

Functions of Key System Personnel

Manager — MIS The MIS manager is responsible for plan-
ning, organizing, coordinating, and directing the actixities for the entii'e
dixision. T\pically, managers ha\'e good technical and managerial skills. The
job requirements depend on the size of the firm and the sophistication of
the MIS facility. TVpically, a college degree or even a master's degree is
required. A degree in business administration with emphasis on informa-
tion systems would be suitable for work in a commercial installation.
In addition to managing analysts, programmers, and other specialists,
the MIS manager now has to work with executives at all levels. In essence,
the manager has become an executive who makes decisions that can affect
the functioning of the entire organization. The key qualities are:

1. Skill in planning, organizing, and controlling the work of the dixasion.

2. Abilitx' to deal logically with difficult problems and cope with new

3. Technical knowledge of hardware, software packages, and networking.

4. Ability to relate to others.

5. Broad know^ledge of the business of the employing organization.

Manager — Systems Department. A second-level managerial posi-

tion in the MIS dixdsion is the systems supervisor. The primary functions

1. Preparing long-range plans for system projects.

2. Authorizing system projects.
3. Organizing and staffing project teams.

4. Preparing and maintaining system procedures.

5. Conducting system surveys and recommending system changes.
6. Establishing standards and specifications for proposed hardware.

Systems management requires a project leader. The project team in-

cludes analysts, programmers, a user representative, and an outside consul-
tant. The project leader reports to the manager of the systems department.
Most design development work is pursued in a matrix organization with
user representatives, systems analysts, programmers, and others reporting
to their administrative leader as well as the team leader for the duration of
the job.
Project management deals with the system development life cycle,
including feasibility studies, design, system specifications, programming,
testing, and implementation. It is a detailed procedure for evaluating pro-
ject resources and managing allocated costs. The master plan includes a
description of the various tasks, the estimated project start-up and termina-
tion dates, and the time, cost, and work force required for each aspect of the
project. A detailed discussion of project management is in Chapter 15.
From these activities, it is obvious that the project leader's job is unique.
The leader must work with analysts and usere. To do the job well, a
technical and administrative background is important. The primary at-
tributes are:

1. Ability to design systems and write procedures.

2. Ability to sell new new equipment to users.
ideas or

3. Imagination in exploring new and better ways of designing systems.

4. Integrity in dealing vvdth vendors and safeguarding company records.
5. Perceptiveness in understanding subordinates and how they react to a
work situation.

The Systems Analyst. A key member of the project team is the

systems analyst. This job carries considerable responsibility, high status,
and attractive pay. As shown in Figure 3-8, analysts have the highest
perceived status in an MIS facUity.


The Paraprofessional
The tasks that make up the system development process are changing. With
an increase use of structured tools, there are emerging tasks that are
in the
less technical or ci'eative than the traditional ones. Rather than the analyst
ignoring them or tving up valuable time, they are carried out by less
experienced paraprofessionals.-These tasks are categorized as follows:

1. General support tasks.

a. Maintain current documentation on a daily basis.
b. Maintain a technical literature and information retrie\'al service.
c. Assist in constructing and maintaining a pi^ogram development

2. Specific system development tasks.

a. Draft data flow diagrams and structure charts based on specifica-
tions from system development personnel.
b. Maintain data dictionaries.
c. Code programs.
d. Prepare and maintain test data files, check test results, and modify
programs based on a predetermined procedure.
e. Prepare user manuals and other documentation.
/ Prepare supportive training materials when needed.
A shortage of qualified analysts and their high salaries suggest the value
of separating essential tasks and assigning some to trained personnel who
have not reached the level of education, skill, experience, and pay of the
seasoned analyst. According to Harris and Hoffman, paraprofessionals per-
form tasks of the following types:

1. The task is not significantly complex or does not require "high-level"

ability, education, skill, or experience.
2. The task is repetitious and there is a relatively well-defined process for
performing it.

3. The general support tasks require limited time for instruction relative to
the time it takes to perform them.-^

Some characteristics desirable in a paraprofessional ai^:

1. Communication skills.

2. Ability to think like the system person being supported.

3. Ability to work independently and perform with minimal supervision.
4. Creative problem-solving ability and an attitude conducive to trying
things out.

The Technical Writer

Documentation is one of the best liaisons between the technical and user
worlds. As the number of user-diiven systems increases, their use and
acceptance will be greatly influenced by the quality of system documenta-
tion. FiT)m the ixiugh draft, omissions, and contradictions of the prxjgram-
mer's notes, the technical writer extracts a clean, lucid set of instructions

-" James N. Harris and Thomas R. Hoffman. "F'ara-professionals in System Development,"

Journal of Systems Management, November 1983, p. 27.


for thecandidate system. The writer seeks to uncoxer the hidden logic of
the program and con\ert it into an operational pattern. This is where the
technical writer makes major contributions.
Technical writers are usually brought in when the candidate system
nears completion. Problems often i-esult fixjm the analyst's lack of intei-est in
a system that is already histoiy. When errore are uncovered in a system and
reflect on the analyst, irritation turns into hostilit\'. This makes the job of the
technical writer a real challenge. There is evidence of the emergence of
technical writing as a computer-based specialty in the proliferation of
writing subspecialties and the consulting positions they have spawned.
There are methods analysts who develop standards and pixjcedures man-
uals, indexers, hardware, and operations writers. Experienced writers in
high-tech areas such as expert systems earn more than S75 per hour.-^

In this chapter, an attempt was made to discuss the ix)le of the analyst and
the importance of the analyst/user interface for successful systems. Al-
though the interface may be \nlnerable because of advancing technology,
the basic foundations of human interaction and organization remain im-
portant for system development. In a speech before the National Associa-
tion of Secondary' Principals, Birnbaum pointed out that "man-made com-
plications that surround the citation of systems are the principal barriers to
our success today. "^'^ This illustrates the need for maintaining a viable
interface throughout the system life cycle.
Communication between the user and the analyst is pix)bably the most
important aspect of the interface. Analysts need to explain and usei's need
to understand the fi-amework surrounding the candidate system before
there is total acceptance. George Bundy, foimer Kennedy administration
aide, once explained the relationship between the White House (analysts)
and the people of the United States (users) as follows:
I think we're a little like the Harlem Globetrotters in the performance they put
on before the game; they pass the ball under their legs and under their amis
and throw it down the field (court). It is all very dazzling, but at some point, the
whistle blows, the game begins, and then what matters is whether you make
baskets. 31

In other words, the analyst cannot treat users like

an audience waiting
to be impressed. The user has to get involved. User participation is impor-

2^ Gene Knauer, "The Rise of the Technical Writer," Computenvorld, January 9, 1984, p. Iff.

3" Joel S.
Birnbaum, "Microelectronics and Education," What the Ne^t Decade Will Bring
Moscone Center, San Francisco, March 19, 1983.
31 Edward A. Tomeski and Harold Lazarus, People-Oriented Computer Systems (New York:

Van Nostrand Reinhold, 19751, p. 238.


1. A systems analyst is a person who conducts a study, identifies acti\ities
and objectK'es, and determines a procedure to achieve the objectix'es.
Systems analysis has a history dating back to Ta\lor. Earl\' anal\'sts
worked in factories, specializing in improxing work methods and set-
ting time standards for production. W ith the ad\ent of the computer,
the analvst assumed the role of a problem soher and a specialist in
dexeloping computer applications.

2. Success in systems and technical skills.

anal\'sis requires interpersonal
Interpersonal skills emphasize communication and interface with the
user, whereas technical skills include creati\itv', problem soKing, and
managing the o\erall project. During analysis, there is greater need for
interpersonal skills, but during design there is greater emphasis on
technical skills. During implementation, both skills are needed.

3. A career in systems analysis requires academic preparation, e.xperience,

and good interpersonal relations. The person must be familiar with the
inner-workings of business and competent in s\stem tools and meth-
odologies. The personal qualities include creatixitv' and communica-
tions skills and being systematic and sensiti\'e.

4. Analysts perform a multitude of roles — as change agent, inxestigator,

architect, psx'chologist, salesperson, and motixator. They also need to
understand politics.

5. An important aspect of system development is the \iabilit\ of the

relationship between the analyst and the user. Research indicates that
the probabilitv' of system failure increases without a good interface.

6. Three behaxioral issues are related to sx'stem success: establishing user

moti\ation, narrowing analyst/user differences, and neutralizing politi-
cal factors. Related to system success also is the extent of the commit-
ment to avoid future conflict. Therefore, coordination of people's ideas
for system design is important for system de\elopment.
7. The analyst is the key member of the MIS organization. .\n MIS facility'

consists of four major areas:

a. Administration,which handles user liaison, long-range planning, bud-
get planning and control, and personnel.
b. Systems analysis and design, which is organized as project oriented,
pool oriented, or functional.
c. Programming, which is structured around ap^plications. software and
maintenance. organized on a pool or a team basis.
It is

d. Operations, which deals with job scheduling, supplies inventorv', and

the data librarv'.

8. Of all the managerijil and administration positions in the MIS area, the
position of the analyst is perhaps the most crucial. The job carries
considerable responsibility, high status, and attractive pay.


9. The tasks that make up system development cire changing. To perform

them well, assistance is becoming available from paraprofessionals.
Although less experienced than the systems analyst, they peri^orm gen-
eral support tasks and specific system development tasks such as
drafting data flow diagrams and maintaining data dictionaries. Care
must be taken to determine what tasks should be assigned to the

10. Another new position in systems work is the technical uriter, who is

brought in when the candidate system is near completion. The main

contribution is quality documentation.

Key Words
Conflict Resolution Project-Oriented Stioicture
Expectancy Theory Systems Analyst
Functional Structure Team-Oriented Structure
Paraprofessional Technical Writer
Pool-Oriented Structure

Review Q^uestions
1. Trace the histoiy of systems analysis and compare the major changes or
differences in today's role of the analyst.

2. What were the main contributions of Taylor, Maslow, and McGregor to

systems analysis?
3. Based on the material in the chapter, what does it take to do systems
analysis? Do you agree? Explain.
4. Elaborate on the technical and interpereonal skills required of systems
analysts. When is one skill favored over the other? Why?
5. What academic qualifications are important for systems work? What
about the personeil attributes? Explain.
6. The chapter approaches systems analysis as a multifaceted role. Ex-
plain and illustrate situations where the ixjles might be best applied in
the system development life cycle.

7. The politiccil been brought up in the literature on several

factor has
occasions. In what respect should the analyst be a politician? What
would be an example where political considerations are used in sys-
tems work?
8. What is meant by the analyst/user interface? Why is it a problem?
9. Discuss the behavioral issues involved in undei-standing the analyst/
user interface.
10. When we discuss the analyst/user interface, does it imply differences?
If so, how pronounced are the differences? How are they resolved?



1 1 Explain the makeup of and the acthlties undertaken by the MIS organi-
zation. Where does the anal\"st fit in?
12. Distinguish between the following:
a. Project-oriented and pool-oriented arrangements.
b. Pool approach and team approach in programming.
c. The jobs of the manager iSNStems department and the systems


13. \'isit the MIS department of a local firm and ask the manager his her
opinion of the role of the paraprofessional and the technical writer in
system de\elopment.

Application Problems

1 The s\'stems depcirtment of a large. Chicago-based insurance compam'

has an opening for a junior s\stems anal\st. The job requii-es a college
degree in management infomiation s\ stems, business administration,
or computer science. EightA' percent of the woi4<^ is assisting a senior
systems analyst in data collection, documentation, and some cost anal-
\'sis. The i-emaining 20 percent in\ol\es programming and program

maintenance, using Cobol. The iirm has an ongoing training program at

all lexels.

The personnel department placed an ad Sunda\ paper, and

in the
after screening, selected two candidates for the position. As the sxstems
manager. \ou ha\ e their resumes and ha\e had a chance to interxievv
both applicants. A summarv' of the I'esumes is as follows.

.\ame: James E. Hart. Jr.

Age: 21— single

Education: B.S. in computer science. GPA = 3.64 out of 4.00.

Experience: Two \'ears ipart-timel as Fortran programmer in a public utUitx';

one year ipart-timei as RPG pixjgrammer in the schools computer

Test scores: Neriaal = 61

-Math = 92
Interview results: I^ft a good impression regaixling technical abilit\', ver\'

pei'sonabletbut lacked knowledge of business \\ orld — how

organizations are managed, etc.

Name: Jane Foresight

Age: 28 — divorced, two children 14 and 6)

Education: Two Major in data processing. Finishing

yeai-s (junior college 1.
college in four months. Major in accounting; minor in business
administration. GPA = 3.0 out of 4.0.

E^cperience: One year (full-time) with a local accounting firm as Cobol pro-
grammer; two yeai-s with a retail chain as computer operator; 1 .5
years as a keypunch operator at a bank.

Test scores: Verbal = 87

Math = 75
Interview results: Pei-sonable and demonstrated proficiency in Cobol
programming, has been holding two jobs to support family,
limited knowledge of business organizations.

a. What additional information would you like to gather- during a second

b. Which applicant would you choose? Why? Justify your answer.

An outside systems analystwas asked by the bank's president to con-

tact Mrs. Mandelbaum about some problem in the accounting depart-
ment. During the first meeting, Mrs. Mandelbaum, the supervisor, said
there have been problems reconstn.icting the Christmas Club account
three out of five days each week. The tape shows figures that are either
more or less than actual cash receipts. The head teller blames it on the
old teller terminals, which are "down" most of the time. The accounting
department counters by emphasizing that the teller department is

accountable for the difference. Eveiything points to human error.

With this in mind, the analyst went straight to the teller in charge of
the club account and pretty much accused her of stealing money. :-i?.

Following this meeting, he conducted interviews with the head teller

and the reconciling clerk in charge of the club accounts. Late that day,
he phoned the president and told him it would take a week to correct
the problem.
The next day, the analyst studied the coupons and the procedure
followed by the clerk. Although counting coupons was manual, there
was nothing in particular to explain the difficulty in balancing the
During the next three days, the analyst observed the teller and how


she handled the coupons. E\er\ thing seemed normal, although there
were occasional errors in ke\ing the amounts or code. The last da\ was
Frida\ and the anal\st had no answers. The president was disap-
pointed with the lack of feedback. \\ hen confronted, the analyst admit-
ted that he had little knowledge of accounting, auditing, or how
accounts are reconciled, but if he had another week, he could leam
enough to computerize the whole operation.
Toward the end of the day. a customer's passbook was posted with
the wTong amount. Upon closer inspection, it was found that the teller
machine alwa\'s printed 9 instead of 0. When the machine was replaced,
the Christmas Club account balanced with no difficultv

a. What mistakes did the anal\st make in handling the project.-' Did he use a
correct procedure? Explain.

b. WTiat t\pe of personalitv would it take to deal with a problem like the one
just described? Why?
c. WTiat qualifications do \ ou suggest the anal\ st possess to handle this case?
Why? EAplain.

d. In deciding on an analxst. what criteria do \ou suggest the bank consider

for future in\1tations? Elaborate.

Selected References
-Anderson. \\m. S. The ELxpectation Gap. Journal of Systems Management. June
1978. pp. 6-10.
.A\vad, E.M. Aocational Needs Reinforcers and Job Satisfaction of .Analysts and
Programmers in a Banking En\1ronment. Tenth Australian Connputer Con-
ference. Melbourne Australia September 26 1983.
Benbasat, I., and R. Taylor I\'. The Impact of Cogruti\e Stales on Information
System Design. MIS Quarterly. June 1978. pp. 143-48.

Bimbaum, Joel S. "Microelectronics and Education: What the \e.\t Decade WUl
Bring Moscone Center. San Francisco March 19. 1983.
Bostrom, R. P., and J. S. Heiner. MIS Problems and Failures. .A Sociotechnical
Perspecti\e. Part I: The Causes." MIS Quarterh 1, no. 3 iSeptember 1977>,
pp. 17-32.
Part II: The .Application of Socio-technical Theon . MIS Quarterly 1 no. 4
December 1977 pp. 11-28. .

Bramson. .Albert M., and .Allen F. Harrison. The Orderiy Ways of .-Analysts." Com-
puter Decisions, November 1983, p. llZflf.
Campbell, Robert Braun. .Anal\:zing Systems .Analysis " Journal of Systems Manage-
ment. .\Iai-ch 1983, pp. 22-23.
Cana\ an Edward M. The M\ sterioup Systems Anahst. " Journal of Systems Manage-

ment. May 1980. pp. 34-37.



Cochran, Terry L. "Know Thy User. Datamation, January 1979, pp. 46-49.

Dimino, Stephen A. "Return to Basics." Journal of Systems Managenient, December

1982, pp. 28-31.
Faeber, Larry G., and Richard L. Ratcliff. "People Pi-oblems Behind MIS Failures."
Financial Executive, April 1980, pp. 18-24.
Feeney, Wm., and Frea Sladek. "The Systems Analyst As a Change Agent." Datama-
tion,November 1977, pp. 85-88.
Frankel, Mark S. "In Search of Professionalism." Data Management, August 1982,
pp. 21-27.
Gore, Marvin, and John Stubbe. Elements of Systems Analysis. 3d ed. Dubuque,
lou'a: Wm.Brovm, 1983, pp. 30-48.
Harris, James N., and Thomas R. Hoffman. "Paraprofessionals in System Develop-
ment." Journal of Systems Management, November 1983, pp. 25-29.
Hunt, Alfred. The Management Consultant. New York: John Wiley &. Sons, 1977,
pp. 13-14.
Knauer, Gene. "The Rise of the Technical Writer." Computerworld iln-Depth), Janu-
ary 9, 1984, p. IDff.
Kneitel, Arnold M. "Futility of User Involvement." Infosystems, November 1978,
pp. 92-96.
Lasdin, Martin. "Games Played Between Users and Pixjviders." Computer Decisions,
October 1980, pp. 72-73.
Lucas, Henry C. Jr. The Analysis, Design, and Implementation of Information Sys-
tems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981.
The Analyst's Basic Resource." Journal of Systems Manage-
Matthies, Leslie. "Time:
ment, November 1973, pp. 18-19.
McGhee, Pamela. "What Do Usere Want?" Computerworld, March 23, 1981, p. 84.
McGregor, D. The Human Side of Enterprise. New Yoik: McGraw-Hill, 1960.
McLamore, Hillard. "How to Avoid Hassles and Headaches When Systems People
and Usei-s Meet." SAM Advanced Management Journal, Summei- 1979, pp. 5-12.
Miller, M. S. "Pmblem Avoidance in the User/Analyst Relationship." Journal of
Systems Management, May 1981, pp. 34-39.
Mollen, Dave. "Narrowing the Gap." Datamation, May 1980, pp. 195-198.
Moran, Thomas P. "An Applied Psychology of the User." Computing Surveys 13, no. 1
(March 1981), pp. 1-11.
Moriarty, Robert F., and Joseph C. Yeager. "Human Resistance a Priority in Over-
coming Barriers to Automation." Information & Records Management, August
1983, pp. 18-19ff.
Moynihan, John A. "What Users Want." Datamation, March 1982, pp. 116-118.
Munro, M. C, and G. B. Davis. "Determining Management Information Needs —
Comparison of Methods." MIS Quarterly 1, no. 2 (June 1977), pp. 55-67. V4^
Nicholos, John M. "Transactional Analysis for Systems Professionals." Journal of
Systems Management, October 1978, pp. 6-11.

Ramsgard, Wm. C. "The Systems Analyst Doctor of Business." Journal of Systems
Management, July 1974, pp. 10-14.
Robey, Daniel. "Perspectives of the User Interface." In Proceedings of the 17th Annual
Conference of the Special Interest Group of Computer Personnel Research
(SIGCPR), June 1980, p. 23.
"User Attitudes and Management Information Systems." Acadenjy of Man-
agement, September 1979, pp. 527-38.

Scharer, Laura. "Systems Analysts Performance: Criteria and Priorities. " Journal of
Systems Management, Februar\ 1982, pp. 10-15.
Schein, E. Organizational Psycholog}. 2d ed. Englewood Cliffs, \J.. Prentice-Hall,
Shapin, Paul G. "System Selection Needs Users Invohement for Success." Info-
systems, September 1980. p. 104ff.
Synnot, \\m. R., and W'm. H. Gruber. The Care and Feeding of Users. ' Datamation,
March 1982, pp. 191-204.
Taggart, \Vm. "Human Information Processing Stv'les and the Information System
PSC Systemeering Model." In Proceedings of the 17th Annual
Ai"chitect in the
Conference of the Special Interest Group of Computer Personnel Research
ISIGCPRi, June 1980, pp. 62-76.
Tomeski, Edward A., and Harold Lazarus. People-Oriented Computer Systems. New
York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1975, pp. 238-45.
"Too Man\ Pixjfessionals? Editorial, Xewsweek on Campus, University' of X'irginia,
Mai-ch 1984, pp. 8ff.

\'italari, "An Inxestigation of the Problem SoKing Behavior of Systems Ancilysts."

N. P.
Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Uni\'ersitv' of Minnesota, 1981.
Ware, Robb. 'Fi-om Technician to Problem-soKer: Training the Systems Analyst."
Data Management, March 1983, pp. 20-21.
Weinberg, \'ictor. Structured .Anal\sis and the Analyst/User Relationship." Info-
systems 24 (1977), pp. 58-70.
Welke, Richard J. "User-Oriented Approaches to MIS." Canada Magazine, August
1979, pp. 62-68.
Zmud, Robert W. The Role of Indi\idual Uiffei-ences in MIS Departments. Un-
published paper, Geoi^a State Uni\ersit\ , 1980.

«' '


H-\' '
Part Two

Systems Analysis

v -


Chapter 4

Systems Planning
and the Initial


Bases for Planning in Systems Analysis

Strategic MIS Planning
Managerial and Operational MIS Planning

Initial Investigation

Strategies tor Determining Information Requirements
Getting Information from the Existing Information System


At a Glance

The most critical managing system projects is planning. To launch a

phase of
system investigation, we need a master plan detailing the steps to be taken, the
people to be questioned, and the outcome expected. The initial investigation
has the objective of determining whether the user's request has potential merit.
The major steps are defining user requirements, studying the present system to
verify the problem, and defining the performance expected by the candidate
system to meet user requirements. When the initial investigation is completed,
the user receives a system proposal summarizing the findings and recommen-
dations of the analyst.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1 Why planning is important in systems analysis.
2. What planning dimensions govern information system development.
3. How to determine the user's information requirements.
4. How prototyping is used in determining information requirements.
5. What factors determine the need for a feasibility study.

Review of Written Documents
On-Site Observations
Interviews and Questionnaires


It is always wise to look ahead, but it is difficult to look further than you can see.

Winston Churchill's remark points out that planning future endeavors,

though difficult, is important in managing operations. System de\'elopment
is no exception. Identifying the need for a new information system and

launching an investigation and a feasibility study must be based on £in MIS

master plan that has management support. Planning cuts across all phases
of the system life cycle. It is the first step in developing and managing
systems. Understanding MIS planning functions and their relationships to
systems analysis and design, then, is crucial to successful computer in-
stallations. This chapter reviews the functions and levels of planning and
discusses the steps in the initial investigation. The role and importance of
project management are emphasized later in the chapter.


Planning information systems in business has become increasingly impor-
tant during the past decade. First, information is now recognized as a vital
resource and must be managed. It is equal in importance to cash, physical
facilities, and personnel. Second, more and more financial resources are

committed to information systems. As computer systems are becoming

integral to business operations, top management is paxing more attention
to their development. Third, there is a grovvdng need for formal long-range
planning with information systems that are complex, require months or
years to build, use common data bases, or have a greater competitive edge.*
The objectives are to map out the development of major systems and
reduce the number of small, isolated systems to be developed and main-
tained. Proper planning for infoimation systems ensures that the role
played by the system will be congruent with that of the organization.

Dimensions of Planning
The following conditions dictate todays business strategies:

1. High interest rates make it more important that business realizes a good
return on investment.
2. Inflation puts pressure on profit when it occurs.

3. The growing trend toward guaranteed employment suggests that costs

are becoming fixed and the commitment to business expansion may
not be easily changed.
4. Resource shortages impede expansion.

Ephraim R. McL^ean and John V. Soden, Strategic Planning for MIS (New York: John Wiley
&. Sons, 1977), p. 6.

FIGURE 4-1 Technology Cost/Benefit Curve



Record- Time/Experience

5. Regulatory constraints slow entry into the market.

6. Increased productivity paves the way for expansion.

Information systems embedded

an orgcinization provide users wdth
the opportunity to add value to products cind business operations at lower
costs. Therefore, they must be carefuUy planned^ (see Figure 4-1).

Strategic MIS Planning

Planning for information system development must be done within the
framework of the organization's overall MIS plan. It may be viewed from two
dimensions: (1) The time horizon dimension specifies whether it is short
range (usually less than two years), which is tantamount to the MIS yearly
plan, medium term (two to five years), or long range (more than five years).
(2) The focus dimension tells whether the primary concern is strategic,

managerial, or operational. Strategic (MIS) planning is an orderly approach

that determines the basic objectives for the user to achieve, the strategies
and policies needed to achieve the objectives, and the tacticcil plans to
implement the strategies.^ The first task in strategic planning is to set the
MIS objectives and the results expected. Consideration of these objectives
must deal with their fit with the organization's strategic plan, the types of
systems and services to be offered, the role of users in system development,
and the technology to be used. Once the MIS objectives are set, MIS policies
are defined as a guideline to be used in carrying out strategy. MIS policies,
in turn, are translated into long-range (conceptual), medium-range (mana-
gerial), and short-range (operational) plans for implementation (see Figure

2 Harvey Poppel, Strategic Impact of Information Technology (New York: Deltak, Inc., 19821,
pp. 5, 9.

3 Geoi^e A. Steiner, "Formal Strategic Planning in the United States Today," Long Range
Planning 16, no. 3 (1983), pp. 13-17.


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to Ed

U5 1 ,


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c 3 J.



In deteiTiiining the MIS strategic plan, se\eral questions need to be

asked at the start:

1. What MIS objecti\es and strategies can be deri\ed trom the corporate
strategic plan?

2. Who will re\iew and appro\e the plan?

3. How long is the planning horizon? What will the plan contain?
4. What will theplan focus on leg., new technology', computer securit\
new application de\elopmenti?

most cases, the answere depend on the structure and complexir\' of

the MIS organization, the le\el of computerization in the firm, the "hit rate"
of the MIS di\ision, and the influence of MIS in getting projects appi-o\ed by
top management.

Managerial and Operational MIS Planning

Managerial xMIS planning integrates strategic with operational plans. It
is a process in which specific functional plans ai'e i^lated to a specific

number of xears to show how strategies are to be carried out to achieve

long-range plans. The ne.xt step is to dexise short-range plans that spell out
the da\'-to-da\' activities of the s\stem. Thev ai'e programmed plans requir-
ing a year's commitment. For example, the operating expense budget, the
human resource budget of each computer application, and timetables for
implementing a new system are all short-range plans designed to imple-
ment the organization's master plan by computerizing the labor-intensive
areas of the business.
The MIS operating plan requires the heaviest user inv olvement to define
fully the system's requirements. Svstem development must support oi'gani-
zational MIS objectives as laid out in the corporate plan and identi^' and
select applications that ai'e the organization's priorities. This important link
has been described by Bowman, Davis, and Wetherlae in a three-stage

1. Strategic s\'stem planning — establishing relationships between the or-

ganization plan and the plan for a candidate svstem.

2. Information i^equirements analysis — identifsing organization require-

ments to direct the specific application of system development projects.
3. Resource allocation — determining hardware, software, telecommunica-
tion, facilities, personnel, and financial resources to execute the devel-
opment of the system.

Planning for svstem development activities is a major aspect of the

overall planning job in terms of its importance and commitment of plan-
ning resources. Broad corporate strategic objectives should be the basis for

* Brent Bowman, Gordon Davis, and James Wetherbe, "Modeling for MIS," Datamation. JuK
1981, pp. 155-64.

HGURE 4-3 A Top-Down Approach to System Planning

Phase I I


Data Processing




Data Processing/ O
User Management


DP Management/ G
DP Staff

End Users

DP Staff

system development objectives, which dictate operating goals in the fomi of

specific action plans. Formalizing the planning process makes it easier to
reorient and gain the support of upper, middle, and operating management
for candidate systems. Figure 4-3 illustrates a top-dovm approach to plan-
ning and the relationship between the corporate strategic plan and the
goals and activities of the system development function.^

5 Robert E. Uef, Robert D. Dodge, and Ralph L. Ogden, "Adapting DP Strategy to Manage-
ment Style," Computerworld (In Depth), December 5, 1983, pp. 25-32.

As mentioned in Chapter 2, the first step in the system development life

cycle is the identification of a need. This is a user's request to change,

impiDve, or enhance an existing system. Because there is likely to be a
stream of such requests, standard procedures must be established to deal
with them. The initial investigation is one way of handling this. The objective
is to detemine whether the request is valid and feasible before a recommen-

dation is reached to do nothing, improve or modify the existing system, or

build a new one.
The user's request form (Figure 4-4) specifies the following:

1. User-assigned title of work requested.

2. Nature of work requested (problem definition).
3. Date request was submitted.
4. Date job should be completed.
5. Job objective(s) — purpose of job requested.
6. Expected benefits to be derived fix)m proposed change.
7. Input/output description — quantity (number of copies or pages) and
frequency (daily, weekly, etc.) of inputs and outputs of prc)posed
8. Requester's signature, title, department, and phone number.
9. Signature, title, department, and phone number of person approving
the request.

The user request identifies the need for change and authorizes the
initial investigation. It may undergo several modifications before it becomes
a written commitment. Once the request is approved, the following ac-
tivities are carried out: background investigation, fact-finding and analysis,
and presentation of results — called project proposal. The proposal, when
approved, system perform-
initiates a detailed user-oriented specification of
ance and analysis of the feasibility of the candidate system. A feasibility
study focuses on identifying and evaluating alternative candidate systems
with a recommendation of the best system for the job. This chapter deals
wdth the initial investigation. Chapter 7 discusses the feasibility study.

Needs Identification
The success of a system depends largely on how accurately a prx)blem is

defined, thoroughly investigated, and pioperiy carried out thixjugh the

choice of solution. User need identification and analysis are concerned wdth
what the user needs rather than what he/she wants. Not until the problem
has been identified, defined, and evaluated should the analyst think about
solutions and whether the problem is worth solving. This step is intended
to help the user and the analyst understand the real problem rather than its
: : . : .



FIGURE 4-4 Users' Request Form— An Example


Job Title: Nature of Request To be completed no

Invti-tigaZion o{^ an on-lyint ,

later than:
NEW 12/0S/i4 07 103 lis
REVISIONl dv mo yr. dv mo vr

Job Objective(s) Jo imvKo\jQ. duubtomeji ^tw-icz, ya.'pvmoik, beXteJi b-UULi nq

iyitzm, and poii-iblz izductA.on -in ita^{^.ing izquAA.zmznZ!>

Expected Benefits: ihonXzn on ztiminatz cu^tomzA tinzi -in lobbu

. pio\}ldz qtu-ck ap'to-datz in^oKmUxon iZQOAdLinq box avajMib-itlty
moKZ accuAoXz bUJLinQ pKoczduAZ

Output Specifications Input Specifications

Report title ciUitomzfi montklq itaZzm znt Document Title bltZinQ noticzA
Quantity 2-5 No. of pages/report Quantity If^I^^O
^ No. of copies/report

Frequency J^ daily Frequency X daily

weekly ^weekly

Remarks tzXZzn. quuiLcty pKA-ntx-ng Remarks nujnbzn o^ noticu vaKlzi Muth izoAon.
Ln JanaaALf,iangz may be 200- ,uuu. i

Report' title
Quantity No. of pages/report Document Title
No. of copies/report Quantity
Frequency daily Frequency daily
weekly other ^weekly other
Remarks Remarks
REQUESTER —Please Fill Out

Name of Requester Signature: Title: Dept.: Phone

(please print) iapeAv-Liox iaf,Z dzpoiit X 5511
Bo/Tbo-ta BztolaXti

Approved byCplease print) ;na tiwe Title: Dept. /Div. Phone:

Ctj^-vtii-i Siblzy
iS jfi.vlcz pizA. opzAoJU-oni X4324


Status -^ accept .

return with comments


Job No. 124 reject

•p^m-:,.-!,^. ai-6-can Bob Hau.^ to iobT
Title: Phone:
Acceptance authorized bv: '
'\~^': — '~i4cr2.yi^^ MqA../^i/i-X4430
B. Sotzn \^^^ tZWi
Rev. 8/85
Form /^lA-14

The user or the analyst may identify the need for a candidate system or
for enhancements in the existing system. For example, the cashier (chief
operations officer) of a bank may ||ecome concerned about the long cus-
tomer lines in the lobby or about the number of tellers who are "over" or
"short" they balance their cash. Similarly, an analyst who is familiar
with the operation may point out a bottleneck and suggest improvements.

TABLE 4-1 Objectives ol Decision Situations

Objecthe Question INpical Objective Heal Objective

What is the objective of a city To impart wisdom of the Majority of books checked
libraiy? ages to the uneducated out are for enjovinent rather
than fact-finding
VVh\' do most people buy fur- To furnish new homes, apart- Mai-keting informs us that
niture? ments; to sit on, eat on, etc. people discard old furniture
not l)ecause it is nonfunc-
tional but because it does
not look good anymoit;
What is the objective of a To store two automobiles Families desire to pai-k one
two-car garage? and protect them from the car only and sa\e i-oom to
elements store more important ecjuip-
ment lor junki

What is the objectixe of an in- To ensure prompt axailability Isn't locating a key factor?
ventory control system? of needed material Ai-en't costs a primary consid-

Source: Adapted from Jack Caldwell,
1982, p.
The Misunderstanding of Objectives," Journal of Systems Management, June

Often problems come into focus after a joint meeting between the user and
the analyst. In either case, the user initiates an investigation by filling out a
request form for information. The request provides for statements of objec-
and expected benefits.
The objectives of the problem situation must be undei-stood within the
framework of the organization's MIS objective, as discussed earlier under
system planning. If objectives are misundei^tood, it is easy to solve the
wrong problem. In Table 4-1, Caldwell cites examples of "typical versus "

"real "
objectives of decision situations. It illustrates that the successful
design of a system requires a clear knowledge of what the system is
intended to do.

Determining the User's Information Requirements

Shared, complete, and accurate infonnation requirements are essential in
building computer-based infomiation systems. Unfortunately, determining
the information each user needs is a particularly difficult task. In fact, it is
recognized as one of the most difficult tasks in system development.'^ The
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Curriculum Committee on
Computing Education for Management recognized this by suggesting two
distinct job titles for systems development: "information analyst" and "svs-
tems designer" rather than the more general term "systems analyst."^ The

6 George Pitzgorsky, "Analyzing, Defining Systems Needs," MIS Week, August 24, 1983, p. 30.
~ J.D. Couger, "Comparative Analysis of Information Systems Curricula," Computer News-
letter for Schools of Business, vol. XVll, No. 2, (October 19831, p. 1.

information analyst determines the needs of the user and the information
flow that will satisfy those needs. The usual approach is to ask the user
what information is currently available and what other information is re-
quired. Interaction between the analyst and the user usually leads to an
agreement about what information will be provided by the candidate sys-
There are several reasons why it is difficult to determine user requii^-

1. System requirements change and user requirements must be modified

to account for these changes.

2. The articulation of requirements is difficult, except for experienced

users. Functions and processes are not easUy described.

3. Heavy user involvement and motivation are difficult. Reinforcement for

their work is usually not realized untU the implementation phase too —
long to wait.
4. The pattern of interaction between users and analysts in designing
information requii-ements is complex.

Users and analysts traditionally do not share a common orientation

towaixi problem definition. For example, in the analyst's \iew, the pix)blem
definition must be translatable into a system design expressed quan-
titatively interms of outputs, inputs, processes, and data structures. This is
cm ideal way to develop a good system when all features are known, under
the best of situations, and within time constraints. In contrast, the user
seems to be satisfied with a qualitative definition that specifies the system in
generalities. Flexibility is a key consideration. System specifications must
change with their needs, as must the system after implementation.
Based on these contrasting views, usere who tr\' to define their informa-
tion i^quii-ements with the analyst's \ievvs find themselves in a predica-
ment. According to Scharer, they defend themselves by producing strategies
that will satisfy the analyst.^

1. In the kitchen sink strategy the user throws everything into the require-
ment definition — overstatement of needs such as an overabundance of
reports, exception pixjcessing, and the like. This approach usually reflects
the user's lack of experience in the area.'"
2. The smoking strategy sets smoke screen by requesting several
up a
system featui'es when only one or two are needed. The extra inquests are
used as bargaining power. This strategy usually reflects the user's experi-

" Laura Schamr, "Pinpointing Rociuirements," Datamation, April 1981, pp. 139-40.
^ Scharer, "Pinpointing Requirements," p. 140.
•"See Wm. J. Doll and U. Mesbah i^med, "Managing User Expectations," Journal of
Systems Management, June 1983, p. 6.

ence in knovvdng what he/she Wcints. Requests have to be reduced to one

that is realistic, manageable, and achievable.
3. The same thing strategy indicates the user's laziness, lack of knowledge,
or both. "Give me the same thing but in a better format through the
computer" is a typical statement. Here the analyst has little chance of
succeeding because only the user can fully discover the real needs and

have problems specifying infoiTnation requirements. "Asking"
the user whatis needed of a candidate system does not often yield accurate

and complete requirements. According to Da\as, humans have these limita-


1. Humans as information processors. The human brain has both high-

capacity, long-term memory and limited-capacity (but fast), short-term
memory. The limits of short-term memory affect the information require-
ments obtained, because the user who is interviewed has a limited number
of requirements that he/she defines as important. This limits processing
responses. He/she may have emphasized a few items of informa-
tion and recorded them in long-term memory as being the most important.
They may be the only ones that are recalled during the interveiw.

2. Human bias in data selection and use. Humans are generally biased in
their selection and use becomes a representation of
of data. Their beha\dor
the bias. For example, users are influenced more by recent events than by
past events. Thus, an information need that was discovered recently tends
to carry greater weight than a need experienced in the distant past. This is
called the recency effect. In another bias, users tend to use only information
that is form in which it is displayed. This means that the
available in the
requirements provided by the user are biased by currently available infor-
3. Human problem-solving behavior. Humans have a limited capacity for
rational thinking. According to Simon, they must simplify it in order to deal
with it. Coined as the concept of bounded rationality, it means that ra-
tionality for determining information requirements is "bounded" by a sim-
plified model (as well as by limited training, prejudice, and attitude of user)
that may not reflect the real situation. ^^ Bounded rationality is often re-
flected in the behavior of systems analysts. A successful analyst uses a
general model to search for information requirements. It includes the
consideration of organizational and policy issues in arriving at realistic
requirements. The poorly rated analyst does not consider these issues, but
focuses on the immediate (short-term) requirements facing the user.

>* Gordon B. Da\is, "Strategies for Information Requirements Determination," IBM Systems
Journal 21, no. 1 (1982), p. 5.
*2 A. Newell and H. A. Simon, Human Problem Solving (Englewood Cliffs, N J.: Prentice-Hall,

Strategies for Determinlitg Information Requirements

There are thi^e key strategies or general approaches for eliciting infor-
mation regarding the user's requirements: 11) asking, (21 getting information
from the existing information system, and (31 prototyjDing.^ *

Asking. This strategy obtains information from users by simply ask-

ing them about the requirements. It assumes a stable system where users
are well infomied and can overcome biases in defining their problem. There
are three key asking methods:

1. Questions may be open-ended or closed. An open-ended question

allows the respondent to formulate a response. It is used when feelings or
opinions are important. For example, "How do you evaluate the latest
addition to your hardware?" In contrast, a closed question requests one
answer from a specific set of responses. It is used when factual responses
are known. For example, "How long have you been manager of the com-
puter center?" More on question construction is covered in Chapter 5.
2. Brainstorming is a technique used for generating new ideas and obtain-
ing general information requirements.*^ This method is appropriate for
eliciting nonconventional solutions to problems. A guided appixaach to
brainstorming asks each participant to define ideal solutions and then
select the best feasible one. It works well for usere who have system
knowledge but have difficulty accepting new ideas. *^
3. Group consensus asks participants for their expectations regarding
specific variables. In a Delphi inquiiy, for example, each participant fills out
a questionnaire. The results are summarized and given to participants
along with a follow-up questionnaire. Participants are in\ited to change
their responses. The results are again summarized and fed back to the
participants. This debate by questionnaire continues until participants'
responses have converged enough. This method has an advantage over
brainstorming in that participants ai'e not subjected to psychological pi'es-
sure from others vvdth presumed authority or influence.*^

Getting Information from the Existing Information Sys-

tem. Determining infomiation from an existing application has been
called the data analysis approach.'" It simply asks the user what informa-

'^ See Davis, "Strategies," pp. 12-19.

'^ Albert T. Lederer, 'Information Requirements Analysis," Journal for Systems Manage-
ment, December 1981, p. 17.
(lil Mosaitl, "Problem Definition: Tasks and Terliniques. Journal of Systems Manage-

ment, June 1983, p. 16.

Olaf Helmer, "Ancilysis of the Future: The Delphi Method," in Technological Forecasting

for Industry and Government: Methods and Applications, ed. James R. Briglit lEnglewood Cliffs,
NJ.: Prentice-Hall, 19681, pp. 116-122. For cx|pples of its use, see M. A. Linstone and M. Turoff,
eds., The Delphi Method: Techniques and Applications (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub-
lishing, 19751.

Malcolm C. Munro, "Determining the Manager's Information Needs," Journal of Systems


Management, Sung 1978, pp. 34-36.


tion is cuii-ently receued and what other information is i-equired. It i-elies

hea\ily on the user to articulate information needs. The analyst examines all

reports, discusses with the user each piece of information examined, and
determines unfultilled information needs by interviewing the user. The
analyst is primarily inxoKed in impix)\ing the existing flow of data to the
user. In contrast to this method is decision analysis. This bi^aks down a
pixjblem into parts, which allows the user to focus separateK' on the critical
issues. It also determines polic\ and organizational objectives rele\ant to
the decision ai'eas identified and the specific steps I'equii'ed to complete
each major decision. Then the analyst and the user refine the decision
process and the infomiation I'equii^ments for a final statement of infonna-
tion requirements.
The data analysis method is ideal for making stin.ictui'ed decisions,
although it requires that usei's articulate their information i-equii^ments. A
major drawback is a lack of established rules for obtaining and validating
information needs that are not linked to oi'ganizational objectives.^"
In the decision analysis method, information needs are cleai'ly linked to
decision and organizational objectives. It is useful for unstn.ictured deci-
sions and information tailoi^ed to the user's decision-making st\'le. The
major drawi;:)ack, though, is that information requii-ements may change
when the user is pix^moted or replaced.

Prototyping. The third strategy' for determining usei- information

requirements is used when the user cannot establish infomiation needs
accurately befoi^e the infomiation system is built. The reason could be the
lack of an existing model on which to base requii-ements or a difficulty in
\isualizing candidate systems. In this case, the user needs to anchor on
real-life systems fi'om which adjustments can be made. Therefoi'e, the
iteratixe discoveiy approach captui'es an initial set of infomiation i^equii-e-
ments and builds a system to meet these i^quii-ements. As users gain
experience in its use, they request additional i-equirements or modifications
(iterations), in the system. In essence, information i-equirements are dis-
co\'ered by using the svstem. Pix3tot\ping is suitable in enxiixjnments where
it is difficult to formulate a concrete model for defining information require-
ments and whei-e the infomiation needs of the user are e\'ol\ing, such as in
Which of the thi'ee strategies is selected depends on uncertainties in
the process of detemiining infomiation I'equii^ments that is, uncertaints' —
with respect to the stability' of infomiation requirements, the user's abilitv to
articulate information requirements, and the ability of the analyst to elicit
requirements and e\aluate their accuracy.''-^ Thus, the asking strateg\' is
appropriate for low-uncertainty infomiation i-equii-ements determination,

'» Ibid., p. 39.

*^ Mtirvin O. Thaip and VVm. Taggart, "Management Infonnation Analysis: A Situational

Perspecti\e," Management Datamatics 5, no. 6 I1976i, p. 231.

FIGURE 4-5 Strategies for Determining Information Requirements

Lo w
Information requirements Uncertainty
process uncertainties Strategy

^M Stability of a
set of informa- Asking

^M tion requirements

^H User's ability Level of
Getting information
from an existing

^M to articulate
uncertainty information

Analyst's ability
to elicit informa-
tion requirements Prototyping
and evaluate their
i .'•.


Source: Adapted fiDm Gordon B. Davis, "Strategies for Information Requirements Determination, IBM Systems
Journal 21, no. 1 (19821, p. 21.

whereas the prototyping strategy is appropriate for high-uncertainty infor-

mation requirements determination (see Figure 4-5).

Case Scenarlo^^
To apply the steps undertaken in an initial investigation, we use a case
based on a real system development project that occurred in a medium-size
commercial bank in a large city. For the purposes of this investigation, we
shall call it the First National Bank of South Miami. The city has a popula-
tion of 200,000.
In 1980, the bank had a department that consisted of three
safe deposit
employees and 4,000 boxes of various sizes. They are rented to bank cus-
tomers, jewelers, and retailers in the neighborhood. Late in the year, an
influx of illegal immigrants contributed to a rise in the number of burglaries
and break-ins. This created a demand for safe deposit boxes for storing
personal effects (china, jewelry, caati. coins, etc.). With increased demand,

^ This case will be used to illustrate systems analysis and design throughout the text.

the board of directors authorized management to double the size of the

facility. By the end of the year, capacity increased to 8,000 boxes. The

increase required two additional employees, bringing the total staff to five.
The rental procedure begins when a customer applies for a box of a
certain size and pays a year's rent The customer is issued a key
in advance.
that is used simultaneously with the attendant's key to open or close the
box. As shown in Figure 4-6, the customer takes the box to a cubicle. When
finished, he/she inserts the box in the vault, closes the door, and walks out.
Each new box rental generates a transaction for future billing. Bills are
mailed to approximately 5,300 customers, some of whom have two or more
boxes. BUls are processed manually on a cycle basis: every six days, begin-
ning with the first of each month. A customer receives a renewal notice uath

the amount due about a month before the expiration date of the contract.
You are the ancilyst in the bank's MIS department. Your phone rings one
morning and Sibley, the senior vice president in chaise of operations, says,
"Hi, Jack, we have a problem in safe deposit. Can you spare a minute? Let's
get together over lunch and talk. ..." As you interpret the conversation
during lunch, Sibley has a problem. Bills are prepared by hand and mailed
to all customers — a time-consuming job that keeps a clerk busy all day. You
want to formalize that initial investigation, so you ask him to fill out a user
request fonn. Barbara Betolatti, the supervisor, fills out the details. Sibley

FIGURE 4-6 Sale Deposit Department— Physical Layout

.Safe Deposit

Billing office



verifies them, signs the form, and hands it to you. The form is showii in
Figure 4-4. Let's follow the initial inxestigation process using our scenario.

Problem Definition and Project Initiation

The first step in an initial in\'estigation is to define the problem that led to
the user i-equest. The problem must be stated clearly, understood, and
agreed upon by the user and the analyst. It must state the objectixes the
user is tiding to achie\e and the insults the user wants to see. Emphasis
should be on the logical requirements iwhat must be the results! of the
problem rather than the physical requirements. For example, in the user
request form, a job objective is improved customer ser\dce (logical objective;
how the objective should be achieved (physical requirement! is not as
important at this time.
Given user identification of need, the analyst proceeds to verifv the
problem by separating svniptoms ftxjm causes. Long customer lines, for
example, are not the pix^blem per se, but are the sxanptoms of staff shortage,
a manual procedure that does not retrieve customer information (master
cards) for clearance, or both. The latter reason is the problem.
Related to the problem definition is the verification of user requii^-

ments in our example, the quick and accurate a\'ailabilit\' of safe deposit
information and shorter lines. As we discussed earlier in the chapter,
requirements may be confirmed by eliciting information through one or
moi'e strategies: (1) asking the clerks and the superxisor what they must
have to run the department (questions, brainstorming, orgixjup consensus);
(2) eliciting infomiation from the existing manucil system —
how data ai'e
stored, how up to date they are, how efficient, and so on; or (3! prototxp-
ing— start improxing the existing system, a step at a time, anchoring real-life
change ft-om which fiirther adjustments can be made.
Of these strategies, asking would be the most suitable, since the safe
deposit department is considered to have low uncertainty. This is attributa-
ble to the department's stable information requii^ments (rai-ely a change),
Betolatti's abUity to articulate the information requirements, and the ana-
lyst's ease in eliciting information about the same requirements and eval-
uating their accurac\'.
It is important to consider the planning phase and how planning a

candidate system for safe deposit fits into the larger iMIS enxironment of the
bank. For example, how congruent is designing a safe deposit billing system
with the existing computer enxironment? Suppose a customer's box re-
newal is due and he wants the rent deducted from the checking account
rather than writing a check or pasing cash. How well would an electixjnic
debit-credit procedure work? Should it be considered.-' What managerial
and operational constraints are inxoKed in introducing an alternative sys-
tem for safe deposit? How would ai^improvement in customer service affect
the activity for access to safe deposit boxes, the demand for more boxes, the
image of the department (and the bank) as an all-service bank? Are satisfied

safe deposit customer likely to open other accounts with or take loans
ft'om the bank? How would a computer-based safe deposit billing system
affect the morale of users in the trust and pereonnel departments who are
inneed of improxdng their operations? These questions relating the pro-
posed system to the larger system should be cai^fuUy evaluated.

Background Analysis
Once the project is initiated, the analyst begins to learn about the setting,
the existing system, and the physical processes related to the revised
system. For example, it is important to understand the stn.icture of the
bank; who runs it; who reports to whom in the safe deposit ai^a; the
I'elationshipbetween safe deposit and the teller line, accounting and cus-
tomer service; and the nature, frequency, and level of interaction between
the safe deposit staff and these departments. The existing billing system
could be the result of ill-trained staft or inefficient organization, or both. It
could be that reorganization might be a solution. Therefore, the analyst
should prepare an organization chart with a list of the functions and the
people who
perform them. In doing so, he/she would have a better feel for
the work environment in which safe deposit operates, the kinds of custom-
er involved, and the procedure employees follow in conducting business
in safe deposit.

After obtaining this background knowledge, the analyst begins to collect
data on the existing system's outputs, inputs, and costs. The tools used in
data collection are covered in detail in Chapter 5. They are (1) review of
wiitten documents, (2) on-site observations, (3) interviews, and (4) question-

Review of Written Documents

When available, all documentation on data carriers (forms, records,
reports, manuals, etc.) organized and evaluated. Included in procedures

manuals are the requirements of the system, which helps in determining to

what extent they are met by the present system. Unfortunately, most man-
uals are not up to date or may not be readable. Day-to-day problems may
have forced changes that are not reflected in the manual. Furthermore,
people have a tendency to ignore procedures and find shortcuts as long as
the outcome is satisfactoiy.
Regarding existing fomis, the analyst needs to find out how they are
filled out, how useful they are to the user (in our scenario, the customer),
what changes need to be made, and how easy they are to read. Figure 4-7
illustrates the forms used in our safe deposit case. Fonns design is dis-
cussed in Chapter 9.

FIGURE 4-7 Key Forms for Safe Deposit Accounting

,^7^ J?£>y

'Do/2,orMy <:$-/^/e^/S3AJ /-S-Ho d^u^ 6, a-i-^ ^Ak^ Ajl,.^^.-^

^OhO ^^jfH 'f/^-i' d^u<3^ 9-/v-it ^ Xc^

'J?eA)iSij' /^<$-o>/^/e^ /<^<^- ^ W^

^^ /-ai-i-'9 /A^^ "^

TZ/e' t/'^dj'T' /^J^ST" ^^e-zOtf^

Sc^rr ^Jj!^ OAll



-fiJ^^ ^*f ",.>'^";"7^.<./^

of Charge


^K2^ ^^/'^^^^^y^
^ -^ K^V-^^jt:^

On-Site Observations
Another fact-finding method used by the systems analyst is on-site or
direct observation. The analyst's role is that of an information seeker. One
purpose of on-site observation is to get as close as possible to the "real"
system being studied. As an obsener, the analyst follows a set of rules.
While making observations, he/she is more likely to listen than talk, and to
listen with interest when information is passed on. He/she a\'oids gi\ing
ad\ice, does not pass moral judgment on what is observed, does not argue
with the user staff, and does not show undue friendliness toward one but
not others.
On-site observation is the most difficult fact-finding technique. It re-
quires intrusion into the user's area and can cause adverse reaction by the
users staff if not handled properly. The analyst obserxes the physical layout
of the current system, the location and mo\'ement of people, and the work
flow. He/she is alert to the behavior of the user staff and of the people with
whom they come into contact. A change in behavior provides £in experi-
enced analyst with clues that can help put the behavior observed in per-
The following questions should precede a decision to use on-site

1. What behavior can be observed that cannot be described in other ways?

2. What data can be obtained more easily or more reliably by observation
than bv other means?
3. What assurances can be given that the observation process is not
seriously affecting the system or the behavior being observed?

4. V\'hat interpretation needs to be made on observational data to avoid

being misled by the obvious?

If on-site observation be done properly in a complex situation, it

is to
can be time-consuming. Proper sampling procedures must be used to
ascertain the stabilitv' of the behavior being observed. Without knowledge of
stabUitv', inferences drawn from small samples of behavior (small time

slices) can prove inaccurate and, therefore, unreliable.

Interviews and €t.uestionnaires

As we have discussed, on-site observ ation is directed toward describing
and understanding events and behavior as they occur. This method, how-
ever, is less effective for learning about people's perceptions, feelings, and
motivations. The alternative is the personal interview and the question-
method, heavy reliance is placed on the interviewee's report
naire. In either
for information about the job, the present system, or experience. The quality
of the response is judged in terms of its reliability' and validity'. Reliability
means that the information gathered is dependable enough to be used for
making decisions about the system being studied. \'alidit\' means that the
questions asked are so worded as to elicit the intended information. So,

the reliability and gathered depend on the design of the

validity of the data
interview or questionnaire and the manner in which each instrument is
In an interview, since the analyst (interviewer) and the person(s) in-
terviewed meet face to face, there is an opportunity for greater flexibility in
eliciting information.The interviewer is also in a natural position to observe
the subjects and the situation to which they are responding. In contrast, the
information obtained through a questionnaire is limited to the vviitten
responses of the subjects to predefined questions. Details on the advan-
tages and limitations of each instrument and the stages of construction and
administration are given in Chapter 5.

Fact Analysis
As data are collected, they must be organized and evaluated and conclu-
sions drawn and approval.
for preparing a report to the user for final review
Many tools used for data organization and analysis. As will be discussed
in detail in Chapter 6, among the tools used are input/output analysis,
decision tables, and structure charts.
Input/output analysis identifies the elements that are related to the
inputs and outputs of a given system. Flowcharts and data flow diagrams
are excellent tools for input/output analysis. For example, Figure 4-8 is an
information-oriented flowchart of our safe deposit pixjblem. It is a systems
flowchart that displays the relationships among the forms used in the
existing billing system. Figure 4-9 is an input/output analysis sheet that
describes the relationships among inputs, processing functions, and out-
puts for the safe deposit function of the bank.
Data flow diagrams ai-e also used to analyze the safe deposit billing
system. They can be very eff'ective in settings that pose few constraints on
the development or modification of the system under study. Figure 4-10 is a
data flow diagram whose content is equivalent to the infonnation-oriented
flowchart in Figure 4-8. It shows the general steps in the safe deposit billing
system. As an input/output analysis technique, it enables the analyst to
focus on the logic of the system and develop feasible alternatives. The
circles (also called bubbles) represent a processing point within the system.
The open rectangles represent data stores or points where data are stored.
The squai'es are departments or people involved in the billing system. The
major steps in the billing process are extracting the customer account,
applving the renewal cycle, preparing the bill, processing the payment, and
accounting for cash receipts.
Decision tables describe the data flow within a system. They are gener-
ally used as a supplement when complex decision logic cannot be repre-
sented clearly in a flowchart. As a documenting tool, they provide a simpler
form of data analysis than the flowchart. When completed, they are an easy-
to-follow communication device between technical and nontechnical per-
sonnel. They are verbally oriented to managers, easy to learn and update,


FIGURE 4-8 Information-Oriented Flowchart for a Sale Deposit Billing System

Customer Safe Deposit Departments Accounting Department 1

Customer Extract
record account to
Apply new
billing renewed


Customer ^—1"""^
invoice 1

^_^^^'^ Record
File record

\ File /
Payments Payments \/
^^^^ ^^^^ Payment/
credit memo
Aged receiv- -r—-f"^^^
able report t

^ Payment/
credit memo

Cash and

Safe deposit Safe deposit

customer customer



-* Customer
Customer Customer statement
receipt receipt

^ ^ Safe deposit
\ revenue

Safe deposit
revenue report

FIGURE 4-9 Input/Output Analysis Sheet

Dept: Safe Deposit System: Billing Date: L 14,85

Input Processing/Files Output

Customer file Customer record pulled out to determine Customer file

record expiration date and renewal rate. record

If expiration date is less than 30 days, a billing
statement is prepared.

Customer payment Payments are sent to the accounting dejiart-

Pa\Tnentycredit memo is sent to data process-
ing for verification and crediting customer's
account. The memo is returned for filing.

Memo creates a journal entry in a cash and

balance journal.
Data processing produces aged receivtible

Memo becomes a part of customer safe

depK>sit active list.

Data processing produces safe deposit

revenue rep)ort.

Copy is sent to safe deposit and cinother copy

kept on file.

Customer receipt of payment mailed to


FIGURE 4-10 Simplilied Data Flow Diagram of the Existing Sate Deposit
Billing System



and Balance ] 5

and continue to function once the logic is developed (see Figure 4-11).
Details on the structure and uses of decision tables are covered in Chap-
ter 6.
A structure chart is a working tool and an excellent way to keep track of
the data collected for a system. There are several variations of a structure
chart. Briefly, the analyst starts vvdth a single input/processing/output (IPO)
chart, locates the module associated with the IPO on the hierarchy chart,
and identifies the data elements along the line linking the module to a
higher level (pai^ent).

Determination of Feasibility
After organizingand summarizing the data, the analyst has a thorough
knowledge of the system. The following information should be available:
• Interview and correspondence records.
• Updated system documentation.
• Flowcharts.
• Familiarity with names, positions, and pei-sonalities of user personnel.
• Specification of the good and bad features of the current system.
• Understanding of how well actual problems facing the system are in line
with the problem(s) stated in the user request form.

The outcome of the initial investigation is to determine whether an

alternative system is feasible. A report summarizing the thinking of the
analyst presented to the user for review. At this time, it is important to

identify the principal user. In our safe deposit department example, al-
though the supervisor is the person in charge of the operation, it was found
that the senior vice president is the principal user the one who accepts or —
FIGURE 4-11 Decision Table — Safe Deposit Billing Routine
Billing 1 2 3 4 5

New rental application? Y N N N N

Box rental expires in 60 days? — Y N N N
IF . . . Box rental expires in 30 days? — — Y N N
Box rented expired? — — — Y N
Box rental past due? — — — — Y

Open safe deposit account X

Issue two keys X — — — —
Mail bill — X — — —
THEN . . .
Mail reminder — X X —
Mail past due letter X
Contact customer — — — X —
Call security — — — X
Drill box — — — X

rejects the candidate system. He is the one who also issued project direc-
tives and has a final say on what can and cannot be done. When the final
report was turned in, he reviewed it (with the supervisor) for content,
justification, and authorization to implement the online safe deposit billing
final decision is the end user's response to a project directive.
When approved, it becomes an authorization document that also reflects
the results of the discussions made during the final review. More and more
organizations have a computer user committee as a final approval authority
for the project undertaken.
A signature on the directive by the end user and its acceptance by the
MIS department make it a formal agreement to proceed with the design and
implementation of the candidate system. So, the directive initiates a feasi-
bility study, which essentially involves the description and evaluation of the
candidate system and the selection of the best system that meets system
performance requirements. These two steps are described in Chapter 7.

1. Planning information systems has become increasingly important be-
cause information is a vital resource and company asset, more and
more funds are committed to information systems, and system develop-
ment is a serious business for computers that incorporate data bases
and networking.
2. Planning for information systems has a time horizon and a focus di-
mension. The time horizon dimension specifies the time range of the
plan, whereas the focus dimension relates whether the primary con-
cern is strategic, managerial, or operational.
3. The initial investigation has the objective of determining the validity of
the user's request for a candidate system and whether a feasibility study
should be conducted. The objectives of the pi-oblem posed by the user
must be understood within the framework of the organization's MIS

4. Determining user requirements is not easy. System requirements

change, the articulation of requirements is difficult, and heavy user
involvement and motivation are uncertain. Problems with the user/
analyst interface add further difficulties to the procedure.

5. There are three strategies for eliciting information regarding the user's
I'equirements: asking questions, obtaining infonnation from the present
system, and pixjtotyping. The asking strategy assumes a stable system
where the user is well informed about information requirements. In
contrast, the prototyping strategy is appropriate for high-uncertainty
information requirements determination.
6. Fact-finding is the first step in the initial investigation. It includes a
review of uo-itten documents, on-site observations, interviews, and

questionnaires. The next step is fact analysis, which evaluates the

elements i^lated to the inputs and outputs of a given system. Data flow
diagrams and other charts are prepared during this stage.
The data flow diagram IDFDI shows the flow of data, the processes, and
the areas where they are stored. It is a commonly used structured tool
for displa\dng the logical aspects of the system under study. Decision
tables areused as a supplement when complex decision logic cannot
be represented clearly in a DFD.
8. The outcome of the initial investigation is to determine whether an
alternative system is feasible. The proposal details the findings of the
investigation. Approval of the document initiates a feasibility study,
which leads to the selection of the best candidate svstem.

Key Words
Bounded Rationality Planning
Brainstorming Project Directi\'e
Data Flow Diagram Project Pixjposal
Decision Table Prototvping
Delphi Method Recency Effect
Initial Investigation Reliability'

Kitchen Sink Strateg\' Strategic Planning

Management Planning Structure Chart
Operational Planning Validity

Review Gtuestions
1. Why is it so critical to manage system development? Explain.

2. What planning dimensions determine information system develop-

ment? Elaborate.
3. What is the difference between managerial and operational MIS plan-
ning? Discuss.
4. Elaborate on the top-down approach to system planning — what it

means, its uses, and its implications for system development.

5. Distinguish between the following:
a. Brainstorming and the Delphi method.
b. Validity and reliability.
c. Strategic and operational planning.
d. Decision table and structure chart.
6. What important information does the user's request form provide? Why
is it so important in the initial investigation? Explain in detail.

7. Why is it difficult to determine user requirements? Illustrate.

8. According to Scharer, users use various strategies to define their infor-

mation requirements. Give examples and explain four strategies.

9. Discuss and illustrate the key strategies for eliciting information about
the user's requirements. Which strategy would you select? Why?
10. A question may be closed or open-ended. Illustrate the difference.

11. Re\ie\v the literature on prototyping. Gi\e a five-minute summarv' in


12. Describe the data analysis method. How does it differ from the decision
analysis method? Elaborate on the pros and cons of each method.

13. Illustrate the difference between input'output analysis and systems

flowcharts. When is each tool used?
14. What are data flow diagrams? How do the\' differ ft-om stnjcture charts?

Application Problems


The Mid-Atlantic Credit Center for Belk-Jeffei'son is operated by approx-
imateh' 30 employees, 20 of whom are directK' in\'ol\ed in credit and
pa\Tnent processing and customer senice. The credit center is con-
cerned with the receipt and credit of paxTiients, check encoding, and
pa\Tnent documentation and microfilm storage. Most of the center's
operations are organized by an interactive IBM 3031 and 4341 main-

frame located in Charlotte, North Carolina the central processing unit
for the entire Marvland-based Jefferson retail stores. Tweh'e CRTs allow
customer service employees to access customer accounts and pa\Tnent
information when needed.
Pa\Tnent processing begins in the mailroom. Two employees open
incoming pa\Tnents (approximately 5,000 per day) and place payment
slipsand checks in alternating order, grouping them in 250-pavment
batches. The batches are then encoded by a magnetic ink character
recognition iMICRi de\ice that separates the pavment slips from the
checks while encoding both with the amount of the paxTiient. .Although
thisencoding pix)cess is performed by the bank, Jeft'ei-son has found it
more expedient to do it in house.
Next the two stacks (checks and pa\Tnent slips) ai^ taken to the data
entry station, whei-e the amount of pa\Tnent is entered into the com-
puter and credited to the piT)per account. Although the ixjutine is
automated, an employee monitoi-s the operation for encoding enxjrs.
Following data entr\', payment slips and checks ai-e taken to micixjfilm
for documentation. The reels an> kept randomly in boxes with onl\' the
date of their creation [printed on the outside. Pavment slips are filed in
boxes and indexed by date only. The actual checks are mailed to the
bank for Dix)cessing (see Exhibit 4-1 1.

EXHIBIT 4-1 Present Information Flow at Jefferson Credit Center





computer entry

Customer inquiries are received through the mailroom at approx-

imately 660 per week and by phone at 150 per week. Mail inquiries are
filed in a cabinet and indexed by month and by account number within
each month. Further correspondence related to a particular inquiry is
also stored with the original document.
When an inquiry is received, it necessitates the retrieval of inquiry
correspondence. The employee must know the approximate date when
the document was received and the account number. In many cases,
the date is difficult to determine, which necessitates a search through
several months of documents. With a physical file system, there is a
good chance of misfiling documents; this complicates the search.
To retrieve payment slips, the employee invariably searches the
paper file, although they are also stored on microfilm. This is due to the
lack of a reasonable index system, which makes microfilm retrieval
almost as slow as the paper file. Consequently, search time averages 10
minutes. Often it takes half a day.
Cleariy, the Jefferson credit center uses state-of-the-art computer
— —
hardware IBM interactive system but inefficient manual document-
retrieval operations.

a. What is the main problem facing Jefferson stores and the credit center? Be

b. In doing an initial investigation, what goals and considerations would you

focus on?

c. Provide the necessary information to detennine the feasibility of an alter-

native system. Is an alternative system feasible? Justify your answer.

An in-house analyst of a lai^e commercial bank received an inquiry (see

the box) from Mrs. Mattes, the second \ice president of operations,
concerning Christmas Club coupons. After a brief talk with her, the
analyst decided to see for himself how the whole operation works. He
observed the following:

a. Coupons are classified as $1.00, $2.00, $5.00, and $10.00. For exam-
ple, a club member with 52 $1.00 coupons saves $1.00 per week or
$52 by Christmas.
b. A customer comes in with the coupon book for deposit. The teller

receives the cash, detacheg the coupon, stamps the stub (in the
coupon book) with the date of pavTiient and the amount, and
returns the coupon book to the customer.

c. At the end of the day, the coupons are sorted by denomination,

counted, and the total value bcdanced against the cash received.
The entire process takes one person about three hours.
After observing the operation, the analystdetermined the problem
to be too many categories of coupons rather than a shortage of clerical
help. Increases in people's incomes, interest-bearing checking ac-
counts, and the like would make it unprofitable for the bank to maintain
the $1.00, $2.00, and $5.00 coupon books. Therefore, they should be
discontinued. Effective January of next year, club members should be
sold $5.00 or $10.00 coupon books or encouraged to open a savings


Statement of Problem
Because of the increase in the number of Christmas Club accounts,
ithas become necessary to seek full-timie clerical help to process
the daily coupons. Furthermore, the manual handling of each
coupon has made it more costly to maintain the club.

Reason(s) for Reporting Problem

The manucd handling coupons rricikes it difficult to attract regular

help. Tellers complain that coupons interrupt their work. Immediate
solution to this problem can improve the service and provide
efficient operation of the club.

NAME: Dixie Mattes DEPARTMENT: Operations

TITLE: Second vice president EXT: 5421 DATE: 3/15/85

a. Do you agree with the analyst's definition of the problem? If not, how would
you define it? Why? Explain.
b. If you were to do the initial investigation, how would you handle it?


/Mlied Concrete, Inc., has had to revamp its approach to maintaining a

computer system and converting applications. Recently management
has established a steering committee to oversee and approve all ap-
plications before they are run on the mainframe. The committee con-

one member from each of the following areas: accounting, sales,

sists of
production, and information systems. The committee is chaired by the
The primary charge is to review
vice president in charge of production.
each user request and approve or disapprove it based on feasibility and
priority. If a request isapproved, the user department is billed for its
development by a debit transaction against its budget. The amount
includes computer time, analyst and programmer time, and supplies.
All department heads have agreed to the new policy.
In formalizing the committee's authority and responsibilities, se-
rious questions wei'e raised by several user depar'tments about whether
the committee has the authority to turn doun a project even if it is
technically feasible. They argued that since they are paying for the
project out of their budget, there is no reason for it to be rejected.

a. Should all user projects that are operationally and technically feasible be
developed as long as the user is paying the price? If so, what should be the
role of the steering committee?

b. What do you think of the makeup of the steering committee? What role
should the analyst, programmer, or data base specialist play in a steering
committee? Elaborate.

The steering committee for the information system of a large savings

and loan bank is evaluating a request from the mortgage loan depart-
ment to provide an online system in all branches. The bank's mainfi'ame
is operating at 55 percent of capacity. It has adequate memory to handle
the new application. The only equipment needed
an online temiinal

in each of the bank's 27 branches and a software package that can be

installed in five weeks using the existing telecommunications network.
The terminals are available thi-ough the vendor' within the week at

$2,100 each. Branch tellers could be well trained in less than four
working days. The softwai-e package costs $18,000.
The existing mortgage loan applications are handled in a l)atch
mode. At the end of the day, each branch sends the mortgage payments
and documents to the computer center, located 18 miles away. When
the documents ai-e received, data entry operatoi-s enter each pavment
and account number directly on disk. V\'hen all transactions are en-
tered, they are processed. All accounts are updated and the resulting
report (1,400 pages long) is^sent to various branches for reference.
Obviously, in a batch environment, all infonnation is based on the
previous day's activities.

The bank is a leader in the industiy for introducing new laborsaving

and income-generating applications. In the past, when a new applica-
tion was implemented, it set the tone for other banks to duplicate. The
systems group is highly motivated and well paid and works closely with
management on a regular basis.
mortgage loans reasons that
In the proposal, the vice pi^sident of
with an online mortgage loan system, tellers can answer inquiries about
mortgage payments, balances, and other mattere in just seconds.
Within the year, she expects customers to call the branch rather than
the main office for all infomiation regarding their respective loans. This
means a sa\ings in human resources and a more efficient distribution of
the work load among the branches.

a. Based on the information pro\ided, is this proposal feasible? Should it be
pui-sued? Why? Ekiborate.

b. What other information does the steering committee need to do a thorough

investigation? What source(s) would it come ftxjm? Be specific.

Selected References
Bariff, M. L. "Information Requirements Analysis: A Methodological Rexiew." Work-
ing Paper 76-08-02, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, 1976.
Bowman, Brent; Gordon Davis; and James C. Wetherbe. "Modeling for MIS."
Datamation, July 1981, pp. 155-64.
Business Systems Planning —
Information Systems Planning Guide. Application Man-
ual, GE 20-0527-3, 3d ed. IBM Coip, July 1981. Available thraugh IBM branch
Caldwell, Jack. "The Misunderstanding of Objectives." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment. June 1982, p. 30.
Cerullo, Michael J. "MIS: What Can Go Wrong? Management Accounting,
April 1979,

pp. 43-49.
Cooper, Roldolpb B., and E. Burton Swanson. "Management Information Require-
ments Assessment: The State of the Art." Data Base, Fall 1979, pp. 5-16.
Couger, J. D. "Comparative Analysis of Infomiation Systems Curricula." Computing
Newsletter for Schools of Business, vol. XVII, no. 2 (October 1983), p. 1.
Davis, Gordon B. "Strategies for Information Requirements Determination." IBM
Systems Journal 21, no. 1 11982), pp. 4-30.
Doll, \Vm. J., and Mesbab U. Ahmed, "Managing User Expectations." Journal of
Systems Management, June 1983, pp. 6-11.
Gore, Marvin, and John Stubbe. Elements of Systems Analysis. 3d ed. Dubuque,
Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1983, pp. 178-207.
Haughey, Thomas P., and Robert M. RoUason. "Function Analysis: Refining Informa-
tion Engineering." Computenvorld lln-Depth), August 22, 1983, pp. 24-26flF.

Helmer, The Delphi Method." In Technological Fore-

Olaf. "Analysis of the Future:
casting for Industry and Government: Methods and Applications ed. James R.
Bright. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, pp. 116-22.
Lederer, Albert T. "Information Requirements Analysis." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment, December 1981, pp. 15-19.
Leif, Robert E.; Robert D. Dodge; and Ralph L. Ogden. "Adapting Data Pixjcessing

Strategy to Management Style." Computerworld (In-Depth), December 5, 1983,

pp. 25-32.
Lientz, Rennet P., and Myles Chen. "Long Range Planning for InfoiTnation Services."
Long Range Planning, vol. 13 (February 1980), pp. 55-61.
Linstone, M. A., and M. Turoff, eds. The Delphi Method: Techniques and Applica-
tions. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1975.
McFarlan, Warren. "Portfolio Approach to Information Systems." Journa/ of Systems
Management, January 1982, pp. 11-19.
McLean, Ephraim R., and John V. Soden. Strategic Planning for MIS. New York: John
WUey &, Sons, 1977.
Miller, Wm. B. "Developing a Long Range EDP Plan." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment, July 1979, pp. 36-39.
Mosard, Gil. "Problem Definition: Tasks and Techniques." Journal of Systems Man-

agement, June 1983, pp. 16-21.

Munro, Malcolm C. "DeteiTnining the Manager's Information Needs." Journal of
Systems Management, June 1978, pp. 34-39.
Newell, A., and H. A. Simon. Human Problem Solving. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1972.
Nolan, Richard L. "Managing Infomiation Systems by Committee." Harvard Business
Review, July-August 1982, pp. 72-79.
Pitagorsky, George. "Analyzing, Defining Systems Needs." Management Information
Systems Week, August 24, 1983, p. 30.
Poppel, Harvey. Strategic Impact of Information Technology. New York: Deltak Corp.,
1982, pp. 5-9.
Powers, Michael; David Adams; and Harlan D. Mills. Computer Information System
Developnient: Analysis & Design. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing, 1984,
pp. 60-82.
Scharer, Laura. "Pinpointing Requirements." Datamation, April 1981, pp. 139-40.
Steiner, George A. "Formal Sti'ategic Planning in the United States Today." Long
Range Planning 16, no. 3 (1983), pp. 13-17.
Tharp, Marvin O., and Wm. Taggart. "Management Information Analysis: A Situa-
Management Datamatics 5, no. 6, (1976), pp. 231-39.
tion Perepective."
Thierauf, Robert J., and George W. Reynolds. Effective Information Systems Manage-
ment. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing, 1982.
Wetherbe, James C. Systems Analysis and Design: Traditional, Structured, and Ad-
vanced Concepts and Techniques. Minneapolis, Minn.: West Publishing, 1984,
pp. 319-59.
Chapter 5

Information Gathering


What Kinds of Information Do We Need?


Where Does Information Originate?

Information-Gathering Tools


The Art of Interviewing


At a Glance

A key part of feasibility analysis is gathering information about the present

system. The analyst must know what information to gather, where to find it, how
to collect it. and what to make of it. The proper use of tools for gathering
information is the key to successful analysis. The tools are the traditional in-
terview, questionnaire, and on-site observation. We need to know, for exam-
ple, how to structure an interview, what makes up a questionnaire, and what to
look for in on-site observations. These tools, when learned, help analysts assess
the effectiveness of the present system and provide the groundwork for recom-
mending a candidate system.
By the end of this chapter, you should know:
1 What categories of information are available for systems analysis.
2. The sources of information.
3. How to arrange an interview.
4. The types of interviews and questionnaires.
5. How to construct a questionnaire.

Arranging the Interview

Guides to a Successful Interview


The Unstructured Alternative
The Structured Alternative
Procedure for Questionnaire Construction
Reliability of Data from Respondents
The Reliability-Validity Issue

Chapters 5 and 7 describe the early phase of system development. Whether
the thrust of the activities is the initial investigation or a feasibilitv' study, the
aim is primarily to develop an understanding of the problem facing the user
and the nature of the operation. Understanding how each activitv operates
requires access to information.
Information gathering is an art and a science. The approach and man-
ner in which information is gathered require persons vvdth sensitivity, com-
mon sense, and a knowledge of what and when to gather and what
channels to use in securing information. Additionally, the methodologv' and
tools for information gathering require training and experience that the
analyst is expected to ha\e. This means that information gathering is nei-
ther easy nor routine. Much preparation, experience, and training are
This chapter addresses the categories and sources of information and
the functions, uses, and relevance of key infoiTnation-gathering tools during
the phases of system analysis. The phases are:

Familiarity v\ith the present system through available documentation,

such as procedures manuals, documents and their flow, interviews of
the user staff, and on-site observation.

making associated v\ith managing the system.

Definition of the decision
This is important for determining what information is required of the
system. Conducting interviews clarifies the decision points and how
decisions are made in the user area.

3. Once decision points are identified, a series of interviews may be

conducted to define the information requirements of the user. The
information gathered is analyzed and documented. Discrepancies be-
tween the decision system and the information generated from the
information system are identified. This concludes the analysis and sets
the stage for system design.^


Before one determines where to go for information or what tools to use, the
first requirement is to figure out what information to gather. Much of the
information we need to analyze relates to the organization in general, the
user staff, and the work flow (see Figure 5-1).

For details on the application of s\stem analysis activities, refer to James VVetherbe,

Systems Analysis and Design: Tradilional. S&vctured, and Advanced Concepts and Techniques
(St. Paul, Minn.; West Publishing, 1984), pp. 127-54.


FIGURE 5-1 Categories of Information

Kind of Information Describing

• Polirjps ^«.^
• nnals '•-^
• Organization organization

• Authority
relationships "^-..^^^^^
• Job functions ^*''~~'"^-~
User to Information

• Information
staff gathering
• Interpersonal

• Wnrk finw
The work
procedures ^^__,,,,—-— itself

• Work schedules -' '

Information about the Firm

Information about the organization's policies, goals, objectives, and struc-
ture explains the kind of envdronment that promotes (or hinders) the intro-
duction of computer-based systems. Company policies are guidelines that
determine the conduct of business. Policies are translated into lules and
procedures for achieving goals. A statement of goals describes manage-
ment's commitment to objectives and the direction system development
vvoll follow. Objectives are milestones of accomplishments toward achieving

goals. Information from employee manuals, orientation pamphlets, annual

company reports, and the like helps an analyst form opinions about the
goals of the organization.
After policies and goals are set, a firm is organized to meet these goals.
The organization structure, via the organization chart, indicates manage-
ment directions and orientation (see Figure 5-2). For example, a family-
owned firm often has a rigid, centralized structure and a conservative
approach to implementing change. This suggests that when it comes to
computerizing applications, the analyst has a challenge to sell the project
before a final approval is secured.
The organization chart represents an achievement-oriented structure.
It helps us understand the general climate in which candidate systems utII
be considered. In gathering information about the firm, the analyst should
watch for the correspondence between what the organization claims to
achieve (goals) and actual operations. Policies, goals, objectives, and struc-


Installment Officer

Loan Loans



5> io President

Assistant President







Do ^
c 1

Hookkeopint) 3 Ol
O 2i 1
Ol 5

^ C I

~\ II


Second Platform aO

= Q.

"I coo


c e
5 c





ture are important elements for analysis. Requests for computer ser\ice
must be evaluated in the light of these elements.

Information about User Staff

Another kind of information for analysis is knowledge about the people who

run the present system their job functions and information requirements,
the relationships of their jobs to the existing system, and the interpei'sonal
network that holds the user group together. We are actually focusing on
people's roles, authority relationships, job status and functions, information
requirements, and interpersonal relationships. Information of this kind
highlights the organization chart and establishes a basis for determining the
importance of the existing system for the organization.
In summaiy, the major focus is to find out what people the analyst is
going to be dealing with and what each person expects to get out of a
candidate system before it goes thixjugh design and final implementation.
Once such information is secured, the next step is to show how various jobs
hang together within work schedules and procedures.

Information about Work Flow

Work flow focuses on what happens to the data through various points in a
system. This can be shown by a data flow diagram or a system flowchart. A
data flow diagram represents the information generated at each processing
point in the system and the direction it takes from source to destination
(see Figure 5-3). In contrast, a system flowchart describes the physical
system The information available ft-om such charts explains
(see Figure 5-4).
the procedures used for performing tasks and work schedules. Details on
charts are covered in Chapter 6.


Information is gathered from two principal sources: personnel or written

documents ftom within the organization and from the organization's en-
vironment. The primary e^iternal sources are:

1. Vendors.
2. Government documents.
3. Newspapers and professioncil journals.

The primary internal sources are:

1. Financial reports.

2. Personnel staff.

3. Professional staff (legal counsel, EDP [electronic data processing] au-

ditor, etc.).

