Philippine Politics and Governance

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Philippine Politics
and Governance
Quarter 2 – Module 16:
Citizenship in Practice: Political
Engagement and Youth Empowerment
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Nelani M. Macabinguel

Editors: Joevan W. Alcala
Reviewers: Name
Illustrator: Name
Layout Artist: Henry T. Dayot
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Fay C. Luarez, TM, Ed.D., Ph.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Nilita L. Ragay, Ed.D. Elmar L. Cabrera
Carmelita A. Alcala, Ed.D.
What I Need to Know


Explain issues and programs related to political engagement and youth


The learners …
1. Explain citizenship (HUMSS_PG12IId-13)
2.Assess the various avenues for citizen participation (HUMSS_PG12IId14)
3. Illustrate the value of citizenship (HUMSS_PG12IId-15)



“As citizens of this democracy, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law –
givers and the law – abiding, the beginning and the end”. – Adlais Stevenson

What does it takes to be a citizen of a country? A citizen is a status, a right

and privilege given to all people who live and sojourn in a country where the state
and its citizens shared the same goal. One of the most important people in a country
is their youth who will take charge of the next generation. Various programs and
activities are given much importance in rearing the youth.
Today, youth have greater access to opportunities to participate and be
engaged at all levels of governance and policymaking than they did in the past.
Youth in many countries are taking part in the development of national level policies,
frameworks and plans of action. There is broad recognition at the international level
that investing in youth and empowering them to be active and engaged participants
in their communities and countries is crucial to achieving positive development
In this module, we will discuss how to be an active participant in community as
citizens of this country.

At the end of the module, learners should be able to:

❖ Identify issues related to political engagement and youth empowerment

❖ Determine programs that address issues related to political engagement
and youth empowerment
❖ Assess an existing program that addresses an issue isolated to political
engagement and youth empowerment
❖ Conduct a research for a draft proposal on a project or political

What I Know

Part 1: Read each item carefully and use your notebook to write your answers.

TRUE/FALSE Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place T on the line if
you think a statement is TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement is

______ 1. Youth's participation in the society in not important in advancing human

______ 2. Politics is the practice of influencing other people.
______ 3.Youth empowerment is a process where young people are encouraged to
take charge of their lives.
______ 4. The Youth is the future of the nation
______ 5. The word “politics” at its roots it means “relating to citizens”.
______ 6. Poor monitoring of youth is not a problem to a nation.
______ 7. Youth empowerment is the same with youth development.
______ 8. Civic engagement describes how an active citizen participates in the life of
a community in order to improve conditions for others or to help shape the
community’s future.
______ 9. Participation in different activities of the community is a waste of time
since we need to attend the needs of our family.
______ 10. Educating the youth in the political engagement is important in order to
achieve good leaders in the future.

What’s In


Direction: List the circles below what you have learned about Political engagement
and Youth Empowerment. On the overlapping part, write your ideas on how both
topics are interrelated

What’s New
Youth empowerment is vital in a developing nation. It is an
attitudinal, structural and cultural process where young people gain the ability,
authority, and agency to make decisions and implement change in their own lives
and the lives of other people around them.
By participating in different civic engagement, the youth are trained to become
self – reliant and disciplined themselves in acquiring their future goals. By giving
them proper knowledge in political engagement, they will have a good target on how
to give aid in most crucial problems of the country. Programs and activities served by
different sectors in enhancing the youth’s capabilities will supplement the tasks of
fighting ignorance and mould future leaders.

What is It

The 1987 Constitution, in its declaration of principles and state

policies, explicitly states that “The State recognizes the vital role of
the youth in nation – building and shall promote and protect
their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well –
being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism,
and encourage their involvement in public and civic
affairs.”(Article II, Section 13).

What is Civic engagement?

Civic engagement involves “working to make a difference in the civic life of
one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and
motivation to make that difference.”It means promoting the quality of life in a
community, through both political and non-political processes.
Civic engagement or civic participation is any individual or group activity
addressing issues of public concern. Citizens acting alone or together to protect
public values or make a change or difference in the community are common types of
civic engagement.
What is Political engagement?
Political engagement or participation includes a broad range of activities
through which people develop and express their opinions on the world and how it is
governed, and try to take part in and shape the decisions that affect their lives.

Political participation has been defined in many ways (Brady, 1998;
Conge, 1988; Fox, 2013; van Deth, 2001) ranging from rather restrictive
understandings as “those activities by private citizens that are more or less directly
aimed at influencing the selection of governmental personnel and/or the actions they
take” (Verba&Nie, 1972, p. 2) to very broad approaches referring to political
participation as “a categorical term for citizen power” (Arnstein, 1969, p. 216) or to all
activities aiming to influence existing power structures.
Why is political and civic participation important?

It is suggested that "public participation in decision making can promote goals,

bind individuals or groups together, impart a sense of competence and responsibility
and help express political or civic identity".

What are examples of civic engagement?

