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GALLARDO - 323 SCRA 218 (2000)


On July 28, 1991, the lifeless body of Edmundo Orizal was found in the rest house of Ronnie Balao in Balzain,
Tuguegarao, Cagayan. In an autopsy performed by Dr. Edmundo Borja, Tuguegarao Municipal Health Officer, the
victim was found to have sustained seven (7) gunshot wounds in the chest, abdomen, back, left and right thighs, and
two (2) grazing wounds on the left arm and back.

Accused Armando Gallardo & Alfredo Columna testified in their defense and claimed that on August 18, 1991, they
were brought to the Tuguegarao Police Station to be questioned on the killing of Edmundo Orizal. Arriving in
Tuguegarao the same day, Investigator Isidro Marco investigated said accused and took their statements at the
Tuguegarao Police Station. The investigator, however, did not inform them of their constitutional rights. After the
respective statements had been typewritten, investigator Marcos neither read to nor allowed them to read the contents
of their alleged statements. The investigator just told them to sign their so-called statements. Accused Gallardo signed
the confessional statement because he was harmed by Marcos while accused Alfredo Columna said that he signed said
document because he was afraid, he might be harmed.


Whether or not the extra-judicial confession can be used against the accused


YES. The extra-judicial confessions of the accused were given after they were completely and clearly apprised of their
Constitutional rights. A lawyer assisted them and a judge administered their oath.

In the case at bar, although Atty. Velasco was provided by the State and not by the accused themselves, the accused
were given an opportunity whether to accept or not to accept him as their lawyer. They were asked and they
immediately agreed to have Atty. Velasco as their counsel during the investigation. There is no requirement in the
Constitution that the lawyer of an accused during custodial investigation be previously known to them. The
Constitution provides that the counsel be a competent and independent counsel, who will represent the accused and
protect their Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

We have held that "while the initial choice of the lawyer in cases where a person under custodial investigation cannot
afford the services of a lawyer is naturally lodged in the police investigators, the accused really has the final choice as
he may reject the counsel chosen for him and ask for another one. A lawyer provided by the investigators is deemed
engaged by the accused where he never raised any objection against the former's appointment during the course of the
investigation and the accused thereafter subscribes to the veracity of his statement before the swearing officer.

We are, therefore, convinced that Atty. Velasco acted properly in accordance with the dictates of the Constitution and
informed the accused of their Constitutional rights. Atty. Velasco assisted the accused and made sure that the
statements given by the accused were voluntary on their part, and that no force or intimidation was used by the
investigating officers to extract a confession from them.

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