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An anthology of seventeen mystery-themed adventures

for the world’s greatest roleplaying game

Project Lead: Christopher Perkins D&D TABLETOP TEAM
Art Director: Kate Irwin
Writing: Graeme Barber, Bill Benham, Kelly Lynne D'Angelo, Executive Producer: Ray Winninger
Alison Huang, Mark Hulmes, Jennifer Kretchmer, Daniel Kwan, Principal Designers: Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins
Adam Lee, Ari Levitch, Chris Lindsay, Sarah Madsen, Design Manager: Steve Scott
Christopher Perkins, Michael Polkinghorn, Taymoor Rehman, Design Department: Dan Dillon, Adam Lee, Ari Levitch,
Hannah Rose, Derek Ruiz, Kienna Shaw, Brandes Stoddard, Ben Petrisor, F. Wesley Schneider, James Wyatt
Amy Vorpahl, Toni Winslow-Brill Art Team Manager: Richard Whitters
Rules Development: Jeremy Crawford, Dan Dillon, Ben Petrisor, Art Department: Trystan Falcone, Kate Irwin, Emi Kuioka,
Taymoor Rehman Shawn Wood, Trish Yochum
Editing: Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Kim Mohan, Senior Producer: Dan Tovar
Christopher Perkins, Hannah Rose Producers: Bill Benham, Robert Hawkey, Lea Heleotis
Lead Graphic Designer: Trish Yochum Director of Product Management: Liz Schuh
Graphic Designer: Trystan Falcone Product Managers: Natalie Egan, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross
Cover Illustrators: Clint Cearley, Simen Meyer
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Christopher Burdett, Sidharth Chaturvedi, Nikki Dawes, Wayne Director of Global Brand Marketing: Brian Perry
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Community Manager: Brandy Camel
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Cartographers: Tim Hartin, Dyson Logos, Sean Macdonald, Special thanks to our hundreds of playtesters!
Mike Schley
Project Engineer: Cynda Callaway
Imaging Technician: Kevin Yee
Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap


Clint Cearley gives us a glimpse of two adventurers trying to Simen Meyer's cover incorporates the symbol of Candlekeep and
solve one of Candlekeep’s great mysteries, unaware of the danger various creatures into its design, creating what looks like a book
one might find in the library’s vaults.

ca C€
Disclaimer: This book has been compiled by the Avowed of Candlekeep, in accordance
620C9278000001 EN
with the wishes of the late Alaundo the Seer, whose prophecies foreshadow all events of
ISBN: 978-0-7869-6722-3 consequence in the Forgotten Realms. Alaundo warned that anyone who unravels all the
First Printing: March 2021 mysteries of this tome will be hunted down by the Time Dragons of Chronepsis, tossed
into the gaping maw of Dendar the Night Serpent, and cast into the Vortex of Ineffable
Damnation. Ha ha. What a sense of humor, that Alaundo!

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, the dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide, all other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the
Coast. The materials described in this statement are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and around the world under international intellectual prop-
erty treaties. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the materials contained herein or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of
the Coast.

Printed in the USA. ©2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by: Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH.
Represented by: Hasbr Entree 24 1 EE Amsterdam Hasbro UK Ltd., PO Box 43 Newport, NP19 4YH, UK. ;

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New creature stat blocks are marked with an asterisk.

A Book of Books 4 The Price of Beauty 75 Finding Quill 156

Using the Adventures 4 Beginning the Adventure..........ccceueunu... 75 Arrant Quill* 156
Candlekeep 6 Temple of the Restful Lily.........ccccuuueeee. 76 The Party 157
Entering Candlekeep c Naiad® 84 Aftermath 158

Defenses and Decorum 7 Conclusion 90 The Book of Inner Alchemy................ 159

The Avowed 8 Book of Cylinders 91 Finding the Book 159
Sages and Master Sages... 8 Beginning the Adventure........ccccccuuennenene 91 Order of the Immortal Lotus................ 161
Sage* 9 Northward Ho! 92 Into the Cloakwood 162
Master Sage* 9 Helping the Grippli 93 Temple of the Immortal Lotus.............. 163
Candlekeep Locations.........cvcrcirsrscssansens 10 Aftermath 98 Steel Crane* 164
Miirym* 16 Grippli* 99 Immortal Lotus Adept. .....ccnimrrenn 165

The Joy of Sarah of Yellowcrest Manor............... 100 Jade Tigress® 166

Extradimensional Spaces.................. 17 Beginning the Adventure.........ccccoeeeunee 100 Bak Mei* 168
Finding the Book 17 Grieving Ghost 102 Aftermath 169
Opening the Portal 18: Secrets in Waterdeep ........c..cocreearcissnsns 103 The Canopic Being 170
Fistandia’s Mansion 18 Greenfast 106 Beginning the Adventure.........ccceuuunenee. 170
Swarm of Animated Books*................... 19 Temple of the Burnt Tongue Cult......... 108 Player Handout: Xemru’s Note............. 171
Broom of Animated Attack™.................. 20 Conclusion 113 Mission to Tashluta 172
Animated Chained Library*................... 24 fore of Larue 114 Valin's Tomb 174
Conclusion 25 Finding the Book 114 Canopic Golem* 179

Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions........... 26 Lore Comes to Life 115 Conclusion 182

Finding the Book 26 Into the Wood 116 The Scrivener’s Tale............................. 184
What's Going On? 27 Peril at the Pool 122 Beginning the Adventure....................... 184
Gingwatzim* 27 Conclusion 123 The Scrivener’s MarKk............ccocivniiunnnne 185
Monstrous Books 28 Corrupted Avatar of Lurue® .................. 123 A Mysterious Dream 186
Journey to Baldur's Gate..........cooenens 29 Kandlekeep Dekonstruktion ........... 124 A Troubled Journey 187

