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TURN ORDER • Jumping: Figures can jump up to 4” horizontally, but must

• Initiative: Roll once to see who goes first in each of the have moved the same distance in a straight line.
following phases. • Combat: A figure In Combat may not move.
• Captain Phase: Each player activates their captain plus up • Forcing Combat: A figure not In Combat may intercept an
to 3 soldiers within 3” and LOS. enemy figure that moves within 1”.
• First Mate Phase: Each player activates their first mate • Falling: Less than 3” – no effect. Greater than 3” – take
plus up to 3 soldiers within 3” and LOS. damage = 1.5 x distance in inches rounded down.
• Soldier Phase: Each player activates all their soldiers that • Swimming: Make a Will Roll (TN5), taking into account the
have not previously activated. modifiers (see page 47). If successful activates as normal.
• Creature Phase: All non-controlled creatures activate. If it fails, no actions this turn and takes damage equal to
the amount by which it failed its Swimming Roll.
ACTIVATION • Run for it: For its first action a figure may move 3”
All figures normally have 2 actions. regardless of any movement penalties. After having done
ACTIONS so, their activation immediately ends.
• Move (must use one per activation).
• 2nd Move (1/2 distance).
• Both figures make a Combat Roll – roll a die and add the
• Fight.
figure’s Fight stat and any other relevant modifiers
• Shoot.
• Determine the winner by comparing Combat Rolls –
• Activate Power (including Power Move).
highest wins.
• Attempt to Unlock Loot.
• Add any damage modifiers to the winner’s Combat Roll.
• Special.
• Subtract the opponent’s Armour stat from this total and
GROUP ACTIVATION apply any damage multipliers. If the final total is greater
All figures in a group activation must move as their first than 0, subtract that many points from the loser’s Health.
action. If it is 0 or negative, no damage is done.
MOVEMENT • The winner now has the choice to remain in combat or
• Climbing or Rough Ground: 2” for every 1” or partial 1”. push either themselves or their opponent back by 1”.
General Weapons Table
Damage Maximum Gear
Weapon Notes
Modifier Range Slots
Flame Thrower +2 Template 2 -1 Move. Target Armour and Cover modifiers.
Grenade – Fragmentation - 6” 1 1.5” damage radius
Grenade – Smoke - 6” 1 4” diameter smoke
Grenade Launcher Grenade 16” 3 -1 Shoot
Hand Weapon - - 1
Knife -1 - 1
Pistol - 10” 1
Rapid Fire +2* 24” 3 2 targets, -1 Move unless wearing heavy armour or combat armour
Carbine - 24” 2
Shotgun +1 12” 2
Unarmed -2 - - -2 Fight
* Rapid Fire rules page 31
Multiple Combat Modifier Table
Circumstance Modifier Notes
Cumulative, so three eligible supporting figures would grant a +6 modifier. Note
+2 per friendly model in combat
that only one figure per combat may end up with a modifier from supporting
Supporting Figure with target but not engaged with
figures, so if both figures are eligible for a +2 modifier they cancel each other out
any other enemy, to a max of +6.
and both figures fight at +0.
• The shooter checks range and LoS, then declares target. • Subtract the opponent’s Armour stat from this total.
• The shooter makes a Shooting Roll – roll 1d20 + Shoot stat. • Apply any damage multipliers.
• The target makes a Combat Roll – roll a die and add its • If the final total is greater than 0, subtract that many
Fight stat and any relevant shooting defence modifiers. points from the target’s Health. If it is 0 or negative, no
• Determine the winner by comparing the shooter’s damage is done.
Shooting Roll to the target’s Combat Roll – highest wins. • If the target takes 4 points of damage, or more, they are
• If the target is the winner, or the scores are equal, the stunned.
attack misses. • Natural rolls of 20 are critical hits, while natural rolls of 1
• If the shooter is the winner, add any damage modifiers to are jams.
the Shooting Roll.
Shooting Modifier Table
Circumstance Modifier Notes
Every piece of intervening terrain between the shooter and the target gives a +1. This is cumulative, so
three pieces of intervening terrain would provide a +3 modifier. Note that if the target is in base contact
Intervening Terrain +1
with a terrain piece, it counts as cover instead of intervening terrain. If a shooter is in base contact with a
terrain piece, it does not count as intervening terrain, though it may block line of sight.
The target is in contact with solid cover (e.g. rocks, walls, thick wood, barricades, heavy machinery, other
Light Cover +2 figures) that covers part of its body, or with soft cover (e.g. bushes, undergrowth, barbed wire, fences) that
obscures half or more of its body.
Heavy Cover +4 The target is in contact with solid cover that covers half or more of its body.
Hasty Shot +1 The shooter previously moved during this activation
The target is particularly tall or unusually broad. This normally only applies to creatures who will have the
Large Target -2
‘Large’ trait.
Stunned +2 The target was stunned when it activated this turn.
Cleared Jam +1 The shooting previously cleared a jam during this activation.

THROWING AND FIRING GRENADES Activating a Power Additional Rules

• Select Target Point Exertion Increase Casting Roll by 1 for every 1 Health spent.
• Make Shooting Stat Roll (TN12) apply modifiers Grenade If Activation is successful, the activator takes
Attack Modifiers Table. damage equal to the Strain of the power.
• If the roll is failed, move the target point in a random Power Activator may make a 3” move either before or after
direction a number of inches equal to the amount by which Move attempting the activation.
the roll failed, unless that number is over 6, in which case LOOT TOKENS
remove the target point. • Loot cannot be unlocked if an enemy is within 1”.
• If smoke grenade, place a smoke template centred on • To Unlock a Loot Token a figure must spend an action and
target point. pass a Will Roll (TN14)
• If fragmentation grenade, make a +3 shooting attack • The figure which unlocked a physical-loot token may pick it
against every figure within a 1.5” radius. up as a free action. Any other figure may pick it up by
Grenade Attack Modifiers Table spending an action.
Modifier to • A figure must spend an action to pick up an unlocked data-
Shoot Roll
loot token.
Target Point is in Line of Sight +2
• A figure may only carry one loot token.
Hasty Shot (The figure has already made a
-1 • A figure carrying a physical-loot token has its Move halved
Move Action this activation)
and suffers -1 Shoot and
Firing with Grenade Launcher -1
• -1 Fight.
ACTIVATING A POWER • There are no penalties for carrying a data-loot token.
Roll a die. Roll must be equal to or greater than the Activation
Creatures will never attack another creature and will always force combat if possible.
1. Is the Creature in Combat?
Yes No
It will use its action to fight. If it wins the combat, it will choose to stay in combat. If a creature is in combat with more than one Proceed to
opponent, it will attack the one with the lowest current Health. Step 2.
2. Is there a Warband Member in Line of Sight?
Yes No
If the creature is armed with a missile weapon, and there is a crew member within range, it will shoot at the closest eligible target.
It will take no second action. If the creature has no missile weapon, it will move as far as it can towards the closest visible figure, Proceed to
climbing obstacles as necessary. If it reaches a crewmember with its first action, it will use a Fight Action against them as its Step 3.
3. Random Movement
The creature will make its full Move in a random direction. If the creature moves into a wall or other obstacle, halt its movement at that point.
Once this movement is complete, if the creature has an action remaining, check Step 2 once more – if no target has presented itself, the
creature’s activation ends, and no second action is taken, otherwise, proceed with Step 2 as normal.
After each scenario, each player should follow these steps in order:
1. Check for injury or death (pg 68)
2. Use Out of Game (A) powers
3. Calculate experience and levels (pg 74)
4. Roll for loot (pg 77)
5. Spend loot

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