Azure Security Document

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Table of Contents

Network security
Database security
Storage security
Compute security
Operational security
Security management and monitoring
Service Fabric security
Identity management
IoT security
Azure encryption overview
Security architecture
Enabling operational security
Advanced threat detection
Logging and auditing
Isolation in the public cloud
Security technical capabilities
Governance in Azure
Data encryption at rest
Get Started
Getting started with Azure security
Security best practices and patterns
Security services and technologies
Network security
Network security best practices
Azure network security
Boundary security
Secure hybrid network architecture
Storage security
Data security and encryption best practices
Storage security guide
Compute security
Best practices for Azure VMs
Best practices for IaaS workloads
Microsoft Antimalware
Disk encryption for IaaS VMs
Encrypt an Azure VM
Operational security
Best practices for operational security
Security management and monitoring
Security management
Azure Security Center
Introduction to Azure log integration
Service Fabric
Service Fabric best practices
Service Fabric checklist
Identity management
Identity management security best practices
PaaS services
Securing PaaS deployments
Internet of Things
Secure your IoT deployment
IoT security best practices
Security architecture
Data classification
Disaster recovery and high availability for applications built on Azure
Trust Center
Microsoft Security Response Center
Pen testing
Security Center
Key Vault
Log Analytics
Multi-Factor Authentication
Azure Active Directory
Operations Management Suite
Azure Roadmap
Azure security MVP program
Cybersecurity consulting
Pricing calculator
Manage personal data in Azure
Discover, identify, and classify personal data in Azure
Protect personal data in Azure
Protect personal data with Security Center
Protect personal data with Application Gateway
Protect personal data by using identity and access controls
Protect personal data at rest by using encryption
Protect personal data in transit by using encryption
Protect personal data by using Azure reporting tools
Security and Compliance blog
Security courses from Virtual Academy
Security videos on Channel 9
Threat Modeling Tool
Getting started
Feature overview
Introduction to Azure Security
9/8/2017 • 30 min to read • Edit Online

We know that security is job one in the cloud and how important it is that you find accurate and timely information
about Azure security. One of the best reasons to use Azure for your applications and services is to take advantage
of its wide array of security tools and capabilities. These tools and capabilities help make it possible to create secure
solutions on the secure Azure platform. Microsoft Azure provides confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
customer data, while also enabling transparent accountability.
To help you better understand the collection of security controls implemented within Microsoft Azure from both
the customer's and Microsoft operations' perspectives, this white paper, "Introduction to Azure Security", is written
to provide a comprehensive look at the security available with Microsoft Azure.
Azure Platform
Azure is a public cloud service platform that supports a broad selection of operating systems, programming
languages, frameworks, tools, databases, and devices. It can run Linux containers with Docker integration; build
apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java, and Node.js; build back-ends for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Azure public cloud services support the same technologies millions of developers and IT professionals already rely
on and trust. When you build on, or migrate IT assets to, a public cloud service provider you are relying on that
organization’s abilities to protect your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to
manage the security of your cloud-based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security requirements.
In addition, Azure provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to control them so
that you can customize security to meet the unique requirements of your organization’s deployments. This
document helps you understand how Azure security capabilities can help you fulfill these requirements.

The primary focus of this document is on customer-facing controls that you can use to customize and increase security for
your applications and services.
We do provide some overview information, but for detailed information on how Microsoft secures the Azure platform itself,
see information provided in the Microsoft Trust Center.

Initially, public cloud migrations were driven by cost savings and agility to innovate. Security was considered a
major concern for some time, and even a show stopper, for public cloud migration. However, public cloud security
has transitioned from a major concern to one of the drivers for cloud migration. The rationale behind this is the
superior ability of large public cloud service providers to protect applications and the data of cloud-based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security needs. In addition, Azure
provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to control them so that you can
customize security to meet the unique requirements of your deployments to meet your IT control policies and
adhere to external regulations.
This paper outlines Microsoft’s approach to security within the Microsoft Azure cloud platform:
Security features implemented by Microsoft to secure the Azure infrastructure, customer data, and applications.
Azure services and security features available to you to manage the Security of the Services and your data
within your Azure subscriptions.

Summary Azure Security Capabilities

The table following provide a brief description of the security features implemented by Microsoft to secure the
Azure infrastructure, customer data, and secure applications.
Security Features Implemented to Secure the Azure Platform:
The features listed following are capabilities you can review to provide the assurance that the Azure Platform is
managed in a secure manner. Links have been provided for further drill-down on how Microsoft addresses
customer trust questions in four areas: Secure Platform, Privacy & Controls, Compliance, and Transparency.


Security Development Cycle, Manage your data all the Trust Center How Microsoft secures
Internal audits time customer data in Azure

Mandatory Security training, Control on data location Common Controls Hub How Microsoft manage data
back ground checks location in Azure services

Penetration testing, Provide data access on your The Cloud Services Due Who in Microsoft can access
intrusion detection, DDoS, terms Diligence Checklist your data on what terms
Audits & logging

State of art datacentre, Responding to law Compliance by service, How Microsoft secures
physical security, Secure enforcement location & Industry customer data in Azure
Network services

Security Incident response, Stringent privacy standards Review certification for Azure
Shared Responsibility services, Transparency hub

Security Features Offered by Azure to Secure Data and Application

Depending on the cloud service model, there is variable responsibility for who is responsible for managing the
security of the application or service. There are capabilities available in the Azure Platform to assist you in meeting
these responsibilities through built-in features, and through partner solutions that can be deployed into an Azure
The built-in capabilities are organized in six (6) functional areas: Operations, Applications, Storage, Networking,
Compute, and Identity. Additional detail on the features and capabilities available in the Azure Platform in these six
(6) areas are provided through summary information.

This section provides additional information regarding key features in security operations and summary
information about these capabilities.
Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Dashboard
The OMS Security and Audit solution provides a comprehensive view into your organization’s IT security posture
with built-in search queries for notable issues that require your attention. The Security and Audit dashboard is the
home screen for everything related to security in OMS. It provides high-level insight into the Security state of your
computers. It also includes the ability to view all events from the past 24 hours, 7 days, or any other custom time
In addition, you can configure OMS Security & Compliance to automatically carry out specific actions when a
specific event is detected.
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Resource Manager enables you to work with the resources in your solution as a group. You can deploy,
update, or delete all the resources for your solution in a single, coordinated operation. You use an Azure Resource
Manager template for deployment and that template can work for different environments such as testing, staging,
and production. Resource Manager provides security, auditing, and tagging features to help you manage your
resources after deployment.
Azure Resource Manager template-based deployments help improve the security of solutions deployed in Azure
because standard security control settings and can be integrated into standardized template-based deployments.
This reduces the risk of security configuration errors that might take place during manual deployments.
Application Insights
Application Insights is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers. With
Application Insights, you can monitor your live web applications and automatically detect performance anomalies.
It includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your
apps. It monitors your application all the time it's running, both during testing and after you've published or
deployed it.
Application Insights creates charts and tables that show you, for example, what times of day you get most users,
how responsive the app is, and how well it is served by any external services that it depends on.
If there are crashes, failures or performance issues, you can search through the telemetry data in detail to diagnose
the cause. And the service sends you emails if there are any changes in the availability and performance of your
app. Application Insight thus becomes a valuable security tool because it helps with the availability in the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability security triad.
Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor offers visualization, query, routing, alerting, auto scale, and automation on data both from the Azure
infrastructure (Activity Log) and each individual Azure resource (Diagnostic Logs). You can use Azure Monitor to
alert you on security-related events that are generated in Azure logs.
Log Analytics
Log Analytics part of Operations Management Suite – Provides an IT management solution for both on-premises
and third-party cloud-based infrastructure (such as AWS) in addition to Azure resources. Data from Azure Monitor
can be routed directly to Log Analytics so you can see metrics and logs for your entire environment in one place.
Log Analytics can be a useful tool in forensic and other security analysis, as the tool enables you to quickly search
through large amounts of security-related entries with a flexible query approach. In addition, on-premises firewall
and proxy logs can be exported into Azure and made available for analysis using Log Analytics.
Azure Advisor
Azure Advisor is a personalized cloud consultant that helps you to optimize your Azure deployments. It analyzes
your resource configuration and usage telemetry. It then recommends solutions to help improve the performance,
security, and high availability of your resources while looking for opportunities to reduce your overall Azure spend.
Azure Advisor provides security recommendations, which can significant improve your overall security posture for
solutions you deploy in Azure. These recommendations are drawn from security analysis performed by Azure
Security Center.
Azure Security Center
Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats with increased visibility into and control
over the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy management
across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works with a broad
ecosystem of security solutions.
In addition, Azure Security Center helps with security operations by providing you a single dashboard that surfaces
alerts and recommendations that can be acted upon immediately. Often, you can remediate issues with a single
click within the Azure Security Center console.

The section provides additional information regarding key features in application security and summary
information about these capabilities.
Web Application vulnerability scanning
One of the easiest ways to get started with testing for vulnerabilities on your App Service app is to use the
integration with Tinfoil Security to perform one-click vulnerability scanning on your app. You can view the test
results in an easy-to-understand report, and learn how to fix each vulnerability with step-by-step instructions.
Penetration Testing
If you prefer to perform your own penetration tests or want to use another scanner suite or provider, you must
follow the Azure penetration testing approval process and obtain prior approval to perform the desired penetration
Web Application firewall
The web application firewall (WAF) in Azure Application Gateway helps protect web applications from common
web-based attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting attacks, and session hijacking. It comes preconfigured with
protection from threats identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) as the top 10 common
Authentication and authorization in Azure App Service
App Service Authentication / Authorization is a feature that provides a way for your application to sign in users so
that you don't have to change code on the app backend. It provides an easy way to protect your application and
work with per-user data.
Layered Security Architecture
Since App Service Environments provide an isolated runtime environment deployed into an Azure Virtual Network,
developers can create a layered security architecture providing differing levels of network access for each
application tier. A common desire is to hide API back-ends from general Internet access, and only allow APIs to be
called by upstream web apps. Network Security groups (NSGs) can be used on Azure Virtual Network subnets
containing App Service Environments to restrict public access to API applications.
Web server diagnostics and application diagnostics
App Service web apps provide diagnostic functionality for logging information from both the web server and the
web application. These are logically separated into web server diagnostics and application diagnostics. Web server
includes two major advances in diagnosing and troubleshooting sites and applications.
The first new feature is real-time state information about application pools, worker processes, sites, application
domains, and running requests. The second new advantages are the detailed trace events that track a request
throughout the complete request-and-response process.
To enable the collection of these trace events, IIS 7 can be configured to automatically capture full trace logs, in XML
format, for any particular request based on elapsed time or error response codes.
Web server diagnostics
You can enable or disable the following kinds of logs:
Detailed Error Logging - Detailed error information for HTTP status codes that indicate a failure (status code
400 or greater). This may contain information that can help determine why the server returned the error
Failed Request Tracing - Detailed information on failed requests, including a trace of the IIS components
used to process the request and the time taken in each component. This can be useful if you are attempting
to increase site performance or isolate what is causing a specific HTTP error to be returned.
Web Server Logging - Information about HTTP transactions using the W3C extended log file format. This is
useful when determining overall site metrics such as the number of requests handled or how many requests
are from a specific IP address.
Application diagnostics
Application diagnostics allows you to capture information produced by a web application. ASP.NET applications can
use the System.Diagnostics.Trace class to log information to the application diagnostics log. In Application
Diagnostics, there are two major types of events, those related to application performance and those related to
application failures and errors. The failures and errors can be divided further into connectivity, security, and failure
issues. Failure issues are typically related to a problem with the application code.
In Application Diagnostics, you can view events grouped in these ways:
All (displays all events)
Application Errors (displays exception events)
Performance (displays performance events)

The section provides additional information regarding key features in Azure storage security and summary
information about these capabilities.
Role -Based Access Control (RBAC )
You can secure your storage account with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Restricting access based on the need
to know and least privilege security principles is imperative for organizations that want to enforce Security policies
for data access. These access rights are granted by assigning the appropriate RBAC role to groups and applications
at a certain scope. You can use built-in RBAC roles, such as Storage Account Contributor, to assign privileges to
users. Access to the storage keys for a storage account using the Azure Resource Manager model can be controlled
through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
Shared Access Signature
A shared access signature (SAS) provides delegated access to resources in your storage account. The SAS means
that you can grant a client limited permissions to objects in your storage account for a specified period and with a
specified set of permissions. You can grant these limited permissions without having to share your account access
Encryption in Transit
Encryption in transit is a mechanism of protecting data when it is transmitted across networks. With Azure Storage,
you can secure data using:
Transport-level encryption, such as HTTPS when you transfer data into or out of Azure Storage.
Wire encryption, such as SMB 3.0 encryption for Azure File shares.
Client-side encryption, to encrypt the data before it is transferred into storage and to decrypt the data after it
is transferred out of storage.
Encryption at rest
For many organizations, data encryption at rest is a mandatory step towards data privacy, compliance, and data
sovereignty. There are three Azure storage security features that provide encryption of data that is “at rest”:
Storage Service Encryption allows you to request that the storage service automatically encrypt data when
writing it to Azure Storage.
Client-side Encryption also provides the feature of encryption at rest.
Azure Disk Encryption allows you to encrypt the OS disks and data disks used by an IaaS virtual machine.
Storage Analytics
Azure Storage Analytics performs logging and provides metrics data for a storage account. You can use this data to
trace requests, analyze usage trends, and diagnose issues with your storage account. Storage Analytics logs
detailed information about successful and failed requests to a storage service. This information can be used to
monitor individual requests and to diagnose issues with a storage service. Requests are logged on a best-effort
basis. The following types of authenticated requests are logged:
Successful requests.
Failed requests, including timeout, throttling, network, authorization, and other errors.
Requests using a Shared Access Signature (SAS), including failed and successful requests.
Requests to analytics data.
Enabling Browser-Based Clients Using CORS
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows domains to give each other permission for
accessing each other’s resources. The User Agent sends extra headers to ensure that the JavaScript code loaded
from a certain domain is allowed to access resources located at another domain. The latter domain then replies
with extra headers allowing or denying the original domain access to its resources.
Azure storage services now support CORS so that once you set the CORS rules for the service, a properly
authenticated request made against the service from a different domain is evaluated to determine whether it is
allowed according to the rules you have specified.

The section provides additional information regarding key features in Azure network security and summary
information about these capabilities.
Network Layer Controls
Network access control is the act of limiting connectivity to and from specific devices or subnets and represents the
core of network security. The goal of network access control is to make sure that your virtual machines and services
are accessible to only users and devices to which you want them accessible.
Network Security Groups
A Network Security Group (NSG) is a basic stateful packet filtering firewall and it enables you to control access
based on a 5-tuple. NSGs do not provide application layer inspection or authenticated access controls. They can be
used to control traffic moving between subnets within an Azure Virtual Network and traffic between an Azure
Virtual Network and the Internet.
Route Control and Forced Tunneling
The ability to control routing behavior on your Azure Virtual Networks is a critical network security and access
control capability. For example, if you want to make sure that all traffic to and from your Azure Virtual Network
goes through that virtual security appliance, you need to be able to control and customize routing behavior. You
can do this by configuring User-Defined Routes in Azure.
User-Defined Routes allow you to customize inbound and outbound paths for traffic moving into and out of
individual virtual machines or subnets to insure the most secure route possible. Forced tunneling is a mechanism
you can use to ensure that your services are not allowed to initiate a connection to devices on the Internet.
This is different from being able to accept incoming connections and then responding to them. Front-end web
servers need to respond to requests from Internet hosts, and so Internet-sourced traffic is allowed inbound to these
web servers and the web servers can respond.
Forced tunneling is commonly used to force outbound traffic to the Internet to go through on-premises security
proxies and firewalls.
Virtual Network Security Appliances
While Network Security Groups, User-Defined Routes, and forced tunneling provide you a level of security at the
network and transport layers of the OSI model, there may be times when you want to enable security at higher
levels of the stack. You can access these enhanced network security features by using an Azure partner network
security appliance solution. You can find the most current Azure partner network security solutions by visiting the
Azure Marketplace and searching for “security” and “network security.”
Azure Virtual Network
An Azure virtual network (VNet) is a representation of your own network in the cloud. It is a logical isolation of the
Azure network fabric dedicated to your subscription. You can fully control the IP address blocks, DNS settings,
security policies, and route tables within this network. You can segment your VNet into subnets and place Azure
IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and/or Cloud services (PaaS role instances) on Azure Virtual Networks.
Additionally, you can connect the virtual network to your on-premises network using one of the connectivity
options available in Azure. In essence, you can expand your network to Azure, with complete control on IP address
blocks with the benefit of enterprise scale Azure provides.
Azure networking supports various secure remote access scenarios. Some of these include:
Connect individual workstations to an Azure Virtual Network
Connect on-premises network to an Azure Virtual Network with a VPN
Connect on-premises network to an Azure Virtual Network with a dedicated WAN link
Connect Azure Virtual Networks to each other
VPN Gateway
To send network traffic between your Azure Virtual Network and your on-premises site, you must create a VPN
gateway for your Azure Virtual Network. A VPN gateway is a type of virtual network gateway that sends encrypted
traffic across a public connection. You can also use VPN gateways to send traffic between Azure Virtual Networks
over the Azure network fabric.
Express Route
Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute is a dedicated WAN link that lets you extend your on-premises networks into the
Microsoft cloud over a dedicated private connection facilitated by a connectivity provider.
With ExpressRoute, you can establish connections to Microsoft cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure, Office 365,
and CRM Online. Connectivity can be from an any-to-any (IP VPN) network, a point-to-point Ethernet network, or a
virtual cross-connection through a connectivity provider at a co-location facility.
ExpressRoute connections do not go over the public Internet and thus can be considered more secure than VPN-
based solutions. This allows ExpressRoute connections to offer more reliability, faster speeds, lower latencies, and
higher security than typical connections over the Internet.
Application Gateway
Microsoft Azure Application Gateway provides an Application Delivery Controller (ADC) as a service, offering
various layer 7 load balancing capabilities for your application.

It allows you to optimize web farm productivity by offloading CPU intensive SSL termination to the Application
Gateway (also known as “SSL offload” or “SSL bridging”). It also provides other Layer 7 routing capabilities
including round-robin distribution of incoming traffic, cookie-based session affinity, URL path-based routing, and
the ability to host multiple websites behind a single Application Gateway. Azure Application Gateway is a layer-7
load balancer.
It provides failover, performance-routing HTTP requests between different servers, whether they are on the cloud
or on-premises.
Application provides many Application Delivery Controller (ADC) features including HTTP load balancing, cookie-
based session affinity, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offload, custom health probes, support for multi-site, and many
Web Application Firewall
Web Application Firewall is a feature of Azure Application Gateway that provides protection to web applications
that use application gateway for standard Application Delivery Control (ADC) functions. Web application firewall
does this by protecting them against most of the OWASP top 10 common web vulnerabilities.

SQL injection protection

Common Web Attacks Protection such as command injection, HTTP request smuggling, HTTP response
splitting, and remote file inclusion attack
Protection against HTTP protocol violations
Protection against HTTP protocol anomalies such as missing host user-agent and accept headers
Prevention against bots, crawlers, and scanners
Detection of common application misconfigurations (that is, Apache, IIS, etc.)
A centralized web application firewall to protect against web attacks makes security management much simpler
and gives better assurance to the application against the threats of intrusions. A WAF solution can also react to a
security threat faster by patching a known vulnerability at a central location versus securing each of individual web
applications. Existing application gateways can be converted to an application gateway with web application firewall
Traffic Manager
Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager allows you to control the distribution of user traffic for service endpoints in
different data centers. Service endpoints supported by Traffic Manager include Azure VMs, Web Apps, and Cloud
services. You can also use Traffic Manager with external, non-Azure endpoints. Traffic Manager uses the Domain
Name System (DNS) to direct client requests to the most appropriate endpoint based on a traffic-routing method
and the health of the endpoints.
Traffic Manager provides a range of traffic-routing methods to suit different application needs, endpoint health
monitoring, and automatic failover. Traffic Manager is resilient to failure, including the failure of an entire Azure
Azure Load Balancer
Azure Load Balancer delivers high availability and network performance to your applications. It is a Layer 4 (TCP,
UDP) load balancer that distributes incoming traffic among healthy instances of services defined in a load-balanced
set. Azure Load Balancer can be configured to:
Load balance incoming Internet traffic to virtual machines. This configuration is known as Internet-facing
load balancing.
Load balance traffic between virtual machines in a virtual network, between virtual machines in cloud
services, or between on-premises computers and virtual machines in a cross-premises virtual network. This
configuration is known as internal load balancing.
Forward external traffic to a specific virtual machine
Internal DNS
You can manage the list of DNS servers used in a VNet in the Management Portal, or in the network configuration
file. Customer can add up to 12 DNS servers for each VNet. When specifying DNS servers, it's important to verify
that you list customer’s DNS servers in the correct order for customer’s environment. DNS server lists do not work
round-robin. They are used in the order that they are specified. If the first DNS server on the list is able to be
reached, the client uses that DNS server regardless of whether the DNS server is functioning properly or not. To
change the DNS server order for customer’s virtual network, remove the DNS servers from the list and add them
back in the order that customer wants. DNS supports the availability aspect of the “CIA” security triad.
Azure DNS
The Domain Name System, or DNS, is responsible for translating (or resolving) a website or service name to its IP
address. Azure DNS is a hosting service for DNS domains, providing name resolution using Microsoft Azure
infrastructure. By hosting your domains in Azure, you can manage your DNS records using the same credentials,
APIs, tools, and billing as your other Azure services. DNS supports the availability aspect of the “CIA” security triad.
Log Analytics NSGs
You can enable the following diagnostic log categories for NSGs:
Event: Contains entries for which NSG rules are applied to VMs and instance roles based on MAC address.
The status for these rules is collected every 60 seconds.
Rules counter: Contains entries for how many times each NSG rule is applied to deny or allow traffic.
Azure Security Center
Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats, and provides you increased visibility into, and
control over, the Security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated Security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works
with a broad ecosystem of Security solutions. Network recommendations center around firewalls, Network Security
Groups, configuring inbound traffic rules, and more.
Available network recommendations are as follows:
Add a Next Generation Firewall Recommends that you add a Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) from a
Microsoft partner to increase your security protections
Route traffic through NGFW only Recommends that you configure network security group (NSG) rules that
force inbound traffic to your VM through your NGFW.
Enable Network Security Groups on subnets or virtual machines Recommends that you enable NSGs on
subnets or VMs.
Restrict access through Internet facing endpoint Recommends that you configure inbound traffic rules for

The section provides additional information regarding key features in this area and summary information about
these capabilities.
Antimalware & Antivirus
With Azure IaaS, you can use antimalware software from security vendors such as Microsoft, Symantec, Trend
Micro, McAfee, and Kaspersky to protect your virtual machines from malicious files, adware, and other threats.
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines is a protection capability that helps identify
and remove viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Microsoft Antimalware provides configurable alerts
when known malicious or unwanted software attempts to install itself or run on your Azure systems. Microsoft
Antimalware can also be deployed using Azure Security Center
Hardware Security Module
Encryption and authentication do not improve security unless the keys themselves are protected. You can simplify
the management and security of your critical secrets and keys by storing them in Azure Key Vault. Key Vault
provides the option to store your keys in hardware Security modules (HSMs) certified to FIPS 140-2 Level 2
standards. Your SQL Server encryption keys for backup or transparent data encryption can all be stored in Key
Vault with any keys or secrets from your applications. Permissions and access to these protected items are
managed through Azure Active Directory.
Virtual machine backup
Azure Backup is a solution that protects your application data with zero capital investment and minimal operating
costs. Application errors can corrupt your data, and human errors can introduce bugs into your applications that
can lead to security issues. With Azure Backup, your virtual machines running Windows and Linux are protected.
Azure Site Recovery
An important part of your organization's business continuity/disaster recovery (BCDR) strategy is figuring out how
to keep corporate workloads and apps up and running when planned and unplanned outages occur. Azure Site
Recovery helps orchestrate replication, failover, and recovery of workloads and apps so that they are available from
a secondary location if your primary location goes down.
Transparent data encryption (TDE) and column level encryption (CLE) are SQL server encryption features. This form
of encryption requires customers to manage and store the cryptographic keys you use for encryption.
The Azure Key Vault (AKV) service is designed to improve the security and management of these keys in a secure
and highly available location. The SQL Server Connector enables SQL Server to use these keys from Azure Key
If you are running SQL Server with on-premises machines, there are steps you can follow to access Azure Key Vault
from your on-premises SQL Server machine. But for SQL Server in Azure VMs, you can save time by using the
Azure Key Vault Integration feature. With a few Azure PowerShell cmdlets to enable this feature, you can automate
the configuration necessary for a SQL VM to access your key vault.
VM Disk Encryption
Azure Disk Encryption is a new capability that helps you encrypt your Windows and Linux IaaS virtual machine
disks. It applies the industry standard BitLocker feature of Windows and the DM-Crypt feature of Linux to provide
volume encryption for the OS and the data disks. The solution is integrated with Azure Key Vault to help you
control and manage the disk-encryption keys and secrets in your Key Vault subscription. The solution also ensures
that all data on the virtual machine disks are encrypted at rest in your Azure storage.
Virtual networking
Virtual machines need network connectivity. To support that requirement, Azure requires virtual machines to be
connected to an Azure Virtual Network. An Azure Virtual Network is a logical construct built on top of the physical
Azure network fabric. Each logical Azure Virtual Network is isolated from all other Azure Virtual Networks. This
isolation helps insure that network traffic in your deployments is not accessible to other Microsoft Azure customers.
Patch Updates
Patch Updates provide the basis for finding and fixing potential problems and simplify the software update
management process, both by reducing the number of software updates you must deploy in your enterprise and
by increasing your ability to monitor compliance.
Security policy management and reporting
Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats, and provides you increased visibility into,
and control over, the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated Security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works
with a broad ecosystem of security solutions.
Azure Security Center
Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats with increased visibility into and control over the
security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy management across your
Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works with a broad ecosystem of
security solutions.

Identify and access management

Securing systems, applications, and data begins with identity-based access controls. The identity and access
management features that are built into Microsoft business products and services help protect your organizational
and personal information from unauthorized access while making it available to legitimate users whenever and
wherever they need it.
Secure Identity
Microsoft uses multiple security practices and technologies across its products and services to manage identity and
Multi-Factor Authentication requires users to use multiple methods for access, on-premises and in the cloud.
It provides strong authentication with a range of easy verification options, while accommodating users with
a simple sign-in process.
Microsoft Authenticator provides a user-friendly Multi-Factor Authentication experience that works with
both Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Microsoft accounts, and includes support for wearables and
fingerprint-based approvals.
Password policy enforcement increases the security of traditional passwords by imposing length and
complexity requirements, forced periodic rotation, and account lockout after failed authentication attempts.
Token-based authentication enables authentication via Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) or third-
party secure token systems.
Role-based access control (RBAC) enables you to grant access based on the user’s assigned role, making it
easy to give users only the amount of access they need to perform their job duties. You can customize RBAC
per your organization’s business model and risk tolerance.
Integrated identity management (hybrid identity) enables you to maintain control of users’ access across
internal datacenters and cloud platforms, creating a single user identity for authentication and authorization
to all resources.
Secure Apps and data
Azure Active Directory, a comprehensive identity and access management cloud solution, helps secure access to
data in applications on site and in the cloud, and simplifies the management of users and groups. It combines core
directory services, advanced identity governance, security, and application access management, and makes it easy
for developers to build policy-based identity management into their apps. To enhance your Azure Active Directory,
you can add paid capabilities using the Azure Active Directory Basic, Premium P1, and Premium P2 editions.

Directory Objects, Group-based access Self-Service Group Identity Protection, Join a device to Azure
User/Group management / and app Privileged Identity AD, Desktop SSO,
Management provisioning, Self- Management/Self- Management Microsoft Passport for
(add/update/delete)/ Service Password Service application Azure AD,
User-based Reset for cloud users, additions/Dynamic Administrator
provisioning, Device Company Branding Groups, Self-Service Bitlocker recovery,
registration, Single (Logon Pages/Access Password MDM auto-
Sign-On (SSO), Self- Panel customization), Reset/Change/Unlock enrollment, Self-
Service Password Application Proxy, SLA with on-premises Service Bitlocker
Change for cloud 99.9% write-back, Multi- recovery, Additional
users, Connect (Sync Factor Authentication local administrators to
engine that extends (Cloud and On- Windows 10 devices
on-premises premises (MFA via Azure AD Join
directories to Azure Server)), MIM CAL +
Active Directory), MIM Server, Cloud
Security / Usage App Discovery,
Reports Connect Health,
Automatic password
rollover for group

Cloud App Discovery is a premium feature of Azure Active Directory that enables you to identify cloud
applications that are used by the employees in your organization.
Azure Active Directory Identity Protection is a security service that uses Azure Active Directory anomaly
detection capabilities to provide a consolidated view into risk events and potential vulnerabilities that could
affect your organization’s identities.
Azure Active Directory Domain Services enables you to join Azure VMs to a domain without the need to
deploy domain controllers. Users sign in to these VMs by using their corporate Active Directory credentials,
and can seamlessly access resources.
Azure Active Directory B2C is a highly available, global identity management service for consumer-facing
apps that can scale to hundreds of millions of identities and integrate across mobile and web platforms. Your
customers can sign in to all your apps through customizable experiences that use existing social media
accounts, or you can create new standalone credentials.
Azure Active Directory B2B Collaboration is a secure partner integration solution that supports your cross-
company relationships by enabling partners to access your corporate applications and data selectively by
using their self-managed identities.
Azure Active Directory Join enables you to extend cloud capabilities to Windows 10 devices for centralized
management. It makes it possible for users to connect to the corporate or organizational cloud through
Azure Active Directory and simplifies access to apps and resources.
Azure Active Directory Application Proxy provides SSO and secure remote access for web applications
hosted on-premises.

Next Steps
Getting started with Microsoft Azure Security
Azure services and features you can use to help secure your services and data within Azure
Azure Security Center
Prevent, detect, and respond to threats with increased visibility and control over the security of your Azure
Security health monitoring in Azure Security Center
The monitoring capabilities in Azure Security Center to monitor compliance with policies.
Azure Network Security Overview
6/27/2017 • 17 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft Azure includes a robust networking infrastructure to support your application and service connectivity
requirements. Network connectivity is possible between resources located in Azure, between on-premises and
Azure hosted resources, and to and from the Internet and Azure.
The goal of this article is to make it easier for you to understand what Microsoft Azure has to offer in the area of
network security. Here we provide basic explanations for core network security concepts and requirements. We
also provide you information on what Azure has to offer in each of these areas as well as links to help you gain a
deeper understanding of interesting areas.
This Azure Network Security Overview article focuses on the following areas:
Azure networking
Network access control
Secure remote access and cross-premises connectivity
Name resolution
DMZ architecture
Monitoring and threat detection

Azure Networking
Virtual machines need network connectivity. To support that requirement, Azure requires virtual machines to be
connected to an Azure Virtual Network. An Azure Virtual Network is a logical construct built on top of the physical
Azure network fabric. Each logical Azure Virtual Network is isolated from all other Azure Virtual Networks. This
helps insure that network traffic in your deployments is not accessible to other Microsoft Azure customers.
Learn more:
Virtual Network Overview

Network Access Control

Network access control is the act of limiting connectivity to and from specific devices or subnets within an Azure
Virtual Network. The goal of network access control is to limit access to your virtual machines and services to
approved users and devices. Access controls are based on allow or deny decisions for connections to and from
your virtual machine or service.
Azure supports several types of network access control such as:
Network layer control
Route control and forced tunneling
Virtual network security appliances
Network Layer Control
Any secure deployment requires some measure of network access control. The goal of network access control is to
restrict virtual machine communication to the necessary systems and that other communication attempts are
If you need basic network level access control (based on IP address and the TCP or UDP protocols), then you can
use Network Security Groups. A Network Security Group (NSG) is a basic stateful packet filtering firewall and it
enables you to control access based on a 5-tuple. NSGs do not provide application layer inspection or
authenticated access controls.
Learn more:
Network Security Groups
Route Control and Forced Tunneling
The ability to control routing behavior on your Azure Virtual Networks is a critical network security and access
control capability. If routing is configured incorrectly, applications and services hosted on your virtual machine may
connect to unauthorized devices including systems owned and operated by potential attackers.
Azure networking supports the ability to customize the routing behavior for network traffic on your Azure Virtual
Networks. This enables you to alter the default routing table entries in your Azure Virtual Network. Control of
routing behavior helps you make sure that all traffic from a certain device or group of devices enters or leaves your
virtual Network through a specific location.
For example, you might have a virtual network security appliance on your Azure Virtual Network. You want to
make sure that all traffic to and from your Azure Virtual Network goes through that virtual security appliance. You
can do this by configuring User Defined Routes in Azure.
Forced tunneling is a mechanism you can use to ensure that your services are not allowed to initiate a connection
to devices on the Internet. Note that this is different from accepting incoming connections and then responding to
them. Front-end web servers need to respond to requests from Internet hosts, and so Internet-sourced traffic is
allowed inbound to these web servers and the web servers are allowed to respond.
What you don’t want to allow is a front-end web server to initiate an outbound request. Such requests may
represent a security risk because these connections could be used to download malware. Even if you do wish these
front-end servers to initiate outbound requests to the Internet, you might want to force them to go through your
on-premises web proxies so that you can take advantage of URL filtering and logging.
Instead, you would want to use forced tunneling to prevent this. When you enable forced tunneling, all connections
to the Internet are forced through your on-premises gateway. You can configure forced tunneling by taking
advantage of User Defined Routes.
Learn more:
What are User Defined Routes and IP Forwarding
Virtual Network Security Appliances
While Network Security Groups, User Defined Routes, and forced tunneling provide you a level of security at the
network and transport layers of the OSI model, there may be times when you want to enable security at levels
higher than the network.
For example, your security requirements might include:
Authentication and authorization before allowing access to your application
Intrusion detection and intrusion response
Application layer inspection for high-level protocols
URL filtering
Network level antivirus and antimalware
Anti-bot protection
Application access control
Additional DDoS protection (above the DDoS protection provided the Azure fabric itself)
You can access these enhanced network security features by using an Azure partner solution. You can find the
most current Azure partner network security solutions by visiting the Azure Marketplace and searching for
“security” and “network security.”

Secure Remote Access and Cross Premises Connectivity

Setup, configuration, and management of your Azure resources needs to be done remotely. In addition, you may
want to deploy hybrid IT solutions that have components on-premises and in the Azure public cloud. These
scenarios require secure remote access.
Azure networking supports the following secure remote access scenarios:
Connect individual workstations to an Azure Virtual Network
Connect your on-premises network to an Azure Virtual Network with a VPN
Connect your on-premises network to an Azure Virtual Network with a dedicated WAN link
Connect Azure Virtual Networks to each other
Connect Individual Workstations to an Azure Virtual Network
There may be times when you want to enable individual developers or operations personnel to manage virtual
machines and services in Azure. For example, you need access to a virtual machine on an Azure Virtual Network
and your security policy does not allow RDP or SSH remote access to individual virtual machines. In this case, you
can use a point-to-site VPN connection.
The point-to-site VPN connection uses the SSTP VPN protocol to enable you to set up a private and secure
connection between the user and the Azure Virtual Network. Once the VPN connection is established, the user will
be able to RDP or SSH over the VPN link into any virtual machine on the Azure Virtual Network (assuming that the
user can authenticate and is authorized).
Learn more:
Configure a Point-to-Site Connection to a Virtual Network using PowerShell
Connect Your On-Premises Network to an Azure Virtual Network with a VPN
You may want to connect your entire corporate network, or portions of it, to an Azure Virtual Network. This is
common in hybrid IT scenarios where companies extend their on-premises datacenter into Azure. In many cases
companies will host parts of a service in Azure and parts on-premises, such as when a solution includes front-end
web servers in Azure and back-end databases on-premises. These types of “cross-premises” connections also make
management of Azure located resources more secure and enable scenarios such as extending Active Directory
domain controllers into Azure.
One way to accomplish this is to use a site-to-site VPN. The difference between a site-to-site VPN and a point-to-
site VPN is that a point-to-site VPN connects a single device to an Azure Virtual Network, while a site-to-site VPN
connects an entire network (such as your on-premises network) to an Azure Virtual Network. Site-to-site VPNs to
an Azure Virtual Network use the highly secure IPsec tunnel mode VPN protocol.
Learn more:
Create a Resource Manager VNet with a site-to-site VPN connection using the Azure Portal
Planning and design for VPN gateway
Connect Your On-premises Network to an Azure Virtual Network with a Dedicated WAN Link
Point-to-site and site-to-site VPN connections are effective for enabling cross-premises connectivity. However,
some organizations consider them to have the following drawbacks:
VPN connections move data over the Internet – this exposes these connections to potential security issues
involved with moving data over a public network. In addition, reliability and availability for Internet connections
cannot be guaranteed.
VPN connections to Azure Virtual Networks may be considered bandwidth constrained for some applications
and purposes, as they max out at around 200 Mbps.
Organizations that need the highest level of security and availability for their cross-premises connections typically
use dedicated WAN links to connect to remote sites. Azure provides you the ability to use a dedicated WAN link
that you can use to connect your on-premises network to an Azure Virtual Network. This is enabled through Azure
Learn more:
ExpressRoute technical overview
Connect Azure Virtual Networks to Each Other
It is possible for you to use many Azure Virtual Networks for your deployments. There are many reasons why you
might do this. One of the reasons might be to simplify management; another might be for security reasons.
Regardless of the motivation or rationale for putting resources on different Azure Virtual Networks, there may be
times when you want resources on each of the networks to connect with one another.
One option would be for services on one Azure Virtual Network to connect to services on another Azure Virtual
Network by “looping back” through the Internet. The connection would start on one Azure Virtual Network, go
through the Internet, and then come back to the destination Azure Virtual Network. This option exposes the
connection to the security issues inherent to any Internet-based communication.
A better option might be to create an Azure Virtual Network-to-Azure Virtual Network site-to-site VPN. This Azure
Virtual Network-to-Azure Virtual Network site-to-site VPN uses the same IPsec tunnel mode protocol as the cross-
premises site-to-site VPN connection mentioned above.
The advantage of using an Azure Virtual Network-to-Azure Virtual Network site-to-site VPN is that the VPN
connection is established over the Azure network fabric instead of connecting over the Internet. This provides you
an extra layer of security compared to site-to-site VPNs that connect over the Internet.
Learn more:
Configure a VNet-to-VNet Connection by using Azure Resource Manager and PowerShell

Availability is a key component of any security program. If your users and systems can’t access what they need to
access over the network, the service can be considered compromised. Azure has networking technologies that
support the following high-availability mechanisms:
HTTP-based load balancing
Network level load balancing
Global load balancing
Load balancing is a mechanism designed to equally distribute connections among multiple devices. The goals of
load balancing are:
Increase availability – when you load balance connections across multiple devices, one or more of the devices
can become unavailable and the services running on the remaining online devices can continue to serve the
content from the service
Increase performance – when you load balance connections across multiple devices, a single device doesn’t
have to take the processor hit. Instead, the processing and memory demands for serving the content is spread
across multiple devices.
HTTP-based Load Balancing
Organizations that run web-based services often desire to have an HTTP-based load balancer in front of those web
services to help insure adequate levels of performance and high availability. In contrast to traditional network-
based load balancers, the load balancing decisions made by HTTP-based load balancers are based on
characteristics of the HTTP protocol, not on the network and transport layer protocols.
To provide you HTTP-based load balancing for your web-based services, Azure provides you the Azure Application
Gateway. The Azure Application Gateway supports:
HTTP-based load balancing – load balancing decisions are made based on characteristic special to the HTTP
Cookie-based session affinity – this capability makes sure that connections established to one of the servers
behind that load balancer stays intact between the client and server. This insures stability of transactions.
SSL offload – when a client connection is established with the load balancer, that session between the client and
the load balancer is encrypted using the HTTPS (SSL/) protocol. However, in order to increase performance, you
have the option to have the connection between the load balancer and the web server behind the load balancer
use the HTTP (unencrypted) protocol. This is referred to as “SSL offload” because the web servers behind the
load balancer don’t experience the processor overhead involved with encryption, and therefore should be able
to service requests more quickly.
URL-based content routing – this feature makes it possible for the load balancer to make decisions on where to
forward connections based on the target URL. This provides a lot more flexibility than solutions that make load
balancing decisions based on IP addresses.
Learn more:
Application Gateway Overview
Network Level Load Balancing
In contrast to HTTP-based load balancing, network level load balancing makes load balancing decisions based on IP
address and port (TCP or UDP) numbers. You can gain the benefits of network level load balancing in Azure by
using the Azure Load Balancer. Some key characteristics of the Azure Load Balancer include:
Network level load balancing based on IP address and port numbers
Support for any application layer protocol
Load balances to Azure virtual machines and cloud services role instances
Can be used for both Internet-facing (external load balancing) and non-Internet facing (internal load balancing)
applications and virtual machines
Endpoint monitoring, which is used to determine if any of the services behind the load balancer have become
Learn more:
Internet Facing load balancer between multiple Virtual Machines or services
Internal Load Balancer Overview
Global Load Balancing
Some organizations will want the highest level of availability possible. One way to reach this goal is to host
applications in globally distributed datacenters. When an application is hosted in data centers located throughout
the world, it’s possible for an entire geopolitical region to become unavailable and still have the application up and
In addition to the availability advantages you get by hosting applications in globally distributed datacenters, you
also can get performance benefits. These performance benefits can be obtained by using a mechanism that directs
requests for the service to the datacenter that is nearest to the device that is making the request.
Global load balancing can provide you both of these benefits. In Azure, you can gain the benefits of global load
balancing by using Azure Traffic Manager.
Learn more:
What is Traffic Manager?

Name Resolution
Name resolution is a critical function for all services you host in Azure. From a security perspective, compromise of
the name resolution function can lead to an attacker redirecting requests from your sites to an attacker’s site.
Secure name resolution is a requirement for all your cloud hosted services.
There are two types of name resolution you need to address:
Internal name resolution – internal name resolution is used by services on your Azure Virtual Networks, your
on-premises networks, or both. Names used for internal name resolution are not accessible over the Internet.
For optimal security, it’s important that your internal name resolution scheme is not accessible to external users.
External name resolution – external name resolution is used by people and devices outside of your on-premises
and Azure Virtual Networks. These are the names that are visible to the Internet and are used to direct
connection to your cloud-based services.
For internal name resolution, you have two options:
An Azure Virtual Network DNS server – when you create a new Azure Virtual Network, a DNS server is created
for you. This DNS server can resolve the names of the machines located on that Azure Virtual Network. This
DNS server is not configurable and is managed by the Azure fabric manager, thus making it a secure name
resolution solution.
Bring your own DNS server – you have the option of putting a DNS server of your own choosing on your Azure
Virtual Network. This DNS server could be an Active Directory integrated DNS server, or a dedicated DNS server
solution provided by an Azure partner, which you can obtain from the Azure Marketplace.
Learn more:
Virtual Network Overview
Manage DNS Servers used by a Virtual Network (VNet)
For external DNS resolution, you have two options:
Host your own external DNS server on-premises
Host your own external DNS server with a service provider
Many large organizations will host their own DNS servers on-premises. They can do this because they have the
networking expertise and global presence to do so.
In most cases, it’s better to host your DNS name resolution services with a service provider. These service
providers have the network expertise and global presence to ensure very high availability for your name resolution
services. Availability is essential for DNS services because if your name resolution services fail, no one will be able
to reach your Internet facing services.
Azure provides you a highly available and performant external DNS solution in the form of Azure DNS. This
external name resolution solution takes advantage of the worldwide Azure DNS infrastructure. It allows you to host
your domain in Azure using the same credentials, APIs, tools, and billing as your other Azure services. As part of
Azure, it also inherits the strong security controls built into the platform.
Learn more:
Azure DNS Overview

DMZ Architecture
Many enterprise organizations use DMZs to segment their networks to create a buffer-zone between the Internet
and their services. The DMZ portion of the network is considered a low-security zone and no high-value assets are
placed in that network segment. You’ll typically see network security devices that have a network interface on the
DMZ segment and another network interface connected to a network that has virtual machines and services that
accept inbound connections from the Internet.
There are a number of variations of DMZ design and the decision to deploy a DMZ, and then what type of DMZ to
use if you decide to use one, is based on your network security requirements.
Learn more:
Microsoft Cloud Services and Network Security

Monitoring and threat detection

Azure provides capabilities to help you in this key area with early detection, monitoring and the ability to collect
and review network traffic.
Azure Network Watcher
Azure Network Watcher includes a large number of capabilities that help with troubleshooting as well as provide a
whole new set of tools to assist with the identification of security issues.
Security Group View helps with auditing and security compliance of Virtual Machines and can be used to perform
programmatic audits comparing the baselines policies defined by your organization to effective rules for each of
your VMs. This can help you identify any configuration drift.
Packet capture allows you to capture network traffic to and from the virtual machine. Besides helping by allowing
you to collect network statistics and with the troubleshooting of application issues packet capture can be invaluable
in the investigation of network intrusions. You can also use this functionality together with Azure Functions to start
network captures in response to specific Azure alerts.
For more information on Azure Network Watcher and how to start testing some of the functionality in your labs
take a look at the Azure network watcher monitoring overview

Azure Network watcher is still in public preview so it may not have the same level of availability and reliability as services that
are in general availability release. Certain features may not be supported, may have constrained capabilities, and may not be
available in all Azure locations. For the most up-to-date notifications on availability and status of this service, check the Azure
updates page

Azure Security Center

Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats, and provides you increased visibility into, and
control over, the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works
with a large set of security solutions.
Azure Security Center helps you optimize and monitor network security by:
Providing network security recommendations
Monitoring the state of your network security configuration
Alerting you to network based threats both at the endpoint and network levels
Learn more:
Introduction to Azure Security Center
Logging at a network level is a key function for any network security scenario. In Azure, you can log information
obtained for Network Security Groups to get network level logging information. With NSG logging, you get
information from:
Activity logs – these logs are used to view all operations submitted to your Azure subscriptions. These logs are
enabled by default and can be used within the Azure portal. They were previously known as "Audit logs" or
"Operational Logs".
Event logs – these logs provide information about what NSG rules were applied.
Counter logs – these logs let you know how many times each NSG rule was applied to deny or allow traffic.
You can also use Microsoft Power BI, a powerful data visualization tool, to view and analyze these logs.
Learn more:
Log Analytics for Network Security Groups (NSGs)
Azure database security overview
8/9/2017 • 12 min to read • Edit Online

Security is a top concern when managing databases, and it has always been a priority for Azure SQL Database.
Azure SQL Database supports connection security with firewall rules and connection encryption. It supports
authentication with username and password and Azure Active Directory Authentication, which uses identities
managed by Azure Active Directory. Authorization uses role-based access control.
Azure SQL Database supports encryption by performing real-time encryption and decryption of databases,
associated backups, and transaction log files at rest without requiring changes to the application.
Microsoft provides additional ways to encrypt enterprise data:
Cell-level encryption to encrypt specific columns or even cells of data with different encryption keys.
If you need a Hardware Security Module or central management of your encryption key hierarchy, consider
using Azure Key Vault with SQL Server in an Azure VM.
Always Encrypted (currently in preview) makes encryption transparent to applications and allows clients to
encrypt sensitive data inside client applications without sharing the encryption keys with SQL Database.
Azure SQL Database Auditing allows enterprises to record events to an audit login Azure Storage. SQL Database
Auditing also integrates with Microsoft Power BI to facilitate drill-down reports and analyses.
SQL Azure databases can be tightly secured to satisfy most regulatory or security requirements, including HIPAA,
ISO 27001/27002, and PCI DSS Level 1, among others. A current list of security compliance certifications is
available at the Microsoft Azure Trust Center site.
This article walks through the basics of securing Microsoft Azure SQL Databases for Structured, Tabular and
Relational Data. In particular, this article will get you started with resources for protecting data, controlling access,
and proactive monitoring.
This Azure Database Security Overview article focuses on the following areas:
Protect data
Access control
Proactive monitoring
Centralized security management
Azure marketplace

Protect data
SQL Database secures your data by providing encryption for data in motion using Transport Layer Security, for
data at rest using Transparent Data Encryption, and for data in use using Always Encrypted.
In this section, we talk about:
Encryption in motion
Encryption at rest
Encryption in use (Client)
For other ways to encrypt your data, consider:
Cell-level encryption to encrypt specific columns or even cells of data with different encryption keys.
If you need a Hardware Security Module or central management of your encryption key hierarchy, consider
using Azure Key Vault with SQL Server in an Azure VM.
Encryption in motion
A common problem for all client/server applications is the need for privacy as data moves over public and private
networks. If data moving over a network is not encrypted, there’s the chance that it can be captured and stolen by
unauthorized users. When dealing with database services, you need to make sure that data is encrypted between
the database client and server, as well as between database servers that communicate with each other and with
middle-tier applications.
One problem when you administer a network is securing data that is being sent between applications across an
untrusted network. You can use TLS/SSL to authenticate servers and clients and then use it to encrypt messages
between the authenticated parties.
In the authentication process, a TLS/SSL client sends a message to a TLS/SSL server, and the server responds with
the information that the server needs to authenticate itself. The client and server perform an additional exchange of
session keys, and the authentication dialog ends. When authentication is completed, SSL-secured communication
can begin between the server and the client using the symmetric encryption keys that are established during the
authentication process.
All connections to Azure SQL Database require encryption (SSL/TLS) at all times while data is "in transit" to and
from the database. SQL Azure uses TLS/SSL to authenticate servers and clients and then use it to encrypt messages
between the authenticated parties. In your application's connection string, you must specify parameters to encrypt
the connection and not to trust the server certificate (this is done for you if you copy your connection string out of
the Azure Classic Portal), otherwise the connection will not verify the identity of the server and will be susceptible
to "man-in-the-middle" attacks. For the ADO.NET driver, for instance, these connection string parameters are
Encrypt=True and TrustServerCertificate=False.
Encryption at rest
You can take several precautions to help secure the database such as designing a secure system, encrypting
confidential assets, and building a firewall around the database servers. However, in a scenario where the physical
media (such as drives or backup tapes) are stolen, a malicious party can just restore or attach the database and
browse the data.
One solution is to encrypt the sensitive data in the database and protects the keys that are used to encrypt the data
with a certificate. This prevents anyone without the keys from using the data, but this kind of protection must be
To solve this problem, SQL Server and Azure SQL support Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). TDE encrypts SQL
Server and Azure SQL Database data files, known as encryption data at rest.
Azure SQL Database transparent data encryption helps protect against the threat of malicious activity by
performing real-time encryption and decryption of the database, associated backups, and transaction log files at
rest without requiring changes to the application.
TDE encrypts the storage of an entire database by using a symmetric key called the database encryption key. In SQL
Database, the database encryption key is protected by a built-in server certificate. The built-in server certificate is
unique for each SQL Database server.
If a database is in a GeoDR relationship, it is protected by a different key on each server. If two databases are
connected to the same server, they share the same built-in certificate. Microsoft automatically rotates these
certificates at least every 90 days. For a general description of TDE, see Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).
Encryption in use (client)
Most data breaches involve the theft of critical data such as credit card numbers or personally identifiable
information. Databases can be treasure troves of sensitive information. They can contain customers' personal data,
confidential competitive information, and intellectual property. Lost or stolen data, especially customer data, can
result in brand damage, competitive disadvantage, and serious fines—even lawsuits.

Always Encrypted is a feature designed to protect sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or national
identification numbers (for example, U.S. social security numbers), stored in Azure SQL Database or SQL Server
databases. Always Encrypted allows clients to encrypt sensitive data inside client applications and never reveal the
encryption keys to the Database Engine (SQL Database or SQL Server).
Always Encrypted provides a separation between those who own the data (and can view it) and those who manage
the data (but should have no access). By ensuring on-premises database administrators, cloud database operators,
or other high-privileged, but unauthorized users, cannot access the encrypted data,
In addition, Always Encrypted makes encryption transparent to applications. An Always Encrypted-enabled driver
installed on the client computer so that it can automatically encrypt and decrypt sensitive data in the client
application. The driver encrypts the data in sensitive columns before passing the data to the Database Engine, and
automatically rewrites queries so that the semantics to the application are preserved. Similarly, the driver
transparently decrypts data, stored in encrypted database columns, contained in query results.

Access control
To provide security, SQL Database controls access with firewall rules limiting connectivity by IP address,
authentication mechanisms requiring users to prove their identity, and authorization mechanisms limiting users to
specific actions and data.
Database access
Data protection begins with controlling access to your data. The datacenter hosting your data manages physical
access, while you can configure a firewall to manage security at the network layer. You also control access by
configuring logins for authentication and defining permissions for server and database roles.
In this section, we talk about:
Firewall and firewall rules
Firewall and firewall rules
Microsoft Azure SQL Database provides a relational database service for Azure and other Internet-based
applications. To help protect your data, firewalls prevent all access to your database server until you specify which
computers have permission. The firewall grants access to databases based on the originating IP address of each
request. For more information, see Overview of Azure SQL Database firewall rules.
The Azure SQL Database service is only available through TCP port 1433. To access a SQL Database from your
computer, ensure that your client computer firewall allows outgoing TCP communication on TCP port 1433. If not
needed for other applications, block inbound connections on TCP port 1433.
SQL database authentication refers to how you prove your identity when connecting to the database. SQL Database
supports two types of authentication:
SQL Authentication: A single login account is created when a logical SQL instance is created, called the SQL
Database Subscriber Account. This account connects using SQL Server authentication (user name and
password). This account is an administrator on the logical server instance and on all user databases attached to
that instance. The permissions of the Subscriber Account cannot be restricted. Only one of these accounts can
Azure Active Directory Authentication: Azure Active Directory authentication is a mechanism of connecting
to Microsoft Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse by using identities in Azure Active Directory (Azure
AD). This enables you to centrally manage identities of database users.

Advantages of Azure Active Directory authentication include:

It provides an alternative to SQL Server authentication.
It also Helps stop the proliferation of user identities across database servers & allows password rotation in a
single place.
You can manage database permissions using external (Azure Active Directory) groups.
It can eliminate storing passwords by enabling integrated Windows authentication and other forms of
authentication supported by Azure Active Directory.
Authorization refers to what a user can do within an Azure SQL Database, and this is controlled by your user
account's database role memberships and object-level permissions. Authorization is the process of determining
which securable resources a principal can access, and which operations are allowed for those resources.
Application access
In this section, we talk about:
Dynamic data masking
Row-level security
Dynamic data masking
A service representative at a call center may identify callers by several digits of their social security number or
credit card number, but those data items should not be fully exposed to the service representative.
A masking rule can be defined that masks all but the last four digits of any social security number or credit card
number in the result set of any query.
As another example, an appropriate data mask can be defined to protect personally identifiable information (PII)
data, so that a developer can query production environments for troubleshooting purposes without violating
compliance regulations.
SQL Database Dynamic Data Masking limits sensitive data exposure by masking it to non-privileged users.
Dynamic data masking is supported for the V12 version of Azure SQL Database.
Dynamic data masking helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data by enabling you to designate how
much of the sensitive data to reveal with minimal impact on the application layer. It’s a policy-based security
feature that hides the sensitive data in the result set of a query over designated database fields, while the data in
the database is not changed.

Dynamic data masking can be configured by the Azure Database admin, server admin, or security officer roles.

Row level security

Another common security requirement for multitenant databases is Row-Level Security. This feature enables you to
control access to rows in a database table based on the characteristics of the user executing a query (e.g., group
membership or execution context).

The access restriction logic is located in the database tier rather than away from the data in another application tier.
The database system applies the access restrictions every time that data access is attempted from any tier. This
makes your security system more reliable and robust by reducing the surface area of your security system.
Row level security introduces predicate based access control. It features a flexible, centralized, predicate-based
evaluation that can take into consideration metadata or any other criteria the administrator determines as
appropriate. The predicate is used as a criterion to determine whether or not the user has the appropriate access to
the data based on user attributes. Label-based access control can be implemented by using predicate-based access

Proactive monitoring
SQL Database secures your data by providing auditing and threat detection capabilities.
SQL Database Auditing increases your ability to gain insight into events and changes that occur within the
database, including updates and queries against the data.
Azure SQL Database Auditing tracks database events and writes them to an audit log in your Azure Storage
account. Auditing can help you maintain regulatory compliance, understand database activity, and gain insight into
discrepancies and anomalies that could indicate business concerns or suspected security violations. Auditing
enables and facilitates adherence to compliance standards but doesn't guarantee compliance.
SQL Database Auditing allows you to:
Retain an audit trail of selected events. You can define categories of database actions to be audited.
Report on database activity. You can use preconfigured reports and a dashboard to get started quickly with
activity and event reporting.
Analyze reports. You can find suspicious events, unusual activity, and trends.
There are two Auditing methods:
Blob auditing - logs are written to Azure Blob Storage. This is a newer auditing method, which provides higher
performance, supports higher granularity object-level auditing, and is more cost effective.
Table auditing - logs are written to Azure Table Storage.
Threat detection
Azure SQL Database threat detection detects suspicious activities that indicate potential security threats. Threat
detection enables you to respond to suspicious events in the database, such as SQL Injections, as they occur. It
provides alerts and allows the use of Azure SQL Database Auditing to explore the suspicious events.

For example, SQL injection is one of the common Web application security issues on the Internet, used to attack
data-driven applications. Attackers take advantage of application vulnerabilities to inject malicious SQL statements
into application entry fields, breaching or modifying data in the database.
Security officers or other designated administrators can get an immediate notification about suspicious database
activities as they occur. Each notification provides details of the suspicious activity and recommends how to further
investigate and mitigate the threat.
Centralized security management
Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats. It provides integrated security monitoring
and policy management across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed,
and works with a broad ecosystem of security solutions.
Security Center helps you safeguard data in SQL Database by providing visibility into the security of all your
servers and databases. With Security Center, you can:
Define policies for SQL Database encryption and auditing.
Monitor the security of SQL Database resources across all your subscriptions.
Quickly identify and remediate security issues.
Integrate alerts from Azure SQL Database threat detection.
Security Center supports role-based access.

Azure Marketplace
The Azure Marketplace is an online applications and services marketplace that enables start-ups and independent
software vendors (ISVs) to offer their solutions to Azure customers around the world. The Azure Marketplace
combines Microsoft Azure partner ecosystems into a single, unified platform to better serve our customers and
partners. Click here to glance database security products available on Azure market place.

Next steps
Learn more about Secure your Azure SQL Database.
Learn more about Azure Security Center and Azure SQL Database service.
To learn more about threat detection, see SQL Database Threat Detection.
To learn more, see Improve SQL database performance.
Azure storage security overview
8/21/2017 • 4 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Storage is the cloud storage solution for modern applications that rely on durability, availability, and
scalability to meet the needs of their customers. Azure Storage provides a comprehensive set of security
The storage account can be secured using Role-Based Access Control and Azure Active Directory.
Data can be secured in transit between an application and Azure by using Client-Side Encryption, HTTPS, or SMB
Data can be set to be automatically encrypted when written to Azure Storage using Storage Service Encryption.
OS and Data disks used by virtual machines can be set to be encrypted using Azure Disk Encryption.
Delegated access to the data objects in Azure Storage can be granted using Shared Access Signatures.
The authentication method used by someone when they access storage can be tracked using Storage analytics.
For a more detailed look at security in Azure Storage, see the Azure Storage security guide. This guide provides a
deep dive into the security features of Azure Storage such as storage account keys, data encryption in transit and at
rest, and storage analytics.
This article provides an overview of Azure security features that can be used with Azure Storage. Links are provided
to articles that give details of each feature so you can learn more.
Here are the core features to be covered in this article:
Role-Based Access Control
Delegated access to storage objects
Encryption in transit
Encryption at rest/Storage Service Encryption
Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Key Vault

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

You can secure your storage account with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Restricting access based on the need
to know and least privilege security principles is imperative for organizations that want to enforce security policies
for data access. These access rights are granted by assigning the appropriate RBAC role to groups and applications
at a certain scope. You can use built-in RBAC roles, such as Storage Account Contributor, to assign privileges to
Learn more:
Azure Active Directory Role-based Access Control

Delegated access to storage objects

A shared access signature (SAS) provides delegated access to resources in your storage account. The SAS means
that you can grant a client limited permissions to objects in your storage account for a specified period of time and
with a specified set of permissions. You can grant these limited permissions without having to share your account
access keys. The SAS is a URI that encompasses in its query parameters all the information necessary for
authenticated access to a storage resource. To access storage resources with the SAS, the client only needs to
provide the SAS to the appropriate constructor or method.
Learn more:
Understanding the SAS model
Create and use a SAS with Blob storage

Encryption in transit
Encryption in transit is a mechanism of protecting data when it is transmitted across networks. With Azure Storage
you can secure data using:
Transport-level encryption, such as HTTPS when you transfer data into or out of Azure Storage.
Wire encryption, such as SMB 3.0 encryption for Azure File shares.
Client-side encryption, to encrypt the data before it is transferred into storage and to decrypt the data after it is
transferred out of storage.
Learn more about client-side encryption:
Client-Side Encryption for Microsoft Azure Storage
Cloud security controls series: Encrypting Data in Transit

Encryption at rest
For many organizations, data encryption at rest is a mandatory step towards data privacy, compliance, and data
sovereignty. There are three Azure features that provide encryption of data that is “at rest”:
Storage Service Encryption allows you to request that the storage service automatically encrypt data when
writing it to Azure Storage.
Client-side Encryption also provides the feature of encryption at rest.
Azure Disk Encryption allows you to encrypt the OS disks and data disks used by an IaaS virtual machine.
Learn more about Storage Service Encryption:
Azure Storage Service Encryption is available for Azure Blob Storage. For details on other Azure storage types,
see File, Disk (Premium Storage), Table, and Queue.
Azure Storage Service Encryption for Data at Rest

Azure Disk Encryption

Azure Disk Encryption for virtual machines (VMs) helps you address organizational security and compliance
requirements by encrypting your VM disks (including boot and data disks) with keys and policies you control in
Azure Key Vault.
Disk Encryption for VMs works for Linux and Windows operating systems. It also uses Key Vault to help you
safeguard, manage, and audit use of your disk encryption keys. All the data in your VM disks is encrypted at rest by
using industry-standard encryption technology in your Azure Storage accounts. The Disk Encryption solution for
Windows is based on Microsoft BitLocker Drive Encryption, and the Linux solution is based on dm-crypt.
Learn more:
Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS Virtual Machines

Azure Key Vault

Azure Disk Encryption uses Azure Key Vault to help you control and manage disk encryption keys and secrets in
your key vault subscription, while ensuring that all data in the virtual machine disks are encrypted at rest in your
Azure Storage. You should use Key Vault to audit keys and policy usage.
Learn more:
What is Azure Key Vault?
Get started with Azure Key Vault
Azure Virtual Machines security overview
8/9/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Virtual Machines lets you deploy a wide range of computing solutions in an agile way. With support for
Microsoft Windows, Linux, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM, SAP, and Azure BizTalk Services, you can deploy any
workload and any language on nearly any operating system.
An Azure virtual machine gives you the flexibility of virtualization without having to buy and maintain the physical
hardware that runs the virtual machine. You can build and deploy your applications with the assurance that your
data is protected and safe in our highly secure datacenters.
With Azure, you can build security-enhanced, compliant solutions that:
Protect your virtual machines from viruses and malware
Encrypt your sensitive data
Secure network traffic
Identify and detect threats
Meet compliance requirements
The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the core Azure security features that can be used with virtual
machines. We also provide links to articles that give details of each feature so you can learn more.
The core Azure Virtual Machine security capabilities to be covered in this article:
Hardware Security Module
Virtual machine disk encryption
Virtual machine backup
Azure Site Recovery
Virtual networking
Security policy management and reporting

With Azure, you can use antimalware software from security vendors such as Microsoft, Symantec, Trend Micro,
and Kaspersky to protect your virtual machines from malicious files, adware, and other threats. See the Learn More
section below to find articles on partner solutions.
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines is a real-time protection capability that helps
identify and remove viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Microsoft Antimalware provides configurable
alerts when known malicious or unwanted software attempts to install itself or run on your Azure systems.
Microsoft Antimalware is a single-agent solution for applications and tenant environments, designed to run in the
background without human intervention. You can deploy protection based on the needs of your application
workloads, with either basic secure-by-default or advanced custom configuration, including antimalware
When you deploy and enable Microsoft Antimalware, the following core features are available:
Real-time protection - monitors activity in Cloud Services and on Virtual Machines to detect and block malware
Scheduled scanning - periodically performs targeted scanning to detect malware, including actively running
Malware remediation - automatically takes action on detected malware, such as deleting or quarantining
malicious files and cleaning up malicious registry entries.
Signature updates - automatically installs the latest protection signatures (virus definitions) to ensure protection
is up-to-date on a pre-determined frequency.
Antimalware Engine updates – automatically updates the Microsoft Antimalware engine.
Antimalware Platform updates – automatically updates the Microsoft Antimalware platform.
Active protection - reports to Azure telemetry metadata about detected threats and suspicious resources to
ensure rapid response and enables real-time synchronous signature delivery through the Microsoft Active
Protection System (MAPS).
Samples reporting - provides and reports samples to the Microsoft Antimalware service to help refine the
service and enable troubleshooting.
Exclusions – allows application and service administrators to configure certain files, processes, and drives to
exclude them from protection and scanning for performance and other reasons.
Antimalware event collection - records the antimalware service health, suspicious activities, and remediation
actions taken in the operating system event log and collects them into the customer’s Azure Storage account.
Learn more: To learn more about antimalware software to protect your virtual machines, see:
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines
Deploying Antimalware Solutions on Azure Virtual Machines
How to install and configure Trend Micro Deep Security as a Service on a Windows VM
How to install and configure Symantec Endpoint Protection on a Windows VM
Security solutions in the Azure Marketplace

Hardware security Module

Encryption and authentication protections can be enhanced by improving key security. You can simplify the
management and security of your critical secrets and keys by storing them in Azure Key Vault. Key Vault provides
the option to store your keys in hardware security modules (HSMs) certified to FIPS 140-2 Level 2 standards. Your
SQL Server encryption keys for backup or transparent data encryption can all be stored in Key Vault with any keys
or secrets from your applications. Permissions and access to these protected items are managed through Azure
Active Directory.
Learn more:
What is Azure Key Vault?
Get started with Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault blog

Virtual machine disk encryption

Azure Disk Encryption is a new capability that lets you encrypt your Windows and Linux Azure Virtual Machine
disks. Azure Disk Encryption uses the industry standard BitLocker feature of Windows and the dm-crypt feature of
Linux to provide volume encryption for the OS and the data disks.
The solution is integrated with Azure Key Vault to help you control and manage the disk encryption keys and
secrets in your key vault subscription, while ensuring that all data in the virtual machine disks are encrypted at rest
in your Azure storage.
Learn more:
Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs
Azure Disk Encryption for Linux and Windows Virtual Machines
Encrypt a virtual machine

Virtual machine backup

Azure Backup is a scalable solution that protects your application data with zero capital investment and minimal
operating costs. Application errors can corrupt your data, and human errors can introduce bugs into your
applications. With Azure Backup, your virtual machines running Windows and Linux are protected.
Learn more:
What is Azure Backup?
Azure Backup Learning Path
Azure Backup Service - FAQ

Azure Site Recovery

An important part of your organization's BCDR strategy is figuring out how to keep corporate workloads and apps
up and running when planned and unplanned outages occur. Azure Site Recovery helps orchestrate replication,
failover, and recovery of workloads and apps so that they are available from a secondary location if your primary
location goes down.
Site Recovery:
Simplifies your BCDR strategy — Site Recovery makes it easy to handle replication, failover, and recovery of
multiple business workloads and apps from a single location. Site recovery orchestrates replication and failover
but doesn't intercept your application data or have any information about it.
Provides flexible replication — Using Site Recovery you can replicate workloads running on Hyper-V virtual
machines, VMware virtual machines, and Windows/Linux physical servers.
Supports failover and recovery — Site Recovery provides test failovers to support disaster recovery drills
without affecting production environments. You can also run planned failovers with a zero-data loss for
expected outages, or unplanned failovers with minimal data loss (depending on replication frequency) for
unexpected disasters. After failover, you can failback to your primary sites. Site Recovery provides recovery
plans that can include scripts and Azure automation workbooks so that you can customize failover and recovery
of multi-tier applications.
Eliminates secondary datacenter — You can replicate to a secondary on-premises site, or to Azure. Using
Azure as a destination for disaster recovery eliminates the cost and complexity of maintaining a secondary site.
Replicated data is stored in Azure Storage.
Integrates with existing BCDR technologies — Site Recovery partners with other application BCDR features.
For example, you can use Site Recovery to protect the SQL Server back end of corporate workloads. This
includes native support for SQL Server AlwaysOn to manage the failover of availability groups.
Learn more:
What is Azure Site Recovery?
How Does Azure Site Recovery Work?
What Workloads are Protected by Azure Site Recovery?

Virtual networking
Virtual machines need network connectivity. To support that requirement, Azure requires virtual machines to be
connected to an Azure Virtual Network. An Azure Virtual Network is a logical construct built on top of the physical
Azure network fabric. Each logical Azure Virtual Network is isolated from all other Azure Virtual Networks. This
isolation helps insure that network traffic in your deployments is not accessible to other Microsoft Azure
Learn more:
Azure Network Security Overview
Virtual Network Overview
Networking features and partnerships for Enterprise scenarios

Security policy management and reporting

Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats, and provides you increased visibility into,
and control over, the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works
with a broad ecosystem of security solutions.
Azure Security Center helps you optimize and monitor virtual machine security by:
Providing virtual machine security recommendations such as apply system updates, configure ACLs endpoints,
enable antimalware, enable network security groups, and apply disk encryption.
Monitoring the state of your virtual machines
Learn more:
Introduction to Azure Security Center
Azure Security Center Frequently Asked Questions
Azure Security Center Planning and Operations

Azure Virtual Machines is certified for FISMA, FedRAMP, HIPAA, PCI DSS Level 1, and other key compliance
programs. This certification makes it easier for your own Azure applications to meet compliance requirements and
for your business to address a wide range of domestic and international regulatory requirements.
Learn more:
Microsoft Trust Center: Compliance
Trusted Cloud: Microsoft Azure Security, Privacy, and Compliance
Azure operational security overview
8/9/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Operational Security refers to the services, controls, and features available to users for protecting their data,
applications, and other assets in Microsoft Azure. Azure Operational Security is a framework that incorporates the
knowledge gained through a variety of capabilities that are unique to Microsoft, including the Microsoft Security
Development Lifecycle (SDL), the Microsoft Security Response Center program, and deep awareness of the cyber
security threat landscape.
This Azure Operational Security Overview article focuses on the following areas:
Azure Operations Management Suite
Azure Security Center
Azure Monitor
Azure Network watcher
Azure Storage analytics
Azure Active directory

Azure Operations Management Suite

IT Operations is responsible for managing datacenter infrastructure, applications, and data, including the stability
and security of these systems. However, gaining security insights across increasing complex IT environments often
requires organizations to cobble together data from multiple security and management systems.
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is Microsoft's cloud-based IT management solution that helps you
manage and protect your on-premises and cloud infrastructure.
OMS is a cloud-based IT management solution with many offerings, such as IT Automation, Security & Compliance,
Log Analytics, and Backup & Recovery. As such, it’s a perfect aid to manage and protect your IT infrastructure—on
premises and in the cloud.
The core functionality of OMS is provided by a set of services that run in Azure. Each service provides a specific
management function, and you can combine services to achieve different management scenarios. Which includes:
Log analytics
Site Recovery
Log Analytics
Log Analytics provides monitoring services for OMS by collecting data from managed resources into a central
repository. This data could include events, performance data, or custom data provided through the API. Once
collected, the data is available for alerting, analysis, and export. This method allows you to consolidate data from a
variety of sources so you can combine data from your Azure services with your existing on-premises environment.
It also clearly separates the collection of the data from the action taken on that data so that all actions are available
to all kinds of data.
Microsoft Azure Automation provides a way for users to automate the manual, long-running, error-prone, and
frequently repeated tasks that are commonly performed in a cloud and enterprise environment. It saves time and
increases the reliability of regular administrative tasks and even schedules them to be automatically performed at
regular intervals. You can automate processes using runbooks or automate configuration management using
Desired State Configuration.
Azure Backup is the Azure-based service you can use to back up (or protect) and restore your data in the Microsoft
cloud. Azure Backup replaces your existing on-premises or off-site backup solution with a cloud-based solution that
is reliable, secure, and cost-competitive. Azure Backup offers multiple components that you download and deploy
on the appropriate computer, server, or in the cloud. The component, or agent, that you deploy depends on what
you want to protect. All Azure Backup components (no matter whether you're protecting data on-premises or in the
cloud) can be used to back up data to a Recovery Services vault in Azure. See the Azure Backup components table.
Site recovery
Azure Site Recovery provides business continuity by orchestrating replication of on-premises virtual and physical
machines to Azure, or to a secondary site. If your primary site is unavailable, you fail over to the secondary location
so that users can keep working, and fail back when systems return to working order. intelligent and effective threat

Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s comprehensive Identity as a Service (IDaaS) solution that:
Enables IAM as a cloud service
Provides central access management, single-sign on (SSO), and reporting
Supports integrated access management for thousands of applications in the application gallery, including
Salesforce, Google Apps, Box, Concur, and more.
Azure AD also includes a full suite of identity management capabilities including multi-factor authentication, device
registration, self-service password management, self-service group management, privileged account management,
role-based access control, application usage monitoring, rich auditing, and security monitoring and alerting.
With Azure Active Directory, all applications you publish for your partners and customers (business or consumer)
have the same identity and access management capabilities. This enables you to significantly reduce your
operational costs.

Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats with increased visibility into and control
over the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy management
across your subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works with a broad
ecosystem of security solutions.
Security Center helps you safeguard virtual machine data in Azure by providing visibility into your virtual
machine’s security settings and monitoring for threats. Security Center can monitor your virtual machines for:
Operating System (OS) security settings with the recommended configuration rules
System security and critical updates that are missing
Endpoint protection recommendations
Disk encryption validation
Network-based attacks
Azure Security Center uses Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), which provides built-in roles that can be assigned to
users, groups, and services in Azure.
Security Center assesses the configuration of your resources to identify security issues and vulnerabilities. In
Security Center, you only see information related to a resource when you are assigned the role of Owner,
Contributor, or Reader for the subscription or resource group that a resource belongs to.

See Permissions in Azure Security Center to learn more about roles and allowed actions in Security Center.

Security Center uses the Microsoft Monitoring Agent – this is the same agent used by the Operations Management
Suite and Log Analytics service. Data collected from this agent is stored in either an existing Log Analytics
workspace associated with your Azure subscription or a new workspace(s), taking into account the geolocation of
the VM.

Azure Monitor
Performance issues in your cloud app can impact your business. With multiple interconnected components and
frequent releases, degradations can happen at any time. And if you’re developing an app, your users usually
discover issues that you didn’t find in testing. You should know about these issues immediately, and have tools for
diagnosing and fixing the problems.
Azure Monitor is basic tool for monitoring services running on Azure. It gives you infrastructure-level data about
the throughput of a service and the surrounding environment. If you are managing your apps all in Azure, deciding
whether to scale up or down resources, then Azure Monitor gives you what you use to start.
In addition, you can use monitoring data to gain deep insights about your application. That knowledge can help you
to improve application performance or maintainability, or automate actions that would otherwise require manual
intervention. It includes:
Azure Activity Log
Azure Diagnostic Logs
Azure Diagnostics
Azure Activity Log
It is a log that provides insight into the operations that were performed on resources in your subscription. The
Activity Log was previously known as “Audit Logs” or “Operational Logs,” since it reports control-plane events for
your subscriptions.
Azure Diagnostic Logs
Azure Diagnostic Logs are emitted by a resource and provide rich, frequent data about the operation of that
resource. The content of these logs varies by resource type.
For example, Windows event system logs are one category of Diagnostic Log for VMs and blob, table, and queue
logs are categories of Diagnostic Logs for storage accounts.
Diagnostics Logs differ from the Activity Log (formerly known as Audit Log or Operational Log). The Activity log
provides insight into the operations that were performed on resources in your subscription. Diagnostics logs
provide insight into operations that your resource performed itself.
Azure Monitor enables you to consume telemetry to gain visibility into the performance and health of your
workloads on Azure. The most important type of Azure telemetry data is the metrics (also called performance
counters) emitted by most Azure resources. Azure Monitor provides several ways to configure and consume these
metrics for monitoring and troubleshooting.
Azure Diagnostics
It is the capability within Azure that enables the collection of diagnostic data on a deployed application. You can use
the diagnostics extension from various different sources. Currently supported are Azure Cloud Service Web and
Worker Roles, Azure Virtual Machines running Microsoft Windows, and Service Fabric.

Network Watcher
Customers build an end-to-end network in Azure by orchestrating and composing various individual network
resources such as VNet, ExpressRoute, Application Gateway, Load balancers, and more. Monitoring is available on
each of the network resources.
The end to end network can have complex configurations and interactions between resources, creating complex
scenarios that need scenario-based monitoring through Network Watcher.
Network Watcher will simplifies monitoring and diagnosing of your Azure network. Diagnostic and visualization
tools available with Network Watcher enable you to take remote packet captures on an Azure Virtual Machine, gain
insights into your network traffic using flow logs, and diagnose VPN Gateway and Connections.
Network Watcher currently has the following capabilities:
Topology - Provides a network level view showing the various interconnections and associations between
network resources in a resource group.
Variable Packet capture - Captures packet data in and out of a virtual machine. Advanced filtering options and
fine-tuned controls such as being able to set time and size limitations provide versatility. The packet data can be
stored in a blob store or on the local disk in .cap format.
IP flows verify - Checks if a packet is allowed or denied based on flow information 5-tuple packet parameters
(Destination IP, Source IP, Destination Port, Source Port, and Protocol). If the packet is denied by a security
group, the rule and group that denied the packet is returned.
Next hop - Determines the next hop for packets being routed in the Azure Network Fabric, enabling you to
diagnose any misconfigured user-defined routes.
Security group view - Gets the effective and applied security rules that are applied on a VM.
NSG Flow logging - Flow logs for Network Security Groups enable you to capture logs related to traffic that are
allowed or denied by the security rules in the group. The flow is defined by a 5-tuple information – Source IP,
Destination IP, Source Port, Destination Port, and Protocol.
Virtual Network Gateway and Connection troubleshooting - Provides the ability to troubleshoot Virtual Network
Gateways and Connections.
Network subscription limits - Enables you to view network resource usage against limits.
Configuring Diagnostics Log – Provides a single pane to enable or disable Diagnostics logs for network
resources in a resource group.
To learn more how to configure network watcher see, configure network watcher.

Developer Operations (DevOps)

Prior to DevOps application development, teams were in charge of gathering business requirements for a software
program and writing code. Then a separate QA team tests the program in an isolated development environment, if
requirements were met, and releases the code for operations to deploy. The deployment teams are further
fragmented into siloed groups like networking and database. Each time a software program is “thrown over the
wall” to an independent team it adds bottlenecks.
DevOps enables teams to deliver more secure, higher-quality solutions faster, and cheaper. Customers expect a
dynamic and reliable experience when consuming software and services. Teams must rapidly iterate on software
updates, measure the impact of the updates, and respond quickly with new development iterations to address
issues or provide more value. Cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure have removed traditional bottlenecks and
helped commoditize infrastructure. Software reigns in every business as the key differentiator and factor in
business outcomes. No organization, developer, or IT worker can or should avoid the DevOps movement.
Mature DevOps practitioners adopt several of the following practices. These practices involve people to form
strategies based on the business scenarios. Tooling can help automate the various practices:
Agile planning and project management techniques are used to plan and isolate work into sprints, manage team
capacity, and help teams quickly adapt to changing business needs.
Version control, usually with Git, enables teams located anywhere in the world to share source and integrate
with software development tools to automate the release pipeline.
Continuous Integration drives the ongoing merging and testing of code, which leads to finding defects early.
Other benefits include less time wasted on fighting merge issues and rapid feedback for development teams.
Continuous Delivery of software solutions to production and testing environments help organizations quickly fix
bugs and respond to ever-changing business requirements.
Monitoring of running applications including production environments for application health as well as
customer usage help organizations form a hypothesis and quickly validate or disprove strategies. Rich data is
captured and stored in various logging formats.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a practice, which enables the automation and validation of creation and teardown
of networks and virtual machines to help with delivering secure, stable application hosting platforms.
Microservices architecture is leveraged to isolate business use cases into small reusable services. This
architecture enables scalability and efficiency.

Next steps
To learn more about OMS Security and Audit solution, see the following articles:
Operations Management Suite | Security & Compliance.
Monitoring and Responding to Security Alerts in Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Solution.
Monitoring Resources in Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Solution.
Azure Security Management and Monitoring
8/11/2017 • 6 min to read • Edit Online

Azure provides security mechanisms to aid in the management and monitoring of Azure cloud services and virtual
machines. This article provides an overview of these core security features and services. Links are provided to
articles that give details of each so you can learn more.
The security of your Microsoft cloud services is a partnership and shared responsibility between you and Microsoft.
Shared responsibility means Microsoft is responsible for the Microsoft Azure and physical security of its data
centers (by using security protections such as locked badge entry doors, fences, and guards). In addition, Azure
provides strong levels of cloud security at the software layer that meets the security, privacy, and compliance needs
of its demanding customers.
You own your data and identities, the responsibility for protecting them, the security of your on-premises
resources, and the security of cloud components over which you have control. Microsoft provides you with security
controls and capabilities to help you protect your data and applications. Your degree of responsibility for security is
based on the type of cloud service.
The following chart summarizes the balance of responsibility for both Microsoft and the customer.
For a deeper dive into security management, see Security management in Azure.
Here are the core features to be covered in this article:
Role-Based Access Control
Multi-Factor Authentication
Virtual network gateways
Privileged identity management
Identity protection
Security Center

Role-Based Access Control

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) provides fine-grained access management for Azure resources. Using RBAC, you
can grant people only the amount of access that they need to perform their jobs. RBAC can also help you ensure
that when people leave the organization they lose access to resources in the cloud.
Learn more:
Active Directory team blog on RBAC
Azure Role-Based Access Control

With Azure, you can use antimalware software from major security vendors such as Microsoft, Symantec, Trend
Micro, McAfee, and Kaspersky to help protect your virtual machines from malicious files, adware, and other threats.
Microsoft Antimalware offers you the ability to install an antimalware agent for both PaaS roles and virtual
machines. Based on System Center Endpoint Protection, this feature brings proven on-premises security
technology to the cloud.
We also offer deep integration for Trend’s Deep Security™ and SecureCloud™ products in the Azure platform.
DeepSecurity is an Antivirus solution and SecureCloud is an encryption solution. DeepSecurity is deployed inside
VMs using an extension model. Using the portal UI and PowerShell, you can choose to use DeepSecurity inside new
VMs that are being spun up, or existing VMs that are already deployed.
Symantec End Point Protection (SEP) is also supported on Azure. Through portal integration, customers can specify
that they intend to use SEP within a VM. SEP can be installed on a brand new VM via the Azure portal or can be
installed on an existing VM using PowerShell.
Learn more:
Deploying Antimalware Solutions on Azure Virtual Machines
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines
How to install and configure Trend Micro Deep Security as a Service on a Windows VM
How to install and configure Symantec Endpoint Protection on a Windows VM
New Antimalware Options for Protecting Azure Virtual Machines – McAfee Endpoint Protection

Multi-Factor Authentication
Azure Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of authentication that requires the use of more than one
verification method and adds a critical second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions. MFA helps
safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for a simple sign-in process. It delivers
strong authentication via a range of verification options—phone call, text message, or mobile app notification or
verification code and third party OATH tokens.
Learn more:
Multi-factor authentication
What is Azure Multi-Factor Authentication?
How Azure Multi-Factor Authentication works

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute lets you extend your on-premises networks into the Microsoft cloud over a dedicated
private connection facilitated by a connectivity provider. With ExpressRoute, you can establish connections to
Microsoft cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure, Office 365, and CRM Online. Connectivity can be from an any-to-
any (IP VPN) network, a point-to-point Ethernet network, or a virtual cross-connection through a connectivity
provider at a co-location facility. ExpressRoute connections do not go over the public Internet. This allows
ExpressRoute connections to offer more reliability, faster speeds, lower latencies, and higher security than typical
connections over the Internet.
Learn more:
ExpressRoute technical overview
Virtual network gateways
VPN Gateways, also called Azure Virtual Network Gateways, are used to send network traffic between virtual
networks and on-premises locations. They are also used to send traffic between multiple virtual networks within
Azure (VNet-to-VNet). VPN gateways provide secure cross-premises connectivity between Azure and your
Learn more:
About VPN gateways
Azure Network Security Overview

Privileged Identity Management

Sometimes users need to carry out privileged operations in Azure resources or other SaaS applications. This often
means organizations have to give them permanent privileged access in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). This is a
growing security risk for cloud-hosted resources because organizations can't sufficiently monitor what those users
are doing with their privileged access. Additionally, if a user account with privileged access is compromised, that
one breach could impact your overall cloud security. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management helps to resolve this
risk by lowering the exposure time of privileges and increasing visibility into usage.
Privileged Identity Management introduces the concept of a temporary admin for a role or “just in time”
administrator access, which is a user who needs to complete an activation process for that assigned role. The
activation process changes the assignment of the user to a role in Azure AD from inactive to active, for a specified
time period such as eight hours.
Learn more:
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management
Get started with Azure AD Privileged Identity Management

Identity Protection
Azure Active Directory (AD) Identity Protection provides a consolidated view of suspicious sign-in activities and
potential vulnerabilities to help protect your business. Identity Protection detects suspicious activities for users and
privileged (admin) identities, based on signals like brute-force attacks, leaked credentials, and sign-ins from
unfamiliar locations and infected devices.
By providing notifications and recommended remediation, Identity Protection helps to mitigate risks in real time. It
calculates user risk severity, and you can configure risk-based policies to automatically help safeguard application
access from future threats.
Learn more:
Azure Active Directory Identity Protection
Channel 9: Azure AD and Identity Show: Identity Protection Preview

Security Center
Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats, and provides you increased visibility into,
and control over, the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works
with a broad ecosystem of security solutions.
Security Center helps you optimize and monitor the security of your Azure resources by:
Enabling you to define policies for your Azure subscription resources according to your company’s security
needs and the type of applications or sensitivity of the data in each subscription.
Monitoring the state of your Azure virtual machines, networking, and applications.
Providing a list of prioritized security alerts, including alerts from integrated partner solutions, along with the
information you need to quickly investigate and recommendations on how to remediate an attack.
Learn more:
Introduction to Azure Security Center
Azure Service Fabric security overview
8/29/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable
and reliable microservices. Service Fabric addresses the significant challenges of developing and managing cloud
applications. Developers and administrators can avoid complex infrastructure problems and focus on implementing
mission-critical, demanding workloads that are scalable, reliable, and manageable.
This Azure Service Fabric Security overview article focuses on the following areas:
Securing your cluster
Understanding monitoring and diagnostics
Creating more secure environments by using certificates
Using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Securing clusters by using Windows security
Configuring application security in Service Fabric
Securing communication for services in Azure Service Fabric

Secure your cluster

Azure Service Fabric orchestrates services across a cluster of machines. Clusters must be secured to prevent
unauthorized users from connecting to them, especially when they are running production workloads. Although it's
possible to create an unsecured cluster, this might allow anonymous users to connect to it (if it exposes
management endpoints to the public internet).
This section provides an overview of the security scenarios for clusters that are running either standalone or on
Azure. It also describes the various technologies that are used to implement those scenarios. The cluster security
scenarios are:
Node-to-node security
Client-to-node security
Node -to -node security
Node-to-node security secures communication between the VMs or machines in a cluster. With node-to-node
security, only computers that are authorized to join the cluster can participate in hosting applications and services
in the cluster.
Clusters that are running on Azure or standalone clusters that are running on Windows can use either certificate
security or Windows security for Windows Server machines.
Understand node-to-node certificate security
Service Fabric uses X.509 server certificates that you specify when you create a cluster. For a quick overview of
what these certificates are and how you can acquire or create them, see Working with certificates.
You configure certificate security when you create the cluster, either through the Azure portal, Azure Resource
Manager templates, or a standalone JSON template. You can specify a primary certificate and an optional
secondary certificate that is used for certificate rollovers. The primary and secondary certificates you specify should
be different than the admin client and read-only client certificates that you specify for client-to-node security.
Client-to -node security
You configure client-to-node security by using client identities. To establish trust between a client and a cluster, you
must configure the cluster to know which client identities it can trust. This can be done in two different ways:
Specify the domain group users that can connect.
Specify the domain node users that can connect.
Service Fabric supports two different access control types for clients that are connected to a Service Fabric cluster:
By using access control, cluster administrators can limit access to certain types of cluster operations. This makes the
cluster more secure.
Administrators have full access to management capabilities (including read/write capabilities). Users, by default,
have only read access to management capabilities (for example, query capabilities), and the ability to resolve
applications and services.
Understand client-to-node certificate security
You configure client-to-node certificate security when you create a cluster either through the Azure portal,
Resource Manager templates, or a standalone JSON template. You need to specify an admin client certificate
and/or a user client certificate.
The admin client and user client certificates that you specify should be different than the primary and secondary
certificates that you specify for node-to-node security.
Clients that connect to the cluster by using the admin certificate have full access to management capabilities.
Clients that connect to the cluster by using the read-only user client certificate have only read access to
management capabilities. In other words, these certificates are used for RBAC.
To learn how to configure certificate security in a cluster, see Set up a cluster by using an Azure Resource Manager
Understand client-to-node Azure Active Directory security on Azure
Clusters that are running on Azure can also secure access to the management endpoints by using Azure Active
Directory (Azure AD). For information about how to create the necessary Azure Active Directory artifacts, how to
populate them during cluster creation, and how to connect to those clusters, see Set up a cluster by using an Azure
Resource Manager template.
Azure AD enables organizations (known as tenants) to manage user access to applications. There are applications
with a web-based sign-in UI, and applications with a native client experience.
A Service Fabric cluster offers several entry points to its management functionality, including the web-based
Service Fabric Explorer and Visual Studio. As a result, you create two Azure AD applications to control access to the
cluster: one web application, and one native application.
For Azure clusters, we recommend that you use Azure AD security to authenticate clients and certificates for node-
to-node security.
For standalone Windows Server clusters with Windows Server 2012 R2 and Active Directory, we recommend that
you use Windows security with group managed accounts. Otherwise, use Windows security with Windows

Understand monitoring and diagnostics in Azure Service Fabric

Monitoring and diagnostics are critical to developing, testing, and deploying applications and services in any
environment. Service Fabric solutions work best when you implement monitoring and diagnostics to ensure that
applications and services work as expected in a local development environment or in production.
From a security perspective, the main goals of monitoring and diagnostics are:
Detect and diagnose hardware and infrastructure issues that might be caused by a security event.
Detect software and app issues that could be an indicator of compromise (IoC).
Understand resource consumption to help prevent inadvertent denial of service.
The overall workflow of monitoring and diagnostics consists of three steps:
Event generation: Event generation includes events (logs, traces, custom events) at both the infrastructure
(cluster) and application/service level. Read more about infrastructure-level events and application-level
events to understand what is provided and how to add further instrumentation.
Event aggregation: Generated events need to be collected and aggregated before they can be displayed.
We typically recommend using Azure Diagnostics (similar to agent-based log collection) or EventFlow (in-
process log collection).
Analysis: Events need to be visualized and accessible in some format, to allow for analysis and display.
There are several platforms for the analysis and visualization of monitoring and diagnostics data. The two
that we recommend are Operations Management Suite and Azure Application Insights due to their good
integration with Service Fabric.
You can also use Azure Monitor to monitor many of the Azure resources on which a Service Fabric cluster is built.
A watchdog is a separate service that can watch health, load across services, and report health for anything in the
health model hierarchy. Using a watchdog can help prevent errors that would not be detected based on the view of
a single service.
Watchdogs are also a good place to host code that performs remedial actions without user interaction (for example,
cleaning up log files in storage at certain time intervals). You can find a sample watchdog service implementation at
Azure Service Fabric watchdog sample.

Understand how to secure communication by using certificates

Certificates help you secure the communication between the various nodes of your standalone Windows cluster. By
using X.509 certificates, you can also authenticate clients that are connecting to this cluster. This ensures that only
authorized users can access the cluster. We recommend that you enable a certificate on the cluster when you create
X.509 certificates and Service Fabric
X.509 digital certificates are commonly used to authenticate clients and servers. They are also used to encrypt and
digitally sign messages.
The following table lists the certificates that you need on your cluster setup:


ClusterCertificate This certificate is required to secure the communication

between the nodes on a cluster. You can use two different
certificates: a primary certificate, and a secondary for upgrade.

ServerCertificate This certificate is presented to the client when it tries to

connect to this cluster. You can use two different server
certificates: a primary certificate, and a secondary for upgrade.

ClientCertificateThumbprints This is a set of certificates to install on the authenticated


ClientCertificateCommonNames This is the common name of the first client certificate for
CertificateCommonName. CertificateIssuerThumbprint is the
thumbprint for the issuer of this certificate.

ReverseProxyCertificate This is an optional certificate that can be specified to secure

your reverse proxy.

For more information about securing certificates, see Secure a standalone cluster on Windows using X.509

Understand Role-Based Access Control

Access control allows the cluster administrator to limit access to certain cluster operations for different groups of
users, thus making the cluster more secure. Two different access control types are supported for clients that are
connecting to a cluster:
Administrator role
User role
Administrators have full access to management capabilities (including read/write capabilities). Users, by default,
have only read access to management capabilities (for example, query capabilities), and the ability to resolve
applications and services.
You specify the administrator and user client roles at the time of cluster creation by providing separate identities
(including certificates) for each. For more information about the default access control settings and how to change
the default settings, see Role-Based Access Control for Service Fabric clients.

Secure standalone cluster by using Windows security

To prevent unauthorized access to a Service Fabric cluster, you must secure the cluster. Security is especially
important when the cluster runs production workloads. It describes how to configure node-to-node and client-to-
node security by using Windows security in the ClusterConfig.JSON file.
Configure Windows security by using gMSA
When Service Fabric needs to run under gMSA, you configure node-to-node security by setting
ClustergMSAIdentity. To build trust relationships between nodes, they must be made aware of each other.
You configure client-to-node security by using ClientIdentities. To establish trust between a client and the cluster,
you must configure the cluster to recognize which client identities it can trust.
Configure Windows security by using a machine group
If you want to use a machine group within an Active Directory domain, you configure node-to-node security by
setting ClusterIdentity. For more information, see Create a machine group in Active Directory.
You configure client-to-node security by using ClientIdentities. To establish trust between a client and the cluster,
you must configure the cluster to recognize the client identities that the cluster can trust. You can establish trust in
two different ways:
Specify the domain group users that can connect.
Specify the domain node users that can connect.

Configure application security in Service Fabric

Manage secrets in Service Fabric applications
This method helps manage secrets in a Service Fabric application. Secrets can be any sensitive information, such as
storage connection strings, passwords, or other values that should not be handled in plain text.
This approach uses Azure Key Vault to manage keys and secrets. However, using secrets in an application is cloud
platform-agnostic. This means that applications can be deployed to a cluster that's hosted anywhere. There are four
main steps in this flow:
Obtain a data encipherment certificate.
Install the certificate on your cluster.
Encrypt secret values when deploying an application with the certificate and inject them into a service's
Settings.xml configuration file.
Read encrypted values out of Settings.xml by decrypting them with the same encipherment certificate.

Learn more about managing secrets in Service Fabric applications.

Configure security policies for your application

By using Azure Service Fabric security, you can help secure applications that are running in the cluster under
different user accounts. Service Fabric Security also helps secure the resources that are used by applications at the
time of deployment under the user accounts--for example, files, directories, and certificates. This makes running
applications, even in a shared hosted environment, more secure.
The steps include:
Configuring the policy for a service setup entry point.
Starting PowerShell commands from a setup entry point.
Using console redirection for local debugging.
Configuring a policy for service code packages.
Assigning a security access policy for HTTP and HTTPS endpoints.

Secure communication for services in Azure Service Fabric security

Security is one of the most important aspects of communication. The Reliable Services application framework
provides a few prebuilt communication stacks and tools that can be used to improve security.
Help secure a service when you're using service remoting
Help secure a service when you're using a WCF-based communication stack

Next steps
For conceptual information about cluster security, see Create a Service Fabric cluster by using Azure Resource
Manager and Azure portal.
To learn more about cluster security in Service Fabric, see Service Fabric cluster security.
Azure identity management security overview
8/11/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft identity and access management solutions help IT protect access to applications and resources across the
corporate datacenter and into the cloud, enabling additional levels of validation such as multi-factor authentication
and conditional access policies. Monitoring suspicious activity through advanced security reporting, auditing and
alerting helps mitigate potential security issues. Azure Active Directory Premium provides single sign-on to
thousands of cloud (SaaS) apps and access to web apps you run on-premises.
Security benefits of Azure Active Directory (AD) include the ability to:
Create and manage a single identity for each user across your hybrid enterprise, keeping users, groups, and
devices in sync
Provide single sign-on access to your applications including thousands of pre-integrated SaaS apps
Enable application access security by enforcing rules-based Multi-Factor Authentication for both on-premises
and cloud applications
Provision secure remote access to on-premises web applications through Azure AD Application Proxy
The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the core Azure security features that help with identity
management. We also provide links to articles that give details of each feature so you can learn more.
The article focuses on the following core Azure Identity management capabilities:
Single sign-on
Reverse proxy
Multi-factor authentication
Security monitoring, alerts, and machine learning-based reports
Consumer identity and access management
Device registration
Privileged identity management
Identity protection
Hybrid identity management

Single sign-on
Single sign-on (SSO) means being able to access all the applications and resources that you need to do business, by
signing in only once using a single user account. Once signed in, you can access all of the applications you need
without being required to authenticate (for example, type a password) a second time.
Many organizations rely upon software as a service (SaaS) applications such as Office 365, Box and Salesforce for
end user productivity. Historically, IT staff needed to individually create and update user accounts in each SaaS
application, and users had to remember a password for each SaaS application.
Azure AD extends on-premises Active Directory environments into the cloud, enabling users to use their primary
organizational account to not only sign in to their domain-joined devices and company resources, but also all the
web and SaaS applications needed for their job.
Not only do users not have to manage multiple sets of usernames and passwords, application access can be
automatically provisioned or de-provisioned based on organizational groups and their status as an employee.
Azure AD introduces security and access governance controls that enable you to centrally manage users' access
across SaaS applications.
Learn more:
Overview of Single Sign-On
What is application access and single sign-on with Azure Active Directory?
Integrate Azure Active Directory single sign-on with SaaS apps

Reverse proxy
Azure AD Application Proxy lets you publish on-premises applications, such as SharePoint sites, Outlook Web App,
and IIS-based apps inside your private network and provides secure access to users outside your network.
Application Proxy provides remote access and single sign-on (SSO) for many types of on-premises web
applications with the thousands of SaaS applications that Azure AD supports. Employees can log in to your apps
from home on their own devices and authenticate through this cloud-based proxy.
Learn more:
Enabling Azure AD Application Proxy
Publish applications using Azure AD Application Proxy
Single-sign-on with Application Proxy
Working with conditional access

Multi-factor authentication
Azure Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of authentication that requires the use of more than one
verification method and adds a critical second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions. MFA helps
safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for a simple sign-in process. It delivers
strong authentication via a range of verification options—phone call, text message, or mobile app notification or
verification code and third party OAuth tokens.
Learn more:
Multi-factor authentication
What is Azure Multi-Factor Authentication?
How Azure Multi-Factor Authentication works

Security monitoring, alerts, and machine learning-based reports

Security monitoring and alerts and machine learning-based reports that identify inconsistent access patterns can
help you protect your business. You can use Azure Active Directory's access and usage reports to gain visibility into
the integrity and security of your organization’s directory. With this information, a directory admin can better
determine where possible security risks may lie so that they can adequately plan to mitigate those risks.
In the Azure classic portal, reports are categorized in the following ways:
Anomaly reports – contain sign in events that we found to be anomalous. Our goal is to make you aware of such
activity and enable you to be able to make a determination about whether an event is suspicious.
Integrated Application reports – provide insights into how cloud applications are being used in your
organization. Azure Active Directory offers integration with thousands of cloud applications.
Error reports – indicate errors that may occur when provisioning accounts to external applications.
User-specific reports – display device/sign in activity data for a specific user.
Activity logs – contain a record of all audited events within the last 24 hours, last 7 days, or last 30 days, and
group activity changes, and password reset and registration activity.
Learn more:
View your access and usage reports
Getting started with Azure Active Directory Reporting
Azure Active Directory Reporting Guide

Consumer identity and access management

Azure Active Directory B2C is a highly available, global, identity management service for consumer-facing
applications that scales to hundreds of millions of identities. It can be integrated across mobile and web platforms.
Your consumers can log on to all your applications through customizable experiences by using their existing social
accounts or by creating new credentials.
In the past, application developers who wanted to sign up and sign in consumers into their applications would have
written their own code. And they would have used on-premises databases or systems to store usernames and
passwords. Azure Active Directory B2C offers your organization a better way to integrate consumer identity
management into applications with the help of a secure, standards-based platform and a large set of extensible
When you use Azure Active Directory B2C, your consumers can sign up for your applications by using their existing
social accounts (Facebook, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn) or by creating new credentials (email address and password,
or username and password).
Learn more:
What is Azure Active Directory B2C?
Azure Active Directory B2C preview: Sign up and sign in consumers in your applications
Azure Active Directory B2C Preview: Types of Applications

Device registration
Azure AD Device Registration is the foundation for device-based conditional access scenarios. When a device is
registered, Azure Active Directory Device Registration provides the device with an identity that is used to
authenticate the device when the user signs in. The authenticated device, and the attributes of the device, can then
be used to enforce conditional access policies for applications that are hosted in the cloud and on-premises.
When combined with a mobile device management (MDM) solution such as Intune, the device attributes in Azure
Active Directory are updated with additional information about the device. This allows you to create conditional
access rules that enforce access from devices to meet your standards for security and compliance.
Learn more:
Get started with Azure Active Directory Device Registration
Automatic device registration with Azure Active Directory for Windows domain-joined devices
Set up automatic registration of Windows domain-joined devices with Azure Active Directory

Privileged identity management

Azure Active Directory (AD) Privileged Identity Management lets you manage, control, and monitor your privileged
identities and access to resources in Azure AD as well as other Microsoft online services like Office 365 or Microsoft
Sometimes users need to carry out privileged operations in Azure or Office 365 resources, or other SaaS apps. This
often means organizations have to give them permanent privileged access in Azure AD. This is a growing security
risk for cloud-hosted resources because organizations can't sufficiently monitor what those users are doing with
their admin privileges. Additionally, if a user account with privileged access is compromised, that one breach could
impact their overall cloud security. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management helps to resolve this risk.
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management lets you:
See which users are Azure AD admins
Enable on-demand, "just in time" administrative access to Microsoft Online Services like Office 365 and Intune
Get reports about administrator access history and changes in administrator assignments
Get alerts about access to a privileged role
Learn more:
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management
Roles in Azure AD Privileged Identity Management
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management: How to add or remove a user role

Identity protection
Azure AD Identity Protection is a security service that provides a consolidated view into risk events and potential
vulnerabilities affecting your organization’s identities. Identity Protection leverages existing Azure Active Directory’s
anomaly detection capabilities (available through Azure AD’s Anomalous Activity Reports), and introduces new risk
event types that can detect anomalies in real-time.
Learn more:
Azure Active Directory Identity Protection
Channel 9: Azure AD and Identity Show: Identity Protection Preview

Hybrid identity management

Microsoft’s approach to identity spans on-premises and the cloud, creating a single user identity for authentication
and authorization to all resources, regardless of location.
Learn more:
Hybrid identity white paper
Azure Active Directory
Active Directory Team Blog
Internet of Things security architecture
7/3/2017 • 24 min to read • Edit Online

When designing a system, it is important to understand the potential threats to that system, and add appropriate
defenses accordingly, as the system is designed and architected. It is particularly important to design the product
from the start with security in mind because understanding how an attacker might be able to compromise a system
helps make sure appropriate mitigations are in place from the beginning.

Security starts with a threat model

Microsoft has long used threat models for its products and has made the company’s threat modeling process
publically available. The company experience demonstrates that the modeling has unexpected benefits beyond the
immediate understanding of what threats are the most concerning. For example, it also creates an avenue for an
open discussion with others outside the development team, which can lead to new ideas and improvements in the
The objective of threat modeling is to understand how an attacker might be able to compromise a system and then
make sure appropriate mitigations are in place. Threat modeling forces the design team to consider mitigations as
the system is designed rather than after a system is deployed. This fact is critically important, because retrofitting
security defenses to a myriad of devices in the field is infeasible, error prone and will leave customers at risk.
Many development teams do an excellent job capturing the functional requirements for the system that benefit
customers. However, identifying non-obvious ways that someone might misuse the system is more challenging.
Threat modeling can help development teams understand what an attacker might do and why. Threat modeling is a
structured process that creates a discussion about the security design decisions in the system, as well as changes to
the design that are made along the way that impact security. While a threat model is simply a document, this
documentation also represents an ideal way to ensure continuity of knowledge, retention of lessons learned, and
help new team onboard rapidly. Finally, an outcome of threat modeling is to enable you to consider other aspects
of security, such as what security commitments you wish to provide to your customers. These commitments in
conjunction with threat modeling will inform and drive testing of your Internet of Things (IoT) solution.
When to threat model
Threat modeling offers the greatest value if it is incorporated into the design phase. When you are designing, you
have the greatest flexibility to make changes to eliminate threats. Eliminating threats by design is the desired
outcome. It is much easier than adding mitigations, testing them, and ensuring they remain current and moreover,
such elimination is not always possible. It becomes harder to eliminate threats as a product becomes more mature,
and in turn will ultimately require more work and a lot harder tradeoffs than threat modeling early on in the
What to threat model
You should thread model the solution as a whole and also focus in the following areas:
The security and privacy features
The features whose failures are security relevant
The features that touch a trust boundary
Who threat models
Threat modeling is a process like any other. It is a good idea to treat the threat model document like any other
component of the solution and validate it. Many development teams do an excellent job capturing the functional
requirements for the system that benefit customers. However, identifying non-obvious ways that someone might
misuse the system is more challenging. Threat modeling can help development teams understand what an attacker
might do and why.
How to threat model
The threat modeling process is composed of four steps; the steps are:
Model the application
Enumerate Threats
Mitigate threats
Validate the mitigations
The process steps
Three rules of thumb to keep in mind when building a threat model:
1. Create a diagram out of reference architecture.
2. Start breadth-first. Get an overview, and understand the system as a whole, before deep-diving. This helps
ensure that you deep-dive in the right places.
3. Drive the process, don’t let the process drive you. If you find an issue in the modeling phase and want to explore
it, go for it! Don’t feel you need to follow these steps slavishly.
The four core elements of a threat model are:
Processes (web services, Win32 services, *nix daemons, etc. Note that some complex entities (for example field
gateways and sensors) can be abstracted as a process when a technical drill-down in these areas is not possible.
Data stores (anywhere data is stored, such as a configuration file or database)
Data flow (where data moves between other elements in the application)
External Entities (anything that interacts with the system, but is not under the control of the application,
examples include users and satellite feeds)
All elements in the architectural diagram are subject to various threats; we will use the STRIDE mnemonic. Read
Threat Modeling Again, STRIDE to know more about the STRIDE elements.
Different elements of the application diagram are subject to certain STRIDE threats:
Processes are subject to STRIDE
Data flows are subject to TID
Data stores are subject to TID, and sometimes R, if the data stores are log files.
External entities are subject to SRD

Security in IoT
Connected special-purpose devices have a significant number of potential interaction surface areas and interaction
patterns, all of which must be considered to provide a framework for securing digital access to those devices. The
term “digital access” is used here to distinguish from any operations that are carried out through direct device
interaction where access security is provided through physical access control. For example, putting the device into a
room with a lock on the door. While physical access cannot be denied using software and hardware, measures can
be taken to prevent physical access from leading to system interference.
As we explore the interaction patterns, we will look at “device control” and “device data” with the same level of
attention. “Device control” can be classified as any information that is provided to a device by any party with the
goal of changing or influencing its behavior towards its state or the state of its environment. “Device data” can be
classified as any information that a device emits to any other party about its state and the observed state of its
In order to optimize security best practices, it is recommended that a typical IoT architecture be divided into several
component/zones as part of the threat modeling exercise. These zones are described fully throughout this section
and include:
Field Gateway,
Cloud gateways, and
Zones are broad way to segment a solution; each zone often has its own data and authentication and authorization
requirements. Zones can also be used to isolation damage and restrict the impact of low trust zones on higher trust
Each zone is separated by a Trust Boundary, which is noted as the dotted red line in the diagram below. It
represents a transition of data/information from one source to another. During this transition, the data/information
could be subject to Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service and Elevation of
Privilege (STRIDE).

The components depicted within each boundary are also subjected to STRIDE, enabling a full 360 threat modeling
view of the solution. The sections below elaborate on each of the components and specific security concerns and
solutions that should be put into place.
The sections that follow will discuss standard components typically found in these zones.
The Device Zone
The device environment is the immediate physical space around the device where physical access and/or “local
network” peer-to-peer digital access to the device is feasible. A “local network” is assumed to be a network that is
distinct and insulated from – but potentially bridged to – the public Internet, and includes any short-range wireless
radio technology that permits peer-to-peer communication of devices. It does not include any network
virtualization technology creating the illusion of such a local network and it does also not include public operator
networks that require any two devices to communicate across public network space if they were to enter a peer-to-
peer communication relationship.
The Field Gateway Zone
Field gateway is a device/appliance or some general-purpose server computer software that acts as communication
enabler and, potentially, as a device control system and device data processing hub. The field gateway zone includes
the field gateway itself and all devices that are attached to it. As the name implies, field gateways act outside
dedicated data processing facilities, are usually location bound, are potentially subject to physical intrusion, and will
have limited operational redundancy. All to say that a field gateway is commonly a thing one can touch and
sabotage while knowing what its function is.
A field gateway is different from a mere traffic router in that it has had an active role in managing access and
information flow, meaning it is an application addressed entity and network connection or session terminal. An NAT
device or firewall, in contrast, does not qualify as field gateways since they are not explicit connection or session
terminals, but rather a route (or block) connections or sessions made through them. The field gateway has two
distinct surface areas. One faces the devices that are attached to it and represents the inside of the zone, and the
other faces all external parties and is the edge of the zone.
The cloud gateway zone
Cloud gateway is a system that enables remote communication from and to devices or field gateways from several
different sites across public network space, typically towards a cloud-based control and data analysis system, a
federation of such systems. In some cases, a cloud gateway may immediately facilitate access to special-purpose
devices from terminals such as tablets or phones. In the context discussed here, “cloud” is meant to refer to a
dedicated data processing system that is not bound to the same site as the attached devices or field gateways. Also
in a Cloud Zone, operational measures prevent targeted physical access and are not necessarily exposed to a
“public cloud” infrastructure.
A cloud gateway may potentially be mapped into a network virtualization overlay to insulate the cloud gateway and
all of its attached devices or field gateways from any other network traffic. The cloud gateway itself is neither a
device control system nor a processing or storage facility for device data; those facilities interface with the cloud
gateway. The cloud gateway zone includes the cloud gateway itself along with all field gateways and devices
directly or indirectly attached to it. The edge of the zone is a distinct surface area where all external parties
communicate through.
The services zone
A “service” is defined for this context as any software component or module that is interfacing with devices through
a field- or cloud gateway for data collection and analysis, as well as for command and control. Services are
mediators. They act under their identity towards gateways and other subsystems, store and analyze data,
autonomously issue commands to devices based on data insights or schedules and expose information and control
capabilities to authorized end users.
Information-devices vs. special-purpose devices
PCs, phones, and tablets are primarily interactive information devices. Phones and tablets are explicitly optimized
around maximizing battery lifetime. They preferably turn off partially when not immediately interacting with a
person, or when not providing services like playing music or guiding their owner to a particular location. From a
systems perspective, these information technology devices are mainly acting as proxies towards people. They are
“people actuators” suggesting actions and “people sensors” collecting input.
Special-purpose devices, from simple temperature sensors to complex factory production lines with thousands of
components inside them, are different. These devices are much more scoped in purpose and even if they provide
some user interface, they are largely scoped to interfacing with or be integrated into assets in the physical world.
They measure and report environmental circumstances, turn valves, control servos, sound alarms, switch lights, and
do many other tasks. They help to do work for which an information device is either too generic, too expensive, too
big, or too brittle. The concrete purpose immediately dictates their technical design as well the available monetary
budget for their production and scheduled lifetime operation. The combination of these two key factors constrains
the available operational energy budget, physical footprint, and thus available storage, compute, and security
If something “goes wrong” with automated or remote controllable devices, for example, physical defects or control
logic defects to willful unauthorized intrusion and manipulation. The production lots may be destroyed, buildings
may be looted or burned down, and people may be injured or even die. This is, of course, a whole different class of
damage than someone maxing out a stolen credit card's limit. The security bar for devices that make things move,
and also for sensor data that eventually results in commands that cause things to move, must be higher than in any
e-commerce or banking scenario.
Device control and device data interactions
Connected special-purpose devices have a significant number of potential interaction surface areas and interaction
patterns, all of which must be considered to provide a framework for securing digital access to those devices. The
term “digital access” is used here to distinguish from any operations that are carried out through direct device
interaction where access security is provided through physical access control. For example, putting the device into a
room with a lock on the door. While physical access cannot be denied using software and hardware, measures can
be taken to prevent physical access from leading to system interference.
As we explore the interaction patterns, we will look at “device control” and “device data” with the same level of
attention while threat modeling. “Device control” can be classified as any information that is provided to a device by
any party with the goal of changing or influencing its behavior towards its state or the state of its environment.
“Device data” can be classified as any information that a device emits to any other party about its state and the
observed state of its environment.

Threat modeling the Azure IoT reference architecture

Microsoft uses the framework outlined above to do threat modeling for Azure IoT. In the section below we
therefore use the concrete example of Azure IoT Reference Architecture to demonstrate how to think about threat
modeling for IoT and how to address the threats identified. In our case we identified four main areas of focus:
Devices and Data Sources,
Data Transport,
Device and Event Processing, and

The diagram below provides a simplified view of Microsoft’s IoT Architecture using a Data Flow Diagram model
that is used by the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool:
It is important to note that the architecture separates the device and gateway capabilities. This allows the user to
leverage gateway devices that are more secure: they are capable of communicating with the cloud gateway using
secure protocols, which typically requires greater processing overhead that a native device - such as a thermostat -
could provide on its own. In the Azure services zone, we assume that the Cloud Gateway is represented by the
Azure IoT Hub service.
Device and data sources/data transport
This section explores the architecture outlined above through the lens of threat modeling and gives an overview of
how we are addressing some of the inherent concerns. We will focus on the core elements of a threat model:
Processes (those under our control and external items)
Communication (also called data flows)
Storage (also called data stores)
In each of the categories outlined in the Azure IoT architecture, we try to mitigate a number of different threats
across the different stages data/information exists in: process, communication, and storage. Below we give an
overview of the most common ones for the “process” category, followed by an overview of how these could be best
Spoofing (S): An attacker may extract cryptographic key material from a device, either at the software or hardware
level, and subsequently access the system with a different physical or virtual device under the identity of the device
the key material has been taken from. A good illustration is remote controls that can turn any TV and that are
popular prankster tools.
Denial of Service (D): A device can be rendered incapable of functioning or communicating by interfering with
radio frequencies or cutting wires. For example, a surveillance camera that had its power or network connection
intentionally knocked out will not report data, at all.
Tampering (T): An attacker may partially or wholly replace the software running on the device, potentially allowing
the replaced software to leverage the genuine identity of the device if the key material or the cryptographic facilities
holding key materials were available to the illicit program. For example, an attacker may leverage extracted key
material to intercept and suppress data from the device on the communication path and replace it with false data
that is authenticated with the stolen key material.
Information Disclosure (I): If the device is running manipulated software, such manipulated software could
potentially leak data to unauthorized parties. For example, an attacker may leverage extracted key material to inject
itself into the communication path between the device and a controller or field gateway or cloud gateway to siphon
off information.
Elevation of Privilege (E): A device that does specific function can be forced to do something else. For example, a
valve that is programmed to open half way can be tricked to open all the way.

Device S Assigning identity to Replacing device or Authenticating the

the device and part of the device with device, using
authenticating the some other device. Transport Layer
device How do we know we Security (TLS) or IPSec.
are talking to the Infrastructure should
right device? support using pre-
shared key (PSK) on
those devices that
cannot handle full
Leverage Azure AD,

TRID Apply tamperproof The risk is if someone The most effective

mechanisms to the is tampering the mitigation is a trusted
device for example by device (physical platform module
making it very hard to interference). How are (TPM) capability that
impossible to extract we sure, that device allows storing keys in
keys and other has not tampered special on-chip
cryptographic with. circuitry from which
material from the the keys cannot be
device. read, but can only be
used for
operations that use
the key but never
disclose the key.
Memory encryption of
the device. Key
management for the
device. Signing the

E Having access control If the device allows for Having authorization

of the device. individual actions to scheme for the device
Authorization scheme. be performed based
on commands from
an outside source, or
even compromised
sensors, it will allow
the attack to perform
operations not
otherwise accessible.

Field Gateway S Authenticating the If someone can spoof TLS RSA/PSK, IPSec,
Field gateway to Field Gateway, then it RFC 4279. All the
Cloud Gateway (cert can present itself as same key storage and
based, PSK, Claim any device. attestation concerns
based,..) of devices in general –
best case is use TPM.
6LowPAN extension
for IPSec to support
Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSN).

TRID Protect the Field Spoofing attacks that Memory encryption,

Gateway against trick the cloud TPM’s, authentication.
tampering (TPM?) gateway thinking it is
talking to field
gateway could result
in information
disclosure and data

E Access control
mechanism for Field

Here are some examples of threats in this category:

Spoofing: An attacker may extract cryptographic key material from a device, either at the software or hardware
level, and subsequently access the system with a different physical or virtual device under the identity of the device
the key material has been taken from.
Denial of Service: A device can be rendered incapable of functioning or communicating by interfering with radio
frequencies or cutting wires. For example, a surveillance camera that had its power or network connection
intentionally knocked out will not report data, at all.
Tampering: An attacker may partially or wholly replace the software running on the device, potentially allowing
the replaced software to leverage the genuine identity of the device if the key material or the cryptographic facilities
holding key materials were available to the illicit program.
Tampering: A surveillance camera that’s showing a visible-spectrum picture of an empty hallway could be aimed
at a photograph of such a hallway. A smoke or fire sensor could be reporting someone holding a lighter under it. In
either case, the device may be technically fully trustworthy towards the system, but it will report manipulated
Tampering: An attacker may leverage extracted key material to intercept and suppress data from the device on the
communication path and replace it with false data that is authenticated with the stolen key material.
Tampering: An attacker may partially or completely replace the software running on the device, potentially
allowing the replaced software to leverage the genuine identity of the device if the key material or the
cryptographic facilities holding key materials were available to the illicit program.
Information Disclosure: If the device is running manipulated software, such manipulated software could
potentially leak data to unauthorized parties.
Information Disclosure: An attacker may leverage extracted key material to inject itself into the communication
path between the device and a controller or field gateway or cloud gateway to siphon off information.
Denial of Service: The device can be turned off or turned into a mode where communication is not possible
(which is intentional in many industrial machines).
Tampering: The device can be reconfigured to operate in a state unknown to the control system (outside of known
calibration parameters) and thus provide data that can be misinterpreted
Elevation of Privilege: A device that does specific function can be forced to do something else. For example, a
valve that is programmed to open half way can be tricked to open all the way.
Denial of Service: The device can be turned into a state where communication is not possible.
Tampering: The device can be reconfigured to operate in a state unknown to the control system (outside of known
calibration parameters) and thus provide data that can be misinterpreted.
Spoofing/Tampering/Repudiation: If not secured (which is rarely the case with consumer remote controls) an
attacker can manipulate the state of a device anonymously. A good illustration is remote controls that can turn any
TV and that are popular prankster tools.
Threats around communication path between devices, devices and field gateways and device and cloud gateway.
The table below has some guidance around open sockets on the device/VPN:


Device IoT Hub TID (D)TLS (PSK/RSA) to Eavesdropping or Security on the

encrypt the traffic interfering the protocol level. With
communication custom protocols, we
between the device need to figure out
and the gateway how to protect them.
In most cases, the
communication takes
place from the device
to the IoT Hub (device
initiates the

Device Device TID (D)TLS (PSK/RSA) to Reading data in Security on the

encrypt the traffic. transit between protocol level
devices. Tampering (MQTT/AMQP/HTTP/
with the data. CoAP. With custom
Overloading the protocols, we need to
device with new figure out how to
connections protect them. The
mitigation for the DoS
threat is to peer
devices through a
cloud or field gateway
and have them only
act as clients towards
the network. The
peering may result in
a direct connection
between the peers
after having been
brokered by the

External Entity Device TID Strong pairing of the Eavesdropping the Securely pairing the
external entity to the connection to the external entity to the
device device. Interfering the device NFC/Bluetooth
communication with LE. Controlling the
the device operational panel of
the device (Physical)

Field Gateway Cloud TID TLS (PSK/RSA) to Eavesdropping or Security on the

Gateway encrypt the traffic. interfering the protocol level
communication (MQTT/AMQP/HTTP/
between the device CoAP). With custom
and the gateway protocols, we need to
figure out how to
protect them.

Device Cloud TID TLS (PSK/RSA) to Eavesdropping or Security on the

Gateway encrypt the traffic. interfering the protocol level
communication (MQTT/AMQP/HTTP/
between the device CoAP). With custom
and the gateway protocols, we need to
figure out how to
protect them.

Here are some examples of threats in this category:

Denial of Service: Constrained devices are generally under DoS threat when they actively listen for inbound
connections or unsolicited datagrams on a network, because an attacker can open many connections in parallel and
not service them or service them very slowly, or the device can be flooded with unsolicited traffic. In both cases, the
device can effectively be rendered inoperable on the network.
Spoofing, Information Disclosure: Constrained devices and special-purpose devices often have one-for-all
security facilities like password or PIN protection, or they wholly rely on trusting the network, meaning they will
grant access to information when a device is on the same network, and that network is often only protected by a
shared key. That means that when the shared secret to device or network is disclosed, it is possible to control the
device or observe data emitted from the device.
Spoofing: an attacker may intercept or partially override the broadcast and spoof the originator (man in the
Tampering: an attacker may intercept or partially override the broadcast and send false information
Information Disclosure: an attacker may eavesdrop on a broadcast and obtain information without authorization
Denial of Service: an attacker may jam the broadcast signal and deny information distribution
Every device and field gateway has some form of storage (temporary for queuing the data, operating system (OS)
image storage).


Device storage TRID Storage encryption, Reading data from the Encryption, message
signing the logs storage (PII data), authentication code
tampering with (MAC) or digital
telemetry data. signature. Where
Tampering with possible, strong
queued or cached access control
command control through resource
data. Tampering with access control lists
configuration or (ACLs) or permissions.
firmware update
packages while cached
or queued locally can
lead to OS and/or
system components
being compromised

Device OS image TRID Tampering with OS Read-only OS

/replacing the OS partition, signed OS
components image, Encryption

Field Gateway storage TRID Storage encryption, Reading data from the BitLocker
(queuing the data) signing the logs storage (PII data),
tampering with
telemetry data,
tampering with
queued or cached
command control
data. Tampering with
configuration or
firmware update
packages (destined for
devices or field
gateway) while cached
or queued locally can
lead to OS and/or
system components
being compromised

Field Gateway OS TRID Tampering with OS Read-only OS

image /replacing the OS partition, signed OS
components image, Encryption

Device and event processing/cloud gateway zone

A cloud gateway is system that enables remote communication from and to devices or field gateways from several
different sites across public network space, typically towards a cloud-based control and data analysis system, a
federation of such systems. In some cases, a cloud gateway may immediately facilitate access to special-purpose
devices from terminals such as tablets or phones. In the context discussed here, “cloud” is meant to refer to a
dedicated data processing system that is not bound to the same site as the attached devices or field gateways, and
where operational measures prevent targeted physical access but is not necessarily to a “public cloud”
infrastructure. A cloud gateway may potentially be mapped into a network virtualization overlay to insulate the
cloud gateway and all of its attached devices or field gateways from any other network traffic. The cloud gateway
itself is neither a device control system nor a processing or storage facility for device data; those facilities interface
with the cloud gateway. The cloud gateway zone includes the cloud gateway itself along with all field gateways and
devices directly or indirectly attached to it.
Cloud gateway is mostly custom built piece of software running as a service with exposed endpoints to which field
gateway and devices connect. As such it must be designed with security in mind. Please follow SDL process for
designing and building this service.
Services zone
A control system (or controller) is a software solution that interfaces with a device, or a field gateway, or cloud
gateway for the purpose of controlling one or multiple devices and/or to collect and/or store and/or analyze device
data for presentation, or subsequent control purposes. Control systems are the only entities in the scope of this
discussion that may immediately facilitate interaction with people. The exception is intermediate physical control
surfaces on devices, like a switch that allows a person to turn the device off or change other properties, and for
which there is no functional equivalent that can be accessed digitally.
Intermediate physical control surfaces are those where any sort of governing logic constrains the function of the
physical control surface such that an equivalent function can be initiated remotely or input conflicts with remote
input can be avoided – such intermediated control surfaces are conceptually attached to a local control system that
leverages the same underlying functionality as any other remote control system that the device may be attached to
in parallel. Top threats to the cloud computing can be read at Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) page.