The Wide 29 Beginning the Adventure...........ccc........ 124 Baldur's Gate 188

Blackgate 31 Earthquake! 125 ivi
Haven of the Red Quill............ 190
Amberdune Hideout 31 “vhe Barn Door 126 Conclusion 196

Conclusion 34 Under the Barn DOOT ..........ceeeemmmmmmmmmnnne 130 Nintra Siotta, Princess of
Book of the Raven 35 Conclusion 134 the Shadow Glass 196
Finding the Book 35 New Monsters 135 Nintra Siotta® 197
Map of Mystery 37 Skitterwidget* 136 Alkazaar’s Appendix...........ccccccueunnnee. 198
Chalet Brantifax 37 Kiddywidget* 136 Adventure Overview 198

Shadow Crossing 46 zikran’s Zephyrean Tome................... 137 Finding the Books 198
Wereraven* 47 Finding the Book 137 6.5 rieeens 199
Adventure Background ...........:

A Deep and Creeping Darkness.......... 48 Gazre-Azam’s Predicament.........cooeee. 137 Arriving in AnauroCh.....occcccccnnvnnee 200
Finding the Book 48 Zikran’s Laboratory 13g Travelin Anauroch 202
Maerin 49 The Cloud Peaks 140 Arrival at Haruun 203
Vermeillon 51 Cloud Giant Keep 143 Travel to the Necropolis...........c.coocueuien. 205

Fate of Vermeillon 59 Conclusion 146 Necropolis of AZumar.....c.oeeuiuerinnne. 206

Meenlock” 60 Cloud Giant Ghost* 146 Storm Giant Skeleton” coins 208
What Happens Next?............c.ccccercinnnres 211
Shemshime’s Bedtime Rhyme ............ 61 The Curious Tale of Chwinga* 212
Adventure Overview 61 Wisteria Vale 147
Player Handout: Finding the Book 147 Xanthoria 213
Shemshime’s Rhyme ........cccccovuevnennnne. 62 The Cure 148 Beginning the Adventure.........cccouve. 213
Finding the Book 62 Adventure SUMMATrY .......cccoeeeurererreeesnens. 148 The Lykortha EXpanse............ewween 215
Cellar Inhabitants 63 Into the Demiplane 148 Xanthoria’s Defeat ey
Events 65 Wisteria Vale 149 Lichen Lich” 223
Shemshime* 69 Constructed Commonert...................... 149 Contributor Bios 224
The Firefly Cellar 70 Exploring the Manor 152
=) h 300K OFGE300KS
of adventures written by members of
To run these adventures, you need the fifth edition
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS community.
core rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Mas-
Each adventure begins with a book that
ter’s Guide, and Monster Manual).
the characters find in Candlekeep, an enormous
library located on the Sword Coast in the Forgotten ’ ¢
Realms setting. Text that appears in a box like this] is meant to be - -
If you're not running a Forgotten Realms cam- read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their
paign, you can adapt the adventures in this book for characters first arrive at a location or under a specific
other settings, substituting any large library similar
circumstance, as described | in the text.
to Candlekeep. Examples from other published @ § a a ®

D&D settings include the following:

The Monster Manual contains stat blocks for most
« On the world of Exandria, the Soltryce Academy
of the creatures encountered in these adventures.
in Rexxentrum (a large city on the continent of
When a creature’s name appears in bold type, that’s
Wildemount) or the Cobalt Reserve in Westruun
a visual cue pointing you to its stat block as a way
(a small city on the continent of Tal'dorei)
of saying, “Hey, DM, get this creature’s stat block
« On the world of Eberron, the Library of Korran-
ready. You'll need it.” If a stat block is new, the ad-
berg in the nation of Zilargo, the University of
venture's text tells you where to find it.
Wynarn’s library in the nation of Aundair, or Mor-
Spells and equipment mentioned in the adven-
grave University’s library in the city of Sharn
tures are described in the Player's Handbook. Magic
« On the world of Oerth, the Great Library in the
items are described in the Dungeon Master's Guide
Free City of Greyhawk
unless an adventure’s text directs you elsewhere.


The Candlekeep Mysteries table summarizes the Before running an adventure with a new group of
adventures in this anthology. Each adventure is de- players, have a candid out-of-game conversation
signed for four to six characters of a particular level, with them about hard and soft limits on what topics
but you can adjust it for larger or smaller groups can be broached in-game. Your players might have
as well as for characters of higher or lower level by phobias and triggers you aren’t aware of. Any topic
swapping one monster or trap for another, changing or theme that makes a player feel unsafe should be
the number of foes in an encounter, and adjusting avoided. If a topic or theme makes one or more play-
DCs to make important tasks easier or harder for ers nervous but they give you consent to include it
the characters to accomplish. in-game, incorporate it with care. Be ready to move
Each adventure in this anthology embraces one of away from such topics and themes quickly if a prob-
the following narrative conceits: lem crops up. It’s okay for characters to feel stressed
and anxious, but your players should be relaxed and
« The characters discover a book in the library that
having fun.
contains a mystery. Getting to the bottom of this
mystery requires embarking on an adventure.
« The characters come to Candlekeep on a quest for
In the Forgotten Realms setting, a week is ten days
information, perhaps to solve a crisis elsewhere long and is referred to as a tenday. There are three ten-
in the world. During their research, they uncover days in a month and twelve months in a year. For more
a book and the mystery it contains, which leads to information on the calendar of the Forgotten Realms,
adventure. see “The Calendar of Harptos” sidebar in the Dungeon
Master's Guide.
These short adventures work best with players Dalereckoning (DR) is the most common reckoning
who like mysteries and discovering their secrets. of years in the Realms. The adventures in Candlekeep
That said, each adventure contains opportunities for Mysteries are presumed to take place in 1492 DR, but
exploration, roleplaying, and combat, to appeal to the exact date is not important.
A of all persuasions.


