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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: by submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely
claiming that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy
for further information).

Part 1: Background

Include in here the organisation’s name* and location* and number of workers. You must then go on to give a description of the main
activities/products/services carried out. You must also describe the area to be risk assessed eg, whole site, and anything else that you consider
relevant (approximately 150 to 200 words):
My organization “ PALATHARA CONSTRUCTION” .This company is Established in 1975. This company located in changanacherry which is located in
kottayam district Kerala, India. The companies are engaged in civil and electrical work for the last 38 years and are one of the leading civil engineer contractors
in Kerala. This company is aimed to provide good construction.
There are 400 workers including the site manager, site engineer, safety manager, safety officer, supervisor, foreman, security staff and general
workers. This company is having multiple shift coverage starting from 8am to 6pm on week days and is closed at the weekend main activities in
the site are welding, concreting, steel work, tiling, etc..
This company usually uses modern equipment’s like excavators, dragline excavator, bulldozer, concrete mixer, tower cranes, mobile cranes,
dumper trucks, pile boring machine, pile driving machine. various work done by this company are temporary shed construction foundation digging,
footing or pillar base, house elevation, painting, mouldings and electric pipes setup inside roof. I selected the whole construction site which includes
site administration office, storage room, vehicle garage, loading and unloading area.

Safety manager is responsible for implementing the risk assessment and overall health and safety in the site

You must now give a brief outline on how you completed the risk assessment (approximately 200 words):
I referred ILO for extra information is for preparing this risk assessment. Even I used HSE website for detailed information’s. After referring all
these for information’s went to the construction site for direct observation and talked to the workers about the work, they too gave information’s
regarding hazards existing control measures and methods followed.

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, was goods source of information.
I also gone through the accident records to see what all incident happened over the last six month, I even checked the attendance of workers and
enquired about their reason for absence. I also checked some of the HSE approved codes for better guidance and for accurate information’s. this was the guidance URL where I
collected information’s.
ILO C155 – occupational safety and health convention, 1981 (No.155), ILO R164-occupational safety and health recommendation, 1981(No.164),
ILO C119- guarding of machinery convention,1963(No.119),ILO R118-guarding of machinery recommendation,1963(No.118). These are legal
standards followed by the company and I referred this for preparing the additional control measures of the hazards. I have added points from my
experience in the field. Time scale suggested where based on the previous risk assessment and from the suggestions taken from the finance

* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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Part 2: Risk Assessment


Date of assessment: 05-12-2020
Scope of risk assessment: CONSTRUCTION AREA

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Noise All workers visitors and Routine equipment inspection  Modify the machinery 5 days Maintenance
public people in work and maintenance done by use operation replacing a head
Generating place especially noise check list compressed air rivet gun with
excessive noise exposure affected areas a screw fixing manufacturing
from construction Noise level measured duration noise reduced.
equipment Exposure of excessive of exposure. 2 month Site manager
(excavator noise can cause induce  Substitute a less noisy
breaker) hearing loss Safety officer were instructing process
tinnitus, stress, the workers.
Cardiovascular effects. Site manager
Psychological effect Lower exposure action value  Concrete eliminates or 2 day and
sound in commonly provided. significantly reduces the need Supervisor
linked with negative for grinding isolation separate
mental results such as a All workers where provided the machine from its
stress, sleep disturbance with instruction. surroundings and supporting
or aggressive behaviour structures
and regularly mentioned The employer should provide
as the cause of conflict health surveillance to workers  Maintenance machinery often 2 month Maintenance
between workers. regularly exposed above the produces noise need of head

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
upper exposure action value. maintenance.

