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CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 1




Sl. Particulars Srl Page(s) No

1. Contents sheet 01

2. Tender Forwarding letter Including Instructions to Tenderers 02 to 07

for filling of Tender.

3. Notice of Tender IAFW-2162 (Revised 1960) including 08 to 19

Appendix `A' to Notice of Tender.

4. Tender and Item Rate Contract for Works by Measurement 20 to 36

IAFW-1779-A (Revised 1955). (Incl. BOQ 24 – 31)

5. General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249 (1989 print) & 37 to 75

Errata/Amendments to IAFW-2249 (1989 Print)

6. Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages 76 to 83

7. Special Conditions 84 to 93

8. Particular Specifications. 94 to 137

9 Errata/Amendments/Corrigendum to the tender documents

10. Relevant correspondence.

11. Acceptance letter.

Drawings –Nil Total Pages

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 2

Tele: 020-26363528 e-procure

Tele FAX : 020-26363528 Garrison Engineer (South)
E-mail at [email protected] No. 1 General Bhagat Marg,
Pune-411 040

8265/ /E8 Jun 2021







Dear Sir,
1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site
The tender is on single stage two covers e-tendering system. The contents of Cover I & Cover II
are specified in NOTICE OF TENDER.

2. Bids will be received online by the ACCEPTING OFFICER upto the date and time
mentioned in the NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT). No tender/bid will be received in physical
form and any tender/bid received in such manner will be treated as non bonafide tender/bid.

3. Bid will be opened on due date and time fixed for opening in the presence of
tenderers/bidders or their authorised representatives, who have uploaded their quotation bid and
who wish to be present at the time of opening the bids.

4. Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached
herewith. You may forward your points on tender documents and/or depute your technical
representative for discussion on tender drawings and to clarify doubts, if any, on or before date
mentioned in the Critical dates mentioned on website. You are requested not to write piece meal
points and forward your points duly consolidated well before due date viz. bid submission start

5. Unenlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies (in PDF file) of
documents required as per eligibility criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tender
documents and Appendix ‘A’ to NIT along with EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) and tender
fee on eprocurement portal and submit the physical documents in the office of GE (South) Pune
within time limit specified in NIT. Inadequacy/deficiency of documents shall make the bid liable for
rejection resulting in disqualification for opening of finance bid.

6. (a) Contractor having not executed standing security bond and standing security deposit in
any MES formation shall upload scanned copy of EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD)
mentioned in Notice of Tender and shall ensure receipt of hard copy of EMD in the office of
tender issuing authority (GE South Pune) before date & time fixed for this purpose. In case of
failure to abide by any of these two requirements, the finance bid will not be opened.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 3

- 2-

(b) Contractor having not executed standing security bond and standing security deposit in
any MES formation would be required to deposit individual security deposit on acceptance of
tender which will be calculated with reference to the tendered cost as per scales laid down by
MES for calculation of “EARNEST MONEY” enhanced by 25% subject to maximum of Rs.
18,75,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Lakhs seventy-five thousand Only).

7. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies (PDF file) of enlistment letter,
tender fee and such other documents as mentioned in Appx ‘A’ to NIT on e-procurement portal
and submit physical documents in the office of GE (South) Pune before date & time fixed for this

8. The contractor must ensure that the tender/bid on the proper form is uploaded in time as
the Accepting Officer will take no cognizance of any quotations/offer received in any other
electronic or physical form like email/fax/by hand through post from tenderer/bidder even if they
are received in time.

9. In view of delays due to system failure or other communication related failures, it is

suggested that the tender/bid be uploaded, if necessary, sufficiently in advance of the last due
date and time fixed.

10. General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments
thereto, Schedule of minimum fair wages and MES SSR (Part -I and Part -II) are not enclosed
with these documents. These are available for perusal in the Office of GE concerned and this



‘Yours faithfully’

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 4



Contractor(s) who are not enlisted with MES/who are enlisted but have not executed the
Standing Security Bond shall submit Earnest Money Deposit as detailed in Notice of Tender in
one of the following forms, along with their tender/bid: -

(a) Deposit at Call Receipt from a Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer
(b) Receipted Treasury Challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue Deposit of
Garrison Engineer. It is advisable that Earnest Money is deposited in the form of deposit
call receipt from an approved Schedule Bank for easy refund. In case the tenderer/bidder
wants to lodge ‘EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT’ in any other form allowed by MES, a
confirmation about its acceptability will be obtained from the Accepting Officer well in
advance of the bid submission end date and time. Earnest Money Deposit shall be
submitted in the name of concerned GE.

NOTES: Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of Cheque/Bank Guarantee etc. will not be
accepted. NON-SUBMISSION OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) (scanned copy along
with Technical Bid & hard copy before the date & time fixed for opening of BOQ) WILL RENDER

2.1 Within 28 days of receipt f the letter of Acceptance, the successful contractor shall deliver
to the Accepting Officer a Performance Security in any of the forms given below for an amount
equivalent to 3% of the contract sum.
(a) A Bank Guarantee in the prescribed form.
(b) Government Securities, FDR or any other Government Instruments stipulated by the
Accepting Officer.
2.2. If the performance security is provided by the successful contractor in the form of a Bank
Guarantee it shall be issued by Nationalised/Scheduled Indian Bank but its confirmation shall be
done only from the Head Office of the Bank.
2.3 Failure of the successful contractor to comply with the requirements of sub-clause 2.1 shall
constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture of the Earnest
Money. In case of MES enlisted contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the
Notice Inviting Tender, shall be notified to the tenderer for depositing the amount through MRO
issue of tender to such tenderers shall remain suspended till the aforesaid amount equal to the
Earnest Money is deposited in Government Treasury.
2.4. All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Government under
the terms of this contract or under any other contract with Government may be deducted from, or
paid by the sale of a sufficient part the Performance Security or from the interest arising there
from or from any sums which may be due or become due to the contractor by the Government on
any account whatsoever and in the event of his Performance Security being reduced by reason of
any such deduction, or sale as aforesaid, the contractor shall within ten days thereafter make
good in cash or securities endorsed as aforesaid , any sum or sums which may have been
deducted from or realized by the sale of his Performance Security or any part thereof.
Government shall not be responsible for any loss of securities or any depreciation in the value of
securities while in their charge nor for loss of interest thereon.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 5


2.5. In the event of contract being cancelled, under condition 52, 53 & 54 of General Conditions
of Contract, the Performance Security shall be forfeited in full and shall be credited into
consolidated fund of India.
3.1. The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be submitted
on portal. Documents should be scanned and forwarded in ‘PDF' form and
‘xls' form as indicated.
3.2. Bids shall be uploaded on portal on or before the bid closing date
mentioned in the tender. No tender/bid in any other electronic or physical form like email /fax/ by
hand/through post will be considered.
3.3. Bid should be DIGITALLY signed using valid DSC. All pages of tender documents,
corrections/ alterations shall be signed/initialed by the lowest bidder after acceptance.
3.4. Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initialed by the tenderer/bidder
in separate envelope indicating his name and address.
3.5. The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the
documents after acceptance. All corrections shall be initialled. The Contractor shall initial every
page of tender and shall sign all drawings forming part of the tender. Any tender/bid, which
proposes alterations to any of the conditions whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
3.6. ln the technical bid, a scanned copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the person uploading
the bid using his/her DSC shall be uploaded. In case the digital signatory himself is the sole
proprietor, scanned copy of an affidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to this effect stating
that he has authority to bind the firm in all matters pertaining to contract including the Arbitration
Clause, shall be attached in ‘PDF’ form. In case of partnership concern or a limited company,
digital signatory of the bid/tender shall ensure that he is competent to bind the contractor (through
partnership deed, general power of attorney or Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contracts with Union of India including arbitration
clause. A scanned copy of the documents confirming of such author it shall be attached with the
tender/bid in ‘PDF' form, if not submitted earlier. The person uploading the bid on behalf of
another partner(s) or on behalf of a firm or company using his DSC shall upload with the
tender/bid a scanned copy (in ‘PDF' form) of Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour by
such other or all of the Partner(s) or in accordance with constitution of the company in case of
company, stating that he has authority to bind such other person of the firm or the Company, as
the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract including the Arbitration Clause.
3.7. Even in case of Firms or Companies which have already given Power of Attorney to an
individual authorizing him to sign tender in pursuance of which bids are being uploaded by such
person as a routine, fresh Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour stating specifically that
the said person has authority to bind such partners of the Firm, or the Company as the case may
be, including the condition relating to Arbitration Clause, should be uploaded in ‘PDF' form with
the tender/bid; unless such authority has already been given to him by the Firm or the Company.
It shall be ensured that power of attorney shall be executed in accordance with the constitution of
the company as laid down in its Memorandum & Article of Association.
3.8. Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the Tender issuing
authority (GE (S) Pune) well in advance to be received before the date & time fixed for the same.

3.9. Bid (Cover 1 & 2) shall be uploaded online well in time.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 6


3.10. The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. Attention
is also drawn to special condition 3 referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25 of IAFW 2249
(General conditions of contract).

3.11. Tenderers/bidders who uploaded their priced tenders/bids and are desirous of being present at the
time of opening of the tenders/bids, may do so at the appointed time.

3.12. The tenderer/bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the format will be
accepted, else the bid will be disqualified and summarily rejected.

3.13. In case the tenderer/bidder has to revise/ modify the rates quoted in the BOQ (excel sheet) he can
do so only in the BOQ, through site only before the bid closing time and date.

3.14. In case revised BOQ is uploaded by the department, tenderer /bidder has to quote in revised
BOQ only. The uploading quotation in pre-revised BOQ shall be considered as a willful negligence
by the bidder and his quotation shall be considered non-bonafide.

Note :- The contractor shall ensure compliance of the EPF & MP Act 1952 by the Sub contractor, if
any engaged by the contractor for the said work in terms of conditions of tender/contract.


In the event of lowest tenderer/bidder revoking his offer or revising his rates upward, offering
voluntary reduction, after closing of bid submission date & time, his offer will be treated as revoked and the
Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted Contractors, the amount equal
to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice of tender, shall be notified to the tenderer/bidder for
depositing the amount through MRO. Bids of such Contractors/bidders shall not be opened till the
aforesaid amount equal to the earnest money is deposited by him in Govt Treasury. In addition, bids of
such tenderer/bidder and his related firm shall not be opened in second call or subsequent calls.
Reduction offered by the tenderer/bidder on the freak high rates referred for review shall not be treated as
voluntary reduction.

5. CPM (Critical Path Method)

5.1. The project planning for work covered in the scope of tender is based on CPM.

5.2. The tenderer/bidder is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique and employ
technical staff who can use the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient books and other literature on the
subject are widely available in the market which the tenderer /bidder may make use of.

7.3. The tenderer’s/bidder’s attention is drawn to special condition of the tender regarding preparation
of the detailed network analysis and time schedule for the work and his liability for employing sufficient
resources to adhere to this schedule. Any inability on the part of the tenderer/bidder in using the technique
will be taken as his technical inefficiency and will affect his class of enlistment and future
prospect/invitation to tenders for future works.

5.4. Department may issue amendments/errata in form of CORRIGENDUM to tender /revised

BOQ to the tender documents. The tenderer/bidder is requested to read the tender documents in
conjunction with all the errata/ amendments/corrigendum, if any, issued by the department.

6. These instructions shall form part of the contract documents.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 7


7. The benefit to reduction in performance security from existing 5% to 3% of the contract

value and exemption of EMD will not be applicable in the following condition :-

(a) When firm is having contracts under dispute where in arbitration / court proceedings
have already been started or are contemplated.

(b) When the firm is having outstanding recoveries against the demand of MES.

(c) The contractor failed to submit the performance security / security deposit before the
deadline defined in the request for bid documents/ notice inviting tender.

7.1 Tendered shall be required to sign the bid security declaration certificate as below and
upload the same along with application letter for issue of tender.


I / We hereby understand and accept that if I / We withdraw or modify my / our bids during
the period of validity, or if I/We are awarded the contracts and on being called upon to submit the
Performance Security / Security Deposit, fail to submit the Performance Security / Security
Deposit before the deadline defined in the request for bid documents/Notice Inviting Tender, I /
We shall be debarred from exemption of submitting Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit for a
period of 6 (six) months, from the date I/We are declared disqualified from exemption from
submission of Earnest Money Deposit/Security Deposit, for all tenders issued by MES during this

I / we hereby confirm that there are no outstanding recoveries against my / our firm and I /we do
not intend to abandon the work after entertaining the relief

Dated : Signature of Contractor

Place :

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 8



1. A tender is invited for the work as mentioned in Appendix `A' to this Notice of tender.

2. The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’. This estimate, however, is
not a guarantee and is merely given as rough guide and if the work costs more or less, a tenderer will
have no claim on that account. The tender shall be based as mentioned in aforesaid Appendix `A'.

3. The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’/ Notes to
Schedule `A’ in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender from the date of handing over
the site, which may be one or about two weeks after the date of the acceptance of the tender.

4. Normally contractors, whose names are on the MES approved list for the area in which the work
lies within whose financial category the estimated amount would fall, may tender. In case where the
tendered amount is in excess of the financial category of the contractor, the Accepting Officer reserves the
right to accept the tender, in which event the tenderer would be required to lodge "Additional Security
Deposit" as notified by the Accepting Officer in terms of conditions of contract.

5. Contractors, whose names are borne on the MES approved list of any MES formation and who
have deposited Standing Security and have executed Standing Security Bond, may also tender without
depositing Earnest Money Deposit alongwith the tender and if the Accepting Officer proposes to accept
the tender, such tenderer would be required to deposit "Security Deposit" as notified by the Accepting
Officer before acceptance of tender. In case, however the Accepting Officer subsequent to deposition of
Security Deposit decides not to accept the tender for any reason, whatsoever, the amount deposited will
be refunded to the tenderer. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one contractor or one firm of

Under no circumstances will a father and his son(s) or other Close relations, who have business
dealing with one another, will be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. Breach
of this condition will render the tenders of both parties liable for rejection.

4. The Garrison Engineer south, No. 1 General Bhagat Marg, Pune - 411040 will be the Accepting
Officer, hereinafter referred to as such for the purpose of this contract.

5. Tender forms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents will be published on on or after the date as mentioned in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’

6.1. The Technical Bid and Financial Bid (Cover-1 and Cover-2) shall be uploaded by the
tenderer/bidder on or before the date & time mentioned in NIT. A scanned copy of DD with enlistment
details/documents shall be uploaded as packet 1/cover-1 (‘T’ bid) of the tender/bid on e-tendering portal.
DD is refundable in case T bid is not accepted resulting in non-opening of ‘Q’ bid. The applicant contractor
shall bear the cost of bank charges for procuring and encashing the DD and shall not have any claim from
Government whatsoever on this account.

6.2. In case of contractor who has not executed the “Standing Security Bond" the tender shall be
accompanied by "Earnest Money" for the amount referred to in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A' in the form of
deposit at call receipt in favour of GE mentioned in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A' by Scheduled Bank/or
receipted treasury Challan the amount being credited to the revenue deposit of the GE.

6.3 A contractor who is not enlisted for the area in which the work lies but whose name is in the
MES approved list of any MES formation and who has deposited Standing security and executed
Standing Security Bond, may tender without depositing earnest money alongwith the tender.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 9

IAFW-2162 (Revised 1960)


6.4 The successful contractor within 28 days of receipt of letter acceptance shall deliver to
Accepting Officer a Performance Security Deposit @ 3% of Contract Sum for a period of covering
defects liability period in the following forms :-
(a) A Bank Guarantee Bond in prescribed form
(b) Government Securities, FDR or any other Government Instrument as approved by
Accepting Officer.

7. (a) GE will return the Earnest Money wherever applicable to all unsuccessful tenderers, by
endorsing an authority on the deposit receipt for its refund, on production by the tenderer of a
certificate of the Accepting Officer that the bonafide tender was received and all documents were

(b) The GE will either return the Earnest Money to the successful tenderers, by endorsing an
authority on the deposit receipt for its refund, on receipt of an appropriate amount of Security
Deposit or will retain the same on account of Security Deposit if such transaction is feasible.

8. Copies of the drawings and other documents pertaining to the work (signed for the purpose of
identification by the Accepting Officer or his accredited representatives) and samples of materials and
stores to be supplied by the contractor will be open for inspection by the tenderer in the offices of GE as
mentioned in the aforesaid Appendix `A' during office working hours.

9. The tenderers are advised to visit site by making prior appointment with the GE by giving sufficient

10. Tenderers shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents, samples, site etc,
whether he has inspected them or not.

11. Any tenderer which proposes any alternative to any of the conditions laid down or proposes any
other conditions of any description whatsoever is liable to be rejected.

12. The submission of tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and the conditions of
contract and has made himself aware of the conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plants etc. will
be issued to him and local conditions and other factors bearing on the execution of the work.

13. Tenderers must be in possession of copy of MES Schedule of Rates (Part- I)-2009 and (Part- II)
2020 (Rates) including, errata / amendments thereto .

14. Accepting Officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender or to give any reasons for
not doing so.

15. This notice of tender shall form part of the contract.

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 14



Criteria for Fresh Enlistment & Upgradation

(a) Criteria for Fresh Enlistment in various classes shall be as under:-

Class Past Experience of Completed Works in Financial Soundness (in Rs)

Last 5 years& AverageAnnual Turn Over
(in Rs)
(1) (2) (3)
‘SS’ (a) Two works costing not less than Rs. 12.00 (a) Solvent upto Rs. 8.00 Crore
Crore each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs. 20.00 crore Rs.40.00 Crore
(b) Average annual turnover for two (b) Working capital not less than Rs. 75.00
consecutive years shall not be less than Lakh
Rs.20.00 Crore
‘S’ (a) Two works costing not less than Rs. 7.50 (a) Solvent upto Rs. 4.00 Crore
Crore each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs. 12.00 crore Rs.15.00 Crore
(b) Average annual turnover for two (b) Working capital not less than Rs. 50.00
consecutive years shall not be less than Rs. Lakh
12.00 Crore
‘A’ (a) Two works costing not less than Rs. 4.00 (a) Solvent upto Rs. 2.00 Crore
Crore each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs. 6.00 crore Rs.7.50Crore
and and
(b) Average annual turnover for two (b) Working capital not less than Rs. 30.00
consecutive years shall not be less than Rs. Lakh
6.00 Crore
‘B’ (a) Two works costing not less than Rs. 1.50 (a) Solvent upto Rs. 100.00 Lakh
Crore each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs. 2.50 crore Rs.3.00 Crore
and and
(b) Average annual turnover for two (b) Working capital not less than Rs. 12.00
consecutive years shall not be less than Rs. Lakh
300.00 Lakh
‘C’ (a) Two works costing not less than Rs. 50.00 (a) Solvent upto Rs. 40.00 Lakh
Lakh each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs.80.00 Lakh Rs.100.00 Lakh
and and
(b) Average annual turnover for two (b) Working capital not less than Rs. 10.00
consecutive years shall not be less than Rs. Lakh
100.00 Lakh
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 15


‘D’ (a) Two works costing not less than Rs. (a) Solvent uptoRs. 20.00 lakh
25.00 Lakh each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto Rs.50.00
One work costing not less than Rs. 40.00 Lakh
and (b) Working capital not less than Rs. 7.50 Lakh
(b) Average annual turnover for two
consecutive years shall not be less than
Rs. 50.00 lakh

‘E’ (a) Three works costing not less than Rs. (a) Solvent uptoRs. 10.00 lakh
7.50 Lakh each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto Rs.25.00
Two work costing not less than Rs. 10.00 Lakh
Lakh each
Or (b) Working capital not less than Rs. 5.00 Lakh
One work costing not less than Rs. 20.00
Lakh each
(b) Average annual turnover for two
consecutive years shall not be less than
Rs.25.00 lakh

