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Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 4: Week 1-8

Division of Angeles City

Name of learner: ___________________________ Section: ___________________



Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a systematic process following a four-step procedure that includes

the following:

1. State the hypothesis to be tested. The first step in hypothesis testing involves the
statement of the claim that you want to test. For instance, you want to validate the claim
that the mean number of hours of sleep of college students is 5 hours.
2. Set the standard that describes whether the claim is true or not. For example, in order to
validate the claim that the mean number of hours of sleep of college students is 5, then
majority of the chosen samples should have a mean number of hours of sleep that is
equal to or close to 5. This is the criterion.
3. Compute the test statistic. After the sample is selected, compute the test statistic, which is
usually the sample mean. For instance, choose 20 college students at random and
compute the mean number of hours they sleep every day.
4. Make the decision. This step involves comparing the mean of the chosen sample of 20
students to the expected mean number of hours of sleep of all college students. For
example, if the sample mean is close to the parameter, accept the validity of the
hypothesis is refuted.

There are two types of statistical hypotheses: the null hypothesis and the alternative
hypothesis. The null hypothesis, denoted by HO, is the hypothesis to be tested. It has a statement
of equality, such as ≥, ≤, or =. On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis, denoted by HA, is
the hypothesis that has no statement of equality, such as >, <, or ≠. For instance, in the same
example of testing the claim that the mean number of hours of sleep of college students is 5, the
null and alternative hypotheses, respectively, are the following:

Ho: The mean of the number of hours of sleep of college students is equal to 5.

Ha: The mean of the number of sleep of college students is not equal to 5.

Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The null hypothesis is a statement that asserts the value to which the population
parameter is equal and is presumed to be true. The alternative hypothesis, on the other
hand, is a statement that negates the null hypothesis.

Example 1: Tell whether the following statement is a null or an alternative hypothesis, “The
mean general weighted average (GWA) of the college students in City College
of Angeles City is 84.8”.

Solution: The statement “The mean general weighted average (GWA) of the college
students in City College of Angeles City is 84.8” is an example of a null
hypothesis because it describes a value that is equal to the population parameter.
The related alternative hypothesis can be stated as any of the following:
a. The mean GWA of the college students in City College of Angeles City is not
equal to 84.8.
b. The mean GWA of the college students in City College of Angeles City is greater
than 84.8.
c. The mean GWA of the college students in City College of Angeles City is less
than 84.8.

Types of Hypothesis Testing

There are two basic types of hypothesis testing procedures depending on the alternative

1. The directional test of hypothesis, more commonly referred to as one-tailed test,

makes use of only one side or tail of the statistical model or distribution. It can either be a
right-tailed or left-tailed test.

a. Right-tailed test: It is used when an assertion is made that the difference falls within
the positive end of the distribution. The alternative hypothesis uses comparatives such
as greater than, higher than, better than, superior to, exceeds, above, increased, etc.

b. Left-tailed test: It is used when an assertion is made that the difference falls within the
negative end of the distribution. The alternative hypothesis uses comparatives such
as less than, smaller than, inferior to, lower than, below, decreased, etc.
2. The non-directional test of hypothesis, more commonly referred to as two-tailed test,
makes use of two opposite sides or tails of the statistical model or distribution. It is used
when no assertion is made as to whether the difference falls within the positive or the
negative end of the distribution. The alternative hypothesis uses comparatives such as not
equal to, different from, not the same as, etc.

Let us illustrate the different type of hypothesis test.

1. right-tailed test

HO: The daily average time spent by Filipinos on social media is at most 4 hours a day.
HA: The daily average time spent by Filipinos on social media is more than 4 hours a day.

2. left-tailed test

HO: The daily average time spent by Filipinos on social media is at least 4 hours a day.
HA: The daily average time spent by Filipinos on social media is less than 4 hours a day.

3. two-tailed test

HO: The daily average time spent by Filipinos on social media is 4 hours a day. (HO:μ=4)
HA: The daily average time spent by Filipinos on social media is not equal to 4 hours a
day. (HA:μ≠4)

Level of Significance

The level of significance, denoted by α (alpha), is the probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis when it is really true.
In hypothesis testing, the researcher decides what level of significance to use at the
beginning of the test. Conventional significance levels such as 0.05 and 0.01 are frequently used
in hypothesis testing because of the desire to maintain a low probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is actually true.
An α=0.05 means that there is a 5% chance of rejecting a true null hypothesis. Here is
another way of putting it: A 5% significance level implies that we are 95% confident that we have
made the right decision of rejecting the null hypothesis. The similar argument follows for α=0.01.

Rejection Region
The rejection region pertains to the set of all values for which the null hypothesis will be
The following table shows the types of hypothesis test and their corresponding rejection

The decisions we make about the population are based on the samples and the result of
the test on HO; the result may be negative or positive relative to the null hypothesis. If the result
corresponds with reality, then a correct decision has been made. Otherwise, an error must have
been committed. There are two types of possible errors in hypothesis testing, the type I and type II

A type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true. This means that
a true hypothesis is incorrectly rejected. On the other hand, A type II error occurs when the null
hypothesis is not rejected when it is false.

There are four possible outcomes in the situation. Philip either does or does not have
dengue fever, and either he will receive treatment or not. We have the following hypotheses:

HO: Philip does not have dengue fever.

HA: Philip has dengue fever.

Based on the blood test results, the doctors decide on Philip’s treatment.
If Philip receives treatment but he does not have dengue fever, then a type I error has been
committed (see Quadrant A). On the other hand, if Philip receives treatment and he has dengue
fever, then a correct decision has been made (see Quadrant B).

If Philip does not receive treatment and he does not have dengue fever, a correct decision
has been made (see Quadrant C). However, if Philip does not receive treatment and he has dengue
fever, then a type II error has been committed (see Quadrant D).

In reality, the null hypothesis may or may not be true, and a decision is made to reject or
not reject it on the basis of the data obtained from a sample. In every hypothesis testing situation,
there are two possibilities for a correct decision and two possibilities for an incorrect decision. This
is illustrated by the following table:

Probability of Committing Type I and Type II Errors and Power of a Test

The probability α of committing a type I error is given by

α=P(reject HO when HO is true).

The probability of a type I error is called the level of significance and is usually set by the
researcher. For example, if α=0.05, then there is a 5% probability that we will reject the null
hypothesis when it is true.

The probability P of committing a type II error is given by

P=P(fail to reject HO when HO is not true).

The z−score is used to find the corresponding tail area of the probability of committing type I and
type II errors.

x̄ − μ
𝑧= σ


x̄ = sample mean;
𝜇 = population mean;
𝜎 = population standard deviation; and
n = sample size

Example 2: Consider the following hypothesis test:

𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇𝑜 ≤ 15

𝐻𝑎 : 𝜇𝑜 > 15
Suppose it is known that the population has a standard deviation of 8 and a sample with
size 36 was randomly selected. If you decide to reject the null hypothesis when the sample mean
is 17 or greater, calculate the probability of committing a type I error.
Solution: The test is directional and is right-tailed. You will commit a type I error if the observed
sample falls within the rejection region, that is, if x̄>17. The graph below illustrates the probability
of commiting type I error.

𝛼 = 𝑃(𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝐼 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟)

𝜇 = 15 x̄ = 17

Since x̄ = 17 corresponds to a z-score of 8 = 1.5, then

𝛼 = 𝑃(x̄ > 17) = P(Z > 1.5)

𝛼 = 𝑃(x̄ > 17) = 0.5 − 0.4332

𝛼 = 𝑃(x̄ > 17) = 0.0668
Thus, the probability of committing a type I error is 6.68%.


 Illustrate: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; (c) level of significance; (d)
rejection region; and (e) types of errors in hypothesis testing. (M11/12SP-IVa-1)
 Identify the parameter to be tested given a real-life problem (M11/12SP-IVa-3)

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper
ACTIVITY-1: Answer the following question on a sheet of paper.
1. Differentiate a null hypothesis from an alternative hypothesis.
2. Differentiate the non-directional test from the directional test.

3. Given the null hypothesis, “The mean age of the patients in a hospital is equal to 26”, state
the alternative hypothesis if the test is
a. right-tailed;
b. left-tailed
c. two-tailed

ACTIVITY- 2: Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. The level of significance of a certain test is 0.05. What does this means?

A. The degree of certainty required to reject the alternative hypothesis in favor of the null
hypothesis is 0.05.
B. The degree of certainty required to accept the null hypothesis over the alternative
hypothesis is 0.05.
C. The degree of certainty required to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative
hypothesis is 0.05.
D. The degree of certainty required to reject both of the null and alternative hypotheses is

2. In a certain hypothesis testing procedure the rejection region is 𝑧 < −1.96. What does this

A. The rejection region is composed of values found on the right side of −1.96 in a normal
B. The rejection region is composed of values found on the left side of −1.96 in a normal
C. The rejection region is the value −1.96.
D. The rejection region is composed of values greater than −1.96.

3. The average weight of the whole chickens sold at Pampang Market is 1.26 kg. A random
sample of 40 chickens shows that the mean weight is 1.34 kg. What is the alternative
hypothesis of the problem?

A. 𝜇 = 1.26 C. 𝜇 ≠ 1.26
B. 𝜇 ≥ 1.26 D. 𝜇 < 1.26

4. What is a type of error wherein the null hypothesis is rejected when in fact it is true.

A. Type I error C. Type III error

B. Type II error D. Type IV error

5. Given that 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 = 100 and 𝐻𝑎 : 𝜇 ≠ 100, a researcher rejected the null hypothesis when
𝜇 = 100. What type of error did the researcher commit?

A. Type I error C. Type III error

B. Type II error D. No error

6. Given that 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 = 100 and 𝐻𝑎 : 𝜇 ≠ 100, a researcher accepted the null hypothesis when
𝜇 = 100. What type of error did the researcher commit?

A. Type I error C. Type III error

B. Type II error D. No error

7. A school administrator claims that the mean IQ of all the students in their school is 126. A
supervisor wants to test this claim. In the hypothesis testing made by the supervisor, she
rejected the null hypothesis when the true population mean is 126. What type of error did
the supervisor commit?

A. Type I error C. Type III error

B. Type II error D. No error

8. What is a type of error wherein the null hypothesis is accepted when in fact it is false?

A. Type I error C. Type III error

B. Type II error D. Type IV error

9. A shop owner claims that his shop earns an average of P10 000 a day with a standard
deviation of P850. To test this claim, a random sample of 40 operating days was tested
and found that the mean is P10 450. What is the z-score of the sample mean P 10 450?

A. 1.15 C. 2.48
B. 1.83 D. 3.35

10. A nutritionist wants to estimate the mean amount of junk food that is consumed by teenagers
aged 11 to 14 years in a week. From a random sample of 50 teenagers, the mean amount
of junk food consumption per week is 250 g. What is the parameter in the problem?

A. random sample of 50 teenagers

B. ages of 11 to 14 years
C. mean amount of junk food consumption per week
D. mean amount of junk food consumption of teenagers aged 11 to 14 years


Department of Education. Most Essential Learning Competencies in Mathematics: M11/12SP-

IVa-1-3, pp. 66-67.

