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Tanner Tools v16.

Release Notes

Table of Contents
Tanner Tools Version 16.01 ........................................................................................................................... 2
What's New in S-Edit v16.01 ..................................................................................................................... 2
What's New in T-Spice v16.01 ................................................................................................................... 2
What's New in W-Edit v16.01 .................................................................................................................... 3
What's New in L-Edit v16.01 ..................................................................................................................... 3
What's New in HiPer Verify v16.01 ........................................................................................................... 4
Tanner Tools Version 16.00 ........................................................................................................................... 5
What's New in S-Edit v16.00 ..................................................................................................................... 5
What's New in T-Spice v16.00 ................................................................................................................... 6
What's New in W-Edit v16.00 .................................................................................................................... 7
What's New in L-Edit Pro v16.00 ............................................................................................................... 8
What's New in HiPer Verify v16.00 ..........................................................................................................13
Additional Information ..................................................................................................................................15
Supported System Requirements ...............................................................................................................15
Recommended System Requirements .......................................................................................................15
Installation .................................................................................................................................................15
Licensing ...................................................................................................................................................15
Technical Support ......................................................................................................................................16

Tanner Tools Version 16.01

What's New in S-Edit v16.01

New Features
TCL commands "undo clear" and "redo clear" have been implemented to clear the
Undo and Redo lists. TCL command “design save all” has been implemented to save
a design and all it’s libraries. These command can be scripted and assigned to a
button to create a “Save” button that clears the undo list.
Generate symbol now has an option to add annotate port properties to the symbol
A SPICE option is now available to specify the end of a subcircuit. The
SPICE.ENDDEFINITION property, if it exists, will be evaluated and exported at the
end of the subcircuit definition. If it does not exist, ".ends" is used to end the

Bug Fixes
Ctrl+S shortcut key now works correctly when assigned to Save all changesRedo
after Undoing can now be performed up to a point before design is Saved.
S-Edit now displays correct values of small signal parameters for diodes.
A non-string property is no longer written out if its value is overridden as blank.
Fixed problem where generated symbols were 10 times larger than what was
specified in the Generate Symbol dialog box.
View name is now appended to cell name when writing Spice, when there are
multiple views of a cell.
Property with empty value is no longer exported.
Unconnected pins in Verilog are no longer shorted after importing a Verilog netlist in
We now snap Cadence ports to wire-ends and pins that are within original port
graphics mbb.

What's New in T-Spice v16.01

Bug Fixes
Repaired window resizing problems when T-Spice is launched from S-Edit.
35246 Verilog-AMS simulation performance has been greatly improved on many
computer architectures.
T-Spice simulations are now working for file paths that include international character
Verilog-AMS simulations will use the most recent installation of Aldec Riviera Pro
installed in C:\Aldec or D:\Aldec, unless the user selects an installation path with the
environment variable TANNER_ALDEC_DIR or the GUI setting at Simulation settings
… > Verilog-AMS > Aldec Installation.
The .lib and .include commands now work when the filename contains a lowercase
drive designator (e.g. c:).
The delay argument for source waveform BIT patterns is now functional.
Model bin selection in combination with the global scale option has been fixed.
MOS model 20 is now installed. MOS model 30 is no longer supported.

What's New in W-Edit v16.01
Reorder Traces in Stacked Plots
CTRL-UP and CTRL-DOWN are now used to move selected curves up or down in
stacked plots. CTRL-arrow no longer moves a plot, instead SHIFT+UP and
SHIFT+DOWN will move plots up or down.

Bug Fixes
Stacked plots no longer lose stacking when there is an update during the simulation.
Cursor table was not updated hen opened after cursors are placed on chart.

What's New in L-Edit v16.01

Measure Distance Tool
A tool has been added to measure minimum distance between two objects.
Measurements can also be made between two edges and an object and an edge.
For objects in the same hierarchy level, select the objects and select Tools >
Measure > Between Selections. For objects in different levels of hierarchy, one can
select a reference object, then a target object, using push down to select an object in
a lower level of hierarchy.

Selection of Objects by Intersection

Objects can now be selected by intersection with the selection box. An option has
been added in Setup Application to control whether intersections should be selected.