Additional resources
Refer to the following articles for additional information:
SDL Threat Modeling Tool
Microsoft Azure IoT reference architecture

See also
To learn more about securing your IoT solution, see Secure your IoT deployment.
You can also explore some of the other features and capabilities of the IoT Suite preconfigured solutions:
Predictive maintenance preconfigured solution overview
Frequently asked questions for IoT Suite
You can read about IoT Hub security in Control access to IoT Hub in the IoT Hub developer guide.
Azure encryption overview
8/22/2017 • 11 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides an overview of how encryption is used in Microsoft Azure. It covers the major areas of
encryption, including encryption at rest, encryption in flight, and key management with Key Vault. Each section
includes links for more detailed information.

Encryption of data at rest

Data at rest includes information that resides in persistent storage on physical media, in any digital format. This
includes files on magnetic or optical media, archived data, and data backups. Microsoft Azure offers a variety of
data storage solutions to meet different needs, including file, disk, blob, and table storage. Microsoft also provides
encryption to protect Azure SQL Database, CosmosDB, and Azure Data Lake.
Data encryption at rest is available for services across the Azure Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-
Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud models. This document summarizes and provides
resources to help you use Azure’s encryption options.
For more detailed discussion of how data at rest is encrypted in Azure, see the document titled Azure Data

Azure Encryption models

Azure supports various encryption models, including server-side encryption using service-managed keys, using
customer-managed keys in Azure Key Vault, or using customer-managed keys on customer-controlled hardware.
Client-side encryption allows you to manage and store keys on-premises or in another secure location.
Client-side encryption
Client-side encryption is performed outside of Azure. Client-side encryption includes:
Data encrypted by an application that’s running in the customer’s data center or by a service application
Data that is already encrypted when it is received by Azure.
With client-side encryption the cloud service provider doesn’t have access to the encryption keys and cannot
decrypt this data. You maintain complete control of the keys.
Server-side encryption
The three server-side encryption models offer different key management characteristics, which can be chosen per
your requirements.
Service-managed keys provide a combination of control and convenience with low overhead
Customer-managed keys give you control over the keys, including the ability to bring your own keys
(BYOK) or to generate new ones.
Service-managed keys in ccustomer-controlledhardware enables you to manage keys in your
proprietary repository that is outside of Microsoft’s control. This is called Host Your Own Key (HYOK).
However, configuration is complex, and most Azure services don’t support this model.
Azure Disk Encryption
Windows and Linux virtual machines can be protected using Azure Disk Encryption, which uses the Windows
BitLocker technology and Linux DM-Crypt to protect both operating system disks and data disks with full volume
Encryption keys and secrets are safeguarded in your Azure Key Vault subscription. You can back up and restore
encrypted VMs that are encrypted with the KEK configuration using the Azure Backup service.
Azure Storage service encryption
Data at rest in Azure storage (both Blob and File) can be encrypted in both server-side and client-side scenarios.
Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) can automatically encrypt data before it is stored and automatically
decrypts it when you retrieve it, making the process completely transparent users. Storage Service Encryption uses
256-bit AES encryption, which is one of the strongest block ciphers available, and handles encryption, decryption,
and key management in a transparent fashion.
Client-side encryption of Azure blobs
Client-side encryption of Azure blobs can be performed in different ways.
You can use the Azure Storage Client Library for .NET NuGet package to encrypt data within your client applications
prior to uploading it to Azure Storage.
To learn more about and download the Azure Storage Client Library for .NET NuGet package, see the document
titled Windows Azure Storage 8.3.0
When you use client-side encryption with Azure Key Vault, your data is encrypted using a one-time symmetric
Content Encryption Key (CEK) that is generated by the Azure Storage client SDK. The CEK is encrypted using a Key
Encryption Key (KEK), which can be either a symmetric key or an asymmetric key pair. You can manage it locally or
store it in Azure Key Vault. The encrypted data is then uploaded to Azure Storage service.
To learn more about client-side encryption with Azure Key Vault and get started with how-to instructions, see the
document titled Tutorial: Encrypt and decrypt blobs in Microsoft Azure Storage using Azure Key Vault
Finally, you can also use the Azure Storage Client Library for Java to perform client-side encryption before
uploading data to Azure Storage, and to decrypt the data when downloading it to the client. This library also
supports integration with Azure Key Vault for storage account key management.
Encryption of data at rest with Azure SQL database
Azure SQL Database is a general-purpose relational database service in Microsoft Azure that supports structures
such as relational data, JSON, spatial, and XML. Azure SQL supports both server-side encryption via the Transparent
Data Encryption (TDE) feature and client-side encryption via the Always Encrypted feature.
Transparent data encryption
TDE Transparent data encryption is used to encrypt SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data
Warehouse data files in real time, using a database encryption key (DEK), which is stored in the database boot
record for availability during recovery.
TDE protects data and log files, using AES and 3DES encryption algorithms. Encryption of the database file is
performed at the page level; the pages in an encrypted database are encrypted before they are written to disk and
are decrypted when they’re read into memory. TDE is now enabled by default on newly created Azure SQL
Always encrypted
The Always Encrypted feature in Azure SQL enables you to encrypt data within client applications prior to storing in
Azure SQL Database and allows you to enable delegation of on-premises database administration to third parties
and maintain separation between those who own and can view the data and those who manage it but should not
have access to it.
Cell/Column Level Encryption
Azure SQL Database enables you to apply symmetric encryption to a column of data using Transact-SQL. This is
called cell level encryption or column level encryption (CLE), because you can use it to encrypt specific columns or
even specific cells of data with different encryption keys. This gives you more granular encryption capability than
TDE, which encrypts data in pages.
CLE has built-in functions that you can use to encrypt data using either symmetric or asymmetric keys, with the
public key of a certificate, or with a passphrase using 3DES.
Cosmos DB database encryption
Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model database. User data stored in Cosmos DB in non-
volatile storage (solid-state drives) is encrypted by default; there are no controls to turn it on or off. Encryption at
rest is implemented by using a number of security technologies, including secure key storage systems, encrypted
networks, and cryptographic APIs. Encryption keys are managed by Microsoft and are rotated per Microsoft’s
internal guidelines.
At-rest Encryption in Azure Data Lake
Azure Data Lake is an enterprise-wide repository of every type of data collected in a single place prior to any formal
definition of requirements or schema. Azure Data Lake Store supports "on by default," transparent encryption of
data at rest, which is set up during the creation of your account. By default, Data Lake Store manages the keys for
you, but you have the option to manage them yourself.
Three types of keys are used in encrypting and decrypting data: the Master Encryption Key (MEK), Data Encryption
Key (DEK), and Block Encryption Key (BEK). The MEK is used to encrypt the DEK, which is stored on persistent media,
and the BEK is derived from the DEK and the data block. If you are managing your own keys, you can rotate the

Encryption of data in transit

Azure offers many mechanisms for keeping data private as it moves from one location to another.
TLS/SSL encryption in Azure
Microsoft uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to protect data when it’s traveling between the cloud
services and customers. Microsoft’s data centers negotiate a TLS connection with client systems that connect to
Azure services. TLS provides strong authentication, message privacy, and integrity (enabling detection of message
tampering, interception, and forgery), interoperability, algorithm flexibility, ease of deployment and use.
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) is protects connections between customers’ client systems and Microsoft’s cloud
services by unique keys. Connections also use RSA-based 2,048-bit encryption key lengths. This combination
makes it difficult for someone to intercept and access data that is in-transit.
Azure Storage transactions
When you interact with Azure Storage through the Azure portal, all transactions take place over HTTPS. You can
also use the Storage REST API over HTTPS to interact with Azure Storage. You can enforce the use of HTTPS when
calling the REST APIs to access objects in storage accounts by enabling Secure transfer required for the storage
Shared Access Signatures (SAS), which can be used to delegate access to Azure Storage objects, include an option
to specify that only the HTTPS protocol can be used when using Shared Access Signatures. This ensures that
anybody sending out links with SAS tokens uses the proper protocol.
SMB 3.0 used to access Azure File Shares supports encryption, and it's available in Windows Server 2012 R2,
Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, allowing cross-region access, and even access on the desktop.
Client-side encryption encrypts the data before it’s sent to Azure Storage, so that it’s encrypted as it travels across
the network.
SMB Encryption over Azure Virtual Networks
SMB 3.0 in Azure VMs running Windows Server 2012 and above gives you the ability to make data transfers secure
by encrypting data in transit over Azure Virtual Networks, to protect against tampering and eavesdropping attacks.
Administrators can enable SMB Encryption for the entire server, or just specific shares.
By default, once SMB Encryption is turned on for a share or server, only SMB 3 clients are allowed to access the
encrypted shares.

In-transit Encryption in Azure Virtual Machines

Data in transit to, from, and between Azure VMs running Windows is encrypted in a number of ways, depending on
the nature of the connection.
RDP sessions
You can connect and log on to an Azure VM using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) from a Windows client
computer, or from a Mac with an RDP client installed. Data in transit over the network in RDP sessions can be
protected by TLS.
You can also use Remote Desktop to connect to a Linux VM in Azure.
Secure access to Linux VMs with SSH
You can use Secure Shell (SSH) to connect to Linux VMs running in Azure for remote management. SSH is an
encrypted connection protocol that allows secure logins over unsecured connections. It is the default connection
protocol for Linux VMs hosted in Azure. By using SSH keys for authentication, you eliminate the need for
passwords to log in. SSH uses a public/private key pair (asymmetric encryption) for authentication.

Azure VPN encryption

You can connect to Azure through a virtual private network that creates a secure tunnel to protect the privacy of the
data being sent across the network.
Azure VPN Gateway
Azure VPN gateway can be used to send encrypted traffic between your virtual network and your on-premises
location across a public connection, or to send traffic between virtual networks.
Site-to-site VPN uses IPsec for transport encryption. Azure VPN gateways use a set of default proposals. You can
configure Azure VPN gateways to use a custom IPsec/IKE policy with specific cryptographic algorithms and key
strengths, rather than the Azure default policy sets.
Point-to -site VPN
Point-to-Site VPNs allow individual client computers access to an Azure Virtual Network. The Secure Socket
Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is used to create the VPN tunnel and can traverse firewalls (the tunnel appears as an
HTTPS connection). You can use your own internal PKI root CA for point-to-site connectivity.
You can configure a point-to-site VPN connection to a virtual network using the Azure portal with certificate
authentication or PowerShell.
To learn more about point-to-site VPN connections to Azure VNets, see: Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a
VNet using certification authentication: Azure portal and
Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a VNet using certificate authentication: PowerShell
Site -to -site VPN
A Site-to-Site VPN gateway connection is used to connect your on-premises network to an Azure virtual network
over an IPsec/IKE (IKEv1 or IKEv2) VPN tunnel. This type of connection requires a VPN device located on-premises
that has an externally facing public IP address assigned to it.
You can configure a site-to-site VPN connection to a virtual network using the Azure portal, PowerShell, or the
Azure Command Line Interface (CLI).
Read these for more info:
Create a Site-to-Site connection in the Azure portal
Create a Site-to-Site connection
Create a virtual network with a site-to-site VPN connection using CLI

In-transit Encryption in Azure Data Lake

Data in transit (also known as data in motion) is also always encrypted in Data Lake Store. In addition to encrypting
data prior to storing to persistent media, the data is also always secured in transit by using HTTPS. HTTPS is the
only protocol that is supported for the Data Lake Store REST interfaces.
To learn more about encryption of data in transit in Azure Data Lake, see the document titled Encryption of data in
Azure Data Lake Store.

Key management with Azure Key Vault

Without proper protection and management of the keys, encryption is rendered useless. Azure Key Vault is
Microsoft’s recommended solution for managing and controlling access to encryption keys used by cloud services.
Permissions to access keys can be assigned to services or to users through Azure Active Directory accounts.
Azure Key Vault relieves organizations of the need to configure, patch, and maintain Hardware Security Modules
(HSMs) and key management software. With Azure Key Vault, Microsoft never sees your keys and applications
don’t have direct access to them; you maintain control. You can also import or generate keys in HSMs.

Next steps
Azure security overview
Azure network security overview
Azure database security overview
Azure virtual machines security overview
Data encryption at rest
Data security and encryption best practices
Security architecture overview
6/27/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

Having a strong architectural foundation is one of the keys to success when it comes to secure solution
deployments in Azure. With this knowledge you’re able to better understand your requirements by knowing the
right questions to ask and more equipped to find the right answers to your questions. Getting right answers to the
right questions goes a long way toward optimizing the security of your deployments.
In this section you’ll see articles on Azure Security Architecture that will help you build secure solutions. A popular
collection of Azure security best practices and patterns is also included. At this time, we have the following articles –
make sure to visit our site and the Azure Security Team blog for updates on a regular basis:
Data Classification for Cloud Readiness
Application Architecture on Microsoft Azure
Azure Security Best Practices and Patterns
Azure Operational Security
7/19/2017 • 19 min to read • Edit Online

We know that security is job one in the cloud and how important it is that you find accurate and timely information
about Azure security. One of the best reasons to use Azure for your applications and services is to take advantage
of the wide array of security tools and capabilities available. These tools and capabilities help make it possible to
create secure solutions on the secure Azure platform. Windows Azure must provide confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of customer data, while also enabling transparent accountability.
To help customers better understand the array of security controls implemented within Microsoft Azure from both
the customer's and Microsoft operational perspectives, this white paper, “Azure Operational Security", is written
that provides a comprehensive look at the operational security available with Windows Azure.
Azure Platform
Azure is a public cloud service platform that supports a broad selection of operating systems, programming
languages, frameworks, tools, databases,and devices. It can run Linux containers with Docker integration; build apps
with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java,and Node.js; build back-ends for iOS, Android,and Windows devices. Azure
Cloud service supports the same technologies millions of developers and IT professionals already rely on and trust.
When you build on, or migrate IT assets to, a public cloud service provider you are relying on that organization’s
abilities to protect your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to manage the
security of your cloud-based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security requirements. In addition,
Azure provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to control them so that you
can customize security to meet the unique requirements of your organization’s deployments. This document will
helps you understand how Azure security capabilities can help you fulfill these requirements.
Azure Operational Security refers to the services, controls, and features available to users for protecting their data,
applications,and other assets in Microsoft Azure. Azure Operational Security is built on a framework that
incorporates the knowledge gained through various capabilities that are unique to Microsoft, including the
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), the Microsoft Security Response Center program, and deep
awareness of the cybersecurity threat landscape.
This white paper outlines Microsoft’s approach to Azure Operational Security within the Microsoft Azure cloud
platform and covers following services:
1. Azure Operations Management Suite
2. Azure Security Center
3. Azure Monitor
4. Azure Network watcher
5. Azure Storage analytics
6. Azure Active directory
Microsoft Operations Management Suite
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is the IT management solution for the hybrid cloud. Used alone or
to extend your existing System Center deployment, OMS gives you the maximum flexibility and control for cloud-
based management of your infrastructure.

With OMS, you can manage any instance in any cloud, including on-premises, Azure, AWS, Windows Server, Linux,
VMware, and OpenStack, at a lower cost than competitive solutions. Built for the cloud-first world, OMS offers a
new approach to managing your enterprise that is the fastest, most cost-effective way to meet new business
challenges and accommodate new workloads, applications and cloud environments.
OMS services
The core functionality of OMS is provided by a set of services that run in Azure. Each service provides a specific
management function, and you can combine services to achieve different management scenarios.


Log Analytics Monitor and analyze the availability and performance of

different resources including physical and virtual machines.

Automation Automate manual processes and enforce configurations for

physical and virtual machines.

Backup Back up and restore critical data.

Site Recovery Provide high availability for critical applications.

Log Analytics
Log Analytics provides monitoring services for OMS by collecting data from managed resources into a central
repository. This data could include events, performance data, or custom data provided through the API. Once
collected, the data is available for alerting, analysis, and export.
This method allows you to consolidate data from various sources, so you can combine data from your Azure
services with your existing on-premises environment. It also clearly separates the collection of the data from the
action taken on that data so that all actions are available to all kinds of data.
The Log Analytics service manages your cloud-based data securely by using the following methods:
data segregation
data retention
physical security
incident management
security standards certifications
Azure Backup
Azure Backup provides data backup and restore services and is part of the OMS suite of products and services. It
protects your application data and retains it for years without any capital investment and with minimal operating
costs. It can back up data from physical and virtual Windows servers in addition to application workloads such as
SQL Server and SharePoint. It can also be used by System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) to replicate
protected data to Azure for redundancy and long-term storage.
Protected data in Azure Backup is stored in a backup vault located in a particular geographic region. The data is
replicated within the same region and, depending on the type of vault, may also be replicated to another region for
further resiliency.
Management Solutions
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is Microsoft's cloud-based IT management solution that helps you
manage and protect your on-premises and cloud infrastructure.
Management Solutions are prepackaged sets of logics that implement a particular management scenario using one
or more OMS services. Different solutions are available from Microsoft and from partners that you can easily add
to your Azure subscription to increase the value of your investment in OMS. As a partner, you can create your own
solutions to support your applications and services and provide them to users through the Azure Marketplace or
Quick Start Templates.
A good example of a solution that uses multiple services to provide additional functionality is the Update
Management solution. This solution uses the Log Analytics agent for Windows and Linux to collect information
about required updates on each agent. It writes this data to the Log Analytics repository where you can analyze it
with an included dashboard.
When you create a deployment, runbooks in Azure Automation are used to install required updates. You manage
this entire process in the portal and don’t need to worry about the underlying details.

Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center helps protect your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions. Within the service,you are able to define polices not only against
your Azure subscriptions, but also against Resource Groups, so you can be more granular.
Security policies and recommendations
A security policy defines the set of controls, which are recommended for resources within the specified subscription
or resource group.
In Security Center, you define policies according to your company's security requirements and the type of
applications or sensitivity of the data.

Policies that are enabled in the subscription level automatically propagate to all resources groups within the
subscription as shown in the diagram at the right side:
Data collection
Security Center collects data from your virtual machines (VMs) to assess their security state, provide security
recommendations, and alert you to threats. When your first access Security Center, data collection is enabled on all
VMs in your subscription. Data collection is recommended, but you can opt out by turning off data collection in the
Security Center policy.
Data sources
Azure Security Center analyzes data from the following sources to provide visibility into your security state,
identify vulnerabilities and recommend mitigations, and detect active threats:
Azure Services: Uses information about the configuration of Azure services you have deployed by
communicating with that service’s resource provider.
Network Traffic: Uses sampled network traffic metadata from Microsoft’s infrastructure, such as
source/destination IP/port, packet size, and network protocol.
Partner Solutions: Uses security alerts from integrated partner solutions, such as firewalls and antimalware
Your Virtual Machines: Uses configuration information and information about security events, such as
Windows event and audit logs, IIS logs, syslog messages, and crash dump files from your virtual machines.
Data protection
To help customers prevent, detect, and respond to threats, Azure Security Center collects and processes security-
related data, including configuration information, metadata, event logs, crash dump files, and more. Microsoft
adheres to strict compliance and security guidelines—from coding to operating a service.
Data segregation: Data is kept logically separate on each component throughout the service. All data is
tagged per organization. This tagging persists throughout the data lifecycle, and it is enforced at each layer
of the service.
Data access: To provide security recommendations and investigate potential security threats, Microsoft
personnel may access information collected or analyzed by Azure services, including crash dump files,
process creation events, VM disk snapshots and artifacts, which may unintentionally include Customer Data
or personal data from your virtual machines. We adhere to the Microsoft Online Services Terms and Privacy
Statement, which state that Microsoft is not uses Customer Data or derive information from it for any
advertising or similar commercial purposes.
Data use: Microsoft uses patterns and threat intelligence seen across multiple tenants to enhance our
prevention and detection capabilities; we do so in accordance with the privacy commitments described in
our Privacy Statement.
Data location
Azure Security Center collects ephemeral copies of your crash dump files and analyzes them for evidence of exploit
attempts and successful compromises. Azure Security Center performs this analysis within the same Geo as the
workspace, and deletes the ephemeral copies when analysis is complete. Machine artifacts are stored centrally in
the same region as the VM.
Your Storage Accounts: A storage account is specified for each region where virtual machines are running.
This enables you to store data in the same region as the virtual machine from which the data is collected.
Azure Security Center Storage: Information about security alerts, including partner alerts,
recommendations, and security health status is stored centrally, currently in the United States. This
information may include related configuration information and security events collected from your virtual
machines as needed to provide you with the security alert, recommendation, or security health status.

Azure Monitor
The OMS Security and Audit solution enables IT to actively monitor all resources, which can help minimize the
impact of security incidents. OMS Security and Audit have security domains that can be used for monitoring
resources. The security domain provides quick access to options, for security monitoring the following domains are
covered in more details:
Malware assessment
Update assessment
Identity and Access.
Azure Monitor provides pointers to information on specific types of resources. It offers visualization, query, routing,
alerting, auto scale, and automation on data both from the Azure infrastructure (Activity Log) and each individual
Azure resource (Diagnostic Logs).

Cloud applications are complex with many moving parts. Monitoring provides data to ensure that your application
stays up and running in a healthy state. It also helps you to stave off potential problems or troubleshoot past ones.
In addition, you can use monitoring data to gain deep insights about your application. That knowledge can help you
to improve application performance or maintainability, or automate actions that would otherwise require manual
Azure Activity Log
It is a log that provides insight into the operations that were performed on resources in your subscription. The
Activity Log was previously known as “Audit Logs” or “Operational Logs,” since it reports control-plane events for
your subscriptions.
Using the Activity Log, you can determine the ‘what, who, and when’ for any write operations (PUT, POST, DELETE)
taken on the resources in your subscription. You can also understand the status of the operation and other relevant
properties. The Activity Log does not include read (GET) operations or operations for resources that use the Classic
Azure Diagnostic Logs
These logs are emitted by a resource and provide rich, frequent data about the operation of that resource. The
content of these logs varies by resource type.
For example, Windows event system logs are one category of Diagnostic Log for VMs and blob, table, and queue
logs are categories of Diagnostic Logs for storage accounts.
Diagnostics Logs differ from the Activity Log (formerly known as Audit Log or Operational Log). The Activity log
provides insight into the operations that were performed on resources in your subscription. Diagnostics logs
provide insight into operations that your resource performed itself.
Azure Monitor enables you to consume telemetry to gain visibility into the performance and health of your
workloads on Azure. The most important type of Azure telemetry data is the metrics (also called performance
counters) emitted by most Azure resources. Azure Monitor provides several ways to configure and consume these
metrics for monitoring and troubleshooting. Metrics are a valuable source of telemetry and enable you to do the
following tasks:
Track the performance of your resource (such as a VM, website, or logic app) by plotting its metrics on a
portal chart and pinning that chart to a dashboard.
Get notified of an issue that impacts the performance of your resource when a metric crosses a certain
Configure automated actions, such as auto scaling a resource or firing a runbook when a metric crosses a
certain threshold.
Perform advanced analytics or reporting on performance or usage trends of your resource.
Archive the performance or health history of your resource for compliance or auditing purposes.
Azure Diagnostics
It is the capability within Azure that enables the collection of diagnostic data on a deployed application. You can use
the diagnostics extension from various different sources. Currently supported are Azure Cloud Service Web and
Worker Roles, Azure Virtual Machines running Microsoft Windows,and Service Fabric. Other Azure services have
their own separate diagnostics.

Azure Network Watcher

Auditing your network security is vital for detecting network vulnerabilities and ensuring compliance with your IT
security and regulatory governance model. With Security Group view, you can retrieve the configured Network
Security Group and security rules,and the effective security rules. With the list of rules applied, you can determine
the ports that are open and assess network vulnerability.
Network Watcher is a regional service that enables you to monitor and diagnose conditions at a network level in,
to, and from Azure. Network diagnostic and visualization tools available with Network Watcher help you
understand, diagnose, and gain insights to your network in Azure. This service includes packet capture, next hop, IP
flow verify, security group view, NSG flow logs. Scenario level monitoring provides an end to end view of network
resources in contrast to individual network resource monitoring.

Network Watcher currently has the following capabilities:

Audit Logs- Operations performed as part of the configuration of networks are logged. These logs can be
viewed in the Azure portal or retrieved using Microsoft tools such as Power BI or third-party tools. Audit logs
are available through the portal, PowerShell, CLI, and Rest API. For more information on Audit logs, see Audit
operations with Resource Manager. Audit logs are available for operations done on all network resources.
IP flow verifies - Checks if a packet is allowed or denied based on flow information 5-tuple packet
parameters (Destination IP, Source IP, Destination Port, Source Port, and Protocol). If the packet is denied by
a Network Security Group, the rule and Network Security Group that denied the packet is returned.
Next hop - Determines the next hop for packets being routed in the Azure Network Fabric, enabling you to
diagnose any misconfigured user-defined routes.
Security group view - Gets the effective and applied security rules that are applied on a VM.
NSG Flow logging - Flow logs for Network Security Groups enable you to capture logs related to traffic
that are allowed or denied by the security rules in the group. The flow is defined by a 5-tuple information –
Source IP, Destination IP, Source Port, Destination Port,and Protocol.

Azure Storage Analytics

Storage Analytics can store metrics that include aggregated transaction statistics and capacity data about Requests
to a storage service. Transactions are reported at both the API operation level and at the storage service level, and
capacity is reported at the storage service level. Metrics data can be used to analyze storage service usage, diagnose
issues with requests made against the storage service, and to improve the performance of applications that use a
Azure Storage Analytics performs logging and provides metrics data for a storage account. You can use this data to
trace requests, analyze usage trends, and diagnose issues with your storage account. Storage Analytics logging is
available for the Blob, Queue, and Table services. Storage Analytics logs detailed information about successful and
failed requests to a storage service.
This information can be used to monitor individual requests and to diagnose issues with a storage service.
Requests are logged on a best-effort basis. Log entries are created only if there are requests made against the
service endpoint. For example if a storage account has activity in its Blob endpoint but not in its Table or Queue
endpoints, only logs pertaining to the Blob service is created.
To use Storage Analytics, you must enable it individually for each service you want to monitor. You can enable it in
the Azure portal; for details, see Monitor a storage account in the Azure portal. You can also enable Storage
Analytics programmatically via the REST API or the client library. Use the Set Service Properties operation to enable
Storage Analytics individually for each service.
The aggregated data is stored in a well-known blob (for logging) and in well-known tables (for metrics), which may
be accessed using the Blob service and Table service APIs.
Storage Analytics has a 20-TB limit on the amount of stored data that is independent of the total limit for your
storage account. All logs are stored in block blobs in a container named $logs, which are automatically created
when Storage Analytics is enabled for a storage account.
The following actions performed by Storage Analytics are billable:
Requests to create blobs for logging
Requests to create table entities for metrics.

For more information on billing and data retention policies, see Storage Analytics and Billing. For optimal performance, you
want to limit the number of highly utilized disks attached to the virtual machine to avoid possible throttling. If all disks are
not being highly utilized at the same time, the storage account can support a larger number disk.

For more information on storage account limits, see Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets.

The following types of authenticated and anonymous requests are logged.


Successful requests Successful requests

Failed requests, including timeout, throttling, network, Requests using a Shared Access Signature (SAS), including
authorization, and other errors failed and successful requests

Requests using a Shared Access Signature (SAS), including Time out errors for both client and server
failed and successful requests

Requests to analytics data Failed GET requests with error code 304 (Not Modified)

Requests made by Storage Analytics itself, such as log creation All other failed anonymous requests are not logged. A full list
or deletion, are not logged. A full list of the logged data is of the logged data is documented in the Storage Analytics
documented in the Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Logged Operations and Status Messages and Storage
Status Messages and Storage Analytics Log Format topics. Analytics Log Format.

Azure Active Directory

Azure AD also includes a full suite of identity management capabilities including multi-factor authentication, device
registration, self-service password management, self-service group management, privileged account management,
role-based access control, application usage monitoring, rich auditing,and security monitoring and alerting.
Improve application security with Azure AD multifactor authentication and conditional access.
Monitor application usage and protect your business from advanced threats with security reporting and
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) includes security, activity, and audit reports for your directory. The Azure Active
Directory Audit Report helps customers to identify privileged actions that occurred in their Azure Active Directory.
Privileged actions include elevation changes (for example, role creation or password resets), changing policy
configurations (for example password policies), or changes to directory configuration (for example, changes to
domain federation settings).
The reports provide the audit record for the event name, the actor who performed the action, the target resource
affected by the change, and the date and time (in UTC). Customers are able to retrieve the list of audit events for
their Azure Active Directory via the Azure portal, as described in View your Audit Logs. Here's a list of the reports


s from unknown sources Application usage: summary Directory audit report

s after multiple failures Application usage: detailed

s from multiple geographies Application dashboard

s from IP addresses with Account provisioning errors

suspicious activity

Irregular sign-in activity Individual user devices

s from possibly infected devices Individual user Activity

Users with anomalous sign-in activity Groups activity report

Password Reset Registration Activity


Password reset activity

The data of these reports can be useful to your applications, such as SIEM systems, audit, and business intelligence
tools. The Azure AD reporting APIs provide programmatic access to the data through a set of REST-based APIs. You
can call these APIs from various programming languages and tools.
Events in the Azure AD Audit report are retained for 180 days.

For more information about retention on reports, see Azure Active Directory Report Retention Policies.

For customers interested in storing their audit events for longer retention periods, the Reporting API can be used to
regularly pull audit events into a separate data store.

This article summaries protecting your privacy and securing your data, while delivering software and services that
help you manage the IT infrastructure of your organization. Microsoft recognizes that when they entrust their data
to others, that trust requires rigorous security. Microsoft adheres to strict compliance and security guidelines—
from coding to operating a service. Securing and protecting data is a top priority at Microsoft.
This article explains
How data is collected, processed, and secured in the Operations Management Suite (OMS).
Quickly analyze events across multiple data sources. Identify security risks and understand the scope and
impact of threats and attacks to mitigate the damage of a security breach.
Identify attack patterns by visualizing outbound malicious IP traffic and malicious threat types. Understand
the security posture of your entire environment regardless of platform.
Capture all the log and event data required for a security or compliance audit. Slash the time and resources
needed to supply a security audit with a complete, searchable, and exportable log and event data set.
Collect security-related events, audit,and breach analysis to keep a close eye your assets:
Security posture
Notable issue
Summaries threats

Next Steps
Design and operational security
Microsoft designs its services and software with security in mind to help ensure that its cloud infrastructure is
resilient and defended from attacks.
Operations Management Suite | Security & Compliance
Use Microsoft security data and analysis to perform more intelligent and effective threat detection.
Azure Security Center planning and operations A set of steps and tasks that you can follow to optimize your use
of Security Center based on your organization’s security requirements and cloud management model.
Azure Advanced Threat Detection
8/21/2017 • 23 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft has developed a series of White Papers, Security Overviews, Best Practices, and Checklists to assist Azure
customers about the various security-related capabilities available in and surrounding the Azure Platform. The
topics range in terms of breadth and depth and are updated periodically. This document is part of that series as
summarized in the following abstract section.
Azure Platform
Azure is a public cloud service platform that supports the broadest selection of operating systems, programming
languages, frameworks, tools, databases, and devices. It supports the following programming languages:
Run Linux containers with Docker integration.
Build apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java, and Node.js
Build back-ends for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Azure public cloud services support the same technologies millions of developers and IT professionals already rely
on and trust.
When you are migrating to a public cloud with an organization, that organization is responsible to protect your
data and provide security and governance around the system.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security needs. Azure provides a
wide array of options to configure and customize security to meet the requirements of your app deployments. This
document helps you meet these requirements.
Microsoft Azure offers built in advanced threat detection functionality through services like Azure Active Directory,
Azure Operations Management Suite (OMS), and Azure Security Center. This collection of security services and
capabilities provides a simple and fast way to understand what is happening within your Azure deployments.
This white paper will guide you the “Microsoft Azure approaches” towards threat vulnerability diagnostic and
analysing the risk associated with the malicious activities targeted against servers and other Azure resources. This
helps you to identify the methods of identification and vulnerability management with optimized solutions by the
Azure platform and customer-facing security services and technologies.
This white paper focuses on the technology of Azure platform and customer-facing controls, and does not attempt
to address SLAs, pricing models, and DevOps practice considerations.

Azure Active Directory Identity Protection

Azure Active Directory Identity Protection is a feature of the Azure AD Premium P2 edition that provides you an
overview of the risk events and potential vulnerabilities affecting your organization’s identities. Microsoft has been
securing cloud-based identities for over a decade, and with Azure AD Identity Protection, Microsoft is making these
same protection systems available to enterprise customers. Identity Protection uses existing Azure AD’s anomaly
detection capabilities available through Azure AD’s Anomalous Activity Reports, and introduces new risk event
types that can detect real time anomalies.
Identity Protection uses adaptive machine learning algorithms and heuristics to detect anomalies and risk events
that may indicate that an identity has been compromised. Using this data, Identity Protection generates reports and
alerts that enable you to investigate these risk events and take appropriate remediation or mitigation action.
But Azure Active Directory Identity Protection is more than a monitoring and reporting tool. Based on risk events,
Identity Protection calculates a user risk level for each user, enabling you to configure risk-based policies to
automatically protect the identities of your organization.
These risk-based policies, in addition to other conditional access controls provided by Azure Active Directory and
EMS, can automatically block or offer adaptive remediation actions that include password resets and multi-factor
authentication enforcement.
Identity Protection's capabilities
Azure Active Directory Identity Protection is more than a monitoring and reporting tool. To protect your
organization's identities, you can configure risk-based policies that automatically respond to detected issues when
a specified risk level has been reached. These policies, in addition to other conditional access controls provided by
Azure Active Directory and EMS, can either automatically block or initiate adaptive remediation actions including
password resets and multi-factor authentication enforcement.
Examples of some of the ways that Azure Identity Protection can help secure your accounts and identities include:
Detecting risk events and risky accounts:
Detecting six risk event types using machine learning and heuristic rules
Calculating user risk levels
Providing custom recommendations to improve overall security posture by highlighting vulnerabilities
Investigating risk events:
Sending notifications for risk events
Investigating risk events using relevant and contextual information
Providing basic workflows to track investigations
Providing easy access to remediation actions such as password reset
Risk-based conditional access policies:
Policy to mitigate risky sign-ins by blocking sign-ins or requiring multi-factor authentication challenges.
Policy to block or secure risky user accounts
Policy to require users to register for multi-factor authentication
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM )
With Azure Active Directory (AD) Privileged Identity Management,

you can manage, control, and monitor access within your organization. This includes access to resources in Azure
AD and other Microsoft online services like Office 365 or Microsoft Intune.
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management helps you:
Get an alert and report on Azure AD administrators and "just in time" administrative access to Microsoft
Online Services like Office 365 and Intune
Get reports about administrator access history and changes in administrator assignments
Get alerts about access to a privileged role

Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS)

Microsoft Operations Management Suite is Microsoft's cloud-based IT management solution that helps you
manage and protect your on-premises and cloud infrastructure. Since OMS is implemented as a cloud-based
service, you can have it up and running quickly with minimal investment in infrastructure services. New security
features are delivered automatically, saving your ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs.
In addition to providing valuable services on its own, OMS can integrate with System Center components such as
System Center Operations Manager to extend your existing security management investments into the cloud.
System Center and OMS can work together to provide a full hybrid management experience.
Holistic Security and Compliance Posture
The OMS Security and Audit dashboard provides a comprehensive view into your organization’s IT security posture
with built-in search queries for notable issues that require your attention. The Security and Audit dashboard is the
home screen for everything related to security in OMS. It provides high-level insight into the security state of your
computers. It also includes the ability to view all events from the past 24 hours, 7 days, or any other custom time
OMS dashboards help you quickly and easily understand the overall security posture of any environment, all within
the context of IT Operations, including: software update assessment, antimalware assessment, and configuration
baselines. Furthermore, security log data is readily accessible to streamline the security and compliance audit
The OMS Security and Audit dashboard is organized in four major categories:

Security Domains: in this area, you will be able to further explore security records over time, access
malware assessment, update assessment, network security, identity and access information, computers with
security events and quickly have access to Azure Security Center dashboard.
Notable Issues: this option allows you to quickly identify the number of active issues and the severity of
these issues.
Detections (Preview): enables you to identify attack patterns by visualizing security alerts as they take
place against your resources.
Threat Intelligence: enables you to identify attack patterns by visualizing the total number of servers with
outbound malicious IP traffic, the malicious threat type, and a map that shows where these IPs are coming
Common security queries: this option provides you a list of the most common security queries that you
can use to monitor your environment. When you click in one of those queries, it opens the Search blade with
the results for that query.
Insight and Analytics
At the center of Log Analytics is the OMS repository, which is hosted in the Azure cloud.
Data is collected into the repository from connected sources by configuring data sources and adding solutions to
your subscription.

Data sources and solutions will each create different record types that have their own set of properties but may still
be analyzed together in queries to the repository. This allows you to use the same tools and methods to work with
different kinds of data collected by different sources.
Most of your interaction with Log Analytics is through the OMS portal, which runs in any browser and provides you
with access to configuration settings and multiple tools to analyze and act on collected data. From the portal, you
can use log searches where you construct queries to analyze collected data, dashboards, which you can customize
with graphical views of your most valuable searches, and solutions, which provide additional functionality and
analysis tools.
Solutions add functionality to Log Analytics. They primarily run in the cloud and provide analysis of data collected
in the OMS repository. They may also define new record types to be collected that can be analyzed with Log
Searches or by additional user interface provided by the solution in the OMS dashboard. The Security and Audit is
an example of these types of solutions.
Automation & Control: Alert on security configuration drifts
Azure Automation automates administrative processes with runbooks that are based on PowerShell and run in the
Azure cloud. Runbooks can also be executed on a server in your local data center to manage local resources. Azure
Automation provides configuration management with PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration).

You can create and manage DSC resources hosted in Azure and apply them to cloud and on-premises systems to
define and automatically enforce their configuration or get reports on drift to help insure that security
configurations remain within policy.
Azure Security Center
Azure Security Center helps protect your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions. Within the service, you are able to define polices not only against
your Azure subscriptions, but also against Resource Groups, so you can be more granular.

Microsoft security researchers are constantly on the lookout for threats. They have access to an expansive set of
telemetry gained from Microsoft’s global presence in the cloud and on-premises. This wide-reaching and diverse
collection of datasets enables Microsoft to discover new attack patterns and trends across its on-premises
consumer and enterprise products, as well as its online services.
Thus, Security Center can rapidly update its detection algorithms as attackers release new and increasingly
sophisticated exploits. This approach helps you keep pace with a fast-moving threat environment.
Security Center threat detection works by automatically collecting security information from your Azure resources,
the network, and connected partner solutions. It analyzes this information, correlating information from multiple
sources, to identify threats. Security alerts are prioritized in Security Center along with recommendations on how to
remediate the threat.
Security Center employs advanced security analytics, which go far beyond signature-based approaches.
Breakthroughs in big data and machine learning technologies are used to evaluate events across the entire cloud
fabric – detecting threats that would be impossible to identify using manual approaches and predicting the
evolution of attacks. These security analytics includes the following.
Threat Intelligence
Microsoft has an immense amount of global threat intelligence. Telemetry flows in from multiple sources, such as
Azure, Office 365, Microsoft CRM online, Microsoft Dynamics AX,,, the Microsoft Digital
Crimes Unit (DCU), and Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC).

Researchers also receive threat intelligence information that is shared among major cloud service providers and
subscribes to threat intelligence feeds from third parties. Azure Security Center can use this information to alert you
to threats from known bad actors. Some examples include:
Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning - Azure Security Center has access to a vast amount of data
about cloud network activity, which can be used to detect threats targeting your Azure deployments. For
Brute Force Detections - Machine learning is used to create a historical pattern of remote access attempts,
which allows it to detect brute force attacks against SSH, RDP, and SQL ports.
Outbound DDoS and Botnet Detection - A common objective of attacks targeting cloud resources is to
use the compute power of these resources to execute other attacks.
New Behavioral Analytics Servers and VMs - Once a server or virtual machine is compromised, attackers
employ a wide variety of techniques to execute malicious code on that system while avoiding detection,
ensuring persistence, and obviating security controls.
Azure SQL Database Threat Detection - Threat Detection for Azure SQL Database, which identifies
anomalous database activities indicating unusual and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit
Behavioral analytics
Behavioral analytics is a technique that analyzes and compares data to a collection of known patterns. However,
these patterns are not simple signatures. They are determined through complex machine learning algorithms that
are applied to massive datasets.

They are also determined through careful analysis of malicious behaviors by expert analysts. Azure Security Center
can use behavioral analytics to identify compromised resources based on analysis of virtual machine logs, virtual
network device logs, fabric logs, crash dumps, and other sources.
In addition, there is correlation with other signals to check for supporting evidence of a widespread campaign. This
correlation helps to identify events that are consistent with established indicators of compromise.
Some examples include:
Suspicious process execution: Attackers employ several techniques to execute malicious software without
detection. For example, an attacker might give malware the same names as legitimate system files but place
these files in an alternate location, use a name that is very like a benign file, or mask the file’s true extension.
Security Center models processes behaviors and monitors process executions to detect outliers such as
Hidden malware and exploitation attempts: Sophisticated malware can evade traditional antimalware
products by either never writing to disk or encrypting software components stored on disk. However, such
malware can be detected using memory analysis, as the malware must leave traces in memory to function.
When software crashes, a crash dump captures a portion of memory at the time of the crash. By analyzing
the memory in the crash dump, Azure Security Center can detect techniques used to exploit vulnerabilities in
software, access confidential data, and surreptitiously persist within a compromised machine without
impacting the performance of your machine.
Lateral movement and internal reconnaissance: To persist in a compromised network and
locate/harvest valuable data, attackers often attempt to move laterally from the compromised machine to
others within the same network. Security Center monitors process and login activities to discover attempts
to expand an attacker’s foothold within the network, such as remote command execution, network probing,
and account enumeration.
Malicious PowerShell Scripts: PowerShell can be used by attackers to execute malicious code on target
virtual machines for a various purposes. Security Center inspects PowerShell activity for evidence of
suspicious activity.
Outgoing attacks: Attackers often target cloud resources with the goal of using those resources to mount
additional attacks. Compromised virtual machines, for example, might be used to launch brute force attacks
against other virtual machines, send SPAM, or scan open ports and other devices on the Internet. By
applying machine learning to network traffic, Security Center can detect when outbound network
communications exceed the norm. When SPAM, Security Center also correlates unusual email traffic with
intelligence from Office 365 to determine whether the mail is likely nefarious or the result of a legitimate
email campaign.
Anomaly Detection
Azure Security Center also uses anomaly detection to identify threats. In contrast to behavioral analytics (which
depends on known patterns derived from large data sets), anomaly detection is more “personalized” and focuses
on baselines that are specific to your deployments. Machine learning is applied to determine normal activity for
your deployments and then rules are generated to define outlier conditions that could represent a security event.
Here’s an example:
Inbound RDP/SSH brute force attacks: Your deployments may have busy virtual machines with many logins
each day and other virtual machines that have few or any logins. Azure Security Center can determine baseline
login activity for these virtual machines and use machine learning to define around the normal login activities. If
there is any discrepancy with the baseline defined for login related characteristics, then an alert may be
generated. Again, machine learning determines what is significant.
Continuous Threat Intelligence Monitoring
Azure Security Center operates with security research and data science teams throughout the world that
continuously monitor for changes in the threat landscape. This includes the following initiatives:
Threat intelligence monitoring: Threat intelligence includes mechanisms, indicators, implications, and
actionable advice about existing or emerging threats. This information is shared in the security community
and Microsoft continuously monitors threat intelligence feeds from internal and external sources.
Signal sharing: Insights from security teams across Microsoft’s broad portfolio of cloud and on-premises
services, servers, and client endpoint devices are shared and analyzed.
Microsoft security specialists: Ongoing engagement with teams across Microsoft that work in specialized
security fields, like forensics and web attack detection.
Detection tuning: Algorithms are run against real customer data sets and security researchers work with
customers to validate the results. True and false positives are used to refine machine learning algorithms.
These combined efforts culminate in new and improved detections, which you can benefit from instantly – there’s
no action for you to take.

Advanced Threat Detection Features - Other Azure Services

Virtual Machine: Microsoft Antimalware
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure is a single-agent solution for applications and tenant environments, designed to
run in the background without human intervention. You can deploy protection based on the needs of your
application workloads, with either basic secure-by-default or advanced custom configuration, including
antimalware monitoring. Azure antimalware is a security option for Azure Virtual Machines and is automatically
installed on all Azure PaaS virtual machines.
Features of Azure to deploy and enable Microsoft Antimalware for your applications
Microsoft Antimalware Core Features
Real-time protection - monitors activity in Cloud Services and on Virtual Machines to detect and block
malware execution.
Scheduled scanning - periodically performs targeted scanning to detect malware, including actively
running programs.
Malware remediation - automatically takes action on detected malware, such as deleting or quarantining
malicious files and cleaning up malicious registry entries.
Signature updates - automatically installs the latest protection signatures (virus definitions) to ensure
protection is up-to-date on a pre-determined frequency.
Antimalware Engine updates - automatically updates the Microsoft Antimalware engine.
Antimalware Platform updates – automatically updates the Microsoft Antimalware platform.
Active protection - reports telemetry metadata about detected threats and suspicious resources to
Microsoft Azure to ensure rapid response to the evolving threat landscape, and enabling real-time
synchronous signature delivery through the Microsoft Active Protection System (MAPS).
Samples reporting - provides and reports samples to the Microsoft Antimalware service to help refine the
service and enable troubleshooting.
Exclusions – allows application and service administrators to configure certain files, processes, and drives to
exclude them from protection and scanning for performance and/or other reasons.
Antimalware event collection - records the antimalware service health, suspicious activities, and
remediation actions taken in the operating system event log and collects them into the customer’s Azure
Storage account.
Azure SQL Database Threat Detection
Azure SQL Database Threat Detection is a new security intelligence feature built into the Azure SQL Database
service. Working around the clock to learn, profile and detect anomalous database activities, Azure SQL Database
Threat Detection identifies potential threats to the database.
Security officers or other designated administrators can get an immediate notification about suspicious database
activities as they occur. Each notification provides details of the suspicious activity and recommends how to further
investigate and mitigate the threat.
Currently, Azure SQL Database Threat Detection detects potential vulnerabilities and SQL injection attacks, and
anomalous database access patterns.
Upon receiving threat detection email notification, users are able to navigate and view the relevant audit records
using the deep link in the mail that opens an audit viewer and/or preconfigured auditing Excel template that shows
the relevant audit records around the time of the suspicious event according to the following:
Audit storage for the database/server with the anomalous database activities
Relevant audit storage table that was used at the time of the event to write audit log
Audit records of the following hour since the event occurs.
Audit records with similar event ID at the time of the event (optional for some detectors)
SQL Database Threat Detectors use one of the following detection methodologies:
Deterministic Detection – detects suspicious patterns (rules based) in the SQL client queries that match
known attacks. This methodology has high detection and low false positive, however limited coverage
because it falls within the category of “atomic detections”.
Behavioural Detection – defects anomalous activity, which is abnormal behavior for the database that was
not seen during the last 30 days. An example for SQL client anomalous activity can be a spike of failed
logins/queries, high volume of data being extracted, unusual canonical queries, and unfamiliar IP addresses
used to access the database
Application Gateway Web Application Firewall
Web Application Firewall is a feature of Azure Application Gateway that provides protection to web applications
that use application gateway for standard Application Delivery Control functions. Web application firewall does this
by protecting them against most of the OWASP top 10 common web vulnerabilities

SQL injection protection

Cross site scripting protection
Common Web Attacks Protection such as command injection, HTTP request smuggling, HTTP response
splitting, and remote file inclusion attack
Protection against HTTP protocol violations
Protection against HTTP protocol anomalies such as missing host user-agent and accept headers
Prevention against bots, crawlers, and scanners
Detection of common application misconfigurations (that is, Apache, IIS, etc.)
Configuring WAF at Application Gateway provides the following benefit to you:
Protect your web application from web vulnerabilities and attacks without modification to backend code.
Protect multiple web applications at the same time behind an application gateway. Application gateway
supports hosting up to 20 websites behind a single gateway that could all be protected against web attacks.
Monitor your web application against attacks using real-time report generated by application gateway WAF
Certain compliance controls require all internet facing end points to be protected by a WAF solution. By
using application gateway with WAF enabled, you can meet these compliance requirements.
Anomaly Detection – an API built with Azure Machine Learning
Anomaly Detection is an API built with Azure Machine Learning that is useful for detecting different types of
anomalous patterns in your time series data. The API assigns an anomaly score to each data point in the time series,
which can be used for generating alerts, monitoring through dashboards or connecting with your ticketing systems.
The Anomaly Detection API can detect the following types of anomalies on time series data:
Spikes and Dips: For example, when monitoring the number of login failures to a service or number of
checkouts in an e-commerce site, unusual spikes or dips could indicate security attacks or service
Positive and negative trends: When monitoring memory usage in computing, for instance, shrinking free
memory size is indicative of a potential memory leak; when monitoring service queue length, a persistent
upward trend may indicate an underlying software issue.
Level changes and changes in dynamic range of values: For example, level changes in latencies of a
service after a service upgrade or lower levels of exceptions after upgrade can be interesting to monitor.
The machine learning based API enables:
Flexible and robust detection: The anomaly detection models allow users to configure sensitivity settings
and detect anomalies among seasonal and non-seasonal data sets. Users can adjust the anomaly detection
model to make the detection API less or more sensitive according to their needs. This would mean detecting
the less or more visible anomalies in data with and without seasonal patterns.
Scalable and timely detection: The traditional way of monitoring with present thresholds set by experts'
domain knowledge are costly and not scalable to millions of dynamically changing data sets. The anomaly
detection models in this API are learned and models are tuned automatically from both historical and real-
time data.
Proactive and actionable detection: Slow trend and level change detection can be applied for early
anomaly detection. The early abnormal signals detected can be used to direct humans to investigate and act
on the problem areas. In addition, root cause analysis models and alerting tools can be developed on top of
this anomaly detection API service.
The anomaly detection API is an effective and efficient solution for a wide range of scenarios like service health &
KPI monitoring, IoT, performance monitoring, and network traffic monitoring. Here are some popular scenarios
where this API can be useful:
IT departments need tools to track events, error code, usage log, and performance (CPU, Memory and so on)
in a timely manner.
Online commerce sites want to track customer activities, page views, clicks, and so on.
Utility companies want to track consumption of water, gas, electricity, and other resources.
Facility/Building management services want to monitor temperature, moisture, traffic, and so on.
IoT/manufacturers want to use sensor data in time series to monitor work flow, quality, and so on.
Service providers, such as call centers need to monitor service demand trend, incident volume, wait queue
length and so on.
Business analytics groups want to monitor business KPIs' (such as sales volume, customer sentiments,
pricing) abnormal movement in real time.
Cloud App Security
Cloud App Security is a critical component of the Microsoft Cloud Security stack. It's a comprehensive solution that
can help your organization as you move to take full advantage of the promise of cloud applications, but keep you in
control, through improved visibility into activity. It also helps increase the protection of critical data across cloud
With tools that help uncover shadow IT, assess risk, enforce policies, investigate activities, and stop threats, your
organization can more safely move to the cloud while maintaining control of critical data.

Discover Uncover shadow IT with Cloud App Security. Gain visibility by

discovering apps, activities, users, data, and files in your cloud
environment. Discover third-party apps that are connected to
your cloud.

Investigate Investigate your cloud apps by using cloud forensics tools to

deep-dive into risky apps, specific users, and files in your
network. Find patterns in the data collected from your cloud.
Generate reports to monitor your cloud.

Control Mitigate risk by setting policies and alerts to achieve maximum

control over network cloud traffic. Use Cloud App Security to
migrate your users to safe, sanctioned cloud app alternatives.

Protect Use Cloud App Security to sanction or prohibit applications,

enforce data loss prevention, control permissions and sharing,
and generate custom reports and alerts.

Control Mitigate risk by setting policies and alerts to achieve maximum

control over network cloud traffic. Use Cloud App Security to
migrate your users to safe, sanctioned cloud app alternatives.
Cloud App Security integrates visibility with your cloud by
Using Cloud Discovery to map and identify your cloud environment and the cloud apps your organization is
Sanctioning and prohibiting apps in your cloud.
Using easy-to-deploy app connectors that take advantage of provider APIs, for visibility and governance of
apps that you connect to.
Helping you have continuous control by setting, and then continually fine-tuning, policies.
On collecting data from these sources, Cloud App Security runs sophisticated analysis on the data. It immediately
alerts you to anomalous activities, and gives you deep visibility into your cloud environment. You can configure a
policy in Cloud App Security and use it to protect everything in your cloud environment.

Third-party ATD capabilities through Azure Marketplace

Web Application Firewall
Web Application Firewall inspects inbound web traffic and blocks SQL injections, Cross-Site Scripting, malware
uploads & application DDoS and other attacks targeted at your web applications. It also inspects the responses
from the back-end web servers for Data Loss Prevention (DLP). The integrated access control engine enables
administrators to create granular access control policies for Authentication, Authorization & Accounting (AAA),
which gives organizations strong authentication and user control.
Detects and blocks SQL injections, Cross-Site Scripting, malware uploads, application DDoS, or any other
attacks against your application.
Authentication and access control.
Scans outbound traffic to detect sensitive data and can mask or block the information from being leaked out.
Accelerates the delivery of web application contents, using capabilities such as caching, compression, and
other traffic optimizations.
Following are example of Web Application firewalls available in Azure Market Place:
Barracuda Web Application Firewall, Brocade Virtual Web Application Firewall (Brocade vWAF), Imperva
SecureSphere & The ThreatSTOP IP Firewall.

Next Steps
Azure Security Center detection capabilities
Azure Security Center’s advanced detection capabilities helps to identify active threats targeting your Microsoft
Azure resources and provides you with the insights needed to respond quickly.
Azure SQL Database Threat Detection
Azure SQL Database Threat Detection helped address their concerns about potential threats to their database.
Azure Logging and Auditing
6/27/2017 • 23 min to read • Edit Online

To assist current and prospective Azure customers in understanding and using the various security-related
capabilities available in and surrounding the Azure Platform, Microsoft has developed a series of white papers,
security overviews, best practices, and checklists. The topics range in terms of breadth and depth and are updated
periodically. This document is part of that series as summarized in the following Abstract section.
Azure Platform
Azure is an open and flexible cloud service platform that supports the broadest selection of operating systems,
programming languages, frameworks, tools, databases,and devices.
For example, you can:
Run Linux containers with Docker integration.
Build apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java,and Node.js
Build back-ends for iOS, Android,and Windows devices.
Azure public cloud services support the same technologies millions of developers and IT professionals already rely
on and trust.
When you build on, or migrate IT assets to, a cloud provider, you are relying on that organization’s abilities to
protect your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to manage the security of your
cloud-based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security needs. In addition, Azure
provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to control them so that you can
customize security to meet the unique requirements of your deployments. This document will helps you meet these
Auditing and logging of security-related events, and related alerts, are important components in an effective data
protection strategy. Security logs and reports provide you with an electronic record of suspicious activities and help
you detect patterns that may indicate attempted or successful external penetration of the network, as well as
internal attacks. You can use auditing to monitor user activity, document regulatory compliance, perform forensic
analysis, and more. Alerts provide immediate notification when security events occur.
Microsoft Azure services and products provide you with configurable security auditing and logging options to help
you identify gaps in your security policies and mechanisms, and address those gaps to help prevent breaches.
Microsoft services offer some (and in some cases, all) of the following options: centralized monitoring, logging, and
analysis systems to provide continuous visibility; timely alerts; and reports to help you manage the large amount of
information generated by devices and services.
Microsoft Azure log data can be exported to Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) systems for analysis
and integrates with third-party auditing solutions.
This whitepaper provides an introduction for generating, collecting, and analyzing security logs from services
hosted on Azure, and it can help you gain security insights into your Azure deployments. The scope of this white
paper is limited to applications and services built and deployed in Azure.

Certain recommendations contained herein may result in increased data, network, or compute resource usage, and increase
your license or subscription costs.

Types of logs in Azure

Cloud applications are complex with many moving parts. Logs provide data to ensure that your application stays up
and running in a healthy state. It also helps you to stave off potential problems or troubleshoot past ones. In
addition, you can use logging data to gain deep insights about your application. That knowledge can help you to
improve application performance or maintainability, or automate actions that would otherwise require manual
Azure produces extensive logging for every Azure service. These logs are categorized by these main types:
Control/management logs give visibility into the Azure Resource Manager CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE
operations. Azure Activity Logs is an example of this type of log.
Data plane logs give visibility into the events raised as part of the usage of an Azure resource. Examples of
this type of log are the Windows event System, Security, and Application logs in a virtual machine and the
Diagnostics Logs configured through Azure Monitor
Processed events give information about analyzed events/alerts that have been processed on your behalf.
Examples of this type are Azure Security Center Alerts where Azure Security Center has processed and
analyzed your subscription and provides concise security alerts
The following table list most important type of logs available in Azure.


Activity Logs Control-plane events on Provide insight into the Rest API & Azure Monitor
Azure Resource Manager operations that were
resources performed on resources in
your subscription.

Azure Diagnostic Logs frequent data about the Provide insight into Azure Monitor, Stream
operation of Azure Resource operations that your
Manager resources in resource performed itself

AAD Reporting Logs and Reports User sign-in activities & Graph API
System activity information
about users and group

Virtual Machine & Cloud Windows Event log & Linux Captures system data and Windows using WAD
Services Syslog logging data on the virtual (Windows Azure Diagnostics
machines and transfers that storage) and Linux in Azure
data into a storage account monitor
of your choice.

Storage Analytics Storage logging and Provides insight into trace REST API or the client library
provides metrics data for a requests, analyze usage
storage account trends, and diagnose issues
with your storage account.

NSG (Network Security JSON format and shows View information about Network Watcher
Group) Flow Logs outbound and inbound ingress and egress IP traffic
flows on a per rule basis through a Network Security

Application insight Logs, exceptions,and custom Application Performance REST API, Power BI
diagnostics Management (APM) service
for web developers on
multiple platforms.

Process Data / Security Alert Azure Security Center Alert, Security information and REST APIs, JSON
OMS Alert alerts.

Activity Log
The Azure Activity Log, provides insight into the operations that were performed on resources in your subscription.
The Activity Log was previously known as “Audit Logs” or “Operational Logs,” since it reports control-plane events
for your subscriptions. Using the Activity Log, you can determine the “what, who, and when” for any write
operations (PUT, POST, DELETE) taken on the resources in your subscription. You can also understand the status of
the operation and other relevant properties. The Activity Log does not include read (GET) operations.
Here PUT, POST, DELETE refers to all the write operations activity log contains on the resources. For example, you
can use the activity logs to find an error when troubleshooting or to monitor how a user in your organization
modified a resource.

You can retrieve events from your Activity Log using the Azure portal, CLI, PowerShell cmdlets, and Azure Monitor
REST API. Activity logs have 19-day data retention period.
Integration Scenarios
Create an email or webhook alert that triggers off an Activity Log event.
Stream it to an Event Hub for ingestion by a third-party service or custom analytics solution such as PowerBI.
Analyze it in PowerBI using the PowerBI content pack.
Save it to a Storage Account for archival or manual inspection. You can specify the retention time (in days)
using Log Profiles.
Query and view it in the Azure portal.
Query it via PowerShell Cmdlet, CLI, or REST API.
Export the Activity Log with Log Profiles to log Analytics.
You can use a storage account or event hub namespace that is not in the same subscription as the one emitting log.
The user who configures the setting must have the appropriate RBAC access to both subscriptions
Azure Diagnostic Logs
Azure Diagnostic Logs are emitted by a resource that provide rich, frequent data about the operation of that
resource. The content of these logs varies by resource type (for example, Windows event system logsare one
category of Diagnostic Log for VMs and blob, table, and queue logs are categories of Diagnostic Logs for storage
accounts) and differ from the Activity Log, which provides insight into the operations that were performed on
resources in your subscription.

Azure Diagnostics logs offer multiple configuration options that is,Azure portal, using PowerShell, Command-line
interface (CLI),and REST API.
Integration Scenarios
Save them to a Storage Account for auditing or manual inspection. You can specify the retention time (in
days) using the Diagnostic Settings.
Stream them to Event Hubs for ingestion by a third-party service or custom analytics solution such as
Analyze them with OMS Log Analytics.
Supported services, schema for Diagnostic Logs and supported log categories per resource type


Load Balancer Log analytics for Azure Load Microsoft.Network/loadBalan LoadBalancerAlertEvent

Balancer (Preview) cers

Microsoft.Network/loadBalan LoadBalancerProbeHealthSta
cers tus

Network Security Groups Log analytics for network Microsoft.Network/networks NetworkSecurityGroupEvent

security groups (NSGs) ecuritygroups

Microsoft.Network/networks NetworkSecurityGroupRuleC
ecuritygroups ounter

Application Gateways Diagnostics Logging for Microsoft.Network/applicatio ApplicationGatewayAccessLo

Application Gateway nGateways g

Microsoft.Network/applicatio ApplicationGatewayPerforma
nGateways nceLog

Microsoft.Network/applicatio ApplicationGatewayFirewallL
nGateways og

Key Vault Azure Key Vault Logging Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults AuditEvent

Azure Search Enabling and using Search Microsoft.Search/searchServi OperationLogs

Traffic Analytics ces

Data Lake Store Accessing diagnostic logs for Microsoft.DataLakeStore/acc Audit

Azure Data Lake Store ounts

Data Lake Analytics Accessing diagnostic logs for Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/ Audit

Azure Data Lake Analytics accounts

Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/ Requests

Microsoft.DataLakeStore/acc Requests

Logic Apps Logic Apps B2B custom Microsoft.Logic/workflows WorkflowRuntime

tracking schema

Microsoft.Logic/integrationA IntegrationAccountTrackingE
ccounts vents

Azure Batch Azure Batch diagnostic Microsoft.Batch/batchAccou ServiceLog

logging nts

Azure Automation Log analytics for Azure Microsoft.Automation/auto JobLogs

Automation mationAccounts

Microsoft.Automation/auto JobStreams

Event Hubs Azure Event Hubs diagnostic Microsoft.EventHub/namesp ArchiveLogs

logs aces

Microsoft.EventHub/namesp OperationalLogs

Stream Analytics Job diagnostic logs Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/st Execution


Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/st Authoring

Service Bus Azure Service Bus diagnostic Microsoft.ServiceBus/namesp OperationalLogs

logs aces

Azure Active Directory Reporting

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) includes security, activity, and audit reports for your directory. The Azure Active
Directory Audit Report helps customers to identify privileged actions that occurred in their Azure Active Directory.
Privileged actions include elevation changes (for example, role creation or password resets), changing policy
configurations (for example password policies), or changes to directory configuration (for example, changes to
domain federation settings).
The reports provide the audit record for the event name, the actor who performed the action, the target resource
affected by the change, and the date and time (in UTC). Customers are able to retrieve the list of audit events for
their Azure Active Directory via the Azure portal, as described in View your Audit Logs. Here's a list of the reports


s from unknown sources Application usage: summary Directory audit report

s after multiple failures Application usage: detailed

s from multiple geographies Application dashboard

s from IP addresses with Account provisioning errors

suspicious activity

Irregular sign-in activity Individual user devices

s from possibly infected devices Individual user Activity

Users with anomalous sign-in activity Groups activity report

Password Reset Registration Activity


Password reset activity

The data of these reports can be useful to your applications, such as SIEM systems, audit, and business intelligence
tools. The Azure AD reporting APIs provide programmatic access to the data through a set of REST-based APIs. You
can call these APIs from various programming languages and tools.
Events in the Azure AD Audit report are retained for 180 days.

For more information about retention on reports, see Azure Active Directory Report Retention Policies.

For customers interested in storing their audit events for longer retention periods, the Reporting API can be used to
regularly pull audit events into a separate data store.
Virtual Machine logs using Azure Diagnostics
Azure Diagnostics is the capability within Azure that enables the collection of diagnostic data on a deployed
application. You can use the diagnostics extension from several different sources. Currently supported are Azure
Cloud Service Web and Worker Roles,

Azure Virtual Machines running Microsoft Windows and Service Fabric.

You can enable Azure Diagnostic on a virtual machine using following:
Using Visual Studio, see Use Visual Studio to trace Azure Virtual Machines
Set up Azure Diagnostics on an Azure Virtual Machine Remotely
Use PowerShell to set up diagnostics on Azure Virtual Machines
Create a Windows Virtual machine with monitoring and diagnostics using Azure Resource Manager
Storage Analytics
Azure Storage Analytics performs logging and provides metrics data for a storage account. You can use this data to
trace requests, analyze usage trends, and diagnose issues with your storage account. Storage Analytics logging is
available for the Blob, Queue, and Table services. Storage Analytics logs detailed information about successful and
failed requests to a storage service.
This information can be used to monitor individual requests and to diagnose issues with a storage service.
Requests are logged on a best-effort basis. Log entries are created only if there are requests made against the
service endpoint. For example, if a storage account has activity in its Blob endpoint but not in its Table or Queue
endpoints, only logs pertaining to the Blob service is created.
To use Storage Analytics, you must enable it individually for each service you want to monitor. You can enable it in
the Azure portal; for details, see Monitor a storage account in the Azure portal. You can also enable Storage
Analytics programmatically via the REST API or the client library. Use the Set Service Properties operation to enable
Storage Analytics individually for each service.
The aggregated data is stored in a well-known blob (for logging) and in well-known tables (for metrics), which may
be accessed using the Blob service and Table service APIs.
Storage Analytics has a 20-TB limit on the amount of stored data that is independent of the total limit for your
storage account. All logs are stored in block blobs in a container named $logs, which are automatically created
when Storage Analytics is enabled for a storage account.

For more information on billing and data retention policies, see Storage Analytics and Billing.

For more information on storage account limits, see Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets.

The following types of authenticated and anonymous requests are logged.


Successful requests Successful requests

Failed requests, including timeout, throttling, network, Requests using a Shared Access Signature (SAS), including
authorization, and other errors failed and successful requests

Requests using a Shared Access Signature (SAS), including Time out errors for both client and server
failed and successful requests

Requests to analytics data Failed GET requests with error code 304 (Not Modified)

Requests made by Storage Analytics itself, such as log creation All other failed anonymous requests are not logged. A full list
or deletion, are not logged. A full list of the logged data is of the logged data is documented in the Storage Analytics
documented in the Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Logged Operations and Status Messages and Storage
Status Messages and Storage Analytics Log Format topics. Analytics Log Format.

Azure networking logs

Network logging and monitoring in Azure is comprehensive and covers two broad categories:
Network Watcher - Scenario-based network monitoring is provided with the features in Network Watcher.
This service includes packet capture, next hop, IP flow verify, security group view, NSG flow logs. Scenario
level monitoring provides an end to end view of network resources in contrast to individual network
resource monitoring.
Resource monitoring - Resource level monitoring comprises of four features, diagnostic logs, metrics,
troubleshooting, and resource health. All these features are built at the network resource level.
Network Watcher is a regional service that enables you to monitor and diagnose conditions at a network scenario
level in, to, and from Azure. Network diagnostic and visualization tools available with Network Watcher help you
understand, diagnose, and gain insights to your network in Azure.
NSG Flow logging - Flow logs for Network Security Groups enable you to capture logs related to traffic that are
allowed or denied by the security rules in the group. These flow logs are written in JSON format and show
outbound and inbound flows on a per rule basis, the NIC the flow applies to, 5-tuple information about the flow
(Source/Destination IP, Source/Destination Port, Protocol), and if the traffic was allowed or denied.
Network Security Group Flow Logging
Network Security Group flow logs are a feature of Network Watcher that allows you to view information about
ingress and egress IP traffic through a Network Security Group. These flow logs are written in JSON format and
show outbound and inbound flows on a per rule basis, the NIC the flow applies to, 5-tuple information about the
flow (Source/Destination IP, Source/Destination Port, Protocol), and if the traffic was allowed or denied.
While flow logs target Network Security Groups, they are not displayed the same as the other logs. Flow logs are
stored only within a storage account.
The same retention policies as seen on other logs apply to flow logs. Logs have a retention policy that can be set
from 1 day to 365 days. If a retention policy is not set, the logs are maintained forever.
Diagnostic logs
Periodic and spontaneous events are created by network resources and logged in storage accounts, sent to an
Event Hub, or Log Analytics. These logs provide insights into the health of a resource. These logs can be viewed in
tools such as Power BI and Log Analytics. To learn how to view diagnostic logs, visit Log Analytics.
Diagnostic logs are available for Load Balancer, Network Security Groups, Routes, and Application Gateway.
Network Watcher provides a diagnostic logs view. This view contains all networking resources that support
diagnostic logging. From this view, you can enable and disable networking resources conveniently and quickly.
In addition to preceding logging capabilities, Network Watcher currently has the following capabilities:
Topology - Provides a network level view showing the various interconnections and associations between
network resources in a resource group.
Variable Packet capture - Captures packet data in and out of a virtual machine. Advanced filtering options
and fine-tuned controls such as being able to set time and size limitations provide versatility.The packet data
can be stored in a blob store or on the local disk in .cap format.
IP flow verifies - Checks if a packet is allowed or denied based on flow information 5-tuple packet
parameters (Destination IP, Source IP, Destination Port, Source Port, and Protocol). If the packet is denied by
a security group, the rule and group that denied the packet is returned.
Next hop - Determines the next hop for packets being routed in the Azure Network Fabric, enabling you to
diagnose any misconfigured user-defined routes.
Security group view - Gets the effective and applied security rules that are applied on a VM.
Virtual Network Gateway and Connection troubleshooting - Provides the ability to troubleshoot Virtual
Network Gateways and Connections.
Network subscription limits - Enables you to view network resource usage against limits.
Application insight
Application Insights is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers on
multiple platforms. Use it to monitor your live web application. It is automatically detect performance anomalies. It
includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your
It's designed to help you continuously improve performance and usability.
It works for apps on a wide variety of platforms including .NET, Node.js and J2EE, hosted on-premises or in the
cloud. It integrates with your devOps process, and has connection points to various development tools.
Application Insights is aimed at the development team, to help you understand how your app is performing and
how it's being used. It monitors:
Request rates, response times, and failure rates - Find out which pages are most popular, at what times
of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go
high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.
Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates - Find out whether external services are slowing
you down.
Exceptions - Analyze the aggregated statistics, or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and
related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.
Page views and load performance - reported by your users' browsers.
AJAX calls from web pages - rates, response times, and failure rates.
User and session counts.
Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network
Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
Diagnostic trace logs from your app - so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
Custom events and metrics that you write yourself in the client or server code, to track business events
such as items sold or games won.
List Of Integration Scenarios and Description:


Application map The components of your app, with key metrics and alerts.

Diagnostic search for instance data Search and filter events such as requests, exceptions,
dependency calls, log traces, and page views.

Metrics Explorer for aggregated data Explore, filter, and segment aggregated data such as rates of
requests, failures, and exceptions; response times, page load

Dashboards Mash up data from multiple resources and share with others.
Great for multi-component applications, and for continuous
display in the team room.

Live Metrics Stream When you deploy a new build, watch these near-real-time
performance indicators to make sure everything works as

Analytics Answer tough questions about your app's performance and

usage by using this powerful query language.

Automatic and manual alerts Automatic alerts adapt to your app's normal patterns of
telemetry and trigger when there's something outside the
usual pattern. You can also set alerts on particular levels of
custom or standard metrics.

Visual Studio See performance data in the code. Go to code from stack

Power BI Integrate usage metrics with other business intelligence.

REST API Write code to run queries over your metrics and raw data.

Continuous export Bulk export of raw data to storage when it arrives.

Azure Security Center Alerts

Azure Security Center automatically collects, analyzes, and integrates log data from your Azure resources, the
network, and connected partner solutions, like firewall and endpoint protection solutions, to detect real threats and
reduce false positives. A list of prioritized security alerts is shown in Security Center along with the information you
need to quickly investigate the problem and recommendations for how to remediate an attack.
Security Center threat detection works by automatically collecting security information from your Azure resources,
the network, and connected partner solutions. It analyzes this information, often correlating information from
multiple sources, to identify threats. Security alerts are prioritized in Security Center along with recommendations
on how to remediate the threat.
Security Center employs advanced security analytics, which go far beyond signature-based approaches.
Breakthroughs in large data and machine learning technologies are applied to evaluate events across the entire
cloud fabric – detecting threats that would be impossible to identify using manual approaches and predicting the
evolution of attacks. These security analytics include:
Integrated threat intelligence: looks for known bad actors by applying global threat intelligence from
Microsoft products and services, the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit (DCU), the Microsoft Security Response
Center (MSRC), and external feeds.
Behavioral analytics: applies known patterns to discover malicious behavior.
Anomaly detection: uses statistical profiling to build a historical baseline. It alerts on deviations from
established baselines that conform to a potential attack vector.
Many security operations and incident response teams rely on a Security Information and Event Management
(SIEM) solution as the starting point for triaging and investigating security alerts. With Azure log integration,
customers can sync Security Center alerts and virtual machine security events, collected by Azure Diagnostics and
Azure Audit Logs, with their log analytics or SIEM solution in near real time.

Log Analytics
Log Analytics is a service in Operations Management Suite (OMS) that helps you collect and analyze data generated
by resources in your cloud and on-premises environments. It gives you real-time insights using integrated search
and custom dashboards to readily analyze millions of records across all your workloads and servers regardless of
their physical location.
At the center of Log Analytics is the OMS repository,which is hosted in the Azure cloud. Data is collected into the
repository from connected sources by configuring data sources and adding solutions to your subscription. Data
sources and solutions will each create different record types that have their own set of properties but may still be
analyzed together in queries to the repository. This allows you to use the same tools and methods to work with
different kinds of data collected by different sources.
Connected sources are the computers and other resources that generate data collected by Log Analytics. This can
include agents installed on Windows and Linux computers that connect directly or agents in a connected System
Center Operations Manager management group. Log Analytics can also collect data from Azure storage.
Data sources are the different kinds of data collected from each connected source. This includes events and
performance data from Windows and Linux agents in addition to sources such as IIS logs, and custom text logs. You
configure each data source that you want to collect, and the configuration is automatically delivered to each
connected source.
There are four different ways of collecting logs and metrics for Azure services:
1. Azure diagnostics direct to Log Analytics (Diagnostics in the following table)
2. Azure diagnostics to Azure storage to Log Analytics (Storage in the following table)
3. Connectors for Azure services (Connectors in the following table)
4. Scripts to collect and then post data into Log Analytics (blanks in the following table and for services that are
not listed)


Application gateways Microsoft.Network/ Diagnostics Diagnostics Azure Application

applicationGateways Gateway Analytics

Application insights Connector Connector Application Insights

Connector (Preview)

Automation accounts Microsoft.Automation Diagnostics More information


Batch accounts Microsoft.Batch/ Diagnostics Diagnostics


Classic cloud services Storage More information


Cognitive services Microsoft.CognitiveSe Diagnostics


Data Lake analytics Microsoft.DataLakeAn Diagnostics


Data Lake store Microsoft.DataLakeSt Diagnostics


Event Hub namespace Microsoft.EventHub/ Diagnostics Diagnostics


IoT Hubs Microsoft.Devices/ Diagnostics


Key Vault Microsoft.KeyVault/ Diagnostics KeyVault Analytics


Load Balancers Microsoft.Network/ Diagnostics


Logic Apps Microsoft.Logic/ Diagnostics Diagnostics



Network Security Microsoft.Network/ Diagnostics Azure Network

Groups networksecuritygroup Security Group
s Analytics

Recovery vaults Microsoft.RecoverySer Azure Recovery

vices/ Services Analytics
vaults (Preview)

Search services Microsoft.Search/ Diagnostics Diagnostics


Service Bus Microsoft.ServiceBus/ Diagnostics Diagnostics Service Bus Analytics

namespace namespaces (Preview)

Service Fabric Storage Service Fabric

Analytics (Preview)

SQL (v12) Microsoft.Sql/ Diagnostics



Storage Script Azure Storage

Analytics (Preview)

Virtual Machines Microsoft.Compute/ Extension Extension



Virtual Machines scale Microsoft.Compute/ Diagnostics

sets virtualMachines


Web Server farms Microsoft.Web/ Diagnostics


Web Sites Microsoft.Web/ Diagnostics More information



Log integration with on-premises SIEM systems

Azure log integration enables you to integrate raw logs from your Azure resources in to your on-premises Security
Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems.

Azure log integration collects Azure Diagnostics from your Windows (WAD) virtual machines, Azure Activity Logs,
Azure Security Center alerts,and Azure Resource Provider logs. This integration provides a unified dashboard for all
your assets, on-premises or in the cloud, so that you can aggregate, correlate, analyze, and alert for security events.
Azure log integration currently supports integration of Azure Activity Logs, Windows Event log from Windows
virtual machine in your Azure subscription, Azure Security Center alerts, Azure Diagnostic logs and Azure Active
Directory audit logs.

AAD Audit logs yes

Activity Logs Yes

ASC Alerts Yes

Diagnostics Logs (resource logs) Yes

VM logs Yes via Forwarded events and not through JSON

The following table explains the Log category and SIEM integration detail.
Get started with Azure log integration - Tutorial walks you through installation of Azure log integration and
integrating logs from Azure WAD storage, Azure Activity Logs, Azure Security Center alerts,and Azure Active
Directory audit logs.
Integration Scenarios
Partner configuration steps – This blog post shows you how to configure Azure log integration to work with
partner solutions Splunk, HP ArcSight, and IBM QRadar.
Azure log Integration frequently asked questions (FAQ) - This FAQ answers questions about Azure log
Integrating Security Center alerts with Azure log Integration – This document shows you how to sync
Security Center alerts, along with virtual machine security events collected by Azure Diagnostics and Azure
Audit Logs, with your log analytics or SIEM solution.

Next Steps
Auditing and logging
Protect data by maintaining visibility and responding quickly to timely security alerts
Security Logging and Audit Log Collection within Azure
What settings you need to enforce to make sure your Azure instances are collecting the correct Security and Audit
Configure audit settings for a site collection
As a site collection administrator, one can retrieve the history of actions taken by a particular user and can also
retrieve the history of actions taken during a particular date range.
Search the audit log in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center
One can use the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center to search the unified audit log to view user and
administrator activity in your Office 365 organization.
Isolation in the Azure Public Cloud
8/21/2017 • 22 min to read • Edit Online

To assist current and prospective Azure customers understand and utilize the various security-related capabilities
available in and surrounding the Azure platform, Microsoft has developed a series of White Papers, Security
Overviews, Best Practices, and Checklists. The topics range in terms of breadth and depth and are updated
periodically. This document is part of that series as summarized in the Abstract section following.
Azure Platform
Azure is an open and flexible cloud service platform that supports the broadest selection of operating systems,
programming languages, frameworks, tools, databases, and devices. For example, you can:
Run Linux containers with Docker integration;
Build apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java, and Node.js; and
Build back-ends for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Microsoft Azure supports the same technologies millions of developers and IT professionals already rely on and
When you build on, or migrate IT assets to, a public cloud service provider, you are relying on that organization’s
abilities to protect your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to manage the
security of your cloud-based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security needs. In addition, Azure
provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to control them so that you can
customize security to meet the unique requirements of your deployments. This document helps you meet these
Microsoft Azure allows you to run applications and virtual machines (VMs) on shared physical infrastructure. One
of the prime economic motivations to running applications in a cloud environment is the ability to distribute the
cost of shared resources among multiple customers. This practice of multi-tenancy improves efficiency by
multiplexing resources among disparate customers at low costs. Unfortunately, it also introduces the risk of sharing
physical servers and other infrastructure resources to run your sensitive applications and VMs that may belong to
an arbitrary and potentially malicious user.
This article outlines how Microsoft Azure provides isolation against both malicious and non-malicious users and
serves as a guide for architecting cloud solutions by offering various isolation choices to architects. This white
paper focuses on the technology of Azure platform and customer-facing security controls, and does not attempt to
address SLAs, pricing models, and DevOps practice considerations.

Tenant Level Isolation

One of the primary benefits of cloud computing is concept of a shared, common infrastructure across numerous
customers simultaneously, leading to economies of scale. This concept is called multi-tenancy. Microsoft works
continuously to ensure that the multi-tenant architecture of Microsoft Cloud Azure supports security,
confidentiality, privacy, integrity, and availability standards.
In the cloud-enabled workplace, a tenant can be defined as a client or organization that owns and manages a
specific instance of that cloud service. With the identity platform provided by Microsoft Azure, a tenant is simply a
dedicated instance of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) that your organization receives and owns when it signs up
for a Microsoft cloud service.
Each Azure AD directory is distinct and separate from other Azure AD directories. Just like a corporate office
building is a secure asset specific to only your organization, an Azure AD directory was also designed to be a secure
asset for use by only your organization. The Azure AD architecture isolates customer data and identity information
from co-mingling. This means that users and administrators of one Azure AD directory cannot accidentally or
maliciously access data in another directory.
Azure Tenancy
Azure tenancy (Azure Subscription) refers to a “customer/billing” relationship and a unique tenant in Azure Active
Directory. Tenant level isolation in Microsoft Azure is achieved using Azure Active Directory and role-based controls
offered by it. Each Azure subscription is associated with one Azure Active Directory (AD) directory.
Users, groups, and applications from that directory can manage resources in the Azure subscription. You can assign
these access rights using the Azure portal, Azure command-line tools, and Azure Management APIs. An Azure AD
tenant is logically isolated using security boundaries so that no customer can access or compromise co-tenants,
either maliciously or accidentally. Azure AD runs on “bare metal” servers isolated on a segregated network
segment, where host-level packet filtering and Windows Firewall block unwanted connections and traffic.
Access to data in Azure AD requires user authentication via a security token service (STS). Information on the
user’s existence, enabled state, and role is used by the authorization system to determine whether the requested
access to the target tenant is authorized for this user in this session.

Tenants are discrete containers and there is no relationship between these.

No access across tenants unless tenant admin grants it through federation or provisioning user accounts
from other tenants.
Physical access to servers that comprise the Azure AD service, and direct access to Azure AD’s back-end
systems, is restricted.
Azure AD users have no access to physical assets or locations, and therefore it is not possible for them to
bypass the logical RBAC policy checks stated following.
For diagnostics and maintenance needs, an operational model that employs a just-in-time privilege elevation
system is required and used. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM) introduces the concept of an eligible
admin. Eligible admins should be users that need privileged access now and then, but not every day. The role is
inactive until the user needs access, then they complete an activation process and become an active admin for a
predetermined amount of time.

Azure Active Directory hosts each tenant in its own protected container, with policies and permissions to and within
the container solely owned and managed by the tenant.
The concept of tenant containers is deeply ingrained in the directory service at all layers, from portals all the way to
persistent storage.
Even when metadata from multiple Azure Active Directory tenants is stored on the same physical disk, there is no
relationship between the containers other than what is defined by the directory service, which in turn is dictated by
the tenant administrator.
Azure Role -Based Access Control (RBAC )
Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) helps you to share various components available within an Azure
subscription by providing fine-grained access management for Azure. Azure RBAC enables you to segregate duties
within your organization and grant access based on what users need to perform their jobs. Instead of giving
everybody unrestricted permissions in Azure subscription or resources, you can allow only certain actions.
Azure RBAC has three basic roles that apply to all resource types:
Owner has full access to all resources including the right to delegate access to others.
Contributor can create and manage all types of Azure resources but can’t grant access to others.
Reader can view existing Azure resources.
The rest of the RBAC roles in Azure allow management of specific Azure resources. For example, the Virtual
Machine Contributor role allows the user to create and manage virtual machines. It does not give them access to
the Azure Virtual Network or the subnet that the virtual machine connects to.
RBAC built-in roles list the roles available in Azure. It specifies the operations and scope that each built-in role
grants to users. If you're looking to define your own roles for even more control, see how to build Custom roles in
Azure RBAC.
Some other capabilities for Azure Active Directory include:
Azure AD enables SSO to SaaS applications, regardless of where they are hosted. Some applications are
federated with Azure AD, and others use password SSO. Federated applications can also support user
provisioning and password vaulting.
Access to data in Azure Storage is controlled via authentication. Each storage account has a primary key
(storage account key, or SAK) and a secondary secret key (the shared access signature, or SAS).
Azure AD provides Identity as a Service through federation by using Active Directory Federation Services,
synchronization, and replication with on-premises directories.
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication is the multi-factor authentication service that requires users to verify sign-
ins by using a mobile app, phone call, or text message. It can be used with Azure AD to help secure on-
premises resources with the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication server, and also with custom applications and
directories using the SDK.
Azure AD Domain Services lets you join Azure virtual machines to an Active Directory domain without
deploying domain controllers. You can sign in to these virtual machines with your corporate Active Directory
credentials and administer domain-joined virtual machines by using Group Policy to enforce security
baselines on all your Azure virtual machines.
Azure Active Directory B2C provides a highly available global-identity management service for consumer-
facing applications that scales to hundreds of millions of identities. It can be integrated across mobile and
web platforms. Your consumers can sign in to all your applications through customizable experiences by
using their existing social accounts or by creating credentials.
Isolation from Microsoft Administrators & Data Deletion
Microsoft takes strong measures to protect your data from inappropriate access or use by unauthorized persons.
These operational processes and controls are backed by the Online Services Terms, which offer contractual
commitments that govern access to your data.
Microsoft engineers do not have default access to your data in the cloud. Instead, they are granted access,
under management oversight, only when necessary. That access is carefully controlled and logged, and
revoked when it is no longer needed.
Microsoft may hire other companies to provide limited services on its behalf. Subcontractors may access
customer data only to deliver the services for which, we have hired them to provide, and they are prohibited
from using it for any other purpose. Further, they are contractually bound to maintain the confidentiality of
our customers’ information.
Business services with audited certifications such as ISO/IEC 27001 are regularly verified by Microsoft and
accredited audit firms, which perform sample audits to attest that access, only for legitimate business purposes.
You can always access your own customer data at any time and for any reason.
If you delete any data, Microsoft Azure deletes the data, including any cached or backup copies. For in-scope
services, that deletion will occur within 90 days after the end of the retention period. (In-scope services are defined
in the Data Processing Terms section of our Online Services Terms.)
If a disk drive used for storage suffers a hardware failure, it is securely erased or destroyed before Microsoft returns
it to the manufacturer for replacement or repair. The data on the drive is overwritten to ensure that the data cannot
be recovered by any means.

Compute Isolation
Microsoft Azure provides various cloud-based computing services that include a wide selection of compute
instances & services that can scale up and down automatically to meet the needs of your application or enterprise.
These compute instance and service offer isolation at multiple levels to secure data without sacrificing the flexibility
in configuration that customers demand.
Hyper-V & Root OS Isolation Between Root VM & Guest VMs
Azure’s compute platform is based on machine virtualization—meaning that all customer code executes in a Hyper-
V virtual machine. On each Azure node (or network endpoint), there is a Hypervisor that runs directly over the
hardware and divides a node into a variable number of Guest Virtual Machines (VMs).
Each node also has one special Root VM, which runs the Host OS. A critical boundary is the isolation of the root VM
from the guest VMs and the guest VMs from one another, managed by the hypervisor and the root OS. The
hypervisor/root OS pairing leverages Microsoft's decades of operating system security experience, and more recent
learning from Microsoft's Hyper-V, to provide strong isolation of guest VMs.
The Azure platform uses a virtualized environment. User instances operate as standalone virtual machines that do
not have access to a physical host server, and this isolation is enforced by using physical processor (ring-0/ring-3)
privilege levels.
Ring 0 is the most privileged and 3 is the least. The guest OS runs in a lesser-privileged Ring 1, and applications run
in the least privileged Ring 3. This virtualization of physical resources leads to a clear separation between guest OS
and hypervisor, resulting in additional security separation between the two.
The Azure hypervisor acts like a micro-kernel and passes all hardware access requests from guest virtual machines
to the host for processing by using a shared-memory interface called VMBus. This prevents users from obtaining
raw read/write/execute access to the system and mitigates the risk of sharing system resources.
Advanced VM placement algorithm & protection from side channel attacks
Any cross-VM attack involves two steps: placing an adversary-controlled VM on the same host as one of the victim
VMs, and then breaching the isolation boundary to either steal sensitive victim information or affect its
performance for greed or vandalism. Microsoft Azure provides protection at both steps by using an advanced VM
placement algorithm and protection from all known side channel attacks including noisy neighbor VMs.
The Azure Fabric Controller
The Azure Fabric Controller is responsible for allocating infrastructure resources to tenant workloads, and it
manages unidirectional communications from the host to virtual machines. The VM placing algorithm of the Azure
fabric controller is highly sophisticated and nearly impossible to predict as physical host level.

The Azure hypervisor enforces memory and process separation between virtual machines, and it securely routes
network traffic to guest OS tenants. This eliminates possibility of and side channel attack at VM level.
In Azure, the root VM is special: it runs a hardened operating system called the root OS that hosts a fabric agent
(FA). FAs are used in turn to manage guest agents (GA) within guest OSes on customer VMs. FAs also manage
storage nodes.
The collection of Azure hypervisor, root OS/FA, and customer VMs/GAs comprises a compute node. FAs are
managed by a fabric controller (FC), which exists outside of compute and storage nodes (compute and storage
clusters are managed by separate FCs). If a customer updates their application’s configuration file while it’s
running, the FC communicates with the FA, which then contacts GAs, which notify the application of the
configuration change. In the event of a hardware failure, the FC will automatically find available hardware and
restart the VM there.

Communication from a Fabric Controller to an agent is unidirectional. The agent implements an SSL-protected
service that only responds to requests from the controller. It cannot initiate connections to the controller or other
privileged internal nodes. The FC treats all responses as if they were untrusted.

Isolation extends from the Root VM from Guest VMs, and the Guest VMs from one another. Compute nodes are
also isolated from storage nodes for increased protection.
The hypervisor and the host OS provide network packet - filters to help assure that untrusted virtual machines
cannot generate spoofed traffic or receive traffic not addressed to them, direct traffic to protected infrastructure
endpoints, or send/receive inappropriate broadcast traffic.
Additional Rules Configured by Fabric Controller Agent to Isolate VM
By default, all traffic is blocked when a virtual machine is created, and then the fabric controller agent configures
the packet filter to add rules and exceptions to allow authorized traffic.
There are two categories of rules that are programmed:
Machine configuration or infrastructure rules: By default, all communication is blocked. There are
exceptions to allow a virtual machine to send and receive DHCP and DNS traffic. Virtual machines can also
send traffic to the “public” internet and send traffic to other virtual machines within the same Azure Virtual
Network and the OS activation server. The virtual machines’ list of allowed outgoing destinations does not
include Azure router subnets, Azure management, and other Microsoft properties.
Role configuration file: This defines the inbound Access Control Lists (ACLs) based on the tenant's service
VLAN Isolation
There are three VLANs in each cluster:

The main VLAN – interconnects untrusted customer nodes

The FC VLAN – contains trusted FCs and supporting systems
The device VLAN – contains trusted network and other infrastructure devices
Communication is permitted from the FC VLAN to the main VLAN, but cannot be initiated from the main VLAN to
the FC VLAN. Communication is also blocked from the main VLAN to the device VLAN. This assures that even if a
node running customer code is compromised, it cannot attack nodes on either the FC or device VLANs.

Storage Isolation
Logical Isolation Between Compute and Storage
As part of its fundamental design, Microsoft Azure separates VM-based computation from storage. This separation
enables computation and storage to scale independently, making it easier to provide multi-tenancy and isolation.
Therefore, Azure Storage runs on separate hardware with no network connectivity to Azure Compute except
logically. This means that when a virtual disk is created, disk space is not allocated for its entire capacity. Instead, a
table is created that maps addresses on the virtual disk to areas on the physical disk and that table is initially empty.
The first time a customer writes data on the virtual disk, space on the physical disk is allocated, and a
pointer to it is placed in the table.
Isolation Using Storage Access control
Access Control in Azure Storage has a simple access control model. Each Azure subscription can create one or
more Storage Accounts. Each Storage Account has a single secret key that is used to control access to all data in
that Storage Account.

Access to Azure Storage data (including Tables) can be controlled through a SAS (Shared Access Signature)
token, which grants scoped access. The SAS is created through a query template (URL), signed with the SAK
(Storage Account Key). That signed URL can be given to another process (that is, delegated), which can then fill in
the details of the query and make the request of the storage service. A SAS enables you to grant time-based access
to clients without revealing the storage account’s secret key.
The SAS means that we can grant a client limited permissions, to objects in our storage account for a specified
period of time and with a specified set of permissions. We can grant these limited permissions without having to
share your account access keys.
IP Level Storage Isolation
You can establish firewalls and define an IP address range for your trusted clients. With an IP address range, only
clients that have an IP address within the defined range can connect to Azure Storage.
IP storage data can be protected from unauthorized users via a networking mechanism that is used to allocate a
dedicated or dedicated tunnel of traffic to IP storage.
Azure offers following types of Encryption to protect data:
Encryption in transit
Encryption at rest
Encryption in Transit
Encryption in transit is a mechanism of protecting data when it is transmitted across networks. With Azure Storage,
you can secure data using:
Transport-level encryption, such as HTTPS when you transfer data into or out of Azure Storage.
Wire encryption, such as SMB 3.0 encryption for Azure File shares.
Client-side encryption, to encrypt the data before it is transferred into storage and to decrypt the data after it
is transferred out of storage.
Encryption at Rest
For many organizations, data encryption at rest is a mandatory step towards data privacy, compliance, and data
sovereignty. There are three Azure features that provide encryption of data that is “at rest”:
Storage Service Encryption allows you to request that the storage service automatically encrypt data when
writing it to Azure Storage.
Client-side Encryption also provides the feature of encryption at rest.
Azure Disk Encryption allows you to encrypt the OS disks and data disks used by an IaaS virtual machine.
Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Disk Encryption for virtual machines (VMs) helps you address organizational security and compliance
requirements by encrypting your VM disks (including boot and data disks) with keys and policies you control in
Azure Key Vault.
The Disk Encryption solution for Windows is based on Microsoft BitLocker Drive Encryption, and the Linux solution
is based on dm-crypt.
The solution supports the following scenarios for IaaS VMs when they are enabled in Microsoft Azure:
Integration with Azure Key Vault
Standard tier VMs: A, D, DS, G, GS, and so forth, series IaaS VMs
Enabling encryption on Windows and Linux IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on OS and data drives for Windows IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on data drives for Linux IaaS VMs
Enabling encryption on IaaS VMs that are running Windows client OS
Enabling encryption on volumes with mount paths
Enabling encryption on Linux VMs that are configured with disk striping (RAID) by using mdadm
Enabling encryption on Linux VMs by using LVM(Logical Volume Manager) for data disks
Enabling encryption on Windows VMs that are configured by using storage spaces
All Azure public regions are supported
The solution does not support the following scenarios, features, and technology in the release:
Basic tier IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on an OS drive for Linux IaaS VMs
IaaS VMs that are created by using the classic VM creation method
Integration with your on-premises Key Management Service
Azure Files (shared file system), Network File System (NFS), dynamic volumes, and Windows VMs that are
configured with software-based RAID systems

SQL Azure Database Isolation

SQL Database is a relational database service in the Microsoft cloud based on the market-leading Microsoft SQL
Server engine and capable of handling mission-critical workloads. SQL Database offers predictable data isolation at
account level, geography / region based and based on networking— all with near-zero administration.
SQL Azure Application Model
Microsoft SQL Azure Database is a cloud-based relational database service built on SQL Server technologies. It
provides a highly available, scalable, multi-tenant database service hosted by Microsoft in cloud.
From an application perspective SQL Azure provides the following hierarchy: Each level has one-to-many
containment of levels below.

The account and subscription are Microsoft Azure platform concepts to associate billing and management.
Logical servers and databases are SQL Azure-specific concepts and are managed by using SQL Azure, provided
OData and TSQL interfaces or via SQL Azure portal that integrated into Azure portal.
SQL Azure servers are not physical or VM instances, instead they are collections of databases, sharing management
and security policies, which are stored in so called “logical master” database.

Logical master databases include:

SQL logins used to connect to the server
Firewall rules
Billing and usage-related information for SQL Azure databases from the same logical server are not guaranteed to
be on the same physical instance in SQL Azure cluster, instead applications must provide the target database name
when connecting.
From a customer perspective, a logical server is created in a geo-graphical region while the actual creation of the
server happens in one of the clusters in the region.
Isolation through Network Topology
When a logical server is created and its DNS name is registered, the DNS name points to the so called “Gateway
VIP” address in the specific data center where the server was placed.
Behind the VIP (virtual IP address), we have a collection of stateless gateway services. In general, gateways get
involved when there is coordination needed between multiple data sources (master database, user database, etc.).
Gateway services implement the following:
TDS connection proxying. This includes locating user database in the backend cluster, implementing the
login sequence and then forwarding the TDS packets to the backend and back.
Database management. This includes implementing a collection of workflows to do CREATE/ALTER/DROP
database operations. The database operations can be invoked by either sniffing TDS packets or explicit
OData APIs.
CREATE/ALTER/DROP login/user operations
Logical server management operations via OData API

The tier behind the gateways is called “back-end”. This is where all the data is stored in a highly available fashion.
Each piece of data is said to belong to a “partition” or “failover unit”, each of them having at least three replicas.
Replicas are stored and replicated by SQL Server engine and managed by a failover system often referred to as
Generally, the back-end system does not communicate outbound to other systems as a security precaution. This is
reserved to the systems in the front-end (gateway) tier. The gateway tier machines have limited privileges on the
back-end machines to minimize the attack surface as a defense-in-depth mechanism.
Isolation by Machine Function and Access
SQL Azure (is composed of services running on different machine functions. SQL Azure is divided into “backend”
Cloud Database and “front-end” (Gateway/Management) environments, with the general principle of traffic only
going into back-end and not out. The front-end environment can communicate to the outside world of other
services and in general, has only limited permissions in the back-end (enough to call the entry points it needs to
Networking Isolation
Azure deployment has multiple layers of network isolation. The following diagram shows various layers of network
isolation Azure provides to customers. These layers are both native in the Azure platform itself and customer-
defined features. Inbound from the Internet, Azure DDoS provides isolation against large-scale attacks against
Azure. The next layer of isolation is customer-defined public IP addresses (endpoints), which are used to determine
which traffic can pass through the cloud service to the virtual network. Native Azure virtual network isolation
ensures complete isolation from all other networks, and that traffic only flows through user configured paths and
methods. These paths and methods are the next layer, where NSGs, UDR, and network virtual appliances can be
used to create isolation boundaries to protect the application deployments in the protected network.

Traffic isolation: A virtual network is the traffic isolation boundary on the Azure platform. Virtual machines (VMs)
in one virtual network cannot communicate directly to VMs in a different virtual network, even if both virtual
networks are created by the same customer. Isolation is a critical property that ensures customer VMs and
communication remains private within a virtual network.
Subnet offers an additional layer of isolation with in virtual network based on IP range. IP addresses in the virtual
network, you can divide a virtual network into multiple subnets for organization and security. VMs and PaaS role
instances deployed to subnets (same or different) within a VNet can communicate with each other without any
extra configuration. You can also configure network security group (NSGs) to allow or deny network traffic to a VM
instance based on rules configured in access control list (ACL) of NSG. NSGs can be associated with either subnets
or individual VM instances within that subnet. When an NSG is associated with a subnet, the ACL rules apply to all
the VM instances in that subnet.

Next Steps
Network Isolation Options for Machines in Windows Azure Virtual Networks
This includes the classic front-end and back-end scenario where machines in a particular back-end network or
subnetwork may only allow certain clients or other computers to connect to a particular endpoint based on a
whitelist of IP addresses.
Compute Isolation
Microsoft Azure provides a various cloud-based computing services that include a wide selection of compute
instances & services that can scale up and down automatically to meet the needs of your application or enterprise.
Storage Isolation
Microsoft Azure separates customer VM-based computation from storage. This separation enables computation
and storage to scale independently, making it easier to provide multi-tenancy and isolation. Therefore, Azure
Storage runs on separate hardware with no network connectivity to Azure Compute except logically. All requests
run over HTTP or HTTPS based on customer’s choice.
Azure security technical capabilities
9/7/2017 • 31 min to read • Edit Online

To assist current and prospective Azure customers understand and utilize the various Security-related capabilities
available in and surrounding the Azure Platform, Microsoft has developed a series of White Papers, Security
Overviews, Best Practices, and Checklists. The topics range in terms of breadth and depth and are updated
periodically. This document is part of that series as summarized in the Abstract section below. Further information
on this Azure Security series can be found at (URL).

Azure platform
Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform comprised of infrastructure and application services, with integrated data
services and advanced analytics, and developer tools and services, hosted within Microsoft’s public cloud data
centers. Customers use Azure for many different capacities and scenarios, from basic compute, networking, and
storage, to mobile and web app services, to full cloud scenarios like Internet of Things, and can be used with open
source technologies, and deployed as hybrid cloud or hosted within a customer’s datacenter. Azure provides cloud
technology as building blocks to help companies save costs, innovate quickly, and manage systems proactively.
When you build on, or migrate IT assets to a cloud provider, you are relying on that organization’s abilities to
protect your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to manage the security of your
cloud-based assets.
Microsoft Azure is the only cloud computing provider that offers a secure, consistent application platform and
infrastructure-as-a-service for teams to work within their different cloud skillsets and levels of project complexity,
with integrated data services and analytics that uncover intelligence from data wherever it exists, across both
Microsoft and non-Microsoft platforms, open frameworks and tools, providing choice for integrating cloud with on-
premises as well deploying Azure cloud services within on-premises datacenters. As part of the Microsoft Trusted
Cloud, customers rely on Azure for industry-leading security, reliability, compliance, privacy, and the vast network
of people, partners, and processes to support organizations in the cloud.
With Microsoft Azure, you can:
Accelerate innovation with the cloud.
Power business decisions & apps with insights.
Build freely and deploy anywhere.
Protect their business.

The focal point of this whitepaper concerns security features and functionality supporting Microsoft Azure’s core
components, namely Microsoft Azure Storage, Microsoft Azure SQL Databases, Microsoft Azure’s virtual machine
model, and the tools and infrastructure that manage it all. This white paper focus on Microsoft Azure technical
capabilities available to you as customers to fulfil their role in protecting the security and privacy of their data.
The importance of understanding this shared responsibility model is essential for customers who are moving to the
cloud. Cloud providers offer considerable advantages for security and compliance efforts, but these advantages do
not absolve the customer from protecting their users, applications, and service offerings.
For IaaS solutions, the customer is responsible or has a shared responsibility for securing and managing the
operating system, network configuration, applications, identity, clients, and data. PaaS solutions build on IaaS
deployments, the customer is still responsible or has a shared responsibility for securing and managing
applications, identity, clients, and data. For SaaS solutions, Nonetheless, the customer continues to be accountable.
They must ensure that data is classified correctly, and they share a responsibility to manage their users and end-
point devices.
This document does not provide detailed coverage of any of the related Microsoft Azure platform components such
as Azure Web Sites, Azure Active Directory, HDInsight, Media Services, and other services that are layered atop the
core components. Although a minimum level of general information is provided, readers are assumed familiar with
Azure basic concepts as described in other references provided by Microsoft and included in links provided in this
white paper.

Available security technical capabilities to fulfil user (Customer)

responsibility - Big picture
Microsoft Azure provides services that can help customers meet the security, privacy, and compliance needs. The
Following picture helps explain various Azure services available for users to build a secure and compliant
application infrastructure based on industry standards.

Manage and control identity and user access (Protect)

Azure helps you protect business and personal information by enabling you to manage user identities and
credentials and control access.
Azure active directory
Microsoft identity and access management solutions help IT protect access to applications and resources across the
corporate datacenter and into the cloud, enabling additional levels of validation such as multi-factor authentication
and conditional access policies. Monitoring suspicious activity through advanced security reporting, auditing and
alerting helps mitigate potential security issues. Azure Active Directory Premium provides single sign-on to
thousands of cloud (SaaS) apps and access to web apps you run on-premises.
Security benefits of Azure Active Directory (AD) include the ability to:
Create and manage a single identity for each user across your hybrid enterprise, keeping users, groups, and
devices in sync.
Provide single sign-on access to your applications including thousands of pre-integrated SaaS apps.
Enable application access security by enforcing rules-based Multi-Factor Authentication for both on-
premises and cloud applications.
Provision secure remote access to on-premises web applications through Azure AD Application Proxy.
Azure active directory portal is available a part of azure portal. From this dashboard, you can get an overview of the
state of your organization, and easily dive into managing the directory, users, or application access.

Following are core Azure Identity management capabilities:

Single sign-on
Multi-factor authentication
Security monitoring, alerts, and machine learning-based reports
Consumer identity and access management
Device registration
Privileged identity management
Identity protection
Single sign-on
Single sign-on (SSO) means being able to access all the applications and resources that you need to do business, by
signing in only once using a single user account. Once signed in, you can access all the applications you need
without being required to authenticate (for example, type a password) a second time.
Many organizations rely upon software as a service (SaaS) applications such as Office 365, Box and Salesforce for
end-user productivity. Historically, IT staff needed to individually create and update user accounts in each SaaS
application, and users had to remember a password for each SaaS application.
Azure AD extends on-premises Active Directory into the cloud, enabling users to use their primary organizational
account to not only sign in to their domain-joined devices and company resources, but also all the web and SaaS
applications needed for their job.
Not only do users not have to manage multiple sets of usernames and passwords, application access can be
automatically provisioned or de-provisioned based on organizational groups and their status as an employee.
Azure AD introduces security and access governance controls that enable you to centrally manage users' access
across SaaS applications.
Multi-factor authentication
Azure Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of authentication that requires the use of more than one
verification method and adds a critical second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions. MFA helps
safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for a simple sign-in process. It delivers
strong authentication via a range of verification options—phone call, text message, or mobile app notification or
verification code and third-party OAuth tokens.
Security monitoring, alerts, and machine learning-based reports
Security monitoring and alerts and machine learning-based reports that identify inconsistent access patterns can
help you protect your business. You can use Azure Active Directory's access and usage reports to gain visibility into
the integrity and security of your organization’s directory. With this information, a directory admin can better
determine where possible security risks may lie so that they can adequately plan to mitigate those risks.
In the Azure classic portal or through Azure Active directory portal, reports are categorized in the following ways:
Anomaly reports – contain sign in events that we found to be anomalous. Our goal is to make you aware of
such activity and enable you to be able to decide about whether an event is suspicious.
Integrated Application reports – provide insights into how cloud applications are being used in your
organization. Azure Active Directory offers integration with thousands of cloud applications.
Error reports – indicate errors that may occur when provisioning accounts to external applications.
User-specific reports – display device/sign in activity data for a specific user.
Activity logs – contain a record of all audited events within the last 24 hours, last 7 days, or last 30 days, and
group activity changes, and password reset and registration activity.
Consumer identity and access management
Azure Active Directory B2C is a highly available, global, identity management service for consumer-facing
applications that scales to hundreds of millions of identities. It can be integrated across mobile and web platforms.
Your consumers can log on to all your applications through customizable experiences by using their existing social
accounts or by creating new credentials.
In the past, application developers who wanted to sign up and sign in consumers into their applications would have
written their own code. And they would have used on-premises databases or systems to store usernames and
passwords. Azure Active Directory B2C offers your organization a better way to integrate consumer identity
management into applications with the help of a secure, standards-based platform, and a large set of extensible
When you use Azure Active Directory B2C, your consumers can sign up for your applications by using their existing
social accounts (Facebook, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn) or by creating new credentials (email address and password,
or username and password).
Device registration
Azure AD Device Registration is the foundation for device-based conditional access scenarios. When a device is
registered, Azure Active Directory Device Registration provides the device with an identity that is used to
authenticate the device when the user signs in. The authenticated device, and the attributes of the device, can then
be used to enforce conditional access policies for applications that are hosted in the cloud and on-premises.
When combined with a mobile device management (MDM) solution such as Intune, the device attributes in Azure
Active Directory are updated with additional information about the device. This allows you to create conditional
access rules that enforce access from devices to meet your standards for security and compliance.
Privileged identity management
Azure Active Directory (AD) Privileged Identity Management lets you manage, control, and monitor your privileged
identities and access to resources in Azure AD as well as other Microsoft online services like Office 365 or Microsoft
Sometimes users need to carry out privileged operations in Azure or Office 365 resources, or other SaaS apps. This
often means organizations have to give them permanent privileged access in Azure AD. This is a growing security
risk for cloud-hosted resources because organizations can't sufficiently monitor what those users are doing with
their admin privileges. Additionally, if a user account with privileged access is compromised, that one breach could
impact their overall cloud security. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management helps to resolve this risk.
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management lets you:
See which users are Azure AD admins
Enable on-demand, "just in time" administrative access to Microsoft Online Services like Office 365 and
Get reports about administrator access history and changes in administrator assignments
Get alerts about access to a privileged role
Identity protection
Azure AD Identity Protection is a security service that provides a consolidated view into risk events and potential
vulnerabilities affecting your organization’s identities. Identity Protection uses existing Azure Active Directory’s
anomaly detection capabilities (available through Azure AD’s Anomalous Activity Reports), and introduces new risk
event types that can detect anomalies in real-time.

Secured resource access in Azure

Access control in Azure starts from a billing perspective. The owner of an Azure account, accessed by visiting the
Azure Accounts Center, is the Account Administrator (AA). Subscriptions are a container for billing, but they also act
as a security boundary: each subscription has a Service Administrator (SA) who can add, remove, and modify Azure
resources in that subscription by using the Azure classic portal. The default SA of a new subscription is the AA, but
the AA can change the SA in the Azure Accounts Center.

Subscriptions also have an association with a directory. The directory defines a set of users. These can be users
from the work or school that created the directory, or they can be external users (that is, Microsoft Accounts).
Subscriptions are accessible by a subset of those directory users who have been assigned as either Service
Administrator (SA) or Co-Administrator (CA); the only exception is that, for legacy reasons, Microsoft Accounts
(formerly Windows Live ID) can be assigned as SA or CA without being present in the directory.
Security-oriented companies should focus on giving employees the exact permissions they need. Too many
permissions can expose an account to attackers. Too few permissions mean that employees can't get their work
done efficiently. Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) helps address this problem by offering fine-grained
access management for Azure.

Using RBAC, you can segregate duties within your team and grant only the amount of access to users that they
need to perform their jobs. Instead of giving everybody unrestricted permissions in your Azure subscription or
resources, you can allow only certain actions. For example, use RBAC to let one employee manage virtual machines
in a subscription, while another can manage SQL databases within the same subscription.

Azure data security and encryption (protect)

One of the keys to data protection in the cloud is accounting for the possible states in which your data may occur,
and what controls are available for that state. For Azure data security and encryption best practices the
recommendations be around the following data’s states.
At-rest: This includes all information storage objects, containers, and types that exist statically on physical
media, be it magnetic or optical disk.
In-Transit: When data is being transferred between components, locations or programs, such as over the
network, across a service bus (from on-premises to cloud and vice-versa, including hybrid connections such
as ExpressRoute), or during an input/output process, it is thought of as being in-motion.
Encryption @ rest
To achieve Encryption at Rest each of the following:
Support at least one of the recommended encryption models detailed in the following table to encrypt data.


Server Encryption Server Encryption Server Encryption Client Encryption

Server-Side Encryption using Server-side encryption using Server-side encryption using

Service Managed Keys Customer-Managed Keys in on-prem customer managed
Azure Key Vault keys

• Azure Resource Providers • Azure Resource Providers • Azure Resource Providers • Azure services cannot see
perform the encryption and perform the encryption and perform the encryption and decrypted data
decryption operations decryption operations decryption operations • Customers keep keys on-
• Microsoft manages the • Customer controls keys via • Customer controls keys premises (or in other secure
keys Azure Key Vault On-Prem stores). Keys are not
• Full cloud functionality • Full cloud functionality • Full cloud functionality available to Azure services
• Reduced cloud functionality

Enabling encryption at rest

Identify All Locations Your Stores Data
The goal of Encryption at Rest is to encrypt all data. Doing so eliminates the possibility of missing important data or
all persisted locations.Enumerate all data stored by your application.

Not just "application data" or "PII' but any data relating to application including account metadata (subscription mappings,
contract info, PII).

Consider what stores you are using to store data. For example:
External storage (for example, SQL Azure, Document DB, HDInsights, Data Lake, etc.)
Temporary storage (any local cache that includes tenant data)
In-memory cache (could be put into the page file.)
Leverage the existing encryption at rest support in Azure
For each store you use, leverage the existing Encryption at Rest support.
Azure Storage: See Azure Storage Service Encryption for Data at Rest,
SQL Azure: See Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), SQL Always Encrypted
VM & Local disk storage (Azure Disk Encryption)
For VM and Local disk storage use Azure Disk Encryption where supported:
Services with IaaS VMs (Windows or Linux) should use Azure Disk Encryption to encrypt volumes containing
customer data.
PaaS v2
Services running on PaaS v2 using Service Fabric can use Azure disk encryption for Virtual Machine Scale Set
[VMSS] to encrypt their PaaS v2 VMs.
PaaS v1
Azure Disk Encryption currently is not supported on PaaS v1. Therefore, you must use application level encryption
to encrypt persisted data at rest. This includes, but is not limited to, application data, temporary files, logs, and crash
Most services should attempt to leverage the encryption of a storage resource provider. Some services have to do
explicit encryption, for example, any persisted key material (Certificates, root / master keys) must be stored in Key
If you support service-side encryption with customer-managed keys there needs to be a way for the customer to
get the key to us. The supported and recommended way to do that by integrating with Azure Key Vault (AKV). In
this case customers can add and manage their keys in Azure Key Vault. A customer can learn how to use AKV via
Getting Started with Key Vault.
To integrate with Azure Key Vault, you'd add code to request a key from AKV when needed for decryption.
See Azure Key Vault – Step by Step for info on how to integrate with AKV.
If you support customer managed keys, you need to provide a UX for the customer to specify which Key Vault (or
Key Vault URI) to use.
As Encryption at Rest involves the encryption of host, infrastructure and tenant data, the loss of the keys due to
system failure or malicious activity could mean all the encrypted data is lost. It is therefore critical that your
Encryption at Rest solution has a comprehensive disaster recovery story resilient to system failures and malicious
Services that implement Encryption at Rest are usually still susceptible to the encryption keys or data being left
unencrypted on the host drive (for example, in the page file of the host OS.) Therefore, services must ensure the
host volume for their services is encrypted. To facilitate this Compute team has enabled the deployment of Host
Encryption, which uses Bitlocker NKP and extensions to the DCM service and agent to encrypt the host volume.
Most services are implemented on standard Azure VMs. Such services should get Host Encryption automatically
when Compute enables it. For services running in Compute managed clusters host encryption is enabled
automatically as Windows Server 2016 is rolled out.
Encryption in-transit
Protecting data in transit should be essential part of your data protection strategy. Since data is moving back and
forth from many locations, the general recommendation is that you always use SSL/TLS protocols to exchange data
across different locations. In some circumstances, you may want to isolate the entire communication channel
between your on-premises and cloud infrastructure by using a virtual private network (VPN).
For data moving between your on-premises infrastructure and Azure, you should consider appropriate safeguards
such as HTTPS or VPN.
For organizations that need to secure access from multiple workstations located on-premises to Azure, use Azure
site-to-site VPN.
For organizations that need to secure access from one workstation located on-premises to Azure, use Point-to-Site
Larger data sets can be moved over a dedicated high-speed WAN link such as ExpressRoute. If you choose to use
ExpressRoute, you can also encrypt the data at the application-level using SSL/TLS or other protocols for added
If you are interacting with Azure Storage through the Azure Portal, all transactions occur via HTTPS. Storage REST
API over HTTPS can also be used to interact with Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database.
Organizations that fail to protect data in transit are more susceptible for man-in-the-middle attacks, eavesdropping,
and session hijacking. These attacks can be the first step in gaining access to confidential data.
You can learn more about Azure VPN option by reading the article Planning and design for VPN Gateway.
Enforce file level data encryption
Azure RMS uses encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your files and email. Azure RMS
works across multiple devices — phones, tablets, and PCs by protecting both within your organization and outside
your organization. This capability is possible because Azure RMS adds a level of protection that remains with the
data, even when it leaves your organization’s boundaries.
When you use Azure RMS to protect your files, you are using industry-standard cryptography with full support of
FIPS 140-2. When you leverage Azure RMS for data protection, you have the assurance that the protection stays
with the file, even if it is copied to storage that is not under the control of IT, such as a cloud storage service. The
same occurs for files shared via e-mail, the file is protected as an attachment to an email message, with instructions
how to open the protected attachment. When planning for Azure RMS adoption we recommend the following:
Install the RMS sharing app. This app integrates with Office applications by installing an Office add-in so that
users can easily protect files directly.
Configure applications and services to support Azure RMS
Create custom templates that reflect your business requirements. For example: a template for top secret data
that should be applied in all top secret related emails.
Organizations that are weak on data classification and file protection may be more susceptible to data leakage.
Without proper file protection, organizations won’t be able to obtain business insights, monitor for abuse and
prevent malicious access to files.

You can learn more about Azure RMS by reading the article Getting Started with Azure Rights Management.

Secure your application (protect)

While Azure is responsible for securing the infrastructure and platform that your application runs on, it is your
responsibility to secure your application itself. In other words, you need to develop, deploy, and manage your
application code and content in a secure way. Without this, your application code or content can still be vulnerable
to threats.
Web application firewall (WAF )
Web application firewall (WAF) is a feature of Application Gateway that provides centralized protection of your web
applications from common exploits and vulnerabilities.
Web application firewall is based on rules from the OWASP core rule sets 3.0 or 2.2.9. Web applications are
increasingly targets of malicious attacks that exploit common known vulnerabilities. Common among these exploits
are SQL injection attacks, cross site scripting attacks to name a few. Preventing such attacks in application code can
be challenging and may require rigorous maintenance, patching and monitoring at multiple layers of the
application topology. A centralized web application firewall helps make security management much simpler and
gives better assurance to application administrators against threats or intrusions. A WAF solution can also react to a
security threat faster by patching a known vulnerability at a central location versus securing each of individual web
applications. Existing application gateways can be converted to a web application firewall enabled application
gateway easily.
Some of the common web vulnerabilities which web application firewall protects against includes:
SQL injection protection
Cross site scripting protection
Common Web Attacks Protection such as command injection, HTTP request smuggling, HTTP response
splitting, and remote file inclusion attack
Protection against HTTP protocol violations
Protection against HTTP protocol anomalies such as missing host user-agent and accept headers
Prevention against bots, crawlers, and scanners
Detection of common application misconfigurations (that is, Apache, IIS, etc.)

For a more detailed list of rules and their protections see the following Core rule sets:

Azure also provides several easy-to-use features to help secure both inbound and outbound traffic for your app.
Azure also helps customers secure their application code by providing externally provided functionality to scan
your web application for vulnerabilities.
Secure your web app using various means of authentication and authorization
Setup Azure Active Directory authentication for your app
Secure traffic to your app by enabling Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL) - HTTPS
Force all incoming traffic over HTTPS connection
Enable Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
Restrict access to your app by client's IP address
Restrict access to your app by client's behavior - request frequency and concurrency
Scan your web app code for vulnerabilities using Tinfoil Security Scanning
Configure TLS mutual authentication to require client certificates to connect to your web app
Configure a client certificate for use from your app to securely connect to external resources
Remove standard server headers to avoid tools from fingerprinting your app
Securely connect your app with resources in a private network using Point-To-Site VPN
Securely connect your app with resources in a private network using Hybrid Connections
Azure App Service uses the same Antimalware solution used by Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines. To
learn more about this refer to our Antimalware documentation.

Secure your network (protect)

Microsoft Azure includes a robust networking infrastructure to support your application and service connectivity
requirements. Network connectivity is possible between resources located in Azure, between on-premises and
Azure hosted resources, and to and from the Internet and Azure.
The Azure network infrastructure enables you to securely connect Azure resources to each other with virtual
networks (VNets). A VNet is a representation of your own network in the cloud. A VNet is a logical isolation of the
Azure cloud network dedicated to your subscription. You can connect VNets to your on-premises networks.
If you need basic network level access control (based on IP address and the TCP or UDP protocols), then you can
use Network Security Groups. A Network Security Group (NSG) is a basic stateful packet filtering firewall and it
enables you to control access based on a 5-tuple.
Azure networking supports the ability to customize the routing behavior for network traffic on your Azure Virtual
Networks. You can do this by configuring User-Defined Routes in Azure.
Forced tunneling is a mechanism you can use to ensure that your services are not allowed to initiate a connection
to devices on the Internet.
Azure supports dedicated WAN link connectivity to your on-premises network and an Azure Virtual Network with
ExpressRoute. The link between Azure and your site uses a dedicated connection that does not go over the public
Internet. If your Azure application is running in multiple datacenters, you can use Azure Traffic Manager to route
requests from users intelligently across instances of the application. You can also route traffic to services not
running in Azure if they are accessible from the Internet.

Virtual machine security (protect)

Azure Virtual Machines lets you deploy a wide range of computing solutions in an agile way. With support for
Microsoft Windows, Linux, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM, SAP, and Azure BizTalk Services, you can deploy any
workload and any language on nearly any operating system.
With Azure, you can use antimalware software from security vendors such as Microsoft, Symantec, Trend Micro,
and Kaspersky to protect your virtual machines from malicious files, adware, and other threats.
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines is a real-time protection capability that helps
identify and remove viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Microsoft Antimalware provides configurable
alerts when known malicious or unwanted software attempts to install itself or run on your Azure systems.
Azure Backup is a scalable solution that protects your application data with zero capital investment and minimal
operating costs. Application errors can corrupt your data, and human errors can introduce bugs into your
applications. With Azure Backup, your virtual machines running Windows and Linux are protected.
Azure Site Recovery helps orchestrate replication, failover, and recovery of workloads and apps so that they are
available from a secondary location if your primary location goes down.

Ensure compliance: Cloud services due diligence checklist (protect)

Microsoft developed the Cloud Services Due Diligence Checklist to help organizations exercise due diligence as
they consider a move to the cloud. It provides a structure for an organization of any size and type—private
businesses and public-sector organizations, including government at all levels and nonprofits—to identify their
own performance, service, data management, and governance objectives and requirements. This allows them to
compare the offerings of different cloud service providers, ultimately forming the basis for a cloud service
The checklist provides a framework that aligns clause-by-clause with a new international standard for cloud service
agreements, ISO/IEC 19086. This standard offers a unified set of considerations for organizations to help them
make decisions about cloud adoption, and create a common ground for comparing cloud service offerings.
The checklist promotes a thoroughly vetted move to the cloud, providing structured guidance and a consistent,
repeatable approach for choosing a cloud service provider.
Cloud adoption is no longer simply a technology decision. Because checklist requirements touch on every aspect of
an organization, they serve to convene all key internal decision-makers—the CIO and CISO as well as legal, risk
management, procurement, and compliance professionals. This increases the efficiency of the decision-making
process and ground decisions in sound reasoning, thereby reducing the likelihood of unforeseen roadblocks to
In addition, the checklist:
Exposes key discussion topics for decision-makers at the beginning of the cloud adoption process.
Supports thorough business discussions about regulations and the organization’s own objectives for
privacy, personally identifiable information (PII), and data security.
Helps organizations identify any potential issues that could affect a cloud project.
Provides a consistent set of questions, with the same terms, definitions, metrics, and deliverables for each
provider, to simplify the process of comparing offerings from different cloud service providers.

Azure infrastructure and application security validation (detect)

Azure Operational Security refers to the services, controls, and features available to users for protecting their data,
applications, and other assets in Microsoft Azure.

Azure Operational Security is built on a framework that incorporates the knowledge gained through a various
capabilities that are unique to Microsoft, including the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), the
Microsoft Security Response Centre program, and deep awareness of the cybersecurity threat landscape.
Microsoft operations management suite (OMS )
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is the IT management solution for the hybrid cloud. Used alone or
to extend your existing System Center deployment, OMS gives you the maximum flexibility and control for cloud-
based management of your infrastructure.