FIGURE 5-3 Data Flow Diagram of a Payroll System


4. System documentation or manuals.

5. The user or user staff.

6. Reports and transaction documents.

Hardware xendors are traditional sources of information about systems

and software. Other equipment manufacturers proxide information about
competitive sxstems. A third source that has experienced tremendous
growth during the past decade is the software house. There are thousands
of software packages on the market to suit \irtually everv' problem area with
reasonable modifications. Independent listings of software packages and
their vendors are available through associations such as Computerworld
and DATAPRO, or other organizations with experience in the application
under consideration.
Other external sources of information are government documents, tech-
nical newspapers, and professional journals. Computerworld, for example,
provides weekly information about new hardware, hardware installations,
software developments, and trends in the field. Articles are also published
in system development, documentation, and EDP journals, such as Com-
munications of the ACM and Journal for System Management. They provide
invaluable updates in the systemaarea.
Internal sources of infomiation ai'e limited to the user staff, company
personnel, and various reports. User personnel are the fixjnt-line contacts

FIGURE 5-4 System Flowchart of a Payroll System

time _^ /
/ Data
Dat entry Data entry
cards \ CRT program


© Payroll
_^f New \

Checks Reports program

for acquiring and validating information about a system. An important

source of information is the key employee who has been in the user area for
years and is familiar with present activities and applications. As we shall see
later, historical and sensitive information is often acquired from informants.
In some cases, that is the only source available to the analyst.

No two projects are ever the same. This means that the analyst must decide
on the information gathering tool and how it must be used. Although there
are no standard rules for specifying their use, an important rule is that
information must be acquired accurately, methodically, under the right
conditions, and with minimum interruption to user personnel. For exam-
ple, if the analyst needs only information available in existing manuals, then

interviewing unnecessary except where the manual is not up to date. If


additional information is needed, on-site observation or a questionnaire

may be considered. Therefore, we need to be familiar with various infoiTna-
tion-gathering tools. Each tool has a special function, depending on the
information needed. The tools discussed in this chapter are shown in
Figure 5-5.

Review of Literature, Procedures, and Forms

Very few system problems are unique. The increasing number of software
packages suggests that pixjblem solutions are becoming standardized.
Therefore, as a first step, a search of the literature through professional
references and procedures manuals, textbooks, company studies, govern-
ment publications, or consultant studies may prove invaluable. The primary
drawback of this search is time. Often it is difficult to get certain reports,
publications may be expensive, and the information may be outdated due
to a time lag in publication.
Procedures manuals and forms are useful sources for the analyst. They
describe the format and functions of the present system. Included in most
manuals ai'e system requirements that help determine how well various
objectives are met. Up-to-date manuals save hours of information-gathering
time. Unfortunately, in many cases, manuals do not exist or are seriously
out of date.

FIGURE 5-5 Information-Gathering Methods


Review litera-
ture, procedures,
and forms


Information- Data
gathering Interviews organization

- Questionnaires ^

Included in the study of pixjcedures and manuals is a close look at

existing forms. Printed forms are widely used for capturing and proxading
information. Figure 5-6 illustrates the flow of a purchase oixier in a produc-
tion system. The objecti\'e is to understand how forms are used. The
following questions may be useful:

1. Who uses the form(s)? How important are they to the user?
2. Do the forms include all the necessary information? What items should
be added or deleted?
3. How many departments recei\'e the existing form(s)? Why? In Figure
5-6, each department has a reason for receiving a copy of the purchase
oixJer. It would make little sense, for instcmce, if the manager of the
production department required copies of each purchase order e\en
though puchase requisitions were initiated by the department.
4. How readable and easy to follow is the form?
5. How does the informationfoim help other users make better
in the
decisions? What other uses does the form offer the user ai-ea?

On-Site Observation
Another infonnation-gathering tool used in system studies is on-site
observation. It is the process of recognizing and noting people, objects, and

FIGURE 5-6 Distribution Flow of a Purchase Order in a Production System

A B Dick & Son mc
4117 Waukegan Road
Deerlield ill 60015

To E B Electronics Co Date Aug 30 1985

Lake Geneva. Ill Dehver Before Sept 30
•^i"" Sh,o»,a Best way
Source DesT.^at 0^
A„,vP 2 10 3 30
Purchasing Receiving Accounts Computer center
'» department department payable (processing)
Unit Total _-N
Quantity Description
Price price

200 Transformers 392K 300 600 00 control
300 Switches 410A 225 67500
130 Capacitors 17C 4 10 41000
400 2 ft wires 15 35 140 00
60 Reactors 072 10 00 600 00 Purchase

(in file)

(copies of
purchase order)

AB Dick & Son Inc

Rea No MHO „^ £4l.-^ -ajc

Purchasing Agent

occurrences to obtain information.- The analyst's role is that of an informa-

tion seeker who is expected to be detached therefore unbiased from the i i

system being observed. This role permits participation with the user staff
openly and freely.
The major objective of on-site obsenation is to get as close as possible
to the "real" system being studied. For this reason it is important that the
analyst is knowledgeable about the general makeup and activities of the
sv'Stem. For example, if the focus of the anahsis is communication, one
needs to know as much as possible about the modes of communication
available thixDugh the organization structure and the aspects of the phvsical
layout that might adversely affect communication. The following questions
can serve as a guide for on-site observations:

1. What kind of system is it? What does it do?

2. Who runs the system? Who are the important people in it?

3. What is the historv of the system? How did it get to its present stage of
4. Apart from its fomial function, what kind of system is it in comparison
with other systems in the organization? Is it a primary or a secondarv'
contributor to the organization? Is it fast paced or is it a leisurely system
that responds slowly to external crises?

As an observer, the analvst follows a set of rules. While making

observations, he/she is than talk and to listen v\ith a
more likelv to listen
svmpathetic and genuine interest when information is conveyed. The em-
phasis is not on giving advice or passing moral judgment on what is
observed. Furthermore, care is taken not to argue with the persons being
observed or to show hostilitv toward one person and undue friendliness
toward another.
When human observers are used, four alternativ e observation methods
are considered:

1. Natural or contrived. A natural observation occurs in a setting such as

the employee's place of work; a contrived observation is set up by the
observer in a place like a laboratorv'.

2. Obtrusive or unobtrusive. An obtrusive observation takes place when

the respondent knows he/she is being observed; an unobtrusive
observation takes place in a contrived way such as behind a one-way

3. Direct or indirect. A direct observation takes place when the analvst

actuallv observes the subject or the system at work. In an indirect
observation, the analvst uses mechanical devices such as cameras and
videotapes to capture information.

- Haqjer Boyd: Ralph VVestfaU; cind Stanley Stasch, Marketing Research: Tejtt and Cases, 5th
ed. (Homewood. 111.: Hichard D. Irwin, 1981), p. 125.

4. Structured or unstructured. In a structured observation, the observer

looks for and records a specific action such as the number of soup cans
a shopper picks up before choosing one. Unstructured methods place
the observer in a situation to observe whatever might be pertinent at the

Any methods may be used in information gathering. Natural,

of these
direct, obtrusive, and unstructured observations are fi^quently used to get
an overview of an operation. The degree of structure is increased when
observations have a specific purpose. An example is tracing the ix)ute of a
sales invoice through a system. The degi^e of obtiusiveness may decrease
vv^hen one wants to observe the tasks that make up a given job. For example,
the analyst may want to create a list of the activities of a production
supervisor by observing him/her from a remote location. Indirect
observations could be used in a similar manner. For instance, the daily
routine of a bank teller may be observed indirectly via a video camera.
Finally, contrived situations are used to test or debug a candidate system.
They are also used in training programs to help evaluate the progress of
Electronic observation and monitoring methods becoming widely
used information-gathering tools because of their speed, efficiency, and low
cost. For example, some truck use an electronic recorder system that
records, analyzes, and reports infomiation online about the hours and

minutes a vehicle was driven faster than 60 miles per hour, the number of
hours an engine was idle in a day, and how much out-of-service time a
vehicle had.^ These and other electronic methods expedite the informa-
tion-gathering process in systems analysis.
On-site observations are not without problems:

1. Intnjding into the user's area often results in adverse reactions by the
staff. Therefore, adequate preparation and training are important.

2. Attitudes and motivations of subjects cannot be readily observed — only

the actions that result from them.
3. Observations are subject to error due to the observer's misinterpreta-
tion and subjective selection of what to observe, as well as the subjects'
altered work pattern during observation.
4. Unproductive, long hours are often spent in an attempt to observe
specific, one-time activities or events.

In deciding to use an on-site observation, several questions are consid-


1. What behavior can be observed that cannot be described in other ways?

2. What data can be obtained more easily or more reliably by observation
than bv other means?

3 "Electronic: Data for Fleet Management," Fleetowner, 76, no. 6 (June 1981), pp. 76-78.

3. What assurances can be given that the observation process is not

seriously affecting the system or the behavior being observed?

4. What interpretation needs to be made about observational data to avoid

being misled by the obvious?
5. Hou^ much skill is required and available for the actual observation?

For on-site observation to be done properly in a complex situation it

can be veiy time-consuming. Proper sampling procedures must be used to
ascertain the stability of the behavior being observed. Without a knowledge
of stability; inferences drawn from small samples of behavior (small time
slices) can be inaccurate.

Interviews and GLuestionnaires

As wehave seen, on-site observation is directed primarily toward describing
and understanding events as they occur. It has limitations when we need to
learn about people's perceptions, feelings, or motivations, however. There-
fore, other information-gathering tools are also used for analysis.
Infomiation-gathering tools can be categorized by their degree of di-
rectness. If we wash to know about something, we simply ask someone
about it directly, but we may not get an answer. Most of the information-
gathering tools used in systems analysis are relatively direct. This is a
strength because much of the infonnation needed can be acquired by direct
questions. There is information of a more difficult nature that user staff may

be reluctant to give directly, however for example, information on com-
pany politics or satisfaction vvdth the supervisor. When asked by direct
questions, the respondent may yield information that is invalid; yet prop-
erly handled, information can be successfully obtained with interviews or

The interview is a face-to-face interpersonal role situation in which a
pei'son called the interviewer asks a person being interviewed questions
designed to gather information about a problem area.^ The interview is the
oldest and most often used device for gathering infoiTnation in systems
work. It has qualities that behavioral and on-site observations do not pos-
sess. It can be used for two main purposes: (1) as an exploratoiy device to
identify relations or verify infonnation, and (2) to capture information as it
Validity no small problem. Special pains are taken to eliminate in-

terview bias. We assume that information is more valid, the more freely it is
given. Such an assumption stresses the voluntary character of the interview
as a relationship freely and willingly entered into by the respondent. If the

' Fred N. Kerlinger, Fundamentals of Behavioral Research, 2d ed. (New York: Holt, Rinehart
& Winston, 1973),_p. 481.

inter\ie\v is considei'ed a requirement, the intenlevver might gain the

respondent's time and attention, but cannot be certain of the accuracy of
the information gathered during the inter\ievv.
In an inter\ie\v, since the analyst iinter\ievverl and the person in-
terviewed meet face to face, there is an opportunity' for flexibilitv in eliciting
information. The anahst is also in a position to observe the subject. In
contrast, the information obtained through a questionnaire is limited to the
subject's written responses to predefined questions.
There are four primarv advantages of the interview:

1. Its flexibilitvmakes the interview a superior technique for exploring

areas vv here not much is known about what questions to ask or how to
formulate questions.
2. It opportunitv than the questionnaii^ to evaluate the
offere a better
validity of the infomiation gathered. The interviewer can observe not
only what subjects say but also how they sav it.
3. It is an technique for eliciting information about complex
subjects and for piT)bing the sentiments underlving expressed opin-

4. Many people enjoy being interviewed, regardless of the subject. They

usually cooperate in a studv when all they have to do is talk. In contrast,
the percentage of returns to a questionnaire is relativ elv low: often less
than 20 peix;ent. Attractivelv designed questionnaires that ai'e simple to
return, easy to follow, and presented in a context that inspii'es coopera-
tion improve the return rate.

The major drawback of the interview is the long preparation time.

Interviews also take a lot of time to conduct, which means time and money.
So whenever a more economical alternative captures the same information,
the interview is generally not used.

The Art ol Interviewing. Interviewing is an art. Few analvsts learn it

in school, but most of them develop expertise thixjugh experience. The

interviewer's art consists of creating a permissive situation in which the
answers offei^d ai'e i^liable. Respondents' opinions are offered v\ith no fear
of being criticized by others. Primaw requirements for a successful in-
terview are to create a friendly atmosphei'e and to put the respondent at
ease. Then the interview pixjceeds with asking questions properlv, obtain-
ing reliable responses, and recording them accurately and completely.

Arranging the Interview. The interview should be arranged so that

the physical location, time of the interview, and order of interviewing assui'e
privacy and minimal interruption. Usually a neutral location that is non-
threatening to the respondent is preferred. Appointments should be made
well in advance and a fixed time period adhered to as closely as possible.
Interview schedules generally begin at the top of the organization structure
and work down so as not to offend anyone.

Guides to a Successful Interview, interviewing should be ap-

proached as logically as programming. In an interview, the following steps
should be taken:

1. Set the stage for the interview.

2. Establish rapport; put the interviewee at ease.

3. Phrase questions clearly and succinctly.

4. Be a good listener; avoid arguments.
5. Evaluate the outcome of the interview.

1. Stage setting. This is an "ice breaking/' relaxed, informal phase where

the analyst opens the interview by focusing on (a) the purpose of the
interview, (b) why the subject was selected, and (c) the confidential nature
of the interview.
After a favorable introduction, the analyst asks the first question and the
respondent answers it and goes right through the interview. The job of the
analyst should be that of a reporter rather than a debater. The direction of
the interview is controlled by discouraging distracting conversation.
During stage setting the interviewer evaluates the cooperation of the
interviewee. Both the content and tone of the responses are evaluated. How
well the interview goes depends on whether the interviewee is the friendly
type, the timid type who needs to be coaxed to talk, or the resident e?cpert,
who bombards the analyst with opinions disguised as facts. In any case, the
analyst adjusts his/her own image to counter that of the interviewee.

2. Establishing rapport. In one respect, data collection is an imposition on

user staff time and an intrusion into their privacy. Even though the pro-
cedure is authorized by management in advance, many staff members are
reluctant to participate. There is seldom a direct advantage in supplying
information to outsiders, regardless of their credentials. There is a strong
perception that it may do them harm. This factor makes it important to gain
and maintain rapport with the user staff. The investigation is an art. Al-
though there are no ground rules to follow, there are pitfalls to avoid.

a. Do not deliberately mislead the user about the purpose of the

study. A careful, well-thought-out briefing of participants should not
provide any more detail than is necessary. Too much technical detail
may tend to confuse people. The briefing should be consistent for all
participants to avoid rumors.

b. Assure interviewees confidentiality that no information they offer will

be released to unauthorized personnel. The promise of anonymity is
very important.
c. Avoid personal involvement in the affairs of the user's department or
identification with one faction ^at the cost of another. This may be
difficult when several groups are involved in the study.

d. Avoid shoudng off your knowledge or sharing information received ftxjm

other sources.

e. Avoid acting like an expert consultant or confidant. This can reduce the
objecti\ity of the appix)ach and discourage people from freely giving

/ Respect the time schedules and preoccupations of your subjects. Do

not make an extended social e\ ent out of the meeting. If the subject
does not complain, subordinates might, especialK' if they are waiting to
see the subject iboss).

g. Do not promise amlhing you cannot or should not deliver, such as

ad\ice or feedback.
h. Dress and beha\e appropriately for the setting and the circumstances of
the user contact.
/. Do not interrupt the interviewee. Let him her finish talking.

3. Asking the questions. E.xcept in unstructured interxlews. it is important

that each question is asked exacth' as it is worded. Rewording or im-
promptu explanation ma\' pro\oke a different answer or bias the response.
The questions must also be asked in the same order as they appear on the
interview schedule. Reversing the sequence could destroy the com-
each question must be asked unless the
parabilitv of the interviews. Finally,
respondent, in answering a pluvious question, has already answered the
next one.
4. Obtaining and recording the response. Interviewers must be prepared to
coax respondents to elicit further information when necessarv The prob- .

ing" technique enables the interviewer to act as a catalyst, for example:

a. Interviewer: I see what you meain. Could you elaborate further on that?

b. .Analyst ( interview eri: How do you

about separating the present
loan division into commercial and loan departments?
Financial vice president (respondent): Well, I'm not sure. Sometimes I

think that we have to take this route eventually.

Analyst: I see. Can you tell me more about that?

These statements indicate that the analyst is listening, is interested,

understands what the respondent is trying to say, and is making an effort to
gain more information. The information received during the interview is

recorded for later analysis.

5. Data recordins. and the notebook. Manv svstem studies fail because of
poor data recording. Care must be taken to record the data, their source,
and the time of collection. If there is no record of a conversation, the analyst
runs the risk of not remembering enough details, attributing them to the
wrong source, or otherwise distorting the data.
The form of the notebook varies according to the tvpe of study, the
amount of data, the number of analysts, and their individual preferences.
The "notebook may be a card file, a set of carefully coded file folders, or a

looseleaf binder. It should be bound and the pages numbered. The informa-
tion shown in Figure 5-7 should be included in the notebook.

FIGURE 5-7 Data Capture and the Notebook

1. Originals or duplicate copies of all notes taken during investigation are docu-

mented. They are the chief sources of interview and observational data, as well
as background infomiation on the system. Each page of notes should be num-
bered serially, and a running chronological record of them should be kept. The
name of the analyst, the date the notes were taken, and surrounding circum-
stances are all important. Since handwritten notes often are not intelligible to
others, it is good to have them transcribed or typed soon after they are taken.

2. Copies of all information-gathering tools —

questionnaires, interview schedules,
observation guides —
are placed in the notebook for futui-e reference.
3. Copies of all data — originals or duplicates — are included. Loss of key data, even
temporarily, can be costly.
4. Minutes of all meetings as well as a record of discussions, decisions, and
changes in design all become part of the notebook.

The organization of the notebook is also important. In some cases, a

purely chronological arrangement will system of catego-
suffice. In others, a
ries udth cross-classification would be appropriate. Proper indexing makes
it easier to retrieve information when needed.

In contrast to the interview is the questionnaire, which is a term used
for almost any has questions to which individuals respond. It is
tool that
usually associated with self-administered tools with items of the closed or
fixed alternative type. By its nature, a questionnaire offers the following

1. It is economical and requires less skill to administer than the interview.

2. Unlike the interview, which generally questions one subject at at time, a
questionnaire can be administered to large numbers of individuals
3. The standardized wording and order of the questions and the stan-
dardized instructions for reporting responses ensure uniformity of
questions. In contrast, the interview situation is rarely uniform ft-om
one interview to the next.

4. The respondents feel greater confidence in the anonymity of a ques-

tionnaire than in that of an interview. In an interview, the analyst
usually knows the user by name, job function, or other identifica-
tion. With a questionnaire, respondents give opinions without fear that
the answer will be connected to their names.

5. The questionnaire places less pressure on subjects for immediate re-
sponses. Respondents have time to think the questions over and do
calculations to provide more accurate data.

The advantages of the self-administered questionnaire outweigh disad-

vantages, especially when cost is a consideration. The principal disadvan-

tage islow percentage of returns. Another disadx antage is that many

people ha\e difficultv expressing themsehes in writing, especialh' when
responding to essa\' lopem questions. Many dislike writing. Because of
these disad\antages, the inteniew is probabK' superior to the question-

Types of Interviews and €Luestionnaires

Interxiews and questionnaires
wideh' in form and stnjcture. Inteniews
range fixjm the highh unstructured, where neither the questions nor the
respecti\e responses Jire specified in ad\ance, to the highl\' structured
alternative in which the questions and responses are fixed. Some variation
within this range is possible.

The Unstructured Alternative

The unstructured inteixiew is a relatively nondirectix'e information-
gathering technique. It allows respondents to answer questions freeh in
their own
words. The responses are spontaneous rather than forced. They
are self-re\'ealing and pei-sonal rather than general and superficial. The role
of the analyst as an inter\iewer is to encourage the respondent to talk finely
and ser\e as a catalyst to the expression of feelings and opinions. This is
best achie\ed in a permissi\e atmosphere in which the subjects ha\e no
feeling of disappixtxal.

The Structured Alternative

In the structured appixjach, the questions are presented with exactly
the same wording and in the same order to all subjects. If the analyst asks a
subject, "Would \ou like to see a computerized approach to sohing \our
accounts recei\able problem?" and asks another subject, 'How do \ou feel
about computers handling accounts receixable?" the response may not be
the same even though the subjects both ha\e the same opinion. Standard-
ized questions impro\'e the reliabilit\' of the responses by ensuring that all
subjects are responding to the same questions.
Structured inter\iews and questionnaires ma\' diff^er in the amount of
stajcturing of the questions. Questions may
be either closed or open-
ended. An open-ended question requires no response direction or specific
response isee Figure 5-8i. In a questionnaire, it is written with space

FIGURE 5-8 Examples of Open-Ended Questions

• \o\v that \ou ha\e had the new installation for six months, how would you
evcduate the benefits.^

• Wtiat is your opinion regarding the "no smoking" polic\' in the DP center?
• If you had a choice, how would you ha\e designed the present information

FIGURE 5-9 Examples of Fill-in-the Blank Questions

What is the name of the MIS director of your firm?

How many anailysts handle the accounts receivable conversion?

• What is the average number of calls you receive from clients?

provided for the response. Such questions are more often used in in-
terview's than in questionnaires because scoring takes time.
Closed questions are those in which the responses are presented as a
set of alternatives. There are five major varieties of closed questions:

1. Fill-in-the-blanks questions request specific information (Figure 5-9).

These responses can then be statistically analyzed.

2. Dichotomous (yes/no type) questions that offer two answers (Figure

5-10) have advantages similar to those of the multiple-choice type (ex-
!\\ plained later). The problem
making certain that a reliable response can be

answered by yes or no; otherudse, an additional choice (e.g., yes, no, I don't
know) should be included. The question sequence and content are also
3. Ranking scales questions ask the respondent to rank a list of items in
order of importance or preference. In Figure 5-11, the first question asks the
respondent to rank five statements on the basis of how they describe his/her
present job.
4. Multiple-choice questions offer respondents specific answer choices
(Figure 5-12). This offers the advantage of faster tabulation and less analyst
bias due to the order in which the answers are given. Respondents have a
favorable bias toward the first alternative item. Alternating the order in
which answer choices are listed may reduce bias but at the expense of
additional time to respond to the questionnaire. In any case, it is important

FIGURE 5-10 Examples of Dichotomous Questions

• Are you personally using a microcomputer in your business? (please circle one)
yes no
• If not, do you plan to be using one in the next 12 months? (please circle one)

yes no ^
• In the performance of your work, are you personally involved in computer
hardware/software purchase decisions? (please circle one)
yes no

FIGURE 5-11 An Example ol a Ranking Scales Question

Please rank the statements in each group on the basis of how well they describe

the job mentioned on the front page. Write a "1" by the statement that best describes
the job; write a "2" by the statement that provides the next best description, and
continue ranking all five statements, using a "5" for the statement that describes the
job least well.

Workers on this job . . .

are busy all the time.

have work where they do things for other people.

try out their own ideas.

are paid well in comparison with other workers.

have opportunities for advancement.

to be aware of these types of bias when constructing multiple-choice

5. Rating scales questions are an extension of the multiple-choice design.
The respondent is offered a range of responses along a single dimension. In
Figure 5-13, the respondent is asked to rate various aspects of his/her job on
a scale of 1-5.

Open-ended and closed questions have advantages and limitations.

Open-ended questions are ideal in exploratory situations where new ideas
and relationships are sought. The main drawback is the difficulty of inter-

FIGURE 5-12 Examples of Multiple-Choice Questions

• What is the average salary of an entry-level analyst? (please check one)

Under $15,000


Over $25,000

• Please check one category that best describes the business of the firm where you
are employed.

Savings bank

College, school, library, association

Computer service

Industricd company
Outside computer consulting
Other (please describe) .



FIGURE 5-13 An Example of a Rating Scale Question

• How satisfied are you udth the following aspects of your present job? Iplease
circle one for each question)

Very Very
Dissat- Dissat- No Sat- Sat-
isfied isfied Opinion isfied isfied

1. The way my job provides for

steady employment 1

2. The chance to be responsible

for the work of others 1

3. The pleasantness of the work-

ing conditions 1

4. The chance to make use of my

best abilities 1

preting the subjective answers and the tedious responses to open-ended

questions. Other drawbacks include potential analyst bias in interpreting
the data and time-consuming tabulation. Closed questions are quick to
analyze, but typically most costly to prepaid. They are more appropriate for
securing factual information (for example, about age, education, sex, and
salaiy). They have the additional advantage of ensuring that answers are
given in a frame of reference consistent with the line of inquiiy. A summary
of structured and unstructured interview techniques is given in Figure 5-14.

HGURE 5-14 and

Structured Unstructured Interview Techniques-
A Summary
Type Advantages Drawbacks

Structured 1. Easy to administer and evalu- 1. High initial pi'eparation cost

ate due to standardization 2. Standardization of questions
2. Requires limited training tends to reduce spontaneity
3. Easy to train new staff 3. Mechanizes interviewing,
which makes it impractical for
all interview settings

Unstructured 1. Pi"o\ides for greater creativity 1. Moi'e infoiTiiation of question-

and spontaneity in in- able use is gathered
terviewing 2. Takes more time to conduct
2. Facilitates deeper understand- therefore, costly
ing of the feelings and 3. Requires extensive training and
standing of the intervipwee experience for effective i-esults

3. Offere greater flexibility in con-

ducting an overall inter\aevv

Procedure for CLuestlorinalre Construction

The procedure for constructing a questionnaire consists of six steps:

1. Decide what data should be collected; that is, define the pix)blem to be

2. Decide what type of questionnaire (closed or open-ended) should be

3. Outline the topics for the questionnaire and then write the questions.
4. Edit the questionnaire for technical defects or biases that reflect per-
sonal values.
5. Pretest (try out) the questionnaire to see how well it works.
6. Do a final editing to ensure that the questionnaire is ready for admin-
istration. This includes a close look at the content, form, and sequence
of questions as well as the appearance and clarity of the pixjcedure for
using the questionnaire.

A critical aspect of questionnaire constiuction is the formulation of

reliable and \'alidquestions. To do a satisfactoiy job, the analyst must focus
on question content, wording, and fomiat. The following is a checklist of
what to consider:

1. Question content.
a. Is the question necessary? Is it a part of other questions?
b. Does the question adequately cover the area intended?
c. Does the subject(s) have pi-oper information to answer the ques-
d. Is the question biased in a given direction?
e. Is the question likely to generate emotional feelings that might lead
to untrue responses?

2. Question wording.
a. Is the question worded for the subject's background and experi-

b. Can the question be misinterpreted? What else could it mean to a
c. Is the frame of reference uniform for all respondents?

d. Is the wording biased toward a particular answer?

e. How clear and direct is the question?

3. Question format.
a. Can the question best be asked in the forni of check answer (an-
swered by a word or two or by a number) or with a follow-up free
b. Is the response form easy to use or adequate for the job?

c. Is the answer to the question likely to be influenced by the preced-

ing question? That is, is there any contamination effect?


Reliability of Data from Respondents. The data coUected ftxjm

the user staff are presumed to accurately correspond with the actual way in
which events occur. If such reports are the only source of data, there may be
several uncontrolled sources of error:

1. The respondent's perceptual slant. Perceptual ability is known to vary.

Reports of a given event ftxjm several staff members who have no

training in careful observation often have little resemblance to one
2. The respondents failure to remember just what did happen. Assuming
that he or she receixed a fairly reliable impression of an event at the
time that it happened, it generally becomes more difficult with the
passage of time to describe the details of an event.
3. Reluctance of persons being interviewed to report their "true" impres-
sions of what occurred. A subject often distorts descriptions of events
for fear of retaliation, a desire not to upset others, or a general reluc-
tance to verbalize a particular type of situation.
4. Inabilitv' of subjects to communicate their reports or inability of the
analyst to get from subjects the information that they are qualified to

The RellabUitY-ValldltY Issue

.An information-gathering instrument faces two major tests: reliability
and validitv'. Before administering the instrument, the analyst must ask and
answer the questions: What is the reliability of the measuring instrument?
What is its validity'? The term reliability is synonymous with dependability,
consistency, and accuracy. Concern for reliability comes from the necessity
for dependability' in measurement. Using the questionnaire as an example,
reliabilit\' ma\' be approached in three ways:

1. If we
administer the same questionnaire to the same subjects, will we
get the same or similar results? This question implies a definition of
reliabUty as stability, dependability, and predictability.

2. Does the questionnaire measure the true variables it is designed to

measure? This question focuses on the accuracy aspect of reliability.
3. How much measurement is there in the proposed question-
error of
naire? Errors of measurement are random errors stemming from fatigue
or fortuitous conditions at a given time, or fluctuations in mood that
temporarily affect the subjects answering the questionnaire. To the
extent that errors of measurement are present in a questionnaire, it is

unreliable. Thus, reliability' is \iewed as the relative absence of errors of

measurement in a measuring instrument.^

Ibid., p 442.

To suppose we administered a questionnaire to measure the

attitude of the user staff toward a new computer installation. The "true"
scores of the five staff members were 92 (excellent attitude), 81, 70, 59, and
40. Suppose further that the same questionnaire was administered again to
the same group within the same time period and the scores were 96, 82, 69,
61, and 55. Although not a single case hit the "true" score again, the second
test showed the same rank order. The reliability in this example is extremely
Now suppose that the last set of scores had been 72, 89, 51, 74, and 67.
They are the same but they have a different rank order. In this
five scores,

case, the test is unreliable. Figure 5-15 shows the three sets of scores. The
rank orders of the first two sets of scores covary exactly. Even though the
test scores in the two columns are not the same, they are in the same rank
order. To this extent, the test is reliable. The opposite case is shovvoi in
columns (1) and (3). The rank order changed, making the test unreliable.
It can be seen, then, that for an information-gathering instrument to be

interpretative, it must be reliable. Unreliable measurement is overloaded

uith error. Although high reliability is no guarantee of good questionnaire
results, there can be no good results without reliability. It is a necessary, but
not sufficient, condition for the value of questionnaire results and their
The most common question that defines validity is: Does the instrument
measure what we think it is measuring? It refers to the notion that the
questions asked are worded to produce the information sought. In contrast,
reliability means that the information gathered is dependable enough to be
used for decision making. In validity, the emphasis is on what is being
measured. For example, an analyst administers a questionnaire to a user
group to measure their understanding of a billing procedure and has
included in the questionnaire only factual items that identify the parts of
the billing system. The questionnaire is not valid because, whereas it may
measure employees' factual knowledge of the billing system, it does not
measure their understanding of it. In other words, it does not measure what

FIGURE 5-15 Reliable and Unreliable Test Scores

(1) (2) (3)

Scores fix)m Scores from

"True" Reliable Unreliable
Scores Rank Questionnaire Rank Questionnaire Rank

92 1 96 1 72 3
81 2 82 2 89 1
70 3 69 3 51 5
59 4 61 4 74 2
40 5 55 5 67 4



the analyst intended to measure. For this reason, it is important to pretest a

questionnaire for validity as well as for reliability.
can be concluded, then, that the adequacy of an information-gather-

ing tool is judged by the criteria of validity and reliability. Both depend on
the design of the instrument as well as the way it is administered.

1. Much of the information that we need to analyze a system relates to the
organization, the user staff, and the work flow. Organization-based
information deals vvdth policies, objectives, goals, and stnjcture. User-
based information focuses on job functions, information requirements,
and interpersonal relationships. Work-based infomiation addresses the
work methods and procedures, and work schedules. We are
interested in what happens to the data through various points in the
2. Information is gathered ft-om sources within the organization and ft'om
the organization's environment. External sources include vendors, gov-
ernment documents, and professional journals. The primary internal
sources are financial reports, personnel, system documentation, and

3. The primary information-gathering tools are documentation, on-site

observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The most commonly used
tool is the interview.
4. The major objective of on-site observation is to get close to the "real
system being studied. The methods used may be natural or contrived,
obtrusive or unobtrusive, direct or indirect, and structured or unstruc-
tured. The main limitation of observation is the difficulty of observing
attitudes and motivation and the many unproductive hours that often
are spent in observing one-time activities.

5. The interview is a face-to-face interpersonal meeting designed to iden-

tify relations and capture information as it exists. It is a flexible tool,
offering a better opportunity than the questionnaire to evaluate the
validity of the information gathered. The major drawback
is preparation

time. Interviewing is an experience in arranging the

art that requires
interview, setting the stage, establishing rapport, phrasing questions
clearly, avoiding arguments, and evaluating the outcome.

6. The questionnaire is a self-administered tool that is more economical

and requires less skill to administer than the interview. It examines a
large number of respondents at the same time, provides standardized
wording and instiuctions, and places less pressure on subjects for
immediate response. The main drawback is the low percentage of
returns. ^
7. An may be structured or unstructured. The
interview or a questionnaire
unstructured approach allows respondents to answer questions freely

in their own
words, wheras the structured approach requires a specific
response to open-ended or closed questions.
8. There are five major xarieties of closed questions:
a. Fill-in-the-blanks questions inquest specific information.
b. Dichotomous questions two-answer choice.
offer a
c. Ranking scales questions ask the respondent to rank a list of items
in oixler of importance or pi-eference.
d. Multiple-choice questions ask for specific answer choices.
e. Rating scales questions ask the respondent to rank \arious items
along a single dimension scale). i

9. In constructing a questionnaire, the anal\stmust focus on question

content, wording, and fomiat. These are considered with \alidit\' and
reliabilitv inmind. There are uncontrolled sources of error, however,
that stem from the respondent's perceptual slant, failure to remember
specific details, reluctance to I'eport the "true" impressions of what
occurred, or inabilitv' to communicate information.
10. .An information-gathering instrument faces the tests of reliabilitv and
\alidit\ . SNTiommous with dependabUitN', consistencv, and
Reliabilit\' is

accuracy, whereas \'alidit\' emphasizes what is being measured. It

should measure what the analvst intended to measure.

Key Words
Closed Question Open-Ended Question
Contri\ed Obser\ation Questionnaire
Dichotomous Question Ranking Scales Question
Direct Obser\'ation Rating Scales Question
Fill-in-the-Blanks Question Reliabilitv
Indirect Obser\ation Structured Interxiew
Infomiant Structured Obser\ation
Inter\iew L'nobtrusixe Observation
Multiple-Choice Question Unstructured Interview
Natural Obser\ation Unstructured Observation
Obtrusive Obser\ation X'aliditv
On-Site Obserxation

Review QiUestions
1. What categories of information are available for analvsis? How would
one decide on the category for a given project?

2. Why is it important that the analyst learns about an organization's

policies and objectives?

3. Information is available from internal and external sources. Under what

circumstances would the analyst depend more heavily on external than
internal information? Whv?

4. How is the informant useful in systems analysis? Explain.

5. What traditional information-gathering tools are available for the ana-
lyst? Explain each tool briefly.

6. Visit the computer center of a local firm. Review a user manual and
report your findings.
7. What is considered in evaluating forms? Explain.
8. How would one conduct an on-site observation? Lay out a plan and
specify the pros and cons of this tool.

9. Ifyou were asked to observe a computer operator at work, what

observation method would you select? Why?
10. Summarize the advantages and limitations of interviews and question-

11. Under what circumstances or what purposes would one use an

interview rather than other data-collection methods? Explain.
12. Explain the difference between (a) structured and unstructured in-
tervieudng and (b) open-ended and closed questions. Give an example
of each.

13. List and explain the primary steps in interviewing.

14. Explain briefly the procedure used to construct questionnaires.

15. If you were to interview a user to obtain biographical information (age,
education, years of experience on the job, and so forth) about the staff of
10 employees and you have only one hour to acquire the information,
which of the follovvdng methods would you use and why?
a. Structured interviews using open-ended questions.
b. Unstructured interviews of five minutes each.
c. Self-administered questionnaires.
d. Structured interviews using closed questions.
16. In what respect is interviewing an art? Explain.
17. Suppose you have completed the first draft of a questionnaire, how
would you pilot test it?
18. What sources of error affect the reliability of data from respondents?

19. What is rapport? As an analyst, how do you gain and maintain rapport
with the user's stafi? Give an example.
20. What kinds of data should be recorded? Why?
21. Distinguish between validity and reliability. How are they related?

22. Explain and give an example of each variety of closed questions:

a. Fill-in-the-blcinks questions.
b. Dichotomous questions.
c. Ranking scales questions. «,

d. Multiple-choice questions.
e. Rating scales questions.

Application Problems

The systems assembly plant contacts the manager of

emjilyst of a radio
the production department. She briefs him on the survey she is taking
and asks the manager to help her get answei^ to some questions. The
manager is cordial, and he invites her to come over. The foUovvdng
interview takes place.

Analyst: What is the main function of your department?

Manager: We assemble radios from components and ship them to

Analyst:How many people work here?

Manager: Why do you want to know?
Analyst: It could be that you have too many people on your payroll.

Manager: Maybe I should be the judge of that.

Analyst [ignores answer^. What's that girl doing in the room across the
hall? She hasn't done a thing since I walked in here.
Manager: She shipping orders.
verifies It could be that she is waiting for
more orders fiDm purchasing.
Analyst: Why do you need
check these orders to when they have al-

ready been cleared for production?

Manager: We've had occasions when the units ordered belong to more
than one person or to another address.
Analyst: I wjmt to talk to her.

The manager reluctantly agrees. The manager walks udth the ana-
lyst to the clerk's desk. She is idle. He introduces the analyst to her.
Analyst: What woric do you do, Miss Meyer?
Meyer: I verify the goods against shipping orders.
Analyst: How do you know that the shipping orders are correct?
Meyer: guess I don't, but I verify the type, number of units ordered,

and shipping address against the units produced before they are
loaded on the truck.
Analyst: Aren't you wasting your time doing this?

Meyer: You'll have to ask Mr. Kehoe (the manager) that.

The manager, stcmding by, begins to get irritated. The analyst now
talks to the manager while in Meyer's area.

Analyst: That's all I wanted to find out fixjm this area. What are those
other girls doing there?

Manager: They're preparing bills of lading, taping the fiiTns's logo on

the cartons, and making sure that the bill accompanies each order.
Analyst: I'd like to walk over there and talk with one of them. It won't
take a minute.

Manager: The\ 're prett\' bus\' right now. Jane o\er on the right is

breaking in a new girl we just hired. If you are after the pre)cedure,
we have it all documented. I'd be glad to gi\e \ou a copy in my

Analyst: I'm not sure how up to date your documentation is. I'd rather
hear it from them.

The manager leads the analyst to the west comer of the warehouse
where four giris are t\ping. He intix)duces the analvst to the senior clerk.

Analyst: How many bills of lading does your average typist prepare per
Senior clerk: Around 60; ma\'be 70.

Analvst: \'ou ha\'e fi\'e t\pists here, including yourself and your total
output yesterda\ w as only 200. What happended?
Senior clerk: First, as \'ou can see, we're training a new person here.
The girls also file, call customers to tell them that the oixJer is on its

way, and the like. We stay busy.

Analyst: This is fine, but what else do the\' do?

Senior clerk: Well, we take the bills of lading to the drivers at the dock
and ha\e them sign for the shipment.

Analyst: Don't you think that this i-unning are)und is a waste of time?
Senior clerk: [no answer]

a. How do you rate the interview? Elxplain.

b. What type of interview was conducted by the analyst?

c. What questions were open-ended? Closed?

d. Should the analyst have asked the questions in the same sequence to all
respondents? V\'hv?
e. Critique the analyst's questions in terms of their content, wording, and

/ If you were the analyst, illustrate how \'ou would ha\e conducted the

The dean of students of a major university requested the development

of a nonacademic transcript (NAT). The NAT has the objective of main-
taining a I'ecord of each student's extracurricular activities while in
school. Three benefits are listed:

a. Faculty may gain better insight into student activities when making
recommendations to employer's, graduate schools, or awards com-
mittees, without much effort.

b. Facultv' can work with students to coordinate career or educational

goals vvith extracurricular commitments.

c. Students may submit their resumes and produce a sepai^ate record

of extracurricular activities for a prospective employer. The em-
ployer, in turn, may access such records, with the student s permis-

To determine the feasibility, the college of business at the university

was used as a prototype. It was hoped that the results could then be
applied across the univereity. To determine the various organizations
on campus, interviews were conducted with the staff of the dean's
office, the career planning director of the business school, and the
registrar. Extracurricular activities were classified into four groups:

a. Greek organizations, including fi'aternities, soix)ritieS; and inter-

fi^aternity and intersorority councils.

b. Organizations recognized by the school council.

c. University-affiliated organizations.

d. Athletics (men's jmd women's) as well as varsity and junior varsity.

The questionnaire shown here was used to collect data from fourth-
year MIS students at the college of business. After the data were tabu-
lated, the specific format of the NAT was developed and information
was entered into the data base. Since an IBM PC lab was readily
available, a dBASE II package was used to implement the prototype.

a. What type of questionnaire was used?
Critique the questionnaire in terms of its length, completeness, organiza-
tion, and sequence. What changes would you make?
c. Since a prototype was selected for determining feasibility, should all univer-
sity actiwties have been included rather than only those that were unique to
business students? Why?
: : ; .



Instructions After filling out the top portion of this form,
please check each activity on the list below that
you were involved in during your enrollment at the

Name SSN
first m. 1 last

Current Address

Phone : _




Please check each activity or activities in which you have been

or are currently involved. Indicate your level of involvement
and each year of participation (e.g.. 2 = second year) .

Example Years
Activity Level of Involvement Participated
*^ Alpha Epsilon Pi Vice president.
rush chairman
Greek Organizations

Activity Level of Involvement Participated
Alpha Epsilon Pi 12 3 4
Alpha Phi Alpha 12 3 4
Alpha Tau Omega 12 3 4
Beta Theta Pi 12 3 4
Chi Phi 12 3 4
Chi Psi 12 3 4
Delta Kappa Epsilon 12 3 4
Delta Sigma Phi 12 3 4

Activity Level of Involvement Participated
Delta Tau Delta 12 3 4
Delta Upsilon 12 3 4
Kappa Alpha 12 3 4
Kappa Alpha Psi 12 3 4
Kappa Sigma 12 3 4
Omega Psi Phi 12 3 4
Phi Beta Sigma 12 3 4
Phi Delta Theta 12 3 4
Phi Epsilon Pi of ZBT 12 3 4
Sigma Phi Epsilon 12 3 4
Sigma Pi 12 3 4
Tau Kappa Epsilon 12 3 4
Theta Chi 12 3 4
Theta Delta Chi 12 3 4
Zeta Psi 12 3 4
Inter-Fraternity Council 12 3 4

Organizations Recognized by Student Council

Activity Level of Involvement Participated
Aikido Club 12 3 4
AFROTC Cadet Group 12 3 4
Akindelas Fraternity, Inc. 12 3 4
Alpha Phi Omega
Theta Chapter 12 3 4
American Advertising
Federation 12 3 4
Amnesty International, USA 12 3 4
AROTC Cadet Assoc. 12 3 4
Asian Studies Club 12 3 4
Assoc, for Arab American
Understanding 12 3 4 I

Assoc, for Computing

Machinery (ACM) 12 3 4
Baptist Student Union 12 3 4
Beta Alpha Psi 12 3 4
Black Engineering Society 12 3 4
Black Student Alliance 12 3 4
Black Voices 12 3 4
Blue Ridge Mountain
Rescue Group 12 3 4
Bowling Club 12 3 4
B'nai Brith Hillel 12 3 4
. .



Activity Level of Involvement Participat ed
Campus Girl Scouts 1 2 3 4
Catholic Fellowship 1 2 3 4
Cavalier Club 1 2 3 4
Chess Club 1 2 3 4
Chinese Student Assoc. 1 2 3 4
Circle K 1 2 3 4
Corks and Curls 1 2 3 4
Country Dance and Song
Society 1 2 3 4
Creator Magazine 1 2 3 4
Croquet Club 1 2 3 4
Cycling Team 1 2 3 4
Dance Club 1 2 3 4
The Declaration 1 2 3 4
Deliverance Crusade for
Christ 1 2 3 4
German Honor Society 1 2 3 4
Ecology Club 1 2 3 4
Economics Club 1 2 3 4
El Limited 1 2 3 4
Engineering Council 1 2 3 4
English Club 1 2 3 4
Environmental Awareness
Assoc 12 3 4
Environmental Forum and
Research 12 3 4
Episcopal Assoc ./Canterbury
Student Fellowship 12 3 4
Fencing Club 12 3 4
Frisbee Club 12 3 4
Gamma Nu Psi Fraternity 12 3 4
Gay Student Union 12 3 4
German Club 12 3 4
Glee Club 12 3 4
Gymnastic Club 12 3 4
Indian Student Assoc 12 3 4
Intercollegiate Policy
Analysis Council 12 3 4
International Business
Society 12 3 4
International Club 12 3 4
International Relations Club, 12 3 4
Irish Cultural Society 12 3 4
Israel. In^terest Group 12 3 4
. . .


Activity Level of Involvement Partici pat ed
Italian Club 1 2 3 4
Jazz Ensemble 1 2 3 4
Karate and Self-Defense Club 1 2 3 4
Korean Club 1 2 3 4
Latin American Studies Group 1 2 3 4
Libertarian Student Assoc. 1 2 3 4
Loki Science Magazine 1 2 3 4
Mclntire Marketing Assoc 1 2 3 4
Madison House 1 2 3 4
Marantha Christian
Fellowship 12 3 4
John B. Minor Pre-
Legal Society 1 2 3 4
Modulus 1 2 3 4
Musique 1 2 3 4
NAACP 1 2 3 4
NROTC Honor Guard 1 2 3 4
Navigators 1 2 3 4
Okinawam Kempo Karate Club 1 2 3 4
Omega Rho 1 2 3 4
Opportunity Consultants 1 2 3 4
Othermind Magazine 1 2 3 4
Peer Alcohol Educators 1 2 3 4
Peer Sexuality Educators 1 2 3 4
Polo Club 1 2 3 4
Racquetball Club 1 2 3 4
Republican Club 1 2 3 4
Riding Club 1 2 3 4
Rifle and Pistol Club 1 2 3 4
Right to Life Committee 1 2 3 4
Rowing Assoc 1 2 3 4
Rugby Club, UVA Men's 1 2 3 4
Rugby Club, UVA Women's 1 2 3 4
Running Club 1 2 3 4
Sailing Assoc 1 2 3 4
Skiing, Alpine Assoc. 1 2 3 4
Slavic Society 1 2 3 4
Society for Creative
Anachronism 1 2 3 4
Society of Women Engineers 1 2 3 4
Spanish Club 1 2 3 4
Students for Handgun Control 1 2 3 4
Students' International
Meditation Society 12 3 4


Activity Level of Involvement Participat ed
Students Together Against
Racial Separation 1 2 3 4
Symphonic Band 1 2 3 4
Tennis Club 1 2 3 4
United Student for America 1 2 3 4
The University Journal 1 2 3 4
University Singers 1 2 3 4
Volleyball Club 1 2 3 4
Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance Program 1 2 3 4
Volunteers for Youth 1 2 3 4
Washington Literary Society
and Debating Union 1 2 3 4
Water Polo Club 1 2 3 4
Weightlifting Club 1 2 3 4
Women' s Chorus 1 2 3 4
Young Americans for Freedom 1 2 3 4
Young Democrats 1 2 3 4

University-Affiliated Organizations
Activity Level of Involvement p articip at ed
Engineering Council 1 2 3 4
Student Nurses Assoc 1 2 3 4
Assoc, of Education Students 1 2 3 4

Men's Varsity and Junior Varsity Athletics

Activity Level of Involvement Participat ed
Baseball 1 2 3 4
Basketball 1 2 3 4
J. V. Basketball 1 2 3 4
Cross Country 1 2 3 4
Track 1 2 3 4
Football 1 2 3 4
J. V. Football 1 2 3 4
Golf 1 2 3 4
Lacrosse 1 2 3 4
Soccer 1 2 3 4
Swimming 1 2 3 4
Tennis 1 2 3 4
Wrestling 1 2 3 4

Women's Varsity and Junior Varsity Athletics

Activity Level of Involvement Participated
Basketball 1 2 3 4
Cross Country 1 2 3 4
Track 1 2 3 4
Field Hockey 1 2 3 4
Lacrosse 1 2 3 4
J V. Lacrosse
. 1 2 3 4
Softball 1 2 3 4
Swimming 1 2 3 4
Tennis 1 2 3 4
Volleyball 1 2 3 4

Please respond to the following questions:

1. Do you feel that a nonacademic transcript is needed at the Uni-

Yes No Undecided

2. Who do you feel would benefit most from a nonacademic tran-

Other, please specify

3. In your opinion, for which use would a nonacademic transcript

be most effective?
Resume supplement (employment purposes)
Part of a developmental program (advisory program coor-
dinating activities toward specific educational or
career goals)
Other, please specify

4. In your opinion, how could a nonacademic transcript be most

effectively updated?
At registration
Through faculty advisors
Distributed questionnaires
Other, please specify

Please list any additional activities you feel should be in-

cluded on a nonacademic transcript (e.g. student government,

intramural sports, employment, etc. ):


A been having difficulty keeping

large wholesale liquor distributor has
inventory up because incoming shipments are not processed
to date
quickly enough. The sales force can never be certain which brands and
quantities are available for sale. The vice president of sales asks an
outside analyst to investigate the problem.
The analyst arrived at the computer center Monday at 8:00 a.m. He
asked to see the manager. The receptionist told him that Mr. Sibley
came around Not wanting to waste an hour, the analyst
9:00 a.m.
decided to interview the programmers to learn about inventory control.
Mr. Sibley arrived at 8:45. He was furious to find that the analyst (an
outsider) had taken the liberty to talk to his staff without his consent. He
promptly told the analyst that Monday is a bad day. The programmers
could not be interrupted before 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday. The analyst
agreed to come then. Meanwhile, he went to the stockroom to observe
stockkeeping activities.
The next day, the analyst interviewed more employees in the stock-
room and the clerical staff of the warehouse. It was 4:30 p.m. when he
remembered his appointment with the manager of the computer cen-
ter.He abruptly terminated his work in the warehouse and rushed back
to the computer center for the interview. The manager had been wait-
ing for an hour and was in an irritable mood. To make things worse, the
firm's employees quit work at 5:00 p.m. The manager decided to go
ahead with the interview.
The analyst inquired about data capture, stock activities, data flow,
processing routines, and stock status reports. After a brief ixindown on
the procedures used and the reports generated, the analyst was curtly
dismissed. It was 5:00 p.m.
The analyst had more questions to ask but had to stop. At the same
time, he was wondering why the manager was so irritable throughout
the interview.

a. How do you assess the analyst's performance on the job? Explain.

b. Evaluate the procedure the analyst used in meeting the manager of the
computer center.

c. How adequately prepared was the analyst for the first interview?

d. If you were the systems analyst, how would you have handled this project?

Selected References
Athey, Thomas H. "Information Gathering Techniques." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment, January 1980, pp. 11-14.
Boyd, Harper; Ralph Westfall; and Stanley Stasch. Marketing Research: Te^t &
Cases. 5th ed. Homewood, 111.: Richard D. Irwin, 1981.
"Electronics: Data for Fleet Management." Fleetowner 76, no. 6 (June 1981),
pp. 76-78.
Kerlinger, Fred N. Fundamentals of Behavioral Research. 2nd ed. New York: Holt,
Rinehart &. Winston, 1973.
Powers, Michael; Davis Adams; and Harlan D. Mills. Computer Information System
Development: Analysis & Design. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing, 1984,
pp. 83-119.
Renney, Mark, and Everett C. Hughes. 'Of Sociology and the Interview: Editorial
Preface." American Journal of Sociology, vol. LXII (September 1956), pp. 137-42.
Schwartz, Morris S., and Charlotte G. Schwartz. "Problems in Participant
Observation." American Journal of Sociology, vol. LXIX (1955), pp. 343-53.
Senn, James A. Analysis and Design of Information Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1984, pp. 73-86.
Wetherbe, James C. Systems Analysis and Design: Traditional, Structured, and Ad-
vanced Concepts and Techniques. St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing, 1984, pp.
Chapter 6

The Tools of
Structured Analysis

What Is Structured Analysis?
The Tools of Structured Analysis


DFD Symbols
Constructing a DFD
Describing Data Elements
Describing Data Structures
Describing Data Flows and Data Stores
Describing Processes



At a Glance

Chapter 5 discussed the traditional tools used in data gathering. These tools
have drawbacks. An English narrative description of a system is often too
vague. English is inherently difficult to use where precision is needed. Further-
more, system flowcharting based on the data gathered commit to a physical
Implementation of the candidate system before one has a complete under-
standing of the logical requirements of the system. Finally, system specifications
are often redundant. To find information about one part of the system, one has
to search through the entire document.
Because of these drawbacks, the analyst needs on fimctions rather
to focus
than physical implementation. Therefore, structured tools such as the data flow
diagram, data dictionary, and structured English provide alternative ways of
designing a candidate system. In real-life applications, a combination of the
traditional and structured tools is used.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1. The meaning of structured analysis.

2. What tools are used in structiired analysis.

3. How to construct a data flow diagram.

4. The advantages and uses of a data dictionary and structured English.

5. The elements and construction of decision trees and decision tables.


In the preceding chapters, we
discussed the procedures used in building
computer-based systems and the ixDle of the analyst in the system develop-
ment life cycle. The goal of system development is to deliver systems in line
uath the user's requirements. Analysis is the heart of the process. It is the
key component of the first tv^o phases of the cycle. In phase one, we
focused on problem definition and the initial investigation, where analysis
helps us understand the present system. Phase two, the feasibility study,
goes into detail studying the present system and determining potential
solutions. The outcome is system specifications that initiate system design.
The feasibility study is covered in Chapter 7.
In analyzing the present system, the analyst collects a great deal of
relatively unstructured data through interviews, questionnaires, on-site
observations, procedures manuals, and the like. The traditional appixjach is
to organize and convert the data through system flowcharts, which support
future developments of the system and simplify communication with the
user. But the system flowchart represents a physical rather than a logical
system. It makes it difficult to distinguish between what happens and how it
happens in the system.
There are other problems with the traditional approach:

1. The system life cycle provides very little quality contixjl to ensure
accurate communication from user to analyst. They have no language
in common.

2. The aniilyst is quickly overwhelmed with the business and technical

details of the system. Much spent gathering information.
of the time is

The details are needed and must be available, but the analyst does not
have the tools to structui'e and control the details.
3. Present analytical tools have limitations.
a. English narrative descriptions of a system are often too vague and
make it difficult for the user to grasp how the parts fit together.
Furthermore, English is inherently difficult to use where precision
is needed.

b. System and program flowcharts commit to a physical implementa-

tion of the system before one has complete understanding of its
logical requirements.

4. Problems also relate to system specifications:

a. System specffications are difficult to maintain or modify. A simple
change in the user's requirements necessitates changes in several
parts of the document.
b. They describe user requirements in terms of physical haidwar-e that
will implement the system rather than what the user wants the
system to do.
c. They are monolithic and redundant; that is, to find out information
about a particular pai1 of the system, the user has to search the

document. Furthermore, the same information

entire is found in
numerous locations with no cross-reference.
Because of these drawbacks, the analyst needs something analogous to
the architect's blueprint as a starting^ point for system design. It is a way to
focus on fiinctions rather than physical implementation. One such tool is
the data flow diagram (DFD). There are other tools as well. This chapter
discusses cmd illustrates the use of several tools in structured analysis,
including the following:

1. Data flow diagram (DFD).

2. Data dictionary.
3. Structured English.
4. Decision trees.
5. Decision tables.


Structured analysis is a set of techniques and graphical tools that allow the
analyst to develp a new kind of system specifications that are easUy under-
standable to the user. Analysts work primarily with their wits, pencil, and
paper. Most of them have no tools. The traditional approach focuses on
cost/benefit and feasibility analyses, project management, hardware and
software selection, and pereonnel considerations. In contrast, structured
analysis considers new goals and stnjctured tools for aneilysis. The new
goals specify the following:

1. Use graphics wherever possible to help communicate better vvdth the


2. Diff^erentiate between logical and physical systems.

3. Build a logical system model to familiarize the user with system charac-
teristics and interrelationships before implementation.

The structured tools focus on the tools listed earlier — essentially the
data flow diagram, data dictionary, structured English, decision trees, and
decision tables. The objective is to bufld a new document, called system
specifications. This document provides the basis for design £ind implemen-
tation. The system development life cycle with structured analysis is shoun
in Figure 6-1. The primary steps are:

Process 2.1: Study affected user areas, resulting in a physical DFD. The
logical equivalent of the present system results in a logical DFD.
Process 2.2: Remove and replace them with a
the physical checkpoints
logical equivalent, resulting in the logical DFD. To illustrate, consider
the two DFDs shown in Figure 6-2. Figure 6-2(a) is a physical DFD. It
shows how the opening of a new safe deposit box flows through the
current department. Figure 6-2(b) is the logical equivalent.

FIGURE 6-1 System Development Life Cycle Using Structured Analysis

User \ Document
Requirements - Survey



DFD = data (low diagram
DO = data dictionary

Source: Adapted ftDm Tom De Marco, Structured Analysis and System Specifications (New York: Yourdon Press,
1979), p. 26.

Proces 2.3: Model new logical system. So far no consideration is given to

modiiying methods called for in the feasibility report. This step
incorporates the changes and begins to describe the candidate sys-
tem. It is essentially a paper model system to be installed.
Process 2.4: Establish man/machine interface. This pixjcess modifies the
logical DFD for the candidate system and considers the haixiware
needed to implement the system. The combination results in the
physical DFD of the candidate system.

Processes 2.5 and Quantify costs and benefits and select hardware.

The purpose of this step is to cost-justify' the system, leading to the

selection of hardwai-e for the candidate system. All that is left after
this step is writing the structured specification.

The structured specification consists of the DFDs that show the major
decomposition of system functions and theii- interfaces, the data dictionary

FIGURE 6-2 (a) A Physical DFD, and (b) Its Logical Equivalent.

Master Accounts
Card File Receivable Ledger

* Activity


Card File

Status Report

Safe Deposit
Master Card


documenting all interface flows and data on the DFDs, and docu-
mentation of the intervals of DFDs in a rigorous manner through structured
English, decision trees, and decision tables.
In summary, structured analysis has the following attributes:

1. It is graphic. The DFD, for example, presents a picture of what is being

specified and is a conceptually easy-to-understand presentation of the

The process is partitioned so that we have a clear picture of the

progression from general to specific in the system flow.

3. It is than physical. The elements of system do not depend
logical rather
on vendor or hardware. They specify in a precise, concise, and highly
readable manner the workings of the system and how it hangs together.
4. It study of the user area, a commitment that
calls for a rigorous is often
taken lightly in the traditional approach to systems analysis.
Certain tasks that are normally carried out late in the system develop-
ment life cycle are moved to the analysis phase. For example, user

procedures are documented during analysis rather than later in imple-



Let's take a look at the tools of structured analysis using a common illustra-
tion — the textbook publisher. Here is a summary background:

1. ABC, Inc., is a multimillion-dollar publisher of business and technical

textbooks, located in Homewood, The company is organized into

divisions such as trades, textbooks, accounting, and sales. The organization

stiTictui'e consists of a president, two senior \ice presidents, a general
manager of each division, shipping and receiving supervisors, and 45 sales

2. The college book division receives orders from bookstores for books at a
discount which depends on the size of the order. The clerk in charge
verifies the order and authorizes shipment through the warehouse. An
invoice follows the shipment. Accounts receivable are processed through
the accounting department from forms filled out by an accounting clerk.
3. Business is highly seasonal; it peaks about a month before the begin-
ning of each school term. There is an average of 80 invoices per week, each
with an average of 8 book titles and an average value of $5,000.
4. Recently, management decided to improve the availability of textbooks
by holding stocks of new computer and other high-demand texts and
making it possible for all bookstores to order by calling a toll-free number as
well as by the present mail method. This means that an improved inventory
control system must be devised along with a catalog of texts to verify
authors and titles and determine the availability of the books being ordered.
5. The new system of receiving orders is expected to increase the sales
volume by 80 percent within the year. Although fewer average texts per
order are expected due to the use of the toll-free number, books are now
shipped more quickly than before and delivered in time for the start of the

An been asked to investigate the new system and build a

analyst has
logical model of the candidate system without abruptly jumping to conclu-
sions about what will be automated and what will remain manual.

The Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

The first step is to draw a data flow diagram (DFD). The DFD was first

developed by Larry Constantine as a way of expressing system require-

ments in a graphical form; this led to a modular design.^

1 Chris Gane and Trish Sarson, Structured Systems Analysis: Tools and Techniques (En-
glewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979).

A DFD, also known has the purpose of clarifying

as a "bubble chart, "

system requirements and identifying major transformations that will be-

come programs in system design. So it is the starting point of the design
phase thai functionally decomposes the requirements specifications down
to the lowest level of detail. A DFD consists of a series of bubbles joined by
lines. The bubbles represent data transformations and the lines represent
data flows in the system. A basic DFD forniat is shown in Figure 6-1. A
general model of our publisher's ordering system is illustrated in Figure 6-3.
The system takes orders ftxjm the customer (bookstore, library, etc.), checks
them against an index (file) listing the books customer
available, verifies
credit through a credit information file, and authorizes shipment with an

DFD Symbols
In the DFD, there are four sx-mbols, as shown in Figure 6-4:

1. A square defines a source (originator! or destination of system data.

2. —
An arrow identifies dataflow data in motion. It is a pipeline through
which information flows.

3. A (some people use an oval bubble) represents a

circle or a "bubble"
process that transforms incoming data flow(s) into outgoing data

4. An open rectangle is a data store — data at rest, or a temporaiy re-

pository of data.

Note that a DFD describes what data flow (logical) rather than how they
are processed, so does not depend on hardware, software, data structure,

or file organization. The key question that we are trying to answer is: What
major transformations must occur for input to be correctly transformed
into output?
Our example in Figure 6-3 is too general. Let's expand process orders to

FIGURE 6-3 General Model of Publisher's Present Ordering System


' '

Orders ^^ N^
^'^1 Process \jf^ CUSTOMER

invoice \..,___,/
(with shipment)

FIGURE 6-4 Data Flow Diagram: (a) Basic Symbols and (b) General Format

Meaning Comments

n Source or destination
of data
May be one customer or a number
of customers with transactions (orders)

May be physically contained in a

Data flow purchase order, invoice, phone
call, letter, etc.

May be a clerk computing discounts

or Process that trans- or a cataloged procedure or a
forms data flow combination of manual and electronic

Can be a card file, a filing cabinet,

or Data store
a data base on disk, etc.

Input (destination)
"• (source)

Processes; A-F
Dataflows: 1-8

elaborate on the logical functions of the system. First, incoming orders are
checked for correct book titles, authors' names, and other information and
then batched with other book orders from the same bookstore to determine
how many copies can be shipped through the warehouse. Also, the credit
status of each bookstore is checked before shipment is authorized. Each
shipment has a shipping notice detailing the kind and number of books
shipped. This is compared to the original order received (by mail or phone)
to ascertain its accuracy. The normally available in a
details of the order are
special file or a data store, called "bookstore orders." Figure 6-5 shows the
expanded version of the system with these details.

FIGURE 6-5 Expanded DFD, Showing Order Verification and Credit Check


Following order \'erification and credit check, a clerk batches the order
by assembling all the book titles ordered by the bookstore. The batched
order is sent to the warehouse with authorization to pack and ship the
books to the customer. Figure 6-6 shows the steps taken to finalize the
Further expansion of the DFD focuses on the steps taken in billing the
bookstore. Figure 6-7 shows additional functions I'elated to accounts receiv-
able.As you can tell by now, each process summarizes a lot of information
and can be exploded into several lower-level, detailed DFDs. This is often
necessary to make sure that a complete documentation of the data flow is
available for future reference.

Constructing a DFD
Several rules of thumb are used in drawing DFDs:

1. Processes should be named and numbered for easy reference isee

Figure 6-7). Each name should be representati\'e of the process.
2. The direction of flow is from top to bottom and fromto right. Data

traditionally flow from the source upper left comer to the destination
I i

(lower right corneri, although they may flow back to a source. One way to
indicate this is to draw a long flow line back to the source. An alternative
way is to repeat the source symbol as a destination. Since it is used more
than once in the DFD, it is marked with a short diagonal in the lower right
corner (see Figure 6-8).
3. When a process is exploded into lower-level details, they are numbered.
For example, in Figure 6-7, process 5 (assemble customer orderi is exploded
into two subprocesses: create invoice and verify' invoice. Since they are
sublevels, they are numbered 5.1 and 52, respectively.



FIGURE 6-6 Expanded DFD, Elaborating on Order Processing and Shipping


4. The names and destinations ai^ written in

of data stores, sources,
capital letters. Process and data flow names have the first letter of each
word capitalized.

How detailed should a DFD

be? As mentioned earlier, the DFD is
designed to aid communication. If it contains dozens of processes and data
stores, it gets too unwieldy. The rule of thumb is to explode the DFD to a
functional level, so that the next sublevel does not exceed 10 processes.
Beyond that, it is best to take each function separately and expand it to
show the explosion of the single process. If a user wants to know what
happens wdthin a given process, then the detailed explosion of that process
may be showai.
A DFD typically shows the minimum contents of data stoi'es. Each data
store should contain all the data elements that flow in and out. Question-
naires can be used to provide information for a fii'st cut. All discrepancies,
missing interfaces, redundancies, and the like are then accounted for
often through interviews.
The DFD methodology is quite effective, especially when the required
design is unclear and the user and the analyst need a notational language
for communication. The DFD is easy to underetand after a brief orientation.

FIGURE 6-7 Completed DFD, Showing Accounts Receivable Routine


The main problem, however, is the large number of iterations that often are
required to arrive at the most accurate and complete solution.

Data Diciionaiy
In our data flow diagrams, we give names to data flows, processes, and data
stores. Although the names are descriptive of the data, they do not give
details. So following the DFD, our interest is to bufld some structured place
to keep details of the contents of data flows, processes, and data store. A
data dictionary is a structured repository of data about data.^ It is a set of

^ James Mcirtin, Principles of Data-Base Management lEnglewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,

1976), p. 4.

FIGURE 6-8 Alternative Use of Source/Destination Symbols



rigorous definitions of all DFD data elements and data structures iSee
Figure 6-9).
A data dictionary' has many advantages. The most ob\ious is documen-
tation; it is a valuable reference in an\' organization. .Another advantage is

improving analvst user communication bv establishing consistent defini-

tions of various elements, terms, and procedures. During implementation, it
serves as a common base against which programmers who are working on
the system compare their data descriptions. Also control information main-
tained for each data element is cross-referenced in the data dictionary'. For
example, programs that use a given data element are cross-referenced in a
data dictionan', which makes it easv to identify- them and make anv neces-
saiA' changes. Finallv, a data dictionar\' is an important step in building a

data base. Most data base management systems have a data dictionary' as a
standard feature.
Data have been described in different ways. For example, in tape and
disk processing, IBM called a file a dala set. In data base technologv', the
term file took on a different meaning. IBM's Information Management

FIGURE 6-9 Project Data Element Form— A Sample





System's (IMS) manual defines data as fields divided into segments, which,
in turn, are combined into data bases. ^ The Conference on Data System
Languages (CODASYL) defines data as data items combined into aggregates,
vviiich, in turn, are combined into records.'* A group of related records is
referred to as a set. A summary of these data definitions is given in Figure

3 IMS/VS General Information Manual GH20-1260 (White Plains, NY.: IBM Corporation,
* National Bureau of Standards Handbook 113, CODASYL Data Description Language Jour-
nal of Development (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing OflRce, 1974).

FIGURE 6-10 Sample Data Definitions

Description IMS CODAS\X

Smallest unit of data Field Data item

Groups of smallest data items Segment Data aggregate
Entity processed at a time Logical record Record
I^r^est grouping Data base Set

If we choose words that represent the general thinking of common

vocabulary, there are three classes of items to be defined:

1. Data element: The smallest unit of data that provides for no further
decomposition. For example, "date" consists of day, month, and year.
They hang together for all practical purposes.

2. Data structure: A group of data elements handled as a unit. For exam-

ple, "phone" is a data structure consisting of four data elements: Area
code-exchange-number-extension for example, —
"BOOK DETAILS" is a data structure consisting of the data elements
author name, title, ISBN International Standard Book Number), LOCN

(Library of Congress Numberl, publisher's name, and quantity.

3. Data flows and data stores:^ As defined earlier, data flows are data
structures in motion, whereas data stores are data structures at rest. A
data store is a location where data structures are temporarily located.
The three levels that make up the hierarchy of data are shown in Figure

FIGURE 6-11 Logical Data Description Hierarchy

smallest unit of data Data Element

group of data elements Data Structure

groups of data structures Data Flow Data Store

^ For details on the data dictionary, refer to Gane and Sarson, Structured Systems Analysis,
pp. 48-75.

Describing Data Elements

The description of a data element should include the name, description,
and an alias (synonym). For example:


— middle — distiller
— last —vintage
— alias

The description should be a summary of the data element. It may

include an example. We may also want to include whether or not the data
element(s) has:

1. A name. For example, a PURCHASE ORDER may exist as

PUR.ORDER, PURCHASE ORD., or P.O. We want to record all these in the
data dictionary cind include them under the PURCHASE ORDER defini-
tion and separately with entries of their own. One example is "P.O. alias
of (or see also) PURCHASE ORDER." Then we look up PURCHASE
ORDER to find the details. It is an index.
2. Usage characteristics, such as a range of values or the frequency of use
or both. A value is a code that represents a meaning. Here we have two
types of data elements:
a. Those that take a value within a range: for example, a pa3^roll check
amount between $1 and $10,000 is called a continuous value.
b. Those that have a specific value; for example, departments in a firm
may be coded 100 (accounting), 110 (personnel), etc. In a data
dictionary, it is described as follows:

100 means "Accounting Department"

101 means "Accounts Receivable Section"
102 means "Accounts Payable Section"

108 means "General L,edger Section"

In either type, values are codes that represent a meaning.

3. Control information such as the source, date of origin, users, or access


4. Physical location in terms of a record, file, or data base.

Describing Data Structures

We describe any data structure by specifying the name of each data
structure and the elements it represents, provided they are defined else-
where in the data dictionary. Some elements are mandatory, whereas oth-
ers are optional. To illustrate, let us take "BOOK-DETAILS" ftxjm Figure 6-7.
The data elements of this data structure are as follows:

Mandatory Optional

Data structure BOOK-DETAILS

Data elements ALTHOR-NAME X
lllLt Ut BOOK X
ISBN International StJindard
Book Number X
LOCN Libran of Congress Number! X

The data structure BOOK-DETAILS is made up of fi\e niandatorv data

elements and two optional ones.

Describing Data Flows and Data Stores

The contents of a data flow may be described by the nameisi of the data
structure' s that passes along it. In our earlier e.xample, BOOK-DET.AILS
expresses the content of the data flow that leads to process 4 isee Figure
6-7i. .Additionalh we ma\ specif the source of the data flow, the destina-
tion, and the \olume if anyi. Using the BOOK-ORDER e.xample, data flows
mav be described as follows:

Data Flow Comments

BOOK-DETAll^ From Newcomb Hall Bookstore 'source)

EDITION Recent edition required

QUANTITY Minimum 40 copies

.A described b\ the data structures found in it and the data

data store is

flows that feed it or are extracted from it. For example, the data store
BOOKSTORE-ORDER is described by the following contents:


ORDER-NUNJBER Data flow data structure feeding data store
CUSTO.MER-DET.AIl^ Content of data store
BOOK-DEr\IL Data flow data Ancture extracted
from data store

Describing Processes
This step is the logical description. We want to specify the inputs and
outputs for the process and summarize the logic of the system. In Figure
6-7, process 1, EDIT-ORDER, can be described as shown in Figui-e 6-12.
In constiTJCting a data dictionary, the analyst should consider the
following points:

1. Each unique data flow in the DFD must have one data dictionary entry.
There is also a data dictionary entry for each data store and process.
2. Definitions must be readily accessible by name.
3. There should be no i^edundancy or unnecessary definitions in the data
definition. It must also be simple to make updates.

4. The pixjcedure should be straightfoiward but

for wilting definitions
specific. There should be only one way of defining words.

In summary, a data dictionaiy is an integral component of the struc-

tured specification. Without a data dictionaiy, the DFD lacks rigor, and
without the DFD, the data dictionaiy is of no use. Thei-efore, the correlation
between the two is important.

Decision Tree and Structured English

Once the data elements are defined in the data dictionary, we begin to focus
on the processes. For example, in Figure 6-7, we need to know what goes
into APPLY CREDIT TO INVOICE. Since bookstores get discounts on books
acquired from publishers, we can expect one lower-level process to verify
the discount. This is done through a publisher discount policy knoun to

FIGURE 6-12 General Description of Process —An Example

1. Name of Process: EDII -ORDER-IS-O.K.

2. Short Description: Verify and decide whether customer credit is OK for authorizing
shipment, or whether it must be sent COD.

3. Inputs Logic Output

ORDER Look up customer payment Credit OK, no

record balance reminders
If new bookstore, clear
credit rating
Customer payment If established customer (over
file one year), OK order unless
value exceeds $10,000 or
Data account balance overdue is more
opened than 90 days old.
Balance on order If under one year, OK order,
Credit limit unless there is balance

the bookstore in ad\ance. For illustration, let us assume the following

discount polic\':

Bookstores get a trade discount of 25°o for orders from libraries and indixiduals,

5% allowed on orders of 6-19 copies per book title; 10% on orders for 20-49
copies per book title; 15% on orders for 50 copies or more per book title.

A policN' statement like this can be time-consuming to describe and

confusing to implement. The analyst needs to use tools to portray the logic
of the policy. The first such tool is the decision tree. As shown in Figure
6-13, a decision tree has as many branches as there are logical alternatives.
It simply sketches the logical structure based on the stated policy. In this

respect, it is an excellent tool: It is easy to construct, easy to read, and easy

to update. It shows onl\ the skeletal aspects of the policy, however, in the
sense that it does not lend itself to calculations or show logic as a set of
instructions for action. The alternative, then, is the use of a second tool
called structured English.
Structured English borrows heaxily from structured programming; it
uses logical construction and imperative sentences designed to cany out
instructions for action. Decisions are made through IF, THEN, ELSE, and SO
statements. The structured English for our publisher's discount policy is
shown in Figure 6-14. Note the correlation between the decision tree and
structured English.
We can actually make structured English more compact by using terms
defined in the data dictionary'. For example, the process ORDER may have
the data element ORDER-SIZE, which defines four values:

MINIMUM: 5 or fewer copies per book title

SMALL: 6 to 19 copies

FIGURE 6-13 Decision Tree— An Example

Type of Size of
customer order Discount

6 or more 25%
less than 6 Nil


Libraries or


FIGURE 6-14 Structured English— An Example

Add up the number of copies per book title

IF order is from bookstore

and-IF order is for 6 copies or more per book title

THEN: Discount is 25%

ELSE (order is for fewer than 6 copies per book title)

SO: no discount is allowed

ELSE (order is from libraries or individual customers)
so-IF order is for 50 copies or more per book title

discount is 15%
ELSE IF order is for 20 to 49 copies per book title

discount is 10%
ELSE IF order is for 6 to 19 copies per book title

discount is 5%
ELSE (order is for less than 6 copies per book order)
SO: no discount is allowed

MEDIUM: 20 to 49 copies
LARGE: 50 or more copies

Using these values, the structured English in Figure 6-14 would read as
shown in Figure 6-15.
From these examples we see that when logic is written out in English
sentences using capitalization and multilevel indentation, it is structured
English. In this tool, the logic of processes of the system is expressed by
using the capitalized key words IF, THEN, ELSE, and SO. Stnjctui^s are
indented to reflect the logical hierarchy. Sentences should also be clear,
concise, and precise in wording and meaning.

Decision Tables
A major drawback of a decision tree is the lack of information in format to its

tellus what other combinations of conditions to test. This is where the

decision table is useful. A decision table is a table of contingencies for
defining a problem and the actions to be taken. It is a single representation
of the relationships between conditions and actions.^ Figure 6-16 shows a
decision table that represents our discount policy (see Figure 6-13 and
A decision table consists of two parts: stub and entry. The stub part is

^ M. A. Colter, "Comparative Examination of Systems Analysis Techniques," MIS Quarterly,

March 1984, p. 59.

HGURE 6-15 Structuied English — Using Data

Dictionary Values

Add up the number of copies per book title

IF order is from bookstore

THEN: Discount is 25%
SO: no discount is allowed
ELSE 'order is from libraries or individual customersi
discount is 15%
discount is 10%
discount is 5%
SO: no discount is allowed

dixided into an upper quadrant called the condition stub and a lower
quadrant called the action stub. The entr\' part is also divided into an upper
quadrant called the condition entry and a lower quadrant called the action
entry-. The four elements and their definitions are summarized in Figure


FIGURE 6-16 Decision Table— Discount Policy

Condition Stub Condition Entr\'

1 2 3 4 5 6

Customer is bookstore? \ \ N N N N
Order-size 6 copies or more? Y i\ N N N N
IF Customer librarian or individual? \ \ Y \

condition 1
Order-size 50 copies or more? Y N N N
Order-size 20-49 copies? Y N N
Order-si7^ 6-19 copies? Y N

.Mlow 25% discount X

THEN .Allow 15% discount X
1 action 1 Allow 10% discount X
.Allow 5% discount X
No discount allowed • X X

Action Stub Action Entrv


FIGURE 6-17 Elements and Definitions in a Decision Table

Elements Location Definition

Condition stub Upper left quadrant Sets forth in question form the condition
that may exist

Action stub Lower left quadrant Outlines in narrative fomi the action to
be taken to meet each condition
Condition entry Upper right quadrant Provides answers to questions asked in
the condition stub quadrant
Action entry Lower right quadrant Indicates the appropriate action resulting
fixjm the answei-s to the conditions in
the condition entry quadrant

Note in Figure 6-16 that the answers are represented by a Y to signify

yes, an N to signify no, or a blank to show that the condition involved has
not been tested. In the action entiy quadrant, an X (or a check mark will do)
indicates the response to the answerls) entered in the condition entry
quadrant. Furtheimore, each column represents a decision or a rule. For
example, rule 1 states:

IF customer is a bookstore and order size is 6 copies or more,

THEN allow 25% discount

So,according to the decision table, we have six decisions and thei efore
six rules. A look at the table provides each decision (answer) immediately
The following rules should be followed in constructing decision tables:
1. A decision should be given a name, shown in the top left of the table.

2. The logic of the decision table is independent of the sequence in which

the condition rules are written, but the action takes place in the order in
which the events occur.
3. Standardized language must be used consistently.
4. Duplication of terms or meanings should be eliminated, where possible.

Pros and Cons of Each Tool

Which tool is the best depends on a number of factors: the nature and
complexity of the problem, the number of actions
resulting from the deci-
sions, and the ease of use. In revievvdng the benefits and limitations of each
tool, we come to the folloudng conclusions:

1. The primary strength of the DFD is its ability to represent data flows. It
may be used high or low levels of analysis and provides good system
documentation. However, the tool only weakly shows input and output
detail." The user often finds it confusing initially.

Ibid., p. 62.

2. The data dictionary helps the analyst simplify the structure for meeting
the data requirements of the system. It may be used at high or low levels
of analysis, but it does not provide functional details, and it is not
acceptable to many nontechnical users.
3. Structured English is best used when the problem requires sequences
of actions udth decisions.
4. Decision trees are used to verify logic and in problems that involve a few
complex decisions resulting in a limited number of actions.
5. Decision trees and decision tables are best suited for dealing with
complex branching routines such «is calculating discounts or sales
commissions or inventory control procedures.

Given the pros and cons of structured tools, the analyst should be
trained in the use of various tools for analysis and design. He/she should
use decision tables and structured English to get to the heart of complex
problems. A decision table is perhaps the most useful tool for communicat-
ing problem details to the user.
The major contribution of structured analysis to the system develop-
ment life cycle is producing a definable and measurable document the —
structured specification. Other benefits include increased user involvement,
improved communication between user and designer, reduction of total
personnel time, and fewer "kinks" during detailed design and implementa-
tion. The only drawback is increased analyst and user time in the process.
Overall the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, w^hich make structured analy-
sis tools viable alternatives in system development.

1. Traditional tools have limitations. An English narrative description is

often vague and difficult for the user to grasp. System flowcharts focus
more on physical than on
implementation of the candidate
system. Because of these drawbacks, structured tools were introduced
They include data flow diagrams, a data
for analysis. dictionary, struc-
tured English, decision trees, and decision tables.
2. The traditionalapproach to analysis focuses on cost/benefit and feasi-
bility analyses, project management, hardware and software selection,
and personnel considerations. In contrast, structured analysis consid-
ers new goals and structured tools for einalysis. Specifically, it uses
graphics wherever possible, differentiates between logical and physical
systems, and builds a logical system to accentuate system charac-
teristics and interrelationships before implementation.

3. The system development life cycle with structured Jinalysis covers six
a. Study affected user areas, resulting in a physical DFD.
b. Remove the physical checkpoints and replace them with the logical
equivalent, resulting in the logical DFD.

c. Model new logical system.

d. Establish man/machine interface.
e. Quantify costs and benefits.
/ Select hardware/software.

4. The DFD system requirements and identifies major transforma-

tions that will become programs in system design. It is the starting
point in system design that decomposes the requirements specifica-
tions down to the lowest level of detail.

5. In constructing DFDs, the analyst should name and number processes

for easy reference. The direction of flow is from top to bottom and from
left to right. When a process is exploded into lower-level details, they

are numbered. The names of data stores, sources, and destinations are
written in capital letters.

6. A data dictionary is a structured repository of data

about data. It offers
the primary advantages of documentation and improving analyst/user
communication by establishing consistent definitions of various ele-
ments, terms, and prc)cedures. The three classes to be defined are data
elements, data structures, and data flows and data stores:
a. Data element is the smallest unit of data that provides for no further
b. Data structure is a group of data elements handled as a unit.
c. Data flows and data stores are data structures in motion cind data
structures at rest, respectively.