 Implement a policy to 1 month Maintenance

purchase less sound head

Safety officer
 Remove people from the 5 days and Site
vicinity of noise work. manager

 Conduct a noise assessment Every 2 days Safety officer


Vibration Workers who involved in The area was marked as  Use hand held roller 5 days Safety officer
hand held compactor vibration compactor to reduce sources
Ground operation of vibration
compaction work This is caused by poorly Measure and control limit 1 month Safety officer
for proposed designs or poorly exposure action value.  Eliminate the source
bicycle path with maintained platforms or completely remove vibration
use of hand machineries Provide should conduct a source, perhaps by
compactor vibration risk assessment. mechanising the use of tools. 2 months Safety officer
equipment Whole body vibration and finance

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
can cause fatigue, Operative takes break 10  The availability of replace manager
insomnia, stomach minutes in every 1 hour equipment designed to reduce 5 days
problems, headache and exposure to vibration. Safety officer
shakiness shortly after or Avoid continues exposure by
during exposure. taking rest periods.  Giving instructions from a
The combined effects of competent person. 1 month Site manager
body posture, postural Workers were given special and Safety
fatigue, dietary habits training.  Protecting workers from the officer
and whole body vibration effects of vibration usually
are the possible cause requires a combination of 1 week Site manager
for these disorders. appropriate tool selection.

 Provided by the manufactures 1 month Safety officer

of work equipment.

 Installing engineering controls 1 week Safety officer

on vibrating machineries.

 Provide frequent work 1 week Safety officer


 Conduct a vibration survey. 1 week Safety officer

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Working at Any one working in or When the inspection was going  Use the proper equipment to 1 week Safety officer
height around the site which on the specified area was prevent a fall occurring. and Site
includes workers, warned with sign boards manager
Falling of people, foremen, supervisor, site regarding work at height.  Fundamental elements of fall 1 week Safety officer
materials and engineers, inspection prevention.
tools from engineer, visitors visiting Proper planning and
building the site supervision of work.
 Select a safe place to work 1 week Safety officer
Falls are a major cause Collective fall protection.
of death, neck or spinal  Provide the work equipment to
injury leading to Individual fall prevention. minimise the distance and 2 week Site manager
permanent paralysis, consequences of a fall. and Finance
brain damage, multiple manager
broken bones
 Give the training for workers 1 month Safety officer

 Work area must be inspected

at the beginning of the shift on 1 week Safety officer
daily basis

 Use tool belts for hanging

tools after the usage. 1 week Safety officer

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Fire Workers, supervisor, Introducing spill kits for all  Keeping minimum amount of 1 week Site manager
foreman visitors and workers flammable materials. and Safety
Unsafe use and those people who are officer
storage of moving in and around Ensuring flammable materials  Ensuring adequate separation
flammable liquids the location. are stored and used properly distances between flammable 1month Site manager
(fuels) and materials.
gases. Fire causes enormous Replacing materials and
damage to buildings and substance with less flammable  The storage area should be Safety officer
building content. Items alternatives. eliminated from the area. 2 week
that are not directly Reduce the potential source of
destroyed by the fire will oxygen supply.
often be severely  Any electrical equipment used
affected by smoke Removing, covering or treating in these areas including fire 1 month Site manager
damage. large areas of flammable wall alarm and emergency lighting and safety
Chances of death and and celling lining to reduce the systems, needs to be suitable officer
high. rate of flame spread across the for use in flammable
surface. atmospheres.
Most of the people who
die fires die from the Storage flammable liquids  Flammable liquids should be 1 week Site manager
toxic gases, thick black quantities greater than 50 litres stored and handled in well
smoke, and sue to lack should be stored in a properly ventilated condition.
of oxygen. designated store.
 Both full and empty cylinders 1week Site manager
should be stored outside. and Safety
 Dispensing should take place

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
in a well-ventilated area set 2 day Site manager
aside for this purpose, with and Safety
appropriate facilities to contain officer
and clear up any spillage.

 Electrical equipment should 1 day Safety officer

be routinely inspected and
tested to ensure that it safe.

 Should be controlled hot work

permit unless it is being 1week Safety officer
carried out in a purpose built
area such as welding by in a
work shop.

 Install emergency fire

extinguishing tools. 1 month Finance

Hazardous The spores that may be Identification of the substance  Provide employees affected 1 week Safety officer
Substances inhaled or enter the body and of the company. with sufficient information
through the skin harmed. The identification hazard of instruction and training
Constant usage In both eventualities an summarising the most
of thinner for infection and or allergic important features including  Design and operate processes

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
cleaning body reaction may arise. adverse health effects and and activities to minimise 1 month Safety officer
from chemical. symptoms. emission release and spread
The substance inhalation of substances hazardous to
breathed in through the Workers were instructed about health.
nose and mouth down proper usage.  Employees should choose the
into the lungs. Provide health surveillance for most effective and reliable 1 month Safety officer
The substance ingestion employees. control options available
is taken in through the based on hierarchy and
mouth swallowed down inherent reliability and likely
into the stomach and effectiveness for the
then moves on through circumstances and direct
the digestive system. these at the main sources and
The substance causes of exposure.
absorption through the
skin passes through the  Gathering information about
skin into the tissue the substances used in the
beneath and then into workplace and the ways in 1 week Safety officer
the bloodstream. which they are used.