With OMS, you can manage any instance in any cloud, including on-premises, Azure, AWS, Windows Server, Linux,
VMware, and OpenStack, at a lower cost than competitive solutions. Built for the cloud-first world, OMS offers a
new approach to managing your enterprise that is the fastest, most cost-effective way to meet new business
challenges and accommodate new workloads, applications and cloud environments.
Log analytics
Log Analytics provides monitoring services for OMS by collecting data from managed resources into a central
repository. This data could include events, performance data, or custom data provided through the API. Once
collected, the data is available for alerting, analysis, and export.

This method allows you to consolidate data from a variety of sources, so you can combine data from your Azure
services with your existing on-premises environment. It also clearly separates the collection of the data from the
action taken on that data so that all actions are available to all kinds of data.
Azure security center
Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats with increased visibility into and control
over the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy management
across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works with a broad
ecosystem of security solutions.
Security Center analyzes the security state of your Azure resources to identify potential security vulnerabilities. A
list of recommendations guides you through the process of configuring needed controls.
Examples include:
Provisioning antimalware to help identify and remove malicious software
Configuring network security groups and rules to control traffic to VMs
Provisioning of web application firewalls to help defend against attacks that target your web applications
Deploying missing system updates
Addressing OS configurations that do not match the recommended baselines
Security Center automatically collects, analyzes, and integrates log data from your Azure resources, the network,
and partner solutions like antimalware programs and firewalls. When threats are detected, a security alert is
created. Examples include detection of:
Compromised VMs communicating with known malicious IP addresses
Advanced malware detected by using Windows error reporting
Brute force attacks against VMs
Security alerts from integrated antimalware programs and firewalls
Azure monitor
Azure Monitor provides pointers to information on specific types of resources. It offers visualization, query, routing,
alerting, auto scale, and automation on data both from the Azure infrastructure (Activity Log) and each individual
Azure resource (Diagnostic Logs).
Cloud applications are complex with many moving parts. Monitoring provides data to ensure that your application
stays up and running in a healthy state. It also helps you to stave off potential problems or troubleshoot past ones.

In addition,
you can use monitoring data to gain deep insights about your application. That knowledge can help you to improve
application performance or maintainability, or automate actions that would otherwise require manual intervention.
Auditing your network security is vital for detecting network vulnerabilities and ensuring compliance with your IT
security and regulatory governance model. With Security Group view, you can retrieve the configured Network
Security Group and security rules, as well as the effective security rules. With the list of rules applied, you can
determine the ports that are open and ss network vulnerability.
Network watcher
Network Watcher is a regional service that enables you to monitor and diagnose conditions at a network level in,
to, and from Azure. Network diagnostic and visualization tools available with Network Watcher help you
understand, diagnose, and gain insights to your network in Azure. This service includes packet capture, next hop, IP
flow verify, security group view, NSG flow logs. Scenario level monitoring provides an end to end view of network
resources in contrast to individual network resource monitoring.
Storage analytics
Storage Analytics can store metrics that include aggregated transaction statistics and capacity data about requests
to a storage service. Transactions are reported at both the API operation level as well as at the storage service level,
and capacity is reported at the storage service level. Metrics data can be used to analyze storage service usage,
diagnose issues with requests made against the storage service, and to improve the performance of applications
that use a service.
Application insights
Application Insights is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers on
multiple platforms. Use it to monitor your live web application. It will automatically detect performance anomalies.
It includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users do with your app. It's
designed to help you continuously improve performance and usability. It works for apps on a wide variety of
platforms including .NET, Node.js and J2EE, hosted on-premises or in the cloud. It integrates with your devOps
process, and has connection points to a various development tools.
It monitors:
Request rates, response times, and failure rates - Find out which pages are most popular, at what times
of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go
high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.
Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates - Find out whether external services are slowing
you down.
Exceptions - Analyze the aggregated statistics, or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and
related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.
Page views and load performance - reported by your users' browsers.
AJAX calls from web pages - rates, response times, and failure rates.
User and session counts.
Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network
Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
Diagnostic trace logs from your app - so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
Custom events and metrics that you write yourself in the client or server code, to track business events
such as items sold, or games won. The infrastructure for your application is typically made up of many
components – maybe a virtual machine, storage account, and virtual network, or a web app, database,
database server, and 3rd party services. You do not see these components as separate entities, instead you
see them as related and interdependent parts of a single entity. You want to deploy, manage, and monitor
them as a group. Azure Resource Manager enables you to work with the resources in your solution as a
You can deploy, update, or delete all the resources for your solution in a single, coordinated operation. You use a
template for deployment and that template can work for different environments such as testing, staging, and
production. Resource Manager provides security, auditing, and tagging features to help you manage your
resources after deployment.
The benefits of using Resource Manager
Resource Manager provides several benefits:
You can deploy, manage, and monitor all the resources for your solution as a group, rather than handling
these resources individually.
You can repeatedly deploy your solution throughout the development lifecycle and have confidence your
resources are deployed in a consistent state.
You can manage your infrastructure through declarative templates rather than scripts.
You can define the dependencies between resources, so they are deployed in the correct order.
You can apply access control to all services in your resource group because Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC) is natively integrated into the management platform.
You can apply tags to resources to logically organize all the resources in your subscription.
You can clarify your organization's billing by viewing costs for a group of resources sharing the same tag.

Resource Manager provides a new way to deploy and manage your solutions. If you used the earlier deployment model and
want to learn about the changes, see Understanding Resource Manager Deployment and classic deployment.

Next steps
Find out more about security by reading some of our in-depth security topics:
Auditing and logging
Design and operational security
Identity and access management
Network security
Threat management
Governance in Azure
8/10/2017 • 31 min to read • Edit Online

We know that security is job one in the cloud and how important it is that you find accurate and timely information
about Azure security. One of the best reasons to use Azure for your applications and services is to take advantage
of its wide array of security tools and capabilities. These tools and capabilities help make it possible to create secure
solutions on the secure Azure platform.
To help you better understand the array of Governance controls implemented within Microsoft Azure from both the
customer's and Microsoft operations' perspectives, this article, "Governance in Azure", is written that provides a
comprehensive look at the Governance features available with Microsoft Azure.

Azure platform
Azure is a public cloud service platform that supports a broad selection of operating systems, programming
languages, frameworks, tools, databases and devices. It can run Linux containers with Dockers integration; build
apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java and Node.js; build back-ends for iOS, Android and Windows devices.
Azure public cloud services support the same technologies millions of developers and IT professionals already rely
on and trust.
When you build on, or migrate IT assets to, a public cloud service provider you are relying on that organization's
abilities to protect your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to manage the
security of your cloud-based assets.
Azure's infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security requirements. In addition,
Azure provides you many security options and the ability to control them so that you can customize security to
meet the unique requirements of your organization's deployments.
This document will help you understand how Azure Governance capabilities can help you fulfill these requirements.

Microsoft Azure cloud governance provides an integrated audit and consulting approach for reviewing and
advising organizations on their usage of the Azure platform. Microsoft Azure cloud governance refers to the
decision-making processes, criteria and policies involved in the planning, architecture, acquisition, deployment,
operation and management of a Cloud computing.
To create a plan for Microsoft Azure cloud governance, you need to take an in-depth look at the people, processes,
and technologies currently in place, and then build frameworks that make it easy for IT to consistently support
business needs while providing end users with the flexibility to use the powerful features of Microsoft Azure.
This paper describes how you can achieve an elevated level of governance of your IT resources in Microsoft Azure.
This paper can help you understand the security and governance features built in to Microsoft Azure.
The following are main the governance issues discussed in this paper:
Implementation of policies, processes and procedures as per organization goals.
Security and continuous compliance with organization standards
Alerting and Monitoring
Implementation of policies, processes and procedures
Management has established roles and responsibilities to oversee implementation of the information security
policy and operational continuity across Azure. Microsoft Azure management is responsible for overseeing security
and continuity practices within their respective teams (including third parties), and facilitating compliance with
security policies, processes and standards.
Here are the factors evolved:
Account Provisioning
Subscription Controls
Role Based access controls
Resource Management
Resource tracking
Critical Resource Control
API Access to Billing Information
Networking Controls

Account provisioning
Defining account hierarchy is a major step to use and structure Azure services within a company and is the core
governance structure. In case of customers with the enterprise agreement, customers can further subdivide the
environment into departments, accounts, and finally, subscriptions.

If you do not have an enterprise agreement, consider using Azure tags at subscription level to define hierarchy. An
Azure subscription is the basic unit where all resources are contained. It also defines several limits within Azure,
such as number of cores, resources, etc. Subscriptions can contain Resource Groups, which can contain Resources.
RBAC principles apply on those three levels.
Every enterprise is different and the hierarchy using Azure Tags in case of non-enterprise customers allows for
significant flexibility in how Azure is organized within the company. Before deploying resources in Microsoft Azure,
you should model hierarchy and understand the impact on billing, resource access, and complexity.

Subscription controls
Subscription controls how resources usage is reported and billed. Subscriptions can be setup for separate billing
and payment. As mentioned earlier under one Azure account we can have multiple subscriptions. Subscriptions can
be used to determine the Azure resource usage of multiple departments in a company.
For example, if a company has IT, HR and Marketing departments and these departments have different projects
running. Based on the usage of Azure resources like virtual machines by each department, they can be billed
accordingly. By this we can control the finances of each department.
Azure subscriptions establish three parameters:
a unique subscriber ID
a billing location
Set of available resources
For an individual, that would include one Microsoft account ID, a credit card number and the full suite of Azure
services -- although, Microsoft enforces consumption limits, depending on the subscription type.
Azure enrollment hierarchies define how services are structured within an Enterprise Agreement. The Enterprise
Portal allows customers to divide access to Azure resources associated with an Enterprise Agreement based on
flexible hierarchies customizable to an organization's unique needs. The hierarchy pattern should match an
organization's management and geographic structure so that the associated billing and resource access can be
accurately accounted for.
The three high-level patterns are functional, business unit, and geographic, using departments as an administrative
construct for account groupings. Within each department, accounts can be assigned subscriptions, which create
silos for billing and several key limits in Azure (e.g., number of VMs, storage accounts, etc.).

For organizations with an Enterprise Agreement, Azure subscriptions follow a four-level hierarchy:
enterprise enrolment administrator
department administrator
account owner
Service administrator
This hierarchy governs the following:
Billing relationship
Account administration
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to artifacts
Usage and billing (rate card based on offer numbers)
Virtual Network
Attached to 1 AAD (1 AAD be associated with many subscriptions)
Associated to an enterprise enrollment account

Role-based access controls

When Azure was initially released, access controls to a subscription were basic: Administrator or Co-Administrator.
Access to a subscription in the Classic model implied access to all the resources in the portal. This lack of fine-
grained control led to the proliferation of subscriptions to provide a level of reasonable access control for an Azure

This proliferation of subscriptions is no longer needed. With role-based access control, you can assign users to
standard roles (such as common "reader" and "writer" types of roles). You can also define custom roles.
Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) enables fine-grained access management for Azure. Using RBAC, you can
grant only the amount of access that users need to perform their jobs. Security-oriented companies should focus
on giving employees the exact permissions they need. Too many permissions expose an account to attackers. Too
few permissions mean that employees can't get their work done efficiently. Azure Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC) helps address this problem by offering fine-grained access management for Azure. RBAC helps you to
segregate duties within your team and grant only the amount of access to users that they need to perform their
jobs. Instead of giving everybody unrestricted permissions in your Azure subscription or resources, you can allow
only certain actions.
For example, use RBAC to let one employee manage virtual machines in a subscription, while another can manage
SQL databases within the same subscription.
Azure RBAC has three basic roles that apply to all resource types:
Owner has full access to all resources including the right to delegate access to others.
Contributor can create and manage all types of Azure resources but can't grant access to others.
Reader can view existing Azure resources.
The rest of the RBAC roles in Azure allow management of specific Azure resources. For example, the Virtual
Machine Contributor role allows the user to create and manage virtual machines. It does not give them access to
the virtual network or the subnet that the virtual machine connects to.
RBAC built-in roles lists the roles available in Azure. It specifies the operations and scope that each built-in role
grants to users.
Grant access by assigning the appropriate RBAC role to users, groups, and applications at a certain scope. The
scope of a role assignment can be a subscription, a resource group, or a single resource. A role assigned at a parent
scope also grants access to the children contained within it.
For example, a user with access to a resource group can manage all the resources it contains, like websites, virtual
machines, and subnets.
Azure RBAC only supports management operations of the Azure resources in the Azure portal and Azure Resource
Manager APIs. It cannot authorize all data level operations for Azure resources. For example, you can authorize
someone to manage Storage Accounts, but not to the blobs or tables within a Storage Account cannot. Similarly, a
SQL database can be managed, but not the tables within it.
If you want more details about how RBAC helps you manage access, see What is Role-Based Access Control.
You can also create a custom role in Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) if none of the built-in roles meet your
specific access needs. Custom roles can be created using Azure PowerShell, Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI),
and the REST API. Just like built-in roles, custom roles can be assigned to users, groups, and applications at
subscription, resource group, and resource scopes.
Within each subscription, you can grant up to 2000 role assignments.

Resource management
Azure originally provided only the classic deployment model. In this model, each resource existed independently;
there was no way to group related resources together. Instead, you had to manually track which resources made up
your solution or application, and remember to manage them in a coordinated approach.
To deploy a solution, you had to either create each resource individually through the classic portal or create a script
that deployed all the resources in the correct order. To delete a solution, you had to delete each resource
individually. You could not easily apply and update access control policies for related resources. Finally, you could
not apply tags to resources to label them with terms that help you monitor your resources and manage billing.
In 2014, Azure introduced Resource Manager, which added the concept of a resource group. A resource group is a
container for resources that share a common lifecycle. The Resource Manager deployment model provides several
You can deploy, manage, and monitor all the services for your solution as a group, rather than handling
these services individually.
You can repeatedly deploy your solution throughout its lifecycle and have confidence your resources are
deployed in a consistent state.
You can apply access control to all resources in your resource group, and those policies are automatically
applied when new resources are added to the resource group.
You can apply tags to resources to logically organize all the resources in your subscription.
You can use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to define the infrastructure for your solution. The JSON file is
known as a Resource Manager template.
You can define the dependencies between resources so they are deployed in the correct order.

Resource Manager enables you to put resources into meaningful groups for management, billing, or natural
affinity. As mentioned earlier, Azure has two deployment models. In the earlier Classic model, the basic unit of
management was the subscription. It was difficult to break down resources within a subscription, which led to the
creation of large numbers of subscriptions. With the Resource Manager model, we saw the introduction of resource
A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group can include
all the resources for the solution, or only those resources that you want to manage as a group. You decide how you
want to allocate resources to resource groups based on what makes the most sense for your organization.
For recommendations about templates, see Best practices for creating Azure Resource Manager templates.
Azure Resource Manager analyzes dependencies to ensure resources are created in the correct order. If one
resource relies on a value from another resource (such as a virtual machine needing a storage account for disks),
you set a dependency.

For more information, see Defining dependencies in Azure Resource Manager templates.

You can also use the template for updates to the infrastructure. For example, you can add a resource to your
solution and add configuration rules for the resources that are already deployed. If the template specifies creating a
resource but that resource already exists, Azure Resource Manager performs an update instead of creating a new
asset. Azure Resource Manager updates the existing asset to the same state as it would be as new.
Resource Manager provides extensions for scenarios when you need additional operations such as installing
software that is not included in the setup.

Resource tracking
As users in your organization add resources to the subscription, it becomes increasingly important to associate
resources with the appropriate department, customer, and environment. You can attach metadata to resources
through tags. You use tags to provide information about the resource or the owner. Tags enable you to not only
aggregate and group resources in several ways, but use that data for the purposes of chargeback.
Use tags when you have a complex collection of resource groups and resources, and need to visualize those assets
in the way that makes the most sense to you. For example, you could tag resources that serve a similar role in your
organization or belong to the same department.
Without tags, users in your organization can create multiple resources that may be difficult to later identify and
manage. For example, you may wish to delete all the resources for a project. If those resources are not tagged for
the project, you must manually find them. Tagging can be an important way for you to reduce unnecessary costs in
your subscription.
Resources do not need to reside in the same resource group to share a tag. You can create your own tag taxonomy
to ensure that all users in your organization use common tags rather than users inadvertently applying slightly
different tags (such as "dept" instead of "department").
Resource policies enable you to create standard rules for your organization. You can create policies that ensure
resources are tagged with the appropriate values.

For more information, see Apply resource policies for tags.

You can also view tagged resources through the Azure portal.
The usage report for your subscription includes tag names and values, which enables you to break out costs by

For more information about tags, see Using tags to organize your Azure resources.

The following limitations apply to tags:

Each resource or resource group can have a maximum of 15 tag key/value pairs. This limitation only applies
to tags directly applied to the resource group or resource. A resource group can contain many resources that
each have 15 tag key/value pairs.
The tag name is limited to 512 characters.
The tag value is limited to 256 characters.
Tags applied to the resource group are not inherited by the resources in that resource group.
If you have more than 15 values that you need to associate with a resource, use a JSON string for the tag value. The
JSON string can contain many values that are applied to a single tag key.
Tags and billing
Tags enable you to group your billing data. For example, if you are running multiple VMs for different
organizations, use the tags to group usage by cost center. You can also use tags to categorize costs by runtime
environment; such as, the billing usage for VMs running in production environment.
You can retrieve information about tags through the Azure Resource Usage and RateCard APIs or the usage
comma-separated values (CSV) file. You download the usage file from the Azure accounts portal or EA portal.

For more information about programmatic access to billing information, see Gain insights into your Microsoft Azure resource
consumption. For REST API operations, see Azure Billing REST API Reference.

When you download the usage CSV for services that support tags with billing, the tags appear in the Tags column.

Critical resource controls

As your organization adds core services to the subscription, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that those
services are available to avoid business disruption. Resource locks enable you to restrict operations on high-value
resources where modifying or deleting them would have a significant impact on your applications or cloud
infrastructure. You can apply locks to a subscription, resource group, or resource. Typically, you apply locks to
foundational resources such as virtual networks, gateways, and storage accounts.
Resource locks currently support two values: CanNotDelete and ReadOnly. CanNotDelete means that users (with
the appropriate rights) can still read or modify a resource but cannot delete it. ReadOnly means that authorized
users can't delete or modify a resource.
Resource Manager Locks apply only to operations that happen in the management plane, which consists of
operations sent to The locks do not restrict how resources perform their own
functions. Resource changes are restricted, but resource operations are not restricted. For example, a ReadOnly lock
on a SQL Database prevents you from deleting or modifying the database, but it does not prevent you from
creating, updating, or deleting data in the database.
Applying ReadOnly can lead to unexpected results because some operations that seem like read operations
require additional actions. For example, placing a ReadOnly lock on a storage account prevents all users from
listing the keys. The list keys operation is handled through a POST request because the returned keys are available
for write operations.

For another example, placing a ReadOnly lock on an App Service resource prevents Visual Studio Server Explorer
from displaying files for the resource because that interaction requires write access.
Unlike role-based access control, you use management locks to apply a restriction across all users and roles. To
learn about setting permissions for users and roles, see Azure Role-based Access Control.
When you apply a lock at a parent scope, all resources within that scope inherit the same lock. Even resources you
add later inherit the lock from the parent. The most restrictive lock in the inheritance takes precedence.
To create or delete management locks, you must have access to Microsoft.Authorization/ or
Microsoft.Authorization/locks/ actions. Of the built-in roles, only Owner and User Access Administrator are
granted those actions.

API access to billing information

Use Azure Billing APIs to pull usage and resource data into your preferred data analysis tools. The Azure Resource
Usage and RateCard APIs can help you accurately predict and manage your costs. The APIs are implemented as a
Resource Provider and part of the family of APIs exposed by the Azure Resource Manager.
Azure resource usage API (Preview)
Use the Azure Resource Usage API to get your estimated Azure consumption data. The API includes:
Azure Role-based Access Control - Configure access policies on the Azure portal or through Azure
PowerShell cmdlets to specify which users or applications can get access to the subscription's usage data.
Callers must use standard Azure Active Directory tokens for authentication. Add the caller to either the
Billing Reader, Reader, Owner, or Contributor role to get access to the usage data for a specific Azure
Hourly or Daily Aggregations - Callers can specify whether they want their Azure usage data in hourly
buckets or daily buckets. The default is daily.
Instance metadata (includes resource tags) – Get instance-level detail like the fully qualified resource uri
(/subscriptions/{subscription-id} /..), the resource group information, and resource tags. This metadata helps
you deterministically and programmatically allocate usage by the tags, for use-cases like cross-charging.
Resource metadata - Resource details such as the meter name, meter category, meter sub category, unit,
and region give the caller a better understanding of what was consumed. We're also working to align
resource metadata terminology across the Azure portal, Azure usage CSV, EA billing CSV, and other public-
facing experiences, to let you correlate data across experiences.
Usage for all offer types – Usage data is available for all offer types like Pay-as-you-go, MSDN, Monetary
commitment, Monetary credit, and EA.
Azure resource RateCard API (Preview)
Use the Azure Resource RateCard API to get the list of available Azure resources and estimated pricing information
for each. The API includes:
Azure Role-based Access Control - Configure your access policies on the Azure portal or through Azure
PowerShell cmdlets to specify which users or applications can get access to the RateCard data. Callers must
use standard Azure Active Directory tokens for authentication. Add the caller to either the Reader, Owner, or
Contributor role to get access to the usage data for a particular Azure subscription.
Support for Pay-as-you-go, MSDN, Monetary commitment, and Monetary credit offers (EA not
supported) - This API provides Azure offer-level rate information. The caller of this API must pass in the
offer information to get resource details and rates. We're currently unable to provide EA rates because EA
offers have customized rates per enrollment. Here are some of the scenarios that are made possible with the
combination of the Usage and the RateCard APIs:
Azure spend during the month - Use the combination of the Usage and RateCard APIs to get better
insights into your cloud spend during the month. You can analyze the hourly and daily buckets of usage and
charge estimates.
Set up alerts – Use the Usage and the RateCard APIs to get estimated cloud consumption and charges, and
set up resource-based or monetary-based alerts.
Predict bill – Get your estimated consumption and cloud spend, and apply machine learning algorithms to
predict what the bill would be at the end of the billing cycle.
Pre-consumption cost analysis – Use the RateCard API to predict how much your bill would be for your
expected usage when you move your workloads to Azure. If you have existing workloads in other clouds or
private clouds, you can also map your usage with the Azure rates to get a better estimate of Azure spend.
This estimate gives you the ability to pivot on offer, and compare between the different offer types beyond
Pay-As-You-Go, like monetary commitment and monetary credit. The API also gives you the ability to see
cost differences by region and allows you to do a what-if cost analysis to help you make deployment
What-if analysis - You can determine whether it is more cost-effective to run workloads in another region,
or on another configuration of the Azure resource. Azure resource costs may differ based on the Azure
region you're using.
You can also determine if another Azure offer type gives a better rate on an Azure resource.

Networking controls
Access to resources can be either internal (within the corporation's network) or external (through the internet). It is
easy for users in your organization to inadvertently put resources in the wrong spot, and potentially open them to
malicious access. As with on premises/ devices, enterprises must add appropriate controls to ensure that Azure
users make the right decisions.

For subscription governance, we identify core resources that provide basic control of access. The core resources
consist of:
Network connectivity
Virtual Networks are container objects for subnets. Though not strictly necessary, it is often used when connecting
applications to internal corporate resources. The Azure Virtual Network service enables you to securely connect
Azure resources to each other with virtual networks (VNets).
A VNet is a representation of your own network in the cloud. A VNet is a logical isolation of the Azure cloud
dedicated to your subscription. You can also connect VNets to your on-premises network.
Following are capabilities for Azure Virtual Networks:
Isolation: VNets are isolated from one another. You can create separate VNets for development, testing, and
production that use the same CIDR address blocks. Conversely, you can create multiple VNets that use
different CIDR address blocks and connect networks together. You can segment a VNet into multiple
subnets. Azure provides internal name resolution for VMs and Cloud Services role instances connected to a
VNet. You can optionally configure a VNet to use your own DNS servers, instead of using Azure internal
name resolution.
Internet connectivity: All Azure Virtual Machines (VM) and Cloud Services role instances connected to a
VNet have access to the Internet, by default. You can also enable inbound access to specific resources, as
Azure resource connectivity: Azure resources such as Cloud Services and VMs can be connected to the
same VNet. The resources can connect to each other using private IP addresses, even if they are in different
subnets. Azure provides default routing between subnets, VNets, and on-premises networks, so you don't
have to configure and manage routes.
VNet connectivity: VNets can be connected to each other, enabling resources connected to any VNet to
communicate with any resource on any other VNet.
On-premises connectivity: VNets can be connected to on-premises networks through private network
connections between your network and Azure, or through a site-to-site VPN connection over the Internet.
Traffic filtering: VM and Cloud Services role instances network traffic can be filtered inbound and
outbound by source IP address and port, destination IP address and port, and protocol.
Routing: You can optionally override Azure's default routing by configuring your own routes, or using BGP
routes through a network gateway.

Network access controls

Network security groups are like a firewall and provide rules for how a resource can "talk" over the network. They
provide granular control over how/if a subnet (or virtual machine) can connect to the Internet or other subnets in
the same virtual network.
A network security group (NSG) contains a list of security rules that allow or deny network traffic to resources
connected to Azure Virtual Networks (VNet). NSGs can be associated to subnets, individual VMs (classic), or
individual network interfaces (NIC) attached to VMs (Resource Manager).
When an NSG is associated to a subnet, the rules apply to all resources connected to the subnet. Traffic can further
be restricted by also associating an NSG to a VM or NIC.

Security and continuous compliance with organizational standards

Every business has different needs, and every business will reap distinct benefits from cloud solutions. Still,
customers of all kinds have the same basic concerns about moving to the cloud. They want to retain control of their
data, and they want that data to be kept secure and private, all while maintaining transparency and compliance.
What customers want from cloud providers is:
Secure our data while acknowledging that the cloud can provide increased data security and administrative
control, IT leaders are still concerned that migrating to the cloud will leave them more vulnerable to hackers
than their current in-house solutions.
Keep our data private Cloud services raise unique privacy challenges for businesses. As companies look to
the cloud to save on infrastructure costs and improve their flexibility, they also worry about losing control of
where their data is stored, who is accessing it, and how it gets used.
Give us control Even as they take advantage of the cloud to deploy more innovative solutions, companies
are very concerned about losing control of their data. The recent disclosures of government agencies
accessing customer data, through both legal and extra-legal means, make some CIOs wary of storing their
data in the cloud.
Promote transparency While security, privacy, and control are important to business decision-makers, they
also want the ability to independently verify how their data is being stored, accessed, and secured.
Maintain compliance as companies expand their use of cloud technologies, the complexity and scope of
standards and regulations continue to evolve. Companies need to know that their compliance standards will
be met, and that compliance will evolve as regulations change over time.

Security configuration, monitoring and alerting

Azure subscribers may manage their cloud environments from multiple devices, including management
workstations, developer PCs, and even privileged end-user devices that have task-specific permissions. In some
cases, administrative functions are performed through web-based consoles such as the Azure portal. In other cases,
there may be direct connections to Azure from on-premises systems over Virtual Private Networks (VPNs),
Terminal Services, client application protocols, or (programmatically) the Azure Service Management API (SMAPI).
Additionally, client endpoints can be either domain joined or isolated and unmanaged, such as tablets or
Although multiple access and management capabilities provide a rich set of options, this variability can add
significant risk to a cloud deployment. It can be difficult to manage, track, and audit administrative actions. This
variability may also introduce security threats through unregulated access to client endpoints that are used for
managing cloud services. Using general or personal workstations for developing and managing infrastructure
opens unpredictable threat vectors such as web browsing (for example, watering hole attacks) or email (for
example, social engineering and phishing).
Monitoring, logging, and auditing provide a basis for tracking and understanding administrative activities, but it
may not always be feasible to audit all actions in complete detail due to the amount of data generated. Auditing the
effectiveness of the management policies is a best practice, however.
Azure security Governance from AD DS GPOs to control all the administrators' Windows interfaces, such as file
sharing. Include management workstations in auditing, monitoring, and logging processes. Track all administrator
and developer access and usage.
Azure security center
The Azure Security Center provides a central view of the security status of resources in the subscriptions, and
provides recommendations that help prevent compromised resources. It can enable more granular policies (for
example, applying policies to specific resource groups that allow the enterprise to tailor their posture to the risk
they are addressing).
Security Center provides integrated security monitoring and policy management across your Azure subscriptions,
helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works with a broad ecosystem of security solutions.
After you enable security policies for a subscription's resources, Security Center analyzes the security of your
resources to identify potential vulnerabilities. Information about your network configuration is available instantly.
Azure Security Center represents a combination of best practice analysis and security policy management for all
resources within an Azure subscription. This powerful and easy to use tool allows security teams and risk officers to
prevent, detect, and respond to security threats as it automatically collects and analyzes security data from your
Azure resources, the network, and partner solutions like anti-malware programs and firewalls.
In addition, Azure Security Center applies advanced analytics, including machine learning and behavioral analysis
while leveraging global threat intelligence from Microsoft products and services, the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit
(DCU), the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), and external feeds. Security governance can be applied
broadly at the subscription level or narrowed down to specific, granular requirements applied to individual
resources through policy definition.
Finally, Azure Security Center analyzes resource security health based on those policies and uses this to provide
insightful dashboards and alerting for events such as malware detection or malicious IP connection attempts.

For more information about how to apply recommendations, read Implementing security recommendations in Azure Security

Security Center collects data from your virtual machines to assess their security state, provide security
recommendations, and alert you to threats. When you first access Security Center, data collection is enabled on all
virtual machines in your subscription. Data collection is recommended but you can opt-out by disabling data
collection in the Security Center policy.
Finally, Azure Security Center is an open platform that enables Microsoft partners and independent software
vendors to create software that plugs into Azure Security Center to enhance its capabilities.
Azure Security Center monitors the following Azure resources:
Virtual machines (VMs) (including Cloud Services)
Azure Virtual Networks
Azure SQL service
Partner solutions integrated with your Azure subscription such as a web application firewall on VMs and on
App Service Environment.
Operations Management Suite
The OMS software development and service team's information security and governance program supports its
business requirements and adheres to laws and regulations as described at Microsoft Azure Trust Center and
Microsoft Trust Center Compliance. How OMS establish security requirements, identifies security controls,
manages, and monitors risks are also described there. Annually, we review polices, standards, procedures, and
Each OMS development team member receives formal application security training. Internally, we use a version
control system for software development. Each software project is protected by the version control system.
Microsoft has a security and compliance team that oversees and assesses all services in Microsoft. Information
security officers make up the team and they are not associated with the engineering departments that develop
OMS. The security officers have their own management chain and conduct independent assessments of products
and services to ensure security and compliance.
Operations Management Suite (also known as OMS) is a collection of management services that were designed in
the cloud from the start. Rather than deploying and managing on premises resources, OMS components are
entirely hosted in Azure. Configuration is minimal, and you can be up and running literally in a matter of minutes.

Just because OMS services run in the cloud doesn't mean that they can't effectively manage your on-premises
Put an agent on any Windows or Linux computer in your data center, and it will send data to Log Analytics where it
can be analyzed along with all other data collected from cloud or on premises services. Use Azure Backup and
Azure Site Recovery to leverage the cloud for backup and high availability for on premises resources.
Runbooks in the cloud can't typically access your on-premises resources, but you can install an agent on one or
more computers too that will host runbooks in your data center. When you start a runbook, you simply specify
whether you want it to run in the cloud or on a local worker.
The core functionality of OMS is provided by a set of services that run in Azure. Each service provides a specific
management function, and you can combine services to achieve different management scenarios.

Azure operation manager extends its functionalities by providing management solutions. Management Solutions
are prepackaged sets of logic that implement a management scenario leveraging one or more OMS services.

Different solutions are available from Microsoft and from partners that you can easily add to your Azure
subscription to increase the value of your investment in OMS.
As a partner, you can create your own solutions to support your applications and services and provide them to
users through the Azure Marketplace or Quick Start Templates.

Performance alerting and monitoring

Alerts are a method of monitoring Azure resource metrics, events, or logs and being notified when a condition you
specify is met.
Alerts in different Azure services
Alerts are available across different services, including:
Application Insights: Enables web test and metric alerts.

See Set alerts in Application Insights and Monitor availability and responsiveness of any website.

Log Analytics (Operations Management Suite): Enables the routing of Activity and Diagnostic Logs to Log
Analytics. Operations Management Suite allows metric, log, and other alert types.

For more information, see Alerts in Log Analytics.

Azure Monitor: Enables alerts based on both metric values and activity log events. You can use the Azure
Monitor REST API to manage alerts.

For more information, see Using the Azure portal, PowerShell, or the command-line interface to create alerts.

Performance issues in your cloud app can impact your business. With multiple interconnected components and
frequent releases, degradations can happen at any time. And if you're developing an app, your users usually
discover issues that you didn't find in testing. You should know about these issues immediately, and have tools for
diagnosing and fixing the problems. Microsoft Azure has a range of tools for identifying these problems.
How do I monitor my Azure cloud apps?
There is a range of tools for monitoring Azure applications and services. Some of their features overlap. This is
partly for historical reasons and partly due to the blurring between development and operation of an application.
Here are the principal tools:
Azure Monitor is basic tool for monitoring services running on Azure. It gives you infrastructure-level data
about the throughput of a service and the surrounding environment. If you are managing your apps all in
Azure, deciding whether to scale up or down resources, then Azure Monitor gives you what you use to start.
Application Insights can be used for development and as a production monitoring solution. It works by
installing a package into your app, and so gives you a more internal view of what's going on. Its data
includes response times of dependencies, exception traces, debugging snapshots, execution profiles. It
provides powerful smart tools for analyzing all this telemetry both to help you debug an app and to help you
understand what users are doing with it. You can tell whether a spike in response times is due to something
in an app, or some external resourcing issue. If you use Visual Studio and the app is at fault, you can be taken
right to the problem line(s) of code so you can fix it.
Log Analytics is for those who need to tune performance and plan maintenance on applications running in
production. It is based in Azure. It collects and aggregates data from many sources, though with a delay of
10 to 15 minutes. It provides a holistic IT management solution for Azure, on-premises, and third-party
cloud-based infrastructure (such as Amazon Web Services). It provides richer tools to analyze data across
more sources, allows complex queries across all logs, and can proactively alert on specified conditions. You
can even collect custom data into its central repository so can query and visualize it.
System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is for managing and monitoring large cloud installations.
You might be already familiar with it as a management tool for on-premises Windows Sever and Hyper-V
based-clouds, but it can also integrate with and manage Azure apps. Among other things, it can install
Application Insights on existing live apps. If an app goes down, it tells you in seconds.

Next steps
Best practices for creating Azure Resource Manager templates.
Examples of implementing Azure subscription governance.
Microsoft Azure Government.
Azure Data Encryption-at-Rest
9/6/2017 • 19 min to read • Edit Online

There are multiple tools within Microsoft Azure to safeguard data according to your company’s security and
compliance needs. This paper focuses on how data is protected at rest across Microsoft Azure, discusses the
various components taking part in the data protection implementation, and reviews pros and cons of the different
key management protection approaches.
Encryption at Rest is a common security requirement. A benefit of Microsoft Azure is that organizations can
achieve Encryption at Rest without having the cost of implementation and management and the risk of a custom
key management solution. Organizations have the option of letting Azure completely manage Encryption at Rest.
Additionally, organizations have various options to closely manage encryption or encryption keys.

What is encryption at rest?

Encryption at Rest refers to the cryptographic encoding (encryption) of data when it is persisted. The Encryption at
Rest designs in Azure use symmetric encryption to encrypt and decrypt large amounts of data quickly according to
a simple conceptual model:
A symmetric encryption key is used to encrypt data as it is persisted
The same encryption key is used to decrypt that data as it is readied for use in memory
Data may be partitioned, and different keys may be used for each partition
Keys must be stored in a secure location with access control policies limiting access to certain identities and
logging key usage. Data encryption keys are often encrypted with asymmetric encryption to further limit access
(discussed in the Key Hierarchy, later in this article)
The above describes the common high-level elements of Encryption at Rest. In practice, key management and
control scenarios, as well as scale and availability assurances, require additional constructs. Microsoft Azure
Encryption at Rest concepts and components are described below.

The purpose of encryption at rest

Encryption at rest is intended to provide data protection for data at-rest (as described above.) Attacks against data
at-rest include attempts to obtain physical access to the hardware on which the data is stored, and then
compromise the contained data. In such an attack, a server’s hard drive may have been mishandled during
maintenance allowing an attacker to remove the hard drive. Later the attacker would put the hard drive into a
computer under their control to attempt to access the data.
Encryption at rest is designed to prevent the attacker from accessing the unencrypted data by ensuring the data is
encrypted when on disk. If an attacker were to obtain a hard drive with such encrypted data, and no access to the
encryption keys, the attacker would not compromise the data without great difficulty. In such a scenario, an
attacker would have to attempt attacks against encrypted data which are much more complex and resource
consuming than accessing unencrypted data on a hard drive. For this reason, encryption at rest is highly
recommended and is a high priority requirement for many organizations.
In some cases, encryption at rest is also required by an organization’s need for data governance and compliance
efforts. Industry and government regulations such as HIPAA, PCI and FedRAMP, and international regulatory
requirements, lay out specific safeguards through processes and policies regarding data protection and encryption
requirements. For many of those regulations encryption at rest is a mandatory measure required for compliant
data management and protection.
In addition to compliance and regulatory requirements, encryption at rest should be perceived as a defense-in-
depth platform capability. While Microsoft provides a compliant platform for services, applications, and data,
comprehensive facility and physical security, data access control and auditing, it is important to provide additional
“overlapping” security measures in case one of the other security measures fails. Encryption at rest provides such
an additional defense mechanism.
Microsoft is committed to providing encryption at rest options across cloud services and to provide customers
suitable manageability of encryption keys and access to logs showing when encryption keys are used. Additionally,
Microsoft is working towards the goal of making all customer data encrypted at rest by default.

Azure Encryption at Rest Components

As described previously, the goal of encryption at rest is that data that is persisted on disk is encrypted with a
secret encryption key. To achieve that goal secure key creation, storage, access control and management of the
encryption keys must be provided. Though details may vary, Azure services Encryption at Rest implementations
can be described in terms of the below concepts which are then illustrated in the following diagram.

Azure Key Vault

The storage location of the encryption keys and access control to those keys is central to an encryption at rest
model. The keys need to be highly secured but manageable by specified users and available to specific services. For
Azure services, Azure Key Vault is the recommended key storage solution and provides a common management
experience across services. Keys are stored and managed in key vaults, and access to a key vault can be given to
users or services. Azure Key Vault supports customer creation of keys or import of customer keys for use in
customer-managed encryption key scenarios.
Azure Active Directory
Permissions to use the keys stored in Azure Key Vault, either to manage or to access them for Encryption at Rest
encryption and decryption, can be given to Azure Active Directory accounts.
Key Hierarchy
Usually more than one encryption key is used in an encryption at rest implementation. Asymmetric encryption is
useful for establishing the trust and authentication needed for key access and management. Symmetric encryption
is more efficient for bulk encryption and decryption, allowing for stronger encryption and better performance.
Additionally, limiting the use of a single encryption key decreases the risk that the key will be compromised and
the cost of re-encryption when a key must be replaced. To leverage the benefits of asymmetric and symmetric
encryption and limit the use and exposure of a single key, Azure encryption at rest models use a key hierarchy
made up of the following types of keys:
Data Encryption Key (DEK) – A symmetric AES256 key used to encrypt a partition or block of data. A single
resource may have many partitions and many Data Encryption Keys. Encrypting each block of data with a
different key makes crypto analysis attacks more difficult. Access to DEKs is needed by the resource provider or
application instance that is encrypting and decrypting a specific block. When a DEK is replaced with a new key
only the data in its associated block must be re-encrypted with the new key.
Key Encryption Key (KEK) – An asymmetric encryption key used to encrypt the Data Encryption Keys. Use of a
Key Encryption Key allows the data encryption keys themselves to be encrypted and controlled. The entity that
has access to the KEK may be different than the entity that requires the DEK. This allows an entity to broker
access to the DEK for the purpose of ensuring limited access of each DEK to specific partition. Since the KEK is
required to decrypt the DEKs, the KEK is effectively a single point by which DEKs can be effectively deleted by
deletion of the KEK.
The Data Encryption Keys, encrypted with the Key Encryption Keys are stored separately and only an entity with
access to the Key Encryption Key can get any Data Encryption Keys encrypted with that key. Different models of key
storage are supported. We will discuss each model in more detail later in the next section.

Data Encryption Models

Understanding the various encryption models, and their pros and cons is essential for understanding how the
various resource providers in Azure implement encryption at Rest. These definitions are shared across all resource
providers in Azure to ensure common language and taxonomy.
There are three scenarios for server-side encryption:
Server-side encryption using Service Managed keys
Azure Resource Providers perform the encryption and decryption operations
Microsoft manages the keys
Full cloud functionality
Server-side encryption using customer-managed keys in Azure Key Vault
Azure Resource Providers perform the encryption and decryption operations
Customer controls keys via Azure Key Vault
Full cloud functionality
Server-side encryption using customer-managed keys on customer controlled hardware
Azure Resource Providers perform the encryption and decryption operations
Customer controls keys on customer controlled hardware
Full cloud functionality
For client-side encryption, consider the following:
Azure services cannot see decrypted data
Customers manage and store keys on-premises (or in other secure stores). Keys are not available to Azure
Reduced cloud functionality
The supported encryption models in Azure split into two main groups: “Client Encryption” and “Server-side
Encryption” as mentioned previously. Note that, independent of the encryption at rest model used, Azure services
always recommend the use of a secure transport such as TLS or HTTPS. Therefore, encryption in transport should
be addressed by the transport protocol and should not be a major factor in determining which encryption at rest
model to use.
Client encryption model
Client Encryption model refers to encryption that is performed outside of the Resource Provider or Azure by the
service or calling application. The encryption can be performed by the service application in Azure, or by an
application running in the customer data center. In either case, when leveraging this encryption model, the Azure
Resource Provider receives an encrypted blob of data without the ability to decrypt the data in any way or have
access to the encryption keys. In this model, the key management is done by the calling service/application and is
completely opaque to the Azure service.

Server-side encryption model

Server-side Encryption models refer to encryption that is performed by the Azure service. In that model, the
Resource Provider performs the encrypt and decrypt operations. For example, Azure Storage may receive data in
plain text operations and will perform the encryption and decryption internally. The Resource Provider might use
encryption keys that are managed by Microsoft or by the customer depending on the provided configuration.

Server-side encryption key management models

Each of the server-side encryption at rest models implies distinctive characteristics of key management. This
includes where and how encryption keys are created, and stored as well as the access models and the key rotation
Server-side encryption using service managed keys
For many customers, the essential requirement is to ensure that the data is encrypted whenever it is at rest. Server-
side encryption using Service Managed Keys enables this model by allowing customers to mark the specific
resource (Storage Account, SQL DB, etc.) for encryption and leaving all key management aspects such as key
issuance, rotation and backup to Microsoft. Most Azure Services that support encryption at rest typically support
this model of offloading the management of the encryption keys to Azure. The Azure resource provider creates the
keys, places them in secure storage, and retrieves them when needed. This means that the service has full access to
the keys and the service has full control over the credential lifecycle management.
Server-side encryption using service managed keys therefore quickly addresses the need to have encryption at rest
with low overhead to the customer. When available a customer typically opens the Azure portal for the target
subscription and resource provider and checks a box indicating they would like the data to be encrypted. In some
Resource Managers server-side encryption with service managed keys is on by default.
Server-side encryption with Microsoft managed keys does imply the service has full access to store and manages
the keys. While some customers may want to manage the keys because they feel they can ensure greater security,
the cost and risk associated with a custom key storage solution should be considered when evaluating this model.
In many cases an organization may determine that resource constraints or risks of an on-premises solution may
greater than the risk of cloud management of the encryption at rest keys. However, this model might not be
sufficient for organizations that have requirements to control the creation or lifecycle of the encryption keys or to
have different personnel manage a service’s encryption keys than those managing the service (i.e., segregation of
key management from the overall management model for the service).
K e y a c c e ss

When Server-side encryption with Service Managed keys is used, the key creation, storage and service access are
all managed by the service. Typically, the foundational Azure resource providers will store the Data Encryption Keys
in a store that is close to the data and quickly available and accessible while the Key Encryption Keys are stored in a
secure internal store.
Simple setup
Microsoft manages key rotation, backup and redundancy
Customer does not have the cost associated with implementation or the risk of a custom key management
No customer control over the encryption keys (key specification, lifecycle, revocation, etc.)
No ability to segregate key management from overall management model for the service
Server-side encryption using customer managed keys in Azure Key Vault
For scenarios where the requirement is to encrypt the data at rest and control the encryption keys customers can
use server-side Encryption using Customer Managed Keys in Key Vault. Some services may store only the root Key
Encryption Key in Azure Key Vault and store the encrypted Data Encryption Key in an internal location closer to the
data. In that scenario customers can bring their own keys to Key Vault (BYOK – Bring Your Own Key), or generate
new ones, and use them to encrypt the desired resources. While the Resource Provider performs the encryption
and decryption operations it uses the configured key as the root key for all encryption operations.
K e y A c c e ss

The server-side encryption model with customer managed keys in Azure Key Vault involves the service accessing
the keys to encrypt and decrypt as needed. Encryption at rest keys are made accessible to a service through an
access control policy granting that service identity access to receive the key. An Azure service running on behalf of
an associated subscription can be configured with an identity for that service within that subscription. The service
can perform Azure Active Directory authentication and receive an authentication token identifying itself as that
service acting on behalf of the subscription. That token can then be presented to Key Vault to obtain a key it has
been given access to.
For operations using encryption keys, a service identity can be granted access to any of the following operations:
decrypt, encrypt, unwrapKey, wrapKey, verify, sign, get, list, update, create, import, delete, backup, and restore.
To obtain a key for use in encrypting or decrypting data at rest the service identity that the Resource Manager
service instance will run as must have UnwrapKey (to get the key for decryption) and WrapKey (to insert a key into
key vault when creating a new key).

For more detail on Key Vault authorization see the secure your key vault page in the Azure Key Vault documentation.

Full control over the keys used – encryption keys are managed in the customer’s Key Vault under the
customer’s control.
Ability to encrypt multiple services to one master
Can segregate key management from overall management model for the service
Can define service and key location across regions
Customer has full responsibility for key access management
Customer has full responsibility for key lifecycle management
Additional Setup & configuration overhead
Server-side encryption using service managed keys in customer controlled hardware
For scenarios where the requirement is to encrypt the data at rest and manage the keys in a proprietary repository
outside of Microsoft’s control, some Azure services enable the Host Your Own Key (HYOK) key management
model. In this model, the service must retrieve the key from an external site and therefore performance and
availability guarantees are impacted, and configuration is more complex. Additionally, since the service does have
access to the DEK during the encryption and decryption operations the overall security guarantees of this model
are similar to when the keys are customer managed in Azure Key Vault. As a result, this model is not appropriate
for most organizations unless they have specific key management requirements necessitating it. Due to these
limitations, most Azure Services do not support server-side encryption using server-managed keys in customer
controlled hardware.
K e y A c c e ss

When server-side encryption using service managed keys in customer controlled hardware is used the keys are
maintained on a system configured by the customer. Azure services that support this model provide a means of
establishing a secure connection to a customer supplied key store.
Full control over the root key used – encryption keys are managed by a customer provided store
Ability to encrypt multiple services to one master
Can segregate key management from overall management model for the service
Can define service and key location across regions
Full responsibility for key storage, security, performance and availability
Full responsibility for key access management
Full responsibility for key lifecycle management
Significant setup, configuration and ongoing maintenance costs
Increased dependency on network availability between the customer datacenter and Azure datacenters.

Encryption at rest in Microsoft cloud services

Microsoft Cloud services are used in all three cloud models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Below you have examples of how
they fit on each model:
Software services, referred to as Software as a Server or SaaS, which have application provided by the cloud
such as Office 365.
Platform services which customers leverage the cloud in their applications, using the cloud for things like
storage, analytics and service bus functionality.
Infrastructure services, or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in which customer deploy operating systems and
applications that are hosted in the cloud and possibly leveraging other cloud services.
Encryption at rest for SaaS customers
Software as a Service (SaaS) customers typically have encryption at rest enabled or available in each service. Office
365 services has several options for customers to verify or enable encryption at rest. For information about Office
365 services see Data Encryption Technologies for Office 365.
Encryption at rest for PaaS customers
Platform as a Service (PaaS) customer’s data typically resides in an application execution environment and any
Azure Resource Providers used to store customer data. To see the encryption at rest options available to you
examine the table below for the storage and application platforms that you use. Where supported, links to
instructions on enabling Encryption at Rest are provided for each resource provider.
Encryption at rest for IaaS customers
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) customers can have a variety of services and applications in use. IaaS services can
enable encryption at rest in their Azure hosted virtual machines and VHDs using Azure Disk Encryption.
Encrypted storage
Like PaaS, IaaS solutions can leverage other Azure services that store data encrypted at rest. In these cases, you can
enable the Encryption at Rest support as provided by each consumed Azure service. The below table enumerates
the major storage, services and application platforms and the model of Encryption at Rest supported. Where
supported, links are provided to instructions on enabling Encryption at Rest.
Encrypted compute
A complete Encryption at Rest solution requires that the data is never persisted in unencrypted form. While in use,
on a server loading the data in memory, data can be persisted locally in various ways including the Windows page
file, a crash dump, and any logging the application may perform. To ensure this data is encrypted at rest IaaS
applications can use Azure Disk Encryption on an Azure IaaS virtual machine (Windows or Linux) and virtual disk.
Custom encryption at rest
It is recommended that whenever possible, IaaS applications leverage Azure Disk Encryption and Encryption at
Rest options provided by any consumed Azure services. In some cases, such as irregular encryption requirements
or non-Azure based storage, a developer of an IaaS application may need to implement encryption at rest
themselves. Developers of IaaS solutions can better integrate with Azure management and customer expectations
by leveraging certain Azure components. Specifically, developers should use the Azure Key Vault service to provide
secure key storage as well as provide their customers with consistent key management options with that of most
Azure platform services. Additionally, custom solutions should use Azure Managed Service Identities to enable
service accounts to access encryption keys. For developer information on Azure Key Vault and Managed Service
Identities see their respective SDKs.

Azure resource providers encryption model support

Microsoft Azure Services each support one or more of the encryption at rest models. For some services, however,
one or more of the encryption models may not be applicable. Additionally, services may release support for these
scenarios at different schedules. This section describes the encryption at rest support at the time of this writing for
each of the major Azure data storage services.
Azure disk encryption
Any customer using Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) features can achieve encryption at rest for their IaaS
VMs and disks through Azure Disk Encryption. For more information on Azure Disk encryption see the Azure Disk
Encryption documentation.
Azure storage
Azure Blob, and File supports encryption at rest for server-side encrypted scenarios as well as customer encrypted
data (client-side encryption).
Server-side: customers using Azure blob storage can enable encryption at rest on each Azure storage resource
account. Once enabled server-side encryption is done transparently to the application. See Azure Storage
Service Encryption for Data at Rest for more information.
Client-side: client-side encryption of Azure Blobs is supported. When using client-side encryption customers
encrypt the data and upload the data as an encrypted blob. Key management is done by the customer. See
Client-Side Encryption and Azure Key Vault for Microsoft Azure Storage for more information.
SQL Azure
SQL Azure currently supports encryption at rest for Microsoft managed service side and client-side encryption
Support for sever encryption is currently provided through the SQL feature called Transparent Data Encryption.
Once a SQL Azure customer enables TDE key are automatically created and managed for them. Encryption at rest
can be enabled at the database and server levels. As of June 2017, Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) will be
enabled by default on newly created databases.
Client-side encryption of SQL Azure data is supported through the Always Encrypted feature. Always Encrypted
uses a key that created and stored by the client. Customers can store the master key in a Windows certificate store,
Azure Key Vault, or a local Hardware Security Module. Using SQL Server Management Studio, SQL users choose
what key they’d like to use to encrypt which column.



Key Service Customer Customer

Management Managed Key Managed in Key Managed On-
Vault premises

Storage and

Disk (IaaS) - Yes Yes* -

SQL Server (IaaS) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SQL Azure (PaaS) Yes Preview - Yes

Azure Storage Yes Preview - Yes


Azure Storage Yes - - -


Azure Storage - - - Yes

(Tables, Queues)

Cosmos DB Yes - - -
(Document DB)

StorSimple Yes - - Yes

Backup - - - Yes

Intelligence and

Azure Data Yes - - -


Azure Machine - Preview - -


Azure Stream Yes - - -


HDInsights Yes - - -
(Azure Blob

HDInsights (Data Yes - - -

Lake Storage)

Azure Data Lake Yes Yes - -


Azure Data Yes - - -


Power BI Yes - - -

IoT Services

IoT Hub - - - Yes

Service Bus - - - Yes

Event Hubs - - - -

Protection of customer data stored within Azure Services is of paramount importance to Microsoft. All Azure
hosted services are committed to providing Encryption at Rest options. Foundational services such as Azure
Storage, SQL Azure and key analytics and intelligence services already provide Encryption at Rest options. Some of
these services support either customer controlled keys and client-side encryption as well as service managed keys
and encryption. Microsoft Azure services are broadly enhancing Encryption at Rest availability and new options are
planned for preview and general availability in the upcoming months.
Getting started with Microsoft Azure security
6/27/2017 • 16 min to read • Edit Online

When you build or migrate IT assets to a cloud provider, you are relying on that organization’s abilities to protect
your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to manage the security of your cloud-
based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security needs. In addition, Azure
provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to control them so that you can
customize security to meet the unique requirements of your deployments.
In this overview article on Azure security, we’ll look at:
Azure services and features you can use to help secure your services and data within Azure.
How Microsoft secures the Azure infrastructure to help protect your data and applications.

Identity and access management

Controlling access to IT infrastructure, data, and applications is critical. Microsoft Azure delivers these capabilities by
services such as Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Azure Storage, and support for numerous standards and APIs.
Azure AD is an identity repository and engine that provides authentication, authorization, and access control for an
organization's users, groups, and objects. Azure AD also offers developers an effective way to integrate identity
management in their applications. Industry-standard protocols such as SAML 2.0, WS-Federation, and OpenID
Connect make sign-in possible on platforms such as .NET, Java, Node.js, and PHP.
The REST-based Graph API enables developers to read and write to the directory from any platform. Through
support for OAuth 2.0, developers can build mobile and web applications that integrate with Microsoft and third-
party web APIs, and build their own secure web APIs. Open-source client libraries are available for .Net, Windows
Store, iOS, and Android, with additional libraries under development.
How Azure enables identity and access management
Azure AD can be used as a standalone cloud directory for your organization or as an integrated solution with your
existing on-premises Active Directory. Some integration features include directory sync and single sign-on (SSO).
These extend the reach of your existing on-premises identities into the cloud and improve the admin and user
Some other capabilities for identity and access management include:
Azure AD enables SSO to SaaS applications, regardless of where they are hosted. Some applications are
federated with Azure AD, and others use password SSO. Federated applications can also support user
provisioning and password vaulting.
Access to data in Azure Storage is controlled via authentication. Each storage account has a primary key (storage
account key, or SAK) and a secondary secret key (the shared access signature, or SAS).
Azure AD provides Identity as a Service through federation by using Active Directory Federation Services,
synchronization, and replication with on-premises directories.
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication is the multi-factor authentication service that requires users to verify sign-ins
by using a mobile app, phone call, or text message. It can be used with Azure AD to help secure on-premises
resources with the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication server, and also with custom applications and directories
using the SDK.
Azure AD Domain Services lets you join Azure virtual machines to a domain without deploying domain
controllers. You can sign in to these virtual machines with your corporate Active Directory credentials and
administer domain-joined virtual machines by using Group Policy to enforce security baselines on all your
Azure virtual machines.
Azure Active Directory B2C provides a highly available global-identity management service for consumer-facing
applications that scales to hundreds of millions of identities. It can be integrated across mobile and web
platforms. Your consumers can sign in to all your applications through customizable experiences by using their
existing social accounts or by creating new credentials.

Data access control and encryption

Microsoft employs the principles of Separation of Duties and Least Privilege throughout Azure operations. Access
to data by Azure support personnel requires your explicit permission and is granted on a “just-in-time” basis that is
logged and audited, then revoked after completion of the engagement.
Azure also provides multiple capabilities for protecting data in transit and at rest. This includes encryption for data,
files, applications, services, communications, and drives. You can encrypt information before placing it in Azure, and
also store keys in your on-premises datacenters.

Azure encryption technologies

You can gather details on administrative access to your subscription environment by using Azure AD Reporting.
You can configure BitLocker Drive Encryption on VHDs containing sensitive information in Azure.
Other capabilities in Azure that will assist you to keep your data secure include:
Application developers can build encryption into the applications they deploy in Azure by using the Windows
CryptoAPI and .NET Framework.
Completely control the keys with client-side encryption for Azure Blob storage. The storage service never sees
the keys and is incapable of decrypting the data.
Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS) (with the RMS SDK) provides file and data-level encryption and data-
leak prevention through policy-based access management.
Azure supports table-level and column-level encryption (TDE/CLE) in SQL Server virtual machines, and it
supports third-party on-premises key management servers in datacenters.
Storage Account Keys, Shared Access Signatures, management certificates, and other keys are unique to each
Azure tenant.
Azure StorSimple hybrid storage encrypts data via a 128-bit public/private key pair before uploading it to Azure
Azure supports and uses numerous encryption mechanisms, including SSL/TLS, IPsec, and AES, depending on
the data types, containers, and transports.

The Azure platform uses a virtualized environment. User instances operate as standalone virtual machines that do
not have access to a physical host server, and this isolation is enforced by using physical processor (ring-0/ring-3)
privilege levels.
Ring 0 is the most privileged and 3 is the least. The guest OS runs in a lesser-privileged Ring 1, and applications run
in the least privileged Ring 3. This virtualization of physical resources leads to a clear separation between guest OS
and hypervisor, resulting in additional security separation between the two.
The Azure hypervisor acts like a micro-kernel and passes all hardware access requests from guest virtual machines
to the host for processing by using a shared-memory interface called VMBus. This prevents users from obtaining
raw read/write/execute access to the system and mitigates the risk of sharing system resources.

How Azure implements virtualization

Azure uses a hypervisor firewall (packet filter) that is implemented in the hypervisor and configured by a fabric
controller agent. This helps protect tenants from unauthorized access. By default, all traffic is blocked when a virtual
machine is created, and then the fabric controller agent configures the packet filter to add rules and exceptions to
allow authorized traffic.
There are two categories of rules that are programmed here:
Machine configuration or infrastructure rules: By default, all communication is blocked. There are
exceptions to allow a virtual machine to send and receive DHCP and DNS traffic. Virtual machines can also send
traffic to the “public” internet and send traffic to other virtual machines within the cluster and the OS activation
server. The virtual machines’ list of allowed outgoing destinations does not include Azure router subnets, Azure
management back end, and other Microsoft properties.
Role configuration file: This defines the inbound Access Control Lists (ACLs) based on the tenant's service
model. For example, if a tenant has a Web front end on port 80 on a certain virtual machine, then Azure opens
TCP port 80 to all IPs if you’re configuring an endpoint in the Azure classic deployment model. If the virtual
machine has a back end or worker role running, then it opens the worker role only to the virtual machine within
the same tenant.

Another important cloud security requirement is separation to prevent unauthorized and unintentional transfer of
information between deployments in a shared multi-tenant architecture.
Azure implements network access control and segregation through VLAN isolation, ACLs, load balancers, and IP
filters. It restricts external traffic inbound to ports and protocols on your virtual machines that you define. Azure
implements network filtering to prevent spoofed traffic and restrict incoming and outgoing traffic to trusted
platform components. Traffic flow policies are implemented on boundary protection devices that deny traffic by

Network Address Translation (NAT) is used to separate internal network traffic from external traffic. Internal traffic
is not externally routable. Virtual IP addresses that are externally routable are translated into internal Dynamic IP
addresses that are only routable within Azure.
External traffic to Azure virtual machines is firewalled via ACLs on routers, load balancers, and Layer 3 switches.
Only specific known protocols are permitted. ACLs are in place to limit traffic originating from guest virtual
machines to other VLANs used for management. In addition, traffic filtered via IP filters on the host OS further
limits the traffic on both data link and network layers.
How Azure implements isolation
The Azure Fabric Controller is responsible for allocating infrastructure resources to tenant workloads, and it
manages unidirectional communications from the host to virtual machines. The Azure hypervisor enforces memory
and process separation between virtual machines, and it securely routes network traffic to guest OS tenants. Azure
also implements isolation for tenants, storage, and virtual networks.
Each Azure AD tenant is logically isolated by using security boundaries.
Azure storage accounts are unique to each subscription, and access must be authenticated by using a storage
account key.
Virtual networks are logically isolated through a combination of unique private IP addresses, firewalls, and IP
ACLs. Load balancers route traffic to the appropriate tenants based on endpoint definitions.

Virtual networks and firewalls

The distributed and virtual networks in Azure help ensure that your private network traffic is logically isolated from
traffic on other Azure virtual networks.

Your subscription can contain multiple isolated private networks (and include firewall, load balancing, and network
address translation).
Azure provides three primary levels of network segregation in each Azure cluster to logically segregate traffic.
Virtual local area networks (VLANs) are used to separate customer traffic from the rest of the Azure network.
Access to the Azure network from outside the cluster is restricted through load balancers.
Network traffic to and from virtual machines must pass through the hypervisor virtual switch. The IP filter
component in the root OS isolates the root virtual machine from the guest virtual machines and the guest virtual
machines from one another. It performs filtering of traffic to restrict communication between a tenant's nodes and
the public Internet (based on the customer's service configuration), segregating them from other tenants.
The IP filter helps prevent guest virtual machines from:
Generating spoofed traffic.
Receiving traffic not addressed to them.
Directing traffic to protected infrastructure endpoints.
Sending or receiving inappropriate broadcast traffic.
You can place your virtual machines onto Azure virtual networks. These virtual networks are similar to the networks
you configure in on-premises environments, where they are typically associated with a virtual switch. Virtual
machines connected to the same virtual network can communicate with one another without additional
configuration. You can also configure different subnets within your virtual network.
You can use the following Azure Virtual Network technologies to help secure communications on your virtual
Network Security Groups (NSGs). You can use an NSG to control traffic to one or more virtual machine
instances in your virtual network. An NSG contains access control rules that allow or deny traffic based on traffic
direction, protocol, source address and port, and destination address and port.
User-defined routing. You can control the routing of packets through a virtual appliance by creating user-
defined routes that specify the next hop for packets flowing to a specific subnet to go to a virtual network
security appliance.
IP forwarding. A virtual network security appliance must be able to receive incoming traffic that is not
addressed to itself. To allow a virtual machine to receive traffic addressed to other destinations, you enable IP
forwarding for the virtual machine.
Forced tunneling. Forced tunneling lets you redirect or "force" all Internet-bound traffic generated by your
virtual machines in a virtual network back to your on-premises location via a site-to-site VPN tunnel for
inspection and auditing
Endpoint ACLs. You can control which machines are allowed inbound connections from the Internet to a virtual
machine on your virtual network by defining endpoint ACLs.
Partner network security solutions. There are a number of partner network security solutions that you can
access from the Azure Marketplace.
How Azure implements virtual networks and firewalls
Azure implements packet-filtering firewalls on all host and guest virtual machines by default. Windows OS images
from the Azure Marketplace also have Windows Firewall enabled by default. Load balancers at the perimeter of
Azure public-facing networks control communications based on IP ACLs managed by customer administrators.
If Azure moves a customer’s data as part of normal operations or during a disaster, it does so over private,
encrypted communications channels. Other capabilities employed by Azure to use in virtual networks and firewalls
Native host firewall: Azure Service Fabric and Azure Storage run on a native OS that has no hypervisor. Hence
the windows firewall is configured with the previous two sets of rules. Storage runs native to optimize
Host firewall: The host firewall is to protect the host operating system that runs the hypervisor. The rules are
programmed to allow only the Service Fabric controller and jump boxes to talk to the host OS on a specific port.
The other exceptions are to allow DHCP response and DNS Replies. Azure uses a machine configuration file that
has the template of firewall rules for the host OS. The host itself is protected from external attack by a Windows
firewall configured to permit communication only from known, authenticated sources.
Guest firewall: Replicates the rules in the virtual machine Switch packet filter but programmed in different
software (such as the Windows Firewall piece of the guest OS). The guest virtual machine firewall can be
configured to restrict communications to or from the guest virtual machine, even if the communication is
permitted by configurations at the host IP Filter. For example, you may choose to use the guest virtual machine
firewall to restrict communication between two of your VNets that have been configured to connect to one
Storage firewall (FW): The firewall on the storage front end filters traffic to be only on ports 80/443 and other
necessary utility ports. The firewall on the storage back end restricts communications to come only from storage
front-end servers.
Virtual Network Gateway: The Azure Virtual Network Gateway serves as the cross-premises gateway
connecting your workloads in Azure Virtual Network to your on-premises sites. It is required to connect to on-
premises sites through IPsec site-to-site VPN tunnels, or through ExpressRoute circuits. For IPsec/IKE VPN
tunnels, the gateways perform IKE handshakes and establish the IPsec S2S VPN tunnels between the virtual
networks and on-premises sites. Virtual network gateways also terminate point-to-site VPNs.

Secure remote access

Data stored in the cloud must have sufficient safeguards enabled to prevent exploits and maintain confidentiality
and integrity while in-transit. This includes network controls that tie in with an organization’s policy-based,
auditable identity and access management mechanisms.
Built-in cryptographic technology enables you to encrypt communications within and between deployments,
between Azure regions, and from Azure to on-premises datacenters. Administrator access to virtual machines
through remote desktop sessions, remote Windows PowerShell, and the Azure portal is always encrypted.
To securely extend your on-premises datacenter to the cloud, Azure provides both site-to-site VPN and point-to-
site VPN, plus dedicated links with ExpressRoute (connections to Azure Virtual Networks over VPN are encrypted).
How Azure implements secure remote access
Connections to the Azure portal must always be authenticated, and they require SSL/TLS. You can configure
management certificates to enable secure management. Industry-standard security protocols such as SSTP and
IPsec are fully supported.
Azure ExpressRoute lets you create private connections between Azure datacenters and infrastructure that’s on
your premises or in a co-location environment. ExpressRoute connections do not go over the public Internet. They
offer more reliability, faster speeds, lower latencies, and higher security than typical Internet-based links. In some
cases, transferring data between on-premises locations and Azure by using ExpressRoute connections can also
yield significant cost benefits.

Logging and monitoring

Azure provides authenticated logging of security-relevant events that generate an audit trail, and it is engineered to
be resistant to tampering. This includes system information, such as security event logs in Azure infrastructure
virtual machines and Azure AD. Security event monitoring includes collecting events such as changes in DHCP or
DNS server IP addresses; attempted access to ports, protocols, or IP addresses that are blocked by design; changes
in security policy or firewall settings; account or group creation; and unexpected processes or driver installation.

Audit logs recording privileged user access and activities, authorized and unauthorized access attempts, system
exceptions, and information security events are retained for a set period of time. The retention of your logs is at
your discretion because you configure log collection and retention to your own requirements.
How Azure implements logging and monitoring
Azure deploys Management Agents (MA) and Azure Security Monitor (ASM) agents to each compute, storage, or
fabric node under management whether they are native or virtual. Each Management Agent is configured to
authenticate to a service team storage account with a certificate obtained from the Azure certificate store and
forward pre-configured diagnostic and event data to the storage account. These agents are not deployed to
customers’ virtual machines.
Azure administrators access logs through a web portal for authenticated and controlled access to the logs. An
administrator can parse, filter, correlate, and analyze logs. The Azure service team storage accounts for logs are
protected from direct administrator access to help prevent against log tampering.
Microsoft collects logs from network devices using the Syslog protocol, and from host servers using Microsoft
Audit Collection Services (ACS). These logs are placed into a log database from which alerts for suspicious events
are generated. The administrator can access and analyze these logs.
Azure Diagnostics is a feature of Azure that enables you to collect diagnostic data from an application running in
Azure. This is diagnostic data for debugging and troubleshooting, measuring performance, monitoring resource
usage, traffic analysis, capacity planning, and auditing. After the diagnostic data is collected, it can be transferred to
an Azure storage account for persistence. Transfers can either be scheduled or on demand.

Threat mitigation
In addition to isolation, encryption, and filtering, Azure employs a number of threat mitigation mechanisms and
processes to protect infrastructure and services. These include internal controls and technologies used to detect and
remediate advanced threats such as DDoS, privilege escalation, and the OWASP Top-10.
The security controls and risk management processes Microsoft has in place to secure its cloud infrastructure
reduce the risk of security incidents. In the event an incident occurs, the Security Incident Management (SIM) team
within the Microsoft Online Security Services and Compliance (OSSC) team is ready to respond at any time.
How Azure implements threat mitigation
Azure has security controls in place to implement threat mitigation and also to help customers mitigate potential
threats in their environments. The following list summarizes the threat mitigation capabilities offered by Azure:
Azure Antimalware is enabled by default on all infrastructure servers. You can optionally enable it within your
own virtual machines.
Microsoft maintains continuous monitoring across servers, networks, and applications to detect threats and
prevent exploits. Automated alerts notify administrators of anomalous behaviors, allowing them to take
corrective action on both internal and external threats.
You can deploy third-party security solutions within your subscriptions, such as web application firewalls from
Microsoft’s approach to penetration testing includes “Red-Teaming,” which involves Microsoft security
professionals attacking (non-customer) live production systems in Azure to test defenses against real-world,
advanced, persistent threats.
Integrated deployment systems manage the distribution and installation of security patches across the Azure

Next steps
Azure Trust Center
Azure Security Team Blog
Microsoft Security Response Center
Active Directory Blog
Azure security best practices and patterns
6/27/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

We currently have the following Azure security best practices and patterns articles. Make sure to visit this site
periodically to see updates to our growing list of Azure security best practices and patterns:
Azure network security best practices
Azure data security and encryption best practices
Identity management and access control security best practices
Internet of Things security best practices
Azure IaaS Security Best Practices
Azure boundary security best practices
Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture in Azure
Azure PaaS Best Practices
Azure provides a secure platform on which you can build your solutions. We also provide services and
technologies to make your solutions on Azure more secure. Because of the many options available to you, many of
you have voiced an interest in what Microsoft recommends as best practices and patterns for improving security.
We understand your interest and have created a collection of documents that describe things you can do, given the
right context, to improve the security of Azure deployments.
In these best practices and patterns articles, we discuss a collection of best practices and useful patterns for specific
topics. These best practices and patterns are derived from our experiences with these technologies and the
experiences of customers like yourself.
For each best practice we strive to explain:
What the best practice is
Why you want to enable that best practice
What might be the result if you fail to enable the best practice
Possible alternatives to the best practice
How you can learn to enable the best practice
We look forward to including many more articles on Azure security architecture and best practices. If there are
topics that you'd like us to include, let us know in the discussion area at the bottom of this page.
Azure Security Services and Technologies
8/21/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

In our discussions with current and future Azure customers, we’re often asked “do you have a list of all the security
related services and technologies that Azure has to offer?”
We understand that when you’re evaluating your cloud service provider technical options, it’s helpful to have such
a list available that you can use to dig down deeper when the time is right for you.
The following is our initial effort at providing a list. Over time, this list will change and grow, just as Azure does. The
list is categorized, and the list of categories will also grow over time. Make sure to check this page on a regular
basis to stay up-to-date on our security-related services and technologies.

Azure Security - General

Azure Security Center
Azure Key Vault
Azure Disk Encryption
Log Analytics
Azure Dev/Test Labs

Azure Storage Security

Azure Storage Service Encryption
StorSimple Encrypted Hybrid Storage
Azure Client-Side Encryption
Azure Storage Shared Access Signatures
Azure Storage Account Keys
Azure File shares with SMB 3.0 Encryption
Azure Storage Analytics

Azure Database Security

Azure SQL Firewall
Azure SQL Cell Level Encryption
Azure SQL Connection Encryption
Azure SQL Authentication
Azure SQL Always Encryption
Azure SQL Column Level Encryption
Azure SQL Transparent Data Encryption
Azure SQL Database Auditing

Azure Identity and Access Management

Azure Role Based Access Control
Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory B2C
Azure Active Directory Domain Services
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Azure Backup
Azure Site Recovery

Azure Networking
Network Security Groups
Azure VPN Gateway
Azure Application Gateway
Azure Load Balancer
Azure ExpressRoute
Azure Traffic Manager
Azure Application Proxy
Azure Network Security Best Practices
6/27/2017 • 17 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft Azure enables you to connect virtual machines and appliances to other networked devices by placing
them on Azure Virtual Networks. An Azure Virtual Network is a virtual network construct that allows you to
connect virtual network interface cards to a virtual network to allow TCP/IP-based communications between
network enabled devices. Azure Virtual Machines connected to an Azure Virtual Network are able to connect to
devices on the same Azure Virtual Network, different Azure Virtual Networks, on the Internet or even on your own
on-premises networks.
In this article we will discuss a collection of Azure network security best practices. These best practices are derived
from our experience with Azure networking and the experiences of customers like yourself.
For each best practice, we’ll explain:
What the best practice is
Why you want to enable that best practice
What might be the result if you fail to enable the best practice
Possible alternatives to the best practice
How you can learn to enable the best practice
This Azure Network Security Best Practices article is based on a consensus opinion, and Azure platform capabilities
and feature sets, as they exist at the time this article was written. Opinions and technologies change over time and
this article will be updated on a regular basis to reflect those changes.
Azure Network security best practices discussed in this article include:
Logically segment subnets
Control routing behavior
Enable Forced Tunneling
Use Virtual network appliances
Deploy DMZs for security zoning
Avoid exposure to the Internet with dedicated WAN links
Optimize uptime and performance
Use global load balancing
Disable RDP Access to Azure Virtual Machines
Enable Azure Security Center
Extend your datacenter into Azure

Logically segment subnets

Azure Virtual Networks are similar to a LAN on your on-premises network. The idea behind an Azure Virtual
Network is that you create a single private IP address space-based network on which you can place all your Azure
Virtual Machines. The private IP address spaces available are in the Class A (, Class B ( and
Class C ( ranges.
Similar to what you do on-premises, you’ll want to segment the larger address space into subnets. You can use
CIDR based subnetting principles to create your subnets.
Routing between subnets will happen automatically and you do not need to manually configure routing tables.
However, the default setting is that there are no network access controls between the subnets you create on the
Azure Virtual Network. In order to create network access controls between subnets, you’ll need to put something
between the subnets.
One of the things you can use to accomplish this task is a Network Security Group (NSG). NSGs are simple stateful
packet inspection devices that use the 5-tuple (the source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and layer
4 protocol) approach to create allow/deny rules for network traffic. You can allow or deny traffic to and from single
IP address, to and from multiple IP addresses or even to and from entire subnets.
Using NSGs for network access control between subnets enables you to put resources that belong to the same
security zone or role in their own subnets. For example, think of a simple 3-tier application that has a web tier, an
application logic tier and a database tier. You put virtual machines that belong to each of these tiers into their own
subnets. Then you use NSGs to control traffic between the subnets:
Web tier virtual machines can only initiate connections to the application logic machines and can only accept
connections from the Internet
Application logic virtual machines can only initiate connections with database tier and can only accept
connections from the web tier
Database tier virtual machines cannot initiate connection with anything outside of their own subnet and can
only accept connections from the application logic tier
To learn more about Network Security Groups and how you can use them to logically segment your Azure Virtual
Networks, please read the article What is a Network Security Group (NSG).

Control routing behavior

When you put a virtual machine on an Azure Virtual Network, you’ll notice that the virtual machine can connect to
any other virtual machine on the same Azure Virtual Network, even if the other virtual machines are on different
subnets. The reason why this is possible is that there is a collection of system routes that are enabled by default
that allow this type of communication. These default routes allow virtual machines on the same Azure Virtual
Network to initiate connections with each other, and with the Internet (for outbound communications to the
Internet only).
While the default system routes are useful for many deployment scenarios, there are times when you want to
customize the routing configuration for your deployments. These customizations will allow you to configure the
next hop address to reach specific destinations.
We recommend that you configure User Defined Routes when you deploy a virtual network security appliance,
which we’ll talk about in a later best practice.

user Defined Routes are not required and the default system routes will work in most instances.

You can learn more about User Defined Routes and how to configure them by reading the article What are User
Defined Routes and IP Forwarding.

Enable Forced Tunneling

To better understand forced tunneling, it’s useful to understand what “split tunneling” is. The most common
example of split tunneling is seen with VPN connections. Imagine that you establish a VPN connection from your
hotel room to your corporate network. This connection allows you to connect to resources on your corporate
network and all communications to resources on your corporate network go through the VPN tunnel.
What happens when you want to connect to resources on the Internet? When split tunneling is enabled, those
connections go directly to the Internet and not through the VPN tunnel. Some security experts consider this to be a
potential risk and therefore recommend that split tunneling be disabled and all connections, those destined for the
Internet and those destined for corporate resources, go through the VPN tunnel. The advantage of doing this is that
connections to the Internet are then forced through the corporate network security devices, which wouldn’t be the
case if the VPN client connected to the Internet outside of the VPN tunnel.
Now let’s bring this back to virtual machines on an Azure Virtual Network. The default routes for an Azure Virtual
Network allow virtual machines to initiate traffic to the Internet. This too can represent a security risk, as these
outbound connections could increase the attack surface of a virtual machine and be leveraged by attackers. For this
reason, we recommend that you enable forced tunneling on your virtual machines when you have cross-premises
connectivity between your Azure Virtual Network and your on-premises network. We will talk about cross
premises connectivity later in this Azure networking best practices document.
If you do not have a cross premises connection, make sure you take advantage of Network Security Groups
(discussed earlier) or Azure virtual network security appliances (discussed next) to prevent outbound connections
to the Internet from your Azure Virtual Machines.
To learn more about forced tunneling and how to enable it, please read the article Configure Forced Tunneling
using PowerShell and Azure Resource Manager.

Use virtual network appliances

While Network Security Groups and User Defined Routing can provide a certain measure of network security at the
network and transport layers of the OSI model, there are going to be situations where you’ll want or need to
enable security at high levels of the stack. In such situations, we recommend that you deploy virtual network
security appliances provided by Azure partners.
Azure network security appliances can deliver significantly enhanced levels of security over what is provided by
network level controls. Some of the network security capabilities provided by virtual network security appliances
Intrusion detection/Intrusion Prevention
Vulnerability management
Application control
Network-based anomaly detection
Web filtering
Botnet protection
If you require a higher level of network security than you can obtain with network level access controls, then we
recommend that you investigate and deploy Azure virtual network security appliances.
To learn about what Azure virtual network security appliances are available, and about their capabilities, please visit
the Azure Marketplace and search for “security” and “network security”.

Deploy DMZs for security zoning

A DMZ or “perimeter network” is a physical or logical network segment that is designed to provide an additional
layer of security between your assets and the Internet. The intent of the DMZ is to place specialized network access
control devices on the edge of the DMZ network so that only desired traffic is allowed past the network security
device and into your Azure Virtual Network.
DMZs are useful because you can focus your network access control management, monitoring, logging and
reporting on the devices at the edge of your Azure Virtual Network. Here you would typically enable DDoS
prevention, Intrusion Detection/Intrusion Prevention systems (IDS/IPS), firewall rules and policies, web filtering,
network antimalware and more. The network security devices sit between the Internet and your Azure Virtual
Network and have an interface on both networks.
While this is the basic design of a DMZ, there are many different DMZ designs, such as back-to-back, tri-homed,
multi-homed, and others.
We recommend for all high security deployments that you consider deploying a DMZ to enhance the level of
network security for your Azure resources.
To learn more about DMZs and how to deploy them in Azure, please read the article Microsoft Cloud Services and
Network Security.

Avoid exposure to the Internet with dedicated WAN links

Many organizations have chosen the Hybrid IT route. In hybrid IT, some of the company’s information assets are in
Azure, while others remain on-premises. In many cases some components of a service will be running in Azure
while other components remain on-premises.
In the hybrid IT scenario, there is usually some type of cross-premises connectivity. This cross-premises
connectivity allows the company to connect their on-premises networks to Azure Virtual Networks. There are two
cross-premises connectivity solutions available:
Site-to-site VPN
Site-to-site VPN represents a virtual private connection between your on-premises network and an Azure Virtual
Network. This connection takes place over the Internet and allows you to “tunnel” information inside an encrypted
link between your network and Azure. Site-to-site VPN is a secure, mature technology that has been deployed by
enterprises of all sizes for decades. Tunnel encryption is performed using IPsec tunnel mode.
While site-to-site VPN is a trusted, reliable, and established technology, traffic within the tunnel does traverse the
Internet. In addition, bandwidth is relatively constrained to a maximum of about 200Mbps.
If you require an exceptional level of security or performance for your cross-premises connections, we recommend
that you use Azure ExpressRoute for your cross-premises connectivity. ExpressRoute is a dedicated WAN link
between your on-premises location or an Exchange hosting provider. Because this is a telco connection, your data
doesn’t travel over the Internet and therefore is not exposed to the potential risks inherent in Internet
To learn more about how Azure ExpressRoute works and how to deploy, please read the article ExpressRoute
Technical Overview.

Optimize uptime and performance

Confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) comprise the triad of today’s most influential security model.
Confidentiality is about encryption and privacy, integrity is about making sure that data is not changed by
unauthorized personnel, and availability is about making sure that authorized individuals are able to access the
information they are authorized to access. Failure in any one of these areas represents a potential breach in
Availability can be thought of as being about uptime and performance. If a service is down, information can’t be
accessed. If performance is so poor as to make the data unusable, then we can consider the data to be inaccessible.
Therefore, from a security perspective, we need to do whatever we can to make sure our services have optimal
uptime and performance. A popular and effective method used to enhance availability and performance is to use
load balancing. Load balancing is a method of distributing network traffic across servers that are part of a service.
For example, if you have front-end web servers as part of your service, you can use load balancing to distribute the
traffic across your multiple front-end web servers.
This distribution of traffic increases availability because if one of the web servers becomes unavailable, the load
balancer will stop sending traffic to that server and redirect traffic to the servers that are still online. Load balancing
also helps performance, because the processor, network and memory overhead for serving requests is distributed
across all the load balanced servers.
We recommend that you employ load balancing whenever you can, and as appropriate for your services. We’ll
address appropriateness in the following sections. At the Azure Virtual Network level, Azure provides you with
three primary load balancing options:
HTTP-based load balancing
External load balancing
Internal load balancing

HTTP-based Load Balancing

HTTP-based load balancing bases decisions about what server to send connections using characteristics of the
HTTP protocol. Azure has an HTTP load balancer that goes by the name of Application Gateway.
We recommend that you us Azure Application Gateway when:
Applications that require requests from the same user/client session to reach the same back-end virtual
machine. Examples of this would be shopping cart apps and web mail servers.
Applications that want to free web server farms from SSL termination overhead by taking advantage of
Application Gateway’s SSL offload feature.
Applications, such as a content delivery network, that require multiple HTTP requests on the same long-running
TCP connection to be routed or load balanced to different back-end servers.
To learn more about how Azure Application Gateway works and how you can use it in your deployments, please
read the article Application Gateway Overview.

External Load Balancing

External load balancing takes place when incoming connections from the Internet are load balanced among your
servers located in an Azure Virtual Network. The Azure External Load balancer can provide you this capability and
we recommend that you use it when you don’t require the sticky sessions or SSL offload.
In contrast to HTTP-based load balancing, the External Load Balancer uses information at the network and transport
layers of the OSI networking model to make decisions on what server to load balance connection to.
We recommend that you use External Load Balancing whenever you have stateless applications accepting
incoming requests from the Internet.
To learn more about how the Azure External Load Balancer works and how you can deploy it, please read the article
Get Started Creating an Internet Facing Load Balancer in Resource Manager using PowerShell.

Internal Load Balancing

Internal load balancing is similar to external load balancing and uses the same mechanism to load balance
connections to the servers behind them. The only difference is that the load balancer in this case is accepting
connections from virtual machines that are not on the Internet. In most cases, the connections that are accepted for
load balancing are initiated by devices on an Azure Virtual Network.
We recommend that you use internal load balancing for scenarios that will benefit from this capability, such as
when you need to load balance connections to SQL Servers or internal web servers.
To learn more about how Azure Internal Load Balancing works and how you can deploy it, please read the article
Get Started Creating an Internal Load Balancer using PowerShell.

Use global load balancing

Public cloud computing makes it possible to deploy globally distributed applications that have components located
in datacenters all over the world. This is possible on Microsoft Azure due to Azure’s global datacenter presence. In
contrast to the load balancing technologies mentioned earlier, global load balancing makes it possible to make
services available even when entire datacenters might become unavailable.
You can get this type of global load balancing in Azure by taking advantage of Azure Traffic Manager. Traffic
Manager makes is possible to load balance connections to your services based on the location of the user.
For example, if the user is making a request to your service from the EU, the connection is directed to your services
located in an EU datacenter. This part of Traffic Manager global load balancing helps to improve performance
because connecting to the nearest datacenter is faster than connecting to datacenters that are far away.
On the availability side, global load balancing makes sure that your service is available even if an entire datacenter
should become unavailable.
For example, if an Azure datacenter should become unavailable due to environmental reasons or due to outages
(such as regional network failures), connections to your service would be rerouted to the nearest online datacenter.
This global load balancing is accomplished by taking advantage of DNS policies that you can create in Traffic
We recommend that you use Traffic Manager for any cloud solution you develop that has a widely distributed
scope across multiple regions and requires the highest level of uptime possible.
To learn more about Azure Traffic Manager and how to deploy it, please read the article What is Traffic Manager.

Disable RDP/SSH Access to Azure Virtual Machines

It is possible to reach Azure Virtual Machines using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)and the Secure Shell (SSH)
protocols. These protocols make it possible to manage virtual machines from remote locations and are standard in
datacenter computing.
The potential security problem with using these protocols over the Internet is that attackers can use various brute
force techniques to gain access to Azure Virtual Machines. Once the attackers gain access, they can use your virtual
machine as a launch point for compromising other machines on your Azure Virtual Network or even attack
networked devices outside of Azure.
Because of this, we recommend that you disable direct RDP and SSH access to your Azure Virtual Machines from
the Internet. After direct RDP and SSH access from the Internet is disabled, you have other options you can use to
access these virtual machines for remote management:
Point-to-site VPN
Site-to-site VPN
Point-to-site VPN is another term for a remote access VPN client/server connection. A point-to-site VPN enables a
single user to connect to an Azure Virtual Network over the Internet. After the point-to-site connection is
established, the user will be able to use RDP or SSH to connect to any virtual machines located on the Azure Virtual
Network that the user connected to via point-to-site VPN. This assumes that the user is authorized to reach those
virtual machines.
Point-to-site VPN is more secure than direct RDP or SSH connections because the user has to authenticate twice
before connecting to a virtual machine. First, the user needs to authenticate (and be authorized) to establish the
point-to-site VPN connection; second, the user needs to authenticate (and be authorized) to establish the RDP or
SSH session.
A site-to-site VPN connects an entire network to another network over the Internet. You can use a site-to-site VPN
to connect your on-premises network to an Azure Virtual Network. If you deploy a site-to-site VPN, users on your
on-premises network will be able to connect to virtual machines on your Azure Virtual Network by using the RDP
or SSH protocol over the site-to-site VPN connection and does not require you to allow direct RDP or SSH access
over the Internet.
You can also use a dedicated WAN link to provide functionality similar to the site-to-site VPN. The main differences
are 1. the dedicated WAN link doesn’t traverse the Internet, and 2. dedicated WAN links are typically more stable
and performant. Azure provides you a dedicated WAN link solution in the form of ExpressRoute.

Enable Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats, and provides you increased visibility into,
and control over, the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works
with a broad ecosystem of security solutions.
Azure Security Center helps you optimize and monitor network security by:
Providing network security recommendations
Monitoring the state of your network security configuration
Alerting you to network based threats both at the endpoint and network levels
We highly recommend that you enable Azure Security Center for all of your Azure deployments.
To learn more about Azure Security Center and how to enable it for your deployments, please read the article
Introduction to Azure Security Center.

Securely extend your datacenter into Azure

Many enterprise IT organizations are looking to expand into the cloud instead of growing their on-premises
datacenters. This expansion represents an extension of existing IT infrastructure into the public cloud. By taking
advantage of cross-premises connectivity options it’s possible to treat your Azure Virtual Networks as just another
subnet on your on-premises network infrastructure.
However, there is a lot of planning and design issues that need to be addressed first. This is especially important in
the area of network security. One of the best ways to understand how you approach such a design is to see an
Microsoft has created the Datacenter Extension Reference Architecture Diagram and supporting collateral to help
you understand what such a datacenter extension would look like. This provides an example reference
implementation that you can use to plan and design a secure enterprise datacenter extension to the cloud. We
recommend that you review this document to get an idea of the key components of a secure solution.
To learn more about how to securely extend your datacenter into Azure, please view the video Extending Your
Datacenter to Microsoft Azure.
Azure network security
8/15/2017 • 34 min to read • Edit Online

We know that security is job one in the cloud and how important it is that you find accurate and timely information
about Azure security. One of the best reasons to use Azure for your applications and services is to take advantage
of Azure’s wide array of security tools and capabilities. These tools and capabilities help make it possible to create
secure solutions on the Azure platform.
Microsoft Azure provides confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data, while also enabling transparent
accountability. To help you better understand the collection of network security controls implemented within
Microsoft Azure from the customer's perspective, this article, “Azure Network Security", is written to provide a
comprehensive look at the network security controls available with Microsoft Azure.
This paper is intended to inform you about the wide range of network controls that you can configure to enhance
the security of the solutions you deploy in Azure. If you are interested in what Microsoft does to secure the network
fabric of the Azure platform itself, see the Azure security section in the Microsoft Trust Center.

Azure platform
Azure is a public cloud service platform that supports a broad selection of operating systems, programming
languages, frameworks, tools, databases, and devices. It can run Linux containers with Docker integration; build
apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java, and Node.js; build back-ends for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Azure cloud services support the same technologies millions of developers and IT professionals already rely on and
When you build on, or migrate IT assets to, a public cloud service provider, you are relying on that organization’s
abilities to protect your applications and data with the services and the controls they provide to manage the
security of your cloud-based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting millions of customers simultaneously,
and it provides a trustworthy foundation upon which businesses can meet their security requirements. In addition,
Azure provides you with an extensive collection of configurable security options and the ability to control them so
that you can customize security to meet the unique requirements of your organization’s deployments.

Microsoft public cloud services deliver hyper-scale services and infrastructure, enterprise-grade capabilities, and
many choices for hybrid connectivity. You can choose to access these services either via the Internet or with Azure
ExpressRoute, which provides private network connectivity. The Microsoft Azure platform allows you to seamlessly
extend your infrastructure into the cloud and build multi-tier architectures. Additionally, third parties can enable
enhanced capabilities by offering security services and virtual appliances.
Azure’s network services maximize flexibility, availability, resiliency, security, and integrity by design. This white
paper provides details on the networking functions of Azure and information on how customers can use Azure’s
native security features to help protect their information assets.
The intended audiences for this whitepaper include:
Technical managers, network administrators, and developers who are looking for security solutions available
and supported in Azure.
SMEs or business process executives who want to get a high-level overview the Azure networking
technologies and services that are relevant in discussions around network security in the Azure public cloud.

Azure networking big picture

Microsoft Azure includes a robust networking infrastructure to support your application and service connectivity
requirements. Network connectivity is possible between resources located in Azure, between on-premises and
Azure hosted resources, and to and from the Internet and Azure.

The Azure network infrastructure enables you to securely connect Azure resources to each other with virtual
networks (VNets). A VNet is a representation of your own network in the cloud. A VNet is a logical isolation of the
Azure cloud network dedicated to your subscription. You can connect VNets to your on-premises networks.
Azure supports dedicated WAN link connectivity to your on-premises network and an Azure Virtual Network with
ExpressRoute. The link between Azure and your site uses a dedicated connection that does not go over the public
Internet. If your Azure application is running in multiple datacenters, you can use Azure Traffic Manager to route
requests from users intelligently across instances of the application. You can also route traffic to services not
running in Azure if they are accessible from the Internet.

Enterprise view of Azure networking components

Azure has many networking components that are relevant to network security discussions. we describe these
networking components and focus on the security issues related to them.

Not all aspects of Azure networking are described – we discuss only those considered to be pivotal in planning and designing
a secure network infrastructure around your services and applications you deploy in Azure.

In this paper, will be cover the following Azure networking enterprise capabilities:
Basic network connectivity
Hybrid Connectivity
Security Controls
Network Validation
Basic network connectivity
The Azure Virtual Network service enables you to securely connect Azure resources to each other with virtual
networks (VNet). A VNet is a representation of your own network in the cloud. A VNet is a logical isolation of the
Azure network infrastructure dedicated to your subscription. You can also connect VNets to each other and to your
on-premises networks using site-to-site VPNs​ and dedicated WAN links.

With the understanding that you use VMs to host servers in Azure, the question is how those VMs connect to a
network. The answer is that VMs connect to an Azure Virtual Network.
Azure Virtual Networks are like the virtual networks you use on-premises with your own virtualization platform
solutions, such as Microsoft Hyper-V or VMware.
Intra-VNet connectivity
You can connect VNets to each other, enabling resources connected to either VNet to communicate with each other
across VNets. You can use either or both of the following options to connect VNets to each other:
Peering: Enables resources connected to different Azure VNets within the same Azure location to
communicate with each other. The bandwidth and latency across the VNet is the same as if the resources
were connected to the same VNet. To learn more about peering, read Virtual network peering.

VNet-to-VNet connection: Enables resources connected to different Azure VNet within the same, or
different Azure locations. Unlike peering, bandwidth is limited between VNets because traffic must flow
through an Azure VPN Gateway.
To learn more about connecting VNets with a VNet-to-VNet connection, read the Configure a VNet-to-VNet
connection article.
Azure virtual network capabilities:
As you can see, an Azure Virtual Network provides virtual machines to connect to the network so that they can
connect to other network resources in a secure fashion. However, basic connectivity is just the beginning. The
following capabilities of the Azure Virtual Network service expose security characteristics of the Azure Virtual
Internet connectivity
Azure resource connectivity
VNet connectivity
On-premises connectivity
Traffic filtering
VNets are isolated from one another. You can create separate VNets for development, testing, and production that
use the same CIDR address blocks. Conversely, you can create multiple VNets that use different CIDR address
blocks and connect networks together. You can segment a VNet into multiple subnets.
Azure provides internal name resolution for VMs and Cloud Services role instances connected to a VNet. You can
optionally configure a VNet to use your own DNS servers, instead of using Azure internal name resolution.
You can implement multiple VNets within each Azure subscription and Azure region. Each VNet is isolated from
other VNets. For each VNet you can:
Specify a custom private IP address space using public and private (RFC 1918) addresses. Azure assigns
resources connected to the VNet a private IP address from the address space, you assign.
Segment the VNet into one or more subnets and allocate a portion of the VNet address space to each
Use Azure-provided name resolution or specify your own DNS server for use by resources connected to a
VNet. To learn more about name resolution in VNets, read the Name resolution for VMs and Cloud Services.
Internet connectivity
All Azure Virtual Machines (VM) and Cloud Services role instances connected to a VNet have access to the Internet,
by default. You can also enable inbound access to specific resources, as needed.(VM) and Cloud Services role
instances connected to a VNet have access to the Internet,by default. You can also enable inbound access to specific
resources, as needed.
All resources connected to a VNet have outbound connectivity to the Internet by default. The private IP address of
the resource is source network address translated (SNAT) to a public IP address by the Azure infrastructure. You
can change the default connectivity by implementing custom routing and traffic filtering. To learn more about
outbound Internet connectivity, read the Understanding outbound connections in Azure.
To communicate inbound to Azure resources from the Internet, or to communicate outbound to the Internet
without SNAT, a resource must be assigned a public IP address. To learn more about public IP addresses, read the
Public IP addresses.
Azure resource connectivity
Azure resources such as Cloud Services and VMs can be connected to the same VNet. The resources can connect to
each other using private IP addresses, even if they are in different subnets. Azure provides default routing between
subnets, VNets, and on-premises networks, so you don't have to configure and manage routes.
You can connect several Azure resources to a VNet, such as Virtual Machines (VM), Cloud Services, App Service
Environments, and Virtual Machine Scale Sets. VMs connect to a subnet within a VNet through a network interface
(NIC). To learn more about NICs, read the Network interfaces.
VNet connectivity
VNets can be connected to each other, enabling resources connected to any VNet to communicate with any
resource on any other VNet.
You can connect VNets to each other, enabling resources connected to either VNet to communicate with each other
across VNets. You can use either or both of the following options to connect VNets to each other:
Peering: Enables resources connected to different Azure VNets within the same Azure location to
communicate with each other. The bandwidth and latency across the VNets is the same as if the resources
were connected to the same VNet.To learn more about peering, read the Virtual network peering.
VNet-to-VNet connection: Enables resources connected to different Azure VNet within the same, or
different Azure locations. Unlike peering, bandwidth is limited between VNets because traffic must flow
through an Azure VPN Gateway. To learn more about connecting VNets with a VNet-to-VNet connection. To
learn more, read the Configure a VNet-to-VNet connection .
On-premises connectivity
VNets can be connected to on-premises networks through private network connections between your network and
Azure, or through a site-to-site VPN connection over the Internet.
You can connect your on-premises network to a VNet using any combination of the following options:
Point-to-site virtual private network (VPN): Established between a single PC connected to your network
and the VNet. This connection type is great if you're just getting started with Azure, or for developers,
because it requires little or no changes to your existing network. The connection uses the SSTP protocol to
provide encrypted communication over the Internet between the PC and the VNet. The latency for a point-
to-site VPN is unpredictable since the traffic traverses the Internet.
Site-to-site VPN: Established between your VPN device and an Azure VPN Gateway. This connection type
enables any on-premises resource you authorize to access a VNet. The connection is an IPsec/IKE VPN that
provides encrypted communication over the Internet between your on-premises device and the Azure VPN
gateway. The latency for a site-to-site connection is unpredictable since the traffic traverses the Internet.
Azure ExpressRoute: Established between your network and Azure, through an ExpressRoute partner. This
connection is private. Traffic does not traverse the Internet. The latency for an ExpressRoute connection is
predictable since traffic doesn't traverse the Internet. To learn more about all the previous connection
options, read the Connection topology diagrams.
Traffic filtering
VM and Cloud Services role instances network traffic can be filtered inbound and outbound by source IP address
and port, destination IP address and port, and protocol.
You can filter network traffic between subnets using either or both of the following options:
Network security groups (NSG): Each NSG can contain multiple inbound and outbound security rules that
enable you to filter traffic by source and destination IP address, port, and protocol. You can apply an NSG to
each NIC in a VM. You can also apply an NSG to the subnet a NIC, or other Azure resource, is connected to.
To learn more about NSGs, read the Network security groups.
Virtual Network Appliances: A virtual network appliance is a VM running software that performs a
network function, such as a firewall. View a list of available NVAs in the Azure Marketplace. NVAs are also
available that provide WAN optimization and other network traffic functions. NVAs are typically used with
user-defined or BGP routes. You can also use an NVA to filter traffic between VNets.
You can optionally override Azure's default routing by configuring your own routes, or using BGP routes through a
network gateway.
Azure creates route tables that enable resources connected to any subnet in any VNet to communicate with each
other, by default. You can implement either or both of the following options to override the default routes Azure
User-defined routes: You can create custom route tables with routes that control where traffic is routed to
for each subnet. To learn more about user-defined routes, read the User-defined routes.
BGP routes: If you connect your VNet to your on-premises network using an Azure VPN Gateway or
ExpressRoute connection, you can propagate BGP routes to your VNets.
Hybrid internet connectivity: Connect to an on-premises network
You can connect your on-premises network to a VNet using any combination of the following options:
Internet connectivity
Point-to-site VPN (P2S VPN)
Site-to-Site VPN (S2S VPN)
Internet Connectivity
As its name suggests, Internet connectivity makes your workloads accessible from the Internet, by having you
expose different public endpoints to workloads that live inside the virtual network. These workloads could be
exposed using Internet-facing Load Balancer or simply assigning a public IP address to the VM. This way, it
becomes possible for anything on the Internet to be able to reach that virtual machine, provided a host firewall,
network security groups (NSG), and User-Defined Routes allow that to happen.
In this scenario, you could expose an application that needs to be public to the Internet and be able to connect to it
from anywhere, or from specific locations depending on the configuration of your workloads.
Point-to-Site VPN or Site-to-Site VPN
These two falls into the same category. They both need your VNet to have a VPN Gateway and you can connect to it
using either a VPN Client for your workstation as part of the Point-to-Site configuration or you can configure your
on-premises VPN device to be able to terminate a site-to-site VPN. This way, on-premises devices can connect to
resources within the VNet.
A Point-to-Site (P2S) configuration lets you create a secure connection from an individual client computer to a
virtual network. P2S is a VPN connection over SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol).

Point-to-Site connections are useful when you want to connect to your VNet from a remote location, such as from
home or a conference center, or when you only have a few clients that need to connect to a virtual network.
P2S connections do not require a VPN device or a public-facing IP address. You establish the VPN connection from
the client computer. Therefore, P2S is not recommended way to connect to Azure in case you need a persistent
connection from many on-premises devices and computers to your Azure network.

For more information about Point-to-Site connections, see the Point-to-Site FA v Q.

A Site-to-Site VPN gateway connection is used to connect your on-premises network to an Azure virtual network
over an IPsec/IKE (IKEv1 or IKEv2) VPN tunnel.
This type of connection requires a VPN device located on-premises that has an externally facing public IP address
assigned to it. This connection takes place over the Internet and allows you to “tunnel” information inside an
encrypted link between your network and Azure. Site-to-site VPN is a secure, mature technology that has been
deployed by enterprises of all sizes for decades. Tunnel encryption is performed using IPsec tunnel mode.
While site-to-site VPN is a trusted, reliable, and established technology, traffic within the tunnel does traverse the
Internet. In addition, bandwidth is relatively constrained to a maximum of about 200 Mbps.
If you require an exceptional level of security or performance for your cross-premises connections, we recommend
that you use Azure ExpressRoute for your cross-premises connectivity. ExpressRoute is a dedicated WAN link
between your on-premises location or an Exchange hosting provider. Because this is a telco connection, your data
doesn’t travel over the Internet and therefore is not exposed to the potential risks inherent in Internet

For more information about VPN gateways, see About VPN gateway.

Dedicated WAN link

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute lets you extend your on-premises networks into the Azure over a dedicated private
connection facilitated by a connectivity provider.
ExpressRoute connections do not go over the public Internet. This allows ExpressRoute connections to offer more
reliability, faster speeds, lower latencies, and higher security than typical connections over the Internet.

For information on how to connect your network to Microsoft using ExpressRoute, see ExpressRoute connectivity models and
ExpressRoute technical overview.

As with the site-to-site VPN options, ExpressRoute also allows you to connect to resources that are not necessarily
in only one VNet. In fact, depending on the SKU, you can connect to 10 VNets. If you have the premium add-on,
connections to up to 100 VNets are possible, depending on bandwidth. To learn more about what these types of
connections look like, read Connection topology diagrams.
Security controls
An Azure Virtual Network provides a secure, logical network that is isolated from other virtual networks and
supports many security controls that you use on your on-premises networks. Customers create their own structure
by using: subnets—they use their own private IP address range, configure route tables, network security groups,
access control lists (ACLs), gateways, and virtual appliances to run their workloads in the cloud.
The following are security controls you can use on your Azure Virtual Networks:
Network Access Controls
User-Defined Routes
Network Security Appliance
Application Gateway
Azure Web Application Firewall
Network Availability Control
Network access controls
While the Azure Virtual Network (VNet) is the cornerstone of Azure networking model and provides isolation and
protection, the Network Security Groups (NSG) are the main tool you use to enforce and control network traffic
rules at the network level.

You can control access by permitting or denying communication between the workloads within a virtual network,
from systems on customer’s networks via cross-premises connectivity, or direct Internet communication.
In the diagram, both VNets and NSGs reside in a specific layer in the Azure overall security stack, where NSGs, UDR,
and network virtual appliances can be used to create security boundaries to protect the application deployments in
the protected network.
NSGs use a 5-tuple to evaluate traffic (and are used in the rules you configure for the NSG):
Source and destination IP address
Source and destination port
Protocol: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
This means you can control access between a single VM and a group of VMs, or a single VM to another single VM,
or between entire subnets. Again, keep in mind that this is simple stateful packet filtering, not full packet inspection.
There is no protocol validation or network level IDS or IPS capability in a Network Security Group.
An NSG comes with some built-in rules that you should be aware of. These are:
Allow all traffic within a specific virtual network: All VMs on the same Azure Virtual Network can
communicate with each other.
Allow Azure load balancing to inbound: This rule allows traffic from any source address to any
destination address for the Azure load balancer.
Deny all inbound: This rule blocks all traffic sourcing from the Internet that you have explicitly allowed.
Allow all traffic outbound to the Internet: This rule allows VMs to initiate connections to the Internet. If
you do not want these connections initiated, you need to create a rule to block those connections or enforce
forced tunneling.
System routes and user-defined routes
When you add virtual machines (VMs) to a virtual network (VNet) in Azure, you notice that the VMs are able to
communicate with each other over the network, automatically. You do not need to specify a gateway, even though
the VMs are in different subnets.
The same is true for communication from the VMs to the public Internet, and even to your on-premises network
when a hybrid connection from Azure to your own datacenter is present.

This flow of communication is possible because Azure uses a series of system routes to define how IP traffic flows.
System routes control the flow of communication in the following scenarios:
From within the same subnet.
From a subnet to another within a VNet.
From VMs to the Internet.
From a VNet to another VNet through a VPN gateway.
From a VNet to another VNet through VNet Peering (Service Chaining).
From a VNet to your on-premises network through a VPN gateway.
Many enterprises have strict security and compliance requirements that require on-premises inspection of all
network packets to enforce specific polices. Azure provides a mechanism called forced tunneling that routes traffic
from the VMs to on-premises by creating a custom route or by Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) advertisements
through ExpressRoute or VPN.
Forced tunneling in Azure is configured via virtual network user-defined routes (UDR). Redirecting traffic to an on-
premises site is expressed as a Default Route to the Azure VPN gateway.
The following section lists the current limitation of the routing table and routes for an Azure Virtual Network:
Each virtual network subnet has a built-in, system routing table. The system routing table has the following
three groups of routes:
Local VNet routes: Directly to the destination VMs in the same virtual network
On premises routes: To the Azure VPN gateway
Default route: Directly to the Internet. Packets destined to the private IP addresses not covered by
the previous two routes are dropped.
With the release of user-defined routes, you can create a routing table to add a default route, and then
associate the routing table to your VNet subnet to enable forced tunneling on those subnets.
You need to set a "default site" among the cross-premises local sites connected to the virtual network.
Forced tunneling must be associated with a VNet that has a dynamic routing VPN gateway (not a static
ExpressRoute forced tunneling is not configured via this mechanism, but instead, is enabled by advertising a
default route via the ExpressRoute BGP peering sessions.

For more information, see the ExpressRoute Documentation for more information.

Network security appliances

While Network Security Groups and User-Defined Routes can provide a certain measure of network security at the
network and transport layers of the OSI model, there are going to be situations where you want or need to enable
security at higher levels of the networking stack. In such situations, we recommend that you deploy virtual network
security appliances provided by Azure partners.
Azure network security appliances improve VNet security and network functions, and they’re available from
numerous vendors via the Azure Marketplace. These virtual security appliances can be deployed to provide:
Highly available firewalls
Intrusion prevention
Intrusion detection
Web application firewalls (WAFs)
WAN optimization
Load balancing
Certificate management
Active Directory
Multifactor authentication
Application gateway
Microsoft Azure Application Gateway is a dedicated virtual appliance that provides an application delivery
controller (ADC) as a service.
Application Gateway enables you to optimize web farm performance and availability by offloading CPU intensive
SSL termination to the application gateway (SSL-offloading). It also provides other layer 7 routing capabilities
Round-robin distribution of incoming traffic
Cookie-based session affinity
URL path-based routing
Ability to host multiple websites behind a single Application Gateway
A web application firewall (WAF) is also provided as part of the application gateway. This provides protection to
web applications from common web vulnerabilities and exploits. Application Gateway can be configured as an
Internet facing gateway, internal only gateway, or a combination of both.
Application Gateway WAF can be run in detection or prevention mode. A common use case is for administrators to
run in detection mode to observe traffic for malicious patterns. Once potential exploits are detected, turning to
prevention mode blocks suspicious incoming traffic.
In addition, Application Gateway WAF helps you monitor web applications against attacks using a real-time WAF
log that is integrated with Azure Monitor and Azure Security Center to track WAF alerts and easily monitor trends.
The JSON formatted log goes directly to the customer’s storage account. You have full control over these logs and
can apply your own retention policies.
You can also ingest these logs into your own analytics system using Azure Log Integration. WAF logs are also
integrated with Operations Management Suite (OMS) so you can use OMS log analytics to execute sophisticated
fine-grained queries.
Azure web application firewall (WAF)
Web applications are increasingly targets of malicious attacks that exploit common known vulnerabilities, such as
SQL injection, cross site scripting attacks, and other attacks that appear in the OWASP top 10. Preventing such
exploits in the application requires rigorous maintenance, patching, and monitoring at multiple layers of the
application topology.
A centralized web application firewall (WAF) can protect against web attacks and simplifies security management
without requiring any application changes.
A WAF solution can also react to a security threat faster by patching a known vulnerability at a central location
versus securing each of individual web applications. Existing application gateways can be converted to a web
application firewall enabled application gateway easily.
Network availability controls
There are different options to distribute network traffic using Microsoft Azure. These options work differently from
each other, having a different feature set and support different scenarios. They can each be used in isolation, or
combining them.
Following are the Network availability controls:
Azure Load Balancer
Application Gateway
Traffic Manager
Azure Load balancer
Delivers high availability and network performance to your applications. It is a Layer 4 (TCP, UDP) load balancer
that distributes incoming traffic among healthy instances of services defined in a load-balanced set.
Azure Load Balancer can be configured to:
Load balance incoming Internet traffic to virtual machines. This configuration is known as Internet-facing
load balancing.
Load balance traffic between virtual machines in a virtual network, between virtual machines in cloud
services, or between on-premises computers and virtual machines in a cross-premises virtual network. This
configuration is known as internal load balancing.
Forward external traffic to a specific virtual machine.
All resources in the cloud need a public IP address to be reachable from the Internet. The cloud infrastructure in
Azure uses non-routable IP addresses for its resources. Azure uses network address translation (NAT) with public IP
addresses to communicate to the Internet.
Application gateway
Application Gateway works at the application layer (Layer 7 in the OSI network reference stack). It acts as a reverse-
proxy service, terminating the client connection and forwarding requests to back-end endpoints.
Traffic manager
Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager allows you to control the distribution of user traffic for service endpoints in
different datacenters. Service endpoints supported by Traffic Manager include Azure VMs, Web Apps, and cloud
services. You can also use Traffic Manager with external, non-Azure endpoints.
Traffic Manager uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to direct client requests to the most appropriate endpoint
based on a traffic-routing method and the health of the endpoints. Traffic Manager provides a range of traffic-
routing methods to suit different application needs, endpoint health monitoring, and automatic failover. Traffic
Manager is resilient to failure, including the failure of an entire Azure region.
Azure Traffic Manager enables you to control the distribution of traffic across your application endpoints. An
endpoint is any Internet-facing service hosted inside or outside of Azure.
Traffic Manager provides two key benefits:
Distribution of traffic according to one of several traffic-routing methods.
Continuous monitoring of endpoint health and automatic failover when endpoints fail.
When a client attempts to connect to a service, it must first resolve the DNS name of the service to an IP address.
The client then connects to that IP address to access the service. Traffic Manager uses DNS to direct clients to
specific service endpoints based on the rules of the traffic-routing method. Clients connect to the selected endpoint
directly. Traffic Manager is not a proxy or a gateway. Traffic Manager does not see the traffic passing between the
client and the service.
Azure network validation
Azure network validation is to ensure that the Azure network is operating as it is configured and validation can be
done using the services and features available to monitor the network. With Azure Network Watcher, you can
access a plethora of logging and diagnostic capabilities that empower you with insights to understand your
network performance and health. These capabilities are accessible via Portal, Power Shell, CLI, Rest API and SDK.
Azure Operational Security refers to the services, controls, and features available to users for protecting their data,
applications, and other assets in Microsoft Azure. Azure Operational Security is built on a framework that
incorporates the knowledge gained through a various capabilities that are unique to Microsoft, including the
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), the Microsoft Security Response Centre program, and deep
awareness of the cyber security threat landscape.
Azure Operations Management Suite
Azure Security Center
Azure Monitor
Azure Network watcher
Azure Storage analytics
Azure Resource Manager
Azure resource manager
The people and processes that operate Microsoft Azure are perhaps the most important security feature of the
platform. This section describes features of Microsoft’s global datacenter infrastructure that help enhance and
maintain security, continuity, and privacy.
The infrastructure for your application is typically made up of many components – maybe a virtual machine,
storage account, and virtual network, or a web app, database, database server, and third-party services. You do not
see these components as separate entities, instead you see them as related and interdependent parts of a single
entity. You want to deploy, manage, and monitor them as a group. Azure Resource Manager enables you to work
with the resources in your solution as a group.
You can deploy, update, or delete all the resources for your solution in a single, coordinated operation. You use a
template for deployment and that template can work for different environments such as testing, staging, and
production. Resource Manager provides security, auditing, and tagging features to help you manage your
resources after deployment.
The benefits of using Resource Manager
Resource Manager provides several benefits:
You can deploy, manage, and monitor all the resources for your solution as a group, rather than handling
these resources individually.
You can repeatedly deploy your solution throughout the development lifecycle and have confidence your
resources are deployed in a consistent state.
You can manage your infrastructure through declarative templates rather than scripts.
You can define the dependencies between resources, so they are deployed in the correct order.
You can apply access control to all services in your resource group because Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC) is natively integrated into the management platform.
You can apply tags to resources to logically organize all the resources in your subscription.
You can clarify your organization's billing by viewing costs for a group of resources sharing tag.

Resource Manager provides a new way to deploy and manage your solutions. If you used the earlier deployment model and
want to learn about the changes, see Understanding Resource Manager deployment and classic deployment.

Azure network logging and monitoring

Azure offers many tools to monitor, prevent, detect, and respond to network security events. Some of the most
powerful tools available to you in this area include:
Network Watcher
Network Resource Level Monitoring
Log Analytics
Network watcher
Network Watcher - Scenario-based monitoring is provided with the features in Network Watcher. This service
includes packet capture, next hop, IP flow verify, security group view, NSG flow logs. Scenario level monitoring
provides an end to end view of network resources in contrast to individual network resource monitoring.
Network Watcher is a regional service that enables you to monitor and diagnose conditions at a network scenario
level in, to, and from Azure. Network diagnostic and visualization tools available with Network Watcher help you
understand, diagnose, and gain insights to your network in Azure.
Network Watcher currently has the following capabilities:
Topology returns a graph of network resources in a virtual network. The graph depicts the interconnection between
the resources to represent the end to end network connectivity. In the portal, Topology returns the resource objects
on as per virtual network basis. The relationships are depicted by lines between the resources outside of the
Network Watcher region, even if in the resource group will not be displayed. The resources returned in the portal
view are a subset of the networking components that are graphed. To see the full list of networking resources, you
can use PowerShell or REST.
As resources are returned the connection between they are modeled under two relationships.
Containment - Virtual Network contains a Subnet, which contains a NIC.
Associated - A NIC is associated with a VM.
Variable packet capture
Network Watcher variable packet capture allows you to create packet capture sessions to track traffic to and from a
virtual machine. Packet capture helps to diagnose network anomalies both reactively and proactivity. Other uses
include gathering network statistics, gaining information on network intrusions, to debug client-server
communications and much more.
Packet capture is a virtual machine extension that is remotely started through Network Watcher. This capability
eases the burden of running a packet capture manually on the desired virtual machine, which saves valuable time.
Packet capture can be triggered through the portal, PowerShell, CLI, or REST API. One example of how packet
capture can be triggered is with Virtual Machine alerts.
IP flow verify
IP flows verify checks if a packet is allowed or denied to or from a virtual machine based on 5-tuple information.
This information consists of direction, protocol, local IP, remote IP, local port, and remote port. If the packet is
denied by a security group, the name of the rule that denied the packet is returned. While any source or destination
IP can be chosen, this feature helps administrators quickly diagnose connectivity issues from or to the internet and
from or to the on-premises environment.
IP flows verify targets a network interface of a virtual machine. Traffic flow is then verified based on the configured
settings to or from that network interface. This capability is useful in confirming if a rule in a Network Security
Group is blocking ingress or egress traffic to or from a virtual machine.
Next hop
Determines the next hop for packets being routed in the Azure Network Fabric, enabling you to diagnose any
misconfigured user-defined routes. Traffic from a VM is sent to a destination based on the effective routes
associated with a NIC. Next hop gets the next hop type and IP address of a packet from a specific virtual machine
and NIC. This helps to determine if the packet is being directed to the destination or is the traffic being black holed.
Next hop also returns the route table associated with the next hop. When querying a next hop if the route is defined
as a user-defined route, that route will be returned. Otherwise Next hop returns "System Route".
Security group view
Gets the effective and applied security rules that are applied on a VM. Network Security groups are associated at a
subnet level or at a NIC level. When associated at a subnet level, it applies to all the VM instances in the subnet.
Network Security Group view returns all the configured NSGs and rules that are associated at a NIC and subnet
level for a virtual machine providing insight into the configuration. In addition, the effective security rules are
returned for each of the NICs in a VM. Using Network Security Group view, you can assess a VM for network
vulnerabilities such as open ports. You can also validate if your Network Security Group is working as expected
based on a comparison between the configured and the effective security rules.
NSG Flow logging
Flow logs for Network Security Groups enable you to capture logs related to traffic that are allowed or denied by
the security rules in the group. The flow is defined by a 5-tuple information – Source IP, Destination IP, Source Port,
Destination Port, and Protocol.
Network Security Group flow logs are a feature of Network Watcher that allows you to view information about
ingress and egress IP traffic through a Network Security Group.
Virtual network gateway and connection troubleshooting
Network Watcher provides many capabilities as it relates to understanding your network resources in Azure. One
of these capabilities is resource troubleshooting. Resource troubleshooting can be called by PowerShell, CLI, or
REST API. When called, Network Watcher inspects the health of a Virtual Network gateway or a Connection and
returns its findings.
This section takes you through the different management tasks that are currently available for resource
Troubleshoot a Virtual Network gateway
Troubleshoot a Connection
Network subscription limits
Network subscription limits provide you with details of the usage of each of the network resource in a subscription
in a region against the maximum number of resources available.
Configuring diagnostics Log
Network Watcher provides a diagnostic logs view. This view contains all networking resources that support
diagnostic logging. From this view, you can enable and disable networking resources conveniently and quickly.
Network resource level monitoring
The following features are available for resource level monitoring:
Audit log
Operations performed as part of the configuration of networks are logged. These audit logs are essential to
establish various compliances. These logs can be viewed in the Azure portal or retrieved using Microsoft tools such
as Power BI or third-party tools. Audit logs are available through the portal, PowerShell, CLI, and Rest API.

For more information on Audit logs, see Audit operations with Resource Manager. Audit logs are available for operations
done on all network resources.

Metrics are performance measurements and counters collected over a period. Metrics are currently available for
Application Gateway. Metrics can be used to trigger alerts based on threshold. Azure Application Gateway by
default monitors the health of all resources in its back-end pool and automatically removes any resource
considered unhealthy from the pool. Application Gateway continues to monitor the unhealthy instances and adds
them back to the healthy back-end pool once they become available and respond to health probes. Application
gateway sends the health probes with the same port that is defined in the back-end HTTP settings. This
configuration ensures that the probe is testing the same port that customers would be using to connect to the
See Application Gateway Diagnostics to view how metrics can be used to create alerts.

Diagnostic logs
Periodic and spontaneous events are created by network resources and logged in storage accounts, sent to an
Event Hub, or Log Analytics. These logs provide insights into the health of a resource. These logs can be viewed in
tools such as Power BI and Log Analytics. To learn how to view diagnostic logs, visit Log Analytics.
Diagnostic logs are available for Load Balancer, Network Security Groups, Routes, and Application Gateway.
Network Watcher provides a diagnostic logs view. This view contains all networking resources that support
diagnostic logging. From this view, you can enable and disable networking resources conveniently and quickly.
Log analytics
Log Analytics is a service in Operations Management Suite (OMS) that monitors your cloud and on-premises
environments to maintain their availability and performance. It collects data generated by resources in your cloud
and on-premises environments and from other monitoring tools to provide analysis across multiple sources.
Log Analytics offers the following solutions for monitoring your networks:
Network Performance Monitor (NPM)
Azure Application Gateway analytics
Azure Network Security Group analytics
Network performance monitor (NPM)
The Network Performance Monitor management solution is a network monitoring solution that monitors the
health, availability, and reachability of networks.
It is used to monitor connectivity between:
public cloud and on-premises
data centers and user locations (branch offices)
subnets hosting various tiers of a multi-tiered application.
Azure application gateway analytics in log analytics
The following logs are supported for Application Gateways:
The following metrics are supported for Application Gateways:
5-minute throughput
Azure network security group analytics in log analytics
The following logs are supported for network security groups:
NetworkSecurityGroupEvent: Contains entries for which NSG rules are applied to VMs and instance roles
based on MAC address. The status for these rules is collected every 60 seconds.
NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter: Contains entries for how many times each NSG rule is applied to
deny or allow traffic.
Next steps
Find out more about security by reading some of our in-depth security topics:
Log Analytics for Network Security Groups (NSGs)
Networking innovations that drive the cloud disruption
SONiC: The networking switch software that powers the Microsoft Global Cloud
How Microsoft builds its fast and reliable global network
Lighting up network innovation
Microsoft cloud services and network security
6/27/2017 • 37 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft cloud services deliver hyper-scale services and infrastructure, enterprise-grade capabilities, and many
choices for hybrid connectivity. Customers can choose to access these services either via the Internet or with Azure
ExpressRoute, which provides private network connectivity. The Microsoft Azure platform allows customers to
seamlessly extend their infrastructure into the cloud and build multi-tier architectures. Additionally, third parties
can enable enhanced capabilities by offering security services and virtual appliances. This white paper provides an
overview of security and architectural issues that customers should consider when using Microsoft cloud services
accessed via ExpressRoute. It also covers creating more secure services in Azure virtual networks.

Fast start
The following logic chart can direct you to a specific example of the many security techniques available with the
Azure platform. For quick reference, find the example that best fits your case. For expanded explanations, continue
reading through the paper.

Example 1: Build a perimeter network (also known as DMZ, demilitarized zone, or screened subnet) to help protect
applications with network security groups (NSGs).
Example 2: Build a perimeter network to help protect applications with a firewall and NSGs.
Example 3: Build a perimeter network to help protect networks with a firewall, user-defined route (UDR), and NSG.
Example 4: Add a hybrid connection with a site-to-site, virtual appliance virtual private network (VPN).
Example 5: Add a hybrid connection with a site-to-site, Azure VPN gateway.
Example 6: Add a hybrid connection with ExpressRoute.
Examples for adding connections between virtual networks, high availability, and service chaining will be added to
this document over the next few months.

Microsoft compliance and infrastructure protection

To help organizations comply with national, regional, and industry-specific requirements governing the collection
and use of individuals’ data, Microsoft offers over 40 certifications and attestations. The most comprehensive set
of any cloud service provider.
For more information, see the compliance information on the Microsoft Trust Center.
Microsoft has a comprehensive approach to protect cloud infrastructure needed to run hyper-scale global services.
Microsoft cloud infrastructure includes hardware, software, networks, and administrative and operations staff, in
addition to the physical data centers.

This approach provides a more secure foundation for customers to deploy their services in the Microsoft cloud.
The next step is for customers to design and create a security architecture to protect these services.