Quipper. “Statistics and Probability”. Last modified October 2020.
DIWA publishing house. Statistics and Probability: Textbook: pp. 194 – 203

Activity 1 Activity 2
Answers may vary. 1. C 6. D
2. B 7. A
3. A 8. B
4. A 9. D
5. A 10. D

Prepared by:




Hypothesis testing is a statistical method that is used in making statistical decisions using
experimental data. Basically, it is a process of gathering evidences to either accept or reject a
claim, a guess, or an assumption, known as hypothesis.
In real life, we are doing hypothesis testing every time we need to make decisions on
something that affect our lives. As students you need to make decisions by looking both the positive
and negative sides of the problem that confronted you before making any decision. Unknowingly,
your decision to enroll in the Open Senior High School went to a series of hypothesis testing. You
were confronted with a lot of “what ifs” until finally you decided to be here, one of the pioneers of
the Open Senior High School Program.

Hypothesis A claim, guess, assumption, or conjecture about a population. It is the

starting point of an investigation.
Null A claim that denotes the absence of relationship, or equality to a certai n
Hypothesis value. It is denoted by Ho.
Alternative A claim that denotes “presence” such as presence of difference, presence
Hypothesis of relationship to a certain value. It is denoted by Ha
Type I Error When we reject the null hypothesis, although that hypothesis was true.
Type I error is denoted by alpha (α). In hypothesis testing, the normal
curve that shows the critical region is called the alpha.
Type II Error When we accept the null hypothesis but it is false. Type II errors are
denoted by beta (β). In hypothesis testing, the normal curve that shows
the acceptance region is called the beta region.
Power Usually known as the probability of correctly accepting the null
hypothesis, 1 – beta is called power of the analysis
Level of Refers to the degree of significance in which we accept or reject the null
Significance hypothesis
One-tailed When the given statistical hypothesis is one value like H0: μ1 = μ2,
Test it is called the one-tailed test.
Two-tailed When the given statistical hypothesis assumes a less than or greater than
Test value, it is called the two-tailed test.

A statistical hypothesis is a claim or a conjecture that may either be true or false. The
claim is usually expressed in terms of the value of a parameter or the distribution of the population

There are two kinds of statistical hypothesis: the null and the alternative hypothesis. The
definition is written inside the box below to remind you that these are very important concepts and
should be remembered as you go on with the module.

In formulating the hypotheses (plural form of hypothesis), we can use the following

1. First, identify the claim. Does it denote “absence” or it states equality to a certain
2. Identify the parameter used in the claim. Does it talk about population average or a
proportion of the population?

3. Represent the parameter by a symbol. For population mean (average), we use µ and
for population proportion we use p.

4. Always remember that the null and alternative hypotheses are complementary and
must not overlap. The usual pairs are as follow:

Now, let’s apply the guidelines above by formulating the null and alternative hypothesis using the
following situations.

Situation 1: A manufacturer of IT gadgets recently announced they had developed a new battery
for a tablet and claimed that it has an average life of at least 24 hours. Would you buy
this battery?

Step by step solution:

Step 1: Identifying the claim
Claim: The average life of a newly developed battery for tablet is at least 24 hours.
Step 2: Identifying the parameter
Parameter: The parameter is the average life of a newly developed battery for tablet.

Step 3: Representation
Symbol: The symbol to be used for parameter is µ
Step 4: Null and alternative hypotheses complementary pair
The claim states “at least 24 hours”. This claim means that the battery life will not
go lower than 24 hours, but rather equal to 24 hours or more than 24 hours. Thus, we will
be using the complementary pair ;
Ho: Parameter ≥ Value versus Ha: Parameter < Value
Answer: The null and alternative hypotheses stated in;
(a) Words: Ho : The average life of a newly developed battery for tablet is at
least 24 hours.
Ha : The average life of9 a newly developed battery for tablet is
less than 24 hours.

(b) Symbols
Ho : µ ≥ 24
Ha : µ < 24

Situation 2: A student researcher wants to test his assumption that 75% of the senior high school
students who enrolled in the academic track wanted to become a teacher. He
collected samples randomly and found out that 25 out of 130 students are planning to
become a teacher. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

Step by step solution:

Step 1: Identifying the claim
Claim: 75% of the senior high school students who enrolled in the academic track
wanted to become a teacher.
Step 2: Identifying the parameter
Parameter: The parameter is 75% of the senior high school students who enrolled in the
academic track. The value 75% stands for a
proportion of the population.
Step 3: Representation
Symbol: The symbol to be used for parameter is p
Step 4: Null and alternative hypotheses complementary pair
The claim that 75% of the senior high school students enrolled in the academic track
wanted to become a teacher is our null hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis would be not
equal to 75%. Thus, we will be using complementary pair (a);
Ho: Parameter = Value versus Ha: Parameter ≠ Value
Answer: The null and alternative hypotheses stated in;
(a) Words Ho: The proportion of senior high school students enrolled in the academic track
who wanted to become a teacher is equal to 75%. Ha: The proportion of
senior high school students enrolled in the academic track who wanted to
become a teacher is not equal to

(b) Symbols Ho : p = 0.75 Note: we use decimal instead of percent because

Ha : p < 0.75 it is appropriate for computation.

There are two possible actions that a person can do with a statement. Either he accepts the
statement or rejects it. The decision of accepting or rejecting a statement depends on the person’s
assessment whether it is true of false. Consider a statement or a claim about the average number
of text messages that an Open Senior High School student sends in a day. The following could be
one way of stating the claim:

“The average number of text messages that an Open Senior High School student sends daily is
equal to 75.”

As stated earlier, this claim could either be true or false so it can be accepted or rejected. The
validity of the statement can be assessed through a series of steps known as test of hypothesis. A
test of hypothesis is a procedure based on a random sample of observations with a given
level of probability of committing an error in making the decision, whether the hypothesis
is true or false.

The decision of accepting or rejecting a statement or claim is coupled with consequences.

Consider again the government pronouncement on El Niño phenomenon. The possible
consequences of accepting the statement as true include:

import more rice in anticipation of supply shortage;

buy materials for water storage;
use a rice variety that could resist drought;
invest in programs to make Filipinos ready; and the like.
On the other hand, when the statement is rejected because we think it is false, possible
consequences are:
people are not ready for rice and water shortage;
farmers will experience losses on production, or we do not do anything.
Some of the consequences are acceptable while other consequences are terrible.
Experiencing a few days of water shortage is acceptable but having rice shortage for a month or
two is terrible.
The degree of the possible consequences is the basis in making decisions. If the
consequences of accepting the claim are acceptable then, we may not reject it. However, if the
consequences are terrible, then we reject the claim.
The action to reject or fail to reject the (accept) a hypothesis is summarized on the table

Action Hypothesis is TRUE Hypothesis is FALSE

Reject the null

Error committed (Type I) No error committed
Fail to reject (accept)
No Error Committed Error committed (Type II)
the null hypothesis

The four possible outcomes in decision-making based on the table are:

Outcome 1: If the null hypothesis is true and is not rejected (accepted), the decision is
correct. No error is committed.
Outcome 2: If the null hypothesis is true and rejected, the decision is incorrect. A Type I error
is committed.
Outcome 3: If the null hypothesis is false and rejected, the decision is correct. No error is
Outcome 4: If the null hypothesis is false and accepted, the decision is incorrect
and a Type II error is committed.

Every action that one takes is coupled with consequences. When an error is committed in
decision making, consequences happens too. These consequences might be acceptable or too
terrible, terrible enough to claim lives. In statistics, the chance of committing an error is measured
and this measurement served as the basis in making a decision.
Now, let us examine some examples of errors in decision making.

1. A manufacturer of IT gadgets recently announced they had developed a new battery for a tablet
and claimed that it has an average life of at least 24 hours. Would you buy this battery?

A type I error is committed if you decide not to buy the battery and a possible
consequence is you lost the opportunity to have a battery that could last for at least
24 hours.
Type II error is committed when you buy the battery and found out that the battery’s
life was less than 24 hours. A possible consequence is that you wasted your money
in buying the battery.
2. A teenager who wanted to lose weight is contemplating on a diet she read about in social media.
She wants to adopt it but, unfortunately, the following diet requires buying nutritious, low
calories yet expensive food. Help her decide.
A type I error is committed when the teenager did follow the diet and a possible
consequence is that she spent unnecessarily for a diet that did not help her reduce
Type II error is committed when the teenager did not follow the diet. A possible
consequence of this error is that the teenager lost the opportunity to attain her goal
of weight reduction.

Learning competencies with code:

 Formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population mean.
 Identify the appropriate form of the test-statistic when:
(a) the population variance is assumed to be known;
(b) the population variance is assumed to be unknown; and
(c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be used. M11/12SP-IVb-2

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper
ACTIVITY 1. Read each situation carefully and fill in the space provided with appropriate
information. Happy hypothesizing.
1. A student researcher claims that fewer than 8% of the Junior High School completers will
enroll in private Senior High Schools. To test this claim, he collected sufficient samples
randomly and found out that 85 out of 380 Junior High School completers are planning to
enroll in private Senior High Schools.
Claim: ________________________________________________________
Parameter: ____________________________________________________
Symbol for parameter: ___________________________________________
Ho and Ha complementary pair: _____________________________________
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: __________________________________________________________
Ha: __________________________________________________________
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho: ____________________
Ha: ____________________

2. A telecommunications company claims that senior high school students spend an average
of 20 Php a day for their cellphone loads. Do you agree with the claim?
Claim: ________________________________________________________
Parameter: ____________________________________________________
Symbol for parameter: ___________________________________________
Ho and Ha complementary pair: _____________________________________
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: __________________________________________________________
Ha: __________________________________________________________
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho: ____________________
Ha: ____________________

3. The Senior High School researchers claim that more than 20% of Senior High School male
students have tried smoking cigarette. After collecting 150 random samples, they found that
60 of them have tried smoking cigarette.
Claim: ________________________________________________________
Parameter: ____________________________________________________
Symbol for parameter: ___________________________________________
Ho and Ha complementary pair: _____________________________________
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: __________________________________________________________
Ha: __________________________________________________________
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho: ____________________
Ha: ____________________

4. In a certain town, a school principal hypothesized that students enroll in schools within 5
km from their homes. To check this claim, you ask 38 students from the said town. You
found out that the average distance between the students’ home and their schools is 5.6
Claim: ________________________________________________________
Parameter: ____________________________________________________
Symbol for parameter: ___________________________________________
Ho and Ha complementary pair: _____________________________________
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: __________________________________________________________
Ha: __________________________________________________________
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho: ____________________
Ha: ____________________

5. A teacher wants to test his assumption that less than 30% of the Senior High School
students liked research class. After randomly collecting 150 samples, he found out that only
40 students like their research class.
Claim: ________________________________________________________
Parameter: ____________________________________________________
Symbol for parameter: ___________________________________________
Ho and Ha complementary pair: _____________________________________
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: __________________________________________________________
Ha: __________________________________________________________
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho: ____________________
Ha: ____________________

Activity 2. Directions: In each situation below state when the error will be committed and give its
possible consequences.
1. After studying open senior high school, Mary is thinking whether or not to pursue a
degree in in college. She was told that if she graduates with a degree with a degree
in college, a life of fulfilment and happiness awaits her. Assist Mary in making her

2. An airline company does regular quality control checks on airplanes. One of them is
tire inspection because tires are sensitive to the heat produced when the airplane
runs through the runway. Since its operation, the company uses a particular type of
tire which is guaranteed to perform even at a maximum surface temperature of
107ºC. However, the tires cannot be used and need to be replaced when surface
temperature exceeds a mean of 107ºC. Help the company decide whether or not to
do a complete tire replacement.