(b) Criteria for Upgradation in various classes shall be as under:-

Class Past Experience of Completed Financial Soundness (in Rs) Limit of

Works in Last 5 years& Average minium
Annual Turn Over (in Rs) reserves
(See No 5
(1) (2) (3) 4
‘SS’ (a) Two works costing not less than (a) Solvent upto Rs. 8.00 Crore Rs. 120.00
Rs. 12.00 Crore each Or Lakh
One work costing not less than Rs. Financially sound for engagement
20.00 crore upto Rs.40.00 Crore
(b) Average annual turnover for two (b) Working capital not less than Rs.
consecutive years shall not be less than 75.00 Lakh
Rs. 20.00 Crore
‘S’ (a) Two works costing not less than (a) Solvent upto Rs. 4.00 Crore Rs. 80.00 Lakh
Rs. 7.50 Crore each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement
One work costing not less than Rs. uptoRs. 15.00 Crore
12.00 crore
and (b) Working capital not less than Rs.
(b) Average annual turnover for two 50.00 Lakh
consecutive years shall not be less than
Rs. 12.00 Crore
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 16


‘A’ (a) Two works costing not less than (a) Solvent upto Rs. 2.00 Crore Rs. 75.00 Lakh
Rs. 4.00 Crore each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement
One work costing not less than Rs. uptoRs. 7.50 Crore
6.00 crore and
and (b) Working capital not less than Rs.
(b) Average annual turnover for two 30.00 Lakh
consecutive years shall not be less
than Rs. 6.00 Crore
‘B’ (a) Two works costing not less than (a) Solvent uptoRs. 100.00 Lakh Rs. 60.00 Lakh
Rs. 1.50 Crore each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs. Rs.3.00 Crore
2.50 crore and
and (b) Working capital not less than Rs.
(b) Average annual turnover for two 12.00 Lakh
consecutive years shall not be less
than Rs. 300.00 Lakh
‘C’ (a) Two works costing not less than (a) Solvent uptoRs. 40.00 Lakh Rs. 25.00 Lakh
Rs. 50.00 Lakh each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs. Rs. 100.00 Lakh
80.00 Lakh and
and (b) Working capital not less than Rs.
(b) Average annual turnover for two 10.00 Lakh
consecutive years shall not be less
than Rs. 100.00 Lakh
‘D’ (a) Two works costing not less than (a) Solvent uptoRs. 20.00 lakh Rs. 12.50 Lakh
Rs. 25.00 Lakh each Or
Or Financially sound for engagement upto
One work costing not less than Rs. Rs.50.00 Lakh
40.00 Lakh
and (b) Working capital not less than Rs.
(b) Average annual turn over for two 7.50 Lakh
consecutive years shall not be less
than Rs. 50.00 lakh

1. Authority competent to enlist shall be called Registering Authority.
2. The categories for enlistment shall be decided on the basis of nature of works executed by
Contractor. Contractors who have experience of executing of Prefab/PreEngineered
Structures and fulfil other criteria, shall also be eligible for enlistment in category a(i). At the time of
renewal, contractors already enlisted in Cat (a) (i) Building &Roads. shall be enlisted in Cat (a) (i)
Building works & (a) (v) Roads. In case of E class contractors, Registering Authority shall issue suitable
amendments to enlistment letters in respect of separate categories for buildings works iea(i) and roads
i.e. a(v) without any application from contractor.
3. For enlistment upgradation/renewal/reclassification etc, in category (b) Electrical Engineering Works
(i) to (iii), a declaration/undertaking shall be obtained from the applicant contractor in affidavit form
whereby the contractor shall undertake to either obtain valid Electrical License of required class in its
name or engage an agency having valid Electrical License of required class through MoU (Memorandum
of Understanding) for execution of all electrical works as well as works under category (c) [including its
sub categories (i) to (vii)] and the category (d)(v) to the extent Rule 29 under Part Ill of Central Electricity
Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 is applicable either in full
or part of the scope of work of contract awarded to him and that all such electrical works shall be
executed by him through such agency only (either self or other agency) having valid Electrical License of
required class from State /Union Territory Authorities where works are to be executed.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 17


4. Working capital with the Contractor shall be judged from balance sheet/bank's certificate as per
Appendix 1.3 I bank statement for last 6 month/overdraft or cash credit facility from bank/fixed deposit
receipts with banks.

5. The requirements of minimum reserves are applicable for enlistment related process of existing
contractors i.e. Change in constitution/Renewal/Reclassification (Revision in Monetary Limit) etc, if they
have contracts in hand not having Performance Security provisions, till their contracts are completed and
their Final Bills do not become MINUS. For this, these contractors will submit affidavit on non-judicial
stamp paper of appropriate value (minimum value Rs. 1 00) declaring that all their contracts without
Performance Security provisions are completed and the Final Bills are not MINUS. Immovable/movable
property (minimum reserve) shall be exclusively in the name of Contractor and not in the name of family
members/relatives/others.In case of Limited companies, immovable/movable property (considered for
minimum reserve) shall be exclusively in the name of Company and should be reflected in the Balance
Sheet of the Company.

6. "Last two consecutive years" shall mean immediate last two consecutive financial years reckoned
from the date of application for upgradation. Two consecutive years for the purpose of fresh enlistment
shall mean any of the two consecutive financial years in last Five Financial Years preceding the date of
application for enlistment. For documents in support of works experience, TDS certificate for IT/Sales
Tax NAT/GST shall also be asked from applicant firms. All documents related to works experience and
turnover (except Form 26 AS and portal generated GST return) shall be got independently verified
from the client issuing authority. Registering Authority may seek clarification from the hartered
Accountant in case of any doubt. Annual turnover to be considered for enlistment purpose shall mean
the turnover from all businesses carried out by the applicant firm in relation to construction work related
to categories of works for which the enlistment is being sought. It may be total turnover as shown in the
audited balance sheet or part thereof. Necessary clarification shall be obtained from the Chartered
Accountant whose audited balance sheet is submitted by the applicant firm in case considered
necessary by the Registering Authority.

7. Upgradation of enlisted contractor shall be done gradually in stages. Before a contractor is considered
for upgradation, he should have worked at least for two years in the present tendering limit and should
meet the criteria laid down. Normally upgradation will be done only to one next higher class at a time.
However, if performance of any particular contractor is of very high order and Registering Authority
considers upgradation of such contractor by more than one class justified, the same shall be done only
with prior approval of E-in-C's Branch. Following considerations shall be applied to ascertain whether the
performance of contractor is of very high order or otherwise:
(a) Contractor has completed works, value of which is more than 1.25 times the requirement in which the
upgradation is being considered.
(b) Average Annual Turnover of the contractor is more than 1.25 times the requirement in which the
upgradation is being considered.
Example: For a contractor enlisted in class 'C' having tendering limit of 100 lakh, proposed to be
upgraded to class 'A' having tendering limit of 7.50 crore, minimum value of works completed and turn
over shall be as under :
(i) Two works completed costing not less than 5.00 crore each (1.25 x 4.00)
One work costing not less than 7.50 crore (1.25 x 6.00)

(ii) Average annual turnover 7.5 crore (1.25 x 6.00)

(c) Average marks secured in Performance Reports (Stage-11) for the works completed inlast five years
shall not be less than 70%. Where report for any work is not available, it will be deemed to contain only
60% average marks.

8. Contractors of 'A' class and above only shall be eligible for enlistment in categories(a) (iii) Runways
and Pavements and (a)(iv) Marine and Harbour Works subject to prior approval of E-in-C.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 18


9. The criteria laid down above for enlistment/ upgradation may be relaxed in the case of contractors
whose performance has been found to be of a very high order. Such relaxation may, however be given
only with the prior approval of E-in-C's Branch.

1.5 Documents required to be submitted by the contractor for enlistment in MES.

(a) Application for enrolment as contractor on IAFW-2190 (Revised 2020). Coloured Photographs affixed
on application shall be self-attested.

(b) Affidavit for constitution of firm.

(c) List of works executed during last five years (As per Appendix 1_2) including copies of Work
Orders/Work allotment letters, Copies of completion certificates and Form16 AITDS certificate for GST

(d) Annual turnover certificate duly supported with audited balance sheet. The turn over certificate must
bear the UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number). The turn over certificate and audited balance
sheet should be from same Chartered Accountant. In case balance sheets are not audited, Form 26 AS
and /or Annual GST return shall be forwarded in support of turnover.

(e) Audited balance sheet of last five years in case of Limited companies

(f) Solvency certificate from scheduled bank as per specimen given in Appendix-1.3

(g) Working Capital certificate from scheduled bank as per specimen given in Appendix-1.3.

(h) Affidavit from contractor that there is no Government dues/ recovery outstanding against him. If there
is any Government dues/recovery outstanding from the contractor, enlistment/ upgradation shall not be
carried out.

(j) Affidavit from contractor giving brief details of arbitration I litigation cases he was involved in.
Registering Authority will critically examine such details and if contractor is considered habitual litigant,
his enlistment/ upgradation shall not be carried out. Contractor shall be deemed to be a habitual litigant if
he moves the court more than once ignoring arbitration clause and court does not uphold his view.

(k) Two self-attested photographs of Proprietor/Partners/ Directors of firm for verification of character
and antecedents from the police authorities. Places where online police verification process is available,
the contractor will carry out police verification of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors and submit the
verification reports for cross verification by the Department. Alternatively the contractor may submit a
copy of valid passport issued by Govt of India.

(I) Copy of partnership deed in case of partnership firm.

(m) Memorandum and Articles of Association in case of Limited Companies.

(n) Copy of Registration Certificate of firm with Registrar of Companies/Register of Firms.

(o) Affidavit that no near relative(s) of the contractor or his/their employees/agents is/are working as
Gazetted/ Commissioned Officer(s) in MES/ Corps of Engineers/Ministry of Defence. If the near
relative(s) is/are working in such capacity in any formation upto Zonal CE/CCE, he/ they shall furnish
details. The contractor shall not be entitled to tender for the works in entire area of CE Zone/CCE.

(p) Affidavit that no near relative(s) of the contractor or his/their employees/agents is/are working as
Junior Engineer(s) in MES/Corps of Engineers. If his near relative
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 19


(s) is/are working in such capacity in any formation upto CWE/ GE(I) office, the contractor
shall furnish details. The contractor shall not be entitled to tender for the works in entire area of that

(q) Copy of power of attorney/Resolution of the Board in favour of any Partner/ Director of the firm.

(r) Copy of immediate last Income Tax Return.

(s) A separate sheet containing specimen signatures (signed in black ink) and affixed with photographs
of Proprietor/Partners/Directors (to be used as Appendix B of enlistment letter).

(t) Self-attested copy of PAN Card of Proprietor, Partners, Directors and the firm/ Company.

(u) Self-attested copies of GST registration, EPFO registration and ESIC registration certificates.

(i) All the documents submitted by the contractor shall be signed by Proprietor/all Partners/all Directors
unless specifically authorised to a Partner/Director through POA or Resolution of the Board.

(ii) Photocopies of documents shall be self-attested. Registering Authority shall ask production of original
documents to verify the photocopies.

(iii) All affidavits shall be given on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value duly signed by the
contractor and attested by the Magistrate/Notary public.

(iv) Registering Authority shall cross-verify the genuineness of financial documents at Para (d) & (e)
above from issuing Chartered Accountant (CA) and documents at Para (f) & (g) from the concerned
Bank branch by referring in writing to them alongwith copy of above documents submitted by contractor.
Registering Authority is also at liberty to verify the genuineness of all the documents from other
reliable/authentic sources.

(v) All documents related to work experience and turnover (except Form 26AS and portal-generated
GST return) shall be got independently verified from the client/issuing Authority. For documents in
support of works experience, TDS certificate for IT/Sales TaxNAT/GST shall also be asked from
applicant firms. Registering Authorities may seek clarifications from the Chartered Accountant in case of
any doubt.

(vi) Documents mentioned at Para 1.5 (a) and 1.5 (s) shall not be applicable for thepurpose of
documents to be uploaded for bidding purpose by unenlisted firms.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 20



Tele: 020-26363528 e-procure

Tele FAX : 020-26363528 Garrison Engineer (South)
E-mail at [email protected] No. 1 General Bhagat Marg,
Pune – 411 040

8265/ /E8 Jun 2021



A tender/ bidder who is qualified as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in the tender
documents and has interalia sound past record is hereby authorised to tender for the above
work. The tender/bid (both COVER-1 & and COVER-2) shall be submitted/uploaded on the
MES website portal ( as per time and date mentioned in tender documents.



___________________________ SIGNATURE OF OFFICER


DATE 2021 DATE 2021

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 21



1. Entire work under this contract shall be completed within 273 Days from the date of
handing over the site(s), as mentioned in Work Order No 1.

2. Description of works and services given in various sections of Schedule ‘A’ is brief.
These are deemed to be amplified and read in conjunction with special conditions, particulars
specifications for materials and workmanship and conditions in relevant trade/section of MES
standard Schedule of Rates (Part-I) 2009 and (Part –II) 2010 and all these documents are
taken as mutually explanatory to each other.

3. The quantities of various items of work catered under Schedule ‘A’ are provisional
and are inserted as a guide only. These shall, however, not be varied beyond the limits laid
down in Condition 7 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contracts).

4. The total amount of schedule ‘A’ is not firm but will be treated as “Contract Sum” as
referred to in IAFW-2249.

5. Rates against each item in column of price bid are required to be filled in by the
tenderer(s) in figures only.

6. The unit rate of each item of work is inclusive of labour and materials or supply and fix
in position complete unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the description of item such
as supply only, labour only, fixing only, laying only and the like.

7. The unit rate quoted by the tenderer shall be “Net” inclusive of all charges such as GST
of all kinds and description including GST on work contracts, Central tax, Service Tax,
insurance, octroi, excise duty, customs duty, GST, packing and unpacking charges, transport
and delivery, over heads, profits and any other labour welfare/cess tax etc. Income tax/Sales
tax and labour welfare /cess tax if any shall be deducted at source, from contractor’s RARs and
final bill. The rate of GST shall be as per latest policy. Any tax coming into force consequent to
any fresh law, or statutory rules or order before receipt of tender documents shall also be
applicable for this contract.

8. Cutting of roads/path /paving /hard standing etc, where required for execution of works
shall be carried out as directed by Engineer in Charge and surface shall be made good to
match with the existing specification. The unit rates quoted by the tenderer in price bid as
required and applicable shall be deemed to include for the above provision and nothing extra
shall be paid to the tenderer on this account.

9. The under mentioned remarks unless otherwise given shall be deemed to have been
inserted in respective columns against each item of Schedule ’A’ whether specifically inserted
or not:-

(a) At the beginning of description/ - Materials & Labour or Supply & Fix
item under Column 2

(b) At the end of description of item - All as specified and as directed by

under Column 2 Engineer in Charge
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 22


10. Special conditions in MES Schedule and preambles to items given in MES Schedule
Part-II under respective trade shall be applicable and tendered rates shall be deemed to be
inclusive of the elements specified therein. If any provisions in the description of items of
Schedule “A” and in particulars specifications is at variance with the provisions in Special
conditions in MES Schedule Part –II and preambles to MES Schedule items, the provisions in
description of items and in particular specifications shall take precedence there over.

12. Site for execution of work shall be made available as soon as the work is awarded. In
case it is not possible for the department to make the entire site available on the award of the
contract, the tenderer will have to arrange his working programme accordingly. No claim
whatsoever, for not giving the entire site on award of contract and giving the site gradually will
be admissible.

13. The work is to be executed in piecemeal manner based on day to day maintenance
requirement as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall have to arrange
material & labour accordingly. The contractor shall not be entitled for any compensation on this

14. In absence of any specification either in tender documents or in the drawing, the
minimum specification as given in SSR for relevant items and as per standard Engineering
practice shall be considered while quoting the tender.

15. All materials to be incorporated in the work shall bear ISI certification mark. If ISI mark
material are not available in the market the materials shall be confirming to the relevant IS
(Latest Edition). If the materials are not available with ISI mark and also not conforming to
relevant IS in that case the materials shall be as per the samples kept in GE’s office. GE shall
verify the availability of ISI marked materials in the market, before approving the material.

16. In his interest the tenderer is advised to visit the site of work before quoting his tender.
He shall be deemed to be visited the site irrespective, whether he actually visits or not and no
compensation whatsoever will be paid for misunderstanding of schedule ‘A’ description at a
later stage.

17. The list of buildings under which work has to be executed is available with the Engineer-
in-Charge. Contractor’s attention is invited to condition 4 of IAFW-2249-General Conditions of
Contracts. The contractor should keep in mind while quoting their/his tender, the fact that the
buildings/site where the repair/work is to be carried out are under occupation and shall remain
under occupation while carrying out the work. The contractor will carry out the work in phased
manner in consultation with Engineer-in-Charge. It will be the responsibilities of the contractor to
submit in writing his planning program of work seven days in advance to take over
site/commence the work or any other requirements. No compensation or extra shall be
admissible of any misunderstanding or loss of man-hours.

18. The unit item rates quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor details
for construction/installation/repairs which are obviously and fairly which may not have been
reflected in these documents, but are essential for execution and entire completion of the work
and no extra cost will be entertained on such account. The decision of the Accepting Officer
whether or not any minor details of constructions/installations/repairs are obviously and fairly
intended to be included in the unit quoted rates for the items shall be final and binding.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 23


19. In absence of any specification either in these tender documents or in the drawings,
the minimum specifications as given in SSR for relevant items and as per Standard
Engineering practice shall be considered by the tenderer while quoting the tender.

20. The tenderers are advised to refrain from making any stipulations or conditions in their offer.

21. The tenderer are advised to visit the site of work and verify the working condition and scope
of work to be carried out before quoting the rates. The contractor shall be deemed to have
noted the site conditions and availability of materials required for the work before
quoting his rates and no claim whatsoever on any account nothing extra shall be admissible
on this account.

22. Permission for the usage of any of the existing facilities such as approaches, if available
can be granted by the GE on written request from the contractor stating that any damage
caused due to usage of the same shall be made good by the contractor at no extra cost to the
Govt. On the contrary if the contractor fails to make good the damages caused as above, these
damages shall be made good and brought back to the original standard by the department at
the risk & cost of the contractor. GE’s decision in this regard shall be final, conclusive and

23. Wherever the word Schedule ‘A’ appears in the tender documents same shall be read as

24. Working Condition : Under current affairs of Covid 19 :-

That under the current circumstances of epidemics disease of Covid 19 contractor shall
follow all the guidelines as circulated by Min of Health Department ,National executive
committee / ministry of home affairs Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra / Local
administration as well as all notification and guidelines on working at site of works for
precautionary measures to avoid any infection to persons / works working at site / the
mandatory provision under the guide lines are briefed in Appx ‘C’ to Particular Specification all
the aspects . in this regard all safety measures are deemed to considered accounted by the
contractor. while quoting unit rate and extra claim subsequent by the contractor, nothing shall
be entertained by the Govt.

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 32



1. All materials obtained from dismantling for which items are mentioned under this
schedule become the property of the contractor who shall be responsible for removing the same
out of MD land at his own cost after proper accounting of the same by GE/ Engineer-in-Charge.
In no case materials shall be allowed to accumulate at site.

2. All dismantled/demolished unserviceable materials (the decision of the GE whether

particular materials is serviceable shall be final, conclusive and binding) shall be disposed off
outside MD land without any extra payment to the Government. All other unserviceable
materials (not included in the list of items of Schedule of Credit) shall be returned to MES stores
yard without any extra cost to Government.

3. Credit as assessed by Government is inserted in Col-5 and amount extended in Col-6.

The quantities and credit assessed by the department are for rough guidance only. No claim
whatsoever on any account due to variation in quantities or assessed cost of material indicated
under Col 4 & 5 respectively below shall be entertained.

4. Contractor should inspect the existing conditions of material to be obtained from

demolition/dismantling/taking down and it will be deemed that the contractor has visited the site
(whether he inspect /visits the site or not) and no claim whatsoever will be entertained regarding
condition of existing materials.

5. Schedule of Credit amount, shall not be deducted from the work done amount, while
calculating retention money in case of running payment and final bill payment.