Geometry Check for Short Wire Segments

A Geometry Check has been added for wires with segments less than half wire width.
These can cause self-intersections, and can be ambiguous in the manufactured

New UPI Functions

LFile_Open can no longer be used to open a GDS file. A new UPI function
LFile_ImportGDSII, is available to import a GDS file into an existing design. A new
function, LFile_ImportCIF, is available to import CIF into an existing design.

Bug Fixes
Fixed problem where ports or labels in a tdb library could move to a different layer
when the layer list of the library does not match the layer list of the toplevel design.
Edge deselection by mouse in Partly Enclosed mode, now deselects edges even
when vertex is included.
Fixed problem where deselect by mouse (Alt+ Right mouse click) did not work in
some cases.
Fixed problem where extended selection did not always work in some cases.
Fixed problem in implicit edge selection. Also fixed when in Edit-In-Place.
Undo of object stretch now keeps selected edges.
Edges of polygons can now be selected when Selection Range is 0.
Edit Range value now works correctly for polygons and wires.
Fixed problem in selection after deletion while in Edit-In-Place.

Selecting two adjacent edges then invoking Edit Object will select the vertex between
the two edges in the Edit Object Dialog. This makes it very easy to select then delete
a vertex.
Editing a 45 degree polygon or wire will no longer turn the object into an AA polygon
or wire.
Editing a vertical or horizontal edge of an all angle wire will no longer turn it all angle.
Moving an edge and curved edges now preserves curve heights and moves the edge
at the correct amount.
Perpendicular Edge Move now works when the polygon includes a curved edge.
Fixed a problem where wire got shorter instead of longer when editing.
Fixed a problem where editing the second from end segment of an AA wire did not
preserve location of endpoint vertex.
Fixed a problem when editing an all angle edge passed through 45 degree angle.
Rotating the polygon by 90 degree using Ctrl+R no longer results in off grid errors.
We now snap to the manufacturing grid after any rotation.
Fixed problems where the drawn vertex when drawing a polygon or wire would in
some circumstances not be exactly on the snap point.
Fixed problem where Delete Hierarchy deleted only first level of hierarchy and the
cell itself.
DXF Import now imports into the open toplevel design. It no longer creates a new
Fixed problem where DXF import created a cell with blank cell name.
DXF import now handles interpolated b-spline vertices.
SDL Verilog import no longer splits out external connections into two nets.
A reservation is now obtained for a cell before allowing it’s T-Cell code to be edited.
Changing a layer in "New Port" dialog when port is first created now works.
Fixed problems editing objects in a port.

What's New in HiPer Verify v16.01

Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem where DRC would hang inside the rule optimizer.
// Characters are no longer treated as start of single line comment when inside
double quotes.
Fixed crashes while running DRC.

Tanner Tools Version 16.00

What's New in S-Edit v16.00

Verilog and Verilog-AMS Views
Two new view types, Verilog and Verilog-AMS, are now available in S-Edit, in support
of Verilog-AMS simulation. Verilog type views are intended for digital RTL or
structural Verilog (netlists), whereas Verilog-AMS type views are intended for code
that mixes Verilog-A and Verilog-D constructs in the same cell.

Improved Design Checks

Design check now check for consistency of pins between the symbol view and
schematic, spice, and Verilog views.

Miscellaneous Improvements
A command, View > Hide Docked Views, has been added, which toggles hiding and
showing of docked views. This command is made even more convenient when bound
to a hot key.The library name is now printed in File > Hierarchy Report.
Fixed problem of not highlighting some wire segments in Highlight Net.
A warning is now issued when adding a library that is already part of the design.

