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LEEA Correspondence Courses


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Enter your name and student number in the spaces below.

Name: OGEH EMEDOH Student number: 9043

Answer the following questions by typing into the grey fields. The fields will expand to accommodate
your answer but keep your answers as brief as possible. The marks allocated to each question are
shown and are in proportion to the amount of work we expect will be required to answer the question.

When complete, save the file using the same name. Then use the upload facility to return it for marking.

1. The maximum period between the through examinations of hand chain blocks
allowed by LOLER is:
  6 months
  9 months
# 12 months
  14 months

2. To show that the manufacturer has complied with the essential safety requirements
lifting equipment must be CE marked. This is a requirement of:
  The Factories Act 1961
  The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992
# The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992

3. When a user makes an item of lifting equipment for his own use, eg a spreader beam
and has it tested by a lifting equipment company:
  The test company is responsible for issuing an EC Declaration of Conformity
# The user is responsible for issuing an EC Declaration of Conformity
  The HSE must issue an EC Declaration of Conformity
  No need for an EC Declaration of Conformity as it is for the users own use

4. The legal duty of an employer to keep work equipment properly maintained is a

requirement of:
  The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations
  The Maintenance of Work Equipment (Safety) Regulations
# The Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations
  The Manual Handling Regulations

© Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2011 - training\3­11e 1

5. When introducing a new piece of lifting equipment into the work place it must
comply with the relevant Directives. This is a requirement of:
# The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations1992
  The Lifting Plant and Equipment Regulations 1992
  The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
  The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998

Maximum mark 5 Your mark

Answer the following questions by typing into the grey fields. The fields will expand to
accommodate your answer but keep your answers as brief as possible. The marks allocated to
each question are shown and are in proportion to the amount of work we expect will be
required to answer the question.

6. Explain briefly what is meant by velocity ratio.

Velocity ratio is the distance moved by the effort to the distance moved by the load.

Maximum mark 3 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

7. A lifting machine has a velocity ratio of 10 and a mechanical advantage of 8. calculate

the Efficiency of the machine.
Efficiency = M.A/VR X 100
8/10 X 100 = 800/10 = 80% Ans.

Maximum mark 2 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

8. A 2t SWL snatch block which complied to BS 4018 has been repaired and a new
swivel eye head fitting has been fitted. State the proof load that should be applied and
the reason for this load.
Proof load = 4 times the WLL.As the head fitting carries both the load and the effort,as full
capacity it will be subject to a force of twice the marked WLL.In order to proof load test the
head fitting it is therefore necessary to apply a load of 4 times the marked WLL.

Maximum mark 3 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

© Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2011 - training\3­11e 2

9. Describe how you would test the safe operation of a hand chain block brake and
explain why this particular test is necessary.
By carrying out a thorough visual examination,Function testing, A light load test of 2% and
5% of the SWL,The reason is to check for the efficiency and integrity of the brake of the
chain block.

Maximum mark 4 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

10. State a) the maximum permissible wear in a short link load chain fitted to a hand
chain block, b) the maximum elongation of a short link load chain fitted to a lever
hoist and c) the maximum elongation to a roller load chain fitted to a lever hoist.
a) 8% reduction in diameter.
b) 3% maximum elongation.
c) 2% maximum elongation.

Maximum mark 3 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

11. What component of a hand chain block must be checked if the load chain is replaced?
The load wheel,The chain guide roller,the chain stripper and the brake.

Maximum mark 2 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

12 What would be the effect of fitting a trolley with tapered wheels for RSJ onto a UB
Because the wheel would only make a point contact with the edge of the flange.This would
cause rapid wear to both the track and the wheel.It would also increase the transverse stress in
the flange producing a bending effect so overloading the flange and causing it to turn down.

Maximum mark 3 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

© Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2011 - training\3­11e 3

13 Some modern trolleys utilise left and right hand threaded load bars to connect the side
plate. When examining such trolleys what checks should be made regarding the side
Caution is needed to ensure that one side plate has not been turned on the screw more than the

Maximum mark 2 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

14 When examining a hand geared trolley you find one of the links in the hand chain has
not been welded. What is the reason for this and what action would you take?
The unwelded link on the hand chain is used to passed on the wheel and i will take no action
because it is not a defect.

Maximum mark 3 Your mark

For tutor’s purposes only

© Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2011 - training\3­11e 4

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