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Create an If function to calculate whether each movie was a flop or a success.

Use the following criteria:

If the profit was less than 100,000,000 then the movie is a "Flop"
Otherwise the movie is a "Success"
Copy the function down to rate each movie in the list.

Movie Budget ($) World Gross ($)

Spider-Man 3 258,000,000 887,436,184
King Kong (2005) 207,000,000 553,080,025
Superman Returns 204,000,000 391,081,192
Spider-Man 2 200,000,000 784,024,485
Titanic 200,000,000 1,835,400,000
Chronicles of Narnia, The 180,000,000 748,806,957
Wild Wild West 175,000,000 217,700,000
Evan Almighty 175,000,000 120,698,890
Waterworld 175,000,000 264,246,220
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 170,000,000 433,058,296
Polar Express, The 170,000,000 296,596,043
Van Helsing 170,000,000 300,150,546
Shrek the Third 160,000,000 733,012,359
Poseidon 160,000,000 181,674,817
Alexander 155,000,000 167,297,191
Pearl Harbor 151,500,000 450,500,000
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 150,000,000 892,213,036
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 150,000,000 822,828,538
Mission: Impossible III 150,000,000 397,501,348
Troy 150,000,000 497,298,577
Use the following criteria:

Profit Flop or Not?

Create an If function to calculate a bonus for each player based on the
following criteria:

If a player's Goals Scored meets or exceeds his Goals Target, he receives a

bonus equal to £1000 for each goal he has scored

Otherwise he receives an encouraging message: "Try Harder"

Target Scores
Name Goals Target Goals Scored Bonus
Rooney 15 15
Drogba 20 18
Ronaldo 15 16
Owen 20 18
Torres 18 14
Essien 12 8
Viduka 15 16
Calculate the price:

If the number of gallons is less than and equal to 500 gallons, price is $23 multiplied by the number of gallons:

Otherwise if it exceeds 500 gallons, the first 500 gallons are multiplied by $23 and the remaining gallons are multiplied by $20

Number of Gallons Price

ed by the number of gallons:

d the remaining gallons are multiplied by $20

Cost per gallon fo the

first 500 gallons $23
Cost per gallon for
above 500 gallons $20
You have a stock portfolio. In column C you have the purchase price and column
D the last price.

Write the result in column E if you gain money :

If Buy is less than Last, the difference between Last and Buy would be your gain;
Otherwise, you have no gain - $0.00:

In column F, you will calculate your loss::

If Buy is greater than Last, the difference between Buy and Last would be your
Otherwise, you have no loss - $0.00

After the If function, multiply it by your volume of stocks.

Stock Volume Buy Last Gain Loss
AAA 25 35.4 45.8
BBB 53 42.8 37.5
CCC 50 86.1 88
DDD 75 75 69
EEE 100 8 10
You need to calculate the payroll for your employees. Each employee’s income tax rate is based on their monthly gross pay.

1. Using Vlookup function, in which tax bracket does each employee belong to according to his/her Monthly Gross Pay?

2. Using again Vlookup function, what tax rate is applicable to each employee's Monthly Gross Pay?

3. Calculate the Net Pay after taxes are taken out.

Net Pay =Monthly Gross Pay – (Monthly Gross Pay * Tax Rate)

Employee Name Tax Bracket Tax Rate

Monthly Gross Pay
David $1,250
Valerie $1,470
Francois $1,650
Yumiko $2,400
Stefan $2,700
Esculier $1,900
Jerome $2,000
Paul $3,000

Tax Table
Income Level Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$1 Bracket A 5%
$1,000 Bracket B 6%
$1,300 Bracket C 8%
$1,600 Bracket D 9%
$2,000 Bracket E 10%
x rate is based on their monthly gross pay.

to according to his/her Monthly Gross Pay?

ee's Monthly Gross Pay?

Net Pay
1. Using VLOOKUP function, indicate the name of the Adviser of each student based on their Major.

2. Using VLOOKUP function, identify who is the Teacher assigned to each student based on the Elective they have chosen.
Student ID Name Major Elective Code Adviser
2009-0258 Eden Villalon Database 148
2009-0687 Arrah Lou Mascardo Networking 149
2009-7894 Riza Joy Bojadores Multimedia 149
2009-0365 John Paul Dignadice Networking 148
2009-2678 Ravi Villanueva Multimedia 179
2009-0364 Wilbert Go Database 180
2009-0346 Celine Biñas Multimedia 150
2009-3647 Leslie Tan Database 180
2009-0911 Sweet Villaluz Networking 179

Major Adviser
Database Prof. Jose Trillo
Multimedia Prof. Vladimir Oliva
Networking Prof. Rodulfo Dorado

Elective Code Teacher

148 Prof. Limpin
149 Prof. Doce
150 Prof. Oliva
178 Prof. Catedrilla
179 Prof. Trillo
180 Prof. Dorado

lective they have chosen.

Elective Teacher

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