Traditional security architectures and perimeter networks

Although Microsoft invests heavily in protecting the cloud infrastructure, customers must also protect their cloud
services and resource groups. A multilayered approach to security provides the best defense. A perimeter network
security zone protects internal network resources from an untrusted network. A perimeter network refers to the
edges or parts of the network that sit between the Internet and the protected enterprise IT infrastructure.
In typical enterprise networks, the core infrastructure is heavily fortified at the perimeters, with multiple layers of
security devices. The boundary of each layer consists of devices and policy enforcement points. Each layer can
include a combination of the following network security devices: firewalls, Denial of Service (DoS) prevention,
Intrusion Detection or Protection Systems (IDS/IPS), and VPN devices. Policy enforcement can take the form of
firewall policies, access control lists (ACLs), or specific routing. The first line of defense in the network, directly
accepting incoming traffic from the Internet, is a combination of these mechanisms to block attacks and harmful
traffic while allowing legitimate requests further into the network. This traffic routes directly to resources in the
perimeter network. That resource may then “talk” to resources deeper in the network, transiting the next boundary
for validation first. The outermost layer is called the perimeter network because this part of the network is exposed
to the Internet, usually with some form of protection on both sides. The following figure shows an example of a
single subnet perimeter network in a corporate network, with two security boundaries.
There are many architectures used to implement a perimeter network. These architectures can range from a
simple load balancer to a multiple-subnet perimeter network with varied mechanisms at each boundary to block
traffic and protect the deeper layers of the corporate network. How the perimeter network is built depends on the
specific needs of the organization and its overall risk tolerance.
As customers move their workloads to public clouds, it is critical to support similar capabilities for perimeter
network architecture in Azure to meet compliance and security requirements. This document provides guidelines
on how customers can build a secure network environment in Azure. It focuses on the perimeter network, but also
includes a comprehensive discussion of many aspects of network security. The following questions inform this
How can a perimeter network in Azure be built?
What are some of the Azure features available to build the perimeter network?
How can back-end workloads be protected?
How are Internet communications controlled to the workloads in Azure?
How can the on-premises networks be protected from deployments in Azure?
When should native Azure security features be used versus third-party appliances or services?
The following diagram shows various layers of security Azure provides to customers. These layers are both native
in the Azure platform itself and customer-defined features:

Inbound from the Internet, Azure DDoS helps protect against large-scale attacks against Azure. The next layer is
customer-defined public IP addresses (endpoints), which are used to determine which traffic can pass through the
cloud service to the virtual network. Native Azure virtual network isolation ensures complete isolation from all
other networks and that traffic only flows through user configured paths and methods. These paths and methods
are the next layer, where NSGs, UDR, and network virtual appliances can be used to create security boundaries to
protect the application deployments in the protected network.
The next section provides an overview of Azure virtual networks. These virtual networks are created by customers,
and are what their deployed workloads are connected to. Virtual networks are the basis of all the network security
features required to establish a perimeter network to protect customer deployments in Azure.

Overview of Azure virtual networks

Before Internet traffic can get to the Azure virtual networks, there are two layers of security inherent to the Azure
1. DDoS protection: DDoS protection is a layer of the Azure physical network that protects the Azure
platform itself from large-scale Internet-based attacks. These attacks use multiple “bot” nodes in an attempt
to overwhelm an Internet service. Azure has a robust DDoS protection mesh on all inbound, outbound, and
cross-Azure region connectivity. This DDoS protection layer has no user configurable attributes and is not
accessible to the customer. The DDoS protection layer protects Azure as a platform from large-scale attacks,
it also monitors out-bound traffic and cross-Azure region traffic. Using network virtual appliances on the
VNet, additional layers of resilience can be configured by the customer against a smaller scale attack that
doesn't trip the platform level protection. An example of DDoS in action; if an internet facing IP address was
attacked by a large-scale DDoS attack, Azure would detect the sources of the attacks and scrub the
offending traffic before it reached its intended destination. In almost all cases, the attacked endpoint isn't
affected by the attack. In the rare cases that an endpoint is affected, no traffic is affected to other endpoints,
only the attacked endpoint. Thus other customers and services would see no impact from that attack. It's
critical to note that Azure DDoS is only looking for large-scale attacks. It is possible that your specific service
could be overwhelmed before the platform level protection thresholds are exceeded. For example, a web
site on a single A0 IIS server, could be taken offline by a DDoS attack before Azure platform level DDoS
protection registered a threat.
2. Public IP Addresses: Public IP addresses (enabled via service endpoints, Public IP addresses, Application
Gateway, and other Azure features that present a public IP address to the internet routed to your resource)
allow cloud services or resource groups to have public Internet IP addresses and ports exposed. The
endpoint uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to route traffic to the internal address and port on the
Azure virtual network. This path is the primary way for external traffic to pass into the virtual network. The
Public IP addresses are configurable to determine which traffic is passed in, and how and where it's
translated on to the virtual network.
Once traffic reaches the virtual network, there are many features that come into play. Azure virtual networks are
the foundation for customers to attach their workloads and where basic network-level security applies. It is a
private network (a virtual network overlay) in Azure for customers with the following features and characteristics:
Traffic isolation: A virtual network is the traffic isolation boundary on the Azure platform. Virtual machines
(VMs) in one virtual network cannot communicate directly to VMs in a different virtual network, even if both
virtual networks are created by the same customer. Isolation is a critical property that ensures customer VMs
and communication remains private within a virtual network.

Traffic isolation refers only to traffic inbound to the virtual network. By default outbound traffic from the VNet to the
internet is allowed, but can be prevented if desired by NSGs.
Multi-tier topology: Virtual networks allow customers to define multi-tier topology by allocating subnets and
designating separate address spaces for different elements or “tiers” of their workloads. These logical
groupings and topologies enable customers to define different access policy based on the workload types, and
also control traffic flows between the tiers.
Cross-premises connectivity: Customers can establish cross-premises connectivity between a virtual network
and multiple on-premises sites or other virtual networks in Azure. To construct a connection, customers can use
VNet Peering, Azure VPN Gateways, third-party network virtual appliances, or ExpressRoute. Azure supports
site-to-site (S2S) VPNs using standard IPsec/IKE protocols and ExpressRoute private connectivity.
NSG allows customers to create rules (ACLs) at the desired level of granularity: network interfaces, individual
VMs, or virtual subnets. Customers can control access by permitting or denying communication between the
workloads within a virtual network, from systems on customer’s networks via cross-premises connectivity, or
direct Internet communication.
UDR and IP Forwarding allow customers to define the communication paths between different tiers within a
virtual network. Customers can deploy a firewall, IDS/IPS, and other virtual appliances, and route network
traffic through these security appliances for security boundary policy enforcement, auditing, and inspection.
Network virtual appliances in the Azure Marketplace: Security appliances such as firewalls, load balancers,
and IDS/IPS are available in the Azure Marketplace and the VM Image Gallery. Customers can deploy these
appliances into their virtual networks, and specifically, at their security boundaries (including the perimeter
network subnets) to complete a multi-tiered secure network environment.
With these features and capabilities, one example of how a perimeter network architecture could be constructed in
Azure is the following diagram:

Perimeter network characteristics and requirements

The perimeter network is the front end of the network, directly interfacing communication from the Internet. The
incoming packets should flow through the security appliances, such as the firewall, IDS, and IPS, before reaching
the back-end servers. Internet-bound packets from the workloads can also flow through the security appliances in
the perimeter network for policy enforcement, inspection, and auditing purposes, before leaving the network.
Additionally, the perimeter network can host cross-premises VPN gateways between customer virtual networks
and on-premises networks.
Perimeter network characteristics
Referencing the previous figure, some of the characteristics of a good perimeter network are as follows:
The perimeter network subnet itself is Internet-facing, directly communicating with the Internet.
Public IP addresses, VIPs, and/or service endpoints pass Internet traffic to the front-end network and
Inbound traffic from the Internet passes through security devices before other resources on the front-
end network.
If outbound security is enabled, traffic passes through security devices, as the final step, before passing
to the Internet.
Protected network:
There is no direct path from the Internet to the core infrastructure.
Channels to the core infrastructure must traverse through security devices such as NSGs, firewalls, or
VPN devices.
Other devices must not bridge Internet and the core infrastructure.
Security devices on both the Internet-facing and the protected network facing boundaries of the
perimeter network (for example, the two firewall icons shown in the previous figure) may actually be a
single virtual appliance with differentiated rules or interfaces for each boundary. For example, one
physical device, logically separated, handling the load for both boundaries of the perimeter network.
Other common practices and constraints:
Workloads must not store business critical information.
Access and updates to perimeter network configurations and deployments are limited to only authorized
Perimeter network requirements
To enable these characteristics, follow these guidelines on virtual network requirements to implement a successful
perimeter network:
Subnet architecture: Specify the virtual network such that an entire subnet is dedicated as the perimeter
network, separated from other subnets in the same virtual network. This separation ensures the traffic between
the perimeter network and other internal or private subnet tiers flows through a firewall or IDS/IPS virtual
appliance. User-defined routes on the boundary subnets are required to forward this traffic to the virtual
NSG: The perimeter network subnet itself should be open to allow communication with the Internet, but that
does not mean customers should be bypassing NSGs. Follow common security practices to minimize the
network surfaces exposed to the Internet. Lock down the remote address ranges allowed to access the
deployments or the specific application protocols and ports that are open. There may be circumstances,
however, in which a complete lock-down is not possible. For example, if customers have an external website in
Azure, the perimeter network should allow the incoming web requests from any public IP addresses, but should
only open the web application ports: TCP on port 80 and/or TCP on port 443.
Routing table: The perimeter network subnet itself should be able to communicate to the Internet directly, but
should not allow direct communication to and from the back end or on-premises networks without going
through a firewall or security appliance.
Security appliance configuration: To route and inspect packets between the perimeter network and the rest
of the protected networks, the security appliances such as firewall, IDS, and IPS devices may be multi-homed.
They may have separate NICs for the perimeter network and the back-end subnets. The NICs in the perimeter
network communicate directly to and from the Internet, with the corresponding NSGs and the perimeter
network routing table. The NICs connecting to the back-end subnets have more restricted NSGs and routing
tables of the corresponding back-end subnets.
Security appliance functionality: The security appliances deployed in the perimeter network typically
perform the following functionality:
Firewall: Enforcing firewall rules or access control policies for the incoming requests.
Threat detection and prevention: Detecting and mitigating malicious attacks from the Internet.
Auditing and logging: Maintaining detailed logs for auditing and analysis.
Reverse proxy: Redirecting the incoming requests to the corresponding back-end servers. This
redirection involves mapping and translating the destination addresses on the front-end devices,
typically firewalls, to the back-end server addresses.
Forward proxy: Providing NAT and performing auditing for communication initiated from within the
virtual network to the Internet.
Router: Forwarding incoming and cross-subnet traffic inside the virtual network.
VPN device: Acting as the cross-premises VPN gateways for cross-premises VPN connectivity between
customer on-premises networks and Azure virtual networks.
VPN server: Accepting VPN clients connecting to Azure virtual networks.

Keep the following two groups separate: the individuals authorized to access the perimeter network security gear and the
individuals authorized as application development, deployment, or operations administrators. Keeping these groups separate
allows for a segregation of duties and prevents a single person from bypassing both applications security and network
security controls.

Questions to be asked when building network boundaries

In this section, unless specifically mentioned, the term "networks" refers to private Azure virtual networks created
by a subscription administrator. The term doesn't refer to the underlying physical networks within Azure.
Also, Azure virtual networks are often used to extend traditional on-premises networks. It is possible to
incorporate either site-to-site or ExpressRoute hybrid networking solutions with perimeter network architectures.
This hybrid link is an important consideration in building network security boundaries.
The following three questions are critical to answer when you're building a network with a perimeter network and
multiple security boundaries.
1) How many boundaries are needed?
The first decision point is to decide how many security boundaries are needed in a given scenario:
A single boundary: One on the front-end perimeter network, between the virtual network and the Internet.
Two boundaries: One on the Internet side of the perimeter network, and another between the perimeter
network subnet and the back-end subnets in the Azure virtual networks.
Three boundaries: One on the Internet side of the perimeter network, one between the perimeter network and
back-end subnets, and one between the back-end subnets and the on-premises network.
N boundaries: A variable number. Depending on security requirements, there is no limit to the number of
security boundaries that can be applied in a given network.
The number and type of boundaries needed vary based on a company’s risk tolerance and the specific scenario
being implemented. This decision is often made together with multiple groups within an organization, often
including a risk and compliance team, a network and platform team, and an application development team. People
with knowledge of security, the data involved, and the technologies being used should have a say in this decision
to ensure the appropriate security stance for each implementation.

Use the smallest number of boundaries that satisfy the security requirements for a given situation. With more boundaries,
operations and troubleshooting can be more difficult, as well as the management overhead involved with managing the
multiple boundary policies over time. However, insufficient boundaries increase risk. Finding the balance is critical.
The preceding figure shows a high-level view of a three security boundary network. The boundaries are between
the perimeter network and the Internet, the Azure front-end and back-end private subnets, and the Azure back-end
subnet and the on-premises corporate network.
2) Where are the boundaries located?
Once the number of boundaries are decided, where to implement them is the next decision point. There are
generally three choices:
Using an Internet-based intermediary service (for example, a cloud-based Web application firewall, which is not
discussed in this document)
Using native features and/or network virtual appliances in Azure
Using physical devices on the on-premises network
On purely Azure networks, the options are native Azure features (for example, Azure Load Balancers) or network
virtual appliances from the rich partner ecosystem of Azure (for example, Check Point firewalls).
If a boundary is needed between Azure and an on-premises network, the security devices can reside on either side
of the connection (or both sides). Thus a decision must be made on the location to place security gear.
In the previous figure, the Internet-to-perimeter network and the front-to-back-end boundaries are entirely
contained within Azure, and must be either native Azure features or network virtual appliances. Security devices on
the boundary between Azure (back-end subnet) and the corporate network could be either on the Azure side or
the on-premises side, or even a combination of devices on both sides. There can be significant advantages and
disadvantages to either option that must be seriously considered.
For example, using existing physical security gear on the on-premises network side has the advantage that no new
gear is needed. It just needs reconfiguration. The disadvantage, however, is that all traffic must come back from
Azure to the on-premises network to be seen by the security gear. Thus Azure-to-Azure traffic could incur
significant latency, and affect application performance and user experience, if it was forced back to the on-
premises network for security policy enforcement.
3) How are the boundaries implemented?
Each security boundary will likely have different capability requirements (for example, IDS and firewall rules on the
Internet side of the perimeter network, but only ACLs between the perimeter network and back-end subnet).
Deciding on which device (or how many devices) to use depends on the scenario and security requirements. In the
following section, examples 1, 2, and 3 discuss some options that could be used. Reviewing the Azure native
network features and the devices available in Azure from the partner ecosystem shows the myriad options
available to solve virtually any scenario.
Another key implementation decision point is how to connect the on-premises network with Azure. Should you
use the Azure virtual gateway or a network virtual appliance? These options are discussed in greater detail in the
following section (examples 4, 5, and 6).
Additionally, traffic between virtual networks within Azure may be needed. These scenarios will be added in the
Once you know the answers to the previous questions, the Fast Start section can help identify which examples are
most appropriate for a given scenario.

Examples: Building security boundaries with Azure virtual networks

Example 1 Build a perimeter network to help protect applications with NSGs
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions for this example

Environment description
In this example, there is a subscription that contains the following resources:
A single resource group
A virtual network with two subnets: “FrontEnd” and “BackEnd”
A Network Security Group that is applied to both subnets
A Windows server that represents an application web server (“IIS01”)
Two Windows servers that represent application back-end servers (“AppVM01”, “AppVM02”)
A Windows server that represents a DNS server (“DNS01”)
A public IP associated with the application web server
For scripts and an Azure Resource Manager template, see the detailed build instructions.
NSG description
In this example, an NSG group is built and then loaded with six rules.

Generally speaking, you should create your specific “Allow” rules first, followed by the more generic “Deny” rules. The given
priority dictates which rules are evaluated first. Once traffic is found to apply to a specific rule, no further rules are evaluated.
NSG rules can apply in either the inbound or outbound direction (from the perspective of the subnet).

Declaratively, the following rules are being built for inbound traffic:
1. Internal DNS traffic (port 53) is allowed.
2. RDP traffic (port 3389) from the Internet to any Virtual Machine is allowed.
3. HTTP traffic (port 80) from the Internet to web server (IIS01) is allowed.
4. Any traffic (all ports) from IIS01 to AppVM1 is allowed.
5. Any traffic (all ports) from the Internet to the entire virtual network (both subnets) is denied.
6. Any traffic (all ports) from the front-end subnet to the back-end subnet is denied.
With these rules bound to each subnet, if an HTTP request was inbound from the Internet to the web server, both
rules 3 (allow) and 5 (deny) would apply. But because rule 3 has a higher priority, only it would apply, and rule 5
would not come into play. Thus the HTTP request would be allowed to the web server. If that same traffic was
trying to reach the DNS01 server, rule 5 (deny) would be the first to apply, and the traffic would not be allowed to
pass to the server. Rule 6 (deny) blocks the front-end subnet from talking to the back-end subnet (except for
allowed traffic in rules 1 and 4). This rule-set protects the back-end network in case an attacker compromises the
web application on the front end. The attacker would have limited access to the back-end “protected” network
(only to resources exposed on the AppVM01 server).
There is a default outbound rule that allows traffic out to the Internet. For this example, we’re allowing outbound
traffic and not modifying any outbound rules. To lock down traffic in both directions, user-defined routing is
required (see example 3).
This example is a relatively simple and straightforward way of isolating the back-end subnet from inbound traffic.
For more information, see the detailed build instructions. These instructions include:
How to build this perimeter network with classic PowerShell scripts.
How to build this perimeter network with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed descriptions of each NSG command.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic is allowed or denied in each layer.
Example 2 Build a perimeter network to help protect applications with a firewall and NSGs
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions for this example
Environment description
In this example, there is a subscription that contains the following resources:
A single resource group
A virtual network with two subnets: “FrontEnd” and “BackEnd”
A Network Security Group that is applied to both subnets
A network virtual appliance, in this case a firewall, connected to the front-end subnet
A Windows server that represents an application web server (“IIS01”)
Two Windows servers that represent application back-end servers (“AppVM01”, “AppVM02”)
A Windows server that represents a DNS server (“DNS01”)
For scripts and an Azure Resource Manager template, see the detailed build instructions.
NSG description
In this example, an NSG group is built and then loaded with six rules.

Generally speaking, you should create your specific “Allow” rules first, followed by the more generic “Deny” rules. The given
priority dictates which rules are evaluated first. Once traffic is found to apply to a specific rule, no further rules are evaluated.
NSG rules can apply in either the inbound or outbound direction (from the perspective of the subnet).

Declaratively, the following rules are being built for inbound traffic:
1. Internal DNS traffic (port 53) is allowed.
2. RDP traffic (port 3389) from the Internet to any Virtual Machine is allowed.
3. Any Internet traffic (all ports) to the network virtual appliance (firewall) is allowed.
4. Any traffic (all ports) from IIS01 to AppVM1 is allowed.
5. Any traffic (all ports) from the Internet to the entire virtual network (both subnets) is denied.
6. Any traffic (all ports) from the front-end subnet to the back-end subnet is denied.
With these rules bound to each subnet, if an HTTP request was inbound from the Internet to the firewall, both rules
3 (allow) and 5 (deny) would apply. But because rule 3 has a higher priority, only it would apply, and rule 5 would
not come into play. Thus the HTTP request would be allowed to the firewall. If that same traffic was trying to reach
the IIS01 server, even though it’s on the front-end subnet, rule 5 (deny) would apply, and the traffic would not be
allowed to pass to the server. Rule 6 (deny) blocks the front-end subnet from talking to the back-end subnet
(except for allowed traffic in rules 1 and 4). This rule-set protects the back-end network in case an attacker
compromises the web application on the front end. The attacker would have limited access to the back-end
“protected” network (only to resources exposed on the AppVM01 server).
There is a default outbound rule that allows traffic out to the Internet. For this example, we’re allowing outbound
traffic and not modifying any outbound rules. To lock down traffic in both directions, user-defined routing is
required (see example 3).
Firewall rule description
On the firewall, forwarding rules should be created. Since this example only routes Internet traffic in-bound to the
firewall and then to the web server, only one forwarding network address translation (NAT) rule is needed.
The forwarding rule accepts any inbound source address that hits the firewall trying to reach HTTP (port 80 or 443
for HTTPS). It's sent out of the firewall’s local interface and redirected to the web server with the IP Address of
This example is a relatively straightforward way of protecting your application with a firewall and isolating the
back-end subnet from inbound traffic. For more information, see the detailed build instructions. These instructions
How to build this perimeter network with classic PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed descriptions of each NSG command and firewall rule.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic is allowed or denied in each layer.
Example 3 Build a perimeter network to help protect networks with a firewall and UDR and NSG
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions for this example
Environment description
In this example, there is a subscription that contains the following resources:
A single resource group
A virtual network with three subnets: “SecNet”, “FrontEnd”, and “BackEnd”
A network virtual appliance, in this case a firewall, connected to the SecNet subnet
A Windows server that represents an application web server (“IIS01”)
Two Windows servers that represent application back-end servers (“AppVM01”, “AppVM02”)
A Windows server that represents a DNS server (“DNS01”)
For scripts and an Azure Resource Manager template, see the detailed build instructions.
UDR description
By default, the following system routes are defined as:

Effective routes :
Address Prefix Next hop type Next hop IP address Status Source
-------------- ------------- ------------------- ------ ------
{} VNETLocal Active Default
{} Internet Active Default
{} Null Active Default
{} Null Active Default
{} Null Active Default
{} Null Active Default

The VNETLocal is always one or more defined address prefixes that make up the virtual network for that specific
network (that is, it changes from virtual network to virtual network, depending on how each specific virtual
network is defined). The remaining system routes are static and default as indicated in the table.
In this example, two routing tables are created, one each for the front-end and back-end subnets. Each table is
loaded with static routes appropriate for the given subnet. In this example, each table has three routes that direct
all traffic ( through the firewall (Next hop = Virtual Appliance IP address):
1. Local subnet traffic with no Next Hop defined to allow local subnet traffic to bypass the firewall.
2. Virtual network traffic with a Next Hop defined as firewall. This next hop overrides the default rule that allows
local virtual network traffic to route directly.
3. All remaining traffic (0/0) with a Next Hop defined as the firewall.

Not having the local subnet entry in the UDR breaks local subnet communications.
In our example, pointing to VNETLocal is critical! Without it, packet leaving the Web Server (
destined to another local server (for example) will fail as they will be sent to the NVA. The NVA will send it to
the subnet, and the subnet will resend it to the NVA in an infinite loop.
The chances of a routing loop are typically higher on appliances with multiple NICs that are connected to separate
subnets, which is often of traditional, on-premises appliances.

Once the routing tables are created, they must be bound to their subnets. The front-end subnet routing table, once
created and bound to the subnet, would look like this output:

Effective routes :
Address Prefix Next hop type Next hop IP address Status Source
-------------- ------------- ------------------- ------ ------
{} VNETLocal Active
{} VirtualAppliance Active
{} VirtualAppliance Active

UDR can now be applied to the gateway subnet on which the ExpressRoute circuit is connected.
Examples of how to enable your perimeter network with ExpressRoute or site-to-site networking are shown in examples 3
and 4.

IP Forwarding description
IP Forwarding is a companion feature to UDR. IP Forwarding is a setting on a virtual appliance that allows it to
receive traffic not specifically addressed to the appliance, and then forward that traffic to its ultimate destination.
For example, if AppVM01 makes a request to the DNS01 server, UDR would route this traffic to the firewall. With
IP Forwarding enabled, the traffic for the DNS01 destination ( is accepted by the appliance ( and
then forwarded to its ultimate destination ( Without IP Forwarding enabled on the firewall, traffic would
not be accepted by the appliance even though the route table has the firewall as the next hop. To use a virtual
appliance, it’s critical to remember to enable IP Forwarding along with UDR.
NSG description
In this example, an NSG group is built and then loaded with a single rule. This group is then bound only to the
front-end and back-end subnets (not the SecNet). Declaratively the following rule is being built:
Any traffic (all ports) from the Internet to the entire virtual network (all subnets) is denied.
Although NSGs are used in this example, its main purpose is as a secondary layer of defense against manual
misconfiguration. The goal is to block all inbound traffic from the Internet to either the front-end or back-end
subnets. Traffic should only flow through the SecNet subnet to the firewall (and then, if appropriate, on to the
front-end or back-end subnets). Plus, with the UDR rules in place, any traffic that did make it into the front-end or
back-end subnets would be directed out to the firewall (thanks to UDR). The firewall would see this traffic as an
asymmetric flow and would drop the outbound traffic. Thus there are three layers of security protecting the
No Public IP addresses on any FrontEnd or BackEnd NICs.
NSGs denying traffic from the Internet.
The firewall dropping asymmetric traffic.
One interesting point regarding the NSG in this example is that it contains only one rule, which is to deny Internet
traffic to the entire virtual network, including the Security subnet. However, since the NSG is only bound to the
front-end and back-end subnets, the rule isn’t processed on traffic inbound to the Security subnet. As a result,
traffic flows to the Security subnet.
Firewall rules
On the firewall, forwarding rules should be created. Since the firewall is blocking or forwarding all inbound,
outbound, and intra-virtual network traffic, many firewall rules are needed. Also, all inbound traffic hits the
Security Service public IP address (on different ports), to be processed by the firewall. A best practice is to diagram
the logical flows before setting up the subnets and firewall rules, to avoid rework later. The following figure is a
logical view of the firewall rules for this example:

Based on the Network Virtual Appliance used, the management ports vary. In this example, a Barracuda NextGen Firewall is
referenced, which uses ports 22, 801, and 807. Consult the appliance vendor documentation to find the exact ports used for
management of the device being used.

Firewall rules description

In the preceding logical diagram, the security subnet is not shown because the firewall is the only resource on that
subnet. The diagram is showing the firewall rules and how they logically allow or deny traffic flows, not the actual
routed path. Also, the external ports selected for the RDP traffic are higher ranged ports (8014 – 8026) and were
selected to loosely align with the last two octets of the local IP address for easier readability (for example, local
server address is associated with external port 8014). Any higher non-conflicting ports, however, could be
For this example, we need seven types of rules:
External rules (for inbound traffic):
1. Firewall management rule: This App Redirect rule allows traffic to pass to the management ports of the
network virtual appliance.
2. RDP rules (for each Windows server): These four rules (one for each server) allow management of the
individual servers via RDP. The four RDP rules could also be collapsed into one rule, depending on the
capabilities of the network virtual appliance being used.
3. Application traffic rules: There are two of these rules, the first for the front-end web traffic, and the
second for the back-end traffic (for example, web server to data tier). The configuration of these rules
depends on the network architecture (where your servers are placed) and traffic flows (which direction
the traffic flows, and which ports are used).
The first rule allows the actual application traffic to reach the application server. While the other
rules allow for security and management, application traffic rules are what allow external users or
services to access the applications. For this example, there is a single web server on port 80. Thus
a single firewall application rule redirects inbound traffic to the external IP, to the web servers
internal IP address. The redirected traffic session would be translated via NAT to the internal
The second rule is the back-end rule to allow the web server to talk to the AppVM01 server (but
not AppVM02) via any port.
Internal rules (for intra-virtual network traffic)
1. Outbound to Internet rule: This rule allows traffic from any network to pass to the selected networks.
This rule is usually a default rule already on the firewall, but in a disabled state. This rule should be
enabled for this example.
2. DNS rule: This rule allows only DNS (port 53) traffic to pass to the DNS server. For this environment,
most traffic from the front end to the back end is blocked. This rule specifically allows DNS from any
local subnet.
3. Subnet to subnet rule: This rule is to allow any server on the back-end subnet to connect to any server
on the front-end subnet (but not the reverse).
Fail-safe rule (for traffic that doesn’t meet any of the previous):
1. Deny all traffic rule: This deny rule should always be the final rule (in terms of priority), and as such if a
traffic flow fails to match any of the preceding rules it is dropped by this rule. This rule is a default rule
and usually in-place and active. No modifications are usually needed to this rule.

On the second application traffic rule, to simplify this example, any port is allowed. In a real scenario, the most specific port
and address ranges should be used to reduce the attack surface of this rule.

Once the previous rules are created, it’s important to review the priority of each rule to ensure traffic is allowed or
denied as desired. For this example, the rules are in priority order.
This example is a more complex but complete way of protecting and isolating the network than the previous
examples. (Example 2 protects just the application, and Example 1 just isolates subnets). This design allows for
monitoring traffic in both directions, and protects not just the inbound application server but enforces network
security policy for all servers on this network. Also, depending on the appliance used, full traffic auditing and
awareness can be achieved. For more information, see the detailed build instructions. These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with classic PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed descriptions of each UDR, NSG command, and firewall rule.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic is allowed or denied in each layer.
Example 4 Add a hybrid connection with a site -to -site, virtual appliance VPN
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions available soon

Environment description
Hybrid networking using a network virtual appliance (NVA) can be added to any of the perimeter network types
described in examples 1, 2, or 3.
As shown in the previous figure, a VPN connection over the Internet (site-to-site) is used to connect an on-
premises network to an Azure virtual network via an NVA.

If you use ExpressRoute with the Azure Public Peering option enabled, a static route should be created. This static route
should route to the NVA VPN IP address out your corporate Internet and not via the ExpressRoute connection. The NAT
required on the ExpressRoute Azure Public Peering option can break the VPN session.

Once the VPN is in place, the NVA becomes the central hub for all networks and subnets. The firewall forwarding
rules determine which traffic flows are allowed, are translated via NAT, are redirected, or are dropped (even for
traffic flows between the on-premises network and Azure).
Traffic flows should be considered carefully, as they can be optimized or degraded by this design pattern,
depending on the specific use case.
Using the environment built in example 3, and then adding a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection,
produces the following design:
The on-premises router, or any other network device that is compatible with your NVA for VPN, would be the VPN
client. This physical device would be responsible for initiating and maintaining the VPN connection with your NVA.
Logically to the NVA, the network looks like four separate “security zones” with the rules on the NVA being the
primary director of traffic between these zones:

The addition of a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection to an Azure virtual network can extend the on-
premises network into Azure in a secure manner. In using a VPN connection, your traffic is encrypted and routes
via the Internet. The NVA in this example provides a central location to enforce and manage the security policy. For
more information, see the detailed build instructions (forthcoming). These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic flows through this design.
Example 5 Add a hybrid connection with a site -to -site, Azure VPN gateway
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions available soon
Environment description
Hybrid networking using an Azure VPN gateway can be added to either perimeter network type described in
examples 1 or 2.
As shown in the preceding figure, a VPN connection over the Internet (site-to-site) is used to connect an on-
premises network to an Azure virtual network via an Azure VPN gateway.

If you use ExpressRoute with the Azure Public Peering option enabled, a static route should be created. This static route
should route to the NVA VPN IP address out your corporate Internet and not via the ExpressRoute WAN. The NAT required
on the ExpressRoute Azure Public Peering option can break the VPN session.

The following figure shows the two network edges in this example. On the first edge, the NVA and NSGs control
traffic flows for intra-Azure networks and between Azure and the Internet. The second edge is the Azure VPN
gateway, which is a separate and isolated network edge between on-premises and Azure.
Traffic flows should be considered carefully, as they can be optimized or degraded by this design pattern,
depending on the specific use case.
Using the environment built in example 1, and then adding a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection,
produces the following design:
The addition of a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection to an Azure virtual network can extend the on-
premises network into Azure in a secure manner. Using the native Azure VPN gateway, your traffic is IPSec
encrypted and routes via the Internet. Also, using the Azure VPN gateway can provide a lower-cost option (no
additional licensing cost as with third-party NVAs). This option is most economical in example 1, where no NVA is
used. For more information, see the detailed build instructions (forthcoming). These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic flows through this design.
Example 6 Add a hybrid connection with ExpressRoute
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions available soon
Environment description
Hybrid networking using an ExpressRoute private peering connection can be added to either perimeter network
type described in examples 1 or 2.
As shown in the preceding figure, ExpressRoute private peering provides a direct connection between your on-
premises network and the Azure virtual network. Traffic transits only the service provider network and the
Microsoft Azure network, never touching the Internet.

Using ExpressRoute keeps corporate network traffic off the Internet. It also allows for service level agreements from your
ExpressRoute provider. The Azure Gateway can pass up to 10 Gbps with ExpressRoute, whereas with site-to-site VPNs, the
Azure Gateway maximum throughput is 200 Mbps.

As seen in the following diagram, with this option the environment now has two network edges. The NVA and
NSG control traffic flows for intra-Azure networks and between Azure and the Internet, while the gateway is a
separate and isolated network edge between on-premises and Azure.
Traffic flows should be considered carefully, as they can be optimized or degraded by this design pattern,
depending on the specific use case.
Using the environment built in example 1, and then adding an ExpressRoute hybrid network connection, produces
the following design:

The addition of an ExpressRoute Private Peering network connection can extend the on-premises network into
Azure in a secure, lower latency, higher performing manner. Also, using the native Azure Gateway, as in this
example, provides a lower-cost option (no additional licensing as with third-party NVAs). For more information,
see the detailed build instructions (forthcoming). These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic flows through this design.

Helpful websites and documentation
Access Azure with Azure Resource Manager:
Accessing Azure with PowerShell:
Virtual networking documentation:
Network security group documentation:
User-defined routing documentation:
Azure virtual gateways:
Site-to-Site VPNs:
ExpressRoute documentation (be sure to check out the “Getting Started” and “How To” sections):
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Azure Data Security and Encryption Best Practices
6/27/2017 • 11 min to read • Edit Online

One of the keys to data protection in the cloud is accounting for the possible states in which your data may occur,
and what controls are available for that state. For the purpose of Azure data security and encryption best practices
the recommendations will be around the following data’s states:
At-rest: This includes all information storage objects, containers, and types that exist statically on physical
media, be it magnetic or optical disk.
In-Transit: When data is being transferred between components, locations or programs, such as over the
network, across a service bus (from on-premises to cloud and vice-versa, including hybrid connections such as
ExpressRoute), or during an input/output process, it is thought of as being in-motion.
In this article we will discuss a collection of Azure data security and encryption best practices. These best practices
are derived from our experience with Azure data security and encryption and the experiences of customers like
For each best practice, we’ll explain:
What the best practice is
Why you want to enable that best practice
What might be the result if you fail to enable the best practice
Possible alternatives to the best practice
How you can learn to enable the best practice
This Azure Data Security and Encryption Best Practices article is based on a consensus opinion, and Azure platform
capabilities and feature sets, as they exist at the time this article was written. Opinions and technologies change
over time and this article will be updated on a regular basis to reflect those changes.
Azure data security and encryption best practices discussed in this article include:
Enforce multi-factor authentication
Use role based access control (RBAC)
Encrypt Azure virtual machines
Use hardware security models
Manage with Secure Workstations
Enable SQL data encryption
Protect data in transit
Enforce file level data encryption

Enforce Multi-factor Authentication

The first step in data access and control in Microsoft Azure is to authenticate the user. Azure Multi-Factor
Authentication (MFA) is a method of verifying user’s identity by using another method than just a username and
password. This authentication method helps safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand
for a simple sign-in process.
By enabling Azure MFA for your users, you are adding a second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions.
In this case, a transaction might be accessing a document located in a file server or in your SharePoint Online.
Azure MFA also helps IT to reduce the likelihood that a compromised credential will have access to organization’s
For example: if you enforce Azure MFA for your users and configure it to use a phone call or text message as
verification, if the user’s credential is compromised, the attacker won’t be able to access any resource since he will
not have access to user’s phone. Organizations that do not add this extra layer of identity protection are more
susceptible for credential theft attack, which may lead to data compromise.
One alternative for organizations that want to keep the authentication control on-premises is to use Azure Multi-
Factor Authentication Server, also called MFA on-premises. By using this method you will still be able to enforce
multi-factor authentication, while keeping the MFA server on-premises.
For more information on Azure MFA, please read the article Getting started with Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
in the cloud.

Use Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Restrict access based on the need to know and least privilege security principles. This is imperative for
organizations that want to enforce security policies for data access. Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) can
be used to assign permissions to users, groups, and applications at a certain scope. The scope of a role assignment
can be a subscription, a resource group, or a single resource.
You can leverage built-in RBAC roles in Azure to assign privileges to users. Consider using Storage Account
Contributor for cloud operators that need to manage storage accounts and Classic Storage Account Contributor
role to manage classic storage accounts. For cloud operators that needs to manage VMs and storage account,
consider adding them to Virtual Machine Contributor role.
Organizations that do not enforce data access control by leveraging capabilities such as RBAC may be giving more
privileges than necessary for their users. This can lead to data compromise by having some users having access to
data that they shouldn’t have in the first place.
You can learn more about Azure RBAC by reading the article Azure Role-Based Access Control.

Encrypt Azure Virtual Machines

For many organizations, data encryption at rest is a mandatory step towards data privacy, compliance and data
sovereignty. Azure Disk Encryption enables IT administrators to encrypt Windows and Linux IaaS Virtual Machine
(VM) disks. Azure Disk Encryption leverages the industry standard BitLocker feature of Windows and the DM-Crypt
feature of Linux to provide volume encryption for the OS and the data disks.
You can leverage Azure Disk Encryption to help protect and safeguard your data to meet your organizational
security and compliance requirements. Organizations should also consider using encryption to help mitigate risks
related to unauthorized data access. It is also recommended that you encrypt drives prior to writing sensitive data
to them.
Make sure to encrypt your VM’s data volumes and boot volume in order to protect data at rest in your Azure
storage account. Safeguard the encryption keys and secrets by leveraging Azure Key Vault.
For your on-premises Windows Servers, consider the following encryption best practices:
Use BitLocker for data encryption
Store recovery information in AD DS.
If there is any concern that BitLocker keys have been compromised, we recommend that you either format the
drive to remove all instances of the BitLocker metadata from the drive or that you decrypt and encrypt the
entire drive again.
Organizations that do not enforce data encryption are more likely to be exposed to data integrity issues, such as
malicious or rogue users stealing data and compromised accounts gaining unauthorized access to data in clear
format. Besides these risks, companies that have to comply with industry regulations, must prove that they are
diligent and are using the correct security controls to enhance data security.
You can learn more about Azure Disk Encryption by reading the article Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and
Linux IaaS VMs.

Use Hardware Security Modules

Industry encryption solutions use secret keys to encrypt data. Therefore, it is critical that these keys are safely
stored. Key management becomes an integral part of data protection, since it will be leveraged to store secret keys
that are used to encrypt data.
Azure disk encryption uses Azure Key Vault to help you control and manage disk encryption keys and secrets in
your key vault subscription, while ensuring that all data in the virtual machine disks are encrypted at rest in your
Azure storage. You should use Azure Key Vault to audit keys and policy usage.
There are many inherent risks related to not having appropriate security controls in place to protect the secret keys
that were used to encrypt your data. If attackers have access to the secret keys, they will be able to decrypt the data
and potentially have access to confidential information.
You can learn more about general recommendations for certificate management in Azure by reading the article
Certificate Management in Azure: Do’s and Don’ts.
For more information about Azure Key Vault, read Get started with Azure Key Vault.

Manage with Secure Workstations

Since the vast majority of the attacks target the end user, the endpoint becomes one of the primary points of
attack. If an attacker compromises the endpoint, he can leverage the user’s credentials to gain access to
organization’s data. Most endpoint attacks are able to take advantage of the fact that end users are administrators
in their local workstations.
You can reduce these risks by using a secure management workstation. We recommend that you use a Privileged
Access Workstations (PAW) to reduce the attack surface in workstations. These secure management workstations
can help you mitigate some of these attacks help ensure your data is safer. Make sure to use PAW to harden and
lock down your workstation. This is an important step to provide high security assurances for sensitive accounts,
tasks and data protection.
Lack of endpoint protection may put your data at risk, make sure to enforce security policies across all devices that
are used to consume data, regardless of the data location (cloud or on-premises).
You can learn more about privileged access workstation by reading the article Securing Privileged Access.

Enable SQL data encryption

Azure SQL Database transparent data encryption (TDE) helps protect against the threat of malicious activity by
performing real-time encryption and decryption of the database, associated backups, and transaction log files at
rest without requiring changes to the application. TDE encrypts the storage of an entire database by using a
symmetric key called the database encryption key.
Even when the entire storage is encrypted, it is very important to also encrypt your database itself. This is an
implementation of the defense in depth approach for data protection. If you are using Azure SQL Database and
wish to protect sensitive data such as credit card or social security numbers, you can encrypt databases with FIPS
140-2 validated 256 bit AES encryption which meets the requirements of many industry standards (e.g., HIPAA,
It’s important to understand that files related to buffer pool extension (BPE) are not encrypted when a database is
encrypted using TDE. You must use file system level encryption tools like BitLocker or the Encrypting File System
(EFS) for BPE related files.
Since an authorized user such as a security administrator or a database administrator can access the data even if
the database is encrypted with TDE, you should also follow the recommendations below:
SQL authentication at the database level
Azure AD authentication using RBAC roles
Users and applications should use separate accounts to authenticate. This way you can limit the permissions
granted to users and applications and reduce the risks of malicious activity
Implement database-level security by using fixed database roles (such as db_datareader or db_datawriter), or
you can create custom roles for your application to grant explicit permissions to selected database objects
Organizations that are not using database level encryption may be more susceptible for attacks that may
compromise data located in SQL databases.
You can learn more about SQL TDE encryption by reading the article Transparent Data Encryption with Azure SQL

Protect data in transit

Protecting data in transit should be essential part of your data protection strategy. Since data will be moving back
and forth from many locations, the general recommendation is that you always use SSL/TLS protocols to exchange
data across different locations. In some circumstances, you may want to isolate the entire communication channel
between your on-premises and cloud infrastructure by using a virtual private network (VPN).
For data moving between your on-premises infrastructure and Azure, you should consider appropriate safeguards
such as HTTPS or VPN.
For organizations that need to secure access from multiple workstations located on-premises to Azure, use Azure
site-to-site VPN.
For organizations that need to secure access from one workstation located on-premises to Azure, use Point-to-Site
Larger data sets can be moved over a dedicated high-speed WAN link such as ExpressRoute. If you choose to use
ExpressRoute, you can also encrypt the data at the application-level using SSL/TLS or other protocols for added
If you are interacting with Azure Storage through the Azure Portal, all transactions occur via HTTPS. Storage REST
API over HTTPS can also be used to interact with Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database.
Organizations that fail to protect data in transit are more susceptible for man-in-the-middle attacks, eavesdropping
and session hijacking. These attacks can be the first step in gaining access to confidential data.
You can learn more about Azure VPN option by reading the article Planning and design for VPN Gateway.

Enforce file level data encryption

Another layer of protection that can increase the level of security for your data is encrypting the file itself,
regardless of the file location.
Azure RMS uses encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your files and email. Azure RMS
works across multiple devices — phones, tablets, and PCs by protecting both within your organization and outside
your organization. This capability is possible because Azure RMS adds a level of protection that remains with the
data, even when it leaves your organization’s boundaries.
When you use Azure RMS to protect your files, you are using industry-standard cryptography with full support of
FIPS 140-2. When you leverage Azure RMS for data protection, you have the assurance that the protection stays
with the file, even if it is copied to storage that is not under the control of IT, such as a cloud storage service. The
same occurs for files shared via e-mail, the file is protected as an attachment to an email message, with
instructions how to open the protected attachment.
When planning for Azure RMS adoption we recommend the following:
Install the RMS sharing app. This app integrates with Office applications by installing an Office add-in so that
users can easily protect files directly.
Configure applications and services to support Azure RMS
Create custom templates that reflect your business requirements. For example: a template for top secret data
that should be applied in all top secret related emails.
Organizations that are weak on data classification and file protection may be more susceptible to data leakage.
Without proper file protection, organizations won’t be able to obtain business insights, monitor for abuse and
prevent malicious access to files.
You can learn more about Azure RMS by reading the article Getting Started with Azure Rights Management.
Azure Storage security guide
8/21/2017 • 44 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Storage provides a comprehensive set of security capabilities which together enable developers to build
secure applications. The storage account itself can be secured using Role-Based Access Control and Azure Active
Directory. Data can be secured in transit between an application and Azure by using Client-Side Encryption, HTTPS,
or SMB 3.0. Data can be set to be automatically encrypted when written to Azure Storage using Storage Service
Encryption (SSE). OS and Data disks used by virtual machines can be set to be encrypted using Azure Disk
Encryption. Delegated access to the data objects in Azure Storage can be granted using Shared Access Signatures.
This article will provide an overview of each of these security features that can be used with Azure Storage. Links
are provided to articles that will give details of each feature so you can easily do further investigation on each
Here are the topics to be covered in this article:
Management Plane Security – Securing your Storage Account
The management plane consists of the resources used to manage your storage account. In this section, we'll
talk about the Azure Resource Manager deployment model and how to use Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC) to control access to your storage accounts. We will also talk about managing your storage account
keys and how to regenerate them.
Data Plane Security – Securing Access to Your Data
In this section, we'll look at allowing access to the actual data objects in your Storage account, such as blobs,
files, queues, and tables, using Shared Access Signatures and Stored Access Policies. We will cover both
service-level SAS and account-level SAS. We'll also see how to limit access to a specific IP address (or range
of IP addresses), how to limit the protocol used to HTTPS, and how to revoke a Shared Access Signature
without waiting for it to expire.
Encryption in Transit
This section discusses how to secure data when you transfer it into or out of Azure Storage. We'll talk about
the recommended use of HTTPS and the encryption used by SMB 3.0 for Azure File shares. We will also take
a look at Client-side Encryption, which enables you to encrypt the data before it is transferred into Storage
in a client application, and to decrypt the data after it is transferred out of Storage.
Encryption at Rest
We will talk about Storage Service Encryption (SSE), and how you can enable it for a storage account,
resulting in your block blobs, page blobs, and append blobs being automatically encrypted when written to
Azure Storage. We will also look at how you can use Azure Disk Encryption and explore the basic differences
and cases of Disk Encryption versus SSE versus Client-Side Encryption. We will briefly look at FIPS
compliance for U.S. Government computers.
Using Storage Analytics to audit access of Azure Storage
This section discusses how to find information in the storage analytics logs for a request. We'll take a look at
real storage analytics log data and see how to discern whether a request is made with the Storage account
key, with a Shared Access signature, or anonymously, and whether it succeeded or failed.
Enabling Browser-Based Clients using CORS
This section talks about how to allow cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). We'll talk about cross-domain
access, and how to handle it with the CORS capabilities built into Azure Storage.

Management Plane Security

The management plane consists of operations that affect the storage account itself. For example, you can create or
delete a storage account, get a list of storage accounts in a subscription, retrieve the storage account keys, or
regenerate the storage account keys.
When you create a new storage account, you select a deployment model of Classic or Resource Manager. The
Classic model of creating resources in Azure only allows all-or-nothing access to the subscription, and in turn, the
storage account.
This guide focuses on the Resource Manager model which is the recommended means for creating storage
accounts. With the Resource Manager storage accounts, rather than giving access to the entire subscription, you
can control access on a more finite level to the management plane using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
How to secure your storage account with Role -Based Access Control (RBAC )
Let's talk about what RBAC is, and how you can use it. Each Azure subscription has an Azure Active Directory.
Users, groups, and applications from that directory can be granted access to manage resources in the Azure
subscription that use the Resource Manager deployment model. This is referred to as Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC). To manage this access, you can use the Azure portal, the Azure CLI tools, PowerShell, or the Azure Storage
Resource Provider REST APIs.
With the Resource Manager model, you put the storage account in a resource group and control access to the
management plane of that specific storage account using Azure Active Directory. For example, you can give specific
users the ability to access the storage account keys, while other users can view information about the storage
account, but cannot access the storage account keys.
Granting Access
Access is granted by assigning the appropriate RBAC role to users, groups, and applications, at the right scope. To
grant access to the entire subscription, you assign a role at the subscription level. You can grant access to all of the
resources in a resource group by granting permissions to the resource group itself. You can also assign specific
roles to specific resources, such as storage accounts.
Here are the main points that you need to know about using RBAC to access the management operations of an
Azure Storage account:
When you assign access, you basically assign a role to the account that you want to have access. You can
control access to the operations used to manage that storage account, but not to the data objects in the account.
For example, you can grant permission to retrieve the properties of the storage account (such as redundancy),
but not to a container or data within a container inside Blob Storage.
For someone to have permission to access the data objects in the storage account, you can give them
permission to read the storage account keys, and that user can then use those keys to access the blobs, queues,
tables, and files.
Roles can be assigned to a specific user account, a group of users, or to a specific application.
Each role has a list of Actions and Not Actions. For example, the Virtual Machine Contributor role has an Action
of "listKeys" that allows the storage account keys to be read. The Contributor has "Not Actions" such as
updating the access for users in the Active Directory.
Roles for storage include (but are not limited to) the following:
Owner – They can manage everything, including access.
Contributor – They can do anything the owner can do except assign access. Someone with this role can
view and regenerate the storage account keys. With the storage account keys, they can access the data
Reader – They can view information about the storage account, except secrets. For example, if you assign
a role with reader permissions on the storage account to someone, they can view the properties of the
storage account, but they can't make any changes to the properties or view the storage account keys.
Storage Account Contributor – They can manage the storage account – they can read the subscription's
resource groups and resources, and create and manage subscription resource group deployments. They
can also access the storage account keys, which in turn means they can access the data plane.
User Access Administrator – They can manage user access to the storage account. For example, they can
grant Reader access to a specific user.
Virtual Machine Contributor – They can manage virtual machines but not the storage account to
which they are connected. This role can list the storage account keys, which means that the user to
whom you assign this role can update the data plane.
In order for a user to create a virtual machine, they have to be able to create the corresponding VHD
file in a storage account. To do that, they need to be able to retrieve the storage account key and pass
it to the API creating the VM. Therefore, they must have this permission so they can list the storage
account keys.
The ability to define custom roles is a feature that allows you to compose a set of actions from a list of available
actions that can be performed on Azure resources.
The user has to be set up in your Azure Active Directory before you can assign a role to them.
You can create a report of who granted/revoked what kind of access to/from whom and on what scope using
PowerShell or the Azure CLI.
Azure Active Directory Role-based Access Control
This article explains the Azure Active Directory Role-based Access Control and how it works.
RBAC: Built in Roles
This article details all of the built-in roles available in RBAC.
Understanding Resource Manager deployment and classic deployment
This article explains the Resource Manager deployment and classic deployment models, and explains the
benefits of using the Resource Manager and resource groups. It explains how the Azure Compute, Network,
and Storage Providers work under the Resource Manager model.
Managing Role-Based Access Control with the REST API
This article shows how to use the REST API to manage RBAC.
Azure Storage Resource Provider REST API Reference
This is the reference for the APIs you can use to manage your storage account programmatically.
Developer's guide to auth with Azure Resource Manager API
This article shows how to authenticate using the Resource Manager APIs.
Role-Based Access Control for Microsoft Azure from Ignite
This is a link to a video on Channel 9 from the 2015 MS Ignite conference. In this session, they talk about
access management and reporting capabilities in Azure, and explore best practices around securing access
to Azure subscriptions using Azure Active Directory.
Managing Your Storage Account Keys
Storage account keys are 512-bit strings created by Azure that, along with the storage account name, can be used
to access the data objects stored in the storage account, e.g. blobs, entities within a table, queue messages, and files
on an Azure File share. Controlling access to the storage account keys controls access to the data plane for that
storage account.
Each storage account has two keys referred to as "Key 1" and "Key 2" in the Azure portal and in the PowerShell
cmdlets. These can be regenerated manually using one of several methods, including, but not limited to using the
Azure portal, PowerShell, the Azure CLI, or programmatically using the .NET Storage Client Library or the Azure
Storage Services REST API.
There are any number of reasons to regenerate your storage account keys.
You might regenerate them on a regular basis for security reasons.
You would regenerate your storage account keys if someone managed to hack into an application and retrieve
the key that was hardcoded or saved in a configuration file, giving them full access to your storage account.
Another case for key regeneration is if your team is using a Storage Explorer application that retains the storage
account key, and one of the team members leaves. The application would continue to work, giving them access
to your storage account after they're gone. This is actually the primary reason they created account-level
Shared Access Signatures – you can use an account-level SAS instead of storing the access keys in a
configuration file.
Key regeneration plan
You don't want to just regenerate the key you are using without some planning. If you do that, you could cut off all
access to that storage account, which can cause major disruption. This is why there are two keys. You should
regenerate one key at a time.
Before you regenerate your keys, be sure you have a list of all of your applications that are dependent on the
storage account, as well as any other services you are using in Azure. For example, if you are using Azure Media
Services that are dependent on your storage account, you must re-sync the access keys with your media service
after you regenerate the key. If you are using any applications such as a storage explorer, you will need to provide
the new keys to those applications as well. Note that if you have VMs whose VHD files are stored in the storage
account, they will not be affected by regenerating the storage account keys.
You can regenerate your keys in the Azure portal. Once keys are regenerated they can take up to 10 minutes to be
synchronized across Storage Services.
When you're ready, here's the general process detailing how you should change your key. In this case, the
assumption is that you are currently using Key 1 and you are going to change everything to use Key 2 instead.
1. Regenerate Key 2 to ensure that it is secure. You can do this in the Azure portal.
2. In all of the applications where the storage key is stored, change the storage key to use Key 2's new value. Test
and publish the application.
3. After all of the applications and services are up and running successfully, regenerate Key 1. This ensures that
anybody to whom you have not expressly given the new key will no longer have access to the storage account.
If you are currently using Key 2, you can use the same process, but reverse the key names.
You can migrate over a couple of days, changing each application to use the new key and publishing it. After all of
them are done, you should then go back and regenerate the old key so it no longer works.
Another option is to put the storage account key in an Azure Key Vault as a secret and have your applications
retrieve the key from there. Then when you regenerate the key and update the Azure Key Vault, the applications
will not need to be redeployed because they will pick up the new key from the Azure Key Vault automatically. Note
that you can have the application read the key each time you need it, or you can cache it in memory and if it fails
when using it, retrieve the key again from the Azure Key Vault.
Using Azure Key Vault also adds another level of security for your storage keys. If you use this method, you will
never have the storage key hardcoded in a configuration file, which removes that avenue of somebody getting
access to the keys without specific permission.
Another advantage of using Azure Key Vault is you can also control access to your keys using Azure Active
Directory. This means you can grant access to the handful of applications that need to retrieve the keys from Azure
Key Vault, and know that other applications will not be able to access the keys without granting them permission
Note: it is recommended to use only one of the keys in all of your applications at the same time. If you use Key 1 in
some places and Key 2 in others, you will not be able to rotate your keys without some application losing access.
About Azure Storage Accounts
This article gives an overview of storage accounts and discusses viewing, copying, and regenerating storage
access keys.
Azure Storage Resource Provider REST API Reference
This article contains links to specific articles about retrieving the storage account keys and regenerating the
storage account keys for an Azure Account using the REST API. Note: This is for Resource Manager storage
Operations on storage accounts
This article in the Storage Service Manager REST API Reference contains links to specific articles on
retrieving and regenerating the storage account keys using the REST API. Note: This is for the Classic
storage accounts.
Say goodbye to key management – manage access to Azure Storage data using Azure AD
This article shows how to use Active Directory to control access to your Azure Storage keys in Azure Key
Vault. It also shows how to use an Azure Automation job to regenerate the keys on an hourly basis.

Data Plane Security

Data Plane Security refers to the methods used to secure the data objects stored in Azure Storage – the blobs,
queues, tables, and files. We've seen methods to encrypt the data and security during transit of the data, but how
do you go about allowing access to the objects?
There are basically two methods for controlling access to the data objects themselves. The first is by controlling
access to the storage account keys, and the second is using Shared Access Signatures to grant access to specific
data objects for a specific amount of time.
One exception to note is that you can allow public access to your blobs by setting the access level for the container
that holds the blobs accordingly. If you set access for a container to Blob or Container, it will allow public read
access for the blobs in that container. This means anyone with a URL pointing to a blob in that container can open
it in a browser without using a Shared Access Signature or having the storage account keys.
Storage Account Keys
Storage account keys are 512-bit strings created by Azure that, along with the storage account name, can be used
to access the data objects stored in the storage account.
For example, you can read blobs, write to queues, create tables, and modify files. Many of these actions can be
performed through the Azure portal, or using one of many Storage Explorer applications. You can also write code
to use the REST API or one of the Storage Client Libraries to perform these operations.
As discussed in the section on the Management Plane Security, access to the storage keys for a Classic storage
account can be granted by giving full access to the Azure subscription. Access to the storage keys for a storage
account using the Azure Resource Manager model can be controlled through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
How to delegate access to objects in your account using Shared Access Signatures and Stored Access Policies
A Shared Access Signature is a string containing a security token that can be attached to a URI that allows you to
delegate access to storage objects and specify constraints such as the permissions and the date/time range of
You can grant access to blobs, containers, queue messages, files, and tables. With tables, you can actually grant
permission to access a range of entities in the table by specifying the partition and row key ranges to which you
want the user to have access. For example, if you have data stored with a partition key of geographical state, you
could give someone access to just the data for California.
In another example, you might give a web application a SAS token that enables it to write entries to a queue, and
give a worker role application a SAS token to get messages from the queue and process them. Or you could give
one customer a SAS token they can use to upload pictures to a container in Blob Storage, and give a web
application permission to read those pictures. In both cases, there is a separation of concerns – each application
can be given just the access that they require in order to perform their task. This is possible through the use of
Shared Access Signatures.
Why you want to use Shared Access Signatures
Why would you want to use an SAS instead of just giving out your storage account key, which is so much easier?
Giving out your storage account key is like sharing the keys of your storage kingdom. It grants complete access.
Someone could use your keys and upload their entire music library to your storage account. They could also
replace your files with virus-infected versions, or steal your data. Giving away unlimited access to your storage
account is something that should not be taken lightly.
With Shared Access Signatures, you can give a client just the permissions required for a limited amount of time.
For example, if someone is uploading a blob to your account, you can grant them write access for just enough time
to upload the blob (depending on the size of the blob, of course). And if you change your mind, you can revoke
that access.
Additionally, you can specify that requests made using a SAS are restricted to a certain IP address or IP address
range external to Azure. You can also require that requests are made using a specific protocol (HTTPS or
HTTP/HTTPS). This means if you only want to allow HTTPS traffic, you can set the required protocol to HTTPS only,
and HTTP traffic will be blocked.
Definition of a Shared Access Signature
A Shared Access Signature is a set of query parameters appended to the URL pointing at the resource
that provides information about the access allowed and the length of time for which the access is permitted. Here
is an example; this URI provides read access to a blob for five minutes. Note that SAS query parameters must be
URL Encoded, such as %3A for colon (:) or %20 for a space. (URL to the blob)

?sv=2015-04-05 (storage service version)
&st=2015-12-10T22%3A18%3A26Z (start time, in UTC time and URL encoded)
&se=2015-12-10T22%3A23%3A26Z (end time, in UTC time and URL encoded)
&sr=b (resource is a blob)
&sp=r (read access)
&sip= (requests can only come from this range of IP addresses)
&spr=https (only allow HTTPS requests)
&sig=Z%2FRHIX5Xcg0Mq2rqI3OlWTjEg2tYkboXr1P9ZUXDtkk%3D (signature used for the authentication of the SAS)

How the Shared Access Signature is authenticated by the Azure Storage Service
When the storage service receives the request, it takes the input query parameters and creates a signature using
the same method as the calling program. It then compares the two signatures. If they agree, then the storage
service can check the storage service version to make sure it's valid, verify that the current date and time are within
the specified window, make sure the access requested corresponds to the request made, etc.
For example, with our URL above, if the URL was pointing to a file instead of a blob, this request would fail because
it specifies that the Shared Access Signature is for a blob. If the REST command being called was to update a blob,
it would fail because the Shared Access Signature specifies that only read access is permitted.
Types of Shared Access Signatures
A service-level SAS can be used to access specific resources in a storage account. Some examples of this are
retrieving a list of blobs in a container, downloading a blob, updating an entity in a table, adding messages to a
queue or uploading a file to a file share.
An account-level SAS can be used to access anything that a service-level SAS can be used for. Additionally, it
can give options to resources that are not permitted with a service-level SAS, such as the ability to create
containers, tables, queues, and file shares. You can also specify access to multiple services at once. For example,
you might give someone access to both blobs and files in your storage account.
Creating an SAS URI
1. You can create an ad hoc URI on demand, defining all of the query parameters each time.
This is really flexible, but if you have a logical set of parameters that are similar each time, using a Stored
Access Policy is a better idea.
2. You can create a Stored Access Policy for an entire container, file share, table, or queue. Then you can use
this as the basis for the SAS URIs you create. Permissions based on Stored Access Policies can be easily
revoked. You can have up to 5 policies defined on each container, queue, table, or file share.
For example, if you were going to have many people read the blobs in a specific container, you could create
a Stored Access Policy that says "give read access" and any other settings that will be the same each time.
Then you can create an SAS URI using the settings of the Stored Access Policy and specifying the expiration
date/time. The advantage of this is that you don't have to specify all of the query parameters every time.
Suppose your SAS has been compromised, or you want to change it because of corporate security or regulatory
compliance requirements. How do you revoke access to a resource using that SAS? It depends on how you created
the SAS URI.
If you are using ad hoc URI's, you have three options. You can issue SAS tokens with short expiration policies and
simply wait for the SAS to expire. You can rename or delete the resource (assuming the token was scoped to a
single object). You can change the storage account keys. This last option can have a big impact, depending on how
many services are using that storage account, and probably isn't something you want to do without some
If you are using a SAS derived from a Stored Access Policy, you can remove access by revoking the Stored Access
Policy – you can just change it so it has already expired, or you can remove it altogether. This takes effect
immediately, and invalidates every SAS created using that Stored Access Policy. Updating or removing the Stored
Access Policy may impact people accessing that specific container, file share, table, or queue via SAS, but if the
clients are written so they request a new SAS when the old one becomes invalid, this will work fine.
Because using a SAS derived from a Stored Access Policy gives you the ability to revoke that SAS immediately, it is
the recommended best practice to always use Stored Access Policies when possible.
For more detailed information on using Shared Access Signatures and Stored Access Policies, complete with
examples, please refer to the following articles:
These are the reference articles.
Service SAS
This article provides examples of using a service-level SAS with blobs, queue messages, table ranges,
and files.
Constructing a service SAS
Constructing an account SAS
These are tutorials for using the .NET client library to create Shared Access Signatures and Stored Access
Using Shared Access Signatures (SAS)
Shared Access Signatures, Part 2: Create and Use a SAS with the Blob Service
This article includes an explanation of the SAS model, examples of Shared Access Signatures, and
recommendations for the best practice use of SAS. Also discussed is the revocation of the permission
Limiting access by IP Address (IP ACLs)
What is an endpoint Access Control List (ACLs)?
Constructing a Service SAS
This is the reference article for service-level SAS; it includes an example of IP ACLing.
Constructing an Account SAS
This is the reference article for account-level SAS; it includes an example of IP ACLing.
Authentication for the Azure Storage Services
Shared Access Signatures Getting Started Tutorial
SAS Getting Started Tutorial

Encryption in Transit
Transport-Level Encryption – Using HTTPS
Another step you should take to ensure the security of your Azure Storage data is to encrypt the data between the
client and Azure Storage. The first recommendation is to always use the HTTPS protocol, which ensures secure
communication over the public Internet.
To have a secure communication channel, you should always use HTTPS when calling the REST APIs or accessing
objects in storage. Also, Shared Access Signatures, which can be used to delegate access to Azure Storage
objects, include an option to specify that only the HTTPS protocol can be used when using Shared Access
Signatures, ensuring that anybody sending out links with SAS tokens will use the proper protocol.
You can enforce the use of HTTPS when calling the REST APIs to access objects in storage accounts by enabling
Secure transfer required for the storage account. Connections using HTTP will be refused once this is enabled.
Using encryption during transit with Azure File shares
Azure File storage supports HTTPS when using the REST API, but is more commonly used as an SMB file share
attached to a VM. SMB 2.1 does not support encryption, so connections are only allowed within the same region in
Azure. However, SMB 3.0 supports encryption, and it's available in Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows
8.1, and Windows 10, allowing cross-region access and even access on the desktop.
Note that while Azure File shares can be used with Unix, the Linux SMB client does not yet support encryption, so
access is only allowed within an Azure region. Encryption support for Linux is on the roadmap of Linux developers
responsible for SMB functionality. When they add encryption, you will have the same ability for accessing an Azure
File share on Linux as you do for Windows.
You can enforce the use of encryption with the Azure Files service by enabling Secure transfer required for the
storage account. If using the REST APIs, HTTPs is required. For SMB, only SMB connections that support encryption
will connect successfully.
How to use Azure File storage with Linux
This article shows how to mount an Azure File share on a Linux system and upload/download files.
Get started with Azure File storage on Windows
This article gives an overview of Azure File shares and how to mount and use them using PowerShell and
Inside Azure File storage
This article announces the general availability of Azure File storage and provides technical details about the
SMB 3.0 encryption.
Using Client-side encryption to secure data that you send to storage
Another option that helps you ensure that your data is secure while being transferred between a client application
and Storage is Client-side Encryption. The data is encrypted before being transferred into Azure Storage. When
retrieving the data from Azure Storage, the data is decrypted after it is received on the client side. Even though the
data is encrypted going across the wire, we recommend that you also use HTTPS, as it has data integrity checks
built in which help mitigate network errors affecting the integrity of the data.
Client-side encryption is also a method for encrypting your data at rest, as the data is stored in its encrypted form.
We'll talk about this in more detail in the section on Encryption at Rest.

Encryption at Rest
There are three Azure features that provide encryption at rest. Azure Disk Encryption is used to encrypt the OS and
data disks in IaaS Virtual Machines. The other two – Client-side Encryption and SSE – are both used to encrypt data
in Azure Storage. Let's look at each of these, and then do a comparison and see when each one can be used.
While you can use Client-side Encryption to encrypt the data in transit (which is also stored in its encrypted form in
Storage), you may prefer to simply use HTTPS during the transfer, and have some way for the data to be
automatically encrypted when it is stored. There are two ways to do this -- Azure Disk Encryption and SSE. One is
used to directly encrypt the data on OS and data disks used by VMs, and the other is used to encrypt data written
to Azure Blob Storage.
Storage Service Encryption (SSE)
SSE allows you to request that the storage service automatically encrypt the data when writing it to Azure Storage.
When you read the data from Azure Storage, it will be decrypted by the storage service before being returned. This
enables you to secure your data without having to modify code or add code to any applications.
This is a setting that applies to the whole storage account. You can enable and disable this feature by changing the
value of the setting. To do this, you can use the Azure portal, PowerShell, the Azure CLI, the Storage Resource
Provider REST API, or the .NET Storage Client Library. By default, SSE is turned off.
At this time, the keys used for the encryption are managed by Microsoft. We generate the keys originally, and
manage the secure storage of the keys as well as the regular rotation as defined by internal Microsoft policy. In the
future, you will get the ability to manage your own encryption keys, and provide a migration path from Microsoft-
managed keys to customer-managed keys.
This feature is available for Standard and Premium Storage accounts created using the Resource Manager
deployment model. SSE applies only to block blobs, page blobs, and append blobs. The other types of data,
including tables, queues, and files, will not be encrypted.
Data is only encrypted when SSE is enabled and the data is written to Blob Storage. Enabling or disabling SSE does
not impact existing data. In other words, when you enable this encryption, it will not go back and encrypt data that
already exists; nor will it decrypt the data that already exists when you disable SSE.
If you want to use this feature with a Classic storage account, you can create a new Resource Manager storage
account and use AzCopy to copy the data to the new account.
Client-side Encryption
We mentioned client-side encryption when discussing the encryption of the data in transit. This feature allows you
to programmatically encrypt your data in a client application before sending it across the wire to be written to
Azure Storage, and to programmatically decrypt your data after retrieving it from Azure Storage.
This does provide encryption in transit, but it also provides the feature of Encryption at Rest. Note that although
the data is encrypted in transit, we still recommend using HTTPS to take advantage of the built-in data integrity
checks which help mitigate network errors affecting the integrity of the data.
An example of where you might use this is if you have a web application that stores blobs and retrieves blobs, and
you want the application and data to be as secure as possible. In that case, you would use client-side encryption.
The traffic between the client and the Azure Blob Service contains the encrypted resource, and nobody can
interpret the data in transit and reconstitute it into your private blobs.
Client-side encryption is built into the Java and the .NET storage client libraries, which in turn use the Azure Key
Vault APIs, making it pretty easy for you to implement. The process of encrypting and decrypting the data uses the
envelope technique, and stores metadata used by the encryption in each storage object. For example, for blobs, it
stores it in the blob metadata, while for queues, it adds it to each queue message.
For the encryption itself, you can generate and manage your own encryption keys. You can also use keys
generated by the Azure Storage Client Library, or you can have the Azure Key Vault generate the keys. You can
store your encryption keys in your on-premises key storage, or you can store them in an Azure Key Vault. Azure
Key Vault allows you to grant access to the secrets in Azure Key Vault to specific users using Azure Active Directory.
This means that not just anybody can read the Azure Key Vault and retrieve the keys you're using for client-side
Encrypt and decrypt blobs in Microsoft Azure Storage using Azure Key Vault
This article shows how to use client-side encryption with Azure Key Vault, including how to create the KEK
and store it in the vault using PowerShell.
Client-Side Encryption and Azure Key Vault for Microsoft Azure Storage
This article gives an explanation of client-side encryption, and provides examples of using the storage client
library to encrypt and decrypt resources from the four storage services. It also talks about Azure Key Vault.
Using Azure Disk Encryption to encrypt disks used by your virtual machines
Azure Disk Encryption is a new feature. This feature allows you to encrypt the OS disks and Data disks used by an
IaaS Virtual Machine. For Windows, the drives are encrypted using industry-standard BitLocker encryption
technology. For Linux, the disks are encrypted using the DM-Crypt technology. This is integrated with Azure Key
Vault to allow you to control and manage the disk encryption keys.
The solution supports the following scenarios for IaaS VMs when they are enabled in Microsoft Azure:
Integration with Azure Key Vault
Standard tier VMs: A, D, DS, G, GS, and so forth series IaaS VMs
Enabling encryption on Windows and Linux IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on OS and data drives for Windows IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on data drives for Linux IaaS VMs
Enabling encryption on IaaS VMs that are running Windows client OS
Enabling encryption on volumes with mount paths
Enabling encryption on Linux VMs that are configured with disk striping (RAID) by using mdadm
Enabling encryption on Linux VMs by using LVM for data disks
Enabling encryption on Windows VMs that are configured by using storage spaces
All Azure public regions are supported
The solution does not support the following scenarios, features, and technology in the release:
Basic tier IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on an OS drive for Linux IaaS VMs
IaaS VMs that are created by using the classic VM creation method
Integration with your on-premises Key Management Service
Azure File storage (shared file system), Network File System (NFS), dynamic volumes, and Windows VMs that
are configured with software-based RAID systems

Linux OS disk encryption is currently supported on the following Linux distributions: RHEL 7.2, CentOS 7.2n, and Ubuntu

This feature ensures that all data on your virtual machine disks is encrypted at rest in Azure Storage.
Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs
Comparison of Azure Disk Encryption, SSE, and Client-Side Encryption
IaaS VMs and their VHD files
For disks used by IaaS VMs, we recommend using Azure Disk Encryption. You can turn on SSE to encrypt the VHD
files that are used to back those disks in Azure Storage, but it only encrypts newly written data. This means if you
create a VM and then enable SSE on the storage account that holds the VHD file, only the changes will be
encrypted, not the original VHD file.
If you create a VM using an image from the Azure Marketplace, Azure performs a shallow copy of the image to
your storage account in Azure Storage, and it is not encrypted even if you have SSE enabled. After it creates the VM
and starts updating the image, SSE will start encrypting the data. For this reason, it's best to use Azure Disk
Encryption on VMs created from images in the Azure Marketplace if you want them fully encrypted.
If you bring a pre-encrypted VM into Azure from on-premises, you will be able to upload the encryption keys to
Azure Key Vault, and continue using the encryption for that VM that you were using on-premises. Azure Disk
Encryption is enabled to handle this scenario.
If you have non-encrypted VHD from on-premises, you can upload it into the gallery as a custom image and
provision a VM from it. If you do this using the Resource Manager templates, you can ask it to turn on Azure Disk
Encryption when it boots up the VM.
When you add a data disk and mount it on the VM, you can turn on Azure Disk Encryption on that data disk. It will
encrypt that data disk locally first, and then the service management layer will do a lazy write against storage so
the storage content is encrypted.
Client-side encryption
Client-side encryption is the most secure method of encrypting your data, because it encrypts it before transit, and
encrypts the data at rest. However, it does require that you add code to your applications using storage, which you
may not want to do. In those cases, you can use HTTPs for your data in transit, and SSE to encrypt the data at rest.
With client-side encryption, you can encrypt table entities, queue messages, and blobs. With SSE, you can only
encrypt blobs. If you need table and queue data to be encrypted, you should use client-side encryption.
Client-side encryption is managed entirely by the application. This is the most secure approach, but does require
you to make programmatic changes to your application and put key management processes in place. You would
use this when you want the extra security during transit, and you want your stored data to be encrypted.
Client-side encryption is more load on the client, and you have to account for this in your scalability plans,
especially if you are encrypting and transferring a lot of data.
Storage Service Encryption (SSE)
SSE is managed by Azure Storage. Using SSE does not provide for the security of the data in transit, but it does
encrypt the data as it is written to Azure Storage. There is no impact on the performance when using this feature.
You can only encrypt block blobs, append blobs, and page blobs using SSE. If you need to encrypt table data or
queue data, you should consider using client-side encryption.
If you have an archive or library of VHD files that you use as a basis for creating new virtual machines, you can
create a new storage account, enable SSE, and then upload the VHD files to that account. Those VHD files will be
encrypted by Azure Storage.
If you have Azure Disk Encryption enabled for the disks in a VM and SSE enabled on the storage account holding
the VHD files, it will work fine; it will result in any newly-written data being encrypted twice.

Storage Analytics
Using Storage Analytics to monitor authorization type
For each storage account, you can enable Azure Storage Analytics to perform logging and store metrics data. This
is a great tool to use when you want to check the performance metrics of a storage account, or need to
troubleshoot a storage account because you are having performance problems.
Another piece of data you can see in the storage analytics logs is the authentication method used by someone
when they access storage. For example, with Blob Storage, you can see if they used a Shared Access Signature or
the storage account keys, or if the blob accessed was public.
This can be really helpful if you are tightly guarding access to storage. For example, in Blob Storage you can set all
of the containers to private and implement the use of an SAS service throughout your applications. Then you can
check the logs regularly to see if your blobs are accessed using the storage account keys, which may indicate a
breach of security, or if the blobs are public but they shouldn't be.
What do the logs look like?
After you enable the storage account metrics and logging through the Azure portal, analytics data will start to
accumulate quickly. The logging and metrics for each service is separate; the logging is only written when there is
activity in that storage account, while the metrics will be logged every minute, every hour, or every day, depending
on how you configure it.
The logs are stored in block blobs in a container named $logs in the storage account. This container is
automatically created when Storage Analytics is enabled. Once this container is created, you can't delete it,
although you can delete its contents.
Under the $logs container, there is a folder for each service, and then there are subfolders for the
year/month/day/hour. Under hour, the logs are simply numbered. This is what the directory structure will look like:
Every request to Azure Storage is logged. Here's a snapshot of a log file, showing the first few fields.

You can see that you can use the logs to track any kind of calls to a storage account.
What are all of those fields for?
There is an article listed in the resources below that provides the list of the many fields in the logs and what they
are used for. Here is the list of fields in order:

We're interested in the entries for GetBlob, and how they are authenticated, so we need to look for entries with
operation-type "Get-Blob", and check the request-status (4th column) and the authorization-type (8th column).
For example, in the first few rows in the listing above, the request-status is "Success" and the authorization-type is
"authenticated". This means the request was validated using the storage account key.
How are my blobs being authenticated?
We have three cases that we are interested in.
1. The blob is public and it is accessed using a URL without a Shared Access Signature. In this case, the
request-status is "AnonymousSuccess" and the authorization-type is "anonymous".
2. The blob is private and was used with a Shared Access Signature. In this case, the request-status is
"SASSuccess" and the authorization-type is "sas".
3. The blob is private and the storage key was used to access it. In this case, the request-status is "Success"
and the authorization-type is "authenticated".
You can use the Microsoft Message Analyzer to view and analyze these logs. It includes search and filter
capabilities. For example, you might want to search for instances of GetBlob to see if the usage is what you expect,
i.e. to make sure someone is not accessing your storage account inappropriately.
Storage Analytics
This article is an overview of storage analytics and how to enable them.
Storage Analytics Log Format
This article illustrates the Storage Analytics Log Format, and details the fields available therein, including
authentication-type, which indicates the type of authentication used for the request.
Monitor a Storage Account in the Azure portal
This article shows how to configure monitoring of metrics and logging for a storage account.
End-to-End Troubleshooting using Azure Storage Metrics and Logging, AzCopy, and Message Analyzer
This article talks about troubleshooting using the Storage Analytics and shows how to use the Microsoft
Message Analyzer.
Microsoft Message Analyzer Operating Guide
This article is the reference for the Microsoft Message Analyzer and includes links to a tutorial, quick start,
and feature summary.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Cross-domain access of resources
When a web browser running in one domain makes an HTTP request for a resource from a different domain, this is
called a cross-origin HTTP request. For example, an HTML page served from makes a request for a
jpeg hosted on For security reasons, browsers restrict cross-origin HTTP requests
initiated from within scripts, such as JavaScript. This means that when some JavaScript code on a web page on requests that jpeg on, the browser will not allow the request.
What does this have to do with Azure Storage? Well, if you are storing static assets such as JSON or XML data files
in Blob Storage using a storage account called Fabrikam, the domain for the assets will be, and the web application will not be able to access them using
JavaScript because the domains are different. This is also true if you're trying to call one of the Azure Storage
Services – such as Table Storage – that return JSON data to be processed by the JavaScript client.
Possible solutions
One way to resolve this is to assign a custom domain like "" to The problem is that you can only assign that custom domain to one storage
account. What if the assets are stored in multiple storage accounts?
Another way to resolve this is to have the web application act as a proxy for the storage calls. This means if you are
uploading a file to Blob Storage, the web application would either write it locally and then copy it to Blob Storage,
or it would read all of it into memory and then write it to Blob Storage. Alternately, you could write a dedicated
web application (such as a Web API) that uploads the files locally and writes them to Blob Storage. Either way, you
have to account for that function when determining the scalability needs.
How can CORS help?
Azure Storage allows you to enable CORS – Cross Origin Resource Sharing. For each storage account, you can
specify domains that can access the resources in that storage account. For example, in our case outlined above, we
can enable CORS on the storage account and configure it to allow access to Then the web application can directly access the resources in
One thing to note is that CORS allows access, but it does not provide authentication, which is required for all non-
public access of storage resources. This means you can only access blobs if they are public or you include a Shared
Access Signature giving you the appropriate permission. Tables, queues, and files have no public access, and
require a SAS.
By default, CORS is disabled on all services. You can enable CORS by using the REST API or the storage client
library to call one of the methods to set the service policies. When you do that, you include a CORS rule, which is in
XML. Here's an example of a CORS rule that has been set using the Set Service Properties operation for the Blob
Service for a storage account. You can perform that operation using the storage client library or the REST APIs for
Azure Storage.


Here's what each row means:

AllowedOrigins This tells which non-matching domains can request and receive data from the storage service.
This says that both and can request data from Blob Storage for a specific storage
account. You can also set this to a wildcard (*) to allow all domains to access requests.
AllowedMethods This is the list of methods (HTTP request verbs) that can be used when making the request.
In this example, only PUT and GET are allowed. You can set this to a wildcard (*) to allow all methods to be used.
AllowedHeaders This is the request headers that the origin domain can specify when making the request. In
this example, all metadata headers starting with x-ms-meta-data, x-ms-meta-target, and x-ms-meta-abc are
permitted. The wildcard character (*) indicates that any header beginning with the specified prefix is allowed.
ExposedHeaders This tells which response headers should be exposed by the browser to the request issuer. In
this example, any header starting with "x-ms-meta-" will be exposed.
MaxAgeInSeconds This is the maximum amount of time that a browser will cache the preflight OPTIONS
request. (For more information about the preflight request, check the first article below.)
For more information about CORS and how to enable it, please check out these resources.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Support for the Azure Storage Services on
This article provides an overview of CORS and how to set the rules for the different storage services.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Support for the Azure Storage Services on MSDN
This is the reference documentation for CORS support for the Azure Storage Services. This has links to
articles applying to each storage service, and shows an example and explains each element in the CORS file.
Microsoft Azure Storage: Introducing CORS
This is a link to the initial blog article announcing CORS and showing how to use it.

Frequently asked questions about Azure Storage security

1. How can I verify the integrity of the blobs I'm transferring into or out of Azure Storage if I can't
use the HTTPS protocol?
If for any reason you need to use HTTP instead of HTTPS and you are working with block blobs, you can use
MD5 checking to help verify the integrity of the blobs being transferred. This will help with protection from
network/transport layer errors, but not necessarily with intermediary attacks.
If you can use HTTPS, which provides transport level security, then using MD5 checking is redundant and
For more information, please check out the Azure Blob MD5 Overview.
2. What about FIPS-Compliance for the U.S. Government?
The United States Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) defines cryptographic algorithms
approved for use by U.S. Federal government computer systems for the protection of sensitive data.
Enabling FIPS mode on a Windows server or desktop tells the OS that only FIPS-validated cryptographic
algorithms should be used. If an application uses non-compliant algorithms, the applications will break.
With.NET Framework versions 4.5.2 or higher, the application automatically switches the cryptography
algorithms to use FIPS-compliant algorithms when the computer is in FIPS mode.
Microsoft leaves it up to each customer to decide whether to enable FIPS mode. We believe there is no
compelling reason for customers who are not subject to government regulations to enable FIPS mode by
Why We're Not Recommending "FIPS Mode" Anymore
This blog article gives an overview of FIPS and explains why they don't enable FIPS mode by default.
FIPS 140 Validation
This article provides information on how Microsoft products and cryptographic modules comply with the
FIPS standard for the U.S. Federal government.
"System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing" security
settings effects in Windows XP and in later versions of Windows
This article talks about the use of FIPS mode in older Windows computers.
Best practices for Azure VM security
8/10/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

In most infrastructure as a service (IaaS) scenarios, Azure virtual machines (VMs) are the main workload for organizations that
use cloud computing. This fact is especially evident in hybrid scenarios where organizations want to slowly migrate workloads to
the cloud. In such scenarios, follow the general security considerations for IaaS, and apply security best practices to all your VMs.
This article discusses various VM security best practices, each derived from our customers' and our own direct experiences with
The best practices are based on a consensus of opinion, and they work with current Azure platform capabilities and feature sets.
Because opinions and technologies can change over time, we plan to update this article regularly to reflect those changes.
For each best practice, the article explains:
What the best practice is.
Why it's a good idea to enable it.
How you can learn to enable it.
What might happen if you fail to enable it.
Possible alternatives to the best practice.
The article examines the following VM security best practices:
VM authentication and access control
VM availability and network access
Protect data at rest in VMs by enforcing encryption
Manage your VM updates
Manage your VM security posture
Monitor VM performance

VM authentication and access control

The first step in protecting your VM is to ensure that only authorized users are able to set up new VMs. You can use Azure
Resource Manager policies to establish conventions for resources in your organization, create customized policies, and apply
these policies to resources, such as resource groups.
VMs that belong to a resource group naturally inherit its policies. Although we recommend this approach to managing VMs, you
can also control access to individual VM policies by using role-based access control (RBAC).
When you enable Resource Manager policies and RBAC to control VM access, you help improve overall VM security. We
recommend that you consolidate VMs with the same life cycle into the same resource group. By using resource groups, you can
deploy, monitor, and roll up billing costs for your resources. To enable users to access and set up VMs, use a least privilege
approach. And when you assign privileges to users, plan to use the following built-in Azure roles:
Virtual Machine Contributor: Can manage VMs, but not the virtual network or storage account to which they are connected.
Classic Virtual Machine Contributor: Can manage VMs created by using the classic deployment model, but not the virtual
network or storage account to which the VMs are connected.
Security Manager: Can manage security components, security policies, and VMs.
DevTest Labs User: Can view everything and connect, start, restart, and shut down VMs.
Don't share accounts and passwords between administrators, and don't reuse passwords across multiple user accounts or
services, particularly passwords for social media or other non-administrative activities. Ideally, you should use Azure Resource
Manager templates to set up your VMs securely. By using this approach, you can strengthen your deployment choices and
enforce security settings throughout the deployment.
Organizations that do not enforce data-access control by taking advantage of capabilities such as RBAC might be granting their
users more privileges than necessary. Inappropriate user access to certain data can directly compromise that data.
VM availability and network access
If your VM runs critical applications that need to have high availability, we strongly recommend that you use multiple VMs. For
better availability, create at least two VMs in the availability set.
Azure Load Balancer also requires that load-balanced VMs belong to the same availability set. If these VMs must be accessed
from the Internet, you must configure an Internet-facing load balancer.
When VMs are exposed to the Internet, it is important that you control network traffic flow with network security groups (NSGs).
Because NSGs can be applied to subnets, you can minimize the number of NSGs by grouping your resources by subnet and then
applying NSGs to the subnets. The intent is to create a layer of network isolation, which you can do by properly configuring the
network security capabilities in Azure.
You can also use the just-in-time (JIT) VM-access feature from Azure Security Center to control who has remote access to a
specific VM, and for how long.
Organizations that don't enforce network-access restrictions to Internet-facing VMs are exposed to security risks, such as a
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Brute Force attack.

Protect data at rest in your VMs by enforcing encryption

Data encryption at rest is a mandatory step toward data privacy, compliance, and data sovereignty. Azure Disk Encryption
enables IT administrators to encrypt Windows and Linux IaaS VM disks. Disk Encryption combines the industry-standard
Windows BitLocker feature and the Linux dm-crypt feature to provide volume encryption for the OS and the data disks.
You can apply Disk Encryption to help safeguard your data to meet your organizational security and compliance requirements.
Your organization should consider using encryption to help mitigate risks related to unauthorized data access. We also
recommend that you encrypt your drives before you write sensitive data to them.
Be sure to encrypt your VM data volumes to protect them at rest in your Azure storage account. Safeguard the encryption keys
and secret by using Azure Key Vault.
Organizations that do not enforce data encryption are more exposed to data-integrity issues. For example, unauthorized or rogue
users might steal data in compromised accounts or gain unauthorized access to data coded in ClearFormat. Besides taking on
such risks, to comply with industry regulations, companies must prove that they are exercising diligence and using correct
security controls to enhance their data security.
To learn more about Disk Encryption, see Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs.

Manage your VM updates

Because Azure VMs, like all on-premises VMs, are intended to be user-managed, Azure doesn't push Windows updates to them.
You are, however, encouraged to leave the automatic Windows Update setting enabled. Another option is to deploy Windows
Server Update Services (WSUS) or another suitable update-management product either on another VM or on-premises. Both
WSUS and Windows Update keep VMs current. We also recommend that you use a scanning product to verify that all your IaaS
VMs are up to date.
Stock images provided by Azure are routinely updated to include the most recent round of Windows updates. However, there is
no guarantee that the images will be current at deployment time. A slight lag (of no more than a few weeks) following public
releases might be possible. Checking for and installing all Windows updates should be the first step of every deployment. This
measure is especially important to apply when you deploy images that come from either you or your own library. Images that
are provided as part of the Azure Marketplace are updated automatically by default.
Organizations that don't enforce software-update policies are more exposed to threats that exploit known, previously fixed
vulnerabilities. Besides risking such threats, to comply with industry regulations, companies must prove that they are exercising
diligence and using correct security controls to help ensure the security of their workload located in the cloud.
It is important to emphasize that software-update best practices for traditional datacenters and Azure IaaS have many
similarities. We therefore recommend that you evaluate your current software update policies to include VMs.

Manage your VM security posture

Cyber threats are evolving, and safeguarding your VMs requires a rich monitoring capability that can quickly detect threats,
prevent unauthorized access to your resources, trigger alerts, and reduce false positives. The security posture for such a
workload comprises all security aspects of the VM, from update management to secure network access.
To monitor the security posture of your Windows and Linux VMs, use Azure Security Center. In Azure Security Center, safeguard
your VMs by taking advantage of the following capabilities:
Apply OS security settings with recommended configuration rules
Identify and download system security and critical updates that might be missing
Deploy Endpoint antimalware protection recommendations
Validate disk encryption
Assess and remediate vulnerabilities
Detect threats
Security Center can actively monitor for threats, and potential threats are exposed under Security Alerts. Correlated threats are
aggregated in a single view called Security Incident.
To understand how Security Center can help you identify potential threats in your VMs located in Azure, watch the following

Organizations that don't enforce a strong security posture for their VMs remain unaware of potential attempts by unauthorized
users to circumvent established security controls.

Monitor VM performance
Resource abuse can be a problem when VM processes consume more resources than they should. Performance issues with a VM
can lead to service disruption, which violates the security principle of availability. For this reason, it is imperative to monitor VM
access not only reactively, while an issue is occurring, but also proactively, against baseline performance as measured during
normal operation.
By analyzing Azure diagnostic log files, you can monitor your VM resources and identify potential issues that might compromise
performance and availability. The Azure Diagnostics Extension provides monitoring and diagnostics capabilities on Windows-
based VMs. You can enable these capabilities by including the extension as part of the Azure Resource Manager template.
You can also use Azure Monitor to gain visibility into your resource’s health.
Organizations that don't monitor VM performance are unable to determine whether certain changes in performance patterns are
normal or abnormal. If the VM is consuming more resources than normal, such an anomaly could indicate a potential attack
from an external resource or a compromised process running in the VM.
Security best practices for IaaS workloads in Azure
8/30/2017 • 14 min to read • Edit Online

As you started thinking about moving workloads to Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS), you probably realized
that some considerations are familiar. You might already have experience securing virtual environments. When you
move to Azure IaaS, you can apply your expertise in securing virtual environments and use a new set of options to
help secure your assets.
Let's start by saying that we should not expect to bring on-premises resources as one-to-one to Azure. The new
challenges and the new options bring an opportunity to reevaluate existing deigns, tools, and processes.
Your responsibility for security is based on the type of cloud service. The following chart summarizes the balance of
responsibility for both Microsoft and you:

We'll discuss some of the options available in Azure that can help you meet your organization’s security
requirements. Keep in mind that security requirements can vary for different types of workloads. Not one of these
best practices can by itself secure your systems. Like anything else in security, you have to choose the appropriate
options and see how the solutions can complement each other by filling gaps.

Use Privileged Access Workstations

Organizations often fall prey to cyberattacks because administrators perform actions while using accounts with
elevated rights. Usually this isn’t done maliciously but because existing configuration and processes allow it. Most
of these users understand the risk of these actions from a conceptual standpoint but still choose to do them.
Doing things like checking email and browsing the Internet seem innocent enough. But they might expose elevated
accounts to compromise by malicious actors. Browsing activities, specially crafted emails, or other techniques can
be used to gain access to your enterprise. We highly recommend the use of secure management workstations
(SAWs) for conducting all Azure administration tasks. SAWs are a way of reducing exposure to accidental
Privileged Access Workstations (PAWs) provide a dedicated operating system for sensitive tasks--one that is
protected from Internet attacks and threat vectors. Separating these sensitive tasks and accounts from the daily-use
workstations and devices provides strong protection. This separation limits the impact of phishing attacks,
application and OS vulnerabilities, various impersonation attacks, and credential theft attacks. (keystroke logging,
Pass-the-Hash, and Pass-the-Ticket)
The PAW approach is an extension of the well-established and recommended practice to use an individually
assigned administrative account. The administrative account is separate from a standard user account. A PAW
provides a trustworthy workstation for those sensitive accounts.
For more information and implementation guidance, see Privileged Access Workstations.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

In the past, your network perimeter was used to control access to corporate data. In a cloud-first, mobile-first
world, identity is the control plane: You use it to control access to IaaS services from any device. You also use it to
get visibility and insight into where and how your data is being used. Protecting the digital identity of your Azure
users is the cornerstone of protecting your subscriptions from identity theft and other cybercrimes.
One of the most beneficial steps that you can take to secure an account is to enable two-factor authentication. Two-
factor authentication is a way of authenticating by using something in addition to a password. It helps mitigate the
risk of access by someone who manages to get someone else’s password.
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication helps safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for
a simple sign-in process. It delivers strong authentication with a range of easy verification options--phone call, text
message, or mobile app notification. Users choose the method that they prefer.
The easiest way to use Multi-Factor Authentication is the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app that can be used on
mobile devices running Windows, iOS, and Android. With the latest release of Windows 10 and the integration of
on-premises Active Directory with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Windows Hello for Business can be used for
seamless single sign-on to Azure resources. In this case, the Windows 10 device is used as the second factor for
For accounts that manage your Azure subscription and for accounts that can sign in to virtual machines, using
Multi-Factor Authentication gives you a much greater level of security than using only a password. Other forms of
two-factor authentication might work just as well, but deploying them might be complicated if they're not already
in production.
The following screenshot shows some of the options available for Azure Multi-Factor Authentication:
Limit and constrain administrative access
Securing the accounts that can manage your Azure subscription is extremely important. The compromise of any of
those accounts negates the value of all the other steps that you might take to ensure the confidentiality and
integrity of your data. As recently illustrated by the Edward Snowden internal attacks pose a huge threat to the
overall security of any organization.
Evaluate individuals for administrative rights by following criteria similar to these:
Are they performing tasks that require administrative privileges?
How often are the tasks performed?
Is there a specific reason why the tasks cannot be performed by another administrator on their behalf?
Document all other known alternative approaches to granting the privilege and why each isn't acceptable.
The use of just-in-time administration prevents the unnecessary existence of accounts with elevated rights during
periods when those rights are not needed. Accounts have elevated rights for a limited time so that administrators
can do their jobs. Then, those rights are removed at the end of a shift or when a task is completed.
You can use Privileged Identity Management to manage, monitor, and control access in your organization. It helps
you remain aware of the actions that individuals take in your organization. It also brings just-in-time administration
to Azure AD by introducing the concept of eligible admins. These are individuals who have accounts with the
potential to be granted admin rights. These types of users can go through an activation process and be granted
admin rights for a limited time.

Use DevTest Labs

Using Azure for labs and development environments enables organizations to gain agility in testing and
development by taking away the delays that hardware procurement introduces. Unfortunately, a lack of familiarity
with Azure or a desire to help expedite its adoption might lead the administrator to be overly permissive with
rights assignment. This risk might unintentionally expose the organization to internal attacks. Some users might be
granted a lot more access than they should have.
The Azure DevTest Labs service uses Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). By using RBAC, you can segregate
duties within your team into roles that grant only the level of access necessary for users to do their jobs. RBAC
comes with predefined roles (owner, lab user, and contributor). You can even use these roles to assign rights to
external partners and greatly simplify collaboration.
Because DevTest Labs uses RBAC, it's possible to create additional, custom roles. DevTest Labs not only simplifies
the management of permissions, it simplifies the process of getting environments provisioned. It also helps you
deal with other typical challenges of teams that are working on development and test environments. It requires
some preparation, but in the long term, it will make things easier for your team.
Azure DevTest Labs features include:
Administrative control over the options available to users. The administrator can centrally manage things like
allowed VM sizes, maximum number of VMs, and when VMs are started and shut down.
Automation of lab environment creation.
Cost tracking.
Simplified distribution of VMs for temporary collaborative work.
Self-service that enables users to provision their labs by using templates.
Managing and limiting consumption.

No additional cost is associated with the usage of DevTest Labs. The creation of labs, policies, templates, and
artifacts is free. You pay for only the Azure resources used in your labs, such as virtual machines, storage accounts,
and virtual networks.

Control and limit endpoint access

Hosting labs or production systems in Azure means that your systems need to be accessible from the Internet. By
default, a new Windows virtual machine has the RDP port accessible from the Internet, and a Linux virtual machine
has the SSH port open. Taking steps to limit exposed endpoints is necessary to minimize the risk of unauthorized
Technologies in Azure can help you limit the access to those administrative endpoints. In Azure, you can use
network security groups (NSGs). When you use Azure Resource Manager for deployment, NSGs limit the access
from all networks to just the management endpoints (RDP or SSH). When you think NSGs, think router ACLs. You
can use them to tightly control the network communication between various segments of your Azure networks.
This is similar to creating networks in perimeter networks or other isolated networks. They do not inspect the
traffic, but they do help with network segmentation.
In Azure, you can configure a site-to-site VPN from your on-premises network. A site-to-site VPN extends your on-
premises network to the cloud. This gives you another opportunity to use NSGs, because you can also modify the
NSGs to not allow access from anywhere other than the local network. You can then require that administration is
done by first connecting to the Azure network via VPN.
The site-to-site VPN option might be most attractive in cases where you are hosting production systems that are
closely integrated with your on-premises resources in Azure.
Alternatively, you can use the point-to-site option in situations where you want to manage systems that don't need
access to on-premises resources. Those systems can be isolated in their own Azure virtual network. Administrators
can VPN into the Azure hosted environment from their administrative workstation.

You can use either VPN option to reconfigure the ACLs on the NSGs to not allow access to management endpoints from the

Another option worth considering is a Remote Desktop Gateway deployment. You can use this deployment to
securely connect to Remote Desktop servers over HTTPS, while applying more detailed controls to those
Features that you would have access to include:
Administrator options to limit connections to requests from specific systems.
Smart-card authentication or Azure Multi-Factor Authentication.
Control over which systems someone can connect to via the gateway.
Control over device and disk redirection.

Use a key management solution

Secure key management is essential to protecting data in the cloud. With Azure Key Vault, you can securely store
encryption keys and small secrets like passwords in hardware security modules (HSMs). For added assurance, you
can import or generate keys in HSMs.
Microsoft processes your keys in FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validated HSMs (hardware and firmware). Monitor and audit
key use with Azure logging: pipe logs into Azure or your Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
system for additional analysis and threat detection.
Anyone with an Azure subscription can create and use key vaults. Although Key Vault benefits developers and
security administrators, it can be implemented and managed by an administrator who is responsible for managing
Azure services in an organization.

Encrypt virtual disks and disk storage

Azure Disk Encryption addresses the threat of data theft or exposure from unauthorized access that's achieved by
moving a disk. The disk can be attached to another system as a way of bypassing other security controls. Disk
encryption uses BitLocker in Windows and DM-Crypt in Linux to encrypt operating system and data drives. Azure
Disk Encryption integrates with Key Vault to control and manage the encryption keys. It's available for standard
VMs and VMs with premium storage.
For more information, see Azure Disk Encryption in Windows and Linux IaaS VMs.
Azure Storage Service Encryption helps protect your data at rest. It's enabled at the storage account level. It
encrypts data as it's written in our datacenters, and it's automatically decrypted as you access it. It supports the
following scenarios:
Encryption of block blobs, append blobs, and page blobs
Encryption of archived VHDs and templates brought to Azure from on-premises
Encryption of underlying OS and data disks for IaaS VMs that you created by using your VHDs
Before you proceed with Azure Storage Encryption, be aware of two limitations:
It is not available on classic storage accounts.
It encrypts only data written after encryption is enabled.

Use a centralized security management system

Your servers need to be monitored for patching, configuration, events, and activities that might be considered
security concerns. To address those concerns, you can use Security Center and Operations Management Suite
Security and Compliance. Both of these options go beyond the configuration in the operating system. They also
provide monitoring of the configuration of the underlying infrastructure, like network configuration and virtual
appliance use.

Manage operating systems

In an IaaS deployment, you are still responsible for the management of the systems that you deploy, just like any
other server or workstation in your environment. Patching, hardening, rights assignments, and any other activity
related to the maintenance of your system are still your responsibility. For systems that are tightly integrated with
your on-premises resources, you might want to use the same tools and procedures that you're using on-premises
for things like antivirus, antimalware, patching, and backup.
Harden systems
All virtual machines in Azure IaaS should be hardened so that they expose only service endpoints that are required
for the applications that are installed. For Windows virtual machines, follow the recommendations that Microsoft
publishes as baselines for the Security Compliance Manager solution.
Security Compliance Manager is a free tool. You can use it to quickly configure and manage your desktops,
traditional datacenter, and private and public cloud by using Group Policy and System Center Configuration
Security Compliance Manager provides ready-to-deploy policies and Desired Configuration Management
configuration packs that are tested. These baselines are based on Microsoft Security Guidance recommendations
and industry best practices. They help you manage configuration drift, address compliance requirements, and
reduce security threats.
You can use Security Compliance Manager to import the current configuration of your computers by using two
different methods. First, you can import Active Directory-based group policies. Second, you can import the
configuration of a “golden master” reference machine by using the LocalGPO tool to back up the local group policy.
You can then import the local group policy into Security Compliance Manager.
Compare your standards to industry best practices, customize them, and create new policies and Desired
Configuration Management configuration packs. Baselines have been published for all supported operating
systems, including Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Windows Server 2016.
Install and manage antimalware
For environments that are hosted separately from your production environment, you can use an antimalware
extension to help protect your virtual machines and cloud services. It integrates with Azure Security Center.
Microsoft Antimalware includes features like real-time protection, scheduled scanning, malware remediation,
signature updates, engine updates, samples reporting, exclusion event collection, and PowerShell support.
Install the latest security updates
Some of the first workloads that customers move to Azure are labs and external-facing systems. If your Azure-
hosted virtual machines host applications or services that need to be accessible to the Internet, be vigilant about
patching. Patch beyond the operating system. Unpatched vulnerabilities on third-party applications can also lead to
problems that can be avoided if good patch management is in place.
Deploy and test a backup solution
Just like security updates, a backup needs to be handled the same way that you handle any other operation. This is
true of systems that are part of your production environment extending to the cloud. Test and dev systems must
follow backup strategies that provide restore capabilities that are similar to what users have grown accustomed to,
based on their experience with on-premises environments.
Production workloads moved to Azure should integrate with existing backup solutions when possible. Or, you can
use Azure Backup to help address your backup requirements.

Security Center provides ongoing evaluation of the security state of your Azure resources to identify potential
security vulnerabilities. A list of recommendations guides you through the process of configuring needed controls.
Examples include:
Provisioning antimalware to help identify and remove malicious software.
Configuring network security groups and rules to control traffic to virtual machines.
Provisioning web application firewalls to help defend against attacks that target your web applications.
Deploying missing system updates.
Addressing OS configurations that do not match the recommended baselines.
The following image shows some of the options that you can enable in Security Center.
Operations Management Suite is a Microsoft cloud-based IT management solution that helps you manage and
protect your on-premises and cloud infrastructure. Because Operations Management Suite is implemented as a
cloud-based service, it can be deployed quickly and with minimal investment in infrastructure resources.
New features are delivered automatically, saving you from ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs. Operations
Management Suite also integrates with System Center Operations Manager. It has different components to help
you better manage your Azure workloads, including a Security and Compliance module.
You can use the security and compliance features in Operations Management Suite to view information about your
resources. The information is organized into four major categories:
Security domains: Further explore security records over time. Access malware assessment, update assessment,
network security information, identity and access information, and computers with security events. Take
advantage of quick access to the Azure Security Center dashboard.
Notable issues: Quickly identify the number of active issues and the severity of these issues.
Detections (preview): Identify attack patterns by visualizing security alerts as they happen against your
Threat intelligence: Identify attack patterns by visualizing the total number of servers with outbound
malicious IP traffic, the malicious threat type, and a map that shows where these IPs are coming from.
Common security queries: See a list of the most common security queries that you can use to monitor your
environment. When you click one of those queries, the Search blade opens and shows the results for that
The following screenshot shows an example of the information that Operations Management Suite can display.
Next steps
Azure Security Team Blog
Microsoft Security Response Center
Azure security best practices and patterns
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services and
Virtual Machines
6/27/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

The modern threat landscape for cloud environments is extremely dynamic, increasing the pressure on business IT
cloud subscribers to maintain effective protection in order to meet compliance and security requirements.
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure is free real-time protection capability that helps identify and remove viruses,
spyware, and other malicious software, with configurable alerts when known malicious or unwanted software
attempts to install itself or run on your Azure systems.
The solution is built on the same antimalware platform as Microsoft Security Essentials [MSE], Microsoft Forefront
Endpoint Protection, Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection, Windows Intune, and Windows Defender for
Windows 8.0 and higher. Microsoft Antimalware for Azure is a single-agent solution for applications and tenant
environments, designed to run in the background without human intervention. You can deploy protection based
on the needs of your application workloads, with either basic secure-by-default or advanced custom configuration,
including antimalware monitoring.
When you deploy and enable Microsoft Antimalware for Azure for your applications, the following core features
are available:
Real-time protection - monitors activity in Cloud Services and on Virtual Machines to detect and block
malware execution.
Scheduled scanning - periodically performs targeted scanning to detect malware, including actively running
Malware remediation - automatically takes action on detected malware, such as deleting or quarantining
malicious files and cleaning up malicious registry entries.
Signature updates - automatically installs the latest protection signatures (virus definitions) to ensure
protection is up-to-date on a pre-determined frequency.
Antimalware Engine updates – automatically updates the Microsoft Antimalware engine.
Antimalware Platform updates – automatically updates the Microsoft Antimalware platform.
Active protection - reports telemetry metadata about detected threats and suspicious resources to Microsoft
Azure to ensure rapid response to the evolving threat landscape, as well as enabling real-time synchronous
signature delivery through the Microsoft Active Protection System (MAPS).
Samples reporting - provides and reports samples to the Microsoft Antimalware service to help refine the
service and enable troubleshooting.
Exclusions – allows application and service administrators to configure certain files, processes, and drives to
exclude them from protection and scanning for performance and/or other reasons.
Antimalware event collection - records the antimalware service health, suspicious activities, and
remediation actions taken in the operating system event log and collects them into the customer’s Azure
Storage account.

Microsoft Antimalware can also be deployed using Azure Security Center. Read Install Endpoint Protection in Azure Security
Center for more information.

The Microsoft Antimalware for Azure solution includes the Microsoft Antimalware Client and Service, Antimalware
classic deployment model, Antimalware PowerShell cmdlets and Azure Diagnostics Extension. The Microsoft
Antimalware solution is supported on Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server
2012 R2 operating system families. It is not supported on the Windows Server 2008 operating system. Support
for Windows Server 2016 with Defender has been released, you can read more about this update here.
The Microsoft Antimalware Client and Service is installed by default in a disabled state in all supported Azure
guest operating system families in the Cloud Services platform. The Microsoft Antimalware Client and Service is
not installed by default in the Virtual Machines platform and is available as an optional feature through the Azure
portal and Visual Studio Virtual Machine configuration under Security Extensions.
When using Azure Websites, the underlying service that hosts the web app has Microsoft Antimalware enabled on
it. This is used to protect Azure Websites infrastructure and does not run on customer content.
Microsoft antimalware workflow
The Azure service administrator can enable Antimalware for Azure with a default or custom configuration for your
Virtual Machines and Cloud Services using the following options:
Virtual Machines – In the Azure portal, under Security Extensions
Virtual Machines – Using the Visual Studio virtual machines configuration in Server Explorer
Virtual Machines and Cloud Services – Using the Antimalware classic deployment model
Virtual Machines and Cloud Services – Using Antimalware PowerShell cmdlets
The Azure portal or PowerShell cmdlets push the Antimalware extension package file to the Azure system at a pre-
determined fixed location. The Azure Guest Agent (or the Fabric Agent) launches the Antimalware Extension,
applying the Antimalware configuration settings supplied as input. This step enables the Antimalware service with
either default or custom configuration settings. If no custom configuration is provided, then the antimalware
service is enabled with the default configuration settings. Refer to the Antimalware configuration section in the
Microsoft Antimalware for Azure – Code Samples for more details.
Once running, the Microsoft Antimalware client downloads the latest protection engine and signature definitions
from the Internet and loads them on the Azure system. The Microsoft Antimalware service writes service-related
events to the system OS events log under the “Microsoft Antimalware” event source. Events include the
Antimalware client health state, protection and remediation status, new and old configuration settings, engine
updates and signature definitions, and others.
You can enable Antimalware monitoring for your Cloud Service or Virtual Machine to have the Antimalware event
log events written as they are produced to your Azure storage account. The Antimalware Service uses the Azure
Diagnostics extension to collect Antimalware events from the Azure system into tables in the customer’s Azure
Storage account.
The deployment workflow including configuration steps and options supported for the above scenarios are
documented in Antimalware deployment scenarios section of this document.
You can however use Powershell/APIs and Azure Resource Manager templates to deploy Virtual Machine Scale Sets with the
Microsoft Anti-Malware extension. For installing an extension on an already running Virtual Machine, you can use the
sample python script located here. This script gets the existing extension config on the Scale Set and adds an
extension to the list of existing extensions on the VM Scale Sets.

Default and Custom Antimalware Configuration

The default configuration settings are applied to enable Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services or Virtual Machines
when you do not provide custom configuration settings. The default configuration settings have been pre-
optimized for running in the Azure environment. Optionally, you can customize these default configuration
settings as required for your Azure application or service deployment and apply them for other deployment

By default the Microsoft Antimalware User Interface on Azure Resource Manager is disabled, cleanuppolicy.xml file to bypass
this error message is not supported. For information on how to create a custom policy, read Enabling Microsoft Antimalware
User Interface on Azure Resource Manager VMs Post Deployment.

The following table summarizes the configuration settings available for the Antimalware service. The default
configuration settings are marked under the column labeled “Default” below.
Antimalware Deployment Scenarios
The scenarios to enable and configure antimalware, including monitoring for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual
Machines, are discussed in this section.
Virtual machines - enable and configure antimalware
Deployment using Azure Portal
To enable the Antimalware service, click Add on the Extensions blade, select Microsoft Antimalware on the New
resource blade, click Create on the Microsoft Antimalware blade. Click Create without inputting any configuration
values to enable Antimalware with the default settings, or enter the Antimalware configuration settings for the
Virtual Machine configured as shown in Figure 2 below. Please refer to the tooltips provided with each
configuration setting on the Add Extension blade to see the supported configuration values.
Deployment using the Azure classic portal
To enable and configure Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Virtual Machines using the Azure portal while
provisioning a Virtual Machine, follow the steps below:
1.Log onto the Azure portal at
2.To create a new virtual machine, click New, Compute, Virtual Machine, From Gallery (do not use Quick
Create) as shown below:

3.Select the Microsoft Windows Server image on the Choose an Image page.
4.Click the right arrow and input the Virtual Machine configuration.
5.Check the Microsoft Antimalware checkbox under Security Extensions on the Virtual Machine configuration
6.Click the Submit button to enable and configure Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Virtual Machines with the
default configuration settings.
Deployment Using the Visual Studio virtual machine configuration
To enable and configure the Microsoft Antimalware service using Visual Studio:
1.Connect to Microsoft Azure in Visual Studio.
2.Choose your Virtual Machine in the Virtual Machines node in Server Explorer

3.Right click configure to view the Virtual Machine configuration page

4.Select Microsoft Antimalware extension from the dropdown list under Installed Extensions and click Add to
configure with default antimalware configuration.

5.To customize the default Antimalware configuration, select (highlight) the Antimalware extension in the installed
extensions list and click Configure.
6.Replace the default Antimalware configuration with your custom configuration in supported JSON format in the
public configuration textbox and click OK.
7.Click the Update button to push the configuration updates to your Virtual Machine.

Note: The Visual Studio Virtual Machines configuration for Antimalware supports only JSON format
configuration. The Antimalware JSON configuration settings template is included in the Microsoft Antimalware For
Azure - Code Samples, showing the supported Antimalware configuration settings.
Deployment Using PowerShell cmdlets
An Azure application or service can enable and configure Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Virtual Machines using
PowerShell cmdlets.
To enable and configure Microsoft antimalware using antimalware PowerShell cmdlets:
1. Set up your PowerShell environment - Refer to the documentation at
2. Use the Set-AzureVMMicrosoftAntimalwareExtension Antimalware cmdlet to enable and configure Microsoft
Antimalware for your Virtual Machine as documented at
Note: The Azure Virtual Machines configuration for Antimalware supports only JSON format configuration. The
Antimalware JSON configuration settings template is included in the Microsoft Antimalware For Azure - Code
Samples, showing the supported Antimalware configuration settings.
Enable and Configure Antimalware Using PowerShell cmdlets
An Azure application or service can enable and configure Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services using
PowerShell cmdlets. Note that Microsoft Antimalware is installed in a disabled state in the Cloud Services platform
and requires an action by an Azure application to enable it.
To enable and configure Microsoft Antimalware using PowerShell cmdlets:
1. Set up your PowerShell environment - Refer to the documentation at
2. Use the Set-AzureServiceAntimalwareExtension Antimalware cmdlet to enable and configure Microsoft
Antimalware for your Cloud Service as documented at
The Antimalware XML configuration settings template is included in the Microsoft Antimalware For Azure - Code
Samples, showing the supported Antimalware configuration settings.
Cloud Services and Virtual Machines - Configuration Using PowerShell cmdlets
An Azure application or service can retrieve the Microsoft Antimalware configuration for Cloud Services and
Virtual Machines using PowerShell cmdlets.
To retrieve the Microsoft Antimalware configuration using PowerShell cmdlets:
1. Set up your PowerShell environment - Refer to the documentation at
2. For Virtual Machines: Use the Get-AzureVMMicrosoftAntimalwareExtension Antimalware cmdlet to get the
antimalware configuration as documented at
3. For Cloud Services: Use the Get-AzureServiceAntimalwareConfig Antimalware cmdlet to get the Antimalware
configuration as documented at
Remove Antimalware Configuration Using PowerShell cmdlets
An Azure application or service can remove the Antimalware configuration and any associated Antimalware
monitoring configuration from the relevant Azure Antimalware and diagnostics service extensions associated with
the Cloud Service or Virtual Machine.
To remove Microsoft Antimalware using PowerShell cmdlets:
1. Set up your PowerShell environment - Refer to the documentation at
2. For Virtual Machines: Use the Remove-AzureVMMicrosoftAntimalwareExtension Antimalware cmdlet as
documented at
3. For Cloud Services: Use the Remove-AzureServiceAntimalwareExtension Antimalware cmdlet as documented
To enable antimalware event collection for a virtual machine using the Azure Preview Portal:
1. Click any part of the Monitoring lens in the Virtual Machine blade
2. Click the Diagnostics command on Metric blade
3. Select Status ON and check the option for Windows event system
4. . You can choose to uncheck all other options in the list, or leave them enabled per your application service
5. The Antimalware event categories “Error”, “Warning”, “Informational”, etc., are captured in your Azure Storage
Antimalware events are collected from the Windows event system logs to your Azure Storage account. You can
configure the Storage Account for your Virtual Machine to collect Antimalware events by selecting the appropriate
storage account.
For more information on how to Diagnostics Logging for Azure Antimalware, read Enabling Diagnostics Logging for Azure

Enable and configure antimalware monitoring using powerShell cmdlets

You can enable collection of Microsoft Antimalware events for your Cloud Service or Virtual Machine using Azure
Diagnostics through Antimalware PowerShell cmdlets. The Azure Diagnostics extension can be configured to
capture events from the System event log source “Microsoft Antimalware” to your Azure Storage account. The
Antimalware event categories “Error”, “Warning”, “Informational”, etc., are captured in your Azure Storage account.
To enable Antimalware event collection to your Azure Storage account using PowerShell cmdlets:
1. Set up your PowerShell environment - Refer to
2. For Virtual Machines - Use the Set-AzureVMMicrosoftAntimalwareExtension Antimalware cmdlet with
Monitoring ON option as documented at
3. For Cloud Services - Use the Set-AzureServiceAntimalwareExtension Antimalware cmdlet with Monitoring ON
option as documented at
You can view the Antimalware raw events by looking at the WADWindowsEventLogsTable table in your Azure
Storage account that you configured to enable Antimalware monitoring. This can be useful to validate that
Antimalware event collection is working, including getting insight into the Antimalware service’s health. For more
details, including sample code on how to extract Antimalware events from your storage account, refer to Microsoft
Antimalware For Azure - Code Samples.
Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS
8/9/2017 • 49 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft Azure is strongly committed to ensuring your data privacy, data sovereignty and enables you to control
your Azure hosted data through a range of advanced technologies to encrypt, control and manage encryption
keys, control & audit access of data. This provides Azure customers the flexibility to choose the solution that best
meets their business needs. In this paper, we will introduce you to a new technology solution “Azure Disk
Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VM’s” to help protect and safeguard your data to meet your
organizational security and compliance commitments. The paper provides detailed guidance on how to use the
Azure disk encryption features including the supported scenarios and the user experiences.

Certain recommendations might increase data, network, or compute resource usage, resulting in additional license or
subscription costs.

Azure Disk Encryption is a new capability that helps you encrypt your Windows and Linux IaaS virtual machine
disks. Azure Disk Encryption leverages the industry standard BitLocker feature of Windows and the DM-Crypt
feature of Linux to provide volume encryption for the OS and the data disks. The solution is integrated with Azure
Key Vault to help you control and manage the disk-encryption keys and secrets in your key vault subscription.
The solution also ensures that all data on the virtual machine disks are encrypted at rest in your Azure storage.
Azure disk encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs is now in General Availability in all Azure public
regions and AzureGov regions for Standard VMs and VMs with premium storage.
Encryption scenarios
The Azure Disk Encryption solution supports the following customer scenarios:
Enable encryption on new IaaS VMs created from pre-encrypted VHD and encryption keys
Enable encryption on new IaaS VMs created from the supported Azure Gallery images
Enable encryption on existing IaaS VMs running in Azure
Disable encryption on Windows IaaS VMs
Disable encryption on data drives for Linux IaaS VMs
Enable encryption of managed disk VMs
Update encryption settings of an existing encrypted non-premium storage VM
Backup and restore of encrypted VMs, encrypted with key encryption key
The solution supports the following scenarios for IaaS VMs when they are enabled in Microsoft Azure:
Integration with Azure Key Vault
Standard tier VMs: A, D, DS, G, GS, F, and so forth series IaaS VMs
Enable encryption on Windows and Linux IaaS VMs and managed disk VMs from the supported Azure Gallery
Disable encryption on OS and data drives for Windows IaaS VMs and managed disk VMs
Disable encryption on data drives for Linux IaaS VMs and managed disk VMs
Enable encryption on IaaS VMs running Windows Client OS
Enable encryption on volumes with mount paths
Enable encryption on Linux VMs configured with disk striping (RAID) using mdadm
Enable encryption on Linux VMs using LVM for data disks
Enable encryption on Windows VMs configured with Storage Spaces
Update encryption settings of an existing encrypted non-premium storage VM
All Azure Public and AzureGov regions are supported
The solution does not support the following scenarios, features, and technology:
Basic tier IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on an OS drive for Linux IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on a data drive if the OS drive is encrypted for Linux Iaas VMs
IaaS VMs that are created by using the classic VM creation method
Enable encryption on Windows and Linux IaaS VMs customer custom images is NOT supported. Enable
enccryption on Linux LVM OS disk is not supported currently. This support will come soon.
Integration with your on-premises Key Management Service
Azure Files (shared file system), Network File System (NFS), dynamic volumes, and Windows VMs that are
configured with software-based RAID systems
Backup and restore of encrypted VMs, encrypted without key encryption key.
Update encryption settings of an existing encrypted premium storage VM.

Backup and restore of encrypted VMs is supported only for VMs that are encrypted with the KEK configuration. It is not
supported on VMs that are encrypted without KEK. KEK is an optional parameter that enables VM encryption. This support
is coming soon. Update encryption settings of an existing encrypted premium storage VM are not supported. This support
is coming soon.

Encryption features
When you enable and deploy Azure Disk Encryption for Azure IaaS VMs, the following capabilities are enabled,
depending on the configuration provided:
Encryption of the OS volume to protect the boot volume at rest in your storage
Encryption of data volumes to protect the data volumes at rest in your storage
Disabling encryption on the OS and data drives for Windows IaaS VMs
Disabling encryption on the data drives for Linux IaaS VMs (only if OS drive IS NOT encrypted)
Safeguarding the encryption keys and secrets in your key vault subscription
Reporting the encryption status of the encrypted IaaS VM
Removal of disk-encryption configuration settings from the IaaS virtual machine
Backup and restore of encrypted VMs by using the Azure Backup service

Backup and restore of encrypted VMs is supported only for VMs that are encrypted with the KEK configuration. It is not
supported on VMs that are encrypted without KEK. KEK is an optional parameter that enables VM encryption.

Azure Disk Encryption for IaaS VMS for Windows and Linux solution includes:
The disk-encryption extension for Windows.
The disk-encryption extension for Linux.
The disk-encryption PowerShell cmdlets.
The disk-encryption Azure command-line interface (CLI) cmdlets.
The disk-encryption Azure Resource Manager templates.
The Azure Disk Encryption solution is supported on IaaS VMs that are running Windows or Linux OS. For more
information about the supported operating systems, see the "Prerequisites" section.

There is no additional charge for encrypting VM disks with Azure Disk Encryption.

Value proposition
When you apply the Azure Disk Encryption-management solution, you can satisfy the following business needs:
IaaS VMs are secured at rest, because you can use industry-standard encryption technology to address
organizational security and compliance requirements.
IaaS VMs boot under customer-controlled keys and policies, and you can audit their usage in your key vault.
Encryption workflow
To enable disk encryption for Windows and Linux VMs, do the following:
1. Choose an encryption scenario from among the preceding encryption scenarios.
2. Opt in to enabling disk encryption via the Azure Disk Encryption Resource Manager template, PowerShell
cmdlets, or CLI command, and specify the encryption configuration.
For the customer-encrypted VHD scenario, upload the encrypted VHD to your storage account and the
encryption key material to your key vault. Then, provide the encryption configuration to enable
encryption on a new IaaS VM.
For new VMs that are created from the Marketplace and existing VMs that are already running in Azure,
provide the encryption configuration to enable encryption on the IaaS VM.
3. Grant access to the Azure platform to read the encryption-key material (BitLocker encryption keys for
Windows systems and Passphrase for Linux) from your key vault to enable encryption on the IaaS VM.
4. Provide the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) application identity to write the encryption key material to
your key vault. Doing so enables encryption on the IaaS VM for the scenarios mentioned in step 2.
5. Azure updates the VM service model with encryption and the key vault configuration, and sets up your
encrypted VM.

Decryption workflow
To disable disk encryption for IaaS VMs, complete the following high-level steps:
1. Choose to disable encryption (decryption) on a running IaaS VM in Azure via the Azure Disk Encryption
Resource Manager template or PowerShell cmdlets, and specify the decryption configuration.
This step disables encryption of the OS or the data volume or both on the running Windows IaaS VM.
However, as mentioned in the previous section, disabling OS disk encryption for Linux is not supported.
The decryption step is allowed only for data drives on Linux VMs as long as the OS disk is not encrypted.
2. Azure updates the VM service model, and the IaaS VM is marked decrypted. The contents of the VM are no
longer encrypted at rest.

The disable-encryption operation does not delete your key vault and the encryption key material (BitLocker encryption
keys for Windows systems or Passphrase for Linux). Disabling OS disk encryption for Linux is not supported. The decryption
step is allowed only for data drives on Linux VMs. Disabling data disk encryption for Linux is not supported if the OS drive
is encrypted.

Before you enable Azure Disk Encryption on Azure IaaS VMs for the supported scenarios that were discussed in
the "Overview" section, see the following prerequisites:
You must have a valid active Azure subscription to create resources in Azure in the supported regions.
Azure Disk Encryption is supported on the following Windows Server versions: Windows Server 2008 R2,
Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2016.
Azure Disk Encryption is supported on the following Windows client versions: Windows 8 client and Windows
10 client.

For Windows Server 2008 R2, you must have .NET Framework 4.5 installed before you enable encryption in Azure. You can
install it from Windows Update by installing the optional update Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Windows Server 2008
R2 x64-based systems (KB2901983).

Azure Disk Encryption is supported on the following Azure Gallery based Linux server distributions and



Ubuntu 16.04-DAILY-LTS OS and Data disk

Ubuntu 14.04.5-DAILY-LTS OS and Data disk

Ubuntu 12.10 Data disk

Ubuntu 12.04 Data disk

RHEL 7.3 OS and Data disk

RHEL 7.2 OS and Data disk

RHEL 6.8 OS and Data disk


RHEL 6.7 Data disk

CentOS 7.3 OS and Data disk

CentOS 7.2n OS and Data disk

CentOS 6.8 OS and Data disk

CentOS 7.1 Data disk

CentOS 7.0 Data disk

CentOS 6.7 Data disk

CentOS 6.6 Data disk

CentOS 6.5 Data disk

openSUSE 13.2 Data disk

SLES 12 SP1 Data disk

SLES 12-SP1 (Premium) Data disk

SLES HPC 12 Data disk

SLES 11-SP4 (Premium) Data disk

SLES 11 SP4 Data disk

Azure Disk Encryption requires that your key vault and VMs reside in the same Azure region and subscription.

Configuring the resources in separate regions causes a failure in enabling the Azure Disk Encryption feature.