7. In constructing a data dictionary, the analyst considers several points:

a. Each data flow in the DFD has one data dictionary entry.
b. Definitions must be readily accessible by name.
c. There should be no redundancy in the data definition.
d. The procedure for writing definitions should be precise.
8. A decision tree sketches the logical structure based on some criteria. It

is easy to construct, read, and update. It shows only the skeletal aspects
of the picture however, and does not lend itself to calculations. The
alternative is structured English.
9. Structured English uses logical constructs and imperative sentences
designed to carry out instructions for action. Decisions are made
through IF, THEN, ELSE, and SO statements. This tool is highly corre-
lated with the decision tree.

10. A decision table is a table of contingencies for defining a problem and

the actions to be taken. It is a single representation of the relationships
between conditions and actions. The parts of the table are the stub and
entry. The stub is divided into condition and action stubs; the entry is
also divided into a condition and an action entry. The rules to follow in
constructing decision tables are:
a. A decision should be given a name.
b. The logic of the table is independent of the sequence in which

condition rules are written, but the action takes place in the order
in which the events occur.
c. Standardized language must be used consistently.
d. Duplication of terms should be eliminated.
11. In comparing the tools covered in the chapter, we find that:
a. The primary strength of the DFD is its ability to represent data
flows, but it only weakly shows input and output details.
b. The data dictionary simplifies the structure for meeting the data
requirements of the system but does not provide functional details.
c. Structured English is best used when the problem requires using
sequences of actions with decisions.
d. Decision trees are used for logic verifications and in problems
involving few complex decisions.
e. Decision trees and decision tables are best suited for dealing with
complex branching routines.

Key Words
Action Entry Data Structure
Action Stub Decision Table
Aggregate Decision Tree
Alias Entry
Bubble Chart Partitioning
Condition Entry Process
Condition Stub Record
Data Dictionary Segment
Data Element Set
Data Flow Structured Analysis
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Structured English
Data Item System Flowchart
Data Set System Specification
Data Store

Review Q,uestlons
1. Discuss the pros and cons of the traditional approach to systems

2. What is structured analysis? Briefly review the tools used. How does it

differ ftxjm the traditional approach?

3. What steps make up the system development life cycle with structured
analysis? Describe each step briefly.

4. If you were summarize the attributes of structured

to analysis in four
short sentences, what would you say?
5. Describe the concept and procedure used in constructing DFDs. Use an
example of your own to illustrate.

6. What basic rules are relevant to constructing a DFD?

7. Using an example of your own, how detailed should a DFD be? Explain.

8. "A data dictionary is a structured repository of data about data." Dis-


9. What advantages does a data dictionary offer in the area of documenta-


10. Define the foUowdng terms:

a. Data set.

b. Aggregates.
c. Segments.
d. Data structure.
11. Illustrate how data elements and processes are described.
12. What points should be considered in constructing a data dictionary? Be

13. In what way(s) is a decision tree and a data flow diagram related? What
about a decision ti^e and structured English?
14. List and illustrate the primary uses and elements of a decision table.

Application Problems

1 Draw an overall data flow diagram for the foUovvdng applications:

a. Making auto loans.

b. A travel agency making round-trip reservations for two to Hawaii.

c. A systems analyst selling pixjfessional time by the hour and paying
staff salaries.

d. Ordering supplies for a bcirber shop.

Write the following data dictionary entries in English.

b. Line-Item = Catalog-Number -I- Quantity -I- Description
(-l-Size)(-l-Color) + Unit-Price + Total-Price

For the safe deposit case described in Chapter 4 and 7, the data flow
diagram in Exhibit 6-1 A Customer Data Flow Diagram sets up a new
customer account for a safe deposit box.

EXHIBIT 6-1 A Customer Dorta Flow Diagram

Bl »>



i /

a. Are there flaws in the data flow diagram? If so, what are they? List the

b. Draw an expanded data flow diagram of bubble 2.

c. Using the information from the safe deposit case and the data flow diagram,
draw a data flow diagram to close a customer's account.

An international airline initiated a frequent traveler program designed

to encourage passengers to fly regularly and earn awards based on
miles flown. The airline policy is specified as follows:

Passengers who fly more than 100,000 miles per calendar year and, in addition,
pay cash for tickets or have been flWng the airline regularly for more than five

years are to receive a free round-trip ticket around the world. Passengers who
fly lessthan 100,000 miles per calendar year and have been flying the airline
regularly for more than five years also get a fi^e round-trip ticket around the

a. Draw a decision tree based on the statement.
b. Develop a decision table for pcissenger free ticket.

A Virginia-based mail-order house specializes in microcomputers and

supplies for various microcomputer makes. It offers discounts based oh
the number of units ordered. When an order is received, an invoice is
generated that includes the quantity', unit cost, discount, and shipping
and handling charges. The invoice is decomposed into the following


Computer Compute, Compute

discount shipping/
total handling

1 1

Compute Compute
regular special
mail delivery

Invoice-Total is computed on each line-item. All line-item totals are

then added to get invoice total. A line-item is extended by multiplying
quantity by unit cost. The product is the line-item total.
Discount is computed as follows:

If Invoice-Total is $3,000 or over, discount is 20 percent.

If Invoice-Total between $2,000 and $2,999, discount is 10 percent.

If Invoice-Total is between $1,000 and $1,999, discount is 5 percent.

If Invoice-Total is under $1,000, no discount allowed.

Shipping and handling charges depend on whether the computer

is to go by UPS or air freight. If the order specifies UPS, then compute as

Ifweight is under 35 pounds, shipping handling rate is 530.

If weight is 35 to 55 pounds, shipping handling rate is S45.

If weight is o\er 55 pounds, multiph' excess io\er 55 b\- S2 and add 1

S45 to get shipping handling rate.

If the order specifies airfreight, then multiph- each pound of weight

b\' SI. 85 to get rate.

a. De\elop a decision tree.

b. Represent the information in structured English.

A major publisher hired an analyst to stud\' the e.xisting system of

producing textbooks. The anal\st spent se\eral weeks collecting data
regarding the production process and then prepared a system
flowchart. The process is initiated with the receipt of the t\pe\\Titten
manuscript b\' the book editior. The manuscript consists of the text
narratixe and art in the form of tables, charts, schematic charts, and
figures of machines, buildings, and the like. The editor sends it to the
production editor, who officially launches the production process. The
steps are as follows:

a. The manuscript is assigned to a copyeditor who corrects gram-

matical enxjrs, inconsistencies, and the like. The job normally takes
seven to nine weeks.
b. The copyedited manuscript is sent back to the author for final
review. The publisher allows two weeks for this step.

c. When the edited manuscript is returned, it is released to a com-

positor who produces a galley. Copies of the galley are sent to the
author and the production department for proofreading. Two
weeks are allowed for this step.
d. The prooft^ad returned to the compositor to incorporate
galley is

final changes or corrections. Meanwhile, art is released to the art

department for preparing the finished work. Fi\ e weeks are allowed
to complete the job.

e. When the corrected galley and art are received, the production
department "dummies" the book: that is, the galley is divided into
pages that include space for illustrations, photographs, etc. This
step normally takes three v\'eeks.

/ The dummied manuscriptjs page-numbered and the illustrations

are actually shown in the space provided. Further proofreading and
checking on the exact location of the art are finalized. This step
takes a week.

g. At this stage, the index prepared, which takes a week. Front


matter (preface, acknowledgment page, etc.) is also set in type.

h. The dummied galley, including index and front matter, is sent to
the compositor for final production and binding. This major step
takes around seven weeks. When the work
completed, the bind-

ery ships the copies to the publisher's warehouse.

a. Draw a system flowchart to represent the production process.

b. Use the information pixivided in the case to construct a Gantt chart.

Sanford &, Sons, Inc., a small manufacturer of electronic calculators,

stocks "ready to ship" units in four warehouses (A, B, C, D). Warehouse
A handles all orders received fWim foreign customers. Warehouse B
handles orders received fix)m customers out of the state of Illinois.
Warehouse C orders received from nongovernment customers that

operate within the state of Illinois. Warehouse D handles orders re-

ceived from state or federcil government agencies.

Prepai-e a decision table to indicate the warehouse from which customers can
be accommodated.

8 A major manufacturer of floppy disks wants to have a party for employ-

ees w^ho have been with the company betw^een one and three months.
In addition to a master list of these employees, the public relations
department wishes to have a tally of those who are single, married,
divorced, and "other."

Assuming that the master personnel file of company employees will be used,
develop a decision table to illustrate the job.

The Data Processing Programming Association is

local chapter of the
planning an annual picnic in July to be held in the city's main park. To
encourage sustained membership, the recreation committee has de-

cided to serve each member according to the number of years he/she

has been a member, as follows:

If a member has been with the association for one year or less, he/she is

entitled to tvvo hamburgers, one bottle of beer, and one ice cream bar.
Those with Uvo years of membership are allowed one hamburger and three
bottles of beer. Those with more thcin three years of membership get one
doubleburger and no limit on drinks.

Constnict a decision table to help the one in charge handle the orders.

10 A major brokerage firm wishes to have (1) a list (call it "odd lot") of all
indixiduals who hold odd lots iless than 100 shares of Hammermill Ball i

Bearing stocks, and (21 lists of each of the five tvpes of stockholders who
own 100 or more shares of the same issue, as follows:

a. List A to include indi\idual stockholders.

b. List B to include stocks held by a trust fund.

c. List C to include stocks held by an educational institution.

d. List D to include stocks held by a financial institution.

e. List E to include stocks held bv a Canadian stockholder.

Present the request in a decision table.

Selected References
Colter, M. A. "Comparatixe Elxamination of S\'stems .Analysis Techniques. ' MIS
Quarterly. March 1984, pp 59-67.
Davis, Wm. S. Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Reading, Mass.:.

.Addison-W'esley Publishing, 1983, pp. 281-301.

DeMarco, Tom. Structured .Analysis and System Specification. New York: \ourdon
Press, 1979.
Dickinson, Brian. Developing Structured Systems. New York: Yourdon Press, 1980.
Gane, Chris, cind Trish Sanson. Structured Systems Analysis: Tools and Techniques.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
IMS/\'S General Information Manual GH20-1260. VMiite Plains, N.Y.: IBM Corp., 1974.
Martin, James. Principles of Data Base Management. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-
Hall, 1976.
National Bureau of Standards Handbook 113, Description Language.

Journal of Development. Washington, D.C.; U.S. Government Printing Office,

Page-Jones, M. The Practical Guide to Structured System Design. New York: Yourdon
Press, 1980.
Senn, James A. Analysis and Design of Information Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1984, pp. 109-134.
Methods of Systems Analysis." Data Man-
Shelvin, Jeffrey L. "Evaluating Alternative
agement, April 1983, pp. 22-25.
Yourdon, Edward. Managing the Structured Techniques. Zd ed. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979, pp. 36-57.
Chapter 7

Feasibility Study


System Performance Defintion



FeasibUlty Study

Economic Feasibility
Technical Feasibility
Behavioral Feasibility


Form a Project Team and Appoint a Project Leader
Prepare System Flowcharts
Enumerate Potential Candidate Systems


At a Glance

An initial investigation culminates ina proposal that determines whether an

alternative system is feasible. A
proposal summarizing the thinking of the
analyst is presented to the user for review. When approved, the proposal
initiates a feasibility study that describes and evaluates candidate systems and
provides for the selection of the best system that meets system performance
To do a feasibility study, we need to consider the economic, technical, and
behavioral factors in system development. First a project team is formed. The
team develops system flowcharts that identify the characteristics of candidate
systems, evaluate the performance of each system, weigh system performance
and cost data, and select the best candidate system for the job. The study
culminates in a final report to management.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1 The steps in defining system performance.
2. What key considerations are involved in feasibility analysis.
3. How to conduct a feasibility study.

Describe and Identily Characteristics of Candidate Systems

Determine and Evaluate Performance and Cost Effectiveness of
Each Candidate System
Weight System Performance and Cost Data
Select the Best Candidate System



Chapter 4 discussed the steps that make up the initial investigation. Several
activities have been completed:

1. A user has recognized a need.

2. User requirements are determined and the problem has been defined.
3. An initial investigation is launched to study the existing system and
verify the problem.
4. The analyst (with user pcirticipation) has verified the objectives, con-
straints, and required outputs, resulting in a project directive that the
user has approved.

The next step is to determine exactly what the candidate system is to do

by defining expected performance. Thus, a feasibility study is carried out

to select the best system that meets performance requirements. This entails
identification, description, and evaluation of candidate systems and selec-
tion of the best system for the job. This chapter, then, addresses the system
performance definition and expounds on the feasibility study as a second
major step in the system development life cycle.


A system's required performance isdefined by describing its outputs in a
user-acceptable format and at a higher level of detail than what was de-
scribed in the initial investigation. This involves three steps:

1. Statement of constraints.
2. Identification of specific system objectives.

3. Description of outputs.

This phase builds on the previous phase in that much of the work may
already have been done.

j. Statement of Constraints
Constraints are factors that limit the solution of the problem. Some con-
straints are identified during the initial investigation and are discussed with
the user. There are general constraints that might have a bearing on the
required performance of a candidate system. Let's consider our safe deposit
billing system to illustrate these points. We described the current billing
system and how the department handles billing and customer pa3anents.
The result of the fact-finding phase of the initial investigation revealed the
following general constraints:

1. The president views safe deposit billing as a low priority. He has a false
impression that computers are not needed as long as customers can
have access to their boxes.


2. The senior vice president worried that a billing system might require

the transfer of safe deposit staff to other departments. Considering

Florida's level of unemplo\Tnent and the cost of retraining, a candidate
system has to do more than produce reports.
3. The accounting department has been pushing for installing a com-
puter-based general ledger application for months. The vice president
of operations, bogged down with auditing and operations problems,
continued to shelve the request.
4. Management has knowledge of computers, although it has
a limited
several applications on the computer: checking and savings, installment
loans, commercial loans, and trusts. The president, in his early sixties
and interested in "the bottom line of the financial statement, is tradi-

tionally reluctant to spend money on computers.

5. Safe deposit, while doing better than breaking even, is not projected to
grow as fast asdid in the early 1980s. The community's recent success

in controlling burglaries had an adverse impact on the demand for box

rentals in general.

6. If an online system is to be insteilled, it must interface with the existing

checking/savings application to allow for the automatic payment of box

7. A proposed design must be compatible with the bank's Burroughs

computer system.

Identification of Specific System Objectives

Once the constraints are spelled out, the analyst proceeds to identify the
system's specific performance objectives. They are derived from the general
objectives specified in the project directive at the end of the initial investiga-
tion. The steps are to state the system's benefits and then translate them
into measurable objectives. In our scenario, the candidate system's antici-
pated benefits are as follows:

1. Improved collection schedule.

2. Cost reduction.
3. Physical space reduction.
4. Improved customer service.

Each benefit is analyzed and translated into measurable objectives.

1. Collection improved by billing 30 days in advance of the box renewal


date, and one more notice is sent within two weeks. It also improves the
accounts receivables payment 'float.

2. Cost reduction by reducing the payroll by two employees.

is realized
The new online billing system requires less than two hours of labor per
day, compared with six hours under the current system.

3. Physical space requirements are reduced by placing the microcom-

puter in the place of one of the four existing desks. The remaining desks
are removed, allowing an extra cubicle for customer use.

4. Customer improved by placing master cards and box rental

service is

information online, thus reducing the waiting time of entry from 3

minutes to 30 seconds.

These objectives are effective in comparing the performance of the

candidate system udth that of the current system. The information-oriented
flowchart, input/output analysis sheet, and data flow diagram (see Chapter
4) produced in the initial investigation lead to the conclusions that (1) the

current system is inefficient and (2) a new online, terminal-oriented system

would be the solution. This conclusion was reflected in the general project
directive submitted to the user for approval. This information is used as a
basis for preparing specific objectives for the candidate system:

1. To establish a billing system udth six five-day cycles per month.

2. To mail customers no than the close of the billing cycle and no
later than 25 days prior to the box renewal date.

3. To mail customers a reminder two weeks after the initial statement for
box renewal.
4. To speed collections and reduce the "float" by 40 percent.
5. To examine the avciilability of boxes by size, rental fees, and location.

6. To evaluate the ratio of rented to available boxes at all times.

7. To produce periodic reports to management on the performance of the

safe deposit department.

Description of Outputs
A system performance definition is describing the outputs
final step in
required by the user. An actual sketch of the format and contents of the
reports (layout) as well as a specification of the media used, their frequency,
and the and number of copies required ai^ prepared at this point.
Specifying exactly what the output will look like leads to an estimate of the
computer storage requirements that form the basis for the file design to be
undertaken in the design phase of the life cycle. The analyst is now ready to
evaluate the feasibility of candidate systems to produce these outputs.

Many feasibility studies are disillusioning for both users and analysts.
First, the study often presupposes that when the feasibility document is

being prepared, the analyst is in a position to evaluate solutions. Second,

most studies tend to overlook the confusion inherent in system develop-

ment — the constraints and the assumed attitudes. If the feasibility study is

to serve as a decision document, it must answer three key questions:

1. Is there a new and better way to do the job that will benefit the user?

2. What are the costs and savings of the altemative(s)?

3. What is recommended?
The most successful system projects are not necessarily the biggest or
most visible in a business but rather those that truly meet user expectations.
More projects fail because of inflated expectations than for any other

Feasibility Considerations

Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis: economic,

technical, behavioral. Let's briefly review each consideration and how it

relates to the svstems effort.

Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis is method for evaluating
the most frequently used
the effectiveness of a candidate system. More commonly known as cost/
benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that
are expected from a candidate system and compare them with costs. If
benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement
the system. Otherwise, further justification or alterations in the proposed
system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This
is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of the system

life cycle. More on cost/benefit analysis is covered in Chapter 8.

Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility centers around the existing computer system
(hardware, software, etc. and to what extent it can support the proposed

addition. For example, if the current computer is operating at 80 percent

— —
capacity an arbitrary ceiling then running another application could
overload the system or require additional hardware. This involves financial
considerations to accommodate technical enhancements. If the budget is a
serious constraint, then the project is judged not feasible.

Behavioral Feasibility
People are inherently resistant to change, and computers have been
known to facilitate change. An estimate should be made of how strong a
reaction the user staff is likely to have toward the development of a comput-
erized system. It is common knowledge that computer installations have

' Lois Zells, "A Practical Approach to a Project Expectation Document," Computerworld (In-
Depth), August 29, 1983, p. 1.

something to do with turnover, transfers, retraining, and changes in em-

ployee job status. Therefore, it is understandable that the introduction of a
candidate system requires special eflfort to educate, sell, and train the staff
on new ways of conducting business.
In our safe deposit example, three employees are more than 50 years
old and have been vAth the bank over 14 years, four years of which have
been in safe deposit. The remaining two employees are in their eariy
thirties. They joined safe deposit about two years before the study. Based on
data gathered from extensive interview's, the younger employees w^ant the
programmable aspects of safe deposit (essentially billing) put on a com-
puter. Two of the three older employees have voiced resistance to the idea.
Their view is that billing is no problem. The main emphasis is customer
service — personal contacts with customers. The decision in this case was
to go ahead and pursue the project.

Steps in Feasibility Analysis

1' •
> Feasibility amalysis involves eight steps:

1. Form a project team and appoint a project leader.

2. Prepare system flowcharts.

3. Enumerate potential candidate systems.
4. Describe and identify characteristics of candidate systems.
5. Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of each
candidate system.
6. Weight system performance and cost data.
7. Select the best candidate system.

8. Prepare and report final project directive to management.

Form aProject Team and Appoint a Project Leader

The concept behind a project team is that future system users should
be involved in its design and implementation. Their know^Iedge and experi-
ence in the operations area are essential to the success of the system. For
small projects, the analyst and an assistant usually sufiBce; however, more
complex studies require a project team. The team consists of analysts and

user staff enough collective expertise to devise a solution to the problem.
In many cases, an outside consultant and an infonnation specialist join the
team until the job is completed.
planned to occupy a specific time period, ranging fixjm
Projects are
several weeks to months. The senior systems analyst is generally appointed
as project leader. He/she is usually the most experienced analyst in the
team. The appointment is temporary, lasting as long as the project. Regular
meetings take place to keep up the momentum and accomplish the mis-
sion — selection of the best candidate system. A record is kept of the prog-
ress made in each meeting.

Regarding the safe deposit case, since the whole user area consists of
five employees, the analyst handled most of the woric.

Prepare System nowcharts

The next step in the feasibility study is to prepare generalized system
flowcharts for the system. Information-oriented charts and data flow dia-
grams prepared in the initial investigation are also reviewed at this time.
Ttie charts bring up the importance of inputs, outputs, and data flow
among key points in the existing system. All other flowcharts needed for
detailed evaluation are completed at this point.

Enumerate Potential Candidate Systems

This step identifies the candidate systems that are capable of producing
the outputs included in the generalized flowcharts. This requires a transfor-
mation &T>m logical to physical system models. Another aspect of this step
is consideration of the hardware that can handle the total system require-

ments. In the safe deposit case, it Weis found that virtually any microcom-
puter system with more than 128K-byte memory an dual disk drive will do
the job. It was also learned that a microcomputer can be designed to
interface with the bank's mainframe. In this design, actual processing is

handled by the microcomputer, w^hereas information such as payments

and credits are transmitted to the main computer files for proper adjust-
ment through the customer's checking account. The question here is:
Which microcomputer (IBM, Apple, Digital, etc.) should be selected? This is
taken up in step 6 of the study.
An important aspect of hardware is processing and main memory-
There are a large number of computers with difl"ering processing sizes, main
memory capabilities, and software support. The project team may contact
vendors for information on the processing capabilities of the system avail-

Describe and Identify Characteristics of Candidate Systems

From the candidate systems considered, the team begins a preliminary
evaluation in an attempt to reduce them to a manageable number. Tech-
nical knowledge and expertise in the hardw^are/software area are critical for
detennining what each candidate system can and cannot do. In our safe
depKJsit example, a seiirch for the available microcomputers and safe de-
posit billing packages revealed the information summarized in Table 7-1.
These packages were the result of a preliminary evaluation of more than

15 other packages all puiporting to meet the requirements of the safe
defxjsit billing system. When number is reduced to three key packages,
the next step is to describe in some detail the characteristics of each
p>ackage. For example, the first candidate system runs on an IBM PC with a
minimum of 128K-b34es of memory. The software is written in Pascal, a
relatively new language. In case of enhancements, change has to be made
through the software house, since the source code is not available to the

TABLE 7-1 Safe Deposit Billing Packages and Selected Characteristics

Characteristics IBM PC HP IGO Apple III

Memory required
iK b\-tesi 128 64 264
Source language Pascal Basic Basic compiler
Source code
a\aiJable No \es No
Purchase terms Purchase Purchase Purchase
license) license! licensei
Purchase price S995 S800 SI. 095
Number installed
to date 200 30 50
Date of first

installation 1 82 3 81 1980

user. The package was installed in Januar\ 1982. Moi^ than 200 pack-

ages have been installed to date.

The ne.xt r\\ o candidate systems are simUarK described. The informa-
# -
tion along with additional data a\ ailable through the \ endor highlight the
positi\"e and negative features of each system. The constraints unique to
each system are also specified. For e.xample. in the IBM PC package, the lack
of an available source code means that the user has to secure a mainte-
nance contract that costs 18 percent of the price of the package perxear. In
contrast, the HP 100 package is less e.\pensi\e and offers a source code to
the user. .A maintenance contract optional' is a\ ailable at 8 percent of the

price of the package.

Determine and Evaluate Performance and Cost

Effectiveness of Each Candidate System
Each candidate s\stem s pertbrmance is e\aluated against the system
performance requirements set prior to the feasibilit\' stud\ \\hate\er the .

criteria, there has to be as close a match as practicable, although trade-ofifs

are often necessar\ to select the best system. In the safe deposit case, the
criteria chosen in ad\ance were accurac\". growth potential, response time
less than seconds, expandable main and auxUiarv storage, and user-

friendh software. Often these characteristics do not lend themsehes to

quantitati\e measures. They are usuall\' e\aluated in qualitative terms i
cellent, good, etc.) based on the subjective judgment of the project team (see
Table 7-2).
The cost encompasses both designing and installing the system. It

includes user training updating the ph\sical facilities, and documenting.

S\'stem performance criteria are evaluated against the cost of each svstem to
detennine which system is likely to be the most cost effective and also
meets the performance requirements. The safe deposit problem is easv The .

analyst can plot performance criteria and costs for each system to deter-
mine how each fares. Table 7-3 summarize the outcome of the comparison.

TABLE 7-2 Candidate Qualitative Evaluation Matrix

Criteria IBM PC HP 100 Apple III

System accuracy* Excellent Excellent Excellent
Growth potentialt Very good Good Good
Response time Very good Very good Very good
User-friendly Excellent Very good Very good

System development Good Veiy good Good
User training Excellent Good Good
System operation Very good Fair Very good
Payback! Very good Good Excellent

* Protection from mistakes.

t Elapsed time between preparation of data for input and tfieir i«tiiiTi as computer output.
t Time taken to recover investment tn candidate system.

Costs are moi^ easily determined when the benefits of the system are
tangibleand measurable. An additional factor to consider is the cost of the
study design and development. As shown in Table 7-4, the cost estimate of
each phase of the safe deposit project was determined for the candidate
system (IBM PC). In many respects, the cost of the study phase is a "sunk
cost" (fixed cost). Including it in the project cost estimate is optional.

Weight System Performance and Cost Data

In some cases, the performance and cost data for each candidate
system show which system is the best choice. This outcome terminates the
feasibility study. Many times, however, the situation is not so clear-cut. The
perfonnance/cost evaluation matrix in Table 7-3 does not cleariy identify
the best system, so the next step is to weight the importance of each

TABLE 7-3 Candidate System Periormance/Cost Evaluation Matrix

Criteria IBM PC HP 100 Apple III

System accuracy 99% (rounded) 97% (rounded) 97% (rounded)
Grovvth potential To 500K bytes To 250K bytes To 250K bytes
Response time
less than five

seconds Yes Yes Yes

User-friendly Menu driven, Command Menu driven
interactive driven
System development $2,500-4,000 $1,350-4,050 $2,100-4,900
User training 1-2 days 2-4 days 2-3 days
System operations $0.27/box $0.64/box $0.24/box
Payback 4 months 4.8 months 3.6 months

TABLE 7-4 Project Cost Estimate of Final

Candidate System

(per day) Total

Study phase (4 days)

Analyst $400 $1,600
Design phase (6 days)
Analyst 400 $2,400
Progrcunmer 250 1,500 3,900
Development phase
(9 days)
Data entry operator 80 720
Programmer 250 2,250 2,970


criterion by appl3dng a rating figure. Then the candidate system vvdth the
highest total score is selected.
The procedure for weighting candidate systems is simple:

1. Assign a weighting factor to each evaluation criterion based on the

criterion's etfect on the success of the system. For example, if the
usability criterion is twice as important as the accuracy factor, usability
is assigned weight 4 and accuracy is assigned weight 2.

2. Assign a quantitative rating to each criterion's qualitative rating. For

example, lutings (poor, fair, good, very good, excellent) may be assigned
respective values (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

3. Multiply the weight assigned to each category by the relative rating to

determine the score.
4. Sum the score column for each candidate system.

Table 7-5 is a weighted candidate evaluation matrix from the four steps
and the data.

Select the Best Candidate System

The system with the highest total scoi-e is judged the best system. This
assumes the weighting factors are fair and the rating of each evaluation
criterion is accurate. According to our safe deposit example in Table 7-4,
the IBM PC is the best system for the job. Growth potential was the criterion
that had the greatest effect on the total score. The HP 100 and the Apple III
were given lower ratings than the IBM PC because they were not judged to
grow as easily and quickly. Additionally, user training was judged superior
for the PC than for other candidate systems.
Most feasibility studies select frpm more candidate systems than we
used in our safe deposit example. The criteria chosen and the constraints
are cilso more complex. In any case, management should not make the

TABLE 7-5 Weighted Candidate Evaluation Matrix

IBM PC HPlOO Apple 111

Evaluation Criteria Factor Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score

System accuracy 3 5 15 5 15 5 IS
Growth potential 4 4 16 3 12 3 12
Response time 2 4 8 4 8 4 8
User-friendly 2 5 10 4 8 4 8
System development 5 3 IS 4 20 4 15
User training 3 5 15 3 9 3 9
System operation 2 4 8 2 4 4 8
Paybaci^ 3 4 12 3 _9 5 15
99 85 90

selection without having the experience to do so. Management cooperation

and comments, however, ai^ encouraged.

Feasibility Report

The culmination of the feasibility study is a feasibility report directed to

management; it evaluates the impact of the proposed changes on the ai^a(s)
in question. The report is a formal document for management use, brief
enough and sufficiently nontechnical to be undei^tandable, yet detailed
enough to prxjvide the basis for system design.
Ther^ is no standard format for preparing feasibility reports. Analysts
usually decide on a format that suits the particular user and system. Most
reports, however, begin with a summary of findings and recommendations,
followed by documented details. Starting with summary information high-
lights the essence of the report, giving management the option of reviewing
the details later. The report contains the foUoudng sections:

1. Cover letter formally presents the report and briefly indicates to man-
agement the nature, general findings, and recommendations to be
2. Table of contents specifies the location of the various parts of the report.
Management quickly refers to the sections that concern them.
3. Overview is a narrative explanation of the purpose and scope of the
project, the reason for undertaking the feasibility study, and the depart-
ment (s) involved or affected by the candidate system. Also included are
the names of the persons who conducted the study, when it began, and
other information that explains the circumstances surrounding the
4. Detailed findings outline the methods used in the present system. The

system's effectiveness and efficiency as well as operating costs are

emphasized. The section also provides a description of the objectives
and general procedures of the candidate system. A discussion of output
reports, costs, and benefits gives management a feel for the pros and
cons of the candidate system.
5. Economic justification details point-by-point cost comparisons and pre-
T >| liminary cost estimates for the development and operation of the candi-
date system. A return on investment (ROD analysis of the project is also
6. Recommendations and conclusions suggest to management the most
beneficial and cost-effective system. They are written only as a recom-
mendation, not a command. FoUouang the recommendations, any con-
may be included.
clusions ftxjm the study
7. Appendices document all memos and data compiled during the inves-
tigaiton. They are placed at the end of the report for reference.

Disapproval of the has been conducted

feasibility report is rare if it

properly. When a feasibility team has maintained good rapport with the
user and his/her staff it makes the recommendations easier to approve.
'-»J Technically, the report is only a recommendation, but it is an authoritative
one. Management has the final say. Its approval is required before system
design is initiated. Chapter 9 covers in detail the design phase of the system
life cycle.

Oral Presentation
The good written presentation documenting the ac-
feasibility report is a
tivities involving the candidate system. The pivotal step, however, is selling

the proposed change. Invariably the project leader or analyst is expected to

give an oral presentation to the end user. Although it is not as polished as
the written report, the oral presentation has several important objectives.
The most critical requirements for the analyst who gives the oral presenta-
tion are (1) communication and knowledge about the candidate sys-

tem that can be translated into language understandable to the user, and (2)
the ability to answer questions, clarify issues, maintain credibility, and pick
up on any new ideas or suggestions.
The substance and forni of the pi^sentation depend largely on the
purposes sought. Figure 7-1 suggests a general outline. The presentation
may aim at inforaiing, confirming, or persuading.
1. Infiirming. This simply means communicating the decisions already
reached on system recommendations and the resulting action plans to
those who will participate in the implementation. No detailed findings or
conclusions are included.
2. Confirming. A presentation with this purpose verifies facts and recom-
mendations already discussed and agreed upon. Unlike the persuading

FIGURE 7-1 Oral Presentation— Suggested Outline

I. Intixxduction.
A. Introduce self.

B. Introduce topic.
C. Briefly describe current system.
1. Explain why it is not soMng the problem.
2. Highlight user dissatisfaction with it.

3. Briefly describe scope, objectives, and i-ecommendations of the pix)-

posed system.
II. Body of presentation.
A. Highlight weaknesses of current system.
B. Describe proposed system. How is it going to solve the problem?
C. Sell prxjposed system.
1. Specifv sa\ings and and expenses.
benefits, costs
2. Use \asual aids to justify pix)ject and explain system.
D. Summarize implementation plan and schedule.
E. Review human resouix;es requirements to install system.
III. Conclusion.
A. Summarize proposal.
B. Restate recommendations and objectives of proposal.
C. Summarize benefits and savings.
D. Ask for top-level management support. Solicit go-ahead for project,
rv. Discussion period — .Answer questions convincingly.

approach, no supportive evidence is presented to sell the proposed change,

nor is there elaborate reasoning behind i^conimendations and conclusions.
Although the presentation is not detailed, it should be complete. Confirm-
ing is itself part of the process of securing approval. It should reaffiim the
benefits of the candidate system and provide a clear statement of results to
be achieved.
3. Persuading. This is a presentation pitched toward selling ideas — at-
tempts to convince executives to take action on recommendations for
implementing a candidate system.

Regardless of the purpose sought, the effectiveness of the oral presenta-

tion depends on how successful the project team has been in gaining the
confidence of frontline personnel during the initial investigation. How the
recommendations are presented also has an impact. Here are some point-
ers on how to give an oral presentation:

1. Rehearse and test your ideas before the presentation. Show that you are
in command. Appear relaxed.

2. Final recommendations are more easUy accepted if they are presented

as ideas for discussion, even though they seem to be settled and final.

3. The presentation should be brief, factual, and interesting. Clarity and




persuasiveness are critical. Skill is needed to generate enthusiasm and

interest throughout the presentation.
4. Use good organization. Distribute relevant material to the user and
other parties in advance.
5. Visual aids (graphs, charts) are effective if they are simple, meaningful,
and imaginative. An effective graph should teach or tell what is to be
6. Most important, present the report in an appropriate physical environ-
ment where the acoustics, seating pattern, visucil aid technology, and
refreshments are all available.

The most important element to consider is the length of the presenta-

tion. The duration often depends on the complexity of the project, the
interest of the user group, and the competence of the project team. A study
that has compan3/vvdde applications and took months to complete would
require hours or longer to present. The user group that was involved at the
outset would likely permit a lengthy presentation, cilthough familiarity with
the project often dictates a brief presentation. Unfortunately, many oral
presentations tend to be a rehash of the written document, with little flare

or excitement. Also, when the analyst or the project leader has a good
reputation and success record from previous projects, the end user may
request only a brief presentation.

1. A study is conducted to select the best system that meets
performance requirements. This entails an identification description,
an evaluation of candidate systems, and the selection of the best system
for the job.

2. A systems required performance is defined by a statement of con-

straints, the identification of specific system objectives, and a descrip-
tion of outputs. The analyst is then ready to evaluate the feasibiUty of
candidate systems to produce these outputs.
3. Three key considerations are involved in feasibility analysis: economic,
technical, and Economic analysis (known as cost/benefit
analysis) determines whether the adoption of a system can be cost-
justified. Technical considerations evaluate existing hardware and soft-
w^are. Behavioral feasibility determines how much effort will go into
educating, selling, and trciining the user staff on a candidate system.
4. There are eight steps in a feasibility study:
a. Form a project team and appoint a project leader.
b. Prepare system flowcharts.
c. Enumerate potential candidate systems.
d. Describe and identify characteristics of Ccindidate S3^tems.

Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of each

candidate system.
Weight system performance and cost data.
Select the best candidate system.
h. Prepare and report project directive to management.

Key Words
Candidate System
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Feasibility Study
Response Time
Source Code
Source Language

Review GLuesfions
1. What makes up a system peiformance definition? Select a situation with
which you are familiar and explain the steps to prepare the definition.
2. "Many feasibility studies produce disillusions to users and analysts."
Do you agree? Why? Explain.
3. What considerations are involved in feasibility analysis? Which consid-
eration do you think is the most crucial? Why?

4. Elaborate on the steps in feasibility analysis. If you were to shorten

them to four steps, which ones would you pick? Why?
5. How important is a project team in feasibility analysis? Is it mandatory
in every study? Whei^ are the exceptions?
6. Use Table 7-3 as the basis for determining alternative performance/cost
factors between the IBM PC jr. and Apple's Macintosh systems. Which
one would you recommend for the safe deposit department of the
7. What makes up a feasibility report? How would you change it? Explain.

Application Problems


The First National Bank of South Miami is a full-service bank and a
member of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation. At the close of 1983, the bank had assets totaling S159
million, capital of more than S19 million, deposits of SI 13 million, and a
loan base of S37 million. Rated the 37th safest bank in the United States,
has a highly successful management team and 119 em-
First National
ployees in a single-stor\' building in the heart of downtown South
The bank operates two remote automatic teller machine lATM)
locations and a dri\ e-in facility. The original orientation was toward the
community,', ser\1ng the people in the immediate area. Although still

primarily a communit\' bank, First Xational is becoming increasingly

commerical as more industrial firms move into South Miami, especially
around a major uni\"ersit\' where the bank is located. Available are
complete banking and trust senices ranging from XOW accounts and
money market certificates to commercial, installment, and auto loans to
safe deposit box rentals.

The Organization Structure —Safe Deposit

In 1978, the bank's safe deposit department anticipated a sharp
increase in demand. The safe deposit department is in the lobb\' area
and operates under the operations department. It is staffed b\' three
customer ser\1ce representati\'es and one security' guard Exhibit 7-1). i

Although no single indi\idual in the department has been given the

official title of super\isor, in practice, one of the employees is in charge.

Denise Aguiar, the "supervisor," began working in August 1981. Since

then she has made sexeral improxements in procedures as we shall
discuss later. Dorothx' Gcirrison and Linda Hoppe are the other two safe
deposit clerks. They began emploxnient in June 1981 and March 1983,
respectively. None of the three women has prior computer experience.
Humberto Tamayo joined safe deposit in Januan' 1982 as the vault
security guard. The bank currently has 6,195 safe deposit boxes and the
capacity' to increase the number to more than 10,000.
The safe deposit boxes range in size from 3 by 5 inches to 38 by 21
inches and are rented on an annual contractual basis. E.xhibit 7-2 lists
the most recent schedule of senice charges by box size. Although rental
charges are fixed, in practice the department must keep track of three
fee schedules. First, the safe deposit box lessees whose contracts have
not yet expired are charged by the older rental fee schedule. A second
schedule holds for some current customers who are unhapp\' with the
hefty price increases and ha\e large account balances, borrowings, or
utilization of other bank services. These customers are enticed into
keeping their bo.xes by \arious discount allowances that are appro\ed
by a vice president. Third, the employees are ofi'ered safe deposit boxes
at the old fee rates less SIO, making the 3 by 5 box free.

EXmBIT 7-1 Organization Chart








Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President

Trust Loans Operations

Vice President Vice President Vice President

Installment Loans Commercial Loans Commercial Loans

Collector 2nd 2nd

Assistant Cashier Vice President Vice President

Vice President Vice President 2nd Vice President
Deposit Vice President
Accounting Bookkeeping Vice President Platform

Customer Customer Customer Guard

Representative Representative Representative
(Humberto Tamayo)
(Denlse Aguiar) (Dorothy Garrison) (Linda Hoppe)

EXHIBIT 7-2 List of Rental Charges

Box Size Old Rental New Rental

(inches) Charge Charge

3X5 $ 10.00 $ 25.00

5X5 25.00 45.00
3 X 10 30.00 75.00
5 X 10 40.00 100.00
10 X 10 70.00 175.00
15 X 10 125.00 225.00
13 X 21 350.00 350.00
26 X 21 600.00 600.00
38 X 21 1,000.00 1,000.00

Data Collection
The data
collection process began by examining the safe deposit
department's Manual of Instructions and Procedures and sample docu-
ments. To gather more information about the department and investi-
gate some questions rfiised, staff members were interviewed at the
bank. Denise provided most of the data. A tour of the facility offered a
firsthand look at the layout of the vault and lobby area where business is
conducted. A systems flowchart of procedures was drawn up based on
the Manual of Instructions and Procedures and the rules and regula-
tions booklet (Exhibit 7-3). This helped to clarify the information and
indicate where changes might be needed. Any further questions were
readily answered by the supervisor or a member of the board of direc-
tors who is quite familiar with the bank's operations. There was a good
deal of communication between the bank —
and the project team by
phone, in person, and in writing. Management's encouragement and
enthusiasm for the project were extremely helpful throughout the feasi-
bility study.
Following data collection, the department's policies and proce-
dures were analyzed by looking at improvements that had already been
implemented and identifying existing problem areas. The department
has recently instituted several improvements in its operations. For
example, a previous problem involved the absence of security measures
when the keys were sent to the locksmith for changing the lock after a
customer discontinued the box rental. These keys were never recorded
and could be missing, causing a potentially large security problem.
Denise established a new procedure that required the constant
monitoring of the whereabouts of all keys.
Another area in which changes have occurred is record-keeping
and documentation. In the past, vital documents such as birth and
death certificates, court orders, and records on customers and pay-
ments were not always readily available. Denise has organized this
information and filed it so that it can be obtained more easily.
EXHIBIT 7-3A Initica Visit

Customer Attendant

EXHIBIT 7-3B Daily Activity

Customer Attendant

Guard and
insert own

business in

,^\ Customer
returns box
to guard or

Use guard key

and customer /
key to
unlock and ,

, return box i

EXHIBIT 7-3C Billing


EXHroiT 7-3D Six-Month Delinquent Rental

' '/


A new problem arose when the department was questioned regard-

ing a purported loss of cash fix)m a customer's safe deposit box; which
spurred £in investigation into the procedures of its operations. There
was one instance where a change in a contract's terms regarding the
rental of a box was improperly recorded. Consequently, a new pro-
cedure was established whereby contract changes are now immediately
recorded as a new contract. The old contractual agreement on which
the change is noted is filed as a duplicate contract. A situation that
requires such action, for instance, would be a change in rental by two
individuals to a single lessee. Furthermore, a manual of procedures was
compiled. As shown in Exhibit 7-4, it specifies and documents the
procedural requirements and information necessary for opening new
accounts, conducting daily operations, and collecting delinquent rent-
als. The guidelines improve efficiency and minimize legal liabilities.

The Problem
Despite these recent procedural changes, problems still exist for
safe deposit that indicate the need for further, more dramatic changes
in the current system. The main problems center around the present
labor-intensive memual record-keeping procedures. All filing and rec-
ord-keeping are done manually by several people. Consequently, docu-
ments are easUy lost or misfiled. The enormous volume of paperwoiit
generates inefficiency cmd disorganization. Because the department has
grown so large and the nature of the manual work is so tedious, the
potential for errors is great. As stated by one employee, "the idea of
future growth under this system is frightening."
Problems uath financial record-keeping also attribute to the manual
system, particularly with accuracy in the present billing method. One
person is solely responsible for pulling contracts due for billing and for
typing up the bills. This, along with manually noting payments on
contracts, leaves room for inaccurate reporting and misfiling. One re-
sult, for example, is that delinquent accounts sometimes go unbilled.
Another area of concern with the present system is incomplete and
inaccurate documentation. This is evident in the difficulty of tracing
misplaced documents. Similar documents are not necessarily filed to-
gether and standard forms cire not prenumbered. These all contribute
to filing problems.
Documentation problems were found to stem from the Manual of
Instructions and Procedures. no description of which files
First, there is

exist, how they are organized, what is kept where, and how often each
file is updated. Second, box prices are somewhat arbitrary. Only one of

the four pricing schedules is documented. Third, there are no formal

job descriptions or recorded assignments of duty.
Related to record-keeping deficiencies are inventory procedures.
Neither auditing nor safe deposit knows exactly how^ many boxes there



Following is an outline of the procedures presently followed by the department, as
documented in the Manual of Instructions and Procedures.


Forms to be completed upon the opening of a new account before the customer
enters the vault:

I. Lease.
A. Necessary identification information to be obtained.
1. Name.
2. Firm.
3. Address.
4. Phone number.
5. Hair color.
6. Eye color.
7. Height.
8. Weight.
B. Lease agreement (contract) is read and signed by the person(s) opening
the account. A key deposit is made and the deposit amount is recorded
on the lease.
C. If additional persons are to have access to the safe desposit box, a deputy
must be appointed. This appointment is noted on the contract and the
signature of the deputy is needed.
D. Contract filed by box number.

II. Visitation card.

A. Signed upon rental; this original signature is used for comparison pur-
poses during each visit.
B. Signed upon each visit by authorized customer.
1. Signature compared to original signature.
2. Initialed by attendant.
3. Date and time of entrance noted.
C. After needed information is obtained, customer is granted entrance.
D. Filed by lessee name.

III. Rental form.

A. Receipt for the initial rental fee (payable in advance).
B. Receipt for key deposit.
C. Lessee is requested to read safe deposit rules and regulations printed on
reverse side.
D. Filed by box number.
E. Lessee receives copy.
F. Transaction entered on daUy balance sheet; all receipts filed in daily

EXHIBIT 7-4 (continued)

I\ . HistoiA card.
A. Inlbmiation to be recorded:
1. Box number.
2. Personisi renting box.
3. Date rented.
4. .Attendants initials.

B. Filed b\ bo.\ number.

Customer is granted entrance to the \ault:

1. Customer is escorted by safe deposit attendant to safe deposit box.
11. Customer's keys are tested.
III. Box is checked to ensure it is empt\-.
I\ . Customer and box are taken to a pri\ ate booth if personal belongings are to be
placed in box at this time.


Customer wants access to safe deposit box.
I. .Attendant pulls customer's \isitation card.
.A. Customer signs.
B. .Attendant checks signature, initials card, and notes time and date.
II. Customer accompanied into
is \ault and to safe deposit box.
III. .Attendant and customer each insert own ke\'s; door is opened and box is

I\'. Customer conducts business with box in pri\ate booth.
\ . Customer returns box to attendant.
\1. Attendant key and customer key are used to unlock door; box is returned and
door locked.

Inventor%' of contents of safe deposit box.

I. In\entor\ must be authorized by
A. Court order or
B. Power of attorney.
II. .Approval from President, \P and Cashier, or \P and Senior Loan Officer
needed before entrance.
Ill Customer is accompanied by officer or safe deposit custodian of the bank.
I\ . \ isitation card is signed and initialed b\' bank officer and safe deposit custo-

dian and circumstance of entr\ noted.

v. Im entor\ of safe deposit box contents is made.
\1. Copy of inventory contents is filed by date.

Customer surrenders safe deposit box.

I. Release portion of lease agreement signed.
II. Histor\' card notations.
1. Closing date.
2. Number of keys returned.
III. account documents
,A11 cire marked with closing date and filed with inacti\'e
I\'. Key deposit returned.

EXHIBIT 7-4 (concluded)

Safe deposit attendant manually determines for which accounts rental fees
are due.
II. Notices mailed.
A. If fee is charged to customer's checking account, an advice of charge is

created in triplicate.
1.Copies to
a. Customer.
b. Accounting department.
c. Contract file.
2. Credit noted on daily balance sheet.
B. If fee is not charged to customer's account, a rental due notice is mailed

to customer at month's end.

III. If rent not received by the end of the month in which it was due, second

notice will be mailed.

IV. If rent not received within two weeks after second notice, current address

must be verified.
V. If rent still not paid, three monthly warning letters are mailed (SD2, SD3, SD4).

A. Two copies typed.

1. VP and Cashier and mciiled to customer.
Original signed by
Second copy filed in contract file.

VI. If rent is not renewed within three months after expiration of lease term, the

safe deposit corporation may deny admission to safe deposit box.

VII. If rent is six months delinquent, delinquent procedures are enacted.

VIII. When rent received, payment noted on daily balance sheet.

IX. All cash and daily balance sheet sent to Accounting at end of day; receipts
filed in daily envelope.


I. Registered letter mailed to customer's last known address, advising that the
box wall be opened and contents stored at renter's expense unless rented
payment is made within 30 days.
II. If payment is not received, box is opened in presence of Bank Officer and

Notary Public.
A. Contents sealed in package.
B. Notary Public executes certificate reciting.
1. Name of renter.
2. Date of box opening.
3. List of contents.
C. Five copies of certificate of opening.
Included in package holding contents.

2. Last known address of renter.

3. Auditing department.
4. Safe deposit department.
5. Locksmith.
III. Package placed in bank vault; same rent charged as for safe deposit box.
rv. If one year elapses and package is not claimed, a public auction is held to sell

contents. Proceeds used to pay for rent and expenses.


cire.Discrepancies exist between the two departments (auditing and

safe deposit) records. Boxes are manually counted. Their numbers do
not follow a logical sequence corresponding with locations in the vault.
In addition, some of the boxes cannot be matched with a contract, and
some contracts are missing altogether.
two important security deficiencies have been identified.
First, contracts filed in the vault are not locked up, which means they

are accessible to customers in the vault at any time. Second, past-due

contracts are filed in the lobby in an unlocked desk that is not fireproof.
These conditions jeopardize the interests of both the customer and the
In summary, system have
specific deficiencies with the present
been identified in areas such as manual record-keeping and filing
procedures, incomplete and inaccurate documentation, and inade-
quate security. Despite recent procedural and policy changes, a com-
puterized safe deposit tracking and billing system could result in
significant improvements. Such a system would provide needed up-to-
date information, improve accuracy and file organization, and increase
security by making errors more readily detectable. With a user's manual
and a more specific policy manual, documentation would be complete.
The Alternatives
determining feasibility, the first step was to evaluate to what
extent cuiTcnt needs can be met and pixDblems solved. A quick search of
existing software packages i^vealed specific improvements, including:

a. Improved bUling accuracy and efficiency.

b. Provision for updated box tracking.

c. Reduction of record misfiling.

d. Elimination of monthly manual check for box occupancy.

After various microcomputers were reviewed, it became obvious

that an IBM PC would be appropriate. For a relatively low cost, such a
system would meet the department's immediate needs, has enough
memory capacity for expansion, and is flexible enough to be used for
other functions such as word processing, general ledger, payroll, and
financial analysis. The system has an excellent reputation for perform-
ance and maintenance and could later be networked into a large sys-
tem. Even though department personnel are completely unfamiliar
with computers, the system would not be intimidating and can be
installed with limited training. Politically, the IBM PC would be a good
choice. The \ice president in charge of accounting had a three-day
seminar on the system with a previous employer. His biases could not
be overlooked.
The first major task undertaken was a search for a software package
that is capable of meeting the user's needs, keeping in mind the follow-

a. Automated billing.
b. Box tracking.
c. Online safe deposit maintenance.
d. User-friendly documentation and easy training.
e. Loading the software on the IBM PC.

Although one option was to do the programming, it was soon found

that time and cost would be prohibitive. After various directories ofr
financial software packages were searched, a package was found to fit
the overall requirements.

The Package
There were three limitations concerning the proposed safe deposit

a. There was no provision for a history card file to keep track of the
present and previous customers of each box for reference.
b. The package handles a maximum of 8,000 boxes- on the PC and
32,000 boxes on the XT (hard disk) model.

c. Being less than two years old, the package has flaws such as limited
editing capability and poor documentation.

To compensate for these dravvl^acks, the history card file problem

was solved by setting up a dBASE II file on the PC to work in conjunc-
tion udth the software package. The capacity constraint was settled
when it was learned that management does not expect SDC to exceed
that limit in box rentals before 1990. In the long run, this would be more
cost effective with the PC than underutilizing an XT system. Finally, the
vendor assured the bank that all program flaws wdll be eliminated in a
forthcoming updated edition.

Costs and Benefits

Computerizing safe deposit operations will involve new costs that
can be justified by saving one full-time clerk and substantially improv-
ing customer service and overall performance. Listed here are the costs
and savings associated vvdth the candidate system:


IBM PC with 64K memory $2,630
Three 64K-byte memory chips 490
Monochrome display and printer adapter board 335
Monochrome display (screen) 345
Epson printer — letter qualitj^ 1,100


DOS 2.0 operating system 65

dBASE II 385
Safe deposit tracking/billing system 950
Maintenance lone-time fee) 150
Supplies disks, paper,
I etc.) 250

Total costs $6,700

Direct savings

One full-time employee (salary + 25% benefits) $16,750

Net direct benefits $16,750 - 6,700 = $ 10,050

Break-even point 6,700/16,750 = 40 percent or 4.8 months

a. Evaluate the undertaken by the project team
feasibility study — its

strengths, weaknesses, pixjcedures used, and expected outcome.

b. If you were doing the study, would you have considered hardware before
software? VVhv? Elaborate.


This case is a continuation of the company's backgiDund presented
in Chapter 4. In this section, two alternative systems are described and
a preliminary choice is made for implementation.

Problem Definition
As described in the fii^t part of the case (see Chapter 4), the current
problem in the operations of the Jefferson credit center is inefficient
storage and retrieval. In the present file system, both customer inquiries
and payment slips are stored in physical paper files under date indexes.
Consequently, misfiles and the tertiaiy relevance of the account
number and document type make the search process highly inefficient.
This reduces the credit center's ability to properly respond to customer

Goals and Considerations

With the preceding problem in mind, the study was oriented to-
ward (1) locating and evaluating microfilm processing and data storage
and retrieval systems capable of meeting the Jefferson credit depart-
n :



ment's needs and (2) recommending the system best suited to the
unique needs and limitations of credit center operations.
In the system feasibility study, the following goals were expected to
be achieved by the candidate system:

a. File control- -All out-of-file or misfiled conditions should be elimi-


b. Multiple access — Multiple users should have access to the same

information simultaneously.
c. Labor savings — Fewer personnel should be able to retrieve more
information in less time, providing greater productivity per em-

(L Storage capacity — The system should be large enough to allow

unlimited expansion.
e. Document organization — Retrieval of documents can be specified
in any order regardless of date or order filmed.
/ —
Information revision The system must be capable of accepting
additional information via the CRT terminal.

g. Future flexibility — The system should be capable of adding more

files (readers if needed) in the event of future grovvlJi.

In addition to these goals, each system was evaluated in light of the

following considerations:

a. Compatibility with the present credit management system on the

IBM 3031 and 4341.

b. Feasibility of in-house (versus contracting) conversion and updat-

ing of existing paper file records.

c. Ease of transition, which involves implementation procedures and

employee training.

d. .AffordabUity.

Of the systems evaluated, two top candidates were chosen. Each

system is briefly described here.

Kodak Micro imagination System

The Kodak Microimagination System is delineated into two sepa-
rate areas: filming is perf^ormed by the ReUant 800 Microfilmer, and
storage and retrieval functions are performed by the IMT-150 Intelligent
Terminal. The Reliant 800 microfilms checks at the rate of 700 per
minute. The machine has reduction capabilities and a film capacity of
either two 100-feet rolls of 5.4-mm film or two 215-feet rolls of 2.5-mm
film. The unique aspects of the system are its flexibUity and speed.
Accessories can be added with ease. The indexing system developed
while microfilming the document allows for a retrieval time of less than
five seconds.
7 / FEASronJTY STUDY 227

The Reliant 800 is equipped with an intelligent controller that

receives program signals and translates them into operations that suit
the indexing needs. The can select any four indexing options
from 13 available pixjgrams. These indexing choices can be changed as
the user's needs change.
The second component of the system is basically a microcomputer
that has a built-in memory and short-term (temporary) storage that can
be erased when not in use. The unit is capable of searching through
several varieties of film formats. When the document is brought to
screen, the IMT-150 has an automatic image position feature that "locks
in" a clear, complete pictui^ on the viewing screen. Once on the vievvdng
screen, a print can be obtained in 12 seconds.
An aspect of the Kodak system that is of vital importance to Jeffer-
son stores is its easy adaptability and compatibility udth Jefferson's
existing mainframe computer. The Computer-Assisted Retrieval (CAR)
allows the user to keep the images on inexpensive, easy-to-use micro-
film magazines, while the computer data base maintains an index of the
location of each miciT)film image. With the CAR, the computer does all
the sorting and indexing of randomly filmed documents while the
IMT-150 retrieves the document.
CAMMS/ll Microimage System
The second candidate system considered was the CARMS/11 sys-
tem. The California-based vendor is one of the leading suppliers of
rapid-access infomiation-retrieval systems using micrographic and
computer technologies. The proposed system is a fully automated,
computer-controlled record management system. It is designed to:

a. Eliminate misfiles and out-of-file documents.

b. Provide instant retrieval of payment and customer inquiries.
c. Increase productivity by creating instant access to data.
d. Allow for incremental expansion into other areas vvdthin the Jeffer-
son credit center.

When the operator initiates a search by depressing a function key,

he/she receives prompts querying as to what functions are to be per-
formed. In addition to system status, the system c£in be used to update,
amend, or append information to a file, thus providing the operator
vvath complete information whenever it is needed.

Comparative Analysis
The next step in this project was and cons of
to evaluate the pros
the two candidate systems. The present system used by Jefferson's
credit center is already obsolete. Both systems considered, the Kodak
Reliant and the CARMS/11 are completely compatible wdth the IBM
3031. In the case of the Kodak system, a small software package is all
that is required to integrate the two systems. On the other hand, the

CARAIS/ll system would require extensive data base and file control
software to control indexing, storage, and retrieval of large amounts of
A second consideration is storage requirements. Jefferson's credit
center receives and microfilms between 12 and 25 batches of 250 checks
per day. It also receives 725 customer inquiries per week. The proposed
' «l system must be capable of storing two years of such data. This amounts
to 2 million to 3 million documents. The CARMS/11 system, with a
storage capacity of 100,000 documents per ultrastrip cassette, would
require 20 to 25 cassettes. On the other hand, the Kodak system would
require 150 cassettes to store two years of documentation.
Related to storage requirements is quick retriexal time. The max-
imum time for accessing a document should be 15 seconds; 25 seconds
if a hard copy is required. This criterion fa\'ors the CARMSll system.

With 20 to 25 total storage cassettes, the CARMS/11 access time is

between 2 and 12 seconds. The Kodak system, with more than five times
as many film cassettes, would require more search time for the cassette.
In addition, the chance for misplacing the cassette is gi-eatly increased
with the Kodak system.
A third criterion to consider document filming and indexing.

Both systems are comparable. FUming and indexing take fi\e to eight
hours per day.
A used in the evaluation is vendor serxice and sup-
final criterion
port. Kodak's vendor is in Lynchburg home of the credit center),

whereas the CARiMS/ll dealer operates out of the Washington, D.C.,

area —140 miles away. A system engineer must be within eas\' reach to
remed\' malfunctions and pro\ide an ongoing training program.

Cost Comparison
Most of Kodak's cost is for hardware. Jeff^erson would ha\'e to
purchase a new microfilmer, two intelligent terminals, some peripheral
accessories, and a fairly inexpensi\'e software package isee E.xhibit 7-5).
On the other hand, the CARMS/ll system's cost is mainly the software
package and its two work stations. Compared to Kodak's software
package, which merely pro\ides the interface between the IMT-150 and
the IBM 3031, the CARMS/11 software package proxides data base man-
agement services, but also redundant operating system services (see
Exhibit 7-6).
Development costs present some interesting features. The
CARMS/11 system requires o\'er twice the processing and dexelopment
costs incurred by the Kodak system. This is best shown by Exhibits 7-7
and 7-8, w^hich represent the processing and development costs for the
next two years' business xolume. The increased cost of CARMS/11 can
be attributed solely to the ultrastrip conversion. The ultrastrip 's benefits
seem to outweigh its rather expensive price tag, however.
7 / FEASffirUTY STUDY 229

EXHIBIT 7-5 Kodak Microimagincrtion System Costs

Item Cost

Reliant 800 Mici-ofilmer $ 8,600

Intelligent controller 3,025
Imprinter 6,400
Imprinter keyboard 2,550
Patch sensor assembly 1,760
Image mark counter 535
Bench wori^ base 585
Shelf 155
Receiving hopper 165
Film unit for inquiries 2,190
Film unit for checks 2,190
Auto-feeder 1,325
Stacker 985
Image marker 905
Two IMT-150 terminals 29,570
Interface with computer 2,800
Total $63,740
Development and processing costs of past documents 11,305
Total to be current $75,045

EXHIBIT 7-6 Purchase Cost for C ARMS/ 11 Microimage


Two CARMS/ll work stations $ 38,000

Auto-feeder 1,325
50 Strip removable cartridges 1,000
Software 35,000
Total system price $ 75,325
Conversion of present microfilm to ultrastrips — two yecirs 35,000
Total system and conversion costs $110,325

EXHIBIT 7-7 CARMS/ll Developing Costs


Cost of developing one image

microfilm and ultrastrip 0.05/image
1,500,000 checks/year,
3 checks/image $25,000/year
600 customer inquiriesAveek,
1 inquiry/page 1,440/year
Total microfilm and ultrastrip
development costs/year $26,440

EXHIBIT 7-8 Kodak Developing Costs

1,500,000 checks/year,
20,000 checks/cartridge,
75 cartridges required/year,
two years' worth = 150 cartridges,
$7.00/cartridge $1,050
600 customer inquiries,
two cartridges required/year,
two years' worth 148
Total $1,198

In comparing the two systems, necessary to weigh the cost,

it is

vendor reputation, nearby service center, and support of the Kodak

system against the greater flexibility, speed, and storage capabilities of
the CARMS/11 system. Because such a large portion of the credit cen-
ter's activity centers around customer service, speed and efficiency are
of prime importance. Consequently, the CARMS/11's ability to increase
the speed of access/retrieval was the deciding advantage. Although
* »,l
Kodak operates a service center in Lynchburg, CARMS's dealer can
provide same-day service as well.
Finally, although the CARMS/11 system costs $30,000 more than the
Kodak system, no budget constraints were provided. Furthermore, the
system's unique attributes justify the additional cost.

Evaluate the feasibility study. What were the strong points of the study? The
weak points? What additional information is needed to do a complete study?

Selected References
Andrews, Wm.
"The Business Systems Proposal." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment, February 1978, pp. 39-41.
Gore, Marvin, and John Stubbe. Elements of Systems Analysis. 3rd ed. Dubuque,
Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1983, pp. 240-67.
Neuschel, Richard F. "Presenting and Selling Systems Recommendations." Journal
of Systems Management, March 1982, pp. 5-13.
Powers, Michael; Davis Adams; and Harlan D. Mills. Computer Information System
Development: Analysis & Design. Cincinnati. South-Western Publisbing, 1984,
pp. 120-47.
Zells, Lois A. "A Practiciil Approach to a Project Expectation Document." Computer-
world (In-Depth), August 29, 1983, p. 1.
Chapter 8

Cost/Benefit Analysis


Data Analysis

Cost/Benefit Analysis


Costs and Benefits Identilicotion
Classifications of Costs and Benefits
Tangible or Intangible Costs and Benefits
Direct or Indirect Costs and Benefits
Fixed or Variable Costs and Benefits
Savings versus Cost Advantages
Select Evaluation Method
Net Benefit Analysis
Present Value Analysis
Net Present Value
Payback Analysis

At a Glance

Data gathering, traditional or structured, is only one part of systems analysis.

The next steps are examining the data gathered, assessing the situation, look-
ing at the alternatives, and recommending a solution. The costs and benefits of
each alternative guide the selection of the best system for the job.
Cost and benefits may be tangible or intangible, direct or indirect, fixed or
variable. Cost estimates also take into consideration hardware, personnel,
and supply costs for final evaluation. Cost/benefit analysis, then, identi-
fies and benefits of a given system and categorizes them for analysis.
the costs
Then a method of evaluation is selected and the results are interpreted for
The evaluation methods range from the simple net benefit analysis
action. to
more complex methods such as present value and payback analyses.
By the end chapter, you should know:
of this
1. What is involved in data analysis.
2. Cost and benefit categories.
3. How to identify and classify costs and benefits.
4. The various evaluation methods for cost/benefit analysis.

Break-even analysis
Cash- Flow Analysis
Interpret Results of the Analysis and Final Action

The System Proposal


In Chapters 5 and we
discussed various tools analysts use for gathering

details about the system under study. Data gathering is only one part of
systems analysis, however. The next steps are to examine the data, assess
the situation, look at the alternatives, and recommend a candidate system.
The costs and benefits of each alternative guide the selection of one alter-
native over the others. Since this aspect of analysis is so important, it vvdll
take up most of the chapter.
This chapter discusses approaches to developing design recommenda-
tions for theend user. Each approach has costs and benefits that are
compared vvdth those of other approaches before a final recommendation is
made. The outcome is a system proposal (also called a project proposal)
that summarizes the findings of the analysis and states the recommenda-
tions for design. By the end of this chatper, you should be able to evaluate
how current operations are pert"ormed, the categories of costs and benefits,
key methods for cost/benefit analysis, and how a system pix)posal is devel-

Data analysis is a prerequisite to cost/benefit analysis. System investigation
and data gathering lead to an assessment of current findings. Our interest is
in determining how performed,
they con-
efficiently certain steps are how
tribute to achieving the intended goals, and the cost of making improve-
ments. Let us return to our safe deposit scenario (from Chapter 4) to
illustrate the point.
The safe deposit department was authorized to double its capacity from
meet increased demand. Consequently,
4,000 to 8,000 boxes in an effort to
the number of employees changed from three to five, with one employee
assigned full-time to bUling. Analysis of the data collected made it obvdous
that customers were frequently billed too late, too often, or not at all. Access
to customer information or status of vacant boxes was a nightmare. Cus-
tomer lines were long, and service was jeopardized.
The representative facts for the safe deposit department are shown in
Figure 8-1 . The system summarizes the operating characteristics of
the safe deposit system, such as the volume of work, nature of processes,
physical facilities, and personnel. From the analysis, the system design
requirements are identified. These features must be incorporated into a
candidate system to produce the necessary improvements. The system
requirements are:

1. Better customer service.

2. Faster information retrieved.

3. Quicker notice preparation. •

4. Better billing accuracy.


FIGUBE 8-1 Representative Facts and Candidate System Design Objectives

Objectives (System
Analysis Current System Facts Design Requirements)

What is done? Open customer account Better customer service

IprocessesJ Assign safe deptosit box Faster information retrieval
Issue key Quicker notice prejiaration
Receive annual rent

How is it done? Some 40 boxes ofjened or closed daily Better billing accuracy
(processing Master card file located too far from Lower processing and ofjerating cost
detail) customer inquiiy station Improved staff eflRciency
Heaviest activity on Fridays and before More consistent billing procedures to
holidays eliminate errors
Too many steps taken with new cus-
Delay in billing — all manual
Some 80 renewal piayment notices pre-
pared daily
Cash received given to head teller at
end of each day
Poorly designed application forms
Accounting gets daily summaiy
Procedure for customer access to
boxes is neither documented nor

Who does it? One person handles billing (fiill-time) Better trained personnel
(personnel) One (jerson handles security Elxperience in computer use for other
Three persons process customers into applications
and out of safe deposit area
Except for two persons, rest of staff is
jxxjrly trained
Communication among stciff is


Where is it done? Location allows privacy and security Allocate quiet sp>ace for computer
(physical Billing carried out close to customer Provide security measure for
location/ counter information access

Assessment of Time to prepare a renewal notice is 10

processing minutes
Time to process a customer is 3-5

15 jjercent of billing is erroneous in
amount, box number, or amount of
28 percent of vacant boxes cannot be
located on existing books
Frequent notices regarding "to be
renewed" boxes cost $8,000 for
Employee pwyroU is as hi^ as junior
oflBcers in operations area

5. Lower processing and operating costs.

6. Improved stajff efficiency.

7. Consistent billing procedure to eliminate errors.

To achieve these design objectives, several alternatives must be evalu-

ated; there is seldom just one alternative. The analyst then selects those that
are feasible economically, technically, and operationally. The approach may
emphasize the introduction of a computerized billing system, replacement
of staff, improved billing practices, changes in operating procedures, or a
combination of several options.
As you can imagine, each approach has its benefits and drawbacks. For
example, one alternative is to introduce a computer-based safe desposit
tracking and billing system designed to improve billing accuracy and notice
preparation and lower processing and operating costs. It would also pro-
mote staff efficiency by allowing the existing staff to concentrate on cus-
tomer service and provide online information on box availability and the
like. The drawbacks include laying off the billing clerk who i^cently got

married and strong resistance by the majority of the staff to a computerized

Another alternative might be simply to devise a semiautomatic (ferris-
wheel type) system that organizes master cards and customer records and
improves their access. A word processing system might be introduced to
speed the preparation of billing notices. The edit feature of word processors
would improve the accuracy in billing preparation. If these were the only
two alternatives available, which alternative must be selected? An analysis of
the costs and benefits of each alternative guides the selection process.
Therefore, the analyst needs to be familiar udth the cost and benefit catego-
ries and the evaluation methods before a final selection can be made.
Details on these topics are given in the next section.


Cost and Benefit Categories

In developing cost estimates for a system, we need to consider several cost
elements. Among them are hardware, personnel, facility, operating, and
supply costs.

1. Hardware costs purchase or lease of the computer

relate to the actual
and peripherals (for example, printer, disk drive, tape unit). Determining the
actual cost of hardware is generally more difficult when the system is
shared by various users than for a dedicated stand-alone system. In some
cases, the best way to control for this cost is to treat it as an operating cost.

2. Personnel costs include EDP staff salaries and benefits (health insur-
ance, vacation time, sick pay, etc.)' as well as pay for those involved in
developing the system. Costs incurred during the development of a system

are one-time costs and Once the system is

are labeled developmental costs.
installed, the costs of operating and maintaining the system become recur-
ring costs.

3. Facility costs are expenses incurred in the preparation of the ph\'sical

site where the application or the computer will be in operation. This
includes wiring, flooring, acoustics, lighting, and air conditioning. These
costs are treated as one-time costs and are incorporated into the overall
cost estimate of the candidate system.

4. Operating costs include all costs associated with the day-to-day opera-
tion of the system; the amount depends on the number of shifts, the nature
of the applications, and the caliber of the operating staff. There are various
ways of covering operating costs. One approach is to treat operating costs as
overhead. Another approach is to charge each authorized user for the
amount of processing they request irom the system. The amount charged is
based on computer time, staff time, and \olume of the output produced. In
any Ccise, some accounting is necessar)' to detemiine how operating costs
should be handled.
5. Supply costs are variable costs that increase with increased use of
paper, ribbons, disks, cind the like. They should be estimated and included
in the overall cost of the system.

A system is also expected to provide benefits. The first task is to identifv

each benefit and then assign a monetary vcilue to it for costbenefit analysis.
Benefits may be tangible and intangible, direct or indirect, as we shall see
The two major benefits are improving performance and minimizing the
cost of processing. The performance categon' emphasizes improvement in
the accuracy of or access to information and easier access to the system bv
authorized users. Minimizing costs through an efficient system error con- —
trol or reduction of staff —
is a benefit that should be measured and in-

cluded in cost/benefit analvsis.

Procedure for Cost/Benefit Determination

There is between expenditure and investment. We spend to get
a difference
what we need, but we invest to realize a return on the investment. Building
a computer-based system is an investment. Costs are incurred throughout
its life cycle. Benefits are realized in the form of reduced operating costs,

improved corporate image, staff efficiency, or revenues. To what extent

benefits outweigh costs is the function of costlienefit analysis.
Cost benefit analysis is a procedure that gives a picture of the various
costs, benefits, and rules associated with a system. The determination of
costs and benefits entails the following steps:

1. Identify the costs and benefits pertaining to a given project.

2. Categorize the various costs and benefits for analysis.


3. Select a method of evaluation.

4. Interpret the results of the analysis.

5. Take action.

X Costs and Benefits Identification

Certain costs and benefits are moi^ easily identifiable than others. For
example, direct costs, such as the price of a hard disk, are easily identified
from company invoice payments or canceled checks. Direct benefits often
relate one-to-one to direct costs, especially savings ft om reducing costs in
the activity in question. Other direct costs and benefits, however, may not
be well defined, since they represent estimated costs or benefits that have
some uncertainty. An example of such costs is reserve for bad debt. It is a
discerned real cost, although its exact amount is not so immediate.
A category of costs or benefits that is not easily discernible is oppor-
tunity costs and opportunity benefits. These are the costs or benefits forgone
by selecting one alternative over another. They do not show in the organiza-
tion's accounts and therefore ai'e not easy to identify.

^- Classifications of Costs and

M The next step in cost and benefit determination is to categorize costs
and benefits. They may be tangible or intangible, direct or indirect, fixed or
variable. Let us review each category.

Tangible or Intangible Costs and Benefits. Tangibility refers to

the ease with which costs or benefits can be measured. An outlay of cash for
a specific item or activityis referred to as a tangible cost. They are usually

shown as disbursementson the books. The purchase of hai'dware or soft-

ware, personnel training, and employee salaries are examples of tangible
costs. They are readily identified and measured.
Costs that are known to exist but whose financial value cannot be
accurately measured ai"e referred to as intangible costs. For example, em-
ployee morale problems caused by a new system or lowered company
image is an intangible cost. In some cases, intangible costs may be easy to
identify but difficult to measure. For example, the cost of the breakdown of
an online system during banking hours wdll cause the bank to lose deposits
and waste human resources. The problem is by how much? In other cases,
intangible costs may be difficult even to identify, such as an improvement in
customer satisfaction stemming ftx)m a i-eal-time order entry system.
Benefits are also classified as tangible or intangible. Like costs, they are
often difficult to specify accurately. Tangible benefits, such as completing
jobs in fewer hours or producing reports with no errors, are quantffiable.
Intangible benefits, such as more satisfied customers or an improved coipo-
rate image, are not easily quantified. Both tangible and intangible costs and
benefits, however, should be considei-ed in the evaluation process.
Management often tends to deal irrationally with intangibles by ignor-

FIGURE 8-2 Tangible and Intangible Costs and

a Given Project
Benefits for

Tangible Tangible
costs benefits


Tangible benefits
tangible costs

ing them. According to Oxenfeldt, placing a zero value on intangible benefits

is wrong.^ Axelrod reinforces this point by suggesting that if intangible costs
and benefits are ignored, the outcome of the e\aluation may be quite
different from when they are included.- Figure 8-2 is a h\pothetical repre-
sentation of the probabUit}' distribution of tangible and intangible costs and
benefits. It indicates the degree of uncertaint\' surrounding the estimation
of costs and benefits. If the project is exaluated on a purely tangible basis,
benefits exceed costs by a substantial margin: therefore, such a project is

considered cost effective. On the other hand, if intangible costs and benefits
are included, the total tangible and intangible costs exceed the benefits,
which makes the project an undesirable inxestment. Furthermore, includ-
ing all costs increases the spread of the distribution (compared with the
tangible-only distribution) with respect to the e\entual outcome of the

Direct or Indirect Costs and Benefits. From a cost accounting

point of view, costs are handled differently depending on whether they are
direct or indirect. Direct costs are those with which a dollar figure can be
directly associated in a project. They are applied directly to the operation.
For example, the purchase of a box of diskettes for S35 is a direct cost
because we can associate the diskettes with the dollars expended. Direct

' A. R. Oxenfeldt, Cost-Benefit Analysis for Executive Decision Making AMACOM, American
Management Association, 19791, p. 51.
2 C. Warren Axelrod, Computer Productivity (New York: John WUey & Sons, 1982), pp. 61-89.

benefits also can be specifically attributable to a given project. For example,

a new system that can handle 25 percent more transactions per day is a
direct benefit.
Indirect costs are the results of operations that are not directly associ-
ated with a given system or activity. They are often referred to as overhead. A
system that reduces overhead realizes a savings. If it increases overhead, it

incurs an additional cost. Insurance, maintenance, protection of the com-

puter center, heat, light, and air conditioning are all tangible costs, but it is
difficult to determine the proportion of each attributable to a specific
activity such as a report. They are overhead and are allocated among users
according to a formula.
Indirect benefits are realized as a by-product of another activity or
system. For example, our proposed safe deposit billing system that provides
profiles showing vacant boxes by size, location, and price, will help manage-
ment decide on how much advertising to do for box rental. Information
about vacant boxes becomes an indirect benefit of the billing even though it
is difficult to specify its value. Direct cind indirect costs and benefits are
readily identified for tangible costs and benefits, respectively.

Fixed or Variable Costs and Benefits. Some costs and benefits are
constant, regardless of how well a system is used. Fi^ed costs (after the fact)
are sunk costs. They are constant and do not change. Once encountered,
they not recur. Examples are straight-line depreciation of hardware,

exempt employee salaries, and insurance. In contrast, variable costs are

incurred on a regular (weekly, monthly) basis. They are usually proportional
to work volume and continue as long as the system is in operation. For
example, the costs of computer forms vary in proportion to the amount of
processing or the length of the reports required.
Fi^ed benefits are also constant and do not change. An example is a
decrease in the number of personnel by 20 percent resulting from the use of
a new computer. The benefit of personnel savings may recur every month.
Variable benefits, on the other hand, are realized on a regular basis. For
example, consider a safe deposit tracking system that saves 20 minutes
preparing customer notices compared with the manual system. The
amount of time saved varies udth the number of notices produced.

Savings versus Cost Advantages. Savings are realized when there

is some kind of cost advantage. A cost advantage reduces or eliminates
expenditures. So we can say that a true savings reduces or eliminates
various costs being incurred. Figure 8-3 is a summary of savings from the
use of a new online teller system. In this installation, $131,870 was saved
through a reduction in personnel, handling charges, and proof machine
rental. After deducting processing charges of $90,990, the net savings from
the online system was $40,880. This is a savings that provides relief from
current costs. It is realized specifically as a result of the additional process-
ing costs incurred in the new system.

FIGURE 8-3 An Example of Savings That Reduce Current Costs

Summary of Savings
from an Online Teller System

A. Reduction in personnel and payroll:

Average Annual Pay

(includes 25 percent
Position N benefits I Total

Collections teller 1 $12,400 $ 12,400

Savings teller 5 11,610 58,050
Bookkeeper 3 9,940 29,820
Proof operator 1 10,900 10,900
Subtotal 10 $111,170

B. Reduction in handling charges 6,840

C. Reduction in proof machine rental:

Previous units (4 @ S4,500) $18,000
Present units 13 @ 51,380) 4,140
Net savings from rentals 13,860
Total gross savings $131,870

Less processing charges:

Online demand deposit processing S33,660
Proof of deposit reporting 27,000
Online savings processing 5,100
Teller machine rental 25,230
Total processing charges 90,990
Net savings/year S 40,880

There are savings, however, that do not directly reduce existing costs.
To illustrate, examine the following case:
A systems analyst designed an online teller system that requires 14 new termi-
nals. No reduction in personnel is immediately planned. Renovation of the bank
lobby and the teller cages will be required. The primary benefits are:

1. Savings in time to update accounts and post transactions.


2. Faster access and retrieval of customer account balances.

3. Availability of additional data for tellers when needed.
4. Reduction of transaction processing errors.
5. Higher employee morale.
6. Capability to absorb 34 percent of additional transactions.

This is a case wher« no dollars can be realized as a result of the costs

incurred for the new installation. There might be potential savings if addi-
tional transactions help another department reduce its personnel. Simi-
larly, management might set a value (in terms of savings) on the improved

accuracy of teller activity, on quicker customer service, or on the psycholog-

ical benefits from installing an online teller system. Given the profit motive,



savings (or benefits) would ultimately be tied to cost reductions. Manage-

ment has the final say on how well the benefits can be cost-justified.

; . Select Evaluation Method

When all financial data have been identified and broken down into cost
categories, the analyst must method of evaluation. Several evalua-
select a
tion methods are available, each with pros and cons. The common methods

1. Net benefit analysis.

2. Present value analysis.
3. Net present value.
4. Payback analysis.
5. Break-even cinalysis.

6. Cash-flow^ analysis.

J-' Net Benefit Analysis. Net benefit analysis simply involves subtract-
ing toted costs from total benefits. ,It is easy to ceilculate, easy to interpret,
and easy to present. The main di;awback is that it does not account for the
J.^^k^ time value of money and doe^ not discount future cash flow. Figure 8-4
illustrates theuse of net benefit analysis. Cash flow cmiounts are shown for
three time periods: Period is the present period, foUowed by two succeed-
ing periods. The negative numbers repi^sent cash outlays. A cursory look at
the numbers shows that the net benefit is $550.
The time value of money is extremely important in evaluation pro-
cesses. Let us expleiin what it means. If you were faced with an opportunity
that generates $3,000 a yccir, how much would you be wiUing to invest?
Obviously, you'd like to invest less than the $3,000. To earn the same money
five years fixjm now, the amount of investment would be even less. What is
suggested here is that money has a time value. Today's doUar and tomor-
row's doUar are not the same. The time lag accounts for the time value of
The time value of money is usually expressed in the form of interest on
the fijnds invested to realize the future value. Assuming compounded
interest, the formula is:

F = P(l + i)"

FIGURE 8-4 Net Benefit Analysis—An Example

Year Year Year

Cost/Benefit 1 2 Total

Costs $-1,000 $-2,000 $-2,000 $-5,000

Benefits 650 4,900 5,550

Net benefits $-1,000 $-1,350 $-2,900 $ 550


F Future value of an investment.
P Present value of the investment.
i Interest rate per compounding period.
n Number of vears.

