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Oracle® E-Business Suite

Upgrade Guide
Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2
Part No. E73540-15

June 2021
Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2

Part No. E73540-15

Copyright © 1996, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Kevin Brown, Clara Jaeckel, Elke Phelps, Sharath Vishwanath

Contributing Author: John Abraham, Sankar Akshathala, Aditya Bansal, Santiago Bastidas, Sanjay
Bheemasenarao, Jason Brincat, Richard Chang, Robert Farrington, Sandeep Goel, Kyle Harris, David Heisler,
Paul Holman, Kevin Hudson, Radha Kalakurthy, Hyun Kim, Pratima Mahtani, Dorothy Mak, Ruth Mamo,
Swathi Mathur, Anil Modwel, Udayan Parvate, Kavuri Ramanjaneyulu, Sreedhar Ramasahayam, Sudha Rao,
Scot Robson, Nitin Somani, Sujai Veerabhadraiah, Sriram Veeraraghavan, David Vickers, Millie Wang,
Melody Yang

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Send Us Your Comments


1 Overview of the Upgrade

Upgrade and Requirements...................................................................................................... 1-1
Understanding the Upgrade Flow and Process........................................................................ 1-2
Scheduling Time for an Upgrade.............................................................................................. 1-6
Testing the Upgrade.................................................................................................................. 1-6

2 Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes

Understanding Technical Impact and Changes....................................................................... 2-1
Understanding Business Impact and Functional Changes...................................................... 2-7
Financials Upgrade Impact................................................................................................ 2-10
Human Resource Management Upgrade Impact...............................................................2-13
Supply Chain Management Upgrade Impact.................................................................... 2-14
NLS Upgrade Considerations............................................................................................ 2-17
General Information and Required Tasks.......................................................................... 2-18

3 Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Planning Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Deployment Architecture...........................................3-1
Technology Stack Components............................................................................................ 3-1
System Software, Patch Level, and Networking Requirements........................................... 3-3
Hardware Requirements...................................................................................................... 3-5
CPU, Memory, and Disk Space Requirements..................................................................... 3-5
Database and Application Tier Sizing Guidelines............................................................. 3-12

General Sizing Guidelines for the Database and Application Tier.............................. 3-12
JVM Parameter Settings for Java on WLS Web Tier.................................................... 3-14
Example Upgrade........................................................................................................ 3-15
Advanced Configuration................................................................................................... 3-18
Preparing Customizations....................................................................................................... 3-19
Customizing Help Files......................................................................................................3-22
Schemas Not Used by Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.............................................. 3-22
Preparing External Integrations.............................................................................................. 3-24
Preparing Third-Party Integrations........................................................................................ 3-26
EBS 12.2 Upgrade Readiness Checker - Database Tier (EURC-DT).......................................3-26

4 Performing the Upgrade

Preparing the Database for the Upgrade.................................................................................. 4-1
Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 File System.............................................4-5
Performing Mandatory Preparatory Tasks............................................................................... 4-6
Setting Up the Stage Area......................................................................................................... 4-7
Obtaining Installation Software........................................................................................... 4-7
Creating the Stage Area....................................................................................................... 4-7
Stage Area Structure.......................................................................................................... 4-15
Creating the Upgrade File System.......................................................................................... 4-16
Preparing the System for Upgrade.......................................................................................... 4-37
Customer Relationship Management Tasks...........................................................................4-39
Financials and Procurement Tasks......................................................................................... 4-39
Human Resource Management (HRMS)................................................................................ 4-40
Supply Chain Management Tasks.......................................................................................... 4-41
Database and System Administration Tasks.......................................................................... 4-43
Performing the Upgrade to Release 12.2.0.............................................................................. 4-47
Finishing the 12.2.0 Upgrade................................................................................................... 4-56
Enabling Online Patching....................................................................................................... 4-65
Database Initialization Parameters......................................................................................... 4-73
Upgrading to the Latest Code Level........................................................................................4-74

5 Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks

Database and System Administration Tasks............................................................................ 5-1
Financials and Procurement Tasks........................................................................................... 5-9
Customer Relationship Management Tasks...........................................................................5-10
Human Resources Tasks......................................................................................................... 5-11
Projects Tasks.......................................................................................................................... 5-12
Oracle Fusion Project Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Projects Coexistence...... 5-12
Supply Chain Management Tasks.......................................................................................... 5-17

Backing Up Oracle E-Business Suite...................................................................................... 5-21
Secure Configuration.............................................................................................................. 5-21
System Maintenance Tasks..................................................................................................... 5-23
Oracle XML Publisher Tasks.................................................................................................. 5-25
Post-Upgrade Steps of Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack for Release 12.2........5-26
Mandatory Post-Upgrade Steps for All Upgrade Customers................................................. 5-26
Additional Tasks..................................................................................................................... 5-27

A Managing Concurrent Processes

Isolate Post Upgrade Concurrent Programs to a Separate Manager Queue............................ A-1
Sample Concurrent Programs................................................................................................... A-4


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2
Part No. E73540-15

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2 of the Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide.
This book provides instructions for upgrading existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.0 and 12.1 instances to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. This book also provides
instructions for upgrading an existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 instance to
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 on Oracle Cloud infrastructure. This delivers the
unified driver that you use to upgrade the technology stack and products to Release
This book is intended as a guide for the database administrator and the application
specialists who are responsible for upgrading to Release 12.2 of Oracle E-Business Suite.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1 Overview of the Upgrade
2 Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes
3 Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks
4 Performing the Upgrade
5 Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks
A Managing Concurrent Processes

Related Information Sources

This book was current as of the time it was initially published. It is included in the
Oracle E-Business Suite Document Library, which is supplied in the Release 12.2
software bundle. Later versions of this and other documents that have changed
sufficiently between releases to warrant re-publishing are made available at the
following URL:
A full list of documentation resources is also published on My Oracle Support [https:
/​/​​]. See Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Resources, Release 12.2.
You should be familiar with a basic subset of references before you upgrade. Related
Information Sources include:
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. It includes information on
setting preferences and customizing the UI. In addition, this guide describes
accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Business Suite.

If you are looking for Refer to these documents...

information about...

System setup and procedures Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts

Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide

If you are looking for Refer to these documents...
information about...

Installation and upgrade Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install

Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release


Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes*

Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes*

Oracle E-Business Suite NLS Release Notes*

Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack

Installation Instructions (Doc ID: 316365.1)

Patch Requirements for Sustaining Support for Oracle E-

Business Suite Release 11.5.10 (Doc ID: 883202.1)

Product-specific features Electronic Technical Reference Manual (eTRM)*

Release Content Documents (RCDs)*

Product-specific implementation and upgrade guides

DB Database Preparation Guidelines for an Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2 Upgrade (Doc ID: 1349240.1

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of

Patches and Technology Bug Fixes (Doc ID: 1594274.1)

Interoperability Notes: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2.0) (Doc ID: 1058763.1)

Interoperability Notes: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 or

12.1 with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1.0) (Doc ID:

Interoperability Notes: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 with

Oracle Database 19c (Doc ID: 2580629.1)

Installing Database Patch Updates for Oracle E-Business Suite

on Single Instance VM DB System in Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (Doc ID: 2360215.1)

Installing Database Patch Updates for Oracle E-Business Suite

on Oracle RAC VM DB Systems in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
(Doc ID: 2476292.1)

Installing Database Patch Updates for Oracle E-Business Suite

on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Exadata Cloud Services and
Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer (Doc ID: 2368508.1)

* Available only on My Oracle Support.
Patch readme files may also contain information about additional recommended

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Overview of the Upgrade

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Upgrade and Requirements
• Understanding the Upgrade Flow and Process
• Scheduling Time for an Upgrade
• Testing the Upgrade

Upgrade and Requirements

This guide provides instructions for upgrading existing Oracle E-Business Suite
technology stack and products from Release 12.0 and Release 12.1 to Release 12.2, and
supports on premises upgrades. This guide also provides instructions for upgrading an
existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 instance to Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 on Oracle Cloud infrastructure.
This and other Release 12.2 documents are updated as required. Ensure that you have
the most current version of all guides and documents before you begin your system

Additional Resources: Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation

Web Library [http:/​/​​cd/​E26401_01/​index.htm] for the
latest versions of relevant guides.

Supported Upgrade Paths

Oracle supports direct upgrades from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1 to
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 requires your database to be at the
minimum version To complete the upgrade to Release 12.2, you must upgrade
your database to or higher. Additional details are covered in Chapter 4,

Overview of the Upgrade 1-1

Performing the Upgrade, Preparing the Database for the Upgrade, page 4-1.

Additional Resources: Database de-support schedules have important

operational and planning implications for Oracle E-Business Suite
environments. Oracle recommends that you review the following My
Oracle Support Knowledge document that details the latest database
support policies and de-support schedules: Release Schedule of Current
Database Patch Sets (Doc ID: 742060.1).

Understanding the Upgrade Flow and Process

The upgrade process has been enhanced and streamlined. New features have been
added to Rapid Install and AutoPatch to increase their capabilities.
Rapid Install provides the latest certified versions of Oracle E-Business Suite products,
including technology stack components. In an upgrade, it creates the new file system
for the application tier components and the new file system for the database. After the
upgrade, run Rapid Install again to configure the application tier.
An upgrade also includes various manual steps, including some that direct you to run
scripts or apply patches. Use adpatch to apply Oracle E-Business Suite patches,
including the unified driver which upgrades the Oracle E-Business Suite Database
objects to Release 12.2.0. After Online Patching Enablement is complete, adop is used to
apply all Oracle E-Business Suite patches.
This guide contains information regarding technical and functional impact and changes
due to the upgrade. It is very important that your DBA and your functional specialists
work together to review this information carefully as a part of upgrade planning. Doing
so will help to prevent unexpected delays during and after the upgrade.

Overview of Planning and Preparing for the Upgrade

There are a number of tasks that should be performed prior to starting the upgrade. The
information to help you plan for and prepare for the upgrade are documented in the
following chapters within this guide:
• Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes

• Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks

The following diagram describes the high-level overview of the tasks described in this

1-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Overview of the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Upgrade Process
The steps required to upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 are documented
in the Performing the Upgrade chapter. The upgrade includes a number of steps that can
be categorized into the following high level steps:

The following is a summary of the steps for each category:

1. Prepare the Database.
• Upgrade the database to the minimum version or latest certified version

Overview of the Upgrade 1-3

• Migrate to a new platform (optional)

• Apply the latest database patches

2. Lay Down the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 File System.
• Use Rapid Install to lay down the file system and technology stack

• Apply the latest application tier technology stack patches

3. Upgrade to Release 12.2.0.

• Apply the latest AD upgrade patch and Oracle E-Business Suite Consolidated
Upgrade Patch (CUP)

• Apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite pre-install patches

• Apply the 12.2 merged upgrade driver

• Run Rapid Install in 'configure' mode

4. Enable Online Patching.

• Apply the latest Online Patching Readiness Report Patch

• Apply required updates to custom code according to the readiness reports

• Apply the enablement patch

5. Upgrade to the latest code.

• Apply the latest AD-TXK RUP

• Apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Release Update Pack

Note: You must apply the 12.2.3 or later Release Update Pack
(RUP) to your existing Release 12.2 system for production use.
RUPs are released periodically. Each one is cumulative and
delivers error corrections and system updates, not only for the
most current release update pack, but also for all the RUPs that
precede it. Oracle highly recommends that when planning your
upgrade you plan to upgrade to the latest RUP available.
You can keep current on the latest release information, as well
as new RUP announcements and other updates that may affect

1-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

your upgrade by reviewing the latest version of Oracle
Applications Manager Release Notes for Release 12.2.

• Complete post-upgrade steps

• Apply the latest security patches

• Apply all recommended patches

• Apply NLS patches (conditional)

6. Deploy custom code, external integrations and third-party integrations.

7. Perform advanced configurations.

• Scaling up and scaling out, such as adding additional managed servers, adding
application tier nodes, or adding Oracle RAC nodes.
Supported in EURC-DT: Yes

Note: The upgrade process is performed with one application

tier and one database tier. If you are using an Oracle RAC
environment, then you should run the Release 12.2 upgrade on
a single Oracle RAC node. The reason for upgrading with a
single Oracle RAC node is that most of the elapsed time in the
upgrade will be taken by jobs running DML (INSERT,
UPDATE, DELETE). These jobs use multiple workers and
parallel servers, which typically attempt to access the same
objects and blocks concurrently. The consequent additional
communication between cluster nodes (and associated cluster
waits) significantly outweigh any gains from using the
additional CPU's to increase throughput. Scaling out is a post-
upgrade step.

• Secure configuration

• DMZ configuration

• Disaster recovery setup

• Reporting environment setup

8. Perform product specific tasks.

• Some products include tasks that must be performed after the upgrade is

Overview of the Upgrade 1-5


The required steps are covered in detail in the following chapters in this upgrade guide:
• Performing the Upgrade

• Performing Post Upgrade Tasks

Scheduling Time for an Upgrade

Before scheduling a time for the upgrade, you should perform several iterations of the
upgrade in a non-production environment. The goal of multiple iterations is to confirm
the required steps and reduce the time required to perform the upgrade.
In an upgrade, critical system downtime refers to the period of time when users cannot
log on to the system or use Oracle E-Business Suite. There are several actions you can
take to reduce this downtime period.

Suggested Reading: Some tasks and steps in subsequent chapters may

be performed in parallel. There are also steps you can take to improve
the timing of certain tasks. For guidelines to improve the performance
of the upgrade and reduce the downtime required to perform the
upgrade, refer to the following:
• Best Practices for Minimizing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Upgrade Downtime (Doc ID: 1581549.1)

• Express Diagnosis of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Upgrade

Performance Issues (Doc ID: 1583752.1)

After you have optimized your upgrade plan and finalized testing, you will have an
estimate for the amount of time required to perform the upgrade in production. You
can then schedule the time required for the upgrade to your production environment.

Testing the Upgrade

Oracle suggests that you perform a test upgrade using a copy (clone) of your existing
system, and hardware that is similar to your production system to provide a baseline
for upgrade execution times and an opportunity to work out any upgrade issues ahead
of time. Oracle also recommends several upgrade tests, especially for customized
When upgrading Oracle E-Business Suite, it is essential to ensure that the performance
of key operations continues to meet requirements after the upgrade. Oracle
recommends that you upgrade Oracle E-Business Suite in a test environment, and then
conduct a benchmark test with the configuration, product mix, and user load that

1-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

simulates current and expected workloads. Controlled conditions help verify
performance prior to the upgrade of your production environment.

Additional Information: For additional information, refer to Oracle E-

Business Suite Performance Best Practices (Doc ID: 2528000.1).

Overview of the Upgrade 1-7

Understanding Upgrade Impact and

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Understanding Technical Impact and Changes
• Understanding Business Impact and Functional Changes

Understanding Technical Impact and Changes

The upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 introduces a number of technical
changes to the architecture and technology stack. The method by which Oracle E-
Business Suite is patched has also changed with Release 12.2. This section will provide
an overview of the key technical impact and changes introduced with Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2.

Release 12.2 Architecture

The upgrade process introduces changes to the system architecture and the way you
administer and patch the system after the upgrade. This section provides an overview
of key technical changes introduced with the upgrade.

Additional Resources: Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts contains a

complete discussion of the architecture in this release, including
information about the Oracle E-Business Suite multi-tiered architecture,
enhancements, language support, file system structure, and the basic
data model.

12.2 Dual File Systems

Two complete file systems are always present in an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
environment. It is important to distinguish between the file system (fs1 or fs2) itself and

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-1

its current role, which alternates between 'patch' and 'run' with every patching cycle.
The 'run' file system is the current system in use by the running application, while the
'patch' file system is the other system being patched or awaiting the start of the next
online patching cycle.
The dual file system approach caters to application code, but applications also use the
file system to read and write business data. In Release 12.2, application data files are
stored in a third area, the non-editioned file system (fs_ne), which is used to store data
that is needed across all file systems. Non-editioned files are not copied or moved
during patching. Their location remains constant across online patching cycles.

Oracle E-Business Suite Architecture: The Application Tier

The application tier has a dual role: hosting the various servers and service groups that
process the business logic, and managing communication between the desktop tier and
the database tier. The architecture of this tier (unlike that of the database and desktop
tiers) has changed significantly in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
Three servers or service groups comprise the basic application tier for Oracle E-Business
• Web services

• Forms services

• Concurrent Processing server

In Release 12.2, Web and Forms services are provided by Oracle Application Server. They
are no longer servers in the sense of being a single process.

Web Services
The Web services component of Oracle Application Server processes requests received
over the network from the desktop clients, and includes the following major
• Web Listener (Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache)

• Java Servlet Engine (Oracle WebLogic Server, WLS)

The Web listener component of the Oracle HTTP server accepts incoming HTTP
requests (for particular URLs) from client browsers, and routes the requests to WLS.
When possible, the Web server services the requests itself. For example, returning the
HTML to construct a simple Web page. If the page referenced by the URL requires
advanced processing, then the listener passes the request on to the servlet engine which
contacts the database server as needed.
An important change in Release 12.2 is the employment of the Oracle WebLogic Server
for many system management and configuration tasks. Configuration using the Oracle
WLS Console in Release 12.2 supplements, but does not replace the traditional use of

2-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

the AutoConfig tool. Together, these tools provide comprehensive management
capabilities for a Release 12.2 system.
It is important to understand the role of each and how they complement one another.

Additional Resources: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts Guide

Release 12.2 and the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Setup Guide for
additional information regarding WebLogic Server and AutoConfig.

Application Tier ORACLE_HOMEs in Release 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 uses two application tier ORACLE_HOMEs. The
first is the OracleAS ORACLE_HOME, and the second is the Oracle Fusion Middleware
(FMW) ORACLE_HOME.. This combination enables Oracle E-Business Suite to take
advantage of the latest Oracle technologies.
Notable features of this architecture include:
• The Oracle E-Business Suite modules are deployed out of the OracleAS 10.1.2
ORACLE_HOME, and the frmweb executable is also invoked out of this

• All major services are started out of the FMW ORACLE_HOME.

Key changes from earlier releases include:

• The FMW ORACLE_HOME (sometimes referred to as the Web or Java
ORACLE_HOME) replaces the OracleAS 10.1.3.-based ORACLE_HOME used in
Oracle E-Business Suite 12.x releases prior to 12.2.

Technology Stack Components

On the database tier, the technology stack includes:
• Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (

On the application tier, the technology stack includes:

• Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g PS7 (
• Oracle WebLogic Server 11g PS5

• Oracle WebLogic JSP compiler

• Oracle FMW 11g Java Required Files (JRF) libraries (except the use of ADF and
MDS 11g)

• Oracle WebLogic Portlet 11g PS3 Container

• JDK 7.0

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-3

• Apache version 2.2

• Oracle 10g (10.1.2) Applications Server for Oracle E-Business Suite Forms based

Online Patching
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 introduces Online Patching, a new feature that
greatly reduces the downtime that was needed in previous releases for application of
Release Update Packs (RUPs), Critical Patch Updates (CPUs), and other patches and
bug fixes of various kinds.
Key Features
• In Release 12.2, all patching operations are carried out while the applications are in
use and users are online.

• Patching is performed using the new adop (AD Online Patching) utility.

• A short period of downtime is required, but this amounts to little more than a
restart of the services: the time the applications are unavailable is measured in
minutes rather than hours, and this can be specified to be at the most convenient

Note: The classic patching model is designed to minimize downtime by

running as fast as possible, using whatever resources are needed. In
contrast, the online patching model is designed to minimize downtime
by allowing patching operations to be performed while users remain on
the system.

In essence, online patching is performed as follows:
1. A copy is made of the running system.

2. Patches are applied to the copy while users continue to access the running system.

3. Transparently to users, the copy becomes the new running system.

4. What was the original running system (now obsolete) is deleted.

This introduces the concept of a patching cycle that consists of several phases, in contrast
to the model used in previous releases. These phases are denoted prepare, apply,
finalize, cutover, and cleanup.

Note: For more information about online patching principles, see Oracle

2-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

E-Business Suite Concepts.

Any mechanism that uses a copy of the running application must take into account that
an Oracle E-Business Suite application comprises both code and data, stored in the file
system and database.
The file system is the easier of the two to cater for, simply requiring an additional copy
to be created and maintained. The resulting dual file system consists of one file system
that is used by the running system and another one that is either currently being
patched, or (as will be the case for most of the time) standing ready to be patched. The
two file systems swap roles at the end of each patching cycle, with the transition between
them being managed by AutoConfig.
Creating a copy of the database portion of the running applications system is more
complex. It has been accomplished by taking advantage of the Oracle Database 11g R2
Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR) feature. This allows an application to efficiently store
multiple copies (editions) of its application definition in the same database, and thereby
enables online upgrade of the database tier.
The database patch edition only comes into existence during a patching cycle, and
becomes the new run edition at end of the cycle. The former database run edition (the
old edition) and the obsolete objects it contains are discarded at the end of a patching
cycle, and the space reclaimed during the cleanup phase.
Patching is performed by running the new adop (AD online patching) tool. This tool
invokes the adpatch utility that was run directly in previous releases of Oracle E-
Business Suite.

Warning: Running adpatch directly is not supported in an online

patching environment, except under explicit instruction from Oracle.

The adop tool orchestrates the entire patching cycle, and can be used to run individual
phases as required.

Note: For full details of adop features and options, refer to the Patching
section of Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

There are also implications for general (non-patching) maintenance activities.

Additional Resources: For information on choosing the appropriate file

system to run AD tools from, refer to: Choosing the Correct File System
For Maintenance Tasks in Chapter 7 of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Maintenance Guide, Release 12.2.

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-5

Additional Information: For additional information, refer to: Online
Patching, Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts, Release 12.2.

Customized environments require additional attention during an upgrade. The
instructions in this guide assume that you have followed the standards for customizing
Oracle E-Business Suite.

Suggested Reading: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

Developer's Guide and the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 User
Interface Standards guide for additional information regarding
customization standards.

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 introduces a new set of compliance, code, and patching
standards that customizations must adhere to. The Online Patching Readiness Reports
provide a set of utilities that report any compliance issues.

Suggested Reading: Refer to Using the Online Patching Readiness Report

in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1531121.1) to run the
Online Patching Readiness Reports.

Tip: Detailed information on preparing your customizations is covered

in Chapter 3, Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks, Preparing
Customizations, page 3-19.

There are two levels of compliance that can be targeted:

• Minimal Compliance (Minimal) - These checks represent the minimum requirement
for correct operation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Do not attempt to
operate the system if there are P1 minimal compliance violations. Custom code
should pass the minimal compliance checks before being used in a Release 12.2

• Full Compliance (Full) - These checks indicate whether an object can be patched
using Online Patching. Objects which do not meet full compliance may have
limitations in how they can be patched, or may need to be patched using downtime
patching. Full compliance also requires that all minimal compliance checks are
passed. Custom code that will only be patched using downtime patching does not
need to meet the full compliance level.

To preserve customizations and minimize the impact during the upgrade:

• Follow Oracle E-Business Suite Customizations Standards for customizing your system

2-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

and upgrading your customizations.

• Maintain complete documentation for customizations

• Back up customizations before the upgrade

Caution: Customizing any concurrent program definitions, menus,

value sets, or other seeded data provided by Oracle E-Business
Suite is not supported. The upgrade process overwrites these

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

If you use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to manage your environments, then
refer to Upgrading Oracle E-Business Suite in Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite
on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2517025.1. This
describes important information about the use of Cloud Manager after the upgrade to
Release 12.2.

Understanding Business Impact and Functional Changes

In addition to the technical impact and changes described in the previous section, an
upgrade also initiates specific changes that affect the way your existing products work
after the upgrade, and the look and feel of the user interface. These functional (business-
related) changes have an impact on the way you use the products as you conduct daily
Functional topics in this guide that pertain to a Release 12.2 upgrade include:
• Reasons for the change and areas that benefit from new functionality

• Functionality that is temporarily disabled or has been made obsolete

• Changes to user interfaces, terminology or concepts, and menu options

• Steps you can take to verify that all transactional data is upgraded as expected

• Suggestions for reducing downtime

Upgrade By Request
For some Oracle E-Business Suite products, upgrade planning includes choosing the
most active set of data for upgrade processing. Then, you can upgrade historical data
that was omitted from the upgrade at a later date, or when it is needed. For example,
you might include only the last fiscal year in the upgrade to Release 12.2, and then

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-7

upgrade the remaining data outside the 12.2 downtime window.

Obsolete Products in Release 12.2

This section lists obsolete products in Release 12.2.

Product Name

*** Oracle Balanced Scorecard

* Oracle CAD-View 3D

* Oracle Contracts Intelligence

Oracle Customer Intelligence (bic)

*** Daily Business Intelligence

Demand-Side Product Data Synchronization for GDSN

Document Management and Collaboration

*** Embedded Data Warehouse

Global Accounting Engine

Information Technology Audit

Supply-Side Product Data Synchronization for GDSN

* Oracle Demand Planning (obsolete in release 12.2.5)

* Oracle E-Business Intelligence

* Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting

* Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation

Oracle Financial Aid

* Oracle Financial Consolidation Hub

* Oracle Financials and Sales Analyzers

2-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Product Name

* Oracle Financials Intelligence

Oracle Funds Pricing

* Oracle Grants Proposal

* Oracle HR Intelligence

* Oracle Install Base Intelligence

* Oracle Interaction Center Intelligence

* Oracle Internal Controls Manager

* Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling (obsolete in release 12.2.5)

* Oracle Marketing Intelligence

* Oracle Operational Intelligence

Oracle Personal Portfolio

* Oracle Process Manufacturing Intelligence

* Oracle Procurement Intelligence

* Oracle Product Intelligence

* Oracle Product Lifecycle Management

* Oracle Profitability Manager

* Oracle Projects Intelligence

* Oracle Public Sector Budgeting

* Oracle Sales Intelligence

* Oracle Service Intelligence

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-9

Product Name

** Oracle Student Recruiting

** Oracle Student Systems

* Oracle Supply Chain and Order Management Intelligence

* Oracle Transportation Execution

* Oracle Transportation Planning

Web Analytics Daily Business Intelligence for iStore

* A migration plan exists for customers who have purchased these products in earlier
releases. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Manager for more information.
** Customers continuing to use Oracle Student Recruiting and Oracle Student Systems
should not upgrade to this release.
Support will be provided to existing customers on earlier releases, in accordance with
the Oracle Lifetime Support Policy.
*** Oracle's Daily Business Intelligence (DBI), Balanced Scorecard (BSC), and Embedded
Data Warehouse (EDW) are not offered with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
Support will be provided to existing customers on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.
x, 12.0.x and older versions of DBI, BSC, and EDW according to Oracle's published
lifetime support policies.