Adventure Level Description
The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces | A book leads characters
on a quest to finda missing sage.
Mazfroth'’s Mighty Digressions A monstrous revelation sheds light on a book merchant's scam.
Bookhop!the Raven : A treasure map tucked inside a book beckons adventurers to a remote hill-
top chalet occupied by a secret society that shuns visitors.
A Deep and Creeping Darkness A book describing a mining disaster prompts adventurers to search for a
missing town.
Shemshime’s Bedtime Rhyme A catchy and contagious rhyme traces back to a sinister clockwork book.
The Price of Beauty A book about beauty shows the way to a secluded temple where beauty is
only skin deep.
Engraved cylinders contained within a book tell a gripping and portentious
. tale when rolled across wet clay.
| Sate of Yellogsesrs Mins | A haunted book points a ghostly finger at the perpetrators of an wisdlved:
mass killing in Waterdeep.
Adventurers become immersed in a storybook conflict involving Lurue the
Unicorn Queen and Malar the Beast Lord.
candieloes Defonseriddion A stolen book leads adventurers to a tower in Candlekeep that i is more
than what it seems.
Zikran’s Zephyrear Jos 10 A djinni trapped in a book offers a wish spell to adventurers who find a way
to release him.
The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale 11 A book holds the key to unlocking a bard’s prison.
on Book of Inner Aieney 12 ~ A search for the missing pages of a book puts adventurers | in conflict with
the monks of the Immortal Lotus. .
The Canopic Being 13 A book brings several puzzling organ transplants to light.
The Scrivener’s Tale 14 A tome leaves its magical mark on the adventurers, dooming them unless
they can find a way to remove it.
Alkazaar’s Appendix 15 A book chronicles an unsolved mystery about a wandering stone golem in
the desert.
Xanthoria 16 A fell grimoire helps adventurers end a fungal plague.


You can dissect an adventure and use pieces of it The world of the Forgotten Realms is one of high
rather than the whole thing. Nothing in these adven- fantasy, populated by elves, dwarves, halflings,
tures is too sacred to tamper with and repurpose to humans, and other folk. Steel-hearted adventurers
serve your own needs. from backcountry farmsteads and sleepy villages
Most of the locations described in this book follow tales that take them to strange, glorious,
can be used as stand-alone adventure sites. With faraway places. Good maps and clear trails can
a little effort and a few name changes, you can carry inexperienced youths with dreams of glory
transplant them into other campaign worlds, includ- far across the world, but these paths are never safe.
ing your own. Traveling throughout the Realms invites the perils
Take the Lykortha Expanse, a cave network that of fell magic and deadly monsters. Farms and free-
figures prominently in one of this book’s adventures. holds within a day’s walk of a city might fall prey
You could situate these caves in any wilderness or to monsters, and no place is safe from the sudden
Underdark setting where fungi are likely to be found wrath of a dragon.
in abundance. You can also modify the villain and Details about the history and nature of the Realms
its goals to better support an ongoing story or threat fill volumes, and much of that knowledge resides in
in your campaign. Conversely, you could remove the books and scrolls sealed in Candlekeep’s vaults. For
villain, keep the map, and repopulate the Lykortha a detailed description of Candlekeep, see the next
Expanse with creatures that better suit the char- section. This product also includes a foldout poster
acters’ level or the particular story you want to tell. that features an illustration of the library-fortress.
Sometimes a good map is all a DM needs!






the Sea of Swords, the massive citadel of
Candlekeep has endured the elements for
centuries and defied the degradations of
time. Visible for miles around, Candlekeep has an
eye-catching silhouette: a high wall interspersed
with towers. This wall encloses a large space from
which more towers rise. Those who behold the edi-
fice say it looks like nothing so much as a cake deco-
rated with an overabundance of candles.
The entrance to Candlekeep is a double gate that
stands at the end of the Way of the Lion, the only
road that provides access to and from the outside
world. The route follows a lonely path across the
peninsula where Candlekeep stands.
Those who gain entry discover a cloistered com-
munity of scholars milling around inside Candle-
keep’s walls, a place of enlightened conversation The enormous double gates of Candlekeep are
and friendly debate. No better place in the Realms three times the height of a human and wrought of
exists for those who have a love for or a need of black metal magically warded to foil attempts to
knowledge and who want to pursue such interests damage them. Both doors are emblazoned with the
alongside fellow seekers. sigil of Candlekeep. One of the two gates stands
Candlekeep has the largest repository of written open far enough to admit visitors during the day,
lore in Faerfin, including the collected prophecies and the other is kept shut.
of an ancient sage named Alaundo the Seer. Those Bedecked in purple vestments, five Avowed
compiled divinations make up a tiny fraction of the priests of Deneir (god of writing) oversee the front
accumulated knowledge and secrets contained in gates, examining and discussing written works
the library’s vast collection. presented by hopefuls trying to gain entrance. If a
Not all knowledge preserved in Candlekeep is of question arises, the Avowed send a runner to con-
historical importance. The library holds thousands sult with a sage in the library. The runner eventually
upon thousands of lost recipes, old songs, collec- returns bearing a missive of acceptance or denial.
tions of folklore, and journals written by folks whose Visiting scholars experienced in this procedure
time has long since passed. The abundance of these often bring a selection of possible donations to
ancillary works makes finding notable tomes an ex- ensure admittance. Despite the stringent entrance
ercise in patience and perseverance. Fortunately, a requirements, the Avowed do accept rare editions
legion of scholars and sages called the Avowed look of tomes already in the collection, journals of those
after the library and remain vigilant in the care and who recount unique or insightful experiences, or the
cataloging of all the knowledge it holds. odd work that has been annotated by a prominent
scholar outside the library. Once granted admission,
ENTERING CANDLEKEEP visitors quickly discover that it’s wise to assemble a
The required entrance fee for admission into Can- “wish list” of works that members of the senior staff
dlekeep is a work of writing not already collected are interested in collecting, potentially reducing the
therein. Those who show up at the gates without guesswork of readmission on future visits. S
such a gift are kindly but firmly turned away. Those admitted to Candlekeep, referred to as

