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Ancient Civilizations

All major ancient civilizations were established along

the banks of major river.
The abundance of agriculture due to fertile land helped
the Civilization to thive.
There is no credible evidence to establish anyone
Civilization as
the earliest/first Civilization to have
been established.
Though it is widely assumed that the earliest
civilization was in Mesopotamia.
Indus Valley Civilization was an ancient
civilization that
thrived along the course of Indus river in North-Western part
of Indian subcontinent.
It was also the period of the Bronze Age.
I t is also referred to as Harappan Civilization owing to the
fact that this civilization was first discovered in 1921 at the
modern site of Harappa situated in the Punjab province Punjab
of current day Pakistan.
Time Duration of Indus Valley Civilization: As revealed by
Radio-Carbon this civilization thrived during 2500-1750 B.C.
Geographical Extent of Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley

Civilization was spread
over a very large area
which is today a part of
Northwestern India and
It covered an area of
1299600 Sq.metre. This
indicates that Indus Valley
Civilization was the most
extensive among all other
ancient civilizations.
Important Cities and Sites of Indus Valley Civilization

So far archaeologists have

come across more than 100 nrapp
sites belonging to this al
Out of these, only 6 can be anwernwala
regarded as cities: Harappa,
Mohenjo-daro,Chanhu-daro, ao

Lothal, Kalibangan and

Largest site of Indus
Civilization is Mohenjo-
Indus Valley Civilization- Town Planning

Town planning was the hallmark

of Harappan culture.
Harappan towns and cities were
built as per grid pattern wherein
roads and by lanes bisected each
other at right angles.
Drainage system in Indus
Civilization towns was very

Bunt bricks of uniform size
were widely used across towns
Large places for communal bath Harappa Town Planning, Indus Valley Civlization
were found as a part of the

Backed Brick Well at Lothal


The Indus people sowed seeds in the flood

plains in November when the flood water
receded, and reaped the harvest in April
before the advent of next flood.
They produced two types of wheat and
They also produced rai, peas, sesamum and
use of Rice has been found only
Evidence of
from Lothal.
Indus people were the earliest people to
produce cotton.
As cotton was first produced in this area
Greeks called it 'sindon' which is derived
from Sindh.
Irrigation was prevalent in the Indus Valley
Domestication of Animals

Oxen, buffaloes, goats, sheep and

pigs were domesticated. However
humped bulls were favoured.
Dogs were regarded as pets. Cats
were also domesticated.
Asses and camels were used as
beasts of burden.
humped bulls
Horses were not in regular use.

Harappan people were also familiar

with Elephants and Rhinoceros.
Trade and Commerce

Trade and commerce was flourishing in

Harappan age. Trade and Commercial
activities were carried on through sea
as well as land routes.
Carts, chariots and animals were means
of transports as far as land trade is
concerned. For sea trade, big boats
were used.
Harappan people had trade relations
within India, as well as with countries
outside India.
The Mesopotamian texts of the same
period refer to trade relations with
Meluha' which was the ancient name
given to Indus region.
With no clear evidence of
currency/money being used the
exchange must have been through
barter system.
Indus traders weighed their goods on scales,
using stone weights. The scale pans here are
made of copper.
Harappan Clothing


Earliest evidence of Cotton Clothing was found in the Indus Valley

Civilization and was used extensively for trading
Harappan Food

1) The Indus Valley people has a

balanced diet comprising staples,
meat, fruit and vegetables.
2) Maize and Barley were the main
staple food.
3)Domesticated animals like goats and
cows provided milk and meat.
4) There is evidence of more fruit and
vegetables as the preferred source of
nourishment than meat.
Political /Administrative Structure

One of the factors that make this civilization

so unique and that has surprised the scholars is
that there has been no mention of any ruler or
powerful authority throughout the region.
Neither do we know anything about their
governing system.
Although it is very clear that it is unlikely that
such an organized and systematic society can
exist without any local and central control,
these cities show very little or no evidence of it
The 'Priest-King of whatsoever.
Mohenjo-Daro' statue, The closest depiction of a figure is a terracotta
from the Indus Valley sculpture of what is believed to be the priest-
The king or the ruler is totally absent from the
art or any other form of depiction.
Decline of the civilization

Scholars have put forward number of theories to explain the decline and the
final collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization. Some of these theories
highlight the natural causes whereas others mention human causes for the
Three most prevalent theories for the decline of the civilization are:
1) Invasion by conquerors like the Aryans.
2) Ecological disturbances like low rainfall, floods, change in the course of
the river.
3) Natural Disaster like carthquakes.
Contribution Of Indus Valley To Modern Day Civilization

Use of bricks.
Social Structure.
Grid pattern ofroads
Cotton Clothing.
Use of seals and symbols.
Domestication of Animals.
Use of Clay and metal for art and craft.

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