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GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.: 3
Module Title: The Interstate Systems
Writer: Adrian Z. De Lumen, MM
Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Opening prayer:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the talents and gifts you have given me and for the
opportunity of education. As we begin this module, Lord, please open my
eyes to new learnings. I pray for wisdom as I engage to learn through this
module for clear mind as I read and view the materials I pray that the
knowledge I may gain here will transform my heart and mind to follow you
more and be of service to my fellowmen.

May you be glorified Oh Lord. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our
Lord through the intercession of Saint Dominic De Guzman, and Saint
Thomas Aquinas, Amen.

Topic 3: Political Globalization


The world is composed of many countries or states with different
forms of government. There is indeed the presence of politics in every
state. Since this module will focus on world politics, we will be dealing
more with the diplomatic relationships among countries. When we explore
deeper the interactions among states, we refer to the phenomenon of

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

internationalization. But this word is not equal with globalization.

Mentioning that fact, we have to focus more on these questions: what
really is politics? What really is internationalization? what is the role of
internationalization to globalization? And how does internationalization
affect the relationships among states or countries? Can states or countries
achieve harmonious relationship through global politics?


This module has the following coverage:

Lesson Topics I should be able to Estimated time

Subtopic 1 State and - Differentiate state 2 hrs
nation from nation (A)
Subtopic 2 Interstate -Define Politics, 3 hrs
systems internationalization.
- Discuss the
historical evolution
of international
politics. (M)
- Differentiate
from globalization
- State conclusions
on the effects of
globalization to
government (T)

Here is a simple map of the above lessons you will cover:

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

Reminder: To do well in this module, you need to remember and do

the following:

1. Open the indicated website if there is any.

2. Take down notes and copy some important link so that you could go
back whenever you need information given in that site.
3. Review videos/articles as many times as needed
4. Make your google classroom account and enrol yourself to (section to
follow). Make sure to use your complete name as username.
5. All activities, exercises, and pre and post assessment must be answered
and compiled in 1 document (Please see separate document or
answer sheet). Your compilation must be submitted within a week after
receipt of this module in google classroom.
6. Pls. contact your instructor if there is any confusion thru this phone
number ___________ or thru facebook messenger with this link


Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

Find out how much you already know about the topics.

Multiple choice: Write the letter that corresponds to your answer.

_____ 1. _____ refers to a country and its government.

a. City b. Nation c. Province d. State
_____ 2. _____ refers to the entire body of citizens invested with political
power for political purposes.
a. Government b. People c. Sovereignty d. Territory
_____ 3. It is an imagined community that is cultural in concept.
a. City b. Nation c. Province d. State
_____ 4. ______ is a system of heightened interaction between various
sovereign states, particularly the desire for greater cooperation and unity
among states or countries and people.
a. Globalization b. Internationalization
c. Nationalization d. None of the above
_____ 5. It is the geographical area under the jurisdiction of the state.
a. Government b. People c. Sovereignty d. Territory

The pre-assessment is given to determine what you know and to make you
more curious about global politics. To clarify your knowledge about the
topic explore more the activities in this module.


Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

Activity 1: Image reacting

For online and offline students: Give your reaction to each of the
photos below. Choose from the four emojis your reaction. Then answer the
process questions.

A. B.
___________________________ ____________________________

C. D.
___________________________ ____________________________

Process questions:

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

1. What is your most common reaction to the four photos? Is it like, love,
sad, or angry? Explain why.
2. Explain your reaction to the image/s that you reacted with sad or angry.
3. Explain your reaction to the image/s that you reacted with like or love.

This activity shows that whatever the government of every state decides
on, its citizens will be the ones to benefit or suffer the consequences. To
understand how diplomatic relations establish a much better world, read
and analyze the article “Functions of Diplomacy”.

Explore more: (Note: read and focus more on the first 3 paragraphs)
Online students:
(If the link does not work by clicking, copy and paste it to a web

Offline students: offline link (If the link does not work, open the
file manually: “Module 3 explore article”)

End of STUDY:
Your understanding of global politics will be heightened as you study the
lessons and perform the activities in the RESEARCH phase.

Research: Firm up your understanding!

