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Object-oriented systems development centers on the ————-

a. Object

b. Entities

c. Function

d. Programs

Answer a

2. In an object-oriented environment Software is a collection of discrete

objects that encapsulate data and —————

a. Programs

b. Class

c. Functions

d. Files

Answer c

3. Each object has attributes and ————-

a. Function

b. Methods
c. Procedures

d. All of the above

Answer d

4. Which of the following is the main advantage of object-oriented software


a. Higher level of abstraction

b. The seamless transition among different levels of software development

c. Promoting reusability

d. All of the above

Answer d

5. Which of the following describes the state of an object?

a. Methods

b. Data

c. Attributes

d. None of the above

Answer c
6. Which of the following describes the behavior of an object?

a. Method

b. Properties

c. Attributes

d. None of the above

Answer a

7. Which of the following represents the relationship between object and


a. Generalization

b. Classification

c. Aggregation

d. Association

Answer d

8. Cardinality related to ————–

a. Generalization

b. Abstraction

c. Classification
d. Association

Answer d

9. Client-server relationship is also known as —————

a. Consumer producer relationship

b. Class object relationship

c. One to one relationship

d. None of the above

Answer a

10. An object can be an aggregation of other ————-

a. Objects

b. Attributes

c. Methods

d. None of the above

Answer a

OOSE MCQ – Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Mcqs With Answers Set II
11. SA/SD approach encourages the ————— design.

a. Bottom-up approach

b. Top-bottom approach

c. Random approach

d. All of the above

Answer b

12. Object-oriented systems development consists of

a. Object-oriented analysis

b. Object-oriented information modeling

c. Object-oriented design

d. Prototyping and Implementation

e. Testing, Iteration, and documentation

f. All of the above

Answer f

13. The process of determining at run time which function to invoke is

termed ————–

a. Compile-time binding
b. Static binding

c. Dynamic binding

d. None of the above

Answer c

14. The goal of the object-oriented analysis is to identify ——————-and

———– that support the problem domain and system requirement.

a. classes, objects

b. user problem

c. Entities

d. None of the above

Answer a

15. In an object-oriented system an object belongs to a ———–

a. Metaclass

b. Function

c. Message

d. All of the above

Answer a
16. ————- is an object template.

a. Class

b. Function

c. Method

d. None of the above

Answer a

17. —————– is a unit of functionality.

a. Message

b. Method

c. Class

d. Object

Answer d

18. ——————- the scheme of representing the relationships between


a. Inheritance

b. Polymorphism
c. Containership

d. Class hierarchy

Answer a

19. ————– the generic message sending scheme that allows flexibility
in design.

a. Inheritance

b. Class hierarchy

c. Dynamic binding

d. None

Answer b

20. —————- is a high-level instruction to perform an operation on an


a. Abstraction

b. Polymorphism

c. Classification

d. Overloading

Answer b
OOSE MCQ – Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Mcqs With Answers Set III

21. ———— the implementation of a high-level operation for a specific

class of objects.

a. Method

b. Message

c. Polymorphism

d. Object

Answer a

22. System analysis translates user’s needs into system —————-

a. Design

b. Requirements

c. Responsibilities

d. Implementation

Answer b

23. System design begins with the problem statement and ends with a
detailed ————-
a. Design

b. Analysis

c. Operational system

d. Implementation

Answer a

24. Object modeling technique consists of following phase/s————

a. Analysis

b. System design

c. Object design

d. Implementation

e. All of the above

Answer e

25. OMT separates modeling into the following part/s

a. Object model

b. Functional model

c. Dynamic model
d. All of the above

Answer d

26. Which of the following model represents objects, attributes, and

function of the object and the relationship among the objects?

a. Object model

b. Functional model

c. Dynamic model

d. None

Answer a

27. Which of the following models represents states, Transitions, events,

and actions?

a. Object model

b. Functional model

c. Dynamic model

d. All of the above

Answer c
28. Which of the following models depicts the flow of data between the
different processes in the business?

a. Object model

b. Functional model

c. Dynamic model

d. All of the above

Answer b

29. Which of the following symbols are used by the DFD?

a. Process

b. Data flow

c. Datastore

d. External entity

e. All of the above

Answer e

30. Booch methodology covers ———— and ————– phases of the

object-oriented system.

a. analysis, design

b. design, coding
c. analysis, development

d. None of the above

Answer a

OOSE MCQ – Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Mcqs With Answers Set IV

31. Booch methodology is criticized for its ———

a. Analysis phase

b. Design phase

c. Development phase

d. A large set of symbols

Answer d

32. Macro development process and micro development process are

prescribed by the ————

a. Booch

b. Jacobson

c. Rumbaugh

d. Robins
Answer a

33. Which of the following steps are covered by the micro development
process of Booch?

a. Identify classes and objects

b. Identify Class and object semantics

c. Identify class and object relationships

d. Identify class and object interface and their implementations

e. All of the above

Answer e

34. Object-oriented software engineering also called ————

a. OOPs

b. OOS

c. OOD

d. Objectory

Answer d

35. OOSE based on ———- driven methodology.

a. Use case

b. UML
c. Use case scenario

d. None of the above

Answer a

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