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 33

In lieu of (AFW-1779A(R-1955)

Sl Description of Items A/U Qty Rate Amount

1 2 3 4 5 6
1.00 Old unserviceable iron scrap Kgs 550.00 10.00 5500.00

2.00 Old unserviceable PVC pipes 75mm & RM 150.00 5.00 750.00
110 mm dia incl fittings

Amount Carried over to below Rs. 6,250.00


1 Total amount of Sch 'A' B/F from BOQ Rs.

2 Sch of Credit B/F from above (-) Rs. 6,250.00


(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 34


Ser Particulars Rate at which materials Place of issue by Remarks

No will be issued to the name for all items of
Contractor this schedule
Unit Rate (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


(1989 PRINT)

Sl Qty Particulars Details of Hire charges Stand by Place of Remarks

No MES crew per unit per charges per issue by
supplied working day unit per off name
Rs day Rs
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)





Sl Qty Particulars Rate per unit per Place of issue (by Remarks
No working day of 8 hours name)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 35



Having examined and perused the following documents: -

1. Specifications signed by AGE (Contracts) for Garrison Engineer (South) Pune.

2. Drawings detailed in the specifications.

3. Schedule 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' attached hereto.

4. MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2009(Part-I )-Specifications IAFW-2249 for

Part-I and (SSR-2020 (Part II) Rates (hereinafter and in IAFW-2249, referred to as the

5. General Conditions of Contracts, IAFW-2249 (1989) print together with amendment

Nos 1 to 48 and Errata 1 to 20.


** Water will be supplied by the MES at the rate of Rs 3.75 per thousand worth of
work done.

7. Should this tender be accepted I/WE AGREE: -

*(a) That the sum of Rs.................. (Rupees ............... .........................only) forwarded as
Earnest Money shall either be retained as a part of the Security Deposit or be refunded by the
Government on receipt of the appropriate amount of Security Deposit as per condition 22 of

(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms and conditions
contained/referred to therein and as detailed in the General Summary and to carry out such
deviations as may be ordered vide Condition 7 of IAFW-2249 upto a maximum of TEN
PERCENT and further agree to refer all disputes as required by Condition 71 of IAFW 2249 to
the Sole Conciliator of a serving Officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having
passed final/direct final examination of Sub- Division II of Institution of Surveyors (India)
recognised by the Govt. of India to be appointed by the Chief Engineer Pune Zone, Dakshin
Kaman Marg, Camp Pune – 411001 or in his absence the officer Officiating as Chief Engineer,
specifically delegated in writing by Chief Engineer Pune Zone, Dakshin Kaman Marg, Camp
Pune – 411001 whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding.

(c) Further agree to refer all disputes as required by Condition 70 & 71 of IAFW 2249 to the
Sole Arbitration of a serving Officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having
passed final/direct final examination of Sub- Division II of Institution of Surveyors (India)
recognised by the Govt. of India to be appointed by the Chief Engineer Pune Zone, Dakshin
Kaman Marg, Camp Pune – 411001 or in his absence the officer Officiating as Chief Engineer,
specifically delegated in writing by Chief Engineer Pune Zone, Dakshin Kaman Marg, Camp
Pune – 411001 whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding.

* To be deleted where not applicable.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 36



Signature _________________ Name

in the capacity of _________________ duly authorised to sign tender for and on behalf of

M/S/Shri ________________________________________________(IN BLOCK LETTERS)


(Signature & Name) Date_______________________

Address______________ Postal address_______________

_____________________ ___________________________

_____________________ Telegraphic address

Phone No. __________________


_____________________________ alteration (s) have been made in these documents and as

evidence that these alterations were made before the execution of the Contract Agreement,

they have been initialled by the contractor and Shri ___________________________________

The said officer is hereby authorised to sign and initial on my behalf the documents

forming part of this contract. The above tender was accepted by me on behalf of the President

of India for sum of Rs_________________ (Rupees _______________________________


on the ________________________day of _____________________

Signature____________ _________dated this ___________day of ________________

Appointment: Garrison Engineer (South), No.1 General Bhagat Marg, Pune - 40


CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 37 to 75


(IAFW -1779 AND 1779- A)


with Errata 1 to 20 and amendment Nos 1 to 48 has been supplied to me/us AND is in my/our
possession. I / We have read and understood the provisions contained in the aforesaid
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS before submission of this tender and I/We agree
that I/We shall abide by the terms and conditions thereof, as modified if any, elsewhere in these
tender documents.

It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us, that the General Conditions of
Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print ) including condition 70 thereof pertaining to settlement
of disputes by Arbitration containing 33 pages (Srl Page No 37 to 69) with errata 1 to 20 and
amendment Nos 1 to 48 (Srl Page No 70 to 75) form part of these tender documents.

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 76 to 83



1. It is hereby agreed by * me / us that the Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages as

published vide Government of India, Min of labour No. 1 (2) 92 IS-II dated 10 Mar 92
applicable to Area ‘C’ containing 08 (Eight) pages (Serial page Nos. 76 to 83) shall form part
of these tender documents).

2. It is also agreed by *me / us that although latest notification, as available with the
Accepting Officer, has been formed the part of contract, in case the Government has further
revised the wages, the latest revised wages of labours shall only be applicable.

3. *My / our signature (s) here under is deemed to * my / our having signed the aforesaid
Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages part of this tender and in agreement of provisions of Para
2 above.

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)

*Delete which is not applicable.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 84

1.1 The following Special conditions shall be read in conjunction with the General
Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249 and IAFW-1779A (R-1955) including errata /
amendments there to. If any provision in these special conditions is at variance with the
aforesaid documents, these special conditions shall be deemed to take precedence there

1.2 The term `General Specifications’ referred to herein before/ here in after as well as
referred to in IAFW- 2249. (General Conditions of Contracts), shall mean the Specifications
contained in MES Schedule.

1.3 General rules, specifications, special conditions and all preambles in MES Schedule
shall be deemed to apply to the works under this Contract unless specified otherwise in
these tender documents, in which case the provisions in these tender documents shall be
deemed to take precedence over the provisions made in MES Schedule.


2.1 The tenderers is advised to visit the site of works with prior permission of GE(S) Pune.
The tenderers shall also make themselves familiar with working conditions, accessibility to
site (s), availability of materials and other cogent conditions which may affect the entire
completion of work under this contract.

2.2 In case of a tender containing an offer is submitted, the tenderers shall be deemed to
have visited the site (s) and made themselves familiar with the working conditions etc.
whether they actually inspect the site or not.

2.3 The works under the contract lies in UNRESTICTED AREA


a) The Contractor, his agents, employees, work people and vehicles may require
to pass through the unit lines in which case the Engineer-in-Charge shall, at his discretion
have the right to issue passes, control their admission to the site of work or any part there of.
The Contractor shall on demand by the Engineer -in-Charge submit a list of personnel , etc,
concerned and shall satisfy the Engineer-in-Charge as to the bonafides of such people.
Passes issued shall be returned at any time on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge and in
any case on completion of the work.

b) The Contractor and his agent, employees and work people shall observe all the
rules promulgated by the authority controlling the area in which the work is to be carried out
e.g. prohibition of smoking, lighting and keeping to specified routes, occasional restricted
hours of working etc. Any person found violating the security rules laid down by the
authority, shall be immediately expelled from the area without assigning any reason what so
ever and the Contractor shall have no claim on this account. Nothing extra shall be
admissible for any man hours lost on this account.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 85


4.1 Tenders attention is invited to Condition 25 of IAFW-2249. Tenderer shall employ

only Indian Nationals as his representative, servants and workers and verify their
antecedents and loyalty before employing them for the works. He shall ensure that no person
of doubtful antecedents and nationality is, in any way, associated with work. If for reasons of
technical collaboration or other consideration the employment of any foreign national is
unavoidable, the tenderer shall furnish full particulars to this effect to the Accepting Officer at
the time of submission of his tender.
4.2 The Contractor shall on demand by the Engineer-in-charge, submit list of his agents,
employees and work people, concerned and shall satisfy the Engineer-in-charge as to the
bonafides of such people.


5.1 The contractor shall have no claim what so ever if any local regulation or otherwise is
required to pay wages in excess of the wages shown in the Schedule of minimum fair wages
under condition 58 of IAFW-2249


6.1 Contract labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 is applicable to MES contractors.
Rates quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to take into account the cost etc. required to
comply with the provisions contained in the said act and the rules framed under the said act.

7.1 Reference Condition 14 of IAFW-2249. No quarries on defence land are available.


8.1 No storage/labour accommodation can be provided to the contractor for his use.
However, as per Condition 32 of IAFW-2249. GE may permit to the contractor to occupy
any building for stores if available at site subject to recovery of prescribed rent .

9.1 Blasting is prohibited.


10.1 Refer condition 31 of General conditions of contracts IAFW-2249. Water will be
supplied by MES.

10.2 Water will be supplied by MES on payment at the point (s) marked on site plan. As the
water supply by MES is likely to be intermittent the contractor shall make his arrangements
for storing the water required for the works, labour and workmen etc at his own expense. The
contractor shall not have any claim on account of short /intermittent supply and shall make
his own arrangement to supplement requisite quantity at his own cost.


11.1 Electricity will be supplied by MES on payment. It is however, optional for the
contractor to buy it from MES or make his own management at his own cost. In the event of
contractor deciding to buy it from MES, he shall be charged for its consumption at a uniform
rate of Rs. 13.86/- per unit for lighting as well as for power. The condition given in
succeeding sub paras, shall be applicable for electric supply by MES.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 86


11.2 Electric supply shall be made available by MES at the point (s) tentatively marked on
site plan/ decided by GE. However the exact location of the electric point (s) shall be shown
by the GE.

11.3 The main switch & KWH meter to register the power supplied shall be provided and
installed by MES. Contractor shall provide all necessary connections/ cables, fittings etc from
the main switch & meter, in order to ensure a proper & suitable supply of electricity for
execution for the work.

11.4 The MES does not guarantee for continuity of supply and no compensation what so
ever shall be allowed for supply becoming intermittent or for breakdown in the system.

11.5 GE or his representative shall be free to inspect all the power consuming devices.
Any electric line provided by the contractor which is not to the satisfaction of the GE as
conforming to IE rules shall be disconnected from the supply, if so directed by him.

11.6 It is the responsibility of Contractor to maintain the unit power factor of electric supply.
For this contractor shall provide capacitor of appropriate capacity to each connection for
installation of his construction equipment.


12.1 Refer Condition 24 of IAFW-2249. The Contractor shall permit free access and
generally afford reasonable facilities to other agencies and departmental workmen engaged
by the Govt to carryout their part of the work if any, under separate arrangements. The
Contractor is expected to have general procedural knowledge of local metro politan /
municipal rules of construction.


13.1 Refer condition 10 of IAFW-2249.

13.2 Items materials conforming to Indian Standard Specifications and bearing ISI mark
shall be accepted only. Where ISI marked items/materials are not manufactured,
items/materials superior to IS specifications may be used without any extra cost to
Government. However before incorporating such materials /items, the contractor shall
produce necessary test certificates as required by the GE for approval of materials/items.

13.3 Indian Standard of the year of publication (Edition) as referred to in the MES Schedule
shall be followed. Where any IS referred has been amended, or revised or superseded, the
contractor shall follow amended/ revised/superseded provisions as applicable on the date of
receipt of tender).
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13.4 A list of items/ articles which are having IS certification mark and are readily available
is given below. It is mandatory that IS certified marked items/ articles as listed below only
are incorporated in the works. (For items which are applicable to this tender).

1. Integral water proofing compound.

2. Joinery.
a) Solid core of wooden flush door shutters.
b) Particle board panel inserts of factory made paneled shutters.
3. Builders Hardware
a) Steel Butt Hinges.
b) Ferrous Tower Bolts.
c) Non-ferrous Tower Bolts.
d) Door handles (Non ferrous)
e) Parliament Hinges, Ferrous
f) Continuous Piano Hinges
g) Non-ferrous Metal Sliding Door Bolts
h) Tee and Strip Hinges
j) Mild steel sliding Door Bolts
4. Ceiling and Lining
a) Ply wood for general purposes
b) Blackboards
c) Veneered / decorative ply wood
d) Fibre hard board
5. Flooring
White Portland cement.
6. Water supply plumbing, drains and sanitary appliances
a) Concrete pipes with or without reinforcement.
b) Salt Glazed stone ware pipe and fittings.
c) Flushing Cisterns for water closets and urinals other than plastic.
d) Cast copper alloy screwed down pipe taps & stop valve for water
e) Galvanised mild steel tubes, stop cock, bib cock.
f) Sand cast CI spigot & socket soil, waste & ventilation pipe & fittings.
g) Certrifugally cast (spun) CI spigot and socket soil, waste and
ventilation pipes, fittings and accessories.
h) Ball valves (Horizontal plunger type) including floats for water supply
j) Cast iron manhole covers and frames.
k) Vitreous China sanitary appliances.
i) Wash down water closets.
ii) Squatting pans.
iii) Wash basins.
iv) Foot Rests.
l) Plastic WC seats and covers.
m) Pillar taps.
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a) Ceiling rose.
b) Switches.
c) Socket wire outlet 3 pin plug and socket.
d) Switch fuses (Main & Switch)
e) Rigid steel conduit.
f) Single core cable polyethylene insulated and PVC sheathed cable.
g) Starter for tube light.
h) Fluorescent lamps.
j) Aluminium stranded conductor.

13.5 A list of items/ articles commonly available in market and which are superior to IS
marked items is given below :
(Items which are not applicable / required in this contract shall be deemed to have
been deleted.)
1. Glazed earthenware tiles.
2. AC Sheets.
3. AC rain water pipes.
4. paint synthetic Enamel.
5. Distempers (Oil emulsion and dry type )
6. Bath room chromium plated cast copper alloy Fancy type bib taps, stop valves
and pillar taps.

13.6 The tenderer is advised to inspect samples of materials which are displayed in the
sample room in the office of GE (S) Pune, before submitting his tender. The tenderer shall
be deemed to have inspected the samples and satisfied himself as to the nature and quality
of materials, he is required to incorporate in the work, irrespective of whether he has actually
inspected them or not. The materials to be incorporated in the work, by the contractor shall
conform to, or shall be superior in quality to, samples displayed and shall comply with the
specifications, mentioned in particular specifications.

13.7 The contractor shall not procure materials in bulk unless the samples are approved by
the Garrison Engineer in writing.

13.8 The quantity of materials such as paint, water proofing compound, chemicals for
antitermite treatment and the like ( as applicable ) and directed by the Engineer-in - charge ,
the quantity of which cannot be checked after incorporation shall be recorded in the
measurement books as “ NOT TO BE ABSTRACTED” and signed by the contractor and the
Engineer-in-charge as a check to ensure that the required quantity had been brought to site
for incorporation in the work.

13.9 Materials brought to site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and
those already recorded in the Measurement Book shall be suitably marked for identification.

13.10 The contractor shall ensure as far as practicable that the materials are brought to site,
in original sealed containers/ packing, bearing manufacturers marking except in the case of
the requirement of materials being less than the smallest available commercial packing.

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13.11 The contractor shall produce original receipted vouchers/ invoices/bills in respect of
supplies for the following items ( as applicable ) to the Engineer-in-charge in addition to any
other items as directed by Engineer-in-charge before payment is made in RARs, against
material lying as site :-
a) Water proofing compound.
b) Chemicals for anti-termite treatment.
c) Paint, distempers and cement base paints.
d) All grades of bitumen.
e) Steel reinforcing bars and structural steel
f) Any other proprietary articles.
g) Cement.
13.12 The purchase documents shall be endorsed, dated and initialed by the Engineer - in-
charge duly verified giving contract number and name of work. A certified true copy of each
of such documents shall be kept on record by the Engineer-in-Charge as well as by GE.
13.13 Where the cost of each category of materials is less than Rs. 2500/- production of
documents may not be insisted upon.
14.1 For the purpose of keeping a record of cement consumed in the works, the Contractor
shall maintain a pucca bound register with serially numbered pages duly initialled by
Engineer-in-Charge, showing daily receipt, quantity used in works and balance in hand at the
end of each day. This register shall be signed daily by the Contractors representative and
MES representative in token of their verification of its correctness. This register shall be
checked by Engineer-in-Charge at least once a week and on the day, cement is brought by
the contractor.

14.2 The register shall be kept at site in the safe custody of the Contractor during progress
of the work and he shall on demand produce the same for verification of inspecting Officer.
On the completion of the work, cement register shall be handed over to the Engineer-in-
Charge for record with MES.
15.1 This tender shall remain open for acceptance for a period of sixty days from the date
on which the tenders are due to be submitted. For the purpose of calculating this period, the
day on which the tenders are due to be submitted, shall be excluded.
16.1 Condition 62 of General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) shall be referred.
17.1 In reference to Condition 2-A of General Condition of contract IAFW-2249, the
contractor shall be bound by the Indian Official Secret Act 1923 and particularly, section 5
18.1 Any damage done to any existing structures, under ground cable, pipe lines road
surfaces, drains and fixtures etc. during execution of works shall be made good by the
contractor at his own expense. Rectification, reinstallation etc., making good and touching
up shall be carried out according to the materials and workmanship originally provided and to
the entire satisfaction of the GE.

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19.1 Contractor shall produce original purchase vouchers/ Invoices challans alongwith Test
Certificates wherever applicable from the manufacturers and or their authorised agents for
the full quantity of the materials as applicable as a pre requisite document before submitting
claims for payment for advance on account of materials collected, in accordance with
Condition 64 of IAFW-2249 , General Conditions of Contracts. However vouchers in respect
of cement , steel , major E/M equipments like transformers , DG Sets , Pumps , Motors , AC
and lift equipments shall be submitted invariably.


The performance Security Deposit mentioned in condition 19 may be refunded to the
contractor after the expiration of the defects liability period (vide Condition 46) by the GE
provided always that the contractor shall first have been paid the final bill and have rendered
a No-Demand certificate (I.A.F W-451).


21.1 To determine the acceptable standard of workmanship, The Garrison Engineer may
order the contractor to execute certain typical portion of works and services such as some
length of wall, portion of different type of floors, plaster, pointing, painting any other
finished/items, sanitary fittings, plumbing, electrical fittings etc under strict and constant
supervision of MES staff and label these works as guiding samples so that further works
shall be executed to conform these samples.


22.1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary watch and ward and lighting
arrangements to keep the traffic off the trenches. Necessary boards and sign posts shall be
provided and set up to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

22.2 The Contractor shall reimburse the loss to the Govt. on account of any damage, that
may occur on this account.


23.1 The Contractor shall be responsible at his own expense in taking precaution to
prevent any damage from what so ever cause arising, other than out of accepted risks and
to minimise the amount of any such loss or damage and for adoption of necessary protective
measures required for the purpose in compliance with condition 38 of IAFW-2249 and Rule
5 of the MES SAFETY CODE code vide (Annexure `B’) of IAFW-2249 until the works have
been handed over duly completed to the Engineer-in-charge.

24.1 Refer Condition 49 of IAFW-2249 General Conditions of Contracts. The Contractor
shall leave the whole premises clean and tidy before handing over the works.

25.1 The contractor shall provide at his own cost all temporary approaches to the site
( where not existing ) for the use of his labour and transport.
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26.1 Contractors special attention is drawn to condition 2-A and 3 of IAFW-2249 ( General
Conditions of Contracts). The contractor shall not communicate any classified information
regarding the works, either to sub contractor or others, without the prior approval of the
Garrison Engineer. The contractor shall also not make copies of the design / drawings and
other documents furnished to him in respect of the work and he shall return all documents on
completion of work or earlier on determination of the contract. The contractor shall alongwith
the final bill attach a receipt from the Engineer - in - charge in confirmation of his having
returned the classified documents as per Condition 3 of IAFW-2249.


27.1 The lump sum / unit rate quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include the
element of tax consequent to building and construction workers (Regulation of employment
and conditions of services) welfare cess act 1996.

27.2.1 While awarding contracts, it should be ensured that the contractors shall have
provident fund number and condition has been included in the NIT that any sub contractor
engaged should also have provident fund code.

27.2.2 The contract conditions should stipulate that all the worker deployed by the
contractors or sub contractor are enrolled as number of provident fund and should be given
the Universal Account Number (UAN).

27.2.3 While clearing the final bills of the contract, the Contractor shall be given a certificate
that all workers employing directly or indirectly by him are registered for EPF and the due
contribution have been credited into their account.



29.1 Lump sum /rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to allow for all minor
constructional details which are not specifically shown on drawings or given in the Particular
specifications but are essential and finally intended for the execution of work and services in
workmen like manner and sound construction. In case opinion between contractor and GE,
as to whether or not certain items of works constitutes “Minor constructional details” which
is deemed to have been included in the contractor’s quoted lump sum / rate the decision of
the Accepting Officer shall be final, conclusive and binding.