 Ventilation is important and it

should be considered carefully 1 month Safety officer
when using solvents.

 Provide exposure control / 1 week Safety officer

personal protection

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
 Preventing unnecessary 1 week Site manager
solvent evaporation by using
the minimum amount for the

 The respiratory protection 1 week Safety officer

program must contain the
following elements of a
respirator maintenance

Electricity All workers officers and Provide increased protection  Inspect wiring of equipment 1 week Safety officer
others who are using the through the use an RCD before each use.
Using damaged electrical equipment and
electrical shock those people in the Avoid using in wet condition.  Use safe work practices every
from electrical emergency rescue time electrical equipment is 1 week Safety officer
tools equipment during the emergence Select the suitable equipment. used.
situation.  Regular inspections and Safety officer
This is caused due to the Insulated tools and equipment. checks to remove damaged 1 day
exposed damage cables. equipment.
All the workers where provided
If the current passes with instruction.  Use apparatus and cables to 1 week Safety officer
through the chest or protect fuses and circuit
head there is an breakers from overloading.
increase chance of

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
death.  Consider the use of double- 1 week Safety officer
If the current takes the insulated equipment.
path of hand to hand
these passing through
the heart, it can result in  Train operators in safe use of 1 week Safety officer
fibrillation of the heart. the equipment.
The flow of current
through the body effect  Develop a check list to
such as muscles and ensure every tools used are of 1week Safety officer
burns. safe before use.

 Never work n hot electrical

equipment always de- 1 week Safety officer

 Provided the PPE for work 1 week Safety officer

being performed.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Work Workers who are using Tools are carefully selected to  Keep all the tools in good 1 week Safety officer
equipment power tools and people ensure suitability for the task condition with regular
standing nearby, officers and the environment. maintenance
Operation of and other staffs.
construction The forces generated by Reduced voltage systems  Provide space consideration 1 week Safety officer
equipment(crane, the tool are far greater, (110volts)
excavator back so the potential for very
hoe loader, roller severe injury or death Appropriate training and  Regular checks and the 2 week Safety officer
compactor) exists. instruction to ensure the withdrawal of defective tools
Power tools presents correct use of tools by
noise , electric shock , competent workers  Power sources should be 1 week Maintenance
vibration, dust , ejection secured head
of material or tool part , Warning boards and signs
moving parts can cause were installed
many harmful effects  Operate tools according to the 1 week Safety officer
like, instructions
Manual handling  Use RCD’s or similar 2 week head
problems may occur due protection on portable tools
to the size and weight of
the equipment.  Wear suitable sufficient 1 week Safety officer
appropriate PPE
1 week Safety officer
 Keep away the codes and
sharp ends

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Work-related Office work ,drafts man Provide basic workstation  Ensuring the working heights 1 week Safety officer
upper limb , engineer, manager, equipment that meets are appropriate for the range
disorders planning engineer are minimum standards in terms of of workers.(Adjustable height
affected by the continues good ergonomic design. and angle to seat back )
The continues use of display screen
use of display equipment. Providing appropriate training.  Providing adjustable
screen When people sit for long Improving work flow to avoid workstations that allow 1 week Maintenance
equipment at the postures they are subject production peaks and through postures to be varied between manager and
office work to stress and on their better planning and scheduling. standing and sitting. Safety officer
bodies. These can back Screen height and tilt should
injury ,back pain, lower be adjustable so as to allow
limb ,neck and upper comfortable head position.  Conduct free eye test to 1 month Safety officer
limb disorders. eye stain Good lumbar support. employees.
Repetitive strain injury
(RSI)  Provide information and 1 month Safety officer
Damage to the training to users on the
musculoskeletal system potential health risks of DSE
of the body. Eye strain use and the preventive
from prolonged use of measures in particular,
screen. ergonomic use of the work

 Plan the user’s work routine

so that they can take short, 1 week Safety officer
frequent breaks from screen

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
and keyboard use. 1 month Site manager
 Appointment a fitness trainer
to perform stretch exercise to

 Purchase document holder 1 month Finance

and headset for employees manager
continuously using

1 week Safety officer

 Using foot pedals as opposed
to hand controls.