Additional Information: For additional information, refer to DBI:

Announcing the Desupport of Daily Business Intelligence (DBI), Balanced
Scorecard (BSC), and Embedded Data Warehouse (EDW) (Doc ID:
1351505.1) on My Oracle Support.

Financials Upgrade Impact

About Business Impact and Functional Changes

An Applications upgrade alters both the technical and functional aspects of your Oracle
E-Business Suite system. In addition to changes to the technology stack and file system,
an upgrade also initiates specific changes that affect the way your existing products
work after the upgrade and the way they look and feel. These functional changes have
an impact on the way you use the products as you conduct your daily business.

2-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Note: This appendix describes some of the ways the upgrade changes
your existing products. We assume that you have read about the new
features and products delivered in this release, which is included in the
product-specific Release Content Documents (RCDs) and TOI, on My
Oracle Support.

The discussions of the functional aspects of the upgrade in this appendix are arranged
by products within the Financials and Procurement product family.

Financials and Procurement Products

Changes to the products in this section affect Financials and Procurement products.
Before you begin the upgrade, your Financials and Procurement application specialists
should have made plans to accommodate the relevant changes.

Subledger Accounting
This section is applicable to those scenarios where historical release 11i data was not
completely upgraded to release 12 during Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and
Release 12.1 upgrades. You can upgrade this data anytime, or after upgrading to
Release 12.2. For more information, refer to SLA: Upgrade Historical Subledger Transaction
Accounting Program (XLAONDEUPG) (Doc ID: 1376752.1) and Oracle E-Business Suite
Upgrade Guide - Release 11i to 12.2.

Advanced Collections
Changes to Oracle Advanced Collections in the upgrade are described in this section.
Multiple Level Strategy Support
Advanced Collections allows you to define different strategy levels by Operating Unit
separate from the System level. The strategy levels can also be overridden at Party level.
Advanced Collections supports the setting for certain Operating Units by Dunning and
certain Operating Units by Strategy.
Stage Dunning Support
Advanced Collections supports the Staged Dunning method separate from the Days
Overdue method. In addition, while creating Overdue Dunning Plans, you can specify
the Include Current, Include Disputed Items, Include Unapplied Receipts, and Use
Grace Days options.
Collections Manager Functionality
Collections Manager Functionality has been rewritten using OA Framework which
allows sorting and filtering for a particular account.
New Scoring Engines
A new scoring engine is seeded with Pre-delinquency status at Invoice level. In
addition, a Quick scoring engine has been added that only processes invoices closed in

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-11

the last 60 days rather than all invoices. You can test the Scoring Engine for a particular
account from the Collections Scoring Admin window instead of running the batch
program to verify the score engine setup.
Strategy Improvements
Advanced Collections allows editing of 'To be created' work items. The 'To be created'
work items in the current strategy can be overwritten with new Pre-wait/Post-waits and
Collector without creating new Work Items.

Lease and Finance Management

Improved Disbursements and Payables
oklupdpassthrupaydate.sql: This script updates the contracts having a NULL pass-
through pay start date. It updates the pass-through pay start date with the Effective
from date of Fee/Service.
oklcrctptpaygrouppmntterm.sql: This script identifies contracts having a NULL pay
group or payment term for base and evergreen pass-through terms, and updates those
values based on supplier and supplier site setup. If the supplier setup does not exist,
then it defaults the pay group and payment term appropriately.
Improved Customer Billing
oklupdinvfrmtid.sql: This script upgrades the contract billing invoice format rules and
replaces the invoice format information from name to id.
oklvarast.sql: This script upgrades interest billing streams with stream purposes
historicizes the contract level streams and generates streams at the asset level by
prorating the contract level streams. It also upgrades the calculated variable rate
parameters to be at asset level by prorating the contract level calculated variable rate
Improved Pricing
oklupdincomefee.sql: This script upgrades contracts that have Income Fees with a
single payment. It updates the origination income on Income Fee lines with the fee line
amount. Incomes fees with recurring payments continue to have origination income as
Improved Contract Authoring
oklreamg.sql: This script upgrades contracts that have re-leased assets. It updates the
re-leased asset indicator for assets based on the re-leased asset indicator on the contract
okltxsalmg.sql: This script upgrades contracts that have not yet been booked, including
contracts undergoing revision that have not yet been completed. It updates the salvage
value for tax books in the internal asset transaction tables based on salvage value rules
applicable to the tax book.

2-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Human Resource Management Upgrade Impact
This section describes the way the upgrade affects your existing Oracle Human
Resource Management System (HRMS) products, and highlights the impact of these
functional changes on your day-to-day business. This section contains products in the
HRMS product family, arranged alphabetically.

About Business Impact and Functional Changes

An Applications upgrade alters both the technical and functional aspects of your Oracle
E-Business Suite system. In addition to changes to the technology stack and file system,
an upgrade also initiates specific changes that affect the way your existing products
work after the upgrade, and the way they look and feel. These functional changes have
an impact on the way you use the products as you conduct your daily business.

Note: This appendix describes some of the ways the upgrade changes
your existing products. Oracle assumes that you have read about the
new features and products delivered in this release, which is included
in the product-specific Release Content Documents (RCDs) and TOI on
My Oracle Support.

The discussions of the functional aspects of the upgrade in this chapter are arranged by
products within the HRMS product family.

Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS)

Your HRMS applications specialists should be completely familiar with the information
in this section and should make appropriate plans to accommodate the associated
changes before you begin your upgrade.

Oracle Payroll
Sparse Matrix
Sparse Matrix functionality is automatically enabled in Release 12.2. This effectively
prevents the creation of null run result values if all run result values are null for the
given run result. There is no need to run the ENABLE_SPARSE_MATRIX upgrade
Review the Sparse Matrix Null Result Values Upgrade program.
It is enabled for each legislation and requires a row in the pay_upgrade_legislations
table for the definition SPARSE_MATRIX. The process purges old (null) run result
values that would not have been created if the Sparse Matrix functionality had been
used within the Payroll processes (such as Run, QuickPay, and so on.)

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-13

Oracle iRecruitment
Improved Performance of the Recruitment Summary Report
To improve performance and display recruitment summary details faster when
handling huge volumes of recruitment data, iRecruitment now summarizes the
recruitment data into summary tables. You must run the new iRecruitment Recruitment
Summary program to populate the recruitment summary data in summary tables.

Oracle Performance Management

This section outlines changes made to Oracle Performance Management.
Reference to Talent Management Replaced with Performance Management
Oracle Performance Management is licensed as a separate product as of June 18th, 2007.
If you purchased a Self-Service HR license before June 18th, 2007 and have an Oracle
Human Resources (HR) license, then you can use Oracle Performance Management.
The purchase of a Self-Service HR license on or after June 18th, 2007 does not permit the
use of Performance Management. You must purchase a separate Performance
Management license in addition to an Oracle Self-Service HR license to use the
Appraisals, Questionnaire Administration, and Objectives Management self-service
functions. With this change, all references to Talent Management are replaced with
Performance Management.

Oracle Succession Planning

UI for Succession Planning
Oracle Succession Planning is a newly licensable product that is available for Oracle E-
Business Suite 12.1.1 customers. Oracle Succession Planning includes the following
three functions:
1. Succession Plans

2. Suitability Matching

3. Talent Profile

Supply Chain Management Upgrade Impact

About Business Impact and Functional Changes

An Applications upgrade alters both the technical and functional aspects of your Oracle
E-Business Suite system. In addition to changes to the technology stack and file system,
an upgrade also initiates specific changes that affect the way your existing products
work after the upgrade and the way they look and feel. These functional changes have
an impact on the way you use the products as you conduct your daily business.

2-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Note: This appendix describes some of the ways the upgrade changes
your existing products. We assume that you have read about the new
features and products delivered in this release, which is included in the
product-specific Release Content Documents (RCDs) and TOI on My
Oracle Support.

The discussions of the functional aspects of the upgrade in this chapter are arranged by
products within the Supply Chain Management product family.

Oracle Process Manufacturing

If you are using Oracle Process Manufacturing's Formula Security functionality, then
you must temporarily turn off Formula Security when upgrading to 12.2, and turn it
back on after the upgrade.

Oracle Product Hub

Changes for Oracle Product Hub (previously known as Oracle Product Information
Management or PIM) are described in this section.
In prior releases, you could only update structure attributes for common structures
(also known as common bills of material) in the source bill. You can now edit structure
attributes, and can have different values from the source bill. These attribute fields
• Operation Seq.

• Include in Cost Rollup

• Supply Type

• Subinventory

• Locator

You can choose to change these attributes when you create a new common structure,
change an existing common structure, or add or update a common structure when
using the Bill Import open interface program.
The profile option EGO: Enable Oracle Collaborative Development should not be
enabled from Release 12 onwards.
You can now only update structure and component attribute values using the Product

Suggested Reading: For additional information, refer to Editing

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-15

Structure Information in the Oracle Product Hub User's Guide.

Advanced Search
The advanced search function has been enhanced so that searches using the operator
"contains" are now case-insensitive.
Web ADI Integration
Columns created within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet during the information export
process now match the column formats of the display format selected.
Item Organization Assignments
In prior releases, when assigning items to organizations, some of the item primary
attributes were defaulted from the master item during organization assignment and
could not be changed. In this release, you can now edit the following attributes during
organization assignment:
• Tracking

• Pricing

• Secondary Unit of Measure

• Defaulting

• Positive Deviation Factor

• Negative Deviation Factor

Simplified Item Creation Process

The item creation process in releases prior to 12.1.1 involved multiple steps and
different user interfaces. You can now create one or more items using a one-step process
for entering basic item information. You can then go to the item's Overview page to
provide additional details.
Ad-hoc New Item Request
As of Release 12.1.1, the new item request process enables users to create items and then
submit a new item request for the item or group of items at a later date. The new item
request is no longer created automatically at the end of the item creation process. This
enables a user to work on an item or set of items as a draft, then request further
definition and approval using workflow when appropriate.
Versioning of Item Catalog Categories and Value Sets
You can now create versions for item catalog categories and certain types of value sets.
Versioning is possible only if the profile option Enable PIM for Telco Features is set to Yes.
For versioning pre-upgrade item catalog categories, see the post-upgrade tasks section.
For versioned item catalog categories, only transaction attributes and structures can be

2-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

maintained within versions.
Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN)
Both Demand-Side Product Data Synchronization for GDSN and Supply-Side Product
Data Synchronization for GDSN are obsolete. Functionality related to this is not visible.
Value Set Security
When you initially install or upgrade Oracle Product Hub to Release 12.2.4 or later,
users cannot view, insert or update any value set values. You must explicitly set up
access for specific users by enabling appropriate grants and roles for those users.

Suggested Reading: Refer to Flexfield Value Set Security, Oracle E-

Business Suite Flexfields Guide.

Additional Information
For additional information, refer to the Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide and the
Oracle Product Hub User's Guide.

NLS Upgrade Considerations

This section discusses some important considerations for managing your translations,
languages, and character sets during the upgrade.

Language Status
Additional space for each non-American English language will be required in the
database to complete the upgrade. It is not possible to predict the amount of additional
space your system will need, because the space depends on factors such as the database
character set, the number of active languages other than American English, and in
particular the volume of transaction data in the system.

Conditional Action: For the recommended minimum space required for

each active language in the APPL_TOP, see the Oracle E-Business Suite
NLS Release Notes for your release level.

You must retain your existing Applications Release status until the entire upgrade
process (including the post-upgrade and finishing steps) is complete. The base language
must also remain the same, and new languages cannot be activated.
After the upgrade process is complete, you can activate new languages or change the
base language. Oracle does not support disabling or removing installed or enabled

Conditional Action: See Adding and Maintaining NLS Languages

section in Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

Understanding Upgrade Impact and Changes 2-17

Character Sets
You cannot set the APPL_TOP character set. It is automatically set to the same value
you selected as the db character set.

Additional Information: Refer to License Manager in the Oracle E-Business

Suite 12.2 Maintenance Guide and Migrating to Unicode in the
Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12 (Doc ID: 393861.1)

General Information and Required Tasks

Before you prepare your system and product data, you should gather information about
the upgrade process, the tools required, the number and types of tasks involved, and
the way your system and products will look in Release 12.2.

Reference Information
It is very important that you read the documentation associated with this release. In
addition, you may also find it useful to review any presentation materials on upgrade
technology and white papers on Multi-org, and links to various Consulting services as
well as Oracle University training courses.
Application specialists and functional users should pay special attention to the Release
Content Documents (RCDs), Electronic Technical Reference Manuals (eTRMs), and
Transfer of Information (TOI) documentation for the products that are active in your
system. This information describes new features and functionality in Release 12.2.

2-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Planning Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Deployment Architecture
• Preparing Customizations
• Preparing External Integrations
• Preparing Third-Party Integrations
• EBS 12.2 Upgrade Readiness Checker - Database Tier (EURC-DT)

Planning Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Deployment Architecture

An upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 may require upgrades to your
operating system and hardware. This section provides requirements to address
hardware that will run Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

Technology Stack Components

Rapid Install automatically installs and configures the required technology stack
components for both the database node and the Applications node.
The database tier technology stack for a new Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
installation consists of an Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( Oracle home.

Important: For databases running on-premises or on Oracle Cloud

Infrastructure, Oracle E-Business Suite requires Oracle Database
Enterprise Edition. No other Oracle Database editions are certified for
use with Oracle E-Business Suite environments on-premises or on
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

The Applications node technology stack includes, among other components:

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-1

• Oracle Application Server 10g (, which includes:
• Oracle Forms

• Oracle Reports

• Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, which includes:

• Oracle WebLogic Server

Note: In Release 12.2, the required Java Development Kit (JDK) is

automatically installed by Rapid Install. You do not need to install the
JDK separately.

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite requires Oracle homes to be writable, not


Product-specific documents on My Oracle Support [https:/​/​] describe

use of these components with Oracle E-Business Suite.
You can also check product certifications from My Oracle Support by clicking the
Certifications tab (which may be under the More tab).

Note: If you are performing an Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade to

Release 12.2 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, it is strongly
recommended that you follow the standards listed in Sections 3 and 4
of My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2656874.1, Standards Used
by the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager for Provisioning Oracle E-
Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Important: Do not deploy custom applications into the Oracle E-

Business Suite technology stack. The Oracle E-Business Suite database
Oracle home must be used exclusively for that database, and not shared
either with other Oracle E-Business Suite databases or with other
applications. Similarly, the Oracle E-Business Suite application tier
Oracle homes should be used exclusively to run Oracle E-Business
Suite services.
Sharing a database Oracle home between multiple Oracle E-Business
Suite instances is not recommended because Oracle E-Business Suite
tools are designed to work with a single database associated with a
single Oracle E-Business Suite instance. Running these tools in an
environment where multiple Oracle E-Business Suite instances are
associated with the same database Oracle home can have unpredictable

3-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Combining custom applications into the Oracle E-Business Suite
technology stack is not recommended for the following reasons:
• Difficulty in isolating and debugging performance or stability

• Increased security risk if either a custom application or Oracle E-

Business Suite is compromised

• Complexity in maintaining the technology stack if either a custom

application or Oracle E-Business Suite has dependencies on older
component versions

• Complexity in obtaining support for issues on nonstandard


Instead, it is recommended that you deploy a custom application and

its required technology stack prerequisites on a separate server.

System Software, Patch Level, and Networking Requirements

This section describes system software requirements, patch level requirements in multi-
node installations, and essential networking requirements.

Operating System
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 requires a 64-bit operating system. If you have not
already done so, then you must plan for and upgrade the operating system of your
Oracle E-Business Suite application and database tiers to a 64-bit operating system.

Action: Follow the instructions in the Oracle E-Business Suite

Installation and Upgrade document for your platform to ensure that
you meet all operating system requirements:
• Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)
for Linux x86-64 (My Oracle Support Knowledge Document

• Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)

for Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) (My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1330702.1)

• Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)

for IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit) (My Oracle Support

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-3

Knowledge Document 1330703.1)

• Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)

for HP-UX Itanium (My Oracle Support Knowledge Document

• Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2)

for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) (My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1330706.1)

Tip: In addition to the platform-specific maintenance tools listed in the

Installation and Upgrade Notes, the following utilities are required on all
UNIX-based operating systems: unzip, df, ps, and wall.

Note: In this guide, the term "UNIX" refers to all variants of that
operating system, including Linux.

Conditional Action: If you are installing on Exadata or Exalogic, follow

the instructions in Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes
Release 12 (12.2) for Linux x86-64 (My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1330701.1) above, taking note of the exceptions listed for
packages that are already contained in Exadata systems.

Operating System Requirements in a Multi-node Installation

In a multi-node installation, all application tier nodes are required to be on the same
platform and operating system. This is a requirement for adding nodes by cloning in a
multi-node deployment.

Additional Information: Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 1383621.1, Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with
Rapid Clone.

For all the nodes of a particular tier, either application tier nodes or database RAC
nodes, Oracle recommends that you use the same operating system kernel parameter
settings when using identical machines, or adjust the settings based on the machines'
load. Using the same operating system kernel parameter settings simplifies
management and maintenance.

Note: When you run Rapid Install as part of an upgrade, the upgrade
process is performed with only one application tier and one database

3-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

tier. You must complete the upgrade to the latest Oracle E-Business
Suite code before you can perform optional advanced configurations,
such as scaling your environment by adding application tier nodes and
database RAC nodes, as a post-upgrade step. However, if you plan to
use a multi-node deployment after the upgrade, it is recommended that
you prepare the hardware infrastructure in advance as part of the
preparation for the upgrade.

The key networking requirement is for the hosts file to include an entry for the
installation machine, formatted as follows:
<IP address> <host name>.<domain name> <host name>

Note: If you are performing an Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade to

Release 12.2 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, it is strongly
recommended that you follow the standards listed in Section 2 of My
Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2656874.1, Standards Used by the
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager for Provisioning Oracle E-Business
Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Shared Memory Permissions

On applicable UNIX platforms, ensure that the /dev/shm directory has neither the
'noexec' nor 'nosuid' permissions set. If it has, you may encounter the following Oracle
JVM JIT runtime error:
ORA-29516: Aurora assertion failure: Assertion failure at joez.c:
Bulk load of method java/lang/Object.<init> failed; insufficient shm-
object space

Hardware Requirements
The following section describes hardware requirements for upgrading to Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2.

CPU, Memory, and Disk Space Requirements

Because there are different product combinations, different user profiles, and different
configurations, there is no one sizing answer for all hardware platforms. Some
hardware vendors have sizing worksheets that model the CPU and memory
requirements of Oracle E-Business Suite on their hardware.
The most reliable strategy to ensure that the hardware is sized appropriately is to install
a test environment, and then conduct a benchmark test with a configuration, product
mix, and user load that simulates your own current and expected workloads. These

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-5

conditions can help verify performance before you install your production-ready
environment. An alternative is to ask Oracle Consulting Services or your hardware
vendor to find another Oracle E-Business Suite system running a product mix,
throughput, and user profile similar to yours.

CPU Requirements
Note: Unless explicitly noted otherwise, Oracle E-Business Suite
documentation uses the term "CPU" to mean an actual CPU core rather
than a logical core.

CPU requirements for running Oracle E-Business Suite for the database and application
tiers depend on the following factors, which are listed in no particular order:
• Required response times of the business

• Number of concurrent users and their usage profiles

• Number of concurrent manager processes and the types of jobs that they are

• Load of activities other than Oracle E-Business Suite

• Size of the database

• The chosen deployment topology

The number of CPUs and cores needed to support Oracle E-Business Suite depends on
the specific platform implementation, and whether or not hyperthreading is in use.
Two useful formulae are:
• Actual Cores Count = Processor Count * CoresCountPerProcessor

• Logical Processor Count = Actual CoresCount * ThreadCount

You should also consult your platform vendor as required.

Memory Requirements
Memory requirements for Oracle E-Business Suite depend on both the application and
database tiers.

Minimum Memory for an Oracle E-Business Suite Installation

The minimum amount of memory needed to run Oracle E-Business Suite is about 6 GB
for the database tier machine, and 10 GB for a single application tier machine. This
configuration would typically support no more than ten users.

3-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Tip: For additional guidance, see Database and Application Tier Sizing
Guidelines, page 3-12.

Single-User Single-Machine Non-Production System

For the special case of a system that will only be employed by a single user to develop
or test patches, the minimum memory requirement is 8 GB.

Important: This figure represents the minimum amount of memory that

can be employed, and may rise either to meet the needs of new releases
or the deployment of components such as additional managed servers.

Application Machine Memory Requirements

The total RAM memory for the application tier is the sum of:
• Technology Stack Memory

• JVM Memory

• Forms Memory

• Concurrent Manager Memory

• Other Running Processes

• Resident Memory

• OS Kernel Memory

Aside from the stack, the two main contributors to the application tier memory are the
JVM memory and Forms memory (the frmweb process). For every 150 to 180 self-
service users, you should allow 2 GB of JVM heap and 2 CPUs. The Forms Processes
memory is equal to the (Number of Forms users) * 40 MB.

Important: These figures represent average usage. Your instance may

use more or less memory depending on the applications you use.

The memory required per machine also depends on the number of application
machines in your deployment. For general usage, it is not recommended that you
allocate very large heap sizes. Instead, add more managed instances in the cluster to
scale up to the target concurrency levels.

Note: Some transactions, such as those for Oracle Configurator, may

require more memory.

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-7

Database Machine Memory Requirements
To determine the total memory requirements on the machine where the Oracle E-
Business Suite database is installed, you must take the following into account:
• Oracle Database overhead

• Size of System Global Area (SGA)

• Number of concurrent users

• Any non-Oracle software that has to run on the machine (this is not recommended)

When sizing the environment in which you will install Oracle E-Business Suite, you
should aim to allow for any expected growth in usage over the planned lifetime of your
system. It is, however, possible to scale up a system later to meet additional
requirements subsequent to installation, either by adding nodes (machines) to the
application tier or employing Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) on the
database tier.

Action: To help determine your memory requirements for the various

Oracle E-Business Suite database components, refer to My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 396009.1, Database Initialization
Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.

Disk Space Requirements

Rapid Install installs the file system and database files for all products, regardless of
their licensed status. The approximate file system disk space requirements for a
standard installation are:

File System Space Requirements for Standard Installation

Node Space Required

Database node file system (Fresh install) 90 GB (includes database files and 12cR1
database Oracle home).

Database node file system (Vision Demo 200 GB (includes database files and 12cR1
database) database Oracle home).

Applications node file system (OracleAS 10.1.2 64 GB (for dual file system). Also, see Note
Oracle home, Oracle Fusion Middleware below for language (NLS) considerations.
Oracle home, COMMON_TOP, APPL_TOP,

3-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Tip: The minimum recommended space required for each active
language is 16 GB in the file system for both APPL_TOPs, and 3 GB in
the database.

Additional Information: For more information, refer to My Oracle

Support Knowledge Document 1314621.1, Oracle E-Business Suite NLS
Release Notes, Release 12.2.

Warning: At present, Rapid Install does not support installing Oracle

E-Business Suite into a directory that has more than 2 TB of free space.
This is because of address space restrictions.

Stage Area
For a production database installation, running Rapid Install from a stage area requires
at least 48 GB to accommodate the file system and database files in the stage area. See
Setting Up the Stage Area, page 4-7.

Oracle E-Business Suite Log and Output Files

Many Oracle E-Business Suite products generate log and output files during runtime.
The disk space needed varies with the number of users and transactions, and depends
on how frequently you purge these files.

Tip: Log and output files are not automatically purged. The size of
these files can increase quickly, which can impact the performance of
your system. Determine a strategy for archiving and purging these files
after the installation, particularly for files in the trace directories, and
monitor the disk space they consume to determine how much space
you may need in the future.

Temporary Disk Space Requirements

You should ensure that the $TMPDIR environment variable points to /tmp, and that
this directory has at least 5 GB of free space for use by Rapid Install. The equivalent
variables on Windows are %TEMP% and %TMP%.
At runtime, Oracle E-Business Suite requires temporary disk space. For example, each
concurrent manager writes temporary parameter files, Oracle Reports writes temporary
format files, and Oracle Forms writes temporary buffer records. Rapid Install sets the
temporary directory based on the value you supply on node-specific settings screens.
The directory defined by the TMPDIR variable is also used for some temporary files,
such as certain patches.
The amount of temporary space will depend on the number of forms and concurrent

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-9

manager sessions writing on the temporary file system. It is recommended that you use
separate disk partitions for operating system and user data (that is, separate partitions
for /home, /tmp, /var/tmp, /oracle, and so on). This strategy can prevent a "file system
full" issue from impacting operations. Establishing disk quotas can also prevent a user
from accidentally or intentionally filling up a file system.

Updates and Patches

You will need adequate disk space for applying updates, patches, maintenance packs,
family packs, and minipacks, as well as for any backup files that may be created.

Additional Information: For more information about the amount of disk

space needed for the various types of patching operation, see Patching
Utilities, Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide and Patching
Procedures, Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide. Also see
Applications DBA System Maintenance Tasks and Tools, Oracle E-
Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

Other Files
The total disk space estimate must account for the requirements of files other than those
directly related to Oracle E-Business Suite. For example:
• Operating system software

• Online backups

• Custom applications development files

• Files for any other software that you use

Input/Output (I/O) Subsystem

Performance during an upgrade depends heavily on the speed of the Oracle database
system input/output (I/O) subsystem. Oracle recommends an average disk response
time (average service time) below 10-15 milliseconds for better performance.

Additional Information: Detailed information, including input/output

operations per second (IOPs) calculations, is available in My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1597531.1, Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2: Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices and My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 2115481.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5
Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices.

To monitor the I/O performance, you should use OS tools like iostat or sar (Unix)
during your test upgrade. Use similar tools for other operating systems, for example
Performance Monitor for Windows. You can also monitor I/O performance on your

3-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

production system during peak load to get an idea about your I/O subsystem
performance before the upgrade. However, you should note that the I/O load and,
therefore, the average service time on existing applications, is different from that of an
While you are monitoring the I/O performance, you should focus on the average service
time (the average of elapsed time in milliseconds that the disk drive takes to complete
an I/O request) and the average wait (the average amount of time requests are left
outstanding). Higher averages for these two indicators signal an I/O bottleneck. An
average service time longer than 50 milliseconds is reason for concern if it lasts too long
or it is continuously at a high level. Small intervals of high average service time should
not be of concern.

Additional Information: See the Oracle Database Performance Tuning

Guide for your Oracle Database version.

Database Size
Database sizing is dependent on the following main factors:
• Current user distribution along with transaction rates

• Project workload and user increase

• Retention policies for historical dat

You should ensure that proper planning is in place for database footprint management,
in conjunction with appropriate purge and archive policies defined as part of your
instance management strategy.
To estimate the increase in required disk space for upgrading, consider the products,
the number of languages being installed, and changes in the data model. For example,
in a test upgrade of the largest Oracle production system (oraprod), the database
increased 10-20 percent. In a test upgrade, the Vision database increased 5 percent.