3. Alden is exclusively dating Maine. He remembers that on their first date, Maine told
him that her birthday was this month. However, he forgot the exact date. Ashamed
to admit that he did not remember, he decides to use the hypothesis testing to make
an educated guess that today is Maine’s birthday. Help Alden do it.

Andy Schmitz. “Two-Sample Problems,” in Introductory Statistics, Saylor Academy, 2012.
Retrieved from statistics/s13-two-
Amitav Banerjee, et al. “Hypothesis testing, type I and type II errors”. Industrial Psychiatry
Journal. 2009. Retrieved from
Banigon, et al., 2016. Statistics and Probability for Senior High Schools. Quezon City, Philippines:
Educational Resources Corporation.
Belicina, et al., 2016. Statistics and Probability.1st ed. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.
“Chapter 6.1 The Elements of a Test of Hypothesis” in Lecture 6: Tests of Hypothesis. University
of California, Davis Department of Statistics Summer Session II, 2012. Retrieved from
Datasciencecentral. (2017). Importance of Hypothesis Testing in Quality
Management.Retrieved from testing-
Diego M. Amid, Fundamentals of Statistics, Lorimar Publishing Company, Inc., 2005.
Efren B. Mateo, Elisa S. Baccay, & Rene R. Belecina, Statistics and Probability, Rrex Book Store,
Jose Ramon G. Albert,, Statistics and Probability Teaching Guide for Senior High School,
Department of Education, 2016.
Lisa Sullivan, “Hypothesis Testing: Upper-, Lower, and Two Tailed Tests,” in Hypothesis
Testing for Means & Proportions, Boston University School of Public Health, 2017.
Retrieved from
Modules/BS/BS704_HypothesisTest-Means- Proportions/BS704_HypothesisTest-
Neil J. Salkind, “Directional Hypothesis,” in Encyclopedia of Research Design, SAGE
Publications, 2010. Retrievedfrom
Neil J. Salkind, “T-Test Definition,” in Encyclopedia of Research Design, SAGE Publications,
2010. Retrieved from test.asp
“One-and Two-tailed Test”. Cliffsnote. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2016. Retrieved
from testing/one-and-
Rosie Shier. “Statistics: 1.1 Paired t-tests”, Mathematics learning Center, 2004. Retrieved from test.pdf
Statistics Solutions. (2013). Hypothesis Testing [WWW Document]. Retrieved from solutions/resources/directory-of-
“Steps in Hypothesis Testing,” University of Florida Health , 2018. Retrieved from testing
Will Kenton,”Null hypothesis,” in Investopia, Dotdash publishing, 2018. Retrieved from
“What is a critical value?”, Minitab, LLC, 2018. Retrieved
“Z-test” in, 2018. Retrieved from

Activity 1
1. a) Claim: Fewer than 8% of Junior High School completers will enroll in private
Senior High Schools.
b) Parameter : Population proportion
c) Symbol for parameter: p
d) Ho and Ha complementary pair:
Ho: Parameter ≤ Value versus Ha: Parameter > Value
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: The number of Junior high school completers who will enroll in private
Senior high school is less than or equal to 8%.
Ha: The number of Junior high school completers who will enroll in private
Senior high school is more than 8%.
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho : p ≤ 0.75
Ha : p > 0.75

2. a) Claim: Senior high school students spend an average of 20 Php a day for their
cellphone loads.
b) Parameter : Population mean
c) Symbol for parameter: µ
d) Ho and Ha complementary pair:
Ho: Parameter = Value versus Ha: Parameter ≠ Value
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: The average amount of money spend by senior high school student on
their cellphone load a day is equal to Php 20.
Ha: The average amount of money spend by senior high school student on
their cellphone load a day is not equal to Php 20.
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho : µ = 20
Ha : µ ≠ 20

3. a) Claim: More than 20% of Senior High School male students have tried
smoking cigarette.
b) Parameter : Population proportion
c) Symbol for parameter: p
d) Ho and Ha complementary pair:
Ho: Parameter ≥ Value versus Ha: Parameter < Value
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: The number of Senior high school male students who have tried smoking
cigarette is greater than or equal to 20%
Ha: The number of Senior high school male students who have tried smoking
cigarette is less than 20%
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho : p ≥ 0.20
Ha : p < 0.20

4. a)
Claim: Students enroll in schools within 5 km from their homes.
Parameter : Population mean
Symbol for parameter: µ
Ho and Ha complementary pair:
Ho: Parameter ≤ Value versus Ha: Parameter > Value
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: The average distance between the students home and their school is less than
or equal to 5 km.
Ha: The average distance between the students home and their school is
more than 5 km
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho : µ ≤ 20
Ha : µ > 20

5. a) Claim: Less than 30% of Senior High School students like research class.
b) Parameter : Population proportion
c) Symbol for parameter: p
d) Ho and Ha complementary pair:
Ho: Parameter ≤ Value versus Ha: Parameter > Value
Hypotheses in words:
Ho: The number of Senior high school students who like research class is less
than or equal to 30%.
Ha: The number of Senior high school students who like research class is
more than 30%.
Hypotheses in symbols:
Ho : p ≤ 0.30
Ha : p > 0.30

Activity 2
1. A type I error is committed if Mary decide not to pursue a degree in college and a
possible consequence is she lost the opportunity to have a happy and fulfilled life. Type
II error is committed when Mary pursue a degree in college and ended up with an
unhappy and less fulfilled life.
2. A type I error is committed when the company decide not to change tire brand and the
possible consequence is spending more if the surface temperature exceeds 107ºC.
Type II error is committed when company decided to change tire brand and ended and
ended up spending more if the surface temperature of the runway does exceed 107ºC.
3. A type I error is committed when Alden’s guess of Maine’s birthday is not on this day
and a possible consequence is that he failed to greet or give Maine a birthday gift.
Type II error is committed when Alden guess that today is Maine’s birthday and a
possible consequence is that he made a mistake of greeting Maine a happy birthday on
that day.

Almaflor David
Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School

Background Information:
Normal curve evolved from the probability distribution. With the area under the curve of 1,
it has become a mathematical model in hypothesis testing. The areas are probability values that
we need for decision-making. In hypothesis testing, we determine the probability of obtaining the
sample results if the null is true. Thus, the calculations can be graphically represented by using the
normal curve. The greater than (>) the mean direction can be shown at the right tail of the curve
just as less than (<) the mean direction can be shown at the left tail.

A non-directional test is also called a two-tailed test.

A directional test may either be left-tailed or right-tailed
Under the normal curve, the rejection region refers to the region where the value of the
test statistic lies for which we will reject the null hypothesis. This region is also called as critical
Recall that the critical values are the z-values associated with the probabilities at the tails
of the normal curve.

For 95% confidence level:

= 0.4750 (expressed up to four decimal places so that we can identify an area in the normal
curve table as close as possible to this value. In the normal curve table, the area 0.4750
corresponds to z = 1.96. Thus the critical values for 95% confidence level are -1.96 and +1.96.

For 99% confidence level:

= 0.4950 (expressed up to four decimal places so that we can identify an area in the normal
curve table as close as possible to this value). In the normal curve table, there are two areas
close to this value: 0.4949 that corresponds to z = 2.57 and 0.4951 that corresponds to z = 2.58.
Then, we get the average of the z-values. This result to z = 2.575. Thus, for a 99% confidence
level, the critical values are -2.58 and 2.58.

A one-population test is a test conducted on one sample purportedly coming from a population
mean. It sometimes called a significance test for a single mean. There are two cases to consider
for testing the mean of a single population:
1. The sample is large (n ≥ 30). Thus, we can apply the Central Limit Theorem (CLT)
and we use the normal curve as a model.
2. When CLT is applied, the standard deviation may be used as an estimate of the
population standard deviation when it is unknown
When the sample is large, that is n ≥ 30, the test statistic is z. The z statistic measures the
number of the standard deviations between the observed value of X and the null hypothesized
One of the most common tests for population mean is called the z-test which uses the
properties of z-distribution or normal distribution when the population standard deviation or variance
is known. This is also used when the sample size is greater than or equal to 30 (n≥30) by virtue of
central limit theorem.

𝑋̅ −𝜇
Formula : z = 𝜎
𝜇 = population mean
𝜎 = population standard deviation
𝑋̅ = sample mean
n = sample size

Decision Rule (for critical value method)

If z computed ≥ zcritical REJECT H0
If z computed < zcritical DO NOT REJECT H0

Example 1 : Given: 𝑋̅ = 90, 𝜇 = 88, 𝜎 = 6, n = 100.

a. Find the value of z.
𝑋̅ −𝜇
Formula z = 𝜎
Replace the terms in the formula by the given values
𝑋̅ −𝜇
z= 𝜎
z= 6
z = 3.33
b. Illustrate the rejection region if 𝛼 = 0.05, right tailed
From the z-table, the critical value of 𝛼 = 0.05 and right tailed is 1.645

c. Is the computed z fall under rejection region?


d. What is the decision for H0?

Based on the decision rule, if z computed ≥ zcritical then we need to Reject H0. Since z = 3.33. is
greater than on its critical value of 1.645. Therefore, our decision is REJECT H 0

If the sample size is small (n<30) and if the population standard deviation or variance is
unknown, the z-test cannot be used. For a special case where the population from which the
samples are taken is known to be normally distributed, the t-test can be used to test a claim or
hypothesis about population mean

Formula: t = 𝑠
𝜇 = population mean
𝑠 = sample standard deviation
𝑋̅ = sample mean
n = sample size

Decision Rule (for critical value method)

If tcomputed ≥ tcritical REJECT H0
If tcomputed < tcritical DO NOT REJECT H0

Example 2: Given: 𝑋̅ = 86, s = 4, 𝜇 = 83, n = 9.

a. Find the value of z.
𝑋̅ −𝜇
t= 𝑠
t= 4
t = -2.25

b. Illustrate the rejection region if 𝛼 = 0.05, two-tailed,

From the t-table, the critical value of 𝛼 = 0.05, two-tailed are ±2.306

c. Is the computed t fall under rejection region?


d. What is the decision for H0?