seekers, can request the assistance of an Avowed

adjutant who acts as a guide and research assis- WARDS
tant for the duration of their visit. This guide has
Numerous magical defenses protect the library.
access to all the resources of the library, with the
The most innocuous include wards to protect
exception of the vaults that contain the rarest and
the library’s books from mold, weevils, and other
most dangerous works. Seekers can appeal to
threats. Other protections are more dramatic, as
higher-ranking Avowed for permission to peruse
discussed below.
these off-limits works.
Magic Restriction. Wards prevent anyone from
SECURING A GUIDE entering Candlekeep by any route other than
through the front gates. Any attempt to magically
If the adventurers require a guide, roll a d8 and bypass these gates fails. These wards do not prevent
consult the Avowed Adjutants table to determine creatures from using magic to exit Candlekeep.
the adjutant who is assigned to them, or choose one Anyone who tries to fly over the wall into Candle-
that you like. keep is stopped short. Magical flight is dispelled,
and the subject floats slowly to the ground fifty
AVOWED ADJUTANTS feet outside the gates. An intangible ward forces
d8 Description creatures that can fly naturally to either land or cir-
1 ~ Fembris Larlancer, an 18-year-old human scribe cumnavigate Candlekeep altogether. Ordinary birds
with a bright smile, a can- -do attitude, and an ob- are unaffected by this ward, and a clever wizard or
noxious need to impress others other individual can bypass the ward by assuming
the form of a Tiny bird. The Avowed don’t discuss
2 Sprig Summerfoot, a 23-year-old halfling scribe
this flaw with outsiders, but anyone who can see the
with ink-stained fingers, a small bag of cookies in
gulls flying over Candlekeep can easily reach the
one pocket, and a good memory for recipes
conclusion that certain creatures are exempt from
3 Parmak, a 25-year-old human scribe who is con- this magical restriction.
~ stantly reading a book and oeagionsll walks into Fire Suppression. Flames larger than a candle
things . are suppressed within the keep. (The fireplace in
4 Garlyth Graven. a 39-year-old dwarf scribe who the Hearth, Candlekeep’s tavern, is an exception.)
cuts off others in mid-sentence and always seems Thus, any spell that creates fire is wasted if it is cast
to know what they want or need before they do within the keep.
Theft Protection. Every book, scroll, and other
5 Nax Olossis, a 22-year-old dragonborn scribe
work considered part of Candlekeep’s collection is
| (brass dragon ancestry) who loves conversation
magically protected against theft. Any such work
6 Orrin Glass, a 67-year-old human scribe who is that is removed from the keep disappears and im-
deaf in one ear, forgetful, and easily exasperated mediately returns to its proper place in the library.
7 Vooshadi Moonriver, a stoic 87-year-old moon elf This ward also has a flaw that the Avowed don’t
scribe who is difficult to anger and doesn’t mince discuss with outsiders. If pages from a book or parts
words of a scroll are torn away, these fragments can be
removed from Candlekeep as long as the bulk of the
8 Irony, a 15-year-old tiefling scribe who follows
work remains in the library. Similarly, if a work is
the rules, never lies or steals, and aspires to be
split into pieces and entirely removed from Candle-
Keeper of Tomes one day keep, only the largest piece disappears and returns
to its proper place in the library.
DEFENSES AND DECORUM Shielding Mythal. From any location in Candle-
keep, the Keeper of Tomes (see “The Avowed” later
Candlekeep is fortified by a fifty-foot-tall, fifteen- in this section) can activate a mythal—an excep-
foot-thick, iron-reinforced stone wall with a double
tional, unbreakable magical effect—that envelops all
gate facing east. Although most of the Avowed are of Candlekeep in a protective shield through which
humble scholars, a number of potent spellcasters
nothing but air and sound can pass.
fill critical posts. If trouble occurs, the Gatewarden
(an archmage) and up to four mages arrive to inves- ORDERS OF ACCORDANCE
tigate immediately. If they can’t bring the situation
All who enter Candlekeep must agree to the Orders
under control in short order, up to four additional
of Accordance, rules set forth by the senior staff to
archmages arrive to lend assistance.
prevent misconduct. Violating one or more of these
orders results in banishment from Candlekeep, and
the banished are seldom allowed to return. The
rules are simple:

No fighting. All arguments must follow the rules of
cordial debate and discussion. Violent altercations
are not tolerated. Roughly three hundred Avowed live in Candle-
No stealing. This rule applies to all objects in the keep. The majority of them are low-level assistants,
keep, not just the library’s works. newcomers to the order, or scribes who handle the
No copying. Visitors are permitted to take notes everyday work in the keep (use the commoner stat
while studying the library’s works, but anyone block to represent them).
who wants to make a full copy of a work must pay High-ranking members of the Avowed include the
to have the manuscript created by scribes at the individuals described below.
House of the Binder.
No damaging, marking, or otherwise modifying
the works. This rule doesn’t apply to privately The Keeper is the highest-ranking member of the
owned books, scrolls, and other documents that Avowed and the governor of Candlekeep, who se-
aren't part of Candlekeep’s collection. lects scholars to fill vacant leadership positions. The
Keeper's word is law, and each Keeper's edicts are
SAGES AND MASTER SAGES recorded for the edification of future Keepers.
A Keeper of Tomes chooses their own replace-
Candlekeep’s resident lore experts are master sages
ment. If a Keeper dies or departs before making
and sages who dedicate themselves to scholarship
that choice, the council of Great Readers votes to de-
above all. Stat blocks for the master sage and the
termine who among them is elevated to the position.
sage appear on the facing page.
Tie votes are broken by the First Reader.
ai |.
In 1492 DR, the Keeper of Tomes is the human
archmage Janussi, a devoted follower of Deneir.
If no gender or alignment is specified for a nonplayer
character in Candlekeep, you can choose that NPC's READERS
gender identity and alignment.
The Keeper of Tomes appoints individuals to fill key
roles, as described in the sections that follow.
Medium humanoid (any race)

Armor Class 10 (13 with mage armor)

Hit Points 54 (12d8)
Speed 30 ft.