Additional Information: For guidelines based on an upgrade of the

Oracle production system, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1597531.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Upgrade Sizing
and Best Practices and My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
2115481.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5 Upgrade Sizing and Best

Tablespace Sizing
Make sure you allocate sufficient tablespace.

Additional Information: For guidelines based on an upgrade of the

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-11

Oracle production system, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1597531.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Upgrade Sizing
and Best Practices and My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
2115481.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5 Upgrade Sizing and Best

Block Size
This release requires a database block size of 8K. In addition to providing significant
performance improvement, this setting accommodates the Oracle E-Business Suite
indexes that require this block size.

Database and Application Tier Sizing Guidelines

This section includes the following:
• General sizing guidelines

• JVM parameter settings for Java on WLS Web Tier

• Database and application tier sizing information, based on a test upgrade from
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 (with a 146 GB database) to Release 12.2.5

General Sizing Guidelines for the Database and Application Tier

Below are some general sizing guidelines for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Be aware of the following important points:
• These guidelines were derived using Oracle's hardware and networking
infrastructure, and should only be used as a starting guide.

• You should always size your systems based on tests using representative data and
workloads for your own environments. The most reliable strategy to ensure that the
hardware is sized appropriately is to install a test environment, and then conduct a
benchmark test with a configuration, product mix, and user load that simulates
your own current and expected workloads. These conditions can help verify
performance before you install your production-ready environment.

• In addition to the memory needed based on the sizing guidelines given, you should
allow an extra 2 GB of free memory for the database tier machine, and an extra 3 GB
of free memory for the application tier machine (for Online Patching).

• The sizing of transactions depends on the transaction type (such as Oracle

Application Framework, Forms, or batch programs), and the expected transaction
workload (light, medium, or heavy). Some transactions may require more memory
(such as those for Oracle Configurator). The transactional workload is a function of

3-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

user concurrency levels, user transaction frequency, and user adeptness. For
instance, less adept users may increase the load on the system by performing less
exact searches that would cause a full table scan instead of performing an index

Oracle Application Framework Transactions

The following table shows the machine memory used for Oracle Application
Framework-type transactions with light to medium workload characteristics:

Note: The figures in this table do not take into account any Online
Patching requirements.

Machine Memory for Oracle Application Framework Transactions

Number of Database Number of Application Tier Number of

Concurrent Machine Database Machine Application Tier
Users Memory Machine CPUs Memory Machine CPUs

0-10 4 GB 2 6 GB 2

100-200 8 GB 2 8 GB 2

200-400 12 GB 4 10 GB 4

400-800 20 GB 8 14 GB 8

You should plan your resources using these figures as guidelines.

Important: Figures of this kind represent a minimum amount of

memory, and your specific requirements may need more.

Oracle Forms Transactions

On the application tier, each Oracle Forms process requires approximately 40 MB of
memory. So the total memory required, using the average, is given by the formula:
(Number of concurrent Oracle Forms users) * 40 MB
The following table lists the additional machine memory needed for different numbers
of users:

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-13

Machine Memory for Oracle Forms Users

Number of Users Required Machine Memory

100 4 GB

200 8 GB

400 16 GB

800 32 GB

On the database tier, there is one Oracle Forms session per open form, and each of these
sessions requires approximately 30 MB of PGA memory.
The following table lists the memory required for different numbers of sessions:

Machine Memory for Oracle Forms Sessions

Number of Oracle Forms Sessions Required Machine Memory

100 3 GB

200 6 GB

400 12 GB

800 24 GB

JVM Parameter Settings for Java on WLS Web Tier

If you are running Oracle E-Business Suite on 64-bit Java, bear in mind the following
• For both Oracle Application Framework and Oracle Forms applications, you can
support 150-180 users per 2 GB of JVM heap. The initial heap size (Xms) and
maximum allocated heap (Xmx) should both be set to at least 2GB per 150-180

• Only the value of Xmx has an effect on response time. Changing the value of Xms
does not have an effect.

• Usually, one JVM is allocated for every 2 CPUs.

3-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

• For best results, use multiple managed instances. For example, two managed
instances with a 4 GB heap size for each will provide better response times than one
JVM with a total heap size of 8 GB.

Note: These guidelines are provided here to aid in your resource

planning prior to installation. By default, Xms and Xmx are both set to
1024 MB during installation. You can configure the JVM parameters to
alter these settings as part of performance tuning after the installation.

Suggested Reading: For more information, see Customizing the

number of instances of a particular service type, Technical
Configuration, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and Oracle E-Business
Suite Performance Best Practices, My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 2528000.1.

If you need to accommodate more users, we recommend doing so by adding managed

instances to the cluster. The maximum heap size should be no more than 4 GB. The JVM
heap size is dependent on the number of CPUs available for the JVM to support
incremental and full garbage collection cycles, in addition to the actual concurrency
workload. There are two benefits from scaling by using additional managed instances:
• Garbage collection (GC) activity is more easily balanced (automatically) with
multiple managed instances.

• Each instance will be able to utilize a separate connection pool. In essence, you need
to maintain a balance between the allocated JVM heap size per instance and the
available connection pool for that instance.

Careful sizing is needed for the concurrent manager components, especially Java
concurrent programs. If you will be processing relatively large volumes of data, you
may need to increase the Xms/Xmx settings for the Java concurrent programs. This is
normally done via the options field of the define concurrent program screen. Note that
when you increase the number of workers, the memory requirements may increase
significantly: this is because each Java concurrent worker will require at least an amount
of memory specified by the value of Xms.

Example Upgrade
This section provides sample figures for an upgrade from Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.1.3 to Release 12.2.5. The figures were derived using Oracle's hardware and
networking infrastructure, and are provided for general guidance only.
Automatic Workload Repository Advisory sections from test runs should be used to
size relevant database memory components for the actual upgrade.

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-15

Tip: To minimize unforeseen contingencies, prior to the actual upgrade
it is essential to perform pre-production testing and validation on a
comparable system to the production system.

Example Upgrade - Environment Details

The environment details for this upgrade were as follows:
• Operating system: Oracle Linux Release 5.8

• Server memory: 141 GB

• Number of CPUs: 24

• Oracle Database Release:

• Oracle E-Business Suite Release: 12.1.3

Note: The database tier and application tier are on the same machine in
this example.

Database configuration was as follows:

• SGA: 10 GB

• Shared pool: 1 GB

• PGA: 10 GB

• Log buffer: 30 MB

• job_queue_processes: 24

Note: During the upgrade of the Admin Tier, the batchsize and number
of workers used were 1000 and 24 respectively.

Example Upgrade - Database Size

The following table shows the data for the example upgrade from Release 12.1.3 to
Release 12.2.5:

3-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Database Size Data for Example Upgrade

Before Upgrade After Upgrade Delta (GB) % Growth

Database Size (GB) Database Size (GB)

146 121 -25 -17.12

The reduction in database size is a result of obsolete schemas and objects being
removed from the upgraded system. See Schemas Not Used by Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2, page 3-22.

Example Upgrade - Application Tier Size

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 is installed with three file systems, to accommodate
the Online Patching feature.
• fs1 (production file system) - Used by the current users of the system.

• fs2 (copy of production file system) - Used by the patching tools.

• fs_ne (non-editioned file system) - Used to store data that is kept in the file system
(such as data import and export files, reports, and output and log files).

In addition, the pre-upgrade file system has a requirement for an INST_TOP.

All three file systems in the Release 12.2 installation serve a single database. The file
system in use by the running application is never patched. All patches are applied to
the secondary file system.
The following table shows the data for the example upgrade from Release 12.1.3 to
Release 12.2.5:

Application Tier Size Data for Example Upgrade

Component Size Before Upgrade Size After Upgrade





Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-17

Component Size Before Upgrade Size After Upgrade


fs_ne N/A 1 GB

Suggested Reading: For further examples, see Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2: Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1597531.1, and Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2.5 Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices, My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 2115481.1.

Advanced Configuration
Optional advanced configurations for Oracle E-Business Suite are deployed after you
upgrade to Release 12.2. However, consideration of these options is a critical
component of planning your upgrading to Oracle E-Buisness Suite 12.2.
Your requirements for advanced configurations of Oracle E-Business Suite may include
the following:
• Scale up or scale out to address sizing and, or high availability requirements.

• Configure access from the Internet with a DMZ deployment.

• Create a disaster recovery site.

• Create a reporting environment.

Conditional Action: Review the following for the required steps to plan
and set up your final Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 deployment
• Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.x Using Logical
Host Names (Doc ID: 1968231.1)

• Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

(Doc ID: 1375686.1)

• Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1375769.1)

• Business Continuity for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 using

3-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Virtual Hosts with Oracle 12c Physical Standby Database (Doc ID:

• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a DMZ (Doc

ID: 1375670.1)

• Using Active Data Guard Reporting with Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2 and an Oracle 11g or 12c Database (Doc ID: 1944539.1)

• Business Continuity for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 using

Virtual Hosts with Oracle 12c Physical Standby Database (Doc ID:

• Using Active Data Guard Reporting with Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2 and an Oracle 11g or 12c Database (Doc ID: 1944539.1)

Preparing Customizations
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 introduces a new set of compliance, code, and
patching standards that customizations must adhere to. This section describes the new
standards and tools available for preparing your customizations for the Release 12.2

Creating a Customizations Inventory

All Oracle E-Business Suite customers should compile a comprehensive inventory of
their existing customizations. Enhancements delivered with Release 12.2 may make
some of these customizations unnecessary. Preparing customizations for the 12.2
upgrade include:
• Creating a catalog of your customizations

• Analyzing and Implementing code remediation

• Deploying revised customizations

Ensure that the catalog identifies all of the following artifacts:

• Database

• Application tier

• Technologies Used (OAF, Forms, Reports, Java, PLSQL, etc.)

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-19

Run the Online Patching Readiness Reports
Run the Online Patching Readiness Reports using the following process:

Apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Online Patching Readiness and GSCC Report Patch
Action: Before you proceed with the following steps, you must apply
the Oracle E-Business Suite Online Patching Readiness and GSCC
Report Patch (Consolidate Standalone Readiness Report Patch)
applicable for Release 12.2 and higher by referring to Using the Online
Patching Readiness Report in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID:

Important: As part of planning and preparation, the Oracle E-Business

Suite Online Patching Readiness and GSCC Report patch
corresponding to your existing Oracle E-Business suite instance must
be applied using adpatch. For example, if you are at the Oracle E-
Business suite Release 12.1.3 level, then you must apply the patch
marked for Release 12.1.

Run the Online Patching Enablement - Readiness Reports

Refer to Using the Online Patching Readiness Report in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
(Doc ID: 1531121.1) for instructions on how to download these utilities.
You must run the following utility from the application tier APPL_TOP. It reports EBR
violations that include objects not complying with the EBR rule about Non-Editioned
Objects (data storage objects such as Tables and Materialized Views), and referencing
editioned objects (code objects such as: Packages, Triggers, Object Types, and so on).
This report also lists several naming standard violations that must be fixed prior to
applying the online patching enablement patch.
1. Source the environment file of current APPL_TOP

C:\> <APPL_TOP>\envshell<CONTEXT_NAME>.cmd

Note: The subsequent steps assume that you are running in the
same session which was initialized with this environment file. If
you need additional operating system level sessions, ensure that
you initialize the environment with this same environment file.

3-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

2. Create the online patching log file location and set it as the current directory:
$ mkdir $LOG_HOME/appl/op
$ cd $LOG_HOME/appl/op

3. Run the following Readiness reports:

• ADZDPSUM.sql - Provides a summary of the schemas that will be editioned
and also schemas with objects that depend on Oracle E-Business Suite code that
is recommended to be editioned. You can register these schemas with the
application by running the commands that will be listed in the last section of
this report. Oracle recommends that you run this report again after the custom
schemas are registered with the application. You should run ADZDPSUM.sql
repeatedly to handle dependent schemas until no further EBR violations are

Note: Enter the system password when prompted. You can

ignore APPS_NE, and ODM schemas which may appear in
section 2 of the report.

$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPSUM.sql

$ mv adzdpsum.txt adzdpsum_pre_dbprep.txt

• ADZDPMAN.sql - Lists objects with different categories of violations to EBR

rules that must be fixed prior to running the enablement process to avoid errors
during this process. Oracle recommends that you run this report after all
custom schemas are registered with the application according to instructions in
the above report ADZDPSUM.sql.

Note: Enter the system password when prompted.

$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPMAN.sql

$ mv adzdpman.txt adzdpman_pre_dbprep.txt

• ADZDPAUT.sql - This report lists all the objects with violations to the EBR
rules that will be fixed automatically from the enablement process. This report
is provided for information purposes and no action should be taken from this

Note: Enter the system password when prompted.

$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPAUT.sql

$ mv adzdpaut.txt adzdpaut_pre_dbprep.txt

Implementing Code Remediation

Fix Violations Listed in the Online Patching Readiness Report that Require Manual

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-21

The Online Patching Readiness Report contains sections with different violation types.
1. Review all sections listed from the ADZDPMAN.sql report. Follow instructions in
each section to fix violations.

Note: Many violations in the Readiness report can be automatically

fixed by registering your custom schemas. Review the last section
of the Summary Readiness Report (ADZDPSUM.sql) for sample
commands on how to register your custom schemas.
The following schema should NOT be registered:



Any dependency between these schemas and Editioned Objects is a

coding standards violation and must be fixed manually.

2. Oracle recommends that you perform the chosen fix by customizing template file

3. Repeat the Run the Online Patching Enablement - Readiness Report step above until all
violations have been addressed.

Customizing Help Files

The help files in this release are in HTML format, making them easy to modify. You can
reapply previously customized help files to your upgraded system if you convert them
to HTML. If you don't convert customized help files to HTML and reapply, then it is
important that you save the pre-upgrade customized help files as a reference.

Conditional Action: See Customizing Oracle E-Business Suite Help in the

Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

Schemas Not Used by Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

The following schemas are not used by Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. If you have
developed customizations that depend on these schemas, then you may recreate these
customizations and delete the schemas after the upgrade is complete. Deleting schemas
is a documented step in Chapter 5, Performing Post Upgrade Tasks.

3-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Schema Name Schema ID

Oracle Single Sign On ORASSO





Oracle Internet Directory ODS

OracleAS Certificate Authority OCA


Discoverer OLAP D4OSYS

Discoverer Portlet Provider Metadata DISCOVERER5

Oracle Portal-to-Go and OracleAS Wireless PTG


Oracle Warehouse Builder OWBRT_SYS


Oracle E-Business Suite product schemas DSR DDROWNER

and MOC for Oracle Warehouse Builder
integration DDRUSER



Oracle Business Intelligence Applications OBIA

MapViewer MVDEMO

OracleAS UDDI Registry UDDISYS


Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-23

Preparing External Integrations

Obsolete Technology Integrations

In preparation for the upgrade, you must migrate your external integrations to releases
or products that are certified with Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2. The following table
identifies a migration path to certified releases or products:

Technology Integration Description

OSSO 10g For single sign-on integration, you must

migrate to Oracle Access Manager 11gR1 or
11gR2. Oracle recommends that you migrate
to Oracle Access Manager 11gR2.

OID 10g You must upgrade to Oracle Internet

Directory (OID) 11g. If upgrading to Oracle E-
Business Suite 12.2.5 or greater, then you can
also upgrade to OID 11g or Oracle Unified
Directory (OUD) 11g.

OBIEE 10g If you are using Oracle Business Intelligence

Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) with products
Oracle Incentive Compensation (OIC),
Manufacturing Operations Center (MOC),
Advanced Planning Command Center
(APCC), or Demand Signal Repository (DSR),
then you must migrate to OBIEE 11g.

ODI 10g If you are using Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

with products Oracle Incentive Compensation
(OIC), Product Information Management
(PIM), Distributed Warehouse Management
System (WMS), or Demand Signal Repository
(DSR), then you must migrate to ODI 11g

JPDK Portlet Producer If you are using Oracle E-Business Suite

Portlets based on the proprietary JPDK Portlet
Producer implementation, then you must
migrate these to use the WSRP standards
compliant Portlet Producer implementation.

3-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Technology Integration Description

BPEL 10g If you are using BPEL 10g, then you must
migrate to SOA Suite 11g.

SES 10g If you are using SES 10g, then you must
upgrade to SES 11g.

Oracle Portal You must migrate to Oracle WebCenter Portal


Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway enables service generation,
deployment, and invocation.

Conditional Action: If you want to use the product features, then

perform the steps documented in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1311068.1).

In addition, Release 12.2 provides an ISG Diagnostics and Designer script allowing
services to be upgraded from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1. to Release 12.2.

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway has product

dependencies on Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter for SOAP based web services. REST based web services do not
have this dependency. You are not required to install Oracle SOA Suite
if you plan to use only the REST based web services provided by Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.

Oracle XML Gateway

In Release 12.2, Oracle XML Gateway Web services are enabled through the Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Service Provider and can be viewed from the
Integration Repository. If an earlier release of the Oracle XML Gateway Web service
feature or Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway has been leveraged, then
install Oracle SOA Suite first, before the upgrade to Release 12.2.

Conditional Action: The Oracle XML Gateway Web service feature

depends on Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway. Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.2 has product

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-25

dependencies on Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Adapter for Oracle
Applications (informally known as Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter).
See Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.2
(Doc ID: 1311068.1).

Preparing Third-Party Integrations

Integrations with Oracle E-Business Suite may need to be modified to comply with new
deployment and development standards to work correctly with Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2. Examples include:
• Custom and third-party integrations

• Integrations with other Oracle products, such as Oracle Application Express

Additional Resources: For information on integrating third-party

products, refer to Guidance for Integrating Custom and Third-Party
Products With Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1916149.1).

EBS 12.2 Upgrade Readiness Checker - Database Tier (EURC-DT)

The EBS 12.2 Upgrade Readiness Checker - Database Tier (EURC-DT) performs checks
based on key technical requirements as described in this guide.
Specific to: EURC-DT
• Verifies that critical system administration and other pre-upgrade technical steps
have been performed.

• Can be used when upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 from any
previous release.

• Compatible with Oracle database releases 19c, 12cR1, and 11gR2.

• Can be used for Oracle E-Business Suite on-premises, or Oracle Cloud

Infrastructure (all database services) instances.

The system administration and other pre-upgrade technical steps in this guide have
been tagged as Supported in EURC-DT: Yes if the check is part of the EURC-DT tool.
You can run EURC-DT as part of planning, test upgrades, and production upgrade.
For more information about EBS 12.2 Upgrade Readiness Checker - Database Tier, refer
to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2749775.1, EBS 12.2 Upgrade Readiness
Checker - Database Tier (EURC-DT).

3-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Additional Information: For additional information, refer to EBS 12.2
Upgrade Readiness Checker - Database Tier (EURC-DT), (DocID: 2749775.1)
on My Oracle Support.

Planning and Performing Pre-Upgrade Tasks 3-27

Performing the Upgrade

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Preparing the Database for the Upgrade
• Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 File System
• Performing Mandatory Preparatory Tasks
• Setting Up the Stage Area
• Creating the Upgrade File System
• Preparing the System for Upgrade
• Customer Relationship Management Tasks
• Financials and Procurement Tasks
• Human Resource Management (HRMS)
• Supply Chain Management Tasks
• Database and System Administration Tasks
• Performing the Upgrade to Release 12.2.0
• Finishing the 12.2.0 Upgrade
• Enabling Online Patching
• Database Initialization Parameters
• Upgrading to the Latest Code Level

Preparing the Database for the Upgrade

These tasks pertain to all systems. You must complete them prior to the product-specific
tasks in this chapter.

Performing the Upgrade 4-1

Back Up the Oracle E-Business Suite Database and Customizations
Make a cold backup of the Oracle E-Business Suite database. You can use it to restore
the database should you encounter problems during the upgrade process.

Note: Shut down the database with the NORMAL option. You may not
be able to restore it from the backup if you use the IMMEDIATE or
ABORT option.

In addition to the database files, back up the APPL_TOP, product customizations, and
customized help files (in HTML).

Note: The upgrade process does not save customizations. You should
copy all your customized files and put them in a safe place so you can
reapply the customizations after the upgrade.

Migrate Existing Objects to New Tablespace Model (recommended):

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 environments contain the new Oracle Applications
Tablespace Model (OATM). This model is based on database object type rather than
product affiliation, making it simpler to manage and requiring far fewer tablespaces
and operating system files.
If you previously upgraded your environment from Release 11i to Release 12, then the
upgrade process created tablespaces for all new products, configured the database for
the new tablespace model, and created new objects. However, it did not automatically
migrate your existing objects. If you have not already done so, Oracle strongly
recommends that you use the Tablespace Migration Utility to perform this migration
now. Note that this utility is not supported for use after you enable Online Patching, so
you cannot perform the migration after your environment is upgraded to Release 12.2.
If you choose not to migrate to OATM now, then you must continue to manage your
tablespaces separately.

Suggested Reading: For more information, refer to Oracle E-Business

Suite Setup Guide, Release 12.2.

Upgrade Your Database and Apply Mandatory Oracle E-Business Suite

12.2 Database Patches (required):
1. Migrate or Upgrade your Database to a Release supported with Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2:
Applies to: All 12.0 releases (, and 12.1 releases (,,

4-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 requires your database to be at
the minimum version If you have not already upgraded your Oracle E-
Business Suite database to or or 19c, then you can upgrade your
database prior to the upgrade downtime. You will not only benefit by receiving the
latest updates for security, performance, and stability before you move to Release
12.2, but will have one less step to perform when you upgrade to Release 12.2.

Conditional Action: If you are planning to enable TLS 1.2 only, then
you must upgrade to database Refer to the following for
additional details: Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2 (Doc ID: 1367293.1), Section 6.1.

Required Action: Follow the instructions in Database Preparation

Guidelines for an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Upgrade (Doc ID:

Suggested Reading: Database de-support schedules have

important operational and planning implications for Oracle E-
Business Suite environments. Oracle recommends that you review
the following document that details the latest database support
policies and de-support schedules: Release Schedule of Current
Database Releases (Doc ID: 742060.1).

Conditional Action: If you are upgrading to 11gR2 or 12cR1 from

10g or 9i, then you MUST set the database initialization parameter
sec_case_sensitive_logon as follows:
For Release 12.0+ based environments, the
sec_case_sensitive_logon must be FALSE for both 11204 & 12c. In
addition, for 12c, the SQLNET.
ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER = 8 must be present in
sqlnet_ifile.ora. For Release 12.1+ based environments (both 11204
& 12c), customers have a choice to set it as either TRUE or FALSE.
If true, then you must also apply Patch 12964564 and follow
instructions in Patch 12964564:R12.FND.B - Enabling the Oracle
Database 11g Case-Sensitive Password Feature for Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.1.1+ (Doc ID: 1581584.1).

In addition for Database 12c, depending on the value of True/False of this

parameter, the sqlnet_ifile.ora value for SQLNET.
ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER will change as follows:

Performing the Upgrade 4-3

If FALSE, then value = 8
If TRUE, then value = 10
For Database 19c, the sqlnet_ifile.ora should have following - SQLNET.
ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER=10. The sqlnet_ifile.ora value for
SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER should be 10 irrespective of the
value of the sec_case_sensitive_logon parameter.

2. Ensure that the required database patches for Oracle E-Business Release 12.2
have been applied.
Supported in EURC-DT: Yes

Required Action: Follow the instructions in the Oracle E-Business

Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug
Fixes (Doc ID: 1594274.1) to do the following:
• Check for missing database patches by executing the Oracle E-
Business Suite Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) -

• Apply the latest database patches identified in the report as


• Confirm successful application of required database patches by

re-executing the Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Codelevel
Checker (ETCC) -

Important: For Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Services,

follow the instructions associated with the deployment type and
ensure the appropriate Oracle Database patches are applied.
• Installing Database Patch Updates for Oracle E-Business Suite on
Single Instance VM DB System or DB System in Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (Doc ID: 2360215.1)

• Installing Database Patch Updates for Oracle E-Business Suite on

Oracle RAC VM DB Systems in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Doc
ID: 2476292.1)

• Installing Database Patch Updates for Oracle E-Business Suite on

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Exadata Cloud Services and Oracle
Exadata Cloud@Customer (Doc ID 2368508.1)

4-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Application DBA (AD) Tasks (Conditional):
Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
If you are upgrading your Oracle E-Business Suite environment from Release 12.0.4 or
Release 12.0.6, then you must apply the following AD patch as the very last patch on
the application tier:
• Patch 11939659:R12.AD.A

Important: If there are any other patches to be applied on your Oracle

E-Business Suite Release 12.0.4 or Release 12.0.6 environment, then you
must complete those patches and then apply AD patch 11939659:R12.

Review Sizes of Old and New Tablespaces (required):

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
Ensure that all critical tablespaces contain sufficient space (below the threshold),
including APPS_TS_TX_DATA. Resize the tablespace as necessary.

Required Action: For guidelines, see Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2:
Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices (Doc ID: 1597531.1).

Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 File System

Oracle recommends using the latest startCD to install or upgrade to Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2.0.

Required Action: Follow the instructions in Section 1.2 "Current

Version of startCD" in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release
12.2, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1320300.1, to obtain the
latest startCD.

To prepare the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 file system, you must first prepare
the system for installation using Rapid Install. You will then run Rapid Install to lay
down the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 file system.

Note: When upgrading an existing Oracle E-Business Suite instance,

use Rapid Install to lay down the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
file system for both on-premises environments and environments on
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Performing the Upgrade 4-5

Performing Mandatory Preparatory Tasks
Before running Rapid Install, you must follow the applicable instructions in several
critical documents. If you do not do so, your installation or upgrade may fail.

Action: Follow the instructions in My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 1320300.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 to
prepare your environment for running Rapid Install. As described in
Document 1320300.1, you must meet all operating system and software
requirements before you install or upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2. Ensure that you follow the instructions in the relevant
Oracle E-Business Suite platform-specific Installation and Upgrade
document as listed in the operating system requirements, page 3-3 and
in Document 1320300.1.

Conditional Action: Deploying a role-separated Oracle Grid

Infrastructure on Oracle E-Business Suite requires additional patches.
See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1320300.1, Oracle E-
Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 and Additional Bug Fixes
Needed When Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 For Use
With Oracle Grid, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1,
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and
Technology Bug Fixes.

Conditional Action: This note applies only if you are upgrading from
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 or 12.1. If you are planning to use a
logical hostname for the application tier, then you must refer to Section
5.4: Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Using Physical
and Logical Host Names on the Application Tier, and perform the steps
in Section 5.4.1: Verifying Logical Host Name Configurations Prior to
Upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1968231.1, Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.x Using Logical Host Name.