Based on the decision rule, if tcomputed ≥ tcritical then we need to Reject H0. Since t = -2.25. is less
than on its critical value of -2.306. Therefore, the decision is DO NOT REJECT H0

Learning Competency with code

 Identify the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when: (a) the
population variance is assumed to be known; (b) the population variance is assumed to be
unknown; and (c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be used (M11/12SP-IVc-1)

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper
Activity 1:
Suppose that the z is the test statistic for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of z for each of
the following
1. 𝜇 = 10, 𝜎 = 3, n = 68, and 𝑋̅ = 9.2

2. 𝜇 = 26, 𝜎 = 4.5, n = 80, and 𝑋̅ = 28.3

3. 𝜇 = 75, 𝜎 = 5.8, n = 118, and 𝑋̅ = 72.2

4. 𝜇 = 52, 𝜎 = 7, n = 160, and 𝑋̅ = 49.6

5. 𝜇 = 100, 𝜎 = 12, n = 130, and 𝑋̅ = 92

Activity 2:
Calculate the t-statistic for each of the following
1. 𝜇 = 12, 𝑋̅ = 15, s = 4, n = 12

2. 𝜇 = 10, 𝑋̅ = 7.8, s = 5.1, n = 10

3. 𝜇 = 5.3, 𝑋̅ = 5, s = 0.14, n = 8

4. 𝜇 = 9.1, 𝑋̅ = 7.2, s = 1.8, n = 15

5. 𝜇 = 7, 𝑋̅ = 5, s = 3, n = 10

Activity 3:
For each of the following, sketch the normal curve and shade the area of the rejection region.
1. n = 12, 𝛼 = 0.05, left-tailed

2 n = 10, 𝛼 = 0.05, right-tailed

3. n = 8, 𝛼 = 0.05, left-tailed

4. n = 15, 𝛼 = 0.05, right-tailed

5. n = 10, 𝛼 = 0.05, two-tailed

Activity 4:
For each of the following, sketch the normal curve and shade the area of the rejection region.
1. z > 1.96

2. z >1.645

3. z < 2.58

4. z < -1.645 or z > 1.645

5. z < -2.58 or z > 2.58

Activity 5:
For each of the given, sketch the normal curve and shade the area of the rejection region. Identify
if the z-value is in the rejection region or not
1. Z = 2, 95% confidence, two-tailed
2. Z = 2.68, 95% confidence, two-tailed
3. Z = 1, 95% confidence, right-tailed
4. Z = 1.33, 99% confidence, two-tailed
5. Z = -4, 99% confidence, two-tailed

Rene R. Belecina,, 2016. “Statistics and Probability.” First Edition. pgs.223-224,229-232
Ricardo B. Banigon,, 2016. “Statistics and Probability for Senior High School”. pgs.80-81

Answer Key

Activity 1. Activity 2.
1. z = -2.2 1. t = 2.6
2. z = 4.57 2. t = -1.36
3. z = -5.24 3. t = -6.06
4. z = -4.33 4. t = -4.09
5. z = -7.6 5. t = -2.11

Activity 3










Activity 4






-1.645 1.645


-2.58 2.58

Activity 5
1. Z = 2, inside the rejection region

-1.96 1.96

2. Z = 2.68, inside the rejection region

-1.96 1.96

3. z = 1, outside the rejection region


4. z = 1.33, outside the rejection region

-2.58 2.58

5. z = -4, inside the rejection region

-2.58 2.58

Senior High School Teacher III
Angeles City Senior High School


Background Information
In the previous lessons, you have learned the basic concepts in hypothesis testing. In this
lesson you will apply those concepts and do a test of hypothesis concerning the population mean.
You will solve real-life problems by following the steps in hypothesis testing, as shown
STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.
STEP 2: Find the critical value/s and rejection region.
STEP 3: Compute the test value.
STEP 4: Make a decision.
STEP 5: State your conclusion.

Before you start, take note of these important points:

 This lesson focuses on one of the three approaches to hypothesis testing – the test
statistic approach. In this approach you compute the test statistic (𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 ) and the
critical value (𝑧𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 ) obtained from a statistical table.
 We accept or reject the null hypothesis depending on where 𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 is located in
relation to 𝑧𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 .
 If 𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 falls on the critical or rejection region, then reject the null hypothesis. If it falls
on the non-critical or non-rejection region, then do not reject the null hypothesis.
 To determine if a significant difference exists between the population mean and the
sample mean, the z-test for one sample mean will be used.
 The z-test is used when one of the following conditions is met.
1. The population standard deviation is known.
2. The population standard deviation is unknown, but the sample size is
sufficiently large (it is greater than or equal to 30, n ≥ 30). In this case, the
sample standard deviation (s) is used in place of the population standard
deviation (σ).
 If the population standard deviation is unknown and the sample size is less than 30, then
we will use the t-test.
 The formula for z-test:
𝑥̅ − 𝜇
𝜎 ⁄√𝑛
µ = hypothesized population mean
x̅ = sample mean
σ = population standard deviation
n = sample size
 The formula for t-test:
𝑥̅ − 𝜇
µ = hypothesized population mean
x̅ = sample mean
s = sample standard deviation
n = sample size
df (degrees of freedom) = n -1

 The critical value(s) in a z-test is obtained from the Z table (normal distribution table)
while the critical value(s) in a t-test is obtained from the t Distribution table. (See
Appendix A and B)
 The critical value(s) separates the critical from the non-critical region.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!


A researcher reports that the average salary of assistant professors in Angeles City is more
than ₱42,000. A sample of 30 assistant professors has a mean salary of ₱43,260. At 𝛼 = 0.05, test
the claim that assistant professors earn more than ₱42,000 a year. The standard deviation of the
population is ₱5,230.

Solution: This is a z-test since the population standard deviation is known and n=30.
STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

𝐻𝑜 : The average salary of assistant professors in Angeles City is less than or equal to ₱42,000. In
symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 ≤ ₱42,000

𝐻1 : The average salary of assistant professors in Angeles City is more than ₱42,000.
In symbols, 𝐻1 : 𝜇 > ₱42,000 (Claim)

STEP 2: Find the critical value and the rejection region.

With the level of significance at 𝛼 = 0.05, 𝑛 = 30, this is a right-tailed test. Referring to your
z-table (right-tail) to determine the critical value, the area in question is [0.5 – 0.05 = 0.4500]. Locate
this area on the table and take note of the value in the first column that intersects with the row
where the area is located. Add to this the decimal number at the top of the corresponding column.

In this case, the table does not have an exact area of 0.4500 but it is found approximately between
the areas 0.4495 and 0.45053, which corresponds to the two critical values 1.64 and 1.65. By
interpolation, the critical value corresponding to the area 0.4500 is between 1.64 and 1.65, which
is +1.645 [(1.64+1.65)/2]. (See Appendix A)

Rejection region

If the test value is greater than 1.645, which is in the critical region, then reject the null

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇 43,260−42,000
𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 = = = +1.32
𝜎⁄√𝑛 5,230⁄√30

STEP 4: Make a decision.

Since the test value +1.32 is less than the critical value +1.65, and it is not in the critical region,
do not reject the null hypothesis”.


STEP 5: Conclusion.

There is not enough evidence to support the claim that assistant professors on average earn
more than ₱42,000.


The father of a senior high school student lists down the expenses he will incur when he
sends his daughter to the university. At the university where he wants his daughter to study, he
hears that the average tuition fee is at least ₱20,000 per semester. He wants to do a test of
hypothesis. From a simple random sample of 16 students, a sample mean of ₱19,750 was
obtained. Further, the variable of interest, which is the tuition fee in the university, is said to be
normally distributed with an assumed population variance equal to ₱160,000. The level of
significance is set at α=0.05.

Solution: Even though n=16, the population standard deviation is known (which is the square root
of the variance). Hence, this is a z-test.

STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

𝐻𝑜 : The average tuition fee in the targeted university is at least ₱20,000.

In symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 ≥ ₱20,000

𝐻1 : The average tuition fee in the targeted university is less than ₱20,000.
In symbols, 𝐻1 : 𝜇 < ₱20,000

STEP 2: Find the critical value and the rejection region.

At α=0.05, this is a one-tailed z-test (left-tail). The rejection region is illustrated as follows:

Rejection region

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇 19,750−20,000
𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 = = = −2.50
𝜎⁄√𝑛 400⁄√16

STEP 4: Make a decision.

The computed value −2.50 is found in the rejection region. Therefore, the null hypothesis is

STEP 5: Conclusion.

There is a significant difference in the sample mean and population mean. The father can say
that the average tuition fee in the university where he wants his daughter to study is less than


A national magazine claims that the average college student watches less television than the
general public. The national average is 29.4 hours per week, with a standard deviation of 2 hours.
A sample of 30 college students has a mean of 27 hours. Is there enough evidence to support the
claim at 𝛼 = 0.01?

Solution: Population standard deviation is known and n=30. Hence, this is a z-test.

STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

The claim that the average college student watches less television than the general public serves
as the alternative hypothesis, 𝐻1 .

𝐻𝑜 : The average time college students spend watching television is greater than or equal to 29.4
hours. In symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 ≥ 29.4

𝐻1 : The average time college students spend watching television is less than 29.4 hours. In
symbols, 𝐻1 : 𝜇 < 29.4

STEP 2: Find the critical value and the rejection region.

With 𝛼 = 0.01 and n=30, this is a one-tailed test (left-tail). Based on your righted-tailed z table
(from 0 to z), the area under the normal curve in question is
0.50 − 0.01 = 0.4900, which corresponds to the critical value 2.33. Take the negative form of this
value (since the right side of the center is a mirror image of the left side).
The critical region is illustrated below.

Rejection region

𝑧 = −2.33

The decision will be “Do not reject the null hypothesis” if the test value is greater than −2.33.

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇 27−29.4
𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 = = = −6.57
𝜎⁄√𝑛 2⁄√30

STEP 4: Make a decision.

Since the test value falls in the critical region, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

STEP 5: Conclusion.

There is enough evidence to support the claim that college students watch less television than
the general public.


The average cost of child delivery in Quezon City is ₱24,750. To see if the average cost of
child delivery is different at a large hospital, a researcher selected a random sample of 36
deliveries and found that the average cost is ₱25,468. The standard deviation of the population is
₱3,250. At 𝛼 = 0.01, can it be concluded that the average at a large hospital is different from

Solution: The population standard deviation is known and n=36. Hence, this is a z-test.
STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

The claim that the average cost of child delivery is different from ₱24,750 serves as the
alternative hypothesis, 𝐻1 .

𝐻𝑜 : The average cost of child delivery in Quezon City is equal to ₱24,750. In symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 =

𝐻1 : The average cost of child delivery in Quezon City is different from ₱24,750. In symbols,
𝐻1 : 𝜇 ≠ ₱24,750

STEP 2: Find the critical value and rejection region.

Since 𝛼 = 0.01 and the test is a two-tailed test, the critical values are 𝑧 = +2.58 and 𝑧 = −2.58.
The rejection region is illustrated below.

Rejection region

Rejection region

0.005 0.005

𝑧 = −2.58 𝑧 = +2.58

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇 25,468−24,750
𝑧= = = 1.33
𝜎⁄√𝑛 3,250⁄√36

STEP 4: Make a decision.

Since the test value falls in the non-critical region, the decision is do not reject the null hypothesis.

STEP 5: Conclusion.
There is not enough evidence to support the claim that the average cost of child delivery at a
large hospital is different from ₱24,750.

