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Present Simple or Present


Fill in the blanks with the Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1. Ted is taking (take) a shower right now.

2. What are we having (we / have) for dinner tonight?
3. My brother has (have) a daughter and a son.
4. I am not solving (not / solve) some math problems at the moment.
5. My grandfather often comes (come) over for dinner at the weekends.
6. My school begins (begin) at nine every day.
7. What time do you wake up (you / wake up) on weekdays?
8. What are you doing/will you do (you / do) tomorrow night?
9. I usually do not work (not / work) on Sundays but today I am working
10. She is not sleeping (not / sleep) now, she is studying (study).
11. How often do you review (you / review) your lessons?
12. I am not going (not / go) on holiday this summer.
13. Can you speak slowly please, I do not understand (not / understand) you.
14. She works (work) as a secretary in a big company.
15. Miss Clara takes (take) a violin class every Wednesday.
16. It is (be) usually so humid here in summer time.
17. Don’t forget to take your coat, it is (be) cold outside.
18. This flower smells (smell) so good.
19. That coat over there does not belong (not / belong) to me.
20. Where do you live (you / live)?

Present Perfect or Past Simple

Subject + 'have' / 'has' + Verbs 3rd  Subject+ Verb 2nd column
column (irregular verbs) + Object. (irregular verbs) +Object.
Subject + 'have' / 'has' + Verb ending Subject+ Verb ending “ed”
“ed” (regular verbs)+ Object. +Object.
Choose the present perfect or past simple:

1. I have seen (see) three police cars this morning (it’s still morning).

2. After he arrived (arrive) home, he unpacked

(unpack) and went (go) to bed early.

3. A: What’s wrong?
B: I have broken _ (break) a glass!

4. My grandparents only knew (know) each other for a few months before they

got (get) married.