In addition to meeting the prerequisites described in this book and in the platform-
specific notes, you should also ensure you understand the licensing agreement for your

Additional Information: For general Oracle E-Business Suite installation

troubleshooting hints and tips, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1378579.1, Troubleshooting Rapid Install for E-Business Suite
Release 12.2.

4-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Setting Up the Stage Area
This section describes the tasks you need to perform to download the Release 12.2
installation software and create the stage area where the software will reside in readiness
for installation.

Caution: Network-attached storage devices (such as NFS-mounted disk

volumes) can be used for the stage area. However, you must use the
correct mount options to avoid possible installation failure or
performance issues. Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
359515.1, Mount Options for Oracle Files When Used With NAS Devices,
and Document 1375769.1, Sharing The Application Tier File System in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

Obtaining Installation Software

Oracle recommends using the latest startCD to install or upgrade to Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2.0.

Required Action: Follow the instructions in Section 1.2 "Current

Version of startCD" in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release
12.2, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1320300.1, to obtain the
latest startCD and apply any additional critical patches.

Creating the Stage Area

Creating a new stage area is a multiple-step process. You must first create a directory,
called StageR122, into which you will download the installation software mentioned
above. Next you unzip the requisite files and run the build script. Then you patch the
stage area with the latest consolidated fixes. After this, you are ready to run Rapid
Install. This section describes the steps to follow.

Important: Do not attempt to re-use an existing stage area that was

created with startCD or earlier, as it will contain Oracle Fusion
Middleware 11g PS6 ( or lower, and startCD (<Patch
22066363>, RAPID INSTALL STARTCD requires Oracle
Fusion Middleware 11g PS7 ( as well as Oracle Database
12cR1 ( and the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
software distribution.

Tip: Ensure that the directory has sufficient space for the downloaded

Performing the Upgrade 4-7

installation files and for the content that will be extracted from those
files. See Stage Area, page 3-9.

Creating the Stage Area Directory

Issue the appropriate command for your operating system in the desired location on the
file system.

For UNIX Users

In the following example, the stage area directory is created under a mount point called
$ cd /u01
$ mkdir Stage122

For Windows Users

In the following example, the stage area directory is created on the F: Drive:
F:\>mkdir Stage122

Downloading Software and Unzipping Start Here Files

After creating the stage area directory, you must download into that directory the
components of the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 software distribution (also
known as a media pack) that are used by Rapid Install. The Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 software distribution includes Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Database,
and Oracle Fusion Middleware. It is obtainable in zip format from the Oracle Software
Delivery Cloud [https:/​/​].

Suggested Reading: Before you download the files, read the Release
Notes for the specific release you are installing.

To download the required components of the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
software distribution:
1. Sign in to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud with your My Oracle Support

2. Select Download Package as the search category, enter Oracle E-Business

Suite as the search term, and choose Search.

3. In the search results, select the latest Oracle E-Business Suite package for Release
12.2, such as Oracle E-Business Suite

4. Choose Continue.

5. Select only the following releases:

4-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

• Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.0 Current

• Oracle WebLogic Server

• Oracle Web Tier

• Oracle Database

Ensure that all other releases in the list are deselected.

6. Select the platform for each of the selected releases, and choose Continue.

7. Read and accept the license agreement, and choose Continue.

8. By default, all available files are selected. Update the file list to select only the
required files. You must download the following specific components of the Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.2 software distribution:
• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0 Rapid Install Start Here (all parts)

• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0 for <Platform> Rapid Install (all disks and

• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0 for <Platform> Rapid Install Technology
one-off Patches

• Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 (11gR1) Generic with Coherence 3.7.1

• Oracle Web Tier Utilities (11g Patch Set 7) - Oracle Fusion Middleware
for <Platform>

• Oracle Database for <Platform>

9. If you are performing an on-premises installation or upgrade, choose Download to

start the download into your stage directory.

10. If you are performing an Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade from Release 11i or
Release 12 to Release 12.2 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you can download
software to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute VM over an internet
connection. For further instructions on downloading software or patches onto
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see Section 6.4.6: Downloading Software and Patches,
Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, My Oracle
Support Document 2517025.1.

Note: Do not run Rapid Install to perform a fresh installation of

Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Follow the

Performing the Upgrade 4-9

instructions in this step only for upgrading an existing Oracle E-
Business Suite instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

11. Verify that you have downloaded all the required files, and only those files, into
your stage directory. Each zip file is identified as "<Part Number>_NofM". For the
complete set of files for a given Part Number, you need all the zip files from 1 to M.
For example, Oracle Part Number "V100060-01 " has been divided into three parts,
so you must download the three zip files,,

Warning: Do not download any other software components into

the stage area, or the installation process may fail.

12. After you have downloaded the components listed above, unzip only the "Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2.0 Rapid Install StartHere" files, and proceed to run the
buildStage script as described in the next section.

Running the buildStage Script

This script has several functions, which are selected from a series of menus. A key
function is to unzip the rest of the installation software for subsequent use by Rapid
Install. In the process, various subdirectories are created under the stage area.

Important: Running the buildStage script is a mandatory pre-installation

step. The buildStage options you should choose depend on whether
you have an existing stage area or not.

The buildStage script is run as follows on UNIX and Windows.

$ cd /u01/StageR122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin

F:\>cd StageR122\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin

The buildStage menus are shown below.

Main Menu

4-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Build Stage Menu


1. Create new stage area

2. Copy new patches to current stage area.

3. Display existing files in stage TechPatches.

4. Exit menu

Enter your choice [4]:

These options are used as follows.

Main Menu - Option 1. Create new stage area
Use this option if you want to create a new stage area, for example if you are performing
an installation from scratch. It will unzip the downloaded software and apply the one-
off patches.

Note: When using startCD, you must choose option 1 to create
a new stage area. This startCD version delivers a later patch set of the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Tier Utilities than the patch set
delivered by earlier startCD versions. Consequently, you must not use
any existing stage area created with an earlier startCD version. Instead,
create a new stage area to obtain the currently required Oracle Fusion
Middleware Web Tier Utilities patch set.

On platforms other than Windows, choosing this option will display a submenu that
shows the available platforms:
Rapid Install Platform Menu


1. Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

2. Linux x86-64

3. IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)

4. HP-UX Itanium

5. Exit Menu

Enter your choice [5]:

Specify the platform on which you want to install Oracle E-Business Suite.

Note: For a stage area on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, the only platform
you can choose is option 2, Linux x86-64.

Performing the Upgrade 4-11

You will then be prompted for the location of the installation software you
Please enter the directory containing the zipped installation media:

On Windows, the platform submenu does not appear; instead, the script proceeds
directly to this prompt.
Enter the full path to the directory. The stage area will then be built for you.
Main Menu - Option 2. Copy new patches to current stage area
This option updates the technology one-off patches for an existing stage area.
On platforms other than Windows, choosing option 2 will display the submenu that
shows the available platforms:
Rapid Install Platform Menu


1. Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

2. Linux x86-64

3. IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)

4. HP-UX Itanium

5. Exit Menu

Enter your choice [5]:

Specify the applicable platform, and the buildStage script will stage the technology one-
off patches packaged with the startCD into the stage/TechPatches directory.

Note: For a stage area on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, the only platform
you can choose is option 2, Linux x86-64.

On Windows, the platform submenu does not appear; instead, the script proceeds
directly to staging the patches.
Main Menu - Option 3. Display existing files in stage TechPatches
This option displays (in a tree format) the files in your stage/TechPatches directory:

4-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Enter your choice [4]: 3
Directory /s0/oracle/XB45/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../..
| |--11071989
| | |
| |--11820674
| | |
| |--12949905
| | |
| |--12951696
| | |
| |--12955701
| | |
| |--13040331
| | |
| |--13388104

Patching the Stage Area

After running the buildStage script, you should patch the stage area with the latest
consolidated fixes since the release of the current StartCD. For StartCD, the
consolidated fixes are delivered in Patch 25525148.
1. Download Patch 25525148 from My Oracle Support.

2. Unzip this patch using the following command:


3. Change to the 25525148 directory.

4. Patch the stage area using the following commands:



When prompted for the location of the Rapid Install stage, enter the path to the
stage area you created for StartCD

Tip: Run the script as the same user that you used to run the
buildStage script when creating the stage area.

5. For Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) and IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit) only,
you must incorporate additional platform-specific fixes into the stage area. To do
so, after you run the script to patch the stage area, you must re-run
the script with option 2, Copy new patches to current stage

6. Apply additional Rapid Install Patch 31033613. You must have created the Rapid
Install stage area with StartCD 51 (Patch 22066363) and applied the patch for the

Performing the Upgrade 4-13

StartCD 51 consolidated fixes (Patch 25525148) before you apply Patch 31033613.
First, check the readme of Patch 31033613 for any additional patches for your
platform. Apply any platform-specific patches to the Rapid Install stage area before
you uptake Patch 31033613.
Then perform the following steps to apply patch 31033613:
• Download Patch 31033613 from My Oracle Support.

• Unzip this patch using the following command:


• Change to the 31033613 directory.

• Patch the Rapid Install stage area using the following commands:


When prompted for the location of the Rapid Install stage, enter the path to the
stage area you created for StartCD (Patch 22066363).

7. Finally, apply additional Rapid Install Patch 31853621.

• Download Patch 31853621 from My Oracle Support.

• Unzip this patch using the following command:


• Change to the 31853621 directory.

• Patch the Rapid Install stage area using the following commands:


When prompted for the location of the Rapid Install stage, enter the path to the
stage area you created for StartCD (Patch 22066363).

8. If you are running Rapid Install on Oracle Grid version 19c or later, then apply
additional patch 30627877 (Conditional).

4-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Important: Patch 30627877 is required only when installing on
Oracle Grid version 19c or later.

• Patch 30627877 requires the latest version of Standalone CVU (Patch 30839369)
to be downloaded into the Rapid Install stage area. To download Patch
30839369, perform the following steps:
1. Create the cvu_shiphome directory in the <Rapid Install Stage
directory>/TechInstallMedia directory using the following
mkdir -p <Rapid Install Stage directory>

2. Download Patch 30839369 from My Oracle Support.

3. Unzip the contents of Patch 30839369 for the appropriate platform into the
<Rapid Install Stage directory>
/TechInstallMedia/cvu_shiphome directory.

• Next, download Patch 30627877 from My Oracle Support.

• Unzip this patch using the following command:


• Change to the 30627877 directory.

• Patch the Rapid Install stage area using the following command:

When prompted for the location of the Rapid Install stage (<Rapid Install
Stage directory>), enter the path to the stage area you created for StartCD (Patch 22066363).

Stage Area Structure

As shown in the following diagram, the stage area you have built consists of a top-level
stage directory, with subdirectories startCD, EBSInstallMedia, TechInstallMedia, and

Performing the Upgrade 4-15

Stage Area Directory Structure

The startCD directory contains Rapid Install itself (in a subdirectory called Disk1), plus
supporting files and documentation.
The EBSInstallMedia directory contains the following subdirectories:
• AppDB (Oracle E-Business Suite database)

• Apps (Oracle E-Business Suite products)

• AS10.1.2 (Oracle Application Server 10.1.2)

The TechInstallMedia directory contains the following subdirectories:

• database (Oracle12cR1 Oracle home)

• ohs11119 (Oracle HTTP Server)

• wls1036_generic (Oracle WebLogic Server, part of Oracle Fusion Middleware)

The TechPatches directory contains the following subdirectories:

• MiddleTier (application tier patches)

• DB (database tier patches)

Creating the Upgrade File System

The database can be running when you lay down an upgrade file system with an
existing ORACLE_HOME.
Before running Rapid Install to create the upgrade file system, you should make a note
of the database language and character set value from the existing Release 11i or
Release 12.1 database that will be upgraded. These values should be specified in the
appropriate Rapid Install screen, as shown in Step 8 (Internationalization Settings) of
this section.

Set Up the Configuration:

As described in the previous section, Rapid Install performs two functions during an

4-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

upgrade. This section describes the first of these functions, specifying the configuration
values that Rapid Install needs to lay down a new file system and install the new
technology stack.

Additional Information: See the Oracle E-Business Suite File System

chapter in Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts.

Follow the instructions in the section Before You Install, Oracle E-Business Suite
Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install. Then complete the following tasks.
1. Start the Rapid Install wizard
Start the wizard by entering the command rapidwiz at the command prompt. The
Welcome screen appears.

Performing the Upgrade 4-17

Welcome screen

This screen lists the components that are included in, or supported by, this release
of Oracle E-Business Suite. Use the scroll bar to bring all the components into view.
For an upgrade, Rapid Install creates an Oracle 12cR1 Database Oracle Home
without a database. You can use this Oracle Home to upgrade or migrate your
existing database to Oracle 12cR1. If you already have a suitable 11gR2 or 12cR1
Oracle Home, you can use it instead of using the one created by Rapid Install
(which you may remove).
This screen is for information only. No action is required. Click Next to continue.

2. Select a wizard operation

Use the Select Wizard Operation screen to indicate the action you want Rapid
Install to perform. You begin both new installations and upgrades from this screen.
Based on the action you choose, the Rapid Install wizard continues with the
appropriate screen flow.

4-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Wizard Operation screen with "Upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0"
option selected

Choose the option Upgrade to E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0 option to upgrade your
Oracle E-Business Suite products to the current version of Oracle E-Business Suite.
The Rapid Install screen flow presents two paths: one that lays down the file system
and installs the new technology stack, and one that configures servers and starts
services. In subsequent steps, you will enter information in the Rapid Install Wizard
for upgrading a system.

3. Supply Oracle Configuration Manager details

Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) is a component that is designed to facilitate
support for your Oracle products. Use of Oracle Configuration Manager is optional,
but recommended.
A lightweight agent that consumes minimal CPU resources, OCM supports
automatic discovery of installed components and configuration information, and
provides continuous tracking of key Oracle and system statistics of the machine it is
running on.
Data collected is sent via HTTPS (secure HTTP) to Oracle Support, who can thereby
maintain an up-to-date view of your Oracle installation, facilitating pro-active
problem avoidance and helping to reduce the time needed for resolution of support

Performing the Upgrade 4-19


Additional Information: For further details of OCM, click the View

details link on the OCM screen.

Screen to enter email details for security updates

If submission of your details fails because no connection can be made, you are
presented with a pop-up screen prompting for proxy server information:

Specify Proxy Server Information screen

If this screen appears, respond appropriately and then click OK.

4-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

4. Choose upgrade option
On the Select Upgrade Action screen, you can choose to create an upgrade file
system for your upgraded system, or configure the upgraded instance.

Select Upgrade Action screen

The actions associated with an upgrade are performed in separate Rapid Install
sessions, as follows:
• Create Upgrade File System
Choose this option to run Rapid Install as a pre-upgrade step. In the screen flow
associated with this option, the wizard collects configuration parameters for
your system and stores them in the Oracle E-Business Suite database. When
you run Rapid Install, AutoConfig uses these values to lay down the file system
structure and technology stack components for your configuration. When it
runs, it also creates a context file (<CONTEXT_NAME>.xml) that contains all
the parameters that describe your system. This context file is created and
managed by AutoConfig.

Performing the Upgrade 4-21

• Configure Upgraded Release 12.2.0 Instance
Choose this option to run Rapid Install as a post-upgrade task. In the associated
screen flow, you specify the name of the context file (<CONTEXT_NAME>.xml)
that AutoConfig created when you initially ran Rapid Install. This time,
AutoConfig uses the values in the context file to configure the servers and start
the services.

Choose Create Upgrade File System and click Next

5. Specify Global System Settings

On the Global System Settings screen, you indicate required port usage for your
system, selecting the port pool and (if required) individual port values.

4-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Global System Settings screen

After making your selections, click Next to continue.

6. Specify Database Node Configuration

On the Database Node Configuration screen, describe your existing database.

Performing the Upgrade 4-23

Database Node Configuration screen

Enter the database host and database port.

Conditional Action: This note applies only if you are upgrading

from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 or 12.1. If the database
server is using a logical hostname, then specify the logical
hostname instead of the physical hostname in the Database Host
field in this screen.

In the Database SID field, enter the database name, or service name, that you want
Rapid Install to use to identify your existing database. The database name must be
alphanumeric, must not exceed eight characters in length, must not start with a
number, and must not include any spaces. Rapid Install records this name in the
Net Services configuration and in the init<SID>.ora file.

Conditional Action: This note applies only if you are upgrading

from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 with a multitenant

4-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

architecture. For a multitenant architecture, set the Database SID
field to your <EBS_PDB_Name>, that is, the pluggable database
name for your Oracle E-Business Suite database.

Important: The database name specified in this field is used to

determine the database SID. The database SID may vary depending
on your environment.
• In an environment that does not use Oracle RAC, the database
SID is the same as the database name.

• In an Oracle RAC environment, the instance number is

appended to the database name to form the database SID for
each Oracle RAC node.

If you want to use an existing ORACLE_HOME for the upgrade, check the "Use
Existing Oracle Home" check box.

Important: The existing database should be open.

Conditional Action: For Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

and Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( only, the database init.
ora parameter service_names must have an entry called

You must also enter a valid domain name on this screen. This value, when
combined with a host (machine) name, must produce a fully qualified domain
name (FQDN). For example, a hostname of apps1 and domain name of example.
com make up an FQDN of

Important: The host name for the database tier node must be no
longer than 30 characters.
The Rapid Install wizard displays a warning message if the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) exceeds 30 characters. If the host
name for the database tier node is no longer than 30 characters,
then you can ignore the warning and proceed with the installation.
Otherwise you must update the host name before you proceed.

You enter your Oracle RAC nodes as a comma-delimited list, in the form <node1>,
After completing all required details, click Next to continue.

Performing the Upgrade 4-25

7. Review Application User Information
The Review Application User Information screen lists usernames and the default
passwords assigned by the wizard for the Application user.

Important: Record the actual passwords for your existing system

before you continue.

Review Application User Information screen

As shown on the screenshot, the usernames and their respective default passwords
are: APPS Username (APPS), APPS password (APPS), GWYUID username
(APPLSYSPUB), GWYUID Password (PUB), Guest username (GUEST), and Guest
password (ORACLE).
Complete the text fields to change all the passwords on this screen to match those in
your existing system. The wizard stores this information in the configuration file.

Warning: Failing to record this information accurately could

compromise the upgrade.

Click Next to continue.

4-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

8. Internationalization Settings (conditional)
The Internationalization Settings screen displays options for systems that require
NLS functionality.

Important: As noted at the beginning of this section, the database

language and character set values you specify in this Rapid Install
screen should match those of the database that is to be upgraded.

Internationalization Settings screen

The languages you select determine the available options for the other NLS-related
configuration parameters (such as base language, territory, and character set) that
your system requires.
Double-click a language in the Available Languages box to move it into the Selected
Languages box or highlight it and click the right arrow (>). Highlight a language in
the Selected Languages box and click the left arrow (<) to remove it. To select or
deselect all languages in a single action, use the double arrows, >> or <<.

Note: You cannot remove American English from the Selected

Performing the Upgrade 4-27

Languages box.

You may need to perform additional tasks to finish the language installation. See
Oracle E-Business Suite NLS Release Notes for details. You can register additional
languages any time after the initial installation or upgrade. See Registering
Languages in Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.
This screen displays Rapid Install defaults, as described in the following
Selected Languages: If you have other active languages in your existing system,
you can change the default, and add languages to reflect the existing database
character set.
Default Territory: This field is set to AMERICA, and should remain so during the
upgrade. Your system administrator can change this value after the upgrade, if
Database character set and APPL_TOP character set: Defaults to a common
character set that is compatible with the active languages indicated on the Select
Additional Languages screen. If they are not the character sets in your existing
system, select the correct ones from the drop-down list.

Important: If a database connection can be established, the current

database character set is automatically used and the character set
selection screen not displayed. If a connection cannot be
established, you must specify the current database character set
(and no other) in the selection screen that is then displayed.

IANA character set: The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority character set is the
Internet-assigned standard used by the Web server. For more information, see http:
If necessary, change this value to indicate the one used in your existing system.
Click Next to continue.

9. Enter Primary Applications Node information

You have already specified the top-level directory and the mount points for the
RDBMS. Now you must specify top-level directory and subdirectories associated
with the primary Applications node.

4-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Primary Applications Node Configuration screen

Important: The node name returned by the operating system

'hostname' command for the application tier node must be no
longer than 30 characters. If you configure your system to return
only the host name for the node, without the domain name, then
the host name must be no longer than 30 characters. If you
configure your system to return the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN), then the FQDN must be no longer than 30 characters,
including the host name, domain name, and periods (.) used as
The Rapid Install wizard displays a warning message if the FQDN
exceeds 30 characters. If your system returns only the host name as
the node name, and the host name is no longer than 30 characters,
then you can ignore the warning and proceed with the installation.
Otherwise you must update your configuration before you

Performing the Upgrade 4-29

The default directories use the syntax of the operating system on which you are
running Rapid Install. You can either accept the defaults, or enter new values.
Some of the fields are operating system dependent: for example, the UNIX Toolkit
directory and Visual Studio directory are specific to Windows. If using a Windows
platform, enter the location of the MKS (or Cygwin) tools in the UNIX Toolkit
directory field, and the location of the Visual C/C++ executables and DLLs in the
Visual Studio directory field. If using a UNIX system, complete the information for
the Apps OS User (the account that owns the Applications node file system and
technology stack) and Apps OS Group (the group to which the Apps OS User
The Base directory is the top-level directory that Rapid Install will use to derive the
mount points for the Applications node. You can accept the default or enter a new
value. Click Browse to navigate to a new path, and double-click the required
directory to select it.
The Instance directory (new in Release 12) stores instance-specific files, including
runtime generated files, log files, and configuration files. It can be a local directory
(for better access speed). It does not have to be in a shared location.
Creating Additional Applications Nodes
Rapid Install is no longer used to create additional Applications nodes. Instead, you
will use it to create a single Applications node, allow the Rapid Install session to
complete, apply the latest AD and TXK patches to bring the node to the current
codelevel, and then run the requisite cloning commands to create as many
additional Applications nodes as required. This strategy avoids the need to apply
the patches to multiple nodes, thus saving time and effort and reducing the risk of

Note: Scaling the environment is covered in Performing Post-

Upgrade Tasks, page 5-1.

10. Supply Application User Information

4-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Application User Information screen

11. Review Global Settings

Rapid Install uses the values specified on the Global Settings screen to identify a
qualified domain name and to derive port settings that your system will use to
connect services and listeners.

Performing the Upgrade 4-31

Node Information screen

12. Review Pre-Install Checks

Rapid Install begins to validate the configuration described by your configuration

file. It lists the tests performed on the Pre-Install Checks screen and marks each one
with an indication of whether it succeeded or failed.

4-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Pre-Install Checks screen

The results of each test are labeled using an icon. There are three types:
• Check mark
The test succeeded. Click the mark to obtain details of the test performed.

• Exclamation mark (!)

The configuration requires review. Click the ! to obtain information from the
system test review. Rapid Install alerts you if you continue without resolving
the issues.

• An x mark
All issues marked x must be resolved before you continue with the installation.
Click the x to see the errors. If you can resolve an issue by fixing the values
provided on the settings screen(s), click Back until you reach the appropriate
screen, and re-enter the values. Some tests must be resolved in the operating
system. In that case, you may have to restart the Rapid Install wizard after the
problem has been fixed.

Performing the Upgrade 4-33

Important: The following pre-installation checks are expected to
fail if the database is down during creation of the upgrade file
• Technology Codelevel

• Database Version

• Database Name Validation

• Database Service Name

You should therefore verify the results of all these tests manually.

Conditional Action: This note applies only if you are upgrading

from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 with a multitenant
architecture. For a multitenant architecture, you can ignore the
failure related to 'DB service_names check'.

When there are no further issues to resolve, click Next to continue.

13. Run Rapid Install

Rapid Install lists the actions it will take during the installation process. The content
of the list varies, depending on your installation choices.

4-34 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Component Installation Review screen

Click Next to continue. Rapid Install displays another alert screen asking you to
verify that you are ready to begin the installation. Click Yes to continue.
Rapid Install creates new file systems for the application tier, and the 12cR1 Oracle
Home for the database.

Monitor Installation Progress:

1. Check progress bars
During an installation, Rapid Install displays a main progress bar and an individual
progress bar. The main progress bar reports on the completion percentage of the
installation as a whole. The individual progress bar reports on the progress of each
individual step.

Important: The installation is not complete until all progress bars

have disappeared from your screen.

Performing the Upgrade 4-35

Installing Oracle E-Business Suite progress screen

2. Review Post-Install Checks

When the processing is complete, Rapid Install displays the Post-install Checks

Post-Install Checks screen

If the test does not succeed, review the errors listed on the screen. Click the Back

4-36 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

button to return to the appropriate screens and make corrections as needed. Then
click the Retry button.
If there are no errors, click Next. Rapid Install displays a Finish screen that lists the
components that it has installed, and describes any steps you need to perform to
complete the upgrade. Review the information on this screen, and click Finish to
exit Rapid Install.

Finish screen

Preparing the System for Upgrade

Apply Required Application Tier Patches:
Ensure that the required application tier patches for Oracle E-Business Release 12.2 have
been applied.

Required Action: Follow the instructions in the Oracle E-Business Suite

Performing the Upgrade 4-37

Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes
(Doc ID: 1594274.1) to do the following:
• Check for missing application tier patches by executing the Oracle
E-Business Suite Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) -

• Apply the latest application tier patches identified in the report as


• Confirm successful application or required application tier patches

by re-executing the Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Codelevel
Checker (ETCC) -

EBS Tech Patch Automation Tool - Application Tier (ETPAT-AT):

EBS Tech Patch Automation Tool - Application Tier (ETPAT-AT) can be used to apply
missing technology one-offs to the Oracle E-Business Suite Release (EBS) Release 12.2.0
application tier.
ETPAT-AT automates patching of technology one-offs for the following components of
the Oracle E-Business Suite Release (EBS) Release 12.2.0 application tier.
• FMW WebTier

• Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 Smart Update Patch

• Oracle WebLogic Server

• FMW oracle_common

• Forms and Reports

Additional Information: For additional information , refer to Using the

EBS Technology Patch Automation Tool for Application Tier (ETPAT-AT)
(Doc ID: 2749774.1) on My Oracle Support.