A father of a senior high school student hypothesizes that the average tuition fee of the
university where he wants to send his daughter is at least ₱20,000. He assumes that the variable
of interest follows the normal distribution, but the population mean and variance are unknown.
The father asks, at random, 25 students of the university about their tuition fee per semester. He
is able to get an average of ₱20,050 with a standard deviation of 500. At 𝛼 = 0.05, is there
enough evidence to support the father's claim?

Solution: Since the population standard deviation is unknown and n=25, the appropriate test for
this is the t-test.

STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

𝐻𝑜 : The average tuition fee in the targeted university is at least ₱20,000.

In symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 ≥ ₱20,000 (Claim)

𝐻1 : The average tuition fee in the targeted university is less than ₱20,000.
In symbols, 𝐻1 : 𝜇 < ₱20,000

STEP 2: Find the critical value and rejection region.

Since this is a two-tailed test, the level of significance split into to areas on both ends of the
normal curve: (0.05)/2=0.025.

On the t Distribution table: 𝑑𝑓 = 25 − 1 = 24, and under the column for two-tailed test at 𝛼 = 0.05,
the critical values are 𝑧 = +2.064 and 𝑧 = −2.064

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇 20,050−20,000
𝑡= = = +0.50
𝑠⁄√𝑛 500⁄√25
STEP 4: Make a decision.

Since the test value is in the non-rejection region, do not reject the null hypothesis.

STEP 5: Conclusion.

The father can say that the average tuition fee at the university where he wanted his daughter to
study is at least P20,000.

Learning Competencies with Code
 Compute the test statistic value (population mean). M11/12SP-IVd-1
 Draw conclusion about the population mean based on the test-statistic value and rejection
region. M11/12SP-IVd-2

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper

Test each of the following by performing the steps in hypothesis testing.

Anna Garcia, the manager of EG Manufacturing Company believes that the average daily
wages of the employees is below ₱300. A sample of 22 employees has a mean daily wage of
₱285. The standard deviation of all the salary is ₱35. Assume the variable is normally distributed.
At 𝛼 = 0.01, is there enough evidence to support the manager’s claim?

Cris Elevators Inc. claims that the average cost of elevator installation and repair is
₱228,760. A sample of 60 repairs has an average of 227,880. The standard deviation of the
sample is 3000. At 𝛼 = 0.05, is there enough evidence to reject the company’s claim?

A CHED commissioner claims that the average cost of one year’s tuition for all private
colleges in Metro Manila is ₱32,800. A sample of 15 colleges is selected, and the average tuition
is ₱31,080. The standard deviation of the sample is ₱4,000. At 𝛼 = 0.01, is there enough
evidence to reject the claim that the average cost of tuition is equal to ₱32,800?


Computation Correctness Understanding
4 Includes correct Excellent understanding of
All the answers
computation. Shows the problem. Shows and
provided are all correct
multiple computational explains more than the
and accurate.
approaches. problem asks.
3 Most of the answers
Includes correct
provided are all correct Understands the problem.
and accurate.
2 Includes basic Some of the answers
Minimal understanding of
computation, some provided are all correct
the problem.
incorrect. and accurate.
1 Computation shows no Attempts but demonstrates
No answers are
evidence of no understanding of the
understanding. problem.
TOTAL ____/12

Hernandez, Rogelio M., Santos, Analiza SM., Raphael, Johann C., Villanueva, Cherry G. Edited by
Cabero, Jonathan B. Basic Statistics. Booklore Publishing Corporation. Sta. Cruz, Manila, 2009.

“Hypothesis Testing”. Accessed October 20, 2020.

“Calculator.Net”. Accessed October 20, 2020. calculator.html

Johnston, Nathaniel. Accessed October 18, 2020.

“Standard Normal Distribution Table”. Accessed October 18, 2020.

Answer Key
Activity 1:
STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

𝐻𝑜 : The average daily wages of the employees is at least ₱300.

In symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 ≥ ₱300

𝐻1 : The average daily wages of the employees is below ₱300.

In symbols, 𝐻1 : 𝜇 < ₱300

STEP 2: Find the critical value and rejection region.

With 𝛼 = 0.01 and n=22, the test statistic is a z test (left-tail). Based on your righted-tailed z table (See
Appendix A), the area is question is 0.50 = 0.01 = 0.4900, which corresponds to the critical value which
is a negative value, 𝑧 = −2.33. The critical region is illustrated below.

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇 285−300
𝑧= = = −2.01
𝜎 ⁄√𝑛 35⁄√22

STEP 4: Make a decision.

Since the test value is in the non-critical region (computed z is greater than the critical value), the
decision is do not reject the null hypothesis.

STEP 5: Summarize the results.

There is not enough evidence to support the manager’s claim that the average daily wage of the
employees is less than ₱300.

Activity 2:
The population standard deviation is not known but n=60. Hence, this is a z test.

STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

𝐻𝑜 : The average cost of elevator installation and repair is equal to ₱228,760.
In symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 = ₱228,760
𝐻1 : The average cost of elevator installation and repair is not equal to ₱228,760.
In symbols, 𝐻1 : 𝜇 ≠ ₱228,760

STEP 2: Find the critical value and rejection region.

Since this is a two-tailed or non-directional test at 𝛼 = 0.05:

The critical values are 𝑧 = +1.96 and 𝑧 = −1.96

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇
Using the standard deviation of the sample 𝑠 = 3,000, use 𝑧 = 𝑠⁄

𝑥̅ −𝜇 227,880−228,760
𝑧 = 𝑠⁄ = = −2.27
√𝑛 3000⁄√60

STEP 4: Make a decision.

Since the test value is in the critical or rejection region, reject the null hypothesis.

STEP 5: Summarize the results.

There is enough evidence to reject the company’s claim that the average cost of elevator installation and
repair is equal to ₱228,760.

Activity 3:
The population standard deviation is not known and n=15. Hence, this requires a t test.

STEP 1: State the null and alternative hypothesis.

𝐻𝑜 : The average cost of one year’s tuition for all private colleges in Metro Manila is equal to
₱32,800. In symbols, 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 = ₱32,800 (Claim)
𝐻1 : The average cost of one year’s tuition for all private colleges in Metro Manila is equal to
₱32,800. In symbols, 𝐻1 : 𝜇 ≠ ₱32,800

STEP 2: Find the critical value and rejection region.

Since this is a t test, we will use the t distribution table (two-tails) to find the critical value at 𝛼 = 0.01 and
𝑑. 𝑓. = 𝑛 − 1 = 15 − 1 = 14.

The critical values are 𝑧 = +2.98 and 𝑧 = −2.98.

STEP 3: Compute the test value.

𝑥̅ −𝜇
Using the standard deviation of the sample 𝑠 = 4,000, use 𝑡 = 𝑠⁄ 𝑛

𝑥̅ −𝜇 31,080−32,800
𝑡 = 𝑠⁄ = = −1.67
√𝑛 4,000⁄√15

STEP 4: Make a decision.

Since the test value is in the non-critical or non-rejection region, do not reject the null hypothesis.

STEP 5: Conclusion.

There is not enough evidence to reject the claim that the average cost of one year’s tuition for all private
colleges in Metro Manila is equal to ₱32,800.

Prepared by:
Roxan O. Condes
Amsic Integrated School

Appendix A:

Standard Normal Distribution Table

Appendix B


Background Information

“A theory, a theorem and a hypothesis walk into a bar, but leave as soon as the
bartender asks them for proofs.” Rajesh’

What can you infer from the given quotation?

The given quotation signifies the importance of proofs, not only in math but in all kinds of
study and situations. To have proofs, it must perform series of steps to avoid error and to have a
sound judgment or conclusion. Hypothesis testing is very important because it serves as a guiding
light to the researcher; it serves as a link between theory and reality. On the previous lessons, the
basic concepts and terminologies involving and related to hypothesis testing were discussed, in
which the steps were emphasized. Thus, one must be familiar with the steps in hypothesis testing
when conducting a research.

Let us recall the steps in hypothesis testing:

1. Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis.
Identification of the Alternative hypotheses whether directional( either < or >, left-tailed or
right-tailed) or non-directional (≠, two-tailed) must be always put into considerations.

2. Collect data. Specify the level of significance α.

The level of significance implies the critical values to be used. Eitherusing the t-table or the
The table below shows the summary of commonly used Critical Values of z.
Significance Level α 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01
Confidence Level (1-α) x 100% 90% 95% 97% 98% 99%
One-tailed (directional) 1.28 1.65 1.88 2.05 2.33
Two-tailed (non-directional) 1.65 1.96 2.17 2.33 2.58

3. Compute the test-statistic (Select the appropriate test statistic; t, z, or p-value).

4. Determine the rejection region, and then make a decision.



5. Make a conclusion about the hypotheses.

The following are examples of problems that deals with hypothesis testing on the population

Example 1: A researcher used a developed problem solving test to randomly select 50 Grade 6
pupils. In this sample, X = 80 and s = 10. The mean µ and the standard deviation of the population
used in the standardization of the test were 75 and 15, respectively. Use the 95% confidence level.
Steps Answer
1. Formulate the null and alternative Ho: µ = 75
hypothesis. Ha: µ ≠ 75 (two-tailed)
2. Collect data and decide on appropriate Given: µ = 75 X = 80
statistical testing procedure. Specify σ = 15 s = 10
the level of significance α. n = 50 α = 0.05
z95 = +1.96
3. Compute the test-statistic a. Solve for standard error
𝜎𝑥̅ =
𝜎𝑥̅ = 2.12
b. Since n> 30, use z
X − µ
80 − 75
𝑧 = 2.36
4. Determine the rejection region, then ZCOMPUTED VS zCRITICAL VALUE
make a decision. 2.36 > 1.96
Decision: The null hypothesis is not

You may also use the normal curve to

decide on the rejection region.
5. Make a conclusion about the There is a significant difference between the
hypotheses sample mean and the population mean.

Example 2: A sample of five measurements, randomly selected from an approximately normally

distributed population, resulted in the summary statistics: X = 4.6, s = 1.5.
Use α = 0.05.
a. Test the null hypothesis that the mean of the population is 6 against the alternative
hypothesis µ < 6.
b. Test the null hypothesis that the mean of the population is against the alternative
hypothesis µ ≠ 6.

a. Ha: µ < 6
Steps Answer
1. Formulate the null and alternative Ho: µ = 6
hypothesis. Ha: µ < 6 (one-tailed)
2. Collect data and decide on appropriate Given: µ = 6 X = 4.6
statistical testing procedure. Specify s = 1.5 n=5
the level of significance α. d.f. = 4 α = 0.05
t95 = - 2.1318
(since it is less than <)
3. Compute the test-statistic a. Solve for standard error
𝑠𝑥̅ =
𝑠𝑥̅ = 0.67
b. Since n < 30, use t
X − µ
4.6 − 6
𝑧 = −2.09
4. Determine the rejection region, then tCOMPUTED VS tCV
make a decision. −2.09 > −2.1318
The null hypothesis is accepted.
5. Make a conclusion about the There is no significant difference between the
hypotheses sample mean and the population mean.

b. µ ≠ 6.
Steps Answer
1. Formulate the null and alternative Ho: µ = 6
hypothesis. Ha: µ ≠ 6 (two-tailed)
2. Collect data and decide on appropriate Given: µ = 6 X = 4.6
statistical testing procedure. Specify σ = 15 s = 1.5
the level of significance α. n=5 α = 0.05
d.f. = 4 t95 = + 2.7764
3. Compute the test-statistic a. Solve for standard error
𝑠𝑥̅ =
𝑠𝑥̅ = 0.67

b. Since n< 30, use t

X − µ
4.6 − 6
𝑧 = −2.09
4. Determine the rejection region, then tCOMPUTED VS tCV
make a decision. −2.09 > −2.7764
The null hypothesis is accepted.
5. Make a conclusion about the There is a significant difference between the
hypotheses sample mean and the population mean.