Civic Participation is a key issue in the Social and Community Context
domain. Civic participation encompasses a wide range of formal and
informal activities. Examples include voting, volunteering, participating in
group activities, and community gardening.
What are the benefits of civic engagement?
Through civic engagement, such as voting and volunteering, people develop
and use knowledge, skills, and voice to cultivate positive change. Such actions can
help improve the conditions that influence health and well-being for all.

Why is civic engagement important for youth?

Enabling youth civic engagement. The practice of civic engagement has
an important impact in educating young people about their rights and responsibilities
as citizens and allowing them to develop skill sets that are valuable to them as they
undergo the transition to adulthood.
Civic education empowers us to be well-informed, active
citizens and gives us the opportunity to change the world around Youth empowerment is
us. It is a vital part of any democracy, and equips ordinary different from youth
development because
people with knowledge about our democracy and our
development is centered
Constitution. on developing
individuals, while
What is Youth Empowerment? empowerment is
focused on creating
Youth empowerment is a process where young people greater community
are encouraged to take charge of their lives responsibly. They change relies on the
development of
do this by addressing their situation and then take action in order individual capacity
to improve their access to resources and transform their
consciousness through their beliefs, values, and attitudes.

What are the types of Youth Empowerment?

Youth empowerment examines six interdependent dimensions:
psychological, community, organizational, economic, social and
Psychological empowerment enhances individual's consciousness,
belief in self-efficacy, awareness and knowledge of problems and
solutions and of how individuals can address problems that harm their
quality of life. This dimension aims to create self-confidence and give youth the skills
to acquire knowledge.

Community empowerment focuses on enhancing the

community through leadership development, improving
communication, and creating a network of support to mobilize
the community to address concerns.
Organizational empowerment aims to create a
base of resources for a community, including
voluntary organizations, unions and associations that aim to protect,
promote and advocate for the powerless.
Economic empowerment teaches entrepreneurial skills, how to take ownership of
their assets and how to have income security.
Social empowerment teaches youth about social inclusion
and literacy as well as helping kids find the resources to be
proactive in their communities.
Cultural empowerment aims to recreate cultural practices and
redefine cultural rules and norms for youth. Through these
dimensions of empowerment, programs can work on
empowering youth in one or more aspects of their lives.

What are the goals of youth empowerment?

Youth empowerment programs are aimed at
creating healthier and higher qualities of life for
underprivileged or at-risk youth.
The five competencies of a healthy youth are:
(1) positive - sense of self
(2) self- control
T The National Youth (3) decision - making
Commission, also
known as the NYC, is (4) a moral system of
a government agency belief
that specifically (5) pro-social connectedness. Developmental interventions
addresses issues and programs have to be anchored on these
surrounding the competencies that define positive outcomes of healthy
Filipino youth. It was
founded on the 30th of
June 1995. 6
he National Youth
Commission, also known
as the NYC, is a
Why do we need to empower the youth?
Youth empowerment can help reduce the rate of poverty to a significant level.
One of the keys to empowering the youth is with skill development.
When a youth is empowered, he understands the importance of education and
helps uplift the sector, integral for a developing nation.

What’s More

Youth Empowerment Cartooning

Direction: In your notebook, draw a cartoon which highlights the theme on: “Youth
1. Uniqueness and creativity – 10pts. Total: 20pts
2. Concept and interpretation – 10pts

What I Have Learned
Based on the activities and readings on this module, write a short paragraph
consisting of five sentences expressing what you have learned about Youth
Empowerment and Civic Engagement.

What I Can Do

Choose at least Five (5) young Filipino personalities who can be a role model to the
youth in general. List down at least 2 characteristics and qualities which can be a
good example for promoting youth empowerment.


DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Identify the term that is described. Write
your answer in your notebook.
__________ 1. It teaches entrepreneurial skills, how to take ownership of their assets
and how to have income security.
_________2. Empowers us to be well-informed, active citizens and gives us the
opportunity to change the world around us.
_________3. A process where young people are encouraged to take charge of their
lives responsibly.
_________4. Includes a broad range of activities through which people develop and
express their opinions on the world and how it is governed, and try to take part in
and shape the decisions that affect their lives.
_________5. Enhances individual's consciousness, belief in self-efficacy, awareness
and knowledge of problems and solutions and of how individuals can address
problems that harm their quality of life.
_________6. It is a government agency that specifically addresses issues
surrounding the Filipino youth. It was founded on the 30th of June 1995.
_________7. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both
political and non-political processes.
_________8. Focuses on enhancing the community through leadership
development, improving communication, and creating a network of support to
mobilize the community to address concerns.
_________9. The critical period in a person’s growth and development from the
onset of adolescence towards the peak of mature, self –reliant and responsible
adulthood comprising the considerable sector of population from the age of fifteen
(15) to thirty (30) years of age.”
_________10. Teaches youth about social inclusion and literacy as well as helping
kids find the resources to be proactive in their communities.

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