8(-1) 10(+0) 10 (+0) 205) 18 (+4) 11 (+0)

Skills Arcana +11, History +11, Insight +7, Investigation +11,

Medicine +10, Nature +11, Religion +11
Senses passive Perception 14 SAGE
Languages Common plus any five languages Medium humanoid (any race)
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Armor Class 10 (13 with mage armor)
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Shocking Grasp (Cantrip). Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit (with ad- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
vantage if the target is wearing armor made of metal), reach 5 8(-1) 10(+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 15(+2) 11 (+0)
ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (3d8) lightning damage, and the target
can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn. Skills Arcana +8, History +8, Insight +4, Investigation +38,
Medicine +6, Nature +8, Religion +8
Fireball (3rd-Level Spell; 3/Day). The sage creates a fiery explo-
Senses passive Perception 12
sion centered on a point it can see within 150 feet of it. Each
Languages Common plus any four languages
creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) fire dam-
age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. The fire spreads around corners and ignites flammable ACTIONS
objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
Shocking Grasp (Cantrip). Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit (with ad-
Spellcasting. The sage casts one of the following spells, using vantage if the target is wearing armor made of metal), reach 5
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (save DC 14, +6 to hit ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d8) lightning damage, and the target
with spell attacks): can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
At will: light, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation Spellcasting. The sage casts one of the following spells, using
3/day each: comprehend languages, detect magic, dispel magic, Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (save DC 14, +6 to hit
identify, levitate, locate object, Tenser’s floating disk, un-
with spell attacks):
seen servant
1/day each: banishment, contact other plane, Drawmij’s in- At will: light, mage hand, mending
stant summons, legend lore, locate creature, planar binding, 3/day each: comprehend languages, detect magic, identify
polymorph, protection from evil and good, scrying, sending, 1/day each: dispel magic, levitate, locate object, see invisibility,
true seeing sending, tongues, unseen servant

Shield (1st-Level Spell; 3/Day). When the sage is hit by an attack Shield (1st-Level Spell; 3/Day). When the sage is hit by an attack
or targeted by a magic missile spell, it calls forth an invisible or targeted by a magic missile spell, it calls forth an invisible
barrier of magical force that protects it. Until the start of its barrier of magical force that protects it. Until the start of its
next turn, the sage has a +5 bonus to AC, including against the

next turn, the sage has a +5 bonus to AC, including against the
triggering attack, and it takes no damage from magic missile. triggering attack, and it takes no damage from magic missile.

————————— 0 (©
gs ne .
FIRST READER In 1492 DR, the Chanter is a middle-aged shield
The First Reader constantly expands Candlekeep’s dwarf priest of Milil (god of poetry and song) named
literary resources and base of knowledge. Acquiring Benedora Stoneforge.
unique tomes and scrolls falls under the First Read-
er’'s purview.
In 1492 DR, the First Reader is Bookwyrm, a The Gatewarden maintains security at the front
dragonborn master sage (see the stat block earlier gates, through which all visitors must enter.
in this section) of green dragon ancestry. Book- In 1492 DR, the Gatewarden is Kalan Strong-
wyrm'’s real name is Skoda Valanaster. branch, a human archmage.


Candlekeep maintains a council of eight Great
From the fabled Emerald Door to the deepest cata-
Readers, senior Avowed who oversee day-to-day
combs, Candlekeep contains wonders for those with
operations. These erudite scholars and gifted
the patience to find them.
spellcasters are chosen from the ranks of Master
Readers. Each is acknowledged as Candlekeep’s COURT OF AIR
foremost expert on a particular area of study. Many
of them use the master sage stat block presented This wide courtyard has nary a tree nor a well clut-
earlier in this section. tering its cobblestone expanse.
In 1492 DR, the Great Readers are: HOUSE OF REST
. A'lai Aivenmore, a human master sage and wor- This three-story bunkhouse in the Court of Air
shiper of Oghma (god of knowledge). Primary provides seekers with a place to rest and store their
expertise: divinity (the gods and the nature of gear. The rustic accommodations include both pri-
the divine). vate rooms and common rooms. In addition to com-
. Alkrist, a dragonborn master sage of bronze fortable lodgings, the House of Rest offers guests
dragon ancestry. Primary expertise: politics, mili- peace and quiet. Noisy patrons are directed to the
tary strategy, and significant battles of Toril. Hearth if they want to continue their revels.
. Daral Yashenti, a human master sage and poet. The House of Rest can hold up to fifty guests com-
Primary expertise: music, poetry, and literature. fortably. If more space is needed, extradimensional
. Fheminor Scrivenbark, a lightfoot halfling master spaces are created using Mordenkainen’s magnit-
sage. Primary expertise: history, folklore, and the icent mansion spells, the doorways to which are
cultures of Toril (past and present). located at the ends of the upstairs hallways. Beneath
. Kazryn Nyantani, a human master sage. Primary the House of Rest is an extension of the library
expertise: the natural world and celestial known as the Firefly Cellar (see “Shemshime’s Bed-
navigation. time Rhyme” later in this book for details).
. Sylvira Savikas, a tiefling archmage. Primary
expertise: the Great Wheel of the planes. THE HEARTH
« Teles Ahvoste, a human archmage. Primary From outside, the Hearth appears to be a modest
expertise: magic items, curses, and the Weave. tavern of sturdy construction, with warm light ema-
. V'ziir-Ag, a githzerai master sage. Primary exper- nating from a pair of small windows on either side
tise: all things unnatural (including aberrations, of the front door. Upon entering the establishment,
undead, and the Far Realm). visitors quickly realize that it’s three times more
spacious on the inside.
MASTER READERS The Hearth gained its larger dimensions courtesy
Master Readers (sages and master sages; see of extradimensional magic created by worshipers of
the stat blocks earlier in this section) oversee the Gond (god of craft). An intricate clockwork device
scribes and teach the adjutants. These learned is suspended in a two-foot-diameter, faintly glowing
Avowed possess tremendous institutional crystal orb embedded in the ceiling over the bar.
knowledge. The Avowed call this device a geometric amplifier.
It is the source of the magic required to maintain
CHANTER the integrity of the enlarged space.
A chosen group of Avowed maintains a constant rec- The bar seats up to twenty customers, and patrons
itation of the prophecies of Alaundo the Seer. The can also be seated comfortably at round tables with
Endless Chant, as it is called, travels throughout the stout wooden chairs or at rectangular tables with
keep day and night. It’s led by either the Chanter or benches. A dozen soft, cushy armchairs encircle the
a hand-picked subordinate. fireplace in the center of the room.