To set up and configure your key vault for Azure Disk Encryption, see section Set up and configure your key
vault for Azure Disk Encryption in the Prerequisites section of this article.
To set up and configure Azure AD application in Azure Active directory for Azure Disk Encryption, see section
Set up the Azure AD application in Azure Active Directory in the Prerequisites section of this article.
To set up and configure the key vault access policy for the Azure AD application, see section Set up the key
vault access policy for the Azure AD application in the Prerequisites section of this article.
To prepare a pre-encrypted Windows VHD, see section Prepare a pre-encrypted Windows VHD in the
To prepare a pre-encrypted Linux VHD, see section Prepare a pre-encrypted Linux VHD in the Appendix.
The Azure platform needs access to the encryption keys or secrets in your key vault to make them available to
the virtual machine when it boots and decrypts the virtual machine OS volume. To grant permissions to Azure
platform, set the EnabledForDiskEncryption property in the key vault. For more information, see Set up
and configure your key vault for Azure Disk Encryption in the Appendix.
Your key vault secret and KEK URLs must be versioned. Azure enforces this restriction of versioning. For
valid secret and KEK URLs, see the following examples:
Example of a valid secret URL:
Example of a valid KEK URL:
Azure Disk Encryption does not support specifying port numbers as part of key vault secrets and KEK
URLs. For examples of non-supported and supported key vault URLs, see the following:
Unacceptable key vault URL
Acceptable key vault URL:
To enable the Azure Disk Encryption feature, the IaaS VMs must meet the following network endpoint
configuration requirements:
To get a token to connect to your key vault, the IaaS VM must be able to connect to an Azure Active
Directory endpoint, [].
To write the encryption keys to your key vault, the IaaS VM must be able to connect to the key vault
The IaaS VM must be able to connect to an Azure storage endpoint that hosts the Azure extension
repository and an Azure storage account that hosts the VHD files.

If your security policy limits access from Azure VMs to the Internet, you can resolve the preceding URI and
configure a specific rule to allow outbound connectivity to the IPs.
To configure and access Azure Key Vault behind a firewall(

Use the latest version of Azure PowerShell SDK version to configure Azure Disk Encryption. Download the
latest version of Azure PowerShell release

Azure Disk Encryption is not supported on Azure PowerShell SDK version 1.1.0. If you are receiving an error related
to using Azure PowerShell 1.1.0, see Azure Disk Encryption Error Related to Azure PowerShell 1.1.0.

To run any Azure CLI command and associate it with your Azure subscription, you must first install Azure
To install Azure CLI and associate it with your Azure subscription, see How to install and configure
Azure CLI.
To use Azure CLI for Mac, Linux, and Windows with Azure Resource Manager, see Azure CLI commands
in Resource Manager mode.
When encrypting a managed disk, it is mandatory prerequisite to take a snapshot of the managed disk or a
backup of the disk outside of Azure Disk Encryption prior to enabling encryption. Without a backup in
place, any unexpected failure during encryption may render the disk and VM inaccessible without a
recovery option. Set-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionExtension does not currently back up managed disks and
will error if used against a managed disk unless the -skipVmBackup parameter has been specified. This
parameter is unsafe to use unless a backup has already been made outside of Azure Disk Encryption.
When the -skipVmBackup parameter is specified, the cmdlet will not make a backup of the managed disk
prior to encryption. For this reason, it is considered a mandatory prerequisite to make sure a backup of the
managed disk VM is in place prior to enabling Azure Disk Encryption in case recovery is later needed.

The -skipVmBackup parameter should never be used unless a snapshot or backup has already been made outside
of Azure Disk Encryption.

The Azure Disk Encryption solution uses the BitLocker external key protector for Windows IaaS VMs. For
domain joined VMs, DO NOT push any group policies that enforce TPM protectors. For information about
the group policy for “Allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM,” see BitLocker Group Policy Reference.
Bitlocker policy on domain joined virtual machines with custom group policy must include the following
setting: Configure user storage of bitlocker recovery information -> Allow 256-bit recovery key Azure Disk
Encryption will fail when custom group policy settings for Bitlocker are incompatible. On machines that did
not have the correct policy setting, applying the new policy, forcing the new policy to update (gpupdate.exe
/force), and then restarting may be required.
To create an Azure AD application, create a key vault, or set up an existing key vault and enable encryption, see
the Azure Disk Encryption prerequisite PowerShell script.
To configure disk-encryption prerequisites using the Azure CLI, see this Bash script.
To use the Azure Backup service to back up and restore encrypted VMs, when encryption is enabled with
Azure Disk Encryption, encrypt your VMs by using the Azure Disk Encryption key configuration. The
Backup service supports VMs that are encrypted using KEK configuration only. See How to back up and
restore encrypted virtual machines with Azure Backup encryption.
When encrypting a Linux OS volume, note that a VM restart is currently required at the end of the process.
This can be done via the portal, powershell, or CLI. To track the progress of encryption, periodically poll the
status message returned by Get-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionStatus
us/powershell/module/azurerm.compute/get-azurermvmdiskencryptionstatus. Once encryption is
complete, the the status message returned by this command will indicate this. For example,
"ProgressMessage: OS disk successfully encrypted, please reboot the VM" At this point the VM can be
restarted and used.
Azure Disk Encryption for Linux requires data disks to have a mounted file system in Linux prior to
Recursively mounted data disks are not supported by the Azure Disk Encryption for Linux. For example, if
the target system has mounted a disk on /foo/bar and then another on /foo/bar/baz, the encryption of
/foo/bar/baz will succeed, but encryption of /foo/bar will fail.
Azure Disk Encryption is only supported on Azure gallery supported images that meet the aforementioned
prerequisites. Customer custom images are not supported due to custom partition schemes and process
behaviors that may exist on these images. Further, even gallery image based VM's that initially met
prerequisites but have been modified after creation may be incompatible. For that reason, the suggested
procedure for encrypting a Linux VM is to start from a clean gallery image, encrypt the VM, and then add
custom software or data to the VM as needed.

Backup and restore of encrypted VMs is supported only for VMs that are encrypted with the KEK configuration. It is not
supported on VMs that are encrypted without KEK. KEK is an optional parameter that enables VM.

Set up the Azure AD application in Azure Active Directory

When you need encryption to be enabled on a running VM in Azure, Azure Disk Encryption generates and writes
the encryption keys to your key vault. Managing encryption keys in your key vault requires Azure AD
For this purpose, create an Azure AD application. You can find detailed steps for registering an application in the
“Get an Identity for the Application” section of the blog post Azure Key Vault - Step by Step. This post also
contains a number of helpful examples for setting up and configuring your key vault. For authentication
purposes, you can use either client secret-based authentication or client certificate-based Azure AD
Client secret-based authentication for Azure AD
The sections that follow can help you configure a client secret-based authentication for Azure AD.
C r e a t e a n A z u r e A D a p p l i c a t i o n b y u si n g A z u r e P o w e r Sh e l l

Use the following PowerShell cmdlet to create an Azure AD application:

$aadClientSecret = "yourSecret"
$azureAdApplication = New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName "<Your Application Display Name>" -HomePage "
<>" -IdentifierUris "<>" -Password $aadClientSecret
$servicePrincipal = New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal –ApplicationId $azureAdApplication.ApplicationId

$azureAdApplication.ApplicationId is the Azure AD ClientID and $aadClientSecret is the client secret that you should use
later to enable Azure Disk Encryption. Safeguard the Azure AD client secret appropriately.

Se t t i n g u p t h e A z u r e A D c l i e n t I D a n d se c r e t fr o m t h e A z u r e c l a ssi c p o r t a l

You can also set up your Azure AD client ID and secret by using the Azure classic portal. To perform this task, do
the following:
1. Click the Active Directory tab.
2. Click Add Application, and then type the application name.

3. Click the arrow button, and then configure the application properties.
4. Click the check mark in the lower left corner to finish. The application configuration page appears, and the
Azure AD client ID is displayed at the bottom of the page.
5. Save the Azure AD client secret by clicking the Save button. Note the Azure AD client secret in the keys text
box. Safeguard it appropriately.
The preceding flow is not supported on the Azure classic portal.

U se a n e x i st i n g a p p l i c a t i o n

To execute the following commands, obtain and use the Azure AD PowerShell module.

The following commands must be executed from a new PowerShell window. Do not use Azure PowerShell or the Azure
Resource Manager window to execute the commands. We recommend this approach because these cmdlets are in the
MSOnline module or Azure AD PowerShell.

$clientSecret = ‘<yourAadClientSecret>’
$aadClientID = '<Client ID of your Azure AD application>'
New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $aadClientID -Type password -Value $clientSecret

Certificate-based authentication for Azure AD

Azure AD certificate-based authentication is currently not supported on Linux VMs.

The sections that follow show how to configure a certificate-based authentication for Azure AD.
Cr eat e an A z u r e A D appl i c at i o n

To create an Azure AD application, execute the following PowerShell cmdlets:

Replace the following yourpassword string with your secure password, and safeguard the password.

$cert = New-Object
$keyValue = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($cert.GetRawCertData())
$azureAdApplication = New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName "<Your Application Display Name>" -HomePage "
<>" -IdentifierUris "<>" -KeyValue $keyValue -KeyType
$servicePrincipal = New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal –ApplicationId $azureAdApplication.ApplicationId

After you finish this step, upload a PFX file to your key vault and enable the access policy needed to deploy that
certificate to a VM.
U se a n e x i st i n g A z u r e A D a p p l i c a t i o n

If you are configuring certificate-based authentication for an existing application, use the PowerShell cmdlets
shown here. Be sure to execute them from a new PowerShell window.

$certLocalPath = 'C:\certs\myaadapp.cer'
$aadClientID = '<Client ID of your Azure AD application>'
$cer = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate
$binCert = $cer.GetRawCertData()
$credValue = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($binCert);
New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $aadClientID -Type asymmetric -Value $credValue -Usage

After you finish this step, upload a PFX file to your key vault and enable the access policy that's needed to deploy
the certificate to a VM.
U p l o a d a P F X fi l e t o y o u r k e y v a u l t

For a detailed explanation of this process, see The Official Azure Key Vault Team Blog. However, the following
PowerShell cmdlets are all you need for the task. Be sure to execute them from Azure PowerShell console.

Replace the following yourpassword string with your secure password, and safeguard the password.
$certLocalPath = 'C:\certs\myaadapp.pfx'
$certPassword = "yourpassword"
$resourceGroupName = ‘yourResourceGroup’
$keyVaultName = ‘yourKeyVaultName’
$keyVaultSecretName = ‘yourAadCertSecretName’

$fileContentBytes = get-content $certLocalPath -Encoding Byte

$fileContentEncoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($fileContentBytes)

$jsonObject = @"
"data": "$filecontentencoded",
"dataType" :"pfx",
"password": "$certPassword"

$jsonObjectBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($jsonObject)
$jsonEncoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($jsonObjectBytes)

Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager

$secret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $jsonEncoded -AsPlainText -Force
Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $keyVaultSecretName -SecretValue $secret
Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $keyVaultName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName –

D e p l o y a c e r t i fi c a t e i n y o u r k e y v a u l t t o a n e x i st i n g V M

After you finish uploading the PFX, deploy a certificate in the key vault to an existing VM with the following:

$resourceGroupName = ‘yourResourceGroup’
$keyVaultName = ‘yourKeyVaultName’
$keyVaultSecretName = ‘yourAadCertSecretName’
$vmName = ‘yourVMName’
$certUrl = (Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $keyVaultSecretName).Id
$sourceVaultId = (Get-AzureRmKeyVault -VaultName $keyVaultName -ResourceGroupName
$vm = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $vmName
$vm = Add-AzureRmVMSecret -VM $vm -SourceVaultId $sourceVaultId -CertificateStore "My" -CertificateUrl
Update-AzureRmVM -VM $vm -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName

Set up the key vault access policy for the Azure AD application
Your Azure AD application needs rights to access the keys or secrets in the vault. Use the
Set-AzureKeyVaultAccessPolicy cmdlet to grant permissions to the application, using the client ID (which was
generated when the application was registered) as the –ServicePrincipalName parameter value. To learn more,
see the blog post Azure Key Vault - Step by Step. Here is an example of how to perform this task via PowerShell:

$keyVaultName = '<yourKeyVaultName>'
$aadClientID = '<yourAadAppClientID>'
$rgname = '<yourResourceGroup>'
Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $keyVaultName -ServicePrincipalName $aadClientID -
PermissionsToKeys 'WrapKey' -PermissionsToSecrets 'Set' -ResourceGroupName $rgname

Azure Disk Encryption requires you to configure the following access policies to your Azure AD client application: WrapKey
and Set permissions.

To understand some of the common terms used by this technology, use the following terminology table:


Azure AD Azure AD is Azure Active Directory. An Azure AD account is a

prerequisite for authenticating, storing, and retrieving secrets
from a key vault.

Azure Key Vault Key Vault is a cryptographic, key management service that's
based on Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-
validated hardware security modules, which help safeguard
your cryptographic keys and sensitive secrets. For more
information, see Key Vault documentation.

ARM Azure Resource Manager

BitLocker BitLocker is an industry-recognized Windows volume

encryption technology that's used to enable disk encryption
on Windows IaaS VMs.

BEK BitLocker encryption keys are used to encrypt the OS boot

volume and data volumes. The BitLocker keys are
safeguarded in a key vault as secrets.

CLI See Azure command-line interface.

DM-Crypt DM-Crypt is the Linux-based, transparent disk-encryption

subsystem that's used to enable disk encryption on Linux
IaaS VMs.

KEK Key encryption key is the asymmetric key (RSA 2048) that
you can use to protect or wrap the secret. You can provide a
hardware security modules (HSM)-protected key or software-
protected key. For more details, see Azure Key Vault

PS cmdlets See Azure PowerShell cmdlets.

Set up and configure your key vault for Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Disk Encryption helps safeguard the disk-encryption keys and secrets in your key vault. To set up your key
vault for Azure Disk Encryption, complete the steps in each of the following sections.
Create a key vault
To create a key vault, use one of the following options:
"101-Key-Vault-Create" Resource Manager template
Azure PowerShell key vault cmdlets
Azure Resource Manager
How to Secure your key vault

If you have already set up a key vault for your subscription, skip to the next section.
Set up a key encryption key (optional)
If you want to use a KEK for an additional layer of security for the BitLocker encryption keys, add a KEK to your
key vault. Use the Add-AzureKeyVaultKey cmdlet to create a key encryption key in the key vault. You can also
import a KEK from your on-premises key management HSM. For more details, see Key Vault Documentation.

Add-AzureKeyVaultKey [-VaultName] <string> [-Name] <string> -Destination <string> {HSM | Software}

You can add the KEK by going to Azure Resource Manager or by using your key vault interface.

Set key vault permissions

The Azure platform needs access to the encryption keys or secrets in your key vault to make them available to the
VM for booting and decrypting the volumes. To grant permissions to the Azure platform, set the
EnabledForDiskEncryption property in the key vault by using the key vault PowerShell cmdlet:

Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName <yourVaultName> -ResourceGroupName <yourResourceGroup> -


You can also set the EnabledForDiskEncryption property by visiting the Azure Resource Explorer.
As mentioned earlier, you must set the EnabledForDiskEncryption property on your key vault. Otherwise, the
deployment will fail.
You can set up access policies for your Azure AD application from the key vault interface, as shown here:
On the Advanced access policies tab, make sure that your key vault is enabled for Azure Disk Encryption:
Disk-encryption deployment scenarios and user experiences
You can enable many disk-encryption scenarios, and the steps may vary according to the scenario. The following
sections cover the scenarios in greater detail.
Enable encryption on new IaaS VMs that are created from the Marketplace
You can enable disk encryption on new IaaS Windows VM from the Marketplace in Azure by using the Resource
Manager template.
1. On the Azure quick-start template, click Deploy to Azure, enter the encryption configuration on the
Parameters blade, and then click OK.
2. Select the subscription, resource group, resource group location, legal terms, and agreement, and then
click Create to enable encryption on a new IaaS VM.

This template creates a new encrypted Windows VM that uses the Windows Server 2012 gallery image.

You can enable disk encryption on a new IaaS RedHat Linux 7.2 VM with a 200-GB RAID-0 array by using this
Resource Manager template. After you deploy the template, verify the VM encryption status by using the
Get-AzureRmVmDiskEncryptionStatus cmdlet, as described in Encrypting OS drive on a running Linux VM. When the
machine returns a status of VMRestartPending, restart the VM.
The following table lists the Resource Manager template parameters for new VMs from the Marketplace scenario
using Azure AD client ID:


adminUserName Admin user name for the virtual machine.

adminPassword Admin user password for the virtual machine.


newStorageAccountName Name of the storage account to store OS and data VHDs.

vmSize Size of the VM. Currently, only Standard A, D, and G series

are supported.

virtualNetworkName Name of the VNet that the VM NIC should belong to.

subnetName Name of the subnet in the VNet that the VM NIC should
belong to.

AADClientID Client ID of the Azure AD application that has permissions to

write secrets to your key vault.

AADClientSecret Client secret of the Azure AD application that has

permissions to write secrets to your key vault.

keyVaultURL URL of the key vault that the BitLocker key should be
uploaded to. You can get it by using the cmdlet
(Get-AzureRmKeyVault -VaultName,-ResourceGroupName

keyEncryptionKeyURL URL of the key encryption key that's used to encrypt the
generated BitLocker key (optional).

keyVaultResourceGroup Resource group of the key vault.

vmName Name of the VM that the encryption operation is to be

performed on.

KeyEncryptionKeyURL is an optional parameter. You can bring your own KEK to further safeguard the data encryption key
(Passphrase secret) in your key vault.

Enable encryption on new IaaS VMs that are created from customer-encrypted VHD and encryption keys
In this scenario, you can enable encrypting by using the Resource Manager template, PowerShell cmdlets, or CLI
commands. The following sections explain in greater detail the Resource Manager template and CLI commands.
Follow the instructions from one of these sections for preparing pre-encrypted images that can be used in Azure.
After the image is created, you can use the steps in the next section to create an encrypted Azure VM.
Prepare a pre-encrypted Windows VHD
Prepare a pre-encrypted Linux VHD
Using the Resource Manager template
You can enable disk encryption on your encrypted VHD by using the Resource Manager template.
1. On the Azure quick-start template, click Deploy to Azure, enter the encryption configuration on the
Parameters blade, and then click OK.
2. Select the subscription, resource group, resource group location, legal terms, and agreement, and then
click Create to enable encryption on the new IaaS VM.
The following table lists the Resource Manager template parameters for your encrypted VHD:


newStorageAccountName Name of the storage account to store the encrypted OS

VHD. This storage account should already have been created
in the same resource group and same location as the VM.

osVhdUri URI of the OS VHD from the storage account.

osType OS product type (Windows/Linux).

virtualNetworkName Name of the VNet that the VM NIC should belong to. The
name should already have been created in the same resource
group and same location as the VM.

subnetName Name of the subnet on the VNet that the VM NIC should
belong to.

vmSize Size of the VM. Currently, only Standard A, D, and G series

are supported.

keyVaultResourceID The ResourceID that identifies the key vault resource in Azure
Resource Manager. You can get it by using the PowerShell
(Get-AzureRmKeyVault -VaultName
&lt;yourKeyVaultName&gt; -ResourceGroupName

keyVaultSecretUrl URL of the disk-encryption key that's set up in the key vault.

keyVaultKekUrl URL of the key encryption key for encrypting the generated
disk-encryption key.

vmName Name of the IaaS VM.

Using PowerShell cmdlets

You can enable disk encryption on your encrypted VHD by using the PowerShell cmdlet Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk .
Using CLI commands
To enable disk encryption for this scenario by using CLI commands, do the following:
1. Set access policies in your key vault:
Set the EnabledForDiskEncryption flag:
azure keyvault set-policy --vault-name <keyVaultName> --enabled-for-disk-encryption true

Set permissions to Azure AD application to write secrets to your key vault:

azure keyvault set-policy --vault-name <keyVaultName> --spn <aadClientID> --perms-to-keys
'["wrapKey"]' --perms-to-secrets '["set"]'

2. To enable encryption on an existing or running VM, type:

azure vm enable-disk-encryption --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <vmName> --aad-client-id
<aadClientId> --aad-client-secret <aadClientSecret> --disk-encryption-key-vault-url <keyVaultURL> --
disk-encryption-key-vault-id <keyVaultResourceId> --volume-type [All|OS|Data]

3. Get encryption status:

azure vm show-disk-encryption-status --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <vmName> --json

4. To enable encryption on a new VM from your encrypted VHD, use the following parameters with the
azure vm create command:

* disk-encryption-key-vault-id <disk-encryption-key-vault-id>
* disk-encryption-key-url <disk-encryption-key-url>
* key-encryption-key-vault-id <key-encryption-key-vault-id>
* key-encryption-key-url <key-encryption-key-url>

Enable encryption on existing or running IaaS Windows VM in Azure

In this scenario, you can enable encrypting by using the Resource Manager template, PowerShell cmdlets, or CLI
commands. The following sections explain in greater detail how to enable it by using the Resource Manager
template and CLI commands.
Using the Resource Manager template
You can enable disk encryption on existing or running IaaS Windows VMs in Azure by using the Resource
Manager template.
1. On the Azure quick-start template, click Deploy to Azure, enter the encryption configuration on the
Parameters blade, and then click OK.
2. Select the subscription, resource group, resource group location, legal terms, and agreement, and then
click Create to enable encryption on the existing or running IaaS VM.
The following table lists the Resource Manager template parameters for existing or running VMs that use an
Azure AD client ID:


AADClientID Client ID of the Azure AD application that has permissions to

write secrets to the key vault.

AADClientSecret Client secret of the Azure AD application that has

permissions to write secrets to the key vault.

keyVaultName Name of the key vault that the BitLocker key should be
uploaded to. You can get it by using the cmdlet
(Get-AzureRmKeyVault -ResourceGroupName
<yourResourceGroupName>). Vaultname

keyEncryptionKeyURL URL of the key encryption key that's used to encrypt the
generated BitLocker key. This parameter is optional if you
select nokek in the UseExistingKek drop-down list. If you
select kek in the UseExistingKek drop-down list, you must
enter the keyEncryptionKeyURL value.

volumeType Type of volume that the encryption operation is performed

on. Valid values are OS, Data, and All.

sequenceVersion Sequence version of the BitLocker operation. Increment this

version number every time a disk-encryption operation is
performed on the same VM.

vmName Name of the VM that the encryption operation is to be

performed on.
KeyEncryptionKeyURL is an optional parameter. You can bring your own KEK to further safeguard the data encryption key
(BitLocker encryption secret) in the key vault.

Using PowerShell cmdlets

For information about enabling encryption with Azure Disk Encryption by using PowerShell cmdlets, see the blog
posts Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure PowerShell - Part 1 and Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure
PowerShell - Part 2.
Using CLI commands
To enable encryption on existing or running IaaS Windows VM in Azure using CLI commands, do the following:
1. To set access policies in the key vault:
Set the EnabledForDiskEncryption flag:
azure keyvault set-policy --vault-name <keyVaultName> --enabled-for-disk-encryption true

Set permissions to Azure AD application to write secrets to your key vault:

azure keyvault set-policy --vault-name <keyVaultName> --spn <aadClientID> --perms-to-keys
'["wrapKey"]' --perms-to-secrets '["set"]'

2. To enable encryption on an existing or running VM:

azure vm enable-disk-encryption --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <vmName> --aad-client-id
<aadClientId> --aad-client-secret <aadClientSecret> --disk-encryption-key-vault-url <keyVaultURL> --
disk-encryption-key-vault-id <keyVaultResourceId> --volume-type [All|OS|Data]

3. To get encryption status:

azure vm show-disk-encryption-status --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <vmName> --json

4. To enable encryption on a new VM from your encrypted VHD, use the following parameters with the
azure vm create command:

* disk-encryption-key-vault-id <disk-encryption-key-vault-id>
* disk-encryption-key-url <disk-encryption-key-url>
* key-encryption-key-vault-id <key-encryption-key-vault-id>
* key-encryption-key-url <key-encryption-key-url>

Enable encryption on an existing or running IaaS Linux VM in Azure

You can enable disk encryption on an existing or running IaaS Linux VM in Azure by using the Resource Manager
1. Click Deploy to Azure on the Azure quick-start template, enter the encryption configuration on the
Parameters blade, and then click OK.
2. Select the subscription, resource group, resource group location, legal terms, and agreement, and then
click Create to enable encryption on the existing or running IaaS VM.
The following table lists Resource Manager template parameters for existing or running VMs that use an Azure
AD client ID:


AADClientID Client ID of the Azure AD application that has permissions to

write secrets to the key vault.

AADClientSecret Client secret of the Azure AD application that has

permissions to write secrets to your key vault.

keyVaultName Name of the key vault that the BitLocker key should be
uploaded to. You can get it by using the cmdlet
(Get-AzureRmKeyVault -ResourceGroupName
<yourResourceGroupName>). Vaultname

keyEncryptionKeyURL URL of the key encryption key that's used to encrypt the
generated BitLocker key. This parameter is optional if you
select nokek in the UseExistingKek drop-down list. If you
select kek in the UseExistingKek drop-down list, you must
enter the keyEncryptionKeyURL value.

volumeType Type of volume that the encryption operation is performed

on. Valid supported values are OS or All (for RHEL 7.2,
CentOS 7.2, and Ubuntu 16.04), and Data (for all other

sequenceVersion Sequence version of the BitLocker operation. Increment this

version number every time a disk-encryption operation is
performed on the same VM.

vmName Name of the VM that the encryption operation is to be

performed on.

passPhrase Type a strong passphrase as the data encryption key.

KeyEncryptionKeyURL is an optional parameter. You can bring your own KEK to further safeguard the data encryption key
(passphrase secret) in your key vault.

CLI commands
You can enable disk encryption on your encrypted VHD by installing and using the CLI command. To enable
encryption on existing or running IaaS Linux VMs in Azure by using CLI commands, do the following:
1. Set access policies in the key vault:
Set the EnabledForDiskEncryption flag:
azure keyvault set-policy --vault-name <keyVaultName> --enabled-for-disk-encryption true

Set permissions to Azure AD application to write secrets to your key vault:

azure keyvault set-policy --vault-name <keyVaultName> --spn <aadClientID> --perms-to-keys
'["wrapKey"]' --perms-to-secrets '["set"]'

2. To enable encryption on an existing or running VM:

azure vm enable-disk-encryption --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <vmName> --aad-client-id
<aadClientId> --aad-client-secret <aadClientSecret> --disk-encryption-key-vault-url <keyVaultURL> --
disk-encryption-key-vault-id <keyVaultResourceId> --volume-type [All|OS|Data]

3. Get encryption status:

azure vm show-disk-encryption-status --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <vmName> --json
4. To enable encryption on a new VM from your encrypted VHD, use the following parameters with the
azure vm create command:

* disk-encryption-key-vault-id <disk-encryption-key-vault-id>
* disk-encryption-key-url <disk-encryption-key-url>
* key-encryption-key-vault-id <key-encryption-key-vault-id>
* key-encryption-key-url <key-encryption-key-url>

Get the encryption status of an encrypted IaaS VM

You can get the encryption status by using Azure Resource Manager, PowerShell cmdlets, or CLI commands. The
following sections explain how to use the Azure classic portal and CLI commands to get the encryption status.
Get the encryption status of an encrypted Windows VM by using Azure Resource Manager
You can get the encryption status of the IaaS VM from Azure Resource Manager by doing the following:
1. Sign in to the Azure classic portal, and then click Virtual machines in the left pane to see a summary view
of the virtual machines in your subscription. You can filter the virtual machines view by selecting the
subscription name in the Subscription drop-down list.
2. At the top of the Virtual machines page, click Columns.
3. On the Choose column blade, select Disk Encryption, and then click Update. You should see the disk-
encryption column showing the encryption state Enabled or Not Enabled for each VM, as shown in the
following figure:

Get the encryption status of an encrypted (Windows/Linux ) IaaS VM by using the disk-encryption PowerShell cmdlet
You can get the encryption status of the IaaS VM from the disk-encryption PowerShell cmdlet
Get-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionStatus . To get the encryption settings for your VM, enter the following:

C:\> Get-AzureRmVmDiskEncryptionStatus -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName

-ExtensionName $ExtensionName

OsVolumeEncrypted : NotEncrypted
DataVolumesEncrypted : Encrypted
OsVolumeEncryptionSettings : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskEncryptionSettings
ProgressMessage :

You can inspect the output of Get-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionStatus for encryption key URLs.
C:\> $status = Get-AzureRmVmDiskEncryptionStatus -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName
e $VMName -ExtensionName $ExtensionName
C:\> $status.OsVolumeEncryptionSettings

DiskEncryptionKey KeyEncryptionKey
----------------- ----------------
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.KeyVaultKeyReference True

C:\> $status.OsVolumeEncryptionSettings.DiskEncryptionKey.SecretUrl
C:\> $status.OsVolumeEncryptionSettings.DiskEncryptionKey

b18d0025ef2a/abebacb83d864a5fa729508315020f8a Microsoft.Azure.Management....

The OSVolumeEncrypted and DataVolumesEncrypted settings values are set to Encrypted, which shows that both
volumes are encrypted using Azure Disk Encryption. For information about enabling encryption with Azure Disk
Encryption by using PowerShell cmdlets, see the blog posts Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure PowerShell
- Part 1 and Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure PowerShell - Part 2.

On Linux VMs, it takes three to four minutes for the Get-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionStatus cmdlet to report the
encryption status.

Get the encryption status of the IaaS VM from the disk-encryption CLI command
You can get the encryption status of the IaaS VM by using the disk-encryption CLI command
azure vm show-disk-encryption-status . To get the encryption settings for your VM, enter your Azure CLI session:

azure vm show-disk-encryption-status --resource-group <yourResourceGroupName> --name <yourVMName> --json

Disable encryption on running Windows IaaS VM

You can disable encryption on a running Windows or Linux IaaS VM via the Azure Disk Encryption Resource
Manager template or PowerShell cmdlets and specify the decryption configuration.
W i n do w s VM

The disable-encryption step disables encryption of the OS, the data volume, or both on the running Windows
IaaS VM. You cannot disable the OS volume and leave the data volume encrypted. When the disable-encryption
step is performed, the Azure classic deployment model updates the VM service model, and the Windows IaaS VM
is marked decrypted. The contents of the VM are no longer encrypted at rest. The decryption does not delete your
key vault and the encryption key material (BitLocker encryption keys for Windows and Passphrase for Linux).
Li n u x VM

The disable-encryption step disables encryption of the data volume on the running Linux IaaS VM. This step only
works if the OS disk is not encrypted.
Disabling encryption on the OS disk is not allowed on Linux VMs.

D i sa b l e e n c r y p t i o n o n a n e x i st i n g o r r u n n i n g I a a S V M

You can disable disk encryption on running Windows IaaS VMs by using the Resource Manager template.
1. On the Azure quick-start template, click Deploy to Azure, enter the decryption configuration on the
Parameters blade, and then click OK.
2. Select the subscription, resource group, resource group location, legal terms, and agreement, and then
click Create to enable encryption on a new IaaS VM.
For Linux VMs, you can disable encryption by using the Disable encryption on a running Linux VM template.
The following table lists Resource Manager template parameters for disabling encryption on a running IaaS VM:


vmName Name of the VM that the encryption operation is to be

performed on.

volumeType Type of volume that a decryption operation is performed on.

Valid values are OS, Data, and All. You cannot disable
encryption on running Windows IaaS VM OS/boot volume
without disabling encryption on the Data volume. Also note
that disabling encryption on the OS disk is not allowed on
Linux VMs.

sequenceVersion Sequence version of the BitLocker operation. Increment this

version number every time a disk decryption operation is
performed on the same VM.

D i sa b l e e n c r y p t i o n o n a n e x i st i n g o r r u n n i n g I a a S V M

To disable encryption on an existing or running IaaS VM by using the PowerShell cmdlet, see
Disable-AzureRmVMDiskEncryption . This cmdlet supports both Windows and Linux VMs. To disable encryption, it
installs an extension on the virtual machine. If the Name parameter is not specified, an extension with the default
name AzureDiskEncryption for Windows VMs is created.
On Linux VMs, the AzureDiskEncryptionForLinux extension is used.

This cmdlet reboots the virtual machine.

Enable encryption on pre -encrypted IaaS VM with Azure Managed Disk

Use the Azure Managed Disk ARM template to create a encrypted VM from a pre-encrypted VHD using the ARM
template located at
Create a new encrypted managed disk from a pre-encrypted VHD/storage blob
Enable encryption on a new Linux IaaS VM with Azure Managed Disk
Use the Azure Managed Disk ARM template to create a new encrypted Linux IaaS VM using the ARM template
located at
Deployment of RHEL 7.2 with full disk encryption
Enable encryption on a new Windows IaaS VM with Azure Managed Disk
Use the Azure Managed Disk ARM template to create a new encrypted Linux IaaS VM using the ARM template
located at
Create a new encrypted Windows IaaS Managed Disk VM from gallery image

It is mandatory to snapshot and/or backup a managed disk based VM instance outside of and prior to enabling Azure Disk
Encryption. A snapshot of the managed disk can be taken from the portal, or Azure Backup can be used. Backups ensure
that a recovery option is possible in the case of any unexpected failure during encryption. Once a backup is made, the Set-
AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionExtension cmdlet can be used to encrypt managed disks by specifying the -skipVmBackup
parameter. This command will fail against managed disk based VM's until a backup has been made and this parameter has
been specified.

Update encryption settings of an existing encrypted non-premium VM

Use the existing Azure disk encryption supported interfaces for running VM [PS cmdlets, CLI or ARM templates]
to update the encryption settings like AAD client ID/secret, Key encryption key [KEK], BitLocker encryption key for
Windows VM or Passphrase for Linux VM etc. The update encryption setting is supported only for VMs backed by
non-premium storage. It is NNOT supported for VMs backed by premium storage.

Connect to your subscription
Before you proceed, review the Prerequisites section in this article. After you ensure that all prerequisites have
been met, connect to your subscription by doing the following:
1. Start an Azure PowerShell session, and sign in to your Azure account with the following command:

2. If you have multiple subscriptions and want to specify one to use, type the following to see the
subscriptions for your account:

3. To specify the subscription you want to use, type:

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName <Yoursubscriptionname>

4. To verify that the subscription configured is correct, type:


5. To confirm the Azure Disk Encryption cmdlets are installed, type:

Get-command *diskencryption*

6. The following output confirms the Azure Disk Encryption PowerShell installation:

PS C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0> get-command *diskencryption*

CommandType Name Source
Cmdlet Get-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionStatus AzureRM.Compute
Cmdlet Disable-AzureRmVMDiskEncryption AzureRM.Compute
Cmdlet Set-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionExtension AzureRM.Compute

Prepare a pre -encrypted Windows VHD

The sections that follow are necessary to prepare a pre-encrypted Windows VHD for deployment as an encrypted
VHD in Azure IaaS. Use the information to prepare and boot a fresh Windows VM (VHD) on Azure Site Recovery
or Azure.
Update group policy to allow non-TPM for OS protection
Configure the BitLocker Group Policy setting BitLocker Drive Encryption, which you'll find under Local
Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components.
Change this setting to Operating System Drives > Require additional authentication at startup > Allow
BitLocker without a compatible TPM, as shown in the following figure:

Install BitLocker feature components

For Windows Server 2012 and later, use the following command:

dism /online /Enable-Feature /all /FeatureName:BitLocker /quiet /norestart

For Windows Server 2008 R2, use the following command:

ServerManagerCmd -install BitLockers

Prepare the OS volume for BitLocker by using bdehdcfg

To compress the OS partition and prepare the machine for BitLocker, execute the following command:

bdehdcfg -target c: shrink -quiet

Protect the OS volume by using BitLocker

Use the manage-bde command to enable encryption on the boot volume using an external key protector. Also
place the external key (.bek file) on the external drive or volume. Encryption is enabled on the system/boot
volume after the next reboot.
manage-bde -on %systemdrive% -sk [ExternalDriveOrVolume]

Prepare the VM with a separate data/resource VHD for getting the external key by using BitLocker.

Encrypting an OS drive on a running Linux VM

Encryption of an OS drive on a running Linux VM is supported on the following distributions:
RHEL 7.2
CentOS 7.2
Ubuntu 16.04
P r e r e q u i si t e s fo r O S d i sk e n c r y p t i o n

The VM must be created from the Marketplace image in Azure Resource Manager.
Azure VM with at least 4 GB of RAM (recommended size is 7 GB).
(For RHEL and CentOS) Disable SELinux. To disable SELinux, see "4.4.2. Disabling SELinux" in the SELinux
User's and Administrator's Guide on the VM.
After you disable SELinux, reboot the VM at least once.
St e p s

1. Create a VM by using one of the distributions specified previously.

For CentOS 7.2, OS disk encryption is supported via a special image. To use this image, specify "7.2n" as
the SKU when you create the VM:

Set-AzureRmVMSourceImage -VM $VirtualMachine -PublisherName "OpenLogic" -Offer "CentOS" -Skus "7.2n"

-Version "latest"

2. Configure the VM according to your needs. If you are going to encrypt all the (OS + data) drives, the data
drives need to be specified and mountable from /etc/fstab.

Use UUID=... to specify data drives in /etc/fstab instead of specifying the block device name (for example,
/dev/sdb1). During encryption, the order of drives changes on the VM. If your VM relies on a specific order of block
devices, it will fail to mount them after encryption.

3. Sign out of the SSH sessions.

4. To encrypt the OS, specify volumeType as All or OS when you enable encryption.

All user-space processes that are not running as systemd services should be killed with a SIGKILL . Reboot the
VM. When you enable OS disk encryption on a running VM, plan on VM downtime.

5. Periodically monitor the progress of encryption by using the instructions in the next section.
6. After Get-AzureRmVmDiskEncryptionStatus shows "VMRestartPending," restart your VM either by signing
in to it or by using the portal, PowerShell, or CLI.
C:\> Get-AzureRmVmDiskEncryptionStatus -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName
-ExtensionName $ExtensionName

OsVolumeEncrypted : VMRestartPending
DataVolumesEncrypted : NotMounted
OsVolumeEncryptionSettings : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskEncryptionSettings
ProgressMessage : OS disk successfully encrypted, reboot the VM

Before you reboot, we recommend that you save boot diagnostics of the VM.
Monitoring OS encryption progress
You can monitor OS encryption progress in three ways:
Use the Get-AzureRmVmDiskEncryptionStatus cmdlet and inspect the ProgressMessage field:

OsVolumeEncrypted : EncryptionInProgress
DataVolumesEncrypted : NotMounted
OsVolumeEncryptionSettings : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskEncryptionSettings
ProgressMessage : OS disk encryption started

After the VM reaches "OS disk encryption started," it takes about 40 to 50 minutes on a Premium-storage
backed VM.
Because of issue #388 in WALinuxAgent, OsVolumeEncrypted and DataVolumesEncrypted show up as
Unknown in some distributions. With WALinuxAgent version 2.1.5 and later, this issue is fixed
automatically. If you see Unknown in the output, you can verify disk-encryption status by using the Azure
Resource Explorer.
Go to Azure Resource Explorer, and then expand this hierarchy in the selection panel on left:

|-- subscriptions
|-- [Your subscription]
|-- resourceGroups
|-- [Your resource group]
|-- providers
|-- Microsoft.Compute
|-- virtualMachines
|-- [Your virtual machine]
|-- InstanceView

In the InstanceView, scroll down to see the encryption status of your drives.

Look at boot diagnostics. Messages from the ADE extension should be prefixed with
[AzureDiskEncryption] .

Sign in to the VM via SSH, and get the extension log from:
We recommend that you do not sign in to the VM while OS encryption is in progress. Copy the logs only
when the other two methods have failed.
Prepare a pre-encrypted Linux VHD
Ubuntu 16

Configure encryption during the distribution installation by doing the following:

1. Select Configure encrypted volumes when you partition the disks.

2. Create a separate boot drive, which must not be encrypted. Encrypt your root drive.
3. Provide a passphrase. This is the passphrase that you upload to the key vault.

4. Finish partitioning.
5. When you boot the VM and are asked for a passphrase, use the passphrase you provided in step 3.

6. Prepare the VM for uploading into Azure using these instructions. Do not run the last step (deprovisioning
the VM) yet.
Configure encryption to work with Azure by doing the following:
1. Create a file under /usr/local/sbin/, with the content in the following script. Pay
attention to the KeyFileName, because it is the passphrase file name used by Azure.

echo "Trying to get the key from disks ..." >&2
mkdir -p $MountPoint
modprobe vfat >/dev/null 2>&1
modprobe ntfs >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 2
cd /sys/block
for DEV in sd*; do

echo "> Trying device: $DEV ..." >&2

mount -t vfat -r /dev/${DEV}1 $MountPoint >/dev/null||
mount -t ntfs -r /dev/${DEV}1 $MountPoint >/dev/null
if [ -f $MountPoint/$KeyFileName ]; then
cat $MountPoint/$KeyFileName
umount $MountPoint 2>/dev/null
umount $MountPoint 2>/dev/null

if [ $OPENED -eq 0 ]; then

echo "FAILED to find suitable passphrase file ..." >&2
echo -n "Try to enter your password: " >&2
read -s -r A </dev/console
echo -n "$A"
echo "Success loading keyfile!" >&2

2. Change the crypt config in /etc/crypttab. It should look like this:

xxx_crypt uuid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx none luks,discard,keyscript=/usr/local/sbin/

3. If you are editing in Windows and you copied it to Linux, run
dos2unix /usr/local/sbin/ .

4. Add executable permissions to the script:

chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/

5. Edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules by appending lines: vfat ntfs nls_cp437 nls_utf8 nls_iso8859-1

6. Run update-initramfs -u -k all to update the initramfs to make the keyscript take effect.
7. Now you can deprovision the VM.
8. Continue to the next step and upload your VHD into Azure.
o p e n SU SE 1 3 .2

To configure encryption during the distribution installation, do the following:

1. When you partition the disks, select Encrypt Volume Group, and then enter a password. This is the
password that you will upload to your key vault.
2. Boot the VM using your password.

3. Prepare the VM for uploading to Azure by following the instructions in Prepare a SLES or openSUSE
virtual machine for Azure. Do not run the last step (deprovisioning the VM) yet.
To configure encryption to work with Azure, do the following:
1. Edit the /etc/dracut.conf, and add the following line: add_drivers+=" vfat ntfs nls_cp437 nls_iso8859-1"
2. Comment out these lines by the end of the file /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/

# inst_multiple -o \
# $systemdutildir/system-generators/systemd-cryptsetup-generator \
# $systemdutildir/systemd-cryptsetup \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-ask-password-console.path \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-ask-password-console.service \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/ \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/ \
# systemd-ask-password systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
# inst_script "$moddir"/ /sbin/crypt-run-generator

3. Append the following line at the beginning of the file /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/


And change all occurrences of:

if [ -z "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ]; then

if [ 1 ]; then

4. Edit /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/ and append it to “# Open LUKS device”:

echo "Trying to get the key from disks ..." >&2
mkdir -p $MountPoint >&2
modprobe vfat >/dev/null >&2
modprobe ntfs >/dev/null >&2
for SFS in /dev/sd*; do
echo "> Trying device:$SFS..." >&2
mount ${SFS}1 $MountPoint -t vfat -r >&2 ||
mount ${SFS}1 $MountPoint -t ntfs -r >&2
if [ -f $MountPoint/$KeyFileName ]; then
echo "> keyfile got..." >&2
cp $MountPoint/$KeyFileName /tmp-keyfile >&2
umount $MountPoint >&2

5. Run /usr/sbin/dracut -f -v to update the initrd.

6. Now you can deprovision the VM and upload your VHD into Azure.
Cen t O S 7

To configure encryption during the distribution installation, do the following:

1. Select Encrypt my data when you partition disks.

2. Make sure Encrypt is selected for root partition.

3. Provide a passphrase. This is the passphrase that you will upload to your key vault.

4. When you boot the VM and are asked for a passphrase, use the passphrase you provided in step 3.
5. Prepare the VM for uploading into Azure by using the "CentOS 7.0+" instructions in Prepare a CentOS-
based virtual machine for Azure. Do not run the last step (deprovisioning the VM) yet.
6. Now you can deprovision the VM and upload your VHD into Azure.
To configure encryption to work with Azure, do the following:
1. Edit the /etc/dracut.conf, and add the following line:

add_drivers+=" vfat ntfs nls_cp437 nls_iso8859-1"

2. Comment out these lines by the end of the file /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/

# inst_multiple -o \
# $systemdutildir/system-generators/systemd-cryptsetup-generator \
# $systemdutildir/systemd-cryptsetup \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-ask-password-console.path \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/systemd-ask-password-console.service \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/ \
# $systemdsystemunitdir/ \
# systemd-ask-password systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
# inst_script "$moddir"/ /sbin/crypt-run-generator

3. Append the following line at the beginning of the file /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/


And change all occurrences of:

if [ -z "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ]; then

if [ 1 ]; then

4. Edit /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/ and append this after the “# Open LUKS device”:
MountPoint=/tmp-keydisk-mount KeyFileName=LinuxPassPhraseFileName echo "Trying to get the key from disks
..." >&2 mkdir -p $MountPoint >&2 modprobe vfat >/dev/null >&2 modprobe ntfs >/dev/null >&2 for SFS in
/dev/sd*; do echo "> Trying device:$SFS..." >&2 mount ${SFS}1 $MountPoint -t vfat -r >&2 || mount ${SFS}1
$MountPoint -t ntfs -r >&2 if [ -f $MountPoint/$KeyFileName ]; then echo "> keyfile got..." >&2 cp
$MountPoint/$KeyFileName /tmp-keyfile >&2 luksfile=/tmp-keyfile umount $MountPoint >&2 break fi done
5. Run the “/usr/sbin/dracut -f -v” to update the initrd.

Upload encrypted VHD to an Azure storage account

After BitLocker encryption or DM-Crypt encryption is enabled, the local encrypted VHD needs to be uploaded to
your storage account.

Add-AzureRmVhd [-Destination] <Uri> [-LocalFilePath] <FileInfo> [[-NumberOfUploaderThreads] <Int32> ] [[-

BaseImageUriToPatch] <Uri> ] [[-OverWrite]] [ <CommonParameters>]

Upload the disk-encryption secret for the pre -encrypted VM to your key vault
The disk-encryption secret that you obtained previously must be uploaded as a secret in your key vault. The key
vault needs to have disk encryption and permissions enabled for your Azure AD client.
$AadClientId = "YourAADClientId"
$AadClientSecret = "YourAADClientSecret"

$key vault = New-AzureRmKeyVault -VaultName $KeyVaultName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location


Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $KeyVaultName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -

ServicePrincipalName $AadClientId -PermissionsToKeys all -PermissionsToSecrets all
Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $KeyVaultName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -

Disk encryption secret not encrypted with a KEK

To set up the secret in your key vault, use Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret. If you have a Windows virtual machine, the
bek file is encoded as a base64 string and then uploaded to your key vault using the Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret
cmdlet. For Linux, the passphrase is encoded as a base64 string and then uploaded to the key vault. In addition,
make sure that the following tags are set when you create the secret in the key vault.

# This is the passphrase that was provided for encryption during the distribution installation
$passphrase = "contoso-password"

$tags = @{"DiskEncryptionKeyEncryptionAlgorithm" = "RSA-OAEP"; "DiskEncryptionKeyFileName" =

$secretName = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$secretValue = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($passphrase))
$secureSecretValue = ConvertTo-SecureString $secretValue -AsPlainText -Force

$secret = Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name $secretName -SecretValue $secureSecretValue

-tags $tags
$secretUrl = $secret.Id

Use the $secretUrl in the next step for attaching the OS disk without using KEK.
Disk encryption secret encrypted with a KEK
Before you upload the secret to the key vault, you can optionally encrypt it by using a key encryption key. Use the
wrap API to first encrypt the secret using the key encryption key. The output of this wrap operation is a base64
URL encoded string, which you can then upload as a secret by using the Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet.

# This is the passphrase that was provided for encryption during the distribution installation
$passphrase = "contoso-password"

Add-AzureKeyVaultKey -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name "keyencryptionkey" -Destination Software

$KeyEncryptionKey = Get-AzureKeyVaultKey -VaultName $KeyVault.OriginalVault.Name -Name "keyencryptionkey"

$apiversion = "2015-06-01"

# Get Auth URI

$uri = $KeyVault.VaultUri + "/keys"

$headers = @{}

$response = try { Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers } catch { $_.Exception.Response }

$authHeader = $response.Headers["www-authenticate"]
$authUri = [regex]::match($authHeader, 'authorization="(.*?)"').Groups[1].Value

Write-Host "Got Auth URI successfully"

# Get Auth Token
$uri = $authUri + "/oauth2/token"
$body = "grant_type=client_credentials"
$body += "&client_id=" + $AadClientId
$body += "&client_secret=" + [Uri]::EscapeDataString($AadClientSecret)
$body += "&resource=" + [Uri]::EscapeDataString("")
$headers = @{}

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body

$access_token = $response.access_token

Write-Host "Got Auth Token successfully"

# Get KEK info

$uri = $KeyEncryptionKey.Id + "?api-version=" + $apiversion

$headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer " + $access_token}

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers

$keyid = $response.key.kid

Write-Host "Got KEK info successfully"

# Encrypt passphrase using KEK

$passphraseB64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Passphrase))
$uri = $keyid + "/encrypt?api-version=" + $apiversion
$headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer " + $access_token; "Content-Type" = "application/json"}
$bodyObj = @{"alg" = "RSA-OAEP"; "value" = $passphraseB64}
$body = $bodyObj | ConvertTo-Json

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body

$wrappedSecret = $response.value

Write-Host "Encrypted passphrase successfully"

# Store secret

$secretName = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$uri = $KeyVault.VaultUri + "/secrets/" + $secretName + "?api-version=" + $apiversion
$secretAttributes = @{"enabled" = $true}
$secretTags = @{"DiskEncryptionKeyEncryptionAlgorithm" = "RSA-OAEP"; "DiskEncryptionKeyFileName" =
$headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer " + $access_token; "Content-Type" = "application/json"}
$bodyObj = @{"value" = $wrappedSecret; "attributes" = $secretAttributes; "tags" = $secretTags}
$body = $bodyObj | ConvertTo-Json

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body

Write-Host "Stored secret successfully"

$secretUrl = $

Use $KeyEncryptionKey and $secretUrl in the next step for attaching the OS disk using KEK.
Specify a secret URL when you attach an OS disk
Without using a KEK
While you are attaching the OS disk, you need to pass $secretUrl . The URL was generated in the "Disk-
encryption secret not encrypted with a KEK" section.

Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk `
-VM $VirtualMachine `
-Name $OSDiskName `
-SourceImageUri $VhdUri `
-VhdUri $OSDiskUri `
-Linux `
-CreateOption FromImage `
-DiskEncryptionKeyVaultId $KeyVault.ResourceId `
-DiskEncryptionKeyUrl $SecretUrl

Using a KEK
When you attach the OS disk, pass $KeyEncryptionKey and $secretUrl . The URL was generated in the "Disk-
encryption secret not encrypted with a KEK" section.

Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk `
-VM $VirtualMachine `
-Name $OSDiskName `
-SourceImageUri $CopiedTemplateBlobUri `
-VhdUri $OSDiskUri `
-Linux `
-CreateOption FromImage `
-DiskEncryptionKeyVaultId $KeyVault.ResourceId `
-DiskEncryptionKeyUrl $SecretUrl `
-KeyEncryptionKeyVaultId $KeyVault.ResourceId `
-KeyEncryptionKeyURL $KeyEncryptionKey.Id

Download this guide

You can download this guide from the TechNet Gallery.

For more information

Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure PowerShell - Part 1
Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure PowerShell - Part 2
Azure Disk Encryption FAQ
9/1/2017 • 5 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and
Linux IaaS VMs. For more information about this service, see Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS

General questions
Q: Where is Azure Disk Encryption in general availability (GA)?
A: Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs is in general availability in all Azure public regions.
Q: What user experiences are available with Azure Disk Encryption?
A: Azure Disk Encryption GA supports Azure Resource Manager templates, Azure PowerShell, and Azure CLI. This
gives you a lot of flexibility. You have three different options for enabling disk encryption for your IaaS VMs. For
more information on the user experience and step-by-step guidance available in Azure Disk Encryption, see Azure
Disk Encryption deployment scenarios and experiences.
Q: How much does Azure Disk Encryption cost?
A: There is no charge for encrypting VM disks with Azure Disk Encryption.
Q: Which virtual machine tiers does Azure Disk Encryption support?
A: Azure Disk Encryption is available on standard tier VMs including A, D, DS, G, GS, and F series IaaS VMs. It is also
available for VMs with premium storage. It is not available on basic tier VMs.
Q: What Linux distributions does Azure Disk Encryption support?
A: Azure Disk Encryption is supported on the following Linux server distributions and versions:



Ubuntu 16.04-DAILY-LTS OS and data disk

Ubuntu 14.04.5-DAILY-LTS OS and data disk

RHEL 7.3 OS and data disk

RHEL 7.2 OS and data disk

RHEL 6.8 OS and data disk

RHEL 6.7 Data disk

CentOS 7.3 OS and data disk

CentOS 7.2n OS and data disk

CentOS 6.8 OS and data disk


CentOS 7.1 Data disk

CentOS 7.0 Data disk

CentOS 6.7 Data disk

CentOS 6.6 Data disk

CentOS 6.5 Data disk

openSUSE 13.2 Data disk

SLES 12 SP1 Data disk

SLES Priority:12-SP1 Data disk

SLES HPC 12 Data disk

SLES Priority:11-SP4 Data disk

SLES 11 SP4 Data disk

Q: How can I start using Azure Disk Encryption?

A: To get started, read the Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs white paper.
Q: Can I encrypt both boot and data volumes with Azure Disk Encryption?
A: Yes, you can encrypt boot and data volumes for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs. For Windows VMs, you cannot
encrypt the data without first encrypting the OS volume. For Linux VMs, you can encrypt the data volume without
having to encrypt the OS volume first. After you have encrypted the OS volume for Linux, disabling encryption on
an OS volume for Linux IaaS VMs is not supported.
Q: Does Azure Disk Encryption allow you to bring your own key (BYOK) capability?
A: Yes, you can supply your own key encryption keys. These keys are safeguarded in Azure Key Vault, which is the
key store for Azure Disk Encryption. For more information on the key encryption keys support scenarios, see Azure
Disk Encryption deployment scenarios and experiences.
Q: Can I use an Azure-created key encryption key?
A: Yes, you can use Azure Key Vault to generate a key encryption key for Azure disk encryption use. These keys are
safeguarded in Azure Key Vault, which is the key store for Azure Disk Encryption. For more information on the key
encryption key support scenarios, see Azure Disk Encryption deployment scenarios and experiences.
Q: Can I use an on-premises key management service or HSM to safeguard the encryption keys?
A: You cannot use the on-premises key management service or HSM to safeguard the encryption keys with Azure
Disk Encryption. You can only use the Azure Key Vault service to safeguard the encryption keys. For more
information on the key encryption key support scenarios, see Azure Disk Encryption deployment scenarios and
Q: What are the prerequisites to configure Azure Disk Encryption?
A: There is a prerequisite PowerShell script. With this script, you can create an Azure Active Directory application,
create a new key vault, or set up an existing key vault for disk encryption access to enable encryption and safeguard
secrets and keys. For more information on the key encryption key support scenarios, see Azure Disk Encryption
prerequisites and deployment scenarios and experiences.
Q: Where can I get more information on how to use PowerShell for configuring Azure Disk Encryption?
A: We have some great articles on how you can perform basic Azure Disk Encryption tasks, as well as more
advanced scenarios. For the basic tasks, see Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure PowerShell – Part 1. For more
advanced scenarios, see Explore Azure Disk Encryption with Azure PowerShell – Part 2.
Q: What version of Azure PowerShell does Azure Disk Encryption support?
A: Use the latest version of the Azure PowerShell SDK to configure Azure Disk Encryption. Download the latest
version of Azure PowerShell. Azure Disk Encryption is not supported by Azure SDK version 1.1.0.

The Linux Azure disk encryption preview extension is deprecated. For details, see Deprecating Azure disk encryption preview
extension for Linux IaaS VMs.

Q: Can I apply Azure Disk Encryption on my custom Linux image?

A: You cannot apply Azure Disk Encryption on your custom Linux image. We support only the gallery Linux images
for the supported distributions called out previously. We do not currently support custom Linux images.
Q: Can I apply updates to a Linux Red Hat VM that uses the yum update?
A: Yes, you can perform an update or patch a Red Hat Linux VM. For more information, see Applying updates to an
encrypted Azure IaaS Red Hat VM by using the yum update.
Q: What is the recommended Azure disk encryption workflow for Linux?
A: The following workflow is recommended to have the best results on Linux:
Start from the unmodified stock gallery image corresponding to the desired OS distro and version
Back up any mounted drives that will be encrypted. This permits recovery in case of failure, for example if the
VM is rebooted before encryption has completed.
Encrypt (can take multiple hours or even days depending on vm characteristics and size of any attached data
Customize, and add software to the image as needed.
If this workflow is not possible, relying on Storage Service Encryption (SSE) at the platform storage account layer
may be an alternative to full disk encryption using dm-crypt.
Q: Where can I go to ask questions or provide feedback?
A: You can ask questions or provide feedback on the Azure Disk Encryption forum.

Next steps
In this document, you learned more about the most frequent questions related to Azure Disk Encryption. For more
information about this service and its capabilities, see the following articles:
Apply disk encryption in Azure Security Center
Encrypt an Azure virtual machine
Azure data encryption at rest
Azure Disk Encryption troubleshooting guide
8/31/2017 • 5 min to read • Edit Online

This guide is for IT professionals, information security analysts, and cloud administrators whose organizations use
Azure Disk Encryption and need guidance to troubleshoot disk-encryption-related problems.

Troubleshooting Linux OS disk encryption

Linux operating system (OS) disk encryption must unmount the OS drive before running it through the full disk
encryption process. If it cannot unmount the drive, an error message of "failed to unmount after …" is likely to
This error is most likely to happen when OS disk encryption is attempted on a target VM environment that has been
modified or changed from its supported stock gallery image. Examples of deviations from the supported image that
can interfere with the extension’s ability to unmount the OS drive include the following:
Customized images no longer match a supported file system or partitioning scheme.
Large applications such as SAP, MongoDB, or Apache Cassandra are installed and running in the OS prior to
encryption. The extension cannot properly shut down these applications. If the applications maintain open file
handles to the OS drive, the drive cannot be unmounted, causing failure.
Custom scripts that run in close time proximity to the encryption being enabled, or if any other changes are
being made on the VM during the encryption process. This conflict can happen when an Azure Resource
Manager template defines multiple extensions to execute simultaneously, or when a custom script extension or
other action runs simultaneously to disk encryption. Serializing and isolating such steps might resolve the issue.
Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) has not been disabled before enabling encryption, so the unmount step fails.
SELinux can be reenabled after encryption is complete.
The OS disk uses a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) scheme. Although limited LVM data disk support is available,
an LVM OS disk is not.
Minimum memory requirements are not met (7 GB is suggested for OS disk encryption).
Data drives are recursively mounted under the /mnt/ directory, or each other (for example, /mnt/data1,
/mnt/data2, /data3 + /data3/data4).
Other Azure Disk Encryption prerequisites for Linux are not met.

Unable to encrypt
In some cases, the Linux disk encryption appears to be stuck at "OS disk encryption started" and SSH is disabled.
The encryption process can take between 3-16 hours to finish on a stock gallery image. If multi-terabyte-sized data
disks are added, the process might take days.
The Linux OS disk encryption sequence unmounts the OS drive temporarily. It then performs block-by-block
encryption of the entire OS disk, before it remounts it in its encrypted state. Unlike Azure Disk Encryption on
Windows, Linux Disk Encryption does not allow for concurrent use of the VM while the encryption is in progress.
The performance characteristics of the VM can make a significant difference in the time required to complete
encryption. These characteristics include the size of the disk and whether the storage account is standard or
premium (SSD) storage.
To check the encryption status, poll the ProgressMessage field returned from the Get-
AzureRmVmDiskEncryptionStatus command. While the OS drive is being encrypted, the VM enters a servicing state,
and disables SSH to prevent any disruption to the ongoing process. The EncryptionInProgress message reports
for the majority of the time while the encryption is in progress. Several hours later, a VMRestartPending message
prompts you to restart the VM. For example:

PS > Get-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionStatus -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -VMName $vmName

OsVolumeEncrypted : EncryptionInProgress
DataVolumesEncrypted : EncryptionInProgress
OsVolumeEncryptionSettings : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskEncryptionSettings
ProgressMessage : OS disk encryption started

PS > Get-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionStatus -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -VMName $vmName

OsVolumeEncrypted : VMRestartPending
DataVolumesEncrypted : Encrypted
OsVolumeEncryptionSettings : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskEncryptionSettings
ProgressMessage : OS disk successfully encrypted, please reboot the VM

After you are prompted to reboot the VM, and after the VM restarts, you must wait 2-3 minutes for the reboot and
for the final steps to be performed on the target. The status message changes when the encryption is finally
complete. After this message is available, the encrypted OS drive is expected to be ready for use and the VM is
ready to be used again.
In the following cases, we recommend that you restore the VM back to the snapshot or backup taken immediately
before encryption:
If the reboot sequence described previously does not happen.
If the boot information, progress message, or other error indicators report that OS encryption has failed in the
middle of this process. An example of a message is the "failed to unmount" error that is described in this guide.
Prior to the next attempt, reevaluate the characteristics of the VM and ensure that all of the prerequisites are

Troubleshooting Azure Disk Encryption behind a firewall

When connectivity is restricted by a firewall, proxy requirement, or network security group (NSG) settings, the
ability of the extension to perform needed tasks might be disrupted. This disruption can result in status messages
such as "Extension status not available on the VM." In expected scenarios, the encryption fails to finish. The sections
that follow have some common firewall problems that you might investigate.
Network security groups
Any network security group settings that are applied must still allow the endpoint to meet the documented network
configuration prerequisites for disk encryption.
Azure Key Vault behind a firewall
The VM must be able to access a key vault. Refer to guidance on access to the key vault from behind a firewall that
the Azure Key Vault team maintains.
Linux package management behind a firewall
At runtime, Azure Disk Encryption for Linux relies on the target distribution’s package management system to
install needed prerequisite components prior to enabling encryption. If the firewall settings prevent the VM from
being able to download and install these components, then subsequent failures are expected. The steps to configure
this package management system can vary by distribution. On Red Hat, when a proxy is required, you must ensure
that the subscription-manager and yum are set up properly. For more information, see How to troubleshoot
subscription-manager and yum problems.

Troubleshooting Windows Server 2016 Server Core

On Windows Server 2016 Server Core, the bdehdcfg component is not available by default. This component is
required by Azure Disk Encryption. It is used to split the system volume from OS volume, which is done only once
for the life time of the VM. These binaries are not required during later encryption operations.
To workaround this issue, copy the following 4 files from a Windows Server 2016 Data Center VM to the same
location on Server Core:


1. Enter the following command:

bdehdcfg.exe -target default

2. This command creates a 550-MB system partition. Reboot the system.

3. Use DiskPart to check the volumes, and then proceed.
For example:

DISKPART> list vol

Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info

---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
Volume 0 C NTFS Partition 126 GB Healthy Boot
Volume 1 NTFS Partition 550 MB Healthy System
Volume 2 D Temporary S NTFS Partition 13 GB Healthy Pagefile

Next steps
In this document, you learned more about some common problems in Azure Disk Encryption and how to
troubleshoot those problems. For more information about this service and its capabilities, see the following articles:
Apply disk encryption in Azure Security Center
Encrypt an Azure virtual machine
Azure data encryption at rest
Encrypt an Azure Virtual Machine
6/27/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Security Center will alert you if you have virtual machines that are not encrypted. These alerts will show as
High Severity and the recommendation is to encrypt these virtual machines.

The information in this document applies to encrypting virtual machines without using a Key Encryption Key (which is
required for backing up virtual machines using Azure Backup). Please see the article Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and
Linux Azure Virtual Machines for information on how to use a Key Encryption Key to support Azure Backup for encrypted
Azure Virtual Machines.

To encrypt Azure Virtual Machines that have been identified by Azure Security Center as needing encryption, we
recommend the following steps:
Install and configure Azure PowerShell. This will enable you to run the PowerShell commands required to set up
the prerequisites required to encrypt Azure Virtual Machines.
Obtain and run the Azure Disk Encryption Prerequisites Azure PowerShell script
Encrypt your virtual machines
The goal of this document is to enable you to encrypt your virtual machines, even if you have little or no
background in Azure PowerShell. This document assumes you are using Windows 10 as the client machine from
which you will configure Azure Disk Encryption.
There are many approaches that can be used to setup the prerequisites and to configure encryption for Azure
Virtual Machines. If you are already well-versed in Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI, then you may prefer to use
alternate approaches.

To learn more about alternate approaches to configuring encryption for Azure virtual machines, please see Azure Disk
Encryption for Windows and Linux Azure Virtual Machines.

Install and configure Azure PowerShell

You need Azure PowerShell version 1.2.1 or above installed on your computer. The article How to install and
configure Azure PowerShell contains all the steps you need to provision your computer to work with Azure
PowerShell. The most straightforward approach is to use the Web PI installation approach mentioned in that article.
Even if you already have Azure PowerShell installed, install again using the Web PI approach so that you have the
latest version of Azure PowerShell.

Obtain and run the Azure disk encryption prerequisites configuration

The Azure Disk Encryption Prerequisites Configuration Script will set up all the prerequisites required for
encrypting your Azure Virtual Machines.
1. Go to the GitHub page that has the Azure Disk Encryption Prerequisite Setup Script.
2. On the GibHub page, click the Raw button.
3. Use CTRL-A to select all the text on the page and then use CTRL-C to copy all the text on the page to the
4. Open Notepad and paste the copied text into Notepad.
5. Create a new folder on your C: drive named AzureADEScript.
6. Save the Notepad file – click File, then click Save As. In the File name textbox, enter “ADEPrereqScript.ps1”
and click Save. (make sure you put the quotation marks around the name, otherwise it will save the file with a
.txt file extension).
Now that the script content is saved, open the script in the PowerShell ISE:
1. In the Start Menu, click Cortana. Ask Cortana “PowerShell” by typing PowerShell in the Cortana search text
2. Right click Windows PowerShell ISE and click Run as administrator.
3. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell ISE window, click View and then click Show Script Pane.
4. If you see the Commands pane on the right side of the window, click the “x” in the top right corner of the pane
to close it. If the text is too small for you to see, use CTRL+Add (“Add” is the “+” sign). If the text is too large, use
CTRL+Subtract (Subtract is the “-“ sign).
5. Click File and then click Open. Navigate to the C:\AzureADEScript folder and the double-click on the
6. The ADEPrereqScript contents should now appear in the PowerShell ISE and is color-coded to help you see
various components, such as commands, parameters and variables more easily.
You should now see something like the figure below.
The top pane is referred to as the “script pane” and the bottom pane is referred to as the “console”. We will use
these terms later in this article.

Run the Azure disk encryption prerequisites PowerShell command

The Azure Disk Encryption Prerequisites script will ask you for the following information after you start the script:
Resource Group Name - Name of the Resource Group that you want to put the Key Vault into. A new
Resource Group with the name you enter will be created if there isn’t already one with that name created. If you
already have a Resource Group that you want to use in this subscription, then enter the name of that Resource
Key Vault Name - Name of the Key Vault in which encryption keys are to be placed. A new Key Vault with this
name will be created if you don’t already have a Key Vault with this name. If you already have a Key Vault that
you want to use, enter the name of the existing Key Vault.
Location - Location of the Key Vault. Make sure the Key Vault and VMs to be encrypted are in the same
location. If you don’t know the location, there are steps later in this article that will show you how to find out.
Azure Active Directory Application Name - Name of the Azure Active Directory application that will be used
to write secrets to the Key Vault. A new application with this name will be created if one doesn't exist. If you
already have an Azure Active Directory application that you want to use, enter the name of that Azure Active
Directory application.

If you’re curious as to why you need to create an Azure Active Directory application, please see Register an application with
Azure Active Directory section in the article Getting Started with Azure Key Vault.
Perform the following steps to encrypt an Azure Virtual Machine:
1. If you closed the PowerShell ISE, open an elevated instance of the PowerShell ISE. Follow the instructions earlier
in this article if the PowerShell ISE is not already open. If you closed the script, then open the
ADEPrereqScript.ps1 clicking File, then Open and selecting the script from the c:\AzureADEScript folder. If
you have followed this article from the start, then just move on to the next step.
2. In the console of the PowerShell ISE (the bottom pane of the PowerShell ISE), change the focus to the local of
the script by typing cd c:\AzureADEScript and press ENTER.
3. Set the execution policy on your machine so that you can run the script. Type Set-ExecutionPolicy
Unrestricted in the console and then press ENTER. If you see a dialog box telling about the effects of the
change to execution policy, click either Yes to all or Yes (if you see Yes to all, select that option – if you do not
see Yes to all, then click Yes).
4. Log into your Azure account. In the console, type Login-AzureRmAccount and press ENTER. A dialog box will
appear in which you enter your credentials (make sure you have rights to change the virtual machines – if you
do not have rights, you will not be able to encrypt them. If you are not sure, ask your subscription owner or
administrator). You should see information about your Environment, Account, TenantId, SubscriptionId and
CurrentStorageAccount. Copy the SubscriptionId to Notepad. You will need to use this in step #6.
5. Find what subscription your virtual machine belongs to and its location. Go to and
log in. On the left side of the page, click Virtual Machines. You will see a list of your virtual machines and
the subscriptions they belong to.

6. Return to the PowerShell ISE. Set the subscription context in which the script will be run. In the console, type
Select-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionId (replace < your_subscription_Id > with your actual
Subscription ID) and press ENTER. You will see information about the Environment, Account, TenantId,
SubscriptionId and CurrentStorageAccount.
7. You are now ready to run the script. Click the Run Script button or press F5 on the keyboard.

8. The script asks for resourceGroupName: - enter the name of Resource Group you want to use, then press
ENTER. If you don’t have one, enter a name you want to use for a new one. If you already have a Resource
Group that you want to use (such as the one that your virtual machine is in), enter the name of the existing
Resource Group.
9. The script asks for keyVaultName: - enter the name of the Key Vault you want to use, then press ENTER. If you
don’t have one, enter a name you want to use for a new one. If you already have a Key Vault that you want to
use, enter the name of the existing Key Vault.
10. The script asks for location: - enter the name of the location in which the VM you want to encrypt is located,
then press ENTER. If you don’t remember the location, go back to step #5.
11. The script asks for aadAppName: - enter the name of the Azure Active Directory application you want to use,
then press ENTER. If you don’t have one, enter a name you want to use for a new one. If you already have an
Azure Active Directory application that you want to use, enter the name of the existing Azure Active Directory
12. A log in dialog box will appear. Provide your credentials (yes, you have logged in once, but now you need to do
it again).
13. The script runs and when complete it will ask you to copy the values of the aadClientID, aadClientSecret,
diskEncryptionKeyVaultUrl, and keyVaultResourceId. Copy each of these values to the clipboard and paste
them into Notepad.
14. Return to the PowerShell ISE and place the cursor at the end of the last line, and press ENTER.
The output of the script should look something like the screen below:

Encrypt the Azure virtual machine

You are now ready to encrypt your virtual machine. If your virtual machine is located in the same Resource Group
as your Key Vault, you can move on to the encryption steps section. However, if your virtual machine is not in the
same Resource Group as your Key Vault, you will need to enter the following in the console in the PowerShell ISE:
$resourceGroupName = <’Virtual_Machine_RG’>
Replace < Virtual_Machine_RG > with the name of the Resource Group in which your virtual machines are
contained, surrounded by a single quote. Then press ENTER. To confirm that the correct Resource Group name was
entered, type the following in the PowerShell ISE console:
Press ENTER. You should see the name of Resource Group that your virtual machines are located in. For example:

Encryption steps
First, you need to tell PowerShell the name of the virtual machine you want to encrypt. In the console, type:
$vmName = <’your_vm_name’>
Replace <’your_vm_name’> with the name of your VM (make sure the name is surrounded by a single quote)
and then press ENTER.
To confirm that the correct VM name was entered, type:
Press ENTER. You should see the name of the virtual machine you want to encrypt. For example:

There are two methods to run the encryption command to encrypt all drives on the virtual machine. The first
method is to type the following command in the PowerShell ISE console:

Set-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionExtension -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -VMName $vmName -AadClientID

$aadClientID -AadClientSecret $aadClientSecret -DiskEncryptionKeyVaultUrl $diskEncryptionKeyVaultUrl -
DiskEncryptionKeyVaultId $keyVaultResourceId -VolumeType All

After typing this command press ENTER.

The second method is to click in the script pane (the top pane of the PowerShell ISE) and scroll down to the bottom
of the script. Highlight the command listed above, and then right click it and then click Run Selection or press F8
on the keyboard.

Regardless of the method you use, a dialog box will appear informing you that it will take 10-15 minutes for the
operation to complete. Click Yes.
While the encryption process is taking place, you can return to the Azure Portal and see the status of the virtual
machine. On the left side of the page, click Virtual Machines, then in the Virtual Machines blade, click the name
of the virtual machine you’re encrypting. In the blade that appears, you’ll notice that the Status says that it’s
Updating. This demonstrates that encryption is in process.
Return to the PowerShell ISE. When the script completes, you’ll see what appears in the figure below.

To demonstrate that the virtual machine is now encrypted, return to the Azure Portal and click Virtual Machines
on the left side of the page. Click the name of the virtual machine you encrypted. In the Settings blade, click Disks.

On the Disks blade, you will see that Encryption is Enabled.

Next steps
In this document, you learned how to encrypt an Azure Virtual Machine. To learn more about Azure Security
Center, see the following:
Security health monitoring in Azure Security Center – Learn how to monitor the health of your Azure resources
Managing and responding to security alerts in Azure Security Center - Learn how to manage and respond to
security alerts
Azure Security Center FAQ – Find frequently asked questions about using the service
Azure Security Blog – Find blog posts about Azure security and compliance
Azure Operational Security best practices
8/9/2017 • 11 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Operational Security refers to the services, controls, and features available to users for protecting their data,
applications, and other assets in Microsoft Azure. Azure Operational Security is built on a framework that
incorporates the knowledge gained through various capabilities that are unique to Microsoft, including the
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), the Microsoft Security Response Center program, and deep
awareness of the cybersecurity threat landscape.
In this article, we discuss a collection of Azure database security best practices. These best practices are derived
from our experience with Azure database security and the experiences of customers like yourself.
For each best practice, we explain:
What the best practice is
Why you want to enable that best practice
What might be the result if you fail to enable the best practice
How you can learn to enable the best practice
This Azure Operational Security Best Practices article is based on a consensus opinion, and Azure platform
capabilities and feature sets, as they exist at the time this article was written. Opinions and technologies change
over time and this article will be updated on a regular basis to reflect those changes.
Azure Operational Security best practices discussed in this article include:
Monitor, manage, and protect cloud infrastructure
Manage identity and implement single sign-on (SSO)
Trace requests, analyze usage trends, and diagnose issues
Monitoring services with a centralized monitoring solution
Prevent, detect, and respond to threats
End-to-end scenario-based network monitoring
Secure deployment using proven DevOps tools

Monitor, manage, and protect cloud infrastructure

IT Operations is responsible for managing datacenter infrastructure, applications, and data, including the stability
and security of these systems. However, gaining security insights across increasing complex IT environments often
requires organizations to cobble together data from multiple security and management systems.
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is Microsoft's cloud-based IT management solution that helps you
manage and protect your on-premises and cloud infrastructure.
OMS Security and Audit solution enables IT to actively monitor all resources, which can help minimize the impact of
security incidents. OMS Security and Audit have security domains that can be used for monitoring resources.
For more information about OMS, read the article Operations Management Suite.
To help you prevent, detect, and respond to threats, Operations Management Suite (OMS) Security and Audit
Solution collects and processes data about your resources, which includes:
Security event log
Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) events
AppLocker auditing events
Windows Firewall log
Advanced Threat Analytics events
Results of baseline assessment
Results of antimalware assessment
Results of update/patch assessment
Syslog streams that are explicitly enabled on the agent

Manage identity and implement single sign-on

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s multi-tenant cloud based directory and identity management
Azure AD also includes a full suite of identity management capabilities including multi-factor authentication, device
registration, self-service password management, self-service group management, privileged account management,
role-based access control, application usage monitoring, rich auditing and, security monitoring and alerting.
The following capabilities can help secure cloud-based applications, streamline IT processes, cut costs and help
ensure that corporate compliance goals are met:
Identity and access management for the cloud
Simplify user access to any cloud app
Protect sensitive data and applications
Enable self-service for your employees
Integrate with Azure Active Directory
Identity and access management for the cloud
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a comprehensive identity and access management cloud solution, which gives
you a robust set of capabilities to manage users and groups. It helps secure access to on-premises and cloud
applications, including Microsoft web services like Office 365 and much non-Microsoft software as a service (SaaS)
applications. To learn more how to enable identity protection in Azure AD, see Enabling Azure Active Directory
Identity Protection.
Simplify user access to any cloud app
Enable single sign-on to simplify user access to thousands of cloud applications from Windows, Mac, Android, and
iOS devices. Users can launch applications from a personalized web-based access panel or mobile app using their
company credentials. Use the Azure AD Application Proxy module to go beyond SaaS applications and publish on-
premises web applications to provide highly secure remote access and single sign-on.
Protect sensitive data and applications
Enable Azure Multi-Factor Authentication to prevent unauthorized access to on-premises and cloud applications by
providing an additional level of authentication. Protect your business and mitigate potential threats with security
monitoring, alerts, and machine learning-based reports that identify inconsistent access patterns.
Enable self-service for your employees
Delegate important tasks to your employees, such as resetting passwords and creating and managing groups.
Enable self-service password change, reset, and self-service group management with Azure AD.
Integrate with Azure Active Directory
Extend Active Directory and any other on-premises directories to Azure AD to enable single sign-on for all cloud-
based applications. User attributes can be automatically synchronized to your cloud directory from all kinds of on-
premises directories.
To learn more about integration of Azure Active Directory and how to enable it, please read the article integrate
your on-premises directories with Azure Active Directory.

Trace requests, analyze usage trends, and diagnose issues

Azure Storage Analytics performs logging and provides metrics data for a storage account. You can use this data to
trace requests, analyze usage trends, and diagnose issues with your storage account.
Storage Analytics metrics are enabled by default for new storage accounts. You can enable logging and configure
both metrics and logging in the Azure portal; for details, see Monitor a storage account in the Azure portal. You can
also enable Storage Analytics programmatically via the REST API or the client library. Use the Set Service Properties
operation to enable Storage Analytics individually for each service.
For an in-depth guide on using Storage Analytics and other tools to identify, diagnose, and troubleshoot Azure
Storage-related issues, see Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage.
To learn more about integration of Azure Active Directory and how to enable it, read the article Enabling and
Configuring Storage Analytics.

Monitoring services
Cloud applications are complex with many moving parts. Monitoring provides data to ensure that your application
stays up and running in a healthy state. It also helps you to stave off potential problems or troubleshoot past ones.
In addition, you can use monitoring data to gain deep insights about your application. That knowledge can help you
to improve application performance or maintainability, or automate actions that would otherwise require manual
Monitor Azure resources
Azure Monitor is the platform service that provides a single source for monitoring Azure resources. With Azure
Monitor, you can visualize, query, route, archive, and take action on the metrics and logs coming from resources in
Azure. You can work with this data using the Monitor portal blade, Monitor PowerShell Cmdlets, Cross-Platform
CLI, or Azure Monitor REST APIs.
Enable Autoscale with Azure monitor
Enable Azure Monitor Autoscale applies only to virtual machine scale sets (VMSS), cloud services, app service plans,
and app service environments.
Manage Roles Permissions and Security
Many teams need to strictly regulate access to monitoring data and settings. For example, if you have team
members who work exclusively on monitoring (support engineers, devops engineers) or if you use a managed
service provider, you may want to grant them access to only monitoring data while restricting their ability to create,
modify, or delete resources.
This shows how to quickly apply a built-in monitoring RBAC role to a user in Azure or build your own custom role
for a user who needs limited monitoring permissions. It then discusses security considerations for your Azure
Monitor-related resources and how you can limit access to the data they contain.

Prevent, detect, and respond to threats

Security Center threat detection works by automatically collecting security information from Azure resources, the
network, and connected partner solutions. It analyses this information, often correlating information from multiple
sources, to identify threats. Security alerts are prioritized in Security Center along with recommendations on how to
remediate the threat.
Configure a security policy for your Azure subscription.
Use the recommendations in Security Center to help you protect your Azure resources.
Review and manage your current security alerts.
Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats with increased visibility into and control
over the security of your Azure resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy management
across your Azure subscriptions, helps detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and works with a broad
ecosystem of security solutions.
Security Center delivers easy-to-use and effective threat prevention, detection, and response capabilities that are
built in to Azure. Key capabilities are:
Understand cloud security state
Take control of cloud security
Easily deploy integrated cloud security solutions
Detect threats and respond fast
Understand cloud security state
Use Azure Security Center to get a central view of the security state of all of your Azure resources. At a glance,
verify that the appropriate security controls are in place and configured correctly and quickly identify any resources,
which require attention.
Take control of cloud security
Define security policies for your Azure subscriptions according to your company’s cloud security needs, tailored to
the type of applications or sensitivity of the data in each subscription. Use policy-driven recommendations to guide
resource owners through the process of implementing required controls—take the guesswork out of cloud
Easily deploy integrated cloud security solutions
Enable security solutions from Microsoft and its partners, including industry-leading firewalls and antimalware. Use
streamlined provisioning to deploy security solutions—even networking changes are configured for you. Your
security events from partner solutions are automatically collected for analysis and alerting.
Detect threats and respond fast
Stay ahead of current and emerging cloud threats with an integrated, analytics-driven approach. By combining
Microsoft global threat intelligence and expertise, with insights into cloud security-related events across your Azure
deployments, Security Center helps you detect actual threats early and reduce false positives. Cloud security alerts
give you insights into the attack campaign, including related events and impacted resources and suggest ways to
remediate issues and recover quickly.

End-to-end scenario-based network monitoring

Customers build an end-to-end network in Azure by orchestrating and composing various individual network
resources such as VNet, ExpressRoute, Application Gateway, Load balancers, and more. Monitoring is available on
each of the network resources.
Network Watcher is a regional service that enables you to monitor and diagnose conditions at a network scenario
level in, to, and from Azure. Network diagnostic and visualization tools available with Network Watcher help you
understand, diagnose, and gain insights to your network in Azure.
Automate remote network monitoring with packet capture
Monitor and diagnose networking issues without logging in to your virtual machines (VMs) using Network
Watcher. Trigger packet capture by setting alerts and gain access to real-time performance information at the
packet level. When you see an issue, you can investigate in detail for better diagnoses.
Gain insight into your network traffic using flow logs
Build a deeper understanding of your network traffic pattern using Network Security Group flow logs. Information
provided by flow logs helps you gather data for compliance, auditing and monitoring your network security profile.
Diagnose VPN connectivity issues
Network Watcher provides you the ability to diagnose your most common VPN Gateway and Connections issues.
Allowing you not only to identify the issue but also to use the detailed logs created to help further investigate.
To learn more about how to configure Network watcher and how to enable it, please read the article configure
Network watcher.

Secure deployment using proven DevOps tools

These are some of the List of Azure DevOps Practices in this Microsoft Cloud space, which makes enterprises and
teams productive and efficient.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Infrastructure as Code is a set of techniques and practices, which help IT Pros
remove the burden associated with the day to day build and management of modular infrastructure. It allows IT
Pros to build and maintain their modern server environment in a way that is like how software developers build
and maintain application code. For Azure, we have Azure Resource Manager allows you to provision your
applications using a declarative template. In a single template, you can deploy multiple services along with their
dependencies. You use the same template to repeatedly deploy your application during every stage of the
application lifecycle.
Continuous Integration and Deployment: You can configure your Visual Studio Online team projects to
automatically build and deploy to Azure web apps or cloud services. VSO automatically deploys the binaries
after doing a build to Azure after every code check-in. The package build process described here is equivalent to
the Package command in Visual Studio, and the publishing steps are equivalent to the Publish command in
Visual Studio.
Release Management: Visual Studio Release Management is a great solution for automating multi-stage
deployment and managing the release process. Create managed continuous deployment pipelines to release
quickly, easily, and often. With Release Management, we can much automate our release process, and we can
have predefined approval workflows. Deploy on-premises and to the cloud, extend, and customize as required.
App Performance Monitoring: Detect issues, solve problems, and continuously improve your applications.
Quickly diagnose any problems in your live application. Understand what your users do with it. Configuration is
easy matter of adding JS code and a webconfig entry, and you see results within minutes in the portal with all
the details.App insights helps enterprises for faster detection of issues & remediation.
Load Testing & Autoscale: We can find performance problems in our app to improve deployment quality and
to make sure our app is always up or available to cater to the business needs. Make sure your app can handle
traffic for your next launch or marketing campaign. Start running cloud-based load tests in almost no time with
Visual Studio Online.

Next steps
Learn more about Azure Operational Security.
To Learn more Operations Management Suite | Security & Compliance.
Getting started with Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Solution.
Security management in Azure
6/27/2017 • 20 min to read • Edit Online

Azure subscribers may manage their cloud environments from multiple devices, including management
workstations, developer PCs, and even privileged end-user devices that have task-specific permissions. In some
cases, administrative functions are performed through web-based consoles such as the Azure portal. In other cases,
there may be direct connections to Azure from on-premises systems over Virtual Private Networks (VPNs),
Terminal Services, client application protocols, or (programmatically) the Azure Service Management API (SMAPI).
Additionally, client endpoints can be either domain joined or isolated and unmanaged, such as tablets or
Although multiple access and management capabilities provide a rich set of options, this variability can add
significant risk to a cloud deployment. It can be difficult to manage, track, and audit administrative actions. This
variability may also introduce security threats through unregulated access to client endpoints that are used for
managing cloud services. Using general or personal workstations for developing and managing infrastructure
opens unpredictable threat vectors such as web browsing (for example, watering hole attacks) or email (for
example, social engineering and phishing).

The potential for attacks increases in this type of environment because it is challenging to construct security
policies and mechanisms to appropriately manage access to Azure interfaces (such as SMAPI) from widely varied
Remote management threats
Attackers often attempt to gain privileged access by compromising account credentials (for example, through
password brute forcing, phishing, and credential harvesting), or by tricking users into running harmful code (for
example, from harmful websites with drive-by downloads or from harmful email attachments). In a remotely
managed cloud environment, account breaches can lead to an increased risk due to anywhere, anytime access.
Even with tight controls on primary administrator accounts, lower-level user accounts can be used to exploit
weaknesses in one’s security strategy. Lack of appropriate security training can also lead to breaches through
accidental disclosure or exposure of account information.
When a user workstation is also used for administrative tasks, it can be compromised at many different points.
Whether a user is browsing the web, using 3rd-party and open-source tools, or opening a harmful document file
that contains a trojan.
In general, most targeted attacks that result in data breaches can be traced to browser exploits, plug-ins (such as
Flash, PDF, Java), and spear phishing (email) on desktop machines. These machines may have administrative-level
or service-level permissions to access live servers or network devices for operations when used for development or
management of other assets.
Operational security fundamentals
For more secure management and operations, you can minimize a client’s attack surface by reducing the number
of possible entry points. This can be done through security principles: “separation of duties” and “segregation of
Isolate sensitive functions from one another to decrease the likelihood that a mistake at one level leads to a breach
in another. Examples:
Administrative tasks should not be combined with activities that might lead to a compromise (for example,
malware in an administrator’s email that then infects an infrastructure server).
A workstation used for high-sensitivity operations should not be the same system used for high-risk purposes
such as browsing the Internet.
Reduce the system’s attack surface by removing unnecessary software. Example:
Standard administrative, support, or development workstation should not require installation of an email client
or other productivity applications if the device’s main purpose is to manage cloud services.
Client systems that have administrator access to infrastructure components should be subjected to the strictest
possible policy to reduce security risks. Examples:
Security policies can include Group Policy settings that deny open Internet access from the device and use of a
restrictive firewall configuration.
Use Internet Protocol security (IPsec) VPNs if direct access is needed.
Configure separate management and development Active Directory domains.
Isolate and filter management workstation network traffic.
Use antimalware software.
Implement multi-factor authentication to reduce the risk of stolen credentials.
Consolidating access resources and eliminating unmanaged endpoints also simplifies management tasks.
Providing security for Azure remote management
Azure provides security mechanisms to aid administrators who manage Azure cloud services and virtual machines.
These mechanisms include:
Authentication and role-based access control.
Monitoring, logging, and auditing.
Certificates and encrypted communications.
A web management portal.
Network packet filtering.
With client-side security configuration and datacenter deployment of a management gateway, it is possible to
restrict and monitor administrator access to cloud applications and data.
Certain recommendations in this article may result in increased data, network, or compute resource usage, and may increase
your license or subscription costs.

Hardened workstation for management

The goal of hardening a workstation is to eliminate all but the most critical functions required for it to operate,
making the potential attack surface as small as possible. System hardening includes minimizing the number of
installed services and applications, limiting application execution, restricting network access to only what is needed,
and always keeping the system up to date. Furthermore, using a hardened workstation for management
segregates administrative tools and activities from other end-user tasks.
Within an on-premises enterprise environment, you can limit the attack surface of your physical infrastructure
through dedicated management networks, server rooms that have card access, and workstations that run on
protected areas of the network. In a cloud or hybrid IT model, being diligent about secure management services
can be more complex because of the lack of physical access to IT resources. Implementing protection solutions
requires careful software configuration, security-focused processes, and comprehensive policies.
Using a least-privilege minimized software footprint in a locked-down workstation for cloud management—and
for application development—can reduce the risk of security incidents by standardizing the remote management
and development environments. A hardened workstation configuration can help prevent the compromise of
accounts that are used to manage critical cloud resources by closing many common avenues used by malware and
exploits. Specifically, you can use Windows AppLocker and Hyper-V technology to control and isolate client system
behavior and mitigate threats, including email or Internet browsing.
On a hardened workstation, the administrator runs a standard user account (which blocks administrative-level
execution) and associated applications are controlled by an allow list. The basic elements of a hardened workstation
are as follows:
Active scanning and patching. Deploy antimalware software, perform regular vulnerability scans, and update all
workstations by using the latest security update in a timely fashion.
Limited functionality. Uninstall any applications that are not needed and disable unnecessary (startup) services.
Network hardening. Use Windows Firewall rules to allow only valid IP addresses, ports, and URLs related to
Azure management. Ensure that inbound remote connections to the workstation are also blocked.
Execution restriction. Allow only a set of predefined executable files that are needed for management to run
(referred to as “default-deny”). By default, users should be denied permission to run any program unless it is
explicitly defined in the allow list.
Least privilege. Management workstation users should not have any administrative privileges on the local
machine itself. This way, they cannot change the system configuration or the system files, either intentionally or
You can enforce all this by using Group Policy Objects (GPOs) in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and
applying them through your (local) management domain to all management accounts.
Managing services, applications, and data
Azure cloud services configuration is performed through either the Azure portal or SMAPI, via the Windows
PowerShell command-line interface or a custom-built application that takes advantage of these RESTful interfaces.
Services using these mechanisms include Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Azure Storage, Azure Websites, and
Azure Virtual Network, and others.
Virtual Machine–deployed applications provide their own client tools and interfaces as needed, such as the
Microsoft Management Console (MMC), an enterprise management console (such as Microsoft System Center or
Windows Intune), or another management application—Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, for example.
These tools typically reside in an enterprise environment or client network. They may depend on specific network
protocols, such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), that require direct, stateful connections. Some may have web-
enabled interfaces that should not be openly published or accessible via the Internet.
You can restrict access to infrastructure and platform services management in Azure by using multi-factor
authentication, X.509 management certificates, and firewall rules. The Azure portal and SMAPI require Transport
Layer Security (TLS). However, services and applications that you deploy into Azure require you to take protection
measures that are appropriate based on your application. These mechanisms can frequently be enabled more
easily through a standardized hardened workstation configuration.
Management gateway
To centralize all administrative access and simplify monitoring and logging, you can deploy a dedicated Remote
Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) server in your on-premises network, connected to your Azure environment.
A Remote Desktop Gateway is a policy-based RDP proxy service that enforces security requirements. Implementing
RD Gateway together with Windows Server Network Access Protection (NAP) helps ensure that only clients that
meet specific security health criteria established by Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Group Policy objects
(GPOs) can connect. In addition:
Provision an Azure management certificate on the RD Gateway so that it is the only host allowed to access the
Azure portal.
Join the RD Gateway to the same management domain as the administrator workstations. This is necessary
when you are using a site-to-site IPsec VPN or ExpressRoute within a domain that has a one-way trust to Azure
AD, or if you are federating credentials between your on-premises AD DS instance and Azure AD.
Configure a client connection authorization policy to let the RD Gateway verify that the client machine name is
valid (domain joined) and allowed to access the Azure portal.
Use IPsec for Azure VPN to further protect management traffic from eavesdropping and token theft, or consider
an isolated Internet link via Azure ExpressRoute.
Enable multi-factor authentication (via Azure Multi-Factor Authentication) or smart-card authentication for
administrators who log on through RD Gateway.
Configure source IP address restrictions or Network Security Groups in Azure to minimize the number of
permitted management endpoints.

Security guidelines
In general, helping to secure administrator workstations for use with the cloud is similar to the practices used for
any workstation on-premises—for example, minimized build and restrictive permissions. Some unique aspects of
cloud management are more akin to remote or out-of-band enterprise management. These include the use and
auditing of credentials, security-enhanced remote access, and threat detection and response.
You can use Azure logon restrictions to constrain source IP addresses for accessing administrative tools and audit
access requests. To help Azure identify management clients (workstations and/or applications), you can configure
both SMAPI (via customer-developed tools such as Windows PowerShell cmdlets) and the Azure portal to require
client-side management certificates to be installed, in addition to SSL certificates. We also recommend that
administrator access require multi-factor authentication.
Some applications or services that you deploy into Azure may have their own authentication mechanisms for both
end-user and administrator access, whereas others take full advantage of Azure AD. Depending on whether you are
federating credentials via Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), using directory synchronization or
maintaining user accounts solely in the cloud, using Microsoft Identity Manager (part of Azure AD Premium) helps
you manage identity lifecycles between the resources.
Several mechanisms are available to help secure client connections to your Azure virtual networks. Two of these
mechanisms, site-to-site VPN (S2S) and point-to-site VPN (P2S), enable the use of industry standard IPsec (S2S) or
the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) (P2S) for encryption and tunneling. When Azure is connecting to
public-facing Azure services management such as the Azure portal, Azure requires Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Secure (HTTPS).
A stand-alone hardened workstation that does not connect to Azure through an RD Gateway should use the SSTP-
based point-to-site VPN to create the initial connection to the Azure Virtual Network, and then establish RDP
connection to individual virtual machines from with the VPN tunnel.
Management auditing vs. policy enforcement
Typically, there are two approaches for helping to secure management processes: auditing and policy enforcement.
Doing both provides comprehensive controls, but may not be possible in all situations. In addition, each approach
has different levels of risk, cost, and effort associated with managing security, particularly as it relates to the level of
trust placed in both individuals and system architectures.
Monitoring, logging, and auditing provide a basis for tracking and understanding administrative activities, but it
may not always be feasible to audit all actions in complete detail due to the amount of data generated. Auditing the
effectiveness of the management policies is a best practice, however.
Policy enforcement that includes strict access controls puts programmatic mechanisms in place that can govern
administrator actions, and it helps ensure that all possible protection measures are being used. Logging provides
proof of enforcement, in addition to a record of who did what, from where, and when. Logging also enables you to
audit and crosscheck information about how administrators follow policies, and it provides evidence of activities

Client configuration
We recommend three primary configurations for a hardened workstation. The biggest differentiators between
them are cost, usability, and accessibility, while maintaining a similar security profile across all options. The
following table provides a short analysis of the benefits and risks to each. (Note that “corporate PC” refers to a
standard desktop PC configuration that would be deployed for all domain users, regardless of roles.)


Stand-alone hardened workstation Tightly controlled workstation higher cost for dedicated desktops

- Reduced risk of application exploits Increased management effort

- Clear separation of duties -

Corporate PC as virtual machine Reduced hardware costs -

- Segregation of role and applications -

Windows to go with BitLocker drive Compatibility with most PCs Asset tracking

- Cost-effectiveness and portability -

- Isolated management environment -

It is important that the hardened workstation is the host and not the guest, with nothing between the host
operating system and the hardware. Following the “clean source principle” (also known as “secure origin”) means
that the host should be the most hardened. Otherwise, the hardened workstation (guest) is subject to attacks on the
system on which it is hosted.
You can further segregate administrative functions through dedicated system images for each hardened
workstation that have only the tools and permissions needed for managing select Azure and cloud applications,
with specific local AD DS GPOs for the necessary tasks.
For IT environments that have no on-premises infrastructure (for example, no access to a local AD DS instance for
GPOs because all servers are in the cloud), a service such as Microsoft Intune can simplify deploying and
maintaining workstation configurations.
Stand-alone hardened workstation for management
With a stand-alone hardened workstation, administrators have a PC or laptop that they use for administrative tasks
and another, separate PC or laptop for non-administrative tasks. A workstation dedicated to managing your Azure
services does not need other applications installed. Additionally, using workstations that support a Trusted
Platform Module (TPM) or similar hardware-level cryptography technology aids in device authentication and
prevention of certain attacks. TPM can also support full volume protection of the system drive by using BitLocker
Drive Encryption.
In the stand-alone hardened workstation scenario (shown below), the local instance of Windows Firewall (or a non-
Microsoft client firewall) is configured to block inbound connections, such as RDP. The administrator can log on to
the hardened workstation and start an RDP session that connects to Azure after establishing a VPN connect with an
Azure Virtual Network, but cannot log on to a corporate PC and use RDP to connect to the hardened workstation

Corporate PC as virtual machine

In cases where a separate stand-alone hardened workstation is cost prohibitive or inconvenient, the hardened
workstation can host a virtual machine to perform non-administrative tasks.
To avoid several security risks that can arise from using one workstation for systems management and other daily
work tasks, you can deploy a Windows Hyper-V virtual machine to the hardened workstation. This virtual machine
can be used as the corporate PC. The corporate PC environment can remain isolated from the Host, which reduces
its attack surface and removes the user’s daily activities (such as email) from coexisting with sensitive
administrative tasks.
The corporate PC virtual machine runs in a protected space and provides user applications. The host remains a
“clean source” and enforces strict network policies in the root operating system (for example, blocking RDP access
from the virtual machine).
Windows To Go
Another alternative to requiring a stand-alone hardened workstation is to use a Windows To Go drive, a feature
that supports a client-side USB-boot capability. Windows To Go enables users to boot a compatible PC to an
isolated system image running from an encrypted USB flash drive. It provides additional controls for remote-
administration endpoints because the image can be fully managed by a corporate IT group, with strict security
policies, a minimal OS build, and TPM support.
In the figure below, the portable image is a domain-joined system that is preconfigured to connect only to Azure,
requires multi-factor authentication, and blocks all non-management traffic. If a user boots the same PC to the
standard corporate image and tries accessing RD Gateway for Azure management tools, the session is blocked.
Windows To Go becomes the root-level operating system, and no additional layers are required (host operating
system, hypervisor, virtual machine) that may be more vulnerable to outside attacks.
It is important to note that USB flash drives are more easily lost than an average desktop PC. Use of BitLocker to
encrypt the entire volume, together with a strong password, makes it less likely that an attacker can use the drive
image for harmful purposes. Additionally, if the USB flash drive is lost, revoking and issuing a new management
certificate along with a quick password reset can reduce exposure. Administrative audit logs reside within Azure,
not on the client, further reducing potential data loss.

Best practices
Consider the following additional guidelines when you are managing applications and data in Azure.
Dos and don'ts
Don't assume that because a workstation has been locked down that other common security requirements do not
need to be met. The potential risk is higher because of elevated access levels that administrator accounts generally
possess. Examples of risks and their alternate safe practices are shown in the table below.


Don't email credentials for administrator access or other Maintain confidentiality by delivering account names and
secrets (for example, SSL or management certificates) passwords by voice (but not storing them in voice mail),
perform a remote installation of client/server certificates (via
an encrypted session), download from a protected network
share, or distribute by hand via removable media.

- Proactively manage your management certificate life cycles.

Don't store account passwords unencrypted or un-hashed in Establish security management principles and system
application storage (such as in spreadsheets, SharePoint sites, hardening policies, and apply them to your development
or file shares). environment.

- Use Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit 5.5 certificate

pinning rules to ensure proper access to Azure SSL/TLS sites.

Don't share accounts and passwords between administrators, Create a dedicated Microsoft account to manage your Azure
or reuse passwords across multiple user accounts or services, subscription—an account that is not used for personal email.
particularly those for social media or other nonadministrative

Don't email configuration files. Configuration files and profiles should be installed from a
trusted source (for example, an encrypted USB flash drive), not
from a mechanism that can be easily compromised, such as

Don't use weak or simple logon passwords. Enforce strong password policies, expiration cycles (changeon-
first-use), console timeouts, and automatic account lockouts.
Use a client password management system with multi-factor
authentication for password vault access.

Don't expose management ports to the Internet. Lock down Azure ports and IP addresses to restrict
management access. For more information, see the Azure
Network Security white paper.

- Use firewalls, VPNs, and NAP for all management connections.

Azure operations
Within Microsoft’s operation of Azure, operations engineers and support personnel who access Azure’s production
systems use hardened workstation PCs with VMs provisioned on them for internal corporate network access and
applications (such as e-mail, intranet, etc.). All management workstation computers have TPMs, the host boot drive
is encrypted with BitLocker, and they are joined to a special organizational unit (OU) in Microsoft’s primary
corporate domain.
System hardening is enforced through Group Policy, with centralized software updating. For auditing and analysis,
event logs (such as security and AppLocker) are collected from management workstations and saved to a central
In addition, dedicated jump-boxes on Microsoft’s network that require two-factor authentication are used to
connect to Azure’s production network.

Azure security checklist

Minimizing the number of tasks that administrators can perform on a hardened workstation helps minimize the
attack surface in your development and management environment. Use the following technologies to help protect
your hardened workstation:
IE hardening. The Internet Explorer browser (or any web browser, for that matter) is a key entry point for
harmful code due to its extensive interactions with external servers. Review your client policies and enforce
running in protected mode, disabling add-ons, disabling file downloads, and using Microsoft SmartScreen
filtering. Ensure that security warnings are displayed. Take advantage of Internet zones and create a list of
trusted sites for which you have configured reasonable hardening. Block all other sites and in-browser code,
such as ActiveX and Java.
Standard user. Running as a standard user brings a number of benefits, the biggest of which is that stealing
administrator credentials via malware becomes more difficult. In addition, a standard user account does not
have elevated privileges on the root operating system, and many configuration options and APIs are locked out
by default.
AppLocker. You can use AppLocker to restrict the programs and scripts that users can run. You can run
AppLocker in audit or enforcement mode. By default, AppLocker has an allow rule that enables users who have
an admin token to run all code on the client. This rule exists to prevent administrators from locking themselves
out, and it applies only to elevated tokens. See also Code Integrity as part of Windows Server core security.
Code signing. Code signing all tools and scripts used by administrators provides a manageable mechanism for
deploying application lockdown policies. Hashes do not scale with rapid changes to the code, and file paths do
not provide a high level of security. You should combine AppLocker rules with a PowerShell execution policy
that only allows specific signed code and scripts to be executed.
Group Policy. Create a global administrative policy that is applied to any domain workstation that is used for
management (and block access from all others), and to user accounts authenticated on those workstations.
Security-enhanced provisioning. Safeguard your baseline hardened workstation image to help protect against
tampering. Use security measures like encryption and isolation to store images, virtual machines, and scripts,
and restrict access (perhaps use an auditable check-in/check-out process).
Patching. Maintain a consistent build (or have separate images for development, operations, and other
administrative tasks), scan for changes and malware routinely, keep the build up to date, and only activate
machines when they are needed.
Encryption. Make sure that management workstations have a TPM to more securely enable Encrypting File
System (EFS) and BitLocker. If you are using Windows To Go, use only encrypted USB keys together with
Governance. Use AD DS GPOs to control all the administrators’ Windows interfaces, such as file sharing. Include
management workstations in auditing, monitoring, and logging processes. Track all administrator and
developer access and usage.

Using a hardened workstation configuration for administering your Azure cloud services, Virtual Machines, and
applications can help you avoid numerous risks and threats that can come from remotely managing critical IT
infrastructure. Both Azure and Windows provide mechanisms that you can employ to help protect and control
communications, authentication, and client behavior.

Next steps
The following resources are available to provide more general information about Azure and related Microsoft
services, in addition to specific items referenced in this paper:
Securing Privileged Access – get the technical details for designing and building a secure administrative
workstation for Azure management
Microsoft Trust Center - learn about Azure platform capabilities that protect the Azure fabric and the workloads
that run on Azure
Microsoft Security Response Center -- where Microsoft security vulnerabilities, including issues with Azure, can
be reported or via email to [email protected]
Azure Security Blog – keep up to date on the latest in Azure Security
Introduction to Azure Security Center
9/13/2017 • 3 min to read • Edit Online

Learn about Azure Security Center, its key capabilities, and how to get started.

What is Azure Security Center?

Azure Security Center provides unified security management and advanced threat protection for workloads running
in Azure, on-premises, and in other clouds. It delivers visibility and control over hybrid cloud workloads, active
defenses that reduce your exposure to threats, and intelligent detection to help you keep pace with rapidly evolving
cyber attacks.
The Security Center Overview provides a quick view into the security posture of your Azure and non-Azure
workloads, enabling you to discover and assess the security of your workloads and to identify and mitigate risk.

Why use Security Center?

Unified security management
Reduced management complexity. Manage security across all your hybrid cloud workloads – on-premises,
Azure, and other cloud platforms – in one console. Built-in dashboards provide instant insights into security
issues that require attention.
Centralized policy management. Ensure compliance with company or regulatory security requirements by
centrally managing security policies across all your hybrid cloud workloads.
Security data from many sources. Collect, search, and analyze security data from a variety of sources,
including connected partner solutions like network firewalls and other Microsoft services.
Integration with existing security workflows. Access, integrate, and analyze security information using REST
APIs to connect existing tools and processes.
Compliance reporting. Use security data and insights to demonstrate compliance and easily generate evidence
for auditors.
Multi-layer cyber defense
Continuous security assessment. Monitor the security of machines, networks, and Azure services using
hundreds of built-in security assessments or create your own. Identify software and configurations that are
vulnerable to attack.
Actionable recommendations. Remediate security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers
with prioritized, actionable security recommendations and built-in automation playbooks.
Adaptive application controls. Block malware and other unwanted applications by applying whitelisting
recommendations adapted to your specific Azure workloads and powered by machine learning.
Network access security. Reduce the network attack surface with just-in-time, controlled access to
management ports on Azure VMs, drastically reducing exposure to brute force and other network attacks.
Intelligent threat detection and response
Industry’s most extensive threat intelligence. Tap into the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph, which uses
trillions of signals from Microsoft services and systems around the globe to identify new and evolving threats.
Advanced threat detection. Use built-in behavioral analytics and machine learning to identify attacks and
zero-day exploits. Monitor networks, machines, and cloud services for incoming attacks and post-breach activity.
Alerts and Incidents. Focus on the most critical threats first with prioritized security alerts and incidents that
map alerts of different types into a single attack campaign. Create your own custom security alerts as well.
Streamlined investigation. Quickly assess the scope and impact of an attack with a visual, interactive
experience. Use predefined or ad hoc queries for deeper exploration of security data.
Contextual threat intelligence. Visualize the source of attacks on an interactive world map. Use built-in threat
intelligence reports to gain valuable insight into the techniques and objectives of known malicious actors.

Get started
To get started with Security Center, you need a subscription to Microsoft Azure. Security Center is enabled with
your Azure subscription. If you do not have a subscription, you can sign up for a free trial.
You access Security Center from the Azure portal. See the portal documentation to learn more.
Getting started with Azure Security Center quickly guides you through the security-monitoring and policy-
management components of Security Center.

Next steps
In this document, you were introduced to Security Center, its key capabilities, and how to get started. To learn more,
see the following resources:
Planning and operations guide - Learn how to optimize your use of Security Center based on your
organization's security requirements and cloud management model.
Setting security policies — Learn how to configure security policies for your Azure subscriptions and resource
Managing security recommendations — Learn how recommendations help you protect your Azure resources.
Security health monitoring — Learn how to monitor the health of your Azure resources.
Managing and responding to security alerts — Learn how to manage and respond to security alerts.
Monitoring and processing security events - Learn how to monitor and process security events collected over
Monitoring partner solutions — Learn how to monitor the health status of your partner solutions.
Azure Security Center FAQ — Find frequently asked questions about using the service.
Azure Security blog — Get the latest Azure security news and information.
Introduction to Microsoft Azure log integration
8/10/2017 • 3 min to read • Edit Online

Learn about Azure log integration, its key capabilities, and how it works.

Azure log integration is a free solution that enables you to integrate raw logs from your Azure resources in to your
on-premises Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems.
Azure log integration collects Windows events from Windows Event Viewer logs, Azure Activity Logs, Azure
Security Center alerts, and Azure Diagnostic logs from Azure resources. This integration helps your SIEM solution
provide a unified dashboard for all your assets, on-premises or in the cloud, so that you can aggregate, correlate,
analyze, and alert for security events.

At this time, the only supported clouds are Azure commercial and Azure Government. Other clouds are not supported.

What logs can I integrate?

Azure produces extensive logging for every Azure service. These logs represent three types of logs:
Control/management logs provide visibility into the Azure Resource Manager CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE
operations. Azure Activity Logs is an example of this type of log.
Data plane logs provide visibility into the events raised as part of the usage of an Azure resource. An example
of this type of log is the Windows Event Viewer's System, Security, and Application channels in a Windows
virtual machine. Another example is Diagnostics Logging configured through Azure Monitor
Processed events provide analyzed event and alert information processed on your behalf. An example of this
type of event is Azure Security Center Alerts, where Azure Security Center has processed and analyzed your
subscription to provide alerts relevant to your current security posture.
Azure Log Integration supports ArcSight, QRadar, and Splunk. In all circumstances, please check with your SIEM
vendor to assess whether they have a native connector. In some cases, you will not need to use Azure Log
Integration when native connectors are available. For additional information on supported log types please visit
the FAQ.
While Azure Log Integration is a free solution, there are Azure storage costs resulting from the log file information storage.

Community assistance is available through the Azure Log Integration MSDN Forum. The forum provides the AzLog
community the ability to support each other with questions, answers, tips, and tricks on how to get the most out of
Azure Log Integration. In addition, the Azure Log Integration team monitors this forum and will help whenever we
You can also open a support request. To do this, select Log Integration as the service for which you are
requesting support.

Next steps
In this document, you were introduced to Azure log integration. To learn more about Azure log integration and the
types of logs supported, see the following:
Microsoft Azure Log Integration – Download Center for details, system requirements, and install instructions on
Azure log integration.
Get started with Azure log integration - This tutorial walks you through installation of Azure log integration and
integrating logs from Azure WAD storage, Azure Activity Logs, Azure Security Center alerts and Azure Active
Directory audit logs.
Partner configuration steps – This blog post shows you how to configure Azure log integration to work with
partner solutions Splunk, HP ArcSight, and IBM QRadar. This blog represents our current position on
configuring the partner solutions. In all cases, please refer to partner solution documentation first.
Activity and ASC alerts over syslog to QRadar – This blog post provides the steps to send Activity and Azure
Security Center alerts over syslog to QRadar
Azure log Integration frequently asked questions (FAQ) - This FAQ answers questions about Azure log
Integrating Security Center alerts with Azure log Integration – This document shows you how to sync Azure
Security Center alerts with Azure Log Integration.
Azure log integration with Azure Diagnostics
Logging and Windows Event Forwarding
7/31/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Log Integration (AzLog) enables you to integrate raw logs from your Azure resources into your on-premises
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems. This integration makes it possible to have a unified
security dashboard for all your assets, on-premises or in the cloud, so that you can aggregate, correlate, analyze,
and alert for security events associated with your applications.

For more information on Azure Log Integration, you can review the Azure Log Integration overview.

This article will help you get started with Azure Log Integration by focusing on the installation of the Azlog service
and integrating the service with Azure Diagnostics. The Azure Log Integration service will then be able to collect
Windows Event Log information from the Windows Security Event Channel from virtual machines deployed in
Azure IaaS. This is very similar to “Event Forwarding” that you may have used on-premises.

The ability to bring the output of Azure log integration in to the SIEM is provided by the SIEM itself. Please see the article
Integrating Azure Log Integration with your On-premises SIEM for more information.

To be very clear - the Azure Log Integration service runs on a physical or virtual computer that is using the
Windows Server 2008 R2 or above operating system (Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016 are
The physical computer can run on-premises (or on a hoster site). If you choose to run the Azure Log Integration
service on a virtual machine, that virtual machine can be located on-premises or in a public cloud, such as
Microsoft Azure.
The physical or virtual machine running the Azure Log Integration service requires network connectivity to the
Azure public cloud. Steps in this article provide details on the configuration.

At a minimum, the installation of AzLog requires the following items:
An Azure subscription. If you do not have one, you can sign up for a free account.
A storage account that can be used for Windows Azure diagnostic logging (you can use a pre-configured
storage account, or create a new one – will we demonstrate how to configure the storage account later in this
article) >[!NOTE] Depending on your scenario a storage account may not be required. For the Azure diagnostics
scenario covered in this article one is needed.
Two systems: a machine that will run the Azure Log Integration service, and a machine that will be monitored
and have its logging information sent to the Azlog service machine.
A machine you want to monitor – this is a VM running as an Azure Virtual Machine
A machine that will run the Azure log integration service; this machine will collect all the log information
that will later be imported into your SIEM.
This system can be on-premises or in Microsoft Azure.
This system can be on-premises or in Microsoft Azure.
It needs to be running an x64 version of Windows server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher and have .NET
4.5.1 installed. You can determine the .NET version installed by following the article titled How to:
Determine Which .NET Framework Versions Are Installed
It must have connectivity to the Azure storage account used for Azure diagnostic logging. We will
provide instructions later in this article on how you can confirm this connectivity
For a quick demonstration of the process of a creating a virtual machine using the Azure portal take a look at the
video below.

Deployment considerations
While you are testing Azure Log Integration, you can use any system that meets the minimum operating system
requirements. However, for a production environment the load may require you to plan for scaling up or out.
You can run multiple instances of the Azure Log Integration service (one instance per physical or virtual machine) if
event volume is high. In addition, you can load balance Azure Diagnostics storage accounts for Windows (WAD)
and the number of subscriptions to provide to the instances should be based on your capacity.

At this time we do not have specific recommendations for when to scale out instances of Azure log integration machines (i.e.,
machines that are running the Azure log integration service), or for storage accounts or subscriptions. Scaling decisions
should be based on your performance observations in each of these areas.

You also have the option to scale up the Azure Log Integration service to help improve performance. The following
performance metrics can help you in sizing the machines that you choose to run the Azure log integration service:
On an 8-processor (core) machine, a single instance of Azlog Integrator can process about 24 million events
per day (~1M/hour).
On a 4-processor (core) machine, a single instance of Azlog Integrator can process about 1.5 million events
per day (~62.5K/hour).

Install Azure log integration

To install Azure Log Integration, you need to download the Azure log integration installation file. Run through the
setup routine and decide if you want to provide telemetry information to Microsoft.

We recommend that you allow Microsoft to collect telemetry data. You can turn off collection of telemetry data by
unchecking this option.

The Azure Log Integration service collects telemetry data from the machine on which it is installed.
Telemetry data collected is:
Exceptions that occur during execution of Azure log integration
Metrics about the number of queries and events processed
Statistics about which Azlog.exe command-line options are being used
The installation process is covered in the video below.

Post installation and validation steps

After completing the basic setup routine, you're ready step to perform post installation and validation steps:
1. Open an elevated PowerShell window and navigate to c:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Log Integration
2. The first step you need to take is to get the AzLog Cmdlets imported. You can do that by running the script
LoadAzlogModule.ps1 (notice the “.\” in the following command). Type .\LoadAzlogModule.ps1 and press
You should see something like what appears in the figure below.
3. Now you need to configure AzLog to use a specific Azure environment. An “Azure environment” is the
“type” of Azure cloud data center you want to work with. While there are several Azure environments at this
time, the currently relevant options are either AzureCloud or AzureUSGovernment. In your elevated
PowerShell environment, make sure that you are in c:\program files\Microsoft Azure Log Integration\
Once there, run the command:
Set-AzlogAzureEnvironment -Name AzureCloud (for Azure commercial)

When the command succeeds, you will not receive any feedback. If you want to use the US Government Azure cloud,
you would use AzureUSGovernment (for the -Name variable) for the USA government cloud. Other Azure clouds
are not supported at this time.

4. Before you can monitor a system you will need the name of the storage account in use for Azure
Diagnostics. In the Azure portal navigate to Virtual machines and look for the virtual machine that you will
monitor. In the Properties section, choose Diagnostic Settings. Click on Agent and make note of the
storage account name specified. You will need this account name for a later step.
If Monitoring was not enabled during virtual machine creation you will be given the option to enable it as shown

5. Now we’ll switch our attention back to the Azure log integration machine. We need to verify that you have
connectivity to the Storage Account from the system where you installed Azure Log Integration. The physical
computer or virtual machine running the Azure Log Integration service needs access to the storage account to
retrieve information logged by Azure Diagnostics as configured on each of the monitored systems.
a. You can download Azure Storage Explorer here.
b. Run through the setup routine
c. Once the installation completes click Next and leave the check box Launch Microsoft Azure Storage
Explorer checked.
d. Log in to Azure.
e. Verify that you can see the storage account that you configured for Azure Diagnostics.

f. Notice that there are a few options under storage accounts. One of them is Tables. Under Tables you
should see one called WADWindowsEventLogsTable.
Integrate Azure Diagnostic logging
In this step, you will configure the machine running the Azure Log Integration service to connect to the storage
account that contains the log files. To complete this step we will need a few things up front.
FriendlyNameForSource: This is a friendly name that you can apply to the storage account that you've
configured the virtual machine to store information from Azure Diagnostics
StorageAccountName: This is the name of the storage account that you specified when you configured Azure
StorageKey: This is the storage key for the storage account where the Azure Diagnostics information is stored
for this virtual machine.
Perform the following steps to obtain the storage key:
1. Browse to the Azure portal.
2. In the navigation pane of the Azure console, scroll to the bottom and click More services.
3. Enter Storage in the Filter text box. Click Storage accounts (this will appear after you enter Storage)
4. A list of storage accounts will appear, double click on the account that you assigned to Log storage.
5. Click on Access keys in the Settings section.
6. Copy key1 and put it in a secure location that you can access for the next step.
7. On the server that you installed Azure Log Integration, open an elevated Command Prompt (note that we’re
using an elevated Command Prompt window here, not an elevated PowerShell console).
8. Navigate to c:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Log Integration
9. Run Azlog source add <FriendlyNameForTheSource> WAD <StorageAccountName> <StorageKey>
For example
Azlog source add Azlogtest WAD Azlog9414
If you would like the subscription ID to show up in the event XML, append the subscription ID to the friendly
name: Azlog source add <FriendlyNameForTheSource>.<SubscriptionID> WAD <StorageAccountName> <StorageKey> or
for example,
Azlog source add Azlogtest.YourSubscriptionID WAD Azlog9414

Wait up to 60 minutes, then view the events that are pulled from the storage account. To view, open Event Viewer >
Windows Logs > Forwarded Events on the Azlog Integrator.
Here you can see a video going over the steps covered above.

What if data is not showing up in the Forwarded Events folder?

If after an hour data is not showing up in the Forwarded Events folder, then:
1. Check the machine running the Azure Log Integration service and confirm that it can access Azure. To test
connectivity, try to open the Azure portal from the browser.
2. Make sure the user account Azlog has write permission on the folder users\Azlog.
a. Open Windows Explorer
b. Navigate to c:\users
c. Right click on c:\users\Azlog
d. Click on Security
e. Click on NT Service\Azlog and check the permissions for the account. If the account is missing from
this tab or if the appropriate permissions are not currently showing you can grant the account rights in
this tab.
3. Make sure the storage account added in the command Azlog source add is listed when you run the command
Azlog source list.
4. Go to Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application to see if there are any errors reported from the Azure
log integration.
If you run into any issues during the installation and configuration, please open a support request, select Log
Integration as the service for which you are requesting support.
Another support option is the Azure Log Integration MSDN Forum. Here the community can support each other
with questions, answers, tips, and tricks on how to get the most out of Azure Log Integration. In addition, the Azure
Log Integration team monitors this forum and will help whenever we can.

Next steps
To learn more about Azure Log Integration, see the following documents:
Microsoft Azure Log Integration for Azure logs – Download Center for details, system requirements, and install
instructions on Azure log integration.
Introduction to Azure log integration – This document introduces you to Azure log integration, its key
capabilities, and how it works.
Partner configuration steps – This blog post shows you how to configure Azure log integration to work with
partner solutions Splunk, HP ArcSight, and IBM QRadar. This is our current guidance on how to configure the
SIEM components. Please check with your SIEM vendor first for additional details.
Azure log Integration frequently asked questions (FAQ) - This FAQ answers questions about Azure log
Integrating Security Center alerts with Azure log Integration – This document shows you how to sync Security
Center alerts, along with virtual machine security events collected by Azure Diagnostics and Azure Activity Logs,
with your log analytics or SIEM solution.
New features for Azure diagnostics and Azure Audit Logs – This blog post introduces you to Azure Audit Logs
and other features that help you gain insights into the operations of your Azure resources.
Integrate Azure Active Directory audit logs
8/22/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) audit events help you identify privileged actions that occurred in Azure Active
Directory. You can see the types of events that you can track by reviewing Azure Active Directory audit report

Before you attempt the steps in this article, you must review the Get started article and complete the steps there.

Steps to integrate Azure Active directory audit logs

1. Open the command prompt and run this command:
cd c:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Log Integration

2. Run this command:

azlog createazureid

This command prompts you for your Azure login. The command then creates an Azure Active Directory
service principal in the Azure AD tenants that host the Azure subscriptions in which the logged-in user is an
administrator, a co-administrator, or an owner. The command will fail if the logged-in user is only a guest
user in the Azure AD tenant. Authentication to Azure is done through Azure AD. Creating a service principal
for Azure Log Integration creates the Azure AD identity that is given access to read from Azure subscriptions.
3. Run the following command to provide your tenant ID. You need to be member of the tenant admin role to
run the command.
Azlog.exe authorizedirectoryreader tenantId

AZLOG.exe authorizedirectoryreader ba2c0000-d24b-4f4e-92b1-48c4469999

4. Check the following folders to confirm that the Azure Active Directory audit log JSON files are created in
The following video demonstrates the steps covered in this article:
For specific instructions on bringing the information in the JSON files into your security information and event management
(SIEM) system, contact your SIEM vendor.

Community assistance is available through the Azure Log Integration MSDN Forum. This forum enables people in
the Azure Log Integration community to support each other with questions, answers, tips, and tricks. In addition, the
Azure Log Integration team monitors this forum and helps whenever it can.
You can also open a support request. Select Log Integration as the service for which you are requesting support.

Next steps
To learn more about Azure Log Integration, see:
Microsoft Azure Log Integration for Azure logs: This Download Center page gives details, system requirements,
and installation instructions for Azure Log Integration.
Introduction to Azure Log Integration: This article introduces you to Azure Log Integration, its key capabilities,
and how it works.
Partner configuration steps: This blog post shows you how to configure Azure Log Integration to work with
partner solutions Splunk, HP ArcSight, and IBM QRadar.
Azure Log Integration FAQ: This article answers questions about Azure Log Integration.
Integrating Security Center alerts with Azure Log Integration: This article shows you how to sync Security Center
alerts, along with virtual machine security events collected by Azure Diagnostics and Azure audit logs, with your
log analytics or SIEM solution.
New features for Azure Diagnostics and Azure audit logs: This blog post introduces you to Azure audit logs and
other features that help you gain insights into the operations of your Azure resources.
How to get your Security Center alerts in Azure log
8/30/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides the steps required to enable the Azure Log Integration service to pull Security Alert information
generated by Azure Security Center. You must have successfully completed the steps in the Get started article
before performing the steps in this article.

Detailed steps
The following steps will create the required Azure Active Directory Service Principal and assign the Service Principle
read permissions to the subscription:
1. Open the command prompt and navigate to c:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Log Integration
2. Run the command azlog createazureid
This command prompts you for your Azure login. The command then creates an Azure Active Directory
Service Principal in the Azure AD Tenants that host the Azure subscriptions in which the logged in user is an
Administrator, a Co-Administrator, or an Owner. The command will fail if the logged in user is only a Guest
user in the Azure AD Tenant. Authentication to Azure is done through Azure Active Directory (AD). Creating a
service principal for Azlog Integration creates the Azure AD identity that will be given access to read from
Azure subscriptions.
3. Next you will run a command that assigns reader access on the subscription to the service principal you just
created. If you don’t specify a SubscriptionID, then the command will attempt to assign the service principal
reader role to all subscriptions to which you have any access.
azlog authorize <SubscriptionID>
for example
azlog authorize 0ee55555-0bc4-4a32-a4e8-c29980000000

You may see warnings if you run the authorize command immediately after the createazureid command. There is
some latency between when the Azure AD account is created and when the account is available for use. If you wait
about 60 seconds after running the createazureid command to run the authorize command, then you should not
see these warnings.