Out of pocket expenses incurred by the tenderer in submitting this tender can not be
reimbursed whether the tender is accepted or not.


VAT as applicable to works contracts shall also deemed to be included in the tendered
rates and nothing extra shall be paid/reimbursed by the department on this account.

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32.1 (a) The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes
(including GST on materials, GST on Works Contracts, Turnover Tax, Labour Welfare cess/
tax etc), duties Royalties, Octroi & other levies payable under the respective statutes. No
reimbursement/refund for variation in rates of taxes, Royalties Octroi & other levies, and / or
imposition / abolition of any new/existing taxes, duties, Royalties, Octroi & other levies shall
be made except as provided in sub para (b) here-in-below.

(b) The taxes which are levied by Govt at certain percentage rates of Contract
Sum/Amount shall be termed as “taxes directly related to Contract value” such as GST on
Works Contracts, Turnover fax, Labour Welfare cess /tax and like but excluding Income Tax.
The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all “taxes directly related to Contract
value” with existing percentage rates as prevailing on last due date for receipt of tenders.
Any increase in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to Contract value” with reference
to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed to the
Contractor and any decrease in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to Contract value”
with reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be refunded by
the Contractor to the Govt/deducted by the Govt from any payments due to the Contractor.
Similarly imposition of any new “taxes directly related to Contract value” after the last due
date for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed to the Contractor and abolition of any “taxes
directly related to Contract value” prevailing on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be
refunded by the Contractor to the Govt/deducted by the Govt from the payments due to the

(c) The contractor shall, within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of variation in
percentage rates and/or imposition of any further “taxes directly related to Contract value”,
give written notice thereof to the GE stating that the same is given pursuant to this Special
Condition, together with all information relating thereto which he may be in a position to
supply. The Contractors shall submit the other documentary proof/information’s as the GE
may require.

(d) The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and
other documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly
authorized representative of Govt, and shall further, at the request of the GE furnish, verified
in such a manner as the GE may require, any documents so kept and such other
information’s as the GE may require.

(e) Reimbursement for increase in percentage rates/imposition of “taxes directly related to

Contract value” shall be made only if the Contractor necessarily & properly pays additional
“taxes directly related to Contract value” to the Govt, without getting the same adjusted
against any other tax liability or without getting the same refunded from the concerned Govt
Authority and submits documentary proof for the same as the GE may require.

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(f) The GST has become leviable on all works contracts. The liability of paying GST is on
service provider i.e. Contractor. GST shall be applicable for this tender.


Refer condition 46 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contracts), the defect liability
period for the subject contract shall be “TWENTY FOUR” calendar months after the works
have been handed over to Government (hereinafter referred to as the ‘defect liability period’).

34. The unit rate quoted by the tenderer for all items of BOQ shall be deemed
to include for all additional expenditure / amount required for taking all
precautionary measures against spread of corona virus disease (Covid-19) as
per Government body Notifications issued from time to time. No extra claim on
this account will be entertained.

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
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(a) Work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with Schedule ‘A’,
particulars specifications and General Specifications.
(b) The term General Specifications referred to here-in-before as well as referred
to IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contracts) shall mean the specifications
contained in the MES Schedule Part-I
(c) General rules, specifications, Special conditions and all preambles in the MES
Schedule shall be deemed to be applicable to the work under this contract, unless
stated otherwise in these documents in which case the provisions in these documents
shall be precedence over the aforesaid provisions in the MES schedule.
(d) The item rate quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor
details of constructions which are obviously and fairly intended which may not have
been included in this documents but which are essential for the execution and entire
completion of the work. The decision of the Accepting Officer whether or not any
minor details of construction are obviously and fairly intended are included in the
contract shall be final and binding on the contractor.
(e) There will be number of agencies working at site and the contractor shall work
simultaneously without affecting progress of other agencies.
(f) Before starting the works, the contractors shall produced to the Garrison
Engineer, samples of all materials to be incorporated in the work under these contract,
for his approval and such approved types, makes and quality of materials shall be
retained by the GE duly signed thereon by both the GE and the contractor till the
completion and final acceptance of the work. Once the sample of materials is
approved the same make and type shall be incorporated throughout the work.

2. SCOPE OF WORK : The scope of work under this contract shall be all as described
in Sch ‘A’ and as specified hereinafter and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. All
repair works are to be carried out in occupancy only and no extension / extra cost
shall be entertained on this account. The list of bldgs given here-in-after is tentative
and work may have to be executed at other locations as directed without any extra
cost to the Govt.

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It shall be carried out all as specified in section 21 of MES Schedule Part-I. After
dismantling the serviceable and unserviceable materials shall be segregated and
stacked separately. Serviceable materials except materials listed in Schedule of
credit shall be handed over to MES Store Yard and unserviceable materials shall be
disposed off as directed by Engineer-in- Charge and site shall be left clear.


Excavation and earth work shall be carried out all as specified in Schedule ‘A’.

3.1.1 The hard rock obtained during excavation of work, the recovery of Rs. 200/- per cubic
meter of stack measurement (without any deduction for voids) shall be made from the
contractor. The Contractor shall remove the hard rock from site without any extra cost
to the Govt.

3.2. RFR:
RFR shall be done all as specified in Clause No 3.19 of SSR Part I


Soil obtained from surface dressing, and surplus soil, if any, obtained from excavation,
remaining after filling in foundation trenches/filling under floors or the entire excavated
soil, if not approved for use, shall be removed, spread and levelled as described under
relevant item of Sch 'A' and places and in the manner as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. Rubbish shall be cleared away from site time to time as directed by Engineer-


4.1 GENERAL : Cement required for the work under the contract shall be procured,
supplied and incorporated in the works by the contractor under his own arrangement.
Cement shall be of tested quality and shall comply with the requirements mentioned in
the drawings, SSR, IS Specifications as amended and particular specifications given

4.1.1. Type of cement for the subject work to be procured and incorporated in work shall be
ordinary Portland cement grade 43 in accordance with IS- 8112 of 1989 or Portland
Pozzalana cement, conforming to IS:1489-Part-I : mixing of OPC and PPC shall not
be allowed. However with the approval of GE, different buildings can have different
type of cement unless otherwise mentioned of higher grade in structural drawings
forming part of the tender documents.


4.2.1. Cement will be procured by the contractor from any one of following main producers
or from supplier of cement :-

a) Cement Manufacturing Co. Ltd (b) M/s Ultra Tech Cement Ltd
(STAR Brand)
(c) M/s Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd (d) M/s Chettinad Cement Corporation
(Dalmia) Ltd. (CHETTINAD)
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(e) M/s Heidelberg Cement India Ltd (f) M/s My Home Industries Ltd
(g) M/s Parasaki Cements Ltd (h) M/s Zuari Cement Ltd (ZUARI)
(j) M/s Toshali Cements Pvt Ltd (Gajpati) (k) M/s Saifco Cement Pvt Ltd (SAIFCO)
(l) M/s Prism Cement Ltd (PRISM) (m) M/s Shree Guru kripa Cement (Pvt)
(n) M/s Barak valley Cements Ltd (o) M/s Dhruv Industrial company Ltd
(p) M/s Madras cement (MADRAS) (q) M/s OCL India Ltd (KONARK)
(r) LAFARGE cement (s) ACC Ltd
(t) Grasim Indusries Ltd (GRASIM) (u) Century Cement (CENTURY)
(v) The India Cement Ltd (w) M/s Ambuja Cement (AMBUJA)
(x) Andhra cement Ltd (y) Binani cement (BINANI)
(z) Mangalam cement (MANGALAM) (aa) Birla Corp Ltd (BIRLA)
(ab) M/s Orient cement (Orient) (ac) M/s Sanghi Industries Ltd (SANGHI)
(ad) M/s Shree cement (SHREE) (ae) Jaypee Rewa cement (JAYPEE)
(af) Saurashtra Cement(SAURASHTRA) (ag) J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd

4.2.2. The Contractor shall furnish, the particulars of the manufacturer/supplier of cement
alongwith the date of manufacture to the Garrison Engineer for every lot of cement
separately. The cement so brought shall be fresh and in no case older than 60 days
from the date of manufacture. The document in support of the purchase of cement
shall be verified by the Garrison Engineer. Before placing the order for supply of
cement by the contractor, he shall obtain written approval from the GE regarding
name of manufacturer, quantity of cement etc. Cement shall be procured for minimum
requirement of one month and not exceeding the requirement of the same for more
than two months at a time. The cement shall be consumed in the work within three
months after receipt. Cement shall conform to the requirement of Indian Standard
specification and each bag of cement shall bear relevant ISI certification mark. The
weight of each consignment shall be verified by the GE and recorded. The content of
cement shall be checked at random to verify the actual weight of cement per bag.
However the content of cement per bag shall be 50 Kg only subject to tolerance given
in clause and Annexure ‘B’ of IS -8112 of 1989.
4.3.1. The contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s test certificate in original
alongwith test sheet giving the result of each physical test as applicable and the
chemical composition of the cement or authenticated copy thereof, duly signed by the
manufacture with each consignment, as per the following IS provision :-
(a) Method of sampling hydraulic cement as per IS-3535-1986.
(b) Method of physical test for hydraulic cement as per IS-4031-1988.
(c) Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement as per IS-4032-1985.
4.3.2. The test certificate and test sheet shall be furnished with each batch of cement.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in cement acceptance register to be
maintained by him, which will be signed by JE (Civil), EIC, GE and the Contractors as
given in the format hereinafter for verification.
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4.3.3. The contractor shall however, organise setting time and a compressive strength
test of cement through designated laboratory on samples collected from the lot
brought at site before incorporation in work. The contractor will be allowed to use the
cement only after satisfactory compressive strength of seven days. To meet this
requirement Contractor is required to keep minimum 20 days stock before any new
lot brought at site which can be used in the work. The Contractor shall be required to
remove the cement not meeting the requirement from site within 24 Hours. Seven day
strength test will be relied upon to accept the lot of cement to commence the work.
However 28 days compressive strength test will be the final criteria to accept/reject
the lot.
4.3.4. The GE shall carryout independent testing as per the tests mentioned in the
`CEMENT SUPPLY/ACCEPTANCE FORM` of random samples of cement drawn from
various lots, if sample fails in 7 days compressive strength, the testing shall be carried
out through National Test House/ SEMT/ CME/ Regional Research Laboratories/
Govt. approved Laboratories/ Zonal laboratories/ as per IS -3535-1986 (Method of
sampling hydraulic cement) and IS-4031-1988 ( method of physical test for hydraulic
cement) and IS-4032 - 1985 ( method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement)
referred to above . The decision as to where the testing of cement is to be done shall
be taken by GE. In case the cement is not of requisite standard despite
manufacturer’s test certificate, the contractor shall remove the total consignment from
the site at his own cost after written rejection order of the consignment by the GE.

4.3.5. The random samples as per relevant IS shall be selected by GE before

carrying out testing. The record of such samples selected by the GE for testing shall
be properly maintained in the `cement Testing Register’ giving cross reference to
relevant consignment of cement & quantity received etc.

4.3.6. If estimated requirement of cement is less than 1200 bags, contractor can
procure cement from the authorized distributors/dealers of the approved firms.
However, contractor will have to submit test certificate for the batch issued by the firm
and in such cases independent testing of cement will be mandatory only if the
contractor does not produce the factory test certificate and GE / Engineer-in-Charge
ask for the same specifically.

4.4 TESTING CHARGES : Cost of transportation of samples to the approved

laboratory / test house and all testing charges including cost of sample shall be borne
by the contractor.

4.4.1. The contractor shall be required to set up adequate testing facilities at site to
entire satisfaction of Garrison Engineer for conducting setting time test and
compressive strength test as per IS codes referred to here in before for the samples
collected from the lot brought at site. The tests shall be carried out jointly within 7
days of receipt of cement at site. These tests can alternatively be carried out at the
Zonal Laboratory or any other recognised Laboratory so designated by GE. The
entire cost of testing shall be borne by the contractor irrespective of the fact that the
result are satisfactory or not. Recovery at the under mentioned rates shall be made
for tests carried out in Zonal Laboratory of MES :-
(a) Setting Time. : Rs. 100 per test per sample of cement.
(b) Compressive strength for : Rs. 300 per sample of three cubes.
sample of three cubes.
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4.4.2. The Contractor shall submit original purchase vouchers for the total quantity of
cement supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work. All
consignments received at the work site shall be inspected by the GE alonglwith the
relevant documents to ensure the requirements as mentioned hereinbefore, before
acceptance. The original purchase vouchers and the test certificates shall be verified
for subject contract and defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge and kept on record in the
office of the Garrison Engineer duly authenticated and with cross reference to the
consignment / control number recorded in the Cement Acceptance Register. The
cement Acceptance Register shall be signed by the Junior Engineer (Civil), Engineer -
in- Charge, GE and the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain schedule of supply
of cement for each consignment. Cement when tested as per IS 4031-1988, initial
setting time shall not be less than 30 minutes and final setting time shall not be more
than 600 minutes.

4.4.3. The Accepting Officer may order a board of officers for random check of
cement and verification of connected documents during the currency of contract.


4.5.1 Cement shall be stored In covered godown over dry platform at least 20 cm
high in such a manner as to prevent deterioration due to moisture or intrusion of
foreign matter. In case of store room, the stack should be at least 20 cm away from
floors and walls. The stacking of cement shall be done as specified in relevant IS.
The storage accounting and preservation of cement supplied by the Contractor shall
be done as per standard engineer practice till the same is incorporated in the work
and the cost of the same shall be deemed to be included in the unit rates/ amount
quoted by the tenderer. The Engineer - in - Charge shall inspect once a day to verify
that cement lying at site is stored, accounted preserved and maintained as per norms.
The cement shall be stored so as to differentiate each tested & untested consignment
separately with distinct identifications. If the GE is not satisfied with the storage /
preservation of cement, he may order for any test(s) of cement as applicable for that
consignment to ensure its conformity to the quality mentioned in the manufacturer’s
test certificate. The Contractor shall bear the cost of necessary testing (s) in this
regard also and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained.
4.5.2. Staking of cement shall done as per relevant IS and as under :-
(a) Each cement consignment shall be stacked separately and removal shall be
made on the basis of `First In First out’.
(b) Adequate top cover will be provided.
(c ) Stacks in no case shall be higher than 12 bags. The maximum width of each
stack shall be 3.0 m. If the stack is to be more than 7 or 8 bags high, the bags shall
be arranged in header and stretcher fashion, ie. alternately lengthwise and cross wise
so as to tie the piles together and lesser the danger of topping over.
(d) Adequate space shall be kept between two stacks.
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4.5.3. Cement godown shall be provided with two locks on each door. The key of
one lock of each door shall remain with the EIC or his representative and that of the
other lock with the Contractor’s authorised agent at site of works so that cement is
removed from the godown only according to daily requirement with the knowledge of
both the parties. During the period of storage if any cement bag (s) found to be in
damaged condition due to any reason whatsoever, the same shall be removed from
the cement godown on written orders of the GE and suitable replacement for the
cement bag(s) so removed shall be made and no claim whatsoever shall be
admissible on this account.
4.5.4. The Contractor shall procure the cement timely as required in accordance with
CPM agreed between GE and the Contractor. The Contractor will forefeit his right to
demand extension of time if the supply of cement got delayed due to his failure in
placing order in time to the manufacturer.
4.5.5. Cement shall be removed from the store only according to daily requirement
with the knowledge of both the parties and daily consumption of cement shall be
recorded in cement consumption register which shall be signed by the Engineer-in-
Charge and the contractor. Cement constants given in Appx ‘A’ to E-in-C’s Branch
letter No. 19280/E8 dated 03 May 1976 shall form the basis of consumption of cement
for various items of works unless specifically indicated otherwise.
4.5.6. In case the consumption of cement as per cement consumption register is
found to be more than the estimated quantity of cement due to whatsoever
reason, the contractor shall not have any claim whatsoever for such excess
consumption of cement.

4.6.1. The entire quantity of cement brought at site shall also be suitably recorded in
the measurement Book for record purposes as ‘Not to be abstracted‘ before
incorporation in the work and shall be signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the

4.6.2. The payment shall only be allowed after production of original purchase
vouchers, certified copies of test certificates from the manufacturer for each
consignment and results of testing carried out in laboratory on receipt of cement (7
days compressive test) are found satisfactory after testing as specified hereinbefore.
Cement shall be paid as materiel lying at site as per Condition 64 of IAFW-2249.Rate
of cement given in SSR shall be applicable for cement irrespective of grade of cement
specified for use in the work.
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Contract No :

Name of work :

Control No : Date:

Details of purchase :-

(i) Particulars of Manufacturer :

(ii) Details of Supplier (if any) :

Details of Test Certificate :-

(i) No- : Date:

(ii) Particulars of issuing Authority :

S.No Nomenclature IS Ref Sampling Physical Chemical Remarks

and Grade of as per IS- test as per analysis
Cement 3535, 1980 IS-4031 as per IS-

As ordered

Remarks with Signature :

JE (Civil) :

Engineer-in-Charge :

Contractor :

Garrison Engineer
Remarks of Inspecting Officer/CE
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 101


5.1 Aggregate shall be graded broken/crushed trap stone unless otherwise
specified hereafter. Fine aggregate (Sand) shall be natural (River) Sand.
5.2 Cement Concrete Mix : Type of Cement Concrete Mix required for work in
various situations shall be as indicated in respective items of Schedule ‘A’.
5.3 Grading of Aggregate :
(a) Grading of Coarse aggregate for plain and reinforced concrete (i.e stone
aggregate shall be as per clause No.4.4.7 (I) of MES Schedule ‘A’.
(b) Grading of fine aggregate (Sand) shall be as per clause 4.4.7 (2) of MES
Schedule Part-I for grading Zone II.
5.4 All concrete shall be mixed in mechanical concrete mixer. Where only small
quantity of cement concrete is involved, hand mixing may be permitted if approved by
Engineer-in-Charge. The mixing drum shall be washed out and cleaned on
completion of work and stopPAGE of work, if stopPAGE is for more than 20 minutes.
(a) Holes/Chases in concrete left/formed shall be made good in cement and sand
mortar (1:3).
(b) Where pipes, conduits, wooden plugs etc are required to be embedded in
concrete for fixing fittings, etc the same shall be embedded and left in position while
casting concrete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as specified in clause
4.15 of MES Schedule Part-I.


(a) Cement: Cement shall be ordinary Portland cement grade 43. As
specified in Appx ‘A’ to Particular Specification
(b) Fly Ash: Fly ash conforming to IS 3812 (Part 2) may be used (optional)
for part replacement of fine aggregate upto 20 percent by weight.
(c) Aggregates
(i) The aggregates used in the manufacture of blocks shall be clean and
free from deleterious matter and shall conform to the requirement of IS 383.
(ii) The grading of the combined aggregates shall conform as near as
possible to the requirements indicated in IS 383 for 20mm nominal size all-in-

6.2 The blocks shall conform to IS-2185 (Part - I) 2005

6.3 The blocks shall be of the following grades:-

(a) Solid blocks shall be of grade C4 & C5. Generally 200mm wide and 300 mm
wide solid blocks shall be of grade C5 and 100 mm solid blocks shall be of grade


The nominal dimensions of concrete solid blocks shall be:-
300 mm x 100 mm x 200 mm for 10 cm thick walls.
300 mm x 200 mm x 200 mm for 20 cm thick walls and
300 mm x 300 mm x 200 mm for 30 cm thick walls.
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The nominal dimensions of the units are designed to cover the thickness of mortar
joints so that they produce wall length which will conform to principle of modular co-
ordination. The maximum variation in the length of units shall not be more than 5 mm and
maximum variation in height and width of unit shall not be more than 3 mm. Sizes other
than specified above may also be used with the approval of GE without any price adjustment.