Drop Event Alert Triggers in Custom Schemas (conditional):

To drop all event alert database triggers in custom schemas, run the alrdtrig.sql script,
located in $ALR_TOP/patch/115/sql. Re-create the triggers after the upgrade is

Validate GUEST Account:

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes

4-38 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Ensure that the GUEST account is valid and active and that the fnd_user USER_ID for
the GUEST account is set to a value of '6'. For example, the following should return 'Y' if
the GUEST account is valid and active:
SQL> select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','ORACLE') Valid from


If 'N' is returned, then query the error message for more info:
SQL> select fnd_message.get from dual;

Customer Relationship Management Tasks

Complete these tasks only if you are using Customer Relationship Management

Channel Revenue Management:

Perform these tasks if you are using Channel Revenue Management.
1. Process all General Ledger Interface data from ChRM tables.
Applies to: Release 12.0.4, 12.0.6, 12.1.1 and 12.1.2
Run concurrent program 'Transfer to General Ledger' to transfer all accruals and
claims interface data from ChRM interface tables to General Ledger. After the
Release 12.2 upgrade, these interface tables will be obsolete and replaced by
Subledger Architecture migration-related interface tables.

Financials and Procurement Tasks

Complete this task only for the Financials and Procurement products that are active in
your system.

Advanced Collections:
Perform this task only if you are using Oracle Advanced Collections with Strategies.
1. Strategy Workflow checks
Applies to Release 12.0 and 12.1.
Apply the diagnostic scripts patch 13027498:R12.IEX.A when upgrading from R12.
0.X and apply 13027498:R12.IEX.B when upgrading from 12.1.X. This patch contains
scripts for Collection Strategy Workflow.
From the Collections Agent responsibility using the user name 'SYSADMIN', stop
any scheduled Workflow Background Process concurrent program request for the
following Item Types:

Performing the Upgrade 4-39

• IEXSTRY - IEX: Collection Strategy Work Flow

• IEXSTFFM - IEX: Strategy Fulfilment Mailer

• IEXSTRCM - IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow

Run the script $IEX_TOP/patch/115/sql/iexswowf.sql to check and clean the

strategies running without workflow. This script requires two parameters: FND
username and Reponsibility for audit table and logs. For Example, you can run the
script using the following:
• username: SYSADMIN

• responsibility: Collections Agent

Run the script $IEX_TOP/patch/115/sql/iexstorg.sql to update Org_ID column in

IEX_STRATEGIES table to operate Strategy by Operating unit. There are no
parameters to run this script.

Subledger Accounting:
Perform this task if you are using Oracle Subledger Accounting.
1. Clean up Advance Queues from prior Create Accounting processes before
enabling Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR).
Applies to Release 12.0 and 12.1.
Apply patch 13420532:R12.XLA.A when upgrading from Release 12.0.x and apply
Patch 13420532:R12.XLA.B when upgrading from Release 12.1.x to clean up
temporary advance queues that were created by prior Create Accounting program
processes. Pending Advance Queues of completed Create Accounting processes do
not create upgrade issues, but must be cleaned up for EBR.

Note: You can perform this pre-upgrade step while the pre-
upgrade system is online.

Human Resource Management (HRMS)

All custom database objects that are mapped to seeded APIs/Row Handlers must be
changed from LONG/LONG RAW to CLOB.
The LONG and LONG RAW data type was obsoleted by the database group in release 8
i and was replaced by the CLOB data type. LONG and LONG RAW remain a valid data
type only for backward compatibility and have numerous restrictions. Many database
features after release 8i do not support the LONG and LONG RAW data type, and
interferes with upgrading to new technologies. Specifically, for Online Patching, LONG
and LONG RAW columns cannot be referenced in a database trigger. This means that

4-40 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

LONG and LONG RAW columns cannot be patched using Online Patching as the
solution uses Cross Edition Triggers to upgrade data. Changes to seed data in the RUN
edition cannot be propagated to the PATCH edition as Cross Edition Triggers are used
to synchronize the changes. Due to this, all database objects/Oracle Forms/JAVA
pages/PRO C/API programs have been changed to use CLOB data type that were
previously using LONG and LONG RAW data types.
However, Oracle provides implicit conversion between LONG/LONG RAW data types
and LOB data types, with one limitation in this conversion. The maximum size of a LOB
is 128 terabytes depending on database block size, and the maximum size of a LONG is
two gigabytes. If more than two gigabytes of data is assigned to LONG/LONG RAW
data types from the CLOB data type, then a VALUE_ERROR exception will be raised.
All of the seed Database Objects/Oracle Forms/JAVA Pages/PRO C code/APIs have
been modified to use the CLOB data type and provides more storage. If these new large
values are passed to old custom programs that continue to use old LONG/LONG RAW
data type and have less storage, then the exception error will be raised.
This enhancement will affect the functionality of User Hook pre-processors, Business
Event pre-processors, and Data Pump pre-processors. Oracle suggests that you use the
following script to identify procedure/UDF containing LONG parameters, and mapped
with seeded APIs/Row Handlers:
FROM all_arguments
WHERE (package_name,object_name) IN
FROM hr_api_hook_calls
AND data_type = 'LONG';

Action: When all database objects have been identified, change the
datatype to CLOB. Refer to LONG to CLOB Conversion Procedures, Oracle
E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

Supply Chain Management Tasks

The tasks in this section are required only if you are using Oracle Supply Chain
Management products.

Install Base:
Perform these tasks if you are using Oracle Install Base.
1. Check for Possible Corruption on User-defined Installed Base Transaction

Performing the Upgrade 4-41

Applies to: Release 12.1
If you are upgrading from Release 12.1, then check your system for possible
corruption on the user-defined Installed Base Transaction SubTypes. If additional
Installed Base Transaction SubTypes or changes to the user-defined Installed Base
Transaction SubTypes are identified, then you must fix them before upgrading to
Release 12.2.

Required Action: For instructions, refer to Generic Datafix For

Installed Base Transaction SubTypes Data Corruption Caused by
csitxnst.ldt (Doc ID: 1681308.1).

Order Management:
Perform these tasks if you are using Oracle Order Management.
1. Check for the Nullable Hold Entity ID
Applies to: Release 12.1
If you are upgrading from release 12.1, then you should check for the Nullable Hold
Entity ID and fix it to NOT NULL. Carefully follow the instructions in the readme
of Patch 14191792:R12.ONT.B.

Product Hub:
Perform these tasks if you are using Oracle Product Hub.
1. Using the Packing Hierarchy Structure Type
Applies to: Release 12.0
If you are upgrading from 12.0 and have used Packaging Hierarchy structure type,
then note that only the preferred packaging structure from this structure type is
migrated over in the upgrade process. If you have defined multiple packaging
structures and want to migrate all of them, then consider bringing them into the
system by transferring them into other structure types, at which time they will be
treated as regular structure types and not Packs.

2. Backing Up User Defined Attributes Data for Items

Applies to: Release 12.0
Considerable changes have been made to the data model that stores Item user
defined attributes in Release 12.2. Upgrade scripts are available to automatically
manage these changes. However, if these scripts fail during upgrade, there can be
potential loss of data. Oracle recommends that you back up the following tables
before you proceed with the upgrade.

4-42 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide



You can discard the backups when the upgrade is completed and the pre-upgrade
UDA data for items have been functionally verified. This is required only if you are
upgrading from Release 12.0 to Release 12.2.

3. Checking for Duplicate Records

Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1
Run the following query and verify the output:

If the above query returns '0' as the output, then perform the following steps:
1. Take backup of ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_b table

2. Refer to Doc ID: 953449.1 and run the script provided in the 'Identification
Script' column within the 'Solution - Datafix' section to identify duplicate
If there are duplicate records, then run the scripts provided in the 'Fix' column
within the 'Solution - Datafix' section for the appropriate base version to delete
duplicate records.

Note: You must eliminate duplicate records before upgrading

to Release 12.2. If you require help eliminating duplicate
records, then contact Oracle Support.

4. Managing Open New Item Requests

Applies to: Release 12.0
Because there are significant changes to New Item Requests (NIR) between Releases
12.0 and 12.2, all existing NIRs should be closed before the upgrade. For example,
close NIRs by changing to either Implemented or Rejected. This is required only if
you are upgrading from Release 12.0 to Release 12.2.

Database and System Administration Tasks

1. Reset init.ora parameters (required)

Performing the Upgrade 4-43

Required Action: Follow the instructions in Database Initialization
Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 396009.1)
and reset the init.ora parameters as required.

2. Gather SYS, Fixed Object and Dictionary Statistics (required)

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
Process all steps as the user'SYSDBA'. For multitenant architecture, perform the
following steps on your Oracle E-Business Suite pluggable database.
1. Gather SYS schema statistics:
options=>'GATHER STALE',
estimate_percent =>
method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO',
cascade => TRUE);

2. Fixed Object and Dictionary Statistics

These should have been previously gathered, correct and up-to-date on the pre-
upgrade environment.
exec dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats;
exec dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats;

Additional Information: Refer to Best Practices for Minimizing

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 and 12.2.n Upgrade
Downtime (Doc ID: 1581549.1).

3. Gather schema statistics (required)

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1
Schema statistics are gathered by the FND_STATS process, which you can execute
by running the Gather Schema Statistics concurrent program.

Note: During normal operation, you should gather schema

statistics on a regular basis to ensure that the cost-based optimizer
can generate optimal SQL execution plans. In preparation for an
upgrade, gathering statistics should be one of the final tasks you
perform before starting the upgrade downtime: this will ensure

4-44 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

that the statistics are current.

From your Release 12 APPL_TOP, perform the following steps:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as the System Administrator.

2. Navigate to the Submit Request window (Requests > Run).

3. Submit the Gather Schema Statistics program.

Alternatively, run the following procedure manually:


Where: parallel_degree is set to the value of the database initialization (init.ora)

parameter parallel_max_servers for your instance.
The parameters for FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATISTICS are as follows:
$ FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATISTICS (<schema name>, <estimate
percent>, <degree of parallelism>, <backup flag>, <restart request
ID, if applicable>, <history mode>, <gather options>, <modifications
threshold>, <invalidate dependent cursors>);

Additional Information: Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite

Maintenance Guide for more information on the Gather Schema
Statistics concurrent program and the FND_STATS.

Set the schema name to ALL to gather statistics for all Oracle E-Business Suite
schemas (those with an entry in the FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS table). In
addition to gathering index and table-level statistics, the program gathers column-
level histogram statistics for all columns listed in the FND_HISTOGRAM_COLS

Note: Oracle recommends that you use the 'GATHER AUTO'

option, which gathers statistics for objects that have not been
previously had statistics collected, or whose rows have changed
significantly since the last run. The default is 10%.

Depending on the size and number of changes to your database, gathering schema
statistics may take a long time. Using the 'GATHER AUTO' option can reduce the
overall time, as it uses an incremental approach.
Customers who gather schema statistics at 10% for all schemas and then again at a
higher percentage for specific schemas or tables should initially continue this
approach to avoid performance degradation. Review this process during the
performance test phase.

Performing the Upgrade 4-45

Once the pre-upgrade steps have been completed, consider using the 'GATHER_
AUTO' option and the DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE feature (available in
Oracle Database 11gR1 and later). The AUTO sample size feature takes data skew
into account, and may avoid the need to gather schema statistics at a higher
percentage: in addition, it is likely to take the same time as using a manual
approach with a percentage between 10-20 percent. When invoking the Gather
Statistics concurrent program, Oracle recommends leaving the estimate_percent
parameter blank. The program automatically selects the default value for the
estimate_percent parameter. If you provide a value, then statistics will be gathered
at the specified percentage. If the database version is 11g or higher, then the default
value for this parameter is dbms_stats.auto_sample_size. (For previous releases it
was set to 10%.)

Note: See Query Optimization in Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts for

more information.

4. Install JRE on the database tier (conditional)

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
If you are planning to run Rapid Install in Upgrade Mode by using the Use Existing
ORACLE HOME option, then you must install JRE in the Database
ORACLE_HOME/appsutil as follows:
• For Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( or Oracle Database Release 12c
Release 1 (
Download the latest JRE 7 Update. For optimum stability, performance,
scalability, and OS vendor support, use the latest available update of JRE for the
Oracle E-Business Suite database tier. The JRE download location is: http:

Conditional Action: Do not download the Java SE Development Kit

(JDK). To download platform specific JRE and additional
information on installation, refer to Using JDK 7.0 Latest Update with
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1530033.1).

• For Oracle Database 19c:

Install JRE 8 on the database tier using the following instructions:
cp ?r <DB ORACLE_HOME>/jdk/jre <DB ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil
cp <DB ORACLE_HOME>/jlib/orai18n.jar <DB

5. Synchronize values of APPLPTMP with Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O
based Concurrent Requests (required)
Supported in EURC-DT: Yes

4-46 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Concurrent processing (CP) may run PL/SQL (inside of the database) that creates
output and log files using the utl_file package. On all CP nodes, ensure that the
$APPLPTMP environment variable is set to the first database directory defined for
PL/SQL file I/O. If you use a RAC database, then $APPLPTMP should point to a
directory on a shared file system visible to all the RAC nodes. This ensures that CP
can locate the output and log files created from PL/SQL.
For Oracle Database 19c, you can retrieve the value of UTL_FILE_DIR by using the
following command as 'APPS' user:
SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='utl_file_dir';

Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database
Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases
12.1 and 12.2 for more information.

6. Perform a system backup

Applies to: All 12.0 and 12.1 releases
Make a cold backup of the Oracle E-Business Suite database. Back up the Oracle E-
Business Suite database. If you encounter problems during the upgrade process,
you can use this backup to restore your system to the state before you began the

Performing the Upgrade to Release 12.2.0

This section describes the tasks required to initiate the upgrade process. All the tasks
must be performed during the upgrade downtime. The following table provides a
checklist of the tasks required in this chapter.

Important: After laying down the File System using Rapid Install, do
not change the password for any products. Doing so may result in the
following error: 'ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
occurred while executing the SQL statement: CONNECT JTF/*****'
If the password for a product is changed, then FNDCPASS should be
run to revert the password to the default value. Adpatch can be
resumed after the password is restored to the original value.

These tasks... are located here...

Disable AOL Audit Trail (conditional) , page 4-49

Performing the Upgrade 4-47

These tasks... are located here...

Shut down application tier listeners and , page 4-49

concurrent managers (required)

Update init.ora with upgrade parameters , page 4-49


Set FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS to , page 4-50

UNLIMITED for Oracle E-Business Suite

Disable custom triggers, constraints, indexes, , page 4-50

business events, and VPD (conditional)

Check for data dictionary corruption and time , page 4-50

stamp mismatch

Compile invalid objects , page 4-51

Rebuild unusable indices , page 4-52

Refresh materialized view (conditional) , page 4-52

Back up the database (recommended) , page 4-52

Disable database auditing (recommended) , page 4-52

Ensure that Maintenance Mode is enabled , page 4-53


Apply AD 12.2 upgrade driver (required) , page 4-53

Apply the consolidated upgrade patch and , page 4-53

run the 12.2.0 Upgrade (required)

Disable maintenance mode (required) , page 4-55

Back up Oracle E-Business Suite , page 4-56


Important: You must turn off the Database Vault before upgrading to

4-48 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

12.2.0. After enabling EBR+upgrade to 12.2.x, re-enable the Database

1. Disable AOL Audit Trail (conditional)

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
If you use the Oracle Applications Object Library Audit Trail feature, then you must
disable it before the upgrade.
From the System Administrator responsibility under the R12.0 or 12.1 APPL_TOP,
navigate to Security > Audit Trail > Groups. In the Audit Groups window, set the
Group State field to Disable - Prepare for Archive for each audit group defined. Run
the Audit Trail Update Tables report from the Submit Requests window (Requests >

Conditional Action: If you plan to re-enable auditing after the

upgrade, then archive and purge the shadow tables now. Data
changes made after implementing this step are not audited. Refer to
Audit Trail in the Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide for

Note: See Audit Trail in Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

2. Shut down application tier listeners and concurrent managers (required)

Navigate to Concurrent > Requests. In the Find Requests window, select All my
requests. Click Find, and click Hold Pending requests as necessary. Then, as System
Administrator, choose Administer Concurrent Managers. Navigate to the Control
field and select Deactivate.
Shut down all application tier services including Concurrent Managers using the
adstpall script. Do this from your existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Note: If you want to isolate post-upgrade concurrent programs to a

separate manager queue, then refer to Managing Concurrent
Processes, page A-1 of this guide.

3. Update init.ora with upgrade parameters (required)

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
Initialization parameters required at each stage of an upgrade may vary depending
on when you upgrade your database. Set the appropriate parameters now. If your
processes and sessions values in the init.ora file is the default values provided by

Performing the Upgrade 4-49

the Oracle E-Business Suite installation of 300 and 600, then you should consider
doubling these during the upgrade process to avoid connection issues.

Note: See Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications

Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 396009.1).

4. Set FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS to UNLIMITED for Oracle E-Business Suite

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
The database provides parameters to enforce password management policies.
However, some of the database password policy parameters may lock out the
Oracle E-Business Suite schema. Therefore, ensure that
FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS is set to 'UNLIMITED' for database profiles
associated with Oracle E-Business Suite schema.

Additional Information: For details, refer to the Secure Configuration

chapter in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Security Guide.

5. Disable custom triggers, constraints, indexes, business events, and VPD

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
Disable custom triggers or constraints on Oracle E-Business Suite tables. Re-enable
these triggers after the upgrade. If you have custom indexes on Applications tables,
then determine whether they can affect performance during the upgrade, and drop
them if necessary. If you are not sure, then it is best to drop the indexes and add
them after the upgrade, if the new release has not created a similar index.

6. Check for data dictionary corruption and time stamp mismatch

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
If not already applied, then apply the latest Online Patching Readiness and GSCC
Report Patch for the code level from which you are upgrading. Refer to Using the
Online Patching Readiness Report in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2(Doc ID:
1531121.1) on My Oracle Support.
1. Check for Data Dictionary Corruption+
Run the $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adzddtsfix.sql script, following the usage
instructions provided.
Run the $AD_TOP/sql/ADZDDBCC.sql script to identify whether logical data
dictionary corruption is present. If no corruption is found, then proceed with
the upgrade. If corruption is present, then follow Step 2 as follows:

4-50 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

2. Fix Data Dictionary Corruption (conditional)

Note: Follow these steps only as a fix when logical data

dictionary corruption (missing parent) is present.

Copy the script $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adzddmpfix.sql to the database tier.

On the database tier, connect to the database as SYSDBA.

Note: If you are on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 or

Release 12.2 with a multitenant architecture, to connect to a
multitenant architecture database as SYSDBA, run the
following commands to set the database SID field to
<EBS_PDB_Name>, the pluggable database name for your
Oracle E-Business Suite database:
• $ source <CDB_NAME>_<NODE_NAME>.env

• $ export ORACLE_PDB_SID=<EBS_PDB_Name>

• $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

Run the $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adzddmpfix.sql script.

On the application tier, run the $AD_TOP/sql/ADZDDBCC.sql script again to
identify whether data dictionary corruption is still present.
If no corruption is found, then proceed with the upgrade. If corruption is still
present, then proceed to Step 3 as follows:

3. Additional Actions for Data Dictionary Corruption (conditional)

Note: Follow these steps only when data dictionary corruption

is present after following the steps in step 2 above.

On the database tier, go to the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory.

Run the utlirp.sql script, following the usage instructions provided.
Run the utlrp.sql script, following the usage instructions provided.
On the application tier, run the $AD_TOP/sql/ADZDDBCC.sql script again to
identify whether data dictionary corruption is still present. If no corruption is
found, then proceed with the upgrade or patching cycle.
If corruption is still present, then contact Oracle Support and request a bug to
be logged.

7. Compile invalid objects

Performing the Upgrade 4-51

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
If any invalid objects exist, then you must connect to sqlplus using 'apps' to login
and run the following:
$ exec sys.utl_recomp.recomp_parallel

8. Rebuild unusable indices

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
1. An index must be usable. If an index, or indices are unusable, then you must
rebuild the unusable indices:
Unusable indices block DML access to the table. Rebuild any unusable indices
with the following command:
alter index index_owner.index_name rebuild

Note: You can ignore indices on unused tables.

2. Search for failed domain indices and fix them:

You can identify failed domain indices and fix them with the following
select index_name,index_type,owner,table_name,table_owner,
domidx_opstatus from dba_indexes where domidx_opstatus in

9. Refresh materialized view (conditional)

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes
To reduce the overall upgrade time, you can optionally run the
ADZDMVREFRESHNEEDED.SQL script before starting with the Release 12.2.0
upgrade. To implement the most recent online patching readiness and GSCC report
patch, refer to Using the Online Patching Readiness Report in Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1531121.1) in My Oracle Support.

10. Back up the database (recommended)

Back up the Oracle E-Business Suite database. If you encounter problems during the
upgrade process, then you can use this backup to restore your system to the same
state before you began the upgrade.

11. Disable database auditing (recommended)

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes

If you have enabled Oracle database auditing, then it is recommended to disable
database auditing for the duration of the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
upgrade. You can enable Oracle database auditing after the Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 upgrade.

4-52 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Note: Use the database initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL to
enable and disable Oracle database auditing.

12. Ensure that Maintenance Mode is enabled (required)

Maintenance Mode restricts logins and the type of operations that the system can
perform. Ensure that Maintenance Mode is enabled before you continue.
1. Source the applications run file system environment file as found in the fs1 file
system appl_top.

2. From the AD Administration Main Menu, choose the Change Maintenance

Mode option.

3. The Change Maintenance Mode menu displays the current Maintenance Mode
status at the top of the page. The status should be Disabled at this point.

4. Select Option 1, Enable Maintenance Mode.

13. Apply AD 12.2 upgrade driver (required)

Download and unzip the AD Upgrade Patch for 12.2 (patch 10117518). Follow the
instructions in the patch readme to use AutoPatch to run it from the 12.2 Run File

Important: AD Upgrade Patch for 12.2 (patch 10117518) patch

readme contains information about the latest Consolidated
Upgrade Patch (CUP) for AD. You must follow the patch 10117518
readme and apply it after merging with the latest AD Consolidated
Upgrade Patch (CUP), as instructed in the readme.

Caution: Ensure that the environment file from the 12.2 RUN File
System is sourced prior to applying this patch.

14. Apply the consolidated upgrade patch and run the 12.2.0 Upgrade (required)

The Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for Release 12.2.0 combines critical
upgrade error corrections and upgrade performance improvements from Release
11i/12.0/12.1 into a consolidated suite-wide patch.

Action: Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2

(Doc ID: 1320300.1) for the latest Consolidated Upgrade Patch and
Pre-install patches.

Performing the Upgrade 4-53

Note: This patch is only intended for upgrade customers who are
upgrading to Release 12.2.0. If you are already at Release 12.2.0 or
beyond, do NOT apply this patch.

1. Prerequisite: Apply the AD Upgrade Patch for Release 12.2 by merging it with
the latest Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for AD.
• The AD Upgrade Patch for Release 12.2 readme contains information about
the latest Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for AD.

• You must follow the Patch readme and apply it by merging it with the
latest Consolidated Upgrade Patch for AD, along with any other patches
mentioned in the Readme, as instructed in the readme and by referring to
the Upgrade Guides.

2. Apply the Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for Release 12.2.0 in pre-
installation mode on the Run Edition File System.

Note: Before applying the patch for the latest CUP in pre-
installation mode:
If you have applied any other patch previously in pre-
installation mode and do not intend to merge it with 12.2.0
upgrade driver u10124646.drv, clean up the directory
<APPL_TOP>/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall on run file
system after taking the backup of the current directory.

$ adpatch preinstall=y

• Apply the pre-upgrade patches that were released after the Consolidated
Upgrade Patch.
Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1448102.2 for the Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Pre-install Patches Report. It provides a list of
essential patches that you must apply in pre-install mode before upgrading
from Release 11i/12.0/12.1 to Release 12.2. Follow the recommendations
within My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1448102.2 and apply the
additional pre-install patches.
Individual pre-install patches that are listed in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Pre-install Patches Report can be merged with the
Consolidated Upgrade Patch and applied together.

3. Merge the patch drivers in $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/preinstall

directory with the 12.2.0 upgrade driver $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver/u10124646.

4-54 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Note: All of the patch driver files located under
$APPL_TOP/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall are merged with
the 12.2.0 upgrade driver
<AU_TOP>/patch/115/driver/u10124646.drv. Therefore,
carefully evaluate the content of the directory
<APPL_TOP>/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall and retain only
those patch drivers including the latest Oracle E-Business Suite
CUP patch driver. It is intended to be merged with the 12.2.0
upgrade driver (u10124646.drv).

Merging patch drivers in run file system's

<APPL_TOP>/admin/<TWO_TASK>/preinstall with
• Change directory to <AU_TOP>/patch/115/driver
$ cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
$ admrgpch -d . -preinstall -master u10124646.drv

Note: The default merged driver by name u_merged.drv is

then created in the destination directory that is specified.

4. Apply the newly merged 12.2.0 upgrade driver (For example, -

<AU_TOP>/patch/115/driver/u_merged.drv) to the Run File System with the
following command:
$ adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion

Important: None of the application tier services should be

started until you upgrade to the certified release update pack
for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

15. Disable maintenance mode (required)

Maintenance mode controls the system downtime period by managing user logins.
To disable maintenance mode, use the Change Maintenance Mode menu in AD

Note: Once the system is enabled for online patching, the

Maintenance Mode option is not available.

1. From the AD Administration Main Menu, choose the Change Maintenance

Mode option.

2. The Change Maintenance Mode menu displays the current Maintenance Mode

Performing the Upgrade 4-55

status at the top of the screen. It should be Enabled.

3. Select Option 2, Disable Maintenance Mode.

16. Back up Oracle E-Business Suite (recommended)

Perform a full Oracle E-Business Suite backup of the application and database.

Finishing the 12.2.0 Upgrade

You must complete all the tasks in this section to finish the upgrade. All the tasks must
be completed during system downtime on the Release 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite
1. Configure Release 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite instance (required)
When you ran Rapid Install in the Prepare for the Upgrade section of Chapter 2, it
created and stored an instance-specific context by replacing system variables you
entered on the wizard screens with the specific values you saved in the
configuration file (config.txt). At this point in the upgrade, point Rapid Install to the
Application Tier context file. Rapid Install (using AutoConfig) updates your system
configuration using the values it finds in the context file.
1. Update the DB ORACLE_HOME file system with AutoConfig and Clone
files (conditional)

Note: If you have installed Database ORACLE_HOME

using the latest StartCD, then skip this step.

On the application tier (as the APPLMGR user), log on to the APPL_TOP
environment (source the environment file) and run this perl script to create in <INST_TOP>/admin/out. Source the applications run file system
environment file as found in the fs1 file system appl_top.
$ perl <AD_TOP>/bin/

On the database tier (as the ORACLE user), copy or FTP the file to
the <DB ORACLE_HOME> and unzip the file. Change directory to DB Oracle
Home as follows:

Unzip the file with the following command:

$ unzip -o

2. Install JRE on the database tier (conditional)

If you have not installed JRE on Database Tier (see below) before running Rapid
Install in Upgrade mode by using 'Use Existing ORACLE_HOME' as described

4-56 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

in Preparing for the Upgrade, then install JRE on the database tier. If you have
used ORACLE HOME installed by Rapid Install, then skip this step.
• For Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( or Oracle Database Release 12c
Release 1 (
Install JRE on the database tier to ensure that the application tier and the
database tier matches. Download the latest JRE 7 Update. For optimum
stability, performance, scalability, and OS vendor support, use the latest
available update of JRE for the Oracle E-Business Suite database tier.