For example, $3,000 invested in Treasury' notes for three years at 10 percent
interest would have a value at maturity of:

F = $3,000(1 + 0.10)3
= 3,000(1.33)
= $3,993

A Present Value Analysis, in developing long-term projects, it is often

difficult to compare today's costs with the full value of tomorrow's benefits.
As we have seen, the time value of mone\' allows for interest rates, inflation,
and other factors that alter the value of the in\'estment. Furthermore,
certain investments offer benefit periods that vars' with different projects.
Present value analysis controls for these problems by calculating the costs
and benefits of the system in terms of today's value of the investment and
then comparing across alternatives.
A consider in computing present value is a discount
critical factor to
rate equivalent to the forgone amount that the money could earn if it were
invested in a different piDJect. It is similar to the opportunity cost of the
funds being considered for the piDJect.
Suppose that $3,000 is to be invested in a micrxjcomputer for our safe
deposit tracking system, and the average annual benefit is $1,500 for the
four-year life of the system. The investment has to be made today, whereas
the benefits are in the future. We compare present values to future values by
considering the time value of money to be invested. The amount that we are
willing to invest today is determined by the value of the benefits at the end
of a given period (year). The amount is called the present value of the
To compute the present value, we take the formula for future value
(F = P/(l + /)") and solve for the present value (P) as follows:

(1 + ir

So the present value of $1,500 invested at 10 perx:ent interest at the end of

the fourth year is:

P =
(1 + 0.101-*

= $1,027.39

That is, if we invest $1,027.39 today at 10 percent interest, we can expect to


FIGURE 8-5 Present Value Analysis Using 10 Percent

Interest Rate (Discounted)

Estiinated Discount Present Present Value
Year Future Value Rate* Valuet of Benefits

1 $1,500 X 0.908 = $1,363.63 $1,363.63

2 1,500 X 0.826 1^39.67 2,603.30
3 1,500 X 0.751 1,127.82 3,731.12
4 1,500 X 0.683 1,027.39 4,758.51

1/[(1 + l)"]

t P = F/[(l + i)" ]

have $1,500 in four years. This calculation can be represented for each year
where a benefit is expected. For a four-yccir summary, see Figure 8-5.

i. Net Present Value. The net present viilue is equal to discounted

benefits minus discounted costs. Our $3,000 microcomputer investment
3delds a cumulative benefit of $4,758.51, or a net present gain of $1,758.51.
This value easy to calculate and accounts for the time value of
is relatively
money. The net present value is expressed as a percentage of the invest-
ment — in our example:

0.55 percent

*/. PaybackAnalysis. The payback method is a common measure of

the relative time value of a project. It deteimines the time it takes for the
accumulated benefits to equal the initial investment. Obviously, the shorter
the payback period, the sooner a profit is i^cilized and the more attractive is
the investment. The payback method is easy to calculate and allows two or
more activities to be ranked. Like the net profit, though, it does not allow for
the time value of money.
The payback period may be computed by the following formula:
Overall cost outlay iA y< B) + iC X D) Years + Installation time (G)
Annual cash return + Years to recover

Elements of the formula:

(A) Capital investment (includes escalation costs)

(B) Investment credit (i.e., 1.00 — 0.08 = 0.92; must use current rate)
(C) Cost investment (i.e., site preparation — includes escalation)
(D) Company's federal income tax bracket
(E) State and local taxes
(F) Life of capital (expected)
(G) Time to install system
(H) Benefits and savings

(1) Projects benefits (includes escalation)

(2) Depreciation (Capital inxestment — Sal\'age Expected Life)

(3) State and local taxes (percent)

(4) Benefits before FIT (federal income tax): (1) (2) - (3) = (4)

(5) Benefits after FIT: (41 - [l4i x (Dl]

Elxample of Calculation
(A) Capital investment in a new computer $200,000
(B) Investment credit difference 1100% — 8% investment
credit I 92%
(C) Cost investment (site preparation) $ 25,000
(D) Company's income tax bracket difference
(100% - 46%) 54%
(E) State and local taxes 2%
(F) Life of capital (no salvage value) 5 years
(G) Time to install system 1 year
(HI Benefits (include escalation or inflation) $250,000

(1) Benefits before depreciation and taxes (H) $250,000
(2) Less depreciation {S200,000(AI/5[LiSe(F)]} $40,000
(3) Less state and local taxes [$200,000 x 0.02(E)] 4,000 44,000
(4) Benefits before FIT $206,000
Less tax difference ($206,000 x 0.461 94,760
(5) Benefits after FIT $111,240

Formula calculation

[$200,00064; X 0.92(Bl] + [$25,000fC; X o.54^d;] _

$111,240 + $40,000
(5) (2)

($184,000 + 13,5001 or

= 1.3 years plus installation time (G)
= 2.3 years to recover investment

2 years and 4 months is the pavback period

f. Break-even Analysis. Break-even is the point where the cost of the

candidate system and that of the current one are equal. Unlike the pa\i3ack
method that compares costs and benefits of the candidate system, break-
even compares the costs of the current and candidate systems. When a
candidate system is developed, initial costs usually exceed those of the
current system. This is an investment period. When both costs are equal, it
is break-even. Beyond that point, the candidate system provides greater

bpnefit profit) than the old one

a return period. —

FIGURE 8-6 Break-Even Chart —An Illustration

Total cost
current system

Total cost
candidate system


Variable costs
(salaries, supplies, etc.)

Total fixed
cost (hardware)

_L _L ± _L ± J
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Processing volume (1,000s)

Figure 8-6 is a break-even chart comparing the costs of the current and
candidate systems. The attributes are processing cost and processing vol-
ume. Straight lines are used to show the model's relationships in terms of
the variable, fixed, and total costs of the two processing methods and their
economic benefits. Intersection B' indicates the point where the total cost
of processing 65,000 transactions by the current system is equal to the total
cost of using the candidate system. The shaded area beyond that point is

the return period. The shaded area AB'A' is the investment period. Accord-
ing to the chart, then, it would be more economical to process manually
when volume is below 65,000 transactions during a given time period.
Processing volume above B' favors the candidate system.

lo-Cash-Flow Analysis. Some projects, such as those carried out by

computer and word processing services, produce revenues from an invest-
ment in computer systems. Cash-flow analysis keeps track of accumulated
costs and revenues on a regular basis. The "spread sheet" format also
provides break-even and payback information.
Figure 8-7 illustrates the performance of a new computer service over a
one-year period. Revenues for the first month in operation (January) were
$22,000. Operating expenses (including facility preparation) were $51,175,

O "3 O ^
O Si
— o O O
r- 1/3 L*^
•<J- w t^ ^^ o
E 5 3

o o u: o o
£e o O 35 r- X
Tf — O rt
M s
— o
E en rj ic ^ 35
§ « r5
2 ^
u o O l« o o
o — —
C 35
=5 — 33 L-; C.

X 2
O 6« 4/5

^ o O m O
33 — M
1/3 o o
•* — O M
E 33 L-; 3C
a CD
a. i|
K o
c 15 o o =00 X
3 L'5
< i«

w L"
33 — * S L'i
>> s * — O OC t X
3 05
-^ U) M

a O L- - — 1/3
e o — o
O 33
X t
S L*^

c o * X X X ;0 in
3 00 S T 33
'-> ^
«» f/i

o 1/3 in o
o o 33 5 S
t — a -X
X U5

^ M X M

— o m o L«
s O
L'5 SOS in
= T — S
O 3; X 33 X X

tC s r^
o o
— In
— M X t^
o o
o o in o o o
3 S O T — o
o 33 — o
33 tC — ri
•r, =^


^ o
o s in s s o
o in
o O ^ — — X o
o M — 35 35

u 35 s CS
•? g u X
c :i ic
3 ? t;

c I

c 5 =
M r ^ w
s; = — ~ 3 _7: S 3 J2
i 5. •= •- ^ - -r^ ~ " —
> -
> p 5 « ^

which resulted expenditure of S29,175. Break-even occurs at the end

in a net
of the fourth month lAprili. The cash flow then was S45, although the
accumulated cash flow was S- 43,730. This was the result of excess ex-
penses o\er revenues, facilitv' preparation costs, and the like. Accumulated
cash flow began to turn positi\'e. This was the beginning of the payback
period. The evaluation methods are summarized in Figure 8-8.

V/ Interpret Results of the Analysis and Final Action

^A When the e\"aluation of the project is complete, the results have to be
interpreted. This entails comparing actual results against a standard or the
result of altemati\'e investment. The interpretation phase as well as the
subsequent decision phase are subjecti\e, requiring judgment and intui-
tion. Depending on the le\el of uncertaintv', the analyst may be confronted
with a single known value or a range of values. In either case, simpler
measures such as net benefit analysis are easier to calculate and present
than other measures, although the\' do not discount future cash flows. If it
can be modified to include the time \alue of money, the net benefit method
would be comparable to the net present value method. More complex
measures such as net present \alue account for the time value of mone\but
are more difficult to e\aluate and present.
The decisionadopt an alternati\e candidate system can be highly
subjective, depending on the analyst's or end user's confidence in the
estimated costs and benefits and the magnitude of the in\estment.
In summajy", cost benefit anal\sis is a tool for e\aluating projects rather
than a replacement of the decision maker. In real-life business situations,
whene\'er a choice among altemati\es is considered, cost benefit analysis is
an important tool. Like an\' tool, howexer, it has problems:

1. Valuation problems. Intangible costs and benefits are difficult to quan-

tify', and tangible costs are generall\' more pronounced than tangible bene-
fits. In most cases, then, a project must have substantial intangible benefits
to be accepted.
2. two ways of distorting the results of cost/
Distortion problems. There are
benefit anahsis. One is the intentional favoritism of an altemati\e for politi-
cal reasons. The second is when data are incomplete or missing from the

3. Completeness problems. OccasionalK an alternative is overlooked that

compromises the qualitv- of the final choice. Furthermore, the costs related
to cosybenefit amalysis may be on the high side or not enough costs may be
considered to do a complete analysis. In either case, the reliabilitv of the
final choice is in doubt.


The final decision following cost benefit analysis is to select the most cost-
effective and beneficial system for the user. .At this time, the cinalyst pre-
pares a feasibilitv' report on the major findings and recommendations. As
S 13
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FIGURE 8-9 Feasibility Report— An Outline

A written feasibility report should include the following:

I. TITLE PAGE Defines the name of the project and who it is for

II. TABLE OF CONTENTS List various parts, features, and exhibits, showing
page numbers
III. SCOPE Present a brief explanation of the system boundaries
IV. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Describe current system
Describe proposed system
Indicate how proposed system will solve the

V. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT I optional I Give executive a summary of project, high-

lighting benefits

VI. COST/BENEFIT STATEMENT List benefits and sa\'ings in quantitative terms

Present dollar savings versus costs
Summarize cost of new equipment, one-time
charges, etc.
Quantify net savings and expected returns
VII. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Submit implementation plan
Specify human resources requirements,
systems and procedures, etc.
- *j
Include PERT-CPM or Gantt chart
VIII. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION (optional) Lay out computet- configuration
Describe terminal network and
equipment ICRTs, printers, etc.)
List communication equipment
idata sets, lines, etc.)

IX. CREDITS Give credit to those who contributed to the project study
X. APPENDIX Include exhibits, correspondence on project, and other
miscellaneous documentation

explained in Chapter 7, the report is a detailed summary of the investigation

that has been carried out. It outlines the options and recommendations. It
is presented to management for determining whether a candidate system

should be designed. Effective reports follow carefLilly planned formats that

management can understand and exaluate without having to read the
entiredocument. The content and format of the feasibility report are sum-
marized in Figure 8-9.

1. Data analysis is a prerequisite to cost/benefit analysis. Fi-om the analy-
sis, system design i-equirements ai'e identified and alternative systems

evaluated. The analysis of th^ costs and benefits of each alternative

guides the selection process. Therefore, a knowledge of cost and benefit
categories and evaluation methods is important.

2. In developing cost estimates, we need to consider hardware, personnel,

facility, operating, and supply costs. In addition, a system is expected to
provide benefits. We need to identify each benefit and assign it a
monetary value for cost/benefit analysis.

3. Cost/benefit analysis gives a picture of the vcirious costs, benefits, and

rules associated udth each alternative system. The procedure entails:
a. Identifying the costs and benefits pertaining to a project.
Categorizing the various costs and benefits for analysis.
Selecting a method of evaluation.
Interpreting the results of the analysis.
Taking action.
Costs and benefits are classified as tangible or intangible, direct or
indirect, fixed or variable:
a. Tangible costs: Outlays of cash for cin item or activity.
b. Intangible costs: Those that have financial values not easily mea-
c. Direct costs: Those where a dollar figure C£in be directly associated
with a project.
d. Indirect costs: The results of operations not directly associated with
a system or activity.
e. Fi^ed costs: They are constant and do not change — nonrecurring.
/ Variable costs: They are proportioned to work volume.
When all financial data have been identified, the analyst must select a
method of evaluation. There are several methods available:
a. Net benefit analysis: Involves subtracting bene-
total costs from total
fits. It is easy to calculate, interpret, and present. The main draw-

back is not accounting for the time value of money and not
discounting future cash flows.
b. Present value analysis: Calculates the costs and benefits of the
system in terms of today's value of the investment and then com-
c. Net present value: Discounted benefits minus discounted costs. It is
relatively easy to calculate and accounts for the time value of
d. Payback analysis: A common measure of the relative time value of a
project. It determines the time it takes for the accumulated benefits
to equal the initial investment. It is easy to calculate and allows the
ranking of two or more activities.
e. Break-even analysis: The point at which the cost of the candidate
system and that of the current one are equal.
/ Cash-flow analysis: Keeps track of accumulated costs and revenues
on a regular basis.
Once the complete, actual results are com-
evaluation of the project is

pared against standards or alternative investments. The decision to

adopt an alternative system can be highly subjective, depending on the

analyst's or user's confidence in the estimated cost and benefit values

and the magnitude of the investment.

Key Words
Break-even Analysis Net Pay Value
Cash-Flow Analysis Opportunity Cost
Cost/Benefit Analysis Payback Analysis
Direct Cost Present Value
Fixed Cost Return Period
Future Value Savings
Indirect Cost Sunk Cost
Intangible Cost Tangible Cost
Investment Period Variable Cost
Net Benefit Analysis

Review GLuestions
1. What cost elements are considered in cost/benefit analysis? Which
element do you think is the most difficult to estimate? Why?
2. Define and explain the procedure for cost/benefit determination.
3. How easy is it to identify the costs and benefits of a system? Give
examples of costs that are not easily identifiable.

4. Distinguish between the foUoudng:

a. Opportunity and sunk costs.
b. Direct and indirect costs.
c. Fixed and tangible costs.
d. Tangible and intangible benefits
5. "If tangible costs and benefits are ignored, the outcome of the evalua-
tion may be quite different from one in which they are included." Do
you agree? Illustrate your answer.
6. "Savings are realized when a cost advantage of some kind exists."

7. How do net present value and present value analyses differ? Illustrate.
8. What are the pros and cons of the foUoudng evaluation methods?
a. Payback method.
b. Cash-flow analysis.
c. Break-even analysis.
9. If the evaluation methods used in cost/benefit analysis are seemingly
quantitative, why are the interpretive phase and the subsequent deci-
sion phase subjective? Explain.
10. Briefly describe the essential elements of a project study report.


Application Problems

Suppose a firm went through a request for proposal, vendor proposals,

benchmarking, and the final choice of a system that can be purchased
or leased. Under the purchase option:

a. The price tag is $500,000.

b. The expected useful life is five years, and the salvage value is


c. The vendor allows a trade-in on the user's old hardware of $100,000.

The book value is $70,000, and there is a remaining life of one year.
d. Maintenance service is avcdlable at $8,000 per year.

Under the lease option:

a. Lease charges are $110,000 per year under a five-year contract.

b. Lessor's (vendori maintenance fees are $8,000 per year.

c. There is no trade-in allowance, although a third party is offering

$75,000 for the old equipment.

d. Cost of capital to the user is 10 percent, and the effective tax rate is

40 percent.

Determine the net present \'alue applied to the purchase/lease options. Keep in
mind the following:

a. The benefits derived from either option are assumed to be equal.

b. When using the net present value method, you are looking for the net
present value of either cash inflows or cash outflows.
c. Show all cash inflows and outflows net of their tax effect.

d. Proceeds from the s£ile of the old system are reduced by the tax on the gain
from the sale.
e. Tax benefits that result from the deductibility of the service contract, the
lease pavments, and depreciation are taken into account in the analysis.
The effect is a reduction in the cash outflows related to the expenditures.

/ Maintenance, lease pa\Tnents, and depreciation are annuities, fixed

amounts payable over a period of time.

A medium-sized bank has decided to automate its trust accounting

service. The \ice president of the trust department requested a cost/
benefit analysis of a trust package for possible installation. The systems
analyst first re\1e\ved the cost of operating present trust acti\ities. The

vice president and three earned 564,000 in salaries. In-

trust officers
ventory and supplies average S400 each year. Trust account statements,
asset reviews, and other trust reports are produced on an outdated
system at an annual cost of $400. Overhead (air conditioning, lighting,
power, and maintenance! average $2,165 a year.
The analyst then evaluated three software packages designed for
trust work. One package met the user's requirements. The purchase
price was $13,980. When implemented, the computerized service will

reduce payroll by $10,000 the salarv' of a junior trust officer. Inventory
and supplies were priced at $1,900. Overhead was calculated at $2,660
for air conditioning, lighting, power, and maintenance.
When all was gathered, a report was drafted for the
the information
vice president. With these facts and figures, he could see the cost of a
computerized trxist package. The operation costs of both systems are
summarized as follows:

Proposed Present
System System

Salaries 554,000 S&4.000

Inventory and supplies 1,900 400
System charges 13,980 400
Air conditioning 900 780
Lighting 860 700
Power 610 400
Maintenance-janitorial 290 285
Total S72,540 S66,965

In the event the proposed system is implemented, a brokerage

house that deals with the trust department agreed to undeiAvrite 25
percent of the system charge, or $3,495 per year. So the actual opera-
tions costs to the trust department are $69,045.


a. Did the analyst project the correct salary costs for both systems? Explain.
b. Did the analyst provide the vice president with all the costs for the new
system? Did he collect all the aosts relating to the present system?
c. Given the operations costs, can the vice president cost-justify the proposed
system? Explain.


The systems MIS department was contacted one morning

analyst of the
by the production manager of the candy bar dixasion. The problem was
that the 3-ounce candy bar is sticking to the wrapper. A large percent-
age of the bars begin to stick to their wrappers after four or five weeks on
the grocer's shelf. Consequently, customer complaints have forced a
supermarket chain to switch to a competitor's brand.
After a two-week observation of the mixing and wrapping processes
and inspection of the wrapper, it was found that the three-year-old
mixing unit overheated after 6.5 hours of operation. This caused a sugar
ingredient to react slowly to room temperature three to four weeks after
production. The mixing machine has five more years of projected life.
The alternatives are to modify the present machine at a cost of $79,000
and to replace it with a new (but more reliable) machine that has been
successfully used by a competitor. The new machine costs $150,000
plus $14,000 installation charge. It has no salvage value at the end of the
eight years.
The next step was to compute the operation costs of both systems.
In a meeting with his supervisor, the analyst tried to show how the
new system would increase sales of the 3-ounce candy bcir eind produce
reliableproduction that would easily off^set the initial investment in the
new machine. The supervisor did not seem impressed. After a lengthy
discussion, the analyst was asked to redo the computations and the


Operating costs

Salaries (three employees $5.40/hour

or $648/week)
Total salaries $33,696
Fringe benefits (@ 10%) 3,370
Total payroll/year $37,066

Service fees 12,000

Overhead (additional expenses due to

new system)
Mcdntenance (three hours/day @ $8.00/hour) $ 8,736
Insurance 955
Utilities $ 1,140

Total $10,831

Total operating costs/year $59,897



Operating costs

Salaries (four employees @ $4.50/hour or $720 week)

Total salaries $37,440
Fringe benefits (@ 10%) 3,744
Total payroll/year $41,184

Maintenance $ 5,824
Insurance 675
Utilities 1,008

Total 7,507

Total operating costs/year $48,691


a. One problem that was pointed out was computing employee wages. What
seems to be inaccurate about the salary section in both system? How would
you correct the problem?
b. With respect to the types of costs incurred in operating either system, did
the analyst include all relevant costs? Show where additional costs should
be included. What other expenses should the report emphasize (if any)?

Selected References
Axelrod, C. Warren. Computer Productivity. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982,
pp. 61-89.
Davis, Wm. Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach. Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1983, pp. 313-24.
Oxenfeldt, A. R. Cost-Benefit Analysis for E^cecutive Decision Making. AMACOM,
American Management Association, New York 1979.
Powers, Michael; Davis Adams; and Harlan D. Mills. Computer Information System
Development: Analysis & Design. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing, 1984,
pp. 184-213.
Part Three

Systems Design

I. '.'"•a )-•:

Chapter 9

The Process and Stages

of Systems Design


The Process of Design


Design Methodologies
Functional Decomposition


HIPO and IPO Charts

User Involvement

Major Development Activities



At a Glance

System design is a solution, a "how to" approach to the creation ol a new

system. This important phase is composed ol several steps. It provides the

understanding and procedural details necessary tor implementing the system

recommended in the feasibility study. Emphasis is on translating the pertorm-
ance requirements into design specifications. Design goes through logical and
physical stages of development. Logical design reviews the present physical
system; prepares input and output specifications; makes edit, security, and
control specifications; details the implementortion plan; and prepares a logical
design walkthrough. The physical design maps out the details of the physical
system, plans the system implementation, devises a test and implementation
plan, and any new hardware and software.
Structured design methodologies are emphasized for design work. They
include structure charts, HIPO and IPO charts, and structured walkthrough.
Major development activifies, audit considerations, and processing controls
are also discussed.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1 The process of system design.
2. How logical design difiers from physical design.
3. Top-down design and functional decomposition.
4. Forms-driven methodology.
5. The major development activities in structured design.
6. Audit considerations for system development.

Audit Considerations



The discussion so far bringsus to a pivotal point in the system development
life cycle. User requirements have been identified. Information has been

gathered to verify the problem and evaluate the existing system. A feasibility
study has been conducted to review alternative solutions and provide cost/
benefit justification. The culmination of the study is a proposal summariz-
ing the findings and recommending a candidate system for the user.
If the figures and the reasoning behind the candidate system make

sense, management authorizes the proposed change. At this point in the

systems life cycle, the design phase begins. The design is a solution, a "how
to" approach, compared to analysis, a "what is" orientation. It translates the
system requirements into ways of operationalizing them. In this chapter, we
cover the process and stages of systems design, the tools used to design
candidate systems, and the user's input to systems design. It is an overview
chapter that outlines what follows. The next five chapters elaborate on
various aspects of design —
input/output and forms design (Chapter 10), file
organization and data base design (Chapter 11), system testing and quality
assurance (Chapter 12), and system implementation and software mainte-
nance (Chapter 13).


The design phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the system
recommended in the feasibility study. Emphasis is on translating perform-
ance specifications into design specifications. The design phase is a transi-
tion from a user-oriented document (system proposal) to a document
oriented to the programmers or data base personnel.

Logical and Physical Design

Systems design goes through two phases of development: logical and phys-
ical design. As we saw in Chapter 6, a data flow diagram shows the logical
flow of a system and defines the boundaries of the system. For a candidate
system, it describes the inputs (source), outputs (destination), data bases
(data stores), and procedures (data flows) —
all in a format that meets the

user's requirements. When analysts prepare the logical system design, they
specify the user needs at a level of detail that virtually determines the
information flow into and out of the system and the required data re-
sources. The design covers the following:

1. Reviews the current physical system — its data flows, file content, vol-
umes, ft^quencies, etc.
2. Prepares output specifications— that is, determines the format, content,
and ft-equency of imports, including teiminal specifications and loca-

3. —
Prepares input specifications format, content, and most of the input
functions. This includes determining the flow of the document from the
input data source to the actual input location.
4. F*repares edit, security, and control specifications. This includes spec-
ifying the rules for edit correction, backup pixacedures, and the controls
that ensure processing and file integrity.

5. Specifies the implementation plan.

6. Prepares a logical design walkthrough of the information flow, output,

input, controls, and implementation plan.

7. Rexiews benefits, costs, target dates, and system constraints.

As an illustration, when a safe deposit tracking system is designed,

system specifications include weekly reports, a definition of boxes rented
and boxes vacant, and a summary of the activities of the week boxes —
closed, boxes drUled, and so on. The logical design also specifies output,
input, file, and screen layouts. In contrast, procedure specifications show
how data are entered, how files are accessed, and how reports are pro-
duced (see Figure 9-1).
Foflowdng logical design is physical design. This produces the woricing
system by defining the design specifications that tell programmers exactly
what the candidate system must do. In turn, the programmer writes the
necessary programs or modifies the software package that accepts input

FIGURE 9-1 Systems Design Goes through Logical and Physical Design

System specifications ) » ( Procedure specifications



Data entry/Access communication

File/Update maintenance Transaction


from the user, performs the necessciry calculations through the existing file
or data base, produces the report on a hard copy or displays it on a screen,
and maintains an updated data base at all times. Specifically, physical
system design consists of the following steps:

1. Design the physical system.

a. Specify input/output media.
b. Design the data base and specify backup procedures.
c. Design physical information flow through the system and a
physical design walkthrough.

2. Plan system implementation.

a. Prepare a conversion schedule and a target date.
b. Determine training procedure, courses, and timetable.
3. Devise a test and implementation plan and specify any new hardware/
4. Update benefits, costs, conversion date, and system contraints (legal,

financial, hardware, etc.).

The physical design for our safe deposit illustration is a software pack-
age written in Pascal (a programming language). It consists of program steps
that accept new box rental infonnation; change the number of boxes avail-
able udth every new box rental; print a report by box type, box size, and box
location; and store the information in the data base for reference. The
analyst instructs the software programmer to have the package display a
menu that specifies for the user how to enter a new box rental, produce a
report, or display various information on the screen. These and other
procedure specifications are tested and implemented as a working model of
the candidate system.

During the past decade, there has been a growing move to transform the
"art" of systems analysis and design into an "engineering-type" discipline.
The feeling that there has to be a more clearly defined logical method for
developing a system that meets user requirements has led to new tech-
niques and methodologies that fundamentally attempt to do the following:

1. Improve pix)ductivity of analysts and programmers.

2. Improve documentation and subsequent maintenance and enhance-
3. Cut douTi drastically on cost overruns and delays.
4. Improve communication among the user, analyst, designer, and pro-
5. Standardize the approach to analysis and design.
6. Simplify design by segmentation.

FIGURE 9-2 Data Flow Diagrram — Sale Deposit Cxistomer Master File
Update Procedxare

Box Status/Customer

Box Record

Box Status/
Customer Master
Record New Box

Structured Design
Structured design is The approach begins
a data-flow-based methodology.
with a system specification that identifies inputs and outputs and describes
the functional aspects of the system. The system specifications, then are
used as a basis for the graphic representation — data flow diagram(DFD) — of
the data flows and processes and 9-3). From the DFD, the
(see Figures 9-2
next step is the definition of the modules and their relationships to one
another in a form called a structure chart, using a data dictionary and other
structured tools.
Structured design partitions a program into small, independent mod-
ules.The are arranged in a hierarchy that approximates a model of the
business area and is organized in a top-down manner with the details
shown at the bottom. Thus, structured design is an attempt to minimize

FIGURE 9-3 The Structured Design Method

structured English
decision tree,
decision table,

System Data Process
DFD dictionary '


^^W ^^
^B J ^^B ^^^^^^^§

FIGURE 9-4 Decomposition —A Framework

Top level

Second level

A 3.3 Third level

complexity and make a problem manageable by subdividing it into smaller

segments, which is called modularization or decomposition (see Figure 9-4).
In this way, structuring minimizes intuitive reasoning and promotes main-
tainable, provable systems.
A design is said to be top-down if it consists of a hierarchy of modules, with
each module having a single entry and a single exit subroutine. The primaiy
advantages of this design are as follows:

1. Critical interfaces are tested first.

2. Eariy versions of the design, though incomplete, are useful enough to

resemble the real system.
3. Structuring the design, per se, provides control and improves morale.
4. The procedural characteristics define the order that determines pro-

So structured design arises from the hierarchical view of the application

rather than the procedural view. The top level shows the most important
division of work; the lowest level at the bottom shows the details.

Functional Decomposition
The documentation tool for structured design is the hierarchy or struc-
ture chart. It is a graphic tool for representing hierarchy, and it has three
elements: ^


1. The module represented by a rectangle with a

is name (see Figure 9-5).
It is a contiguous set of statements.

A Module

2. The connection is represented by a vector linking two modules. It

usually means one module has called another module. In Figure 9-6,
module A Ccdls module B: it also calls module C.

HGURE 9-6 Connection

An Example

J ^^ .^v

3. The couple represented b\' an arrow with a circular tail. It represents


data items mo\ed from one module to another. In Figure 9-7, O, P, and
Q are couples. Module A calls B, passing O downward. Likewise, mod-
ule A calls C, passing P dov\Tiward and receiving Q back. More on
coupling is described next.

HGURE 9-7 Coupling

An Example
oc 1

w w,.,

% LU
°-B IT ^
^ y^lA
1 m ^
f 1'°^ CD

D O / >^^ z
CD / ujQ
> S /i ^&
V/ y ZjW >

LU /^y/
/ j^y^ H
^ /
A tr
Aj^i CO

<H X -o 2 P/

^1- V H

'^ 1

/ z
0) ID
\ Xv,
VT) 2
1- CO

a \ ^V"'^ t-

M \ ^ LU2 Pi
LJ ^

< Valid
QC \ CO c o
Y^s Q
<D »A\d \\
1« rou.
U\ 2
O c \\
" \ LU LU o
00 \ >

2 Q2lu
uj D

An example of a structure chart, showing the three elements, is shown

in Figure 9-8.^
In the functional decomposition approach to structured design, soft-
w^are is partitioned into independent modules so that each module is small
enough be manageable. In
to the evaluation of a program module, two
criteria are considered: the module's connections to other modules, called
coupling, and its intramodule strength, or cohesion.^
Module coupling refers to the number of connections between a "call-
ing" and a "called" module and the complexity of these connections. There
must be at least one connection between a module and a calling module. A
design objective for producing an easily understood code is to m£ike the
modules as independent as possible. For example, in Figure 9-8, the mod-
TOMER FILE, which is the calling module. In this case, we have coupling.
Module cohesion refers to the relationship among elements (instruc-
tions) within a module. If a module does more than one discrete task, the
instructions in that module are said not to be bound together very closely.
Modules that perform only one task are said to be more cohesive (and less
error-prone) than modules that perform multiple tasks. In Figure 9-8, the
detail under the module GET NEW TRANSACTION is made up of strongly
cohesive modules. Compare it to the poorly cohesive modules in Figure 9-9
and you can see how important cohesion is.

FIGURE 9-9 Poorly Cohesive Design— An Example






* Tom Demarco, Structured Analysis and Design (New York: Yourdon Publishing, 1979), p.
2 See Cyril P. Brosh, Philip J. Grouse, D. Ross Jeflfeiy, £ind Michael J. Lawence, Information
System Design lEnglewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, 1982), pp. 168-174.

Forms-Driven Methodology — The IPO Charts

In structured design a hierarchy chart represents a good program design if
it meets cohesion
the criteria of and coupling. Each module performs a
single function (cohesion) and should be independent of the rest of the
program (coupling). Each criterion calls for more details than are available.
This prompts the analyst to develop input/process/output (IPO) charts for
each module in the hierarchy chart.

HlPO and IPO Charts

HIPO is a forms-driven technique standard forms are used to in that
document the information. It consists of a hierarchy chart and an associ-
ated set of input/process/output charts. HIPO captures the essence of top-
doun decompostion; it describes the data input and output from processes
and defines the data flow composition. It was developed by IBM as a design
aid and implementation technique with the follouing objectives:

1. Provide a structure by which the functions of a system can be under-

stood. A hierarchy structure is shown in Figure 9-10.

FIGURE 9-10 A Hierarchy (Notation) Diagram

Pay 10

Compute Gross Compute

Pay 20 Net Pay 3.0

Compute and
Sum Hours Determine Pay Record Gross Compute Write Check
Worked 21 Rate 2 2 Pay 23 Deductions 3 1 For Net Pay 32


Ctieck for Overtime,

Verify Verify Type Look Up Pay
Holiday Pay. etc and
Employee No 2 2 1 of Work 2 2 2 Rate 223 Add to Rale 22 4


Control flow

Keyed data

1 I


2. State the functions to be performed by the program rather than

speciiying the program statements to be used to perform the func-

3. Provide a \isual description of input to be used and output to be

produced each level of the diagram. HIPO makes the transformation
of input to output data \isible. Figure 9-11 is a typical HIPO diagram.

HIPO uses easy-to-draw vector-like s\Tnbols between processes that

define data communication and data direction. As shown in Figure 9-11,
the order of the processes in the process section of the diagram indicates
the sequence of execution. The procedure for generating HIPO diagrams is


1. Begin at the highest level of abstraction and define the inputs to the
system and the ouputs fiDm it in aggregate terms.
2. Identi^' the processing steps by those that convert input into output.
3. Document each element using HIPO diagram notation and the associ-
ated treelike structure.

FIGTOE 9-11 An HIPO Diagram Derived from the Hierarchy Diagram (Figure

k^^i^ HIPO WORKSHEET GX20 t97a0U V 025 •

* us A

Author R.E. Trent . Sv ne*ii/Pro^XBi _ 10/85 p.

ID 2.0 ?j:e uross Pav . Dncncnon --~?"te gross pay


job recoru
u 1 . Sur: hours worked
-•e 55 J tcr S

Payroll 2. Deierrire oav Cross pav

naster r=cr :rr :zb 2.2 file

3. Compute and re- Pavrol

cord gross pay 2.3 taster

Extended Dacnpnon Extended Docnption

Notei R«f •*otts nef


FIGURE 9-12 HIPO Work Sheet and a Sample Overview Diagram

±sm HIPO WORKSHEET GX20-1970-0 U/M 025

rtmttm « usA

AuOko R.E. Trent Pavroll n^ 10/85

'•m 2 f 1

2.2 ICDNA ri««imiiMi Determine pay rate


Old master file

Payroll job
e 1 . Verify employee nuiaber
before reading the record
Error laessages
record ^^-»,,. 2.2.1
(PJR) /^ \
:> 2. Verify type of work
^ Display special
conditions before
3. Load file and lookup pay
C> rate 2.2.3

(EU Check for overt iae, holi-

day pay, etc. 2.2.4

5. Update P.IR with rate

Exttnded Dcscripaon Eitcfidcd DcKnpDon

Notti Module Segnent

Re< Motn Re<

1. If wron^ nunber, skip job ICDNA 1 DOFRM 2.2.1

records and print error message

2. If wrong type of work, skip ICDNS 1 -nfPWR 2.2.2

job record and print error

3. Refer to pay table (RATETAB) ICDHA PRTLU 2.2.3


to get pay rate

<<. Check for overtiae. holiday ICDNA 1 CKSPt 2.2.4

pay, etc. and add to rate

Tr* number ot si^eets pe* oaa "^vav "a'v fl'flht'v

4. Identify subprocesses and and outputs. Con-

their respective inputs
tinue decomposition until the processes cannot be decomposed any

There are two aids available for drawing HIPO diagrams: the HIPO work
sheet, GX20-1970 (see Figure 9-12), and the HIPO template, GX20-1971,
which contains symbols for HIPO diagrams (see Figure 9-13). The template


FIGURE 9-13 HIPO Template and Symbols

I 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 M 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
IMCMf J - .-.'l*i ^
> < ARROWHEADS ^xw" d»r«tiort o» 1
LJ 1
r^ m\
^^J -i
A 111
' L
1 ~
s. _


->- - ——
o -

X . -


o< m« dogrvn lu««d awifft
lo or tntry from Bnottwr p«n
altvnst* p«ih arrow. cUu motwnani
-,- - T ± -(-
o-- ,-
. s

D O* daU r«ltfcnc« arrt^M t



paga luMd with alMmaM path arrow oo'v ^_ - -S. 4l 1
_ .:- =
: 4- 4- S
lO _ E



=> DATA MOVEMENT ARROWS T>tt data item or 9«ot<>i ol data .

Items Mrili be moved or mampuUicd by the assoctated procen

> ticplfi or
wet p'oducad c mad<<icd t>v (he atsooaied process


1* X '

DATA POINTER ARROW Th« data iiam conttifn rti* "T-^8- -

-^ mkk*n of «rK>th*r data •lam.

two data Items
Th« arrow may connaci iha X ' it i; - J -1-

' ;

^ DATA REFERENCE ARROW The data uem n tcstad to

da ia rmin a xtm courM o' action wiihtn th« procra nwp. '

..J 1

CONTROL ARROWS. Thep'OC«».nq ngo-ng (O continue at the

luncion (O it<*^Kf> me solid ar'OW pOirtli : :
xi -I


-• -

:iix, i±:' St: d

Eni>v pomi -nto (he d>a9'vn (any one ol Itm four
-1- X - X5'-
r I?
•s acceptable I

-i--i- ^ ^ X X it
X 1

E ait Irom a diagram («ny on* o* the low n 1 :i::|: ^ix.s. i.^

X I^
"^ I

Alternate path 1 1

1 1 "5

III t *
1 II 1 1 II M 1


1 1 1

1 1 II 1 1 1

l<,»»i rtt li

l' l' i' i' i' l' 1? l' il" I

M lllll M IIIII M M I| " m

llllll lllllllllllll llll l l 'll'!' I 'l [! M ll l lllllllllllll'I I

jacket describes the symbols. The HIPO package format consists of the

1. Visual table of contents shows the structure of the diagram and the
relationships of the functions in a hierarchical manner. It also has a
legend to show how the symbols are to be used.
:^^' m.


2. Overview diagrams describe the major functions and reference the

detciil diagram! s) needed to expand the functions adequately. They
provide the following:
a. The input section that contains the data items used by the process
b. The output section that contains the data items created by the
process steps.
c Process section that contains numbered steps that describe the
functions to be performed. Arrows connect then to the output steps
and input/output data items.
d. The extended description refers to non-HIPO documentation and
3. Detaildiagram contains an extended description section that amplifies
the process steps and references the code associated with each process

important to use HIPO eariy in the design phase of a project so that

It is

designers can document their thoughts concurrently with the design pro-
cess. Thus, the preparation of HIPO diagrams is a by-product of the thought
process of the design rather than an additionsd chore.

Structured Walkthrough
An activity of all phases of a structured project is the walkthrough. It is an
interchange of ideas among peers who
review a product presented by its
author(s) £ind agree on the validity of a proposed solution to a problem. In a
design walkthrough, the purpose is to anticipate as many problems in the
design as possible while they are stUl "paper tigers." It is cheaper to make
changes now than later during conversion. This is a practical implementa-
tion of "A stitch in time saves nine." The objective is to come up wdth a
maintainable design that is flexible and adaptable and meets the organiza-
tions's standards.

User Involvement
Walkthixjughs may be held system development
at various points in the
life cycle. In addition to system design, they may be held to review the

system test plan, program design, and production acceptance. In each case,
the people who will be i-unning the system should be consulted.
The probability of success improves with the user's interest and involve-
ment in the design of the system. The user can save a system that might
otherwise be of marginal benefit, and likewise he/she can kill a superbly
designed system if it is perceived as making only a small contribution to job
performance. Thus, promoting a user's contribution in the walkthixjugh
and throughout the design phase c*i be crucial for successful implementa-

User involvement gives the designer important feedback as the design is

being completed. It also provides the user with a basic underetanding of
what the candidate system will and uill not do. User involvement invariably
paves the way for acceptance of the system by the user staff. It also bridges
the gap between the designer, who as a staff person has an "expert"
perspective, and the user, who is more typically "line" with a generalist or
mcinagerial view.


Several development out during structured design.
activities are carried
They are data base design, implementation planning, system test prepara-
tion, system interface specification, and user documentation (see Figure
9-14). Each of these activities is covered in a separate chapter.

1. Data base design. This activity deals with the design of the physical
data base. A key is to determine how the access paths are to be imple-
mented. A physical path is derived from a logical path. It may be imple-
mented by pointers, chains, or other mechanisms, as we discuss in Chapter

2. Program design. In conjunction with data base design is a decision on

the programming language to be used and the flowcharting, coding, and
debugging procedure prior to conversion. The operating system limits the
programming languages that will run on the system.
When the system design is under way and programming begins, the
plans and test cases for implementation are soon required. This means
there must be detailed schedules for system testing and training of the user
Planned training allows time for selling the candidate system to those

who will deal with it on a regulcir basis. Consequently, user resistance

should be minimized.
3 and 4. System and program test preparation. Each aspect of the system

FIGURE 9-14 System Design Activities

^^^" ^^^ ^^^^^^"
Data base

1 Design Design phase To

specifications walkthrough implementation

AllocatKXi of Program 6 7
functions design

System test Program test System

requirements requirements interface
definition definition specifications

3 4 5


has a separate requirement. System testing is done after all program-

ming and testing are completed. The test cases cover every aspect of the

candidate system actual operations, user interface and so on. System and
program test requirements become a part of design specifications —
a pre-
requisite to implementation.
In contrast to system testing is acceptance testing, which puts the
system through a procedure design to con\ince the user that the candidate
system will meet the stated requirements. Acceptance testing is technically
similar to system testing, but politically it is different. In system testing, bugs
are found and corrected with no one watching. Acceptance testing is
conducted in the presence of the user, audit representatives, or the entire

Since test casesmay be shared by both system testing emd acceptance

testing, system testing may be viewed as a dress rehearsal for the accep-
tance test. The criteria or plan for acceptance should be available in the
structured specification.
5. System interface specification. This phase specifies for the user how
information should enter and leave the system. The designer offers the user
various options. By the end of the design, formats have to be agreed upon so
that machine-machine and human-machine protocols are well defined
prior to implementation.
Before the systemready for implementation, user documentation in

the form of a user's or operator's manual must be prepared. The manual

provides instructions on how to install and operate the system, how to
provide input, how to access, update, or retrieve information, how to dis-
play or print output, in what format, and so on. Much of this documenta-
tion cannot be written until the operation documentation is finalized —
task that usually follows design.

Personnel Allocailon
In the past, a medium was handled by a team of program-
or large project
mers uith the goal of speeding up implementation. Unfortunately, there
was more emphasis on numbers than on talent. The structured approach to
design and implementation is useful in facilitating the planning process.
Emphasis is on allocating the right programmers to the task within a
realistic timetable.
A completed structure chart gives the designer a realistic outline of
the programming work to be done. Programmers can be assigned to meet
the workload rather than the other wav around. A team of programmers is

assigned a subsystem that is stronglv cohesive and loosely coupled to

other subsystems. Once this respionsibilitv' is assigned, ixjles ai^e allocated
within each team. The designer, of couree, oversees the work of the teams.
Figure 9-15 illusti^ates how a structure chart is assigned among various

FIGURE 9-15 Personnel Allocation Using Structure Chart

What module(s) in the chart is assigned to what

team can be very
important. Modules at the bottom of a structure chart are usually utility and
data base access modules. This sector represents the user interface. With
today's emphasis on what the Germans call Benutzefreundlichkeit or user-
friendliness, a team with specialized skills should be assigned to the inter-
face subsystem.

A well-designed system should have controls to ensure proper operation
and routine auditing. A candidate system's failure often results fixjm a lack
of emphasis on data control. Therefore, standards of accuracy, consis-
tency, and maintainability must be specified to eliminate errors and con-
trol for fraud.
A system design introduces new control elements and changes the
control procedures. New controls in the form of relational comparisons
are designed to detect and check errors that arise from the use of the
system. In a manual system, internal control depends on human judg-
ment, personal care, eind division of labor. In a computer-based system,
the number of persons involved is considerably reduced. A software pack-
age is an effective substitute for human judgment in processing routines
and error checks.

In designing a new
system, the designer should specify the location of
error-control points and evaluate them on the basis of error frequency, cost,
and timing By identifying points where potential errors
of error detection.
may occur, designers can create error-control procedures for handling
errors immediately at a reasonable cost.

Processing Controls and Data Validation

Several methods have been devised to control processing activities. Data
records, for example, may be batched into small groups to control totals. In
batch processing, if an error is detected, the batch that contains the error is
reviewed without disturbing the remaining batches of the file. If all control
totcils balance, the batch is accepted. If the batch balances but certain

records are rejected, the batch may be held untU the errors are corrected.
In addition to batch controls, severed other programmed checks can be
used for testing the data:

1. Completeness check ensures that all fields in a record are present and
are read in the proper sequence. In a multiple-record check, the pro-
gram verifies the self-checking number of the record(s) that make up the
transaction. If an error is detected, the entire group of records is


2. Consistency check refers to the relevance of one type of data to another.

For example, a retailer may have a policy of extending a 30 percent
discount to religious leaders on all merchandise ordered and up to
$2,000 credit at no interest. An order received rom a customer must be
checked against these provisions to ensure consistency with the spec-
ified policy.

3. Reasonableness check evaluates a transaction against a standard to

determine whether it meets the test. For example, if the maximum wage
rate is $5 per hour and no overtime is allowed, an employee's weekly
gross pay of $210 would be unreasonable, since the limit is $200.
4. Sequence check verifies that data records are in sequence prior to
processing. A check of duplicate records may also be incorporated in
the routine.

Audit Trail and Documentation Control

An important function of system controls is providing for an audit trail. An
audit trail is a routine designed to allow the analyst, user, or auditor to verify
a process or an area in the new system. In a manual system, the audit trail

includes journals, ledgers, and other documents that the auditor uses to
trace transactions through the system. In a computerized system, record
content and fonnat frequently make it difficult to trace a transaction com-
pletely. Some reasons are the following:

1. Records stored on a magnetic medium itape, disk, etc.) can be read only
by a computer and uith the use of a computer program.
2. Data processing acti\ities are difficult to observe, since they take place
within the computer system.
3. The record sequence is difficult to check without the assistance ol'a
computer system.
4. Direct data entry eliminates the physical documentation for an audit

One way to overcome these consti'aints keep a file on all trsinsac-

is to
tions as they occur. For example, transactions can be recorded on tape,
which can be an input to an audit program. The program pulls selected
transactions and makes them a\ailable for tracing their status. The systems
analyst must be familiar with basic auditing or work closeK' with an auditor
to ensure an efifecti\'e audit trail during the design phase.
The proper audit of a system also requires documentation. Documenta-
tion is the basis for the review of internal controls by internal or indepen-
dent auditors. It also provides a reference for system maintenance.
Preparing documentation occupies much of the analyst's time. When the
implementation deadline is tight, documentation is often the first item to be
Documentation may be internal (in program documentation) or exter-
nal hard-copy documentation. It must be complete and consistent for all
systems prepared according to standards. So a plan to approve a new
design should include documentation standards before programming and
In summar\', the primar\'purpose of auditing is to check that controls
candidate systems ensure its integiits'. Audit consid-
built into the design of
erations must be incorporated at an early stage in the system de\ elopment
so that changes can be made in time. Neglecting this \ital step could spell
trouble for system implementation.

1. System design is a transition ftxim a user-oriented document to a
document oriented to programmers or data base personnel. It goes
through logical and physical design with emphasis on the following:
a. Preparing input/output specifications.
b. Preparing securit\' and control specffications.
c. Specifying the implementation plan.
d. Preparing a logical design walkthrough before implementation.
2. Structured design is a data-flow-based methodology' that identifies in-
puts and outputs and describes the functional aspects of the system. It
partitions a program into a hierarchy of modules organized in a top-
down manner with the details at the bottom.


The documentation tool is the structure chart. It has three elements

the module, the connection, and the couple. When a module is evcdu-
ated, the module's connections to other modules (coupling) and its
intramodule strength (cohesion) are considered.
One way of developing an input/process/output chart for modules is

with the HIPO chart. It consists of the hierarchy chart plus the input/
process/output (IPO) chart, thus capturing the essence of top-down
decomposition. The aids are the HIPO work sheet and template.
5. A useful phases of a structured project is the walkthrough,
acti\it\' in all

where ideas are interchanged among peers. User involvement is ex-

tremely important.
6. The major development during structured design are data
base design, implementation planning, system test planning, system
interface speciiications, and user documentation. Much of the docu-
mentation is written after conversion, a task that follows design.
7. A well-designed system should provide for controls to eliminate errors,
check fraud, and ensure system integrity. Audit trails, documentation,
and processing control must be incorporated into the system before it
is released to the end user.

Key Words
Audit Trail Physical Design
Cohesion Structure Chart
Couple Structured Walkthrough
Decomposition System Design
HIPO Top-down Design
IPO Chart

Review €luestions
1. In your own words, describe the process of system design.
2. Distinguish between the following:
a. Logicaland physical design.
b. HIPO and IPO.
c. Coupling and cohesion.
3. What design methodologies are used in system design? Be specific.

4. Define structured design. How is it related to a DFD?

5. "Structured design provides the best partitioning of a program into
small, independent modules organized in a top-down manner." Do you
agree? Illustrate.
6. What are some of the advantages of top-down design? Elaborate.
7. Explain and illustrate the key elements of a structure chart.


8. What is the goal of the functional decomposition approach to struc-

tured design?
9. How is a HIPO chart related to structured design? What are its objec-

10. Ejcplain thecomponents of the HIPO package format. How would one
generate a HIPO chart?
11. How is a structured walkthrough conducted? What is the role of the
user in this activity? Elaborate.

12. What development activities are carried out during structured analysis?
13. How are personnel allocated in system design? Illustrate.

14. What audit considerations are included in system design? Why are they

Application Problems

1 Review the partial structure chart below.

.Gross- Earnings

Marital - Status

Income- Tax
Tax -Schedule

of -[Dependents Gross -Earnings

Gross -Eannings Tax- Bracket

Marital -Status Deduction -Amount



a. How man\ modules connections, and couples are there in the chart? What
do the\ mean?
b. Which module is the calling module? The called module?
c. How man\ couples are passed to the calling module?
d. Whatis the minimum number of call statements inside COMPLTE STATE
e. What is the output of SELECT TAX SCHEDLT£?

Design a structure chart using the following inforniation:

a. Calling module: RECORD STL DENT GRADES

b. Called modules: GET ACADEMIC RECORD
c. Include the required input and output couples, showing the direc-
tion and meaning.
d. In the same chart, show CHECK FOR PROB.ATION as a calling
module and factor a called module called CALCULATE GRA. Show
input and output couples.

Use the data flow diagrams in E.xhibit 9-1 to deri\e a structure chart.
Start with the calling module RANDLE CASH WITHDRAWAL INQUIRY.

Selecled References
Brosh, C\Til PhUip J. Grouse, J. Ross Jeffer\-, and Michael J. Lawrence. Informa-

tion System Design. Engle\sood Cliffs. .\.J.: Prentice-Hall 1982, pp. 168-74.
Brjce, Milt. Information System Design Methodologies." Computenvorld, Novem-
ber 7, 1983, p. olflf.
Demarco, Tom. Structured .Analysis and Design. New York: Yourdon. 1979. p. 307.
Dimino, Stephen .A. Corporate Politics and the S\stem s Process." Journal of Sys-
tems .Management, September 1983 pp. 6-9.

EXHIBIT 9-1 Response to Cash Withdrawal Inquiry


Hershauer, James C. "What's Wrong with Systems Design Methods? It's Our As-
sumption!" Journal of Systems Management, April 1978, pp. 25-28.
Lapointe, Joel R. "Userware: The Merging of System Design and Human Needs."
Data Management, February 1982, pp. 29-33.
Patrick, Rober L. "A Checklist for System Design." Datamation, Januaiy 1980,
pp. 147-48ff.
Peters, Lawrence,and Leonard Tripp. "Comparing Software Design Methodologies."
Datamation, November 1977, pp. 89-94.
Sadek, Konrad E., and Edward Tomeski. "Different Approaches to Information
Systems." Journal of Systems Management, April 1981, pp. 17-27.
Sides, S. R. "Walkthroughs and Reviews." Computerworld (In Depth), August 10, 1981,
p. 15ff.
Tsichritzis, Dionysios. "The Architects of System Design. Datamation, September

1980, pp. 201-202.

Yourdon, Edward. How to Manage Structured Programming. New York: Yourdon,
1976, pp. 31-50, 100-112, 137-50.
Chapter 10

and Forms Design


Input Design

Source Documents


Online Data Entry
The Menu
The Formatted Form
The Prompt
CRT Screen Design

Output Design

Forms Design


At a Glance

The first step in systems design is to design output and input within predefined
guidelines. In input design, user-originated inputs are converted to a com-
puter-based format. It also includes determining the record media, method of
input, speed of capture, and
entry into the system. Online data entry accepts
commands and data through a keyboard. The data (input or output) are
displayed on a cathode-ray tube (CRT) screen for verification. The major
approaches to input design are the menu, the formatted, and the prompt
design. In each altemative, the user's options are predefined.
In output design, the emphasis is on producing a hard copy of the informa-
tion requested or displaying the output on a CRT screen in a predefined
format. Form design elaborates on the way output is presented and the layouts
available for capturing information.

By the end you should know:

of this chapter,
1 How source documents are designed.
2. The various data capture media and devices.
3. How data are entered into the computer.
4. What can be displayed on a CRT screen.
5. The classes of forms and how they are designed.


Flat Forms
Unit-Set/Snapout Forms
Continuous Strip/Fanlold Forms
NCR (no carbon required) Paper
Form Title and Number
Data Classitication and Zoning
Rules and Captions
Box Design
Spacing Requirements
Ballot Box and Check-oft Designs
Form Instructions
Paper Selection
Cost Considerations


In Chapter 9, we defined systems design as the process of developing
specifications for a candidate system that meet the criteria established in
systems analysis. A major step in design is the preparation of input and the
design of output reports in a form acceptable to the user. This chapter
reviews input and output design and the basics of forms design. As we shall
see, these steps are necessary for successful implementation.

Inaccurate input data are the most common cause of errors in data process-
ing. Errors entered by data entry operators can be controlled by input
design. Input design is the process of converting user-originated inputs to a

computer-based format. In the system design phase, the expanded data

flow diagram identifies logical data flows, data stores, sources, and destina-
tions. A systems flowchart specifies master files (data base), transaction files,
and computer programs. Input data are collected and organized into
groups of similar data. Once identified, appropriate input media are se-
lected for processing.

Input Data
The goal of designing input data is to make data entry as easy, logical, and
ft^e from errors as possible. In entering data, operators need to know the

1. The cillocated space for each field.

2. Field sequence, which must match that in the source document.

3. The format in which data
fields cire entered; for example, filling out the
date field is required through the edited format mm/dd/yy.

When we approach input data design, we design the source documents

that capture the data and then select the media used to enter them into the
computer. Let us elaborate on each step.

Source Documents
Source data are captured initially on original paper or a source docu-
ment. For example, a check written against an account is a source doc-
ument. When it reaches the bank, it is encoded with special magnetic ink
character recognition (MICR) so that it can be processed by a reader that is
part of the information system of the bank. Therefore, source documents
initiate a processing cycle as soon as they are entered into the system.
Source documents may be entered into the system from punch cards,
ftxjm diskettes, or even directly through the keyboard. A source document
may or may not be retained in the candidate system. Thus, each source
document may be evaluated in terms of (1) its continued use in the candi-

date system, (2) the extent of modification for the candidate system, and (3)

replacement by an alternative source document.

A source document should be logical and easy to understand. EaclV^
area in the form should be clearly identified and should specify for the user
what to write and where to write it. For example, a field as simple as date of
birth may be written in four different ways:

1. 19 September 1935
2. Sept. 19, 1935

3. 9/19/35

4. 19/9/35 (European style)

Unless it is clear in a source document that two allowed for the

digits are
month, day, and year (MM/DD/YY), we could expect such combinations of
In source documents where the user chooses ftxim a list of options, it is

more efficient to direct the person to check the appropriate box than to
enter a character. Figure 10-1 illustrates this point.

Input Media and Devices

Source data are input into the system in a variety of ways. The following
media and devices are suitable for operation:

1. Punch cards are either 80 or 96 columns wide. Data are arranged in a

sequential and logical order. Operators use a keypunch to copy data ftT>m
source documents onto cards. This means that the source document and
card design must be considered simultaneously.
2. Key-to-diskette modeled after the keypunch process. A diskette re-

places the card and stores up to 325,000 characters of data equivalent to —

the data stored in 4,050 cards. Like cards, data on diskettes are stored in
sequence and in batches. The approach to source document and diskette
design is similar to that of the punch card. Data must be in sequence and
logically cohesive.

3. MICR translates the special fonts printed in magnetic ink on checks into
direct computer input.

HGURE 10-1 Partial Source Document

with Check-ofl Options

Recommended Inefficient

Shirt size (check one) Shirts (enter size)

n Small
Q Medium
D Lai^e
DX large

4. Mark-sensing readers automatically convert pencil marks in predeter-

mined locations on a card to punched holes on the same card.
5. Optical character recognition (OCR) readers are similar to MICR readers,
except that they recognize pencil, ink, or characters by their configuration
(shape) rather than their magnetic pattern. They are often used in remote
locations as ft^e-stcinding input preparation devices or direct input media
to the system.

6. Optical bar code readers detect combination of marks that represent

The most wddely known system is the Universal
data (see Figure 10-2).
Product Code (UPC), which codes retail items in stores. Automatic tag
reading is a major breakthrough in speeding up customer service and
eliminating costly data input errors at the point of sale. It is virtually
impossible for the sales clerk to enter incorrect merchandise information
such as department and class type data. Automatic tag reading is the ideal
way to collect unit inventory information fast, accurately, and economically.
7. Cathode-ray tube (CRT) screens are used for online data entry. CRT

FIGURE 10-2 Bar Code Data Entry —An Example






Courtesy National Cash Register.


screens display 20, 40, or 80 characters simultaneously on a television-like

screen. They show as mciny as 24 lines of data.

In addition to determining record media, the analyst must decide on

the method and the speed of capture and entry into the system.
of input
Processing may be batched (a group of records handled as a unit), online
(records processed directly), sequential (sorted records), or random (un-
sorted). For example, magnetic tape may be suitable for batch sequential
processing, whereiis diskettes are ideal for online processing and random
inquiries. Figure 10-3 summarizes selected methods of data capture and

Online Data Entry

We live in the age of the microcomputer and at a time where more and
more CRT screens are used for online data entry. As terminal prices decline
and microcomputers become more popular, entering data directly through
the keyboard will become a way of life. The number of applications that rely
on direct data entiy is too long to list. Two examples are automated teller
machines (ATMs) in banking and point of sale (POS) in retailing.
Online data entry makes use of a processor that accepts commands and
data from the operator through a keyboard or a device such as a touch-
sensitive screen or voice input. The input received is analyzed by the
processor. then accepted or rejected, or further input is requested. The
It is

request for input is in the form of a message displayed on the screen or by

audio output.
Most keyboiuxls have keys for alphabetic, numeric, as well as special
functions. CRT screens display 24, 40, or 80 characters simultaneously or
one line at a time, depending on the application and options offered by the
vendor. Care must be tciken that the hardware facilitates easy data entry into
the system.
There are three major approaches for entering data into the computer:
menus, formatted forms, and prompts.

The Menu. A menu is list that simplifies computer data

a selection
access or entry. Instead of remembering what to enter, the user chooses

FIGURE 10-3 Selected Data Capture Media/Devices

Input Device/Media Type of Processing

Key punch/punch card Batch, sequential

Key-to-diskette/diskette Batch, sequentitil (or random)
MICR reader Batch, sequential (or random)
Mark-sensing reader Batch, sequential (or random)
OCR reader Batch, sequential (or random)
Optical bar code Batch, sequential (or random)
Online data entry Online, sequential, or random


fixjm a list of options and types the option letter associated with it. For

example, Figure 10-4 shows a menu for entering, adding, or deleting box
types in our safe deposit billing system. A curser blinking in the space
reserved for YOUR CHOICE requests the user to type the letter that
( )

represents the option wanted. Other menus require the user to position the
curser in front of a menu choice to make a selection.
A menu limits a user's choice of responses but reduces the chances for
error in data entry.

The Formatted Form. A formatted form is a preprinted form or a

template that requests the user to enter data in appropriate locations. It is a
fill-in-the-blank type form. The form is flashed on the screen as a unit. The
curser is usually positioned at the first blank. After the user responds by
filling in the appropriate information, the cureer automatically moves to the

next line, and so on until the form is completed. During this routine, the
user may move the curser up, down, right, or left to various locations for
making changes in the response. Figure 10-5 is a safe deposit customer set-
up form. The system requests information about the customer's name,
address, renewal date, and so on. The user fills out the information on the
dotted lines.

FIGURE 10-4 The Menu Approach to Data Entry

An Example


Box Type Maintenance

(A) Box Tvoe Inquirv/Chanqe

(B) Add a Box Type

(C) Delete a Box Type

(D) Add Box Types to Box Records

(E) Exit Box Type Maintenance

( ) vour choice

Courtesy Aurora Systems, Inc.


FIGURE 10-5 The Formatted Form— An Example


C'J3 rCKES i£T u?

OftiCB 1

Box t

(0) Open Date 07/ 11/33

(1) List Pit / /

(2) BOX TYPE '.

(4) Custour
List Mu«
First Nile

(5) Address 1

3 .**—*.»..*«

(&) Renewal Month

(7) Ho. btM. bills ilo. btM. bills leans lontns betxeen
(8) Account Tvoe bills. Alloxible inouts are:
(9) Account Mtjtber 1. 2. 3, 4. 4. 12

The Prompt (conversational mode), in prompt the system dis-

plays one inquiry at a time, asking the user for a response. For example, the
following dialogue represents a prompt approach to data entry:


User: A1260
User: Inventoiy
User: Y

Most systems edit the data entered by the user. For excimple, if the
password exceeds a maximum number of digits or if the passw^ord is illegal,
the system responds with a message like UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY or IL-
LEGAL NUMBER. The user has three chances to enter the correct code, after
which the system "locks up." In banks' automated teller machines (ATMs), if
the customer entered his/her code wrong three times, the system retains

the card and displays a message on the screen that the user should check
with an oflRcer during banking hours.
The prompt method also allows the user to ke\' questions that deter-
mine the next response of the system. In our e.xample LNPLT D.AT.A \0\\7
Y/N, if the response is Y, the system might displa\' a record format for
entering data. Otherv\ise, might automatically go back to the menu for a

different set of options. This method along with the menu and template is
designed to improve the efiicienc\' and accuracy' of online data entry.
In each of the alternative approaches to data entrv. the users options
are predefined. ,\n ine.xperienced user is guided through complex functions
by a formatted procedure. The main limitation with many of the axailable
menus or prompts is that the\' require onl\' one item to be entered at a time
rather than a string of data items simultaneously.

CVT Screen Design

Man\- online data entr\' dexices are CRT screens that provide instant
visual verification of input data and a means of prompting the operator. The
operator can make any changes desired before the data go to the svstem for
processing. A CRT screen is actually a displav station that has a buffer
(memory) for storing data. A common size displav is 24 rows of 80 charac-
ters each or 1,920 character.
There are two approaches to designing data on CRT screens: manual
and software utilitv methods. The manual method uses a work sheet much
like a print lavout chart. The menu or data to be displav ed are blocked out
in the areas reserved on the chart and then they are incorporated into the
system to formalize data entrv For e.xample, in Figure 10-6, we use dB.ASE II

softwcire commands (explained in Chapter 11^ to display a menu on the

screen. The first command program is interpreted by the
in the partial
system as follows: "Go to row 10 and column 10 on the screen and display
(SAYi the statement tvped between quotes." The same applies to the next
three commands. The command "W.ATT TO A" teUs the system to keep the
menu on the screen until the operator tvpes the option next to the word
The main objective of screen display design is simplicity for accurate
and quick data capture or entry. Other guidelines are:
1. Use the same format throughout the project.
2. Allow ample space for the data. Overcrowding causes eye strain and
may tax the interest of the user.

3. Use easy-to-leam and consistent terms, such as "add," "delete," and

"create." «
4. Provide help or tutorial for technical terms or procedures.

The second approach to des^ning screen lavouts is through software

utility, usually provided by the CRT vendor. For e.xample, IBM provides a


FIGURE 10-6 CRT Screen Design


I 2 3 4 S i I I I II

( 1 ) LI OUGR UNDER *4 OO .

(2) LIQUOR BETWEEN *4.00 AND *10.0O
o (3) LIQUOR BETWEEN *10.01 AND *12.00
w (4) LIQUOR OVER 12. <X)

Row Column

1? 10.10 SAY ( 1LI OUOR UNDER •4 00 "


a 12, lO SAY (2) LIQUOR BETWEEN «4.0O AND «10.00"

a 14 , 1 cj HAY '(3) LIQUOR BETWEEN »10.01 AND »I2.00"
a 16. lO SAY •(4) LIQUOR OVER »12.00" Partial program

Screen Design Aid (SDA) package that allows the designer (at the terminal)
to modify the display components (see Figure 10-7).

Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to
the user. Efficient, intelligible output design should improve the system's
relationships with the user and help in decision making. A major form of
output is a hard copy from the printer. Printouts should be designed
around the output requirements of the user. The output devices to consider
depend on factors such as compatibility of the device vvdth the system,
response time requirements, expected print quality, and number of copies
needed. The following media devices are avciilable for providing computer-
based output:

1. MICR readers.

2. Line, matrix, and daisy wheel printers.

3. Computer output microfilm (COM).

. ,, 1 . .


HGURE 10-7 Manual (above) and Computer-Generaled Screen Display


Dteplay Layout Sh««t


m nm RIM RMMH umimriiiiri

J. ,.,,
hh HMMMlilill
.. |..

. . 1 .

. . . 1

. 1 ,

I .... 1 . . 1 . . . 1 . . 1 . . .
.... 1 .... 1 . . . 1 . .

u'ia-j'j.:uj"ijartKi'ncnnonF)nnnDr i(J'l?|3|; mm. la^W'W*

.10. .20. .30. .40. 50. .60. .70. .80

2 ••
3 •• • t
< ••
S ••
6 ••
7 ••
8 ••
9 ••
10 ••
11 ••
12 ••
13 ••
M ••
IS ••
16 ••
17 •• •• 17
18 •• • • 18
19 •• •• 19
20 •• .. 20
21 •• •• 21
22 ••
•• 22
23 •• •• 23
24 •• •• 24
1. ....10 . . .20 ...30 .40. .SO. .60. .70. .80


4. CRT screen display.

5. Graph plotters.

6. Audio response.

on the output device, the systems analyst must

In addition to deciding
consider the print format and the editing for the final printout. Editing
ranges from suppressing unwanted zeros to merging selected records to
produce new figures. In either case, the task of output preparation is
critical, requiring skill and ability to align user requirements with the

capabilities of the system in operation.

The standards for printed output suggest the foUovvang:
1. Give each output a specific name or title.

2. Provide a sample of the output layout, including areas where printing

may appear and the location of each field.
3. Statewhether each output field is to include significant zeros, spaces
between fields, and alphabetic or any other data.
4. Specify the procedure for proving the accuracy of output data.

In online applications, information displayed on the screen. The


layout sheet for displayed output is similar to the layout chart used for

designing input. Areas for displaying the information are blocked out,
leaving the rest of the screen blank or for system status information. Allow-
ing the user to re\dew sample screens can be extremely important because
the user is the ultimate judge of the quality of the output and, in turn, the
success (or failure) of the system. For example, the following shows editing
output for a student birthdate:

DISPLAY: DATE OF BIRTH (mm/ddAy) 23/19/80


We have learned that data provide the basis for information systems.*
Without data there is no system, but data must be provided in the right form
for input and the information produced must be in a format acceptable to
the user. In either case, it is still data —
the basic element of a printed form.
I , •.» , r.

What Is a Form?
People read fixDm forms, write on forms, and spend billions of hours han-
dling forms and filing forms. The data the forms cany come ftx)m people,

The terms data and information are used here interchangeably, since forms design

encompasses both input and output forms. Thus, data may be related to input forms design
and information may be used with regard to output forms design.

and the informational output of the system goes to people. So the form is a
tool with a message; it is the physical carrier of data — of information. It also
can constitute authority for action. For example, a purchase order says BUY,
a customer's order says SHIP, and a paycheck says PAY TO THE ORDER OF.
Each form is a request for action. It provides infoiTnation for making deci-

^1 sions and improving operations.

With this in mind, it is hard to imagine a business operating without
using forms. They are the vehicles for most communications and the blue-
print for many activities. As important as a printed form is, however, the
majority of forms are designed by poorly trained people. People are puzzled
by confusing forms; they ask for directions on how to read them and how to
fill them out. When a form is poorly designed, it is a poor (and costly)

administrative tool.

Classification of Forms
A printed form is what it does in the system. There
generally classified by
are three primary classifications: action, memory, and report forms. An
action form requests the user to do something get action. (Examples are —
purchase orders and shop orders.) A memory form is a record of historical
data that remains in a file, is used for reference, and serves as control on key
details. (lixamples are inventory records, purchase records, and bond regis-
ters.) A report form guides supervisors and other administrators in their

activities. It provides data on a project or a job. (Examples are profit and loss
statements and sales zinalysis reports.) Figure 10-8 is a summary of the
characteristics and examples of these forms.

FIGURE 10-8 Three Classes of Forms— A Summary

Class t:haracteristics Elxamples

Action 1. Orders, instructs, authorizes Application foim

2. Achieves results Purchase order
3. Goes from one place (person! to another Sales slip
Shop order
Time card
Memoiy 1. Represents historical data Bond register
2. Data generally used for reference Inventory recoixl
3. Stationaiy and remains in one place, Journal sheet
usually in a file Purt;hase record
4. Serves as control on certain details Stock ledger

Report 1. Summaiy picture of a project Balance sheet

2. Provides infoi-mation about job or details Operating statement
that ni^d attention Profit and loss statement
3. Used by a manager with authority to Sales analysis
effect change Trial balance
4. Used as a basis for decision making

Requirements of Forms Design

Forms design follows analyzing forms, evaluating present documents, and
creating new or impro\'ed forms. Bear in mind that detailed analysis occurs
only after the problem definition stage and the beginning of designing the
candidate system. Since the purpose of a form is to communicate effectively
through forms design, there are several major requirements:

1. and wording. The form title must clearly identify its

purpose. Columns and rows should be labeled to avoid confusion. The form
should also be identified by firm name or code number to make it easy to

2. Maximum, readability and The form must be easy to use and fill
out. It should be legible, intelligible, and uncomplicated. Ample writing
space must be proxdded for inserting data. This means analyzing for ade-
quate space and balancing the overall forms layout, administration, and

3. Physical factors. The form's composition, color, layout (margins,

space, etc. I, and paper stock should lend themselves to easy reading. Pages
should be numbered when multipage reports are being generated for the

4. Order of data items. The data requested should reflect a logical se-
quence. Related data should be in adjacent positions. Data copied from
source documents should be in the same sequence on both forms (see
Figure 10-91. Much of this design takes place in the forms analysis phase.

5. Ease of data used for data entry, the form should have field
entry. If

positions indicated under each column of data (see Figure 10-9) and should
have some indication of where decimal points are (use broken vertical

6. Size and arrangement. The form must be easily stored and filed. It

should proxide for signatures. Important items must be in a prominent

location on the form.
7. Use of instructions. The instructions that accompany a form should
clearly show how it is used and handled.
8. Efficiency considerations. The form must be cost effective. This means
eliminating unnecessary data and facilitating reading lines across the form.
To illustrate, if a poorK' designed form causes 10 supervisors to waste 30
seconds each, then 5 minutes are lost because of the form. If the firm uses
10,000 of these forms per year, then 833 houi^ of lost time could have been
saved by a better forms design.
9. Forms design should also consider whether the con-
Type of report.
tent executive summary, intermediate managerial information, or sup-

porting-data. The user requirements for each type often determine the final
form design.

FIGURE 10-9 Item Transfer from Source Document to Record


933 Astor St.,
Newton, Mass. 71401

To: AB Dick, Inc.

^Al 933 Warwick Dr.
Deerfield III. 60015

Cat. Quan. Description Price Total


'Cat. Quan. Description Price Total


1-7 8-11 12-25 26-31 32-39 40-80

Carbon Paper as a Form Copier

There are many ways of duplicating fomis but none is as handy and
versatile as carbon paper. There are two primaiy types of carbon, classified
by the action they encounter:

Glide action carbon inserted between a forms cillows the glide

set of
action of the pencil (or ballpoint) to transfer dye to the surface of the
sheet beneath.
Hammer action carbon is used in typewriter and line printers of
computei-s. The hammer action of the key(s) transfers the carbon coat-
ing to the sheet beneath.

Various methods of transferring impressions between copies are also


1. One-time carbon. Made of inexpensive Kraftex paper, it is interleaved

between two sheets in the form, used once, and then thrown away. It is
the most cost effective (also the messiest) method for multipart forms.
2. Carbon-backed paper. The back of each form copy is coated with
caiijon, which copy beneath.
transfers data to the

3. NCR (no carbon required) paper. The top sheet

chemically treated

udth inxisible dye, which allows impressions to be tranferred to the next

lower copy. It is the cleanest method of copving but also the costliest.
Erasing removes the coating permanently.

The depends on color and outline. Re-

readability of carbon copies
gardless of the carbon quality, copies beyond the third or fourth become
progressively poorer, so that by the tenth copy all one gets is a smudge of

color with hardly any shaipness of outline. In multicopy forms, the copies
below the original should be lighter-weight paper for easier transfer of the
carbon. The bottom copy should be heavier paper. Because carbon smears,
carbon copies should not be used for data entry copy.
Selected data are deleted from printing on certain copies by using split
carbons or short carbons or by printing a random design in the area where
the data wall be printed. The random design blurs out the readibility of the
printed data (see Figure 10-10). Generally, one-time carbon is preferred
when a small number of copies is required. If carbon is unacceptable, NCR
paper is recommended. When selected data are restricted to specific cop-
ies, split carbons are used.

FIGURE 10-10 Blocked-out (Split) Carbon Paper (left) Short

Carbon Paper

FIGURE 10-11 Flat Form— An Example

Types of Forms
Forms are classified into several categories: flat forms, unit-set/snapout
forms, continuous strip fanfold forms, NCR paper, and pi'eprinted forms.
These types are described briefly.

Flat Forms
A flat form is single-copy form pi^pai^d manually or by a machine and
printed on any grade of paper. For additional copies of the original, carbon
paper is inserted between copies. It is the easiest form to design, print, and
reproduce: it has a low-volume use: and it is the least expensive. Often a pad
of the flat forms is printed identical to the original copy of a unit set. (see
Figure 10-11).

Unlt-Set/Snapout Forms
These forms ha\e an original copy and several copies with one-time
carbon paper interlea\ed between them. The set is glued into a unit (thus,
unit setJ for easy handling (see Figure 10-12). The carbon paper is approx-
imately 3/8 inch shorter than the copies. The copies are perforated at the
glue margin for tearing out, although the carbon is not perforated. Because
of the perforation and the shorter carbon, the forms can be easily snapped
out (thus, the name snapout foiTn) after completion.

HGURE 10-12 Unit-Set/Snapout Form

Continuous Strlp/Fanfold Forms

These are multiple-unit forms joined together in a continuous strip
with perforations between each pair of forms. One-time carbon is inter-
leaved between copies, which are stacked in a fanfold arrangement. In
Figure 10-13, note the pin-feed holes punched in both margins for mount-
ing the forms onto the sprocket w^heels of the printer. The device eliminates
individual insertion of forms. The fanfold is the least expensive construction
for large-volume use. Computer printouts are invariably produced on them;
they are virtually part of systems design.

NCR (no carbon required) Paper

Several copies can be made by pressing a chemical undercoating on the
top sheet into a claylike coating on the top of the second sheet. The writing
(or printing) pressure forms an image by the coating material. The same
process applies to the back of the second sheet for producing a carbon copy
on the face of the succeeding sheet, and so on (see Figure 10-14).
NCR paper has many applications in salesbooks, checkbooks, inventory
tickets, and deposit slips. It offers cleaner, clearer, and longer-lasting copies
than carbon-interieaved forms. No carbon means no smears or smudges.


FIGURE 10-13 Continuous strip Tonlold Form

r - - .
~ '
7 - = ~ ^ z ~
10 5 rt 1 - £" S 3^ ri_AZA
CHicAeo lu bOtiOt,

ADULT 10 00 8 OO b GO
J-TYPE 5 00 4 00 3 00
C-TYPE 9 OO 7 00 b 00
K-TYPE 8 50 6 50 4 50
K-TYPE 7 50 5 50 J 30
V-TYPE b OO 5 00 4_ 00

TOTAL 1 6 00
ADULT 26 6i • :; = 2E^ 1966 OO
,>-TYPE eL 2 18 00
C-TYPE tL 2 4 32 00
K-TYPE d. 5 38 50
M-TYPE I 7 50
V-TYPE 4 IG 14 38 50
TOTAL 42 80 199 — 321 2132 50

ADW.T 26 tA 200 290 1972. 00
J-T.PE 2 2 4 18 00
&-''<=£ 2 2 4 32 00
— -
5 38 50
K--^/PE 2
L-TvpE 4 4 32 00
M-'VPE 1 1 7 50
V-TYPE 4 10 14 38 50
TOTAL 42 SO 200 322 2138 50
XSALES 84 OCX 100 oox lOO OOZ 97 55X 96 35X


OPEN 6 60 00
HOLD 2 20 00

UNSOLD 8 80 00

r- CAP 5C 30 200 330 2218. 50


Ba <>^''=

One pixiblem shows e\er\ unintended

is the sensiti\it\' of the chemical: It

scratch. Other disadvantages are difficulty- with erasures and high cost. \CR
paper costs as much as 25 percent more than the carbon-interleaved forms.
Considering the labor savings of the NCR process, hovve\er, cost may be
well justified in the long run.

FIGURE 10-14 The NCR Process

coat on top

coat under

Layout Considerations
When a form is designed, a list is prepared of all the items to be included on
the form and the maximum space to be reserved. The list should be
checked by the form user to make sure it has the required details.

Form Title and Number

The first consideration in forms design is a brief, descriptive title that
tells what the form is and what it does. Since we read from left to right and

fixjm top to bottom, the upper left comer of the form is an appropriate place
for a title. On forms that go outside the organization, the title is placed in the
center at the top of the form.
Long titles with vague words should be avoided. Good titles often are no
longer thcin two words. Consider the follovvdng form titles:

Form Title Comment

INVOICE Too general


A form number identifies the form, serves as a reference, and provides a

control check for the supply room. Since the title and number are parts of
the form identification, they should be placed together — say, in the upper
left comer of the form. For an oversized form, the title is positioned in the

center in bold type. In other situations where the upper left corner is used,
the lower left corner is an alternative location.

Data Classification and Zoning

Have you ever filled out a form where you had to "jump around"? Many
forms have this design weakness. The solution is simple: List all the items
that must go on the form and classify them into logical groupings. All other
items are listed under a "general" classification. For example, in a purchase
order, several items fall into a group called "shipping instructions." They
After the items are classified into a logical sequence by group, the next
consideration is placing the data groups in appropriate areas (zones). Fig-
ure 10-15 shows two interlocking forms divided into seven zones each. To

1. A form is divided into zones; each zone represents a similar group of

2. The zones are organized in a logical flow based on the upper left comer
(ULC) method. As shown in Figure 10-16, a form should be designed to
be read or filled out in the same way we read or write in English (left to
right and top to bottom).

3. When more than one form is involved, the sequence of data in related
forms should follow the same flow.

Rules and Captions

In designing fomis, use rules (lines) to guide the human eye to read and
write data groups. In this respect, printed rules aid in zoning a form. A

FIGURE 10-15 A Zoned Form


HGURE 10-16 ULC Method of Data How

Move down
and left

^^^ Move down
and left

^«— •**
Continue Etc.

caption is column heading. It specifies what information to write

similar to a
in the space pro\ided. Rules and captions go together: Rules guide and
separate, whereas captions guide and instruct.
Since a caption is used one or two different sizes of captions
to guide,
cire usually used. A caption should not be set in such bold t\pe that it

"barks" at the form user. As shown in Figure 10-17, the information filled in
rather than the caption should stand out.
Light, single "hairline" rules should be used unless there is a definite
need for separating parts of the form; in that case, heaxder printed rules can
be used. Printed rules and captions are shown in Figure 10-18.
A column heading is a caption used to refer to more than one rule or box

FIGURE 10-17 Acceptable (bottom) and

Unacceptable Captions

NAME (caption too pronounced)
William E. Beatty

FIGURE 10-18 Variations of Printed Rules and Captions

Third emphasis rule

(double hairline)
Level of
emphasis Caption Rule

Negative NAME 4pt. Broken

Primary NAME 6pt. Hairline
Secondary NAME 8pt. 1/2 pt.
Third 10 pt. ipt.
NAME caps

Third emphasis rule

(1 point)

Primary emphasis rule


on a form. In Figure 10-18, the word Price is a major caption, consisting of

two secondary captions: Per lb. and Total. Acceptable abbreviations and
those that are not misleading may be used. Sample captions and their
abbreviations are listed in Figure 10-19.
To summarize, a form combination of rules and
is designed vvath a
captions. Rules can also be used to make boxes in which the user places
data. The caption tells the user what information goes in a particular
position. Line-caption positions are shown in Figure 10-20.

Box Design
Whenever possible, it is advisable to design the form using the box-style
rule, with captions in the upper left comer. The box design gets the

FIGURE 10-19 Form Caption Abbreviations

Caption Word Abbreviation Caption Word Abbreviation

Account Acct Hours Hrs

Amount Amt Manager Mgr
Average Avg Merchandise Mdse
Balance Bal Paid Pd
Check Ck Quantity Quan
Department Dept Received Reed
Discount Disc Signature Sig
Each Ea Weight Wl
Freight Frt Zip code Zip


FIGURE 10-20 Common Line-Caption Positions

1 . Captions before a line Name

Soc. Sec. No. Age.

2. Captions after a line .Name

. Soc. Sec. No.


3. Captions above a line Name Soc. Sec. No. Age

4. Captions below a line

Name Soc. Sec. No. Age

Name Soc Sec No. Age

5. Captions inside a box

Name Soc. Sec. No. Age

6. Captions above a box

captions up out of the way and reduces the form size by 25 to 40 percent. It
also makes the data entry uninterrupted frxim left to right. Figure 10-21
contrasts the traditional style used on many forms udth the box design. The
traditional design is acceptable for a handwritten form, but it can be triclcy

to position the captions on the typewriter.