As soon as possible after receiving the order to commence the work, contractor shall
procure sufficient quantities of required grading & type of combined aggregates
(20mm nominal size all-in-aggregates as indicated in IS 383) & fly ash. The concrete
mix used for block shall not be leaner than one part by volume of cement to 12 parts
by volume of combined aggregates. Trial mix(s) shall be carried out in laboratory to
determine optimum mix to produce 28 days specified average compressive strength.
Block density, water absorption, drying shrinkage and moisture movement are other
design parameters to finalise trial mix. The trials shall be jointly carried out in the site
laboratory established by the Contractor or in the laboratories as directed by GE.

6.6 Cost of materials, labour, transportation, other incidental charges including that for design mix
& routine tests for each consignment of 5000 blocks as specified here-in-after shall be borne
by the contractor. However, departmental laboratory facilities where available will be
extended with the charges. Following data & results thereon shall be submitted by the
Contractor to the GE for approval of the mix design prior to casting of PCC masonry blocks:-
(a) Grading for 20mm nominal size all-in-aggregates.
(b) use of fly ash if any (optional) for Part replacement of fine aggregates upto 2o
percent by weight.
(c) 28 days average compressive strength (three test blocks) of the blocks.
(d) Trial mix proportion of constituents viz aggregate, fly ash, cement, water
arrived on weight basis & converted into volume mix in the laboratory to fulfill design
criteria viz compressive strength, block density, water absorption, drying shrinkage &
moisture movement as specified in IS 2185 (Part-I/2005).


For the purpose of this tender contractor shall consider minimum cement contents 161
Kg per cubic meter for C5 solid blocks & 155 Kg per cubic meter for C4 solid block.
No price adjustment shall be made on account of variation in actual cement contents
for design mix approved in case same exceeds minimum cement contents mentioned
above however if cement content as per actual mix design works out lower than
minimum cement contents as indicated above contractors shall provide minimum
cement content as indicated above & nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
The contractor shall be responsible for the use of requisite quantity of cement to
achieve quantity and strength of the block as per various provisions mentioned in IS
2185 (Part-I) – 2005. The contractor is deemed to have verified & obtained details
applicable to this effect at a particular station before quoting tender and no claim
whatsoever shall be entertained on account of variation in quantity of ingredients of
concrete mix for the PCC block.

6.8 MIXING - Concrete for PCC block on volumetric basis derived from the approved
design mix arrived on weight basis shall be mixed in mechanical mixer.
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6.9 MOULDING OF BLOCKS: The blocks shall be manufactured with vibratory moulding
machines. Appropriate consistency of concrete shall be used to enable demoulding of
the blocks immediately after casting. Contractor may use Block Maker/Block Master
manufactured by M/S RAZON ENGINEERING CO PVT LTD, PUNE or any equivalent
make as approved by the GE without any price adjustment.
The blocks shall have sufficiently rough surface to afford a good key to the plaster and
6.11 CURING:
The hardened blocks shall be cured in a water tank in curing yard and shall be kept
continuously moist for 14 days. The curing water tank/yard must therefore be of
adequate capacity / size. Curing shall be done as per IS-2185 (Part-I) 2005.
6.12 DRYING:
After curing, the blocks shall be dried for a period of 4 weeks before being used in the
work. The blocks shall be allowed to complete their initial shrinkage before they are
laid in wall.
The required 20 numbers of solid blocks for testing shall be taken from every
consignment of 5000 blocks. The blocks shall be picked up at random from a stack of
particular batch. The sample of blocks shall be marked for future identification &
batch it represents. The blocks shall be kept under cover and protected from extreme
conditions of temperature, relative humidity and wind until they are put to test. The
test shall be under taken as far as practicable immediately after the sample has been
Following routine tests for each consignment of 5000 blocks shall be carried out in
accordance with IS-2185 (Part-I).
a) Compressive strength.
b) Block density.
c) Water absorption.
d) Drying shrinkage
e) Moisture movement
6.15 All the above tests shall be carried out as described in appendices of IS-2185 (Part - I)
2005. The test shall be carried out either in site laboratory or in Zonal laboratory or in
any Govt approved laboratory such as Govt. Engg. College. The cost of testing shall
be borne by the contractor. The charges for testing shall be as indicated in Appendix
‘D’. In case the testing is conducted in site laboratory set by the contractor, the
recovery towards testing charges shall not be effected. However 5% of the total tests
shall be carried out in an approved independent lab/zonal lab.
6.16 A record of ‘Concrete pour’ for blocks and number of block casted/incorporated, tested
shall be jointly maintained to assess the quantity of cement utilised. The contractor
shall bear cost of blocks, preparation of blocks and their curing, transportation and
handling complete. For tests mentioned above in all 20 Nos. of hollow blocks and 20
Nos of solid blocks are required for every consignment of 5000 blocks or part thereof
from the same size of same batch.
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a) Block masonry 200 mm thick and above shall be built in CM (1:6) and that of
100 mm thick shall be built in CM (1:4) with 10 mm thick joints. 100 mm thick block
walls shall rest on PCC sub floor/RCC slab unless otherwise specified.
b) In case of pilasters suitable construction of these blocks shall be used & duly
got approved from GE. Necessary use of half blocks 3/4 blocks shall be made in the
masonry work in the appropriate places to ensure break in joints. If any gap is left
which is less than 15 cm, same shall be filled in with cast-in-situ concrete (1:3:6) type
C-1 in case of wall/beam gap filling, the size of aggregate shall be decided to suit the
thickness of filling.
c) In case where the height is less than the height of blocks (i.e space below lintel
over door/windows, ventilator cills and bottom of beam/slab etc), the portion of the
walls upto the nearest vertical joint of the adjoining course shall be filled with PCC
(1:3:6) type C-1 cast-in-situ and care taken so that the volume of PCC fill is kept
d) The sloping of walls below slab/beam lintel etc shall be done with PCC (1:3:6)
type C-1 cast-in-situ where required over and above full height of PCC blocks.
e) As the block masonry work progresses, joints in the masonry work should be
raked properly with suitable tool.

6.18.1 Thickness of wall shall be measured in multiples of 100 mm. The height of the wall
shall be inclusive of the PCC filling.


All steel required for the work under the contract shall be procured, supplied and
incorporated in the works by the contractor under his own arrangement.

7.1.1 Grade and Quality

Steel supplied by the contractor shall conform to the following grades and quality:-
a) Steel for concrete reinforcement
Irrespective of what is indicated/shown on drawing reinforcement bars shall be
High Strength deformed Steel Bars produced by Thermo Mechanical Treatment
process (TMT steel bars of grade Fe-415, Fe 500 and Fe-550) meeting all the
requirements of IS 1786..

b) Structural Steel
i) Structural Steel of Standard Quality shall conform to IS-2062 and Grade
Fe-410-S. This type of steel shall be provided for all structural steel works in
the locations mentioned in drawings and in clause 10.4.1 of MES Schedule
Part I.

ii) Structural Steel “Ordinary Quality” shall be used in frames of doors and
windows, guard bars, grills and like and shall conform to IS-1977 Grade Fe-
310-0. This type of steel shall be provided in the locations specified in drawing
and in clause 10.4.3 of MES Schedule Part- I.

c) Hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement / Fabric reinforcement
shall conform to IS-1566.
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d) Galvanised steel sheets (Plain & Corrugated), shall conform to IS-277 and
having minimum zinc coating of 120 gm per Sqm, Gde ‘B’ corrugation.

Note 1. : For clause 7.1.1(a) hereinbefore, the Grades and source of TMT
steel bars shall be as under :-
(i) M/S – SAIL – TMT – 415.
(ii) M/S TISCO - TISCON - 42
(iii) M/S Rastriya Ispat Nigam Ltd – Re-bars – 415 (iv) M/S - IISCO

Note 2. : Any items of steel specified in clause No. 7.1.1 (a) to (d) above not
conforming to grade and quality shall be rejected and the rejected steel items
under the particular consignment shall be removed from the site by the
Contractor at his own cost within 7 (Seven) days. The contractor shall have no
claim whatsoever on this account.


(a) The contractor shall procure all the steel directly from the main manufacturers/
producers, viz :-
(i) SAIL (xi) M/s Shri Bajrang Power & Ispat Ltd.
(ii) Rashtriya Ispart Nigam Ltd (RINL) (xii) M/s JSW Steel Ltd, Karnataka (NEOSTEEL)
(iii) TISCO (TATA) (xiii) M/s Electrosteel Steels Ltd, Kobarol
(iv) M/s Jai Balaji Industries Ltd (xiv) M/s Shyam Mettalics & Energy Ltd (SEL)
(v) M/s Shyam Steel Industries Ltd (SHYAM) (xv) M/s Kamachi Industries Ltd. (KAMACHI)
(vi) M/s SPS Steel Rolling Mills Ltd (xvi) M/s BDG Metal & Power Ltd (BDG 6)
(vii) Steel Exchange India Ltd. (SIMHADRI (xvii) M/s Gallantt Metal Ltd (GALLANTT TMX)
(viii) M/s Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JINDAL (xviii) M/s Rashmi Metaliks Ltd (RASHMI TMT)
(ix) SRMB Srijan Ltd (SRMB) (xix) M/s Real Ispat & Power Ltd (G K TMT)
(x) M/s Concast steel & Power Ltd, Kolkata (xx) M/s Super Smelters Ltd, Kolkata

(a) The contractor shall procure all the steel directly from the main
producer/manufacturer list is mentioned as above “Steel” However, in case of
non-availability of structural steel with main producers as listed above (non availability
certificate signed by authorized representative of main producers), structural steel can
be procured from approved secondary producers with a reduction of 5% (Five
percent) of the accepted rate of structural steel.

(b) Nonstructural steel as for guard bars, hold fast, railing, grill, chowkhat etc
galvanized steel sheets and the structural steel where total requirement under the
contract is less than 5.00 tonnes may be procured from authorized dealers of main
producers after obtaining permission of the Accepting Officer in writing.
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(c) The contractor shall produce original vouchers from main manufacturer’s and
secondary producers in case of structural steel when allowed due to non-availability
with main producer for the total quantity of steel supplied, under each consignment
and to be incorporated in the work. The original vouchers shall be kept on record of
the GE duly defaced by Engineer-in- Charge and authenticated.

(d) Steel sections for railing, gates (other than Hanger gates), fencing, guard bars,
grills, steel chowkhats hold fasts etc which don’t constitute structural members can be
procured from main producers, secondary producers/BIS marked manufacturers or
their authorized dealers without any minus price adjustment. Tests will not be insisted
upon for such steel sections.

(e) The galvanized iron sheets and fabric reinforcement for concrete to be supplied
by the contractors shall be ISI marked and shall be procured from main manufacturers

(g) The structural steel supplied by the contractor shall be procured from main
producers like SAIL/RINL/TISCO/JSPL. However, in case of non availability of
structural steel with main producers as above structural steel can be procured from
approved secondary producers as under with a reduction of 5% (Five percent) of the
accepted rates of structural steel. In case the desired section of structural steel is not
rolled / manufactured by main producer, there shall be no price adjustment for use of
structural steel procured from approved secondary producers. The contractor shall
submit non availability/non manufacturing certificate duly signed by the authorized
representative of Main producers.

(h) The Names of approved Secondary producers as approved by E-in-C branch

manufacturers of Structural steels are :-
1 2 1 2
(i) Amba Shakti Ispat Ltd (ii) M/S Kashi Vishwanath Steel Ltd
Plot No 6, Phase-II, Industrial Area, Kashipur, A-80, Vivek Vihar
Kala Amb, Distt Sirmour- 30 Phase-I, Delhi - 110095
(iii) M/S KL Steel Pvt Ltd (iv) M/S Shri Badrinarain Alloys and
Post Box No 61, Lal Kuan, steel Ltd 95, Stephen House, 4 B
Bulandshahar Road, Gaziadabad B D Bag, Kolkata-700001, Tel:033
(UP). 2867917 (FAX NO - 0210 ) 2220, 5381/ 2248 1601,
Fax -033 22488664
(v) Pushpak Steel Industries Pvt Ltd, (vi) Any other makes as approved by
Gate No 119, Alandi Markal Road, E-in-C’s branch
Dhanore, Taluka : Khed, Pune
Tele : 02135-232427/28/232244
Fax : 02135 – 233171

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a) The contractor shall produce manufacturer’s Test certificate in original along
with the test sheet giving the result of each mechanical test as applicable and the
chemical composition of the steel supplied as specified in relevant IS codes, duly
signed by the manufacturer with each consignment.

Note : Production of the test certificate in respect of steel required for guard bars,
hold fasts, grills and like by the contractor may not be insisted upon.
b) The original test certificate shall also be kept on record in the office of GE
duly defaced by Engineer-in-Charge and authenticated.
c) In addition to production of test certificate as mentioned in clause 10.1.3 (a)
and (b) above, the contractor shall also provide all facilities to the department for
independent testing of steel in Government approved Laboratories without any extra
cost to the department.
7.1.4 Minimum frequency of testing for each source and each consignment
a) Steel for concrete reinforcement :

i) Bar size : One sample (3 specimens) for each test

less than 10 mm dia for every 25 tonnes or part thereof.

ii) Bar size 10 mm dia : One sample(3 specimens) for each test
to 16 mm (inclusive) for every 35 tonnes or part thereof.

iii) Bar size : One sample(3 specimens) for every 45

over 16 mm dia tonnes or part thereof.

b) Structural Steel :
i) Tensile test : One test for every 25 tonnes of steel
or part thereof.

ii) Bend test : One test for every 10 tonnes of steel or

part thereof.
c) Chemical Test : Chemical test shall be carried out to ascertain chemical
composition, which shall conform to the norms laid down in relevant IS-Codes.
d) Bend test and tensile test for structural steel shall be carried out as per IS-226.
For high strength deformed bars tensile, bend test and rebend test shall be done as
per IS-1786. For MS bars tensile and bend test shall be carried out as per IS-432.

e) GE has the right to get one more sample (3 specimen) tested if he is not
satisfied with the consignment. However testing charges for the additional sample
over and above frequency given in clause 7.1.4 above shall be borne by the
f) If the test results as per manufacturer’s test certificates or of independent
testing of random samples are not as per criteria laid down in the relevant BIS
provisions, the entire lot which is represented by the samples shall be rejected. All
such rejected materials shall be removed and replaced by the contractor at his own
cost forthwith.
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g) Cost of transportation of samples (to and fro) to the approved laboratory / test house
and all testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.

7.1.5 ---------------- BLANK --------------

Steel supplied by the contractor shall be stored in accordance with the requirement of ISS.
Each grade and quality of steel shall be stored separately and have identification tacks
indicating the source, quality and grade.
The steel brought by the contractor shall be preserved to ensure that no rusting takes place till
it is incorporated in the works.
The contractor shall procure the steel sections, timely as required in accordance with CPM
chart, agreed between GE and the contractor. The contractor will forfeit his right to demand
extension of time if the supply of steel got delayed due to his failure in placing order in time to
the manufacturer/supplier.
Receiving payment of steel shall be governed by in accordance with condition 64 of IAFW-
2249. Payment shall be allowed only after production of test certificate and purchase
vouchers from main manufacturer/producer.
a) The entire quantity of steel brought to site shall be recorded in Measurement Book
“NOT TO BE ABSTRACTED” indicating the reference to manufacturer, source of supply,
voucher number, and test certificate before incorporation in the work and shall be signed both
by the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor. Proper documentation/record shall be
maintained as per the instructions on the subject.


Weight of steel supplied by the contractor shall be calculated at unit weights given in
Appendix ‘A’ of MES Schedule Part II - 1996. For Section not listed in MES Schedule, the ISI
conversion table shall be followed or manufacturer’s certificate shall be followed if the weights
are not available in MES Schedule/ISI tables.
7.1.12 Normal waste and off cuts shall be stacked neatly which shall be the property of the
contractor. Contractor shall be allowed to remove such cut pieces after inspection and
certification by the Engineer-in-Charge.
7.1.13 Advance on account of payment made towards these cut pieces shall be recovered from
advance on account of pa yment immediately falling due and before removal of such cut
pieces from site.
7.1.14 Bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement including mild steel wire for binding
shall be carried out all as specified in MES Schedule.

7.1.15 Hooks shall be provided only for mild steel bars. In case of cold twisted/ deformed steel bars
ends shall be bent instead of hooks as shown on drawings/specified in relevant IS.

7.1.16 Binding wire for reinforcement shall be mild steel wire (annealed) of size not less than 0.9 mm
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Notes :
(a) Mixing of different types and grades of bars shall not be done in the same RCC
member as main reinforcement to satisfy clause 7.1 of IS-456 of 2000.
(b) TMT bars of grade higher than 415 MPa will not be used under following
seismic conditions.
(i) When the structure is located in seismic Zone IV and V.
(ii) When the structure is located in seismic Zone III and has importance factor
greater than 1.00.
(iii) The structure is located in seismic Zone III and is an industrial structure.
(iv) The structure is located in seismic Zone III and is more than five stories high.
(c) TMT shall not be treated as corrosion resistant steel bars.


For each consignment of steel supply/acceptance form will be filled in and jointly
signed by the department Rep. (AGE/ JE ) and contractor and accepted/rejected by
GE before incorporation in the works as per Annexure ‘A’.
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(1) Contract No:

(2) Name of Work:

(3) Name of Manufacturer’s T.C No:

(4) Manufacturer:

(5) Control No:

(6) Random test details:

(a) Physical test report from _________ vide their letter No. ___
(Name of approved Lab / Engg. College )

(b) Chemical test report from ________ vide their letter No. ___
(Name of approved Lab / Engg. College)

(7) Types of steel , dia & quantity and city

(a) Type :

(b) Dia :

(c) Actual weight :

(d) Conversion weight

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)

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8.1 Damp proof course shall be 20 mm thick in CM (1:2) mixed with integral water
proofing compound conforming to IS-2645 over which a coat of blown bitumen of
grade 85/25 and 1.5 Kg per Sqm blended with clean river sand and 0.05 Cum/Sqm is
to be provide. The percentage of water proofing compound shall be as per
manufacturer’s instructions. The same shall be taken as 3% (by weight of cement)
while pricing of any deviation order in omit portion.
8.2 Damp proof course shall be laid to the full width of walls, including under door and
other opening at plinth level. Damp proof course shall not be provided for portion
below door for 100 mm thick walls, dwarf walls and at locations where RCC / PCC
plinth band or RCC plinth beams are provided.


8A.1. Refer Clause No. 7.15.1 of MES Schedule Part I.
8A.2 Application of non-adhering oils such as used engine oils or bitumen based paints to
inside of forms is not permitted.
8A.3 Provide steel props/spans / bracings of sufficient strength such as ACROW props,
ACROW spans from ACROW Indian Ltd. Bombay or similar as approved by the
Garrison Engineer. Use of conventional wooden ballies (Posts), struts are not
8A.4 Where the concrete surfaces are to be finished fair, timber formwork shall be brought
lined with plywood/steel plates at the discretion of the contractor, but without any price
adjustment. For other surfaces form work shall be clean sawn.
8A.5 In case of deviation of rates given in SSR for wooden form works for rough/fair
finished surfaces of concrete shall be applicable irrespective of actual formwork
materials provided in the work. The contractor can use steel plate form work at their
own discretion without any extra cost.

9.1 Sand for plastering shall be from natural source & shall be free from injurious amount
of disintegrated pieces, alkali vegetable matter and their deleterious substances.
9.2 Type and mix of mortar for plastering the number of coats to be applied and surface
finish of the plaster shall be all as described under Schedule ‘A’. The mortar shall be
prepared all as specified in Clause No. 14.13 of MES Schedule Part-I. The
preparation of surface and application of plaster shall be as per clause No. 14.14 of
MES Schedule Part-I.
9.3 The mortar shall be firmly applied to the masonry wall and well pressed in to the joints
and forcing into surfaces to obtain a permanent bond. The plaster shall be applied in
little more than the required thickness and levelled with floats. The surfaces shall be
finished even and as indicated in Schedule ‘A’.

10. RCC PIPE :

RCC pipe shall be Class NP-2 and anyone of the make specified in list of make. The
pipes shall conform to IS-458-2003 and all as specified in Clause No. 18.29.3 of MES
Schedule Part-I. The laying and jointing of pipe shall be carried out all as specified in
Clause No. 18.74.1 to 18.74.5 of MES Schedule Part –I.

