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Answer the following. Please encode/upload your answer in MS OneNote under Assignments in our
Class Notebook and title the activity as “Assignment No. 3”. Deadline of submission is on May 17,
2021 (Monday).

Make a creative graphic representation either in a form of a table/Venn Diagram/concept map etc.
of the significant contributions of the Spaniards and Americans to the development of STS in the
Philippines. (20 points)

SPANISH  School taught about body, plants,  Development of house tools
animals, and heavenly bodies  Adapting Western technology using
 Introduction of medicine and indigenous materials
advance science in colleges and  Galleon trade which allowed ideas,
universities established by the crops, tools, cultural practices and
Catholic technology to reach the country.

AMERICAN  Establish the public education  Improvement of engineering works

system  Improvement of transportation and
 Improve the health conditions of communication systems
the people  Developed the human resources
 Established research university and
University of the Philippines
 Created more public hospital
 Mineral resources
 Reorganized the learning of science
and introduced it in public and
private schools
 Researches were done to control
malaria, cholera, and tuberculosis
and other tropical diseases


Answer the following questions and USE YOUR OWN WORDS in answering (30 points). At the end of
your answers for each item, write the references from which you have taken your answers. Please
upload your answers in MS Team/OneNote under Evaluations in our Class Notebook and title the
activity as “Evaluation No. 3”. Deadline of submission is on May 17, 2021 (Monday).

For each question, use a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words in answering.

A. Identify 1 more Filipino scientist not mentioned above. Research on his/her contribution in
the field of Science. Discuss what made him/her pursue a career in science.

- Abelardo Aguilar – He is a Filipino scientist who discovered the “ERYTHROMYCIN” in the

year 1949. While testing sample of soils from his backyard and isolating different
microorganisms he discovered a bacterium that led to the development of the antibiotic
“Erythromycin” which was first named as “ILOSONE” in honour of Iloilo where the soil
sample originally came. He sent it to Eli Lily Co based on US who developed the anti-
bacteria. This anti-biotic was used as a substitute for penicillin wherein during that time has
many side effects. It was later patented under the name of Eli Lilly Co. and disregarded
Aguilar. There are also some accounts that Aguilar was forced to resign. He asked for a 500
million dollars for royalty in which he will use then to help his countrymen but he never
received any. Aguilar died without him receiving any compensation or royalty for his
discovery. He was even denied of recognition for his contribution to the medical field even
though his discovery saved billions of lives.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Identify several issues in the Philippines. What S & T related policies could be developed and
implemented to solve these issues? ==-+

Some issues in the Philippines includes the ASF (African Swine Fever) and rising cases of CoVid 19.
The medical, chemical and pharmaceutical science particularly the allocation of the 2% of the GDP to
research can be developed to solve these issues. 5% allocation of GDP to research might also help
the country to know more about the virus and they can also increase its allocation if they want to
develop a vaccine out of existing vaccines we currently have. It will also benefit the future since it
can help other scientifical research that can help to improve our daily living. They may also use it to
research on the possible way to mitigate the transmission of ASF that is causing the shortage of pork
throughout the country. Once they can mitigate or if by chance know how to cure the disease, it will
not only solve the shortage of pork, they may also use it to gain more money for the country through
exportation of pork.

2. Assess the implementation of some science and technology policies and projects in the country.
Suggest ways and means of improving its implementation or suggest new policies you think can
improve S & T in the Philippines.

The Biological sciences, agriculture and forestry is not being monitored properly in my opinion. It
may be due to lack of personnel that they cannot monitor all every people that do illegal logging but
it can be solved by increased in checkpoints conducted by the police or the military. In able to
conserve our mineral deposits, the government can increase the tax for foreign mining companies
that wants to do business in the country. In Medical, chemical, and pharmaceutical sciences, they
can increase the tax for cigarettes and liquor in order to ,minimize the cases where filipinos dies due
to lung diseases or kidney failure.

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