Bug Fixes
Fixes in Hierarchy Priority have been made in netlist export and
Design checks. Design checks now respect Hierarchy Priority settings.
Subcircuits in schematic view are no longer written to netlist when the Hierarchy
Priority is set to veriloga.
Verilog export is now able to export parameters.
Veriloga views may now be created from symbol views.
Symbol generation from Verilog views now creates ports for arrays with the correct
array order.
Libraries are no longer modified when a cell view is deleted from top level design.
Copying a Spice or Verilog cell or view now renames the subcircuit/module name in
the text to the new name.
Problem in EDIF import which misplaced net labels resulting in dangling wires in
certain circumstances is fixed.
Verilog export now exports parameters in modules and instances.
Various Spice import bugs have been fixed.
Replace has been added to the Edit menu for text views.
Erroneous "Window to activate not found" messages have been fixed.
S-Edit no longer saves references to deleted cells, which would produce “missing
cell” warnings when the design was subsequently opened.
Fixed crash in S-Edit when annotating dc operating points.
Text in Additional SPICE Commands is now exported to netlist correctly.
S-Edit no long removes '@' character from instance names when importing Spice

Upgrade Notes
The backslash character is now uniformly treated as an escape character, including
when used inside a quoted string. In v15 a backslash inside a quoted string was not

treated as an escape character. Path separators should be written using either
double-backslash or single forward slash.

What's New in T-Spice v16.00

Mixed Signal Simulation
Verilog-AMS mixed signal simulation is now available, using T-Spice for the analog
simulation and either Aldec Riviera Pro™ or Mentor® ModelSim® for the digital

New transistor models HiSIM2 and HiSIM_HV are now available.
All Berkeley BSIM models and Philips models have been updated to the latest

Miscellaneous Improvements
Added support for diode tunnel saturation current equations.
T-Spice can be configured to play a sound or send an e-mail when simulations
Added device instance parameters delvto and mulu0 for BSIM3 and BSIM4
Implemented plotting of numerous internal state variables for NXP/Philips models
(MOS 9, PSP, Mestram, Juncap, etc.) The complete list is available through the T-
Spice UI menu selection: Help > Models Supported by T-Spice…
The ability to queue multiple simulation jobs in one operation is now available from
the T-Spice GUI Simulation > Batch Simulations… menu.
Input file parser does not stop after the first syntax error, but will continue until
.options maxsyntaxerror=n (default n=5) errors have been encountered or all input
files have been read.

Bug Fixes
Verilog-AMS input files cannot have a full pathname which is longer than 132
characters, and T-Spice will now issue an error message if this limit is exceeded.
Corrected the .hdl command behavior to search for input Verilog-AMS files relative to
the current input file directory, followed by the main netlist directory, and then the
vasearch and search option paths.
The performance for reading very large input files and model libraries has been
A warning message will be issued, and the command ignored, when the .global is
located within a .subckt declaration. The global command is only valid at the top level
of the circuit hierarchy.
Corrected an error when a Verilog-A module is referenced in a .model statement
which is located within a .subckt.
Corrected an erroneous “Unsupported model level 69” error when the PSP swgeo
model parameter was assigned.
Corrected the the .assert options start and stop which were not working.
Fixed a crash when transient analysis was combined with outer sweeps and
expression plotting.
Expressions in the input file that are enclosed in parentheses, e.g. (cscaled * 5), are
allowed and are treated the same as quoted expressions.
Improved the convergence of circuits containing BJTs.

Upgrade Notes
Support for External C Models has been discontinued. Users should transition to
using Verilog-A models which have significantly greater capability, are an industry
standard, and are portable across simulators.

What's New in W-Edit v16.00

Parametric and Scatter Plots
A new chart type, Parametric, is available. A parametric plot allows one to plot one
trace vs another using one trace as the x-axis. A Scatterplot may be created from a
Parametric plot, which plots the datapoints without connecting them with a line.

Cursor Table
A new cursor table in W-Edit, in a separate window from the plot, displays detailed
information about traces on the plot at the crossing of a single cursor, or between two
cursors. Information such as first and second derivative, min, max, average, peak-to-
peak, RMS, number of samples, or a user defined expression, can be displayed in
the table.
Horizontal as well as vertical cursors are displayed in the cursor table.
A new command, Edit > Select > Cursors. This can be used to easily select all
toolbars and then delete them.

Stackable Plots
Transient plots may now be displayed in a stacked format, where the min to max
height of each curve is scaled to equal height, and the curves are then offset on the y
axis one above the other. Right click on a plot and invoke Plot Properties, then set
Type to Stacked.