4. Check the following folders to confirm that the Audit log JSON files are there:
5. Check the following folders to confirm that Security Center alerts exist in them:
If you run into any issues during the installation and configuration, please open a support request, select Log
Integration as the service for which you are requesting support.

Next steps
To learn more about Azure Log Integration, see the following documents:
Microsoft Azure Log Integration for Azure logs – Download Center for details, system requirements, and install
instructions on Azure log integration.
Introduction to Azure log integration – This document introduces you to Azure log integration, its key
capabilities, and how it works.
Partner configuration steps – This blog post shows you how to configure Azure log integration to work with
partner solutions Splunk, HP ArcSight, and IBM QRadar.
Azure log Integration frequently asked questions (FAQ) - This FAQ answers questions about Azure log
New features for Azure diagnostics and Azure Audit Logs – This blog post introduces you to Azure Audit Logs
and other features that help you gain insights into the operations of your Azure resources.
Azure Log Integration tutorial: Process Azure Key
Vault events by using Event Hubs
8/22/2017 • 6 min to read • Edit Online

You can use Azure Log Integration to retrieve logged events and make them available to your security information
and event management (SIEM) system. This tutorial shows an example of how Azure Log Integration can be used to
process logs that are acquired through Azure Event Hubs.
Use this tutorial to get acquainted with how Azure Log Integration and Event Hubs work together by following the
example steps and understanding how each step supports the solution. Then you can take what you’ve learned here
to create your own steps to support your company’s unique requirements.

The steps and commands in this tutorial are not intended to be copied and pasted. They're examples only. Do not use the
PowerShell commands “as is” in your live environment. You must customize them based on your unique environment.

This tutorial walks you through the process of taking Azure Key Vault activity logged to an event hub and making it
available as JSON files to your SIEM system. You can then configure your SIEM system to process the JSON files.

Most of the steps in this tutorial involve configuring key vaults, storage accounts, and event hubs. The specific Azure Log
Integration steps are at the end of this tutorial. Do not perform these steps in a production environment. They are intended
for a lab environment only. You must customize the steps before using them in production.

Information provided along the way helps you understand the reasons behind each step. Links to other articles give
you more detail on certain topics.
For more information about the services that this tutorial mentions, see:
Azure Key Vault
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Log Integration

Initial setup
Before you can complete the steps in this article, you need the following:
1. An Azure subscription and account on that subscription with administrator rights. If you don't have a
subscription, you can create a free account.
2. A system with access to the internet that meets the requirements for installing Azure Log Integration. The
system can be on a cloud service or hosted on-premises.
3. Azure Log Integration installed. To install it:
a. Use Remote Desktop to connect to the system mentioned in step 2.
b. Copy the Azure Log Integration installer to the system. You can download the installation files.
c. Start the installer and accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.
d. If you will provide telemetry information, leave the check box selected. If you'd rather not send usage
information to Microsoft, clear the check box.
For more information about Azure Log Integration and how to install it, see Azure Log Integration with Azure
Diagnostics logging and Windows Event Forwarding.
4. The latest PowerShell version.
If you have Windows Server 2016 installed, then you have at least PowerShell 5.0. If you're using any other
version of Windows Server, you might have an earlier version of PowerShell installed. You can check the
version by entering get-host in a PowerShell window. If you don't have PowerShell 5.0 installed, you can
download it.
After you have at least PowerShell 5.0, you can proceed to install the latest version:
a. In a PowerShell window, enter the Install-Module Azure command. Complete the installation steps.
b. Enter the Install-Module AzureRM command. Complete the installation steps.
For more information, see Install Azure PowerShell.

Create supporting infrastructure elements

1. Open an elevated PowerShell window and go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Log Integration.
2. Import the AzLog cmdlets by running the script LoadAzLogModule.ps1. Enter the .\LoadAzLogModule.ps1
command. (Notice the “.\” in that command.) You should see something like this:

3. Enter the Login-AzureRmAccount command. In the login window, enter the credential information for the
subscription that you will use for this tutorial.

If this is the first time that you're logging in to Azure from this machine, you will see a message about allowing
Microsoft to collect PowerShell usage data. We recommend that you enable this data collection because it will be used
to improve Azure PowerShell.

4. After successful authentication, you're logged in and you see the information in the following screenshot.
Take note of the subscription ID and subscription name, because you'll need them to complete later steps.
5. Create variables to store values that will be used later. Enter each of the following PowerShell lines. You might
need to adjust the values to match your environment.
$subscriptionName = ‘Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN’ (Your subscription name might be different. You
can see it as part of the output of the previous command.)
$location = 'West US' (This variable will be used to pass the location where resources should be created.
You can change this variable to be any location of your choosing.)
$random = Get-Random
$name = 'azlogtest' + $random (The name can be anything, but it should include only lowercase letters
and numbers.)
$storageName = $name (This variable will be used for the storage account name.)
$rgname = $name (This variable will be used for the resource group name.)
$eventHubNameSpaceName = $name (This is the name of the event hub namespace.)
6. Specify the subscription that you will be working with:
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName

7. Create a resource group:

$rg = New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $rgname -Location $location

If you enter $rg at this point, you should see output similar to this screenshot:

8. Create a storage account that will be used to keep track of state information:
$storage = New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $storagename -Location $location -
SkuName Standard_LRS
9. Create the event hub namespace. This is required to create an event hub.
$eventHubNameSpace = New-AzureRmEventHubNamespace -ResourceGroupName $rgname -NamespaceName
$eventHubnamespaceName -Location $location

10. Get the rule ID that will be used with the insights provider:
$sbruleid = $eventHubNameSpace.Id +'/authorizationrules/RootManageSharedAccessKey'

11. Get all possible Azure locations and add the names to a variable that can be used in a later step:
a. $locationObjects = Get-AzureRMLocation
b. $locations = @('global') + $locationobjects.location

If you enter $locations at this point, you see the location names without the additional information returned
by Get-AzureRmLocation.
12. Create an Azure Resource Manager log profile:
Add-AzureRmLogProfile -Name $name -ServiceBusRuleId $sbruleid -Locations $locations

For more information about the Azure log profile, see Overview of the Azure Activity Log.

You might get an error message when you try to create a log profile. You can then review the documentation for Get-
AzureRmLogProfile and Remove-AzureRmLogProfile. If you run Get-AzureRmLogProfile, you see information about the log
profile. You can delete the existing log profile by entering the Remove-AzureRmLogProfile -name 'Log Profile Name'

Create a key vault

1. Create the key vault:
$kv = New-AzureRmKeyVault -VaultName $name -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location

2. Configure logging for the key vault:

Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $kv.ResourceId -ServiceBusRuleId $sbruleid -Enabled $true

Generate log activity

Requests need to be sent to Key Vault to generate log activity. Actions like key generation, storing secrets, or
reading secrets from Key Vault will create log entries.
1. Display the current storage keys:
Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -Name $storagename -ResourceGroupName $rgname | ft -a

2. Generate a new key2:

New-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -Name $storagename -ResourceGroupName $rgname -KeyName key2

3. Display the keys again and see that key2 holds a different value:
Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -Name $storagename -ResourceGroupName $rgname | ft -a
4. Set and read a secret to generate additional log entries:
Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $name -Name TestSecret -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString -String
'Hi There!' -AsPlainText -Force)
b. (Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $name -Name TestSecret).SecretValueText

Configure Azure Log Integration

Now that you have configured all the required elements to have Key Vault logging to an event hub, you need to
configure Azure Log Integration:
1. $storage = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $storagename
$eventHubKey = Get-AzureRmEventHubNamespaceKey -ResourceGroupName $rgname -NamespaceName
2. $ -AuthorizationRuleName RootManageSharedAccessKey
3. $storagekeys = Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $storagename
4. $storagekey = $storagekeys[0].Value

Run the AzLog command for each event hub:

1. $eventhubs = Get-AzureRmEventHub -ResourceGroupName $rgname -NamespaceName $eventHubNamespaceName
$eventhubs.Name | %{Add-AzLogEventSource -Name $sub' - '$_ -StorageAccount $storage.StorageAccountName -
2. StorageKey $storageKey -EventHubConnectionString $eventHubKey.PrimaryConnectionString -EventHubName $_}

After a minute or so of running the last two commands, you should see JSON files being generated. You can
confirm that by monitoring the directory C:\users\AzLog\EventHubJson.

Next steps
Azure Log Integration FAQ
Get started with Azure Log Integration
Integrate logs from Azure resources into your SIEM systems
Azure Log Integration FAQ
8/22/2017 • 4 min to read • Edit Online

This article answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Azure Log Integration.
Azure Log Integration is a Windows operating system service that you can use to integrate raw logs from your
Azure resources into your on-premises security information and event management (SIEM) systems. This
integration provides a unified dashboard for all your assets, on-premises or in the cloud. You can then aggregate,
correlate, analyze, and alert for security events associated with your applications.

Is the Azure Log Integration software free?

Yes. There is no charge for the Azure Log Integration software.

Where is Azure Log Integration available?

It is currently available in Azure Commercial and Azure Government and is not available in China or Germany.

How can I see the storage accounts from which Azure Log Integration
is pulling Azure VM logs?
Run the command azlog source list.

How can I tell which subscription the Azure Log Integration logs are
In the case of audit logs that are placed in the AzureResourcemanagerJson directories, the subscription ID is in
the log file name. This is also true for logs in the AzureSecurityCenterJson folder. For example:
Azure Active Directory audit logs include the tenant ID as part of the name.
Diagnostic logs that are read from an event hub do not include the subscription ID as part of the name. Instead,
they include the friendly name specified as part of the creation of the event hub source.

How can I update the proxy configuration?

If your proxy setting does not allow Azure storage access directly, open the AZLOG.EXE.CONFIG file in
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Log Integration. Update the file to include the defaultProxy section with
the proxy address of your organization. After the update is done, stop and start the service by using the
commands net stop azlog and net start azlog.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add address="*" maxconnection="400" />
<proxy usesystemdefault="true"
bypassonlocal="true" />
<performanceCounters filemappingsize="20971520" />

How can I see the subscription information in Windows events?

Append the subscription ID to the friendly name while adding the source:

Azlog source add <sourcefriendlyname>.<subscription id> <StorageName> <StorageKey>

The event XML has the following metadata, including the subscription ID:
Error messages
When I run the command azlog createazureid, why do I get the following error?
Failed to create AAD Application - Tenant 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db37 - Reason = 'Forbidden' -
Message = 'Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.'
The azlog createazureid command attempts to create a service principal in all the Azure AD tenants for the
subscriptions that the Azure login has access to. If your Azure login is only a guest user in that Azure AD tenant,
the command fails with "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation." Ask the tenant admin to add your
account as a user in the tenant.
When I run the command azlog authorize , why do I get the following error?
Warning creating Role Assignment - AuthorizationFailed: The client [email protected]' with object id
'fe9e03e4-4dad-4328-910f-fd24a9660bd2' does not have authorization to perform action
'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write' over scope '/subscriptions/70d95299-d689-4c97-b971-
The azlog authorize command assigns the role of reader to the Azure AD service principal (created with azlog
createazureid) to the provided subscriptions. If the Azure login is not a co-administrator or an owner of the
subscription, it fails with an "Authorization Failed" error message. Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) of co-
administrator or owner is needed to complete this action.

Where can I find the definition of the properties in the audit log?
Audit operations with Azure Resource Manager
List the management events in a subscription in the Azure Monitor REST API

Where can I find details on Azure Security Center alerts?

See Managing and responding to security alerts in Azure Security Center.

How can I modify what is collected with VM diagnostics?

For details on how to get, modify, and set the Azure Diagnostics configuration, see Use PowerShell to enable Azure
Diagnostics in a virtual machine running Windows.
The following example gets the Azure Diagnostics configuration:

-AzureRmVMDiagnosticsExtension -ResourceGroupName AzLog-Integration -VMName AzlogClient

$publicsettings = (Get-AzureRmVMDiagnosticsExtension -ResourceGroupName AzLog-Integration -VMName
$encodedconfig = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $publicsettings).xmlCfg
$xmlconfig = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($encodedconfig))
Write-Host $xmlconfig

$xmlconfig | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath "d:\WADConfig.xml"

The following example modifies the Azure Diagnostics configuration. In this configuration, only event ID 4624 and
event ID 4625 are collected from the security event log. Microsoft Antimalware for Azure events are collected from
the system event log. For details on the use of XPath expressions, see Consuming Events.

<WindowsEventLog scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M">
<DataSource name="Security!*[System[(EventID=4624 or EventID=4625)]]" />
<DataSource name="System!*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft Antimalware']]]"/>

The following example sets the Azure Diagnostics configuration:

$diagnosticsconfig_path = "d:\WADConfig.xml"
Set-AzureRmVMDiagnosticsExtension -ResourceGroupName AzLog-Integration -VMName AzlogClient -
DiagnosticsConfigurationPath $diagnosticsconfig_path -StorageAccountName log3121 -StorageAccountKey <storage

After you make changes, check the storage account to ensure that the correct events are collected.
If you have any issues during the installation and configuration, please open a support request. Select Log
Integration as the service for which you are requesting support.

Can I use Azure Log Integration to integrate Network Watcher logs

into my SIEM?
Azure Network Watcher generates large quantities of logging information. These logs are not meant to be sent to
a SIEM. The only supported destination for Network Watcher logs is a storage account. Azure Log Integration does
not support reading these logs and making them available to a SIEM.
Azure Service Fabric security best practices
9/8/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

Deploying an application on Azure is fast, easy, and cost-effective. Before you deploy your cloud application into
production, review our list of essential and recommended best practices for implementing secure clusters in your
Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable
and reliable microservices. Service Fabric also addresses the significant challenges in developing and managing
cloud applications. Developers and administrators can avoid complex infrastructure problems and focus on
implementing mission-critical, demanding workloads that are scalable, reliable, and manageable.
For each best practice, we explain:
What the best practice is.
Why you should implement the best practice.
What might happen if you don't implement the best practice.
How you can learn to implement the best practice.
We recommend the following Azure Service Fabric security best practices:
Use Azure Resource Manager templates and the Service Fabric PowerShell module to create secure clusters.
Use X.509 certificates.
Configure security policies.
Implement the Reliable Actors security configuration.
Configure SSL for Azure Service Fabric.
Use network isolation and security with Azure Service Fabric.
Configure Azure Key Vault for security.
Assign users to roles.

Best practices for securing your clusters

Always use a secure cluster:
Implement cluster security by using certificates.
Provide client access (admin and read-only) by using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
Use automated deployments:
Use scripts to generate, deploy, and roll over the secrets.
Store the secrets in Azure Key Vault and use Azure AD for all other client access.
Require authentication for human access to the secrets.
Additionally, consider the following configuration options:
Create perimeter networks (also known as demilitarized zones, DMZs, and screened subnets) by using Azure
Network Security Groups (NSGs).
Access cluster virtual machines (VMs) or manage your cluster by using jump servers with Remote Desktop
Your clusters must be secured to prevent unauthorized users from connecting, especially when a cluster is running
in production. Although it's possible to create an unsecured cluster, anonymous users can connect to your cluster if
the cluster exposes management endpoints to the public internet.
There are three scenarios for implementing cluster security by using various technologies:
Node-to-node security: This scenario secures communication between the VMs and the computers in the
cluster. This form of security ensures that only those computers that are authorized to join the cluster can host
applications and services in the cluster. In this scenario, the clusters that run on Azure, or standalone clusters
that run on Windows, can use either certificate security or Windows security for Windows Server machines.
Client-to-node security: This scenario secures communication between a Service Fabric client and the individual
nodes in the cluster.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): This scenario uses separate identities (certificates, Azure AD, and so on) for
each administrator and user client role that accesses the cluster. You specify the role identities when you create
the cluster.

Security recommendation for Azure clusters: Use Azure AD security to authenticate clients and certificates for node-to-
node security.

To configure a standalone Windows cluster, see Configure settings for a standalone Windows cluster.
Use Azure Resource Manager templates and the Service Fabric PowerShell module to create a secure cluster. For
step-by-step instructions to create a secure Service Fabric cluster by using Azure Resource Manager templates, see
Creating a Service Fabric cluster.
Use the Azure Resource Manager template:
Customize your cluster by using the template to configure managed storage for VM virtual hard disks (VHDs).
Drive changes to your resource group by using the template for easy configuration management and auditing.
Treat your cluster configuration as code:
Be thorough when checking your deployment configurations.
Avoid using implicit commands to directly modify your resources.
Many aspects of the Service Fabric application lifecycle can be automated. The Service Fabric PowerShell module
automates common tasks for deploying, upgrading, removing, and testing Azure Service Fabric applications.
Managed APIs and HTTP APIs for application management are also available.

Use X.509 certificates

Always secure your clusters by using X.509 certificates or Windows security. Security is only configured at cluster
creation time. It's not possible to turn on security after the cluster is created.
To specify a cluster certificate, set the value of the ClusterCredentialType property to X509. To specify a server
certificate for outside connections, set the ServerCredentialType property to X509.
In addition, follow these practices:
Create the certificates for production clusters by using a correctly configured Windows Server certificate service.
You can also obtain the certificates from an approved certificate authority (CA).
Never use a temporary or test certificate for production clusters if the certificate was created by using
MakeCert.exe or a similar tool.
Use a self-signed certificate for test clusters, but not for production clusters.
If the cluster is unsecure, anyone can connect to the cluster anonymously and perform management operations.
For this reason, always secure production clusters by using X.509 certificates or Windows security.
To learn more about using X.509 certificates, see Add or remove certificates for a Service Fabric cluster.

Configure security policies

Service Fabric also secures the resources that are used by applications. Resources like files, directories, and
certificates are stored under the user accounts when the application is deployed. This feature makes running
applications more secure from one another, even in a shared hosted environment.
Use an Active Directory domain group or user: Run the service under the credentials for an Active Directory
user or group account. Be sure to use Active Directory on-premises within your domain and not Azure Active
Directory. Access other resources in the domain that have been granted permissions by using a domain user
or group. For example, resources such as file shares.
Assign a security access policy for HTTP and HTTPS endpoints: Specify the SecurityAccessPolicy property
to apply a RunAs policy to a service when the service manifest declares endpoint resources with HTTP. Ports
allocated to the HTTP endpoints are correctly access-controlled lists for the RunAs user account that the
service runs under. When the policy isn't set, http.sys doesn't have access to the service and you can get
failures with calls from the client.
To learn how to use security policies in a Service Fabric cluster, see Configure security policies for your application.

Implement the Reliable Actors security configuration

Service Fabric Reliable Actors is an implementation of the actor design pattern. As with any software design
pattern, the decision to use a specific pattern is based on whether a software problem fits the pattern.
In general, use the actor design pattern to help model solutions for the following software problems or security
Your problem space involves a large number (thousands or more) of small, independent, and isolated units of
state and logic.
You're working with single-threaded objects that don't require significant interaction from external components,
including querying state across a set of actors.
Your actor instances don't block callers with unpredictable delays by issuing I/O operations.
In Service Fabric, actors are implemented in the Reliable Actors application framework. This framework is based on
the actor pattern and built on top of Service Fabric Reliable Services. Each reliable actor service that you write is a
partitioned stateful reliable service.
Every actor is defined as an instance of an actor type, identical to the way a .NET object is an instance of a .NET type.
For example, an actor type that implements the functionality of a calculator can have many actors of that type that
are distributed on various nodes across a cluster. Each of the distributed actors is uniquely characterized by an
actor identifier.
Replicator security configurations are used to secure the communication channel that is used during replication.
This configuration prevents services from seeing each other's replication traffic and ensures that highly available
data is secure. By default, an empty security configuration section prevents replication security. Replicator
configurations configure the replicator that is responsible for making the Actor State Provider state highly reliable.

Configure SSL for Azure Service Fabric

The server authentication process authenticates the cluster management endpoints to a management client. The
management client then recognizes that it's talking to the real cluster. This certificate also provides an SSL for the
HTTPS management API and for Service Fabric Explorer over HTTPS. You must obtain a custom domain name for
your cluster. When you request a certificate from a certificate authority, the certificate's subject name must match
the custom domain name that you use for your cluster.
To configure SSL for an application, you first need to obtain an SSL certificate that has been signed by a CA. The CA
is a trusted third party that issues certificates for SSL security purposes. If you don't already have an SSL certificate,
you need to obtain one from a company that sells SSL certificates.
The certificate must meet the following requirements for SSL certificates in Azure:
The certificate must contain a private key.
The certificate must be created for key exchange and be exportable to a personal information exchange (.pfx)
The certificate's subject name must match the domain name that is used to access your cloud service.
Acquire a custom domain name to use for accessing your cloud service.
Request a certificate from a CA with a subject name that matches your service's custom domain name.
For example, if your custom domain name is, the certificate from your CA should have the
subject name or

You cannot obtain an SSL certificate from a CA for the domain.

The certificate must use a minimum of 2,048-bit encryption.

The HTTP protocol is unsecure and subject to eavesdropping attacks. Data that is transmitted over HTTP is sent as
plain text from the web browser to the web server or between other endpoints. Attackers can intercept and view
sensitive data that is sent via HTTP, such as credit card details and account logins. When data is sent or posted
through a browser via HTTPS, SSL ensures that sensitive information is encrypted and secure from interception.
To learn more about using SSL certificates, see Configure SSL for Azure applications.

Use network isolation and security with Azure Service Fabric

Set up a 3 nodetype secure cluster by using the Azure Resource Manager template as a sample. Control the
inbound and outbound network traffic by using the template and Network Security Groups.
The template has an NSG for each of the virtual machine scale sets and is used to control the traffic in and out of
the set. The rules are configured by default to allow all traffic necessary for the system services and the application
ports specified in the template. Review these rules and make any changes to fit your needs, including adding new
rules for your applications.
For more information, see Common networking scenarios for Azure Service Fabric.

Set up Azure Key Vault for security

Service Fabric uses certificates to provide authentication and encryption for securing a cluster and its applications.
Service Fabric uses X.509 certificates to secure a cluster and to provide application security features. You use Azure
Key Vault to manage certificates for Service Fabric clusters in Azure. The Azure resource provider that creates the
clusters pulls the certificates from a key vault. The provider then installs the certificates on the VMs when the cluster
is deployed on Azure.
A certificate relationship exists between Azure Key Vault, the Service Fabric cluster, and the resource provider that
uses the certificates. When the cluster is created, information about the certificate relationship is stored in a key
There are two basic steps to set up a key vault:
1. Create a resource group specifically for your key vault.
We recommend that you put the key vault in its own resource group. This action helps to prevent the loss of
your keys and secrets if other resource groups are removed, such as storage, compute, or the group that
contains your cluster. The resource group that contains your key vault must be in the same region as the
cluster that is using it.
2. Create a key vault in the new resource group.
The key vault must be enabled for deployment. The compute resource provider can then get the certificates
from the vault and install them on the VM instances.
To learn more about how to set up a key vault, see Get started with Azure Key Vault.

Assign users to roles

After you've created the applications to represent your cluster, assign your users to the roles that are supported by
Service Fabric: read-only and admin. You can assign these roles by using the Azure classic portal.

For more information about using roles in Service Fabric, see Role-Based Access Control for Service Fabric clients.

Azure Service Fabric supports two access control types for clients that are connected to a Service Fabric cluster:
administrator and user. The cluster administrator can use access control to limit access to certain cluster operations
for different groups of users. Access control makes the cluster more secure.

Next steps
Set up your Service Fabric development environment.
Learn about Service Fabric support options.
Azure Service Fabric security checklist
8/9/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides an easy-to-use checklist that will help you secure your Azure Service Fabric environment.

Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable
and reliable microservices. Service Fabric also addresses the significant challenges in developing and managing
cloud applications. Developers and administrators can avoid complex infrastructure problems and focus on
implementing mission-critical, demanding workloads that are scalable, reliable, and manageable.

Use the following checklist to help you make sure that you haven’t overlooked any important issues in
management and configuration of a secure Azure Service Fabric solution.


Role based access control (RBAC) Access control allows the cluster administrator to limit
access to certain cluster operations for different groups
of users, making the cluster more secure.
Administrators have full access to management
capabilities (including read/write capabilities).
Users, by default, have only read access to
management capabilities (for example, query
capabilities), and the ability to resolve applications and

X.509 certificates and Service Fabric Certificates used in clusters running production
workloads should be created by using a correctly
configured Windows Server certificate service or
obtained from an approved Certificate Authority (CA).
Never use any temporary or test certificates in
production that are created with tools such as
You can use a self-signed certificate but, should only
do so for test clusters and not in production.

Cluster Security The cluster security scenarios include Node-to-node

security, Client-to-node security, Role-based access
control (RBAC).

Cluster authentication Authenticates node-to-node communication for cluster


Server authentication Authenticates the cluster management endpoints to a

management client.

Application security Encryption and decryption of application configuration

Encryption of data across nodes during replication.

Cluster Certificate This certificate is required to secure the communication

between the nodes on a cluster.
Set the thumbprint of the primary certificate in the
Thumbprint section and that of the secondary in the
ThumbprintSecondary variables.

ServerCertificate This certificate is presented to the client when it tries to

connect to this cluster. You can use two different
server certificates, a primary and a secondary for

ClientCertificateThumbprints This is a set of certificates that you want to install on

the authenticated clients.

ClientCertificateCommonNames Set the common name of the first client certificate for
the CertificateCommonName. The
CertificateIssuerThumbprint is the thumbprint for the
issuer of this certificate.

ReverseProxyCertificate This is an optional certificate that can be specified if

you want to secure your Reverse Proxy.

Key Vault Used to manage certificates for Service Fabric clusters

in Azure.

Next steps
Service Fabric Cluster upgrade process and expectations from you
Managing your Service Fabric applications in Visual Studio.
Service Fabric Health model introduction.
Azure Identity Management and access control
security best practices
6/27/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

Many consider identity to be the new boundary layer for security, taking over that role from the traditional
network-centric perspective. This evolution of the primary pivot for security attention and investments come from
the fact that network perimeters have become increasingly porous and that perimeter defense cannot be as
effective as they once were prior to the explosion of BYOD devices and cloud applications.
In this article we will discuss a collection of Azure identity management and access control security best practices.
These best practices are derived from our experience with Azure AD and the experiences of customers like yourself.
For each best practice, we’ll explain:
What the best practice is
Why you want to enable that best practice
What might be the result if you fail to enable the best practice
Possible alternatives to the best practice
How you can learn to enable the best practice
This Azure identity management and access control security best practices article is based on a consensus opinion
and Azure platform capabilities and feature sets, as they exist at the time this article was written. Opinions and
technologies change over time and this article will be updated on a regular basis to reflect those changes.
Azure identity management and access control security best practices discussed in this article include:
Centralize your identity management
Enable Single Sign-On (SSO)
Deploy password management
Enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA) for users
Use role based access control (RBAC)
Control locations where resources are created using resource manager
Guide developers to leverage identity capabilities for SaaS apps
Actively monitor for suspicious activities

Centralize your identity management

One important step towards securing your identity is to ensure that IT can manage accounts from one single
location regarding where this account was created. While the majority of the enterprises IT organizations will have
their primary account directory on-premises, hybrid cloud deployments are on the rise and it is important that you
understand how to integrate on-premises and cloud directories and provide a seamless experience to the end user.
To accomplish this hybrid identity scenario we recommend two options:
Synchronize your on-premises directory with your cloud directory using Azure AD Connect
Federate your on-premises identity with your cloud directory using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)
Organizations that fail to integrate their on-premises identity with their cloud identity will experience increased
administrative overhead in managing accounts, which increases the likelihood of mistakes and security breaches.
For more information on Azure AD synchronization, please read the article Integrating your on-premises identities
with Azure Active Directory.

Enable Single Sign-On (SSO)

When you have multiple directories to manage, this becomes an administrative problem not only for IT, but also
for end users that will have to remember multiple passwords. By using SSO you will provide your users the ability
of use the same set of credentials to sign-in and access the resources that they need, regardless where this
resource is located on-premises or in the cloud.
Use SSO to enable users to access their SaaS applications based on their organizational account in Azure AD. This
is applicable not only for Microsoft SaaS apps, but also other apps, such as Google Apps and Salesforce. Your
application can be configured to use Azure AD as a SAML-based identity provider. As a security control, Azure AD
will not issue a token allowing them to sign into the application unless they have been granted access using Azure
AD. You may grant access directly, or through a group that they are a member of.

the decision to use SSO will impact how you integrate your on-premises directory with your cloud directory. If you want SSO,
you will need to use federation, because directory synchronization will only provide same sign-on experience.

Organizations that do not enforce SSO for their users and applications are more exposed to scenarios where users
will have multiple passwords which directly increases the likelihood of users reusing passwords or using weak
You can learn more about Azure AD SSO by reading the article AD FS management and customization with Azure
AD Connect.

Deploy password management

In scenarios where you have multiple tenants or you want to enable users to reset their own password, it is
important that you use appropriate security policies to prevent abuse. In Azure you can leverage the self-service
password reset capability and customize the security options to meet your business requirements.
It is particularly important to obtain feedback from these users and learn from their experiences as they try to
perform these steps. Based on these experiences, elaborate a plan to mitigate potential issues that may occur
during the deployment for a larger group. It is also recommended that you use the Password Reset Registration
Activity report to monitor the users that are registering.
Organizations that want to avoid password change support calls but do enable users to reset their own passwords
are more susceptible to a higher call volume to the service desk due to password issues. In organizations that have
multiple tenants, it is imperative that you implement this type of capability and enable users to perform password
reset within security boundaries that were established in the security policy.
You can learn more about password reset by reading the article Deploying Password Management and training
users to use it.

Enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA) for users

For organizations that need to be compliant with industry standards, such as PCI DSS version 3.2, multi-factor
authentication is a must have capability for authenticate users. Beyond being compliant with industry standards,
enforcing MFA to authenticate users can also help organizations to mitigate credential theft type of attack, such as
Pass-the-Hash (PtH).
By enabling Azure MFA for your users, you are adding a second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions.
In this case, a transaction might be accessing a document located in a file server or in your SharePoint Online.
Azure MFA also helps IT to reduce the likelihood that a compromised credential will have access to organization’s
For example: you enforce Azure MFA for your users and configure it to use a phone call or text message as
verification. If the user’s credentials are compromised, the attacker won’t be able to access any resource since he
will not have access to user’s phone. Organizations that do not add extra layers of identity protection are more
susceptible for credential theft attack, which may lead to data compromise.
One alternative for organizations that want to keep the entire authentication control on-premises is to use Azure
Multi-Factor Authentication Server, also called MFA on-premises. By using this method, you will still be able to
enforce multi-factor authentication, while keeping the MFA server on-premises.
For more information on Azure MFA, please read the article Getting started with Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
in the cloud.

Use role based access control (RBAC)

Restricting access based on the need to know and least privilege security principles is imperative for organizations
that want to enforce security policies for data access. Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) can be used to
assign permissions to users, groups, and applications at a certain scope. The scope of a role assignment can be a
subscription, a resource group, or a single resource.
You can leverage built in RBAC roles in Azure to assign privileges to users. Consider using Storage Account
Contributor for cloud operators that need to manage storage accounts and Classic Storage Account Contributor
role to manage classic storage accounts. For cloud operators that needs to manage VMs and storage account,
consider adding them to Virtual Machine Contributor role.
Organizations that do not enforce data access control by leveraging capabilities such as RBAC may be giving more
privileges than necessary to their users. This can lead to data compromise by allow users access to certain types of
types of data (e.g., high business impact) that they shouldn’t have in the first place.
You can learn more about Azure RBAC by reading the article Azure Role-Based Access Control.

Control locations where resources are created using resource manager

Enabling cloud operators to perform tasks while preventing them from breaking conventions that are needed to
manage your organization's resources is very important. Organizations that want to control the locations where
resources are created should hard code these locations.
To achieve this, organizations can create security policies that have definitions that describe the actions or
resources that are specifically denied. You assign those policy definitions at the desired scope, such as the
subscription, resource group, or an individual resource.

this is not the same as RBAC, it actually leverages RBAC to authenticate the users that have privilege to create those

Leverage Azure Resource Manager to create custom policies also for scenarios where the organization wants to
allow operations only when the appropriate cost center is associated; otherwise, they will deny the request.
Organizations that are not controlling how resources are created are more susceptible to users that may abuse the
service by creating more resources than they need. Hardening the resource creation process is an important step to
secure a multi-tenant scenario.
You can learn more about creating policies with Azure Resource Manager by reading the article Use Policy to
manage resources and control access.

Guide developers to leverage identity capabilities for SaaS apps

User identity will be leveraged in many scenarios when users access SaaS apps that can be integrated with on-
premises or cloud directory. First and foremost, we recommend that developers use a secure methodology to
develop these apps, such as Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). Azure AD simplifies authentication for
developers by providing identity as a service, with support for industry-standard protocols such as OAuth 2.0 and
OpenID Connect, as well as open source libraries for different platforms.
Make sure to register any application that outsources authentication to Azure AD, this is a mandatory procedure.
The reason behind this is because Azure AD needs to coordinate the communication with the application when
handling sign-on (SSO) or exchanging tokens. The user’s session expires when the lifetime of the token issued by
Azure AD expires. Always evaluate if your application should use this time or if you can reduce this time. Reducing
the lifetime can act as a security measure that will force users to sign out based on a period of inactivity.
Organizations that do not enforce identity control to access apps and do not guide their developers on how to
securely integrate apps with their identity management system may be more susceptible to credential theft type of
attack, such as weak authentication and session management described in Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) Top 10.
You can learn more about authentication scenarios for SaaS apps by reading Authentication Scenarios for Azure

Actively monitor for suspicious activities

According to Verizon 2016 Data Breach report, credential compromise is still in the rise and becoming one of the
most profitable businesses for cyber criminals. For this reason, it is important to have an active identity monitor
system in place that can quickly detect suspicious behavior activity and trigger an alert for further investigation.
Azure AD has two major capabilities that can help organizations monitor their identities: Azure AD Premium
anomaly reports and Azure AD identity protection capability.
Make sure to use the anomaly reports to identify attempts to sign in without being traced, brute force attacks
against a particular account, attempts to sign in from multiple locations, sign in from infected devices and
suspicious IP addresses. Keep in mind that these are reports. In other words, you must have processes and
procedures in place for IT admins to run these reports on the daily basis or on demand (usually in an incident
response scenario).
In contrast, Azure AD identity protection is an active monitoring system and it will flag the current risks on its own
dashboard. Besides that, you will also receive daily summary notifications via email. We recommend that you
adjust the risk level according to your business requirements. The risk level for a risk event is an indication (High,
Medium, or Low) of the severity of the risk event. The risk level helps Identity Protection users prioritize the actions
they must take to reduce the risk to their organization.
Organizations that do not actively monitor their identity systems are at risk of having user credentials
compromised. Without knowledge that suspicious activities are taking place using these credentials, organizations
won’t be able to mitigate this type of threat. You can learn more about Azure Identity protection by reading Azure
Active Directory Identity Protection.
Securing PaaS deployments
6/27/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides information that helps you:

Understand the security advantages of hosting applications in the cloud
Evaluate the security advantages of platform as a service (PaaS) versus other cloud service models
Change your security focus from a network-centric to an identity-centric perimeter security approach
Implement general PaaS security best practices recommendations

Cloud security advantages

There are security advantages to being in the cloud. In an on-premises environment, organizations likely have
unmet responsibilities and limited resources available to invest in security, which creates an environment where
attackers are able to exploit vulnerabilities at all layers.

Organizations are able to improve their threat detection and response times by using a provider’s cloud-based
security capabilities and cloud intelligence. By shifting responsibilities to the cloud provider, organizations can get
more security coverage, which enables them to reallocate security resources and budget to other business

Division of responsibility
It’s important to understand the division of responsibility between you and Microsoft. On-premises, you own the
whole stack but as you move to the cloud some responsibilities transfer to Microsoft. The following responsibility
matrix shows the areas of the stack in a SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS deployment that you are responsible for and
Microsoft is responsible for.
For all cloud deployment types, you own your data and identities. You are responsible for protecting the security of
your data and identities, on-premises resources, and the cloud components you control (which varies by service
Responsibilities that are always retained by you, regardless of the type of deployment, are:
Access management

Security advantages of a PaaS cloud service model

Using the same responsibility matrix, let’s look at the security advantages of an Azure PaaS deployment versus on-

Starting at the bottom of the stack, the physical infrastructure, Microsoft mitigates common risks and
responsibilities. Because the Microsoft cloud is continually monitored by Microsoft, it is hard to attack. It doesn’t
make sense for an attacker to pursue the Microsoft cloud as a target. Unless the attacker has lots of money and
resources, the attacker is likely to move on to another target.
In the middle of the stack, there is no difference between a PaaS deployment and on-premises. At the application
layer and the account and access management layer, you have similar risks. In the next steps section of this article,
we will guide you to best practices for eliminating or minimizing these risks.
At the top of the stack, data governance and rights management, you take on one risk that can be mitigated by key
management. (Key management is covered in best practices.) While key management is an additional
responsibility, you have areas in a PaaS deployment that you no longer have to manage so you can shift resources
to key management.
The Azure platform also provides you strong DDoS protection by using various network-based technologies.
However, all types of network-based DDoS protection methods have their limits on a per-link and per-datacenter
basis. To help avoid the impact of large DDoS attacks, you can take advantage of Azure’s core cloud capability of
enabling you to quickly and automatically scale out to defend against DDoS attacks. We'll go into more detail on
how you can do this in the recommended practices articles.

Modernizing the defender’s mindset

With PaaS deployments come a shift in your overall approach to security. You shift from needing to control
everything yourself to sharing responsibility with Microsoft.
Another significant difference between PaaS and traditional on-premises deployments, is a new view of what
defines the primary security perimeter. Historically, the primary on-premises security perimeter was your network
and most on-premises security designs use the network as its primary security pivot. For PaaS deployments, you
are better served by considering identity to be the primary security perimeter.

Identity as the primary security perimeter

One of the five essential characteristics of cloud computing is broad network access, which makes network-centric
thinking less relevant. The goal of much of cloud computing is to allow users to access resources regardless of
location. For most users, their location is going to be somewhere on the Internet.
The following figure shows how the security perimeter has evolved from a network perimeter to an identity
perimeter. Security becomes less about defending your network and more about defending your data, as well as
managing the security of your apps and users. The key difference is that you want to push security closer to what’s
important to your company.
Initially, Azure PaaS services (for example, web roles and Azure SQL) provided little or no traditional network
perimeter defenses. It was understood that the element’s purpose was to be exposed to the Internet (web role) and
that authentication provides the new perimeter (for example, BLOB or Azure SQL).
Modern security practices assume that the adversary has breached the network perimeter. Therefore, modern
defense practices have moved to identity. Organizations must establish an identity-based security perimeter with
strong authentication and authorization hygiene (best practices).

Recommendations for managing the identity perimeter

Principles and patterns for the network perimeter have been available for decades. In contrast, the industry has
relatively less experience with using identity as the primary security perimeter. With that said, we have
accumulated enough experience to provide some general recommendations that are proven in the field and apply
to almost all PaaS services.
The following summarizes a general best practices approach to managing your identity perimeter.
Don’t lose your keys or credentials Securing keys and credentials is essential to secure PaaS deployments.
Losing keys and credentials is a common problem. One good solution is to use a centralized solution where
keys and secrets can be stored in hardware security modules (HSM). Azure provides you an HSM in the cloud
with Azure Key Vault.
Don’t put credentials and other secrets into source code or GitHub The only thing worse than losing your
keys and credentials is having an unauthorized party gain access to them. Attackers are able to take advantage
of bot technologies to find keys and secrets stored in code repositories such as GitHub. Do not put key and
secrets in these public source code repositories.
Protect your VM management interfaces on hybrid PaaS and IaaS services IaaS and PaaS services run on
virtual machines (VMs). Depending on the type of service, several management interfaces are available that
enable you to remote manage these VMs directly. Remote management protocols such as Secure Shell Protocol
(SSH), Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and Remote PowerShell can be used. In general, we recommend that
you do not enable direct remote access to VMs from the Internet. If available, you should use alternate
approaches such as using virtual private networking into an Azure virtual network. If alternative approaches are
not available, then ensure that you use complex passphrases, and when available, two-factor authentication
(such as Azure Multi-Factor Authentication).
Use strong authentication and authorization platforms
Use federated identities in Azure AD instead of custom user stores. When you use federated identities,
you take advantage of a platform-based approach and you delegate the management of authorized
identities to your partners. A federated identity approach is especially important in scenarios when
employees are terminated and that information needs to be reflected through multiple identity and
authorization systems.
Use platform supplied authentication and authorization mechanisms instead of custom code. The reason
is that developing custom authentication code can be error prone. Most of your developers are not
security experts and are unlikely to be aware of the subtleties and the latest developments in
authentication and authorization. Commercial code (for example from Microsoft) is often extensively
security reviewed.
Use multi-factor authentication. Multi-factor authentication is the current standard for authentication and
authorization because it avoids the security weaknesses inherent in username and password types of
authentication. Access to both the Azure management (portal/remote PowerShell) interfaces and to
customer facing services should be designed and configured to use Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Use standard authentication protocols, such as OAuth2 and Kerberos. These protocols have been
extensively peer reviewed and are likely implemented as part of your platform libraries for
authentication and authorization.

Next steps
In this article, we focused on security advantages of an Azure PaaS deployment. Next, learn recommended
practices for securing your PaaS web and mobile solutions. We’ll start with Azure App Service, Azure SQL
Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse. As articles on recommended practices for other Azure services become
available, links will be provided in the following list:
Azure App Service
Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure Storage
Azure REDIS Cache
Azure Service Bus
Web Application Firewalls
Securing PaaS web and mobile applications using
Azure App Services
7/18/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

In this article, we discuss a collection of Azure App Services security best practices for securing your PaaS web and
mobile applications. These best practices are derived from our experience with Azure and the experiences of
customers like yourself.

Azure App Services

Azure App Services is a PaaS offering that lets you create web and mobile apps for any platform or device and
connect to data anywhere, in the cloud or on-premises. App Services includes the web and mobile capabilities that
were previously delivered separately as Azure Websites and Azure Mobile Services. It also includes new capabilities
for automating business processes and hosting cloud APIs. As a single integrated service, App Services brings a
rich set of capabilities to web, mobile, and integration scenarios.
To learn more, see overviews on Mobile Apps and Web Apps.

Best practices
When using App Services, follow these best practices:
Authenticate through Azure Active Directory (AD). App Services provides an OAuth 2.0 service for your identity
provider. OAuth 2.0 focuses on client developer simplicity while providing specific authorization flows for Web
applications, desktop applications, and mobile phones. Azure AD uses OAuth 2.0 to enable you to authorize
access to mobile and web applications.
Restrict access based on the need to know and least privilege security principles. Restricting access is imperative
for organizations that want to enforce security policies for data access. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) can
be used to assign permissions to users, groups, and applications at a certain scope. To learn more about
granting users access to applications, see get started with access management.
Protect your keys. It doesn't matter how good your security is if you lose your subscription keys. Azure Key
Vault helps safeguard cryptographic keys and secrets used by cloud applications and services. By using Key
Vault, you can encrypt keys and secrets (such as authentication keys, storage account keys, data encryption keys,
.PFX files, and passwords) by using keys that are protected by hardware security modules (HSMs). For added
assurance, you can import or generate keys in HSMs. See Azure Key Vault to learn more. You can also use Key
Vault to manage your TLS certificates with auto-renewal.
Restrict incoming source IP addresses. App Services Environment has a virtual network integration feature that
helps you restrict incoming source IP addresses through network security groups (NSGs). If you are unfamiliar
with Azure Virtual Networks (VNETs), this is a capability that allows you to place many of your Azure resources
in a non-internet, routable network that you control access to. To learn more, see Integrate your app with an
Azure Virtual Network.

Next steps
This article introduced you to a collection of App Services security best practices for securing your PaaS web and
mobile applications. To learn more about securing your PaaS deployments, see:
Securing PaaS deployments
Securing PaaS web and mobile applications using Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse
Securing PaaS databases in Azure
7/18/2017 • 5 min to read • Edit Online

In this article, we discuss a collection of Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse security best practices for
securing your PaaS web and mobile applications. These best practices are derived from our experience with Azure
and the experiences of customers like yourself.

Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse

Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse provide a relational database service for your Internet-based
applications. Let’s look at services that help protect your applications and data when using Azure SQL Database
and SQL Data Warehouse in a PaaS deployment:
Azure Active Directory authentication (instead of SQL Server authentication)
Azure SQL firewall
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Best practices
Use a centralized identity repository for authentication and authorization
Azure SQL databases can be configured to use one of two types of authentication:
SQL Authentication uses a username and password. When you created the logical server for your
database, you specified a "server admin" login with a username and password. Using these credentials, you
can authenticate to any database on that server as the database owner.
Azure Active Directory Authentication uses identities managed by Azure Active Directory and is
supported for managed and integrated domains. To use Azure Active Directory Authentication, you must
create another server admin called the "Azure AD admin," which is allowed to administer Azure AD users
and groups. This admin can also perform all operations that a regular server admin can.
Azure Active Directory authentication is a mechanism of connecting to Azure SQL Database and SQL Data
Warehouse by using identities in Azure Active Directory (AD). Azure AD provides an alternative to SQL Server
authentication so you can stop the proliferation of user identities across database servers. Azure AD authentication
enables you to centrally manage the identities of database users and other Microsoft services in one central
location. Central ID management provides a single place to manage database users and simplifies permission
Benefits of using Azure AD authentication instead of SQL authentication include:
Allows password rotation in a single place.
Manages database permissions using external Azure AD groups.
Eliminates storing passwords by enabling integrated Windows authentication and other forms of authentication
supported by Azure AD.
Uses contained database users to authenticate identities at the database level.
Supports token-based authentication for applications connecting to SQL Database.
Supports ADFS (domain federation) or native user/password authentication for a local Azure AD without
domain synchronization.
Supports connections from SQL Server Management Studio that use Active Directory Universal Authentication,
which includes Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA includes strong authentication with a range of easy
verification options — phone call, text message, smart cards with pin, or mobile app notification. For more
information, see SSMS support for Azure AD MFA with SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse.
To learn more about Azure AD authentication, see:
Connecting to SQL Database or SQL Data Warehouse By Using Azure Active Directory Authentication
Authentication to Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Token-based authentication support for Azure SQL DB using Azure AD authentication

To ensure that Azure Active Directory is a good fit for your environment, see Azure AD features and limitations, specifically
the additional considerations.

Restrict Access based on IP Address

You can create firewall rules that specify ranges of acceptable IP addresses. These rules can be targeted at both the
server and database levels. We recommend using database-level firewall rules whenever possible to enhance
security and to make your database more portable. Server-level firewall rules are best used for administrators and
when you have many databases that have the same access requirements but you don't want to spend time
configuring each database individually.
SQL Database’s default source IP address restrictions allow access from any Azure address (including other
subscriptions and tenants). You can restrict this to only allow your IP addresses to access the instance. Even with
your SQL firewall and IP address restrictions, strong authentication is still needed. See the recommendations made
earlier in this article.
To learn more about Azure SQL Firewall and IP restrictions, see:
Azure SQL Database access control
Configure Azure SQL Database firewall rules - overview
Configure an Azure SQL Database server-level firewall rule using the Azure portal
Encryption of data at rest
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled by default. TDE transparently encrypts SQL Server, Azure SQL
Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse data and log files. TDE protects against a compromise of direct access to
the files or their backup. This enables you to encrypt data at rest without changing existing applications. TDE should
always stay enabled; however, this will not stop an attacker using the normal access path. TDE provides the ability
to comply with many laws, regulations, and guidelines established in various industries.
Azure SQL manages key related issues for TDE. As with TDE, on premise special care must be taken to ensure
recoverability and when moving databases. In more sophisticated scenarios, the keys can be explicitly managed in
Azure Key Vault through extensible key management (see Enable TDE on SQL Server Using EKM). This also allows
for Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) through Azure Key Vaults BYOK capability.
Azure SQL provides encryption for columns through Always Encrypted. This allows only authorized applications
access to sensitive columns. Using this kind of encryption limits SQL queries for encrypted columns to equality-
based values.
Application level encryption should also be used for selective data. Data sovereignty concerns can sometimes be
mitigated by encrypting data with a key that is kept in the correct country. This prevents even accidental data
transfer from causing an issue since it is impossible to decrypt the data without the key, assuming a strong
algorithm is used (such as AES 256).
You can use additional precautions to help secure the database such as designing a secure system, encrypting
confidential assets, and building a firewall around the database servers.
Next steps
This article introduced you to a collection of SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse security best practices for
securing your PaaS web and mobile applications. To learn more about securing your PaaS deployments, see:
Securing PaaS deployments
Securing PaaS web and mobile applications using Azure App Services
Azure database security best practices
8/2/2017 • 10 min to read • Edit Online

Security is a top concern when managing databases, and it has always been a priority for Azure SQL Database. Your
databases can be tightly secured to help satisfy most regulatory or security requirements, including HIPAA, ISO
27001/27002, and PCI DSS Level 1, among others. A current list of security compliance certifications is available at
the Microsoft Trust Center site. You also can choose to place your databases in specific Azure datacenters based on
regulatory requirements.
In this article, we will discuss a collection of Azure database security best practices. These best practices are derived
from our experience with Azure database security and the experiences of customers like yourself.
For each best practice, we explain:
What the best practice is
Why you want to enable that best practice
What might be the result if you fail to enable the best practice
How you can learn to enable the best practice
This Azure Database Security Best Practices article is based on a consensus opinion and Azure platform capabilities
and feature sets as they exist at the time this article was written. Opinions and technologies change over time and
this article will be updated on a regular basis to reflect those changes.
Azure database security best practices discussed in this article include:
Use firewall rules to restrict database access
Enable database authentication
Protect your data using encryption
Protect data in transit
Enable database auditing
Enable database threat detection

Use firewall rules to restrict database access

Microsoft Azure SQL Database provides a relational database service for Azure and other Internet-based
applications. To provide access security, SQL Database controls access with firewall rules limiting connectivity by IP
address, authentication mechanisms requiring users to prove their identity, and authorization mechanisms limiting
users to specific actions and data. Firewalls prevent all access to your database server until you specify which
computers have permission. The firewall grants access to databases based on the originating IP address of each
The Azure SQL Database service is only available through TCP port 1433. To access a SQL Database from your
computer, ensure that your client computer firewall allows outgoing TCP communication on TCP port 1433. If not
needed for other applications, block inbound connections on TCP port 1433 using firewall rules.
As part of the connection process, connections from Azure virtual machines are redirected to a different IP address
and port, unique for each worker role. The port number is in the range from 11000 to 11999. For more information
about TCP ports, see Ports beyond 1433 for ADO.NET 4.5 and SQL Database2.

For more information about firewall rules in SQL Database, see SQL Database firewall rules.

Enable database authentication

SQL Database supports two types of authentication, SQL Authentication and Azure Active Directory Authentication
(Azure AD Authentication).
SQL Authentication is recommended in following cases:
It allows SQL Azure to support environments with mixed operating systems, where all users are not
authenticated by a Windows domain.
Allows SQL Azure to support older applications and applications provided by third parties that require SQL
Server Authentication.
Allows users to connect from unknown or untrusted domains. For instance, an application where established
customers connect with assigned SQL Server logins to receive the status of their orders.
Allows SQL Azure to support Web-based applications where users create their own identities.
Allows software developers to distribute their applications by using a complex permission hierarchy based on
known, preset SQL Server logins.

However, SQL Server Authentication cannot use Kerberos security protocol.

If you use SQL Authentication you must:

Manage the strong credentials yourself.
Protect the credentials in the connection string.
(Potentially) protect the credentials passed over the network from the Web server to the database. For more
information see how to: Connect to SQL Server Using SQL Authentication in ASP.NET 2.0.
Azure Active Directory authentication is a mechanism of connecting to Microsoft Azure SQL Database and SQL
Data Warehouse by using identities in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). With Azure AD authentication, you can
centrally manage the identities of database users and other Microsoft services in one central location. Central ID
management provides a single place to manage database users and simplifies permission management. Benefits
include the following:
It provides an alternative to SQL Server authentication.
Helps stop the proliferation of user identities across database servers.
Allows password rotation in a single place.
Customers can manage database permissions using external (AAD) groups.
It can eliminate storing passwords by enabling integrated Windows authentication and other forms of
authentication supported by Azure Active Directory.
Azure AD authentication uses contained database users to authenticate identities at the database level.
Azure AD supports token-based authentication for applications connecting to SQL Database.
Azure AD authentication supports ADFS (domain federation) or native user/password authentication for a local
Azure Active Directory without domain synchronization.
Azure AD supports connections from SQL Server Management Studio that use Active Directory Universal
Authentication, which includes Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA includes strong authentication with a
range of easy verification options — phone call, text message, smart cards with pin, or mobile app notification.
For more information, see SSMS support for Azure AD MFA with SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse.
The configuration steps include the following procedures to configure and use Azure Active Directory
Create and populate Azure AD.
Optional: Associate or change the active directory that is currently associated with your Azure Subscription.
Create an Azure Active Directory administrator for Azure SQL server or Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
Configure your client computers.
Create contained database users in your database mapped to Azure AD identities.
Connect to your database by using Azure AD identities.
You can find details information here.

Protect your data using encryption

Azure SQL Database transparent data encryption (TDE) helps protect against the threat of malicious activity by
performing real-time encryption and decryption of the database, associated backups, and transaction log files at
rest without requiring changes to the application. TDE encrypts the storage of an entire database by using a
symmetric key called the database encryption key.
Even when the entire storage is encrypted, it is very important to also encrypt your database itself. This is an
implementation of the defense in depth approach for data protection. If you are using Azure SQL Database and
wish to protect sensitive data such as credit card or social security numbers, you can encrypt databases with FIPS
140-2 validated 256 bit AES encryption which meets the requirements of many industry standards (e.g., HIPAA,
It’s important to understand that files related to buffer pool extension (BPE) are not encrypted when a database is
encrypted using TDE. You must use file system level encryption tools like BitLocker or the Encrypting File System
(EFS) for BPE related files.
Since an authorized user such as a security administrator or a database administrator can access the data even if
the database is encrypted with TDE, you should also follow the recommendations below:
Enable SQL authentication at the database level.
Use Azure AD authentication using RBAC roles.
Users and applications should use separate accounts to authenticate. This way you can limit the permissions
granted to users and applications and reduce the risks of malicious activity.
Implement database-level security by using fixed database roles (such as db_datareader or db_datawriter), or
you can create custom roles for your application to grant explicit permissions to selected database objects.
For other ways to encrypt your data, consider:
Cell-level encryption to encrypt specific columns or even cells of data with different encryption keys.
Encryption in use using Always Encrypted: Always Encrypted allows clients to encrypt sensitive data inside client
applications and never reveal the encryption keys to the Database Engine (SQL Database or SQL Server). As a
result, Always Encrypted provides a separation between those who own the data (and can view it) and those who
manage the data (but should have no access).
Using Row-level security: Row-Level Security enables customers to control access to rows in a database table
based on the characteristics of the user executing a query (e.g., group membership or execution context). For
more information, see Row-Level security.

Protect data in transit

Protecting data in transit should be essential part of your data protection strategy. Since data will be moving back
and forth from many locations, the general recommendation is that you always use SSL/TLS protocols to exchange
data across different locations. In some circumstances, you may want to isolate the entire communication channel
between your on-premises and cloud infrastructure by using a virtual private network (VPN).
For data moving between your on-premises infrastructure and Azure, you should consider appropriate safeguards
such as HTTPS or VPN.
For organizations that need to secure access from multiple workstations located on-premises to Azure, use Azure
site-to-site VPN.
For organizations that need to secure access from individual workstations located on-premises or off-premises to
Azure, consider using Point-to-Site VPN.
Larger data sets can be moved over a dedicated high-speed WAN link such as ExpressRoute. If you choose to use
ExpressRoute, you can also encrypt the data at the application-level using SSL/TLS or other protocols for added
If you are interacting with Azure Storage through the Azure Portal, all transactions occur via HTTPS. Storage REST
API over HTTPS can also be used to interact with Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database.
Organizations that fail to protect data in transit are more susceptible for man-in-the-middle attacks, eavesdropping
and session hijacking. These attacks can be the first step in gaining access to confidential data.
To learn more about Azure VPN option by reading the article Planning and design for VPN Gateway.

Enable database auditing

Auditing an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine or an individual database involves tracking and logging
events that occur on the Database Engine. SQL Server audit lets you create server audits, which can contain server
audit specifications for server level events, and database audit specifications for database level events. Audited
events can be written to the event logs or to audit files.
There are several levels of auditing for SQL Server, depending on government or standards requirements for your
installation. SQL Server Audit provides the tools and processes you must have to enable, store, and view audits on
various server and database objects.
Azure SQL Database Auditing tracks database events and writes them to an audit log in your Azure Storage
Auditing can help you maintain regulatory compliance, understand database activity, and gain insight into
discrepancies and anomalies that could indicate business concerns or suspected security violations.
Auditing enables and facilitates adherence to compliance standards but doesn't guarantee compliance.
To learn more about database auditing and how to enable it, please read the article Enable auditing and threat
detection on SQL servers in Azure Security Center.

Enable database threat detection

SQL Threat Detection enables you to detect and respond to potential threats as they occur by providing security
alerts on anomalous activities. You will receive an alert upon suspicious database activities, potential vulnerabilities,
and SQL injection attacks, as well as anomalous database access patterns. SQL Threat Detection alerts provide
details of suspicious activity and recommend action on how to investigate and mitigate the threat.
For example, SQL injection is one of the common Web application security issues on the Internet, used to attack
data-driven applications. Attackers take advantage of application vulnerabilities to inject malicious SQL statements
into application entry fields, breaching or modifying data in the database.
To learn about how to set up threat detection for your database in the Azure portal see, SQL Database Threat
In addition, SQL Threat Detection integrates alerts with Azure Security Center. We invite you to try it out for 60 days
for free.
To learn more about Database Threat Detection and how to enable it, please read the article Enable auditing and
threat detection on SQL servers in Azure Security Center.

Azure Database is a robust database platform, with a full range of security features that meet many organizational
and regulatory compliance requirements. You can help protect data by controlling the physical access to your data,
and using a variety of options for data security at the file-, column-, or row level with Transparent Data Encryption,
Cell-Level Encryption, or Row-Level Security. Always Encrypted also enables operations against encrypted data,
simplifying the process of application updates. In turn, access to auditing logs of SQL Database activity provides you
with the information you need, allowing you to know how and when data is accessed.

Next steps
To learn more about firewall rules, see Firewall rules.
To learn about users and logins, see Manage logins.
For a tutorial, see Secure your Azure SQL Database.
Azure database security checklist
8/1/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

To help improve security, Azure Database includes a number of built-in security controls that you can use to limit
and control access.
These include:
A firewall that enables you to create firewall rules limiting connectivity by IP address,
Server-level firewall accessible from the Azure portal
Database-level firewall rules accessible from SSMS
Secure connectivity to your database using secure connection strings
Use access management
Data encryption
SQL Database auditing
SQL Database threat detection

Cloud computing requires new security paradigms that are unfamiliar to many application users, database
administrators, and programmers. As a result, some organizations are hesitant to implement a cloud infrastructure
for data management due to perceived security risks. However, much of this concern can be alleviated through a
better understanding of the security features built into Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

We recommend that you read the Azure Database Security Best Practices article prior to reviewing this checklist.
You will be able to get the most out of this checklist after you understand the best practices. You can then use this
checklist to make sure that you’ve addressed the important issues in Azure database security.


Protect Data

Transport Layer Security, for data encryption when

Encryption in Motion/Transit data is moving to the networks.
Database requires secure communication from clients
based on the TDS(Tabular Data Stream) protocol over
TLS (Transport Layer Security).

Transparent Data Encryption, when inactive data is

Encryption at rest stored physically in any digital form.

Control Access

Authentication (Azure Active Directory Authentication)

Database Access AD authentication uses identities managed by Azure
Active Directory.
Authorization grant users the least privileges necessary.

Row level Security (Using Security Policy, at the same

Application Access time restricting row-level access based on a user's
identity,role, or execution context).
Dynamic Data Masking (Using Permission & Policy,
limits sensitive data exposure by masking it to non-
privileged users)

Proactive Monitoring

Auditing tracks database events and writes them to an

Tracking & Detecting Audit log/ Activity log in your Azure Storage account.
Track Azure Database health using Azure Monitor
Activity Logs.
Threat Detection detects anomalous database activities
indicating potential security threats to the database.

Data Monitoring Use Azure Security Center as a

Azure Security Center centralized security monitoring solution for SQL and
other Azure services.

Azure Database is a robust database platform, with a full range of security features that meet many organizational
and regulatory compliance requirements. You can easily protect data by controlling the physical access to your data,
and using a variety of options for data security at the file-, column-, or row-level with Transparent Data Encryption,
Cell-Level Encryption, or Row-Level Security. Always Encrypted also enables operations against encrypted data,
simplifying the process of application updates. In turn, access to auditing logs of SQL Database activity provides you
with the information you need, allowing you to know how and when data is accessed.

Next steps
You can improve the protection of your database against malicious users or unauthorized access with just a few
simple steps. In this tutorial you learn to:
Set up firewall rules for your sever and or database.
Protect your data with encryption.
Enable SQL Database auditing.
Azure operational security checklist
8/1/2017 • 4 min to read • Edit Online

Deploying an application on Azure is fast, easy, and cost-effective. Before deploying cloud application in production
useful to have a checklist to assist in evaluating your application against a list of essential and recommended
operational security actions for you to consider.

Azure provides a suite of infrastructure services that you can use to deploy your applications. Azure Operational
Security refers to the services, controls, and features available to users for protecting their data, applications, and
other assets in Microsoft Azure.
To get the maximum benefit out of the cloud platform, we recommend that you leverage Azure services and
follow the checklist.
Organizations that invest time and resources assessing the operational readiness of their applications before
launch have a much higher rate of satisfaction than those who don’t. When performing this work, checklists can
be an invaluable mechanism to ensure that applications are evaluated consistently and holistically.
The level of operational assessment will varies depending on the organization’s cloud maturity level and the
application’s development phase, availability needs, and data sensitivity requirements.

This checklist is intended to help enterprises think through various operational security considerations as they
deploy sophisticated enterprise applications on Azure. It can also be used to help you build a secure cloud migration
and operation strategy for your organization.


Use Role based access control (RBAC) to provide user-

Security Roles & Access Controls specific that used to assign permissions to users,
groups, and applications at a certain scope.

Use Management Plane Security to secure your

Data Collection & Storage Storage Account using Role-Based Access Control
Data Plane Security to Securing Access to your Data
using Shared Access Signatures (SAS) and Stored
Access Policies.
Use Transport-Level Encryption – Using HTTPS and the
encryption used by SMB (Server message block
protocols) 3.0 for Azure File Shares.
Use Client-side encryption to secure data that you
send to storage accounts when you require sole
control of encryption keys.
Use Storage Service Encryption (SSE) to automatically
encrypt data in Azure Storage, and Azure Disk
Encryption to encrypt virtual machine disk files for the
OS and data disks.
Use Azure Storage Analytics to monitor authorization
type; like with Blob Storage, you can see if users have
used a Shared Access Signature or the storage account
Use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to access
storage resources from different domains.

Use Azure Security Center to deploy endpoint

Security Policies & Recommendations solutions.
Add a web application firewall (WAF) to secure web
Use a next generation firewall (NGFW) from a Microsoft
partner to increase your security protections.
Apply security contact details for your Azure
subscription; this the Microsoft Security Response
Centre (MSRC) contacts you if it discovers that your
customer data has been accessed by an unlawful or
unauthorized party.

Synchronize your on-premises directory with your

Identity & Access Management cloud directory using Azure AD.
Use Single Sign-On to enable users to access their SaaS
applications based on their organizational account in
Azure AD.
Use the Password Reset Registration Activity report to
monitor the users that are registering.
Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for users.
Developers to use secure identity capabilities for apps
like Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL).
Actively monitor for suspicious activities by using Azure
AD Premium anomaly reports and Azure AD identity
protection capability.

Use Malware Assessment Solution Log Analytics to

Ongoing Security Monitoring report on the status of antimalware protection in your
Use Update assessment to determine the overall
exposure to potential security problems, and whether
or how critical these updates are for your environment.
The Identity and Access provide you an overview of
user identity state,
number of failed attempts to log on,
the user’s account that were used during those
attempts, accounts that were locked out
accounts with changed or reset password
Currently number of accounts that are logged in.

Use detection capabilities, to identify active threats

Azure Security Center detection capabilities targeting your Microsoft Azure resources.
Use integrated threat intelligence that looks for known
bad actors by leveraging global threat intelligence from
Microsoft products and services, the Microsoft Digital
Crimes Unit (DCU), the Microsoft Security Response
Center (MSRC), and external feeds.
Use Behavioral analytics that applies known patterns to
discover malicious behavior.
Use Anomaly detection that uses statistical profiling to
build a historical baseline.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a practice, which enables

Developer Operations (DevOps) the automation and validation of creation and
teardown of networks and virtual machines to help
with delivering secure, stable application hosting
Continuous Integration and Deployment drive the
ongoing merging and testing of code, which leads to
finding defects early.
Release Management Manage automated deployments
through each stage of your pipeline.
App Performance Monitoring of running applications
including production environments for application
health as well as customer usage help organizations
form a hypothesis and quickly validate or disprove
Using Load Testing & Auto-Scale we can find
performance problems in our app to improve
deployment quality and to make sure our app is always
up or available to cater to the business needs.

Many organizations have successfully deployed and operated their cloud applications on Azure. The checklists
provided highlight several checklists that is essential and help you to increase the likelihood of successful
deployments and frustration-free operations. We highly recommend these operational and strategic considerations
for your existing and new application deployments on Azure.
Next steps
In this document, you were introduced to OMS Security and Audit solution. To learn more about OMS Security, see
the following articles:
Operations Management Suite (OMS) overview.
Design and operational security.
Azure Security Center planning and operations.
Securing PaaS web and mobile applications using
Azure Storage
8/23/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

In this article, we discuss a collection of Azure Storage security best practices for securing your PaaS web and
mobile applications. These best practices are derived from our experience with Azure and the experiences of
customers like yourself.
The Azure Storage security guide is a great source for detailed information about Azure Storage and security. This
article addresses at a high level some of the concepts found in the security guide and links to the security guide, as
well as other sources, for more information.

Azure Storage
Azure makes it possible to deploy and use storage in ways not easily achievable on-premises. With Azure storage,
you can reach high levels of scalability and availability with relatively little effort. Not only is Azure storage the
foundation for Windows and Linux Azure Virtual Machines, it can also support large distributed applications.
Azure storage provides the following four services: Blob storage, Table storage, Queue storage, and File storage. To
learn more, see Introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage.

Best practices
This article addresses the following best practices:
Access protection:
Shared Access Signatures (SAS)
Managed disk
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Storage encryption:
Client side encryption for high value data
Azure Disk Encryption for virtual machines (VMs)
Storage Service Encryption

Access protection
Use Shared Access Signature instead of a storage account key
In an IaaS solution, usually running Windows Server or Linux virtual machines, files are protected from disclosure
and tampering threats using access control mechanisms. On Windows you’d use access control lists (ACL) and on
Linux you’d probably use chmod. Essentially, this is exactly what you would do if you were protecting files on a
server in your own data center today.
PaaS is different. One of the most common ways to store files in Microsoft Azure is to use Azure Blob storage. A
difference between Blob storage and other file storage is the file I/O, and the protection methods that come with file
Access control is critical. To help you control access to Azure storage, the system will generate two 512-bit storage
account keys (SAKs) when you create a storage account. The level of key redundancy makes it possible for you to
avoid service interrupt during routine key rotation.
Storage access keys are high priority secrets and should only be accessible to those responsible for storage access
control. If the wrong people get access to these keys, they will have complete control of storage and could replace,
delete or add files to storage. This includes malware and other types of content that can potentially compromise
your organization or your customers.
You still need a way to provide access to objects in storage. To provide more granular access you can take
advantage of Shared Access Signature (SAS). The SAS makes it possible for you to share specific objects in storage
for a pre-defined time-interval and with specific permissions. A Shared Access Signature allows you to define:
The interval over which the SAS is valid, including the start time and the expiry time.
The permissions granted by the SAS. For example, a SAS on a blob might grant a user read and write
permissions to that blob, but not delete permissions.
An optional IP address or range of IP addresses from which Azure Storage accepts the SAS. For example, you
might specify a range of IP addresses belonging to your organization. This provides another measure of security
for your SAS.
The protocol over which Azure Storage accepts the SAS. You can use this optional parameter to restrict access to
clients using HTTPS.
SAS allows you to share content the way you want to share it without giving away your Storage Account Keys.
Always using SAS in your application is a secure way to share your storage resources without compromising your
storage account keys.
To learn more, see Using Shared Access Signatures (SAS). To learn more about potential risks and
recommendations to mitigate those risks, see Best practices when using SAS.
Use managed disks for VMs
When you choose Azure Managed Disks, Azure manages the storage accounts that you use for your VM disks. All
you need to do is choose the type of disk (Premium or Standard) and the disk size; Azure storage will do the rest.
You don’t have to worry about scalability limits that might have otherwise required to you to multiple storage
To learn more, see Frequently Asked Questions about managed and unmanaged premium disks.
Use Role -Based Access Control
Earlier we discussed using Shared Access Signature (SAS) to grant limited access to objects in your storage account
to other clients, without exposing your account storage account key. Sometimes the risks associated with a
particular operation against your storage account outweigh the benefits of SAS. Sometimes it's simpler to manage
access in other ways.
Another way to manage access is to use Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). With RBAC, you focus on giving
employees the exact permissions they need, based on the need to know and least privilege security principles. Too
many permissions can expose an account to attackers. Too few permissions means that employees can't get their
work done efficiently. RBAC helps address this problem by offering fine-grained access management for Azure. This
is imperative for organizations that want to enforce security policies for data access.
You can leverage built-in RBAC roles in Azure to assign privileges to users. Consider using Storage Account
Contributor for cloud operators that need to manage storage accounts and Classic Storage Account Contributor
role to manage classic storage accounts. For cloud operators that need to manage VMs but not the virtual network
or storage account to which they are connected, consider adding them to the Virtual Machine Contributor role.
Organizations that do not enforce data access control by leveraging capabilities such as RBAC may be giving more
privileges than necessary for their users. This can lead to data compromise by allowing some users access to data
they shouldn’t have in the first place.
To learn more about RBAC see:
Azure Role-Based Access Control
Built-in roles for Azure role-based access control
Azure Storage Security Guide for detail on how to secure your storage account with RBAC

Storage encryption
Use client-side encryption for high value data
Client-side encryption enables you to programmatically encrypt data in transit before uploading to Azure Storage
and programmatically decrypt data when retrieving it from storage. This provides encryption of data in transit but it
also provides encryption of data at rest. Client-side encryption is the most secure method of encrypting your data
but it does require you to make programmatic changes to your application and put key management processes in
Client-side encryption also enables you to have sole control over your encryption keys. You can generate and
manage your own encryption keys. Client-side encryption uses an envelope technique where the Azure storage
client library generates a content encryption key (CEK) that is then wrapped (encrypted) using the key encryption
key (KEK). The KEK is identified by a key identifier and can be an asymmetric key pair or a symmetric key and can be
managed locally or stored in Azure Key Vault.
Client-side encryption is built into the Java and the .NET storage client libraries. See Client-Side Encryption and
Azure Key Vault for Microsoft Azure Storage for information on encrypting data within client applications and
generating and managing your own encryption keys.
Azure Disk Encryption for VMs
Azure Disk Encryption is a capability that helps you encrypt your Windows and Linux IaaS virtual machine disks.
Azure Disk Encryption leverages the industry standard BitLocker feature of Windows and the DM-Crypt feature of
Linux to provide volume encryption for the OS and the data disks. The solution is integrated with Azure Key Vault to
help you control and manage the disk-encryption keys and secrets in your key vault subscription. The solution also
ensures that all data on the virtual machine disks are encrypted at rest in your Azure storage.
See Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs.
Storage Service Encryption
When Storage Service Encryption for File storage is enabled, the data is encrypted automatically using AES-256
encryption. Microsoft handles all the encryption, decryption, and key management. This feature is available for LRS
and GRS redundancy types.

Next steps
This article introduced you to a collection of Azure Storage security best practices for securing your PaaS web and
mobile applications. To learn more about securing your PaaS deployments, see:
Securing PaaS deployments
Securing PaaS web and mobile applications using Azure App Services
Securing PaaS databases in Azure
Secure your IoT deployment
8/24/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides the next level of detail for securing the Azure IoT-based Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure.
It links to implementation level details for configuring and deploying each component. It also provides
comparisons and choices between various competing methods.
Securing the Azure IoT deployment can be divided into the following three security areas:
Device Security: Securing the IoT device while it is deployed in the wild.
Connection Security: Ensuring all data transmitted between the IoT device and IoT Hub is confidential and
Cloud Security: Providing a means to secure data while it moves through, and is stored in the cloud.

Secure device provisioning and authentication

The Azure IoT Suite secures IoT devices by the following two methods:
By providing a unique identity key (security tokens) for each device, which can be used by the device to
communicate with the IoT Hub.
By using an on-device X.509 certificate and private key as a means to authenticate the device to the IoT Hub.
This authentication method ensures that the private key on the device is not known outside the device at any
time, providing a higher level of security.
The security token method provides authentication for each call made by the device to IoT Hub by associating the
symmetric key to each call. X.509-based authentication allows authentication of an IoT device at the physical layer
as part of the TLS connection establishment. The security-token-based method can be used without the X.509
authentication which is a less secure pattern. The choice between the two methods is primarily dictated by how
secure the device authentication needs to be, and availability of secure storage on the device (to store the private
key securely).

IoT Hub security tokens

IoT Hub uses security tokens to authenticate devices and services to avoid sending keys on the network.
Additionally, security tokens are limited in time validity and scope. Azure IoT SDKs automatically generate tokens
without requiring any special configuration. Some scenarios, however, require the user to generate and use
security tokens directly. These include the direct use of the MQTT, AMQP, or HTTP surfaces, or the implementation
of the token service pattern.
More details on the structure of the security token and its usage can be found in the following articles:
Security token structure
Using SAS tokens as a device
Each IoT Hub has an identity registry that can be used to create per-device resources in the service, such as a queue
that contains in-flight cloud-to-device messages, and to allow access to the device-facing endpoints. The IoT Hub
identity registry provides secure storage of device identities and security keys for a solution. Individual or groups
of device identities can be added to an allow list, or a block list, enabling complete control over device access. The
following articles provide more details on the structure of the identity registry and supported operations.
IoT Hub supports protocols such as MQTT, AMQP, and HTTP. Each of these protocols use security tokens from the
IoT device to IoT Hub differently:
AMQP: SASL PLAIN and AMQP Claims-based security ({policyName}@sas.root.{iothubName} in the case of IoT
hub-level tokens; {deviceId} in case of device-scoped tokens).
MQTT: CONNECT packet uses {deviceId} as the {ClientId}, {IoThubhostname}/{deviceId} in the Username field
and a SAS token in the Password field.
HTTP: Valid token is in the authorization request header.
IoT Hub identity registry can be used to configure per-device security credentials and access control. However, if an
IoT solution already has a significant investment in a custom device identity registry and/or authentication scheme,
it can be integrated into an existing infrastructure with IoT Hub by creating a token service.
X.509 certificate -based device authentication
The use of a device-based X.509 certificate and its associated private and public key pair allows additional
authentication at the physical layer. The private key is stored securely in the device and is not discoverable outside
the device. The X.509 certificate contains information about the device, such as device ID, and other organizational
details. A signature of the certificate is generated by using the private key.
High-level device provisioning flow:
Associate an identifier to a physical device – device identity and/or X.509 certificate associated to the device
during device manufacturing or commissioning.
Create a corresponding identity entry in IoT Hub – device identity and associated device information in the IoT
Hub identity registry.
Securely store X.509 certificate thumbprint in IoT Hub identity registry.
Root certificate on device
While establishing a secure TLS connection with IoT Hub, the IoT device authenticates IoT Hub using a root
certificate which is part of the device SDK. For the C client SDK the certificate is located under the folder "\c\certs"
under the root of the repo. Though these root certificates are long-lived, they still may expire or be revoked. If there
is no way of updating the certificate on the device, the device may not be able to subsequently connect to the IoT
Hub (or any other cloud service). Having a means to update the root certificate once the IoT device is deployed will
effectively mitigate this risk.

Securing the connection

Internet connection between the IoT device and IoT Hub is secured using the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
standard. Azure IoT supports TLS 1.2, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0, in this order. Support for TLS 1.0 is provided for
backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use TLS 1.2 since it provides the most security.
Azure IoT Suite supports the following Cipher Suites, in this order.


TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (0xc028) 256

ECDH secp384r1 (eq. 7680 bits RSA) FS

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0xc027) 128

ECDH secp256r1 (eq. 3072 bits RSA) FS


secp384r1 (eq. 7680 bits RSA) FS


secp256r1 (eq. 3072 bits RSA) FS

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0x9d) 256

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x9c) 128

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (0x3d) 256

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x3c) 128

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x35) 256

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x2f) 128


Securing the cloud

Azure IoT Hub allows definition of access control policies for each security key. It uses the following set of
permissions to grant access to each of IoT Hub's endpoints. Permissions limit the access to an IoT Hub based on
RegistryRead. Grants read access to the identity registry. For more information, see identity registry.
RegistryReadWrite. Grants read and write access to the identity registry. For more information, see identity
ServiceConnect. Grants access to cloud service-facing communication and monitoring endpoints. For example,
it grants permission to back-end cloud services to receive device-to-cloud messages, send cloud-to-device
messages, and retrieve the corresponding delivery acknowledgments.
DeviceConnect. Grants access to device-facing endpoints. For example, it grants permission to send device-to-
cloud messages and receive cloud-to-device messages. This permission is used by devices.
There are two ways to obtain DeviceConnect permissions with IoT Hub with security tokens: using a device
identity key, or a shared access key. Moreover, it is important to note that all functionality accessible from devices
is exposed by design on endpoints with prefix /devices/{deviceId} .
Service components can only generate security tokens using shared access policies granting the appropriate
Azure IoT Hub and other services which may be part of the solution allow management of users using the Azure
Active Directory.
Data ingested by Azure IoT Hub can be consumed by a variety of services such as Azure Stream Analytics and
Azure blob storage. These services allow management access. Read more about these services and available
options below:
Azure Cosmos DB: A scalable, fully-indexed database service for semi-structured data that manages metadata
for the devices you provision, such as attributes, configuration, and security properties. Cosmos DB offers high-
performance and high-throughput processing, schema-agnostic indexing of data, and a rich SQL query
Azure Stream Analytics: Real-time stream processing in the cloud that enables you to rapidly develop and
deploy a low-cost analytics solution to uncover real-time insights from devices, sensors, infrastructure, and
applications. The data from this fully-managed service can scale to any volume while still achieving high
throughput, low latency, and resiliency.
Azure App Services: A cloud platform to build powerful web and mobile apps that connect to data anywhere; in
the cloud or on-premises. Build engaging mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows. Integrate with your
Software as a Service (SaaS) and enterprise applications with out-of-the-box connectivity to dozens of cloud-
based services and enterprise applications. Code in your favorite language and IDE (.NET, Node.js, PHP, Python,
or Java) to build web apps and APIs faster than ever.
Logic Apps: The Logic Apps feature of Azure App Service helps integrate your IoT solution to your existing line-
of-business systems and automate workflow processes. Logic Apps enables developers to design workflows
that start from a trigger and then execute a series of steps—rules and actions that use powerful connectors to
integrate with your business processes. Logic Apps offers out-of-the-box connectivity to a vast ecosystem of
SaaS, cloud-based, and on-premises applications.
Azure blob storage: Reliable, economical cloud storage for the data that your devices send to the cloud.

This article provides overview of implementation level details for designing and deploying an IoT infrastructure
using Azure IoT. Configuring each component to be secure is key in securing the overall IoT infrastructure. The
design choices available in Azure IoT provide some level of flexibility and choice; however, each choice may have
security implications. It is recommended that each of these choices be evaluated through a risk/cost assessment.

See also
You can also explore some of the other features and capabilities of the IoT Suite preconfigured solutions:
Predictive maintenance preconfigured solution overview
Frequently asked questions for IoT Suite
You can read about IoT Hub security in Control access to IoT Hub in the IoT Hub developer guide.
Internet of Things security best practices
7/3/2017 • 6 min to read • Edit Online

To secure an Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure requires a rigorous security-in-depth strategy. This strategy
requires you to secure data in the cloud, protect data integrity while in transit over the public internet, and securely
provision devices. Each layer builds greater security assurance in the overall infrastructure.

Secure an IoT infrastructure

This security-in-depth strategy can be developed and executed with active participation of various players involved
with the manufacturing, development, and deployment of IoT devices and infrastructure. Following is a high-level
description of these players.
IoT hardware manufacturer/integrator: Typically, these are the manufacturers of IoT hardware being
deployed, integrators assembling hardware from various manufacturers, or suppliers providing hardware for an
IoT deployment manufactured or integrated by other suppliers.
IoT solution developer: The development of an IoT solution is typically done by a solution developer. This
developer may part of an in-house team or a system integrator (SI) specializing in this activity. The IoT solution
developer can develop various components of the IoT solution from scratch, integrate various off-the-shelf or
open-source components, or adopt preconfigured solutions with minor adaptation.
IoT solution deployer: After an IoT solution is developed, it needs to be deployed in the field. This involves
deployment of hardware, interconnection of devices, and deployment of solutions in hardware devices or the
IoT solution operator: After the IoT solution is deployed, it requires long-term operations, monitoring,
upgrades, and maintenance. This can be done by an in-house team that comprises information technology
specialists, hardware operations and maintenance teams, and domain specialists who monitor the correct
behavior of overall IoT infrastructure.
The sections that follow provide best practices for each of these players to help develop, deploy, and operate a
secure IoT infrastructure.

IoT hardware manufacturer/integrator

The following are the best practices for IoT hardware manufacturers and hardware integrators.
Scope hardware to minimum requirements: The hardware design should include the minimum features
required for operation of the hardware, and nothing more. An example is to include USB ports only if necessary
for the operation of the device. These additional features open the device for unwanted attack vectors that
should be avoided.
Make hardware tamper proof: Build in mechanisms to detect physical tampering, such as opening of the
device cover or removing a part of the device. These tamper signals may be part of the data stream uploaded to
the cloud, which could alert operators of these events.
Build around secure hardware: If COGS permits, build security features such as secure and encrypted storage,
or boot functionality based on Trusted Platform Module (TPM). These features make devices more secure and
help protect the overall IoT infrastructure.
Make upgrades secure: Firmware upgrades during the lifetime of the device are inevitable. Building devices
with secure paths for upgrades and cryptographic assurance of firmware versions will allow the device to be
secure during and after upgrades.
IoT solution developer
The following are the best practices for IoT solution developers:
Follow secure software development methodology: Development of secure software requires ground-up
thinking about security, from the inception of the project all the way to its implementation, testing, and
deployment. The choices of platforms, languages, and tools are all influenced with this methodology. The
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle provides a step-by-step approach to building secure software.
Choose open-source software with care: Open-source software provides an opportunity to quickly develop
solutions. When you're choosing open-source software, consider the activity level of the community for each
open-source component. An active community ensures that software is supported and that issues are
discovered and addressed. Alternatively, an obscure and inactive open-source software might not be supported
and issues will probably not be discovered.
Integrate with care: Many software security flaws exist at the boundary of libraries and APIs. Functionality that
may not be required for the current deployment might still be available via an API layer. To ensure overall
security, make sure to check all interfaces of components being integrated for security flaws.

IoT solution deployer

The following are best practices for IoT solution deployers:
Deploy hardware securely: IoT deployments may require hardware to be deployed in unsecure locations, such
as in public spaces or unsupervised locales. In such situations, ensure that hardware deployment is tamper-
proof to the maximum extent. If USB or other ports are available on the hardware, ensure that they are covered
securely. Many attack vectors can use these as entry points.
Keep authentication keys safe: During deployment, each device requires device IDs and associated
authentication keys generated by the cloud service. Keep these keys physically safe even after the deployment.
Any compromised key can be used by a malicious device to masquerade as an existing device.

IoT solution operator

The following are the best practices for IoT solution operators:
Keep the system up to date: Ensure that device operating systems and all device drivers are upgraded to the
latest versions. If you turn on automatic updates in Windows 10 (IoT or other SKUs), Microsoft keeps it up to
date, providing a secure operating system for IoT devices. Keeping other operating systems (such as Linux) up to
date helps ensure that they are also protected against malicious attacks.
Protect against malicious activity: If the operating system permits, install the latest antivirus and
antimalware capabilities on each device operating system. This can help mitigate most external threats. You can
protect most modern operating systems against threats by taking appropriate steps.
Audit frequently: Auditing IoT infrastructure for security-related issues is key when responding to security
incidents. Most operating systems provide built-in event logging that should be reviewed frequently to make
sure no security breach has occurred. Audit information can be sent as a separate telemetry stream to the cloud
service where it can be analyzed.
Physically protect the IoT infrastructure: The worst security attacks against IoT infrastructure are launched
using physical access to devices. One important safety practice is to protect against malicious use of USB ports
and other physical access. One key to uncovering breaches that might have occurred is logging of physical
access, such as USB port use. Again, Windows 10 (IoT and other SKUs) enables detailed logging of these events.
Protect cloud credentials: Cloud authentication credentials used for configuring and operating an IoT
deployment are possibly the easiest way to gain access and compromise an IoT system. Protect the credentials
by changing the password frequently, and refrain from using these credentials on public machines.
Capabilities of different IoT devices vary. Some devices might be computers running common desktop operating
systems, and some devices might be running very light-weight operating systems. The security best practices
described previously might be applicable to these devices in varying degrees. If provided, additional security and
deployment best practices from the manufacturers of these devices should be followed.
Some legacy and constrained devices might not have been designed specifically for IoT deployment. These devices
might lack the capability to encrypt data, connect with the Internet, or provide advanced auditing. In these cases, a
modern and secure field gateway can aggregate data from legacy devices and provide the security required for
connecting these devices over the Internet. Field gateways can provide secure authentication, negotiation of
encrypted sessions, receipt of commands from the cloud, and many other security features.

See also
To learn more about securing your IoT solution, see:
IoT security architecture
Secure your IoT deployment
You can also explore some of the other features and capabilities of the IoT Suite preconfigured solutions:
Predictive maintenance preconfigured solution overview
Frequently asked questions for Azure IoT Suite
You can read about IoT Hub security in Control access to IoT Hub in the IoT Hub developer guide.
1 min to read •
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Microsoft Trust Center
6/27/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

The Azure Security Information site on gives you the information you need to plan, design, deploy,
configure, and manage your cloud solutions securely. With the Microsoft Trust center, you also have the
information you need to be confident that the Azure platform on which you run your services is secure.
We know that when you entrust your applications and data to Azure, you’re going to have questions. Where is it?
Who can access it? What is Microsoft doing to protect it? How can you verify that Microsoft is doing what it says?
And we have answers. Because it’s your data, you decide who has access, and you work with us to decide where it is
located. To safeguard your data, we use state-of-the-art security technology and world-class cryptography. Our
compliance is independently audited, and we’re transparent on many levels—from how we handle legal demands
for your customer data to the security of our code.
Here's what you find at the Microsoft Trust Center:
Security – Learn how all the Microsoft Cloud services are secured.
Privacy – Understand how Microsoft ensures privacy of your Data in the Microsoft cloud.
Compliance – Discover how Microsoft helps organizations comply with national, regional, and industry-specific
requirements governing the collection and use of individuals’ data.
Transparency – View how Microsoft believes that you control your data in the cloud and how Microsoft helps
you know as much as possible about how that data is handled.
Products and Services – See all the Microsoft Cloud products and services in one place
Service Trust Portal – Obtain copies of independent audit reports of Microsoft cloud services, risk assessments,
security best practices, and related materials.
What’s New – Find out what’s new in Microsoft Cloud Trust
Resources – Investigate white papers, videos, and case studies on Microsoft Trusted Cloud
The Microsoft Trust Center has what you need to understand what we do to secure the Microsoft Cloud.
Microsoft Security Response Center
6/27/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) is led by some of the world’s most experienced security experts.
These experts identify, monitor, respond to and resolve security incidents and on-premises and cloud vulnerabilities
around the clock, each day of the year.
In addition to the continuous work the MSRC does in the background, the MSRC team has a number of resources
available to you so that you can understand how to secure your Azure assets and deployments more effectively.

The MSRC Blog

The MSRC blog is the place to go to get the latest news on what the MSRC is doing to help protect you against
cloud threats.

White Papers
The MSRC has published a number of white papers that will help you understand what they do and how they do it.
Some provide insights into how we secure the Microsoft cloud and include useful information on how you can
employ the same security configurations.

Security Researcher Engagement and Bounty Programs

The MSRC supports collaboration and relationships with security researchers globally to advance Microsoft product
Microsoft bounty programs pay researchers for novel exploitation techniques, defensive ideas that mitigate novel
exploitations, and identification of critical vulnerabilities in Microsoft on-premises and cloud software.
Learn more about these programs at the MSRC Bug Bounty page and the MSRC blog.
To learn more about the MSRC, please visit the MSRC home page.
Pen Testing
8/24/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

One of the great things about using Microsoft Azure for application testing and deployment is that you don’t need
to put together an on-premises infrastructure to develop, test and deploy your applications. All the infrastructure is
taken care of by the Microsoft Azure platform services. You don’t have to worry about requisitioning, acquiring, and
“racking and stacking” your own on-premises hardware.
This is great – but you still need to make sure you perform your normal security due diligence. One of the things
you need to do is penetration test the applications you deploy in Azure.
You might already know that Microsoft performs penetration testing of our Azure environment. This helps us
improve our platform and guides our actions in terms of improving security controls, introducing new security
controls, and improving our security processes.
We don’t pen test your application for you, but we do understand that you will want and need to perform pen
testing on your own applications. That’s a good thing, because when you enhance the security of your applications,
you help make the entire Azure ecosystem more secure.
When you pen test your applications, it might look like an attack to us. We continuously monitor for attack patterns
and will initiate an incident response process if we need to. It doesn’t help you and it doesn’t help us if we trigger
an incident response due to your own due diligence pen testing.
What to do?
When you’re ready to pen test your Azure-hosted applications, you have an option to let us know. Once we know
that you’re going to be performing specific tests, we won’t inadvertently shut you down (such as blocking the IP
address that you’re testing from), as long as your tests conform to the Azure pen testing terms and conditions
described in Microsoft Cloud Unified Penetration Testing Rules of Engagement. Standard tests you can perform
Tests on your endpoints to uncover the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top 10 vulnerabilities
Fuzz testing of your endpoints
Port scanning of your endpoints
One type of test that you can’t perform is any kind of Denial of Service (DoS) attack. This includes initiating a DoS
attack itself, or performing related tests that might determine, demonstrate or simulate any type of DoS attack.
Are you ready to get started with pen testing your applications hosted in Microsoft Azure? If so, then head on over
to the Penetration Test Overview page (and click the Create a Testing Request button at the bottom of the page.
You’ll also find more information on the pen testing terms and conditions and helpful links on how you can report
security flaws related to Azure or any other Microsoft service.
Introduction to Azure Security Center
9/13/2017 • 3 min to read • Edit Online

Learn about Azure Security Center, its key capabilities, and how to get started.

What is Azure Security Center?

Azure Security Center provides unified security management and advanced threat protection for workloads
running in Azure, on-premises, and in other clouds. It delivers visibility and control over hybrid cloud workloads,
active defenses that reduce your exposure to threats, and intelligent detection to help you keep pace with rapidly
evolving cyber attacks.
The Security Center Overview provides a quick view into the security posture of your Azure and non-Azure
workloads, enabling you to discover and assess the security of your workloads and to identify and mitigate risk.

Why use Security Center?

Unified security management
Reduced management complexity. Manage security across all your hybrid cloud workloads – on-
premises, Azure, and other cloud platforms – in one console. Built-in dashboards provide instant insights into
security issues that require attention.
Centralized policy management. Ensure compliance with company or regulatory security requirements by
centrally managing security policies across all your hybrid cloud workloads.
Security data from many sources. Collect, search, and analyze security data from a variety of sources,
including connected partner solutions like network firewalls and other Microsoft services.
Integration with existing security workflows. Access, integrate, and analyze security information using
REST APIs to connect existing tools and processes.
Compliance reporting. Use security data and insights to demonstrate compliance and easily generate
evidence for auditors.
Multi-layer cyber defense
Continuous security assessment. Monitor the security of machines, networks, and Azure services using
hundreds of built-in security assessments or create your own. Identify software and configurations that are
vulnerable to attack.
Actionable recommendations. Remediate security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers
with prioritized, actionable security recommendations and built-in automation playbooks.
Adaptive application controls. Block malware and other unwanted applications by applying whitelisting
recommendations adapted to your specific Azure workloads and powered by machine learning.
Network access security. Reduce the network attack surface with just-in-time, controlled access to
management ports on Azure VMs, drastically reducing exposure to brute force and other network attacks.
Intelligent threat detection and response
Industry’s most extensive threat intelligence. Tap into the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph, which
uses trillions of signals from Microsoft services and systems around the globe to identify new and evolving
Advanced threat detection. Use built-in behavioral analytics and machine learning to identify attacks and
zero-day exploits. Monitor networks, machines, and cloud services for incoming attacks and post-breach
Alerts and Incidents. Focus on the most critical threats first with prioritized security alerts and incidents that
map alerts of different types into a single attack campaign. Create your own custom security alerts as well.
Streamlined investigation. Quickly assess the scope and impact of an attack with a visual, interactive
experience. Use predefined or ad hoc queries for deeper exploration of security data.
Contextual threat intelligence. Visualize the source of attacks on an interactive world map. Use built-in
threat intelligence reports to gain valuable insight into the techniques and objectives of known malicious

Get started
To get started with Security Center, you need a subscription to Microsoft Azure. Security Center is enabled with
your Azure subscription. If you do not have a subscription, you can sign up for a free trial.
You access Security Center from the Azure portal. See the portal documentation to learn more.
Getting started with Azure Security Center quickly guides you through the security-monitoring and policy-
management components of Security Center.

Next steps
In this document, you were introduced to Security Center, its key capabilities, and how to get started. To learn
more, see the following resources:
Planning and operations guide - Learn how to optimize your use of Security Center based on your
organization's security requirements and cloud management model.
Setting security policies — Learn how to configure security policies for your Azure subscriptions and resource
Managing security recommendations — Learn how recommendations help you protect your Azure resources.
Security health monitoring — Learn how to monitor the health of your Azure resources.
Managing and responding to security alerts — Learn how to manage and respond to security alerts.
Monitoring and processing security events - Learn how to monitor and process security events collected over
Monitoring partner solutions — Learn how to monitor the health status of your partner solutions.
Azure Security Center FAQ — Find frequently asked questions about using the service.
Azure Security blog — Get the latest Azure security news and information.
What is Azure Key Vault?
7/21/2017 • 3 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Key Vault is available in most regions. For more information, see the Key Vault pricing page.

Azure Key Vault helps safeguard cryptographic keys and secrets used by cloud applications and services. By
using Key Vault, you can encrypt keys and secrets (such as authentication keys, storage account keys, data
encryption keys, .PFX files, and passwords) by using keys that are protected by hardware security modules
(HSMs). For added assurance, you can import or generate keys in HSMs. If you choose to do this, Microsoft
processes your keys in FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validated HSMs (hardware and firmware).
Key Vault streamlines the key management process and enables you to maintain control of keys that access and
encrypt your data. Developers can create keys for development and testing in minutes, and then seamlessly
migrate them to production keys. Security administrators can grant (and revoke) permission to keys, as needed.
Use the following table to better understand how Key Vault can help to meet the needs of developers and
security administrators.


Developer for an Azure application “I want to write an application for √ Keys are stored in a vault and
Azure that uses keys for signing and invoked by URI when needed.
encryption, but I want these keys to be
external from my application so that √ Keys are safeguarded by Azure, using
the solution is suitable for an industry-standard algorithms, key
application that is geographically lengths, and hardware security
distributed. modules (HSMs).

I also want these keys and secrets to √ Keys are processed in HSMs that
be protected, without having to write reside in the same Azure datacenters
the code myself. I also want these keys as the applications. This provides better
and secrets to be easy for me to use reliability and reduced latency than if
from my applications, with optimal the keys reside in a separate location,
performance.” such as on-premises.

Developer for Software as a Service “I don’t want the responsibility or √ Customers can import their own
(SaaS) potential liability for my customers’ keys into Azure, and manage them.
tenant keys and secrets. When a SaaS application needs to
perform cryptographic operations by
I want the customers to own and using their customers’ keys, Key Vault
manage their keys so that I can does these operations on behalf of the
concentrate on doing what I do best, application. The application does not
which is providing the core software see the customers’ keys.

Chief security officer (CSO) “I want to know that our applications √ HSMs are FIPS 140-2 Level 2
comply with FIPS 140-2 Level 2 HSMs validated.
for secure key management.
√ Key Vault is designed so that
I want to make sure that my Microsoft does not see or extract your
organization is in control of the key life keys.
cycle and can monitor key usage.
√ Near real-time logging of key usage.
And although we use multiple Azure
services and resources, I want to √ The vault provides a single interface,
manage the keys from a single location regardless of how many vaults you
in Azure.” have in Azure, which regions they
support, and which applications use

Anybody with an Azure subscription can create and use key vaults. Although Key Vault benefits developers and
security administrators, it could be implemented and managed by an organization’s administrator who manages
other Azure services for an organization. For example, this administrator would sign in with an Azure
subscription, create a vault for the organization in which to store keys, and then be responsible for operational
tasks, such as:
Create or import a key or secret
Revoke or delete a key or secret
Authorize users or applications to access the key vault, so they can then manage or use its keys and secrets
Configure key usage (for example, sign or encrypt)
Monitor key usage
This administrator would then provide developers with URIs to call from their applications, and provide their
security administrator with key usage logging information.

Developers can also manage the keys directly, by using APIs. For more information, see the Key Vault developer's

Next Steps
For a getting started tutorial for an administrator, see Get Started with Azure Key Vault.
For more information about usage logging for Key Vault, see Azure Key Vault Logging.
For more information about using keys and secrets with Azure Key Vault, see About Keys, Secrets, and
What is Log Analytics?
7/10/2017 • 4 min to read • Edit Online

Log Analytics is a service in Operations Management Suite (OMS) that monitors your cloud and on-premises
environments to maintain their availability and performance. It collects data generated by resources in your cloud
and on-premises environments and from other monitoring tools to provide analysis across multiple sources. This
article provides a brief discussion of the value that Log Analytics provides, an overview of how it operates, and links
to more detailed content so you can dig further.

Is Log Analytics for you?

If you have no current monitoring in place for your Azure environment, you should start with Azure Monitor which
collects and analyzes monitoring data for your Azure resources. Log Analytics can collect data from Azure Monitor
to correlate it with other data and provide additional analysis.
If you want to monitor your on-premises environment or you have existing monitoring using services such as
Azure Monitor or System Center Operations Manager, then Log Analytics can add significant value. It can collect
data directly from your agents and also from these other tools into a single repository. Analysis tools in Log
Analytics such as log searches, views, and solutions work against all collected data providing you with centralized
analysis of your entire environment.

Using Log Analytics

You can access Log Analytics through the OMS portal or the Azure portal which run in any browser and provide
you with access to configuration settings and multiple tools to analyze and act on collected data. From the portal
you can leverage log searches where you construct queries to analyze collected data, dashboards which you can
customize with graphical views of your most valuable searches, and solutions which provide additional
functionality and analysis tools.
The image below is from the OMS portal which shows the dashboard that displays summary information for the
solutions that are installed in the workspace. You can click on any tile to drill further into the data for that solution.
Log Analytics includes a query language to quickly retrieve and consolidate data in the repository. You can create
and save Log Searches to directly analyze data in the portal or have log searches run automatically to create an
alert if the results of the query indicate an important condition.

To get a quick graphical view of the health of your overall environment, you can add visualizations for saved log
searches to your dashboard.

In order to analyze data outside of Log Analytics, you can export the data from the OMS repository into tools such
as Power BI or Excel. You can also leverage the Log Search API to build custom solutions that leverage Log
Analytics data or to integrate with other systems.

Add functionality with management solutions

Management solutions add functionality to OMS, providing additional data and analysis tools to Log Analytics.
They may also define new record types to be collected that can be analyzed with Log Searches or by additional user
interface provided by the solution in the dashboard. The example image below shows the Change Tracking solution

Solutions are available for a variety of functions, and additional solutions are consistently being added. You can
easily browse available solutions and add them to your OMS workspace from the Solutions Gallery or Azure
Marketplace. Many will be automatically deployed and start working immediately while others may require
moderate configuration.

Log Analytics components

At the center of Log Analytics is the OMS repository which is hosted in the Azure cloud. Data is collected into the
repository from connected sources by configuring data sources and adding solutions to your subscription. Data
sources and solutions will each create different record types that have their own set of properties but may still be
analyzed together in queries to the repository. This allows you to use the same tools and methods to work with
different kinds of data collected by different sources.
Connected sources are the computers and other resources that generate data collected by Log Analytics. This can
include agents installed on Windows and Linux computers that connect directly or agents in a connected System
Center Operations Manager management group. For Azure resources, Log Analytics collects data from Azure
Monitor and Azure Diagnostics.
Data sources are the different kinds of data collected from each connected source. This includes events and
performance data from Windows and Linux agents in addition to sources such as IIS logs, and custom text logs.
You configure each data source that you want to collect, and the configuration is automatically delivered to each
connected source.
If you have custom requirements, then you can use the HTTP Data Collector API to write data to the repository from
a REST API client.

Log Analytics architecture

The deployment requirements of Log Analytics are minimal since the central components are hosted in the Azure
cloud. This includes the repository in addition to the services that allow you to correlate and analyze collected data.
The portal can be accessed from any browser so there is no requirement for client software.
You must install agents on Windows and Linux computers, but there is no additional agent required for computers
that are already members of a connected SCOM management group. SCOM agents will continue to communicate
with management servers which will forward their data to Log Analytics. Some solutions though will require
agents to communicate directly with Log Analytics. The documentation for each solution will specify its
communication requirements.
When you sign up for Log Analytics, you will create an OMS workspace. You can think of the workspace as a
unique Log Analytics environment with its own data repository, data sources, and solutions. You may create
multiple workspaces in your subscription to support multiple environments such as production and test.
Next steps
Sign up for a free Log Analytics account to test in your own environment.
View the different Data Sources available to collect data into the OMS repository.
Browse the available solutions in the Solutions Gallery to add functionality to Log Analytics.
What is Azure Multi-Factor Authentication?
9/13/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

Two-step verification is a method of authentication that requires more than one verification method and adds a
critical second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions. It works by requiring any two or more of the
following verification methods:
Something you know (typically a password)
Something you have (a trusted device that is not easily duplicated, like a phone)
Something you are (biometrics)

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is Microsoft's two-step verification solution. Azure MFA helps
safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for a simple sign-in process. It delivers
strong authentication via a range of verification methods, including phone call, text message, or mobile app

Why use Azure Multi-Factor Authentication?

Today, more than ever, people are increasingly connected. With smart phones, tablets, laptops, and PCs, people
have several different options on how they are going to connect and stay connected at any time. People can
access their accounts and applications from anywhere, which means that they can get more work done and
serve their customers better.
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication is an easy to use, scalable, and reliable solution that provides a second
method of authentication so your users are always protected.

Easy to use Scalable Always Protected Reliable

Easy to Use - Azure Multi-Factor Authentication is simple to set up and use. The extra protection that comes
with Azure Multi-Factor Authentication allows users to manage their own devices. Best of all, in many
instances it can be set up with just a few simple clicks.
Scalable - Azure Multi-Factor Authentication uses the power of the cloud and integrates with your on-
premises AD and custom apps. This protection is even extended to your high-volume, mission-critical
Always Protected - Azure Multi-Factor Authentication provides strong authentication using the highest
industry standards.
Reliable - We guarantee 99.9% availability of Azure Multi-Factor Authentication. The service is considered
unavailable when it is unable to receive or process verification requests for the two-step verification.

Next steps
Learn about how Azure Multi-Factor Authentication works
Read about the different versions and consumption methods for Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
What is Azure Active Directory?
7/26/2017 • 5 min to read • Edit Online

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s multi-tenant, cloud based directory and identity management
service. Azure AD combines core directory services, advanced identity governance, and application access
management. Azure AD also offers a rich, standards-based platform that enables developers to deliver access
control to their applications, based on centralized policy and rules.
For IT Admins, Azure AD provides an affordable, easy to use solution to give employees and business partners
single sign-on (SSO) access to thousands of cloud SaaS Applications like Office365,, DropBox, and
For application developers, Azure AD lets you focus on building your application by making it fast and simple to
integrate with a world class identity management solution used by millions of organizations around the world.
Azure AD also includes a full suite of identity management capabilities including multi-factor authentication,
device registration, self-service password management, self-service group management, privileged account
management, role based access control, application usage monitoring, rich auditing and security monitoring and
alerting. These capabilities can help secure cloud based applications, streamline IT processes, cut costs and help
ensure that corporate compliance goals are met.
Additionally, with just four clicks, Azure AD can be integrated with an existing Windows Server Active Directory,
giving organizations the ability to leverage their existing on-premises identity investments to manage access to
cloud based SaaS applications.
If you are an Office 365, Azure or Dynamics CRM Online customer, you might not realize that you are already
using Azure AD. Every Office 365, Azure and Dynamics CRM tenant is actually already an Azure AD tenant.
Whenever you want you can start using that tenant to manage access to thousands of other cloud applications
Azure AD integrates with!

How reliable is Azure AD?

The multi-tenant, geo-distributed, high availability design of Azure AD means that you can rely on it for your most
critical business needs. Running out of 28 data centers around the world with automated failover, you’ll have the
comfort of knowing that Azure AD is highly reliable and that even if a data center goes down, copies of your
directory data are live in at least two more regionally dispersed data centers and available for instant access.
For more details, see Service Level Agreements.
Choose an edition
All Microsoft Online business services rely on Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for sign-in and other identity
needs. If you subscribe to any of Microsoft Online business services (for example, Office 365 or Microsoft Azure),
you get Azure AD with access to all of the Free features. With the Azure Active Directory Free edition, you can
manage users and groups, synchronize with on-premises directories, get single sign-on across Azure, Office 365,
and thousands of popular SaaS applications like Salesforce, Workday, Concur, DocuSign, Google Apps, Box,
ServiceNow, Dropbox, and more.
To enhance your Azure Active Directory, you can add paid capabilities using the Azure Active Directory Basic,
Premium P1, and Premium P2 editions. Azure Active Directory paid editions are built on top of your existing free
directory, providing enterprise class capabilities spanning self-service, enhanced monitoring, security reporting,
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and secure access for your mobile workforce.

For the pricing options of these editions, see Azure Active Directory Pricing. Azure Active Directory Premium P1, Premium
P2, and Azure Active Directory Basic are not currently supported in China. Please contact us at the Azure Active Directory
Forum for more information.

Azure Active Directory Basic - Designed for task workers with cloud-first needs, this edition provides cloud
centric application access and self-service identity management solutions. With the Basic edition of Azure
Active Directory, you get productivity enhancing and cost reducing features like group-based access
management, self-service password reset for cloud applications, and Azure Active Directory Application Proxy
(to publish on-premises web applications using Azure Active Directory), all backed by an enterprise-level SLA of
99.9 percent uptime.
Azure Active Directory Premium P1 - Designed to empower organizations with more demanding identity
and access management needs, Azure Active Directory Premium edition adds feature-rich enterprise-level
identity management capabilities and enables hybrid users to seamlessly access on-premises and cloud
capabilities. This edition includes everything you need for information worker and identity administrators in
hybrid environments across application access, self-service identity and access management (IAM), identity
protection and security in the cloud. It supports advanced administration and delegation resources like dynamic
groups and self-service group management. It includes Microsoft Identity Manager (an on-premises identity
and access management suite) and provides cloud write-back capabilities enabling solutions like self-service
password reset for your on-premises users.
Azure Active Directory Premium P2 - Designed with advanced protection for all your users and
administrators, this new offering includes all the capabilities in Azure AD Premium P1 as well as our new
Identity Protection and Privileged Identity Management. Azure Active Directory Identity Protection leverages
billions of signals to provide risk-based conditional access to your applications and critical company data. We
also help you manage and protect privileged accounts with Azure Active Directory Privileged Identity
Management so you can discover, restrict and monitor administrators and their access to resources and
provide just-in-time access when needed.

A number of Azure Active Directory capabilities are available through "pay as you go" editions:
Active Directory B2C is the identity and access management solution for your consumer-facing applications. For more
details, see Azure Active Directory B2C
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication can be used through per user or per authentication providers. For more details, see
What is Azure Multi-Factor Authentication?
How can I get started?
If you are an IT admin:
Try it out! - you can sign up for a free 30 day trial today and deploy your first cloud solution in under 5
minutes using this link
Read Getting started with Azure AD for tips and tricks on getting an Azure AD tenant up and running fast
If you are a developer:
Check out our Developers Guide to Azure Active Directory
Start a trial – sign up for a free 30 day trial today and start integrating your apps with Azure AD

Next steps
Learn more about the fundamentals of Azure identity and access management
Getting started with Operations Management Suite
Security and Audit Solution
7/28/2017 • 11 min to read • Edit Online

This document helps you get started quickly with Operations Management Suite (OMS) Security and Audit solution
capabilities by guiding you through each option.

What is OMS?
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is Microsoft's cloud-based IT management solution that helps you
manage and protect your on-premises and cloud infrastructure. For more information about OMS, read the article
Operations Management Suite.

OMS Security and Audit dashboard

The OMS Security and Audit solution provides a comprehensive view into your organization’s IT security posture
with built-in search queries for notable issues that require your attention. The Security and Audit dashboard is
the home screen for everything related to security in OMS. It provides high-level insight into the security state of
your computers. It also includes the ability to view all events from the past 24 hours, 7 days, or any other custom
time frame. To access the Security and Audit dashboard, follow these steps:
1. In the Microsoft Operations Management Suite main dashboard click Settings tile in the left.
2. In the Settings blade, under Solutions click Security and Audit option.
3. The Security and Audit dashboard appears:

If you are accessing this dashboard for the first time and you don’t have devices monitored by OMS, the tiles will
not be populated with data obtained from the agent. Once you install the agent, it can take some time to populate,
therefore what you see initially may be missing some data as they are still uploading to the cloud. In this case, it is
normal to see some tiles without tangible information. Read Connect Windows computers directly to OMS for
more information on how to install OMS agent in a Windows system and Connect Linux computers to OMS for
more information on how to perform this task in a Linux system.

The agent collects the information based on the current events that are enabled, for instance computer name, IP address and
user name. However no document/files, database name or private data are collected.
Solutions are a collection of logic, visualization, and data acquisition rules that address key customer challenges.
Security and Audit is one solution, others can be added separately. Read the article Add solutions for more
information on how to add a new solution.
The OMS Security and Audit dashboard is organized in four major categories:
Security Domains: in this area you will be able to further explore security records over time, access malware
assessment, update assessment, network security, identity and access information, computers with security
events and quickly have access to Azure Security Center dashboard.
Notable Issues: this option will allow you to quickly identify the number of active issues and the severity of
these issues.
Detections (Preview): enables you to identify attack patterns by visualizing security alerts as they take place
against your resources.
Threat Intelligence: enables you to identify attack patterns by visualizing the total number of servers with
outbound malicious IP traffic, the malicious threat type and a map that shows where these IPs are coming from.
Common security queries: this option provides you a list of the most common security queries that you can
use to monitor your environment. When you click in one of those queries, it opens the Search blade with the
results for that query.

for more information on how OMS keeps your data secure, read How OMS secures your data.

Security domains
When monitoring resources, it is important to be able to quickly access the current state of your environment.
However it is also important to be able to track back events that occurred in the past that can lead to a better
understanding of what’s happening in your environment at certain point in time.

data retention is according to the OMS pricing plan. For more information visit the Microsoft Operations Management Suite
pricing page.

Incident response and forensics investigation scenarios will directly benefit from the results available in the
Security Records over Time tile.

When you click on this tile, the Search blade will open, showing a query result for Security Events
(Type=SecurityEvents) with data based on the last seven days, as shown below:

If your workspace has been upgraded to the new Log Analytics query language, then the following queries need to be
converted. You can use the language converter to perform this translation.
The search result is divided in two panes: the left pane gives you a breakdown of the number of security events that
were found, the computers in which these events were found, the number of accounts that were discovered in
these computers and the types of activities. The right pane provides you the total results and a chronological view
of the security events with the computer’s name and event activity. You can also click Show More to view more
details about this event, such as the event data, the event ID and the event source.

for more information about OMS search query, read OMS search reference.

Antimalware assessment
This option enables you to quickly identify computers with insufficient protection and computers that are
compromised by a piece of malware. Malware assessment status and detected threats on the monitored servers
are read, and then the data is sent to the OMS service in the cloud for processing. Servers with detected threats and
servers with insufficient protection are shown in the malware assessment dashboard, which is accessible after you
click in the Antimalware Assessment tile.

Just like any other live tile available in OMS Dashboard, when you click on it, the Search blade will open with the
query result. For this option, if you click in the Not Reporting option under Protection Status, you will have the
query result that shows this single entry that contains the computer’s name and its rank, as shown below:

rank is a grade giving to reflect the status of the protection (on, off, updated, etc.) and threats that are found. Having that as
a number helps to make aggregations.

If you click in the computer’s name, you will have the chronological view of the protection status for this computer.
This is very useful for scenarios in which you need to understand if the antimalware was once installed and at some
point it was removed.
Update assessment
This option enables you to quickly determine the overall exposure to potential security problems, and whether or
how critical these updates are for your environment. OMS Security and Audit solution only provide the
visualization of these updates, the real data comes from Update Management Solutions, which is a different
module within OMS. Here an example of the updates:
For more information about Update Management solution, read Update Management solution in OMS.

Identity and Access

Identity should be the control plane for your enterprise, protecting your identity should be your top priority. While
in the past there were perimeters around organizations and those perimeters were one of the primary defensive
boundaries, nowadays with more data and more apps moving to the cloud the identity becomes the new

currently the data is based only on Security Events login data (event ID 4624) in the future Office365 logins and Azure AD
data will also be included.

By monitoring your identity activities you will be able to take proactive actions before an incident takes place or
reactive actions to stop an attack attempt. The Identity and Access dashboard provides you an overview of your
identity state, including the number of failed attempts to log on, the user’s account that were used during those
attempts, accounts that were locked out, accounts with changed or reset password and currently number of
accounts that are logged in.
When you click in the Identity and Access tile you will see the following dashboard:
The information available in this dashboard can immediately assist you to identify a potential suspicious activity.
For example, there are 338 attempts to log on as Administrator and 100% of these attempts failed. This can be
caused by a brute force attack against this account. If you click on this account you will obtain more information
that can assist you to determine the target resource for this potential attack:
The detailed report provides important information about this event, including: the target computer, the type of
logon (in this case Network logon), the activity (in this case event 4625) and a comprehensive timeline of each
This tile can be used to access all computers that actively have security events. When you click in this tile you will
see the list of computers with security events and the number of events on each computer:
You can continue your investigation by clicking on each computer and review the security events that were flagged.
Threat Intelligence
By using the Threat Intelligence option available in OMS Security and Audit, IT administrators can identify security
threats against the environment, for example, identify if a particular computer is part of a botnet. Computers can
become nodes in a botnet when attackers illicitly install malware that secretly connects this computer to the
command and control. It can also identify potential threats coming from underground communication channels,
such as darknet. Learn more about Threat Intelligence by reading Monitoring and responding to security alerts in
Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Solution article.
In some scenarios, you may notice a potential malicious IP that was accessed from one monitored computer:

This alert and others within the same category, are generated via OMS Security by leveraging Microsoft Threat
Intelligence. The Threat Intelligence data is collected by Microsoft as well as purchased from leading threat
intelligence providers. This data is updated frequently and adapted to fast-moving threats. Due to its nature, it
should be combined with other sources of security information while investigating a security alert.
Baseline Assessment
Microsoft, together with industry and government organizations worldwide, defines a Windows configuration that
represents highly secure server deployments. This configuration is a set of registry keys, audit policy settings, and
security policy settings along with Microsoft’s recommended values for these settings. This set of rules is known as
Security baseline. Read Baseline Assessment in Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Solution for
more information about this option.
Azure Security Center
This tile is basically a shortcut to access Azure Security Center dashboard. Read Getting started with Azure Security
Center for more information about this solution.

Notable issues
The main intent of this group of options is to provide a quick view of the issues that you have in your environment,
by categorizing them in Critical, Warning and Informational. The Active issue type tile it’s a visualization of these
issues, but it doesn’t allow you to explore more details about them, for that you need to use the lower part of this
tile that has the name of the issue (NAME), how many objects had this happen (COUNT) and how critical it is

You can see that these issues were already covered in different areas of the Security Domains group, which
reinforces the intent of this view: visualize the most important issues in your environment from a single place.

Detections (Preview)
The main intent of this option is to allow IT to quickly identify potential threats to their environment via and the
severity of this threat.

This option can also be used during an incident response investigation to perform the assessment and obtain more
information about the attack.

For more information on how to use OMS for Incident Response, watch this video: How to Leverage the Azure Security
Center & Microsoft Operations Management Suite for an Incident Response.
Threat Intelligence
The new threat intelligence section of the Security and Audit solution visualizes the possible attack patterns in
several ways: the total number of servers with outbound malicious IP traffic, the malicious threat type and a map
that shows where these IPs are coming from. You can interact with the map and click on the IPs for more
Yellow pushpins on the map indicate incoming traffic from malicious IPs. It is not uncommon for servers that are
exposed to the internet to see incoming malicious traffic, but we recommend reviewing these attempts to make
sure none of them was successful. These indicators are based on IIS logs, WireData and Windows Firewall logs.

Common security queries

The list of common security queries available can be useful for you to rapidly access resource’s information and
customize it based on your environment’s needs. These common queries are:
All Security Activities
Security Activities on the computer "" (replace with your own computer name)
Security Activities on the computer "" for account "Administrator" (replace with your
own computer and account names)
Log on Activity by Computer
Accounts who terminated Microsoft antimalware on any computer
Computers where the Microsoft antimalware process was terminated
Computers where "hash.exe" was executed (replace with different process name)
All Process names that were executed
Log on Activity by Account
Accounts who remotely logged on the computer "" (replace with your own computer

See also
In this document, you were introduced to OMS Security and Audit solution. To learn more about OMS Security, see
the following articles:
Operations Management Suite (OMS) overview
Monitoring and Responding to Security Alerts in Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Solution
Monitoring Resources in Operations Management Suite Security and Audit Solution
Azure Security MVP Program
6/27/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) are community leaders who’ve demonstrated an exemplary
commitment to helping others get the most out of their experience with Microsoft technologies. They share their
exceptional passion, real-world knowledge, and technical expertise with the community and with Microsoft.
We are happy to announce that Microsoft Azure now recognizes community experts with special expertise in Azure
security. Microsoft MVPs can be awarded the MVP in Microsoft Azure in the Azure Security contribution area.

While there is no benchmark for becoming an MVP, in part because it varies by technology and its life-cycle, some
of the criteria we evaluate include the impact of a nominee’s contributions to online forums such as Microsoft
Answers, TechNet and MSDN; wikis and online content; conferences and user groups; podcasts, Web sites, blogs
and social media; and articles and books.
Are you an expert in Azure security? Do you know someone who is? Then Nominate yourself or someone else to
become an Azure security MVP today!
Microsoft Services in Cybersecurity
6/27/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft Services provides a comprehensive approach to security, identity and cybersecurity. Microsoft Services
provides an array of Security and Identity services across strategy, planning, implementation, and ongoing support
which can help our Enterprise customers implement holistic security solutions that align with their strategic goals.
With direct access to product development teams, we can create solutions that integrate, and enhance the latest
security and identity capabilities of our products to help protect our customer’s business and drive innovation.
Entrusted with helping protect and enable the world’s largest organizations, our diverse group of technical
professionals consists of highly trained experts who offer a wealth of security and identity experience.
Learn more about services provided by Microsoft Services:
Security Risk Assessment
Dynamic Identity Framework Assessment
Offline Assessment for Active Directory Services
Enhanced Security Administration Environment
Azure AD Implementation Services
Securing Against Lateral Account Movement
Microsoft Threat Detection Services
Incident Response and Recovery
Learn more about Microsoft Services Security consulting services.
Manage personal data in Microsoft Azure
8/30/2017 • 4 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides guidance on how to correct, update, delete, and export personal data in Azure Active Directory
and Azure SQL Database.

A Dublin-based company provides one-stop shopping for high end destination weddings in Ireland and around the
world for both a local and international customer base. They have offices, customers, employees, and vendors
located around the world to fully service the venues they offer.
Among many other items, the company keeps track of RSVPs that include food allergies and dietary preferences.
Wedding guests can register for various activities such as horseback riding, surfing, boat rides, etc., and even
interact with one another on a central web page during the months leading up to the event. The company collects
personal information from employees, vendors, customers, and wedding guests. Because of the international
nature of the business the company must comply with multiple levels of regulation.

Problem statement
Data admins must be able to correct inaccurate personal information and update incomplete or changing
personal information.
Data admins must be able to delete personal information upon the request of a data subject.
Data admins need to export data and provide it to a data subject in a common, structured format upon his or
her request.

Company goals
Inaccurate or incomplete customer, wedding guest, employee, and vendor personal information must be
corrected or updated in Azure Active Directory and Azure SQL Database.
Personal information must be deleted in Azure Active Directory and Azure SQL Database upon the request
of a data subject.
Personal data must be exported in a common, structured format upon the request of a data subject.

Azure Active Directory: rectify/correct inaccurate or incomplete personal data and erase/delete personal
data/user profiles
Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s cloud-based, multi-tenant directory and identity management service. You can
correct, update, or delete customer and employee user profiles and user work information that contain personal
data, such as a user’s name, work title, address, or phone number, in your Azure Active Directory (AAD)
environment by using the Azure portal.
You must sign in with an account that’s a global admin for the directory.
How do I correct or update user profile and work information in Azure Active Directory?
1. Sign in to the Azure portal with an account that's a global admin for the directory.
2. Select More services, enter Users and groups in the text box, and then select Enter.
3. On the Users and groups blade, select Users.

4. On the Users and groups - Users blade, select a user from the list, and then, on the blade for the selected
user, select Profile to view the user profile information that needs to be corrected or updated.
5. Correct or update the information, and then, in the command bar, select Save.
6. On the blade for the selected user, select Work Info to view user work information that needs to be
corrected or updated.
7. Correct or update the user work information, and then, in the command bar, select Save.
How do I delete a user profile in Azure Active Directory?
1. Sign in to the Azure portal with an account that's a global admin for the directory.
2. Select More services, enter Users and groups in the text box, and then select Enter.

3. On the Users and groups blade, select Users.

4. On the Users and groups - Users blade, select a user from the list.
5. On the blade for the selected user, select Overview, and then in the command bar, select Delete.

SQL Database: rectify/correct inaccurate or incomplete personal data; erase/delete personal data; export
personal data
Azure SQL Database is a cloud database that helps developers build and maintain applications.
Personal data can be updated in Azure SQL Database using standard SQL queries, and it can also be deleted.
Additionally, personal data can be exported from SQL Database using a variety of methods, including the Azure
SQL Server import and export wizard, and in a variety of formats, including a BACPAC file.
How do I correct, update, or erase personal data in SQL Database?
To learn how to correct or update personal data in SQL Database, visit the Update (Transact-SQL), Update Text,
Update with Common Table Expression, or Update Write Text documentation.
To learn how to delete personal data in SQL Database, visit the Delete (Transact-SQL) documentation.
How do I export personal data to a BACPAC file in SQL Database?
A BACPAC file includes the SQL Database data and metadata and is a zip file with a BACPAC extension. This can be
done using the Azure portal, the SQLPackage command-line utility, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), or
To learn how to export data to a BACPAC file, visit the Export an Azure SQL database to a BACPAC file page, which
includes detailed instructions for each method listed above.
How do I export personal data from SQL Database with the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard?
This wizard helps you copy data from a source to a destination. For an introduction to the wizard, including how to
get it, permissions information, and how to get help with the tool, visit the Import and Export Data with the SQL
Server Import and Export Wizard web page.
For an overview of steps for the wizard, visit the Steps in the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard web page.

Next Steps:
Azure SQL Database
Azure Active Directory
Discover, identify, and classify personal data in
Microsoft Azure
8/25/2017 • 9 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides guidance on how to discover, identify, and classify personal data in several Azure tools and
services, including using Azure Data Catalog, Azure Active Directory, SQL Database, Power Query for Hadoop
clusters in Azure HDInsight, Azure Information Protection, Azure Search, and SQL queries for Azure Cosmos DB.