Spacing Requirements
If you pick 20 printed forms at random, you will find a gi^at variety of

spacing on them. Most forms seem to be spaced haphazardly. The method

of preparing a form tells whether to allow for handwritten, printed entries,

FIGURE 10-21 Traditional and Box-Style Line and Caption


Name Soc. Sec. No.

Name fine. .Cien Nn

Address Address

City State 7lp

City State Zip

Traditional style Box style


FIGURE 10-22 The 3 5 Spacing Method

Uarre Sec Sec Sc


Cir, State Zip

Cat no. Quan DESCRIPTION Total


^^ 12 3U5673PO Pica (10 cpi)

Space <:

3 lines
per inch ^ : 123^5678901 Elite (12 cpi)

5 >
vertically V Hand SF>acing for
1 £ 3 4 5 workers (5 cpi)

Hand spacing
for cler1(S (8 cpi)


Space 5 characters p)er inch horizontally cpi = characters f>er ir>ch

or both. In either case, there must be sufficient space to allow for data
capture. A standard is needed.
A commonly used standard called 3 5 spacing, is illustrated in Figure
10-22. The 3 refers to the number of lines perxertical inch, while the 5 refere
to the number of characters that one horizontal inch. This approach is
fit in
related to spacing for clerks '8 charactere per inch or cpi workers (5 cpil,
and printers 110/12 cpi).
There are times w hen a certain amount of space must have a minimum
number of lines. One w a\" of determining lines is with the diagonal spacing
method. .As illustrated in Figur^e 10-23 a 4-inch space is di\ided into nine
writing lines b\- diagonalK acix>ss the space so that the 45-
placing a r\iler

inc li mark equaling nine half-inch spaces' spans the 4-inch area. In this
case, 5-inch multiples are used. A one-inch multiple can be obtained simply
b\ making a sharper diagonal slant of the iiiler.
In columnar spacing the column width is determined b\- the amount of
data in the column and how data are recoixled. The 3 5 iTile should be
adequate to detennine the columnar spacing required on most forms.
Column headings should be wiitten hoiizontalK whene\er possible.

Ballot Box and Check-off Designs

Using ballot or check-off boxes for questions that can be answered b\-
yes or no can greath reduce the amount of it^quired wiiting. The user

FIGURE 10-23 The Diagonal Method of Spacing

indicates a preference simply by checking off the desired box or placing an

X in the appropriate space Figure 10-24 illustrates both designs.

Form Instructions
A well-designed foiTn with clearly stated captions should be self-in-
structing. In a recent consulting job, an eight-page procedure included two

FIGURE 10-24 Ballot Box and Check-off Designs-


Marital status Yes No

Single Have you ever been arrested? X

Has your driver's license

[x] Married ever been suspended? X

Do you usually read a daily

Separated newspaper? X

Do you have a radio in

Divorced working order? X
[ I

Do you read any magazine

Widowed regularly? X

Ballot-box design Check-off design


pages telling how to fill out the printed forms. A sample of the instructions
is as follows:

Date: Fill in the current date.

Name: Print legal name in full.

Description: Give title of each part.

Signature: Your supervisor must sign here.

The first form had 29 captions. The procedure listed the captions and
explained the information required under each. Much of this work would
have been eliminated if the captions were self-explanatory.
Forms such as application blanks that are filled out once should be self-
instructing. Other forms (e.g., purchase orders) that are processed repeat-
edly by several people should be designed for easy writing, typing, and
sorting. A form becomes by means of clearly stated captions
and but specific,
brief, procedural instructions. The following examples
illustrate these points.

Purpose Unclear Caption Caption

Date of mailing the form Date Today's date

Number of copies required Purchase copies Number of purchase
copies required
Quantity to be shipped Quantity Quantity shipped
Inspector of unit shipped Inspector Inspected by

The procedural on the form should be self-explanatory for

instructions —
example, "Enclose your stub with your payment."
Instructions are placed on the cover of padded forms or in the stub area
of snap-out foirns. Some forms have instructions on the back. A notation on
the front upper left corner of the page tells the user where to find the

Paper Selection
Forms may be printed on paper of different colors, grades, and weights.
Colored paper or colored piinting on white paper is used to distinguish
among copies and facilitate sorting copies. Common color preferences are
listed in the table.

Order of Copy Color

Fii-st White
Second Yellow
Third Pink
Fourth UlU(!

Fifth Bufl lor gokhuirod)


Paper weight is based on a ream of 500 sheets that are 17 by 22 inches; it

ranges from 4 pounds to 220 pounds (see Figure 10-25). Cutting the 500
sheets into quarters results in the standard size of a typewriter page S'/z by —
11 inches.
There are three major factors consider in paper selection: ap-
pearance, longevity, and handling. The form designer needs to know (1) the
number of times the form will be handled Idaily, weekly, etc.), (2) the
amount of folding it will receive, and (3) the extent of exposure to the
Paper is generally classified as onionskin, bond, duplicator, ledger,
index, and card stock. Its thickness is expressed in pound weight. Onionskin
paper (9-pound weight) is used for inner copies of multiple-part sets. Bond
paper is usually rag paper that has the best feel and quality', depending on
the rag content (25, 50, or 100 percent). Duplicator paper (16-20-pound
weight) is used for duplicating and xeroxing machines. Ledger paper (28-32-
pound weight) is used for checks, accounting records, and pemianent
ledger cards. Inde^c paper (more than 72-pound weight) is strictly for print-
ing cards. Card stock is the heaviest paper, although it has a lower grade
than the other types mentioned. It comes in various weights, ranging from
90 to 140 pounds. The 90-pound weight is used for durable records. The
140-pound weight is strictly heavyweight card stock.

Cost Considerations
Various cost factors go produce a form. Costs
into the final decision to
consist of both one-time and running costs. Flat charges center around

the preparation of the system used to create the first copy. Charges such as
the cost of paper, ink, machine, and labor are all running charges. One way
of reducing costs is order "two-up" or side-by-side forms attached by a
perforated line. Other cost-reducing alternatives are:

1. Using standard size and weight paper.

HGURE 10-25 Bond Paper Weight


2. Ordering in larger quantities at a discount.

3. Discouraging the use of unnecessary color.

4. Using standard locations for key captions and form title.

Forms Control
The first step in forms control is to determine whether a form is necessary.
Managing the hundreds of forms in a t\pical organization requires a forms
contix)! program. Forms control is a procedure for ili pro\iding improved
and eflfecti\e forms, i2i reducing printing costs, and i3i securing adequate
stock at all times.
The firet step in a procedure for forms control is to collect, group, index,
stock, and control the forms of the organization. Each form is identified and
classified by the function it performs and whether it is a flat form, a snap-
out form, or something else. Once classified, a form is evaluated by the data
it requires, where it is used, and how much it o\erlaps with other foinis.

The object is to get rid of unnecessaiA' forms and impiT)\ those fomis that t^

are necessar\'.
Before launching a forms control program, the designer needs to con-
sider several questions:

1. Who will be responsible for improving forms design?

2. Should forms be produced in house or assigned to an outside printer?
3. What quantit\ should be printed? What is the break-even point on
printing forms?
4. How much lead time is required to replenish forms?
5. How will one handle reorders? Who will initiate them? in what way?
6. How will obsolete forms be handled?
7. What should be the life of the form?

8. Where and how should the form be stored?

If questions of this nature are not addressed in advance, the organiza-

tion is pix)babl\' not reads* to launch a foinis contix)! prxjgram.

1. Input design shows how user-originated input converted to a com-

puter-based fomiat. .After input data are identified, appixjpriate input

media are selected for processing.

2. In addition to determining the record media, the analyst must decide

how input is entei'ed iind the speed of data capture. The fastest method
is online data entiv tliixjugh a menu, a fonnatted form, or a pi-ompt.

This requires a CRT screen for displax- and predefined user's options
that standaixlize data capture and provide visual verification.

3. Two apf)iT)a{;hes to designing data on a CRT screen are manuiil print

layout charts and a software utilit\ pi-ovided bv the software vendor.

The latter method is more versatile, allowing for instant modifications

directly on the screen.
4. Standards for printed output suggest giving each output a name or title,
providing a sample of the output layout, and specifying the procedure
for proving the accuracy of the output data. The output devices to
consider depend on the compatibility of the device with the system,
response time requirements, and the printed quality required.
5. A form is It can carry authority for action. It
the physical carrier of data.
is classified by what
does in the system. There are actions, memory,

and report forms. In any case, a form is a tool with a message.

6. In designing a form, attention is given to pixjper identification and
wording, readabilitv and use, composition and layout, order of data
items, and claritv' of instructions. For form duplication, one-time carbon
or carbon-backed paper is chosen, depending on how the fomi will be
7. Forms are classified as flat (single copy), snapout, fanfold, NCR, and
preprinted. Fanfold forms are ideal for computer output. NCR is cleaner
but costs more than carbon-interleaved forms.
8. A well-designed form with clearly stated captions should be self-in-
structing.If instructions are needed, they are placed on the cover of

padded forms, in the stub area of snapout forms, or in some cases on

the back of the fomi.
9. Forms can be printed on paper of different colors, grades, and weights.
Color distinguishes among copies. In deciding on the kind of paper to
select, the forms designer must evaluate appearance, longevity, and
handling. These factors are considered against cost.
10. An organization's forms must be centrally controlled for efficient han-
dling. Some planning is required prior to implementation.
forms are If

handled successfuUv, unauthorized forms should be minimized.

Key Words
Ballot Box Design Menu
Caption NCR Paper
Computer Output Microfilm (COM) Prompt
Fanfold Form Rule
Form Snapout Form
Fornis Design 3/5 Space
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)

Review GLuestions
1. What is the goal of input design? Output design?
2. Ifyou were asked to adopt a method for tagging merchandise for a retail
store, what input medium would you choose? Why?

3. What is unique about online data entry? What role does a CRT terminal
play for input and output?
4. Explain briefly three approaches for data entry.
5. How would one design data outputs on a CRT screen? Illustrate.

6. What is a form? Summarize the characteristics of action, memor\', and

report forms.
7. In what respect is carbon paper a form copier? How is it classified?

8. Distinguish between the following:

a. Snapout and fanfold forms.
b. Rule and caption.
c. Ballot box and check-off" design.

9. What are the abbre\iations of the following captions:

a. Accumulate.
b. Insurance.
c. Manufacturing.
d. Purchase order.
e. Reference.
10. Illustrate how^ a 5-inch space can be dixided into 13 writing lines.

11. How much instruction does a form need? Are written instructions
required on a printed form? Explain.
12. What factors determine paper selection? Explain.
13. you were asked to develop a forms control program foryour firm, how

would you proceed? How would \'ou contixDl for unauthorized forms?

Application Problems

Re\iew the form shown in Exhibit 10-1 and complete the following

a. What flaws are there in the form? Be specific.

b. Develop an updated version of the form and explain in detail the

basis for the change.

The manager of the purchasing department asked the firm's analyst to

design a new purchase requisition foiTn. As a first step, the analyst
reviewed the existing form and ones used by other firms with which she
had previously consulted. She developed a rough draft showing the
EXHIBIT 10-1 Application Form —An Example


Name Soc. Sec. No.

(Last) (First) (Middle)

1. I hereby apply for admission to the Mclntir-e School of Commerce as a Special

Student for the semester beginning .

2. Permanent address Phone

3. Present address until

4. Date of birth Place of Birth Sex*.

5. Are you a veteran? SAT scores: Verbal Math

6. What is your academic average?

7. Listbelow all accounting and business-related courses you have completed

and where they were taken:

8. List below all colleges you have attended, uath the dates of attendance at each
and degree(s) awarded. (Attach transcript if other than U. Va.)

College and Location Degree Dates attended

* The Mclntire School of Commerce

does not discriminate with regard to sex; information
requested is for reports the university malces and provides to federal agencies collecting data to
assure equal opportunity.

EXHIBIT 10-1 (concluded)

9. fVofessional goals a brief statement of vour purpose for taking courses at the
Mclntire School of Commercei.

10. Extracurricular and other acti\ities participated in lintramurals. emploxinent,

professional aflBliations, etc.)

Attach here a recent small 11 . Signature

photograph of yourself, pref-
erabl\ full face. Write your 12. Date
name on the back of the
photo. Attach along upper 13. Potential area of concentration:
edge onl\ using paste or I Circle one I

Accounting Marketing Finance

-Management Information Systems

Organizational Management

Please check to see that this form h^ been filled in completeh .Mail to .Associate .

Dean, .Mclntire School of Commerce. Ill .\!onroe Hall, L'niversit\ of \irginia. Char-
lottes\ille. \ irginia 22903, no later than .March 1 for September admission

items and their locations. The draft was then shown to employees in
charge of purchase requisition and those in accounting who process
purchase orders.
The analyst was surprised to find that each pereon had a different
view of what should go in the form and how it should be laid out. After
much debate, she had everyone agree on the overall content. Using her
experience and the feedback, she went through a second draft and laid
out the items so that the foiTn was easy to read and fill out. Certain areas
were set in boldface type for emphasis. A boxed design was introduced
to make it easy to find where the answer should be entered. Filing
information was placed close to the top of the fomi.
The form's width and length conformed to standard paper and
cabinet size for filing. The spacing also conformed to the company's
typewi iters, which were pica (12 character per inch). The typewiitere
were standard electric units about nine years old.
The form consisted of an original and three copies attached, with
one-time carbon in between. Since the form carried essentially the same
information, no specific instructions were printed on it. As a final touch,
a border was added to give it an official look.
The analyst produced a final draft and showed it to an experienced
forms sales person and a systems analyst who works for a competing
firm. An order was placed for 10,000 copies of the form. A few weeks
after the form was in use, it turned out to be a disaster. The analyst did a
thorough job, but some things were apparently missing.

a. What major steps were overlooked in the overall design of the form? Expain.
b. If you were the analyst, how would you have handled the pi*oject? Elabo-

Examine the form shown in Exhibit 10-2 on p. 318. List the items that
need to be changed. How would you change them? Why?


EXHIBIT 10-2 Invoice Form— An Example

UVa AOOOl June 81


Supplied to CHARGE Supplied by CREDIT

Messenger Address



1 11 CHARGE CODE sas9 AMOUNT 69 79 CREDIT CODE 8088 1.0 NO 92 99 THIRD REF


61 68 VOUCHER NO 22 25 DATE

Signature of Approving

While Gfeen & Can«fy VouCh«< fink & GoKlenrod DcoamnenMi us«

Selected References
Filkins, James M. "Forms Analysis More Than Just Design." Information and —
Records Management, August 1978, p. 18ff.
Kirk, Nathan. "I^gai Restraints in Forms Design." Journal of Systems Management,
June 1979, pp. 38-42.

Koeneke, W. "Forms Control Fortime or Flop?" Journal of Systems Management,
January 1981, pp. 11-14.
Mathies, Leslie H., and (iibbs Myers. "Good Fomis Design Is Vital to Management."
The Office, September 1981, p. 76ff.

Myers, Gibbs. "Forms Management Part 2: How to Design Business Forms." Jour-
nal of Systems Management, October 1976, pp. 15-19.
Nussbeck, Dan. "Forms Control at Hallmark: A Philosophy as Well as a System."
Information and Records Management, August 1978, pp. 16-17.
Seager, Dave. "The Ten Commandments of Forms Design." Canadian Datasystems,
October 1977, pp. 40-45.
Stubbs, Jack. "Forms Are Main User Connection." Data Management, June 1977, pp.
Chapter 11

File Organization
and Data Base Design


File Structure

File Organization

Data Base Design


At a Glance

After designing the input and output, the designer begins to concentrate on file
design or how data should be organized around user requirements. How data
are organized depends on the data and response requirements that deter-
mine hardware configurations. File organization may be sequential, indexed-
sequential, inverted list, or random. Each method has its pros and cons.
An integrated approach to file design is the data base. The general theme
is to handle information as an integrated whole, with a minimum of redun-

dancy and improved performance. Software languages are used to manipu-

late, describe, and manage data. Regardless of the type of data structure used,
the objectives of the data base are accuracy and integrity, successful recovery
from failure, privacy and security of data, and good overall performance.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1. Alternative methods of file organization.
2. Objectives of a data base.
3. Types of data structures.
4. The difference between schemas and subschemas.
5. How to normalize files.
6. The role of the data base administrator.


Schemas and Subschemas
Types of Relationships
Types of Data Structure
Hierarchical Structuring
Network Structuring
Relational Structuring
Entities and Attributes

Steps in Normalization

The Role of the Data Base Administrator


Perhaps the most important aspect of building candidate systems is file
design. After the input, output, and various forms are designed, files and the
data they store must be organized according to user requirements and the
constraints of the hardware and operating system. Some applications are
processed daUy and affect each record in the file. Such records are handled
in sequential order when tape is the appropriate medium. In contrast,
records that are updated, accessed, or retrieved at random are stored on
disks or diskettes. How a file is organized has a lot to do with the nature of
the data and the response requirements that determine hardware configu-
rations. This chapter reviews the ways files are organized and data base
design for implementation success.

To learn about we need to understand basic terms used
files, to describe
the file hierarchy. The terms we shall coxer are byte, data item, record, file,
and data base (see Figure 11-1).

Bvte. A bvte is an arbitrary' set of eight bits that represent a character. It is

the smallest addressable unit in today's computers.

Data item (element). One or more bvtes are combined into a data item to
describe an attribute of an object. For example, if the object is an employee,

FIGURE 11-1 Hierarchy of FUes

Data bases L

Files L -^ V :i


^ •^2.
± ^

Data '

items T_ :^
•2._ 3 4

Bytes I_J

one attribute may be sex, name, age, or social security number. A data item
is sometimes referred to as afield. A field is actually a physical space on tape

or disk, whereas a data item is the data stored in the field.

Record. The data items an object are combined into a record. A
related to
hospital patient (object) has a record with his/her name, address, health
insurance policy, and next of kin. Each record has a unique key or ID
number. The patient's tag number, insurance policy number, or a unique
number could be used as an identifier for processing the record.
In record design, we distinguish between logical and physical records.
A logical record maintains a logical relationship among all the data items in
the record. It is the way the program or user sees the data. In contrast, a
physical record is the way data are recorded on a storage medium. To
illustrate. Figure 11-2 shows a programmer who requires a five-record file in
a particular sequence (A, D, C, B, S). The programmer does not know about
the physical "map" on the disk. The software presents the logical records in
the required sequence. This capability is unique to data base design.
File. A makes up a file. The size of a file is
collection of related records
limited by the size of memory or the storage medium. Two characteristics
determine how files are organized: activity' and volatility. File activity spec-
ifies the percentage of actual records processed in a single run. If a small
percentage of records is accessed at any given time, the file should be
organized on disk for direct access. In contrast, if a fair percentage of
records is affected regularly, then storing the file on tape would be more
efficient and addresses the properties of record
less costly. File volatility
changes. File records with substantial changes are highly volatile, meaning
that disk design would be more efficient than tape. Think of the airline
reservation system and the high volatility through cancellations, additions,
and other transactions compared to the traditional payroll, which is rela-
tively dormant. The higher the volatility, the more attractive is disk design.

Data base. The highest hierarchy is the data base. It is a set of

level in the
interrelated files for real-time processing. It contains the necessary data for
problem solving and can be used by several users accessing data concur-
rently. Data bases are covered later in the chapter.

A organized to ensure that records are available for processing. As
file is

mentioned earlier, it should be designed in line udth the activity and

volatility of the information and the nature of the storage media and de-
vices. Other considerations are (1) cost of file media (highest for disk, lowest
for tape), (2) inquiry requirements (real-time versus batch processing), and
(3) file privacy, integrity, security, and confidentiality.
There are four methods of organizing files: sequential, indexed-sequen-
tial, inverted list, cind direct access. Each method is explained.

FIGURE 11-2 Physical and Logical Records— A Contrast


Physical record

layout disk

Logical record
required by
programmer In the
sequence of a

Sequential Organization
Sequential organization simply means storing and sorting in physical, con-
tiguous blocks within files on tape or disk. Records are also in sequence
within each block. To access a I'ecord, previous records within the block are
scanned. Thus sequential record design is best suited for "get next" ac-
tivities, reading one record after another without a search delay (see Figure

In a sequential organization, records can be added only at the end of
the not possible to insert a record in the middle of the file without
file. It is

rewriting the file. In a data base system, however, a record may be inserted
anywhere in the file, which would automatically resequence the records
following the inserted record. Another approach is to add all new records at

the end of the file and later sort the fileon a key name, number, etc.).

Obviously, in a 60,000-record file it is less time-consuming to insert the few

records directly than to sort the entire iile.

In a sequential file update, transaction records are in the same se-

quence as in the master Records from both files are matched, one

record at a time, resulting in an updated master file. As shown in Figure

11-4, the system changes the customer's city of residence as specified in the
transaction file (on floppy disk) and corrects it in the master file. A "C" in the
record number specifies "replace"; an "A," "add"; and a "D, " "delete."
In a personal computer with two disk drives, the master file is loaded on
a diskette into drive A (left), while the transaction file is loaded on another
diskette into drive B. Updating the master file transfers data from drive B to
A, controlled bv the software in memorv.

Indexed-Sequentlal Organization
Like sequential organization, keyed sequential organization stores data in
physically contiguous blocks. The difference is in the use of indexes to
locate records. To understand this method, we need to distinguish among
three areas in disk storage: prime area, overflow area, and index area. The
prime area contains records stored by key or ID numbers. All records are

initially stored in the prime area. The overflow area contains records added
to the file that cannot be placed in logical The
sequence in the prime area.
inde^ area more like a data dictionary. It contains keys of records and

their locations on the disk. A pointer associated with each key is an address
that tells the system where to find a record.
Figure 11-5 illustrates an airline reservation file. The index area con-
tains pointers to the Chicago and Houston flights. The Chicago flight points
to the Chicago flight information stored in the prime area. The Houston
flight points to the Houston flight information in the prime area. Lack of
space to store the Huntsville flight in sequential order made it necessary to
load it in the overflow area. The overflow pointer places it logically in

< \\ a>
\\ o
\ \ °
\ \ O)
o \ T3 C
o c
•ft 0) (n
CD £
Q. >.
^ CO
c .p
. O C
1 »> o

h~ i^
cr o/
CO o



FIGURE 11-4 Updating Sequential File

Transaction file on floppy disk

Read transaction record

Read master record , _
Update record ?

Write updated record

sequential order in the prime area. The same arrangement applies to the
Louisville flight.
Indexed-sequential organization reduces the magnitude of the sequen-
tial search and provides quick access for sequential and direct processing.
The primary drau^aack is the extra storage space required for the index. It

also takes longer to search the index for data access or retrieval.

be established among data
File organization requires that relationships
items. It must show how characters irom fields, fields form files, and files
relate to one another. Establishing relationships is done through chaining
or the use of pointers. Figure 11-5 showed how pointers link one record to
another. Figure 11-6 is a list of auto parts —
mufflers, windshields, fenders
stored on disk. The file is a indexed-sequential access file sequenced by key

FIGURE 11-5 Indexed-Sequentlal Organization




: Pointers

1 that reports part number's. A record is retrieved by part number. To

retrieve all the fenders sold, we can scan the file and determine the total.
However, a better way is to chain the records by linking a pointer to each.
The pointer gives the address of the next part type of the same class. In the
case offenders, the first fender has a pointer that indicates 092, the address
(part number) of the next fender in the second table. Fender 092, in tuin,
has a pointer that indicates 172, the address of the third fender in the fourth
table. Fender 172 has a pointer that indicates END, signaling the last fender
available. The search method appUes similarly to other parts in the file. A
graphic method of linking or chaining records is shown by the connecting
lines in the figui^e.

FIGURE 11-6 Use of Pointers in

Chaining Records

Key 2:
Keyl: Part
Address Part# Type Pointer

101 014 muffler •^ 076

102 021 windshield ^^ 081
103 022 fender "^ )
104 073 tire *jy 130
105 076 muffler "^^OV 112
106 080 radiator 116
107 081 windshield •CVu 090

201 090 windshield \/ 199

202 092 fender '\\/j
203 097 water pump MfA j
204 112 muffler 168
116 radiator
205 •vVX
301 130 tire "Ol 1
302 149 horn •Jf 173
303 150 water pump •cTSL 177
304 165 tire END
401 168 muffler
/]/ J END
402 172 fender END
<y // 198
403 173
404 177 water p>ump •^ / END
405 198 horn t// END
406 199 windshield ^ END

Inverted List Organization

Like the indexed-sequential storage method, the inverted list organization
maintains an index. The two methods differ, however, in the index level and
record storage. The indexed-sequential method has a multiple index for a
given key, whereas the inverted list method has a single index for each key
type. In an inverted list, records cire not necessarily stored in a particular
sequence. They are placed in the data storage area, but indexes are updated
for the record keys and location.
Data for our flight reservation system are shovxTi in Figure 11-7. The
flight number, flight description, and flight departui^ time are all defined as
keys, and a separate index is maintained for each. Note that in the data
location area, flight information is in no particular sequence. Assume that a
passenger needs information about the Houston flight. The agent requests
the record with the flight description "Houston flight." The data base
management system (DBMS then reads the single-level index sequentially

until it finds the key value for the Houston flight. This value has two records
associated with it: R3 and R6. The DBMS essentially teUs the agent that flight
#170 is departing at 10:10 a.m. (R3) and flight #169 is depaiting at 8:15 a.m.

FIGURE 11-7 Flight Reservalion System— Partial View

Index Area Index Area

Flight # Index Flight description index Flight departure time index

Key Pointer Key Pointer Key Pointer

147 [g> Chicago flight [R5:r> 8:15 gr^gr:-

160 S> Fresno flight [B3> 8:55 [b2:==^
170 [rJ::^ Houston flight [r3>» rS> 10:10 r3:^=»
179 [rj::^ Memphis flight
E3> 11:05 [r?::=-

190 [r^:^> Miami flight [r2:> 11:53 [r5::>

R = Relation

Data Location Area

Location Flight* Flight description departure

R 1 179 Memphis flight 8:15

R 2 190 Miami flight 8:55

R 3 170 Houston flight 10:10

R 4 160 Fresno flight 11:05

R 5 147 Chicago flight 11:53

R 6 169 Houston flight 8:15

Looking at inverted-list organization diffei-ently, suppose the passenger

requests infomiation on a Houston flight that departs at 8:15. The DBMS
first searches the flight description index for the value of the "Houston

flight." It finds R3 and R6. Next it searches the flight departure index for

these values. It finds that the R3 value departs at 10:10, but the R6 value

departs at 8:15. The record at location R6 in the data location area is

displayed for follow-up.

It can be seen that inverted lists are best for applications that request
specific data on multiple keys. They are ideal for static files because addi-
tions and deletions cause expensive pointer updating.

Direct-Access Organization
In direct-access file organization, records are placed randomly throughout

the Records need not be in sequence because they are updated directly

and revso^itten back in the same location. New records are added at the end
of the file or inserted in specific locations based on software commands.
Records are accessed by addresses that specify their disk locations. An
address is required for locating a record, for linking I'ecords, or for establish-
ing relationships. Addresses are of two types: absolute and relative. An
absolute address represents the physical location of the record. It is usually
stated in the format of sector/track/record number. For example, 3/14/6
means go to sector 3, track 14 of that sector, and the sixth record of the
track. One problem vvath absolute addresses is that they become invalid
when the file that contains the records is relocated on the disk. One way
around use pointers for the updated records.
this is to
A relative
address gives a record location relative to the beginning of the
file. There must be fixed-length records for reference. Another way of

locating a record is by the number of bytes it is from the beginning of the file
(see Figure 11-8). Unlike relative addressing, if the moved, pointers
file is

need not be updated, because the relative location of the record remains
the same regardless of the file location.
Each file organization method has advantages and limitations; a sum-
mary is given in Figure 11-9. Many applications by their nature are best
done sequentially. Payroll is a good example. The system goes through the
employee list, extracts the information, and prepares pay slips. There are no
lengthy random-access seeks. In contrast, real-time applications where
response requirements are measured in seconds are candidates for r£in-
dom-access design. Systems for answering inquiries, booking airlines or
stadium seats, updating checking or savings accounts in a bank, or interact-
ing with a terminal are examples for random-access design.


A decade ago, data base was unique to large corporations with mainframes.
Today recognized as a standard of MIS and is available for virtually
it is

every size of computer. Before the data base concept became operational,
users had programs that handled their own data independent of other
users. It was a conventional
environment with no data integration or

sharing of common data across applications. In a data base environment,

common data are available and used by several users. Instead of each
program (or user) managing its own data, data across applications are

FIGURE 11-8 Absolute and Relative Addressing— An Example

My relati\ e address is Relati\e

the 4th houseon left Record

from comer of Oak St.
M\ address is 110 Ludlam Road

M\ relati\e address is Relati\e

50 \ artis from comer B\1e
of Oak St.

Absolute Address Relati\e Address

shared authorized users with the data base software managing the data

as an entit\ .A program now requests data through the data base manage-

ment system DBMS which determines data sharing isee Figure 11-10'.

Objectives of Data Base

The general theme behind a data base is to handle information as an
integrated whole. There is none of the artificialit\ that is normalh embed-
ded in separate files or applications. .A data base is a collection of interre-
lated data stored with mininiuni redundancy man\' users quickly
to sei^e
and etficienth The general objective is
. to make information access eas\-,
quick, ine.xpensixe. and fle.xible for the user. In data base design, several
specific objecthes are considered:

nGURE 11-9 File Organization Methods— A Summary

.Method Achantages Di.sachantages

Sequential Simple to design Records cannot be added to

Easy to program middle of file
\ ariable length and blocked
records a\ailable
Best use of storage sjjace

Inde.xed-sequential Records can be inserted or Unique kex-s required

updated in middle of file Processing occasionalK" slow
Processing ma\ be carried Periodic reorgcinization of file

out sequentialJ\ or ran- required

Im^erted list Used in applications request-
ing specific data on
multiple ke_\-s

Random Records can be iAerted or Calculating address required

updated in middle of file for processing
Better control ox'er record al- \ ariable-iength records nearh'
location impossible to process

FIGURE 11-10 Conventional and DBMS Environments

Personnel Independent Shared data

data data resources resources
(direct access) (controlled access)

Profit Profit
• Skills data
sharing Profit sharing
• Profit sharing
application sharing application
• Benefits data

Employee Employee
benefits benefits
application application



1. Controlled redundancy. Redundant data occupies space and, there-

fore, is wasteful. If versions of the same data are in different phases of
updating, the system often gives conflicting information. A unique aspect of
data base design is storing data only once, which controls redundancy and
improves system performance.
2. Ease of learning and use. A major feature of a user-friendly data base
package is how easy it is to learn and use. Related to this point is that a data
base can be modified without interfering with established ways of using the

3. Data independence. An important

data base objective is changing
hardware and storage procedures or adding new data without having to
rewrite application programs. The data base should be "tunable" to im-
prove performance without rewriting programs.
4. More information at low cost. Using, storing, and modifying data at
low cost are important. Although hardware prices are falling, software and
programming costs ai-e on the rise. This means that programming and
software enhancements should be kept simple and easy to update.
5. Accuracy and integrity. The accuracy of a data base ensures that data
quality and content remain constant. Integrity controls detect data inac-
curacies where they occur.

6. Recovery from With multiuser access to a data base, the sys-

tem must recover quickly after it is down with no loss of transactions. This
objective also helps maintain data accuracy and integrity.

7. Privacy and security. For data to remain private, security' measures

must be taken to prevent unauthorized access. Data base security means
that data are protected ftxjm various forms of destruction; users must be
positively identified and their actions monitored.

8. Performance. This objective emphasizes response time to inquiries

suitable to the use of the data. How satisfactory the response time is
depends on the nature of the user-data base dialogue. For example, inqui-
ries regarding airiine seat availability should be handled in a few seconds.
On the other extreme, inquiries regarding the total sale of a pi-oduct over the
past two weeks may be handled satisfactorily in 50 seconds.

Key Terms
In data base design, be familiar with several terms. Suppose we
we need to
have a sales status system designed to give the sales activities of each
salesperson. Using the basic model in Figure 11-11, we run into four temis:

FIGURE 11-11 Conventional File Environment

Sales Status System Data model

Sales Report

Salesperson 1
Step (item) 1 40.(»
Step (Item) 2 11450
Total $154 50
<yj„ Analyst
Salesperson 2
Step (Item) 1 16.00
Step (Item) 2 20100
Step (Item) 3 4100
Total $?58.00

Sales (manual/com putef)

updates Data storage/


-^- Data flow

^^^ Conceptual linkage between user

view and file structure

1. User's view is a profile that the user expects to see on a report. In our
example, the user's view is a sales report.

2. Processing refers to the changes made to produce the sales report.

3. Data model is a framework or a mental image of the user's view. In

Figure 11-11, the data model consists of two steps or entities: the
salesperson and the items sold. The steps are determined by the analyst
as a fi^amework for producing the user's view the report. —
4. Data file is the area where the actual files are stored. The storage
sequence is determined by the data model. In our example, the data are

organized by salesperson and the items under each salesperson.

In a data base environment, the DBMS is the software that provides the
interface between the data file on disk and the program that requests
processing. As shown in Figure 11-12, the DBMS stores and manages data.
The procedure is as follows:
1. The user requests a sales report through the application program. The
application program uses a data manipulation language (DML) to tell

theDBMS what is required.

2. The DBMS refers to the data model, which describes the view in a
language called the data definition language (DDL). The DBMS uses
DDL to determine how data must be structured to produce the user's

3. The DBMS requests the input/output control system (IOCS) to retrieve

the information from physical storage as specified by the application
program. The output is the sales report.

To summarize,
1. DML manipulates data; it specifies what is required.

2. DDL describes how data are structured.

3. DBMS manages data according to DML requests and DDL descriptions.
As you can tell, DBMS performs several important functions:

1. Storing, retrieving, and updating data.

2. Creating program and data independence. Either one can be altered

independently of the other.
3. Enforcing procedures for data integrity. Data are immune from deliber-
ate alteration because the programmer has no direct method of altering
physical data bases.
4. Reducing data redundancy. Data are stored and maintained only once.
5. Providing security defining users and enforcing authoriza-
facilities for

tions.Access is limited to authorized users by passwords or similar

Reducing physical storage requirements by separating the logical and
physical aspects of the data base.

(0 o

c 5 «
o 0) ^

o 1

c o
u oo o
in lo 8888 C
E o
» -^ •^
-^ ID
(D -- >- CO
•.- o •* in
t: (ft V*
(A 0)
S s S E
O E E \
(U (U <u o O <1> /
a CO
« Q.Q.Q.O y
« OJ *—flj « 031— QJ QJ /

d w 1^55 -^55ww \

D w w




Logical and Physical Views of Data

In data base design, several \iews of datamust be considered along uith the
pereons who use them. In addition to data structuring, where relationships
are inflected betAveen and within entities, we need to identif\' the applica-
tion program's logical \1e\vs of data within an overall logical data structui^.
The logical \ie\\' is what the data look like, regardless of how thev ai^ stoi'ed.
The physical view is the way data exist in phvsical storage. It deals with how
data are stored, accessed, or related to other data in storage (see Figure
11-2). Figure 11-13 shows four views of data: three logical and one physical.
The logical views are the user's view, the programmer's view, and the overall
logical view, called a schema.

Schemas and Subschemas

The schema is the view that helps the DBMS decide what data in
storage should act upon as requested by the application pi-ogram. An

example of a schema is the arrival and departure display at an aiiport.

Scheduled flights and flight numbers schema! remain the same, but the

actual departure and arrival times mav vaiy. The user's view might be a
particular flight ani\ing or departing at a scheduled time. How the flight
actually takes oft' or lands is of little concern to the user. The latter view is of
subschema. It is a programmer's (pilot's) view. Many subschemas can be
derived from one schema, just as different pilots visualize different views of
a landing approach, although all (it is hoped) arrive at the sheduled time
indicated on the CRT screen display (schema).
Different application programmers visualize different subschemas. The

HGUPE 11-13 Four Views of Data

Application Operating
program system


view (schema)
— s/
Physical view
(1) (2) (3) (4)

FIGURE 11-14 Entities and Relationships


relationships among the schema, subschema, and physical structure are

provided by the software.

Data Structure
Data are structured according to the data model. In our example (see Figure
11-12), sales items are linked to the salesperson who sold them. The
salesperson is called an entity and the item sold is also an entity. An entity is
a conceptual repi'esentation of an object. Relationships between entities
make up a data structure. A
data model represents a data structure that is

described to the DBMS in DDL (see Figure 11-14).

Types of Relationships
Three types of relationships exist among entities: one-to-one, one-to-
many, and many-to-many relationships. A one-to-one (1:1) relationship is an
association between two entities. For example, in our culture, a husband is
allowed one wife at a timei and \ice versa, and an employee has one social

security' number Isee Figure 11-15).

A one-to-many ll:M) relationship describes an entity that may have two
ormore entities related to it. For example, a father may have many children,
and an employee may have many skills (see Figure 11-16).
A many-to-many (MJVI) relationship describes entities that may have

HGURE 11-15 1:1 Relationship-


Husband Employee

1 : 1 relationships

Wife SSN

FIGURE 11-16 1:M Relcrtionship — Examples

Father Employee
A many children
father has

I I a child has only one father

Children Skills

many relationships in both directions. For example, children may have

many toys, and students may have many courses (see Figure 11-17).

Types of Data Structure

Data structuring determines whether the system can create 1:1, 1:M, or
M:M relationships among entities. Although all DBMSs have a common
approach to data management, they differ in the way they structure data.
There are three types of data structure: hierarchical, network, and relational
(see Figure 11-18).

Hierarchical Structuring. Hierarchical (also called tree) structuring

specifies that an entity can have no more than one owning entity; that is, we
can establish a 1:1 or a IJVI relationship. The owning entity is called the
parent; the owned entity, the child. A parent with no owners is called the
root. There is only one root in a hierarchical model. In Figure 11-19, a

customer record has a name, address, and date each with three subfields.
The customer record is the parent or the root; it has six children (2-7). As
parents, 3, 4, cind 5 each has three children (8-10, 11-13, and 14-16, respec-
tively), giving the profile of a tree structure.
A parent can have many children (VM), whereas a child can have only
one peirent. Elements at the ends of the branches with no children (2, 5, and
7-16) are called leaves. Trees are normally drawn upside down, with the
root at the top and the leaves at the bottom.
The hierarchical model is easy to design and understand. Some ap-

FIGURE 11-17 M:M Relationship-


Children Students

Toys Courses
mm a


FIGURE 11-18 Types of Dorta Structures

Application Operating
program system
DML IOCS storage

plications, however, do not conform to such a scheme. In Figure 11-19, if we

allow^ed more than one person in a joint account, we would have a non-
hierarchical stiTJCture, which complicates programming or the DBMS de-
scription. The problem is sometimes resolved by using a network structure.

Network Structuring. A neUvork structure allows 1:1, 1:M, or M:M

relationships among entities. For example, an auto parts shop may have
dealings withmore than one automaker (pai^ent). In Figui^ 11-20, spare
parts come from Ford and GM, so they are owned by both entities —
FIGURE 11-19 Tree Structure of Customer Checking Account

Account Opening Last

Name Address Date

Last First Middle City State Zip Month Day Year

Customer record


Acount , . Last
No ^(2) deposit

Last First Middle City State Month Day Year


FIGURE 11-20 Network Structuring— An Example

Ford GM

Grille Radiator Alternator Distributor Batteries Drive shaft

structure that can best be supported by a network. Now consider the

automaker and the auto parts shops it deals v\ath. If the automaker sold
spai^ parts to only one shop isay, a new car dealer), then there is a 1:1
relationship. Ifsupplied many other dealers, then there is a 1:M rela-

tionship. The 1:1 and 1:M relationships can be supplied by a hierarchy.

When auto parts dealers are supplied by many automakers, however, there
is an MJVl relationship, which is a network structure.
A network structure reflects the real world, although a program struc-
ture can become complex. The solution is to separate the network into
several hierarchies with duplicates. This simplifies the relationship to no
more complex than 1:M. A hierarchy, then, becomes a subvdew of the
network structure. The simplified network structure is shown in Figure

Relational Structuring. In relational structuring, all data and rela-

tionships are represented in a flat, two-dimensional table called a relation. A

FIGURE 11-21 Simpliiied Networking

Drive shaft


FIGURE 11-22 Employee Relation

Yetirs with
Employee Number Name the Firm

211306801 Arnold, Jim 1

Nt<. 301421011 Zmud, Bill 3
419846204 Belohlov, Jim 2
612047216 Boynton, Tom 6

relation is equivalent to a file, where each line represents a record. Figure

11-22 is a relation that describes the entity EMPLOYEE by social security
number, name, and years with the Note that all the entries in each
column are of the same kind. Furthermoi^, each column has a unique
name. Finally, no two rows in the table are identical. A row is referred to as a
tuple (rhymes with "couple").
A relational DBMS has severed features:
1. Itallows the user to update (add, modify, or delete) the table's contents.
Any position can be changed.
2. Itprovides inquiry capabilities against a label. Using our example, an
inquiry might be: "How many yeai's has Bo3aiton been with the firni?"
The response is "6."

3. Two or more tables can be merged to form one relation. Unlike hier-
archical or network structuring where all relationships are predefined,
a relational DBMS develops new illations on user commands.
To illustrate, suppose a relational DBMS maintains two relations: the
EMPLOYEE relation (Figure 11-22)and the EMPLOYEE EDUCATION rela-
tion (Figure 11-23). A query about employees with more than two years in
the firm and an MBA puts the relational DBMS through the following

1. A relationship is implied between the EMPLOYEE relation and the

2. A temporary table of employees who have been in the firm more than
two year's is obtained from the EMPLOYEE i-elation and placed in the

nGURE 11-23 Employee Education


Employee Number Degree

211306801 High school

301421011 MBA*
419846204 MA
612047216 MBA

file. This is called a temporary relation and will be deleted after the user
has been satisfied.

3. The information temporary table is taken along with the EM-

in the
PLOYEE EDUCATION relation to determine which employee who has
been in the firm more than two years has an MBA. This results in a
second temporary relation. In our example, Zmud and Boynton are the
only employees. The temporary relation is also deleted after the user
query has been satisfied.

A relational structure is simpler to construct than a hierarchical or a

network structure. It may be inefficient, though, since a relational DBMS
responds to queries by an exhaustive review of the relations involved.

Entities and Attributes

An entitysomething of interest to the user about which to collect or

store data. It is also called a data a^regate because it represents a number

of data elements. In our sales status system, the "sales" entity contains data
elements such as the salesperson's number, name, and date of employ-
ment, and the sales period covered by the report. The "item" entity has data
elements such as item number, item description, and the sale price of each
Data explained by the use of several terms: attribute, value
entities are
key, and instance of an entity. For example, a salesperson (entity) is de-
scribed by attributes such as number, name, sex, age, and height. So at-
tributes describe an entity. They are physically stored in fields or data
elements (see Figure 11-24).
Each attribute takes on a unique value. For example, "211306801" is a
unique value of the attribute "salesperson number." An attribute, then,
takes on a value for a specific occurrence (or instance) of an entity. In Figure
11-24, one instance of the entity "salesperson" is "Name." The value is Jim
Arnold. Other values that describe him are male, 34 years old, and 5 feet 10
inches So the instance of the entity is a 34-year-old, 5 feet 10 inches tall,

male salesman with social security number 211306801.

A key is a unique identifier of the entity. In our example, the key

HGURE 11 -24 Attributes of an Entity

Entity Salesperson

Attributes ,
of an entity number Name Sex Age Height
Values of
211206801 Arnold, Jim M 34 5 10

211306801 is a unique identifier of Jim .Arnold. Sex, age, and height are not
identifiers, since they are not unique. They are nonke\' identifiers.

Data structuring is refined through a process called normalization. Data are
gix)uped in the simplest way possible so that later changes can be made
with a minimum of impact on the data structure. When too mam' attributes
are grouped together to fomi entities, some attributes are found to be
entities themsehes. Further normalization of these entities into attributes
linked by common data elements to foi-m relationships improves the effec-
tiveness of the DBMS.

Steps in Normalization
1. Isolate repeating groups from an entit\' because they are easier to
process separate from the rest of an entit\ Figure 11-25 is an unnormalized

file structure. The firet four attributes (employee number, name, branch,

and department! are \irtuallv constant. The remaining three attributes litem
number, item description, and price contain data that change and are

repeated with different salespersons. Therefore, the repeating groups

should be separated from the entity "salesperson."
The i-eorganized file is shown in Figure 11-26. It consists of Uvo files: the

FIGURE 11-25 Unnormalized File

Salesperson Sales

Employee Employee Item item Sale

number name Store branch Department number description price

211306801 Arnold. Jim Downtown Hardware TR100 Router $ 35.00

SA 10 Saw 19.00
PT 65 DnII 21.00
AB165 Lawnmower 245.00
301421011 Zmud. Bill Dadeland Home TT 14 Humidifier 114.00
DS104 Dishwasher 262.00
419846204 Belohlov, Jim Cutler Auto parts MC164 Snow tire 85.00
Ridge AC 1462 Alternator 65.00
BB1000 Battery 49.50

612047216 Boynton, Tom Fashion Mens HS101 3-pc. suit 215.00

Square clothing

Salesperson Sales
Number Name Branch Dept Item no Item description Price

FIGURE 11-26 First Normalizcrtion


V^Empioyee Employee Store

^ number name branch Department

2111306801 Arnold, Jim Downtown Hardware

301421011 Zmud. Bill Dadeland Home appliances
419846204 Belohlov, Jim Cutler Auto parts
612047216 Boynton, Tom Fashion Men's clothing

Salesperson Data file

^Employee /Item Item Sale

number number description price

211306801 TR 100 Router $ 35.00

211306801 SA 10 Saw 19.00
211306801 PT 65 Drill 21.00
211306801 AB 165 Lawnmower 245.00
301421011 TT 14 Humidifier 114.00
301421011 DS 104 Dishwasher 262.00
419846204 MC 164 Snow tire 85.00
419846204 AC1462 Alternator 65.00
419846204 BB1000 Battery 49.50
612047216 HS 101 3-pc. suit 215.00
Salesperson Item File

salesperson data uith employee number as the primary key and the
salesperson item file with employee number and item number as new
attributes. They are added to relate the I'ecords in the file to the salesperson
data file. The two attributes are used together for accessing data. Two keys
used together are called a concatenated key.
2. After isolating repeating gixjups ftxjm the rest of an entity, try to simplify
the relation further.The second normalization makes sure that each non-
key attribute depends on a key attribute or concatenated key. Nonkey
attributes that do not meet this condition cire split into simpler entities. In
Figure 11-26, each attribute in the salespereon data file depends on the
primaiy key "employee number." In the salesperson item file, the attribute
"scdes price" depends on a concatenated key ("employee number" and
"item number"). The way the file is set up, the Sciles price is strictly related
to the salesperson number and the item number of the sale. Alternatively,
the attribute "item description" tags to "item number," which is part of the
concatenated key. This causes several concerns. Sales information is avail-
abe only by salesperson number, which is unwieldy. Worse yet, an em-
ployee transfer would make it difficult to maintain records because they
would be dropped when the salesperson leaves the department.
To solve the problem, we create new^ independent entities for "item

description" and "sales price." In one file, we create the item description
attribute with item number keys fixjm the salesperson item The remain-

ing attributes (employee number, item number, and sales price) become the
second normalized form (see Figure 11-27.)
The second nomialization offers several benefits. Sales items can be
added without being tagged to a specific salesperson. If the item changes,
we need to change only the item file. If a salesperson leaves the depcirtment,
it would have no direct effect on the status of the items sold.

3. Looking at the second normalization, we find further room for improve-

ment. In the salesperson data file, the attribute "store branch" is tagged to
the primary key "employee number," while the attribute "department" is
related to "store branch," which is a nonkey attribute. Making "store
branch," a key attribute requires isolating "department" along with "store
branch" in a new entity as shown in Figure 11-28.
With the third normalization, we can have store branch information
independent of the salespersons in the branch. We can also make changes
in the "department" without ha\ing to update the record of the employees
in it. In this respect, noiTnalization simplifies relationships and provides
logical links between files without losing information.

One inherent problem with normalization is data redundancy. For

example, to produce a sales report by store branch, the system goes
through three steps:

FIGURE 11-27 Second Nonnalizcrtion

Employee # Employee name Store branch Department

211306801 Arnold, Jim Downtown Hardware

301421011 Zmud, Bill Dadeland Home appliances
419846204 Belohlov, Jim Cutler Ridge Auto parts
612047216 Boynton, Tom Fashion Square Men's clothing

Salesperson Data File

/Employee* /item # Sale price
/Item # Item description

211306801 TR 100 S 35.00 TR100 Router

211306801 SA 10 19.00 SA10 Saw
211306801 FT 65 21.00 PT 65 Drill
211306801 AB 165 245.00 AB 165 Lawn mower
301421011 TT 14 114.00 TT 14 Humidifier
301421011 DS 104 262.00 DS 104 Dishwasher
419846204 MC 164 85.00 MC 164 Snow tire
419846204 AC1462 65.00 AC1462 Alternator
419846204 BB1000 49.50 BB1000 Battery
612047216 HS 101 215.00 HS 101 3-pc. suit

Salesperson Item File Item File


FIGURE 11-28 Third Normalization

' '

^ Employee # Employee name Store branch ^Store branch Department

211306801 Arnold, Jim Downtown Downtown Hardware

301421011 Zmud, Bill Dadeland Dadeland Home appliances
419846204 Belohlov, Jim Cutler Ridge Cutler Ridge Auto parts
612047216 Boynton, Tom Fashion Square Fashion Square Men's clothing
Salesperson Data File Store Branch File

Employee #
^ ltem# Sale price
ltem# Item description

211306801 TR 100 $ 35.00 TR 100 Router

211306801 SA 10 19.00 SA 10 Saw
211306801 PT 65 21.00 PT 65 Drill
211306801 AB 165 245.00 AB 165 Lawnmower
301421011 TT 14 114.00 TT 14 Humidifier
301421011 DS 104 262.00 DS 104 Dishwasher
419846204 MC 164 85.00 MC 164 Snow tire
419846204 AC1462 65.00 AC1462 Alternator
419846204 BB1000 49.50 BB1000 Battery
612047216 HS 101 215.00 HS 101 3-pc. suit

Salesperson Item File Item File

1. Computes total sales for each salesperson ftx»m the salesperson item

2. Goes to the employee data file to look up the store branch to which the
salesperson is assigned.
3. Accumulates each salesperson's sales in a special field in the store
branch file.

This procedure is repeated for each salesperson in the file. Figure 11-29
illustrates the processing cycle for salesperson 211306801.
A normalized data base must serve the application needs of the organi-
zation. Normalization simplifies the data structure and makes it easy to use
and modify. It also establishes an easy relationship between attributes
based on common attributes. These benefits should be weighed against
redundancies that often result in processing inefiiciency.


A a shared resource. When two or more users are tied to a
data base is

common data base, certain diflBculties in sharing are likely to occur. Percep-
tions regarding data ownership, priority of access, and the like become


HGURE 1 1 -29 Processing Cycle for #2 1 1 30680

^ Employee # Employee name Store branch ^Store branch Department Total sale

211306801 Arnold, Jim Downtown Downtown Hardware 3 320.00

301421011 Zmud, Bill Dadeland Dadeland Home appliances 376.00
419846204 Belohlov. Jim Cutler Ridge Cutler Ridge Auto parts 199.50
612047216 Boynton. Tom Fashion Square Fashion Square Men's clothing 215.00

Salesperson Data File Store Branch File

/ Employee # ltem# Sale price Item # Item description

( 211306801 TR 100 S 35.00 \ TR 100 Router

I 1 211306801 SA 10 19.00 1
320.00 SA 10 Saw
211306801 PT 65 21.00 ( PT 65 Drill
I 211306801 AB 165 245.00) AB 165 Lawnmower
301421011 TT 14 114.00 TT 14 Humidifier
301421011 DS 104 262.00 DS 104 Dishwasher
419846204 MC 164 85.00 MC 164 Snow tire

419846204 AC1462 65 00 AC1462 Alternator

419846204 BB1000 49.50 BB1000 Battery
612047214 AS 101 215.00 AS 101 3-pc. suit

Salesperson Item File Item File

issues that be resolved when the data base is in operation. To

need to
manage the data base, companies hire a data base administrator or DBA to
protect and manage the data base on a regular basis.
In addition to resohing user conflicts, the DBA performs maintenance

and update tasks recovery procedures, performance evaluation, data base
timing, and new enhancement evaluation. Specifically, the DBA perfomis
three key functions: managing data activities, managing the data base stnac-
ture, and managing the DBMS.

1. Managing data activities. The DBA manages data base actixdties by

providing standards, control procedui'es, and documentation to ensure
each user's independence from other users. Standardization is extremely
important in a centralization-oriented environment. Eveiy data base record
must have a standard name, format, and unique strategy' for access. Stan-
dardization, though resisted by us«^, simplifies I'epoi'ting and facilitates
management control.
In addition to standardization, the DBA concerned about data access

and modificatiMi. Deciding who has authorization to modify what data is a


job initself. Locks have to be established to implement this activity. Failui^s

and recovery procedures are added concerns. Failures may be caused by

machines, media, communications, or users. The user must be familiar with
a recoveiy procedure for reinputting I'eports. Training users and maintain-
ing documentation for successful recoveiy are important responsibilities of
the DBA.
2. Managing data base structure. This responsibility centei^ around the
design of the schema and special pixjgiams for conti-olling redundancy,
maintaining control of change requests, implementing changes in the
schema, and maintaining user documentation. In the case of documenta-
tion, the DBA must know what changes have been made, how they wei-e
made, and when they were made. Data base changes must be backed by a
record of test runs and test results.
3. Managing DBMS. A third responsibility involves the central processing
unit (CPU), compiling statistics on system efficiency, including CPU times
and elapsed times of inquiries. CPU time is the amount of time the CPU
requii'es to process a i^equest. Elapsed time is the actual clock time needed
to process the activities and return a I'esult (output). Much of this time
depends on the nature of the activity, other activities that occur in the
interim, and the peak load requii^ments of the system.
Other elements also affect DBMS management. The DBA investigates
user performance complaints and keeps the system's capabilities in tune
with user requirements. Modifications may have to be made to the commu-
nication network, the operating system, or their interfaces with the DBMS. It
is the DBA's responsibility to evaluate changes and determine their impact

on the data base environment.

The DBA has a full-time, highly responsible job. In addition to a mana-
genal background, the DBA needs technical knowledge to deal wdth data
base designers. For example, he/she needs to maintain the data dictionary
and evaluate new data base features and their implementation. The com-
bination of technical and managerial backgixjunds make the job of the DBA
Where does the DBA fit into the organization structure? There is consid-
erable debate about this. Two views are commonly accepted. One proposes
that the DBA should not be subordinate to a group that imposes re-
strictions. The second view is that the DBA should be no more than one
level above the prime user that uses the system most frequently. In the long
run, the key to the success of the DBA in the organization is the attitude and
support of the senior MIS staff and upper management for the DBA func-

1. The file hierarchy begins with b34es (the smallest addressable units),
which make up data items. Data items are records that are grouped to
•make up a file. Two or more files are a data base.

There are four methods of organizing files:

a. Sequential organization means storing records in contiguous blocks

according to a key.
b. Indexed-sequential organization stores records sequentially but
uses an index to locate records. Records are related through chain-
ing using pointers.
c. Inverted list organization uses an index for each key type. Records
are not necessarily in a particular sequence.

d. Direct-access organization has records placed randomly thnaugh-

out the file. Records are updated directly and independently of
other records.
A data base is a collection of interrelated data stored with a minimum of
redundancy to serve many applications. Data base design minimizes
the artificiality' embedded
using separate files. The priman' objecti\'es
are fast response time to inquiries, more information at low cost, con-
trol of redundancy, clarity and ease of use, data and program indepen-
dence, accuracy and integrity of the system, fast recovery, privacy and
security of information, and availability of powerful end user languages.
The heart of a data base is the DBMS.
manages and controls the data

base file and handles requests ftxjm the application piDgram in a

data manipulation language (DMLi. To produce the user's \iew, the data
model represents data structures and describes the \iew in a data
definition language iDDL). DDL simply tells the DBMS how the data
must be structured meet application pixjgram requirements. DML,
then, manipulates data; DDL describes and identifies data structures;
and the DBMS manages and coordinates data accorxiing to DML re-
quests and DDL descriptions.
A data structure defines relationships among entities. There are three
t\pes of relationships: one-tc-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many
relationships. Data structuring in a DBMS determines whether the
system can create a given relationship between entities.

Although DBMSs have a common approach to data management,


they differ in the way they structure data. The three types of data
structures are hierarchical, netu'ork, and relational. A hierarchical
structure specifies that an entity cannot have more than one parent. A
network structure allows 1:1, 1:M, or M:M relationships and can best be
supported by a network. To simpliK' the structure, the network is
separated into a number of hierarchies with duplicates. A hierarchy,
then, becomes a sub\iew of the network stixicture. A relational stnjcture
is a flat, two-dimensional table representing data and relationships. It

allows the user to update the table's content and prDvides a powerful
inquiry capability. ^
There are four views of data. The first three views a: e logical: user's \iew,
application prc)gram (called subsc/iema), cind ovei^l logical \iew (called

schema). The physical view is what the data actually look like in phys-
ical storage.

8. The data structure can be refined through a normalization process that

groups data in the simplest way possible so that later changes can be
made with ease. Normalization is designed to simplify relationships
and establish logical links between files without losing information. An
inherent problem is data redundancy and the ineflBciency it generates.
9. Managing the data base requires a data base administrator (DBA) whose
key fianctions are to manage data activities, the data base structure, and
the DBMS. In addition to a managerial background, the DBA needs
technical knowledge to deal with data base designers. Important for the
success of this important job is the support of the senior MIS staff and
upper management for the overall data base function.

Key Words
Attribute Input/Output Control System
Chaining (IOCS)
Concatenated Key Instance of an Entity
Data Aggregate (see Entity) Inverted List Organization
Data Base Key
Data Base Administrator (DBA) Logical Record
Data Base Management System Network Structure
(DBMS) Normalization
Data Definition Language (DDL) Operating System
Data Independence Physical Record
Data Item Pointer
Data Manipulation Langauge (DML) Redundancy
Data Model Relation
Data Structure Relational Structure
Direct-Access Organization Root
Entity Schema
Field (see Data Item) Sequential Organization
Hierarchical Structure Subschema
Indexed-Sequential Organization Tuple

Review GLuestions
1. Illustrate the hierarchy making up a data base.
2. Explain the difference between:
a. Logiccd and physical record.
b. Data item and field.
c. File activity and file volatility.
d. Sequenticil and indexed-sequential.
e. Indexed-sequential and inverted list.

3. What methods does the designer consider in file organization? What

factors determine the method chosen? Be specific.

4. What is chaining? How does it relate to indexed-sequential file organi-

zation? Illustrate.

5. Take a look at Figure 11-6 in the chapter. Produce an inverted list with a
brief explanation of its meaning?
6. How does an absolute address differ from a relative address?
7. In your own words, define data base. What is the single most critical
aspect of data base? Why?
8. How does the user's view relate to a data model? Explain.
9. Explain how DDL, DML, and DBMS are related.

10. Distinguish between:

a. Schema and subschema.
b. Logical and physical view of data.
c. Entity and attribute.
d. Relation and tuple.
11. Define data structure. What are the major types? Illustrate.

12. How does hierarchical structuring differ ftxjm network stiucturing?

13. What features does a relational DBMS offier?

14. Give an example, shovvdng entities, attributes, and their values.

15. What is the purpose behind normalization? How does one nonnalize a
file? Illustrate.

16. Write an essay discussing the role of the DBA.


Application Problems

1 Convert the following bubble chart to a set of binary associations.


^ 1:1 relationship
( Name J (
Age j ( Type j 1^— 1:M relationship
M:M relationship


Type of
From To Association
(1:1,1:M, M:M)


/7 ^ . r\ . ^ ^ n f

Review the following schema: Man

1 O


a- Elxplainwhat the schema means; that is, what types of associations are
there between the same tw^o data items?

b. Draw a bubble chart based on the schema.

The following partial file represents eight employees of a local depart-

ment store:

Employee Title Years Phone

Number Name Code witb Firm E.Kt. Salary

74€1 Blake, Bill 4 2 225 14,400

7463 Crane, George 2 7 531 16300
7941 Daleiden. Norb 17 4 236 37,520
8124 Hunt, Marv B. 6 16 294 26,120
8129 Kehoe, William 9 21 333 30,040
924€ Kolb, Debbie 1 3 160 19300

9940 Ursu, Cind\' 2 35 189 18325

9967 Yoric Marv 7 5 212 26,890

a. How many attributes represent a record? List them.
b. How many \alues are there of the attribute SALARY?
c. How many tuples represent the partial Gle?
d. What are the values of the attribute EXTENSION of the following employees:
Crane, Kehoe, York?

Draw a schema, using the following data items:

Person: Employee-Name, Birthdate iday, month, year). Age, Phone

Education: Degree-Name, Major
Child: Child-Name, Age, Sex

Selected References
.Adams, Robert G. The Changing Fabric of Database Technology." ICP Software
Business fievjew, Febnaaiy/March 1983, pp. 38-43.

Bradley, James. File and Data Base Techniques. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
Bronstein, Philip. "DBMS Comes to Small Computers." Small Systems World, April
1983, pp. 21-27.
Dumas, Ronald L. "Relational Data Base: What Is It, and What Can It Do?" Data
Management, January 1981, pp. 15-17.
Gillin, Paul. "Relational Data Base: Pushing for Acceptance." Computerworld, De-
cember 26, 1983, pp. 66-70.
Holland, Robert H. "The Executive Guide to Data Base Management Systems." ICP
Software Business Review, February/March 1983, pp. 46-50ff.
Horton, Forest Woody Jr. "Tapping External Data Sources." Computerworld, August
15, 1983, pp. l-3ff.
Houston, Velina. "Database Idea 20 Years Old, but Still Growing." Management
Information Systems Week, July 13, 1983, pp. 25-26.
Kent, William. "A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database The-
ory." Communications of the ACM 26, no. 2 (February 1983), pp. 120-25.
Levering, Robert. "Data Management without Programming." PC World 1, no. 3, pp.
Meng, Douglas and Lenore. "What's in a (Data Item) Name?" Computerworld, Sep-
tember 12, 1983, pp. 49-501T.
Pembroke, JUl. "Public Database: Your Electronic Library." Small Systems World,
September 1983, 30-34ff.
Ross, Ron. "Data Base Machines: Still a Question Mark." Computerworld, November
8, 1982, pp. 29-36.

Siwolop, Scina. "Touching All the Data Bases." Discover, March 1983, pp. 68-71.
Walsh, Myles. "Database Management Systems: An Operational Perspective." Jour-
nal of Systems Management, April 1983, pp. 20-23.
Part Four


-> ^ •

Chapter 12

System Testing
and €Luality Assurance


Why System Testing?

What Do We Test For?


The Test Plan

Prepare Test Plan
Specily Conditions for User Acceptance Testing
Prepare Test Data for Program Testing
Prepare Test Data for Transaction
Path Testing
Plan User Training
Compile/Assecoble Programs
Prepare Job Performance Aids
Prepare Operational Documents


At a Glance

No system design is ever perfect. Communication problems, programmers'

negligence, or time constraints create errors that must be eliminated before
the system is ready for user acceptance testing. A system is tested lor online
response, volume of transactions, stress, recovery from failure, and usability.
Then comes system testing, which verifies that the whole set of programs hangs
together. Following system testing is acceptance testing, or running the system
with live data by the actual user.
System testing requires a test plan that consists of several key activities and
steps for program, string, system, and user acceptance testing. The system
performance criteria deal with turnaround time, backup, file protection, and
the human factor.
For systems to be viable, controls hove to be developed to ensure a quality
product. Quality assurance cuts across the system life cycle, and is especially
involved in implementation. Quality assurance specialists go through system
testing validation before they grant certification. Quality assurance and
the DP audit go hand in hand. The role of the auditor is to make sure that
adequate controls are built into the system for integrity and reliability.
By the end of this chapter, you should know:
1 Why systems are tested.
2. The activity network for system testing.
3. What steps are taken to test systems.
4. The goals of quality assurance in the system life cycle.
5. The role of the DP auditor in system testing.

Types of System Tests

€LualitY Assurance
Quality Factors Specifications
Software Requirements Specifications
Software Design Specifications
Software Testing and Implementation
Maintenance and Support

Trends In Testing

Role of the Data Processing Auditor


No program or system design is perfect; communication between the user
and the designer is not always complete or clear, and time is usuallv short.
The result is errors and more errors. The number and nature of errors in a
new design depend on several factors:
1. Communications between the user and the designer.
2. The programmer's abilitv' to generate a code that reflects exactly the
system specifications.
3. The time frame for the design.

newly designed system should have all the pieces in

Theoretically, a
working order, but in realitv', each piece works independentl\'. Now is the
time to put all the pieces into one system and test it to deteimine whether it
meets the user's requirements. This is the last chance to detect and correct
errors before the system is installed for user acceptance testing. The pur-
pose of system testing is to consider all the likely \ariations to which it will
be subjected and then push the system to its limits. It is a tedious but
necessary step in system development.
This chapter reviews the pixjcess of system testing and the steps taken
to validate and prepare a system for final implementation. First, we need to
be familiar with the following basic terms:

1. Unit testing is testing changes made in an existing or a new piDgram.

2. Sequential or series testing checking the logic of one or more pro-

grams in the candidate system, where the output of one pix)gram will
affect the processing done by another prDgram.

3. System testing is executing a program to check logic changes made in it

and with the intention of finding errors — making the progr^am fail.

Effecti\'e testing does not guarantee reliabilitv-. Reliabrlit\ is a design

4. Positti'e testing is making sure that the new programs do in fact process
certain transactions according to specifications.

5. Acceptance testing is running the system with li\e data b\ the actual


Testing is \ital success of the system. System testing makes a logical
to the
assumption that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be
successfully achieved. Inadequate testing or nontesting leads to errors that
may not appear until months later. This creates two problems: Hi the time
lag between the cause and the appearance of the problem (the longer the
time interval, the more complicated the problem has becomei, and i2i the
effect of system errors on files and records within the system. A small
system error can conceivably explode into a much larger problem. Effective

testing early in the process translates directly into long-term cost savings
fix)m areduced number of errors.
Another reason for system testing is its utility as a user-oriented vehicle
before implementation. The best program is worthless if it does not meet

user needs. Unfortunately, the user's demands are often compromised by

efforts to facilitate program or design efficiency in terms of processing time
or memory utilization. Often the computer technician and the user have
communication barriers due to different backgrounds, interests, priorities,
and perhaps languages. The system tester (designer, programmer, or user)
who has developed some computer mastery can bridge this bar'rier.


The first test of a system is to see whether it produces the correct outputs.
No other test can be more crucial. Following this step, a variety of other tests
are conducted:

1. Online response.Online systems must have a response time that will

not cause a hardship to the user. One way to test this is to input transac-
tions on as many CRT screens as would normally be used in peak hours and
time the response to each online function to establish a true performance

2. Volume. In this test, we create as many

records as would normally be
produced to verify that the hardware and software will function correctly.
The user is usually asked to provide test data for volume testing.
3. Stress testing. The purpose of stress testing is to prove that the candi-
date system does not malfunction under peak loads. Unlike volume testing,
where time is not a factor, we subject the system to a high volume of data
over a short time period. This simulates an online environment where a
high volume of activities occurs in spurts.
4. Recovery and security. A forced system failure is induced to test a
backup recovery procedure for file integrity. Inaccurate data are entered to
see how the system responds in terms of error detection and protection.
Related to file integrity is a test to demonstrate that data and programs are
secure from unauthorized access.
5. Usability documentation and procedure. The usability test verifies the
user-friendly nature of the system. This relates to normal operating and
error-handling procedures, for example. One aspect of user-friendliness is
accurate and complete documentation. The user is asked to use only the
documentation and procedures as a guide to determine whether the sys-
tem can be run smoothly.

The Nature of Test Data

The proper choice of test data is as important as the test
data as itself. If test
input are not valid or representative of the data to be provided by the user,
then the reliability of the output is suspect.

Test data may be artificial (created solely for test purposes or live (taken

&X)m the user's actual files Properly created artificial data should provide

all combinations of values and formats and make it possible to test all logic

and transaction path subroutines. Unlike live data, which are biased toward
typical values, artificial data provide extreme values for testing the limits of
the candidate system.
For large, complex systems, a computer program is used to generate the
necessary test data. Data-generating programs save substantial time for
both the programmer and the test itself. A familiarity' with system files and
parameters, however, is necessary for writing an effective data-generating


The first step in system testing is to prepare a plan that will test all aspects
of the system in a way that promotes its credibility among potential users.
There is psychology in testing:

1. Programmers usually do a better job in unit testing because they are

expected to document and report on the method and extent of their

2. Users are involved, which means communication is improved between

users and the designer group.
3. Programmers are involved when they become aware of user problems
and expectations. The user also becomes more aware (and appreciative)
of the complexity of programming and testing. The upshot of all this is a
more realistic and cooperative user for successful testing.

Activity Network for System Testing

A test plan entails the following activities (see Figure 12-1):

1. Prepare test plan.

2. Specify conditions for user acceptance testing.

3. Prepare test data for program testing.
4. Prepare test data for transaction path testing.
5. Plan user training.
6. Compile/assemble programs.
7. Prepare job performance aids.
8. Prepare operational documents.

I, Prepare Test Plan

A workable plan must b^prepared in accordance with established
design specifications. It includes the following items:

1. Outputs expected from the system.

2. Criteria for evaluating outputs.

3. A \olume of test data.

4. Procedure for using test data.

5. Personnel and training requirements.

t- Specify Conditions for User Acceptance Testing

Planning for user acceptance testing calls for the analxst and the user to
agree on the conditions for the Manx* of these conditions may be

derived from the test plan. Others are an agreement on the test schedule,
the test duration, and the persons designated for the test. The start and
termination dates for the test should also be specified in advance.

i •
Prepare Test Data for Program Testing
.As each pixjgram is coded, test data are prepared and documented to
ensure that all aspects of the program ai^ property' tested. After the testing,
the data are filed for future reference.

t^. Prepare Test Data for Transaction Path Testing

This acti\itv de\ elops the data required for testing everv condition and
transaction to be introduced into the s\stem. The path of each transaction
from origin to destination is carefulK' tested for reliable results. The test
verifies that the test data are \irtually comparable to li\e data used after

3'. Plan User Training

User training is designed to prepare the user for testing and conx'erting
the system. User in\ol\ement and training take place parallel with pix^gram-
ming for three i-easons;

1. The system group has time a\ailable to spend on training while the
programs are being written.
2. Initiating a user-training program gives the systems group a clearer
image of the user's interest in the new system.
3 -A trained user participates more effectively in system testing.

For user training, preparation of a checklist is useful (see Figure 12-2).

Included are proxisions for de\eloping training materials and other docu-
ments to complete the training acti\it\'. In effect, the checklist calls for a
commitment of personnel, facilities, and efforts for implementing the candi-
date s\'stem.
The training plan is followed by preparation of the user training manual
and other text materials. Facilitx sequirements and the necessarv' hardware
cire specified and documented. A common pixjcedure is to train super\isors

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and department heads who, in turn, train their staff as they see fit. The
reasons are obvious:

1. User supervisors are knowledgeable about the capabilities of their staff

and the overall operation.

2. Staff members usually respond more favorably and accept instructions

better fixjm supervisors than from outsiders.

3. uith their particular problems (bugs) makes them

Familiaritv' of users
better candidates for handling user training than the systems analyst.
The analyst gets feedback to ensure that proper training is provided.

(c . Compile/Assemble Programs
programs have to be compiled/assembled for testing. Before this,
however, a complete program description should be available. Included is
the purpose of the program, its use, the programmer! s who prepai'ed it, i

and the amount of computer time it takes to run it. Program and system
flowcharts of the project should also be available for reference.
In addition to these activities, desk checking the source code uncovers
programming errors or inconsistencies. Before actual program testing, a run
order schedule and test scheme are finalized. A run order schedule specifies
the transactions to test and the order in which they should be tested. High-
priority transactions that make special demands on the candidate system
are tested first. In contrast, a test scheme specifies how program software
should be debugged. A common approach, called bottom-up programming,
tests small-scale program modules, which are linked to a higher-level mod-
ule, and so on until the program is completed. An alternative is the top-
down approach, where the general program is tested first, followed by the
addition of program modules, one level at a time to the lowest level.

^ Prepare Job Performance Aids

used by personnel to run the system
In this activity the materials to be
are specified and scheduled. This includes a display of materials such as
program codes, a list of input codes attached to the CRT terminal, and a
posted instruction schedule to load the disk drive. These aids reduce the
training time and employ personnel at lower positions.

<^ Prepare Operational Documents

During the test plan stage, all operational documents are finalized,
including copies of the operational formats required by the candidate
system. Related to operational documentation is a section on the experi-
ence, training, and educational qualifications of personnel for the proper
operation of the new system.

System Testing
The purpose of system testing is to identifv and connect errors in the
candidate system. As important as this phase is, it is one that is frequently

compromised. Typically, the project is behind schedule or the user is eager

to go directly to conversion.
In system testing, performance and acceptance standards are devel-
oped. Substandard performance or service interruptions that result in sys-
tem failure are checked during the test. The following perf^ormance criteria
are used for system testing:

1. Turnaround time is the elapsed time between the receipt of the input
and the availability of the output. In online systems, high-priority process-
ing ishandled during peak hours, while low-priority processing is done
later in the day or during the night shift. The objective is to decide on and
evaluate all the factors that might have a bearing on the turnaround time for
handling all applications.

2. Backup relates to procedures to be used when the system is down.

Backup plans might call for the use of another computer. The software for
the candidate system must be tested for compatibility with a backup com-
In case of a partial system breakdown, provisions must be made for
dynamic reconfiguration of the system. For example, in an online environ-
ment, when the printer breaks down, a provisional plan might call for
automatically "dumping" the output on tape until the service is restored.
3. File protection pertains to storing files in a separate area for protection
against fire, should also be established for
flood, or natural disaster. Plans
reconstructing files damaged through a hardware malfunction.
4. The human factor applies personnel of the candidate system.
to the
During system testing, lighting, air conditioning, noise, and other environ-
mental factors are evaluated with people's desks, chairs, CRTs, etc. Hard-
ware should be designed to match human comfort. This is referred to as
ergonomics. It is becoming an extremely important issue in system develop-

Types of System Tests

been developed, system testing begins by testing
After a test plan has
program modules separately, followed by testing "bundled" modules as a
unit. A program module may function perfectly in isolation but fail when
interfaced with other modules. The approach is to test each entity udth
successively lai^er ones, up to the system test level.
System testing consists of the following steps:

1. Program(s) testing.

2. String testing.

3. System testing.

4. System documentation.
5. User acceptance testing.

Each step is briefly explained here.


I i Program Testing. A program represents the logical elements of a

system. For a program to run satisfactoril\ , it must compile and test data
correctly and tie in an error-free
profjerly with other programs. Achie\ing
program is the responsibilitv' of the programmer. Program testing checks for
two t\pes of errors: svntax and logic. A syntax error is a program statement
that \iolates one or more rules of the language in w+iich it is written. .An
improperh' defined field dimension or omitted ke\' words are common
sxntax errors. These errors are shown through error messages generated by
the computer. A logic error, on the other hand, deals with incorrect data
fields, out-of-range items, and invalid combinations. Since diagnostics do
not detect logic errors, the programmer must examine the output carefully
for them.
When a program is output is compared with the
tested, the actual
expected output. When there is a discrepanc\ the sequence of instructions .

must be traced to determine the problem. The process is facilitated by

breaking the program down into self-contained portions, each of which can
be checked at certain key points. The idea is to compare program values
against desk-calculated values to isolate the problem.

^. String Testing. Programs are invariabh- related to one another and

interact in a total system. Each program is tested to see whether it conforms
to related programs in the system. Each portion of the system is tested
against the entire module with both test and li\'e data before the entire
system is ready to be tested.

S- System Testing. System testing is designed to uncover weaknesses

that w ere not found in earlier tests. This includes forced system failure and
validation of the total s\'Stem as be implemented by its user si in the
it will
operational enxironment. Generall\', it begins with low \olumes of transac-
tions based on lixe data. The \olume is increased until the maximum le\el
for each transaction t\pe is reached. The total system is also tested for
recovers' and fallback after various major failures to ensure that no data are
lost during the emergence .All this is done with the old system still in
operation. .After the candidate system passes the test, the old system is

n- System Documentation. .All design and test documentation should

be finalized cind entered in the librarv' for future reference. The libraiy is the
central location for maintenance of the new system. The format, organiza-
tion, and language of each documentation should be in line with system

5' User Acceptance Testing. An acceptance test has the objecti\e of

selling the user on the validitv' and reliabilit\' of the system. It verifies that
the system's procedures operate to system specifications and that the
integrity of \itcil data is maintained. Performance of an acceptance test is

actually the user's show. User motivationand knowledge are critical for the
successful performance of the system. Then a comprehensive test report is
prepared. The report indicates the system's tolerance, performance range,
error rate, and accuracy.

The amount and complexity produced today stagger the imag-
of software
ination. Software development strategies have not kept pace, however, and
software products fall short of meeting application objectives. Conse-
quently, controls must be developed to ensure a quality product. Basically,
quality assurance defines the objectives of the project and reviews the
overall activities so that errors are corrected early in the development
process. Steps are taken in each phase to ensure that there are no errors in
the final software.

GLuallty Assurance Goals in the Systems Life Cycle

The software life cycle includes various stages of development, and each
stage has the goal of quality assurance. The goals and their relevance to the
quality assurance of the system are summarized next.

€t,ualltY Factors Specifications

The goal of this stage is to define the factors that contribute to the
quality of the candidate system. Several factors determine the quality of a

1. Correctness — the extent to which a program meets system specifica-

tions and user objectives.

2. Reliability — the degree to which the system performs its intended func-
tions over a time.

3. Efficiency — the amount of computer resources inquired by a program

to perform a function.
4. Usability — the effort required to learn and operate a system.
5. Maintainability — the ease with which program errors are located and

6. Testability — the effort required to test a program to ensure its correct

7. Portability — the ease of transporting a program ft-om one hardware
configuration to another.
8. Accuracy — the required precision in input editing, computations, and
9. Error tolerance — error detection and correction versus error avoid-

10. E)cpandability — ease of adding or expanding the existing data base.

11. Access control and audit — control of access to the system and the
extent to which that access can be audited.
12. Communicativeness — how descriptive or useful the inputs and outputs
of the system are.

Software Requirements Specifications

The qualitv' assurance goal of this stage is to generate the requirements
document that provides the technical speciiications for the design and
development of the software. This document enhances the system's quality
by formalizing communication between the system developer and the user
and provides the proper information for accurate documentation.

Software Design Specifications

In this stage, the software design document defines the overall architec-
ture of the software that provides the functions and features described in
the software requirements document. It addresses the question; How it will
be done? The document describes the logical subsystems and their respec-
tive physical modules. It ensures that all conditions are covered.

Software Testing and Implementation

The quality assurance goal of the testing phase is to ensure that com-
pleteness and accuracy of the system and minimize the retesting process.
In the implementation phase, the goal is to provide a logical order for the
creation of the modules and, in turn, the creation of the system.

Maintenance and Support

This phase provides the necessary software adjustment for the system
to continue to comply with the original specifications. The quality as-
surance goal is to develop a procedure for correcting errors and enhancing
software. This procedure improves quality assurance by encouraging com-
plete report:ing and logging of problems, ensuring that reported problems
are promptly forwarded to the appropriate group for resolution, and reduc-
ing redundant eff^ort by making known problem reports available to any
department that handles complaints.

Levels of Gluallty Assurance

There are three levels of quality assurance: testing, validation, and certifica-

tion. —
In systemi testing, the common view is to eliminate program errors. This
isextremely difBcult and time-consuming, since designers cannot prove 100
p>ercent accuracy. Therefore, all that can be done is to put the system

through a "fail test cycle determine what will make it fail. A successful

test, then, is one that finds errors. The test strategies discussed earlier are
used in system testing.
System validation checks the quality of the software in both simulated
and environments. First the software goes through a phase (often
referred to as alpha testing) in vv^hich errors and failures based on simulated
user requirements are verified and studied. The modified software is then
subjected to phase two (called beta testing) in the actual user's site or a live
environment. The system is used regularly with live transactions. After a
scheduled time, failures and errors are documented and final correction
and enhancements are made before the package is released for use.
The third level of quaUty assurance is to certijy that the program or
software package is currect and conforms to standards. With a growing
trend toward purchasing ready-to-use software, certification has become
more important. A package that is certified goes through a team of spe-
cialists who test, review, and determine how well it meets the vendor's
claims. Certification is actually issued after the package passes the test.
Certification,however, does not assure the user that it is the best package to
adopt; it only attests that it will perform what the vendor claims.
In summary, the quaUty of an information system depends on its
design, testing, and implementation. One aspect of system quality is its
reUability or the assurance that it does not produce costly failures. The
strategy of error tolerance (detection and correction) rather than error
avoidance is the basis for successful testing and quality assurance.

In the future, we can
expect unparalleled growth in the development and
use of automated tools and software aids for testing. One such tool is the
functional tester, w^hich determines whether the hardware is operating up
to a minimal standard. It is a computer program that controls the complete
hardware configuration and verifies that it is functional. For example, it can
test computer memory by performing read/write tests, and it tests each
peripheral device individually.
The functional tester is of great value when minute hardware problems
are disguised as softvv^are bugs. For example, hardware faults are usually
repeatable, wheras software bugs are generally erratic. Problems arise when
the deficate interaction betw^een hardw^are and software cause a hardware
problem appear as an erratic software bug. A functional tester determines
immediately that the problem is in the hardware. This saves considerable
time during testing.
Another software aid is the debug monitor. It is a computer program
that regulates and modifies the applications software that is being tested. It

can also control the execution of functional tests and automatically patch
or modify the application progrcim being tested.
The use of these tools will increase as systems grow in size and com-

plexity and as the verification and insurance of reliable software become

increasingly important.