Histograms are now filled.
A Histogram can now be made for any trace.

Resizable and Movable plots and curves

Plots are now resizable. To resize a plot, place the mouse over the x-axis of a plot
and drag up to make the plot smaller, and down to make the plot larger. Plots below
the one being resized will automatically resize proportionally to the chart size remains
Plots that contain selected curves can now be moved up/down using CTRL-up and
CTRL-down arrow.
Curves can now be Drag-and-dropped from one plot to another. The drag must be
started on the legend.
Curves may also be cut/copy/paste using the context sensitive menu.

Text Size and Font Control

The size of all text elements on a plot are now individually controllable. Right Click on
a plot and select Chart Text.

Legend Position
The legend can now be placed above, below, left or right of the plot.

Axis Control
Axis titles can now be user controlled.
Axis can now be displayed in various user selected engineering units.
The number of significant digits on X/Y-axis is now automatically adjusted as needed
to provide sufficient resolution.

Miscellaneous Improvements
A command, View > Hide Docked Views, has been added, which toggles hiding and
showing of docked views. This command is made even more convenient when bound
to a hot key.
Markers can now be snapped to traces. This is done by having a single selected
trace when the marker is created. Markers can be used in the cursor table or in
measurements, as a substitute for a cursor. A new command “Draw Labeled Marker”
places a marker and a label, with the label set to display the X and Y values at the
position of the marker.

Missing or invalid data points in a trace, for example due to convergence problems in
a sweep, are marked by a triangle with an exclamation point inside.
The line style and color of selected cursors, markers and text can now be set by the
user. Choose Setup > Selection Styles.
A duplicate of a chart may now be made using the Chart > Duplicate Chart
New measure commands have been added for measuring gain margin and phase
A new parameter "- versus" has been added to the Measures... commands in the
waveform calculator. When a simulation contains sweeps over one or more variables,
the “versus” parameter is used to select one of these as the independent variable
against which the measurement is taken. This can be used to create a new trace, for
plotting a measured result against a sweep parameter.

Bug Fixes
Fixed problems where expand and collapse traces would not work correctly.
Plot Properties View Port settings for Min and Max are now respected.
File > Export Chart Data now works for a AC simulation.
Copy to clipboard now works on multiple traces
Fixed problem where a Transient chart would sometimes open after a dc analysis.
Charts now obey the "Show cursor tables in charts" default option.
Trace color set from Trace navigator is now correctly used when trace is added to
Fixed crash in W-Edit when performing “Hide all but selected Simulations".

Upgrade Notes
'DC/Parametric' plot in v15 is now called 'X-Y'.
Tanner Tools v16 uses Tcl 8.5.10

What's New in L-Edit Pro v16.00

L-Edit v16 supports OpenAccess databases, as well as Tanner’s TDB format.
OpenAccess is the preferred choice for users wanting multi-user support or the ability
to use foundry PDKs in OpenAccess format. TDB is the preferred choice for projects

with a single user and no needs for OA compatibility. OpenAccess databases have
the ability to save data on a per cell basis, and thus offer fast save ability on large
databases. TDB however is a more compact database, and is faster for full database
read and write.

Designs in OpenAccess will support multiple users accessing and modifying the
same design at the same time. When you start to edit a cell, that cell will become
reserved to prevent changes by other users. When you are done making changes,
you save your changes to the database and release the reservation for the cell. To
obtain the latest updates made by other users, there are Update cell and Update All
commands. If you attempt to obtain a reservation on a cell that is already reserved,
L-Edit can tell you who has the reservation. A new Database toolbar has buttons to
Toggle reserve of cell view file on disk…, Save Cell…, Save all cells…, Update
cell…, and Update all… buttons.

Improved Technology Control

L-Edit has improved capability for CAD manager control of technology. OpenAccess
databases can use the Attach or Reference mechanism to link to an external
technology library which can be under the control of a CAD manager. OpenAccess or
TDB designs can link to a Virtuoso technology file or another TDB file for technology
L-Edit is able to export a Virtuoso Technology and Display file. Invoke Setup >
Export Technology.