Scenario, problem statement, and goal

A U.S.-based sports company collects a variety of personal and other data. This includes customers and employee
data. The company keeps it in multiple databases, and stores it in several different locations in their Azure
environment. In addition to selling sports equipment, they also host and manage registration for elite athletic
events around the world, including in the EU, and in some cases the customer data they collect includes medical
Since the company hosts many international bicycling tours every year and has contingent staff in locations around
the globe, a couple of the data sets are quite large. The company also has developer-built applications that are used
by both customers and employees.
The company wants to address the following problems:
Customer and employee personal data must be classified/distinguished from the other data the company
collects in order to ensure proper access and security.
The data admin needs to easily discover the location of customer personal data across various areas of the
Azure environment.
Customer and employee personal data that appears in shared documents and email communications must be
labeled to help ensure that it’s kept secure.
The company’s app developers need a way to easily search for customer and employee personal data in their
web and mobile apps.
Developers also need to query their document database for personal data.
Company goals
All customer and employee personal data must be tagged/annotated in Azure Data Catalog so it can be found
easily. Ideally customer and employee personal data are tagged/annotated separately.
Personal data from customer and employee user profiles and work information residing in Azure Active
Directory must be easily located.
Personal data residing in multiple SQL databases must be easily queried.
Some of the company’s large data sets are managed through Azure HDInsight and stored in Hadoop. They must
be imported into Excel so they can be queried for personal data.
Personal data shared in documents and email communications must be classified, labeled, and kept secure with
Azure Information Protection.
The company’s app developers must be able to discover customer and employee personal data in the apps
they’ve built, which they can do with Azure Search.
Developers must be able to find personal data in their document database.

Azure Active Directory: Data discovery

Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s cloud-based, multi-tenant directory and identity management service. You can
locate customer and employee user profiles and user work information that contain personal data in your Azure
Active Directory (AAD) environment by using the Azure portal.
This is particularly helpful if you want to find or change personal data for a specific user. You can also add or
change user profile and work information. You must sign in with an account that’s a global admin for the directory.
How do I locate or view user profile and work information?
1. Sign in to the Azure portal with an account that's a global admin for the directory.
2. Select More services, enter Users and groups in the text box, and then select Enter.

3. On the Users and groups blade, select Users.

4. On the Users and groups - Users blade, select a user from the list, and then, on the blade for the selected
user, select Profile to view user profile information that might contain personal data.
5. If you need to add or change user profile information, you can do so, and then, in the command bar, select
6. On the blade for the selected user, select Work Info to view user work information that may contain
personal data.
7. If you need to add or change user work information, you can do so, and then, in the command bar, select

Azure SQL Database: Data discovery

Azure SQL Database is a cloud database that helps developers build and maintain applications. Personal data can
be found in Azure SQL Database using standard SQL queries. Azure SQL elastic query (preview) enables users to
perform cross-database queries.
A detailed SQL database tutorial explains many aspects of using a SQL database, including how to build one and
how to run data queries. The following is a summary of the information available in the tutorial with links to
specific sections.
How do I build a SQL database?
There are three ways to do it:
An Azure SQL database can be created in the Azure portal. In the tutorial, you’ll use a specific set of compute
and storage resources within a resource group and logical server. You’ll use sample data from a fictitious
company called AdventureWorks. You’ll also create a server-level firewall rule. To learn how to do this, visit
the Create an Azure SQL database in the Azure portal tutorial.
A SQL database can also be created in the Azure Cloud Shell CLI, a browser-based command-line tool. The
tool is available in the Azure portal and can be run directly from there. In this tutorial, you launch the tool,
define script variables, create a resource group and logical server, and configure a server firewall rule. Then
you create a database with sample data. To learn how to create your database this way, visit the Create a
single Azure SQL database using the Azure CLI tutorial.

Azure CLI is commonly used by Linux admins and developers. Some users find it easier and more intuitive than PowerShell,
which is your third option.
Finally, you can create a SQL database using PowerShell, which is a command line/script tool used to create and
manage Azure and other resources. In this tutorial, you launch the tool, define script variables, create a resource
group and logical server, and configure a server firewall rule. Then you’ll create a database with sample data.
The tutorial requires the Azure PowerShell module version 4.0 or later. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable AzureRM to
find your version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module.

New-AzureRmSQLDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname `

-ServerName $servername `
-DatabaseName $databasename `
-RequestedServiceObjectiveName "s0"

To learn how to create your database this way, visit the Create a single Azure SQL database using Powershell

Windows admins tend to use PowerShell, but some of them prefer Azure CLI.

How do I search for personal data in SQL database in the Azure portal?**
You can use the built-in query editor tool inside the Azure portal to search for personal data. You’ll log in to the tool
using your SQL server admin login and password, and then enter a query.

Step 5 of the tutorial shows an example query in the query editor pane, but it doesn’t focus on personal or sensitive
information(it also combines data from two tables and creates aliases for the source column in the data set being
returned). The following screenshot shows the query from Step 5 as well as the results pane that’s returned:
If your database was called MyTable, a sample query for personal information might include name, Social Security
number and ID number and would look like this:
“SELECT Name, SSN, ID number FROM MyTable”
You’d run the query and then see the results in the Results pane.
For more information on how to query a SQL database in the Azure portal, visit the Query the SQL database section
of the tutorial.
How do I search for data across multiple databases?
SQL elastic query (preview) enables you to perform cross-database and multiple database queries and return a
single result. The tutorial overview includes a detailed description of scenarios and explains the difference between
vertical and horizontal database partitioning. Horizontal partitioning is called “sharding.”
To get started, visit the Azure SQL Database elastic query overview (preview) page.
Power Query (for importing Azure HDInsight Hadoop clusters ): data discovery for large data sets
Hadoop is an open source Apache storage and processing service for large data sets, which are analyzed and stored
in Hadoop clusters. Azure HDInsight allows users to work with Hadoop clusters in Azure. Power Query is an Excel
add-in that, among other things, helps users discover data from different sources.
Personal data associated with Hadoop clusters in Azure HDInsight can be imported to Excel with Power Query.
Once the data is in Excel you can use a query to identify it.
How do I use Excel Power Query to import Hadoop clusters in Azure HDInsight into Excel?
An HDInsight tutorial will walk you through this entire process. It explains prerequisites, and includes a link to a Get
started with Azure HDInsight tutorial. Instructions cover Excel 2016 as well as 2013 and 2010 (steps are slightly
different for the older versions of Excel). If you don’t have the Excel Power Query add-in, the tutorial shows you
how to get it. You’ll start the tutorial in Excel and will need to have an Azure Blob storage account associated with
your cluster.
To learn how to do this, visit the Connect Excel to Hadoop by using Power Query tutorial.
Source: Connect Excel to Hadoop by using Power Query

Azure Information Protection: personal data classification for

documents and email
Azure Information Protection can help Azure customers apply labels to classify and protect internally or externally
shared documents and email communications. Some of these items may contain customer or employee personal
information. Rules and conditions can be defined automatically or manually, by administrators or by users. For
example, if a user is saving a document that includes credit card information, he or she would see a label
recommendation that was configured by the administrator.
How do I try it?
If you’d like to give Azure Information Protection a try to see if it might be a fit for your organization, visit the
Quickstart tutorial. It walks you through five basic steps—from installation to configuring policy to seeing
classification, labeling, and sharing in action—and should take less than a half hour.
How do I deploy it?
If you’d like to deploy Azure Information Protection for your organization, visit the deployment roadmap for
classification, labeling, and protection.
Is there anything else I should know?
For complementary information that will help you think through how to set it up, visit the Ready, set, protect! blog
post. And check the Learn more links listed below for more on Azure Information Protection.

Azure Search: data discovery for developer apps

Azure Search is a cloud search solution for developers, and provides a rich data search experience for your
applications. Azure Search allows you to locate data across user-defined indexes, sourced from Azure Cosmo DB,
Azure SQL Database, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Table storage, or custom customer JSON data. You can also
structure Lucene queries using the Azure Search REST API to search for personal data types or the personal data of
specific individuals. Features include full text search, simple query syntax, and Lucene query syntax.

How do I use SQL to query data?

To begin with the basics, visit the Azure CosmosD DB: How to query using SQL tutorial. The tutorial provides a
sample document and two sample SQL queries and results.
For more in-depth guidance on building SQL queries, visit SQL queries for Azure Cosmos DB Document DB API.
If you’re new to Azure Cosmos DB and would like to learn how to create a database, add a collection, and add data,
visit the Azure Cosmos DB: Build a DocumentDB API web app Quickstart tutorial. If you’d like to do this in a
language other than .NET, such as Java or Python, just choose your preferred language once you get to the site.

Next steps
Azure SQL Database
What is SQL Database?
SQL Database Query Editor available in Azure portal
What is Azure Information Protection?
What is Azure Rights Management?
Azure Information Protection: Ready, set, protect!
Protect personal data in Microsoft Azure
8/30/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

This article introduces a series of articles that help you use Azure security technologies and services to protect
personal data. This is a key requirement for many corporate and industry compliance and governance initiatives.
The scenario, problem statement and company goals are included here.

Scenario and problem statement

A large cruise company, headquartered in the United States, is expanding its operations to offer itineraries in the
Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Baltic seas, as well as the British Isles. To support those efforts, it has acquired several
smaller cruise lines based in Italy, Germany, Denmark and the U.K.
The company uses Microsoft Azure to store corporate data in the cloud. This may include customer and/or
employee information such as:
phone numbers
tax identification numbers
credit card information
The company must protect the privacy of customer and employee data while making data accessible to those
departments that need it. (such as payroll and reservations departments)

Company goals
Data sources that contain personal data are encrypted when residing in cloud storage.
Personal data that is transferred from one location to another is encrypted while in-transit. This is true if the
data is traveling across the virtual network or across the Internet between the corporate datacenter and the
Azure cloud.
Confidentiality and integrity of personal data is protected from unauthorized access by strong identity
management and access control technologies.
Personal data is protected from exposure via data breach via monitoring for vulnerabilities and threats.
The security state of Azure services that store or transmit personal data is assessed to identify opportunities
to better protect personal data.

Data protection guidance

The following articles contain technical how-to guidance that will help you attain the personal data protection goals
listed above:
Azure encryption technologies
Azure encryption technologies
Azure identity and access technologies
Azure network security technologies
Azure Security Center
Next steps
Azure Security Information Site
Microsoft Trust Center
Azure Security Center
Azure Security Team Blog Blog - Security
Protect personal data from breaches and attacks:
Azure Security Center
8/28/2017 • 8 min to read • Edit Online

This article will help you understand how to use Azure Security Center to protect personal data from breaches and

A large cruise company, headquartered in the United States, is expanding its operations to offer itineraries in the
Mediterranean, and Baltic seas, as well as the British Isles. To help in those efforts, it has acquired several smaller
cruise lines based in Italy, Germany, Denmark, and the U.K.
The company uses Microsoft Azure to store corporate data in the cloud. This includes personal identifiable
information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information. It also includes Human
Resources information such as:
Phone numbers
Tax identification numbers
Medical information
The cruise line also maintains a large database of reward and loyalty program members. Corporate employees
access the network from the company’s remote offices and travel agents located around the world have access to
some company resources. Personal data travels across the network between these locations and the Microsoft data

Problem statement
The company is concerned about the threat of attacks on their Azure resources. They want to prevent exposure of
customers’ and employees’ personal data to unauthorized persons. They want guidance on both prevention and
response/remediation, as well as an effective way to monitor the ongoing security of their cloud resources. They
need a strong line of defense against today’s sophisticated and organized attackers.

Company goal
One of the company’s goals is to ensure the privacy of customers’ and employees’ personal data by protecting it
from threats. One of their goals is to respond immediately to signs of breach to mitigate the impact. It requires a
way to assess the current state of security, identify vulnerable configurations, and remediate them.

Microsoft Azure Security Center (ASC) provides an integrated security monitoring and policy management
solution. It delivers easy-to-use and effective threat prevention, detection, and response capabilities.
ASC helps you prevent breaches by enabling you to set security policies, provide just-in-time access, and
implement security recommendations.
A security policy defines the set of controls recommended for resources within the specified subscription. Just in
time access can be used to lock down inbound traffic to your Azure VMs, reducing exposure to attacks. Security
recommendations are created by ASC after analyzing the security state of your Azure resources.
How do I set security policies in ASC?
You can configure security policies for each subscription. To modify a security policy, you must be an owner or
contributor of that subscription. In the Azure portal, do the following:
1. Select Policy in the ASC dashboard.
2. Select the subscription on which you want to enable the policy.
3. Choose Prevention policy to configure policies per subscription. Collect data from virtual machines
should be set to On.
4. In the Prevention policy options, select On to enable the security recommendations that are relevant for
the subscription.

For more detailed instructions and an explanation of each of the policy recommendations that can be enabled, see
Set security policies in Azure Security Center.
How do I configure Just in Time Access (JIT)?
When JIT is enabled, Security Center locks down inbound traffic to your Azure VMs by creating an NSG rule. You
select the ports on the VM to which inbound traffic will be locked down. To use JIT access, do the following:
1. Select the Just in time VM access tile on the ASC blade.
2. Select the Recommended tab.
3. Under VMs, select the VMs that you want to enable. This puts a checkmark next to a VM.
4. Select Enable JIT on VMs.
5. Select Save.
Then you can see the default ports that ASC recommends being enabled for JIT. You can also add and configure a
new port on which you want to enable the just in time solution. The Just in time VM access tile in the Security
Center shows the number of VMs configured for JIT access. It also shows the number of approved access requests
made in the last week.

For instructions on how to do this, and additional information about Just in Time access, see Manage virtual
machine access using just in time.
How do I implement ASC security recommendations?
When Security Center identifies potential security vulnerabilities, it creates recommendations. The
recommendations guide you through the process of configuring the needed controls.
1. Select the Recommendations tile on the ASC dashboard.
2. View the recommendations, which are shown in a table format where each line represents one
3. To filter recommendations, select Filter and select the severity and state values you wish to see.
4. To dismiss a recommendation that is not applicable, you can right click and select Dismiss.
5. Evaluate which recommendation should be applied first.
6. Apply the recommendations in order of priority.
For a list of possible recommendations and walk-throughs on how to apply each, see Managing security
recommendations in Azure Security Center.
Detection and Response
Detection and response go together, as you want to respond as quickly as possible after a threat is detected. ASC
threat detection works by automatically collecting security information from your Azure resources, the network,
and connected partner solutions. ASC can rapidly update its detection algorithms as attackers release new and
increasingly sophisticated exploits. For more detailed information on how ASC’s threat detection works, see Azure
Security Center detection capabilities.
How do I manage and respond to security alerts?
A list of prioritized security alerts is shown in Security Center along with the information you need to quickly
investigate the problem. Security Center also includes recommendations for how to remediate an attack. To
manage your security alerts, do the following:
1. Select the Security alerts tile in the ASC dashboard. This shows details for each alert.
2. To filter alerts based on date, state, and severity, select Filter and then select the values you want to see.
3. To respond to an alert, select it and review the information, then select the resource that was attacked.
4. In the Description field, you’ll see details, including recommended remediation.

For more detailed instructions on responding to security alerts, see Managing and responding to security alerts in
Azure Security Center.
For further help in investigating security alerts, the company can integrate ASC alerts with its own SIEM solution,
using Azure Log Integration.
How do I manage security incidents?
In ASC, a security incident is an aggregation of all alerts for a resource that align with kill chain patterns. An
Incident will reveal the list of related alerts, which enables you to obtain more information about each occurrence.
Incidents appear in the Security Alerts tile and blade.
To review and manage security incidents, do the following:
1. Select the Security alerts tile. if a security incident is detected, it will appear under the security alerts graph.
It will have an icon that’s different from other alerts.
2. Select the incident to see more details about this security incident. Additional details include its full
description, its severity, its current state, the attacked resource, the remediation steps for the incident, and
the alerts that were included in this incident.
You can filter to see incidents only, alerts only, or both.
How do I access the Threat Intelligence Report?
ASC analyzes information from multiple sources to identify threats. To assist incident response teams investigate
and remediate threats, Security Center includes a threat intelligence report that contains information about the
threat that was detected.
Security Center has three types of threat reports, which can vary per attack. The reports available are:
Activity Group Report: provides deep dives into attackers, their objectives and tactics.
Campaign Report: focuses on details of specific attack campaigns.
Threat Summary Report: covers all items in the previous two reports.
This type of information is very useful during the incident response process, where there is an ongoing
investigation to understand the source of the attack, the attacker’s motivations, and what to do to mitigate this
issue moving forward.
1. To access the threat intelligence report, do the following:
2. Select the Security alerts tile on the ASC dashboard.
3. Select the security alert for which you want to obtain more information.
4. In the Reports field, click the link to the threat intelligence report.
5. This will open the PDF file, which you can download.

For additional information about the ASC threat intelligence report, see Azure Security Center Threat Intelligence
To help with testing, assessment and evaluation of your security posture, ASC provides for integrated vulnerability
assessment with Qualys cloud agents, as a part of its virtual machine recommendations component.
The Qualys agent reports vulnerability data to the Qualys management platform, which then sends vulnerability
and health monitoring data back to ASC. The recommendation to add a vulnerability assessment solution is
displayed in the Recommendations blade on the ASC dashboard.
After the vulnerability assessment solution is installed on the target VM, Security Center scans the VM to detect and
identify system and application vulnerabilities. Detected issues are shown under the Virtual Machines
Recommendations option.
How do I implement a vulnerability assessment solution?
If a Virtual Machine does not have an integrated vulnerability assessment solution already deployed, Security
Center recommends that it be installed.
1. In the ASC dashboard, on the Recommendations blade, select Add a vulnerability assessment solution.
2. Select the VMs where you want to install the vulnerability assessment solution.
3. Click on Install on [number of] VMs.
4. Select a partner solution in the Azure Marketplace, or under Use existing solution, select Qualys.
5. You can turn the auto update settings on or off in the Partner Solutions blade.
For further instructions on how to implement a vulnerability assessment solution, see Vulnerability Assessment in
Azure Security Center.

Next steps
Azure Security Center quick start guide
Introduction to Azure Security Center
Integrating Azure Security Center alerts with Azure log integration
Boost Azure Security Center with Integrated Vulnerability Assessment
Protect personal data with network security features:
Azure Application Gateway and Network Security
8/30/2017 • 6 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides information and procedures that will help you use Azure Application Gateway and Network
Security Groups to protect personal data.
An important element in a multi-layered security strategy to protect the privacy of personal data is a defense
against common vulnerability exploits such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting. Keeping unwanted network
traffic out of your Azure virtual network helps protect against potential compromise of sensitive data, and
Microsoft Azure gives you tools to help protect your data against attackers.

A large cruise company, headquartered in the United States, is expanding its operations to offer itineraries in the
Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Baltic seas, as well as the British Isles. In furtherance of those efforts, it has acquired
several smaller cruise lines based in Italy, Germany, Denmark and the U.K.
The company uses Microsoft Azure to store corporate data in the cloud and run applications on virtual machines
that process and access this data. This data includes personal identifiable information such as names, addresses,
phone numbers, and credit card information of its global customer base. It also includes traditional Human
Resources information such as addresses, phone numbers, tax identification numbers and other information about
company employees in all locations. The cruise line also maintains a large database of reward and loyalty program
members that includes personal information to track relationships with current and past customers.
Corporate employees access the network from the company’s remote offices and travel agents located around the
world have access to some company resources and use web-based applications hosted in Azure VMs to interact
with it.

Problem statement
The company must protect the privacy of customers’ and employees’ personal data from attackers who exploit
software vulnerabilities to run malicious code that could expose personal data stored or used by the company’s
cloud-based applications.

Company goal
The company’s goal to ensure that unauthorized persons cannot access corporate Azure Virtual Networks and the
applications and data that reside there by exploiting common vulnerabilities.

Microsoft Azure provides security mechanisms to help prevent unwanted traffic from entering Azure Virtual
Networks. Control of inbound and outbound traffic is traditionally performed by firewalls. In Azure, you can use the
Application Gateway with the Web Application Firewall and Network Security Groups (NSG), which act as a simple
distributed firewall. These tools enable you to detect and block unwanted network traffic.
Application Gateway/Web Application Firewall
The Web Application Firewall (WAF) component of the Azure Application Gateway protects web applications, which
are increasingly targets of malicious attacks that exploit common known vulnerabilities. A centralized WAF both
protects against web attacks and simplifies security management without requiring any application changes.
Azure WAF addresses various attack categories including SQL injection, cross site scripting, HTTP protocol
violations and anomalies, bots, crawlers, scanners, common application misconfigurations, HTTP Denial of Service,
and other common attacks such as command injection, HTTP request smuggling, HTTP response splitting, and
remote file inclusion attacks.
You can create an application gateway with WAF, or add WAF to an existing application gateway. In either case,
Azure Application Gateway requires its own subnet.
How do I create an application gateway with WAF?
To create a new application gateway with WAF enabled, do the following:
1. Log in to the Azure portal and in the Favorites pane of the portal, click New
2. In the New blade, click Networking.
3. Click Application Gateway.
4. Navigate to the Azure portal, click New > Networking > Application Gateway.

5. In the Basics blade that appears, enter the values for the following fields: Name, Tier (Standard or WAF),
SKU size (Small, Medium, or Large), Instance count (2 for high availability), Subscription, Resource group,
and Location.
6. In the Settings blade that appears under Virtual network, click Choose a virtual network. This step
opens enter the Choose virtual network blade.
7. Click Create new to open the Create virtual network blade.
8. Enter the following values: Name, Address space, Subnet name, Subnet address range. Click OK.
9. On the Settings blade under Frontend IP configuration, choose the IP address type.
10. Click Choose a public IP address, then Create new.
11. Accept the default value, and click OK.
12. On the Settings blade under Listener configuration, select to use HTTP or HTTPS under Protocol. To use
HTTPS, a certificate is required.
13. Configure the WAF specific settings: Firewall status (Enabled) and Firewall mode (Prevention). If you
choose Detection as the mode, traffic is only logged.
14. Review the Summary page and click OK. Now the application gateway is queued up and created.
After the application gateway has been created, you can navigate to it in the portal and continue configuration of
the application gateway.

How do I add WAF to an existing application?

To update an existing application gateway to support WAF in prevention mode, do the following:
1. In the Azure portal Favorites pane, click All resources.
2. Click the existing Application Gateway in the All resources blade.

Note: If the subscription you selected already has several resources in it, you can enter the name in the Filter by
name… box to easily access the DNS zone.

3. Click Web application firewall and update the application gateway settings: Upgrade to WAF Tier (checked),
Firewall status (enabled), Firewall mode (Prevention). You also need to configure the rule set, and configure
disabled rules.
For more detailed information on how to create a new application gateway with WAF and how to add WAF to an
existing application gateway, see Create an application gateway with web application firewall by using the portal.
Network Security Groups
A network security group (NSG) contains a list of security rules that allow or deny network traffic to resources
connected to Azure Virtual Networks (VNet). NSGs can be associated to subnets or individual VMs. When an NSG
is associated to a subnet, the rules apply to all resources connected to the subnet. Traffic can further be restricted
by also associating an NSG to a VM or NIC.
NSGs contain four properties: Name, Region, Resource group, and Rules.

Although an NSG exists in a resource group, it can be associated to resources in any resource group, as long as the resource
is part of the same Azure region as the NSG.
NSG rules contain nine properties: Name, Protocol (TCP, UDP, or *, which includes ICMP as well as UDP and TCP),
Source port range, Destination port range, Source address prefix, Destination address prefix, Direction (inbound or
outbound), Priority (between 100 and 4096) and Access type (allow or deny). All NSGs contain a set of default rules
that can be deleted, or overridden by the rules you create.
How do I implement NSGs?
Implementing NSGs requires planning, and there are several design considerations you need to take into account.
These include limits on the number of NSGs per subscription and rules per NSG; VNet and subnet design, special
rules, ICMP traffic, isolation of tiers with subnets, load balancers, and more.
For more guidance in planning and implementing NSGs, and a sample deployment scenario, see Filter network
traffic with network security groups.
How do I create rules in an NSG?
To create inbound rules in an existing NSG, do the following:
1. Click Browse, and then Network security groups.
2. In the list of NSGs, click NSG-FrontEnd, and then Inbound security rules.
3. In the list of Inbound security rules, click Add.
4. Enter the values in the following fields: Name, Priority, Source, Protocol, Source range, Destination,
Destination port range, and Action.
The new rule will appear in the NSG after a few seconds.

For more instructions on how to create NSGs in subnets, create rules, and associate an NSG with a front-end and
back-end subnet, see Create network security groups using the Azure portal.

Next steps
Azure Network Security
Azure Network Security Best Practices
Get information about a network security group
Web application firewall (WAF)
Azure Active Directory and Multi-Factor
Authentication: Protect personal data with identity
and access controls
8/30/2017 • 6 min to read • Edit Online

This article provides information and procedures you can use to protect personal data using Azure Active Directory
and Multi-factor authentication security features and services.

A large cruise company, headquartered in the United States, is expanding its operations to offer itineraries in the
Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Baltic seas, as well as the British Isles. To support those efforts, it has acquired several
smaller cruise lines based in Italy, Germany, Denmark and the U.K.
The company uses Microsoft Azure to store corporate data in the cloud. This includes personal identifiable
information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information of its global customer base. It
also includes traditional Human Resources information such as addresses, phone numbers, tax identification
numbers and other information about company employees in all locations. The cruise line also maintains a large
database of reward and loyalty program members that includes personal information to track relationships with
current and past customers.
Corporate employees access the network from the company’s remote offices and travel agents located around the
world have access to some company resources.

Problem statement
The company must protect the privacy of customers’ and employees’ personal data from attackers seeking to use
compromised identities to gain access. They also must ensure that access to personal data by legitimate users is
restricted to only those who need it to do their jobs.

Company goal
The company’s goal is to ensure that access to personal data is strictly controlled. It is essential that identities of
users with access to personal data be protected by strong authentication. A policy of least privilege must be
enforced so that legitimate users have only the level of access they need, and no more.

Microsoft Azure provides identity and access management tools to help companies control who has access to
resources that contain personal data.
Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory (AAD) manages identities and controls access to Azure as well as other on-premises and
other cloud resources, data, and applications. Azure Active Directory Privileged Identity Management helps Azure
administrators to minimize the number of people who have access to certain information such as personal data. It
enables them to discover, restrict, and monitor privileged identities and their access to resources, and to assign
temporary, Just-In-Time (JIT) administrative rights to eligible users. It also provides insight into those who have
AAD administrative privileges.
The activities involved in using AAD PIM include:
Enabling Privileged Identity Management for your directory
Using Privileged Identity Management admin dashboard to see important information at a glance
Managing the privileged identities (administrators) by adding or removing permanent or eligible
administrators to each role
Configuring the role activation settings
Activating roles
Reviewing role activity
How do I enable AAD PIM?
To start using PIM for your directory, do the following:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a global administrator of your directory.
2. If your organization has more than one directory, select your username in the upper right-hand corner of
the Azure portal. Select the directory where you will use Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.
3. Select More services and use the Filter textbox to search for Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.
4. Check Pin to dashboard and then click Create. The Privileged Identity Management application opens.
Once Azure AD Privileged Identity Management is set up, you see the navigation blade whenever you open the

For more information and instructions on getting started with AAD PIM, see Start Using Azure AD Privileged
Identity Management.
Azure Role -based Access Control
Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) helps Azure administrators manage access to Azure resources by
enabling the granting of access based on the user’s assigned role. You can segregate duties within a team and
grant only the amount of access to users, groups and applications that they need to perform their jobs.
Role-based access can be granted to users using the Azure portal, Azure Command-Line tools or Azure
Management APIs.
For more information about Azure RBAC basics, see Get started with Role-Based Access Control in the Azure Portal.
How do I manage Azure RBAC with PowerShell?
You can use PowerShell cmdlets to manage Azure RBAC, including the following management tasks:
List roles
See who has access
Grant access
Remove access
Create a custom role
Get Actions for a Resource Provider
Modify a custom role
Delete a custom role
List custom roles
For instructions on how to manage Azure RBAC with PowerShell, see Manage Role-based Access with Azure
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a two-step verification solution that helps safeguard access to data and
applications, while meeting user demand for a simple sign-in process. It delivers strong authentication via a range
of verification methods, including phone call, text message, or mobile app verification.
To deploy MFA in the Azure cloud, you need to first enable it and then turn on two-step verification for users.
How do I enable Azure to use MFA?
If your users have licenses that include Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, there's nothing that you need to do to
turn on Azure MFA. If not, you need to create a Multi-Factor Auth provider in your directory. To do this, follow these
1. Select Active Directory in the Azure classic portal (logged on as an administrator).
2. Select Multi-Factor Authentication Providers.
3. Select New, and then under App Services, select Multi-Factor Auth Provider.
4. Select Quick Create.
5. Fill in the name field and select a usage model (per authentication or per enabled user).
6. Designate a directory with which the MFA Provider is associated.
7. Click the Create button.
For more instructions on how to manage your Multi-Factor Auth Provider, see Getting Started with an Azure Multi-
Factor Auth Provider.
How do I turn on two-step verification for users?
You can enforce two-step verification for all sign-ins, or you can create conditional access policies to require two-
step verification only when specific conditions apply.
Enabling Azure MFA by changing user states is the traditional approach for requiring two-step verification. All the
users that you enable will have the same requirement to perform two-step verification every time they sign in.
Enabling a user overrides any conditional access policies that may affect that user.
Enabling Azure MFA with a conditional access policy is a more flexible approach for requiring two-step verification.
You can create conditional access policies that apply to groups as well as individual users. High-risk groups can be
given more restrictions than low-risk groups, or two-step verification can be required only for high-risk cloud apps
and skipped for low-risk ones. However, conditional access is a paid feature of Azure Active Directory.
To enable MFA by changing user state, do the following:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an administrator.
2. Go to Azure Active Directory > Users and groups > All users.
3. Select Multi-Factor Authentication.
4. Find the user that you want to enable for Azure MFA. You may need to change the view at the top.
5. Check the box next to the user’s name.
6. On the right, under quick steps, choose Enable.
7. Confirm your selection in the pop-up window that opens. Users for whom MFA has been enabled will be
asked to register the next time they sign in.
To enable Azure MFA with a conditional access policy, do the following:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an administrator.
2. Go to Azure Active Directory > Conditional access.
3. Select New policy.
4. Under Assignments, select Users and groups. Use the Include and Exclude tabs to specify which users
and groups will be managed by the policy.
5. Under Assignments, select Cloud apps. Choose to include All cloud apps.
6. Under Access controls, select Grant. Choose Require multi-factor authentication.
7. Turn Enable policy to On and then select Save.
For information on how to configure Azure MFA settings to set up fraud alerts, create a one-time bypass, use
custom voice messages, configure caching, specify trusted IPs, create app passwords, enable remembering MFA for
devices that users trust, and select verification methods, see Configure Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Settings.

Next steps
Securing privileged access in Azure AD
Frequently asked questions about Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Role-based Access Control troubleshooting
Azure Active Directory Identity Protection
9/6/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

title: Azure Protect personal data at rest with encryption | Microsoft Docs description: This article is part of a series
helping you use Azure to protect personal data services: security documentationcenter: na author: Barclayn
manager: MBaldwin editor: TomSh
ms.assetid: ms.service: security ms.devlang: na ms.topic: article ms.tgt_pltfrm: na ms.workload: na
08/22/2017 barclayn ms.custom:

Azure encryption technologies: Protect personal data at rest

with encryption
This article helps you understand and use Azure encryption technologies to secure data at rest.
Encryption of data at rest is essential as a best practice to protect sensitive or personal data and to meet
compliance and data privacy requirements. Encryption at rest is designed to prevent the attacker from accessing
the unencrypted data by ensuring the data is encrypted when on disk.

A large cruise company, headquartered in the United States, is expanding its operations to offer itineraries in the
Mediterranean, and Baltic seas, as well as the British Isles. To support those efforts, it has acquired several smaller
cruise lines based in Italy, Germany, Denmark, and the U.K.
The company uses Microsoft Azure to store corporate data in the cloud. This may include customer and/or
employee information such as:
phone numbers
tax identification numbers
credit card information
The company must protect the privacy of customer and employee data while making data accessible to those
departments that need it. (such as payroll and reservations departments)
The cruise line also maintains a large database of reward and loyalty program members that includes personal
information to track relationships with current and past customers.
Problem statement
The company must protect the privacy of customers' and employees’ personal data while making data accessible
to those departments that need it (such as payroll and reservations departments). This personal data is stored
outside of the corporate-controlled data center and is not under the company’s physical control.
Company goal
As part of a multi-layered defense-in-depth security strategy, it is a company goal to ensure that all data sources
that contain personal data are encrypted, including those residing in cloud storage. If unauthorized persons gain
access to the personal data, it must be in a form that will render it unreadable. Applying encryption should be easy,
or transparent – for users and administrators.
Azure services provide multiple tools and technologies to help you protect personal data at rest by encrypting it.
Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault provides secure storage for the keys used to encrypt data at rest in Azure services and is the
recommended key storage and management solution. Encryption key management is essential to securing stored
How do I use Azure Key Vault to protect keys that encrypt personal data?
To use Azure Key Vault, you need a subscription to an Azure account. You also need Azure PowerShell installed.
Steps include using PowerShell cmdlets to do the following:
1. Connect to your subscriptions
2. Create a key vault
3. Add a key or secret to the key vault
4. Register applications that will use the key vault with Azure Active Directory
5. Authorize the applications to use the key or secret
To create a key vault, use the New-AzureRmKeyVault PowerShell CmDlt. You will assign a vault name, resource
group name, and geographic location. You’ll use the vault name when managing keys via other Cmdlets.
Applications that use the vault through the REST API will use the vault URI.
Azure Key Vault can provide a software-protected key for you, or you can import an existing key in a .PFX file. You
can also store secrets (passwords) in the vault.
You can also generate a key in your local HSM and transfer it to HSMs in the Key Vault service, without the key
leaving the HSM boundary.
For detailed instructions on using Azure Key Vault, follow the steps in Get Started with Azure Key Vault.
For a list of PowerShell Cmdlets used with Azure Key Vault, see AzureRM.KeyVault.
Azure Disk Encryption for Windows
Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs protects personal data at rest on Azure virtual machines
and integrates with Azure Key Vault. Azure Disk Encryption uses BitLocker in Windows and DM-Crypt in Linux to
encrypt both the OS and the data disks. Azure Disk Encryption is supported on Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows
Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, and on Windows 8 and Windows 10 clients.
How do I use Azure Disk Encryption to protect personal data?
To use Azure Disk Encryption, you need a subscription to an Azure account. To enable Azure Disk Encryption for
Windows and Linux VMs, do the following:
1. Use the Azure Disk Encryption Resource Manager template, PowerShell, or the command line interface (CLI)
to enable disk encryption and specify the encryption configuration.
2. Grant access to the Azure platform to read the encryption material from your key vault.
3. Provide an Azure Active Directory (AAD) application identity to write the encryption key material to your key
Azure will update the VM and the key vault configuration, and set up your encrypted VM.
When you set up your key vault to support Azure Disk Encryption, you can add a key encryption key (KEK) for
added security and to support backup of encrypted virtual machines.
Detailed instructions for specific deployment scenarios and user experiences are included in Azure Disk Encryption
for Windows and Linux IaaS VMs.
Azure Storage Service Encryption
Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) for Data at Rest helps you protect and safeguard your data to meet your
organizational security and compliance commitments. Azure Storage automatically encrypts your data using 256-
bit AES encryption prior to persisting to storage, and decrypts it prior to retrieval. This service is available for Azure
Blobs and Files.
How do I use Storage Service Encryption to protect personal data?
To enable Storage Service Encryption, do the following:
1. Log into the Azure portal.
2. Select a storage account.
3. In Settings, under the Blob Service section, select Encryption.
4. Under the File Service section, select Encryption.
After you click the Encryption setting, you can enable or disable Storage Service Encryption.

New data will be encrypted. Data in existing files in this storage account will remain unencrypted.
After enabling encryption, copy data to the storage account using one of the following methods:
1. Copy blobs or files with the AzCopy Command Line utility.
2. Mount a file share using SMB so you can use a utility such as Robocopy to copy files.
3. Copy blob or file data to and from blob storage or between storage accounts using Storage Client Libraries
such as .NET.
4. Use a Storage Explorer to upload blobs to your storage account with encryption enabled.
Transparent Data Encryption
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is a feature in SQL Azure by which you can encrypt data at both the database
and server levels. TDE is now enabled by default on all newly created databases. TDE performs real-time I/O
encryption and decryption of the data and log files.
How do I use TDE to protect personal data?
You can configure TDE through the Azure portal, by using the REST API, or by using PowerShell. To enable TDE on
an existing database using the Azure Portal, do the following:
1. Visit the Azure portal at and sign-in with your Azure Administrator or Contributor
2. On the left banner, click to BROWSE, and then click SQL databases.
3. With SQL databases selected in the left pane, click your user database.
4. In the database blade, click All settings.
5. In the Settings blade, click Transparent data encryption part to open the Transparent data encryption blade.
6. In the Data encryption blade, move the Data encryption button to On, and then click Save (at the top of the
page) to apply the setting. The Encryption status will approximate the progress of the transparent data

Instructions on how to enable TDE and information on decrypting TDE-protected databases and more can be found
in the article Transparent Data Encryption with Azure SQL Database.

The company can accomplish its goal of encrypting personal data stored in the Azure cloud. They can do this by
using Azure Disk Encryption to protect entire volumes. This may include both the operating system files and data
files that hold personal identifiable information and other sensitive data. Azure Storage Service encryption can be
used to protect personal data that is stored in blobs and files. For data that is stored in Azure SQL databases,
Transparent Data Encryption provides protection from unauthorized exposure of personal information.
To protect the keys that are used to encrypt data in Azure, the company can use Azure Key Vault. This streamlines
the key management process and enables the company to maintain control of keys that access and encrypt
personal data.

Next steps
Azure Disk Encryption Troubleshooting Guide
Encrypt an Azure Virtual Machine
Encryption of data in Azure Data Lake Store
Azure Cosmos DB database encryption at rest
Azure encryption technologies: Protect personal data
in transit with encryption
8/30/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

This article will help you understand and use Azure encryption technologies to secure data in transit.
Protecting the privacy of personal data as it travels across the network is an essential part of a multi-layered
defense-in-depth security strategy. Encryption in transit is designed to prevent an attacker who intercepts
transmissions from being able to view or use the data.

A large cruise company, headquartered in the United States, is expanding its operations to offer itineraries in the
Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Baltic seas, as well as the British Isles. To support those efforts, it has acquired several
smaller cruise lines based in Italy, Germany, Denmark and the U.K.
The company uses Microsoft Azure to store corporate data in the cloud. This includes personal identifiable
information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information of its global customer base. It
also includes traditional Human Resource information such as addresses, phone numbers, tax identification
numbers and other information about company employees in all locations. The cruise line also maintains a large
database of reward and loyalty program members that includes personal information to track relationships with
current and past customers.
Personal data of customers is entered in the database from the company’s remote offices and from travel agents
located around the world. Documents containing customer information are transferred across the network to
Azure storage.

Problem statement
The company must protect the privacy of customers’ and employees’ personal data while it is in transit to and from
Azure services.

Company goal
The company goal to ensure that personal data is encrypted when off disk. If unauthorized persons intercept the
off-disk personal data, it must be in a form that will render it unreadable. Applying encryption should be easy, or
completely transparent, for users and administrators.

Azure services provide multiple tools and technologies to help you protect personal data in transit.
Azure Storage
Data that is stored in the cloud must travel from the client, which can be physically located anywhere in the world,
to the Azure data center. When that data is retrieved by users, it travels again, in the opposite direction. Data that is
in transit over the public Internet is always at risk of interception by attackers. It is important to protect the privacy
of personal data by using transport-level encryption to secure it as it moves between locations.
The HTTPS protocol provides a secure, encrypted communications channel over the Internet. HTTPS should be used
to access objects in Azure Storage and when calling REST APIs. You enforce use of the HTTPS protocol when using
Shared Access Signatures (SAS) to delegate access to Azure Storage objects. There are two types of SAS: Service
SAS and Account SAS.
How do I construct a Service SAS?
A Service SAS delegates access to a resource in just one of the storage services (blob, queue, table or file service).
To construct a Service SAS, do the following:
1. Specify the Signed Version Field
2. Specify the Signed Resource (Blob and File Service Only)
3. Specify Query Parameters to Override Response Headers (Blob Service and File Service Only)
4. Specify the Table Name (Table Service Only)
5. Specify the Access Policy
6. Specify the Signature Validity Interval
7. Specify Permissions
8. Specify IP Address or IP Range
9. Specify the HTTP Protocol
10. Specify Table Access Ranges
11. Specify the Signed Identifier
12. Specify the Signature
For more detailed instructions, see Constructing a Service SAS.
How do I construct an Account SAS?
An Account SAS delegates access to resources in one or more of the storage services. You can also delegate access
to read, write, and delete operations on blob containers, tables, queues, and file shares that are not permitted with a
service SAS. Construction of an Account SAS is similar to that of a Service SAS. For detailed instructions, see
Constructing an Account SAS.
How do I enforce HTTPS when calling REST APIs?
To enforce the use of HTTPS when calling REST APIs to access objects in storage accounts, you can enable Secure
Transfer Required for the storage account.
1. In the Azure portal, select Create Storage Account, or for an existing storage account, select Settings and
then Configuration.
2. Under Secure Transfer Required, select Enabled.
For more detailed instructions, including how to enable Secure Transfer Required programmatically, see Require
Secure Transfer.
How do I encrypt data in Azure File Storage?
To encrypt data in transit with Azure File Storage, you can use SMB 3.x with Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 and with
Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016. When you are using the Azure Files service, any connection
without encryption fails when "Secure transfer required" is enabled. This includes scenarios using SMB 2.1, SMB 3.0
without encryption, and some flavors of the Linux SMB client.
Azure Client-Side Encryption
Another option for protecting personal data while it’s being transferred between a client application and Azure
Storage is Client-side Encryption. The data is encrypted before being transferred into Azure Storage and when you
retrieve the data from Azure Storage, the data is decrypted after it is received on the client side.
Azure Site -to -Site VPN
An effective way to protect personal data in transit between a corporate network or user and the Azure virtual
network is to use a site-to-site or point-to-site Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN connection creates a secure
encrypted tunnel across the Internet.
How do I create a site-to-site VPN connection?
A site-to-site VPN connects multiple users on the corporate network to Azure. To create a site-to-site connection in
the Azure portal, do the following:
1. Create a virtual network.
2. Specify a DNS server.
3. Create the gateway subnet.
4. Create the VPN gateway.

5. Create the local network gateway.

6. Configure your VPN device.

7. Create the VPN connection.
8. Verify the VPN connection.
For more detailed instructions on how to create a site-to-site connection in the Azure portal, see Create a Site-to-
Site connection in the Azure Portal.
How do I create a point-to-site VPN connection?
A Point-to-Site VPN creates a secure connection from an individual client computer to a virtual network. This is
useful when you want to connect to Azure from a remote location, such as from home or a hotel or conference
center. To create a point-to-site connection in the Azure portal,
1. Create a virtual network.
2. Add a gateway subnet.
3. Specify a DNS server. (optional)
4. Create a virtual network gateway.
5. Generate certificates.
6. Add the client address pool.
7. Upload the root certificate public certificate data.
8. Generate and install the VPN client configuration package.
9. Install an exported client certificate.
10. Connect to Azure.
11. Verify your connection.
For more detailed instructions, see Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a VNet using certificate authentication:
Azure Portal.
Microsoft recommends that you always use SSL/TLS protocols to exchange data across different locations.
Organizations that choose to use ExpressRoute to move large data sets over a dedicated high-speed WAN link can
also encrypt the data at the application-level using SSL/TLS or other protocols for added protection.
Encryption by default
Microsoft uses encryption to protect data in transit between customers and Azure cloud services. If you are
interacting with Azure Storage through the Azure Portal, all transactions occur via HTTPS.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the protocol that Microsoft data centers will attempt to negotiate with client
systems that connect to Microsoft cloud services. TLS provides strong authentication, message privacy, and
integrity (enables detection of message tampering, interception, and forgery), interoperability, algorithm flexibility,
ease of deployment and use.
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) is also employed so that each connection between customers’ client systems and
Microsoft’s cloud services use unique keys. Connections to Microsoft cloud services also take advantage of RSA
based 2,048-bit encryption key lengths. The combination of TLS, RSA 2,048-bit key lengths, and PFS makes it much
more difficult for someone to intercept and access data that is in transit between Microsoft cloud services and
Data in transit is always encrypted in Data Lake Store. In addition to encrypting data prior to storing to persistent
media, the data is also always secured in transit by using HTTPS. HTTPS is the only protocol that is supported for
the Data Lake Store REST interfaces.

The company can accomplish its goal of protecting personal data and the privacy of such data by enforcing HTTPS
connections to Azure Storage, using Shared Access Signatures and enabling Secure Transfer Required on the
storage accounts. They can also protect personal data by using SMB 3.0 connections and implementing client-side
encryption. Site-to-site VPN connections from the corporate network to the Azure virtual network and point-to-site
VPN connections from individual users will create a secure tunnel through which personal data can securely travel.
Microsoft’s default encryption practices will further protect the privacy of personal data.

Next steps
Azure Data Security and Encryption Best Practices
Planning and design for VPN Gateway
VPN Gateway FAQ
Buy and configure an SSL Certificate for your Azure App Service
Document protection of personal data with Azure
reporting tools
8/30/2017 • 12 min to read • Edit Online

This article will discuss how to use Azure reporting services and technologies to help protect privacy of personal

A large cruise company, headquartered in the United States, is expanding its operations to offer itineraries in the
Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Baltic seas, as well as the British Isles. To help these efforts, it has acquired several
smaller cruise lines based in Italy, Germany, Denmark and the U.K.
The company uses Microsoft Azure for processing and storage of corporate data. This includes personal identifiable
information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information of its global customer base. It
also includes traditional Human Resources information such as addresses, phone numbers, tax identification
numbers and other information about company employees in all locations. The cruise line also maintains a large
database of reward and loyalty program members that includes personal information to track relationships with
current and past customers.
Corporate employees access the network from the company’s remote offices and travel agents located around the
world have access to some company resources.

Problem statement
The company must protect the privacy of customers' and employees’ and personal data through a multi-layered
security strategy that uses Azure management and security features to impose strict controls on access to and
processing of personal data, and must be able to demonstrate its protective measures to internal and external

Company goal
As part of its defense-in-depth security strategy, it is a company goal to track all access to and processing of
personal data, and ensure that documentation of adequate privacy protections for personal data are in place and

Microsoft Azure provides comprehensive monitoring, logging, and diagnostics tools to help track and record
activities and events associated with accessing and processing personal data, geographic flow of data, and third-
party access to personal data. Because security of personal data in the cloud is a shared responsibility, Microsoft
also provides customers with:
Detailed information about its own processing of customers’ data
Security measures administered by Microsoft
Where and how it sends customers’ data
Details of Microsoft’s own privacy reviews process
Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s cloud-based, multi-tenant directory and identity management service. The
service’s sign-in and audit reporting capabilities provide you with detailed sign-in and application usage activity
information to help you monitor and ensure proper access to customers’ and employees’ personal data.
There are two types of activity reports:
The audit activity reports/logs provide a detailed record of system activities/tasks
The sign-ins activity report/log shows you who has performed each activity listed in the audit report
Using the two together, you can track the history of every task performed and who performed each. Both types of
reports are customizable and can be filtered.
How do I access the audit and security logs?
The audit and security logs can be accessed from the Active Directory portal in three different ways: through the
Activity section (select either Audit logs or Sign-ins), or from Users and groups or Enterprise applications
under Manage in Active Directory. Reports can also be accessed through the Azure Active Directory reporting API.
1. In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory.
2. In the Activity section, select Audit logs.

3. Customize the list view by clicking Columns in the toolbar.

4. Select an item in the list view to see all available details about it.
Azure Active Directory reporting also includes two types of security reports, users flagged for risk and risky sign-
ins, which can help you monitor potential risks in your Azure environment.
For more information about the reporting service, see Azure Active Directory reporting
Visit Azure Active Directory activity reports for more specifics about the reports available in Azure Active Directory.
This site includes more details about how to access and use audit logs activity reports and sign-in activity reports in
the portal. It also includes information about users flagged for risk and risky sign-in security reports.
Visit the Azure Active Directory audit API reference site for more information on how to connect to Azure Directory
reporting programmatically.
Log Analytics
Log Analytics can collect data from Azure Monitor to correlate it with other data and provide additional analysis.
Azure Monitor collects and analyzes monitoring data for your Azure environment.
Analysis tools in Log Analytics such as log searches, views, and solutions work against all collected data, providing
you with centralized analysis of your entire environment. Log Analytics can aggregate and analyze Windows Event
logs, IIS logs, and Syslogs, which can help detect potential personal data breaches that could expose personal data
to unauthorized users.
How do I use Log Analytics?
You can access Log Analytics through the OMS portal or the Azure portal, from any web browser. Log Analytics
includes a query language to quickly retrieve and consolidate data in the repository. You can create and save Log
Searches to directly analyze data in the portal.
To create a Log Analytics workspace in the Azure portal, do the following:
1. Select Log Analytics from the list of services in the Marketplace.
2. Select Create, then specify the name of your OMS workspace, select your subscription, resource group,
location, and pricing tier.
3. Click OK to display a list of your workspaces.
4. Select a workspace to see its details.

Visit the Log Analytics documentation to learn more about the service.
Visit the Get started with a Log Analytics workspace tutorial to create an evaluation workspace and learn the basics
of how to use the service.
Visit the following web pages for more specific information on how to connect to use Log Analytics with the logs
described above:
Windows event logs data sources in Log Analytics
IIS logs in Log Analytics
Syslog data sources in Log Analytics
Azure Monitor/Azure Activity Log
Azure Monitor provides base level infrastructure metrics and logs for most services in Microsoft Azure. Monitoring
can help you to gain deep insights about your Azure applications. Azure Monitor relies on the Azure diagnostics
extension (Windows or Linux) to collect most application level metrics and logs. The Azure Activity Log is one of the
resources you can view with Azure Monitor. It tracks every API call, and provides a wealth of information about
activities that occur in Azure Resource Manager. You can search the Activity Log (previously called Operational or
Audit Logs) for information about your resource as seen by the Azure infrastructure.
Although much of the information recorded in the Activity log pertains to performance and service health, there is
also information that is related to protection of data. Using the Activity Log, you can determine the “what, who, and
when” for any write operations (PUT, POST, DELETE) taken on the resources in your Azure subscription.
For example, it provides a record when an administrator deletes a network security group, which could impact the
protection of personal data. Activity log entries are stored in Azure Monitor for 90 days.
How do I use the data collected by Azure Monitor?
There are a number of ways to use the data in the Activity log and other Azure Monitor resources.
You can stream the data to other locations in real line.
You can store the data for longer time periods than the defaults, using an Azure storage account and setting
a retention policy.
You can visual the data in graphics and charts, using the Azure portal, Azure Application Insights, Microsoft
PowerBI, or third-party visualization tools.
You can query the data using the Azure Monitor REST API, CLI commands, PowerShell cmdlets, or the .NET
To get started with Azure Monitor, select More Services in the Azure portal.
1. Scroll down to Monitor in the Monitoring and Managing section.

2. Monitor opens in the Activity Log view.

You can create and save queries for common filters, then pin the most important queries to a portal dashboard so
you'll always know if events that meet your criteria have occurred.
1. You can filter the view by resource group, timespan, and event category.

2. You can then pin queries to a portal dashboard by clicking the Pin button. This helps you create a single
source of information for operational data on your services. The query name and number of results will be
displayed on the dashboard.
You can also use the Monitor to view metrics for all Azure resources, configure diagnostics settings and alerts, and
search the log. For more information on how to use the Azure Monitor and Activity Log, see Get Started with Azure
Azure Diagnostics
The diagnostics capability in Azure enables collection of data from several sources. The Windows Event logs, which
include the Security log, can be especially useful in tracking and documenting protection of personal data. The
security log tracks logon success and failure events, as well as permissions changes, detection of patterns indicating
certain types of attacks, changes to security-related policies, security group membership changes, and much more.
For example, Event ID 4695 alerts you to the attempted unprotection of auditable protected data. This pertains to
the Data Protection API (DPAPI), which helps to protect data such as private keys, stored credentials, and other
confidential information.
How do I enable the diagnostics extension for Windows VMs?
You can use PowerShell to enable the diagnostics extension for a Windows VM, so as to collect log data. The steps
for doing so depend on which deployment model you use (Resource Manager or Classic). To enable the diagnostics
extension on an existing VM that was created through the Resource Manager deployment model, you can use the
Set-AzureRMVMDiagnosticsExtension PowerShell cmdlet.

\$diagnosticsconfig_path is the path to the file that contains the diagnostics configuration in XML. For more
detailed instructions on enabling Azure Diagnostics on a VM, see Use PowerShell to enable Azure Diagnostics in a
virtual machine running Windows.
The Azure diagnostics extension can transfer the collected data to an Azure storage account or send it to services
such as Application Insights. You can then use the data for auditing.
How do I store and view diagnostic data?
It’s important to remember that diagnostic data is not permanently stored unless you transfer it to the Microsoft
Azure storage emulator or to Azure storage. To store and view diagnostic data in Azure Storage, follow these steps:
1. Specify a storage account in the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file. Azure Diagnostics can use either the Blob
service or the Table service, depending on the type of data. Windows Event logs are stored in Table format.
2. Transfer the data. You can request to transfer the diagnostic data through the configuration file. For SDK 2.4
and previous, you can also make the request programmatically.
3. View the data, using Azure Storage Explorer, Server Explorer in Visual Studio, or Azure Diagnostics Manager
in Azure Management Studio.
For more information on how to perform each of these steps, see Store and view diagnostic data in Azure Storage.
Azure Storage Analytics
Storage Analytics logs detailed information about successful and failed requests to a storage service. This
information can be used to monitor individual requests, which can help in documenting access to personal data
stored in the service. However, Storage Analytics logging is not enabled by default for your storage account. You
can enable it in the Azure portal.
How do I configure monitoring for a storage account?
To configure monitoring for a storage account, do the following:
1. Select Storage accounts in the Azure portal, then select the name of the account you want to monitor.
2. In the Monitoring section, select Diagnostics.
3. Select the type of metrics data you want to monitor for each service (Blob, Table, File). To instruct Azure
Storage to save diagnostics logs for read, write, and delete requests for the blob, table, and queue services,
select Blob logs, Table logs and Queue logs.
4. Using the slider at the bottom, set the retention policy in days (value of 1 – 365). Seven days is the default.
5. Select Save to apply the configuration settings.
Storage Logging log entries contain the following information about individual requests:
Timing information such as start time, end-to-end latency, and server latency.
Details of the storage operation such as the operation type, the key of the storage object the client is
accessing, success or failure, and the HTTP status code returned to the client.
Authentication details such as the type of authentication the client used.
Concurrency information such as the ETag value and last modified timestamp.
The sizes of the request and response messages.
For more detailed instructions on how to enable Storage Analytics logging, see Monitor a storage account in the
Azure portal.
Azure Security Center
Azure Security Center monitors the security state of your Azure resources in order to prevent and detect threats,
and provide recommendations for responding. It provides several ways to help document your security measures
that protect the privacy of personal data.
Security health monitoring helps you ensure compliance with your security policies. Security monitoring is a
proactive strategy that audits your resources to identify systems that do not meet organizational standards or best
practices. You can monitor the security state of the following resources:
Compute (virtual machines and cloud services)
Networking (virtual networks)
Storage and data (server and database auditing and threat detection, TDE, storage encryption)
Applications (potential security issues)
Security issues in any of these categories could pose a threat to the privacy of personal data.
How do I view the security state of my Azure resources?
Security Center periodically analyzes the security state of your Azure resources. You can view any potential security
vulnerabilities it identifies in the Prevention section of the dashboard.

1. In the Prevention section, select the Compute tile. You’ll see here an Overview, along with the Virtual
machines listing of all VMs and their security states, and the Cloud services list of web and worker roles
monitored by Security Center.
2. On the Overview tab, second a recommendation to view more information.
3. On the Virtual machines tab, select a VM to view additional details.
When data collection is enabled in Azure Security Center, the Microsoft Monitoring Agent is automatically
provisioned on all existing and any new supported virtual machines that are deployed. Data collected from this
agent is stored in either an existing Log Analytics workspace associated with your subscription or a new workspace.
Threat Intelligence Reports are provided by Security Center. These give you useful information to help discern the
attacker’s identity, objectives, current and historical attack campaigns, and tactics, tools and procedures used.
Mitigation and remediation information is also included.
The primary purpose of these threat reports is to help you to respond effectively to the immediate threat and help
take measures afterward to mitigate the issue. The information in the reports can also be useful when you
document your incident response for reporting and auditing purposes.
The Threat Intelligence Reports are presented in .PDF format, accessed via a link in the Reports field of the
Suspicious process executed blade for each security alert in Azure Security Center.
For more information on how to view and use the Threat Intelligence Report, see Azure Security Center Threat
Intelligence Report.

Next Steps:
Getting Started with the Azure Active Directory reporting API
What is Log Analytics?
Overview of Monitoring in Microsoft Azure
Introduction to the Azure Activity Log (video)
Azure security courses from Microsoft Virtual
6/27/2017 • 3 min to read • Edit Online

Microsoft Virtual Academy provides free, online training to help Developers, IT and Data Professionals, and
students learn the latest technology, build their skills, and advance their careers.
On this page, you find a curated collection of Azure security-related courses. Visit the Microsoft Virtual Academy to
see all the courses they have available.
Dev/Test in the Cloud
Are you a developer who needs to deliver faster and better applications? Moving your development and testing
environments to the cloud can help you achieve exactly that! Learn how to get it done, and find out the benefits of
making the move. Plus, see demonstrations and presentations that show you how Microsoft Azure can support
your development and testing needs. Included are lesson on security development and deployment practices.
Common Tasks for Linux on Azure
If you have questions about using Linux on the Microsoft Azure platform, this detailed course has answers for you.
Explore some common tasks with the experts from Linux Academy. Learn about creating a Linux virtual machine
(VM) in Azure, accessing the Linux VM using remote desktop software, and running virtual hosts. Many security
technologies and configurations are addressed in this course.
Secure the Cloud
In this session, learn how Microsoft can help you meet global compliance requirements, such as ISO 27001 /
27018, FedRAMP, PCI, and HIPAA, with new security controls. These controls range from at-rest data encryption,
key management, VM protection, logging and monitoring, to anti-malware services, identity management, access
controls, and more.
Design and Implement Cloud Data Platform Solutions
Learn the features and capabilities of Microsoft cloud data platform solutions. Get a platform overview and hear
about security features, options for high availability, techniques for monitoring and managing cloud data, and
more. Plus, get guidance on how to identify tradeoffs and make decisions for designing public and hybrid cloud
solutions using Microsoft cloud data platform features.
Manage and Secure Identities in a Cloud and Mobile World
In this session, learn how Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics helps you secure and
manage user identity, identify security breaches before they cause damage, and provide your users a single identity
for accessing all corporate resources. Explore the technologies used to discover Shadow IT, manage application
access, and monitor suspicious activity through advanced security reporting, user behavioral analytics, auditing,
and alerting.
Security in a Cloud-Enabled World
Experts lead you through the customer responsibility roadmap in the Microsoft Cloud Security for Enterprise
Architects poster. The experts also provide recommendations for modernizing each part of your security posture,
including governance, containment strategies, security operations, high-value asset protection, information
protection, and user and device security, with a particular emphasis on protecting administrative control. Learn
from the same framework that the Microsoft cybersecurity team uses to assess customers' cloud security and to
build them a security roadmap.
Microsoft Azure IaaS Deep Dive
Learn how to use Microsoft Azure infrastructure capabilities. If you are an IT Pro, no need to have previous
experience with Azure. This course walks you through creating and configuring Azure VMs, Azure Virtual Networks,
and cross-premises connectivity to get things up and running on the cloud. Security features and considerations
are included throughout the course.
Getting Started with Azure Security for the IT Professional
In this demo-filled course, a team of security experts and Azure engineers takes you beyond the basic certifications
and explores what's possible inside Azure. See how to design and use various technologies to ensure that you have
the security and architecture you need to successfully launch your projects in the cloud. Dive into datacenter
operations, VM configuration, network architecture, and storage infrastructure.
Deep Dive into Azure Resource Manager Scenarios and Patterns
Explore Azure Resource Manager with a team of experts, who show you scripts and tools that make it easy to spin
up or spin down elements of your application infrastructure. Explore the use of role-based access control (RBAC) to
implement security with Azure Resource Manager.
Azure Rights Management Services Core Skills
Find out why information protection is a "must have" requirement in your organization and how rights
management protects your organization's intellectual property, wherever it travels across devices and the cloud.
Get hands-on experience and technical know-how from Microsoft experts.
Azure security videos on Channel 9
6/27/2017 • 3 min to read • Edit Online

Channel 9 is a community that brings forward the people behind our products and connects them with customers.
They think there is a great future in software and they’re excited about it. Channel 9 is a community to participate in
the ongoing conversation.
The following is a curated list of Azure security presentations on Channel 9. Make sure to check this page monthly
for new videos.
Accelerating Azure Consumption with Barracuda Security
See how you can use Barracuda security to secure your Azure deployments.
Azure Security Center - Threat Detection
With Azure Security Center, you get a central view of the security state of all your Azure resources. At a glance,
verify that the appropriate security controls are in place and configured correctly. Scott talks to Sarah Fender who
explains how Security Center integrates Threat Detection.
Azure Security Center Overview
With Azure Security Center, you get a central view of the security state of all your Azure resources. At a glance,
verify that the appropriate security controls are in place and configured correctly. Scott talks to Sara Fender who
explains it all!
Live Demo: Protecting against, Detecting and Responding to Threats
Join this session to see the Microsoft security platform in action. General Manager for Cloud & Enterprise, Julia
White, demonstrates the security features of Windows 10, Azure, and Office 365 that can help you keep your
organization secure.
Encryption in SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure for better security
Jack Richins teaches Scott how to easily encrypt his SQL Server databases on Virtual Machine Azure instances. It's
easier than you'd think!
Areas covered in this video:
Understanding encryption and SQL Server
Understanding the Data Protection API, master keys, and certificates
Using SQL commands to create the master key and certificates, and encrypt the database
How to set security in DevTest Labs
As an owner of your lab, you can secure lab access by via two lab roles: Owner and DevTest Labs User. A person in
the Owner role has complete access in the lab whereas a person in the DevTest Labs User role has limited access. In
this video, we show you how to add a person in either of these roles to a lab.
Managing Secrets for Azure Apps
Every serious app you deploy on Azure has critical secrets – connection strings, certificates, keys. Silly mistakes in
managing these secrets leads to fatal consequences – leaks, outages, compliance violations. As multiple recent
surveys point out, silly mistakes cause four times more data breaches than adversaries. In this session, we go over
some best practices to manage your important app secrets. These best practices may seem like common sense, yet
many developers neglect them. We also go over how to use Azure Key Vault to implement those best practices. As
an added benefit, following these practices helps you demonstrate compliance with standards such as SOC. The
first 10 minutes of the session are level 100 and they apply to any cloud app you develop on any platform. The
remainder is level 200-300 and focuses on apps you build on the Azure platform.
Securing your Azure Virtual Network using Network Security Groups with Narayan Annamalai
Senior Program Manager Narayan Annamalai teaches Scott how to use Network Security Groups within an Azure
Virtual Network. You can create control access to objects within Azure by subnet and network! You learn how to
control access and create groups within Azure using PowerShell.
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management: Security Wizard, Alerts, Reviews
Azure Active Directory (AD) Privileged Identity Management is a premium functionality that allows you to discover,
restrict, and monitor privileged identities and their access to resources. It also enforces on-demand, just in time
administrative access when needed. Learn about:
Managing protection for Office 365 workload-specific administrative roles
Configuring Azure Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA) for privileged role activations
Measuring and improving your tenant security posture
Monitoring and fixing security findings
Reviewing who needs to remain in privileged roles for periodic recertification workflows
Azure Key Vault with Amit Bapat
Amit Bapat introduces Scott to Azure Key Vault. With Azure Key Vault, you can encrypt keys and small secrets like
passwords using keys stored in hardware security modules (HSMs). It's cloud-based, hardware-based secret
management for Microsoft Azure!
Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool
8/25/2017 • 1 min to read • Edit Online

The Threat Modeling Tool is a core element of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). It allows
software architects to identify and mitigate potential security issues early, when they are relatively easy and cost-
effective to resolve. As a result, it greatly reduces the total cost of development. Also, we designed the tool with
non-security experts in mind, making threat modeling easier for all developers by providing clear guidance on
creating and analyzing threat models.
The tool enables anyone to:
Communicate about the security design of their systems
Analyze those designs for potential security issues using a proven methodology
Suggest and manage mitigations for security issues
Here are some tooling capabilities and innovations, just to name a few:
Automation: Guidance and feedback in drawing a model
STRIDE per Element: Guided analysis of threats and mitigations
Reporting: Security activities and testing in the verification phase
Unique Methodology: Enables users to better visualize and understand threats
Designed for Developers and Centered on Software: many approaches are centered on assets or attackers.
We are centered on software. We build on activities that all software developers and architects are familiar with
-- such as drawing pictures for their software architecture
Focused on Design Analysis: The term "threat modeling" can refer to either a requirements or a design
analysis technique. Sometimes, it refers to a complex blend of the two. The Microsoft SDL approach to threat
modeling is a focused design analysis technique

Next steps
The table below contains important links to get you started with the Threat Modeling Tool:


1 Download the Threat Modeling Tool

2 Read Our getting started guide

3 Get familiar with the features

4 Learn about generated threat categories

5 Find mitigations to generated threats

Here are a few older articles still relevant to threat modeling today:
Article on the Importance of Threat Modeling
Training Published by Trustworthy Computing
Check out what a few Threat Modeling Tool experts have done:
Threats Manager
Simone Curzi Security Blog
Getting started with the Threat Modeling Tool
8/25/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online

The Cloud and Enterprise Security Tools team released the Threat Modeling Tool Preview earlier this year as a free
click-to-download. The change in delivery mechanism allows us to push the latest improvements and bug fixes
to customers each time they open the tool, making it easier to maintain and use. This article takes you through the
process of getting started with the Microsoft SDL threat modeling approach and shows you how to use the tool to
develop great threat models as a backbone of your security process.
This article builds on existing knowledge of the SDL threat modeling approach. For a quick review, refer to Threat
Modeling Web Applications and an archived version of Uncover Security Flaws Using the STRIDE Approach
MSDN article published in 2006.
To quickly summarize, the approach involves creating a diagram, identifying threats, mitigating them and
validating each mitigation. Here’s a diagram that highlights this process:

Starting the threat modeling process

When you launch the Threat Modeling Tool, you'll notice a few things, as seen in the picture:
Threat model section

Feedback, Suggestions and Issues Button Takes you the MSDN Forum for all things SDL. It gives you
an opportunity to read through what other users are doing,
along with workarounds and recommendations. If you still
can’t find what you’re looking for, email
[email protected] for our support team to help

Create a Model Opens a blank canvas for you to draw your diagram. Make
sure to select which template you’d like to use for your model

Template for New Models You must select which template to use before creating a
model. Our main template is the Azure Threat Model
Template, which contains Azure-specific stencils, threats and
mitigations. For generic models, select the SDL TM Knowledge
Base from the drop-down menu. Want to create your own
template or submit a new one for all users? Check out our
Template Repository GitHub Page to learn more

Open a Model Opens previously saved threat models. The Recently

Opened Models feature is great if you need to open your
most recent files. When you hover over the selection,
you’ll find 2 ways to open models:
Open From this Computer – classic way of opening a
file using local storage
Open from OneDrive – teams can use folders in
OneDrive to save and share all their threat models in a
single location to help increase productivity and

Getting Started Guide Opens the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool main page

Template section

Create New Template Opens a blank template for you to build on. Unless you have
extensive knowledge in building templates from scratch, we
recommend you to build from existing ones

Open Template Opens existing templates for you to make changes to

The Threat Modeling Tool team is constantly working to improve tool functionality and experience. A few minor
changes might take place over the course of the year, but all major changes require rewrites in the guide. Refer to
it often to ensure you get the latest announcements.

Building a model
In this section, we follow:
Cristina (a developer)
Ricardo (a program manager) and
Ashish (a tester)
They are going through the process of developing their first threat model.

Ricardo: Hi Cristina, I worked on the threat model diagram and wanted to make sure we got the details right.
Can you help me look it over? Cristina: Absolutely. Let’s take a look. Ricardo opens the tool and shares his
screen with Cristina.

Cristina: Ok, looks straightforward, but can you walk me through it? Ricardo: Sure! Here is the breakdown:
Our human user is drawn as an outside entity—a square
They’re sending commands to our Web server—the circle
The Web server is consulting a database (two parallel lines)

What Ricardo just showed Cristina is a DFD, short for Data Flow Diagram. The Threat Modeling Tool allows users
to specify trust boundaries, indicated by the red dotted lines, to show where different entities are in control. For
example, IT administrators require an Active Directory system for authentication purposes, so the Active Directory
is outside of their control.

Cristina: Looks right to me. What about the threats? Ricardo: Let me show you.

Analyzing threats
Once he clicks on the analysis view from the icon menu selection (file with magnifying glass), he is taken to a list of
generated threats the Threat Modeling Tool found based on the default template, which uses the SDL approach
called STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering, Info Disclosure, Denial of Service and Elevation of Privilege). The
idea is that software comes under a predictable set of threats, which can be found using these 6 categories.
This approach is like securing your house by ensuring each door and window has a locking mechanism in place
before adding an alarm system or chasing after the thief.

Ricardo begins by selecting the first item on the list. Here’s what happens:
First, the interaction between the two stencils is enhanced

Second, additional information about the threat appears in the Threat Properties window
The generated threat helps him understand potential design flaws. The STRIDE categorization gives him an idea on
potential attack vectors, while the additional description tells him exactly what’s wrong, along with potential ways
to mitigate it. He can use editable fields to write notes in the justification details or change priority ratings
depending on his organization’s bug bar.
Azure templates have additional details to help users understand not only what’s wrong, but also how to fix it by
adding descriptions, examples and hyperlinks to Azure-specific documentation.
The description made him realize the importance of adding an authentication mechanism to prevent users from
being spoofed, revealing the first threat to be worked on. A few minutes into the discussion with Cristina, they
understood the importance of implementing access control and roles. Ricardo filled in some quick notes to make
sure these were implemented.
As Ricardo went into the threats under Information Disclosure, he realized the access control plan required some
read-only accounts for audit and report generation. He wondered whether this should be a new threat, but the
mitigations were the same, so he noted the threat accordingly. He also thought about information disclosure a bit
more and realized that the backup tapes were going to need encryption, a job for the operations team.
Threats not applicable to the design due to existing mitigations or security guarantees can be changed to “Not
Applicable” from the Status drop-down. There are three other choices: Not Started – default selection, Needs
Investigation – used to follow up on items and Mitigated – once it’s fully worked on.

Reports & sharing

Once Ricardo goes through the list with Cristina and adds important notes, mitigations/justifications, priority and
status changes, he selects Reports -> Create Full Report -> Save Report, which prints out a nice report for him to
go through with colleagues to ensure the proper security work is implemented.
If Ricardo wants to share the file instead, he can easily do so by saving in his organization’s OneDrive account.
Once he does that, he can copy the document link and share it with his colleagues.

Threat modeling meetings

When Ricardo sent his threat model to his colleague using OneDrive, Ashish, the tester, was underwhelmed.
Seemed like Ricardo and Cristina missed quite a few important corner cases, which could be easily compromised.
His skepticism is a complement to threat models.
In this scenario, after Ashish took over the threat model, he called for two threat modeling meetings: one meeting
to synchronize on the process and walk through the diagrams and then a second meeting for threat review and
In the first meeting, Ashish spent 10 minutes walking everyone through the SDL threat modeling process. He then
pulled up the threat model diagram and started explaining it in detail. Within five minutes, an important missing
component had been identified.
A few minutes later, Ashish and Ricardo got into an extended discussion of how the Web server was built. It was
not the ideal way for a meeting to proceed, but everyone eventually agreed that discovering the discrepancy early
was going to save them time in the future.
In the second meeting, the team walked through the threats, discussed some ways to address them, and signed off
on the threat model. They checked the document into source control and continued with development.

Thinking about assets

Some readers who have threat modeled may notice that we haven't talked about assets at all. We've discovered
that many software engineers understand their software better than they understand the concept of assets and
what assets an attacker may be interested in.
If you're going to threat model a house, you might start by thinking about your family, irreplaceable photos or
valuable artwork. Perhaps you might start by thinking about who might break in and the current security system.
Or you might start by considering the physical features, like the pool or the front porch. These are analogous to
thinking about assets, attackers, or software design. Any of these three approaches work.
The approach to threat modeling we've presented here is substantially simpler than what Microsoft has done in
the past. We found that the software design approach works well for many teams. We hope that include yours.

Next Steps
Send your questions, comments and concerns to [email protected]. Download the Threat Modeling
Tool to get started.
Threat Modeling Tool feature overview
9/7/2017 • 5 min to read • Edit Online

The Threat Modeling Tool can help you with your threat modeling needs. For a basic introduction to the tool, see
Get started with the Threat Modeling Tool.

The Threat Modeling Tool is updated frequently, so check this guide often to see our latest features and improvements.

To open a blank page, select Create A Model.

To see the features currently available in the tool, use the threat model created by our team in the Get started
Before we discuss the built-in features, let's review the main components found in the tool.
Menu items
The experience is similar to other Microsoft products. Let's review the top-level menu items.


File Open, save, and close files

Sign in and sign out of OneDrive accounts.
Share links (view and edit).
View file information.
Apply a new template to existing models.

Edit Undo and redo actions, as well as copy, paste, and delete.

View Switch between Analysis and Design views.

Open closed windows (for example, stencils, element
properties, and messages).
Reset layout to default settings.

Diagram Add and delete diagrams, and move through tabs of


Reports Create HTML reports to share with others.

Help Find guides to help you use the tool.

The symbols are shortcuts for the top-level menus:


Open Opens a new file.

Save Saves the current file.

Design Opens the Design view, where you can create models.

Analyze Shows generated threats and their properties.

Add diagram Adds a new diagram (similar to new tabs in Excel).

Delete diagram Deletes the current diagram.

Copy/Cut/Paste Copies, cuts, and pastes elements.

Undo/Redo Undoes and redoes actions.

Zoom in/Zoom out Zooms in and out of the diagram for a better view.

Feedback Opens the MSDN Forum.

The canvas is the space where you drag and drop elements. Drag and drop is the quickest and most efficient way to
build models. You can also right-click and select items from the menu to add generic versions of elements, as
Drop the stencil on the canvas

Select the stencil

Based on the template you select, you can find all the stencils available to use. If you can't find the right elements,
use another template. Or you can modify a template to fit your needs. Generally, you can find a combination of
categories like these:


Process Applications, browser plug-ins, threads, virtual machines

External interactor Authentication providers, browsers, users, web applications

Data store Cache, storage, configuration files, databases, registry

Data flow Binary, ALPC, HTTP, HTTPS/TLS/SSL, IOCTL, IPSec, named pipe,

Trust line/Border boundary Corporate networks, internet, machine, sandbox, user/kernel



Messages Internal tool logic that alerts users whenever there's an error,
such as no data flows between elements.

Notes Manual notes are added to the file by engineering teams

throughout the design and review process.

Element properties
Element properties vary by the elements you select. Apart from trust boundaries, all other elements contain three
general selections:

Name Useful for naming your processes, stores, interactors, and

flows so that they're easily recognized.

Out of scope If selected, the element is taken out of the threat-generation

matrix (not recommended).

Reason for out of scope Justification field to let users know why out of scope was

Properties are changed under each element category. Select each element to inspect the available options. Or you
can open the template to learn more. Let's review the features.

Welcome screen
When you open the app, you see the Welcome screen.
Open a model
Hover over Open A Model to reveal two options: Open From This Computer and Open From OneDrive. The
first option opens the File Open screen. The second option takes you through the sign-in process for OneDrive.
After successful authentication, you can select folders and files.

Feedback, suggestions, and issues

When you select Feedback, Suggestions and Issues, you go to the MSDN Forum for SDL Tools. You can read
what other people are saying about the tool, including workarounds and new ideas.

Design view
When you open or create a new model, the Design view opens.
Add elements
You can add elements on the grid in two ways:
Drag and drop: Drag the desired element to the grid. Then use the element properties to provide additional
Right-click: Right-click anywhere on the grid, and select items from the drop-down menu. A generic
representation of the element you select appears on the screen.
Connect elements
You can connect elements in two ways:
Drag and drop: Drag the desired dataflow to the grid, and connect both ends to the appropriate elements.
Click + Shift: Click the first element (sending data), press and hold the Shift key, and then select the second
element (receiving data). Right-click, and select Connect. If you use a bi-directional data flow, the order is not as
To see the properties that can be modified on the stencils, select the stencil and the information populates
accordingly. The following example shows before and after a Database stencil is dragged onto the diagram:


If you create a threat model and forget to connect data flows to elements, you get a notification. You can ignore the
message, or you can follow the instructions to fix the issue.
To add notes to your diagram, switch from the Messages tab to the Notes tab.

Analysis view
After you build your diagram, select the Analysis symbol (the magnifying glass) on the shortcuts toolbar to switch
to the Analysis view.
Generated threat selection
When you select a threat, you can use three distinct functions:


Read indicator The threat is marked as read, which helps you keep track
of the items you reviewed.

Interaction focus Interaction in the diagram that belongs to a threat is


Threat properties Additional information about the threat appears in the

Threat Properties window.

Priority change
You can change the priority level of each generated threat. Different colors make it easy to identify high-, medium-,
and low-priority threats.

Threat properties editable fields

As seen in the preceding image, you can change the information generated by the tool. You can also add
information to certain fields, such as justification. These fields are generated by the template. If you need more
information for each threat, you can make modifications.

After you finish changing priorities and updating the status of each generated threat, you can save the file and/or
print out a report. Go to Report > Create Full Report. Name the report, and you should see something similar to
the following image:
Next steps
To contribute a template for the community, go to our GitHub page.
To get started with the tool, go to the Download page.
Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool threats
8/25/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

The Threat Modeling Tool is a core element of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). It allows
software architects to identify and mitigate potential security issues early, when they are relatively easy and cost-
effective to resolve. As a result, it greatly reduces the total cost of development. Also, we designed the tool with
non-security experts in mind, making threat modeling easier for all developers by providing clear guidance on
creating and analyzing threat models.

Visit the Threat Modeling Tool to get started today!

The Threat Modeling Tool helps you answer certain questions, such as the ones below:
How can an attacker change the authentication data?
What is the impact if an attacker can read the user profile data?
What happens if access is denied to the user profile database?

STRIDE model
To better help you formulate these kinds of pointed questions, Microsoft uses the STRIDE model, which categorizes
different types of threats and simplifies the overall security conversations.


Spoofing Involves illegally accessing and then using another user's

authentication information, such as username and password

Tampering Involves the malicious modification of data. Examples include

unauthorized changes made to persistent data, such as that
held in a database, and the alteration of data as it flows
between two computers over an open network, such as the

Repudiation Associated with users who deny performing an action without

other parties having any way to prove otherwise—for
example, a user performs an illegal operation in a system that
lacks the ability to trace the prohibited operations. Non-
Repudiation refers to the ability of a system to counter
repudiation threats. For example, a user who purchases an
item might have to sign for the item upon receipt. The vendor
can then use the signed receipt as evidence that the user did
receive the package

Information Disclosure Involves the exposure of information to individuals who are

not supposed to have access to it—for example, the ability of
users to read a file that they were not granted access to, or
the ability of an intruder to read data in transit between two

Denial of Service Denial of service (DoS) attacks deny service to valid users—for
example, by making a Web server temporarily unavailable or
unusable. You must protect against certain types of DoS
threats simply to improve system availability and reliability

Elevation of Privilege An unprivileged user gains privileged access and thereby has
sufficient access to compromise or destroy the entire system.
Elevation of privilege threats include those situations in which
an attacker has effectively penetrated all system defenses and
become part of the trusted system itself, a dangerous
situation indeed

Next steps
Proceed to Threat Modeling Tool Mitigations to learn the different ways you can mitigate these threats with
Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool mitigations
8/25/2017 • 2 min to read • Edit Online

The Threat Modeling Tool is a core element of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). It allows
software architects to identify and mitigate potential security issues early, when they are relatively easy and cost-
effective to resolve. As a result, it greatly reduces the total cost of development. Also, we designed the tool with
non-security experts in mind, making threat modeling easier for all developers by providing clear guidance on
creating and analyzing threat models.
Visit the Threat Modeling Tool to get started today!

Mitigation categories
The Threat Modeling Tool mitigations are categorized according to the Web Application Security Frame, which
consists of the following:


Auditing and Logging Who did what and when? Auditing and logging refer to how
your application records security-related events

Authentication Who are you? Authentication is the process where an entity

proves the identity of another entity, typically through
credentials, such as a user name and password

Authorization What can you do? Authorization is how your application

provides access controls for resources and operations

Communication Security Who are you talking to? Communication Security ensures all
communication done is as secure as possible

Configuration Management Who does your application run as? Which databases does it
connect to? How is your application administered? How are
these settings secured? Configuration management refers to
how your application handles these operational issues

Cryptography How are you keeping secrets (confidentiality)? How are you
tamper-proofing your data or libraries (integrity)? How are
you providing seeds for random values that must be
cryptographically strong? Cryptography refers to how your
application enforces confidentiality and integrity

Exception Management When a method call in your application fails, what does your
application do? How much do you reveal? Do you return
friendly error information to end users? Do you pass valuable
exception information back to the caller? Does your
application fail gracefully?

Input Validation How do you know that the input your application receives is
valid and safe? Input validation refers to how your application
filters, scrubs, or rejects input before additional processing.
Consider constraining input through entry points and
encoding output through exit points. Do you trust data from
sources such as databases and file shares?

Sensitive Data How does your application handle sensitive data? Sensitive
data refers to how your application handles any data that
must be protected either in memory, over the network, or in
persistent stores

Session Management How does your application handle and protect user sessions?
A session refers to a series of related interactions between a
user and your Web application

This helps you identify:

Where are the most common mistakes made
Where are the most actionable improvements
As a result, you use these categories to focus and prioritize your security work, so that if you know the most
prevalent security issues occur in the input validation, authentication and authorization categories, you can start
there. For more information visit this patent link

Next steps
Visit Threat Modeling Tool Threats to learn more about the threat categories the tool uses to generate possible
design threats.
Security Frame: Auditing and Logging | Mitigations
8/22/2017 • 8 min to read • Edit Online


Dynamics CRM Identify sensitive entities in your solution and

implement change auditing

Web Application Ensure that auditing and logging is enforced on the

Ensure that log rotation and separation are in place
Ensure that the application does not log sensitive user
Ensure that Audit and Log Files have Restricted Access
Ensure that User Management Events are Logged
Ensure that the system has inbuilt defenses against
Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App

Database Ensure that login auditing is enabled on SQL Server

Enable Threat detection on Azure SQL

Azure Storage Use Azure Storage Analytics to audit access of Azure


WCF Implement sufficient Logging

Implement sufficient Audit Failure Handling

Web API Ensure that auditing and logging is enforced on Web


IoT Field Gateway Ensure that appropriate auditing and logging is

enforced on Field Gateway

IoT Cloud Gateway Ensure that appropriate auditing and logging is

enforced on Cloud Gateway

Identify sensitive entities in your solution and implement change


Component Dynamics CRM


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Identify entities in your solution containing sensitive data and

implement change auditing on those entities and fields

Ensure that auditing and logging is enforced on the application


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Enable auditing and logging on all components. Audit logs

should capture user context. Identify all important events and
log those events. Implement centralized logging

Ensure that log rotation and separation are in place


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Log rotation is an automated process used in system

administration in which dated log files are archived.
Servers which run large applications often log every
request: in the face of bulky logs, log rotation is a way to
limit the total size of the logs while still allowing analysis of
recent events.
Log separation basically means that you have to store
your log files on a different partition as where your
OS/application is running on in order to avert a Denial of
service attack or the downgrading of your application its

Ensure that the application does not log sensitive user data

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Check that you do not log any sensitive data that a user
submits to your site. Check for intentional logging as well
as side effects caused by design issues. Examples of
sensitive data include:
User Credentials
Social Security number or other identifying information
Credit card numbers or other financial information
Health information
Private keys or other data that could be used to
decrypt encrypted information
System or application information that can be used to
more effectively attack the application

Ensure that Audit and Log Files have Restricted Access


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Check to ensure access rights to log files are appropriately

set. Application accounts should have write-only access
and operators and support personnel should have read-
only access as needed.
Administrators accounts are the only accounts which
should have full access. Check Windows ACL on log files to
ensure they are properly restricted:
Application accounts should have write-only access
Operators and support personnel should have read-
only access as needed
Administrators are the only accounts that should have
full access

Ensure that User Management Events are Logged


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that the application monitors user management

events such as successful and failed user logins, password
resets, password changes, account lockout, user
registration. Doing this helps to detect and react to
potentially suspicious behavior. It also enables to gather
operations data; for example, to track who is accessing the

Ensure that the system has inbuilt defenses against misuse


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Controls should be in place which throw security exception

in case of application misuse. E.g., If input validation is in
place and an attacker attempts to inject malicious code
that does not match the regex, a security exception can be
thrown which can be an indicative of system misuse
For example, it is recommended to have security
exceptions logged and actions taken for the following
Input validation
CSRF violations
Brute force (upper limit for number of requests per
user per resource)
File upload violations

Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App Service


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes EnvironmentType - Azure

References N/A

Steps Azure provides built-in diagnostics to assist with

debugging an App Service web app. It also applies to API
apps and mobile apps. App Service web apps provide
diagnostic functionality for logging information from both
the web server and the web application.
These are logically separated into web server diagnostics
and application diagnostics

Ensure that login auditing is enabled on SQL Server


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Configure Login Auditing

Steps Database Server login auditing must be enabled to

detect/confirm password guessing attacks. It is important
to capture failed login attempts. Capturing both successful
and failed login attempts provides additional benefit
during forensic investigations

Enable Threat detection on Azure SQL


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies SQL Azure

Attributes SQL Version - V12

References Get Started with SQL Database Threat Detection

Steps Threat Detection detects anomalous database activities

indicating potential security threats to the database. It
provides a new layer of security, which enables customers
to detect and respond to potential threats as they occur
by providing security alerts on anomalous activities.
Users can explore the suspicious events using Azure SQL
Database Auditing to determine if they result from an
attempt to access, breach or exploit data in the database.
Threat Detection makes it simple to address potential
threats to the database without the need to be a security
expert or manage advanced security monitoring systems

Use Azure Storage Analytics to audit access of Azure Storage


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Using Storage Analytics to monitor authorization type


Steps For each storage account, one can enable Azure Storage
Analytics to perform logging and store metrics data. The
storage analytics logs provide important information such
as authentication method used by someone when they
access storage.
This can be really helpful if you are tightly guarding access
to storage. For example, in Blob Storage you can set all of
the containers to private and implement the use of an SAS
service throughout your applications. Then you can check
the logs regularly to see if your blobs are accessed using
the storage account keys, which may indicate a breach of
security, or if the blobs are public but they shouldn’t be.

Implement sufficient Logging


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework

Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps The lack of a proper audit trail after a security incident can
hamper forensic efforts. Windows Communication
Foundation (WCF) offers the ability to log successful
and/or failed authentication attempts.
Logging failed authentication attempts can warn
administrators of potential brute-force attacks. Similarly,
logging successful authentication events can provide a
useful audit trail when a legitimate account is
compromised. Enable WCF's service security audit feature

The following is an example configuration with auditing enabled

<behavior name=""NewBehavior"">
<serviceSecurityAudit auditLogLocation=""Default""
messageAuthenticationAuditLevel=""SuccessAndFailure"" />
Implement sufficient Audit Failure Handling

Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework

Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps Developed solution is configured not to generate an

exception when it fails to write to an audit log. If WCF is
configured not to throw an exception when it is unable to
write to an audit log, the program will not be notified of
the failure and auditing of critical security events may not

The <behavior/> element of the WCF configuration file below instructs WCF to not notify the application when
WCF fails to write to an audit log.

<behavior name="NewBehavior">
<serviceSecurityAudit auditLogLocation="Application"
messageAuthenticationAuditLevel="Success" />

Configure WCF to notify the program whenever it is unable to write to an audit log. The program should have an
alternative notification scheme in place to alert the organization that audit trails are not being maintained.

Ensure that auditing and logging is enforced on Web API


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Enable auditing and logging on Web APIs. Audit logs should
capture user context. Identify all important events and log
those events. Implement centralized logging

Ensure that appropriate auditing and logging is enforced on Field


Component IoT Field Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps When multiple devices connect to a Field Gateway, ensure

that connection attempts and authentication status
(success or failure) for individual devices are logged and
maintained on the Field Gateway.
Also, in cases where Field Gateway is maintaining the IoT
Hub credentials for individual devices, ensure that auditing
is performed when these credentials are retrieved.Develop
a process to periodically upload the logs to Azure IoT
Hub/storage for long term retention.

Ensure that appropriate auditing and logging is enforced on Cloud


Component IoT Cloud Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Introduction to IoT Hub operations monitoring


Steps Design for collecting and storing audit data gathered

through IoT Hub Operations Monitoring. Enable the
following monitoring categories:
Device identity operations
Device-to-cloud communications
Cloud-to-device communications
File uploads
Security Frame: Authentication | Mitigations
8/22/2017 • 25 min to read • Edit Online


Web Application Consider using a standard authentication mechanism

to authenticate to Web Application
Applications must handle failed authentication
scenarios securely
Enable step up or adaptive authentication
Ensure that administrative interfaces are appropriately
locked down
Implement forgot password functionalities securely
Ensure that password and account policy are
Implement controls to prevent username enumeration

Database When possible, use Windows Authentication for

connecting to SQL Server
When possible use Azure Active Directory
Authentication for Connecting to SQL Database
When SQL authentication mode is used, ensure that
account and password policy are enforced on SQL
Do not use SQL Authentication in contained databases

Azure Event Hub Use per device authentication credentials using SaS

Azure Trust Boundary Enable Azure Multi-Factor Authentication for Azure


Service Fabric Trust Boundary Restrict anonymous access to Service Fabric Cluster
Ensure that Service Fabric client-to-node certificate is
different from node-to-node certificate
Use AAD to authenticate clients to service fabric
Ensure that service fabric certificates are obtained from
an approved Certificate Authority (CA)

Identity Server Use standard authentication scenarios supported by

Identity Server
Override the default Identity Server token cache with a
scalable alternative

Machine Trust Boundary Ensure that deployed application's binaries are digitally

WCF Enable authentication when connecting to MSMQ

queues in WCF
WCF-Do not set Message clientCredentialType to none
WCF-Do not set Transport clientCredentialType to

Web API Ensure that standard authentication techniques are

used to secure Web APIs

Azure AD Use standard authentication scenarios supported by

Azure Active Directory
Override the default ADAL token cache with a scalable
Ensure that TokenReplayCache is used to prevent the
replay of ADAL authentication tokens
Use ADAL libraries to manage token requests from
OAuth2 clients to AAD (or on-premises AD)

IoT Field Gateway Authenticate devices connecting to the Field Gateway

IoT Cloud Gateway Ensure that devices connecting to Cloud gateway are
Use per-device authentication credentials

Azure Storage Ensure that only the required containers and blobs are
given anonymous read access
Grant limited access to objects in Azure storage using

Consider using a standard authentication mechanism to authenticate to

Web Application

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Details Authentication is the process where an entity proves its

identity, typically through credentials, such as a user name
and password. There are multiple authentication protocols
available which may be considered. Some of them are
listed below:
Client certificates
Windows based
Forms based
Federation - ADFS
Federation - Azure AD
Federation - Identity Server
Consider using a standard authentication mechanism to
identify the source process

Applications must handle failed authentication scenarios securely


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Details Applications that explicitly authenticate users must handle

failed authentication scenarios securely.The authentication
mechanism must:
Deny access to privileged resources when
authentication fails
Display a generic error message after failed
authentication and access denied occurs
Test for:
Protection of privileged resources after failed logins
A generic error message is displayed on failed
authentication and access denied event(s)
Accounts are disabled after an excessive number of
failed attempts

Enable step up or adaptive authentication


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build


Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Details Verify the application has additional authorization (such as

step up or adaptive authentication, via multi-factor
authentication such as sending OTP in SMS, email etc. or
prompting for re-authentication) so the user is challenged
before being granted access to sensitive information. This
rule also applies for making critical changes to an account
or action
This also means that the adaptation of authentication has
to be implemented in such a manner that the application
correctly enforces context-sensitive authorization so as to
not allow unauthorized manipulation by means of in
example, parameter tampering

Ensure that administrative interfaces are appropriately locked down


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Details The first solution is to grant access only from a certain source
IP range to the administrative interface. If that solution would
not be possible than it is always recommended to enforce a
step-up or adaptive authentication for logging in into the
administrative interface

Implement forgot password functionalities securely


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Details The first thing is to verify that forgot password and other
recovery paths send a link including a time-limited
activation token rather than the password itself. Additional
authentication based on soft-tokens (e.g. SMS token,
native mobile applications, etc.) can be required as well
before the link is sent over. Second, you should not lock
out the users account whilst the process of getting a new
password is in progress.
This could lead to a Denial of service attack whenever an
attacker decides to intentionally lock out the users with an
automated attack. Third, whenever the new password
request was set in progress, the message you display
should be generalized in order to prevent username
enumeration. Fourth, always disallow the use of old
passwords and implement a strong password policy.

Ensure that password and account policy are implemented


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Details Password and account policy in compliance with

organizational policy and best practices should be
To defend against brute-force and dictionary based
guessing: Strong password policy must be implemented to
ensure that users create complex password (e.g., 12
characters minimum length, alphanumeric and special
Account lockout policies may be implemented in the
following manner:
Soft lock-out: This can be a good option for
protecting your users against brute force attacks. For
example, whenever the user enters a wrong password
three times the application could lock down the
account for a minute in order to slow down the
process of brute forcing his password making it less
profitable for the attacker to proceed. If u were to
implement hard lock-out countermeasures for this
example you would achieve a "Dos" by permanently
locking out accounts. Alternatively, application may
generate an OTP (One Time Password) and send it
out-of-band (through email, sms etc.) to the user.
Another approach may be to implement CAPTCHA
after a threshold number of failed attempts is reached.
Hard lock-out: This type of lockout should be applied
whenever you detect a user attacking your application
and counter him by means of permanently locking out
his account until a response team had time to do their
forensics. After this process you can decide to give the
user back his account or take further legal actions
against him. This type of approach prevents the
attacker from further penetrating your application and
To defend against attacks on default and predictable
accounts, verify that all keys and passwords are
replaceable, and are generated or replaced after
installation time.
If the application has to auto-generate passwords, ensure
that the generated passwords are random and have high

Implement controls to prevent username enumeration


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps All error messages should be generalized in order to prevent

username enumeration. Also sometimes you cannot avoid
information leaking in functionalities such as a registration
page. Here you need to use rate-limiting methods like
CAPTCHA to prevent an automated attack by an attacker.

When possible, use Windows Authentication for connecting to SQL


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies OnPrem

Attributes SQL Version - All

References SQL Server - Choose an Authentication Mode

Steps Windows Authentication uses Kerberos security protocol,

provides password policy enforcement with regard to
complexity validation for strong passwords, provides support
for account lockout, and supports password expiration.

When possible use Azure Active Directory Authentication for

Connecting to SQL Database

Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies SQL Azure

Attributes SQL Version - V12

References Connecting to SQL Database By Using Azure Active Directory


Steps Minimum version: Azure SQL Database V12 required to

allow Azure SQL Database to use AAD Authentication against
the Microsoft Directory

When SQL authentication mode is used, ensure that account and

password policy are enforced on SQL server

Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References SQL Server password policy

Steps When using SQL Server Authentication, logins are created in

SQL Server that are not based on Windows user accounts.
Both the user name and the password are created by using
SQL Server and stored in SQL Server. SQL Server can use
Windows password policy mechanisms. It can apply the same
complexity and expiration policies used in Windows to
passwords used inside SQL Server.

Do not use SQL Authentication in contained databases


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies OnPrem, SQL Azure

Attributes SQL Version - MSSQL2012, SQL Version - V12

References Security Best Practices with Contained Databases

Steps The absence of an enforced password policy may increase the

likelihood of a weak credential being established in a contained
database. Leverage Windows Authentication.

Use per device authentication credentials using SaS tokens


Component Azure Event Hub

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Event Hubs authentication and security model overview

Steps The Event Hubs security model is based on a combination

of Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens and event
publishers. The publisher name represents the DeviceID
that receives the token. This would help associate the
tokens generated with the respective devices.
All messages are tagged with originator on service side
allowing detection of in-payload origin spoofing attempts.
When authenticating devices, generate a per device SaS
token scoped to a unique publisher.

Enable Azure Multi-Factor Authentication for Azure Administrators


Component Azure Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References What is Azure Multi-Factor Authentication?

Steps Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of

authentication that requires more than one verification
method and adds a critical second layer of security to user
s and transactions. It works by requiring any two or
more of the following verification methods:
Something you know (typically a password)
Something you have (a trusted device that is not easily
duplicated, like a phone)
Something you are (biometrics)

Restrict anonymous access to Service Fabric Cluster


Component Service Fabric Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Environment - Azure

References Service Fabric cluster security scenarios


Steps Clusters should always be secured to prevent

unauthorized users from connecting to your cluster,
especially when it has production workloads running on it.
While creating a service fabric cluster, ensure that the
security mode is set to "secure" and configure the required
X.509 server certificate. Creating an "insecure" cluster will
allow any anonymous user to connect to it if it exposes
management endpoints to the public Internet.

Ensure that Service Fabric client-to-node certificate is different from

node-to-node certificate

Component Service Fabric Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Environment - Azure, Environment - Stand alone

References Service Fabric Client-to-node certificate security, Connect to a

secure cluster using client certificate

Steps Client-to-node certificate security is configured while

creating the cluster either through the Azure portal,
Resource Manager templates or a standalone JSON
template by specifying an admin client certificate and/or a
user client certificate.
The admin client and user client certificates you specify
should be different than the primary and secondary
certificates you specify for Node-to-node security.

Use AAD to authenticate clients to service fabric clusters


Component Service Fabric Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Environment - Azure

References Cluster security scenarios - Security Recommendations


Steps Clusters running on Azure can also secure access to the

management endpoints using Azure Active Directory (AAD),
apart from client certificates. For Azure clusters, it is
recommended that you use AAD security to authenticate
clients and certificates for node-to-node security.

Ensure that service fabric certificates are obtained from an approved

Certificate Authority (CA)

Component Service Fabric Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Environment - Azure

References X.509 certificates and Service Fabric

Steps Service Fabric uses X.509 server certificates for

authenticating nodes and clients.
Some important things to consider while using certificates
in service fabrics:
Certificates used in clusters running production
workloads should be created by using a correctly
configured Windows Server certificate service or
obtained from an approved Certificate Authority (CA).
The CA can be an approved external CA or a properly
managed internal Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Never use any temporary or test certificates in
production that are created with tools such as
You can use a self-signed certificate, but should only
do so for test clusters and not in production

Use standard authentication scenarios supported by Identity Server


Component Identity Server

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References IdentityServer3 - The Big Picture


Steps Below are the typical interactions supported by Identity

Browsers communicate with web applications
Web applications communicate with web APIs
(sometimes on their own, sometimes on behalf of a
Browser-based applications communicate with web
Native applications communicate with web APIs
Server-based applications communicate with web APIs
Web APIs communicate with web APIs (sometimes on
their own, sometimes on behalf of a user)

Override the default Identity Server token cache with a scalable


Component Identity Server

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Identity Server Deployment - Caching

Steps IdentityServer has a simple built-in in-memory cache.

While this is good for small scale native apps, it does not
scale for mid tier and backend applications for the
following reasons:
These applications are accessed by many users at once.
Saving all access tokens in the same store creates
isolation issues and presents challenges when
operating at scale: many users, each with as many
tokens as the resources the app accesses on their
behalf, can mean huge numbers and very expensive
lookup operations
These applications are typically deployed on distributed
topologies, where multiple nodes must have access to
the same cache
Cached tokens must survive process recycles and
For all the above reasons, while implementing web
apps, it is recommended to override the default
Identity Server's token cache with a scalable alternative
such as Azure Redis cache

Ensure that deployed application's binaries are digitally signed


Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that deployed application's binaries are digitally signed

so that the integrity of the binaries can be verified

Enable authentication when connecting to MSMQ queues in WCF


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN

Steps Program fails to enable authentication when connecting to

MSMQ queues, an attacker can anonymously submit
messages to the queue for processing. If authentication is not
used to connect to an MSMQ queue used to deliver a
message to another program, an attacker could submit an
anonymous message that is malicious.

The <netMsmqBinding/> element of the WCF configuration file below instructs WCF to disable authentication when
connecting to an MSMQ queue for message delivery.

<transport msmqAuthenticationMode=""None"" />

Configure MSMQ to require Windows Domain or Certificate authentication at all times for any incoming or
outgoing messages.
The <netMsmqBinding/> element of the WCF configuration file below instructs WCF to enable certificate
authentication when connecting to an MSMQ queue. The client is authenticated using X.509 certificates. The client
certificate must be present in the certificate store of the server.

<transport msmqAuthenticationMode=""Certificate"" />

WCF-Do not set Message clientCredentialType to none


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework 3

Attributes Client Credential Type - None

References MSDN, Fortify

Steps The absence of authentication means everyone is able to

access this service. A service that does not authenticate its
clients allows access to all users. Configure the application to
authenticate against client credentials. This can be done by
setting the message clientCredentialType to Windows or


<message clientCredentialType=""Certificate""/>

WCF-Do not set Transport clientCredentialType to none


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, .NET Framework 3

Attributes Client Credential Type - None

References MSDN, Fortify


Steps The absence of authentication means everyone is able to

access this service. A service that does not authenticate its
clients allows all users to access its functionality. Configure the
application to authenticate against client credentials. This can
be done by setting the transport clientCredentialType to
Windows or Certificate.


<transport clientCredentialType=""Certificate""/>

Ensure that standard authentication techniques are used to secure Web


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Web API,

External Authentication Services with ASP.NET Web API (C#)

Steps Authentication is the process where an entity proves its

identity, typically through credentials, such as a user name
and password. There are multiple authentication protocols
available which may be considered. Some of them are
listed below:
Client certificates
Windows based
Forms based
Federation - ADFS
Federation - Azure AD
Federation - Identity Server
Links in the references section provide low-level details on
how each of the authentication schemes can be
implemented to secure a Web API.

Use standard authentication scenarios supported by Azure Active


Component Azure AD

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD, Azure Active Directory

Code Samples, Azure Active Directory developer's guide

Steps Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) simplifies authentication

for developers by providing identity as a service, with
support for industry-standard protocols such as OAuth
2.0 and OpenID Connect. Below are the five primary
application scenarios supported by Azure AD:
Web Browser to Web Application: A user needs to sign
in to a web application that is secured by Azure AD
Single Page Application (SPA): A user needs to sign in
to a single page application that is secured by Azure
Native Application to Web API: A native application
that runs on a phone, tablet, or PC needs to
authenticate a user to get resources from a web API
that is secured by Azure AD
Web Application to Web API: A web application needs
to get resources from a web API secured by Azure AD
Daemon or Server Application to Web API: A daemon
application or a server application with no web user
interface needs to get resources from a web API
secured by Azure AD
Please refer to the links in the references section for low-
level implementation details

Override the default ADAL token cache with a scalable alternative


Component Azure AD

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Modern Authentication with Azure Active Directory for Web

Applications, Using Redis as ADAL token cache

Steps The default cache that ADAL (Active Directory

Authentication Library) uses is an in-memory cache that
relies on a static store, available process-wide. While this
works for native applications, it does not scale for mid tier
and backend applications for the following reasons:
These applications are accessed by many users at once.
Saving all access tokens in the same store creates
isolation issues and presents challenges when
operating at scale: many users, each with as many
tokens as the resources the app accesses on their
behalf, can mean huge numbers and very expensive
lookup operations
These applications are typically deployed on distributed
topologies, where multiple nodes must have access to
the same cache
Cached tokens must survive process recycles and
For all the above reasons, while implementing web apps, it
is recommended to override the default ADAL token cache
with a scalable alternative such as Azure Redis cache.

Ensure that TokenReplayCache is used to prevent the replay of ADAL

authentication tokens

Component Azure AD

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Modern Authentication with Azure Active Directory for Web


Steps The TokenReplayCache property allows developers to

define a token replay cache, a store that can be used for
saving tokens for the purpose of verifying that no token
can be used more than once.
This is a measure against a common attack, the aptly
called token replay attack: an attacker intercepting the
token sent at sign-in might try to send it to the app again
(“replay” it) for establishing a new session. E.g., In OIDC
code-grant flow, after successful user authentication, a
request to "/signin-oidc" endpoint of the relying party is
made with "id_token", "code" and "state" parameters.
The relying party validates this request and establishes a
new session. If an adversary captures this request and
replays it, he/she can establish a successful session and
spoof the user. The presence of the nonce in OpenID
Connect can limit but not fully eliminate the circumstances
in which the attack can be successfully enacted. To protect
their applications, developers can provide an
implementation of ITokenReplayCache and assign an
instance to TokenReplayCache.


// ITokenReplayCache defined in ADAL

public interface ITokenReplayCache
bool TryAdd(string securityToken, DateTime expiresOn);
bool TryFind(string securityToken);

Here is a sample implementation of the ITokenReplayCache interface. (Please customize and implement your
project-specific caching framework)

public class TokenReplayCache : ITokenReplayCache

private readonly ICacheProvider cache; // Your project-specific cache provider
public TokenReplayCache(ICacheProvider cache)
this.cache = cache;
public bool TryAdd(string securityToken, DateTime expiresOn)
if (this.cache.Get<string>(securityToken) == null)
this.cache.Set(securityToken, securityToken);
return true;
return false;
public bool TryFind(string securityToken)
return this.cache.Get<string>(securityToken) != null;

The implemented cache has to be referenced in OIDC options via the "TokenValidationParameters" property as

OpenIdConnectOptions openIdConnectOptions = new OpenIdConnectOptions

AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
... // other configuration properties follow..
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
TokenReplayCache = new TokenReplayCache(/*Inject your cache provider*/);

Please note that to test the effectiveness of this configuration, login into your local OIDC-protected application and
capture the request to "/signin-oidc" endpoint in fiddler. When the protection is not in place, replaying this
request in fiddler will set a new session cookie. When the request is replayed after the TokenReplayCache
protection is added, the application will throw an exception as follows:
SecurityTokenReplayDetectedException: IDX10228: The securityToken has previously been validated, securityToken:

Use ADAL libraries to manage token requests from OAuth2 clients to

AAD (or on-premises AD)

Component Azure AD

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References ADAL

Steps The Azure AD authentication Library (ADAL) enables client

application developers to easily authenticate users to
cloud or on-premises Active Directory (AD), and then
obtain access tokens for securing API calls.
ADAL has many features that make authentication easier
for developers, such as asynchronous support, a
configurable token cache that stores access tokens and
refresh tokens, automatic token refresh when an access
token expires and a refresh token is available, and more.
By handling most of the complexity, ADAL can help a
developer focus on business logic in their application and
easily secure resources without being an expert on
security. Separate libraries are available for .NET, JavaScript
(client and Node.js), iOS, Android and Java.

Authenticate devices connecting to the Field Gateway


Component IoT Field Gateway


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that each device is authenticated by the Field Gateway

before accepting data from them and before facilitating
upstream communications with the Cloud Gateway. Also,
ensure that devices connect with a per device credential so
that individual devices can be uniquely identified.

Ensure that devices connecting to Cloud gateway are authenticated


Component IoT Cloud Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, C#, Node.JS,

Attributes N/A, Gateway choice - Azure IoT Hub

References N/A, Azure IoT hub with .NET, Getting Started wih IoT hub and
Node JS, Securing IoT with SAS and certificates, Git repository

Steps Generic: Authenticate the device using Transport

Layer Security (TLS) or IPSec. Infrastructure should
support using pre-shared key (PSK) on those devices
that cannot handle full asymmetric cryptography.
Leverage Azure AD, Oauth.
C#: When creating a DeviceClient instance, by default,
the Create method creates a DeviceClient instance that
uses the AMQP protocol to communicate with IoT
Hub. To use the HTTPS protocol, use the override of
the Create method that enables you to specify the
protocol. If you use the HTTPS protocol, you should
also add the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client
NuGet package to your project to include the
System.Net.Http.Formatting namespace.

static DeviceClient deviceClient;

static string deviceKey = "{device key}";

static string iotHubUri = "{iot hub hostname}";

var messageString = "{message in string format}";

var message = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messageString));

deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(iotHubUri, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey("myFirstDevice",


await deviceClient.SendEventAsync(message);

Node.JS: Authentication
Symmetric key
Create a IoT hub on azure
Create an entry in the device identity registry
javascript var device = new iothub.Device(null); device.deviceId = <DeviceId > registry.create(device,
function(err, deviceInfo, res) {})
Create a simulated device
javascript var clientFromConnectionString = require('azure-iot-device-amqp').clientFromConnectionString; var
Message = require('azure-iot-device').Message; var connectionString = 'HostName=<HostName>DeviceId=
<DeviceId>SharedAccessKey=<SharedAccessKey>'; var client = clientFromConnectionString(connectionString);
#### SAS Token
Gets internally generated when using symmetric key but we can generate and use it explicitly as well
Define a protocol : var Http = require('azure-iot-device-http').Http;
Create a sas token : ```javascript resourceUri =
encodeURIComponent(resourceUri.toLowerCase()).toLowerCase(); var deviceName = ""; var expires =
( / 1000) + expiresInMins * 60; var toSign = resourceUri + '\n' + expires; // using crypto var
decodedPassword = new Buffer(signingKey, 'base64').toString('binary'); const hmac =
crypto.createHmac('sha256', decodedPassword); hmac.update(toSign); var base64signature =
hmac.digest('base64'); var base64UriEncoded = encodeURIComponent(base64signature); // construct
authorization string var token = "SharedAccessSignature sr=" + resourceUri +
base64UriEncoded + "&se=" + expires; if (policyName) token += "&skn="+policyName; return token; ```
Connect using sas token: javascript Client.fromSharedAccessSignature(sas, Http); #### Certificates
Generate a self signed X509 certificate using any tool such as OpenSSL to generate a .cert and .key files to store
the certificate and the key respectively
Provision a device that accepts secured connection using certificates.
javascript var connectionString = '<connectionString>'; var registry =
iothub.Registry.fromConnectionString(connectionString); var deviceJSON = {deviceId:"<deviceId>",
authentication: { x509Thumbprint: { primaryThumbprint: "<PrimaryThumbprint>", secondaryThumbprint: "
<SecondaryThumbprint>" } }} var device = deviceJSON; registry.create(device, function (err) {});
Connect a device using a certificate
javascript var Protocol = require('azure-iot-device-http').Http; var Client = require('azure-iot-
device').Client; var connectionString = 'HostName=<HostName>DeviceId=<DeviceId>x509=true'; var client =
Client.fromConnectionString(connectionString, Protocol); var options = { key: fs.readFileSync('./key.pem',
'utf8'), cert: fs.readFileSync('./server.crt', 'utf8') }; // Calling setOptions with the x509 certificate and
key (and optionally, passphrase) will configure the client //transport to use x509 when connecting to IoT Hub
client.setOptions(options); //call fn to execute after the connection is set up;

Use per-device authentication credentials


Component IoT Cloud Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Gateway choice - Azure IoT Hub

References Azure IoT Hub Security Tokens

Steps Use per device authentication credentials using SaS tokens

based on Device key or Client Certificate, instead of IoT Hub-
level shared access policies. This prevents the reuse of
authentication tokens of one device or field gateway by

Ensure that only the required containers and blobs are given
anonymous read access

Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes StorageType - Blob

References Manage anonymous read access to containers and blobs,

Shared Access Signatures, Part 1: Understanding the SAS

Steps By default, a container and any blobs within it may be

accessed only by the owner of the storage account. To
give anonymous users read permissions to a container
and its blobs, one can set the container permissions to
allow public access. Anonymous users can read blobs
within a publicly accessible container without
authenticating the request.
Containers provide the following options for managing
container access:
Full public read access: Container and blob data can be
read via anonymous request. Clients can enumerate
blobs within the container via anonymous request, but
cannot enumerate containers within the storage
Public read access for blobs only: Blob data within this
container can be read via anonymous request, but
container data is not available. Clients cannot
enumerate blobs within the container via anonymous
No public read access: Container and blob data can be
read by the account owner only
Anonymous access is best for scenarios where certain
blobs should always be available for anonymous read
access. For finer-grained control, one can create a shared
access signature, which enables to delegate restricted
access using different permissions and over a specified
time interval. Ensure that containers and blobs, which may
potentially contain sensitive data, are not given
anonymous access accidentally

Grant limited access to objects in Azure storage using SAS or SAP


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Shared Access Signatures, Part 1: Understanding the SAS

model, Shared Access Signatures, Part 2: Create and use a SAS
with Blob storage, How to delegate access to objects in your
account using Shared Access Signatures and Stored Access

Steps Using a shared access signature (SAS) is a powerful way to

grant limited access to objects in a storage account to
other clients, without having to expose account access
key. The SAS is a URI that encompasses in its query
parameters all of the information necessary for
authenticated access to a storage resource. To access
storage resources with the SAS, the client only needs to
pass in the SAS to the appropriate constructor or method.
You can use a SAS when you want to provide access to
resources in your storage account to a client that can't be
trusted with the account key. Your storage account keys
include both a primary and secondary key, both of which
grant administrative access to your account and all of the
resources in it. Exposing either of your account keys opens
your account to the possibility of malicious or negligent
use. Shared access signatures provide a safe alternative
that allows other clients to read, write, and delete data in
your storage account according to the permissions you've
granted, and without need for the account key.
If you have a logical set of parameters that are similar
each time, using a Stored Access Policy (SAP) is a better
idea. Because using a SAS derived from a Stored Access
Policy gives you the ability to revoke that SAS
immediately, it is the recommended best practice to
always use Stored Access Policies when possible.
Security Frame: Authorization | Mitigations
8/22/2017 • 17 min to read • Edit Online


Machine Trust Boundary Ensure that proper ACLs are configured to restrict
unauthorized access to data on the device
Ensure that sensitive user-specific application content
is stored in user-profile directory
Ensure that the deployed applications are run with
least privileges

Web Application Enforce sequential step order when processing

business logic flows
Implement rate limiting mechanism to prevent
Ensure that proper authorization is in place and
principle of least privileges is followed
Business logic and resource access authorization
decisions should not be based on incoming request
Ensure that content and resources are not enumerable
or accessible via forceful browsing

Database Ensure that least-privileged accounts are used to

connect to Database server
Implement Row Level Security RLS to prevent tenants
from accessing each other's data
Sysadmin role should only have valid necessary users

IoT Cloud Gateway Connect to Cloud Gateway using least-privileged


Azure Event Hub Use a send-only permissions SAS Key for generating
device tokens
Do not use access tokens that provide direct access to
the Event Hub
Connect to Event Hub using SAS keys that have the
minimum permissions required

Azure Document DB Use resource tokens to connect to DocumentDB

whenever possible

Azure Trust Boundary Enable fine-grained access management to Azure

Subscription using RBAC

Service Fabric Trust Boundary Restrict client's access to cluster operations using RBAC

Dynamics CRM Perform security modeling and use Field Level Security
where required

Dynamics CRM Portal Perform security modeling of portal accounts keeping

in mind that the security model for the portal differs
from the rest of CRM

Azure Storage Grant fine-grained permission on a range of entities in

Azure Table Storage
Enable Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to Azure
storage account using Azure Resource Manager

Mobile Client Implement implicit jailbreak or rooting detection

WCF Weak Class Reference in WCF

WCF-Implement Authorization control

Web API Implement proper authorization mechanism in


IoT Device Perform authorization checks in the device if it

supports various actions that require different
permission levels

IoT Field Gateway Perform authorization checks in the Field Gateway if it

supports various actions that require different
permission levels

Ensure that proper ACLs are configured to restrict unauthorized access

to data on the device

Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that proper ACLs are configured to restrict

unauthorized access to data on the device
Ensure that sensitive user-specific application content is stored in user-
profile directory

Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that sensitive user-specific application content is stored

in user-profile directory. This is to prevent multiple users of
the machine from accessing each other's data.

Ensure that the deployed applications are run with least privileges

Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that the deployed application is run with least


Enforce sequential step order when processing business logic flows


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps In order to verify that this stage was run through by a

genuine user you want to enforce the application to only
process business logic flows in sequential step order, with all
steps being processed in realistic human time, and not process
out of order, skipped steps, processed steps from another
user, or too quickly submitted transactions.

Implement rate limiting mechanism to prevent enumeration


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that sensitive identifiers are random. Implement

CAPTCHA control on anonymous pages. Ensure that error and
exception should not reveal specific data

Ensure that proper authorization is in place and principle of least

privileges is followed

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps The principle means giving a user account only those

privileges which are essential to that users work. For
example, a backup user does not need to install software:
hence, the backup user has rights only to run backup and
backup-related applications. Any other privileges, such as
installing new software, are blocked. The principle applies
also to a personal computer user who usually does work
in a normal user account, and opens a privileged,
password protected account (that is, a superuser) only
when the situation absolutely demands it.
This principle can also be applied to your web-applications.
Instead of solely depending on role-based authentication
methods using sessions, we rather want to assign
privileges to users by means of a Database-Based
Authentication system. We still use sessions in order to
identify if the user was logged in correctly, only now
instead of assigning that user with a specific role we assign
him with privileges to verify which actions he is privileged
to perform on the system. Also a big pro of this method
is, whenever a user has to be assigned fewer privileges
your changes will be applied on the fly since the assigning
does not depend on the session which otherwise had to
expire first.

Business logic and resource access authorization decisions should not

be based on incoming request parameters

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Whenever you are checking whether a user is restricted to

review certain data, the access restrictions should be
processed server-side. The userID should be stored inside of a
session variable on login and should be used to retrieve user
data from the database


FROM personaldata
WHERE userID=:id < - session var

Now an possible attacker can not tamper and change the application operation since the identifier for retrieving the
data is handled server-side.
Ensure that content and resources are not enumerable or accessible via
forceful browsing

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Sensitive static and configuration files should not be kept

in the web-root. For content not required to be public,
either proper access controls should be applied or removal
of the content itself.
Also, forceful browsing is usually combined with Brute
Force techniques to gather information by attempting to
access as many URLs as possible to enumerate directories
and files on a server. Attackers may check for all variations
of commonly existing files. For example, a password file
search would encompass files including psswd.txt,
password.htm, password.dat, and other variations.
To mitigate this, capabilities for detection of brute force
attempts should be included.

Ensure that least-privileged accounts are used to connect to Database


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References SQL Database permissions hierarchy, SQL database securables

Steps Least-privileged accounts should be used to connect to the

database. Application login should be restricted in the
database and should only execute selected stored procedures.
Application's login should have no direct table access.

Implement Row Level Security RLS to prevent tenants from accessing

each other's data

Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Sql Azure, OnPrem

Attributes SQL Version - V12, SQL Version - MsSQL2016

References SQL Server Row-Level Security (RLS)

Steps Row-Level Security enables customers to control access to

rows in a database table based on the characteristics of
the user executing a query (e.g., group membership or
execution context).
Row-Level Security (RLS) simplifies the design and coding
of security in your application. RLS enables you to
implement restrictions on data row access. For example
ensuring that workers can access only those data rows
that are pertinent to their department, or restricting a
customer's data access to only the data relevant to their
The access restriction logic is located in the database tier
rather than away from the data in another application tier.
The database system applies the access restrictions every
time that data access is attempted from any tier. This
makes the security system more reliable and robust by
reducing the surface area of the security system.

Please note that RLS as an out-of-the-box database feature is applicable only to SQL Server starting 2016 and
Azure SQL database. If the out-of-the-box RLS feature is not implemented, it should be ensured that data access is
restricted Using Views and Procedures

Sysadmin role should only have valid necessary users


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References SQL Database permissions hierarchy, SQL database securables

Steps Members of the SysAdmin fixed server role should be very

limited and never contain accounts used by applications.
Please review the list of users in the role and remove any
unnecessary accounts
Connect to Cloud Gateway using least-privileged tokens

Component IoT Cloud Gateway

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Gateway choice - Azure IoT Hub

References Iot Hub Access Control

Steps Provide least privilege permissions to various components that

connect to Cloud Gateway (IoT Hub). Typical example is –
Device management/provisioning component uses
registryread/write, Event Processor (ASA) uses Service
Connect. Individual devices connect using Device credentials

Use a send-only permissions SAS Key for generating device tokens


Component Azure Event Hub

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Event Hubs authentication and security model overview

Steps A SAS key is used to generate individual device tokens. Use a

send-only permissions SAS key while generating the device
token for a given publisher

Do not use access tokens that provide direct access to the Event Hub

Component Azure Event Hub

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Event Hubs authentication and security model overview


Steps A token that grants direct access to the event hub should not
be given to the device. Using a least privileged token for the
device that gives access only to a publisher would help identify
and blacklist it if found to be a rogue or compromised device.

Connect to Event Hub using SAS keys that have the minimum
permissions required

Component Azure Event Hub

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Event Hubs authentication and security model overview

Steps Provide least privilege permissions to various back-end

applications that connect to the Event Hub. Generate separate
SAS keys for each back-end application and only provide the
required permissions - Send, Receive or Manage to them.

Use resource tokens to connect to Cosmos DB whenever possible


Component Azure Document DB

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps A resource token is associated with a DocumentDB permission

resource and captures the relationship between the user of a
database and the permission that user has for a specific
DocumentDB application resource (e.g. collection, document).
Always use a resource token to access the DocumentDB if the
client cannot be trusted with handling master or read-only
keys - like an end user application like a mobile or desktop
client.Use Master key or read-only keys from backend
applications which can store these keys securely.

Enable fine-grained access management to Azure Subscription using


Component Azure Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Use role assignments to manage access to your Azure

subscription resources

Steps Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) enables fine-grained

access management for Azure. Using RBAC, you can grant
only the amount of access that users need to perform their

Restrict client's access to cluster operations using RBAC


Component Service Fabric Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Environment - Azure

References Role-based access control for Service Fabric clients

Steps Azure Service Fabric supports two different access control

types for clients that are connected to a Service Fabric
cluster: administrator and user. Access control allows the
cluster administrator to limit access to certain cluster
operations for different groups of users, making the
cluster more secure.
Administrators have full access to management
capabilities (including read/write capabilities). Users, by
default, have only read access to management capabilities
(for example, query capabilities), and the ability to resolve
applications and services.
You specify the two client roles (administrator and client)
at the time of cluster creation by providing separate
certificates for each.

Perform security modeling and use Field Level Security where required

Component Dynamics CRM

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Perform security modeling and use Field Level Security where

Perform security modeling of portal accounts keeping in mind that the

security model for the portal differs from the rest of CRM

Component Dynamics CRM Portal

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Perform security modeling of portal accounts keeping in mind

that the security model for the portal differs from the rest of

Grant fine-grained permission on a range of entities in Azure Table


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes StorageType - Table

References How to delegate access to objects in your Azure storage

account using SAS

Steps In certain business scenarios, Azure Table Storage may be

required to store sensitive data that caters to different parties.
E.g., sensitive data pertaining to different countries. In such
cases, SAS signatures can be constructed by specifying the
partition and row key ranges, such that a user can access data
specific to a particular country.

Enable Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to Azure storage account

using Azure Resource Manager

Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References How to secure your storage account with Role-Based Access

Control (RBAC)

Steps When you create a new storage account, you select a

deployment model of Classic or Azure Resource Manager.
The Classic model of creating resources in Azure only
allows all-or-nothing access to the subscription, and in
turn, the storage account.
With the Azure Resource Manager model, you put the
storage account in a resource group and control access to
the management plane of that specific storage account
using Azure Active Directory. For example, you can give
specific users the ability to access the storage account
keys, while other users can view information about the
storage account, but cannot access the storage account

Implement implicit jailbreak or rooting detection


Component Mobile Client

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Application should safeguard its own configuration and

user data in case if phone is rooted or jail broken.
Rooting/jail breaking implies unauthorized access, which
normal users won't do on their own phones. Therefore
application should have implicit detection logic on
application startup, to detect if the phone has been
The detection logic can be simply accessing files which
normally only root user can access, for example:
If the application can access any of these files, it denotes
that the application is running as root user.

