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1. Enter the Date of Birth in cell B2 on the "Firdaria Calculator" worksheet.
Because of an Excel date calculation quirk, use "2" instead of "1" for the millenium.
For example, instead of "26-Dec-1893" type "26-Dec-2893" instead for Mao Zedong.

2. Enter the Name in cell F2.

3. The print range is preset. Just hit the print button.

Firdaria is a predictive technique which falls under the classification of Planetary Period Methods.
For details of this method, see A Rectification Manual, Chapter 7, pp. 120-124.
This spreadsheet lists three columns. For each horoscope, only one is relevant.
If the figure is diurnal (Sun above the horizon), choose the Diurnal series, first column.
If the figure is nocturnal (Sun below the horizon), choose either the 2nd or 3rd column.
While I recommend using the 3rd column, which places the Nodal periods after Mars,
this choice is not universal. For a discussion of this controversy, see A Rectification Manual,
Appendix B. Tests of Sect Influence: Part of Fortune and Fidaria. Results of this study
confirmed Robert Zoller's recommended choice of placing the Nodal periods after Mars.
My my empirical work continues to support this choice.

Presentation of all three models on a single sheet aids side-by-side comparison of major
life events to planetary sequences for diurnal and nocturnal births. This analysis is recommended in
Stage I rectification (see A Rectification Manual, p. 293). For every horoscope I rectify,
this is the first data sheet I compute and study.

Date of Birth 12-Sep-1909 Abraham Lincoln

Diurnal Births Nocturnal Births - Zoller Nocturnal Births - Abu Mashar

Major Minor Date Major Minor Date Major Minor Date

SUN 10 yrs 12-Sep-09 MOON 9 yrs 12-Sep-09 MOON 9 yrs 12-Sep-09

Sun Venus 15-Feb-11 Moon Saturn 25-Dec-10 Moon Saturn 25-Dec-10
Sun Mercury 21-Jul-12 Moon Jupiter 8-Apr-12 Moon Jupiter 8-Apr-12
Sun Moon 25-Dec-13 Moon Mars 21-Jul-13 Moon Mars 21-Jul-13
Sun Saturn 31-May-15 Moon Sun 3-Nov-14 Moon Sun 3-Nov-14
Sun Jupiter 2-Nov-16 Moon Venus 15-Feb-16 Moon Venus 15-Feb-16
Sun Mars 8-Apr-18 Moon Mercury 30-May-17 Moon Mercury 30-May-17
VENUS 8 yrs 12-Sep-19 SATURN 11 yrs 12-Sep-18 SATURN 11 yrs 12-Sep-18
Venus Mercury 2-Nov-20 Saturn Jupiter 8-Apr-20 Saturn Jupiter 8-Apr-20
Venus Moon 25-Dec-21 Saturn Mars 3-Nov-21 Saturn Mars 3-Nov-21
Venus Saturn 15-Feb-23 Saturn Sun 31-May-23 Saturn Sun 31-May-23
Venus Jupiter 8-Apr-24 Saturn Venus 24-Dec-24 Saturn Venus 24-Dec-24
Venus Mars 30-May-25 Saturn Mercury 21-Jul-26 Saturn Mercury 21-Jul-26
Venus Sun 21-Jul-26 Saturn Moon 15-Feb-28 Saturn Moon 15-Feb-28
MERCURY 13 yrs 12-Sep-27 JUPITER 12 yrs 11-Sep-29 JUPITER 12 yrs 11-Sep-29
Mercury Moon 21-Jul-29 Jupiter Mars 30-May-31 Jupiter Mars 30-May-31
Mercury Saturn 30-May-31 Jupiter Sun 15-Feb-33 Jupiter Sun 15-Feb-33
Mercury Jupiter 8-Apr-33 Jupiter Venus 3-Nov-34 Jupiter Venus 3-Nov-34
Mercury Mars 15-Feb-35 Jupiter Mercury 21-Jul-36 Jupiter Mercury 21-Jul-36
Mercury Sun 24-Dec-36 Jupiter Moon 8-Apr-38 Jupiter Moon 8-Apr-38
Mercury Venus 3-Nov-38 Jupiter Saturn 25-Dec-39 Jupiter Saturn 25-Dec-39
MOON 9 yrs 11-Sep-40 MARS 7 yrs 11-Sep-41 MARS 7 yrs 11-Sep-41
Moon Saturn 25-Dec-41 Mars Sun 12-Sep-42 Mars Sun 12-Sep-42
Moon Jupiter 8-Apr-43 Mars Venus 12-Sep-43 Mars Venus 12-Sep-43
Moon Mars 21-Jul-44 Mars Mercury 11-Sep-44 Mars Mercury 11-Sep-44
Moon Sun 2-Nov-45 Mars Moon 11-Sep-45 Mars Moon 11-Sep-45
Moon Venus 15-Feb-47 Mars Saturn 11-Sep-46 Mars Saturn 11-Sep-46
Moon Mercury 30-May-48 Mars Jupiter 12-Sep-47 Mars Jupiter 12-Sep-47
SATURN 11 yrs 11-Sep-49 NORTH NODE 3 yrs 11-Sep-48 SUN 10 yrs 11-Sep-48
Saturn Jupiter 8-Apr-51 SOUTH NODE 2 yrs 12-Sep-51 Sun Venus 15-Feb-50
Saturn Mars 2-Nov-52 SUN 10 yrs 11-Sep-53 Sun Mercury 22-Jul-51
Saturn Sun 30-May-54 Sun Venus 15-Feb-55 Sun Moon 24-Dec-52
Saturn Venus 25-Dec-55 Sun Mercury 21-Jul-56 Sun Saturn 30-May-54
Saturn Mercury 21-Jul-57 Sun Moon 24-Dec-57 Sun Jupiter 3-Nov-55
Saturn Moon 15-Feb-59 Sun Saturn 30-May-59 Sun Mars 8-Apr-57
JUPITER 12 yrs 11-Sep-60 Sun Jupiter 2-Nov-60 VENUS 8 yrs 11-Sep-58
Jupiter Mars 30-May-62 Sun Mars 8-Apr-62 Venus Mercury 3-Nov-59
Jupiter Sun 15-Feb-64 VENUS 8 yrs 12-Sep-63 Venus Moon 24-Dec-60
Jupiter Venus 2-Nov-65 Venus Mercury 2-Nov-64 Venus Saturn 15-Feb-62
Jupiter Mercury 21-Jul-67 Venus Moon 24-Dec-65 Venus Jupiter 8-Apr-63
Jupiter Moon 8-Apr-69 Venus Saturn 15-Feb-67 Venus Mars 29-May-64
Jupiter Saturn 25-Dec-70 Venus Jupiter 7-Apr-68 Venus Sun 21-Jul-65
MARS 7 yrs 11-Sep-72 Venus Mars 30-May-69 MERCURY 13 yrs 11-Sep-66
Mars Sun 11-Sep-73 Venus Sun 21-Jul-70 Mercury Moon 21-Jul-68
Mars Venus 11-Sep-74 MERCURY 13 yrs 12-Sep-71 Mercury Saturn 30-May-70
Mars Mercury 12-Sep-75 Mercury Moon 21-Jul-73 Mercury Jupiter 7-Apr-72
Mars Moon 11-Sep-76 Mercury Saturn 30-May-75 Mercury Mars 15-Feb-74
Mars Saturn 11-Sep-77 Mercury Jupiter 7-Apr-77 Mercury Sun 25-Dec-75
Mars Jupiter 11-Sep-78 Mercury Mars 15-Feb-79 Mercury Venus 2-Nov-77
NORTH NODE 3 yrs 11-Sep-79 Mercury Sun 24-Dec-80 NORTH NODE 3 yrs 11-Sep-79
SOUTH NODE 2 yrs 11-Sep-82 Mercury Venus 2-Nov-82 SOUTH NODE 2 yrs 11-Sep-82