Your main goal in this section is to learn and understand some key
concepts by working on the following questions:
 What are the characteristics of politics?
 Is there any difference between state and nation?
 Is there any difference between internationalization and
 What is the role of globalization on government, politics, and global
Also, you will learn and understand the historical evolution of international
politics that helped transforming today’s diplomatic relationship of the

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

world. But first, let us explore nation and state where world politics and
government started.

Activity No. 2: Video viewing

You have to watch the video first to understand the commonly wrong
usage of the terms nation and state. Then answer the process questions

For offline students: Pls press control + click the image below for the
linked offline video. (If the link does not work, manually open the video:
“Module 3-Activity 2 video States v. Nations”)

For online students: Pls press the link below.
(If the link does not work by clicking, copy and paste it to a web browser)

Important concepts:

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

• Refers to a country and its government.
• It has four attributes namely:
– Authority over population
– Territory
– Structure of government
– Sovereignty over territory

Continue reading . . . . slides 3-8 only (control + click the link)

(If the link does not work, manually open the file: “Module 3 RM - The
Interstate system”)

After watching the video and reading the important concepts,

answer these questions.
1. What are the elements of state?
2. Are state and nation the same? Explain your answer.
3. What is the proper term to use (state or nation) when we talk about
global politics? Explain briefly.

Exercise no. 1: Write S if the statement describes a state, while N if the

statement describes a nation.

_____ 1. It is an area being governed by a government.

_____ 2. Its people have the same color.
_____ 3. Its population share the same culture.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

_____ 4. Its people follow the same government.

_____ 5. It has an area having its own political power.

Activity no. 3: Understanding the historical evolution of international

You must read the important concepts and history of the topic to
understand today’s political globalization. The readings then will also give
you the difference of internationalization and globalization.

Important concepts: The detailed concepts and explanation of the

topics are provided in the succeeding pages.

• The interactions between states.
• International relations.
• Internationalization is not the same with globalization, although it is a
major part of globalization.

Continue reading . . . . slides 10-28 only (control + click the link)

(If the link does not work, manually open the file: “Module 3 RM - The
Interstate system”)

After reading the historical evolution of international politics, answer these

1. What are the interstate systems?
2. Why are internationalization and globalization different? Explain why?

In summary, the discussions and activities you have just done led to your
clear understanding of the concepts of internationalization including
historical evolution that immensely contributed for today’s good and
peaceful international relations. After you have gone into this section, have

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

you answered the question, “What is the difference of

internationalization and globalization?”

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.

Analyze: Deepen your acquired knowledge!

Your goal in this section is to review the concept of internationalization and

its history to understand more the effects of globalization on government
and global politics.

Watch the video on YouTube “Globalization vs. Nations State” to deepen

your understanding of global politics.

Activity no. 4: Video processing

1. For online students:
(If the link does not work by clicking, copy and paste it to a web browser)

2. For offline students: Press control + click the image below for the
linked offline video. (If the link does not work, manually open the video:
“Module 3-Activity 4 Globalization Vs Nation State”)

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

Process questions: Please answer briefly.

1. Is globalization good or bad for every state? Explain.
2. Does the world need global politics? Explain briefly.

The historical development of interstate systems shows the roots of
internationalism or internationalization which is just one window to the
broader phenomenon of globalization.
The interstate systems are very crucial aspect of globalization since global
interactions which are focused on internationalization are heightened by
the increased interdependence of all states or countries. Remember that
globalization is not just about relations but much broader in connections
such as economic, cultural, and political.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

Globalization means increasing integration among the different parts of the

world while Internationalism or internationalization is only in the same line
as globalization but to limited field.
Internationalism is a process among countries but it is not as wide as

Political globalization today:

The role of the government today is to facilitate the balance of
international relations as globalization is indeed everywhere and helpful in
economic building without compromising the individual state policies and
the welfare of its citizens.


Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to
do the tasks in the next section.

Action: Let us apply your learnings in the society!

Closing activity:

In 21st century setting, globalization is indeed a natural phenomenon in

which there is the presence of international relations or internationalization.
As part of the Philippine government, how would you describe the effects
of globalization especially the international relations in the Philippines as
one of the concerns of the government. Do your performance task using a
poster which could be digital or hand made. Your work will be evaluated
based on the relevance, required element, and originality or creativity.