Improved Library Support and Cell Navigator

L-Edit offers improved support for libraries, and a new cell navigator for easy
navigation of cells and libraries. Similar to the S-Edit library navigator in appearance,
many operations may be invoked directly from the new navigator, including many
operations that can be executed on multiple cells simultaneously.
The library Navigator is able to show modified cells, reserved cells and various other
conditions by color. Use Right Click on the cell list, then choose Appearance > Color.

Layer-Purpose Pairs
L-Edit now supports layer-purpose pairs. The Setup Layers dialog now contains the
ability to create new purposes, and to set the purpose for a layer. Layer-purpose
pairs may also be imported from various sources using Setup > Technology.
Layer-Purpose pairs now have a “Valid” setting, visible on the Setup Layers dialog.
This setting controls whether the layer is included in the layer palette; Valid layers are
included, Invalid layers are excluded. When the layer palette is set to show all layers
however, then both Valid and Invalid layers are included.

Two new types of vias have been added to L-Edit, corresponding to Standard Vias
and Custom Vias in OpenAccess. Standard Vias are defined based on a template of
parameters, such as upper, lower, and cut layer, surround distances, number of rows
and columns, etc. Custom Vias are defined as a reference to a cell, which could be
either a plain cell with layout, or a generator cell.
Vias may be designated as Valid for a particular technology. The list of valid vias is
shown in Setup > Design > Valid Vias.
A new command, Draw > Vias > Place Vias, with a button on the Drawing toolbar,
provides an easy way to place vias. A dialog is presented with a name filter and a
filter for selecting the Lower and Upper layers.

Vias may be defined in a library for use in the main design. Vias from a library can be
added to the list of valid vias and used in automatic via placement using the [ and ]

Ports and Text Labels

L-Edit now provides separate Text Label and Port objects. Previous versions of
L-Edit provided a single object that served as both text labels and ports. Ports can
now consist of box or polygon shapes, and a port may contain multiple shapes.

Replace Instances
New Replace Instances operations have been implemented. Right click on a cell in
the Cell Navigator and invoke Replace Instances > Of This Cell… or Replace
Instances > In Selected Cells….
Replace Instances > Of This Cell… replaces instances of the selected with
instances of a new cell, within a specified scope. The specified scope is either the
active cell, the active cell and hierarchy, the library corresponding to the active cell, or
all libraries. Replace Instances > In Selected Cells… replaces instances of one
chosen cell with instances of another chosen cell, within the list of cells that are
selected in the cell navigator. Replace Instances can also be invoked from the Cell
When performing Replace Instances, non-default parameter values on T-Cells will be
transferred to the new instance, for those parameters that are in common between
the old and the new cell.
Replace Instances no longer requires confirmation for each cell when using the
Abutment option.

Copy Cell
A new Copy Cell command allows copying a cell from one library to another, with
options to copy hierarchy, retarget instances of the old cell to the new cell, and delete

Multi-Cell Operations
Multi-Cell Operations now offer a unified selection of the scope on which to operate.
The scope may be chosen from i) Selected objects, ii) Cell, iii) Cell and Hierarchy, iv)
Library, v) All Libraries, as appropriate for the particular operation. The Multi-Cell
operations include Change Layers, Fracture Polygons, Snap to Manufacturing
Grid, Clear Persistent Rulers, Assign GDSII Data Types, Replace Instances,
Clear Generated Layers, Clear Error Layer.
Setup > Merge Layers has moved to Draw > Convert > Change layers.

Edit Objects
The Edit Objects dialog now has a new Via tab for editing parameters of Standard

Mask Import/Export
GDS Import now imports into and existing database. In cases of collisions with
existing cells, the user is given a choice to override or not override cells in the
GDS export now has 6 choices for the scope of cells to export, i) All cells, ii) Active
cell, iii) Fabrication cell, iv) Selected cell, v) All cells from selected library, and vi)
Cells selected in navigator. For any scope of selected cells, the hierarchy of cells can

be included or excluded for export, and also cells from selected libraries can be
excluded for export.
GDS Export now supports a layer map file for mapping of layer names to GDS
numbers, instead of using mapping from Setup > Layers.
Text in GDS files is now imported as labels rather than ports.
GDS Export now writes the instance name using GDS property number 6.
A GDS Export UPI function, LFile_ExportGDSII, is now able to set options and
perform GDS export.
The XRefLib name (now library name) is no longer appended to the cell name on
GDS export.