The previous examples conducted hypothesis testing involving means. The next
examples are hypothesis testing involving population proportions.

Example: What should be the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses if given is a population
1. Mr. Sy asserts that fewer than 5% of the bulbs that he sells are defective. Suppose 300
bulbs are randomly selected, each are tested and 10 defective bulbs are found.
Answer: Ho: p = 0.05
Ha: p < 0.05 (one-tailed) hint: fewer
 with n =300, the Central Limit Theorem applies.
2. A survey is conducted to determine the opinions of people on global warming. In a
random sample of 150 people, 108 think that global warming is a serious world problem.
Is there a sufficient evidence that the proportion of people who regard global warming as a
serious problem is significantly higher than 60%?
Answer: Ho: p = 0.60
Ha: p > 0.60 (one-tailed) hint: higher than
 with n =150, the Central Limit Theorem applies.

Learning Competencies with Code

 Solve problems involving test of hypothesis on the population mean. M11/12SP-IVe-1
 Formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population proportion.
 Identify the appropriate form of the test-statistic when the Central Limit Theorem is to be
used. M11/12SP-IVe-3

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper
Practice A. Complete the table. Read the given problem then solve using the steps of hypothesis
testing using population means by filling the blanks.
The owner of a factory that sells a particular bottled fruit juice claims that the average
capacity of their product is 250 ml. To test the claim, a consumer group gets a sample of 100 such
bottles, calculates the capacity of each bottle, and then finds the mean capacity to be 248 ml. The
standard deviation s is 5 ml. Is the claim true? Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
(10 points)
Steps Answer
1. Formulate the null and alternative Ho: µ = 250
hypothesis. Ha: ___(1)_____ (____(2)________)
2. Collect data and decide on Given: µ = 250 X = 248
appropriate statistical testing s=5 α = 0.05
procedure. Specify the level of n = 100 z95 = __(3)______
significance α. (applies CLT)

3. Compute the test-statistic a. Solve for standard error

𝑠𝑥̅ =
= __(4)_______
𝑠𝑥̅ = __(5)________

Since n> 30, use z

X − µ
= __(6)______
= ___(7)_________
𝑧= (8)_____

4. Determine the rejection region, then ZCOMPUTED VS ZCV

make a decision. _________(9)_________
The null hypothesis is not accepted.
5. Make a conclusion about the (10)

Practice B. Complete the table. Read the given problem then solve using the steps of hypothesis
testing using population.

In a plant nursery, the owner thinks that the lengths of seedlings in a box sprayed with a
new kind of fertilizer has an average height of 26 cm after three days and a standard deviation of
10 cm. One researcher randomly selected 80 such seedlings and calculated mean height to be 20
cm and the standard deviation was 10 cm. Will you conduct a one-tailed test or a two-tailed test
using α = 0.05?

Steps Answer
1. Formulate the null and alternative
2. Collect data and decide on appropriate
statistical testing procedure. Specify
the level of significance α.
3. Compute the test-statistic
4. Determine the rejection region, then
make a decision.
5. Make a conclusion about the

Practice C. Read and understand. Find the null and alternative hypothesis of the given problem.
Then tell whether Central Limit Theorem (CLT) applies.
1. Previous evidences show that majority of the students are happy and contented with
the ABCD High School policies. This year, a sample of 100 students was drawn. They
were asked if they were happy and contented with the school policies. Out of 100
students, 65 said so. Use α = 0.10. p = 0.10
Ho: __________ ; Ha: __________
2. A School administrator claims that less than 50% of the students of the school are
dissatisfied by the community cafeteria service. Test this claim by using sample data
obtained from a survey of 500 students of the school where 54% indicated their
dissatisfaction of the community cafeteria service. Use α = 0.05.
Ho: __________ ; Ha: __________
3. The principal of a school claims that 30% of grade 3 pupils stay in the playground
after their classes. A survey among 500 grade 3 pupils revealed that 150 of them stay
in the playground after their classes. Use a 95% confidence to conduct a test of
Ho: __________ ; Ha: __________

Belecina, Rene R., Baccay, Elisa S., Mateo, Efren B. Statistics and Probability (Quezon City:
Rex Bookstore, Inc., 2016), 233 - 281

Answer Key
Practice A Practice B Practice C
1. µ < 250 Step 1: Ho: µ = 26 1. Ho: __________
2. one-tailed, left Ha: µ ≠ 26(two-tailed) Ha: __________
Step 2: µ = 26 X = 20 2. Ho: __________
3. -1.65
σ = 10 s = 10 Ha: __________
4. α = 0.05 n = 80 3. Ho: __________

5. 0.5 z95 = + 1.96 (CLT Ha: __________

6. 𝜎
0.5 Step 3: 𝜎𝑥̅ =
7. 10
0.5 =
8. - 4
𝜎𝑥̅ = 1.12
9. -4 < -1.65
10. There is a significant X − µ
difference between the 𝜎𝑥̅
20 −26
population mean and the =
sample mean. =
𝑧 = −5.36
Step 4: −5.36 < −1.96
Decision: Do not accept the
Step 5: There is a significant
difference between the
population mean and the
sample mean.

Prepared by:


Master Teacher I

Background Information

The principal of a school believes that this year there would be more students from the
school who would pass the National Achievement Test (NAT), so that the proportion of students
who passed the NAT is greater than the proportion obtained in previous year, which is 0.75. What
will be the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses to test this belief?
In this problem, the parameter of interest is the proportion of students of the school who will
pass the NAT this year.To determine if the null hypothesis is accepted, we need to use a test
statistic. A test statistic is a sample statistic computed from sample data. The value of the test
statistic is used in determining whether or not we may reject the null hypothesis.

Large Sample Test Statistic for a Population Proportion

Testing the null hypothesis with large sample to be able to apply the Central Limit Theorem, the
appropriate test statistic, denoted as ZC is computed as

Where :

- is the sample proportion computed from a simple random sample of n

P0 - is the hypothesized value in of the parameter.
n - is the sample size
The test statistic follows the standard normal distribution which means the tabular value in the Z-
table will be used as critical or tabular value. With this, the decision rule can be summarized in
the table below:

Null Alternative Decision Rule Rejection Region

Hypothesis Hypothesis
Ho Ha

p = P0 Reject Ho if Zc < - Z
or P < P0 Otherwise, fail to reject
P ≥ P0 Ho

P = P0 Reject Ho if Zc > Z
or P > P0 Otherwise, fail to reject
P ≤ P0 Ho

P = P0 P  P0 Reject Ho if /Zc/ > Z/2

Otherwise, fail to reject

Example 1: Previous evidences show that majority of the students are happy and contented with
the university’s policies. This year, a random sample of 100 students was drawn. They were asked
if they were happy and contented with the university’s policies. Out of 100 students, 65 said so.
What conclusions could be made at 10% level of significance?
Step 1: Formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
Ho: At most, half of the student population are happy and contended with the university’s
Ha: Majority of the student population are happy and contended with the university’s
In symbols,
Ho : p ≤ 0.50
Ha : p > 0.50
Step 2: Identify the test statistic to use. With the given level of significance and the distribution of
the test statistics, state the decision rule and specify the rejection region.

Having the variable of interest defined as the number of happy and contented students
with the university policies out of n students, the appropriate test statistic is

With 10% level of significance, the decision rule is “Reject the null hypothesis (Ho) if Z C >
Z0.10 = 1.28. Otherwise, we fail to reject Ho.” The rejection region is found on the right tail
of the standard normal distribution as shown below:


Z= 1.28

Step 3: Using a simple random sample of observations, compute for the value of the test statistic.
𝑥 65
First, compute the sample proportion = = = 0.65
𝑛 100

Second, compute for the value of the test statistic with the given Po = 0.50, n = 100
0.65−0.50 0.15 0.15 0.15
= = = = = 3.0
0.50 ( 1−0.50 ) 0.50 ( 0.50 ) 0.25 0.05
√ √ √
100 100 100

Step 4: Make a decision whether to reject or fail to reject Ho.

With the computed test statistic (Zc) equal to 3.0 is greater than the critical value(Z)
equal to 1.28 , the test statistic falls in the rejection region. The decision is to reject the null
Step 5: State the conclusion.
We then say that majority of the student population are happy and contended with the
university’s policies.

Example 2: Globally the long-term proportion of newborns who are male is 51.46%. A researcher
believes that the proportion of boys at birth changes under severe economic conditions. To test
this belief randomly selected birth records of 5,000 babies born during a period of economic
recession were examined. It was found in the sample that 52.55% of the newborns were boys.
Determine whether there is sufficient evidence, at the 10% level of significance, to support the
researcher’s belief.
Step 1. Formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
Let p be the true proportion of boys among all newborns during the recession period. The
burden of proof is to show that severe economic conditions change it from the historic long-term
value of 0.5146 rather than to show that it stays the same, so the hypothesis test is
Ho : p = 0.5146
Ha : p  0.5146
Step 2: Identify the test statistic to use. With the given level of significance and the distribution of
the test statistics, state the decision rule and specify the rejection region.
The appropriate test statistic is

With 10% level of significance, the decision rule is “Reject the null hypothesis (Ho) if /Z C/ > Z/2
(Z/2 = Z0.10/2 = Z0.05 = 1.645). Otherwise, we fail to reject Ho.” The rejection region is found
on both tails of the standard normal distribution as shown below:

Rejection Rejection
Region Region

-1.645 1.645

Step 3: Using a simple random sample of observations, compute for the value of the test statistic.
In the problem, it is stated that the sample proportion is 52.55% of the newborns were boys.
So, the sample proportion = 0.5255
Compute for the value of the test statistic with the given Po = 0.5146, n = 5000
0.5255−0.5146 0.0109 0.0109 0.0109
= = = = = 1.54
0.5146( 1−0.5146 ) 0.5146 ( 0.4854 ) 0.2498 0.0071
√ √ √
5000 5000 5000

Step 4: Make a decision whether to reject or fail to reject Ho.

With the computed test statistic (Zc) equal to 1.54 is less than the critical value(Z /2) equal
to 1.645 , the test statistic does not fall in the rejection region. The decision is fail to reject the
null hypothesis

Step 5: State the conclusion.