The planned test of any system ought to include a thorough auditing
technique and introduce control elements unique to the system. The data
processing (DP) auditor should be involved in most phases of the system life
cycle, especially system testing. In the past, auditors have audited systems
after they have been installed. Then the cost is often too prohibitive to go
back and modify the system to incorporate adequate control. Therefore,
audit controls must be built into the system design and tested with the
cooperation of both the analyst and the DP auditor. The auditor's role is to
judge the controls and make recommendations to the system team in
charge of the project. The user department should participate in reviewing
the control specifications for the system to ensure that adequate control
has been provided.
For testing programs, test data must include transactions that are
specifically designed to violate control procedures incorporated in the
program as well as valid transactions to test their acceptance by the system.
The control setup must be carefully excimined. At the time programs are
tested, all required files are accumulated and set out in the prop)er order
and format for final testing.

The Audit TraU

An important function of control is to provide for the audit trail. In design-
ing tests, the auditor is concerned about the changing nature of the audit
trail. an online environment, the form, content, and accessibility of
records are such that the auditor often hcis difiiculty following a single
transaction completely through the system. Some of the following changes
in the audit trail confront the auditor:

1. Source documents are no longer used by the system after they cire
transcribed onto a machine-readable medium. They are often filed in
areas or ways that makes later access difficult. In direct data entry,
traditional source documents are simply eliminated.

2. Files stored on tape or disk can be read only by a computer, which

limits the auditing fiinction. A data dump is p>ossible, though, to com-
pare the data against a data map.
3. Processing activities are difficult to observe, since most of them are
within the system. It is possible, however, to get a trace when required.

One way maintain a viable audit trail is to keep a detailed file of the
transactions as they occur. The file can then be the input for an audit

program that extracts the transactions for selected accounts and prints
them so an account in detail.
that the auditor Ccin trace the status of
Given the important role of the auditor, he/she is expected to be pcirt of
the system development team, which includes the user. As an independent
adviser, the role is to judge the controls and make recommendations to the
team. Three important steps are considered in the evaluations:

1. Define the control objectives as separate design and test requirements.

Input prepjiration and transmission by the user cire important control areas
that are viewed wdth an emphasis on audit trails, error-correction pro-
cedures, and adequate documentation during testing. These areas should
always be present and well documented.
2. Reexamine budget costs to see whether system testing is within the

3. Review specifications. The auditor should evaluate program acceptance

test specifications and assist the system/programmer in developing test
standards, various levels of testing, and actual test conditions. He/she
should also evaluate the actual system acceptance test to ensure an accept-
able level of confidence and reliability.

In summary, it is the auditor's responsibility to build controls into

candidate systems to ensure integrity, reliability, and confidence of the
users at all levels. The auditor should be called in during design as well as
testing so that any suggestions he/she has can be considered before imple-
mentation, when changes are less costly. Including the auditor in the
system development team makes it easier for him/her to monitor testing
procedures and consider the acceptance of new controls to replace those
changed by the new design.

1. Inadequate testing or nontesting leads to errors that may be costly
when they appear months later. Effective testing translates into cost
savings from reduced errors. It also has utility as a user-oriented vehicle
before implementation.
2. A candidate system is subject to a variety of tests: online response,
volume, stress, recovery and security, and usability tests. Each test has a
unique benefit for a successful installation.
3. Test data may be artificial from the user's files). In either
or live (taken

case, they should provide all combinations of values or formats to test

all logic and trcinsaction path subroutines.

4. The activity network for system testing entails the following.

a. Prepare test plan.
b. Specify conditions for user acceptance testing.
c. Prepare test data for program testing.

d. Prepare test data for transaction path testing.

e. Plan user training.
/ Compile/assemble programs.
g. Prepare job performance aids.
h. Prepare operational documents.
Established design specifications for a test plan cover:
a. Expected output.
b. Criteria for evjiluating the output.
c. A volume of test data.
d. Explanation of how test data will be used.
e. Personnel and training requirements.
5. The mciin purpose of system testing is to identify and correct errors in
the candidate system. The performance criteria include:
a. Turnaround time.
b. Backup.
c. File protection.
d. The human factor vvdth a focus on ergonomics.
6. System testing begins with testing the programs, followed by string and
system testing, system documentation verification, and user acceptance
testing. The user directly and verifies that the
latter test involves the
system's procedures operate to standards.
7. Quality assurance has one objective: to make certain that the user
receives a quality system tailored to the requirements set in advance.
Quality assurance plays a role in each phase of the system's life cycle.

8. The factors that determine system quality include correctness, reliabil-

ity, efficiency, usability, maintainability, testability, and portability. For
each quality factor, the software must meet certain criteria, including
completeness, consistency, accuracy, error tolerance, access control,
and machine independence.
9. Quality assurance specialists use three levels of quality assurance:
a. Testing a system to eliminate errors.
b. Validation to check the quality of software in both simulated and
live environments.
c. Certification that the program or software package is correct and
conforms to standards.

10. The planned test of a system should include a thorough auditing

technique and introduce control elements unique to the system. The
DP auditor should be involved in most phases of the system life cycle,
especially testing. The judge the controls of the
auditor's role is to
system and maintain an audit trail to ensure the integrity, reliability,
and confidence of the user at all levels. Being included in the system
development team makes it ^asier for the auditor to monitor testing
procedures and consider the acceptance of new controls to replace
those changed by the new design.

Key Words
Alpha Testing Stress Testing
Audit Trail String Testing
Beta Testing System Testing
Desk Checking Turnaround Time
Ergonomics Unit Testing
Quality Assurance User Acceptance Testing
Sequential Testing Validation

Review Gluestlons
1. Why do we test systems? How important is testing? Elaborate.

2. A variety of tests are used to test systems. Discuss three such tests.

3. How^ is stress testing different from volume testing?

4. What types of test data are used in system testing?
5. Distinguish between the foUoudng:
a. String and system testing.
b. Quality assurance and DP audit.
c. Compiling and assembling.
d. Artificial and live test data.

e. Error tolerance and accuracy.

6. The first step in system testing is to lay out a test plan. Outline the
activities that represent a test plan.
7. What design specifications are considered in preparing a test plan?

8. There are two ways of debugging program software: bottom-up and top-
down. How do they difier?
9. Specify the purpose of system testing. What performance criteria are
used for system testing? Discuss.
10. Elaborate on the steps taken in system testing that lead to the user's
acceptance of the system.
11. What is a syntax error? How does it differ from a logic error? Give an
12. Define quality assurance. From your understanding of this concept,
u+iy the fuss over it?

13. List and briefly describe the factors that affect the quality of a system.

14. What levels of quality assurance must a system meet? Explain.

15. Write an essay on the role of the DP auditor in system testing.

Application Problems

1 A supermarket contracted with a local computer service to process

daily sales. The arrangement called for the installation of nine terminals
at the check-out counters hooked remotely to a computer facility six
miles away. The store cleric enters the code number, quantity, and price
of each item. The data are transmitted directly to the processing center
for inventory update. Other status reports reflecting the pattern of sales,
leader items, cind other data are also produced on a daily basis.
When manager asked
the terminals were being installed, the store
the 10 store clerks to be available for trciining beginning Wednesday of
the follovvdng week. However, by the time the terminals were checked
out and connected to the computer facility, two of the three days
reserved for training had gone by. Rather than delajdng the final conver-
sion, intensive training was offered on Friday and Saturday morning.
The employees went through training udthout much complaint.
When the system was ready the following Monday, the clerics had
difiiculty correcting errors. For example, if a grocery item was keyed in
as "meat" instead of "fioiit," two consecutive keys had to be depressed
to allow a correction. The clerks claimed that all they were told to do
was depress the "clear" key. Consequently, any other data related to the
item in question were wiped out.
Another problem the clerks had was about the sales tax on nonfood
items, such as detergents, cigarettes, and magazines. They could not
remember exactly how to code or handle these items for sales tax
computation. One cleric stated that even when she entered nonfood
items properly, the system did not compute the tax.
After two days of operation, a consultant was hired to take a look.
He found the entire training pogram to be inadequate. Training was
done by someone who knew very little about the software changes that
had recently been made in the system. Futhermore, no meaningful test
data were used during training to help the clerks understand the
relevance of their work on the terminal to the store's operation. The
seiles tax problem was found to be a softwcire bug. It was easily cor-

rected at the computer's end of the operation.

a. What specifically was wrong with the training program? Who was to blame?
b. If you were the store's manager, what would you do?
c. Outline a training program and a test procedure for this type of conversion.

Acme Bookstores is a ti^tly held bookstore chain. Established in
1947 by Joseph Acme, the company has grown from a small bookstore
to 17 stores serving 17,000 students of a major university. Mr. Acme, Jr. is
president, treasurer, and general manager. He is directly responsible to
the board of trustees. The remaining three officers are an executive vice
president, a vice president, and an assistant treasurer. There are also
five department managers; the corporate comptroller, the director of
purchasing, the manager for college textbooks, the manager for law,
nursing, and graduate business textbooks, and the director of shipping
and receiving (see Elxhibit 12-1).
Tlie study focuses on the accounts payable in the accounting
department. Tlie accounts payable staff consists of an invoice process-
ing clerk and three accounts payable clerks. Each clerk has specific
work; one processes publishers w^ose names begin with A through L,

EXHIBIT 12-1 Oiganlzcction Structxue



Manager Manager
Oirectar Fkxx
of Vice Assistant Corporate Mar^ger
Nursir^ Shipping
President Treasurer Comptroller
College Graduate and
Text Busir>ess Receiving


Accountant Accounts Accounts
arv] Receivabte Payable

another is responsible for M through Z, and the third heindles discount

accounts, manufacturers' accounts, and check writing. All clerks are
located in the same room and can perform one another's work.

The Problem
Acme Bookstores presently operates a manual accounting system
which is preventing the company from expanding or efficiently han-
dling invoices. Because of the volume of transactions that must be
handled monthly by the accounts payable clerks, they iire unable to
locate companies who offer discounts for early payment and, therefore,
are losing approximately $10,000 per year in discounts alone. Since they
do not have time to verify all the billing statement figures, bad pricing
and billing errors are ignored and payments are sent without being
reconciled with the firm's records. Because of the time constraints, the
accounting records ai^ not being baltinced monthly and human errors
are not caught.
In addition, the present system does not provide a breakdoun by
branch of the operating insults. This has resulted in a control problem
for Acme Bookstores. For example, a branch manager was suspected of
embezzling funds, yet by the time the company realized this prx)blem,
the audit trail was lost and he could not be prosecuted. Lack of specific
branch information has made the company unable to detect potential
operating problems relating to that branch. There is also no possible
way for the firm to compile monthly financial statements to summarize
and examine operating results.

The Present System

The present accounts payable system is run entirely by hand. The
following documents are used in the department:

Purchase order is used to oixler the books. Details of the supplies to

be ordered are included on the order form that is sent to the
The invoice is received ftxjm the vendor to confirm the placement of
an oixler. matched udth the purchase order to reassure Acme
It is

Bookstores that their order has been pixjperly received.

Receiving report completed upon arrival of the shipment and

used to check whether the supply checks out.

Request to return document is a slip asking for the vendor's permis-
sion to return the books that did not sell at the beginning of the
university's academic year.
Packing list is a document describing the books that are being
returned. The packing list accompanies the books back to their
original vendor. •

The accounts payable system is illustrated in Exhibit 12-2.


EXHIBIT 12-2 Accounts Payable System — Data Flow Diagram

Orders and
PROFESSORS Purchases j


Hardware/Software Selection
To alleviate the problem, the appropriate hardware for the ideal
system had to be selected and installed. In the selection process, three
decisions were made: the software to do the job, the brand of hardware,
and the physical site. Softwai^ packages for accounts payable are
numerous, depending on the brand of computer. It was found that
most of the software was available on IBM systems. Since emphasis has
been on the microcomputer, an accounts payable package was located

that met the user's requirements, including a check-printing facility, a

purchase journal, a vendor file, an invoice file, and a cash flow report.
In terms of the hardware, the EBM/XT system w^as found to have the
memoiy capacity, flexibility, and cost efiectiveness. Other factors, such
as response time, communication links, control, and service, also made
the system look good.
Cost/Benefit Analysis
The next step in the project was cost/benefit analysis. As shown in
Exhibit 12-3, the total tangible costs were $19,092, and there was a cost
savings of $18,316. Thismeans that the firm would break even in almost
one year. In addition, more information could be handled quickly and
accurately. The timeliness ensured making payment deadlines and
benefiting from discounts. Security control would be vastly improved.
These benefits were expected to improve employee morale and moti-

The Software Package

The accounts payable software is a completely integrated system
that is totaUy menu-driven and uses clearly formatted screen displays
to enter and process data. The system contains a master menu that

EXHIBIT 12-3 Cost/Benefit Analysis

Tangible costs:
Haiti wiire
System XT with one drive $ 2,104
Extra memory 375
Monitor 680
70 megabytes with backup tapes 7,495
Interface board 149
Printer 1,000
Total $11,803

DOS 2.1 operating system 65
Software package (complete) 2,780
Basic interpreter 195
Total 3,040

12 percent of hardware cost —
$l,416/year for three ye^rs 4,249
Total costs $19,092

Cost Savdngs:
up discounts
Ability to pick $10,000
Reduction in employee time 3,840
Check-writing time 2,160
Processing transactions time 927
Closing of the books • 1,344
Total Savings $18,316


allows the user to select from the severed options: general ledger, ac-
counts payable, accounts receivable, and inventory control. After an
option is selected, the package displays a second menu that contains
the options of the particular processing system or utility function se-
lected (see Exhibit 12-4).
The proposed accounts payable system provides the user instant
cash flow position. It automatically posts debits
accessibility to his/her
and credits to vendor invoices. All account distribution information is
automatically posted to the general ledger system. The system op>er^tes
in an online interactive mode. AU disbursements, debit/credit entries,
and vendor mciintenance are accomplished through the console with

EXHIBIT 12-4 Software Package — Main Menu

Start Here

Option Enter, edit, and view

your list of A/P
#1 maintenance
Bootup vendors.
plus Option Generate a listing of
Print vendors
II your A/P vendors on the
system #2 list
console or the printer.

Enter invoices, credit

Option Accounts
memos, and debit memos
#3 in the Accounts Payable

Either manually or auto-

Option Select
matically select open
#4 invoices for payment by
for payment
the checkwriter.

Option Printchecks for the

previously selected
#5 generation

Option Allow for payment of

Accounts Handchecks invoices by checks not
Payable #€ written by the system.
Option Print a report, by due
date, of all currently
#7 aging
open A/P invoices

Option Print a report, by

vendor, of all currently
#8 detail
open A/P invoices.

End-of-month Close the A/P system
at the end-of-month and
#9 and end-of-year
the end-of-year.

instant updating of data files. A maintained while

detailed audit trail is

each entry is posted to the accounts payable debit file. Major reports
available are vendor listing, cash requirements, check register, hand
check register, accounts payable detail, and accounts payable aging.
Checks are printed automatically or entered manually, including detail
on the check stub. A complete audit trail is provided via the detail
journal listing feature of the general ledger module. A data flou^ diagram
of the proposed system is shovvTi in Exhibit 12-5.

Test Procedure
To package, a prototype test was conducted on the IBM/XT
test the
system in an attempt to reproduce a typical date in the accounts
payable department. A representative sample of data collected from the
firm included the following:

• Purchase orders.
• Invoices.
• Prepaid request purchase orders.
• Petty cash requests.
• Miscellaneous bills (advertising, rent, etc.).

• Packing lists.

• Receiving reports.
• Credit and debit memos.
• Monthly statements from vendors.

The master vendor list and all account balances were entered prior
to the prototype test. A large number of invoices was also entered into
the system so that each account would start with different amounts

The average time required manually process each document was
determined and then compared with the
fixjm actual observations
amount of time required using the computer, which included deter-
mining the vendor key and waiting for files to be updated. The results
indicated a considerable time savings with the candidate system. Pay-
ing an invoice by computer required approximately two thirds of the
time required manually, mainly by eliminating the time spent filing and
Automatic computer generation of checks, wliich can be very time-
consuming when handled manually, was about 90 percent more time
eflBcient in the prototype test. Improvement in accuracy could be only
subjectively estimated. The p^kage allows the user to edit any errors
before the files are updated. No manual addition is required by the
clerical staff, which should automatically improve accuracy.

EXHIBIT 12-5 Data Flow Diagram — Candidate System

CUSTOMERS and Purchases

There were some drawbacks to the system, however. The amount of

time required to read and write fixjm the disk drives represented idle
human time. This could be slightly annoying for the user. In addition,
some were not long enough to include all the
of the character fields
characters that the user wanted to enter into the system. For example, a
few invoice numbers exceeded the allowable maximum of eight charac-
ters. This required the user to stop and think about what characters

should be omitted. Such problems could be frustrating because they

take a disproportionate amount of time to solve.

Most of the work performed in this case has been covered in earlier chapters.
Use this background to answer the following questions:

a. Evaluate the procedure and methodology used in testing the system.

b. What test strategy would you use to test the system? Elxplain in detail.
c. What audit considerations should be looked into? How would one incorpo-
rate an audit traU? Be specific.

Selected References
Brooks, Cyril; Phillip Grouse; D. Ross Jeffery; and Michael J. Lawrence. Information
Systems Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: I>rentice-Hall, 1982, pp. 366-71.
Brown, Foster. "Audit Control and Systems Design." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment, April 1975, pp. 24-31.
CeruDo, Michael J. "Controls for On-Une Recil-Time Computer Systems." (1) CA
Magazine, March 1980, pp. 58-61; (2) CA Magazine, May 1980, pp. 54-58.
Couger, J. Daniel. The Art of Software Testing. New Yoric: John Wiley &. Sons, 1979.
Dolan, Kathleen. Business Computer Systems Design. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Mitchel
Publishing, 1984, pp. 302-305.
Foss, W. B. "A Structured Approach to Computer System Testing." Canadian
Datasystems, September 1977, pp. 28-32.
Harrison, Warren. 'Testing Strategy." Journal of Systems Management, May 1981,
pp. 34-37.
Holley, Charies L., and Frederick Millar. Auditing the On-Line, Real-Time Computer
System." Journal of Systems Management, January 1983, pp. 14-19.
Jeffries, Kenneth R. "Auditing Advanced EDP Systems —
The Problems StUl Exist."
The National Public Accountant, July 1981, pp. 16-21.
Myers, Glenford J. The Art of Software Testing. New York: Wiley Interscience, 1979.
Ogdin, Carole A. "Software Aids for Debugging." Mini-Micro Systems, July 1980,
pp. 115-20.
Smolenski, Robert J. "Test Plan Development." Journal of Systems Management,
Februaiy 1981, pp. 32-37.
Chapter 13

Implementation and
Software Maintenance


File Conversion
Creating Test Files
Data Entry and Audit Control
User Training
Elements User Training
Training Aids
Forms and Displays Conversion
Conversion of Physical Facilities
Conversion of Administrative Procedures

Combating Resistance to Change

Post-Implementation Review


At a Glance

A crucial phase in the systems lite cycle is the successful implementation of the
new system design. Implementation simply means converting a new system
design into operation. This involves creating computer-compatible files, train-
ing the operating staff, and installing hardware, terminals, and telecom-
munications network (where necessary) before the system is up and running. A
critical factor in conversion is not disrupting the functioning of the organization.
In system implementation, user training is crucial for minimizing resistance
to change and giving the new system a chance to prove its worth. Training
aids, such as user-friendly manuals, a data dictionary, job performance aids
that communicate information about the new system, and "help" screens,
provide the user with a good start on the new system.
Following conversion, it is desirable to review the performance of the
system and to evaluate it against established criteria. Software maintenance
follows conversion to the extent that changes are necessary to maintain satis-
factory operation relative to changes in the user's environment. Maintenance
often includes minor enhancements or corrections to problems that surface
late in the system's operation.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1 What activities are considered in system conversion.
2. The do's and don'ts of user training.
3. How to handle user resistance to change.
4. The makeup of the post-implementation review.
5. The role, elements, and impjortance of software maintenance.


Administrative Plan
Personnel Requirement Plan
Hardware Plan
Documentation Review Plan

Software Maintenance


An important aspect of a systems analyst's job is to make sure that the new
design is implemented to established standards. The term implementation
has different meanings, ranging bnm the conversion of a basic application
to a complete replacement of a computer system. The procedure, however,
is virtually the same. Implementation is used here to mean the process of

converting a new or a revised system design into an operational one. Conver-

sion is one aspect of implementation. Ttie other aspects are the post-
implementation revievt^ and software maintenance. These topics are cov-
ered later in the chapter.
There are three types of implementation:

1. Implementation of a computer system to replatx a manual system. The

problems encountered are converting files, training users, creating ac-
curate files, and verij^ing printouts for int^rity.

2. Implementation of a new computer system to replace an eating one.

This is usually a di£Bcult conversion. If not properly planned, there can
be many problems. Some laige computer systems have taken as long as
a year to convert.
3. Implementation of a mod^ed application to replace an ejdsting one,
using the same computer. This tyf»e of conversion is relatively easy to
handle, provided there are no major changes in the files.

This chapter discusses the activities involved in conversion and the

changes made in the system following implementation. Software mainte-
nance is becoming an important aspect of building and maintaining s^-

Conversion means changing bx>m one system to another. The objective is to
put the tested system into operation while holding costs, risks, and person-
nel irritation to a minimum. It involves (1) creating computer-compatible
files, (2) training the operating staff, and (3) installing terminals and hard-

ware. A critical aspect of conversion is not disrupting the functioning of the

Conversion should be exciting because it is the last step before the
candidate system b^ins to show results. Unfortunately, the results of
conversions have been chaotic and traumatic for many firms. Unforeseen
difiBculties crop up as the system breaks down, data files are damaged, and
tempers grow short. The training package is fiiequentfy not complete and
people are tiying to figure out \%^at to do. Much of this stems fix)m poor
planning or no planning at all. Let us examine the steps that preceded

1. The user recognizes a need.


2. The user solicits help fix)m the anafyst, who does an $8,000 study that
leads to a proposal.
3. The proposal has general sjjecifications of software and hardware. A
vendor is selected cind a firm conversion date is set.

4. The vendor or the project team begins to fit its solution to the user's

5. Delays occur; bargaining for trade-ofik proceeds, but eventually the

system is ready to install often with little user involvement.
6. The user hcis not been prepared for duplicate labor costs when both
present and candidate systems run during conversion. The user at-
tempts to do much of the "leg work" with his/her stafi" on an overtime

7. With a combination of poor training and tight deadlines, the user staff
grows short-tempered at being in an untenable fjosition.
8. Now the user isangry at the project team or the vendor, and the
vendor's staff is getting impatient with the user staff. Everyone is blam-
ing everyone else for this horrible experience.

For many first-time users, this theme is famifiar. What went wrong? Tlie
fundamental concerns lie with the user, who should know in advance what
acti\ities to control through a computer. Users who do not do their home-
woric play right into the hands of vendors who have done theirs. So it is
understandable that conversions are often a fiasco.

Activity Network for Conversion

Several procedures and documents are unique to the conversion phase. As
shown in Figure 13-1, they include the following:

1. Conversion begins v\ith a review of the pnaject plan, the system test
documentation, and the implementation plan. The parties involved are
the user, the project team, programmers, and ofjerators.
2. The conversion portion of the implementation plan is finalized and
3. Files are converted.

4. Parallel processing between the existing and the new systems is initi-


Results of computer runs and operations for the new system are logged
on a special form.

6. Assuming no problems, parallel processing is discontinued. Implemen-

tation results are documented for reference.

7. Conversion is completed. Plans for the post-implementation review are

prepared. Following the review, the new system is officially operational.

FIGURE 13-1 Procedures and Documents for Conversion


System test

I plan

Yes Diagnose
<^discrepancies and correct

Conversion portion f No 1

of implementation \ '

plan finalized

Implementation Discontinue

I results

Perform file
conversion f \
Implementation Complete
documentation conversion

processing 1

Prepare plan for


Log results
of conversion

Accompanying the procedures are activities that are unique to conver-
sion (see Figure 13-2). Before we discuss each activity, we need to note that
during the transition, the user should be discouraged ftxjm making changes
or enhancements. To illustrate, a Miami-based commercial bank contracted
to convert to a real-time teller system vvdth neu' terminals linked to a
computer service. Forty-eight days were spent testing the software, termi-
nals, controllers, and other features. TWo weeks before the final conversion,
it was found that when the system u^as dovm, the terminals lost all the

transaction balances accumulated in memory. To restart the system, the

teller had to rekey all items to date before handling new transactions. The
solution was to install a backup system, which meant more money and
weeks of delays. The request was vetoed in preference for going ahead with
the conversion. Backup considerations were shelved until later inclusion as


FIGURE 13-2 Activity Network for Conversion

Convert forms and displays


Train personnel


files Complete conversion
C06 o END

Convert physical facilities


^Convert administrative procedures


File Conversion
Fileconversion involves capturing data and creating a computer file
irom existing files. Problems are staff shortages for loading data and the
specialized training necessary to prepare records in accordance with the
new system specifications. In most cases, the vendor's staff or an outside
agency performs this function for a flat fee.
Copying the "old" files intact for the new system is the prime concern
during conversion. The programs that copy the files should pixiduce identi-
cal files to test programs on both systems. At the outset, a decision is made
to determine which files need copying. Personnel files must be kept, of
course, but an accounts receivable file with many activities might not need
copying. Instead, new customer accounts might be put on the new system,
while running out the old accounts on the old system.
Once it is determined that a particular file should be transferred, the
next step is to specify the data to be converted: current files, year-end files,
and so on. The files to be copied must be identified by name, the program-
mer who will do the copying, and the methods by which the accuracy of the
copying will be verified. A file-comparison program is best used for this

Creating Test Files. The best method for gaining control of the
conversion is to use well -planned test files for testing cdl new programs.
Before production files are used to test live data, test files must be created
on the old system, copied over to the new system, and used for the initial
test of each program. The test file should offer the following:

1. Predictable results.
2. Previously determined output results to check with a sampling of
different types of records.

3. Printed results in seconds.


4. Simplified error-finding routines.

5. Ability to build fixim a small number of records out of the production

files and then progressively alter the records until they are challenging
to the programs.

Selecting the right records for testing not easy. The user's key staff

should get involved in the selection process. The trick is to select a reason-
able number of uncompUcated records and also records that have caused
problems in the past.
What about security? No user wants employee salaries printed for all to
see. Information such as salary, ethnic background, and trade secrets must
be altered so that test file results can be read by the programmer, the
project leader, and other involved in the conversion wdthout compromise.
A good test file should show how the new system handles the most
difBcult tasks. A health insurance test file, for instance, would include an
employee with eveiy possible type of insurance: worker's compensation,
disabifity, dental, cancer, life, and accident insurance. If the new^ system
programs process this file correctly, it is likely to handle the ordinary
employee's insurance.

Data Entry and Audit Control. Many systems are prone to errors
because of insufficient attention given to data entry control or protective
features such as audit control trails. These items must be part of the overall
plan for conversion. Before a data entry cleric begins to enter changes to
items in the files, the count of the number of documents to be keyed in
should be entered. The data entry program should be designed so that
these summary totals are entered first, with the computer keeping a run-
ning count of the items entered.
A good audit control trail is the key to detecting fraud and mistakes that
might indicate problem entries. At a minimum, the user should have a copy
of the additions or deletions to any file. There should be a daily computer-
printed entry list with entries and totals before they are entered and a
second list showing actual changes after they have been made in the file(s).
To detect fi^ud, many system designs do not allow any records on the file to
be deleted easily. Modifications are made by adjustments involving more
than one or two operating personnel or similar routines. Preventing records
from being deleted makes it more difficult to cover up problems or conceal

User Training
An analysis of user training focuses on user capabilities and
t^vo factors:
the nature of the system being installed. Users range from the naive to the
highly sophisticated. Developmental research provides interesting insights
into how naive computer users think about their first exposure to a new
system. They approach it as concrete learners, learning how to use the
system without trying to understand which abstract principles determine

which function. The distinction between concrete and fonnal (student-

type) learning says much about what one can expect from trainees in
The requirements of the system also range from veiy simple tasks like
using a pocket calculator to complex tasks like learning to program a data
base system. Tasks that require the user to follow a well-defined, concrete,
step-by-step procedure require limited problem solving. This means that
the training level and duration are basic and brief. For example, training a
jjerson how to ofjerate an automated teller machine cash is a
to obtain
concrete task. Virtualfy aD the "thinking" is jierformed by the computer. In
contrast, requiring a trainee to analyze a given situation and translate it into
a procedure for computer manipulation requires formal training for a
has to be geared to the
relatively long time. In either case, training sp>ecific
user based on his/her capabilities and the system's complexity.

EleEttents of User TrcriniTig. For more than a decade, various user

guides and methods have been used, but no sin^e method has been totally
successful. Let us look at a real training experience and explain what
happ>ened. This case took place during the implementation of our safe
dep)osit billing system described in earlier chapters. Four clerks had to be
trained on more than 30 inquiry and update functions using an IBM
personal computer. The most important element of the training was a
recently revised user manual produced at a cost of 70 aruilyst-hours. E^ch
online function was described in a menu-driven format. E^ch clerit w^as
given verbal explanations of each function and its use was demonstrated on
the PC. Clerks were asked to read the manual carefully for an in-depth
understanding of the software ptackage. Questions were answered during
the first meeting and for two weeks afterward. Kione calls and lengthy
discussions also followed.
This may seem to be adequate for a training session, the package had
only so much to ofi"er. But here is what happened:

Phase 1: The initial training period Only one of the four clerks read the
manual. Instead, the clerks took notes on legal paper, listed the key func-
tions, and described how they are used on the PC. The list was referred to
continually. The clerk who read the manual became the resident e^cpert by
bailing every other clerk out of a jam. During the training p>eriod, most of the
questions asked had answers in the manual. The most fiiequently consulted
reference was that sheet of paper with the key functions and the name and
phone number of the analyst.
Phase 2: Two months None of the three clerks had read the manual.
A six-page update of the manual fiDm the software house had not even been
filed. In fact, tw^o of the clerks had misplaced their copies. Fewer questions

w^re not posed to the analyst out of embarrassment. The questions were
answered somehow^ within the group. The list of functions from the initial
training period w^as beginning to show^ age fiDm r^ular use. No one both-

ered to type it or make backup copies in case it is lost. Worse yet, clerks who
did not understcind a function made no effort to look it up in the manual as
long as it did not affect their job.
Phase 3: Sqc months Training \vas by the resident expert word of
later. —
mouth and a quick two-hour "show^ and tell" approach to generating
reports for billing purposes. The imalyst did not get one call. General
functions were deleted or chcmged so that the manual was no longer up to

Three important lessons that pertain to user training can be concluded

from this case situation:

1. Users are reluctant to read meuiuals, but they will leam from demon-
strations and through visual aids. Users also tend to be natural teachers. For
many mostly informal. There is no question that some
users, training is

writing is required for user training; however, the challenge is to provide

documentation that users will read £ind refer to over the life of the system.
An important document that can be provided for training is a one-page
summary of important functions about the system and/or software. Such a
"cheat sheet" instructs the user on how to start the system and about the
various functions and meanings of various codes. It is actually a fact sheet
that contains few words and short sentences (see Figure 13-3).
2. Another user training element is a training demonstration. Live demon-
strations with personal contact cire extremely effective for training users. In
a demonstration, a new^ concept that is shown in many ways (see it, hear it,
say it —believe it) is quickly (and permanently) learned. More information is

conveyed and discussed verbally than through reading or writing during

the same time. Finally, during a trciining demonstration, the user receives
encouragement and which prompts him/her to perform. Hearing
others ask questions and make mistakes helps alleviate anxieties and im-
prove setf-confidence.
Providing a demonstration not easy for many analysts. A successful

effort requires an expert knowledge of the system and advanced planning

and orgcinization of reference materials, procedures, and technology. If you

FIGURE 13-3 Fact Sheet—An Example

Code Unacceptable Acceptable

DBMS This code stands for data Data base management

base management system, system
which is the software in a
ORDR The purpose of this function Order inquiry
is to provide order inqu^
BOXDRL This code represents the box Box drilled
drilled in safe deposit

must good question. Let me follow up on that and I'U let you
say, "That's a
know tomorrow, you are not ready to handle a demonstration. A rule of

thumb is to limit the scope of any single demonstration. It should be

conducted in an environment conducive to learning and self-discovery.
Keeping the session! s) short reduces fatigue and controls confusion. The
outcome of all this is to have the user walk away feeling satisfied that he/she
has some knowledge about what the system is capable of doing.
3. The the resident e^qjert. In our exam-
third element of user training is

ple,one clerk read the manual spent time on her own to practice,

and ended up being the resident expert a natural teacher. Such a person,
whether a respected supervisor or a peer, c£in relate much better to the user
group, speak the language, and use examples based on common experience
to teach (and sell) the new system. Training in this case is more rapid,
which means a quicker use of the system on a regular basis.

Training Aids. There are several user training aids available:

1. The user manual. Traditionally, the user manual is prepared reflex-

ively because it is an item that must accompany e\ erv system. Yet, there are
times when a user manual is discretionary. The important point is that the
manual should be prepared only if it uill serve the user. A manual is
necessary when the user is geographically removed from the project team
oru^hen he/she cannot attend all the training sessions. Of course, if the user
requests a manual, then one must be prepared.
Probably the best reason for preparing a user manual is on the recom-
mendation of the resident expert. If it will be used, the manual should be
written, despite the cost. should discuss, among other things the func-

tions available to the user and what each can do, how they are executed,
and how diagnostic messages should be handled. Above all, the manual
should be well organized and indexed for quick reference. Graphics, pic-
tures, and line drawings enhance the teaching \'alue of the material.

2. Help screens. This feature is now available in virtually every software

package, especially when it is used with a menu. Essentially, the user

selects a "help" option Irom a menu. The system accesses the necessary
description or information for user reference. Then additional "help" infor-
mation may be accessed, or the user returns to the menu for further action.
HELP advantage of virtually unlimited space and, since it
offers the is

separate from the program, it does not interfere with system operation.
3. Data dictionary. As explained in Chapter 9, a data dictionary is a
separate place for describing data elements. It is more like an electronic
"one-page" sheet available to the user to assure that functions are inter-
preted and executed properly.
4. Job aids. A job aid communicates essential information about certain
jobs. It takes a number of forms, for example:

a. Color printing in forms to accentuate headings.


b. Color to identify pieces of hardware, cables, etc.

c. WaU charts to Ulustrate schematics of processing runs.

d. Flowcharts to guide the user in detecting and handling errors, restart-
ing the system, etc.

It can be seen, then, that training aids help communicate vital informa-
tion about the new system. To make these aids useful, it is important to
consider to whom, when, and why the user will be communicating this

Forms and Displays Conversion

During this activity, old forms and displays are withdraun and new
ones are instituted. Various controls are implemented to ensure the sys-
tem's reliability, integrity, and security. The activities implemented here
were initiated early in the system design phase.

Conversion of Physical Facilities

In conjunction with these activities, the physical facilities are trans-
formed to meet the specifications set in the candidate system design. In a
recent online conversion in a medium-size bank, the installation of new
teller terminals required a complete redesign of the teller cages — relocating
the telephones, replacing ceiling lights with soft lighting, and building
drawer space for additional cash storage. The cost of the redesign was 10
percent of the new system's cost.
Other factors included in physical facilities conversion are the commu-
nications network, safety and and notification to cus-
security provisions,
tomers of the change (see Figure 13-4). For the most part, these activities
were planned in the system design. The conversion phase checks each
activity prior to final operation.

Conversion of Administrative Procedures

A important activity in the conversion phase is setting up admin-
istrative procedures for controlling the new system. This includes
scheduling, determining job priorities on the system, and implementing
personnel policies for managing the system. The user is trained to handle
various emergencies and procedures. Most important, supervisors are
trained on how the information is gathered, produced, and presented to


Hazel Jones was 60 years old and had worked for Power House Athletics (a
shoe store) for 17 years. Her reputation among the employees is that there is
the right way, the company's wa(y, and Hazel's way. Her way is always
followed. Her boss, Herman, is a young college graduate. He is always
nervous around Hazel.
Hazel's }^p is to post customer and vendor accounts, keep track of the

FIGURE 13-4 Notice of Conversion to Customers —An Example

To Our Valued Customers


On August 1,1984, we will begin working with
a modern "on-line" teller system designed to
provide you with the best available service.
Please bear with us during our conversion



inventory, and balance the books before she leaves for home. One spring
day, the main door opened. A husky fellow unloaded a personal computer
from the van and set it on Hazel's desk. Hazel first refiased to allow the boxes
in the office. She even refused to sign the delivery notice. Later, when the
computer store representative came to set up the system, she refused to
allow him use the
to bathroom. He had to go to
the Dunkin Donut facilities
next door. Her boss arrived at the scene. All we know is that he left to go
home sick udthin 20 minutes.
This scenario might be somewhat exaggerated, but it exemplifies what
might happen when a new system arrives and the user staff is ill prepared
to meet the challenge. Frequently, behavioral factors are overlooked in
system implementation. Change is accompanied by anxiety and other
stresses, which induce resistance. Any type of change imposes stress on the
people affected by it. According to Holmes and Rahe, after death of a
spouse, which they placed highest at 100, changes in job responsibiUties as
are common in system changes, are located on a scale of 30.^ This implies
that system changes ccin produce stress which increases unless checked
through planning.
Anxiety is produced when a person does not know the outcome of an
induced change:

1. Change in job content.

* T. H. Holmes, £ind R. H. Rahe, "The Social Readjustment Rating Scale," Journal

of Psycho-
somatic Research, 1967, pp. 213-18.

2. How to think along new lines.

3. Change in personal relations patterns.

4. Possible loss of self-esteem relative to the new job.

5. Possible loss of one's job.

6. Loss of control of job content.

Thus, when people experience stress, part of their reaction is resistance

to change. Here are examples of the ways they react:

1. Hostility toward peers or others, communication barriers, or as in our

example, refusing to sign the delivery notice.
2. Withdrawal from the cause of stress — the supervisor going home sick.

3. Rejection of the stressful situation — refusing to accept the computer.

These are general but there are also specific problems associ-
ated with resistance to a new installation. For example, the introduction of
the new system has an adverse effect on employee productivity and job
satisfaction. It may create an environment of hostility that lasts a long time
after implementation. Employees may even sabotage the system to seek
relief because they are unable to understand its operation. All these prob-
lems stem from inadequate communication between the user staff and the
project team, attitudinal factors, or perceptions that the new system inade-
quately meets the user's requirements.
Several strategies reduce resistance to system change:

1. Identify and discuss the deficiencies of the present system.

2. Do a good, honest job at shovvdng how a changeover udll improve the

quality of life at work.
3. Establish open communication channels between the user staff and the
technical staff to answer questions and follow up on difficulties after
4. Invite and use employee participation in all phases of the conversion

With all the technical sophistication that accompanies conversion, in-

terpersonal relations with the user staff are extremely important in imple-
mentation. Those charged with changing the system should be sensitive to
these relations and, in so doing, try to minimize the impact of the new
system on the user.

Operational systems are quickly taken for granted. Every system requires
periodic evaluation after implementation. A post-implementation review
measures the system's performance against predefined requirements. Un-
likesystem testing, which determines where the system fails so that the
necessary adjustments can be made, a post-implementation review deter-

mines how well the system continues to meet performance specifications. It

is after the fact —
design and conversion are complete. It also provides
information to determine whether major redesign is necessary.
A post-implementation review is an evaluation of a system in terms of
the extent to which the system accomplishes stated objectives and actual
piDJect costs exceed initial estimates. It is usually a review of major prob-
lems that need converting and those that surfaced during the implementa-
tion phase. The primary responsibility for initiating the review lies with the
user organization, which assigns special staff for this purpose. Figure 13-5
shows the activity network for the post-implementation review. Each ac-
tivity is explained briefly.

Request for Review

The study begins with the review team, which gathers and reviews
requests for evaluation. It also files discrepancy notices after the system has
been accepted. Unexpected change in the system that affects the user or
system performance is a primary factor that pix)mpts system review. Once a
request is filed, the user is asked how well the system is functioning to
specifications or how well the measured benefits have been realized. Sug-
gestions regarding changes and improvements are also sought. This phase
sets the stage for a formal post-implementation review.

A Review Plan
The review team prepares a formal review plan around the objective(s) of
the review, the type of evaluation to be carried out, and the time schedule
required. An overall plan covers the following areas (see Figure 13-5):

FIGURE 13-5 ActivltY Network for Post-implementation Review



Review perforrnance
Develop hardware plan ^/'-s^ specifications

R050 R110

Review training performance

Develop personnel
requirements plan Review training objectives
R040 R090

Review operating costs

Gather and submit Prepare
requests for review ^^^ review plan Review user objectives
O R010 V_^ R020
[Develop administrative plan

Develop documentation Review systen-.

review plan
R060 o development effort

Administrative plan — Review area objectives, operating costs, actual

operating performance, and benefits.
Personnel requirements plan — Review performance objectives and
training performance to date.

3. Hardware plan— Review^ performance specifications.

4. Documentation review plan — Review the system development effort.

Once drafted, the review should be verified and approved by the requester
or the end user.

AdmlnlstrotlTe Plan
The review group probes the effect of the operational system on the
administrative procedures of the user. The following activities are reviewed:

1. User objectives. This an extremely critical area since it is possible


that over time either the system fails to meet the user's initial objectives
or the user objectives change as a reflection of changes in the organiza-
tional objectives. We need to think in terms of problems and of further
opportunities. The results of the evaluation are documented for future

2. Operating costs and benefits. Under the administrative plan, the cost
structure of the system is closely reviewed. This includes a review of all
costs and savings, a review and update of the noncost benefits of the
system, and a current budget designed to manipulate the costs and
savings of the system.

Personnel Reqxilrement Plan

This plan evaluates all activities invoking system personnel and staff as
they deal directly with the system. The emphasis is on productivity, morale,
and job satisfaction. After the plan is developed, the review group evaluates
the following:

1. Personnel performance objectives compared with current performance

levels. Turnover, tcirdiness, and absenteeism are also evaluated. The
results are documented and made available to the maintenance group
for follow-up.

2. Training performance. Through testing, interviews, and other data-

gathering techniques, the review group attempts to answer questions
about the adequacy of the training materials.

Hardware Plan
The hardware of the new system is also reviewed, including terminals,
CRT screens, software programs, and the communication network. The
primary tai^et a comparison of current performance specifications with

design specifications. The outcome of the evaluation indicates any differ-

ences between exp>ectations and realized results. It also points to einy
necessary modifications to be made.

HGURE 13-6 Maintenance Represents

up to 70 Percent of the
Total Lite Cycle Cost ot


Total life cycle

of software

Source; Adapted from Wm. W. Agresti, "Managing Pro-

gram Maintenance," Jouma] of Systems Management,
Febmaiy 1982, p. 34.

Documentation Review Plan

The reason for developing a documentation review plan is to evaluate
the accuracy and completeness of the documentation compiled to date and
its conformity with pre-established documentation standards. Irregularities
prompt action where changes in documentation would improve the format
and content.

Maintenance is the enigma of system development.
holds the software

industry captive, tying up programming resources. Analysts and program-

mers spend far more time maintaining programs than they do writing them.
Maintenance accounts for 50-80 percent of total system development (see
Figure 13-6). The federal government alone spends more than $1.3 billion a
year on software maintenance.^ Whereas the cost of hardware has steadily

General Accounting Office, "Federal Agencies M2tintenance of Computer Programs: Ex-

pensive and Undermanaged," AFMD-81-25, February 26, 1981.

declined, the cost of producing programs has skyrocketed. For example, 10

years ago the development cost of one Department of Defense (DOD) pro-
ject averaged $75 per line of programming instruction, u^hereas mainte-
nance costs ran as high as $4,000 per line.
This problem occurs across industry largely because software is a
handmade product designed in an ad hoc fashion udth feu^ standards; it
comes out late, is poorly documented, and therefore is difficult to maintain.
There are other problems as well:

1. Maintenance not as rewarding as exciting as developing systems.

is It is

perceived as requiring neither skill nor experience.

2. Users are not fully cognizant of the maintenance problem or its high

3. Few tools and techniques are available for maintenance.

4. A good test plan is lacking.

5. Standards, procedures, and guidelines are poorly defined and enforced.

6. Maintenance is viewed as a necessary evil, often delegated to junior
programmers. There is practically no maintenance manager job classifi-
cation in the MIS field.

7. Programs are often maintained without care for structure and docu-
8. There are minimal standards for maintenance.
9. Programmers expect that they uall not be in their current commitment
by the time their programs go into the maintenance cycle.
Most programmers view maintenance as low-level drudgery. After they
develop an application, they spend years locked into maintaining it. Even-
tually, boredom sets in, with subsequent turnover and loss of expertise
necessary to maintain the system. It is obvious that the more carefully a
system is thought out and developed, with attention paid to external influ-
ence over a reasonable lifetime, the less maintenance will be required.

Maintenance or Enhancement?
Maintenance can be classified as corrective, adaptive, or perfective. Correc-
tive maintenance means repairing processing or performance failures or
making changes because of previously uncorrected problems or false cis-
sumptions. Adaptive maintenance means changing the program function.
Perfective maintenance means enhancing the performance or modifying the
pixigramls) to respond to the user's additional or changing needs.^ Of these
types, more time and money are spent on perfective than on corrective and
adaptive mmntenance together.

* See Wm. W. Agresti, "Managing Pixjgram Maintenance," Journal

of Systems Management,
February 1982, pp. 34-37.

Maintenance covers a wide range of activities, including correcting

coding and design errors, updating documentation and test data, and
upgrading user support. Many activities classified as maintenance cire actu-
allv enhancements. Maintenance means restoring something to its original
condition. Unlike hardware, however, software does not weai' out; it is
corrected. In contrast, enhancenient means adding, modifying, or re-
developing the code to support changes in the specifications. It is necessary
to keep up uith changing user needs and the operational environment.
Although software does not wear out like a piece of hardware, it "ages"
and eventually fails to perform because of cumulative maintenance. Over
time, the integiitv' of the program, test data, and documentation degener-
ates as a result of modifications. Eventually, it takes more effort to maintain
the application than to rewrite it.

A major problem with software maintenance is its labor-intensive

nature land therefore the likelihood of errors). Consider a change in the
code. Altering the code, no matter how slight, must be manually introduced
into each program because there is no easy way of making sure that the
changes will interface with all the programs. Reusing the old codes depends
heavily on the programmer's abilitv' to judge what code can and cannot be
reused. It is an error-prone process that is still perceived by many as more
cost effective than writing programs from scratch.

Primary Activities of a Maintenance Procedure

Maintenance activities begin where conversion leaves off. Maintenance is
handled by the same planning and control used in a formal system project.
The flowchart in Figure 13-7 shows the basic activities. Documentation is as
much a part of maintenance as it is of system development. Briefly, the
maintenance staff receives a request for service from an authorized user,
followed by a definition of the required modifications. The source program
and written procedures for the system are acquired from the programming
libran'. Program changes are then tested and submitted to the user for
approval. Once approved, the modified documentation is filed with the
librarv' and a project completion notice is sent to the user, signaling the

termination of the project.

Reducing Maintenance Costs

From the discussion so far, it is clear that some plan
needed to attack the

ever-growing problem of software maintenance. Several MIS organizations

have done this through a maintenance reduction plan that consists of three

1. Maintenance management audit, which through interviews and ques-

tionnaires evaluates the quality' of the maintenance effort. Some of the
questions asked are:

FIGURE 13-7 Primary Activities of a Maintenance Procedioie

Request for

System and
Request system Submit test
and program results for
documentation user approval

Specify Modification
required requirements


Acquire source Source

Notify user Project
program statemet program
of project completion
printout from statement
completion notice^
library printout,,-^


Make required
changes to
programs and



a. Are mciintenance requests logged in a maintenance request log?

fa. What percent of total hours worked are spent on error corrections,
additions changes deletions, and improvements?
c. Does your organization currently have a well-defined maintenance
reduction prxDgram?
The data gathered are used to de\elop a diagnostic study to provide
management with an assessment of the software maintenance function.
Software system audit, which entails:
a. An overall view of the s\'stem documentation and an assessment of
the quality' of data files and data bases and system mciintainability,
reliabilit\', and efBciencv.

b. Functional information gathered on all the programs in the system

to determine how well they do the job. Each program is assigned a
preliminary ranking value.
c. A detailed program audit, which considers the ranking value, mean
time between failure (MTBF), and size of the maintenance backlog.
MTBF determines system availability to users.
3. Software modification, which consists of three steps:
a. Program reuoites, which include logic simplification, documenta-
tion updates, jmd error correction.
b. System level update, which completes system level documentation,
brings up to date data flow diagrams or system flowcharts, and
cross-references programs.
c. Reaudit of low-ranking programs to make sure that the errors have
been corrected.

The outcome of such a maintenance reduction plan is more reliable

software, a reduced maintenance backlog, improved response times in
correcting errors, improved user satisfaction, and higher morale among the
maintenance staff.
In summary, the work of maintenance is certainly not for neophyte
programmers. To put maintenance in its proper perspective requires con-
siderable skill and experience and is an important and ongoing aspect of
system development. The ability of the maintenance programmer to make
sound judgments depends on his/her technical expertise and ability to
identify user needs. This means understanding the operational environ-
ment and what the user is trying to accomplish vvdth the software.
An additional factor in the success of the maintenance programmer is
the work environment. Maintenance programmers have generaUy been pciid
less and received less recognition than other programmers. Little attention
has been paid to their training and career plans within the MIS function.
Similarly, the need for maintenance programmers to apply standards and
methodologies has been overlooked.
Maintenance demands more orientation and training thcin any other
programming activities, especially for entiy-level programmers. The en-
vironment must recognize the needs of the maintenance programmer for
tools, methods, and training.

1. Implementation is the process of converting a new system design into
operation. Conversion entails several steps:
a. Review the project plan, test documentation, and implementation
b. Convert the files.

c. Conduct parallel processing.

d. Log the computer run for reference.
e. Discontinue the old system.
/ Plan for post-implementation review.

2. The prime concern during conversion is copying the old files to the new
system. Once a particular file is selected, the next step is to specify the
data to be converted. A file comparison program is best used for verify-
ing the accuracy of the copying process.
3. Well-planned test files are important for successful conversion. A test
file should contain predictable results, simplified error-finding routines,

and printed results in seconds. It should also show how the new
system handles the most difficult tasks.
4. A good audit trail is the key to detecting errors and fraud in a new
system. To detect fraud, many system designs do not allow the easy
delection of any recorxls on the file. This feature makes it difficult to
cover up problems or conceal fi^aud.

5. Users apprxsach their first exposure to a neu^ system as superficial

learners or formal (student-type) learners. A superficial learner knows
what functions the system performs without understanding the princi-
ples behind each function. The formal learner knows the principles and
follows the functions as well.

6. During user training, the resident expert emerges. He/she is the one
who probably has the most interest in the system, works the hardest to
learn it, and consequently benefits from the unique r^ole of being an
"expert" in the group.
7. Experience in user training suggests that:
a. Users are reluctant to read manuals but leai'n well fi'om demonstra-
tions and visual aids.
b. Users tend to be natural teachers.
c. The resident expert is a natur'al trainer, since he/she speaks the user
grDup's language and uses samples based on common experience
to teach the new system.
8. The primary teaching aids in user training are the user manual, "help"
screens, data dictionary,and job perfomiance aids. The tools and
procedures are designed to minimize the user's resistance to change
and motivate the user staff to adopt a constructive attitude for full
utilization of the new system.
9. The post-implementation review has the objective of evaluating the
system in terms of how well performance meets stated objectives. The
study begins with the review team, which gather-s requests for evalua-
tion. The team prepares a rx3\iew plan ar-ound the type of evaluation to
be done and the time frame for" its completion. The plan considers
administrative, personnel, and system performance and the changes
that are likely to t£ike place thrxDugh maintenance.

10. Maintenance is actually the implementation of the post-implementa-

tion review plan. As important as it is, many programmer's and analysts
cire reluctant to perforrn or identify themselves with the maintenance
effor't. Ther-e are psychological, personality, and prxjfessional reasons for

this. In any case, a first-class effort must be made to ensure thai

software changes are made properly and in time to keep the system in
tune with user specifications.
11. Maintenance is expensive. One way to reduce maintenance costs is
through maintenance management and software modification audits.
Software modification consists of program I'ewrites, system level up-
dates, and reaudits of low-ranking programs to verify and correct the
soft spots. The outcome should be more reliable software, a reduced
maintenance backlog, and higher satisfaction and morale among the
maintenance staff.

Key Words
Conversion Mean Time between Failure (MTBF)
Enhancement Post-implementation Review
Implementation Resident Expert

Review GLuestions
1. What is implementation? How does it differ from conversion? Elaborate.
2. The chapter suggests that conversion has been chaotic and traumatic
for many firms. Do you agree? Contact a local firm with a computer
faciMty and discuss the extent to which the statement is true.

3. Explain the major activities in conversion. Which activity is the most

important? Why?
4. Distinguish between the following:
a. Parallel processingand system testing.
b. Maintenance and enhancement.
c. Software modification and software system audit.

5. What is involved in converting files? Be specific.

6. "A good test file should show how the new system handles the most
difiRcult tasks." Do you agree? Discuss.
7. What is the role of the audit control trail in conversion? Who performs
it? Explain.
8. Suppose you were asked to prepare a plan for training the user staff on
a newly acquired microcomputer system.
a. What factorsdo you consider in preparing the plan?
b. How would you design the plan?
c. What objective! s) are considered as a basis for the plan?
9. If new system design is likely to meet user specifications, why do users
resist change? How would one reduce resistance to change? Explain in

10. What personality and professional attributes qualify or motivate a per-


son to become a resident expert? Discuss this question with a loccd

manager of an MIS facility.
11. Several training aids are used for training users on a new system.
Summarize the key aids with examples?
12. procedure and makeup of the post-implementation
Briefly explain the
review. Can one perform maintenance on a system without a post-
implementation review? Why?
13. Review the primary activities of a maintenance procedure.

Application Problems

1 A rug manufacturer and importer Wcinted to have his own computer

and run applications away from the parent company's mainframe. A
computer consultant (with no knou^ledge of the rug business) did a
feasibility study. He recommended a system with which he had design
The firm leased the system and signed a contract with the consul-
tant to do the installation and training. The consultants brought in two
programmers and a data base specialist to convert the files and train
personnel. For weeks, everyone was busy with what was bound to be a
successful system.
As a first step, the company decided to compare the reports gener-
ated by the new system with those available from the mjiin computer.
The procedure was to run invoices first, followed by accounts receivable
and payable. The first inventory reports seemed way out of line with
reality. Both the format of the reports and the data were off. The few
invoices sent out brought hostile complaints ftxjm customers who were
overcharged for their orders. Further attempts to correct the errors only
generated more inaccuracies. The compciny decided to go back to the
old system and cancel the whole project.
The matter ended up in court with the consultant demcinding the
bcilance due him on the project. The company filed a countersuit
claiming irreparable damage to the firm. An investigation discovered
that despite management's lack of experience with computers, they
decided to convert three major applications at the same time. The
employees, not having been forewarned of the conversion, panicked.
Prior to the computer, they had undocumented methods of invoicing,

keeping track of inventory, and biUing procedures that the consultant
never knew of or inquired about. To make matters worse, he did not

even know that the parent company's warehouse system had a terminal
that used the mainframe to update inventory.
System testing was also a disaster. Only real data were used. The
resulting output was so unwieldy that no one could audit or verify its
accuracy until it was too late. With no interface between the system
being tested and the mainfi^ame, there was no way the files could be
copied. The consultant decided to go ahead with incoming data only
and to worry later about copying the files on the mainfi^ame.
Documentation and audit procedures wei^ virtually nonexistent.
No one seemed to know who changed what. Thei^ was no way of telling
whether errors vv^ere caused by the software or by incorrectly entered
The contract was well written. It simply committed the consultant
to install a computer system and the compciny to pay the consultant
$75 per hour plus out-of-pocket expenses. The consultant never really
knew what the company wanted, and the company had no one to work
with the consultant. The employees stayed out of the ways, since they
had not been consulted and were not knowledgeable about computers.
The programmers, in their opinions, were simply obnoxious. Another
consultcint vvlio came in to evaluate the mess thought the uiiole in-
stallation was primitive and lacked state-of-the-ail software.
The company continued operating after its employees volunteered
hours of their time to maintain accurate records by hand. The outcome
was an out-of-court settlement. The company dreaded costly litigation.
The consultant decided to cut his losses and protect future business.

a. What went wnrong in this case? Be specific.

b. Elaborate on the importance of a computer contract. What elements would

you have emphasized in the contract? Why?
c. Does a contract save an installation from failure? In what way?
d. What testing procedure should have been followed? Elxplain.

e. What asp>ects of implementation were absent or deficient?

/ Where did the company fail in the implementation phase? Discuss.
g. List the major recommendations you would make for a similar installation.

A mail-order house decided to implement a real-time order-


processing system. An outside consultant w^as hired to do the work.

One package he considered was a software package capable of
processing orders as v^ell as monitoring sales by salesperson, product.

brand, and the The success

like. of this system, more
implemented in
than 40 corporations, had varied widely. In some organizations, it was
disastrous — long, drawn-out training periods, behind schedule, and
expensive. In others, everything went smoothly.
Since the candidate system vvdll be used by the operations and sales
staif, it is essential that implementation involves both divisions. How-

ever, there is a culture gap. Sales personnel know very little about
computers and consider themselves independent of operations. Opera-
tions personnel,' on the other hand, have used first-generation comput-
erized order processing. They consider themselves psychologically
isolated from sales, since they are located in the back room and take
orders by mail.
staff was not eager to partici-
This gap had to be bridged. The sales
pate. The question was: What should management do to implement the
system? Earlier attempts uathin the organization at changing employ-
ees' attitudes have been largely ineffective.

Develop a workshop to do the following:

a. Close the culture gap.

b. Help employees understand the implementation plans and the need to
initiate action on their own.

The stock orders of a large appliance store are kept in a card index. We
need to convert them into a magnetic tape file.

a. What steps are required in the conversion?

b. State the controls that would be included at each stage.

A new online teller system design for a medium-size bank was approved
by the president, signaling the beginning of implementation. The pro-
ject leaderdevised a master plan to specify who is to perform each task
and in what order. New deposit and withdrawal slips were ordered and
delivered three weeks before implementation. In the interim, copies of
the user manned were pi-epai'ed for the lobby and drive-in tellers.
Soon after the terminals were installed, the tellers began to learn
how to enter various transactions. After training sessions were over,
they had a chance to ask questions and inquire about the new system.

Once completed, the telephone company and the computer service

representative hooked up the temiinal online with the master system.
The following Monday (a week before actual conversion), the ana-
lyst asked the head teller whether the tellers would come in on Satur-
day to catch up on their work and run test data to I'einforce recent
training. The head teller agreed to the overtime, but on Saturday, only
12 of 17 tellers showed up. During that time, the entire system was
checked out and functioned as expected.
The bank opened the following Monday. The online system oper-
ated normally. Customers were greeted at the door by the president.
Coffee and cake were served in the lobby. As the end of the day, the
analyst sent a report to the boaid of informing them that the

system was now in operation and all user requii-ements had been met.
Three weeks later, the analyst was called to the board meeting. The
chairman criticized the analyst for exceeding the budgeted amount
appro\'ed by the board. Furthermore, the authorization the analyst gave
the terminal \'endor to bring in two CRT screens to expedite informa-
tion I'etrieval exceeded his authority to implement the system. The
bank's auditor also estimated it would take 3.8 years rather than the
initial estimate of 2.1 years to break even on the total cost of the
installation. Not knowing what to say, the analyst left the board room
with a feeling of total failure.

a. What are the major problems in the case? Who is to blame? Why?
b. Was the board chairman justified in his criticism of the analyst? Explain.

c. Where did the analyst fail in handling implementation? Be specific.

The manager of a jewelry store in Coral Gables, Florida, is considering a

computer installation for sales analysis and inventory control. The
system will give a profile of sales activities by sales item and salesperson
and also analyze sales fluctuations. It will provide an online update of
the inventory (watches, bracelets, diamond rings, etc.). This area is
extremely important to make sure that as items are sold, they are
deleted from the inventory file. At the same time, the system will
generate orders to replenish stock items and show the dates of arrival.
The jewelry store has a good reputation among tourists during the
winter season from November 1 to February 1. Almost two thirds of the
business is done during that time. Obviously, if various items are not
available, there is the risk of losing sales and customers. To date,
inventory and reordering have been done by tw^o employees on a full-
time basis —
a job that is both tedious and fraught with inaccuracies.

It is now June 1, well into the ofiF-season for tourism. Assume that
hardware and softwtire are available within 60 days. It will take one
week to test and instcill the system and one week to train the stockroom
clerks. Loading the entire invent oiy is estimated to take about 1.5 weeks.

a. Use a bar chiirt or a Gcintt chart to show the sequence of activities (by week).
b. When should the firm sign a contract to implement the system? Why?


The case involving Acme Bookstores was described at the end of

Chapter 12. This part focuses on implementation procedures and train-

Conversion Procedure
Ejccept for the installation of hardware, the main problem faced in
the implementation of the accounts payable system w^as the user's staff.
Changes in personnel, orientation to the new system, training, and file
conversions were problems encountered soon after testing. The in-
st2illation of the software package was strai^tforward. At the accounts
payable depjartment, employees were assured that no one would be
replaced by the system. The system eventually would allow the depart-
ment to grow; thus, new^ employees would be needed as the store
The orientation of present employees to the new system was impor-
tant. Some employees had a positive attitude and looked forward to the
benefits of the system; others had a negative attitude, fearing loss of job
or intimidation by the computer.
After selling the system, the next step was personnel training. The
computer store worked with the user's staff and trained them in com-
puter operation and use of the piackage. The Guide to Setting Up book
and the Reference Manual were quite informative and user-fiiendly.
The next task was file conversion. This step encompassed transfer
of manual records (invoices, packing lists, and purchase orders) onto
diskettes. The job required extra help on a temporary basis and took
three weeks to complete.
The final component was piaraDel operation, using both systems
simultaneously. The time and effort in this step were enormous, be-
cause everything had to be processed twice, once by the computer and
once by hand. The parallel operation continued until a fiill cycle of the
business was completed six months. —

a. Evaluate the implementation procedure.

b. How would you have handled employees resistance to chfinge? Explain.

c. Was parallel processing necessary in this case? Why?

Selected References
Agresti, William W. "Managing Program Maintenance." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment, February 1982, pp. 34-37.
Bronsema, Gloria S., and Peter G. W. Keen. "Education before Change in Systems

Implementation." Computerworld, October 3, 1983, p. 27flF.

Burrows, James H. "Actual Conversion Elxperience." Data Base, Summer-Fall 1981,
pp. 20-23.
Cerullo, Michael. "Determining Post-Implementation Audit Success." Journal of
Systems Management, March 1979, pp. 27-31.
Glass, R. L., and R. A. Noiseux. Software Maintenance Guidebook, Englewood CliflFs,

NJ.: Prentice-Hall, 1981.

Guimares, Tor. "Understanding Implementation Failure." Journal of Systems Man-
agement, March 1981, pp. 12-19.
Kapur, Gof>al. "Software Maintenance." Computerworld, September 3, 1983, pp.
Koogler, Paul; Frank Collins; and Donald K. Clancy. "The New System Arrives."
Journal of Systems Management, November 1981, pp. 32-37.
Lee, Len. "Preimplementation Activities." Journal ofSystems Management, May 1981,
pp. 24-27.
Martin, George. "Managing Systems Maintenance." Journal ofSystems Management,
July 1978, pp. 30-33.
Martin, James, and Carma McClure. Software Maintenance: The Problem and Its
Sources. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, 1983.
Molnar, Joseph. 'Preventive Maintenance for Small Business Systems." Mini-Micro
Systems, July 1980, p. llOff.
Rich, Robert J. "Pros and Cons of Third Party Maintenance." Small Systems World,
January 1981, pp. 32-35.
Rhodes, Wayne L. "Preventive Maintenance: Funding a Cheaper Way." Infosystems,
May 1981, p. 86ff.
Scharer, Laura L. "User Training: Less Is More." Datamation, July 1983, pp. 175-76flF.
Chapter 14

Ha rd wa re/Soft wa re
and the Computer


The Computer Industry



The Software Industry


A Procedure for Hardware/Software Selection

Requirements Analysis
System Speciliccrtions
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Evaluation and Validation
Role ol the Consultant
Vendor Selection
Post-Installation Review

At a Glance

Building systems culminates in the selection of hardware and compatible

software as a unit. In today's ever-growing technology, the analyst must be
familiar with computer products, software packages, services, and suppliers.
Selecting a system begins with requirements analysis, which draws up the
request for proposal submitted to selected vendors for bids. Consuttants may
be hired to assist in the selection process. Wtth software, selection focuses on
other crtteria. Evaluating a soft-
reliability, functionality, user-friendliness,
ware package or a computer system involves acceptance tests before adop-
tion. Once a system is approved, a decision has to be made whether to
purchase, rent, or lease ft. Finally, a contract
negotiated to ensure against

defauft or nonperformance. A list and damages in the con-

of responsibilfties
tract obligates the vendor to deliver and operate according to plans.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

1. The various types of suppliers and software.

2. The phases in hardware/software selection.

3. The financial considerations in selection.

4. The makeup and basics of computer contract negotiations.

Criteria for Software Selection


Sources for Evaluation
Evaluation of Proposals
Performance Evaluation

Financial Considerations In Selection




The Used Computer

The Computer Contract

Strategies and Tactics

Responsibilities and Remedies


A major element in building systems is hardware and
selecting compatible
software. The systems analyst has to determine what software package is
best for the candidate system and, where software is not an issue, the kind
of hardware cind peripherals needed for the final conversion. To do the job
well, the analyst must be familiar with the computer industry in general,
what various computers can and cannot do, whether to purchase or lease a
system, the vendors and their outlets, and the selection procedure.
Hardwcire/software selection begins with requirements analysis, fol-

lowed by a request for proposal and vendor evaluation. The final system
selection initiates contract negotiations. It includes purchase price, mainte-
ncince agreements, and the amount of updating or enhancements to be
available by the vendor over the life of the system. Contract negotiations,
seemingly too legal for an analyst, require finesse and strategies designed to
get the best deal for the user and protect the user's interests in the acquired
system. This chapter focuses on these elements and provides background
on the makeup and ramifications of softwcire and hardware selection.


More than 2,000 U. S. vendors provide a wide range of computer products
and services. Figure 14-1 lists some of the major firms in the industry. They
can be classified into three groups: (1) hardware suppliers, (2) software sup-
pliers, and (3) service suppliers.

Hardware Suppliers
This group includes mainfi'ame manufacturers, peripheral vendors, sup-
plies vendors, computer leasing firms, and used systems dealers. IBM is the
major supplier of mainlrame computers. In microcomputers, IBM, Apple,
and Tandy Corporations top the list.
Peripheral manufacturers supply tape drives, disk and diskette drives,
printers, and other components. Vendors of supplies provide consumable
supplies such as diskettes and printer forms and nonconsumable supplies
such as disk packs, tape reels, tape library shelves, and fireproof vaults.
Hundreds of independent vendors are in this field. Used computer dealers
purchase secondhand equipment from computer users, rebuild them, and
sell them at attractive prices. Computer leasing firms generally finance
hardware and software acquisition. Leasing companies may also under-
write or insure the development of a computer system. The acquisition of
used computers is discussed later in the chapter.

Software Suppliers
In today's market, 17,000 firms ofier more than 5,000 systems and applica-
tions. In the microcomputer area, over 30,000 softWcire packages £ire avail-

FIGUEE 14-1 Selected Computer Finns

Computer Systons Software and £DP Services Data Access Systems

Data 100
Amdahl Coq). Advanced Comp Tech.
Data Products Corp.
Burrough Coip. Anacomp Inc.
Dataram Corp.
Computer Automation Applied Data Research
Datum Inc.
Control E)ata Corp. Automatic Data Processing
Delta Data Systems
Cray Research Inc. ComfHi-Serv Networit
Documation Inc.
Data General Corp. Computer Horizons
Electronic M&-M
Datapoint Cofp. Computo- Networic
General Computer Systems
Digital Equipment Computer Sciences
General Datacomm Ind.
Four-Phase Systems Computer Task Group
Harris Corp.
Foxboro Computer Usage
Hazeltine Corp.
General Automation CompHit Auto Rep. SVC
Inforex Inc.
GRI Computer Corp. Comshare
Information Intl. Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Co. CuDinane Coq}.
HoneyweD Inc. Data Dimensions Inc.
Intel Corp.
IBM Datatab
Lundy Electronics
Microdata Coqi. Electronic Data Systems
Mini-Computer Systems Keane Associates
Mohawk Data Sciences
NCR Keydata Corp.
MSI Data Corp.
Peridn-Elmer Logicon
Paradyne Corp.
Prime Computer Inc. National Data Corp.
Potter Instrument
Speny Univac On Line Systems Inc.
Quant or Corp.
Systems Engineering Labs Planning Research
Recognition Equipment
Tandem Computers Inc. Programming & Systems Scan Data
Wang Labs Rapidata Inc.
Storage Technology
Reynolds &. Reynolds
Tally Corp.
Lecising Companies Scientific Computers
Tech Inc.
Tymeshcire Inc.
Booth Courier Corp. Tektronix Inc.
W^dy Corp.
Comdisco Inc. Telex
Commerce Group Corp. Wiltex Inc.
Peripherals and Subsystems
Computer Investers Group
Continental Info. Systems Advanced Memoiy Systems Supplies and Accessories
Datronic Rental Amp>ex Corp.
American Business Products
DCL Inc. And^'son Jacobson
Baltimore Bus Forms
DPF Inc. Ampex Corp.
Cybermatics Inc.
Itel Anderson Jacobson
Duplex Pnxiucts Inc.
Leasco Corp. Applied Dig Data Sys.
Ennis Business Forms
Leaspac Corp. Bunker-Ramo
3M Company
Pioneer Tex Corp. Calcomp
Moore Corp. Ltd.
U.S. Leasing Cambridge Memories
Nashua Corp.
CraitiDnics Data Comp
Standard Register
Tab Products Co.
Comfxiter Common.
Computer Consoles
Wabash Magnetics
Computer Equipment
Wallace Business Forms
CcHnfRiter Transceiver
Computervision Corp.

able. Computer users Ccin acquire programs frx)m either the \endor or the
software house for virtually every application imaginable. Prices from a

basic payroll program stored on cassette for SIO to mainframe-based in-

ventory control for 535,000. Prices and levels of complexitv' of software
depend on the computer and the state of the competition.

Service Suppliers
Outside computer senices are commonly used by small firms or first-time
users. Also called servicers, they include the following:

1. Computer manufacturers supply services such as system design, pro-

gramming, education and training, and hardware maintenance.
2. Service bureaus run "bread and butter" applications for small firms.
Larger firms contract for specialized applications or for running jobs
during peak volume periods. The primary' services are programming,
and system conversion, system design, and user training.

3. Facilities management iFiMi furnishes specialists to manage a user-

installed computer on the user's premises. In some cases, service is
Umited to developing application programs. The user runs the s\'stem
but calls on the service organization for developmental work and main-

The FM
concept has several benefits. The user pays only for the service
rendered. Turnover problems for the user are eliminated when the servicer
manages the center. The main drawbacks, however, are loss of contixjl over
the operation, vulnerability of information, and the high fees charged for the


Software has become an industrv' in itself. Before we discuss it further, we
define the types and characteristics of software for system development.

Types of Software

Software is according to whether it performs internal computer

functions or allows use of the computer for problem solving. The former is
called systems software —
programs designed to control system operations
(e.g., operating systems and data base management systems and system i

implementation (e.g., assemblers and compilers).' The latter classification is

called applications programs, which perform user-oriented functions.
Within this classification we have two groups:

' Daniel Couger, "Development to Facilitate Managerial Use of the Computer," Computing
Newsletter, no. 8 (April 1983), pp 2-4.

1. Cross- industry applications sofhvai'e, such as accounts receivable and

payroll calculations.

2. Industry-specific software, such as a safe deposit tracking system, hospi-

tal billing system, or airline reservation system.^

In general, software can have one or more of the following attributes:

1. Concurrence of operation. Software allows simultaneous activities to

take place in a computer run. For example, keying in data on the
terminal takes place while the system reading in data from disk and

the central processor is operating on a separate activity.

2. Resource and information sharing. Different piDgrams shai^ the same
hardware resource. Different users may use various programs, or differ-
ent programs use a centralized data base. This implies multiple inter-
faces of a system wdth the outside world.

3. Modularity. Software consists of segments connected in various ways,

partly due to the separate functions they perform.

4. Multiplexed operation. Some software systems rotate the use of a

resource, such as an input/output device, among different users, while
each user has the impression of being the sole user of the system.

The software by time-sharing, facilities manage-

industry, represented
ment, turnkey systems, packaged software products, and contract program-
ming, is in the midst of an incredible boom. IBM's "unbundling of its "

software from hardware in January 1970 sparked an exponential growth in

the software industry. The astounding growth of the software industry is
outpacing virtually all other areas. The stock prices of software companies
continue to rise, and new software products find immediate success. In the
microcomputer environment, William Gates' Microsoft Corporation started
with Xwo employees in 1981. Since it developed the disk operating system
(DOS) for the IBM PC has grown to a multimillion-dollar
late that year, it

corporation serving the software needs of other computer makers as well.

Industrywide 1984 revenues were $8.6 billion and are estimated to grow
by at least 20 percent through the 1980s, especially in the software products
area. There are three reasons for this groui;h:

1. Programmer shortage. The demand/supply factor for programming is

such that computer service firms are filling the gap vvdth "canned"
solutions ranging from utilities and programming to data base manage-
ment systems and applications.^
2. Hardware/software cost reversal. Although the price of software rela-
hardware is rising, the actual price is decreasing, considering the
tive to
power and performance of good software. With software geared for the
mass market, application developers have scaled down hardware re-

~ Alan M. Hoffbei^, "Getting Hardnosed about Software," Infosystems, July 1981, p. 37ff.
3 Ibid., p. 27.

quirements more toward the personal computer, while providing equal

capabilities and low^er prices than the software a decade ago.

3. Economies of scale.Assembling and distributing specialized com-

puter solutions for a vast customer base and potentially cheaper than
users acquiring their own skills and facilities to do the same.

Knowledge of the computer and of software is helpful as a basis for

selecting hardware/softv^are. Today's maturing market means a wide choice
for the user. Searching for the best product requires specialized knowledge
and a serious approach. This is when an experienced analyst or outside
consultant can contribute to a successful installation.


Gone are the days when a user calls IBM to order a 360 system. The system
then came with hardware, software, and support. Today, selecting a system
is a serious and time-consuming business. Unfortunately, many systems are

still selected based on vendor reputation only or other subjective factors.

The time spent on the selection process is a function of the applications

cind u^hether the system is a basic microcomputer or a mainframe. In either
case, planning system selection and acquiring experienced help wiiere
necessary pay ofiF in the long run.
There are several factors to consider prior to system selection:

1. Define system capabilities that make sense for business. Computers

have proven valuable to business in the following areas:
a. Cost reduction includes reduction of inventory, savings on space,
and improved abUity to predict business trends.
b. Cost avoidance includes early detection of problems and ability to
expand operations without adding clerical help.
c. Improved service emphasizes quick availability of information to
customers, improved accuracy, and fast turnaround.
d. Improved profit reflects the "bottom line" of the business and its
ability to keep receivables within reason.

2. Specify the magnitude of the problem, that is, clarify whether selection
entails a few peripherals or a major decision concerning the mainframe.
3. Assess the competence of the in-house staff. This involves determining
the expertise needed in areas such as telecommunications and data
base design. Acquiring a computer often results in securing temporary
help for conversion. Planning for this step is extremely important.
4. Consider hcirdware and software as a package. This approach ensures
compatibility. In fact, software should be considered first, because often
the user secures the hardware and then wonders what software is
available for it. Remember that software solves problems and hardware
drives the software to facilitate solutions.

5. Develop a schedule (a time frcime) for the selection process. Maintaining

a schedule helps keep the project under control.
6. Provide user indoctrination. This is crucial, especially for first-time
users. Selling the system to the user staff, providing adequate training,
and preparing an environment conducive to implementation are pre-
requisites for system acquisition.

Major Phases In Selection

The selection process should be viewed as a project, and a

team project
should be organized with management support. In larger projects the team
includes one or more user representatives, an analyst, and EDP auditor, and
a consultant. Several steps make up the selection process; some overlap due
to the dynamic nature of selection:

1. Requirements analysis.
2. System specifications.
3. Request for proposal (RFP).
4. Evaluation and validation.
5. Vendor selection.

6. Post-installation review.

// Requirements Analysis
The first step in selection
understanding the user's requirements

within the ft'amework of the organization's objectives and the environment

in which the system is being installed. Consideration is given to the user's
resources as well as to finances.
must decide whether to develop it in-
In selecting software, the user
house, hire a service company or a contract programmer to create it, or
simply acquire it from a software house. The choice is logically made after
the user has clearly defined the requirements expected of the software.
Therefore, requirements ancdysis sets the tone for software selection.

. System Specifications
Failure to specify system requirements before the final selection almost
always results in a faulty acquisition. The specifications should delineate
the user's requirements and allow room for bids ftx)m various vendors. They
must reflect the actual applications to be handled by the system and
include system objectives, flowcharts, input-output requirements, file struc-
ture, and cost. The specifications must also describe each aspect of the
system clearly, consistently, and completely.

3, Request for Proposal (RFP)

After the requirements analysis and system specifications have been
determined, a request for proposal (RFP) is drafted and sent to selected

vendors for bidding. Bids submitted are based on discussions with vendors.
At a minimum, the RFP should include the following:

1. Complete statement of the system specifications, programming lan-

guage, price range, terms, and time frame.
2. Request for vendor's responsibilities for conversion, training, and main-
3. Warranties and terms of license or contractual limitations.
4. Request for financial statement of vendor.
5. Size of staff available for system support.

Evaluation and Validation
The evaluation phase ranks vendor proposals and determines the one
best suited to the user's needs. It looks into items such as price, availability,
and technical support. System validation ensures that the vendor can, in
fact, match his her claims, especialh' system performance. True validation is
verified by ha\ing each system demonstrated.

Role of the Consultant. For a small firm, an analysis of competitive

bids can be confusing. For this reason, the user may wish to contract an
outside consultant to do the job. Consultants pro\ide expertise and an
objective opinion. A recent sur\ey found, however, that 50 percent of re-
spondent users had unfa\'orable experiences with the consultants they
hired, and 25 percent said they would never hire another consultant. With
such findings, a decision to use consultants should be based on careful
selection and planning. A rule of thumb is that the larger the acquisition,
the more serious should be the consideration of using professional help.
Although the payoffs from using consulting ser\ices can be dramatic,
the costs are also high. For many small companies that are exploring s\'stem
acquisition, consulting ser\1ces may be totally out of reach. During 1984, the
average rates of consultants were S600-S1,800 a day, not including travel
and out-of-pocket expenses.
The past decade has seen the growth of internal management consul-
tant teams in large organizations, as opposed to external consulting teams.
Figure 14-2 outlines the cases where an external or internal consultant is

Vendor Selection
This step determines the "winner" — the vendor with the best combina-
tion of reputation, reliability, service record, training, delix'erv' time, lease/
finance terms, and conversion schedule. Initially, a decision is made on

which \endor to contact. The sources available to check on vendors include

the following:

1. Users. 3. Trade associations.

2. Software houses. 4. Universities.

FIGURE 14-2 Pros and Cons of Using Consultants

Elxtemal Consultant Internal Consultant

Full-time internal consultant is not An outside consultant is too costly; inter-

needed or is beyond the budget of the nal consultants c£m be much cheaper.
A fast decision necessitates using an inter-
Extra help on a project is needed for a nal consultant.
short time; an internal person cannot
An external consultant often does not
afford the time.
understand the nature of the internal
The internal staff does not possess the problem.
expertise or broad knowledge needed
An internal consultant already exists who
for a specific situation.
has an objective and technical under-
The political nature of the problem re- standing.
quires an objective, neutral opinion.
An inside opinion is desired in addition to
An outside opinion is desired in addition that of the external consultant.
to that of the internal consultant.

5. Publications/journals. 8. Published directories.

6. Vendor software lists. 9. Consultants.
7. Vendor referral directoiies. 10. Industry contacts.

For comprehensive applications, the user routinely submits an RFP that

specifies the performance requirements and information needed to make
cin evaluation. Copies of the vendor's annual financial statement cire also

requested. Once received, each vendor's report is matched against the

selection criteria. Those that come the closest are invited to give a presenta-
tion of their system. The system chosen goes through contract negotiations
before implementation. This area is covered later in the chapter.

6 , Post-Installation Review
Sometime cifter system evaluation is made to
the package is installed, a
determine how closely the new^ system conforms to plan. System specifica-
tions and user requirements are audited to pinpoint and correct any differ-

Software Selection
Software selection is a critical aspect of system development. As mentioned
earlier, the search starts wdth the software, followed by the haixiwcire. There
are two ways of acquiring software: custom-made or "off-the-shelf' pack-
ages. Today's trend is toward purchasing packages, which represent
roughly 10 percent of what is costs to develop the same in house. In
addition to reduced cost, there are other advantages:

1. A good package can get the system running in a matter of days rather
than the weeks or months required for 'home-grown" packages.