Dockable Views and UI Improvements

The Layer Palette, Libraries Navigator, Verification Navigator, SDL Navigator,
Command Line, Aerial View, and Port tool are now dockable views. All dockable
views can now be resized without undocking.
A command, View > Docking Views > Hide Docked Views, has been added, which
toggles hiding and showing of docked views. This command is made even more
convenient when bound to a hot key.
The command window is now used for logging of information, warning and error
messages. It is recommended to have the command window open when working with
OpenAccess designs, as many OpenAccess related messages are logged to this
Layer pickers in dialogs now have enhanced capabilities to sort and filter the layer

SPR will now reference cells from a standard cell library, rather than copying them
into the main design.

Miscellaneous Improvements
Speed of rendering “Highlight Layout” in SDL is significantly improved.
The Generate Layers dialog now has a layer name filter.
Layout Versus Layout (LVL) now supports OA databases. Comparisons can be done
between TDB and TDB, OA and OA, and OA and TDB.
The Design Navigator now displays cells grouped by library. Cells in libraries can be
expanded to show their contents. Autogen cells are now in a group under their

Converting TDB to OA
To convert a TDB database to OpenAccess, choose File > Save Copy >
OpenAccess Database…. The save TDB to OpenAccess dialog offers four options
for saving technology, i) Local (use technology from the tdb file and save locally in
the newly created OA library) ii) Attach to an external OA library iii) Reference an
external OA library, and iv) copy technology from an external OA library.

Bug Fixes
Errors in T-Cell generation no longer present a message dialog for all autogens of the
same T-Cell.
T-Cell Generator cells are no longer written when exporting to GDS. These cells are
always empty, as the actual geometry is contained in the autogen cells.
DRC and layer generation now gives correct results when the layer name is a

Double clicking on a TDB file now reliably opens the file correctly, and no longer
gives an error message.
Fixed problem where object snapping on large layout would cause to L-Edit to hang.
When moving objects, Object Snapping no longer snaps to points in the selection.
Fixed problem where Interactive DRC would become very slow with Shift-Move.
Via cycle using the ‘ key now cycles correctly though vias for the current drawing
When drawing a wire, pressing the ] key, will place a via and start another wire on the
next layer up. When not drawing a wire, pressing the [ or ] key will now place a via
and start drawing a wire.
Replace Object With Guard Ring and Draw Guard Ring Around Selection now work
correctly on wires.
Fixes crashes on undo after various Draw > Wire Utilities operations.
Fixed crashes on undo after Alignment operations.
Fixed crashes on undo after Fillet/Chamfer operations.
Zero width wires no longer give an “Unrecoverable error” message when performing
a Fillet operation. They are ignored in Fillet operations.
Fixed problem where Text Layout Generator would place the previous text string.
Fixed problem where L-Edit would not retain the definition for some derived layers.
Fixed problem where one cannot change the default options for Gate inter-
connection and Bulk contact arrangement in HiPer DevGen MOSFET setup
In SDL, Diode pin names are now DP and DM, not DP and DN.
L-Edit no longer gives "invalid conversion from 'int' to 'LWireConfigBits'" error for T-
Cell code generated by T-Cell builder.

Upgrade Notes
File Compatibility
Files saved by L-Edit v16 cannot be read into previous versions of L-Edit. It is
recommended that you create a backup of your v15 or earlier database before saving
in v16. L-Edit will automatically create a backup of a pre-v16 database when saving
in v16.

The UPI function LCell_GetName has been deprecated. One of the following
functions should now be used: LCell_GetFullName, LCell_GetCellName,
LCell_GetViewName, LCell_GetLibName, LCell_GetPresentationName,
There are two new object types in L-Edit v16, Labels and Electrical Ports. UPI
macros and T-Cells will need to be updated to process these objects.