The data do not provide sufficient evidence, at the 10% level of significance, to conclude that the
proportion of newborns who are male differs from the historic proportion in times of economic

Learning Competencies with Code:
 Identify the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when the Central
Limit Theorem is to be used. M11/12SP-IVe-6
 Compute for the test-statistic value (population proportion). M11/12SP-IVf-1
 Draw conclusion about the population proportion based on the test-statistic value and the
rejection region. M11/12SP-IVf-2
 Solve problems involving test of hypothesis on the population proportion. M11/12SP-IVf-g-1

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper

Activity 1: Determine if each of the following hypothesis is a one-tailed or two-tailed test and
draw the rejection region.
1. Ho : p = 0.40
Ha : p > 0.40 ________________ ____________________
2. Ho : p ≥ 0.30
Ha : p < 0.30 ________________ ____________________
3. Ho : p = 0.50
Ha : p < 0.50 ________________ ____________________
4. Ho : p = 0.70
Ha : p  0.70 ________________ ____________________
5. Ho : p ≤ 0.80
Ha : p > 0.80 _______________ ____________________

Activity 2: Determine the sample proportion of successes ( ) for each of the following problems.
1. The government reports that the literacy rate is 52%. A non-governmental organization
believes it to be less. The organization takes a random sample of 600 inhabitants and
obtains a literacy rate of 42%. Perform the relevant test at the 0.5% (one-half of 1%) level
of significance. _______________.

2. In the previous year the proportion of deposits in checking accounts at a certain bank that
were made electronically was 45%. The bank wishes to determine if the proportion is higher
this year. It examined 20,000 deposit records and found that 9,217 were electronic.
Determine, at the 1% level of significance, whether the data provide sufficient evidence to
conclude that more than 45% of all deposits to checking accounts are now being made
electronically. _____________.

3. Suppose a new treatment for a certain disease is given to a sample of 150 patients. The
treatment was successful for 91 of the patients. Assume that these patients are
representative of the population of individuals who have this disease. _______________.

Activity 3:
A. Compute the value of the test statistic for each test using the information given.
1. Testing H0: p = 0.50 vs. Ha: p > 0.50, n = 360, = 0.56. ________________
2. Testing H0: p = 0.24 vs. Ha: p ≠ 0.24, n = 40, = 0.2304. ________________
3. Testing H0: p = 0.37 vs. Ha: p < 0.37, n = 1200, = 0.35. _________________

B. For each part of Activity 3 A construct the rejection region for the test for α= 0.05
and make the decision based on your answer to that part of the exercise.

Rejection Region Decision Rule




Activity 4: Read and understand carefully the given problem. Provide the needed
information for item #1-10.

A soft drink maker claims that a majority of adults prefer its leading beverage over
that of its main competitor’s. To test this claim 500 randomly selected people were given
the two beverages in random order to taste and found that 270 preferred the soft drink
maker’s brand, 211 preferred the competitor’s brand, and 19 could not make up their
minds. Determine whether there is sufficient evidence, at the 5% level of significance, to
support the soft drink maker’s claim against the default that the population is evenly split
in its preference.

1. Sate the null hypothesis. ________________

2. Sate the alternative hypothesis. ________________
3. State the hypothesized proportion. ________________
4. State the sample proportion of people preferred
the soft drink maker’s brand ________________
5. State the sample size. ________________
6. State the directional test. ________________
7. State the critical value. ________________
8. Draw the rejection region. ________________
9. Compute the test statistic ________________
10. Based on the computed vale, do we reject or not reject Ho? ______________

Activity 5: Apply the 5 steps in testing the hypothesis of the given problem.
An insurance industry report indicated that 30% of those persons involved in minor traffic
accidents this year have been involved in at least one other traffic accident in the last five years.
An advisory group decided to investigate this claim, believing it was too large. A sample of 200
traffic accidents this year showed that 56 persons were also involved in another accident within
the last five years. Use = 0.10.


Department of Education. Most Essential Learning Competencies in Statistics and Probability: pp. 67- 68.
Department of Education. Statistics and Probability: Teaching Guide: pp. 385 – 389.
Chan Shio,Christian Paul O, Reyes Maria Angeli T. Statistics and Probabilty for Senior High
School.(Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2017).
Introductory Statistics :
sample-tests-for-a-popul.html, accessed on October 14, 2020.
Introductory Statistics Statistics /Book%3A
Sample_Tests_for_a_Population_Proportion accessed on October 14, 2020.
Hypothesis Test Worksheet for One Population Proportion:
160r/wrksht10hypoprop.htm accessed on October 14, 2020.

Answer Key
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3.A.
1. one-tailed 1. 42 % or 0.42 1. 2.277
2. 0.46 2. – 0.14
3. 0.61 3. -1.435

2. on-tailed

3. one-tailed

4. two-tailed

5. one-tailed

Activity 3 B. Activity 4 Activity 5

1. Ho : p ≤ 0.50 Step1. Ho : p = 0.30 ,
1. 2. Ha : p > 0.50 Ha: p < 0.30
3. Po =0.50 Step2. Z-statistic
Reject Ho
2. 4. = 0.54
5. n =500
6. one-tailed right Z = -1.28
7. Z = 1.645
Do not reject Ho Step3. Zc = -0.62
3. 8. Step4. Do not reject Ho
9. Zc =1.789 Step5. There is insufficient
evidence to say that less than 30%
10. Reject Ho
involved in minor traffic accidents
this year have been involved in at
Do not reject Ho least one traffic accident in the last
five years.

Prepared by:

Vilma B. Panela
Master Teacher 1


Background Information

When can we say that there is an association between two variables?

An association exists between two variables (Bivariate variable) if a particular value of one variable
is more likely to occur with certain values of the other variable.

 Positive association: as x goes up, y tends to go up.

Example: The profit increases when capital increases.
 Negative association: as x goes up, y tends to go down.
Example: The savings increases when expenditures decrease.

The statistical procedure that is used to determine or to describe the relationship between
two variables is called correlation analysis.

To explore the relationship between two variables, we can either do it graphically using the
Scatter Plot or numerically using the Pearson-Moment Correlation or Pearson r.

The following activities show scatterplot.

Arm Span and Height of a Person Daily Allowance and Weight of a Person
Steps Solution Steps Solution
1. Using a meter stick of the Daily
Height 1. Ask 5 persons of Allowance Weight
or ruler, measure the Arm
Span their average daily
length of the arm allowance in peso
span and height of 5 1 1
and their weights
of your classmates / 2 expressed in 2
friends / family in 3 kilograms. Tabulate 3
inches. Tabulate the the results.
4 4
5 5
2. Graph the points 2. Graph the points
to the bivariate data. to the bivariate

3. Identify the 3. Identify the

variables describe variables describe
how the points are how the points are
scattered? scattered?

A. Scatter Plot
Scatter plot, scatter graph, or sometimes called scatter diagram is a graphical
representation of the relationship between two variables. Data’s are scattered on the Cartesian
plane where points are not joined. The relationship or correlation between two variables may
be described in terms of direction and strength. The line closest to the points is called the trend
line – it indicates the direction.

The direction of correlation may be positive, negative or zero.

 A positive correlation exists when high values of one variable correspond to high values
in the other variable or low values in one variable correspond to low values in the other

 A negative correlation exists when high values in one variable correspond to low values
in the other variable or low values in one variable correspond to high values in the other

 A zero correlation when high values in one variable correspond to either high or low values
in the other variable.

The strength of correlation may be perfect, very high, moderately high, moderately low,
very low and zero.
The following are examples of scatterplot with interpretation of strength and directions.

No Correlation

Sometimes a scatterplot does not evidently show that a correlation exists between the two
variables. This is in the case of very weak correlation where it would be very difficult to identify the
trend line. Thus, we use the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation.

B. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation
Pearson r is the most commonly used statistic to measure the strength of correlation or
association between two variables, symbolized by r, named in honor of the statistician who did a
lot of research on this area, Karl Pearson.

To compute r, we use the formula,

Formula: Pearson r Qualitative Description
r= +1 Perfect
√[𝑛Ʃ𝑋 2 −(Ʃ𝑋)2 ][𝑛Ʃ𝑌 2 −(Ʃ𝑌)2 ]
 The interpretation of r focuses on both +0.75 to <+1 Very high
direction and strength of correlation.
 The direction of correlation is indicated +0.50 to Moderately high
by the sign of r while its strength is <+0.75
indicated by the absolute value of the +0.25 to Moderately low
computed value. <+0.50
 To make the interpretation of the
>0 to <+0.25 Very low
strength of association more objective,
we use a correlation scale showing the 0 No correlation
ranges of r and the corresponding qualitative
(as shown in the table at the right)

The sign of r denotes the nature of the association while the value of r denotes the strength of

Example: The following data shows the scores of five students in Statistics and Physics. Determine
if there is a relationship between the scores in Physics and Statistics using scatterplot and Pearson
r. Interpret the results.
Score in Score in
Student Statistics Physics
Hyun Bin 3 5
Ji Chang Wook 9 8
Lee Dong Wook 10 10
Park Bo Gum 12 9
Lee Min Ho 7 8

A. Using the scatterplot

From the graph, we can
interpret that there is a Strong positive
correlation between the Score in
Statistics and score in Physics

B. Using the Pearson r
Steps Solution
Construct a table shown Student X Y X2 Y2 XY
on the right side. Hyun 3 5
J C Wook 9 8
L D Wook 10 10
PBo Gum 12 9
LMin Ho 7 8
Complete the table.
Square all entries in the X Student X Y X2 Y2 XY
column. Put them under X2 Hyun 3 5 9 25 15
column. J C Wook 9 8 81 64 72
Square all entries in the Y
column. Put under Y2 L D Wook 10 10 100 100 100
column. PBo Gum 12 9 144 81 108
Multiply entries in the X and LMin Ho 7 8 49 64 56
Y columns. Put them under
the XY column.
Get the sum of all entries in
the X column. This is ƩX. Student X Y X2 Y2 XY
Get the sum of all entries in Hyun 3 5 9 25 15
the Y column. This is ƩY. J C Wook 9 8 81 64 72
Get the sum of all entries in
the X2 column. This is ƩX2. L D Wook 10 10 100 100 100
Get the sum of all entries in PBo Gum 12 9 144 81 108
the Y2 column. This is ƩY2. LMin Ho 7 8 49 64 56
Get the sum of all entries in
ƩX = 41 ƩY = 40 ƩX2 = 383 ƩY =334
the XY column. This is
Substitute the values 𝑛Ʃ𝑋𝑌− Ʃ𝑋⦁Ʃ𝑌
obtained from Step 3 in the √[𝑛Ʃ𝑋2 −(Ʃ𝑋)2 ][𝑛Ʃ𝑌2 −(Ʃ𝑌)2 ]
r= 5(351)−(41⦁40)
√[𝑛Ʃ𝑋2 −(Ʃ𝑋)2 ][𝑛Ʃ𝑌2 −(Ʃ𝑌)2 ] r=
√[5(383)−(41)2 ][5(334)−(40)2 ]
r = 0.90 , very high correlation

Learning Competencies with Code:

 Illustrate the nature of bivariate data. M11/12SP-IVg-2
 Construct a scatter plot. M11/12SP-IVg-3
 Describe shape(form), trend(direction), and variation(strength) based on a scatter plot.
 Calculates the Pearson’s sample correlation coefficient M11/12SP-IVh-2
 Solves problems involving correlation analysis. M11/12SP-IVh-3

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper
Practice A. Determine whether the following bivariate data are correlated or not. If they are
correlated, tell the direction of the association. Evaluate whether the following correlation is most
likely strong or weak.