Conditional Action: Do not download the Java SE

Development Kit (JDK). To download platform specific JRE
and additional information on installation, refer to Using JDK
7.0 Latest Update with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc
ID: 1530033.1).

• For Oracle Database 19c:

Install JRE 8 (on the database tier) using the following instructions:
cp -r <DB ORACLE_HOME>/jdk/jre <DB ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil
cp <DB ORACLE_HOME>/jlib/orai18n.jar <DB

3. Create the Context Name directory in the DB oracle home

Note: This step is not applicable for multitenant architecture.

Copy listener.ora and tnsnames.ora from the

$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory to the
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME> directory.

Note: Verify that these files were correctly generated through

autoconfig by checking the timestamp from the last autoconfig
run, ensuring that they were properly instantiated. For
example, for the listener.ora, check that there are correct SID
references that came from the %s_db_listener% value in the

4. Set and export the following environment variables


• export

Performing the Upgrade 4-57

• export ORACLE_SID=<instance name for current database node>

Note: For multitenant architecture, export


• export

Note: For multitenant architecture, set and export the

following environment variable: export

• PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:/usr/bin:

• PERL5LIB=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/[perl

(for Windows)


5. Generate a new database context file as follows:

Note: This step applies only to customers using their existing

DB home during the upgrade.

$ cd <DB ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
$ perl

Note: If your Oracle E-Business Suite database is on a logical

hostname, then you must instead run following command:
perl servername=<logical hostname>

where <logical hostname> is the Fully Qualified Domain Name

4-58 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

(FQDN) for the logical host.

Example: If the logical hostname for the database tier is, then you must run the following

C:\> cd <DB ORACLE_HOME>\appsutil\bin
C:\> perl

6. Clean up old node information prior to configuring the Oracle E-Business

Suite Release 12.2 application tier
Connect as the APPS user to the Oracle E-Business Suite Database, or the Oracle
E-Business Suite Pluggable Database (in case of 19c) and run the following
$ exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean ;

Note: fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean cleans all node information

including primary and secondary nodes for all concurrent
managers. If you are running a multi-node system with
Concurrent Managers defined on multiple nodes, then you
must process that setup as part of the post-upgrade steps after
services are started.

7. Synchronize values of APPLPTMP with Database Directories for PL/SQL File

I/O based Concurrent Requests (required)
Concurrent processing (CP) may run PL/SQL (inside of the database) that
creates output and log files using the utl_file package. On all CP nodes, ensure
that the $APPLPTMP environment variable is set to the first database directory
defined for PL/SQL file I/O. If you use a RAC database, then $APPLPTMP
should point to a directory on a shared file system visible to all the RAC nodes.
This ensures that CP can locate the output and log files created from PL/SQL.
For Oracle Database 19c, you can retrieve the value of UTL_FILE_DIR by using
the following command as 'APPS' user:
SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='utl_file_dir';

Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database
Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite
Releases 12.1 and 12.2 for more information.

Performing the Upgrade 4-59

8. Run AutoConfig on the database tier nodes
For Database version Oracle 12c Release 1 ( and Database version
Oracle 19c:
$ <DB ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/ contextfile=<context
file created in step 5>

C:\> <DB ORACLE_HOME>\appsutil\bin\adconfig.cmd
contextfile=<context file created in step 5>

For Database version Oracle 11g Release 2 (

If your database version is, then execute after setting
PERL5LIB as described in step 4 above.
$ perl <DB ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/
contextfile=<context file created in step 5>

9. Source the Run file system environment file

On the application tier, source the environment file for the run file system.
Run the following command to confirm that the environment is properly set:

Verify that the command returns 'run'.

10. Drop table ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG from APPS schema

• Prior to running Rapid Install to configure the Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12 instance, check if table - ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG exists in
APPS schema:
select object_name, object_type, owner, status from dba_objects where
upper(object_name)='ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG' and object_type='TABLE'
and upper(owner)='<APPS schema name>';
Execute the following commands to drop table

Note: It will be recreated during autoconfig with APPLSYS

$ cd <AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql
$ sqlplus APPS/<APPS Schema password>

11. Configuring the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Application Tier

You will now run Rapid Install to configure the application tier services.

4-60 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Configure an Existing Instance
When you ran Rapid Install previously, it created and stored an instance-
specific context by replacing system variables you entered on the wizard
screens with the specific values you saved in the configuration file (config.txt).
In this section, you point Rapid Install to the Applications context file, so that it
can use the values there to complete the process of configuring your system.
Start by running the preamble actions:
1. Ensure that the database and listeners have been started.

2. Start the Rapid Install Wizard by entering the command rapidwiz.

3. On the Welcome Screen, click Next.

4. Select the option Upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0.

5. Specify Oracle Configuration Manager Details

You will now perform the relevant upgrade actions.

1. Configure upgraded instance
On the Select Wizard Operation screen, choose the Upgrade to Oracle
Applications 12.2.0 option to indicate you are performing an upgrade. This
displays the Select Upgrade Action screen.

Performing the Upgrade 4-61

Select Upgrade Action

On this screen, select Configure Upgraded Release 12.2.0 Instance to indicate

that you want to configure the services for the upgraded database.

2. Indicate name and location of context file

When you ran Rapid Install previously, it configured your system by
replacing system variables you entered on the wizard screens with the
specific values you saved in the configuration file (config.txt). It stored this
information as an Applications context file called <CONTEXT_NAME>.

Additional Information: See the Technical Configuration

chapter in Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts.

Complete the directory path to point Rapid Install to the File System 1
Applications context file, $INST_TOP>/appl/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>.
xml. For example,
_NAME>.xml. You may either enter the path directly in the box, or click

4-62 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Browse and select the path.
Click Next to continue.

3. Run pre-install checks

Rapid Install performs a series of system tests to validate the configuration
specified. The System Check Status screen checks port availability.
The Validate System Configuration screen appears, to indicate whether
various pre-install requirements for the installation have been met. The pre-
install check screen then appears:

4. Begin the configuration process

For security, the APPS password is not saved in the context file, so you will
be prompted to re-enter it on the Review Application User Information
screen. Enter the information as requested and click Next.
Rapid Install notifies you of the components and processes it will configure.
Click Next to continue. At the prompt about beginning the installation now,
click Yes.
When the process is complete, Rapid Install displays a screen that shows

Performing the Upgrade 4-63

you the steps that were performed:

Click Finish to exit Rapid Install. This phase of the upgrade is now

Warning: Do not start the application tier services at this

When directed to do so in this chapter, you will start the
the Weblogic Admin Server (which in turn starts the Node
Manager) as a requirement for applying the latest AD and
TXK Release Update Packs (as documented in the AD and
TXK patch ReadMe).
After the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update
Pack for Release 12.2 is applied, you will be directed to
start the application tier services.

2. Upgrade considerations for Add-on Localization products (conditional)

Action: If you have been using Add-on Localizations products

4-64 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

(CLE, CLL, CLA, or CLJ), then you must review the Add-on
Localizations - Upgrade Consideration documents on My Oracle
Support for upgrade steps and tasks to be completed before EBR
enablement. Refer to Add-on Localizations - Upgrade Consideration
(Doc ID: 1491965.1)

3. Integrate custom database objects and schemas (conditional)

Action: If you previously created custom objects or have custom

schemas that must be tightly integrated with Oracle E-Business
Suite, then follow the steps in the Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's
Guide to reintegrate these customizations with the APPS schema.

This release uses Invoker Rights for most PL/SQL packages. Executing these
packages from custom schemas may require additional grants from, and synonyms
to, APPS schema objects. Oracle recommends that you explicitly declare Invoker
Rights or Definer Rights for custom PL/SQL packages. See the PL/SQL User's Guide
and Reference for more information.

Additional Information: For more information refer to the PL/SQL

User's Guide and Reference.

Custom database objects must follow the naming standards for custom object
names to avoid conflict with Oracle E-Business Suite.

Caution: When naming database objects, use XX as a part of the

short name. For example, you might define the custom application
to use the short name XXGL, and database objects to begin with an
XXGL_ prefix.

Suggested Reading: See Defining your Custom Application in the

Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

Enabling Online Patching

Complete the following steps to enable online patching after the upgrade has finished:
1. Verify the database version
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Online Patching requires the database to be
upgraded to version or higher. Ensure that the database upgrade was
completed properly and without errors.

Performing the Upgrade 4-65

2. Verify that the latest patches have been applied to the database and application
The Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC) utility provides
two scripts you can run to help ensure you have the necessary database and
application tier bugfixes installed on your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
system. Oracle strongly recommends the use of this utility to ensure that all
required database and application tier bugfixes have been installed.
You can download ETCC from My Oracle Support (patch 17537119). ETCC maps
missing bugfixes to the default corresponding patches and displays them in a patch
recommendation summary. If your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 installation
has additional patches installed as well as the recommended patches, then you may
need to install a merge patch from Oracle Support. As well as installation
instructions and basic commands, the README for this patch includes a number of
usage scenarios and examples so should be carefully reviewed before running

3. Gather SYS schema statistics:

Run the following step as 'SYSDBA' user. For multitenant architecture, perform the
following steps on your Oracle E-Business Suite pluggable database.
options=>'GATHER STALE',
estimate_percent =>
method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO',
cascade => TRUE);

4. Apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Online Patching Readiness and GSCC
Report Patch
You must apply the Oracle E-Business Suite Online Patching Readiness and GSCC
Report Patch (Consolidate Standalone Readiness Report Patch) applicable for
Release 12.2 and higher by referring to Using the Online Patching Readiness Report in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1531121.1), before you proceed with the
following steps.

Important: The Consolidate Standalone Readiness Report Patch

must be applied using adpatch on the Run Edition File System
before proceeding with the following steps, including EBR

5. Run the Online Patching Enablement - Readiness Reports

Action: For instructions on downloading these utilities, refer to

4-66 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Using the Online Patching Readiness Report in Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1531121.1).

Refer to Using the Online Patching Readiness Report in Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2 (Doc ID: 1531121.1) for instructions on how to download these utilities.
You must run the following utility from the application tier APPL_TOP. It reports
EBR violations that include objects not complying with the EBR rule about Non-
Editioned Objects (data storage objects such as Tables and Materialized Views), and
referencing editioned objects (code objects such as: Packages, Triggers, Object
Types, and so on). This report also lists several naming standard violations that
must be fixed prior to applying the online patching enablement patch.
1. Initialize the Run File System environment:
$ source <RUN APPL_TOP>/<Instance SID>_<hostname>.env

Note: The subsequent steps assume that you are running in the
same session which was initialized with this environment file.
If you need additional operating system level sessions,
remember to initialize the environment with this same
environment file.

2. Create the online patching log file location and set it as the current directory:
$ mkdir $LOG_HOME/appl/op
$ cd $LOG_HOME/appl/op

Note: The $LOG_HOME directory will be under the instance

top of the run file system.

3. Run the following Readiness reports:

• ADZDPSUM.sql - Provides a summary of the schemas that will be
editioned and also schemas with objects that depend on Oracle E-Business
Suite code that is recommended to be editioned. You can register these
schemas with the application by running the commands that will be listed
in the last section of this report. Oracle recommends that you run this
report again after the custom schemas are registered with the application.
You should run ADZDPSUM.sql repeatedly to handle dependent schemas
until no further EBR violations are reported.

Note: Enter the system password when prompted. You can

ignore APPS_NE and ODM schemas which may appear in
section 2 of the report.

Performing the Upgrade 4-67

$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPSUM.sql
$ mv adzdpsum.txt adzdpsum_pre_dbprep.txt

• ADZDPMAN.sql - Lists objects with different categories of violations to

EBR rules that must be fixed prior to running the enablement process to
avoid errors during this process. Oracle recommends that you run this
report after all custom schemas are registered with the application
according to instructions in the above report ADZDPSUM.sql.

Note: Enter the system password when prompted.

$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPMAN.sql

$ mv adzdpman.txt adzdpman_pre_dbprep.txt

• ADZDPAUT.sql - This report lists all the objects with violations to the EBR
rules that will be fixed automatically from the enablement process. This
report is provided for information purposes and no action should be taken
from this report.

Note: Enter the system password when prompted.

$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPAUT.sql

$ mv adzdpaut.txt adzdpaut_pre_dbprep.txt

6. Fix Violations Listed in the Online Patching Readiness Report that Require
Manual Intervention
The Online Patching Readiness Report contains sections with different violation
1. Review all sections listed from the ADZDPMAN.sql report. Follow instructions
in each section to fix violations.

Note: Many violations in the Readiness report can be

automatically fixed by registering your custom schemas.
Review the last section of the Summary Readiness Report
(ADZDPSUM.sql) for sample commands on how to register
your custom schemas as well as any schema installed as part of
an Oracle technology such as APEX, XDB, and OWBSYS. You
must register any custom or third-party schema that does not
support Oracle E-Business Suite Online Patching.
The following schemas should NOT be registered:

4-68 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide



Any dependency between these schemas and Editioned Objects

is a coding standards violation and must be fixed manually.

2. Oracle recommends that you perform the chosen fix by customizing template
file $AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPCUST.sql. The reports provide more details on this

3. Repeat the Run the Online Patching Enablement - Readiness Report step above until
all violations have been addressed.

7. Verify database tablespace free space

The Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR) feature of Oracle Database 11gR2 or higher
requires additional space for the dictionary tables that are used to manage
editioned objects.
1. Initialize the Run File System environment:
$ source <RUN APPL_TOP>/<Instance ID>_<hostname>.env

2. Set the HOSTNAME environment variable before executing the online patching
tool adop.
• Check to ensure the environment variable HOSTNAME is set by running
the following:
$ echo $HOSTNAME

• If the HOSTNAME environment variable is not set, then run the following:
$ export HOSTNAME=<your-hostname-without-domain>

Note: Repeat the first step to ensure the environment

variable it set to the correct hostname.

• If the hostname is set but has the domain, then reset it without the domain.
For example:
$ echo $HOSTNAME
$ export HOSTNAME=apcappsx2

3. Run the following report to retrieve the current tablespace free space:
$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/ apps

Performing the Upgrade 4-69

1. Select option 3 - 'Other Generic Reports'

2. Select the next option - 'Free Space in Important Tablespaces'

Enter the password when prompted.

4. Ensure the following:

• SYSTEM Tablespace: has a minimum of 25 GB of free space

• APPS_TS_SEED Tablespace: has a minimum of 5 GB of free space

APPS_TS_SEED is used to host all tables that have been registered as seed
tables and that require seed data storage infrastructure.

• Add necessary space to the tablespaces if they do not contain the required free
space. Refer to Altering and Maintaining Tablespaces in Oracle Database
Administrator's Guide for details.

Additional Information: For details refer to Altering and

Maintaining Tablespaces in the Oracle Database Administrator's

8. Run the Online Patching Enablement - Status Report

This report provides an overall status of the enabling online patching process. You
can run it before, during, and after the enablement patch is applied. At this stage,
you will receive report results before you enable online patching.
1. Set the current directory to $LOG_HOME/appl/op:
$ cd $LOG_HOME/appl/op

2. Run the report using the following command. Ensure that you verify any
invalid objects at this stage. Take special note to ensure that all online patching
objects (objects that match the pattern 'AD_ZD%') are valid:
$ sqlplus <apps username> @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDEXRPT.sql

Note: Enter the apps password when prompted.

3. Save the output as pre_dbprep for future reference, such as:

$ mv adzdexrpt.txt adzdexrpt_pre_dbprep.txt

9. Ensure that all Application Tier Oracle E-Business Suite services are shut down
Verify that all application tier Oracle E-Business Suite services are shut down prior
to applying the Online Patching Enablement patch.

4-70 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Caution: None of the application tier services should be up until
you upgrade to the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update
Pack for Release 12.2. Refer to Post-Upgrade Tasks, page 5-1 in this

10. Download and apply the Online Patching Enablement patch

Download and apply the Online Patching Enablement patch: 13543062:R12.AD.C.

Use Autopatch in hotpatch mode to apply the patch (adpatch options=hotpatch,

Important: While applying the Online Enablement patch, you may

receive the following error: 'Attention: Adpatch should no longer
be used to apply patches. Please use ADOP tool for applying
patches.' If you receive this error, then you must use adop in
hotpatch mode to apply the enablement patch.

Monitor the Online Patching Enablement patch application.

The enablement patch application may take several hours to finish. You can
monitor its progress at any time by running the DDL Status Report
(ADZDSHOWDDLS.sql) as follows:
$ sqlplus <apps Username> @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDSHOWDDLS.sql

This report lists a count of the DDL statements that are required to EBR enable your
environment. The report is organized by outcome of execution: 'Successfully
Executed', 'Not Executed', and 'Failed Execution'. At the end of the patch
application the report should have a zero count in the sections: 'Not Executed' and
'Failed Execution'. If the report contains 'Not Executed' and 'Failed Execution' items,
then report these failures to Oracle Support. You will be asked to provide the
output from the report, the patch log and all worker logs, and the online patching
enablement status report output. If there is any worker failure during the Online
Enablement patch, you should not ignore or skip the failed error. The issue should
be addressed before restarting the worker. Ignoring or skipping the error can cause
database corruption.

Note: In addition to the above outcomes, some DDL statements

may complete with a 'Warning' status.

11. Compile Invalid Objects (if any)

Connect to sqlplus as 'apps' and run the following:

$ exec sys.utl_recomp.recomp_parallel

12. Re-run the Online Patching Enablement Status Report after the Online Patching

Performing the Upgrade 4-71

Enablement patch has been applied
1. Set the current directory to $LOG_HOME/appl/op:
$ cd $LOG_HOME/appl/op

2. Run the Status Report immediately after the enablement patch completes:
$ sqlplus <Apps Username> @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDEXRPT.sql

Note: You must provide the APPS schema password when


The purpose of running this report at this stage is to identify and fix any errors that
occurred during the enablement process.

Important: You must fix errors listed by this report. Failure to

comply may result in unexpected failures during future patching

13. Re-run the Online Patching Enablement Readiness Report after the Online
Patching Enablement patch has been applied
1. Set the current directory to $LOG_HOME/appl/op:
$ cd $LOG_HOME/appl/op

2. Run the Readiness Report after the enablement patch completes:

$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPSUM.sql

Note: You must provide the SYSTEM schema password when


$ mv adzdpsum.txt adzdpsum_post_dbprep.txt
$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPMAN.sql
$ mv adzdpman.txt adzdpman_post_dbprep.txt
$ sqlplus system @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPAUT.sql
$ mv adzdpaut.txt adzdpaut_post_dbprep.txt

The purpose of running this report at this stage is to ensure that all EBR
violations that could have appeared before enabling the online patching feature
are fixed.

14. Run the Online Patching Database Compliance Checker report to check for
coding standards violations
There are two levels of compliance that can be targeted:
• Minimal Compliance (Minimal) - These checks represent the minimum
requirement for correct operation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

4-72 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Warning: Do not attempt to operate the system if there are P1
minimal compliance violations. Custom code should pass the
minimal compliance checks before being used in a Release 12.2

• Full Compliance (Full) - These checks indicate whether an object can be patched
using Online Patching. Objects which do not meet full compliance may have
limitations in how they can be patched, or may need to be patched using
downtime patching. Full compliance also requires that all minimal compliance
checks are passed. Custom code that will only be patched using downtime
patching does not need to meet the full compliance level.

1. Set the current directory to $LOG_HOME/appl/op:

$ cd $LOG_HOME/appl/op

2. Run the Online Patching Database Compliance Checker report to check for
online patching database objects standards violations:
sqlplus <Apps Username> @$AD_TOP/sql/ADZDDBCC.sql

This utility reports all violations to the Online Patching Development Standards. All
Oracle E-Business Suite violations are fixed by the 12.2 upgrade. You must fix any
object listed in this report that is part of your custom code. If you do not fix the
violation, then you cannot leverage the online patching infrastructure to patch the
objects listed in this report.

Suggested Reading: Refer to Database Object Development Standards

for Online Patching in Developing and Deploying Customizations in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1577661.1).

Database Initialization Parameters

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 introduces a new database service called ebs_patch
that supports online patching. The 'service_names' parameter specifies one or more
names by which users can connect to an environment. The environment registers its
service names with the listener. When a user requests a service, the listener determines
which environments offer the requested service, and then routes the user to the most
appropriate environment.
For example:
$ service_names=%s_dbSid%,ebs_patch

Important: In Oracle Database Release 19c, the 'ebs_patch' service will

Performing the Upgrade 4-73

not be present at this stage of the upgrade. The
(<DB_UNIQUE_NAME>_ebs_patch) will be created after the
application of the latest AD and TXK patchset.

The 'recyclebin' parameter must be turned off to allow the cleanup phase of the online
patching cycle to be performed without having to connect as SYS. This feature may still
be used at other times.
For example:
$ recyclebin=off

If the _SYSTEM_TRIG_ENABLED parameter is set to false, then system triggers are not
processed. The post Online Patching Enablement parameter must be set to true.

Note: The parameters described in this section apply to Oracle E-

Business Suite Release 12.2. For details, refer to Database Initialization
Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID: 396009.1).

Upgrading to the Latest Code Level

Tip: The Release 12.2.0 upgrade is now completed and Online Patching
is enabled. All Oracle E-Business Suite patches from this point forward
will be performed using AD Online Patching (adop).

Additional Information: For information on applying patches using

ADOP, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide. Also see
Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches (Doc ID: 252422.1).

Apply the Latest AD and TXK for Release 12.2:

1. Apply the latest AD and TXK patchsets (required)

Important: None of the application tier services should be up until

you upgrade to the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update
Pack for Release 12.2 as described in the following section. Only the
Weblogic AdminServer (which in turn brings up NodeManager)
services can be brought up as part of applying the latest AD and
TXK Release Update Packs (as mentioned in its Readme

4-74 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Required Action: Follow the instructions inOracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2: Suite-Wide Release Update Pack and AD/TXK Delta
Information (Doc ID: 1583092.1) to apply the latest AD/TXK

2. Execute (conditional)

Important: This step is applicable only if you have upgraded from

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 with multitenant architecture
to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

On the database tier (as the ORACLE user):


source the <EBS PDB> environment (<EBS PDB Name>_<NODE_NAME>.env)

cd <DB ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
perl -contextfile=<Database tier $CONTEXT_FILE>

3. Mandatory Steps for Custom Schema Upgrade for 12.0 / 12.1

Note: Do not run adsplice when you are at the Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2.0 level. Before running adsplice, you must
upgrade to R12.AD.C.Delta.5 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.5 Release
update packs or higher for AD and TXK.

This step is applicable only if you have custom products. If you have add-on
localization products installed (CLE, CLA, CLL, CLJ), then you must re-splice those
add-on localization products.

Important: You must re-splice after enabling EBR with CLE.

Applying the latest AD delta patches will overwrite the context file.

1. Running adsplice
For the custom products that already exist, you must run adsplice on the Run
File system to lay down the file system.

Action: For running adsplice, refer to Creating a Custom

Application in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID:

Performing the Upgrade 4-75

Apply the Latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack for
Release 12.2:
The 12.2 Release Update Pack (RUP) is a thoroughly tested release pack that combines
patches created across the Oracle E-Business Suite after the initial release of Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2.

Action: You must apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release
Update Pack. Follow the instructions in Oracle E-Business Suite RUP,
AD and TXK RUP Information, Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1583092.1).

Tip: When applying the RUP, follow the steps in the associated readme
of the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Packfor preparation,
applying prerequisite patches, and applying the RUP. When you have
completed those steps in the Readme document, return to this guide
and continue with the following steps. Do not perform the Post-Uprade
steps for the RUP until instructed to do so in the Post-Uprade Steps of
Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack for Release 12.2, page 5-26.

4-76 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Database and System Administration TasksDatabase and System Administration
• Financials and Procurement Tasks
• Customer Relationship Management Tasks
• Human Resources Tasks
• Projects Tasks
• Oracle Fusion Project Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Projects
• Supply Chain Management Tasks
• Backing Up Oracle E-Business Suite
• Secure Configuration
• System Maintenance Tasks
• Oracle XML Publisher Tasks
• Post-Upgrade Steps of Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack for Release 12.2
• Mandatory Post-Upgrade Steps for All Upgrade Customers
• Additional Tasks

Database and System Administration Tasks

You must complete all of the tasks in this section to finish the upgrade. All tasks must
be completed during system downtime on the Release 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite
1. Verify completion of concurrent programs (required)

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-1

The upgrade process creates numerous concurrent program requests. Once you
bring up the application tier, these programs run automatically to complete tasks
such as data cleanup and upgrades to historical data, among others.

Note: Before you continue, ensure that all concurrent programs

generated by the upgrade have run successfully. Refer to Managing
Concurrent Processes, page A-1 of this guide for a sample list of
concurrent programs.

2. Drop obsoleted product schema (optional)

Note: This step should be executed only after completing the Verify
completion of concurrent programs post-upgrade task.

1. Ensure no objects exist in the product schema to be obsoleted. If objects exist in

the schema, then they should be removed before dropping the schema.

2. After determining the schema is empty and no customizations or dependencies

exist, the schema can be dropped using addropschema.sql.
Usage: sqlplus apps @<AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql/addropschema.sql
<SYSTEM_Password> <APPLSYS_Schema>
Example: sqlplus apps/apps @<AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql/addropschema.sql
manager applsys bsc

Note: Enter the apps password when prompted.

3. Obsolete Product Schemas that can be considered for dropping include:


• The following schemas must be retained to support technical dependencies

from other products:

Note: Some schemas may be active for other licensed

products although these products are listed as obsolete in

5-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Planning for an Upgrade. In these cases, the functionality is

3. Drop dangling synonyms (optional)

After dropping obsoleted product schema, you must run the following script to
drop dangling synonyms:
$ sqlplus APPS/****@DB @$AD_TOP/sql/adzd_drop_synonyms.sql

4. Reset ORACLE schema passwords (recommended)

During the upgrade, Rapid Install preserves the passwords that you previously set
for existing products. However, as it creates a schema for each new product
installed, if you did not enter a password in the Rapid Install wizard, then it sets up
a default password derived from the product abbreviation (short name). To
maintain product security, reset these default passwords now.