Rubric for the poster

4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Developing Needs
Graphics- All graphics All graphics All graphics Graphics do

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

Relevance are related are related relate to the not relate to

to the topic to the topic topic. the topic.
and make it and most
easier to make it
understand. easier to
Required The poster All required All but 1 of Several
element includes all elements are the required required
required included on elements are elements
elements as the poster. included on were
well as the poster. missing.
Graphics Several of One or two The graphics No graphics
Originality the graphics of the are made by made by the
used on the graphics the student, student are
poster reflect used on the but are included.
a exceptional poster reflect based on the
degree of student designs or
student creativity in ideas of
creativity in their creation others.
their creation and/or
and/or display.


Before closing module 3, as part of conclusion, let it be clear that increased

interdependence manifests not just in state-state relations. More so,
international relations are also facilitated by international organizations that
promote global norms and politics.

In addition, internationalization is one way towards globalization since

globalization promotes interdependence among states. Thus, the benefits
of globalization to a state will be maintained through diplomacy in this
contemporary world.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

SELF REFLECTION: Kindly put a check on your honest response given

the learning skill.
Learning outcomes With confidence Not sure though A little bit
- Define state and
nation (A)
- Discuss the
historical evolution
of international
politics. (M)
- Differentiate
from globalization
- Explain the
effects of
globalization on
governments (T)

Before you go to the post test, assess yourself using the self-reflection if
you are ready, if not you may reach me via messenger or sms for your

Multiple choice: Write the letter that corresponds to your answer.

_____ 1. It is an imagined community that is cultural in concept.

a. City b. Nation c. Province d. State
_____ 2. _____ refers to a country and its government.
a. City b. Nation c. Province d. State
_____ 3. _____ refers to the entire body of citizens invested with political
power for political purposes.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

a. Government b. People c. Sovereignty d. Territory

_____ 4. It is the geographical area under the jurisdiction of the state.
a. Government b. People c. Sovereignty d. Territory
_____ 5. ______ is a system of heightened interaction between various
sovereign states, particularly the desire for greater cooperation and
unity among states or countries and people.
a. Globalization b. Internationalization
c. Nationalization d. None of the choices

Summative assessment:
It’s now time to evaluate your learning.

I. True or False: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is

False. [1 pt]

_____ 1. Globalization and internationalization is equal.

_____ 2. State has 5 elements.
_____ 3. Treaty of Westphalia promoted individual state sovereignty.
_____ 4. Napoleon Bonaparte destroyed the principle of Westphalia.
_____ 5. The focus of Concert of Europe was to restore state sovereignty.
_____ 6. Jeremy Bentham advocated to have international law.
_____ 7. State is cultural in concept.
_____ 8. Sovereignty is the supreme power of a state over its jurisdiction.
_____ 9. Government is the one that governs a state.
_____ 10. Karl Marx is pro nationalism.

II. State or Nation: Write S if the item describes state, write N if it

describes Nation. [2 pts]

_____ 1. It is a group of people with 1 government.

_____ 2. It is a group of people with territory.
_____ 3. It is a group of people with the same language.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]
GE3: The Contemporary World

_____ 4. It is a group of people with the same tradition.

_____ 5. It is a group of people with absolute power over a jurisdiction.

III. Analogy: Look at the first pair and decide how the two words relate to
each other. Then provide a word/s so the second pair of words will have
the same relationship.

_____ 1. Bentham : international law :: Kant : _______________

_____ 2. Mazzini : Liberal internationalism :: Marx : _______________
_____ 3. Nation : Cultural :: State : _______________
_____ 4. People : Citizen :: Territory : _______________
_____ 5. Capitalist : Owner :: Proletariat : _______________

Closing prayer:

Dear Lord,

I have invested a great deal in this module with honest and noble
intentions. I have made sacrifices as you have made sacrifices for us. I
have used the gifts you have given me, remained steadfast and focused,
and have put my heart and soul into this module. I pray for intercession
and honest reward through Jesus Christ, whom all good things come from.

• Claudio, E.L., et. al., “The contemporary world”, 2018
• Aldama, P.K.R., “The contemporary world”, 2018, p.22-23

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
[email protected]

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