(Main Entra nce)
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contain heated pools for respite while engaging in

casual conversation or debates with others. Side
One of Candlekeep’s guests stands out from the rest
of the crowd: a chaotic good ogre wearing a headband chambers hold hot saunas and massage parlors.
of intellect. He's most often found sitting by himself in
a corner of the Hearth’s taproom, reading a book.
A few years ago, the ogre was like many others of his A seeker can request a copy of any book or scroll in
kind—brutish and cruel. He met a halfling adventurer the library, and the work of creating copies is per-
wearing the shiny gold headband and killed the puny formed by scribes in the House of the Binder. The
runt for it. When the ogre attuned to it, the headband entire text must be replicated, since the Avowed in-
grew in size, enabling him to wear it. With an improved sist on maintaining the scholarly intent and integrity
ability to reason and ponder, the ogre felt compelled to of the original author.
appreciate the error of his ways and seek out a better
Nonmagical Tomes. The copying and binding
life. He adopted the name Little One, to honor the
halfling whose life he cut short. of a typical book in Candlekeep’s library generally
‘Shunned by polite society, Little One came to Can- costs 100 gp or so (double for a translated version),
dlekeep hoping to learn as much as he could. He's a though large books incur an additional charge. The
“quiet but popular fixture in the keep, and the Avowed manufacture of a facsimile takes weeks or even
are always saying hello to him and recommending new months for large tomes, so those who desire such
books for him to read. He is currently reading Storm a work must commission it in writing, provide pay-
King’s Thunder, by Scriers Phink. This book follows the
ment in advance, and then return to the front gates
exploits of a band of adventurers searching for a storm
giant king named Hekaton, whose sudden disappear- to pick up the book or pay an additional price to
ance caused great upheaval up and down the Sword have it delivered.
Coast some years ago. Spellbooks. A copy of a spellbook costs 50 gp
You can use Little One to introduce your player char- per level of spells contained within it. For example,
acters to rare books such as the ones described in this a spellbook that contains two 3rd-level spells, four
adventure anthology. Little One doesn’t mind sharing 2nd-level spells, and six 1st-level spells (20 spell lev-
whatever book he is currently enjoying.
els total) costs 1,000 gp to copy over to a new book.
Works of the Avowed. Each year, Candlekeep
The Hearth’s patrons are a mix of fresh-faced releases a small book stamped with the sigil of the
adjutants, stodgy scholars, and eclectic guests. library and credited to “The Avowed of Candle-
Demiplanar Chambers. Several doors line the keep.” These limited editions contain short essays,
walls of the Hearth. Although visible from inside excerpts, and other writings relevant to a particular
the taproom, they do not appear to exist when the theme or subject, such as gardening, gemstones,
structure is viewed from the outside. Each of these longevity, or transformative curses. They are sold at
portals leads to a 30-foot-square demiplane that the keep and by Candlekeep representatives in large
houses either a private meeting chamber or a shrine cities for between 50 gp and 100 gp per book; spec-
dedicated to Deneir (god of writing), Gond (god of ulators often acquire multiple copies in anticipation
craft), or Milil (god of poetry and song). Anyone can of a high resale value.
freely enter one of the shrines, but access to a pri-
vate chamber requires a key from the barkeep and a PILLARS OF PEDAGOGY
payment of 5 gp. Seekers engage in quiet study and research within
Meeting Chambers. Each of the meeting cham- this austere cluster of closely huddled, flat-topped
bers is humbly appointed with a large round table towers of varying heights. Each tower contains
and chairs, plus a pair of sideboards containing private rooms, available by reservation only, that
dishes and cutlery. The menu and beverage list are feature permanent silence spells, allowing their oc-
posted on one wall in case those inside want to or- cupants to read without disturbance.
der food and drink during their gathering. Most research conducted by seekers happens in
Shrines. Each of the shrines is outfitted with a these towers. Seekers at the Pillars must rely on
simple wooden altar, tables and benches for study their Avowed guides to retrieve or return specific
and reflection, and suitable wall hangings. These works from the Great Library to assist with their
adornments vary from deity to deity, but generally research. Most seekers never pass through the
include beautiful tapestries telling key stories of the Emerald Door into the library proper.
relevant deity or framed, illuminated scriptures dis-
cussing and illustrating the god’s key tenets.
This modest stone temple is dedicated to the god
BATH AND STEAM HOUSE of knowledge. Its bronze bell announces the begin-