Conditional Action: Perform the steps to change the passwords as

described in the Oracle E-Business Suite Password Management
section in the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

5. Change the WLS Admin default password (recommended)

For security purposes, you should now change the default password for the WLS
Admin account as follows:
1. Run the following command to stop all application tier services except the
Node Manager and the Admin Server:
$ EBSAPPS.env run
$ $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ ?skipNM -skipAdmin

2. Run the following command to change the WLS Admin password:

$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/

Note: You will be prompted for the password information.

For Windows Users:

Run the following commands on Windows platforms:
C:\> <ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME>\adadminsrvctl.cmd stop
C:\> <ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME>\adnodemgrctl.cmd stop

Start the Node Manager by running the following commands on Windows:

C:\> cd %INST_TOP%\admin\install
C:\> adsvNodeManager.cmd

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-3

Exit the command prompt after executing 'adsvNodeManager.cmd' and start
services from a new command prompt.

3. Restart all services with the following command:


Additional Information: For additional information refer to Oracle

E-Business Suite Setup Guide Release 12.2 (Part No. E22953).

6. Apply recommended patches (recommended)

Use Patch Wizard to generate a list of recommended patches for your environment
and apply the list of recommended patches to your environment.

Suggested Reading: Additional information regarding the use of

Patch Wizard is available in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 11i and
12.x: Required Updates for Patch Wizard (Doc ID: 1267768.1)

7. Apply recommended security patches (recommended)

1. Oracle highly recommends that you apply the latest critical patch update to
your Oracle E-Business Suite environment.

Required Action: Go to the Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts

and Third Party Bulletin web page located at:
From this page, go to the latest Critical Patch Update page and
select the link to Oracle E-Business Suite. From this page, select
the link to the Oracle E-Business Suite MOS Note for the
current CPU. Review and apply the CPU patches according to
the referenced MOS note.

2. Oracle highly recommends that you enable TLS. You will enable TLS after you
upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2. You must apply the prerequisite patch
requirements to enable TLS.

Required Action: Review the prerequisite patch requirements

in Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID:
1367293.1), Section 5.1 for TLS 1.2 with Backward
Compatibility, and Section 6.1 for TLS 1.2 Only. Apply all
required patches and prerequisites to enable TLS.


5-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Install online help (recommended)
To install the American English online help, run the database portion of the online
help patch (u10201000.drv). It is located in $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver directory.
You must apply the American English online help patch driver
($AU_TOP/patch/115/driver/u10201000.drv) using AD Online Patching (adop) with
phase=apply hotpatch=yes and options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,
$ adop phase=apply patchtop=$AU_TOP/patch/115 patches=driver:
u10201000.drv options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,forceapply

9. Apply online help for Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack

Action: Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack

Readme (applied in the Performing the Upgrade chapter) and apply
the corresponding Oracle E-Business Suite Release Online Help

10. Apply mandatory interoperability patches (required for Oracle Database 19c)

Note: This step is applicable if you have upgraded to Oracle E-

Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle Database 19c.

The mandatory interoperability patches are listed in Database Preparation Guidelines

for an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1349240.1). In the Upgrade Paths
section, click Path D. In the Path D : Customers on 12.1.3 on 19c section, apply the
mandatory interoperability patches listed in the step '7. Apply latest 12.2 Release
Update Pack (RUP) and complete remaining Database related steps'.

11. Apply latest product patches (required)

Determine the latest product-specific patches. Then, download the American

English patches. You must apply the patches using AD Online Patching (adop).

Additional Information: See Patch Wizard Main Page in Oracle E-

Business Suite Maintenance Procedures Guide.

If you have languages other than American English registered in your system, then
follow instructions in the following step.

12. Grant flexfield value set access to specific users (required)

If you have not already granted flexfield value set access in a previous version of
Release 12.2, then you must perform this step.

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-5

Release 12.2 includes a new security feature, flexfield value set security; it controls
who can create or modify flexfield values in the Flexfield Values Setup window
(FNDFFMSV). Flexfield value set security requires some mandatory setup steps
before any user can create or update values in the Values window.

Note: Follow the required steps in the Flexfield Value Set Security
chapter in the Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide, Release 12.2.

13. Installing NLS upgrade patch driver and NLS Online Help (conditional)

For additional NLS languages active in the system, once the American English
upgrade and recommended Release Update Pack level have been applied, you can
then upgrade your NLS software for existing languages by performing either one of
the following steps:
1. Using the Translation Synchronization Patch followed by applying the NLS
Online Help patch if available.

2. Installing the R12.2.0 NLS software available in Oracle Software Delivery

Cloud, followed by installing NLS versions of all US patches applied to your
system including recommended Release Update Pack. You must then apply the
NLS Online Help patch if available.

Conditional Action: All NLS patches, including the NLS

Translation Synchronization patches and the NLS Online Help
patches, must be called through AD Online Patching (adop).
Follow instructions in the Post-Installation Tasks section of the Oracle
E-Business Suite NLS Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1314621.1)
for your release level. For additional information, refer to Oracle E-
Business Suite Translation Synchronization Patches (Doc Id: 252422.1).

14. Re-enable custom triggers, constraints, and indexes (conditional).

During the upgrade, custom triggers or constraints may have been modified. If you
disabled these triggers and constraints, then identify any data updates that must be
made before you re-enable them.
If you dropped any custom indexes, then review the new data model to determine
if the index is necessary before you redefine it.

15. Manually add custom redirects and resources to configuration files (conditional)

The Allowed Redirects and Allowed Resources features are enabled by default after
your upgrade. Consequently, if you use custom redirects and resources, such as
JSPs and servlets, in your environment, then you must manually add these to your
configuration files for allowed redirects and allowed resources, respectively.

5-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Additional Information: For more information, see 'Allowed
Redirects' and 'Allowed Resources' in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Security Guide.

16. Update and verify custom responsibilities (conditional)

Verify that all custom responsibilities use the correct menu. From the System
Administrator responsibility, navigate to Security > Responsibilities. Query each
custom responsibility and update as necessary.

17. Migrate the CUSTOM library (conditional)

Before you copy custom code in the CUSTOM library to the new directory
structure, refer to the backup you previously created and verify that the
customizations are valid for the new version of Oracle E-Business Suite.
For valid customizations, place a copy of the new CUSTOM library (CUSTOM.pll)
in a safe place. It is located in the $AU_TOP/resource directory (UNIX), or the %
AU_TOP%\resource directory (Windows). Then, make a copy of the old Oracle
Forms CUSTOM library and place it in the new directory. Upgrade to Oracle Forms
Developer 10g by regenerating the library. Or, you can cut and paste the existing
custom code into the new library, and then regenerate it.

Note: See Using the CUSTOM Library in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Developer's Guide.

18. Copy and re-customize modified scripts or reports (conditional)

Copy custom shell scripts or reports to the custom application directories and re-
customize the copy as necessary.

Note: See Customization Standards in Oracle E-Business Suite

Developer's Guide.

19. Copy existing custom start scripts (conditional)

If you have customized the concurrent manager startup script

($FND_TOP/bin/ on UNIX), then you must copy the customized script
from the old environment to the new environment. You should then verify that
your customizations are valid for the new environment.

Warning: Oracle does not recommend customizing this script. If

you perceive a need to change this script, then contact Oracle
Support before making changes. For more information, see the
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-7

Note: The default location in UNIX for the startmgr script is
$FND_TOP/bin. For more information, see the Oracle E-Business
Suite Setup Guide.

20. Review user responsibility assignments (recommended)

Although user/responsibility assignments are preserved during the upgrade, the

effective permissions granted by the seeded responsibilities, menus, functions, and
report security groups may have changed. Use the information on the Forms or
Security reports in the System Administrator responsibility to confirm that
permissions granted by responsibilities continue to meet the requirements of the job
roles (without granting more privileges than are necessary).

Note: See Organizing Programs into Request Groups in the Oracle E-

Business Suite Setup Guide for more information.

21. Configure applications client software for forms applet (required).

Action: The connection between the client and the applications

forms is provided through an applet in the client web browser.
Instead of using the browser's own JVM, Oracle E-Business Suite
uses the Sun Java (J2SE) native plug-in. Refer to download
instructions in Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID: 393931.1).

22. Re-configure physical and logical host names on the application tier post
upgrade (conditional)
If the Oracle E-Business Suite system has been upgraded to Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 using the logical hostname for the application tier, then you must refer
to Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.x Using Logical Host Names, (Doc ID:
1968231.1). Refer to section 5.4: Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
Using Physical and Logical Host Names on the Application Tier, and section 5.4.2:
Reconfiguring Physical and Logical Host Names on the Application Tier Post Upgrade, and
complete the required steps.

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway:

Conditional Action: Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway
requires manual post-installation steps. If you want to use the Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway feature for Web service
generation, deployment, and invocation, then perform the steps
documented in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway,

5-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1311068.1).

Note: After the upgrade, the deployed WSDL URL information has
already been changed. Therefore, you may have to replace it with the
new WSDL URL and service location or address accordingly in Web
service clients while invoking the deployed Oracle E-Business Suite
service. To ensure the backward compatibility, the previous 12.1.X
service endpoint (services deployed in Oracle E-Business Suite) will
continue to work at run time after the upgrade. New service endpoint
from Oracle SOA Suite server will be shown in the interface detail page
and should be used for client programs.

Oracle XML Gateway:

Conditional Action: Complete the installation and setup tasks
described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway,
Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1311068.1) for enabling Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway and generic XML Gateway services.

Note: After the upgrade, the deployed WSDL URL for a generic XML
Gateway service will be changed. You may have to replace it with the
new WSDL URL and service location or address accordingly in Web
service clients while invoking the generic XML Gateway service. For
more information about XML Gateway Web services, see the Oracle
XML Gateway User's Guide.

Financials and Procurement Tasks

Complete the tasks in this section before you allow users to log on to Oracle Financials
and Procurement products.

Oracle Purchasing:
Conditional Action: Oracle Purchasing (available as part of Oracle
Procurement) is integrated with Oracle Transportation Management. If
you have licensed both Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle
Purchasing and will use Oracle Transportation Management with
Oracle Purchasing, then perform the post-update steps outlined in
About Oracle Transportation Management Integration with Oracle E-
Business Suite R12.2+ (Doc ID: 1362803.1).

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-9

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite
11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite
11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID:
1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA
Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to
deploy these BPEL processes.

Oracle Environmental Accounting and Reporting:

Conditional Action: If you have licensed Oracle Environmental
Accounting and Reporting, then perform the steps outlined in Oracle
Environmental Accounting and Reporting Installation Notes for Business
Intelligence and Data Warehouse (Doc ID: 1669671.1) for enabling this

Advanced Collections:
This task applies for customers using Advanced Collections with Strategies.

Post Migration Verification Steps

1. From the Collections Administrator responsibility, confirm the Collections Business
Level in the Setup Checklist.

2. From the System Administrator responsibility, start the concurrent program

Workflow Background Process for the following item types:
• IEXSTRY - IEX: Collection Strategy Work Flow

• IEXSTFFM - IEX: Strategy Fulfilment Mailer

• IEXSTRCM - IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow

3. Run the script $IEX_TOP/patch/115/sql/iexumchk.sql to set the profile option Unit

of Measure (UOM) to 'time'.

Customer Relationship Management Tasks

Oracle Price Protection:
This task applies only to Oracle Price Protection customers. For complete installation,

5-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

configuration and deployment steps, refer to the My Oracle Support knowledge
document that is relevant to your Oracle SOA Suite version. See Integrating Oracle E-
Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 12c (Document ID:1951625.1) and Integrating
Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 11g R1 (Document ID: 1584883.1).

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite
11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite
11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID:
1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA
Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to
deploy these BPEL processes.

Human Resources Tasks

Complete the task in this section before you allow users to log on to Human Resources
Management products.

Human Resources:
1. Apply latest HRMS Legislative Updates (required)

Action: To maintain required legislative compliance, you must

apply all legislative data updates. The updates are maintained
regularly to be in line with government and country-specific legal
requirements. See the latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data
Patch (Doc ID: 1469456.1) for information and instructions on how
to ensure that your system is up to date.

Note: If you are using only Oracle HR Shared for use with another
Oracle E-Business Suite product, then DO NOT apply this
legislative data.

These tasks apply only to Oracle Payroll.
1. Install or Update Vertex for Payroll (required)

Action: Oracle Payroll uses the Vertex Quantum Payroll Tax Series

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-11

in the United States and Canada. The HRMS data in this release
contains version 4.0 of this third-party product. If you run Oracle
Payroll in the United States or Canada, then refer to advanced
configuration steps allowed by Payroll, and installing or updating
the Vertex software in Installing Quantum for Oracle Payroll (Doc ID:

2. Compile Japanese flexfields after generating messages (required)

Several of the Japanese Flexfields have value sets with translated prompts for some
of the Quickpick columns. These values must be seeded in the NLS language for the
flexfield to compile cleanly. The seeding occurs when the messages are compiled.
You may see some Japanese flexfields that appear as invalid. Resolve this issue by
using AD Administration first to generate messages, and then to re-generate
flexfields that failed to cleanly compile.

Projects Tasks
Conditional Action: Compile all Fast Formulas via FFXBCP (Refer Doc
ID: 167689.1). This step applies to all customers who are upgrading to
Release 12.2 and want to use the HR Rate by Criteria for labor rates, to
be used in forecast or labor cost distribution in the Projects application.

Oracle Fusion Project Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Projects

You can use Oracle Fusion Project Management to manage your projects and resources.
After you are ready to start performing financial management activities such as
collecting costs and billing, you can import the project into Oracle E-Business Suite
(EBS) Projects, and generate the project budget.
Use Oracle Fusion Project Management for collaboration, scheduling, resource
management, and progress tracking. As resources report actual hours in Oracle EBS
Projects, export the resource to Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management and track
the resource utilization.
You must complete the following post-install steps to enable the coexistence:
1. Get the SSL certificate.

2. Import the SSL certificate to the EBS instance.

3. Set the Username token authentication credentials for the service.

5-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

4. Add the service invocation subscription to invoke the service.

5. Add a subscription to the events.

Applying Patches:
Download and apply patch 24610809:R12.PJT.C from My Oracle Support.

Obtain the SSL certificate:

Complete the following steps to export the SSL certificate from your browser. The
following steps describe the process using Mozilla Firefox:
1. Click the site identity button located in the address bar of your browser.

2. Click the More Information… button.

3. Select Security.

4. Click View Certificate.

5. Review the certificate details on the General tab. Verify that the imported SSL
certificate is valid.

6. Select the Details tab.

7. Click Export…

8. Export the certificate to your directory.

9. Save the certificate using the host name of the web service provider. For example, if
the host name is *, then save the certificate as: *

Importing the SSL Certificate to the EBS Instance:

Perform the following steps to transfer the exported certificate to the EBS instance:
1. Use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to export the server name to the EBS
instance. For example, sftp <servername>

2. Enter your username and password when prompted.

3. Use the put command to enter the certificate into the instance. For example, put *.

4. Log in to the EBS instance using telnet command.

5. Select a directory in which to save the certificate file.

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-13

6. Import the certificate to the EBS keystore. Ensure that you are in the same directory
where you saved the certificate.
• Use the keytool command to complete the task. For example, if your certificate
name is *, then the command will be:
keytool -import -alias FusionCert -file * -keystore

7. Enter the keystore password when the system requests it.

8. Restart the EBS server after importing the certificate.

9. To update the certificate to an updated release, delete the previously imported

certificate. Use the following command:
keytool -delete -alias <mydomain> -keystore $AF_JRE_TOP/lib/security/cacerts.

Setting the Username Token Authentication Credentials for the Service:

Use the following information to set the user name token credentials:
1. sqlplus apps/apps@db @$FND_TOP/sql/afvltput.sql <Module> <Key> <Value> to
store your key, module, and password.

Note: The password is stored in the fnd vault and remains secured
from the end user when creating subscriptions. Users provide the
module and the key and must remember it for later use.

2. Enter unique Key and Module pairs to identify passwords.

• Module: PA


• Value: Welcome1

Adding the Service Invocation Subscription to Invoke the Service:

Use the following Service Invocation Subscription details to invoke the service:
• Subscription type: Invoke web service

• WSDL URL: SSL enabled service URL

• Select the Service Port and Service Operation

• Subscription parameters:

5-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

• WFBES_SOAP_USERNAME: username for the web service

• WFBES_SOAP_PASSWOD_MOD: Module name according to the above step


• WFBES_SOAP_PASSWORD_KEY: Module key according to the above step


• The service constructs the SOAP header and username token based on the
information provided.

• Payload information passed by the program at run time is appended to the header
prepared above as the soap body.

Adding a Subscription to the Events:

Perform the following steps after you have added the Fusion SSL certificate to the EBS
1. Sign in to the Oracle E-Business Suite application using login credentials that
provide access to the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility.

2. Navigate to Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Administrator Workflow

> Business Events.

3. You must add four business events. They include:





4. Search for the predefined business event

5. Click GO.

6. Find your search result under the Results: Events section. Click Subscriptions.

7. Click Create Subscription.

8. In the Create Event Subscription page, enter the following subscription details:
1. System: <EBS Instance>

2. Source Type: Local

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-15

3. Event Filter: This field is auto populated

4. Execution Phase: Select a value between 1-99

5. Status: Enabled

6. Rule Data: Message

7. Action Type: Invoke Web Service

8. On Error: Stop and Rollback

9. Click Next.

10. In the Select a WSDL Source section, enter the WSDL URL.

• The WSDL URL is the URL of the Oracle Fusion Cloud instance you are using
to register this event.

• Enter the URL in the following format: https://<host name>.<domain name>:

port. For example, enter:

11. Click Next to select the service. The Service Name field is populated with
ProjectServiceV2 in the Select Service section.

12. Click Next and select the service port.

13. Click Next and select the operation. In this example it is findProjectPlan.

Note: All services used for integration with Oracle E-Business Suite
are synchronous services.

14. Click Next to complete the subscription registry and link it with the predefined
business event.

15. In the Create Event Subscription – Invoke Web Service section. The application
provides the Subscription Parameters and User ID with access to the service and the
parameters to retrieve the password from the vault. For customizations in Service
Invocation, users can extend the default java class
WebServiceInvokerSubscription and provide the extended class in place of Java
Rule Function.

16. Add the other three business events using the above steps 4 through 15. The
corresponding operations and service names for each business event include:

5-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

• Business Event:
Operation: findProjectByProjectId
Service Name: ProjectServiceV2

• Business Event:

Operation: updateProjectPlan
Service Name: ProjectServiceV2

• Business Event:

Operation: uploadFileToUcm
Service Name: ERPIntegrationService

Supply Chain Management Tasks

Oracle Product Hub:
These tasks apply only to Oracle Product Hub.
1. Creating Versions of Item Catalog Categories
Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1
In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.2 and higher, you can choose to create a
different version of an item catalog category (ICC) when you change a transaction
attribute for structure component in the ICC if you set the profile option "Enable
PIM for Telco Features" to Yes. When you enable the use of ICC versions, the
system automatically creates a draft version for every new ICC created. You cannot
choose to create versions for some ICCs, but not others. After upgrading from a
release prior to 12.1.2 and after setting the profile option "Enable PIM for Telco
Features" to Yes, you must create a released version for each existing ICC. Oracle
provides an upgrade API that automatically performs this task. A database
administrator can invoke the upgrade API from the back end after you set the
profile option "Enable PIM for Telco Features" to Yes.
Upgrade API Sample Call

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-17

sgid NUMBER;
uid, rid, rad, sgid
FND_GLOBAL.apps_initialize (uid, rid, rad, sgid);

2. Licensing Product Hub for Communications

Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1

Conditional Action: If you license Product Hub for

Communications, release 12.1.2 or later, Oracle Product Hub
provides seeded libraries containing attribute groups, attributes,
and value sets that are used primarily within the
Telecommunications industry. These libraries are not automatically
installed. The system administrator must run FND load commands
to upload each library after installing the Oracle Product Hub for
Communications patch. You can find these commands in the
Seeded Item Metadata Libraries appendix, Oracle Product Hub
Implementation Guide, or in the patch readme file.

3. Using the Packing Hierarchy Structure Type

Applies to: Release 12.0
If you have used the structure type Packaging Hierarchy in releases prior to 12.1,
note that only the preferred packaging structure from this structure type is
migrated over in the upgrade process. If you have defined multiple packaging
structures and want to migrate all of them, consider bringing them into the system
by transferring them into other structure types, at which time they will be treated as
regular structure types and not Packs.

4. Defining Item Pages for Item Organization Attribute Groups

Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1
Prior to Release 12.1.1, users were unable to define item pages by business entity, so

5-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

all item and item organization attribute groups appeared on item pages together.
Any item organization attribute groups in existence prior to Release 12.1.1 must be
added to item pages for the item organization business entity.

5. PIM publication web services require manual post installation steps

Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1

Conditional Action: If you are using the Publication feature in

Oracle Product Hub for Communications, then perform the steps
outlined in the Oracle Data Integrator Artifacts and Web Services for
Oracle Product Hub Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1336146.1).

6. Update Existing Item Attributes (conditional)

Conditional Action: For the item attributes

valid combination of values is either Y,Y,Y or N,N,N. Any other
combination is considered as data discrepancy. Customers can
chose a valid combination for these item attributes depending on
their business requirements and execute an appropriate concurrent
program to correct such discrepancy. Refer to Data Fix: Items having
invalid combination of SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG,
attributes (Doc ID: 1676349.1) for instructions to identify and correct
any items that have such data discrepancy.

7. Gather Table Statistics (recommended)

Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1
Considerable changes have been made to the data model that stores Item user-
defined attributes in Release 12.1.1. Oracle recommends gathering table statistics for
the following EGO tables:


8. Use the Product Workbench (required)

Applies to: Release 12.2
If you plan to use the Product Workbench, you must enable it by adding it to the
allowlist of JavaServer Pages (JSPs).

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-19

Additional Information: Refer to Allowed JSPs, Oracle E-Business
Suite Security Guide.

Oracle Shipping Execution:

Conditional Action: Oracle Shipping Execution (available as part of
Oracle Order Management) is integrated with Oracle Transportation
Management. If you have licensed both Oracle Transportation
Management and Oracle Order Management and will use Oracle
Transportation Management with Oracle Shipping Execution, then
perform the post-update steps outlined in Oracle Transportation
Management Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Post-Update Steps,
Release 12.2.0 (Doc ID: 1362803.1).

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite
11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite
11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID:
1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA
Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to
deploy these BPEL processes.

Oracle Value Chain Planning:

Conditional Action: Oracle Value Chain Planning includes Advanced
Supply Chain Planning, Demand Planning, Inventory Optimization,
Global Order Promising, Collaborative Planning, Production
Scheduling, Strategic Network Optimization, Service Parts Planning,
Advanced Planning Command Center, and Demand Signal Repository.
If you have licensed any of these products, then perform the steps
outlined in Oracle Value Chain Planning Installation Notes Release 12.2.0
(Doc ID: 1361221.1) to enable these applications. If you are deploying
Value Chain Planning Applications on a RAC DB, then you must also
refer to RAC Configuration Setups For Running MRP Planning, APS
Planning, and Data Collection Processes (Doc ID: 279156.1) and RAC for
GOP - Setups for Global Order Promising (GOP) When Using a Real
Application Clusters (RAC) Environment (Doc ID: 266125.1) to understand
restrictions and requirements for running application processes in a

5-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

RAC environment.

Oracle Warehouse Management:

Conditional Action: Oracle Warehouse Management is integrated with
Oracle Transportation Management. If you have licensed both Oracle
Transportation Management and Oracle Warehouse Management, and
you plan to use Oracle Transportation Management with Oracle
Warehouse Management, then perform the post-update steps outlined
in Oracle Transportation Management Integration with Oracle E-Business
Suite Post-Update Steps, Release 12.2.0 (Doc ID: 1362803.1).

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite
11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite
11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID:
1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA
Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to
deploy these BPEL processes.

Backing Up Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle strongly recommends that you perform a full system backup of your Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 including the Run and Patch file systems (fs1 and fs2), the
Non-Edition file system (fs_ne), all technology stack component Oracle homes, and the

Secure Configuration
This section applies to all users, regardless of which products are registered as active.
1. Review and Deploy Security Guidelines (Recommended for all Oracle E-
Business Suite releases)
• Follow the Secure Configuration Guidelines

Tip: You must follow all recommended secure configuration

guidelines as documented in the Security Guide. At a

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-21

minimum, Oracle recommends that you configure the
1. Allowed JSPs feature

2. TLS for inbound, outbound, and loopback connections

Action: Review and deploy the recommended security

guidelines documented in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
Security Guide, Part 2: Secure Configurations.

Action: Follow the instructions in Enabling TLS in Oracle E-

Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1367293.1) to encrypt
inbound, outbound, and loopback connections.

Tip: If you have any computers requiring direct access to the

database that are not registered nodes in AutoConfig (such as
OAM clients), then you must explicitly grant access.

• Execute the Security Check Scripts

Action: Regularly run the Security Check Scripts on your

production instance to ensure that it is, and continues to be in
compliance with the recommendations in this document. For
information on how to run the Security Check Scripts, run the
scripts according to Security Configuration and Auditing Scripts
for Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID: 2069190.1).

Tip: If you upgraded to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6

or higher, then you can use the Secure Configuration Console
on an ongoing basis to perform necessary checks on your

2. Perform the following if you have upgraded to Release Update 12.2.6 or higher:

Tip: After you apply Patch 24744399:R12.FND.C (a mandatory post

requisite for R12.ATG_PF.C.Delta.6) or upgrade to Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2.7 Release Update Pack (which includes
patch 24744399:R12.FND.C), your system will be 'locked down'

5-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

until a local system administrator resolves or acknowledges the
recommended security configurations in the Secure Configuration

• Login to the Oracle E-Business Suite

Upon initial login as a local system administrator that has the Functional
Administrator responsibility, you are automatically directed to the Secure
Configuration Console.

• Resolve or acknowledge security configurations

You must now either resolve or acknowledge the recommended security
configurations in the Secure Configuration Console.

Suggested Reading: Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Security Guide, Part

2: Secure Configurations in the Secure Configuration Console chapter.

System Maintenance Tasks

After you have verified that the system and the product upgrades are complete,
perform the "clean-up" tasks described in this section.

System Maintenance:
1. Delete obsolete product files (recommended)
Delete the product files for the previous release (if you have not done so already).
You may want to retain report output files or customized programs. Output files
are stored in the old log and output subdirectories under each product's top
directory, under the log and output directories you created, or under a common
To remove obsolete files for an old release, change to the top directory of that
release and enter the following command:
$ rm -rf <old APPL_TOP>

Here is an example:
$ rm -rf /d01/appl/r10

C:\> rd /s /q <old APPL_TOP>

Here is an example:
C:\> rd /s /q \APPL110

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-23

2. Register new products (conditional)
New products added since Release 12 are not automatically registered in the
database. If you intend to use new products, then register them using License
Manager. See Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for instructions.