 Prepare a DSE user guide 1 week Safety officer

giving information about
guidance in using DSE work
 Ensure equipment and 1 week Safety officer
environment meet minimum
standards and that the
workstation can be adjusted to
suit the user.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Manual Loading unloading Workers should be trained in  Conduct a assessment on 1 week Safety officer
handling workers, their assistants efficient movement principles load individual task and
and office boy who that incorporate basic lifting environment.
Lifting carrying arrange the office are techniques.  Eliminate the manual handling 1 month Finance
pushing pulling of mainly affected by the Purchase forklift avoid manual manager
load by bodily activity. Individual loading of goods handling.
force of It involves repetitive above 15 kg was prohibited in  Ensure individual capabilities 1 week Safety officer
Construction moments of loads that the site. Reducing the weight are matched to the activity.
materials, generate back injury, of items  Providing suitable hand tools
cement ,bricks tendon and ligament as effective substitutes for the 1 week Safety officer
and other office injures, muscle injures, Providing gloves in a wide use of inappropriate parts of
equipment hernias, work related range of sizes to fit worker’s the body.
upper limb hands. Providing gloves made  Recruit physically well fit 1 week Safety officer
disorders(WRULDs) , from flexible materials. people to perform the task.
cuts, burns, dislocation  Relocating items that workers
and broken bones, Groups were made to perform have to see clearly within their 1 week Site manager
rheumatism, prolapsed the activities and they work in comfortable range of vision.
intervertebral disc alternative day.  Conduct health screening
usually results in avoid people having back 1 month Safety officer
permanent gripping injuries, muscle injures and
other health problem from
manual handling.
 Reduce the need of lifting
1 weekly Site manager
from floor level or above
shoulder height.
 Change the layout of work
1 week Site manager

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
station to avoid stooping and and Safety
twisting. officer

Health welfare
and work All the workers, staffs, Emergency first aid team were  Giving proper treatment 1 week Safety officer
environment officers, employees and generated.
everyone who comes in  Supervision and giving proper 2 days Safety officer
Risk of delayed the construction pit. Workers were informed about instructions at intervals.
first aid treatment the emergency first aid team.
This can cause  Purchasing first aid unit at 1 week Finance
occupational health Medical camps were organised close range and proper manager
illness and death to the at every one year drinking water facilities.
workers and even staffs.
Lack of sudden  Assess and ensure the
first aid can even patient’s airway is cleared. 2 day Safety officer
lead to loss of
life.  Give medical check-ups
Breathing is the periodically. 1 month Safety officer
main problem
which results in  Take immediate actions. 1 day Safety officer
lung diseases
such as asthma  Call of medical assistance in 1 day Safety officer
or emphysema. case of emergency.

1 week Safety officer

 Calming down the situation.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
2 days Safety officer
 Implement first aid legislation.

Health welfare
and work
environmental Outdoor construction work
requirement scheduled in extreme hot  Develop a practical heat
weather time not carryout work stress risk assessment to 1 month HSE manager
Health ambient All workers and visitors 11 am to 3 pm (extreme more efficiency and continual
temperature working under direct sun exposure) improvement
weather light in extreme weather
condition among condition may cause skin Implemented frequent break
the construction damage, dehydration system for workers to reduce
workers and heat stress (may hot weather related risk
lead to fatality), muscle
cramp, physical and Routine temperature
mental fatigue, tiredness monitoring to ensure that heat
exposure not exceeds the limit

Provide adequate welfare

and first aid facilities in work

emergency arrangements in
place for deal with foreseeable
heat stress related

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

conducted training related

heat, stress (effect, symptoms
and control measures)