2. MIS personnel are released for other projects.

3. Packages are generally reliable and perform according to stated docu-

4. Minimum risks are usually associated with large-scale systems and
programming efforts.

5. Delays in completing software projects in house often occur because

programmers quit in midstream.
6. It is difficult to predict the cost of "home-grown" software.

7. The user has a chance of seeing how well the package performs before
purchasing it.

There are drawbacks, however, to software packages:

1. The package may not meet user requirements adequately.

2. Extensive modification of a package usually results in loss of the ven-
dor's support.

3. The methodology for package evaluation and selection is often poorly

defined. The result is a haphazard review based on a faulty process or
questionable selection criteria.

4. For first-time software package users, the overall expectation from a

package is often unclear and ill defined.

Itbe seen, then, that the quality of a software package cannot be

determined by price alone. A systematic review is crucial.

Criteria for Software Selection

Prior to selecting the software, the project team must set up criteria for
selection. Selection criteria fall into the categories described here.

ReliobilitY. it is execute for a

the probability that the software vvdll

specified time period wdthout a failure, weighted by the cost to the user of
each failure encountered. It relates to the ease of recovery and ability to give
consistent results. Reliability is particularly important to the professional
user. For excimple, a pharmacist relies on past files on patients when filling
prescriptions. Information accuracy is crucial.
Hardware may become inoperative because of design errors, manufac-
turing errors, or deterioration caused by heat, humidity, friction, and the
like. In contreist, software does not fail or wear out. Any reliability problems

Eire attributable to errors introduced during the production process. Fur-

thermore, whereas hardware failure is based largely on random failures,
software reliability is based on predestined errors.
Although reliable software is a desirable goal, limited progress has been
made toward improving it in the last decade. The fact of unreliable software
had led to the practice of securing maintenance agreements after the
package is in operation. In a sense, unreliability is rewarded.

Software reliability brings up the concept of modularity, or the ease with

which a package can be modified. This depends on whether the package
was originally designed as a package or was retrofitted after its original
development for single installation use. A package with a high degree of
modularity has the capacity to operate in many machine configurations
and perhaps across manufacturers' product lines ."*

With modulcirity comes e^andability, which emphasizes the sensitivity

of a software package to handle an increased volume of transactions or to
integrate with other programs. The following questions should be consid-

1. Is there room for expanding the master file?

2. How easily can additional fields, records, and files be added?

3. How much of the system becomes unusable when a part of it fails?

4. Are there errors a user can make that will bring down the system?
5. What are the recovery capabifities?^

Functionality, it is a definition of the faciUties, performance, and

other factors that the user requires in the finished product. All such infor-
mation comes from the user. The following are key questions to consider:

1. Do the input transactions, files, and reports contain the necessary data
2. Are all the necessciry computations and processing performed accord-
ing to specifications?

Capacity refers to the capability of the software package to
handle the user's requirements for size of files, number of data elements,
volume of transactions and reports, and number of occurrences of data
elements. AU limitations should be checked.

Flexibility, it isa measure of the effort required to modify an opera-

tional progTcim. One feature of flexibility is adaptability, which is a measure
of the ease of extending the product.

This criterion refers to the effort required to operate, pre-
pcire the input, and interpret the output of a progrcmi. Additional points to
be considered are portability and understandabiUty. Portability refers to the
ability of the softwcire to be used on different hardware jmd operating
systems. UnderstandabiUty means that the purpose of the product is clear
to the evaluator and that the package is clearly and simply written, is fi^e of

Jan Snyders, "How to Buy Packages," Computer Decisions, July 1978, p. 52.
5 Craig Johannsen, "Software Selection," Computerworld, Januaiy 1979, p. 33

jargon, and contains sufficient references to readily available documents so

that the reader can comprehend advanced contents.

Security, it is a measure of the likelihood that a system's user can

accidentally or intentionaUy access or destroy unauthorized data. A key
question is: How well can one control access of software or data files?
Control provides system integrity. This topic is covered in detail in Chapter

Performance, it is a measure of the capacity of the software package

to do what it is expected to do. This criterion focuses on throughput, or
how effectively a package performs under peak loads. Each package should
be evaluated for acceptance on the user's system.
The Icinguage in which a package is vmtten and the operating system
are additional performance considerations. Ifwe plan to modify or extend a
package, it is easier if it is written in a language that is commonly known to
programmers. Likewise, if the package runs only under a disk operating
system and the installation is under a full operating system, then either the
package wdll have to be upgraded to the larger operating system or the
system downgraded to handle the package as is. In either case, the change
could be costly and counterproductive.

This criterion focuses on documentation and vendor

support. Complete documentation is critical for software enhancement. It
includes a narrative description of the system, system logic and logic
flowcharts, input-output and file descriptions and layouts, and operator
instructions. Vendor support assures the user adequate technical support
for software installation, enhancements, and mainteucince. The user should
determine how much on-site technical assistance is provided by the ven-
dor, especiaffy during the first few weeks after the instcillation.
The user expects on-site training and support as part of most commer-
cial packages. It is vital to inquire about the amount of training provided.
The user may inquire training at several levels — clerical, operations, pixj-
gramming, and management.

Ownership, who owns the software once it is "sold" to the user?

Most of the standard license agreement forms essentially lease the softwai^
to the user for an indefinite time. The user does not "own it, which means "

that the source code is inaccessible for modification, except by the vendor.
Many usei-s enter into an escrow arrangement whereby the vendor deposits
the source code with a third-party escrow agent who agrees to release the
code to the user if the vendor goes out of business or is unable to perform
the services specified in the license.
In acquiring software, several questions should be asked:

1. What rights to the software is the user buying?


FIGURE 14-3 Software Criteria —A Summary

Criterion Meaning

1. Reliability Gives consistent results

2. Functionality Functions to standards
3. Capacity' Satisfies volume requirements
4. FlexibUity Adapts to changing needs
5. UsabUity Easy to operate and understand — user-friendly
6. Security Maintains integrit\' and pre\ents unauthorized access
7. Performance Capacity to deliver as expected
8. Ser\iceabilit\' Good documentation and \endor support
9. Ownership Right to modifv and share use of package
10. Minimal costs .Affordable for intended application

2. Can the user sell or modify the software?

3. If the vendor ismodifying the package especially for the user, can the
vendor sell it to others vvithin the same industiy the user is in?

4. What restrictions are there to copying the software or documentation?^

Minimal Costs. Cost is a major consideration in deciding between

in-house and vendor software. Cost-conscious users consider the following

1. Development and conversion costs.

2. Delivery schedule.

3. Cost and frequency of software modifications.

4. Usable life span of the package.

A summary of software criteria is presented in Figure 14-3.

The Evaluation Process

In evaluating packages, important to consider the knowledge of the user
it is

or how much expertise is available for the evaluation phase. The first step is
to look at the criteria listed earlier and rank them in order of importance.
Mandatory and desirable features should be diff"erentiated. Since it is un-
likely that all user requirements can be met, concentration should be on
satisfying the primary requirements. The selection of appropriate software
becomes a matter of making intelligent compromises.

Sources for Evaluation

Three sources of information are used in evaluating hardware and
software: (1) benchmark programs, (2) experience of other users, and (3)

product reference manuals.

6 Ibid., p. 33.

A benchmark is a sample program used for evaluating different comput-

ers and necessary because computers often will not
their software/ This is

use the same instructions, words of memory, or machine cycle to solve a

problem. In the context of software selection, benchmaridng may include
the foUowing:

1. A determination of the minimum hardweire configuration needed to

operate a package. A package may be extremely sensitive to its hardvi^are
or have considerable flexibility.
2. An acceptance test as specified in the contract.

3. Testing in an ideal environment to determine comparative timings and

in a normal environment to determine its influence on other programs.

The more elaborate the benchmaridng, the more costly is the evalua-
tion. The user's goals must be kept in perspective. Time constraints cdso
limit how thorough the testing process can be. There must be a compro-
mise on how much to test whUe stUl ensuring that the software (or hard-
ware) meets its functional criteria.
Since benchmarks only validate the vendor's claims, other sources of
information are necessary. The ejqyerience of other users with the same
system, software, or service is important. Vendors are generaUy willing to
provide a list of "reference accounts" or people with whom to check.
Elxperience shows that the users on such a list happen to be satisfied
customers and, therefore, are not typical users. Seeking objective users on
one's own can be finstrating, however. Even if the "ideal" user is located, the
information is useful only if the user had the same hardware configuration,
applications, and software.
An important step in the evaluation process is to read product reference
manuals that evaluate system capabiUties. Since such a search is often
laborious, one alternative is to contact organizations that publish reports
based on ongoing research and system testing in various sites. For example,
Auerbach, Inc. (Philadelphia), publishes looseleaf references on information
processing, telecommunications, and computer graphics. The reports elab-
orate on computer products, services, and prices. Considering the benefits
offiered, the cost is relatively low.

Evaluation of Proposals
Vendor bids should be reviewed not only to ensure that the information
is adequate, but also to determine whether it meets the requirements of the
user's RFP. Proposals that fail proposals have
the test are rejected. After all

been verified, the final vendor is selected by various approaches: (1) ad hoc,
(2) scoring or (3) cost-value approach.

J. Seaman, "Smart Benchmarking — the Key to Successful Procurement," Computer Deci-
sions, March 1981, pp 74-94.


The ad hoc approach one vendor

refers to the user's inclination to favor
over others. This "halo effect discourages other vendors from applving

when the user is known to favor a particular vendor from the outset.
In the scoring approach, the characteristics of each system are listed
and given a score in relation to a maximum point rating. Then each pro-
posal is rated according to the characteristics. Figure 14-4 rates three
proposals according to uniform computer and \'endor exaluation factors.
Proposal B has the most points for the total performance score and would
be the user's first choice.
With the cosf value approach, a dollar credit amount is applied to the
proposal that best meets the user's desirable characteristics. This credit is
subtracted from the vendor's quoted price. The proposal with the lowest
price is the one selected. To illustrate, assume that the vendor's response
for repair is a key criterion. The cost value of a quick response is determined
by estimating the cost of hiring additional help to do the required work
manually while the system is waiting for service. This amount depends on
how quickly the vendor responds to senice. Suppose that when the com-
puter is down for a whole day, there is an additional expense of SI, 000.
Three breakdowns in a year would total $3,000. Eliminating downtime
through quick response to service is a credit for the vendor. After appropri-
ate credits (or penalties) are assigned, the total cost of each system is
computed. The system with the lowest cost is selected.

HGURE 14-4 Sample Scoring Approach to



Elements A B C

Arithmetic 3 4 1
Communication capabUity 20 15 10
En\'ironmental requirements 1 5 4
Input/output capabilitv' 4 9 2
Mcdn memory capacity 14 10 12
Multiprogramming capability 3 9 2
Secondary storage capacity 16 21 11
Word size 19 20 14
Subtotal 80 93 56

Deli\'eiy time 10 5 12
Maintenance chai^ges 18 20 21
Number installed to date 2 11 6
Performance record 6 9 8
Qucdity of service 9 9 5
Training 5 10 /

Subtotal 50 64 59

Total (performance score) 130 157 115


Performance Evaluation
Evaluating a system includes the hardware and software as a unit.
Hardware selection requires an analysis of several performance categories:

1. System availability. When will the system be available?

2. Compatibility. How compatible is the system with existing programs?
3. Cost. What is the lease or purchase price of the system? What about
maintenance and operation costs?
4. Performance. What are the capacity and throughput of the system?

5. Uptime. What is the "uptime" record of the system? What mainte-

nance schedule is required?
6. Support. How competent and available are the vendor's staff to sup-
port the system?
7. Usability. How easy is it to program, modify, and operate the system?
For the softwcire exaluation, the foUouing factors are considered:

1. The programming language and its suitabilitv' to the application(s).

2. Ease of installation and training.

3. Ejctent of enhancements to be made prior to installation.

In addition to hardware/software e\'aluation, the qualitv' of the vendor's

sendees should be examined. \'endor support services include the follow-

1. Backup. Emergency computer backup available from vendor.

2. Conversion. Programming and installation service provided during
3. Maintenance. Adequacy and cost of hardware maintenance.
4. System development. Availability of competent analysts and program-
mers for system development.


When the decision to go ahead with the acquisition has been made, the
next question is purchase or lease. Ther^ are three methods of
whether to
acquisition: (1) rental directly from the manufacturer, (2) leasing thiDugh a

third party or from the vendor, and (3) outright purchase.

The Rental Option

Rent is a form of lease directly by the manufacturer. The user agrees to a

monthly pavment, usually for one year or less. The contract can be termi-
nated without penalty by a 90-day a^ance notice. Rental charges are based
on 176 usage hours (8 hours per day x 22 woi^king days) per month.
Additional usage means higher total charges per month. Computer users
favor renting a system for three reasons:

Insurance, maintenance, cind other expenses are included in the i-ental

2. There is financial leverage for the user. With no investment in equip-
ment, user capital is freed for other pixjjects. Futhemiore, rental charges
are tax deductible.

3. Rental makes it easier to change to other systems, thereby reducing the

risk of technological obsolescence.

The primary drawback of a rental contract is its high cost because of the
uncertainty of rental revenues to the vendor.

The Lease Option

A leased system acquired through a third paity or from the vendor. A

third-party purchase ranges from six months with month-to-month re-

newals to seven years. Longer-running leases have more favorable terms but
entail a higher risk as the user is "strapped" udth the system. With a short-
term lease, the user's risk is low, but lease charges are high.
From the user's view, leasing has several advantages:

1. No financing is required. The risk of system obsolescence is shifted to

the lessor (vendor).
2. Lease charges are lower than rental charges for the same period and are
also tax deductible.

3. Leases may be written to show higher payments in early years to reflect

the decline in value of the system.
4. Leases may or may not include maintenance or installation costs or
providing a replacement system in an emergency.

The drawbacks of leasing are:

1. Unless there is a purchase option, the lessee (user) loses residual rights
to the system when the lease expires.

2. The lease period cannot be terminated without a heavy penalty.

3. In the absence of an upgrade clause, the user may not be able to

exchange the leased system for another system. Also, if interest rates
decrease, the user is committed to lease payments at the higher rate.
4. Unlike a purchase system, a leased system does not provide tax benefits
from accelerated depreciation and interest deductions in the early
years of use. There are no cash savings in a lease cirrangement.

The Purchase Option

Purchasing a computer has benefits and drawbacks. Purchasing means
assuming all the risks of ownership including taxes, insurance, and tech-
nological obsolescence. However, the owner obtains aU the services and

support that are available under the lease or rental agreement. Compared
with renting or leasing, the key advantages of purchasing are:

1. The flexibility of modifying the system at will.

2. Lower continuing cash outlays than those for a leased system due to
cash savings from depreciation and investment tax credit.^ If the equip-
ment is held for five years or more, a credit of 10 percent of the purchase
price is deducted ftx)m the organization's income tax.

3. A lower total cash outflow if the user keeps the system longer than five

The major drawbacks are:

1. Initial high cost in relation to leasing.

2. Insurance expense and various taxes, which are carried by the user. The
maintenance agreement is also paid for by the user when the warranty

3. High overall risk. A poorly selected system means adapting to a "prob-

lem child." Selling a used computer with flaws could be a reed problem.

Each acquisition method has characteristics that are both common and
unique. A choice based on these facts meets the qualitative test only.
Quantitatively, an effective method is the net present value (NPV) approach.
As discussed in Chapter 8, it allows users to evaluate alternatives while
recognizing that a dollar received today is worth more than tomorrow's
dollar. A problem at the end of the chapter illustrates the usefulness of this


Under what circumstances should one consider a used computer? Com-
puters last between five and eight years. Most organizations outgrow their
computers long before they become obsolete, however. This means that
users are forced to unload equipment at a loss in order to acquire new
systems. Savings of 15 to 70 percent can be realized by buying used systems,
depending on the model and condition of the system.^
Availability is a major advantage to buying used computers. The de-
mand for some systems is so high that promised six-week deliveries can
stretch up to six months. For certain highly sought microcomputers, deliv-
ery may take as long as four months. Used computer dealers have been
known to deliver the same day.

* Therea limit on the amount of investment tax credit claimed that is tied to the tax

the year. The maximum is 100 percent of the first $25,000 of tax liability plus 85
liability for
percent of the tax liability that is greater than $25,000. See Wm. Hoffman and Eugene Willis,
1984 Annual Edition West's Federal Taction (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing).
" Tom Wolpert, "Why It Pays to Buy Used," Venture, August 1982, p. 12.

Sales in theused computer market are well over $5 billion per year.
Indei>endent vendors have been successful in training operators and pro-
grammers to use the equipment. They generally rebuild used systems after
they have been acquired fixim the second user.
For stand-cilone s3/^tems, used computers are ideal for users with in-
house expertise who cire located in an area where technical support is
adequate, or who are assured of vendor support. Although the biggest
drawback to used computers is maintencince, this is readily available from
the vendor or independent service firms.
Used computers are acquired through dealers or end users. Most deal-
ers cire knowledgeable about the system they sell. The best bargain, how-
ever, is buying directly fixim the end user, provided there is a log that verifies
the maintencince record of the system. Checking the maintenance log will
reveal how reliable the system has been. The buyer must be sure that the
seller has clear title to the system. A qualified consultant can help.
In conclusion, there are savings fiDm acquiring used systems, and more
and more or^cinizations are going that route. Furthermore, it is an excellent
way to extend the useful life of the computer.


After a decision has been made about the equipment or software, the fined
step in system acquisition is to negotiate a contract. Unfortunately, the
typical user does not negotiate. Tlie assumption
that a contract drafted by

a reputable firm is a standard instrument not subject to change. To

and is

the contrary, every contract is negotiable to some extent. Large users often
spend weeks negotiating amenities and terms, using legal counsel or con-
The primary law^ governing contracts is the law of contracts, although
contracts can be influenced by other laws, such as the Uniform Commercial
Code (UCC). Under the law^ of contracts, the formation of a contract requires
mutual assent (meeting of the minds) and consideration. Performance of a
contract is the fulfilling of the duties created by it.

The Art of Negotiation

Many users enter into contract negotiations at the mercy of the vendor, with
little preparation. Negotiating Timing is critical. Strategies must
is an art.^°
be planned and rehearsed. The leverage enjoyed by either party can change
during the course of the negotiations. Figure 14-5 iUustrates the negotiation
procedure. Part A represents the jxjorly prepared user, outmaneuvered
completely throughout the negotiations. Part B shows a relatively informed
user, but one who has a sense of urgency. The user's negotiating leverage

*° Lynn Haber, "Negotiations Can SpeD Out Successful Systems," Computerworld,

November 21, 1983, p. 22flF.


FIGURE 14-5 Negotiation Procedures


Lessor (vendor)

A. Deficient

Lessee (user)

Bid Award Conclusion


B. Fair

Award Conclusion

100% Lessor

C. Good


Award Conclusion

drops to nearly zero as he/she enters the contract-negotiating phase. At this

point, the \endor recognizes the user's state of mind and becomes less
willing to negotiate in earnest. In part C, the user is following good negotiat-
ing procedui^s and retains fair lexerage into the negotiations.

Strategies and Tactics

Various strategies and tactics are used to control the negotiation
process. A key strategv' is to control the environment. The user's 'home field
advantage" allows the user's representati\'e to concentrate on the negotia-
tion process in a familiar setting. Other strategies are the following:

1. Use the "good guy" and 'bad guy" approach. The consultant is often
perceived as the bad guy, the user as the good guy. The consultant is
the "shrewd" negotiator, whereas the user is the compromiser.
2. Be prepared with alternatives at all times. It is a give-and-take approach.

3. Use trade-offs. Rank less important objectives high early in the negotia-

4. Be prepared to drop some issues. Certain issues may be better dis-

cussed in later sessions.

Contract Checklist

Responsibilities and Remedies

A computer contract should specify the remedies to the parties in the
event of default or nonperformimce. Remedies should begin with a list of
responsibilities that both parties have agreed to assume. Next to each
vendor obligation are listed the remedies desired by the user in the event of
nonperformance. With such provisions, the contract obligates a vendor to
deliver onfy equipment that operates according to specifications.
There are three major categories of remedies: special remedies,
damages, and specific performance. Special remedies are the user's first line
of defense. For example, if the vendor fails to meet the delivery date, the
user has the right to Ccmcel the deal after a stated notice to the vendor. Or, if
the system fails the acceptance test due to deficient capacity, the user may
expect the vendor to provide additional power or memory at a specific cost
(or no cost) within a stated time.
Tliese special remedies provide immediate relief to the user, without
litigation. When the vendor hesitates to negotiate special remedies, the
user's representative(s) may demand strict damage remedies. Such damages
may be actual, consequential, or liquidated. Actual damages compensate a
party for what it should have received in a contractual bargain. Consequen-
tial damages include all other foreseeable losses that result from the breach

of a contract. Because they cover amounts greater than actual damages,

vendors make every eflFort to limit consequential damages in the contract.
liquidated damages establish a fixed amount in advance payable in the
event of default. If the vendor fails to meet the delivery date or the installa-
tion or acceptance deadline, liquidated damages ai^ a popular remedy.
They actually provide the vendor with a negative financial incentive if they
do not perform.

HoElCiwaie. A good hardware contract is goal-oriented. It stipulates

the results to be achieved with the system. Of greater importance is the
definition of sj^tem performance in terms of expected functions. The fir^t
step in contracting equipment is to identify each component and spell out
the performance criteria that the processor must meet under normal oper-
ating conditions. Where possible, it should be written in terms understand-
able to anyone v^^o reviews the contract at a later date.

Software. A software package is a Ucense to use a proprietary pro-

cess. It is not truly "sold," since a title is not transferred, so it is more or less
a "license for use." The user has the right to use the package but does not
have title of ownership.
There are several risks inherent in software packages:

1. Nonperformance or failure to meet specifications. One remedy is to

provide for termination in the contract.
2. Costs of modification or integration. The remedy is to specily assistance
with modifications for a fee.
Bankruptcy of the vendor. The remedy is provision for the user to modtfv
the package without penalties, charges, or obUgations.

Delivery and Acceptance. A major problem with contracting is

failure of the vendor to deli\ er on schedule.^ ^ A contract should specif the
remedies provided for failure to meet the agreed-upon delivery schedule.
The section governing acceptance describes the tests that must be met for
the equipment to be accepted by the user. A user should also insist on a
period of use under normal operating conditions to ensure the system's
performance to standards.

Warranties. .Aiticle 2 of the UCC provides three implied warranties

by the vendor for goods sold and many lease transactions as well. Essen-
tially, the vendor has title to the goods when sold, the goods are mechanta-

ble, and the goods are fit for the purposes they are intended. Because
warranties are desirable for customers, vendors include provisions relating
to them in agreements, thus suggesting that some warranty is made.

Finances. Contract negotiations involving finances can be summa-

rized by "Let the buyer beware." One of the most difficult contract items to
negotiate is the time when pavments begin. Most standard contracts speciK'
that pavTnent commences upon installation. In rental arrangements, the
contract should specifv whether rent is based on a tlat monthly fee or on

the number used per month or shift. In lease an-angements,

of hours
however, the contract covers an option to buy, when it can be exercised,
and if the optin is assignable. Also, it stipulates whether monthly lease
pavTnents can be applied toward the purchase price.
Since the contract is normally signed before delivery, the prices defined
in the contract should be protected. If the vendor requires an escalation
clause, the user should be able to cancel the contract in exchange for a
penaltv pavment from the vendor as compensation for costs incurred for
A clause called /brce majeure deals with the suspension of the contract
in an event beyond the vendor's control. This includes civil disorders,
hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and acts of war. It is interesting to note
that nuclear devastation is normally exempted from a force majeure clause.

Guarantee of Reliability. This is a statement by the vendor specify-

ing the following:

" David Myers, More Seen to Contracts Than Price, Deliveiy," Computerworld, November
14, 1983, p. 23!


1. Minimum hours of usable time per day that — is, the amount of time of
computer operation before a shutdown.
2. Mean time between failures (MTBF) — the length of time the system will
run without breaking down.
3. Maximum time to repair — response time to repairing the system.
Negotiations have come a long way during the last decade. One reason
is the growing competition in the industry. one vendor utII not negotiate,

the chances are that five other vendors will. Another reason is that usere are
becoming more knowledgeable about computers and are unvvalling to be
taken in by a standard contract. Standard contracts are designed to protect
the vendor. They have been written by knowledgeable legal staff. When a
contract is not negotiated, the user is usually on the losing end. Various
items can and should be negotiated, if negotiations ai-e done properly, with
foresight, planning, and control, the user can not only get a fair contract but
also secure a fruitful relationship that will benefit both the user and the

1. Computer vendors are classified as hardware, software, and service
suppliers. They provide mainframe, operating systems/application pro-
grams, and service, respectively.
2. Software is system software for controlling computer oper-
classified as
ations and application software for solving user-oriented problems. In
general, software allows concurrence of operation, resource and infor-
mation sharing, modularity, and multiplexed operation. It has grown by
leaps and bounds, especially since the birth of the microcomputer.
Programmer shortages, improved software performance, and econo-
mies of scale are other reasons for the growth of softw^are.
3. There are several things to do before selection:
a. Define system capabilities that make sense for the business.
b. Specify the magnitude of the problem.
c. Assess the competence of the in-house staff.

d. Consider hardware and software as a package.

e. Develop a time frame for selection.
/ Provide user indoctrination.
4. The selection process consists of several steps:
a. Prepare a requirements analysis (understanding user require-
b. Specify system specifications.
c. Prepare a request for proposal.
d. Rank vendor proposals (if it is a big job, hire a consultant).
e. Decide on the best proposal or vendor and invite a demonstration.
5. Software may be custom-made or acquired off the shelf. The latter

approach has several advantages; quicker and less costly and

it is

generally requires less time to install than in-house software. The major
drawback is occasional difficulty meeting user requirements.
The criteria for software selection are:
a. Reliability— gives consistent results.
b. Functionality — ftinctions standards.
c. Capacity — volume requirements.
Flexibility— adapts changing needs.
Usability — user-friendly.

/ Security — maintains integrity and prevents unauthorized access.

g. Performance — delivers as expected.
h. Serviceability — has good documentation and vendor support.
CKvnership — has modify and share use of package.
right to
Minimal costs — affordable for intended application.

7. In evaluating packages, we look at the software criteria and rank them in

order of importance. Then we select the required features and check
them against those offered by the software package. Sources for evalua-
tion are benchmark tests, other users, and product reference manuals.

8. Vendor proposals are evaluated and finalized ad hoc, by scoring the

characteristics of each system, or by a cost-value method that essen-
tially applies a dollar credit amount to the proposal that best meets the

user's characteristics. In the end, both qualitative and quantitative

measures are considered for the final acquisition.
9. There are three methods of acquisition: and purchase.
rental, lease,
Rental is favored for first-time users who are unsure of what they want.
Every service is included but at a high cost. The user has financicil
leverage and is free to change systems. The lease option lasts longer
than the rental option but costs less. No financing is required and the
risk of system obsolescence is shifted to the vendor. The main drawback
is the heavy penalty for early cancellation. The purchase option offers a

lower total cash outflow if the system is kept longer than five years. It

also offers a cash savings because of depreciation and investment tax

credit. The high cost, insurance and maintenance expenses, and

overall risks are drawbacks.

10. An alternative to the three acquisition methods is to buy a used com-

puter. Prices are attractive and so is performance, provided the user
verifies proper maintenance through a log.
11. Negotiating a computer contract is an curt that requires strategies, tac-
tics, and much planning. Time is critical. Before the negotiating session,
representatives should be prepared with alternatives and trade-offs and
plan to discuss some issues in later sessions when the climate is more
amenable for further negotiations.

12. A contract should spell out tWb following:

a. Vendor responsibilities and remedies in the event of nonperfor-
mance; vsath hardware, the results to be achieved with the system.
14 '

b. Remedies for failure to meet the deli\er\' schedule and failure of the
system to pass the user acceptance test.
c. Implied warranties regarding s\'stem or software performance.
d. Guarantee of reliability in terms of uptime, mean time between
failures, cind response time to repairs.

Key Words
Benchmark Portabilit\'

Facilities Management (FMI Request for Proposal (RFP)

Force Majeure Serxiceability
Functionality Serxicer
Lease Uniform Commercial Code (UCCI
Modular! tv Usability

Review €luestions
1. How is the computer industry classified? Summarize.
2. Distinguish between the following:
a. Hardware and service suppliers.
b. Concurrence of operation and multiple.xed operation.
c. RFP and vendor proposal.
d. PortabilitN' and understandability.

3. V\'hat is the FM concept? Search the literature and write a report on the
current demand for FM service.

4. List and brieflx' summarize the key attributes of software.

5. "Software is according to whether it performs internal com-

puter functions or allows use of the computer for problem soKing."

6. What factors must be considered prior to system selection? Expound.

7. Ithas been suggested that software should be considered before haixi-
ware. Do you agree? Why?
8. Elaborate on the major phases in selection. Which phase sets the tone
for the vendor contact?
9. Draft a plan to show the makeup of a request for proposal. How does it

differ with different sizes of s\'stems?

10. In what wa\'s is the consultant helpful in selection? How would you go
about deciding on a consultant? Explain.
11. The chapter lists sources of information to check on vendors. Can you
think of other sources? Gi\e it a tr\'.

12. What software criteria are considered for selection? Summarize.

13. How important is the reliabilitv' factor in software packages? Discuss.

14. What is the difference between the following?

a. Functionalit\' and flexibility.

b. Performance and serviceability.

c. Reliability cind security.

15. Discuss the sources of information used in evaluating hardware and

software. Which source do you consider the most reliable? Why?

16. How is the scoring approach different ftxim the cost-value approach in
evaluating proposals? Illustrate.
17. Hardware selection requires the analysis of severed performance catego-
ries. For a first-time user of microcomputers, what category or catego-

ries would be most important? Why?

18. There are three methods of acquisition. What are they? Elaborate on the
pros and cons of each method.
19 Under what circumstances would one consider buying a used com-
puter? What are the benefits and drawbacks to such an acquisition?

20 In what way is computer negotiation an art? Elxplain.

21. There are strategies and you were

tactics in negotiating contracts. If
representing a client or acquiring a small computer, how would you go
about it?

22. The chapter elaborateson a contract checklist that should be consid-

ered in a final computer contract. What goes into the checklist? Are cill
the items important? Why?

Application Problems

1 A county school system has been processing its payrtjU through a local
bank's computer center for over eight years. One morning in early June,
the school superintendent received a telephone call ftxjm the bank's
vice president with the bad news. The bank could no longer process the
school's payroll. He gave the school until December 31 to look for an
The superintendent contacted a computer consultant with a re-
quest for a payroll service or an installation to be in operation by the
end of the year. The school had just acquired a IBM/XT, complete with a
letter-quality printer, color monitor, and operating system. The price
was $6,800. None of the superintendent's staff knew how the system
operates. No software was available either.
The consultant checked with several service bureaus. The charges

were virtually the same $0.75 per paycheck. This includes accumulat-
ing payroll data and preparing end-of-year withholding tax forms.
Payr"oll checks are prepared for all employees biweekly.

With the a microcomputer, the alternative is to ac-

availability of
quire the software to do pavroll on the premises. A pavroll software
package will cost $800 plus an annual maintenance fee of 15 percent.
Supplies for printing checks, reports, ribbon, etc. are estimated to cost
around $300 per year. Based on other installations, it udll take three
days to train a clerk to use the system and four hours to process the

a. Should hardware be acquired before software? Why? Explain.
b. What are the unique features of this case? Elaborate.

c. Do a cost/benefit analysis for the two alternatives described. Assume that

the hardware has a useful life of four years. Because the school is a
nonprofit institution, the cost of money and depreciation are not applica-
ble. Which alternative should be chosen? V\'hat are the drawbacks to each
alternative? The benefits?

d. In addition to cost, what other factors should be considered in making the

final choice?

A medium-size commercial bank has been using a service bureau for

nine years to handle virtually all applications, including checking, sav-
ings, installment and commercial loans, and trust activities. UntU last
month, it has been paving $285,000 a year for the service, which
amounts to 10 percent of the net income. The new contract submitted
by the service bureau shows an increase in fees to $315,000.
With the steadily decreasing cost of hardware, improvements in
computer processing capabilities, and availability of ready-to-use soft-
ware packages for banking, the senior vice president was curious to
know whether the bank should consider having its own system. A
computer consultant was hired to explore the matter.
A computer system that could meet the needs of the bank over the
next five years will cost $184,000 to purchase and $65,000 for software,
training, and conversion. One full-time person is needed to run the
system. The salary is $23,000 plus 30 percent benefits. The system has a
useful life of five years. Monthly maintenance is $1,850. If purchased, the
system will be on a cash basis. The interest rate on loans at this time is
16 percent.
The hardware may also be leased on a three- or five-year basis. The
monthly lease fee is $3,900, which includes maintenance. The five-year
lease provides that, upon expiration of the lease, the bank can acquire
the hardware for $1.

a. Which alternative (service bureau versus in house) would be the most
b. Suppose the bank decided to go ahead and process its own applications.
Should it purchase or lease? What factors are considered in the choice?

c. Assuming that the bank purchased the equipment, prepare a disaster

recovery plan for the system.

Selected References
Bigelow, R. P. "Is There Legal Protection for Software?" ICP Infosystems, March 1980,
p. 104ff.
Couger, Daniel. "Development to Facilitate Managerial Use of the Computer." Com-
puting Newsletter, no. 8 (April 1983), pp 2-4.
Dotto, Lydia, and Lawrence Briner. "The Soft Path, a Consumer's Guide." Canadian
Business, January 1983, pp. 49-80.
Gruenberger, Fred. "Making Friends with User-Friendly." Datamation, Januaiy 1981,
p. 108.
Haber, Lynn. "Negotiations Can Spell Out Successfiil Systems", ComputerwoHd,
November 21, 1983, p. 22fiF.

Heckel, Paul. "Developing Software for Microprocessor-based Products." Mini-micro

Systems, February 1980, pp. 111-15.
Hoffberg, Alan M. "Getting Hardnosed about Software." Infosystems, July 1981, p.

Holmes, Geoffrey. "Choosing the Ri^t Software Supplier." Accounting, April 1981,
pp. 67-68.
Johannsen, Craig. "Software Selection." Computerworld, January 1979, p. 33.
Lord, Ken. "Software Reviews." Desktop Computing, September 1983, pp. 72-76.
Myers, David. "More Seen to Contracts Than Price, Delivery." Coinputerworld,
November 14, 1983, p. 23.
Sanders, G. Larry; Paul Munter; and Donald O. Reed. "Selecting a Software Package."
Financial E^cecutive, September 1982, pp. 39-46.
Seaman, J. "Smart Benchmaridng —The Key to Successful Procurement." Computer
Decisions, March 1981, pp. 74-94.
Snyders, Jan. "How to Buy Packages." Computer Decisions, July 1978, p. 52.
Vargo, Paul M. "How to Minimize the Risk of Buying Inadequate Software." The
Practical Accountant, Miirch 1983, pp. 53-56.
Weidler, Gregory. "Purchase or Lease?" Journal of Systems Management, June 1976,
pp. 28-35.
Wolpert, Tom. "Why It Pays to Buy Used." Venture. August 1982, p. 12.
Chapter 15

Project Scheduling
and Software


Why Do Systems Fall?

What Is Project Management?


Crisis Elimination through Planning

Gantt Charts
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
Event Calculations


Communicating with the Program

Project Organization


At a Glance

The material covered so far has addressed the concepts, tools, and technology
lor building systems. Developing a system requires planning and coordinating
resources within a given time. More important, elective project management
is needed organize the available resources, schedule the events, establish
standards, and meet conversion deadlines.
A manager is expected to have managerial and technical skills
along with management support for system success. The tools available for
project planning are Gantt and PERT charts. More recently, project manage-
ment software that runs on the personal computer is making a contribution to
calculating events and determining the critical path of a project.

By the end chapter, you should know:

of this
a. Why systems fail.
b. The steps taken to establish a project.
c. How Gantt and PERT charts are used in project planning.
d. The qualiiications and requirements for successful project management.




^ J

The process of planning, designing, and implementing computer systems is
called a project. It is directed by a project manager who uses available
resources to produce systems for the organization. In large firms, instcilling
a system may tcike years and involve hundreds of people. Planning and
installing smaller projects on schedule also take time and require control
and coordination of resources. It takes an effective manager to organize the
available resources, schedule the events, establish standards, and complete
the project on time, within budget, and with successful results.
We need to take a close look at project management and its role in
system development. In this chapter, we focus on the planning and sched-
uling functions and on project estimating, organization, and control. Project
management is inherently a team The chapter
effort. also shows how
project managers are selected and teams are managed.


No one likes to fail, on a major project. At best, failure can result
in waste and a delayed return on investment. At worst, it can drive an
orgcinization into bankruptcy or threaten the career of senior officials.
Despite the high stakes, however, system projects often and there are

many reasons. Most project managers have experienced some of the prob-
lems illustrated in Figure 15-1. Of these problems, the following are es-
pecially critical:

1. Conflicting objectives. When

everyone on the project team has con-
flicting objectives, the project is bound to suffer. For example, the user
demands a woricable system, while the designer strives for a high-powered
code. The comptroUer interprets success from the bottom line, while the
project manager's main goal is to produce an efficient system, whatever the

2. User's lack of involvement or cooperation. A frequent complaint is that

users are not helpful, are reluctant to assume their responsibilities with the
new system, cind are critical of the project team. Often promised objectives
have been achieved only partially, or the original cost estimate was overop-
timistic. As a result, the user is not willing to get involved.

3. Ine^qjerienced project management. This is exemplified by poor pro-

ject management techniques, a poorly motivated project team, poor es-
timating procedures, cost overruns, incorrect design, and underestimated
manpower requirements. Any of these can cause problems for the project.
Another problem stems fttjm the conventioncil way project managers
cire selected. For example, an analyst is given responsibility for implement-

ing a substcintial application while, in practice, he/she has no management

tools or business experience to manage the project.

FIGURE 15-1 Sources of System Failure

Delays in

system PooTnotivat/on
Budget failure of
overruns P''°/ect teams

User's lack
^^ ^»'^' of
J^ _C x®


Project management is a technique used by a manager to ensure successful
completion of a project. It includes the following functions:

• Estimating resource requirements.

• Scheduling tasks and events.
• Pro\iding for training and site preparation.
• Selecting qualified staff and supervising their woric.
• Monitoring the project's program.
• Documenting.
• Periodic evaluating.
• Contingency planning.

From these functions, we can see that project management is a spe-

cialized area. It involves the application of planning, organization, and
control concepts to critical, one-of-a-kind projects. It also uses tools and
software packages for planning and managing each project. Mcinaging pro-
jects also requires the foUowing:

1. Top management commitment to setting project priorities and allocat-

ing resources to approved projects.
2. Active user participation to identify information needs, evaluate pro-


posed improvements on a cost/benefit basis, provide committed re-

sources, and be receptive to training when scheduled.

3. A long-range plan that includes general project priorities, objectives,

schedules, and required resources.

Included in this is pressure ftxjm users who require the systems depart-
ment to accept impractical tasks or deadlines. The result is rushed, com-
promised projects, contrary to good system development practices. A
further difficulty found in many organizations occurs when indixldual
departments acquire microcomputers without knowing about their re-
quirements or consulting with the centralized computer facility. The result
is often uncoordinated confusion that makes it difficult to plan or control


A Framework for Project Management

When problems are identffied, it is usually toward the end of the project
in system testing or even conversion. The people who are most active
during system development are the programmers. This was one reason a
great deal of attention has been given to improving the maintainability of
programming. Actually, however, the problem typically begins during the
initial stages of the project. So there is a need for establishing an overall

framework that will lead to a successful implementation.

There are several steps in establishing a project:

1. Understand the problem, using experienced staff rather than trainees

for the initial investigation. Each project should be studied to evaluate the
degree of change, the scope of the project, and the cost of late completion.
Projects that involve a high degree of change and require a close working
relationship vrith the user staff normally require a highly managed ap-
proach. The smaller, less involved projects that are worked on by one
person require only a written objective, a target date, and responsible
person. How much management needed in either project
is is a decision
that involves a debcate balance between risk and cost.

2. The user executive should sponsor the

Specify project responsibilities.
project and be responsible for the right amount of user involvement. A
qualified project manager is the leader responsible for project success. He/
she reports directly to the user executive.
3. Select a project manager. Project managers are responsible for the day-
to-day activities and for meeting the objectives uithin the constraints of
time, cost, and quality. The duties include developing a project plan, form-
ing and training the project team, and assigning and coordinating project
Both technical and leadership skills are required. Technical ability is

crucial during the initial (creative) ^hase of the project, whereas leadership

is required throughout the life cycle of the project. Other job qualifications

Experience in the functional areas encompassed by the project.

b. Ability to recognize problems and communicate ideas and concepts to
the project team and the user. The project manager is often a translator,
communicating at a level of detail that is understandable.
c. A working knowledge of the system improvement process and how a
problem is tranformed into a workable system.

Most project managers are selected liDm the system staff. This means
they ha\'e experience in systems analysis and programming and a demon-
strated knowledge of the business at hand. An organization that is eager to
secure full user commitment to the success of the system might assign a
user as a pixjject manager. The advantages of this approach are a commit-
ment to project success through direct responsibility, improved user train-
ing, and a better grasp of legal, financial, and other effects of system
changes. The main drauiiack is possible conflict of the assignment with
existing line reporting relationships. Regardless of the source from which a
project manager is drawn, user commitment is essential for system success.

4. Establish ground rules and set performance standards. The standards

should be simple to measure, clear, obtainable, and enforceable.
5. Select the right project. A first project should be limited in size, have a
high probability of success, and show results within one year. Large pro-
jects should be segmented into subprojects to demonstrate progress to-
ward completion.
6. Define the tasks. The detailed tasks are specified in a plan. In preparing
the project plan, the project manager must determine what work is to be
done, how it wall be done, what resources are available, vv^ho wall do the
work, and how long it wall take. This type of planning is extremely impor-

The topic that has received considerable attention is estimating the

time needed to complete tasks. Too little time is often cited as the reason for
project failure. Failure to understand the work to be done, lack of user
involvement, overcommitment of manpower, failure to allocate time to
special problems such as maintenance, and the "domino effect" caused by
unplanned events cause estimating problems. All these emphasize the
importance of planning for successful projects.


Without planning it is difficult to measure progress. As plans are
crystallized, crises should begin to disappear. A project manager must plan
the life cycle of the project and delegate authority for its implementation.

Project planning involves plotting project activities against a time frame.-

One of the first developing a road map structure or a
steps in planning is

network based on analysis of the tasks that must be performed to complete

the project. In the early 1900s, formal planning used a Gantt chart or a
milestone chart. By plotting activities on the Y-axis and time on the X-axis,
the analyst laid out an overall network specifying interrelationships among
actions. Later on, formal planning techniques such as the program evalua-
tion and review technique (PERT) was introduced. Other operations re-
search techniques such as linear programming and queuing theory have
alsobeen introduced in allocating resources. In the early 1980s software
packages became available for project planning. These tools are discussed

Planning Tools

Gantt Charts
Basic planning uses bar charts that show and the
project activities
cimount of time they vvdll take. This activity scheduling method was first
introduced in 1914 by Heniy L. Gantt as a redimentary aid to plot individual
tasks against time. The Gantt chart uses horizontal bars to show the dura-
tions of actions or tasks. The left end marks the beginning of the task, the
right end its finish. Earlier tasks appear in the upper left and later ones in
the lower right.
Figure 15-2 is a Gantt chart for a hypothetical boat-building project. The
project is to build a prototype of a new motorboat called Seacraft Yacht. The
heavy horizontal bars are activities, and the light horizontal bars are tasks.
Broken horizontal bars are estimated time delays or slack time. A task is a
specific job that can be assigned to one person to perform in a specific time.
A group of tasks makes up an activity, which ends in a milestone. In our
Gantt chcirt, designing the hull is a task, whereas signing the boat (requiring
three tasks) is an activity. A total of five activities are required for building
the prototype. The completion of each activity is a milestone, indicated by
an arrow.
In planning this project, several steps are undertaken:

1. Identify the activities and tasks in the stage. Each activity must be
identified to plan the completion date and allocate responsibilities among
members of the project team. In our example, there are five activities:
a. Design boat.
b. Purchase/test engine.
c. Make boat.
d. Test boat.
e. Prepare owner's manucil.
2. Determine the tasks for each activity and the estimated completion
times. Each activity is bi-oken «lovvn into severed tasks. In Figure 15-2,
designing the prototype involves three tasks: designing the hull, testing the

FIGUBE 15-2 Gkzntt Chart —^An Example

Time (days)

1/8 1/15 1/22 1/29 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26 3/5 3/12 3/19 3/26 4/2 4/9
code Activity/Task I ' I I I I I i I-

1 Design boat
1-1 design hull

1.2 test hull

1 .3 design interior

2 Purchase/Test ef>gine
2.1 purchase engine
2.2 test engine

3 Malceboat
3.1 assemble moW
3.2 pour fiberglass

4 Test boat

5 Prepare owner's manual

5.1 write draft

5.2 copyedrt

5 J print


Engine Design completed, Engine Prototype

tested engine ordered installed completed

hull, and designing the interior. They are estimated to take 10, 5, and 18
days, resf>ectively. The total (33) is the estimated time for the "design boat"
activity. In real-life applications, an allowance for contingencies is provided.
This is called slack time. Each project allows beween 5 and 25 f>ercent slack
time for completion.
3. Determine the total estimated time for each activity and obtain an
agreement to proceed. Figure 15-3 shows the number of days budgeted for
each activity and a 20 f>ercent activity contingency toward completion.
4. Plot activities on a Gantt and milestones are
chart. All activities, tasks,
drawn on the Gantt chart, with emphasis on simplicity and accuracy (see
Figure 15-2).
5. Review and record progress periodical^. "Hie actual amount of time
sfjent on each activity is recorded and compiared with the budgeted times.
As shown in Figure 15—4, the actual number of days spent on the three tasks
in designing the boat is 40 as budgeted. This procedure is applied to the
remaining activities of the prototyp>e stage. A summaiy of progress on the
project is sent to management for follow-up.

FIGURE 15-3 Budgeted Activities —An Exconple

Project name: -ci^^^<^tA/^ y-CL^AX
Activity bar chart
Project stage: ^^^^^ui-l^ ^C/L^^-^C^f^^fJL

Budgeted Actual Finish

Activity days days date
1 Design boat 33
3 Make boat 50
4 Test boat 10
5 Prepare manual 10

Activity total 113 (

-^ Grand total 136 L>

FIGURE 15-4 Activity Time Estimorte

Project name: jl^^*^^^<^'4^;^

Activity time estimate Date ,' .'7'- 7-5" Project stage: /cii^^^^^M*^'^^^^
Project activity:

Budgeted Actual Finish
days days date

Design hull 10 12 1/4

Test hull 5 4

Design interior 18 22

Contingency (20%) 7

Reviewed by: 2

Total budgeted time 40 40

(days) •


m I
Event )

Task y J

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Gantt charts have one drawback: They do not show precedence rela-
tionships among the tasks and milestones of a project; that is, interde-
pendence of tasks is not evident. The critical tasks or those that must be
done on time are not evident either. A project manager wants to identify the
activities and the amount of time they requii^e, show their interrelation-
ships, specify their sequence, and have a means of monitoring progress on
the project. If the Gantt chart is a firet-generation project-planning tool, a

second-generation tool is the critical path method (CPM). It was introduced

in the late 1950s as a tool for scheduling major overhauls of chemical
processing plants.
Like the Gantt chart, PERT makes use of tasks. Like milestone charts, it
shows achievements. These achievements, however are not task achieve-
ments. They are terminal achievements, called events. Arrows are used to
represent tasks and circles represent the beginning or completion of a task
(see Figure 15-5). The PERT chart uses these paths and events to show the
interrelationships of project activities.
The events from our boat-building example in Figure 15-2 are shown in
the following table:

Activity Tasks

Hull design
Hull test
Design of interior

Engine purchase
Engine test

Mold assembly
Building boat

4 Boat test

5 Draft of manual
Copyediting draft
Printing of manual

Each task is limited by an identifiable event. An event has no duration; it

simply tells you that the activity has ended or begun. Each task must have a
beginning and an ending event. A task can start only after the tasks it

depends on have been completed. PERT does not allow "looping back"
because a routine that goes back to a task does not end.
The list of tasks and events is networked in a PERT chart in Figure 15-6.
The arrow length is not significant, but the sequence and interconnections
must give a true picture of the precedence of activities to be completed. The
numbers on the activity lines are the days required between events (see
Figure 15-2).
A PERT chart is valuable when being planned. When the
a project is

networic is finished, the next step is to determine the critical path. It is the
longest path through the network. No task on the critical path can be held
up without delaying the start of the next tasks and, ultimately, the comple-
tion of the project. So the critical path determines the project completion
date. In our example, it is:
Critical path = Start #-1-2 -3-4 -12 -6 -8
Duration (days) 10 + 5 + 18 + 11 + 50 + 10 = 104 days

Ifthe job started on January 1, then the completion date would be April 14.
Any delay in the criticcil path will affect the schedule. A delay in other paths
can be corrected in time for completion of the project on schedule.
In addition to showing the interrelationships among project activities,
PERT charts show the following:

1. The activities that must be completed before initiating a specific activity.

2. Interdependencies of the tasks.
3. Other activities that can be completed while a given activity is in

4. The cannot be initiated until after other specific activities

activities that
are completed. This is cciUed a precedence relationship. In Figure 15-6,

task 3 (design boat interior) cannot begin until after tasks 1 and 2 (design

FIGURE 15-6 PERT Chart —An Example

Design Pour Test

hull fiberglass boat
94 104
prototype ( 1

64 ^^^V?v^
Write10 r( Print
mold draft ^-^

hull and have been completed. Similarly, since

test hull, respectively)
task 1 takes longer than task 2 to complete, it must be started either first
or no later than task 2. It is considered the critical path item (indicated
by a hea\y line in Figure 15-6), since its delay holds up the project.
Conxersely, if tasks 1 and 2 could be started at the same time and both
are completed on schedule, then task 2 includes five days of slack time.

Event Calculations, with this information, scheduling calculations

can be done. We want to anaJvze the project schedule to find out how early
or how late an event can begin without affecting the overall schedule. There
are two types of calculations: one for event times and the other for activity
times. For the sake of simplicity, letus illustrate event calculations.
To calculate event times, we need the foUowing notations:

Time it takes to complete task fixjm event i to event j.

Earliest time at which event j ccin occur based on the completion

of all preceding activities. This is computed by examining £• and
the duration for each preceding event. This algorithm proceeds
sequentially, one event at a time, beginning with event 1.

h Latest time at which event j can begin without delaying comple-

tion of the project. To determine this time, we work backward
through the network.

To calculate the earliest event times (£ ) for each event j, we use the
following algorithm:

1. Set Ej - for the starting event.

2. Set Ej = Max,(£, + f •
), where maximization occurs over all events / that
are immediate predecessors of event j.

Let us use Figure 15-6 to illustrate: In the PERT chart, the values of E
cire shown next toeach event. Event 1 is labeled with time as the stcirting
time. Event 2 is labeled with time + 10 = 10 by summing the time of event
1 and the activity time fixam event 1 to event 2. The values of £ for the critical
path are summarized in Figure 15-7. Note that the value of event 6 (£g) is the
higher value of predecessor events 4-6 and 5-6, wliich is 44. The same logic
applies to event 12. The earliest occurrence time for event 12 is 104. Since it
is the last event in the netw^ork, the eariiest completion time of the project is

104 days.
In network Ccilculations, a backward pass is also made to determine the
latest time each event can begin without delaying the completion of the
project. The algorithm is:

L„ = £„, where n represents the last event in the network

L, = Min L — TJ, where
( the minimization occurs over all events^" that
are immediate successors of event i

To calculate, we begin with the last event in the network and work

r "N

HGURE 15-7 The Forward Computational Pass; Early Event

Times Calculations

Number Rule and \'alue

1 £, =
2 £, = £i + t,, = + 10 = 10
3 Eg = £, + ^23 = 10 + 5 = 15
4 £4 = £3 + r„ = 15 - 18 = 33
5 £5 = £3 + r35 = 15 ^ 3 = 18
6 Eg = Max IE4 + 145!. lEg + fggi = Max i33 + 111. 18 + 71
= (441, 1251

= 104
8 Eg = £6 + fgg = 44 + 50 = 94
12 £12 = Max (Eg + fg,,!, £„ + r„i,i = Max (94 + Id, (88 + 10)
= (104. (981
= 104

backward through the network. The latest e\ent is event 12. We let Lj, = £j,
— 104. Then there is one successor for event 8, so:

^8 = ^12 ~ ^812 = 10-+ - 10 = 94

We label event 8 with a 94 for its latest occurrence time and so on backward
until all the e\'ents are labeled. Note exent 3, howe\'er, which has two
successor e\ents, 4 and 5. Here we ha\e:

£3 = Min(33 - 18), 118 31 = 15

We label event 3 with a latest time of 15 days, which is the scime as the
forward computation time, meaning there is no slack time.
The information calculated from the forward and backward passes
helps the project manager identic* the critical path, determine the comple-
tion date of the project, and compute slack time. When a project is man-
aged, all activities and e\ ents on the critical path must be closely monitored,
because any shp (extended delays) can mean comparable delays in the
completion date. In most projects, no more than 10 percent of all acti\ities
are on the critical path.

Project Management Software

For large projects with comple.x relationships and hundreds of tasks and
events, the network cannot be analvzed manually. For over a decade,
project management software has been available on in-house computers.
Since the early 1980s, several softvxare packages designed to run on the
microcomputer ha\e become available. They meet the needs of modem
management and facilitate the project management process substantially.
Figure 15-8 is a selected list>Df project management software. Each
software package offers unique features — some with a project network road

FIGURE 15-8 Project Management Software — Selected List

Name Vendor Features/Comments

Harvard Project Manager Harvard Software, Inc. Sophisticated on-screen graphics; sup-
Howard, Mass. port Gantt chart and CPM displays;
generates project road map automati-
cally and indicates critical path.

MicroGantt Earth Data Corp. Rich- Interactive, menu-driven command

mond, Va. structure; on-screen Gantt chart and

Milestone Digital Marketing Walnut Gantt-type product; no on-screen net-

Creek, Cal. work graphics but supports up to 400

Plantrac Computerline Ltd. Draws precedence networks on screen

Quincy, Mass.
Project Scheduler Data Easy Foster City, Cal. Displays up to seven tasks, task length,
and responsibility; project duration is

10 years; no on-screen network dia-

Project Scheduler Scitor Corp. Sunnyvale, Generates hard-copy output of the net-
Cal. work diagram.
VisiSchedule VisiCorp. San Jose, Cal. Gantt-type product; limited graphic

map, others with graphic ability. They run on IBM, Apple, and other per-
sonal computers. Some packages provide graphic network diagrams for a
clear display of a network's criticcil path. The software also offers fully
detailed,time-phased reports and allows the recalculation of project net-
works in graphic form on screens.
To illustrate a microcomputer project management package, let us take
VisiSchedule. This program shows the critical jobs in the project schedule,
explains the relationships between jobs, calculates project and manpower
costs, and generates reports and schedules as needed. Specifically, the
program does the following:
• Determines the jobs that are critical for time and cannot be delayed
without delaying the project.
• Determines the jobs wdth slack time that can be delayed wdthout delay-
ing the project.
• Keeps track of important deadlines and significant milestones through-
out the project.
• Maintains schedules in time units of days or weeks, whichever is pre-

• Mciintains requirements and salary information for up to nine different


r ^x

• Builds schedules around the holidays, days off, and nonivorking weeks
that you define.

• Changes any aspects of a job and immediately shows the impact on the
overall project.

• Investigates trade-oflk between manpower, cost, and time.

• Lets the user track the project's progress by upxlating the schedule to
reflect changes in the plan and the completion of jobs.
• Allows sorting and rearranging jobs in the schedule and reports for the
most meaningfiil presentation.

Communicating with the Pfogfom

There are two ways to communicate with the program: by selecting an
option and entering data. The VisiSchedule options are listed in menus. A
menu is a set of options within a status area. Menus list a set of items from
which the user may choose. This approach saves the user from having to
leam or look up detailed command syntax and being confused by nonsense
abbreviations. A typical status area with a menu is shown in Figure 15-9.
An option is selected by moving a cursor to the option or typing the first
letter of the option as the program displays it on the screen. To execute the
option, the user simpty depresses the RETURN or ENTER key. When the pro-
gram wants the user to enter data, it changes the status area to the appropri-
ate fontn (Figure 15-10).
When £ill the information is entered, the program may be instructed to

HGURE 15-9

007-00 1/P

Typiccd VisiSdiedule Menu and the Cursor


FIGURE 15-10 Data Entry Areas


-z'-^ -^I'dTr*:^'-'


Source: VisiCorp., VisiSchedule, User Guide, p. 1-6.

display the project schedule and the schedule menu for modification. As
shown in Figure 15-11, the upper part of the screen contains the schedule.
The bottom contains the menu for entering and making changes in the
schedule. The right side of the screen shows the time line schedule. It starts
with a display of the date and week number, followed by the schedule.
PERT is still useful for modeling a project as a network of smaller jobs or
activities, which is useful to predict how long it will take to complete that
project. A PERT network is only a rough guideline for planning a project,


FIGURE 15-11 Schedule Menu and Symbols

Nwnbar .^,
r-- :t scheo'jle Jhn _^
.,.;£='. , . ._ •;-
Ik ^____,^

Mn^ 1
^C-'hEE pip
J ; :. . i-'HpT y
1 J
7 4

5 -" -^:
^^=== -~^^^^ *Mk

I- i.

^L"1 :T PhP ' -- ^^*^

-_-iZ' --H''' 1 = ==== ~ Schedult
__ ;••[. FmC 1

z„ c r.-^C^ 1

. ii

MM«. .______^
ma" iraM4:
:lT "I -rue- III f |v-cr - -

Symbol Description
>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > A critical job. A critical job cannot be delayed
without delaying the entire project.
A non-critical job. There will be slack time
associated with a non-critical job. This symbol is
used for all jobs when you choose not to show the
critical path.

> > Slack time for a non-critical job. A job can be

delayed up to its total slack time without delaying
the project.

>::::::::> A completed job.

>::::= = = = > A completed job. The uncompleted

portion could be critical or non-critical.
n >
U =
Jobs with no prerequisites. These jobs are sched-
> uled to begin on a specific date, not after the com-
0::::::::> pletion of prerequisites.

>_ _ _ _ V Jobs with no successors. No other jobs name these

> X jobs as prerequisites. The last job in a project
>::::::::X normally ends with an X. A project may have
multiple finishes.

Source: VisiCorp., VisiSchedule, User Guide, pp. 2-30 and 2-31.


however. It says nothing about who does what or when. Noncritical tasks
are given only the earliest and latest permissible start times. These limita-
tions are corrected when an organization installs project management
software. The features listed earlier give an indication of flexibility that is
available for planning and controlling systems projects. For example, with
almost any package, it is possible to create a hierarchy by breaking the main
network into subnetworks so that each activltv is broken into its own
network of activities. Gi\'en this flexibilitv', a software package designed for
200 activities could handle as many as 600,000, though at the expense of
many hours of nonstop computing.

We have explained the major tools used in project planning. After the tasks
have been mapped out and the manpower requirements determined, the
next step is to decide on the best way to organize manpower. We shall begin
by identifying the staffing and appropriate skills for a pixDJect and then
suggesting a management style and approach to manage and control the

The Project Team

The term team is used here to mean a group of people with similar skills
and sharing a common activity. Some of the questions a project manager
may ask are: What comprises the project team? Who should be on it? What
skills must they have? For large projects, a project team is staffed by systems

analysts, programmers, prime userls), hardware/software suppliers, and

even subcontractors. The staff may be retained for the duration of the
The skills expected of a project team are the same skills required in
computer system development projects:
Systems analysis.
Detailed system design.
Program design.
System testing.
Cost justification.
Planning and estimating.
Hardware/software experience.
Leading teams.

A project team is expected to tap the skills of its members so that one or
more members can address the issues that face the project and suggest
alternative solutions to keep the project moving the completion. These skiUs
may be secured through a plan that identifies team members and specifies

their skills. For larger project, a project team

expected to serve through

the maintenance of the new system. Except in unusual situations, team

members should not be shared between projects and project managers
because of the possibility of priority conflicts.

Reporting Structure
Most people associated with major projects are outside the direct control of
the project leader. Ideally, each team member should report directly to the
project leader. In practice, how^ever, most team members report to their
respective supervisors. This means that the project leader has to use special
coordinate a host of persons over whom he/she has no real author-
skills to

ity. For this reason, some authors refer to such a position as project

manager rather than project leader}

Management Styles

In discussing project management style, we needexamine two types of

work performed system projects:
in mechanistic and creative tasks. Mecha-
nistic tasks occur primarily during coding, testing, and maintenance, which
take up to 80 percent of the system development effort. Managing these
tasks is made possible by controlling against predefined standards and
formats. Creative tasks, on the other hand, are exemplified by program or
system design and devising a test strategy, which involve up to 20 percent of
the system development effort but could affect more than 80 percent of the
outcomes. Compared to mechanistic tasks, a relatively small staff is needed
for creative tasks. They report directly to the manager.
With these tasks in mind, a project manager may use democratic,
autocratic, or some intermediate management style. The democratic ap-
proach aUows subordinates to think on their own and make suggestions on
projects. is appropriate when the project manager is not sure exactly

what is be done. Yet it could be interpreted as indicative of a weak or

inexperienced manager. Other problems with this approach are the like-
lihood of a slow reaction time and difficulty in expediting woric.
In contrast to the democratic approach is the autocratic approach. The
basic premise states that democracy is the wrong approach to unique
projects. The aspects necessary to a system project should be entrusted to
an experienced individual rather than a committee. This approach is more
rewarding to individuals, although it is difficult to coordinate and control.
The implication of these approaches for project management is that
simple mechanistic tasks may be assigned to lower-level staff members with
coordination and control by a responsible manager. At the higher staff level.

' Jeffrey Keen, Managing System Development (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing,
1981), p. 217.

however, innovative people report directly to the project manager, since

their work could affect more than 80 percent of the outcome of the project.
These suggestions assume a fairly large project where a hierarchy is
important for management control. This scheme does not apply to small
system projects. A typical small project could be run by the computer
manager, a programmer/analyst, and an operator. This means less staff and
fewer levels of management, requiring no formal procedures or project
control. Unlike in larger projects, each staff member in a smaller project
performs several functions. Consequently, small projects tend to be less
thorough and more prone to error. Furthermore, there is pyschological
pressure on the project manager to make sure the project udll be a success.
The excuse of system failure through committee is absent in small projects.

The Project Manager

To plan, coordinate, and control the project team's effort, the project
manager is expected to have unique qualities:
1. Flexibility and adaptability to changing situations.

2. Ability to communicate cind persuade people affected by the project as

well as those working on it about changes or enhancements to incorpo-
rate into the plan.

3. Commitment to planning the system development aspect of the project

and ability to minimize the risks when assessing different approaches
to implementing a project.

4. Understanding technical problems and design details.

5. Understanding the motivations and interests of members of the project

staff and the ability to implement ways to improve job satisfaction.

Of all the contributions a project memager can make, maintaining a

satisfied staff is the most important for strong project teeims. An effective
approach is to look into the vocational needs of the staff and tiy to match
them what the job offers and how it meets their
writh needs. Hundreds of
studies have been published on the subject. They all look at the variables
that improve job satisfaction and motivate people to continue w^orking in
the job. The variables that have been known to be important to the job
satisfaction of EDP staff are listed in Figure 15-12.
Looking at these variables, it is clear that success in managing system
projects means making the best of project team abilities, getting them
interested in their woric, assigning them worthwhile jobs, recognizing their
efforts in a spontaneous way, and providing opportunities for them to use
their abilities, advance, and develop their careers. These factors become
goals that a project manager should try to achieve for each member of the
project staff and for the group as a whole.
Managing the people who build systems involves more than under-

FIGURE 15-12 Variables Considered Important in Job Satisfaction of

the EDP Staff

Variable Interpretation

1. Ability utilization I could do something that makes use of my abilities

2. Achievement The job could give me a feeling of accomplishment
3. Acti\atv I could be busy all the time
4. Advancement The would pro\ide an opportunity for advancement
5. Authority I could people what to do

6. Company policy and The company would administer its policies fairly
7. Compensation My pay would compare well with that of other workers
8. Co-workers My co-woricers would be easy to make friends with
9. Creati\it\' I could trv out some of my own ideas
10. Independence I could work alone on the job
11. Moral values I could do work without feeling that it is morally wrong
12. Recognition I could get recognition for the work I do
13. Responsibility Icould make decisions on my outi
14. Securirv The job would pro\ide for steady employment
15. Social service I could do things for other people
16. Social status I could be "somebody" in the community
17. Supervision-human My boss would back up his people (with top management)
18. Supervision-technical My boss would train his people well
19. Variety I could do something different every day
20. Working conditions The job would have good working conditions

Source: Rene \'. Davvis, L. H. Lofquist, and D. J. Weiss. A Theory of Work Adjustment la revision),

Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation, 1968.

Standing the methodology or estimating aJgoiithms. It is understanding the

people themselves. Their behavior can be moi^ important to a prtjject's
success than the correct development methodology. The project manager
must be the kingpin in personnel motivation. He/she must build teams of
mature people who are motivated and can be trusted to see a project
through to completion. This is the essence of project management.

1. System projects fail for many reasons: conflicting objectives, user's lack
of involvement, inexperienced project management, budget overruns,
and changes in user requirements. These problems make it important
that projects are properly planned, managed, and implemented.

2. Pi-oject management is the application of planning, organizing, and

control concepts to critical one-of-a kind projects. Managing projects
requires top management commitment, active user participation, and a
long-range plan.
3. In establishing a project, sevefttl steps are considered:

Study the problem to evaluate the scope, degree of change, and cost
of late completion.
Specify project responsibilities through a qualified project team.
C. Select a project manager with experience in the functional areas,
ability to recognize problems and communicate ideas, and working
knowledge of the system improvement process.
d. Establish ground rules and standards for handling projects.
e. Select the right project, especially if it is the first project for the firm.
f- Define the tasks to be done and plan accordingly.
4. A project manager plans the life cycle of the project and eliminates
crisis through proper planning. Planning mccms plotting activities
against a time ft ame and developing a network based on an analysis of
the tasks that must be performed to complete the project.
5. TWo planning tools are used in project planning:
a. Gantt chart uses horizontal bars to show the duration of actions or
tasks. Broken bars are estimated time delays or slack time. A task is a
specific job to be performed; a group of tasks make up an activity
that ends in a milestone.
b. Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) uses tasks and
events to represent interrelationships of project activities. Each task
is limited by an identifiable event that has no duration. The list of

tasks and events is networked in a PERT chart. The numbers of the

activity lines are the days required between events. When the net-
work is completed, the next step is to determine the critical path—
the longest path through the network. It determines the project
completion date.
6. Project management software is available for virtually every size of
project. produces a network's critical software packages load on the

personal computer; some also have on-screen graphic capabilities.

7. The skills required of a project team are the same as those for computer
system development projects. This means that there should be at least
one team member qualified to address each issue related to the project.
8. Two types of work are performed in systems projects: mechanistic and
creative. Mechanistic tasks take up to 80 percent of the system develop-
ment effort, whereas creative tasks take up to 20 percent of system
development effort but could affect more than 80 percent of the out-
9. The democratic approach to project management allows subordinates
to think on their own and make suggestions, although the drawbacks
are slow reaction time and difficulty in expediting work. In contrast,
autocratic management is more rewarding to individuals than commit-
tees, cilthough it is difficult to coordinate and control.

10 Success in project management requires flexibility to changing situa-


tions, the ability to communicate, and a commitment to planning and

understanding technical problems and the moti\'ations of staff mem-
bers. Of all the contributions a project manager can make, maintaining a
satisfied staff is the most important for strong project teams. The project
manager must be the kingpin of personnel motivation. This is the
essence of project management.

Key Words
Activity Program Exaluation and Review Technique
Critical Path I PERT I

Gantt Chart PixjjectManager

Menu Slack Time
Milestone Task
Precedence Relationship VisiSchedule

Review GLuestions
1. In your own words, why do systems fail? How would one reduce
potential failure Ln system development? Explain.

2. From vv^hat we have learned about system development and the analyst-
user interface, how important is the user's involvement for successful
system implementation? W hat other factors are important? Be specific.
3. Define the following terms:
a. Project management.
b. Task.
c. Milestone.
d. Critical path.

4. Distinguish between the following:

a. Event and milestone.
b. Gantt and PERT.
c. Task and activity.
d Precedence and successor relationships.
5. Discuss the steps for establishing a system project. Which step do you
think is the most critical? Why?
6. What skills and qualifications are required of a project leader? Explain.

7. What is a Gantt chart? How would you develop one? How does it difiier

fixim a PERT chart? Explain.

8. Explziin how a task leads to an activity and an activity to a milestone.

9. planning a project. What charts or forms are

Illustrate the steps taken in
used? What information do they contain?
10. Think of a problem area where a Gantt chart may be used. List the steps
and the procedure used in developing the chart.
11. What information does a PERT chart show? Explain the two methods of
calculating events.

12. Review the computer journals cind report two applications for
to class
project management. Explain briefly what each application does and
how they differ.

13. What is the main function of a project team? What skills should team
members provide? Explain.
14. If you were a project manager developing a mailing list for a large retail
store, what management style would you adopt? Why? Justify your
15. "A project manager must be the kingpin of personnel motivation." Do
you agree? Discuss in detail.

Application Problems

The Bank of Kendall contracted a computer service to

First National
instaU an automated teller machine (ATM) in a new shopping plaza five
miles away. The computer service that processes checking and savings
transactions presented the vice president of operations with a critical
date calendar as shown in Exhibit 15-1.

Prepare a Gantt chart based on the infoimation provided.

A systems project includes designing a stock status routine, followed by

writing two programs (A and B). A reorder routine is eilso designed,and
two programs (Rl and R2) are to be written at the same time. Each
program is tested after being written. Program Rl is tested only cifter the
stock file is generated, which, in turn, must foUow the stock status
design. The system as a whole is tested after all programs have been

a. Draw a PERT chart and schedule the required activities around the follow-
ing conditions:

Each program takes two weeks and one week to test.

to write
Stock status design takes three weeks and reorder design takes two weeks.
The stock file takes four weeks to generate.
There are two full-time programmers who test their own programs and are
not involved in stock file or stock status design.
EXHIBIT 15-1 ATM Critical Date Calendar

3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29

1 2 3 4

Bank Live date set Bank personnel Short name and Building contractor
Ad slicks obtained assigned name/address and Diebold
(Ccird and forms printouts received; meet on building
production) maintenance work specs
begun /Maim system
Work started on planned
validation and dis-
closure forms

Servicer OLDS rep as- Survey completed Deliver manuals

signed Equipment, form-
Contract received proofs, sample
plastic ordered

Phone Co.
Diebold Building specs.

General Data •
Ad agency

EXHIBIT 15--1 (Concluded)

5/17 5/24 5/31 6/7

11 12 13 14

Bank Credit criteria Second card edit Pin and pan con- Building com-
due due tacts assigned pleted
BCF form due Autodialer question-
Review fined card is-

Data entry training

Servicer Second card edit Card tape to vendor First 10 cards pro-
due Data entry training duced and
Order demo, and tested
special cards

Phone Co.
Diebold Cards tested
General Data
Ad agency

4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 5/3 5/10

(i 8 10

Marketing campciign Plan ad cam- GIF training GIF clean-up Gontinue First card edit
meeting paign begun (emphasis GIF DDA mainte-
Artwork pi-oofs on DDA) cleanup nance
appixjved begun

Mariceting campaign Supplies or- First card edit

meeting dered produced
GIF conver- instructions
sion/train- given

Gircuit due


Data set due

Mcirketing campaign Ad campaign

6 14 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/24

15 16 17 18 19 20

Interchange Supplies due Cards due Cards mailed Pins dis- *

Ad campaign demo and ATM live to tributed to *

begins employees *
G/L accts. customers
opened Uniforms and GIF clean-up
* * * *
Employee activity completed
* * * *
Demonstrators *

response * * * *

team bal-
* *
* *
* *
ATM circuit *
due Atm installed
* * * *
* * *
ATM date
* * * *
set due

The total system takes 1.5 weeks to test, which involves the two program-
Remember that there are two design activities, four program writing and
testing activities, stock file creation, and a total system test.

What is the critical path duration? Can the project be completed within the
time allotted by the criticfd path? Elxplain.

Selected References
Diamond, Daniel S. "Project Management Via PC." Business Computing, December
1983, p. 30fF.

Hairell, Clayton Jr. "Sure-Handed Project Management, Part I. Reducing the Risks."
Computer Decisions, November 1983, p. 2608".
Harrison, William D. "For Stronger Project Team: Working the Human Side." Com-
puterworld, May 21, 1984, pp. ID15-16ff.
Justice, Karen. "Systems to Keep You on Schedule." ICP Interface Administrative and
Accounting, Winter 1983, pp. 25-27ff.

Newldrk, Claire. "Project Estimating What's So Tough about It? ICP Software

Business Review, December/January 1984, p. 26ff.

Potts, Paul. "Project Management: Getting Started." Journal of Systems Management,
February 1983, pp. 18-19.
"Project Manager: Technician or Administrator." Journal of Systems Man-
agement, January 1982, pp. 36-37.
Kerzner, Harold. "Project Management in the Year 2000." Journal of Systems Man-
agement, October 1981, pp. 26-31.
Rolefson, Jerome F. "Project Management —
Six Critical Steps." Journal of Systems
Management, April 1978, pp. 10-17.
Strehlo, Kevin. "When the Objective Is Efficient Project Management." Personal
Computing, January 1984, p. 132flf.
Yasin, Rutrell. "Project Mfmager's Role Is Changing." MIS News, February 1, 1984, pp.
Chapter 16

and Ethics in
System Development


System Security


The Personal Computer and System Integrity
Risk Analysis

Access Controls
Audit Controls
System Integrity
Recovery/Restart Requirements
System Failures and Recovery


At a Glance

Every candidate system must provide built-in features for security and integrity
of data. Without safeguards against unauthorized access, fraud, embezzle-
ment, fire, and natural disasters, a system could be so vulnerable as to threaten
the survival of the organization.
To do an adequate job on security, a systems analyst must analyze the
risks, exposure, and costs and specify measures such as passwords and encryp-

tion to provide protection. In addition, backup copies of software and recovery

restart procedures must be available when needed. A disaster/recovery plan
that has management support should also be prepared. Then no matter what
can recover.
the disaster, the firm
The strength behind system integrity and success is ethics and professional
standards of behavior. When ethics are compromised, regardless of tech-
nology, the very fabric of a system is in question.

By the end of this chapter, you should know:

a. The various threats to system security and their defenses.
b. How to do risk analysis and specify measures.
c. The importance of disaster recovery planning and how such a plan is

d. The meaning and importance of ethics in system development.

Disaster/Recovery Planning

The Team
Planning Tasks
The Manual

Ethics In System Development


Just when the computer age no longer a question; it is here. Its
will arriv^e is
impact is everywhere, but not without a price. The end user is concerned
about security along with increased dependence on the computer. In
system development, the project manager and the analyst must consider
measures for maintaining data integrity and controlling security at all times.
"Hiis invoK'es built-in hardware features, programs, and procedures to pro-
tect candidate systems from unauthorized access.
In this chapter, we address the issues of data and system security and
suggest some control measures. We also look at ways of planning for and
recovering fix»m disasters so that the organization can continue to operate.
Underlying the entire system development process is the issue of ethics and
ethical standards that govern the beha\ior of analysts, designers, and pro-
ject managers. Ethics is becoming an important topic in systems analysis
and should be addressed at this point.

Newspapers, journals, and television are rife with stories about computer
criminals embezzling millions of dollars, "hackers," and kids electronically
breaking into computers across the nation. Here are tw^o examples:

1. A Wells Fargo bank employee embazzled $21 million. The employee was
jjerforming the entire reconciliation function of the branch and knew^ ex-
actly the operating procedures of the system.*

2. group of teenager computer enthusiasts

In July 1983, the FBI caught a
armed with computer, a modem, and "home-grown" computer
a personal
know^ledge. They had broken into more than 60 business and government
computers, including those of the Defense Department, the Los Alamos
National Laboratory, and the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Points of vulnerability in today's computer worid are numerous. As

shown in Figure 16-1, they relate to hardware, communication links, and
termincils. This explains the mcmy system security, costing
brecik-ins in
companies over $300 million a year. Stealing secrets ftxim computers is
more profitable than robbing banks. The average computer theft is $430,000
compcired to $10,000 for a bank holdup or $19,000 for fraud and embezzle-
ment.^ Episodes like the ones cited have made security one of the fastest-
growing areas of concern in the computer industry. An estimated $300
million and $425 million were spent on safeguards in 1982 and 1983,
resp>ectively. A DciUas-based oil firm invested $500,000 to overhaul its com-

' Arnold M. Cohn, Total Information System Security," Journal of System Management,
April 1983, p. 17.
2 Ben Harrison, "Planning for the Worst," Infosystem, June 1982, p. 54.

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puter security plan.^ This means that security is critical in system develop-
ment. The analyst has a responsibility to design a workable security system
to protect the system ftxjm damage, error, and unauthorized access. The
level of protection depends on the sensitivity of the data, the reliability of
the user, and the complexity of the system. A well-designed system includes
control procedures to provide physical protection, maintain data integrity,
and system access.
Tight system security can be costly, but appropriate security is justified

compared to the catastrophe that could result from no protective measures.

There are three motives behind security:

1. The near-total dependence on computer-based infor-

of organizations
mation makes it imperative that a system be protected on a regular

2. Data are a major asset and should be protected. In a data base environ-
ment where computer files are centralized, security becomes critical.

3. Demonstrating measures reinforces management sup-

effective security
port for designing and implementing candidate systems.

In discussing system security, we need to explore the major threats to

systems, the types of failures and physical protection of the data base, and
* 'I
appropriate control measures. First we define key terms.

The system security problem can be divided into four related issues: se-
curity, integrity, privacy, cmd confidentiality. They determine file structure,
data structure, and access procedures.
System security refers to the technical innovations and procedures
applied to the hardware and operating systems to protect against deliberate
or accidental damage ftxjm a defined threat. In contrast, data security is the
protection of data ftx)m loss, disclosure, modification, and destruction.
System integrity refers to the proper functioning of hardware and pro-
grams, appropriate physical security, and safety against external threats
such as eavesdi-opping and wiretapping. In comparison, data integrity
makes sure that data do not diffei- from their original fonii and have not
been accidentally or intentionally disclosed, altered, or destroyed.
Privacy defines the rights of the users or organizations to deteimine
what information they are vvdiling to shai^ with or accept from others and
how the organization can be protected against unwelcome, unfair, or exces-
sive dissemination of information about it.
The temi confidentiality is a special status given to sensitive information
in a data base to minimize the possible invasion of privacy. It is an attribute

Charies Alexander, "Crackdown on Qpmputer Crime," Time, February 8, 1982, p. 60. See

also R C:ook, J D. Kure, M A Johnston, and H J Matfoi-d, "DPMA Chapters Speak Out on DP

Securtiy, Data Management, May 1982, p. 42.


of information that characterizes its need for protection. System security is

the techniccd means of providing such protection. In contrast, privacy is

largely a procedurcil matter of how information is used.

Data privacy and security are issues that go beyond the scope of system
development. They are actually a societal concern. An organization that
depends heavily on the use of data bases requires special controls to
maintain viable information. These controls are classified into three general

1. Physical security or protection from fire, flood, and other physical

2. Data base integrity through data validation techniques.
3. Control measures through passwords, encryption, and monitoring
users on a regular basis.

Each of these categories is discussed next.

Threats to System Security

A procedure systems makes sure that the facility is physically
for protecting
secure, provides a recovery/restart capability, and has access to backup files.
If we list in order of probability (most probable first) the threats to system

security or data integrity, research shows that the most damage comes from
errors and omissions —
people making mistakes. The threat of external
attack on a computer system is virtually last. This means that in establishing
a priority sequence, one would probably want to start from within the firm
and work out.'* The list of potential threats is:

1. Errors and omissions.

2. Disgruntled and dishonest employees.
3. Fire.

4. Natural disasters.
5. Extemcil attack.

Threats and their usual defenses are illustrated in Figure 16-2.

Errors and omissions cover a broad range of miscues. Some result in
incredible but short-lived windfalls such as the Sears Roebuck customer
who had $1 billion credited to her account, transactions routed to the
wrong place, or those that cause double ordering.
When huge one data base,
quantities of information are stored in
sensitive data can easUy be copied and stolen. Information can also be
entered directly into a computer without any written record or proper
authorization and can be changed wdthout a trace. A dishonest programmer
can bypass control and surreptitiously authorize his/her own transactions.

A. Richcird Immel, "Data Security," Popular Computing, May 1984, pp. 65-68.

FIGURE 16-2 Tlireats and Theii Usual Defenses

\'i^ ^«f- vN^"


Ice and snow

Fraud •<^ Mischief
1 Ram and mud


Source: American Federation of Information Processing, Systems Review Manual. 1974, p. 9.