5. I have been (be) in London for three years. I love it here.

6. We saw (see) Julie last night.

7. He was a teacher before he became (become) a musician.

8. When the boss walked (walk) into the room, we knew (know) someone was going to
get fired.

9. The children broke (break) a window in the school last week.

10. He saw (see) that film last year.

11. Lucy has broken (break) her leg, so she can’t come skiing.

12. Julie has arrived (arrive)! Come and say hello!

13. They were (be) cold when they arrived (arrive) home.

14. Jack broke (break) his arm when he fell (fall) off a horse in 2005.

15. I have known (know) about the problem for months, but I _have not found (not / find)
a solution yet.

16. A: When did you arrive (you / arrive)?

B: At 10pm last night

Fill in the blanks with either zero/ first/ second or third conditional
1. There will (be) difficulties in the traffic if it snows.
2. You will see London Eye if you visit (visit) London.
3. If you go (go) to the disco tomorrow, you will dance a lot.
4. If you do not go (not / go) out, please be sure to rent some up-dated films.
5. I won’t go to the party if it rains (rain).
6. If you sit (sit) in the sun, you get burned.
7. If I are (be) even 5 minutes late for work, my boss shouts at me.
8. If you speak (speak) too loud, I am able to hear you.
9. If babies do not sleep (not / sleep), they become too easily upset.
10. My friend Laura will be too disappointed if she fails (fail) the driving test.
11. What will you do if she refuses (refuse) to go out with you?
12. I will give you a candy if you behave (behave) yourself.
13. I always feel (feel) miserable when it rains.
14. You will fell healthier if you exercise (exercise) regularly.
15. You would have noticed (notice) my new haircut if you had been more attentive.
16. If you enjoyed (enjoy) modern art, we could visit the new exhibition.
17. If you had eaten at lunch, you would have not been (not / be) so hungry now.
18. If there were an ashtray in the house, we might not need (not / need) to go to the
balcony to smoke a cigarette.
19. I would apply for the job if I knew (know) how to write an application letter.
20. If I had gone (go) to the job interview, I might have got the job.
21. You would need to find another job if you moved (move) to a new town.
22. I would exercise twice a day if I had (have) more time.
23. If the T-shirt was not (not / be) so loose, I would wear it.
24. If the factory did not close (not / close), many workers wouldn’t be unemployed.
25. If there hadn’t been for the snow, most European airports might have not closed
(not / close) during Christmas time.
26. If there wasn’t for the fire, we would freeze (freeze) to death.
27. I would eat your adorable meatloaf if I was not (not / be) a vegetarian.
28. If you taught(teach) me how to dance, I would learn it fast.
A) Write the right plural for each word. B) Complete the sentences with the right
Church=Churches Class =Classes plural.
Kimono=Kimonos Video = Videos 1. The girls (girl) are happy because they
Story =Stories
4) Other nouns end in ‘o’, Baby 5) Nouns
=Babies end in ‘y’
have (cons
got +
new toys (toy).
Hero =Heroes
add ‘es’ to. “y”) add “ies”
Cargo =Cargoes/os 2. These are the ways (way) to school.
echo Box =Boxes
echoes Zero story
=Zeros/oes 3. stories
Angie has candy (candy).
hero Bufalo =Buffaloes/os
heroes diary
Fox =Foxes 4. diaries
My mother has mangoes (mango) for
tomato Tax =Taxes
tomatoes Watch country
=Watches me. countries
Potato Motto =Mottoes
potatoes lorry
Volcano=Volcanoes 5. lorries
My glasses (glass) for the sun.
mango Dancer=Dancers
mangoes Carrot candy
=Carrots 6. candies
That is the bus (bus) to school.
cargo Boy= Boyscargoes Peacock=Peacocks 7. She is in ten photos (photo).
Office=Offices Pilot =Pilots 8.
6) Nouns Tony
end is
in 2years
‘y’ (vow(year)
+ old.
Girl=Girls Singer =Singers 9. addMy
“y”) “s”grandfather has three radios (radio).
Instrument=InstrumentsStreet=Streets 10.
day These are
days my book stories (story).
Day=Days Song =Songs 11.
donkey These are your keys (key).
Canoe =Canoes Bank =Banks 12.
key The map keyshas hundreds of countries
Paper =Papers Ruler =Rulers (country)
way . ways
Dancer=Dancers Singer =Singers 13.
boy I have many
boys wishes (wish) for
Tax=Taxes Sash =Sashes Christmas.
toy toys
14. Those are new _computers (computer).
Write “C” for Countable and “U” for Uncountable
1. Rice – U
2. Cherries – C
3. Milk – U
4. Honey – U
5. Fries – C
6. Apples – C
7. Pizza – U
8. Fish – U
9. Cookies – C
10. Grapes – C
11. Sugar – U
12. Juice – U
13. Ice-cream – U
14. Cheese – U
15. Chocolate - U
Complete sentences with ‘some’ or ‘any’
1. We need some bread.
2. You can’t buy any posters in this shop.
3. We have not got any coffee at the moment.
4. I have some books for you.
5. Peter doesn’t have any childre.
6. There aren’t any pens in the drawer.
1. She always has some sugar in her tea.
2. Have you got some milk ?
3. Yous should eat some fruit for breakfast.
4. They didn’t sing any songs that we know.
Complete the sentences with ‘much’ or ‘many’
1. How much pizza is left?
2. How many bottles of milk are there?
3. I’ve got many books.
4. We have many lessons today and an exam.
5. Sarah doesn’t have much money.
6. I don’t have much time to clean my room.
7. You can see many apples on the tree.
8. There isn’t much coffee in the jar.
9. There aren’t many potatoes left.
10. John has many toys at home.
Choose the correct quantifier
1. A slice/bowl of pizza   15.A bunch/can of flowers
2. A cup/plate of tea
3. A piece/bowl of cake
4. A can/chunk of coke
5. A bag/slice of crisps
6. A bottle/a piece of milk
7. A bar/plate of chocolate
8. A bunch/chunk of grapes
9. A jar/plate of honey
10. A glass/slice of lemonade
11. A box/piece of cereal
12. A bowl/slice of rice
13. A bag/bottle of juice
14. A bowl/bar of soup

1. Apples are healthier than chips. (healthy)

2. Elephants are bigger (big) than bears.

3. Gold is more expensive - than silver. (expensive)

4. Bikes are slower than cars. (slow)

5. I am better at English than my brother. (good)

6. My friend is taller than me. (tall)

7. Sandy is thinner than Tamara. (thin)

8. My father is stronger than Tom's father. (strong)

9. "Harry Potter "books are more interesting than "The Book of the Jungle". (interesting)

10. The tiger is heavier than a fox. (heavy)

11. The weather is hotter than yesterday. (hot)

12. The girls are happier than the boys. (happy)

13. Berta is more beautiful than Debby. (beautiful)

14.French is more difficul than English. (difficult)

15. Tina is 5 years old. Sandra is 10 years old. Sandra is older than Tina. (old)
16. Russia is larger than France. (large)

17. I am worse at maths than my best friend. (bad)

18. Love is more important than money. (important)

19. His car is cheaper than mine. (cheap)

20. The first movie is more boring than the second. I don't recommend it. (boring)


”The purpose of  history  is to make the world safe for human
P.S. do not forget about the structure of an essay.

Throughout human history, many events have taken place some of

which manage to disturb us even today.We have the opportunity to
look at the past of our ancestors today through history.Thus, we are
obliged not to follow their mistakes.We have the responsibility to
make the Planet safe for everyone.
One of such events is the Second World War. It is a perfect example
of what a human being is capable of blinded with hate and
On the other hand, we know about the sufferings of African and
African Americans people before slavery was abolished in the United
Having such examples, we should promote solidarity, peace, and love
because we all are the same indifferent race, nation, etc. we are.We all
are humans, we all live on the same planet and nobody of us knows
how we came here and what will be after our lives past.

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