1. Annual income of the family and floor area of the residence house.
2. Age and price of a car
3. Gross national product and level of technology of a country.
4. Age and reaction time of person’s over 18 years of age.
5. Yearly income and number of year of schooling of company owners.

Practice B. For each case, determine the two variables and tell whether the relationship is positive
or negative.
1. The more time is spent in studying his lessons, the higher is the average grade of Nelson.
2. If the population of fox in the forest increases, the number of deer decreases.
3. The more students enroll in a school, the more teachers are needed.
4. As a person ages, his memory decreases.
5. The more workers are hired to paint the whole school, the sooner the job is done.

Practice C. Construct the scatterplot of the given bivariate data.

Age of car, in years 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 4.5 5 6 7
Mileage, in km/liter 16 15 10 12 10 12 11 10 11 8

Practice D. Compute r for each of the following.

1. ƩX = 225 2. ƩX = 180
ƩY = 22 ƩY = 147
ƩX = 9653
ƩX2 = 6914
ƩY2 = 143 ƩY2 = 5273
ƩXY = 651 ƩXY = 4013
n=6 n=7

Practice E. Compute and interpret r.

Age of car, in years 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 4.5 5 6 7
Mileage, in km/liter 16 15 10 12 10 12 11 10 11 8

Belecina, Rene R., Baccay, Elisa S., Mateo, Efren B. Statistics and Probability (Quezon City:
Rex Bookstore, Inc., 2016), 282 – 301.
” Graphs of Positive Strong Correlation”. Accessed on October 21, 2020

“Graphs of Positive Strong Correlation”. Accessed on October 21, 2020.

“Graph of Quadrant 1”. Accessed on October 22, 2020.

Answer Key
Practice A Practice B Practice C
1. Positive, strong 1. Positive Moderately Negative Correlation
2. Negative, Strong 2. Negative
3. Positive, Strong 3. Positive
4. Negative
4. No Correlation
5. Negative
5. No Correlation

Practice D Practice E
1. r = -0.63, moderately high correlation ƩX = 34.5
ƩY = 115 r = - 0.74,
2. r = 0.10, very low correlation moderately high correlation
ƩX2 = 162.75
ƩY2 = 1375
ƩXY = 361.50
n = 10

Prepared :
Master Teacher I


Background Information

Regression analysis is used in statistics to find trends in data. For example, you might
guess that there’s a connection between your age and how much you weigh; regression analysis
can help you quantify that.
Dependent and Independent Variables
Dependent variable is the condition that you measure in an experiment. It is also called the
“responding or outcome variable”. The dependent variable is denoted by “Y”.

Independent variable also called the "predictor variable" because it predicts or forecast the
values of the dependent variable in the model. The independent variable is denoted by “X”.

Example: Identify the dependent variable (Y) and the independent variable (X) in each of the
following situations.

1. A scientist conducts an experiment to test the theory that a vitamin could extend a person's
Dependent variable (Y) = life span
Independent variable (X) = Amount of vitamin

2. You want to figure out which brand of microwave popcorn pops the most kernels so you can
get the most value for your money. You test different brands of popcorn to see which bag pops
the most popcorn kernels.
Dependent variable (Y) = Number of kernels popped
Independent variable (X) = Brand of popcorn bag

3. You want to determine whether how long a student sleeps affects his test scores.
Dependent variable (Y) = Test score
Independent variable (X) = length of time spent sleeping

Regression analysis is a set of statistical methods used for the estimation of relationships
between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables..( e.g. It predicts how
much you’ll weigh in ten years ,if you continue to put on weight at the same rate. )

Simple linear regression is a linear approach to modeling the relationship between the
dependent variables and one independent variables.

A regression line is a single line that best fits the data (in terms of having the smallest overall
distance from the line to the points). Also called “the line of best fit” or the
Least regression line.

The formula for the equation of the regression line is

y = a + bX
a - is the y-intercept.
b - is the slope of the line
Y – is the dependent variable
X – is the independent variable
The slope (b) of a line is the change in Y over the change in X.
The y-intercept (a)is the value on the y-axis where the line crosses.

To find the y-intercept (a) of the regression line, we use the formula

To find the slope (b) of the regression line, we use the formula

Example 1. The table below shows the accumulated number of hours spent in a week by each of
the ten students from grade 11 in reviewing Statistics and Probability and their test scores

Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Review Hours 7 9 12 10 6 13 14 18 7 5
Scores in the Exam 33 36 41 53 42 78 82 88 29 28

Step 1: Make a chart of data, filling in the columns in the same way as you would fill in the chart if
you were finding the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

Student Number of Scores in

Review the Exam
Hours y xy x2 y2
1 7 33 231 49 1089
2 9 36 324 81 1296
3 12 41 492 144 1681
4 10 53 530 100 2809
5 6 42 252 36 1764
6 13 78 1014 169 6084
7 14 82 1148 196 6724
8 18 88 1584 324 7744
9 7 29 203 49 841
10 5 28 140 25 784
Sum x = 101 y = 510 xy = 5918  x =1173
 y2 = 30816

From the above table, Σx = 101, Σy = 510, Σxy = 5918, Σx2 = 1173, Σy2 = 30816, n = 10 (sample

Step 2. Find the slope (b) of the regression line, we use the formula

(10)(5918) − (101)(510)
= (10)( 1173 ) − (101)2

(59 180) − 51 510

11 730 − 10 201

b = 5.0
For every 1 hour spend in reviewing Statistics and probability, the average score in the exam
increases by 5.0.
Step 3. Find the y-intercept (a) of the regression line, we use the formula

Substitute the equivalent value for each variable.

(510)(1173) − (101)(5918)
a= (10)( 1173 ) − (101)2

598 230 − 597 718

11 730 − 10 201


a = 0.33
Step 4: Find the equation of the regression line, we use the formula

y = a + bX
Substitute the computed value of the slope ( b) and the y – intercept (a)
y = a + bX
y = 0.33 + 5.0 x ( equation of the line )

Step 5. Graph the regression line

Predict the value of the dependent variable given the value of the independent variable.

To predict the value of the dependent variable given the value of the independent variable
we use the formula of the regression line.

y = a + bx

Let us use the above example 1 where a = 0.33 , b = 5.01. What is the predicted score in the
exam of the 11th student if he spends 15 hours in reviewing Statistics and Probability?

Solution : Using the equation of the regression line, substitute the equivalent value for each
y = a + bx
y = 0.33 + 5.01 (15)
y = 0.33 + 75.15
y = 75.48  75 (score must be a whole number)

Therefore, the predicted score in the exam in Statistics and Probability of the 11th student is 75 if
he will review 15 hours in a week.

Example 2. Given the following data: a = 12, b= 2 and x(age of father in years) = 58. What is the
predicted height(cm) of the father?

y = a + bx
y = 12 + 3 ( 58)
y = 12 + 174
y = 186
Therefore, the predicted height of the father is 186 cm when he is 58 years old.

Learning Competencies with Code:

 Identify the independent and dependent variables. M11/12SP-IVi-1

 Calculate the slope and y-intercept of the regression line. M11/12SP-IVi-3
 Interpret the calculated slope and y-intercept of the regression line. M11/12SP-IVi-4
 Predict the value of the dependent variable given the value of the independent variable.
 Solve problems involving regression analysis. M11/12SP-IVj-2

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answer on a separate paper

Activity 1. Identify the dependent variable (Y) and the dependent variable (X) in each of the
following situations.
1. You want to compare brands of paper towels, to see which holds the most liquid.
Y = _____________________________________________
X = _____________________________________________
2. You are interested in whether a higher minimum wage impacts employment rate.
Y = _____________________________________________
X = _____________________________________________
3. A real-estate agent may want to predict the selling price of a house (in pesos) based on the
floor area ( in m2) of the house.
Y = _____________________________________________
X = _____________________________________________

4. A study is done to determine if the weekly grocery bill changes based on the number of
family member.
Y = _____________________________________________
X = _____________________________________________

Activity 2.
Compute for the slope(b) and the y-intercept (a) given the following information.
1. x = 194 , y = 58 , xy = 1969 , x2 = 8464, y2 = 766 , n = 5 ________ _______
2. x = 92 , y = 507, xy = 6273 , x = 1262, y = 32467 , n = 9 ________ _______
2 2

3. x = 854 , y = 816, xy = 69941, x2 = 73346, y2 = 66872, n = 10 ________ _______

Activity 3.
Find the predicted value of when x is given
1. 𝑦 = 6.828𝑥 + 90.463 , when x = 5 ____________________
2. 𝑦 = 0.736𝑥 + 47.788 , when x = 7 _____________________
3. 𝑦 = 57. 82𝑥 + 6.88 , when x = 9.81 _____________________
4. 𝑦 = 93𝑥 + 29.21 , when x = 23.38 _____________________

Activity 4.
The table below shows the data of 10 randomly selected grade 11 student in Angeles City.
Student Height Weight
(meters) (kg)
X Y XY X2 Y2
1 1.64 40
2 1.52 49
3 1.52 50
4 1.65 45
5 1.42 42
6 1.48 46
7 1.50 36
8 1.54 50
9 1.67 63
10 1.72 55
SUM x= y= xy= x2= y2=

Answer the following: Show the complete solution.

1. Complete the table.
2. Compute for the slope of the regression line.
3. Compute for the y-intercept of the regression line.
4. Find the equation of the regression line.
5. What is the predicted weight of the 11th student if the height is 1.60 meters?
6. Graph the regression line.


Chan Shio,Christian Paul O, Reyes Maria Angeli T. Statistics and Probabilty for Senior High
School.(Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc., 2017).
Department of Education. Most Essential Learning Competencies in Statistics and Probability: pp.
67- 68.
Department of Education. Statistics and Probability: Teaching Guide: pp. 385 – 389.
Dependent and Independent Variable.
variable-examples-606828. Accessed on October 18,2020.
Interpreting the slope of the line.
Interpreting Statistics/2%3A_Graphing_Points_and_Lines_in_Two_ Dimensions/2.6%3A_
Interpreting_the_Slope_of_a_Line Accessed on October 18,2020.
How to calculate regression line.
calculate-a-regression-line/. Accessed on October 18,2020.
Regression Analysis: Step by Step Articles, Videos, Simple Definitions. Accessed on October 18,2020.
Simple linear regression line. Accessed on October

Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2
1. Y= Amount of liquid absorbed by the paper 1. b = -0.30
towel. a = 23.25
X = Brand of paper towel. 2. b = 3.39
2. Y = Employment rate. a = 21.67
X = Minimum wage 3. b = 0.61
3. Y = Selling price of a house (in pesos). a = 29.13
X = Floor area of the house (in m 2).
4. Y = Grocery bill.
X = Number of family members.

Activity 4
Activity 3
1. 124.603
2. 52.94
3. 574.09
4. 2 203.55

2. b = 40.50
3. a = -15.82
4. y = -15.82 + 40.50x
5. y = 48.98

Prepared by:

Vilma B. Panela
Master Teacher 1


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