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ME 304 – Control Systems - Spring 2017
Homework and Report Guidelines
Recommended by course assistants

Documentation of a task is important as much as achievement of the task. A proficient engineer

should be able to present his/her task clearly, concisely and logically in the correct order. Reader
of your report should not ask the question “What does he/she want to tell?”; hence, you need to
make comments where you want to explain something. Your reports should be clear, include
the references and they should be mentioned in the text. Parameters should be clarified. To
acquire the habit of writing formal reports, please follow the rules listed below.
1. You should present your work on white A4 paper.
2. You should use only one side of the page if you write with pen (or print-out); however,
you can use both sides of the page if you use pencil.
3. Page layout should be aligned to both sides of the page.
4. Your name-surname and ID information should be at top left and submission date
should be placed at the top right of the page. If you have used multiple pages, they
should be stapled at the top left corner. (Do NOT use any sheet protector.)
5. You should write a starting title stating the name of the course and heading of the work

Figure 1 Example page appearance

6. You should show all your calculations, units clearly. (Do NOT present any result
without units.)
7. Any tables, figures that you used should have captions and you should use these captions
when you refer (mention) them in the text.
Table 1 Statistical data for HW5

Average 53.36
Maximum 102.00
Standard deviation 35.70

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Homework&Report Guidelines
Statistical data related with the Homework 5 is given in Table 1.

Figure 2 FFFF Plate with Dimensions

Figure 2 shows the plate with dimensions and boundary conditions (F-F-F-F) of the
8. You should label all the axes of the graph with units and put the title of the graph.
Caption of the figure also should be presented.

Figure 3 Linear and Nonlinear Response of Tine

9. You should number the equations and use these numbers when you refer in the text.
𝜆2𝑖𝑗 𝐸ℎ3 2
𝑓𝑖𝑗 = [ ] (7)
2𝜋𝑎2 12𝜌(1− 𝜈2 )

Inserting the numerical value of 𝜌 in the equation (7) will result in ..................
10. You should give both in text and end text references if you need to use any information
from any publication other than the course textbook.
In text:
In one of the methods for absorption of infrared radiation, Langley has connected
two platinum wires as two branches of Wheatstone bridge [2].
End text:
2. Barr, E.S., The infrared pioneers—III. Samuel Pierpont Langley. Infrared
Physics, 1963. 3(4): p. 195-206.
11. You should number the pages as current page out of total page.

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Homework&Report Guidelines

Figure 4 Page numbers example

12. Neatness will be graded; therefore, you should pay attention while preparing your
13. You should submit your work on time. If you not, there will be 1 point reduction over
100 points for every minute after the due time.
14. Cheating will be punished severely. If you have any excuse not to do your homework,
then DO NOT do it. You can come and talk to course assistants about your excuse, do
not steal someone’s work and do not let them steal your work. Both of the cheater and
the one let cheating will be punished equally. For the first cheating you will get zero for
that homework/report. For the second one, your whole homework/report grades will be

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Homework&Report Guidelines

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