SUN 10 yrs 11-Sep-84 MOON 9 yrs 11-Sep-84 MOON 9 yrs 11-Sep-84

Sun Venus 14-Feb-86 Moon Saturn 24-Dec-85 Moon Saturn 24-Dec-85
Sun Mercury 21-Jul-87 Moon Jupiter 8-Apr-87 Moon Jupiter 8-Apr-87
Sun Moon 24-Dec-88 Moon Mars 20-Jul-88 Moon Mars 20-Jul-88
Sun Saturn 30-May-90 Moon Sun 2-Nov-89 Moon Sun 2-Nov-89
Sun Jupiter 3-Nov-91 Moon Venus 15-Feb-91 Moon Venus 15-Feb-91
Sun Mars 7-Apr-93 Moon Mercury 29-May-92 Moon Mercury 29-May-92
VENUS 8 yrs 11-Sep-94 SATURN 11 yrs 11-Sep-93 SATURN 11 yrs 11-Sep-93
Venus Mercury 3-Nov-95 Saturn Jupiter 8-Apr-95 Saturn Jupiter 8-Apr-95
Venus Moon 24-Dec-96 Saturn Mars 2-Nov-96 Saturn Mars 2-Nov-96
Venus Saturn 14-Feb-98 Saturn Sun 30-May-98 Saturn Sun 30-May-98
Venus Jupiter 8-Apr-99 Saturn Venus 25-Dec-99 Saturn Venus 25-Dec-99
Venus Mars 29-May-00 Saturn Mercury 21-Jul-01 Saturn Mercury 21-Jul-01
Venus Sun 21-Jul-01 Saturn Moon 15-Feb-03 Saturn Moon 15-Feb-03
MERCURY 13 yrs 11-Sep-02 JUPITER 12 yrs 11-Sep-04 JUPITER 12 yrs 11-Sep-04
Mercury Moon 20-Jul-04 Jupiter Mars 30-May-06 Jupiter Mars 30-May-06
Mercury Saturn 30-May-06 Jupiter Sun 15-Feb-08 Jupiter Sun 15-Feb-08
Mercury Jupiter 7-Apr-08 Jupiter Venus 2-Nov-09 Jupiter Venus 2-Nov-09
Mercury Mars 14-Feb-10 Jupiter Mercury 21-Jul-11 Jupiter Mercury 21-Jul-11
Mercury Sun 25-Dec-11 Jupiter Moon 7-Apr-13 Jupiter Moon 7-Apr-13
Mercury Venus 2-Nov-13 Jupiter Saturn 24-Dec-14 Jupiter Saturn 24-Dec-14
11-Sep-15 10-Sep-16 10-Sep-16
Compatibility Report for Firdaria Calculator.xls
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