Avowed and seekers alike use this building as ning of services. Four large stone gargoyles perch
on the cornices and gaze down protectively; these

a place to relax. Spacious rooms in the building

seemingly inert statues are stone golems charged SMITHY AND STABLES
with defending the temple. If called to service, they A gold dwarf veteran named Khe'ril Hammerbind
glide gently to the ground using a programmed ef- oversees the smithy, which adjoins the stables.
fect similar to a feather fall spell. Khe'ril and his apprentices produce shoes for
The caretaker of the temple in 1492 DR is a hu- horses and other mounts here. The heat from the
man priest of Shou descent named Lorekeeper forge provides warmth when winter comes calling.
Kei Tigersteel. Though not officially an Avowed, The stables accommodate a wide range of mounts.
the Lorekeeper enjoys the privilege of entering the Most of the stalls are designed for horses and po-
library unaccompanied. nies, but specialized stalls offer secure lodging and
care for hippogriffs, griffons, and wyverns as well.
Seekers and members of the Avowed can buy new EMERALD DOOR
robes or have their well-worn clothes mended at this The Emerald Door—the main point of access to the
modest exchange. Inner Ward—stands at the western end of the Court
In 1492 DR, the exchange is managed by Feld- of Air. It is fifteen feet tall and made of a translucent
mar Bisset III, a human acolyte of Gond, an expert dark green stone that glows with an inner light. An
tailor, and a sericulture hobbyist. He and his fam- arcane lock spell seals the door, which is further
ily fashioned a place among the Avowed, crafting warded against all damage. Here, a Keeper of the
robes and other garments upon request. Feldmar Emerald Door (a mage) stands at all times to wel-
teaches a compulsory class on simple stitching to come newly arrived seekers. The Keeper uses run-
adjutants in an effort to reduce the amount of basic ners to help seekers secure lodgings at the House of
patchwork he and his family do to keep the Avowed Rest and places to study in the Pillars of Pedagogy.
neatly clothed. Keepers of the Emerald Door politely dispel any
Next to the workshop is an atrium where Feldmar mistaken notions seekers might have about passing
indulges his hobby of raising silkworms and har- through the Emerald Door and exploring the Great
vesting their cocoons to weave small amounts of the Library beyond. The Inner Ward is off limits to
precious cloth.

THe EMeraLD Door

seekers without special dispensation, which must stockier buildings, all joined together in the shadow
come from the Keeper of Tomes, the First Reader, of a high-walled citadel called Exaltation.
or one of the eight Great Readers. When permis-
sion to enter the Inner Ward is granted by such an
The Avowed transported the towers of the Great
individual, it’s customary for the beneficiary of this
Library piecemeal from other locations and
consent to receive a signed and sealed letter of ad-
painstakingly reassembled them, creating a sky-
mittance. The wax seal must be intact and unbroken
line of bristling spires in a panoply of architectural
when the letter is presented to the Keeper of the
styles. Among the stone structures are a few towers
Emerald Door. The Keeper determines the letter’s
made of stranger materials, such as infernal iron
authenticity by opening and reading it. If the letter
and the bones of a long-dead colossal red dragon.
passes muster, the Keeper returns it, opens the
Non-Avowed rarely enter the Great Library, but
Emerald Door, and allows the letter’s owner to enter
senior staff members occasionally bestow letters of
the Inner Ward. Unless a shorter or longer duration
admittance upon individuals of remarkable talent
is specified in the letter, permission to occupy the
and impeccable reputation (including adventurers).
Inner Ward lasts for a tenday, during which time the
These visitors may peruse the contents within, with
letter’s recipient can come and go as they please.
an Avowed adjutant (a commoner) serving as their
A Keeper can spot a forged letter of admittance
guide. Visitors are required to stay with their guide,
with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested
since those unfamiliar with the library might be-
by the forger’s Dexterity (Deception) check. Anyone
come lost in its labyrinthine halls and extradimen-
caught presenting a forged letter is denied access to
sional spaces.
the Inner Ward indefinitely.
The oldest of the library’s buildings are soar-
A seeker who is denied entry to the Inner Ward
ing stone affairs with floors crafted from lustrous
can still enjoy the bulk of Candlekeep’s collected
dark wood and floor-to-ceiling shelves. Ceiling
works. The seeker need only ask an Avowed adju-
heights vary, ranging from as low as ten feet to
tant to fetch the desired works and deliver them to
as high as one hundred feet in the tallest towers.
the seeker’s preferred place of study in Candlekeep
The Avowed use floating disks, each one large
(usually a chamber in the Pillars of Pedagogy). Not
enough to hold three Medium creatures, to reach
all books in the collection can be checked out in this
the highest shelves. Continual flame spells light the
manner, however; the rarest and most dangerous
well-traveled areas, and the Avowed employ drift-
tomes can be accessed only by creatures who are
globes when visiting remote sections. An intricate
oranted passage through the Emerald Door.
arrangement of mounted mirrors lights the upper
If a request is made for a work that has been
reaches of the tallest chambers, reflecting sunlight
checked out by another Candlekeep resident, it
by day or a continual flame spell on cloudy days or
could be days or weeks before that work becomes
at nights.
Modrons. Candlekeep is a haven for thirteen
INNER WARD rogue modrons (monodrones) that escaped from
Mechanus. The Avowed struck a deal with the crea-
The poster map included with this book shows the
tures, and they've been part of the library staff ever
Inner Ward, which contains the Great Library—a since. Working alongside the Avowed, the modrons
veritable forest of stone towers clumped around catalog and shelve books, though each of them can
manage only one book at a time.
~ Candlekeep has invisible doorways to dozens of EXALTATION
permanent extradimensional spaces, some as small The bastion of Exaltation is the tallest and most
asaroom at an inn and others as large as the space heavily defended structure in Candlekeep. From
created by a demipl ane
or Mordenka inen’s magnificent
the citadel’s stone battlements, one can see over the
mansion spell. The Avowed try to keep track of all the
walls of Candlekeep in every direction.
~ extradimensional spaces in Candlekeep, but a few for-
gotten doorways lurk in the library, their locations or The Avowed live in Exaltation, and visitors are
access requirements lost. Valuable books, scrolls, and not welcome here unless they've made an extraor-
other items might be trapped inside these extradimen- dinary donation or performed a special favor for
sional spaces. | the Avowed, in which case they're allowed a room
When an extradimensional space is rediscovered, and given strict instructions not to wander the halls
it must be thoroughly explored, the resources within without their assigned guides.
cataloged, and the space tested for its stability. When
The halls of Exaltation connect to its classrooms,
an extradimensional space is no longer needed or de-
sired, the archmages of Candlekeep dispel it. kitchens, bakeries, dining halls, shrines, workshops,
offices, study halls, scriptoriums, and dormitories.