Designs with Xref files

In L-Edit v15 and prior, designs that used libraries would save a local copy of cells
from libraries in the main design. When the library was missing, the main design
could still render the layout completely, by using the local copy of the missing library’s
cells. L-Edit v16 no longer uses a local copy, so if a library is missing, cells from that
library are displayed with an X, indicating they are unresolved. If you have a v15 file
that uses libraries, you should have those libraries when opening the design in v16. If
the libraries are missing, you can open the design in v15 and use Cell > Examine
Xref Cells… to unlink cells from libraries and then they will open in v16.

Converting TDB to OpenAccess

OpenAccess does not support object data types. When saving a TDB file to
OpenAccess, object data types will be discarded. A warning will be issued when
object data types differ from layer data types.

All instances must be named in OpenAccess. When saving a TDB file to
OpenAccess, unnamed instances will be automatically assigned instance names.

Copy Across
Copying cells across TDB files is no longer allowed, except in the case of copying
from a library to the toplevel design.

Save as L-Edit v15.x Tanner File, or other previous versions

L-Edit v16 has changed the way libraries are saved, and new features such as
Standard Vias, Custom Vias, layer purpose pairs, electrical ports, and text labels
have been introduced. Save as v15.x or previous version will preserve mask layout,
but some conversion in the way features are represented may take place due to
different representations in the two versions. Conversion may also occur when
opening a v15 tdb file in L-Edit v16 and saving as v15.x, as round trip conversion of
all features is not always possible. Save As v15.x should be used as a one way path
to get data back into a previous version of L-Edit, but should not be used in a round
trip workflow involving a mixture of L-Edit v15 and L-Edit v16.

Conversion of vias in v15 to v16

When opening a v15 tdb file in v16, viadefs are created in the following situations:
“Contact” cells are converted to stdvia viadefs if the contact cell contains only a Via
Layer, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and up to two Other Layers, and none of the layers
are fracturable. If the contact cell is the Setup > Design > Vias list, then the stdvia
viadef is placed in the Setup > Design > Valid Vias list.
Customvia viadefs are created for cells in the Setup > Design > Vias list that are not
identifiable as stdvias, and then the customvia viadef is placed into the ValidVias list.
Customvia viadefs are created for “contact” cells whose parameters do not match
geometry (ie. geometry was manually edited after creation) and are in the Setup >
Design > Vias list. The customvia viadef is then placed into the ValidVias list.

What's New in HiPer Verify v16.00

Miscellaneous Improvements
Command Editor
A command Find Rule By Name has been added to the context menu of the DRC
rule command file editor. This command finds the entered DRC rule anywhere within
the tree of command files of the active file, even if the rule is in another file. The
command searches within the set of active DEFINEs so that if a rule is defined
multiple times within different DEFINE blocks, the correct appearance will be found.

Calibre Commands
HiPer Verify has improved performance in Boolean, Coincident Edge, Rectangle
Enclosure, and Net Area Ratio operations.
The Or Edge command has been implemented.
The Endpoint option of Touch Edge has been implemented.
The SEQUENTIAL option is now supported in the GROW command.

Dracula Commands
Support "PARAM RES" and "PARAM CAP" in Dracula deck

Bug Fixes
Calibre Commands
Fixed problem in SIZE operation with INSIDE OF option.
Fixed crash in SIZE operation.
Missing and false errors in RECTANGLE ENCLOSURE are fixed.
Errors and crash in Boolean operations are fixed.
Errors in TOUCH EDGE and COIN EDGE are fixed.
HiPer now finds a violation of ENCLOSURE rule that was previously missed.
Fixed false errors in ENCLOSURE command.
Fixed problem computing edge layer results in INT operation.
Fixed error in ENCLOSE RECTANGLE operation.
Fixed several false errors on hierarchical layout, where flat layout shows no errors.
Fixed crash in DRC when array exceeded a certain size.
The SVRF MESSAGE command is now supported. The message is written to the
summary report.Dracula Commands
Fixed EXT command when two layers are the same. Treat as single layer operation.

Standard DRC
Fixed problem in Standard DRC where layer name is a number.