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Kota stone slab shall be of thickness as indicated in Sch ‘A’ and slab shall be as
specified in Clause No. 13.47.1 of MES Schedule Part-I. Dressing of slab shall be
carried out all as specified in Clause No. 13.47.2 of MES Schedule Part-I. Slab shall
be laid cured, polished and finished as specified in Clause No. 13.47.3 and 13.47.4 of
MES Schedule Part-I.
AC corrugated sheet shall conform to IS-459-1992 and any one of the make
mentioned in list of makes. AC sheet shall also be as specified in Clause No. 11.2.2 of
MES Schedule Part-I. AC Sheets shall be laid as specified in Clause No. 11.24.1 to
11.24.6 of MES Schedule Part-I.
Distemper dry shall be ready mixed conforming to IS:427-2005, all as specified in
Clause No. 15.5 application of Dry Distemper shall be carried out all as specified in
Clause No 15.13 of MES Schedule Part I.
14.1 GENERAL :
14.2 Painting shall be of quality not inferior to those required by the relevant IS as per
clause 17.2 of MES Schedule Part-I.
14.3 Workmanship and preparatory works shall be as per clause 17.6 of MES
Schedule Part-I.
14.4 Painting shall be with priming coat, under coat and one finishing coat unless
mentioned otherwise.
14.5 Primer for wood work shall be pink primer and for steel shall be red oxide generally.
Priming coat shall be redone at his own cost, if more than six months have lapsed
before executing the under coat and after application of priming coat.
14.6 The final finish of paint shall be glossy, suitable for internal/external use, as approved
by GE.
14.7 Galvanised steel articles (sheet, pipe etc and wire cloth and builders hardware) shall
be left as untreated.
14.8 All paint shall be synthetic enamel paint and shall be of first quality. The shade
of Paint shall be as approved by GE.
Oil bond distemper shall be of make mentioned in herein-after. Primer wherever
specified shall be alkali resistant priming paint conforming to IS-428-2000.
Preparations of surfaces and application of distemper shall be carried out all as
specified in clause No 15.14.2 to 15.14.5 of MES schedule Part-I. Tint of
distemper shall be as approved by GE.

16. PVC PIPES : PVC pipes of sizes as indicated shall conform to IS 4985-2000
(4 KGF/cm²).Rubber rings for joints and fittings shall conform to IS-5382-1985. PVC
(SWR) fittings shall be provided as per recommendations of manufactures of pipes.
Laying and jointing of pipes shall be as specified in MES Schedule.


All sanitary fittings shall be vitreous china first quality with ISI marking. The colour and
size shall be as specified in Sch ‘A’ and shall be got approved from the GE before
incorporation in the work. The fixing of fittings shall be as specified in MES Schedule
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18.1 General :
18.2 All articles of builders hardware shall be new, sound and strongly made, finished to
correct shape, free from defects or flaws of any type, shall have smooth actions and
conform to sample kept in the office of the GE.
18.3 Samples of builders hardware shall be submitted to the GE for approval before
ordering in bulk.
18.4 All articles of builders hardware shall bear ISI marking. In case any item/fittings with
ISI mark is not manufactured then it shall conform to the relevant ISI specifications
and /or specifications given in MES Schedule for the relevant items.
18.5 Butt hinges shall be of cold rolled mild steel medium weight as per IS-1311. Hinges
shall be bright finished with smooth surfaces.

19. IRON MONGARY : All fittings shall be all as described in Schedule 'A' and as
specified in Section 9 of SSR Part-I and all as approved by Engineer-in-Charge.

20.1. SHEET GLASS : Sheet glass for glazing shall be plain, clear, good quality, free from
specks, bubbles, smoke wanes, air holes and other defects and shall conform to IS-
2835-1987. The thickness of sheet glass shall be as indicated in Schedule ‘A’.


Non skid Ceramic tiles shall conform to relevent IS specification and make shall be as
specified here-in-after & size of tiles shall be as indicated in Schedule 'A'. Colour &
shade of tiles shall be as approved by the GE. Tiles shall be laid, jointed and pointed
as specified in Clause No. 13.40 of MES Schedule Part-I. The laying pattern of tiles
using different coloured tiles shall be as directed by Engr-in-Charge.


Ceramic tiles shall be conforming to relevant IS specification and make shall be as
specified here-in-after. Size of tiles shall be as indicated in Schedule 'A'. Colour &
shade of tiles shall be as approved by GE. Laying glazed ceramic tiles shall be as
specified in Clause No. 13.40 of MES Schedule Part-I. The laying pattern of tiles using
different coloured tiles shall be as directed by Engr-in-Charge.


Tiles shall have size and thickness all as described in Sch 'A'. Skirting height shall be
as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Bedding layer shall be 20 mm thick cement mortar
in CM (1:6) in floors and 10 mm thick in CM 1:4 in skirting and jointed and pointed in
neat white cement adding pigment to match with flooring. The laying pattern of tiles
using different coloured tiles shall be as directed by Engr-in-Charge


24.1 Preparation of various surfaces for respective item of work shall be carried out as
described in Schedule ‘A’ and as per specifications given in the corresponding section
of MES schedule.

24.2 The contractor shall not start the work of white/colour washing, distempering etc,
unless the surface so prepared are approved and passed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
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25.1 White wash shall be prepared and applied all as specified in Clause No. 15.12.1 to
15.12.3 and 15.12.5 to of MES Schedule Part-I.

26.2 Ochres for colour shall conform to IS 44-1969 and shall be as approved by GE. Colour
wash shall be prepared and applied as specified in Clause No. 15.12.4, 15.12.6, and of MES Schedule Part-I.


Cement based paint shall be applied to plastered surfaces of walls. Cement paint
shall conform to IS-5410-1992 and shall be applied as specified in Clause 15.15.
Colour/ Shade of cement based paint shall be as approved by GE.


Top of wall shall be rendered with 25mm thick layer of cement mortar 1:3 with a
rounded or weathered finish and before the mortar has set, glass broken to
approximately 63mm gauge shall be firmly embedded at the rate of 14 Kg of glass per
square metre of rendered surface, jogged edges of the glass being left projecting.

G.I tubing shall be mild steel screwed and socketed tubing and fittings shall comply
with relevant IS specified in Para 18.4 of MES Schedule Part-I. Grade of pipe shall be
as indicated in Schedule ‘A’. GI pipes shall be laid in trenches/walls as specified in
relevant section of MES Schedule Part-I.


These shall be screwed down & shall conform to relevant IS. The minimum finish
weight of bib taps and stop valves shall be as indicated in table 18.14 & 18.15.1 of
MES Schedule Part-I.

31. NAHANI TRAPS : Cast iron nahani traps shall conform to the sample kept in the
sample room or superior. Nahani traps shall be not less than 5.5 Kg and 6.5 Kg for
traps with outlet dia of 50mm and 75 mm respectively. Nahani traps shall be provided
with cast iron grating.


Stainless steel sink with draining board shall be made of stainless steel sheet 1 mm
thick with waste coupling outlet pipe including pair of CI brackets, bedding in cement
mortar to dwarf wall and size of the sink shall be as specified in Sch ‘A’. The make of
sink shall be as specified here-in-after.


Granite shall be superior quality as approved by GE. These shall be table rubbed
and polished. Granite shall be fixed as specified in Schedule ‘A’ and pointed with
white/coloured cement using marble dust.


PCC sub base shall be of mix and thickness as specified in Schedule ‘A’.Top surface
shall be prepared to receive floor finish.
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Aluminium anodised tee sections and aluminium anodised angles shall be of standard
make of Zindal/Ajit Industries or any other approved make as approved by the GE.
The fixing of grid work shall be all as per manufacturers instructions. The GI Wire for
suspending, the aluminium grid work shall be of 2 mm & provided at every 120 cm
C/C at junction of each main & cross tees. The adjustment of nut bolts 6 mm dia shall
be fixed at down side & shall have two numbers of washer of suitable size. The
aluminium anodised angle at wall shall be fixed with rawal plugs @ 60 cm C/C. AC
sheets shall be fixed on aluminium work & shall be fixed with mild steel clips/mild steel
pins of 3mm dia 4 cm long two number on each side by drilling hole in aluminium tees.
36.1 AC building boards shall be of approved make of Charminar, Lotus, Swastic brand
and shall conform to sample kept in the sample room or superior. Tolerance on the
thickness of boards shall not exceeding + 0.5 mm.


Gypsum board false ceiling shall be as specified in schedule ‘A’. The size of boards,
angle iron and suspension wire shall be as indicated in Schedule ‘A’.


38.1 Aluminium doors / windows / ventilators / partitions, aluminium members shall be

provided as described in Schedule ‘A’ and as approved by GE. The fittings
associated with doors/windows/ventilators/partition and fixing shall be as per
manufacturer’s instructions. The panels shall be of glass / prelaminated particle
board all as described in Schedule 'A'.

38.2 PVC Neoprene gasket shall be used in the glazing beads and dressed the
shutters doors windows and ventilators.


CI pipes fittings and accessories shall conform to IS-1729-2002 fittings and
accessories shall conform to particular brand. Laying and fixing of pipes shall be all as
specified in Schedule ‘A’ and relevant clauses of MES Schedule Part-I.


These shall be cast copper alloy screwed type and conform to IS-8931-1993. The
minimum finished weight of bib taps and stop valves shall be as specified in clause
No. 18.15.1 of MES Schedule Part-I.


Testing shall be carried out all as per clause 18.55 of SSR Part-I. The whole of the
work is to be tested at the contractor’s expense at such time and in such a manner as
the GE shall direct and it shall be done to his entire satisfaction. Test result shall be
jointly recorded by contractor and Engineer-in-Charge for supply from each service
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42.1 Prelaminated particle boards shall conform to IS-12823, Grade-II and IS – 12823,
Grade-I for interior and exterior grade respectively.


Ball valves shall be brass or bronze, high pressure type conforming to IS-1703-2000
and as specified as Clause No. 18.19.of MES Schedule Part-I. The minimum weight of
Ball valve and wall thickness of float shall be as specified in clause No. 18.19 of MES
Schedule Part-I.


Gun metal gate shall be of size as indicates in Schedule ‘A’ and conform to relevant
IS-778. The weight of Gun Metal Gate Valves shall be as specified in Clause No.
18.102.1 of MES Schedule Part-I. The fixing of Gun Metal Gate Valve shall be carried
out all as specified in Clause No. 18.102.2 of MES Schedule Part-I.

45. TIMBER : Timber shall be of good quality well seasoned fairly uniform in colour and
texture & free from blemishes hollow pockets and loose knots and shall be free from
spiral or twisted grain , warp any kind of decay or live insect attack and cup shakes.
Timber shall be obtained either in cut sizes or as sleeper and cut to the required size
well in advance of the commencement of fabrication and stacked at site of work in
suitable manner for seasoning. The class of timber shall be as described in Sch ‘A’.
The species of timber shall be of Ist class HW Teak (Tectona Grandis)

The permissible defects shall be all as described in Clause No.7.5.2 on page No.7.2
of SSR Part-I. The timber to be used in the work shall be confirming to sample kept in
GE’s Office or superior.


PVC water tanks of size as indicates in Schedule ‘A’ and conform to IS-12701 -1996.
The tanks shall be fixed at the location as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The rate
quoted by the tenderer in Sch ‘A’ for this item shall be deemed to include the cost of
connection of inlet, overflow and washout pipes. Hosting of tanks into position shall be
carried out all as specified in Clause No. 18.60 of MES Schedule Part-I. The
connections shall be carried out as per manufacturer’s instruction and as directed by


Sluice valve shall be of size as indicated in Schedule ‘A’. Sluice valves shall be fixed
as specified in Clause No. 18.57.1 to 18.57.6 of MES Schedule Part-I.


The size of fencing posts shall be as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Fencing post
shall be precast and mix shall be as indicated in Sch ‘A’. Fencing post shall be
proposed all as specified in clause No. 4.22.1 to 4.22.4 of MES Schedule Part-I.


Galvanised steel barbed wire fencing shall conform to IS-278-2001 and as specified in
Clause No. 10.32 of MES Schedule Part-I. Barbed wire shall be stretched and fixed as
specified in Clause No. 10.32.1 of MES Schedule Part-I.
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Chain link fence shall be of galvanized wire and conform to IS-2712-2003 and as
specified in Clause No. 10.34 of MES Schedule Part-I. Size of wire and mesh shall be
as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Chain link fencing shall be fixed to fencing, posts
as indicated in Sch ‘A’ and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.


Steel rolling shall be conform to IS-6248-1979 and as specified in Sch ‘A’ and Clause
No. 10.23 of MES Schedule Part-I.


Collapsible steel gates shall be approved design and make. These shall be double
leaves as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Collapsible steel gate shall be all as
specified in Clause No. 10.24.2 to 10.24.5 of MES Schedule Part-I.


Chequered cement concrete tiles shall be conform to IS-1237-2006 at all as specified
in Sch ‘A’ and Clause No. 13.16 of MES Schedule Part-I. Chequered cement concrete
tiles shall be laid as specified in Sch ‘A’ Tiles shall be laid straight or to the pattern and
all as specified in Clause No. 13.39.1 and 13.39.2 of MES Schedule Part-I. Cutting
and polishing shall be done by machine as specified in Clause No. 13.39.3 of MES
Schedule Part-I. However hot mixture of turpentine and beeswax shall not be applied.


Gully traps shall be stone ware with grating conforming to IS – 651-1992. Size of gully
trap shall be as indicated in Sch ‘A’ shall be all as specified in Clause No. 18.28 of
MES Schedule Part-I

55. MIRROR :
Mirror shall be selected quality sheet glass not less than thickness specified in Sch ‘A’
with edges rounded of beveled as specified in Clause No. 18.38 of MES Schedule
Part-I. The mirror shall be of approved make and size shall be as indicated in
Schedule ‘A’.


Pressed steel door frames where indicated on Sch 'A', shall be as specified in clause
10.27 of SSR Part-I . Filling in pressed steel frame shall be with PCC (1:3:6) type CO
concrete. Mild steel pressed sheet shall be 1.25 mm thick and as directed by


(a) All cast iron fittings/specials for socket and spigot pipes required for the work
shall be procured and supplied by the contractor from his sources and shall be of
grade conforming to IS-1538-1993.

(b) The pipes are to be laid in such a way that the socket ends of the pipe should
be in the opposite direction to the flow of water so as to avoid direct impact of water
pressure at the joints of pipe line.
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58.1 Factory made timber panelled/gauzed/glazed/glazed door shutters shall be provided
to the over all sizes indicated the specifications generally conforming to IS-1003.
58.2 The timber for manufacture of stiles and rails/factory made panelled shutters shall be
2nd class hard wood timber other than teak. The species of timber chosen for stiles
and rails by the manufacturers shall have criteria of strength, coefficient, weight,
durability, treatability drying class and %age shrinkage not less than mango timber, as
given in group II of Annexure 'C' of IS-12896 (1990).
58.3 Tenderers are advised to note that the criteria as given in clauses 7.42, 7.7.3 of SSR
Part-I shall also be adhered to for this species of timber used. It shall be ensured that
the timbers are kiln seasoned and ASCU treated. ASCU treated shall be vacuum
pressure treatment conforming to IS-401. Each styles and rails shall be of the same
species and sizes required and each shall be out of one piece of timber only.
58.4 9 mm thick ply wood panel inserts (5/7 Ply) shall be bonded with phenol formal
dehyde synthetic resin adhesive BWR type conforming to IS-710.
58.5 12 MM thick panel inserts shall be flat pressed three layered veneered particle board
(commercial veneer) with BWR grade synthetic resin adhesive exterior grade
conforming to IS-3097 with ISI mark.
58.6 All members of the panelled shutter shall be straight without any warp or bow and
shall have smooth well planed faces at right angles to each other. The contact
surface of tenon and mortice joints shall be treated before putting together with
synthetic resin adhesive conforming to IS-351 suitable for construction work in wood.
58.7 The factory made panelled/gauzed/glazed shutters shall be obtained from any of the
approved manufacturers given in Appx ‘A’
58.8 However it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the shutters
comply in all respects with the contract specifications.
58.9 All surfaces of door shutters required to be painted ultimately shall be covered evenly
by brush painting with a priming coat of suitable pink primer. The painting of primer
shall be carried out after the door shutter is manufactured as approved by GE and
before incorporation in the work. The type of paint shall be as approved by the GE.

59. STEEL WINDOWS : Steel windows shall comply with IS-1038 of 1983 except with
regards to sizes which shall be as indicated and shall be of approved make.
The frames shall be constructed of sections mixed at corners. The corners of
frames shall be welded to form a solid fused welded joint. All the frames shall be
square and flat. The process of welding adopted may be flash butt welding or any
other suitable method which complies with the requirements listed in IS.. T section for
glazing bars shall be tenoned and riveted to the frames. Casements shall be fitted to
their frames so as to provide continuous contact for weathering on the inside and
outside and shall be secured in closed position by the fittings which shall have been
properly adjusted. Windows may have holes in the web of bars other than those
required during manufacture and fixing. Fixing of lugs shall have standard slot of
8mm wide for screws of 6mm dia and 12mm long with square nut.
For fixing steel hinges, slots shall be cut in the fixed frame and the hinges
inserted inside and welded to the frame. The hinges shall be projecting type and not
less than 65mm and not more than 75mm wide. The hinge pin shall be of electro
galvanised steel of suitable thickness. Where indicated, friction hinges shall be
provided for side hung windows.
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The handles for side hung shutters shall be of steel of the hot pressed brass,
where indicated and shall be mounted on a steel handle plate. The handle shall have
a two point nose which shall engage with steel/brass striking plate on fixed frame in a
slightly open position as well as in a fast position. The boss of the handle shall
incorporate a friction device to prevent the handle from dropping under its own weight
and the assembly shall be so designed that the rotation of the handle may not cause it
to unscrew from the pin. The strike plate shall be so designed and fixed in such a
position in relation that with the latter bearing against its stop, there shall be adequate
tight fit between the casement and the outer frames.


The Tiles shall conform to requirements of IS-654-1972, specification for clay roofing
tiles, mangalore pattern and all as specified in Cl No. 11.5, 11.5.1 of SSR Part-I.
Ridge tile shall conform to IS-1464-1992 and as specified in Cl. No. 11.6 of SSR part.
Workmanship for laying of roof tiles and ridge tiles shall be as given in Cl. No. 11.5.2
and 11.6.2 of SSR Part-I respectively.


Battens shall be fixed with nails over rafters all as given in Cl. No 7.20 of SSR Part – I.

The creosoting oil shall be type-I conforming to IS 218-1983 specifications for
creosote oil. The workmanship for creosoting timber surface shall be as given in Cl.
No. 17.11.2 of SSR Part – I.


Precast concrete Paver blocks shall conform to IS 15658:2006, Specifications for
precast concrete blocks for paving. Paver block shall be sound and free from cracks
or other visual defects. The tolerance on length or breadth of paver blocks shall be
+2mm and tolerance on thickness of tiles shall be +3mm. Water absorption shall not
be more than 6 percent by mass. The size, thickness of the paver block shall be as
mentioned in Sch ‘A’. the shape and laying pattern shall be all as directed by
The paver blocks shall be laid over 75mm thick stone grit / dust over rammed earth /
moorum filling.

TESTING: Testing of interlocking paver block for compressive strength shall be

carried out by MES either in Zonal laboratory or any other recognized laboratory so
designated by GE. The cost of testing including the cost of paver block shall be borne
by the contractor. Test Certificate so obtained shall invariably be submitted to
Engineer-in-Charge alongwith manufacturer test certificate.


Ceramic tiles shall conform to IS 13712-2006. The size and thickness of tiles shall be
as indicated in Schedule ‘A’. Bedding layer and backing coat shall be as indicated in
Schedule ‘A’. Tiles shall be laid, jointed and pointed as specified in schedule ‘A’ and
as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Tiles shall be of size and thickness as indicated in Schedule 'A'. Skirting height shall
be as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Bedding layer and backing coat shall be as
indicated in Schedule ‘A’ . Tiles shall be laid jointed and pointed as specified in
schedule ‘A’ and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The laying pattern of tiles using
different colours shall be as directed by Engr-in-Charge.


Hard core shall be provided all as specified in Clause. No. 3.27 of MES Schedule
Part-I. Hard core shall be broken stone of gauge n.exc 63mm, well graded to provide
dense and compact sub based. Hard core shall be spread, leveled in layers n.exc
15cm thick well rammed, watered and consolidated.