Weak Class Reference in WCF


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom


Steps The system uses a weak class reference, which might allow
an attacker to execute unauthorized code. The program
references a user-defined class that is not uniquely
identified. When .NET loads this weakly identified class, the
CLR type loader searches for the class in the following
locations in the specified order:
1. If the assembly of the type is known, the loader
searches the configuration file's redirect locations, GAC,
the current assembly using configuration information,
and the application base directory
2. If the assembly is unknown, the loader searches the
current assembly, mscorlib, and the location returned
by the TypeResolve event handler
3. This CLR search order can be modified with hooks such
as the Type Forwarding mechanism and the
AppDomain.TypeResolve event
If an attacker exploits the CLR search order by creating an
alternative class with the same name and placing it in an
alternative location that the CLR will load first, the CLR will
unintentionally execute the attacker-supplied code

The <behaviorExtensions/> element of the WCF configuration file below instructs WCF to add a custom behavior
class to a particular WCF extension.

<add name=""myBehavior"" type=""MyBehavior"" />

Using fully qualified (strong) names uniquely identifies a type and further increases security of your system. Use
fully qualified assembly names when registering types in the machine.config and app.config files.
The <behaviorExtensions/> element of the WCF configuration file below instructs WCF to add strongly-referenced
custom behavior class to a particular WCF extension.

<add name=""myBehavior"" type=""Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.MyBehaviorSection, MyBehavior,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"" />

WCF-Implement Authorization control


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps This service does not use an authorization control. When a

client calls a particular WCF service, WCF provides various
authorization schemes that verify that the caller has
permission to execute the service method on the server. If
authorization controls are not enabled for WCF services,
an authenticated user can achieve privilege escalation.

The following configuration instructs WCF to not check the authorization level of the client when executing the

<serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode=""None"" />

Use a service authorization scheme to verify that the caller of the service method is authorized to do so. WCF
provides two modes and allows the definition of a custom authorization scheme. The UseWindowsGroups mode
uses Windows roles and users and the UseAspNetRoles mode uses an ASP.NET role provider, such as SQL Server,
to authenticate.
The following configuration instructs WCF to make sure that the client is part of the Administrators group before
executing the Add service:

<serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode=""UseWindowsGroups"" />

The service is then declared as the following:

Role = ""Builtin\\Administrators"")]
public double Add(double n1, double n2)
double result = n1 + n2;
return result;

Implement proper authorization mechanism in ASP.NET Web API


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, MVC5

Attributes N/A, Identity Provider - ADFS, Identity Provider - Azure AD

References Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Web API

Steps Role information for the application users can be derived

from Azure AD or ADFS claims if the application relies on
them as Identity provider or the application itself might
provided it. In any of these cases, the custom
authorization implementation should validate the user role
Role information for the application users can be derived
from Azure AD or ADFS claims if the application relies on
them as Identity provider or the application itself might
provided it. In any of these cases, the custom
authorization implementation should validate the user role

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class ApiAuthorizeAttribute : System.Web.Http.AuthorizeAttribute
public async override Task OnAuthorizationAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken
if (actionContext == null)
throw new Exception();

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Roles))
bool isAuthorized = ValidateRoles(actionContext);
if (!isAuthorized)


public bool ValidateRoles(actionContext)

//Authorization logic here; returns true or false

All the controllers and action methods which needs to protected should be decorated with above attribute.

public class CustomController : ApiController
//Application code goes here

Perform authorization checks in the device if it supports various actions

that require different permission levels

Component IoT Device

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps The Device should authorize the caller to check if the caller
has the required permissions to perform the action
requested. For e.g. Lets say the device is a Smart Door
Lock that can be monitored from the cloud, plus it
provides functionalities like Remotely locking the door.
The Smart Door Lock provides unlocking functionality only
when someone physically comes near the door with a
Card. In this case, the implementation of the remote
command and control should be done in such a way that
it does not provide any functionality to unlock the door as
the cloud gateway is not authorized to send a command
to unlock the door.

Perform authorization checks in the Field Gateway if it supports various

actions that require different permission levels

Component IoT Field Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps The Field Gateway should authorize the caller to check if the
caller has the required permissions to perform the action
requested. For e.g. there should be different permissions for
an admin user interface/API used to configure a field gateway
v/s devices that connect to it.
Security Frame: Communication Security | Mitigations
8/22/2017 • 14 min to read • Edit Online


Azure Event Hub Secure communication to Event Hub using SSL/TLS

Dynamics CRM Check service account privileges and check that the
custom Services or ASP.NET Pages respect CRM's

Azure Data Factory Use Data management gateway while connecting On

Prem SQL Server to Azure Data Factory

Identity Server Ensure that all traffic to Identity Server is over HTTPS

Web Application Verify X.509 certificates used to authenticate SSL, TLS,

and DTLS connections
Configure SSL certificate for custom domain in Azure
App Service
Force all traffic to Azure App Service over HTTPS
Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

Database Ensure SQL server connection encryption and

certificate validation
Force Encrypted communication to SQL server

Azure Storage Ensure that communication to Azure Storage is over

Validate MD5 hash after downloading blob if HTTPS
cannot be enabled
Use SMB 3.0 compatible client to ensure in-transit data
encryption to Azure File Shares

Mobile Client Implement Certificate Pinning

WCF Enable HTTPS - Secure Transport channel

WCF: Set Message security Protection level to
WCF: Use a least-privileged account to run your WCF

Web API Force all traffic to Web APIs over HTTPS connection

Azure Redis Cache Ensure that communication to Azure Redis Cache is

over SSL

IoT Field Gateway Secure Device to Field Gateway communication

IoT Cloud Gateway Secure Device to Cloud Gateway communication using


Secure communication to Event Hub using SSL/TLS


Component Azure Event Hub

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Event Hubs authentication and security model overview

Steps Secure AMQP or HTTP connections to Event Hub using


Check service account privileges and check that the custom Services or
ASP.NET Pages respect CRM's security

Component Dynamics CRM

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Check service account privileges and check that the custom
Services or ASP.NET Pages respect CRM's security

Use Data management gateway while connecting On Prem SQL Server

to Azure Data Factory

Component Azure Data Factory

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Linked Service Types - Azure and On Prem

References Moving data between On Prem and Azure Data Factory, Data
management gateway

Steps The Data Management Gateway (DMG) tool is required to

connect to data sources which are protected behind
corpnet or a firewall.
1. Locking down the machine isolates the DMG tool and
prevents malfunctioning programs from damaging or
snooping on the data source machine. (E.g. latest
updates must be installed, enable minimum required
ports, controlled accounts provisioning, auditing
enabled, disk encryption enabled etc.)
2. Data Gateway key must be rotated at frequent
intervals or whenever the DMG service account
password renews
3. Data transits through Link Service must be encrypted

Ensure that all traffic to Identity Server is over HTTPS connection


Component Identity Server

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References IdentityServer3 - Keys, Signatures and Cryptography,

IdentityServer3 - Deployment

Steps By default, IdentityServer requires all incoming connections to

come over HTTPS. It is absolutely mandatory that
communication with IdentityServer is done over secured
transports only. There are certain deployment scenarios like
SSL offloading where this requirement can be relaxed. See the
Identity Server deployment page in the references for more

Verify X.509 certificates used to authenticate SSL, TLS, and DTLS


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Applications that use SSL, TLS, or DTLS must fully verify
the X.509 certificates of the entities they connect to. This
includes verification of the certificates for:
Domain name
Validity dates (both beginning and expiration dates)
Revocation status
Usage (for example, Server Authentication for servers,
Client Authentication for clients)
Trust chain. Certificates must chain to a root
certification authority (CA) that is trusted by the
platform or explicitly configured by the administrator
Key length of certificate's public key must be >2048
Hashing algorithm must be SHA256 and above

Configure SSL certificate for custom domain in Azure App Service


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes EnvironmentType - Azure

References Enable HTTPS for an app in Azure App Service

Steps By default, Azure already enables HTTPS for every app with a
wildcard certificate for the * domain.
However, like all wildcard domains, it is not as secure as using
a custom domain with own certificate Refer. It is
recommended to enable SSL for the custom domain which the
deployed app will be accessed through

Force all traffic to Azure App Service over HTTPS connection


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes EnvironmentType - Azure

References [Enforce HTTPS on Azure App


Steps Though Azure already enables HTTPS for Azure app

services with a wildcard certificate for the domain
*, it do not enforce HTTPS. Visitors may
still access the app using HTTP, which may compromise
the app's security and hence HTTPS has to be enforced
explicitly. ASP.NET MVC applications should use the
RequireHttps filter that forces an unsecured HTTP request
to be re-sent over HTTPS.
Alternatively, the URL Rewrite module, which is included
with Azure App Service can be used to enforce HTTPS. URL
Rewrite module enables developers to define rules that are
applied to incoming requests before the requests are
handed to your application. URL Rewrite rules are defined
in a web.config file stored in the root of the application

The following example contains a basic URL Rewrite rule that forces all incoming traffic to use HTTPS

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<rule name="Force HTTPS" enabled="true">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="false" />
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true"
redirectType="Permanent" />

This rule works by returning an HTTP status code of 301 (permanent redirect) when the user requests a page using
HTTP. The 301 redirects the request to the same URL as the visitor requested, but replaces the HTTP portion of the
request with HTTPS. For example, HTTP:// would be redirected to HTTPS://

Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References OWASP HTTP Strict Transport Security Cheat Sheet

Steps HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is an opt-in security

enhancement that is specified by a web application
through the use of a special response header. Once a
supported browser receives this header that browser will
prevent any communications from being sent over HTTP
to the specified domain and will instead send all
communications over HTTPS. It also prevents HTTPS click
through prompts on browsers.
To implement HSTS, the following response header has to
be configured for a website globally, either in code or in
config. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=300;
includeSubDomains HSTS addresses the following threats:
User bookmarks or manually types
and is subject to a man-in-the-middle attacker: HSTS
automatically redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS for the
target domain
Web application that is intended to be purely HTTPS
inadvertently contains HTTP links or serves content
over HTTP: HSTS automatically redirects HTTP requests
to HTTPS for the target domain
A man-in-the-middle attacker attempts to intercept
traffic from a victim user using an invalid certificate and
hopes the user will accept the bad certificate: HSTS
does not allow a user to override the invalid certificate

Ensure SQL server connection encryption and certificate validation


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies SQL Azure

Attributes SQL Version - V12

References Best Practices on Writing Secure Connection Strings for SQL


Steps All communications between SQL Database and a client

application are encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
at all times. SQL Database doesn’t support unencrypted
connections. To validate certificates with application code
or tools, explicitly request an encrypted connection and do
not trust the server certificates. If your application code or
tools do not request an encrypted connection, they will
still receive encrypted connections
However, they may not validate the server certificates and
thus will be susceptible to "man in the middle" attacks. To
validate certificates with ADO.NET application code, set
Encrypt=True and TrustServerCertificate=False in
the database connection string. To validate certificates via
SQL Server Management Studio, open the Connect to
Server dialog box. Click Encrypt connection on the
Connection Properties tab

Force Encrypted communication to SQL server


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies OnPrem

Attributes SQL Version - MsSQL2016, SQL Version - MsSQL2012, SQL

Version - MsSQL2014

References Enable Encrypted Connections to the Database Engine

Steps Enabling SSL encryption increases the security of data

transmitted across networks between instances of SQL Server
and applications.

Ensure that communication to Azure Storage is over HTTPS


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Azure Storage Transport-Level Encryption – Using HTTPS


Steps To ensure the security of Azure Storage data in-transit, always

use the HTTPS protocol when calling the REST APIs or
accessing objects in storage. Also, Shared Access Signatures,
which can be used to delegate access to Azure Storage
objects, include an option to specify that only the HTTPS
protocol can be used when using Shared Access Signatures,
ensuring that anybody sending out links with SAS tokens will
use the proper protocol.

Validate MD5 hash after downloading blob if HTTPS cannot be enabled


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes StorageType - Blob

References Windows Azure Blob MD5 Overview

Steps Windows Azure Blob service provides mechanisms to

ensure data integrity both at the application and transport
layers. If for any reason you need to use HTTP instead of
HTTPS and you are working with block blobs, you can use
MD5 checking to help verify the integrity of the blobs
being transferred
This will help with protection from network/transport layer
errors, but not necessarily with intermediary attacks. If you
can use HTTPS, which provides transport level security,
then using MD5 checking is redundant and unnecessary.

Use SMB 3.0 compatible client to ensure in-transit data encryption to

Azure File shares

Component Mobile Client

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes StorageType - File

References Azure File Storage, Azure File Storage SMB Support for
Windows Clients

Steps Azure File Storage supports HTTPS when using the REST API,
but is more commonly used as an SMB file share attached to a
VM. SMB 2.1 does not support encryption, so connections are
only allowed within the same region in Azure. However, SMB
3.0 supports encryption, and can be used with Windows
Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10,
allowing cross-region access and even access on the desktop.

Implement Certificate Pinning


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, Windows Phone

Attributes N/A

References Certificate and Public Key Pinning

Steps Certificate pinning defends against Man-In-The-Middle

(MITM) attacks. Pinning is the process of associating a
host with their expected X509 certificate or public key.
Once a certificate or public key is known or seen for a
host, the certificate or public key is associated or 'pinned'
to the host.
Thus, when an adversary attempts to do SSL MITM attack,
during SSL handshake the key from attacker's server will
be different from the pinned certificate's key, and the
request will be discarded, thus preventing MITM
Certificate pinning can be achieved by implementing
ServerCertificateValidationCallback delegate.

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace CertificatePinningExample
class CertificatePinningExample
/* Note: In this example, we're hardcoding a the certificate's public key and algorithm for
demonstration purposes. In a real-world application, this should be stored in a secure
configuration area that can be updated as needed. */

private static readonly string PINNED_ALGORITHM = "RSA";

private static readonly string PINNED_PUBLIC_KEY = "3082010A0282010100B0E75B7CBE56D31658EF79B3A1" +

"294D506A88DFCDD603F6EF15E7F5BCBDF32291EC50B2B82BA158E905FE6A83EE044A48258B07FAC3D6356AF09B2" +
"3EDAB15D00507B70DB08DB9A20C7D1201417B3071A346D663A241061C151B6EC5B5B4ECCCDCDBEA24F051962809" +
"FEC499BF2D093C06E3BDA7D0BB83CDC1C2C6660B8ECB2EA30A685ADE2DC83C88314010FFC7F4F0F895EDDBE5C02" +
"ABF78E50B708E0A0EB984A9AA536BCE61A0C31DB95425C6FEE5A564B158EE7C4F0693C439AE010EF83CA8155750" +
"09B17537C29F86071E5DD8CA50EBD8A409494F479B07574D83EDCE6F68A8F7D40447471D05BC3F5EAD7862FA748" +

public static void Main(string[] args)

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
request.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) =>
if (certificate == null || sslPolicyErrors != SslPolicyErrors.None)
// Error getting certificate or the certificate failed basic validation
return false;

var targetKeyAlgorithm = new Oid(certificate.GetKeyAlgorithm()).FriendlyName;

var targetPublicKey = certificate.GetPublicKeyString();

if (targetKeyAlgorithm == PINNED_ALGORITHM &&

targetPublicKey == PINNED_PUBLIC_KEY)
// Success, the certificate matches the pinned value.
return true;
// Reject, either the key or the algorithm does not match the expected value.
return false;

var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Console.WriteLine($"Success, HTTP status code: {response.StatusCode}");
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Failure, {ex.Message}");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end.");

Enable HTTPS - Secure Transport channel


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps The application configuration should ensure that HTTPS is

used for all access to sensitive information.
EXPLANATION: If an application handles sensitive
information and does not use message-level
encryption, then it should only be allowed to
communicate over an encrypted transport channel.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Ensure that HTTP transport is
disabled and enable HTTPS transport instead. For
example, replace the <httpTransport/> with
<httpsTransport/> tag. Do not rely on a network
configuration (firewall) to guarantee that the
application can only be accessed over a secure channel.
From a philosophical point of view, the application
should not depend on the network for its security.
From a practical point of view, the people responsible for
securing the network do not always track the security
requirements of the application as they evolve.

WCF: Set Message security Protection level to EncryptAndSign


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN

Steps EXPLANATION: When Protection level is set to "none"

it will disable message protection. Confidentiality and
integrity is achieved with appropriate level of setting.
when Mode=None - Disables message
when Mode=Sign - Signs but does not encrypt
the message; should be used when data
integrity is important
when Mode=EncryptAndSign - Signs and
encrypts the message
Consider turning off encryption and only signing your
message when you just need to validate the integrity of
the information without concerns of confidentiality. This
may be useful for operations or service contracts in which
you need to validate the original sender but no sensitive
data is transmitted. When reducing the protection level,
be careful that the message does not contain any
personally identifiable information (PII).

Configuring the service and the operation to only sign the message is shown in the following examples. Service
Contract Example of ProtectionLevel.Sign : The following is an example of using ProtectionLevel.Sign at the Service
Contract level:

[ServiceContract(Protection Level=ProtectionLevel.Sign]
public interface IService
string GetData(int value);

Operation Contract Example of ProtectionLevel.Sign (for Granular Control): The following is an example of using
ProtectionLevel.Sign at the OperationContract level:

string GetData(int value);

WCF: Use a least-privileged account to run your WCF service


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN

Steps EXPLANATION: Do not run WCF services under

admin or high privilege account. in case of services
compromise it will result in high impact.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Use a least-privileged account
to host your WCF service because it will reduce your
application's attack surface and reduce the potential
damage if you are attacked. If the service account
requires additional access rights on infrastructure
resources such as MSMQ, the event log, performance
counters, and the file system, appropriate permissions
should be given to these resources so that the WCF
service can run successfully.
If your service needs to access specific resources on behalf
of the original caller, use impersonation and delegation to
flow the caller's identity for a downstream authorization
check. In a development scenario, use the local network
service account, which is a special built-in account that has
reduced privileges. In a production scenario, create a least-
privileged custom domain service account.

Force all traffic to Web APIs over HTTPS connection


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References Enforcing SSL in a Web API Controller

Steps If an application has both an HTTPS and an HTTP binding,

clients can still use HTTP to access the site. To prevent this, use
an action filter to ensure that requests to protected APIs are
always over HTTPS.

The following code shows a Web API authentication filter that checks for SSL:
public class RequireHttpsAttribute : AuthorizationFilterAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.Request.RequestUri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
ReasonPhrase = "HTTPS Required"

Add this filter to any Web API actions that require SSL:

public class ValuesController : ApiController

public HttpResponseMessage Get() { ... }

Ensure that communication to Azure Redis Cache is over SSL


Component Azure Redis Cache

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Azure Redis SSL support

Steps Redis server does not support SSL out of the box, but Azure
Redis Cache does. If you are connecting to Azure Redis Cache
and your client supports SSL, like StackExchange.Redis, then
you should use SSL. By default non-SSL port is disabled for
new Azure Redis Cache instances. Ensure that the secure
defaults are not changed unless there is a dependency on SSL
support for redis clients.

Please note that Redis is designed to be accessed by trusted clients inside trusted environments. This means that
usually it is not a good idea to expose the Redis instance directly to the internet or, in general, to an environment
where untrusted clients can directly access the Redis TCP port or UNIX socket.

Secure Device to Field Gateway communication


Component IoT Field Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps For IP based devices, the communication protocol could

typically be encapsulated in a SSL/TLS channel to protect data
in transit. For other protocols that do not support SSL/TLS
investigate if there are secure versions of the protocol that
provide security at transport or message layer.

Secure Device to Cloud Gateway communication using SSL/TLS


Component IoT Cloud Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Choose your Communication Protocol

Steps Secure HTTP/AMQP or MQTT protocols using SSL/TLS.

Security Frame: Configuration Management |
8/22/2017 • 20 min to read • Edit Online


Web Application Implement Content Security Policy (CSP), and disable

inline javascript
Enable browser's XSS filter
ASP.NET applications must disable tracing and
debugging prior to deployment
Access third-party javascripts from trusted sources
Ensure that authenticated ASP.NET pages incorporate
UI Redressing or click-jacking defenses
Ensure that only trusted origins are allowed if CORS is
enabled on ASP.NET Web Applications
Enable ValidateRequest attribute on ASP.NET Pages
Use locally-hosted latest versions of JavaScript libraries
Disable automatic MIME sniffing
Remove standard server headers on Windows Azure
Web Sites to avoid fingerprinting

Database Configure a Windows Firewall for Database Engine


Web API Ensure that only trusted origins are allowed if CORS is
enabled on ASP.NET Web API
Encrypt sections of Web API's configuration files that
contain sensitive data

IoT Device Ensure that all admin interfaces are secured with
strong credentials
Ensure that unknown code cannot execute on devices
Encrypt OS and additional partitions of IoT Device with
Ensure that only the minimum services/features are
enabled on devices

IoT Field Gateway Encrypt OS and additional partitions of IoT Field

Gateway with bit-locker
Ensure that the default login credentials of the field
gateway are changed during installation

IoT Cloud Gateway Ensure that the Cloud Gateway implements a process
to keep the connected devices firmware up to date

Machine Trust Boundary Ensure that devices have end-point security controls
configured as per organizational policies

Azure Storage Ensure secure management of Azure storage access

Ensure that only trusted origins are allowed if CORS is
enabled on Azure storage

WCF Enable WCF's service throttling feature

WCF-Information disclosure through metadata

Implement Content Security Policy (CSP), and disable inline javascript


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References An Introduction to Content Security Policy, Content Security

Policy Reference, Security features, Introduction to content
security policy, Can I use CSP?

Steps Content Security Policy (CSP) is a defense-in-depth

security mechanism, a W3C standard, that enables web
application owners to have control on the content
embedded in their site. CSP is added as an HTTP response
header on the web server and is enforced on the client
side by browsers. It is a whitelist-based policy - a website
can declare a set of trusted domains from which active
content such as JavaScript can be loaded.
CSP provides the following security benefits:
Protection against XSS: If a page is vulnerable to XSS,
an attacker can exploit it in 2 ways:
Inject <script>malicious code</script> .
This exploit will not work due to CSP’s Base
. This exploit will not work since the attacker
controlled domain will not be in CSP’s whitelist
of domains
Control over data exfiltration: If any malicious
content on a webpage attempts to connect to an
external website and steal data, the connection will be
aborted by CSP. This is because the target domain will
not be in CSP’s whitelist
Defense against click-jacking: click-jacking is an
attack technique using which an adversary can frame a
genuine website and force users to click on UI
elements. Currently defense against click-jacking is
achieved by configuring a response header- X-Frame-
Options. Not all browsers respect this header and
going forward CSP will be a standard way to defend
against click-jacking
Real-time attack reporting: If there is an injection
attack on a CSP-enabled website, browsers will
automatically trigger a notification to an endpoint
configured on the webserver. This way, CSP serves as a
real-time warning system.

Example policy:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'

This policy allows scripts to load only from the web application’s server and google analytics server. Scripts loaded
from any other site will be rejected. When CSP is enabled on a website, the following features are automatically
disabled to mitigate XSS attacks.
Inline scripts will not execute. Following are examples of inline scripts

<script> some Javascript code </script>

Event handling attributes of HTML tags (e.g., <button onclick=”function(){}”>
Strings will not be evaluated as code.

Example: var str="alert(1)"; eval(str);

Enable browser's XSS filter


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References XSS Protection Filter

Steps X-XSS-Protection response header configuration controls

the browser's cross site script filter. This response header
can have following values:
0:This will disable the filter
1: Filter enabled If a cross-site scripting attack is
detected, in order to stop the attack, the browser will
sanitize the page
1: mode=block : Filter enabled . Rather than
sanitize the page, when a XSS attack is detected, the
browser will prevent rendering of the page
1: report=http://[YOURDOMAIN]/your_report_URI
: Filter enabled
. The browser will sanitize the page and report the
This is a Chromium function utilizing CSP violation reports
to send details to a URI of your choice. The last 2 options
are considered safe values.

ASP.NET applications must disable tracing and debugging prior to


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References ASP.NET Debugging Overview, ASP.NET Tracing Overview,

How to: Enable Tracing for an ASP.NET Application, How to:
Enable Debugging for ASP.NET Applications

Steps When tracing is enabled for the page, every browser

requesting it also obtains the trace information that contains
data about internal server state and workflow. That
information could be security sensitive. When debugging is
enabled for the page, errors happening on the server result in
a full stack trace data presented to the browser. That data may
expose security-sensitive information about the server's

Access third-party javascripts from trusted sources only


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps third-party JavaScripts should be referenced only from trusted

sources. The reference endpoints should always be on SSL.

Ensure that authenticated ASP.NET pages incorporate UI Redressing or

click-jacking defenses

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References OWASP click-jacking Defense Cheat Sheet, IE Internals -

Combating click-jacking With X-Frame-Options

Steps click-jacking, also known as a "UI redress attack", is when

an attacker uses multiple transparent or opaque layers to
trick a user into clicking on a button or link on another
page when they were intending to click on the top-level
This layering is achieved by crafting a malicious page with
an iframe, which loads the victim's page. Thus, the attacker
is "hijacking" clicks meant for their page and routing them
to another page, most likely owned by another
application, domain, or both. To prevent click-jacking
attacks, set the proper X-Frame-Options HTTP response
headers that instruct the browser to not allow framing
from other domains

The X-FRAME-OPTIONS header can be set via IIS web.config. Web.config code snippet for sites that should never be

<add name="X-FRAME-OPTIONS" value="DENY"/>

Web.config code for sites that should only be framed by pages in the same domain:

<add name="X-FRAME-OPTIONS" value="SAMEORIGIN"/>

Ensure that only trusted origins are allowed if CORS is enabled on

ASP.NET Web Applications

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Web Forms, MVC5

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Browser security prevents a web page from making AJAX

requests to another domain. This restriction is called the
same-origin policy, and prevents a malicious site from
reading sensitive data from another site. However,
sometimes it might be required to expose APIs securely
which other sites can consume. Cross Origin Resource
Sharing (CORS) is a W3C standard that allows a server to
relax the same-origin policy. Using CORS, a server can
explicitly allow some cross-origin requests while rejecting
CORS is safer and more flexible than earlier techniques
such as JSONP. At its core, enabling CORS translates to
adding a few HTTP response headers (Access-Control-*) to
the web application and this can be done in a couple of

If access to Web.config is available, then CORS can be added through the following code:

<clear />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="" />

If access to web.config is not available, then CORS can be configured by adding the following CSharp code:

HttpContext.Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "")

Please note that it is critical to ensure that the list of origins in "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" attribute is set to a
finite and trusted set of origins. Failing to configure this inappropriately (e.g., setting the value as '*') will allow
malicious sites to trigger cross origin requests to the web application >without any restrictions, thereby making the
application vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

Enable ValidateRequest attribute on ASP.NET Pages


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Web Forms, MVC5

Attributes N/A

References Request Validation - Preventing Script Attacks


Steps Request validation, a feature of ASP.NET since version 1.1,

prevents the server from accepting content containing un-
encoded HTML. This feature is designed to help prevent
some script-injection attacks whereby client script code or
HTML can be unknowingly submitted to a server, stored,
and then presented to other users. We still strongly
recommend that you validate all input data and HTML
encode it when appropriate.
Request validation is performed by comparing all input
data to a list of potentially dangerous values. If a match
occurs, ASP.NET raises an
HttpRequestValidationException . By default, Request
Validation feature is enabled.

However, this feature can be disabled at page level:

<%@ Page validateRequest="false" %>

or, at application level

<pages validateRequest="false" />

Please note that Request Validation feature is not supported, and is not part of MVC6 pipeline.

Use locally-hosted latest versions of JavaScript libraries


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Developers using standard JavaScript libraries like JQuery

must use approved versions of common JavaScript
libraries that do not contain known security flaws. A good
practice is to use the most latest version of the libraries,
since they contain security fixes for known vulnerabilities
in their older versions.
If the most recent release cannot be used due to
compatibility reasons, the below minimum versions should
be used.
Acceptable minimum versions:
JQuery 1.7.1
JQueryUI 1.10.0
JQuery Validate 1.9
JQuery Mobile 1.0.1
JQuery Cycle 2.99
JQuery DataTables 1.9.0
Ajax Control Toolkit
Ajax Control Toolkit 40412
ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax
ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax 4
ASP.NET Ajax 3.5
Never load any JavaScript library from external sites such
as public CDNs

Disable automatic MIME sniffing


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References IE8 Security Part V: Comprehensive Protection, MIME type

Steps The X-Content-Type-Options header is an HTTP header that

allows developers to specify that their content should not be
MIME-sniffed. This header is designed to mitigate MIME-
Sniffing attacks. For each page that could contain user
controllable content, you must use the HTTP Header X-
Content-Type-Options:nosniff. To enable the required header
globally for all pages in the application, you can do one of the

Add the header in the web.config file if the application is hosted by Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 onwards.
<add name="X-Content-Type-Options" value="nosniff"/>

Add the header through the global Application_BeginRequest

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

this.Response.Headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff";

Implement custom HTTP module

public class XContentTypeOptionsModule : IHttpModule

#region IHttpModule Members
public void Dispose()
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.PreSendRequestHeaders += newEventHandler(context_PreSendRequestHeaders);
void context_PreSendRequestHeaders(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication application = sender as HttpApplication;
if (application == null)
if (application.Response.Headers["X-Content-Type-Options "] != null)
application.Response.Headers.Add("X-Content-Type-Options ", "nosniff");

You can enable the required header only for specific pages by adding it to individual responses:

this.Response.Headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff";

Remove standard server headers on Windows Azure Web Sites to avoid


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build


Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes EnvironmentType - Azure

References Removing standard server headers on Windows Azure Web


Steps Headers such as Server, X-Powered-By, X-AspNet-Version

reveal information about the server and the underlying
technologies. It is recommended to suppress these headers
thereby preventing fingerprinting the application

Configure a Windows Firewall for Database Engine Access


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies SQL Azure, OnPrem

Attributes N/A, SQL Version - V12

References How to configure an Azure SQL database firewall, Configure a

Windows Firewall for Database Engine Access

Steps Firewall systems help prevent unauthorized access to

computer resources. To access an instance of the SQL Server
Database Engine through a firewall, you must configure the
firewall on the computer running SQL Server to allow access

Ensure that only trusted origins are allowed if CORS is enabled on


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC 5

Attributes N/A

References Enabling Cross-Origin Requests in ASP.NET Web API 2,

ASP.NET Web API - CORS Support in ASP.NET Web API 2

Steps Browser security prevents a web page from making AJAX

requests to another domain. This restriction is called the
same-origin policy, and prevents a malicious site from
reading sensitive data from another site. However,
sometimes it might be required to expose APIs securely
which other sites can consume. Cross Origin Resource
Sharing (CORS) is a W3C standard that allows a server to
relax the same-origin policy.
Using CORS, a server can explicitly allow some cross-origin
requests while rejecting others. CORS is safer and more
flexible than earlier techniques such as JSONP.

In the App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs, add the following code to the WebApiConfig.Register method

using System.Web.Http;
namespace WebService
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// New code

name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

EnableCors attribute can be applied to action methods in a controller as follows:
public class ResourcesController : ApiController
[EnableCors("", // Origin
null, // Request headers
"GET", // HTTP methods
"bar", // Response headers
SupportsCredentials=true // Allow credentials
public HttpResponseMessage Get(int id)
var resp = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
resp.Headers.Add("bar", "a bar value");
return resp;
[EnableCors("", // Origin
"Accept, Origin, Content-Type", // Request headers
"PUT", // HTTP methods
PreflightMaxAge=600 // Preflight cache duration
public HttpResponseMessage Put(Resource data)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);
[EnableCors("", // Origin
"Accept, Origin, Content-Type", // Request headers
"POST", // HTTP methods
PreflightMaxAge=600 // Preflight cache duration
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Resource data)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);

Please note that it is critical to ensure that the list of origins in EnableCors attribute is set to a finite and trusted set
of origins. Failing to configure this inappropriately (e.g., setting the value as '*') will allow malicious sites to trigger
cross origin requests to the API without any restrictions, >thereby making the API vulnerable to CSRF attacks.
EnableCors can be decorated at controller level.
To disable CORS on a particular method in a class, the DisableCors attribute can be used as shown below:

[EnableCors("", "Accept, Origin, Content-Type", "POST")]

public class ResourcesController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Put(Resource data)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Resource data)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);
// CORS not allowed because of the [DisableCors] attribute
public HttpResponseMessage Delete(int id)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);

Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC 6

Attributes N/A

References Enabling Cross-Origin Requests (CORS) in ASP.NET Core 1.0

Steps In ASP.NET Core 1.0, CORS can be enabled either using

middleware or using MVC. When using MVC to enable
CORS the same CORS services are used, but the CORS
middleware is not.

Approach-1 Enabling CORS with middleware: To enable CORS for the entire application add the CORS
middleware to the request pipeline using the UseCors extension method. A cross-origin policy can be specified
when adding the CORS middleware using the CorsPolicyBuilder class. There are two ways to do this:
The first is to call UseCors with a lambda. The lambda takes a CorsPolicyBuilder object:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)

app.UseCors(builder =>
.WithMethods("GET", "POST", "HEAD")
.WithHeaders("accept", "content-type", "origin", "x-custom-header"));

The second is to define one or more named CORS policies, and then select the policy by name at run time.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

services.AddCors(options =>
builder => builder.WithOrigins(""));
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.Run(async (context) =>
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");

Approach-2 Enabling CORS in MVC: Developers can alternatively use MVC to apply specific CORS per action, per
controller, or globally for all controllers.
Per action: To specify a CORS policy for a specific action add the [EnableCors] attribute to the action. Specify the
policy name.

public class HomeController : Controller

public IActionResult Index()
return View();

Per controller:

public class HomeController : Controller


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
options.Filters.Add(new CorsAuthorizationFilterFactory("AllowSpecificOrigin"));

Please note that it is critical to ensure that the list of origins in EnableCors attribute is set to a finite and trusted set
of origins. Failing to configure this inappropriately (e.g., setting the value as '*') will allow malicious sites to trigger
cross origin requests to the API without any restrictions, >thereby making the API vulnerable to CSRF attacks.
To disable CORS for a controller or action, use the [DisableCors] attribute.

public IActionResult About()
return View();

Encrypt sections of Web API's configuration files that contain sensitive


Component Web API

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic


Attributes N/A

References How To: Encrypt Configuration Sections in ASP.NET 2.0 Using

DPAPI, Specifying a Protected Configuration Provider, Using
Azure Key Vault to protect application secrets

Steps Configuration files such as the Web.config, appsettings.json

are often used to hold sensitive information, including user
names, passwords, database connection strings, and
encryption keys. If you do not protect this information, your
application is vulnerable to attackers or malicious users
obtaining sensitive information such as account user names
and passwords, database names and server names. Based on
the deployment type (azure/on-prem), encrypt the sensitive
sections of config files using DPAPI or services like Azure Key

Ensure that all admin interfaces are secured with strong credentials

Component IoT Device

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Any administrative interfaces that the device or field gateway

exposes should be secured using strong credentials. Also, any
other exposed interfaces like WiFi, SSH, File shares, FTP should
be secured with strong credentials. Default weak passwords
should not be used.

Ensure that unknown code cannot execute on devices


Component IoT Device

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Enabling Secure Boot and bit-locker Device Encryption on

Windows 10 IoT Core

Steps UEFI Secure Boot restricts the system to only allow execution
of binaries signed by a specified authority. This feature
prevents unknown code from being executed on the platform
and potentially weakening the security posture of it. Enable
UEFI Secure Boot and restrict the list of certificate authorities
that are trusted for signing code. Sign all code that is deployed
on the device using one of the trusted authorities.

Encrypt OS and additional partitions of IoT Device with bit-locker


Component IoT Device

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Windows 10 IoT Core implements a lightweight version of bit-

locker Device Encryption, which has a strong dependency on
the presence of a TPM on the platform, including the
necessary preOS protocol in UEFI that conducts the necessary
measurements. These preOS measurements ensure that the
OS later has a definitive record of how the OS was
launched.Encrypt OS partitions using bit-locker and any
additional partitions also in case they store any sensitive data.

Ensure that only the minimum services/features are enabled on devices


Component IoT Device

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Do not enable or turn off any features or services in the OS

that is not required for the functioning of the solution. For e.g.
if the device does not require a UI to be deployed, install
Windows IoT Core in headless mode.

Encrypt OS and additional partitions of IoT Field Gateway with bit-


Component IoT Field Gateway

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Windows 10 IoT Core implements a lightweight version of bit-

locker Device Encryption, which has a strong dependency on
the presence of a TPM on the platform, including the
necessary preOS protocol in UEFI that conducts the necessary
measurements. These preOS measurements ensure that the
OS later has a definitive record of how the OS was
launched.Encrypt OS partitions using bit-locker and any
additional partitions also in case they store any sensitive data.

Ensure that the default login credentials of the field gateway are
changed during installation

Component IoT Field Gateway

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that the default login credentials of the field gateway
are changed during installation

Ensure that the Cloud Gateway implements a process to keep the

connected devices firmware up to date

Component IoT Cloud Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic


Attributes Gateway choice - Azure IoT Hub

References IoT Hub Device Management Overview, How to update Device


Steps LWM2M is a protocol from the Open Mobile Alliance for IoT
Device Management. Azure IoT device management allows to
interact with physical devices using device jobs. Ensure that
the Cloud Gateway implements a process to routinely keep
the device and other configuration data up to date using
Azure IoT Hub Device Management.

Ensure that devices have end-point security controls configured as per

organizational policies

Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that devices have end-point security controls such as

bit-locker for disk-level encryption, anti-virus with updated
signatures, host based firewall, OS upgrades, group policies
etc. are configured as per organizational security policies.

Ensure secure management of Azure storage access keys


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Azure Storage security guide - Managing Your Storage

Account Keys

Steps Key Storage: It is recommended to store the Azure

Storage access keys in Azure Key Vault as a secret and
have the applications retrieve the key from key vault. This
is recommended due to the following reasons:
The application will never have the storage key
hardcoded in a configuration file, which removes that
avenue of somebody getting access to the keys
without specific permission
Access to the keys can be controlled using Azure Active
Directory. This means an account owner can grant
access to the handful of applications that need to
retrieve the keys from Azure Key Vault. Other
applications will not be able to access the keys without
granting them permission specifically
Key Regeneration: It is recommended to have a
process in place to regenerate Azure storage access
keys for security reasons. Details on why and how to
plan for key regeneration are documented in the Azure
Storage Security Guide reference article

Ensure that only trusted origins are allowed if CORS is enabled on

Azure storage

Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References CORS Support for the Azure Storage Services

Steps Azure Storage allows you to enable CORS – Cross Origin

Resource Sharing. For each storage account, you can specify
domains that can access the resources in that storage account.
By default, CORS is disabled on all services. You can enable
CORS by using the REST API or the storage client library to call
one of the methods to set the service policies.

Enable WCF's service throttling feature


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework 3


Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps Not placing a limit on the use of system resources could

result in resource exhaustion and ultimately a denial of
EXPLANATION: Windows Communication Foundation
(WCF) offers the ability to throttle service requests.
Allowing too many client requests can flood a system
and exhaust its resources. On the other hand, allowing
only a small number of requests to a service can
prevent legitimate users from using the service. Each
service should be individually tuned to and configured
to allow the appropriate amount of resources.
RECOMMENDATIONS Enable WCF's service throttling
feature and set limits appropriate for your application.

The following is an example configuration with throttling enabled:

<behavior name="Throttled">
<serviceThrottling maxConcurrentCalls="[YOUR SERVICE VALUE]" maxConcurrentSessions="[YOUR SERVICE VALUE]"
maxConcurrentInstances="[YOUR SERVICE VALUE]" />

WCF-Information disclosure through metadata


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps Metadata can help attackers learn about the system and plan
a form of attack. WCF services can be configured to expose
metadata. Metadata gives detailed service description
information and should not be broadcast in production
environments. The HttpGetEnabled / HttpsGetEnabled
properties of the ServiceMetaData class defines whether a
service will expose the metadata

The code below instructs WCF to broadcast a service's metadata

ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();

smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
smb.HttpGetUrl = new Uri(EndPointAddress);

Do not broadcast service metadata in a production environment. Set the HttpGetEnabled / HttpsGetEnabled
properties of the ServiceMetaData class to false.
The code below instructs WCF to not broadcast a service's metadata.

ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();

smb.HttpGetEnabled = false;
smb.HttpGetUrl = new Uri(EndPointAddress);
Security Frame: Cryptography | Mitigations
8/22/2017 • 14 min to read • Edit Online


Web Application Use only approved symmetric block ciphers and key
Use approved block cipher modes and initialization
vectors for symmetric ciphers
Use approved asymmetric algorithms, key lengths, and
Use approved random number generators
Do not use symmetric stream ciphers
Use approved MAC/HMAC/keyed hash algorithms
Use only approved cryptographic hash functions

Database Use strong encryption algorithms to encrypt data in

the database
SSIS packages should be encrypted and digitally signed
Add digital signature to critical database securables
Use SQL server EKM to protect encryption keys
Use AlwaysEncrypted feature if encryption keys should
not be revealed to Database engine

IoT Device Store Cryptographic Keys securely on IoT Device

IoT Cloud Gateway Generate a random symmetric key of sufficient length

for authentication to IoT Hub

Dynamics CRM Mobile Client Ensure a device management policy is in place that
requires a use PIN and allows remote wiping

Dynamics CRM Outlook Client Ensure a device management policy is in place that
requires a PIN/password/auto lock and encrypts all
data (e.g. Bitlocker)

Identity Server Ensure that signing keys are rolled over when using
Identity Server
Ensure that cryptographically strong client ID, client
secret are used in Identity Server

Use only approved symmetric block ciphers and key lengths


Component Web Application


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Products must use only those symmetric block ciphers

and associated key lengths which have been explicitly
approved by the Crypto Advisor in your organization.
Approved symmetric algorithms at Microsoft include the
following block ciphers:
For new code AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 are
For backward compatibility with existing code, three-
key 3DES is acceptable
For products using symmetric block ciphers:
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is required
for new code
Three-key triple Data Encryption Standard
(3DES) is permissible in existing code for
backward compatibility
All other block ciphers, including RC2, DES, 2
Key 3DES, DESX, and Skipjack, may only be
used for decrypting old data, and must be
replaced if used for encryption
For symmetric block encryption algorithms, a minimum
key length of 128 bits is required. The only block
encryption algorithm recommended for new code is
AES (AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 are all
Three-key 3DES is currently acceptable if already in use
in existing code; transition to AES is recommended.
DES, DESX, RC2, and Skipjack are no longer considered
secure. These algorithms may only be used for
decrypting existing data for the sake of backward-
compatibility, and data should be re-encrypted using a
recommended block cipher
Please note that all symmetric block ciphers must be used
with an approved cipher mode, which requires use of an
appropriate initialization vector (IV). An appropriate IV, is
typically a random number and never a constant value
The use of legacy or otherwise unapproved crypto
algorithms and smaller key lengths for reading existing
data (as opposed to writing new data) may be permitted
after your organization's Crypto Board review. However,
you must file for an exception against this requirement.
Additionally, in enterprise deployments, products should
consider warning administrators when weak crypto is used
to read data. Such warnings should be explanatory and
actionable. In some cases, it may be appropriate to have
Group Policy control the use of weak crypto
Allowed .NET algorithms for managed crypto agility (in
order of preference)
AesCng (FIPS compliant)
AuthenticatedAesCng (FIPS compliant)
AESCryptoServiceProvider (FIPS compliant)
AESManaged (non-FIPS-compliant)
Please note that none of these algorithms can be specified
via the SymmetricAlgorithm.Create or
CryptoConfig.CreateFromName methods without
making changes to the machine.config file. Also, note that
AES in versions of .NET prior to .NET 3.5 is named
RijndaelManaged , and AesCng and
AuthenticatedAesCng are >available through CodePlex
and require CNG in the underlying OS

Use approved block cipher modes and initialization vectors for

symmetric ciphers

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps All symmetric block ciphers must be used with an approved

symmetric cipher mode. The only approved modes are CBC
and CTS. In particular, the electronic code book (ECB) mode of
operation should be avoided; use of ECB requires your
organization's Crypto Board review. All usage of OFB, CFB,
CTR, CCM, and GCM or any other encryption mode must be
reviewed by your organization's Crypto Board. Reusing the
same initialization vector (IV) with block ciphers in "streaming
ciphers modes," such as CTR, may cause encrypted data to be
revealed. All symmetric block ciphers must also be used with
an appropriate initialization vector (IV). An appropriate IV is a
cryptographically strong, random number and never a
constant value.

Use approved asymmetric algorithms, key lengths, and padding


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps The use of banned cryptographic algorithms introduces

significant risk to product security and must be avoided.
Products must use only those cryptographic algorithms
and associated key lengths and padding that have been
explicitly approved by your organization's Crypto Board.
RSA- may be used for encryption, key exchange and
signature. RSA encryption must use only the OAEP or
RSA-KEM padding modes. Existing code may use PKCS
#1 v1.5 padding mode for compatibility only. Use of
null padding is explicitly banned. Keys >= 2048 bits is
required for new code. Existing code may support keys
< 2048 bits only for backwards compatibility after a
review by your organization's Crypto Board. Keys <
1024 bits may only be used for decrypting/verifying
old data, and must be replaced if used for encryption
or signing operations
ECDSA- may be used for signature only. ECDSA with
>=256-bit keys is required for new code. ECDSA-
based signatures must use one of the three NIST
approved curves (P-256, P-384, or P521). Curves that
have been thoroughly analyzed may be used only after
a review with your organization's Crypto Board.
ECDH- may be used for key exchange only. ECDH with
>=256-bit keys is required for new code. ECDH-based
key exchange must use one of the three NIST
approved curves (P-256, P-384, or P521). Curves that
have been thoroughly analyzed may be used only after
a review with your organization's Crypto Board.
DSA- may be acceptable after review and approval
from your organization's Crypto Board. Contact your
security advisor to schedule your organization's Crypto
Board review. If your use of DSA is approved, note that
you will need to prohibit use of keys less than 2048
bits in length. CNG supports 2048-bit and greater key
lengths as of Windows 8.
Diffie-Hellman- may be used for session key
management only. Key length >= 2048 bits is required
for new code. Existing code may support key lengths <
2048 bits only for backwards compatibility after a
review by your organization's Crypto Board. Keys <
1024 bits may not be used.

Use approved random number generators


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Products must use approved random number generators.

Pseudorandom functions such as the C runtime function
rand, the .NET Framework class System.Random, or
system functions such as GetTickCount must, therefore,
never be used in such code. Use of the dual elliptic curve
random number generator (DUAL_EC_DRBG) algorithm is
CNG- BCryptGenRandom(use of the
recommended unless the caller might run at any IRQL
greater than 0 [that is, PASSIVE_LEVEL])
CAPI- cryptGenRandom
Win32/64- RtlGenRandom (new implementations
should use BCryptGenRandom or CryptGenRandom) *
rand_s * SystemPrng (for kernel mode)
.NET- RNGCryptoServiceProvider or RNGCng
Windows Store Apps-
enerateRandom or .GenerateRandomNumber
Apple OS X (10.7+)/iOS(2.0+)- int
SecRandomCopyBytes (SecRandomRef random, size_t
count, uint8_t bytes )
Apple OS X (<10.7)-* Use /dev/random to retrieve
random numbers
Java(including Google Android Java code)- class. Note that for
Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean), developers must follow the
Android recommended workaround and update their
applications to explicitly initialize the PRNG with
entropy from /dev/urandom or /dev/random

Do not use symmetric stream ciphers


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Symmetric stream ciphers, such as RC4, must not be used.

Instead of symmetric stream ciphers, products should use a
block cipher, specifically AES with a key length of at least 128

Use approved MAC/HMAC/keyed hash algorithms


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Products must use only approved message authentication

code (MAC) or hash-based message authentication code
(HMAC) algorithms.
A message authentication code (MAC) is a piece of
information attached to a message that allows its recipient
to verify both the authenticity of the sender and the
integrity of the message using a secret key. The use of
either a hash-based MAC (HMAC) or block-cipher-based
MAC is permissible as long as all underlying hash or
symmetric encryption algorithms are also approved for
use; currently this includes the HMAC-SHA2 functions
(HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384 and HMAC-SHA512)
and the CMAC/OMAC1 and OMAC2 block cipher-based
MACs (these are based on AES).
Use of HMAC-SHA1 may be permissible for platform
compatibility, but you will be required to file an exception
to this procedure and undergo your organization's Crypto
review. Truncation of HMACs to less than 128 bits is not
permitted. Using customer methods to hash a key and
data is not approved, and must undergo your
organization's Crypto Board review prior to use.

Use only approved cryptographic hash functions


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Products must use the SHA-2 family of hash algorithms

(SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512). If a shorter hash is
needed, such as a 128-bit output length in order to fit a
data structure designed with the shorter MD5 hash in
mind, product teams may truncate one of the SHA2
hashes (typically SHA256). Note that SHA384 is a
truncated version of SHA512. Truncation of cryptographic
hashes for security purposes to less than 128 bits is not
permitted. New code must not use the MD2, MD4, MD5,
SHA-0, SHA-1, or RIPEMD hash algorithms. Hash
collisions are computationally feasible for these algorithms,
which effectively breaks them.
Allowed .NET hash algorithms for managed crypto agility
(in order of preference):
SHA512Cng (FIPS compliant)
SHA384Cng (FIPS compliant)
SHA256Cng (FIPS compliant)
SHA512Managed (non-FIPS-compliant) (use SHA512​
as algorithm name in calls to HashAlgorithm.Create or
SHA384Managed (non-FIPS-compliant) (use SHA384​
as algorithm name in calls to HashAlgorithm.Create or
SHA256Managed (non-FIPS-compliant) (use SHA256​
as algorithm name in calls to HashAlgorithm.Create or
SHA512CryptoServiceProvider (FIPS compliant)
SHA256CryptoServiceProvider (FIPS compliant)
SHA384CryptoServiceProvider (FIPS compliant)

Use strong encryption algorithms to encrypt data in the database


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Choosing an encryption algorithm

Steps Encryption algorithms define data transformations that cannot

be easily reversed by unauthorized users. SQL Server allows
administrators and developers to choose from among several
algorithms, including DES, Triple DES, TRIPLE_DES_3KEY, RC2,
RC4, 128-bit RC4, DESX, 128-bit AES, 192-bit AES, and 256-
bit AES

SSIS packages should be encrypted and digitally signed


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Identify the Source of Packages with Digital Signatures, Threat

and Vulnerability Mitigation (Integration Services)

Steps The source of a package is the individual or organization that

created the package. Running a package from an unknown or
untrusted source might be risky. To prevent unauthorized
tampering of SSIS packages, digital signatures should be used.
Also, to ensure the confidentiality of the packages during
storage/transit, SSIS packages have to be encrypted

Add digital signature to critical database securables


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References ADD SIGNATURE (Transact-SQL)

Steps In cases where the integrity of a critical database securable has

to be verified, digital signatures should be used. Database
securables such as a stored procedure, function, assembly, or
trigger can be digitally signed. Below is an example of when
this can be useful: Let us say an ISV (Independent Software
Vendor) has provided support to a software delivered to one
of their customers. Before providing support, the ISV would
want to ensure that a database securable in the software was
not tampered either by mistake or by a malicious attempt. If
the securable is digitally signed, the ISV can verify its digital
signature and validate its integrity.

Use SQL server EKM to protect encryption keys


Component Database

SDL Phase Build


Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References SQL Server Extensible Key Management (EKM), Extensible Key

Management Using Azure Key Vault (SQL Server)

Steps SQL Server Extensible Key Management enables the

encryption keys that protect the database files to be stored in
an off-box device such as a smartcard, USB device, or
EKM/HSM module. This also enables data protection from
database administrators (except members of the sysadmin
group). Data can be encrypted by using encryption keys that
only the database user has access to on the external
EKM/HSM module.

Use AlwaysEncrypted feature if encryption keys should not be revealed

to Database engine

Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies SQL Azure, OnPrem

Attributes SQL Version - V12, MsSQL2016

References Always Encrypted (Database Engine)

Steps Always Encrypted is a feature designed to protect sensitive

data, such as credit card numbers or national identification
numbers (e.g. U.S. social security numbers), stored in Azure
SQL Database or SQL Server databases. Always Encrypted
allows clients to encrypt sensitive data inside client
applications and never reveal the encryption keys to the
Database Engine (SQL Database or SQL Server). As a result,
Always Encrypted provides a separation between those who
own the data (and can view it) and those who manage the
data (but should have no access)

Store Cryptographic Keys securely on IoT Device


Component IoT Device

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic


Attributes Device OS - Windows IoT Core, Device Connectivity - Azure

IoT device SDKs

References TPM on Windows IoT Core, Set up TPM on Windows IoT Core,
Azure IoT Device SDK TPM

Steps Symmetric or Certificate Private keys securely in a hardware

protected storage like TPM or Smart Card chips. Windows 10
IoT Core supports the user of a TPM and there are several
compatible TPMs that can be used: It is
recommended to use a Firmware or Discrete TPM. A Software
TPM should only be used for development and testing
purposes. Once a TPM is available and the keys are
provisioned in it, the code that generates the token should be
written without hard coding any sensitive information in it.


TpmDevice myDevice = new TpmDevice(0);

// Use logical device 0 on the TPM
string hubUri = myDevice.GetHostName();
string deviceId = myDevice.GetDeviceId();
string sasToken = myDevice.GetSASToken();

var deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create( hubUri, AuthenticationMethodFactory.

CreateAuthenticationWithToken(deviceId, sasToken), TransportType.Amqp);

As can be seen, the device primary key is not present in the code. Instead, it is stored in the TPM at slot 0. TPM
device generates a short-lived SAS token that is then used to connect to the IoT Hub.

Generate a random symmetric key of sufficient length for

authentication to IoT Hub

Component IoT Cloud Gateway

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Gateway choice - Azure IoT Hub

References N/A

Steps IoT Hub contains a device Identity Registry and while

provisioning a device, automatically generates a random
Symmetric key. It is recommended to use this feature of the
Azure IoT Hub Identity Registry to generate the key used for
authentication. IoT Hub also allows for a key to be specified
while creating the device. If a key is generated outside of IoT
Hub during device provisioning, it is recommended to create a
random symmetric key or at least 256 bits.
Ensure a device management policy is in place that requires a use PIN
and allows remote wiping

Component Dynamics CRM Mobile Client

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure a device management policy is in place that requires a

use PIN and allows remote wiping

Ensure a device management policy is in place that requires a

PIN/password/auto lock and encrypts all data (e.g. Bitlocker)

Component Dynamics CRM Outlook Client

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure a device management policy is in place that requires a

PIN/password/auto lock and encrypts all data (e.g. Bitlocker)

Ensure that signing keys are rolled over when using Identity Server

Component Identity Server

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Identity Server - Keys, Signatures and Cryptography


Steps Ensure that signing keys are rolled over when using Identity
Server. The link in the references section explains how this
should be planned without causing outages to applications
relying on Identity Server.

Ensure that cryptographically strong client ID, client secret are used in
Identity Server

Component Identity Server

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that cryptographically strong client ID, client secret

are used in Identity Server. The following guidelines should
be used while generating a client ID and secret:
Generate a random GUID as the client ID
Generate a cryptographically random 256-bit key as
the secret
Security Frame: Exception Management | Mitigations
8/25/2017 • 7 min to read • Edit Online


WCF WCF- Do not include serviceDebug node in

configuration file
WCF- Do not include serviceMetadata node in
configuration file

Web API Ensure that proper exception handling is done in


Web Application Do not expose security details in error messages

Implement Default error handling page
Set Deployment Method to Retail in IIS
Exceptions should fail safely

WCF- Do not include serviceDebug node in configuration file


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps Windows Communication Framework (WCF) services can be

configured to expose debugging information. Debug
information should not be used in production environments.
The <serviceDebug> tag defines whether the debug
information feature is enabled for a WCF service. If the
attribute includeExceptionDetailInFaults is set to true,
exception information from the application will be returned to
clients. Attackers can leverage the additional information they
gain from debugging output to mount attacks targeted on
the framework, database, or other resources used by the

The following configuration file includes the <serviceDebug> tag:
<behavior name=""MyServiceBehavior"">
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults=""True"" httpHelpPageEnabled=""True""/>

Disable debugging information in the service. This can be accomplished by removing the <serviceDebug> tag from
your application's configuration file.

WCF- Do not include serviceMetadata node in configuration file


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Generic, NET Framework 3

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom

Steps Publicly exposing information about a service can provide

attackers with valuable insight into how they might exploit the
service. The <serviceMetadata> tag enables the metadata
publishing feature. Service metadata could contain sensitive
information that should not be publicly accessible. At a
minimum, only allow trusted users to access the metadata and
ensure that unnecessary information is not exposed. Better
yet, entirely disable the ability to publish metadata. A safe
WCF configuration will not contain the <serviceMetadata>

Ensure that proper exception handling is done in ASP.NET Web API


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC 5, MVC 6

Attributes N/A

References Exception Handling in ASP.NET Web API, Model Validation in


Steps By default, most uncaught exceptions in ASP.NET Web API are

translated into an HTTP response with status code
500, Internal Server Error
To control the status code returned by the API, HttpResponseException can be used as shown below:

public Product GetProduct(int id)

Product item = repository.Get(id);
if (item == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return item;

For further control on the exception response, the HttpResponseMessage class can be used as shown below:

public Product GetProduct(int id)

Product item = repository.Get(id);
if (item == null)
var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
Content = new StringContent(string.Format("No product with ID = {0}", id)),
ReasonPhrase = "Product ID Not Found"
throw new HttpResponseException(resp);
return item;

To catch unhandled exceptions that are not of the type HttpResponseException , Exception Filters can be used.
Exception filters implement the System.Web.Http.Filters.IExceptionFilter interface. The simplest way to write an
exception filter is to derive from the System.Web.Http.Filters.ExceptionFilterAttribute class and override the
OnException method.
Here is a filter that converts NotImplementedException exceptions into HTTP status code 501, Not Implemented :

namespace ProductStore.Filters
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web.Http.Filters;

public class NotImplExceptionFilterAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute

public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext context)
if (context.Exception is NotImplementedException)
context.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);

There are several ways to register a Web API exception filter:

By action
By controller
To apply the filter to a specific action, add the filter as an attribute to the action:

public class ProductsController : ApiController

public Contact GetContact(int id)
throw new NotImplementedException("This method is not implemented");

To apply the filter to all of the actions on a controller , add the filter as an attribute to the controller class:

public class ProductsController : ApiController
// ...

To apply the filter globally to all Web API controllers, add an instance of the filter to the
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters collection. Exception filters in this collection apply to any Web API
controller action.

new ProductStore.NotImplExceptionFilterAttribute());

For model validation, the model state can be passed to CreateErrorResponse method as shown below:

public HttpResponseMessage PostProduct(Product item)

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState);
// Implementation not shown...

Check the links in the references section for additional details about exceptional handling and model validation in

Do not expose security details in error messages


Component Web Application


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Generic error messages are provided directly to the user

without including sensitive application data. Examples of
sensitive data include:
Server names
Connection strings
SQL procedures
Details of dynamic SQL failures
Stack trace and lines of code
Variables stored in memory
Drive and folder locations
Application install points
Host configuration settings
Other internal application details
Trapping all errors within an application and providing
generic error messages, as well as enabling custom errors
within IIS will help prevent information disclosure. SQL
Server database and .NET Exception handling, among
other error handling architectures, are especially verbose
and extremely useful to a malicious user profiling your
application. Do not directly display the contents of a class
derived from the .NET Exception class, and ensure that you
have proper exception handling so that an unexpected
exception isn't inadvertently raised directly to the user.
Provide generic error messages directly to the user
that abstract away specific details found directly in the
exception/error message
Do not display the contents of a .NET exception class
directly to the user
Trap all error messages and if appropriate inform the
user via a generic error message sent to the application
Do not expose the contents of the Exception class
directly to the user, especially the return value from
.ToString() , or the values of the Message or
StackTrace properties. Securely log this information and
display a more innocuous message to the user

Implement Default error handling page


Component Web Application


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Edit ASP.NET Error Pages Settings Dialog Box

Steps When an ASP.NET application fails and causes an HTTP/1.x

500 Internal Server Error, or a feature configuration (such
as Request Filtering) prevents a page from being
displayed, an error message will be generated.
Administrators can choose whether or not the application
should display a friendly message to the client, detailed
error message to the client, or detailed error message to
localhost only. The tag in the web.config has three modes:
On: Specifies that custom errors are enabled. If no
defaultRedirect attribute is specified, users see a
generic error. The custom errors are shown to the
remote clients and to the local host
Off: Specifies that custom errors are disabled. The
detailed ASP.NET errors are shown to the remote
clients and to the local host
RemoteOnly: Specifies that custom errors are shown
only to the remote clients, and that ASP.NET errors are
shown to the local host. This is the default value
Open the web.config file for the application/site and
ensure that the tag has either
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" /> or
<customErrors mode="On" /> defined.

Set Deployment Method to Retail in IIS


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References deployment Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)


Steps The <deployment retail> switch is intended for use by

production IIS servers. This switch is used to help
applications run with the best possible performance and
least possible security information leakages by disabling
the application's ability to generate trace output on a
page, disabling the ability to display detailed error
messages to end users, and disabling the debug switch.
Often times, switches and options that are developer-
focused, such as failed request tracing and debugging, are
enabled during active development. It is recommended
that the deployment method on any production server be
set to retail. open the machine.config file and ensure that
<deployment retail="true" /> remains set to true.

Exceptions should fail safely


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Fail securely

Steps Application should fail safely. Any method that returns a

Boolean value, based on which certain decision is made,
should have exception block carefully created. There are lot of
logical errors due to which security issues creep in, when the
exception block is written carelessly.

public static bool ValidateDomain(string pathToValidate, Uri currentUrl)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pathToValidate))
var domain = RetrieveDomain(currentUrl);
var replyPath = new Uri(pathToValidate);
var replyDomain = RetrieveDomain(replyPath);

if (string.Compare(domain, replyDomain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)

//// Adding additional check to enable CMS urls if they are not hosted on same domain.
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Utilities.CmsBase))
var cmsDomain = RetrieveDomain(new Uri(Utilities.Base.Trim()));
if (string.Compare(cmDomain, replyDomain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
return false;
return true;

return false;

return true;
catch (UriFormatException ex)
LogHelper.LogException("Utilities:ValidateDomain", ex);
return true;

The above method will always return True, if some exception happens. If the end user provides a malformed URL,
that the browser respects, but the Uri() constructor doesn't, this will throw an exception, and the victim will be
taken to the valid but malformed URL.
Security Frame: Input Validation | Mitigations
8/22/2017 • 31 min to read • Edit Online


Web Application Disable XSLT scripting for all transforms using

untrusted style sheets
Ensure that each page that could contain user
controllable content opts out of automatic MIME
Harden or Disable XML Entity Resolution
Applications utilizing http.sys perform URL
canonicalization verification
Ensure appropriate controls are in place when
accepting files from users
Ensure that type-safe parameters are used in Web
Application for data access
Use separate model binding classes or binding filter
lists to prevent MVC mass assignment vulnerability
Encode untrusted web output prior to rendering
Perform input validation and filtering on all string type
Model properties
Sanitization should be applied on form fields that
accept all characters, e.g, rich text editor
Do not assign DOM elements to sinks that do not
have inbuilt encoding
Validate all redirects within the application are closed
or done safely
Implement input validation on all string type
parameters accepted by Controller methods
Set upper limit timeout for regular expression
processing to prevent DoS due to bad regular
Avoid using Html.Raw in Razor views

Database Do not use dynamic queries in stored procedures

Web API Ensure that model validation is done on Web API

Implement input validation on all string type
parameters accepted by Web API methods
Ensure that type-safe parameters are used in Web API
for data access

Azure Document DB Use parametrized SQL queries for DocumentDB

WCF WCF Input validation through Schema binding

WCF- Input validation through Parameter Inspectors

Disable XSLT scripting for all transforms using untrusted style sheets

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References XSLT Security, XsltSettings.EnableScript Property

Steps XSLT supports scripting inside style sheets using the

<msxml:script> element. This allows custom functions to be
used in an XSLT transformation. The script is executed under
the context of the process performing the transform. XSLT
script must be disabled when in an untrusted environment to
prevent execution of untrusted code. If using .NET: XSLT
scripting is disabled by default; however, you must ensure that
it has not been explicitly enabled through the
XsltSettings.EnableScript property.


XsltSettings settings = new XsltSettings();

settings.EnableScript = true; // WRONG: THIS SHOULD BE SET TO false

If you are using using MSXML 6.0, XSLT scripting is disabled by default; however, you must ensure that it has not
been explicitly enabled through the XML DOM object property AllowXsltScript.

doc.setProperty("AllowXsltScript", true); // WRONG: THIS SHOULD BE SET TO false

If you are using MSXML 5 or below, XSLT scripting is enabled by default and you must explicitly disable it. Set the
XML DOM object property AllowXsltScript to false.

doc.setProperty("AllowXsltScript", false); // CORRECT. Setting to false disables XSLT scripting.

Ensure that each page that could contain user controllable content opts
out of automatic MIME sniffing

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References IE8 Security Part V - Comprehensive Protection

Steps For each page that could contain user controllable

content, you must use the HTTP Header
X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff . To comply with this
requirement, you can either set the required header page
by page for only those pages that might contain user-
controllable content, or you can set it globally for all pages
in the application.
Each type of file delivered from a web server has an
associated MIME type (also called a content-type) that
describes the nature of the content (that is, image, text,
application, etc.)
The X-Content-Type-Options header is an HTTP header
that allows developers to specify that their content should
not be MIME-sniffed. This header is designed to mitigate
MIME-Sniffing attacks. Support for this header was added
in Internet Explorer 8 (IE8)
Only users of Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) will benefit from X-
Content-Type-Options. Previous versions of Internet
Explorer do not currently respect the X-Content-Type-
Options header
Internet Explorer 8 (and later) are the only major browsers
to implement a MIME-sniffing opt-out feature. If and
when other major browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome)
implement similar features, this recommendation will be
updated to include syntax for those browsers as well

To enable the required header globally for all pages in the application, you can do one of the following:
Add the header in the web.config file if the application is hosted by Internet Information Services (IIS) 7

<add name=""X-Content-Type-Options"" value=""nosniff""/>

Add the header through the global Application_BeginRequest

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

this.Response.Headers[""X-Content-Type-Options""] = ""nosniff"";

Implement custom HTTP module

public class XContentTypeOptionsModule : IHttpModule
#region IHttpModule Members
public void Dispose()

public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.PreSendRequestHeaders += newEventHandler(context_PreSendRequestHeaders);
void context_PreSendRequestHeaders(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication application = sender as HttpApplication;
if (application == null)
if (application.Response.Headers[""X-Content-Type-Options ""] != null)
application.Response.Headers.Add(""X-Content-Type-Options "", ""nosniff"");

You can enable the required header only for specific pages by adding it to individual responses:

this.Response.Headers[""X-Content-Type-Options""] = ""nosniff"";

Harden or Disable XML Entity Resolution


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References XML Entity Expansion, XML Denial of Service Attacks and

Defenses, MSXML Security Overview, Best Practices for
Securing MSXML Code, NSXMLParserDelegate Protocol
Reference, Resolving External References

Steps Although it is not widely used, there is a feature of XML

that allows the XML parser to expand macro entities with
values defined either within the document itself or from
external sources. For example, the document might define
an entity "companyname" with the value "Microsoft," so
that every time the text "&companyname;" appears in the
document, it is automatically replaced with the text
Microsoft. Or, the document might define an entity
"MSFTStock" that references an external web service to
fetch the current value of Microsoft stock.
Then any time "&MSFTStock;" appears in the document, it
is automatically replaced with the current stock price.
However, this functionality can be abused to create denial
of service (DoS) conditions. An attacker can nest multiple
entities to create an exponential expansion XML bomb​
that consumes all available memory on the system.
Alternatively, he can create an external reference that
streams back an infinite amount of data or that simply
hangs the thread. As a result, all teams must disable
internal and/or external XML entity resolution entirely if
their application does not use it, or manually limit the
amount of memory and time that the application can
consume for entity resolution if this functionality is
absolutely necessary. If entity resolution is not required by
your application, then disable it.

For .NET Framework code, you can use the following approaches:

XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stream);

reader.ProhibitDtd = true;

XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();

settings.ProhibitDtd = true;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings);

// for .NET 4
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings);

Note that the default value of ProhibitDtd in XmlReaderSettings is true, but in XmlTextReader it is false. If you are
using XmlReaderSettings, you do not need to set ProhibitDtd to true explicitly, but it is recommended for safety
sake that you do. Also note that the XmlDocument class allows entity resolution by default.
To disable entity resolution for XmlDocuments, use the XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader) overload of the Load method
and set the appropriate properties in the XmlReader argument to disable resolution, as illustrated in the following

XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();

settings.ProhibitDtd = true;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
If disabling entity resolution is not possible for your application, set the
XmlReaderSettings.MaxCharactersFromEntities property to a reasonable value according to your application's
needs. This will limit the impact of potential exponential expansion DoS attacks. The following code provides an
example of this approach:

XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();

settings.ProhibitDtd = false;
settings.MaxCharactersFromEntities = 1000;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings);

If you need to resolve inline entities but do not need to resolve external entities, set the
XmlReaderSettings.XmlResolver property to null. For example:

XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();

settings.ProhibitDtd = false;
settings.MaxCharactersFromEntities = 1000;
settings.XmlResolver = null;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings);

Note that in MSXML6, ProhibitDTD is set to true (disabling DTD processing) by default. For Apple OSX/iOS code,
there are two XML parsers you can use: NSXMLParser and libXML2.

Applications utilizing http.sys perform URL canonicalization verification


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Any application that uses http.sys should follow these

Limit the URL length to no more than 16,384
characters (ASCII or Unicode). This is the absolute
maximum URL length based on the default Internet
Information Services (IIS) 6 setting. Websites should
strive for a length shorter than this if possible
Use the standard .NET Framework file I/O classes (such
as FileStream) as these will take advantage of the
canonicalization rules in the .NET FX
Explicitly build an allow-list of known filenames
Explicitly reject known filetypes you will not serve
UrlScan rejects: exe, bat, cmd, com, htw, ida, idq, htr,
idc, shtm[l], stm, printer, ini, pol, dat files
Catch the following exceptions:
System.ArgumentException (for device names)
System.NotSupportedException (for data
System.IO.FileNotFoundException (for invalid
escaped filenames)
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException (for
invalid escaped dirs)
Do not call out to Win32 file I/O APIs. On an invalid
URL gracefully return a 400 error to the user, and log
the real error.

Ensure appropriate controls are in place when accepting files from


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Unrestricted File Upload, File Signature Table


Steps Uploaded files represent a significant risk to applications.

The first step in many attacks is to get some code to the
system to be attacked. Then the attack only needs to find
a way to get the code executed. Using a file upload helps
the attacker accomplish the first step. The consequences
of unrestricted file upload can vary, including complete
system takeover, an overloaded file system or database,
forwarding attacks to back-end systems, and simple
It depends on what the application does with the
uploaded file and especially where it is stored. Server side
validation of file uploads is missing. Following security
controls should be implemented for File Upload
File Extension check (only a valid set of allowed file type
should be accepted)
Maximum file size limit
File should not be uploaded to webroot; the location
should be a directory on non-system drive
Naming convention should be followed, such that the
uploaded file name have some randomness, so as to
prevent file overwrites
Files should be scanned for anti-virus before writing to
the disk
Ensure that the file name and any other metadata (e.g.,
file path) are validated for malicious characters
File format signature should be checked, to prevent a
user from uploading a masqueraded file (e.g.,
uploading an exe file by changing extension to txt)

For the last point regarding file format signature validation, refer to the class below for details:

private static Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>> fileSignature = new Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>>

{ ".DOC", new List<byte[]> { new byte[] { 0xD0, 0xCF, 0x11, 0xE0, 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x1A, 0xE1 }
} },
{ ".DOCX", new List<byte[]> { new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4B, 0x03, 0x04 } } },
{ ".PDF", new List<byte[]> { new byte[] { 0x25, 0x50, 0x44, 0x46 } } },
{ ".ZIP", new List<byte[]>
new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4B, 0x03, 0x04 },
new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x49, 0x54, 0x55 },
new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4B, 0x53, 0x70, 0x58 },
new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4B, 0x05, 0x06 },
new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4B, 0x07, 0x08 },
new byte[] { 0x57, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0x69, 0x70 }
{ ".PNG", new List<byte[]> { new byte[] { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A }
} },
{ ".JPG", new List<byte[]>
new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE0 },
new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE1 },
new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE8 }
{ ".JPEG", new List<byte[]>
{ ".JPEG", new List<byte[]>
new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE0 },
new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE2 },
new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE3 }
{ ".XLS", new List<byte[]>
new byte[] { 0xD0, 0xCF, 0x11, 0xE0, 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x1A, 0xE1 },
new byte[] { 0x09, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x05, 0x00 },
new byte[] { 0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }
{ ".XLSX", new List<byte[]> { new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4B, 0x03, 0x04 } } },
{ ".GIF", new List<byte[]> { new byte[] { 0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38 } } }

public static bool IsValidFileExtension(string fileName, byte[] fileData, byte[] allowedChars)

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || fileData == null || fileData.Length == 0)
return false;

bool flag = false;

string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext))
return false;

ext = ext.ToUpperInvariant();

if (ext.Equals(".TXT") || ext.Equals(".CSV") || ext.Equals(".PRN"))

foreach (byte b in fileData)
if (b > 0x7F)
if (allowedChars != null)
if (!allowedChars.Contains(b))
return false;
return false;

return true;

if (!fileSignature.ContainsKey(ext))
return true;

List<byte[]> sig = fileSignature[ext];

foreach (byte[] b in sig)
var curFileSig = new byte[b.Length];
Array.Copy(fileData, curFileSig, b.Length);
if (curFileSig.SequenceEqual(b))
flag = true;
flag = true;

return flag;

Ensure that type-safe parameters are used in Web Application for data

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps If you use the Parameters collection, SQL treats the input
is as a literal value rather then as executable code. The
Parameters collection can be used to enforce type and
length constraints on input data. Values outside of the
range trigger an exception. If type-safe SQL parameters
are not used, attackers might be able to execute injection
attacks that are embedded in the unfiltered input.
Use type safe parameters when constructing SQL queries
to avoid possible SQL injection attacks that can occur with
unfiltered input. You can use type safe parameters with
stored procedures and with dynamic SQL statements.
Parameters are treated as literal values by the database
and not as executable code. Parameters are also checked
for type and length.

The following code shows how to use type safe parameters with the SqlParameterCollection when calling a stored

using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

DataSet userDataset = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(LoginStoredProcedure", connection);
myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@au_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11);
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters["@au_id"].Value = SSN.Text;

In the preceding code example, the input value cannot be longer than 11 characters. If the data does not conform to
the type or length defined by the parameter, the SqlParameter class throws an exception.

Use separate model binding classes or binding filter lists to prevent

MVC mass assignment vulnerability

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References Metadata Attributes, Public Key Security Vulnerability And

Mitigation, Complete Guide to Mass Assignment in ASP.NET
MVC, Getting Started with EF using MVC

Steps When should I look for over-posting

vulnerabilities? - Over-posting vulnerabilities can
occur any place you bind model classes from user
input. Frameworks like MVC can represent user data in
custom .NET classes, including Plain Old CLR Objects
(POCOs). MVC automatically populates these model
classes with data from the request, providing a
convenient representation for dealing with user input.
When these classes include properties that should not
be set by the user, the application can be vulnerable to
over-posting attacks, which allow user control of data
that the application never intended. Like MVC model
binding, database access technologies such as
object/relational mappers like Entity Framework often
also support using POCO objects to represent
database data. These data model classes provide the
same convenience in dealing with database data as
MVC does in dealing with user input. Because both
MVC and the database support similar models, like
POCO objects, it seems easy to reuse the same classes
for both purposes. This practice fails to preserve
separation of concerns, and it is one common area
where unintended properties are exposed to model
binding, enabling over-posting attacks.
Why shouldn't I use my unfiltered database model
classes as parameters to my MVC actions? -
Because MVC model binding will bind anything in that
class. Even if the data does not appear in your view, a
malicious user can send an HTTP request with this data
included, and MVC will gladly bind it because your
action says that database class is the shape of data it
should accept for user input.
Why should I care about the shape used for model
binding? - Using ASP.NET MVC model binding with
overly broad models exposes an application to over-
posting attacks. Over-posting could enable attackers
to change application data beyond what the developer
intended, such as overriding the price for an item or
the security privileges for an account. Applications
should use action-specific binding models (or specific
allowed property filter lists) to provide an explicit
contract for what untrusted input to allow via model
Is having separate binding models just duplicating
code? - No, it is a matter of separation of concerns. If
you reuse database models in action methods, you are
saying any property (or sub-property) in that class can
be set by the user in an HTTP request. If that is not
what you want MVC to do, you need a filter list or a
separate class shape to show MVC what data can
come from user input instead.
If I have separate binding models for user input,
do I have to duplicate all my data annotation
attributes? - Not necessarily. You can use
MetadataTypeAttribute on the database model class to
link to the metadata on a model binding class. Just
note that the type referenced by the
MetadataTypeAttribute must be a subset of the
referencing type (it can have fewer properties, but not
Moving data back and forth between user input
models and database models is tedious. Can I just
copy over all properties using reflection? - Yes.
The only properties that appear in the binding models
are the ones you have determined to be safe for user
input. There is no security reason that prevents using
reflection to copy over all properties that exist in
common between these two models.
What about [Bind(Exclude ="…")]. Can I use that
instead of having separate binding models? - This
approach is not recommended. Using [Bind(Exclude
="…")] means that any new property is bindable by
default. When a new property is added, there is an
extra step to remember to keep things secure, rather
than having the design be secure by default.
Depending on the developer checking this list every
time a property is added is risky.
Is [Bind(Include ="…")] useful for Edit
operations? - No. [Bind(Include ="…")] is only
suitable for INSERT-style operations (adding new data).
For UPDATE-style operations (revising existing data),
use another approach, like having separate binding
models or passing an explicit list of allowed properties
to UpdateModel or TryUpdateModel. Adding a
[Bind(Include ="…")] attribute on an Edit operation
means that MVC will create an object instance and set
only the listed properties, leaving all others at their
default values. When the data is persisted, it will
entirely replace the existing entity, resetting the values
for any omitted properties to their defaults. For
example, if IsAdmin was omitted from a [Bind(Include
="…")] attribute on an Edit operation, any user whose
name was edited via this action would be reset to
IsAdmin = false (any edited user would lose
administrator status). If you want to prevent updates
to certain properties, use one of the other approaches
above. Note that some versions of MVC tooling
generate controller classes with [Bind(Include ="…")]
on Edit actions and imply that removing a property
from that list will prevent over-posting attacks.
However, as described above, that approach does not
work as intended and instead will reset any data in the
omitted properties to their default values.
For Create operations, are there any caveats using
[Bind(Include ="…")] rather than separate
binding models? - Yes. First this approach does not
work for Edit scenarios, requiring maintaining two
separate approaches for mitigating all over-posting
vulnerabilities. Second, separate binding models
enforce separation of concerns between the shape
used for user input and the shape used for persistence,
something [Bind(Include ="…")] does not do. Third,
note that [Bind(Include ="…")] can only handle top-
level properties; you cannot allow only portions of sub-
properties (such as "Details.Name") in the attribute.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, using
[Bind(Include ="…")] adds an extra step that must be
remembered any time the class is used for model
binding. If a new action method binds to the data class
directly and forgets to include a [Bind(Include ="…")]
attribute, it can be vulnerable to over-posting attacks,
so the [Bind(Include ="…")] approach is somewhat less
secure by default. If you use [Bind(Include ="…")], take
care always to remember to specify it every time your
data classes appear as action method parameters.
For Create operations, what about putting the
[Bind(Include ="…")] attribute on the model class
itself? Does not this approach avoid the need to
remember putting the attribute on every action
method? - This approach works in some cases. Using
[Bind(Include ="…")] on the model type itself (rather
than on action parameters using this class), does avoid
the need to remember to include the [Bind(Include
="…")] attribute on every action method. Using the
attribute directly on the class effectively creates a
separate surface area of this class for model binding
purposes. However, this approach only allows for one
model binding shape per model class. If one action
method needs to allow model binding of a field (for
example, an administrator-only action that updates
user roles) and other actions need to prevent model
binding of this field, this approach will not work. Each
class can only have one model binding shape; if
different actions need different model binding shapes,
they need to represent these separate shapes using
either separate model binding classes or separate
[Bind(Include ="…")] attributes on the action methods.
What are binding models? Are they the same thing
as view models? - These are two related concepts.
The term binding model refers to a model class used in
an action is parameter list (the shape passed from
MVC model binding to the action method). The term
view model refers to a model class passed from an
action method to a view. Using a view-specific model is
a common approach for passing data from an action
method to a view. Often, this shape is also suitable for
model binding, and the term view model​ can be used
to refer the same model used in both places. To be
precise, this procedure talks specifically about binding
models, focusing on the shape passed to the action,
which is what matters for mass assignment purposes.

Encode untrusted web output prior to rendering


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, Web Forms, MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References How to prevent Cross-site scripting in ASP.NET, Cross-site

Scripting, XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet

Steps Cross-site scripting (commonly abbreviated as XSS) is an

attack vector for online services or any application/component
that consumes input from the web. XSS vulnerabilities may
allow an attacker to execute script on another user's machine
through a vulnerable web application. Malicious scripts can be
used to steal cookies and otherwise tamper with a victim's
machine through JavaScript. XSS is prevented by validating
user input, ensuring it is well formed and encoding before it is
rendered in a web page. Input validation and output encoding
can be done by using Web Protection Library. For Managed
code (C#,, etc.), use one or more appropriate encoding
methods from the Web Protection (Anti-XSS) Library,
depending on the context where the user input gets


* Encoder.HtmlEncode
* Encoder.HtmlAttributeEncode
* Encoder.JavaScriptEncode
* Encoder.UrlEncode
* Encoder.VisualBasicScriptEncode
* Encoder.XmlEncode
* Encoder.XmlAttributeEncode
* Encoder.CssEncode
* Encoder.LdapEncode

Perform input validation and filtering on all string type Model


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References Adding Validation, Validating Model Data in an MVC

Application, Guiding Principles For Your ASP.NET MVC

Steps All the input parameters must be validated before they are
used in the application to ensure that the application is
safeguarded against malicious user inputs. Validate the
input values using regular expression validations on server
side with a whitelist validation strategy. Unsanitized user
inputs / parameters passed to the methods can cause
code injection vulnerabilities.
For web applications, entry points can also include form
fields, QueryStrings, cookies, HTTP headers, and web
service parameters.
The following input validation checks must be performed
upon model binding:
The model properties should be annotated with
RegularExpression annotation, for accepting allowed
characters and maximum permissible length
The controller methods should perform ModelState

Sanitization should be applied on form fields that accept all characters,

e.g, rich text editor

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Encode Unsafe Input, HTML Sanitizer


Steps Identify all static markup tags that you want to use. A
common practice is to restrict formatting to safe HTML
elements, such as <b> (bold) and <i> (italic).
Before writing the data, HTML-encode it. This makes any
malicious script safe by causing it to be handled as text,
not as executable code.
1. Disable ASP.NET request validation by the adding the
ValidateRequest="false" attribute to the @ Page
2. Encode the string input with the HtmlEncode method
3. Use a StringBuilder and call its Replace method to
selectively remove the encoding on the HTML
elements that you want to permit
The page-in the references disables ASP.NET request
validation by setting ValidateRequest="false" . It
HTML-encodes the input and selectively allows the <b>
and <i> Alternatively, a .NET library for HTML
sanitization may also be used.
HtmlSanitizer is a .NET library for cleaning HTML
fragments and documents from constructs that can lead
to XSS attacks. It uses AngleSharp to parse, manipulate,
and render HTML and CSS. HtmlSanitizer can be installed
as a NuGet package, and the user input can be passed
through relevant HTML or CSS sanitization methods, as
applicable, on the server side. Please note that Sanitization
as a security control should be considered only as a last
Input validation and Output Encoding are considered
better security controls.

Do not assign DOM elements to sinks that do not have inbuilt


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Many javascript functions don't do encoding by default. When

assigning untrusted input to DOM elements via such
functions, may result in cross site script (XSS) executions.

Following are insecure examples:
document.getElementByID("div1").innerHtml = value;
return $('<div/>').html(value)

Don't use innerHtml ; instead use innerText . Similarly, instead of $("#elm").html() , use $("#elm").text()

Validate all redirects within the application are closed or done safely

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework - Open Redirectors

Steps Application design requiring redirection to a user-supplied

location must constrain the possible redirection targets to
a predefined "safe" list of sites or domains. All redirects in
the application must be closed/safe.
To do this:
Identify all redirects
Implement an appropriate mitigation for each redirect.
Appropriate mitigations include redirect whitelist or
user confirmation. If a web site or service with an open
redirect vulnerability uses Facebook/OAuth/OpenID
identity providers, an attacker can steal a user's logon
token and impersonate that user. This is an inherent
risk when using OAuth, which is documented in RFC
6749 "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework",
Section 10.15 "Open Redirects" Similarly, users'
credentials can be compromised by spear phishing
attacks using open redirects

Implement input validation on all string type parameters accepted by

Controller methods

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References Validating Model Data in an MVC Application, Guiding

Principles For Your ASP.NET MVC Applications

Steps For methods that just accept primitive data type, and not
models as argument,input validation using Regular Expression
should be done. Here Regex.IsMatch should be used with a
valid regex pattern. If the input doesn't match the specified
Regular Expression, control should not proceed further, and an
adequate warning regarding validation failure should be

Set upper limit timeout for regular expression processing to prevent

DoS due to bad regular expressions

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, Web Forms, MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References DefaultRegexMatchTimeout Property

Steps To ensure denial of service attacks against badly created

regular expressions, that cause a lot of backtracking, set the
global default timeout. If the processing time takes longer
than the defined upper limit, it would throw a Timeout
exception. If nothing is configured, the timeout would be

For example, the following configuration will throw a RegexMatchTimeoutException, if the processing takes more
than 5 seconds:

<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" defaultRegexMatchTimeout="00:00:05" />

Avoid using Html.Raw in Razor views


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Step ASP.Net WebPages (Razor) perform automatic HTML

encoding. All strings printed by embedded code nuggets (@
blocks) are automatically HTML-encoded. However, when
HtmlHelper.Raw Method is invoked, it returns markup that
is not HTML encoded. If Html.Raw() helper method is used,
it bypasses the automatic encoding protection that Razor

Following is an insecure example:

<div class="form-group">
<div class="form-group">

Do not use Html.Raw() unless you need to display markup. This method does not perform output encoding
implicitly. Use other ASP.NET helpers e.g., @Html.DisplayFor()

Do not use dynamic queries in stored procedures


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps A SQL injection attack exploits vulnerabilities in input

validation to run arbitrary commands in the database. It
can occur when your application uses input to construct
dynamic SQL statements to access the database. It can
also occur if your code uses stored procedures that are
passed strings that contain raw user input. Using the SQL
injection attack, the attacker can execute arbitrary
commands in the database. All SQL statements (including
the SQL statements in stored procedures) must be
parameterized. Parameterized SQL statements will accept
characters that have special meaning to SQL (like single
quote) without problems because they are strongly typed.

Following is an example of insecure dynamic Stored Procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetProductsByCriteria]
@productName nvarchar(200) = NULL,
@startPrice float = NULL,
@endPrice float = NULL
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)
SELECT @sql = ' SELECT ProductID, ProductName, Description, UnitPrice, ImagePath' +
' FROM dbo.Products WHERE 1 = 1 '
PRINT @sql
IF @productName IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND ProductName LIKE ''%' + @productName + '%'''
IF @startPrice IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND UnitPrice > ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@startPrice) + ''''
IF @endPrice IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND UnitPrice < ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@endPrice) + ''''

PRINT @sql

Following is the same stored procedure implemented securely:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetProductsByCriteriaSecure]

@productName nvarchar(200) = NULL,
@startPrice float = NULL,
@endPrice float = NULL
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, Description, UnitPrice, ImagePath
FROM dbo.Products where
(@productName IS NULL or ProductName like '%'+ @productName +'%')
(@startPrice IS NULL or UnitPrice > @startPrice)
(@endPrice IS NULL or UnitPrice < @endPrice)

Ensure that model validation is done on Web API methods


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References Model Validation in ASP.NET Web API


Steps When a client sends data to a web API, it is mandatory to

validate the data before doing any processing. For ASP.NET
Web APIs which accept models as input, use data annotations
on models to set validation rules on the properties of the

The following code demonstrates the same:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace MyApi.Models
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
[RegularExpression(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$", ErrorMessage="Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.")]
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
[Range(0, 999)]
public double Weight { get; set; }

In the action method of the API controllers, validity of the model has to be explicitly checked as shown below:

namespace MyApi.Controllers
public class ProductsController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Product product)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Do something with the product (not shown).

return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);

return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState);

Implement input validation on all string type parameters accepted by

Web API methods

Component Web API


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, MVC 5, MVC 6

Attributes N/A

References Validating Model Data in an MVC Application, Guiding

Principles For Your ASP.NET MVC Applications

Steps For methods that just accept primitive data type, and not
models as argument,input validation using Regular Expression
should be done. Here Regex.IsMatch should be used with a
valid regex pattern. If the input doesn't match the specified
Regular Expression, control should not proceed further, and an
adequate warning regarding validation failure should be

Ensure that type-safe parameters are used in Web API for data access

Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps If you use the Parameters collection, SQL treats the input
is as a literal value rather then as executable code. The
Parameters collection can be used to enforce type and
length constraints on input data. Values outside of the
range trigger an exception. If type-safe SQL parameters
are not used, attackers might be able to execute injection
attacks that are embedded in the unfiltered input.
Use type safe parameters when constructing SQL queries
to avoid possible SQL injection attacks that can occur with
unfiltered input. You can use type safe parameters with
stored procedures and with dynamic SQL statements.
Parameters are treated as literal values by the database
and not as executable code. Parameters are also checked
for type and length.

The following code shows how to use type safe parameters with the SqlParameterCollection when calling a stored
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

DataSet userDataset = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(LoginStoredProcedure", connection);
myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@au_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11);
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters["@au_id"].Value = SSN.Text;

In the preceding code example, the input value cannot be longer than 11 characters. If the data does not conform to
the type or length defined by the parameter, the SqlParameter class throws an exception.

Use parametrized SQL queries for Cosmos DB


Component Azure Document DB

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Announcing SQL Parameterization in DocumentDB

Steps Although DocumentDB only supports read-only queries, SQL

injection is still possible if queries are constructed by
concatenating with user input. It might be possible for a user
to gain access to data they shouldn’t be accessing within the
same collection by crafting malicious SQL queries. Use
parameterized SQL queries if queries are constructed based on
user input.

WCF Input validation through Schema binding


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN

Steps Lack of validation leads to different type injection attacks.

Message validation represents one line of defense in the
protection of your WCF application. With this approach,
you validate messages using schemas to protect WCF
service operations from attack by a malicious client.
Validate all messages received by the client to protect the
client from attack by a malicious service. Message
validation makes it possible to validate messages when
operations consume message contracts or data contracts,
which cannot be done using parameter validation.
Message validation allows you to create validation logic
inside schemas, thereby providing more flexibility and
reducing development time. Schemas can be reused
across different applications inside the organization,
creating standards for data representation. Additionally,
message validation allows you to protect operations when
they consume more complex data types involving
contracts representing business logic.
To perform message validation, you first build a schema
that represents the operations of your service and the
data types consumed by those operations. You then
create a .NET class that implements a custom client
message inspector and custom dispatcher message
inspector to validate the messages sent/received to/from
the service. Next, you implement a custom endpoint
behavior to enable message validation on both the client
and the service. Finally, you implement a custom
configuration element on the class that allows you to
expose the extended custom endpoint behavior in the
configuration file of the service or the client"

WCF- Input validation through Parameter Inspectors


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References MSDN

Steps Input and data validation represents one important line of

defense in the protection of your WCF application. You
should validate all parameters exposed in WCF service
operations to protect the service from attack by a
malicious client. Conversely, you should also validate all
return values received by the client to protect the client
from attack by a malicious service
WCF provides different extensibility points that allow you
to customize the WCF runtime behavior by creating
custom extensions. Message Inspectors and Parameter
Inspectors are two extensibility mechanisms used to gain
greater control over the data passing between a client and
a service. You should use parameter inspectors for input
validation and use message inspectors only when you
need to inspect the entire message flowing in and out of a
To perform input validation, you will build a .NET class and
implement a custom parameter inspector in order to
validate parameters on operations in your service. You will
then implement a custom endpoint behavior to enable
validation on both the client and the service. Finally, you
will implement a custom configuration element on the
class that allows you to expose the extended custom
endpoint behavior in the configuration file of the service
or the client
Security Frame: Sensitive Data | Mitigations
8/22/2017 • 16 min to read • Edit Online


Machine Trust Boundary Ensure that binaries are obfuscated if they contain
sensitive information
Consider using Encrypted File System (EFS) is used to
protect confidential user-specific data
Ensure that sensitive data stored by the application on
the file system is encrypted

Web Application Ensure that sensitive content is not cached on the

Encrypt sections of Web App's configuration files that
contain sensitive data
Explicitly disable the autocomplete HTML attribute in
sensitive forms and inputs
Ensure that sensitive data displayed on the user screen
is masked

Database Implement dynamic data masking to limit sensitive

data exposure non privileged users
Ensure that passwords are stored in salted hash format
Ensure that sensitive data in database columns is
Ensure that database-level encryption (TDE) is enabled
Ensure that database backups are encrypted

Web API Ensure that sensitive data relevant to Web API is not
stored in browser's storage

Azure Document DB Encrypt sensitive data stored in DocumentDB

Azure IaaS VM Trust Boundary Use Azure Disk Encryption to encrypt disks used by
Virtual Machines

Service Fabric Trust Boundary Encrypt secrets in Service Fabric applications

Dynamics CRM Perform security modeling and use Business

Units/Teams where required
Minimize access to share feature on critical entities
Train users on the risks associated with the Dynamics
CRM Share feature and good security practices
Include a development standards rule proscribing
showing config details in exception management

Azure Storage Use Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) for Data at
Rest (Preview)
Use Client-Side Encryption to store sensitive data in
Azure Storage

Mobile Client Encrypt sensitive or PII data written to phones local

Obfuscate generated binaries before distributing to
end users

WCF Set clientCredentialType to Certificate or Windows

WCF-Security Mode is not enabled

Ensure that binaries are obfuscated if they contain sensitive information


Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that binaries are obfuscated if they contain sensitive

information such as trade secrets, sensitive business logic that
should not reversed. This is to stop reverse engineering of
assemblies. Tools like CryptoObfuscator may be used for
this purpose.

Consider using Encrypted File System (EFS) is used to protect

confidential user-specific data

Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Consider using Encrypted File System (EFS) is used to protect

confidential user-specific data from adversaries with physical
access to the computer.

Ensure that sensitive data stored by the application on the file system is

Component Machine Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Ensure that sensitive data stored by the application on the file
system is encrypted (e.g., using DPAPI), if EFS cannot be

Ensure that sensitive content is not cached on the browser


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, Web Forms, MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Browsers can store information for purposes of caching and

history. These cached files are stored in a folder, like the
Temporary Internet Files folder in the case of Internet Explorer.
When these pages are referred again, the browser displays
them from its cache. If sensitive information is displayed to the
user (such as their address, credit card details, Social Security
Number, or username), then this information could be stored
in browser’s cache, and therefore retrievable through
examining the browser's cache or by simply pressing the
browser's "Back" button. Set cache-control response header
value to “no-store” for all pages.

<add name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache" />
<add name="Pragma" value="no-cache" />
<add name="Expires" value="-1" />

This may be implemented through a filter. Following example may be used:

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

if (filterContext == null || (filterContext.HttpContext != null &&
filterContext.HttpContext.Response != null && filterContext.HttpContext.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected))
//// Since this is MVC pipeline, this should never be null.

var attributes =
filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Web.Mvc.OutputCacheAttribute), false);
if (attributes == null || **Attributes**.Count() == 0)
if (!filterContext.IsChildAction)
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.AppendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");


Encrypt sections of Web App's configuration files that contain sensitive


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References How To: Encrypt Configuration Sections in ASP.NET 2.0 Using

DPAPI, Specifying a Protected Configuration Provider, Using
Azure Key Vault to protect application secrets

Steps Configuration files such as the Web.config, appsettings.json

are often used to hold sensitive information, including user
names, passwords, database connection strings, and
encryption keys. If you do not protect this information, your
application is vulnerable to attackers or malicious users
obtaining sensitive information such as account user names
and passwords, database names and server names. Based on
the deployment type (azure/on-prem), encrypt the sensitive
sections of config files using DPAPI or services like Azure Key

Explicitly disable the autocomplete HTML attribute in sensitive forms

and inputs

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References MSDN: autocomplete attribute, Using AutoComplete in HTML,

HTML Sanitization Vulnerability, Autocomplete.,again?!

Steps The autocomplete attribute specifies whether a form should

have autocomplete on or off. When autocomplete is on, the
browser automatically complete values based on values that
the user has entered before. For example, when a new name
and password is entered in a form and the form is submitted,
the browser asks if the password should be saved.Thereafter
when the form is displayed, the name and password are filled
in automatically or are completed as the name is entered. An
attacker with local access could obtain the clear text password
from the browser cache. By default autocomplete is enabled,
and it must explicitly be disabled.


<form action="Login.aspx" method="post " autocomplete="off" >

Social Security Number: <input type="text" name="ssn" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Ensure that sensitive data displayed on the user screen is masked


Component Web Application


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, SSN

etc. should be masked when displayed on the screen. This is to
prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing the data (e.g.,
shoulder-surfing passwords, support personnel viewing SSN
numbers of users) . Ensure that these data elements are not
visible in plain text and are appropriately masked. This has to
be taken care while accepting them as input (e.g,. input
type="password") as well as displaying back on the screen
(e.g., display only the last 4 digits of the credit card number).

Implement dynamic data masking to limit sensitive data exposure non

privileged users

Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Sql Azure, OnPrem

Attributes SQL Version - V12, SQL Version - MsSQL2016

References Dynamic Data Masking

Steps The purpose of dynamic data masking is to limit exposure of

sensitive data, preventing users who should not have access
to the data from viewing it. Dynamic data masking does not
aim to prevent database users from connecting directly to the
database and running exhaustive queries that expose pieces of
the sensitive data. Dynamic data masking is complementary to
other SQL Server security features (auditing, encryption, row
level security…) and it is highly recommended to use this
feature in conjunction with them in addition in order to better
protect the sensitive data in the database. Please note that
this feature is supported only by SQL Server starting with
2016 and Azure SQL Database.

Ensure that passwords are stored in salted hash format


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Password Hashing using .NET Crypto APIs

Steps Passwords should not be stored in custom user store

databases. Password hashes should be stored with salt values
instead. Make sure the salt for the user is always unique and
you apply b-crypt, s-crypt or PBKDF2 before storing the
password, with a minimum work factor iteration count of
150,000 loops to eliminate the possibility of brute forcing.

Ensure that sensitive data in database columns is encrypted


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes SQL Version - All

References Encrypting sensitive data in SQL server, How to: Encrypt a

Column of Data in SQL Server, Encrypt by Certificate

Steps Sensitive data such as credit card numbers has to be

encrypted in the database. Data can be encrypted using
column-level encryption or by an application function using
the encryption functions.

Ensure that database-level encryption (TDE) is enabled


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Understanding SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)


Steps Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature in SQL server helps

in encrypting sensitive data in a database and protect the keys
that are used to encrypt the data with a certificate. This
prevents anyone without the keys from using the data. TDE
protects data "at rest", meaning the data and log files. It
provides the ability to comply with many laws, regulations,
and guidelines established in various industries.

Ensure that database backups are encrypted


Component Database

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies SQL Azure, OnPrem

Attributes SQL Version - V12, SQL Version - MsSQL2014

References SQL database backup encryption

Steps SQL Server has the ability to encrypt the data while creating a
backup. By specifying the encryption algorithm and the
encryptor (a Certificate or Asymmetric Key) when creating a
backup, one can create an encrypted backup file.

Ensure that sensitive data relevant to Web API is not stored in

browser's storage

Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC 5, MVC 6

Attributes Identity Provider - ADFS, Identity Provider - Azure AD

References N/A

Steps In certain implementations, sensitive artifacts relevant to

Web API's authentication are stored in browser's local
storage. E.g., Azure AD authentication artifacts like
adal.idtoken, adal.nonce.idtoken, adal.access.token.key,
adal.token.keys, adal.state.login, adal.session.state,
adal.expiration.key etc.
All these artifacts are available even after sign out or
browser is closed. If an adversary gets access to these
artifacts, he/she can reuse them to access the protected
resources (APIs). Ensure that all sensitive artifacts related
to Web API is not stored in browser's storage. In cases
where client-side storage is unavoidable (e.g., Single Page
Applications (SPA) that leverage Implicit
OpenIdConnect/OAuth flows need to store access tokens
locally), use storage choices with do not have persistence.
e.g., prefer SessionStorage to LocalStorage.

The below JavaScript snippet is from a custom authentication library which stores authentication artifacts in local
storage. Such implementations should be avoided.

ns.AuthHelper.Authenticate = function () {
window.config = {
instance: '',
tenant: ns.Configurations.Tenant,
clientId: ns.Configurations.AADApplicationClientID,
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
cacheLocation: 'localStorage', // enable this for IE, as sessionStorage does not work for localhost.

Encrypt sensitive data stored in Cosmos DB


Component Azure Document DB

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Encrypt sensitive data at application level before storing in

document DB or store any sensitive data in other storage
solutions like Azure Storage or Azure SQL

Use Azure Disk Encryption to encrypt disks used by Virtual Machines


Component Azure IaaS VM Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Using Azure Disk Encryption to encrypt disks used by your

virtual machines

Steps Azure Disk Encryption is a new feature that is currently in

preview. This feature allows you to encrypt the OS disks
and Data disks used by an IaaS Virtual Machine. For
Windows, the drives are encrypted using industry-
standard BitLocker encryption technology. For Linux, the
disks are encrypted using the DM-Crypt technology. This
is integrated with Azure Key Vault to allow you to control
and manage the disk encryption keys. The Azure Disk
Encryption solution supports the following three customer
encryption scenarios:
Enable encryption on new IaaS VMs created from
customer-encrypted VHD files and customer-provided
encryption keys, which are stored in Azure Key Vault.
Enable encryption on new IaaS VMs created from the
Azure Marketplace.
Enable encryption on existing IaaS VMs already
running in Azure.

Encrypt secrets in Service Fabric applications


Component Service Fabric Trust Boundary

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes Environment - Azure

References Managing secrets in Service Fabric applications

Steps Secrets can be any sensitive information, such as storage

connection strings, passwords, or other values that should not
be handled in plain text. Use Azure Key Vault to manage keys
and secrets in service fabric applications.

Perform security modeling and use Business Units/Teams where


Component Dynamics CRM

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Perform security modeling and use Business Units/Teams

where required

Minimize access to share feature on critical entities


Component Dynamics CRM

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Minimize access to share feature on critical entities

Train users on the risks associated with the Dynamics CRM Share
feature and good security practices

Component Dynamics CRM

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Train users on the risks associated with the Dynamics CRM
Share feature and good security practices

Include a development standards rule proscribing showing config

details in exception management

Component Dynamics CRM

SDL Phase Deployment

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Include a development standards rule proscribing showing

config details in exception management outside development.
Test for this as part of code reviews or periodic inspection.

Use Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) for Data at Rest (Preview)

Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes StorageType - Blob

References Azure Storage Service Encryption for Data at Rest (Preview)


Steps Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) for Data at Rest

helps you protect and safeguard your data to meet your
organizational security and compliance commitments.
With this feature, Azure Storage automatically encrypts
your data prior to persisting to storage and decrypts prior
to retrieval. The encryption, decryption and key
management is totally transparent to users. SSE applies
only to block blobs, page blobs, and append blobs. The
other types of data, including tables, queues, and files, will
not be encrypted.
Encryption and Decryption Workflow:
The customer enables encryption on the storage
When the customer writes new data (PUT Blob, PUT
Block, PUT Page, etc.) to Blob storage; every write is
encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption, one of the
strongest block ciphers available
When the customer needs to access data (GET Blob,
etc.), data is automatically decrypted before returning
to the user
If encryption is disabled, new writes are no longer
encrypted and existing encrypted data remains
encrypted until rewritten by the user. While encryption
is enabled, writes to Blob storage will be encrypted. The
state of data does not change with the user toggling
between enabling/disabling encryption for the storage
All encryption keys are stored, encrypted, and
managed by Microsoft
Please note that at this time, the keys used for the
encryption are managed by Microsoft. Microsoft
generates the keys originally, and manage the secure
storage of the keys as well as the regular rotation as
defined by internal Microsoft policy. In the future,
customers will get the ability to manage their own
>encryption keys, and provide a migration path from
Microsoft-managed keys to customer-managed keys.

Use Client-Side Encryption to store sensitive data in Azure Storage


Component Azure Storage

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Client-Side Encryption and Azure Key Vault for Microsoft

Azure Storage, Tutorial: Encrypt and decrypt blobs in Microsoft
Azure Storage using Azure Key Vault, Storing Data Securely in
Azure Blob Storage with Azure Encryption Extensions

Steps The Azure Storage Client Library for .NET Nuget package
supports encrypting data within client applications before
uploading to Azure Storage, and decrypting data while
downloading to the client. The library also supports
integration with Azure Key Vault for storage account key
management. Here is a brief description of how client side
encryption works:
The Azure Storage client SDK generates a content
encryption key (CEK), which is a one-time-use
symmetric key
Customer data is encrypted using this CEK
The CEK is then wrapped (encrypted) using the key
encryption key (KEK). The KEK is identified by a key
identifier and can be an asymmetric key pair or a
symmetric key and can be managed locally or stored in
Azure Key Vault. The Storage client itself never has
access to the KEK. It just invokes the key wrapping
algorithm that is provided by Key Vault. Customers can
choose to use custom providers for key
wrapping/unwrapping if they want
The encrypted data is then uploaded to the Azure
Storage service. Check the links in the references
section for low-level implementation details.

Encrypt sensitive or PII data written to phones local storage


Component Mobile Client

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, Xamarin

Attributes N/A

References Manage settings and features on your devices with Microsoft

Intune policies, Keychain Valet

Steps If the application writes sensitive information like user's PII

(email, phone number, first name, last name, preferences
etc.)- on mobile's file system, then it should be encrypted
before writing to the local file system. If the application is
an enterprise application, then explore the possibility of
publishing application using Windows Intune.

Intune can be configured with following security policies to safeguard sensitive data:

Require encryption on mobile device

Require encryption on storage cards
Allow screen capture
If the application is not an enterprise application, then use platform provided keystore, keychains to store
encryption keys, using which cryptographic operation may be performed on the file system. Following code snippet
shows how to access key from keychain using xamarin:

protected static string EncryptionKey

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_Key))
var query = new SecRecord(SecKind.GenericPassword);
query.Service = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundleIdentifier;
query.Account = "UniqueID";

NSData uniqueId = SecKeyChain.QueryAsData(query);

if (uniqueId == null)
query.ValueData = NSData.FromString(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
var err = SecKeyChain.Add(query);
_Key = query.ValueData.ToString();
_Key = uniqueId.ToString();

return _Key;

Obfuscate generated binaries before distributing to end users


Component Mobile Client

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Crypto Obfuscation For .Net

Steps Generated binaries (assemblies within apk) should be

obfuscated to stop reverse engineering of assemblies.Tools like
CryptoObfuscator may be used for this purpose.

Set clientCredentialType to Certificate or Windows


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies .NET Framework 3

Attributes N/A

References Fortify

Steps Using a UsernameToken with a plaintext password over an

unencrypted channel exposes the password to attackers who
can sniff the SOAP messages. Service Providers that use the
UsernameToken might accept passwords sent in plaintext.
Sending plaintext passwords over an unencrypted channel can
expose the credential to attackers who can sniff the SOAP

The following WCF service provider configuration uses the UsernameToken:

<security mode="Message">
<message clientCredentialType="UserName" />

Set clientCredentialType to Certificate or Windows.

WCF-Security Mode is not enabled


Component WCF

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic, .NET Framework 3

Attributes Security Mode - Transport, Security Mode - Message

References MSDN, Fortify Kingdom, Fundamentals of WCF Security CoDe


Steps No transport or message security has been defined.

Applications that transmit messages without transport or
message security cannot guarantee the integrity or
confidentiality of the messages. When a WCF security binding
is set to None, both transport and message security are

The following configuration sets the security mode to None.
<binding name=""MyBinding"">
<security mode=""None""/>

Security Mode Across all service bindings there are five possible security modes:
None. Turns security off.
Transport. Uses transport security for mutual authentication and message protection.
Message. Uses message security for mutual authentication and message protection.
Both. Allows you to supply settings for transport and message-level security (only MSMQ supports this).
TransportWithMessageCredential. Credentials are passed with the message and message protection and server
authentication are provided by the transport layer.
TransportCredentialOnly. Client credentials are passed with the transport layer and no message protection is
applied. Use transport and message security to protect the integrity and confidentiality of messages. The
configuration below tells the service to use transport security with message credentials.
<system.serviceModel> <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name=""MyBinding""> <security
mode=""TransportWithMessageCredential""/> <message clientCredentialType=""Windows""/> </binding> </bindings>
Security Frame: Session Management | Articles
8/22/2017 • 14 min to read • Edit Online


Azure AD Implement proper logout using ADAL methods when

using Azure AD

IoT Device Use finite lifetimes for generated SaS tokens

Azure Document DB Use minimum token lifetimes for generated Resource


ADFS Implement proper logout using WsFederation methods

when using ADFS

Identity Server Implement proper logout when using Identity Server

Web Application Applications available over HTTPS must use secure

All http based application should specify http only for
cookie definition
Mitigate against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
attacks on ASP.NET web pages
Set up session for inactivity lifetime
Implement proper logout from the application

Web API Mitigate against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

attacks on ASP.NET Web APIs

Implement proper logout using ADAL methods when using Azure AD


Component Azure AD

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps If the application relies on access token issued by Azure AD,

the logout event handler should call



It should also destroy user's session by calling Session.Abandon() method. Following method shows secure
implementation of user logout:

public void LogOff()
string userObjectID =
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(Authority + TenantId, new
Response.SetCookie(new HttpCookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", string.Empty));

Use finite lifetimes for generated SaS tokens


Component IoT Device

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps SaS tokens generated for authenticating to Azure IoT Hub

should have a finite expiry period. Keep the SaS token lifetimes
to a minimum to limit the amount of time they can be
replayed in case the tokens are compromised.

Use minimum token lifetimes for generated Resource tokens


Component Azure Document DB

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Reduce the timespan of resource token to a minimum value

required. Resource tokens have a default valid timespan of 1

Implement proper logout using WsFederation methods when using


Component ADFS

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps If the application relies on STS token issued by ADFS, the

logout event handler should call
method to log out the user. Also the current session should
be destroyed, and the session token value should be reset and

[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public ActionResult SignOut(string redirectUrl)
if (!this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return this.View("LogOff", null);

// Removes the user profile.

HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(new System.Web.HttpCookie("ASP.NET_SessionId",
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1D),
Secure = true,
HttpOnly = true

// Signs out at the specified security token service (STS) by using the WS-Federation protocol.
Uri signOutUrl = new Uri(FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.Issuer);
Uri replyUrl = new Uri(FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.Realm);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirectUrl))
replyUrl = new Uri(FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.Realm +
// Signs out of the current session and raises the appropriate events.
var authModule = FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule;
// Signs out at the specified security token service (STS) by using the WS-Federation
// protocol.
WSFederationAuthenticationModule.FederatedSignOut(signOutUrl, replyUrl);
return new RedirectResult(redirectUrl);

Implement proper logout when using Identity Server


Component Identity Server

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References IdentityServer3-Federated sign out

Steps IdentityServer supports the ability to federate with external

identity providers. When a user signs out of an upstream
identity provider, depending upon the protocol used, it might
be possible to receive a notification when the user signs out. It
allows IdentityServer to notify its clients so they can also sign
the user out. Check the documentation in the references
section for the implementation details.
Applications available over HTTPS must use secure cookies

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes EnvironmentType - OnPrem

References httpCookies Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema),

HttpCookie.Secure Property

Steps Cookies are normally only accessible to the domain for which
they were scoped. Unfortunately, the definition of "domain"
does not include the protocol so cookies that are created over
HTTPS are accessible over HTTP. The "secure" attribute
indicates to the browser that the cookie should only be made
available over HTTPS. Ensure that all cookies set over HTTPS
use the secure attribute. The requirement can be enforced in
the web.config file by setting the requireSSL attribute to true.
It is the preferred approach because it will enforce the secure
attribute for all current and future cookies without the need to
make any additional code changes.


<httpCookies requireSSL="true"/>

The setting is enforced even if HTTP is used to access the application. If HTTP is used to access the application, the
setting breaks the application because the cookies are set with the secure attribute and the browser will not send
them back to the application.


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Web Forms, MVC5

Attributes EnvironmentType - OnPrem

References N/A

Steps When the web application is the Relying Party, and the IdP is
ADFS server, the FedAuth token's secure attribute can be
configured by setting requireSSL to True in section of web.config:

<!-- Set requireSsl=true; domain=application domain name used by FedAuth cookies (Ex:; -->
<cookieHandler requireSsl="true" persistentSessionLifetime="0.0:20:0" />

All http based application should specify http only for cookie definition

Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References Secure Cookie Attribute

Steps To mitigate the risk of information disclosure with a cross-site

scripting (XSS) attack, a new attribute - httpOnly - was
introduced to cookies and is supported by all major browsers.
The attribute specifies that a cookie is not accessible through
script. By using HttpOnly cookies, a web application reduces
the possibility that sensitive information contained in the
cookie can be stolen via script and sent to an attacker's

All HTTP-based applications that use cookies should specify HttpOnly in the cookie definition, by implementing
following configuration in web.config:

<httpCookies requireSSL="false" httpOnlyCookies="true"/>


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Web Forms

Attributes N/A

References FormsAuthentication.RequireSSL Property

Steps The RequireSSL property value is set in the configuration file

for an ASP.NET application by using the requireSSL attribute of
the configuration element. You can specify in the Web.config
file for your ASP.NET application whether SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) is required to return the forms-authentication cookie to
the server by setting the requireSSL attribute.

The following code example sets the requireSSL attribute in the Web.config file.

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="member_login.aspx" cookieless="UseCookies" requireSSL="true"/>


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5

Attributes EnvironmentType - OnPrem

References Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) Configuration – Part II

Steps To set httpOnly attribute for FedAuth cookies, hideFromCsript

attribute value should be set to True.

Following configuration shows the correct configuration:

<cookieHandler mode="Custom"

Mitigate against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks on ASP.NET

web pages

Component Web Application


SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Cross-site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) is a type of attack in

which an attacker can carry out actions in the security context
of a different user's established session on a web site. The goal
is to modify or delete content, if the targeted web site relies
exclusively on session cookies to authenticate received
request. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by getting
a different user's browser to load a URL with a command from
a vulnerable site on which the user is already logged in. There
are many ways for an attacker to do that, such as by hosting a
different web site that loads a resource from the vulnerable
server, or getting the user to click a link. The attack can be
prevented if the server sends an additional token to the client,
requires the client to include that token in all future requests,
and verifies that all future requests include a token that
pertains to the current session, such as by using the ASP.NET
AntiForgeryToken or ViewState.


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References XSRF/CSRF Prevention in ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages

Steps Anti-CSRF and ASP.NET MVC forms - Use the

AntiForgeryToken helper method on Views; put an
Html.AntiForgeryToken() into the form, for example,


@using (Html.BeginForm("UserProfile", "SubmitUpdate")) {


<form action="/UserProfile/SubmitUpdate" method="post">
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden"
value="saTFWpkKN0BYazFtN6c4YbZAmsEwG0srqlUqqloi/fVgeV2ciIFVmelvzwRZpArs" />
<!-- rest of form goes here -->

At the same time, Html.AntiForgeryToken() gives the visitor a cookie called __RequestVerificationToken, with the
same value as the random hidden value shown above. Next, to validate an incoming form post, add the
[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] filter to the target action method. For example:

public ViewResult SubmitUpdate()
// ... etc.

Authorization filter that checks that:

The incoming request has a cookie called __RequestVerificationToken
The incoming request has a Request.Form entry called __RequestVerificationToken
These cookie and Request.Form values match Assuming all is well, the request goes through as normal. But if
not, then an authorization failure with message “A required anti-forgery token was not supplied or was invalid”.
Anti-CSRF and AJAX: The form token can be a problem for AJAX requests, because an AJAX request might send
JSON data, not HTML form data. One solution is to send the tokens in a custom HTTP header. The following code
uses Razor syntax to generate the tokens, and then adds the tokens to an AJAX request.

public string TokenHeaderValue()
string cookieToken, formToken;
AntiForgery.GetTokens(null, out cookieToken, out formToken);
return cookieToken + ":" + formToken;

$.ajax("api/values", {
type: "post",
contentType: "application/json",
data: { }, // JSON data goes here
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'RequestVerificationToken': '@TokenHeaderValue()'

When you process the request, extract the tokens from the request header. Then call the AntiForgery.Validate
method to validate the tokens. The Validate method throws an exception if the tokens are not valid.
void ValidateRequestHeader(HttpRequestMessage request)
string cookieToken = "";
string formToken = "";

IEnumerable<string> tokenHeaders;
if (request.Headers.TryGetValues("RequestVerificationToken", out tokenHeaders))
string[] tokens = tokenHeaders.First().Split(':');
if (tokens.Length == 2)
cookieToken = tokens[0].Trim();
formToken = tokens[1].Trim();
AntiForgery.Validate(cookieToken, formToken);


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Web Forms

Attributes N/A

References Take Advantage of ASP.NET Built-in Features to Fend Off Web


Steps CSRF attacks in WebForm based applications can be mitigated

by setting ViewStateUserKey to a random string that varies for
each user - user ID or, better yet, session ID. For a number of
technical and social reasons, session ID is a much better fit
because a session ID is unpredictable, times out, and varies on
a per-user basis.

Here's the code you need to have in all of your pages:

void Page_Init (object sender, EventArgs e) {

ViewStateUserKey = Session.SessionID;

Set up session for inactivity lifetime


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic


Attributes N/A

References HttpSessionState.Timeout Property

Steps Session timeout represents the event occurring when a user

does not perform any action on a web site during a interval
(defined by web server). The event, on server side, change the
status of the user session to 'invalid' (for example "not used
anymore") and instruct the web server to destroy it (deleting
all data contained into it). The following code example sets the
timeout session attribute to 15 minutes in the Web.config file.

```XML code

## <a id="threat-detection"></a>Enable Threat detection on Azure SQL


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Web Forms

Attributes N/A

References forms Element for authentication (ASP.NET Settings Schema)

Steps Set the Forms Authentication Ticket cookie timeout to 15


```XML code
| Title | Details |
| ----------------------- | ------------ |
| **Component** | Web Application |
| **SDL Phase** | Build |
| **Applicable Technologies** | Web Forms, MVC5 |
| **Attributes** | EnvironmentType - OnPrem |
| **References** | [asdeqa]( |
| **Steps** | When the web application is Relying Party and ADFS is the STS, the lifetime of the authentication
cookies - FedAuth tokens - can be set by the following configuration in web.config:|

### Example
<!-- Set requireSsl=true; domain=application domain name used by FedAuth cookies (Ex:; -->
<cookieHandler requireSsl="true" persistentSessionLifetime="0.0:15:0" />
<!-- Set requireHttps=true; -->
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer=""
realm="" reply="" requireHttps="true"/>
Use the code below to enable encryption-decryption of claims received from ADFS. Thumbprint value varies
based on the certificate being used.
<certificateReference findValue="4FBBBA33A1D11A9022A5BF3492FF83320007686A" storeLocation="LocalMachine"
storeName="My" x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" />

Also the ADFS issued SAML claim token's lifetime should be set to 15 minutes, by executing the following
powershell command on the ADFS server:

Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName “<RelyingPartyWebApp>” -ClaimsProviderName @(“Active Directory”) -

TokenLifetime 15 -AlwaysRequireAuthentication $true

Implement proper logout from the application


Component Web Application

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Perform proper Sign Out from the application, when user
presses log out button. Upon logout, application should
destroy user's session, and also reset and nullify session cookie
value, along with resetting and nullifying authentication cookie
value. Also, when multiple sessions are tied to a single user
identity, they must be collectively terminated on the server
side at timeout or logout. Lastly, ensure that Logout
functionality is available on every page.

Mitigate against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks on ASP.NET

Web APIs

Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies Generic

Attributes N/A

References N/A

Steps Cross-site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) is a type of attack in

which an attacker can carry out actions in the security context
of a different user's established session on a web site. The goal
is to modify or delete content, if the targeted web site relies
exclusively on session cookies to authenticate received
request. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by getting
a different user's browser to load a URL with a command from
a vulnerable site on which the user is already logged in. There
are many ways for an attacker to do that, such as by hosting a
different web site that loads a resource from the vulnerable
server, or getting the user to click a link. The attack can be
prevented if the server sends an additional token to the client,
requires the client to include that token in all future requests,
and verifies that all future requests include a token that
pertains to the current session, such as by using the ASP.NET
AntiForgeryToken or ViewState.


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5, MVC6

Attributes N/A

References Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks in


Steps Anti-CSRF and AJAX: The form token can be a problem for
AJAX requests, because an AJAX request might send JSON
data, not HTML form data. One solution is to send the tokens
in a custom HTTP header. The following code uses Razor
syntax to generate the tokens, and then adds the tokens to an
AJAX request.


public string TokenHeaderValue()
string cookieToken, formToken;
AntiForgery.GetTokens(null, out cookieToken, out formToken);
return cookieToken + ":" + formToken;
$.ajax("api/values", {
type: "post",
contentType: "application/json",
data: { }, // JSON data goes here
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'RequestVerificationToken': '@TokenHeaderValue()'

When you process the request, extract the tokens from the request header. Then call the AntiForgery.Validate
method to validate the tokens. The Validate method throws an exception if the tokens are not valid.

void ValidateRequestHeader(HttpRequestMessage request)

string cookieToken = "";
string formToken = "";

IEnumerable<string> tokenHeaders;
if (request.Headers.TryGetValues("RequestVerificationToken", out tokenHeaders))
string[] tokens = tokenHeaders.First().Split(':');
if (tokens.Length == 2)
cookieToken = tokens[0].Trim();
formToken = tokens[1].Trim();
AntiForgery.Validate(cookieToken, formToken);

Anti-CSRF and ASP.NET MVC forms - Use the AntiForgeryToken helper method on Views; put an
Html.AntiForgeryToken() into the form, for example,
@using (Html.BeginForm("UserProfile", "SubmitUpdate")) {

The example above will output something like the following:

<form action="/UserProfile/SubmitUpdate" method="post">

<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden"
value="saTFWpkKN0BYazFtN6c4YbZAmsEwG0srqlUqqloi/fVgeV2ciIFVmelvzwRZpArs" />
<!-- rest of form goes here -->

At the same time, Html.AntiForgeryToken() gives the visitor a cookie called __RequestVerificationToken, with the
same value as the random hidden value shown above. Next, to validate an incoming form post, add the
[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] filter to the target action method. For example:

public ViewResult SubmitUpdate()
// ... etc.

Authorization filter that checks that:

The incoming request has a cookie called __RequestVerificationToken
The incoming request has a Request.Form entry called __RequestVerificationToken
These cookie and Request.Form values match Assuming all is well, the request goes through as normal. But if
not, then an authorization failure with message “A required anti-forgery token was not supplied or was invalid”.


Component Web API

SDL Phase Build

Applicable Technologies MVC5, MVC6

Attributes Identity Provider - ADFS, Identity Provider - Azure AD

References Secure a Web API with Individual Accounts and Local Login in

Steps If the Web API is secured using OAuth 2.0, then it expects a
bearer token in Authorization request header and grants
access to the request only if the token is valid. Unlike cookie
based authentication, browsers do not attach the bearer
tokens to requests. The requesting client needs to explicitly
attach the bearer token in the request header. Therefore, for
ASP.NET Web APIs protected using OAuth 2.0, bearer tokens
are considered as a defense against CSRF attacks. Please note
that if the MVC portion of the application uses forms
authentication (i.e., uses cookies), anti-forgery tokens have to
be used by the MVC web app.

The Web API has to be informed to rely ONLY on bearer tokens and not on cookies. It can be done by the following
configuration in WebApiConfig.Register method: ```C-Sharp code config.SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication();
config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));

The SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication method tells Web API to ignore any authentication that happens before the
request reaches the Web API pipeline, either by IIS or by OWIN middleware. That way, we can restrict Web API to
authenticate only using bearer tokens.

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