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How To Handle Traffic Tickets:

There are a few ways to get out of having to pay any traffic ticket and also avoid going to jail or
get out of jail. First and foremost let’s remember there’s:


TICKETS, Instead there is a Administrative Process to handle all Court issues because it is a
BANK. If you Received a Traffic Ticket, here’s the first process to handle the matter.

Solution A: Whenever you are Written a ticket, You are always given 15-30 Days to respond to
the courts with an ANSWER. We highly recommend Checking out our “Special Notice of
Appearance” Template and submitting that into the Case first to immediately CHALLENGE THE
JURISIDICTION of the Court! Submitting this document automatically brings your CIVIL case to a
hault because they can’t enforce jurisdiction over you to move the case forward!.....ALWAYS put
in a special notice to challenge the jurisdiction from Jump Street!

Solution B: Within 3 Days

#1. According to the Truth and Lending act everybody has 72 Hours (3 Days) to reject all
commercial transactions they’re involved in.
#2. Write “Offer Rejected” on the ticket in a Red Pen, and follow suit to Sign and Date your name
in BLUE.
#3. Send the ticket into the magistrates clerk office (or the one noted on the ticket) via
registered/or certified mail with a green return slip.

Solution C: Within 10 Days

#1. It’s important to remember, In law everything begins with an Administrative Process. If
possible always handle your Traffic tickets within the first “10” days.

#2. In all actuality in the beginning they are NOT even giving you a ticket, it is an AFFIDAVIT
putting you on notice that they WILL be convicting you of a crime in their jurisdiction within 30
days; which in banking terms meanà “applying a “Lien” against your estate IF you don’t rebut
their Affidavit (Ticket) against you”.

#3. Now do you understand why they always give you up to 30 Days to pay the Ticket? Because
in all actuality they just want you to “Forget about it” so you can “Default” on the ticket agreement
& get a Judgement (warrant) against you to Pay up!

#4. But as stated, It’s just a Affidavit and “Travelling” is not a Crime that you can be fined or
Detained for according to the Kolender Vs Lawson Case. So how can they write you a ticket if
driving without a license is not illegal? BECAUSE IT’S A GAME, and if you don’t play by the
universal Maxim rues of Law, you will “Default” on the administrative process and submit to their
will/accusations against you. Truly they’re just calling you to APPEAR 30 Days after without a
rebuttal so they can accuse you of being Guilty of a Crime.

#5. So since we know it’s a Game, you just simply need to REBUT their claim against you by
personally appearing to the magistrates court clerk, and Returning your Ticket Back to them &
simply say something along the lines of “I reject this claim and do not choose to do
business/Contract with you all”

#6. Again, if you do it within the first 10 Days YOU haven’t even been committed a crime!

Solution D: After 10 Days

There are a few ways to get out of having to pay any traffic ticket and also avoid going to jail or
get out of jail.

#1. One of the best ways is to do an "State Injunction/ notice of removal/ do not detain list"
which you can get at in the “Shop” Section. If your crime was a non-
violent crime this is your best bet to avoid jail or get out of jail.

#2. It is highly recommend that you also do a status change by authenticating your birth certificate
(certificate of title) this will allow you to have immunity from all codes and statutes of THE
UNITED STATES and thus outside the jurisdiction of cops, cia, fbi, cps etc... the best way to
avoid getting tickets is to make sure they can't write you a ticket to begin with!

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