French polish shall be as described in Clause No. 17.7.4 of MES Schedule Part-I.
Alternatively ready mixed wood finish polish of polyurethane wood finish may be used as per
manufacturer’s instruction.

Polishing to Terrazzo / cement concrete tile shall be carried out all as described in Clause No.
13.39.3 of MES Schedule Part-I. Polishing to Kota Stone slab shall be carried out all as
descried in Clause No. 13.47.4 of MES Schedule Part-I and as directed by the Engineer-in-


Bees wax polishing shall be carried out all as described in Clause No. 17.7.5 of MES
Schedule `A’ Part-I and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.


70.1 FLY ASH BRICK MASONRY WORK: Where brick masonry is shown on drawing the
same shall be of fly ash bricks (cement bonded) factory made. Visually the bricks shall
be sound, compact & uniform in shape and free from visible cracks, warpage &
organic matters. The bricks shall be solid with frog 10 to 20 mm deep on one of its flat
side. The bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners & shall be
uniform in shape & colour. Bricks shall be manufactured by using standard & latest
technology with indigenous fly ash brick making machine and shall be of following
specifications :

70.2 Technical Specifications

(a) Size : 230 x 110 x 75 mm
(b) Compressive Strength : Avg 7.5 N / Tolerance shall be as per
clause 5.2 of IS:12894:2002.
(c) Water Absorption :Maximum 20 %
(d) Efflorescence : Nil
(e) Density : Approx. 1700 Kg/m3

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(f) Composition by weight :-

(i) Cement :– 10 %
(ii) Fly Ash : Thermal Station Fly Ash (Gde-II) confirming to IS:
3812:1981 for physical & chemical properties to be tested in accordance
with IS:727:1967- 40-45%.
(iii) Crushed Sand / Stone : VSI machine make Grade I containing round
shape particles – 50 – 55%.
(iv) Admixtures : Construction chemicals as per manufacturer’s
(g) Thermal Coductivity : 0.90–1.05 W/m2 0C (0.75–0.90 K cal/m2 hr 0C)

(h) Drying Shrinkage : Maximum Average drying test shrinkage 0.035 – 0.04 %
to be tested as per IS:4139.

(j) Brick Colour : Grey

(k) Bricks shall be tested in accordance and as described in IS : 3495 (Part-I to

IV). Sampling criteria for conformity of the bricks shall be as given in IS : 5454.
Each brick shall be marked in a suitable manner with manufacturer’s
identification ark or initials

(l) Bricks shall be procured from reputed manufacturer of fly ash bricks
satisfying following criteria :
(i) Manufacturing capacity of 25000 bricks / day.
(ii) Experience of min. five years in supply of bricks to Govt projects /
reputed projects.
(iii) Avg. Annual turnover of Rs.1.5 Crores.
Contractor shall intimate to GE, the name of manufacturer satisfying above conditions
from whom he intends to procure the bricks. GE, after verifying the credentials shall
approve the name of the manufacturer which shall be binding on the contractor.

70.3 FLY ASH BRICK WORK:-Provide Fly Ash Brick masonry at locations as shown on
drawings & as specified hereinunder:-
(a) Brick masonry 230 mm thick and above shall be built in CM (1:6) and that of 115 mm
thick shall be built in CM (1:4) with 10 mm thick joints. 115 mm thick brick walls shall
rest on PCC sub floor/RCC slab unless otherwise specified.

(b) In case of pillasters, suitable construction of these bricks shall be used and got
approved from GE. Necessary use of half bricks shall be made in the masonry work in
the appropriate places to ensure break in joints. If any gap is left which is less than 15
cm, same shall be filled in with cast-in-situ concrete (1:3:6) type C-1 in case of
wall/beam gap filling, the size of aggregate shall be decided to suit the thickness of

(c) In case where the height is less than the height of bricks (i.e space below lintel over
door/windows, ventilator cills and bottom of beam/slab etc), the portion of the walls
upto the nearest vertical joint of the adjoining course shall be filled with PCC (1:3:6)
type C-1 cast-in-situ and care taken so that the volume of PCC fill is kept minimum.
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(d) The sloping of walls below slab/beam lintel etc shall be done with PCC (1:3:6) type
C-1 cast-in-situ where required over and above full height of brick.
(e) As the brick masonry work progresses, joints in the masonry work should be raked
properly with suitable tool.
71. RCC PIPE :
RCC pipe shall be Class NP-2 and anyone of the make specified in list of make. The
pipes shall conform to IS-458-2003 and all as specified in Clause No. 18.29.3 of MES
Schedule Part-I. The laying and jointing of pipe shall be carried out all as specified in
Clause No. 18.74.1 to 18.74.5 of MES Schedule Part –I.


72.1 Water proofing treatment to roof slabs shall be carried out as under:-

(a) Treatment using Active poly propylene (APP) modified bituminous Membrane:-

(i) The roof surfaces shall be thoroughly wire brushed, washed, dried up
and cleaned of all foreign matter and dust to receive primer.

(ii) On the dried roof surface one coat of oil based primer @0.25 Kg/Sqm
shall be applied.

(iii) On this primed surface the Atactic poly propylene (APP) modified
bituminous water proofing membrane 4mm thick with non woven polyester
(centre core) as reinforcement weight of 4 Kg/Sqm shall be laid by torch
application method.

(iv) All angles and similar projections shall be sealed well with extra care to
ensure full bondage. All joints and changes in direction should be curved with
cement mortar (1:3) mixed with SBR latex 200ml/bag of cement and cured well
before laying the membrane.

(v) The membrane shall be taken up to height of minimum 300mm through

a concrete fillet of 75mm / 75mm & shall be inserted in side a grove cut in the
parapet and fixed. If the height of parapet is 300mm or less, membrane shall be
taken till top of the parapet and finished after covering the top surface of the
parapet. For RCC inverted beam, the whole beam shall be covered with
membrane irrespective of the depth. In case of roof projection, the membrane
shall be taken upto the roof edge and sealed by torch application. One coat of
solar reflective bituminous aluminium paint shall be applied.

(vi) Approved makes for APP membrane and treatment shall be as follows:-
(a) Moply of M/s Texsa (I) Pvt Ltd.
(b) Super Thermolay manufactured by M/S Shalimar Tar Products
(c) Torchshield of Dr Fixit (Pidilite Industries).

(vii) The overlap while torching shall be 100mm on longitudinal direction

and 100mm on transverse direction.
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(viii) The membrane shall be conforming to following specifications :-
(a) Softening point: minimum 150 degrees Celsius
(b) Cold flexibility: (-) 5 degrees Celsius
(c) Single central non-woven polyester reinforcement: not less than
160gm / Sqm.
(d) Tensile strength in longitudinal direction : 650N /5 cm
(e) -do- in transverse direction – 350 N/5 cm
(f) Min elongation: 20% in both directions.
(g) Dimensional stability: Max 1% change.
(h) Water tightness at : 2 Kg f/CM2.
(j) Water absorption: Not more than 1% of mass in 24 hours.
(k) Weight :- Not less than 4 Kg per sqm
(l) Thickness :- Not less than 4 mm

(ix) The above treatment shall be carried as per manufacturer’s instruction

through manufacturer authorized applicator only & record to that effect shall be
maintained. Each stage of treatment shall be approved by GE in writing to
ensure full-proof-ness of the treatment.

Note: - The contractor shall furnish the following:-

(i) Quality confirmation from the manufacturer of the product along with
quantity supplied.
(ii) Manufacturers test certificate with name of manufacturer printed on the
membrane & sticker which should specify name and details of the original
product. The firms importing the membrane & rebranding their own name
should give original product name of the manufacturer company.

(iii) Test certificates from any approved laboratory as directed by GE. The
testing charges shall however be borne by the contractor.

(x) Contractor shall submit original purchase voucher and test certificate of
the manufacturer co-relating the date of manufacture and batch number. The
test certificate shall indicate softening point cold flexibility, tensile strength and
elongation. The membrane shall contain the name of a manufacturer and
sticker (which should indicate the name and the details of original product)
which will be verified by the GE before approval for incorporation in the work.
The firms importing the membrane and re branding with their own name should
invariably intimate the original product name of manufacturing Co etc while
seeking approval.

(xi) GE shall carry out independent testing of the material from any one of
following testing laboratories.
(a) VJTI, Matunga Mumbai
(b) Shree Ram Institure, “Delhi
(c) Attulned polymers, 310, C-Wing, Bhaveshwar Plaza, LBS Marg
Ghatkopar (W) Mumbai.
All the expense for independent test shall be borne by the contractor.
(xii) The membrane for water proofing treatment shall be obtained from one
of the makes specified here-in-before and as approved by GE.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 124



(a) The contractor shall furnish a guarantee for water tightness of the water
proofing treatment for a period of 10 years from the date of completion of entire work
under this contract as certified by the GE. This guarantee shall be given on a non-
judicial stamp paper of appropriate value. During the aforesaid guarantee contractor
shall be solely responsible for the water tightness of roof slab. Any leakage/defects
noticed by the GE during this period shall be promptly rectified by the contractor
without any cost to the Government.

(b) Should the GE at any time during construction or reconstruction or prior to

expiration of 10 years guarantee period finds that the work executed is not in
conformity with the specifications agreed upon or if leakages of any kind are noticed,
the contractor shall on demand in writing from the GE specifying the buildings.
Complained of, notwithstanding that the work may have been inadvertently passed,
certified and paid for, shall forthwith get the work rectified at his own expense and
render the roofs slab free from leakage at his own expenses till the expire of the
guaranty period. In the event of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by
the GE, in his aforesaid demand, the GE may get the rectification/repairs done
through other agency at the risk and expense in all respect of the contractor. The
liability of the contractor for water tightness however, shall not extend beyond the
guarantee period of 10 years unless the GE has previously given notice to the
contractor to carry out the specific rectification/repairs.


CEBEX-100): Testing of slab for water tightness shall be carried out by ponding
method to entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.

72.4. All water proofing work using APP membrane shall be carried out through
manufacturer or their authorised applicator of respective manufacturers only.
Contractor shall produce valid certificate from respective manufacturer regarding
authentication and adequate experience of applicator. GE should verify correctness of
material, manufacturer and applicator, contractor intends to engage in the work and all
such record shall be sent to CWE for prior approval. List of authorised applicator for
APP based membranes for water proofing are as under:-

Ser Name of Company Name and address of applicator

1. STP Limited, 201-203 (i) M/s Laybond Constructions Pvt
B Wing, Sagar, Tech Plaza Ltd A, 156, Anu Apartments
Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri Govardhan Nagar, LBS Marg,
(East) Mumbai-400072 Mulund (West), Mumbai – 400 080
E-mail :
[email protected] (ii) M/s Bhagyalaxmi Enterprises
Tele:00-91-22-42530100 (30 lines) Shop No 1/1, Near Kapoor Silk
Fax – 00-91-22-28500137 Mills, Gamdevi Road, Gautam
Nagar, Bhandup (East) Mumbai –
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 125


Ser No Name of Company Name and address of applicator

(iii) M/s Shibam Ventures & Building
Materials (P) Ltd
1, Hira Mahal, Near Vandana Cinema,
Old Agra Road, Thane
(West) – 400602
(iv) Ajay Associates
Flat No 1A Blue Apartments
Pune – 411001
Priyanka Construction
9/13, Assissi Nagar, P L Lokhande
Marg, Chembur, Mumbai – 400043

2. Texas India Limited M/s KD Aher Building Systems Pvt Ltd.

Ganga Dham, Phase-II Office No 12 & 13, Nirmala complex,
# H-2, 304, Bibwewadi Kondhwa Behind Kohinoor Lodge, Chinchwad
Road, Pune – 411037 Station, Pune – 411009

E-mail – [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]

Mobile No. 91-9922441205 Mobile No – 91-9850557109
Fax – 91-02041274205 Fax No – 020-27473055

3. M/s Pidilite Industries Limited (i) Noble Protective Systems

Ramkrishna Mandir Road 201, Hill Green CHSL, Marol Maroshi
Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400059 Road,
E-mail : [email protected] Next to Zakaria Estate, Marol Andheri
Tele – 91-22-28357000 (East) Mumbai – 400059
Fax – 91-22-28367008 E-mail : [email protected]
Tele – 29207201/ 29207100
Mobile – 9820903152
(ii) JM Construction
297/5, Luniana Apartments, Flat No 1,
Behind Vlavan Village Resort
Old Mumbai Pune Road
Lonavla – 410403
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Tele – 952114277615
Mobile – 9324671901/ 9224421725

(iii) Choudhary Water Proofing

504, Linking Load, Opp Macdonald
Khar (West) – 400052
E-mail : [email protected]
Mobile – 9869047594 / 9820078052
(iv) All India Water Proofing Co.
384, A/4, Kapadia Mansion, 3rd Floor,
Near Novelty Cinema, Grant Road-
E-mail : [email protected]
Tele : 23076535/ 23080063
Fax : 23008048
Mobile : 983338754/ 9820154491/
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 126


Ser No Name of Company Name and address of applicator

(v) Laybond Bldg, A-156, Anu
Gavardhan Nagar, LBS Marg,
Mulund (West) – 400080
E-mail : [email protected]
Fax : 25684708
Mobile : 9821925570/ 9867200496/


73.1 In order to ensure that are no leakages integrated water proofing treatment for floor /
portion of wall of sunken portions shall be provided by the contractor as given in
succeeding paragraphs.

73.2 The contractor shall furnish a guarantee for water tightness of the water proofing
treatment for a period of 10 years from the date of completion of entire work under this
contract as certified by the GE. This guarantee shall be given on a non judicial stamp
paper of appropriate value. During the afore said guarantee period contractor shall be
solely responsible for the water tightness of Kitchen, WC, Bath and Toilet. Any
leakages / defects noticed by the GE during this period shall be promptly rectified by
the contractor without any cost to the Government.

73.3 Should the GE at any time during construction or reconstruction or prior to expiration
of 10 years guarantee period finds that the work executed is not in conformity with the
specifications agreed upon or if leakages of any kind are noticed, the contractor shall
on demand in writing from the GE specifying the WC, bath and Toilet, complained of,
not withstanding that the work may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid
for, shall forth with get the work rectified at his own expense and render the toilets
complained of, free from any type of leakages. In the event of his failing to do so
within a period to be specified by the GE, in his aforesaid demand, the GE may get
the rectification / repairs done through other agency at the risk and expense in all
respects of the contractor. The liability of the contractor for water tightness however
shall not extend beyond the guarantee period of 10 years unless the GE has
previously given notice to the contractor to carry out the specific rectification / repairs.

74.4 The amount of security deposit to be held back from the contractor’s bill against the
guarantee shall be @ 2% of the amount of water proofing treatment work subject to
maximum of Rs.10,000/-. This amount of security deposit shall be released to the
contractor after the expiry of the guarantee period.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 127



Although CORESEAL 135A/CORESEAL 135B is a two component system, it can be

used as a one component system. CORESEAL 135A/CORESEAL 135B as a one
component system.

.Step 1 : Add the required amount of CORESEAL 135B to the CORESEAL


.Step 2 : Mix it thoroughly until a homogenous mixture has been obtained, which
will be the case after about 2 minutes.

.Step 3 : The mix can be pumped by means of a single component injection

pump. Keep in mind that the potlife of the system is 70-90 minutes at 20o C.

. After the injection the pump should be cleaned with CORESEAL SOL
(These products may not contain any water).

. To prevent condensation on the liquids at the start of work, themperature

of the components should be at least as high as the ambient

. All opened drums of CORESEAL 135A and 135B should be purged with
dry nitrogen and capped when not in use.


. 100 parts by weight CORESEAL 135A.

. 59 parts by volume CORESEAL 135B
. 100 parts by volume CORESEAL 135A.
. 50 parts by volume CORESEAL 135B.

Coverage as achieved on site* (Very upon the site condition).

Area CORESEAL 135A and 135B 357A/CORESEAL 357 CAT
Structural rehabilitation As per actual site condition 3.5 Kg (10 Sqm)
RCC Base slab 12 to 12 KG (10 Sqm) 10 to 15 Kg (10 Sqm)
Wet Area’s (Sunken slabs) 5.5 to 6 KG (10 Sqm) 4 to 4.5 Kg (10 Sqm)


Property According to Unit Value
Tensile strength ASTM D 638 N/mm2 2.0-2.1
Elongation at break ASTM D 638 % 60-80
Shore hardness ASTM D 2240 60 – 80 A (20-30 D)

Note :- The operational data may vary from product to product or chemical hence the
WPT be carried out as per the manufacturer’s instruction or as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge as per site conditions/relevant provisions in the SSR Part-I 2009.
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 128



(a) The main contractor shall furnish a guarantee for water tightness of the water
proofing treatment for a period of 10 years from the date of completion of entire work
under this contract as certified by the GE. This guarantee shall be given on a non
judicial stamp paper of appropriate value. During the aforesaid guarantee contractor
shall be solely responsible for the water tightness of the WPT carried out. Any
leakage/defects notice by the GE during this period shall be promptly rectified by the
contractor without any cost of the Government.

(b) Should be GE at any time during execution or prior to expiration of 10 years

guarantee period finds that the work execute is not In conformity with the
specifications agreed upon or if leakages of any kind are noticed the contractor shall
on demand in writing from the GE specifying the defects not with standing that the
work may have been inadvertently passed certified and paid for shall forth with get the
work rectified at his own expense and render the defective area complained of free
from any type of leakages. In the event of his failing to do so within a period to be
specified by the GE in his aforesaid demand the GE may get the rectification/repairs
done through other agency at the risk and expense in all respect of the contractor.
The liability of the con tractor for water tightness however shall not extend beyond the
guarantee period of 10 years unless the GE has previously given notice to the
contractor to carry out the specific rectification/repairs.

(c) The amount of security deposit @ 2% of the cost of WPT carried shall be
retained from the contractor’s final bill against the guarantee for water proofing
treatment. Alternatively the contractor may give a separate interest bearing security
deposit favour of GE valid for 10 (Ten) years on this account. The amount shall be
refunded to him by GE after the successful expiry of the guarantee period.


Galvalume sheet shall be 0.50 mm thick (total coated thickness), 550Mpa minimum,
yield strength. It shall be coated with hot dip alloy of 55% Aluminium, 43.5% Zinc,
1.5% Silicon and finished with resin coat of both surfaces @ 150 gm/sqm of coating
(total both surfaces) having overall width and laid width as specified ans shall be fixed
using hot dip galvanized, self drilling and self tapping screws neoprene and EPDM
washers. Penetratiions and laps in sheet shall be sealed b using proper sealant
profile. HDPE fillers shall be provided wherever required to close voids between
sheets, sheet & fasteners etc.
Fixing system shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions and shall be safe against
effects of Wind velocity. All as specified in Cl No. 11.3 of SSR Part – I.

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 129



a) Scope : Providing plaster / render for concrete / masonry wall over internal and
external surfaces.

b) Specification : Readiplast is a ready mix cement plaster / render with high quantity
polymer additives, well graded sand and fillers for manual plastering applications.
Technical Parameters complies with IS 1661-1972, IS 2250-1965, IS 2402-1963.

c) Methodology :
i. Surface Preparation :
Prepare the surfaces before the Ultra Tech READIPLAST or of equivalent
application by removing oil bond inhibiting agents, dirt, dust and laitance.
The cleaning can be carried out with suitable methods like by using wire brush,
water jetting, mopping etc.
UltraTech BASEKRETE or of equivalent is recommended to level the surface in
case of higher undulations > 18mm or for any repair works to attain the flat, stable
and normal absorption back ground prior to Ultra Tech READIPLAST or of
equivalent for application.

ii. Mixing :
Mix Ultra Tech READIPLAST or of equivalent with 17-19 % by weight of water
using mechanical stirring for 2-3 minutes to ensure a consistency free of lumps.
Use spatula, aluminium floats or any suitable mechanical leveling device to
prepare the final finish.

iii. Application :
Pre-wetting of surface is required before applying plaster.
Apply Ultra Tech READIPLAST or of equivalent using mortar trowels, spatula and
can be applied by normal masons like conventional plasters.
For thickness above 12 mm adopt multiple layer applications up to the required
Ultra Tech READIPLAST-SP or of equivalent is recommended for spray machine

iv. Curing :
In normal weather conditions, no water curing is required during first 24 hours.
After 24 hours of plastering, curing should be done 2-3 times for 2-3 days.

v. Coverage :
0.16 to 0.23 Kg / Sft / mm thickness.