Additional Information: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance

Guide for instructions to license new products.

By default, the Java Color Scheme profile option should be set to 'Standard' for all
sessions and optimal system response time. The upgrade process sets this default
value for all instances.

Additional Information: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

and the Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide for more information.

3. Update Java Color Scheme profile option for selected users (conditional)
By default, the Java Color Scheme profile option should be set to "standard" for all
sessions for optimal system response time. The upgrade process sets this default
value for all instances. However, setting this profile option to a different value may
work better for some systems. See Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and Oracle E-
Business Suite User's Guide for more information.

4. Complete Transport Agent setup (conditional)

If you are using a proxy server to handle your outbound Oracle Transport Agent
requests, then set following OXTA parameters in the container configuration:
• OXTAOutUseProxy=True

• OXTAOutProxyHost=<Your proxy server name>

• OXTAOutProxyPort=<Your proxy server port>

To set the parameters, go to the Oracle Applications Manager Site Map and choose
AutoConfig > Applications Node > Edit Parameters. Then, use the Search field to
find OXTA. After you set the parameters, run AutoConfig to regenerate the wls.
properties file (INST_TOP/appl/admin/

Note: See Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide for more information.

5. Complete Setup for Oracle XML Gateway (required)

The Oracle XML Gateway engine uses style sheets from an operating system
directory you define as a database directory for PL/SQL file I/O in your Oracle E-
Business Suite instance. You must also specify the same directory in the ECX: XSLT

5-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

File Path profile option. The profile option value must be an absolute path and
cannot contain a symbolic link or other operating system-specific parameters.

Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database
Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases
12.1 and 12.2 for more information.

Also, ensure that the following profile options are set at site level for Oracle XML
Gateway. If you have previously set these profile options, then no action is
necessary, as the upgrade preserves these values.

Profile Option Description

ECX: XSLT File Path Path to the directory specified as the

location for style sheets to be used for XSLT
transformations. This value must be a
database directory defined for PL/SQL file
I/O. Ensure that there is no slash at the end
of the directory name.

ECX: System Administrator Email Address Address to which Oracle XML Gateway
error notifications should be sent.

ECX: Server Time Zone Time zone the database server is running in.

Note: See Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide for more information.

Oracle XML Publisher Tasks

These tasks apply to all users, regardless of which products are registered as active.
1. Enable PDF printing (required)
The PDF Publisher print style and PASTA_PDF printer driver provide the
capability to print PDF files using a third-party utility. You can use this style and
driver to print a generated PDF. The Pasta Universal Printer type has been
associated with the style and driver for ease of use.

Action: Refer to the Oracle XML Publisher Administration and

Developer's Guide, Release 12, for configuration steps. For access to
the Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide and

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-25

the latest updates, refer to Notes for Using Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher 10g in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID:

2. Specify a temporary directory for XML Publisher (required)

Use the Oracle XML Publisher's Administration interface to assign a temporary
directory for the site level. The temporary directory improves performance and
allows unlimited XML file size.

Additional Information: See Oracle XML Publisher Administration and

Developer's Guide for more information about this directory.

Post-Upgrade Steps of Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack for

Release 12.2
You must complete the post-upgrade steps described in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Release Update Pack Readme specific to the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update
Pack (RUP) that you have upgraded to that is described in the Apply the Latest Oracle E-
Business Suite Update Pack for Release 12.2, page 4-76 section of this chapter.

Required Action: For example, if you upgrade to Oracle E-Business

Suite Release 12.2.6, then you must complete all post-uprade steps
described in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6 Readme (Doc ID:

Additional Mandatory Post-Upgrade Steps for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (conditional)

Note: This step is applicable if your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is
on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

For additional mandatory post-upgrade steps for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI),
refer to Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Doc ID:
2517025.1). Refer to section 4.5 Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 and
section Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks.

Mandatory Post-Upgrade Steps for All Upgrade Customers

Required Action: Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release

5-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

12.2 (Doc ID: 1320300.1) and perform all applicable post-upgrade steps
in Section 1: Notes for All Customers, and Section 3: Notes for Upgrade
Customers such as 'Create Snapshot'.

Additional Tasks
This section points to additional tasks that may be necessary, and suggests
documentation that describes those tasks.

Reapplying Application Tier Customizations

If your system includes customized forms, reports, programs, libraries, or other
application files, then reapply all changes that you need for this release.

Required Action: Re-deploy your customizations following the

instructions in Developing and Deploying Customizations in Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1577661.1), Section 1.5, Deploying
Custom Application Tier Objects.

Migrating Portlets Preferences Store

If you are using Oracle E-Business Suite portlets, then copy the Portlets Preference Store
directory from your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
10_1_3_Oracle_Home/portal/portletdata directory to following non editioned directory
on your new new Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 file system:

Note: Autoconfig context variable s_portlet_preference_store_directory

by default points to the same directory.

Additional Information: Refer to section Migrating

Customizations from the Default Production Location in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter Portal, and
ADF 11g Release 1 (

Note: This applies to all customers using Oracle E-Business Suite

portlets with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3, regardless of
whether they integrate with Oracle Portal or Oracle WebCenter

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-27

For Portal 10g
Oracle E-Business Suite customers upgrading from 12.0 or 12.1 to 12.2 and already
having Oracle Portal 10g configured:
1. Conditional Action: Upgrade Oracle Portal 10g to Oracle Portal 11g as described in
section 10 of the Integrating Oracle Portal 11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
document on My Oracle Support (Document ID: 1074334.1).

2. Migrate Portlets Preferences Store.

For Portal 11g

Oracle E-Business Suite customers upgrading from 12.0 or 12.1 to 12.2 and already
having Oracle Portal 11g configured:
1. Migrate Portlets Preferences Store.

Regenerating Business Views (conditional)

If you are using Business Views, then regenerate your business views by running the
Generate Business Views by Application concurrent program using the Business View Setup
• Logon to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN.

• Select the Business Views Setup responsibility.

• Navigate to Reports > Run > Pick Single Request > Generate All Business Views.

If you don't have the Business Views Setup responsibility assigned to the SYSADMIN
user, then complete the following:
• Logon to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN.

• Select the System Administrator responsibility.

• Navigate to Security > User > Define and add responsibility Business Views Setup to
the SYSADMIN user.

Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool

Review the Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool (PDRT) Release Notes for
Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool consideration (Document ID:
If you have already applied PDRT patches at the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1
level, then you must apply the patches corresponding to Oracle E-Business Suite

5-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Release 12.2 at this stage.

Understanding Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration Tasks

Suggested Reading: Ensure you are completely familiar with
information in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and the Oracle E-
Business Suite Security Guide. In addition, you should understand the
information in the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide, Release 12.2
. This document contains important details about AD utilities as well as
instructions on how to patch your system and perform manual
maintenance tasks.

Implementing New Product and Country-specific Functionality

Suggested Reading: Refer to the implementation or setup guides (or
implementation or setup section of the user's guides) associated with
the Oracle E-Business Suite products in your system for instructions on
implementing or setting up new products and features.

Resizing the Database

The size of the production database depends on the products that you have licensed
and the additional features (such as multiple languages or multiple organizations) that
you have configured in your system. Refer to the product-specific documentation.

Optional Advanced Configurations

You may have identified the need to scale your environment due to sizing requirements
or for high availability. You may now scale the environment.

Scale the Environment

Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 is performed with a single
application tier node and a single database node even if you are using RAC. Scaling the
environment is a post-upgrade task. Now that the upgrade is complete, you may scale
your environment according to production level requirements by adding application
tier nodes and database RAC nodes.

Adding Application Tier Nodes

Conditional Action: If you need to add additional application tier
nodes, then configure load balancing as described in Using Load-

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-29

Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1375686.1).

When deploying multiple application tier nodes for an Oracle E-Business Suite
environment, you can use a Shared Application Tier Filesystem or replicate the
filesystem on every node in the environment.

Tip: Oracle highly recommends that you use a Shared Application Tier

When directed in Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID:
1375686.1), follow the steps in one of the following notes to create a new application tier
• To create the Shared Application Tier file system and add new application tier
nodes, follow the steps in Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1375769.1).

• If you are using a distributed filesystem, then follow the steps in Cloning Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone (Doc ID: 1375769.1) to add new
application tier nodes.

Adding Database Tier Nodes to RAC

Conditional Action: If you are adding additional database tier nodes to
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) to meet scalability or high
availability requirements, then follow the steps in Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2: Adding or Deleting 11gR2 Oracle RAC Nodes (Doc ID:

Performing DMZ Configuration

Conditional Action: If you need to configure Oracle E-Business Suite
12.2 for access from the Internet, then review and follow the steps
documented in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a
DMZ (Doc ID: 1375670.1).

Validating Custom and Third-Party Products

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 includes significant database and file system
architecture changes designed to support Online Patching. Therefore, integrations with
Oracle E-Business Suite may need to be modified to comply with new deployment and
development standards in order to work correctly with Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2. Examples include custom and third-party integrations, as well as integrations with

5-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

other Oracle products such as Oracle Application Express.

Additional Information: Refer to Guidance for Integrating Custom and

Third-Party Products With Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID:

If you identified external integrations that require updates to meet certification

requirements with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 or require additional steps to
deploy, then perform those actions now. Validate all external integrations once the
necessary steps have been performed.

Additional Information: For more information, refer to Preparing

External Integrations.

Backing Up Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle strongly recommends that you perform a full system backup of your Oracle E-
Business Suite 12.2 including the Run and Patch file systems (fs1 and fs2), the Non-
Edition file system (fs_ne), all technology stack component Oracle homes, and the

Logging On to Oracle E-Business Suite

To start Oracle E-Business Suite and access all Oracle E-Business Suite products, go to
the Oracle E-Business Suite Login page, located at the following URL:
http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin
For example:
The system administrator should log on the first time using the SYSADMIN logon
account that is pre-configured in the Applications installation. Use the System
Administrator responsibility to launch an Oracle E-Business Suite session where you
can complete the required implementation steps.

Note: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide. See also the Oracle E-
Business Suite User's Guide.

Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks 5-31

Managing Concurrent Processes

This appendix covers the following topics:

• Isolate Post Upgrade Concurrent Programs to a Separate Manager Queue
• Sample Concurrent Programs

Isolate Post Upgrade Concurrent Programs to a Separate Manager Queue

The downtime portion of the upgrade includes the automatic submission of several
concurrent programs. For a list of sample concurrent programs, refer to the Sample
Concurrent Programs, page A-4 section in this appendix.
In many cases, concurrent programs run in multiple threads, therefore, the total number
of concurrent requests that make up portions of the post-upgrade step can be high.
These upgrade programs are run by the concurrent manager once the system is up, and
processing will be mixed with ongoing concurrent jobs in the system.
You can define a separate concurrent manager queue to process only the post-upgrade
concurrent programs, therefore improving manageability of this situation. You can use
inclusion and exclusion rules to prevent other manager queues (such as the standard
manager) from picking up requests, and force this new manager queue to process
specific upgrade requests. This method lets you control the number of target processes
allocated to these post-upgrade concurrent programs, including dynamic processes
with the use of work shifts. For additional details on configuring new manager queues,
target processes, inclusion and exclusion rules, and work shifts, refer to the Oracle E-
Business Suite Setup Guide.
If you plan to isolate post-upgrade concurrent programs to a separate manager queue,
then you must create a new concurrent manager for these upgrade concurrent
programs before you shut down all services as part of the Perform the Upgrade, page 4-
47 tasks described in this guide. This procedure is needed to prevent existing Request
Processing Managers from picking up and executing requests when services are started

Managing Concurrent Processes A-1

at the end of the upgrade.

Create a New Concurrent Manager for Upgrading Concurrent Programs

To create a new program type and include a program in that program type:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN, and navigate to:
System Administrator > Concurrent: Program > Type

2. Select or enter the following attributes:

Name: R12PUPT
Application: System Administration
Description: Program Type for Post Upgrade Request

3. Include programs from the above list into this new program type.

4. Navigate to:
System Administrator > Concurrent: Program > Define

5. Search for the program 'Refresh Materialized Views' and enter or select: R12PUPT

6. Repeat for other programs in the list.

To exclude a program type from the Standard Manager:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN and navigate to:
System Administrator > Concurrent: Manager > Define

2. Search for Standard Manager.

3. Click on Specialization Rules.

4. Navigate to the bottom of the list to add a new record.

5. Select or enter the following attributes:

Include/Exclude: Exclude
Type: Request Type
Application: System Administration
Name: R12PUPT

6. Repeat for all other Request Processing Managers.

To create a new concurrent manager and include a program type:

A-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN and navigate to:
System Administrator > Concurrent: Manager > Define

2. Select the Enabled checkbox.

3. Select or enter the following attributes to create the new concurrent manager:
Manager: R12_Post_Upgrade
Short Name: R12PU
Application: Application Object Library
Description: New manager queue for R12 post upgrade requests
Type: Concurrent Manager
Cache Size: 1
Program Library Name: FNDLIBR
Specialization Rules:
Include/Exclude: Include
Type: Request Type
Application: System Administration
Name: R12PUPT
Work Shifts:
Work Shift: Standard
Processes: Enter a Value, for example '4'
Sleep Second: 30

Activate the New Concurrent Manager

After completing the above steps, activate the new concurrent manager
R12_Post_Upgrade immediately after it is created.
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN and navigate to:
System Administrator > Concurrent: Manager > Administer

2. Select the new Concurrent Manager 'R12_Post_Upgrade'.

3. Click the Activate button.

Disable the New Concurrent Manager

After all post-upgrade requests run during the Verify completion of concurrent
programs, page 5-1 step described in the Post Upgrade Tasks chapter, you must revert the

Managing Concurrent Processes A-3

exclusion and inclusion of managers and programs to the original state by removing the
new program type and new manager. This is necessary because some programs in the
list may need to run in the future as part of the regular system batch processing
requirements rather than part of the upgrade process.

Sample Concurrent Programs

The following table contains a sample list of concurrent programs submitted during the
upgrade from Release 12.1.3 Vision to Release 12.2.0. This data is for reference only. The
actual list in your instance may vary based on, but not limited to various factors
• Release level of Oracle E-Business Suite.

• Additional product patches or patchsets applied to the instance.

• Unaddressed upgrade failures.

Application Name Concurrent Program User Concurrent Program Total

Name Name Number

Advanced Supply MSCREFMV Refresh Materialized Views 1

Chain Planning(MSC)

Advanced Supply MSCHUBM Maintain APCC Data Model 1

Chain Planning(MSC)

Application AZR12UPGRADE iSetup R12 Upgrade Selection Sets 1

Implementation(AZ) Column

Application Object FDFCMPN Compile Non-Compiled 1

Library(FND) Flexfields

Application Object AFLOBBLD Rebuild Help Search Index 2


Application Object ABORT Abort 2


Application Object FNDIRLPP iRep Loading Post Processor 3


A-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide

Application Name Concurrent Program User Concurrent Program Total
Name Name Number

Application Object FNDSCMPI Compile Security 2


Application Object FNDLOAD Generic Loader 5


Application Object DIAGPATCHINGCP Diagnostics patching CP 1


Application Object FNDIRLOAD FNDIRLOAD 5


Application Object FDFVGN Flexfield View Generator 443


Application Object FNDWFDSRHP Workflow Role Hierarchy 1

Library(FND) Propagation

Applications DBA ADDRPOBS Drop obsolete products schema 71


Applications DBA ADZDPATCH Online Patching In Progress 1


Asia/Pacific JAINDFOBS India - Remove India Localization 1

Localizations(JA) contexts from DFFs1

Incentive CN_R1212_CNCMH CN_R1212_CNCMHUPD 8

Compensation(CN) UPD

Incentive CN_FORMULA_GE Generate Formula Packages 1

Compensation(CN) N

Incentive CN_R1212_CNCMH CN_R1212_CNCMHUPD 8

Compensation(CN) UPD

Incentive CN_R1212_CNCMA CN_R1212_CNCMAUPD 8

Compensation(CN) UPD

Managing Concurrent Processes A-5

Application Name Concurrent Program User Concurrent Program Total
Name Name Number

Inventory(INV) INVIDSEP Items Data Scripts Execution 1

Master MRCSCW1 Planning Manager Worker (once- 2

Scheduling/MRP a-day tasks)

Master MRPSPMRP Maintain Repetitive Planning 55

Scheduling/MRP Periods

Master MRCRLF Planning Manager 3


Payments(IBY) IBYUPGCP iPayment FP.G Upgrade Program 1

Receivables(AR) ARHDQCMAL DQM Compile All Rules 1

Receivables(AR) HZ_THIRD_PARTY_ Third Party Data Integration 1


Receivables(AR) ARHDQM DQM Staging Program 1

Service(CS) CS_KB_SYNC_SOLU Knowledge Management 1

TIONS_INDEX Solution Index Synchronization

Trade Management OZFEARNMV Refresh Materialized View 1


Trade Management OZFMIGUTLREC Migrate Accruals for Multi 1

(OZF) Currency Changes

Warehouse WMSGRULE Generate All Rules 1


XML Publisher(XDO) XDOTMGEN XML Publisher Template Re- 1


A-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide


context file
A in an upgrade, 4-22
locating in an upgrade, 4-62
Additional Post Upgrade Tasks, 5-27
Copying and Re-customizing Modified Scripts or
Additional Tasks
Reports, 5-7
reapply customizations, 5-27
Copying Existing Custom Start Scripts, 5-7
Advanced Collections
financials upgrade impact, 2-11
requirements, 3-6
Advanced Configuration, 3-18
Customer Relationship Management Tasks, 4-39,
character set (upgrade), 4-28
Customizations, 2-6
Application DBA (AD) Tasks, 4-5
Customizing Help Files, 3-22
application tier
technology stack, 3-1
Applying AD 12.2 Upgrade Driver, 4-53 D
Apply latest AD and TXK for Release 12.2, 4-74 database
Apply Recommended Security Patches, 5-4 character set (upgrade), 4-28
Apply the Latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release Database
Update Pack for Release 12.2, 4-76 memory requirements, 3-8
AutoConfig Database and System Administration Tasks, 4-43,
in an upgrade, 4-21 5-1
Database Initialization Parameters, 4-73
B Database Node Configuration screen
using in an upgrade, 4-23
Backing Up Oracle E-Business Suite, 4-56, 5-21
database tier
Backing Up the Database, 4-52
technology stack, 3-1
Base directory
Data Model Changes, 3-22
definition, 4-30
default territory
choosing in an upgrade, 4-28
Disable AOL Audit Trail, 4-49
certification information Disabling Custom Triggers, Constraints, and
where to find, 3-2 Indexes, 4-50
character sets Disabling Maintenance Mode, 4-55
compatible, 4-28

Dropping Dangling Synonyms, 5-3 using, 4-31
Global System Settings screen
E using, 4-22
Granting Flexfield Value Set Access, 5-5
Edition-Based Redefinition, 2-5
Enable PDF printing, 5-25
Enabling Online Patching, 4-65 H
Downloading and applying the Online HRMS Upgrade Impact
Patching Enablement patch, 4-71 about business impact and functional changes,
fixing violations listed in the Online Patching 2-13
Enablement - Readiness Report, 3-21, 4-68 HRMS, 2-13
running the Online Patching Database iRecruitment, 2-14
Compliance Checker report, 4-72 Payroll, 2-13
running the Online Patching Enablement - Performance Management, 2-14
Readiness Report, 3-20, 4-66 Succession Planning, 2-14
running the Online Patching Enablement - Human Resource Management Upgrade Impact,
Status Report, 4-70 2-13
shutting down middle-tier services, 4-70 Human Resources Tasks, 5-11
Verifying database and application tier
patches, 4-66 I
verifying database tablespace free space, 4-69
verifying the database version, 4-65
character set (upgrade), 4-28
Ensuring Maintenance Mode is Enabled, 4-53
Implementing Code Remediation, 3-21
Instance directory, 4-30
importance of, 2-18
Internationalization Settings screen
using in an upgrade, 4-27
file system J
creating for upgrade, 4-21
JVM Parameter Settings
Financials and Procurement Products
For 64-bit Java, 3-14
financials upgrade impact, 2-11
Financials and Procurement Tasks, 4-39, 5-9
Financials Upgrade Impact, 2-10
Finishing the 12.2.0 Upgrade, 4-56 Languages
Finish the Upgrade character sets, 2-18
configure applications client software, 5-8 language status, 2-17
configure the instance, 4-56 Lease and Finance Management
integrate custom objects, 4-65 financials upgrade impact, 2-12
re-enable custom triggers, 5-6 log files
Fusion Project Management disk space, 3-9
projects coexistence, 5-12 purging, 3-9

General Information and Required Tasks Managing Concurrent Processes, A-1
upgrade overview, 2-18 Mandatory Steps
Global Settings screen all customers, 5-26
Manually Adding Custom Redirects and JSPs to

Configuration Files, 5-6
Manual Steps P
in an upgrade, 1-2
Memory requirement for Oracle E-Business
changing upgrade defaults, 4-26
Suite, 3-6
for system upgrade, 4-26
Migrate Portlets Preferences Store, 5-27
Migrating the CUSTOM Library, 5-7
disk space, 3-10
mount points
Performing the Upgrade, 4-1
application tier, 4-28
Performing the Upgrade to Release 12.2.0, 4-47
Perform the Upgrade
N disable AOL audit trail, 4-49
NLS Upgrade Considerations, 2-17 shutting down application tier listeners and
node-specific parameters screen concurrent managers, 4-49
in an upgrade, 4-28 Planning Deployment Architecture, 3-1
Post-install Checks screen
O using in an upgrade, 4-36
Post Upgrade Tasks
Obsolete Products in Release 12.2, 2-8
backing up Oracle E-Business Suite, 5-31
Obsolete Technology Integrations, 3-24
Customer Relationship Management tasks, 5-
See Oracle Configuration Manager
Financials and Procurement tasks, 5-9
Online Patching
Human Resources Tasks, 5-11
enabling online patching, 4-65
implementing new product and country-
Oracle Configuration Manager, 4-19
specific functionality, 5-29
Oracle E-Business Suite Architecture
logging On to Oracle E-Business Suite, 5-31
the application tier, 2-2
migrate portlets preferences store, 5-27
Oracle E-Business Suite Architecture: The
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
Application Tier
Gateway, 5-8
installed components, 2-2
Oracle Environmental Accounting and
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
Reporting, 5-10
Gateway, 3-25, 5-8
Oracle Purchasing, 5-9
Oracle Software Delivery Cloud
Oracle Shipping Execution, 5-20
downloading Oracle E-Business Suite from, 4-
Oracle Value Chain Planning, 5-20
Oracle Warehouse Management, 5-21
Oracle XML Gateway, 3-25, 5-9
Oracle XML Gateway, 5-9
Oracle XML Gateway Setup, 5-24
Product Hub, 5-17
Oracle XML Publisher Tasks, 5-25
Projects tasks, 5-12
other files
resizing the database, 5-29
disk space, 3-10
Supply Chain Management tasks, 5-17
output files
system maintenance tasks, 5-23
disk space, 3-9
understanding Oracle E-Business Suite System
purging, 3-9
Administration tasks, 5-29
Post-Upgrade Tasks, 5-1
general information and required tasks, 2-18
Pre-install Checks screen
Overview of the Upgrade
using in an upgrade, 4-32
supported upgrade paths, 1-1
Preparing Customizations, 3-19

Preparing External Integrations, 3-24 customizations, 3-20
Preparing for an Upgrade
migrate or upgrade your database to Oracle S
11g Release 2 ( or, 4-2
Sample Concurrent Programs, A-4
Preparing for the Upgrade
Scheduling Time for an Upgrade, 1-6
application DBA (AD) tasks, 4-5
Schemas Not Used by Oracle E-Business Suite
customer relationship management tasks, 4-39
Release 12.2, 3-22
financials and procurement tasks, 4-39
Secure Configuration, 5-21
gather schema statistics, 4-44
Select Upgrade Action screen
Human Resource Management (HRMS), 4-40
using, 4-21
install JRE on the database tier, 4-46
Select Wizard Operation screen
perform a system backup, 4-47
using, 4-18
supply chain management tasks, 4-41
using in an upgrade, 4-61
Preparing the Database for the Upgrade, 4-1
Shutting Down Application Tier Listeners and
Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Release
Concurrent managers, 4-49
12.2 File System, 4-5
software requirements
Preparing the System for Upgrade, 4-37
operating system, 3-3
Preparing Third-Party Integrations, 3-26
stage area, 4-7
Product Hub
directory structure, 4-15
advanced search, 2-16
Supply Chain Management Tasks, 4-41, 5-17
integration with Web ADI, 2-16
Supply Chain Management Upgrade Impact, 2-
item organization assignments, 2-16
structures, 2-15
Supply Chain Upgrade Impact
Product Patches
Oracle Product Hub, 2-15
applying latest, 5-5
Supported Upgrade Paths, 1-1
interoperability, 5-5
System Maintenance Post Upgrade Tasks, 5-23
progress bars
description of, 4-35
Projects Tasks, 5-12
Technical Impact and Changes, 2-1
R technology stack
required components, 3-1
Rapid Install
reviewing components, 4-18
role in upgrade, 1-2
Technology Stack Components, 2-3
Readiness Checker - Database Tier, 3-26
temporary directories
Reapplying Customizations, 5-27
disk space, 3-9
Reference Information
Temporary Directory for XML Publisher, 5-26
finding, 2-18
temporary files
Regenerating Business Views, 5-28
disk space, 3-9
Release 12.2 Architecture, 2-1
temporary space
Release Content Documents
required for installation, 3-9
importance of, 2-18
Testing the Upgrade, 1-6
Resetting init.ora Parameters, 4-43
Review Application User Information screen
importance of, 2-18
using, 4-26
top-level directory
Reviewing User Responsibility Assignments, 5-8
RDBMS, 4-28
Running Online Patching Readiness Reports
Transport Agent Setup, 5-24

Understand Business Impact and Functional
Changes, 2-7
Understanding Technical Impact and Changes, 2-
Understanding the Upgrade Flow and Process, 1-
Updating and Verifying Custom Responsibilities,
Updating init.ora with Upgrade Parameters, 4-49
business impact, 2-7
obsolete products, 2-8
Upgrade By Request, 2-7
upgraded installation
description of, 4-19
upgrade operations
choosing, 4-18
Upgrade Patch
installing NLS upgrade patch driver, 5-6
Upgrade Requirements
overview of upgrade requirements, 1-1
configuring servers, 4-22
configuring services, 4-61
Database Oracle Home in, 4-18
Upgrading to the Latest Code Level, 4-74

Verifying Completion of Concurrent Programs,

Web Services, 2-2
Welcome screen
using, 4-17


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