Command File Parser/Optimizer

HiPer syntax check now gives an error when two rules with the same name are
found, rather than a warning.
Fixed problems where Generate Layers would report that syntax errors are found, but
then no syntax errors would be reported on F6 syntax check.
Fixed problem in command file parser caused by double quotes around a variable
name in an expression.
Fixed false connectivity error in rule deck reported by parser.
Fixed problem in Optimizer removing a lyer too soon.

Problem in LVS caused by blank line in Spice model file has been fixed.
LVS now correctly handles filenames without extension.
Fixes and improvements are made to handling of options when running LVS from the
command line. LVS no longer crashes if options not passed correctly.

Additional Information
Supported System Requirements
Microsoft® Windows XP, Windows Vista™ or Windows 7.
Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or Pentium 4 equivalent with SSE support
425 MB of available disk space with an additional 100 MB during installation
A video card with at least 64 MB of memory
3 button mouse

Recommended System Requirements

Microsoft® Windows 7 64-bit
Dual Core Intel® Xeon® 2.66 GHz or better processor for desktops
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.00 GHz or better processor for laptops
It is recommended to get a computer with at least 2 cores and the fastest processor speed you
can afford. Tanner Tools can take advantage of 2 cores/processors but not more. It is also
recommended to get the fastest RAM you can afford.
4 GB RAM (more memory recommended if you use HiPer Verify)
1 GB of available disk space with an additional 100 MB during installation
A video card with at least 256 MB of dedicated memory
Microsoft® Intellimouse
1280 x1024 Resolution - True Color (24-bit)

Install Tanner Tools from the Windows operating system. To begin, insert the distribution CD into
your CD-ROM drive. The setup program should start automatically; if it does not, then you should
navigate to the main CD directory from a file browser window, and double click SETUP.EXE to
run setup. The Tanner Tools setup program will provide information on how to proceed.
Administrator Privileges are required to install Tanner Tools v16. Power users are not able to
install Tanner Tools. On some Windows Vista machines, the following error will appear when
installing, even if you are logged in as an administrator: “Error 1925. You do not have sufficient
privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as an administrator and
then retry this installation.” If this occurs, the right-click on setup.exe on the installation CD and
select option Run As Administrator. This will bring you Tanner Setup window and the installation
will proceed.
Starting Tanner programs from the Windows Start menu, when logged in as a different user than
the user who performed the installation, will sometimes result in a message from Windows
requesting insertion of the installation CD. Inserting the CD and following the instructions will
complete the installation for this user, and the message will not appear again. If you install just T-
Spice and want to run Verilog-A, you must also install Minimalist GNU for Windows using Custom

Tanner Tools is licensed software; to use the program, you must have a license from Tanner
Research, Inc. Tanner Tools will verify the license either from License Server, installed on your
company network, or from a hardware lock attached to your computer's parallel port. Tanner
Tools is available in node- or network-locked licensing.
This version of Tanner Tools uses the SentinelLM version License Server.

When installing a .tlu license file, the Tanner Tools license installer will remove expired licenses
from the lservrc file.

Technical Support
Tanner Research, Inc. Europe
825 South Myrtle Avenue EDA Solutions Limited
Monrovia, CA 91016-3424, USA Unit A5 Segensworth Business Centre
Segensworth Road
Telephone: 1-877- 304-5544 (Toll Free)
Fareham, PO15 5RQ
United Kingdom
Fax: 1-626-471-9800
Phone: +44 (0) 1489 564253
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +44 (0) 1489 557367
Email: [email protected]
Tanner Research Japan K.K.
Burex Kojimachi 6F
New Artech Technologies Ltd.
3-5-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku
Kochav Herzeliya House
Tokyo 〒 102-0083 4th Floor
Japan 4 Hasadnaot Street
Tel: +81 (03) -3239-2840 46120 Herzeliya Pituach
Fax: +81 (03) -3239-2860 Israel
Email: [email protected] Phone: 972 99 962-8080
Web: Fax: 972 99 962-8090
Email: [email protected]
Tanner Research Taiwan, Inc.
6F.-8, No. 8
Ziqiang S. Road
Jhubei City
Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan
Phone: 886(03)-6579108
Fax: 886(03)-6579107
Email: [email protected]


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