As per Relevant IS and ASTM Standards

Bulk Density 1500 – 1600 Kg / m²

Water powder ratio 17-19 % by weight
Pot life 1 hour @ 27°C
Compressive strength @ 28 days 8 – 9 Mpa
Coverage 0.16-0.23 Kg / Sq.ft / mm
Thickness of layer 8-15 mm per coat
Water curing 2-3 times for 2 – 3 days
Wastage Negligible
Final Finish Excellent

(Make : UltraTech Cement Ltd / Godrej / BuildWell / Ascolite)

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 130



List of makes to be incorporated in the work is given as under. The tenderer is free to
choose any of the makes mentioned here in below. However he shall give the specific
make in writing while submitting the tender. In absence of such letter, the decision of
the GE shall be final and binding
The make /Name of the firm wherever specified in the item of Schedule of works
(BoQ) shall take precendence over the list of makes mentioned hereunder and shall
be provided by the contractor as per the direction of GE :-

Sl.No Name of product Make / Name of firm

1. Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) (a) Lafarge (b) Ultra Tech (c) ACC
(d) RMC Ready Mix (e) Ramco
2. AAC Block (a) Siporex (b) HIL Limited
3. Factory made wooden shutters / (a) M/s Goel Brothers, Raipur.
Flush Doors (b) M/S Pioneer Timber Products, Chandigarh.
(c) M/s Goyal Industrial Corporation New Delhi
(d) M/s Jain Doors Pvt Ltd, Haryana
(e) M/s India Wood & Wood Products, Mangalore

4. Factory made PVC, FRP Shutters & (a) M/s Rajshri Plastiwood, Indore
Frames (b) M/s Sintex Industries Ltd.
(c) M/s Accucell
(d) M/s Dura Plast Extrusion

5. UPVC Doors, Windows & Ventilators (a) M/s Poly Windows Pune
(b) Aparna Profiles Pvt Ltd
6. Steel windows/ventilators (flash butt (a) M/s Madhu Industries
welded) / Press steel frame, Doors, (b) M/s Jangid Engineering Jaipur
Shutters (c) M/s Deccan Structural Pvt Ltd Bangaluru
(Remarks : Name of manu- (d) M/s Chandni Industries (e) M/S Ashwani & Sons
factures who do not manufacture (f) M/s Anup Industries (g) M/s Trisul Industries
steel windows with flash butt welding (h) Ashish Industries
shall be treated as deleted.)
7. Aluminium sections (a) Hindalco (b) Indal (Indian Al Coy)
(c) Jindal Aluminium Ltd.,
(d) Associated Profile & Aluminium Ltd
(e) Ajit India Pvt Ltd.,

8. Steel Rolling Shutters / Grills & (a) Shree Laxmi Engg Wks, Bangalore
Collapsible Gates (b) M/s Prakash & Co.
(c) M/s Swastik Rolling Shutters, Mumbai
(d) M/s Jayraj Industries, Chennai
(e) M/s Senthil Rolling Shutters, Mumbai
(f) M/s Darshan Rolling shutters, Nashik
(g) M/s Shalimar Rolling Shutters & Co.
(h) M/s Ganesh Rolling Shutters Hyderabad
(i) M/s Shaparia Dock & Steel
9. Hydraulic Door Closer (a) Everite (b) Universal (c) Harwin
(d) Perfect Hydraulic (e) Dyana

10. Mangalore Tiles (a) Charminar (b) Raja (c) RECHO

(d) Prajapat (e) Kerala Tile Wks, Trisur
11. FRP Manhole Covers, Frames & FIBROCAST
12. Ceiling and Linings
13. Perforated particle board / Tiles for (a) Anchor Ceiling Tiles (b) Arm Strong
Insulation and acoustic (c) Gypboard (d) Bison Panel
(e) Lagyp
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 131


Sl.No Name of product Make / Name of firm

14. Plywood (a) Kitply (b) Century Plywood (c) Archid Ply
(d) Green Ply (e) Anchor

15. Particle Board / Gypsum board (a) Mangalam Timber Product (b) Gypsum Board
(c) Jolly Bd, Mumbai, (d) Indian Gypsum Product
(e) Armstrong World
16. Laminated Sheets (a) Formica (b) Sun Gloss (c) Sunmica
(d) Backlyte Hylum (e) Eco Board

17. Prelaminated Particle Board (a) Novapan (b) Eco Board Industries, Pune
(c) Kitply (d) Century Plywood (e) Anchorlam

18. Block Board and Veneered Particle (a) Bajaj Boards (b) Nu Wood (c) A-1 Boards
Board (MDF Board) (d) Bhutan Board (e) Charminar
19. PGI Sheet/CGI Sheet/ (a) TATA (b) JSW
Meta colour sheet / Pre-coated (c) ESSAR
Galvalume sheet
19A. Galvanised (Plain / Corrugated) (a) TATA (b) JSW
Steel Sheet (c) ESSAR
20. AC Plain Sheets/ Corrugated Sheets (a) Charminar (b) Everest (c) UP Asbestos
(d) Ramco
22. Glazed Ceramic wall / Flooring Tiles (a) Johnson Tiles (b) Kajaria (c) Somany
(d) AGL Tiles (e) RAK Ceramic Tiles

23. Non Skid Ceramic Tiles (a) Johnson Tiles (b) Kajaria (c) Somany
(d) RAK Ceramic Tiles
24. Vitrified Tiles / Heavy duty exterior (a) Johnson Marbonite (b) Kajaria (c) Somany
vitrified / Anti Slip Vitrified tiles (d) AGL Tiles (e) RAK Ceramic Ltd.
25. Cement / Terrazo/ Flooring Tiles (a) M/s Nitco, Mumbai (b) M/s Mehtab Tiles, Indore (c)
(Plain / chequered) National Tiles
(d) Bharat Tiles and Engg Coy, Bangalore
(e) Modern Tiles and Marbles, Bangalore
26. Acid Resistant Tiles (a) M/s Johnson, Mumbai (b) Somany (c) Kajaria (d) M/s
Burn Standard Co, Jabalpur
(e) M/s Purshuram Pottery Wks, Marvi

27. Cement Concrete Interlocking Paver (a) Mehtab Tiles, Indore (b) M/s Ultra Tiles,
Blocks / Tiles (c) Nitco (d) Patel Furniture Mart
(e) Navya Tiles, Jodhpur

28. PVC Sheet and Tile Flooring (a) Krishna Vinyl Tiles (b) Armstrong
(c) M/s Marblex Tiles (d) Polyfin Tiles
(e) Square Foot

29. Water Proofing Compound (a) Pidilite Industries Ltd, Taloja

(b) FOSROC (c) Dr. Fixit

30. APP Membrane (a) STP (b) Texsa Ind Ltd (c) IWL Ltd
(d) Tiki Tar

CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 132


Sl.No Name of product Make / Name of firm

29. Oil Bound Distemper (a) Nerolac (b) Berger Paints
(c) ICI India (d) Asian Paints
30. Plastic Emulsion Paint (a) Asian Paints (b) Berger Paints (c) Nerolac
(d) Shalimar Paints

31. Cement Base Paint (a) Super Snowcem (b) Duracem (c) Aquacem
(d) Shalimar (e) Berger
32. Cement Putty (a) Birla Cement (b) JK White (c) Asian
(d) Jenson & Nicolson
33. Synthetic Enamel Paint (a) Asian Paints (b) Berger Paints (c) Nerolac
(d) ICI Paints (e) Dulux
34. Weather proof exterior emulsion (a) Apex Ultima (asian paints)
(b) “Weather coat All Guard” of Berger Paint
(c) “Excel Top Guard” of Nerolca
(d) “DULUX Weathershield Max” of ICI India
35. Dry distemper (a) Decolite (b) Johnson & Nicholson
36. Wall care putty (a) JK Cement (b) Birla White
37. Sheet Glass plain / Frosted / Heat (a) Hindustan Pilkington Glass Works
absorbing Glass & Reflective Solar (b) Saint Gobain (c) Modiguard (d) Asahi
Control Film (e) Atul Glass Industries (f) Golden Fish
38. Oil Putty (a) Jenson & Nicolson (b) Asian (c) Burger

39. Mirror (a) Modi (b) Atul (c) Saint Gobain (d) Swastik

40. PVC box type cabinet mirror (a) Prayag (b) Nilkamal (c) Shakti
41. Stainless steel Plate rack (a) Blue Star (Silvershine) (b) Nirali
(c) SPC (Selected Products Co. (d) Jayna (e) Prayag
42. CI Pipe and fittings (a) Electro-Steel (b) Kejriwal (c) NECO
(d) Kesoram

43. GI Pipes / tubing and Fittings (a) Tata (b) Jindal (c) Prakash (d) Swastik

44. DI Pipes & Fittings (a) Jindal Ltd (b) Electrosteel Castings Ltd. W.B.
(c) Tata Metalinks, Kolkata (d) SAW Pipes
(e) Srikalahasthi Pipes Ltd.
45. MS Pipes & Fittings (a) Tata (b) Jindal (c) Zenith (d) BST

46. HDPE Pipes & Fittings (a) Finolex (b) PRINCE (c) Supreme
(d) JAIN Irrigation System
47. (Chlorinated PolyVinyl Chloride) (a) FINOLEX (b) Dutron (c) SFMC
CPVC Pipes & Fittings (d) Birla Aerocon

48. PVC / UPVC Pipes, Fittings – Soil, (a) Supreme (b) PRINCE (Ultrafit) (c) HIL Ltd
Waste, Rainwater (SWR) & (d) Finolex
Drainage Pipes
49. PPR Pipes & Fittings (a) Supreme (b) PRINCE (Ultrafit)
(c) SHK Polymers (d) Finolex
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 133


Sl.No Name of product Make / Name of firm

50. CI Pipes – Soil, Waste, Rainwater (a) NECO Nagpur,
(SWR) & Drainage Pipes (b) SKF (Singhal Iron Foundry, Mathura)
(c) Kapilansh, Nagpur (d) Electro Steel
(e) Anand Founder & Engineers
51. AC Pipes – Soil, Waste, Rainwater (a) M/s Everest Asbestos Hyderabad
(SWR) & Drainage Pipes (b) Vishakha Ind Ltd.
(c) Hyderabad Asbestos Cement (Charminar)
(d) M/s Ramco
52. RCC Pipes, Drain Pipes (a) Dhere Concrete Products, Pune (b) Everest
(c) Himalaya (d) Indian Hume Pipe
(e) Vardhaman Concrete Product, Pune
(f) Thuluvananikal Pipes
53. Air Release Valve (a) Leader (b) BIR (c) Kirloskar (d) Upadhyay
(e) Sant (f) L & T
54. Foot Valves (a) Leader (b) Kirloskar (d) Upadhyay (e) Sant
55. Reflex Valves (a) Leader (b) Kirloskar (c) Upadhyay (d) L&T
(e) Sant
56. Sluice Valves (a) Leader (b) Kirloskar (c) Upadhyay (d) L&T
(e) Zoloto (f) BIR
57. Butterfly Valves / Disc Valves (a) Leader (b) Kirloskar (c) Upadhyay (d) L&T
(e) Zoloto (f) Sant
58. Gate Valves (a) Leader (b) Zoloto (c) Sant (d) SEIKO

59. Water Meter (a) Capstan (b) Dashmesh (c) Kaycee (d) Capital
(e) Anand Asahi (f) Kirloskar

60. PVC Water Tanks (a) Sintex (b) Polycon, Jaipur (c) Rotax
(d) Asish Plast

61. Brass CP Bib Cock / Stop Cock / (a) Jaquar (b) Marc (c) CERA (d) Kohler
Pillar Cock
62. PVC Stop Cock, Bib Cock , Pillar tap (a) Prayag Polymer (b) Jaypee (c) GMP (d) Neta
and Ball valve & accessories (e) Zoloto (f) Symet
63. Gun-Metal Globe or Gate Valve (a) Leader (b) BIR (c) Zoloto (d) Kirloskar

64. Fancy type (Chromium plated) bib (a) Jaguar (b) Marc (c) ESS-ESS (d) Plumber
tap, stop valves, Shower rose and
Pillar taps, Towel ring, Toilet Paper
holder, Towel rail etc
65. Sanitary Fittings – Water Closet / (a) Parryware (b) Jaquar (c) RAK Ceramics
Urinals / Wash Hand Basin (WHB) - (d) Hindware (e) CERA (1st Class)
Vitrous China / Squatting Orissa (f) Johnson
67. Flushing Cistern – PVC Low Level (a) Parryware (b) Commander (c) RAK Ceramics
(d) M/s Johnson Peddar (e) CERA (1st Class)
68. Plastic Seat Covers for EWC (a) Parryware (b) Commander (c) RAK Ceramics
(c) Neyveli Ceramics (Neycer) (d) CERA (1 Class)
69. Stainless Steel Sink (a) Jayna (b) Nirali (c) Prayag (d) Blue Star
(e) Neelkanth

70. Shower Rose (a) Jaquar (b) CERA (c) Crabtree (d) Kohler
71. Water Closet- Vitreous China (a) CERA (b) RAK Ceramics (c) Parryware
(European / Indian)/ Squatting Pan / (d) Hindware (e) Johnson
Orissa Pan
72 Flushing Cistern – PVC Low Level (a) M/s Johnson Peddar (b) Parryware
including Flush Valves & Fittings for (c) M/s RAK Ceramics (d) CERA
WC & Urinals
73 Plastic Seat Covers of EWC (a) M/s RAK Ceramics (b) CERA (c) Parryware
(d) Neycer
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 134


Sl.No Name of product Make / Name of firm

74. Urinals – Vitreous China (a) M/s Neyveli Ceramics (b) CERA (c) Parryware
(d) Hindware (e) Johnson (f) Jaquar

75. Wash Hand Basin – Vitreous China (a) M/s Neyveli Ceramics (b) CERA (c) Parryware
(d) Hindware (e) Johnson (f) Jaquar

76. Change Over Switch / Starter / (a) Havells (b) Siemens (c) L&T (d) Crompton Greaves
Contactor DOL / Star-Delta / (e) ABB (f) GE
Note - Materials to be incorporated in the work shall be superior/1st quality of the makes given above

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)
CA No: GE (S) / OF 2021-2022 SERIAL PAGE NO 135


1.0 : Guidelines for Construction Sites post-LockDown (COVID-19 Outbreak)

1.01 All Protocol including Emergency Response must be laid out at every on-going project as per
guidelines issued by local Municipal Authority / District collector.

1.02 Daily Morning Briefing Sessions & Safety (Tool-Box & Health) Meeting will be arranged to
review & ensure site protocols in view of highly dynamic scenario ensuring social distancing norms.
During these sessions, Health & Safety Officers on site must inform everyone including workers
about the safety guidelines and important updates.

1.03 All Necessary arrangements for public announcements shall be made at every on-going

1.04 Mandatory Thermal Scanning of everyone entering and exiting a construction site will be done
for checking fever / body temperature. If anyone leaves and re-enters the site during the shift, re-
screening of the individual will be done prior to re-entry into the work site.

1.05 Provision for Water & Soap / HandWash / Sanitizer (touch-free recommended) will be made
at all Entry/Exit points and Common areas (including specific locations on higher floors)

1.06 All construction workers and site engineering staff will be required to wash & sanitize his/her
hands before entering the site. Same procedure to be followed after exiting the premise. Sufficient
quantities of HandWash / Soaps and related items should be available at the site.

1.07 Everyone entering site area (including construction labour) should mandatorily wear face

1.08 Hand gloves should be used by the workers who are handling material coming from outside.
Re-usable equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and should not be shared with theirs.

1.09 There will be strict ban on Gutka, Tambaku, Paan etc. on site and spitting in common area
shall be strictly prohibited and may attract with heavy fines.

1.10 Food should be consumed at designated areas only ensuring social distancing. Common
sitting arrangements should be removed.

1.11 Bathrooms & Toilets Usage must be scheduled to avoid crowding and all arrangements
should be made to ensure social distancing at these spots.

1.12 Goods Movement Passes to be issued by local police to allow construction material on site.
Proper Disinfection to be done for all vehicles entering the site.

1.13 Entire construction Site will be disinfected on daily basis (including site office, labour
camp, canteens, pathways, toilets, entry / exit gates). Housekeeping team should be provided with
necessary equipment.

1.14 There will be total ban on non-essential visitors at sites (including from Head office staff,
consultants etc.).

1.15 Hospital/clinics authorized to treat COVID-19 patients, should be identified and list should be
displayed at Site all the time. A doctor should visit periodically (at least once a week) at site on
allotted time for any medical assistance.

1.16 Appropriate signage at construction site spelling out safety practices in the local language /
Hindi which is understood by all.
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1.17 50% Engineering Staff to be allowed to travel to site only through private own vehicle. No ride-
sharing to be done strictly. Police to issue travel passes to construction staff / engineers who do not
live in the containment zones as designated by local authority. For any confusion, clarification and
update, everyone should approach GE/ Engineer-in- Charge Project Manager / Safety-In charge. Do
not believe on rumours and don’t spread them.

2.0 : Guidelines for Construction Site Workers

2.01 On day 0, before resuming the work on sites post lockdown period, mandatory medical check-
up will be arranged for all workers.

2.02 The workers coming from outside should observe home-quarantine for at-least 14days as per
the guidelines issued by MoHFW.

2.03 Only medically fit workers will be deployed at site and medical assistance will be arranged for
unfit workers. Medical check-up camp should be arranged periodically.

2.04 A unique photo identity card with serial number will be issued to all the workers and their family
members staying at site. Proper record of all these workers will be maintained.

2.05 Construction Workers will not be allowed to go outside site area. All the essential items will be
made available to them at site only. If necessary, they can go out wearing face mask, after informing

2.06 No outside worker will be allowed to stay at site without following proper procedure and

2.07 Start time on site will be staggered to avoid congestion at the entry gates. Number of workers
working at a particular time / place will be reduced by making arrangements for different shifts / areas.
Accordingly, additional staff such as security guards, supervisors etc. may be deployed.

2.08 As in most cases, workers reside at the Sites, hence no travel arrangements are required for them.
The workers staying outside (which are always nearby) should reach at the site either by walking
or by bicycle.

2.09 During attendance, training and other sessions, social distancing guidelines will be followed along
with provision of no-touch attendance.

2.10 All workers may be advised to take care of their own health and look out for respiratory
symptoms/fever and, if feeling unwell, should leave the workplace immediately after informing their
reporting officers.

2.11 Workers should not shake hands when greeting others and while working on the site.

2.12 Mandatorily wear face masks while working on site. While not wearing masks, cover your mouth
and nose with tissues if you cough/sneeze or do so in the crook of your arm at your elbow.

2.13 Avoid large gatherings or meetings. Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance from persons,
especially with those having flu-like symptoms, during interaction.

2.14 Not more than 2/4 persons (depending on size) should be allowed to travel in lifts or hoists. Use of
staircase for climbing should be encouraged.

2.15 Workers should clean hands frequently by washing them with soap and water for at least 40 seconds.
When hand washing isn’t possible, alcohol-based hand sanitizer with greater than 70% alcohol should be

2.16 Workers should not share their belongings like food, water bottles, utensils, mobile phones
etc. with others. The utensils should be washed properly post use at designated place.
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2.17 Post work, workers should change their clothes before leaving the site and clothing should not be
shook out.

2.18 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

2.19 All vehicles and machinery entering the premise should be disinfected by spray mandatorily.

2.20 All construction material arriving at site should be left idle for 2 days before use to ensure safe

2.21 Non-touch garbage bins with biodegradable garbage bag should be installed for waste collection
at all common access areas. Proper disposal of garbage bags along with daily cleaning and sanitization of
bins should be ensured.

2.22 Wipe down interiors and door handle of machines or construction vehicles, the handles of
equipment and tools that are shared, with disinfectant prior to using

(Signature of Contractor) (Kashi Prasad, IDSE)
Date Garrison Engineer (S)

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