Dishonest employees have an easier time identifkong the vulnerabilities

of a software system than outside hackers because the\' ha\e access to the
system for a much longer time and can capitalize on its weakness. For
example, the employee first discovers a weakness that is inherent in the
system. If he/she is in inventory control, merchandise may be shipped to a
nonexistent wcirehouse.
Such computer crimes tend to be insider crimes by people who abuse
p>ositions of trust and responsibility. According to a recent survey, an
estimated $70 billion are lost each year to computer-related crime, fraud,
and embezzlement; 75 percent of this is attributed to insiders.^ This lack of
ethics is widespread in the profession and society in general.
Fire and other man-made disasters that deny the system power, air

5 Robert Batt, "White Collar Crime," Computenvorld. December 26, 1983, p. 49flf.

conditioning, or needed supplies can have a crippling effect. In the design

of a system facility, there is a tendency to place fire-fighting equipment
where the most dollars are rather than where the most flcimmable materieil
is. Proper planning for scifeguards against such disasters is critical, es-

pecially in orgcinizations that depend on centralized data base systems.

Natural disasters are floods, hurricanes, snowstorms, lightning, and
other calamities. Although there is no way to prevent them from occurring,
there are measures to protect computer-based systems from being wiped
out. For example, it is disastrous to put computer installations on the
ground floor in seacoast towns or in buildings without adequate fire protec-
System important in system security design. For excim-
reliability is also
ple, a facility plagued by hardware outages, bug-ridden software, or a
deficient communication networic can cause chaos for the end user.

The Personal Computer and System Integrity

Personal computers have been viewed as a step backwards in account-
ing controls. The casual operating environment of a microcomputer makes
it relatively easy to make changes in accounting systems that require rigid

controls. There is also a tendency to put everything on the microcomputer

with hardly a backup. A third problem is the lack of audit trails in most off-
the-shelf software packages. It is difficult to reconstruct transactions for
audit purposes. Finally, as more personal computers are linked to company
mainframes so remote users can access data, the potential increcises for
altering the data deliberately or by mistake. The consequences of all these
things might not be fatal, but it is wdse to set up access controls in the form
of software that limit access to the mainframe. The measures taken depend
largely on vv^here and how^ the microcomputer is being used.
It is becoming obvious that the personal computer is adding security

problems to system installations. With the use of microcomputers in the iJ .•.'.;.

corporate environment, the potential for misuse of information becomes

enormous. Many of today's operating systems contain no password; a -\f
would-be thief can copy at will. A person with a microcomputer at a remote
location who knows how to bypass the codes and passwords Cein use a
phone line and illegally retrieve information without leaving any clues to
his/her identity.

Risk Analysis
Given the threats to system security, system designers should assess
each of the system's data aggregations in light of possible threats against
them. The purpose of risk analysis is to determine the probabiUty of prob-
lems occurring, the cost of each possible disaster, the areas of vulnerabiUty,
and the preventive measures to adopt as part of a security plan.^

^ J. p. Curry "Analyzing Computer Security Risks," Canadian Datasystems, Jufy 1981, pp.

FIGURE 16-3 Risk Analysis— An Illustrcrtion

System Performance Computer System m Potential Hazards

Objectives Operation

1. Protection of data 1. Hardware, terminals, 1. Errors and omissions

2. Timeliness of pro- etc. 2. Accidents
cessing 2. Software/DBMS 3. Fraud
3. Accuracy of records 3. Procedures 4. System breakdown
4. Facilities/personnel



Pre.e'^t .6 MeaSi. es
Recovery Measures
p^ c : es

1. Program change controls 1. Backup files

2. Emergency change controls 2. Contingency plan
3. Emergency power controls 3. Insurance
4. Hardware encryption

Figure 16-3 an illustration of risk anahsis. First the designer lists the

objectixes of the system and e\aluates them against the existing computer
facility to detemiine the security- requirements. The facility', in turn, is

evaluated against the potential hazards to determine specific exposures.

Securitv' measures are then compared with specific exposures to pinpoint
unacceptable exposures. The outcome is a draft sj^ecihong the preventive
and recoxerv- measures to be adopted for effective svstem securitv".
Risk anahsis is not a foolpixjof plan for securitv it meivlv makes the

user aware of the exposures and theii- i-espective costs and contixji mea-

sures. A special risk analysis matrix that specifies the risks, costs and effects;
and probability of exposure helps the designer determine the actions to be
taken and how quickly they must be taken. Figure 16-4 shows the matrix.
Note that the has the highest cost-probability product and, there-
first risk

fore, is the highest priority for security. Also, the higher the probability for a
given occurrence, the more appropriate are preventive measures. For low-
risk factors, ability to recover is usually an adequate measure. If ability to
recover is difficult and consequential losses are excessive, however, insur-
ance is a must.
The two key elements in risk analysis are the value or impact of a
potential loss and the probability of loss. As shown in Figure 16-4, an
attempt is made to match a potential loss with the probability of its occur-
rence to decide on the action to be taken. The goal is to identify the threat
that results in the greatest monetary loss and provide protection to the
appropriate degree.

Control Measures
After system security risks have been evaluated, the next step is to select the
measures (layers of protection) that are internal and external to the facility.
These measures are generally classified under the following: (1) identifica-
tion, (2) access control, (3) audit controls, and (4) system integrity.

There are three schemes for identifying persons to the computer:

1. Something you know, such as a password. A password is the most

commonly used means for authenticating the identity of people. Passwords
should be hard to guess and easy to remember. They should not be
recoverable, except fiDm the mind of the password holder. The process of
accepting a password should not permit the recovery of passwords.^
Security is often lax in system installations. Many users copy down a
difficult password or give passwords to associates, making them subject to
potential unauthorized access. Experience has shown that many Ulicit
entries to systems are due to vmtten passwords. If a password is written, it
is no longer a password. It becomes something possessed (rather than

known), and the knowledge of the hiding place becomes the password.
Another scheme under the "something you know" category is the
picture badge, which identffies people who bring work to the center. Al-
though it positively identffies the carrier of the information, the badge does
not verify that the person is authorized to submit a job or receive reports
from the system.
2. Something you are, such as fingerprints or voice prints. Although fin-

" Sigmund Porter, "A Password Extension for Improved Human Factors," Computers and
Security, (North-Holland Publishuig, Amsterdam, 1982), pp. 54-56.
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FIGURE 16-5 Guidelines to Control Access

1. Have a single entrance to the operating eirea monitored around the clock.
2. Install intruder cilarms.
3. Instcdl akey lock, a cipher lock, or a badge-operated lock on the door of the
operating cirea.
4. Employ a guard during operating hours of the computer center.

5. Issue badges with new encoding; change locks periodically.

6. Control use of files through a librarian.

7. Identify keys to operations area with a registration number logged in a control

book when issued and mariced DO NOT DUPLICATE.

gerprinting is commonly used in law enforcement, it is ill suited for the MIS
environment. Voice prints, on the other hcind, are making headway as a
reliable method for verifying authorized users. The technique essenticdly
cinalyzes a person's voice against prerecorded voice patterns of the same
person. An exact match allows access to the system.
3. Something you have, such as the credit Ccird, key, or special terminal.
Magnetic stripe credit card readers on terminals identify the operator to the
system. The card along vvdth a password gives added assurance of the
identification of the user.

Access Control
Various steps are taken to control access to a computer facility (see
Figure 16-5). One way is to use an encoded card system with a log-keeping
capability. The card serves as a key to unlock doors, including tape storage
and other classified areas. The card magnetic key and a
is essentially a
"ke3/port" is a lock. Inserting the card into the lockport unlocks the door. A
card that includes a photograph of the bearer may double as an employee
ID badge.

Encryption. An effective and practical way to safeguard data trans-

mitted over telephone lines is by encryption. Data are scrambled during
transmission from one computer or terminal to another. The process trans-
forms data in such a way that they become utterly useless to unauthorized
users. eUminates the authentication problem by preventing a determined

"intruder" from injecting false data into the cheinnel or modifying messages.
The encryption concept is simple. A plaintext (unenciphered) message
is treinsmitted over cin unprotected communications channel. To prevent

unauthorized acquisition of the message, it is enciphered with a reversible

transformation to produce a cryptogram or ciphertext. When it arrives at an
authorized receiver, it is decrypted back into the plaintext data form (see
Figure 16-6).

* J. Michael Nye, "A Primer on Security," Mini-Micro Systems, Jufy 1981, p. 166ff.

FIGURE 16-6 Encryption/Decryption

Sender Plaintext Hill
Hill Plaintext Receiver

, .
. 1- -- •
w - < ^ - ' V / /•? 1 1 . 1

CONFI&ENTIAL ntnORANDUH: iliOji v.- »/MiM"^" :iti .

;'gf* r 1 y>;»-y< = l =•*

Plaintext Encryptic
version IIUMU N'[-*iio dj; ^

Huch as it is disturbing to you-. I

instruct you to terainate the follouing
row February 23-, llflS at noon. I
trust you yill carry out the necessary
fashion as possible.

.•; ) S£ \sto-- . 7"a' rfKi JHSsy- ! Vi

Most of today's encryption based on the National Bureau of Stan-


dards encryption algorithm, known as the Data Encryption Standard (DES).

It is a general technique developed in 1977 and used in many commercial

network security systems. A system that assures that encryption and de-
cryption are done without human intervention is virtually secure from
unauthorized access.^ Encryption devices for pergonal computers are avail-
able at the chip level and in the software. They are designed specifically to
transmit encryptic data; others protect software by making it difficult, if not
impossible, to copy.
For computer personnel fraud and embezzlement, several contiDls may
be instituted. For example, the use of prxjgrams and changes must be
authorized and documented at all times. Other programs and data base
files should be stored in a library and accessed only when needed. Other

guidelines for protection against embezzlement and fraud are listed in

Figure 16-7.

Audit Controls
Audit controls protect a system from external security breaches and inter-
nal fraud or embezzlement. The resources invested in audit conti'ols, how-
ever, should balance udth the sensitivity of the data being manipulated. One
problem uith audit controls is that it is difficult to prove theii- worth until
the system has been violated or a company officer imprisoned. For this
reason, auditability must be supported at all management levels and
planned into every system.
One of the most vulnerable places for a system is the MIS department.
Programmers can pirate, modify, and even sell software for pergonal gain.

y Matthew A. Kenny, "Glyptography Comes out of the War Room to Aid in Securing
Computer Systems," Data Management, July 1981, pp. 19-21.

FIGURE 16-7 Security Guidelines against Fraud

1. classified programs should be run only with the correct password.

2. There should be at least two persons in the computer room at all times.

3. Critical forms such as checks should be locked in a safe location and subject to
an inventory system.
4. Control final program assemblies so that only the appropriate program is in-

5. Periodically compare disk programs to control copies on another medium.

6. Re\aew the software library periodically to ensure that a complete set of source
and object programs and operating documentation exists for all applications.

To audit the maintenance process properly, there must be an audit ti^ail

from the change requests to the production programs. Various audit soft-
ware is a\'ai]able to do the job properly. Generalized audit software helps
the auditor examine files and data bases for consistency, correctness, and
completeness. There are also programs to trace the flow of data through a
program and the activity that they generate. Specialized audit software, on
the other hand, probes into specifics. For example, financial analysis pro-
grams reduce the \ olumes of data in the data base to a memageable amount
for analysis. They can perform further statistical analysis to determine out-
of-range transactions or nonrandom runs.
In summarv', the complexity of systems makes automatic auditing nec-
essary. Neither the auditor nor the user can veriK' the system activities
adequately, so the system must check itself. The internal controls required
mean that programmers and analysts build controls into every system.
Developing a corporate auditing policy will ensure that future systems meet
the minimum requirements for security and control against fraud and

System Integrity
System integrity is a third line of defense that concentrates on the
functioning of hardware, data base and supportive software, physical se-
curity, and operating procedures. The most costly software loss is program
error. It is possible to eliminate such error through proper testing routines.
Parallel runs should be implemented whenever possible. Physical security
provides safeguards against the destruction of hardware, data bases, and
documentation; fire, flood, theft, sabotage, and eavesdropping; and loss of
power through proper backup (see Figure 16-8).
The proper use of the file library is another imporant security feature.
This involves adequate file backup and reliable personnel to handle file
documentation when needed. File backup means keeping duplicate copies
of the master and other key files and storing them in suitable environmental
conditions. For tape files, a common procedure is to save the old master file

FIGURE 16-8 Physical Security Measures


1. Instcdl sensors for early detection of heat, smoke, or fire.

2. Instcill wall -mounted extinguishing systems in storage areas and facilities.

3. Maintain direct communication links to central protection agency and/or fire


4. Provide fireproof vaults for critical data, tapes, and other materials.

5. Explicit fire instructions must be posted in obvious locations.

6. Copies of computer files, software, documentation, and hardware configuration

should be stored oflF the premises.


1. Water pipes should be located away from computer facilities and storage.

2. Building should be located on high ground to avoid rising water tables or heavy
rain damage.
3. Sejil ceiling and walls against water seepage.

aftereach update. The most recently created file is called the son, the
previous one the father, and the one previous to the latter the grandfather.
Since it is a costly procedure, the decision to proceed along these lines has
to be balanced against potential loss if the files are destroyed.

Recovery/Restart Requirements. Restoring a damaged data base is

generally done by a roUforward or rollback procedure. The rollforward
approach involves updating a prior valid copy of the data base uath the
necessary changes to produce a current version of the data base. The
rollback approach starts with the current invalid state and removes the
record(s) of the activity (nail back) to produce the prior valid state of the data
b£ise. Either approach depends largely on the software to bring the backup
copy up to date and determine the cause of the failure.
Backup Ccm be extremely important in a recovery/restart procedure. If
the data base is physically damaged, one could not roU back because of the

damaged data base only roll forward. To do so, a prior vcdid backup copy
is required. The procedure diifers for sequential and data base environ-

For a sequential file, the grandfather-father-son approach to a backup is

followed. As shown in Figure 16-9, each newly created file is backed up by a

prior valid master and transaction files.

In a data base environment, the master file is not generally copied as it

is updated. Instead, transactions are posted directly to the file, which

FIGURE 16-9 Grandlcrther-Fother-Son Approach to Backup

Grandfather Father Son

replaces the original data. In such a system, a backup procedure creates

files in case they are lost, just as in sequential file systems. Figure 16-10
approach. Prior to processing, a backup copy of the data base
illustrates this
is generated. Over the next three days, all transactions are processed,

copied on a transaction log, and combined. On the fourth day, the data base
"crashes," using a prior valid data base and copies of the transaction log.
Reprocessing is initiated to restore the data base.

System Failures and Recovery

In a data base environment, there are three types of failures: cata-
strophic, logical, and structural. A catastrophic failure is one where part of a
data base is unreadable. It is restored using the rollforward method of
A logical failure occurs when activity to the data base is intenxipted (e.g.,
a power with no chance of completing the currently executing
transactions. When the system is up and running again, it is not known
whether or not modifications are still in memory or were made to the actual
data. Though still readable, the data base may be inaccurate. In this case,
rolling back the file to the prvious updated point of the data base (prior valid
copy) and adding all changes are required. Many of today's interactive
systems provide automatic recovery (rollback) when the system is restarted,
which removes the humcin function from the process.
The third type of failure of a data base is structural damage. A typical
example is a pointer incorrectly stored in a record that points to unrelated
or nonexistent data. If the problem cannot be corrected by software utility,
the data base must be recovered to the most recent up-to-date point before
the damage occurred.
In summary, a system must be durable. It must survive all threats,
including machine crashes, program bugs, and user errors. Recovery mea-
sures can undo data base changes that must be removed and redo changes

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that are lost. The responsibility for recovery may

with the designer, the lie

project manager, or both, depending on the requirements of the system.

What happens if your system bums out or if a disgnjntled employee inflicts
serious damage to it? How do you recover? Where do you get your infoiTna-
tion? Studies have shown that a company's very survival is threatened
within 48 hours after the loss of computer operations. Even a limited
disiuption or disaster can result in substantial financial losses and even the
thi-eat of litigation.'" Direct financial losses insult from the loss of sales and
production. Indirect financial losses include long-term loss of customer,
uncollected receivables, and undetected ft'aud. Loss of control over vital
data compromises data integrity and business decisions.
Disaster/recovery planning is a means of addi-essing the concern for
system availability by identifying potential exposure, prioritizing applica-
tions, and designing safeguards that minimize loss if a disaster occurs. It
means no matter what the disaster, you can recover. The business udll
survive because a disaster/recovery plan allows quick recovery under the
How^ does one guard against such losses? There are several alternatives.
As summarized in Figure 16-11, they range from having an entire facility in
one location with a complete redundancy of hardware to leasing a site with
no computer but adequate electricity and air conditioning to support a
computer facility on a temporary basis. After an alternative has been deter-
mined, a decision must be made about the applications to be pixjcessed, the
hardware to process the applications, and what would be relocated after a
management's primary roll is to accept
In disaster/recovery planning,
the need for contingency planning, select an alternative measure, and
recognize the benefits that can be derived from establishing a disaster/
recovery plan. Top management should establish the disaster/recovery pol-
icy and commit corporate support staff for its implementation. The user's
role is also important. The user's responsibilities include the foUoudng:

1. Identifying critical applications, why

they are critical, and how com-
puter unavailability would affect the department.
2. Approving data protection procedures and determining how long and
how well operations will continue without the data.
3. Funding the costs of backup.

*" Richard A. Bernstein, "A Contingency Plan for Recoveiy from a Disaster," Mid-Continental
Banker, December 1983, p. 16.
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The Plan
When a disaster/recovery procedure is planned, several questions have to
be answered:

1. How long would it take to rebuild the computer center or asjjects of it?
2. What type of accommodation should we look for in a backup instaUa-
tion? How quickly is it available?

3. What equipment is needed to keep the corporation functioning?

4- How would repKJrts be transmitted to the user? That is, is there going to
be a telecommunications network or simply a courier service?
5. What utilities (electric jxiwer, air conditioning, etc.) are required when a
disaster occurs?

6. Would there be sufBcient experienced staff available for proper recov-


When these questions are answered and management gives its support
for a disaster/recovery plan, the next step is to initiate a plan that involves
four phases:

1. ApfXJint a disaster/recoveiy team and a team coordinator to develop the

plan or procedure.
2. Prepare planning tasks.
3. Compile a disaster/recoveiy manual.
4. Dummy run to test the procedure.

Tlie Team
A team should include a cross section of system
designers, users, and computer op)erators. Under the leadership of a coordi-
nator, the team's main functions are to organize the project, monitor pro-
gress on the plan, zind oversee its completion. The team meets periodically
to ensure that the plan is kept up to date, considers new vulnerabilities or

exposures to loss, and implements new technology or procedures as

needed. More specifically, the objectives of a disaster/recoveiy team include
the following:

1. Secure backup sites for occupation and use.

2. Contract for hardware to meet minimum processing needs.
3. Supply woridng copies of all op)erating systems and application pro-
grams to meet minimum processing requirements.
4. Supply communication facilities to make reports promptiy available to
the users.
5. Supply consumables and administrative support.

Planning Tasks
Disaster/recovery planning tasks are prepared in a cycle simUar to that
of system development. Briefly, the cycle entails the following:

1. Definition phase sets the objectives of the disaster/i-ecovery project.

2. Requirements phase evaluates applications against disaster/recovery

objectives, detennines what is to be included in the plan, and specifies
priorities. The team takes inventory of the hardware, software, telecom-
munications, backup and clerical procedures, utilities, and personnel
3. Design phase evaluates design alternatives, potential vendors, and
prices and chooses the final design.

4. Testing and implementation phase runs backup systems, compares

results, and corrects errors. During implementation, procedures are
written, sites are prepared, and maintenance plans are developed.*^

The Manual
Once the team has completed the assignment, a disaster/recovery man-
ual is prepared and copies are made available to team members and
management. All copies of the manual should be updated as needed. The
number of manuals should be kept to a minimum with a log of holders and
the number of each manual assigned. The more manuals that are printed,
the more likely it is that some will be overlooked during the maintenance
and update procedure. This is especially true in a large corporation.


Increased dependence on computere has brought with it problems of
vulnerability to dishonest and unethical practices. Internally, the ease with
which employees can manipulate data has tempted many to steal funds
and sensitive infomiation at the touch of a button. Networking has further
complicated protection. The issues of computer crime, system security, and
ethics have a significant impact on the role of the systems analyst. The
analyst has an obligation to maintain ethical standards in system develop-
Consider the following examples of how a systems professional might
act unethically:

• The analyst knows can be adequately met

that a user's requirement
with a simple, inexpensive system yet installs a state-of-the-art system
that takes twice the time (and consulting fees) to implement.

• A systems analyst accepts a microcomputer hx>m a vendor in return for

recommending a system sold or made by the vendor.

" For detailed coverage of disaster/recovery planning, see R. P. R. Gaade, "Picking up the
Pieces," Datamation, January 1980, pp. 113-18.

• A new client competes v\ith a past client for whom the analyst has
already installed a system. The analyst knows what system will give the
new client the competitive edge and offers to instcill it in return for a gift
of company stock.

Apprehension regarding unauthorized access and invasion of privacy

ha\'e forced a recognition in the computer industrv' of the need for an
operatioucil code of ethics to emphasize good sense and the law. This code
stresses the right to privacy and recommends against the collection of
sensitixe details such as religious or political affiliations. It also recognizes
the need for securit\' safeguards to prexent breach of confidentialitv' of the

Programs ai"e now^ axailable to fill "holes" in computer defenses. For

example, computer audit programs allow auditors to probe the record of
transactions on a computer for irregularities and to uncover unusually large
or frequent transfers of funds. Encryption dexices also proxide defense by
scrambling data across the line until they reach their destination.
.Although unethical acts hax'e been focused on mainframes, a "small-
time" lexel of thiex'ery is also groxving. For example, copying unprotected
software packages such as dBASE II is no problem for anyone with a
personal computer and a blank diskette. It is estimated that there are 1.5
illegal copies, which cost as much as a blank diskette ($4), for every authen-
tic version of Visicalc, which retails for $250.*-

Ethlcs Codes and Standards of Behavior

Concern over the ethical behaxior of analysts and computer professionals

has led to the dexelopment of standards and codes of behaxior by a number
of professional associations. Three associations are u'orth mentioning: the
Association for Computing Machinerv' lACMl, the Data Processing Manage-
ment Association IDPMA), and the Institute for Certification of Computer ft:
Professionals (ICCPl. The codes of ethics deal xvith issues such as compe-
tency, honesty, and confidentiaMty. Elxcerpts from these codes are shown in
Figure 16-12. Unfortunately, professional associations are limited in how
they can "punish" code xiolators. The most serious action taken is rex'oca-
tion of membership. Of course, loss of status could prompt an employer to
take more drastic steps toxx'ard suspension.*^
The basic belief among analysts and MIS professionals is that the
problems of unethical behaxior result not from a lack of honesty or integrity,
but from ignorance of xvhat constitutes an unethical act. In many respects,
there are ethical considerations without rules.*"* So the purpose of profes-
sional standards of conduct is to make the analx'st aware of how to act to

12 Editorial, "Roaming High Tech Pirates," Time, February 8, 1982, p. 61.

13 Da\id H. Freedman, "Ethics," Infosystems , August, 1983, pp. 34-36.
Ibid, p. 36.

FIGURE 16-12 Codes of Ethics— Examples

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

An ACM member should maintain and increase his competence through a

program of continuing education encompassing the techniques, technical stan-
dards, and practices in his fields of professional activity.
An ACM member shall disclose any interest of which he is aware which does or
may conflict with his duty to a present or prospective employer or client.
An ACM member shall not use any confidential information ftxjm any employer
or client, past or present, without prior permission.

Data Processing Management Association (DPMA)

In recognition of my obligation to my employer, I shall: Make every eflFort to

ensure that I have the most current knowledge and that the proper expertise is
available when needed; Avoid conflicts of interest and ensure that my employer is
aware of any potential conflicts; Protect the privacy and confidentiality of all infor-
mation entrusted to me.

Institute for Certification of Computer

Professionals (ICCP)

One has a special responsibility to keep oneself fully aware of developments in

information processing technology relevant to one's current professioncd occupa-
One shall not hold, assume, or consciously accept a position in which one's
interests conflict or are likely to conflict with one's current duties unless that
interest has been disclosed in advance to all parties involved.
One shall exercise mciximum discretion in disclosing, or permitting to be
disclosed, or using to one's own advantage, any information relating to the affairs of
one's present or previous employers or clients.

Source: David H. Freedman, "Ethics," Infosystems, August 1983, p. 35.

promote professionalism. Codes of ethics do not substantially change a

dishonest person, but they create a body of peer pressure that tells the
individual that unethical behavior is not condoned.
Perhaps the largest contributing factor to the unethical behavior of
analysts and information system professionals is lack of education about
ethical issues and standards. The computer revolution has come so rapidly
that educators have barely kept abreast of it, let alone developing nomis on
how analysts should behave. Furthermore, there seems to be a professional
"disincentive" for educators to address the issue. Ethics courses are new to
business schools and few instructors know how to incorporate them into
the data processing curriculum.


In reviewing the state of computer technology and system develop-

ment, we find an informational "elite" exercising more and more power
because of its control over vast information resources. Every day one hears
horror stories about computer break-ins, security leaks, fraud, and the like.
We witnessing a rapidly growing market in stolen information. Virtually

anyone can buy information about anybody. The likelihood of being pros-
ecuted is remote because the courts do not see such offenses as serious
crimes. How could one be accused of stealing information when it is still in
the corporate data base?*^
An ethical society has worry about. Twenty- three states already
little to
have computer crime laws in force. Some of these laws view stealing or
abusing data bases as a felony or crime. Technology is merely a vehicle; it is
a means. The objective is the betterment of society through ethical stan-
dards and professionalism that supports these standards.

1. Security is critical in system development. The amount of protection
depends on the and the
sensitivity of the data, the reliability of the user,
complexity of the system. The motives behind security are to keep the
organization running, protect data as an asset, and seek management
support for more installations.
2. There are three categories of controls in data security: physical security
(protection from fire, flood, etc.), data base integrity, and control mea-
sures (passwords, encryption). Potential threats to system security in-
clude errors and omissions, disgruntled and dishonest employees, fire,
and natural disasters. Errors and omissions cause the most damage.
3. Personal computers have been adding security problems to system
installations. Many of today's operating systems have no passwords.
There is tendency
also a to put everything on the microcomputer with
hardly a backup.
4. Risk analysis helps assess the probability and cost of possible disasters,
pinpoint unacceptable exposures, and adopt preventi\'e measures as
part of a security plan. The goal is to identify the threat that results in
the greatest monetary losses and provide protection to the appropriate
5. After system security risks have been evaluated, the next step is to select
security measures. These measures are classified as follows:
a. Identification, scheme for identifying persons to the system
it is a
based on "something you know" such as a passw^ord or a picture

^= Jake Kirchner, "August Bequai, Fighter for Ethics," Computerworld,

Mav 21, 1984,
pp. l-4ff

badge, "something you are" such as a fingerprint or voice print, or

"something you have" such as a credit card, key, or special terminal.
b. Access control. Controlling access to the computer facilitv' is se-
cured through encoded cards or similar dexices. Encr\ption pre-
\ents intruders from accessing data b\' scrambling messages across
telephones to their destination.
c. Audit controls. .Auditabilit\ must be supported at all lexels of man-
agement. .Audit controls protect a system from external securitv*
breaches and Lntemal fraud or embezzlement. \'arious software
programs are a\ailable to help in the audit function.
d. System integrity: This line of defense safeguards the functioning of
hardware, data base, software, phxsical securit\', and operating
procedures. Proper backup of software and hardware is extremely

6. .A damaged data base is restored by a rollfonvard or rolback procedure.

In a rollforward procedure, a prior copy of the data base is updated
with the changes to generate a current set. Rollback starts with the
current invalid copy and remoxes the records of acti\it\ to produce the
prior valid data base. This is another e.xample of the importance of
7. Disaster recovery planning is a means of addressing the concern for
system a\ ailabilit\- b\ identifying potential exposures, prioritizing ap-
plications,and designing safeguards that minimize loss if a disaster
occurs. The s^ifeguaJxis range from ha\ing an entire facilitv in one
location with a full redundanc\ of hardware to leasing a site with no
computer but adequate electricit\' and air conditioning to support a
computer facilitv on a temporary- basis. Regardless of the altemati\e,
management and user support is critical. The master plan inxohes four
a. .Ap{:)oint a team and a coordinator to develop the plan.
b. Prepare planning tasks.
c. Compile a disaster reco\er^' manual.
d. Dummv run to test the procedure.
8. The anal\st has an obligation to maintain ethical standards in s\stem
de\elopment. Programs are now available to fill "holes in computer
defenses. Encrvption de\ices also pro\ide defense by scrambling data
across the line to their destination.

9. \arious associations ha\'e made an effort to formalize ethics codes and

standards of behaxior for programmer's and system dexelopers. The
goal of these codes is to make the professional aware of the do's and
don"ts rather than to monitor and punish \iolators. Schools and train-
ing programs can do a lot to improve consciousness of ethics in devel-
opjing systems and dealing with users.

Key Words
Confidentiality Hacker
Data Integrity Password
Data Security Plaintext
Decryption Rollback
Encryption RoUforward
Ethics System Security

Review GLuestlons
1. In your own words, what is the purpose of this chapter? How is it

related to system development? Expound.

2. "Points of vulnerability in systems today relate to hardware, commu-

nication lines, and terminals." Do you agi^e? Explain.
3. Review the journals on system development or security and suggest two
motives behind security.
4. Distinguish between the folloudng:
a. Data security and data integrity.
b. Privacy and confidentiality.
c. Rollforwaixl and rollback.
d. Logical and stnictural failui'e.

5. What ai^ the major threats to system security? Which one(s) is the most
serious? Why?
6. In what way is the personal computer a step backward in system
security? Illustrate.

7. Why do we need to conduct risk analysis? When would this type of

analysis be cost justified? Explain the makeup and procedure behind
risk analysis.

8. List and briefly explain the control measures in system security.

9. Visit a local computer center and report to class the security features
incorporated in the facility.

10. Why is a password inadequate for security control? In your opinion,

does it provide better or worse security than encryption? Explain.
11. What is encryption? How does it work? What type or level of system
would incorporate this technology? Illusti^ate.
12. In a data base environment, how is a backup procedure used? Illustrate.
13. What types of failures are encountered in a data base environment?
Explain briefly.
14. Much has been written about disaster/recovery planning. What is it?
Why is it important? Who initiates the planning? What procedure is

involved? Explain.

15. Disaster/recoveiy planning tasks are prepared in a cycle sinular to that

of system development. Explain.

16. Ethics is a relatively new topic in system development. Research the

literature during the past two years and present a summaiy of progress
made in this area.

Application Problems

1 An air-conditioning firm planning to install a terminal in each of its


stores for online stock control. A batch of parts is tagged to a job

number cind only to cin authorized repair person to draw against that
job number.

Develop a procedure and security check that can be integrated into the candi-
date system for the control of stock issuing.

Uptovin Savings & Loem Beink has pix)blems with address maintenance.
Customer complaints prompted an investigation of the nature and
source of errors of customers' addresses in the savings application. A
preliminary check discovered the follovidng:

a. Almost 10 percent of the savings accounts contained misspielled

names or wrong addresses, zip codes, or account numbers.
b. 28 percent of the savings accounts had no zip codes, and 6 percent
of those with zip codes were inconect.

c. Common Icist names such as Jones or Smith caused the most

problems with address maintenance. For example, a notification to
the bank by Mary Jones of a chjinge of address resulted in a change
in Martha Jones's address.

d. The address mciintenance problem was so acute that of the 19,000

savings accounts, 617 accounts were in the "address unknown"

The bank president is concerned abou the inaccuracy of the savings

file because it gives a poor image and could result in losing deposits.

More and more customers have been closing their accounts, adding
tension to an already tense situation.

a. What can be done to correct the address maintenance problem?
b. What safeguards can be introduced to pre\'ent a recurrence of these prob-
c. How can the zip code problem be rectified on the records?
d. As a systems analyst, what measures would you take to "clean up" the file?

A credit union woiried about the potential loss of its master files from

accidental or intentional destruction. The computer system and the

tape library are located on the second floor of a 50-year-old building
adjacent to the employee cafeteria. The union owns and operates an in-
house system with no backup facility in case of emergency. The systems
department is asked to review and report in the current security safe-
guards of the data files. The vice pi^sident in charge recently sent his
officers a letter that i-ead, in part, "What protection do we have if the
grease in the filing pan in the cafeteria should catch on fire and spread
to our data files? What good is it to cany heavy insurance against fire
and theft when there is no way we can recover our data for continuing
Certainly, much of what he said is tnje. If the tape library is acciden-
tally destroyed, most of the data on retirement, health, and other
benefits would be impossible to recover. Thus, an effective security plan
must be developed to include the following:

a. Safeguard vital data records against accidental or intentional de-


b. Provide duplicate records of vital data as a backup.

c. Provide a way of reconstructing the master files in the event of a
national or natural disaster.

a. Outline a master plan to provide security and backup procedures at the
credit union headquarters.
b. Devise a built-in plan to minimize the possibility of loss of vital records by
sabotage or uiretapping.
c. What tape files should be duplicated? Retained?
d. For how long cind where should sensitive data files be stored? Why?

Selected References
Alexander, Charles. "Crackdown on Computer Crime." Time, February 8, 1982, pp.
Batt, Robert. "White Collar Crime." Computerworld, December 26, 1983, p. 49ff.
Bernstein, Richard A. "A Contingency Plan for Recovery from a Disaster." Mid-
Continental Banker, December 1983, p. 16.
Campbell, Robert P. "Locking up the Mainframe." Computerworld, October 10, 1983,
pp. IDl-3ff; October 17, 1983, pp. IDl-3ff.
Cohen, Arnold M. "Total Information System Security." Journal of Systems Manage-
ment, April 1983, pp. 14-17.
Cook, J. R.; J. D. Eure; M. A. Johnston; and H. J. Matford. "DPMA Chapters Speak
Out on DP Security." Data Management, May 1, 1982, pp. 42-46.
CuUen, Kathryn M. "Systems for Authorized Access to Information." Administrative
Management, May 1982, pp. 35-38.
Curry, J. P. "Analyzing Computer Security Risks." Canadian Datasystems, July 1981,
pp. 69-70.
Editorial, "DPMA Code of Ethics andStandards of Conduct for Information Process-
ing Professionals." Data Management, October 1981, pp. 58-61.
Editorial, "Roaming High Tech Pirates." Time, Febi-uarv 8, 1982, pp. 60-63.
Emmett, Arielle. "Thwarting the Data Thief." Personal Computing, January 1984,
p. 97.
Freedman, David H. "Ethics." Infosystems, August 1983, pp. 34-36.
Friedman, Stanley. "Contingency and Disaster Planning." Computers S: Security.
North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam, 1982, pp. 34-40.
Gaade, R. P. R. "Picking up the Pieces." Datamation, January 1980, pp. 113-18.
Gilliam, Les. "Implementing a Disaster Recovery Plan." Computerworld, December 5,
1983, p. 97ff.

Harrison, Ben. "Planning for the Worst." Infosystems, June 1982, pp. 52-62.
Heide, Dorothy, and James K. Highiovver. "Oiganizations, Ethics, and the Comput-
ing Professional." Journal of Systems Management, November 1983, pp. 38-42.
Henkel, Tom, and Peter Bartolite, eds. "Protecting the Corporate Data Resources."
Computerworld, November 28, 1983 Ispeciiil r'eporti, pp. 1-29.
Immel, Popular Computing, May 19, 1984, pp. 65-68.
A. Richard. "Data Security."
Johnson, Deborah G. "Privacy, Power, and Property: Ethical Dilemmas for Computer
Professionals." Small Systems World, June 1983, pp. 17-22.
Kenny, Matthew A. "Cryptography Comes out of the War Room to Aid in Securing
Computer Systems." Data Management, July 1981, pp. 19-21.
Kirchner, Jake. "August Bequai, Fighter for Ethics." Computerworld, May 21, 1984,
pp. IDl-4ff.
Morris, Robert S. "Do-It-Yourself Disaster Recovery Planning." Sma// Systems World,
October 1980, pp. 23-26ff.
Nye, J. Michael. "A Piimer on Security." Mini-Micro Systems, July 1981, p. 166ff.
Patterson, Wm. "Where Is Technology Taking Us?" Industry Week, May 30, 1983,
pp. 34-36.
Porter, Sigmund. "A Password Extension for Improved Human Factors." Computers
& Security. North-Holland Publishing, Amstei-dam, 1982, pp. 54-56.
Rames, David. "Recovering from Disastei-s." Computer Decisions, September 1981,
p. 109ff.
Sherwin, Douglas "The Ethical Roots of the Business System." Harvard Business
Review, November/December 1983, pp. 183-92.

Spiro, Bruce E. "Ethics —The Next Step Is Crucial." Data Management, November
1983, pp. 32-33.
Weiss, Eric A. "Self-Assessment Procedure IX." Communications of the ACM, Mjirch
1982, pp. 181-94.
Westin, Alan. "New Eyes on Pmacy." Computenvorld, November 28, 1983, pp.
ZJentara, Marguerite. "How to Recover ftx)m a Disaster." Computerworld, September
13, 1982, p. Iff.


Glossary of Terms
Abstract system Conceptual or nonphysical entity.

Action entry The lower right quadrant of a decision table; indicates the response
to the question entered in the condition entrv.

Action stub Lower left quadrant of a decision table: outlines in narrati\'e form the
conditions that may exist.

Activity in system development life cycle — a group of logicalK' related tasks that
make it possible to accomplish a specific objective; a group of related tasks.

Aggregate Two or more data items handled as a unit.

Alias .An alternati\ e name used to stand for an identified data structure within a
data dictionars' notation.

Alpha testing \eril\ing and studying software errors and failures based on
simulated user requirements.

Analysis Breaking a problem into successively manageable parts for indi\idua]


Attribute A data item that characterizes an object.

Audit trail .A feature of data processing systems that allows for the study of data
as processed fiDm step to step; an auditor can then trace all transactions that
affect an account.

Ballot box design A type of form designed so that all the user has to do is check
the applicable box.

Benchmark in system testing —a test run on a candidate system to measure how

long it takes to run a selected application.

Beta testing Subjecting modified software to the actual user site (live) environ-

Bounded rationality Coined by Herbert Simon — the notion that humans have a
limited capacity' for rational thinking; rationalitv' for determining infomiation
requirements is bounded by limited training, prejudice, cmd the attitude of the

Brainstorming A technique for generating new ideas; a participant is asked to

define ideal solutions and then select the most feasible one.

Break-even analysis The point at which the cost of the candidate system and
the present one are equal.

Bubble chart In data base design — a diagram that uses circles to represent the
nature and direction of relationshups between data items.

Candidate system The newly developed system designed to replace the current



Caption a word on a form that specifies what information to write in the space

Cash-flow analysis A procedure designed to keep track of accumulated costs

and revenues on a regular basis.

Chaining in a data base — linking records; establishing relationships among data


Closed qfuestion A question in which the response! si is presented as a set of


Closed system A system that is isolated from environmental influences; see Open
system for contrast.

Cohesion strength within a module; degree of relationship between elements

within a module.

Computer output microfilm (COM) Recording system output on microfilm or

microfiche, usually for archival storage.

Concatenated key Two or more keys linked to identifv or access a record.

Condition entry Upper right quadrant of a decision table; provides answers to

questions asked in the condition stub quadrant.

Condition stub Upper left quadrant of a decision table; sets forth in question
form the condition that may exist.

Confidentiality Special status given to sensitive information in a computer sys-

tem to minimize the possible invasion of privacy.

Contrived observation An observation set up by the observer in a place like a


Control In a system — the element or component that governs the pattern of

activities of the system.

Conversion Process of changing from an existing system to a new one.

Cost/benefit analysis The process of comparing projected savings and benefits

to projected costs to decide whether a system change is justified.

Couple A connection between modules; a symbol representing data items moved

fixjm one module to another.

CPM See Critical path method.

Critical path Events in a PERT network that, if behind schedule, wdll cause the
final event in the network to be late.

Critical path method (CPM) A planning and scheduling method that deter-
mines trade-offs between relative costs and alternative completion dates for a

Cryptography A system of secret communications to improve the security of

confidenticd computerized files.

Data aggregate See Entity.


Data base A store of integrated data capable of being directly addressed for
multiple uses; it is organized so that various files can be accessed through a
single reference based on the relationship among records in the file rather than
the physical location.

Data base administrator (DBA) A specialist whose main tasks are to protect
and manage the data base, resolve user conflict, and maintain and update the

Data base management system (DBMS) The software that determines how
data must be structured to produce the user's view; manages, stores, and
retrieves data and enforces procedures.

Data definition language (DDL) Describes how data are structured in the
data base.

Data dictionary A structured repository of data about data; a list of terms and
their definitions for all data items and data stores of a system.

Data element The smallest unit of a record; roughly equivalent to a field.

Data How Movement of data in a system fix)m a point of origin to a specific

destination — indicated by a line and arrow.

Data flow diagram (DFD) Graphic representation of data movement, pro-

cesses, and files (data stores) used in support of an information system.

Data independence Changing hardware and storage procedures or adding

new data without having to rewrite application programs.
Data integrity The extent to which the data used for processing are reliable,
accurate, and free from error.

Data item Represents one or more bytes; describes some attribute of an object
(for example, social security number, sex, or age).

Data manipulation language (DML) in data base — it specifies for the DBMS
what is required; the techniques used to process data.

Data model in data base — a framework or a mental image of how the user's view

Data security Protection of data ftxjm loss, disclosure, modification, or destruc-


Data set A file.

Data store in a data flow diagram — a storage cirea for collecting data input during
processing; the svmbol used in an open rectangle.

Data structure A logically related set of data that can be decomposed into lower-
level data elements; a group of data elements handled as a unit.

Decision support systems (DSS) A "what if approach that uses an information


system to assist management in fdlniulating policies and projecting the likely

consequence of decisions.

Decision table A table of contingencies for defining a problem and the actions to


be taken; a method of presenting the logic of a computer program that tells

what action must be taken when a given condition is met or not met.

Decision tree Graphic representation of conditions and outcomes resembling

the branches of a tree.

Decomposition Partitioning a system into detailed functions to be studied in

relative isolation.

Decryption Conversion of an enciphered message into plaintext.

Delphi method A debate by questionnaire in which participants fill out the

fomis and the results ai"e given to them with a follow-up questionnaire; i-esults
are again summarized and fed back to them until their responses have con-
verged enough.

Design Process of developing the technical and operational specifications of a

candidate system for implementation.

Desk checking ManualK' going over a program's souree code to deteimine

whether errors or inconsistencies exist.

DFD See Data flow diagram.

Dichotomous question It is no question; a question answerable by yes

a yes or
or no; a question offering two answer choices.

Ditterentiation In —
open systems a tendency toward increasing the specializa-
tion of functions of system components.

Direct-access organization Records in a file are accessible and can be replaced

anywhere in the existing file with no particular regai'd to the sequence in which
the file is arranged.

Direct cost Cost that is normally applied directly to the operation in question; for
example, the purchase of a new tape for $40 is a direct cost.

Direct observation A situation where the analyst actually observes the subject
or the system at work.

Documentation A means of communication; a written record of a phase of a

specific project; it establishes design and performance criteria for phases of the

Dynamic system model A model that depicts an ongoing, constantly changing


Eavesdropping Unauthorized access to information through wiretapping, learn-

ing a security' code by watching displays, taking pictures with a camera, or
using bugging dexaces.

Encryption Scrambling signals that lepresent data during transmission or o\cr


Enhancement Adding, modifving, or redexeloping the code to support changes

in specifications.

Entity Also called a data aggregate; something of intei"est to the user about which
to collect or store data; represents a number of data elements.

Entropy Loss of energy; a system running down due to loss of enei^', often
leading to a temporary state of disorganization.

Entry In a decision table — the answers to questions or the actions resulting from
the answers to conditions entered in the stub.

Eqilifinallty Achiexing goals through differing courses of actions and by a \ ariety

of paths.

Eqililihrilim Balance; see also Steady state.

Ergonomics The science of modifying machine specifications to match human


E^>ectancy theory stresses important relationships between 1 effort and per- 1 1

formance and performance and rewards: in sxstems work the value the
1 21 —
user places on perceived rewards from a candidate system determines the
motivation to accept and use the system.

Facilities management (FM) A company's computer facility managed by an

outside agency under contract.

Fanlold form A multiple-unit form joined together in a continuous strip with

perforations between pairs of forms.

Feositjility study A procedure that identifies, describes, and evaluates candidate

systems and selects the best system for the job.

Feedback The part of a closed-loop system that automatically brings back infor-
mation about the condition being controlled.

Field A specified area of a record used for a particular category' of data for —
example, a group of card columns used to represent a wage rate or a set of bit
locations in a computer word used to express the address of the operand; see
also Data item.

File Collection of related records organized for a particular purpose; also called a
data set.

File volottility Refers to the proportion of records changed during a time period.

Fill-in-the-blankS question A question or an item that seeks a specific, factual

response not restricted to a set of choices.

Fixed cost Sunk cost that does not varv with the volume of processing; examples
are rent of a buUding or a computer system and a super\isors salary.

Flat form A single-copy form; a form that has no carbon copy.

Flow system model A model that shows the flows of material, energy-, and
information that hold the system together.

Flowchart A graphic picture of the logical steps and sequence involved in a

procedure or a program.

Force majeure Deals with the suspension of a contract due to exents beyond the
vendor's control such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and acts of war.

Form A physical carrier of data, of information.


Forms control Coordination of forms design and use among users of forms in the

Forms design Evaluating present documents and creating new or improved

forms that offer useful information for action.

Functional structure An approach that assigns a group of analysts to serve a

specific system such as peisonnel, production, or marketing.

Functionality A definition of the facilities, performance, and other factors that

the user requires in the finished product.

Future value Time value of money in the form of interest on the funds invested
over a specific time period.

Gantt chart A static system model used for scheduling; portrays output perform-
ance against time.

Hacker A devout user of the computer; usually for "kicks" or the sheer pleasure of
trying to find out how far to push the computer before it i^eaches its limits.

Hierarchical structure Breaking down a large project into a series of suc-

cessively smaller, manageable parts thixjugh iteration and according to a logictil

Hierarchy plus input/processing/output (HIPO) A documentation tool that

graphically portrays functions in a chart from a general level down to detailed

Homeostasis A balanced state; a system that maintains a dynamic equilibiium

among its inputs, processing, and outputs.

Identifier A key that uniquely identifies a record.

Implementation in system development — a phase that focuses on user training,

site preparation, and file conversion for installing a candidate system.

Indezed-sequential A method of organizing a direct-access storage device that

combines some of the features of sequential and direct processing.

Indirect cost Overhead; results of operations not directly associated with a given
system or activity; examples are insurance, maintenance, heat, and air condi-

Indirect observation An observation that relies on mechanical devices such as

cameras and videotapes to capture information.

Informant A person in a department or division (usually an employee) who offers

information to an observer because of his/her position, seniority, or experience.

Information A meaningful set of data that tells something about the data rela-

Information system The tools, procedures, and technology that generate user-
initiated information.

Initial investigation An exploratory activity that determines whether a user

request is valid and feasible before a course of action is recommended.

Input The data to be processed; the processes of transferring data from external
storage to internal storage.

Input/Output control system (IOCS) Machine-based software that responds to

DBMS requests to retrieve information from physical storage as specified by the
application program.

Instance of an entity The value of an attribute for a specific occurrence.

Intangible cost Readily identified but not easily quantified.

Interdependence Dependence of a system's components on one another for

effective functioning.

Interview A data-gathering or data-verification approach; talking with people in

an organized manner and with a purpose.

Inverted list organization A structure in which there are separate lists for each
type of data element in the data base.

Investment period in a candidate system — when initial costs exceed the costs of
running the current system.

IPO chart HIPO-associated chait.

Key See Identifier.

Kitchen sink strategy A plan where the user overstates (throws in the sink) his/
her needs from a candidate system.

Logic error Deals with problems such as incorrect data fields, division by zero,
and invalid combinations.

Logical record A record that maintains a logical relationship among all data
items in the record.

Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) Input method that codes and
identifies checks, deposit slips, and documents preencoded with special mag-
netic ink.
Maintenance Restoring something to its original condition.

Management intormation system (MIS) An integrated approach to the design

and use of a computer-based information system that provides summary
infoiTnation and highlights exception conditions for corrective decision mak-

Mean time between failure (MTBF) The average time the system is available to
users before breaking down.

Menu A selected list of options that the user chooses from and then types an
option for a computer operation.

Milestone Steppingstones; sets of actixities make up a project.

Model A logical or mathematical representation of a system that encompasses

features of interest to the user. ^
Modularity in systems maintenance — a system is constructed in modular units

of a limited size to simplify maintenance when necessary; in software reliabil-

ity — the ease with which a package can be modified.

Multiple-choice question An item that requests the respondent to choose one

out of a series of specific choices.

Natural observation An observation in the interviewee's place of work or sur-


NCR paper No carbon i-equired; chemically treated paper that does not require
carbon for carrying impressions fix)m the top form to the copies underneath.

Net benefit analysis Total benefits minus total costs.

Net present value Discounted benefits minus discounted costs.

Network structure Events and activities in PERT/CPM; in data base —a data

stiiicture that allows 1:1, IJVl, or M:M relationships between entities.

Normalization A process of replacing a given file with its logical equivalent; the
object is to derive simple files with no redundant elements.

On-site observation See Natural observation.

Open-ended interview An interview that poses questions that do not require a

specific or a brief response.

Open system A system that performs interactions across its boundary, receives
inputs irom and delivers outputs to the outside.

Operating system In data base — machine-based software that facilitates the

availability of information or reports through the DBMS.
Opportunity cost Benefits forgone as a result of choosing an alternative.

Organization Implies structure and order; a procedure that determines how

components must be arranged to achieve objectives.

Organization chart A chart that shows the official structure of the organization
in terms of functional units or in terms of superior-subordinate relationships.

Output Data that have been processed; the end result (product) of the system
under study.

Overhead Allocated costs that include insurance expense, maintenance expense,

heat, light, and power; costs that are neither direct nor indirect; costs that are
tagged to the general administration of the business.

Parallel run Putting the new system into operation in conjunction with the
continued operation of the old system.

Parameter A variable that is given a constant value for a specific purpose or


Paraprofessional A trained aide who assists professionals such as analysts or


Participant observation The process of collecting data thiough natural


Partitioning Dhiding a problem into smaller, separate elements for easier under-
standing or solution; see also Hierarchical structure.

Password Identitv' authenticator; a key that allows access to a program, system, or


Payback analysis a method of determining how long it will take a system to

generate enough saxings to cover de\elopmental costs.

PERT See Program e\aluation and re\ie\v techniques.

Phase -A set of tasks or acti\1ties that, when competed, brings a project to a critical

Physical design .A design that produces the working s\stem b\- defining design
specifications that tell programmers exactly what the candidate system must

Physical record The way data cire physically recorded on a storage medium.

Physical system .A tangible entitv that ma\ be static or dynamic in operation — for
e.xample an office or a bulldozer

Pilot testing Preliminarv' testing of a program or a s\stem using simulated or

representati\ e data.

Plaintext in encryption — an unenciphered message.

Planning studying a project course of action and determining what is to be done
to meet stated goals.

Pointer See identifier.

Policy A generalization that prescribes what an organization ought to do.

Pool-oriented structure An arrangement that allows analysts to work on amiy

system assignment in the firm; once completed, they return to the pool for
another assignment.

Portability .Abilitv' of the software to be used on different hardware and operating


Post-implementation review Evaluation of a new s\'stem aifter it has been in

operation to determine its actual performance against expectations.

Precedence relationship In PERT — activities that cannot be initiated until after

a specific acti\it\ is completed.

Present value Current \alue of money, determined by discounting future eco-

nomic \alues backward in time to the present.

Privacy The right of users. indi\iduals, and organizations to decide what informa-
tion they are willing to share with or accept from others.

Process .A procedure that transforms input into useful output; in a data flow

diagram indicated by a bubble or a circle.

Program directive An authorization document to proceed with the design and

ini|jlenientatiun of a candidate s\ stem.

Processing See Process.

Project evaluation and review technique (PERT) A flow system model used
to manipulate vaiious values as a basis for determining the critical path, to
interpret these relationships and to relate them back to the real world as a
control technique.

Project manager A person who uses a combination of techniques to facilitate

planning, scheduling, and control of system projects.

Project-oriented structure An arrangement that forms a team of analysts to work

on one project at a time; it is descriptive of small installations with limited

Project proposal See Project directive.

Prompt A symbol on a computer screen asking the user for a command or


Prototyping A working system to explore implementation or processing alter-

natives and evaluate results.

Quality assurance Developing controls to ensui-e a quality product; defining

factors that determine system quality cind the criteria that the software must
meet to contain these factors.

Questionnaire A data-gathering instrument that i-equests specific information

that can be quantitatively tabulated, usually fixjm a large sample.

Ranking scales A questionnaire item that asks the respondent to determine

preference for the importance of a set of items.

Rating scale in a questionnaire — a multiple-choice item that offers a range of

responses along a given dimension.

Recency effect A behavior that is altered due to information that was discovered

Record A collection of aggregates or related items of data treated as a unit.

Redundancy A situation in which two or more pieces of information in a file are

the same.

Relation Two-dimensional table.

Relational structure Data and relationships represented in a flat, two-dimen-

sional table.

Reliability Dependability or level of confidence; in systems work — the need to

gather dependable information for use in making decisions about the system
being studied.

Request for proposal (REP) A report by the user requesting selected vendors to
bid on a proposed system.

Resident expert A natural teacher, an employee who takes time to learn a system
and become "expert" in its operation.

Response time The time required b\ a system to react to an input stimulus.

Return period A point when a candidate system provides a greater benefit (profit)
than the old system.

Rollback —
procedure updating a prior \alid copy of the data base
hi recovery
with the necessary changes to produce a current version.

Rolllorward in recover^' procedure — records of activity are removed from a cur-

rent invalid state to produce the prior \alici state of the data base.

Root In data base — a parent with no owners.

Rule In forms design — a rule guides the human eve
line- in reading and wiiting
data groups and separates them on the form.

Sabotage Phvsical desti-uction of computerized tiles, hardware or the computer

facilitv itself.

Savings Reduction or elimination of expenditures.

Schema A map of the overall stiTictui^ of a data base.

Schematic model A U\ o-dimensional chart depicting system elements and their


SDLC See Svstem development life cycle.

Security Ihe protection of data or harxlware against accidental or intentional

damage from a defined threat.

Sequential organization Sorting in phvsical, contiguous blocks within files on

tape or disk.

Sequential Testing Checking the logic of one or more programs in a candidate

svstem, where the output of one program will affect the processing done by
another program.

Serial access Accessing a record only after the record! s) preceding it has been

Serviceability A criterion for software selection focusing on documentation and

vendor support.

Servicer A computer service bureau.

Set The relationship between records.

Slack time Time spent on subsidian' tasks that do not aflect the duration of a
whole project.

Snapout form See Unit set snapout form.

Source code A procedure or format that allows enhancemeijts on a software

Source language The language in which a program or a software package is


Static system model A model that exhibits one pair of relationships like activity-
time or cost-quantity, such as the Gantt chart.


Steady state in dynamic systems — a self-adjusting and self-i-egulating function

that helps the system take corrective steps to maintain balance.

Strategic planning In system planning — establishing i-elationships between the

organization plan and the plan for a candidate system.

Stress testing Subjecting the new system to ahigh volume of data over a short
time; the purpose is to ensure that the system does not malfunction under
peak loads.

String testing Testing one program to determine whether

conforms to related

programs in the system; testing each portion of a system against the entii-e
module before the system as a whole is ready to be tested.

Structure chart Graphic representation of the control logic of processing func-

tions or modules I'epresenting a system.

Structured analysis A set of techniques and graphic tools that allow the analyst
to develop a new kind of system specification that is easily understandable to

the user.

Structured English strongly worded formal English statements used for commu-
nicating pixjcessing rules or describing the structui-e of a system.

Structured interview Also called a directive interview; an approach in which the

questions and the alternative responses are fixed.

Structured observation An observation where the observer looks for and re-
cords a specific action such as the number of soup cans a shopper picks up
before choosing one.

Structured questionnaire A questionnaire that requests specific information

and a guided response.

Structured walkthrough Interchange of ideas between peers who review a

product presented by its author and agree on the validity of a proposed
solution to a problem.

Subschema A map of the programmer's view of the data he or she uses; derived
fixjm the schema.

Subsystem A series or group of components that perform one or more operations

of a more complex system.

Sunk cost See Fi^ed cost.

Syntax error A program statement that violates one or more rules of the language
in which it is written.

System A regular or orderly arrangement of components or parts in a connected

and interrelated series or whole; a series or group of components necessary to
some operation.
System design Detailed concentration on the technical and other specifications
that will make the new system operational.

System development The process of identifying the user's needs and designing
a system that meets those needs through implementation.

\ . V

System development lile cycle A structured sequence of phases for imple-

menting an information system.

System flowchart A graphic representation of a system showing the overall flow

of control in processing at the job level; specifies what activities must be done
to convert fixjm a physical to a logical model.

System integrity The proper functioning of hardware, programs, and physical

security, and the required degree of safety against eavesdropping and wiretap-

System privacy See Privacy.

System security See Security.

System specifications Key information for programming, testing, and imple-

menting the project.

System testing Testing the whole system by the user after major programs and
subsystems have been tested.

Systems analysis Reduction of an entire system by studying the various opera-

tions performed and their relationships within the system; an examination of a
business activity with a view to identifying problem areas and recommending
alternative solutions.

Systems analyst A methods person who with a complex problem, breaks it

down for analysis, and designs a better system based on specifications set in

Tangible cost Costs that are knowii to exist and their financial value is easily

Task The smallest unit of work that is assigned to one person and controlled
through a project management routine.

Team-oriented structure An approach that assigns a programmer to a team

with responsibility' for a specific project; the team is headed by a lead program-
mer who reports to a project leader.

Technical writer A person who develops procedures manuals, describing tech-

nical specifications, and user manuals.

3/5 space In forms spacing, 3 applies to the number of lines per vertical inch; 5
applies to the number of character's that fit in one horizontal inch.

Top-down design A design that consists of a hierarchy of modules; each module

has a single entry and a single exit subroutine.

Top-down programming An approach in which the top module is first tested,

then program modules are added from the highest level to the lowest level.

Tuple A group of related fields.

Turnaround The elapsed time between the receipt of the input and the availabil-
ity of the output (results).

Unit set/snapout form A form with an original copy and successive copies uith
carbon sheets interlea\ed between each copy; the set is glued together and
handled as a unit.

Unit testing Testing changes made in an existing or new program.

Unobtrusive observation .An observation that takes place in a contrived way,

such as behind a one-way mirror.

Unstructured interview An approach in which the questions and the alternative

responses are open-ended.

Unstructured questionnaire An approach that allows respondents to freely

answer questions in their own words.

Usability A criterion in software selection — easy to operate and user-friendly.

User acceptance test A test that verifies for the user that the system's pro-
cedures operate to system specifications and the integrity of \ital data is


Validation Checking the qualitj' of software in both simulated and live enxiron-

Validity in interxdewing — the extent to which the questions asked are worded so
cis to elicit the information the interviewer is after.

Variable A measurable quantity that has a definite numericiil value at every


Variable cost Cost that \aries with the volume of processing or number of shifts
per day; examples are employee wages and costs of supplies and raw materials.

VisiSchedule A software package used for showing the critical jobs in the project
schedule, explaining the relationships between jobs, calculating project and
manpower costs, and generating reports and schedules as needed.

Backup/recovery, 263
Absolute address, 331
Abstract system, 15, 502 Ballot box design, 308-9, 502
Acceptance testing, 276, 360 Bar code data entiy, 288
ACM; see Association for Computing Benchmark, 428, 502
Machineiy Beta testing, 371, 502
Action entiy, 184, 502 Bond paper, 311

Action form, 296 Bottom-up programming, 366

Bounded rationality, 27-28, 502
Action stub, 184, 502
Activity, 52, 450, 502
Box design, 306-7, 309
Brainstorming, 104, 502
Ad hoc approach, 429, 438
Adaptive maintenance, 402 Break-even
analysis, 245-46, 251, 502
Aggregate, 177, 502
Alias, 179, 502
problems, 248
chart, 246
Alpha testing, 371, 502
definition, 245
Analysis; see Systems analysis
Analyst/user differences, 71-72 Bubble, 112, 171
chart, 171, 502
Analyst /user interface, 70-72
Applications program, 418 Byte, 322, 349

Applications programmer, 76
Association for Computing Machinery,
Attribute, 322-23, 343, 502
Candidate system, 502
of an entitv',343 Caption, 305-6, 503
values of, 343 Carljon paper
Audit NCR, 299
considerations in design, 277-79 one-time, 299, 313
control, 392, 484-85, 496
types of, 298
software system, 404-5 Cash-flow analysis, 246, 251, 503
Catastrophic failure, 487
trail, 278, 280, 372-73, 406, 502


^1 .%


Cathode-ray tube, 288-89 Cost/benefit determination, 237-48, 251

screen design, 292-93 Cost/benefit analysis, 210, 232-51, 380
Chain, 275 definition, 237, 503
Chaining, 327-29, 503 Couple, 267, 503
Check Coupling, 267, 269, 280
completeness, 278 CPM; see Critical path method
consistency, 278 Critical path, 454, 465, 503
desk, 366, 505 Critical path method, 453, 503
reasonableness, 278 CRT: see Cathode-ray tube
sequence, 278 Cryptography, 503
Check-off design, 309
Child, 339
Chip, 71 Data
Closed question, 144, 503 advantages, 176
advantages, 146 aggregate, 343, 503
varieties, 144-46, 150 analysis, 234-36, 250
Closed system, 19, 30, 503 methods, 104-5
CODASyL, 177-78 capture
Cohesion, 269, 280, 503 media and devices, 289
"Cold" backup service, 490 methods, 289
COM; see Computer, output microfilm classification, 304-35
Completeness check, 278 definition language, 335, 350, 504
Computer dictionary, 175-78, 186, 265, 504
contract, 433-37 definition, 175, 187, 395, 504
checklist, 435-39 rules, 187
negotiation, 433-34, 438 element, 178, 179, 187, 343, 504
operations functions, 76-77, 82 encryjjtion standards, 484
output microfilm, 503 entry, 392
Concatenated key, 345, 503 file, 335

Condition entr\', 184. 503 flow, 171, 178, 180, 187, 262, 504
Condition stub, 184, 503 independence, 333, 504
Confidentiality, 476-77, 503 integrity, 335, 476, 504
Conflict resolution, 72 item, 177, 322, 504
Connection, 267 manipulation language, 335, 350, 504
Consistency check, 278 model, 334-35, 338, 504
Continuous strip forms, 301-2 privacy, 477
Contrived observation, 136, 503 processing system, 21-22
Control, 14, 503 redundancy, 335
Conversion, 388-96, 430 security, 476, 504
activity network for, 389-90, 405 contixjl categories, 495
definition, 388, 503 set, 504
displays, 396 store, 172, 178, 180, 187, 262, 504
file, 390-92 structure, 178-79, 187, 338-44, 350, 504
forms, 396 types of, 339-43
steps preceding, 388-89 validation, 278
Corrective maintenance, 402 views of, 337-38, 350
Cost zoning, 304
direct, 239, 251 Data base, 177, 331
elements, 236-37 advantages, 26
facility, 237 definition, 25, 31, 323, 347, 350, 504
fixed, 240, 251, 506 design, 275, 331-47
hardware, 236 drawbacks, 26
indirect, 239, 251, 507 file environment, 336

intangible, 238, 251, 508 integrity, 477, 495

operating, 237 objectives of, 332-34
pei-sonnel, 236 stiTJCture, 349
sunk, 240, 513 Data base administrator, 504
supply, 237 key functions, 348-49
tangible, 238, 251, 514 role of, 347-49
value approach, 429, 438 Data base management system, 25-26, 329,
variable, 240, 251, 515 350, 504


Data base management system (continued) Displays conversion, 396

functions, 335 DML; see Data manipulation language
managing, 349 Documentation. 505
Data definition language, 335, 350, 504 system. 132, 367, 368
Data-flow-based methodolog\', 279 DOS; see Disk operating system
Data flow diagram, 45, 112, 170-75, 187, DPMA; see Data Processing Management
265, 379, 383 Association
construction rules, 173-74 DPS; see Data processing system
definition, 117, 262, 504 DSS; see Decision support system
logical, 167 Duplicator papei-, 311
physical, 167 Dynamic system model, 16, 18, 505
s\Tnbols, 171-73
Data manipulation language, 335, 350
Data R-ocessing Management Association.
Encryption, 483-84, 496, 505
493, 494
Enhancement, 48, 402-3, 505
DBA; see Data base administrator
Entity, 338, 505
DBMS: see Data base management system
attributes of an, 343
DDL; see Data definition language
instance of an, 343, 508
Decision analysis methods, 105
n«lationships among, 338-39
Decision making
Entropy, 19. 506
choice phase. 28
En\ironment. 14-15
design phase, 38
Equifinalit>', 19,506
intelligence phase, 27
Equilibrium, 506
3-phase model, 27-28
Et-gonomics, 367, 506
Decision support system, 21-22, 26-28, 504
origin, 26-27
logical, 368, 508
Decision table, 112, 167, 265
syntax, 368, 513
definition, 183, 187, 504-5
tolerance, 369
elements, 183-84
rules, 187-88
codes, 493
Decision tree, 167, 181-82, 186-87. 505
in system development, 492-95
Decomposition, 266. 505
Event, 453
functional, 266-69
calculations, 455-56
Decr\ption. 483-84. 505
Delphi inquiry. 104, 505
DES; see Data, enctyption standards
Design Facilities management, 418, 506
ballot box, 308-9 Fact analysis. 112-16
check-off, 308-9 Fanfold fonns, 301-2. 313. 506
definition, 505 Feasibilit>' report, 207-8, 506
input, 286-93 Feasibility study, 41, 44-45, 200-210,
logical, 262-64 261-62
methodologies, 264-75 definition, 44, 210. 506
output, 19, 293-95, 509 considerations. 201-2, 210
physical. 263-64. 510 steps in, 202-8, 210
program, 275-76 Feedback, 14, 506
Desk checking. 366. 505 Field, 323, 506
DFD; see Data flow diagram FUe
Dichotomous questions. 144, 150, 505 activity, 323
Differentiation, 19, 505 data, 335
Direct access oi^anization. 331. 350, 505 definition, 323, 506
Direct benefits, 239-40 organization, 323-31
Direct cost, 239, 505 methods, 323-32, 350
Direct observation, 136, 505 specifications, 263
Disaster/recoveiy form, 263
manual, 492 structure, 322-23
planning, 489-92, 496 \olatilit>'. 323
procedure, 491 File/update maintenance. 263
tasks.492 Fill-in-the blanks question. 144. 150, 506
team. 491 Fixed benefits, 240
Disk operating system, 419 Fixed cost, 240, 506

Flat forms, 300, 313, 506 Indirect benefits, 240

Flow system models, 16, 30, 506 Indirect costs, 240, 507
Flowchart, 203, 506 Indirect observation, 136, 507
FM; see Facilities management Information
Force majeure, 436, 506 about the firm, 131
Form about user staff, 131
action, 296, 313 about work flow, 131
ballot box, 308-9 definition, 507
classification of, 296 categories of, 21-23, 30-31, 128-31
continuous strip/fanfold, 301-2, 313 gathering, 126-51
control, 312 sources, 131-33, 150
conversion, 396 tools, 133-48, 150
definition, 295-96, 313, 506 origination, 131-33
design, 295-312, 507 requirements analysis, 97
requirements of, 297 Infomiation management system, 176-78
flat, 300, 313, 506 Information system
formatted, 290-91, 312 computer-based, 23-28
instructions, 309-10 definition, 20, 30, 507
layout considerations, 303-12 formal, 21
memory, 296, 313 man-made, 20-21
NCR, 301, 313, 509 i-equii-ements, 101-3
report, 296, 313 Initial investigation, 42, 99-116, 507
spacing requir-ements, 307-8 user's request forni, 99-100
types of, 300-302 Input
unit-set/snapout, 300 definition, 286
Forms control, 312, 507 design, 286-93, 313
Forms-driven methodology, 270-74 media and devices, 287-93
Fortress approach, 490 Input/output
Functional decomposition, 266-69, 507 analysis, 112, 508
Functional structure, 74-75, 507 control system, 335, 508
Functionality, 425, 507 layout form, 263
specifications, 263
G-H Instance, 343
Intangible benefits, 238
Gantt chart, 16, 18, 450-53, 465, 507
Intangible costs, 238, 508
Integration, 12
evaluation, 427-28
selection, 416
data, 335, 476
financial considerations in, 430-32
system, 476, 479, 485-87, 496
performance criteria, 430
Interaction, 9
suppliers, 416
Interdependence, 9-12, 508
Help screen, 395
Hierarchical structuring, 339-40, 350, 507
the art of, 139
Hierarchy diagram, 270-74
definition, 150, 508
HIPO, 270-74, 280,' 507
guides to, 140-42
diagram, 271
Interviews, 45, 111, 138
t€!mplate, 273
advantages of, 139
worksheet, 271-72
and questionnaires, 138-43
Homeostasis, 507
types of, 143-46
Human resources information system, 11
structured, 143-46, 513
unstructured, 143, 515
Inverted list organization, 329-31, 508
Identifier-, 343, Investment period, 245, 508
Implementation IOCS; see Input/output, contix)l system
definition, 388, 507 IPO i;hart, 115, 270-74, 280, 508
types of, 388
IMS; see Infomiation management system
Index area, 325 Key, ^, 508
Index paper, 311 coiTOitenated, 345, 503
Indexed sequential organization, 325-29, primary, 345
350, 507 Key-to-diskette, 287

Kitchen sink strategy, 102, 508 Net present value, 244, 251, 432, 509
Leaf,339 Netwoi-k structuring, 340-41, 350, 509
Lease option, 431 Normalization, 344
Ledger paper, 311 steps in, 344-47, 351, 509
Logic error, 36«, 508 Notation diagram; see Hierarchy diagram
Logical design, 262-64 NI*V'; see Net pi-esent value
Logical failui-e, 487
Logical record, 323-24, 508 O
Logical view, 337
contrived, 136, 503
M direct, 136, 505
Mijgnetic ink character recognition, indirect, 136, 507
286-87. 508 methods, 136-37, 150
reader, 289, 293 natuial, 136, 509
Maintainahilitv', 369 obtrusive, 136, 509
Maintenance, 401-6, 430 paiticipant, 136, 510
adapti\e', 331 unohtmsive, 515
c()ri-e!cti\e, 402 Obtixisive obseivation, 136, 509
definition, 403, 508 OCR; see Optical character recognition
management audit, 403 On-site obseivations, 45, 111, 135-38, 509
pt!rtecti\'e, 402 methods, 150
primary activities, 403-4 objective, 150
pix)grammers, 76 pii)blems, 137
system, 41, 57 C)n(!-to-many relationship, 338
Management infomiation, 21, 31 One-to-one relationship, 338
Management information svstem, 21-26 Open-ended questions, 143-44, 509
definition, 508 advantages, 145
managei", 77 drawbacks, 145-46
modeling foi', 97-98 Open rectangle, 171
oiganization, 73-78, 82 Open system, 18-19, 30, 509
planning, 95-98 Operating costs. 237
strategic [ilanning, 95-97 Operating system, 336, 509
Management levels, 22-23 Operational infomiation, 21, 31
Managerial MIS planning, 97 Operations: see Computer, operations
Many-to-manv relationship, 338-39 functions
Mai-k sensing, 288 Optical bar code, 288
Mean time hetvveen failure, 405, 437, 508 Optical (character recognition, 288
Memoiy fonn, 296, 313 Organization, 8-9, 509
Menu, 289, 312, 458, 508 chain, 21, 129-30, 213, 509
MICR; see Magnetic ink character recogni- direct-access, 331, 350, 505
tion indexed sequential, 325-29, 350, 507
Milestone, 52, 450, 508 sequential, 325-26, 350, 512
MIS; see Management infoinialion system structure, 129, 212-13
Model, 16, 508 Output, 19, 509
dy7iamic system, 16, 18, 505 design, 293-95
Modularity, 419, 508-9 Overall logical view; see Schema
Modularization: see Decomposition Overflow area, 325
Module, 267 Overhead, 240, 509
calling, 269 P
cohesion, 269
Parallel processing, 389, 509
coupling, 269
MTBF; see Mean time between failure Paraprofessional
definition, 509
Multiple choice question, 144, 150, 509
Mutual backup approach, 490 task categories, 78, 80
Parent, 339
Participant obsenation, 136, 510
Password, 481, 495, 510
Natural observation, 136, 509 Payback analysis, 244-45, 251, 510
NCR fomi, 301, 312, 509 Perfective maintenance, 402
Needs identification, 99-101 PERT; see Program evaluation and review
Net benefit analysis, 242-43, 251, 509 technique

PERT chart, 16, 18, 30 Project management (continued)

Phase, 52, 510 functions, 447
Physical design, 263-64, 510 planning tools, 450-56
Physical record, 323-24, 510 requirements for, 447-48
Physical security, 477, 495 software, 456-61
Physical system, 15, 510 styles, 462-63, 465
Physical view, 337 Project-oriented structure, 74, 510
Pilot testing, 510 Project proposed; see System proposal
Plaintext, 483, 510 Prompt, 291-92, 312, 511
Planning, 510 Prototype, 450-51
dimensions of, 94-95 Prototyping, 54-56, 105-6, 108, 511
Pointer, 275, 327-29, 510 Punch card, 287
Policy, 510 Purchase option, 431-32
Pool-oriented structure, 74-75, 510
Portability, 369, 425, 510
Positive testing, 360 Quality assurance, 359, 369-71
Post-implementation, 41 definition, 511
review, 398-401, 406, 423 levels of, 370-71, 374
activity network for, 399 objective, 374
definition, 399, 510 Quality factors specifications, 369-70
plan, 399-401 Question
Precendence relationship, 454-55, 510 closed, 144, 503
Present value analysis, 243-44, 251, 510 advantages, 146
Primary key, 345 varieties, 144-46, 150
Prime area, 325 open-ended, 143-44, 509
Privacy, 334 advantages, 145
definition, 476, 510 drawbacks, 145-46
system, 514 Questionnaire, 111, 142-43, 150
Private cold site, 490 construction procedure, 147-48
Piivate warm backup site, 490 structured, 143-46
Problem definition, 108 unstructured, 143, 515
Procedure specifications, 263
Process, 171-72, 181, 510-11 R
controls, 278 Ranking scales questions, 144, 150, 511
specification, 263 Rating scales questions, 145, 150, 511
Processor, 14 Reasonableness check, 278
Program Recency effect, 103, 511
design, 275-76 Record
logical view, 337 definition, 511
testing, 367-68 logical, 323-24, 508
Program evaluation and i"eview technique, physical, 323-24, 510
450, 453-56, 459, 461, 465, 511 Recovery/restart requirements, 486-87
Programming Redundancy, 333, 511
pool basis, 76 Relation, 341-42, 511
structure, 76, 82 Relational
team basis, 76 DBMS features, 342
Project structuring, 341-43, 350, 511
definition, 446 Relative address, 331
directive, 116, 511 Reliability, 111
initiation, 108-9 of data, 148
manager, 448-49, 463-64 definition, 148, 150, 511
organization, 461-64 Reliability-validitv' issue, 148-50
planning, 450 Rental option, 430-31
scheduling, 444-56 Report form, 296, 313
team, 40, 202-3, 461-62 Request for proposal, 421-22, 511
reporting structure, 462 Requii'ements analysis, 421
skills, 461-62 Resource sharing, 419
Project management, 51, 57, 65, 78 Return period, 245, 512
definition, 447, 464 RFP; see Request for proposal
ft-amework for, 448-49, 465 Risk analysis, 479-81, 495


Rollback, 4S6, 496, 512 Structured analv'sis continued)


RoUforvvard, 4«6, 496, 512 attributes, 169-70

Rule, 305-6, 512 definition. 167
Run order schedule, 366 Structured design. 265-69, 279
Structured activities. 275-76
Structured English, 167, 181-83, 186-87.
Schema, 337-38, 350-51, 512 265. 513
Schematic model. 16. 30, 512 Structured interview, 143-46. 513
Scientific management, steps in. 62-63 advantages, 146
Scoring approach, 429. 438 drawiiacks, 146
SDLC: see System de\elopment life cycle Structured observation. 513
Securit>', 334, 472, 495, 511 Structured questions, 143-46
data, 476. 504 Structured tools, 167, 170-86
control categories, 495 Structured walkthrough. 263. 274-75. 513
physical, 477, 495 Subschema. 337-38. 350, 513
system, 474-89 Subsystem, 10. 513
definition. 476 Sunk costs, 240, 513
threats to. 477-81 SvTitax en-or, 368, 513
Sequence check. 278 Suprasystem: see Environment
Sequential organization, 325-26. 350. 512 System
Service bureau. 418 abstract, 15, 502
Servicer, 418 acceptance testing. 276
Simon. Herbert, 27 boundaries, 15
decision making process, 27-28 candidate, 502
Slack time. 451. 460, 512 characteristics 8-12
Snapout form, 300, 313, 512 classifications, 15-28, 30
Software closed, 19, 30. 503
aids. 371-72 control. 14
applications, 418, 437 measures, 481-89, 495
attributes. 419 definition, 8, 30, 513
cross-industr\' applications, 419 development, 431, 514
design specifications, 370 ethics in. 492-95
evaluation. 430 life cycle, 40-50. 514

industry', 418-20 documentation, 132, 367-68

industn-specific, 419 elements, 12-15, 20
maintenance. 401-5 emplovee-based, 23
modification, 405 enhancement, 48
packages, 423-24, 435 environment, 14-15
evaluation process, 427-30 failures. tApes of 487
programmer. 76 flowcharts. 203. 514
requirement specifications, 370 implementation, 387-88. 485
selection. 416, 423 inputs. 13
criteria for. 424-27, 438 integritv. 476. 479. 485-87, 496, 514
process, 421-23, 437 interface, 15
supplies, 416 specifications, 276
system. 418. 437 maintenance, 41, 48. 57
system audit. 404-5 model. dvTiamic. 16. 18. 505
testing and implementation, 370 open 18-19, 30, 509
types of 418-20 characteristics of 19-20
Source document. 286-87, 298 operating. 336, 509
Static system models, 16, 513 outputs. 13
Steady state, 19, 513 planning. 94-98
Strategic information, 21, 30-31 top-down approach, 98
Strategic MIS planning, 95-97. 513 privacv. 476. 514
Strategic system planning, 97 project phases, 51-52
Stress testing, 361. 513 recoverv' restart. 486-87
String testing, 367-68, 513 reliability', 479
Structure chart, 115, 266, 268, 513 securitv', 334, 472, 474-89, 495
elements, 266-69. 280 definition, 476, 514
Structured, definition, 279 threats to, 477-81, 495
Structured analysis specifications, 167, 421. 514

S\'stem icontinued) Testing (continued)

study, 40 alpha, 371, 502
support, 22 beta, 371. 502
test preparation, 276 positi\e. 360
testing, 276, 360, 514 program. 364
System de\elopment life cycle, 40-50 stress, 361, 513
with protor\ping. 56 string, 367-68, 513
with structured analysis. 167-68, 186-87 transaction path, 364
System proposal, 45, 99, 248, 250 trends in, 371-72
System testing, 366-68, 374 unit. 360, 515
acti\it>' network for, 362-66, 373 user acceptance. 364
performance criteria for, 367. 374 Top-dov%Ti. 266, 280, 514
steps in, 367-69 pi-ogram testing. 366
Systema, 7 Tuple, 342. 514
Systems Turnaround time, 367, 515
concept, 7-8
definition. 56. 261-62, 279, 513 U
department manager, 77-78
UCC; see Uniform commercial code
design. 41, 46
Unitbrm commercial code, 433
implementation, 41. 46-48
Unit-set forms, 300, 515
definition, 57
Unit testing. 360, 515
management. 78
Universal product code, 288
methodologies, 264-65
Unobtrusi\e intenieu, 143, 515
models. 16-18
Unobtrusi\e observation, 136, 515
physical. 263-64
Unstructured questionnaire, 143, 515
process and stages of, 260-80
UPC: see Universal product code
Systems analysis, 41, 45-46
definition. 56. 502. 514
acceptance testing, 364, 367-69, 374, 515
friendliness, 277
functional structure, 75-76
tr-aining, 364, 392-95, 406
pool-oriented. 74-75
aids, 395-96, 406
project-oriented, 74-75
elements of 393-94
Systems cinal\'st
User's information requirements
academic qualifications. 66, 82
determination of 101-3
definition. 62. 82. 514
strategies in, 104-6
personal qualifications, 66
Users request fomr, 99-100
relative status, 78-79
User's view, 335
role of, 67-72
skill categories, 64-65, 82 V-Z
specifications, 263
Validation, 371, 374, 422. 515
user dififerences, 71-72 Validit>, 111-12, 138
user interface, 70-72 definition, 149, ISO, 515
Variable benefits, 240
Variable cost, 240. 251, 515
Tangible benefits, 238 \endor selection, 422-23
Tangible costs, 238, 514 approaches to, 428-29
Task, 51. 450-51, 453, 514 \'isiSchedule, 457-61, 515
Taylor, Frederick, 62-63 Walkthrough; see Structured walkthrough
Technical writer. 80, 83, 514 Wami backup ser\ice, 490
Testing Warranties, 436
acceptjince, 360 Zoned form, 304

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Zapf Book Light, leaded 2 points. Part numbers are
36 point Lubalin Graph Medium and part titles are 36
point Lubalin Graph Bold. Chapter numbers are 27
point Lubalin Graphic l\^dium and chapter titles are
27 point Lubalin Graph Bold. The size of the type page
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