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This patient presented wishing to elimi- At the followup appointment, an apical plug of MTA was
nate the yellowish discolouration of placed, the canal sealed and the MTA allowed to set. At the
tooth #2.1. She recalled sustaining a final appointment, the root canal procedure was completed.
trauma roughly twenty years prior, after Sodium perborate alone was used (Superoxyl is NOT recom-
which the tooth continued to discolour. mened for bleaching procedures due to the prevalent inci-
No other signs or symptoms were re- dence of cervical resorption). The material was changed on
ported. (sequence of treatment images
on pages 3 and 4). Looking at the
radiograph, partial calcification in the
coronal part of the canal is noted. At
mid-root level, a canal space is clearly
visible, although of an irregular shape.
Access preparation and ultrasonic
troughing identified the original canal,
which was diametrally quite narrow to
begin with, but which became very
wide at mid-root level. There
was profound bleeding upon entering
this region of the canal space. The
sensation was similar to what one
experiences with a resorption defect.
The apical foramen was gauged with three occasions during the next two weeks. The access open-
ProsystemGT #70, and a dressing of ing was soaked with 10% sodium ascorbate for five minutes
calcium hydroxide placed for a period (see below) as it acts as a scavenger for any residual oxygen
of two weeks (Ultracal/NaviTip, UPI, S. which may affect the polymerization of the resin used to close
Jordan, Utah) the preparation


Sodium Ascorbate is a buffered form of Vitamin C

that consists of 90% ascorbic acid bound to 10%
sodium. A powerful anti-oxidant, it is available in
many holistic food stores in liquid form.


1: Oper Dent. 2003 Nov-Dec;28(6):825-9.

Reversal of dentin bonding to bleached teeth.
Kaya AD, Turkun M.

Many studies have shown a considerable reduction in enamel bond strength of resin com-
posite restorations when the bonding procedure is carried out immediately after bleaching.
These studies claim that a certain waiting period is needed prior to restoration to reach the
original bond strength values prior to bleaching. This study determined the effect of anti-
oxidant applications on the bond strength values of resin composites to bleached dentin.
Ninety human teeth extracted for orthodontic purposes were used in this study. The labial
surface of each tooth was ground and flattened until dentin appeared. The polished sur-
faces were subjected to nine different treatments: 1) bleaching with gel (35% Rembrandt
Virtuoso); 2) bleaching with gel + 10% sodium ascorbate (SA); 3) bleaching with gel + 10%
butylhydroxyanisole (BHA); 4) bleaching with sol (35% hydrogen peroxide); 5) bleaching
with sol + 10% sodium ascorbate; 6) bleaching with sol + 10% BHA; 7) bleaching with gel +
immersed in artificial saliva for seven days; 8) bleaching with sol + immersed in artificial
saliva for seven days; 9) no treatment. After bonding application, the resin composite in
standard dimensions was applied to all specimens. The teeth were stored in distilled water
at 37 degrees C for 24 hours and a universal testing machine determined their resistance
to shear bond strength. The data was evaluated using ANOVA and Duncan tests. Bond
strength in the bleached dentin group significantly decreased compared to the control
group. On the other hand, the antioxidant treatment had a reversal effect on the bond
strength to dentin. After the bleaching treatment, the 10% sodium ascorbate application
was effective in reversing bond strength. In the samples where antioxidant was ap-
plied after the bleaching process, bonding strength in dentin tissue was at the same
level as those teeth kept in artificial saliva for seven days.

2: J Dent Res. 2002 Jul;81(7):477-81.

Reversal of compromised bonding in bleached enamel.
Lai SC, Tay FR, Cheung GS, Mak YF, Carvalho RM, Wei SH, Toledano M, Osorio R,
Pashley DH.

Oxygen inhibits polymerization of resin-based materials. We hypothesized that

compromised bonding to bleached enamel can be reversed with sodium ascorbate, an
anti-oxidant. Sandblasted human enamel specimens were treated with distilled water
(control) and 10% carbamide peroxide gel with or without further treatment with 10% so-
dium ascorbate. They were bonded with Single Bond (3M-ESPE) or Prime&Bond NT
(Dentsply DeTrey) and restored with a composite. Specimens were prepared for microten-
sile bond testing and transmission electron microscopy after immersion in ammoniacal sil-
ver nitrate for nanoleakage evaluation. Bond strengths of both adhesives were reduced
after bleaching but were reversed following sodium ascorbate treatment (P < 0.001).
Resin-enamel interfaces in bleached enamel exhibited more extensive nanoleakage in the
form of isolated silver grains and bubble-like silver deposits. Reduction of resin-enamel
bond strength in bleached etched enamel is likely to be caused by a delayed release
of oxygen that affects the polymerization of resin components.


3. Effect of 10% sodium ascorbate on the shear bond strength of composite resin to
bleached bovine enamel.

Turkun M, Kaya AD.

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Ege University,

Izmir, Turkey.

The purpose of this study was to comparatively investigate the effect of antioxidant treatment
and delayed bonding after bleaching with three different concentrations of carbamide
peroxide (CP) on the shear bond strength of composite resin to enamel. One hundred flat
buccal enamel surfaces obtained from bovine incisors were divided into three bleaching
groups of 10, 16 and 22% CP (n = 30) and a control group. Each bleaching group was then
divided into three subgroups (n = 10). Group 1 consisted of specimens bonded immediately
after bleaching. Group 2 specimens were treated with antioxidant agent, 10% sodium ascor-
bate, while Group 3 specimens were immersed in artificial saliva for 1 week after bleaching.
Specimens in the control group were not bleached. After the specimens were bonded with
Clearfil SE Bond and Clearfil AP-X, they were thermocycled and tested in shear until failure.
Fracture analysis of the bonded enamel surface was performed using scanning electron mi-
croscope. The shear bond strength data was subjected to one-way analysis of variance fol-
lowed by Duncan's multiple range test at a significance level of P < 0.05. Shear bond
strength of composite resin to enamel that was bonded immediately after bleaching with 10,
16 and 22% CP was significantly lower than that of unbleached enamel (P < 0.05). For all
three bleaching groups, when the antioxidant-treated and delayed bonding (1 week)
subgroups were compared with the control group, no statistically significant differences in
shear bond strength were noted (P < 0.05).

Preoperative radiograph Working Length Determination

Ca(OH)2 insertion Canal preparation completed

MTA Apical plug/Obturation/Access Sealed

Postoperative clinical appearance

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