Safe movement All workers on the site All operator/driver have valid  Segregate pedestrian and 1 week Traffic
of people and and visitor vehicle and driving license and third party vehicle way. So it will reduce manager
vehicle in the equipment movement certificate. risk
work place can cause over turn,  Site speed limit must be 1 week Traffic
collision with pedestrian Assistance of banks man clearly indicated by provision manager
Vehicle, or other vehicle due to available for all moving signage
equipment and over speed, poor equipment  Vehicle movement should be 1 week HSE manager
people visibility etc. it may lead monitor and manage while
movement to severe injuries, Provide proper lighting place shift hand over time to prevent
between the fatalities and property collisions 1 week Traffic
work place and loss or damage Made designated parking area  Implement pedestrian manager
parking area with mandatory rivers parking crossing point with signage
 Purchase convex mirrors for 1 month Procurement
High visible vest worn by all good visibility of bended manager
workers access area to prevent
collision with vehicle
 Conduct training to all workers 3 monthly HSE manager
regarding safe movement of

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
people and vehicle regular
 Provision of necessary PPE to 2 week Safety officer
visitors without wear PPE

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Part 3: Prioritise three actions and justification for the selection

You must pick the three highest priority/most urgent actions and justify your choice. Your justification must include moral, legal and
financial arguments (500 to 700 words); consideration of likelihood and probable severity of injury, ill-health and/or harm (150 to 250 words);
description of how effective each action is likely to be in controlling the risk (250 to 350 words).

The actions that I am prioritising are:

1. Purchasing first aid unit at close range and proper drinking water facilities.(hazard category, health welfare and work environment)
2. Purchase good tested and standard wire and use of electrical equipment’s according to standard operational procedure to eliminate
the fire hazard (hazard category : fire hazard)
3. Purchase of “powered air respirator” and “protective clothing” (hazard category, hazard substances)

Our company has the moral duty to ensure the safety of all the workers. The main duties of workers is to do work and earn wages, so it is our
responsibility to make sure that all the workers are working healthily and protected. There are many major and minor injuries occurring in the
site. some injuries have the impact on lives of the workers and their families. long term injuries can also affect the mental health. We used to
hear that many workers being injured in the site due to lack of safety procedures, in this case our duty is to ensure a life guaranteed working
experience and wages.

Financial impacts could be broken down in to three categories. costs associated with:

 Injured workers (medical costs, sick pay etc.)

 Costs related to enforcement actions.
 Replacement cost(damaged PPE, tools, machineries)
 Cost production time while dealing with the injured workers.

Enforcement actions followed by the company provide advices, standard way of investigation and a very formal way to take enforcement
action upon a worker to comply with the laws and by accepting their role in offence.

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If the company can’t go through the ILO standards already provided(like improvement notices, particular time for maintenance providing
qualified PPE),they will have to face the enforcement stages later forwarded to the civil court proceedings further leads to huge financial
impact which includes fines and even imprisonment of manager and senior manager.

There is also a special requirement that the organisation ”PALATHARA CONSTRUCTIONS” needs to meets the ILO standards, chemical
convention 1990(No:170) ILO chemical recommendation 1990 (No:177) ILO R177 chemical recommendation 1990(No:177). This is the way
to ensure the employer that power air respirator(from hazard category, hazard substances)and providing first aid(from hazard category,
health welfare and work environment) by following the ILO standards mentioned above. Further inspections should conduct in regular
intervals recommended by the agencies. If they fail to do all these agencies have the power to take further action, like worker compensation
claims etc.

The ILO C155 occupational safety and health convention 1982(No.155)ILO R164 occupational safety and health recommendation
1981(No:164)ISO 7010 international standards of safety sign says that employers to ensure that good quality protective cloths are used by
following the ILO standards mentioned above.

The organisation can also find civil claims from sick workers. Some of the claims may be made by a few when the employees leave from the
“PALATHARA CONSTRUCTION “job and civil claims for payable in addition to these legal fees will also be high. I also state that many of
these costs are not deductible by the insurance company.

Due to careless activities can also find civil claims from sick workers. Some of the claims may be made by a few years when the employees
leave from the “PALATHARA CONSTRUCTION” job and civil claims for payable in addition to these legal fees will also be high. I also state
that many of these costs are not deductible by the insurance company.