Bells rung at dawn mark the beginning of every- as a set of immense spectral jaws whose essence
one’s daily routine, and bells rung at highsun and roils with the promise of breath weapons and spells
sundown signal the serving of lunch and dinner. of destruction.
These bells also denote the changing of the guard at Adventurers who explore the passages beneath
the eastern gatehouse and the Emerald Door. Candlekeep might encounter Miirym, who's more
interested in news of present-day Faer(in than in
BENEATH CANDLEKEEP fighting. Indeed, Miirym is an engaging conversa-
Secret staircases abound in Candlekeep, leading tionalist if one has the inclination to chat with her.
down to dusty vaults and catacombs that hold the Miirym doesn’t have a treasure hoard. Instead,
oldest books. The flooded caves at sea level are she protects the books and scrolls kept in her
haunted by all manner of strange creatures. subterranean domain. The Sentinel Wyrm can be
summoned by the Keeper of Tomes and called upon
MIIRYM THE SENTINEL WYRM to defend Candlekeep from invaders who would
Well over 1,500 years ago, the silver dragon Miirym plunder or destroy it. In her role as Candlekeep’s
broke into Candlekeep, intent on adding its riches defender, Miirym can move anywhere within the
to her hoard. She devoured scholars and destroyed library fortress, passing through walls and other
a score of irreplaceable books before she was con- solid barriers. She can’t enter extradimensional
fronted by an archmage and bound into service to spaces, since they are not on the same plane of exis-
protect Candlekeep as penance for her misdeeds. tence as Candlekeep. Miirym’s stat block appears at
The wizard passed away before Miirym’s sentence the end of this section.
had been served, and other spellcasters were unable
to break the enchantment that bound her. ECHOES OF ALAUNDO
Time passed and so did Miirym, whose corpse Shortly after Alaundo the Seer began speaking
has long since crumbled into dust. Unfortunately his prophecies, a wise novitiate devised a way to
for Miirym, the enchantment remains in effect on magically record his spoken words into prismatic
her spirit. The spectral dragon—what’s left of her— gemstones now stored in a vault beneath Candle-
dwells in the catacombs and caves under the library. keep. Only the First Reader and the Keeper of
Those who have visited the depths describe Miirym Tomes have the ability to coax audible recordings Pe

. i .
Large undead Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 34 (9d6 + 3) force damage.
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 262 (25d10 + 125) Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). Miirym uses one of the follow-
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) ing breath weapons:
Cold Breath. Miirym exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature in that area must make a DC 21 Constitution saving
17 (+3) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 15(+2) 23 (+6) throw, taking 67 (15d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +12, Int +11, Wis +9, Cha +13 Necrotic Breath. Miirym exhales a bolt of necrotic energy in a
Skills Arcana +11, History +11, Perception +16, Stealth +14 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 82 (15d10)
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, a successful one.
grappled, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, restrained Paralyzing Breath. Miirym exhales paralyzing gas in a 90-foot
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 21
26; see also “X-Ray Vision” below Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A
Languages Common, Draconic creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Miirym’s choice that is
- Bound to Candlekeep. Miirym can’t leave Candlekeep and is within 120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a DC
~ immune to any effect that would place her in a location outside 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A
_ it, including an extradimensional space. If she dies, Miirym creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
- regains her form and all her hit points after 1d10 days, reap- turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
pearing in the location where she died or in the nearest unoc- saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
cupied space. is immune to Miirym’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Regeneration. Miirym regains 40 hit points at the start of her Spellcasting. Miirym casts one of the following spells, using
turn. If Miirym takes damage from a magic weapon or a spell, Charisma as the spellcasting ability (save DC 21) and requiring
this trait doesn’t function at the start of Miirym’s next turn. no material components:
Miirym dies only if she starts her turn with 0 hit points and
doesn’t regenerate. At will: dancing lights, mage hand
3/day each: detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, lo-
Incorporeal Movement. Miirym can move through other crea- cate creature
tures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. She takes 5 1/day each: dispel evil and good, wall of force
~ (1d10) force damage if she ends her turn inside an object.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Miirym fails a saving throw,
she can choose to succeed instead. Miirym can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-
tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
- X-Ray Vision. Miirym can see through solid matter out to a a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Miirym
range of 60 feet. To her, opaque creatures, objects, and obsta- regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
~ cles within that distance appear transparent and don’t prevent
light from passing through them. This vision can penetrate 5 Bite. Miirym makes a bite attack.
feet of stone, 3 inches of common metal, and up to 10 feet of Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). Miirym magically teleports up to
wood or dirt. Thicker substances block this vision, as does a 120 feet to an unoccupied space she can see.
thin sheet of lead.

from these magic gemstones. Each one holds a to contact the spirits of long-dead sages that are
prophecy spoken by Alaundo himself in an anti- willing to share their insights and knowledge.
quated version of Common that is incomprehensible High-ranking members of the Avowed make use of
without the aid of magic. These gemstones came to this chamber, but few seekers know of it.
be called the echoes of Alaundo. Any creature that has an Intelligence of 8 or
Alaundo’s prophecies are easily misinterpreted, higher that spends 1 hour meditating in the cham-
which is why First Readers and Keepers of Tomes ber gains the ability to cast the contact other plane
rarely consult or take advantage of the echoes. spell once, allowing the creature to commune with
a spirit. The spell doesn’t need to be cast right away,
CHAMBER OF LOST LORE "nor does it need to be cast in the chamber. If the
Deep beneath Candlekeep, past Miirym and the spell is not cast within 24 hours, however, it is lost.
echoes, is a rough-hewn chamber lit by contin-
ual flame spells. Here, one can gain the power

) Q

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