Due to careless activities they will have to face a big impact on the reputation which can result in loss of contracts.

Likely hood and severity.

 The likelihood of injuries occurring from this hazard is high. Since the site is having 400 workers and since site doesn’t have
a good safety culture, the chance of getting injured is very high. There are various machineries and equipment that can lead
to minor cuts to serious injuries. Since the people I found in the site are young and less competent, the potential to cause

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injury is high. There were no trained first aiders and adequate number of supervisors in the site to watch them. So I found the
workers were doing job from their own knowledge without following a proper procedure that can increase the chance of
injuries. The severity depends upon the equipment, machinery , presence and absence of guards, use of personal protec tive
equipment, training and experience to use the equipment.

 When the faulty wire or electrical equipment may not installed properly it can cause spark and leads to fire hazard. It may
catch fire to the near equipment’s or flammable injury which are kept in unsafe conditions and leads to high explosion. The
severity from the fire hazard causes wide range of causalities and whole work site. Some times of may leads to more number

 As the company has the contract to finish the work within a particular time, it is undergoing on a tight scheduled work. The
amount of smoke inhaled by the workers is limitless. This can cause many serious effects to the lungs breathing problems. It
is not that easy to reduce the amount of smoke and dust ejected from the machineries and other working plants nearby. The
likelihood of injury occurring from this hazard is high. Since the number of workers works simultaneously it is hard to keep a
clean dust free environment. I found that people working in the site don’t use much air powered respirators, the chance of
inhaling dust, smoke even toxic gas is high.

Controlling the risk

 The first aid is generally performed by someone with basic training. There are many situations which may require first aid; this can
include specific training or equipment to be available in the workspace. The provision of specialist first aid covers the employees. The
first aid unit and water facilities should be provided close to the activity area. So that in case of emergency, Workers or the injured
person can easily reach to the first aid unit. This can avoid the occurrence of occupational health lines and further serious cause.
Various injuries like bone fracture, burns, cardiac arrest, chocking, cramps, heart attacks are the common injuries which requires first
aid. I have given a timescale of one week to solve this so that the management has sufficient time to purchase and install the required
number of first aids and water facilities.

 By purchasing good tasted and standard wires, the accidents caused by the spark from the wires should be certified and well quality
to resist the overload. Proper inspection should be done and the electrical wires. I recommended purchasing the good quality wires
the timescale for purchasing I the finance manager is the correct person to implement it.

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 The powered air respirator and protective clothing will minimise the exposure to hazardous substance. This can reduce work related ill
health and loss of work days. Employers and employees must understand the respirator purpose and limitation. If the respirator fails,
the use will be over exposed to dangerous substance. The respirator must fit properly and maintained in a clean serviceable condition
in order to reduce the possibility of failure. I have given a timescale of 2 weeks for purchasing sufficient number of protective
equipment for all the workers.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

You must now give a review date for your risk assessment and say why you have chosen this date (10 to 50 words).

The organisation risk assessment review policy is maximum one year if not trigger any other circumstance. Therefore I set one year time
period to review the risk assessment, because one year is enough to understand effectiveness of action that taken as per the risk
assessment. So I put the review is 05 December 2021

You must now indicate how the risk assessment findings will be communicated (including who needs to know the information) (100 to 150

I will submit a copy of my risk assessment to the senior most manager of the organisation and discuss the new control measures to be
implement. Then I will forward a copy of my risk assessment to the site manager and finance manager via an e-mail. After this I will meet up

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with the site manager and finance manager for further discussion. The result will publish on the notice boards. The whole summary of the
findings are made available to the company’s website which is helpful for the workers to access anytime. All findings will be communicated to
the workers through toolbox talk.

You must now indicate how you will follow-up on the risk assessment to check that the actions have been carried out (100 to 150 words).

For the better implementation of the given control measures. I will set up a daily reminder for a month. I will interact with the responsible
persons for each of the action to be taken. If there is delay, I will contact the senior manager and suggest a better implementation on time. If
the given control measures are not accessible to the work, I will speak to the Finance Director for provide some additional resources available
for the action. Action that more than six months late to complete will be referred to then Managing Director through the Finance Manager. I
will also check the company every month to fine the effectiveness of the given control measures.

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